Housing News Spring 2014


Housing News Spring 2014
housing news
The newsletter for Link tenants
• Join Links ePanel
• New Tenant
Participation Strategy
• Scotland’s future –
tenants decide
Hello from
Director of Housing
Welcome to the
spring edition of
Housing News.
It has been a
busy start to
● We featured in the Scottish
Housing Regulator’s
publication ‘Performance
Matters’ highlighting our
good practice and
preparation for tenant
● We completed an audit of
our allocations process
which showed our
procedure is working well.
● We have been improving
our factoring service to
ensure that owners pay
their share of communal
We continue to work hard to
ensure you are satisfied with
our service.
New mobile phone app
Link has a brand new
mobile web app – access it
via your smartphone or
tablet device to:
● report a repair
● report instances of
anti-social behaviour
● provide feedback
● find a home
● keep up-to-date on the
latest news
● contact Link
● get information on links
to Benefits and the
Benefits System, bank
accounts, credit unions
and switching energy
The new app works on
iPhone/iPad v3.1.3+, Android
v2.2+, BlackBerry v6.0+,
BlackBerry Playbook, Windows
phone 7.0.
The app can be accessed
by visiting
or you can preview the app
on the Link website
just click on the ‘try our
mobile web app’ button in
the top right hand corner of
any page.
Tenant handbook
request your copy now
Out-of-hours Gas Boiler
and Heating Repairs
• Less than a year old call
Devine Energy on
0131 660 2299
• Over a year old call Saltire
on 01698 743 641
Other Out of Hours
Emergency Repairs
• For the West and Central
regions call 0800 783 7937
• For the East region call R3
on 03000 999247
The tenant handbook has been updated
to include all the information you need
to manage your tenancy. Thank you to
the staff and tenants who contributed
to the update. You will not
automatically receive a copy unless
you moved into a Link property after
1 January 2014.
If you would like a copy please
call 08451 400 100 or email
csc@linkhaltd.co.uk with subject title
‘tenant handbook’. Don’t forget to give
your name and address.
08451 400 100 or 0330 303 0013 or csc@linkhaltd.co.uk
Link has been using the Scottish Public Sector
Ombudsman’s Model Complaints Handling
Procedure for nine months. This is our “report
card” for that period, showing how we are doing
in terms of meeting timescales, delivering
satisfactory outcomes and, more importantly,
implementing changes to improve our services
as a result of these complaints.
Complaints by category
Complaints by service
Reactive Repairs
Tenancy Management
Estate Management
Failed action
Planned Maintenance
Standard of service
Gas Servicing
Cyclical Maintenance
Staff attitude
Contractor attitude
Staff error
Failed promise
Customer Support
Missed appointment - contractors
Missed appointment - staff
House Sales
From 1 April to 31 December 2013, we received
437 complaints. We responded in full to them all.
410 were first stage complaints of which we
responded to 357 (87%) within the required
timescale of 5 working days. This is short of our
target of 90%. Of these complaints, 68% (279)
were deemed to be justified.
27 were second stage complaints (those which
required a detailed investigation) and we
responded to 24 (89%) within the required
timescale of 20 working days. Again, this did not
meet our target (95%). Of these complaints, 63%
(17) were assessed as justified.
We are pleased that the vast majority of people
are satisfied with the outcome of their complaints.
Of the 410 customers who submitted 1st stage
complaints, 365 (89%) were satisfied with the
outcome of their complaint.
What we are doing to improve our
customer service
● We have made changes to our computer
system to create additional alerts when
deadlines for responding to complaints are
approaching. This should help us improve
our performance on meeting timescales.
● Staff have been reminded that the key
principle of first stage complaints is “front line
resolution” and that whoever receives the
complaint should take ownership of it
wherever possible. This will minimise the
number of occasions when complaints are
passed between different parts of Link and
reduces the risk of delays.
● Case studies continue to be shared across
the organisation via team meetings. This
helps everyone learn the same lessons on
good and bad practice.
In the winter newsletter we told you
about new apprenticeship
opportunities within our in-house
trades team Link Property.
