SNHU Text-2003 - Southern New Hampshire University


SNHU Text-2003 - Southern New Hampshire University
Southern New Hampshire
May Tenth
Two Thousand and Fourteen
Verizon Wireless Arena
Manchester, New Hampshire
“When you leave here,
don’t forget why you
Adlai E. Stevenson
New Hampshire Pipes and Drums, Mace Bearer, Faculty Marshal, Trustees
and the President’s Party, Faculty, Administration, Degree Candidates by school:
School of Education, School of Arts and Sciences and School of Business
The National Anthem
Cristy Marie Jenkins, SNHU Alumni
The audience is asked to remain standing during the processional,
the singing of The National Anthem, and the invocation.
The Invocation
The Rev. Bruce Collard, Director of Campus Ministry
Greetings and Introduction of Platform Guests
Paul J. LeBlanc, President of Southern New Hampshire University
Student Address
Tabitha Jennings, Undergraduate Student
Honorary Degree Recipients
Robert Pinsky
United States Poet Laureate (1997–2000), Translator, Essayist, and Teacher
Presented by Robert J. DeColfmacker, Chairman of the Board of Trustees
Conferred by Paul J. LeBlanc, President of Southern New Hampshire University
Hooded by Patricia Lynott, Provost, Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs
Eleanor Dunfey-Freiburger
Professor Emerita
Southern New Hampshire University
Chair, Global Citizens Circle
Presented by Robert J. DeColfmacker, Chairman of the Board of Trustees
Conferred by Paul J. LeBlanc, President of Southern New Hampshire University
Hooded by Patricia Lynott, Provost, Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs
The Commencement Address
Robert Pinsky
Award Citations – Excellence in Teaching Award
Presentation of Degree Candidates
Patricia Lynott, Provost, Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs
Conferral of Doctoral Degree — School of Business
Ana Klincic Andrews
Kathleen Byrne Zilch
Vedavinayagam Ganesan
Alexandru Daniel Manus
Leila Samii
David Santiago
Presented by Patricia Lynott, Provost, Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs
Conferred by Paul J. LeBlanc, President of Southern New Hampshire University
Hooded by Massood Samii, Professor of International Business and
William J. Gillett, Dean of the School of Business
Presentation of Degree Candidates
Patricia Lynott, Provost, Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs
Conferral of Degrees
Paul J. LeBlanc, President of Southern New Hampshire University
Reading of Degrees
Andrea Bard
Steven Harvey
Welcome to New Alumni
Jeff Penta, President of the Alumni Association
The Rev. Bruce Collard, Director of Campus Ministry
The audience is requested to remain seated until the recessional is completed.
Music provided by the New England Brass.
Please join us for a reception on the SNHU campus immediately following commencement.
The reception is being held in the Banquet Hall,
located on the second floor of the Dining Hall.
Commencement Dignitaries
Paul J. LeBlanc
Mace Bearer
Michael Hendery
Faculty Marshal
Ken Nivison
School Marshals
School of Education
Mary Westwater
School of Arts and Sciences
David Cox
School of Business
Maria Painchaud
President’s Marshal
Patricia Lynott, Provost, Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs
A professional photographer will take a picture of each student.
Each graduate will then be sent a color photograph.
Honorary Degree Recipient
Robert Pinsky
Honorary Doctor of Humane Letters
Robert Pinsky’s first two terms as United States Poet Laureate were
marked by such visible dynamism, and such national enthusiasm in
response, that the Library of Congress appointed him to an unprecedented third term. Throughout his career, Pinsky has been dedicated
to identifying and invigorating poetry’s place in the world.
As Poet Laureate, Robert Pinsky founded the Favorite Poem Project, in which thousands of Americans — of varying backgrounds, all ages, and from every state — shared their favorite poems. Pinsky
believed that, contrary to stereotype, poetry had a vigorous presence in the American cultural landscape. The project documents that presence, giving voice to the American audience for poetry. The
anthology Americans’ Favorite Poems, which includes letters from project participants, is in its 18th
printing. The most recent anthology, An Invitation to Poetry, comes with a DVD featuring 27 of the FPP
video segments, as seen on PBS. In April 2009, WW Norton published Essential Pleasures: A New
Anthology of Poems to Read Aloud.
Elegant and tough, vividly imaginative, Pinsky’s poems have earned praise for their wild musical
energy and ambitious range. Selected Poems (spring 2011), is his most recent volume of poetry. His The
Figured Wheel: New and Collected Poems 1966–1996 was a Pulitzer Prize nominee and received the
Lenore Marshall Award and the Ambassador Book Award of the English Speaking Union.
Pinsky’s Tanner Lectures at Princeton University were published as Democracy, Culture and the
Voice of Poetry (Princeton University Press, 2002). His other books about poetry include Poetry and the
World, nominated for the National Book Critics’ Circle Award, and The Sounds of Poetry, a brief guide
treasured by many young poets.
Robert Pinsky’s landmark, best-selling translation of The Inferno of Dante received the Los Angeles
Times Book Award in poetry and the Howard Morton Landon Prize for translation. He is also co-translator of The Separate Notebooks, poems by Nobel Prize winner Czeslaw Milosz. Pinsky’s prose book,
The Life of David, is a lively retelling and examination of the David stories, narrating a wealth of legend
as well as scripture. Pinsky also wrote the libretto for Tod Machover’s opera Death and the Powers: A
Robot Pageant, which premiered in Monaco in fall 2010. His book, Selected Poems, was published by
Farrar Strauss & Giroux in spring of 2011. Pinsky’s newest book is Singing School: Learning to Write
(and Read) Poetry by Studying with the Masters (August 2013). He is also editing The Best of the Best
American Poetry, the twenty-fifth volume of the popular Best American Poetry series. In March–June
2013, the Shakespeare Theatre Company performed a newly commissioned adaptation and translation
of Friedrich Schiller’s Wallenstein by Pinsky. Robert Pinsky’s newest project is a collaborative program
which showcases his two great passions: poetry and jazz. This offering is entitled PoemJazz and presents the human voice — the reading and performance of poems — along with a variety of jazz musical
Robert Pinsky appears regularly on The NewsHour with Jim Lehrer, and publishes frequently in
magazines such as The New Yorker, The Atlantic Monthly, The Threepenny Review, American Poetry
Review, and The Best American Poetry anthologies. He teaches in the graduate writing program at
Boston University. Robert Pinsky is also the winner of the PEN/Voelcker Award, the William Carlos
Williams Prize, the Lenore Marshall, the National Foundation for Jewish Culture’s 2006 Jewish Cultural Achievement.
Honorary Degree Recipient
Eleanor Dunfey-Freiburger
Honorary Doctor of Humane Letters
Professor Eleanor Dunfey, youngest of twelve children, grew
up working in her family’s Lowell, MA and Hampton Beach,
NH restaurants which developed into Omni Hotels International. For 13 years she was a member of the Sisters of Notre
Dame an international order of 5000 women educators. Dunfey studied at Emmanuel College
in Boston where she later served as dean of students, and at the University of San Francisco
where she earned a master’s degree in ethics and world religions.
For 28 years at Southern New Hampshire University, Dunfey focused on “breaking new
ground” academically, the subject of her convocation address when she received the excellence in teaching award. She was the university’s first endowed chair in business ethics. She
created the role of faculty liaison to student affairs promoting service learning, helping
achieve the university’s Carnegie Status for Civic Engagement and working with colleagues
to establish community based research. She taught in the university’s initial online program
and was a member of the team that developed the three-year honors degree in business. She
also served as a director of the faculty center for excellence in teaching.
Described by close colleagues as a convener, Dunfey was advisor for 18 years to the university’s human rights association and chair of Global Citizens Circle, a 40 year old nonprofit educational forum. Many students and colleagues participated actively in this
endeavor over 25 years. She has co-chaired delegations to South Africa, Northern Ireland,
Cuba and directed programs involving local as well as world leaders such as Nelson Mandela, Mary Robinson, Oscar Arias, Coretta Scott King, Desmond Tutu, and George Mitchell.
Her commitment to the local community is reflected in her board and advisory work
including the NH Humanities Council, City Year, and several fledgling new Americans’ associations, and the Currier Art Gallery. She has been a director of Key Bank and board member
of Hellenic American University and the Endowment for Health.
Dunfey is the recipient of an honorary degree from Franklin Pierce University, the Distinguished Alumni Award from Emmanuel College and the NH Campus Compact Presidents’
Good Steward award received twice. With her brother, Jack, she received the NH Business
Magazine’s Lifetime Achievement Award.
She co-authored two books with Harold Holt poet and activist living with cerebral palsy;
she designed a permanent exhibit of her family’s history for a heritage center in County
Kerry, Ireland, and is currently working with the Shapiro library archiving Global Citizens
Circle’s history to be housed in the university’s Library Learning Commons opening this fall.
Dunfey and her husband, Dr. Jim Freiburger, an SNHU professor of organizational leadership for 20 years, were both awarded emeritus status in 2013. They have two children, Joel
and Maria, five grandchildren, and a global family including many SNHU alumni.
Tabitha Jennings
Bachelor of Arts in History
Selected to make remarks on behalf of the
undergraduate class.
When I was sitting at my computer staring at a blank screen
anxiously hoping this speech would write itself, my 9 year old
daughter Tanner asked if I wanted to hear a joke (obviously I
couldn’t turn her down) “Is your refrigerator running?” she asked. Knowing the punchline, I
said “Yes” and she delivered a resounding “Well then you better run out and catch it.” Little
did I know that simple joke would in fact be the driving force of my speech.
When I graduated from my high school in rural Illinois, I had received a rather impressive
acceptance package to Columbia and planned to be the next Carrie Bradshaw. Children and
marriage didn’t even fit into that plan. On my 25th birthday I had what I can only describe as
an early mid-life crisis.
I was an army wife. I had spent more Christmases, birthdays, and anniversaries without
my spouse than we had spent together and I was a busy mom to four beautiful daughters. I
was defined by these roles and by my relationship to others ... mother, wife, friend and while
these roles meant the world to me, my story felt incomplete.
I had missed out on the college experience that I had once been so driven to achieve. I
wanted to prove to myself, to my daughters, and to anyone who has ever felt like their ship
had sailed that it is never too late to pursue your dreams.
From the moment I stepped foot on campus in Manchester, I immediately felt a connection to my classmates and professors. I was part of a community. Everyone I encountered felt
genuinely vested in my success. During my time at SNHU, I served as the History Club President, planned numerous campus events, served as a peer educator and transfer student
ambassador, and thanks to President LeBlanc was able to go on a trip to Belgium with my
International Communications class. Best of all, I have had the opportunity to meet and
befriend students from Saudi Arabia, Afghanistan, Turkey, and Africa. Their stories have forever inspired me.
While my college experience may have been atypical, and it may not have included my
original fantasy that oddly enough did include crazy dorm mates, living on pizza and ramen,
and glamorously landing a job and a flat in New York City upon graduation, it has been a
once in a lifetime experience that has given me more than my 18 year old self could have
ever dreamed about.
I leave you today with the wisdom of a 9 year old. Don’t be afraid to redefine your life. A
successful life should include a series of redefinitions. If it didn’t, we would all be graduating
today as princesses or astronauts. SNHU allowed me to do what it took my 9 year old daughter one simple joke to explain. She reminded me that whether you are a 29 year old mother of
4, or a 21 year old college student about to leave the nest for the first time ... whether your
dream is to become the next Carrie Bradshaw, create your own start up, obtain a graduate
degree, or to get married and have four children ... Don’t spend your life staring at a blank
screen and expecting your life to write itself. If your proverbial refrigerator is running ... you
better run out and catch it.
The Excellence In Teaching Award
Southern New Hampshire University traditionally has recognized outstanding teaching in
its many degree programs. Following an extensive selection process, a full-time faculty member and an adjunct faculty member in the UC and COCE are honored with the Excellence in
Teaching Award, which is announced during the May commencement ceremony. The process
is student-driven with all nominations coming from the student body. A committee of administrators, faculty, and students used the nomination information and the following criteria to
select the winners:
Effectiveness as a classroom teacher.
Commitment to advising and/or tutoring students beyond what might be expected.
Professional development to remain current in the discipline and teaching.
Contributions toward building the reputation or image of the university.
General attitude toward students that demonstrates a concern for their welfare.
The finalists for the 2014 Excellence in Teaching Award from University College (UC) undergraduate
full-time faculty are:
Micheline Anstey, Assistant Professor of Marketing
Susan Cook, Assistant Professor of English
Kostas Karadakis, Assistant Professor of Sport Management
Andrew Lynch, Professor of Marketing
Lowell Matthews, Assistant Professor of Organizational Leadership
Audrey Rogers, Associate Professor of Education
Stefan Ryll, Assistant Professor of Culinary Arts
Mary Westwater, Assistant Professor of Education
The finalists for the 2014 Excellence in Teaching Award from University College (UC) undergraduate
adjunct faculty are:
Jerri Clayton, School of Arts and Sciences
Resa Lundkvist, School of Business
Andreas Reif, School of Arts and Sciences
Carol Soucy, School of Education
The finalists for the 2014 Excellence in Teaching Award for the College of Online and Continuing
Education Full-Time Faculty are:
Jessica Rogers, Undergraduate Business
David Underwood, Language Arts and Education
Ginger Devine, Undergraduate Business
Richard Grego, Language Arts and Education
The finalists for the 2014 Excellence in Teaching Award for the College of Online and Continuing
Education Adjunct Faculty are:
Darcy Shultz, Language Arts and Education
Jenn McCollum, Language Arts and Education
Joanna Schildt, Language Arts and Education
Academic Regalia
The academic costume worn today originated in the universities of the Middle Ages, when
a warm gown and hood were useful for scholars and clerics in unheated buildings. The
distinctive gown served to set the student apart from his fellow citizens, hence the perennial
controversy between ‘town and gown.’
