NCOA Journal
NCOA Journal
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DL-053 NCOA Annual Business Meeting, July 14-17, 2009 The NCOA Annual Business Meeting will be held Wednesday, July 15, at 1:15 p.m. at the Golden Nugget Hotel, 29 E. Fremont St., Las Vegas, Nevada. This is a controlled-access meeting and membership cards will be verified. All doors will be secured at 1:15 p.m. and latecomers will be denied entrance until after all voting matters are accomplished. All Regular Division members are urged to attend. International Auxiliary Annual Business Meeting The Annual Business Meeting of the NCOA International Auxiliary will be held Wednesday, July 15, at 1:15 p.m. at the Golden Nugget Hotel, 129 E. Fremont St., Las Vegas, Nevada. This is a controlled-access meeting and membership cards will be verified. All doors will be secured at 10 a.m. and latecomers will be denied entrance until after all voting matters are accomplished. All Auxiliary members are urged to attend. Convention 2009 Committees Named NCOA Journal Spring 2009 Volume 34, No.1 ASSOCIATION OFFICERS EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE President: 12th Sergeant Major of the Marine Corps H. Gene Overstreet (Ret); Chairman of the Board: SgtMaj Paul W. Siverson, USMC (Ret); Executive Vice President/Chairman, Finance & Audit Committee: CSM Tony R. Franklin, USA (Ret); Treasurer: SGM Nick Lapajenko, USA (Ret); Secretary: MSgt Robert L. Barnett, USAF. BOARD OF DIRECTORS MSgt Robert L. Barnett, USAF; CSM Tony R. Franklin, USA (Ret); MCPO Terry M. Haines, USNR (Ret); MSG Rosie M. Jackson, USA (Ret); MSgt Vincent T. Johnson Sr., USAF (Ret); SGM Nick Lapajenko, USA (Ret); 12th Sergeant Major of the Marine Corps H. Gene Overstreet, (Ret); SGM Joe Terry, USA (Ret); SgtMaj Paul W. Siverson, USMC (Ret); SgtMaj Michael J.Rooney,USMC (Ret); MSG Phyllis A. Williams, USA (Ret). International chaplain MSG Kent M. Tucker, USA (Ret) SENIOR ADVISORS TO THE BOARD SMA Kenneth O. Preston, USA; Sergeant Major of the Marine Corps Carlton W. Kent, USMC; MCPON Joe R. Campa, Jr., USN; CMSAF Rodney J. McKinley, USAF; MCPOCG Charles W. Bowen. Legislative/Resolutions Committee The Legislative/Resolutions Committee is tasked with reviewing all new resolutions submitted by members or chapters for consideration during the Association’s Annual Business Meeting. The Committee also reviews all current resolutions of the Association. During its deliberations, the Committee may modify or create any resolution to better serve the needs of the Association. The Committee shall prepare a package of resolutions for consideration by the convention delegates that may include: 1) Previously adopted resolutions recommended for retention, 2) Previously adopted resolutions recommended for retention with amendments, 3) New resolutions recommended for approval, 4) Resolutions recommended for repeal, and 5) Resolutions considered by the committee but not recommended for approval. The 2009 Legislative/Resolutions Committee will be comprised of the following individuals: Chairman - CMSgt (Ret) Elizabeth S. Harper, Vice Chairman - Lady Bonnie L. Cooper, Advisor - Sir Richard Schneider, SMSgt Elijah Anderson, SFC Brenda Baker, Sir Roger Barker, Jr., Sir Scott Carnahan, SFC Michael David, TSgt Molly Dzitko, Sir George Dolan, Sir J.F. Goffinet, Sir James Hardin, Sir David Marston, TSgt Jason Porter, Sir Paul Rizzo, Sir Kent M. Tucker, Lady Patricia Weaver and Lady Sunny Wirth. SPECIAL ADVISORS FOR RESERVE AND NATIONAL GUARD AFFAIRS SgtMaj Joseph A. Staudt, Chairman; CSM Leon Caffie, USAR; CSM John Gipe, USARNG; SgtMaj Jimmy D. Cummings, USMCR; FORCM(SW) David Pennington, USNR; CMSgt Troy J. McIntosh; USAFR; CMSgt Richard Smith, USANG; MCPO Jeffrey D. Smith, USCGR. Tellers’ Committee The Tellers Committee is tasked with the accurate tabulation of the ballots from the Annual Business Meeting. The 2009 Tellers’ Committee will be made up of the following members of the Knights of the Square Table: Sunny Wirth, Chairman, James W. Hardin, Vice Chairman, J.F. Goffinet, Herbert E. Rogers and Marvin Weaver, Jr. EDITORIAL The NCOA Journal Managing Editor: Clifford Davis. Editorial contributions of articles and photos are welcome. Send them to: The NCOA Journal, 10635 IH 35 North, San Antonio, TX 78233. Master-At-Arms Committee Appointed to serve on the Master-At-Arms Committee with Chairman James Sullivan are the following Knights: Robert D. Bruno, Scott Carnahan, Matthew Dailey and Carl Johnson. ATTENTION POSTMASTERS The NCOA Journal, published quarterly by NCOA, 10635 IH 35 North, San Antonio, TX, 78233. POSTMASTER send address changes to The NCOA Journal, P.O. Box 33790, San Antonio, TX 78265-3790. Periodical Postage Paid at San Antonio, TX and additional offices. Annual subscription: $10 of the membership fee. USPS 391300. ISSN 0747-0150. 4[09] SPRING 2009 NCOA JOURNAL INTERNATIONAL HEADQUARTERS The Non Commissioned Officers Association of the United States of America is a fraternal, nonprofit organization with International Headquarters at 10635 IH 35 North, San Antonio, TX 78233; (210) 6536161. The NCOA Journal is published for the information and enjoyment of Association members. Views and opinions expressed are those of the author or source of material and do not necessarily reflect the opinions, views or endorsements of NCOA or the Board of Directors. All materials in The NCOA Journal are protected by copyright. Editorial materials may be reproduced if the source is credited. National Capital Office P.O. Box 427, Alexandria, VA 22313; (703) 549-0311. International Auxiliary Executive Committee: Tammy Sullivan, President; Barbara Weatherill, Vice President; Dianne Carnahan, Secretary; Rose Lapajenko, Treasurer. Board Members: Alda Ashford, Vivian Bruno, Marian Rooney, Ronda Smith and Patricia Weaver. Knights of the Square Table Grand Knight, Sir Ernie Fike, OE; Grand Knight Elect, Sir Curt Schumacher, OE; Exchequer, Sir Duane Wilhite, OE; Scribe Sir Dave Marston, OS. ADVERTISING Advertisers: Contact J & S Publications at 8220 Hilton Road, Gaithersburg, MD 20882, E-Mail -, Phone - (301) 4820720, Fax - (301) 482-0726. Unless clearly indicated as NCOA-sponsored, paid advertising in The NCOA Journal is not endorsed by the NCOA. 1 Knights of the Square Table Delivering the Dream Some of you know that my fulltime job is working for the Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA). They have just adopted a new slogan that I really like, “Delivering the Dream”. It may be slightly misplaced when it comes to DISA, but I think is a good slogan for me and the Knights of the Square table. Our Past Grand Knight, Sir Terry used the phrase “Leadership by Example” as his slogan. He encouraged the Knights to take up the leadership role within the NCOA and do whatever we could do to help the association grow and prosper. “Delivering the Dream”! Wasn’t that one of the original principals when NCOA formed the Knights of the Square Table? Wasn’t it to be a reward for unselfish dedication to the NCOA? Being a Knight is reward, given to a limited number of leaders who went above and beyond what was expected, to make the NCOA the greatest organization supporting the enlisted personnel in our Armed Forces? We are currently a body of approximately 250 members. Our membership is governed by the total membership of the Association. The Knights are small in number, but strong in our dedication. The ways for the Knights to grow are