QCHAMINADE QUARTERLY - Chaminade University of Honolulu
QCHAMINADE QUARTERLY - Chaminade University of Honolulu
CQ Chaminade Quarterly Winter 2010 THE CHAMINADE NURSE ANNUAL REPORT-- FINANCIAL OVERVIEW HONOR ROLL OF DONORS Aloha, We are at the end of winter. Faculty and students are fully engaged with the academic process of learning, and a spirit of appreciation resonates on campus. Our gratitude was fueled when Thanksgiving came early last November in the form of two transformational gifts, which named our nursing school and our nursing center. Both donors are university regents, both in medical professions, and both motivated by a strong desire to honor their respective late wives by creating a lasting legacy to benefit young men and women aspiring to pursue a nursing career. We are extremely grateful to Dr. Edison Miyawaki, who endowed $5 million for the nursing program, now named the Sallie Y. Miyawaki School of Nursing, and Dr. Lawrence Tseu, who pledged $1 million for the university’s nursing facility center to be named the Dr. Lawrence K. W. and Mrs. BoHing Chan Tseu Nursing Center. In announcing his gift to our assembled Board of Regents, Dr. Edison Miyawaki recalled how our late President Sue Wesselkamper exhibited a constant desire to serve others. In an emotional moment, he spoke of how that attitude reminded him of his late wife. Dr. Larry Tseu quietly talked about his late wife’s wish to benefit others beyond her lifespan and the nurses who comforted her in her final chapter. Nursing is a caring profession and as such, our university’s values-based curriculum provides the perfect context for our program. Much in the same vein, our winter commencement speaker, Corbett Kalama, eloquently addressed our more than 250 December graduates on the “two pronged approach to success: A Dedication to Vocation and Community.” He spoke of the importance of his family and mentors in developing a values-based style of leadership. In fact, his brother was a key person who convinced him never to give up his dream of attaining an education. Our Chaminade students are able to pursue their dreams of higher education through the generosity of our extended ‘ohana. As our family grows, we pray for their blessing and wish all our readers a happy new year. Mahalo! Bro. Bernard J. Ploeger, SM President, Chaminade University 2 Chaminade ChaminadeQuarterly Quarterly ww Winter Winter2010 2010 Chaminade President Bro. Ploeger, Regent Chair Kitty Wo, Commencement Keynote Speaker Corbett Kalama, Associate Provost Henry Gomes, Fine Arts Professor Yukio Ozaki, and Institutional Advancement Vice President Diane Peters-Nguyen gathered before December’s ceremony. The ceramic piece presented to Corbett by Chaminade in gratitude was created by Ozaki with an interpretation by Gomes from the Native Hawaiian creation chant, He Kumulipo. Table of C haminade Q uarterly Bro. Bernard Ploeger, SM President Contents Diane Peters-Nguyen Vice President for Institutional Advancement Kapono Dowson Ryan Director of Communications Be-Jay Kodama Director of Alumni Relations Brandi Watanabe Director of Annual Giving Additional Photos: Charles Myers Features Board of Regents Bro. Stephen Glodek, SM Chancellor 4 The Chaminade Nurse Kathleen "Kitty" Wo Chair 7 Financial Overview Gary E. Liebl Chair Emeritus 11 Honor Roll of Donors Daniel L. Colin First Vice Chair Departments 8 Class Notes 10 Silversword Spotter Cori Ching Weston Second Vice Chair Jean E. Rolles Secretary Jeanne A. Anderson Karen E. Anderson Carolyn A. Berry Rick Blangiardi Bro. Edward Brink, SM John C. Brogan Bro. William J. Campbell, SM Charles L. Cotrell Nicole M. Dupont Bennette M. Evangelista Daniel D. Goo Carmen Himenes Stanley W. Hong Bro. Robert Hoppe, SM Angela H. Isaac Amy L. Jampel Clifton Y. Kagawa Brig. Gen. (Ret.) Dwight M. Kealoha, USAF Michael F. Kerr Richard Kido Rev. Joseph H. Lackner, SM Violet S. Loo Dr. Edison H. Miyawaki Bro. Bernard Ploeger, SM Rev. David H. Schuyler, SM Anna Marie Springer Nicholas J. Susner Willibrord K. Tallett Dr. Lawrence K.W. Tseu Gae Bergquist Trommald Vaughn Vasconcellos Sharon Weiner Hon. Patrick K.S.L. Yim Edward K.O. Eu (Emeritus) Rev. Donald P. Merrifield, SJ (Emeritus) Board of Governors Michael F. Kerr Chair Anton Krucky Vice Chair Sharon McPhee Second Vice Chair Blaine Rand Y. Lesnik Secretary Upcoming E vents Richard C. Lim Sai Cheong Chui Joseph Melehan Clifford Cooper Rev. Donald P. Merrifield, SJ Louisa Cooper Paul W. Mikos Walter A. Dods, Jr. Wilson Thomas “Tom” Orbe Edward K.O. Eu J. Hans Strasser Eddie Flores, Jr. Richard E. Tanaka George A. Froley III James J. Viso Edward J. Hogan Gulab Watumull Gary Hogan J. Michael Windsor Lynn Hogan Bro. Robert Juenemann, SM April 15-18 Annual Spring Musical: Fiddler on the Roof April 22 Dedication of the Science Labs April 29 - May 2 Alumni Reunion Weekend (details inside) May 9 Baccalaureate Service and Honors Ceremony May 10 Spring Commencement This paper stock has been independently certified by the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) that it comes from forests that are managed to meet the social, economic and ecological needs of present and future generations. The Chaminade Quarterly is published by Chaminade University of Honolulu, ©2010. All rights reserved. Please address editorial correspondence to Editor, Chaminade Quarterly, 3140 Waialae Avenue, Honolulu, HI 96816-1578 or quarter@chaminade.edu. Third-class postage paid at Honolulu, HI 96816. Also the inks selected for this issue are renewable vegetable based inks. Winter 2010 3 w Chaminade Quarterly 3 A THE CHAMINADE NUR S E By Kapono Ryan and Mike Markrich A young woman, dressed in blue scrubs, tucks in a kupuna with an extra blanket. She soothes the elderly man with gentle conversation as she takes his vital signs. He talks of fishing. She talks of cooking. They share a little laughter, though she is on high alert for any changes that are relevant to her patient’s condition. The moment is simultaneously one of kindness and competence: her heart, one of compassion; her head, disciplined in thought, surveys the situation with attention to details; her experienced hands deftly handle the equipment so that it causes her patient the least amount of discomfort. And her feet have brought her to a place of service where heart, mind and hands fulfill their great purpose to comfort and heal. She exemplifies the Chaminade nurse. As the university pursued the development of a nursing program, the vision of a Chaminade nursing graduate emerged that would be consistent with the mission, purposes and the academic vision of the university. “We want to develop graduates who are compassionate professionals, whose state-of-the-art nursing education endows them with outstanding clinical competence and who are committed to the profession,” said Dr. Stephanie Genz, MSN, RN, Chaminade’s associate dean for nursing. Chaminade anticipates the opening of its Sallie Y. Miyawaki School of Nursing (see sidebar) this August. The vision was ignited by former Chaminade president, Dr. Mary Civille (Sue) Wesselkamper, fanned into a steady heat by current university president and architect of its strategic plan, Bro. Bernard J. Ploeger, SM, Ph.D., and kept aglow through the diligence of Chaminade dean of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, Dr. Helen Turner. “The broader community recognizes that this program will profoundly benefit not only our university, but also in addressing nursing shortages abroad and in rural and local communities,” said Ploeger. “This profession also gives our students a career choice that pays well in a dynamic field where they can serve with significance.” Chaminade moved closer to its dream of a nursing program with Genz receiving the torch last July. She carries it with enthusiasm and strong institutional and community support and is currently organizing the program and curriculum. “In the last five years, $14 million was raised and invested into our science facilities, including renovated and reinvented state-of-the-arts laboratories,” said Bro. Ploeger. “Strongly committed to the sciences, we hope that when you think science, you think Chaminade.” Pending the final approval of the Hawaii State Board of Nursing, Chaminade hopes to admit in fall 2010 its first students on track towards earning their Bachelor’s of Science degree in nursing (BSN). Committed to the success of each student admitted, Chaminade looks forward to its first graduating class of 40 to 50 nurses in 2014. These graduates will have the foundational nursing knowledge and skills necessary for the professional, be able to provide quality patient care and be prepared for the National Council Licensure Examination (NCLEX). “The philosophy of the baccalaureate nursing program has to be consistent with the mission, purposes and academic vision of Chaminade,” said Genz. “The Catholic, Marianist identity of the university emphasizes preparation for life, service and career success. Within this framework, a vocational emphasis characterizes our school of nursing. The BSN degree prepares dedicated register nurses, RNs, for work in a variety of health care settings.” Curriculum includes patient-centered care, inter-professional teams, patient