Until after the Civil War, students at most American universities wore caps and gowns
daily while in residence. These varied in design until standardized by the American
Intercollegiate Commission in 1894. At that time it was decided that all robes would be
black; bachelor’s gowns would have long, pointed sleeves; master’s gowns would have long,
closed sleeves with slits for the arms at the elbows; and doctor’s gowns would have very full,
bell-shaped sleeves, each with three velvet bands matching the velvet facing of the gown
The length of hoods varies with the degree. The lining of the hood indicates the university
by the colors. The border of the hood indicates the academic discipline in which the degree
was earned.
Students who have studied abroad for one or more semesters will be wearing a sash with
the colors of the flag of the country where they studied. The sashes are issued to signify the
university’s commitment to provide students with opportunities for acquiring international
and cross-cultural experience.
The colors for academic fields established by the American Council on Education
Agriculture maize
Arts, Letters and Humanities white
Business, Commerce and Accounting light brown
Dentistry lilac
Economics copper
Education light blue
Engineering orange
Fine Arts brown
Forestry russet
Journalism crimson
Law purple
Library Science lemon
Medicine green
Music pink
Nursing apricot
Oratory silver gray
Pharmacy olive green
Philosophy dark blue
Physical Education sage green
Public Administration peacock blue
Science golden yellow
Social Work citron
Theology scarlet
Veterinary Science gray
(Caps and gowns representing degrees from foreign universities may be quite different
from those described. The most obvious difference may be in the cap, which is often a soft,
round hat of the style worn by medieval scholars.)
Graduation Procession
A procession of the various participants begins and ends our formal graduation ceremony.
Individuals are arranged to reflect the order of academic rank in the hierarchy of the traditional European university.
At SNHU the Mace Bearer leads the procession. He or she is followed by the Faculty
Marshals, the Platform Party, and then the Faculty of the schools arranged in order by seniority beginning with the senior faculty. The procession is concluded by the degree candidates.
They enter in groups representing their schools, led by a gonfalon (flag) and walking in rank.
Ceremonial Mace
The mace was first used as a weapon. The word comes from the Latin ‘mateola,’ meaning
mallet or staff. It consisted of a long club with a ball of steel or brass at one end. As newer
weapons came into use, the mace lost its prime purpose as an instrument of war. It had,
however, become a symbol of authority and power.
Universities in Europe with roots in the Middle Ages adopted maces as symbols of
authority and unity. Since then, other institutions of higher learning have come to use the
mace in their ceremonies.
Southern New Hampshire University commissioned David Elwell, a New Hampshire
silversmith, to create a mace to commemorate the university’s 50th anniversary
commencement. This mace is made of brass, aluminum, copper and bronze, with a staff of
ebony and African padauk.
The Presidential Medallion
The Presidential Medallion, worn by the president with academic regalia, is a symbolic
representation of the authority and responsibility vested by the university in the president. It
is a symbol of office that dates from medieval times and is worn by the president at all
ceremonial occasions.
The Presidential Medallion is a permanent possession of the university and is presented
to successive presidents at their inaugurations by the chairman of the Board of Trustees.
The chain and medallion are fabricated from sterling silver. The university emblem, in
relief, is the central design on the medallion. It is surrounded by a border of entwined wires,
similar in texture to the chain links, and finished with a square raised edge. The heavy,
twisted links of the chain bear four oval plates on each side. The background of the entire
piece is oxidized to highlight the relief design and textures. The names of those who have
held the office are engraved on the reverse side of the medallion.
The Presidential Medallion was designed and fabricated in 1987 by award-winning New
Hampshire metalsmith Jacquelyn Ferrency of Milford.
Southern New Hampshire University
Honor Societies
Alpha Chi
Alpha Chi, Epsilon Chapter, is the National Honor Society for liberal arts majors at Southern New Hampshire University. Alpha Chi recognizes high scholastic achievement, service,
and character. It emphasizes the needs of students byproviding opportunities for academic
scholarships, for participation in national and regional conferences and for a higher initial
grade in civil service jobs.
Membership in Alpha Chi is open to liberal arts majors who have completed at least one
half of the work required for a baccalaureaut degree, who rank in the top 10 percent of their
class and who have earned cumulative grade-point-averages of 3.85 or above.
Brittany Abdizadeh
Kevin Anderson
Janice Angell
Andrea Aste
Derek Bailey
Bridget Balding
Emily Barbara
Ashley Beaulieu Umanzor
Eric Beebe
Amanda Blanchard
Joshua Blonski
Haven Blue
Emily Bocim
Tyachenna Bradley
Lorie Bridges
Autumn Byers
Ralph Carpentiere
Seth Chamberlin
Emily Chase
Conrad Clewell
Michael Compton
Samantha Copeland
Kate Cox
Judy Cutter
Meral Daniel
Elise Dauksza
Clinton De Young
Amy DeMarco
Tamara Di Maso
Rachel Dimaggio
Andrea Diminick
Maria DiPietro
Jim Disbrow
Samuel Doe
Cynthia Drews Cinnamon
Kristen Duemmler
Elisabeth Egan
Cassi Emerson
Elizabeth Ewing
Jennifer Fiegl
Susan Flagg-Stewart
Sarah Fucci
Robin Garvin
Sean Ginley
Yvette Gobin
Corinne Guilmain
Sarah Hamilton
Debra Hanley
Benjamin Harris
Sean Heichlinger
Denise Hill
Pamela Hooverman
Adam James
Kenya Jennings
Rebecca Johnston
April Judson
Danielle Kellar
James Kennedy
Ayeda Khalid-Malik
Megan Klok
Mikaela Koivisto
Jenna Kuhns
Robin Kyek
Alyssa Lafoe
Padmini Pappu
Oren Patterson
Kimberly Pepple
Sandra Phillips
Steven Pomper
Joanne Pomper
Jennifer Ramirez Robson
Paul Rider
Karen Rizkallah
Maureen Rostad
Eric Rukavina
Devon Salmen Jackson
Istania Samarzia
Annette Shifflett
Stephanie Sylvia
LisaAnn Tber
Heather Vargas
Jamie Weaver
Shannon Williamson
Christopher Winn
Erin Lafond
Danielle Lawson
April Laycock
Debra Leander
Aaron LeCain
Irene Lemire
Andrew Lieb
Carl Matteson
Amanda Maurier
Tanya Maxwell
Joe McFeron
Timothy McMillan
Marjorie Meisner
Victoria Mendonsa
Jennifer Meservey
Nina Miceli
Scott Moodie
Merriell Moyer
Rodrigo Munoz
Samantha Norton
Alpha Sigma Lambda
First in Scholarship and Leadership
Every year, Southern New Hampshire University’s outstanding adult and non-traditional
students are invited to join the Sigma Psi chapter of Alpha Sigma Lambda.
In 1946, Rollin Posey, Dean of Continuing Education at Northwestern, founded the society to honor superior scholarship and leadership within the division of continuing education.
It provides a prestigious opportunity to recognize adult students who accomplish academic
excellence while balancing the competing interest of family, work and community. It is the
oldest and largest chapter-based honor society for adult students. Students who have earned
at least 24 credits at SNHU and are in the top 20% of their class are eligible for membership.
Ibrahim Abu-Ali
Steven Alario
Robert Albom
Lori Aldrich
Thanzila Ali
Lydia Andre
Janice Angell
Nuno Araujo
Rachel Araujo
Nicolette Arvayo
Angie Baker
Anthony Baldi
Emily Barbara
Tammy Barnes
Aimee Baumgartner
Ashley Beaulieu
Theresa Beste
Peter Biondo
Justin Blackford
Erica Bodden
Matthew Bolduc
Anne Bournival
Darrin Brown
Eisherat Butt
Courtney Caricato
Ashley Caron
Raena Cing
Jennifer Clemens
Sydney Collier
Michael Compton
Sherri Crain
Giovanni Crisan
Kathleen Crombleholme
Bonnie Crumley Aybar
Victoria Czaia
Robin Czifrik
Sandra D’Ascensao
Nicholas Deluca
Javiera Diaz Guevara
Jim Disbrow
Cherie Ditch
Lois Dolley
Cynthia Drews Cinnamon
Deborah Duxbury
John Edmundson
Elisabeth Egan
Stephanie Engel
Matt Estes
Jennifer Evans
Deanne Fagan
Ashley Finley
Ryan Fitzgerald
Susan Flagg-Stewart
Nancy Foster
Kristina Frazee
Jacob Fredette
Lisa Frischhertz
Sarah Fucci
Kimberly Genovesi
Dana Gerard
Emilie Giroux
Emily Golden
Megan Gomperts
Richard Gonsalves
Mary Greenwood
Shannon Griffin
Debra Hanley
Marilee Heintz
Gina Henderson
Paula Hennessey
Hilary Hirtle
Josef Hodgkins
Nancy Hooper
Robert Jean
Kenya Jennings
Alison Johnson
Misty Kjellman
Milagritos Koehler
Roberta Kramlich
Jessica LaPlante
Christine Lavoie
Susan Lawton
Debra Leander
Brian Libby
Kimberly Lindsay
Angela Lord-Doyle
Carrie Lund
Erin Mannarino
Brian Mason
Hisako Masuhara
Carl Matteson
Tanya Maxwell
Tammey McCloud
Joe McFeron
Rhorie Mead
Marianne Moher
Irene Monroy
Scott Moodie
Chanelle Moore Speropulos
Renee Morrell
Ryan Neely
Lawrence Nenni
Aaron Nichols
Dennis O’Brien
Roberta Orsini
Jade Palermo
Kelsey Parkins
Brenna Parkins
Kathleen Pidancet
Nancy Pierce
Edward Ponte
Tiffany Porter
Midori Pryor
Joan Raymond
Loni Reyes
David Richards
Paul Rider
Kristy Rieth
Tracey Roessler
Amy Romano
Lindsay Ross
Maureen Rostad
Leane Rumson
Jonathan Salaciak
Crystal Sanders
Anna Sansoucy
Timothy Sawyer
Christen Scanlon
Nicole Scanlon
Michael Schiller
Lori Sharp
Autumn Shaw
Elizabeth Sirois
Kelli Smith
Grisbell Soto
Erle Spencer
Jessica Stanisewski
Josiah Sterling
Bryan Sykes
Jennifer Tetley
Amanda Tierney
Melissa Tilton
Jennifer Tisdale
Enrique Torres
Kelly Turner
Danielle Van Noy
Terri Vineyard
Tina Walton
Jennifer Wendorf
Cory Wilkie
Ashley Woodworth
Jason Zariczny
Delta Mu Delta
The Southern New Hampshire University Honor Society for business students is the
Gamma Nu Chapter of Delta Mu Delta, an International Honorary Society in Business
Administration. Its purpose is to promote and recognize training for business and to reward
scholastic achievement in business subjects.
Membership is restricted to business students of good character who are candidates for
the baccalaureate degree and have achieved a cumulative grade-point average of 3.6 and are
in the top 20 percent of their respective class.
The following graduates have been inducted into the Gamma Nu Chapter of Delta Mu
Ibrahim Abu-Ali
Tom Alhadif
Adel Alotaibi
Alissa Ankrom
Nuno Araujo
Rachel Araujo
Angie Baker
Tammy Barnes
Aimee Baumgartner
Daniel Beliveau
Lynsay Bell
David Benoit
Bobbie Best-Vogel
Keanyn Blaisdell
Danielle Blanchard
Kimberly Blowey
Shannon Bolin
Darrin Brown
Michael Canavan
Mary Carmichael
Gina Cartolano
Leanne Cash
Peter Cataldi
Annette Chamberlain
Monique Chauvette
Yi Chen
Steven Chrysikos
Phoebe Clark
Patrick Cloutier
Heather Colby
Sydney Collier
Bryan Constant
Travis Corriveau
Robert Cossairt
Amanda Cross
Emily Curry
Christina Davis
Nicholas Deluca
Joseph Desroches
Christopher Destramp
Jennifer Drover
Mubera Durakovic
John Edmundson
Steven Erickson
Jennifer Evans
Deanne Fagan
Paul Faucher
Cherie Filistowicz
Ryan Fitzgerald
Kristina Frazee
Timothy Fulton
Christina Gallo
Dana Gerard
Danielle Grover
Ali Hamza
Craig Haskell
Paula Hennessey
John Hinkley
Jordyn Hoar
Keith Jackson
Alison Johnson
Margarita Kaliviotis
Melanie Karbowski
Stephanie Kaszanek
David Kay
Angie Kemble
Jana Klein
David Korpi
Milissa Lacortiglia
Richard Lang
Susan Lawton
Sasha Leston
Angela Leung
Angela Lord-Doyle
Alexandria Lorden
James Love
Carrie Lund
Lisa Lundborn
Amanda Machos
Ann Marrese
Katie McCance
John McCulloch
Brian McInturff
April Merchant
Jennifer Milton
James Mott
Kenneth Munsell
Lawrence Nenni
Aaron Nichols
Kelsey Noga
Dennis O’Brien
Michael O’Connell
Nicole Ortiz
Holly Parker
Sarah Pelkey
Edward Ponte
Teneal Poole
Nicholas Prigitano
Midori Pryor
Meghan Quirk
Tatiana Ramy
Katie Raymond
Christopher Rice
David Richards
Michelle Rieper
Kristy Rieth
Jung Rizzi
Brian Royce
Leane Rumson
Madeleine Sablack
Timothy Sawyer
Nicole Scanlon
Andrew Seuffert
Autumn Shaw
Xenia Simpson
Paige Smith
Rachel Sousa
Albert Stanton
Daniel Starratt
Josiah Sterling
Stacy Stokes
Rebekah Stone
Dylan Tancill
Kayla Tanguay
Michaela Thomas
Melissa Tilton
Rebekah Tobia
Enrique Torres
Anh Tran
David Urbon
Christopher Vailette
James Wersackas
Wesley White
Samantha Whittier
Taylor Witham
Tatsiana Yarashevich
Bryce Yeaton
Jason Zariczny
The list of commencement participants is not a complete list of Delta Mu Delta Honor Society
— Gamma Nu Chapter members. Changes in the official list may occur following the
publication date of this program. Members of the Gamma Nu Chapter of Delta Mu Delta are
honored by a gold cord or gold/purple cord adorning their academic regalia.
