THE JAG MAG - Jaguar Clubs of North America


THE JAG MAG - Jaguar Clubs of North America
Official newsletter of the Jaguar Auto Group
Visit us at:
December 2014 Issue
Where were
YOU ….
In 1982?
About our Club
President’s Message
Editor’s Message
In Memoriam
Classified Ads
Club Bylaws
Membership Application
2014 Events
Articles & Reports
11 Spring Dust-off
12 Tech Session at ARI
13 Monthly Breakfasts
The Birth of JAG
Report on the 2014 AGM
December 2014 Issue
About our Club
The Jaguar Auto Group
“A Special Club For All Who Love And Enjoy Jaguars
And Other Fine British Marques “
Club History
Formed in 1982, the Jaguar Auto Group (or “JAG”
for short) is a non-profit membership organization.
Our mission is to promote the usage and enjoyment
of Jaguars and other fine British marques of all
kinds. Owning a Jaguar is not a requirement for
Based in New Jersey, with members throughout the
Tri-State Area, we are affiliated with Jaguar Clubs
of North America (JCNA) which covers Jaguar
clubs throughout North America.
We sponsor many exciting and enjoyable events
throughout the year with the main emphasis on
having fun and enjoying our wonderful cars. We
value above all good company and friendship in a
non–competitive environment. Many members have
become long-term, close friends, drawn together by
a common love for fine automobiles.
Club Contacts
Ray Sharp
511 Grove Street
Upper Montclair, NJ 07043
Mark Denesevich
26 Stryker Court
Bridgewater, NJ 08807
Al & Lois Reda
11 Oak Ridge Road
West Patterson, NJ 07424
Newsletter Editor
Ann Wheeler
454 East Shore Trail
Sparta, NJ 07871
John Green
73 Inwood Avenue
Upper Montclair, NJ 08534
Membership Chair
Robert O’Reilly
17 Lindstrom Drive
Hillsborough, N.J. 08844
Denis Donohue
22 Akers Avenue
Montvale, NJ 07645
So, if you are looking for a club with members who
will share your interests, please join our group!
JAG MAG is published several times a year, and is distributed as a pdf file via e-mail only. A copy of the current issue
may also be obtained on our club’s space on the jcna website(, by clicking on the “Club List” menu
and finding JAG in the New Jersey section. Also shown on the website is information on upcoming events. Classified
ads are free for members of JAG, subject to size and other restrictions at the discretion of the editor. If you are
interested in joining our club, please contact Membership Chairman in list of club contacts above or simply complete
the application form shown on the last page of this newsletter and mail it with payment to the address shown there.
December 2014 Issue
3 Messages
It is hard to believe that another year has passed, and yet here we are again. I don’t know what it is about the aging
process, but the years certainly seem to go by much faster as one gets older.
Fortunately, our ancient Jags and other classic cars seem to become more desirable as they get older. On this note,
Julia and I had an interesting experience after the recent Sunday Breakfast meeting held at the Jefferson Diner. We
had stopped for gas in our ’61 E-Type Coupe on the way home, and the car soon drew several admirers including
one young man (I say “young” but he must have been in his late 20’s) who was really taken with the lines of the
car. He was shocked to learn that it was made as far back as 1961. He actually asked if he could take some photos
and then proceeded to snap away on his cell phone after we told him to go ahead. It all comes to prove that our
classic Jaguars really are beautiful to all generations.
Turning now to our club, we have had another active calendar of events over the last twelve months and I should
like to take a moment to thank all those members of JAG who have given of their time and energy in order to make
our events happen. Without your efforts, JAG could not function. So, a very big “Thank You” to all!
Our next scheduled event is our Annual General Meeting, which will be held starting with a group brunch at 10: 30
AM on January 25, 2015 next year, at Potbelly’s Riverside Café, Rockaway, NJ. Details will be forwarded via Email in the usual way. Please do try to attend the AGM if at all possible; your input and vote is important for the
Here’s wishing everyone a wonderful Holiday Season. I look forward to seeing you
in January at the AGM.