first to add to the membership of NCOA. RECRUIT, RECRUIT, RECRUIT! Last year’s convention gave us the largest group of squires in many years, and I want to see another bumper crop of Squires in July when we meet in Las Vegas. I issue a challenge to the Knights to recruit 500 new members by July (not counting those names recruited through the USAA effort). Secondly I challenge you to find more dedicated individuals that are willing to step forward and dedicate themselves to the Knights and our great Association. My fellow Knights, it is time for you to review the rules so you are familiar with the operations of the Order. If you need a copy of the rules, contact me at 786-293-3775 or E-mail It is also time to think about convention. Convention is a great time to get together, enjoy old friends, meet new friends and work for the good of the order. I know that Scoop and the staff are working hard to make this another memorable occasion. Last year will be hard to beat! As a Knight you are required to attend conventions, however we know that not everyone has personal issues that will prevent them from attending. The Rules require Knights, not attending, to notify the Grand Knight prior to convention. I hope that I get very few notifications and am looking forward to seeing you all in Las Vegas in July. My dream is that once again NCOA will be the pinnacle military and fraternal organization. I want us once again to be the organization “delivering the dream”. Strength in Unity, Ernie Fike Grand Knight 2 NCOA International Auxiliary You Can Make a Difference Spring is here and summer is on the way! Spring is a time to renew our commitment to our families, our communities, our country and especially our military members, past and present. In these tough economic times it makes sense to take care of each other and help in whatever way we can, large or small. Volunteering on behalf of our veterans is just one way to contribute and when we look around there are many, many opportunities to do so. Get involved or stay involved – you can make a difference. On another note, the International Auxiliary set a goal of 2009 members at last years’ Las Vegas convention. We are a wee bit short of that goal – okay, a lot short – and we have three short months to complete that goal. I know each of you want to reach that goal so I am asking each auxiliary member to sign up one new member. Just one new member apiece will not only ensure we reach our goal, but we will surpass it! Thank you for your dedication and service in helping to grow our association. On behalf of the International Auxiliary, I wish to thank staff member, Sharon Ciringione, for her many years of service to the association and to wish her well in the future as a retiree. I hope to see as many of you as possible at convention this year. As always, feel free to write me at or to call me with any questions, concerns or just because you want to share success stories about your chapter. Tammy Sullivan International Auxiliary President SPRING 2009 NCOA JOURNAL We were there when you landed on the northern coast of France. We were there when you returned to the Philippine shore. We were there when you fought in Korea and Vietnam. We were there when you rolled across the deserts of Iraq. We were there then. We will always be there. Serving the insurance needs of Enlisted Military for over 72 years. 1-800-MILITARY (1-800-645-4827) AUTO � HOME � RENTERS � MOTORCYCLE � BOAT Homeowner’s, renter’s, and boat coverages are written through non-affiliated insurance companies and are secured through Insurance Counselors Inc., the GEICO Property Agency, doing business as GEICO Insurance Agency in CA, MA, MI, NJ, NY, OK, SD, UT. Motorcycle coverage is underwritten by GEICO Indemnity Company. Some discounts, coverages, payment plans, and features are not available X]P[[bcPcTb^aX]P[[6482>R^\_P]XTb6^eTa]\T]c4\_[^hTTb8]bdaP]RT2^6482>6T]TaP[8]bdaP]RT2^ GEICO Indemnity Co. GEICO Casualty Co. These companies are subsidiaries of Berkshire Hathaway Inc. GEICO auto insurance is not available in Mass. GEICO, Washington, DC 20076. © 2009 GEICO SPRING 2009 NCOA JOURNAL 3 NCOA Alliance with Gaining Momentum Members Get to see First Hand Benefit of Expos At the official Ribbon Cutting Ceremony launching the & NCOA Career Expo events were, from left to right, Nancy Fitzpatrick, Ambassador, Cocoa Beach Chamber of Commerce, Commissioner Griffin, City of Cocoa Beach, CMS Frank B. Evans representing the 45th Space Wing, Patrick AFB, FL, Glen E. Morrell, 7th Sergeant Major of the Army, Melissa Stains, President, Cocoa Beach Chamber of Commerce, Kathleen Bishop, President, Palm Bay Chamber of Commerce, Gene Overstreet, President, NCOA, 12th Sergeant Major of the Marine Corps, Vince Patton, Director, Community Outreach,, 8th Master Chief of the US Coast Guard, Emma Richard, Titusville Chamber of Commerce, Chuck Galy, Executive Vice President, Melbourne-Palm Bay Area Chamber of Commerce, and Tammi Tomlinson, Chairperson of the Ambassadors, Cocoa Beach Area Chamber of Commerce. By Cliff “Scoop” Davis Executive Director, NCOA By the time our members read this story, more than one third on this yearís Career Expo schedule will be over and NCOA members from coast to coast will have been a vital part of their successes. Late last year NCOA and officials signed an agreement to align themselves in hosting 34 Career Expos at locations around the country. The alliance was a no-brainer according to NCOA President Gene Overstreet, 12th Sergeant Major of the Marine Corps (Ret). ìWhile NCOA has been a leader in the Veterans Employment arena, we lacked the online presence and that void has been filled by, the militaryís leading website. Our ex4 pertise and extended arm Table, Order of Excaliwith chapters around the bur, and a former emcountry is also some- THE MOST POWERFUL RECRUITING EVENTS ployee of NCOA in the FOR VETERANS thing saw Veterans Employment as a huge benefit in partAssistance Program. nering with us and our While Fitzpatrick and members have stepped his wife Nancy were inup to the challenge.î strumental in obtaining The Career local military and ChamExpo program was ber support, the chapter launched February showed up in force to supwww.Milita 24th in Cocoa Beach, port the launch of this yearís r-expos ww just down the road events. Kudos to Chapter from Patrick AFB and the support of mem-bers SMSgt H.L. Strong, the Space Coast Chapter. Another ace MSgts Thomas Carns, and Omar Basin the hole for NCOA was having Bill night, SSgt Rebecca Cone and SrA Fitzpatrick jump on board as the local Eric Clarke for their dedication and day coordinator. Fitzpatrick, the co-au- long support of the initial event. The thor of the book ìDoes Your Resume very first event saw 34 companies in atWear Combat Boots,î is also a Lifetime tendance and hosted more than 700 job NCOA Member, Knight of the Square seekers. This event proudly spo nsored by: SPRING 2009 NCOA JOURNAL Expertly hand-crafted in solid sterling silver Dramatically detailed with Marine symbols of honor Finely engraved with the Marine’s Semper Fidelis motto Featuring a genuine black onyx center stone Arrives in a custom-designed presentation case with Certificate of Authenticity The Sterling USMC Ring A bold and distinctive ring from any angle A Fine Jewelry Exclusive from the Bradford Exchange ... wear it with pride! In times of peace and conflict, they have always been there, defending freedom wherever