Phi Theta Kappa
The Phi Theta Kappa International Honor Society recognizes and encourages scholarship
for students in two-year associate degree programs. Phi Theta Kappa attains its goals by
developing opportunities for leadership, fellowship, and service, as well as by providing an
intellectual climate for continued academic excellence. Students must earn grade-point
averages of 3.5 to be invited to join Phi Theta Kappa.
Michael Allen
Larry Andrews
Milissa Brigante
Theresa Christiansen
Tabitha Clyde
Ivan Cortez
Kathleen Crombleholme
Capri Delvaux
Annette Dolbeare
Stephan Dow
Andrea Glines
Ryan Greenhalgh
Shannon Griffin
Hannah Gullickson
Ericka Gretchelle Koehler
Mathew MacDonald
Melissa Modeski
Rachel Ouellette
Derek Parkinen
Nadia Portwood
Wesley Reichardt
Kristen Roy
Demetria Rupkey
Andrew Smith
Marianne Sylvester
Tina Walton
Kevin Wheeler
Ashley Woodworth
Jessica Wright
Pi Lambda Theta
Founded in 1910, Pi Lambda Theta is the most selective honor society for educators. Pi
Lambda Theta recognizes the academic achievement and outstanding disposition of
graduating education students.
The accomplishments of exemplary education students are honored through this
induction. Candidates’ development of knowledge, skills, professionalism, and leadership
are promoted and supported through their membership in Pi Lambda Theta, a member of Phi
Delta Kappa International.
At Southern New Hampshire University, there is a direct honors program where Pi
Lambda Theta extends membership to graduating students who have been identified by
School of Education faculty as having satisfied the eligibility requirements. Undergraduate
students must have earned a 3.5 or above. All candidates must have demonstrated
exceptional disposition through their education program.
Cameron Lesperance
Jessica Marshall
Gregory McHale
Emily Menario
Alessandra Pastor
Jenna Perryman
Jennifer Robinson
Danielle Rousseau
Meghan Russell
Kristen Silverman
Katie Simpson
Ian Symons
Jennifer Thompson
Natasha Urena
Cathy Willard
Jennylsa Wilson
Rachel Winward
Brieanna Aylward
Kescia Belbin
Shawna Bentley
Samantha Bergeron
Brittany Borglund
Jennifer Briare
Rachel Buganiski
Talia Buonopane
Ashley Caron
Colleen Charnley
Alicia Days
Stephanie English
Jenna Heath
Kayla Hillhouse
Elizabeth Hiltz
Jordyn Jamieson
Tara Kearney
Psi Chi
Psi Chi is the International Honor Society in psychology and was founded in 1929. The
purpose of Psi Chi is to encourage, stimulate and maintain excellence in scholarship and in
advancing the science of psychology. Membership is open to graduate and undergraduate
students who are making the study of psychology a major interest. All undergraduate psychology majors/minors who are in the upper 35% of their class and have a minimum 3.0
GPA, as well as graduate psychology students who have minimum overall 3.0 GPA are eligible for membership.
Psi Chi is a member of The Association of College Honor Societies and is an affiliate of
the American Psychological Association and the American Psychological Society.
Heather Ackerman
Leah Arsenault
Stephanie Ayers
Ashley Beaulieu
Haven Blue
Stephanie Borgatti
Tracey Burraston
Jasmine Campbell
Emily Chase
Amber Clark
Stephanie Conroy
Samantha Copeland
Cara Daly
Andrea Dawson
Michelle Delano
David Dziewit
Justin Fannion
Christopher Farrell
Lisa Fiorenza
Courtney Francis
Aurianna Franco
Breanna Gunn
Danielle Hardee
Katherine Hegarty
Kasey Hereth
Samantha Howe
Alyssa Howland
Fary Jalili
Cynthia Kluck-Johnson
Brittany Josti
Sarah Kennedy
Deborah Leathe
Cassandra Lucas
Sarah McPherson
Kathleen MacQueston
Carie Marsh
Juliette Marsh
Elisabeth Maslan
Angela Mercieri
Emily Miller
Scott Moodie
Jessica Moore
Monica Mosca
Heathre Nussbaum
Emily O’Callaghan
Michele Pasqua
Julianita Perez
Allisa Radula
Michael Reeser
Brooke Richards
Christine Roberts
Steffanie Rock
Tracey Roessler
Rebecca Sandor
Jennifer Sayre
Aleta Schultz
Benjamin Sherry
Rachel Silsbee
Lauren Sousa
Lauren Sposato
Cassandra Steere
Hayley Stewart
Derrick Sylvester
Kaitlin Szacik
Patricia Tagle
Carmen Valverde
Sigma Tau Delta
Sigma Tau Delta is the International English Honors Society. SNHU established its own
chapter, Alpha Pi Psi, in the fall of 2008. The Honors Society provides eligible English
Language and Literature and Creative Writing majors, minors, and graduate students with
critical academic and professional opportunities such as attending and presenting at conferences, publishing research, taking field trips, and creating valuable networking opportunities.
Sigma Tau Delta undergraduate inductees have completed at least three semesters at
SNHU, have completed more than two literature courses beyond the General Education
requirements, and have maintained a minimum 3.3 G.P.A. Graduate inductees have completed at least six semester hours at SNHU and have maintained a minimum 3.3 G.P.A.
Susan Grant
Danine Harnes
Irene Lemire
Brittany Elizabeth Warren
Larry Nathaniel Chadwick Warner
Joseph Edward Daly
Colleen DeCourcy
Samuel Doe
Christopher George Fifty
The Order of Omega
Southern New Hampshire University became a member of Order of Omega in May of
2009, in the fiftieth year of this national organization, joining hundreds of other Universities
and colleges around the nation. Order of Omega is an honor society exclusively for Greek
Letter Organizations, so to become a member of this group one must be actively involved in a
fraternity or sorority. The purpose of this organization is to recognize fraternity men and
women who have displayed a strong sense of leadership in their Greek activities and have a
strong character and academic standing, to encourage them to continue their success and to
inspire others to do the same.
Membership in Order of Omega is open to all students in the Greek Community who have
completed at least one half of the work required for a baccalaureate degree. Student must be
in the top 15 percent of fraternities and sororities and membership is based on character,
leadership in the Greek Community as a whole, philanthropy and brother and sister values.
Adam Antaki
Melanie Cole
Ileene Domenech
Justin Fannion
Jenna Heath
Gabrielle Mack
Nicole Noons
Valerie Pearl
Peter Radziewicz
Debra Ricci
Lauren Sousa
Jacquelyn Wentworth
School of Arts and
Bachelor of Science
Nancy L. Ailes
Ethan J. Applei*
Andrew J. Arayas
Hillary Anne Arenburg*
Nicolette Arvayo***
Samuel K. Bahuma
Monique Barrett
Daniel L. Beliveau
Megan Benoit***
Andrew John Bernard
James Brosnan
Dawn L. Brown
James Callahan
Alissa Heather Campanozzi**
Mary Coyle Carmichael***
Sebastian C. Casanova III**
Natalie Elise Casey
Thomas W. Cassell
Raena Pangelinan Cing*
Jered Clifton
Jonathon Coats
Bonnie L. Crumley Aybar***
Amanda J. Daley
Peter P. D’Amario
Wilbert Danger
Alisha Day
Brittney A. Decelle
Alfred J. DePrizio
Brad DiCenzo
Nicholas Rocco DiFrancesco*
David R. Dionne
Nathan Doherty**
Cameron M. Douglas*
Timothy M. Dow, Jr.
Stefanie Dubose-Govan
Lauren A. Dyer
Blake W. Emery***
Michael J. Esposito III
Mark J.Evans
Nicole Elizabeth Farren*
Milady Figueroa
Steven Findley
Valerie A. Fogg***
Robert C. Ford
Stephen J. Fournier
Brian David Francolini
Stephany A. Galinsky
Emiley Gallagher
Nicholas M. Haroutunian
Debra Harris
Douglas J. Haskins
Jeremy Hayman
Cara Healy
Chris Heffernan
Marilee Heintz
Veronica Helm
Raphael Hirsch
Josef V. Hodgkins
Angel Danielle Holmes
Tiffany Howes
Lorraine Howlett
Tami L. Hulse
Eric M. Hunter
Steven G. Jenkins, II
Merrissa L. Johnson
Chad Jones
Lauren Joyner
Amandeep Kaur*
Jennifer Kelly***
Jennifer Kindle
Joel N. Konde
Samantha Grace Kotusky
Alexander J. Lacourse
Annmarie Langlois
Samuel Dante Laplante*
Scott J. Leblanc***
Jacqueline Lozano Heredia
Julie Mandello***
James Marini, Jr.**
Brian E. Matis
Christopher Nicholas Mayo
Shaun McCarlie*
Lisa McClain
Tammey McCloud*
Jordan Ryan McCluskey**
Monica Mena
Emily Jan Miller*
Renee E. Morrell***
Robin Mose
Tamara Lynn Murphy
Mitchell S. Newell
Richard C. Newman*
Nicholas R. Nolfi
Ian Patrick Noonan***
Danielle B. Oates
Peter J. O’Sullivan
David M. Parma
Ryan J. Phelps
Jesse Dean Reynolds*
Robert Anthony Rizzitano, Jr.
Kaitlynn M. Royce
Jennifer L. Sayre
Jamarkus Stewart**
Cameron L. Stoughton
Jason K. Thomas
Amanda M. Tierney
Melissa Tommasino-Storz
Edward A. Troy
Courtney M. Trumble
Christopher Paul Tsonis
Carmen L. Valverde
Amanda Van De Weert
Richard Van Dyke
Matthew John Vincent
Lloyd David Walker
Arthur A. Ware
Rebecca Warren***
David A. Weaver
Nicole Wehr
Morgan E. Weireter
Jennifer C. Whitehead
Kayla Elizabeth Wipf
Kathe Wolf
Alyssa R. Wright
Bachelor of Arts
Amy E. Abbott*
Brittany Lynn Abdizadeh***
Heather Abdullah
Solange Abreu
Linda Adams
Adebusola Adesiji
Yelena Adlaryan
Robert James Albom
Thanzila Ali
Alexander Anagnost
Sarah M. Anders
Joyce Anderson
Kevin Anderson
Mary I. Anderson*
Trudi Anderson
Janice Angell***
Joel B. Arcilla
Arlene E. Armas
Tania Arroyo
Leah R. Arsenault*
Matthew J. Arsenault
Heather Asadoorian
Heather Ashby
Andrea L. Aste***
Arthur G. Audet
Stephanie M. Ayers
Anne Backscheider
Lindsay R. Bagshaw
Derek J. Bailey***
Heidi Ballard
Mitchell Banks*
Emily Barbara***
Alexandra Barrera
Dana Bartholomew
Molly Lou Bartholomew
Kristen M. Bartlett
Marcy Bartlett
Alia Bashiti*
Ashley K. Bates
Flora Baxter
Laura Bayless
Angela Kae Bearor**
Summer M. Beasley
Ashley L. Beaulieu Umanzor***
Thomas Beecham
Leonard Bell*
Melissa Bellante
Jill Ellen Belser
Jaymi Benson
Alejandro Bernal
Caylee M. Bernard*
Kyle B. Bernardo
Corrie M. Bernatchez
Hudson Best
Theresa Beste***
Kimberly Bester***
Coleen Biggs
Marie L. Bilodeau
Scott Bingaman
Cindy Bistoury
Justin D. Blackford
Melanie A. Blackman
Michele Blackstone***
Melia A. Blackwood
Tristan Blanchard
Kelsey M. Blanchette
Haven F. Blue
Vaughn Bobbitt
Lindsay Carmel Boily
Trish Boisvert
Matthew Bolduc
Brandice Bonnee**
Keir F. Bordner, Jr.
