Ha`Shofar - Congregation Beth Israel
Ha`Shofar - Congregation Beth Israel
Shavuot June 12 & 13 CO NG RE GAT IO N B ET H I SR A EL Ha’Shofar VOL U M E V II I, I SSU E 6 June /July 2016 Judaism Cannot Be Lived in Isolation By: Rabbi Justin Goldstein Inside Prayer Corner ..................... p. 2 Friday Noon Study Group ....... ......................p. 3 CBI Annual Meeting .........p.4 Upcoming Events ............... pp. 5-6 Donations ............. ............pp. 16-17 June Calendar .....p. 19 July Calendar ..... p.20 Reflecting on the tail-end of Café Israel (our new take on Celebration Israel), I am struck by the power of community and how, despite a myriad of viewpoints and opinions, people are brought together around a common celebration and are able to connect on a very real, deep level. We had such an incredible and joyous celebration, not only celebrating the 68th anniversary of the establishment of the State of Israel, but also celebrating being together in our little Jewish community in Asheville. It causes me to reflect on the abundant opportunities our heritage and tradition provide for us to connect in community, as family, friends and beyond. The truth is that Judaism cannot be lived in isolation; it necessitates being together. Beyond the holidays, ritualized fasts, various observances of an obligatory nature, there have been so many customs which have evolved over the millennia which serve to remind us that we do not walk in the world alone. Perhaps the reason that the tradition is so invested in reminding us, again and again, of our need for community is precisely because it is such a typical state for human beings to feel alone in the world. Whether it is because we are literally alone or feel emotionally or spiritually isolated, Judaism forces us to experience the world in community. In celebrating and remembering the story of Passover, we reflect on how we left servitude together. In tracking the time, and literally counting the days, between Passover and Shavuot we read the stories of the struggles and challenges the Children of Israel experienced together. When acknowledging the giving of Torah at Mount Sinai on Shavuot, we contemplate the significance of the teaching that the entire Jewish people stood around the mountain together. In mid-July, forty days following Shavuot, we mark the fast of the 17th of Tammuz which not only commemorates the breaching of the walls of Jerusalem by the Romans, it also marks the return of Moshe from Mount Sinai when he discovered the people, together, worshipping the Golden Calf. Through thick and thin, good times and notso-good times, we reach our best and sometimes our not-so-much best, together. But that’s the thing about community – not only does it have the power to drag us down, it also has the power to inspire us and motivate us. One of the most powerful aspects for me in traditional Jewish prayer is that we are all praying alone in community, but the language of our prayers is almost exclusively plural. OUR God, OUR mis-steps, OUR striving, OUR desire for connection. Why does Judaism and Jewish culture/tradition push us toward experiencing the world as community? Because it becomes a vehicle to envision a world that values collective action rather than individual triumph. On that note, I want to take a moment to express deep gratitude to each and every individual that comes together to make CBI a thriving community. Without our volunteers we would not be able to accomplish so much of what makes this community amazing – to be a truly caring, genuine, welcoming, loving and intentional community where people not only find their values reflected but have a place to express their values. continued on page 2 continued from page 1 https://www.facebook.com/bethisraelnc/ Thank you, from the bottom of my heart, for claiming ownership over your community, for dedicating your personal time for the benefit of everyone and for providing so many ways to celebrate together and connect in meaningful ways. A monthly tour through the Siddur: the meaning, significance, customs, laws, history and choreography of prayer Psalm 135, halleluyah, hallelu et shem hashem… As we have discussed in months past, the primary themes of Pesukei D’Zimra are Creation, Exodus and the World that is Coming. Reciting Psalm 135 on Shabbat is the fusion of all of these themes. According to the Vilna Gaon (Rabbi Eliyahu Zalman, 18th c. Lithuania), Shabbat is such an incredible gift because it is from the wellspring of the World that is Coming…and is not for any other people…so we say this psalm on Shabbat because it mentions Creation, which itself is the renewal, and the miracles and wonders the Holy One performed in Mitzrayim also testify to the renewal of the world, and Shabbat teaches us about all of this. [Siddur Vilna] The psalm begins by recognizing the value of praising God, proceeds to reflect on the narrative first of Creation and then of Exodus; in the second half the virtues of Judaism are extolled by proclaiming idols the handiwork of humans. Utilizing chiastic structure indicative of many forms of Scriptural writing, it concludes as it began by expressing the value of praising God. Finally, in the very last verse of the psalm, a connection is established to Zion and Jerusalem, testifying to the understanding that Jerusalem itself is the fusion of Creation, Exodus and the World that is Coming. The end of the psalm is referenced in the Full Hallel recited on Festivals and Hanukkah, although not quoted directly. Next month …. Psalm 136 HA’ SHO FA R PA GE 2 Friday Noon Study Group Updates During the month of June, our informal discussion group will spend the first two Fridays concluding our