Spring 2008 - Chaminade University of Honolulu
Spring 2008 - Chaminade University of Honolulu
85157_winter08 3/4/08 10:00 AM Page 1 Special Financial Edition Annual Report – A Financial Overview 2006-2007 Honor Roll of Donors Big Heart – Willing Hands 8% 12% 16% 5% 85157_winter08 2/29/08 10:25 AM Page 2 Aloha, This special financial issue of the CQ includes our Honor Roll of Donors for our fiscal year 2006 to 2007, as well as a financial overview from Daniel Gilmore, our vice president of finance and facilities. Our donors’ generosity makes it possible for Chaminade to continue to create unique educational opportunities, enhance our campus and help students realize their full potential and lead productive lives that serve others. We would also like to thank our Chaminade ‘ohana for their tireless commitment to service and congratulate them on receiving the 2007 President’s Higher Education Award for Service to Youth from Disadvantaged Circumstances. The Chaminade community -- students, faculty, staff and leadership -- pledges itself to 50,000 hours of service yearly. At 62,000 hours, we exceeded our goal last year, reflecting our corporate commitment to service in higher education. We have more good news. The Harold K.L. Castle Foundation awarded a $200,000 grant to Chaminade University recently to support the multi-phase expansion and renovation of laboratories and facilities for the Natural Sciences and Mathematics Division. The grant brings the total external funding raised through the highly successful Transformations overall campaign (including both capital and other forms of external support) to $53 million. Through this grant, three new laboratories, a faculty ‘research hotel’ and related support areas in Henry Hall will undergo complete renovation. On April 25, from 11 a.m. to 12 noon, we will celebrate two transformational events, the dedication of the largest academic building constructed on campus since the founding of Chaminade, the Sullivan Family Library, and the successful conclusion of the most ambitious fundraising campaign in this university’s history. Please join us at the new library for the event. We are humbled by our blessings and realize that it is because of our donors and friends, our alumni, and our campus community and their combined commitment that Chaminade University continues to flourish. We invite all of you to continue to support Chaminade in its mission to graduate students who are well-prepared for life, service and successful careers. With gratitude, Dr. Sue Wesselkamper President Pres. Sue Wesselkamper receives for Chaminade University a $10,000 donation from the Hawaii Tax Institute given by James W.Y. Wong, organization director, in October 2007. 2 Chaminade Quarterly Spring 2008 85157_winter08 2/29/08 3:05 PM Page 3 C HA MINADE Q UARTERLY 6 8% Sue Wesselkamper President and Publisher Diane Peters-Nguyen Vice President for Institutional Advancement Kapono Dowson Ryan 5% 12% Director of Communications Be-Jay Kodama Director of Alumni Relations Table of Brandi Watanabe Contents Director of Annual Giving Student Staff Emily Jones, Daniel Hines, Laura Rillera Features Additional Photos Charles Myers 4 Big Heart - Willing Hands BOARD OF REGENTS Bro. Stephen Glodek, S.M. Chancellor 6 Financial Overview Adm. (Ret.) R.J. “Zap” Zlatoper, USN Chair 13 Honor Roll of Donors Gary E. Liebl Chair Emeritus Departments Daniel L. Colin First Vice Chair 8 New Faces Jean Rolles Secretary David Akina Karen E. Anderson Peter K. Apo Carolyn A. Berry Rick Blangiardi Bro. Edward Brinks, S.M. John C. Brogan Bro. William J. Campbell, S.M. Charles L. Cotrell Nicole M. Dupont Bennette M. Evangelista Eddie Flores, Jr. Daniel D. Goo Gail L. Grabowsky Carmen Himenes Gary G. Hogan Stanley W. Hong Bro. Robert Hoppe, S.M. Angela H. Isaac Clifton Y. Kagawa Brig. Gen. (Ret.) Dwight M. Kealoha, USAF Rev. Joseph H. Lackner, S.M. Violet S. Loo Dr. Edison H. Miyawaki Rev. David H. Schuyler, S.M. Anna Marie Springer Nicholas J. Susner Willibrord K.Tallett Gae Bergquist Trommald Sharon Weiner Sue Wesselkamper Cori Ching Weston Kitty Wo Hon. Patrick K.S.L.Yim, J.D. J. Luis Zabala Edward K.O. Eu (Emeritus) 10 Alumni Class Notes 12 Silversword Spotter 10 BOARD OF GOVERNORS Kitty Wo Chair Michael F. Kerr Vice Chair Anton Krucky Secretary Lynn Hogan Mark Ahn Kenneth D. Allen The Hon. Daniel K. Inouye Louis Boitano Bro. Robert Juenemann, S.M. Tom Kiely Bruce Brusavich Sharon McPhee Deborah Brusavich Joseph Melehan Peter M. Callahan Clifford Cooper Rev. Donald P. Merrifield, S.J. Paul W. Mikos Louisa Cooper Tom Orbe Barrie Cropper J. Hans Strasser Walter A. Dods, Jr. Richard E.Tanaka Edward K.O. Eu Gulab Watumull George Froley Michael Windsor Edward J. Hogan 4 Upcoming Events Friday, March 27 Las Vegas Alumni Reunion Sunday, April 6 Mackey Lecture Series: Sr. Joan Chittister, OSB Mystical Rose Oratory Thursday, April 17-Sunday April 20 Spring Musical Production: Brigadoon Mamiya Theatre Friday, April 25 Sullivan Family Library Dedication Spring 2008 The Chaminade Quarterly is published by Chaminade University of Honolulu, ©2008 by Chaminade University of Honolulu.All rights reserved. Please address editorial correspondence to Editor, Chaminade Quarterly, 3140 Waialae Avenue, Freitas Hall Rm. 110, Honolulu, HI 96816-1578 or quater@chaminade.edu.Third-class postage paid at Honolulu, HI 96816. Chaminade Quarterly 3 85157_winter08 2/29/08 10:27 AM Page 4 by Kapono Ryan 4 Chaminade Quarterly Marketing and accounting students, such as Joseph Schriml ’08 seen here with associate business professor Margaret Friedman, help with college financial aid workshops at Kaimuki High School several times each year. Other students trained by their professors for IRS competency-testing helped local working-poor families last year obtain Federal Earned Income Tax Credits of more than $150,000 in taxes. Spring 2008 85157_winter08 2/29/08 1:18 PM Page 5 BIG HEART – WILLING HANDS I Chaminade Receives National Recognition for Service It’s a sunny Saturday morning. The sky is blue, the winds are gentle and the ocean looks like crystal. It’s definitely a good day for the beach. Smiling, a young woman shouts to a friend across the oval area fronting Freitas Hall that she has just come back from tutoring some kids. Her friend shouts back that she’s going to help with a Campus Ministry feed-the-homeless project tomorrow–“Want to come?” At Kaimuki High School, Chaminade seniors, Charis Guinto, Joe Schriml, Lila Sapolu and Peter Hsu help 10 families prepare college financial aid applications. Many of the high school students would be first-generation college students with English as their second language. The Chaminade students listen to their clients’ need, applying their marketing and accounting backgrounds to real life situations. Professors such as Peggy Friedman, Richard Kido and Wayne Tanna spend countless hours with marketing and accounting students, deliberately integrating curriculum with service-learning opportunities. “Chaminade students are a sterling example of today’s college students, who are tackling the toughest problems in America, demonstrating their compassion, commitment, and creativity by serving as mentors, tutors, health workers, and even engineers..” Service-learning occurs throughout all the disciplines at Chaminade. Faculty members and their students find ways to enrich academics through service-learning and community service, and efforts have not gone unnoticed. The Corporation for National and Community Service (CNCS) honored Chaminade University at its American Council on Education (ACE) Led by Chaminade students, Palolo children enjoy sports clinics and campus ministry holiday events throughout the year. annual conference in San Diego on Feb. 11 with a place on the President’s Higher Education Community Service Honor Roll for exemplary service efforts. Taking it a step further, the CNCS also selected Chaminade as one of only three colleges and universities nationwide for its Presidential Award for Service to Youth from Disadvantaged Circumstances in its 2007 President’s Higher Education Community Service Honor Roll. “Chaminade students are a sterling example of today’s college students, who are tackling the toughest problems in America, demonstrating their compassion, commitment, and creativity by serving as mentors, tutors, health workers, and even engineers,” said David Eisner, CEO of the Corporation, who presented the award. “They represent a renewed spirit of civic engagement fostered by outstanding leadership on caring campuses.” The Honor Roll’s Presidential Award is the highest recognition a school can achieve for its commitment to service-learning and civic engagement. Honorees for the award were chosen based on a series of selection factors including scope and innovativeness of service projects, percentage of student participation in service activities, incentives for service and the extent to which the school offers academic service-learning courses. Service is a part of the character of Chaminade University. Receiving the President’s Award for Service for Chaminade were (left to right) Nolan Kido, special business adjunct; Rachel San Agustin, a junior; Candice Sakuda, director of service-learning; and Richard Kido, associate business professor, with Barrie Cropper, a Chaminade California Governor (not pictured). The university’s Palolo Pipeline & Beyond project, which provided academic support to youth from disadvantaged circumstances in the Palolo housing development, was so successful in neighborhood middle and elementary schools that the schools were able to meet the goals of No Child Left Behind. Spring 2008 Chaminade Quarterly 5 85157_winter08 2/29/08 10:28 AM Page 6 Financial Overview Daniel S. Gilmore, Ed.D. Vice President for Finance and Facilities During the past fiscal year, Chaminade continued to make major enhancements to its campus and facilities. Two more renovated science laboratories came on-line in Henry Hall, and significant progress was made on the construction of our $14 million Sullivan Family Library set to open in spring 2008. Once the library is completed, work will begin on Chaminade Plaza which will be located