2010 May-June Newsletter - Congregation B`nai Zion


2010 May-June Newsletter - Congregation B`nai Zion
Congregation B’Nai Zion
~ South Florida’s Oldest Synagogue ~
Established in 1887
Rabbi Shimon Dudai
President Fred Covan PhD
750 United Street Key West, FL 33040
May / June 2010
I y a r / S i v a n / T a m mu z 5 7 7 0
T h e K e y s t o J ud a i s m
R a b b i D ud a i ’s M e s s a g e
The Regenerative Power of Sacred Time
From late March throughout April, the CBZ community
was especially busy with holidays and events. Please see
the recap, WE SHARED, on page 3.
Soon, we will be sharing the special holiday of Shavuot.
Get ready by reading the Rabbi’s article, starting on this
page, and see page 3, for the schedule of services.
The many other CBZ happenings for May & June can be
found on the Calendar of Events on the back page.
A special “thanks” to Liz Young for her proofreading
efforts on this issue. By the time this issue goes to print,
Howard & I will be heading back to Key West—Howard has
“official” duties during Conch Republic Festival, as a “naval
officer”-so, we look forward to seeing you soon.
Before I sign-off, I remind you of the “Kol B’Seder /
It’s All Good” column (inspired by Alan Solomon) that I
proposed in the last issue. The idea is that YOU will let me
know what’s new in your life so that I can share it with the
whole CBZ family. As examples, I’ll take a little editorial
license and let you know a couples of things that Howard &
I want to share: our daughter just got accepted to law
school and our son is now playing the role of Motel on the
National Tour of Fiddler. You get the idea—brag!
DEADLINE For July/Aug Issue is June15th!
Many Thanks
to our newsletter Circulations Managers …
the congregant volunteers who do all the work
of getting the newletter into the mail!
———————Thanks to FRAN & JOHN KREINCES for serving as our
previous newsletter Circulation Managers.
(A personal thank you to John from Elyse for his extra
assistance in helping to get those first few issues out!)
and thanks to SANDIE KLUBECK & JIM EVERETT for
now taking the job (they started last issue)!
———————Thank you also to KAREN GRANT for preparing the
postal mailing labels & sending out the
newsletter to those who receive it by e-mail.
NOTE: Getting the newsletter by e-mail (instead of
postal mail) saves CBZ money. If you’d like to
receive your newsletter by e-mail, contact Karen
at KarenCBZ@bellsouth.net
Just as we understand the concept of sanctity
concerning space - the Holy Land of Israel,
Jerusalem (the Holy City) and the
Temple Mount (the holiest place of all) Judaism uniquely recognizes the idea of
“Sacred Time.”
Taking Shabbat as an example, we have a
precise time in hours and minutes for the start of the sacred block
of time, as well as an exact time for its end. Shabbat sanctity is
intrinsic to this time-slot, through the divine blessing given to it at
time of creation. This special day is the source of all the shefah
(the spiritual light and bounty) that flows to all of the days of the
week that follow it. When we celebrate Shabbat, we open
ourselves as well to the influence of the higher spiritual worlds and
thereby receive new energy for the coming week. The level of
sanctity of Shabbat varies under our own influence; the more
spiritually ready we are, the more elevated and deeper is the
experience of holiness associated with the day. This applies to all
the other holy days of our calendar. Despite these variations, the
essence of the day is the re-living of the primordial pattern of
Genesis. We chant this in the Erev Shabbat Kiddush over wine,
zeher le-ma-asseh bereshit, as a reminder of the time of creation.
This idea of re-experiencing, re-living past events is explained in
Kabbalah. It is not meant to be just remembering and celebrating
events of a historic, distant past. Rather, on the exact date and
time, all the spiritual worlds are re-aligned vis-à-vis our material
world, creating the opportunity for us to actually re-live the
original event in the deepest and most meaningful fashion, exactly
as it was experienced the very first time.
Now we can begin to understand the meaning and power of the
most historically significant biblical festivals. Starting with Pesach
– Passover, this festival is much more than a social-national event.
