June 2011 news Sheet
June 2011 news Sheet
Australian Pony Stud Book Victorian Branch www.apsbvic.org.au Shetland Filly Line Up - 2011 Victorian Branch Stud Show Foal Futurity Secretary: Judi Tainsh PO Box 2132 Geelong Vic 3220 Phone: 03 5221 3099 Fax: 03 5229 8244 Email: apsb@baycitybiz.com.au President: Joy Jones 95 Tonkin Road Labertouche Vic 3816 Phone: 03 5628 7513 Email: edgewoodponystud@bigpond.com Federal Registrar: Andrea McQueen PO Box 57 Geebung Qld 4034 Phone: 07 3216 2011 Fax: 07 3216 2509 Email: registrar@apsb.asn.au APSB Vic Branch ‐ Committee & Group Contacts APSB Victorian Branch Promotional Group Committee Contacts President: Joy Jones 03 5628 7513 Australian Pony Owners & Breeders Vice President: Graeme Hodgkison 03 5629 2548 Marion Costello 03 5978 8294 Sally Centrone 03 9801 3849 Connemara Enthusiasts Group Treasurer: Bruce Hamblin 03 5433 6243 Annette Condie 03 5334 6841 State Delegate: Marion Costello 03 5978 8294 Victorian Dartmoor Group Web Site: Janice Johnson 03 5664 7335 Teena Firth 0407 518 764 Committee: Jonathon Baker 03 5638 4011 Fjord Promotional Group Lorraine Bilson 0408 100 973 Julia Grave 03 5944 3316 Fern Davenport Hackney Enthusiasts Group 0401 804 745 Natalie O’Connor 03 5629 2972 Marilyn Fry 03 5629 2639 Highland Pony Filipa Marshall 03 5852 3067 Anna Thirkell 03 5629 2722 Jan McBain New Forest Pony Owners & Breeders Lisa Oneill 03 5629 2226 Carol Hibbert 03 5941 1895 Foal Futurity: Janice Johnson 03 5664 7335 Shetland Pony Enthusiasts Sally Centrone 03 9801 3849 Action Day: Lorraine Bilson 0408 100 973 8.2hh & Under Shetland Ponies APSB Vic Office 03 5221 3099 Nicole Stafford 03 5796 9113 Welsh Promotional Group Lisa Dunn 0409 976 875 Gippsland Regional Promotional Group Michelle Paynter 03 5633 1604 Murray Lodden Promotional Group “APSB Promotional Groups were set up to Filipa Marshall 03 5852 3067 promote the breeds and to encourage North Central Promotional Group Kara Mamouney 03 5435 2575 members in a geographical area to get North East Promotional Group together. Rosemary Garoni 02 6028 9265 Most of these groups have a wonderful Western Promotional Group Chriss Foss 03 5345 3622 social side to them as well as promoting Sou’Westers Promotional Group APSB ponies “ Leora Gardiner 03 5267 2742 South Western Promotional Group Currently in Recess Closing Dates for APSB Victorian Newsletter & Newssheet September Newsletter Deadline -th Friday 29th July 2011 Please forward any information to be included to the Editor by Friday 29 July. All items must be received electronically in be accepted). We want to ensure that your news is included. Microsoft Word 2007 or older version (PDF items will not Do not make photos smaller than 500 kb or crop them, we will do that for you. Small photos will not print clearly. December Newssheet Deadline - Friday 28th October 2011 Send all items and enquiries to: newsletter@apsbvic.org.au If you would like a receipt of acknowledgement sent please set your email account to request one. Advertising Rates: Colour: Full page - $220.00 1/2 page - $110.00 1/2 page - $55.00 Black & White: Full page - $110.00 1/4 page - $35.00 NOTICE OF ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING Notice is hereby given that the Annual General Meeting of the Australian Pony Stud Book Society (Victorian Branch) will be held on Sunday 28th August, 2011 Meeting to commence at 1:00 p.m. in the RASV Meeting Rooms 1 & 2, Melbourne Showgrounds (enter via Gate 5, Langs Road) The following current members of committee will be retiring and are eligible for re‐election: Joy Jones Marion Costello Graeme Hodgkison Janice Johnson Filipa Marshall Mrs Jan McBain has resigned and is not re‐nominating. ELECTION PROCEDURE 1. The nomination form is on the reverse of this notice. 2. Nomination forms must be correctly completed and be returned to the Returning Officer by 4:30 p.m. on Tuesday 26th July, 2011. All nomination forms must be accompanied by a résumé and a photograph of the nominee. Faxed nominations will NOT be accepted. 3. Members unable to attend the Annual General Meeting may apply for an absentee ballot paper and must return it to the Returning Officer by 4:30 p.m. on Wednesday 24th August, 2011. 4. Nominees who wish to nominate a scrutineer must do so in writing prior to the 24th August, 2011. RULES 1. 2. Only written or phone requests, stating membership number and reason why (in accordance with Rule 2) an absentee paper is required will be accepted. Absentee ballot papers will only be forwarded to members indicating that they are unable to attend the A.G.M. for the following reasons : Work Commitments Illness Distance Any other legitimate reason 3. 4. 5. Upon application, absentee ballot papers will be forwarded to the member along with the envelopes. The ballot paper must be completed and enclosed in the unmarked envelope titled “ballot paper only” and this envelope is to be enclosed in the other envelope provided, marked “ballot paper enclosed”. This envelope has provision on the reverse side for your membership number to be completed by you. No general correspondence, registrations, etc. may be forwarded to the office in any of the official ballot envelopes. The outer envelope will be checked for eligibility against the membership role. Upon eligibility, the envelope will be opened and the unmarked envelope containing the ballot paper will be inserted into the ballot box and will not be opened under any circumstances until the appointed scrutineers commence counting votes on the day of the A.G.M. Ballot envelopes and ballot papers that have not been completed and returned strictly in accordance with these rules will be ineligible. NOMINATION FORM AUSTRALIAN PONY STUD BOOK SOCIETY INC. (VICTORIAN BRANCH) COMMITTEE ELECTION 2011. The Secretary Australian Pony Stud Book Society Inc. (Victorian Branch) P.O. Box 2132 Geelong, Vic. 3220 We, the undersigned, hereby nominate .................................................................. for election to the Victorian Branch Committee in accordance with the Regulations. Signature: .......................................... Name: ........................................ Memb No………………. Signature: .......................................... Name: ........................................ Memb No………………. N.B. The nomination must be signed by two financial members and lodged, along, with a brief résumé and photo of the Nominee, with the Returning Officer, APSB (Victorian Branch), P.O. Box 2132, Geelong, Vic. 3220, by 4:30 p.m. on Tuesday, 26th July, 2011. I,.......................................................of........................................................................................ (Block letters please) ........................................................................................................................................, being a financial member of the APSB, hereby accept the nomination. Signature: .......................................................Date: ..................... Memb No: ………………… I wish to nominate .............................................................................. as my scrutineer for the election. (optional) NEWS ITEMS LODGEMENT OF THE 2011 ANNUAL MARE AND STALLION RETURNS BREEDERS PLEASE REMEMBER THAT YOUR ANNUAL MARE AND STALLION BREEDING RETURNS ARE DUE BY AUGUST 1. FAILURE TO LODGE YOUR ANNUAL RETURNS WILL REQUIRE DNA TYPING FOR PARENT VALIDATION OF ANY PROGENY BORN IN THE COMING FOALING SEASON. IT IS RECOMMENDED THAT YOU ENCLOSE A STAMPED SELF ADDRESSED ENVELOPE TO CONFIRM THAT YOUR RETURNS HAVE ARRIVED AT THE FEDERAL OFFICE. YOUR S.S.A. ENVELOPE WILL THEN BE STAMPED BY THE REGISTRAR AS CONFIRMATION THAT YOUR RETURN/S HAVE BEEN RECEIVED. MEMBERSHIP RENEWAL FOR 2012. MEMBERS ARE REMINDED THAT APSB MEMBERSHIP RENEWAL FOR 2012 IS DUE ON JULY 1 2011. YOUR MEMBERSHIP IS IMPORTANT TO US, WE WANT YOU TO BE ABLE TO PARTICIPATE IN ALL OUR APSB EVENTS WITH YOUR PONY OR LODGE ANNUAL BREEDING RETURNS, REGISTER PROGENY, ISSUE SERVICE CERTIFICATES AND RECEIVE STATE NEWSLETTERS THAT CONTAIN UPTODATE INFORMATION. IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS REGARDING MEMBERSHIP OF THE APSB, PLEASE CONTACT THE FEDERAL REGISTRAR ON 07 3216 2011 OR YOUR VICTORIAN BRANCH SECRETARY ON 03 5221 3099. APSB VICTORIAN BRANCH SEMINAR – DANDENONG SHOWGROUNDS THE VICTORIAN BRANCH COMMITTEE WILL BE HOLDING A SEMINAR INVOLVING THE LARGER MOUNTAIN & MOORLAND BREEDS AND THE GYPSY COB WITHIN THE APSB. THE DATE IS SET FOR SUNDAY SEPTEMBER 4TH 2011 AT THE DANDENONG SHOWGROUNDS BETWEEN 11A.M AND 2.P.M. APSB PANEL JUDGES QUALIFIED IN THESE BREEDS WILL BE INVITED TO ATTEND AS A REFRESHER. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION, PLEASE CONTACT THE VICTORIAN BRANCH OFFICE OR YOUR LOCAL COMMITTEE MEMBER. [CONTACT DETAILS CAN BE FOUND AT THE FRONT OF THIS NEWSLETTER]. THE 2012 APSB VIC BRANCH STUD SHOW WILL ONCE AGAIN BE HELD IN BENDIGO APSB FORUM ‐ THE NEW FORUM HAS BEEN SET UP FOR ALL APSB MEMBERS. TO REGISTER AND PARTICIPATE GO TO http://www.apsbforum.com APPLICATIONS FOR JUDGES PANEL Applications for inclusion on the Judges Panel have been received from the following people for the nominated section/s. Probationary Judges Panel Monique Centrone - Australian, Welsh (all sections), Shetland, New Forest, Dartmoor, Harness & Saddle. Please forward any comments re these applications to The Secretary, APSB Vic Branch, PO Box 2132, Geelong, Vic 3220 Before the next meeting. GIPPSLAND REGIONAL APSB PROMOTIONAL GROUP INAUGURAL ACCOMPLISHMENT AWARDS The Gippsland Regional APSB Promotional Group is running an “accomplishment” competition during the 2010-2011 show season. The awards will recognise successful ponies during the season at the shows which are sponsored by the GRPG. These awards have been developed to help encourage owners to show their APSB registered ponies in APSB sections at the shows as follows: GRPG Foal Show – 16 May 2010 Sale Agricultural – 31 Oct 2010 Dandenong Agricultural – 14 Nov 2010 Yarram Agricultural – 20 Nov 2010 Traralgon Agricultural – 26 Nov 2010 GRPG Two Day Show – Jan 2011 Bass Coast Agricultural – 8 Jan 2011 Korumburra Agricultural – Feb 2011 Warragul Agricultural – March 2011 Bunyip Agricultural – March 2011 Accomplishment awards will be judged by the GRPG committee and awarded for sections such as youngstock pony, senior pony, ridden pony. Sections may be modified at the discretion of the GRPG committee depending upon numbers entered. Entries are to be in writing and must outline the success of the pony at the above shows during the show season. Entries must be received by 30th June 2011 and should be forwarded to the GRPG Secretary, Michelle Paynter, 961 Moe-Rawson Road, Tanjil South 3825. The Accomplishment awards will be presented at a time to be announced. CHANGES IN VICTORIAN CODE of PRACTICE FOR THE WELFARE OF HORSES RE BRANDING. APSB WOULD LIKE TO BRING TO THE ATTENTION OF BREEDERS THAT DUE TO THE PROPOSED CHANGES TO THE CODE of PRACTICE FOR THE WELFARE OF HORSES, HOT IRON BRANDING OF HORSES WILL NO LONGER BE AN ACCEPTED PRACTICE WITHIN THE CODE. FREEZE BRANDING IS STILL ACCEPTABLE AND ONCE THIS CHANGE GOES THROUGH PARLIAMENT WILL MOST LIKELY BE THE PRIMARY METHOD OF IDENTIFICATION WITHIN THE APSB. PLEASE READ THE AHIC NOTICE BELOW ON THIS CHANGE. CHANGES IN VICTORIAN CoP FOR THE WELFARE OF HORSES RE BRANDING The AHIC would like to bring to your attention an important issue regarding identification in the Revision of the Code of Practice for the Welfare of Horses, which is under the Victorian Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act 1986. The revision of the Code has reached its final draft and is to be presented to the Minister prior to being tabled in Parliament. In the section on Identification (see below) horses must not be branded using corrosive chemicals or hot irons under the minimum standards to avoid cruelty to animals. Whilst this revision of the Code is yet to be presented to Parliament it may be prudent for breed societies and organizations which currently use hot irons for identification purposes to consider an alternative method for the benefit at lest of their Victorian members. 16 IDENTIFICATION Minimum Standards S16.1 Horses must not be branded using corrosive chemicals or hot irons. S16.2 Microchips must be inserted by a registered veterinary practitioner in accordance with the Domestic Animals Act 1994. Guidelines G16.1 Microchipping with animal owner details recorded on a Victorian Government licensed microchip registry, freeze-branding, DNA profiling and blood type profiling are acceptable methods of permanent identification. G16.2 Hoof fire branding is acceptable as a short-term procedure. G16.3 Horses should be permanently identified as early as management practices will allow, by persons experienced and proficient in performing the procedure. G16.4 Where horses are kept at unoccupied premises, the contact details of the person in charge of the horse should be clearly displayed. G 16.5 Horse owners should regularly check that their contact details are correctly recorded with the licensed animal microchip identification registry. This information will be available two days after the horse has been microchipped. G 16.6 In accordance with the Domestic Animals Act 1994, microchips must be inserted into the nuchal ligament halfway along the left hand side of the horse’s neck. TIMOR PONIES "And one was there, a stripling on a small and weedy beast, He was something like a racehorse undersized, With a touch of Timor pony ‐ three parts thoroughbred at least ‐ And such as are by mountain horsemen prized. He was hard and tough and wiry ‐ just the sort that won't say die ‐‐‐" Of course most people know Banjo’s poem, but few, even the seasoned horsemen and women, spare a thought with the line “‐‐‐‐a touch of Timor pony ‐” Currently there are 3 stallions in known captivity, and 2 mares. One stallion lives in NSW, (Snowy Waler Stud, Jindabyne), one in Victoria (Yarramalong Waler Stud, Castlemaine), and one in QLD, (Shamballa Timor Pony Stud, Gympie). The 2 mares are also at Shamballa. Another 2 mares are now part of the Crocodylus Park Zoo in Darwin. Further ponies will join these foundations Timor’s to be used as a pure breed program as well as cross breeding to Australian Ponies. This article will help tell people of the remarkable history and importance of this little known pony and encourage anyone that may have a Timor pony to contact us. We actively seek potential owners for the next, and probably last, Timor Pony muster. APSB members will take priority for these special ponies to help assist in a breed program. My story starts with Mr Reg Wilson from Darwin, who in poor health, started worrying about his last two beloved stallions as he had to quickly find homes for them. Reg was instrumental with the rescue of the Waler horse back in the 80's. Following from this Reg also has an exhaustive knowledge of the Timor pony; a pony that was instrumental in the exploration of Australia and the Northern Territory in particular. Through working with his father and uncle, both Top End horse‐tailers in the early 1900’s, Reg came to respect the history of this remarkable little pony. Timors were mustered from the wilds of NT in Dec 2005. We took delivery of Reg’s two stallions, Ponies from Reg's original muster, a stallion and 2 mares were also mustered and sent to Shamballa Timor Pony Stud, Gympie, QLD. Snowy Xanthos has since been shown as a Timor pony at the 2011 Dalgety Show in NSW. It was the first showing of a Timor pony in Australia since 1954, before that it was the early 1920’s. A History