between the Library and Eiben Hall. Plans are in progress for refurbishing the space which will be vacated in Henry Hall when the Library moves. The top floor will be remodeled to help consolidate the Humanities Division, while the middle floor will see improvements to support program expansion in the Natural Science and Mathematics Division. The master planning project for the area above Third Road was completed and will help the University maximize the use of limited land area to meet the needs of our students. Chaminade’s net assets grew during the past fiscal year by 9%, mainly due to infrastructure improvements and an increase in long-term investments. Income and expenditures remained balanced despite a slight reduction in day and evening undergraduate enrollments. Tuition and fees were increased by rates equivalent to inflation with gifts and grants supporting improvements to infrastructure. While rising interest rates contributed to the growth of Chaminade’s endowment funds, the higher rates underscored the importance of last year’s successful effort to finance long-term debt with tax-exempt bonds rather than conventional loans. We will continue to monitor interest rates into the future for refunding opportunities should rates significantly decline. This year the University’s strategic plan will undergo campus-wide review and revision. The plan will provide guidance as we consider programs and improvements to the remaining facilities awaiting renovation, as well as providing additional student housing, recreational facilities, classrooms, faculty offices, campus life center, service areas and parking. Always conscious of Chaminade’s educational mission, we are on a steady path of institutional progress. 2006-2007 Total Net Assets $35,000,000 2006-2007 Revenue 8% 5% 12% 16% 59% Net tuition & fees Private gifts & grants Auxiliary enterprises Federal grants & contracts Investment income & other Total $19,768,000 $5,448,000 $4,147,000 $2,412,000 $1,805,000 $33,580,000 2006-2007 Expenditures 11% 3% 15% 54% 17% Instructional academic support Institutional support Auxiliary enterprises Student services Fundraising Total $30,000,000 $25,000,000 $20,000,000 Total $15,000,000 Restricted-Permanently $10,000,000 Restricted-Temporarily $5,000,000 0 6 Unrestricted 2005-2006 Chaminade Quarterly Spring 2008 2006-2007 $16,558,000 $5,080,000 $4,674,000 $3,284,000 $1,170,000 $30,766,000 85157_winter08 2/29/08 10:29 AM Page 7 Transformations When the Transformations campaign was publicly announced in April 2006, the Sullivan Family Library began as merely a hole in the ground. The Chaminade ‘ohana has watched patiently as this elegant, new building rose out of the dirt and hard basaltic rock of Kalaepohaku. On April 25, 2008, the ‘ohana will celebrate an amazing accomplishment. The 30,000 sf Sullivan Family Library will be a reality, ushering in a new era of scholarship and community. As the campaign draws to a close, there are still ways to participate including alumni gifts, naming opportunities, landscaping projects and funding science renovations in Henry Hall. If you are interested in helping Chaminade fulfill its long-term master plan, please contact Diane Peters-Nguyen, vice president for Institutional Advancement, via email at dpeters@chaminade.edu or phone at (808) 735-4772. Top: The Sullivan Family Library will usher in a new era of scholarship and community. Left: (Left to right) Shaun Ushijima, Gerard Sakamoto, Dan Gilmore, Joanna Sullivan, Kitty Wo, Pres. Sue Wesselkamper and Fr. James Bartlett celebrate with construction crews at a “topping-off ” luncheon in January 2008. With the roof on and the outer structure of the Sullivan Family Library finished, crews now concentrate on interior work. Below: Renovations have been campus wide. In January, new forensic sciences classrooms and laboratories in Henry Hall opened, helping to accommodate both a Bachelors of Science and Masters of Science degrees in forensics science. Spring 2008 Chaminade Quarterly 7 85157_winter08 3/4/08 10:02 AM Page 8 NEW FACES Volunteer Leadership Board of Regents Chaminade regents serve in a decision-making capacity. They are responsible for establishing and approving plans and policies of the university and oversee the accomplishment of these plans and policies. Chaminade’s newest regents include: Bro. Edward Brinks, S.M. Bro. Ed Brink has served as the director of the Center for Catholic Education at the University of Dayton since 2005. The Center runs the Lalanne Program, which Brink has directed since 1998. From 1985 to 1998, he was a teacher, campus minister, assistant principal and principal at Chaminade-Julienne High School in Dayton. Brink has a bachelor’s degree in technology from the University of Dayton and a master’s in in private school administration, from the University of San Francisco. His home is upstate New York. Daniel D. Goo Dan Goo presently serves on the Hogan Advisory Board and is the vice president of D&J Specialties, a premier strategic brand product company headquartered in Hawaii, with clients in Japan, Guam, and the United States. Born and raised in Honolulu, Goo graduated from Chaminade University, with a Bachelor of Science degree in Criminal Justice. A former Detective Sergeant for the Honolulu Police Department, he has also served two terms on the Kaimuki Neighborhood Board. He volunteers with the River of Life Homeless Mission, Rotary Club of Downtown Honolulu, and the American Diabetes Association and is an active member of New Hope Christian Fellowship on Oahu. Gail L. Grabowsky Gail Grabowsky, Ph.D., the faculty senate president of Chaminade University for the academic year of 2007-2008, earned her Ph.D. from Duke University. She is an associate professor of biology and environmental studies at Chaminade and its environmental studies program director. A marine biologist, she currently serves as a governorappointed member of 8 Chaminade Quarterly Spring 2008 the State’s Environmental Council where she has chaired the Standing Committee on Education and Culture for the past six years. The Environmental Council recently completed a state-funded environmental justice initiative in which Grabowsky acted as principle investigator. She has served as a head judge for the Pacific Symposium for Science and Sustainability since 2000 and served as an Advisory Council member to the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands Coral Reef Ecosystem Reserve, a research consultant to the Western Pacific Regional Fishery Management Council and an elected councilor for the Hawaii Academy of Science. In 2007, Grabowsky published the book 50 Simple Things You Can Do to Save Hawaii through Bess Press. Violet Shaw Loo Violet Loo serves as president on the Board of Trustees for The Contemporary Museum in Honolulu. She also serves on the Board of Governors for Hawaii International Film Festival and on the Board of Directors for the Institute for Human Services and for Hawaii Pacific University. Along with her late husband Paul, Loo has also been an ardent supporter of education and in particular Chaminade. Through the Loos’ thoughtful philanthropic work, they have supported numerous organizations and were recently selected by the Association of Fundraising Professionals for its 2007 Outstanding Philanthropist Award. Edison H. Miyawaki Dr. Edison Miyawaki is the chairman, president, and CEO of Family Health I and II, which operate skilled-nursing facilities in Honolulu. Educated at Loyola Marymount University in Los Angeles and the George Washington University School of Medicine in Washington, D.C., he became the first Japanese-American to purchase an ownership interest in a National Football League (NFL) franchise in the early 1990s. A partner-owner of the Cincinnati Bengals, he works annually to bring the Pro Bowl to Hawaii and is an investor in the National Basketball Association’s team the Boston Celtics. On numerous boards, including those of the Bishop Museum, Loyola Marymount University and the JapaneseAmerican National Museum in Los Angeles, he currently is board chair for the East West Center and is advisor to Shiseido Company and the Shiseido Social Welfare Foundation. Formerly on the board of Mid Pacific Institute, he has been a generous donor, mainly to educational institutions. He is an Overseas Board member of Harvard Medical School, Beth Israel Hospital – Deaconess Hospital. The Edison H. and Sallie Y. Miyawaki Gifts for Teaching in Neurology at Harvard Medical School is one of many of his major philanthropic projects. Recognized for his contributions to the community by Hawaii’s state Senate and House of Representatives with resolutions, he has also been awarded the Charles Reed Bishop Medal by the Bishop Museum and inducted into the Junior Achievement of Hawaii’s Business Hall of Fame. Nicholas J. Susner A leader in the technology industry with more than 40 years of experience, Nicholas Susner has served as the chief executive officer and president of Science of Technology International (STI) since 1993. Under his leadership, STI created the world’s first non-invasive cervical cancer diagnostic imaging tool (HyperSpectral Diagnostic Imaging). Susner has also held managerial positions with Texas Instruments, Northrop Corporation and Raytheon Company. He has fostered partnerships between industry, government and academia. He received the Hawaii Venture Capital Association’s “Deal of the Year” award for the sale of STI Government Systems to BAE Systems North America. He earned a MBA from Loyola University in Chicago and an Executive MBA from Stanford University. Gae Bergquist Trommald Gae Bergquist Trommald currently oversees the marketing division of Communications Pacific as its executive vice-president. Previously she was the senior vice president for all of the marketing services for Outrigger Hotels and Resorts and the Hawaii Pacific regional vice president of a division of the Carlson Companies, Colony Hotels and Resorts. A Certified Financial Manager (CFM), she has also served as a senior financial advisor with the Saracco, Hochuli and Bergquist Trommald and Associates Group of Merrill Lynch, focusing primarily on investment management for endowments, foundations and high-net-worth individuals and families. The former chair of the board of the State Foundation on Culture and the Arts, Bergquist Trommald currently serves as a director of SHPDA, the State Health Planning and Development Agency, and is an active member of the board of the Washington Place Foundation. 