We all know the overall story of Pesach as one of great pain and
suffering associated with loss of freedom and a crushing life of
slavery then followed by the great jubilation of deliverance and a
life of freedom. All of humankind readily associates itself with the
lofty universal values that result. But there is more to it. We find
that Pesach and the next festival of Shavuot, as well as the seven
President’s Message
First of all, I want to assure you that if you come to synagogue and see a slim, well dressed man on
the Bimah acting as the gabbai, we have not “fired” Sid Wharton. It is Sid Wharton, only 100 pounds
lighter. Congratulations Sid! Now onto other items. The Purim play was a brilliant success and there
is a video of the production. The Community Seder was delicious and created a wonderful sense of
community. The tourists who joined us kept raving about how friendly we are and how comfortable
they felt.
As of this writing, we have had one event in the new Friday night lecture series "Feed your Soul,
Feed your Mind". After the service on April 2nd, Elisa Levy discussed "inter-religious peace work".
Elisa is a Key West jewel. She has worked all over the world in the areas of conflict resolution and
personnel training for the U.N. and Fortune 500 Companies. She also has a weekly column in the
Sunday Key West Citizen. (For more information about Elisa, visit her website: www.elisalevy.com.)
We had over 50 people at that service/lecture and the consensus was to continue this series.
Additional speakers currently scheduled include Brewster Chamberlin, on April 9th, who will talk about
his experiences as the original Librarian and Archivist for the Holocaust Museum in Washington, D.C.
This is a unique institution and to hear of Brewster's experiences we will be reliving history. We also
have David Schofield scheduled to be our guest speaker on April 16th. David is an internationally
known artist who lives in Key West but only shows in New York. His pen and ink cityscape drawings are
done with incredible accuracy & detail and are hanging in New York’s Metropolitan Museum of Art, in
museums in Europe and in private collections. David will discuss and show his work which will be a
rare opportunity for Key Westers. (For more information about David, google him and then go to www.newbert.com.) All are welcome to
these lectures. We would like to continue this program and if you have any suggestions for speakers, please contact me.
Another recent special event was the visit of several Holocaust survivors. They were in town for a series of lectures at local schools,
churches and a presentation at the Tennessee Williams Theatre. They are in their 80s and are remarkable people. The
theatre was packed for the presentation, a full house at 9:30 on a Monday morning.
Well, that's about all the news from CBZ. Season is over and it's starting to get hot, a nice change from this cold winter. As soon as
these winds settle down, I plan to do a lot of fishing.
Shalom, Fred
Southernmost Sisterhood News
The CBZ Purim Festival Art Show Fundraiser, organized by the Sisterhood, and held over three days, was a lot of fun - and
hard work! Thanks to all the volunteers and local artists who contributed their valuable time and wonderful talents to this very
worthwhile endeavor - over $2000 was raised for the Synagogue! We want to give special thanks to Mr. Jordan Bernstein, who
initiated this very special project. Thanks to Philip Simmons as well for all of his efforts.
During our last Sisterhood meeting, held on March 11th, lots of enthusiasm was shown for continued efforts in our outreach
efforts to the local Keys Community. Ideas for the near future included a CBZ-sponsored blood drive, as well as collaborating
with Samuel's House Women's Shelter and Heron Peacock Supported Living. Additionally, there was a consensus that "fun"
social events should be pursued next, with these possibilities on the drawing board: game night, women's circles, Jewish films,
and communal restaurant meals. If anyone is interested in helping with the next "fun" event, please contact us.
Additionally, please remember to place non-perishable food items (such items as peanut butter and jelly are ALWAYS needed
and appreciated at St. Mary's Food Panty!) and paper products in our PERMANENT Food Drive Basket in the Synagogue.
Thank you.
