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PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH OF THE COVENANT 2850 FAIRVIEW ROAD COSTA MESA, CA 92626 (714)557-3340 INSIDE THIS By The I S SWay UE: 2 Calendar By The Way Children’s Ministry 3 2 6 Birthdays & Birthdays & Anniversaries 6-7 8 SUMMER FUN PARK CONCERTS Anniversaries Children’s 4 Coming Events Ministry VBS Calendar July 13– 17th 10 5:30 to 8:30 p.m. Angel’s Baseball Game August 9th Angels vs Boston End of Summer Church Picnic September 7th Join our email list! Get the Covenant Call delivered to your email, or visit us online at WWW.PCCOV.ORG Printed copies of the Covenant Call will be available on a limited basis and may not be mailed to every home. PCC families and seniors are invited to attend the Annual “Concerts in the Park” sponsored by Costa Mesa Foundation. The next concert is July 15th at Fairview Park featuring latin jazz with Ronnie Gutierrez. The park opens at 5:30 pm and the music begins at 6:15. Their will be activities for kids, gourmet food trucks, prizes, Community Booths and a Beer & Wine Garden. F E BJ U RL U YA R2 Y0 1240 1 4 PAGE 2 WORSHIP GROW We are here to lead people to Christ and to help them become His disciples. SERVE By the Way…. I am reading a book recently published by a friend and colleague entitled “The Dangerous Act of Loving One Another.” The book talks about how risky it is to reach out and interact in the world we live in today, and draws attention to the words of Jesus. In response to a Pharisee who asked which of the commandments is the greatest, Jesus said there were two. We should love the Lord our God with all our heart, soul, mind and strength and our neighbor as ourselves (Matthew 22:35-39). I would add that it is not only dangerous, but it is very complicated. So much of life is about learning how to live alongside people, most of whom are not like us. The recent activities and decisions that have come from our General Assembly along with the changes in our presbytery have caused tumultuous reaction in the PCUSA, the denomination of which PCC is a member. It is important to note that, unlike many churches, ours is not a top-down government. Decisions about our church order are made by the church as a whole and not by bureaucrats that meet and determine such matters for the church. Important decisions must pass through various bodies across the church, with full representation from all churches, very much like our federal government, which mirrors the presbyterian form of government. And….as we notice, people in the Presbyterian family are not very homogenous. We come in all different forms, with various ideas and interpretations that reflect the diversity of the body of Christ. Decisions have been made on many issues by this year’s assembly that reflect the mind of this gathering in Detroit. You can read about them elsewhere in this issue of the Covenant Call, but the most controversial has to do with giving approval for pastors to officiate and churches to allow for same-gender weddings. It also began a process to redefine marriage from “between a man and a woman” to “between two persons.” The latter must pass through a year-long process and be approved by a majority of the 173 presbyteries of the PCUSA before it becomes part of our constitution. What we are finding is that the overall makeup of the church has changed, and that no matter what opinions we carry, we live with people who don’t think the same way we think on issues that matter to us all. Hmmm? There is a tension many of us are experiencing at this moment and it centers around one theme. Can we remain in our denominational affiliation with an increasing number of decisions that conflict with what I believe to be a true and accurate interpretation of the Scriptures? For some, the answer is no and they are in the process of breaking ties with a denomination their churches have been associated with, in most cases, for their whole history. And more significantly, breaking (at least) institutional fellowship with colleagues and congregations they have been with for many years. For me, it is a live tension, but one that I will be learning to live with, at least for the time being. For me to leave and break fellowship will take more than I can see at the moment in light of Jesus’ final prayer with his disciples in John 17 where he prayed and asked His Father to maintain the oneness of their fellowship in order to maintain the witness of the church to the world and the integrity of the gospel. I hope, over the summer, that we can have some conversation, both casual and programed, that can help