Meeting Schedule Ladies Dickens Tea 37th Holly Holiday


Meeting Schedule Ladies Dickens Tea 37th Holly Holiday
306 S. Saginaw St., Holly, MI 48442 248-634-9233
President’s message…..
Hi Members and Friends!
I hope everyone enjoyed the summer. It is hard to
believe we are moving into Fall. Take note of the
meeting schedule in this newsletter and mark your
calendars. We are in need of a speaker for the
months of April and May 2015. If you have a hobby
or topic that you would like to share, let me know.
We had a WAM group on Sunday, July 27th that
cleaned up the landscape and cleared some of the
back yard that is overgrown. The girls in the group
cleaned the inside of the museum. There is still
more to be done but we appreciate all their help.
Our thanks to member, Linda Dagenhardt, for
painting the porch and replacing the steps. The
museum is just like your home, always in need of
repairs. Our next big expense will be painting the
outside. If you can help or know of someone who
can, give me a call. We also thank Nancy Grimmer,
Carol Zartman Berry and Worley Smith for various
tasks that they have taken care of.
We had the large maple tree by the kitchen
window removed. The tree was beginning to lean
on the house and since we just replaced the roof
we felt it best to take it down. Check out our
Facebook page for photos.
There is a lot planned for this year and we hope to
see you at our events.
Linda Smith, President
Fall 2014
Meeting Schedule
Business meeting at 6 pm followed with fellowship
and presentations at 7 pm at the museum.
September 17- Jim Strode, dressed in period
costume will tell us about the history of pewter.
October 15- Worley Smith will talk about chaplains
during the Civil War.
November 19- Our annual Thanksgiving Dinner at
6 pm. Bring your place setting and a dish to pass.
December 17- Holiday Gathering.
Bring an appetizer to share.
Please mark your calendars or clip and save this
Ladies Dickens Tea
October 11th at 1 and 4 pm at Hadley House
This is a joint fundraiser with the Dickens Festival
Committee. Women from the Charles Dickens
stories will wander among the guests.
Tickets are $25. Contact Pam Krantz to purchase
yours! 248-634-7135. We need volunteers for
setup, serving and cleanup.
Dues were payable May 1st. They are $10 per
household. Invite family, friends, and neighbors
Holly form
to join us!
is on the last page.
Art & Craft Show
Wish List
Mark your calendar for November 1st 9 am to 4 pm at Holly High School.
Admission is $2. Over 110 crafters/artisans.
There is still a few booth spaces available. This
is a juried show. Exhibitors should call Sue at
248-634-5338 to reserve a booth.
We will need volunteers to work the door in
the afternoon, mark the floor on Friday,
hostesses and clean up.
Linda Smith-vintage Christmas ornaments, antique
doll, doll rocking chair, books, cash box, and china
Jeanne Gilbert-Silver axe from Carry Nation Festival
Monetary donations from Peg Thorsby, Kay
Thorsby, Steven Sulfaro, Robert Coffey.
Thank you for remembering the museum and
preserving local history!
Male mannequin
Someone to install the printer on the computer.
A load of Topsoil to fill in ruts in the backyard.
A handy man to do some odd jobs at the museum.
Wheels for the sleigh platform ($50)
Christmas Open Houses
The museum will be open Saturdays and Sundays,
December 6 & 7th, 13 & 14th, 20th from 1 to 4pm
We will have a bake sale on December 6th.
The Dickens Festival committee is
working hard to have a successful
event so we decided to try both
days on those weekends. Please
take a turn to show off our lovely
museum to Holly residents and
visitors. We could use 3 people each day.
Send the date you can help to
Special arrangements can be made for groups.
Call 248-634-9233.
Museum Projects
We need to make new labels for items on display
and inventory our clothing.
Newspaper Preservation
The last group of Holly Herald newspapers have
gone to ProQuest for filming. When we get the film
a copy will be available at the Holly Township
library and the museum. It is interesting to read
these. The first 50 years are at the library now for
your reading pleasure.
We have worked long and hard to get the funds to
complete this project that will preserve Holly
If a couple of people wanted to work together on
one of these you can do it according to your
Do you like to learn about people? There is very
little written history about Holly. If you would like
to be involved with collecting information about
Holly families, contact Linda Smith, email or call 248-6347946
Listen to "Genealogy Gems" talk raIndio, on WCXI 1160 AM –
Saturday's at 5 pm and you can call in with questions.
Biographical Sketches
1891 Portrait and Biographical Album
DeWitt Clinton Wade, M. D. a resident of Holly,
Mich., was born in Chautauqua County, N.Y.,
November 3, 1939. His parents were the Rev. Isaac
M. and Catherine (Sackett) Wade, both natives of
New York State. The father followed the ministry
through life, and coming to Michigan in 1854,
located at Clinton and later at Ann Arbor. His
health was poor and he took a trip to Minnesota,
where he died in 1870. His wife died in in 1858 in
Brooklyn, Mich. The family is of English descent and
the Rev. Isaac was a cousin to the late Ben Wade.