Pamela Boston
Cory Bourn
Anne K. Bournival
Janelle Amelia Bowers
Sarah Bowler**
TeraMichelle Boyland**
Tyachenna Starr Bradley***
Christine Brady-Rubio***
Cameron Brafford
Jeffrey T. Braun
Ryan Breen***
Aron Brewer
Neesha Arden Bridges
Shannon Briggs
Jasmine Britt**
Robin Brochu
Elizabeth K. Brownell
Angela Brozonos
Marcus G. Bruzzese
Scott Bubrowski**
Jessica Bucher
Joy Burak
Tara Bush
Adam Thompson Bushnell**
Emily Jayne Butzer
Ebony J. Byas
Katrina Bycroft
Monica D. Bycroft
Jill R. Cafaro
Jacquelyn O. Cagna
Christina Marie Caiazzo*
Alissa Heather Campanozzi**
Jasmine Campbell
Stephanie Campbell
Tamara Canal
Joseph C. Cannatella
Andrew Michael Capano
Alexandra Louise Carbone
Patricia L. Cardona
Courtney R.W. Caricato**
Alyssa M. Carlough
Christine L. Carpenter
Kimberly A. Carpentiere
Jamie M. Carr**
Edric Carreon
Ryan M. Carrigan
Meredith C. Carson**
Sarah A. Carson
Patricia A. Carter
Susan Cartwright
Heather Carver*
Brittany Lynn Casey
Shelby Leigh Casey
J. Napoleom Cassell
Anna Chairez
Gilman Carey Chamberlain
Stacy Champey
Loy Sheng Chang
Duangjai Chantaprasert
Suzanne Chapman*
Sarah E. Charbonneau
Suzanne Cheever
Kimberly Dale Chelminski***
Kelly J. Chergey**
Elias Chichava
Dustin Wendell Chickering
Ee-Yan Chin
Josiah Ching Yi-Xiang
Melvin Chong
Alexander Churchward
Caitlin S. Cilley-Turko
Matthew J. Clapp
Amber Melissa Clark
Stephanie Claro*
Marinda Ann Clouthier
Michael James Coale
Bridie C. Coburn*
George N. Colby
Barbara Collins
Eoin P. Collins-Lyman
Xiomara Colon
Zachary Colston***
Johnathan Comer
Michael Lee Compton***
Alan D. Conn**
Nolan C. Connor
Stephanie E. Conroy
Samantha J. Copeland***
Erik R. Corcoran
Hollie Ann Costa
Paulo Costa
Ashlie M. Coull
Christina R. Courtot
Julia Ann Couture
Sharon A. Craig
Reagan M Crawford, Jr.
Giovanni V. Crisan
Timothy Cronin
Moira Crooks***
Brandy Cunningham
James Curcione
Katherine Curran
Donald L. Curtis
Judy Ann Cutter***
Lois Marie Cutter
Allis J. Czerepka
Kathleen Ann Czesniuk**
Robin Czifrik
L. Marie Dabbs
Cara L. Daly*
Joseph E. Daly***
Larisa Daly
Ashley Louise Dancause**
Elmer Joseph Dante
Devi Das
Sandra J. D’Ascensao**
Elise Dauksza***
Corey J. Davenport***
Ryan T. Davey
Amber Elizabeth Davidson
Colleen Marie Davies
Michelle Davis*
Monica L. Davis
Samantha P. Davis
Tre Davison
Andrea Dawson*
Colleen C. Dawson*
Michael Day, Jr.
Duaa Dayyani
Lisa Deaton
Colleen M. DeCourcy**
Derek Decoux
Jessica Catherine DeGirolamo
Kathryn A. Delger
Andrew J. DeLorenzo
Amber Nicole Delph**
Amy Lynne DeMarco***
Matthew Demers
Melinda K. Demers
Damion DeRosia
Edward James DeSilva, Jr.***
Jenny Desilva
Michelle Antonia Diaz
Javiera Diaz Guevara**
Shannon Dickerson**
Marlene Dickey
Robert Diffin
Andrea Diminick***
Nicholas G. D’Intino**
Jennifer M. Dionne*
Shaun Dionne
Maria E. DiPietro***
Jim Disbrow**
Cherie Jeannette Ditch
Shannon Dodd
Bernard Dodge, III
Samuel L. Doe***
Lois Anne Dolley
Kyle M. Donovan
Tristan P. Donovan
Thomas M. Dorwaldt*
Heather Marie Doyle
Shannin Doyle
Andrea Caroline Drew
Cynthia Frances Drews Cinnamon**
Kristen Lenora Duemmler
Andrew Duffin**
Joshua R. Dufton
Jessica M. Dugas**
Monique Dumas
Bradley J. Dupuis*
April Durham
Deborah Duxbury
David J. Dziewit*
Amanda Eakman
William C. Earley
Shaleah Edwards
Elisabeth Louise Egan***
John Eggleston**
Seren Elizabeth
Ericka Ellison
Stephanie L. Engel**
Kathryn Joanna Erickson
Tiffany Estabrooks**
Matthew Allen Estes**
Paul Atlas Estrada
Elizabeth Ewing
Drew Arthur Fabian
Daril Richard Fannin
Justin W. Fannion
Paul Farmer***
Christopher Farrell**
Veronica Felipe
Matthew W. Fenner
Russ Edward Fenstermaker
Ona Ferens***
Shayla A. Fereshetian*
Jose A. Fernandez Lopategui
Lauren Ashley Ferraro
Renita Ferrell
Charlotte Ferritto**
Shannon M. Fica
Jennifer M. Fiegl
Erika M. Fields
Christopher G. Fifty
Ashley Finley*
Meaghan Finnegan
Walter F. Fischer
Sharron D. Fisher
Susan Flagg-Stewart***
Megan Marie Fleisner
John Floyd***
Annabelle Fogerty
Dawna J. Foster
Nancy K. Foster
William Fralick
Courtney A. Francis*
Aurianna Luisa Franco*
Melissa Sue Frasca
Danielle Fredette**
Ashley Frericks
Lisa Frischhertz***
Jennifer M. Fryar
Jorge L. Fuentes, Jr.
Nicole Gadicke
Keeley Grace Gaffney
Walter Gagajewski
Matthew Gage*
Gabriella Monette Gallaga
Jacob A. Gallagher*
Elizabeth Gallant
Michelle F. Galvin
Aveenashpal Ganapathy*
Anna M. Gandara
LaNette LeAnn Garcia
Marvin Garcia*
Colleen Elizabeth Garrity
Robin Marie Garvin***
Amanda L. Gaskill
Kelsey Taylor Gates**
Briea Marie Gennuso**
John William Gentile
Aimee Germain
Christopher J. Gesualdo
Brett M. Gifford
Glenn Gilbert
Adam Giles*
Heather Lynn Gilman
Sean Ginley
Courtney Mariah Glavin
Brian M. Glennon
Bee Zuan Goh
Emily Golden**
Mayra Liz Gomez
Megan Lyn Gomperts
Tanner B. Gordon
Kristine Michelle Gosson**
Jared Grace
Todd Grace
Colleen M. Grady
Letia Graening
Raina Granger*
Susan Grant***
Audrey Joy Greathouse**
Meghan Greenhaus
Mary Greenwood*
Julie Grieco
Heather D. Griffin*
Nicole M. Grifone
Cynthia Yvonne Grimes
Catherine Gross**
Dijana Grubesic
Erik Grundborg
Colleen E. Guilderson
Jonathan Joseph Gulick
Amanda Gullage
Breanna Gunn
Debora Gutierrez
Brooke Nichole Gutierrez Mensing
Sean Gutman
Anthony W. Guzzo
Mary C. Haddon
Patrice Hall
Debra Hanley***
Danielle Rose Hardee**
Kirsten Hargis
Danine Danielle Harnes**
Sara L. Harper
Jacqueline Harrigan*
Laurence C. Harrington, Jr.
Jennifer A. Harris
Kathleen Harris**
Christopher P. Hart, Jr.
Donald M. Hart*
Robert W. Harte*
David J. Hartnett
Sameera Hasan
Bethany J. Hashway
Kasi Heard*
Katherine A. Hegarty
Sean P. Heichlinger***
Gina Y. Henderson
Robert W. Herchek**
Kasey M. Hereth
Joseph Herzberg Jr.
Lacey Heward
Sarah A. Hickman
Cynthia M. Hicks*
Jasmine Highsmith
Kerri Hinzman
Hilary J. Hirtle***
Eleanor Holden***
Robert Holland
Allison M. Hollingworth
Justine Holloway**
Richard A. Holzhauer**
Matthew Homoelle
Emily Hooper
Stephanie Horton*
Ashley Hourigan
Sherrie House
Karin Elizabeth Hovey***
Gerald Reginald Howard
Joslin Howe
Samantha Howe
Alyssa M. Howland
Kent Huddleston
Earnest Hudson
Erica R. Hudson**
Megan Lee Hudson
Lay Mun Hue
Ashley Virginia Huffman**
Angela M. Hultz***
Brittany Humphrey
James Hunt
Richard Alan Hunt*
Kevin E. Hurley
Tyler C. Hurst
Chelisa Huse
Jasmine X. Hutchins
Marisol D. Hyatt
Kelechi Ikpeama
Destiny Marie Iniguez
Nicholas Intelisano
Mary B. Irwin
Scott Jackson
Sabrina Juanetta Suber Jacobs
Steven Jaeger
Alec James**
Laura Jarzabek
Chelsie M. Jean*
Jessica S. Jenkins
Kyle A. Jenkins
Kenya Jennings***
Tabitha L. Jennings
Christine J. Jestice
Sheila Lynn Johns
Amber Johnson
Evan Johnson
Kevin Johnson
Philesha Carol Johnson
Tylon Brent Johnson***
Evan Johnston***
Shana Jones**
Chelsea Jordan*
Brittany R. Josti
April L. Judson***
Jeffrey D. Kaiser
Meredith Kapalka
Maureen S. Kauzlarich***
Amanda Kelley
Amy M. Kelley
James Patrick Kennedy***
Sarah H. Kennedy**
David G. Kerr
Ayeda Khalid-Malik***
James Stewart Kilian*
Elyse N. Killgren
Jennifer King***
Treneka King-Ingram
Sharon Kinsey***
Patrick Kish***
Nicole Kitchen
Deanna G. Kizer**
Misty Jo Kjellman
Brian Klemm
Ashleigh Klenke
David Matthew Kloos
Janine Knight
Mei Siang Koh
Pamela Kowal-Swartout
Tracy Kue
Jenna Kuhns***
Shalini Kumar
Ken Tze Kwok
Brendan Paul Kyek
Kathleen F. Lacasse
Kelly Lynne Lacoste***
Chelse A. Lambert
Joshua Lambert*
Patrick J. Lambrecht
Jennifer E. Lampro
Amy Land***
Matthew R. Langill
Rona Mamoor-Lantini
Nicole D. Lappin
Summer N. Latham
Lic Teng Lau**
Chandi Lavergne
Katherine L. Lavoie**
April Laycock
Debra Leander***
Deborah Anne Leathe*
Mary Elizabeth LeBlanc**
Aaron R. LeCain***
Shana L. LeClair
Bethannie Ellen Ledoux
Brandon G. Lee
Michael A. Lee
Irene C. Lemire***
Chelsea Lemley**
Gregory Lenza
Ashley Edwina Joycierra Leysath
Lynn D. L’Heureux
Melissa L. Liberi
Andrew M. Lieb
Chiu Ing Lim*
Hong Yee Lim
Nicole Anne Lim Jin-Ni**
Warren Kwek Kai Lim
Kimberly Lindsay
Leigh Linsley
Ling Rao Liu
Janette M. Lochmandy
Victor Lodge
Rui Xiang Loh*
Bonnie Marie Longie
Kimberly Lonsdale**
Paulina Lopez
Ryan Lopez
Jennifer Lord-Paquin
Kylie Lorms
Jessica L. Lown**
Cameron J. Lowther
Zachary W. Lubinski
Cassandra E. Lucas
Emily Lukanik
Kalman W. Lulek
Dylan William Mack
Gabrielle A. Mack*
Melanie M. MacKenzie
Shaun MacNeill***
Kathleen M. MacQueston*
Jessica M. Mafera
Katelyn M. Maloney*
Ramon Malpica
Jean M. Mammola**
Kristen Mangiafico
Tyler J. Manley
Jessica Mannarino
Cassandra R. Manning*
Susan M. Marcoux
Chad M. Marden*
Cortney Marks
Marisa Marquez
Carie A. Marsh**
Kaleigh Ann Martell
Brandon Martin***
Elisabeth Maslan
Brian Mason***
Hisako Masuhara
Amanda Matteo
Carl Matteson***
Chad Matthews
Benjamin Matthewson
Robert Mattocks
Katelyn E. Mauro***
Tanya Jean Maxwell***
Akiko McBride
Kaitlyn McClellan
Debra Lind McCormack*
Maryjo McCreedy
Ryan McCuddy
Kiauna McDaniel
Caryl A. McDevitt**
Matthew David McDonald
Kerri McEvoy Monsen
Joe McFeron***
Nicole McGovern*
Sarah L. McMahon*
Thomas McMellin
Lynn McMonigal
Heather McMullen**
Felicia McNear*
Christopher McNeil
Amber Marie McNeill*
Sarah A. McPherson*
Nicole McVey***
Suzanne McWeeney
Rhorie Mead**
Adrian Meader
Stephanie Elizabeth Meadors
Tyler John Mecozzi***
Oscar Medrano**
Kassandra L. Meehan
Danielle M. Meeker
Liliya Mehaya
Jason Melanson
Alyssa Shay Melton
Lindsey Michelle Melton
Ryan Melyan
Angela Lucrezia Mercieri
Gerald Merwin
Leanore Mesquiti*
Allison Metz
Mary Meyer***
Carter A. Meyers
Timothy Michaels***
Sarah Middaugh
Brandon Miles
Micole Miles
Kevin Miller
Marc J. Miller
Paul David Miller
Colby Millett
Sandra L. Milliken*
Rebecca Catherine Mitchell***
Masooma Bibi Mohammad Ali
Marianne Moher
Kathryn Rose Teresa Molongoski***
Nicholas Monahan
Scott D. Moodie***
Charles Moon*
Sean T. Moore
Stacey Moore
Chanelle Moore Speropulos**
Carissa Mabel Morais*
Cayce Morgan
Shanda L. Morgan
Alyssa N. Morin
Cynthia M. Morris Anderson**
Elizabeth Morris**
Mackenzie R. Morris
Tammy Morse**
Matthew Morton
Monica Lee Mosca
Shimaa Mostafa
Rodrigo S. Munoz***
Angela Dorothy Alice Murdough**
Steven J. Murphy
Robert F. Murray
Efrain Nadal De Choudens*
Michael S. Nagle
Beverly L. Nau**
Ryan Michael Neely
Brian Nelson
Trevor M. Nelson
Cori Bertha Neslund
Andrea Newell
Kerrie Nickerson*
Michael S. Noble
Samantha K. Norton***
Marco Danilo Nunez
Lesley McClure Nyborg
Kyle Oberlee
Brendan O’Brien
Emily M. O’Callaghan
Joel Oconnor***
Brendan A. O’Donnell**
Michael Oliveira
Helen Elizabeth O’Neill
Yin Ee Valerie Oon
Christopher Opp
Marleny Ortega
Michael Orzechowski
Logan Ouellette*
Christian G. Page
Daisy F. Paltrow
Emily C. Paquette***
Matthew Paris**
Bethanie A. Parker
Brenna Parkins***
Kelsey Parkins***
Peter F. Parrella, IV
Gregory Keith Paulson
Kristyn Paulson
Karisa Payor
Dante Payton
Samantha L. Peck
Danielle Michelle-Leigh Pedemonti**
Monica LeighAnn Pegram
Gina Pellegrino
Jaclyn M. Pellerin
Crystal M. Perachio
Jessica Perkins
Kristie Perreault**
Michael J. Pertz
Matthew Peterman
Eric Peters
Amanda Petrie
Alanna M. Pevear
Justin Pfeiffer
Samuel Z. Pfeiffer
Jackie Phandanouvong
Sandra Phillips***
William M. Piasecki
Daniel James Pierce
Ryan Piesbergen
Kyle M. Pinheiro
Peter Place
Robert Pomper
Paul Michael Poole
Amanda Porter
Tiffany A Porter***
Jonathan Powell
Kimberly Powell
Ian Power
Francesca M. Prach*
Thomas R. Pratte
Jennifer T’ai Christine Price
Miranda R. E. Prizio**
Leann Esther Pruell
Sean Edward Quinlan
Katherine A. Racine**
Rumyana S. Radzhova**
Julianne Marie Rainone
Kylie Monique Ramirez***
Felicia Ramos-Peters
Alicia Randazzo
Matthew L. Raso
Stephen W. Ratte, Jr.