All the very best wishes and regards
December 2014 Issue
4 Messages
From your JAG MAG Editor…...
Welcome to the 2014 edition of what has become our annual Jag Mag newsletter. 2014 is quickly coming to a close and has
been another year of fun events which is what J.A.G. is all about. Our monthly breakfasts continue to be an excellent reason to
join our fellow club members as time and circumstances permit.
In March of this year, Pat and I drove to Florida to attend a large show for Classic Wooden Boats. As part of our trip, we
arranged to spend a few days with “JAG South” Marianne and Paul Delatush and Lynda and Jim Louden.
One night, after a fine dinner at Jim & Lynda’s house, the six of us were sitting around talking and the subject of when exactly
JAG was formed came up. Since we are all very long time members, a number of guesses were thrown out with no definitive
answer. I decided then that being the pack-rat I am, I would make a point of researching the question when I got home by
perusing all of the memorabilia and literature I had saved over the years. The result is the article you will see in this issue of
JAG MAG which, I believe, definitively answers the question while providing a little insight into what “Jagging” was like back
For those of you that haven’t sent in your renewal dues yet there is a form at the end of this newsletter. Please renew ASAP as
John has to get the info into JCNA. Also, don’t forget to mark your calendars for our Annual General Meeting on Sunday,
January 25th, (see details on page 19), Pat & I hope to see you all there.
Best wishes for happy and safe holidays to all,
Denis Donohue
December 2014 Issue
5 In Memoriam
Sarah Tahan
December 2014 Issue
6 The Birth of J.A.G.
I am not certain of the exact dates but from the early 1970s through at least 1991, there was a Jaguar enthusiast magazine
published by “Wolf” and Laurie Toepel in Carlisle, Massachusetts titled “EJAG”. Despite the title, the magazine covered
all models of Jaguars and was a must-read for any serious Jaguar fan. EJAG was originally promoted as a club with a
monthly publication with membership included in the price of your subscription. Local chapters were formed around the
country by Regional Coordinators/ subscribers who planned local events with the support of and under the banner of
EJAG, with results and photos being published in subsequent issues of the magazine.
The year was 1978 when a couple named Bob and Betty Herfurth, who lived in Neshanic Station, NJ with their young
daughters, and were avid Jaguar owners, restorers and enthusiasts, volunteered to coordinate the New Jersey region for
EJAG. In July of that year they ran their first event called The Sourland Mountain Road Rally which was a great success.
The winner of the Rally that year, with a perfect score, was none other than our own Ray Tahan, a bit younger and a lot
more hair!!!
December 2014 Issue
The Birth of J.A.G.
The Herfurths continued their efforts in 1979 with the EJAG sponsored Cushetank Mountain Road Rally. Bolstered by
their successes in the first two years, in 1980 they expanded their event with the first Autumn Rally and Show which
they held at the Ryland Inn located in Whitehouse Station, NJ, a short distance from their home and again, sponsored by
EJAG. This was the first year they combined a fun rally/ tour followed by a popular vote show which became an
annual tradition we still carry on today. For 1981,the event was greatly enhanced when it was held for the first time on
the grounds of The Stable Ltd. located in a converted barn in a bucolic setting in Peapack/ Gladstone which was
graciously offered by owner Tom Rossiter. This provided an added bonus of being able to view all of the exotic cars for
sale at The Stable. Tom still operates The Stable in Gladstone and is a long time member in good standing of JAG. The
winner of the rally that year was a dapper Jim Louden.