We have successfully secured funding to offer
three trade apprenticeships – a plumber, an
electrician and a painter.
‘Apprenticeships are a great opportunity for
young people to learn a trade. Many of our staff
started out this way. We want to grow and
support our own apprentices to become part of
the Link Property team’
Rab Stevenson, Link Property Manager.
We will be advertising the positions in April on
the Link website, but if you would like to register
your interest please email
with the subject title ‘trade apprenticeships’.
Helping tenants increase their
employability skills
The Kirkshaws Neighbourhood Centre (KNC) has been
successful in securing funding for a new employability
project. The Brighter Futures project begins in April 2014 and
will provide employability support and work placements for
people over 25 years old in the Coatbridge area.
The IT Suite at the Kirkshaws Neighbourhood Centre.
The project will allow up to
36 people to take part in a ten
week programme throughout
the year.
Those who take part will
undertake a variety of modules
and will have the opportunity to
move onto a 26-week paid work
placement with a community
organisation in the area.
Employability support will be
provided when the programme
is completed.
The funding for this project
has been provided by the
Scottish Government’s People
and Communities Fund with a
small contribution from Link.
Link’s Community Regeneration
team worked closely with the
KNC in the development of this
project and is pleased to see this
much needed programme arrive
in the area.
If you want more information about the project please contact Willie McBride on 01236 426200
Kirkshaws Neighbourhood Centre, 25 Haddington Way, Coatbridge, ML5 5BF
08451 400 100 or 0330 303 0013 or csc@linkhaltd.co.uk
Join Link’s
Our ePanel is a brand new
way for tenants and
customers to give their
views, feedback and
suggestions on a range of
topics or services.
So far the panel has completed
surveys on our website and
Investors in Diversity.
Who can become an
ePanel member?
Anyone over 16 years of age can
apply to become a panel
member. This includes current
Link tenants, or a member of
their household for example
partner or child of the main
tenant, sharing owner or
any owner (who receives a
factoring service).
What's involved?
You will be sent a short survey by
email to complete online once a
month at most. The surveys will
be on a range of areas and
subjects to help us focus on
areas for improvement.
Every time you complete one
of our short online surveys you
will be entered into a prize draw
to win a £25 voucher.
Well done to tenant Lorna
McIntyre who won the first
ePanel draw.
If you would like to join the
ePanel call 08451 400 100
or email getinvolved@
Young people from
SmartLiving (run by
LinkLiving Ltd) have
helped create a new
website called 'Ask Joe'
to help young
unemployed people
get on to the
employment ladder.
With help from Fixers UK, a
national charity which
supports young people aged
16 - 25, 'Ask Joe' – which
stands for Jobs, Opportunities
and Employability – was
created as a resource for
young people. It contains
hints and tips the young
people from SmartLiving find
useful when searching for a
job including how to write a
CV and interview etiquette.
Check out the website
Follow on twitter
SmartLiving operates in
Falkirk and Fife with funding
from the Scottish
Government's People and
Communities Fund, Fife
Council and Young Start.
Stepping up to scrutiny
Hello, my name is Linda Cornwall, I have been a Link
tenant for four years and I am the new chair of the
Tenant Scrutiny Panel.
The Tenant Scrutiny
Panel meets on a monthly basis
and has 11 members from across Scotland. We
work independently to look at Link’s services and
performance against the Scottish Social Housing
Charter. We have a direct link to the Board to
ensure that the experiences of the services you
receive are formally linked to how big decisions
are made.
We recently completed the Scottish
Government’s national training programme on
scrutiny. This was a positive experience and
helped us work together as a group and
understand our role on the panel.
We are now working with staff on the first
Annual Return on the Charter (ARC). We will be
helping to produce a performance report to issue
to all tenants by October. We are also reviewing
our Terms of Reference to strengthen the links to
the Board and Senior Management Team to
ensure scrutiny recommendations are part of the
governance of the organisation.
We aim to give you a regular updates on our
work in the newsletter and on the Link website.
