temple times - Sri Meenakshi Temple Society
temple times - Sri Meenakshi Temple Society
TEMPLE TIMES -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------4th Quarter 2015 October, November, December -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Navarathiri with Special Alankaram A Quarterly Publication of Sri Meenakshi Temple Society Pearland, Texas SRI MEENAKSHI TEMPLE SOCIETY Sri Meenakshi Temple 17130 McLean Road, Pearland,Society TX-77584 17130 Road, Pearland, TX 77584 SRIMcLean MEENAKSHI TEMPLE SOCIETY SPECIAL EVENTS – OCTOBER TO DECEMBER 2015 17130 McLean Road, Pearland, TX-77584 0ct-12 Mon Mahalaya Amavasya, Siva Abhishekam SPECIAL EVENTS – OCTOBER TODECEMBER DECEMBER 2015 EVENTS – OCTOBER TO 2015 0ct-13 Tues Oct-21 Weds SPECIAL Navarathri 9 days 0ct-16 day Suvasini Puja 0ct-12 Fri Mon Navarathri Mahalaya4th Amavasya, Siva Abhishekam 0ct-20 0ct-13 TuesTueOct-21 Weds Navarathri 8th day, DURGASHTAMI Navarathri 9 days 0ct-21 9th SARASWATHI puja 0ct-16 Wed Fri Navarathri Navarathri 4thday, day Suvasini Puja 0ct-20 Thu Tue Vijyaya Navarathri 8th day, DURGASHTAMI 0ct-22 Dashami, Sravanam Venkateswara Abhishekam 0ct-21 Sat Wed Deepavali Navarathri 9th day, SARASWATHI puja 0ct-31 bazaar 0ct-22 Thu Vijyaya Dashami, Sravanam Venkateswara 10-Nov Tue Deepavali Katchi, Lakshmi AbhishekamAbhishekam 0ct-31 Sat Deepavali bazaar 12-Nov 17-Nov Skanda Sashti begins (Nov. 12) , Subramaniya Abhishekam concludes 10-Nov Tue Deepavali Katchi, Lakshmith Abhishekam Homam onbegins Nov (Nov. 17 12) , Subramaniya Abhishekam concludes 12-Nov 17-NovwithSkanda Sashti 17-Nov Tue Ayyappa Mandala Puja with Homam on Nov 17thbegins, Ayyappa Abhishekam 22-Nov Sun 17-Nov 29-Nov SunTue MainAyyappa Temple Kumbhabishekam startAbhishekam Nov-22 Ganapathi Homam Mandala Puja begins, Ayyappa Main Yagasala Temple Kumbhabishekam start Nov-22 Ganapathi Homam 29-Nov 22-Nov SunSun29-Nov Sun 6th Kala Pooja Homam 29-Nov Sun Main6th Kala Yagasala Homam Temple MahaPooja Kumbhabishekam Main Temple Maha Kumbhabishekam 8-Dec Tue SRI KAISIKA DWADASI FESTIVAL 8-Dec Tue SRI KAISIKA DWADASI FESTIVAL 17-Dec Thu Danur masa Puja Begins 17-Dec Thu Danur masa Puja Begins 21-Dec 21-Dec Mon Mon VAIKUNDA EKADESI, VENKATESWARA ABHISHEKAM VAIKUNDA EKADESI, VENKATESWARA ABHISHEKAM 23-Dec 23-Dec Wed Wed Pradosham, Nandi& Siva abhishekam procession after Deeparadhana Pradosham, Nandi& Siva abhishekam procession after Deeparadhana 26-Dec 26-Dec Sat Sat Ayyappa mandala puja, Ghee Abhishekam Ayyappa mandala puja, Ghee Abhishekam Ayyappa mandala puja puja Completion, Pushpa Abhishekam 27-Dec 27-Dec Sun Sun Ayyappa mandala Completion, Pushpa Abhishekam 31-Dec Thu New Year Eve puja 31-Dec Thu New Year Eve puja MONTHLY SCHEDULED ABHISHEKAM DATES MONTHLY SCHEDULED ABHISHEKAM DATES OCT TO DEC 2015 OCT TO DECOCT 2015 NOV DEC OCT Sukla Pradosham 25 23NOV 23 DEC SuklaKrishna Pradosham 25 Pradosham 10 9 23 8 23 Ekadasi 23 22 9 21 KrishnaSukla Pradosham 10 8 Krishna Ekadasi 823 7 22 7 21 Sukla Ekadasi SankataEkadasi Hara Chaturthi 1, 30 29 7 28 Krishna 8 7 Moolam 19 15 12 Sankata Hara Chaturthi 1, 30 29 28 Sashti 3,19 2, 17 1, 17 Moolam Krithigai 219 26 15 23 12 Sashti 3,19 2, 17 27 1, 17 Punarvasu 6 2,29 Krithigai Poornima 272 25 26 25 23 Ashtami 5, 21 Punarvasu 6 4. 192,293, 19 27 Sukla Chaturthi 17 15 25 15 25 Poornima 27 Sravanam 22 Ashtami 5, 21 184. 19 15 3, 19 Sukla Chaturthi 17 15 15 Sravanam 22 18 15 2 2 A MESSAGE FROM THE MTS BOARD MTS Executive’s Message Greetings to all of you. When we started in January 2014 we took on the responsibility of running this temple for 2 years, set ourselves few goals, and were able to achieve most of them under the able leadership of Dr Vaduganathan. We are fortunate to have a great team of board members & volunteers who worked tirelessly to help reach our goals. We took on the most challenging project in the history of MTS, both logistically and financially. We appreciate every donor& supporter who made this project a reality and the confidence they had in us to execute them well. We are getting into to the crucial stage of the construction where we need the most cooperation from you. We are doing everything in our power to keep the temple open during the construction, but there will some days when the temple will be closed for logistic reasons. Details will be communicated to all of you as we go forward. Sunday, November 29th (Thanks giving weekend), is the Maha Kumbhabhishekam day. On behalf of the entire board, we personally invite each one of you to come with your family and friends to witness & participate in “Sri Padmavathi Noothana Aalaya, Vimana, Maha Kumbhabhishekam”. This will be an eight day event starting on Sunday, November 22nd with various religious and cultural events on a daily basis. Please watch for more details in the coming weeks. Several initiatives are being taken up by this board to bring the younger generation into the mainstream. Vedic Heritage School (VHS) & Youth committee have done a wonderful job by designing programs that would interest youth. The recent addition of Yoga sessions as part of the VHS module is gaining momentum. Our monthly ‘Golden Group Meeting’ initiative was to keep our senior members more engaged with MTS. Monthly meetings include topics on health, retirement, diet, meditation and more. Another highlight of this initiative was special and creative lunch menus including ‘Kumbakonam Coffee’ to ‘Aappakkadai’, which have been well received by large group of senior members. On the administrative side, efforts are underway to put in a process which will improve the efficiency around procurement of goods and services. New processes are currently being implemented which are expected to yield better results in the near future. All in all, serving our temple has been a rewarding experience along with a highly motivated & energetic team. Thank you for your support & giving us the opportunity to serve this great institution. Srikanth Venugopalan, MTS – Secretary Sri Meenakshi Temple Society 3 ct-01 ct-03 ct-04 ct-05 ct-06 ct-08 ct-10 ct-10 ct-11 ct-12 ct-13 ct-14 ct-15 ct-16 ct-17 ct-17 ct-18 ct-19 ct-20 ct-21 ct-22 ct-25 ct-27 ct-27 ct-29 ct-30 ct-31 17130 McLean Road, Pearland, TX-77584 October 2015 Thu Sat Sun Mon Tue 0ct-01 Thu 0ct-03 Sat 0ct-04 Sat 0ct-05 Sun0ct-06 Mon0ct-08 0ct-10 Tue0ct-10 Wed0ct-11 Thu0ct-12 Fri 0ct-13 0ct-14 Sat 0ct-15 Sat 0ct-16 Sun0ct-17 Mon0ct-17 Mon0ct-18 0ct-19 Tue Wed0ct-20 Thu0ct-21 Sun0ct-22 0ct-25 Tue0ct-27 Tue0ct-27 Thu0ct-29 Fri 0ct-30 0ct-31 Sat SriSRI Meenakshi MEENAKSHITemple TEMPLESociety SOCIETY 7.00 PM 17130 Subramaniya Abhishekam McLean Road, Pearland, TX 77584 17130 McLean Road, Pearland, TX-77584 10.30 AM Venkateswara Abhishekam 10.30 AM 1st Sunday-Venkateswara Abhishekam October 2015 October 2015 7.00 PM Bairavar Abhishekam, Siva Abhishekam 7.00 PM Punarvasu Rama Abhishekam Thu 7.00 PM Subramaniya Abhishekam 7:00 PM Venkateswara Abhishekam Sat 10.30 AM Venkateswara Abhishekam 10.30 Abhishekam Abhishekam Sun AM 10.30Venkateswara AM 1st Sunday-Venkateswara 7:00 PM Pradosham Nandi & Siva abhishekam Procession after Deeparadana Mon 7.00 PM Bairavar