Joan Marie Raymond***
Matthew J. Raymond*
Rebecca Redmond
Jennifer Murphy Reidy*
Jessica L. Reissfelder*
Joel Luis Reyes***
Caitlin Reynolds
Casey M. Reynolds*
Teresa Tana Rhode
Jason R. Richard
Amanda T. Richardson
Christopher Richardson
Keverly Rider
Paul Rider
Patrick Riley
Galen D. Riordan
Mervyn M. Ripley
Patrick Rivera
Julianne Roberts
Steven Robin
Antonio Robinson
Jacqueline Robson
Steffanie Marie Rock
Rousseline Rodene
Kayla K. Rodriguez
Tracey A. Roessler
Kylie E. Rogers
Robert Rogers
Susan C. Rokas
Jill F. Rollins*
Jody Romine
Lindsay Allison Ross
Maureen Joo Soon Rostad***
Bobbi Roudani
William D. Roy
Raquel Marie Rudolph
Corina E. Ruiz
Eric Rukavina
James Rushmore
Andrea Ryan
Amy Lynn Saavedra*
Michael Sadowski
Ezgi Sahin*
Annmarie Saia
Jonathan Salaciak
Abran Saldate
Devon Salmen Jackson
Sasha D. Salvidge
Brittany N. Sampson**
Jennifer W. Samson*
Kendra J. Samuel
Sabine Sanchez
Corey Sanderford
Jacqueline E. Sanders
Kevin Sanders
Mieko Kari Sano
Briana M. Santiago
Kaleh Sapp*
Desarae Schell*
Christopher Schmidt
Matthew Karl Schneider*
Kerri Schroeder
Breanne Schulte
Richard Scotti
Cheryl Sears*
Emily Danielle Self
S. Aaron Shamshoyan**
Cassandra L. Shawver*
Sandra Maxine Sherman*
Marjorie Shope
Cynthia C. Shroyer**
Justin Shuman
Jonathan Sickinger**
Rachel Reneé Silsbee
Jessica Anne Silva**
Jessica Silva**
Matthew F. Silver
Alexandra Silvera*
Erin M. Simmons
Robyn Simpson
Elizabeth Sirois***
Rodopi Sisamis
Stephanie M. Slicis*
Joshua Slusher
Mark Smallwood
Tina Smiley
Bette M. Smith
Candice Smith
Claire Marie Smith***
Deborah Smith***
Laurie Elizabeth Smith
Melinda Smith***
Joshua Snelling
Amber Soltero
Alicia Nicole Song
Lauren Ashley Sousa*
Brennan W. Spencer
Donald Spencer
Erle Kesling Spencer
Lauren Rose Sposato
Darrin J. Standish**
Jessica L. Stanisewski*
Cassandra M. Steere
Beth Steggall
Carrie Jane Steinke
DeJuan Eustace Sterling
Hayley Paige Stewart*
Nathaniel Stidham
Laurel Stiles
Robert M. Stitt
Barbara Stone
Samantha O. Stone
Sarah E. Stott*
Lauren Stouder
Lori Michele Strizak
Stephanie M. Sturgis
Kerri Sullivan
Patrick Sullivan
Qian Sun
Kimberly M. Surette
Thomas M. Surette Jr.**
Katie Swagler
Ian M. Sweeney
Derrick R. Sylvester***
Stephanie L. Sylvia
Veronika Tacheva
Patricia Nally Tagle**
Kai Hwang Tan
Kai Wen Tan
Bryan Tann
Jillian Tarabocchia**
Jessie A. Tate
Brei K. Taylor
Krystina Tejeda**
Ryan A. Terrell
Krysha Lu Thayer
Gregory Thibodeau
Ginger Lee Thomason
Matthew Toedtli
Valeree Tolios
Crystal Lynn Tomlin**
Christopher Tooley**
Shaun E. Toomey
Rose Trapani
Arlene Trevathan
Justyna Trzesniewska
Amber Turba
Erica Turner
Kelly Turner**
Teofelia Tyler
Michael A. Upshur*
Paulina Valley
Kathryn Vangaasbeck
Danielle Van Noy**
Aubry R. Vantress*
Haley M. Varaksin
Helena Varela
Kristin L. Varela***
Ulysses Vazquez
Elsie Vega
Alyssa Vento
Terri Vineyard
Arvinder Singh Virk
Matthew J. Vitale
Melissa A. Wagner
Nathan M. Walczak
Sarah B. Walker
Kelvin Wayne Wallace, Jr.
Jill D. Walsh*
Jennifer Walter*
Heather Warren-Cammett*
John Waters*
Susan Waters
Craig Jeffrey Watts
Jennifer M. Wayman*
Emily Weaver***
Patrick M. Webb
Mark Wehner
Don Weiss*
Martha B. Wells
Jennifer Wendorf**
Jacquelyn Marie Wentworth
Sarah Wentz***
Brittany Neely Werner
Walter West
Aubrey T. White
Amy Whitehouse**
Alicia White-Kelly
Katelin A. Wilken*
Michael Andrew Wilken
Cory Wilkie
Christy Williams
Peyton L. Williams
Yvonne Williams
Shannon Williamson
Jo Ellen Windmann
Kimberly Winkowitsch
Matthew C. Wisdom***
Derald Wise*
Ericka Walker Witham
Wong Yii Ying
Kevin L. Wood
Robert Wood
Heather Woody
William Worsham*
Johnathan G. Wright
Kirk Wyckoff
Ming Kai Yang
Bernice LaVerne Ybarra*
Brooke Yerk
Heather Yerrick*
Brittany L. Young
Tina M. Zabbo**
Renee Zegarski
Samantha M. Zinn*
Joshua James Zirbel
Linda Zukowski*
Associate in Science
James Dowling
Barbara Johnson
Austin Kimball
Christopher Miller**
Nicholas R. Pigeon**
Amy Riddle
Jeffrey Shaner
Matthew Vatcher*
Matthew J. Vincent
Associate in Arts
Lazaro Amores
Lydia Andre***
Jawan Layta Anderson-Johnson
Yasser Wladimir Baez
Meaghan M. Barcelos
Sally Barker**
Derek Bartlett
Savanna L. Bates
Eva Louise Blue
Lisa Branchina
Latasha Brown
Andrea L. Burrows
Joe Cammerota
Joseph Capozzi
Jennifer Lee Chakoutis
Caroline Cincotta
Colleen Collins**
Pamela Collins
Paul Collins III
Evalie Coston
Stacey R. Dabney
Robert James D’Ambrosia
Henry J. Danis**
Gina Marie DeCola*
Capri M. Delvaux*
Thomas A. Donovan
Brandon Richard Dowgiert
Scott R. DuRoss
Elisabeth Egan***
Joanne B. Fielding*
Emily Fitzgerald
Christina Flaherty
Christopher Flaherty
Michaella L. Flaherty**
Emily D. Fontaine
Sharon Marie Freeman
Jasmine Frison
Robin L. Gagnon**
Beth A. Garcia*
Robin Lyn Gargano
Thomas B. George, Jr.
Christopher M. Gramza*
Tyler C. Guay
Justin E. Guy
Marissa Leigh Hansen
Christopher Hickman
Shannon Hilb
Alicia M. Houston
Allison Renee Jackson**
Milton Jackson*
John Thomas Jessee*
Lyrica Johnson
Maxwell H. Johnson
Victoria C. Johnson**
Ashley E. Kelly
Nicole Kitchen*
Ericka Gretchelle Koehler***
Andrew LaBoy
Damon Tycody Lareau*
Colby J. Larsen
Emily T. Lavallee
Kaylie A. Lockerman
Nicolas Edward Martin
Jared Mason
Harold Matroni, Jr.
Abigail Cassandra Matute
Bobbilyn C. McLean
Danielle Middlemiss
John Mikos**
Nicholas James Moffatt
Annie R. Morozko
Kelly Morris
Dana Marie Mozzoni*
Jasmine Oglesby
Ferguson Daniel Oldag
Angela Palmer
Jeffrey E. Paquette***
Kasey C. Patterson*
Wayne Patton
Kristina Pisano
Victoria Ann Pitarys
Jesse Reid***
Jason Richards
Destiny Mercedes Roman*
Daniel Charles Ross
Demetria L. Rupkey**
Christina Marie Sadler
Rebecca A. Tetrault
Shaquilla Thompson
Jared Tinker
Nathan A. Tripp
Brianna Rose Wall
Joseph A. Wentworth
Sondra M. Withey
Ashley Woodworth***
School of Business
Doctor of Philosophy
Ana Klincic Andrews
Kathleen Byrne Zilch
Vedavinayagam Ganesan
Alexandru Daniel Manus
Leila Samii
David Santiago
Bachelor of Business Administration
Rosalia N. Cavero Huapaya
Yu Shun Chang
Carla Milagros de los Rios Morales
Weidong Hao
Wei Cheng Lee
Gabriel A. Leon Miranda
Cheng Kun Ng
Lorena Polo Pinillos
Rob Shepherd
Xuan Tan
Chien Chi Tseng
Jingshi Yan
Bachelor of Science
Naif S. Abalkhail
Kerrie A. Abate
Abdulkadir H Sheikh Abdulkadir
Joseph L. Abis*
Annick A. Abisse
Josias O Abreu
David Abruzzese*
Ibrahim Abu-Ali***
Britni Marie Adams
Lorraine V. Adams
Kyle H. Adamyk
Azer Ademovic
Steven Alario**
Jacqueline Albert
James Albrecht, Jr.
Lori Aldrich***
Joshua R. Alfred
Tom Alhadif**
Omar F. Alharbi
Rakan Alhassoun
Omer A. Aljuwaiber*
Razan H. Alkeaid
Fatoun J. Alkhalif
Karen J. Allen***
Kerre Allman
Mohamed A. Almadany
Saleh S. Almutairi
Naif Alnabit
Adel S. Alotaibi*
Khalifah Oudah AlOudah
Bayan Abdullah Al-Qadi
Maryam M. Alresheedi*
Hassan Altakiah**
Muneer Altalhi
Taif Ahmed Altuwaijri
Domenic C. Amato
Jason Ammerman
Joseph P. Anctil
Victoria Anctil
David Anderson*
Scott E. Anderson
Stephanie Lynn Anderson
Peny Sules Angutin
Alissa Lea Ankrom**
Matthew J. Ansara
Adam Joseph Antaki
Cody F. Anthony
Christiana N. Araniz
Nuno M. Araujo**
Rachel Marie Araujo***
Kimberly Argereow
Michael P. Armstrong
Daniel A. Arsenault
Alexander J. Astrella
Connor J. Audycki*
Bryan O. Augspurger
Keith R. Autio**
James P. Baal***
Mahsa Babarahmati
David E. Bachner, Jr.*
Angie Baker
Kendall T. Baker**
Anthony J. Baldi**
Cynthia A. Balint
Sean A. Ball
Melissa E. Barclay**
Luca Bares**
Tammy Barnes***
Jared J. Bartolotta
Jeffrey J. Bassett***
Brent Bathurst
Steven Bauld
Aimee Baumgartner
Michael Beaulieu
Russell Steven Becker II
John W. Behan
Sandra Belanger
Randy A. Belbin
Lynsay M. Bell
Robert Bell***
Frank Bennett
David Joseph Benoit***
Phillip Berggren
Morgan M. Berryman
Jean G. Besson
Sabrina Best***
Bobbie Best-Vogel***
Frank Billeci**
Nicholas R. Billingham
Anthony Billot
Bandar R. Bin Salih*
Gary Biscoe***
Angel-lee Blaisdell
Keanyn C. Blaisdell**
Bruce J. Blanchard
Danielle Elyse Blanchard**
William J. Blank
Ryan Blankenship
Kimberly A. Bliss*
Kimberly Blowey***
Erica Bodden
Samuel T. Boghigian***
Donald R. Boisvert
Deborah L. Bolduc*
Samantha A. Boles
Thomas J. Bond
Robert Booth
Autumn Bosworth
Wendy A. Botelho
Lucinda Bouchard***
Zachary Bouchard
Jennifer N. Boucher
Stephanie Boucher*
Jacqueline Clare Boudreau*
Robert Henry Boudreau
Travis E. Bourne
Molly E. Bower
Brenda L. Bowers
Daniel Brady
Nicole Brady*
William Brannon**
Heather A. Brasch
Morgan M. Brennan*
Melissa M. Bresnahan**
Tyler Brick
Tia Brien
Marilyn Brinnick*
Michael P. Broderick, Jr.