If you would like more information on the panel
please contact us on
The panel reported the findings of the scrutiny exercise on void
(empty) properties to the Link Housing Board in January. They found:
● Void performance improved in autumn 2013 (compared with 2012/2013
benchmarking information) in Central and West areas since Link Property
started carrying out void repairs. However, performance is still below the
benchmark average. The panel recommended that the Board and staff
remain focussed on improving targets.
● The new re-lets standard was not completed or issued to tenants. This has
now been done to ensure all new tenants are informed of the standards
they can expect from a Link property.
● Tenant satisfaction information on the standard of the property when they
move in is being gathered and will be reported in the first Annual Report on
the Charter (ARC) this year.
● New dedicated Voids Officers have been appointed within Link Property to
focus on improving process and outcomes for new tenants.
● Challenges that staff face, such as delays to targets resulting from gas
supply and pre-pay meters.
● The Scrutiny Panel is working with staff on new ways to speed up the
process and ensure new tenants get a good deal from energy companies.
08451 400 100 or 0330 303 0013 or csc@linkhaltd.co.uk
New Tenant Participation Strategy
We have a strong commitment and
tradition of involving tenants in the
organisation. Tenant participation is
about sharing knowledge and decision
making, working with staff, managers
and the Board to ensure services meet
your needs.
Our new Tenant Participation Strategy sets out the
aims and outcomes we want to achieve:
1 Tenants participate and influence
discussions and decision-making processes
on service delivery and service development.
2 Tenants scrutinise performance and
governance to influence service
improvement and strategic decision-making.
3 We provide a range of opportunities and
methods developed for tenants to help them
participate effectively.
4 Information and communication will be
accurate, timely and accessible.
5 We have informed, supported and
knowledgeable tenants who have the
skills and confidence to influence and
challenge decisions.
6 Tenants will review and evaluate how we
support and develop tenant participation.
We will publish regular ‘You said, We did’
feedback on the impact of consultations via the
tenant newsletter.
If you would like a copy of the action plan
with consultation details please contact Leah
Webb, Tenant Liaison Officer on 08451 400
100 or email getinvolved@linkhaltd.co.uk
We have a limited number of FREE places at the
TIS Annual Conference, 27 – 29 June, Crowne Plaza Hotel, Glasgow.
The national conference brings together tenants from across Scotland to discuss key issues that
face housing association tenants and good practice sharing on how to influence the landlord.
If you would like to attend please contact Leah Webb, Tenant Liaison Officer on
08451 400 100 or email getinvolved@linkhaltd.co.uk
Your Rent, Your Priority
Management and
maintenance admin 28p
Loan finance 15p
Depreciation 23p
We will take firm action if you
choose to pay other debts before
your rent and may take legal
action for non-payment. Eviction
is always a last resort but one that
we are prepared to take against
those who are persistently in
arrears. Since 1 April 2013 we
have evicted 28 tenants for nonpayment of rent. Please don’t let
this happen to you.
Missing a rent payment can
seem like a quick fix but it can
escalate and cause serious
problems, not only for your
current tenancy but any future
As soon as you know you
might not be able to pay your
rent you must let us know.
How every £1 in rent was spent 2012/2013
Don’t forget your rent takes
priority over any other
payments you have to make.
If you don’t pay your rent your
home will be at risk.
Bad debts 1p
major repairs 18p
Reactive maintenance
costs 15p
Why do we need your rent?
We need your rent to ensure we have money to provide services,
repair, maintain and upgrade your home, manage neighbourhoods,
provide housing management and advice services and repay loans.
We appreciate that cuts in welfare benefits and the cost of living means
that many of our tenants who are on low incomes are struggling.
Rent Enquiry staff are based in area offices so they can work more closely with Housing Officers.
If you need to speak to someone about your rent arrears please call the relevant number below.
For all other enquires, or if you are not sure which number to call, please contact the Customer Service
Centre on 08451 400 100.
