Identification of intracellular calcium dynamics in stimulated
Identification of intracellular calcium dynamics in stimulated
32nd Annual International Conference of the IEEE EMBS Buenos Aires, Argentina, August 31 - September 4, 2010 Identification of intracellular calcium dynamics in stimulated cardiomyocytes A. Vallmitjana, M. Barriga, Z. Nenadic, A. Llach, E. Alvarez-Lacalle, L. Hove-Madsen and R. Benitez calcium may cause anomalies in the heart function such as T-wave alternans, ventricular fibrillation or conduction problems [6]. In particular, previous studies have established an interrelation between ventricular fibrillation and an overload in the intracellular calcium [7]. Similarly, the presence of spatially discordant alternans, characterized by an out-of-phase activity in different regions of the cell, is known to be related to the apparition of lethal arrhythmias [8]–[10]. Abstract— We have developed an automatic method for the analysis and identification of dynamical regimes in intracellular calcium patterns from confocal calcium images. The method allows the identification of different dynamical patterns such as spatially concordant and discordant alternans, irregular behavior or phase-locking regimes such as period doubling or halving. The method can be applied to the analysis of different cardiac pathologies related to anomalies at the cellular level such as ventricular reentrant arrhythmias. I. INTRODUCTION There is an increasing number of studies that aim to establish relations between clinical conditions and physiological activity at the cellular level. This kind of research requires an interdisciplinary approach that combines knowledge and methods from different fields. Since most of the information at the cellular level is obtained by means of cell imaging techniques, novel image processing methods are needed in order to analyze, quantify and classify spatial and temporal patterns observed in life science areas such as neuroscience or cardiology [1]. In this context, calcium imaging is particularly relevant because calcium dynamics is a cell regulatory mechanism that plays an important role in many cellular processes such as muscle activation, gene expression or fertilization [2], [3]. In this work we present an automatic image processing method to analyze confocal calcium images of isolated cardiac myocytes. Cardiac myocytes are heart muscle cells that exhibit a variety of dynamical patterns due to the intracellular calcium dynamics [3]. The spatial and temporal distribution of intracellular calcium in cardiac myocytes determines the excitation-contraction coupling of the myocardium and is therefore a basic mechanism underlying heart function [4]. In particular, it is well known that high-frequency pacing of ventricular myocytes leads to the emergence of complex spatiotemporal patterns in the distribution of the intracellular calcium. The apparition of these complex dynamical regimes is a consequence of the nonlinear interplay between different cellular Ca2+ control mechanisms [3], [5]. Irregular distribution of intracellular The purpose of this work is to present an analysis method that processes a sequence of fluorescence images of stimulated isolated myocytes and automatically identifies the spatiotemporal dynamics exhibited by the cell. The objective is to distinguish physiologically relevant regimes such as spatially concordant and discordant alternans, phase-locking oscillations or irregular patterns. The method uses a feature extraction technique that permits an effective characterization of the experimental sequence allowing for a robust identification of each regime. More specifically, an approach based in the Principal Component Analysis (PCA) is presented to detect the presence of spatial alternans in the experiment. Similar study that addresses this problem in the context of cardiac tissue patterns can be found in the recent literature [11]. The paper is organized as follows: In Section II we introduce the experimental data and provide a detailed description of the processing method. The main capabilities of the technique are described in Section III, where we evaluate its performance and report on several examples of the correct identification of different regimes. Finally, the potentialities of the method and an exposition of further improvements are discussed in Section IV. II. MATERIALS AND METHODS A. Data acquisition A total of 22 atrial myocytes were loaded with 2.5 µM fluo-4 for 15 minutes followed by wash and de-esterification for 30 minutes. The myocytes were stimulated intracellularly with an EPC-10 patch-clamp system (HEKA, Germany) as described in [12]. The sequences of confocal images were acquired at a frame rate of 100 Hz with a resonance scanning Leica SP5 AOBS confocal microscope. Ionic currents were recorded simultaneously with a HEKA EPC-10 amplifier. Synchronization of confocal images and current recordings was achieved using a Leica DAQ box and HEKA patchmaster software. Patch-master was used to design electro- A. Vallmitjana and R. Benitez are with the Automatic Control Department, Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya (UPC), Barcelona, Spain., Z. Nenadic is with the Department of Biomedical Engineering, University of California, Irvine (USA). E. Alvarez-Lacalle is with the Applied Physics Department (UPC). L. Hove-Madsen, A. Llach and M. Barriga are with the Cardiovascular Research Center CSIC-ICCC and Cardiology Department, Hospital de Sant Pau (Barcelona, Spain). 978-1-4244-4124-2/10/$25.00 ©2010 IEEE 68 physiological protocols and to generate triggers for confocal image acquisition and event marking in the stimulation protocols. Local and global changes in cytosolic Ca2+ levels were detected by quantifying fluo-4 fluorescence in selected regions of interest. The cardiomyocytes were analyzed at different stimulation rates with frequencies ranging from 0.25 to 2 Hz. This resulted in a set of 101 experimental sequences, each consisting in a sequence of N images of 512 × 140 pixels with a physical pixel size of 0.28µm. All the processing and analysis steps have been implemented in MATLABTM (The Mathworks, Natick MA). The original fluorescence images (24-bit truecolor) are converted to grayscale intensity images by using a weighted sum of the R, G, and B components with weights [0.2989, 0.5870, 0.1140]. We refer to an experimental sequence of grayscale images k as {Xij }, where k = 1 . . . N indexes the frame in the sequence and i = 1 . . . Nx , j = 1 . . . Ny specify a particular pixel in the image. In order to avoid the presence of static heterogeneities in the spatial distribution of the fluorescence, each pixel is normalized by subtracting its time average activity in the experiment. The distribution of amplitudes is considered homogeneous if the variability of the peaks σa is four times smaller than the noise in the signal σ 1 . When the distribution of amplitudes is not homogeneous, alternating and irregular regimes are distinguished by testing for the presence of sustained oscillations in the peak amplitude. Similarly, an irregular behavior is identified when the variability in the inter-peak intervals exceeds a certain heuristic threshold σi /mi > 0.6. Finally, the auto-correlation function of Fk is used to determine the n:m correspondence between the calcium peaks and stimulation pulses. The previous procedure results in a set of four features, namely amplitude homogeneity, presence of alternance, irregularity of inter-peaks intervals and the n:m stimulation response. 2) Identification of spatial alternans: When the peak detection procedure detects the presence of an alternance in amplitude, an additional method is used in order to distinguish between spatially concordant or discordant alternans. To this extent, Principal Components Analysis (PCA) was used to identify the basic spatial modes in the experiment and to identify the existence of regions with an out-of-phase activity [13], [14]. In order to process the data, each image in the sequence k Xij , i = 1 . . . Nx , j = 1 . . . Ny was subtracted from its temporal mean and arranged as a d-dimensional column vector zk = [zk1 , zk2 , . . . , zkd ]T where d = Nx Ny . The whole experimental sequence was then represented by the d × N matrix A = [z1 , z2 , · · · , zN ]. The principal components are obtained by diagonalizing the d × d covariance matrix AAT . In our case, since the dimension of the data d is much larger than the number of observations N (typical values are d ∼ 7 × 104 , while N ∼ 2 × 103 ), we reduce the computational cost by using the fact that the largest N eigenvalues of AAT are the eigenvalues {λ1 , λ2 , . . . , λN } of the N × N matrix AT A [15]. The eigenvectors of AAT representing the spatial modes w can be then obtained from w = Av, where v are the eigenvectors of AT A. The main spatial mode in the experiment is found by reconstructing from the eigenvector w1 associated with the largest eigenvalue λ1 . PCA reconstruction is achieved by projecting w1 to the data matrix A, which results in an image representing the main spatial variability of the experimental sequence. The histogram of the reconstructed image is then divided in two regions A and B defined by the pixels above and below the average pixel intensity outside the cell (i.e. without calcium activity). The ratio between the pixel count in each region ρ = nB /nA defines a quantity that allows to identify the existence of regions presenting an out-ofphase activity in the sequence. Indeed, in the absence of spatial alternance the first order PCA reconstruction is homogeneous and the number of pixels in region B is low due B. Feature extraction Fig. 1 describes the basic steps of the method, which includes feature extraction and classification. Feature extraction consists of two parts: On the one hand, we determine the temporal properties of the oscillations in the average fluorescence and its correspondence to the stimulation times. On the other hand, we analyze the experimental sequence in order to determine if the images present out-of-phase spatial heterogeneities. These two steps constitute a basis for peak detection and spatial analysis methods detailed below. Fig. 1. Schematic description of the method. 1) Peak detection: We first compute the average fluorescence cell activity in each frame Fk = � k X /(N N ), k = 1 . . . N , and we identify sequential x y ij i,j pairs of local extrema corresponding to the peaks and valleys of Fk . We then compute the mean and standard deviation of the peaks amplitude ma , σa and of the intervals between consecutive peaks mi , σi (inter-peak intervals). 1 Noise is robustly estimated by the median absolute deviation of s σ̂ = k 1.4826 · median(|sk − median(sk )|), where sk = Fk − Fkd is a residual d constructed from a denoised version Fk obtained by applying a wavelet schrinkage method to the signal Fk (Symmlet order 8, soft heuristic SURE threshold). 69 to background fluctuations in fluorescence (nB � nA , i.e. ρ ∼ 0). When the sequence includes a spatially discordant alternant, the PCA projection captures the spatial variability by setting the pixels of the discordant region to negative values, therefore increasing the relative size of region B and consequently the value of ρ. A heuristic threshold as low as ρ = 0.1 is proven to be sufficient to detect small spatial discordances. a) B b) 10 5 F/Fo III. RESULTS A. Identification of Ca 2+ A dynamical regimes 0 0 5 10 5 10 c) 15 20 25 region30A region B 15 20 25 30 4 The information obtained from the peak detection and PCA analysis provide a set of features that allow us to classify the experimental sequences into one of the following cases: 1) Normal dynamics: Normal cell response is characterized by a 1:1 stimulation response showing homogeneity in the peak amplitude and a spatial distribution of calcium activity. An example of this behavior is represented in Fig. 4a. As it can be seen, the cell responds to a train of stimulation pulses applied every 4 seconds by generating a calcium transient. This regime is the typical response of a healthy cell and is normally observed at low pacing frequencies. 2) Spatially concordant alternans: An example of spatially concordant alternans is depicted in Fig. 2, which shows a 1:1 stimulation response presenting an alternance in peak amplitudes. This temporal alternance appears in the whole cell without spatial inhomogeneities. 2 0 0 time (s) Fig. 3. Analysis of spatial alternance with PCA. A reconstruction from the most relevant eigenvector allows to identify two different regions A and B with alternating activities. of a calcium signal with a frequency different from the frequency imposed by external pacing. Fig. 4b shows an example of period-halving of the calcium signal with respect to the stimulation pulses, whereas Fig. 4c depicts a case in which every other stimulation pulse is blocked and evokes no calcium transient. a) 15 10 5 0 0 60 5 10 15 b) 20 25 30 35 15 50 F/Fo 40 10 5 F/Fo 30 0 20 10 5 10 15 20 25 30 c) 10 0 0 5 5 10 15 20 time (s) 25 30 35 0 40 Fig. 2. Example of spatially concordant alternans at stimulation frequency 0.25 Hz. The whole cell responds to the stimulation pulses with alternating amplitudes. In all figures, F0 corresponds to the background fluorescence of the quiescent cell and vertical marks indicate stimulation times. 5 10 15 time (s) 20 25 Fig. 4. Normal cell response and phase-locking at pacing frequency 0.25 Hz. a) Normal dynamics b) Example of phase-locking 2:1 (period halving): The cell responds with two Ca2+ transients every stimulation pulse. Note the correspondence between stimulation marks and signal peaks. c) Example of phase-locking 1:2 (period doubling): The cell responds with one Ca2+ transient every two stimulation pulses (blocking). 3) Spatially discordant alternans: Spatially discordant alternans present different regions with out-of-phase activity in response to different stimulation pulses. In Fig. 3a out-ofphase regions A and B are presented. The corresponding average calcium signal of each region is shown in Fig. 3c, exhibiting an alternating behavior in the activity of each zone. The use of the PCA method becomes necessary since this regime cannot be distinguished from a spatially concordant alternant from the average cell activity (see Fig. 3b). 4) Phase-locking regimes: Phase-locking is a dynamical regime in which there is a n:m phase synchronization between stimulation pulses and peaks in the signal. In such cases, a nonlinear interaction between stimulation and calcium regulation mechanisms results in the appearance 5) Irregular dynamics: Irregular dynamics occur when either inter-peak intervals present significant variability (i.e., non-periodic behavior) or when peak amplitudes are highly heterogeneous presenting no alternance. In such cases, we observe dynamical regimes as the ones shown in Fig. 5. B. Performance evaluation To quantify the performance of the method, we analyzed the 101 experimental sequences and compared the classification results to those obtained by an expert. True and false positive rates (TPR, FPR) were computed for each of the four classification groups (Normal, phase-locking, Alternans -both concordant and discordant- and Irregular) as FPR = 70 with the alternating spatial modes. This might improve the overall method since PCA only identifies uncorrelated modes which are not necessarily statistically independent. Moreover, further dynamical information about the sequence may be obtained by using temporal and spatial phase synchronization techniques [5], [17], [18]. a) 10 5 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 b) 60 F/Fo 40 20 0 0 2 4 6 c) 8 10 12 10 V. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS 5 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 time (s) 14 16 18 The authors acknowledge financial support by MICINN (Spain) under project DPI2009-06999. 20 R EFERENCES Fig. 5. Examples of irregular Ca2+ transients at stimulation frequency of 1.33 Hz. [1] J. Rittscher, R. Machiraju, and S. Wong, Eds., Microscopic Image analysis for life science applications, ser. Bioinformatics and Biomedical imaging. Artech House, 2008. [2] M. J. Berridge, M. D. Bootman, and H. L. Roderick, “Calcium signalling: dynamics, homeostasis and remodelling,” Nat Rev Mol Cell Biol, vol. 4, no. 7, pp. 517–29, Jul 2003. [3] J. P. Keener and J. Sneyd, Mathematical physiology, 2nd ed., ser. Interdisciplinary applied mathematics. New York, NY: Springer, 2009, vol. 8. [4] D. 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The method distinguishes between spatially concordant and discordant alternating patterns and is able to identify phase-locking dynamics such as period doubling or halving as well as the presence of an irregular behavior. The technique can be used to obtain quantitative information about the dynamical response of the stimulated myocyte. In particular, it might be useful to characterize the sequence of bifurcations that the system undergoes as the pacing frequency is increased. Although the proposed method has been successfully applied to real experimental sequences, it would be necessary to quantify its performance and robustness under different signal-to-noise conditions. One of the straightforward improvements of the method is to substitute the PCA technique used for the identification of spatial alternans by an approach based on the use of Independent Components Analysis (ICA) [16]. This method would allow the decomposition of an experimental sequence in a set of statistically independent source signals associated 71 Conditioning Data for Condition Assessment of a Power Transformer Roberto Villafáfila-Robles1, Marta Rodríguez 1, Pau Lloret1, Andreas Sumper1,2, Samuel Galceran-Arellano1 1 Centre of Technological Innovation in Static Converters and Drives (CITCEA) Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC) E.U. d’Enginyeria Tècnica Industrial de Barcelona, Electrical Engineering Department Comte d’Urgell, 189. 08036 Barcelona (Spain) e-mail: 2 Catalonia Institute for Energy Research (IREC) Barcelona (Spain) Abstract — Utilities have to guarantee a proper condition of network components in order to meet with regulatory and society demands regarding reliability and quality of power supply while optimizing costs. Maintenance strategies have evolved to cope with this issue. Condition Based Maintenance (CBM) strategy permits to adapt the maintenance actions to condition of the equipment. It is mainly used for critical equipment like power transformers. If an on-line monitoring system is used, the actual condition of the assets can be estimated. Such system consists of a set of sensors for acquiring condition related parameters and techniques/tools that process and analyze the data in order to assess its condition. However, anomalous data may appear due to a malfunction of monitoring system and may lead to errors when in data interpretation. Then, in order to overcome this issue, conditioning of such data is needed previously to analyse them. When the monitored data is refined, the condition can be estimated through models. A conditioning data process is presented for a case study of a power transformer in service. Furthermore, data mining process for obtaining behaviour patterns is also introduced. Keywords: Condition monitoring system, Condition assessment, Conditioning Data, Condition Based Maintenance I. INTRODUCTION Asset management has become one of the main activities for utilities due to liberalization of electric sector. This environment needs for new strategies in operation and maintenance activities in order to reduce their costs while improving reliability and quality of power supply in order to meet with regulatory frames and society demands. Furthermore, the risk is likely to increase when optimizing technical and economical resources if financial interests are above the actual condition of the assets and not at the same level. The condition of assets is guaranteed through maintenance actions. Such actions can be grouped in different strategies depending of the criticality of the asset, its cost and available spare parts. There are four main maintenance strategies with the following characteristics [1]: Corrective maintenance (CM): there is no inspection or maintenance until breakdown. Time Based maintenance (TBM): there is a fixed time intervals for inspections and maintenance. Condition Based maintenance (CBM): there is continuous or occasional monitoring and the maintenance is performed when required. Reliability Centred maintenance (RCM): there is a priority list obtained from a connection of condition and failure effects that permits risk management. Utilities have been mainly performing maintenance of their assets as a combination of CM and TBM strategies, depending on the network component. However, a CM plan will have a significant impact on power system operation if critical component failures. On the other hand, TBM plans might over-maintain young equipment whereas infra-maintain ones close to their end-of-life. Thus, there is a shift towards a CBM approach for critical equipment, like power transformers, in order to avoid damages of network components by means of detecting faults at incipient stage. As it is no possible to measure directly the time to failure of any network component, 1 such time is predicted by means of monitoring parameters that can provide an approximation of actual condition and ageing process after the corresponding analysis. A step forward in maintenance strategies after CBM is RCM. This last plan considers, apart from actual condition, other facts like resource constraints and power quality indices to prioritize the maintenance orders. However, in order to set up last two maintenance strategies, utilities require a high financial effort for deploying the related systems, and qualified and experienced staff able to manage and take advantage of such systems. The monitoring of condition related parameters of equipment can be done through both on-line and off-line methods. In order to carry out an on-line monitoring system, it is necessary to install sensors that continuously acquire the data from the monitored network component and information and communication system that transmits and storages such data. Then, these data are accessible for a later analysis. However, the installation of sensors represents an important drawback for equipment in service. Off-line monitoring methods can overcome this problem by checking equipment that should be out of service. However, such measurements might be done too late for preventing damages or might not provide useful results. Any action within a CBM strategy, like alarms, maintenance or replace orders, depends on assess of the condition of the equipment and later diagnosis. On one hand, some monitoring techniques use monitored data in standard models, like thermal models defined at IEEE Std. C.57.91 and IEC-354. However, such models consider parameters that have to be calculated for each one. On the other hand, other monitoring methods require power transformer’s fingerprint that is used as reference in later analysis to determine the evolution, like Frequency Response Analysis (FRA). However, these techniques need qualified staff to perform the test and assess the results. Thus, determining the condition of a power transformer and the limits to raise the alarm is a cumbersome task. Power transformers are a key component in power systems and utilities are doing huge efforts for avoiding damages in such equipment by deploying CBM plans for them. The techniques used for condition monitoring and condition assessment for power transformers can be found in [2]. As it has been already mentioned, on-line monitoring for a CBM implies two steps: a data acquisition system that gets the value of condition related parameters of the equipment and techniques/tools that process and analyze such data in order to assess its condition. The main outcome is to detect incipient faults and perform proper actions to reduce the damage and recover a good state-of-health of the equipment However, conditioning the data from monitoring system is needed in order to get useful information and remove erroneous data. If this process is not performed properly, it could conduct to wrong results. A mistake in the assessment of condition can lead to loss of both the equipment and significant amount of money. This paper deals with conditioning monitored data for estimating the condition of a transformer based on a case study. II. PILOT PLANT A condition monitoring pilot plant has been deployed according to methodology described in [3]. The pilot plant is shown in Figure 1. It consists in 66/25 kV 30 MVA power transformer and substation circuit-breakers. The description of the condition monitoring system: sensors, data acquisition and warehouse systems, and communication systems are described deeper in [4] and [5]. The parameters of the active part of the power transformer that are monitored and the sensors are listed in Table I. The values of such parameters are acquired continuously and a pre-process is done before they are stored in the data base. The storage of these parameters is synchronous: instant values are aggregated in the average every 15 minutes and such average and the maximum and the minimum for each quarter of an hour are recorded. Date and time are recorded with each measure. Table I. Power transformer monitored variable Monitoring parameter Upper oil temperature Gases dissolved in oil Oil humidity Lower oil temperature High-voltage 3-phase currents High-voltage 3-phase voltages Sensor Pt100 Hydran M2 Vaisala MMT318 Pt100 Current transformer Voltage transformer 2 Figure 1. Monitoring pilot plant III. CONDITIONING MONITORED DATA The data base stores data that can be used for assessing the condition of power transformer. A first step is to plot such data. Figure 2 shows monitored data of transformer temperature from the monitoring system for the same month in two different years. It can be seen that some data is missed or present a value equal to zero. Therefore, a conditioning procedure is needed to identify the cause of this situation and extract accurate information that permits estimate the condition of the power transformer in order to specify the proper maintenance actions if needed. The proposed methodology is shown in Figure 3 and is described next. It has two parts: finding wrong data and generate patter of behaviour. The objective is to obtain the set of data free of anomalous values and create for each monitored parameter a behaviour pattern to identify changes or trends that conduct to an unwanted situation Evolution of mean temperature values Evolution of mean temperature values 60 60 50 50 Time 30/04/2009 29/04/2009 28/04/2009 26/04/2009 24/04/2009 23/04/2009 22/04/2009 21/04/2009 20/04/2009 19/04/2009 18/04/2009 17/04/2009 15/04/2009 14/04/2009 13/04/2009 12/04/2009 11/04/2009 24/04/2008 23/04/2008 22/04/2008 21/04/2008 20/04/2008 19/04/2008 17/04/2008 16/04/2008 15/04/2008 14/04/2008 13/04/2008 12/04/2008 11/04/2008 10/04/2008 08/04/2008 07/04/2008 06/04/2008 05/04/2008 04/04/2008 03/04/2008 02/04/2008 0 01/04/2008 0 10/04/2009 Ambient 10 09/04/2009 20 10 08/04/2009 Top-layer Bottom-layer 06/04/2009 30 04/04/2009 20 40 02/04/2009 30 ºC Top-layer Bottom-layer Ambient 01/04/2009 ºC 40 Time Figure 2. Temperature measurements in April 2008 (left) and 2009 (right) a. IDENTIFYING WRONG DATA On-line monitoring systems might have some malfunction that cause that anomalous data is inserted in the data base. Such abnormal data have not to be taken into consideration for assessing the condition. The origin of these inaccuracies is misoperation of some of its components like sensors and disfunction of communication and software systems, as for example a damaged sensor, loss of communication between sensors and data base due to the cable is broken, and writing failure when inserting in data base. In order to cope with these sources of errors, stored values of monitored parameters are asked next questions: 3 Is the number of data expected? This doubt discovers missing intervals as the storage of monitored data is carried out in constant time intervals. o Is there a date without measure? This enquiry notices that a measurement is not recorded in the data base. o Are there data with zero value? This issue detects an error in stored data, although a null value in current and voltage could mean that the transformer is out of service. As a result of each question, a list with the detected wrong data is created and stored. The exact cause of misoperation of the on-line monitoring system can be determined by analysing the data lists generated after the question. After the whole set of data goes through the questions, the appropriate data is available for obtaining behaviour pattern of each parameter. o Figure 3. Algorithm for conditioning monitored data 4 b. GENERATION OF BEHAVIOUR PATTERNS The behaviour patterns are found through data mining process applied to free error set of monitored data. Data mining has been selected due to it is an efficient technique to obtain useful information from cleaned large amount of data. There are different techniques for performing data mining: neuronal networks, decision trees, genetic algorithms, clustering, linear regression, statistics, etc. Statistical analysis has been selected to derive the behaviour patterns for watching the evolution of the condition of the power transformer. This technique consists of adjusting the data to a statistical distribution model. A data distribution fit-test determines the suitable model. Before performing such tests, the influence of the season and time of day have to be considered. Then, refined data are separated in winter (from December to February), spring (from March to May), summer (from June to August) and autumn (from September to November); and for each season, the data is considered hourly. The fit-tests have been carried out according to previous conditions and the normal distribution fits with the refined data, as Figure 4 shows for top-layer temperature. Figure 4. Distribution fit-tests (with Minitab®) for top-layer temperature: exponential (upper left), Weibull (lower left), normal (upper right) and log-normal (lower right) Therefore, each parameter has four behaviour patterns that each one consists of a daily model made of 24 normal distributions, one for each hour of the day. Figure 5 depict the behaviour pattern of top-layer temperature for spring, where hourly means are connected by a continuous line, and the upper and lower lines limit the confidence interval of 95.44% (±2). For deriving this pattern, the wrong data that Figure 2 shows in April 2009 has not been taking into account and do not affect it. The models are stored in the data base and when the monitoring system acquires new raw data, such data is firstly refined and later is used for updating the corresponding pattern. The behaviour patterns permit to assess the evolution of monitored parameters and evaluate the condition of the power transformer by means of comparison and correlation between the parameters. Figure 5. Spring top-temperature behaviour pattern. Continuous line: mean. Dot-point line: upper limit. Dot line: lower limit 5 IV. CONCLUSIONS Power transformers are an important asset in power systems. Monitoring of power transformers permits to estimate their condition and life expectancy. Although degradation process of insulation materials and failure modes are known, the assessment of their ageing and time to failure is hard difficult. On-line monitoring systems help to estimate current condition of power transformers. However, raw data might present anomalous values due to malfunction of the monitoring system and if these are not identified, incorrect conclusions could appear in later analysis. In order to overcome such situation, a refining stage previous to condition analysis is needed. A conditioning monitored data process for an on-line monitoring pilot plant system has been described. This process permits to derive behaviour patterns to identify changes or trends that might conduct to an unwanted condition of power transformer. The patterns have been derived from cleaned monitored data using statistics data mining techniques, namely normal distribution considering season and each hour of the day. REFERENCES [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] Joachim Schneider, Armin J. Gaul, Claus Neumann, Jurgen Hografer, Wolfram Wellow, Michael Schwan, Armin Schnettler, Asset management techniques, International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems, Volume 28, Issue 9, Selection of Papers from 15th Power Systems Computation Conference, 2005 - PSCC'05, November 2006, Pages 643-654, ISSN 0142-0615, DOI: 10.1016/j.ijepes.2006.03.007. Ahmed E.B. 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Lloret, P.; Velasquez, J.L.; Molas-Balada, L.; Villafafila, R.; Sumper, A.; Galceran-Arellano, S.; "IEC 61850 as a flexible tool for electrical systems monitoring," 9th International Conference on Electrical Power Quality and Utilisation, 2007, EPQU 2007, vol., no., pp.1-6, 9-11 Oct. 2007. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The pilot plant project has awarded with Endesa’s R+D+i international prize NOVARE 2005 on distribution networks in the category of Power Quality and Reliability by the project: 'Substation monitoring for predictive maintenance'. 6 ETS de Ingenieros Industriales y de Telecomunicación. Universidad de Cantabria Formación y evaluación de la competencia en habilidad espacial Jordi Torner, Francesc Alpiste Penalba, Miguel Brigos Hermida Urgell 187, Barcelona, 934137398, 934017800 Resumen Diversos estudios señalan la habilidad espacial como una variable clave en los estudios de Ingeniería Industrial. Es fundamental para la actividad proyectual del ingeniero ya que resulta vital en el diseño de proyectos. Entre otros factores, se correlaciona con buenos resultados académicos y con facilidad de aprendizaje de sistemas de información y herramientas informáticas. Asimismo, el nuevo escenario creado por el EEES nos conduce a la definición y medición competencias, entre las cuales la integraremos. En el presente artículo planteamos la estrecha relación que une el desarrollo de esta habilidad con el trabajo con software de modelado de sólidos en 3D. El estudio se realiza con 812 estudiantes de 1er año de Ingeniería Industrial de la Universidad Politécnica de Catalunya, analizando la evolución de las puntuaciones obtenidas a través de los test DAT-SR y MRT, antes y después de la asignatura de diseño asistido por ordenador. Palabras Clave: competencias; EEES; habilidad espacial. Abstract Many studies show that spatial ability is a key factor in engineering studies. It is essential for the engineer in sketching activity and vital on projects design. Among other factors, it is correlated with brilliant academic results and capability on learning information systems and software. Besides, the new scenario created by EEES drives us to the competences definition and evaluation. In this paper we show the big relationship between this ability development with 3D solid modelling software. This study is made with 812 first year Engineering students at UPC-Barcelona Tech, analyzing the scores evolution over DAT-SR and MRT tests, before and after computer aided design subject. Keywords: competences; EEES; spatial ability. 