Soul Connections


Soul Connections
Soul Connections
10th Anniversary Edition
Table of Contents
Our Mission
Soulumination celebrates the lives of children and
parents facing life-threatening conditions by providing professional photographs of these special
individuals and their families, free of charge. The
life-affirming photographs of Soulumination are
an enduring, positive record of the child’s life, and
provide a loving legacy for the children of parents
lost to terminal illness.
“A Letter from Our Founder” by Lynette Johnson
“No Words” by Becky Benson, Angel Baby Session
Soulumination at National Tay-Sachs & Allied Diseases
Association Family Conference
“Happy Memories” by Kate Sortun, Adult Legacy
Session Recipient
“Why am I a Soulumination Photographer” by Pierre
Meet Our Photographers
Soulumination at Camp Agape NW
Volunteer Opportunities
Volunteers and Donors
A letter from our founder
As we move toward Soulumination’s tenth anniversary and the celebration of this
work, we think of the precious lives, the memories captured, and the intensity of
many situations we are called into. To be allowed to capture the lives of such beautiful, brave and loving families is truly an amazing honor and we will move forward
in reverence, with kindness and humility.
Recently, I took the time to really reflect on the memories of my dear sweet grandparents. My maternal grandparents were a big part of my childhood. We lived on
a farm with ninety acres to roam with my grandparents just a short distance on
Sequim Bay; a magical place for children. It struck me that I have beautiful memories of time spent with these good people. There was more love and gentleness
than I can describe.
The richness of life around them was truly a gift. Good food, lots of freedom to explore, a wealth of projects if one
wanted to create, and board games that my grandma taught us at a very young age. Money was in short supply, but
love was in abundance. It occurred to me recently that I don’t have a single memory of my grandparents that is tied
to a gift or any material thing. I am sure they must have given us birthday and Christmas presents but it was their
presence and how they cared for us that abides.
One thing I do have is a photo of my grandma holding our firstborn, which is priceless. Your support of Soulumination allows others to have the same type of priceless legacy and for that I am endlessly grateful. I hope to live out my
life being kind and caring, and giving in as many ways as my grandparents mentored through their actions. I hope to
continue to lead by insisting that our families here at Soulumination always come first.
The volunteers of Soul give with open hearts and their endless stream of goodness may well have sparked the memories of my childhood. This year, we’re serving so many more families than in years past and each day, the work is
completed with all the caring hands that come into our sphere.
Our office is lead by Susan, a very talented photographer. Having her in the office means we have coverage for requests when no other Soul photographer is available. For this, her leadership, and for so many other reasons, I am
grateful for Susan. Llewelyn has rejoined our staff and without her, Sue and I realize this eventful year would not
have been possible. We’ll soon welcome Heather, our current board president, into our office as an employee. Randell, our long-time volunteer photographer, will graciously step in as Soulumination’s Board president. Our Board is
stronger than ever and we are headed into truly productive years.
Living with Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma has taught me many things. For now, I am thankful to be on a “watch and
wait” program, which will hopefully last for many more months. It has been a true blessing to set treatment aside
for now and to really enjoy some peaceful moments.
It is with love and sympathy that I share the names of those we lost this year. As I type each name, I hold them in my
heart. We have recorded their beauty and we celebrate the lives of Addison, Ahmie, Aimee, Alex, Amiracle, Analia,
Annabelle, Anthony, Aria, Arian, Arya, Aubreyanna, Ava, Charlie, Chris, Colby, Dakota, David, Dylan, Elizabeth, Emaleya, Erik, Emily Mae, Emma, Ethan, Erik, Evelyn, Finnley, Freya, Greyson, Henry, Howie, Isaac, Jackson, Jefeth, James,
Jameson, Jamison, Janet, Jeffrey, Jessica, Jessie, Joe, Jonathan, Julia, Junior, Kadence, Kamea, Karlee, Kate, Kellen, Kimoni, Knox, Krystie, Kyron, Luella, Madeleine, Madisyn, Matthew, Michael, Mikhail, Olivia, Nicholas, Paola, Paul, Paxton, Piper, Quincy, Roy, Sage, Samuel, Sergio, Sturley Jr., Tahlia, Victoria, Wyatt, and Zayden.
In love and peace,
Founder of Soulumination
In 2014, 66% of our revenue came from individual donors.