it may be challenged, and upholding the Corps’ values of Duty, Honor and Courage. They are the Few, the Proud, the Marines. A Singular Achievement in Craftsmanship and Design Now, there is an equally distinctive service ring that any Marine would be proud to wear. The “Sterling USMC Ring” is individually crafted of solid sterling silver. At its center, the Corps’ symbol of eagle, globe and anchor, sculpted in relief, stands out boldly against an inlay of genuine black onyx. A sculpted eagle and its powerful wings frames the center stone, and emblazoned along the sides are the nation’s stars and stripes in relief. As a final touch, the ring is engraved with the USMC Semper Fidelis motto. An Outstanding Value and Your Satisfaction Guaranteed The perfect way to show your allegiance to the Corps, or a great gift for the Marine in your life, this dramatic ring can be yours for just $99*, payable in three convenient installments of $33. To have a ring commissioned in your name, and backed by our unconditional 120-day guarantee, send no money now. Just fill out and send in the coupon. LIMITED TIME OFFER. Commissions will be accepted on a first-come-first-served basis. So please respond as soon as possible to reserve a “Sterling USMC Ring.” ©2008 BGE 01-03811-001-BIR Neither the U.S. Marines nor any other component of the Department of Defense has approved, endorsed, or authorized this product. PRIORITY COMMISSION AUTHORIZATION FOR THE “Sterling USMC Ring” THE BRADFORD EXCHANGE P.O. Box 806, Morton Grove, IL 60053-0806 YES. I wish to commission the “Sterling USMC Ring” to be designed for me as described in this announcement. Actual size Signature ______________________________________ Mr. Mrs. Ms. ____________________________________ Name (Please Print Clearly) Address _______________________________________ City ___________________________________________ State __________________ Zip_____________________ 01-03811-001-E50551 To assure a proper fit, a ring sizer will be sent to you after your commission has been accepted. *Plus a total of $9.00 shipping and service. Please allow 4-6 weeks for delivery after we receive your initial deposit. Subject to product availability and order acceptance. Members Get to see First Hand Benefit of Expos From the East Coast the Expo trail headed west to San Diego and Sacramento in the first week of March and again NCOA members were there to assist. In San Diego, Tony Franklin, Executive Vice President, drove three hours to assist NCOA HQ team for the day and in Sacramento NCOAís Auxiliary President Tammy Sullivan and her husband Jim, with the Central Valley Chapter supplied the extra manpower needed to make the event successful. The following week in Tampa, Dick Steinberg, Past Grand Knight and Paul Rizzo came from the New Port Richey Gateway Chapter to help for the day where more than 1,300 people attended the event. The following week in Tacoma, WA, Auxiliary Vice President Barbara Weatherill and Bonnie Waliezer, Chairman of the Trails End Auxiliary Chapter, drove three hours from Oregon to man the registration table all day to assist NCOA. 6 events to boost local awareness and grow support for their chapters. International Headquarters is always excited to have local member and chapter support when they come to town. Please check the schedule and see if weíre coming to your area. Chapters and/or members who want to help, please e-mail me at Also, if you feel your area would be a great location for a Career Expo in 2010 and would like to help organize such an event, please let us know. In St. Louis, Spirit of St. Louis Chapter Chairman Doug Ziegelmann and chapter members Michael David and Willie Blue not only helped out the Expo team, but also manned an NCOA information booth and signed up attendees into NCOA. There are many more Career Expos on tap this year and it is a great opportunity for local NCOA chapters and members to get involved and parlay these “I have been to several Job Fairs around the Metro St. Louis area over the last few months and the Career Expo was definitely the best.” --Tim Holcomb, Army Veteran According to officials, they have been very im- pressed with the quality of events NCOA has put on so far this year and pleasantly surprised by the outstanding support we are receiving at each event from members and chapters. Kudos to all who have helped this endeavor so far this year, and if anyone was left out of this article, please let me know since it was not intentional. Please read more updates by visiting our new web site SPRING 2009 NCOA JOURNAL TO HONOR YOUR SERVICE TO COUNTRY EXCLUSIVE UNITED STATES MILITARY BIRTHSTONE WATCHES Personalized with Your Birthstones, Monogram, Initials and Service Years W e proudly present our exclusive Military Birthstone watches, to honor those who have served our Country in the U.S. Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, Coast Guard, Merchant Marines and Seabees. The special dial is minted like a fine coin and captures every fine detail of your Service Branch Emblem. A genuine diamond is set at 12 O'clock. The unique dress bracelet is customized with four brilliant birthstones and your personal monogram. The golden watch bezel, with etched roman numerals frames the dial, and touches of genuine 24 karat gold complete this fine watch. The precision quartz watch movement keeps accurate time within seconds per month, and provides years of dependable service. NAVY AIR FORCE As a final touch of exclusivity, your watch back will be engraved with your initials and years of service along with a monogram of your choice on the band, below the dial. The watch is delivered to you in a handsome gift box - perfect for Father’s Day, Birthdays and Holidays. Thank You priced at just $125*, an affordable payment plan is available with no interest. This fine watch is designed by and created exclusively for Veterans Commemoratives ™ . It is not sold in stores. Your satisfaction is guaranteed 100% or return within 30 days for a refund or replacement. So, order today with confidence. You have earned the right to wear this unique watch as a permanent reminder of your special place in history. ARMY MARINE CORPS JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL GARNET AMETHYST AQUAMARINE ZIRCON EMERALD PEARL RUBY SELECT YOUR BIRTHSTONE ABOVE AND ENTER CHOICE ON ORDER FORM. FREE FLAG PIN WITH EACH ORDER MAIL TO: Veterans Commemoratives™ Watch Order Center Two Radnor Corp. Ctr., Suite 120, Radnor, PA 19087-4599 YES. I wish to order a Diamond Service Branch Watch featuring my Birthstone and Monogram, as follows: Army Navy Air Force Marine Corps Coast Guard Merchant Marine (not shown) Seabee (not shown) BIRTHSTONE MONTH (1):________ MONOGRAM (1): ________ INITIALS DESIRED (3): ____ ____ ____ YRS. SERVED: _____ to _____ I WISH TO PAY AS FOLLOWS: Enclosed is my check or money order for $125* per watch payable to “Veterans Commemoratives” as payment in full, OR COAST GUARD AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC PERIDOT SAPPHIRE ROSE ZIRCON GOLDEN SAPPHIRE BLUE ZIRCON BIRTHSTONES ARE SIMULATED FOR CONSISTENT SIZE AND CLARITY. NAMES REFER TO COLOR. FOR FASTEST SERVICE CALL TOLL FREE TO ORDER: 1-800-255-3048 Mon - Fri from 9am - 5pm EST Have Credit Card ready when ordering. CREDIT CARD: VISA MASTER CARD AMEX DISCOVER CC#:__________________________________________ exp.