1. Introducción La inteligencia humana se pone de manifiesto en el nivel de desarrollo de ciertas habilidades (verbal, numérica, espacial, etc.). Diversos autores destacan la importancia de la habilidad espacial (HE) en los procesos de diseño en Ingeniería y proponen estrategias didácticas para favorecer su desarrollo entre los estudiantes. El desarrollo de la habilidad espacial forma parte del currículum de la Ingeniería Gráfica desde hace largo tiempo [1]. En los últimos años, el interés ha XVIII Congreso Universitario de Innovación Educativa en las Enseñanzas Técnicas Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingenieros Industriales y de Telecomunicación. Universidad de Cantabria Santander, 6 a 9 de julio de 2010 ETS de Ingenieros Industriales y de Telecomunicación. Universidad de Cantabria ido creciendo debido a las novedades y el impulso tomado desde la informática gráfica. Su valor reside básicamente en la relación entre la HE con el diseño y con la comunicación gráfica. El concepto de HE cubre un amplio abanico de funciones cognitivas. En la actualidad existen multitud de tests y pruebas que permiten abordar los diferentes componentes de dicha habilidad. Este hecho provoca que el concepto quede fragmentado en múltiples sub-factores y resulta complicado encontrar una definición aceptada de forma unánime por toda la comunidad científica. No obstante, encontramos 2 componentes básicos de la habilidad del que derivan los demás, aceptados por la comunidad científica [1]: Visión espacial: habilidad de manipular un objeto en un espacio 3D imaginario creando representaciones del objeto desde diferentes puntos de vista. Orientación espacial: se refiere a la capacidad para controlar el espacio de nuestro entorno y predecir el movimiento y la posición de los objetos. Un ingeniero debe ser capaz de resolver gráficamente la representación de estructuras y sistemas complejos en el desarrollo de su trabajo. Por lo que necesariamente la HE es útil y puede llegar a ser clave en el desarrollo de proyectos de ingeniería, tal y como apuntan diversos estudios [2,3]. En las primeras fases del diseño de proyectos es fundamental solventar con rapidez problemas en los que el razonamiento espacial juega un papel decisivo, por ejemplo, en la fase de croquización. Por otra parte, la HE se ha reconocido como factor determinante en la predicción de éxito en diversas áreas, especialmente en las áreas tecnológicas [4]. Es decir, se han establecido correlaciones positivas entre la HE y los resultados académicos de los estudiantes en ingeniería. Se han establecido correlaciones positivas con la capacidad de aprendizaje de aplicaciones informáticas, herramientas de CAD, en el diseño de Bases de Datos o en el desarrollo de estructuras moleculares [5]. El aprendizaje de una herramienta profesional de CAD en los estudios de Ingeniería Industrial se hace cada vez más necesaria debido, entre otros factores, a la demanda XVIII Congreso Universitario de Innovación Educativa en las Enseñanzas Técnicas Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingenieros Industriales y de Telecomunicación. Universidad de Cantabria Santander, 6 a 9 de julio de 2010 ETS de Ingenieros Industriales y de Telecomunicación. Universidad de Cantabria del mercado laboral. En consecuencia la gran mayoría de universidades y escuelas técnicas utilizan una herramienta de CAD en los primeros cursos de las ingenierías. Varios autores [6,7] han demostrado que el uso de herramientas CAD puede potenciar el desarrollo de la visión espacial. En resumen, la HE se configura como: Competencia básica en el currículum del ingeniero. Fundamental para la actividad proyectual: Resulta vital en el diseño y desarrollo de proyectos. Se correlaciona con buenos resultados académicos y con facilidad de aprendizaje de sistemas de información y herramientas informáticas Necesarias para resolver gráficamente la representación de estructuras y sistemas complejos en el desarrollo de su trabajo. Factor determinante en la predicción de éxito en diversas áreas, especialmente en las áreas de ciencias y tecnológicas (correlaciones positivas con resultados académicos de los estudiantes en ingeniería). Se han establecido correlaciones positivas con la capacidad de aprendizaje de aplicaciones informáticas, herramientas de CAD, en el diseño de BBDD o en el desarrollo de estructuras moleculares. Relación entre la HE i la habilidad para trabajar con sistemas de información informáticos (navegación por menús jerárquicos y bases de datos, portales de e-learning, sistemas de almacenamiento de información y en general todo tipo de espacios web). Debido a todos estos condicionantes, este trabajo pretende desarrollar un modelo que permita evaluar la HE de los estudiantes de ingeniería de la asignatura de primer curso “Expresión Gráfica y diseño asistido por ordenador” . XVIII Congreso Universitario de Innovación Educativa en las Enseñanzas Técnicas Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingenieros Industriales y de Telecomunicación. Universidad de Cantabria Santander, 6 a 9 de julio de 2010 ETS de Ingenieros Industriales y de Telecomunicación. Universidad de Cantabria El modelo contará con los procedimientos y con los indicadores necesarios, permitirá ponderar las principales variables y orientar sobre las acciones a introducir de mejora de la práctica docente. Nuestro objetivo es comprobar si el uso de una herramienta de modelado de sólidos 3D, como Solidworks, desarrolla la HE en los estudiantes. Para ello se realiza la pasación de 2 tests de HE al inicio y final del cuatrimestre y se comprobará si existen diferencias significativas entre las puntuaciones obtenidas antes y después de las clases. De esta manera podremos estudiar si la intervención realizada en las clases de la asignatura produce un entrenamiento de la HE. El estudio se realiza en un momento de cambios importantes ya que se ha procedido a la adaptación de la asignatura Expresión Gráfica y Diseño asistido por ordenador al modelo acordado en Bolonia. La integración de las universidades en el Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior (EEES) nos conduce a modificar la estructura, los contenidos y el modelo de enseñanza-aprendizaje de nuestros programas de formación. Este hecho nos abre un nuevo eje en la investigación. Este escenario nos lleva a la definición de competencias: Las actividades formativas se orientan a la adquisición de competencias específicas de cada asignatura, adoptándose un enfoque formativo-práctico. Y a la evaluación de resultados: Se requiere la evaluación de los resultados obtenidos en el proceso en términos de competencia, intentando acercar el perfil profesional al académico observando los conocimientos y habilidades necesarios en el mundo laboral. La integración al espacio Europeo nos conduce a definir las competencias específicas que definirán la asignatura de Expresión Gráfica y DAO. Tal y como se ha comentado una de las competencias más importantes en la figura del Ingeniero y de la asignatura es la HE. Por lo tanto definir y evaluar dicha competencia se convierte en otro objetivo importante de nuestra investigación. XVIII Congreso Universitario de Innovación Educativa en las Enseñanzas Técnicas Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingenieros Industriales y de Telecomunicación. Universidad de Cantabria Santander, 6 a 9 de julio de 2010 ETS de Ingenieros Industriales y de Telecomunicación. Universidad de Cantabria 2. Objetivos y metodología El objetivo último del estudio es desarrollar un modelo que permita evaluar la HE en los estudiantes de Ingeniería Industrial y que permita a su vez evaluar las estrategias y los métodos de la programación y su relación con la HE. Figura 1. Esquema de investigación En el desarrollo de este trabajo se ha analizado la asignatura de primer curso Expresión Gráfica y Diseño asistido por ordenador de la UPC. Mediante la utilización del modelo propuesto, se quiere comprobar si la metodología didáctica y las actividades realizadas en la asignatura colaboran en un desarrollo significativo de la HE en los estudiantes. En referencia a la detección de HE mediante test se estudiaran las principales soluciones utilizadas. De entre ellas, se elegirá la tipología de test que se adapte mejor al objetivo de nuestro estudio. XVIII Congreso Universitario de Innovación Educativa en las Enseñanzas Técnicas Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingenieros Industriales y de Telecomunicación. Universidad de Cantabria Santander, 6 a 9 de julio de 2010 ETS de Ingenieros Industriales y de Telecomunicación. Universidad de Cantabria Con este objetivo se pasarán 2 test (DAT-SR y MRT) de HE al inicio y final del cuatrimestre y se comprobará si existen diferencias significativas entre las puntuaciones obtenidas antes y después de las clases mediante técnicas estadísticas. Figura 2. Rotación de figuras (basado en MRT) 3. Competencia en HE Con el EEES la definición y evaluación de competencias adquiere un papel relevante. La competencia es la habilidad aprendida para llevar a cabo una tarea, deber o rol adecuadamente. Un alto nivel de competencia es un prerrequisito de buena ejecución. Navío [8] apunta que las competencias profesionales son un conjunto de elementos combinados que se integran atendiendo a una serie de atributos personales tomando como referencia las experiencias personales y profesionales y que se manifiestan mediante determinados comportamientos o conductas en el contexto de trabajo. Destacan entre otros el trabajo de Moon [9] para la programación de la asignatura y el de Urraza [10] que nos propone un modelo de competencias de la asignatura en el que la HE queda integrada: XVIII Congreso Universitario de Innovación Educativa en las Enseñanzas Técnicas Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingenieros Industriales y de Telecomunicación. Universidad de Cantabria Santander, 6 a 9 de julio de 2010 ETS de Ingenieros Industriales y de Telecomunicación. Universidad de Cantabria Tabla 1. . Competencias específicas de Expresión Gráfica y DAO y relación con las competencias trasversales implicadas. C. COMPETENCIAS ESPECÍFICAS TRANSVERSALES Instrumentales; T.I: T.P: Interpersonales T.S: Sistémicas COMPETENCIAS RELACIONADAS CON LOS CONCEPTOS Y CONOCIMIENTOS BÁSICOS T.I.2. Capacidad de análisis y C.1 Comprender, gestionar y aplicar un soporte de síntesis T.I.3. Capacidad de conocimientos sobre los fundamentos y normalización del gestión de la información T.I.5. Dibujo de Ingeniería Industrial, plataforma necesaria para Conocimientos básicos de la abordar los problemas de ingeniería gráfica. profesión T.S.2. Aprendizaje autónomo C.2 Aplicar con destreza los programas de DAO, que hacen que el ordenador se constituya en una herramienta didáctica, precisa y rápida, para la confección de la base documental de los objetos que deben de ser representados desde la perspectiva de los conocimientos T.I.6. Conocimientos de informática T.S.2. Aprendizaje autónomo del Dibujo de Ingeniería. COMPETENCIAS RELACIONADAS CON EL APRENDIZAJE CONSTRUCTIVISTA C.3 Gestionar y aplicar la capacidad espacial utilizando como soporte la croquización, dentro de un marco de T.I.1. Resolución de problemas desarrollo estrategias cognitivas que ayuden a la T.S.2. Aprendizaje autónomo visualización tridimensional de los objetos técnicos. C.4 Interpretar y realizar planos normalizados del Dibujo T.I.1. Resolución de problemas de Ingeniería Industrial. T.S.1. Capacidad de aplicar los XVIII Congreso Universitario de Innovación Educativa en las Enseñanzas Técnicas Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingenieros Industriales y de Telecomunicación. Universidad de Cantabria Santander, 6 a 9 de julio de 2010 ETS de Ingenieros Industriales y de Telecomunicación. Universidad de Cantabria conocimientos a la práctica T.S.2. Aprendizaje autónomo C.5 Aplicar el conocimiento procedimental en la resolución de los problemas de la Geometría Constructiva orientados a la representación de superficies. T.I.1. Resolución de problemas T.S.1. Capacidad de aplicar los conocimientos a la práctica T.S.2. Aprendizaje autónomo T.I.1. Resolución de problemas T.S.1. Capacidad de aplicar los C.6 Aplicar las habilidades de investigación y creatividad en la introducción al diseño industrial. la conocimientos T.S.2. a la Aprendizaje T.S.3. práctica autónomo Creatividad T.S.5. Habilidades de investigación C.7 Gestionar las fuentes de información, exponiendo y T.I.4. justificando de forma gráfica, oral y escrita los aspectos organización relacionados con las ideas de diseño y con Capacidad y de planificación la T.I.7. Comunicación gráfica, oral interpretación y realización de los documentos de y escrita Ingeniería. C.8 Trabajo en equipo que facilite el desarrollo de los T.P.1. Trabajo en equipo T.P.2. conocimientos con un intercambio cultural crítico y Capacidad responsable. de autocrítica XVIII Congreso Universitario de Innovación Educativa en las Enseñanzas Técnicas Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingenieros Industriales y de Telecomunicación. Universidad de Cantabria Santander, 6 a 9 de julio de 2010 crítica y ETS de Ingenieros Industriales y de Telecomunicación. Universidad de Cantabria 4. Modelo Definimos un Modelo para el desarrollo de la HE en la Expresión Gráfica. El objetivo del modelo es disponer de recursos de mejora docente a partir del estudio de la HE. El modelo permite el control de variables que afectan la HE y facilita su medida Pre y Post curso. Además, el modelo establece relaciones entre las metodologías didácticas, los resultados académicos y la satisfacción de los estudiantes. Figura 3. Modelo para el desarrollo de la HE en la Expresión Gráfica La actividad se centra en la programación de la asignatura de Expresión Gráfica y Diseño Asistido por Ordenador (EGDAO) y en el estudio de las habilidades espaciales que se desarrollan en ella. XVIII Congreso Universitario de Innovación Educativa en las Enseñanzas Técnicas Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingenieros Industriales y de Telecomunicación. Universidad de Cantabria Santander, 6 a 9 de julio de 2010 ETS de Ingenieros Industriales y de Telecomunicación. Universidad de Cantabria Se aporta un modelo para medir la mejora de la habilidad espacial, qué es una competencia básica de los ingenieros. Para ello, se describen las variables que afectan la HE y se propone un sistema de depuración de las mismas que, además, orienta en las acciones didácticas a tomar para mejorar la HE Los estudios estadísticos realizados permiten obtener valores cuantitativos que pueden ser utilizados como referencia para los indicadores de calidad. Además contribuyen en la determinación de la fiabilidad de las encuestas realizadas. Se determina la correlación entre los valores de HE y los resultados académicos obtenidos a partir de las evaluaciones de las principales actividades didácticas realizadas. Esta correlación nos permite determinar la influencia de las metodologías docentes utilizadas en la mejora de HE y nos orienta acerca de la selección de actividades más eficaces. Finalmente, todos los datos analizados revierten en la toma de decisiones para incidir en la mejora de la calidad docente, toda vez que disponemos de un conjunto de métodos y herramientas con las que obtener y comparar los registros con los indicadores de referencia utilizados en un proceso de mejora continua. 5. Conclusiones y líneas futuras de investigación De todas las variables analizadas en el estudio, se identifican mediante el análisis de los resultados, las siguientes variables determinantes en las puntuaciones de HE: Uso de software de CAD: se aprecian diferencias significativas en los alumnos con experiencia en este tipo de programas. Especialidad: encontramos diferencias importantes entre especialidades, especialmente en química, que obtiene las medias más bajas. La relación más fuerte se encuentra entre del DAT inicial y la prueba DAO2 dedicada a la geometría del espacio. Por lo tanto, se propone potenciar las actividades relacionadas con la geometría del espacio para maximizar el desarrollo de la HE. XVIII Congreso Universitario de Innovación Educativa en las Enseñanzas Técnicas Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingenieros Industriales y de Telecomunicación. Universidad de Cantabria Santander, 6 a 9 de julio de 2010 ETS de Ingenieros Industriales y de Telecomunicación. Universidad de Cantabria DAT parece ser un buen indicador de éxito en la asignatura ya que muestra los valores más altos para las correlaciones. MRT no resulta un instrumento interesante ya que no nos aporta diferencias significativas en ninguna de las comparativas realizadas. A partir de aquí, algunas de las posibles líneas de acción futuras serían: Utilizar los indicadores obtenidos comparar los registros con los indicadores en un proceso de mejora continua: Resultados de los test: Incrementos en el DAT, comparaciones internacionales, nacionales, años, rendimiento académico y la relación del DAT con la Nota Final, DAO1 y DAO2. Completar el modelo con la medición de otras competencias fundamentales en el campo de la ingeniería y con su aplicación en la mejora de la práctica docente mediante la incorporación y evaluación de nuevas metodologías relacionando los resultados académicos y la adquisición de competencias. XVIII Congreso Universitario de Innovación Educativa en las Enseñanzas Técnicas Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingenieros Industriales y de Telecomunicación. Universidad de Cantabria Santander, 6 a 9 de julio de 2010 ETS de Ingenieros Industriales y de Telecomunicación. Universidad de Cantabria 5. Referencias 1. Miller, C. L., & Bertoline, G. R. Spatial visualization research and theories: their importance in the development of an engineering and technical design graphics curriculum model. Engineering Design Graphics Journal 55 (3), (1991). 5-14. 2. H Jerz, R. “Redesigning engineering graphics to include CAD and sketching exercises” ASEE Annual Conference Proceedings, Montreal, Canada (2002). 3. J Strong, S. and Smith, R. “Spatial visualization: fundamentals and trends in engineering graphics”. Journal of Industrial Technology, vol. 18, no. 1, (2001). 4. Strong, S., & Smith, R.. Spatial visualization: Fundamentals and trends in engineering graphics [Electronic version ]. Journal of Industrial Technology, 18(1), (2001-2002), 1-5. 5. Norman, K. L. Spatial Visualitzation. A gateway to Computer Based Technology. Journal of Special Educational Technology, XII, (3), 195-206 (1994). 6. Devon, R., Engel, R.S., Foster, R.J., Sathianathan, D, and Turner, G.F.W. “The effect of solid modelling on 3D visualization Skills”. Engineering Design Graphics Journal, vol. 58, no. 2, 4-11 (1994). 7. Sorby, S.A., “Improving the spatial skills of engineering students: impact on graphics performance and retention”. Engineering Design Graphics Journal, vol. 65, no. 3, pp. 31-36 (2000). 8. Navío Gámez, Antonio. “Las competencias del formador de formación continua. Análisis desde los programas de formación de formadores”. Tesis Doctoral. Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona (2001). 9. Moon, J. Linking Levels, Learning Outcomes and Assessment criteria: the Design of Programmes and Modules in Higher Education. unpublished paper, Staff Development Unit, University of Exeter (2000). 10. Urraza, Guillermo. Evaluación de competencias en el diseño curricular de la asignatura de Expresión Gráfica y DAO. XVII Congreso Internacional de Ingeniería Gráfica, (2006). XVIII Congreso Universitario de Innovación Educativa en las Enseñanzas Técnicas Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingenieros Industriales y de Telecomunicación. Universidad de Cantabria Santander, 6 a 9 de julio de 2010 61st International Astronautical Congress, Prague, CZ. Copyright ©2010 by the International Astronautical Federation. All rights reserved. IAC-10-A1.8.4 SMALL MEDICAL EXPERIMENTS IN INNOVATIVE AEROBATIC SINGLE-ENGINE PARABOLIC FLIGHTS: PROVIDING DATA AND INSPIRATION FOR THE EXPLORERS OF TOMORROW Prof. Antoni Pérez-Poch EUETIB, Escola Universitària d’Enginyeria Tècnica Industrial de Barcelona; UPC, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Spain, Daniel Ventura González Aeroclub Barcelona-Sabadell, Barcelona, Spain, Gloria García-Cuadrado BAIE Barcelona Aeronautics & Space Association, Spain Recent research undertaken by the joint venture led by the Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya, with its partners, the Aeroclub Barcelona-Sabadell and BAIE, Barcelona Aeronautics Space Association, has shown that it is possible and safe to obtain zero-gravity conditions for up to 8 seconds with single-engine aerobatic planes. The quality of the microgravity is comparable to that obtained by conventional parabolic flights. The main advantage of this technique is that a lower cost-to-time of microgravity ratio, during the parabola is obtained. Small life science experiments that require no more than this short period of time and cannot be run in drop towers, benefit from an easy access to the experimental platform. We present here how data of small medical experiments which had own with our platform are thereafter used for the first time as an educational tool. Experiments were aimed at validating a numerical model (NELME) that has been developed in our research group, which is intended to suggest what actual changes in the cardiovascular system can be expected when the human body is exposed to reduced gravity. An educational tutorial was developed, based on these experiments, containing an introduction to space physiology, how the data was obtained and why it was useful, and a hands-on material where students can actually use a simulation software to see what changes may happen to the human body when exposed to long-term scenarios, like a long expedition to the Moon, or a trip to Mars. The material was tested by engineering students, who had nearly no previous understanding of medical concepts, but it can easily used also for life sciences students with no knowledge of simulation techniques. A final survey, and an evaluation of the students work results was conducted, in order to assess the impact of this activity. Students of our University also have the opportunity to design their own experiment, and actually build it and fly it in zero gravity at Sabadell Airport (Catalonia, Spain), very near to our Faculty premises in Barcelona. Students from the International Space University Space Studies Program 2010 have designed a number of experiments which will likely be flown by us this year, and an international contest led by the Space Generation Advisory Council is just being started. In conclusion, we believe that this innovative microgravity platform will open new doors to inspire students around the world to get an interest on space medicine and research, and we look forward to expand this opportunity in the upcoming years. I. INTRODUCTION Parabolic flights are a common way nowadays to obtain microgravity. About 20-30 seconds of microgravity can be obtained during parabolic flights. Jet airplanes such as the KC135(NASA) and the Caravelle or the Airbus A300(ESA) or the Ilyushin IL76 MDK (Gagarin Cosmonaut Training Center, Moscow) are used with their interiors completely empty and padded with foam rubber [1]. These planes are operated in professional or student experimental campaigns involving a number of different teams and experiments on-board, and typically require months of preparation. IAC-10-A1.8.4 The flight profile is the following (see Figure 1): coming from a steady flight profile an introductory pull-up maneuver is performed at increased acceleration (roughly 2g for these planes), pilot reduces thrust and, with throttle or idle engines the airplane follows the parabolic trajectory of a free-flying body. As a consequence, after a short phase of transition, microgravity is obtained for about 20-30 seconds. After the recovery maneuver at increased acceleration (2g), the airplane flies again horizontally to the ground level for some minutes before introducing the next parabola. During one flight mission about 20 parabolas are performed. Page 1 of 5 61st International Astronautical Congress, Prague, CZ. Copyright ©2010 by the International Astronautical Federation. All rights reserved. Figure 1: AIRBUS 300 parabolic maneuver (Credit: ESA/Novespace) Due to flight perturbations and the presence of many crew members, however, there is a comparatively low microgravity level of only about 0.01g. The utilization of such procedures ranges from testing of technology and procedures to qualification of experiments and subsystems to astronaut training. ESA has used since 1984 six types of airplanes to conduct its parabolic flight campaigns [2]: the KC135, the Caravelle from CNES, the Russian Ilyushin Il76 MDK, the Cessna Citation II, and the Airbus A-300 'zero-g' from CNES, all of them with 2 or 4 engines. An important number of physical and life sciences experiments have been conducted showing the success of this kind of access to microgravity. Our approach is different from the successfully previously reported parabolic flights as we propose the use of a tiny 2-passengers aerobatic plane. This kind of aircraft is already certified to sustain this maneuver and could also be used for professional experiments and testing technology. The advantage of this approach is the immediate preparation and saving cost as the budget of the flight is significantly small than those parabolic flights with bigger and more complex airplanesajor headings are capitalized, underlined and centred in the column. II. CALIBRATION AND OPERATIONS We first reported the implementation of parabolic maneuvres for professional experimentation in microgravity with a CAP-10B aerobatic airplane, certified to make aerobatic maneuvers at IAC in Glasgow 2008, after our maiden flight in November 2007 with the first calibration data [3]. The plane is a 2-passenger light model of airplane (Figure 2) and can be flown easily from an aerodrome with little preparation apart from the usual procedures in private flying. IAC-10-A1.8.4 Figure 2: CAP-10B plane owned by ACBS. (Credit: Aeroclub Barcelona-Sabadell). The only limitation of this approach is that no huge equipment can be loaded into the cockpit as this was designed to be smart for aerobatic sport, but it is quite adequate for rapid testing and prototyping of technology subsystems, as well as physical or life science experiments that don't need a huge space to be stowed. We conducted in this mission six parabolic flights from the Sabadell Airport in November 2007 with an experiment on board. Every parabola was carefully planned and coordinate between the pilot (Ventura) and the mission specialist (Perez-Poch) of this mission. Timing of every part of maneuvre, g acceleration, and a number of parameters regarding the experiment on board were recorded through a laptop on board. As this is a 1-engine plane with a limited capacity of thrust, the power available from the plane engine to perform the parabola was less than those available from the other planes reported to have undergone parabolic maneuvres. As a result of this limitation, a more intense acceleration is needed in the pull-up entry reaching 3.8 g instead of the usual 1.8g found when using the Airbus 300 zero-g. With this approach we report six series of 4.5 to 6.8 seconds of microgravity during the parabola zero-g phase. Again, a nearly 4g pull-out maneuver is performed by the pilot to recover horizontal flight. We repeated the maneuver every two minutes with the experiment on board. The quality of the gravity attained is comparable to that obtained with earlier parabolic experiments, although we didn't control the z-axis so precisely as other planes do as the control of this plane is totally manual. However it can be estimated that the order of magnitude is comparable to that of 0.01 g obtained in bigger airplanes with more precise and strict control of the balance. The pilot of these maneuvers is an experienced aerobatic pilot (Ventura), who trains regularly as a sport aerobatic aviator. The mission specialist is a private pilot (Perez-Poch) with no previous experience in aerobatic flight, but did not require any medical treatment previous, during nor after the parabolas. No Page 2 of 5 61st International Astronautical Congress, Prague, CZ. Copyright ©2010 by the International Astronautical Federation. All rights reserved. motion sickness symptoms were reported by any of us in this mission, although it is advisable to be fit enough to sustain the nearly 4g pull-up and pull-out experience. After the maneuvers the plane was conducted from the surrounding area to Sabadell Airport, 20km from Barcelona, and safely landed with no incidences to report. During the manual performance of the maneuver by the pilot (Ventura) the mission specialist (Perez-Poch) was carrying on himself the payload intended to in-flight validate the NELME model proposed and developed by the same author [4]. The equipment consisted of a laptop with an RF receiver, a blood pressure monitor with RF emitter, and a state-ofthe-art pulsometer able to register heart rate.. Analysis of these results were found to be reliable as their variations were minimal for every one of the six parabolas performed. The numerical model predicted the variations in blood pressure and heart rate when applying 3.8g , then zero g, and back to 3.8g of the subject. The experimental findings were fully compatible with the model in spite of the few seconds available in microgravity. More detailed results can be found in [4] as well as the whole description of the model. The total cost of this mission was estimated in less than 300 euros including the cost of hiring a professional aerobatic pilot, the same plane, essence and airport taxes. This is less than a thousand than what can be estimated for a usual parabolic campaign, thus resulting in a very advantageous time of microgravity/cost ratio. The preparation of the mission was reduced to a series of breafing and debreafing sessions as no special requirements were needed for this life sciences experiment. Therefore, the access time to microgravity was also significantly reduced from that need in a usual parabolic campaign which may last for months. Since then, an extensive number of flight tests have been carried out in order to improve the proficiency of the manual manuevre. Thanks to this optimization the quality of g attained has been significantly improved, and the likelihood of g jitter lessened. Thanks to these efforts, the technique was optimized in order to be able to provide a reliable source of microgravity to the European space research community, and also to provide with flight opportunities to the students. A joint venture between the Aeroclub Barcelona-Sabadell, UPC Barcelona Tech and BAIE Barcelona Aeronautics & Space Association has started early this year. This joint venture is able to provide flight opportunities and a legal framework for the researchers and students who wish to take advantage of this platform. An Announcement of Opportunity was released this year [5,6] by the institutions funding and leading this endeavour. IAC-10-A1.8.4 III. EDUCATIONAL OPPORTUNITIES III.I Medical Data as a motivational tool During the calibration process, from November 2007 to the current data, data for the validation of the NELME model of the cardiovascular system under variable g conditions were collected. An educational tutorial was developed, based on these experiments, containing an introduction to space physiology, how the data was obtained and why it was useful, and a hands-on material where students can actually use a simulation software to see what changes may happen to the human body when exposed to longterm scenarios, like a long expedition to the Moon, or a trip to Mars. The material was tested by engineering students, who had nearly no previous understanding of medical concepts, but it can easily used also for life sciences students with no knowledge of simulation techniques. A final survey, and an evaluation of the students work results was conducted, in order to assess the impact of this activity. The students had to work out what changes were important, what implications have the data for the hypothesis of the experiment, and propose future lines of research. Students had a one-hour tutorial workshop introduction, two hours of class work, and 4 days to submit their work. All student teams presented their work on time, and the evaluation was fairly good to excellent for all teams. Students qualified with a 3.8 +/0.4 the activity (1 being boring, 5 exciting) and provided some quotes as ‘the activity was the most original of my studies’ or ‘I wish to also take part in the experiments’. A limited number of UPC graduate research collaborators, and UPC undergraduate students have also been invited by us to actually take part in these inflight tests during the calibration processes. In these selected motivational flights, which were also funded and directed by UPC, and operated by the Aeroclub Barcelona-Sabadell with Mr D.V. Gonzalez as pilot-incommand performing the maneuvres, these students could, as a result of these operations, make some proposals of in-flight experiments [7]. III.II International Space University Summer Students Program 2010 “Fly-your-experiment” Barcelona Campaign The International Space University is the leading University in the space sector providing top education under its three lines of inspiration: International, Interdisciplinar and Intercultural. As part of its educational curricula it organizes every year an Page 3 of 5 61st International Astronautical Congress, Prague, CZ. Copyright ©2010 by the International Astronautical Federation. All rights reserved. intensive 9-week Summer Space Program . This program is attended every year by more than 100 graduate and undergraduate students from all over the world. During the program, they are exposed to a number of fundamental core lectures, workshops, and departmental activities. The last three weeks are dedicated entirely to the development of a Team Project in a topic related to space activities [8]. During the recent SSP10 one of the proposed activities was to design and actually build an experiment to be flown with our platform. A 1-hour workshop was conducted by us, in which the students were introduced with the basics of parabolic flight, the special features of our platform, and then they were challenged with the possibility to actually fly their designs with us. The students were given the detailed requirements that had to be taken into account, as well as safety mandatory requirments. A 1-hour guided work time was granted, during which the students formed their teams and began making their experiment designs, with the mentoring of experienced professors of this particular field. Finally, the students, had to develop and submit a detailed form, in a professional way, detailing all aspects concerning their experiment, with the endorsement of an expert professor in the space field. A selection process is currently underway based on this form, with the three best experiments to be chosen and entitled to fly with our platform. We are particularly impressed by the quality of some of them, and will be most likely to provide high-quality meaningful data. Students during all the prrocess of design, build and fly the experiment, clearly benefit from the interaction of a leading university in the space sector, and an innovative challenge to actually experiment in zero-g their ideas. The ISU SSP10 Barcelona Aerobatics Challenge students’ flight campaign will probably take place in the October-November timeframe in Sabadell Airport, Barcelona,Spain. After this calibration period, a non-profit joint venture has been set up by the three institutions in Barcelona (Catalonia, Spain) involved in the development of the technique. Researchers in Europe can benefit from this opportunity thanks to the opening of a continously open call for proposals. Educational activities have been from the beginning an essential part of our motivation, and have provided meaningful results and a number of flight opportunities for students experiments, as well as tutorials after data collection. The Space Generation Advisory Council, a leading group of space enthusiast students and youth professionals has been invited by us to lead an international Challenge for students all over the world, in order to design and fly their experiments in zero-g. We expect this competition to start with their involvement before the end of this year. We are convinced that this innovative microgravity platform is already making an impact, and inspiring students around the world to get an interest on space medicine and research. Therefore, we certainly look forward to expand these activities in the upcoming years. IV. CONCLUSIONS We first reported a successful series of parabolas performed with a light aerobatic plane with a life sciences experiment on board. Between 5 to 8 seconds of microgravity were attained with a very small cost. The optimization of the tecnique has made possible to provide a quality of g between 0.1g and 0.01g with a g jitter reduction depending on the strength of wind gusts. Very limited time is needed to prepare and perform the experiment so this approach is specifically suited for those kind of rapid prototyping technology tests, or simple experiments that do not need huge or sophisticated equipments. IAC-10-A1.8.4 Page 4 of 5 61st International Astronautical Congress, Prague, CZ. Copyright ©2010 by the International Astronautical Federation. All rights reserved. REFERENCES [1] Messerschmid E, Bertrand R, Space Stations. Systems and Utilization. pp 300-310. Springer Verlag. ISBN 3-540-65464-X Berlin 1999. [2] Pletser V, Short duration microgravity experiments in physical and life sciences during parabolic flights: the first 30 ESA campaigns. Acta Astronautica, 55(10) 829854. 