
issue 02
MARCH 2013
MARch 2013
Success Stories within the World of
Spanish Footwear
by Francesco Malatesta
Shop of the Month
Elena M. de Mingo heads the Madrid multi-brand operator, M, which specialises in footwear made in Spain.
Brand of the Month
pura lópez
The brand from Alicante headed by the designer
of the same name has maintained its own
special style since 1956.
Interview with the Businessman of the
josé juan sanchís
The new President of FICE believes that exports are a
key factor for the Spanish footwear industry.
In the News This Month ...
The fair opens the doors of its last edition before it
becomes a joint event alongside SIMM.
momad news
All the latest news regarding the fairs that come under the
umbrella brand of MOMAD - Madrid Fashion Events.
Spanish Footwear
in the Limelight
Director of Momad Fairs
It is a veritable pleasure for me to once again share a new issue of this
publication, MOMAD MAGAZINE, with you all. As you know, this is
an initiative we have undertaken in order to promote the new umbrella
brand known as MOMAD - Madrid Fashion Events, which brings
together all the fashion fairs organised by IFEMA throughout the year.
We are happy to launch this second issue, especially in view of the
warm welcome we received with our first issue. We do so the day
before the staging of the last solo edition of
MODACALZADO+IBERPIEL, the International Footwear and Leather
Goods Fair. As you already know, as of next September this fair will be
staged jointly with the Madrid International Fashion Fair (SIMM), whilst
maintaining its original name. The two events will take place under the
umbrella brand known as MOMAD, making up the largest event in
Spain devoted to a "total fashion look".
In view of the staging of MODACALZADO+IBERPIEL this month, we
have decided to devote this issue to the footwear and accessories
industry. Over the next few pages, we present an interview with José
Juan Sanchís, the new President of FICE, regarding the industry and the
September edition of the fair. We also enable you to learn a little more
about two habitual participants at MODACALZADO+IBERPIEL, the first
an habitual visitor, and the second a participating exhibitor. In this
respect, eMe is a multi-brand establishment that has opted for fashion
made in Spain from the very beginning and is now tackling a series of
new challenges. Pura López is an example of the prestige that Spanish
footwear enjoys at an international level. These are just two of the
many success stories that we can come across within the Spanish
footwear and accessories industry.
More than 400 companies and brands await you from 9th to 11th
March in Halls 12-14 at Feria de Madrid.
MoMad Magazine
Published by: Ripley Gestora de Contenidos // CIF: B 62014204 // Pelayo, 12, 1º 1ª, 08001 – BCN
Design and Layout: Talking Design Studio // Amigó 47, entlo. 3a, 08021- Barcelona
Further information:
eme, Br and and
Multi-Br and
Some brief questions for a company that habitually takes part at
Modacalzado+Iberpiel, one of the fairs that forms part of Momad
Elena M. de Mingo set up a multi-brand shop in 2006 in Calle Don Ramón de la Cruz in Madrid. This establishment specialises in footwear and accessories that are 100% made in Spain. In 2009 the firm expanded with a
second shop and now it has decided to launch its own brand and enter the international market.
Fashion is ...
Image. And a business, naturally!
A brand that must be in every wardrobe
A brand made in Spain
Various outstanding Spanish brands such as
Chie Mihara, Som·mits, Hoss and Lola
A youthful brand to watch out for
What is the current state of Spanish design?
Excellent. Better than ever. Another thing
is consumer demand
The price war means ...
Ruin for everyone, especially with regard
to the products themselves
How to treat customers:
formally or informally?
At first, formally. The objective: that they
should ask to deal with you on a familiar
basis each time they return
An objective for the fair
To be attractive to all
How many editions of Modacalzado+Iberpiel
have you visited?
The best quality/design/price ratio
Fifteen. We shall be presenting our own
brand soon, for the first time
A street to go shopping in.
The key is to present a good stand.
What sets Spanish footwear apart?
WWW. Although once you have discovered what you are looking for on the
web, the ideal thing is to be able to enjoy
a good shop when it comes to choosing
your product, trying it out, buying it ...
The added value of a multi-brand shop
Plural appeal
Price or customer service?
Customer service
To create interest
Something good about the crisis
An opinion about mass retailing
The most successful aspect of the past
Learning from mistakes
2013 will be ...
A year of opportunities and suffering
Since it was founded, eMe has opted for products made in Spain.
Elena M. de Mingo is the founder
of the multi-brand establishment,
M, which specialises in Spanish
pura lópez,
'made in spain'
We are pleased to present one of the habitual exhibitors
at Modacalzado, one of the fairs that makes up Momad
The origins of the company, Pura López, one of
the most emblematic Spanish footwear brands,
date back to 1956, when Antonio López Moreno
began making shoes at his small workshop in Elche
(Alicante), one of the most important shoe-making
areas in Spain.
Headed by the designer, Pura López, who trained
at the School of Applied Arts and Artistic Vocations
of Alicante, the Barreira Arts and Trade School, the
Fashion Institute of Technology in New York and the
Ars Sutoria School in Milan, from the very beginning
the brand sought to create a line for highly feminine
women at different moments of their lives. Although
the firm has remained faithful to its style throughout
w w w. p u ra l o p e z . c o m
This company from
Alicante distributes its
collections through the
multi-brand channel, at
department stores, at its own
establishments and, recently,
through its own online shop.
its history, the brand has adapted its special identity
and approach to different trends.
