steeple shuts down after redemptions uk firm debuts life insurance
steeple shuts down after redemptions uk firm debuts life insurance
AIN072808 24/7/08 19:05 Page 1 CREDIT SUISSE HIRES BEAR STEARNS EXECS JULY 28, 2008 VOL. IX, NO. 30 The Internal Revenue Service’s decision to class management fees as investment expenses will affect investors’ tax payments for 2007, as well as 2008 and beyond. See story, page 2 Several Bear Stearns executives have joined Credit Suisse. Christopher Alaimo, a senior managing director, now runs research sales in the multi-asset group, a joint-venture between equities and fixed income on the institutional equity floor, and former Bear Stearns colleague David Alfred is working in a similar capacity with him. Eric Laumann has also joined from Bear Stearns as a director and is working on the special situations desk. In addition, several of their colleagues have made the move with them. “[Credit Suisse] has the world’s most cutting edge hedge fund coverage platform,” Alaimo told AIN on joining the firm. “A single desk with the ability to trade stocks, equity Americas Pronounced Dead FoF Tax Rule Spells Headache For Investors Creststreet Adds Oil, Gas Exposure White House Economist Meets Hedgies Noonday PM Exits ARCIM Seeks Assets BroadStreet Delays Brazil Launch Chimay Preps Credit Fund 3 STEEPLE SHUTS DOWN AFTER REDEMPTIONS 3 4 4 6 7 Steeple Capital, the San Francisco healthcare hedge fund firm founded by Andor Capital Management veteran John Regan, has closed down following redemptions that saw assets plummet to $100 million from $500 million. The firm returned all money to investors on July 5, according to a firm official. Despite being down 10.1% this year through June 30, reasons for shutting down the Steeple Capital Offshore Fund and its onshore version are not performance-related, the official said. Redemptions took place in late 2007, in spite of the fund returning 21% last year. 7 7 (continued on page 16) Europe Credit Suisse Moving Zurich Analysts SAR Seeks Agri Managers Paris Shop Sets Up Managed Account Russian Firm Rebounds Blackfish Readies L/S Strat 7 9 9 Asia Pacific Triple A Gets Sales Pro 10 Departments Data Zone Mandate Scoreboard Alternatives Manager Search Directory 10 11 14 COPYRIGHT NOTICE: No part of this publication may be copied, photocopied or duplicated in any form or by any means without Institutional Investor’s prior written consent. Copying of this publication is in violation of the Federal Copyright Law (17 USC 101 et seq.). Violators may be subject to criminal penalties as well as liability for substantial monetary damages, including statutory damages up to $100,000 per infringement, costs and attorney’s fees. Copyright 2008 Institutional Investor, Inc. All rights reserved. ISSN# 1544-7596 For information regarding subscription rates and electronic licenses, please contact Dan Lalor at (212) 224-3045. (continued on page 16) U.K. FIRM DEBUTS LIFE INSURANCE PLAY Opus Investment Funds Management is launching the first offering of its kind—a hedge fund-like strategy in the form of a Financial Services Authority-registered corporation that invests in life insurance policies held by individuals over the age of 65. Opus Life Assets is expected to raise £500 million this year and has no capacity limit, said Managing Director Paul Bruton. Registering with the FSA allows the firm to offer the strategy to any resident of the European Union. Being U.K.-domiciled, it is (continued on page 16) WARD FERRY ASIA STRATS GIVE UP GROUND Three of Ward Ferry Management’s funds are down for the year due to eroding market conditions in Asia. According to Ward Ferry documents, its flagship Asia Fund was down -3.88% in June and -8.92% on the year, its Japan Fund dropped -7.06% in June and is down -14.86% on the year, and its Asian Smaller Companies Fund was flat in the second quarter at 0.97%, seeing its gains in April and May erased in June. The $1.1 billion flagship fund fell due to stagflation fears and sharp rises in food and energy prices. The firm is optimistic that oil will decline, but expects U.S. consumption (continued on page 15) Check during the week for breaking news and updates. AIN072808 24/7/08 19:04 Page 2 Alternative Investment News July 28, 2008 Victory Rolls Out Credit Fund Victory Capital Management has launched an absolute return credit strategy, which will take long and short positions on credit, including credit default swaps, and will use some municipal bond arbitrage. The fund has been seeded with $30 million by a corporate pension plan, which is already a Victory client for fixed-income, said Chris Ohmacht, head of institutional sales and client service. He declined to name the pension fund. The timing for the strategy was right because of activity in the credit markets and rising demand from investors for absolute return strategies. The fund’s strategy will target 10-13% net returns annually with 2-3% volatility. It offers full transparency, monthly liquidity and an attractive fee structure, Ohmacht said. The fees include a 75 basis-point management fee and a 20% performance fee. There is increasing demand in the marketplace for absolute return strategies, as investors look for alternatives to fixed-income for lowering volatility, Ohmacht said. “Given the inflationary fears in the market and the low level of interest rates, I don’t believe that fixed-income is a good instrument for low volatility right now,” said Craig Ruch, cio of fixed-income, who is managing the strategy. The fund will use a bottom-up approach. “We see a lot of idiosyncratic risk in the credit markets right now and bottom-up research will be extremely important to generating alpha,” Ruch said. “This allows us to run a lowvolatility, high-quality fund and produce positive returns in any market environment,” he added. Ruch is planning to close the fund at $500 million. IRS FoF Ruling To Impact 2007 Tax Returns The new ruling by the Internal Revenue Service that funds of hedge funds’ management fees are investment expenses, not tax-deductible business costs, will not only affect 2008 tax payments for investors, but also those from 2007. The first U.S. tax deadline is three-and-a-half months after the end of a firm’s fiscal year, but many funds of funds opt to file extensions, giving them an additional six months to complete the tax forms. These extensions carry over to investors, since they must wait to file until after they receive their K-1 forms, the source document for monies earned from hedge funds. Funds of hedge funds that have not yet sent out their K-1 forms may now need to refer to management fees as investment expenses for 2007 taxes, which would affect investors, said Michael Serota, co-leader of the global hedge funds practice at Ernst & Young. Serota said in theory this could affect K-1 forms that were previously submitted. Michael Laveman, a partner at Eisner LLP who works with alternative investment firms, said he has received a number of phone calls about the IRS ruling, many from clients seeking clarification. “It’s sort of an ugly situation right now,” Laveman said. “Funds of funds’ tax returns don’t go out until the summer.” Laveman said he anticipates most funds of hedge funds will apply the ruling to their extended 2007 tax return filings. If they do not, they may be required to amend their returns later this year, causing headaches for their investors as well as the firms themselves, he said. Still, Laveman said that when it comes to tax rulings, most fund managers he talks to are not nearly as worried about these deductions as they are about who will be in the White House come January 20, 2009, and whether or not—and by how much—the next president will change capital gains tax. 2 EDITORIAL PUBLISHING TOM LAMONT Editor BRISTOL VOSS Publisher (212) 224-3628 STEVE MURRAY Deputy Editor ROBERT MURRAY Managing Editor and London Co-Bureau Chief (44-20) 7303-1705 DOUG CUBBERLEY Managing Editor-Asia and Hong Kong Bureau Chief (852) 2912-8052 HARRIET AGNEW Senior Reporter [London] (44-20) 7779-8261 SUZY KENLY Senior Reporter (212) 224-3978 CORRIE DRIEBUSCH Associate Reporter (212) 224-3271 SARAH ILENE KLEIN Associate Reporter (212) 224-3648 VENILIA BATISTA AMORIM London Co-Bureau Chief (44-20) 7303-1718 STANLEY WILSON Washington Bureau Chief (202) 393-0728 KIERON BLACK Sketch Artist PRODUCTION DANY PEÑA Director LYNETTE STOCK, DEBORAH ZAKEN Managers MICHELLE TOM, MELISSA ENSMINGER, BRIAN STONE, JAMES BAMBARA, JENNIFER BOYD Associates JENNY LO Web Production & Design Director ADVERTISING AND BUSINESS PUBLISHING JONATHAN WRIGHT Publisher (212) 224-3566 ERIK KOLB Editor, Business Publishing (212) 224-3785 PAT BERTUCCI, MAGGIE DIAZ, LANCE