March -
March -
Love God, Love People, Change the World First Baptist Church, Cramerton, North Carolina MARCH, 2015 PAGE 2 THE VOICE MA R C H, 2 0 1 5 BEST WISHES TO MELISSA DAVIS On Sunday, March 1, during the morning worship service, we will recognize our Administrative Assistant Melissa Davis. Melissa will be leaving us to take a job as a Flight Scheduler for Duke Energy. We appreciate her years of service and wish her well in her new endeavor! INCLEMENT WEATHER POLICY In case of bad weather (snow or ice), all weekly activities shall follow the decision of the Gaston County Public School System. Though the Church Office may remain open, regular evening activities (including Wednesday night schedule) will be cancelled when the Gaston County Schools close. Committee meetings and other special activities will also be cancelled, unless participants are notified otherwise by the staff member or lay leaders responsible for the event. We will conduct Sunday morning activities unless weather conditions are extremely bad. Decisions about delays or cancellations will be made jointly by the Pastor and Deacon Chair. Should conditions force the cancellation (or delay) of Sunday morning activities, appropriate announcements will be provided on the church website homepage (, and the church answering machine. Of course, members are urged to exercise their best judgment about getting out in any kind of threatening weather. Wednesday Night Bible Study Hudson Building @ 6:15pm Why Four Gospels? NOW is a great time to join the Choir! If you are a church member and like to sing, join us on Wednesday nights @ 7:30 for rehearsal! PAGE 3 THE VOICE MA R C H, 2 0 1 5 Over the next few months we will look at some of the basic things we believe and practice at First Baptist Church. As you read these articles, will you pray? Ask God to teach you as he reveals some basic truths to help you live out your faith. Trust God to help you grow in your faith. You can talk the talk, but will you walk the walk? This month’s “basics” come from our membership covenant (agreement). The First Baptist, Cramerton Membership Covenant Having received Christ as my Lord and Savior and having been baptized and being in agreement with First Baptist’s statements, strategy, and structure; I now feel led by the Holy Spirit to unite with the First Baptist, Cramerton church family. In doing so, I commit myself to God and to the other members to do the following: I will protect the unity of my church by: …acting with love toward other members …refusing to gossip …following the leaders “So let us concentrate on the things which make for harmony, and on the growth of our fellowship together.” Romans 15:19 (Ph) “Live in complete harmony with each other – each with the attitude of Christ toward each other.” Romans 15:5(LB) “Have a sincere love for your fellow believers; love one another earnestly with all your hearts.” 1Peter 1:22 (GN) “Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs…” Ephesians 4:29 “Obey your leaders and submit to their authority. They keep watch over you as men who must give an account. Obey them so that their work will be a joy, not a burden, for that would be no advantage to you.” Hebrews 13:17 I will share the responsibility of my church by: …praying for its growth …inviting the un-churched to attend …by warmly welcoming those who visit “To the church…we always thank God for you and pray for you constantly. “ 1 Thessalonians 1:2 “Go out into the country…and urge anyone you find to come in, so that My House will be full.” Luke 14:23 (LB) “So, warmly welcome each other into the church, just as Christ has warmly welcomed you; then God will be glorified.” Romans 15:7 I will serve the ministry of my church by: …discovering my gifts and talents …being equipped to serve by my pastors …by developing a servant’s heart “Serve one another with the particular gifts God has given each of you…” 1 Peter 4:10 (Ph) “God gave…some to be pastors and teachers to prepare God’s people for works of ministry, so that the body of Christ may be built up…” Ephesians 4:11-12 “Each of you should look not only to your own interests, but also to the interests of others. Your attitude should be the same as that of Jesus Christ…who took on the very nature of a servant…” Philippians 2:3-4, 7 I will support the testimony of my church by …attending faithfully …living a godly life …giving regularly “Let us not give up the habit of meeting together…but let us encourage one another.” Hebrews 10:25 “But whatever happens, make sure that your everyday life is worthy of the gospel of Christ.” Philippians 1:27 (Ph) “Each one of you, on the first day of each week, should set aside a specific sum of money in proportion to what you have earned and use it for the offering.” 