Abhishekam, Siva Abhishekam Tue 7.00 PM Punarvasu Rama Abhishekam 11.00 AM Meenakshi Abhishekam Thu PM Venkateswara Abhishekam 7.00 PM 7:00Mahalaya Amavasya, Siva Abhishekam Sat 10.30 AM Venkateswara Abhishekam 6.00 PM Navarathri 1st day Sat 7:00 PM Pradosham Nandi & Siva abhishekam Procession after Deeparadana 6.00 PM Navarathri 2nd Sun 11.00 AM Meenakshiday Abhishekam MonPM 7.00Navarathri PM Mahalaya Amavasya, Siva Abhishekam 6.00 3rd day TuePM 6.00Navarathri PM Navarathri 1stSuvasini day 6.00 4th day Puja Wed 6.00 PM Navarathri 2nd day 10.30 AM Venkateswara Abhishekam Thu 6.00 PM Navarathri 3rd day 6.00 5th day Fri PM 6.00Navarathri PM Navarathri 4th day Suvasini Puja 6.00 6th day Abhishekam Sat PM 10.30Navarathri AM Venkateswara Sat PM 6.00Navarathri PM Navarathri 5th day 6.00 7th day, Somavara Siva Abhishekam Sun PM Navarathri 6th day 7:00 PM 6.00Moolam, Anjaneya Abhishekam, Shashti Subramaniya Abhishekam Mon 6.00 PM Navarathri 7th day, Somavara Siva Abhishekam 6.00 DURGASHTAMI MonPM 7:00Navarathri8th PM Moolam,day, Anjaneya Abhishekam, Shashti Subramaniya Abhishekam 6.00 9th day, day, SARASWATHI puja TuePM 6.00Navarathri PM Navarathri8th DURGASHTAMI WedPm 6.00Vijyaya PM Navarathri 9th day, SARASWATHI puja 6.00 Dashami, Sravanam Venkateswara Abhishekam Thu 6.00 Pm Vijyaya Dashami, Sravanam Venkateswara Abhishekam 7.00 PM Pradosham, Nandi& Siva abhishekam procession after Deeparadhana Sun 7.00 PM Pradosham, Nandi& Siva abhishekam procession after Deeparadhana 7:00 PM Pournami, Satyanarana puja, Tue 7:00 PM Pournami, Satyanarana puja, 7.00 Annaabhishekam TuePM 7.00Santa PM Abhishekam, Santa Abhishekam, Annaabhishekam ThuPM 7:00Krittikai PM Krittikai Sri Subramanya Abhishekam 7:00 Sri Subramanya Abhishekam Fri 7.00 PM Sankatahara Chathurthi, Ganesh homam and and abhishekam 7.00 PM Sankatahara Chathurthi, Ganesh homam abhishekam Sat 09.00 Am Deepavali bazaar 09.00 Am Deepavali bazaar REGULARLY SCHEDULED WEEKLY ABHISHEKAM REGULARLY SCHEDULED WEEKLY ABHISHEKAM Sri Ganesha Homam & Abhishekam......................................................................All days 7:00 AM Sri Siva (Sundareswara) & Sri Meenakshi Abhishekam.........................................All days 9:00 AM Sri Ganesha Homam & Abhishekam......................................................................All days 7:00 AM Sri Siva (Sundareswara) Abhishekam..................................................................Mondays 7:00 PM Sri Siva (Sundareswara) & Sri Meenakshi Abhishekam.........................................All days Sri Durga Abhishekam.........................................................................................Tuesdays 7:00 9:00 PM AM Sri Siva (Sundareswara) Sri PadmavathyAbhishekam..................................................................Mondays Abhishekam...................................................................................Fridays 6:307:00 PM PM Sri Meenakshi Abhishekam & Lalitha Sahasranamavali.........................................Fridays 7:00 7:00 PM PM Sri Durga Abhishekam.........................................................................................Tuesdays Last Friday of the month – Lalitha Sahasranamavali & Shodasa Upacharam Sri Padmavathy Abhishekam...................................................................................Fridays 6:30 PM Sri Navagraha Abhishekam..............................................................................Saturdays 11:00 AM Sri Meenakshi Abhishekam & Lalitha Sahasranamavali.........................................Fridays 7:00 PM Sri Ayyappa Abhishekam..................................................................................Saturdays 10:00 AM Last Friday Parameswari of the month – Lalitha Sahasranamavali & Shodasa Sri Kanyaka Abhishekam.......................................Last Sunday ofUpacharam the Month 7:00 PM SriAbhishekam..............................................................................Saturdays Meenakshi Abhishekam...............................................Second Sunday of the Month 11:00 AM AM Sri Navagraha 11:00 Sri Venkateswara Abhishekam...............................................First Sunday of the Month 10:3010:00 AM AM Sri Ayyappa Abhishekam..................................................................................Saturdays Sri Kanyaka Parameswari Abhishekam.......................................Last Sunday of the Month 7:00 PM 3 Sri Meenakshi Abhishekam...............................................Second Sunday of the Month 11:00 AM Sri Venkateswara Abhishekam...............................................First Sunday of the Month 10:30 AM 3 4 Celebrated Events in this quarter (October-December 2015) Navarathri celebrations (Oct 13-22) Sri Meenakshi Temple has established the tradition of Navarathri celebrations which includes both religious rituals and cultural events attractive to every visitor. During the nine nights, the Mother Goddess is worshipped as Saraswati - the deity of all learning and arts, Lakshmi - the Goddess of wealth, and Durga - the embodiment of courage and power described in the Hindu scriptures. Navarathri at this temple provides an exclusive occasion to express the love and respect to the Goddess. The spectacular display of Golu (kolu), classical music and dance programs every evening, unique Navavarana Pooja (Sri Vidya Upasana), Suvasini pooja, special displays of diorama based on puranic stories, Aksharabhyasam etc are special attractions during this time. Deepavali Bazaar (October 31) A day dedicated to celebrate Deepavali at this temple has become popular among Houstonians. The day begins with free health fair as a community service. The temple remains open throughout the day with a flow of several thousand people. Special food booths, bazaar, spectacular fireworks, youth activities, games for children, Raas / garba etc. are attractions. Skanda Shashti is celebrated during the six days from November 12. This signifies the day on which Lord Subramanya defeated the demon Taraka. On this day elaborate festivals are held with great pomp and grandeur. Devotees organise Bhajan and Kirtan programs on a grand scale. Thousands are fed sumptuously. Many incurable diseases are cured if one visits Palani and worships Lord Subramanya there. Maha Kumbhabhishekam Celebrations ( November 22-29). Please the details given separately Maha Sathyanarayana Puja ( December 5) Please see the attached flyer for details Annual Ayyappa Mandala Puja (for 41 days) is celebrated- Beginning on Nov. 17 that concludes on Dec 26, 2015. The sannidhi of Sri Ayyappa gets ready on Nov 16 with Sudhi kalasham for this year’s Mandalam season that begins on Tuesday , Nov 17 ( Karthigai /Vruschikam 1). Daily Mandala Pooja will be conducted during the next 41 days. The months of Kartigai / Vrishchikam, Maargazhi / Dhanur are the most auspicious for Sri Ayyappa ( Sri Dharma Shastha), during which period Mandala Puja is celebrated. Devotees observe traditional austerity (vrutham), which starts from the first day of Kaartigai/ Vrishchikam (November 17). Devotees initiate the vrutham by wearing a Thulasi or a Rudraksha mala. After 41 days (on December 26) the devotees end their vrutham by carrying Irumudi and removing the mala. Irumudi is a cloth bag with two compartments containing offerings for the Lord. This temple guides and facilitates devotees to observe the tradition of Ayyappa vrutham. You may call the temple office for advice from the priest. 