Linda Rysman (305-797-6123) and Deborah Schlein (914-629-6673), Sisterhood Co-Facilitators
Alan Solomon
Francine Kreinces
Maxine Makover
Susie Savitch
Shoshana Lichtenstein
Debby Schlein
Barbara Webb
Si Stern
Alan Solomon
Sheldon Davidson
Jack Einhorn
Debby Schlein
Linda Rysman
Committees @ CBZ
Rabbi Dudai
Justin Kawaler
Dr. John Kreinces
Bounce Margil
Sid Wharton
Si Stern
Fred Covan
Sheldon Davidson
Eileen Kawaler
Mae McMahan
Liz Young
Alan Solomon
Please remember, CBZ is a volunteer organization with no “paid office staff” …
Sheldon Davidson
Fred Covan
Bounce Margil
Kenny Weschler
Rebetzen Nadia Dudai
Yael Hermelin
Kelly Klitenick
Mae McMahan
If you call & get the office answering machine,
please leave a message & someone will get
back to you as soon as possible or contact
CBZ thru our Website: www.bnaizionkw.org
R a b b i D u da i’s Me ssa ge ( C ON T IN U E D FR OM P A GE 1 )
weeks that separate them, are all one unit of time. The forty-nine days of the Omer lead to day fifty, being the day of Shavuot, the
day we stood at the foot of Mt. Sinai and received the Torah.
Going back to our Kabbalistic sources, we learn that at the time of Genesis, Man-Adam had a choice in the Garden of Eden.
1. To live in a flawless world, a world of plenty - free of pain, suffering and death - simply by observing one simple command:
“Stay away from the tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil.”
2. Disobey that command and forever be cut off from the light force. Be subjected to a world of chaos, pain and death - a world
we all know, the world we are in right now.
God’s love for His creation is infinite. Thus, humankind was given a second chance to remove chaos and return to a world of
bliss through the receiving of the Torah at Mt. Sinai. But, before being allowed to stand in the presence of God to receive the
most precious of all gifts, we had much to go through. We had to experience the pain of Egypt. We then had to share the
exhilaration of the Exodus and the miracles. And, afterwards, go through a purification of the spirit – counting one day at a time,
for 49 days (the Omer), elevating our spirit to the level where we are worthy to stand, with one spirit and one heart, all of Israel
completely united for the first time in God’s presence and receive the Torah. This wondrous event, marked by the festival of
Shavuot, is celebrated this year beginning at sunset on Tuesday, May 18.
May we all be worthy to re-live that event and re-connect with the “Tree of Life”.
Rabbi Dudai
Purim …
On the night of Feb. 27th we gathered together to read the
Megillah (gleefully “graggering” out the name of Haman) and to
be entertained by the wonderful antics of our FLC children in a
Purim play. The play was written by Jordan Maun & Lauren
Klitenick, who were joined by fellow performers Becca Maun,
Bailey Maun, & Mackenzie Cohen (with “cameos” by Chris
Cohen & Rabbi Dudai.
Then, the next night, the adults
gathered for a Purim Party that included Sisterhood’s beautiful
art show and a Purim shpeil “A Dose of Reality” that was funny
& fabulous! Credits: Donna Feldman (script/Narrator), John
Kreinces (lyrics/King Ahasuerus & other celebs), Karen
Leonard (director), Melody Cooper (musical director), Karen
Grant (Esther +), Fran Kreinces (Vashti +), Nancy 3 Hoffman
(Haman), David Lipman (Uncle Mordechai & Chef) and
additional cast members: Bill Glazer, Wayne Dapser, Shoshana
Lichtenstein, Debby Schlein, Linda Rysman, Maxine Makover,
Sally Young, Arnie Young (as one of the girls!), Bounce Margil
and Eileen & Justin Kawaler. Thanks to Si Stern for the wine
and to Stan Kintslinger for bartending. Thanks also to Howard
Spialter for his accordion music both nights.
Editor’s Note: I must take this opportunity to say that I haven’t
had this enjoyable a Purim celebration in many years!
A personal thank you to all who made it so special!! Also,
having just met Nancy 3 Hoffman as Haman, Howard & I then
had the pleasure to see her entertaining show at TWT—a treat!
Passover ...
March 30th, CBZ joined together to celebrate the 2nd Seder
as a community. Almost 100 were in attendance, including a
number of children and 4 tables of out-of-town visitors. The
menu (which included brisket, turkey, salmon and incredible
desserts) was exquisite! Mae McMahan shared that the
Seder left everyone “spiritually & gastronomically renewed”.
Thanks to Mae for her efforts coordinating this event!
Never Forget …
As part of a Florida Keys “tour”
organized by Congresswoman
Ros-Lehtinen, FKCC hosted
an event on March 22 for the
public to hear and meet a
group of Holocaust Survivors.