exploration of Martin Buber’s I and Thou . Please check the CBI Web Site and Weekly Announcements for details, since we may conclude our discussions of Buber earlier than expected. Beginning on June 17 The Noon Study Group will start discussing the BOOK OF HOSEA This is the first of the books of the minor prophets (minor because their books were shorter than those of Isaiah, Jeremiah, and Ezekiel). Hosea, who lived during the 8th century bce, was directed by God to marry a promiscuous woman of ill-repute, and he did so. Using marriage as a metaphor of the covenant between God and Israel, Hosea elevated the Jewish religion to the altitude of ethical monotheism, being the first to emphasize the moral side of God's nature. Our group meets every Friday from noon to one in the CBI Social Hall. All are welcome to join us, regardless of their level of expertise. Please bring whatever copy of the bible you might have (the more different translations the livelier the discussion). If you have questions, please contact Jay Jacoby at jbjacoby@uncc.edu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pcoming CBI Events Let’s Study Yiddish! (Lomeer lernen Yiddish) CBI is offering a Beginners’ Yiddish class during the months of July and August 2016. We invite you to come and learn to speak a little, and to sing a little in mameh loshon (the mother tongue). We will have a freilach (fun) time as we study Yiddish, try to converse a little, listen to the spoken language and sing some joyful and even nostalgic Yiddish songs. Invite your friends and neighbors to participate with you. I will be distributing materials (in transliterated Yiddish) each week for your learning pleasure. The class will meet on Wednesday mornings from 10:45 am to 11:45 am in the social hall. We will break for coffee and a nosh before we engage in the study of Midrash with Rabbi Justin Goldstein from noon to 1:00 pm. The class will meet the following dates: July 6, 13, 20, 27; August 3, 10, 17, 24, 31. There is a $10 materials fee payable to CBI for members $15 for non-members. To register, please contact the synagogue office. Looking forward to studying together! ~ Marilyn Silberstein Ongoing CBI Events Hasidishe Kiddush led by Rabbi Goldstein Fill your heart and soul with Torah (and schnapps...) and join together to learn Hasidic thought and wisdom on parashat ha'shavu’a. Last Shabbat of each month at 12:30 pm. Meet the Midrash y. Out of the texts of the Torah, the Rabbis created teachings bringing deeper to the wisdom of the Jewish in Julmeanings e m u s e r people known as Midrash. Each week we will explore ssome of these teachings based on the weekly Torah portion. l l i se w lasRabbis We will gain not only an understanding of whatCthe were teaching, but how and why they were able to offer these teachings. While there are many compilations of Midrash from different periods in Jewish history, we will focus our studies on Midrash Rabbah. Wednesdays 12:00 noon - 1:00 pm Hazak Hazak is a group of empty nesters who meet monthly for good food and conversation at local restaurants. The group usually meets the first Wednesday of each month at 5:30 pm, barring holiday conflicts. Anyone who is interested can be added to the email list. Contact Sue Lerner. Living Torah with Rabbi Justin Goldstein July. e ininspired learning and meaningful conversations. Timeless teachings for walking in the world. Start your day with sum eoff r l l i w Relevant and insightful lessons from the wellspring Classes of Jewish wisdom. All are welcome, no experience necessary. Thursdays 8:30 am at 75 N. Market Street, Asheville HA’ SHO FA R PA GE 5 Upcoming CBI Events Dinner and a Movie Sunday, June 19, 2016, 6:00 pm, CBI Social Hall A Borrowed Identity Set in Israel of the 1980s and 1990s, the film portrays the interrelated identities of Jewish & Palestinian Israelis. The viewer sees both the merging of cultures and the conflicts between the cultures. The inherent obstacles faced by an Arab youth and his parent in trying to improve their life in a country where they are the minority are considerable; challenges exist at school, home and in the workplace to fit in and to try to succeed. Despite his intellectual gifts, the Arab-Israeli protagonist has many challenges to overcome integrating into Jewish-Israeli society. To add to the conflicts, the romantic flame is kindled between Arab & Jew! Additional characters include an Arab grandmother, a feisty Arab father, an attractive female Jewish fellow student, and a homebound friend with muscular dystrophy. One can see how not being a Jew in Israel is a handicap to any success in school or in the workplace. The plot gives the viewer tangible conflicts to consider when viewing life in Israel for the non-Jew. Mahj Mania Returns This Summer This event is a joint fundraiser of CBHT Sisterhood and Congregation Beth Israel Sunday, August 7th, 9:00 am to 3:30 pm Dave Family Social Hall at CBHT Many fine women from both congregations are working to make it a special day for our annual tournament. The day will include prizes for the highest scorers, raffles, lunch, snacks and a fabulous opportunity to spend the day playing mah jongg. If you are not already in the Mahj Mania database, contact Carol Gillen at: (828) 253-2282 or by email at carol@gillen.com to receive this year’s information. Carol will need your name, address, telephone number, and email address to add you to the list. Notices and updates will be sent out periodically over the next three months, and registration flyers will be sent out starting later this month. If you have questions, please contact Rochelle Neuringer, Marlene Jacoby, or Caren Kessler. Shavuot Service Schedule Sunday June 12, 2016 – 9:30 am Morning Services Monday June 13, 2016 – 9:30 am Morning Services & Yizkor Spread Spreading joy, one toy at a time.! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ! Ma y2 016 May 2016 To the the Beth Beth Israel Israel Community, C o m m u n it y , Je nnifer and and I thank thank you you from from the the bottom bottom of of our our hearts hearts for for your your kind kind and and generous generous contributions c o n t r ib u t io n s Jennifer to Hadaya Hadaya TToys. oys. Your Your recent recent donations donations will will go go a long long way way towards towards supporting supporting our our summer su m m e r di stributions tthis h is y ear. distributions year. Plans are currently Pl ans a re c urrently in in play play to to serve serve two two specific specific groups groups this this summer: summer: • One project refugee On e is is a p roject involving involving over over 100 100 IIraqi raqi re fugee children children that that have have fled fled ISIS ISIS in in Northern Northern Iraq. Iraq. are We a re teaming teaming up up with with a Jordanian Jordanian doctor doctor who who is is helping helping the the families families of of these these kids kids in in and and around ar ound Amman, Amman, Jordan. Jordan. They They are are in in desperate desperate need need of of baby baby formula formula and and food, food, d as well well as other ot her emergency emergency supplies supplies and, and, because because they they are are not not in in the the government government run run camps, camps, are a re typically being forgotten. we also some ty p ic a l l y b eing fo rgotten. Obviously, Obviously, w e will w il l a lso be bringing bringing so me educational educational toys! to y s ! • Secondly, we Se c o n d ly , w e are are working working with with a small small community community project project in in the the slums slums of of Mumbai, Mumbai, India. I n d ia . The and Th e organizer organizer is is helping helping to build build leadership leadership and and tech tech skills skills iin n children children an d women, women, sso o they th e y can become ca n be come the the ‘change ‘change makers’ makers’ of their their community. community. They They have have created created a design design lab la b where approx. are code mobile wh ere appr ox. 250 250 girls girls ar e learning learning cod e and and how how to to build build simple simple mo bile applications applications to help he lp solve solve their their community community problems problems – drinking drinking water water rationing, rationing, safety safety support support for for women, women, ed ucation for for the the children. children. education HADAYA $10k HA DAYA is is hoping hoping to to raise r a is e $ 10k ((5k 5k for for each each project) project) over over the the next next two two months, months, in in order order to to buy buy off food, plus a six six month month supply s u p p ly o fo o d , p lus ssome ome ttoys, oys, for for the the Iraqi Iraqi children, children, and and six six months months rent rent plus plus a lilibrary, brary, sstationery, tationery, camera camera and and tablets tablets for for the the Dhavari Dhavari project. project. the www.hadayatoys.com Allll If anyone anyone is is interested interested in in helping helping us us further, further, please please visit visit th e website: website: www. h a d a y a to y s .c o m . A donations do nations go directly directly into into the the projects projects and and you’ll you’ll be able able to to see see our our progress progress as we we update update with w it h ph otos and and information information from from the the projects projects later later this this this this summer. summer. photos BIG BI G THANKS THANKS FOR FOR YOUR YOUR SUPPORT SUPPORT … WE WE COULDN’T COULDN’T DO DO IT IT WITHOUT WITHOUT YOU! YOU! JJennifer ennifer M MacDonald acDonald & Vanessa Bell Hadaya Haday a TToys oys iiss a gr grass ass rroots oots organization organization dedicated dedicated to to supporting supporting the the overlooked overlooked needs needs of of displaced children Creative Visions di dis splaced c hildr dre en through through creativity creativity and and play. play. We We are are fiscally fiscally sponsored sponsored by C reative Vi Vis sions FFoundation oundation (CVF). (CVF). CVF publicly 501c3, which Creative Activists who use CVF iiss a p ublicly ssupported u p p o rte d 5 01c3, w hich ssupports upports Cr Cre e a t iv e A ctivists w ho u se the the power power of of media media and and the the arts arts to affect affect positive positive change change in in the the world. w o rld . www.hadayatoys.com The CBI Calendar/Directory Dear CBI Congregants, It’s here, it’s finally here!! This is your opportunity to help CBI raise money. Our Congregation needs money to pay our bills and supply the little extras that make our CBI family happenings a little brighter. Our dues account for only 75% of our expenditures. We are not asking you to spend your own money on supporting this new project. We are asking you to approach the people with whom you do business each and every day to take out an ad in our New Calendar/Directory. What is the benefit of them advertising here? 1. The Directory will be in each of our congregants’ home for an entire year. 2. It will be used on a daily basis as a reference guide. 3. Advertisers will be reaching a key selective audience that they may not be presently reaching. 4. Advertisers will be helping to support a mainstay of the community for the past 50 years. 