Glasgow and surrounding areas Sheena English 0141 813 7030, Suzanne Swan 0141 813 7032
Lanarkshire and surrounding areas Donald Beaton /Ann McMahon 01236 734718
Falkirk and surrounding areas Margaret Shepherd 01324 417138 Ann O’Donnell 01324 417130
Edinburgh, Lothians and Borders Sheila McLeod 0131 624 7849 Angela Bisland 0131 624 7857
Sheltered Housing (all areas) Pamela Wright 01324 417142
Port Glasgow Larkfield Housing Association 01475 630930
If you feel you need extra help call our dedicated advice team on 08451 400 100 for welfare
benefits or debt and money advice. This is a free, impartial and confidential service that will help
you deal with any money problems. See the case studies on page 10 which show the positive
impact the advice team is having on tenants’ lives.
08451 400 100 or 0330 303 0013 or csc@linkhaltd.co.uk
If you are in receipt of housing benefit, it is still your responsibility to make sure that your rent is
being paid, even if it is paid directly to Link by your local council. Your claim must be up-to-date
and you must let the council know immediately of any changes that may affect your entitlement.
Pay by Telephone
℡ Call
allpay on 0870 243 6040, Link’s Customer Service Centre or the Rent Enquiry team based in
your local office, to pay by credit or debit card. Make sure you have a note of your allpay
reference number.
Pay by Direct Debit
This is similar to a standing order but you don’t need to contact your bank every time there is a
change to your rent – we do it for you. If you want to set up a Direct Debit or switch your
Standing Order then call Link’s Customer Service Centre or the Rent Enquiry team based in your
local office. Payments are made automatically either weekly, fortnightly or monthly.
Direct Debit Competition
Link has joined a national campaign run by Bacs, the not-for-profit organisation behind Direct
Debit, called The Big Break initiative which encourages people to switch to the ease and
convenience of Direct Debit. One lucky person will scoop £12,000 in a prize draw – enough to
cover regular bills for an entire year.
To be in with a chance of winning this fantastic prize, switch to paying by Direct Debit between
1 April and 30 June 2014. Simply call the Customer Service Centre on 08451 400 100 and ask to
pay your rent by Direct Debit.
Pay over the internet
over the internet using either a debit or credit card at www.allpayments.net. Make sure you
have a note of your allpay reference number.
Pay by Cheque or Postal Order
or postal orders should be made payable to Link Housing Association Ltd. If a cheque
is dishonoured, we reserve the right to make a charge against your account to cover bank
charges plus handling costs.
Pay using the allpay app
You can download the allpay app onto your mobile phone to make payments this way.
Pay by Cash
You can pay your rent at no charge in any Post Office, shop or garage which displays the
Paypoint, E-pay, Payzone or allpay logo using an allpay card. Any payments you make are
applied to your rent account within 24 hours and you will be given a receipt to confirm payment.
Link’s advice service
helping our tenants
Our new advice services, funded by the Big Lottery and the Scottish Legal Aid Board,
have been achieving great success for tenants. Here are two examples of how they
have been helping.
Case Study 1
Money Advice Service
Case Study 2
Financial and Digital Inclusion Services
Miss A contacted the team because her debts had
become out of control. She is a single parent with
two young children and works 30 hours a week.
She had many debts including credit cards,
doorstep lenders and payday loans. She had been
trying to make the minimum payments but the
interest was crippling her. Each payday she would
clear one payday loan and immediately have to
take a bigger loan to get through the month. Her
last straw was at Christmas when she turned to an
illegal money lender.
Miss A fell behind on her priority bills. Prepayment meters were installed for her gas and
electricity and her arrears were being deducted
giving her less money to use on fuel. The Council
arrested her wages to recover Counil Tax at £102
per month and court action had started to evict her
from her property. Her total debt was £6300.
Our Money Advice Officer worked with Miss A to
look at her options and reported the illegal money
lender (so she no longer has to pay this back) and
contacted her non-priority creditors and put a hold
on her eviction.
At this point Miss A chose to apply for the Debt
Arrangement Scheme. Our Adviser helped her
complete her application. The scheme meant that
her debts were frozen and no further interest or
charges would be added. Her wage arrestment
was cancelled. She pays £120 per month which is
split between her rent, council tax and other debts.