KISLING, ADI HALLER Associate Publishers BRIAN GOLDMAN Advertising Production Manager (212) 224-3216 LESLIE NG Advertising Coordinator (212) 224-3212 ©Institutional Investor News 2008. Reproduction requires publisher’s prior permission. ANTHONY DeROJAS Senior Marketing Manager (212) 224-3099 ARCHANA KAPUR Associate Marketing Manager (212) 224-3421 JAMES MERRINGTON Asian and European Marketing Manager [London] (44-20) 7779-8023 VINCENT YESENOSKY Senior Operations Manager (212) 224-3057 DAVID SILVA Senior Fulfillment Manager (212) 224-3573 SUBSCRIPTIONS/ ELECTRONIC LICENSES One year - $2,645 (in Canada add $30 postage, others outside U.S. add $75). DAN LALOR Director of Sales (212) 224-3045 MATT COLBECK Account Executive (212) 224-3568 AIDEN NEVILLE Account Executive [London] (44-20) 779-8076 REPRINTS DEWEY PALMIERI Reprint & Permission Manager (212) 224-3675 CORPORATE GARY MUELLER Chairman & CEO CHRISTOPHER BROWN President STEVE KURTZ Chief Operating Officer ROBERT TONCHUK Director/Central Operations & Fulfillment Customer Service: PO Box 5016, Brentwood, TN 37024-5016. Tel: 1-800-715-9195. Fax: 1-615-377-0525 UK: 44 20 7779 8704 Hong Kong: 852 2842 6910 E-mail: Editorial Offices: 225 Park Avenue South, New York, NY 10003. Tel: (44-20) 7303-1705 [London] Email: Alternative Investment News is a general circulation weekly. No statement in this issue is to be construed as a recommendation to buy or sell securities or to provide investment advice. Alternative Investment News ©2008 Institutional Investor, Inc. ISSN# 1544-7596 Copying prohibited without the permission of the Publisher. AIN072808 24/7/08 19:48 Page 3 July 28, 2008 Alternative Investment News The Americas HDF To Add Analyst In New York Paris-based fund of hedge funds firm HDF Financial plans to add an analyst to its staff of two in New York. The firm opened an office in the U.S. in February in order to better source U.S.based single-manager hedge funds, noted Christophe Chouard, head of sales. HDF has not increased or decreased its exposure to U.S.-based managers, but the New York office better prepares the firm to do so in the future, Chouard said. The $5 billion firm has offices in Brussels, Geneva and Singapore. Chouard said the firm may expand elsewhere but as of now it has no concrete plans. Creststreet Slowly Re-Ups Oil, Gas Exposure Toronto-based Creststreet Asset Management reduced exposure to the crude oil and natural gas sectors in its global energy hedge fund in mid-June, but now has begun buying back some oil and natural gas equities at reduced prices. The equities it has been buying include oil and gas exploration companies Open Range Energy and Twin Butte Energy. Global Energy Opportunities Fund is up nearly 52% year-todate with about 14% returns in June. Portfolio Manager Aaron Maybin and Founder Robert Toole said the fund is maintaining long exposure to Canadian oil sands developers. The fund has about $25 million, with the firm’s total assets under management topping $215 million. horseman, Research in Motion. Although Sprott has been shorting Amazon for a while, he said he’s become more aggressive lately because of the company’s model, shipping small numbers of books to far-off locations. “Shipping three books to Poughkeepsie cannot be economically efficient,” Sprott noted, pointing to the high costs of transportation. Sprott has more than $2.5 billion in its hedge funds. In its Sprott Hedge LP fund it is about 55-60% short and about 95% long. Emerging Capital Hires Analyst In Nigeria Emerging Capital Partners, the Washington, D.C.-based private equity firm that invests solely in Africa, has hired an analyst for its newly-opened Nigerian office. Hurley Doddy, chief operating officer, declined to name the person but said ECP is seeing an increase in the number of resumes it receives Hurley Doddy given all of the turmoil on Wall Street. The office in Nigeria is the sixth in Africa for the firm. It is almost completely committed with its fifth fund, ECP Africa Fund II, the second major Pan-African fund for the firm with $523 million. Last August, CEO Thomas Gibian told AIN that the firm was preparing its sixth fund but that plans wouldn’t be developed until early 2008. Doddy declined to comment on this given fundraising constraints. Sprott Profits From Bearish View White House Advisor Treks To Greenwich Canadian firm Sprott Asset Management has returned about 25% year-to-date in its Sprott Hedge LP, returns that CEO Eric Sprott attributes to the firm’s belief in the peak oil thesis—that world energy production will go down and prices will go up from here on out—and its overall view of stock market slowdown. Sprott said much of the firm’s performance on the long side came out from coal, as well as from its holding of Timminco Ltd., a lightweight metal producer. The fund also owns silver and gold bullion. The firm has what Sprott calls a dire fear of the financial market, and has been short the banking system, the brokerage system, the mortgage insurers, such as Fannie and Freddie, and the bond insurers. It has taken short positions on three of what are sometimes referred to as the “Four Horsemen of Tech”: Amazon, Apple and Google. Sprott is not short the fourth White House economist Korok Ray traveled to Greenwich on July 18 to meet about 15-20 hedge fund managers, including Jonathan Feniak and K Daniel Libby of Sands Brothers. It marked the first such trip and broke the mold of White House reps getting most of their Wall Street information from the big banks. Libby said one key point he and Feniak emphasized was the role hedge funds play in the economy, especially in the current market. Banks and insurers have been blowing up, Libby explained, and they’re no longer able to provide financing because they lack the necessary capital. There is a real need for hedge funds to fill capital voids through ABL funds that provide new capital or distressed funds that can buy assets that are getting too far away from actual value, he said. Feniak and Libby said with the president leaving office in the next five months they received no indication there would be any policy changes. To receive email alerts or online access, call 800-715-9195. 3 AIN072808 24/7/08 19:04 Page 4 Alternative Investment News July 28, 2008 The Americas (cont’d) Noonday PM Departs Ryan Alexander, portfolio manager at Noonday Global Management, has left the firm. He worked in Noonday’s Charlotte, N.C., office. An official confirmed his departure but declined to comment. COO John Short did not return calls by press time. Reasons for Alexander’s departure could not be learned, nor could his future plans. Noonday manages several credit, merger arbitrage and real estate hedge funds, and invests in public and private debt and equities, as well as in private companies. In addition to Charlotte, it has offices in London, Singapore and Hong Kong. LRG, Signature Fund Contracts Bank Deals The joint fund created by San Francisco-based LRG Capital and Dubai financial house Signature Group is in the contract process of taking a controlling stake in two small, regional banks in Singapore and Indonesia. LRG Founder and President Larry Goldfarb declined to name the banks because they are publicly held. The LRG Capital Signature Momentum fund launched early this month and invests in local charter banks in emerging markets such as India, Africa, China and Southeast Asia (totalalternatives, April 23). Since its launch, the fund has grown to $150 million from $50 million on account of additional funds from Singapore and Dubai. Goldfarb declined to state the amount of capital LRG puts into each deal, but he did say LRG would invest no more than one-third of its assets in any one deal. The fund uses 3:1 debt to equity leverage. The Signature Momentum fund is one of four LRG strategies. The firm has about $1 billion in assets under management. N.Y. Firm To Launch L/S Equity Fund Clear Asset Management plans to launch its first hedge fund in August, a long/short equity strategy using quantitative models. The fund, based on the firm’s long-only Large Cap Growth and Large Cap Value strategies, will be beta neutral. Co-founder Andrew Corn said the firm decided to launch the fund after seeing many institutions seeking less correlation and less volatility. The fund will use multi-factor models to rank large capital and highly liquid stocks daily, after which the firm’s investment team will review the results before making final investment decisions. The long book of the firm’s new fund has near-identical holdings as Clear Asset Management’s long-only fund. The firm seeded the fund with $2 million to run internally for 4 the past five months. Now the firm is beginning to market