of the Timor Pony The Timor pony has been around in Australia since the 1820's, (with a single stallion being imported into Sydney in 1803). Although the pony is not endangered, feral horses and ponies are being slowly eradicated from northern Australia. They continue to exist on Timor Island, but they are in danger to being lost to the Australian mainland, and it concerns us as this pony was a very important part of Australian horse breeding ‐ another part of Australia's forgotten history. In early days, where the Thoroughbred horses could not survive the tropical conditions and diseases of the Northern Territory, the Timor pony flourished. Many were shipped into the Australian colonies for working duties because of their hardiness, versatility and stamina. Timors were introduced into Australia en masse, in 1824, and landed through Port Essington (Coburg Peninsula, east of modern day Darwin) and these ponies soon adopted the Top‐end as their natural home. The Timors from the Coburg were intended as pack animals for the explorers, graziers and gold miners of the Territory. Early explorers Lt Grey and Mr Lushington led an exploration of the extreme North West of Western Australia. After landing the stores in the Prince Regent River, the LYNHER sailed for Timor, to procure some ponies and other live stock, and on the 17th of January, 1838, she returned. At the end of January, Grey and his party started from the coast with twenty‐six half‐broken Timor ponies as a baggage train. Many of these ponies later were eventually left to the wild. Pioneers such as Capt Edward Hester started farming the Canning district, W.A, in 1829, and he imported some of the first Timors into W.A. Early newspapers in W.A report the racing of Timor Ponies as a part of the racing programs that were held in the Swan colony. The other colonies also reported races for Timor ponies being held on the racing calendar throughout the 1800’s. TIMOR PONIES The gold miners of Brock’s Creek, NT, in the 1870’s also purchased Timor ponies from the trade merchants in Palmerston, to be used as pack ponies. In 1874, 2 explorers, Borradaile and Permain crossed the East Alligator river and were not seen again, though the Timors that they took increased in number in spite of the predatory crocodiles, dingoes, pigs and hunting by the Aborigines. The ponies spread out from Coburg onto the Murgenella plain. It was the interbreeding of the Timors with drovers’ horses, that bought into existence the Waler pony favoured by Northern stockmen, it was said, that the Timor pony “would go all day and give you their heart” (Arthur Wilson). The Timor found its way south to mix with horses of the Australia Alps, and todays mountain brumbies will likely have a genetic marker for the Timor. The ‘Banjo’ visited a large Timor pony stud on the outskirts of Yass in the 1890’s, many of these were sold onto the southern gold diggings as ponies of labour, thereafter many were turned out to go wild in the nearby mountains, where they mixed with other feral horses. The Timor’s suitability to the tough Australian conditions saw them spread south through W.A. An early shipment of Timor’s were landed into Coffin Bay in S.A, where they interbred with local horses and the progeny remain today. In short, the Timor pony was found in all of the early Australian colonies and was instrumental into the horse breeding history of Australia. Going back, why did 'The Banjo' write the Timor pony into his epic poem? Remember that A.B.Paterson was very much a horseman. He travelled with, and reported on the British Army in the Boer war and went on to command the remount unit in Palestine during WW1. When searching through the Australian papers and journals from the early 1800's onwards, you find that this pony made much of the exploration and exploitation of Australia possible. Paterson recognised the true worth of the Timor in breeding strength and stamina into our horses. He visited the Terrority in 1933; “They are the smallest specimens of horse flesh l have ever seen; but the breed had been there for the past forty years on most unsuitable country, and even a mob of Clydesdales would have shrunk in these surroundings”. Paterson went on the say that the Timor Ponies are among the best animals for their size in the world. The popular Australian Pony today owes much of its breed existence to the Timor Pony, where Timors were initially mixed with the Hungarian pony, Thoroughbred horse, Shetland ponies, and Welsh ponies. In World War II, it was the story of Sparrow Force and the 2/2nd independent Company fighting the Japanese in Portuguese & Dutch Timor, that the Timor Pony made a substantial contribution to the the efforts of the Australian Commando's. The pony was often loaded with it's own equivalent weight, and then packed into the hills and valleys of Timor; without them the Commando's could not have held out for as long as they did. The Timor ponies were purchased from the Timorese, by the commando’s, and this allowed many wounded soldier to be evacuated to safety, and vital supplies moved by the Australian and Dutch soldiers. This excerpt from Cpl J Haire’s personal war diary. Cpl Haire was one of the 2/2nd Indep Coy commandos in Timor. "22 March: Revelation in ability of Timor pony. Rode it until 1530 hrs over most difficult tracks imaginable. Narrow rocky gullies, steep descents, almost impossible ascents. Long continuous climbing, slippery clay, boggy clay, pony battled on sure‐footed". Where does the Timor originate from? The Timor pony today can still be found on Timor Island, and is a favoured racehorse among the locals. Outside the regional centres of Timor, the villages use the Timor as a pack and riding animal. Living among the hills and gullies of central Timor it has developed a surprising hardiness and proven stamina. Yet the pony is not a proper native to Timor, but was introduced around 1292 AD. It was the Asiatic Wild Horse, that the Chinese crossed with cavalry horses descended from the Tarpan that Khublai Khan took on a conquest of the Indonesian Islands in 1292. the remnants and descendants scattered through the Islands and were the progenitors of the Timor Pony, Bali pony and Sumba Pony. TIMOR PONIES Two elements constitute the Timor pony; The Tarpan (equus caballus przevalskii gmelin), and the Asiatic Wild Horse (equus caballus przewalskii przewalskii) ‐ also known as Przewalski’s Horse. Both these are ancient horses. The Tarpan no longer roams the planet, whereas the Przewalski Horse has been bred back from the brink of extinction. The Portugese Garrano, Sorraria and the British Exmoor Pony are other pony breeds along with the Timor pony that represent a mix of ancient horse, ‐ they share a common bloodline. Finally, why the interest in Timor Ponies? The answer lies in the fact that many Australian horses and ponies have the influence of the Timor in their blood. It was the Timor that allowed the miners and explorers to successfully extend into the interior of this country. It was the Timor that produced a hardy cross breed that served stockmen and Lighthorse trooper alike. The Timor pony is very personable in character, and should again be attractive to those wanting a hardy, friendly pony, or for use in cross breeding to existing Pony Studs. It is because of this link that the Waler Horse Owners & Breeders Association of Australia, (www.walerhorses.com) is a protective umbrella organisation for the successful reintroduction of the Timor pony breed in Australia. Looking to the future, it is the Australian Pony Stud Book Society (www.apsb.asn.au) that is responsible for the studbook and assists in the breeding of the of this very important breed influence within Australia. The last word should go to Caroline Nesbitt in her book, “Pony Breeders Companion” "we owe a lot to ponies. Over the centuries they have served our ancestors as a means of transport, source of food, and income, and a beast of burden whose labours often replaced that of humans.