2004. [3] Pérez-Poch A., González, D.V. “Aerobatic flight: an innovative access to microgravity from a centennial sport”. 58th International Astronautical Conference, Glasgow, 2008. Conference Paper # IAC-08-A2.3-12 [4] Pérez-Poch A. "On the role of numerical simulations in studies of reduced gravity-induced physiological effects in humans. Results from NELME.". Proceedings of the 38th COSPAR General Assembly,Bremen, July 2010. Submitted to Advances in Space Research. [5] BAIE Announcement of Opportunity for European researchers/students: , retrieved on 30th August 2010. [6] CRAE-UPC Announcement of Opportunity for European researchers/students: , retrieved on 30th August 2010. [7] Schroeder, J.W. , Zurita D. “Aerog- the portal to weightlessness. Aerobatic flights as an educational platform for microgravity experiments” 60th International Astronautical Conference, Daejon 2009. Conference Paper # IAC-09-E1.4.6 [8] International Space University, Summer Space Program 2010 official website: , retrieved on 3rd September 2010. IAC-10-A1.8.4 Page 5 of 5 61st International Astronautical Congress, Prague, CZ. Copyright ©2010 by the International Astronautical Federation. All rights reserved. IAC-10-D5.2.10 A NEW INFORMATION SYSTEM ARCHITECTURE FOR A NEW SPACE EXPLORATION PARADIGM: USING STAKEHOLDER ANALYSIS TO REENGINEER THE VALUE CHAIN Prof. A.Pérez-Poch EUETIB Escola Universitària d’Enginyeria Tècnica Industrial de Barcelona, Software and Information Systems Department, UPC, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Barcelona, Spain, An information system architecture is proposed in order to take into account the map of stakeholders and relations into a space human exploration venture led by private entrepreneurship and commercial ventures. The model is based on a stakeholder analysis that enables us to capture the main mechanisms that add value to nowadays' visions for space exploration. Current visions for human space exploration have turned their focus into commercial and private companies, rather than in public funding. Cancellation of the Constellation may deeply affect the development of technologies for human space exploration. Nevertherless, this decision will in fact open new opportunities for private entrepeneurships to participate in space exploration. In order to ensure success of these new ventures, requirements should be rewritten from the beginning, allowing main stakeholders to produce benefits in the value chain. A detailed value chain ow model is proposed, with an adaptive neural network of value propagation discussed. We conclude that advances in the modeling of information systems architecture, are useful not only for identifying key stakeholders in global enterprises such as human exploration, but also a tool for reengineering the whole process and adapting it into new vision paradigms. I. INTRODUCTION Stakeholder analysis has gained importance in the last decade, as a key process to perform corporate analysis. However, its implentation in large companies and in particular, large public enterprises has proven to be difficult, not to mention a combination of both. Requirements analysis is a well-known technique, that is widely used in many management project routines. Usual requirements analysis tend to select a particular set of architectures based on techical merit, rather than on any other topic. Stakeholders analysis is only taken account in a later step of the design process, with only minor consideration to its importance. However, space exploration is basically a human endeavour. Rationale to venture into space is not based on technical reasons, but on to the will of the human mind to get further and explore the unknown. Space anchorman Walter Cronkite defined during the 2002 IAC Opening Ceremony the arrival of men to the Moon as ‘the most important moment in human history’. He was not quoting this enterprise just because of its difficulty in technical terms. Indeed, he was referring to it as its value to mankind, as an accomplished that produced enormous value to a wide rage of human beings. Not without the social and political support of those times for putting a step on the moon would it had been possible to begin thinking in economic and technical terms. Therefore, it is obvious that stakeholders are not only important for any space endeavour, but a IAC-10-D5.2.10 fundamental one. Without a wide and public support from a number of space actors it is impossible to even think in a large investment for a space activity. Space is a particular field in which stakeholders are key vectors of the full enterprise. It has been difficult in large government space projects, to identify and analyse the role of every stakeholder. The involvement of the private sector is a growing trend in space activities, with large public funded projects being cancelled, and private companies incoming into the development of new space technologies. The private sector involves a bigger role for a group of space stakeholders, with starring characters that were unthinkable decades ago. In spite of these considerations, the information system architectures currently in consideration in the space area are mostly atomized and do not take into account the relevant role of the stakeholders that creat value and momentum to the space activities. We first propose that the value chain vector should be considered in order to identify which stakeholders are most relevant to the space endeavours. We state that from a strategic point of view, the identification and analysis of stakeholders adding value to the process should be the core of the design process, and not a secondary addition to technical considerations. Those design solutions with a proper understanding of the system’s stakeholders will be those with early and clearly defined roles for them, that involve later decisions in accordance of their presence in the value chain of the project. The fundamental aim of this paper Page 1 of 4 61st International Astronautical Congress, Prague, CZ. Copyright ©2010 by the International Astronautical Federation. All rights reserved. is to provide a general framework that reduces the gap between the stakeholders identification process and their technical considerations. We begin in Section 2 considering stakeholders, their needs and relationships between them. In section 3 we address the value chain, as a vector to reengineer space activities, as private business take a major role. In section 4 we provide with a basic tool with metrics to optimize the process of an organizational change. A discussion of the pratical implications of such a framework is taken into account in the latter section. II. SPACE STAKEHOLDERS Stakeholders are defined as those individuals, entities or organizations that have a role in a definite process. The stakeholders analysis is usually aimed at finding which is the best organization design that optimizes its effectiveness. The work is performed by focusing in the stakeholders that take a substantial role on the value chain of the company. Basic needs and identification of the main relationships are most relevant for the public sector, where the concept of ‘added value’ is more difficult to identify. If we would like to identify the key stakeholders at the space area, the question should be: Who are the stakeholders of space exploration that will make value grow? A review of the literature [1-5] will show us that the major characters had already been identified. Science, Security, International Partners, Economic Area, Executive & Congress, People, Educators and Media are the main groups of people and organizations that typically add value in the United States, according to the latter references. Some of them, like Educators and Media are mainly intermediaries with the People. Finally, the major public space agency in the US, NASA is noted, to which the private sector should be added in an emerging growing role. Exploration missions require that people involved in these areas make flow the benefit, tangible or intangible that emerges from the space activity. The overall process of identifying stakeholders and assigning them a proper role and interrelationships between the different systems involved, are known to be the design of the stakeholders model. III. VALUE CHAIN AS A VECTOR TO REINGEENER THE PROCESS Once the basic process of modeling is done, we will have a detailed map of the connections between the different stakeholders involved. The process model is a dynamic one, although only a steady-state photograph of the whole system is considered. IAC-10-D5.2.10 At this point of time, we introduce the concept of value chain coming from the industry and information systems architecture. Value chain is a collection of value flows which are connected by stakeholders, relevant to the process. Major white papers and requirements standards [6] refer to these concepts in the space area as well as others. The chain has the responsability to change and add a definite value onto the system. Only stakeholders that form part of input-output flows are the ones relevant to the reengineering process. By reengineering we define a major organizational change, that aims to optimize the creation of value within the system. A reengineering process based on the value chain, should follow the next steps: 1- Defining value for our system 2-Modeling the stakeholders matrix, 3-Identifying the key stakeholders which contribute to the value chain, and 4-Rearrenging the value flows in the organization to reinsert key stakeholders into the value chain. Individual flows according to [5] are categorized into six groups: Policy, Money, Workforce, Technology, Knowledge and Goods and Services. In the process of creating a value flow model framework, a number of decisions have to be made in order to simplify the value loops, and make the model easily understood. Value loops are defined as value chains that return to the starting stakeholder. Simplification of this map has no standard procedure, and is dependant on the level of detail needed in the reeengineering system. The overall system is then redesigned in order to help the value chain grow, and to lessen interferences and expenditure of resources on to areas that do not really add value in the system. IV. QUANTIFICATION AND METRICS The process of reengineering an organization is often regarded as an holystic one. Different levels of detailed among authors are observed, but it is somewhat difficult to quantitize what the necessary changes in a process of optimization. are. A framework to help reorganize and optimize the value chain should be composed of: - Stakeholders matrix. Value flow model. Metrics. Optimization application tool. A feedback process Page 2 of 4 61st International Astronautical Congress, Prague, CZ. Copyright ©2010 by the International Astronautical Federation. All rights reserved. The stakeholders matrix and the value flow model have been described in previous section. Metrics are a part of the reengineering design process. Qualitative variables can be quantitized in ordinal terms. The exact number of individual people, little institutions (like schools) has to be estimated and the number of people involved in the space activity driven from it. The output-input flow is then derived from the value map. It is somewhat difficult to assess science or education results in terms of ‘what space exploration inspires’. Usual quality terms in education or science evaluation can be used, such us number of degrees attained in the space area, number of papers published in peer-reviewed journal, etc. An important design decision is the weight that is associated with every single indicator in the model. The optimization algorithm should be one of easy implementation, and classic effectiveness. In our particular example we decided to parametrize the influence of the emerging private sector. We added to the model introduced by [5] a group of private companies as a block interconned as the pubic space agency was. The number of people involved in these activities was estimated to be a fraction of the overall workforce. We then constructed a flow map duplicating the input-output chain of the public sector, mantaining the rest of stakeholders like the public or science intact. We included a restriction that every increased step for the variables in the private sector should be accompanied by a decreased step for the public ones. For our particular study we chose as value the overall public understanding of space science, including space exploration outcomes, space science, and the increase of education and public understanding outreach. An adaptive neural network was chosen as the optimizing algorithm, and a process of iteration was conducted until value loops reflected a nearly steady-state. The system evolutioned to a significant part of the private sector taking over, and a pruning of the number of public organizations interconnetions. The independent variable was optimized, and in doing so a number of interconnexions had their values decreased nearly to zero, which suggest they should disappear were others began to grow. The overall results suggest that a significant part of the value chain could be taken over for the private sector, gaining value for the system, while reducing the overall costs. A significant result was that the risk of downgrading the benefits was higher while keeping the public funding low, or decreasing the public workforce under a certain deadline. IAC-10-D5.2.10 DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONS We have presented the concept of stakeholders analysis, in relation with the value chain. We have considered the reenginering process, as a vector for organizational change, that allows to focus workforce and economic efforts into the process that add value to the system. Based on literature space stakeholders models, we have added a more relevant private sector into the system, and thought of what implications may it have on the effectiveness of the variables involved. Quantization of the variables involved in the value map allows to implement an optimizing method that visualizes possible changes that may arise from the new involvement of the private sector into the stakeholders matrix. Preliminary results show consistent findings with what is expected by new directions in the major components of the US space program. More work needs to be done in order to define more precisely the optimum metrics into the stakeholders map and the neural network architecture to optimize it. The process of quantifying and optimizing the map has proven to be successful in order to propose longterm organizational changes in the space arena, that will make space exploration more plausible and costeffective in human and economic terms. Acknowledgements We are greateful to Mr Angel Linares-Zapater, Serinfo Information Systems CEO, for fruitful insights and discussions. EUETIB School of Engineering, from UPC Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya ‘Barcelona Tech’ has funded the study hereby presented. REFERENCES [1] E. Rebentisch, E. Crawley, G. Loureiro, J. Dickmann, J. Catanzaro, Using stakeholder analysis to build Exploration sustainability, in: 1st Space Exploration Conference: Continuing the Voyage of Discovery, Orlando, Florida, January 30-1, 2005, AIAA-2005-2553. [2] NASA Exploration Systems Architecture Study. NASATM-2005-214062, November 2005, pp. 194, 541 [3] M.C. Jensen, Value Maximization, Stakeholder Theory and the Corporate Objective Function. Harvard Page 3 of 4 61st International Astronautical Congress, Prague, CZ. Copyright ©2010 by the International Astronautical Federation. All rights reserved. Business School (Negotiation, Organization and Markets Unit), Working Paper no. 01-01, October 2001. URL: _ (cited 6 November 2004). [4] Hoffman, Edward J, “NASA System Engineering Handbook”, SP610S, June 1995. IAC-10-D5.2.10 [5] Cameron B.G., Crawley E.F., Loureiro G., Rebentisch E. Acta Astronautica 62 (2008) 324-33. [6] NASA Systems Engineering Processes and Requirements, NPR7123.1, Effective March 13, 2006. Page 4 of 4 61st International Astronautical Congress, Prague, CZ. Copyright ©2010 by the International Astronautical Federation. All rights reserved. IAC-10-E1-3.15 PROGRAMAESPACIAL.COM: A DREAM COME TRUE Prof. Antoni Pérez-Poch EUETIB, Escola Universitària d’Enginyeria Tècnica Industrial de Barcelona. Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, ‘Barcelona Tech’. Spain Claudio Javier Mariani, Sergio Ezequiel Taleisnik is a collaborative venture, a totally non-profit space which outreaches an educational web-site and broadcasts live Shuttle launches and other space events in the Spanish language. Back in the year 2006, two Argentinean friends who had already met in an online spaceflight forum felt they could not find any place inside the internet to share their love and passion for spaceflight the way they wished any more. That's why they decided to create their own spaceflight website: The main goal of the project is to educate and promote spaceflight and science interest on Spanish speaking communities. In order do so, project collaborators work voluntarily to inspire people by means of the different features the project consists on. Throughout these four years, the website has grown a lot, evolving from a simple spaceflight website to an educational venture. Many people have joined the project, and contribute to it every day. The Broadcasting Centre is one of the main features the website has. The centre consists of a webpage where the visitor can watch NASA TV in English and at the same time read live updated Spanish texts which are uploaded by the broadcaster. The broadcasts are carried out during major spaceflight events, mainly in Space Shuttle launches and landings. The broadcasts have included live updates by a website's correspondent, present at the Kennedy Space Centre (KSC), and who is becoming the only Latin American media in attendance at the spaceport. Last year, the Centre started to broadcast both text and audio; the audio broadcast implied a more fluid and enriching transmission, allowing speakers to explain concepts more deeply and to make live interviews. Another important project which is carried out by members is “RDH" or Hondareyte Digital Reconstruction. It consists of the digitalization of old spaceflight radio broadcasts in Spanish, recorded by a professional radio operator called Luis Hondareyte. The website also includes a forum, where members of the community can exchange their opinions, experiences and doubts. I. INTRODUCTION Space exploration has been a matter of interest ever since the dark ages. Our ancestors tried to explain what they saw up in the skies by means of theories and myths. The invention of the telescope, together with further scientific breakthroughs, performed by brilliant minds such as Kepler, Newton, Euler, Lagrange and many other, offered people a better understanding of the universe. Despite all the scientific advances, it was not until the mid twentieth century when the human race saw the technical possibility to fulfill that dream that Jules Verne had seeded throughout the world with his 1865 novel From the Earth to the Moon: the dream of not only watching the stars, but flying to them. The first ones to travel were machines, followed by plants, animals, and finally, on 1961, the first human orbited the Earth. From that day on, spaceflight provided further knowledge about the universe that surrounds us, together with a battery of new technologies developed to perform those journeys. IAC-10-E1.3.15 But it was not only scientific knowledge that space exploration offered us: the possibility of finally traveling to space became a source of interest and inspiration to millions around the globe. Just as former NASA engineer Homer Hickam relates in his autobiographical novel how he got interested in science after watching the Sputnik fly over his coal mining town, hundreds of thousands of people find in spaceflight a source of motivation and encouragement to fulfill their personal objectives. Spaceflight bounds science with adventure. It represents the accomplishment of massive challenges by means of hard work. Hickam’s story makes us think how to motivate more and more people not only into spaceflight but into scientific-related subjects. Unfortunately, we live in a world where space exploration does not represent big news any more. Fortunately, communication technologies are offering, day after day, new tools to inform and teach spaceflight Page 1 of 4 61st International Astronautical Congress, Prague, CZ. Copyright ©2010 by the International Astronautical Federation. All rights reserved. news and concepts. During the late 60s and early 70s, Apollo missions were broadcasted to the entire world by international broadcasting companies. Nowadays, small groups organized by enthusiasts carry the flag of spaceflight to space-isolated communities. That is the case of, a nonprofit educational venture created to inform, motivate and inspire Spanish-speaking people throughout the entire world. II. BIRTH AND EARLY DEVELOPMENT OF PROGRAMAESPACIAL.COM Mr. Claudio Mariani is an Argentinean graphic designer who has been a passionate for spaceflight since his early years. Back in the year 2005, Mr. Mariani met a young Argentinean physicist called Mr. Pablo Traverso in an online forum. They became best friends and in short time, they started to envision a project in which they could canalize their passion for spaceflight by sharing their knowledge with other people and, at the same time, learning from them, creating a true spaceflight cooperative learning community. The original idea evolved and resulted into an educational venture designed to educate and promote spaceflight and science interest on Spanish speaking communities. The project was called and it officially began in the year 2006. On its early months, the site presented merely a news blog but, as time went by, both friends gave birth to the main features of the project which include: a broadcasting centre, an enhanced news section, a personal blogs section and an online forum. Ever since its creation, many people have joined the project. Some of them contributed to a particular feature, and others are still participating. III. THE BROADCASTING CENTER Public affairs policies in some of the busiest space agencies, such as the European ESA, the Japanese JAXA or the Russian RKA are clearly different with respect to NASA’s. This can be easily deduced by watching the American’s NASA TV. Originally created to provide the agency's Space Shuttle Program, managers and engineers with real time video of Shuttle operations, it evolved into a 24/7 informational and educational programming on space exploration, space science, earth science, and aeronautic research provided to the media and U.S citizens. IAC-10-E1.3.15 NASA TV is available in Unites States only through cable operators and in the rest of the world through the use of the Internet. Unfortunately for Spanish-speaking communities, NASA TV is only broadcasted in English. The scientific importance of Space Shuttle missions, together with the milestone significance and visual impact of Shuttle launches and landings, make those human spaceflight events the perfect occasions to interest general public. Not so long, after the birth of, both Mariani and Traverso decided to begin a series of broadcasts in Spanish on the website during Shuttle launches and landings. They managed to create an interface where the visitor could watch NASA TV’s live broadcast and at the same time read a board with comments in Spanish so as to be able to understand the activities that were being carried out; the board was updated every 30 seconds in order to keep visitors constantly updated. The feature was named Broadcasting Centre and ever since its creation, it has covered every single shuttle launch and landing. The broadcasts inform visitors about updated launch/landing activities, flight data and mission information such as objectives, crew and schedule. The length of the broadcast depends on the event and the occurrence of delaying issues: normally, launch broadcasts lasted approximately 5 hours and landing broadcasts no more than 2 hours. Landing delays due to weather constraints extend broadcasts about 3 or 4 hours. To increase participation and interest, the Broadcasting Centre includes a live conversation board where visitors can express their opinions or ask questions. One of the most important features the Broadcasting Centre included was the correspondent present at NASA’s Kennedy Space Center in Florida. Martín Juárez collaborated with the broadcasts in numerous occasions by providing an up-close personal look of the entire activities that were being carried on. Mr. Juárez has also attended pre and post launch/landing press conferences and had the possibility to be present at numerous shuttle processing milestones like rollout from OPF to VAB, rollover from VAB to Launch Pad, and RSS retract hours before launch. Each activity he performed in the KSC was further reported in articles. Audio broadcasts Starting with launch of Shuttle mission STS-129 on late November 2009, the Broadcasting Centre began transmitting audio while keeping the traditional text board. Page 2 of 4 61st International Astronautical Congress, Prague, CZ. Copyright ©2010 by the International Astronautical Federation. All rights reserved. Just as with traditional broadcasts, the speakers are not located in the same place; on the contrary, they transmit from different locations: Mr. Sergio Taleisnik from Cordoba City (Argentina), Mr. Traverso from Buenos Aires (Argentina) and Mr. Mariani from Quilmes City (Argentina) are the main speakers. Speakers communicate throughout a multi-part conference using IP telephony. The dialogue converges into Mr. Taleisnik’s computer, who mixes the conversation, equalizes it, and then uploads it to the Internet utilizing free online broadcasting services. The audio broadcasts implied a more fluent communication with visitors: it transformed the Broadcasting Centre into a very real audio show. The first transmissions consisted basically of reading what the broadcasters were used to post on the broadcasting board, but as time went by, the program evolved into a complete radio show including news reporting, live interviews and discussions about relevant spaceflight topics. The audio broadcast allowed speakers to perform live communication with Juárez who was at the KSC, where he could express more deeply his experience of being in the place where the events were taking place. Together with the main speakers, recent audio transmissions have included permanent participation of science writer/producer, Angela Posada-Swafford. Angela lives in Miami and has uncountable experience with spaceflight. Her participation in the Broadcast Centre has attracted numerous listeners from Latin America, who delight themselves with Angela’s stories and experiences related to human spaceflight. Angela is usually at the KSC for shuttle launches and landings, so she habitually speaks from the spaceport. IV. THE RDH PROJECT Back in July 2008, an interview that Mariani gave to a local newspaper caught the attention of Mr. Luis Hondareyte, a radio broadcaster who had recorded the transmissions in Spanish of NASA’s Mercury, Gemini, Apollo and early STS missions of a radio known as “The Voice of America”. Hondareyte contacted Mariani and offered him those recordings. They both decided to digitalize them in order to save them from potential wearing away which would end in total loss of the recordings. The final objective of the project would be to publish the digitalized work in the Internet so people around the world could gain access to it. The project was named “Reconstrucción Digital Hondareyte (RDH)” or “Hondareyte Digital Reconstruction,” after Luis who was the one to record the original tapes. IAC-10-E1.3.15 In order to perform the digitalization, Mariani contacted his friend Mr. Damián Ferroso, who had lots of experience on digital and analog recordings and was a space enthusiast as well. Ferroso was in charge of the entire digitalization process. First he had to find an apparatus that could process the old tapes; then he had to ensure that playing the tapes would not destroy the originals, and finally he had to find the way to bond the playing appliance to a digital recording device and perform the digitalization. After digitalizing, Mr. Osvaldo Pulqui, a professional speaker and friend of both Mariani and Ferroso, was contacted to record a series of messages that would be included in each recording. The project received the collaboration of Mr. Jorge Cartès, one of the official designers of Space Shuttle and International Space Station Expedition patches and active member of who accepted the community’s proposal of him designing an official RDH patch. His design was performed and improved with feedback provided by members on the site’s forum. In a first stage of complete digitalization, the RDH project opened its website, through which visitors can listen to different recordings every week. V. NEWS ARTICLES AND BLOGS On a daily basis, website story editors upload spaceflight articles. The articles are mainly pieces of news related to rocket launches and human spaceflight missions. However, there are also articles about spaceflight history, astronomy and technology. The articles are product of individual research and production carried out by each editor. Internet is the main source of information: official websites of the space agencies and specialized spaceflight websites are the preferred sources. NASA TV is also quoted in articles about broadcasted events. In order to make the articles interesting for a considerable group of potential readers, the information acquired has to be translated and processed. The sources are never found written in Spanish and the level of complexity is usually excessively high for notfamiliarized public. was not envisioned as a mere spaceflight news website in Spanish: its objective has always been to educate and promote spaceflight to Spanish-speaking communities and in order to achieve that goal, the information must be adapted to match a more popular level of knowledge. articles also include special reports and interviews carried out by members of the Page 3 of 4 61st International Astronautical Congress, Prague, CZ. Copyright ©2010 by the International Astronautical Federation. All rights reserved. project. Last year, Mr. Mariani and Mr. Traverso interviewed in the US Embassy of Buenos Aires NASA astronaut Chris Cassidy during an official visit to Argentina. Articles published in are quoted in several Internet Blogs and forums. Last year an article published by Mr. Taleisnik regarding the upcoming Ares I-X flight was quoted in an article Ms. Posada-Swafford wrote for Spanish science magazine Muy Interesante. Apart from the news articles, also features a special blog section where Claudio Mariani, administrator of and space memorabilia collector, Angela Posada-Swafford, science writer/producer, and Martín Juárez, correspondent at the KSC, write about their experiences. This section contributes to the project with subjective information: personal experiences of people somehow involved with space science motivate, inspire and are of extreme interest to the general public. VI. ONLINE FORUMS The explosive expansion of the Internet since the mid-1990s has fostered the proliferation of virtual communities. In this context, built its own via an online forum which was called “Comunidad Espacial” (Space Community). Just as any standard Internet forum, Comunidad Espacial helps members of the community and regular visitors to communicate by allowing them to express their opinions, exchange their knowledge and ask questions. The forum also acts in an integration zone, where incoming visitors can introduce themselves so as to begin participating both in the forum and in the entire project. The biggest challenge that the project will be facing in the forthcoming years is to achieve a higher level of organizational sustainability. The path to achieve this is to expand and ensure the continuity of its volunteer crew, fortify their commitment with the project, and carry out new educational features. Funding is a key factor in sustainability. Nowadays, the project is supported solely on Mr. Mariani’s contributions. Unfortunately, finding support on such project is extremely hard, taking into account the low popularity of space science on the general public and the relative importance of this subject in local politics. Nevertheless, demonstrating the importance of informal science education and acquiring external support to enhance further activities is one of the challenges the project will be facing the next years. Considering the imminent retirement of the Space Shuttle, one of the challenges will be to create new shows on the Broadcast Centre in order to replace the frequent Shuttle launch and landing broadcasts. Several ideas are already being considered, such as weekly radio programs including news, interviews and live debate. On the other hand, just as the transition from text to audio transmissions was the big first step, the upcoming challenge will be to broadcast audio and video together, transforming the Broadcast Centre into a true Space TV in Spanish. Finally, one of the ultimate goals of the project is to engage into formal education by means of habitual visits to academic institutions. As schools have regular science education, the objective of the project will be to inspire the younglings throughout interactive presentations. The main target will be elementary schools, but plans also include kindergarten and high schools. Mr. Mariani already did several presentations in schools of Buenos Aires. VII. FUTURE. CHALLENGES AND OPPORTUNITIES More than four years have passed since the beginning of the project. A lot of work has been done and still much is left to do. The project has evolved just as space exploration did, and both will continue to do so. In the next 12 months the Space Shuttle will be retiring. In the upcoming years the International Space Station will be engaging into full international scientific capability, China will be facing new human space challenges, commercial entrepreneurs will see themselves proving their competence and developing space agencies will enhance their own space exploration ventures. IAC-10-E1.3.15 Page 4 of 4 Electrochemical analysis of peptidefunctionalized titanium dental implant surfaces D.Rodríguez1,2,3, P.Sevilla2,3, G.Vidal1, F.J.Gil2,3 1E.U. Enginyeria Tècnica Industrial de Barcelona (EUETIB), Technical University of Catalonia (UPC); C.Urgell,187, 08036-Barcelona (Spain). 2Center for Research in NanoEngineering (CRnE), UPC. 3Biomaterials, Biomechanics and Tissue Engineering Group (BIBITE), UPC. Objective Methods Analysis of the functionalization of titanium surfaces with peptides1 is not immediate. This study compares standard analysis techniques with electrochemical techniques. Peptide Clean titanium surfaces were plasma-activated and silanized with APTES (Ti+APTES samples). Silanized samples were immersed in peptide solution (4Morpholineethanesulfonic acid (MES) buffer, pH 6.0, with EDC NHS) overnight at room temperature. GGRGDSGG peptides (RGD: cell adhesion motive)2 linked to the silane through the carboxilate group. Clean titanium samples (Ti samples) and Ti samples with adsorbed RGD peptide (Ti+RGD samples) were as used as control group. Replicas were made to allow statistical analysis of data. Samples were characterized with XPS, ToF-SIMS, contact angle and FTIR-DR techniques. Electrochemical characterization of the samples was done with a ParStat 2273 potentiostat (medium: HBSS at 37ºC; reference electrode: KCl electrode; counterelectrode: graphite bar). Tests included a free potential measurement, cyclic voltammetry and Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS) with a sweeping range of 64kHz-2mHz and a signal of 50mV. N-Terminus Amide bond H 3-aminopropyl triethoxy silane (APTES). EtO EtO Si N O H C H H C H C H C H H C H H N Si H EtO Titanium functionalized with APTES silane + peptide. TiO2 Surface chemical analysis Results Cyclic voltammetry Chemical composition of the samples (at%). Results of XPS, contact angle (not shown) and ToF-SIMS (not shown) confirm that the samples were silanized and functionalized as expected, detecting presence of silane and silane+peptide, respectively, as shown for XPS (presence of Si on silanized samples and N on functionalized samples). FTIR Measured values of free potential showed some differences between samples (Ti: 0.102V, Ti+APTES: -0.141V, Ti+APTES+RGD: -0.168V). Cyclic voltammetry showed significant differences in current intensity for the Ti+APTES+RGD samples compared to other samples. EIS FTIR was used to analyze the presence of silane and peptide on the titanium surface. The FT-IR spectra indicate the presence of the covalent bonding of the silane. No clear peak related to the presence of the peptide in the Ti+APTES+peptide sample was detected. Conclusions The presence of APTES silanes and peptides such as RGD sequences on the surface of titanium can be detected and studied with electrochemical measurements. The EIS models assume the presence of a TiO2 layer (Rb, Qb), and a double layer of silane (Rp, Qp) and peptide (Rs, Qs). The best-fitting parameters present significant differences between functionalised samples and the rest of the samples. References 1 Chollet C. et al, Biomaterials. 