the strategy, and Corn said he hopes to launch with $25-50 million. Corn and Co-Founder Lisa Goldenberg have computer software backgrounds at MasterApproach, a software developer focused on asset managers that was sold in 2001 to Citigate. They founded Clear Asset Management about four years ago. The firm has $100 million assets under management with a sales office in Wayne, Penn., Corn said, ARCIM To Raise Capital ARCIM Advisors is looking to grow assets for its ARCIM Commodities Fund by the end of the year. The firm manages more than $600 million and will begin actively marketing the fund after not doing so last year. ARCIM hit the two-year mark in June and has a greater number of ideas for investing. The bulk of the inflows will likely come from existing investors or investors that ARCIM has had a relationship with since its launch in July 2006 who weren’t ready to invest until a track record had been established. ARCIM Commodities is up 9.5% year-to-date. The fund has a minimum investment of $5 million and fees of 2/20. The firm’s investor base is made up primarily of funds of funds and institutional clients, including pensions and endowments. The firm has added a portfolio manager and an analyst in the last two months, bringing the staff to 20. ARCIM was founded by Harry Arora and won Emerging Manager of the Year at AIN’s 5th Annual Hedge Fund Industry Awards. Nisha Arora, director in charge of business and investor relations, declined to comment. Sogoloff Ramps Up Quant Portfolio Horton Point, the quantitative firm set up by Alexandra Investment Management Co-Founder Dimitri Sogoloff, has rolled out new strategies within its Gallery Master Fund. The fund, which was launched May 1, has now allocated all target capital to its equity strategy, which Sogoloff said has performed well compared to the market, and over 75% to each of the interest rate arbitrage, credit arbitrage and re-insurance strategies. The volatility arbitrage strategy, due to begin trading in June, was delayed because models indicated unstable conditions for volatility. Sogoloff said that this particular model fares well under stable conditions. Gallery is run alongside a simulated model that acts as a control for the quant strategy. The fund’s fixed-income strategy shut itself down after encountering unfamiliar territory with the euro/dollar futures drop on June 9-10. The model is equipped with risk management elements that cause the strategy to shut down if it detects something it doesn’t recognize. The simulated ©Institutional Investor News 2008. Reproduction requires publisher’s prior permission. AIN-IMN EEJ1121 Italian Page BW Snipe 7/17/08 10:17 AM Page 1 The Sixth Annual ITALIAN HEDGE FUND INVESTORS’ SUMMIT 18 September 2008 Hotel Principe di Savoia Milan, Italy P lease join IMN in Milan this September for our sixth wide ranging Summit on Italian Hedge Fund Investing. The 2008 Summit begins with a special Workshop specically designed for Investors. In addition, the Summit provides a rare opportunity to join other Investors in private meetings with 10 Hedge Fund Managers. Session Topics include: Italian Market & Regulatory Update, Macro & Quantitative Investing Analyses, UCITS and Structured Products. Limited Complimentary Admission For Qualied Investors. For More Information, Please Contact: Lori Jacobs, Program Director, IMN Tel: +1-212-901-0503, Email: For the Most Current Information, Please Visit: Tel: 1-212-768-2800 | Fax: 1-212-768-2484 | Email: AIN072808 24/7/08 19:04 Page 6 Alternative Investment News July 28, 2008 The Americas (cont’d) strategy continued to operate without interruption, resulting in a negative return for the month. The actual return posted positive due to the risk management trigger but Sogoloff would not specify a number. The fixed-income strategy is expected to resume trading sometime this month. BroadStreet Postpones Brazil Fund Launch New York-based BroadStreet Capital Partners has postponed the launch of its Brazil-focused hedge fund. The BCP Brazil Middle Market Fund was slated to launch in February (, Feb. 1) but the firm has postponed the launch until August due to difficulties raising assets. An official at the firm confirmed the fund’s delayed launch but declined to elaborate. The strategy was originally supposed to focus on asset-backed lending in the middle market and consumer finance growth in Brazil, but the firm has now changed the fund’s strategy. The official declined to comment on the new strategy. Further details could not be learned by press time. Big Apple Shop Readies Credit Fund Chimay Capital Management is preparing to launch a credit fund to capitalize on the availability of discounted bank debt and excess unsyndicated deals at investment banks. The fund is expected to roll out at the start of the fourth quarter with several hundred million dollars, Founder Guy Albert de Chimay told AIN. Jason Colodne and Jason Beckman have recently joined the New York firm as partners to co-manage the fund. The strategy, which has not yet been named, will invest in discounted senior secured debt, direct originations and classical distressed situations, said Colodne. The $200 million firm’s only other strategy is the long/short U.S. equity Spartan Mullen Chimay, which the new fund is designed to complement. Spartan is a directional trading strategy with monthly liquidity, whereas the new fund uses fundamental analysis and has a two-year hard lockup, noted Colodne. Spartan is up 3.77% this year. The firm is targeting existing investors in the Spartan funds who want to stabilize assets in a less-liquid offering, as well as institutional investors and high-net-worth friends and family, said Chimay. The fund will be available in an onshore Delawareregistered offering and an offshore, Cayman-domiciled version. The investment minimum will be $1 million. Fees will be 2/20. Colodne and Beckman worked together for seven years at 6 Goldman Sachs. Colodne was also a managing director at Morgan Stanley and, most recently, was at Patriarch Partners, a $6 billion turnaround private equity fund. Beckman worked at Deutsche Bank in the distressed group. Millennium To Target Pre-IPO Companies New York-based Millennium Technology Ventures is taking advantage of the illiquid market by planning to launch a fifth fund to buy out holdings from venture capital investors. The deals will provide liquidity for these investors, and Millennium makes money when the company whose equity it purchased goes public. The fund is capitalizing on the increased number of equity holders seeking liquidity. Millennium was founded by former Blackstone Group pros Daniel Burstein and Samuel Schwerin. The firm has made about 100 transactions since setting up in 2002, and in the current economy Schwerin said he expects the firm will be making four-to-five times as many investments in 2008 as it did in 2007. Transactions range from less than $1 million to more than $15 million. Today’s economy is in a “venture capital crisis,” stemming from the lock-up of assets, Schwerin explained, adding that a successful company is typically in existence for an average of eight-and-a-half years before its IPO. Millennium is buying equity that has already been held for about five years, thus shortening its own holding time. Venrock Associates alum Jonathan Glass recently joined the firm as its chief financial officer. In addition to his hiring, Schwerin said he expects to double Millennium’s team of 10 in the coming months in anticipation of the new fund’s launch. Schwerin declined to specify when the fund will launch. Prisma To Cross The Hudson The $5 billion fund of hedge funds firm Prisma Capital Partners will move its main office from Jersey City to Manhattan in November. The firm is also seeking to hire in total seven portfolio managers, risk managers, and operations professionals in its New York office in upcoming months, said an official at Girish Reddy the firm. The firm opened a London office in February headed by Paul Roberts, and will staff its London space with more research analysts. The hiring spree is due to the overall expansion of the business, which will launch a new fund of funds by the end of ©Institutional Investor News 2008. Reproduction requires publisher’s prior permission. AIN072808 24/7/08 19:04 Page 7 July 28, 2008 Alternative Investment News The Americas (cont’d) this year or early next year. The official declined to offer any information on the latest fund, as the firm is still in the planning stages. Prisma’s flagship fund of funds has 40 underlying managers in its portfolio, and the firm will add up to four managers by year’s end. Prisma is eyeing managers focused on residential mortgages, bank debt, distressed, and corporate debt, given opportunities available in this space. Last year, the fund invested primarily in managers focused on fixed income and credit. The official declined to cite returns. The firm is also fundraising and is approaching mostly large institutions in the U.S., Europe and Asia. Several pensions and insurance companies in Japan, Australia, Denmark, Switzerland and Germany have recently invested in the fund. In the first half of this year, Prisma has raised $650 million. Girish Reddy, Gavyn Davies and Thomas Healey cofounded Prisma as a joint venture with AEGON USA Investment Management in January 2005 (, Jan. 19, 2005). Previously they all worked at Goldman Sachs. BroadStreet manages two U.S.