‐‐‐‐They have asked for (and frequently received) very little in return. The very natural and man‐made adversities that have threatened to wipe out their populations on numerous occasions throughout the years has in fact given modern breeders, riders, drivers, a gift of everlasting value that we in the USA are still only beginning to appreciate. This gift exists in the historically rich genetic diversity and enduring qualities that are still carried prominently in the heredity of our pony breeds. In our tendency to breed animals ever bigger and more refined to meet ever more specific uses, we've lost much in the way of intelligence, hardiness of constitution, soundness of limbs and feet, and the willingness to do what's asked for cheerfully. In turning our gaze to ponies, the goal has been to try and improve and refine them in the same way we've done with horses, until they look like nothing more than miniature versions of the larger breeds The 'improved' pony frequently seen at shows where it excels and for what is largely bred, is certainly more beautiful and refined than its native cousin. But the newer types of ponies have not necessarily been able to pass on any attributes that might be considered beneficial to their further off spring or for many of the people who will ride and handle them. ONCE THESE GENES ARE GONE THEY ARE GONE FOREVER. THEY CANNOT BE REPLACED. They have become extinct. ‐‐‐‐‐the point is rather that the improved ponies and refined horses demand and can benefit from the enduring qualities of the original native pony to maintain or reintroduce all of that which is good about the traditional types. These characteristics are necessary to the genetic health and continued prosperity of all ponies and horses.” R.D.Crispin CONNEMARA ENTHUSIASTS ‐ PONY PROFILE Celtic Santolina aka Bella ‐ Connemara Pony Rider: Sarah Matthews (Springfield Devereux / Celtic Thyme) S.Hunt & E. Olsen / Matthews Family In August 2010 Sarah and Bella took part in the APSB Action Day at Lara, where they were awarded the Best Performed Connemara plaque and have also qualified for the second year in a row for the National Championships for Mountain and Moorlands at Tatura in March 2011. Sarah and Bella have gone from grade 4 Eventing to grade 3 with the first competition at Ballarat where Penny Brown from Celtic Stud came and watched them perform with only one stop on the show jumping and a refusal in the cross country; the next competition was Colac which was extremely wet, they had a few too many refusals on the cross country but they finished the course. The last one day event for the season was at Smythesdale where the pair were eliminated on the cross country. Sarah and Celtic Santolina doing their first Grade 3 Eventing at Ballarat Sarah and Bella have been busy with winning all Mountain and Moorland classes at the Colac P & A Show in November last year and went Champion Mountain and Moorland. At Ballarat P & A, they won the mare class and went Reserve Champion Led Mountain and Moorland to the lovely Glenormiston Celtic Prince and won the saddle class and also went Champion Ridden Mountain and Moorland. We have also heard that Celtic Santolina won a Connemara Performance Award for 2010. The next outing was the APSB Stud Show in January. On the Saturday afternoon they won the Led Mountain and Moorland over 13.2 hands Show Hunter and also the Ridden Mountain and Moorland Show Hunter class. In the evening they went Reserve Champion Ridden Connemara Pony of the Year and then they were awarded the APSB Achievement Pony Award for 2010 for the Connemara’s (this was a total surprise to Sarah as she did not know that I had nominated the pair). On the Sunday the pair went second in the Led Connemara Mare and also Reserve Champion Led Connemara Mare to the lovely Glenormiston Ciara. Bella and Sarah then had a day’s rest before competing in a three day Eventing clinic with Emily and Will Enzinger, which they thoroughly enjoyed. The following weekend was the Melbourne Summer Royal, where they were 2nd in the Best Presented Connemara, 2nd in the Led Mare Connemara, 1st in the Ridden Connemara and Reserve Champion Ridden Mountain and Moorland. Sarah and Bella now are getting ready for the Pony Club State Dressage and Showjumping Qualification Day. Then they will be getting ready for the Eventing season to begin. CONNEMARA ENTHUSIASTS APSB VICTORIAN CONNEMARA ENTHUSIASTS GROUP PRESENTS HORSE/RIDER CONFIDENCE CLINIC with SANDI SIMONS Sandi is a sympathetic, compassionate trainer that will assist you with dealing with the “WHAT IFS” as there is nothing more challenging than riding with a loss of confidence… No matter if you have been out of the saddle for a while, had children, had a bad fall, Sandi has the techniques that you will be able use to help make you feel safer and more in control.. An enjoyable day, lots of learning, lots of fun and very rewarding. Treat yourself; YOU’RE WORTH IT! DATES: LOCATION: COST: TIMES: OTHER: BOOKINGS: Saturday 9th July 2011 University of Ballarat Indoor Equestrian Arena $200 for horse and rider $80 for non‐rider (50% deposit required to secure place) 9am to 4.30pm Morning tea and lunch included Board for you and your horse available for $40 per night Contact: Annette 0438 346 841 or kahean@optusnet.com.au To all of you busy horse Mums and Nannas out there Ever felt a lack of confidence? Or maybe just had a day when you feel you've put in the hours but achieved nothing? This is a common scenario for women and I speak for women only as we all share that same bond...too much to do and not enough hours to do it in! I feel this everyday that I ride, or those days when I try and ride but life gets in the way. Now let's talk about the wonderful miracle of having children. No-one ever told us that when we gave birth we'd also give birth to a loss of our riding confidence! Yet we are completely unaware that this has taken place until we return to the saddle, assuming that we'd pick up where we left off. But no...that's not the case! We find ourselves full of self-doubt, nervous and slightly intimidated...not to mention very sore with unfit muscles and full of questions like, "What's happened to me?!" I believe I have a diploma in all these feelings as I've had five children! Getting back into the saddle is no mean feat and I had to choose lesson plans that suited my confidence, fitness and time. That's why some of these lesson plans are in my book and I teach them at my clinics, as I found them very useful at different stages of my “re-training”. And no girls, don't go thinking "Well it's okay for Sandi, she's married to a wonderful (and not to mention cute!) horse trainer so she can always ask David for help. This isn't the case, as training my horses is my path alone. I have occasionally asked him to ride my horse and let me know how he feels but that's about it. To this day I still wonder how I ever trained my horse, Gali, as most of the time my mind was elsewhere, like... "What am I going to cook for dinner tonight?" or "I can't be to long as the washing needs to come in." So to my fellow busy equine mothers out there, you're not alone! Next time you ride past someone struggling with her horse, smile and tell them they can achieve anything if they try hard enough! Sandi SMALL SHETLAND PONIES 8.2HH & UNDER PROMOTIONAL GROUP NEXT MEETING ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING - SUNDAY 10th JULY 2011 @ 10.00am Berwick McDonalds. Second exit from Melbourne, First exit from Sale. All current & potential subscribers welcome. More details or directions contact: Leanne 03 5638 4011or info@smallshetlands.org