March 25, 2015 - First United Methodist Church
March 25, 2015 - First United Methodist Church
Word The A publication of Dyersburg First United Methodist Church Volume XLI Pastoral Thoughts March 25, 2015 Dr. David Russell, Senior Pastor Rev. Dell King, Associate Pastor The Congregation, Ministers Palm Sunday Discoveries I’ve been thinking about palms. Maybe the cold winter has caused my mind to drift toward sunny climates, warm breezes, and palm trees. Perhaps my heart and mind are making the last turn in the Lenten Journey which we call Palm Sunday. Reading Mark’s gospel I (re)discovered something. There is no mention of palm branches! As Jesus made his entry into Jerusalem, the people spread their cloaks on the road before him, and some spread leafy branches that they had cut in the fields (Mark 11:8). (I did notice this before, didn’t I?) Could I have overlooked this simple fact? Did I just assume that those leafy branches were palm branches? Double-checking I learned that palm branches are mentioned in only two of the four gospel stories. I don’t know why I’m surprised by my discovery. Three things that I am sure of when I read scripture are 1) I learn something new every time I read and reread, 2) it is never safe to assume that my memory is absolute correct about what I have previously read, and 3) my memory is heavily influenced by movies and pageants. A few things are consistent among the Gospel stories. Jesus made his entry into Jerusalem on the back of a young colt, the people spread something on the road before him – clothes, leafy branches or palm branches, and the people shouted out their blessings on Jesus as he came into the city. All of the Gospel writers describe a scene of a great welcome for Jesus. So! How will we welcome Jesus this Palm Sunday? Will we wave leafy branches and shout Hosanna? Will we spread out our coats on the path and make a royal welcome for the Lord? Whether or not we individually reenact the pageantry, I pray that we will all make room in our hearts for the coming of our Savior and let our lives shout our blessings in ways that echo his blessings upon us. Hosanna! Blessings on the One who comes in the name of the Lord. Blessings on all the ones who come to welcome and worship our King. See you Sunday, Dell Copy 11 Sunday Servants SUNDAY, MARCH 29 8:30 A.M. 10:50 A.M. ACOLYTES Graham Clark Lane Pugh CROSS BEARERS Kameron Clark Ches Davis SMALL TALK Patti Lou Parker PRAYER WARRIORS Harold and JoAnn James Louise Anderson SOUNDBOARD Steve Guttery Catherine Moore VIDEO DIRECTORS Patti Lou Parker Josie McLaurin VIDEO RECORDER Scott Staggs PALM SUNDAY As is our tradition, our children will process in on Palm Sunday, March 29, waving palm branches at both morning services during the singing of the first hymn. Children should gather in the foyer at the back of the sanctuary to get their palm branches and line up for the procession. SAUSAGE AND BISCUIT FUNDRAISER The Seekers Class will serve sausage and biscuits on Palm Sunday, March 29, between services and Sunday School. Donations will be accepted to help fund missions projects the class contributes to throughout the year. The class is not only involved in church missions but projects and o r ga n i za t i o n s t h r o u g h o u t o u r community and hope to reach out and touch lives even more so than before. Let’s enjoy breakfast and a time of fellowship with everyone! ...Visitation for Mr. Grant Guthrie, who recently passed away, will be Saturday, March 28 at 12:30 p.m. in the sanctuary. A memorial service will follow at 2 p.m. RECORD OF LOYALTY ATTENDANCE 3/22/15 8:30 A.M. Worship 136 10:50 A.M. Worship 154 Combined Morning Worship Total 290 Sunday Evening 21 Sunday School 192 Salt & Light Attendance N/A Salt & Light Meals Served N/A OFFERING Annual budget 2015 $1,025.028.00 Needed to date 236,544.84 Received as of 3/22/15 190,054.68 Amount over/under Budget -46,490.16 “Imagine No Malaria” This Week 30.00 Total to Date 10,432.95 EASTER LILIES’ DEADLINE APPROACHING If you would like to order an Easter Lily to be displayed Easter Sunday, April 5, in memory or in honor of a loved one, please call your florist. Lilies should be wrapped in