July 27, 2014 - First Baptist Church Humboldt TN
July 27, 2014 - First Baptist Church Humboldt TN
Order of Worship Wilt Thou not revive us again: that Thy people may rejoice in Thee? Psalm 85:6 Prelude - Organist Singing His Praises - Choir and Congregation “Victory in Jesus” “Our God Saves” Welcome - Pastor Time of Greeting - Choir and Congregation “Victor’s Crown” “Glorious Day” Message in Music - Sanctuary Choir “Not Afraid” soloist, Jamie Parker Message from God’s Word - Dr. Phil Waldrep Revival 2014 Schedule Sunday Morning 10:30 AM Sunday Night 7 PM Monday Night: 7 PM Tuesday Night : 7 PM Wednesday Night: 7 PM Response of the Heart, Mind and Will “Jesus Paid It All” “O Praise The One” Offertory Prayer - Deacon of the Week Giving of God’s Tithes and Our Offerings Offertory - Katie Laughlin and Dinah Lowery Benediction - Pastor You make known to me the path of life; you will fill me with joy in your presence, with eternal pleasures at your right hand. Psalm16:11 August 3, 2014 LifeConnect______________________385 Worship____________________472 Tithes and Offerings Friday 1:30 PM9:00 PM Saturday 9:00 AM - 2:30 PM Registration $25 For dueonline by August 31st. registration, visit Meals are optional: www.tnwmu.org Friday, Supper $15 Saturday, $8 Events. andLunch click on Women’s Prayer Retreat September 19-20 First Baptist Church Milan 2000 S. Second Street | Milan, TN 38358 Featured Speaker: Page Hughes Worship Leader: No Other Name PRAYER REQUESTS & GUEST REGISTRATION Name: _________________________ Spouse: ________________________ Address: ________________________ City: ________________ Zip: _______ E-mail:_________________________ Day Phone:___________ Cell: ______ Guest(s) of: _____________________ Marital Status: Married College Single Student I am a: 1st time Guest 2nd Time Guest Regular Attendee Member *Please tear off and place in the offering plate or text your name & guest to: 1-860-850-0034 PRAYER REQUESTS _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ Your loved ones away from Christ: _____________ _____________ DEACON OF THE WEEK Floyd Flippin SAFETY & SECURITY Brian Moore Jeff Tullos Last Week Ministry Plan _____________ $21,600.95 Year to Date Global Missions_______$14,881.56 ILTC__________________$5,738.03 CHURCH HOSTS Stacey Palmer Teresa Hill Tammy West Bobbie Dennison Theresa Brown August 3, 2014 EXTENDED SESSION Babies Brian & Blair Moore Crawlers Melanie Scates and Becky Day 1 Year Olds Stacey Palmer & Lane 2 Year Olds Scott & Karen Williams 3 Year Olds Danny & Laura Giles Lil’K Sarah Webb Ministers & Support Teams Links & Important Resources Dr. Greg McFadden- greg@fbchumboldt.org Pastor, Minister of Evangelism Steve Babcock- steve@fbchumboldt.org Minister of Missions, Discipleship & Administration Kevin Hamilton- kevin@fbchumboldt.org Minister of Worship & Music Jaclyn Scott- jaclyn@fbchumboldt.org Minister to Families of Preschoolers & Children Russell Stanphill- russ@fbchumboldt.org Minister to Students Ethan Giles- ethang@fbchumboldt.org Assistant to College Ministry Katie Laughlin- katie@fbchumboldt.org Office Manager/Financial Administrator Pamela Basham- pamela@fbchumboldt.org Administrative Assistant Gale Parks- gale@fbchumboldt.org Ministry Support Assistant Laura Giles- laurag@fbchumboldt.org Publications Rhonda Swindell- CLC@fbchumboldt.org Interim Director of the Children’s Learning Center Children’s Learning Center Phone: 731-784-8209 Family Life Center Phone: 731-784-8280 Church Office Phone: 731-784-1883 FAX: 731-824-1608 Address: 3400 Mitchell Street, Humboldt, TN 38343 Website: www.fbchumboldt.org Radio station for Sunday service: AM 740 To view the Worship Bulletin On-line: http://www.fbchumboldt.org/worship-bulletins.cfm To listen to Sermons On-line or to download them: http://www.fbchumboldt.org/audio-sermons.cfm Connect on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/FirstBaptistHumboldt Connect on Twitter: https://twitter.com/fbchumboldt/ July 27, 2014 Guest