____/ ______ SIGNATURE: ________________________________________________ SHIPPING ADDRESS (We CANNOT ship to P.O. Boxes)Allow 4-6 weeks for delivery. Name: _______________________________________________________ Address:______________________________________________________ City:______________________________ State:______ Zip:____________ Charge my credit card $125* per watch as payment in full, OR Charge my credit card in four monthly installments of $31.25* each. * Plus $12.95 per watch for engraving, shipping & handling. PA residents add 6% sales tax. Phone # (______)_____________ Email: ___________________________ ©2008-2009 ICM BRSWAT-NCO-S09 FOR OTHER FINE MILITARY WATCHES & RINGS VISIT VETERANS COMMEMORATIVES™ ONLINE AT VETCOM.COM Excerpts from our 2009 Congressional Testimony H. Gene Overstreet, President NCOA presented the Association’s formal Veteran Statement before a joint session of the Committees on Veterans Affairs of the United States Senate and the House of Representatives on March 12, 2009. “NCOA proudly represents enlisted service members through every stage of their military life, from the first oath of enlistment to the playing of taps. I would further point out that the Association has been involved in all of the lives and quality of life of today’s service people who grew up as military dependents. We literally have been with them providing broad “cradle to grave” membership services and representation before legislative committees. The all service, all component, and all enlisted base of the association’s membership makes NCOA unique among its colleagues. “We are a voice that seeks a comprehensive legislative agenda for those who cannot speak for themselves. “Countless thousands will never have the opportunity to speak with America by addressing their concerns with you, the members of the Veterans Committees of the Senate and House. “We speak for the patriots whose service and sacrifices have preserved and provided the FREEDOMS enjoyed by all Americans.” Gene Overstreet 12th Sergeant Major of the United States Marine Corps 8 Chairman Akaka, Chairman Filner, Members of the Senate and House Committees on Veteran Affairs, colleagues and veterans from all organizations here today, I am Gene Overstreet, President, Non Commissioned Officers Association of the United States of America (NCOA). On behalf of all our members I am appreciative of the opportunity to formally present NCOA’s 2009 Legislative Agenda and address issues it believes are significant to Veterans, their dependents, and survivors. NCOA is privileged to represent active duty enlisted service members of all military services, the United States Coast Guard, associated Guard and Reserve Forces, retirees and veterans of all components. The representation of all enlisted members from services and components makes NCOA unique and enables it to provide a full and comprehensive perspective on active duty, veteran, and survivor issues. Association membership provides for service members and their families through every stage of their military career from enlistment to eventual separation, retirement and provided their final military honors rendered on behalf of a grateful Nation. The Association defines well its membership service as “cradle, or enlistment, to grave” and continues to provide services to the veterans surviving family members. The Association adopts Resolutions annually at its Membership Business Meeting that begin at local chapters in the CONUS and Overseas that through the vetting process eventually establishes the parameters of the NCOA legislative agenda. Those ever emerging issues are front burner concerns impacting the large number of active duty, Guard, Reserve members, retirees, Veterans, their dependents, and survivors. Year after year, I recognize that all who serve in the Congress or in the Uniformed Services have taken an Oath of Office, Enlistment, or Commissioning in which the following affirmation is sacredly promised: “…to support and defend the Constitution of the United States of America.” While we take the same Oath, I am ever mindful that for military enlistment or commissioning the significance of those words bear the possibility of extreme sacrifice and possibly death. There are no qualifiers in those words for those entering military service except for the strong belief that they will have the finest war fighting equipment, support services, health care, and all necessary institutional support while on active duty. They further believe that they have the Nation’s institutional promises which include: Whatever necessary quality and timely Veteran health care is needed for the rest of the lives of the men and women as a result of their military service, Adequate Benefits and Entitlements, And, should they fall in the line of duty, the institutional commitment of a grateful Nation to care for their survivors. There has never been a qualifier in the military enlistment oath such as “support and defend the Constitution of the United States, funds and resources permitting” as such a qualifier would destroy military personnel readiness and bring into question the stark reality of military service. NCOA is a member of The Military Coalition, a forum of nationally prominent uniformed services and veterans’ organizations that share a collective view on Veteran and active duty issues. NCOA is also a Veteran organizational supporter of the 2010 Independent Budget. SPRING 2009 NCOA JOURNAL You come from every part of the country and serve in every corner of the globe. You’ve risked your life in a thousand places, stretching from the Frozen Chosin to the jungles of Southeast Asia, to the sands of Kuwait, from Beirut to Kandahar, the skies above Berlin, Baghdad and the Balkans and on every major body of water on the planet. As a member of America’s military family you exhibit the highest levels of duty, honor and integrity. The values that guard our freedoms at home and abroad. The same values that drive the men and women of Armed Forces Insurance to protect those who protect our nation. After all, for more than 120 years Armed Forces Insurance has been led by former military leaders who understand your unique needs and are committed to providing the personal service you deserve. It’s why we are proud to say at Armed Forces Insurance, OUR MISSION IS YOU. For a no-obligation quote visit 800.313.2076 | AUTO • HOME • RENTERS SPRING 2009 NCOA JOURNAL 9 The Association likes retirees to keep their what it read in the news full VA disability comrelease: pensation along with “The 2010 budget their retired pay. The represents the first step President’s budget retoward increasing fundquest also provides the ing for VA efforts by resources for effective $25 billion over baseimplementation of the line during the next five post-9/11 GI Bill -- proyears. The gradual exviding unprecedented pansion in health care levels of educational enrollment that this NCOA President Overstreet at support to the men and would support will open the Nation’s Capitol to testify women who have served hospital and clinic doors before a Joint Hearing of the our country through acto more than 500,000 Senate Committee on Veterans tive military duty.” Affairs and the House ComVeterans by 2013 that The budget supposedly mittee of Veterans Affairs. have been regrettably also provides specialty excluded from VA medicare in such areas as cal care benefits since 2003. The 2010 prosthetics, vision and spinal cord inbudget request provides the resources jury, aging, and women’s