Subscriptions A reminder that the Annual Subscriptions Fee of $15 was due in November last year. So if you have not yet done so, could you please send payment ASAP, as without a current subscription, you will not receive our newsletter. Please forward payment along with the Tear Off section below to: Carole Phillips, 129 Mt Morton Rd, Belgrave Sth, Vic 3160. Gippsland Regional Promotional Group Foal Futurity Final payments for the 2011 foal futurities are due by the 31st July 2011. These are to be made to the Gippsland Regional Promotional Group. Name Eson Calendar Girl Kriley Park Romance Vichand My Belle Winfield Butternut Cookie Winfield EXcalabar Blackwood Brigadier Dunelm ? Caravale Lets Dance Dunelm ? Dunelm Request Dunelm Show Addiction Dunelm Temptation Tamalei Park Bulgari Ashmark Lady Madonna Casaurina Plains Crissy Bliss Casaurina Plains Chockito Casaurina Plains Matador Casaurina Plains Ms Day Tripper Casaurina Plains Scarlet Daniel Park Abbey Darley Park Dakota Duidgee Kayla Greenhills Memphis Greenhills Pantera Kalang Georgie Kalang Grace Moondarra Park Watchman Mystic Park Maylee Paywit Apache Paywit Corry Rosewood Park Monet Darley Park Mondeo Breed Australian Australian Australian Australian Australian Australian and 3rd Gen Australian and 3rd Gen P/Bred P/Bred P/Bred P/Bred P/Bred P/Bred Riding Pony Shetland Shetland Shetland Shetland Shetland Shetland Shetland Shetland Shetland Shetland Shetland Shetland Shetland Shetland Shetland Shetland Shetland Small Shetland Owner K.Jameson K. Missen K. Bilton A.Paynter A.Paynter M.Fry M. Adams B. Turner M. Adams M. Adams M. Adams M. Adams M. Adams J. Hefron T.Lear T.Lear T.Lear T.Lear T.Lear N. Morrison M.Doyle J. Johnson S. Leggett S. Leggett Y.Williams Perry & Coutts A. Garroway M. Pearson D. Byrne D. Byrne S. centrone K. Gogan Please do not forget to send 2 SAE envelopes for return of receipt and reminder APSB Vic Branch Foal Futurities 2 Year Old Nominations for 2012 ‐ Foal Futurity 35 Australian Ponies Barringa Park Dixi Chic Dunelm Earlsley Park Illusion Fontain Park Showgirl Fontain Park Rosebud Eson Calandar Girl Habafield Portia Kooyong Cleste Kriley Park Romance Kyabra Park Arnessa Moorooduc Park Mia Vichand My Belle Anilom Barringa Park Bon Jovi Blackwood Brigadier Earlsley Park Valentino Earlsley Park Unique Filou Lane Liam Filou Lane Zander Fairlight Acres Galileo Kooyong Nero Kyabra Park Louis Vuilton Mallawa Park Sh'Boom Filly Filly Filly Filly Filly Filly Filly Filly Filly Filly Filly Filly Gelding Colt Colt Colt Colt Colt Colt Colt Colt Colt Colt Welsh Mountain Ponies No Entries Welsh B Ponies Caravale Sorrento Colt Welsh C & D Rising Dream Silver Star Shetland Ponies Beyond Blue Sierra Cleorance Montana Rose Cleorance Painted Angel Daniel Park Abbie Duidgee Kayla Fitzys Little Show Off Jenssel Park Bella Kalang Grace Kalang Georgie Kristamoor Lodge Shannondoah Lynvale Lodge Havannah Lynvale Lodge Buffy Lynvale Lodge Joyous Mystic Park May-Lee Ponytails Jasmine Careal Set For Fame Careal Prediction Careal Distinction Jenssel Park Timelord Kristamoor Lodge Kazar Kristamoor Lodge Gift Kristamoor Lodge Qpid Lynvale Lodge Bentleigh Lynvale Lodge Tickets Moondara Park Watchman Rosewood Park Monet Ponytails Matrix Travis Park Limerick Colt Filly Filly Filly Filly Filly Filly Filly Filly Filly Filly Filly Filly Filly Filly Filly Colt Colt Colt Colt Colt Colt Colt Colt Colt Colt Colt Colt Colt Shetland Ponies 8.2h & Under Beyond Blue Perry Beyond Blue Gypsy Buckland River Kryst-Al-Star Darley Park Mondeo Darley Park Dakota Darley Park Kapone Domino Downs L'il Black Pocket Domino Downs Color Classic Domino Downs Splash Of Colour Koonwarra Roc-A-Billi Reztak Charlotte The Meadows Secret Wish The Meadows Gwyndolyn The Meadows Licorice Twist Colt Filly Filly Colt Gelding Colt Filly Colt Colt Colt Filly Filly Filly Colt New Forest Ponies Habafield Mouse Trap Filly 3rd Generation Barringa Park Bon Jovi Blackwood Brigadier Dunelm Kooyong Nero Kooyong Cleste Moorooduc Park Mia Colt Colt Filly Colt Filly Filly Hackney Highland Ponies Connemara Ponies No Entries No Entries No Entries Dartmoor Ponies Robinvale Park Bunch O Roses Robinvale Park Overflow Filly Colt Fjord Horses Harkaway Lodge Finna Filly APSB Riding Ponies Aylestone Park Honeypot Careal Glamour Puss Dunelm Dunelm Gigolo Dunelm Moments Fontain Park Charmaine Naruni Park Summer Serenade Naruni Park Filly Filly Gelding Gelding Colt Filly Filly Colt Partbred APSB Caravale Lets Dance Charalook Anna Bell Dunelm Dunelm Request Dunelm Show Addiction Dunelm Temptation Fontain Park Princess Mia Jarosite Uchello Kapeta Liesfeld Kapeta Trickster Kyabra Park Vanilla Sky Kingsfred Mayhem Naruni Park Madeline My Haven Mosaic My Haven Moonwalker Tamagi Park Bulgari Filly Filly Gelding Gelding Gelding Gelding Filly Filly Gelding Gelding Filly Filly Filly Colt Colt Filly Foal Futurities Yearling Nominations for 2013 - Foal Futurity 36 Australian Ponies Blackwood Blackwood Bushview Charalook Dunelm Dunelm Dunelm Earlsley Park Earlsley Park Earlsley Park Earlsley Park Earlsley Park Earlsley Park Earlsley Park Emont Park Emont Park Fairlight Acres Filou Lane Fontain park Kooyong Kooyong Kyabra Park Kyabra Park Kyabra Park Kyabra Park Kyabra Park Mahogany Park Mahogany Park Mahogany Park Mahogany Park Mahogany Park Mahogany Park Mahogany Park Mahogany Park Mahogany Park Mallawa Park Mallawa Park Mallawa Park Mystic Park Naruni Park Nyewood Tarralea Park Tarralea Park Torika Park Tundra Park Vichand Storm Haven Ullysses Tapu Kid McCoy Glynyarra Park Limerick The Ranges Royal Prince Yelnah Park Waverley Yelnah Park Waverley Owendale Valentino Dunlea Ohwhatastar Dunlea Ohwhatastar Dunlea Ohwhatastar Dunlea Ohwhatastar Dunlea Ohwhatastar Dunlea Ohwhatastar Fairlight Acres Kidman Koora-Lyn Desert Star Koora-Lyn Desert Star Fairlight Acres Kassa Fairlight Acres Aristocrat Fairlight Acres Aristocrat Koor-Lyn Kent Koor-Lyn Kent Mallawa Park Maximum Mallawa Park Maximum Mallawa Park Maximum Raminco Man About Town Raminco Man About Town Fairlight Acres Kassa Fairlight Acres Jaguar Fairlight Acres Jaguar Fairlight Acres Kassa Fairlight Acres Kassa Fairlight Acres Aristocrat Fairlight Acres Kassa Fairlight Acres Kestrel Fairlight Acres Aristocrat Fairlight Acres Kidman Fairlight Acres Kidman Windsong Bonnie Charlie Lock Sloy Mighthawk Fairlight Acres Kidman Fairlight Acres Play Toy Fairlight Acres Kidman Fairlight Acres Kidman Kinavale Klassique Tundra Park Mascot Vichand Baringa Edgewood Lullaby Blackwood Love In The Mist Majeite Dark Sovereign Tanglewood Park Rosebud Cherrywood Snow White Doncasvan Chanel Dunelm Starstruck Naruni Park Ebony Fairlight Acres Porche Fairlight Acres Petunia Fairlight Acres Ananya Fairlight Acres Angelique Spring Dell Lola Burncoose Claudette Emont Park Silver Karina Kalang Diva Fairlight Acres Golden Lassie Fairfield Park Deanne Broneter Park Rhapsody Kooyong Georgina Kooyong Charmine Kyabra Park Mahalia Calibraid Suzie Q Mirawood Tarquinia Kyabra Park Shanarka Parket Palaida Fairlight Acres Princess Dianna Filou Lane Serendipity Fairlight Acres Kavla Fairlight Acres Abba-Lilly Fairlight Acres Cuddles Fairlight Acres Malinda Fairfield Park Honey Fairlight Acres Marissa Fairlight Acres Antoinette Fairlight Acres Alezan Somerfield Anyanka Moondale Lollypop Kooyong Glimpse Fairlight Acres Alezan Doncasvan Georgia Summerview Cantarra Grayanna Yolinda Barkell Lisa Marie Blueribbon Brandy Nampara Royal Rosette Welsh Mountain Ponies Bushview Dantra Park Dantra Park Del-Lee Del-Lee Earlsley Park Glenview Tenah-Ko Glynyarra Park Limerick Richdale Colorado Glynyarra Park Cadence Del Lee Eira Del Lee Eira Woranora Tempest Nattai Madog Fenwick Casey Jones Dallu Alise Stanton Park Petite Salron Park Spring Lilli Del Lee Rhiannan Del Lee Promise Roseraie Jessika Glenview Florin Shalida