No Words
by Becky Benson
NTSAD Annual Family Conference
Leading the Fight to treat and cure Tay-Sachs,
Canavan, Sandhoff, GM1 and related diseases.
Our photographers offer sessions to all
families with affected children attending the
annual conference.
They say a picture is worth a thousand words, but there are some that are worth so, so much more, and in fact,
they are worth so much that there are no words for them at all. These are my Soulumination photographs of my
late daughter, Miss Elliott. They choke me up and steal my breath every time I look at them, even now, years later.
My family and I have had several shoots with Lynette, and Soul over the years, and our pictures have changed
over time, just like our story has. During our first shoot, in 2009, Miss Elliott was still able to hold up her head,
and make facial expressions, something that her terminal genetic illness, Tay-Sachs disease would soon rob her
of. By 2010 her precious head was snuggled into the crook of my arm. In 2011 we delicately surrounded her
with kisses, and in 2012 we sat holding her picture in our arms instead of her.
“They choke me
up and steal my
breath every time
I look at them,
even now, years
I realize as our older daughter grows, and through the social media bombardment of witnessing the lives of friends and loved ones, watching their
children change year after year, that I only have a precious few photographs
of my Miss Elliott, and they are all the ones I will ever have. She will remain in memory forever as she was in life; a perfectly beautiful pure soul.
I caress the wrinkles around her eyes as she cries with a scrunched face in a photo from 2009. I marvel at both the immense joy and incredible pain I see in my
own eyes in another from 2010. I realize these photos tell our story. We’re not
staged, posed, smiling for the camera. No, we’re hurting, loving, living. These are
real examples of our lives in the midst of caring for our dying daughter, and in surviving the aftermath of her
death. These are a photo documentary of our lives. A compilation of love and sorrow in chronological snapshots.
These photos are some of the strongest connections to her I have. They are undoubtedly amongst my most prized
possessions. They restore my memories, and carry me though my tears. They bring her back to me over and over.
They honor her life and dignify her being. They show that no matter how small, no matter how short a life she had,
it was one that mattered.
To date Soulumination has provided over
1,700 photography sessions.
Happy Memories
by Kate Sortun
When I was in the fourth grade my father was diagnosed
with chronic lymphocytic leukemia. For much of my life
up until then he would get very sick, but when he was
healthy he was a model of strength, compassion, hard
work, energy, silliness, and was an amazing father to me
and my half siblings.
Shortly after his diagnosis Lynette honored our family
with a photography session. And just in time before my
father would lose his thick and wavy hair to the side effects of his chemotherapy. She joined us at our house,
in our yard, and at the local bridge (which was poignant
as my dad fought hard in his younger years to make it a
pedestrian only bridge.)
Lynette had such a warm, friendly, and spunky aura that
we all felt comfortable to be ourselves in the photos.
For the next several years I grew up with various photos
from this shoot hung up in the house, although at the
time I didn’t take much notice of them as I still had my
father in my life.
In 2014, Soulumination provided 197
photography sessions: 38 sessions
through our Adult Legacy Program and
158 sessions through our Angel Babies
My father made it five years past a stem cell transplant
without recurrence of his CLL. However, after a trip to
Norway with my grandfather and me, he fell ill again.
This time he was diagnosed with Hodgkin’s lymphoma.
The next round of treatment left my father with pulmonary fibrosis, a disease that injured his lungs, leaving
him on oxygen therapy. Once again Lynette graciously
came to our house for another round of photos. And
once again we were immediately comfortable in her
presence as she made us all smile and laugh, capturing
my father’s wonderful smile and dimples (that I feel
lucky to have inherited.)
At the time of his first diagnosis he made it his goal to see
his youngest daughter, me, graduate from high school.
He fought long and hard, living one month past my high
school graduation. That was 11 years ago. Since then I
have frequently seen these pictures up in my mother’s
house, on my fridge, or on my bookshelf.
Each time I see one of these photos a little part of me is
sad for the loss of my father, but then I look at his smile
and remember all the happy memories. The way he
would make little jokes, the years we spent sailing in the
San Juan Islands, the jellybeans he would share with me
on the way to school, and so many more. I am eternally
grateful to Lynette for her generosity and these wonderful photos she has provided for my mother, my siblings,
and me. The photos captured the essence of his being,
his soul, and its continued presence in my life is a gift.
“The photos captured the essence of his being his soul, and
it’s continued presence in my
life is a gift.”