Sometime between 1981 and 1982, the Toepels decided to end their club program and the subsequent support of local
events. I believe the story at the time was that the cost of insurance to cover the events was getting too prohibitive, so
from then on, EJAG became just a monthly magazine. Bob and Betty, with the success and popularity of their Autumn
Meet, decided that they wanted to continue with the event even without the support of EJAG. To do that, they decided
to start a local Jaguar club which would give them the umbrella to sponsor, and obtain the necessary insurance coverage
for, the event. So Jaguar Auto Group was formed and held our first event, the J.A.G. Autumn Meet in September of
1982 at The Stable where it would continue to be held until the 90s. As a side note, in my research for this article, I
discovered that the motto for the original EJAG club was “The Independent Jaguar Automobile Group”. It’s a natural
extension to conclude that the motto was the influence for Bob and Betty to name their new club “Jaguar Auto Group”.
Over the following years, the Herfurths and many other volunteers planned and executed many other events including
many outstanding weekend trips to interesting areas within a day’s drive. In keeping with their goal of dedicating the
club to fun, friendship and using our cars, membership in JCNA was avoided because of their requirement that member
clubs annual shows had to be concours events which was not what we were about. As Ray Tahan once wrote “when we
found out that duct tape was not an acceptable material in JCNA Concours, we said no thanks”. Once JCNA dropped
the requirement for Concours events in the late 90s, JAG voted to join and we continue to be members. Over the years,
Bob and Betty did the lions share of the work to keep the club running and to plan and conduct all of the events.
December 2014 Issue
The Birth of J.A.G.
So now you are probably wondering how I can be so sure of the dates
and events. Certainly an old goat like me couldn’t remember details like
that from so long ago. Well the eagle eyed readers among you already
known the answer to that by carefully reading the printing on the photo
on the front page of this newsletter. That is a photo of the dash plaque
that was given to all attendees at the 1982 meet, and that I kept in the
glove box of my Jaguars all these years. Note it describes the 1982
Autumn Meet as the Charter Event of JAG.
I also had subscribed to EJAG magazine from 1978 through 1992
(which I believe is when it ceased publication) and kept all of those
issues safely stored away for future reference. By going back and
reading through them to research this story, I was able to find detailed
articles on the events from 1978 through 1981 which was the final
EJAG sponsored event. I could find no coverage of any of our JAG
events after that.
Along with the 1982 plaque , I also found the 1983 plaque that now
describes the event as being held at The Stable. In addition to the
plaques, I also found our original JAG membership card which
shows us to be member number 18 which was probably based on our
position in the signup line for the 1982 event.
I hope you have enjoyed this look into the history of our club which
has had a long and successful past and continues well positioned for
the future. Our club members have always been brought together by
our love and appreciation of Jaguar cars but more importantly, it has
provided all of us with great fun, interesting adventures and lasting
personal friendships and has provided us with a way to escape from the
problems of the world.
December 2014 Issue
Report on the AGM held on February 16, 2014
AGM held on January 31
Minutes of the Jaguar Auto Group AGM
February 16, 2014
Call to Order
President Ray Sharp called the meeting to order at 11:50 AM. The minutes of last meeting had
been distributed to all JAG members by email prior to the AGM. By voice poll, no amendments
to the minutes were requested and the minutes were accepted.
Treasurer’s Report
Ray Sharp gave the Treasurer’s report on behalf of John Green. The club had $2,470.31 in our
checking account after deducting the fee for the Parks Commission permit for the Annual Picnic
and JCNA dues. We have 36 active paid memberships. The Treasurer’s report was accepted
by the members as presented.
Changes to By-laws
Various changes were suggested to the JAG by-laws, as incorporated in a set of proposed
revised by-laws that was distributed at the meeting. Occurrences of “Spouse” were changed to
“Domestic partner”. “Written notice” was changed to “Email”. “Email list” was changed to
“Yahoo group”. We memorialized officer positions for Director of Communications and
Membership Secretary. Official term limits were extended by 12 months. References to “The
British Marque” were eliminated from the by-laws. There was a discussion on the efficacy of the
language in our by-laws limiting the club’s liability. Steve Weinstien noted that our insurance
through JCNA covers $3 million liability at all club events. There was a discussion about the
required language for the dissolution of the club and members present preferred to donate any
club assets to a charitable organization. It was decided to add language to the proposed
revised by-laws to read that club assets would be disposed of “In a manner consistent with the
requirements for a non-profit organization”. The above changes were adopted by vote and the
by-laws were thus amended.