us process these difficult questions. But for now, be assured that nothing will change at PCC as a result of what happened at the General Assembly. Nothing has been mandated for either churches or pastors and we can go about sharing our witness in word and deed with the world around us. Blessings to all of you and happy Independence Day! See you in church! Pastor Tim McCalmont THE COVENANT CALL PAGE JULY 3 2014 WORSHIP LOOKS AT THE KINGDOM COME July opens with a guest in the pulpit, Dr. Lydia Sarandan, former Associate Pastor at St. Andrews Presbyterian Church and then opens a summer series, Thy Kingdom Come. We pray each week, many each day, asking God to bring His kingdom into our realm, our family, our church, our city. Do we understand what we are asking? We will take time each week this summer, to look into what this means, and what our role might be in opening the doors for God’s reign to come around us and lead us. July 6 “Created to Do Good! (Dr. Lydia Sarandan, guest preacher) 10 am Text: Ephesians 2:8-10; Matthew 5:13-16; Galatians 6:9; James 1:27. Theme: Our task to do good to all and to let our light shine for all to see our good works and give glory to God. Communion will be served July 13 “God’s Kingdom Here and Now” 10 am Text: John 3:1-21 Theme: Salvation is a gift and is activated in our life by constantly seeking The kingdom is here and it is now. We are to be seeking God’s kingdom with all our heart. July 20 What Does It Mean To Be A Seeker? 10 am Text: Matt 6.25-33 Theme: Kingdom is God active in the now of our lives Task we have is to seek where God is active and join in, even in the seeking we can grow and live the kingdom life. The seeking is something that must go on especially after conversion. This will be VBS Sunday and celebrate our children July 27 God Won’t Crash Your Party 10 am Text: Luke 14:25-33 Theme: The cost of a seeking discipleship Our work as seekers doesn’t end with conversion. WE continue to be “seekers” in our daily attempt to be where Christ is, to be in His presence. Special guest soloist, Saousan Jarjour, not to be missed! Don’t miss this month, the fellowship, the rich music and the encounters with God’s Word in worship. We are the church and life is to be celebrated. Come and experience firsthand what life is about. This is the church of Jesus Christ and we will be celebrating the Kingdom that is being revealed. Come by and bring a new friend to join with us! T TH HE E C CO OV VE EN NA AN NT T C CA A LL LL JULY PAGE 2014 4 WHAT ABOUT THE 221ST GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH (U.S.A.)? Detroit, Michigan — June 14-21, 2014 by Leslie Scanlon, Outlook national reporter and Jack Haberer, Outlook editor. Following years of debate, the 2014 General Assembly decided to act — choosing to divest from three American companies whose products support Israel’s occupation of Palestine, and granting PC(USA) ministers permission to perform same-sex marriages in civil jurisdictions where such marriages are legal. Realizing that their actions would please some and alienate others both in the United States and overseas, commissioners also pleaded for reconciliation with those who would disagree. “In no way is this a reflection of a lack of love for our Jewish brothers and sisters,” moderator Heath Rada said immediately after the divestment vote, one of the first by an American mainline Protestant denomination. Asked after the votes on same-sex marriage how much it would cost to send representatives to each presbytery for conversations about unity, Stated Clerk Gradye Parsons said he wasn’t sure, but “the cost of not doing this is higher.” SOME HIGHLIGHTS OF THE ASSEMBLY: MODERATOR. The committee chose as its moderator Heath Rada (christened #modeRada on Twitter), the only ruling elder among three candidates, and a hearty North Carolinian who selected as his vice-moderator his demographic opposite: Larissa Kwong Abazia, a young Chinese-American pastor from New York. From the start, the young adult advisory delegates (YAADs) resonated with Moderator Rada, who passed out Heath bars and danced during breaks on the platform. DIVESTMENT. Two years after a GA rejected a similar proposal by just two votes, commissioners gasped when the divestment vote result was posted – 310-303 – for a proposal that the PC(USA) begin phased divestment of about $16.5 million from three companies that provide equipment used by the Israeli military in the occupation of Palestine: Caterpillar, Hewlett-Packard and Motorola Solutions. The assembly did specify that its action was “not to be construed” as support of the global Boycott, Divest