5. Their ad will also appear in our newsletter each month. What do you need to do? Think about the people you encounter on a daily, weekly or monthly basis that you do business with. Ask them for an ad. The deadline for all ads is June 15, 2016. WHO DO YOU DO BUSINESS WITH? EVERY BUSINESS CAN ALWAYS USE NEW CUSTOMERS! Consider asking: your doctor, attorney, accountant, dry cleaner, florist, hair stylist, nail salon, barber, painter, electrician, dentist, audiologist, child’s orthodontist, independent pharmacy, bank, podiatrist, optician, insurance agent, veterinarian, physical therapist, yoga school, karate school, gym, personal trainer, gardener, landscaper, flooring expert, window treatment, decorator, plumber, dog groomer, chimney sweep, house cleaner, florist, travel agent, music teacher, massage therapist, real estate agent, mortgage company, golf course, bakery, jeweler, and the list goes on and on. REDUCE YOUR DUES CBI members will receive a credit toward their dues for every new advertiser. The credit will be based on the size of the ad. 1 /4 page ad cost is $200 – dues credit $20 1 /2 page ad cost is $350 – dues credit $35 Full Page ad cost is $450 – dues credit $45 Thanks for your help in supporting CBI. Beth Appel and Sally Gooze Co-chairs of the CBI Calendar/Directory HA’ SHO FA R PA GE 8 Congregation Beth Israel 229 Murdock Avenue Asheville, NC 28804 828-252-8660 admin@bethisraelnc.org www.bethisraelnc.org Advertisement Size of Ad Rate Back Cover 5” x 8” $1100 Inside Cover 5” x 8” $800 Divider Page 5” x 8” $600 Full Page 5” x 8” $450 1/2 Page 5” x 4” $350 1/4 Page 5” x 2” or 2.5” x 4” $200 5” x 2” $225 1/4 Page on Calendar Page (limited number) Business / Professional Name (Please print exactly as it should appear in listing) —————————————————————————————————————— —————————————————————————————————————— ADDRESS ____________________________________________________________ CITY___________________________________STATE_____________ZIP_________ PHONE_______________________________FAX_____________________________ CONTACT PERSON_____________________________________________________ AD SIZE_________________________COST_________________________________ BUSINESS / PROFESSIONAL CATEGORY DIRECTORY LISTING ______________________________________________________________________ Please make check payable to CONGREGATION BETH ISRAEL. Please attach your ad copy to the back of this page, or you may email us an electronic copy to liamaviella@gmail.com (jpeg or pdf preferred). EMAIL ADDRESS FOR PROOF:_________________________________________ DATE RECEIVED_________ AMT RECEIVED__________ CHECK # BY PRINTER PROOF FINAL ________________________________________________ / ȯ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’ SHO FA R PA GE 10 Meet Our Bar Mitzvah Avery Matthews !! First Café Israel – A Great Success !! By: Michael Weizman Congratulations to all who participated in the planning of our it was very exciting to welcome so many new friends from first Café Israel event to celebrate Israel’s 68th birthday. Last the greater community to CBI to share in the festivities. year, members of the planning committee decided that it was time for a reboot of the annual Celebration Israel Festival and This successful event (which raised approximately $5K - $6K were very pleased with the new café format idea. For those for our shul) would not have been possible without the conwho were able to attend, we hope that you had a blast. For tributions of the following planners and volunteers. Thanks those who could not make it, we’re sorry to say that you to you all. If your name was inadvertently left off this list, missed a fantastic event, and we hope you will be able to please forgive the omission and accept our thanks as well. make it next year. In addition to the great food, great music, wonderful silent and live auctions and many other activities, Adina Weizman Devorah Holan Lee Avishai Hanan & Goldie Weizman Jay & Marlene Jacoby Lee Berkwits & Barb Hall Mike Weizman & Della Simon Cathy Kayne Josefa Briant Syd and Susan White Shirley Kayne Bruce Brown Norm Winkleman Steve & Carolyn Kayne Laurie Chess Jordana Kellman Alison Climo Caren Kessler Carol Cohen Steve Lehrer Bernard Coleman David Lehrer Alan Escovitz Miri & Andy Massachi Wendy Feinberg Deborah Miles & Marc Rudow Brad & Shelley Fisher Brett & Cassandra Millsaps Bella Frishman Bob & Denise Pohlman Rebecca Gholson Liam Pohlman Frank Goldsmith Alex Reich Elizabeth Goldstein Rochelle Reich Jonas & Meryl Goldstein Mike Sena Rabbi Justin Goldstein Karen Shuffler Leslie Goldstein Alan Silverman Sally Gooze Sandy Slosman Lisa Harnash Danielle Tocaben Danise Hauser Noah & Elliot Tocaben Reuben Hauser Will Tocaben Gerry Hausman Lisa Wiener Judy Hoffman For Information about Burial Plots at Lou Pollock Memorial Park Contact: Josh Tager cemetery@bethisraelnc.org or Fred Lashley Current rates: $750 CBI members; $1,000 non-members HA’ SHO FA R PA GE 12 Boray Perie Hagafen By: Ira Naiman Here I am, with my glass of wine, watching Fiddler on the Roof; I cannot remember how many times I have seen it. Little by little my eyes glaze over, and slowly…slowly, I fall asleep. Suddenly, I hear some noise, turn around, and who is next to me? Tevye, himself! He says to me, Nu, Value Wine Meister, have you got any tips for me? I said, Tevye, I certainly do, and I can’t help but break out into song: I see a red blend from my roof; It’s such a lovely sight; I get it from my Ingles; That’s open day and night. Yes, Tevye, I found a new red blend made by the people from Apothic. Based in Modesto, California, they find the best red grapes each year, and make several red blends (Apothic Red Blend, Apothic Dark, and Apothic Crush), all wonderful. The one I’m singing about is called Apothic Crush. Deep purple color, full mouth feel, smooth, tastes like dark berries, caramel, plums