Meet Our Photographers
Why am I a Soulumination photographer?
by Pierre Folrev
As a photographer, I have to start with a picture. I believe in the
power images can have on our mind. This is a picture, but not just
a kid’s picture. Not for my parents, not for my brothers, and not for
me. This exact picture had been in my parents’ bedroom for the
last 50 years, and still is.
Olivier left this world when he was 3 years old, just 5 days before
I came in.
I never had a chance to meet him. But for all reasons you may guess,
he has influenced my life as a child, and as an adult. I know it now,
but with that unique picture in a “no-go” zone (aka my parents’ bedroom,) I had a hard time
as a child to identify Olivier as being a real brother: I remember, I was maybe 6 or 7, when my
Mom was asked how many children she had, she answered, “Five boys.” Surprised, I recounted
on my fingers, and then said proudly, “No Mommy, we are four!” I got an unusually cold and sad
response from my Mom that I “must have forgotten someone” and I saw her fall in tears. I did
not understand then.
When I heard about Soulumination and the wonderful work Lynette, Susan and everyone else is
doing there, it just connected with my own story, and I knew I wanted to bring my contribution
to that story with my skills, to help other families, other older and younger siblings…
Photographing for Soulumination is an honor. It can be fun, it
can be nice, it can be easy, but it can be heartbreaking, hard and
frankly, even upsetting. However, every time, I feel privileged
for witnessing and recording a special, intense, difficult, critical moment in people’s life. I also realize that every session
makes me feel more connected to my parents, to my own family, and ultimately to myself.
“There is one thing the photograph must contain, the
humanity of the moment.” -Robert Frank
Amanda Paredes
Amber Metcalfe
Anna Lee
Ann Norton
Bryan Kopp
Bryce Covey
Carolyn Coffee
Charlie Ainslie
Chloe Gilstrap
Corinne McNeely
Danielle Barnum
Dawn Lucrisia
Diane Ahern
Emily Greer
Erin Schedler
Erin Schlueter
Heather Baker
Heidi Leonard
Jennifer Bugbee
Jennifer Richard
Jennifer Sandmeyer
Jenny Wohrle
Jodi Rosen
Julie Templin
Karen Carter-Schwendler
Kari Gray
Katie Simmons
Katy Tuttle
Kelly Bowie
Kelly Chandler
Kim Meacle
Kim Preston
Kurt Smith
Leo Lam
Libby Lewis
Linda Brent
Lisa Dunham
Lisa Hepfer
Locke Bradley
Luc Schoonjans
Lynette Johnson
Lynette Smith
Meg Stacker
Mercia Moseley
Michael Good
Michelle Enebo
Natalia Dotto
Pierre Folrev
Rachel Smith
Randell Walton
Rebecca Roper
Renee Bergeron
Robert Hood
Sarah Landa
Sheila Ryan
Stacy Gendreau
Stephanie Cristalli
Steve Bimson
Susan Doupé
Tonhya Wysong
Tonya Todd
Wenmei Hill
In 2014, our professional
photographers volunteered
over $88,000
in services.
Illuminate Soul
10 week campaign to $100,000 launches December 7th
Camp Agape
Camp Agape NW provides
an all-expense-paid weeklong overnight camp forthe
whole family of a child with
cancer. Camp Agape NW
gives children with cancer
a chance to feel normal, siblings a chance to feel special,
and parents a time to be together.
Our photographers
offer sessions to all Camp
Agape families.
During the first 6 months of 2015, Soulumination
provided 123 photography sessions. This is a
136% increase compared to the same timeframe
in 2014.
When every expense from 2014 is counted,
it cost Soulumination an average of $700
to provide each of the 197 sessions.
Buy your one-of-a-kind
holiday wreath at our
10th annual artists’
100% of wreath
proceeds benefit
Mark your calendars for our wreath-making party on
November 29th-December 2nd. Contact Llewelyn for more
information and to sign up!
A heartfelt thank you!
