Asset Management Prospectus


Asset Management Prospectus
Asset Management Prospectus
Real People I Real Service I Real Estate
What is the Henzells difference?
Engaging a trusted property management team with the right processes and a proven track record is a
crucial step not only towards better returns, but safeguarding your investment and yourself.
Open communication, a dedicated, personal approach and unrivalled industry and legislative
knowledge are just some of the attributes that sets Henzells apart. When you trust the management
of your property to us, you benefit from:
~ A hard-working, friendly and specialised team with up-to-the-minute industry training
~ State of the art tracking systems and technology that puts your property in the sights of qualified,
pre-approved tenants as soon as it becomes available for rent
~ A brand built on results and exceptional service over more than 80 years in the local region
~ Superior marketing resources, experience and reach
~ One of the best records in the business for low vacancy rates and rental arrears
Our professional fees & charges
Permanent Letting
9.35 % GST Inclusive Management Fee
Letting fee of 1.5 weeks of rent plus GST
$66.00 lease renewal fee
Thanks for the opportunity...
Thank you for giving Henzells Agency Caloundra the opportunity to give you
some advice on renting your property.
At Henzells we pride ourselves on giving you quality information, so you can
make the best decision regarding your investment.
Our aim is to deliver outstanding service and follow an immaculate rental
management process that puts you first.
If we can assist in any way, please just call or send an email to
Henzells Rentals
p: 07 5491 2000
m: 0432 664 770
Our clients create our greatest success
We are quite sure your management services will exceed our expectations. That's why
we came back to Henzells. Also, thank you for your prompt response to leasing our
D & J Rowland
Henzells is a delight to work with. The whole team is positive and helpful and readily
accommodates any needs. Everyone was pleasant and genuine
to deal with at any time.
A Marcolin
A few months ago I purchased a rental property in Creekside, I was not sure what agent
to use, although I have plenty of choices, I spoke to one of my work partners who
suggested I use Henzells in particular. I found Henzells to be very friendly and
honest about our expectations, within about 8 days we had our property let, I
have no reservations in recommending Henzells, if I ever need an agency I
certainly would use them, again thanks.
K Fitch
I had the pleasure of Henzells to rent out my home in July 2015. The whole process was
very quick and smooth. They were fantastic to deal with always punctual, very reliable
and an excellent communicators. Nothing was ever too much trouble and they always
greeted my husband, myself and perspective tenants in a very happy and professional
manner. The teams retention of information from the viewers at open house was first
class and always articulated well. I am more then happy to use Henzells
again and I would strongly recommend them to anyone else.
L Burke
Just want you to know how much I appreciated having you as my Property Manager
and all that you did for me. You are a very special lady and it’s a privilege to know
you. My door is always open to you, please feel free to drop in to my unit
anytime you’re in the area. Warmest regards.
S Kenzler
Our Property Management team would enjoy the
opportunity to provide you with service that will satisfy!
10 important questions
Please find below ten of the most important questions that should be considered
when renting your home. If you are seeing a number of property managers, it might
be an idea to use this as an agenda to your meeting. It may save you time,
provide the meeting with structure and determine the most suitable property
manager for you. After all, if you don’t have the best representing you, you can’t
expect the best service.
What do you know about your property manager?
Where do tenants come from? How will a prospective tenant find your home?
How will your investment be marketed to find the best possible tenant? What
are the internet capabilities of the agency?
What happens when prospective tenants look through your home?
What procedures are in place to ensure the right tenant is found and the best
possible rent achieved?
How often are inspections carried out and what are the reporting guidelines?
What is the agency’s rent arrears policy?
How do I know if my property is water compliant? Smoke alarm compliant?
Pool compliant? How do I ensure I am covered?
What insurances do I need?
Are you stuck with your property manager even though they aren’t doing the
right job?
Our commitment to you
We will effectively communicate with you. Your Henzells Property Manager will discuss your needs and
develop a policy for the prompt response and resolution of matters for you and your investment. We
sometimes spend a large amount of time away from the office appraising property, inspecting and
managing property, however, be assured we will respond and our office policy is that we will do this by
the end of business day.