and prunes. For me, wine and prunes is like hitting the Daily Double. Tevye replied, I hear you, boychik. A bargain when found on sale! Again, I am overwhelmed and have to sing: I’m Value Man, Value Man and I’ll make you a match; Boy, it’s a find; You can buy by the batch; I’m Value Man, Value Man and it tastes like a Rhone; And it won’t cost a lot of cash. Tevye inquired, A Rhone? Yes, my friend, made like a Rhone, I said. An explanation is in order. The Rhone valley is in France. It runs from Lyon in the north to Arles in the south. The area is broken into the Northern Rhone with very expensive wine from Cote Rotie, Condrieu, Hermitage and Cornas. The reds tend to be syrah based, although other grapes can be added. The Southern Rhone red is grenache based, and other grapes can be added. Chateauneuf Du-Pape is the most famous and expensive section in the South. Other areas are Gigondas, Vacqueyras and Cotes Du Ventoux. The hillsides (and wine made from the less prestigious areas) along the Rhone river in the South section are called Cotes Du Rhone. Tevye said, Sounds complicated. I replied, You know the French, they stand on ceremony and love complication. Helps create mystique. I continued, The wine I’m singing about drove the French crazy; I believe there was even a lawsuit which France lost. This great little wine is called, Goats Do Roam, and it’s from South Africa. There is nothing that gets a Frenchman to swing that long, hard bread he’s always carrying, than when he thinks you’re infringing on his turf. Excitedly Tevye exclaimed, Sounds dangerous, you can lose an eye! Goats Do Roam is made by Fairview Vineyards, in Fairview, South Africa. It is made a little differently each year, depending upon which grapes grew well. They will use grenache, mourvedre, petit sirah, shiraz (called syrah in France) and cinsaut grapes in varying percentages. It is ruby red, medium body, and silky. You can taste red berries, plum, slight vanilla, and has a cinnamon aroma. I find it has an earthy flavor, which I like. The South Africa wine section in your grocery may be small, so you may need to look closely for it. Also, look out for angry Frenchmen swinging long, hard bread. Until next time. Ingles cards are a no-cost fundraiser for Beth Israel. Each month CBI members and friends buy $14,000 worth of Ingles gift cards to help raise $700 for Beth Israel – over $8,000 annually. Ingles gift cards can be used at any Ingles store for groceries, pharmacy items and gasoline. Sign up now to receive your Ingles cards automatically each month. The office also keeps an inventory of Ingles cards for immediate purchase. Contact the CBI office to get more information and/or to participate at 252-8660 or admin@bethisraelnc.org. HA’ SHO FA R PA GE 13 Chesed: CBI’s Support Network The Chesed Group is a caring team of congregants who are here for you. Coordinating the energy and abilities of the entire CBI family, we help those in need. We are not professional caregivers but we are here to help however we can. Here are some of the activities we can help with: • • • • Visiting those who are sick Helping set up for a bar mitzvah party Providing transportation Helping those in need find the right resources • • • • Assembling a minyan for shiva Preparing meals when needed Shopping for the homebound And many more services But we can’t help unless we know who needs and wants support. So we need you to tell us. If we can help you with something or if you are aware of someone who could use some help, please don’t hesitate to call Lee in the CBI office. She will contact the appropriate member of the Chesed Group. All requests for confidentiality will be completely honored. Also, if you have not yet signed up for the Chesed Volunteer Pool, please let us know what you would be willing to do. Again, contact Lee and let her know you would like to help. She’ll pass your name to the appropriate committee member. Finally, consider making a donation to the work of the Chesed committee. It will help us help you. Many Thanks! To Shirley Kayne, Caren Kessler, Caroline Manheimer, Devorah Reed, Rochelle Reich, Carol Samsky, Gail Shulimson, Marlene Jacoby, Janice Brock, & Jan Zollars for staffing the Gift Shop To Rabbi Goldstein, Jay Jacoby, Ira Naiman and Beth Appel for their articles to Ha’Shofar this month To Robert Marcus for volunteering as a mentor with Green Opportunities, in addition to his other volunteer work Mazel Tov ! To Rich & Barbara Laibson on their special birthdays To Rich & Barbara Laibson on the birth of their granddaughter Penelope Faye Kabu Refuah Shleimah To Neal Appel and Thelma Uhler. HA’ SHO FA R PA GE 14 in resume l l i w s e Class July. Visit our Gift Shop Regular Gift Shop Hours Fridays from 11:45 am to 2:45 pm Sundays from 9:30 am to 12:30 pm ADDITIONAL HOURS ARE ALSO AVAILABLE BY APPOINTMENT. QUESTIONS? CONTACT CAROL SAMSkY 676-0765 giftshop@bethisraelnc.org August Ha’Shofar Deadline – July 10th I welcome your newsletter contributions, but please, please respect the deadline of the 10th of the month. ~ Bruce Our Sympathy To Sylvia Bechinsky on the passing of her husband, Neil Bechinsky. We mourn the loss of Nancy Forester. HA’ SHO FA R PA GE 15 Support Your Shul and Its Congregants! Active Donor Directed Funds For those members of CBI who would like to direct their financial support toward a specific area within CBI, these are the active donor directed funds. You are encouraged to support the General Fund with your donations, allowing the Board of Directors the discretion to direct this support toward areas of the most need. ** These funds are very active and in the most need of regular contributions. ☛ ** Spiritual Life Fund – Support of spiritual life programs and needs ☛ **Social Action Fund – Funds CBI’s social action projects ☛ ** Chesed/Tzedakah Fund – Supports the Bereavement Committee and other Chesed related activities ☛ ** Ted Liebowitz Children’s Fund – Provides scholarships for Bet Sefer students and supports Bet Sefer expenses ☛ ** Toby Cohen Minyan katan and Junior Congregation Fund ☛ Shorashim Teen Program Fund – Supports CBI teen programs ☛ **Adult Ed Fund ☛ Website/Computer/Tech Fund ☛ Cemetery Committee Fund – Supports maintenance of CBI’s Lou Pollock Cemetery ☛ Chevra kadisha Fund – Supports efforts toward preparing the body of the departed for Jewish burial. ☛ **Rabbi Discretionary Fund – Supports needs or causes the Rabbi chooses to support ☛ ** Family Education Fund – Supports family education programming March-April General Fund John & Jimi Moore: in honor of the birth of Jay & Marlene Jacoby’s granddaughter, Talia June Gerard Uhler: in honor of Thelma’s birthday Bruce Brown & Brian Stone: in memory of Suzanne Escovitz’s mother, Marguerite Kopp Mike Weizman & Della Simon: in memory of Suzanne Escovitz’s mother, Marguerite Kopp Lee Avishai: in honor of the birth of Rich & Barbara Laibson’s granddaughter, Penelope Faye Bella Frishman: in honor of the birth of Jay & Marlene Jacoby’s granddaughter, Talia June Shirley Kayne: in memory of her parents, Simon & Sarah Farkas Lee Avishai: in appreciation of Wendy Feinberg Norm & Carrie Winkelman: in memory of Nancy Forester James O. Stamey Michael & Michele Heller: in memory of Nancy Forester Eleanore Fisher Allison Marks Jay & Marlene Jacoby: wishing refuah shleimah to Alan Escovitz Shirley Kayne: in honor of the birth of Rich & Barbara Laibson’s granddaughter, Penelope Faye Davida Horwitz: in memory of Nancy Forester Shirley Kayne: in memory of Nancy Forester Ted Liebowitz Children’s Fund Gerard & Thelma Uhler Claire Mager-Jaffee: in honor of Meryl Goldstein, in appreciation of her beautiful dvar Torah Gerard & Thelma Uhler Yahrtzeit Fund Gerard & Thelma Uhler: in memory of Jerry’s father, Morris Uhler Natasha Wood: in memory of her husband, Royston Wood Miriam Zaretsky: in memory of her father-in-law, Joseph Zaretsky Mike & Ilona Sena: in memory of Mike’s father, Harry Sena Murray & Arlene Selman: in memory of Murray’s mother, Pauline Selman Miriam Zaretsky: in memory of her mother, Bessie Aaronson Jeffrey & Carolyn Goldstein: in memory of Carolyn’s step-father, Albrecht Benno Strauss Capital Campaign Building Fund Eleanore Fisher Steve & Carolyn Kayne Caren Kessler Adam & Laura Kaufman Gerard & Thelma Uhler Adult Education Fund Gerard & Thelma Uhler Claire Mager-Jaffee: in memory of her brother, Sidney Mager Café Israel Table Sponsorship Asheville Eye Associates (Jeffrey & Carolyn Goldstein) Bill & Jo Golson March-April (continued) Deficit Reduction Fund Claire Mager-Jaffee: in memory of Nancy Forester Norm & Carrie Winkelman Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund Judith Leavitt: in honor of Rich & Barbara Laibson on their special birthdays Rich & Barbara Laibson: with loving gratitude for their granddaughter’s beautiful naming ceremony Brett & Cassandra Millsaps Ma’ot Hittin Fund Caren Kessler Lee Avishai Bob & Leslie Goldstein Sura Wengrow and Arnold Wengrow Eva Blinder Have You Tried Our Dip Jar? As you know, most of our programs are FREE and open to all. The Dip Jar resides on the piano in the Social Hall alongside a donation jug. It is an easy way to make a $5 contribution to Beth Israel by inserting your credit or debit card. Or feel free to leave a check or cash in the donation jug. If you have enjoyed a program at CBI, please make a donation the next time you are in the building (except on Shabbat). Making Donations to CBI Is Easier Than Ever Click on the donate button at the left to pay your dues, make a contribution, pay your Annual Appeal Pledge or pay for your Ingles cards. This simple Web Check system is a direct debit to your checking account and allows you to send a message to the CBI office along with your payment. No need to write checks or make special trips to the office. Have You Tried Out Our Web Check Payment System? CBI’s Web Check Payment system is being used by quite a few congregants. Try it out, if you haven’t already. It’s an easy-to-use, NO FEE way to make any of your payments to CBI – Dues, Bet Sefer, Food Cards (Ingles and Scrips), or Donations. This is a direct debit from your checking account. You just need your routing number and account number. There is also a place for a memo entry so that you can indicate the purpose of your donation (in memory of, a particular fund, etc.). Please make sure to fill in the memo box so that we can allocate your payment correctly. We have contracted with a third party web check provider for this service. They have all of the necessary security issues in place to handle sensitive account information data. Beth Israel Web Check Payments Online Mazel Tov ! 