Diane Ahern
Heather Baker
Janet Brinkman
Emily Broadbent
Claire Brunner
Faith Cooley
Xamantha Curameng
Arielle Disouze
Annie Gentino
Darcy Hartz
Robin Hayes
Gillian Hayes
Brandy Ivy
Madhuri Jannumahanthi
Lynette Johnson
Ben Kaplan
Megan Lapham
Holy Names
Sarah Ortiz
Megan Papham
Julie Pursell
Samantha Queuedo
Kari Schlechten
Gina Short
Sidni Sobolik
Susan Sullivan
Emilie Szeto
Hannah Wang
KPMG Day of Caring
UW Women in Business
Diane Saltkill
Alicia Pelton
Robin Moeur
Heather Baker
Janet Brinkman
Mysti Coccia-Eddy
Faith Cooley
Xamantha Curameng
Jennings Doyle
Sally Elliott
Monica Gardenier
Annie Gentino and Mom
Suzanne Gwynn
Darcy Hartz
Paige Heeselgesser
Lauren Howell
Pat Johnston
Cathy Lennebacker
Larisa Lumba
Valerie MacDonald
Katya Marritz
Briana Miles
Colleen Monette
Nancy Ng
Stephanie Peters
Joan Reijnen
Mary Roddy
Jodi Rosen
Marci Servizi
Gina Short
Patsy Simpson
Sidni Sobolik
Ashley Spivey
Madelaine & Christopher Stoer
Susan Sullivan
Haiyen Tang
Monica Tran
Katelin Villamil
Marci Clevenger
Mysti Coccia-Eddy
Dan Coleman
Elizabet Crouch
Analise David
Susan Dunn
Sally Elliott
Pat Fallon
Andrea Fuentes
Anne Gillingham
Jack Gillingham
Jim Gillingham
Katy Gillingham
Karen Gimse
Kristin House
Rose Ibarra
Anna Landa
Julia Landa
Sarah Landa
Cathy Lennebacker
Mark Mason
Nancy Ng
Robynne Parkinson
Joan Reijnen
Jodi Rosen
Diane Saltkill
Lori Sawyer
Jane Shea
Ashley Spivey
Susan Sullivan
Paul & Angie Sutphen
Victoria Tanaka
Amber Wong
Lily West
Colleen Monette
Steve DeRoux
Hunter Farms
Norcliffe Garden
Dunn Gardens
Enebo Gardens
Jodie Harper Davis
Pat & Jim Johnston
Susan Maki
Nancy Ng
Claire Phillips
Kurt Smith
Lisa van Dam
Denise Andersen
Leslie Brazeau
Kari Brotherton
Carol Brown
Robin Brownstein
Lauren Brumbaugh & Family
Molly Bullard & Alison
Mysti Coccia-Eddy
Analisa David
Julene Davidson
Donna Diedrich
Natalia Dotto
Sally Elliott
Ken Foster
Andrea Fuentes
Katie Gillingham
Anne Gillingham
Pam Gray
Darcy Hartz
Nanette Hayre & Quinton
Joan Hibbs
Wenmei Hill
Megan Hooks
Nancy Huber
Summer Jawson
Joan Kostal
Cathy Lennebacker
Diane Loofburrow
Barb Lyle
Susan Maki
Faith Mantzke
Dylan McDonald
Robin Moeur
Collette Monette
Colleen Monette
Nancy Ng
Susan O'Leary
Sarah Ortiz & mom
Stephanie Punt
Mary Rae Bruns
Joan Reijnen
Jodi Rosen
Diane Saltkill
Lorelle Shearer
Virgie Sheldon
Chris Shuman
Jennifer Slack
Mary Smith
Ashley Spivey
Susan Sullivan
Lisa Van Dam
Hege Watkins
Monetary &
In-Kind Individual Donors
Adams, Jenny
Agoado, Jay
Allen-Martin, Teresa
Amasaki, Stacy
Angel, Claire
Agura, Anne & Edward
Baker, Chris
Baker, Colin
Baker, Heather and Brian
Baker, Julie
Basic, Pauline
Battaglia, Colleen
Beckett, Bethany
Bedwell, Elizabeth
Behar, Christina
Bellotti, Vickie & Joseph
Bihn, Julie & Kenneth
Bishop Fleet Foundation
Blaha, Joy
Bontrager, Marilyn
Boyes, Teresa
Bracht, Julie & Matthew
Brannan, Catherine
Brender, Amanda
Brennan, Kathleen
Brennan, Sally
Bridge, Jonathan and Bobbe
Brotherton, Kari
Brunner, Phyllis
Bunch, Connie Hill
Burke, Kimberly
Campbell, Linda
Cargal, Jennifer
Carlson, Heidi
Caron, Jane
Carrington, Eliza
Causbie, Jean
Cavan, O’Keefe
Chapman, Christine
Chen, carol
Cheney, Pam
Chew, Carl
Chouinard, Richard and Mikleane
Clark, Gretchen
Clark, Lauren and Hugh
Clark, Linda Jean and Timothy
Cloud, Cindy
Coccia-Eddy, Mysti
Coccia, Jim