2009; 30:711-20. 2 Ruoslahti E. et al, Annu Rev Cell Dev Biol. 1996;12:697-715. Acknowledgements The authors would like to thank prof. Carlos Aleman and Dr. Elaine Armelin (CRnE, UPC) for the use of the electrochemical equipment. Supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation through Project MAT2008-06887-C03. Detailed Study of the Rotor-Stator Interaction Phenomenon in a Moving Cascade of Airfoils Alfred Fontanals1, Miguel Coussirat2, Alfredo Guardo2 and Eduard Egusquiza2 1 Fluid Mechanics Department. EUETIB. Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Compte d’Urgell 187, Barcelona, 08036, Spain, 2 Centre de Diagnòstic Industrial i Fluidodinàmica. Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Av. Diagonal 647, Pab. D+1, Barcelona, 08028, Spain,,, Abstract In turbomachinery the Rotor-Stator Interaction (RSI) is an important phenomenon that has a strong influence on the machine behavior. These interactions can have a significant impact on the vibrational and acoustical characteristics of the machine. Unsteadiness and turbulence play a fundamental role in complex flow structure and the use of Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) is becoming a usual requirement in design in turbomachinery due to the difficulties and high cost of the necessary experiments needed to identify RSI phenomena. The flow inside a turbomachinery working under design condition is complex but apparently, when working under off-design conditions, it becomes more complex due to the boundary layer separation phenomena. Therefore, the choice of an appropriate turbulence model is far from trivial and a suitable turbulence modeling plays a very important role for successful CFD results. In this work the RSI generated between a moving cascade of blades and fixed flat plate located downstream were studied by means of CFD modeling and compared against experimental results. Design and off-design conditions were modeled and a detailed comparison between them has been made. To analyze in detail the flow pattern, mean velocities in the boundary layer were obtained and compared against experimental results. Furthermore, results concerning to turbulence intensity were compared against an experimental database. It was observed that for each operating condition, the flow in the cascade show special features. For flow inside the turbomachine under design conditions there is no separation, the wake is thin and the characteristic length of the eddies is small. For off-design conditions, there is a large separation and the wake is thick with large eddies. The results obtained can be used to obtain a deeper insight into the RSI phenomena. Keywords: Turbomachinery, Rotor Stator Interaction, Computational Fluid Dynamics, Turbulence 1. Introduction Due to its complexity, the blade and vane design in turbomachinery was currently based on the assumption that the flow in both the impeller and the diffuser is turbulent but steady. The steadiness however implies that the radial gap between impeller discharge and diffuser inlet is large so that no flow unsteadiness of any kind due to blade row interaction would occur [1,2]. However if the rows are closely spaced, there may be a strong interaction that influences both the aerodynamics and structural performance of blades and vanes. In some cases, this has led to vane failure. This phenomenon is called rotor-stator interaction (RSI). Nowadays, computational fluid dynamics (CFD) is broadly used to help the design of turbomachinery and it is frequently used to perform computations to solve RSI problems. From the viewpoint of the numerical prediction of RSI phenomena, it is not an easy task to model this type of flow due to its complexity. The geometrical complexity of the impeller and the diffuser, the turbulence of the flow and the unsteadiness phenomena play an important role in the RSI phenomena. The RSI may be divided into two different mechanisms: potential flow interaction and wake interaction [3,4]. If the impeller and the diffuser are closely spaced, both mechanisms will occur simultaneously. Potential interaction strongly depends on the machine’s geometry and the relative movement between fixed and moving parts. In spite of that complexity, a theoretical analysis is possible, allowing to compute its influence by means of a mathematical expression. Rodriguez et al. [5] carried out a theoretical analysis to predict and explain in a qualitative way the frequencies and amplitudes of the potential interaction in turbomachinery. The theoretical analysis incorporates the number of blades, the number of guide vanes, the RSI non-uniform fluid force and the © Eduard Egusquiza, 2010. Published in Engineering Conferences Online (ECO): DOI: to be inserted by the publisher 1/8 DOI: to be inserted by the publisher sequence of interaction. This analysis gives a resulting force over the turbomachine taking into account the frequencies of interaction between blades and the relationship between amplitudes of pressure fluctuations. Wake interaction is related with the wake behind the blades. This wake induces structural vibrations due to the vortex shedding and extends farther downstream. The turbulence cascade process induced by these vortices strongly influences the turbulence state of the flow, enhancing the energy dissipation increasing the rate at which the vortices are dissipated [6]. The wake convects downstream and arrives to the gap between the fixed and moving blades, generating a periodic flow structure as a result of the interaction between the wake and the blades due to their relative movement. These structures are convected and affect the boundary layer of the blades situated downstream of the interaction zone, generating unsteadiness in the structure of its boundary layer [7]. Wake characterization is a subject of main importance in the study of RSI. Experimental results from Tsukamoto et al. [8] show the behavior of pressure fluctuations in a radial pump working in design conditions using semi-conductor type pressure transducers installed in a guide vane, Values of instantaneous pressure were obtained in order to study the interaction between impeller and diffuser vanes. Results obtained show that the pressure at a stationary point in guide vanes fluctuates with the basic frequency of the impeller blade passing frequency and higher harmonics. The maximum values are observed near the leading edge in the suction side of the guide vane. Results also show that the pressure fluctuation can propagate in circumferential direction. Depending on the frequency of the harmonic the propagation direction could be opposite to impeller rotation. Wang et al. [9] did a similar experiment but in off-design working conditions. Results obtained show that the impeller blade passing frequency and its higher harmonics are always dominant in the pressure fluctuations downstream of the impeller for the whole flow range because of the RSI phenomena, and that there exist some lower dominant frequencies in the pressure fluctuation downstream of the impeller for unstable flow range because of the effects of the complex flow structures such as separating flow, rotating stall and reverse flow. These lower dominant frequencies are dependent on the flow rate, and the unsteady pressure fluctuation is chaotic in these unstable flow ranges. Experimental results from Uzol et al. [10] and Chow et al. [11] using particle image velocimetry (PIV) in an axial compressor show that the flow is composed by a lattice of wakes and the resulting wake-wake and wake-blade interactions cause major turbulence and flow non-uniformities, showing that these interactions are dominant contributors to the generation of high deterministic stresses and tangential non-uniformities in the rotor-stator gap near the blades and in the wakes behind them. These non-uniformities in the flow structures have significant effects on the overall performance of the machine. The non-uniformities are mainly composed by localized regions with concentrated mean vorticity and elevated turbulence levels. At this zones the wake is chopped-off by the downstream blades. Due to difference in the mean velocity field, the wake segment on the pressure side of the upstream blades is convected faster than the segment on the suction side (using an absolute frame of reference) creating discontinuities in the stator wake trajectory, causing non-uniformities in the velocity field downstream. These non-uniformities are “hot spots” with concentrated vorticity, high turbulence level and high shear stresses. Although the “hot spots” diffuse as they are convected downstream, they still have an elevated turbulence level compared to the local turbulence levels around them. It is also clear that the turbulence plays a fundamental role in the flow structure. Soranna et al. [1] studied a rotor working downstream of a row of inlet guide vanes. Results show that the wake impingement significantly modifies the wall-parallel velocity component and its gradients along the blade downstream. Due to spatially non-uniform velocity distribution, especially in the suction side, the wake deforms while propagating along the blade, expanding near the leading edge and shrinking near the trailing edge. Turbulence levels here become spatially non-uniform and highly anisotropic. Experiments form Henderson et al. [2] are focused on the influence of the free-stream turbulence on the wake dispersion and boundary layer transition process. Results show that increments in the free-stream turbulence level strongly enhance the dispersion of inlet guide vanes wake. This fact modifies the interaction between stator and rotor wakes, leading to a significant decrease in the periodic unsteadiness experienced by the downstream stator. These observations have important implications for the prediction of the flow behavior in multistage turbomachines. From the viewpoint of numerical simulation, all effects should be taken into account for a suitable modeling of RSI. The first step is the suitable characterization of the boundary layer along the blade and the wake behind the blade. Several authors have attempted to obtain both experimental and numerical results for boundary layers along bodies (e.g. cylinders and blades) and the wake flows behind them, focusing in the wake structure. The most extensively studied case is the wake of cylinders, (see e.g. [1215]), and experimental databases of the wake generated by airfoils are also available in literature (see e.g. Nakayama [16], Wang [17] and Ausoni [18]). The second step is the characterization of the wake interaction between moving and fixed blades. Experimental data of the wake related with RSI in real turbomachines is more difficult to obtain. The main problem in these cases is to know the setup geometry details (see e.g. [3][4][10] and [11]), but some interesting results in linear cascade of moving cylinders and airfoils are available in the literature (see e.g. [7-19]). In this work the database from Gete and Evans [19] experiment was selected in order to obtain results for this characterization step. After these steps, application for design of real turbomachines follows. The main goal of this work is to obtain reliable and detailed numerical results that complement the experimental data on the RSI in a multistage turbomachine. Suitable CFD modeling is critical for understanding the physical mechanism of the RSI and its consequences in the turbomachine performance. This evaluation will contribute to the better understanding of this phenomenon. Results obtained are directly applied to the turbomachinery RSI modeling 25th IAHR Symposium on Hydraulic Machinery and Systems, September 20-24, 2010, Timisoara, Romania 2/8 DOI: to be inserted by the publisher 2. Numerical Modeling 2.1. Geometry and Grid Generation A turbomachinery stage was represented with a two-dimensional rotating rig and a flat plate arrangement in a wind tunnel (fig. 1). The moving mechanism comprises seven NACA0024 airfoils (rotor blades), with chord length of 50 mm an exit angle of 57.7° relative to input free-stream flow velocity, attached to rotating synchronized gear belts thereby generating travelling periodic wake disturbance in the oncoming air-flow. The blade spacing is s = 0.1 m and the distance between the trailing edge airfoil and the leading edge of flat plate is 40 mm. The flat plate (stator) has a 0.8 mm diameter trip wire located 20 mm from the leading edge. Complete details of experiments have been reported in [19]. The model consists in two parts: the moving rotor blades and the stator plate. Unstructured meshing technique is adopted establishing sliding mesh configuration as the analysis is unsteady as per CFD code [20]. velocity Ur periodic periodic rotor velocity rotor rotorblade foil inlet velocity inlet wall wall U 0 U 0 y s plate x pressure outlet interface wall periodic Fig. 1. General drawing of the setup and boundary condition imposed in the numerical modeling For evaluating the mesh sensitivity three 2D grids were used. The boundary layer around the rotor blades and the stator plate was modeled using the two layer model scheme, with a y+ = 1 (table 1). Table 1. Mesh sensitivity test mesh 1 2 3 Steady cells 9E+04 1E+05 1.3E+05 + y 1 1 1 Unsteady cells y+ 2.9E+05 1 3.2E+05 1 4.3E+05 1 2.2. Unsteady Calculations Setup Two-dimensional, unsteady Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes equations were solved by means of a commercial CFD code [20]. To obtain the boundary layer-mean velocity, a constant velocity of U0 = 3 m/s was applied at the inlet, and a rotor transverse velocity Ur = 2, 3 and 4 m/s are employed. A non-slip condition was specified for the flow at the wall boundaries of the rotor blade, the stator plate and the wind-tunnel walls. A periodic condition was applied to the rotor fluid and to the external wind tunnel fluid, and a static pressure condition was imposed at the outlet of the stator plate. The ratio of the transverse rotor blades speed to the blade spacing determines the frequency of the wake disturbances passing in front the stator flat-plate, f = Ur/s. For the rotor transverse velocity Ur = 2, 3 and 4 m/s, the corresponding frequencies are f = 20, 30 and 40 Hz. The turbulence was modeled using the SST k-ω model, since it is a good option due to its accurate performance both in boundary layer and as in wake flow modeling [21]. Experimental turbulence intensity of 0.07% was applied at the inlet velocity boundary condition. The unsteady formulation used was a second-order implicit velocity formulation, and a pressurebased solver was chosen. The SIMPLE pressure-velocity coupling algorithm was used, and second order scheme discretization was selected for the numerical experiments. The interface between the rotor and the stator plate was set to a sliding mesh, in which the relative position between the rotor and the stator is updated every time step. The time step was set to 1 x 10-4 s. The maximum number of iterations for each time step was set to 40 in order to reduce all computed residuals under 1 x 10-5. Due to the unsteady nature of the flow, it is required that the whole flow domain is affected by the unsteady fluctuations. In order to check the aforementioned, a flow rate monitor was recorded at the domain outlet. Pseudo-steady flow behavior was reached after 40 and 80 25th IAHR Symposium on Hydraulic Machinery and Systems, September 20-24, 2010, Timisoara, Romania 3/8 DOI: to be inserted by the publisher cycles of the rotor blades for f = 20 and 40 Hz respectively, due to the length of the stator plate. Boundary layer velocities vs. time were recorded for different locations of the stator plate (x = 0.1, 0.3, 0.5 and 0.7 m). 2.3. Validation of the model A comparison between the numerical results obtained for the boundary layer velocities and the experimental results obtained by Gete and Evans [19] was established. A steady state analysis without the effect of the moving rotor blade (f = 0 Hz) and an unsteady state analysis considering the RSI at different rotor frequencies (f = 20, 30 and 40 Hz) was developed. Figures 2 to 5 show the comparison between numerical and experimental results. The validation shows a close agreement between the implemented numerical model and the experimental results. Naca0024-placa-f=00Hz, model=g, x=03 Naca0024-placa-f=00Hz, model=g, x=05 Naca0024-placa-f=00Hz, model=g, x=07 1.4 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.6 0.6 exp 0.4 exp 0.4 mesh 1 0.2 0.2 mesh 2 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 0.6 exp 0.4 mesh 1 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.4 y/delta 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 exp 0.4 mesh 1 0.2 mesh 2 mesh 3 1.4 0.6 mesh 1 mesh 2 mesh 3 0.0 0.0 u/Uo 1.4 u/Uo 1.4 u/Uo u/Uo Naca0024-placa-f=00Hz, model=g, x=01 1.4 mesh 2 mesh 3 0.0 0.0 1.4 0.2 0.4 y/delta 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 mesh 3 1.4 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.4 y/delta 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 y/delta Fig. 2. Steady turbulent velocity in the boundary layer on stator plate (f=0Hz) at x = 0.1, 0.3, 0.5, and 0.7 m. N a ca0 02 4-p laca-f=20 H z, m o del=g, x=0 3 N aca0 024 -pla ca-f=2 0H z, m ode l=g , x=05 N aca0 024 -pla ca-f=2 0H z, m ode l=g , x=07 1.4 1.4 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 0.4 e xp e xp m e sh 1 m e sh 1 m e sh 1 0.2 m e sh 2 0.2 0.6 e xp 0.2 0.4 y/delta 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 e xp m e sh 1 0.2 m e sh 2 m e sh 3 0.0 1.4 0.0 1.2 0.2 m e sh 2 m e sh 3 0.0 0.0 u/Uo 1.4 u/Uo 1.4 u/Uo u/Uo N aca0 024 -pla ca-f=2 0H z, m ode l=g , x=01 m e sh 2 m e sh 3 0.0 0.0 1.4 0.2 0.4 y/delta 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 m e sh 3 0.0 0.0 1.4 0.2 0.4 0.6 y/delta 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 y/delta Fig. 3. Unsteady turbulent velocity in the boundary layer on stator plate (f=20Hz) at x=0.1, 0.3, 0.5, 0.7 m N aca002 4-placa-f=3 0H z, m ode l=g, x=03 N aca002 4-placa-f=3 0H z, m ode l=g, x=05 N aca002 4-placa-f=3 0H z, m ode l=g, x=07 1.4 1.4 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.6 0.6 0.4 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.4 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 0.4 e xp e xp m e sh 1 m e sh 1 m e sh 1 0.2 m e sh 2 0.2 0.6 e xp 1.2 0.2 m e sh 2 m e sh 3 0.0 0.0 u/Uo 1.4 u/Uo 1.4 u/Uo u/Uo N aca002 4-placa-f=3 0H z, m ode l=g, x=01 m e sh 3 1.4 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 y/delta 0.8 1.0 m e sh 1 m e sh 2 m e sh 3 0.0 1.4 0.0 1.2 e xp 0.2 m e sh 2 0.2 0.4 y/delta 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 m e sh 3 1.4 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 y/delta 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 y/delta Fig. 4. Unsteady turbulent velocity in the boundary layer on stator plate (f=30Hz) at x=0.1, 0.3, 0.5, 0.7 m N a ca 0 02 4 -p la ca -f=4 0 H z, m o de l=g , x=0 3 N a ca 0 02 4 -p la ca -f=4 0 H z, m o de l=g , x=0 5 N aca0024-placa-f=40H z, m odel=g, x=07 1.4 1.4 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.6 0.6 0.4 0.6 0.4 m e sh 2 0.4 0.6 0.8 y/delta 1.0 1.2 1.4 e xp m e sh 1 0.2 m e sh 2 m e sh 3 0.2 0.4 e xp m e sh 1 0.0 0.0 0.6 0.4 e xp 0.2 u/Uo 1.4 u/Uo 1.4 u/Uo u/Uo N a ca 0 02 4 -p la ca -f=4 0 H z, m o de l=g , x=0 1 m e sh 2 m e sh 3 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 y/delta 1.0 1.2 e xp m e sh 1 0.2 0.0 1.4 0.0 m e sh 1 0.2 m e sh 2 m e sh 3 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 0.0 1.4 0.0 m e sh 3 0.2 0.4 y/delta 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 y/delta Fig. 5. Unsteady turbulent velocity in the boundary layer on stator plate (f=40Hz) at x=0.1, 0.3, 0.5, 0.7 m. 25th IAHR Symposium on Hydraulic Machinery and Systems, September 20-24, 2010, Timisoara, Romania 4/8 DOI: to be inserted by the publisher 3. Results and Discussion 3.1. Velocity profiles As a first approach, a steady state analysis without RSI effects generated by the rotor blade (f = 0 Hz) was performed. Figure 2 shows the results for steady turbulent boundary-layer velocity profiles for several meshes and different longitudinal locations on the stator plate. At the first monitor point (x = 0.1 m from the plate’s edge) the experimental boundary-layer is a transitional flow type (Rex = 2 x 104), and the SST k-ω turbulent model predict a fully developed flow. This is because the eddy viscosity models (EVM) do not capture adequately the transitional flow. Downstream a fully developed flow is present and the results are in good agreement with experiments. For the RSI unsteady cases (f = 20 and 30 Hz), the numerical boundary-layer mean velocity profiles are in good agreement with experimental data (figs. 3, 4), and it can be observed that the obtained results are mesh-dependant. For f = 40 Hz, there is a good fit between the experimental and the numerical data in the logarithmic zone of the boundary layer velocity profiles, while in the transition sub-layer, between the logarithmic and the viscous layers, velocity values are underestimated. In this case, the obtained results do not show mesh dependency. 3.2. Turbulence intensity For all the unsteady state cases modeled a numerical study of the flow behavior in the wake generated by the moving rotor blades and its corresponding interaction with the stator plate by means of modeling the flow turbulence intensity on the wake. Figure 6 shows that the behavior pattern of the wake is different for each rotor blade frequency analyzed. It can be observed that the turbulence intensity pattern is related to the relative velocity at the rotor blade outlet, reaching near-design operating conditions at f = 40 Hz. For f = 20 and 30 Hz, the turbulence intensity patterns clearly show off-design operating conditions. For off-design operating conditions there is boundary layer flow separation, and the wake presents a vortex shedding with large eddies. For design conditions the wake is thin and the characteristic length of eddies is smaller than for off-design conditions. Fig. 6. Computed turbulence intensity contour fields at several frequencies (f = 20, 30 and 40 Hz) Computed values for turbulence intensity are shown in Table 2. It can be seen that for off-design conditions (f = 20 and 30 Hz) computed values are higher than those experimentally obtained, and that for design conditions (f = 40 Hz), computed values are lower than the experimental results. Previous work developed by our research group [21] showed that EVM are not able to capture coherent fluctuations in the lift coefficient for thin trailing edge foils and for a small angle of attack. Table 2. Turbulence intensity values at x = 0.1 m Turbulence intensity I (%) at x = 0.1 m f (Hz) Experimental [19] Numerical 0 0.7 1 20 4 10 30 6 8 40 8 4 In order to check the influence of the wake over RSI vortex shedding, a simulation set of the moving rotor blade without the stator plate was performed. Figure 7 shows the computed vortex shedding at off-design operating conditions (f = 20 Hz) with and without considering the potential flow interaction effects generated by the stator plate. Under the aforementioned operating conditions, it can be observed for both situations that the characteristic length of the eddies is similar, and that this length is close to the characteristic length of the wind tunnel (equal to the distance between the stator plate and the tunnel´s wall). Under these operating conditions the flow pattern is influenced by the boundary conditions of the system, and the computed values for the turbulence intensity are overestimated if compared with the experimental results reported by Gete and Evans [19]. 25th IAHR Symposium on Hydraulic Machinery and Systems, September 20-24, 2010, Timisoara, Romania 5/8 DOI: to be inserted by the publisher f = 20Hz Fig. 7. Computed turbulence intensity with RSI effect and without stator plate (f = 20Hz) For near-design operating conditions (f = 40 Hz), figure 8 compares the computed vortex shedding with and without considering the potential flow interaction effects generated by the stator plate. For this situation it can be seen that in absence of the stator plate, the computed wake does not show fluctuations. The potential flow interaction effects are visible when the stator plate is included in the geometrical model. The movement of the rotor blade in front of the stator plate induces the onset of the vortex shedding. At this frequency, the used EVM is only able to capture the potential flow interaction effects. The incapability of the tested EVM in capturing the vortex shedding due to wake interaction effects leads to an underestimation of the turbulence intensity levels when compared to the experimental data. In this case, the non-accurate estimation of the turbulence intensity may justify the velocity underestimation in the transition sub-layer of the boundary layer shown in figure 5. f = 40Hz Fig. 8. Computed turbulence intensity with RSI effect and without stator plate (f=40Hz) 4. Conclusions CFD has been applied to the study of RSI. A turbomachinery stage was represented with a two-dimensional rotating rig and a flat plate arrangement in a wind tunnel .Boundary layer mean velocities at various distances from the leading edge and the turbulence intensity over the stator plate were computed. A comparison between the numerical results obtained for the boundary layer velocities and the experimental results obtained by Gete and Evans [19] was established. A steady state analysis without the effect of the moving rotor blade (f = 0 Hz) and an unsteady state analysis considering the RSI at different rotor frequencies (f = 20, 30 and 40 Hz) was developed. For near-design conditions (f = 40 Hz) there is no flow detachment on the blade, and the vortex shedding flow pattern is thin and with small eddies. Under these operating conditions, computed turbulence intensity is underestimated when compared to the experimental results. For off-design conditions (f = 20 and 30 Hz), there is flow detachment in the blade, and the vortex shedding flow pattern is wide and with large eddies. Under these operating conditions, computed turbulence intensity is overestimated when compared to the experimental results. It was possible to corroborate that EVM are not able to model coherent fluctuations in the lift coefficient for thin trailing edge foils and small attack angles when the potential flow interaction effects are not present in the computed model, as previously shown in [21]. When the potential flow interaction effect is present in the computed model, EVM are capable of modeling the vortex shedding. 25th IAHR Symposium on Hydraulic Machinery and Systems, September 20-24, 2010, Timisoara, Romania 6/8 DOI: to be inserted by the publisher Results obtained in this work lead to the conclusion that the choosing of a suitable EVM for modeling the RSI phenomena is strongly dependent on the operating conditions in the cascade blades (design/off-design) due to the characteristic flow features for each case. The flow structures in each case present challenges of different nature, and a suitable EVM for modeling a off-design flow condition is not good enough to model another case. The results obtained can be used to obtain a deeper insight into the RSI phenomena. Acknowledgements Funding from the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (Grant No. DPI 2009 – 12827) is appreciated. A travel & congress registration grant from EUETIB – UPC for A. Fontanals is also acknowledged. Nomenclature C dt f I L Re s u Chord of foil [m] computational time step [s] Frequency [Hz] Turbulence intensity (=u’/Uref) Characteristic length [m] Reynolds number (=U0L/) Blade spacing [m] Velocity [m/s] Uref, Uo Ur u’ x, y y+ δ ν Free-stream flow velocity [m/s] Rotor velocity [m/s] Turbulent velocity fluctuations [m/s] Coordinates Non-dimensional wall distance Boundary layer thickness [m] Dynamic viscosity [m2/s] References [1] Soranna, F., Chow, Y., Uzol, O. and Katz, J., 2006, “The effect of inlet guide vanes wake impingement on the flo w structure and turbulence around a rotor blade”, J. of Turbomachinery, No. 128, pp. 82-95. 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Foz do Iguassu (Brazil). 25th IAHR Symposium on Hydraulic Machinery and Systems, September 20-24, 2010, Timisoara, Romania 8/8 SIDO Buck Converter with Independent Outputs H. Eachempatti (1, 2), S. Ganta (1), J. Silva-Martinez (1) and H. Martínez-García (1) Analog and Mixed Signal Center Electrical and Computer Engineering Department (ECE) Texas A&M University College Station, TX, 77843-3128, USA and (2) Qualcomm Incorporated 5775, Morehouse Drive, San Diego, CA, 92121, USA Abstract— The portable electronics market is rapidly migrating towards more compact devices requiring multiple high-integrity high-efficiency voltage supplies for empowering the systems. This paper demonstrates a single inductor used in a buck converter with two output voltages from an input battery with voltage of value 3V. The main target is low cross regulation between the two outputs to supply independent load current levels while maintaining desired output voltage values well within a ripple that is set by adaptive hysteresis levels. A reverse current detector to avoid negative current flowing through the inductor prevents possible efficiency degradation. I. (3) (3) College of Industrial Engineering of Barcelona (EUETIB) Department of Electronics Eng. Technical Univ. of Catalonia (UPC) C/ Comte d’Urgell, 187. 08036 Barcelona, Spain. windows ensures the minimization of cross-regulation that arises from sharing the inductor between the outputs. INTRODUCTION The typical buck converter is the most frequently used switching converter in portable applications. Since multiple voltage rails are required on a Power Management IC (PMIC), several such converters are normally used in a device for obtaining different voltage levels. If a PMIC supplies N independent voltage rails, N such converters are required. The costliest and most area consuming component on the board of a SMPS design is the inductor. A solution for this issue is to use a single-inductor serving to multiple outputs [1-8]. A singleinductor dual output (SIDO) buck converter is shown in Fig. 1. Two independent outputs V1 and V2 are obtained from a single inductor L. C1 and C2 are output capacitors that maintain average load voltages V1 and V2 respectively, and provide output current when the inductor is serving the other output. The voltages V1,2upDC, V1,2lowDC, V1,2up(t) and V1,2low(t) are described in the following subsections. For the SIMO buck, T1, T2, … and TN are the time windows for which L is connected to the outputs V1, V2, ... VN, respectively. The timing diagram in Fig. 2 shows the different phases of operation of a SIDO buck converter. The slopes of inductor charge and discharge depend on the output that L is connected to for regulation. Since the inductor is shared, the minimization of cross-regulation is highly desirable to maintain the regulator’s outputs independent of each other for a wide range of load values[1]. The time frames T1 and T2 depend on the load demanded at each output and are adjusted interactively by the feedback dynamic level comparator. The control of the time Páginas: 719– 722 ISBN: 978-84-95809-75-9 719 (a) (b) Fig. 1 SIDO Buck Converter SMPS and Timing Diagram SAAEI’10 Bilbao, 7 – 9 de julio de 2010 II. CONTROL METHODOLOGY In order to support low cross-regulation across independent load levels and achieve high output voltage accuracy, variable frequency control is chosen, for which hysteresis comparison levels are used. In this paper, the hysteretic control is slighlty different from the conventional one since the dynamic hysteresis levels that contain information about the slopes of the output voltages are used for providing an indication of the voltages and load currents. The first derivative of the voltage indicates the amount of load present at the outputs. For each output, two dynamic levels V1,2up(t) and V1,2low(t) are properly defined and serve as thresholds against which the SIDO buck outputs are compared so that the voltage ripples are limited to within a set percentage of the reference voltages under all loading conditions. Let us define dynamic thresholds V1,2upDC and V1,2lowDC as the bounds for the SIDO buck’s outputs V1,2 as follows: dV (t ) (1) V1,2up (t ) V1,2upDC K z 1,2 dt dV (t ) (2) V1,2low (t ) V1,2lowDC K z 1,2 dt The derivative of the output voltages is a measure of inductor current; hence the threshold levels are dynamically adjusted according to IL. The value of the coefficient KZ determines the sensitivity of the dynamic levels. A very large value of KZ causes high swing in the upper and lower dynamic levels and their possible overlap whereas a small value desensitizes the threshold levels to load current variations increasing the output voltage ripple. Confinement of the output voltages to well within the dynamic levels described by (1) and (2) helps achieve the low cross-regulation and well-defined ripple levels Thus, the proposed controller for the SIDO buck converter is able to supply the output at full load as well as the output at stand-by simultaneously without the undesirable drop or rise respectively in voltage levels at either output. A. Ripple Control and Cross Regulation The output voltages V1,2 are limited to the hysteresis bands by comparing them with the dynamic levels to control the switches SP and SN. As shown in Fig. 2, by monitoring the output voltage and its first derivative, the transient response is improved and the ripple is limited around the desired DC value. In Fig. 2, during T1, when L is connected to one of the outputs, SP is activated and its voltage variation is positive due to the current injected by the inductor. Based on the speed of the variation of the output voltage, the dynamic levels (1) and (2) are adjusted; large load current leads to large steps in the dynamic levels. Since IL is positive, the threshold voltage V1,2up decreases thus preventing significant overshoot at the end of the SP phase even in the presence of control circuit delays. In the following SN phase one of the inductor terminals is grounded but continues to serve the output if L is sized sufficiently to support the total DC load. During T2, the output voltage discharge at a rate given by I1,2/C1,2. This causes a step increase in the dynamic levels, making it move closer to the output voltage profile. When switching from one output to the other, switch S1 is closed if the voltage V1 discharges to below V1low(t); i.e. S1 and S2 are controlled by load levels in the outputs. This guarantees that V1 and V2 stay well within the static bounds V1,2upDC and V1,2lowDC. Thus the ripples of the output voltages are stronger functions of the static levels V1,2upDC and V1,2lowDC than of the external LC tank. This is an advantage from form factor reduction point of view. Lower ripple requires closer static bounds, and also increases the frequency with which S1, S2, Sp, Sn switch. SP O N SN O N L ser vin g th e oth er ou tp u t v 1 ,2 u p (t) V 1 ,2 u p D C v 1 ,2 (t) V ref1 ,2 C 1 ,2 d isch a rg in g p h a se M a in d ecision s ta k en v 1 ,2 lo w (t) V 1 ,2 lo w D C t T1 T2 Fig. 2 SIDO’s steady state output and corresponding dynamic thresholds The time periods T1 and T2 are adjusted by the controller such that the average loads at both outputs are delivered over one time period when the converter is in steady state; i.e. T2 T1 i (t)dt il (t)dt 0 T1 T2 l i1average T1 T1 T2 i2average . (3) The issue of cross-regulation arises from the sharing of boundary conditions of inductor current between the output branches. This causes coupling between the sub converters. If the inductor were to discharge to a state of zero current at the end of every time window, then independent load supply can be achieved at each output without undesirable rise or fall in voltage [2-5]. However, the disadvantage of operating the SIDO buck converter in this mode of discontinuous conduction for all load conditions is the rise in peak currents flowing through the inductor, increasing current stress of the switches and conduction losses as well as loss in system efficiency due to the full charge and discharge of additional parasitic capacitors. To decrease the peak inductor currents the inductor might be reset to a constant value Idc instead of zero [6-7]. A variation of this technique is to reset the inductor to different current values that are dependent on the individual loads. This technique requires an additional low-resistance switch across the inductor. Further, current sensing circuits that are sensitive to high frequency noise are required. Control methodologies like Adaptive Delta Modulation [8] and Ordered Power Distributive Control [9] use digital algorithms and analog signal processing circuits to control the voltages. These solutions have a fixed frequency of operation which leads to the inability of the SIMO SMPS to regulate with widely varied load ranges at both outputs. In order to meet the average load current requirements of both the outputs as set by (3), the time multiplexing of L is controlled. In Fig. 2, when S1,2 is ON during T1, C2,1 discharges, causing V2,1 to droop with a rate that is directly proportional to its load current. This causes an upward shift in V2,1low(t). At time 720 T2 when V1 hits V2,1low(t), S2,1 is turned ON. Thus the output with higher load current takes priority since the transient voltage profile is monitored. L is connected for a longer time to the output with the higher load. The absence of any averaging circuits or any form of linear compensation leads to better transient performance. B. Architecture and control flow Fig. 3 shows the topology and control architecture of the SIDO buck converter. Eqns. (1) and (2) are implemented using analog differentiators with DC offsets. V1 and V2 are compared with the dynamic levels to generate the control signals for switches Sp and Sn. S1 and S2 are controlled by the comparator that sets the priority of the outputs based on the voltage error and load current, accordingly setting the flag ‘M’ to 1 or 0. The delays due to the control gates, drivers and comparators are negligible compared to the output time constant, leading to very small control loop delay. Reverse current is detected by monitoring voltages across S1 and S2 in order to avoid the flow of negative current flowing through the inductor. When the reverse current detector ‘R’ is high the switches Sn and Saux are closed while all the other switches are immediately turned OFF. This switching action grounds the inductor terminals avoiding negative current flow through it and also prevents efficiency degradation. The flowchart shown in Fig. 4 summarizes the sequence of operations implemented by the digital controller. The flag ‘M’ and reverse current flag ‘R’ control the states of S1 and S2. Once the inductor is connected to a particular output, the voltage is compared to corresponding dynamic levels for manipulation of Sp and Sn. Sp is switched ON when the voltage goes below the lower dynamic threshold and Sn is turned ON when the voltage overshoots the upper dynamic threshold. Thus the two loops that control the battery side and load side switches work independently of each other, except in the event of reverse current flow. This independent operation guarantees the reliable operation of the control system. 