Nicole Lee Brooks
David M. Brophy
Alyssa L. Brown
Darrin J. Brown***
Victoria Amber Brown**
Christopher A. Brownell*
Brian Shawn Bruce
Nathaniel C. Brunette
Christopher Anthony Bruno
Thomas Bulan*
Brianna R. Bullock
Jarett Burch
Gary L. Bureau*
Nicholas R. Burke
Cheryl Burns**
Colin M. Burns
Tara B. Burns
Jeffrey A. Burrell***
Lacey Burwell
Gary Bussolari, Jr.
Eisherat Hanif Butt
Donnel O. Caggiano*
Joseph Caggiano
Jun Cai
Carlos Calderon*
John A. Callanan, Jr.
Luciana Fernandes Camargo
Victoria F. Cameron
Ofir Campeanu
Drew P. Canavan
Michael J. Canavan Jr.***
Nikola Canic
Stephen J. Canova
Jessica Capano*
Dane M. Caracino
Jake W. Carey
Cecelia K. Carll
Cody J. Carlson
Erika F. Carlson
Katie Carlson
Tanya M. Carlyle
Tara Carnes**
Patrick E. Carr
Rachel Carr**
Sarah F. Carroll***
Frank A. Carson
Jeremy J. Carter
Nicholas Carter
Richard S. Carter, Jr.
Gina Marie Cartolano*
Jonathan E. Caruso*
Shyloh D. Casey
Leanne M. Cash*
Casey Castellez*
Peter F. Cataldi**
Kanon Cataño
Ryan J. Cavallaro
Timothy M. Cerato
Annette Chamberlain***
Lai Yen Chang
Thomas B. Charest**
Martina M. Charpentier***
Monique L. Chauvette***
Jonatan Chavez*
Sui Keat Cheah
Sui Yen Cheach
Yi Chen***
Matthew Cheney
Chun Yen Cheong
Deth Chhun*
Amber B. Chicoine***
Hanane Chraibi
John Edward Chrimes
Jamie E. Christian
Danielle Christians***
Steven J. Chrysikos*
Tai Sze Chua
Phoebe E. Clark***
Tyler R. Claypool
Nadine Clement
Patrick R. Cloutier**
Tiffany A. Coffey
Rachel Cohen***
Heather B. Colby**
Melanie A. Cole
Sydney T. Collier***
Anthony Collins
Jason Como
Devin B. Conley
Michael S. Connell
Samantha E. Connors**
Bryan Constant
Margaret L. Conway**
Rebecca L. Coomey*
Amy Lynne Cooper
Ante D. Cop
Shannon E. Cordeiro
Graydon Corpian***
Benjamin S. Corriveau**
Travis Corriveau***
Robert Cossairt**
Joseph M. Costa
Michelle A. Cowels
D’Arcy K. Cowie**
Derek A. Crandell
Kyle M. Crawford
Michelle D. Credit*
Kyle A. Crockett
Julie S. Crosby
Amanda Cross**
Wayne Crotto
Lauren Michelle Crotty
Susan Crowe
Christopher J. Crowley
Jenna M. Crupi**
Jose H. Cruz*
Barbara Cruz Casey**
Amanda Currier
Emily A. Curry*
Denise Czermak
Paul Alexander DaCosta
Andrew N. Daigle*
Samuel C. Daigle
Nara Dal Molin
Dustin Daniel
Donna Lee Daniels-Hall
Ashlee L. Daoust
Christopher Paul Darrow
Karan Singh Daulat Singh Paul
Christina Davis**
Raymond Francis Davis
Robert L. Davis***
Robin Davis
Daniel Allen Dawson
Dereck A. Deblois*
Tammy A. Deblois
Steven Ryan DeFreest
Lisa D. Deis
Nicholas Deluca***
Sean K. Dempsey*
Christopher R. Dennen
Craig Dennis
Jeffrey Denoncourt*
Michael P. Depaolo*
Stephanie E. DePasquale
Yolande R. Deryck
Jonathan Desautels*
Chad E. Desmarais
Danielle M. Desmarais
Sarah C. Desrochers
Joseph N. Desroches*
Christopher J. Destramp**
Sarah Deveau
Stephanie A. Deveau
Al-Batani Diaz
Lisa DiCicco*
Jeremy S. Dickson*
Dominic A. DiMaggio
Valerie Dinardo
Andrew W. Dine
Jessica Marie Dinsmore
Laura P. DiPietro
Breanne N. Distasio
Fatoumata Djire*
Mitchell L. Dobek
Cassandra Ann Dolan
Ileene Domenech
William D. Donnelly
Jennifer Donovan
Donna L. Doran
Alex Nathaniel Dorson
Wendy L. Dowaliby
Evan T. Doyle
Jessica J. Drago
Joshua D. Drago
Amy M. Drolet
Jennifer Drover
Rebecca Drury*
Kayleigh M. Dube
Jennifer Elizabeth Dul
Andrew C. Dunn
Jonathan E. Dunn
Thomas P. Dunne
Mubera Durakovic**
Michael Robert Durand*
Iryna Dzerhachova
Philip A. Easterwood
John P. Edmundson***
Justin J. Egan*
Daniel R. Ehui**
Sina Ek
Eric Robert Eldred
Joshua T. Elenowitz
Andreas Eliasson***
Patrick Keith Ellingson
John M. Ellsworth III***
Julie R. Elwood
Ali E. Emmott
Steven Erickson**
Christine Erie
Catherine K. Erwin
Jason J. Esposito
Elizabeth S. Evans
Donna M. Evers
Brandon D. Ezzo
Deanne Marie Fagan***
Jennifer Fahrner**
Aaron Fairhurst
Ryan Fallon
April Ann Famiglietti
Farnoosh Farahmand**
Ryan P. Faria
Morgan H. Farmer
John Thomas Jude Farrell*
Paul R. Faucher*
Amy Fauvel
Nicholas Federico***
Angela N. Ferrair
Angela M. Ferris*
Anthony Fields*
John A. Fields
McKeea Fields
Cherie E. Filistowicz***
Angela Finley
Brittany Fiore**
Daniel Fiore**
Jennifer Fiore**
Ryan Patrick Fitzgerald***
Tammy Fitzgerald
Paul Fixler
Kristen N. Fogarty*
Erin Foley
Heather Dawn Forrest
Timothy P. Forte
Rebecca S. Foss
Stephanie A. Fournier*
Samantha Fox**
Luke D. Fradette
Ashlynn C. Fratoni
Kristina M. Frazee***
Danielle Courtney Fredette
Jacob Fredette
Theresa Anita French
Julia Rose Fuentes
Sasha Fuentes
Brandy Fulcher*
Neftalina Fulgencio
Samuel E. Fuller
Timothy W. Fulton***
Raymond J. Gaffney
Lisa M. Gailunas
Joseph F. Gallagher IV
Christina M. Gallo*
Ka Young Gan
Johnny Garcia
Michael A. Garcia
Jeanette M. Gardner
Elijah Garrison-Botsford
Tina Gauthier
Anne-Marie Geiger*
Kimberly M. Genovesi**
Dana Cox Gerard***
Selina M. Gerow**
Jill Gerrish*
Erica L. Gessner
Gabrielle M. Giannelli
David Higgins Gibson
Lisa M. Ginn
Brianna Giorgi
Emilie Giroux*
Elizabeth J. Goff
Zachary Goggins
Adam Louis Goinsalvos
Patricia E. Golinski
Richard Gonsalves*
Joshua R. Goodwin
Timothy J. Gormley***
Douglas Patrick Gower*
Andrea E. Grader
Scott A. Grady***
Burim Grajcevci
Amanda L. Gray**
Jennifer Gray
McKenzie Gray
Courtney L. Green
Jennifer A. Greene
Sean Griffith
Bradley Griffiths
Andrew Grigger
Christina Grimm
Jason W. Grotton
Danielle R. Grover***
Jacqueline Grubbs
Taylor L. Guarino
Brian K. Guptill
Lindsey Gustafson
Julie Hall
Joshua Hames
Katherine E. Hamlin
Ali Hamza
Asad J. Hardwick
Madison Leisa Harold**
Katherine A. Harris
Mitchell L. Harris
Kelsey M. Hartmann
Janice Harvey
Jasmina Hasanovic**
Craig W. Haskell***
Stephen Hassett
Dwayne Hatch*
Charles Brady Hatton***
Hayley A. Hawksley
Madeline W. Hayes
Stephen E. Heeps
Victoria L. Heil
Nicole K. Helmen
Jaimee E. Hemphill
Kierstyn V. Henderson
Paula M. Hennessey
Dennis Hernandez*
Adam Michael Hickman*
Barbara Hicks
Kashif W. Higgins
Kerry Hildebrand
Bethany L. Hill
Dionne Marie Hill
John E. Hinkley
Chai Yang Ho
Poh Ying Ho
Jordyn P. Hoar**
Stacey Hodges*
Kristyn Hoenig*
Brian J. Hogan
Michael Hollis
Joshualyn V. Holman***
Tyler L. Holske
Stephanie Myers Holzhauer*
Hyoeun Hong
Kerilyn Horn
Lisa Kett Houghton**
Ryan M. Houston
Christopher T. Howell**
Gregory T. Howell
Hsiuli Hu*
Zhewu Hu
Megan Elizabeth Huddleston*
Jeffrey Hudson*
William Patrick Huggins
Christianna Noelle Hurd
Samuel Bunting Hurd
James S. Hurley*
Michael J. Ivas
Jason William Izzard*
Huda Ziad Jabri**
Denise Rachele Jackson
Keith E. Jackson*
Paula Jackson
Michael A. Jacques**
Don Janvrin**
Ashley Marie Jaskula
Kirsten L. Jean
Robert A. Jean, Jr.
Chloe Alysse Jeanjean
Kelly R. Jenkins
Albert Jernigan
Tiffany Jester
Timothy Robert Johansson
Alison Kropp Johnson***
Brandon Johnson
Diane M. Johnson
Shannon Marie Johnson
Susan L. Johnson*
Thomas O. Johnson
Jerico N. Johnston***
Eleanor Johnstone
Jessica Lee Jollotta
Alton Jones, Jr.*
Angela K. Jones
Molly L. Jones-Jamison
Stephen Joslyn
Hunter R. Judd
Andrew E. Junge-Dennison
Azemina Jusufovic
Michael R. Jutras***
Eric M. Juve
Margarita A. Kaliviotis
Hyejun Kang
Irene Karafotias
Heather L. Karam
Melanie Karbowski***
Christian D. Karnauchov
Arun Kannan Karuppan Naikka
Stephanie Nicole Kaszanek
David E. Kay***
Aabishkar K. C*
Heather A. Keenan
Carissa Ann Kelley***
Angie Lynae Kemble
Daniel C. Kendall
James Kendall
Joseph L. Kenick, III
Maureen Kenney*
Dennis Ketner***
Bandee Kim
Jihye Kim
Minjeong Kim
Soojin Kim
Sunwoo Kim*
Ye Seul Kim
Yunseong Kim
Vincent R. Kimball
Sarah King
Ryan J. Kinne**
Katelyn Mary Kinney
Dennis Kirkhart***
Aris L. Kitsios
Jana Elizabeth Klein*
Kimberlee Violet Klevanosky
Andrew J. Koberski
Christine E. Kolagji***
Stephanie R. Kondvar
Mohamed Konneh
Julie Kopacz**
David Korpi**
Jillian M. Kotowski*
Tyler Kramlick*
Katie J. Krauss**
Shane D. LaBonte
Alexander Joseph Velt Labrie
Tyler Kramlick
Robert S. Lackey**
Milissa Lacortiglia
Michael J. LaFlamme
Nicole M. LaFortune
Andrew C. Lalli
Amanda L. Lallo
Sharon M. Lally***
Courtney Mae Lambert
John R. Lambert II
Jaganath Lamsal***
Carrie L. Lane
Victor Lane**
Richard Anthony Lang***
Elizabeth Laplante
Jessica M. LaPlante
David LaPointe
Sandra D. Laporte***
David R. Largenton
Philip E. LaTorre, Jr.