Cockburn, Amy & Matthew
Coe, Ron
Cornett, Sean and Brenda
Curtis, Rebecca
Danieli, Ann
Daubenberger, James and Donna
Daugherty, Kaaren
Davidson, Paneen
Davis, Catherine and Philip
Dellinger, Cynthia
Douglas, Katherine
Doupe, Susan
Dufka, Timothy & Marie-Pierre
Dunn, Patrick & Susan
Eagan, Carolyn & Chris
Eilenstein, Diane
Elton, Sherry
Enebo, Michelle
Enevoldsen, Julie
Ettel, Sherry
Falkenreck, Janet & James
Fallon, Jennifer
Filli, Reto and Jana
Fiorito, Barbara
Forrest, Kristin
Foster, Angel
Monetary & In-Kind Individual
Donors (continued)
Gaba, Kersten & David
Gaffney, Kelly
Garcia, Joseph
Geist, Randy & Jan
Gentino, Pat
Glew, Gwen
Gold, Sophie-Shifra
Goldsmith, Catherine
Gompf, Jean
Gordon, Cheryl
Gordon, Monica
Gordon, Rachel
Gradinger, Lori
Green, Kelly
Hall, Anne
Halstead, Debbie
Hamill, Kelly
Hanafin, Kay
Hartz, Darcy
Hatfield, Shannon
Healey, Rosalba & Andrew
Hess, Kim
Heymann, Peter
Higgins, Frank and Leslie Magid
Higgins, Michael
Hill, Patricia
Hill, Wen Mei
Hines, Amy
Hines, Gail L.
Holland, Teresa O.
Hollister, Thomas & Janice
Hollomon, Lisa & Stephen
Hom, Nancy
Hudlow, Laura
Hughes, Heidi
Humphreys, Stephen and Amy
Hunstiger, Chrys
Hunt, Nancy
Ibarra, Gina & Rupert
Ihry, Antonia
Ismaj, Karen
Hongladarom, Jane
Johnson, Holly
Johnson, Jayme & Dennis
Johnson, Jerry & Dottie
Johnson, Lynette
Johnson, Sarah
Jones, Cherry
Jones, Karla
Joyce, Melissa
Kadota, Wendy
Keep Posted INC.
Kelley, John and Debra
Kirsch, Mimi
Kisker, Jennifer
Klaff, Leslie
Knaub, Randall
Knight-Sutphen, Angie
Knutson, Brian
Koch, Barbara
Kompkoff, Laura
Kostal, Joan
Lacher, Carrie
Lamperti, Kate
Langston, Lori and Terry
Larsen, Gayle
Lavelle, Judith
Lee, Jenny
Levine, Jessica
Lewis, Steven and Janice
Likus, Kristin
Limacher, Zachary
Harter, Linda
Lindsey, Mary Kae
Link, Norah
Lorenz, Lara
Lucrisia-Johnson, Dawn
MacKenzie, Tracy & Pete
MacLean, Collette
Mader, Mark & Barb
Mah, Laura
Mallery, Cindy
Maloney, William
Mamas with Cameras
Marquez, Jannelle
Martin, Becky
Masco Corporation
Matter, Laura
Mattingly, Sarah
McDanel, Oral B
McGruder, Adrienne
McGuire, Lauren
McNelis, Kelly
Medearis, Eliza
Messel, Erin
Metzger, George and Leslie
Meyer, Gayle
Meyer, Karen Duvall
Miller, Andrew
Monroe-Rubendall, Amanda
Muniz, Tara
Murphy, Katie
Neilson, Emily
Nickolay, Mary
Nunn, Todd & Heija
O’Brien, Rena
O’Brien, Sharon
O’Keefe, Catherine
Obradovich, Helen
Ostrom, Michelle
Painter, Dori
Papitto, JoAnn
Parsons, Erin D
Pelton, Stephen
Petersen, Becky
Phillips, Jocelyn
Piquette, Lisa
Pocan, Robert
Powers, Ethan
Queair, Edward
Rabinowitz, David and Julie
Bolton, Ralph Dean
Rathbone, Priscilla
Reed, Monica
Reid, Heather
Resnick-Zacks, Lynn
Richmond, Pete
Roberts, Jeremy
Roberts, Pacita
Roberts, Patricia
Robinson, John
Rocha, Kathryn & Randy
Rohleder, Janet & Timothy
Roland, Colleen
Roland, Diane
Romig, Mary
Ron, Kelli S
Ron, Robert
Rose, Elaine Taylor
Rothe, LeNiese
Russ, Margaret
Ryan, Sheila
Salvador, Sharon & Leonardo
Sandoval, Lorelei
Sauther, Betsy
Schafer, Jan
Scharf, Rhonda
Scheps, Susan
Schlosser-Hall, Corey & Adrienne
Scholl, Stephanie
Schoojans, Luc
Schultz, Patricia & John
Seel, Katherine
Seroussi, Richard
Sevigny, Bridget
Shallcross, Zach
Shankman, Jodi
Sharnbroich, Terry and Bonnie
Shaw, Nancy
Shea, Alison & Daniel
Shea, Diane & Steven
Shelly Kuney
Sherman, Margaret G.
