Newsletter - The Car Nut
Newsletter - The Car Nut
AJS Newsletter Vol. XXXI, num. 10/11 Jaguar’s Future By Alan Talbott, President With sales world wide climbing (a 47% increase for Jag/LR in October) and Jaguar’s parent Tata recently paying down 1.98B dollars of the 3B they borrowed to buy Jag/Land Rover the future is looking bright even as our economy is still in the doldrums. With the good fortune of Tata, some new models will surface in the near term that should spark further sales. First is an extensive facelift of the XF, which is now approaching four years old and in addition to the facelift Jaguar will have a XF Estate Wagon by 2012, at least in Europe. Next will be a small sports coupe, which is now confirmed, called the XE. This model is a two-seater that will use a shortened XK platform powered by V-6 engines and due in 2013. In 2014 the introduction of a small X-Type like sedan will be available to compete with the BMW 3-Series. Design is not yet completed but they are said to be working on the sedan, hatchback and/or crossover models. Engine possibilities may include Range Rover’s Evoque 2.2 liter turbocharged I-4 or the 2.2 liter turbodiesel I-4 mated with ZF’s eight speed transmission. 2015 will bring the next version of the XF, which will switch to the all aluminum body first introduced on the XJ8. This will mean an immediate weight reduction in the car with more power and better mileage the direct benefit. With these planned models comes the announcement that Jag/LR will invest billions of October/November, 2010 pounds in the UK to keep the manufacturing plants there. An agreement was worked out with the unions to avoid plant closings. Ralf Speth, Jag/LR CEO, is quoted “We have ambitious plans for growth…and this agreement will allow us to accelerate and realize those plans.” May there always be a British made Jag! Since this is a combined Oct/Nov newsletter, members were informed late in September of the passing of long time member and Jaguar enthusiast Jim Mindrup. This cherub-faced man was always a delight to be around with a joke and cheery demeanor that was his calling card. He brought joy to the club no doubt, but more importantly to thousands of children through his craftsmanship of exotic kaleidoscopes donated to hospitals around the country. He will be sorely missed and his wife June has lost a husband and great friend. Steve Unti spoke eloquently at his funeral and every word rang true to the type of individual he was. We will always remember Jim with the fondest of memories. As mentioned above, this combined issue has some catching up to do so September’s dinner meeting speakers are first. New members Mark and Marie Daner joined at the meeting and Mark was also our speaker. Mark is a financial analyst at Wells Fargo. He gave an excellent and always welcome talk on the economy and the country’s financial position. Coupled with investment information and his and Marie’s interest in the Jaguar, they made for a very interesting discussion. They are most welcome into the club and much appreciated for taking the time to speak to us that evening! October’s speakers were Jim and Marsha Foley with Marsha doing the bulk of the speaking. Lots of humorous anecdotes peppered her talk about growing up, a nursing career and life in general. Jim followed with accounts of his career and life as well, again with humor, which seems to be a general trait of the folks in this club anyway. Jim has also sparked an interest in supplying donated items by our club to the veterans that are in need of so much. He and Larry Walton delivered a whole Land Rover full of clothes, etc to the VA Hospital in Decatur just two weeks ago in a very worthwhile endeavor! Thanks to both sets of speakers for making our meetings just that much better. Note: Officer elections will be coming up at the November meeting, so if you would like to contribute as an officer please let me know within the next few weeks. Our next dinner meeting is November 29th at Aldo’s in Sandy Springs. As always please RSVP to Beverlee Leo at 770-949-6775 or email to June’s Corner Member News By June Mindrup, Health & Hospitality Director New Member Department: Marc and Marie Daner from Alpharetta, GA, drive a silver 2000 XJ8 L. Prior to our Concours, our custom is to have a party the night before. This year Jim and Marsha Foley once again were our hosts. Their home is a lovely setting for the party and we did indeed have a great time. Plenty of food, drink, conversation and some laughs set us up perfectly for the following day. Thanks to both for taking the time to be hosts and allowing us to share their beautiful home with the club. Gayle Hale has recently become a new member and drives a black S-Type R. Our Concours d’ Elegance was held in early October once again at Nalley Jaguar. We very much appreciate them hosting this event and setting up the catered lunch, as well. Lew will have put in a variety of photos that pretty well document this event so words from me will be superfluous, but we do need to thank the teams that put this together. Dick Thyer, our Concours Director, along with JP Summers, Jim Foley and Bob Daly all put in the work to get trophies and raffle items together plus handling the set up of the cars. Lew George and Alan Talbott took the photos of each individual car and owner. Shelia Brower sold a bunch of raffle tickets. Judges too numerous to mention but are an integral part of the process as well. Fran McNair, Kim Daly, and Marilyn Fry took care of the scoring, Wayne