-and Europe-focused multistrategy hedge funds. Europe Credit Suisse To Move Zurich Analysts To London Credit Suisse plans to move its Zurich-based funds of funds analysts to London by September. It is believed that there are fewer than 10 analysts in the group. It is not clear if all present analysts have been asked to move or whether analysts who choose not to move will be reassigned in Zurich. The firm’s human resources department in Zurich was due to meet with the analysts last Friday. Further details could not be learned by press time. Suzanne Fleming, spokeswoman for Credit Suisse, declined to comment. Environmental FoF Seeks Managers Zurich-based Systematic Absolute Return SAR plans to add up to four managers to its flagship fund of hedge funds. The firm is approaching primarily agriculture managers, as it views these as largely untapped, said Andrew Perry, head of business development. “[The developing world] is eating up the food chain,” Perry said. And as people in developing countries eat more beef, chicken, and eggs, more grain and water will be needed to produce the food, leading to “a huge driver in agriculture investments.” The SAR Environmental Fund currently has seven managers in its portfolio, including long/short equity, market neutral, assetbased lending and agriculture commodities. While many environmental funds are down 20-30%, SAR’s fund dipped just 71 basis points this year through June 30. SAR managed to avoid the rocky markets by investing in hedge funds that trade carbon certificates—when a company successfully captures methane or Co2 from drilling, it then creates a certificate deeming it to be socially responsible. “Trading […] the carbon emissions markets have been good hedges,” Perry said. “We’re one of the few out there who’s doing it.” SAR Environmental is open to new investors and Perry is approaching pensions, endowments, family offices, funds of funds and high-net-worth individuals. Its capacity is $500 million. He declined to cite current assets under management. Arne Schmidt and Michael Ahrndt co-manage the fund. The firm will roll out what it believes to be the first environmentally responsible private equity fund later this year (, April 18). French Firm Opens Managed Account Paris-based Varenne Capital Partners has opened its first managed account for U.K. firm Witan Investment Trust. Witan, with €2 billion in assets, allocated €40 million to the French hedge fund last month. Founder Giuseppe Perrone told AIN that while Varenne has no immediate plans to open additional managed accounts, the firm may consider doing so for other long-term investors, he added. In addition to the managed account, the $160 million Varenne manages three hedge funds—the Varenne Selection Fund, the Varenne Value Active Fund and the offshore Varenne Value Active Fund. The funds invest in pan-European mid-to large-cap companies across all sectors. The Selection fund is currently invested in Group Norbert Dentressangle, France’s largest road transportation provider and trucking company, which brings goods between the U.K. and Europe. Varenne is also invested in Inditex Group, a Spanish clothing retailer, and Dutch food service company Sligro Food Group. Varenne avoids financial, real estate, and technology sectors. “We’ve always had that [approach],” Perrone said. “People in 2005 To receive email alerts or online access, call 800-715-9195. 7 Total AIN HA0630P4C 6/20/08 11:07 AM Page 1 TOTAL ALTERNATIVES Your daily news source for hedge funds, private equity and other alternatives Total Alternatives is your up-to-the minute source for intelligence on hedge funds, private equity and other alternatives. is the industry’s essential source for: > Inside info on competitors, new fund launches, people moves and more SIGN UP FOR A FREE MONTH OF ACCESS TO TOTAL ALTERNATIVES TODAY! > Usable, bankable investor allocation leads while there’s still time to act! > Comprehensive coverage of the global alternatives market > New strategies and emerging trends > Global coverage with reporters on the ground in the U.S., Europe and Asia A trial to Total Alternatives includes: > 24-hour access to real-time news on > Customizable daily email alerts to give you the breaking news that affects your business > Data on hedge funds broken out by strategy and including rate of returns, annualized volume, and assets > Mobile friendly emails and website so that you can access Total Alternatives from your Blackberry or other mobile device > Unlimited access to the online searchable archive To sign up for a free trial, go to: AIN072808 24/7/08 19:27 Page 9 July 28, 2008 Alternative Investment News Europe (cont’d) asked us ‘Why don’t you invest [in financials]?’” These are risky investments, given the amount of debt investors have to take on, he pointed out. “[We like] companies with predictable cash flows.” The firm also avoids investing in commodities. “We’re not interested because commodity prices vary on the balance of supply and demand,” he said. This year through June, the fund is down 4%, compared against the MSCI Europe Index, which is down 12% in the same time frame. Last year, it was up 10.35%. Blackfish Preps New L/S Strat London firm Blackfish Capital Management will unveil its latest strategy later in the summer, a long/short fund to invest in both equity and debt. Co-Managers Peter Lynch and Harley Rowland will oversee the Blackfish Capital Talisman Fund. Lynch confirmed the launch but declined to comment and Rowland did not return calls. Further details about the fund could not be learned by press time. Lynch joined Blackfish in 2005. Previously he was a senior analyst at Citigroup from 2002-2005, and before that, an oil and gas equity analyst at Baker Steel Capital Managers. Rowland joined the firm last November from Millennium Global Investments, where he was a distressed and special situations analyst for five years. Most recently, Blackfish launched a global macro strategy in May (, May 12) and a long/short European equity fund last July (, Sept. 7, 2007). Russian Firm Bounces Back Halcyon Advisors, the Moscow-based firm that invests solely in the Russian power sector, is up 3.31% for June after being down nearly 6% in May with its $110 million HH Generation fund. The returns are due primarily to the end of the first phase of the Russian power sector reform which began with the break-up of Unified Energy Systems, the government held monopoly that combined all aspects of generation, distribution, transmission, sales and service companies. According to its June newsletter, HH Generation made gains on the spinoffs of UES. Arminé Guledjian, v.p., said that the reform is putting Halcyon in a great position for the coming months and that there are a number of companies trading way below their fundamental value. She added that currently the fund has investments in Federal Grid Company, which is responsible for power transmission and that this is a significant area of interest for the firm. When UES broke up and disbanded, it was removed from utilities indices. The formation of Federal Grid Company and several other billion dollar power companies in its place will create significant change in the market when these companies are added to the indices and index funds begin investing in them. Halcyon’s flagship fund, Halcyon Power Investment Company, closed in May with $250 million and no redemptions until 2011. There is still over-the-counter trading on shares in the fund. Horseman Rolls Out U.S. Fund Horseman Capital Management has launched a version of the Horseman Emerging Market Opportunities fund for U.S. taxable investors. The Delaware-registered strategy launched on July 1 in response to demand from investors who can’t allocate to an offshore fund, said Alain Zakeossian, client relationship manager. It mirrors the strategy of the existing fund, managed by Russell Clark. The emerging markets fund returned 6.91% in June, mainly through some successful shorts. Those targeting