5 A special Pooja will be organized by the devotees on December 19 to celebrate the occasion. MAKARA SANKRANTHI marks the grand finale of the 2-month period of Sabarimala pilgrimage. Kaisika Dwadasi Utsavam December 8 is an annual Classical devotional music group rendition in which many musicians take part. This falls on Tuesday, December 8. As a tradition, the event is meticulously planned by several leading musicians in Houston. Dozens of music students and many aspiring musicians look forward to this opportunity to offer their prayers in front of the Sannidhi of Sri Venkateswara. Kaisika Dwadasi celebrates the notion that Nama Sankeer-thanam of the Lord, sung with perfect shruti and correct pronunciation of lyrics, helps one to attain Salvation. This scripture prescribes devotees to celebrate Kaisika Dwadasi by fasting and Nama Sankeerthanam in Temples. It falls in the month of Karthigai. The 48th chapter in Sri Varaha Puranam is called as the Kaisika Puranam composed in Manipravalam. Kaisika puranam derives its name from Kaisika raga (or today’s Bhairavi of carnatic music) in which it is believed to have been sung. Traditionally, Kaisika purana parayanam is done in the early hours of the Kaiskia Dwadasi day before day break. The significance of Kaisika Dwadasi is given in Kaisika Puranam. Quoting from Kaisiika Puranam - this is the story told by Sri Varaha Perumal to Bhoodevi – Nampaduvan, an ardent devotee of Sriman Narayana used to perform Nama Sankeerthanam before Emperuman at Thirukurungudi. Once, on the way to Thirukurungudi, Brahma Raakshasa (who was a yagnacharya in his previous birth) confronted Nampaduvan. The Brahma Raakshasa warned Nampaduvan that he was going to be eaten. But Nampaduvan humbly requested to allow him to finish his duty on Kaisika paravam Dwadasi day of Nama Sankeerthanam first, and then he promised him to surrender. Though the Brahma Raakshasa did not agree first, he later let Nampaduvan go. Nampaduvan, after doing Nama Sankeerthanam on the auspicious Kaisika Dwadasi day, came back and surrendered himself to Brahma Raakshasa. Impressed by this honesty the Brahma Raakshasa requested Nampaduvan to give the fruits of his Nama Sankeerthanam to him so that he can get rid of the raakshasa janma and attain salvation. Nampaduvan did not agree to it even after repeated requests. Finally Brahma Raakshasa begged Nampaduvan to give the benefit of just one swara that he sang on Kaisika Dwadasi. Nampaduvan agreed and gave the fruit of just one swara. Because of this, Emperuman told Bhoodevi, the Brahma Raakshasa attained salvation. Let us welcome Sri S. Balaji, a new addition to the priests at MTS. He holds the professional title Sivagama Siromani following the training at Kanchi Kamakoti Peeta Vyasa, Bharathi Kaladhi Sadas, Samajam at Trichy. Prior to his move to the US, Sri Balaji has served at Sri Mamaswayambhu Sidhi Vinayagr Temple at Guduvanchery, as a priest for 15 years. In addition, he has played leading roles in a variety of events such as kumbhabhishekam, Chandi homam, Rudra Ekadashi, Sudarshana homam etc. Sri Balaji is well versed in English and Tamil. 6 Sri Meenakshi Temple Society McLean Road,Temple Pearland, TX Society 77584 Sri 17130 Meenakshi 17130 McLean Road, Pearland, TX-77584 Cordially invites participate in the Cordially invitesyou you to to participate in the Navarathri Celebrations Oct 13th to Oct 22nd 2015 Daily at 8:30 AM Abhishekam for Sri Meenakshi Followed by Nava Varna Puja Daily at 7:00 PM Abhishekam for Sri Meenakshi Sahasranamavali, Deeparadhana & Prasadam distribution Special Alankaram for Utsavamurthis everyday Friday, Oct. 16th 6:00 PM Suvasini Puja Abhishekam and Sahasranama Archana for Sri Meenakshi & Special Alankarams for Utsavamurthis Followed by Manjal kumkum distribution to ladies Tuesday, Oct 20th 10:30 AM Durgashtami Homam & Abhishekam for Sri Durga Wednesday, Oct 21st 10:00 AM Saraswathi Puja Thursday, Oct 22nd 7:00 PM Vijaya Dasami Aksharabhyasam for children at 10.00 am Sponsorship Navavarna puja $51, $101, Suvasini Navavarna puja $51,Daily DailyAlankaram/puja Alankaram/puja $101, Suvasini PujaPuja $31 $31 Sponsors of $31 and higher of will$31 receive saree along with manjal kunkum onwith the Suvasini Puja day. Sponsors andahigher will receive a saree along For more informationmanjal please contact Sasi at nsasipillai@aol.com kunkum onPillai the Suvasini Puja day. or Narayanan at socn1@hotmail.com or SriRam at mksriram.mts@gmail.com or call the Temple at 281-489-0358 Ext.100 or 110 For moreOffice information please contact Sasi Pillai at nsasipillai@aol.com or Narayanan at socn1@hotmail.com or SriRam at mksriram.mts@gmail.com or call the Temple Office at 281-489-0358 Ext.100 or 110 7 7 8 8 PRAYER Sasidharan Pillai Prayer is giving an opportunity to God to comfort the devotee. Prayer is depending on God for help in distress. Prayer lightens the heaviness of your heart by opening it to God. Prayer is excepting God to decide what is best for you when you are in dilemma. Prayer is nearness to God. Prayer is not asking, but a communion with God through single-minded devotion. It is tuning of the mind with God. It is fixing the mind on God and meditating on Him. Prayer is surrendering oneself to God Completely, and melting the mind and ego in silence, in God. Prayer represents a mystic state when the individual consciousness is absorbed in God. It is an uplifting of the soul to God, an act of love and adoration to Him. It is worship and glorification of God. It is thanksgiving to God for all His blessings. Prayer is an invocation, a calling forth of spiritual forces ever flowing through the human heart, mind and soul. It is a great spiritual force that is as real as force of gravity or attraction. It is the very soul and essence of religion, the very core of man’s life. No man can live without prayer. Prayer does not demand high intelligence or eloquence. God wants your heart when you pray. Even a word from a humble, pure soul, though illiterate, will appeal to the God more than the eloquent flowing words of an orator or a learned man. The child does not know grammar and pronunciation. It utters some sounds, but the mother understands! When mother under stands the language of the heart, what to say of the inner witness? He/she knows what you wish to say. Even if you make mistakes in your prayer to Him, even if there are mistakes in the mantras you recite, if you are sincere, if the prayer comes from your heart, He listens to it, because He understands the language of your heart. Whose prayer is heard? Prayer should spring from the heart and should not be mere lip-language. Empty prayer is like sounding brass or tinkling cymbal. The God at once hears prayer that comes from a sincere, pure heart. The prayer