1.26 KZ dV1t dt V1 t 1.14 KZ dV1t dt V2 V 2low V1 V 1low V2 V 2low V1 V 1low V2 V 2up V1 V1up Fig. 4 Logical flow of operations in the SIDO Buck Converter III. SCHEMATIC SIMULATION RESULTS In this work, the value of L is1 µH and the values of the output capacitors are 4.7 µF each. The controller was designed and simulated at transistor level using a conventional 0.5 m CMOS technology. When maximum load i.e. 300 mA is present at each output, the transient response of V1(t) and V2(t) with corresponding dynamic levels are shown in Fig. 5. Overshoots or undershoots about their designated static bounds are due to the response time of the loop control. V1 t V2 t Fig. 5 Steady state V1 and V2 when load currents I1 = I2 = 300 mA V2 t In Fig. 6, the load at V1(t) is 10 mA and at V2(t) is 300 mA. In Fig. 6, S1 stays ON for just as long as the capacitor C1 gets charged to over V1low. Once the light load output V1 is charged over its acceptable lower limit, the inductor is immediately connected to the output V2 with the heavier load, and the switches Sp and Sn continue to get manipulated according to the corresponding dynamic thresholds. Hence both outputs with widely varied load values are served by the inductor thus minimizing the cross regulation. Fig. 7 shows two families of curves; the dotted traces correspond to the output voltages with dynamic hysteresis, while the solid lines indicate the outputs with static hysteresis. When dynamic levels are used the voltage ripple is better controlled dV2 t dt V1t 1.2 1.425 KZ dV2 t dt V2t 1.5 1.575 K Z V2 t V1 t Fig. 3 SIDO system Overview 721 within the permissible bounds. In the case of static hysteresis, a large output capacitor would be required to effectively control this ripple value. depicted in Fig. 9 that is desirable in many applications in order to optimize the performance of the power supple over a wide range of loads. Higher values of efficiency are achievable with more sophisticated technology, leading to lower switch on-state resistance and parasitic capacitances. Fig. 6 Steady state V1 and V2 when load currents I1 = 10mA and I2 = 300 mA Fig. 9 Overall efficiency vs. total load current I1 and I2 IV. Fig. 7 Comparison of static and dynamic hysteresis Fig. 8 shows the load regulation of V1(t) and cross regulation of V2(t). There is a step increase in the load current I1 from 10mA to 300mA leading to an increase in the ripple frequency of V1(t) at the instant of the load step. This increase in the switching frequency ensures that the sudden load step is handled by the inductor energy, thus helping the loop recover without any undesirable dips in the output voltages. CONCLUSION A single-inductor two-output switching regulator with low cross regulation, high accuracy and 2.5% ripple limits has been described. These achievements are a result of the proposed non linear hysteresis control applied to the SIDO buck converter leading to superior transient performance and disturbance rejection. Using the proposed dynamic hysteresis control methodology, constant efficiency values at different load combinations that is essential for optimum performance is achieved. The downside of the proposed method is the variation of the operating frequency with load. Nevertheless, the switching frequency can be controlled to stay within a band of acceptable frequencies by tuning the width of the hysteresis loop using an auxiliary feedback loop. The principles presented in this paper can be extended to a multiple output (n>2) buck converter. REFERENCES Fig. 8 Time response of V1 and V2 to load step from 10 mA to 300 mA. Hence from simulations it can be concluded that frequency of operation is “adaptive” leading to faster switching during high loads and slower switching during low loads, leading to improved efficiency. Also, the problem of negative inductor current during discontinuous conduction mode is solved, with no ringing transients, due to the presence of the auxiliary switch. The efficiency of the system is almost constant over the individual load ranges. This leads to an almost flat efficiency-load curve as [1] Wing-Hung Ki and Dongsheng Ma, “Single-Inductor Multiple-Output Switching Converters”, in Proc. IEEE PESC, Vol. 1, pp. 226-231, June 2001. [2] Dongsheng Ma, Wing-Hung Ki, Chi-Ying Tsui, and Philip K.T. Mok, “A Single Inductor Dual-Output Integrated DC/DC Boost Converter for Variable Voltage Scheduling”, in Proc. of the 2001 Conference on Asia South Pacific Design Automation, pp. 19-20, 2001. [3] Massimiliano Belloni, Edoardo Bonizzoni, and Franco Maloberti, “On the Design of a Single-Inductor-Multiple-Output DC-DC Buck Converters” in Proc. Of 2008 International Symposium on Circuit and Systems, Vol. 3, pp. 3049-3052, May 2008. [4] Dongwon Kwon, and Gabriel A. Rincón-Mora, “Single-Inductor–MultipleOutput Switching DC–DC Converters” in IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems-II: Express Briefs, Vol. 56, Nº. 8, Aug. 2009. [5] Suet-Chui Koon, Yat-Hei Lam, and Wing-Hung Ki, “Integrated Charge Control Single-Inductor Step-Up/Step-Down Converter” in International Symposium on Circuit and Systems, Vol. 4, pp. 3071-3074, May 2005. [6] Ming-Hsin Kuang, Ke-Horng Chen, “Single Inductor dual-output (SIDO) DCDC converters for minimized cross regulation and high efficiency in soc supplying systems”, in IEEE International Midwest Symposium on Cicuits & Systems, Vol.1, pp. 550-553, 2007. [7] Anmol Sharma, and Shanti Pavan, “A single inductor multiple output converter with adaptive delta current mode control” in Proc of IEEE International Symposium on Circuit and Systems, pp. 5643-5646, 2006. [8] Hanh-Phuc Le, Chang-Seok Chae, Kwang-Chan Lee, Se-Won Wang, Gyu-Ha Cho, and Gyu-Hyeong Cho, “A single-inductor switching DC-DC converter with five outputs and ordered power-distributive control” in IEEE Journal of SolidState Circuits, Vol. 42, Issue 12, pp. 2706-2714, December 2007. 722 Current-Steering Switching Policy for a SIDO Linear-Assisted Hysteretic DC/DC Converter Herminio Martínez (1), Jose Silva-Martínez (2), Eduard Alarcón (3) and Alberto Poveda (3) (1) College of Industrial Engineering of Barcelona (EUETIB) Department of Electronics Eng. Technical Univ. of Catalonia (UPC) C/ Comte d’Urgell, 187. 08036 Barcelona. SPAIN (2) Analog and Mixed Signal Center Electrical and Computer Engineering Department (ECE) Texas A&M University College Station, TX, 77843-3128, USA Abstract— This paper proposes the use of linear-assisted switching power converters in the context of single-inductor dual-output (SIDO) applications. By combining a DC/DC ripplecontrolled switching power converter with the respective voltage linear regulators at each output, improved performance in terms of load and line regulations is obtained. To achieve that aim, a current-steering switching policy is proposed, together with a resource-aware circuit implementation. The ripple-based hysteretic control results in variable switching frequency to guarantee critical conduction mode (boundary of CCM and DCM). I. INTRODUCTION Multiple regulated supply voltages are becoming a need in many applications that require different supply voltages for different subsystems. Possible applications include mobile phones, personal digital assistant (PDAs), microprocessors, wireless transceivers, etc. [1]. In order to obtain these output voltages, switching converters and voltage linear regulators are the main alternatives at the core of power-management systems. As all designers put effort into size reduction, a converter with different output voltages cannot stay out of that trend, forcing designers to find a method to shrink the size in both on-chip and off-chip implementations [2]. Of all of the approaches, single-inductor single-input multiple-output (SIMO) converters come to prevail. SIMO converters can support more than one output while requiring only one off-chip inductor, promising many appealing advantages, in particular the reduction of bulky power devices, including inductors, capacitors and control ICs [1], [2]. In this way, the cost of mass production is remarkably reduced. Therefore, the SIMO topology appears as the most suitable and cost-effective solution in the future development of power management systems, attracting many manufacturing companies with different applications in portable devices. However, it is still a notable challenge to find the best topology and control for the implementation of this type of converter. In order to obtain multiple outputs, two main alternatives have historically been used: (1) voltage series linear regulators, that have been widely used for decades [3]-[6], and (2) DC/DC switching converters, thanks to which high- Páginas: 805– 810 ISBN: 978-84-95809-75-9 (3) School of Telecommunications Engineering of Barcelona (ETSETB) Department of Electronics Eng. Technical Univ. of Catalonia (UPC) C/ Gran Capitán s/n, Ed. C4, 08034 Barcelona. SPAIN efficiency power supply systems can be obtained [7]-[9]. Linear-assisted DC/DC converters (also known as linearswitching hybrid converters) are circuit topologies of strong interest when designing power supplies concurrently requiring as design specifications both: (1) high slew-rate of the output current and (2) high current consumption by the output load. This is the case of the systems based on modern microprocessors and DSPs, where both requirements converge [10], [11]. This interest is also applicable to wideband adaptive supply of RF power amplifiers. Linear-switching hybrid converters are compact circuit topologies that preserve the well-known advantages of the two typical alternatives for the implementation of DC/DC voltage regulators, namely, achieving both moderately high efficiencies –by virtue of the switching regulator- together with fast wideband ripple-free regulation –by virtue of the linear regulator-. In this paper, the linear-assisted strategy is applied to SIMO converters. II. TOPOLOGY OF A HYSTERETIC LINEAR-ASSISTED DC/DC CONVERTER The basic schematic of a single-input single-output (SISO) linear-assisted converter is shown in figure 1.a [12], [13]. This structure consists, mainly, of a voltage linear regulator in parallel with a step-down switching DC/DC converter. In this type of converters, the value of the output voltage, theoretically constant, is fixed with good precision by the voltage linear regulator. The current through the linear regulator is constantly sensed by the current sense element Rm. Based on this sensed signal, the controller activates the output of comparator CMP1 which controls the switching element of the DC/DC converter. Notice that the current flowing through the linear regulator constitutes a measurement of the error of the power supply. The power stage (this is, the switching converter) supplies to the output the current required to force to a minimum value the current flowing through the linear regulator. As a consequence, it is obtained, altogether, a power supply circuit in which the switching frequency comes fixed, among other parameters (such as the possible hysteresis of the analog comparator), by the value of the current flowing through the linear regulator. In the linear-assisted converter shown in 805 SAAEI’10 Bilbao, 7 – 9 de julio de 2010 figure 1.b, a step-down (buck) switching converter [14], [15] is used. On the other hand, the linear regulator consists of a push-pull output stage (transistors Q2a and Q2b). In this approach, the main objective of the DC/DC switching converter is to provide most of the load current in steady-state conditions (to obtain a good efficiency of the whole system). Thus, in steady state, the linear regulator provides a small part of the load current, maintaining the output voltage to an acceptable DC value. Vin level, turning OFF the DC/DC switching converter. Thus, the current through inductor L1 will be zero (figure 2). Therefore, the voltage linear regulator supplies the required output current (Ireg=Iout). I (A) iL(t) L1 DC-DC Switching Converter Iout ireg(t) IH I IL 0 Driver Vref Rm Ireg Voltage Linear Regulator Iout Vout RL IQ (a) L1 Q1 R3 D1 R2 IL Vin R1 + VC – + – CMP1 I Rm Voltage Linear Regulator Iout Vin + OA1 Vout RL Q2a VZ Vref (1) Rm It is important to emphasize that reducing the value of the power dissipated in the pass transistor of the linear regulator increases the efficiency of the set, even for significant output currents. Therefore, it is important to fix the current limit Iγ to an appropriate value between a maximum border to limit the maximum power dissipation, and a minimum border to operate the regulator properly, without penalizing its good characteristics of regulation. Thus, Iγ must be set at a value such that: (a) It does not significantly increase the power dissipation of the pass transistor in the linear regulator and does not excessively diminish the efficiency of the linearassisted converter. (b) It does not significantly deteriorate the regulation of the output voltage. Current Sensing Vref TOFF However, when the current demanded by the load is above this current limit Iγ, the output of the comparator will automatically toggle to high level. As a consequence, the current flowing through the inductance L1 will grow linearly. Considering that the output current Iout=Ireg+IL is assumed to be constant (equal to Vout/RL), the linear regulator current Ireg will also decrease linearly, until the time instant in which it will become slightly smaller than Iγ. At this moment, the comparator will change its output to low level, turning OFF the switch transistor Q1 and causing the current trough the inductor to decrease. When the inductor current decreases to a value in which Ireg>Iγ, the comparator changes its state to high level, thereby repeating the complete switching cycle. Without hysteresis in the comparator, the switching instant of the DC/DC converter is controlled by Iγ. This control signal can be adjusted to a given command thanks to the gain of the current sensing element, Rm, and the reference voltage Vref, according to the expression: Current Sensing Vin TON Fig. 2.- Principle of operation of the proposed linear-assisted DC/DC converter. VC + Both linear and switching blocks enabled IL CMP1 – + – t Linear block enabled Switching block disabled Ireg – Q2b Fig. 1.- (a) Block diagram of the proposed linear-assisted converter.(b) Basic structure of the proposed linear-assisted DC/DC converter. If the current demanded by the load Iout is below a maximum current threshold, denominated switching threshold current, Iγ, the output of comparator CMP1 will be at low Thus, we can denominate this type of control as a strategy control with non-zero average linear regulator current. For load currents below 10 A, it can be concluded through circuitlevel characterization that the suitable value of Iγ that fulfills the two previous conditions is between 10 mA and 50 mA. The proposed linear-assisted DC/DC converter is suitable to any kind of converter, in particular to SIMO linear-assisted 806 DC/DC converters. Next sections are devoted to the extension of a single-output linear-assisted converter to obtain a SIDO converter. III. SIDO LINEAR-ASSISTED DC/DC CONVERTER Based on figure 1.b, the structure of the SIDO linearassisted DC/DC converter is obtained as shown in figure 3. In this topology, two voltage linear regulators (A and B), one for each output, are used and one buck DC/DC switching converter (without the output capacitor) provides part of the output current for the two outputs. In the presented topology the SIDO linear-assisted DC/DC converter operates at the boundary of continuous conduction mode (CCM) and discontinuous conduction mode (DCM) with variable switching frequency, as it will be justified in the next section. converter until IL=0. It should be evident that information from both subconverters is needed to determine which of the two output currents is the largest, and any change in one phase necessarily affects the other two phases, this rendering the control of the two outputs interdependent. Notice that the aforementioned topology can easily be extended to implement different algorithms and generate multiple output voltages. SW1 Vin VC1 VC5 Controller IL1 VCout1 IL2 SW3 SW4 Linear Regulator A Q12a VZ1 + Vout1 Iout1 Vin RL1 Ireg1 OA1 – Q12b SWITCHING POLICY FOR THE SIDO LINEAR-ASSISTED DC/DC CONVERTER Linear Regulator B The concept of SIMO converters control algorithms has been disclosed in different papers [16]. In classical approaches, the control and timing scheme is a form of time division multiplexing. This time multiplexing can be extended from two outputs (SIDO converter) to N outputs, and each output should occupy a time slot for charging and discharging the inductor. In all cases, the structure can work with constant or variable switching frequency. An important component of the proposed SIDO structure shown in figure 3 is the switching control of the four switches that determine the operation phases of the DC/DC converter. In this topology the SIDO linear-assisted DC/DC converter operates at the boundary of CCM and DCM with variable switching frequency. In the proposed control algorithm considered in this work (figure 4), each period is divided into three phases, not necessarily of equal duration. In phase 1, the inductor is charged from 0 A to the larger of the two output currents (Iout1 in the case under discussion). In phase 2, the inductor discharges into the first converter until IL becomes smaller than the lower output current (Iout2 in our case). Finally, in phase 3, the inductor drains IL into the second SW2 VSO2 VSO1 VSL1 Due to the current sensing circuit, the controller generates the control signals for the four switches of the SIDO linearassisted DC/DC converter as a current-steering switching policy. In this particular application, it is necessary to sense the two output currents (sensing signals VSO1 and VSO2). On the other hand, the current flowing through the inductor of the switching converter (sensing signal VSL1) has to be sensed as well. For a multiple-output converter with stable outputs, each output should be independently regulated. If the output voltage of a subconverter is affected by the change of load of another subconverter, cross regulation occurs. This is an undesired effect that, in the worst case, could make the system unstable [1], [16]. IL VCout2 On the other hand, four switches, which determine the operation phases of the DC/DC converter, steer the inductor current of the switching converter to the appropriate output. Note that synchronous rectification is considered as unavoidable in a low-voltage chip-compatible scenario. IV. L1 Iout2 Vin Q22a VZ2 + Vout2 RL2 Ireg2 OA2 – Q22b Fig. 3.- Basic structure of a SIDO linear-assisted DC/DC converter. V. CONTROLLER IMPLEMENTATION FOR THE SIDO LINEAR-ASSISTED DC/DC CONVERTER The control algorithm considered in this paper is shown in figure 4. It is necessary to sense the two output currents (VSO1 and VSO2 in figure 3) and the current flowing through the inductor of the switching converter (sensing signal VSL1). As a consequence, four control signals are obtained in order to control the four switches of the SIDO linear-assisted DC/DC converter, namely: control signal VC1 for the switch SW1, VC5 to control SW2, VCout1 for the switch SW3 and VCout2 for the switch SW4. In order to implement the control algorithm presented in figure 4 it is necessary to obtain which of the two output currents is the largest. In addition, it is necessary to compare the inductor current with these two output currents, generating internal control signals. The scheme presented in figure 5.a 807 shows the circuit that implements this part, obtaining three internal threshold levels: VT1, VT2 and VT3. Notice that the output of the comparator CMP1 provides the intermediate control signal VS that indicates which output current (Iout1 or Iout2) is the largest one. These three levels (VT1, VT2 and VT3) are the intermediate or internal signals that control a state machine, consisting of three R-S latches (figure 5.b). The state machine generates the control signals VC1, VC5, VCout1 and VCout2 for the switches SW1, SW2, SW3 and SW4, respectively. Finally, in figure 5.c, it is shown the block which, in the inductor discharge interval, decides which output (switch SW3 or SW4) is selected first. Note that this decision depends upon the signal VS provided by comparator CMP1 (figure 5.a). Thus, the largest of the two currents is selected in the subinterval TOFF1 and the lower in the interval TOFF2. Iout1 From 1.67 A to 0.83 A at t=250 s and vice versa at t=500 s, being Ireg2=1.33 A. VII. In this paper, the design and performance characterization of a SIDO linear-assisted DC/DC converter has been described. A current-steering switching policy, in combination with a linear-assisted hysteretic DC/DC regulator in the context of single-inductor dual-output (SIDO) converters, allows to provide two independent outputs with suitable load and line regulations. In the proposed topology the SIDO linear-assisted DC/DC converter operates at the critical conduction mode with variable switching frequency by means of a hysteretic control, thereby restricting the inductor current ripple. Finally, note that different control algorithms can be implemented in the proposed SIDO structure in order to obtain the appropriate and accurate load and line regulations. Final experimental results corroborating the previous simulation results will be included in the definitive version of the article. IL Iout2 ACKNOWLEDGMENT This work has been partially funded by project TEC2007– 67988–C02–01/MIC from the Spanish MCYT and EU FEDER funds. t Iout1 Ireg1 IL REFERENCES [1] Ireg2 Iout2 [2] 0 TON Inductor charge TOFF1 TOFF2 t [3] Inductor discharge [4] Fig. 4.- Current waveforms of the SIDO linear-assisted DC/DC converter with control strategy A: through the load 1 and load 2 (red color traces), inductance L1 (blue trace), linear regulator 1 (discontinuous green trace) and linear regulator 2 (discontinuous violet trace). VI. CONCLUSIONS [5] BEHAVIOUR CHARACTERIZATION OF THE SIDO LINEAR-ASSISTED DC/DC CONVERTER [6] In order to validate the presented structure for the SIDO linear-assisted DC-DC converter depicted in figure 3, its controller shown in figure 5 and the control algorithm presented in figure 4, circuit level characterization has been obtained for system specifications requiring 5.0 V at Vout1 and 2.0 V at the output Vout2, being Vin=9 V. 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(b) State machine that generates the control signals VC1, VC5, VCout1 and VCout2 for the switches SW1, SW2, SW3 and SW4, respectively. (c) Block to decide which of the two outputs (switch SW3 or SW4) is selected first within the inductor discharge interval. 809 6.0V Vout1 4.0V Vout2 2.0V 0V 0s 50us V(Vout2) V(Vout1) 100us 150us 200us 250us 300us 350us 400us Time (a) 2.0A Iout1 1.5A Ireg1 IL 1.0A Iout2 Ireg2 0.5A 0A 0s I(L1) 50us I(RL21) I(RL11) 100us I(RL1s) 150us 200us 250us 300us 350us 400us I(RL2s) Time (b) Fig. 6.- Current waveforms of the structure of the SIDO linear-assisted DC/DC converter: (a) Output voltages Vout1 and Vout2. (b) Currents of interest in the circuit: IL, Ireg1, Ireg2, Iout1 and Iout2. 2.0A Iout1 Ireg1 1.5A Iout2 IL 1.0A Ireg2 0.5A 0A 0s I(L1) I(RL21) 100us I(RL11) I(RL1s) 200us I(RL2s) 300us 400us 500us 600us Time Fig. 7.- Current waveforms of the structure of the SIDO linear-assisted DC/DC converter when the output current Ireg1 changes from 1.67 A to 0.83 A at t=250 s and vice versa at t=500 s: (a) Output voltages Vout1 and Vout2. (b) Currents of interest in the circuit: IL, Ireg1, Ireg2, Iout1 and Iout2. 810 III Congreso Nacional de Pulvimetalurgia Valencia, 13 y 14 de junio de 2010 XXX-XXX ESTUDIO DE LA INFLUENCIA DE LAS VARIABLES DE MOLIENDA EN LAS PROPIEDADES DEL POLVO DE ALUMINIO NANOCRISTALINO J. Solà, J. Llumà, J. Jorba Dep. Ciència de Materials i Enginyeria Metal•lúrgica, EUETIB, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Comte d’Urgell 187, 08036 Barcelona.,, RESUMEN En la última década ha habido un creciente interés y esfuerzo de investigación centrado en el desarrollo de materiales nanocristalinos debido a la notable mejora de sus propiedades químicas, eléctricas, magnéticas, ópticas y mecánicas. Estos materiales pueden ser producidos mediante varios procedimientos. Aunque algunas de estas técnicas, como la molienda mecánica (BM), producen materiales en polvo que requieren una consolidación posterior para tener una aplicación estructural, permiten obtener los menores tamaños de grano. Por esta razón, se han realizado amplios estudios sobre la dinámica de los procesos de molienda y de su influencia en los cambios microestructurales producidos en esos materiales. No obstante, el principal esfuerzo se han centrado en materiales férricos, y son pocos los trabajos en aluminio puro. En la presente comunicación se presenta la evolución de la dureza y tamaño de partícula de aluminio nanocristalino obtenido por molienda mecánica y el rendimiento del proceso de producción en función de los parámetros de molienda. ABSTRACT In the last decade or so there has been an increasing interest and research effort focused on nanocrystalline materials due to the remarkable improvement of their chemical, electrical, magnetic, optic and mechanical properties. These materials can be produced by several processes. Although some of those techniques as ball milling (BM) produce powdered materials that need to be consolidated in a further process to be useful in structural applications, they are able to obtain the smaller grain size. For this reason, the dynamics of the milling process and its influence on the microstructural changes produced in these materials has been extensive studied. However, the main efforts have focused on ferrous materials, and there are few studies of pure aluminium. This paper presents the evolution of hardness and particle size of nanocrystalline aluminium powder obtained by mechanical milling and the efficiency of production processes versus milling process parameters. 1 III Congreso Nacional de Pulvimetalurgia, Valencia, junio 2010 Palabras clave (Keywords): aluminio, materiales nanocristalinos, propiedades mecánicas, técnicas de producción de polvos. 1. INTRODUCCIÓN La notable mejora en las propiedades químicas, eléctricas, magnéticas, ópticas y mecánicas que se obtiene en los materiales nanocristalinos ha propiciado una eclosión en su estudio durante la última década [1,2]. Los procesos que permiten obtener estos materiales son muchos y diversos, pero aquellos que permiten obtener un menor tamaño de grano cristalino suelen producir el material en forma de polvo, el cual precisa de una posterior sinterización para producir componentes aptos para aplicaciones estructurales. Entre estas técnicas se cuenta la molienda mecánica, que ha sido objeto de numerosos estudios metodológicos sobre la influencia de los parámetros de molienda en la evolución del material molido [3,4,5]. Ello ha permitido obtener tamaños de grano nanocristalino en diversos metales [6] y aleaciones [7]. No obstante, el principal esfuerzo se ha centrado en materiales férricos, y son comparativamente pocos los trabajos de molienda mecánica en aluminio puro [ 8], aunque no con sus aleaciones [9]. Este hecho no ha impedido detallados estudios de la evolución de la microestructura del aluminio al acumular trabajo en frío mediante otras técnicas de deformación [10], que en grandes líneas son extrapolables al caso de la molienda mecánica. Tal vez por este motivo, la mayoría de trabajos se centran en la influencia del tiempo de molienda en las propiedades mecánicas del polvo obtenido y deja de lado la influencia de otras variables como la energía de los impactos (consecuencia de la velocidad de giro) o el número de impactos por unidad de tiempo (consecuencia del número de bolas). El presente trabajo está enfocado a describir la influencia de estas variables, no sólo en las propiedades mecánicas del material molturado, sino de aquellas variables que influenciarán en el posterior proceso de sinterización en etapa industrial, es decir, tamaño de partícula del polvo y rendimiento del proceso de molturación. 2. MATERIALES Y PROCEDIMIENTO EXPERIMENTAL El material utilizado en este estudio es polvo de aluminio puro suministrado por la empresa ECKA Granules® con la especificación ECKA Aluminium AS 51 que ha sido tamizado en el laboratorio. La fracción utilizada corresponde al intervalo 72-100 µm. En la figura 1 se muestra la distribución de tamaño de partícula de la fracción tamizada que ha sido determinada mediante análisis de imagen de la superficie proyectada de las partículas [11]. En las figuras 2a y 2b se muestran imágenes de la morfología de las partículas y de la sección de una de las partículas obtenidas, respectivamente, mediante SEM y microscopía óptica. En la tabla 1 se muestra la composición química del material original y del polvo molturado en las condiciones extremas ensayadas determinada mediante espectrometría de masas con fuente de plasma de acoplamiento inductivo (MS-ICP). La dureza del polvo original es 38,9 ± 2,7 HV 0,025 determinada siguiendo la metodología descrita posteriormente. 2 Estudio de la influencia de las variables de molienda en las propiedades del polvo de aluminio nanocristalino 7 Porcentaje de partículas 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 1E-3 0,01 Tamaño de partícula (mm2) Figura 1. Distribución del tamaño de partícula de la fracción tamizada expresada como área de la superficie proyectada. Figura 2. Morfología de las partículas de polvo utilizado y del interior de una partícula. El polvo de aluminio ha sido molturado en molino planetario de bolas Pulverisette 5 de la firma Fritsch® utilizando contenedores cilíndricos de 250 ml fabricados con acero X 5 Cr Ni 18 10 y bolas de 10 mm de diámetro fabricadas con acero 100 Cr 6. Se han ensayado distintas condiciones de tiempo de molienda, relación masa de bolas-masa de polvo (BPR) y velocidad de giro del molino (rpm) sin agente de control. También se ha determinado la influencia de Licowax C de Clarient®, cera tipo amida (EBS), como agente de control. 3 III Congreso Nacional de Pulvimetalurgia, Valencia, junio 2010 Se determinado el rendimiento de cada condición de molienda como la diferencia entre la masa de polvo inicial y de polvo obtenido después de la molienda, y se expresa como porcentaje de variación respecto a la masa inicial. El tamaño medio y la distribución de tamaños de las partículas de polvo obtenidas en cada molturación han sido determinados mediante análisis de imagen de la superficie proyectada de cada partícula realizado sobre muestras no inferiores a 400 partículas. En algunos casos se han desestimado algunas partículas que, por su forma aplanada y tamaño, pudieran sesgar la medida. En todos los casos se ha ajustado una distribución log-normal y se han calculado la moda de esa distribución. Las barras de error representadas en las correspondientes gráficas delimitan los intervalos de tamaño de grano que incluyen el 90% de la población de partículas de la muestra. La dureza del polvo original y del material obtenido en las distintas moliendas se expresa en escala Vickers (HV 0,025) y ha sido determinada en un microdurómetro Buehler 5114. Todas las muestras utilizadas han sido embutidas en caliente (150ºC) en resina epoxi de alta resistencia (Epomet de Buehler®) y pulidas siguiendo el procedimiento metalográfico habitual hasta la mitad de su diámetro, aproximadamente. Se ha utilizado el criterio Cauchy para admitir o descartar en el cálculo los valores experimentales de dureza obtenidos El valor medio de dureza corresponde al promedio entre 15 medidas válidas de dureza y la barra de error representa la dispersión entre los valores de dureza válidos asumiendo un nivel de confianza del 95%. Tabla 1. Composición química del polvo del material inicial y del polvo molturado en las condiciones extremas ensayadas. Condiciones de molienda Material original 50 h/20 BPR/160 rpm 20 h/30 BPR/160 rpm 20 h/20 BPR/220 rpm Cd <20 <20 <20 <20 Cu <20 75 60 85 Mn 68 50 60 Zn 118 135 130 150 Fe 1600 1900 1950 2200 Mo <300 <200 <200 <200 Ni <200 <200 <200 <200 Cr <20 <45 <45 <45 Al Resto Resto Resto Resto 3. RESULTADOS Y DISCUSIÓN El análisis químico de las muestras sometidas a las condiciones extremas de molienda ensayadas (Tabla 1) presentan incrementos en la cantidad de Fe que pasa desde un valor 1600 ppm en el material inicial, a 1900 ppm después de 50 horas de molturación (15,8% de aumento), a 1950 ppm después de molturación con 30 BPR (21,9% de aumento) y a 2200 ppm a 220 rpm (37,5% de aumento). La concentración de Cr, Ni y de los otros elementos minoritarios está por debajo del límite de análisis. Este aumento del nivel de Fe muy probablemente proviene del desgaste del recipiente y/o de las bolas. Aunque el aumento de Fe expresado en porcentaje es importante, el valor absoluto máximo obtenido es 0,22% y no ha sido detectado mediante EDAX durante la observación de muestras de estas partículas por SEM, lo que indica que se halla disperso. No obstante, este porcentaje 4 Estudio de la influencia de las variables de molienda en las propiedades del polvo de aluminio nanocristalino es superior al máximo admisible en situación de equilibrio y puede formar compuestos AlFe durante el proceso de consolidación [8]. 