85157_winter08 2/29/08 10:30 AM Page 9 c NEW FACES Board of Governors Members of the board of governors advise the president and regents regarding strategic planning, academic programs and external relations of the university. Here are Chaminade’s newest governors: undergraduate students in Entrepreneurship and International Business studies. Cropper owns a small manufacturing company and was recently appointed CEO for v-Fluence, a new internet marketing company. His passion is education and the development of young entrepreneurs. several advanced degrees including a doctorate degree in physics from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Recently, he has worked with Hispanic ministries for the Diocese of Honolulu, prison ministries, and feeding ministry to the homeless. Barrie Cropper Currently based in California, Barrie Cropper has spent virtually all his career in international business development. Cropper has managed companies in the UK, Germany, Mexico and the United States. For the last 22 years, his focus has been on turning around small to medium sized companies and working closely with several entrepreneurs and their faltering companies. He has worked closely with the Business School at the University of San Diego where he is Entrepreneur in Residence, a guest lecturer and speaker to both graduate and Fr. Donald P. Merrifield, S.J. In honor of his many contributions serving as a Chaminade regent, Fr. Donald Merrifield was awarded a degree honoris causa by the university in December 2007 prior to his move back to California. Merrifield has also been the president of Loyola Marymount University for 15 years and its chancellor for 18 years. From 1961 to 1969, he taught physics at Loyola University and at the University of San Francisco and was a consultant in theoretical chemistry at Jet Propulsion Laboratory at the California Institute of Technology. He has Wilson Thomas “Tom” Orbe Tom Orbe retired from Nissan as its vice president and general manager and currently is president of his own marketing and management consulting company Marrell, LLC. Orbe also owns a restaurant called Wahoo’s Fish Taco in California with his daughter. Both Orbe and his wife Barbara are alumni of Chaminade University (CU ’73 and ’76 respectively). Both are also active parishioners and highly engaged board members for a transitional shelter for homeless families in Orange County, California. C ELEBRATING T WO T RANSFORMATIONAL E VENTS Please join us at Chaminade University on Friday, April 25, 2008, from 11:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon to celebrate the dedication of the Sullivan Family Library and the capping of our Transformations campaign. Light refreshments will be served. Please RSVP by Friday, April 18, 2008 to (808) 735-4816 or via email to rsvp@chaminade.edu to Lesley-Anne Loon. Spring 2008 Chaminade Quarterly 9 85157_winter08 2/29/08 10:30 AM Page 10 ALUMNI Class Notes 1960s Roland Bunda ’63 Fr. Bunda, S.M. returned to Hawaii and is presently the pastor at St. Anthony Church on Maui. He recently attended the Maui Chaminade alumni dinner in November. Dan de Mattos B.A. ’65 “On September 2, 2007, we had our first grandchild, Charles Daniel de Mattos. He’s the son of our son, Robert, and his wife, Amber. Charlie was 21 inches and 7 lbs. 12 oz.” De Mattos is president and broker-in-charge of a residential real estate services company in the Greater Charlotte, North Carolina, area. Archie Loo ’74 celebrates his 86th birthday at the Maui Invitational with Be-Jay and other attendees. Aloha Alumni, Family & Friends! Spring brings new beginnings, and we are so excited about the opening of the new Sullivan Family Library scheduled for April. Sitting elegantly in the middle of our Chaminade campus, the new library will soon be ready to serve our students and the entire Chaminade family. This includes alumni, too! Come by and visit. We will be happy to escort you on a tour of the campus, the new library, science labs and classrooms. Franklin “Frankie” Kam B.A. History ’64 Kam moved back to Hawaii from North Carolina. He has published three poetry books, East Meets West 2006, Mary and Frankie and East meets West 2007, and also has recent poems on www.Poetry.com. Kam is also a volunteer with the Chaminade Alumni Vegas Reunion Committee. We also invite you to keep in touch with classmates by joining our online community. Visit our alumni homepage at www.chaminade.edu/alumni and you can: Find out the latest information and about event plans. Submit a class note on your new job, your new baby, your family, your travels, adventures and accomplishments. Update your mailing address so we can keep you updated on activities. Keep in touch with your classmates, and share information and interests. We always look forward to receiving your updates, and you can read some of those updates about your classmates in the Class Notes section on the following pages. Also our Silversword Spotter will be out and about snapping photos just for you! We just may surprise you and be in your neighborhood. Mahalo alumni for your continued support of Chaminade. Let’s do our best to stay connected in 2008! Whether you are near or far away, your Chaminade family is here. With Aloha, Be-Jay Kodama ‘86 Director of Alumni Relations (808) 739-8526 bkodama@chaminade.edu P.S. Be sure to check out the next issue of the CQ magazine in which we will provide an update on all the fun and excitement from our Vegas Reunion on March 27-29. 10 Chaminade Quarterly Spring 2008 Kenneth Moritsugu ’65 Kenneth P. Moritsugu, M.D., M.P.H., who recently retired from his role as Acting Surgeon General, joined LifeScan as its vice president for Global Strategic Affairs. Dr. Moritsugu is responsible for overseeing the Johnson & Johnson Diabetes Institute (JJDI) and developing other innovative programs and strategies that will help Johnson & Johnson and the health care community better address the delivery of diabetes care around the world. 1970s Marilyn R. Chisholm B.A. Elementary Education ’74 “My husband and I are retired. I’m currently serving on the Board of Trustees of the Arapahoe County 4-H Foundation, where I was awarded the ‘IVY’— Important Volunteer of the Year—award three years ago. I also serve as president of the Empire Club here, a civic and social organization which does charity work, bridge, luncheon and fellowship. We have 10 grandchildren.” Monica Des Jarlais B.A. Sociology ’75 Des Jarlais has become the second president of Moreau Catholic High School in Hayward, CA. She has served the Hawaii Catholic School community for 28 years then moved to Columbus, Georgia serving the Diocese of Savannah as Principal/President of St. Anne Pacelli High School. She is looking forward to a long relationship with the Moreau Community. She has also received her Master’s degree from University of San Francisco in 1990. B.J. Whitman B.B.A. ’74, MBA ’79 At the 2007 national PRSA meeting in Philadelphia, BJ Whitman, APR, was one of nine PRSA members elected into the society’s most distinguished honor, the College of Fellows. 1980s Celia Moniz B.A. Business Administration ’80 “Our oldest daughter Megan attends college in Flagstaff, Arizona. She is a third-year student anticipating a degree in political science. Younger daughter McKenzie is a freshmen student at Kamehameha Schools-Maui campus. Husband Keith is a juvenile counselor with the Maui Police Department, and I am a social worker in the Maui Judiciary Family Court.” Bro. Dennis Schmitz B.A. English ’71 “I coordinate the spiritual outreach programs for the Marianist Center of Hawaii. I’ve been a Marianist brother now for 40 years, and it’s been a very rich and fulfilling life. Highlights of my religious life have included 12 years with our foundation in Korea and work in various campus ministry programs.” William Rynecki B.G.S. ’81 “I recently retired after a 28-year career in the Air Force. I’m now selling Philly cheese steaks at Busch Stadium and the Edward Jones Dome as well as driving a school bus. I’ll be on a world cruise on the Queen Elizabeth II, which will stop in Honolulu in March. I look forward to visiting the Chaminade campus.” Christine Carter B.A. Biology ’73 As a part of the Ronald E. McNair Scholars Program, Christine Carter, Ph.D., M.F. gave a motivational and empowering presentation to Chaminade students. She is the director of Surgical Research, Medical Faculty Associates at George Washington University. Anthony M. Mira B.G.S. ’86 The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) has named Mira federal security director for Kahului Airport on Maui, Hawaii. Nancy Miles B.B.A. ’86, MBA ’88 “So many years have passed since graduation! I’ve had a few careers since 1988, including my own consulting business for six years. My 16 year old son, Blake, and I live in 85157_winter08 2/29/08 10:31 AM Page 11 San Jose, California. I work full time with the Department of Defense, which requires a lot of travel but none yet to Hawaii, and keep my high school teaching credential current by teaching adult education in the evening, too.” Jerry S. Justianto MBA ’89 Justianto is CEO for the holding company for FM Broadcasting and Multimedia currently residing with his family in Jakarta, Indonesia. 