We will undertake comprehensive listing notes about your property and provide you with a
written rental appraisal (if required)
We will have the property photographed and an advert composed
We will contact our database of suitably qualified tenants and inform them of your property and
arrange a time for them to inspect the property
We will schedule viewings of your property as required to all prospective tenants until your home
is rented. (This will be subject to access provided to us by any current occupant)
We will erect a For Rent sign on your property
We will remain in contact with you during the letting phase and update you on inspections
We will subject all applications to:
- Checks on the appropriate tenancy databases
- Verification of applicant’s former renting references
- Verification of applicant’s employment and income
We will (unless instructed otherwise) refer all potentially suitable applications to you for approval
We will complete and execute the tenancy agreement and explain in detail their responsibilities
and obligations
We will secure all appropriate ingoing costs from the tenant
We will lodge the bond in accordance with the legislation
We will forward a copy of the tenancy agreement to you
We will have regular contact with you and feedback for you through the process
Rent Collection
We have a zero tolerance rent arrears policy which we outline clearly to all tenants when they
are signing their lease
We will process all rent payments daily
We will follow up on all late payments in accordance with our management agreement and the
relevant State Residential Tenancy Act
We will contact you to make recommendation and seek your instructions, should termination of
the tenancy be an option
We will keep you informed throughout the legal process, should termination be necessary
We will provide you with an annual complimentary financial summary (if requested)
Our commitment to you
Property Inspections
We undertake a comprehensive Property Condition Report and will extensively photograph the
property prior to the property being occupied. These photographs are dated and kept on file for
when the tenant vacates
We will conduct routine inspections regularly and provide you with a written report and photos.
At these routine inspections we will report to you any repairs or preventative maintenance that
may be necessary
We will conduct a comprehensive property inspection when the tenants vacate ensuring it
matches with the original Property Condition Report (except fair wear and tear)
We will deposit the net proceeds of your rental income into your nominated bank account as per
your management agreement
We will provide you with all copies of invoices for any repair required at your property if requested
We will pay all property outgoings as agreed on your behalf prior to the due date (subject to the
availability of funds)
Maintenance and Repairs
We expect that property owners will undertake recommended repairs to their rental property in order
to preserve the value of the property, meet legislative obligations and maintain a positive relationship
with the tenants. At Henzells, we require your tenants to submit all maintenance requests in writing.
We will not undertake repairs to your property in excess of your nominated amount, without first
obtaining your approval
NOTE: This excludes emergency repairs that are required to be rectified by law
We will contract a tradesperson within a timely manner for non urgent repair requests
We will attend to any urgent repair requests immediately
We will only use trades people who are properly licensed and insured to handle the type of work
being performed on your property
Tenancy Renewals
We will review the tenancy agreement for your property in advance of its expiry, advising of
current rental market conditions
We will not renew a lease without your express written permission (unless stated in the
management agreement)
We will advise you of any advice by the tenants that they are not renewing their lease
We will minimize vacancies by promptly acting on vacate advice
We will proactively manage the tenancy agreement renewal process to ensure consistent
Rent Review
We will regularly review in accordance with the current legislation to ensure you receive the
highest rent possible. This includes a CMA (Current Market Analysis) of market rents at each
tenancy renewal
Internet advertising
Below we have noted the two highest traffic websites where you will find your rental
property advertised.
Along with the two below websites ( and you will also
have your property advertised on a further six websites. These websites are;
Digital screen display
Property will feature on the large LED screens at the front of our office
Maximum exposure to both foot and motor traffic along Bulcock Street
Heightened exposure at night, as the screens light up the main street
Opting for professional property photos strengthens the chance of
receiving a signed tenancy in a shorter amount of time
One step further...
One of the greatest fears of any Property Investor and their Property Manager is
that of default tenants yet wherever rental accommodation is offered you face
the risk of inheriting one of these people who are able to slip through the
system. A fact of investment is the only information available to a landlord or
their agent is the information a tenant is prepared to offer. It is highly unlikely
that a tenant will advise you that they have trashed another property or owe
money for rent. Your asset can very easily and quickly become your liability by
approving the wrong tenant.
Here at Henzells Agency, we are a member of T.I.C.A. which is a default
tenancy control system. By using the T.I.C.A. system you will be in a position to
enquire if a tenancy applicant has previously defaulted prior to placing them
into a property.
Together with the following identification requirements,
we are proud of our very high standard of tenants:
Photo identification - Drivers License or Passport
References from previous landlords or agents
Proof of last residential address - i.e. Telstra Account,
Electricity Account or bank / credit card statements
Copies of previous rental records if available
Supporting proof of income for payment of rent
On approval of application, all monies must be paid
in cash or bank cheque. No personal cheques will be
Applications will only be processed on a fully
completed and signed application form
Our office reserves the right to allow for any changes or additions
to the above. Should an applicant fail to provide the above details,
the application may not be processed.