health. It to achieve this level of service while demonstrates heightened homeless maintaining high quality and timely veteran programs by collaboration care for lower-income and service-dis- with nonprofits in maintaining stable abled Veterans who currently rely on housing while providing supportive VA medical care.” services in job training, preventive “The new budget provides greater care, and other critical services. And, benefits for Veterans who are medi- it proposes to expand VA services cally retired from active duty, allow- for rural communities in part by Vet ing for the first time disabled military Centers and Mobile Clinics to access health care, mental health services, and necessary treatment. While we liked what we read in the press release, we will wait for the details of the Budget Request to comment further. The Association also appreciated the Administration’s apparent support for the two year budget proposal now widely endorsed within the Veteran’s communities. You’ll recall that President Obama appeared to support the two year budget concept, as did his Nominee, now Secretary Shinseki, before the Senate Veterans Confirmation Hearing where the Secretary stated pointedly his support for the concept. It appears that support may have vaporized as it is nonexistent without vapor trail in the President’s recent comments or the Secretary’s rhetoric. The two year budget concept was not evident in the recent DVA budget news release. For further testimony and our specific recommendations to Congress. visit our website at In Memory Day Honors National Vietnam Veterans Memorial Richard C. Schneider, NCOA’s Executive Director for Government Affairs was the keynote speaker at the 11th annual In Memory Day Ceremony held at the Vietnam Veterans Memorial in Washington, D.C April 20th. Jan C. Scruggs, founder and president of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial Fund commented that one-hundred and twenty-three American heroes from the Vietnam War era were honored posthumously during the annual In Memory Day Ceremony. NCOA’s National Defense Foundation was the sponsor host for this program. In Memory Day was created to pay tribute to the men and women who died prematurely from noncombat in10 juries and emotional suffering caused directly by the Vietnam War, but who are not eligible to have their names inscribed on the Vietnam Veterans Memorial. “In Memory Day allows The Wall to do what it does best: provide a healing environment for family members and friends,” said Scruggs. “It also allows all of us to pay tribute to these brave Americans who served and sacrificed for their country.” During the ceremony, family members read aloud their loved ones’ names in chronological order by date of death. Following the ceremony, participants lay tributes at the base of The Wall corresponding to the honorees’ dates of service in Vietnam, so that these Vietnam veterans come to rest near those comrades with whom they served. With the addition of this year’s honorees, over 1,800 individuals will be honored in the In Memory Honor Roll. Information on the In Memory program and an application for a veteran whose premature death was the result of health issues from the Vietnam War is available at Applications may be processed for the In Memory Day program scheduled for Monday, April 19, 2010. SPRING 2009 NCOA JOURNAL @h@he] Chbgma^<ahb\^Ikbobe^`^l :kf^]L^kob\^lIkh`kZf Pa^grhnchbgma^g^p<ahb\^Ikbobe^`^l:kf^]L^kob\^likh`kZf% rhnZnmhfZmb\ZeerlmZkmZmma^>ebm^@he]e^o^e$ +*jichn\ihom`ilsiolmn[sm[nip_l/&***fi][ncihm[]limm[ffn_h=bic]_Bin_fm¡\l[h^m ?r]fomcp_?fcn_]omnig_lm_lpc]_[h^l_m_lp[ncihmjbih_hog\_lm ?r]fomcp_?fcn_g_g\_li``_lm G_g\_lm][hl_^__gjichnm`il`l__hcabnmqilf^qc^_"hi\f[]eion^[n_m#&;clfch_L_q[l^m[h^ac`n][l^mni ip_l-/*g_l]b[hnm&ch]fo^chaQ[f'G[ln[h^g[dila[mmn[ncihm( Chbgmh]ZrF^f[^klabibl_k^^ Oblbm\ahb\^ikbobe^`^l'\hf(Zkf^]l^kob\^l :lZgG<H:f^f[^k%k^\^bo^+)h__rhnkg^qmlmZrZmiZkmb\biZmbg`ahm^elpa^grhnnl^ Li^\bZeKZm^B=))*0)--)'##K^f^f[^kmhikhob]^rhnk<ahb\^Ikbobe^`^lgnf[^kmh^Zkgihbgml' * You must be an active duty or reserve military member, retired military, National Guard, U.S. Coast Guard or eligible spouse/dependant with appropriate military identification over the age of 18 to qualify for the Choice Privileges Armed Services program. Choice Hotels reserves the right to disqualify anyone from the Choice Privileges Armed Service program, who does not fulfill the membership requirements, at any time. ** Discount subject to availability and cannot be combined with any other discount. © 2009 Choice Hotels International, Inc. All rights reserved. 09-158/03/09 SPRING 2009 NCOA JOURNAL 11 USAA Supports NCOA Membership Growth, Events • 2009 should be even better with USAA’s expanded support of our great association In 2008 NCOA’s membership grew every month and a large part of that success was due to the special membership campaign sponsored by USAA. Well, 2009 should be even better with USAA’s expanded support of our great Association. In the new agreement, signed in April, USAA will be a major sponsor at this year’s convention, be our first paid advertiser on our new website and a Platinum Sponsor of all the and NCOA Career Expos. In addition, the scope of the membership campaign has been expanded. USAA has been a big advertiser and supporter of the NCOA Journal and the Association itself for many years, but a large percentage of NCOA’s membership had been unable to join USAA. That changed recently with USAA opening up the opportunity for retirees to join. “I wanted to join USAA many years ago, but was unable to,” said Scoop Davis, NCOA Executive Director. “I was very frustrated that I had not joined while on active duty and while my son, an Air Force Staff Sergeant was a member, I did not qualify. Well that changed April 18 as I officially became a member of USAA complete with a savings and checking account to prove it.” According to Davis, not every member of NCOA can be a member, but that number is very low. (Please see page 13 for eligibility guidelines). 12 A large percentage of NCOA’s membership had been unable to join USAA. That changed recently with USAA opening up the opportunity for retirees to join. “I’m very excited to be a member and will check all of the products and services that USAA has to offer its members to see if they work for me and my family,” Davis said. “Dealing with professionals like Rick Trent, Master Chief Petty Officer of the Coast Guard (Ret) and Eric Benken, Chief Master Sergeant of the Air Force (Ret), is very refreshing because they truly care about enlisted men and women, past and present and their families. They also have both been speakers at NCOA Conventions and are very supportive of our great Association.” Disclaimer: There are no official NCOA endorsements or affinity programs currently in place with USAA and this story and the support USAA has provided to NCOA in no way constitutes an endorsement of their products and/or services. Flanked by USAA Military Affairs Directors, Rick Trent, left, Master Chief Petty Officer of the Coast guard (Ret) and Eric Benken, Chief Master Sergeant of the Air Force (Ret), is Cliff “Scoop” Davis, NCOA Executive Director. The three were discussing the new agreement NCOA and USAA just signed at the USAA Headquarters in San Antonio. SPRING 2009 NCOA JOURNAL USAA Who is eligible? Membership is open to: Active-duty officers and enlisted personnel. Children whose eligible parents have or had a USAA auto or property insurance product.