safety, professionalism, lifespan, and end-of-life care and also prepare nurses to act as leaders and advocates for their communities. “We are creating a truly cutting-edge, innovative curriculum with particular emphases on culturally appropriate care, genetic and genomic medicine, evidence-based practice, and the acquisition of clinical informatics skills,” said Genz. “State-of-the-art, high fidelity, patient simulation will be an integrated component.” The curriculum, which focuses on cultural competency and the significance of post-graduate contributions to communities within Hawaii, the Pacific region, and the U.S. Continent, will enable graduates to help remedy health disparities in Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander populations. Genz reflected on that initial spark that brought her to Hawaii from Wisconsin. She had met Turner at a conference about health care reform and social justice. Their conversation led to a shared interest in the sciences, nursing, the situation in Hawaii and how they could work together to pioneer a program emphasizing “the mind, body and spirit of nursing.” Only six months from the opening of the Sallie Y. Miyawaki School of Nursing, Genz continues to work closely with Turner and others in making the Chaminade Nurse a reality. Effective care involves equal parts scientific knowledge, clinical competence, human interactive skill sets, with a compassionate heart set on a mission. “This is the vision we hope to emblaze on those seeking to become a Chaminade nurse,” she said. The Chaminade nurse will be competent, compassionate, and trained for leadership. Winter 2010 w Chaminade Quarterly 5 The Sallie Y. Miyawaki School of Nursing Chaminade nurses will be: Exposed to highly sophisticated, simulated patient care experiences. Educated for the informatics age, with a focus on the acquisition of clinical informatics skills. Dr. Helen Turner, division dean of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, Dr. Edison Miyawaki, Chaminade regent, Dr. Stephanie Genz, associate dean of nursing, and Dr. Lawrence Tseu, Chaminade regent celebrate these two doctors’ gifts. Educated for the genomic age, able to process and convey information, previously reserved for specialized geneticists and bioinformaticians. Culturally competent in the care of Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander communities. CO M MIT T E D TO TH E V IS IO N O F TH E C H A M I N A D E N U RSE Chaminade University is especially grateful to three exception- Educated to care for an aging population. Educated to be leaders in advocating for the populations they served. ally committed donors, who in memory of their wives and in deep appreciation of nursing have added their generous financial support: Chaminade Regent Dr. Edison Miyawaki has generously endowed the nursing program with a gift of $5 million, honoring his late wife Sallie Y. Miyawaki, who was an exceptional nurse. The Chaminade nursing school is now named the Sallie Y. Miyawaki School of Nursing, to honor her memory. Chaminade Regent Dr. Lawrence Tseu made a $1 million capital gift for the final construction of Chaminade’s state-of-the-art nursing center in recognition of the care his wife, BoHing, had received from nurses and her personal desire to serve society in a greater way after her passing. The Chaminade center for nursing has been renamed the DR. LAWRENCE K. W. AND MRS. BOHING CHAN TSEU CENTER FOR NURSE EDUCATION State-of-the-Art Physical Facilities for Nursing • Two nursing skills laboratories • Dedicated computer and instructional rooms • State-of -the-art human simulator suite • Standardized patient laboratory • Faculty offices • 10 newly renovated teaching and research laboratories for the biomedical sciences Dr. Lawrence K.W. and Mrs. BoHing Chan Tseu Center for Nursing, in her honor. Inspired by the gifts of Dr. Miyawaki and Dr. Tseu, Chaminade Governor J. Michael Windsor donated $100,000 for nurse scholarships in his late wife’s name, Mary. In remembrance of her, he wanted to ensure student success. In addition to private donations, government and foundation funding have been received from the Economic Development Administration (U.S. Department of Commerce), Title III (U.S. Department of Education), and The Atlantic Philanthropies. 6 Chaminade Quarterly w Winter 2010 After preparing for more than five years, Chaminade plans to open its nursing program in fall 2010. For more information, go to: www.chaminade.edu/nursing 8-2009 Financial Overview Update FISCAL YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 2009 2008-2009 Revenue Daniel S. Gilmore, Ed.D.,Vice President for Finance and Facilities Though challenged by the global economic crises of these present times, the university continues to push forward in its vision of fostering student access and success, as well as serve as a valuable 12% community partner in alignment with its distinct identity as a Catholic, Marianist university. 12% 12% Our strategic plan provides guidance as the university considers 23% programs and improvements to facilities awaiting renovation. The plan also clarifies direction as we develop an appropriate balance between fund raising for capital improvement and the need to build endowment capacity (please feel free to view details of the strategic plan at www.chaminade.edu ). During the past fiscal year, tuition and fees were increased by rates equivalent to inflation with gifts and grants supporting improvements to infrastructure. While program related operating revenues and expenditures remained fairly comparable on a year-to-year basis, major capital improvement gifts fell from $12.4 million to $8 million. To keep the change in the value of private gifts in perspective, Chaminade has averaged $8.5 million each year in this revenue category for the years 2004 through present. 12% 7% 58% 7% 23% 58% Net tuition & fees Private gifts & grants Auxiliary enterprises Federal grants & contracts, investment income & other Total 2007-2008 2008-2009 $20,353,000 20,490,000 $12,427,000 8,063,000 $4,236,000 3,923,000 $2,048,000 2,366,000 $39,064,000 34,842,000 2008-2009 Expenditures 3% Construction and renovation has continued on campus. Two more 3% completely renovated science laboratories and specialized research 10% areas came on-line in Henry Hall along with faculty offices and a new laptop computer lab. Construction is underway for refurbishing 14% 56% the former library space vacated in Henry Hall. The top floor will be remodeled to help consolidate the Humanities Division, while 17% the middle floor will see improvements to support the proposed new nursing program and expansion in the Natural Science and Mathematics Division. The university was successful in obtaining 2007-2008 a $2 million grant to start renovations in Eiben Hall and a $1.2 million grant from the US Department of Commerce-EDA for the Instructional academic support $18,313,000 proposed nursing education center. 10% 14% 56% 17% On par with national trends, Chaminade has had to manage operating expenses far exceeding normal rates of inflation (utilities and health care), declining values of investment portfolios and rates of return, while trying to mitigate the negative economic factors on the cost of education for our students. As a result, Chaminade has continued to tighten its budget. Chaminade employees have also contributed to budget constraints through a wage freeze. The Institutional Advancement department is working diligently to maintain key donor relations, emphasizing the importance of fundraising during such uncertain economic times. $ Always conscious of Chaminade’s educational mission, members of the faculty, staff and leadership are committed to making sure that the university stays on a steady path of institutional progress. That steadiness in course ensures that what we offer here will connect our students to success in their present scholarship and their future careers. Total Total 2007-2008 2008-2009 Restricted-permanenetly Restricted-permanenetly Restricted- permanently $6,712,000 $7,355,000 Restricted-Temporarily Restricted-Temporarily Restricted-temporarily $12,315,000 $10,884,000 Unrestricted Unrestricted $20,711,000 $21,757,000 Unrestricted Total $39,738,000 $39,996,000 Total Restricted-permanenetly 2008-2009 19,245,000 $5,545,000 6,178,000 $4,911,000 4,825,000 $3,211,000 3,310,000 $1,011,000 1,026,000 $32,991,000 34,584,000 Institutional support Auxiliary enterprises Student services Fundraising Total 2008-2009 Total Net Assets $40,000,000 To $35,000,000 Re $30,000,000 $25,000,000 Re $20,000,000 Un $15,000,000 $10,000,000 $5,000,000 0 2007-2008 2008-2009 Restricted-Temporarily Unrestricted Winter 2010 w Chaminade Quarterly 7 Alumni Class Notes 1970s Honolulu Police Department Officer Keoni Hong ’06, ’09, former Honolulu Police Chief Lee Donahue ’77, newly appointed Honolulu Police Chief Louis Kealoha ’95, Be-Jay Kodama ’86, and John Field ’84 at Br. Bernie’s Inauguration Celebration. Aloha, Alumni: Happy Belated New Year! As Chaminade University continues to move forward with vitality and vigor with the development of our new nursing program, we thank you for your continued commitment, support, and generosity. Alumni support helps to make dreams a reality for our students. We