Park Sabrina Welsh B Ponies Marconi Marconi Fontain Park Nawarrah Park Manildra Rob Roy Bamborough Academy Tarragon Park Majestic Weston Park Versace Cherrington Porcelan Marconi Diva Fontain Park English Rose Owendale Barley Sugar Welsh C & D Ponies Fontain Park Tarragon Park Majestic Fontain Park Dianna Shetland Ponies Meagan Jones (P) Ardenvale Ardenvale Am-Ley Lodge Barwon View Barwon View Barwon View Barwon View Barwon View Barwon View Barwon View Beyond Blue Beyond Blue Beyond Blue Beyond Blue Bojinda Caramia Caramia Careal Careal Careal Wandarra Stardom Collandie Park Domino Shady Glen Cronrad Gracedale Hurricane Pentland Pinto Boy Pentland Pinto Boy Pentland Pinto Boy Wandarra Pipen Pentland Andrew Pentland Andrew Otway View Ukelelle Shady Glen Hamond Shady Glen Hamond Kevelle Lee Nathan Kevelle Lee Nathan Elken Kenny Yick You Sonny Pentland Peter Pan Millwood Boomerang Elken Kenny Careal Great Expectations Marbet Shakira Gracedale Brianna Otway View Rhiska Chateau Gay Georelda Paluka Esme Woodview Kirsty Kanimbla Gold Kat Pentland Gracie Pentland Cherish Barwon View China Doll Pentland Luci Anne Teddywaddy Alexandra Fenwick Well Wishes Woodview Lucina Kilpara Park Branty Bojinda Little Kimbo Caramia Caitlyn Carmia Taryn Chateau Gay Georgella Chateau Gay Georeal Tara Park Mandy Shetland Ponies Ponytails Ponytails Rosewood Park Rosewood Park Rosewood Park Sleepy Hollow Sleepy Hollow Tallawarra Park Tickawarra Park Tickawarra Park Tickawarra Park Tickawarra Park Woodview Woodview Woodview Woodview Woodview Woodview Woodview Woodview Edgewood Monarch Bungarrebee Tut Maylaura Deboniar Maylaura Deboniar Daniel Park Beswick Gongong Vintage Woodview Gold Phantom Rawhiti Park Seagull Hawick Darcy Hawick Darcy Hawick Darcy Hawick Winchester Lerwick Rebellion Millbrae Orlando Millbrae Orlando Millbrae Orlando Millbrae Orlando Millbrae Orlando Millbrae Orlando Millbrae Orlando Milo Lollypop Bollingbroke Highlight Millbrae Iris Woodview Summer Fantasy Kobyboyn Becky Caramia Lola Meadara Ilex Somerfield Special Effect Magnolia Vale Spirit Of JJ Magnolia Vale Ivy Hawick Sequin Paisley Lodge Erin Torrieburn Ebony Star Woodview Kallstar Woodview Summertime Woodview Belle Otway View Liana Braevilla Crystal Aakina Teagan Thorpeville Baylee Jane Shetland Ponies 8.2h & Under Buckland River Shanusti Laird Buckland River Pomanoz Strokaluk Darley Park Glenelen Galaxy Darley Park Glenelen Galaxy Darley Park Glenelen Galaxy Domino Downs Plumlane Makin A Splash Domino Downs Possum Hollow Lairds Glory Domino Downs Possum Hollow Lairds Glory Domino Downs Possum Hollow Lairds Glory Domino Downs Possum Hollow Lairds Glory Domino Downs Possum Hollow Lairds Glory Domino Downs Possum Hollow Lairds Glory Domino Downs Shanusti L'il Gunn Domino Downs Shanusti L'il Gunn Domino Downs Shanusti L'il Gunn Domino Downs Cirenta Park Spyder-man Domino Downs Cirenta Park Spyder-man Domino Downs Cirenta Park Spyder-man Domino Downs Cirenta Park Spyder-man Possum Hollow Shanusti Laird Possum Hollow Shanusti Laird Possum Hollow Shanusti Laird Possum Hollow Shanusti Laird Beyond Blue Domino Downs Caremelbear N Cream Beyond Blue Domino Downs Caremelbear N Cream Beyond Blue Domino Downs Caremelbear N Cream Beyond Blue Domino Downs Caremelbear N Cream Beyond Blue Domino Downs Caremelbear N Cream Beyond Blue Domino Downs Caremelbear N Cream Beyond Blue Domino Downs Caremelbear N Cream Gully Lodge Wedgegully Turbo Gully Lodge Wedgegully Turbo Gully Lodge Wedgegully Turbo Gully Lodge Plum Lane Makin A Aces 2nd Gully Lodge Plum Lane Makin A Aces 2nd Gully Lodge Glenelen Dynamo Gully Lodge Glenelen Dynamo Jenssel Park Butterfield Krackerjack Overflow Domino Downs Caremelbear N Cream Overflow Niscinda Perry Overflow Chandglen Pippen Ponytails Niscinda Perry Ponytails Possum Hollow Lairds Glory Ponytails St Helena Bruny Ponytails St Helena Bruny Reztak Reztak Ozi Ozborn Reztak Reztak Ozi Ozborn Reztak Shanusti Laird Spargo Creek Shanusti Laird Spargo Creek Possum Hollow Lairds Devil Spargo Creek Possum Hollow Lairds Devil The Meadows Niscinda Perry The Meadows Niscinda Perry The Meadows Niscinda Perry The Meadows Niscinda Perry The Meadows Butterfield Krackerjack Torvista Bessie Creek Cicero Torvista Shanusti Li'l Gunn Torvista Torvista Calypso Torvista Possum Hollow Lairds Glory Torvista Domino Downs Goblin Yarralyn Glenelen Galaxy Aussie Park Kanya Kanimbla Bubblegum Aussie Park Dolly Butterfield Gidget Darley Park May Breneam Christie Plum Lane Cherokee Domino Downs L'il Caramel Riverton Lodge Mirrabella Kanimbla Tango Dancer Kanimbla Classic Copper Shanusti Seranade Domino Downs Toffey 'N' Cream Riverton Lodge Shezalooka Domino Downs Diva Le Bell Shanusti Angelique Pentland Tinsel Bambello Isabella Rose Domino Downs Fire Flight Duidgee Penelope Glenelen Goldmist Chandglen Mindy Wedgegully Shimmer & Shine Duidgee Wanda Lockhaven Maggie Dee Pentland Miss Bunty Pentland Liberty Jane Beyond Blue Charlotte Wedgegully Perfection Wedgegully Jewel Wedgegully Trinket Glengorman Park Ko Ko Mo Gully Lodge Cameo Lerwick Peggy Wedgegully Jiggles Carohn Christy Gully Lodge Pazzazz Jenssel Park Iiona Jiminy Carousel Pentland L'Marylin Langville Oak Alley Peppercorn Grove Sage Lordonvale Wendy Quintana Juliette Domino Downs Honey an Cream Pentland Ninette Glenelen Annabelle Wedgegully Shimmer & Shine Collandie Park Annabell Darley Park Amber Lee Darley Park Sandfly Pentland Golden Tango Wedgegully Jade The Meadows Lollipop The Meadows Pippi Longstockings Laurelwood Ugenie Torvista Grace Torvista Mystique Shanusti Foxy lady Bessie Creek Mimosa Torvista Bella Darley Park Kestrel New Forest Ponies Aylestone Park Forestway Annecy Park Chatelle Forestway Bewitched Liburnam Park Picadilly Bain Park Shiraz Yearling Nominations for 2013 - Foal Futurity 36 Careal Cleoranee Cleoranee Daniel Park Daniel Park Daniel Park Daniel Park Daniel Park Del-Lee Del-Lee Del-Lee Del-Lee Del-Lee Edgewood Edgewood Edgewood Edgewood Edgewood Edgewood Fairfield Park Fitzys Glenelen Glenelen Glenelen Glenelen Glenelen Glenelen Glenelen Glenelen Glenelen Glenelen Glenelen Glenelen Glenelen Green Hills Green Hills Green Hills Hartz Jenssel Park Jenssel Park Kimpton Park Kimpton Park Kristamoor Lodge Kristamoor Lodge Kristamoor Lodge Kristamoor Lodge Kristamoor Lodge Kristamoor Lodge Korowyn (P) Lentara Lentara Lentara Lentara Lentara Lentara Lentara Lentara Lentara Lentara Lynvale Lodge Lynvale Lodge Lynvale Lodge Lynvale Lodge Lynvale Lodge Lynvale Lodge Lynvale Lodge Mahogany Park Moondara Park Mystic Park Mystic Park Mystic Park Nawarrah Park Nintu Nintu Pentland Pentland Pentland Pentland Pentland Pilinta Park Pilinta Park Pilinta Park Pilinta Park Ponytails Ponytails Ponytails Careal Great Expectations Millbrae Shannon Millbrae Shannon Sunny-Ray Sunny Sunny-Ray Sunny Sunny-Ray Sunny Sunny-Ray Sunny Jildon Dice Gracedale Hurricane Gracedale Hurricane Gracedale Hurricane Gracedale Hurricane Gracedale Hurricane Marbet Jackson Marbet Jackson Shady Glen Gaylad Shady Glen Gaylad Shady Glen Gaylad Shady Glen Gaylad Fairfield Park Just Jeans Glenelen Silvardo Laurelwood Jeronimo Laurelwood Jeronimo Laurelwood Jeronimo Laurelwood Jeronimo Yarralyn Kossack Yarralyn Kossack Yarralyn Kossack Yarralyn Kossack Shanusti James Shanusti James Shanusti James Shanusti James Glenelen Galaxy Jildon Dice Jildon Dice Jildon Dice Colvadale Reflection Shady Glen Julian Kimba Kyle Sankur Zachary Sankur Zachary Ferden Park Chevey Gongong Vintage Gongong Vintage Gongong Vintage Kristamoor Lodge Quest Of Time Woodview Gold Phantom Musk Lavender Billy Joe Lentara Media Lentara Media Lentara Media Lentara Media Lentara Media Arapaho Chief Braveheart Arapaho Chief Braveheart Arapaho Chief Braveheart Arapaho Chief Braveheart Arapaho Chief Braveheart Yick You Sonny Yick You Sonny Lynvale Lodge Theatrical Lynvale Lodge