Miss A is now much better off, she has had no
more debt letters and calls and will be debt-free in
four years if she continues to make payments to
the debt scheme.
Miss B met our Financial and Digital inclusion
Officer whilst she was visiting another tenant. Miss
B mentioned that she wanted help getting online
as she didn’t have access and didn’t think she
could afford it.
The Officer helped her look at her budget and
called Virgin Media on her behalf to set up her
Broadband connection.
Miss B wanted to keep in contact with friends
and family so the Officer gave her help to set up an
email account. Before leaving Miss B produced an
iPad that she had never used and wasn’t sure how
to. The Officer agreed to come back and help her
do this.
Miss B was shown how to set her iPad and
received training on it by the officer. She was given
information about training on Microsoft packages
and has since been accessing training on Word
and Excel.
Miss B was also given advice about Credit
Unions telling her what they are and which she
could join. She has now started saving a little
money each week for her next holiday. Miss B has
told us how these small differences have made a
positive impact on her life.
If you feel you could benefit from some money, financial or benefits advice call the team on
08451 400 100.
08451 400 100 or 0330 303 0013 or csc@linkhaltd.co.uk
Introducing the new
West Housing team
Our team at The Bruach office in
Clydebank provide housing
management, rent arrears,
administration and welfare rights to
around 1500 homes from Luss to
Prestwick and all points in between!
At the end of last year there
was a number of changes to
the team. Helen Kealey,
Housing Services Co-ordinator,
retired and a number of new
people joined the team.
Leading the team is the new
Housing Services
Co-ordinator, Sue Shone.
The team helps with managing your tenancy,
allocations of properties, getting the benefits you are
entitled to, moving to a more suitable property,
dealing with neighbour problems, coping with debt
or understanding your rent.
As the Housing Officers and the Welfare Rights
Officer spend most of their time out and about
visiting people you MUST make an appointment
to visit them at the office.
You can contact them via the Customer Service
Centre on 08451 400 100. They will call you back
or arrange to see you at a time convenient to you.
Remember, repairs should be reported using the
same number.
The Housing Officers pictured above are
● Angela Nisbet Alexandria, Bearsden, Bonhill,
Clydebank, Dalmuir and Luss
● Fiona Canavan (part-time Monday to
Wednesday) Bishopbriggs and Springburn
● Karen Lawrie (part-time Wednesday to Friday)
Central Glasgow
● Lea-Anne McCuish Kilmarnock, Prestwick,
Mauchline and Catrine
● Rosie Usher Renfrew, Johnstone, Lochwinnoch,
Linwood and part of Paisley
● Kim Quinn Paisley and Oatlands
Link builds a number of new build homes for intermediate rent across central Scotland.
The properties are available on short assured tenancies to working households with low to
moderate incomes. These homes have fitted floor coverings, curtains or blinds to windows, and
kitchen white goods. Applicants are assessed to ensure they have sufficient income to pay for their
rent and that they are credit worthy. A security deposit is payable at entry which is lodged with Safe
Deposits Scotland.
We have three developments completing soon that will have properties available for
intermediate rent:
Number of Properties
Release Date
Oakwood Phase 2,
8 x two-bedroom flats
July 2014
Colonsay Way
Forthquarter, Edinburgh
32 x two-bedroom flats
August 2014
Shortbread House,
Granton, Edinburgh
12 x two-bedroom flats
15 x one-bedroom flats
December 2014
Our new development at Carradale Crescent, Broadwood, Cumbernauld also has four
properties available to buy as part of the New Supply Shared Equity Scheme (NSSE).
This scheme aims to help people on low incomes who wish to own their own home but who cannot
afford to pay the full price for a property. You can purchase between 60 – 80% of the property and get
a government grant for the remaining share.
The properties available in the scheme are three two-bedroom flats (£100,000-£105,000) and a
three-bedroom mid-terraced property (£115,000).
If you want any further information on the intermediate rent properties or the NSSE scheme
please call Link2Let on 01324 417 145.