3.1 Efecto de las variables de proceso sobre la dureza. Figura 3 se han agrupado las gráficas de la evolución de la dureza en función del porcentaje de agente de control de proceso (EBS), del tiempo de molienda, de la relación masa de bolas-masa de polvo (BPR) y de la velocidad de giro del molino (rpm). En todos los casos existe un aumento de la dureza con el aumento de la magnitud en estudio. En la Figura 3a se muestra la evolución de la dureza del material molturado durante 20 h con una relación 20:1 BPR y a 160 rpm en función del porcentaje de cera EBS. Se aprecia un gran aumento del valor de la dureza respecto del polvo original no molturado para porcentajes de EBS hasta 0,8 y una disminución abrupta desde este valor para el porcentaje 1% EBS. Por otra parte, es interesante comentar el aumento constante de la dureza con el tiempo de molienda hasta alcanzar un máximo local alrededor de 20 h de molienda (Figura 3b), seguido de una zona de sucesivos ablandamientos (30 y 40 h) y endurecimientos (35 y 50 h). a 120 b 120 110 100 Dureza (HV 0.025) Dureza (HV 0.025) 100 80 60 40 90 80 70 60 50 Material inicial Material inicial 40 20 h - 20 BPR - 160 rpm 20 0,0 0,2 0,4 0,6 0,8 0% EBS -20 BPR - 160 rpm 30 1,0 0 20 60 80 100 Tiempo (h) EBS (%) c 120 d 120 100 Dureza (HV 0.025) 100 Dureza (HV 0.025) 40 80 60 40 0% EBS - 20 h - 160 rpm 20 5 10 15 60 Material inicial 40 Material inicial 0 80 20 BPR 25 30 35 0% EBS -20 h - 20 BPR 20 40 0 50 100 150 200 250 RPM Figura 3 Variación de la dureza en función del porcentaje de EBS (a), del tiempo (b), de BPR(c) y de rpm(d). 5 III Congreso Nacional de Pulvimetalurgia, Valencia, junio 2010 Este mismo comportamiento se aprecia en la evolución de la dureza con BPR (Figura 3c) donde se produce un aumento de la dureza con el aumento de la relación BPR hasta alcanzar un máximo local en 25 BPR, seguido de un mínimo para 30 BPR y un posterior aumento de dureza a 35 BPR. La misma secuencia, aunque más suave, se produce en la variación de la dureza con la velocidad del molino (Figura 3d) pero en este caso las barras de error del valor mínimo se solapan con uno de los valores adyacentes. En este último caso, no se produce endurecimiento del material hasta superar un valor mínimo en la velocidad de giro, pero, cuando se alcanza este valor, el incremento de dureza se produce de forma abrupta hasta alcanzar una zona de saturación. La comparación de estos comportamientos induce a pensar que el efecto del tiempo de molienda es mayor que el de la relación BPR y mayor que el de EBS en el rango ensayado. En todos los casos se observa un umbral de activación para iniciar el endurecimiento. Por otra parte, los valores máximos locales de dureza se alcanzan para unas condiciones de 0,0 y 0,4% EBS, 20 y 35 horas de molienda, 25 y 35 BPR, y 160 y 250 rpm, manteniendo constantes en cada caso las otras variables de proceso. 3.2 Efecto de las variables de proceso sobre el tamaño de partícula. En la Figura 4 se muestra la variación del tamaño de partícula en función de las variables de proceso estudiadas. En todos los casos existe un aumento del tamaño de partícula con el aumento de la magnitud en estudio. En el caso del efecto del porcentaje de cera se aprecia un fuerte aumento del tamaño de partícula durante el proceso de molturación con el porcentaje de EBS hasta 0,4% y una disminución posterior hasta valores del tamaño de partícula parecidos a los originales para porcentajes de 0,8 y 1,0% de EBS, con una gran dispersión del tamaño en el último porcentaje. Ni el tiempo de molienda ni la relación BPR producen variaciones sustanciales en el tamaño de partícula que se mantiene alto y casi constante a las condiciones estudiadas. La velocidad de giro del molino aumenta la dispersión del tamaño a baja velocidad (hasta 80 rpm) y produce un aumento brusco del tamaño con disminución de la dispersión a partir de 100 rpm. La observación mediante SEM de las partículas formadas indica que éstas se han formado por apelmazamiento de partículas más pequeñas, generalmente aplanadas, que se han doblado sobre sí mismas formando esferas en muchos casos huecas que después han crecido por apelmazamiento y/o soldadura mecánica de otras partículas sobre la superficie exterior [11]. Por esta razón, el tamaño de partícula crece de forma abrupta cuando se dan las condiciones de proceso necesarias y es necesario un mínimo para que el apelmazamiento se inicie, pero una vez iniciado las condiciones de molienda no afectan substancialmente al tamaño final. 6 Estudio de la influencia de las variables de molienda en las propiedades del polvo de aluminio nanocristalino a 0,1 0,01 Material inicial 1E-3 1E-4 20 h - 20 BPR - 160 rpm 1E-5 0,0 0,2 0,4 0,6 0,8 b 1 Tamaño de partícula (mm2) Tamaño de partícula (mm2) 1 0,1 0,01 Material inicial 1E-3 1E-4 0% EBS -20 BPR - 160 rpm 1E-5 1,0 0 20 EBS (%) c 0,01 Material inicial 1E-3 1E-4 0% EBS - 20 h - 160 rpm 5 10 15 20 BPR 80 100 25 30 35 d 1 Tamaño de partícula (mm2) Tamaño de partícula (mm2) 0,1 0 60 Tiempo (h) 1 1E-5 40 0,1 Material inicial 0,01 1E-3 1E-4 0% EBS -20 h - 20 BPR 1E-5 0 50 100 150 200 250 RPM Figura 4. Variación del tamaño de partícula en función del porcentaje de EBS (a), tiempo (b), de BPR (c) y de rpm (d). 3.3 Efecto de las variables de proceso sobre el rendimiento del proceso de molturación. En la Figura 5 se han agrupado las gráficas que muestran el efecto de las distintas variables de proceso estudiadas sobre el rendimiento del proceso de molturación. En el caso del efecto del porcentaje de cera se aprecia un comportamiento errático con fuertes variaciones del rendimiento que es muy alto para 0,0%, 0,3%, 0,8% y 1,0% de EBS, y del orden del 55% de rendimiento para 0,1% y 0,4%. En estos casos se ha producido una fuerte adherencia en las paredes del recipiente. Es interesante comentar el bajo rendimiento detectado a bajos tiempos de molturación, que aumenta rápidamente cuando aumenta el tiempo de proceso alcanzando rendimientos muy altos cuando el tiempo de proceso es igual o superior a 20 horas y que decrece levemente a tiempo muy largos (100 h). La relación BPR afecta levemente al rendimiento cuando se mantiene entre valores 5:1 y 20:1, donde alcanza el máximo, a partir del cual decrece hasta rendimientos del 60% para relaciones 35:1 consecuencia de una marcada adherencia del material en las bolas. En cuanto a la influencia de la velocidad de giro, resaltar que el rendimiento es generalmente alto, que disminuye para velocidades alrededor de 120 rpm, pero que se ha detectado un rendimiento 7 III Congreso Nacional de Pulvimetalurgia, Valencia, junio 2010 comparativamente bajo (20%) a 220 rpm con una masiva adherencia del material sobre las paredes del recipiente. a 100 80 Rendimiento (%) 80 Rendimiento (%) b 100 60 40 20 60 40 20 20 h - 20 BPR - 160 rpm 0,0 0,2 0,4 0% EBS -20 BPR - 160 rpm 0,6 0,8 1,0 0 20 40 EBS (%) c 100 80 100 d 100 80 Rendimiento (%) 80 Rendimiento (%) 60 Tiempo (h) 60 40 60 40 20 20 0% EBS - 20 h - 160 rpm 5 10 15 20 BPR 25 30 35 0% EBS -20 h - 20 BPR 50 100 150 200 250 RPM Figura 5 Variación del rendimiento del proceso de molturación en función del porcentaje de EBS (a), tiempo (b), de BPR (c) y de rpm (d). 4. CONCLUSIONES El efecto que las variables de proceso (tiempo, BPR y rpm) tienen sobre la dureza y el tamaño de partícula presenta una evolución similar, aunque son más notables con la variación del tiempo de molienda y menos con la velocidad de giro del molino (rpm), en los rangos de variación estudiados. El efecto del porcentaje del agente de control (EBS) sobre estas propiedades tiende a ser contrario al de las otras variables. El efecto de los parámetros de proceso sobre el rendimiento parece ser completamente distinto, lo que sugiere la posibilidad de optimizar el rendimiento del proceso manteniendo constantes las características del polvo obtenido. 8 Estudio de la influencia de las variables de molienda en las propiedades del polvo de aluminio nanocristalino 5. AGRADECIMIENTOS Los autores desean agradecer el soporte económico recibido de CICyT a través del proyecto MAT 2008-06793-C02-01. 6. REFERENCIAS [1] Koch, Carl C. (2002). 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[] 9 COMUNICACIÓN TÉCNICA El sector económico del medio ambiente en el municipio de Terrassa 2008 (Barcelona) Autor: Bárbara Sureda Carbonell Institución: Universidat Politécnica de Cataluña e-mail: Otros Autores: J.J. de Felipe Blanch (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya-UPC (EPSEM)) RESUMEN La constatación de los impactos ambientales ocasionados por el actual modelo de desarrollo ha permitido identificar nuevas necesidades de la sociedad contribuyendo al desarrollo de un sector económico que adquiere importancia en las economías locales, regionales y estatales. Este sector en pleno auge es el llamado sector económico del medio ambiente. Las actividades de este sector están relacionadas con la prevención, mitigación y corrección de los impactos ambientales. El sector económico del medio ambiente es un sector que crece año tras año respecto al número de empresas y facturación. En el año 1999, la Fundación Foro Ambiental identificaba 820 empresas en el sector ambiental de Cataluña que ocupaban de forma directa a 40.345 personas y facturaban 2.221 millones de euros. En el informe del año 2008 identifica 1.313 empresas, que ocupan a 42.490 trabajadores y facturan 7.482 millones de euros (Fundación Foro Ambiental, 2008). En esta comunicación técnica se presenta el análisis de este sector económico en Terrassa (Barcelona), para el año 2008. Este estudio es fruto del convenio firmado en el año 2009 entre el Ayuntamiento de Terrassa y Fomento de Terrassa SA con la Universidad Politécnica de Cataluña (Cátedra UNESCO de Sostenibilidad - grupo de investigación Medida y Modelización de la Sostenibilidad). Las conclusiones más importantes del estudio podemos resumirlas en: °La creación de nuevas empresas del sector ambienta l ha tenido un crecimiento sostenido durante el periodo de estudio 1998-2008, y presenta un dinamismo superior al crecimiento de nuevas empresas de la ciudad. °Las actividades empresariales de la economía ambie ntal en Terrassa se centran, en cuanto a la ocupación, en cuatro ámbitos: energético, residuos industrialesmunicipales y agua. Presenta una gran estabilidad en la creación de empleo. °La economía del sector ambiental en el municipio d e Terrassa aproximadamente un peso del 5,6% dentro del PIB total del municipio. tiene Palabras Clave: Economía verde, Economía del medio ambiente 2 Dra. Bàrbara Sureda Carbonell*, Dr. José Juan de Felipe Blanch** *Consorci Escola Industrial Barcelona (CEIB) - Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC), EUETIB (Escuela Universitaria Ingeniería Técnica Industrial de Barcelona) **Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC), EPSEM (Escuela Politécnica Superior de Ingeniería de Manresa) 1 Introducción La actual crisis financiera ha llevado a una recesión económica mundial provocando que tanto la Unión Europea como algunos de sus estados miembros hayan llevado a cabo acciones de estímulo económico para revitalizar sus economías. Con la constatación de la existencia de impactos medioambientales y con la oportunidad de utilizar los estímulos económicos para transformar la economía en economía verde se ha ido desarrollando un sector económico relacionado con actividades de prevención, mitigación y corrección de estos impactos ambientales, que ha creado y desarrollado diversos ámbitos de actuación relacionados con el medio ambiente, identificando nuevas necesidades de la sociedad. Este sector económico en plena expansión es la denominada economía verde y/o economía del medio ambiente. Según la OCDE, la situación del sector del medio ambiente es óptima (Departamento de Investigación y Estrategias de Mercado, 2007). El estudio "Advanced Renewable Strategy" de la UE sobre el potencial del sector de las energías renovables, comenta que este sector podría llegar a crear 2,5 millones de puestos de trabajos netos en toda la UE para el 2020 (Empleo verde en Europa. Oportunidades y perspectivas futuras, 2009). Se puede definir el sector económico del medio ambiente como el conjunto de empresas y de actividades económicas dedicadas a la prevención (ante), a la mitigación (durante) y/o la corrección (post) de los problemas creados a los sistemas naturales por las actividades humanas (Fundación Fórum Ambiental, 2006). El sector económico del medio ambiente es un sector que crece año tras año respecto al número de empresas y su facturación. En el año 1999, la Fundación Fórum Ambiental identificaba 820 empresas en el sector ambiental de Cataluña que ocupaban de forma directa a 40.345 personas y facturaban 2.221 millones de euros (Fundación Fórum Ambiental, 2000). El último informe de la Fundación Fórum Ambiental publicado en el año 2008 identifica 1.313 empresas con actividades ambientales en Cataluña, las cuales ocupan aproximadamente a 42.490 trabajadores (dato del 2006) y facturan 7.482 millones de euros (dato del 2006) (Fundación Fórum Ambiental, 2008). La diversificación económica es el marco propicio para el desarrollo de la economía verde. En la mayoría de los casos, este incipiente sector es el resultado de la proliferación de pequeñas y medianas empresas de alcance local y regional. La oportunidad de éstas es actuar allí en dónde se manifiestan impactos ambientales de carácter local o bien existe una marcada concienciación de los impactos a nivel global (como por ejemplo el cambio climático). En este sentido, una condición necesaria para 3 que pueda consolidarse la economía verde es que los habitantes de la región donde se pretenda establecer una empresa posean claras conductas pro ambientales. Eso último se fomenta desde una estructura social consolidada y con espíritu crítico acostumbrada a ser parte de sus propios procesos decisorios. Por lo tanto, el factor institucional viene ligado a la existencia de un marco que respete la democracia y que potencie esta participación social. La Administración juega un papel fundamental en la promoción y dinamización del sector económico verde con sus exigencias de actuación medioambientales. Ésta tiene que cubrir las necesidades de una población creciente -en el caso de Cataluña ha aumentado en los últimos años de 6.356.889 habitantes en el año 2001 a 7.242.458 el año 2008 (Idescat, 2009) y, en el caso de Terrassa, de 175.649 habitantes a 1 de enero de 2001 a 207.663 a 1 de enero de 2007 (Fomento de Terrassa, 2008)- lo cual conlleva un crecimiento en la demanda de recursos y en la generación de residuos, provocando diversos impactos medioambientales de ámbito local y global. En este último aspecto, la Administración actúa regulando a través de normativas las acciones de prevención, mitigación y corrección necesarias para minimizar los impactos medioambientales. Estas normas de la Administración en muchas ocasiones generan en las empresas la necesidad de ofrecer nuevos servicios o productos; cuando menos, ofrecen la posibilidad de ampliar el segmento o la cuota de mercado de las empresas, por lo tanto, ayudan a la dinamización del sector económico del medio ambiente. El objetivo principal de éste análisis es llevar a cabo un estudio sobre la economía verde en la ciudad de Terrassa. Este estudio es fruto del convenio firmado en el año 2009 entre el Ayuntamiento de Terrassa y Fomento de Terrassa SA con la Universidad Politécnica de Cataluña (Cátedra UNESCO de Sostenibilidad - Grupo de investigación Medida y Modelización de la Sostenibilidad). 2 Sector económico del medio ambiente en Terrassa 2.1 Clasificación de les empresas verdes Las empresas verdes se han clasificado siguiendo dos criterios: a partir de su actividad empresarial, y por ámbitos ambientales. Las actividades empresariales de las empresas verdes del municipio de Terrassa las hemos diferenciado a partir de su oferta de productos y servicios (tabla 1-1). Tabla 1-1 Actividades empresariales de las empresas del sector del medio ambiente en Terrassa Actividades empresariales Servicios 4 Producción Comercial Un segundo criterio de clasificación seguido, es la división por ámbitos ambientales, correspondiente a los problemas ambientales que las empresas pretenden resolver (tabla 1-2). Tabla 1-2 Ámbitos ambientales de las empresas del sector del medio ambiente en Terrassa Ámbitos ambientales Residuos industriales Residuos municipales Consultoría Agua Energía Aire Suelo Espacios naturales Ruido Olores Otros 2.1 Evolución del sector del medio ambiente en Terrassa La evolución del sector económico verde en cuanto al número de empresas ha sido positiva en el periodo 1998-2008, siendo un sector muy dinámico en cuanto a la creación de nuevas empresas en el conjunto de la economía en Terrassa. Esta evolución se puede contemplar en el gráfico 1-1. Gráfico 1-1 Evolución del número de empresas del sector verde y empresas totales en Terrassa 1998-2008 5 La evolución de la ocupación del sector de la economía verde en Terrassa ha sido positiva durante todo el periodo 1987-2006. Hay un estancamiento en la generación de ocupación en el periodo 2007-2008, periodo en el cual se empiezan a notar los efectos de la crisis económica global. Esta evolución se puede contemplar en el gráfico 1-2. Gráfico 1-2 Evolución del número de trabajadores del sector verde y totales en Terrassa 1987-2008 6 La dimensión empresarial, es decir, el número de trabajadores por empresa, tiene una evolución marcadamente diferente en el sector de la economía verde y en la economía de la ciudad. Esta diferencia se puede ver en el gráfico 1-3. Gráfico 1-3 Evolución comparativa de la dimensión empresarial del sector verde y total en Terrassa 1998-2008 La dimensión empresarial del sector de la economía verde es muy superior a la dimensión empresarial de la economía de la ciudad. Si tenemos en cuenta el aumento de empresas del sector verde durante el periodo de tiempo 2006-2007 (gráfico 1-1), significa que este incremento se debe a empresas con dimensión empresarial muy reducida. El peso del sector de la economía verde dentro de la economía global de Terrassa se puede ver en el gráfico 1-4. Gráfico 1-4 Evolución del PIB de Terrassa (Índice = 100, valor año 1998) y peso del PIB de la economía verde en el PIB de Terrassa 1998-2008 7 2.3 Estudio de los flujos de las empresas del sector verde en Terrassa Bajo este epígrafe se presentan los datos económicos obtenidos, así como la estructura de la economía verde por actividad empresarial y ámbito ambiental. 2.3.1 Facturación La facturación se refiere a la suma de las ventas totales de cada empresa (antes de restar impuestos) por año. La evolución del total de facturación de las empresas analizadas en el periodo 2000-2007 se muestra a continuación: Gráfico 1-5 Evolución de la facturación de las empresas del sector verde en el período 2000-2007 El sector de la economía verde en Terrassa ha crecido de manera constante, un 69,42% en el periodo considerado. 2.3.2 Estructura de la actividad económica verde en la ciudad de Terrassa Las empresas de la economía verde en Terrassa tienen una actividad empresarial predominantemente de servicios. Así para el año 2009 la estructura de las empresas era la siguiente. 8 Gráfico 1-6 Estructura empresarial de la economía verde en la ciudad de Terrassa, año 2009 Así, un 62% son empresas de servicios (incluidos instaladores), un 31% son exclusivamente comerciales y un 7% se dedican a la producción. Los ámbitos ambientales en que trabajan las empresas del sector verde se puede observar en el siguiente gráfico. Gráfico 1-7 Ámbitos ambientales y empresas del sector verde en Terrassa 2009 9 Los sectores más dinámicos han sido: energía, consultoría, otros, ruidos y espacios naturales. El análisis de las variables económicas por actividad empresarial se muestra en los siguientes gráficos. Gráfico 1-8 Número de ocupados por ámbito ambiental 2007 Destacamos en cuanto a la ocupación cuatro ámbitos, el energético, el de residuos, tanto industriales como municipales, y el del agua. Gráfico 1-9 Facturación por ámbito ambiental, año 2007 10 Del análisis del gráfico 1-9 se deduce que los sectores más dinámicos son la energía, los residuos industriales, el agua y otros. En el gráfico 1-10 se muestran los resultados financieros por ámbitos ambientales para el año 2007. 11 Gráfico 1-10 Resultados financieros por ámbitos ambientales, año 2007 3 Conclusiones • • • La economía del sector ambiental o economía verde en el municipio de Terrassa tiene aproximadamente un peso del 5,6% dentro del PIB total del municipio. Esta proporción ha ido creciendo durante el periodo 1998-2008, a pesar de que los últimos datos presentan un dinamismo menor respecto a la ciudad, que ha hecho que se haya estabilizado su porcentaje en el PIB del municipio. Otra característica económica importante del sector ambiental es la estabilidad en la creación de ocupación; así, en el periodo de estudio de esta variable (19872008) solamente presenta un descenso relativo el último dato; no hay ningún otro año con un descenso relativo de la ocupación, al contrario que en el caso de los trabajadores ocupados de la ciudad, en los que sí se ha dado esta situación (periodo 1991-1993). La creación de nuevas empresas del sector ambiental ha tenido un crecimiento sostenido en el periodo de estudio 1998-2008, y presenta un dinamismo (tasas de crecimiento) superior al crecimiento de nuevas empresas de la ciudad. Estas nuevas empresas, en general, tienen una dimensión empresarial pequeña que ha hecho que la dimensión empresarial del sector económico ambiental se haya mantenido estable durante el periodo de estudio, en contraposición con la 12 • • • • • • • 4 evolución de la dimensión empresarial de la economía de la ciudad, que ha ido creciendo durante el periodo analizado. Con respecto a Cataluña, tanto el porcentaje de participación del valor de la facturación como el número de trabajadores ocupados del sector ambiental de Terrassa, además del número de empresas han aumentado. Eso nos indica un fuerte dinamismo de la actividad ambiental en Terrassa. Las actividades empresariales de la economía ambiental en Terrassa se centran, en cuanto a la ocupación, en cuatro ámbitos: el energético, el de residuos, tanto industriales como municipales, y el del agua. Los datos económicos estudiados muestran una desaceleración en el crecimiento del sector económico ambiental en el último año estudiado, 2007-2008. Existe una gran necesidad de reforzar la influencia que las empresas verdes pueden tener sobre el resto de empresas pertenecientes a su rama económica. Sencillez para ingresar en el sector de la economía verde, ya que no se requiere invertir grandes cantidades de dinero, tiempo o de formación. Resalta la estabilidad y rentabilidad financiera del sector de la economía verde en comparación con otros sectores. El sector tiene el potencial para actuar como un mecanismo de reactivación y estabilización de la economía en tiempo de recesión, depresión y crisis. Bibliografía 1. Administración de los Recursos Humanos (9º edición). Wayne, R. Mondy, Noe, Robert M. Prentice Hall México.2005. México. 2. Apollo Alliance i Urban Habitat. Community Jobs in the Green Economy. USA. 2007. 3. Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo – BID. Fundamentos de Evaluación de Impacto Ambiental. Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo – BID. Santiago de Chile. 2001. 4. Baron, Valérie. Práctica de la gestión medioambiental ISO 14001. AEONOR. Madrid. 1998. 5. Departamento de Investigación y Estrategias de Mercado. El sector del medio ambiente en Cataluña y España. Colección Informes Sectoriales. Nº 1. Departament d’Investigació i Estratègies de Mercat. Fira de Barcelona. Barcelona. 2007. 6. Ética en los negocios: conceptos y casos (6º edición). Velásquez, Manuel G. Prentice Hall México. 2006. México. 7. Fomento de Terrassa S.A. Anàlisi i detecció de les necessitats per a la sostenibilitat territorial a Terrassa. Observatori Econòmic i Social de Terrassa. Terrassa. 2005. 8. Fomento de Terrassa. Informe de Conjuntura de Terrassa 2006. Foment de Terrassa S.A. Terrassa. 2007. 9. Fundación Fòrum Ambiental. Directori i estudi del sector econòmic del medi ambient a Catalunya 2006. Fundació Fòrum Ambiental. Fira de Barcelona. Barcelona. 2006. 10. La responsabilidad social corporativa interna - La "Nueva Frontera" de los recursos humanos. Carneiro, Manuel C. (Escuela Superior de Gestion Comercial y Marketing (Esic)). 2004. 13 11. Mckeown, Rosalyn. Manual de Educación para el Desarrollo Sostenible. Centro de Energía, Medio Ambiente y Recursos. Universidad de Tennessee. Knoxville, TN, USA. 2002. 12. Nuestro futuro común. Comisión mundial del medio ambiente y del desarrollo. Alianza editorial. 1988. Madrid. 13. Puig, R. Análisis del ciclo de vida. Rubes editorial. ISBN: 84-497-0070-1. 1997. 14. WWF. Empleo verde en Europa. Oportunidades y perspectivas 2009 futuras. 14 1453 20th European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering – ESCAPE20 S. Pierucci and G. Buzzi Ferraris (Editors) © 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. On-line fault diagnosis based on the identification of transient stages Isaac Monroya, Raul Bb, Gerard Ec, Moisès Ga. a Chemical Engineering Department, bAutomatic Control Department, cSoftware Department, EUETIB, UPC, Comte d’Urgell 187, Barcelona 08036, Spain,,,, Abstract A new approach for on-line fault diagnosis has been proposed taking into account the transient stages of the faults as information for constructing data models. Neural Networks (NN) are used as classification algorithm and the scores obtained after applying PCA are the inputs of the established structure. NN models are applied to online validation data sets of ten samples, also considering the transient stages, detecting all the abnormal situations since the faults start occuring. Keywords: Transient stages, PCA, NN, Fault diagnosis. 1. Introduction Fault diagnosis is a challenging problem in industrial and engineering practice. Most of the data-based fault diagnosis approaches address this problem by considering the process dynamics when the fault is already fully developed. However, in order for automatic fault diagnosis to become a practical decision-making tool during plant operation, on-line detection and identification of the early transient stages of the fault evolution is required. In addition, on-line monitoring of transient operations is important to detect abnormal events and enable timely recovery. Previous attempts to deal with this problem include the determination of detection delays using different statistical indexes such as the Hotelling’s T2 in Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and Correspondence Analysis [1,2,3,4] Some approaches to process modelling, alarm management, fault diagnosis and other automation systems are ineffective during transitions because they are usually configured assuming a single state of operation. When the plant moves out of that state, these applications lead to false alarms even when a desired change is ocurring. Thus some frameworks have been already developed for managing transitions and detecting faults [5,6]. This work addresses data-based fault diagnosis by means of a transients-based approach. PCA is applied to simulated data as monitoring and detection technique in order to obtain the scores (principal component variables that are the axes of a new coordinate system), which represent the directions of maximum variability, the Hotelling’s T squared statistic, the Q statistic and thereby the delays in the fault appearance. In addition, off-line learning of the transient stages during fault evolution is implemented using simulation and then, the models are used to implement an on-line identification of the faults as new data of the process is acquired. Neural networks are 1454 I. Monroy, et al. used as classification algorithm and thereby as fault diagnosis tool. The methodology is explained in the next section. 2. Methodology The proposed methodology for the on-line fault diagnosis considering the transient stages in the occurrence of faults in continuous processes, takes into account since the process monitoring and fault detection up to the identification and diagnosis of the abnormalities in the process. As first step, a process monitoring technique is applied to a set of observations obtained by simulation of a continuous process under nominal conditions. In this approach PCA is applied and its statistics are used as process monitoring and fault detection indexes when the faulty data are projected with the constructed PCA model. Suppose that m samples are available and that p is the number of measured variables in each sample. Let x and S be the sample mean vector and covariance matrix, respectively, of these observations. The Hotelling T2 statistic becomes T2 x )' S 1 ( x (x x) (Eqn.1.) The control limit for this statistic [7] is: p(m 1)(m 1) F m m 2 mp UCL (Eqn.2.) , p, m p The scores plot presents the projection of each observation onto the reduced plane defined by the principal components and the Q plot, which is calculated with the sum of the squared residuals, represents the squared distance of each observation to this plane[8]. Qm p p 1 em ( p) 2 , e X T TP' (Eqn.3.) Where P is the component matrix (loading matrx or eigenvectors matrix) and T is the scores matrix obtained by the product of the data matrices X times P. The control limit is calculated according to the Jackson and Mudholkar equation (1979). Q 1 1 h0 ) 2 h0 (1 1 i , 2 1 2 z (2 2 h02 )1 / 2 1 h0 (Eqn.4.) 1 2 i , 3 3 i , h0 1 2 1 3 3 22 Both T2 and Q statistics are indicators of “normality” in processes when their values are below the control limits and can help to determine the transient stages of the process when ocurring faults. Furthermore Hotelling T2 offers the oportinity of distinguishing the delays in the faults occurrence. As second step, classifiers models are constructed by off-line learning of the transient stages during fault evolution once these stages have been located using the PCA 1455 On-line fault diagnosis based on the identification of transient stages indexes. The models for the classification of faults, properly called fault diagnosis, are obtained using NN as classification technique. The inputs of the algorithm are the scores obtained from PCA and the structure of the NN must be fixed. The parameters to chose are the number of input nodes, the number of hidden nodes and the transfer function in the layer (typically sigmoid or tangent functions). The number of inputs will depend of the number of PC to retain and the number of hidden nodes can also be optimized. Finally, the network is validated with on-line data validation sets obtained by simulations establishing the number of samples in which the classifiers will be applied. This situation simulates the reality of continuous processes, which do not stop and the monitoring, detection and diagnosis (model application) tasks have to be implemented with data that are being obtained and it is a decision-making to choose the number of observations to use for validating the models or network in this case. 3. Case study PCA and NN techniques have been computationally implemented in MATLAB by using the PCA model developed by Dr Kris Villez and the free NN toolbox in Matlab. The resulting fault detection and identification system (FDS) is then applied to the Tennessee Eastman process[9] as case study. This benchmark consists of 52 process variables (p) and 20 faults (classes) to be diagnosed. Simulation runs of 50 hours with the fault produced at 2 h and a sampling time of 1 minute have been carried out for obtaining source data sets. PCA model is obtained using these observations of the process under nominal conditions and then is applied not only to these data but also to the faulty observations for monitoring purposes in order to obtain the T2 and Q statistics for each state of the process and thereby the fault delays. NN inputs are composed of the PCA scores of some observations containing the transient stage and once the NN model is obtained, this will be used to implement an on-line identification of the faults as new data of the process are acquired. In this case, data used for testing the NN models are also obtained by 10 h simulations of the TE process, where faults ocurr at first hour. The results are presented in the next section. 4. Results and Discussions PCA is applied to the TE process data under nominal conditions and faulty situations, then T2 and Q statistics are calculated. Figure 1 shows the T 2 values for some faults and figure 2 shows the Q values for these same process situations including their respective control limits (9.2 for T2 and 66.7 for Q). Table 1 shows the delays in minutes of the twenty-fault occurrence considering both statistics. 1456 I. Monroy, et al. Figure 1. Hotelling T2 for some faults of the TE process Figure 2. Q statistic for some faults of the TE process Two PCA models are constructed. The first one takes into account the first threehundred scores of both nominal and faulty data once the faults are harrassed in the simulations and the second one considers the same number of scores per class but once the delays have passed according to the T2. These scores will be used as inputs of the networks. Validation sets of 10 samples (scores after applying the PCA models) will be used for applying classification using the two NN and until five-hundred observations. The first NN structure consists of two layers and four input nodes (retention of 75% of variability in the scores) and the second one of also two layers and five input nodes (80% of variability). The first layer for both structures has six tangent sigmoid nodes and the second one has twenty logistic nodes as the number of faults with which validation observations (scores properly) will be classified. Then, the NN structures are 4-6-20 and 5-6-20 and the targets of the NN structure are given using the values of +1 (in case of any fault) and zero in case of nominal-condition process. 1457 On-line fault diagnosis based on the identification of transient stages Table 1. Time delays of the TEP faults using Q and T2 statistics of PCA and NN results Delays (min) Delays (min) NN classification According to T2 According to with 2nd model Q 1 16 6 2,4,6,7,8,18 2 34 17 2,4,6,7,8,18 3 284 65 3,6,7,8 4 3 2 3,6,7,8 5 293 9 3,6,7,8 6 21 2 3,6,7,8 7 2 2 2,3,6,7,8 8 303 21 2,3,4,6,7,8,18 9 272 65 3,6,7,8 10 564 34 3,6,7,8 11 10 8 3,6,7,8 12 317 62 3,6,7,8 13 168 65 2,3,4,6,7,8,18 14 284 6 3,6,7,8 15 293 65 3,6,7,8 16 31 14 3,6,7,8 17 84 65 2,3,6,7,8,18 18 301 65 2,3,4,6,7,8,18 19 259 65 3,6,7,8 20 172 65 2,3,4,6,7,8,18 As results, what has to be highlighted is that using the first NN structure, which considers the first three-hundred scores per class once faults are developed, all the observations of each fault are assigned to faults 1,2,5,16,17 and 19 simultaneously. On the other hand, by applying the second structure, which considers the scores of the observations taking into account the delays in each fault, observations of each fault are assigned also to simultaneous faults as is shown in the last column of table 1. Observations under nominal conditions are well-diagnosed to none fault. As it can be seen, on-line faults are well detected with NN but diagnosed as different faults. This can be due to the small number of scores taken into account for constructing the NN structure; however, because of computational cost problems, this could not be done. Moreover, a major number of observations for validating the structure should be required. Furthermore, it has to be remembered that the structure of the NN can be optimized and thereby probably obtain better results in terms of classification (correct diagnose). FAULT 5. Conclusions An approach to diagnose on-line faults applying data based models that use transient stage data has been proposed. PCA is used not only to monitor the different states of the process, but also to calculate the delays in each fault. Scores are used as inputs of a NN structure, which is used as classification and diagnosis algorithm. Although faults have been diagnosed to more than one and not to the one is occurring in some cases, this approach represents a future powerful technique for real application because by only using few data during transition stages, all the faulty observations have been detected even when the fault is barely occurring. 