* National Guard and Selected Reserve officers and enlisted personnel. Officer candidates in commissioning programs (Academy, ROTC, OCS/OTS). Former military personnel: • Retired officers and enlisted personnel. • Former officers and enlisted personnel who separated from the military on or after Jan. 1, 1996. Former USAA members who had USAA auto or property insurance. * Children must be 18 years or older to be eligible for USAA membership and purchase products in their own name. Children under the age of 18 can be listed as family members on their eligible parents’ auto policies. TRICARE Retiree Dental Program Recent additions to the TRDP! Dental implants offered after 12 months Orthodontic lifetime maximum increased to $1500 Emergency services covered when traveling overseas Full scope of benefits available to enrollees living outside the service area Discover what over one million enrollees already know about this exciting dental benefits program! Visit our web site today. NCOA 03/09 ACTIVE RETIREMENT COMMUNITY WITH EXCEPTIONAL CARE “Frankly, my rent isn’t much less than my income, but I have everything I need at my fingertips. It’s worth every penny. Doug Swan ” SGT, U.S. Army, Ret • Putting Green • Cocktail Lounge • Full Service Restaurant Open 7am – 7pm • Elegant Libraries • Base Shuttle Services • Fitness Center and Wellness Programs • Saunas, Heated Indoor Pool and Jacuzzi 1600 Marshall Circle Dupont, WA 98327 RETIREMENT COMMUNITY Studios $1850 - $2650 1 Bedroom $3000 - $3350 2 Bedroom $4250 Cottages $3800 - $4350 You’ve Served Us! Now Let Us Serve You! Call now for more information about our community and move-in specials 877.964.4900 RENTALS WITH NO BUY-IN INCOME TAX FREE STATE LUXURY INDEPENDENT RETIREMENT LIVING • ASSISTED LIVING & MEMORY CARE SPRING 2009 NCOA JOURNAL 13 Another Exciting Benefit for NCOA Members Another exciting benefit is now available for NCOA members to take advantage of – According to Cliff “Scoop” Davis, NCOA’s Executive Director, he is very excited about our new partnership with “ was willing to go above and beyond to meet the online printing needs of our Association and its members. From what I’ve seen, every member can expect every online printing job will be met with excellent customer service and the highest quality printing. This is just one more way the Association can deliver value to our members. “Members attending the 45th Annual NCOA Convention July 14-17 at the Golden Nugget will see first-hand this company’s quality of work and their willingness to support our Association as they are printing this year’s program for FREE,” Davis added. “I am always excited to support special member benefits when they go above and beyond for our members and our programs.” The secret behind the quality of is in the depth of their experience. They were the first online commercial printer focusing on smallmedium size business customers, delivering premium quality print materials with a 100 percent satisfaction guarantee since 1999. offers premium print products for NCOA members through the Member Benefits link on our website at Their products include business cards, brochures, stationery, posters, postcards, rack cards, greeting cards, catalogs and much more. With NCOA’s new partnership, members will enjoy an exclusive 10 percent discount and other benefits on all the products PrintingForLess. com offers through the NCOA website. Through the entire print project you will be supported by a three person team dedicated to NCOA customers. accepts any type of file, allowing an easier and more Introducing... New Member Benefits for NCOA Members: nt iscou rs! D % e 10 ll Ord on A streamlined process to complete the job. If you are unsatisfied with their print quality, will either reprint your project or refund your purchase price. Because of their detailed attention to the quality of their product and customer focus has been repeatedly recognized as a leader in the online printing industry. won the American Business Awards “Best CustomerService Organization” award and is consistently recognized in business publications and blogs for remarkable customer service. is also environmentally friendly and is sustained 100 percent by wind power; is Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) certified, uses 100 percent recycled paper, soy based ink and has an active waste reduction and recycling program. For more information on this new great benefit, visit . NCOA has partnered with, the leader in online commercial printing, to make buying print materials easier through PFL’s exclusive website for NCOA Members. With PFL enjoy: 10% Discount On All Print Orders Award-Winning Customer Service 100% Satisfaction Guaranteed A M E R I C A’ S P R I N T S H O P Visit the exclusive NCOA website: 14 800.924.1664 SPRING 2009 NCOA JOURNAL Convention 2009 Fact Sheet Dates for the convention are July 14 -17, 2009. Host hotel is the Golden Nugget, 129 E. Fremont Street, Las Vegas, Nevada 89101. • Rate for single/double occupancy on Sunday through Thursday is $49 per night, plus applicable taxes. Rate for single/double occupancy on Friday and Saturday is $79, plus applicable taxes. All individual room reservations must be made directly with the Golden Nugget at (800) 634-3454. You MUST specify you are with NCOA. Reservations must be made prior to June 10 to guarantee convention rate. Reservations made after June 10 will be subject to space/rate availability. Check in time at the hotel is 3:00 p.m., check out is noon. • The Golden Nugget requires a first night’s room and tax deposit to accompany each reservation request. It is the policy of the Golden Nugget to charge the first night room and tax deposit to the individual’s credit card at the time the reservation is made if a credit card is used in lieu of a cash deposit. The deposit is refundable if cancellation occurs at least 48 hours prior to scheduled arrival. • A variety of commercial shuttle services are available from McCarran International Airport to the hotel. The shuttles services are located on the west side of the baggage claim area, outside exit doors 8-13. One way ticket cost is approximately $7. • Convention registration fee is $150 per person prior to June 1 and $175 per person on or after June 1. Each registration fee provides delegate with one ticket to the Opening Icebreaker, Vanguard Banquet and President’s Breakfast. SPRING 2009 NCOA JOURNAL Requests for refund of registration fees (minus $25 administrative fee) must be submitted in writing prior to June 30. Additional event tickets may be purchased at the Convention Registration Desk. Individual ticket costs are: Opening Icebreaker - $50, Vanguard Banquet - $75, President’s Breakfast - $40. • Chapters or individuals with resolutions to submit on subjects for consideration by the International Board of Directors and the general membership at the 2009 Annual Business Meeting must submit the resolution to International Headquarters, Attn: Tina Kish, by May 1. • The five senior service chiefs will hold a Senior Enlisted Service Chiefs’ Panel on Thursday, July 16 from 8:30 - 10:30 a.m. • Invitations have been issued for guest speakers for the Opening Ceremony and the Vanguard Banquet. Additional information will be available at a later date. • Companies wishing to have an exhibit table on Wednesday and Thursday, July 15 & 16 are invited to contact the Convention Manager at or by telephone at (210) 653-6161, extension 261. • Dress for most events is casual business attire. Active duty military are asked to wear dress uniform with short sleeves and open collar during the Senior Enlisted Panel. Dress for the Opening Icebreaker is casual business.Vanguard Banquet is semi-formal and the President’s Breakfast is casual. Knights of the Square Table will set dress requirements for all Knights events. 