are approaching spring with excitement in anticipation of welcoming you, our alumni, back to campus for our Annual Alumni Class Reunion. This is a special time when we gather to reminisce our Chaminade experience and create new memories. The alumni reunion committee has planned something for everyone including a Business Social Networking Reception, an intriguing and thought provoking 50 Minute University, our Annual Sue Wesselkamper 5K Fun Run/Walk for the whole family, and, of course, our popular Hawaiian luau. Clyde Phillips B.A. ’71 Ordained a Catholic priest in 1978 for the Maryknoll Fathers and Brothers, Clyde Phillips served in the Philippines for a combined 22 years (two years as a seminarian and 20 as a priest). He served for eight years in a parish on the island of Mindanao, six years as the director of the Philippine Lay Mission program and six years in leadership as Regional Superior. Phillips returned to the U.S. in 1998. After five years of ministry with the Society, he was elected the U.S. Regional Superior. After two terms in leadership, he was appointed Procurator General of Maryknoll in Rome and will function as the liaison between Maryknoll and the Vatican. Nani Lee B.A. Sociology and Education ’72 In 2009, The Food Basket Inc., Hawaii Island’s Food Bank, and Dr. Nani Lee received recognition as Hawaii Branch’s 2009 Employer of the Year. Dr. Lee was honored at a ceremony in Hilo, Hawaii. She is the first executive director of The Food Basket Inc., Hawaii Island’s Food Bank. Monica Franks Des Jarlais B.A. Sociology and Early Childhood ’75 St. Maria Goretti High School in Maryland selected Monica Franks Des Jarlais as its new president after a national search. Des Jarlais said the school was looking for a candidate Always with much aloha, Be-Jay Kodama ’86 Alumni Relations Director bkodama@chaminade.edu www.chaminade.edu/alumni P.S. – Your new alumni directory will be coming out this spring! 8 Chaminade Quarterly w Winter 2010 1980s Stephen Gilbride B.A. International Studies ’84 Stephen Gilbride earned a MS degree in drug regulatory affairs from Long Island University and was awarded a Rotary International Scholarship to the University of Cape Town after graduation. He has worked in pharmaceuticals for 20 years. Married with two daughters, he lives in New Jersey and spends summers on Oahu. He has also started his own pharmaceutical consulting business. Kathilyn Shelby B.A. Psychology ’81 “Kathi” Shelby has been a high school student counselor at Kamehameha Schools – Kapalama campus for 21 years. Her niece, Christina, is currently an education major at Chaminade through some encouragement from her auntie. Since her niece enrolled at Chaminade, Shelby has been on campus a number of times. It is now an annual tradition for her to drive on the campus at night during the holidays to see the Christmas lights. Leonardo Limuaco B.A. Biology ’82 After graduating from Chaminade, “Leo” Limuaco attended a pathologist’s assistant training program in Connecticut and started practicing in 1984. Living in Las Vegas, Nevada for 15 years, “Leo” Limuaco works as pathologist’s assistant for Quest Diagnostics, Inc. He has been a Board of Trustee member of the American Association of Pathologists’ Assistants since 2000. For those classes ending in “0” or “5,” these are your special anniversary year! Be sure to pass along this information to your classmates. By the way, this year the second class to graduate – class of ’60 – celebrates its 50th anniversary. We appreciate your staying connected through volunteering and participating in events. These opportunities help us share in our Chaminade experience and school pride. I am proud to be a Chaminade alumna and hope you will join me in humbling sharing this feeling with others. serve on the national PRSA board. Whitman said, “PRSA has been a passion of mine from the moment I joined. It is a career-builder, and I look forward to advancing the profession and the professional at the national level.” Whitman currently runs her own shop, BJW Public Relations. Jeff Maddy B.G.S. ’82 As Chief of Public Information and Operations for the U.S. Army, Jeff Maddy is responsible for media relations and operations at the Maneuver Support Center of Excellence and Fort Leonard Wood, MO Public Affairs Office. He and his family live in Springfield, Missouri. whose life had been transformed by Catholic education, as hers had been. She was especially affected by the Maryknoll Sisters from New York, who taught at her high school. After graduating from Chaminade, she worked in Hawaii Catholic schools for 28 years as a teacher, vice principal and principal. B.J. Whitman B.B.A. ’74, MBA ’79 Longtime Hawaii public relations professional B.J. Whitman has been named to the national Public Relations Society of America as a director-at-large. She is the first women to Carla Saldania Capone B.A. Marketing ’87 A proud graduate of Chaminade, Carla scholarship. He graduated from its master’s program this year and was awarded a Sea Grant Knauss Fellowship. He has begun work in Washington D.C. this January. Saldania Capone is even prouder now that her daughter is also a Chaminade graduate. Capone’s mother (Barbara) worked at Chaminade, and her sister (Gina) and her daughter have also attended Chaminade. Married for almost 25 years, she and her husband run their own business and have two children. Kris Smith MBA ’89 Residing in Marion, Massachusetts, Kris Smith serves as a patrol field training officer responsible for training new recruits. He has also been certified as a standardized field sobriety testing instructor, a stop stick instructor, a domestic violence training instructor and a citizen liaison, and a certified executive protection specialist. In 2005, he graduated from Curry College after earning a MA degree in Criminal Justice. In 2008, he enrolled in the J.D. program at the Massachusetts School of Law in Andover and plans to practice maritime civil law. 1990s Charles Stiles MBA ’91 Certified by the American Board of Industrial Hygiene (ABIH) in the Comprehensive Practice of Industrial Hygiene (CIH), Captain Charles Stiles has been awarded the Navy/ Marine Corps Meritorious Service Medal, Commendation Medal, and Achievement Medal with gold star, and the Navy Reserve Service Medal, in addition to other service and unit awards. Married to the former Linda Diane Clouse of Oak Ridge, Tennessee, Stiles currently lives in Chesapeake, Virginia with his wife and their two children Meagan McKinsey and Taylor Christiansen Stiles. Jon McKenna B.S. ’91, MSCJA ’93, MBA ‘98 Jon McKenna works for Haseko in Hawaii. He is the Development Project Manager and responsible for residential and resort development at Hoakalei Resort in West Oahu. Haseko has been developing Hawaii’s most prized hotel, commercial and residential projects since 1973, including the award-winning master planned community of Ocean Pointe and the Hoakalei Resort in Ewa Beach. Bobby Manning, Jr. A.A. Liberal Arts ’99 A Catholic lay minister for his unit while on deployment, Bobby Manning also volunteers his time with the Navy Birthday Ball, as well as various other events around the military installation. Manning has just completed a two year deployment in Afghanistan and will be deployed in the Middle East once again until July 2010. My wife of 14 years and 10 year old son, Bobby, III, are housed at Fort Sam Houston Army Post in San Antonio, Texas. Andy Choor B.A. English and Historical and Political Studies ’05 Chaminade’s first graduate from Yap, Andy Choor, is currently the administrative director for the Yap State Court. As a Hogan student, Andy was one of the first to do a business study mission to China. Louis M. Kealoha MSCJA ’95 The City and County of Honolulu’s Police Commission unanimously chose Captain Louis Kealoha as HPD’s newest chief last November. Kealoha, a 26-year veteran of HPD, now leads one of the largest city departments, employing 2,100 police officers and 550 support staff. A 1978 graduate of Damien Memorial High School, he earned his bachelor’s degree in business administration and criminal justice administration from Wayland Baptist University, his master’s degree in criminal justice administration from Chaminade University, and his doctorate in education from University of Southern California. Kealoha has also taught criminal justice at Chaminade for 10 years. 