December 2014 Issue
10 Report on the AGM held on February 16, 2014 (continued)
Election of Officers
Ray Sharp was nominated for the 2014 Presidency and was unopposed. Mike Eck was
nominated and confirmed as the club Vice President. Secretary – Mark Denesevich;
Treasurer – John Green; Newsletter editor - Denis Donohue; Membership secretary – Bob
O’Reilly; and Director of communications – Al Reda were all re-elected to their current
Old Business - None
Reports of Committees - None
Discussion of Issues facing JAG
There was no response from the Jaguar Touring Club concerning our proposed informal
meeting to discuss mutual issues affecting our clubs. There was a thoughtful discussion
about the need for new members and increased participation on the part of existing members.
Ray and Julia Sharp will try to host a pool party this summer with the date to be announced
later. Ray and Julia also agreed to organize the annual picnic again this year. Monthly
breakfast meetings will be coordinated by Ray Sharp and Ray Tahan with the members
strongly urged to make suggestions for meeting and eating places. Steve Weinstien
announced that the 2015 Jaguar Challenge will be in Boston next year. Keith Bertenshaw
mentioned that it was crucial to place tours and weekend-long events on the calendar as early
in the year as possible. He also suggested piggy-backing on some of the events held by
MGA and Triumph clubs. Ray Tahan noted that the Greenwich Concours will be the weekend
of May 31-June 1. The annual JAG picnic is scheduled for July 13.
Coventry Cup
The Coventry Cup was awarded to Denis Donohue for his efforts as newsletter editor.
The meeting was adjourned at 1:05PM.
December 2014 Issue
11 Spring Dust-off
The Spring Dust-off with hospitality by Mary and Bert Hunter is always a popular
event as shown by the large turnout this year.
December 2014 Issue
12 Tech session at Automotive Restorations Inc.
In March, I attended a tech session sponsored
by the New York MG club that was held at
Automotive Restorations Inc. in Stratford Ct.
It is a huge building with separate shops for
Upholstery, Sheet metal work, Body work, etc.
They do some incredible work on all kinds of
cars including a lot of Jaguars. Their
showroom here contained all sorts of exotic
Everywhere you looked in this huge building
there were classics and exotics being repaired
and/ or restored as far as the eye could see.
The sheet metal shop called “The Panel Shop” is
a first class operation with English wheels and
other forming tools.
There was an Etype on the lift having the floors and rocker panels
replaced. They were also in the process of creating a replica of a
famous race car which I believe is a Cunningham. The panels are
hand formed to fit the computer designed wooden “buck”
December 2014 Issue
13 Monthly Breakfasts
April Tour and Breakfast
We met at the Mendham Post Office.
Warren Hanson led us on a short, fun tour
through the scenic countryside ending at the
Black Horse Tavern in Mendham for breakfast.
December 2014 Issue
14 Monthly Breakfasts
September breakfast
Our September breakfast was combined
with the Wine & Cheese Festival held on
the grounds of the Waterwheel Farm in
Sussex County for the benefit of the Karen
Ann Quinlan Hospice. Anne and Peter
Wheeler again arranged the event
including an invitation from the host to
display our cars and receive free
A great breakfast was had at the
Hampton Diner and that was followed by
a leisurely scenic tour through the Sussex
County countryside to the rural
Waterwheel Farm.
December 2014 Issue
15 Monthly Breakfasts
September breakfast
There was an excellent turnout of cars for the
car show part of the event.
Jaguars were well represented with many from
our club in attendance.
With the weather in full cooperation, the
Waterwheel Farm presented a scenic backdrop
for all of the beautiful cars.
December 2014 Issue
16 Monthly Breakfasts
September breakfast
The field contained an interesting
combination of American and Foreign cars.