of a cunning, crooked, wicked man is never heard. God ever respond to the appeal of hiss sincere devotees. It is only the insincere man who says that God is deaf. He is ever watchful of the distress signals of His children. Open your heart to him without reservation and response will be instantaneous. Breath has been given to you, by the God to be spent in prayer. Kneel down and pray, but let it not cease when you rise. Prayer should be life-long; and your life should be one long prayer. There are no problems that cannot be solved by prayer. Kneel down and pray, pray not for earthly goods or for heavenly pleasure, but pray for His grace. Thy will be done. My Lord! I want nothing for myself, this shall be thy prayer. Greet the dawn of the day and bid adieu to the setting sun with a prayer of thankfulness firstly for a fresh day granted, and lastly for His Grace received. Thus shall your life be blessed and thus will you radiate His blessings to all around you. Benefits of Prayer: Prayer is a mighty spiritual force. It is spiritual food for the soul, a spiritual tonic. Prayer is powerful spiritual current. There is nothing so purifying as prayer. If you pray regularly, your life will be gradually changed and molded. Prayer must become habitual, and then you will feel as if you cannot live without it. It lightens the heart and fills the mind with peace, strength and purity. When the mind becomes pure through the power of prayer, the intellect becomes sharp and keen, Prayer elevates the mind. When you think yourself with the inexhaustible cosmic powerhouse of energy, you draw power light and strength from Him. Prayer is a trusty companion along the weary path to liberation> it is the rock to which man can cling when he is drowning in the ocean of births and deaths. It frees from the fear of death and brings him near to God, making feel the divine Consciousness and His essential immortal nature. Prayer works wonders and moves mountains. Even when the medical boards pronounces a case hopeless, prayer comes to the rescue, and the patient is miraculously cured. There have been many instances of these descriptions. Healing by prayer is really miraculous and mysterious. Prayer is an unfailing remedy in all situations. True prayer is the mental and verbal expression of the highest spiritual ideal. True prayer is said to be heard by the Supreme Being when we remember our spiritual nature. A true prayer is the expression of that attitude of the human mind, which arouses the divine nature in man and makes it govern the lower, selfish or animal nature by which we are directed in our ordinary life to perform selfish acts. True prayer is like a ladder by which the individual soul ascends to the domain of transcendental Reality. 9 SriSRI Meenakshi MEENAKSHITemple TEMPLESociety SOCIETY 17130 McLean Road, Pearland, TX 77584 17130 McLean Road, Pearland, TX-77584 November2015 2015 November 1-Nov 2-Nov 3-Nov 7-Nov 8-Nov 9-Nov 10-Nov 12-Nov 13-Nov 14-Nov 15-Nov 16-Nov 17-Nov 17-Nov 18-Nov 22-Nov 23-Nov 24-Nov 25-Nov 26-Nov 27-Nov 28-Nov 29-Nov 29-Nov 30-Nov Sun Mon Tue Sat Sun Mon Tue Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue Tue Wed Sun 10.30 AM 7.00 PM 7.00 PM 10.30 AM 11.00 AM 7.00 PM 7.00 PM 7.00 PM 7:00 PM 10.00 AM 10.00 AM 7.00 PM 7:00 PM 7.00 PM 7.00 PM 8:30AM 10.30 AM 10:00 AM / 6:30PM 7.00 PM 10:00 AM 6:30PM 10:00 AM 6:30PM 7.00 PM 10:00AM 6:30PM 9:00AM 6:00PM 9:00AM 5:30PM 10.00 AM 5:30AM 10:00 AM 7.00 PM 7.00 PM 1st Sunday-Venkateswara Abhishekam Sri. Rama Abhishekam Bairavar Abhishekam Ekadasi, Venkateswara Abhishekam Meenakshi Abhishekam Pradosham, Nandi& Siva abhishekam procession after Deeparadhana Deepavali Katchi, Lakshmi Abhishekam Skanda Sashti begins, Subramaniya Abhishekam Skanta sashti 2nd day Skanda Sashti 3d day Skand Sashti 4th day, Moolam Anjaneya abhisheakm Skanda sashti 5th day, Ayyappa Sudhi Abhishekam Skanda Sashti 6th day, Skanda Homam andSubramaniya Abhishekam Ayyappa Mandala Puja begins, Ayyappa Abhishekam Sravanam, Venkateswara Abhishekam Main Temple Kumbhabhisekam Ganapathi Homam Ekadasi, Venkateswara Abhishekam, Subramaniya abhishekam Mon Navagraha Homam, Rakshogna Homam Pradosham, Nandi& Siva abhishekam procession after Deeparadhana Sudarsana Homam Tue Lakshmi Homam Wed Disa Homam Vastu Shanthi Deepa Utsavam Mrutsamgrahanam & Yagasala Nirmana Malangaram Thu 1st Kala Yagasala Pooja Homam Fri Visesha Sandhi & KalaYagasala Pooja Homam Visha Sandhi 3rd Kala Yagasala Pooja Homam Sat Visehasandhi 4th Kala Yagasala Pooja Homam Visehasandhi 5th Kala Yagasala Pooja Homam Sun Punarvasu, Ramar Abhishekam 6th Kala Yagasala Pooja Homam Sun Main Temple Maha Kumbhabishekam Sankatahara Chathurthi, Ganesh homam and abhishekam Mon 2nd Karthigai Soma varam REGULARLY SCHEDULED WEEKLY ABHISHEKAM Sri Ganesha Homam & Abhishekam......................................................................All days 7:00 AM Sri Siva (Sundareswara) & Sri Meenakshi Abhishekam.........................................All days 9:00 AM Sri Siva (Sundareswara) Abhishekam..................................................................Mondays 7:00 PM Sri Durga Abhishekam.........................................................................................Tuesdays 7:00 PM Sri Padmavathi Abhishekam...................................................................................Fridays 6:30 PM Sri Meenakshi Abhishekam & Lalitha Sahasranamavali.........................................Fridays 7:00 PM Last Friday of the month – Lalitha Sahasranamavali & Shodasa Upacharam Sri Navagraha Abhishekam..............................................................................Saturdays 11:00 AM Sri Ayyappa Abhishekam..................................................................................Saturdays 10:00 AM Sri Kanyaka Parameswari Abhishekam.......................................Last Sunday of the Month 10:00 AM Sri Meenakshi Abhishekam...............................................Second Sunday of the Month 11:00 AM Sri Venkateswara Abhishekam...............................................First Sunday of the Month 10:30 AM 10 10 Sri Meenakshi Temple Society McLean Road,Temple Pearland, TXSociety 77584 Sri17130 Meenakshi 17130 McLean Road, Pearland, TX 77584 INVITES YOU AND YOUR FAMILY TO PARTICIPATE IN THE INVITES YOU AND YOUR FAMILY TO PARTICIPATE IN THE DEEPAVALI KATCHI KATCHI AND AND LAKSHMI LAKSHMIPOOJA POOJA DEEPAVALI Tuesday, November 10, 2015 Lakshmi Pooja 7:00 PM Deepavali Katchi 8:00 PM UTSAVAMURTHY ALANKARAM AND NEW VASTRAM OFFERING TO THE DEITIES UTSAVAMURTHY ALANKARAM AND NEW VASTRAM BY THE TRUSTEE AND DEVOTEES OFFERING TO THE DEITIES For further Details, please contact THE TRUSTEE AND DEVOTEES Sasidharan PillaiBY at nsasipillai@aol.com, S.Narayanan at soc1@hotmail.com, or Sri ram at sriramshiela@gmail.com For further Details, please contact Sasidharan Pillai at nsasipillai@aol.com, S.Narayanan at soc1@hotmail.com, or Sri ram at sriramshiela@gmail.com 11 11 Sri Meenakshi Temple Society Sri Meenakshi Temple Society 17130 McLean Road, Pearland, TX 77584 17130 McLean Road, Pearland, TX-77584 Skanda Shasti Utsavam