Harris did the announcing of the trophies and, last but not, least Dabney Talbott and Marlene Hart sold regalia items. Vale and Linda Frost won best of show for their beautiful XK. Concours results and photo’s are elsewhere in the newsletter. A great day! Robert Smith from Dawsonville, GA, who owns a 1986 Red XJS and a 2006 XJ8 L in Silver. Gabe and Kelly Hrib from Marietta, GA who drive a blue l970 XKE Marvin and Carolyn Sikes from Duluth, GA and they drive a l957 XK 140 DHC and a l972 2 x 2 Coupe. Tom Young, who attended his first AJS meeting in October, drives a 2004 XJ8 in British Racing Green with tan interior. A big welcome aboard to all of you! Marlene and Don Hart returned October 24th from a stay in their Florida condo as well as a Caribbean cruise. Word is that they had to dodge a Hurricane which rerouted their cruise to avoid the Honduras area. Claude Wills had successful cancer surgery followed by chemo and radiation treatments. Then, in addition, he had a knee operation. That is one full plate! But the good news is that he is doing OK now. Rock and Betty Jean Spann have recently returned from a week’s stay in Hilton Head. They reported beautiful weather for golfing, walking on the beach and swimming. Bob Daly had successful surgery and is recuperating nicely. You can't keep a good guy down! Yera Kleiner is back after a 16-day visit for a family reunion in Armenia. Bob McNair is home!! Hip, Hip, Hooray!! We're looking forward to seeing you soon at the AJS meeting. We've all missed you. Dabney Talbott had successful eye surgery. To get the full benefit from her laser surgery, she will have a cataract operation in January. By that time we're all hoping she will be able to see around a corner. Bob Hicks has been back in the hospital three times with a hernia problem, however, he has been assured no surgery is scheduled. A Tread Mill has been added to their living room decor and both Bob and Beverly are treading away. UPDATE ON JUNE MINDRUP June Mindrup will need to have hip replacement surgery. She is scheduled for December 15, 2010, with Dr. Hannah of Resurgeons Group. She is having a lot of pain & must use a walker, so they will try to move the surgery date up. Because of her age & medical history she is at high risk. She will need our prayers & moral support. Activities Kim Daly, Activities Director The Halloween party, given by Alice and Dick Thyer, was attended by witches, pirates, God’s gift to women, two hippies, a high school letterman, a rock star and his groupie, a mad proctologist, Gino the Maserati mechanic, a Jaguar girl and a masked man and woman along with several other “normal people”. There were so many Halloween decorations on display; one would think Alice had to begin decorating on July 4th! There was plenty of food and drink as well as a few silly games and lots of camaraderie. For those who could not attend, we missed you and hope you will join us next year. Many thanks are sent to Alice and Dick. For all of you fine auto lovers out there, Skip Smith has arranged a visit to a very special car collection on Saturday, November 13 from 10:00-12:00. The Cofer Collection is one of the finest in the Southeast. According to Skip, the collection is an eclectic combination of American automobiles amassed by the late Gene Cofer and his son, Chip. Every car is meticulously maintained and driven regularly by curator Cecil McCall and overseen by Chip. The star of the collection is a 1935 Fernandez and Darin bodied SJ Duesenberg originally owned by the late Madeline Astor, widow of John Jacob Astor. The collection has many cars which have been featured in movies such as “Tucker-The Man and his Dream” and “Bobby Jones-Stroke of Genius”. On November 13th, Skip invites you to meet Cecil McCall, who you will surely find informative, insightful and entertaining. If you have attended the Amelia Island Concours or the Pebble Beach Concours, you may have already met Cecil. For a preview of the collection go to: We will meet at 10:00 AM sharp on the 13th at: 3702 Lawrenceville Highway Tucker, GA 30084 It is located between Porter Paints and Auto Zone. If you need to reach Skip, his cell number is 678-361-4639. We will make some arrangements for those wishing to go out for a bite of lunch after viewing the collection. Hope to see you on the 13th! By the way, we will be joined by The North Georgia Club at this event. Fall Drive: On Saturday, November 20th we will make our fall pilgrimage in the form of a beautiful drive into the mountains of North Georgia. Our destination is near the town of Young Harris, Brasstown Valley Resort and Spa, where we will have lunch. We will head up GA 400 to get started, and then we will take a scenic drive to the resort. We will meet at 10:00 AM at the Marriott parking lot on Windward Pkwy at GA 400. Coming from the South on GA 400, exit on Windward Pkwy, turn right at the end of the off ramp, and then make a left at the first light and then another left into the parking lot of the Marriott. If you plan on joining us for this drive, please RSVP to Kim Daly by Wednesday, November 17th, as I need to confirm the luncheon reservations. The Holidays really are upon us. It is time to make plans to attend our premier social event of the year, our annual Christmas party and dance to be held on Sunday, December 5th. Back by popular demand, our venue will again be The Country Club of Roswell. Our party begins right at 6:00 PM with an hour of cocktails (cash bar) and hors d’ouerves. Dinner will be served promptly at 