2000s Bernadette Borte B.S. Biology ’04, B.A. Religious Studies ’04 While attending Chaminade, Dr. Bernadette Borte majored in biology and religious studies. She recently graduated from medical school and will be training at the University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics Department of Neurology. Borte is married and living in Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Shawna Aveiro Ortogero BA ’01, MED ’04 As a special education resource teacher for Leeward District, Shawna Aveiro Ortogero serves schools in the Campbell, Kapolei, and Waianae Complexes. Her job is to train new special education teachers and support them in the classrooms. Currently working on her doctorate in exceptionalities at the University of Hawaii, Ortogero also teaches master’s level special education courses for the University of Phoenix—Hawaii Campus. Eric Stupar B.A. History & Political Science ’04 Now living in Crofton, Maryland, Eric Stupar was recently selected as the director of enrollment services and registrar at the National Defense Intelligence College, Washington, DC. Charles K. Rathburn B.S. Biology ’06 After graduating from Chaminade University in 2006, Charles Kolo Rathburn attended the College of Charleston--South Carolina on a Gabriel White B.A. ’05, MBA ’08 A FIBA internationally licensed basketball referee, Gabriel White had been sent on assignment to Europe to officiated at a big tournament. While there, he caught up with Zach Whiting (B.A. ’07) and Ashley Elliazar Whiting (B.A. ’07). The three of them head lunch at a great place “Marina Ristorante Trattoria.” Gerome T. Gregory B. S. ’06, MBA ’08 Gerome Gregory recently passed his CPA exam and is doing an internship with Akamai Capital, LLC as a telecom sector portfolio manager. He is also interning as an analyst with Kobo Wealth Conservancy, LLC, which was recently mentioned in the Wall Street Journal regarding 401(k) plans. In addition, he is an adjunct faculty member at Chaminade University teaching accounting. In Memoriam It is with sincere regret that we note the passing of: Merlyn Grace Aisek B.B.A. ’98, MBA ‘01 Charla J. Reeves McGuire B.A. ‘70 Tuika M. Faumuina B.G.S. ‘77 Winter 2010 w Chaminade Quarterly 9 Bishop Amando Samo ’73 visited from Chuuk and caught up with Regina Pfeiffer ’93 and some current students from Micronesia. Former Silversword basketball player Jasen Strickland ’84 and wife Stephanie visited while in the islands for a reunion. Alumni gather and participate in Bro. Bernie’s inauguration celebration events. ALUMNI WEEKEND April 29 – May 2, 2010 Alumni, family and friends invited! 50 Minute University Alumni Business Networking Reception 2nd Annual Sue Wesselkamper Fun Run/Walk Alumni Luau Special Alumni Mass Register at www.chaminade.edu/alumni 10 Chaminade Quarterly w Winter 2010 h o nor roll of Donors July1, 2008 to June 30, 2009 Winter 2010 w Chaminade Quarterly 11 President ’s Council Cumu l a t i ve Gi f t s o f $1,000 or more Marianist Society Gifts of $1,000,000 and up The Atlantic Philanthropies The Clarence T.C. Ching Foundation Founders Circle Gifts of $100,000 to $999,999 Samuel N. and Mary Castle Foundation Harold K.L. Castle Foundation Hogan Family Foundation Marianist Center of Hawaii The Marianist Province of the U.S.. Father Chaminade Society Gifts of $50,000 to $99,999 The J.M. Long Foundation Vincent P. & Angela V. ’86 Mainelli Edison H. Miyawaki The Leo M. Shortino Family Foundation Benefactor Circle Gifts of $10,000 to $49,999 Bank of Hawaii Charitable Foundation John C. & Mary Lou Brogan Chaminade University Tax Foundation Albert S.C. & Betty L. Chong Cincinnati Bengals Cincinnati Reds Henry B. & Charlotte Clark, Jr. Creative Building Concepts LLC First Hawaiian Bank Foundation William H. Hannon Foundation Michael F. Kerr Ken & Louisa Abbott Kleier Florence M. Lau Violet S.W. Loo Louis A. & Jean Lopez Jean E. Rolles ’93 S & M Sakamoto, Inc. Melvin R. & Merriam Schantz Servco Foundation Joanna L. Sullivan Tai Up Yang Fund Ushijima Architects, Inc. Thomas C. & The Late Mary Civille (Sue) Wesselkamper G.N. Wilcox Trust Peggy & The Late J. Luis Zabala R.J. “Zap” & Barry Zlatoper Regent Circle Gifts of $5,000 to $9,999 Akimeka, LLC Big Island Liturgy and Arts Center Bro. William J. Campbell, S.M. Chatlos Foundation Inc. Dowling Community Improvement Foundation Family Health I & II Daniel D. ’81 & Judy Goo KemperLesnik 12 Chaminade Quarterly w Winter 2010 • July 1, 2008 to June 30, 2009 Gary E. & Kay D. Liebl Rex & Sharyn L. Lincoln Nhan T. Nguyen & Diane Peters-Nguyen John D. Nielsen & Thelma C. Gretzinger Nuuanu Hale Hospital Eric J. Roeben ’75, ’78 Patrick J. Sullivan Suresh Sundarababu Willibrord K. ’61 & Pauline Tallett Lawrence K.W. Tseu Distinguished Members Gifts of $2,500 to $4,999 Anonymous Joseph & Mary G. Bugna David L. & Valerie M. Coleman Daniel L. & Carolyn K. Colin Charles L. & Abbie Cotrell First Insurance Company of Hawaii, LTD William F. & Sheri Gleason Ronald B. ’59 & Jean A. Iida Tom & Angela H. Isaac Amy L. Jampel Dwight M. & Ann I. Kealoha Archie Y.G. ’74 & Edna K. Loo James W. & Jane Miller Vincent E. & Katherine J. Neal Memorial Fund Oahu Travel, Inc. Wilson T. ’73 & Barbara E. ’76 Orbe, Jr. Andrew J. Penn Lawrence D. Price Saint Louis School Leslie Sponsel & Poranee Natadecha-Sponsel Anna Marie Springer Kristina E. Stone ’00 J. Hans & Marie Claire Strasser Richard E. & Catherine Tanaka James J. & Vincee Viso John F. & Dawn Webster James Michael Windsor Ronald & Kathleen S. Wo Special Members Gifts of $1,500 to $2,499 Carolyn A. Berry Paul F. Campbell ’76 Chaminade Pohaku Marianist Community Frances C.H. Ching Keith A. & Peggy S. Chock Clifford D. & Louisa Cooper D’Arrigo Bros. Co. Norman E. & Nicole M. ’80 Dupont Eddie & Elaine Flores, Jr. Jolene F. Gerell Daniel S. & Katherine A. Gilmore Henry H. ’74 & Alyssa K. Gomes Hawaii High School Athletic Association Stanley W. & Karen Ho Hong Bro. Robert Juenemann, S.M. Clifton Y. Kagawa & Lucy S. Ahn Richard C. ’78 & Carin Lim Michael ’80 & Joanne Marinich Harry L. ’67 & Ginger S. ’08 Miller Masaru K. Saito ’78 Sandwich Isles Communications, Inc. Phyllis N.T. Shea ’62 Linda Tomei Design Robert S. & Jeanne K. Tsushima J. Watumull Fund Sharon R. Weiner Jeffrey G. & Cori C. Weston Patrick K.S.L. & Sandy Yim Hugh & Patricia K. Yoshida Members Gifts of $1,000 to $1,499 David K. Anderson Jeanne A. Anderson Karen E. Anderson ’73, ’90 BDK Sudatta Hawaii Anonymous Cades Schutte Fleming & Wright Robin K. & Valerie Campaniano Juliette S. Chock Clinton R. & Suzanne S. Churchill Gary A. & Linda Dooner Christopher J. Dunsky Kathleen R. Dyckes Edward K.O. & Peggy Eu Shigeaki & Mary O. Fujitani Thomas C. Geist Angela M. Hafer Carmen M. Himenes ’73 Vincent Hodge & Grissel M. Benitez-Hodge Johnny W. ’00 & Ruthie J. Hottenstein, III Helen D.K. Hu J. Watumull Fund Mike Irish Roderick K. & Y.S. King Koga Engineering & Const., Inc. Stephen J. & Maureen Kubasak Leighton & Lani R. ’78 Lam The Late Johnson & Jenny Y. Lau Henry & Sharon LePage Robert C.Y. ’60 & Elizabeth K. Lum Bryan D.Y. & Hiroko Man Sharon McPhee Mechanical Enterprises, Inc. Randolph G. ’02 & Lynne Moore Kenneth E. & Marilyn W. Nickels Ethel A. Oda Larry N. Osborne Wendell K. & Annette Pang Robert H. & Alice Pernell David M. & Mele Peters Earl & Regina M. ’94 Pfeiffer St. Francis Healthcare Systems of Hawaii Colleen Sullivan Wayne M. & Corinne Tanna The Team at Morgan Stanley Roger J. & Jenai Sullivan Wall Robin C. & Lillian M. Yoshimura Verna H.F. Young ’62 Russ F. Zabala Annual Fund for ExcelL ence Ju l y 1, 2008 to June 30, 2009 Mackey Society Gifts of $500 to $999 David K. Anderson Anonymous City Mill Company, Ltd./ Chung Kun Ai Foundation Anonymous Alfredo & Bennette M. Evangelista Will J. Henderson Carmen M. Himenes ’73 Vincent Hodge & Grissel M. Benitez-Hodge Stanley W. & Karen Ho Hong Hilbert R. ’74 & Joan M. Hubble Stephen J. & Maureen Kubasak Morris M. ’78, ’83 & Hiroko Lee Betty B. Long James P. ’91 & Cleopatra Lucas Bryan D.Y. & Hiroko Man Edmundo R. ’72 & Cheryle Mandac Stephen J. ’78 & Donna J. Marcuccilli Sharon McPhee Stephen P. ’83 & Lylet M. Moon John H. ’93 & Yuen C. Morris, III Christopher & Judith N. Munoz John J. ’89 & Jeanine Oliga Yukio Ozaki & Elizabeth D. Train Jeremiah A. ’75 & Ellen M. Pahukula David M. Parrish ’80 C. Dudley & Betsy Uohara Pratt, Jr. Laurence J. & Linda B. Putchinski Edward D. Sultan & Rae McCorkle Donald M. ’68 & Amy E. Takaki Gail E. Weber ’67 Francis K. ’69 & Kathleen C. ’69 Yamamura 1955 Club Gifts of $250 to $499 Glennie G. Adams Max L. Besenbruch Richard M. Bordner & Nancy Y. Tsui ’94 Thomas G. ’68 & Patricia Cabrinha Richard L. & Marilyn R. ’74 Chisholm Anthony L. & Jill A. Clapes Lance G. Davis ’78 Robert G. ’97 & Lynn Dunn, Jr. Brian P. ’88 & Laura Ellis Jerry B. ’73 & Michal Mary Farrar Maimoa H. Fineisaloi ’07 Kinsley M. ’67 & Sue S. Fujitani Paul K. Fujiyama ’86 Allen & Shizu A. Heau William W. ’71 & Jojuana Hicks Philip K. & Gail M. Holl Thomas P. & Gloria P. Huber Ronald M. Iwamoto LaShaunda R. Jackson ’03 Corita S. Kong ’63 Rev. Dennis M. Koshko ’71 Hon Sun & Martha L. ’67 Lee Edward A. Lelling George Massengale & Mona C. Maehara Paul W. Masters David S. ’98 & Kathleen K. Morimoto Eric A. & Mary A. Nemoto Theresa Neuroth ’90 John B. ’70 & Janet C. Parker Gordon K.F. & Betty Sam Dennis & Linda J. ’68 Sayegusa Tadashi R.’61 & Cora Shibata Ralph C. ’84 & Judith M. Wells Tina Yamamoto Donald M.S. & Teresa Y.B. Chan ’62 Young Courtyard Club Gifts of $100 to $249 Efren H. Adalem ’82 Michael K. Akau ’04, ’06 Loretta M. Alana Joseph J. Allen Americo L. ’71 & Gay Ambrosi, Jr. David F. Andrew Donn R. ’85 & Lynne Ariyoshi Adrian Q. & Andrea R. ’61 Au Marianne Au Gary Batungbacal ’67 Robert L. & Marsha M. Beard Damon Lee ’80 & Diane Bell Josephine Bernhardt Bro. Jerome E. Bommer, S.M. James D. Bostick ’86 William H. & Kathleen Bow Jeffery R.K. ’88 & Kaleilehua Bruchal Mark S. ’76 & Margaret Burgessporter Mary T. Cadigan Louis A. ’78, ’80 & Nancy Caires Charles E. & Janet M. Callahan Cheon P. Chee Bernard T.C. & Frances L. Ching Philip H. & Gerry W. Ching William S. & Barbara P. ‘84 Cobb M. Loretta Cofield ’75 Edna