Skanda Nov Shasti Utsavam 12 to 17 th th Nov 12 to 17 Thursday , Nov 12 - 7pm Daily Abhishekam, Alankaram and for Murugan thSahasranama Archana th th th Friday, Nov 13 – 7pm Daily Abhishekam, Alankaram and Sahasranama Archana for Murugan th Saturday , Nov 14 – 10:30am th Thursday , Nov - 7pm – 10:30am Sunday , Nov 15th 12 th Monday, Nov 13 16 th ––7pm 7pm Friday, Nov th th 17 Tuesday Nov 6pm – 10:30am Saturday , Nov 14 th Skanda homam, Sankalapam, Vigneswara puja, Punnyavachanam, – 10:30am Sunday , Nov 15 Kalasa puja, Homam, Pooranahudhi Monday, Nov 16th – 7pm Abhishekam, Alankaram, Deeparadhana th Procession of Utsava Murthis around the temple in Mayil Vahanam Tuesday Nov 17 6pm Prasadam distribution after Puja Skanda homam, Sankalapam, Vigneswara puja, Sponsorship: $ 21 Punnyavachanam, Kalasa puja, Homam, Pooranahudhi For more information please contact S.Narayanan at socn1@hotmail.com or Dr.Dorairaja at ta.dorairajan@gmail.com or Senthil Devaraj at dsenthil@yahoo.com Abhishekam, Alankaram, Deeparadhana Procession of Utsava Murthis around the temple in Mayil Vahanam 12 Prasadam distribution after Puja Sponsorship: $ 21 For more information please contact S.Narayanan at socn1@hotmail.com or Dr.Dorairaja at ta.dorairajan@gmail.com or Senthil Devaraj at dsenthil@yahoo.com 12 33rd A Anniversary of Ayyaappa Manndala Poooja (11‐16‐‐2015 to 112‐27‐20115) November 115th 2015 – SSaptha Sudhhi Pooja ‐ (A Abishekam Sponsorship $ 21.00) Noveember 16th 20015 to Decem mber 27th 20155 Daily Pooja Sponsorship $ 51.00 9:00 AM Abisheekam & Malaar Nivadiyam m 9:45 AM Usha P Pooja 11:00 AM Ucchaa Pooja 6:15 PM Deepaaradhana & B Bhajans 7:30 PM Sahasranama Archhana 8:15 PM SeeVeeli ( Processio on) 8:30 PM Harivaarasanam Novem mber 21st 20115 to Decembber 26th 20155 Asttabbhishekam Poooja Sponsorrship $ 101.000 10:00 A AM Asttabhishekam evvery Saturdayy’s in Noveember & Deccember 2015. 10:00 A AM Novem mber: 21ST & 28th 10:00 A AM Decem mber: 5th, 12th, 19th 9:00 A M Decem mber: 26th Deecember 12THH 2015 Asttabbhishekam, Akand da Nama Poojja & Ayyappaa Annadhanam 10:00 AM Asttab bhishekam ‐ $$ 101.00 10:00 AM Akand da Nama Japaam ‐ $ 21.00 All dayy Pooja 10:000 to 8:30 PM 12:00 PM Annad dhanam from m To o 12:00 PM to 3:00 PPM 3:00 PM Annad dhanam Sponnsorship Any desired amounnt Deccember 26th 22015 ‐ Irumuddi Irakkam, G Ghee Abishekkam & Lakshaarchana 9: 00 A AM Asttabhishekam ‐ $$ 101.00 10:00 A AM Irumuddi Irakkam 10:30 A AM Ghee A Abishekam 11:30 A AM Lakshaarchana 12:00 PPM Deeparadhana & Bhajans followeed by Procession Group Pooja Sponsorship ‐ $21.000 Deccember 27th 22015 – Kalabhhabishekam Group Pooja G Sponsorship ‐ $ 21.00 10:00 AM Kalabh habishekam 11:00 AM Sahasranama Archhana 12:00 PM Deepaaradhana & B Bhajans Decembber 27th 20155 – Aabharanaam Processioon, Pushhpabhishekam m – Group Poooja $ 21.00 5:00 P M Aabharanam Proceession 6:00 P M Aabharana Chaarthhu & Deeparadhana 7:00 P M Pushpaabhishekam 8:30 P M Harivarasanam Mandaala Pooja Com mpletion The months of Kaartika/Vrishcika, Maargazhi/Dhanur are most auspicious for Lord Ayyappa,during which period Mandala Pooja is celebrated. Devotees observe traditional austerities (Vridham), which normally start The months o of Kaartika/Vrishc cika, Maargazhi/D Dhanur are most a auspicious for Lord d Ayyappa,during g which period Ma andala Pooja is from the first day of Kaartika / Vrishcikam (November 16). Devotees initiate vridham by wearing a Thulasi or a art from the first Vrishcikam (Nove celebrated. D Devotees observe traditional auster which normally sta day of Kaartika / ember Rudraksha maala. After 41 days ( onrities (Vridham), w December 27th) the devotees end their vridham by carrying Irumudi and th s initiate vridham 16). Devotee ulasi or a Rudraks ha maala. After 4 mber 27 ) the devvotees end their vvridham removing the maala.m by wearing a Thu Kids can observe vridham similar to adults1 days ( on Decem but for shorter period. by carrying Irrumudi and removving the maala. Kiids can observe vrridham similar to adults but for shoorter period. For more information please contact Ganesh @ nrg91@yahoo.com, Senthil @ dsenthil@yahoo.com, Narayanan @ socn1@hotmail.com Temple office ontact Ganesh @ n phone numbers: 281-489-0358 Ext: 100thil@yahoo.com, or 101 or Visit www.meenakshi.org For more infor rmation please co nrg91@yahoo.com m, Senthil @ dsen , Narayanan @ so ocn1@hotmail.com m Temp ple office phone n numbers: 281‐489‐‐0358 Ext: 100 or 101 or Visit www w.meenakshi.org 13 14 14 15 Agni, the Herald of Divine Functions Chittoor Ramachandran The time-honored Vedic practice of performing homam (havan) integral to Hindu religious functions is a familiar scene to most devotees of this Temple. This brief review may be informative in understanding and to appreciate the basis of this tradition. Since homam centers around Fire (Agni, अग्नि), an analysis of the role of Agni in this ritual is made here. Vedic texts starting from Rig Veda frequently refers Agni as a deity who is honored with a status of Purohitha, a spiritual advisor, the foremost Leader and who advocates righteousness and the one who sustains all that is pleasant. In Rig Veda there exist many hymns addressed to him as the glorious Illuminator (Supreme Principle), the God of fire (energy) and the acceptor of sacrifices who conveys them (as a messenger) to other deities. Agni is thus the primary recipient of all Vedic sacrifices. As the most potent and visible form of energy, useful but destructive at the same time, Agni was both feared and revered by the Vedic people. Many sects of ardent Hindus continue to venerate as well as fear Agni similar to the level of Siva. Their tradition is based on the belief that Rudra (Siva) is embodied in various forms of nature (earth, water, fire, air, space, the sun, the moon, and the life’s forces). Among these, Agni is especially identified with fire and in this form He pervades the three dimensions of the universe: “earth (bhuh), sky (bhuvah), and heaven (svaha)”. Fire itself is the earthly manifestation of Rudra; in the sky, fire flashes as lightning and howls as wind; in the heavens, fire shines as the sun. Each is a manifestation of Rudra. Analysis of a few key mantras chanted during homam reveals the prime role of Agni in Vedic rituals. All the offerings in the Vedic sacrifices are invariably offered to Agni (being the oblation-bearer) and through Him to the desired deity. Agni is also believed to have the authority to invite the desired deities and persuade them to sit with Him near the Vedic sacrifice. From the opening mantras chanted while igniting the fire, one can assume the basic format and the traditional guidelines embedded in the mantras to perform the homam. Inviting Agni to the sanctified Homa Kunda (the hearth specifically dedicated for the homam) is formally done with high respect according to the tradition to awaken the fire. The mantra addressed to the Homa Kunda basically says “I place this Fire who consumes the oblations that will be offered—so that all who are sustained by food can live happily” (Note: It is the nature of fire not only to accept the food