May 18 (Tues)—7:00pm:
Hundreds, including many
students and many from the
May 19 (Wed) —9:30am:
CBZ community, gathered at
Festival Morning & YIZKOR
the Tennessee Williams
Services, followed by light
Theatre to hear the speakers.
Attendees have shared how
moving an experience this
Special Note: Rabbi’s Wed.
Class will be “moved up”
The previous Shabbat
and held immediately after
morning, the survivors were
the evening service on Tues
guests at B’nai Zion and spoke
(5/18), in keeping with the
there as well. All present felt
cherished tradition of Leil
that it was a great honor to be
Shavuot (study).
able to share the Sabbath with
these individuals who had
endured so much.
On April 11, CBZ observed
Yom Hashoah (Holocaust
Remembrance Day) with a
Did You Know?
special service.
The holiday of Lag B’Omer - the 33rd
Thanks to Karen Grant for
her detailed notes that made
this review possible!
Many thanks for the inspiration provided by Rabbi Dudai, and, our cantor, Dr. John Kreinces
throughout the many activities listed above.
Many of the holidays/events listed above were made richer by the delicacies prepared by
Rebetzen Nadia & her dedicated kitchen “crew”. See pg. 5 for details & thank yous.
day of the counting of the Omer - is
celebrated on Iyar 18 (May 1-2, 2010).
While the Omer is a mourning period
overall, Lag B’ Omer is a day of
celebration marked by bonfires and
picnics, especially in Israel. Various
historical origins are attributed
to the holiday.
23 Freddie & Joe Linder
26 Eileen & Justin Kawaler
1 Roseline & Bill Glazer
9 Joanne & Myles Eisenstein
15 Claire & Albert Zuckerman
19 Karen & Bounce Grant-Margil
20 Penny & Rich Maun
22 Judith & Stan Zabar
23 Donna Feldman & Teddy Baier
24 Joan & Victor Cushman
29 Ginger & Jack Kanzer-Lewis
Claire Young turns over
100+ teddy bears—that
she collected as her Bat
Mitzvah project—to the
KWPD. Police will use
the bears to calm kids
who are frightened &
need comforting.
to new members
to new members
Eunice & Andrew J.
Stephanie Goldberg
Melnick !
& Ari Glazer!
Laura Tallent
Rose Einhorn
Rebetzen Nadia Dudai
Victor Cushman
Jack Lewis
Philip Simmons
Steven Oppenheimer
Jack Einhorn
William Schwartz
Emily Isadora Young
Fred Covan
Mae McMahan
Deborah Mermelstein
Florence Millet
George Cooper
Designed by renowned synagogue artist Sanford
Werfel; enhancing the beauty and grace of our
Sanctuary … the branches form the Hebrew
words “Etz Chaim” and the stones at the roots
are symbolic of the Twelve Tribes of Israel.. The
golden leaves and stones may be inscribed to
highlight or commemorate joyous occasions,
including births, graduations, weddings,
anniversaries, and Bar/Bat Mitzvahs.
To purchase, please contact
Mae McMahan (296-9669)
Order Forms are available
on the website or call Mae
Loui Franke & Stan Coira
Commemorate a simcha …
Buy a Leaf for $180
Foundation Stone for $1500
Dianne Needleman
Sherman Kaplitz
Alan Solomon
Linda Greenberg
Judie Klitenick
Carol Wilks
Jordan Maun
Annette Ring
Tracey Oppenheimer
Gwen Hawtof
Bounce Margil
Bernie Kaplan
Lauren Klitenick
Sol Hermelin
Arnie Young
Bailey Maun
“Sidney M. Aronovitz United States Courthouse”
In February, the U.S. Courthouse in Key West was
renamed to honor the memory of Judge Aronovitz.
Sidney M. Aronovitz ruled on landmark cases during
his more than 20 years in the court system.
The Judge’s grandparents were founders of CBZ.
The Aronovitz family, both past & present, have been
and continue to be significant members of B’nai Zion
& the community of Key West.
The Rebetzen and her helpers baked & sold
thousands of Purim hamantaschen !!!
Their efforts are SO very much appreciated!