The three children of this clergyman were our
subject, Mrs. Warner of Albion, Mich., and Mrs.
Elwood of the same place, who died in September
one and is not limited to any specialty, although for
many years he has not ridden in the county, and his
time is largely absorbed by gynecological and
surgical work. He contributes valuable articles to
medical literature.
Dr. Wade is a surgeon for the Detroit, Grand Haven
& Milwaukee Railroad. He is greatly interested in
building up Holly and promoting its best interests.
He has himself put up some fine buildings in town
and organized the movement for establishing the
vinegar works there. When the High School
Dr. Wade, when a youth attended the high school
at Phelps, N. Y. and later the select school at
Clinton, Mich. He commenced reading medicine at
seventeen years of age and taught some in
connection with his medical studies. He was a
fellow student with Galbraith and LeBaron when
they were students at the University of Michigan.
These gentlemen are now practitioners at Pontiac,
this State. He graduated a month after his twenty
first birthday, the youngest in his class. He took his
medical course partly at the University of Michigan
and partly at the Albany Medical College.
On May 12, 1862, our young doctor was united in
marriage with Mary A. Gibson, and thus began a
domestic life of more than usual happiness. He
commenced practice in Holly, in February 1861 and
had made that his residence continually. He is
connected with the following medical societies.
The Oakland County Academy of Medicine, the
Saginaw Valley Medical Club, Honorary member of
the Washtenaw County Medical Society, Chairman
of the section of Practice of Medicine of the
Michigan State Medical Society, Permanent
member of the American Medical Association and
member of the Ninth International Medical
Congress. His practice has been an “all around”
building was put up in Holly in 1866, he was
Chairman of the building committee and laid out
the grounds. He was also chairman of the
construction committee for the water works of the
place. He was United States Examining Surgeon
from 1868 to 1882. He is in addition to his
membership in many medical societies also
connected with the order of Masonry and the
Knights of Honor, and is an active and earnest
Republican. His only son, Linley G. Wade is an
accountant in the First National Bank at Holly. Our
subject is one of the most notable surgeons in this
part of Michigan and is often called away to take
charge of difficult cases or as counsel with other
physicians. His surgical cases come from all over
the State.
Hon. David Hobart of Holly, Mich. was born in
Chautauqua County, N. Y. in 1840. He is the son of
Lester and Mary A. (Preston) Hobart, natives of the
Empire State. The father was farmer by
occupation, which he followed all his life until in
advanced age he retired from active labor. His wife
died in 1853 and he now resides in Chautauqua
County, N.Y. Of the goodly family which they
reared, only four are now living: David, Lester,
Joseph, and William. Both parents were earnest
and devoted members of the Methodist Episcopal
Church and brought up their children in that faith.
The father of Lester, Sr., was Marlan, a soldier of
the War of 1812.
Our subject was brought up on the home farm and
received his education in the common and graded
schools at Jamestown, N. Y. He left his home at
twenty years of age and started for the West,
arriving at Detroit where accepted a position as
clerk in the bank of his uncle, David Preston. Here
he remained six years. He came to Holly in 1865,
and engaged in mercantile business handling a
general stock of goods. He received from President
Grant his appointment as Postmaster at Holly,
which position he held until 1896. In 1889 he was
elected Representative of the Second District of
Oakland County, and served the term of two years.
He was Supervisor of the town in 1888, and
President of the village the same year. He has
been on the School Board for nine years. He has
handled the express business of this place since
1865. The lady who presides over his beautiful
home on Saginaw Street became his wife in 1862.
She was Miss Rebecca Mothersill of Detroit, a
teacher in the public schools there.
The parents of Mrs. Hobart are the Rev. William
and Mrs. Catherine Mothersill. Mr. Mothersill was
a native of England and came to America when
very young. He began his ministry in the Methodist
Episcopal Church after coming to Michigan and was
on the circuit for many years. He died at Holly in
1862. Mrs. Hobart is one of eight children living of
the parental household, namely: Philip, Watson,
William, Henry, Frank, Arthur, Rebecca and
Henrietta. Mrs. Hobart is now engaged in an
extensive millinery and ladies’ fancy goods store at
Holly. She is an enterprising and successful
business woman. She and her husband are earnest
and consistent members of the Methodist
Episcopal Church. Mr. Hobart is a member of the
Masonic order, and a man of great popularity in
the Republican Party. He is looked upon as a
leader in that part of the county. They have one
son, William P. Hobart.
George and Diane Kullis are co-chairing the Dickens
Festival. Meetings are held the 2nd and 4th
Tuesday of the month at 5:30 pm in the Village
Council Chamber. If you want to be involved, just
show up.
The Hadley House Museum
306 S. Saginaw St
Holly, MI 48442
May 2014 to April 2015
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306 S. Saginaw St.
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Holly, MI 48442