This is a positive means to reduce the risk of accepting a less than suitable
tenant for your investment. By uniting thousands of property managers
throughout Australia & New Zealand and collating their information on tenants,
T.I.C.A has been able to reduce their members exposure to those people who
believe they have the right to affect another person’s lifestyle.
Thinking of managing the
investment yourself?
For such a minimal tax deductible fee, do yourself a favour, put your feet up and allow
our team of professionals to manage your property for you.
Please take a moment to read the following:
Recently a property management team was approached by a
gentleman who had purchased two properties and had decided to rent
them out. Both properties were advertised for rent by the owner who didn't
receive very much response. In desperation, he accepted tenants on a
handshake. No reference checks were done, no form of identification was
received. The owner felt he had accepted “good people”. This was when
the fun started ...
Both properties tenants’ failed to pay rent for various reasons, lack of work,
an abundance of bills and general hard times. The owner, being the
gentleman he was, initially felt sorry for the struggling tenants until the
problem became severe.
Henzells property management team took over the management and sent
“Notice to Remedy Breach” forms to both properties for rental arrears.
This led to “Notice to Leave” forms also being sent.
Rent remained unpaid and we unfortunately had to have the matter
handled by QCat. The entire process was a lengthy one, leaving the
owner without any form of income.
Finally, the Magistrate ruled the tenants be evicted. However this isn't an
immediate process either. A warrant of possession is handed to police,
who then formally visit the premise to serve the warrant over a 14 day
period. The tenant is then usually given a few days to vacate by police.
In this instance a further 7 days occupancy was given by Police to the
Once the tenants were gone, our property management team were able
to inspect both properties.
Why not relax?
Let our team manage your property
Licensed professionals
Property Management has become a specialised field with vast legal implications.
The need to have your property managed by a professional property management team is
now more important than ever …
The Residential Tenancies & Rooming Accommodation Act 2008 has complex rules and
regulations relating to Property Management. It places immense responsibility on whoever
manages the rental property to comply with these guidelines. Failure to do so can attract
harsh penalties to either the owner or the managing agent.
Agents involved in property management (and owners who manage their own properties)
must possess a thorough working knowledge and understanding of this Act, as well as
keeping abreast of changes to all legislation pertaining to property investment and
management. Knowledge of the following are essential ...
Anti Discrimination Act 1991
Building & Other Legislative Amendment act 2010
Property Occupations Act 2014
Land Tax Act 2010
Auditor General Act 2009
Right to Information Act 2009
Information Privacy Act 2009
Water Amendment Act 2009
Body Corporate and Community Management Amendment Act 2009
Electrical Safety and Other Legislation Amendment Act 2009
HENZELLS Property Managers
are certified, qualified
as well as being thoroughly
informed and trained in all
aspects of relevant legislation
to provide peace of mind to
you as the owner.
Landlord insurance
Be Protected!
Whether your property is part of a long term superannuation investment strategy or to provide
additional cash flow now for life’s little luxuries, its comforting to know you can insure your rental
Tenants who look after your property, pay their rent when its due and ask permission every time
they want to put a hook in the wall are a landlords dream come true. They respect your property
as much as you do and are happy to treat your house as if it were their own.
However in the event circumstances change, your tenant could have an accident while renting
your property and claim that it was your fault. Did you know that you could be covered for such
a claim being made against you? As a landlord, you can protect yourself as well as your
valuable investment.
There are landlord protection insurance policies available on the market designed to provide
cover for you as the landlord and your property. Policies may include accidental damage,
malicious damage, loss of rent, legal liability and contents insurance.
Henzells Agency recommends landlord insurance as a safety net for your property should tenants
default or cause any type of damage to the premise. It is a worthwhile investment for your peace
of mind.
The Henzells Agency story
 1935 - the year when founding forefather Roy Henzell established the Farlow & Henzells real estate
 1946 - the year Roy Henzell purchased 810 hectares of land for 2000 pounds on the coast of Caloundra,
now known as Pelican Waters
 Roy Henzell junior, the grandson of Roy Henzell has built Pelican Waters on a dream & a family legacy
 1989 - the year Garry Waters, long time friend of Roy dating back to the early 1970’s, joined Henzells to
implement the development of Pelican Waters
 Today, Henzells holiday letting, permanent letting, commercial leasing and commercial sales dominate
the Caloundra market
Community involvement
Henzells Agency has forged strong links with the local Caloundra community during its history,
through the sponsorship and support of various charity and community groups.