1990s Linda Machado MBA ’90 “My husband, Howard (a 1964 graduate of St. Louis High School), passed away in 1995. Two and a half years ago I finally met a wonderful man. We were married on August 25, 2007, and went to St. Lucia for our honeymoon. We are in the process of selling two homes and building a new home that is scheduled for completion in January 2008.” Judy Ball MBA ’91 “I ran into a fellow Chaminade grad, John Wyatt (basketball player, class of 88), at my Halloween party in Montgomery, Alabama. We didn’t know we both had degrees from Chaminade! My husband is in the Air Force stationed at Maxwell AFB in Montgomery. Small world!” Jerrilyn Malana MBA ’91 Malana is the first attorney from a national law firm to head the San Diego County Bar Association (SDCBA). The president-elect currently serves as secretary on the association’s executive committee and has served for two years as a board director. She recently received the Trailblazer Award 2007 from the National Asian Pacific American Bar Association for the Southern Region of California. The award acknowledges her outstanding achievements, commitment and leadership in paving the way for the advancement of other attorneys. Gary Wogan B.A. Sociology ’95 Wogan graduated with a Masters of Science in Occupational Safety and Health degree in July from Columbia Southern University. He works for National Wire and Cable Corp Work in Los Angeles, California. Chris Weech B.A. Communications ’95 “I’m still in the Navy after 23 years. My wife Jennifer Kroening and I are living in England with our daughter, Jenna, born June 30, 2006.” Lisa Balbirnie A.A. ’96 “Aloha! I am doing well living back in Southern California. Currently I am working with the deaf and hard of hearing and in the process of becoming a certified Sign Language Interpreter.” Joseph Zargoski A.A. ’97 “I am currently conducting research for my first book about a pro football team in the 1920s in Pennsylvania (the Pottsville Maroons).” Zargoski is Chief of Interpretation at the Obed Wild and Scenic River in Wartburg, Tennessee. Robert Train III B.S. Criminal Justice ’98 Robert Train III has joined Park Roe Real Estate in its Raleigh office as a staff attorney. He focuses his practice on commercial real estate development specifically in the wireless telecommunications industry. M.P. “Andy” Anderson B.G.S. ’99 Anderson is the director of Community and Alumni Relations at Hina Mauka in Kaneohe, Hawaii. Hina Mauka recently won a $5,000 award as a winner in Chaminade’s Hogan Entrepreneurs Business Plan Competition. Barbara Pleadwell B.A. Communications ’92 Pleadwell’s firm Hastings & Pleadwell was chosen as the Women in Business Champion for Hawaii by the Small Business Association and went on to earn regional honors among businesses from California, Arizona, Nevada and Guam. Hastings & Pleadwell is one of 10 regional winners competing for the national honor. 2000s David Burzynski B.A. International Studies ’93 “I’m currently living in Chandler, Arizona. I have been working with enterprise software and storage technology for the past few years developing technology and serving in a director or vice president of marketing capacity. Visit my website at: http://www.linkedin.com/in/dburz.” Rudi Muller MBA ’00 “After leaving Shanghai China in 2006, we have settled in the Middle East in the up and coming Kingdom of Bahrain.” Janice Seau Lisiake B.S. Criminal Justice ’00 “Talofa and aloha to all alumni, especially the class of 2000. In Sept. 2005, I started teaching social studies at Leone High School. It is a tremendous challenge, but utilizing the skills and knowledge from Chaminade and past education has helped me along the way. I am still teaching and will be at Samoana this coming semester. Aloha”. Horst von Wendorff B.A. International Studies ’00 Von Wendorff is currently employed at Capital Group Companies, Inc., located in Los Angeles, California. He works in the company’s Human Resources department, and he adds, “My company is hiring. Feel free to send me an e-mail if you are looking.” You can email hrv@capgroup.com to reach him. Tony Holt B.A. History & Political Science ’01 “I provide mortgage loan services for first time home buyers, military members and veterans as well as commercial real-estate loans for investors. Additionally, I provide first time home buyer classes at Kaimuki Community School for Adults and other financial training such as credit repair and VA home loan classes for veterans and active duty service members.” Ryan Ashton B.A. History ’02 Ashton just got a promotion with Quiksilver, Inc. He is the Surf Camp manager for Quiksilver and Roxy and will be managing the Surf Camps nationally and internationally. He still keeps in contact with Mitch Yamasaki and was in Honolulu for the Eddie Aikau surf meet. Regino Ojano III B.A. Communications ’03 Ojano is the marketing information specialist for Bright Light Marketing in Honolulu and reports that his company provides communications services for the Cancer Research Institute. Erica Nolte B.S. Forensic Science ’05 Nolte is a proud recipient of a Department of Defense Breast Cancer Research Predoctoral Fellowship. This grant will fund her research for the next three years. Chentelle Reyes B.A. Biology ’05 “I plan on using my degree in biology towards becoming an optometrist. I am still employed with Dr. Lori Chai Fernandez, O.D. I am also employed at the Community Clinic of Maui which is a non-profit organization funded by the government to provide service to the homeless, uninsured and low income population.” Rod Sueoka B.A. Psychology ’05 Married with one child, Sueoka currently lives on Oahu and works for the Department of Defense. IN MEMORIAM It is with sincere regret that we note the passing of: Granville Abbott B.A. ’79 Garry A. Palmieri B.S. ’82 John R. Wells ’83 Spring 2008 Chaminade Quarterly 11 85157_winter08 2/29/08 10:32 AM Page 12 Honolulu Mayor Mufi Hannemann, Merv Lopes and Chaminade alums, Sweetie Pacarro ‘89, Be-Jay Kodama ’86 and Sol Batoon ’86 celebrate the 25th Anniversary of the historic basketball defeat over Virginia at the Merv Lopes Holiday Classic. Be-Jay Kodama’86, Kuumea Gora ’88, Aulani Kauhane ’88 and Coach Glennie Adams reunite at the CUH Alumni, Family and Friends Rally before the Women’s Volleyball game against UH Hilo. It was a family night for former Chaminade women’s volleyball player Karlen Porter ’00 with mom Leona Porter, dad Kiki Porter and nephew at the alumni volleyball rally. Chaminade alumni gather on Maui: Be-Jay Kodama ’86, Leona Duarte ’80, Celia Moniz ’80, Keith Moniz, John Costales ’81 and Debbie Melton ’78. Alumni presented lei to Chaminade volleyball players and coaches before the start of the game. Go Swords! Chaminade Quarterly Spring 2008 85157_winter08 2/29/08 10:32 AM Page 13 H onor R oll of D onors J u l y 1, 2 0 0 6 t o J u n e 3 0, 2 0 0 7 85157_winter08 3/4/08 12:10 PM Page 14 P P resident’s C ouncil Cumulative Gifts of $1,000 and more Marianist Society Gifts of $1,000,000+ The Atlantic Philanthropies Joanna Lau Sullivan Founders Circle Gifts of $100,000 to $999,999 Carolyn A. Berry The Samuel N. & Mary Castle Foundation Clifford & Louisa Cooper Hogan Family Foundation The Late Paul C.T. & Violet S.W. Loo Marianist Center of Hawaii The Marianist Province of the United States Jean E. Rolles ’93 Father Chaminade Society Gifts of $50,000 to $99,999 Chaminade University Educational Foundation The Clarence T.C. Ching Foundation Benefactor Circle Gifts of $10,000 to $49,999 Mark J. ’84, ’85 & Shaun A. Ahn American Savings Bank Bank of Hawaii Charitable Foundation BDK Sudatta Hawaii John C. & Mary Lou Brogan Juliette S. Chock In memory of Francis W.O. Chock Albert S.C. & Betty L. Chong Henry B. & Charlotte Clark, Jr. John Henry Felix William H. Hannon Foundation Tom & Angela H. Isaac Leonard A. & Sheila Johnson Michael F. Kerr The John B. & Nelly Llanos Kilroy Foundation The Thomas & Dorothy Leavey Foundation Anonymous Lesnik Family Foundation Mark & Sara L. Platte Larry Price Melvin R. & Meme Schantz Cho-Yee & Patricia W. ’63 To 14 Chaminade Quarterly Spring 2008 • July 1, 2006 to June 30, 2007 G.N. Wilcox Trust J. Luis & Peggy Zabala Ronald J. & Barry Zlatoper Regent Circle Gifts of $5,000 to $9,999 Louis & Florence M. Boitano Joseph & Mary G. Bugna Jerry H. Buss Catherine A. Campbell Stella Chappell Michael A. Gold & Esme Corbett-Suzuki Hawaii Council for the Humanities Gary E. & Kay D. Liebl The Late Robert O. & Virginia L. Lippi Louis A. & Jean Lopez The Late Wilmot J. Nicholson Oahu Travel, Inc. Yvette Pounds Carl U.J. ’70, ’78 & Linda Rossetti Wallace K. Tsuha Terry & Diane Wood Distinguished Members Gifts of $2,500 to $4,999 Peter M. & Valerie L. Callahan The Late Lawrence S.L. & Mimi Chun-Hoon Ching David L. & Valerie M. Coleman William E. & Cathy Ann Del Principe Stanley W. & Karen Ho Hong Ronald B. ’59 & Jean A. Iida Clifton Y. Kagawa & Lucy S. Ahn Archie Y.G. ’73 & Edna K.S. Loo Vincent P. & Angela V. ’86 Mainelli James W. & Jane Miller Vincent E. & Katherine J. Neal Memorial Fund John D. Nielsen Eric J. Roeben ’75, ’78 Richard E. & Catherine Tanaka R.M. Towill Foundation Vaughn Vasconcellos Sharon R. Weiner Thomas C. & Mary C. Wesselkamper James Michael Windsor Ronald & Kathleen S. Wo 85157_winter08 2/29/08 10:33 AM Page 15 Special Members Gifts of $1,500 to $2,499 David F. & Lenny Andrew Marcel Cailliet & Dorothy Kirk Frederick Robin K. & Valerie Campaniano Bro. William J. Campbell, S.M. Peggy S. & Keith A. Chock Daniel L. & Carolyn K. Colin Charles L. & Abbie Cotrell Gary A. & Linda Dooner Norman E. & Nicole M. ’80 Dupont Daniel S. & Katherine A. Gilmore William F. & Sheri Gleason Vincent Hodge & Grissel Benitez-Hodge Osamu & Kathleen Kaneko Anton C. Krucky Johnson & Jennie Y. Lau Rex & Sharyn L. Lincoln Michael ’80 & Joanne Marinich Harry L. ’67 & Ginger S. Miller Peter P.J. ’61 & Doris J. ’67 Ng Robert H. & Alice Pernell Masaru K. Saito ’78 St. Francis Xavier Club Harold W. & Kristina E. ’00 Stone Robert S. & Jeanne K. Tsushima Allen B. Uyeda Ken & Marilyn Wakazuru Jhamandas Watumull Fund John F. & Dawn Webster Raymond L. Welch Members Gifts of $1,000 to $1,499 Karen E. Anderson ’73, ’90 Michael F. Barber ’01 Anonymous Bruce M. & Deborah A. Brusavich Pat C. & Kathleen Bustamante Clinton R. & Suzanne S. Churchill Walter A. & Diane Dods, Jr. Edward K.O. & Peggy Eu Eddie & Elaine Flores, Jr. Daniel D. ’81 & Judy Goo Douglas ’69 & Diane E. Hayashi Jon Hoak & Frances W. Evans Dwight M. & Ann I. Kealoha Koga Engineering & Const., Inc. Herbert S. ’81, ’82 & Nancy J. Kondo Thomas A. ’75 & The Late Cheryl Lewis, Jr. Christopher B. & Stella B. Lopez Robert C.Y. ’60 & Elizabeth K. Lum Jeri Lynch David A. ’65 & Mireya Marcucci Sharon McPhee Joseph & Celeste Melehan Rev. Donald