15 Choose from two shipping speeds: fast and super-fast. With the combined versatility of FedEx Express® and FedEx Ground®, you have the option of time-definite service to 220 countries and territories around the world or day-definite, cost-effective service to the U.S., Canada and Puerto Rico. And both services are backed by money-back guarantees.* Not only that, but as a member of Non-Commissioned Officers Association, you even get a discounted FedEx shipping rate. For information about your rate or to enroll, call the FedEx Advantage Hotline at 1.888.641.2600. For questions about FedEx Express or FedEx Ground, go to or call 1.800.GoFedEx 1.800.463.3339. Your Non-Commissioned Officers Association Member Discounts Up To 32% off FedEx Express® Up To 13% off FedEx International Economy® Up To 12% off FedEx Ground® * Discounts are off published rates and cannot be combined with other offers or discounts. Discounts are exclusive of any FedEx surcharges, premiums or special handling fees and are not available to package consolidators. Eligibility for discounts subject to FedEx credit approval. FedEx First Overnight®, FedEx SameDay®, FedEx® International Next Flight, FedEx International First®, FedEx International Priority DirectDistribution®, FedEx® 10kg Box, FedEx® 25kg Box, FedEx International Priority Plus® and FedEx International MailService® not included. Eligible services subject to change. For details on the FedEx Express Money-Back Guarantee, see Service Info at The FedEx Ground money-back guarantee applies to deliveries within the U.S. For details, see the FedEx Ground Tariff. © 2007 FedEx 16 SPRING 2009 NCOA JOURNAL WWI WWII VIETNAM COLD WAR IRAQ PEACETIME Lt Gen Richard Y. Newton III, Manpower and Personnel (A1), hosted the Headquarters, United States Air Force annual personnel award ceremony at the Pentagon on February 19, 2009. Recipients included (l-r) NCO of the Year -TSgt Melissa J. Abraham, SNCO of the Year - MSgt Todd S. Geehan, Company Grade Officer of the Year - Captain Jacob S. Sotiriadis, and presenting NCOA Recognition Awards - Mr. Matt Dailey, National Capital Region Military Associate. Not shown Airman of the Year - Airman Shawn R. Christensen. Visit Us! 2009 OFFICIAL NCOA PROXY BALLOT I, the undersigned member of the Non Commissioned Officers Association of the U.S.A., do hereby appoint ____________________________________________ or MCPO Terry Haines, USNR (Ret), SgtMaj Michael J. Rooney, USMC (Ret) and SGM Joseph Terry, USA (Ret) and (Official Proxy Committee acting by majority vote of or if one be present, that one alone) with full power of substitution to represent me and cast my vote at the 2009 Annual Membership Meeting to be held at the Golden Nugget, 129 E. Fremont St., Las Vegas, Nevada 89101, for the purpose of electing directors and such business that may properly come before such a meeting or any adjournment thereof. Date __________________ Member# _________________ Exp. Date _________ Signature ____________________________________________________________ Print Full Name _______________________________________________________ NCOA Membership # BALLOTS WILL BE CAST AT 1:15 P.M. JULY 15, 2009 MAIL IN A STANDARD 9½” X 4” ENVELOPE TO NCOA ATTN: PROXY 10635 IH 35 N SAN ANTONIO, TX 78233 BALLOTS MUST BE POSTMARKED BY JUNE 30 2009 OFFICIAL NCOA AUXILIARY PROXY BALLOT I, the undersigned member of the International Auxiliary of the Non Commissioned Officers Association of the U.S.A., do hereby appoint _________________________ or Ronda Smith and Patricia Weaver (Official Proxy Committee acting by majority vote of, if one be present that one alone) with full power of substitution to represent me and cast my vote at the 2009 Annual Membership Meeting to be held at the Golden Nugget, 129 E. Fremont St., Las Vegas, Nevada 89101 for the purpose of electing directors and such business that may properly come before such a meeting or any adjournment thereof. Auxiliary Membership # BALLOTS WILL BE CAST AT 1:15 P.M. JULY 15, 2009. Signature ____________________________________________________________ MAIL IN A STANDARD 9½” X 4” ENVELOPE TO NCOA ATTN: AUX. PROXY 10635 IH 35 N SAN ANTONIO, TX 78233 Print Full Name _______________________________________________________ BALLOTS MUST BE Date __________________ SPRING 2009 NCOA JOURNAL Member# _________________ Exp. Date _________ POSTMARKED BY JUNE 30 17 NCOA Convention 2009, July 14-17, 2009 Registration Form Return completed form to: NCOA Convention Manager P.O. Box 33790 San Antonio, TX 78265 Last Name ___________________________ First Name _________________ M.I. _______ Address ______________________________________________________________________ City ______________________________________ State __________ ZIP _____________ Home Phone _______________________ Business Phone ________________________ Total number of Registered Convention Delegates ______________ First names/nicknames for registered delegate name tags: Delegate #1 _________________________ Delegate #2 _________________________ Service Status ___________________________ Service Status ___________________________ Chapter Affiliation_______________________ I currently hold NCOA chapter position of: _____ Chairman _____ Vice Chairman _____ Trustee Chapter Affiliation_______________________ I currently hold NCOA chapter position of: _____ Chairman _____ Vice Chairman _____ Trustee I am a: _____ Knight of the Square Table _____ Member of the Rat Pack _____ Auxiliary Member _____ First time attendee I am a: _____ Knight of the Square Table _____ Member of the Rat Pack _____ Auxiliary Member _____ First time attendee Registration fee paid prior to June 1 is $150 per person. On or after June 1, registration will be $175 per person. Each registration fee provides the delegate with a ticket to the Opening Reception, Awards Banquet and the President's Breakfast. Requests for refund of registration fees (minus a $25 administrative fee) must be submitted in writing and received prior to June 30. Absolutely no refunds will be made after June 30. Enclosed is a check or money order (payable to NCOA Convention 2009) for $______________ Please charge my ______VISA _____MasterCard _____American Express _____Discover Card for registration fees for _______ people. Card #___________________________________ Billing Zip Code _________________________ Signature ___________________________________ Expiration Date _________________ CVV# _________________ Date________________________ HOTEL RESERVATION INFORMATION: Host hotel for the convention will be the Golden Nugget, 129 E. Fremont St., Las Vegas, NV 89101. A special convention rate of $49 per night (single or double) has been established. All individual hotel reservations must be made directly with the Golden Nugget, (800) 634-3454. You must specify that you are with NCOA. In order to ensure availability and rate, reservations MUST be made prior to June 14. 