1 Corinthians 16:2 “A tenth of all you produce is the Lord’s and it is holy.” Leviticus 27:30 TH HEE V VO OIIC CEE T PAGE 4 MA R C H, 2 0 1 5 Congratulations! To Bryson Peoples and Rich Wills whose basketball team, the Cramerton Tigers, were the 1st runner up in the 7-8 year old Cramerton Rec Center Basketball Championship. Also Congratulations to Michael Peoples and Nelson Wills who coached! To Clay Julen who received the 2015 Martin Luther King, Jr. Humanitarian Award from the City of Belmont’s Unity Day Committee; Clay received the South Point High School Gerald Cortner Memorial Award for Excellence of Achievement in Football, Scholarship, and Citizenship. To Luke Watson who was recognized as the “Student of the Month” for having good judgment. To Noah Andrews who was recognized as the “Student of the Month” for showing kindness. New Wednesday Night Bible Study Series When was the last time you felt totally out of control? Maybe it was when your car hydroplaned, just for a second. Or maybe your plans got changed at the last minute leaving you with nothing to do. Or maybe a friend or family member’s behavior left you shaking your head. We all have moments like that—moments that leave us feeling tense, anxious, and wondering how we’re supposed to handle it all. The problem is, sometimes those out-ofcontrol moments end up becoming a regular part of our lives. Whether it is with the stress and uncertainty of our future, the pressure that comes with our relationships with others or even the anxiety of where we are with God, chaos can start to feel like it’s everywhere. It’s no surprise that God never intended for our lives to be defined by stress. Thankfully He doesn’t tell us to handle it on our own, either. He invites us to bring our worries and anxiety to Him. And when do, we find that He doesn’t just remove the chaos from our lives. He replaces it with something better—peace. Session 1: STRESSED, “God holds your future, so you can focus on the present” Session 2: APPROVED, “What God thinks > what they think” Session 3: DONE, “God values your presence over your performance” Youth trip to Lazer Quest Sunday, March 8 After Morning Worship $18 to play 2 games of Lazer Tag! Bring extra money for a fast food lunch. PAGE 5 MA R C H, 2 0 1 5 THE VOICE Kids and families join us at Lake Wylie Bowl N Bounce on Sunday, March 15th. We’ll meet at the church at 1:45. Cost for 1 game of bowling, shoe rental, and use of the bounce house inflatable area is $10.00! The Lake Wylie Bowl N Bounce is located at: 4034 Charlotte Hwy Suite 105 Lake Wylie, SC 29710 This month in Children’s Worship our theme is: PATIENCE Waiting Until Later for What You Want Now As followers of Christ, “I can trust God no matter what” is a phrase we all say. And for the most part we sincerely believe it and live it out. We trust God to provide for our basic needs, for our safety, even for our health and well-being. But there are certain moments when trusting God seems just a bit more difficult—often those are the times when we’re forced to wait. Throughout our life, we will face times when we’re not where we once were, but we’re not yet at our final destination. Instead, we’re somewhere in between. Put simply: we’re waiting. And it’s in the waiting that our faith is tested. Kids Choir Rehearsal Sundays at 5:00pm in the Choir Room. The KIDs Choir will be presenting “The Dogwood Story”, an Easter musical! On Palm Sunday, March 29! Kid’s Processional Meet in the Hudson Building at 10:45. We will enter the sanctuary with our palms during the Morning Worship Celebration for the Call to worship. Following Morning Worship, we will have an Easter Egg Hunt! Meet in the Hudson Building for