Henzells is a regular supporter of a wide range of charity events, incl. the Leukaemia Foundation,
Shave For a Cure and the Salvation Army ‘Walk for the Homeless’ among many others.
Through its involvement with the Pelican Waters estate, Henzells Agency has also been able to
donate land to be auctioned to raise funds for various charitable causes, including the Youth
Enterprise Trust and the highly successful ‘House the Coast Built Auction’ which raised close to
$500,000 for the Sunshine Coast Health Services Foundation Cancer Therapy Centre at Nambour
The Henzells family has also donated land for several important community facilities at Pelican
Waters, including the Pelican Waters Bowls Club and an 11-hectare site for the establishment of
the Caloundra City School.
Pelican Waters and Henzells Agency have combined their resources to form a Charity
Foundation - The Henzells Pelican Waters Foundation.
The aim of the Foundation is to generate funds to distribute throughout Caloundra and across
various community sectors such as health and wellbeing, sport, education, disability support and
emergency assistance to individuals.
Henzells Agency, established in 1935, employs 62 staff in Caloundra and has developed Pelican
Waters which will provide homes for 9,500 residents, Caloundra City School, a Greg Norman
designed golf course and shopping centres.
As well as the Henzells Pelican Waters Foundation, Henzells Agency and its staff are always on the
forefront of local community events to help raise money and awareness to different causes.
Some of the recent fundraising events Henzells Agency has held are;
 Family charity movie night 2012 - $1,000 raised for the Currimundi Special School
 Pink-tober Morning Tea 2014 - Henzells staff held a morning tea to raise awareness for Breast Cancer,
with all proceeds donated to the Breast Cancer Foundation
 Jeans for Genes day 2015 - all proceeds donated to the Jeans for Genes day foundation
 Henzells Easter Bunny 2015 - ventured Bulcock Street in a bunny costume handing out Easter
chocolates to children and taking photos of them with the Easter bunny, all photos were then
printed and the parents collected them from the Henzells office at no cost
 RSPCA Cupcake Day 2015 - Henzells staff made a variety of cupcakes to sell at the front of our
office, with all proceeds going to our furry friends at the RSPCA
 Easter Egg Count Competition 2016 Henzells staff raised money for the Sippy Creek Animal Refuge
 Caloundra Rotary Charity Golf Day 2016 - Henzells sponsored the charity event to raise funds for
 Australia’s biggest Morning Tea 2016 - Henzells staff held a morning tea to raise money to go towards
cancer research at Cancer Council
RSPCA Cupcake Day
Henzells Easter Bunny
Easter Egg Counting
Competition 2016
Biggest Morning Tea
Preparing your property to let
Legislative requirements & other steps to be attended to
prior to a tenancy
 The premises and inclusions are to be clean and are to comply with local and state authority building
regulations with it being safe and fit to live in
 Full set of keys to be provided – one set for the managing Agent and one full set and access keys if
applicable for each Tenant/s named as the lease holder/s under the lease agreement.
 The Property provides adequate security to enable Tenant/s to obtain contents insurance for personal
 All corded internal window coverings comply with Trade Practices (Consumer Product Safety Standard
- Corded Internal Window Coverings) Regulations 2010
 Pest control is current - annual service is a requirement
 All buildings that are not stand alone houses or townhouses are to comply with Building Fire Safety
Regulations. Compliance is the Owner’s responsibility. Unit Owners are to check with the Body
Corporate to confirm compliancy and annual requirements have been met or, if no Body Corporate is
appointed, then Owners are required to arrange a qualified Company to ensure compliancy is met as
per the Regulations.
 Telephone line installation approval has been given. (Tenant is responsible for the connection).
 If a unit or a townhouse – 2 copies of the By Laws are to be provided to the Managing Agent – one for
the Agent’s file and one for the Tenant
 If it is your own home being rented out, then we suggest the following:
- Re-direct mail via Australia Post
- Notify the Council of your forwarding address for Rates
- Notify Energex, gas, phone and other utility companies to finalize accounts if applicable, and
provide your forwarding address details
- Notify your insurance Company and Mortgagee Holder of the change of occupancy status
If water consumption costs are to be passed onto the Tenant ALL the minimum criteria is to be met as
legislation requires. (Fact sheets available upon request on How to be Water Wise and Water Wise
If your Property has a pool, ensure it meets current Government Regulations in regards to fencing,
CPR signage and water consumption/use. The Pool Owner must hold a current Pool Safety
Preparing your property to let
If the Property is under a Builder’s Maintenance Warranty, the Agent will endeavour to have the Builder
attend to any defects/repairs required during the period. However it will remain the Owner’s
responsibility to ensure items are followed up and rectified. Should the Builder not attend to
urgent/required items under the Tenant’s Lease Agreement, then the Owner authorises the Agent to
employ qualified Trades people to attend to the requirement and the Owner will seek reimbursement
from the Builder for payment.