P. Merrifield, S.J. Randolph G. Moore ’02 & Lynne Johnson Nhan Nguyen & Diane Peters-Nguyen Kenneth E. & Marilyn W. Nickels Vince O’Connor and Kelly A. Mitchell ’84, ’86 Wilson T. ’73 & Barbara E. ’76 Orbe, Jr. Outrigger Enterprises, Inc. Wendell K. & Annette Pang Earl D. & Regina M. ’94 Pfeiffer Thomas Read Patrick J. & Karen A. Reilly Phyllis N.T. Shea ’62 Anna Marie Springer J. Hans & Claire Strasser Edward D. Sultan & Rae McCorkle Suresh Sundarababu Kristine M. Tanaka Thurston & Sharon Twigg-Smith Roger J. Wall & Jenai Sullivan Wall Jeffrey G. & Cori C. Weston Douglas H. Williamson ’72 Jim R. & Deanna L. Yates Patrick K.S.L. & Sandy Yim Verna H.F. Young ’62 Mahalo for your support! Spring 2008 Chaminade Quarterly 15 85157_winter08 2/29/08 10:33 AM Page 16 A A nnual F und f or E xcellence Mackey Society Gifts of $500 to $999 David K. Anderson Michael F. Barber ’01 Max L. Besenbruch Peter Boylan Steven ’89 & Kathleen Brown Paul F. Campbell ’76 Joseph A. ’72 & Deborah White Donchess Edward Enterprises, Inc. Jerry ’83 & Perry Garcia, Jr. Phillip D. ’91 & Karen A. Gvozden Douglas ’69 & Diane E. Hayashi Dennis F. Hernandez Carmen M. Himenes ’73 Rosalie Hong Valerie J. Hong William C. & Cynthia C. Howland, III Stephen J. & Maureen Kubasak Morris M. ’78, ’83 & Hiroko Lee Henry & Sharon LePage Elia A. & Betty B. Long Brian Madden & Gail E. Weber ’67 Bryan D.Y. & Hiroko Man Edmundo R. ’72 & Cheryle Mandac Michael ’80 & Joanne Marinich Stephen P. ’83 & Lylet M. Moon John H. ’93 & Yuen C. Morris, III Vincent Ortolano & Nadine A. Clapp ’73 Billy E. Palmer ’69 David M. Parrish ’80 David M. Peters C. Dudley Pratt, Jr. Jean E. Rolles ’93 In honor of Paul Loo’s retirement Gordon K.F. & Betty Sam Rocco C. Sansone ’72 Thomas J. ’69 & Susan Snee St. Augustine Church Charles & Kathy Volk Francis K. ’69 & Kathleen C. ’69 Yamamura 1955 Club Gifts of $250 to $499 Glennie G. Adams Advanced Air Conditioning, Inc. Patric J. ’73 & Pauline M. Baumgartner William H.Q. & Kathleen Bow Matthew D. & Michiko O. Butow F. Chaz Ciernick ’87 William S. & Barbara P. ’84 Cobb Commercial Sheetmetal Co., Inc. Gary Cordova & Yvonne Manipon Lance G. ’78 & Jean W. Davis Natalie K.Y. Davis ’70 Daniel A. & Genevieve L. De Carlo Anonymous Douglas J. ’91 & Pauline E. Edgelow Paul K. Fujiyama ’86 Richard N. ’74 & Kathleen T. Gavino Orby R. ’76 & Ruth M. Groves, Sr. Scott A. ’87 & Melissa Hanson Richard C. Harp 16 Chaminade Quarterly Spring 2008 Alysin F. Hauptner Allen & Shizu A. Heau William W. ’71 & Jojuana Hicks James S. ’78 & Beth Hoban, Jr. Philip K. & Gail M. Holl Mark S. & Barbara Hubbard Hilbert R. ’74 & Joan M. Hubble Deborah F. Imada ’00, ’03 Corita S. Kong ’63 Rev. Dennis M. Koshko ’71 Atsuko Kumagai Carolyn Kuriyama Michael James Logan ’87, ’89 Albert E. Lovington, Jr. Albert W.H. Lum Stephen J. ’78 & Donna J. Marcuccilli Norma V. McDonald ’64 Bruce H. Monahan Regina Nadeau ’83 Eric A. & Mary A. Nemoto Theresa Neuroth ’90 The Late Wilmot J. Nicholson Oceanic Time Warner Cable William J. ’72 & Daniela O'Donnell, II Larry Osborne Jeremiah A. ’75 & Ellen M. Pahukula, Sr. John B. ’70 & Janet C. Parker Mark & Enedelia Powers Garry A. & Harriet L. Rechnitz The Late Clifford P. ’68 & Maria Record John A. ’69, ’72 & Robyn Sue Robinette Jacqueline L. Scudder ’97, ’01 Jan A. Seymour ’76 Sandra E. Seyton ’85 Tadashi R. ’61 & Cora Shibata Harry & Anne M. ’83 Siegmund Donald J. ’81 & Julie Skrzymowski Wayne M. & Corinne Tanna Gary L. ’91, ’93, ’97 & Angie Thomas Jaidev D. & Julie T. Watumull Timothy & LeNora ’72 Wee Perry & Joan P. White ’90 Bobby R. ’71 & Janet Wilkinson Lawton C. & Jade K. Wong Donald M.S. & Teresa Y.B. Chan ’62 Young Courtyard Club Gifts of $100 to $249 Lucienne M. Abe ’81 Efren Howard Adalem ’82 William H. Adams, Jr. ’81 William K. ’96 & Mary E. Adcox Kauhi & Elizabeth K. ’97 Ahana Steven C. Ai Darrow L. Aiona Rosario O. Aisek Thomas K. Aiu ’79 & Joan C. Gribbin-Aiu Kenneth D. & Doris Allen Americo L. ’71 & Gay Ambrosi, Jr. Tsugio & Frances Y. Aoyama George R. & Jean M.H. Ariyoshi Adrian Q. & Andrea R. ’61 Au William M. & Carol Bass, Jr. Robert L. & Marsha M. Beard Damon Lee ’80 & Diane Bell Barbara A. Belle Cliff Bieberly & Stacia Garlach Payne L. & Sybil P. Blackstad Gaylene Blackwell R. Charles Bocken Boss Communication Technologies Vincent P. Branick ’63 Louise F. Brewer Robert & Diane ’99 Browers Mark S. ’76 & Margaret Burgessporter Michael H. ’87 & Lynn S. Burgett David Burnside ’83 & Kimberly Jorgensen Patrick C. ’87 & Katrina Butler David F. Butterworth, Jr. ’81 Thomas G. ’68 & Patricia Cabrinha Louis A. ’78, ’80 & Nancy Caires Thomas A. & Suzanne G. Cajski Charles E. & Janet M. Callahan Edward W. ’64 & Vera Caminos Donald N. ’79 & Jennifer M. Campbell Cornelius J. ’79 & Dolores Carmody Wayne Cawthorn & Margie C. Cameron ’96 Charn Sing & Rosalia Y.K. Cheng Chan Cheon P. Chee E.D. & Claire Cheeley Bernard T.C. & Frances L. Ching Catherine H.Q. Ching Philip H. & Gerry W. Ching Jack M. ’84 & Elizabeth G. Chinn Richard L. & Marilyn R. ’74 Chisholm Peggy S. & Keith A. Chock Michael J. & Bina M. Chun Mark D. Clement M. Loretta Cofield ’75 Joseph K. Conant ’71 Margaret S. Connors William E. ’73 & Phyllis Cook David J. & Jihye J. No Cooke Regina G. Coopat ’84 Michael D. ’79 & Kathleen Coovert Stephen P. Cramer ’69 Jeffrey S. ’70 & Peggy Cribbs, Sr. Karen E. Crowley Thom B. & Marlene R. ’84 De Costa Sadami ’78 & Emily T. Deai Thomas P. ’95 & Linda Delaine, Jr. Barbara Delgadillo ’03 William L. & Lovey-Ann L. ’76 DeRego Design Perspectives Msgr. Daniel J. Dever Dial Electric Supply Company, Inc. Thomas A. ’76 & Ubol Dickey Ebonnee E. Dinkins ’89 Lee D. ’77 & Lucille K. Donohue, Sr. Patrick J. Donovan & Cynthia A. Byers Lynette Dubbs Benjamin R. Duldulao ’83 & Analyn Flores-Duldulao Robert G. ’97 & Lynn Dunn, Jr. Yoshiko Dykstra Brant Ebisuya ’05 85157_winter08 3/4/08 12:10 PM Page 17 J u l y 1, 2 0 0 6 t o J u n e 3 0, 2 0 0 7 Robert E. ’80 & Kathleen Z. Ellis Ernie T. Endrina Mary P. Engle ’74 John C. ’70, ’80 & Mary A. Epperson Scott R. ’87 & Diane Erickson Theodore E. & Cynthia S. Estrella, Jr. Gerald D. & Monica M. ’94 Evans Charles P. ’74 & Janet Fee William F. ’68 & Karen Ferguson Timothy & Michelle Mei Yin ’93 Fitzsimmons Dennis M. ’83 & Kathy A. Flaherty Robert & Cynthia M. ’90 Flating Horace J. ’77 & S.C. Floyd, Jr. Foodland Super Markets, Ltd. Lawrence S. ’65 & Stephanie Franco Donald J. & Pat Frericks Dale R. & Susan Fryxell Kinsley M. ’67 & Sue S. Fujitani Eric & Loretta H. ’02 Fukunaga Clifton & Sandra N. ’79, ’82 Furukawa James T. ’88 & Elizabeth E. Gee Fred H. & Claire A. ’89, ’95 Gehrman Lindsay M. ’69 & Lillian Gillespie Bernadette A. Gomes ’62 Henry H. ’74 & Alyssa K. Gomes Troy G. & Ingrid P.A. Goodman Margaret Mary K. Gora ’88 Rita N. Gora Dennis M. & Janet M. Grogan Michael & Aileen R. Grunder Aloma Gutierrez Sr. Young Hee Ha, Ss. Cc. Linda K. Hachler Robert E. Hamamoto ’88 & Dayle S. Sasaki-Hamamoto David ’63 & Lorraine C. ’63 Hamilton Archie & Marlene Hapai Karen Harp Philip T. & Jean A. Harsha In memory of Mark Johnson Albert W. ’84 & Gisela Hawthorne Steven J.K.O. Hee ’80 Robert M. & Doris F. Hendrickson Hanako Higa ’79 Charles & Bettie O. ’70 Higgins Michael ’61 & Patricia K.F. ’61 Ho Gary G. & Nadine Hogan Ralph C. & Joyce F. Hook, Jr. Kenneth T. & Doris S. Hoshino Ko Moe Htun & Susan P. Malterre-Htun ’69 Herman S.L. & Helen D.K. Hu Thomas P. & Gloria P. Huber Marie B. Hughes ’77 Duquesne Hulihee ’03 Brian M. & Janinne K. ’91 Hulsey Nicholas K. Iammarino Karlene K. Inaura ’73 J. Douglas Ing Wesley K. & Juliane L. ’88 Inouye Esther Ito Reginald W. & Doris K.Y.L. Jaderstrom Lenore Marie Jamieson ’81 Kathleen M. Jaycox Craig & Janet S. Jensen Rev. Kizzie Elizabeth Jones ’90 Joon S. Joo ’83, ’84 William F. ’79 & Anne Justis George K. Kagehiro Clayton K. Kamiya ’93 Ruth Kaneakua Paul T. ’86 & Gail L. Kaneshiro Clyde F. ’66 & Margaret T. Kang John P. Karbens Wayne K. & Patricia A. Kasadate Clarence O. & Jean S. Kawamoto Earl T. ’79, ’85 & Nam Kawamoto Claire Eiko K. Kawamura ’61 David A. ’69 & Jamie M. Kawauchi Francis A. & Betty Ann Keala Michael A. ’81 & Sherril Kellar Kurt B. Kendro ’96 Stuart M. ’86 & Ronell C. Kimura Scott T. ’87 & Jennifer L. Kishimori Lance & Joanne Kissinger Gregg & Be-Jay T. ’86 Kodama James E. & Ginger A. ’91 Kolonick James & Linda S. ’98 Korus Keith P. & Candice Lee Kraughto Peter A. & Eliane S. Kuo Marilyn Kusunoki John K. & Barbara Lake Merton & Claire Lau Hon Sun & Martha L.L. ’67 Lee Steve K. ’77 & Nancy Lee Gregory W.L. Leong ’72 John T. ’79 & Cheryl B. Lettieri David J. ’65 & Barbara Levy, II Brandon Lewis Jay H. Lietzow ’90 John W. ’95 & Rebecca Little Blaise E. ’91 & Elizabeth-Arlis K. Liu Dennis Lock Grady A. ’78 & Suzan T. Lovett Brandon E. Luke ’98, ’00 Raymond K.S. & Deirdre M. Lum Reynold J.Y. Lum ’84 Herbert Lutero, Jr. ’73 Donald L. & Mary Jo MacGregor, Jr. Lee C. Maratita & Wendy R. Plumage-Maratita ’91 Frank R. Marsh ’68 Alice E. Martensen ’65 Wayne S. & Myra N. Matsumoto Bob Y. & Janice Matsuura Frank F. ’88 & Lane Maxwell, Jr. Sharon S. Mcalum Rodger M. & Linda M. ’83 McCloskey Robert W. ’73 & Daune McCreight Jan R. ’81 & Violet Medusky Gary A. Mellor ’94 Carol R. Minami ’86 Lucile S. Mistysyn Michael & Cheryl Mittelstaedt Chris & Caroline L. ’94 Moore Willis H.A. Moore Daniel S. & Kathleen O. Mulhall Thomas J. ’65 & Frances Mulligan Archie T. Murakami Dana J. Myers Elmer T. & Cynthia N. ’72 Nakaya Thomas F. & Laverne T.H. Nance Allen D. ’74 & Sue Ann Napoleon John D. Nielsen Wilson H. & Ruth H. Nitta Richard W. Ornellas ’72, ’77 Yukio Ozaki & Elizabeth D. Train Brian J. Pactol ’03 Steven P. ’83 & Somjit Pagel Angelo & Rosalina Palladino Stuart W. & Robyn Y. ’00 Pang Wera Panow-Loui Kuuhaku & Shanlyn A.S. ’91 Park Richard Tojo Pearsall ’92 Andrew J. Penn Richard G. ’79, ’85 & Hazel M. Perkins Arthur L. ’77 & Theresa Phillips Jeremy S. ’75 & Nena Postmus Claire Pruet Russell E. ’73 & Betty J. Puckett Laurence J. & Linda B. Putchinski Justo S. & Jackie Quitugua Elwin ’70 & Norma J. Reichert Max E. Reiter ’71 Manathis L. ’77 & Judith Y. Rich, Sr. J. Keith ’75 & Margaret Rose Roberts Mark K. Rodrigues ’85 Diane M. Roedersheimer ’81 John H. & Jean B. Rolfe Thomas P. ’71 & Adrienne T. Roudebush Vincent B. ’74 & Barbara