18 SPRING 2009 NCOA JOURNAL NCOA Convention 2009 Agenda Tuesday, July 14 0800 – 0945 Career Expo Company Set-up 1000 – 1400 & NCOA Career Expo 1300 – 1700 Convention/Knights Registration 1400 – 1600 Legislative/Resolution Committee Meeting 1400 – 1700 Exhibitor Set-up 1630 – 1700 Rat Pack Meeting 1830 – 2030 Opening Icebreaker Wednesday, July 15 0800 – 1130 NCOA Opening Ceremony 0800 – 0815 – Welcome by NCOA President 0815 - 0835 – Guest Speaker 0835 – 0915 – Legislative Update 0915 – 0930 – Break 0935 – 1000 – NCOA Awards 1000 – 1030 – Invited Guests Presentations 1030 – 1130 – NCOA updates 0900 – 1700 Exhibits Open 1130 – 1300 Break 1315 – 1415 NCOA Annual Business Meeting 1315 – 1415 Auxiliary Annual Business Meeting 1415 – 1430 Break 1430 – 1530 Joint Session NCOA & Auxiliary -State of the Association and Auxiliary 1530 – 1600 Hall of Fame Award 1800 – 2000 Rat Pack Initiation & Parade of Checks 2000 Free night Thursday, July 16 0700 – 0815 Knights’ Orientation – Squires & Elevation (OS/OE) 0800 – 1500 Exhibits Open 0830 – 1030 Senior Enlisted Panel 1030 – 1045 Break 1050 – 1130 NCOA updates 1130 – 1300 Break 1330 – 1530 Knights’ Annual Business Meeting 1830 – 1900 Vanguard Reception 1915 – 2230 Vanguard Banquet Friday, July 17 0800 – 0930 Presidents’ Farewell Breakfast Chapter Gallery Top 3 Chapters November The NCOA Birthplace Chapter is helping keep America beautiful by participating in the Adopt-a-Highway Program. Chapter members were out in force on April 4 as they picked up trash along a 2 mile stretch of highway in front of Lackland Air Force Base. Dragon Hill Gateway Five Star December Five Star Dragon Hill Spirit of Sacramento January Conversion – processing halted February Five Star La Petite Femme Auxiliary Gateway March SPRING 2009 NCOA JOURNAL Dragon Hill Jim Pettit Pacific Surf 19 COLORADO SPRINGS 80918 MCCLOSKEY ISUZU/SUZUKI MOTORS 6710 N. Academy Blvd Ph: (719) 594-9400 Contact: Aaron Duysen or Ralph Presby Kansas JUNCTION CITY 66441 DICK EDWARDS AUTO PLAZA 375 Grant Avenue Ph: (785) 238-5114 Contact: Rod Pratt or Joe Gibby Advertisers listed are not endorsed NCOA Certified Merchants, however, they have pledged to provide great deals to our members. Alaska ANCHORAGE 99501 ALASKA SALES & SERVICE 1300 E. 5th Ave Ph: (907) 265-7579 or (800) 478-9641 Contact: Richard Dixon California OXNARD 93030 Oxnard TOYOTA 1631 Auto Center Drive Ph: (805) 988-7900 or (800) 229-6988 Contact: Scott Dodd Santa Maria 93454 IversEn motor co. chrysler/ dodge/jeep/rvs 1918 So. Broadway Ph: (805) 925-9545 Contact: Wiggins Lambert VENTURA 93003 CROWN DODGE/CHRYSLER/JEEP 6300 King Street Ph: (805) 639-2195 or (800) 240-1243 Contact: Thomas Parvaneh Colorado COLORADO SPRINGS 80910 Ferguson Pontiac/GMC Trucks 950 S. Academy Blvd. Ph: (719) 596-5005 Contact: Gary Burton or Brian Binkley (used) JUNCTION CITY 66441 JIM CLARK CHEVY-OLDSPONTIAC-CADILLAC-JEEP-SUZUKI 911 Goldenbelt Blvd. Ph: (785) 238-3141 or (800) 238-3141 Contact: Willie Thornberg MANHATTAN 66502 jon murdock CHEVROLET CADILLAC MITSUBISHI 600 McCall Road Ph: (913) 776-1950 or Toll Free (800) 658-4664 Contact: Tracy M. Trout Maryland GLEN BURNIE 21061 BOB BELL FORD, INC. 7125 Ritchie Hwy. Ph: (410) 766-3600 Contact: Larry Mathers Minnesota BUFFALO 55313 MORRIES CHRYSLER DODGE JEEP 705 Hwy. 55 East P.O. Box 577 Direct (763) 765-1819 Contact: Daron Ziebell Toll Free (800) 227-2838 Missouri ST ROBERT 65584 SELLERS-SEXTON FORDLINCOLN-MERCURY MAZDA 341 Adams Ave Ph: (573) 336-2000 Contact: Mike Freeman NCOA Benevolent Programs Donations Update Scholarship Fund David Ardilla, Sarah Aughton, Mahalia Baynard, Timothy Butka, Harry Chipchase, Misty Coen, Harold Cornish, Michael Coyne, Donald Craig, Daniel Fiala, Charles Fretheim, Michael Gavlak, Clarence Harris, Richard Holgin, William Hoover, Theron Imlay, Linda Jones, Richard Krug, Gregory Longacre, Chris Mark, Dean Morey, William Muncie, James Ostrosky, Jerry Peavy, Crystal Porter, John Richter, Edward Schrader, Andrew Selking, Christopher Walker and James Woolley Chapters: Jim Pettit, Sierra Medical Fund Robert Alfes, Glen Allen, David Ardilla, Sarah Aughton, Mahalia Baynard, Donald Craig, James Gaddy, James Gibson, Clarence Harris, William Hoover, Edwina Williams, Gregory Longacre, William Muncie, Steven Nelson, Ronald O’Rourke, John Richter, Jeffrey Rose, Jean Siftar (in memory of Philip Siftar), Christopher Walker and James Woolley Chapters: Jim Pettit, Sierra Disaster Relief Fund David Ardilla, Mahalia Baynard, Michael Boggs, Robert Broussard, Donald Craig, Sidney Daniels, Margott Fowler, Charles Fretheim, Clarence Harris, William Hoover, Tina Kish (in memory of Pat Gursky), John McDonagh, Dean Morey, William Muncie, Karl Ohrn, Crystal Porter, John Richter, Christopher Walker and James Woolley Chapters: Jim Pettit, Sierra 20 WAYNESVILLE 65583 LOWE CHEVROLET AND BUICK Hwy H, Exit 156 Ph: (573) 774-3141 Contact: David Fox or Jim Featherston Ohio MIAMISBURG 45342 INTERSTATE FORD, INC 125 S. Alex Road PH: (513) 866-0781 or 422-0541 Contact: Chuck George (Excludes specialty vehicles) South Carolina COLUMBIA 29210 BOB BENNETT FORD 177 Greystone Boulevard Ph: (803) 779-3673 Contact: Bruce Merchant or Bob Carter South Dakota RAPID CITY 57702 RAPID CHEVROLET/TOYOTA 2090 Deadwood Ave. Ph: (605) 343-1282 Contact: Ken Callanan-Chevrolet Ph: (605) 342-2490 Contact: Joe Bloomstrom-Toyota Texas Killeen 76543 Bates nissan 5501 East Cen-Tex Exp. Ph: (254) 699-7181 Fax: (254) 699-3729 Contact: John Johnston NCOA Welcomes New Life Members New Auxiliary Life Members Linda Jones, Joan Lepine, Ineko Marston, Kristin Rogers and Dianne Stahl New Life Members Daniel Abbott, Mark Ayers, Gerald Boling, Milton Campbell, Joseph Caswell, Henry Clancy, David Cox, Joseph Davis, Joseph DeGroat, Michael Diggs, Ronald Fuller, James Gladstone, Ihor Kurniawka, William Langlitz, Charles Mahone, Beau Markin, Arthur McCuistion, Fred Miller, John Mills, Dennis Moran, William Muncie, Ronald O’Rourke, Walter Osenbaugh, Jason Palmer, Leo Pimple, Dohrmann Pischel, David Porter, Lamar Richardson, Wallace Rogers, Roy Roma, Thomas Sams, Clinton Smith, Ralph Smith, Peter Strong, Melvin Trumbo, David Truesdale, Jimmy B. Walker and George Zalasky Disclosure of Federal Grants and Contracts The Non Commissioned Officers Association of the USA (NCOA) does not currently receive, nor has the Association ever received, any federal money for grants or contracts. All of the Association’s activities and services are accomplished completely free of any federal funding. SPRING 2009 NCOA JOURNAL You deserve the Military Savings Everything you would expect... • convenient and historic locations • oversized rooms with queen-size beds • HBO and free cable TV • free local and 800 calls • complimentary coffee and newspaper • kitchenette • hair dryer & ironing board • on-site business services • data port connection • guest laundry • plus much more � Wherever you’re heading, call Navy Lodge first! Call 1-800-NAVY-INN (1-800-628-9466) or visit the website at 1-800-NAVY-INN average 40 E As part of our U.S. Military Family, you enjoy exclusive access to Navy Lodges worldwide - at savings that averages up to 40 percent less than civilian hotels! Throughout the world, Navy Lodges offer comfort and convenience to where military personnel work. 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NCOA or the Board of Directors. All materials in the NCOA Journal are protected by copyright. Editorial materials my be reproduced if the source is credited. National Capital Office: P.O. Box
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