15 June Birthdays 01 Chana Ruth Alterman 03 Alan Escovitz Brad Fisher 04 Carol Cohen 06 Charles Gans Eleanore Fisher Yonah Ray 07 Kevin Boyd 08 Fred Barnet 10 Kathie Kline 11 Mark Silberstein 12 Will Tocaben 14 Della Simon Avery Matthews Teri Kayne 17 18 19 20 23 28 29 Wendy Feinberg Ralph Reeder Laurie Chess Jacquie Denio Bernard Coleman Sheila Naiman Bruce Goldstein Danielle Goldstein Jodi Travis Carl Eisdorfer Mitchell Levine Melanie Miller Zev Haselkorn Adrienne Skolnik 03 04 07 13 18 01 Bob & Carol Deutsch 05 Ira & Sheila Naiman Curtis & Dani Waters 11 Steve & Carolyn Kayne 12 David & Cathy Kayne 14 Cookie Mager & Marvin Jaffee 16 Marc Rudow & Deborah Miles 18 Neal & Beth Appel 20 Alan & Marilyn Friedman 22 Nancy & Eliot Renick 26 Jay & Marlene Jacoby 27 Bill & Jo Golson Mitchell & Susan Levine 29 Carl & Susan Eisdorfer July Anniversaries July Birthdays 01 02 June Anniversaries Gail Rosenthal Caroline Manheimer Hank Goldbaum Carrie Winkelman Isabel Gholson Alan Laibson Sharon Boas Gail Shulimson Barbara Lehrer Rochelle Neuringer 20 21 25 26 29 Heather Goldstein Zeke Goldstein Barbara Turner Marilyn Silberstein Adrian Sandler 01 02 06 09 17 Robert & Denise Pohlman Jeremy & Heather Goldstein Richard & Barbara Laibson Goldie & Hanan Weizman Eric & Heidi Scheffer June Kiddush Hosts 04 11 12 18 25 Jacquie Denio, Norm & Carrie Winkelman Bill & Jo Golson, Norman & Tamar Katzwer Shavu’ot - Bar Mitzvah of Avery Matthews – Sebastian Matthews & Ali Climo in honor of their son Avery becoming Bar Mitzvah Carol Cohen, Phyllis Cooper, David & Sharon Boas in memory of Phil Cohen Jay & Marlene Jacoby, Frank Goldsmith & Dee Cash, Bernard Coleman in honor of Jay & Marlene’s anniversary July Kiddush Hosts 02 09 16 23 30 Ira & Sheila Naiman Hanan & Goldie Weizman, Mike Weizman & Della Simon in honor of Hanan & Goldie’s 49th anniversary Eric & Frankie Weinberger + TBA TBA Robert & Karen Marcus + TBA June 2016 SUN MON TUE WED THU No Living Torah Class 4 3 2 1 No Meet the Midrash SAT FRI 12:00 pm Noon Study Group 9:30 am Shabbat morning services 6:00 pm Friday night service 9:13 pm Havdalah 8:24 pm Candles 5 6 Primary Election Voting at CBI 10:00 am CBI Annual Meeting No Meet the Midrash 2:00 pm Jewish Meditation 12 13 19 No Meet the Midrash 20 No Meet the Midrash Father’s Day No Bet Midrash 12:00 pm Noon Study Group 9:30 am Shabbat morning services 7:00 pm Board Meeting 8:28 pm Candles 9:17 pm Havdalah 9:30 pm Tikkun Leil Shavuot 16 No Living Torah Class 23 22 21 11 10 No Living Torah Class 15 14 Shavuot Shavuot 9:30 am Morn9:30 am Morning Services and ing Services Avery Matthews Bar Mitzvah 9 8 7 No Living Torah Class 18 17 12:00 pm Noon Study Group 6:00 pm Friday night service 8:30 pm Candles 9:30 am Shabbat morning services 9:19 pm Havdalah 25 24 12:00 pm Noon Study Group 9:30 am Shabbat morning services 8:32 pm Candles 6:00 pm Dinner and a Movie 9:21 pm Havdalah Rabbi on Vacation 26 No Bet Midrash 27 29 28 Ramah Darom Ramah Darom at CBI at CBI 30 No Living Torah Class No Meet the Midrash Rabbi on Vacation HA’ SHO FA R PA GE 19 July 2016 SUN MON TUE WED THU SAT FRI 2 1 12:00 pm Noon Study Group 6:00 pm Friday night service 8:32 pm Candles 9:30 am Shabbat morning services 9:21 pm Havdalah Rabbi on Vacation 4 3 No Bet Midrash 5 6 12:00 pm Meet the Midrash Independence Day CBI Office Closed 9 8 7 8:30 am Living 12:00 pm Torah at 75 N. Noon Study Group Market 8:31 pm Candles 9:30 am Shabbat morning services 9:20 pm Havdalah Rabbi on Vacation 10 11 12 13 12:00 pm Meet the Midrash Ha Shofar Deadline 10:00 am Bet Midrash 17 14 8:30 am Living Torah at 75 N. Market 7:00 pm Board Meeting 18 19 20 12:00 pm Meet the Midrash 10:00 am Bet Midrash 21 8:30 am Living Torah at 75 N. Market 16 15 12:00 pm Noon Study Group 6:00 pm Friday night service 8:28 pm Candles 9:30 am Shabbat morning services 9:17 pm Havdalah 23 22 12:00 pm Noon Study Group 9:30 am Shabbat morning services 8:24 pm Candles 9:13 pm Havdalah 24 10:00 am Bet Midrash 31 10:00 am Bet Midrash HA’ SHOFAR 25 26 27 12:00 pm Meet the Midrash 28 8:30 am Living Torah at 75 N. Market 30 29 12:00 pm Noon Study Group 8:18 pm Candles 9:30 am Shabbat morning services 12:30 pm Hasidishe Kiddush 9:07 pm Havdalah PA GE 20 June Yahrtzeits May their memories be for a blessing. Announced during services on May 28 01 (24 Iyar) Frank Goldsmith for his mother, Mary Bess Goldsmith 02 (25 Iyar) Davida Horwitz for her grandfather, Avraham Neugebauer HA’ SHO FA R June 3 & 4 05 (28 Iyar) 06 (29 Iyar) 08 (02 Sivan) 08 (02 Sivan) 09 (03 Sivan) 10 (04 Sivan) Alan Baumgarten for his aunt, Hanni Friedmann Melanie Miller for her father, Jerome Miller Robert Feirstein for his father, William Feirstein Carolyn Goldstein for her father, Richard Russell Curtis Norman Winkelman for his brother, Seymour Winkelman Barbara Miller for her grandmother, Miriam Liebowitz June 11 12 (06 Sivan) 12 (06 Sivan) 13 (07 Sivan) 14 (08 Sivan) 15 (09 Sivan) Steve Miller for his grandfather, Harold Abrams Cathy Kayne for her grandmother, Catherine Santoli Lois Bernard for her grandfather, Jacob Dipsiner Jimi Moore for her mother, Margaret Bornstein Meryl Goldstein for her brother, Charles Gardner Tillotson June 17 & 18 18 (12 Sivan) 19 (13 Sivan) 20 (14 Sivan) 21 (15 Sivan) 22 (16 Sivan) 23 (17 Sivan) 23 (17 Sivan) 24 (18 Sivan) 24 (18 Sivan) 24 (19 Sivan) Henrietta Lepsky-Cuttler for her mother, Nellie Lepsky Steve Miller for his grandmother, Irene Abrams Rochelle Reich for her grandmother, Lillian Segel Jimi Moore for her brother, Andrew Peter Bornstein Carol Cohen for her husband, Philip Cohen Sylvia Bechinsky for her father, Meyer Zimmerman Roberta Wall for her father, Sidney Wall Abe Freedman for his wife, Roslyn Freedman Alan Baumgarten for his mother, Celia Baumgarten Neal Appel for his mother, Pearl Appel June 25 26 (20 Sivan) 26 (20 Sivan) 26 (20 Sivan) 27 (21 Sivan) 28 (22 Sivan) 28 (22 Sivan) 29 (23 Sivan) 29 (23 Sivan) 30 (24 Sivan) 30 (24 Sivan) Marla Drucker for her sister, Faith Jacqueline Curtis Beth Appel for her father, Oscar Kendler Anthony Hauser for his grandfather, Abraham Hauser Eva Blinder for her mother, Charlotte Blinder Gail Shulimson for her uncle, Samuel Tabashneck Jodi Travis for her grandfather, William Travis Claire Mager-Jaffee for her father, Morris David Mager Susan Lerner for her mother, Minna Gross Kimmel Norma Schulman for her husband, Herbert Schulman Barbara Turner for her father-in-law, Robert Freid PA GE 21 July Yahrtzeits May