M. Russell Dennis R. & Judy F. Ryan Milton Sagon & Fay E. ’64 Molina-Sagon Chester I. ’80 & Evelyn J. Saito Dennis K.S. ’69 & Charlotte K. Sasaki Yoshiharu & Ikuko Satoh Rev. William B. ’77 & Ann L. Say Dennis & Linda J. ’68 Sayegusa Joseph J. Schmidt ’77 Neill A.K. ’76 & Stephanie C. Schoening Brett A. ’70 & Marilyn Schriever John M. & Rieko H. Schriml T. Raymond & Betsy C. ’87, ’92 Sekiya John C. ’82 & Mary G. Setser Jagoish & Miriam Sharma Kuldip S. & Sina T. Shergill Keith B. Shigaki ’95 Craig M. ’90 & Teri Ann H. Shigemasa Mark & Bernadette K. ’85, ’92 Shimono Sisters of the Sacred Hearts David C. ’72 & Ann Snakenberg David Kei-Hang ’79 & Diana Y. So Mahalo for your support! Spring 2008 Chaminade Quarterly 17 85157_winter08 2/29/08 10:34 AM Page 18 A A nnual F und f or E xcellence Leo & Judith E. Soldano Raymond K.P. Song & Linda Jean Martin-Song ’81 Herbert B. ’63 & Carol Ann Sousa, Jr. John Spahn, Jr. ’01 Andrew J. ’67 & Barbara E. Speese, Jr. Joseph A. Sprauve, Sr. John W. Stegall ’01 Peter J. & Conard Eyre Steiner Charles & Carrol D. ’86 Strang Lucille Streeter Hideo & Nancy K. Sumida Ronald M. ’73 & Bessie N. Takahashi Elizabeth W. Takahashi Willibrord K. ’61 & Pauline Tallett Stuart C. ’84 & Margaret Tanimoto Robert B. ’69 & Betty H. Taylor Robert L. & Virginia A. Thornburg Mark S. ’74 & Iris Tonini Richard S. Townsend ’65 & Sharon Wong Tracy Trevorrow & Lois Yamauchi Georgia J. Tsukazaki ’88 Vaisola Tuatoo Rollin F. & Marilyn Van Cantfort Donald A. ’74 & Nastia Vickery Gerald W. Vonderbrink Arthur E. & Marcella J. Wall Montira L. Warran ’95, ’99 Jeffrey N. & Lynn M. Watanabe Mary Frances M. Watanabe ’60 Thomas S. Watt ’68 & Carole-Anne Tucker-Watt Kathleen A. Weber ’73 Charly L. ’83 & Donna Wells Ted J. ’91 & Catherine M. Wells David & Diana L. ’73 Wendt Thomas & Magdalen ’65 Wenska Chris Westfall & Rita A. Figueira ’86 Emmet T. & Betty White Robert J. ’66 & Charlotte A. White William White William E. & Jan D. ’81 Whiteside William S. ’70 & Karnchana Whorton Henry D. ’81 & Analyn Wigen Russell T. Wing, Jr. ’95 Robert M. & Diane S. Witt Robert & Betty Ching Wo Colene S. Wong James C.A. & Bernice L. Wong Vernon Y.C. Wong ’92 & Carla Fukumoto Sr. Helene Wood, Ss. Cc. ’66 George E. ’98, ’00 & Brenda Wooten Joe Wray George M. Yamasaki, Jr. ’79 Theodore M. Yap, Jr. ’74 Daniel J.W. & Amy C. Yee Theo Yeitrakis ’76 Michael Y. & Sharlene M. Yogi Walter H. & Frances L. Yoshimitsu James T. & Marian T. Yoshioka Donald S. ’55 & Marjorie Young Melissa M. Young ’02, ’03 Fr. Angelos Youssef Robert N. ’60 & Kapiolani Yuhara Henry T. & Ursula F. Zerbe, Jr. Contributors Gifts of $1 to $99 Kenneth & Toni G. ’69 Aanerud Edwin R. & Victoria Abadilla Colette C. Abe ’05 Donald V. & Andrea F. Accurso Billie Joe T. Ada Kirk & Camille Adams Chester J. ’87 & Margaret F. Adessa, Jr. Darren D. & Lillian Agbayani Karen Ah Mai Darlene M. Ah Yo ’65 Tony Ai Lt. Gov. & Mrs. James R. Aiona, Jr. Ohulani Aiona Gwendolyn M. Aiwohi Shane Akamine Anthony J. Akau Loretta M. Alana Michael Bennett & Elspeth M.B. Alau Steven J. Albanese ’89 & Nancy E. McGovern Anthony Alcala Skye Lynn Aldan ’07 Robert W. & Barbara J. Allardyce Darrell D. Ames Glenn R. Amistad ’78 Duane S. ’79 & Barbara J. Anderson Walter D. & Mary Jane Andrade Wilfred P. & Carolina T. Andrade Mark & Lori M. ’87 Andreyka Jerry & Jet Angle George I. & Barbara Ann ’82 Annis Anonymous Anthony E. Antonelli, Sr. ’76, ’81 Dale M. & Regina H.N. ’96, ’98 Arakaki The Late Russell P. ’76 & Connie S. Armstrong Garvin V. ’69, ’73 & Helen F. Arrell Dean C. Arvidson & Kathryn Alexander-Arvidson ’80 Ruth M. Asakura ’91 Darryl A. ’94 & Cheryl Aspholm Christine K. Asuncion ’05 Benjamin Y.S. Au ’94 Man Kwong & Lilly H. Au Marianne Au Nick & Linda F. ’94 Augins Bernadine J. Austin ’65 Vai Auvaa Ernest A. Avellar Susan Ayala Mahalo for your support! 18 Chaminade Quarterly Spring 2008 Ernesto V. Baclig Heidi Bailey ’07 Rouel & Melinda Baldos Nancy M. Bannick Buck ’72 & Rena Bannister, Jr. Bruce Barnett & Diane M. Scala-Barnett ’74 Phillip L. Barrios ’98 Charly R. & Shirlita M. ’63 Barron Edward F. ’79 & Meredith Barry, Jr. Gary Batungbacal ’67 William C. Beaman Pamela D. Bearce ’82 William H. & Phyllis M. ’96 Beimes Stephen K. & Orpha K. Beirne Michael M. Bele Vanessa Benedetti Aubrey Benito Greg S.H. ’84 & Carol H. Bentosino Will E. Bick ’02 Marcia L. Bisco Paul L. Bishop ’70 Vincent L. Blume Burnell & Alycer M. ’80 Boehning Linda L. Bogle ’70 Frank M. & Sylvia S. Boisseranc Crystal L. Bolin Robin C. ’80 & Cynthia M. Bond Elizabeth J. Bookmyer ’94 Richard M. Bordner & Nancy Y.H. Tsui ’94 Anthony B. ’76 & Elizabeth A. ’77 Borge Juliann E. Borges ’73 James D. Bostick ’86 Susan E. Boyer ’90 Thomas & Lolita S. ’84 Boyle Kevin D. & Christine L. ’95, ’98 Brammer Minnie M. Brazell ’79 Barbara L. Breckenridge Gabriel J. & Siobhan Brennan Charles & Fannie E. Brommer David J. ’90 & Jennifer L. Brower John C. & Debra L. Brown Leonard E. & Leslie Y. Brown Rolla O. Brown Jeffery R.K. ’88 & Kaleilehua Bruchal Madeline A. Bruchal ’81 William W. ’66 & Anne E. Brye Kenneth H. Burtness Marjorie Bush Robert & Adella Buss Mary T. Cadigan Clare Calabrese Edward P. ’68 & Maura F. Callas Daniel & Yvette M. Campbell Luis-Eugenio A. Campo ’74 Gloria A.R. Canha Claro R. ’87 & Maxima B. Capili, Sr. Maureen T.U. Caracciolo ’02, ’04 Sario J. ’72 & Renate Caravalho John A. ’88 & Kumiko Carlin Mat Carlisle Dante & Olan Carpenter Francisco Casado Amy Casella 85157_winter08 2/29/08 10:35 AM Page 19 J u l y 1, 2 0 0 6 t o J u n e 3 0, 2 0 0 7 Nancy E. Casella Radell Castillo Conors J. Castro ’99 Jennifer R. Catania ’03 Jon P. ’89 & Pen Cathers Krista Catian Chaminade Student Government Association Edward S. & Po Yau ’98 Chan Peter M. & Peggy W.C. ’00 Chan Robert M. Chandler Adrian Y. Chang & Christine L. Ohtani-Chang ’92 Kenneth K. ’76 & Veronica R. Chang Wanda Chang Lester D. & Shirley E. Charles Sr. Joan Chatfield, M.M. Nora L. Chee Yue Ching Petra Chen Larry C. & Lily Wu Chiang Leroy J. ’69 & Sharleen Ching Melanie A.H. Ching ’01 Richard H.W. ’69 & Lynette C.L. Ching Susan Choi George R. ’81 & Kathleen M. Chong Glenn B.L. Chong ’75 Mai M. Chong Ronald C.L. ’65 & Dorinda W. Choy Dennis & Margaret ’81 Chu James & Judy A. Chun Adele Y.O. Chung ’91 Alexander K.W. ’85 & Janice S. Chung Daniel & Rosalie C. Clement, Jr. L. Dian Cleve Marcia M. Clinton ’00 D. James ’71 & Geraldine L. Close James J. Cohn ’00, ’05 Ronnie M. & Leslene Y. ’92 Collado Raymond G. ’91 & Iris M. Collard Edna M. Colon ’92 Rodney T. ’88, ’89 & Hai B. Cooke Lenora W. Cooper Gregory A. ’81 & Eloise Correa James D. & Claire Cosgrove John ’81 & Mary Costales, Jr. James J. ’90 & Susan Coughlin Wayne & Pamela D. ’80 Crenwelge Janet L. Cruz William T. & Donna Jo ’88 Cughan Michael L. & Judy S. Cummings Leslie Cunningham ’87 Bruce Dabrosky Conrad V. ’98 & Estrella Dale Darcy B. Davis ’00 Peter & Catherine Anne ’91 Davis David & Nadine C. ’95 Dawson Roy D. ’73 & Carolyn Dayton Cesar J. ’95 & Grace De Leon Judy De Los Santos Geoffrey T. Dela Cruz ’02, ’03 Ray & Tillie Dela Torre Nicole Deligans Ronald D. ’67 & Michele Dempsey Henry V. & Sheri-Ann L. ’98 Dennis Gene R. Descalzi ’94 Timothy J. ’91 & Sarah Dillon Leroy ’94 & Johnnie Dinkins Jessica DiRusso Rachel L. Divina ’04 David S. ’83 & Diana Dobbins Dorothy B. Douthit Joseph C. & Mary Jane F. Duffy Reid Duich & Lisa M. Duich-Perry Richard W. Duncan ’88 Lee & Jan M. ’84 Dunlap Henry S. & Cathleen A. ’73 Dziekan Jennifer Earhart Thomas & Marie E. ’80 Early Stanley & Cheryl Edelson Richard A. ’81 & Catherine Edgington Roger & Marion Ehrich Patrick M. Elisary ’70 T. Tyler ’78 & Gwen Ellison Carl E. & Tsuru Ellsworth Sheldon K. & Kathy M. Eltagonde William K. & Monica L. ’60 Enoka, Jr. Johnson W. & Tammy L. ’88 Enos Richard J. ’84, ’85 & Nancy L. Erickson Somer J. Erickson Anonymous Luis A. & Teresita Escobar Tulifau ’02 & Trina A. ’02, ’03 Esene Julian & Sharon K. Estes Peter ’67 & Donna M. ’68 Estomago Marshall U. & Carolyn S. Estrada, Jr. Stuart ’77, ’79 & Nancy Evans Eugene & Jeanna M. ’88 Everest Gregorio E. Failano ’88 James C. & Therese M. Farrell Terry L. Fauss ’81 Tai Fearon Richard T. & Susan M. Ferguson Charles A. Fern ’98 & Sesnita A. Moepono Rosalie L. Fernandez ’97, ’00 Josephine Fevig John D. ’84 & Susan J. Field, Jr. Teesue H. Fields Jose L. Figueras ’00 Lexie Filomeno Monty Fisher Rick A. Fitzgibbon ’97 John R. Fleckles Regina M. Flores ’92 Dale C. ’79 & Rosenda Flowers John T. Foley ’98 Daniel J. & Allison J. Forburger Danny A. Fosco ’05 Lemaefe F. Fosi ’81 Marissa Fountain James J. & Judith A. ’65 Fox Gary F. & Carol A. ’87 Frampton Larry N. ’82, ’85 & Karen E. France Joan Frickey Robin L. Frickey Brian S. Fuchigami Ervin Fuiava Rechung Fujihira Stephen I. Fujii ’69 Lincoln T. & Judy Y. Fujimori Steve Fujimori ’06 Rev. Yoshiaki ’69 & Tomi Fujitani Chester H. ’81 & Patricia A. Fuke Lorraine H. Funakoshi Thomas C. & Emelyn M. ’82 Furtado Bethany Galeai Cherish Galeai Anthony Garcia A.J. & Mary L. Gaudet Natalie George Gerrilyn Geronimo Brianna Gibson William P. & Violet Anne Golden, Jr. Andrew & Tina A. ’01 Gomes William G. ’74 & Ella D. Gomes, Jr. Steve A. Goo ’96 Jerry ’93 & Cindy Goodson Steven J. ’90 & Alison Gottlieb Gary J. Gottschalk, II ’93 Ronald S. Gouveia ’70 Les & Lynn ’98 Goya Donald H. & Kathryn Graham, Jr. David M. ’95 & Katherine Greenbaum Donald E. Griffin Glenn & Nicolle ’97 Grimes Anna Gronewold Richard L. ’75 & Mary Grover Teresa R. Guidry-Shigemasa ’00 Alison Gumbs ’03 Crisanto Gutierrez & Lily S. Lacuesta-Gutierrez ’88 Charlie Haanio Dale W. Haarr, Jr. ’93 Frederick & Frances P. ’66 Hackbarth Robert A. ’98 & Mary K. Hafer Edward F. ’77 & Janet C. Hagan Michael Haisen Donald & Ildiko Halloran Archie A. Hapai, IV Nila Hauptner Ryan Hauptner Hiram B. & Elaine M. Haupu Ronald E. ’74 & Linda B. Heald John D. ’78 & Frances T. Heatherman Stephen Y. Hee ’67 Bradley C. ’76 & Karen Hejtmanek Mercedes K. Hendrickson ’04 Michael D. ’76 & Dina E. Hendrickson Robert S. & Rosemarie B. Henninger Vilsoni & Jeannette P. ’78 Hereniko Bradley V. Higgins ’81 Solonette Momilani Higgins ’93 Herbert T. Hikiji ’73 & Ruth Nitta Douglas R. & Kathy L. ’79 Hill Shelton A. Hill ’79 Calvena Hines Jill M. Hirata ’97, ’01 Shawn Hirose & Mary