and Sanctions (BDS) movement. SAME-SEX MARRIAGE. In response to the contention that the denomination’s restrictions were impeding pastors’ ability to provide pastoral care to committed same-sex couples in their churches, the GA approved two measures to permit ministers to perform same-gender marriages in jurisdictions where legal (at present, 19 states plus the District of Columbia). An authoritative interpretation, approved 371-238 (61 percent in favor), took effect immediately after the assembly adjourned, giving PC(USA) ministers freedom of conscience to perform same-sex marriages. The assembly also voted 421-175 (71 percent in favor) to recommend for ratification by the presbyteries a constitutional amendment adjusting the definition of Christian marriage, changing the phrase “a man and a woman” to “two people, traditionally a man and a woman.” Both actions support freedom of conscience. The proposed amendment says explicitly, “Nothing herein shall compel a teaching elder to perform nor compel a session to authorize the use of church property for a marriage service” that either of them “believes is contrary” to their “discernment of the Holy Spirit and their understanding of the Word of God.” Adoption of the amendment requires ratification by 87 of the 172 presbyteries, the votes to be taken over the next 12 months BELHAR CONFESSION. The assembly approved recommending for presbyteries’ ratification (by two-thirds vote) adding the Belhar Confession, written in South Africa and focused on justice and reconciliation, to the PC(USA)’s Book of Confession. (continued on page 5) THE COVENANT CALL PAGE 5 JULY 2014 (continued from page 4) BROKEN PRESBYTERIAN RELATIONS. Already 350 churches have left the PC(USA) for other denominations over the past four years. Now more departures are expected. Also, Hunter Farrell, director of World Mission, said preliminary inquiries indicate 17 of the denomination’s 54 globalpartner denominations may break relations with the PC(USA) over the same-sex marriage decision. LANGUAGE ABOUT ISRAEL. The assembly disavowed a controversial study guide, “Zionism Unsettled,” produced by the Israel Palestine Mission Network. The commissioners overwhelmingly rejected a proposal to trim back references to Israel in liturgical materials published by the church. GUN VIOLENCE. The assembly appealed to fellow Presbyterians to work to reduce gun violence by advocating for stricter background checks and a ban on semi-automatic assault rifles. FOSSIL FUELS. Despite pleas from the YAADs that “we can’t wait” to protect the earth, the assembly voted not to divest from fossil fuel companies, choosing instead to explore related issues that might lead to action by a future assembly. DRONES. The assembly passed a resolution criticizing secrecy in the U.S. military’s use of drones for surveillance and targeted attacks, calling for legislation governing the use of military drones. YOUNG ADULT COMMISSIONERS? A proposal to turn YAADs into voting YACs failed, given that the new title would not require them to be ordained elders. MID COUNCILS. The assembly approved consolidating the number of synods from the current 16 to somewhere between 10 and 12 reconfigured synods. FOR COMPLETE REPORTING, GO TO WWW.PRES-OUTLOOK.ORG SUNDAY ROUNDTABLE CONTINUES THROUGH JULY Each Sunday afternoon at 4 in the Fireside Room, there is taking place a vigorous conversation that enlivens faith and encourages new fellowship and friendships in the family of faith. We have been know to share our own takes on the morning messages and share in viewing and discussing the journey of the Israelites across the wilderness to the Promised Land and what it all means to us today. Any question and observation is listened for and encouraged and prayers for one another is part of the afternoon. This all happens as we get to know each other on a deeper level and deepen in our understanding of just who this God is. All are invited as we take up your questions each Sunday. Pastor Tim is our facilitator. DAYTIMERS (RETIRED GUYS) MEET EACH WEDNESDAY FOR BIBLE STUDY Exciting to see, the retired men of PCC are growing in numbers each week as we gather on Wednesdays at 10 to search the Scriptures and shape our friendships. We have opened a new video series and hear teaching and discussion between one another. Pastor Tim is part of our group, along with Keith Kostlan as we view the sites of the New Testament story and learn faith lessons in how to be a true believer in today’s world. If you are a “retired guy” and are looking for a place to meet new friends and grow your faith, Come and be part of this lively