Theatrical Lynvale Lodge Theatrical Lynvale Lodge Milton Pentland McDuff Kimba Covort Elken Kenny Mystic Park Harvey Mystic Park Harvey Mystic Park Harvey Torrieburn Galahad Glenelen Silvardo Glenelen Silvardo Pentland Andrew Pentland Molasses Pentland Molasses Pentland Molasses Pentland Molasses Musk Lavender Domino Elken Kenny Elken Kenny Elken Kenny Kristamoor Lodge Talisman Kristamoor Lodge Talisman Edgewood Monarch Chatuea Gay Giselle Lynvale Lodge Minnelli Pentland Lottie Daniel Park Liberty Tangerine Tempest Daniel Park Jubilque Daniel Park Jubilation Lyndella Holly Pentland Kitty Sefton Park Virginia Pentland Marina 2nd Chateau Gay Garna Chateau Gay Glamece Edgewood Allirra Edgewood Merrylegs Thorpeville Linda Edgewood Rosebud Edgewood Mimosa Edgewood Merindah Redlan Lisa Bethan Angelena Glenelen Dearest Glenelen Spotlight Glenelen Filigree Glenelen Treasure Glenelen Foxtrot Shanusti Star Gaze Glenelen Jewel Glenelen Golden Pantz Gleneln Mesmerize Glenelen Sweetheart Glenelen Kopy Kat Gleneln Antz Pantz Boolarong Sunset Green Valley Luella Ausmin Karizzma Brolga Adelaide Balnagown Lullaby Jenssel Park Bonita Thorpeville Tiffi Wedgegully Tid Bit Seraphin Lodge Sundance Gracedale Bridget Avonleigh Sandra Gracedale Katrina Gracedale Tannah Lerwick Rosemary Woodview Taffeta Torrieburn Fidget Lentara Peppercorn Redacres Alison Lentara Annalea Lentara Maniquin Avonleigh Kathryn Lentara Giezelle Lentara Mirah Lentara Laura Lentara Mollie Lentara Melody Lynvale Lodge Jubilee Maylaura Faith Lynvale Lodge Fancy Gold Lynvale Lodge Beloved Lynvale Lodge Moonglow Yick You Marnie Millwood Beaquet Redlan Sherryn Otway View Willow Maylaura Fanfare Collandie Park Brdget Lyndella Harmony Thorpeville Tanika Erindale Kristina Fairlight Acres Primrosa Pentland Possum 2nd Pentland Chelsea Pentland Talinda Pentland Gretal Pentland Lovely Primrose Pilinta Park Molly Pilinta Park Katrina Pilinta Park Deena Otway View Vashti Wandarra Matilda Lentara Clementyne Otway View La Bianca Forestway Habafield Jarosite Pretty Hill Yarborough Zeema Bain Park Shiraz Liburnam Park Piccadilly Jarosite Final Pick Furzley Brocaide Yarborough Dicken Erinskay Peveril Pahake Neon Habafield Tiffany Jarosite la Scala Jarosite Finesse Wattle Ridge Sunglow Forestway Odette 3rd Generation Ponies Blackwood Blackwood Dunelm Dunelm Earlsley Park Emont Park Emont Park Fairlight Acres Kyabra Park Kyabra Park Mahogany Park Mahogany Park Mahogany Park Mahogany Park Mallawa Park Mallawa Park Mystic Park Tarralea Park Tarralea Park Torika Park Storm Haven Ullysses Tapu Kid McCoy Yelnah Park Waverley Yelnah Park Waverley Fairlight Acres Kidman Koora-Lyn Desert Star Koora-Lyn Desert Star Fairlight Acres Kassa Mallawa Park Maximum Mallawa Park Maximum Fairlight Acres Kassa Fairlight Acres Kassa Fairlight Acres Kassa Fairlight Acres Aristocrat Fairlight Acres Kidman Fairlight Acres Kidman Lock Sloy Mighthawk Fairlight Acres Kidman Fairlight Acres Kidman Kinavale Klassique Edgewood Lullaby Blackwood Love In The Mist Cherrywood Snow White Doncasvan Chanel Burncoose Claudette Emont Park Silver Karina Kalang Diva Fairlight Acres Golden Lassie Kyabra Park Mahalia Calibraid Suzie Q Fairfield Park Honey Fairlight Acres Princess Dianna Fairlight Acres Abba-Lilly Fairlight Acres Malinda Fairlight Acres Alezan Somerfield Anyanka Kooyong Glimpse Summerview Cantarra Grayanna Yolinda Barkell Lisa Marie Hackney No Entries Highland Ponies Croftcnoc Croftcnoc Harkaway Lodge Harkaway Lodge Harkaway Lodge Glengarry Harkaway Lodge McMillan Barrymoor Mercury Barrymoor Mercury Broomfield Lisa Currie Park Aberfoyle Stanway Shona Harkaway Lodge Amber Connemara ponies No Entries Dartmoor Ponies No Entries Outlook Jaicee Lodge Harrison Shelanda Purdy II Fjord Horses Pending Harkaway Lodge Harkaway Lodge Mykeljon Tambo River Yahzuo Tambo River Yahzuo Pandora Seaview Park Yggdrasil Seaview Park Astrio APSB Riding Ponies Careal Dunelm Dunelm Dunelm Dunelm Dunelm Dunelm Habafield Mahogany Park My Haven My Haven Naruni Park Naruni Park Tamarinda Criteria Yelnah Park Waverley Dainhill Octave Dainhill Octave Dainhill Octave Dainhill Octave Dainhill Octave Ninfield Minks Supreme (Imp) Fairlight Acres Kassa My Haven Inspiration My Haven Inspiration Fairlight Acres Kristian Fairlight Acres Kristian Myscal Encore Rowallan Eternity Nightwind Of Beckworth Dunelm Picture Book Dunelm Lace Wyuna Willow Kawanna Park Dresden Princess Kolbeach Serenity Habafield Pick A Belle Warriewood Rosewood My Haven Windflower My Haven Windchaser Janlyn Summers Gift Fairlight Acres All That Jazz Alumeah Arpege Partbred Ponies Barringa Park Barringa Park Bushview Bushview Cambrian Park Charalook Dunelm Dunelm Dunelm Dunelm Dunelm Flowervale Fontain Park Kyabra Park Kyabra Park Marconi Marconi Naruni Park Rovinvale Park Tundra Park Tundra Park Barringa Park Trickedya Barringa Park Trickedya Glynyarra Park Limerick Indiansprings Ima Little Shifty Fairlight Acres Kristian The Ranges Royal Prince Dainhill Octave Dainhill Octave Dainhill Octave Dainhill Octave Nawarrah Park Tempting Flowervale Boginov Tarragon Park Majestic Mallawa Park Maximum Raminco Man About Town Weston Park Mercury Fairlight Acres Kristian Fairlight Acres Kidman Skye Mist Banjo Ballad Tundra Park Mascot Tundra Park Mascot Barringa Park Tawakoni Glenwin Varity Bushview Little Gem Aura Vale Elite Goldmine Queen Of Hearts Little Lady Perfect Portrait Dunelm Dainty Maid In Manhatten Katanna Park Midnight Angel Praise Kingsfred Amethyst Fontain park Ella Rachem Summer Breeze Kyabra Park Brandy Glenvale Kaneesha Diamonds Of Marconi Naruni Park Masquerade Romanticism November Rain Cardette APSB Vic Branch 2011Stud Show Results 2 yr old Foal Futurity Class:1 - FF-Australian Pony Colt 2 years 1 GL & CJ Hodgkison: STORM HAVEN REAL McCOY 2 Miss Debbie Cameron: DUNELM MOVIE STAR 3 Mr SD Ryan: KOOYONG CRESTWOOD 4 Mr Gary Pickett: LANDAU CASSANOVA Class:3 - FF-Australian Pony Filly 2 years, 12 hh & under 1 Mrs Tanya Dickson: TAMARINDA ALLUSION Class:5 - FF-Welsh Mountain Colt, Filly or Gelding 2 years 1 Mrs Donna Ayres: 2389; GLENVIEW 2 BOB Class:8 - FF-Shetland Colt or Gelding 2 years 1 Mrs Irene & Miss Narelle Hogg: PILINTA PARK SHOWMAN 2 Mrs Sheryle Smith: TALLAWARRA PARK SOMERSPRAY 3 L Vicary & V Martin: LYNVALE LODGE JOLIMONT 4 L Vicary & V Martin: LYNVALE LODGE MANHATTAN 5 Mrs Adele Garraway: PILINTA PARK SPENDER Class:9 - FF-Shetland, Filly 2 years 1 Oakford & Reeve: PILINTA PARK OLIVIA 2 Mrs Sally Centrone: DANIEL PARK ALLURE 3 Mrs BJ & & Miss NM Morrison: DANIEL PARK LILLIE 4 Ms Chris Miers: KRISTAMOOR LODGE RHAPSODY 5 Miss Vicki Jenkins: JENSSEL PARK BRIDIE 6 Mr John Orange: CANNA PARK MY O MY Class:10 - FF-8.2 & U. Shetland Colt, Filly or Gelding 2 years, 8.2hh & under 1 Mrs Pauline Barns: POSSUM HOLLOW LAIRD-PHANTOM 2 Mrs Margaret Freeman: SLEEPY HOLLOW HUSTLER 3 Mr J & Mrs L Baker: DOMINO DOWNS COLOR MAGIC 4 Mrs Pauline Barns: POSSUM HOLLOW ANNIE-ROSE 5 Mark & Sharon Lewis: SPARGO CREEK SPLASH OF MAJIC Class:11 - FF-New Forest Colt, Filly or Gelding 2 years 1 Mrs Sandra Barry: BAIN PARK BALLERINA 2 Mrs P A Prosser: AYLESTONE PARK CHESTNUT (AI) Class:13 - FF-Third Generation Pony Colt, Filly or Gelding 2 years 1 GL & CJ Hodgkison: STORM HAVEN REAL McCOY 2 Mrs Tanya Dickson: TAMARINDA ALLUSION Class:19 - FF-APSB Riding Pony, Colt, Filly or Gelding 2 years 1 Miss M A Adams: DUNELM NIGHT SHOW 2 Mrs Larissa Tweedie: PENNYROYAL WINTER PALACE 3 Mrs Monica Tanian: MALLAWA PARK INXS Class:20 - FF-Partbred APSB Pony Filly or Gelding 2 years 1 Mrs Jodie Jones: NARUNI PARK MATTISE 2 Miss M A Adams: DUNELM DELIGHTFUL APSB Part-Bred Class:21 - Partbred, Led Mare or Gelding, 4 years & over 12.2hh & under 1 JW & GJ Mamouney: MURRAYDALE PARK 2 A & D Durling: SIENNA JOURNEEY Class:22 - Partbred, Led Mare or Gelding, 4 years & over 12.2hh & n/e 14hh 1 Mrs Adele