Kelly Lau Mei Lin
Christine Lavoie*
Nicholas L. Lawrence
Susan Patricia Lawton***
Norman Leblanc*
Adam Lecain
Hyun Jung Lee
Benedit Lee Long Boon
Peay Ling Lee
Sojung Lee
Stephanie M. Lee
Sylvia Lee Sze Yuen
Yee Mun Lee
Marylyn Lefebvre Todd
Melissa A. Lemay*
Joanne Lemelin***
Cathy A. Lemery
Christine Marie Leonardi
Melissa S. Leonhard
Sasha Rae Leston**
Angela Leung
Nickole Leveille*
April M. Levin*
Jonathan Levy
Brianna V. Lewis
Christopher Lewis
Jessica Lewis
Scott A. Lewis***
Xiaozhen Li*
Kei Yean Liang
Brian Libby***
Chin Wei Lim
Sarah Lim Ee-Ping
Yi Chen Lin
Heather M. Linehan
Curtis Ling***
Sarah Link
Hillary Holtzman List
Jocelyn Lockwood**
Shannon M. LoConte*
Wing Hong Loh
Ping Er Loke
Ricky A. Lombard
Edith D. Long**
Tina Long*
Melissa Julia Lonie
Lae Syee Loo
Jia Lynn Look
Celestino Lopez*
Donny Lopez
Angela M. Lord-Doyle***
Alexandria M. Lorden**
James E. Love**
Ian Jason Lowies
Amber Lucas
William E. Lucini, Jr.
Carrie J. Lund***
Lisa M. Lundborn**
Wen Luo*
Nancy Lynch*
Shannon Marie Lynch
Ariss Lyons
Amanda R. Machos
Roderick Mack*
Nicholai Maro Madias
Carlee J. Magliozzi
Nadja Maia*
Alibay Malik-Abas
Scott Mannes
Tristan G. Manoliadis
David William Mara
Jason A. Marchand*
Abd Alkareem Marie
Daniel Marquis**
Rebecca-Lynne Marrero**
Ann Marrese
James R. Martin
Jessica Martin
William Martin**
Jennifer K. Martineau
Megan Elizabeth Martineau
Anthony M. Martinelli
Marshall G. Mason
David M. Matteucci
Emily Matthews*
Dolores G. Mattice
Yu Xing Mau
Jennifer T. May
Meaghan E. Mayo**
Andre McAdoo
Katie June McCance**
Devin S. McCarthy
Patrick A. McCarty Sr.
Evan McCoy
John M. McCulloch***
Paul McCutcheon
Patrick T. McDonough
Jaskiel McDowell**
James Michael McGowan
Cara Elizabeth McInnis
Brian McInturff***
Mark A. McIsaac, Jr.
Heather McKay
Christopher J. McKiel
Amy C. McLaughlin
Erin Johannah McLendon
David McLoud, Jr.
Jeffrey McMahon
Michael McRae
Alan N. Medeiros
Connie Meierdiercks
James Meppiel
April R. Merchant*
Jillian P. Messier
Trevor Methena
Natalie M. Metta
EmmaJean Meyer
Jaclyn P. Middlemiss
Nicholas J. Milero
LaToya Monay Miles
Renee Michelle Miles
Rachel S. Miller**
Raymond Neal Miller
Jennifer A. Milton***
Michael C. Mogavero**
Christopher Webster Mohaghegh
Rekha Mohana Sundram
Selina Mohd E Wong*
Angela Moisan
Christopher James Mojica
Andrea L. Molinari
Sarah Ann Monfreda***
Irene Dianne Monroy
Stephan E. Montana
Andrew J. Moon**
Anastasia Moore
Nathan W. Moore
Elizabeth A. Moors
Sean W. Moran
Justine M. Moreau
Nicole M. Mores
Carol Morgan
Ellie T. Morin
Shiorina Morita
Andrew J. Morrissey
Charmaine Morrow
Nicholas C. Morse
James Ian Mott***
Melia Kristen Moulton*
Jeffrey E. Moynihan
Richard D. Mueller
Waleed Muhammed Faraj Aboud
Kayla A. Mullen
Zainab Gibrine Mumuni
Kenneth Munsell***
Caitlyn M. Murdough
Muhammad Junaid Murshed
Daniel J. Musella
Jacques M. Nadeau*
Viji Nair
Ryan Naro
Alexander Hill Nash
Edward P. Nasser**
Lawrence Nenni***
Beatrice Ng Miin Wei
Wae Yee Ng
Gladys Karel Ngnibo Nogna***
Nam Khanh Nguyen
Viet Tuan Nguyen**
Aaron Robert Nichols***
Andrea F. Nieves*
Kelsey R. Noga***
Sean Nolan
Tarvon J. Nolan
Nicholas N. Nolet
Amy L. Norman
Nicholas Norton
Elisa J. Nunez
Susan Nunnery
Stacie Lyn Nuttall
Jesse A. Oakes
Dennis J. O’Brien***
Patrick W. O’Brien**
Catherine A. O’Carroll*
Kyle G. O’Connell
Michael J. O’Connell, Jr.*
Ashley O’Connor
Brian K. O’Connor***
Edward F. O’Grady
Claudia A. Ohar
Elliot Oliveira
Ricardo J. Oliveira
Jason Olson
Jason Ong Doon Meng
Roberta L. Orsini*
Matara McCarron Ortiz*
Nicole A. Ortiz*
Peter A. Ouellette
Jeffrey John Oury***
Sarah Christina Owens
Matthew R. Ozella
Jeffery S. Paige
Jade Palermo
Jessica Michelle Palermo
Russell A. Pallas
Thomas M. Paluszynski*
Yanni Panacopoulos
Georgios T. Panakis, Sr.
Laura M. Pankoe***
Joshua S. Panny*
Jin Jeannie Pantano**
Rachel Paquette
Jessica L. Parasco
Nicholaz Paris
Aaron Park
Holly K. Parker***
Monal K. Patel
Pradip J. Patel *
Jennifer L. Paul
Valerie J. Pearl
Michael Peasley
David L. Peirce
Daniel Pelkey
Sarah N. Pelkey*
Cynthia Pellegrino**
Hao Peng***
Mona Louise Pepin
Ross A. Pepin*
Courtney A. Perzan
Karen M. Peters
Scott Peterson*
Kameliya I. Petrova
Cassandra J. Petterson
Daniel Joseph Petty
Gregory J. Pezzuto
Brytanie A. Phelan*
Emily Elizabeth Phillips-Murray
Cayleen A. Phinney**
Ling Mei Phuah
Kathleen Pidancet***
Nancy Pierce***
Alyssa Rae Pinardi
Matthew George Pistner**
Matthew Pitkin*
Nicholas R. Plante
Cory Plato
Douglas R. Platt
Frank Willi Plucker
Michael J. Podgurski
Tyler R. Poisson
Zachary Allen Pomfret
Amanda L. Poncia
Edward Ponte
Teneal Poole***
Henry T. Poth
Matthew Powers
Warren Pratt
Nicholas C. Prigitano**
Nikole Provencher*
Midori Pryor***
Matthew D. Puleo*
Rebecca M. Pulsifer
Meghan M. Quirk**
Jaesung Ra
Peter J. Radziewicz, Jr.
Alicia M. Rainville
Sandra Cabral Ramsey
Tatiana D. Ramy**
Katie M. Raymond***
Amy Rea
Jessica R. Reed**
Robert Daniel Reeves
Daniel Lins Carvalho Rego***
Robert E. Remillard
Gina Marie Reppucci
Ruben M. Resendes
Loanmi Restituyo
Marissa S. Reynolds
Zoilibeth Reynoso
Debra L. Ricci
Nicholas A. Riccio
Lawrence Riccitiello
Christopher Thomas Rice***
Melissa Richard
David Richards***
Ileana Richiez
Michael J. Richter
Michelle Rieper
Kristy Rieth*
William M. Rines*
Michael P. Rintz
Gladys Rivera
Jennifer L. Rivers
Jung P. Rizzi***
Steven J. Rizzi
Christopher C. Roach
Randall Dylan Roach
Donald M. Roane
Cameron R. Robichaud
David J. Robinson
Tanya Robinson*
Kathleen Rock
Alex A. Rodriguez-Mukdaprakorn
Christian Martin Rodriguez Fraga
Jordany Rodriguez
Adrian Roig
Michael J. Roper
Susan M. Ross***
Rebekah Roy
Tania J. Roy**
Brian F. Royce*
David E. Royce Jr.***
Wendy Michelle Rubio*
Leane E. Rumson***
Monika Ruscsak
Kathryn Russell
Kelly Russo*
Daniel C. Ryan
Paul Ryll**
Madeleine C. Sablack**
Micheline Saghbiny-Ramy
Pipere K. Sailer
Mark Edward Saint-Louis
Jason M. Salois
Melissa Samenfeld*
Sherry L. Sampson***
Cherylee Samuelson
Belinda A. Sanchez
Maemosyne B. Sanchez
Crystal G. Sanders**
Chotirat Sanghiran
Alex P. San Giovanni
Anna M. Sansoucy***
Nicole M. Sanville*
Nicholas C. Sartell
Christina L. Saunders*
Joshua Clifford Savoy*
Bryan Patrick Sawchuk
Timothy Allen Sawyer**
Thanousone Saycocie
Nicole Scanlon
Thomas C. Scannell
Ivette Scarlata
Courtney L. Schadt*
John Schaefer***
Julie Schaefer
Emily Schampers***
Michael Schiller**
Jessica Nicole Schneckloth
Victoria D. Schulz*
Adam James Schumacher
Lynda Schwalenberg*
Jennifer Scott
Kristine C. Scott
Lynn Marie Scritsmier
Elisabeth A. Scurlock
Nicolo J. Serra
Andrew James Seuffert***
Lori L. Sharp
Rachel L. Sharp
John W. Shavel
David N. Shaw Jr.**
Steven M. Shea
Wallace Shellhouse*
Cameron R. Shepard
Alexander C. Sherrill
Ye Ji Shin
Zujaja Siddiqui
Shirley M. Silva-Paige
Francisco R. Silveira
Lauren Silverman
Carmen Simboli
Christopher David Simoneau
Xenia A. Simpson***
Steven Singleton
Mindy Skaggs-Sage
Danielle Sleeper
Amy L. Smerdon
Audley Woodrow Smith
Briana L. Smith
Danielle J. Smith*
Earl T. Smith**
Jacqueline Smith
Jonathan Michael Smith
Justin A. Smith**
Kelli L. Smith
Paige C. Smith
Sohuei Song
Grisbell Soto
Amy B. Soucy
Rachel A. Sousa*
Stacey L. Sousa
Leanne Southwick
Maxwell Weston Spencer*
Tawna Spinale***
Erica Splitt
Cathryn M. Squiers
Brian William Squires
Nicholas W. Srybny
Anna Staffa
Tesia E. Stanasek
Annika Augusta Marie Stanley-Smith
Albert Michael Stanton*
Daniel W. Starratt*
Scott N. Steele
Alexis Stengel
Josiah S. Sterling**
Derek Stevens*
Therese Yolande Lamoureux St. Germain
Corey Stiles
Emily I. St James*
Roger St John*
Stacy Stokes***
Rebekah Stone***
Thomas M. Stone
Elizabeth A. Stretton*
Jack D. Stroud***
Chun Hao Su
Mahalakshmi Devi Subramaniam
Katie A. Suliveras
Kara C. Sullivan**
Chanvudh Sumongkol
Lori Swanson
Donald L. Sweeney, Jr.
Glenn A. Swisher**
Sengsawanh Ting Syhabout
Michelle B. Sylvain*
Geoffrey Sylvester
Erlin Tabatabaie
Lay Fong Tan
Dylan A. Tancill***
Wai Kin Tang
Kayla M. Tanguay**
Justin Tanos
Jesse S. Tappin
Lisa Tarrats
Erlin Tabatabaie
Ismael Tavares
Morrison Tawiah
Cherng Khai Tee
Vivian Teh Kai Lin
Richard Temperino
Michael C. Ternullo
Jennifer L. Tetley
Daniel Louis Thibeault
Wai Kei Tho
Michaela Rae Thomas**
Michelle L. Thomas
Michael Thompson***
Nathan E. Thorsell
Ashalata A. Thotangare*
Stephen T. Tierney
Christopher J. Tilton
Melissa J. Tilton***
Jennifer A. Tisdale***
Rebekah E. Tobia***
Sarah M. Tobin***
Enrique Torres***
Mohamed Toufik
Theresa Trafford
Anh N. Tran***
Evan Travers
Phillip T. Tripodakis**
Brian T. Troy
Luis C. Trujillo
Michael Tuccolo
Stephanie E. Tucker*
Kristen Tullar**
Brooke K. Tyler**
Bryn Tyler
Christine R. Tyler**
Daniel Uba-Oyibo
David Anthony Urbon
Jorge A. Uribe**
Christopher P. Vailette, Jr.*
Alicia V. Valdes-Howard
Hazel Runes Valdez
Nicholas S. Valentine
Bryant Vallat
Carol Vallee*
James R. Valley
Debbie L. Vancil
Vanessa Vander-Mallie
Jerry C. Vella**
Danielle Ventura
Suzana Vidic*
Nicholas Vieira***
Wendlyn Villa
Angela Vincent
Richard Violette**
Candace Wade
Katherine A. Wait*
Tessa J. Walsh
Yi Ping Wan
Shixiang Wang
Benjamin Daniel David Ward
Kennon M. Warner
Nicholas Watson***
Julia V. Watterworth
Susan Watts*
Patrick Wellman**
Benjamin S. Wentworth
Sarah Wenz
James D. Wersackas, III*
Lauryn Tracey Wheeler
Cory White**
Wesley M. White*
Samantha E. Whittier**
Michael A. Wiggins**
Samantha Lynn Wile
Zigmond J. Willard**
Rhoda L Willette*
Branden Williams
David E. Williams
Lisa M. Williams
Erika Elizabeth Winans
Andrew Winsor
Susan D. Winter**
Victoria Alana Wiseman
Taylor M. Witham***
T. Jeffrey Wolters
Nickolas Wood
Travis J. Wood
Charlene Woodard
Joshua Hamilton Woodbury
Lisa Woodward
Brian Woody
Carl H. Worthen, III
Bryan S. Wright
Sara Lynn Wright
Matthew Wrobel***
Lai Xu
Wei Yan
Tatsiana V. Yarashevich
Sharon Christina Yarbrough
Jaime A. Yates
Bryce R. Yeaton**
Wei Nie Yee
Shaun J. Yelle, II
Susan G. Yerxa***
Richard Yoo
Adam York
Cameron L. Yotch
Matthew Young**
Cynthia R. Yovanov**
Jihye Yu
Seoyeong Yun
Cheryl L. Yurik
Kayla Zagieboylo*
Nichole T. Zambon
Maritza Zamora Cruz
Jason R. Zariczny***
Mark R. Zerbinopoulos
Zhenhao Zhang
Zihao Zhou
Bachelor Applied Sciences
Alison Stone
Bachelor of Arts
Brook Ballard
Alexandra Lea Chamenko
Victoria Marie Czaia
Nicholas Adam Damas
Bobbie C. Douglass***
Claudia Duran**
Jason W. Edwards
Jonathan William Enzinna
Kyle Estabrooks**
Sheila Fisher
Steven Gilmore*
Janice Gleisner
Christopher Grandmaison
Michael Gray
Tyler Hubbard
Derick Johnson
Ryan M. Juza
Jasmine C. Lampropulos**
Ametress Lewis
Michael Reynoso Portes
Alfred Suficiencia
Donald James Taylor, Jr.