The Rebetzen extends thanks to all those who have helped her
and “hopes she isn’t leaving anyone out” :)
Thank you to … Karen Leonard & Debby Schlein are added to the
Purim helpers list (that appeared in the last issue). All of the
following helped with the Pesach Seder: Sally & Arnie Young (who
had to head North before the Seder), Carol & Larry Abramovitz,
Mae McMahan & Bernie Kaplan (who are always willing to do whatever needs to get done), Sharon Zahav, Audrey Sams,
chef Larry Prell, Debby Schlein, Fran Kreinces (who made kugels) &
Judie Klitenick (who made kugels & macaroons).
Kiddush helpers: Audrey Sams, Karen Leonard, Carol Abramovitz,
Debby Schlein, Barbara Webb, Annette Ring & Kenny Weschler and,
for their help cleaning-up, Mae McMahan, Bernie Kaplan,
Rose Einhorn, Philip Simmons and Richard Klitenick.
THANKS to the following recent Kiddush sponsors & contributors:
Carol & Larry Abramovitz: in honor of their family
Bernie Kaplan & Mae McMahan
Debby & Dov Schlein
Judith & Stanley Zabar: in honor of Holocaust survivors
Heartfelt Thanks to the following for their
Contributions to Bnai Zion:
Bertha Kane: h/o “gabbai” Sid Wharton for the honor
Michael & Janet Kass
Leonard Nadborne
Creighton & Barbara Webb
Enid Levinson & Gladys Levinson: thanks for Purim
Anne Marie & Warren Wolfson Family: Vayerah
Tod Aronovitz & Familly
ma’ot chittim donations:
Jordan M. & Sandra S. Bernstein
James Everett & Sandra Klubeck
Annette Ring
Mae McMahan
Stanley Goldblatt
Ralph & Margalit Werthheimer
Ari & Stephanie Glazer
Contributions acknowledged in this issue include those made through April 6th.
Those made after that date will be recognized in future issues of the newsletter.
Liz Young (parent coordinator) shares that
The Family Learning Center (Hebrew
School) has completed the 2009-10 school
year and looks forward to celebrating with
the CBZ community at the
$40 per Family / $18 per Person
planned for Friday, May 7th at 7:00 PM.
Services start promptly at 7 PM, followed
by a wonderful kosher meal prepared by
Rebetzen Nadia, Chef Kelly and Mom Helpers:
Michelle Cohen, Penny Maun, Nancy Kaplitz
& Liz Young. If you can help, please call
Rebetzen Nadia. Please join us—RSVPs
encouraged to Liz at isazoe711@aol.com
Rabbi Dudai extends thanks to the
following teachers & madrichim:
Dr. John Kreinces,
Mare Contrare, Yael Hermelin,
Donna Feldman, Barbara Webb,
Sharon Zahav & Audrey Sams
Hi, we've just returned from a visit to
KW and stopped in to visit before our
plane took off. We met Nadia busy
baking and two other women. Delighted
with the new social room, and sorry our
time was so limited. Carry on the good
work. May our next visit be longer.
Milton, Phyllis, Denny Roumm and
friend Theresa Tate
CBZ extends thanks to
“Bubbie’s Bubba Bingo”
for the contribution of another $5000!