group of guys! THE COVENANT CALL JULY PAGE 2014 Are your children READY to Imagine and Build with God? Presbyterian Church of the Covenant will be transformed into a Workshop of Wonders where children can Imagine, Build, Grow, Work and Walk with God! WHEN: JULY 13th-17th, 5:30-8:30pm (dinner is provided) WHERE: 2850 Fairview Road, Costa Mesa, CA 92626 “You are the God who works Wonders.” Psalm 77:14 REGISTER NOW * AGES 4 yrs. thru 6th Grade! *COST: $40/child (scholarships and family discounts available) 714-557-3340 INVITE A FRIEND, NEIGHBOR, OR FAMILY MEMBER & REGISTER TODAY!! THE COVENANT CALL 6 PAGE JULY 7 2014 All the following jokes have something in common. Can you guess the common theme or category? Lilith: What is a chauffeur’s favorite beverage? Leslie: Limo-nade! Luna: What player on a baseball team pours lemonade? Larry: The pitcher! Laurie: Which lemon buys things at an auction? Lulu: The highest “bitter”! From the Mini Page© The Bridge Are you in your 20's, 30's, 40's and looking for a place to belong at PCC? If you are single or married, working or home raising your family, and want to fellowship with other members at PCC... Please join us for our monthly gatherings! The Bridge is a group of families, couples, and singles at PCC who enjoy BBQ's, bowling, and other fun family outings on the third Saturday of each month! Please contact Natalie for more information... FOOD PANTRY The food pantry is in need of CEREAL. This is an important staple for the families and homeless we support in our community. You can place them in the red grocery basket in the Gallery. Be a partner with us as we feed the hungry of our community. THE COVENANT CALL JULY PAGE 2014 July 10th George Ehara Leo Kubeska July 2nd Sheryl Hitt July 23rd Harry Larimer July 13th July 3rd Sierra Ash Don Beard July 5th July 26th Nathaniel James Farless Marcia Millar Robert Blackwell July 18th July 29th Albert Fernandez Devon Black July 19th July 31th Eric Carter Macey July 7th Kalea Black Carol Ann Sushkoff Joyce Glasgow Emily Pierson Jean Dale July 22nd Doris Thompson July Anniversaries Mr. & Mrs. Keith Harford Mr. & Mrs. George Ehara Mr. & Mrs. John Imm Mr. & Mrs. George Madsen Mr. & Mrs. Don Beard Mr. & Mrs. Buzz Kostlan Mr. & Mrs. Duane Tobert Mr. & Mrs. Tom Kraus Mr. & Mrs. Walt Hitt Mr. & Mrs. Lew Lindsay Mr. & Mrs. Dusty Slaybaugh THE COVENANT CALL July 3rd July 7th July 10th July 10th July 12th July 17th July 20th July 22nd July 24th July 28th July 28th 43 Years 52 Years 16 Years 54 Years 46 Years 59 Years 46 Years 42 Years 38 Years 52 Years 7 Years 8 PAGE JULY 9 2014 Bibliophiles Meets every last Wednesday of each month @ 11 am. Bibliophile's next meeting will be Wednesday, July 30th. Please call Marge Hempstead for further information at 714-545-0379. THURSDAY MORNING LADIES BIBLE STUDY EVERY THURSDAY, The Thursday Morning Ladies Bible Study has concluded studies for the summer. Their next meeting will be held in September. PRESBYTERIAN WOMEN We will be taking a summer break and resume our meetings and study on September 10. . Come to Needleworkers – every 3rd Tuesday of each month at 10 a.m. Needleworkers will be out for the summer. Look for them again in September! LUNCH BUNCH Meets the first Wednesday of every month @ 12:00 a.m. The Lunch Bunch group will be back in the fall starting in September. Look for an announcement in August. THE COVENANT CALL JULY 2014 PAGE 10 FROM THE CHURCH CRICKET God has a new angel in His Heavenly Garden...PCC recently lost Betty Haubert, the matriarch of our church for these past years—she would have been 99 years of age this coming December. Betty was born on Christmas Day, December 25, 1915 in Fremont, Ohio, a small town near the county seat of Sandusky. Betty’s parents were “Bunny” Bernice and Clay Huss, and she was the oldest of five children: two sisters and two brothers, and outlived all of them. She attended public school in Fremont and earned her teaching certificate from Bowling Green University. Betty taught third, fourth, fifth, and sixth grade in the elementary schools for several years, but her teaching career ended when she married, as in those years teachers could not be wed. She and her husband, Richard Louis Haubert, had not met as schoolmates because he had attended a Catholic high school. They were married in St. Joseph’s Church in Fremont on June 12, 1939. Richard served in WWII from 1942 until 1946 and was in General Patton’s Third Army Division. A humorous issue regarding Richard’s name was the fact that Lewis was put on his birth certificate as his middle name when it was supposed to be spelled Louis, so he finally had it legally