Featuring 100% production in Spain, this company
distributes its collections through multi-brand points
of sale and corners at department stores, as well as
at its own establishments, such as the shop it set up
in Rome in 2010. The firm has also just inaugurated
its own online shop, which "is being very warmly
welcomed by the European public, our next project
being to open up the site to all countries throughout
the world", according to sources at the company. This
firm from Alicante also has a permanent showroom
measuring one hundred square metres in Milan, which
is where it maintains contact with foreign customers.
Pura López enjoys a long history as an exhibitor
at the fair, MODACALZADO+IBERPIEL, one of the
fairs that makes up MOMAD - Madrid Fashion
Events. As sources at the company have explained,
"experience at fairs is always productive, because
you get to know the opinions of many consumers
with many different personalities and nationalities;
it is a window on the world and the only way of
gauging people's reactions. The first impressions
that people have when they see the collection as a
whole is very important to us".
josé juan
President of the Spanish Footwear Industries Federation (FICE)
Since last February, José Juan Sanchís Busquier has served as the President of FICE,
the body that promotes MODACALZADO. Juan Sanchís is the founder and head of the
brand, Rebeca Sanver, having graduated in Business Studies and Economics. He is a
Member of the Organising Committee at MODACALZADO+IBERPIEL.
What role does Modacalza-
Will the umbrella brand, MO-
the export figures recorded over the last
do play on the European fair
MAD, help both fairs to grow
four years, we can observe that Spain's
at an international level?
industry has maintained a rate of growth
This fair forms part of the European fair cir-
There is no doubt that offering a more com-
of between 8% and 10%, based on an
cuit. At recent editions, more than 15% of the
prehensive fashion event will boost aspects
export drive that caters for more than 150
total number of customers have been foreign.
such as international appeal. Nevertheless,
countries. However, footwear sales on the
I would agree with my business colleagues
for both fairs to grow at an international
domestic market are quite disappointing,
in stating that the fair serves as a marvellous
level, two key factors will need to be present:
given that these have fallen by around 20%
means of boosting the image of the Spanish
the proven quality of the exhibiting brands,
on average throughout the same period. In
footwear industry.
and investment in communication within the
this respect, companies really must direct
European fashion media. IFEMA will have
their strategies towards boosting exports.
Why has IFEMA decided to sta-
to make a significant effort in order to make
ge a joint event in the case of
sure that this event reaches all potential bu-
What impact does the Spain
yers abroad.
Brand have on footwear?
The aim is undoubtedly to create a strong
One of the most important strategies
trade forum that caters for the needs of the
How would you rate the last
amongst the many measures implemented
retail sector. This joint staging entails nume-
few editions of Modacalza-
by the Federation over the last ten years has
rous advantages, not only for the exhibiting
do in view of the fact that
been the drive to promote products made in
companies, but also for Spanish and foreign
the crisis is an ongoing
Spain, based on the Spain Brand. Added
customers, given that it offers them the chance
to the extraordinary design, innovation and
to view a larger number of products and
The crisis has affected everyone, and
quality of Spanish footwear, this campaign
services in a single visit, whilst also offering
fairs are no exception. We have plenty of
has strengthened our prestige on the foreign
them the opportunity to study the strategies
examples in Spain's neighbouring countries.
required when it comes to integrating new
MODACALZADO has also been affected by
business models.
this situation at recent editions, featuring a
What characteristics are
drop in its number of exhibitors and a lower
shared by those compa-
How do you think the fair
number of visiting customers. In spite of this,
nies that have successfully
will evolve after it is joined
the fair continues to attract the interest and
weathered the crisis to date?
with SIMM?
attention of customers throughout Spain,
This crisis has transformed the whole busi-
Within the context of a difficult climate
based on some relatively stable figures. To
ness and has forced companies to adapt
such as that at present, it is very hard to
this we must also add a strong contingent
their business models to a series of new
make predictions regarding the deve-
of foreign buyers.
circumstances and pursue a new strategic
approach, focusing on aspects such as
lopment of this new fair profile. Spain's
economy presents certain positive signs
How would you describe the
image and communication. Companies
for the second half of the year. If these
current state of the foot-
have also pursued strategies such as inter-
promising indications should become
wear industry?
nationalisation and innovation with renewed
a reality, and if the conditions are right,
We must be very prudent when it comes to
vigour. These factors and, of course, the
consumer demand should gradually rise,
analysing the overall state of the industry,
manner in which each of them has been
together with companies' need to attend
given that the crisis has not affected all com-
handled by businesses, are the aspects that
and participate at events such as MOMAD
panies in an equal manner. International
have enabled companies to maintain their
expansion continues to be the best strategy
activity levels within the difficult economic
for companies in this respect. If we compare
climate at present.