(see more details about Bingo on pg 8)
May 2010
Iyar / Sivan 5770
May 1/ 17 Iyar
May 4/ 20 Iyar
May 6/ 22 Iyar
May 7/ 23 Iyar
May 8/ 24 Iyar
May 9/ 25 Iyar
May 10/ 26 Iyar
May 11/ 27 Iyar
May 12/ 28 Iyar
May 13/ 29 Iyar
May 16/ 3 Sivan
May 17/ 4 Sivan
May 18/ 5 Sivan
May 19/ 6 Sivan
May 21/ 8 Sivan
May 22/ 9 Sivan
May 23/ 10 Sivan
May 25/ 12 Sivan
May 26/ 13 Sivan
May 27/ 14 Sivan
May 28/ 15 Sivan
May 29/ 16 Sivan
May 30/ 17 Sivan
May 31/ 18 Sivan
P r a y e r
Jacob Mermelstein
Laura Kaplan
Victor M. Hermelin
Nathaniel Kane
Lillian Solomon
Harry Rudnick
Hyman Louis Wilks
Lawrence Kieves
Pearl Sandler Lewin
Mary Sarin Covan
Hyman Lurie
Bertha Hershenson
Al Logan
Aaron Baron
Jack Varon
Nathan Fishman Sugar
Sarah Goldman Stukelman
Sydell B. Spialter
Dvoyra Abraham
Isaac Rabhan
Hilda Mermelstein
Meyer Abramovitz
Murray Singer
Sonia Dubrovshy
Joe Rosenthal
Robert Everett
Max Schulman
Mitzi Cohen
Harold S. Fox
Alvin David Einhorn
David Goldner
Eleanor M. Klitenick
Rebecca Rachel Rosenthal
David Aronovitz
Lazarus Schulsinger
Lillian Schulman
Mayton M. Schulsinger
Charles Leibovit
Carrie Cohen
Edythe Levy
Gilda Weintraub
Anson Klauber
Shirlee Miriam Steinman
Jacob Cohen
Esther Edith Abraham
Gerald Narren
o n
K i n d l i n g
In most instances the dates listed
are the Hebrew dates of death
June 2010
Sivan / Tammuz 5770
June 1/ 19 Sivan
June 2/ 20 Sivan
June 4/ 22 Sivan
June 6/ 24 Sivan
June 7/ 25 Sivan
June 8/ 26 Sivan
June 10/ 28 Sivan
June 11/ 29 Sivan
June 12/ 30 Sivan
June 13/ 1 Tammuz
June 15/ 3 Tammuz
June 16/ 4 Tammuz
June 17/ 5 Tammuz
June 18/ 6 Tammuz
June 19/ 7 Tammuz
June 20/ 8 Tammuz
June 21/ 9 Tammuz
June 23/ 11 Tammuz
June 24/ 12 Tammuz
June 25/ 13 Tammuz
June 27/ 15 Tammuz
June 28/ 16 Tammuz
June 29/ 17 Tammuz
June 30/ 18 Tammuz
Robert B. Appelrouth
Lillian Kay
Fannie Goldblatt
Louis Segal
Abraham David Einhorn
Miriam Bernstein
Janice Herberg Wharton
Cynthia Faye Projector
Max Glantz
Lee Isaac
David Appel
Annie Silberman
Harry L. Velkovitz
Mildred Shafner
Kate Aronovitz
Herman Kessler Moore
Harold Littman
Nisan Cwei
Simon Moore
Ben Smolar
Barbara E. Grant
Mark Klitenick
Joe Wharton
Aaron Sklar
Fanny Markovitz
Morris Bush
Andrew Kawaler
Jack Frank
Adela Kantor
Isadore Lippman Levy
David Haskell Kay
Isadore Rosinek
Benjamin Prager
Harold Altman
Nat Rabin
Ethelyn F. Lewinsky
Philip Kram
Mary Krinsky
Frank Simmons
Dora Lewinsky Cohen
Meir Sheinberg
Hannah Shapiro
Bella Kissel
Y a h r z e i t
Yarzheit Donations From …
In Memory of ...
Stanley & Judith Zabar
Selma Segal
Louis Zabar
Nancy Cohen
Arthur David Cohen
Mitchell Appelrouth
Rose Moses Weintraub (beloved grandmother)
Benjamin Hershenson
Harry A. Hershenson (beloved father)
Milton L. Roumm & Phyllis G. Roumm
Our Great-Grandson
Howard & Elyse Spialter
Scott Stanley
Barry & Marla Shainman
Sarah E. Levine
Karen L. Leonard & Aaron Wechter
Vivian Leonard
Mildred Varon
Issie & Sophie Passo
Jack & Eleanor Appel
Jean Kippelman (mother)
Jordan M. & Sandra S. Bernstein
Benjamin Bernstein
Robert Sher
William Herman Sher
Roberta Fine & Mildred Fine
Bernard Walsh
Gilbert H. Walker, M.D.