offered into it but also to carry that food, literally and ritually, to all the forces of creation that derive nourishment from it and thus, fire is described as the mouth (of all creation). This opening mantra reminds us that the place where the havan is to be performed is sacred. Another mantra that follows is: 16 “OM, udbudhyasvagne prati jagrihi tvamishtapurte samsrijethamayam cha, asmin sadhasthe adhyuttarasmin vishve deva yajamanascha sidata “. “O Fire, please wake up, please get up. And in your arising, wake us up as well. You are the one who gives us what we ask for, as well as what comes to us unasked. You are the remover of illness. In this place (temple where the homam is performed), please be seated. Along with you, may all the compassionate divine forces be seated. May those doing this practice also be seated. This mantra invites Agni to the homa kunda and requests Him to graciously awaken. It is also a request to awaken those seated around fire subtly reminding them that once the ceremony begins, they must remain seated so that the ritual may be completed without interruption. Another mantra (as follows) that is recited directly addressed to Agni during the homam affirms His status as a deity. In this, Agni is addressed by the name: Jatavedas, literally, the one who has the knowledge (Veda) of every species (jata). OM, ayam ta idhma atma jatavedastenedhyasva var-dhasva cheddha vardhaya chasman prajaya pashubhir brahmavarchasena annadyena samedhaya svaha. O Agni, the knower of all who take birth, this stick is your food. With it, may you grow and expand, and similarly, may you help us grow and prosper. Ignite our consciousness. May all who are related to us and may all other beings of this universe also grow and be nourished. May our spiritual wisdom mature. May everyone and everything, directly or indirectly, be inspired and awakened? May they grow along with you and along with those who are serving you. In the first shloka of Rigveda: “Agnimeele purohitham yajnasya devamrithwijam hotaram rathnadhathamam “Agni is addressed as Jadavedas as a purohitha and a director orchestrating activities. On material level, heat (fire) represents Agni, which is primarily responsible for rain, food and all the richness. In Rig Veda, most prayers are addressed to Agni (eg.”Oh Agni, lead us on the right path of prosperity (Rig Veda 1.3.28) . This also suggests that the Agni mentioned in this hymn should be interpreted as a leader, under whose direction everything happens. Similarly, the highly respected Sri Suktam is addressed to Jatavedas to invite Sri Lakshmi to the devotee’s home and to request her for the prosperity of mankind. REF: (1) Sri Devasthanam website of Sanskrit Religious Institute, He: Fire Ritual: Havan/Homa (2) Jayaram, V. Agni, The Vedic Fire God of Hinduism, Hindu Website.com (3) Significance of Sri Sukta: Dr. Yadunath (1999) SVYM Enterprise, Orem. 17 Sri Meenakshi Temple Society SRI MEENAKSHI TEMPLE SOCIETY 17130 McLean Road, Pearland, TX 77584 17130 McLean Road, Pearland, TX-77584 December 2015 DECEMBER 2015 3-Dec Thu 7.00 PM Ashtami, Bairavar Abhishekam 5-Dec Sat 7.00 PM Satyanaranayan puja 6-Dec Sun 10.30 AM 1st Sunday-Venkateswara Abhishekam 7-Dec Mon 7.00 PM Ekadesi, Venkateswara Abhishekam 8-Dec Tue 7.00 PM SRI KAISIKA DWADASI FESTIVAL 12-Dec Sat 10.00 AM Moolam, Anjaneya Abhishekam 13-Dec Sun 11.00 AM Meenakshi Abhishekam 14-Dec Mon 7.00 PM 4th Somavara Abhishekam for Siva 15-Dec Tue 10.30 AM Sravanam, Venkateswara Abhishekam, Maha Ganapathy Abhishekam 16-Dec Wed 7.00 PM Subramaniya Abhishekam 17-Dec Thu 06.00 AM Dhanur masa Puja Begins 21-Dec Mon 7.00 PM VAIKUNDA EKADESI, VENKATESWARA ABHISHEKAM 22-Dec Tue 7.00 PM Subramaniya Abhishekam 23-Dec Wed 7.00 PM Pradosham, Nandi & Siva abhishekam procession after Deeparadhana 25-Dec Fri 7.00 PM Satyanaranaya puja 26-Dec Sat 09.00AM Ayyappa mandala puja, Ghee Abhishekam 27-Dec Sun 09.00 AM Ayyappa mandala puja Completion, Pushpa Abhishekam 28-Dec Mon 7.00 PM Sankatahara Chathurthi, Ganesh homam and abhishekam 31-Dec Thu 00.01 AM New Year Eve puja REGULARLY SCHEDULED WEEKLY ABHISHEKAM Sri Ganesha Homam & Abhishekam...................................................................All days 7:00 AM Sri Siva (Sundareswara) & Sri Meenakshi Abhishekam.....................................All days 9:00 AM Sri Siva (Sundareswara) Abhishekam................................................................Mondays 7:00 PM Sri Durga Abhishekam.......................................................................................Tuesdays 7:00 PM Sri Padmavathy Abhishekam................................................................................Fridays 6:30 PM Sri Meenakshi Abhishekam & Lalitha Sahasranamavali......................................Fridays 7:00 PM Last Friday of the month – Lalitha Sahasranamavali & Shodasa Upacharam Sri Navagraha Abhishekam............................................................................Saturdays 11:00 AM Sri Ayyappa Abhishekam...............................................................................Saturdays 10:00 AM Sri Kanyaka Parameswari Abhishekam.....................................Last Friday of the Month 7:00 PM Sri Meenakshi Abhishekam.............................................Second Sunday of the Month 11:00 AM Sri Venkateswara Abhishekam............................................First Sunday of the Month 10:30 AM Puja sponsorships can be prepaid using your credit card at www.emeenakshi.org 17 18 Sri Meenakshi Temple Society Sri Meenakshi Temple Society 17130 McLean Road, Pearland, TX 77584 17130 McLean Road, Pearland, TX-77584 Invites you to participate in the Invites you to participate in the Maha Sathyanarayana Puja On Saturday, Dec 5, 2015 Venue: MTS Kalyana Mandapam Time: 10 AM - 12.30 PM First part: Puja for Lord Ganesha, Navagrahas, Ashtadik-Palakas & Panchaloka-Palakas Second part: Worshipping Sri Sathyanarayana Swamy Third Part: Reading and Listening to Sri Sathyanarayana Swamy Story Fourth Part: Arathi Fifth part: Prasadam distribution Complimentary lunch will be served after the Puja Sponsorship - $51 Flowers, fruits & prasadams welcome Annadhanam contributions welcome For more information please contact Sriram at mksriram.mts@gmail.com or Sasi Pillai at nsasipillai@aol.com or Narayanan at socn1@hotmail.com or call the Temple Office at (281) 489-0358 Ext. 100 or110. 