gold foil with an ecru ribbon and delivered Friday, April 3, after 1 p.m. Don’t forget to call the church office (285-6454) to let us know by Wednesday, April 1. Sacristy Fund Recently, the Church Council approved repurposing the former Couples Sunday School classroom (adjacent to the sanctuary) for storing vestments, worship appointments and communion ware. Currently, these items are stored in several locations around the church building. Besides serving as a central location for worship appointments, this room, or sacristy, will serve as a place for the acolytes, the cross bearers, and the ministers to vest prior to the worship service and will serve also as a central location for the preparation of the elements used in Holy Communion. Since the funds needed to reconfigure the room are not funded through the church’s annual budget, contributions to fund the sacristy are being solicited. If you would like to contribute to this project, please direct your donation to the “Sacristy Fund.” LAKESHORE SUMMER CAMP It’s time to start thinking about registering for Lakeshore summer camp. The church pays $100 of members’ children’s registration fees. Registration forms are available from Patti Lou Parker. You can also register online at and indicate that the church will pay $100 of your fee. Lakeshore will call us and confirm your membership. If you are unfamiliar with Lakeshore, Patti Lou has informational brochures in her office. Please make checks out to Lakeshore. VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL WILL BE HELD SUNDAY, MAY 31 - WEDNESDAY, JUNE 3, FROM 6 – 8 P.M. MARK YOUR CALENDARS. FLOWERS FOR THE FLOWERING CROSS On Easter morning the Flowering Cross will bloom with flowers. Please bring fresh cut flowers or fresh cut bouquets from the store on Sunday, April 5, for the Flowering Cross. Salt and Light News 5:00 P.M. —Wednesdays Menu: Pork Loin, Side Dishes, Rolls, Salad Bar, Dessert Servers: Trinity Class Y C O R N E R Heather Kauffman O Matthew 9:23-25 in the ESV translation writes: when Jesus came to the ruler's U house andAnd saw the flute players and the crowd a commotion, he said, “Go away, for T making the girl is not dead but sleeping.” And they H laughed at him. But when the crowd had been 23 24 25 put outside, he went in and took her by the hand, and the girl arose. We all love a good story about healing, don’t we? They make us hopeful for times where we need healing of our own. Prior to this passage, a ruler knelt down before Jesus and pleaded with him to bring his dead daughter back to life. This ruler believed that Jesus had the power to heal her with the touch of his hand. Jesus and his disciples followed this man to his house and found a large crowd mourning over this loss. When I came across this passage today, Jesus amazed me with his actions. The story of healing is beautiful for sure, but there is something else that is incredible about Jesus in this passage. According to Jewish law and custom, a person becomes unclean for seven days after touching someone who is dead. We see this in Numbers 19:11 where it is written, “Whoever touches the dead body of any person shall be unclean seven days” (ESV). When Jesus takes the girl by her hand, it would have shocked many people around him. He took a risk by reaching out his hand to this girl, trusting that God would both heal her and also keep him clean. It always amazes me that Jesus was not afraid to do things that surprised people. He cared about them more than he cared about himself. Jesus was always ready to lend a hand (literally!), even to those who could ruin his reputation. If we are to be Christ-like, what does this passage say about us? I believe it inspires us to take more risks for our faith and not be afraid of ruining our reputation by hanging out with those who may seem unclean. May these words encourage you this week to step outside of your comfort zone as you interact with those around you. Blessings! Heather th Saturday, March 28 12:30-8 PM- Youth Group Paintball Trip ($40 & Permission Form Required; Meet in Upper Parking Lot) Sunday, March 29th 5:30-7:30 PM- UMYF Wednesday, April 1st No Dayspring (Easter Cantata) METHODIST MONDAY