7:00 PM. Besides the hors d’ouerves, the dinner includes a lovely salad, followed by your choice of an entrée of Free Range Roasted Half Chicken (rumored to be extra delicious) or Organic Salmon with a lemon caper sauce or the ever popular 7 oz Filet Mignon. All entrees will be served with green beans almondine and herb roasted redskin potatoes. Dinner will be followed by a visit to the dessert table, where you will be able to choose from a variety of mini desserts. Wine will be served with dinner as well as a glass of sparkling wine to enjoy with our toast to Her Highness, Queen Elizabeth II. Entertainment will be in the form of Mark Sullivan, DJ extraordinaire! Please come ready to Conga, as Myrna and Ivan are ready to lead the line throughout the Country Club! I would think Ken and Irene Carr would be able to help with the line, as well! We will also have door prizes and a raffle. Now, I will give you a few more details. The cost for this event is $55 per member in good standing. You must have paid your dues for this year to be considered a member in good standing. You may bring one guest at the $55 rate…this means married couples will each pay $55 and singles in the club will pay $55 for themselves and may bring one guest at $55. Any additional guests are welcome, but must pay $65 per person, as AJS subsidizes part of the cost of this event. I need your RSVP no later than Monday, November 29th. Because AJS must give the CCR a guaranteed number of guests by Tuesday the 30th of November, no refunds will be made for last minute cancellations. Because of Health Department regulations, it is the policy of the CCR not to allow food to be taken from the premises. However, I will ask for an exception to this rule, if necessary, but there is no guarantee it will be allowed. Please note: all drinks, except for the wine with dinner, must be purchased at the cash bar set up for us. We are not able to use the CCR’s member bar. The Country Club of Roswell is located at: 2500 Club Springs Drive Roswell 30076 Phone: 770-475-7800. Remember, this is a black tie/optional event, so wear your best party clothes and come prepared to have a great time with your fellow AJS members. Your invitation is included with this newsletter. If you have any questions about any of these events, please call me. Kim Daly Activities Director (c) 770-633-4960 or (h) 770-410-5717 Next monthly meeting November 29th Aldo’s Restaurant Social hour- 6:00 pm, Dinner-7:00 PM Please RSVP to Beverlee Leo 770-949-6775 or Maybe they should have rented a moving van!! 2010 Atlanta Jaguar Society Concours 2010 Atlanta Jaguar Society Concours 2010 Atlanta Jaguar Society Halloween Party Schedule for 2010 January Atlanta Jaguar Society th February 6 – Diana: A Celebration 27th - Tech Session, GA Tire Depot March 13th - St. Patrick’s Day Parade 13th-14th - Amelia Island Concours 27th - The Allure of the Automobile April 10th - Truett Cathy’s car collection May 1st – 2nd - The Classic Motorsports Mitty Road Atlanta 15th - British Motorcar Day, Berry College 22nd – Cocktail Party June – 19th Land of the Spirit play in Lavonia 26th – Tech Session @ Carsmetics July - 23rd - Fernbank, Martini’s & IMAX August 21st – Lake Party September 11th - Atlanta British Car Fayre October 2nd - Concours d’Elegance & Party 3rd - Concours d’Elegance @ Nalley 15th – 17th – Eurofest Spartanburg, SC 23rd – Cofer Collection 30th – Halloween Party November 5th – 7th – Hilton Head Concours 13th – Cofer Car Collection 20th – Fall Drive and Lunch December 5th - Christmas Party Officers & Directors Honorary Chairman: Alan Talbott (H)770.621.9854 (O)770.939.1644 President Elect: Don Hart 770.956.7165 Vice President: Judy Scarborough (H)770.772.9734 2nd Vice President: J.P Summers (H)770.448.5244 Advertising & Publicity Director Open Past President: Paul Brower (H)770.509.6830 Secretary Kenneth: Carr (H)404.843.0681 Treasurer: Fran McNair (H)770.497.9980 Activities Director: Kim Daly 770.410.5717 Newsletter Editor: Lew George (H)404.892.6979 Membership Director: Wil Sommer (C)404.803.0306 Health & Hospitality Director: June Mindrup (H)770.457.1217 Technical Director: Ivan Ruiz 770.998.0923 Regalia Directors: Marlene Hart 770-956-7165 Dabney Talbott 770-621-9854 Concours Director: Dick Thyer 770.887.1312 AJS Founder: John Steen 770.419.9632 The AJS Newsletter is published monthly except December and is distributed free to all Society Members. For email delivery send request to: Submissions for publication should be supplied to the Newsletter Editor by email or in other machine readable form by the 25th day of the month prior to publication. Material is subject to editorial revision and may express the sole opinion of the submitter. AJS Newsletter Editor Lew George 220 Renaissance Pkwy. Unit 1113 Atlanta, GA 30308-2352 WHEN IT HAS TO BE RIGHT, Jaguar XJ Quality Service & Repairs – Genuine Jaguar Parts New & Select Edition Pre-owned Vehicles We are proud of our association with the Atlanta Jaguar Society. “Drive in the Fast Lane” Internet Pre-owned Sale!! Visit us at Present this ad for a $500 discount off a new Jaguar XJ! Offer valid through December 31, 2010 As always, AJS members are entitled to these exclusive benefits: 15% discount on Parts & Accessories! - 15% discount on Labor! Excludes scheduled maintenance and tires, cannot be combined with other offers or specials. AJS Member’s Car of the month Claude and Carole Wills’ 2010 Gray XK Coupe just purchased from Nalley Jaguar.
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