19 18 Sri Temple Society Society Sri Meenakshi Meenakshi Temple 17130 McLean Pearland, TX 77584 17130 McLeanRoad, Road, Pearland, TX-77584 Invites you to participate in the Sri Kaisika Dwadasi Festival On Tuesday, December 8th 2015 SINGING THE GLORY OF LORD VISHNU Program At the Main temple 7pm- 8pm Pooja Sponsorship - $21 Please bring Fruits, Flowers and Prasadam for the Pooja Please bring Fruits, Flowers and Prasadam for the Pooja As traditionally celebrated, devotees will assemble to sing together glories of Sriman Narayana. All are welcome to join. The list of songs will be provided to the devotees ahead of the in a recorded form for individual practice Asevent traditionally celebrated, devotees For willmore assemble to sing together information please contactglories of S. Narayanan at All socn1@hotmail.com Sriman Narayana. are welcome toorjoin. Mahesh Iyer at maheshiyer@yahoo.com or The list of songsTupil will Narasiman be provided to the devotees ahead of the event at tnarasiman@gmail.com in a recorded form for individual practice For more information please contact: S. Narayanan at socn1@hotmail.com or Mahesh Iyer at maheshiyer@yahoo.com or Tupil Narasiman at tnarasiman@gmail.com 20 19 Sri Temple Society Society Sri Meenakshi Meenakshi Temple 17130 McLean Pearland, TX 77584 17130 McLeanRoad, Road, Pearland, TX-77584 Invites you to celebrate VAIKUNTA EKADESI And Swarga Vasal Darshnam on Monday December 21, 2015 Program Program At the Main temple At the Main temple 6:00amThiruppalliEzhuchi 7:00 am--8.00 am Nithya Aradhanam &Thiruppavaisevakalam 6:00amThiruppalliEzhuchi 9:00 am -Venkateswara Abhishekam 10:30 am-VaikuntaDwaraDarashanam and PrakaraUtsavamOn GarudaVahanam 7:00 am--8.00 am - Nithya Aradhanam &Thiruppavaisevakalam 11:00 am GadhyaThrayam,-Aarthi, Shaathumurai,Theertham, Prasadam 9:00 am - Venkateswara Abhishekam 12 noon- Vishnu Sahsranamam Chanting – Open participation 10:30 am - VaikuntaDwaraDarashanam and PrakaraUtsavamOn SPONSORSHIP GarudaVahanam $51.00 11:00 am- GadhyaThrayam, Shaathumurai,Theertham, Prasadam For moreAarthi, information please contact at socn1@hotmail.com or Sasi at nsasipillai@aol.com 12 noonNarayanan - Vishnu Sahsranamam Chanting – Open participation or Sriram at sriramsheila@gmail.com Or call the Temple Office at (281) 489-0358 Ext. 100 or101 SPONSORSHIP $51.00 For more information please contact Narayanan at socn1@hotmail.com or Sasi at nsasipillai@aol.com or Sriram at sriramsheila@gmail.com Or call the Temple Office at (281) 489-0358 Ext. 100 or101 21 20 Sri Meenakshi Temple Society 17130 McLean Road, Pearland, TX 77584 invites you to Celebrate New Year’s Day On Friday January 1st, 2016 Start your New Year with the blessings of Sri Meenakshi, Sri Sundareswara, Sri Venkateswara and Sri Padmavathi on December 31st, 2015 – New Year’s Eve - Midnight Aarathi Program January 01, Friday 2016 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM Ganesha Homam and Abhishekam for Prasanna Vinayagar at the Ganesh Temple Sponsorship $51 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Starting at 9:00 AM Special Archanas will be performed every half-hour for all Deities at the Main Temple and every hour for Deities in all the Corner Sannidhis. Sponsorship $21 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10:00 AM: Puja for Maha Ganapathi & Sri Ayyappa. Sponsorship $21 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11:00 AM - 1:00 PM Laksharchana for Sri Meenakshi & Muthangi Seva for all Pradhana Murthis Deeparadhana followed by Meenakshi Prakara Utsavam on Pallakku. Sponsorship $51 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5:00 PM – 6:00 PM Special Puja for Sri Durga, Sri Jyothi & Sri Kanyaka Parameswari. 6:00 PM Prakara Utsavam for Sri Venkateshwara on Pallakku 6:00 PM – 7:00 PM Special Puja for Sri Rama, Sri Subramanya & Sri Radhakrishna. Sponsorship $21 Grand Sponsorship for all New Year Day Poojas $101 9:00 PM: Ardha Jama Pooja followed by Sayanalaya Pooja --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1:30 PM - 5:00 PM. Cultural Program at Kalyana Mantapam ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Breakfast will be available at Temple Kitchen between 8:00 AM - 10:00 AM Food will be available from Local Indian Restaurants at the Food Booth from 10:00 AM – 8:00PM -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------To volunteer for the New Year’s day, Please contact: Murali Ravoori (mravoori@gmail.com) (or) call the temple office at 281-489-0358 extn 100, 110 22 Miracles that are Natural at Sri Meenakshi Temple of Pearland (3rd in Series) - Dr. Bala N. Aiyer Introduction: In the Holy grounds of Hindu Temples Miracles appear as natural events. People seldom consider them as super-natural but as the great gift of the powers of the Supreme. Several Temples are known for these occurrences. Many of us have a question in our mind that if there is only one Paramathma in all the manifestations that they pray in several temples in various forms, if they are all one and the same. Here, the Hindu recognizes well that each one of the image and form has the individuality and separate form along with the Supreme Paramathma. Such miracles they see again establish that each and every one of the manifestations is real and true. In the prior issue we covered two of the Miracles experienced at Sri Meenakshi Temple. This issue continues the series with more Miracles shared by our devotees. Miracle #6: Miracle from Sri Subrahmanya in our Temple. [Kandha Sashti in 1986 and Subrahmanya Homam] As already noted earlier, during the Kumbhabishekam pooja time in June/July 1982, heavy thunderstorm and heavy winds disturbed some of the events. The day of special Pooja and homam for Sri Subrahmanya had to be cancelled as the tent collapsed earlier and area was flooded with the rain water. However, the Vigrahas of Sri Subramanya came only 2 years later in 1964 for installation in the Siva Sannadhi area with simple installation ceremony. In 1986, one devotee family during their trip to India bought one Silver “Vel” – Spear for Sri Subrahmanya. During customs check-ups and opening and closing of the luggage in Hong-Kong airport, the spear got damaged with a crack at the “neck”. He got it fixed in a Jewelry store locally, who did it free of cost. When it was brought to the temple for a simple Pooja offering in July, again it was noted that the spear was bent. The chief priest suggested that once we fix it better, we can install the same at the time of Skandha Sashti that year. The Jeweler again fixed it with a thick silver ring. A simple announcement was issued in Temple times that we will perform the Shanda Homam and services [that was missed in 1982]. On Skandha Sashti day, the temple saw the biggest crowd of devotees since the Kumbhabhishekam day. There were devotees from many neighboring cities like Dallas, Austin and San Antonio with Special tour buses trip. Everyone was excited to see such a grand celebrations that Sri Subrahmanya arranged for Himself that was missed in 1982. Miracle #7: Miracle shown by Sri Sundareswara – Siva in our Temple. [Kamakshi Sundareswara Gurukkal coming from Singapore in 1987] Sri Rajarathna Bhattar, who was the only priest at our temple since 1983, one year after Kumbhabhishekam, had to return to India on completion of his 3 year Visa. We had temporary help with some local volunteers And later a temporary priest came from Canada for 4 weeks. We had applied for permanent visa on a Clergy category for Thanga Bhattar. This took a brief delay in processing. In June of 1987, there was a period when we had acute shortage to perform daily Pooja, except few local volunteer devotees who usually came once in 23 the morning time. We were short of funds also to correct the situation. It was the third week in June, when, I went to temple in evening from Hundi