Evangelist: Dr. Phil Waldrep Guest Worship Leader: Jamie Parker LOVE GOD From the Pastor The Nineteenth Annual Senior Adult EXTRAVAGANZA The logo above pictures our vision at First Baptist Church, Humboldt. We all are traveling through a spiritual journey. The journey involves an invitation for everyone to COME to a growing relationship with Christ. It then leads us to CELEBRATE the “mini decisions” or “defining moments” that demonstrate God’s grace in our lives and in the lives of others becoming the family of faith. The heart of the spiritual journey is to CONNECT, to be “plugged in”, serving in ministry and growing as a disciple. The ultimate purpose of the discipleship journey as a follower of Christ is to CONTRIBUTE. Becoming a fully invested contributor means giving both time and talent in support His church. As we long for corporate renewal from God this week, let us evaluate our own spiritual journey and respond to God’s leading. FEATURING THE ANNIE MOSES BAND The Annie Moses Band is a Christian family of Julliardtrained musicians and award-winning songwriters dedicated to God-glorifying virtuosity in the musical arts. Led by singer/violinist, Annie Wolaver, the band includes her five siblings: Alex, viola; Benjamin, cello; Camille, harp/keyboard; Gretchen, violin/mandolin; and Jeremiah, guitar and banjo. Add the veteran songwriting talents of their parents, Bill and Robin Wolaver, and you have a dynamic group of talented and award-winning musicians offering an eclectic blend of Christian-themed music. Together, they are leading an artistic renaissance in the Church through musical excellence, strength of family and a message of faith. The Annie Moses Band, through their concerts and Fine Arts Summer Academy, continues to inspire all generations to join in the discipline, beauty and excitement of highly skilled musicianship to serve both Church and society. From the Grand Ole Opry to Carnegie Hall, the Annie Moses Band has wowed audiences and churches alike with their unique brand of classical crossover music. TUESDAY, AUGUST 5, 2014 ON THE CAMPUS OF UNION UNIVERSITY Dinner and Door Prize Giveaway – 5 to 6:30 p.m. Concert with The Annie Moses Band – 7 p.m. Dinner and Concert Ticket – $15 per person Contact the church office for more information. 3400 Student Ministry The Week at a Glance UNION UNIVERSITY Dr. Greg McFadden Welcome to First Baptist Church! We have been looking forward to this day for a long time and your being here with us multiplies the joy we already know. This morning and for the next four nights we are anticipating a glorious fresh encounter with the God of the ages! Our special guests during these days are two of our Lord’s choicest servants. Phil Waldrep and Jamie Parker have been wonderfully gifted and often used, to bring others into a closer and more intimate relationship with our Lord. We have prayed in earnest over the past several weeks that He might manifest Himself in our gatherings in ways beyond anything we have imagined. Join us for all of the remaining gatherings as He is lifted up! serve BoTH Love OTHERS Tickets available in the office. Key Dates: To register or for more information, r contact the Office of University Relations at 731.661.5050 ek fo st we or visit our website at uu.edu/events/extravaganza the la ! is N This MOTIO y! a K E X C E L L E N C E - D R I V E N | C H R I S T- Cp E Nto Td ERED u Sign July 30th Youth and Family Pizza night 1 hour before revival starts August 1st Guys Night in the FLC @ 7:00 p.m. Flowers: The flowers on the altar of provided by Carol Simmons, in loving memory of her sweetheart, Dyke Simmons, and their 41st anniversary. Thank You: Wow. Has it really been fifteen years? Time sure flies, when you’re having fun! Thank you, First Baptist Church, for the privilege of serving such a wonderful, supportive church family since 1999. You have truly been, and continue to be, a blessing to Cheryl and me. We are very appreciative of the monetary gift, as well. FBC