Campbell-Hirose ’05 David H. & Frances M. Hisashima Erica M. Hite ’72 Richard H. & Estella P. Hoag Spring 2008 Chaminade Quarterly 19 85157_winter08 2/29/08 10:35 AM Page 20 A A nnual F und f or E xcellence Dean W. Hoe ’79 Glenn F. Honda Glenn T. ’75 & Lynn Honda R. Yoshi Honda & Susanne O'Sullivan-Honda ’98 Robert & Marie V. ’82 Honeywell Derek J. & Sue Hookano Jin-San Hu ’95, ’97 Wilfred Hu & Cecelia E. Romero ’91 Michael D. ’90 & Vicky Hughes Howard G. & Sylvia Humphreys, Jr. Samuel J. & Patricia A. Hurlbut Roaxana Ifenuk John N. & Marilyn M. ’81 Ige Alvin M. Ikemoto ’77 Mitsue Ikemoto ’74 Daniel A. & T. Nichelle ’01 Inman Daniel Iriarte Catherine Ishida Linda M. Iwamoto James M. & Kimiko Iwanaka Jane Iwo ’02 Noel Jaderstrom Mekel James Forrest & Anne L. ’74 Jamison Greg A. Jardon & Carol E. Inouye-Jardon ’91, ’01 Boris Jelic The Late Yong H. & Sandra B.L. ’63 Jhung Roberto C. & Cynthia ’06 Jimenez Larry D. Johnson ’96 Michael & Kathleen J. ’84 Johnson Valerie A. Johnson ’82 Caroline Eleanor Jones ’73 Floyd S. ’74 & Mamie C. Jones Frank C. & Virginia C. Jordan James K. & Bonny L. Kahalewai, Jr. James Kahalewai Sr. Mary C. Kahalewai, Ss. Cc. ’65 Carla A. Kahiapo ’05 Anthony T. & Glenda M. Kahoohanohano William K. ’85 & Lieselotte K. Kahookele Satoko Kaichi ’95 Vidoje & Roseanne Kalaba Bradley Y.K. Kam ’82 Franklin K.S. Kam ’64 Lisa Kamakaala Kananiokameaaloha C. Kamelamela-Dudoit ’01 Andrew S. Kamikawa ’05 Timothy & Darlene Kaneshiro Alan & Lael N. ’90 Kaopuiki Jerry & Virginia L. ’78 Kaopuiki Andrew M. & Lorna T. Kasaoka Kelly T. Kasaoka ’05 Robert Edward ’71 & Yolanda Katz Jared Kaufmann ’62 Marilynn A. Kauhane ’88 Daniel P. Kava ’07 Walter K. & Audrey N. ’63 Kawaa Richie & Helene Toyo ’87 Kaya Wayne B. & Annette K.’01 Keanu James W. Keenan Jeff & Kimberley A. ’90 Keller 20 Chaminade Quarterly Spring 2008 Annie Kelley Thomas A. & Mary C. Kelley Timothy S. ’69 & Janet Kennedy Craig P. ’88 & Diane K. Kent Harold & Anne F. ’91 Keyser Richard Y. Kido John H. ’86 & Giti Kiewiet, Jr. Daniel I. & Yolanda ’87 Kikawa Kevin M. Killelea ’93 Michael C. & Margaret Killelea Takao & Teruko Kimura Bruce & Donnie J. ’98 King James W. ’91 & Opal King Charles D. ’79 & Carmen Kiser, Jr. Ken N. Kitamura ’86 & Maria Torres-Kitamura John & Rosina Klase Tricia Kline Jamie Knaus Ronald & Maureen M. ’72 Koehler Dave K. Koide Terrence Y.V. ’89, ’03 & Janice Kong Norbert R. & Diane Kosinski, Jr. Drew E. Kosora ’95 Nathan ’79 & Diane Kotch Megan Kovalaske David M. ’91 & Irlina Kovalik Ivor Kraft John ’69 & Raenette G. Kreis Deborah Krekel Nathan W. Krier ’05 Marilyn T. Kuamoo ’90 Atunaisa Kuma & Stefanie Chong-Kuma ’87 Walter & Sharlene T. ’84 Kunitake Tri Cao La Yovela J. Laabrug Billie Ann H. Lairsey ’96, ’01 Neil M. & ’90 & Carolyn Laksamana Annie Lanoza Lora Lee Lapenia ’92 Edward & Marlene S. ’71 Lara Timothy Lau Anthony Lazaro, Jr. Norman S.H. ’74 & Ruby D. ’70 Le John C. ’63 & Patricia Leary David L. ’71 & Karen J. Leatherman Bernard L. & Mary Lecavelier Douglas T.Y. & Lenora H. ’62 Lee Jayna M. Lee ’01, ’03 Leslie S.H. ’93 & Luanne Lee Lorraine Y. Lee William A. & Lillie Lee Daniel Lee Soon Melanie Legdesog ’06 Setu T. Lepou Norbert I. ’69 & Sue Lestan Kim Van Lethi Jean Leyba Leonardo A. ’82 & Patricia Limuaco Edmund Y.M. Lin Mark V. ’90 & Julie Lindstrom Judy H. Locke ’91 Val Loh Linda L. Long David A. ’98 & Yuliya Lopez Francis & Lanette L. ’64 Low John P. & Julia B. Lowe Robert J. ’81 & Jill A. Lowe Brian M.H. ’89 & Beverly Lum Kalepaokekaikuihala & Wilette L. ’92 Lum Sr. Mary Victor Lum Hoy, OSF ’67 Lamar Lumpkin, III ’90 Hugo Luna ’98 Audrey W. Lynch Doug P. ’96 & Margaret Lynn Roger B. Lyons ’88 James J. ’74 & Rose M. Mace Scott A. & Stephanie ’01 MacMaster Katherine A. MacPherson ’82 Henry A. ’79 & Guadalupe Madrid-Mirabal Alysa K. Makahanaloa ’99, ’01 Kelsey Malia James L. & Luella A. Malkin David R. & Susan L. ’86 Maltby Blaze Mancillas John M. ’81 & Deborah Margowski Dennis & Patricia A. ’65 Markwardt Ruth Marrero Frederic H. ’77 & Christine M. Martens Charles E. Martin, II ’99 Jim & Darlene F. ’89 Martin Margaret A. Martin Richard Martinez Paulo P. Martins Joseph J. & Elizabeth M. ’76 Mastrantonio Phillip H. & M. Kay Mathes Fujio & Amy M. Matsuda Rodney ’80 & Lena Matsumoto Robert D. & Tammy L. Mauthe Stanley W. ’73 & Loretta M. Mayko Lisa McCarren C. Eugene & Bonnie S. ’75 McDaniel Olive V. McGinnis Thomas McGuiness ’68 William V. ’69 & Mary R. McKee Jon A. ’94, ’98 & Roswitha W. McKenna Vincent A. ’98 & Priscilla E. McLean Arthur R. ’94 & Shirley McNamara, III William F. ’84 & Lana C. McNeely Wiliam ’01 & Florence McPeek Ashley Merchant Nancy K. Metzger Sasha Meyer Matt Meyers Teena Michael James W. & Juliet Mickelsen Michelle S. Migita-Sakamoto ’99, ’03 Todd Y. & Sharlyne P. ’81 Mihara Jon H. Miki ’67 Sidney E. ’80 & Patricia F. Milburn, II Michael B. ’88 & Joan Minnehan James M. & Linda Mistysyn Clint H. ’81 & Gail Miyaguchi Gervin K. Miyamoto ’80 Harry L. ’77 & Lanette Moleta, Sr. Timothy M. Mondoy & Jayne C. Ragasa-Mondoy ’00 85157_winter08 2/29/08 11:20 AM Page 21 J u l y 1, 2 0 0 6 t o J u n e 3 0, 2 0 0 7 Noah & Dolores Monsour Albert A. & Mary Montero, Jr. Richard H. & Patricia A. Montgomery Jeffrey & Debbie S. Mori John T. Morita ’66 Layne Morita Eli Morowitz Philip Morowitz Robert W. & Karen Morrow Judith G. Morton ’96 Alvin ’68 & Jerrydean Motley William P. & Patricia A. Mowat, Jr. Martha S. Mueller ’71 Steven D. & Cynthia L. Mueller Mary K. Mulligan ’65 Audree Muna Dorothy Muncy Lynne Murakami Kapi Aiko Muraoka ’92 Jeffrey P. & Kimberly B. ’95 Murga Claudia L. Murphey ’68 Peter W. & Carolyn P. Murray Clifford O. ’73 & Margret Myers Raymond T. ’72 & Nora G. Mysliwski Sheldon L.H. ’80 & Laura Wong Nagata Wayne Nakamasu Sherrie E. Nakasato ’98 Michael & Janis Nakashima Lisa Y. Nambu ’80 Aaron Naone-Blau Lily Yuriko Narimasu ’86 Dorothea K. Nary Gerald T. Nashiro ’91 National Credit Management Jennifer Naumu Edward O. ’88 & Yon Sun Nelson, Jr. Clifford B. & Patricia M. Neuroth Helen Y.Y. Ng ’88, ’92 Hieu D. Nguyen Linda E. Nishigaya ’69 Alan H. ’71 & Karen Nishimura Ronald D. ’80 & Mary E. Njus Mike M. & Lorraine S. Noda Maria C. Noeth ’07 Robert & Anne M. ’60 Noguchi Kyla R. Nohara ’05 John J. ’77 & Peggy J. Norosky Alan T. & Nancy Y. Nunokawa Fred W. Ogawa Raymond M. & Caroline P. Ohara Rodney H. Ohira ’69 Nancy C. Oide Milton K. Okayama ’96 Thomas N. ’73 & Ann Oliver James M. Oshiro Kevin K. Ota ’01 Robert & Corliss S. ’72 Ota Joseph P. & Phuong N. Otto Ernest J. Oversen ’94 Alicia Pacheco Victor M. & Sue Pacheco Stephanie J. Pahia ’77 Terry C. & Ezell Palmer Gregory C. & Lou Ann M. Panas Dorothy M. Parrish The Late William E. Patridge Petro & Helen S. Pawluk Richard P. & Georgia Perkins Sr. M. Agatha Perreira, OSF ’76 Dayle & Maureen M. ’96 Pescaia Mark & Rosanne Petersen Thomas K. ’64 & Jeannette F. Peterson Robert F. Phipps John E. ’86 & Elizabeth A. Piper Keith O. ’73 & Kernette M. Pocock Richard V. ’77 & Barbara W. Poe Cindy Polmal Ralph A. ’81 & Purita Prather, Jr. Gordon H. & Arlene K. Pratt Albert C. ’77 & Marsha K. Price Shane Price Kristin Prokop Fiatagata Pulou Dale & Marguerite K. ’77 Pulrang Nathan K. Punahele ’98 R.F. & Martha M. ’94 Purdy Eric Purviance & Rosemary L. McCarthy ’83 Nancy W. Quinn Dustyn L. Ragasa Esteban & Martha Q. Ramos Luis I. ’76 & Dorothy S. Ramos Thomas E. & Angela M. ’87 Randall Dave G. ’86 & Gwendolyn Rapoza Stephen P. & Jerilyn A. Rapozo, Jr. Golda Raymond Harry C. ’77 & Kazuko Reed William P. Reed, Jr. ’89 Gail Tsurue Reinhardt ’93 Chelay Reyes Danny J. ’87 & Brenda Reynolds Elke K. Ricketson ’81 Kathleen A. Riggs Robert P. & Dianne L. Rivera Kurt E. ’87 & Frances N. Robertson Robert & Diane ’90 Roddy Eric Chizer & Aileen Rodriguez Marie J. Romano June & Lavonne E. ’76 Rose Gerald A. ’81 & Mary Rush Charles Russell ’06 Jimmie L. ’81 & Teresa Jean Russell James W. ’71 & Mary Anna Rust Joseph E. Ryan ’66 Richard & Kapono Ryan John ’92 & Chandra Sadro, Jr. L.A. Sagapolutele & Shannon K. Palama-Sagapolutele Dexter J. ’65 & Emily Sakai Frank G. ’69 & Patricia J. Salimbene Vernon Kwai Tong ’72 & Susan Sam Alfonso Mendoza Sanchez, Jr. ’92 C Chaminade University Educational Foundation The Chaminade University Educational Foundation (CUEF) is a non-profit trust created in 1962 by seven Honolulu business executives to encourage and support Chaminade’s mission and goals. To date, the Foundation has contributed more than $1 million to the University for scholarship endowments, physical improvements and programs. CUEF Board of Trustees Nicole M. Dupont, President Willibrord K. Tallett, Vice President – Finance Diane Peters-Nguyen, Secretary Calvert G. Chipchase, III Treasurer Karen E. Anderson Keith A. Chock Mark D. Clement Bro. Robert Hoppe, S.M. Gay Miyakawa Peter P.J. Ng Phyllis N.T. Shea Gulab Watumull James A. Naylon (Emeritus) Mahalo for your support! Spring 2008 Chaminade Quarterly 21 85157_winter08 2/29/08 10:49 AM Page 22 A A nnual F und f or E xcellence J u l y 1, 2 0 0 6 t o J u n e 3 0, 2 0 0 7 Natalie Sanchez Virgil L. ’83 & Kealohi Sandefur Herbert Santos & Mei Mailou-Santos Oran A. & Josephine V. Satterfield, Jr. Kristie Sawyer Sean & La Vache C. ’94, ’01 Scanlan Donald ’75 & Peggy Schaum Michael C. Schneider & Lori Kemp-Schneider ’80 James J. ’76 & Dorothy Schonefeld Robert T. & Magdaline M. Schulte William J. & Margaret Schulz Francis & Avea Sefo Sumang Seid Kevin S. & Corazon Q. Serdenia Feagiai Seuseu Michael D. & Cynthia ’71 Shain Christopher Sherman & Doreen R. Douglas Susumu & Tokie Shibata Clifford P. ’82 & Martha E. Shields Joseph D. ’82 & Joanne Shields, Jr. George M.K. & Sharon Y. Shim Keiko B. Shimazu ’92, ’97 Walter Shimoda Edward S. & Jane H. Shiroma Hideyuki ’00 & Geralda Shiroshita Eric B. Shumway Dennis & Julaine G. ’77 Siegel Sepe Sigrah Miles & Ruth L. ’64 Silberstein Jane Y.N.M. Silva Carlo ’69 & Adrienne Silvestri Kyle & Joanna L. ’98 Simmons Rogelio ’65 & Marcella P. Simon Wade M. & Ann H. Smith Yoshi & Mary Elise D. Smith Ronald V. ’90 & Laura P. Sorantino, Jr. Albert Souza John & Jane T. Spahn, Sr. Amy Spriesterbach Sr. Joanne St. Hilaire, CSJ ’64 Wendell R. & Therese C. ’69 Staszkow Richard H. Steffes ’06 Duane L. ’77, ’79 & Nancy J. Stefonek Peter Steiger Kenneth