Landlord Protection Insurance. Whilst rental reference checks are completed as thoroughly as lawfully
allowed, we can not predict or know how a Tenant’s future ability to meet their tenancy obligations
can be affected eg. in event of death or long illness, loss of job, relationship split etc. We recommend
all Lessors arrange an insurance policy to protect their investment. Brochures are available upon
Other recommendations
Contents Insurance for your Property’s fittings and fixtures - may be included with your Property
insurances or incorporated in a Landlord Protection policy. As your Managing Agent we require that
you have Public Liability Insurance for your Property. If your Property is a unit the cover must include the
internal unit space. NOTE: Public Liability under the Building Insurance, taken out by the Body
Corporate, only covers the common areas. It does not cover events inside your unit.
Provide Agent copies of operating instructions or manuals for appliances or other items which Tenants
require instructions to use.
Provide Agent with Warranty details for any applicable item or building works, if applicable.
Pre-place picture hooks on walls in best locations – this helps control placement and number of picture
hooks allowed and protects walls.
Leave specific cleaning instructions for specific items
Arrange for lawns and gardens to be trimmed and maintained regularly until Tenant commences lease.
Untidy lawns / gardens do not attract Tenants.
Plan for a ‘pre-Tenant’ spot clean which may be required following leasing activity and just before a
new tenancy begins.
Consider installing water saving devices to meet requirements of Local Council Water Restrictions. Optional:
Installation of Rain Water Tank.
Consider including pool maintenance in the rent.
Smoke alarms facts
Under the Fire and Rescue Service Act 1990, administered by Queensland Fire and Rescue Service, both
tenants and lessors have responsibilities for smoke alarms in their rental properties.
All houses and units in QLD must have installed at least one nine volt battery-powered smoke alarm as a
minimum legal requirement. A smoke alarm must be installed on or near the ceiling on any storey:
Between any area containing bedrooms and the rest of the house or unit eg hallways and on a storey
not containing bedrooms on the most likely evacuation route from the storey. Recommendations are
hard wired or 10 year lithium battery smoke alarms for cost effectiveness and reliability. (Fact Sheet
available upon request)
Have obligations for cleaning, testing and replacing batteries for alarms during a tenancy.
Have obligations for installing, cleaning and testing smoke alarms and replacing batteries
before the start or renewal of a tenancy.
The Residential Tenancies and Rooming Accommodation Act 2008 (the Act) allows entry to the rental
premises by the lessor to install and maintain smoke alarms. These amendments fall under entry provisions
(s192 of the Act) allowing lessors to give a 24 hour Entry Notice (Form 9) for the purposes of entry to
comply with the Fire and Rescue Service Act 1990 in relation to smoke alarms.
Safety Switch facts
What is the legislation regarding Safety Switch installation?
The law says all homes built since 1992 must have safety switches installed on power circuits. They are not
an optional extra!
All new homes built must have a safety switch installed on both power and lighting circuits.
The law also says that if someone buys a property without a safety switch, the property owner must install
a safety switch for the power circuits within three months of a property transfer. This applies to any transfer
of domestic premises including estate, family law and mortgagee transfers.
If selling a property, first establish whether a safety switch is installed for power circuits. This must be
declared on the standard sales contract and Form 24 Property Transfer.
From 1 March 2008, owners of leased domestic residences must have a safety switch installed for the
power circuit of the residence after a residential tenancy agreement has been entered into.
A Full Service Agency
Henzells Agency Caloundra can help to meet
all your property needs. In addition to managing your
Investment property, Henzells can also assist with the
following areas of work; sales, finance,
holiday, commercial, project marketing.
“My partner and I are honestly extremely happy with the service that Henzells Caloundra
provides. The staff are all extremely friendly and helpful.
At times we feel bad for constantly emailing them yet they are still just as cheerful! Being a
landlord myself I would only hope that my real estate agency would look after my tenants
and property to the same level that your agency does. We couldn't be happier and find
our experience to be the best we have encountered in our time as tenants.
Keep up the super work!! And extra special thank you to Amy Feckner who is our property
manager because she is the reason we have such great feedback!”
- K. Kellaway
Make the change...
5421 2000
5491 5166