Humboldt is known for being a generous church and you continue to prove that to be true. I am a man, most blessed. -Bro. Kevin Hamiliton Dear First Baptist Church, My heartfelt thanks to First Baptist Church for the donation to Gideons International in memory of my brother Floyd. With my love, Curtis Dennison 8:30 AM 8:50 AM 9-9:30 AM 9:30 AM 10:30 AM 5:45 PM 7:00 PM Women’s Prayer Time Men’s Prayer Time Library/Bookstore Open Bible Study Worship Service Revival Choir Rehearsal REVIVAL Monday, July 28 CLC closed for inservice 1:30 PM 6:30 PM 7:00 PM SonShiners Revival Choir Rehearsal REVIVAL Tuesday, July 29 9:45 AM 6:30 PM 7:00 PM KMotion Revival Choir Rehearsal REVIVAL Wednesday, July 30 Dear Church Family, Please accept my thanks and deep gratitude for the contribution in memory of my sister, Patsy Duff to Gideons International. Sincerely, Nancy House 6:00 PM 6:30 PM 7:00 PM Invitation: Thursday, July 31 To the FBC Church Family, You and your family members are invited to attend a reception on August 3, 2014 from 2:00 -4:00 pm (with a special time of prayer at 3 PM) being held in the fellowship hall in honor of Lonnie and Kathy Morris as they celebrate 50 years of marriage. Punch and cake will be served. Please join us as we celebrate the testimony of God’s faithfulness through their marriage. Sympathy: | PEOPLE-FOCUSED | FUTURE-DIRECTED Sunday, July 27 7:00 PM Youth & Family Pizza Night Revival Choir Rehearsal REVIVAL Young Adult Bible Study WELCOME GUESTS! Please text your name or any questions you have to: 1-860-850-0034 Christian sympathy is expressed to Travis Williams in the loss of his niece, Lea Beck. Accepting Applications: We are now accepting applications for the new CLC Director. Applications can be picked up in the church office. Visit the Library/Bookstore! Sunday: 9 AM -9:30 AM Sunday Mornings AM 740 10:30 Wednesday: 10 AM -12 PM and 6 PM-6:30 PM New In the Library Bookstore: Two books by Dr. Phil Waldrep, our upcoming evangelist. Six Principles to Get Your Son or Daughter Back to God and The Grandparent Factor: Five Ways to Make a Difference in the Life of Your Grandchild. This week for KMOTION we will be serving at the RIFA soup kitchen in the morning. We will end our day at Sky Zone after lunch at a near by park. Cost is $10 per child. Please have your kids here by 9:45. We will be back on campus for pick up at 3:00. Hebrews 13:20-21 A new Sermon Series Coming in August *Includes Bible Study Group Guide Wednesday we are studying Galatians 6. Come prepared to engage God in Bible study. If you are interested in being involved in the Watchcare ministry please contact Ethan Giles at ethang@fbchumboldt.org. How can I become a member of First Baptist Church? We will joyfully celebrate your public surrender to Jesus Christ at the conclusion of our worship service and receive you into our family membership! There are four ways in which you may join: 1. Profession of faith and baptism. If you have received Christ privately, your coming forward this morning begins your public testimony of faith. If the Holy Spirit has convicted you in this service you may come and a minister will help you know how to receive Christ and His free gift of salvation. 2. Transfer of letter. If you are currently a member of a church family directly affiliated with our Southern Baptist Convention you may simply come forward to let one of our ministers know of your intent to join here. 3. Statement of Faith. If you know that you have prayed to receive Christ as your Savior and you have been immersed as an act of baptism in a Christian church other than Southern Baptist, you may come forward and join by simply sharing your story with one of our ministers. 4. By watchcare. If you are a Christian of like faith and a temporary resident in the area, and you desire to affiliate with this Church without severing connections from your home church, we can accept you as a member in watchcare.
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