08451 400 100 or 0330 303 0013 or csc@linkhaltd.co.uk
Helping you swap your home
Link is registered with
HomeSwapper and
HouseExchange – websites
which allow social renting
tenants to swap their home.
This is called a mutual
Tenants Audrey and Alexander
Furby, along with their two sons
and dog Tia, recently swapped
homes with another tenant with
the help of the HomeSwapper
The Furbys were living in a
large three-bedroom garden flat
in Stenhousemuir and although
their flat was lovely they were
keen to move to a house with a
Audrey came across the
HomeSwapper website whilst
browsing online and decided to
add their property details. Over
the next six months, they had
two people contact them about
possible exchanges but the
properties they had to swap
were not suitable.
Then a third phone call late
last year brought their attention
to a semi-detached house in
Airth. At this point they hadn’t
thought of Airth as an option but
as they liked the look of the
property they decided to go to
view it. As soon as they saw the
property they knew it was perfect
for them.
Once both parties had agreed
to go ahead with the mutual
exchange they both had to apply
to their landlords (Falkirk Council
and Link Housing) to request an
Once a Mutual Exchange has
been requested and approved, it
usually has to be processed
within 28 days from the
application date (as per policy).
In this case because it was so
close to Christmas, every effort
was made to process the
exchange quickly to allow it to be
carried out prior to the Christmas
holidays. The exchange took
place within 21 days of the
application forms being
submitted and both tenants
exchanged properties on
23 December 2013.
Audrey said: “The
Homeswapper website was a
great service. It allowed us to
look at properties available for a
swap whilst still maintaining our
privacy and our ability to make
decisions without the pressure
of face-to-face contact. It
allowed us to view properties
online before committing to
viewing the property”.
Link and Council staff went out
of their way to accommodate
the move prior to Christmas and
we appreciate the effort made
to enable this. The process was
really smooth”.
If you are interested in swapping your home:
Go to the HomeSwapper website www.homeswapper.co.uk for properties across Scotland
Go to the HouseExchange website www.houseexchange.com for properties in Edinburgh
The end of the Right to Buy
in Scotland
The Housing Bill 2013 is currently being scrutinised by the Scottish
parliament and is likely to be passed this summer.
The Bill will end the Right to Buy in Scotland, helping to ease the demand for social housing by
preventing the sale of up to 15 000 social houses over the next 10 years. The Bill also increases flexibility
for social landlords in the allocation and management of housing, and strengthens measures for tackling
anti-social behaviour. If you would like more detail go to:
Inverclyde Common
Housing Register
Link followed in Larkfield Housing
Association’s footsteps by joining Inverclyde’s
Common Housing Register (ICHR) last year.
This means that if you are looking for a property in
Inverclyde you can sign up to bid and apply for properties
from Link, Larkfield and partners Cloch and Oak Tree
Housing Associations.
You only need to complete one registration form to join
the common housing list.
To register please visit www.inverclydechr.org
or call 01475 630930 for a registration form.
Available properties are advertised in ICHR partner
offices, on the ICHR website and in the Greenock
Telegraph each Tuesday.
08451 400 100 or 0330 303 0013 or csc@linkhaltd.co.uk
Don’t bin it – re-use it
If you have any bulky, furniture or electrical items that you no
longer want or need call the National re-use phone line on 0800
0665 820. The service will come and collect your unwanted items
and pass them onto someone else who needs them. This also
reduces the amount of waste that goes to landfill. Under no
circumstances should you dump items, this is called flytipping
and is illegal.
Don’t forget that we can provide this newsletter in alternative
languages, Braille, large print or on audio tape. Just call the
Customer Service Centre on 08451 400 100 and we can arrange
this for you.
08451 559 559
08451 559 559
08451 559 559
If the worst happens
and your house is
damaged by flood or
fire, could you afford to
replace all your
furniture or electrical
goods, without having
insurance in place?