Indian financials were particularly profitable, according to an investor letter. The fund remains net-short, as Clark is expecting large selloffs in the bond and currency markets due to rising interest rates, which will have a negative effect on equities. The fund is up 3.58% this year through June. The London firm launched a similar version of the Horseman Europe Select Fund in January (, Feb. 15). A U.S. version of the Horseman Global Fund was launched in 2002. Merrill HF Sales Pro Seen Heading To Morgan Stanley Matt Renirie, Merrill Lynch London’s head of equity derivative sales to hedge funds, has resigned and is expected to join Morgan Stanley, where he will head the European equity derivatives flow sales team. He resigned last week and is expected to join Morgan Stanley’s London office in early September. Renirie declined to comment when contacted on his mobile. Morgan Stanley spokesman Sebastian Howell also declined to comment and the Merrill Lynch press office did not return calls. Renirie’s appointment comes after the departures of Nick Tranter, Morgan Stanley’s former head of equity derivative flow and structured sales, and Jamie Kermisch, head of European hedge fund coverage. Tranter left for BNP Paribas late last year, and Kermisch joined Fauchier Partners last month (AIN, July 21). Earlier this year Morgan Stanley reshuffled its team, with Giuseppe di Stani taking on sales responsibilities and being named head of equity derivatives distribution in Europe. Reporting lines once Renirie is in place were not immediately clear, but market officials say he is strong in exotics sales. To receive email alerts or online access, call 800-715-9195. 9 AIN072808 24/7/08 19:04 Page 10 Alternative Investment News July 28, 2008 Asia Pacific Triple A Hires Sales Pro; MENA Fund Coming In Autumn Hong Kong’s Triple A Partners has hired a sales and marketing professional for Asia to aid an expansion plan that will see it seed a MENA fund in the fall and enter a partnership with an Asia market-neutral hedge fund at the end of October. The firm also intends to hire an additional Hong Kong-based salesperson to focus on Japan. Roger Pyke, deputy chief executive and head of sales for Asia Pacific, said Joanne Murphy will join the firm next month as marketing director for Asia Pacific. Murphy, who has had stints at HSBC, Deutsche Bank and Fortis, will focus on institutions, funds of funds, family offices and insurers as Triple A seeks to add $200 million to the $100 million it has already raised. Murphy is likely to spend the bulk of her time on funds of funds and family offices, said Pyke, in addition to established relationships. “It would be foolish not to exploit her existing contacts,” he added. She joins a growing sales and marketing team; Triple A recently hired Win Ghriskey in New York and Kristi Berge, in London, joined about four months ago. Murphy was on vacation and unavailable for comment. Pyke said it was too early to comment on details of the MENA fund and the Asian market-neutral partnership. Triple A will seed each fund with about $20 million. The firm, also known as Asia Alternative Asset Partners, has seeded two funds so far. And in May it announced plans to back KS Asset Management’s KS Asia Long/Short Fund. The fund, which will be 80% biased to South Korea and will be managed by former Kingdon Capital Asia team member Kyle Shin, should launch by the end of October. Data Zone PERFORMANCE SNAPSHOT: GLOBAL MACRO HEDGE FUNDS The table below displays some of this year’s top performing global macro hedge funds, according to data provided by Eurekahedge. Fund Eurekahedge Macro Hedge Fund Index** Global Macro Clarium Crescat Global Macro Fund Bearing Fund Vegasoul Fund Pivot Global Value Fund Quantedge Global Fund The Claritas G4 Fund Harmonic Global Fund QFS Global Macro Fund Credit Suisse GTAA Global Macro Fund CCP Quantitative Fund - Babbage Class Balestra Capital Partners Finch Africa Excalibur Absolute Return Fund Porcupine Global Macro Plus Japan Macro Fund BIA Pacific Macro Fund MLM Macro - Peak Partners Offshore Fund QFS Fixed Income Fund Danix Fund Manager Clarium Capital Management Crescat Partners Bearing Asset Vegasoul Capital Management Pivot Capital Management Quantedge Capital Claritas Investimentos e Participações Harmonic Capital Partners QFS Asset Management Credit Suisse Asset Management Cantab Capital Partners Balestra Capital Finch International Advisors Excalibur Funds Management Pty Castlestone Management Asia Genesis Asset Management BIA Management Mount Lucas Management QFS Asset Management Danix Capital Investments Region June ‘08 Return -0.23 2008 YTD return 1.84 2007 return 12.14 Annualised Std Deviation 4.37 Sharpe Ratio 1.57 AuM (US$ Mln) Global Global North America Global Global Global Latin America Global Global Global Global Global Middle East & Africa Global Global Asia inc Japan Asia inc Japan Global Global Global 16.00 -0.16 19.24 4.60 2.27 5.39 1.68 4.21 1.33 4.75 -0.95 4.38 -0.98 -0.36 0.98 0.05 1.06 -3.73 -0.36 3.75 57.84 40.10 34.78 33.23 19.70 15.01 14.48 14.14 13.66 13.43 11.57 10.98 10.65 9.89 9.54 8.70 8.35 7.80 7.62 7.58 40.38 77.71 70.62 38.35 48.47 18.85 2.12 2.87 36.38 20.34 7.97 199.15 43.15 21.39 8.07 11.95 18.65 22.51 12.26 9.22 24.22 25.24 25.11 17.25 10.31 32.43 16.71 10.80 14.55 20.81 8.07 40.58 9.88 10.74 8.82 37.41 10.35 19.74 6.65 5.44 1.53 2.29 0.32 3.16 1.39 1.18 0.89 0.36 0.53 1.41 1.36 0.67 3.52 2.19 0.99 0.38 1.12 0.58 -0.21 0.40 6384 66 18 98 496 25 113 Not Disclosed 193 401 56 590 47 19 110 724 Not Disclosed 359 109 8 -0.71 0.74 15.12 6.06 2.26 Other Macro Indices Eurekahedge Emerging Markets Macro Hedge Fund Index Notes: * Ranked by 2008 YTD Returns ** Based on 75% of the funds reporting their Jun-08 returns as at 22-July-2008 Eurekahedge Commentary Macro managers had a flat month (-0.2%) this June, against a backdrop of wide swings across the underlying markets. Equities had a rough month, as the MSCI World Index plunged 8.1%, on the back of heightened inflationary concerns, and renewed uncertainties about the financial sector. The commodity markets rallied strongly, with the Reuters CRB Index up a solid 10.1% on the month; crude oil prices breached the USD 140/barrel mark, during the month, amid tensions across the Middle-East, among other things. The bond markets remained more-or-less unchanged on a monthly basis, while the currency markets saw the US dollar slip further against the Euro, as the Fed gave no indication of a rate increase in June. Global allocations for the strategy finished the month flat to positive, as losses from long equity exposure were more-than-offset by commodity-, and to some extent, currency-trades. Emerging market managers, however, were down 0.7% on the month, as unusually sharp downturns in emerging market equities (India, China and Brazil were down 18, 20 and 10 percentage points respectively) negatively impacted regional allocations. 10 ©Institutional Investor News 2008. Reproduction requires publisher’s prior permission. AIN072808 24/7/08 19:04 Page 11 July 28, 2008 Alternative Investment News Mandate Scoreboard Powered by: i i s e a r c h e s . c o m The table below shows new allocation commitments gained by alternative managers year-to-date through July 23. The 2007 column denotes last year’s ranking. Wins represent the number of new mandates the firm has won this year. 2008 Tally Rank 1 2007 4 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 24 25 26 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 34 131 99 15 63 110 5 3 6 23 165 80 332 111 57 13 57 261 44 22 211 38 39 40 42 43 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 54 55 56 57 49 142 148 80 36 89 26 125 97 61 50 66 67 68 69 8 77 208 Firms Hired Wins J.C. Flowers & Co. 1 Kohlberg Kravis Roberts & Co. 1 GLG Partners 2 TPG Capital 7 PIMCO 8 BridgePoint Capital 6 Credit Suisse 7 Bridgewater Associates 2 Advent International 9 Barclays Global Investors 6 The Blackstone Group 8 CVC Capital Partners 7 Stone Harbor Investment Partners 1 Carlyle Group 6 FountainVest 2 Texas Pacific Group 3 Alinda Capital Partners 4 Lone Star Funds 2 JPMorgan Asset Management 3 Riverstone/Carlyle 2 Capital Guardian Trust Company 1 Deutsche Asset Management 1 Mellon Capital Management 1 Baring Asset Management 4 Madison Dearborn Partners 7 Jennison Associates 1 T. Rowe Price 1 Avenue Capital Management 3 First Reserve Corporation 2 Grove Street Advisors 1 Lazard Asset Management 2 Franklin Templeton Investments 1 Smith Breeden Associates 1 Fortress Investment Group 1 FrontPoint Partners 1 Oak Hill Capital Partners 1 Industry Fund Services 1 Lindsay Goldberg & Bessemer 3 Wayzata Investment Partners 3 CDH Investments 1 Hony