M. Colon ’92 Margaret S. Connors William E. ’73 & Phyllis Cook David J. & Jihye J. No Cooke Regina G. Coopat ’84 Steven E. ’83 & Eliane L. Coss Msgr. Daniel J. Dever Charles T. ’65 & Carolyn J. Domnick Patrick Donnelly Patrick J. Donovan & Cynthia A. Byers T. Tyler ’78 & Gwen S. Ellison Bruce & Lynn Erfer Theodore E. & Cynthia S. Estrella Ernest E. & Joyce T. ’86 Favorite Daniel T. & Mary C. Ferguson John D. ’84 & Susan J. Field Teesue H. Fields Scott E. Fieux ’02 Dennis M. ’83 & Kathy A. Flaherty Robert & Cynthia M. ’90 Flating Foodland Super Markets, Ltd. Lawrence S. ’65 & Stephanie Franco Lincoln T. & Judy Y. Fujimori Eric F. ’95 & Lori Ann Fujimoto Clifton & Sandra N. ’79, ’82 Furukawa Fred H. & Claire A. ’89, ’95 Gehrman Dennis M. & Janet M. Grogan David L. Grossman Michael & Aileen R. Grunder Annual Fund for ExcelL ence Ju l y 1, 2008 to June 30, 2009 David L. ’63 & Lorraine C. ’64 Hamilton Karen Harp Hiram B. & Elaine M. Haupu Steven J.K.O. Hee ’80 Robert M. & Doris F. Hendrickson James S. ’78 & Beth Hoban, Jr. Richard J. ’73 & Eileen Hollembaek Jerome T. & Dawn Honda Ralph C. & Joyce F. Hook, Jr. Kenneth T. & Doris S. Hoshino Brian M. & Janinne K. ’91 Hulsey Howard G. & Sylvia Humphreys, Jr. Nicholas K. Iammarino Melvin L. Ibale ’97 John N. & Marilyn M. ’81 Ige Deborah F. Imada ’00, ’03 Wayne T. ’68 & Joy Ishihara Craig & Janet S. Jensen Joon S. Joo ’83, ’84 William F. ’79 & Anne Justis Paul T. ’86, ’93 & Gail L. Kaneshiro Timothy & Darlene Kaneshiro John P. Karbens Wayne K. & Patricia A. Kasadate Edward N. ’60 & Grace U. ’61 Kashiwamura Jared Kaufmann ’62 Clarence O. & Jean S. Kawamoto Claire Eiko K. Kawamura ’61 Michael C. & Margaret Killelea Stuart M. ’86 & Ronell C. Kimura Kirk M. ’78 & Pamela Knight James E. & Ginger A. ’91 Kolonick Kimberly A. Lampman ’94 Merton S.C. & Claire Lau Jay H. Lietzow ’90 Choong M. ’09 & Chi-Ching Lim John W. ’95 & Rebecca Little Lesley-Anne Y. Loon Reynold J.Y. Lum ’84 Sr. Mary Victor Lum Hoy, OSF ’67 Lamar Lumpkin, III ’90 Herbert Lutero, Jr. ’73 Donald L. & Mary Jo MacGregor, Jr. Eli E. & Rita A. Maravilla Frank R. Marsh ’68 Alice E. Martensen Jim & Darlene F. ’89 Martin Frank F. ’88 & Lane Maxwell, Jr. Rodger M. & Linda M. ’83 McCloskey Jon H. Miki ’67 Nicholas C. ’74 & Cynthia Miller Carol R. Minami ’86 Michael B. ’88 & Joan Minnehan James M. & Linda Mistysyn Lucile S. Mistysyn Ron & Gail K. Miyashiro Willis H. Moore Kenneth P. ’65 & Lisa Moritsugu Robert W. & Karen Morrow Thomas J. ’65 & Frances Mulligan Jeffrey P. & Kimberly B. ’95 Murga William F. ’70 & Beverly Murray Clifford B. & Patricia M. Neuroth Hieu D. Nguyen Wilson H. & Ruth H. Nitta Ernest J. Oversen ’94 Steven P. ’83 & Somjit Pagel Palace Realty, Inc. Stuart W. & Robyn Y. ’00 Pang Michael J. Pasquarett Claire Pruet Michael G. & Annette M. ’83 Pruss Elwin ’70 & Norma J. Reichert Max E. Reiter ’71 Manathis L. ’77 & Judith Y. Rich Gerald A. & Eileen B. ’76 Richard Diane M. Roedersheimer ’81 John H. & Jean B. Rolfe Richard & Kapono Ryan Dexter J. ’65 & Emily Sakai Joseph J. Schmidt ’77 John M. & Rieko H. Schriml T. Raymond & Betsy C. ’87, ’92 Sekiya John C. ’82 & Mary G. Setser Jan A. Seymour ’76 Sandra E. Seyton ’85 Kuldip S. & Sina T. Shergill Keith B. Shigaki ’95 Mark & Bernadette K. ’85, ’92 Shimono Leo & Judith E. Soldano John Spahn ’01 Andrew J. Speese ’67 Joseph A. Sprauve, Sr. Ulysses A. Stanley ’79 John A. & Laura Steelquist Peter J. & Conard Eyre Steiner Stanley R. & Joan C. Stong Lucille Streeter Sakae T. & Elizabeth W. Takahashi Dorothy K. Tam ’80 Wayne M. & Corinne Tanna Roy R. Thomas, Jr. ’74 Patsy H. Tom Richard S. Townsend ’65 & Sharon Wong Donna C. Toyofuku Tracy Trevorrow & Lois Yamauchi Helen C. Turner Andres & Rosania S. Uherbelau William & Renae L. Villa Peter C. & Michele B. Visceglia Gerald W. Vonderbrink James R. ’83 & Bessie Wallace Thomas B. ’78 & Sandra E. Walther Montira L. Warran ’95, ’99 Gary A. & Patricia C. Wassel Brandi K. Watanabe Rev. Msgr. Terrence A.M. Watanabe ’73 Ted J. ’91 & Catherine M. Wells David Wendt & Diana Gonsalves-Wendt ’73 Thomas & Magdalen ’65 Wenska William White Robert M. Witt Peter & Janice I. ’84 Wizinowich James C.A. & Bernice L. Wong Ronald M. ’62 & Tesi H. Wong John C. Wright & Verlieann Malina-Wright Jude Yablonsky Theo Yeitrakis ’76 Fr. Angelos Youssef Christine Y.L. Yuen Eric K.W. Yuen ’97 Contributors Gifts up to $99 Donald V. & Andrea F. Accurso Puanani Akaka Anthony J. Akau Steven J. Albanese ’89 & Nancy E. McGovern Anthony E. Antonelli, Sr. ’76, ’81 Garvin V. ’69, ’73 & Helen F. Arrell Nick & Linda F. ’94 Augins Ernesto V. & Alison W. Baclig Richard & Georgette L. ’07, ’09 Bacon Sherry Ann C. Bagoyo ’06, ’08 Robert & Myra A. Baliares Patric J. ’73 & Pauline Baumgartner Barbara A. Belle Jonathan S. Benjamin Clifford J. Bieberly M ahalo f o r YOU R SUPPORT! 14 Chaminade Quarterly w Winter 2010 Chester & Deborah L. ’79 Bond Fr. Robert Bouffier, S.M. Minnie M. Brazell ’79 Barbara L. Breckenridge David J. ’90 & Jennifer L. Brower Rolla O. Brown Steven ’89 & Kathleen Brown Dominic W. ’97 & Kehau K. ’01, ’04 Bugado Kenneth H. Burtness Marjorie Bush Clare Calabrese Edward P. ’68 & Maura F. Callas Sario J. ’72 & Renate Caravalho Phillip Chang Wayland Y. ’68 & Rosalie L. Chang E.D. & Claire Cheeley Richard H.W. ’69 & Lynette C.L. Ching Glenn B. Chong ’75 Derek G. Chung Stephen P. Cramer ’69 Wayne & Pamela D. ’80 Crenwelge John R. Culmer ’73 Janet T. Davidson Timothy M. ’94 & Christina Deane Philamerico & April M. Dela Cruz Rev. Rodney J. Demartini, S.M. ’69 Gerald F. ’62 & Roseyn J. Devlin Michael R. & Sheryl Dohm Romel B. Domaoal Dorothy B. Douthit Steven Downey Frank J. & Frances A. ’04 Doyle Joseph C. & Mary Jane F. Duffy Reid Duich & Lisa M. Duich-Perry Richard W. Duncan ’88 Vu T. Duong ’03, ’05 Thomas & Marie E. ’80 Early Stanley & Cheryl Edelson Roger & Marion Ehrich Robyn T. Endo Richard J. ’84, ’85 & Nancy L. Erickson David M. & Wanda M. ’01 Estrada Marshall U. & Carolyn S. Estrada, Jr. Gerald D. & Monica M. ’94 Evans James C. ’86 & Therese M. Farrell William F. ’68 & Karen Ferguson Daniel J. & Allison J. Forburger Regina A. Foster Larry N. ’82, ’85 & Karen E. France Susan Frances ’83, ’85 Allison Francis Dale R. & Susan Fryxell Brian S. Fuchigami Stephen I. Fujii ’69 Eric & Loretta H. ’02 Fukunaga Charles C. & June H. Futenma Thomas V. & Hannah Galli A.J. John & Mary L. Gaudet Brianna Gibson Daniel S. & Katherine A. Gilmore Henry H. ’74 & Alyssa K. Gomes Ronald S. Gouveia ’70 Gail G. Grabowsky David M. ’95 & Katherine Greenbaum Richard L. ’75 & Mary Grover Sr. Young Hee Ha Perry & Linda K. Hachler Frederick & Frances P. ’66 Hackbarth Archie A. Hapai, IV Ronald E. ’74 & Linda B. Heald John D. ’78 & Frances T. Heatherman Stephen Y. Hee ’67 Bradley C. ’76 & Karen Hejtmanek Mercedes K. Hendrickson ’04 Robert S. & Rosemarie B. Henninger Bradley V. Higgins ’81 Shelton A. Hill ’79 Richard H. & Estella P. Hoag Glenn F. Honda R. Yoshi Honda & Susanne O’Sullivan-Honda ’98 Rebecca L. Huska Debra A. Ing Noel Jaderstrom Reginald W. & Doris K.Y.L. Jaderstrom Sandra B. Jhung ’63 Kelly G. Johnson ’88 Larry D. Johnson ‘96 Floyd S. ’74 & Mamie C. Jones Frank C. & Virginia C. Jordan James K. & Bonny L. Kahalewai Sr. Mary C. Kahalewai, Ss. Cc. ’65 Anthony T. & Glenda M. Kahoohanohano Betty L. Kam Jared Kaufmann ’62 Joel K. & Nancy Kawakami Richard Y. Kido Kanani Kilbey ’06 Donnie J. King ’98 Ann L. Kishi ’01, ’06 Franklin H. & Carmen S. Kiyabu Gregg & Be-Jay T. ’86 Kodama Nathan ’79 & Diane Kotch James W. Kraus Carolyn Kuriyama Neil M. ’90 & Carolyn Laksamana John C. ’63 & Patricia Leary David L. ’71 & Karen J. Leatherman Bernard L. & Mary Lecavelier Poutoa & Filomena H. ’03, ’05 Leituala Eric M.Y. Leong Robert S. ’87 & Susan B. Lingo Blaise E. ’91 & Elizabeth-Arlis K. ’85, ’89 Liu Rev. Bertram Lock, Ss. Cc. ’83 David A. ’98 & Yuliya Lopez Francis & Lanette L. ’64 Low Robert J. ’81 & Jill A. Lowe Kalepaokekaikuihala & Wilette L. ’92 Lum James J. Lynch The Late Shirley Lynn Roger B. ’88 & Jennifer B. Lyons Katherine A. MacPherson ’82 Henry A. ’79 & Guadalupe Madrid-Mirabal James L. & Luella A. Malkin David R. & Susan L. ’86 Maltby Joseph E. & Vera Marcianti, Sr. Frederic H. ’77 & Christine M. Martens Paulo P. Martins George Massengale & Mona C. Maehara Stanley W. ’73 & Loretta M. Mayko Olive V. Mc Ginnis Thomas McGuiness ’68 William V. ’69 & Mary R. McKee Arthur R. ’94 & Shirley McNamara, III Teena Michael Frank A. Miller ’77 Margaret L. Mize Richard H. & Patricia A. Montgomery Stephen P. ’83 & Lylet M. Moon Willis H. Moore Bro. Gary Morris, S.M. Judith G. Morton ’96 Alvin ’68 & Jerrydean Motley Steven D. & Cynthia L. Mueller Mary K. Mulligan ’65 Kapi Aiko Muraoka ’92 Debbie N. Murayama Peter W. & Carolyn P. Murray Raymond T. ’72 & Nora G. Mysliwski Wayne Nakamasu Shigeko Nakamura Jon Nakasone Shawna M. Nakila ’04, ’06 Lisa Y. Nambu ’80 Timothy E. & Judith M. Nash Carmen G. Neilson ’88 Ronald D. ’80 & Mary E. Njus Robert & Anne M. ’60 Noguchi Nancy C. Oide Milton K. Okayama ’96 Thomas N. ’73 & Ann Oliver Robert F. ’80 & Lucy Olmos, Jr. Burton N. & Linda M. ’71 Oshiro Annual Fund for ExcelL ence Ju l y 1, 2008 to June 30, 2009 Lorraine K. Oshiro ’84 Edwin & Patty Pang Petro & Helen S. Pawluk Sr. M. Agatha Perreira, OSF ’76 Thomas K. ’64 & Jeannette Peterson John E. ’86 & Elizabeth A. Piper