1458 I. Monroy, et al. Acknowledgements Financial support from Generalitat de Catalunya through the FI fellowship program is fully appreciated. Support from the Spanish Ministry of Education through project no. DPI 2006-05673 and from the modelEAU team of the Université Laval are also acknowledged. References [1] E Russell, et al, 2000, Fault detection in industrial processes using canonical variate analysis and dynamic principal component analysis. 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Nomikos, et al, 1995, Multivariate SPC charts for monitoring batch processes. Technometrics, 37, 41-59. [9] J.J Downs, et al, 1993, A plant-wide industrial process control problem. Computers and Chemical Engineering, 17, 3. 5025 1 El concepto de Smart Metering en el nuevo escenario de distribución eléctrica Francisco Casellas*, Guillermo Velasco*, Francesc Guinjoan** y Robert Piqué* Departament d’Enginyeria Electrònica (DEE) – Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC). *EUETIB - Compte d’Urgell 187, 08036 – Barcelona (Spain) ** ETSETB - C. Jordi Girona, 1-3. 08934 - Barcelona (SPAIN) Resumen—. La medición inteligente se ha convertido en un tema de la máxima actualidad y de importancia creciente; ya se aplica la normativa para su despliegue, se desarrollan proyectos piloto y han llegado al mercado nuevos dispositivos. En este trabajo se recogen propuestas y tendencias de los contadores actuales de energía eléctrica. El contador se representa como la interfaz entre el sistema del usuario, que es el consumidorproductor distribuido de energía, y la red eléctrica. A partir de esta relación y con la tecnología electrónica actual aparece el concepto denominado “smart metering”. El documento describe las funciones de los contadores de energía eléctrica desde el inicio, con el contador electromecánico hace 120 años, hasta los dispositivos actuales. Se incluyen las características genéricas de medida, las tecnologías de estos equipos y referencias normativas que utilizan estos sistemas de medida de energía eléctrica. Se concluye con las tendencias previsibles en un futuro inmediato. Términos — Contador de estado sólido, Medida de energía, Smart meter, Telegestión. I. INTRODUCCIÓN A finales de 2010 termina la primera fase con el 30%, para la renovación de los contadores eléctricos actuales que deberán sustituirse por otros electrónicos capaces de trabajar con discriminación horaria y la telegestión, la cuarta fase concluye a finales del 2018 con el despliegue total de los equipos. La aplicación de los equipos de medida electrónicos actuales viene impulsada por la directiva 2006/32/CE del Parlamento Europeo y del Consejo sobre la eficiencia del uso final de la energía y los servicios energéticos [1], este impulso lo recogen las normas para el mercado interior de la electricidad. El Real Decreto 809/2006 [2], indica que “a partir del 1 de julio de 2007, los equipos de medida deberán permitir la discriminación horaria de las medidas así como la telegestión”, se pasa a establecer el denominado "Plan Contador" que obliga la sustitución de contadores de medida y define los plazos de sustitución de estos equipos. Este trabajo se ha desarrollado gracias a las personas que componen la URT de EdePAE y ha sido parcialmente financiado por el Ministerio español de Ciencia e Innovación y por la Unión Europea (FEDER) a través de los proyectos con referencia: DPI-2009-14713-C03-03 y RUE CSD2009-00046, del programa Consolider-Ingenio 2010. Para proporcionar la información en tiempo real o la discriminación horaria es necesario un equipo de medida distinto al contador electromecánico y con prestaciones especiales. Por lo tanto se necesita definir una nueva forma de medir denominada Smart Metering o medición inteligente, esta se refiere al proceso de medida por el cual se cuantifica y transmite instantáneamente la información de las cantidades de energía consumidas o producidas para su gestión en la red eléctrica. Esta energía puede ser en cualquier soporte físico pero se determina principalmente como energía eléctrica, y se denomina submetering en el caso de gas u otro recurso como agua y fluido caloportador. Para el sector eléctrico Smart Metering incluye la posibilidad de actuar sobre el sistema de consumo con la acción de conexión-desconexión mediante el Interruptor de Control de Potencia (ICP) de la instalación, que puede estar integrado en el propio contador [3]. Los primeros sistemas Smart Metering implementados se basan en sistemas electrónicos de medida y tienen como objeto principal dos aspectos: - Mantener informado al consumidor-productor de energía de los valores actuales del flujo energético. - Cuantificar instantáneamente el estado de la red de distribución en el lado del consumidor. En la vertiente de información permite al usuario establecer sus políticas correspondientes de consumo, ahorro o producción de energía con objeto de minimizar el impacto ambiental y económico por la utilización de energía [4]. El usuario con sus decisiones se transforma en parte del sistema gestor de la red. En la vertiente de cuantificación permite al proveedor de energía realizar de forma más eficiente su trabajo, como es controlando la calidad del servicio, y proporcionando nuevos servicios a los usuarios, como son las tarifas personalizadas. La definición evoluciona según avanza el desarrollo tecnológico, reservándose el término inteligente a los dispositivos de última generación o del futuro próximo [5]. El objeto de este documento es presentar el ámbito de utilización de los contadores de energía actuales en el entorno de la red eléctrica, para lo cual se indica como está estructurada esta red y el lugar que ocupa el dispositivo para determinar la energía eléctrica que lo atraviesa. 5025 2 A continuación se indican los distintos tipos de contadores desde un punto de vista evolutivo, que se inicia con el contador electromecánico hasta los actuales contadores de estado sólido, sigue una clasificación operativa y el detalle tecnológico de funcionamiento de estos equipos de medida. Los nuevos servicios obtenidos con los contadores más modernos permiten implementar aplicaciones en las medidas de otros parámetros energéticos no eléctricos facilitando la automatización a usuarios y gestores. II. LA MEDIDA DE ENERGÍA ELÉCTRICA A. La red eléctrica La red eléctrica, la red, no es una entidad única sino el conjunto de múltiples sub-redes con una estructura jerárquica y con un flujo neto de energía, de hecho es la máquina más grande fabricada. La red está compuesta por los elementos de generación eléctrica, las líneas de transporte normalmente en estructura anular en alta tensión, estaciones transformadoras, las líneas de distribución en estructura radial, normalmente en media tensión y en baja tensión, y los distintos consumidores [6]. Fluyendo la energía del productor al consumidor a lo largo de la red. La utilización de las energías renovables implica cambio en la forma de la producción ya que las fuentes de energía distribuidas, Distributed Energy Resource (DER), en empresas y hogares comienzan a implantarse para generar electricidad lo que les permite vender la energía excedente, modificando el flujo de energía en la red de distribución. La evolución del sistema es necesaria para tener una mayor eficacia en el consumo, se necesita gestión en tiempo real de los flujos de energía y proporcionar medida bidireccional en la producción de energía local. Así la tendencia actual es lo que se denomina Smart Grid entendiéndose como un sistema de gestión, información y comunicaciones aplicado a la red eléctrica [7], es un concepto cuyo objeto es aumentar conectividad, automatización y coordinación entre productores, proveedores y consumidores en la red de distribución, lo que implica que se tienen dos redes en paralelo, una de energía y otra de información (Fig. 1). Esta red eléctrica inteligente puede integrar las acciones de todos a los elementos conectados a la misma, los generadores, consumidores y gestores a fin de entregar eficientemente de forma sostenible, económica y segura el suministro eléctrico [8]. Smart Grid implementa equipos y servicios novedosos, que junto con la monitorización inteligente, control, comunicación y tecnologías de auto-verificación pretenden: - Facilitar la conexión y el funcionamiento de los generadores, cargas y acumuladores de diferentes tamaños y tecnologías. - Permitir a los consumidores desempeñar un papel en la optimización del funcionamiento del sistema. - Proporcionar a los consumidores una mayor información y elección de la oferta. - Reducir significativamente el impacto ambiental de todo el sistema de suministro de electricidad, optimizando su consumo. - Ofrecen mejoras de los niveles de fiabilidad y seguridad del suministro. La participación activa del consumo en la red permite contribuir a mejorar la eficiencia de uso, pero sólo si hay una actividad coordinada entre la red, contador de energía, usuarios y fabricantes de dispositivos consumidores. Punto importante del proceso es determinar la energía eléctrica consumida de la red, así para la gestión del servicio se necesita un dispositivo que cuantifique el valor de la energía, que memorice este valor y que presente a la compañía comercializadora-gestora o al usuario la cantidad, cuentas o pulsos, correspondientes a la energía que ha atravesado el dispositivo y gestionado la red. B. Energía eléctrica Los sistemas eléctricos de medida energética determinan dos tipos de variables a medir: energía y potencia. - En física: energía se define como la capacidad para realizar un trabajo. - En física: potencia es la cantidad de trabajo efectuado por unidad de tiempo. Las medidas a realizar por el equipo contador son la potencia y la energía, activa y reactiva en monofásica o trifásica. Para la potencia en VA y VA reactivos. Para la energía kWh y kVAh reactivos [9]. Las señales que intervienen en la medida son tensión v(t) y corriente i(t), se consideran como sinusoides desfasadas un determinado ángulo φ. Donde V e I son los valores eficaces respectivos. (1) v(t ) 2 V sin t i (t ) 2 I sin(t ) Fig. 1. Flujo de energía en la red eléctrica, aparece con una red en paralelo para llevar la información que permite la gestión de la energía. AGC: Automatic generation control EMS: Energy Management System SCADA: Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition DMS: Distribution Management System DA: Distribution Automation AMI: Advanced Meter Infrastructure La potencia instantánea p(t) será el producto de los valores instantáneos de estas v(t) e i(t). p (t ) v(t ) i (t ) (2) p (t ) 2 V I sin t sin(t ) V I cos - cos(2t ) En monofásica el primer término después de la última 5025 3 igualdad, V·I·cos(φ), define la potencia activa, la que realiza trabajo, siendo constante para los valores eficaces constantes (3). La potencia reactiva es la producida por los campos eléctricos y magnéticos, debida a que el consumidor presenta carácter capacitivo o más comúnmente inductivo (4). La suma fasorial de estas potencias (3) y (4) se denomina potencia aparente (5). P V I cos Q V I sin (3) S P2 Q2 (5) (4) El término de la energía es el valor acumulado de la potencia a lo largo del tiempo (puede ser el valor de facturación), la expresión de la energía total es: T E v (t )i (t )dt (6) 0 Las medidas de estas señales se ven muy influenciadas por el ángulo entre los fasores tensión-corriente y la distorsión en las formas de onda debidas al contenido armónico de las ondas de tensión y de las formas de ondas de corriente. III. LOS CONTADORES DE ENERGÍA El equipo para la medida de la energía eléctrica consumida es un contador eléctrico o meter el cual consta de tres elementos principales, como son el sistema de medida, el elemento de memoria y el dispositivo de información (Fig. 2). En este sentido el contador eléctrico realiza la función de interfaz de la red con el usuario, es el front-end de la red. Fig. 2. Estructura genérica del contador de energía eléctrica. Los equipos de medida de energía eléctrica pueden clasificarse según sus características [10]: - Tecnológicas, pudiendo ser contadores electromecánicos o electrónicos (contadores de estado sólido). - Funcionales como monofásicos o trifásicos. - Energéticas como contadores de activa y/o contadores de reactiva. - Operativas como dispositivo de tipo registrador o programables que permiten la telegestión. Los equipos de tipo registrador pueden ser de las dos tecnologías: Electromecánicos que permiten medir solamente un tipo de energía, kWh acumulados o kVAh acumulados, no poseen discriminación tarifaria siendo los contadores estándar electromecánicos de inducción. Electrónicos, Automatic Meter Reading (AMR), permiten medir solamente energía acumulada, registran la medida de energía total mensual o por intervalos de tiempo predefinidos. Contemplan comunicación bidireccional básica entre el medidor y el servidor de datos, permitiendo a partir de esta tecnología las medidas de tiempo de utilización, Time of Use (ToU). Los equipos programables de medida, son de tipo electrónico: Advanced Meter Infrastructure (AMI), estos equipos permiten la lectura del consumo “a la carta” de la energía acumulada o de la potencia instantánea, admiten opciones de precios diferenciados por tipo de medida y registros de la demanda, o programación de intervalos de “carga” previamente acordados con cada cliente. Permiten comunicación en red con la oficina de gestión. Smart Meters, estos equipos proporcionan mediante el centro de gestión la información y el control de los parámetros de calidad y de programación del servicio junto con la actualización del software de medición de forma telemática. Contempla la comunicación ampliada en red con el gestor y Home Area Network (HAN) con los equipos locales de consumo. A. Contadores Electromecánicos La idea base para el medidor electromecánico de inducción son los estudios de Galileo Ferraris que hace un descubrimiento clave, mediante dos campos de alterna desfasados se puede hacer girar un disco sólido metálico. Este descubrimiento estimuló el desarrollo de motores de inducción y así implementar los medidores electromecánicos de inducción [11]. Los distintos tipos de electromotores para los contadores eléctricos se pueden clasificar en [12]: - Tipo conmutador. Commutator type. - Tipo de inducción. Induction type. - Tipo disco de Faraday. Faraday disc type. El contador eléctrico más común para el monofásico es el de Thomson o contador electromecánico de inducción, patentado por Elihu Thomson en 1889, este modelo considerado como el estándar es la base de los contadores electromecánicos más modernos que han estado instalándose por más de 120 años [13][14][15]. B. Contadores Electrónicos Los primeros dispositivos de medida automáticos son del periodo pre-microprocesador y pre-internet. Se trata de dispositivos con la medida electromecánica basados en los contadores eléctricos existentes y con unas comunicaciones digitales basadas en las incipientes tecnologías digitales de principios de los 60. Algunas patentes referenciadas a continuación permiten determinar la evolución de estos dispositivos: 5025 - Equipo de lectura por detección de la posición angular en los indicadores para obtener un código binario del valor medido [16]. - Equipo totalmente electrónico, mide tensión y corriente a partir del valor medio de las señales rectificadas que con un convertidor tensión-frecuencia y un contador que permiten la visualización del valor medido [17]. - Dispositivo que permite las comunicaciones mediante llamada telefónica a la central, transmite el código del medidor y el valor de la medida [18][19]. Al principio de la década de los 70 la adquisición de datos, procesado y comunicaciones estaban muy limitadas por la capacidad de cálculo de los microcontroladores y las interconexiones de los sistemas digitales, los primeros diseños están basados en ordenadores pero lejos de ser viables económicamente. El marco tecnológico definido por la microelectrónica y las comunicaciones en el desarrollo de los AMR pueden resumirse en las siguientes fechas: - 1963 la empresa Sylvania comercializa los primeros circuitos integrados de tecnología TTL. - 1969 primera red interconectada mediante el primer enlace entre las universidades de UCLA y Stanford. - 1971 producción del microprocesador 4004. - Década de los 70, procesadores domésticos. - 1981 ordenador personal de IBM PC5150. En 1978 la empresa Metretek, Inc. [20], desarrolló un diseño pre-Internet y produjo el primer AMR totalmente automatizado disponible comercialmente para la telelectura del contador mediante un sistema de gestión que utilizó un mini-ordenador de IBM. Con estas premisas en la industria electrónica en la década de los 80 se comienzan a producir los primeros contadores híbridos, basados en los contadores de inducción [7]. Los primeros AMR son dispositivos de medida (contadores de energía en el sentido clásico) que incorporan una MicroController Unit (MCU), que permite tanto automatizar el sistema como dotarlo de capacidad de comunicación con un sistema central. Se trata de dispositivos de medida que facilitan los valores de consumo eléctrico con una cadencia predefinida y que pueden transmitir la medida mensualmente o definir un periodo menor de facturación. Los contadores totalmente electrónicos comienzan con los modelos monofásicos para después implementar los polifásicos, en la década de los 90 sin piezas electromecánicas a excepción de las borneras. Con este tipo de dispositivo se pretende proporcionar fiabilidad a los datos obtenidos, la necesidad es obtener medidas reales en lugar de valores estimados o facilitados por el usuario ya que los equipos de medida se pueden encontrar en lugares privados de difícil acceso. Es importante para el gestor obtener un perfil de consumo fiel a la realidad, para lo que necesita medidas de periodicidad programable. Otra posibilidad del dispositivo es incluir submetering. La operativa consiste en enviar la información hasta el Data Management (DM) como parte de una infraestructura de 4 medida, recopilación y gestión de datos donde es necesario un nuevo contador denominado AMI [21]. Las lecturas se indican a los usuarios en tiempo real para que puedan cambiar su comportamiento de consumo en función de las tarifas o de sus inquietudes ecológicas. IV. EL SMART METER La siguiente evolución tecnológica es el Smart Meter que básicamente es un AMI que incluye como mínimo los siguientes suplementos, control de energía mediante un ICP programable que establece el límite de consumo, un puerto HAN y servicios de tarificación bajo demanda, (Fig. 3). La estructura general del contador mantiene los tres elementos principales como son el sistema de medida, la memoria y el dispositivo de información principal que es ahora el sistema de comunicaciones. Para ampliar sus capacidades operativas se le añaden los elementos complementarios siguientes: - Sistemas de alimentación. - Procesador de cálculo. - Procesador de comunicaciones. - Dispositivo de accionamiento o control. Fig. 3. Estructura general del sistema de telemedida. A. Características genéricas del contador electrónico El valor de la energía que se desea calcular sigue los siguientes procesos antes de visualizarse en el LCD del contador [22]: - Proceso de digitalización en la fase correcta los valores instantáneos de tensión y de corriente mediante un convertidor ΣΔ de alta resolución. - Cálculo del producto de las variables para obtener los valores instantáneos de potencia. - Integración de las variables calculadas a lo largo del tiempo que proporcionan los valores de las energías. La energía activa se determina mediante el algoritmo que implementa la expresión (7): E p(t )dt lim p(nT ) T T 0 n 1 (7) La estructura general de un contador está representada en la 5025 Fig. 4. La diferencia principal entre los distintos fabricantes es la forma del diseño electrónico en el que se implementa el contador, donde pueden encontrarse las siguientes opciones: - Dispositivo MCU de gama media o Digital Signal Processor (DSP) o dispositivo de lógica programable, las tres opciones con tecnología mixta que incluye Programable Gain Amplifier (PGA) y Analog to Digital Converter (ADC), las tres opciones tienen en común un puerto serie para su control por un procesador externo que realiza el resto de operaciones. Es el modelo básico. - MCU de gama media con capacidades de cálculo como multiplicación por hardware, estructura Reduced Instruction Set Computer (RISC) con periféricos de comunicaciones, memoria de varios tipos y elementos analógicos-mixtos ADC con PGA. Suelen ser dispositivos MCU genéricos adaptados a un diseño de medidas. - MCU de gama baja que se dedica a la gestión global del sistema y es más cómoda su programación, rodeado de una serie de periféricos similares al caso anterior donde se ha añadido uno basado en DSP o un dispositivo de lógica programable con los elementos de tecnología mixta necesarios. Este sistema de doble núcleo permite que el proceso de cálculo de potencias y energía se desarrolle de un modo más determinista y optimizado por el DSP. En todos estos diseños hay que añadir unos elementos extra de comunicaciones pues los periféricos que llevan implementados solamente admiten conexiones de tipo local de algunos metros como máximo. El sistema de conexión debe incluir aislamiento galvánico por estar la masa eléctrica del sistema conectada a neutro de la red. Indicar también que la tendencia es integrar en silicio lo máximo posible del sistema, indicándose esto mediante terminología del tipo System on Chip (SoC) y System in Package (SiP) para los integrados más complejos. Fig. 4. Estructura genérica de un contador.El dispositivo puede ser de tipo: - Básico: sensores, calculador y generador de pulsos. - Medio: al anterior añade una MCU y sus periféricos. - Avanzado: incluye también varios elementos de comunicaciones. B. Etapa de sensado y acondicionado de la señal La primera parte del proceso de medida es analógica y externa al IC, para detectar la señal de tensión hay que atenuar típicamente con un divisor de tensión o un transformador y 5 adaptar la amplitud a los valores del PGA, las medidas se realizan entre fases o mejor entre fase y neutro. La medida de la corriente se realiza mediante una tensión por transformador de corriente, resistencia shunt o bobina Rogowski (di/dt). Existen otros sensores de corriente como son fluxgate, Hall o el grupo de las magneto-resistencias (MR), AMR, GMR, CMR. La medida de corriente puede ser de una fase, de dos fases, de tres fases sin neutro o de tres fases con neutro dependiendo del contador a implementar y del número de ADC’s que disponga el integrado. La utilización de transformadores para las medidas de tensión o corriente presenta un problema, el desfase introducido en la señal del secundario respecto a la señal de medida, esto implica un error en el cálculo de la potencia instantánea por parte del DSP, que se ha de minimizar implementando un filtro digital para la corrección de este desfase y que se ajusta mediante la calibración del contador. C. Cuantificado y procesado de las señales La siguiente etapa es adaptar las señales con los PGA y convertirlas con los ADC pasando los valores al DSP para la realización de los cálculos de las potencias. Típicamente los ADC son de alta resolución 16 a 24 bits con un ancho de banda mayor de 14 kHz. Según indica la expresión (2) la potencia instantánea, p(t) se obtiene mediante el producto de los valores instantáneos de tensión, v(t) y de corriente, i(t). Al resultado de la operación se aplica un filtro promediador obteniéndose el término constante que corresponde a la potencia activa, P, ver la expresión (3). Para la potencia reactiva, Q, se desplaza el fasor de corriente en 90º, después se realiza el mismo cálculo que con la potencia activa. La potencia aparente, S, es calculada según la expresión (5). Para el cálculo de las energías el DSP utiliza un algoritmo que implementa la expresión (7) para el cálculo de la potencia activa. Para la energía reactiva se utiliza Q como variable de cálculo y S para la energía aparente. Otros posibles cálculos que pueden estar implementados son los referentes a la calidad de la señal en la línea como son, los valores de pico en la tensión eficaz, la reducción en la tensión eficaz, las variaciones de frecuencia en la señal o los errores aperiódicos de cruce por cero en la onda de tensión. D. Control del sistema y transmisión de datos En los dispositivos con doble núcleo procesador los valores calculados por el DSP quedan como variables en los registros de datos a disposición del MCU, para su almacenamiento y teletransmisión, paralelamente como opción para el diseñador el generador de pulsos activa las salidas de potencias activa y reactiva, enviando los pulsos a un contador exterior. Las comunicaciones se implementan mediante enlaces con la HAN y con el DM utilizando los puertos serie que dispone el MCU como periféricos, se trata de una comunicación local Machine to Machine (M2M) con otros dispositivos especializados en las redes que se deseen desplegar. Esta 5025 6 modularidad permite adaptar el diseño a las circunstancias de cada aplicación. Como elementos complementarios típicos en los dispositivos se pueden indicar los sensores de temperatura internos, el reloj en tiempo real, la gestión de energía del sistema, el supervisor de las memorias de configuración del sistema y del firmware o la detección de fugas de corriente, tamper function. distintos tipos de medidores, y se han presentado datos de los fabricantes más importantes y referencias de normativas para los sistemas de bajo coste. El resultado es la descripción de un contador que se encontrará implementado en los millones de puntos de consumo, cuyo objeto es proporcionar la infraestructura de soporte necesaria para que el usuario sea una parte importante de la gestión en la red de distribución. V. TENDENCIAS ANEXO El sensado y las comunicaciones del contador permiten la medida distribuida de la energía consumida, esto es, el monitorizado de las señales de interés a lo largo de un ciclo de la red eléctrica que permite el cálculo de potencias y energías involucradas, y de esta forma determinar el flujo de la energía. El escenario previsible, de acuerdo con la tendencia actual, apunta a una generación y un consumo de energía cada vez más distribuidos que exigen resolver nuevos problemas de eficiencia, seguridad y gestión de la red. En concreto, los requerimientos de los sistemas de monitorización, supervisión y control de la calidad del servicio, en términos de automatización, capacidad y velocidad de medida de un número creciente de parámetros de las señales eléctricas, serán cada vez más exigentes. Asimismo, estos sistemas deben soportar futuras políticas de gestión que evolucionan desde perfiles libres, tanto de consumo como de producción, a unos perfiles más acotados con menores grados de libertad. En este contexto, la línea de trabajo a seguir implica caracterizar los sistemas actuales de medida y valorar las necesidades de control necesarias, bajo la óptica de micro-red a partir de los perfiles de consumo-producción energético que verá la red eléctrica en el punto de conexión, para eventualmente, rediseñar el sistema y su gestión. VI. CONCLUSIONES La estructura Smart Grid exige la lectura de datos en tiempo real para aspectos a nivel de sistema como la gestión de recursos y su supervisión, además de aspectos a nivel de usuario como la facturación automática o el control del consumo energético, que son, entre otros, algunos de los nuevos servicios y aplicaciones que requiere la generación distribuida y el consumo sostenible. Esta forma de lectura de los datos con los nuevos equipos AMI y los nuevos Smart Meter se basan en la capacidad de gestionar tanto los contadores como el gran volumen de datos medidos mediante lo que se denomina Smart Metering. En este trabajo se ha indicado la importancia creciente de todos estos conceptos como los elementos que permitirán desplegar la infraestructura tecnológica impuesta por la normativa y, de esta forma, proporcionar los datos necesarios a los sistemas gestores y a los consumidores de energía. Se han descrito, bajo un concepto de Smart Grid, los distintos elementos que intervienen en el proceso, como son la red, la estructura general del sistema de telemedida y el Smart Meter. Se ha detallado la estructura y funcionamiento de los A. Fabricantes de electrónica Los fabricantes de dispositivos electrónicos para contadores de estado sólido o AMI ofrecen distintos diseños de base para implementarlos. Existen dos grupos de diseños de base, los basados en circuitos integrados específicos (IC), Tabla 1, y los basados en MCU estándar a los que se les añaden las prestaciones más avanzadas en forma de circuitería externa y firmware. TABLA I ALGUNOS FABRICANTES DE IC ESPECÍFICOS Y SUS APLICACIONES AMI Fabricante Referencia Tipo medidor Parámetros medidos Analog Dev.[23] ADE5169 Fase Irms. Vrms, P, Q, S ADE7878 Polifase Irms. Vrms, P, Q, S ATMEL Corp. [24] AVR465 Fase P Austriamicro-sys. [25] AS8268 Fase Irms. Vrms, P, Q Cirrus Logic [26] CS5463 2 ADC Irms. Vrms, P, Q, S CS5464 3 ADC Irms. Vrms, P, Q, S CS5467 4 ADC Irms. Vrms, P, Q, S Maxim [27] MAXQ3183 Polifase Irms. Vrms, P, Q, S Microchip [28] MCP3905 Fase P MCP3909 Polifase P Sames [29] SA9607M Fase P SA9904B Polifase Irms. Vrms, P, Q ST [30] STMP14 Fase P Teridian [31] 71M6532F Fase Irms. Vrms, P, Q, S 71M6534 Polifase Irms. Vrms, P, Q, S Fase: medida de dos líneas, 2 ADC o 3 ADC. Polifase: medida trifásica puede ser de 4 ADC (conexión Aaron) o trifásica completa con o sin neutro. Medida para valor eficaz de corriente, Irms. De tensión Vrms. Potencia activa, P. Potencia reactiva, Q. Potencia aparente, S B. Fabricantes de contadores eléctricos Las empresas para la fabricación de contadores electrónicos son más numerosas, como referencia se indican posiblemente las siete mayores o con más historia, Tabla 2 [32][33]. C. Normas internacionales Los Smart Meters han de cumplir con los estándares que les permitan comunicarse con DM y con la red HAN del usuario: - Comunicaciones con el concentrador y el DM, Last-Mile Communication: IEEE802.15.4 o ZigBee. IEEE 802.11 o Wi-Fi. Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access 5025 7 WIMAX. Power Line Communications (PLC). General packet radio service (GPRS), Short Message Service (SMS). Device Language Message specification (DLMS) COmpanion Specification for Energy Metering (COSEM) [34]. - HAN y Energy Gateway: IEEE802.15.4 o ZigBee. Bluetooth de baja energía. IEEE 802.11 o Wi-Fi. Al tiempo que deben desempeñar su función principal del proceso de medida. Dos estándares definen la exactitud en los equipos de medida de la energía eléctrica (c.a.): - ANSI C12.20, USA, clases para los contadores eléctricos. - IEC 62053 europea UNE-EN62053, requisitos particulares. TABLA 2 ALGUNOS FABRICANTES DE CONTADORES ELECTRÓNICOS Fabricante - paísCircutor -EspañaEchelon -EEUU- Elster Group -LuxenburgoGE Energy -EEUUIskraemeco -EsloveniaItron, Actaris -EEUULandis+Gyr -SuizaSiemens Energy -AlemaniaZIV -España- - - - metrológico del Estado sobre los contadores de energía eléctrica, estáticos combinados, activa y reactiva a instalar en suministros de energía eléctrica hasta una potencia de 15 kW de activa. - Orden ITC/3860/2007 por la que se revisan las tarifas eléctricas a partir del 1 de enero de 2008. Según el "Plan Contador", los actuales contadores de medida en los suministros de energía eléctrica deberán sustituirse por otros nuevos equipos electrónicos, capaces de permitir la discriminación horaria y la telegestión, en un plazo de once años, entre el 1 de enero de 2008 y el 31 de diciembre de 2018. E. Grupos de desarrollo - NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology)[35]. - Proyecto europeo OPEN meter. Comisión europea, dentro del programa marco FP7, de I+D, como el proyecto denominado Open Meter (Open and Public Extended Network METERing) [36]. Equipos y servicios que ofrecen Diseño y fabricación de equipos para la eficiencia energética eléctrica, protección eléctrica industrial, medida y control de la energía eléctrica. Nerwoked Energy Services (NES), Smart Electric Meters. Smart meters certifier for ANSI and IEC standars. Proveedor de equipos para control de red y software. Desarrollo de soluciones de medición inteligente. Proveedor mundial de productos avanzados de medición y soluciones inteligentes de medición. Electric, Gas and Water Smart Meters. Electric AMR and Smart Meters. Proveedor mundial de los dispositivos y sistemas de medición de energía eléctrica, registro y facturación. Electric Smart Meters. Es un proveedor de tecnologías energéticas e industrias del agua. Electric, Gas and Water Smart Meters. Medición de electricidad, con posicionado en Telegestión (AMM) o “SMART meters” Electric, Gas and Water Smart Meters. Especializado en sistemas eléctricos de automatización y Smarts Meters. Metering Information System (AMIS) solution. Contadores de energía eléctrica y sistemas de contadores, Equipos de medida de calidad de servicio eléctrico. D. Normas para el mercado interior de la electricidad La normativa aplicable se puede resumir en [3]: Directivas del Parlamento Europeo y del Consejo, 2009/72/EC normas comunes para el mercado interior de la electricidad y 2006/32/EC sobre la eficiencia del uso final de la energía y los servicios energéticos . Ley 17/2007 por la que se modifica la Ley 54/1997 del Sector Eléctrico. Real Decreto 1110/2007 por el que se aprueba el Reglamento unificado de puntos de medida del sistema eléctrico. 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Disponible: [34] [35] Pikeresearch, “Smart Electrical Meters, Advanced Metering Infrastructure, and Meter Communications: Market Analysis and Forecasts”, 2010, Index Disponible: [36] 8 Spectral Analysis of the RR series and the Respiratory Flow Signal on Patients in Weaning Process Andrés Arcentales1, Beatriz F. Giraldo1,2,3, Pere Caminal1,2,4, Iván Díaz5, Salvador Benito5 1Dept. ESAII, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC), Barcelona, Spain. 2CIBER de Bioingeniería, Biomateriales y Nanomedicina (CIBER-BBN), Spain. 3Biomedical Signal Processing and Interpretation Group, Institut de Bioenginyeria de Catalunya (IBEC), Barcelona, Spain. 4Centre de Recerca en Enginyeria Biomèdica (CREB), UPC, Barcelona, Spain. 