L. ’89 & Loyda Stevens, Jr. Leighton F. ’81 & Bonnie Stone Dawn L. Stover ’86 Lavilis & Bernice D. Stover Jennifer Strand Rod ’05 & Keaupili Sueoka Tomoko Sukegawa Raymon Sumabat Tsuneo & Rose H. Sunada Kitiona Sunia Frances L. Sutherland ’78 John M. & Carol Ann Sutherland Nancy R. Szymczak ’85 Dale & Joyce E. Szyndrowski Mark S. Taba ’96 Jonnae Taiafi Richard S. Takata 22 Chaminade Quarterly Spring 2008 Lance Takenaka Janet A. Tamura Jason Tanaka Randolph C. ’78 & Debora A. ’79 Tandal, Jr. Leifiloa C. Tanoi Anthony W. & Yvonne D. ’63 Tavares Christopher Tavares William D. & Martha Tavares John T. ’92 & Janice Taylor Patrice Taylor Julian F. Tharngan Marianna Thomas Lorna J. Togle-McNear ’91 Jean K. Tokuhama ’05 Terry Tom & Shirley M. Leong-Tom ’85 Vernon S.C. Tom Dason T. Toma ’98 Thaddeus R. ’78 & Sheila A. Tomei Dorothy L. Toomey Sencie T. Torres ’90, ’93 Andrea C. Toyofuku Donna C. Toyofuku Derrick R. Tracy ’99 Leonard C. ’83 & Patricia C. Trahan, Jr. Leif E. & Christine M. ’98, ’01 Tucker Annie Tuiolemotu ’07 Jeraldine M. Tumbaga ’02 George B. ’77 & Ellen Turner, Jr. Ngedikes Udui Andres & Rosania S. Uherbelau Gerald B. & Angela J. ’88 Ullom Tomio & Midori Unno Roy M. ’75 & Kitty K. Urakawa Arthur S. & Marjorie M. Uyehara Roy T. ’67 & Joan Uyehara Linda Valichka Joseph A. & Mary Margaret Valverde Gerald J. ’67 & LouAnn Varner Alfio J. ’82 & Helen Vasta Henry A. & Elaine Velozo Stevan Vesel, Jr. ’93 Cyprian A. ’73 & Josephine Vicars Peter C. & Michele B. Visceglia Peter J. Visceglia Joseph R. ’71 & Sharon Vivaldi Anatol V. von Zitzewitz Leonard E. & Marylee S. Vuylsteke Drew G. ’78, ’79 & JoAnne M. Waddell Richard H. ’83 & Carole S. Wakumoto James R. ’83 & Bessie Wallace John K. & Mary Wallace Thomas B. ’78 & Sandra E. Walther Roberta Walthour James B. ’88 & Karroll L. Warberg, Jr. Stanley N. & Joyce R. Wax Ulysses ’95 & Carolyn Dubois Weakley Joseph K. & Leonora F. Wee Larissa N. Wee ’03, ’06 Cynthia A.B. Weiding ’74, ’87 James L. & Marylouise West Western Union Ruth Westhafer John F. & Maria T. White Lamount J. ’99 & Deirdre Whitehead Margot E. Wilcox ’76, ’78 Clarence ’90 & Mineko Wilhelm Cathy Williams Hashim A. Williams ’06 Howard S. & Pamela L. Williams Jewel P. Williams Donald W. Wilson Michael J. Witsell ’77 Thomas J. ’79 & Melanie Wogan Douglas & Edna C. ’90 Wong Gerald T. Wong Joshua & Christine L. ’86 Wong Kwanlin L.K ’67, ’69 & Frances Wong Ronald M. ’62 & Tesi H. Wong Wendell M. ’62 & Loui C. Wong Marcus & Joyce B. ’75 Wood Japhet P. ’99 & Zoe T. Woolston Everett Woolum ’69 Celso Yago ’06 Joi M. Yamamoto ’01 Barbara T. Yamasaki Hiroshi Yamauchi Daphne D. Yancey ’99 Mario C. Yano ’78 Benjamin S.B. ’74 & Josephine P. Yee Edmund K.U. Yee Glenn K. Yoshida Thelma K. Yoshida ’87 Christine Y.L. Yuen Eric K.W. Yuen ’97 Mark & Ann M. ’87 Zimmerman James Steven & Arleen M. ’92 Zirkle D C haminade University values each gift it receives and makes every effort to include all of its generous donors who invest in the future of our students. If your name was omitted, misspelled or incorrectly listed, please accept our sincere apologies and notify our Office of Institutional Advancement at (808) 735-4763 or afund@chaminade.edu so that we may correct our records. Mahalo. Mahalo for your support! 85157_winter08 2/29/08 10:49 AM Page 23 D D edicated G ifts Accounting Endowed Scholarship Anonymous Wayne M. & Corinne Tanna City Mill/Chung Kun Ai Foundation Scholarship City Mill Company, Ltd./ Chung Kun Ai Foundation Alumni Association Marcelino & Evangeline L. ’77, ’80 Calbero Archie Y.G. ’73 & Edna K.S. Loo Alumni Relations The Late Yong H. & Sandra B.L. ’63 Jhung Athletics Carolyn A. Berry Anton C. Krucky Archie Y.G. ’73 & Edna K.S. Loo William F. Murray Jr. ’70 John D. Nielsen Melvin R. & Meme Schantz Ronald J. & Barry Zlatoper Biology Endowed Scholarship Henry H. ’74 & Alyssa K. Gomes Ronald M. Iwamoto Career Services The Late Wilmot J. Nicholson Castle Colleagues/C-TRAC The Samuel N. & Mary Castle Foundation Chaminade University Educational Foundation CUEF Trustees Scholarship Milly Henderson Memorial Scholarship Peter & Doris Ng Scholarship Hugh R. & Chong Jah S. Pinegree Scholarship W & P Tallett Scholarship Wong & Shea CPAs Scholarship Chaminade University Scholarship Fund Louis A. & Jean Lopez Clarence T.C. Ching Scholarship The Clarence T.C. Ching Foundation Peggy & Keith Family Scholarship for Student-Athletes Peggy S. & Keith A. Chock Computer Science Jerry H. Buss D&J Specialties Scholarship Fund Daniel D. ’81 & Judy Goo Thomas Stephen Dal Ponte Memorial Endowed Scholarship Anonymous Delta Mu Delta National Business Honor Society Michael ’80 & Joanne Marinich Educational Technology American Savings Bank G.N. Wilcox Trust Elmer Sebastian Dunsky Scholarship Bro. Elmer Dunsky, S.M. Marvin W. & Rosemary T. Rickling Freedom Scholarship Mark J. ’84, ’85 & Shaun A. Ahn J u l y 1, 2 0 0 6 t o J u n e 3 0, 2 0 0 7 Fujitani Lecture Series Robert & June Asato BDK Sudatta Hawaii Marguerite B. Campbell Joel D. & Marjorie K. Determan Shigeaki & Mary O. Fujitani Rev. Yoshiaki ’69 & Tomi Fujitani Herbert M Hamada James K. & Florence Y. Hirakawa Rev. Eijo Ikenaga Ethel M. Kitagawa Rev. Shugen & Faye N. Komagata Bishop Jiho Machida George S. & Gracie M. Matsuo Clifford T. & Peggy C. Miyamoto Shuichi Miyasaki Kimiyo H. Miyose Richard & Betty Morimoto David S. & Irene Nakamoto Aileen Okamoto Merritt Sakata Leslie Sponsel & Poranee Natadecha-Sponsel Teruko Yoshida GayStraight Alliance Ivor Kraft Gender Studies Stella Chappell Leslie Sponsel & Poranee Natadecha-Sponsel William H. Hannon Scholarship William H. Hannon Foundation Historical & Political Studies Program Hawaii Council for the Humanities Hogan Entrepreneurial Program Bank of Hawaii Charitable Foundation Hogan Family Foundation Robert F. Kay Vince O’Connor and Kelly A. Mitchell ’84, ’86 Marianist Sponsorship Ministries Foundation The Marianist Province of the United States Mark & Jennifer Johnson Memorial Scholarship Leonard A. & Sheila Johnson The John B. & Nelly Llanos Kilroy Scholarship The John B. & Nelly Llanos Kilroy Foundation Vi & Paul Loo Student Center The Late Paul C.T & Violet S.W. Loo Loo Theatre The Late Paul C.T. & Violet S.W. Loo Antone J. & Mary C. Lopez Endowed Scholarship Christopher B. & Patricia Lopez, Jr. Louis A. & Jean Lopez Fr. Robert R. Mackey Endowed Scholarship Robert C.Y. ’60 & Elizabeth K. Lum Fr. Robert R. Mackey Speech Competition Henry B. & Charlotte Clark, Jr. Vincent E. & Katherine J. Neal Memorial Endowed Scholarship Vincent E. & Katherine J. Neal Memorial Fund President’s Restricted Fund Christopher & Judith N. Munoz Larry Price Endowed Scholarship Larry Price Will Pounds Memorial Scholarship The Late Lawrence S.L. & Mimi Chun-Hoon Ching Herb & Catherine M. ’77 Cohen David L. & Valerie M. Coleman Henry H. 74 & Alyssa K. Gomes Vincent Hodge & Grissel Benitez-Hodge The Late Fred K. Kauhane Archie Y.G. ’73 & Edna K.S. Loo Bryan D.Y. & Hiroko Man J.B. Mitchell John D. Nielsen Yvette Pounds John A. & Laura Steelquist Suresh Sundarababu Beverly S.K. Tom Curtis Washburn Gary Wible & Kaia Anne Hedlund Jim R. & Deanna L. Yates St. Francis Xavier Club Scholarship St. Francis Xavier Club Service Learning Kristine M. Tanaka Sullivan Family Library The Atlantic Philanthropies Bruce & Lynn Erfer Joanna Lau Sullivan Summer Research Institute – University of Oxford John Henry Felix Patricia W. To Endowed Scholarship Cho-Yee & Patricia W. ’63 To Transformations Campaign The Atlantic Philanthropies Bank of Hawaii Charitable Foundation Michael F. Barber ’01 John C. & Mary Lou Brogan Albert S.C. & Betty L. Chong Clifford & Louisa Cooper Michael A. Gold & Esme Corbett-Suzuki Stanley W. & Karen Ho Hong Osamu & Kathleen Kaneko The Thomas & Dorothy Leavey Foundation The Late Robert O. & Virginia L. Lippi Marianist Center of Hawaii Wendell K. & Annette Pang Larry Price Masaru K. Saito ’78 T. Raymond & Betsy C. ’87, ’92 Sekiya Jan A. Seymour ’76 Edward D. Sultan & Rae McCorkle Allen B. Uyeda Thomas C. & Mary C. Wesselkamper Ronald J. & Barry Zlatoper J. Watumull Endowed Scholarship Fund Jhamandas Watumull Fund Wellness Program Jean E. Rolles ’93 Luis Zabala Endowed Scholarship Fund J. Luis & Peggy Zabala A 85157_winter08 3/4/08 10:03 AM Page 24 Annual Fund for Excellence The success of Chaminade University is made possible by the generous support of alumni, parents, friends and organizations like you who are committed to the university as a place of transformation for our students and communities. Your Gifts At Work Your partnership and generosity are an important investment in the lives and futures of our students and helps Chaminade to: Enhance our learning community, curricula, faculty and research opportunities Provide financial aid and scholarships for deserving students in need Invest in capital improvements and technological resources for the future Expand intercollegiate athletics and student life activities, services and programs Ways of Giving Every gift makes a difference. There are many ways for you to support Chaminade: Cash Contributions are the simplest and most direct form of giving and can be made via check, credit card, cash and electronic fund transfer, or online at www.chaminade.edu. Matching Gifts are an easy way to increase the value of your gift. Find out if your employer has a matching gift policy to double or even triple the impact of your gift! Bequests offer donors an opportunity to create a lasting legacy by making a gift through their will or estate plan. Stocks, Securities, Life Insurance and Real Estate Gifts are other welcomed forms of giving. We are happy to work together with you and your advisors in finding the right option for you. Please help us fulfill our mission of enriching and educating our students for life, service and accomplishment by making a gift using the enclosed envelope. For more information, please contact the Office of Institutional Advancement at (808) 735-4763 or 1-800-735-3733 ext. 763, email afund@chaminade.edu, or visit www.chaminade.edu. NON-PROFIT ORG. U.S. POSTAGE PAID HONOLULU, HI PERMIT NO. 320 3140 Waialae Avenue Honolulu, Hawaii 96816-1578 CHANGE SERVICE REQUESTED
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