Shigley, Charles
Short, Gina
Shumaker, Brooke
Siedman, Jennifer
Sims, Natalie
Skibinski, J.
Skinner, Patricia
Slack, Jennifer
Smith, Cristy
Smith, Shawn
Smith, Susan
Smith, Victoria Ann & Frank Hart
Sobolik, Richard and Sidni
Sours, Karen
Southern, Philip
Spencer, Kristina
Spivey, Ashley
Steele, Lisa
Steele, Rob
Sternberg, Robert
Stidham, Matthew
Stimson, Kay and John
Stonecipher, Diane and Robert
Strand, Leona
Strong, Dorothy B.
Strong, Kathryn & Robert
Sullivan, Susan
Sutphen, Olga & Chester
Sutphen, Paul
Swezey, Erin
Tangney, Jody & Jeffrey
Taylor, Julie
Teresa De Jesus Solis-Ruiz
Todd, Tonya
Turcotte, Jackie
Tytus, Alexandria
Umbelino, Lisa
van Dam, Lisa
Vanderzanden, Jessica
Viskovich, Stephanie
Vongrej, Clifford
Wade, Kato
Wagner, Brenda and Douglas
Wahl, Tanya & Gordon
Walker, Judith
Watson, Andrea
Watson, Bill & Janet
Weil, Alexis and Brad Laesch
Whitley, Claire
Wilhoite, Tammy
Wilkinson, Jennifer
Wilson, Annie
Winslow, Kaye
Wright, Carla
Wyckoff, Susan
Yearian, Patricia & John
York, Linda Rae & James
Zucker, Kelly
Corporate Donors
Abell Smith Design
American Express Charitable
American Express Foundation
Anima Mundi
Ballard High School
Ballard Market
Ballard Pediatric Clinic
Combined Fund Drive
Douglas Johnson and Company
G&H Printing
Glassybaby White Light Fund
Hawkanson Foundation
Keep posted Inc
Lynette Johnson Photographer
Max J. Kuney Company
Microsoft Matching Gifts Program
Milgard Manufacturing, Inc
Norman Raab Foundation
Outcast & Company
Patterson Cellars
Patxi’s Pizza
Profit Solutions Group
Raikes Family Foundation
Sand Point Community Church
Schwab Charitable Fund
Seattle Children’s
Seattle Foundation
Silicon Valley Community Foundation
Sip n Ship
St. Demetrios Philoptochos
Stoup Brewing
Teens in Public Service
United Way of King County
US Bank Foundation
Wakerobin LLC
Women For One
2014 Financials
Revenue: $164,930
Expenses: $135,245
Lynette JohnsonFounder
Susan DoupéDirector
Llwelyn Johnson
Manager of Community Engagement
Heather Baker
Assistant Artists’ Sale Coordinator
Beth NeilsBookkeeping
Randell WaltonPresident
Jodi RosenVice President
Katelin VillamilSecretary
Paul SutphenTreasurer
Monica GardenierMember
Darcy Hartz
Wenmei HillMember
Diane Loofburrow
Dawn LucrisiaMember
Gina ShortMember
Fred MoodyEmeritus Board Advisor
Lori SawyerEmeritus Board Advisor
Mark Hamby Emeritus Board Advisor
Kelly McNelis
Emeritus Board Advisor