Richard V. ’77 & Barbara W. Poe J. Stephen & Barbara P. Poole-Street Michael A. ’78, ’80 & Darlene Puhr Nancy W. Quinn Thomas J. ’68 & Florine Rafael Stephen P. & Jerilyn A. Rapozo, Jr. Joan D. Riggs Kurt E. ’87 & Frances N. Robertson Wanda L. Rosa Milton Sagon & Fay E. Molina-Sagon ’64 Frank G. ’69 & Patricia J. Salimbene Nanette S. Schonleber ’94 Elizabeth Seely Kevin S. & Corazon Q. Serdenia Michael D. & Cynthia ’71 Shain Lori M. Shimoda Hideyuki ’00 & Geralda V. Shiroshita Dennis P. & Julaine G. ’77 Siegel Miles & Ruth L. ’64 Silberstein Carlo ’69 & Adrienne Silvestri Mary P. Sjostrom Kris K. ’89 & Linda S. Smith Mary E. Smith Wade M. & Ann H. Smith David C. ’72 & Ann Snakenberg Leslie Sponsel & Poranee Natadecha-Sponsel Bro. Thomas Spring, S.M. Peter Steiger Leighton F. ’81 & Bonnie Stone Gerald T. Sullivan Frances L. Sutherland ’78 Nancy R. Szymczak ’85 Elaine J. Takata ’06 Richard S. Takata Amy M. Takiguchi ’02, ’06 Janet A. Tamura Kenneth M. & Barbara M. ’65 Tanji Anthony W. & Yvonne D. ’63 Tavares Barbara W. Thuesen ’75 Ronald K. ’73 & Shirley Todd Vernon S. Tom Robert W. Tong ’00, ’04 & Lois H. Miyashiro-Tong ’02, ’04 Andrea Toyofuku Paul R. Trupiano ’84, ’88 & Vicky N. Ah Quin ’84 George B. ’77 & Ellen Turner, Jr. Arthur E. ’77 & Julie A. Ugalde Tomio & Midori Unno Roy M. ’75 & Kitty K. Urakawa Roy T. ’67 & Joan Uyehara Alfio J. ’82 & Helen Vasta Jeoffrey M. Verano Stefan Vesel, Jr. ’93 Kenneth & Inetta V. ’72 Vest Thomas S. Watt ’68 & Carole-Anne Tucker-Watt Ruth Westhafer Michael White William E. & Jan D. ’81 Whiteside George P. Wilk Peter & Edna Wilson Chock You Wong Fabiola I. Wong ’96 Gerald T. & Connie Wong Wendell M. ’62 & Loui C. Wong Marcus & Joyce B. ’75 Wood Everett Woolum ’69 Benjamin S.B. ’74 & Josephine P. Yee Darlene Yo Constantine Yowbalaw ’03 Gwenson ’83 & Helen F. Yuen H. Thomas ’86 & Ursula F. Zerbe, III James Steven & Arleen M. ’92 Zirkle CLASS GIFTS Leslie A. Agena ’00 Luis-Eugenio A. Campo ’74 Charles T. ’65 & Carolyn J. Domnick Scott & Diane F. ’74 Fujinaga Deborah F. Imada ’00, ’03 Franklin K.S. ’64 & Heather Kam John H.K. Kama & Susan L. Frank-Kama ’61 Jared Kaufmann ’62 William F. ’70 & Beverly Murray Talanda Preston ’92 Gregory A. & Medsura E. ’61 Raguindin Milton Sagon & Fay E. Molina-Sagon ’64 Tadashi R.’61 & Cora Shibata Charles & Carrol D. ’86 Strang Willibrord K. ’61 & Pauline Tallett LEGACY GIFT Bequest of The Late Granville D. Abbott, III ’79 Ken & Louisa Abbott Kleier TRIBUTE GIFT RECEIVED IN HONOR OF THE FOLLOWING: Bro. Bernard J. Ploeger, S.M. Steven D. & Cynthia L. Mueller TRIBUTE GIFT RECEIVED IN MEMORY OF THE FOLLOWING: Louis F. Boitano Roderick K. & Y.S. King Lucille Lelling Edward A. Lelling GIFT IN KIND Carolyn A. Berry Yue Ching Petra Chen Henry B. & Charlotte Clark, Jr. Gerrilyn Geronimo Daniel D. ’81 & Judy Goo Al T. & Heather Harrington Mutsuoki Kai Oahu Travel, Inc. Joanna L. Sullivan Thomas C. & The Late Mary Civille (Sue) Wesselkamper Darryl P. Wong James W.Y. Wong Jude Yablonsky Michael Yamamoto M ahalo f o r YO U R SUPPORT ! 16 Chaminade Quarterly w Winter 2010 Dedicated Gifts Ju l y 1, 2008 to June 30, 2009 ATHLETICS Athletics Director’s Fund Edison H. Miyawaki Athletics General Fund Derrick Abe Akimeka, LLC Anonymous Frank W. & Ann M. Bradley John C. & Mary Lou Brogan Bro. William J. Campbell, S.M. Lorna G. Chang Albert S.C. & Betty L. Chong Thomas Christie Robert E. & Edith M. Davis Lee D. ’77 & Lucille K. Donohue, Sr. David D. Dunlap Edward Enterprises, Inc. Richard R. ’78 & Marvis C. Fujita Daniel S. & Katherine A. Gilmore Henry H. ’74 & Alyssa K. Gomes David A. & Nery Heenan Vincent Hodge & Grissel M. Benitez-Hodge Stanley W. & Karen Ho Hong Glen Richard ’91 & Kim Kajiyama Dwight M. & Ann I. Kealoha Leighton & Lani R. ’78 Lam Gary E. & Kay D. Liebl Rex & Sharyn L. Lincoln Archie Y.G. ’74 & Edna K. Loo Edison H. Miyawaki David & Elaine Mortensen William F. ‘70 & Beverly Murray Nhan T. Nguyen & Diane Peters-Nguyen John D. Nielsen & Thelma C. Gretzinger Milton F. Olmos ’78 Wilson T. ’73 & Barbara E. ’76 Orbe, Jr. Rehab Therapy Parters, Inc. Jean E. Rolles ’93 Wendell H. Sakagawa Gordon K.F. & Betty Sam Melvin R. & Merriam Schantz Phyllis N.T. Shea ’62 Jake K. Stoddard Suresh Sundarababu Willibrord K. ’61 & Pauline Tallett Ushijima Architects, Inc. June Walker Brandi K. Watanabe Jeffrey G. & Cori C. Weston Peggy & The Late J. Luis Zabala R.J. “Zap” & Barry Zlatoper Intercollegiate Sports Gala Steven C. Ai AIG Hawaii Insurance Co., Inc. Brandyn Akana Nicholas Akana Akimeka, LLC Donn R. ’85 & Lynne Ariyoshi Dwayne Bailey ’85 Damon Lee ’80 & Diane Bell Belt Collins Hawaii Ltd. Gae Bergquist-Trommald Carolyn A. Berry Anonymous John C. & Mary Lou Brogan Cades Schutte Fleming & Wright Choate Realty Albert Chong Associates, Inc. Cincinnati Bengals Cincinnati Reds Henrietta M. Clemons Daniel L. & Carolyn K. Colin Creative Design Hawaii W. Allen & Christina Doane The Family Health II, Inc. / Liliha Health Care Center First Insurance Company of Hawaii, LTD Eddie & Elaine Flores, Jr. Jerry ’83 & Terry Garcia, Jr. GEICO Daniel S. & Katherine A. Gilmore Eleanor Gonsalves Daniel D. ’81 & Judy Goo Hawaii High School Athletic Association Colleen O. Ho Ronald E. Hochuli Vincent Hodge & Grissel M. Benitez-Hodge Stanley W. & Karen Ho Hong Jan M. Kagehiro KemperLesnik Keoki’s Lau Lau Gregg & Be-Jay T. ’86 Kodama Koga Engineering & Const., Inc. Janice Lock ’07 Violet S.W. Loo Clarence M. & Kathleen C. Lopes Joyce N. Luka Albert W.H. Lum Randall Y. Mau ’81, ’87 Edison H. Miyawaki Sheldon L.H. Nagata ’80 Sharlene H.S.P. Nakamoto Nhan T. Nguyen & Diane Peters-Nguyen John D. Nielsen & Thelma C. Gretzinger Edward M. & Cheryl M. Nishioka Sarah Nordwall Nuuanu Hale Hospital Oahu Travel, Inc. Palolo Elementary School Laurella Pang Terry B. ’82 & Donna D. ’85 Pennington Alan B. Ramos Tony M. ’85, ’90 & Diane ’83 Randolph Roy L. & Renee A. Rapoza Henk B. Rogers Jean E. Rolles ’93 Terrance J. Ryan Saint Louis School Sandwich Isles Communications, Inc. Securitas Security Services USA, Inc. Miles & Ruth L. ’64 Silberstein Anita I. Silva Edward & Bernadette Mae ’84 Smith Steven M. & Wendy Takenaka Garret Tom Linda Tomei Design Lawrence K.W. Tseu Timothy B. & Josefa Q. Vickey William & Renae L. Villa Rebecca Ward Jeffrey G. & Cori C. Weston Keith V. Whitney Matthew T. Wong ’03 Dean Yamaguchi Kent H. & Vanessa K. Yamaguchi Patrick K.S.L. & Sandy Yim Hugh & Patricia K. Yoshida Robin C. & Lillian M. Yoshimura R.J. “Zap” & Barry Zlatoper Men’s Basketball Derrick Abe Robert L. & Marsha M. Beard Richard C. & Laura L. Engelberg Fay Investment Associates Monty L. & Deborah V. Fisher Thomas C. Geist Daniel D. ’81 & Judy Goo Scott A. ’87 & Melissa Hanson Vincent Hodge & Grissel M. Benitez-Hodge Michael W. & Janis G. Prinslow Safety Systems Hawaii, Inc. Men’s Cross Country Patrick R. Corsi Bryan D.Y. & Hiroko Man Michael W. & Janis G. Prinslow Winter 2010 w Chaminade Quarterly 17 Dedicated Gifts Ju l y 1, 2008 to June 30, 2009 Men’s Golf Leslie S. & Dorothy A. Murakami Men’s Soccer Daniel L. & Carolyn K. Colin John M. & Mary G. Frame Women’s Basketball Rockne C. & Leinaala L. Freitas Women’s Cross Country Patrick R. Corsi Bryan D.Y. & Hiroko Man Women’s Soccer Daniel L. & Carolyn K. Colin Women’s Softball Glen & Monica Harris Bryan D.Y. & Hiroko Man Evan Murakami Chad & Janette Senas Lynn A. Shiroma Kenneth K. & Lynette L. Takayesu Wayne M. & Corinne Tanna Trico Excavating Inc. Women’s Tennis Lynne S. Aki-Steele Henry & Nola F. Devincent Richard K. & Deborah J. Devincent Dowling Community Improvement Foundation Judy A. Esperas James R. Rudge Kilani Bakery 18 Chaminade Quarterly Winter 2010 Ronald & Maureen M. ’72 Koehler Bryan D.Y. & Hiroko Man Craig H. & Claire L. Nakatsuka Addison Truckenmiller Women’s Volleyball Christine-Ann K. Akau Charles & Alethia W. Donathan June D.M. Gorgonio Jonathan B. & Jennifer M. Grems Andrea Kamahele The Late Marilynn A. Kauhane ’88 Steven C. & Sharon S. McAlum James L. & Sondra K. McMenimen Ron & Gail K. Miyashiro Mrs. Dorothea K. Nary Sherwood Nunotani Paula-Marie N.M. Powell Brad Steed Lisa Steed Wayne M. & Corinne Tanna Hefa Tuita CAPITAL PROJECTS Capital Fund The Atlantic Philanthropies The Clarence T.C. Ching Foundation Marianist Center of Hawaii Henry Hall Science Lab Renovation Bank of Hawaii Charitable Foundation Harold K.L. Castle Foundation First Hawaiian Bank Foundation The J.M. Long Foundation Servco Foundation PROGRAMS Alumni Activities Patrick C. ’87 & Katrina Butler Marcelino & The Late Evangeline L. ’77, ’80 Calbero Archie Y.G. ’74 & Edna K. Loo Allan M. & Conchita V. Schlemmer Phyllis N.T. Shea ’62 Robert W. Tong ’00, ’04 & Lois H. Miyashiro-Tong ’02, ’04 Bro. Bertram Collection Vincent P. & Angela V. ’86 Mainelli Brogan Partnership Endowment John C. & Mary Lou Brogan Castle Colleagues Program Samuel N. and Mary Castle Foundation Ceramics Program Robert S. & Jeanne K. Tsushima Early Childhood Education & Child Development Program Samuel N. and Mary Castle Foundation Reverend Yoshiaki Fujitani Endowed Lecture Series Anonymous Robert & June Asato BDK Sudatta Hawaii Alfred Bloom Paul K. & Liane K. Briggs Marguerite B. Campbell Nicholas & Anongnart Carriker Joel D. & Marjorie K. Determan Ernestine K. Enomoto Roger H. & Barbara Epstein Shigeaki & Mary O. Fujitani