As a Link tenant you have
access to a pay-as-you-go
home contents insurance
scheme (provided by
THiSTLE Tenant Risks)
which allows you to insure
the contents of your home
from as little as £1.33 a
fortnight (under-60s) and
£1.02 a fortnight (over-60s)
and 82p a fortnight if you are
a sheltered housing
resident. These premiums
are among some of the
most affordable in Scotland.
Call THiSTLE on
0845 601 7007 or
01628 586187
(from a mobile) for an
application form.
08451 559 559
08451 559 559
W przypadku, ze tutejsza informacja bedzie potrzeba w innej wersji n.p.
duzy druk, kaseta audio, lub w innym jezyku, prosze sie sontaktowac z
nami pod numerem 08451 559 559.
Scotland’s future:
tenants decide
Link tenants are invited to the Edinburgh Tenants
Federation (ETF) annual conference in June.
Called Scotland’s Future: Tenants Decide, the Conference will focus on tenants’ issues in
the run-up to the independence referendum. We’ll be using So Say Scotland’s Wee Play
card game – a game designed to generate debate on the independence referendum and
to be played anywhere by anyone.
There will also be chance for debate with a Question Time panel featuring Sheila Gilmore
MP along with other members from the YES Scotland and Better Together campaigns.
Scotland’s Future: Tenants Decide will be followed by lunch, the launch of the
Federation’s new website, the ETF Annual General Meeting and a networking social.
When Saturday 21 June 2014 from 9.30am to 5.00pm
Where Norton Park Conference Centre,
57 Albion Road, Edinburgh.
To book a place please contact ETF direct on 0131 475 2509
or email info@edinburghtenants.org.uk
Assistance with transport and childcare may be available on request.
08451 400 100 or 0330 303 0013 or csc@linkhaltd.co.uk
Pantomime trip for
Larbert tenants
Kinnaird Tenants’ Association
organised the trip to the
MacRobert Theatre, Stirling for a
production of Beauty and the
Beast. Everyone had a great
time, and hope to go back
next year.
New tenants’ group update
Staff are working with tenants in
Bearsden, East Kilbride,
Grangemouth, Edinburgh and
Oatlands to set up new Link
tenants’ groups. These groups
will work with staff on issues
such as estate management,
community safety, and activities
for the local area.
The Grangemouth group is
working with Falkirk Council’s
Litter Strategy Team on an
‘orphaned land’ project where
the community takes over
uncared for open spaces and
transforms them into something
more attractive for local
Oatlands Development Trust
The Oatlands Development Trust
AGM is on Tuesday 29 April,
6.30pm at Hampden Primary
School, 18 Logan Gardens,
Glasgow, G5 0LJ
The AGM is open to the
general public, however, only
Oatlands Development Trust
members are entitled to vote and
stand for election.
A formal opening of the
play parks junior area will be in
May 2014.
Thinking about a Big Lunch?
The Big Lunch aims to get as
many people as possible
throughout the UK to have lunch
with their neighbours annually in
an act of community, friendship
and fun.
Last year 3.65 million people
took to their streets, gardens and
community spaces for the fifth
annual Big Lunch. This year's Big
Lunch is on Sunday 1 June 2014.
A Big Lunch can range in size
from just a few neighbours
getting together in the garden to
a street party with food, music
and decoration.
If you would like help to hold a
Big Lunch please contact Leah
Webb, Tenant Liaison Officer,
08451 400 100 or
Fancy a day out on the canal?
Looking for an idea for a day out
for your family, friends of
community group? Try the ReUnion Canals project. You can
hire the boat for the day at
reduced rates for Link tenants.
For more details contact Leah
Webb, Tenant Liaison Officer on
08451 400 100.
Port Glasgow Monthly
If you are a Link tenant in Port
Glasgow and have a query
regarding your tenancy, repairs
or need some advice, Larkfield
Housing Association hosts a
surgery in 7 ½ John Wood
Street, Port Glasgow, PA14 5HU
on the last Tuesday of every
month from 9:30am to 11:30am.
Sheltered Housing news
Link Games
During the Commonwealth Games, Link’s
Sheltered Housing complexes will be holding its
own multi-game event called the ‘Link Games’
in Cambuslang.