their memories be for a blessing. Announced during services on July 1 & 2 02 (26 Sivan) Cathy Kayne for her father, John Santoli 03 (27 Sivan) Norma Schulman for her mother, Beatrice Epstein 04 (28 Sivan) Loretta Holmes for her father, Sol Finn 05 (29 Sivan) Gail Shulimson for her grandfather, Nathan Shulimson 06 (30 Sivan) Barbara Turner for her aunt, Gertrude Krubiner 06 (30 Sivan) Sara Stone for her husband, Howard B. Stone 07 (01 Tammuz) Bob Deutsch for his grandmother, Erzsi Deutsch 07 (01 Tammuz) Rochelle Reich for her grandfather, Albert Segel July 9 09 10 10 10 11 13 13 14 (03 Tammuz) (04 Tammuz) (04 Tammuz) (04 Tammuz) (05 Tammuz) (07 Tammuz) (07 Tammuz) (08 Tammuz) Barbara Laibson for her mother, Adele Levy Susan & Carl Eisdorfer for their son, Marc Eisdorfer Marlene Jacoby for her father, Samuel Rosenberg Abe Freedman for his sister, Shirley Tacktil Norman Winkelman for his uncle, Sam Winkelman Daliah Gans for her mother, Ruth Lewinbook Rochelle Neuringer for her father, Fred Rosenberg S.W. Wengrow for her mother, Rachel Pearlstein Wolff July 15 & 16 17 (11 Tammuz) 17 (11 Tammuz) 18 (12 Tammuz) 18 (12 Tammuz) 18 (12 Tammuz) 20 (14 Tammuz) 22 (16 Tammuz) Ralph Reeder for his wife, Naomi Segelman Reeder Norman Winkelman for his mother, Fannie Winkelman Bella Frishman for her mother, Irene Frishman Gerard Uhler for his mother, Bertha Uhler Adele M. Rose for her mother, Minnie Levine Mankoff Arlene Selman for her aunt, Mildred Javer Alan Silverman for his grandmother, Reba Stein July 23 23 23 23 23 25 27 29 Mirja Holmboe for her mother, Brita Ohlstrom Tamar Katzwer for her father, Rabbi Moshe Twersky Bernard Coleman for his father, David Coleman Alan & Richard Laibson for their mother, Bernice Laibson Barbara Crume for her great aunt, Janice Karesh William Lewin for his mother, Ray L. Lewin Alice Green for her father-in-law, Irving Green (17 Tammuz) (17 Tammuz) (17 Tammuz) (17 Tammuz) (19 Tammuz) (21 Tammuz) (23 Tammuz) July 30 30 (24 Tammuz) 31 (25 Tammuz) HA’ SHO FA R Sylvia Bechinsky for her sister, Annette Krantz Bruce Brown for his father, Leonard Brown PA GE 22 Beth Israel Synagogue Rabbi Justin Goldstein Congregation Beth Israel 229 Murdock Avenue Asheville, NC 28804 Office Phone (828) 252-8660 Rabbi’s Phone (828) 252-9024 Fax (828) 252-8431 email: admin@bethisraelnc.org Our Madrichim Help You Create Personal and Meaningful Programs at CBI At its core, the CBI Madrichim initiative is designed to engage each and every member on a personal level; empower each of us to create the Jewish experiences that are meaningful for us; and, in doing so, enhance our potential for authentic Jewish expression. Success is when we realize that we benefit as much by supporting another’s personal journey as we do from the program itself. What is your passion or interest: a class, a club, a social action program, a fundraiser, a tikkun olam project, a social event? Think about it. Then contact one of the folks below and let us help you make it happen! CBI Madrichim Bruce Brown Ali Climo Sally Gooze Caren Kessler Alan Silverman Mike Weizman Synagogue Office Hours: Monday to Friday 10:00 am to 4:00 pm For updated information visit our website at www.bethisraelnc.org JUNE Candle-lighting & Havdalah Friday Saturday Friday Saturday Friday Saturday Friday Saturday 6/3/2016 6/4/2016 6/10/2016 6/11/2016 6/17/2016 6/18/2016 6/24/2016 6/25/2016 8:24 pm 9:13 pm 8:28 pm 9:17 pm 8:30 pm 9:19 pm 8:32 pm 9:21 pm JULY Candle-lighting & Havdalah Friday Saturday Friday Saturday Friday Saturday Friday Saturday Friday Saturday 7/1/2016 7/2/2016 7/8/2016 7/9/2016 7/15/2016 7/16/2016 7/22/2016 7/23/2016 7/29/2016 7/30/2016 Rabbi Rabbi Justin Goldstein rabbi@bethisraelnc.org Office Administrator & Bet Sefer Lee Avishai Lisa Wiener admin@bethisraelnc.org betsefer@bethisraelnc.org A Look Ahead ! 8:32 pm 9:21 pm 8:31 pm 9:20 pm 8:28 pm 9:17 pm 8:24 pm 9:13 pm 8:18 pm 9:07 pm Annual Meeting .............. June 5 Shavuot .............. June 12 and 13 Dinner and a Movie ...... June 19 Tisha B’Av.................. August 13 Members-at-Large: Adam Kaufman Laurie Chess Jay Jacoby mal1@bethisraelnc.org mal2@bethisraelnc.org mal3@bethisraelnc.org Non-Board Committee Chairs Meryl Goldstein, Chevra Kadisha Wolff Alterman, Chevra Kadisha Executive Committee Alan Escovitz, Habitat & Mission Bruce Brown, VP Finance JaneAnne Tager, Family Circle and Ha’Shofar Editor vpfinance@bethisraelnc.org Davida Horwitz, Family Circle Della Simon, VP Programming vpprogramming@bethisraelnc.orgBruce Brown, Kitchen Danielle Tocaben, Secretary boardsecretary@bethisraelnc.org Lauren Malinoff, Yahrtzeit Bob Deutsch, Legal Counsel legal@bethisraelnc.org Barbara Lewin, Liaison Marc Penansky, Past Pres pastpresident@bethisraelnc.org Stephen Kayne, Dinner & a Movie Jeremy Samsky, House/Grounds Board Committee Chairs/Members Marc Penansky, House/Grounds Alan Silverman, Membership membership@bethisraelnc.org Josh Tager, Cemetery Security: Eva Blinder, Spiritual/Ritual ritual@bethisraelnc.org Jan Zollars, Social Action socialacion1@bethisraelnc.orgFrank Goldsmith Frank Goldsmith, Social Action socialacion2@bethisraelnc.org Alan Escovitz Sally Gooze, Development development@bethisraelnc.org Marc Rudow chevrakadisha1@bethisraelnc.org chevrakadisha2@bethisraelnc.org socialactionh4h@bethisraelnc.org familycircle1@bethisraelnc.org familycircle2@bethisraelnc.org vpfinance@bethisraelnc.org yahrtzeit@bethisraelnc.org liaison@bethisraelnc.org dinnerandamovie@bethisraelnc.org houseandgrounds1@bethisraelnc.org houseandgrounds2@bethisraelnc.org cemetery@bethisraelnc.org security1@bethisraelnc.org security2@bethisraelnc.org security3@bethisraelnc.org
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