It was an eclectic mix of stock originals,
modified and hot rods. Something for
The wine & cheese field contained an
extensive collection that was large enough to
satisfy all wine drinkers whether occasional
or connoisseurs. Later in the day there was
an auction of items that had been donated
for the event. There were some interesting
items and some great bargains. Ask Bob
O’Reilly about his frog the next time you
see him.
This was a really enjoyable event combining a
breakfast with a scenic tour and a car show/
wine & cheese festival. That combined with
the great weather and large turnout of JAG
members made it a memorable day. If we are
lucky enough to have Anne & Peter arrange
it again next year, you should add it to your
list of must see events.
December 2014 Issue
17 Classified Ads
Don’t forget that classified ads are FREE for members (subject to size and other restrictions at the
discretion of the Editor). Readers of Jag Mag will recall that Al Reda put his 1971 E-Type Roadster up
for sale a while back and we ran a couple of classified ads on his car. Al was able to sell his car as a result
of these ads.
Jag Mag is posted on the JCNA site and thus has many more people viewing it than just club members
and thus will be seen by many more folks than just our club members. Please do not hesitate to avail
yourself of this opportunity.
Satin Beige Metallic
Doeskin Leather interior
2ND Owner
42,000 Miles
An original "preservation" quality car purchased from the original owner who moved from Illinois to Greenwich
Connecticut where I acquired it. Always garaged.
Original bill of sale
Jaguar books and manuals
New headliner
New A/C compressor and evaporator
New Michelin tires (1000 miles)
Original wheels w/tires available
New Battery
Fuel tank relined and refurbished by Paul Maletsky in 2013
Detailed (including the engine compartment) by Ken Saviet
BBS wheels
Runs beautifully
Asking $ 13,900 Negotiable
Open to all reasonable offers
Mitch Tanner
(201) 891-3585 (Wyckoff)
(845) 753-8500 (Tuxedo Park)
December 2014 Issue
18 Classified Ads
For sale a one off, titled 1956 MGA, with a 12 cylinder, 6 weber carb, Jag motor
and Jag 4 speed, with corvette IRS. $60K - Ralph Scarfogilero - 201-206-1389
I have seats from 1968 E-type. As new condition $1000.00
I have two complete doors with all hardware 1969 2 + 2 $500.00
John Green
December 2014 Issue
19 Classified Ads
1975 Triumph TR 6 for sale. Car is white and in very nice shape, runs very well and
complete with tonneau, nice vinyl top and rare factory hard top. More pics
available. Come see and drive it and you'll buy it. Too many cars. $18,000 or BO
Dennis Mamchur Cell 973 650 1724
January 25 2015
Potbelly’s Riverside Cafe
26 E Main Street
Rockaway, NJ 07886
December 2014 Issue
20 Club Bylaws
December 2014 Issue
21 Club Bylaws
December 2014 Issue
22 Club Bylaws
December 2014 Issue
23 Club Bylaws
December 2014 Issue
24 Club Bylaws
December 2014 Issue
New Membership & Renewal Application
Affiliated with Jaguar Clubs of North America JCNA
Tel: ______________
Address: ________________________________
Fax: _____________
City, State, Zip: _______________________________________________
E Mail Address: ________________________
What activities would interest you most? __________________________
Where did you hear about Jaguar Auto Group? ____________________
Jaguar’s owned: ______________________________________________
Other British Marques: ________________________________________
JCNA Membership Number Through JAG: _______________________
Dues are $40 Includes Bi-Monthly Jaguar Journal Magazine and JCNA
Membership. Make check payable to JAGUAR AUTO GROUP and
mail to:
John Green, 73 Inwood Avenue, Upper Montclair, N.J. 07043
If you are a current JCNA Member through another club YOUR DUES
ARE $20. If so include your current JCNA Membership #___________.
New members joining after July 1st will pay $20.00 and will receive remaining news
(Rev. 2/13 AR)
December 2014 Issue