2010 final report


2010 final report
13th – 18th April 2010
Incheba Expo Bratislava
Deputy Prime Minister of the SR and Minister of Economy of the SR Ľubomír Jahnátek
Minister of Transport, Posts and Telecommunications of the SR Ľubomír Vážný
Professional co-operation:
Institute of Forensic Engineering - University of Žilina
Autoškola Marína s.r.o.
Media partners:
Internet portal Zoznam.sk
Number of direct exhibitors:
of which foreign exhibitors:
Gross area:
38 000 m2
Accompanying events:
6000 m2
Number of visitors:
182 153
Number of registered journalists:
Number of attended trademarks:
Number of first Slovak presentations:
Participating countries:
Czech Republic, Poland, France, Austria, Slovakia
Opening ceremony of the fair Autosalon Bratislava 2010 took place on 13th April 2010 on the
premises of EXPO CLUB. An invitation for the ceremony was accepted by the President of the Slovak
Republic HE Ivan Gašparovič, the Minister of Transport, Posts and Telecommunications of the SR
Ľubomír Vážny, the Vice-Chairman of the National Council of the SR Milan Hort, the Head of
Administration Office of the Ministry of Economy of the SR Mr. Peter Bučka, the Mayor of Bratislava
Andrej Ďurkovský, the President of the Police Force of the SR Mr. Ján Packa, the Chairman of SOPK
Mr. Peter Mihók, the Managing Director of Railroad Police Mr. Tibor Gaplovský and other eminent
officials and members of the Diplomatic Corps accredited in the Slovak Republic
At the opening ceremony the Managing Director of joint stock company Incheba Alexander Rozin,
the Mayor of Bratislava Andrej Ďurkovský, the Vice-Chairman of the National Council of the SR
Milan Hort and the Minister of Transport, Posts and Telecommunications of the SR Ľubomír Vážny
delivered a speech to the guests. In their speech they highly appreciated the level, quality and
creative form of presentation of the exhibition displays, the number of presented trademarks the
administrators managed to organise despite the real effects of the economic crisis on the global
motor-industry. In conclusion of their speech they wished all exhibitors a lot of business success
and business contracts and by gradual switching of the traffic lights from red colour to green they
opened the twentieth year of the Bratislava Autosalon.
After the end of the opening ceremony the guests in the presence of the President of the Slovak
Republic HE Ivan Gašparovič and of the Minister of Transport, Posts and Telecommunications of
the SR Ľubomír Vážny set out on the exhibition where they viewed with large interest individual
exhibition displays on which they were interested mainly in the latest car models.
During Autosalon, the exhibition was visited also by many other interesting celebrities from the
political, cultural and social life.
Accompanying programme of the exhibition was divided into programme for experts and the
mass public. For the mass public there were children's traffic playground, crash tests, opening of
the tuning season, handing out autographs and exhibition shows of famous motorist
celebrities, cultural programmes within individual expositions, or the expositions of old-timers in
Halls A1 and D.
Specialised accompanying programme was held during the first three days of exhibition.
On Wednesday, 14.4.2010 at 18:00, on the premises of EXPO CLUB, there was awarding of prizes
FLEET AWARDS – Company Car of the Year 2010, which was organised by Auto Business Media,
s.r.o. and the magazine FLEET firemné automobily under the auspices of the Minister of Transport,
Posts and Telecommunications of the SR Mr. Ľubomír Vážny. Models for the election of Company
Car of the Year were nominated by importers. It was possible to register two cars in each category,
of which the fleet department thought they were the best for the company car fleet. 20
automobile trademarks participated in the election in total, which nominated 126 models.
On Thursday, 23.4.2009, in the free area D there was a big courier test, in which more than 11
utility vehicles delivered by the importers of individual trademarks and 10 representatives of
courier companies operating the Slovak market took part. Marked route on the exhibition
simulated ordinary manoeuvres during driving in town traffic and participating couriers consider
such an event a unique opportunity for trying what the market offers today.
On Thursday 23.4.2009, on the premises of EXPO CLUB, International Conference “Lubricating oils
and fuels for modern automobiles“ was held, which was prepared by the Slovak Society of
Tribology in co-operation with joint stock company Incheba. The conference was designated for
producers, distributors and users of vehicles as well as for employees from car-services, pump
stations, producers and distributors of lubricants. Almost 80 participants took part in the
International Conference, who held active discussions on such topics as how to use oils and fuels
for cars. After active discussion the participants viewed the exhibition itself.
On Saturday, in the free area D there were expected Crash tests organised by company Autoškola
Marína in co-operation with the Institute of Forensic Engineering - University of Žilina. This unique
event organised once a year in Slovakia just during the exhibition Autosalon Bratislava attracted
both experts and the mass public. Over the course of the day, crash tests were held “Crash test
automobile – bicyclist“ “Crash test automobile – walker“ and “Crash test automobile – fixed
obstruction“, which were closely connected to demonstrations of the rescue of participants in
accidents of the Fire Rescue Brigade. Interest in this event was proved also by high attendance,
where the “Crash tests“ attracted almost 1000 visitors in the free area D. The Crash tests
explained to the viewers the real consequences of motor vehicle crash with various types of
obstacles and for authenticity dummies with real dimensions and weight were used.