Associate in Science
William Adkisson
Christen G. Aliperta*
Michael Allen**
Michelle C. Allen
Andrea R. Andrews
Isaac Arevalo***
Rikecha Armstrong
Erin Arsenault
Ashley N. Baker
Elizabeth Barlow
Michelle R. Barnhart***
Stephanie M. Baumuller
Nicole Beaulieu
Joshua Beckless
Kristen Beckwith
Brit Mason Bell**
Keith J. Bennett**
Marissa S. Benson***
Jennifer L. Bernier
Terrance Beverly
Peter J. Biondo
Andrea L. Blake
Kaitlin M. Blakeney
Kimberly Boisvert***
Robert Fletcher Bowen II*
Todd M. Brisson
Alicia Michelle Brown
Chad David Aaron Brown*
Jonathan S. Buatti
Adam Burke
Brad Burkett*
Alexander Calkins
Christina M. Cameron
Ryan Joseph Camire
Charlotte May Carr**
Tina M. Caruana**
Amber Chevrette**
Mallory Childers
Theresa M. Christiansen**
Jessica Ciofrone
Chelsea P. Clark
Zoe E. Clark
Jennifer Lynn Clemens***
Amanda M. Cloutier*
Sydney E. Colbert
Ricardo Colon*
Kristin Marie Connolly***
Michelle Connolly**
Nicholas S. Cook
Christopher Coon
Jessica Lynn Corddry
Jillian H. Cote
Joseph M. Couillard**
Abigail R. Courtemanche
Sherri R. Crain**
Kathleen E. Crombleholme**
Jessica L. Cronin
Amber M. Cwikla
Diane M. Cybulski-Kietner**
Trumaine W. Cyprian
Christopher A. Dahl**
Melissa S. Dalton
Michael Danielson
Paul Darcy
Michelle Daunch
Lauwana Davis-Hobley
Lisa Marie Demarse
Adam C. Descoteaux
Jeremy K. Dewell**
Chelsea Drew*
Constance Dubuc*
Mattie Durham
Laura A. Durso
Shaun D’Urso
Kenneth Dussault
Morgan Emily Early
Janice D. Emery
Robert L. Epps
Kerry Fegan**
Dominique M. Fiorentino
Chelsey Fletcher
Christopher Forgue*
Amber Fredell*
Andrew J. Freni
Julia M. Fritz
Megan S. Frost*
Raymond F. Gammon ***
Elizabeth Garcia***
Shawn Garneau
Jessi Gibson
Anne Gilch
Brian Ginchereau
Brittani Gleason
Ashley E. Glidden
Andrea Glines**
Deven Taylor Goss*
Mike R. Goyette**
Lakeya Shaniece Graves*
Stephanie Greene
Shannon E. Griffin***
Bradley A. Grindle**
Hannah M. Gullickson**
Samantha K. Hackney*
Lisa Hansen*
Connor R. Harmon*
Christopher Hayes
Kayla Rae Hebert**
Stephen Henry
Shirley Henshall**
Amanda V. Hiou
Emad Aldin Ahmed Mohamed Hirsi
Nancy Hooper***
Michael L Hoose***
Nicholas A. Janeczko
Amber C Johnson***
Dawn Johnson
Jacqueline A. Johnson
Edwin Joseph
Lynn Jutras*
Junior Kapila Munzimi
Thomas Keefe**
Yasmine Khashogji
Yasmin Hatim Khashoggi
Daehong Kim
Curt J. Kjellman
Katherine Klein**
Alexandria Knobel
Latrese T. Kohlman
Heather Labbe
Emily M. Lamplough
Scott Lane
Megan M. Langley
Caleb LaPointe
Joseph F. Lariviere**
Shannon A. Lavargna**
Chin Lung Lee
Laurel A. Lefavor**
Kristen Lehman*
Manessa R. Lins
Karl E. Lohndorf, Jr.
Steven W. Long***
Jason Loomis*
Mathew C. MacDonald*
Roderick Mack*
Bethany A. Majkut
Tatyana Makarov*
Charlene Antoinette Mangold
Erin Patricia Mannarino**
Damon Lee Martin***
Thomas O. Martin*
Brenda W. Masewic Adams
Philip N. Mason
Alicia A. Mazerall
Lindsey A. McGrath*
Kristine J. McGuigan*
Laura R. McHugh
Skylier A. McKenzie
Sean D. McKillop
Mandi L. McLaughlin
Michael Metivier
Ashley Milstrey
Karen M. Monaco
Brandi Moore
Charmaine Morrow
Erin E. Morrow
Samantha J. Mulvaney**
Judy Muth
Christopher Nangle**
Maria Napolitano
Clyde E. Nason
Alena A. Neil
Kristin Nicole Nelson-Smith
Ratko Nevajdic
Jason Newton
Corey Nichols
Cassandra L. Nickerson*
Ashley M. O’Donnell
Nicole R. Olmstead**
Rebecca A. O’Neill
Adam M. Ouellette**
Darren Nelson Ouellette
Rachel Ouellette*
Rebecca Ouellette
Jenna M. Pappas
Justin Park**
Abby Marie Pastor
Valerie J. Pearl
Nicole R. Perry
Elizabeth Peters**
Charles Petrakos
Martin Tobias Phillips
Jeffrey E. Piazza*
Amanda M. Pike
Ryan Pinard
Corrine E. Pinierio
Diana Lynn Pinkham
Julie Pletcher**
Kristine Poland**
Cherilyn E. Puffen
Michelle L. Rector
Dorene L. Reubelt
Carlos Reyes
Isabel Cristina Ringley***
Cheryl Roach
Davielle L. Rodgers
Scott A Rodriguez
Amy Romano***
Enrico Rey Roxas
Todd Russell***
Elizabeth A. Russo
Stephany Savage
Christen Scanlon**
Troy Siegel*
Ryan Simard*
Cortney C. Simpson*
Shane Skinner***
Andrew Smith
Nicole J. Smith
Laura C. Sollenberger
Joshua Dean Souza**
Victoria Stamp
Epic Storm
Cathrynn L. Sturm
Katie A. Suliveras
Deborah A. Sutor
Michael D. Teed
Laura L. Tello**
Sean Thibodeau*
Sandra Thomas
Sinem Unalp*
Samantha M Vincent
Karyn L. Waldron
Tina Marie Walton***
Noelle R. Webb
Anthony Webster*
Elizabeth A. Wellman*
Taylor E. Whitcomb
Amanda Whitfield***
Cristy A. Williams
Lakesha Williams
Ayla Wills***
Renee L. Wilson*
Brittney J. Winchell
Jarett Wurzbach
Stacy Lynn Yoder
Vanessa You
Allison J. Youngblood
Cameron Zindle
Steven Zurek
School of Education
Bachelor of Arts
Theresa Marie Andolina
Brieanna L. Aylward*
Ashley E. Barss
Kescia L. Belbin*
Shawna P. Bentley**
Samantha Gerri Bergeron***
Desiree Bergstrom
Brittany Lynn Borglund**
Daniel H. Breen
Jennifer L. Briare*
Chelsea E. Britt
Randolph W. Brown***
Rachel M. Buganski*
Talia N. Buonopane**
Rocio Camacho
Kelly E. Campbell
Nicholas S. Carey
Ashley Caron***
Meaghan C. Chait
Ernesto A. Chapa
Colleen M. Charnley***
Elizabeth Julia Ann Cooney
Sarah M. Cunningham*
Alicia K. Days*
Elizabeth A. DiVenere
Crystal Duquette**
Daniel F. Fogg*
Emily M. Fougere
Rachel G. Gauron*
Brittney Gilbert
Jenna M. Heath**
Christopher M. Hickey
Kayla M. Hillhouse**
Elizabeth J. Hiltz***
Kayleigh A. Irzyk
Jessica Jalbert**
Jordyn R. Jamieson**
Tara L. Kearney**
Kaycee J. Kershaw
Paige L. Lambert
Chelsea E. LeClair
Sarah Catherine Leclerc
Cameron Michelle Lesperance**
Skye A. Maguire
Jennifer Mandigo
Jessica T. Marshall*
Samantha E. Martin
Emily Kimberly Massa***
Gregory Graham McHale***
Melissa Jean McHugh
Michelle L. McNabb
Emily J. Menario*
Maura Joon Elisabeth Monahan
Gillian M. Murphy*
Lindsey M. Murphy
Nicole G. Noons
Sarah A. O’Keefe
Elliot R. Owens**
Kimberly M. Pacheco
Kelsey A. Parker**
Alessandra M. Pastor***
Jessica M. Perkins
Michelle A. Perry***
Jenna Lynn Perryman***
Christina J. Powell
Lyndze Rose Priebe
Amanda E. Reed
Loni Reyes**
Jennifer Susan Robinson*
Danielle M. Rousseau**
Frank Anthony Santorsa III
Kristen M. Silverman*
Katie M. Simpson***
Bernadette A. Skerritt*
Tara E. Stone
Bryan Sykes
Ian D. Symons*
Jennifer L. Thompson**
Ariel Turner***
Natasha I. Urena*
Cathy Willard**
Jennylsa Wilson***
Rachel L. Winward***
Jamie C. Wollerman*
Bachelor of Science
Stephanie M. English*
Stephen M. Foss
Meghan E. Russell**
Bachelor of Science or Bachelor of Arts Degree
*** Summa Cum Laude
** Magna Cum Laude
* Cum Laude
Required GPA 3.850–4.000
Required GPA 3.700–3.849
Required GPA 3.500–3.699
Associate in Science or Associate in Arts Degree
*** With Highest Honors
** With High Honors
* With Honors
Required GPA 3.850–4.000
Required GPA 3.700–3.849
Required GPA 3.500–3.699
The list of names published in this program is not an official list of degree recipients. Names listed here include those
who have completed all of their degree requirements as well as those who are expected to complete their
degree requirements by October 1, 2014. An official list of degrees conferred is maintained by the
Office of the University Registrar.
Nor th R er Roa
Directions to SNHU Campus:
m St.
n St.
Cross Elm St. onto Granite St.
Take first right onto Canal St.
Canal St. turns into N. River Road.
Four miles to SNHU.
te St.
1. Leave Verizon Wireless Arena at 555 Elm Street Manchester NH
2. Head north on Elm Street toward Granite Street
3. Take the 1st left onto Granite Street
4. Take the 1st right onto Canal Street
5. Continue on Canal Street, which will turn into River Road
6. Follow River Road for approximately 3 miles
7. Southern New Hampshire University will be on your left
8. Follow signs for parking
Welcome To New Alumni
Congratulations to the Class of 2014!
We are excited to welcome you to the alumni community, and we hope
you’re as proud as we are of your efforts and accomplishments to get here.
As a graduate of Southern New Hampshire University, you are officially
part of the SNHU Alumni Association. Your membership connects you with
more than 54,000 alumni throughout the world, and provides you access to
library resources, professional development, networking, volunteer, and
social events throughout the year. We hope to see you on campus for Homecoming Weekend this fall, October 17–19, 2014 or as part of the many opportunities to
engage with other alumni and the SNHU Community both locally and on the
Stay connected and make sure your alumni profile is up to date at
Kristi Durette, Director of Alumni Relations
Jeff Penta ’05, ’08, ’11, President, SNHU Alumni Association
Share your #SNHU2014 moments
• Invite your family and friends to celebrate your success with you by
watching the live broadcast of today’s Commencement ceremony at
• Congratulate the Class of 2014 and share today’s highlights using #SNHU2014
when posting to Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.
• We would love to include your Commencement photos in our official
#SNHU2014 Facebook photo album. Email your photos to
Southern New Hampshire University
2500 North River Road
Manchester, New Hampshire 03106-1045