5Hospital de la Santa Creu i Sant Pau, Barcelona, Spain. Abstract — A considerable number of patients in weaning process have problems to keep spontaneous breathing during the trial and after it. This study proposes to extract characteristic parameters of the RR series and respiratory flow signal according to the patients’ condition in weaning test. Three groups of patients have been considered: 93 patients with successful trials (group S), 40 patients that failed to maintain spontaneous breathing (group F), and 21 patients who had successful weaning trials, but that had to be reintubated before 48 hours (group R). The characterization was performed using spectral analysis of the signals, through the power spectral density, cross power spectral density and Coherence method. The parameters were extracted on the three frequency bands (VLF, LF and HF), and the principal statistical differences between groups were obtained in bands of VLF and HF. The results show an accuracy of 76.9% in the classification of S and F groups. I. INTRODUCTION II. ANALYZED DATA One of the most challenging problems in intensive care is the process of discontinuing mechanical ventilation, commonly referred to as weaning. Previous investigation reported that near 40% of the intensive care unit patients need mechanical ventilator for sustaining their lives. Electrocardiography (ECG) and respiratory flow (FLW) signals were measured in 154 patients on weaning trials from mechanical ventilation (WEANDB data base). Various studies have been carried out to detect which physiological variables can identify readiness to undertake a weaning trial. Both signals were recorded for 30 min at a sampling frequency of 250 Hz. Patients were classified into 3 groups: The aim of this study is to characterize the patients on weaning trial using extracted parameters from the spectral analysis of the electrocardiography and respiratory flow signal. Successful (GS) 93 patients Failure (GF) 40 patients Reintubated (GR) 21 patients III. METHODOLOGY Pre-processing Spectral Bands Cardiac interbeat duration (RR) was obtained by processing the ECG signal using an algorithm based on wavelet analysis. The RR signal was obtained by sampling at 250 Hz of the linear interpolation of the RR series. Both signals were filtered and removed linear trend. Very low frequency (VLF) 0 - 0.04 Hz Low frequency (LF) 0.04 - 0.15 Hz High frequency (HF) 0.15 - 0.4 Hz Parameter Extraction Spectral Analysis Using the Welch s averaged modified periodogram method, Power Spectral Density (PSD) was calculated by x(n) signal, w(n) Hamming window, L length of the segments, D separation of segments, K number of segments. Cross Power Spectral Density (CPSD) was calculated between RR and FLW. The magnitude square coherence (MSC) is defined as where x and y are the two time series signals, Sxy(ejω) is the cross spectral density between these two signals, and Sxx(ejω) and Syy(ejω) are the autospectral density of each one. The PSD of the RR signal was characterized by the total power (PT), the power of different bands (VLF, LF and HF), the ratio LF/HF, and the frequency peak (fp) of the principal power peak. The spectrum of the respiratory flow signal was characterized by fp of the main power peak, the discriminant band (DB) of it, the PT, and the power in the DB (PDB). The CPSD and MSC were analyzed on the three spectral bands (VLF, LF and HF). For each band, it was calculated the fp and its DB, the PDB and the PT. We also estimated the dispersion of the power by the standard deviation (SD) and interquartile range (IQR). CPSD Parameters comparing GF vs. GR GF GR Parameters p-value MEAN ± SD Mean ± SD Power Parameters IV. RESULTS PDB GS 0.40 ± 0.12 39104.70 ± 70292.90 GF GR p-value 0.52 ± 0.14 0.43 ± 0.15 p<0.001 46453.96 ± 71257.37 54436.30 ± 51469.26 n.s. V. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION The best statistical differences between the groups of patients were found using the characterization of the CPSD. The PDB and the IQR of the power, provide significant differences between all groups of patients in the bands VLF and HF. The three groups of patients were classified using a linear discriminant analysis, applying leave-one-out cross-validation. The best classification was obtained between the groups S and F with an accuracy of 76.9%. This approach together with other methods based on nonlinear dynamics, pertains to the perspective of capturing the whole information on the cardiac and respiratory signals on patients in weaning process. VLF CPSD Parameters comparing GS vs. GR GS GR Parameters p-value MEAN ± SD Mean ± SD Power Parameters PDB 4.3 ± 6.5 6.5 ± 7.8 0.049 4.5 ± 6.5 6.8 ± 8 n.s. PT Dispersion Parameters Power SD (PT) 1.5 ± 2.4 2.2 ± 2.5 n.s. 3.7 ± 4.1 0.033 Power IQR (PT) 2.4 ± 4.0 PDB 3.3 ± 5.3 6.5 ± 7.8 0.013 PT 3.0 ± 4.8 6.8 ± 8 0.012 Dispersion Parameters Power SD (PT) 0.8 ± 1.3 2.2 ± 2.5 0.009 Power IQR (PT) 1.4 ± 2.3 3.7 ± 4.1 0.005 PDB 1.6 ± 2.4 7.8 ± 21.0 0.005 PT 3.6 ± 4.3 12.8 ± 32.6 0.047 Power Parameters HF fp (Hz) HF Respiratory Frequency Peak of the PSD CPSD Parameters comparing GS vs. GF GS GF Parameters p-value MEAN ± SD Mean ± SD Power Parameters PDB 3.9 ± 6.3 1.6 ± 2.4 0.003 6.7 ± 9.3 3.6 ± 4.3 0.028 PT Dispersion Parameters Power SD (PT) 4.5 ± 6.4 2.1 ± 2.9 0.003 2.4 ± 2.9 0.005 Power IQR (PT) 5.9 ± 8.8 VLF The best results were obtained whit the parameters extracted from de CPSD and PSD of the respiratory flow. Dispersion Parameters Power SD (PT) 2.1 ± 2.9 6.3 ± 10.6 0.026 Power IQR (PT) 2.4 ± 2.9 6.6 ± 9.9 0.019 32nd Annual International Conference of the IEEE EMBS Buenos Aires, Argentina, August 31 - September 4, 2010 Spectral Analysis of the RR series and the Respiratory Flow Signal on Patients in Weaning Process Andrés Arcentales, Beatriz F. Giraldo, Member, IEEE, Pere Caminal, Iván Diaz, Salvador Benito 1 ! Abstract— A considerable number of patients in weaning process have problems to keep spontaneous breathing during the trial and after it. This study proposes to extract characteristic parameters of the RR series and respiratory flow signal according to the patients’ condition in weaning test. Three groups of patients have been considered: 93 patients with successful trials (group S), 40 patients that failed to maintain spontaneous breathing (group F), and 21 patients who had successful weaning trials, but that had to be reintubated before 48 hours (group R). The characterization was performed using spectral analysis of the signals, through the power spectral density, cross power spectral density and Coherence method. The parameters were extracted on the three frequency bands (VLF, LF and HF), and the principal statistical differences between groups were obtained in bands of VLF and HF. The results show an accuracy of 76.9% in the classification of the groups S and F. S I. INTRODUCTION PECTRAL analysis of heart rate, respiration and blood pressure signals is a well established tool for the noninvasive investigation of cardiovascular and cardiorespiratory control mechanisms [1]. Changes in frequencies above 0.04 Hz provide evidence for the active existence of either sympathetic or parasympathetic control mechanisms. Standards of measurement, physiological interpretation and clinical use of HRV have been published, involving three different components: a very low frequency (VLF) component in the range between 0 and 0.04 Hz, a low frequency (LF) component between 0.04 and 0.15 Hz, and a high frequency (HF) component between 0.15 and 0.4 Hz [1]. The power in the LF band is considered to be a measure of the sympathetic activity on the heart, although its interpretation is controversial, as e.g. when the respiratory frequency lies in the LF band. The power in the HF band is considered to be a measure of the parasympathetic activity and mainly due to respiratory sinus arrhythmia [2]. One of the most challenging problems in intensive care is the process of discontinuing mechanical ventilation, which is commonly referred to as weaning. Critical-care clinicians Manuscript received April 23, 2010. This work was supported in part by Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación under grants TEC2007-63637 and TEC2007-68076-C02-01 from the Spanish Government. A. Arcentales and P. Caminal are with Dept. ESAII, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC). (e-mail: Pere. Caminal B.F. Giraldo is with Dept. ESAII, Escola Universitaria Enginyeria Tècnica Industrial de Barcelona (EUETIB), Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC), Institut de Bioingenyeria de Catalunya (IBEC) and CIBER de Bioingeniería, Biomateriales y Nanomedicina (CIBER-BBN). c/. Pau Gargallo, 5, 08028, Barcelona, Spain (e-mail: Beatriz.Giraldo S. Benito and I. Diaz are with Dept. Intensive Care Medicine, Hospital de la Santa Creu i Sant Pau, Barcelona, Spain. 978-1-4244-4124-2/10/$25.00 ©2010 IEEE must carefully weigh the benefits of rapid liberation for mechanical ventilation against the risks of premature trials of spontaneous breathing and extubation [3]-[5]. Previous investigation reported that near 40% of the intensive care unit patients need mechanical ventilator for sustaining their lives. Among them, 90% of the patients can be weaned from the ventilator in several days while the other 5%-15% of the patients need longer ventilator support. However, ventilator support should be withdrawn promptly when no longer necessary so as to reduce the likelihood of known nosocomial complications and cost. Various studies have been carried out to detect which physiological variables can identify readiness to undertake a weaning trial [6]-[8]. The assessment of autonomic control provides information about heart physiology imbalances within the cardiorespiratory system. Since ventilation weaning represents a period of transition from mechanical ventilation to spontaneous breathing and is associated with a change in autonomic activity, change of heart rate variability during weaning is to be expected. Ventilation can alter cardiovascular function. Different cardiorespiratory interdependencies during the weaning trials are particular aspects of dynamic autonomic functional coordination. Up to now, it is not clear whether there are more stable functional relations between breaths and heart beats in patients with successful trials. As the coupling between heart rate and respiration is assumed to be strongly non-linear, several methods have been developed to analyze the cardiorespiratory coordination. The purpose of this paper is to characterize the patients on weaning trial using extracted parameters from the spectral analysis of the electrocardiography and respiratory flow signal. The aim of this study is to provide enhanced information in order to identify patients with successful spontaneous breathing trials, patients with unsuccessful trials and patients who successfully passed a trial but were unable to maintain spontaneous breathing and required the reinstitution of mechanical ventilation in less than 48 hours. II. ANALYZED DATA Electrocardiography (ECG) and respiratory flow (FLW) signals were measured in 154 patients on weaning trials from mechanical ventilation (WEANDB data base). These patients were recorder in the Departments of Intensive Care Medicine at Santa Creu i Sant Pau Hospital and Getafe Hospital, Spain, according to the protocols approved by the local ethic committees. 2485 Using clinical criteria based on the T-tube test, the patients were disconnected from the ventilator, and maintained spontaneous breathing through an endotraqueal tube during 30 min. Patients were classified into three groups: 93 patients with successful weaning trials (group S); 40 patients who failed to maintain spontaneous breathing and were reconnected after the 30 min (group F); and 21 patients who having passed successfully weaning trials must to be reintubated before 48 hours (group R). The ECG signal was recorded using a SpaceLab Medical monitor. The respiratory flow signal was obtained with a pneumotachograph (Datex-Ohmeda monitor with variable reluctance transducer) connected to the endotracheal tube. Both signals were recorded for 30 min at a sampling frequency of 250 Hz. Cardiac interbeat duration (RR) was obtained by processing the ECG signal using and algorithm based on wavelet analysis [9]. III. U & 1 L %1 2 w"n # $ L n &0 (2) The cross power spectral density (CPSD) was calculated between the RR and FLW signals using the same method (Welch's averaged modified periodogram method of spectral estimation). The Coherence function of two time series signals is defined as their cross correlation also known as the cross – spectral density normalized by the autospectral density of the two original signals. The magnitude square coherence (MSC) is defined as 2 " #& S ) e j( "S "e ## "e # S "e # xx xy j( j( yy 2 j( (3) where x and y are the two time series signals, Sxy(ej() is the cross spectral density between these two signals, and Sxx(ej() and Syy(ej() the autospectral density of each one. METHODOLOGY A. Signal preprocessing According to our previous studies [10], [11], not all the 30 minutes of the trial are equally useful in terms of decision for extubation. A common feeling of anxiety among all the patients at the beginning of the weaning trial may explain the minor usefulness of the first part. The first and last 5 min of the signal were not considered in this study, working with 20 min of the signals. The signals were preprocessed removing linear trend. The RR signal was obtained by sampling at 250 Hz of the linear interpolation of the RR series. Additionally, FLW signal was filtered with an IIR filter (order 10). Spectral analysis was broken down into three bands: very low frequency (VLF) band (0-0.04 Hz), low frequency (LF) band (0.04-0.15 Hz), and high frequency (HF) band (0.150.4 Hz). However, the respiratory frequency can be as low as 0.1 Hz during relaxation and as high as 0.7 Hz during intense exercise. Consequently, the PSD of FLW signal has been calculated in the range 0-1Hz. Figs 1 and 2 illustrate the performance of the PSD calculated on the RR and FLW signals, respectively. C. Parameter extraction B. Spectral Analysis Power spectral density (PSD), cross power spectral density (CPSD) and coherence method are applied in order to characterize the RR and FLW signals in patients on weaning trials. Power Spectral Density (PSD) was calculated for each signal, using the Welch´s averaged modified periodogram method [12], considering segments of 40 s and 50% overlap, by the following equation: " # Sx e j( 1 & KLU K %1 L %1 $ $ w"n# x"n ' i D#e Fig. 1. The PSD of RR signal. 2 % jn( (1) i &0 n &0 where x(n) denotes the signal, w(n) is a Hamming window, L is the length of the segments, D is the separation between segments, K is the number of segments. The normalization factor U removes the energy bias introduced by the windowing, and is given by Fig. 2. PSD of the FLW signal. For each minute of the signal were obtained the PSD, CPSD and MSC. For each patient, the mean values of these spectral analyses on the whole signal were estimated, and 2486 the characteristic parameters were calculated. The PSD of the RR signal was characterized by the total power (PT), the power of different bands (VLF, LF and HF), the ratio LF/HF, and the frequency peak (fp) of the principal power peak. The spectrum of the FLW signal was characterized by fp of the main power peak, the discriminant band (DB) of it, the PT, and the power in the DB (PDB). The DB was defined as the frequency interval centered at the frequency peak, between the minimum values of the right and left side. The CPSD and MSC were analyzed on the three spectral bands (VLF, LF and HF). For each band, it was calculated the fp and its DB, the PDB and the PT. We also estimated the dispersion of the power by the standard deviation (SD) and interquartile range (IQR). For the analysis of the statistical differences between each two groups, Mann-Whitney test was applied. The best results were obtained with the CPSD parameters. In Table II the p-values for HF CPSD parameters comparing the groups S versus F are shown. The frequency peak in the group S is more remarked on the three frequency bands than in the group F. The VLF and LF bands did not present parameters with significant differences. Table III presents the p-values of VLF CPSD comparing groups S and R. Analyzing groups F and R, CPSD parameters showed significant differences in VLF and HF (Table IV). Fig. 3 illustrates the performance of the CPSD and MSC on the RR and FLW signals of one patient of each group. TABLE III CPSD PARAMETER IN THE VLF BAND COMPARING GS VS GR PATIENTS IV. RESULTS Parameters Kruskal-Wallis test is used to assess whether the characteristic parameters of patients belonging to the groups S, F and R present significant differences. The PSD parameters of RR signal and the coherence of these with FLW signal did not show any differences. PDB 39104.70 ± 70292.90 46453.96 ± 71257.37 54436.30 ± 51469.26 n.s. 4.3 ± 6.5 4.5 ± 6.5 6.5 ± 7.8 6.8 ± 8 0.049 n.s. 2.2 ± 2.5 3.7 ± 4.1 n.s. 0.033 Dispersion Parameters Power SD (PT) Power IQR (PT) 1.5 ± 2.4 2.4 ± 4.0 TABLE IV CPSD PARAMETER IN THE VLF AND HF BANDS COMPARING GF VS GR PATIENTS DISCRIMINANT BAND OBATINED BY POWER SPECTRAL DENSITY fp p-value PDB PT TABLE I RESPIRATORY FREQUENCY PEAK AND POWER OF THE 0.40 ± 0.12 Hz 0.52 ± 0.14 Hz 0.43 ± 0.15 Hz p<0.001 GR Mean ± SD Power Parameters Table I present the results of the PSD applied to FLW signal. The frequency peak in the group F is higher than in the group S, whereas the value of the group R is between those two groups. GR Mean ± SD p-value PDB 3.3 ± 5.3 PT 3.0 ± 4.8 Dispersion Parameters 6.5 ± 7.8 6.8 ± 8 0.013 0.012 Power SD (PT) Power IQR (PT) 2.2 ± 2.5 3.7 ± 4.1 0.009 0.005 PDB 1.6 ± 2.4 PT 3.6 ± 4.3 Dispersion Parameters 7.8 ± 21.0 12.8 ± 32.6 0.005 0.047 Power SD (PT) Power IQR (PT) 6.3 ± 10.6 6.6 ± 9.9 0.026 0.019 Parameters GF Mean ± SD Power Parameters VLF GS GF GR p-value GS Mean ± SD Using Kruskal-Wallis test. 0.8 ± 1.3 1.4 ± 2.3 Power Parameters GF Mean ± SD p-value PDB 3.9 ± 6.3 PT 6.7 ± 9.3 Dispersion Parameters 1.6 ± 2.4 3.6 ± 4.3 0.003 0.028 Power SD (PT) Power IQR (PT) 2.1 ± 2.9 2.4 ± 2.9 0.003 0.005 Parameters GS Mean ± SD HF TABLE II CPSD PARAMETERS IN THE HF BAND COMPARING GS VS GF PATIENTS 2.1 ± 2.9 2.4 ± 2.9 Power Parameters 4.5 ± 6.4 5.9 ± 8.8 V. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION This paper proposed to extract characteristic parameters from the spectral analysis and mutual spectral behavior through PSD, CPSD and MSC, of the RR and FLW signals of patients on weaning trials. 2487 Fig. 3. Spectral analysis of one patient of GS, GF and GR (a) PSD of the RR series, (b) PSD of the FLW signal, (c) CPSD of the RR series and FLW signal, and (d) MSC of the RR series and FLW signal. The best statistical differences between the groups of patients were found using the characterization of the CPSD. The PDB and the IQR of the power, provide significant differences between all groups of patients in the bands VLF and HF. The three groups of patients were classified using a linear discriminant analysis, applying leave-one-out crossvalidation. The best classification was obtained between the groups S and F with an accuracy of 76.9%. This approach together with other methods based on nonlinear dynamics, pertains to the perspective of capturing the whole information on the cardiac and respiratory signals on patients in weaning process. [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] REFERENCES [1] [2] [3] [4] TASK FORCE OF ESC AND NASPE, T. Heart rate variability. 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Marchesi, “Analysis of Non Stationary Heart Rate Series by Evolutionary Periodogram”, 22nd Annual Scientific Meeting of Computers in Cardiology, September 10-13, 1995, Vienna, Austria, 1995, pp. 452. 4MB-02 1 Computation of current distribution in YBCO tapes with defects obtained from Hall magnetic mapping by inverse problem solution M. Carrera, J. Amorós, X. Granados, R. Maynou, T. Puig, X. Obradors Abstract— The development of superconducting devices based on long-length HTS tapes often requires of these tapes high homogeneity along its length as well as across its width. This implies the absence of significant local defects. Non-destructive characterization techniques to examine critical current distribution for defect detection are of great interest, specially if they could be applied in situ for real-time testing of large lengths of tape. In this work, we continue the adaptation of our method for the computation of critical current maps from Hall measurements of the magnetic field over the tape. We compute the current density distribution in a stretch of a commercial YBCO tape which contains defects by using a specifically designed fast inverse problem solver. The 2-dimensional current map meshes with the current distributions in a cross-section of the tape that we previously computed in real time, so that a map of the critical current circulating on the entire surface of a tape with isolated defects may be obtained, regardless of its length, by running a Hall probe over it. This method is applied to a series of Hall mappings corresponding to several magnetization regimes, produced by applying different current intensities to the tape. Details of the experiments and the calculation method are reported and the applicability to detect the impact of the defects in the tape over the current distribution is discussed. Index Terms— Hall Mapping, HTS Characterization, Magnetic Inverse Calculation. T Tapes Fast I. INTRODUCTION HE evolution of the increasing demand of superconducting materials, specifically superconducting tape, at the commercial level for the amount of devices that are projected or worldwide ongoing, requires large scale Manuscript received 2 August 2010. M. Carrera is with the Departament de Medi Ambient i Ciències del Sòl, Universitat de Lleida, Jaume II, 69. 25001 Lleida, Spain (e-mail: X. Granados, T. Puig, and X. Obradors are with the Institut de Ciència de Materials de Barcelona, CSIC, Campus UAB, 08193, Bellaterra, Spain (email: J. Amorós is with the Departament de Matemàtica Aplicada I, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Diagonal 647, Barcelona, Spain (e-mail: R. Maynou is with CEIB-EUETIB and Departament de Matemàtica Aplicada III, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Comte d'Urgell 168, Barcelona, Spain (e-mail production and well defined quality classification to match the designers’ needs. On site precise characterization is a helpful and necessary instrument which allows a better classification, homogeneizing the properties of the material in each class. Identification of defects or quality fluctuations at the production level is a way for diminishing production cost and giving a confident basis for HTS device design. Although a good characterization should include many other aspects as mechanical, thermal and magnetic behavior, at room temperature (RT) and at operating temperature (OT) several ways have been proposed for characterization of electrical properties on the basis of the magnetic and transport properties of HTS tapes including direct transport critical current (Ic) determination in consecutive tape segments [1], mutual inductance critical current determination in an overlapped sequence [2], magnetic field trapped analysis by exploring a line of the superconducting surface after local or full magnetization [3,4], or, finally, full Hall probe mapping [5,6]. All the “in situ” characterization systems require giving their results in real time to get a useful feedback for the production systems. This constrain leads to both fast data collection and fast computation time to get on-the-fly availability of useful data, thus pressing for optimization of the number of points and direct identification of defects in the cached map transporting the identification process to a secondary effort done separately. The effort of our work has been devoted to have an efficient and fast way for data collecting with high resolution and to design a fast inversion way for local Ic calculation from mapping of the out of plane magnetic field component. In this work we will report on the results of computation of the current distribution in a set of samples by a fast and efficient inversion method capable of reliable on-the-fly computation, as adaptation of the previously reported algorithms developed for HTS bulks [5,7,8,9] in a first step, and extended to tapes in a second step [10]. II. COMPUTATION MODEL The procedure used to invert the Biot-Savart problem on the measured tapes is an adaptation of the discretization and QRinversion method used by the authors on bulk samples in [7,8,9]. 4MB-02 2 The method is based in the subdivision of a region containing the stretch of tape to be studied into a rectangular discretization grid. The current J circulating on this region is the curl of the imantation M, which is assumed to have a constant value Mij on every element ∆ij in this grid. If the vertical magnetic field generated by the current is measured at a second rectangular grid of points Pkl=(xb,yb,zb), at a fixed height over the tape, the imantation values Mij must satisfy a linear system of equations formed by an equation of the form (1) for each point Pkl. In that equation r is the distance ||Pkl(x,y,z)|| from the measurement point to points (x,y,z) in the element ∆ij. This linear system may be duly inverted, yielding the value of its unknowns Mij. 2 2 ⎛ ⎞ 3 ( z b − z) − r ⎜ 0 ⎟ (1) Bz ( Pkl ) = ∑ ⎜ dxdy ⎟ M ij 5 ∫∫ 4 π Δ ij ⎜ ⎟ Δij ⎝ r ⎠ μ In practice, to minimize the propagation of errors from the measured Bz to the inverted M it is advisable to measure the vertical magnetic field as closely (in all dimensions) to the tape as possible, and to take redundant measurements and solve an overdetermined linear system. Unlike in the previous applications of this procedure to bulks, this inversion procedure is applied here to open circuits, usually to a short stretch in a long tape with current flowing in and out of the measured region. This difficulty is overcome by adding to the discretization grid a set of long, thin elements on each end of the measured stretch of tape, supporting a current that is rectilinear and homogeneous along the length of tape that they cover. The current on these tape ends is allowed to vary in intensity across the tape width to match the ends of the central discretization grid. If the actual current in these end regions is rectilinear and length-homogeneous then the 2dimensional map for M and the circulating current density J computed in the central discretization grid is valid. If the current circulating on the ends of the tape is not rectilinear, or just unknown, the computed maps of M and J in the central discretization grid are still valid at a distance away from the ends of the grid. The safety distance is determined by the bounds on the current density, or on the irregularity of the tape, available for the tape stretches adjoining the computation region. As the current J is the curl of an imantation M only in closed circuits, if the tape is transporting current two lateral elements are added to the sides of the discretization grid and its ends. These elements simulate thin wires closing the circuit, and have no appreciable effect on the computation provided that they are placed symmetrically and far away from the tape. III. YBCO TAPES Two samples of YBCO coated conductors of different commercial suppliers have been tested: (a) A tape with a cross width of 4.15 mm (S1). It is coated by an YBCO superconducting layer in the range of 1 μmthickness. A metallic stabilizer made of silver and copper is coating the HTS layer with a thickness of about 25 μm over the HTS coating which separates the external explored area from the superconducting sheet. (b) A second sample (S2) from a different supplier has also been studied. The sample with an YBCO superconducting layer in the range of one micron is protected by a metallic sheet which separates the exploring area from the HTS coating a distance in the range of 60 μm. Both magnetic contributions, that of the protecting metallic sheet and that of the substrate are negligible. Stretches of about 7 and 12 cm of both tapes were inserted in a transport current circuit by fixing the beginning and end of the tape to blocks of Cu large enough to drain the heat produced in the contacts during the experiment. The explored area of the tapes is more than 1 cm far from the contacts for sample S1, and 2 cm in case of S2. The tapes were then immersed in liquid N2 at 77K, and the circuit was designed so that the current outside the tape was symmetrically distributed on both sides of the tape so as to avoid its magnetic influence. The tape was subjected to a ZFC process, and a transport current was applied then to the circuit, with total intensity varying from zero to critical superconducting intensity Ic in each tape according to the 1 μV/cm criterion. Then, the intensity was decreased to zero. The vertical magnetic field Bz was measured at different intensities throughout this cycle. A Hall probe was rastered in parallel rows, crossing the tape orthogonally to its main axis, at a height of 80 μm above the tape, i.e. 100 and 150 μm (S1 and S2 respectively) above the superconducting layer. The probe had an active area of 100 x 100 μm, and the vertical magnetic field Bz above the tape was measured on each row with a steps of 50 μm. Results in tape S1 The tape S1 was object of a complete study of the distributions of field Bz and the current distributions obtained from inversion, corresponding to different values of applied current intensity, and showing a notably homogeneous distribution along the tape, with a critical current of 122 A. This study was reported in [10]. After this characterization, the authors have created in the tape artificial defects in different positions by puncturing it with a fine needle in order to study its influence on the current distribution. The magnetic field Bz was measured on a 0.2 x 0.2 mm2 grid covering a 30x30 mm2 square over the artificial defects on the tape. Fig. 1 shows the measured magnetic field when the intensity of current carrying through the tape is of 85 A (after having reached its critical current at 91 A). The measurement is centered on a stretch of tape centered in the main puncture. The distribution of the current density J obtained applying our algorithm of inversion is represented as a vector field superimposed on the map of Bz of the Fig 1, where we can observe the perturbation induced by the defect. The effect of the puncture can be seen along the axis stretch from x=-2 to 0.5 mm. The transport current becomes asymmetrical as most of it passes through one side of the puncture. It is likely that the current drops to zero on the puncture proper, but our discretization procedure blurs the current map on a band of 12 discretization elements wide around any domain, so in the case of a small perturbation like this it is able to detect a drop in the density J and a change in its direction around the hole. 4MB-02 Fig. 1. Magnetic field Bz(G) (indicated by color) measured over a strech of tape S1 while carrying a current of I=85 A after achieving its critical current of 91 A. The computed currents are shown as vector fields over the map of Bz. Fig. 2. Magnetic field Bz(G) (indicated by color) measured over a strech of tape S1 in state of remanence at the end of current cycle after achieving its critical current of 91A. Computed currents are shown as vector fields over the map. of Bz. Fig. 3. Calculated current density in a transverse section of tape S1: initial sample before perturbing the tape (black, dotted line), and after holing the tape: (a) in a nonperturbed stretch (blue line), (b) across the hole (red line). In both cases the tape was submitted to the same process of carrying current (see text). 3 Fig 2 shows, on the same stretch of the tape S1, the map of the trapped field once the transport current has been eliminated and therefore the superconductor reaches a remanent state of magnetization. The computed distribution of current density J, represented as vectors over the map of field Bz, reflects faithfully the disruptions caused by the hole in the circulation of the closed loops of current. It is important to note that the remanence state reflects closely the inhomogeneities in the tape, which points towards the application of this method of characterization in reel-to-reel configurations because it means that the stretch explored with the Hall probe does not need to carry current in the moment of the scanning. In the Fig. 3 we show the distribution of current density J obtained in cross-sections of the sample S1 when the applied current is 85 A: a profile of J that corresponds to the central position of the hole in the map of Fig 1 (red continuous line); a profile made in a homogeneous region of the tape (blue continuous line); and a profile of J (black discontinuous line) obtained from the map of Bz measured in similar conditions (I=80 A) in the sample S1 before its puncturing, when all the cross-sections along the measured stretch were practically identical. Apart from the asymmetry produced by the hole, it may be observed clearly how the distribution of J reflects the fact that, because of the decrease of the total critical current, the most homogeneous regions have not achieved their local critical current when the applied intensity reached the critical current at the punctured stretch of 91 A. Hence their structure of double-peak in the profile of J, unlike the profile of a single peak in the initial sample without holes. As an accuracy check of the of inversion method, the authors computed by Biot-Savart law the magnetic field Bz that the distribution of current J obtained with the algorithm of inversion would produce in the grid of points used in the measure of Bz, so that we can compare the measured field Bz with the recalculated field. Fig 4 illustrates this comparison in the case of the remanence state shown in Fig 2, taking two cross sections corresponding to the centre of the hole (x=-0.75 mm in the map Fig 2), and to a homogeneous stretch of the tape. The results are typical for the application of our inversion procedure to thin tapes: the difference between the measured and recomputed field Bz above the tape is 3% on average, with the error concentrating over the edges. Fig, 4. Measured magnetic field Bz is compared to the field generated by the current determined by our computation in two cross-sections of tape S1. First cross section lies in an unperturbed stretch of tape: measured Bz (black, dotted line) and “recomputed” Bz (green). Secon section crosses the main perturbation at x=-0.75 mm in the map of Fig. 2: measured Bz (red, dotted line) and “recomputed” Bz (blue). 4MB-02 Results in tape S2 Sample S2 has been subjected to Hall probe scannings over longer tape stretches, up to 60-70 mm long, with Bz measured on a 30 mm wide band centered on the tape and with a resolution of 0.5 x 0.5 mm2. The tape has been probed under a set of conditions ranging from a transport current bigger than its critical current of 240 A down to a remanent field state. Fig. 5 shows the magnetic field Bz over the tape in the remanent state at the end of the process. The distribution of the field shows that this tape is significantly inhomogeneous, unlike sample S1 before its perturbation. Therefore an accurate description of the circulating current requires 2dimensional maps. The computed current density J is shown in Fig. 5, as a vector field superposed to the magnetic field map. This current distribution has been obtained using a procedure apt for continuous use on tapes of any length: the current J has been computed in 3cm-long stretches of tape (computation windows), based on the measured field Bz on each stretch and the discretization procedure for open circuits described in section 1. The result is reliable in a central stretch 1cm-long in each computation, as it is far enough from the areas where we made any assumptions of regularity on the circulating current. The computation window has been advanced only 1cm at a time, providing a 2 cm-long overlap with the previous window that allows for the comparison of 2 or 3 computations of J in each 1-cm stretch of tape. These computations agree, yielding the vector field plotted on Fig. 5. The vectors of current circulation J at the initial and final 1cm-stretches of tape has not been plotted, as its computed value cannot be corroborated without knowledge of its neighboring tape areas beyond the Hall probe scan. 4 examining the current density on its cross sections or, more visually, by the direction of the current vectors deviating from the main tape axis. IV. CONCLUSIONS The work presented here shows the capability of Hall magnetometry, combined with the authors' Biot-Savart inversion procedure, for the detection of inhomogeneities in superconducting tapes and analysis of their effects. The inversion procedure reported here allows the computation of 2-dimensional maps of current distribution in tapes with localized defects, in order to asses the impact of these defects on the current circulation and critical current level of the tape. Resolutions of up to 0.2 mm have been achieved so far in these maps. The experimental setup employed by the authors can perform fast Hall probe measurements of Bz over 5-10 cm long stretches of tape, while varying its magnetization state, and including both transport of current and remanent states. This setup can be switched to a reel-to-reel Hall probe measuring system which, combined with the above Biot-Savart inversion procedure produces in real (i.e., measuring) time 2dimensional maps of the circulating current on a tape, regardless of its length. This real-time tape characterization scheme for long tapes will be reported elsewhere. ACKNOWLEDGMENT The authors would like to acknowledge the support of Consolider NANOSELECT project funded by the Education Ministry of the Spanish Government and EU-FP7ECCOFLOW project. REFERENCES Fig, 5. Magnetic field Bz(G) measured over a stretch of tape S2. Computed current density is shown as a superimposed vector field. See text for details about computation process strategy. 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