Rev. Yoshiaki ’69 & Tomi Fujitani Jolene F. Gerell Molly Gluek Melvin T. & Eileen Hayase Donna T. Higashi David Y. & Sandra E. Hirano Edward Y. & Takayo T. Inatsuka Wayne T. & Diane K. Iwaoka Florence M. Kelley Ethel M. Kitagawa Arnie Kotler Fujio & Amy M. Matsuda Roy T. & Mary A. Matsuda Gerald & Connie Meredith Roy M. & Charlotte O. Miyamoto Rev. Tatsuo & Edna T. Muneto Miles & Martine Nakamura Rev. Yubun Narashiba Ethel A. Oda Norimatsu & Aileen Okamoto Yukio Ozaki & Elizabeth D. Train Glenn & Glenda Paige Jikyu Rose Stanley Y. & Minne F. Sakuma George K. & Marguerite B. Simson Masami & Pearl Takeuchi George Tanabe Virginia M. Tanji Jerome & Alice Tucker Gender Studies Leslie Sponsel & Poranee Natadecha-Sponsel Hogan Entrepreneurial Program Akimeka, LLC Richard J. Blangiardi John C. & Mary Lou Brogan John A. Chock Mattson C. Davis Eddie & Elaine Flores, Jr. Daniel D. ’81 & Judy Goo Michael D. Herb & Nancy Lewis Hogan Family Foundation Paul W. Masters Glenn K. Miyataki Nicholas & Monica Ng Pack Jerome E. & Cheri L. Rauckhorst Richard E. & Catherine Tanaka John F. & Dawn Webster Interior Design Gail S. Moore Fr. Robert R. Mackey Speech Contest Henry B. & Charlotte Clark, Jr. Marianist Sponsorship Ministries Foundation The Marianist Province of the U.S. Mystical Rose Oratory David K. Anderson Daniel L. & Carolyn K. Colin Lee W. & Bernadette E. Erwin Theodore E. & Cynthia S. Estrella, Jr. Edward A. Lelling Mary P. Sjostrom Thomas C. & The Late Mary Civille (Sue) Wesselkamper Natural Sciences & Mathematics Tai Up Yang Fund G.N. Wilcox Trust Non-Profit Organizations Tax Seminar Chaminade University Tax Foundation Nursing Program Edison H. Miyawaki Performing Arts Michael & Lori Addison Karen E. Anderson ’73, ’90 Arthur M. & Mary C. Banchero Mary A. Battaini Michael Battaini Reuben J. Becker Fedrico O. & Marita C. Biven Richard J. Blangiardi Thomas P. Bohnen The Late Louis F. & Florence M. Boitano John C. & Mary Lou Brogan Mary C. Cassarno CFOs 2 GO Partners Chaminade Pohaku Marianist Community Ming Chen Albert S.C. & Betty L. Chong Mark W. & Karen L. Cleary David L. & Valerie M. Coleman Daniel L. & Carolyn K. Colin D’Arrigo Bros. Co. Walter A. & Diane Dods, Jr. Patricia W. Dwyer Herb Foedisch Robert & Sally Gaillard Charles L. Gaty & Julie Farman Marian R. Goepp Daniel D. ’81 & Judy Goo E.W. Greco Michael Green & Associates Benjamin F. & Shirley R. Greenough Ronald & Cathleen Hanson Ron & Sanne Higgins Vincent Hodge & Grissel M. Benitez-Hodge Honolulu Piano Teachers Association Hub International of California Insurance Services, Inc. Amy L. Jampel Lawrence M. & Claire O. Johnson Ernal P. & Shirley M. Jones Mary D. Kelly R. & V. La Jeunesse Harry N. Lalor Robert F. Lautze James E. & Maureen Lawlor Patrick J. & Angela P. Lawlor Edith Leong Violet S.W. Loo R.T. & B.M. Lumley Clifford P. & Betty Martin Sharon McPhee Thomas J. & Antoinette M. Middleton, Jr. Marie A. Moran Myrna Murdoch Nhan T. Nguyen & Diane Peters-Nguyen Jean E. Rolles ’93 Roman Catholic Church in the State of Hawaii Rev. John J. Russi, S.M. ’62 Kristen L. Ryall Zbigniew Saczuk W.M. Rich & Mary T. Schnirring Schwing Electrical Supply Corp. Jim Z. Spens Bro. Thomas Spring, S.M. Kristina E. Stone ’00 Kensei Takeda Lawrence K.W. Tseu Byron K. & Mary Lou Uhl J. Malcolm Visbal Walters Wholesale Electric Company Robert S. & Marcia L. Waples Sharon R. Weiner Thomas C. & The Late Mary Civille (Sue) Wesselkamper Jeffrey G. & Cori C. Weston D.J. & E.A. Whitcomb Barbara Williamson Ronald & Kathleen S. Wo Dale Young Peggy & The Late J. Luis Zabala Russ F. Zabala William S. & Mary R. Zabala Sullivan Family Library Franklin K.S. ’64 & Heather Kam SCHOLARSHIPS Accounting Endowed Scholarship Hawaii Alliance For Community-Based Economic Development Wayne M. & Corinne Tanna Dedicated Gifts Ju l y 1, 2008 to June 30, 2009 Biology Endowed Scholarship David F. Butterworth, Jr. ’81 Henry H. ’74 & Alyssa K. Gomes Ronald M. Iwamoto Fr. John Bolin Faculty Award Kathleen R. Dyckes Chaminade University Educational Foundation CUEF Trustees Scholarship Francis Chock Scholarship Milly Henderson Memorial Scholarship Peter & Doris Ng Scholarship Hugh R. & Chong Jah S. Pinegree Scholarship W & P Tallett Scholarship Wong & Shea CPAs Scholarship Chaminade University Scholarship Fund Louis A. & Jean Lopez Chatlos Foundation Scholarship Chatlos Foundation Inc. Peggy & Keith Chock Scholarship for Student-Athletes Keith A. & Peggy S. Chock Elmer Sebastian Dunsky Scholarship BP Fabric of America Fund Martha D. Caprarotta Christopher J. Dunsky Gregory P. & Joan K. Dunsky Lisa A. Dunsky Joseph M. & Barbara J. Macario Marvin W. & Rosemary T. Rickling William H. Hannon Scholarship William H. Hannon Foundation Florence M. Lau Study Abroad Endowed Scholarship Florence M. Lau Antone J. & Mary C. Lopez Endowed Scholarship Christopher B. & Patricia Lopez, Jr. Louis A. & Jean Lopez Fr. Robert R. Mackey Endowed Scholarship Robert C.Y. ’60 & Elizabeth K. Lum Vincent E. & Katherine J. Neal Memorial Endowed Scholarship Vincent E. & Katherine J. Neal Memorial Fund Will Pounds Memorial Scholarship Dorothy Bielen Larry Price Endowed Scholarship Lawrence D. Price Leo M. Shortino Scholarship The Leo M. Shortino Family Foundation The President Mary Civille (Sue) Wesselkamper Scholarship Charlene Abe ’97 Leslie & Lani Abrigana Glennie G. Adams Joseph E. Agudo ‘06 Ralph & Carol Ahles Darrow L. Aiona Puanani Akaka Eric & Corinne Alameida Hank & Betsy Alau Kevin S. ’04 & Rene H. Allen Phil & Sister F. Ammon William S. & Ann A. Amrich David K. Anderson Donald V. & Susan E. Anderson Karen E. Anderson ’73, ’90 Anonymous Peter K. & Joan Apo Alan I. & Suzette Arita Donn R. ’85 & Lynne Ariyoshi George Atta Matelina M. Aulava ’02, ’04 Richard & Georgette L. ’07, ’09 Bacon Sherry Ann C. Bagoyo ’06, ’08 Frederick & Magdalena ’09 Baier Robert & Myra A. Baliares Linamatda B. Balon Saxton W. & Merrill Barrett BDK Sudatta Hawaii Roger & Masako Bellinger David Bellino & Marian Tsuji Belt Collins Hawaii Ltd. Marilyn Bevins Chester W. & Barbara A. Bielawski Big Island Liturgy and Arts Center Lee Ann H. Bowman John C. & Mary Lou Brogan Joseph & Mary G. Bugna Donna Bulosan Michael H. ’87 & Lynn S. Burgett Leah Calixto Robin K. & Valerie Campaniano Bro. William J. Campbell, S.M. Todd H. & Jill S. Canfield Karen L. Carder Mary Ann Carvalho ’71 Samuel N. and Mary Castle Foundation Christopher A. ’08 & Lianne M. Casupang Joseph C. & Margaret A. Cavanaugh The Hon. Benjamin J. & Vicky Cayetano Momi W. Cazimero Center Marianist Community Chaminade Pohaku Marianist Community Chaminade University Tax Foundation Pascal & Alita Charron Nora L. Chee Catherine H.Q. Ching The Clarence T.C. Ching Foundation Frances C.H. Ching Richard L. & Marilyn R. ’74 Chisholm Keith A. & Peggy S. Chock Albert S.C. & Betty L. Chong Myrna P. Chun-Hoon Henrietta M. Clemons David L. & Valerie M. Coleman Daniel L. & Carolyn K. Colin David J. & Jihye J. No Cooke Leslie H. Correa Charles L. & Abbie Cotrell Judith E. Davidson Mahalo f o r YOUR SUPPORT ! Tom B. & Marlene R. ’84 De Costa Concetta M. Dileo Faye S. Domke Lee D. ’77 & Lucille K. Donohue, Sr. Margaret A. Donovan Patrick ’74 & Cathryn Downes Joseph C. & Mary Jane F. Duffy Norman E. & Nicole M. ’80 Dupont Roger & Marion Ehrich Ernestine K. Enomoto Walter J. & Carleen L. Eschenbach Edward K.O. & Peggy Eu Alfredo & Bennette M. Evangelista Jerry B. ’73 & Michal Mary Farrar Michael & Marie-Jose Fassiotto Richard T. & Susan M. Ferguson Paul R. & Jane C. Field Marites A. Fiesta ’89 First Hawaiian Bank Foundation First Insurance Company of Hawaii, LTD Sheri Fitzgerald Hal A. Fraser ’98 Ruth Freedman Glenn H. Fujihara Gail Fujita Kinsley M. ’67 & Sue S. Fujitani Catherine Fukada Jerry ’83 & Terry Garcia Daniel S. & Katherine A. Gilmore Roger K. Godfrey Henry H. ’74 & Alyssa K. Gomes Andrew & Tina A. ’01 Gomes Daniel D. ’81 & Judy Goo Troy G. & Pam Goodman Harriet K. Gray David L. Grossman Frank A. & Susan E. Haas Angela M. Hafer Mayor Mufi Hannemann & Gail Mukaihata Hannemann Gayle Y. Harimoto Karen Harp Carl & Jean Hasselbeck John Hasselbeck Tom & Arlene Hatcher Hawaii Maoli Douglas ’69 & Diane E. Hayashi Regan & Junie Hayashi Thomas L. & Carol R. Heaton Robert M. & Doris F. Hendrickson Carmen M. Himenes ’73 William R. & Virginia S. Hinshaw A. Michael ’61 & Patricia K.F. Ho Timothy P. Ho & Dawn F. Shiinoki-Ho Tammy P.N. Hohu Glenn F. Honda Kathryn L. Hong Stanley W. & Karen Ho Hong Ronald D. & Mitzie Howard Sumner & Rita H. Howard James A. & Karen Howell Rui J. & Xue L. Huang Paul E. Huff & Loretta Cornett-Huff Wesley K. & Juliane L. ’88 Inouye Tom & Angela H. Isaac Virginia Ishitani Esther Ito Linda M. Iwamoto Richard & Kathleen Jaeger Karon L. Jahn Amy L. Jampel Craig & Allison A. Jerome Linda K. Johnsrud Bro. Robert Juenemann, S.M. Lleander Jung Samuel K. & Aulani ’93, ’96 Kaanoi Clifton Y. Kagawa & Lucy S. Ahn Franklin K.S. ’64 & Heather Kam John H.K. Kama & Susan L. Frank-Kama ’61 Ruth Kaneakua Fred Kauhane, Jr. Joel K. & Nancy Kawakami Eugene P. & Charlsie A. Keferl Michael F. Kerr Walter S. & May N. Kirimitsu Ann H. Kobayashi Gregg & Be-Jay T. ’86 Kodama Wendell & Melba E. Kop Janice C. Kovach Anton C. Krucky Peter A. & Eliane S. Kuo Carolyn Kuriyama Emelda Laforteza Lillian M. Langeslay Constance H. Lau Frank Lauterbur Jeanette