Loved Ones
Annette Ring
Bertha Spies (beloved mother)
Ralph & Lillian Tallent
Ida Tallent (mother)
Bounce & Karen Margil
Daniel S. Grant (father)
Rachelle Elias
Elias family members
Sally & Arnold Young
Halbert Lewinsky
Robert Goldman
Robert H. Goldman (father)
Maxine Makover
Stanford Makover (beloved)
Hebert I. Rabin & Thelma Rabin
Clara Smolar
Estelle Rabin
Maureen Freedman
Shoshana Rose Lichtenstein
C a n d l e
Eternal Rock of Ages: In hushed reverence, I kindle this memorial candle in loving
remembrance of my beloved (Mother, Father, Son, Daughter) on this anniversary of his/her/their
death(s). We have been taught that human souls are Thy candles. Through them Thou bringest light
into the world. For the light of compassion and tenderness which my loved one(s) brought into my life,
I am everlastingly grateful.
Help me O G-d to use the sacred memory of my loved one(s) as a noble spur to consecrated living.
May I perpetuate and transmit everything that was beautiful and lovely in his/her/their character. Keep
firm my faith that we cannot go where You are not and where You are all is well. Amen.
As the light is kindled say: “Zecher tsaddik leevrachah”.
The memory of the upright is a source of blessing.
Sincere Condolences are extended on
the passing of Dorothy Velkovitz, who
was a congregant and former member of
the Board of Directors.
Many thanks to
Judith and Stan Zabar for
their donation of
Zabar’s wonderful coffee!
Now our Sabbath
Kiddush luncheons are
even more fabulous
thanks to them!
Running an ad in the newsletter
is a great way to support CBZ!
Interested …
please e-mail to
for more info
yoga space
of key west
georgia siegel, director
316 1/2 simonton street 305-292-9656
Geriatric Care Management
of the Florida Keys
“Helping You Remain Independent”
Phone 305-304-3462 Fax 305-294-8485
1460 Kennedy Drive
(305) 293-9876
www. ParadiseDentalCare.com
Roberta Markow, R.N., CMC, Director
The B’nai Zion GIFT SHOP
Key West’s Only Judaica Store
11’5” x 16’2” overall dimensions. Gently used.
Can also be used as a wall hanging.
Originally $10,000. Now $4500 or OBO.
Available to see; serious buyers only.
Call CBZ Board member Alan Solomon
Gifts for festivals, Bar & Bat Mitzvahs, births,
house-gifts, birthdays, anniversaries & more!
Special items for your Jewish home and Jewish life
including kippot and mezuzahs!
Thank you to all for their Passover purchases …
the new items went fast! Mae says there’s still some things
left if you want to plan ahead for next year.
Hours by appointment—Call Mae McMahan (296-9669)
Thanks to those who made recent Gift Shop purchases, including:
Liz & Gary Young, Elyse & Howard Spialter, Clara Liszt & Stanley Goldblatt
Congregation B’nai Zion
Non-Profit Org.
U.S. Postage
Permit No. 76
Key West, FL
~ South Florida’s Oldest Synagogue ~
Established in 1887
Rabbi Shimon Dudai
President Fred Covan PhD
750 United Street Key West, FL 33040
May and June
Shabbat Services
Friday Evening 7:00 PM
Saturday Morning 9:30 AM
Dr. Fred Covan
Si Stern
Mae McMahan
Cors. Secretary
Sid Wharton
Rec. Secretary
Eileen Kawaler
Dr. John Kreinces
Kenneth Weschler
Elizabeth Young
Alan Solomon
Immediately followed by Rabbi’s Class (typically held on Wed night).
 MAY 19 (Wed): Shavuot morning Service & YIZKOR, starting 9:30 AM.
Board of Directors meet the first Wednesday of each month at 6:30 PM.
ALL WELCOME TO ATTEND. Check the Website to confirm exact dates.
 TUESDAYS … “Bubbie’s Bubba Bingo”.
Doors open at 5 pm & the games
start at 7pm. FREE food & soda. Many CASH prizes. All proceeds go to CBZ!
The CBZ Website …
 MAY 7, starting with services at 7:00 PM, Family Shabbat Dinner.
 MAY 18 (Tues): Shavuot begins at sunset. Maariv Service at 7:00 PM.
the best way to know the up-to-date details!
starting at 7:00 PM. Check the website to find out when the next “Feed
Your Soul, Feed Your Mind” Friday night lecture services event is!
Please note that as of April 2, Friday Evening Shabbat Services are
Calendar of Events