Capital 1 Babcock & Brown 4 Sankaty Advisors 3 Schroder Investment Management 3 Summit Partners 4 Partners Group 3 Onex Corp. 3 JPMorgan Private Equity Fund Services 2 Tenaska Capital Management 4 Macquarie Infrastructure Group 4 Gresham Investment Management 2 Actis 2 Selene Investment Partners 2 WL Ross & Co. 1 Apollo Investment Corporation 4 Nordic Capital 2 The Banc Funds Company 2 The Jordan Company 2 State Street Global Advisors 2 TCW/Crescent Mezzanine 2 Barlow Partners 1 HSBC Private Equity 1 Invesco Private Capital 1 Mariner Partners 1 Noble Environmental Power 1 ABN AMRO Asset Management 1 Lehman Brothers 4 AXA Rosenberg Investment Management 1 Quantum Energy Partners 3 Week of July 21 Wins Total* 4000 3000 2974 2150 1325 1075 1025 900 897 827 801 776 650 636 600 580 560 550 547 530 500 500 500 496 480 450 450 449 440 400 354 350 311 300 300 300 300 295 295 291 291 271 270 270 260 260 250 250 240 235 235 230 230 225 215 210 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 196 190 190 180 Client Asset Type Amount* New Jersey Division of Investment Private equity 200 New Jersey Division of Investment Private equity 100 New Jersey Division of Investment Private equity 100 For a complete listing of the Mandate Scoreboard, please visit To receive email alerts or online access, call 800-715-9195. 11 AIN072808 24/7/08 19:04 Page 12 Alternative Investment News July 28, 2008 Hedge Fund Strategy Performance - June 2008 MONDAY, JUNE 30, 2008 RATE OF RETURN (%) STRATEGY/FUND 2007 2006 2005 INCEPT. DATE ANNUALIZED ASSETS VOL.* ($ MILLION) MTD% YTD% -0.44% 3.58% 3.25% 2.19% 1.32% 0.72% -4.97% -3.46% -3.15% -1.74% -1.45% -1.08% 2.70% -1.45% -24.43% 6.15% 6.45% -7.82% -7.08% -3.95% -3.57% -7.77% 3.96% 18.37% 5.76% -24.98% N/A 13.62% 4.31% N/A -0.18% 9.44% 3.84% 12.31% 10.42% 6.87% 30.20% N/A 17.10% 10.80% N/A 15.40% 11.65% 18.76% -1.14% -0.95% 3.02% -16.37% N/A -0.74% 2.49% N/A 5.06% 2.88% -8.15% 31-Dec-91 31-Oct-01 31-Mar-98 31-Oct-96 30-Apr-08 31-Jan-04 31-Dec-00 31-Mar-08 31-May-05 31-Oct-02 30-Apr-02 3.50% 5.62% 6.34% 20.35% 2.07% 4.00% 5.94% 7.76% 5.38% 5.99% 7.07% 582.91 95.00 1.71 486.02 164.71 55.80 64.60 0.27% 12.95% 5.40% 3.14% 3.04% 2.19% -16.80% -7.78% -4.47% -3.25% -2.85% -1.91% 17.57% 7.47% 2.06% 6.94% 4.92% -33.91% -19.20% -4.88% -4.52% -2.81% 5.28% 24.99% N/A 7.09% 8.74% 6.83% -21.31% 15.39% -3.50% 10.35% 4.14% 15.88% 13.46% N/A -3.07% 12.42% 16.58% 6.54% 5.66% 14.78% 11.25% 17.51% 7.44% 8.13% N/A -5.94% 11.54% 6.91% 18.48% 5.48% 2.65% 6.41% 17.22% 31-Dec-89 30-Jun-02 31-Jan-08 31-Jul-96 31-Mar-01 31-Jul-04 31-Dec-03 30-Jun-05 30-Apr-02 31-Jan-97 30-Apr-93 3.75% 11.63% 20.59% 7.28% 3.73% 3.37% 17.74% 11.90% 8.20% 6.77% 4.76% 185.00 33.80 404.00 166.00 13.00 13.75 200.00 142.52 -1.19% 10.19% 3.00% 1.60% 0.05% 38.13% 9.09% 10.10% 5.68% 33.35% 15.54% 3.42% 7.35% 12.75% 6.36% 5.62% 6.64% N/A 6.61% 17.50% 31-Dec-97 31-Jan-06 31-Dec-04 29-Feb-04 2.71% 19.91% 8.62% 17.24% 10.88 379.00 125.00 1.24% 1.00% -5.24% -2.52% -2.40% -2.21% 7.44% 6.17% -7.10% 6.78% -0.72% -6.45% 9.30% 10.61% -4.26% -3.46% 43.15% -2.97% 6.82% 13.54% N/A 2.60% 3.35% 5.62% 8.51% 8.25% N/A 24.21% 3.35% 4.58% 31-May-98 31-Jan-05 31-Jan-07 30-Nov-01 31-Aug-01 31-Jul-04 1.09% 2.31% 9.91% 21.73% 7.16% 5.82% 105.00 86.30 583.36 337.69 494.40 110.20 -1.98% 0.93% -0.83% 7.39% 6.46% 31-Mar-04 9.38% 52.52 -2.99% 9.50% 6.84% 4.27% 3.44% 2.80% -22.72% -18.09% -15.47% -15.38% -14.68% -6.42% 19.73% 21.57% 8.71% -2.67% 5.50% -49.56% -19.38% -29.72% -27.38% -26.38% 17.10% 79.81% 85.29% 6.11% 12.02% 7.71% 68.77% 31.57% 36.70% 133.48% 49.16% 17.60% 0.25% 79.65% 4.01% 10.98% 39.37% 13.70% -11.02% 24.41% 105.08% 27.37% 14.25% 7.25% N/A 12.84% 2.11% 3.66% 10.60% 61.21% 23.88% -3.17% 24.63% 31-Dec-89 31-Aug-05 30-Apr-06 30-Nov-04 31-May-05 31-Dec-05 31-Oct-03 30-Apr-99 30-Nov-04 30-Sep-04 31-Mar-02 8.45% 21.34% 16.27% 7.38% 7.86% 17.72% 27.93% 32.36% 17.70% 27.76% 22.07% 17.00 77.00 20.64 27.00 16.00 37.43 19.93 2.00 79.77 0.25% 8.09% 5.54% 4.82% 4.71% 4.70% -9.20% -9.09% -6.92% -5.30% -4.02% 2.21% 13.58% -0.25% 11.40% 20.72% 4.92% -16.89% -6.94% -11.86% -12.06% -11.64% 6.49% 38.21% 87.04% 2.29% 5.97% 8.54% -6.14% 1.60% -0.04% 1.22% 10.73% 7.64% 9.87% 22.19% 0.47% 21.86% 3.49% 12.76% N/A 16.69% 20.82% 8.22% 7.11% 5.60% 6.95% N/A 11.95% 10.49% 12.40% N/A 5.19% 5.78% 6.17% 31-Dec-89 30-Apr-94 31-Dec-97 31-Oct-06 31-Jul-00 31-Jul-95 31-Jan-05 31-Jul-07 31-Jul-00 31-Oct-91 31-Jan-95 1.65% 11.11% 11.85% 7.52% 7.85% 5.58% 12.19% 11.12% 10.47% 10.35% 8.85% 117.00 14.59 210.22 9.68 3.20 106.00 27.05 -1.15% 13.60% 5.92% 3.57% -1.74% 21.81% 2.01% 8.96% 6.56% 38.85% -9.51% 32.43% 13.98% 23.66% 121.73% 21.34% 6.63% N/A 30.83% 3.32% 31-Dec-89 31-Oct-06 31-Jan-99 28-Feb-02 4.71% 30.08% 26.93% 9.48% 150.00 3,862.00 Convertible Arbitrage Top Bottom CASAM CISDM Convertible Arbitrage Index Inflective Convertible Arbitrage Composite Concordia Capital Class B Volatility Arbitrage Argent Classic Convertible Arbitrage Fund II LP (B) Radcliffe Volatility Fund Castle Creek Arbitrage, LLC Kallista CB Arbitrage (Euro) JB Convertible Bond Hedge Fund (EUR 2) Advent Enhanced Phoenix Fund Rock Hill Investment Partners, L.P. Zazove Convertible Arbitrage Fund, LP Distressed Securities Top Bottom CASAM CISDM Distressed Securities Index Concordia Distressed Debt Fund (Class H) Schultze Apex Offshore Fund Ltd. Manley Investment Partners, LP Restoration Offshore Fund Ltd Brownstone Partners Catalyst Fund, Ltd (Offshore) Platinum Turnberry Fund EUR Armory Offshore Fund Ltd PENN Distressed Fund, L.P. Ahab Opportunities Ltd. American Durham Fixed Income Arbitrage Top Bottom CASAM CISDM Fixed Income Arbitrage Index Glacier Peak T-Bill Arbitrage Offshore Fund, Ltd. Cura Fixed Income Arbitrage Fund, Ltd Concordia Capital Class N G-10 Fixed Income Arbitrage (2x Leverage) KWK Partners LP UFG Russia Debt Fund Dexia Bonds Euro High Yield N EMF Fixed Income Fund, Ltd. MKP Opportunity, Ltd. Newgate Alternative Investment Funds Pall Mall Absolute Return Fund MD Sass Municipal Arbitrage Fund, LLC Emerging Markets Top Bottom CASAM CISDM Emerging Markets Index Forum Global Opportunities Fund Ltd Hudson River Russia Fund, Ltd. JB Emerging Markets Hedge Fund (EUR) Wegelin (GUE) Equity Active Indexing EM Dynamic Long/Short Pharos Small Cap Fund Boyer Allan India Fund Access Turkey Opportunities Fund, LLC Red Cobra Fund MPM Pure China Fund Polunin Emerging Markets Active Fund Equity Market Neutral Top Bottom CASAM CISDM Equity Market Neutral Index Zacks Market Neutral Leveraged Fox Run Alpha Fund, LP Ten Asset Management US Market Neutral Aletheia Insider Index, LP AXA Rosenberg Market Neutral Fund Platinum Global Dividend Fund Limited USD statistical arbitrage fund Ltd. Alpha Equity Market Plus Fund, LP Salus Market Neutral Equitized Strategy Composite Pegasus Investment Partners, LP Event Driven Multi Strategy Top 12 CASAM CISDM Event Driven Multi Strategy Index Maiden Capital Opportunity Fund, LP Rosseau Limited Partnership Owl Creek Overseas Fund Ltd ©Institutional Investor News 2008. Reproduction requires publisher’s prior permission. AIN072808 24/7/08 19:04 Page 13 July 28, 2008 Alternative Investment News Hedge Fund Strategy Performance - June 2008 (cont’d) MONDAY, JUNE 30, 2008 Bottom RATE OF RETURN (%) INCEPT. DATE ANNUALIZED ASSETS VOL.* ($ MILLION) STRATEGY/FUND MTD% YTD% 2007 2006 2005 RAB Cross Europe Fund- Class E (EUR) Vision Opportunity Capital Partners, Ltd Gamco Performance Partners, L.P. Diamond A Partners MM&E Capital Takeover Target Fund Metropolitan Capital Advisors LP Venus Special Situations Fund 2.70% 2.65% -14.46% -12.55% -9.82% -8.59% -6.99% 11.09% 1.90% -24.75% -19.24% -11.75% -5.01% -22.25% 0.87% 39.33% -1.83% -5.28% 20.48% 4.29% 35.34% 14.15% 180.71% 23.11% 10.44% 29.60% 13.00% 14.39% 7.18% 124.96% -4.73% -4.01% 5.49% 10.83% N/A 30-Apr-01 30-Jun-05 31-Aug-02 28-Feb-93 31-Aug-05 31-Jul-92 31-May-06 6.74% 27.17% 12.74% 10.64% 12.61% 8.41% 13.66% 270.00 369.64 2.12 36.50 4.94 -0.03% 16.68% 15.89% 10.46% 9.50% 6.18% -16.74% -16.56% -15.97% -13.37% -13.00% 2.44% 6.88% 19.31% 47.92% 10.19% 45.58% -20.96% -24.20% -30.12% -17.95% -28.58% 7.48% 34.87% 13.18% -20.80% 9.72% 17.99% -3.87% -24.92% -39.16% 15.87% 26.55% 12.87% -15.92% 7.98% -14.40% 6.37% 12.48% 12.35% 12.94% 6.36% 32.36% -3.40% 7.49% 0.70% N/A N/A 10.27% N/A 2.98% 0.04% -0.58% 23.89% 34.18% 28-Feb-99 31-Jul-93 28-Feb-06 28-Feb-06 31-Dec-03 31-Oct-06 28-Feb-97 31-Dec-89 30-Apr-00 31-Jul-95 31-Jan-97 5.79% 24.24% 14.56% 20.70% 9.72% 19.91% 10.26% 14.77% 13.36% 14.91% 26.50% 52.58 41.02 83.50 69.34 56.07 7.53 6.14 - -0.16% 16.00% 8.58% 7.08% 6.69% 5.52% -9.40% -8.30% -7.21% -7.14% -5.41% 2.45% 57.99% 23.34% 31.80% 14.73% 5.81% -17.11% -15.01% -9.56% -10.06% -5.16% 11.99% 40.38% 26.26% 18.97% 19.72% 