On Sunday, 26.4.2009, so called event Opening of the tuning season was organised in free area E
even for the sixth time. In co-operation with joint stock company a.s. Incheba, it was organised by
company MMRacing. The event met with high interest of auto-tuning supporters who presented
more than 200 tuned automobiles here. The success of the event was underlined also by high
attendance in the free area. In conclusion of the event with their votes the viewers selected three
most beautifully tuned cars the owners of which were rewarded.
On the first day of fair, a competition for the most communicative exposition of the prize of
Autosalon Bratislava 2010 was announced. The prize won: Porsche Slovakia, s.r.o., Citroёn
Slovakia s.r.o., Peugeot Slovakia s.r.o. and Hyundai Motor Czech s.r.o. branch Slovakia.
In co-operation with the editor of magazine Nový Auto Magazín and Halló Auto, four prizes were
awarded to Auto Salón in categories:
Most attractive car – CITROËN GT by Citroёn
Most ecological car – PEUGEOT BB1 and CITROËN C-Zero
Most beautiful car – AUDI R8 Coupe with highly polished aluminium body
and as a news a prize was awarded
The highest number of innovations, which were brought by trademark - RENAULT
Promotion of the fair was supported by the media partner – Zoznam.sk. Contributions before and
during the fair were published in professional magazines Automagazín, Hallo Auto, Auto motor a
šport, Autoaktuál, Autožurnál, Autobild, Transport, FAB, Autoburza, Avízo, OffRoad 4x4, ..., from
which some magazines brought separate PR input on the upcoming Autosalon. From printed media
we focused on those with the highest circulation, SME, Nový čas, Šport, Trend, Nový čas víkend,
Život. Also separate inserts were devoted to the fair, which were published in the dailies: SME,
Pravda, Hospodárske noviny and Šport. Outdoor advertising campaign consisted of billboards,
bigboards, and citylights. Radio spots and sponsoring of the traffic service were broadcasted by
the Radio Expres, Fun radio and Slovenský rozhlas. Visitors had an opportunity to win cars for a
weekend, for a week, for a half-year and forever. Promotion of the competition “The best outlook for
your winning“ resonated in live broadcasting of the Radio Expres throughout Autosalon.
Great attention was paid to the motor show in electronic media. Information on the motor show
was in the main news of TV stations: Markíza, JOJ, STV1, STV2 and TA3. Independent advertising
spots were broadcasted on TA3. Also the radio stations brought press coverage from the fair
periodically: Radio Expres, Slovenský rozhlas, Fun radio. A very effective form was distribution of
invitations to business partners. 60,000 domestic and foreign entities were invited. High interest
of the media was declared also by the registration of domestic and foreign media employees in
the press centre during the fair. 503 journalists were accredited
The 20th Year of the international show of automobiles and accessories Autosalon Bratislava
proved that with its scope and structure of exhibitors it belongs to the most prestige motor
events organised not only in Slovakia, but also in Central Europe. Even despite the current
economic crisis which affected primarily the motor-car industry the administrator managed to
offer the visitors a high standard of exhibition expositions, representative presentation of
trademarks and a high number of first presented exhibition runs. The scope of Autosalon on the
area of 38 000 m2 also confirmed the dominant position of the town of Bratislava and the vicinity
in the market of passenger and utility vehicles in the Slovak Republic.
Attendance of 182 153 visitors recorded a slight increase in comparison to the past year of the
exhibition and clearly proved interest in such motorist event organised in the capital city of
Slovakia. The high attendance indicates that the exhibition is a unique opportunity for
comparison and purchase of a new car as well as a place of business meetings among both
national and foreign business partners. Modern exhibition space, sufficient parking lots and snack
stands were appreciated not only by the exhibitors but also by the experts and mass public who
visited Autosalon.
As regards the structure of exhibitors, taken exhibition space, high attendance and many
attractive accompanying events at the time when other world shows are cancelled and large
savings in the motor-industry, the 20th Year of the international show of automobiles and
accessories Autosalón/Autoservis Bratislava 2010 outlined the directions and possibilities for how
to fight actively the consequences of the economic recession. As it results from evaluation of
participating exhibitors, visitors and media, they assessed AUTOSALON as a successful exhibition
motor event, which met all of their economic expectations even despite that it took place in very
difficult economic conditions.
The future 21st Year of the international show of automobiles, accessories, garage and service
equipment Autosalon Bratislava 2011, to which we would like to invite you, will take place at
Incheba Expo Bratislava between 12. 04. and 17.04.2011. Even despite the current economic
crisis, the automobilism belongs to the core branches of industry in Slovakia. Bratislava and its
vicinity play a dominant role in the sale of passenger and utility vehicles. Just this is why
a presentation in the Bratislava motor show is an opportunity for introducing the latest models in
the market, organising social events with your business partners and obtaining new business
partners and customers. These are the main arguments which should influence exhibitors decision
to participate in the Bratislava holiday of motorists. We believe that our offer for presentation at
the exhibition Autosalon Bratislava 2011 will interest you and that visitors from both the experts
and the mass public will be able to visit your exposition in the future year, too.
We look forward to co-operation with you
T +421 2 6727 2138, 3106 F +421 2 6727 2201 E autosalon@incheba.sk W www.incheba.sk