Rita Kirby has started working with a small
group to plan what games should be included –
dominoes and darts have already been confirmed.
If you have suggestions on any other games to
be included please speak to your Sheltered
Housing Officer or get in touch with Rita.
Peel Court and Claddens Place are already
warming up their dominoes teams!
Partnership with Caledonian University
During February and March, six social work
students from Glasgow Caledonian University were
working in Kilsyth Road, St Andrews Gardens, Glen
Lyon Court, Claddens Place and Kenmuir Court.
Their task was to identify the responses and
involvement of social work as part of their practice
learning module.
Thanks to residents and staff who took the time
to speak with them. The students now have a
greater understanding of the needs of older people
and a better knowledge of how sheltered housing
and Housing Support assist in helping older
people live in their own homes.
Sheltered Housing Forum
Around 20 residents attended the 2nd sheltered
Housing Forum on 31 January in Claddens Place.
A number of topics were discussed including
the forthcoming Link Games and Older Peoples’
Day. Leah Webb, Tenant Liaison Officer spoke
about the new Tenant Participation Strategy and
Alzheimer’s Scotland gave a presentation on
dementia awareness.
Sheltered Housing Officer meetings
The Sheltered Housing Officer meeting takes place
every four weeks and are a chance for staff to
discuss topics including legislation, new policies
and awareness training.
The next meetings are on Wednesday 7 May
at Albany Court and Wednesday 4 June at
Kenmuir Court.
Care Inspection
Feedback from the Care Inspectorate has awarded
Very Good grades for the service that is provided
by the Sheltered Housing Team. We would like to
thank everyone who contributed to the inspection
and completed the questionnaires in June last year.
Zara Ali and Liz Kerr at Kenmuir Court
To meet our registration with the Care Inspectorate,
we have to ensure that our staff are fully qualified.
The training programme for the coming year is
currently being drawn up, but courses will include
first aid, food hygiene, drug and alcohol abuse,
dealing with difficult situations, Health and Safety
and Fire Wardens training.
08451 400 100 or 0330 303 0013 or csc@linkhaltd.co.uk
Round the houses
Tenants continue to enjoy a full range of activities in and around the complex and are waiting to hear
the result of their application for funding from North Lanarkshire Council. They will also be attending a
daffodil tea and entertainment at Chapelside Primary.
Residents held their AGM and are working towards an Awards for All application to fund activities.
Tenants in Castings House have a hardworking committee which
helps Janet Harrower arrange outings and activities.
Volunteers from SmartLiving have been visiting and helping
residents use the Wii in the communal lounge. The Wiifit and games
have proven to be a great success.
A recent outing saw 18 people visit the Bannockburn exhibition
and Dobbies garden centre in Stirling. The garden group will be
meeting with Mark Beetham, Link’s Programme Management Officer,
to look at ways to increase the seating area in the back garden.
Tenants at Peel Court are making good use of their
communal lounge in the afternoons with biscuit making,
cake decoration and healthy food preparation.
During the past few months a number of complexes have celebrated Burns nights, Valentine’s Day
and St Patrick’s Day.
Egg-cellent artist? Enter our Easter egg competition!
Decorate the picture below any way you like and send your entries to: Leah Webb, Tenant Liaison Officer,
Watling House, Callendar Business Park, Falkirk, FK1 1XR by Friday 16 May.
There are three age categories: 2 – 5 years, 6 – 10 years and 11 – 15 years.
The winners will receive £25 WH Smith gift vouchers.
We are looking for the best Easter Egg designs!
Address ..........................................................................................
Age ................................................................................................
Link will produce this information on request in Braille, Audio Tape, Large Print and
Community Languages. To find out more, please telephone the Customer Service
Centre on 08451 400 100. Link Housing Association Limited is a company
registered in Scotland. Company registration number SC216300.
Authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority.
Registered Office: Link House, 2C New Mart Road, Edinburgh EH14 1RL.
Part of the Link group. © LinkGroup Ltd 2014.
08451 400 100 or 0330 303 0013 or csc@linkhaltd.co.uk