changed to avoid future confusion. Richard worked for a savings and loan company and jobwise was transferred several times throughout his career. They lived in Ohio, Northern and Southern California, and Baltimore, Maryland. Upon every job transfer Richard would travel ahead of Betty and purchase a home for them so it was always sight-unseen for her. He also chose and bought all their cars without her ever first seeing them—in 1992 she finally had the chance to pick out and buy her own car for the first time, and she continued driving until she was 95 years old. Betty and Richard lived in the San Francisco area before moving to Los Angeles in the 1970’s. They then lived in Meredith Gardens on Birchwood Street until their final move to Landmark when a new condo unit opened in 1974. The couple had two children: a daughter, Emily, who preceded her mother in death, (her husband Michael Jungers lives in Fountain Valley), and a son, Clay Haubert, (married to Katy and resides in Hamilton, Ohio…..they have three daughters living in New York, Nebraska and Ohio and two great-grandchildren in Cincinnati.) Betty liked her own cozy home and green was her favorite color, which was evident by the green decor seen throughout the rooms. She wore a lot of blue and always was very stylishly dressed. Betty was a sweet lady, a bit stubborn at times, had a good sense of humor but a mind of her own and was strong willed. She loved to read, especially magazines, the National Geographic, the Star, Enquirer, the Globe and Examiner, and she was a fanatic at solving crossword puzzles. Betty’s children remember the family recipes of noodle-hamburger casserole, jello-fruit molds and her special salad featuring ham that she had hand-ground. Poultry was not among her favorite foods until her later years when she found frozen chicken dinners were so convenient to prepare for her meals. Betty became a member of PCC on October 10, 1982 and was active in the Bibliophiles book group and many committees. She travelled with her husband throughout the world and after his death toured with her daughter. Some of the special trips included visits to China, Greece, the Mediterranean, Alaska and the Caribbean. A private family ceremony will be held this month for scattering Betty’s ashes at sea. Pastor Tim McCalmont and Betty’s “adopted daughter” Carol Chase will be representing members of PCC. THE COVENANT CALL PAGE 11 JULY 2014 Wednesday Evening Ladies’ Bible Study For the woman, who can’t attend a morning or afternoon Bible study, this group is for you. All women are welcome to a time of learning, sharing our faith and growing friendships. This summer we will be studying “Becoming a Woman of Prayer”, by Cynthia Heald. If you would like to attend “Becoming a Woman of Prayer” study, please contact Cathy Rasmussen, 714-964-8828, or email, The cost of the book will be approx. $10.00. This group meets 6:30 – 8:00 pm, upstairs above the choir room. COVENANT FELLOWSHIP SOCIAL ACTIVITY Covenant Fellowship social activity for the month of August will be a concert on-the-lawn Saturday, August 9 at 6:00 p.m. at the Cypress Civic Center on Orange and Grindley. Mike Henegry and his orchestra will present “Big Band Era” dance music of the 30’s and 40’s. Bring your picnic dinner, folding chairs, and blanket for an evening of fun and fellowship. Phone Maisie Lindsay at 714-546-9681 for transportation information. Purchase Scrip and Help Our Church Help support PCC with your purchase of gifts cards to the numerous locations offered. Shop where you normally shop! Buy what you normally buy! Stop by the Welcome Wagon for your order form or download it from our website For more information please call Pat or Jim Leahy at 714-540-8119. THE COVENANT CALL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH OF THE COVENANT 2850 FAIRVIEW ROAD COSTA MESA, CA 92626 (714)557-3340 Postal Carrier: TIME DATED MATERIAL The Covenant Call is a publication of Presbyterian Church of the Covenant. The deadline for article submissions for the next issue is the 20th of every month. To submit an article for the Covenant Call, either email it to, or bring your hand written article into the office. Presbyterian Church of the Covenant 2850 Fairview Road Costa Mesa, CA 92626 Rev. Tim McCalmont, Pastor ( Rev. Sharon Yagerlener, Parish Associate Cornel Radulescu, Director of Music Ministries Natalie Pierce, Coordinator of Children's Ministries Carolyn Close, Church Receptionist Felix Macovei, Accompanist Danny Fehsenfeld, Worship Leader Carolyn Close, Newsletter Editor Phillip Mansour, Sound Technician Sunday Worship Time 10:00 a.m. 714-557-3340