money counting work and Sri Arumugam was the administrator at that time. Sri Arumugam, who is well trained in Saiva Siddhantha Hindu traditions, expressed to me his worry that it was Pradhosham day and Sri Siva needs to get an abhishekam and alankaram at sunset time and we have no priest. He asked me if I could do the abhishekam and alanakar. I told him that since I am coming direct from hospital after the day’s work I did not feel it proper to enter the sanctum. I encouraged him to do the abhishekam and Pooja since he is qualified and trained in the same. He was very reluctant but did his Prayer services. As he lighted the camphor for Aarathi, he telephone bell rang. I commented that “Looks like Sri Siva has agreed and accepted your prayers”. He gave the Arathi plate to me and picked up the phone. The call was from a Temple in Singapore where the Chairman of that temple told he is sending a prient to serve in our temple for the Kumbhabhishekam anniversary poojas and his name was Sri Kamakshi Sundareswara Gurukkal. We told them that we do not have enough funds to get him from Singapore and send him back in two weeks. They said that, not to worry, they will be sending him at their cost and we only need to send someone to pick him at the airport. The Gurukkal spoke only Tamil and got stranded in airports but somehow reached Houston one day late. He came at his cost and returned after doing the anniversary celebrations. On the day he returned, Sri Thanga Bhattar arrived from Chennai, India. This is a miracle of Sri Sundareswara – Siva in our Temple. MTS Membership Any devotees interested in membership in Sri Meenakshi Temple Society, may request a membership form and information at the Temple office. The application requires name, address etc. and signatures of persons already members of MTS and donation of membership dues. Membership year starts in January; however, new members are accepted throughout the year. Members must complete an application form and pay dues annually, specifically stating that the donation is for membership dues. Membership gives one the opportunity to participate in the formation of MTS Policy. Membership is not required to participate in any religious, educational and cultural activities or in voluntary services to the Temple. Dear Active / Inactive member: On behalf of the Meenakshi Temple Society (“MTS”) Membership Committee, I extend our warmest fall season’s greetings to you and wish you and your family a very happy and prosperous new year. We will be sending your membership renewal form in the mail by the end of November. If you are an active / inactive member and not received the membership renewal form by Christmas, please contact the temple and renew your membership by paying the membership dues on or before March 31, 2016 to be eligible to participate in all the General Body meetings. You can also renew the membership before June 30th to be eligible for participating in the General Body meetings during the latter part of the year and/or become a new member on January 1, 2016 at the temple. There will be a separate registration table for membership on that day. Regards – K. Muthuswamy Membership Committee Coordinator (2014-2015) 24 Sri Meenakshi Temple Society 17130 McLean Road, Pearland, TX 77584 Phone: 281-489-0358 Ext. 100 (or) 110 Annual Puja Sponsorship Form For more information please contact the Temple Office at 281-489-0358 ext. 100, 110 If you have any questions, comments or need more information please do not hesitate to contact S. Narayanan @ socn1@hotmail.com Sriram at mksriram.mts@gmail.com or Sasidharan Pillai @ nsasipillai@aol.com 25 Kalyana Mandapam (KM), Youth Center (YC) and Visitors Center (VC) at MTS Both KM and YC are spacious facilities for events like Engagements, Weddings, Receptions, etc. Each facility can accommodate more than 400 people VC can accommodate up to 125 people for small events Have over 1200 chairs, 50 round tables, and more than 30 rectangular (6’ x 2’) tables Use the MTS facilities (KM, YC and the newly opened Visitor Center) for all of your needs throughout the year Recommend to your friends and colleagues about the facilities and support our Temple For Reservations Contact: Mr. Venkatachalam at 832-725-1805 or venkatk2005@yahoo.com Alternatively: Send e-mail to temple@meenakshi.org or chkarunakar@yahoo.com (Karunakar Chowdavarapu) and we will get back to you within 24 hours Kalayana Mandapam Youth Center Banquet Hall 26 RAHUKALAM 4:30 PM – 6:00 PM 7:30 AM – 9:00 AM 3:00 PM – 4:30 PM 12 NOON – 1:30 PM 1:30 PM – 3:00 PM 10:30 AM – 12 NOON 9:00 AM – 10:30 AM DAY Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat YAMAGANDAM 12 NOON – 1:30 PM 10:30 AM – 12 NOON 9:00 AM – 10:30 AM 7:30 AM – 9:00 AM 6:00 AM – 7:30 AM 3:00 PM – 4:30 PM 1:30 PM – 3:00 PM Temple Hours Monday through Thursday: 8:30 AM to 12 Noon and 5:00 PM to 8:30 PM Friday: 8:30 AM to 12 Noon and 5:00 PM to 9:00 PM Weekends and National Holidays: 8:30 AM to 8:30 PM Listen to MTS Radio Listen to MTS Radio every Sunday FM 106.1 or FM 102.1 (HD 3) in Houston Listen online http://tunein.com/radio/KBREEZE-1061-1021-s238101 Broadcast Every Sunday from 10-30 AM to 11-00 NEW RADIO ON THE GO - ON YOUR PHONE Download Apps for free http://tunein.com/ on your iPhone- Search KBREEZE 106.1 Download Apps for free http://tunein.com/ on your android phone -Search KBREEZE 106.1 Sri Meenakshi Temple Telephone Numbers Main Temple ................................... 281-489-0358 Cover Photo: courtesy Srinivasan Sundararajan (Best time to call: 9 am-12 noon and 5 pm-8 pm Main Temple................................................................. 100, 110 Ganesh Temple Facility Center.............................................. 115 Library (During Library hours)............................................... 125 Kalyana Mantapam............................................................... 112 Temple Kitchen..................................................................... 227 MTS FAX................................................................ 281-489-3540 Staff Sri Vatsa Kumar (Executive Officer)....................... 832-689-6448 Sri K. Venkatachalam (Administrator)................... 832-725-1805 Sri Manickasundaram Bhattar (Priest)................... 281-489-8633 Sri Kalyana Sundaram (Priest)............................... 281-692-9815 Sri R.K.E. Parameswaran (Priest)........................... 281-489-0575 Sri Sreedharan Raghavan (Priest).......................... 713-518-1810 Sri Pawankumar Sribhashyam (Priest)................... 281-819-7842 Sri Sriman Narayana Charyalu Rompicherla (Priest)281-965-9780 www.emeenakshi.org Temple Times Published by MTS Public Relations and Publicity Committee Bhagavathi Seva Vaikunda Ekadasi Perumal with both Thayars on the Garuda Vahanam Temple Times is a Publication of Sri Meenakshi Temple Society 17130 McLean Road, Pearland, TX-77584-4630 17130 McLean Road Pearland, TX 77584-4630 Sri Meenakshi Temple Temple Times is a publication of NON PROFIT ORG. U. S POSTAGE PAID Pearland, TX PERMIT NO. 79
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