lunch, then we’ll hunt for candy-filled eggs! Hope you can join us! This is a great Sunday to invite family and friends! PAGE 6 THE VOICE MA R C H, 2 0 1 5 ~ Memorials ~ Lottie Moon Offering Given In Memory of Jim Cunningham Frances Bost In Memory of Robby Stewart John & Betsy McKee In Memory of Roland Dumontet Jim & Becky Weathers In Memory of Wes Barnes, Sr. & Frances Dennis & Donna Ramsey In Memory of Joyce Brittain Mr. & Mrs. Grady S. Duncan Frank & Joyce Nixon In Memory of Frances Barnes Wesley E. Barnes, Jr. We express Christian Sympathy to Karen Dumontet, in the death of her husband, Roland Dumontet who passed away on February 3, 2015. We express Christian Sympathy to Richard Brittain, in the death of his wife, and Wayne & Keith in the death of their mother, Joyce Brittain who passed away on February 10, 2015. We express Christian Sympathy to the family of Marie Wright who passed away on February 16, 2015. Church-wide Breakfast Sunday, March 1 9:00am Meeting Sunday, March 1 - 7pm Worship Attendance 02/01 02/08 02/15 02/22 - 81 110 93 98 YTD Budget Surplus/Deficit NURSERY As of 02/22 $(2,824) Thursday, March 19 - 11:30am - Amber Jacks HOSPITALITY 3/01 Nicole Wills & Bella Chiraini 3/08 Becky & Kaleigh McDonald 3/15 Ann Hambrick & Clay Julen 3/22 Mary Howard Withers Parking Lot 3/01 Tommy Sanders 3/08 Marco Chiraini 3/15 Ronnie Worley 3/22 Ron Grenier VALET PARKING SECURITY 3/01 Jason Franklin 3/08 Greg Mills 3/15 Charles Oliver 3/22 Tommy Sanders 3/01 Charles Burbage 3/08 Greg Bame 3/15 Gary Henry 3/22 Pete Schiavoni Sanctuary Joe Featherston Clay Julen Monica Oliver Wanda Bunch MA R C H, 2 0 1 5 THE VOICE PAGE 7 15 9:30 AM 9:45 AM 11:00 AM 1:45 PM 5:00 PM 6:00 PM 8 8:40 PM 9:30 AM 9:45 AM 11:00 AM 12:15 PM 5:00 PM 6:00 PM 1 9:00 AM 9:30 AM 9:45 AM 11:00 AM 5:00 PM 6:00 PM 7:00pm Prayer Ministry Sunday School MORNING WORSHIP CELEBRATION FBC KIDs Choir Youth Choir Prayer Ministry Sunday School MORNING WORSHIP CELEBRATION FBC KIDs & Families to Bowl N’ Bounce FBC KIDs Choir Youth Choir Deacons’ Meeting Prayer Ministry Sunday School MORNING WORSHIP CELEBRATION Youth Trip to Lazer Quest FBC KIDs Choir Youth Choir Church-wide Breakfast Prayer Ministry Sunday School MORNING WORSHIP CELEBRATION FBC KIDs Choir Youth Choir Missions Team Meeting Sunday 22 9:30 AM 9:45 AM 11:00 AM 5:00 PM 6:00 PM 29 9:30 AM Prayer Ministry 9:45 AM Sunday School 11:00 AM MORNING WORSHIP CELEBRATION - KIDs Choir Easter Musical Monday 2 9:30 AM Staff Meeting 9 9:30 AM Staff Meeting 7:00 PM H&G Committee Meeting 16 9:30 AM Staff Meeting 23 9:30 AM Staff Meeting 30 9:30 AM Staff Meeting 6 Friday 7 5 14 Thursday 12 21 Wednesday 3 4 10:00 AM 6:15 PM 6:30 PM 7:30 PM 19 20 11:30 AM Senior Adult Luncheon - Amber Jacks 28 Tuesday 10 11 6:15 PM Prayer & Bible Study 6:30 PM Youth 7:30 PM Choir Rehearsal 27 4 Carillon Ministry Prayer & Bible Study Youth Choir Rehearsal 17 Voice Articles Due 18 6:15 PM Prayer & Bible Study 6:30 PM Youth 7:30 PM Choir Rehearsal 26 3 GOOD FRIDAY Carillon Ministry Prayer & Bible Study Youth Choir Rehearsal 13 24 25 10:00 AM Fold/Mail Voice 6:15 PM Prayer & Bible Study 6:30 PM Youth 7:30 PM Choir Rehearsal 2 31 1 10:00 AM 6:15 PM 6:30 PM 7:30 PM Saturday Non-Profit Org. US POSTAGE Paid CRAMERTON, NC PERMIT NO 1 First Baptist Church 235 Eighth Avenue, Cramerton, NC 28032 Phone: 704.824.1991 Fax: 704.824.1995 Email: Return Service Requested Find us on the web @ Staff Anniversary March 2 Gloria Rose March 15 Houston Auten March 7 Bill Moss Steven Andrews March 19 Sophie Brewer March 10 Riley McDonald March 12 Sam Julen Dr. David Julen celebrates 18 years as our Pastor on March 9. March 23 Meredith McHenry Thanks for your love and dedication! March 26 Christine Chiraini Judy Rankin March 13 Greg Ramsey March 14 Debbie Tucker Rob McCarter Terri Sisk Daylight Savings Time Begins “Spring” Ahead 1 Hour Did we miss your birthday? If we did, please let us know! Call the church office at 704.824.1991 or email Sunday, March 8 Church Staff David Julen, Pastor Andy Holland, Associate Pastor|Minister of Music Lydia Julen, Minister to Children and Youth Teresa Schiavoni, Childcare Melissa Davis, Administrative Assistant Karen, Cozart, Pianist Kate Howington, Organist Todd Bolin, Church Keeper