In the News This Month ...
open its doors
w w w. m o daca l z ad o - ib e rpi e l . if e ma . e s
Everything is ready for the staging of the thirty-first
edition of MODACALZADO+IBERPIEL, a key point
of reference for the footwear and leather goods industry in Spain. The fair, which will be staged jointly
alongside the Madrid International Fashion Fair
(SIMM) as of next September under the umbrella
brand known as MOMAD - Madrid Fashion Events,
will take place between Saturday 9th and Monday
11th March at the fairground at Feria de Madrid.
The more than 400 exhibitors taking part at the
event will include the leading Spanish brands under
the headings of footwear and leather goods, such as
Pons Quintana, Sacha London, Pedro Miralles, Chie
Mihara, Hispanitas, Desigual, Xti, Lola Cruz and
Callaghan. Visitors will also come across a selection
of foreign companies, such as Nero Giardini, Robert
Clergerie and Felmini, who will attend the fair from
countries such as Germany, the United States, France, the Netherlands, Italy and Portugal.
The fair presents some excellent prospects regarding
its number of visitors and buyers, largely as a
result of the fact that the Marketing Department
at MODACALZADO+IBERPIEL has stepped up its
Spanish and Foreign Buyers Programmes. In short,
the exhibition will attract visitors from countries
such as Russia, Mexico, Colombia, France, Poland,
Denmark and Qatar. This new edition of the fair
comes at an opportune moment for the footwear and
leather goods industry, which achieved an export
figure valued at nearly 2,500 million euros in 2012
whilst also reducing its foreign deficit.
Organised by IFEMA in collaboration with the industry through the auspices of the Spanish
Footwear Industries Federation (FICE) and the Spanish Association of Manufacturers of Leather Goods,
Travel Items and Related Products (ASEFMA), at its
last solo edition MODACALZADO+IBERPIEL will
focus on the latest collections and new features
within the world of footwear, accessories, travel
items and leather goods for the Autumn/Winter
2013-14 Season.
However, the trade exhibition will not be the only
attraction at this fair organised by IFEMA. In this respect, a comprehensive range of activities has been
organised to coincide with the exhibition within the
framework of MODACALZADO+IBERPIEL, including
the IdeasLab Area. Consisting of a wide-ranging
programme of conferences aimed at members of the
trade, a series of different experts will tackle aspects
such as the opportunities offered by the social
media and the Internet, the latest trends on the
international market and technological innovation
under the heading of sales techniques.
This section of the fair will feature the participation
of the Sustainable Fashion Forum known as Slow
Fashion Spain, which will present the main values
and criteria of eco-friendly footwear. IdeasLab will
also feature the trends forecasting portal, World
Global Style Network (WGSN), which will present
the styles that are likely to set the trend in footwear
for next season.
Furthermore, the fair will host the staging of the
exhibition entitled "Stepping Over the Finish-Line",
which will bring together some fifty unique footwear
items dating from the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, belonging to the Footwear Museum of Elda,
models that were designed specifically for the sports
of football, baseball and gold, etc.
momad news
The Latest Developments Regarding Momad Fairs
SIMM, the Madrid International Fashion Fair, concluded its sixty-ninth
edition last 10th February with some
favourable results that, in general
terms, surpassed the expectations
of the participating companies. The
fair recorded a total of 13,048 visitors, of which nearly one thousand
were foreign buyers, which represents a 10% increase compared to
the number recorded in September
2012. France, Portugal and Italy
were the countries from Europe that
sent the largest numbers of foreign
visitors to SIMM, although we might
highlight the increase in numbers
of professionals from Bulgaria, Russia and Malta. From the American
Continent, Mexico and Brazil were
the countries that sent the largest
foreign contingents. Around 600
fashion and clothes manufacturing
companies from Spain and abroad
took part at this edition of the fair
with their latest collections, once
again offering the largest and most
comprehensive overview of the textile and fashion industry in Spain.
mercedes-benz fashion week
Madrid: 40,000 Visitors
Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week Madrid,
the event organised by IFEMA, concluded its February edition with more than
40,000 visitors. The fifty-seventh edition
of the Week featured some 42 designers, in addition to another 20 designers who presented their collections in
the Ego Showroom. The designer, Juan
Duyos, received the L'Óréal Award for
Best Collection, whilst Antonio Navas
Edition nº 34
March 9th-11th, 2013
feria de madrid
An international fair open
exclusively to members of
the industry. The exhibitor
profile consists of footwear
manufacturers and importers. Promoted by FICE and
was chosen as the Best Model, which
meant that, on this occasion, the prize
went to a male model for the first time in
the history of these awards. Furthermore, the young designer from Valencia,
Pepa Salazar, won the Mercedes-Benz
Fashion Talent Award, which was organised for the first time in order to promote the Best Designer at the Ego Forum
at an international level. The designers
Rabaneda, Etxebarría and Moisés Nieto also made their debut on the catwalk
at this edition.
etiqueta negra
Edition nº 1
May 10th-12th, 2013
feria de madrid
A trade fair aimed at brands
and retailers of ceremonial
attire, party-wear and
wedding fashion. This event
is complemented by the
staging of Pasarela Cibeles
Madrid Novias. ETIQUETA
NEGRA replaces the former
fair known as Madrid Novias, organised by IFEMA.