21.49% 54.61% 29.78% 6.73% 32.76% 10.20% 4.94% -7.72% 11.63% 6.89% -3.18% 12.18% 28.04% 21.49% N/A 18.70% 15.44% 6.65% 57.01% 13.42% 15.42% 7.80% 2.50% 21.25% N/A N/A 25.97% N/A 31-Dec-89 31-Oct-02 31-Dec-01 31-Jul-05 31-Dec-03 31-Oct-05 31-May-99 31-Jul-06 30-Apr-07 29-Feb-96 31-Jul-06 3.58% 25.29% 11.67% 19.51% 18.86% 14.49% 19.61% 17.55% 14.35% 14.23% 18.76% 6,384.00 466.04 21.00 737.11 18.17 3.92 351.40 136.15 3,384.00 55.56 -1.58% 25.13% 19.50% 18.35% 17.91% 15.90% -22.92% -20.94% -18.24% -15.87% -15.76% -2.98% 55.59% 52.33% 93.41% 60.25% 19.30% -44.29% -22.04% -22.80% -29.89% -34.66% 8.48% 86.38% -8.03% 169.55% 10.52% 14.82% 63.80% -0.19% -4.69% 29.02% 37.15% 9.99% N/A N/A 21.63% 12.68% 23.38% 36.38% 100.87% 10.31% 32.39% 22.07% 8.86% N/A N/A N/A 37.39% 12.36% 0.30% 38.23% 2.29% 10.81% N/A 31-Dec-89 28-Feb-07 30-Jun-07 30-Sep-06 31-Aug-98 31-Mar-00 31-Dec-05 31-Dec-00 28-Feb-98 28-Feb-01 30-Sep-06 5.63% 36.72% 37.58% 37.03% 24.13% 15.24% 28.96% 35.49% 10.99% 19.57% 26.40% 0.73 1.40 38.70 95.00 135.91 21.28 5.57 1,640.06 400.00 -0.23% 6.80% 6.35% 4.83% 3.94% 3.92% -16.93% -12.22% -10.84% -10.71% -10.69% -1.36% 27.47% 23.82% 21.57% 14.82% 10.11% -50.32% -24.48% -23.69% -16.93% -21.05% 8.68% 3.73% 5.94% 9.99% -1.12% 75.89% 79.54% -8.55% N/A -10.31% -3.27% 9.11% N/A 26.85% 2.17% 0.30% 9.27% 40.22% 4.37% N/A N/A 15.62% 6.47% N/A 17.92% N/A N/A 30.67% -3.69% 6.56% N/A N/A 1.18% 31-Dec-89 31-Jul-07 31-Oct-03 31-Jan-06 31-Dec-06 31-Jan-99 31-Aug-05 31-Jul-98 31-Jan-08 31-Jul-07 31-Aug-04 4.42% 15.57% 9.43% 9.50% 8.69% 15.71% 32.41% 12.03% 25.61% 12.34% 9.48% 73.00 2,550.00 15.90 29.00 79.00 6.93 7.63 3.29% 31.60% 23.00% 22.40% 20.63% 19.28% -11.20% -10.60% -10.53% -10.49% -9.70% 15.71% 31.74% -29.49% 69.83% 41.45% 17.52% -8.14% -10.01% -23.01% -27.08% -6.21% 11.57% 59.09% 70.99% 11.69% 30.68% 26.20% 19.43% 3.06% 3.72% 53.25% N/A 5.66% 25.15% 139.66% 40.04% 3.42% 4.50% -14.42% -3.49% 20.86% -19.01% N/A 2.44% N/A 79.87% 24.96% -1.63% 31.56% 14.24% N/A 22.16% N/A N/A 31-Dec-79 28-Feb-06 31-Aug-05 31-Oct-05 31-Jan-85 31-Jan-04 31-Aug-01 28-Feb-06 30-Sep-94 31-Jan-06 29-Feb-08 8.10% 47.75% 96.42% 49.98% 40.86% 30.13% 22.78% 21.05% 14.54% 36.93% 25.37% 12.30 27.88 80.54 4.66 4.61 14.51 0.08 0.12 Sector Top Bottom CASAM CISDM Sector Index Oracle Partners, L.P. Jupiter Hyde Park Hedge Fund Limited (EUR class) Consulta Canadian Oil & Gas Fund BV McOmber Energy Fund Mayer Partners LP Acadia Fund I, LP Berkshire Partnership Foundation Financial Partners, LLC Global Beverage Fund A Marathon Resource Partners I, LP Global Macro Top Bottom CASAM CISDM Global Macro Index Clarium LP Friedberg Global Macro-Hedge Fund Ltd. BTR Global Macro Fund RG Niederhoffer Negative Correlation Fund, Ltd. The Capital Trading Fund, Ltd. Foyil Focused Strategy Fund (Individual) BWII, LP Pharo Alpha Fund, Ltd Global Undervalued Securities Fund Multi Asset Platform Plus Fund Equity Long/Short Top Bottom CASAM CISDM Equity Long/Short Index Bomgaars Investments Fund Hyerdale Capital SYW LP ChinaFund Cayman Ltd. Jupiter Hyde Park Hedge Fund Limited (USD class) Atlantis India Opportunities Fund Loyola Capital Fund, Ltd Cerulean Partners, LTD Kinetics Fund, Inc. Polestar Fund, LP Fund of Funds Top Bottom CASAM CISDM Fund of Funds Index Eddington Macro Opportunities Fund - E1 Class (USD) Pinnacle Natural Resources, L.P. Ivy Trading Strategies Fund, LLC (Class B) Tiberius Multi-Strategy Commodity Fund Balestra Spectrum Partners, LLC FMG India Opportunity Fund A USD Hamton Fund of Funds Gottex Portable Alpha Fund DJ Euro Stoxx 50 Rasmala Islamic Global Real Estate Opportunity Fund Class A Amarillo Multi-Strategy 4.06 Commodity Trading Advisors (CTAs) Top Bottom CASAM CISDM CTA Equal Weighted Index Vision Capital Management, LLC Ascendant Asset Strategic2 Options Program Superfund Gold C (SPC) District Capital Diversified Tamarkin Managed Futures LLC James Jones Seasonal Trading Program Baryon Momentum Global Fund Limited Keppler Asset Management Omega Fund Technical Pukula Oblique Options Top and bottom funds presented above are ranked based on performance for the past month. * Annualized volatility presented is from the latter of January 2005 or the inception date of the fund through the current month. For inclusion in the CASAM CISDM Database or for more information, please email, or call (212) 603-5036 To receive email alerts or online access, call 800-715-9195. Source: CASAM CISDM Database ( 13 AIN072808 24/7/08 19:04 Page 14 Alternative Investment News July 28, 2008 Alternatives Manager Search Directory Powered by: i i s e a r c h e s . c o m The following directory includes search activity for the week. The accuracy of the information, which is derived from many sources, is deemed reliable but cannot be guaranteed. All amounts are in US$ millions unless otherwise stated. Total Assets Mandate Size Mandate Region Asset Type CBC Banque Fonds de Pension, Brussels 60 - Global Infrastructure, commodities None The scheme is planning first allocations to infrastructure and commodities by the third quarter of 2009 and may hire asset managers. It plans to allocate EUR6 million or 1% of total assets for each mandate. DSK Rodina Pension Insurance Company, Sofia 92 - Europe Infrastructure, commodities None The fund plans to invest for the first time in European ad U.S. infrastructure and commodities by mid-2009. No specifics for the size of the mandates have been set yet. Franklin College, Franklin, Ind. 88 - US Hedge funds, other Oxford Financial Group The fund is looking to increase its allocations to hedge funds and alternatives, presently at 15% and 6% respectively. It is awaiting board approval to make the investments. Gustavus Adolphus College, Saint Peter, Minn. 110 - US Not specified LCG Associates 2,200 44 US Hedge funds, real estate Watson Wyatt Investment Consulting 775 - Global Infrastructure, hedge funds, private equity Unknown The scheme plans to make a 10% maiden foray into alternatives across infrastructure, funds of hedge funds and private equity funds of funds. It expects to make investments in mid-2009. National Pensions Reserve Fund, Dublin 21,000 - Global Hedge funds Unknown The scheme is analysing hedge funds with plans to invest for diversification and higher returns. It may make the allocation this year. New York Times Pension Trust 1,240 37.2 US Not specified Evaluation Associates Raiffeisen Pensionskasse, Switzerland 1,100 - Global Infrastructure None 200 - US Natural resources Unknown Fund & Location Kellogg Company, Battle Creek, Mich. London Borough of Camden Pension Fund St. Mary’s College, Notre Dame, Ind. Consultant Comments The fund is reviewing its 10% alternatives portfolio. It may increase the allocation for higher returns and will make final decisions at its board meeting on Nov. 20. It may hire external managers pending board approval. The fund plans to invest $44 million in alternative investments, including hedge funds and real estate, after its 2009 asset study. The scheme has no immediate plans to hire external managers. The fund plans to invest in alternatives for the first time and is eyeing a 3% allocation. The scheme is in the early stages of analysing infrastructure for the first time. It has not set specifics on the timeframe, the funding or the size for the allocation. The endowment may increase its exposure to natural resources to 4% from 3%, as it believes the asset class serves as an inflation hedge. It has not yet determined whether it will seek an additional manager as part of the increase. The G.E.C. 1972 Plan, Stafford, UK 2,400 - Global Private equity Watson Wyatt The scheme plans to hire an external manager for the first time for global private equity, possibly by September. It has not yet set specifics on the investment size or funding for the investment. 750 US Infrastructure Unknown The fund will invest up to $750 million in infrastructure by committing capital to a mixture of co-mingled funds, which will be either U.S.- or internationally-focused. 