MEALS will have a quarterly meeting on Monday, April 6, at 10:30 a.m. in the conference room. Please remember our homebound members. A list of homebound members will be included in the newsletter periodically. Please call the church with updates for the prayer list when someone becomes sick or their health improves. Betty Sue Putman Louise Hendrix Joli DeLaughter Jim McClure—home Carole O. Whitnel—The Highlands, Room 206 Brenda North Jane Sharpe Carl—Susan Hedge’s mother Bob & Peggy Mayfield Bonnie Holt Gary Hall Dennis Miller Tanner Holcomb Destiny Kennedy—Brian and Sandi Stahl’s granddaughter Richard Swaim—friend of Jere Ozment Green Smitheal Peg Schwartz—Sandi Stahl’s mother Helen Haynes—Jack Haynes’ mother, Canterbury Place Renee Young—Sarah Sullivan Deere’s mother William Paul Enoch Braxton Farrow—St. Jude Cynthia Blevins—Desiree Dolan’s mother Naomi Rushing Melissa Langston Labone Stewart—Mary Well’s sister Chris Bell Jane Yates Moll Marie Hardy (mother of Elaine McCormick) Ryan Breedlove Carol Hendren Disney NEWS ABOUT RELAY FOR LIFE Reminder: If you are a cancer survivor, please call Sandi Hendren (731) 676-7577 to make sure she has your name on the list for the Survivor Dinner. ATTENTION: Sunday School Classes and Individuals – We are once again asking your help to provide the meal for the Survivor Dinner for cancer survivors. We are asking Sunday School classes to contribute $100 (or more, as able) and individuals to give $25 to sponsor a meal for a cancer survivor. The meal will be served here in our church on Thursday, May 28. Please mark your check “Relay for Life” and it will be directed to this fund. These survivors were so grateful and appreciative last year. Many said they had never been treated so well. Thank you for your generosity in caring for “strangers who were sick and you looked after them.” MEMORIALS/HONORARIUMS PASTOR’S DISCRETIONARY FUND In memory of: Given by: Grant Guthrie Dr. & Mrs. John K. Legan John Williams Friends-Dept. of Human Services GENERAL FUND In memory of: Harold Holt Dr. Russell Lomas Don Pennington Theresa Patrick Given by: Dolores Hearn Dolores Hearn Dolores Hearn Dolores Hearn PANTRY FUND In memory of: Grant Guthrie Given by: Joan Gilliland YOUTH FUND In memory of: Grant Guthrie Given by: Mr. & Mrs. Ron Switzer IMAGINE NO MALARIA In memory of: Given by: Grant Guthrie Mr. & Mrs. Roy Campbell Glendell Melton Mr. & Mrs. Roy Campbell Shirley Noble Mr. & Mrs. Roy Campbell Memorials not listed this week will be in next week’s issue. Sunday, March 29, 2015 Palm/Passion Sunday Isaiah 50:4-9; Psalm 31:9-16; Philippians 2:5-11; Mark 11:1-11 SUNDAY SERVICES 9:45 A.M. Sunday School 8:30 & 10:50 A.M. Worship “Eight Days That Changed the World” Mark 11:1-11 Dr. David Russell, preaching No Evening Service FAMILY LIFE CENTER NEWS From Andy Fisher FUMC MEN’S SOFTBALL It is time for softball sign-ups. This is a “wood bat league” that is for church members 14-years of age and older. If interested, please sign the team roster and waiver in the Family Life Center, or let Paul Stewart know. This time frame is well under way. MISSION BLITZ UPDATE Mission Blitz 2015 will have a cookie fundraiser at Chick -Fil-A. Cookie orders are pre-ordered and pre-paid. If interested in cookies, please call Mark Gadlage at 812639-0724 by April 1. The Cookies will be available at Chick-Fil-A for Spirit Night on April 6, from 4– 8 p.m. Mention the Mission Blitz when eating and a percentage of sales at the store that night will also be given to Mission Blitz to help with mission projects. HOLY WEEK SCHEDULE Sunday, March 29 8:30 &10:50 A.M—Palm Sunday Wednesday, April 1 5:00 p.m.—Meal 6:30 p.m.—Easter Cantata Friday, April 3 Noon— Good Friday Service Ask your florist to deliver lilies after the noon service. Sunday, April 5—Easter Sunday 6:30 a.m.—Sunrise Service 8:30 & 10:50 a.m.—Easter Services Send form #3579 to The Word, P.O. Box 452, Dyersburg, TN 38025, FUMC Weekly published by First United Methodist Church 100 McGaughey, P.O. Box 452, Dyersburg, TN 38024 Church: 731-285-6454, Family Life Center: 731-285-4794 Web Page— #13490 Periodicals Paid at Dyersburg, TN
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