Lavanier Amie M. Lawyer ’04 Benson W.K. & Antoinette L. Lee Anonymous Clarence N. & Amy C. Lee Morris M. ’78, ’83 & Hiroko Lee Terry Lee Daniel Lee Soon ’08 Brian L. & Sheri ’08 Lees Edward A. Lelling Joel A. & Melissa L. Leong Gary E. & Kay D. Liebl Choong M. ’09 & Chi-Ching Lim Dennis Lock Archie Y.G. ’74 & Edna K. Loo Violet S.W. Loo Louis A. & Jean Lopez Albert W.H. Lum Phyllis Lum Raymond K.S. & Deirdre M. Lum Bernard K. ’59 & Lolita ’61 Lum Hoy The Late Shirley Lynn Katherine A. MacPherson ’82 James J. & Anne M. Magee Vincent P. & Angela V. ’86 Mainelli Hector & Elsa Mamaclay Marianist Hall Community The Marianist Province of the U.S. Jack F. McMillan Sharon McPhee Lorraine L. Miranda James M. & Linda Mistysyn Robert J. & Barbara Mitman Carol O. Miura Edison H. Miyawaki Richard H. & Patricia A. Montgomery Arthur L. & Waltraut Mori Robbie A. Murakami William F. ’70 & Beverly Murray Richard Nagashima Karen Nakamura Shawna M. Nakila ’04, ’06 Eric A. & Mary A. Nemoto Peter P.J. ’60 & Doris ’67 Ng Nhan T. Nguyen & Diane Peters-Nguyen Norma Nusekabel Oahu Civic Orchestra Oahu Travel, Inc. Frances & Caroline Oda Coleen Oishi Elaine Oishi Wilson T. ’73 & Barbara E. ’76 Orbe, Jr. Trudy A. Ornellas Pacific and Asian Affairs Council Jeannie Padasdao Mildred S.U. Pang & Llana Pang-Tamura Wendell K. & Annette Pang Elizabeth K. Park Eugenia K. Park Patty’s Floral Designs David M. & Mele Peters Loretta Petrie Tomasa Pillos Jeannie Pinpin ’05, ’07 J. Stephen & Barbara P. Poole-Street Rita Porter Richard Price & Lena O’Rourke Gregory A. & Medsura E. ’61 Raguindin Jerome E. & Cheri L. Rauckhorst James W. Robinson & Patricia M. Lee-Robinson Jean E. Rolles ’93 Lionnel Ronduen ’08 Wanda L. Rosa Winter 2010 w Chaminade Quarterly 21 Dedicated Gifts Ju l y 1, 2008 to June 30, 2009 Charles & Rosemarie Rose Richard & Kapono Ryan Yvonne M. Ryan Stuart & Lynn N. Saito Brian Sajko S & M Sakamoto, Inc. Gordon K.F. & Betty Sam Teresita Sanchez Oscar & Evelyn Sanqui Rocco C. Sansone ’72 Colleen O. Sathre William J. & Margaret Schulz Allan B. Seiden Phyllis N.T. Shea ’62 Francis T. & Annette C. Sherry Lori M. Shimoda Jeffrey L. & Margaret Sigrist Miles & Ruth L. ’64 Silberstein Leslie Sponsel & Poranee Natadecha-Sponsel Anna Marie Springer Cathleen Srour St. Francis Healthcare Systems of Hawaii St. Mary’s University John A. & Laura Steelquist J. Hans & Marie Claire Strasser Lucille Streeter Colleen Sullivan Joanna L. Sullivan Patrick J. Sullivan Eleanor Swanson Barbara Tabula Willibrord K. ’61 & Pauline Tallett Raymond J. & Audrey T. Tam Richard E. & Catherine Tanaka Virginia Teller Steven Teraoka Bulent & Rosemary Terem Cho-Yee & Patricia W. ’63 To Steve & Linda Tomei Anne Torige Andrea Toyofuku Noel G. Trainor Raymond C. & Rose Tseng Thurston & Sharon Twigg-Smith Blossom Y. Tyau Blanche Y. Upchurch Ushijima Architects, Inc. Allen B. Uyeda Russell A. & Patricia A. Valente Marion A. Vasconcellos Jeoffrey M. Verano Steven E. ’59 & Dorothy J. Vidinha James J. & Vincee Viso Arthur E. & Marcella J. Wall Roger J. & Jenai Sullivan Wall Montira L. Warran ’95, ’99 Brandi K. Watanabe Keri M. Watanabe J. Watumull Fund John F. & Dawn Webster Sharon R. Weiner Stewart Weiss C.S. & Cynthia L. Wesselkamper Suzanne Wesselkamper Thomas C. Wesselkamper Jeffrey G. & Cori C. Weston Nancy D. White Thomas M. & Julie A. Whitehead Carol B. Whitesell Gary A. Wickham Peter & Edna Wilson James Michael Windsor Robert M. Witt Ronald & Kathleen S. Wo David P. & Holly C. Wolff Chock You Wong John C. Wright & Verlieann Malina-Wright Jude Yablonsky Tina Yamamoto Earl Y. Yamamoto & Angela N. Golis-Yamamoto June T. Yasuhara Alfred A. & Elizabeth Yee Daniel J.W. & Amy C. Yee Patrick K.S.L. & Sandy Yim Dennis Y. & Donna J. ’06 Yoshimura Kyra Young Verna H.F. Young ’62 President Sue Wesselkamper Prize Endowed by Henry & Charlotte Clark Henry B. & Charlotte Clark, Jr. J. Luis Zabala Endowed Scholarship Fund Mary A. Battaini Fedrico O. & Marita C. Biven Sue Burnham D’Arrigo Bros. Co. Elliott Electric Supply CO., Inc. First National Bank of Central California Lucia R. Flaherty Ben Franklin Electric Club of Northern California Tom & Angela H. Isaac Dale C. & Patricia A. Johnson Patrick J. & Angela P. Lawlor Vincent P. & Angela V. ’86 Mainelli Clifford P. & Betty Martin Christopher P. & Susan Monahan Richard P. Morgantini National Association of Electrical Distributors, Inc. The Olympic Club Pasadena Community Foundation Joanne M. Phillips Bro. Bernard J. Ploeger, S.M. Jean E. Rolles ’93 Albert & Florence Santucci W.M. Rich & Mary T. Schnirring Robert S. & Marcia L. Waples Barbara Williamson Jan Wood Peggy & The Late J. Luis Zabala Chaminade University is honored to recognize and thank the individuals and organizations whose generous contributions give strength to our mission of enriching and educating our students for life, service and success. We value each gift received and have made every effort to ensure the accuracy of this 2008-09 Honor Roll of Donors. If your name was omitted, misspelled or incorrectly listed, please accept our sincere apologies and notify our Office of Institutional Advancement at (808) 735-4763 or afund @ chaminade.edu so that we may correct our records. Mahalo! 22 Chaminade Quarterly w Winter 2010 C h a m i n a d e Un i ve r s i t y E ducational Foundation The Chaminade University Educational Foundation (CUEF) is a non-profit trust created in 1962 by seven Honolulu business executives to encourage and support Chaminade’s mission and goals. To date, the Foundation has contributed more than $1 million to the University for scholarship endowments, physical improvements and programs. CUEF Board of Trustees Nicole M. Dupont, President Willibrord K. Tallett, V. P., Finance Diane Peters-Nguyen, Secretary Calvert G. Chipchase, III, Treasurer Karen E. Anderson Calvert G. Chipchase Keith A. Chock Bro. Robert Hoppe, S.M. Gay Miyakawa Phyllis N.T. Shea Gulab Watumull James A. Naylon (Emeritus) Mahalo for YOUR S U PPORT! CREATE A LEGACY at CHAMINADE UNIVERSITY w i t h o u t p a r t i n g w i t h a n y assets now Many alumni and friends want to give generously to Chaminade University to help ensure its future but are concerned about having enough resources to meet their own future needs. If this describes you, a gift by beneficiary designation may provide just the right solution. These gifts allow you to retain sole access to your assets during your lifetime and can be changed if your circumstances change. In addition, they are generally very easy to arrange. Yo u c a n n a m e C h a m i n a d e a s a b e n e f i c i a r y o f : Retirement Assets – This includes IRAs (regardless of the type of IRA) and TIAA-CREF retirement accounts. Life Insurance Policies/Annuity Contracts – Life insurance is often purchased when children are young; perhaps yours are grown and no longer need all of the eventual proceeds. Pay/Transfer on Death Accounts – These include bank accounts (savings or checking) and brokerage accounts (investments). You can name Chaminade as the sole beneficiary or as one of several. This allows you to make a gift while still providing for family members or other loved ones. Legacy gifts of all sizes – large or small – are important and gladly received by Chaminade. Another benefit of making a gift by beneficiary designation is that it can be a particularly tax-wise way to support Chaminade. Often distributions from the assets above, particularly retirement funds, are subject to federal income tax in addition to any applicable estate tax. However, this potential double-taxation is avoided on any amounts you gift to Chaminade. Please contact Diane Peters-Nguyen, Chaminade vice-president for institutional advancement, at (808) 735-4772 for more information. We can offer the service of our planned giving consultant, or you may wish to seek advice from your own financial advisor. By the way, if you have already arranged for a gift of this kind, please let us know so that we can express our thanks and welcome you into our Heritage Society. Winter 2010 Chaminade Quarterly 23 NON-PROFIT ORG. U.S. POSTAGE PAID HONOLULU, HI PERMIT NO. 320 3140 Waialae Avenue Honolulu, Hawaii 96816-1578 Change Service Requested Call answer the Dana Chaminade University is kicking off its spring Phonathon in support of the 2009-10 Annual Fund for Excellence. Please answer the call. Our student callers look forward to connecting with alumni, parents and friends like you who make up the Chaminade ‘ohana. Natalie P. Your Phonathon gift to the Annual Fund for Excellence helps to: Provide financial aid and scholarships for deserving students in need Expand opportunities for learning curriculum and research Enhance our athletic programs, student life activities and service learning Invest in capital improvements and technological resources for the future Chase Imagine the difference you can make… Every gift makes a difference in the lives and futures of our students, the direct beneficiaries of your generosity. Please make yours today using the enclosed envelope or online at www.chaminade.edu/gifts. For more information, please contact Brandi Watanabe at (808) 735-4763 or afund@chaminade.edu. Mahalo for your support! LaPria Dyon Natalie M. Monica Kuldip
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