15,148 - US Funds of hedge funds Pension Consulting Alliance San Joaquin County Employees 2,230 Retirement Association, Stockton, Calif. - US Infrastructure Strategic Investment Solutions Florida State Board of Administration, 187,500 Tallahassee, Fla. Los Angeles Fire & Police Pension System The fund has issued a request for proposals as it makes a maiden foray into emerging fund of hedge funds strategies. All proposals are due by Aug. 15. Email Derek Niu at for a copy of the RFP instructions. The fund is looking to invest in infrastructure and is actively educating its board of trustees on the investments. For further information on iisearches’ daily search leads and searchable database of mandates awarded and lost since 1995, please visit or contact Keith Arends at 212 224 3533 or AIN072808 24/7/08 19:04 Page 15 July 28, 2008 WARD FERRY (continued from page 1) to slow, further affecting earnings. In June, its biggest losses were from India’s Reliance Communications, HDFC and Tata Steel, while Australian resources were flat due to the declining price of steel. As a result, the firm took short positions and purchased out-of-the money put options on both individual stocks and indices, which showed some gains in July. Among the shorts are Australian property company GPT Group, which it closed out of in early July, and Taiwan’s High Tech Computer (HTC) and Korea’s LG Electronics. Flagging demand and distribution and pricing competition from the iPhone led to the HTC short, and handset competition, macro concerns in the U.S. and Europe and a possible acquisition by the company led to the LG short. On the positive side, Ward Ferry thinks crude palm oil is attractive as a substitute for pricey soy and corn. It is long producers in Malaysia and Indonesia. For the $163 million Japan Fund, Ward Ferry expects weaker global growth to take its toll—especially in trade to North America. But with a strengthening labor market and sound credit, Japan should avoid a severe slowdown. In Alternative Investment News response to weaker global growth, the firm is taking positions in domestic-oriented sectors and has cut exposure to cyclical exporters such as machinery and technology concerns. An overweight to cyclical exporting sectors can be blamed for the underperformance. The fund lags the Nikkei 225 Index, which retuRned -6.51% in June and -5.67% YTD. The Asian Smaller Companies Fund, with about $460 million, benefited from stakes in commodities producers; of the fund’s top five performers, four are resource companies. The fund, which invests in listed stocks but can take stakes in pre-IPO companies, will stay invested in resources because it continues to find companies trading at a discount to net present value. Due to rising resource costs as well as flagging demand, Ward Ferry has revised forecasts downward for Universal Robina Corp., the Philippines’ largest snack food concern, and for United Spirits, the largest liquor company in India. But it has revised up earnings estimates for Chinese internet company Tencent, software concern Kingdee and Indian pharma company Glenmark. They are seeing rising demand and have limited exposure to rising commodity prices. The fund bolstered its stake in industrial caterer Fu Ji Food to 3.8% from less than 1% of NAV. The long-biased fund’s most significant exposures Gain insight from More Investors including leaders from: t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t Alberta Investment Management Corp. Alberta Teachers’ Retirement Fund Board Austin Police Retirement System Botswana Public Officers Pension Fund Brooklyn NY Holdings LLC Commonwealth Fund Connecticut Investments George Washington University Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation Idearc Media Corp. Jacksonville Fire & Police Pension Fund Limantour Family Fund Michelin North America, Inc. New Mexico State Investment Council New Orleans Employees’ Retirement System New York University ONP Peruvian State Pension Fund Retirement System of the City of New York Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Royal Bank of Canada San Diego Country Employees Retirement Assoc. State of Oregon State of Pennsylvania Teachers Retirement System of Texas University of Connecticut Foundation, Inc. Verizon Investment Management Corporation t t t t t t t 80+ High Profile Speakers 30+ Sessions 17+ Hours Of Dedicated Networking 10+ Hours Of Investor Driven Sessions 8+ Strategy Sessions 2 Leading Economists 700+ Industry Leaders Register Today! or Mention discount code AIN10 when registering, and save an extra 10% ! AIN072808 24/7/08 19:04 Page 16 Alternative Investment News are to Australian, Indian and Hong Kong companies. The fund beat the MSCI Asia Free Ex-Japan Index and the Nomura Asia Small Cap Index, which registered -7.90% and 12.24% in the quarter, respectively. Year-to-date, the fund has returned -19.58%, beating the MSCI (-21.19%) and the Nomura (-29.34%). Since inception in 2003, the strategy is up 503.92%. CEO and CIO Scobie Ward declined to comment. —Doug Cubberley STEEPLE SHUTS (continued from page 1) Most investors are allocating to larger hedge funds, rather than smaller sector-focused funds, making running a specialist healthcare strategy nearly impossible, explained the official. “People are scared to death. [They’re] more worried about getting money out of funds than in funds,” he said. “[It shows] how assets are being allocated now, in the overall market. Last year [Steeple] was at the top of the pack. [We figured] if we can’t grow the business, let’s just sit this one out.” Regan and Partner Howard Altman will continue to work together and plan on joining a large hedge fund firm, where they could again co-manage a healthcare portfolio. It could not be learned how far along in the job search the pair are, or what the plans are for the six other Steeple employees. Previously, Regan managed the Andor Healthcare fund at the $3 billion firm. He left in July 2004, when his fund was due to be liquidated as a result of Co-Founders Dan Benton and Chris James deciding to go their separate ways (, Aug. 27, 2004). Regan launched Steeple later that year. —Suzy Kenly U.K. FIRM (continued from page 1) exempt from withholding tax in countries with double tax treaties. Bruton said that withholding tax is another liability that investors typically take on and his aim is to provide investors with as little risk as possible. Bruton said the secondary market is surprisingly competitive. Policyholders can get a much better price there than by surrendering back to the insurer for cash value. The firm uses actuaries to determine risk and assess which policies are the good investments given the initial purchase price, premiums paid out until death and final death benefit. The firm mitigates risk by re-assessing mortality rates as they change. Bruton said the fund will use hedging to take out the structural changes in interest-rate exposure. Opus Life is offered in euro, Swiss franc, sterling and U.S. dollar share classes. The investment minimum is £5,000 and 16 July 28, 2008 Bruton said the fund is aimed at a wide pool of investors, including the retail community as well as pensions and other institutions. Shares are listed on the Dublin Stock Exchange in five-, seven- and 10-year terms with target return rates of 6%, 7% and 8%, respectively. —Sarah Ilene Klein CREDIT SUISSE (continued from page 1) derivatives, fixed-income products, including cash bonds, fixedincome derivatives, […] and interest rate products […] nothing like this exists at any other firm on Wall Street.” Alaimo and Alfred founded the capital structure desk at Bear Stearns. Meanwhile, Scott Schefrin, former senior managing director at Bear Stearns, has reportedly joined a hedge fund. He oversaw the capital structure desk and risk arbitrage department with Laumann, who was his deputy. Alaimo and Alfred reported to Schefrin. It could not be learned if Schefrin has joined an existing fund or is starting his own venture. He could not be reached by press time and a JPMorgan spokesman did not return calls. —Suzy Kenly Quote Of The Week “[The developing world] is eating up the food chain.”—Andrew Perry, head of business development at Systematic Absolute Return SAR, on the benefits of investing in agriculture funds (see story, page 7). One Year Ago In Alternative Investment News AdultVest, the hedge fund solely invested in the adult entertainment industry, was staffing up—hiring two fund managers, two directors of business development, a business development associate and a director of information technology. [The firm has since acquired and hired Mike Weiss, creator of music downloading site Morpheus, to oversee the Web site’s development (, April 14). Last month, AdultVest won AIN’s Hedge Fund Launch of the Year award (, June 27).] For More Benefits Visit Our Web Site • Real time search alerts and breaking news on the alternative investment arena • Email alert services for earlier delivery of information in the weekly newsletter • Access to a virtual archive of past issues • Critical web links to related sites to give you all the information you need on alternative investments Go online and take advantage of web access to AIN. To set up your subscriber password, please contact us at or at 1-800-715-9195. ©Institutional Investor News 2008. Reproduction requires publisher’s prior permission.
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