Garraway: WYNARA COWBOY 2 Miss Taylah Spiteri: BRAYSIDE CHANTILLY LACE 3 Mrs Diane & Miss Paige Podger: HIGHGROVE GEORGETTE Class:23 - Partbred, Led Mare or Gelding, 4 years & over 14hh 1 Miss Jordy Wright: ASPIRATIONS OF SEFTON 2 Mrs Renee Hook: DUNELM RENDITION 3 Mr Gary & Mrs Jennah Richardson: VANCOUVER PARK HERMES 4 Mrs Angelique Barker: BARWON BEND LOCHLAN 5 Miss Kelly Hamblin: KELHAM PUSS N BOOTS 6 Jane Mitchell: WOODLINGTON SHULAMMITE CHAMPION LED PARTBRED PONY Miss Jordy Wright: ASPIRATIONS OF SEFTON RESERVE CHAMPION LED PARTBRED PONY Mrs Renee Hook: DUNELM RENDITION Class:25 - Partbred, Led Filly or Gelding, 2 years 1 Mrs Jodie Jones: NARUNI PARK MATTISE 2 Miss M A Adams: DUNELM DELIGHTFUL JUNIOR CHAMPION LED PARTBRED PONY Mrs Jodie Jones: NARUNI PARK MATTISE RESERVE JUNIOR CHAMPION LED PARTBRED PONY Miss M A Adams: DUNELM DELIGHTFUL APSB Part-Bred Class:28 - **Partbred M & M Pony Mare or Gelding n.e. 14hh, 3 years & over 1 Ms Janene Leslie: SUGARGUM VIVIENNE Class:29 - **Partbred M & M Pony Mare or Gelding Over 14hh, 3 years & over 1 Ms Janene Leslie: SUGARGUM SENSATION ** Best M & M Partbred Ms Janene Leslie: SUGARGUM SENSATION SUPREME CHAMPION APSB PARTBRED PONY Mrs Jodie Jones: NARUNI PARK MATTISE Class:31 - Group of two APSB Partbred Ponies owned but not necessarily bred by the Exhibitor 1 Ms Janene Leslie: Owner's Pair Class:32 - Partbred, Ridden, Mare or Gelding 13hh & under 1 JW & GJ Mamouney: MURRAYDALE PARK 2 A & D Durling: SIENNA JOURNEEY 3 Miss Taylah Spiteri: BRAYSIDE CHANTILLY LACE 4 JM & TN Graham: MY HAVEN MAGICIAN APSB Part-Bred Class:33 - Partbred, Ridden, Mare or Gelding over 13hh & n/e 14hh 1 Mrs Adele Garraway: WYNARA COWBOY 2 Mrs Diane & Miss Paige Podger: HIGHGROVE GEORGETTE 3 JM & TN Graham: MY HAVEN ROYAL PUZZLE Class:34 - Partbred, Ridden, Mare or Gelding over 14hh 1 Miss Jordy Wright: ASPIRATIONS OF SEFTON 2 Miss Kelly Hamblin: KELHAM PUSS N BOOTS 3 Jane Mitchell: WOODLINGTON SHULAMMITE 4 JM & TN Graham: MY HAVEN CLEOPATRA 5 Mr Gary & Mrs Jennah Richardson: VANCOUVER PARK HERMES Class:35 - ** Partbred M & M, Ridden, Mare or Gelding 1 Ms Janene Leslie: SUGARGUM VIVIENNE 2 Ms Janene Leslie: SUGARGUM SENSATION 3 Miss Georgia Rowles: KAPETA ABRACADABRA CHAMPION SADDLE PARTBRED PONY A & D Durling: SIENNA JOURNEEY RESERVE CHAMPION SADDLE PARTBRED PONY JW & GJ Mamouney: MURRAYDALE PARK APSB Riding Pony Class:37 - Riding Pony Colt Led, 2 and 3 years n/e 14.1hh 1 Mrs Monica Tanian: MALLAWA PARK INXS CHAMPION LED APSB RIDING PONY STALLION OR COLT Mrs Monica Tanian: MALLAWA PARK INXS Class:39a - Riding Pony Mare Led, 4 years & over n/e 13hh 1 Miss Sandra Olney: TARADALE GOSSIP 2 Miss Renee Cottrill: PENNYROYAL PICTURE PERFECT Class:39 - Riding Pony Mare Led, 4 years & over n/e 13hh 1 JW & GJ Mamouney: ILLANGI PROFILE Class:40 - Riding Pony Mare Led, 4 years & over over 13hh & n/e 14.2hh 1 Miss Carly Thomas: CAREAL TIGERLILLY CHAMPION LED APSB RIDING PONY MARE Miss Sandra Olney: TARADALE GOSSIP RESERVE CHAMPION LED APSB RIDING PONY MARE JW & GJ Mamouney: ILLANGI PROFILE Class:42 - Riding Pony Filly Led, 3 years n/e 14.1hh 1 Mrs Cherie Mills: PALM PARK PRIMA DONNA Class:43 - Riding Pony Filly Led, 2 years n/e 14.1hh 1 Mrs Tanya Dickson: ASCOT GLAMOROUS SILK 2 Mrs Cherie Mills: PALM PARK ALLURE Class:44 - Riding Pony Filly Led, Yearling n/e 14.1hh 1 Miss Steph Halligan: WINDELLA PARK IMAGINE CHAMPION LED APSB RIDING PONY FILLY Miss Steph Halligan: WINDELLA PARK IMAGINE RESERVE CHAMPION LED APSB RIDING PONY FILLY Mrs Tanya Dickson: ASCOT GLAMOROUS SILK APSB Riding Pony Class:45 - Riding Pony Gelding Led, 3 years & under n/e 14.1hh 1 Naruni Park: NARUNI PARK ENCORE 2 Miss M A Adams: DUNELM GIGOLO 3 Miss M A Adams: DUNELM NIGHT SHOW 4 Mrs Larissa Tweedie: PENNYROYAL WINTER PALACE Class:46 - Riding Pony Gelding Led, 4 years & over n/e 14.2hh 1 Mrs Julie Shevlin: NARUNI PARK REGAL CASCADE CHAMPION LED APSB RIDING PONY GELDING Naruni Park: 2612; NARUNI PARK ENCORE RESERVE CHAMPION LED APSB RIDING PONY GELDING Miss M A Adams: DUNELM GIGOLO SUPREME CHAMPION APSB RIDING PONY EXHIBIT Naruni Park: NARUNI PARK ENCORE Class:47 - Group of two APSB Riding Ponies owned but not necessarily bred by the Exhibitor 1 Miss M A Adams: Owner's Pair Class:48 - Riding Pony Stallion, Colt or Gelding, Ridden 1 Mrs Julie Shevlin: NARUNI PARK REGAL CASCADE 2 Mrs B Turner & Mrs A Hyde: CARAVALE LYRIC 3 JM & TN Graham: MY HAVEN SONG N DANCE 4 Mrs Diane & Miss Paige Podger: ORANA PARK ROYALTY Class:49 - Riding Pony Mare or Filly, Ridden 13hh & under 1 JW & GJ Mamouney: ILLANGI PROFILE 2 Miss Sandra Olney: TARADALE GOSSIP 3 Miss Renee Cottrill: PENNYROYAL PICTURE PERFECT Class:50 - Riding Pony Mare or Filly, Ridden Over 13hh & not exceeding 14.2hh Miss Carly Thomas: CAREAL TIGERLILLY CHAMPION RIDDEN APSB RIDING PONY Mrs Julie Shevlin: NARUNI PARK REGAL CASCADE RESERVE CHAMPION RIDDEN APSB RIDING PONY JW & GJ Mamouney: ILLANGI PROFILE PB/RP Miscellaneous Class: 51 - Newcomer APSB Partbred/APSB Riding Pony 13hh & u 1 A & D Durling: SIENNA JOURNEEY 2 Miss Renee Cottrill: PENNYROYAL PICTURE PERFECT 3 Ms Janene Leslie: SUGARGUM VIVIENNE APSB Vic Branch 2011 Stud Show Results PB/RP Miscellaneous Class:52 - Newcomer APSB Partbred/APSB Riding Pony over 13hh 1 Mrs Adele Garraway: WYNARA COWBOY 2 Mrs B Turner & Mrs A Hyde: CARAVALE LYRIC 3 Jane Mitchell: WOODLINGTON SHULAMMITE 4 Ms Janene Leslie: SUGARGUM SENSATION BEST NEWCOMER APSB PARTBRED/APSB RIDING PONY A & D Durling: SIENNA JOURNEEY Class:53 - Intermediate Saddle APSB Partbred/APSB Riding Pony 1 Miss Jordy Wright: ASPIRATIONS OF SEFTON 2 Mrs B Turner & Mrs A Hyde: CARAVALE LYRIC 3 Miss Renee Cottrill: PENNYROYAL PICTURE PERFECT 4 Jane Mitchell: WOODLINGTON SHULAMMITE 5 Miss Taylah Spiteri: BRAYSIDE CHANTILLY LACE 6 JM & TN Graham: MY HAVEN ROYAL PUZZLE Class:54 - Adults Saddle Pony APSB Partbred/APSB Riding Pony 1 Miss Jordy Wright: ASPIRATIONS OF SEFTON 2 Mrs B Turner & Mrs A Hyde: CARAVALE LYRIC 3 Mrs Angelique Barker: BARWON BEND LOCHLAN 4 JM & TN Graham: MY HAVEN CLEOPATRA 5 Ms Janene Leslie: SUGARGUM SENSATION Class:55 - Childs Saddle Pony, Mare or Gelding 13hh & under APSB Partbred/APSB Riding Pony 1 JW & GJ Mamouney: ILLANGI PROFILE 2 Mrs Julie Shevlin: NARUNI PARK REGAL CASCADE 3 A & D Durling: SIENNA JOURNEEY 4 JW & GJ Mamouney: MURRAYDALE PARK ELPASO Class:56 - Childs Saddle Pony, Mare or Gelding over 13hh. APSB Partbred/APSB Riding Pony 1 Mrs Adele Garraway: WYNARA COWBOY 2 Jane Mitchell: WOODLINGTON SHULAMMITE 3 JM & TN Graham: MY HAVEN CLEOPATRA 4 JM & TN Graham: MY HAVEN ROYAL PUZZLE 5 Miss Georgia Rowles: KAPETA ABRACADABRA 6 Mrs Diane & Miss Paige Podger: ORANA PARK ROYALTY CHAMPION CHILDS SADDLE PONY for APSB PARTBRED/ APSB Riding Pony JW & GJ Mamouney: ILLANGI PROFILE RESERVE CHAMPION CHILDS SADDLE PONY for APSB PARTBRED OR Mrs Julie Shevlin: NARUNI PARK REGAL CASCADE Class:57 - Leading Rein Pony, 12hh & under APSB PARTBRED/APSB Riding Pony 1 JW & GJ Mamouney: ILLANGI PROFILE Class:58 - First Ridden APSB PARTBRED/APSB Riding Pony 12.2hh & under 1 JW & GJ Mamouney: ILLANGI PROFILE 2 JM & TN Graham: MY HAVEN SONG N DANCE 3 JM & TN Graham: MY HAVEN MAGICIAN Saddle Ponies + M & M (exc. Geldings) Class:90 - Saddle Pony, Mare or Filly over 13.2hh & n/e 14hh 1 Miss Kelly Hamblin: TOOLLEEN AMITY JANE Class:91 - Saddle Pony, Mare or Filly over 13hh & n/e 13.2hh 1 Mrs Karen Vistarini: MITHRIL HARRIET HOUDINI 2 JM & TN Graham: MY HAVEN UPTOWN GIRL 3 JM & TN Graham: MY HAVEN SHOWGIRL Class:92 - Saddle Pony, Mare or Filly over 12.2hh & n/e 13hh 1 A & D Durling: FONTAIN PARK AMBER CHAMPION SADDLE MARE, over 12.2hh Karamea Trophy Miss Kelly Hamblin: TOOLLEEN AMITY JANE RESERVE CHAMPION SADDLE MARE over 12.2 hh A & D Durling: FONTAIN PARK AMBER Class:93 - Saddle Pony, Mare or Filly over 12hh & n/e 12.2hh 1 Mrs Cherie Mills: PALM PARK ELEGANCE 2 Kim & Monica Bilton: VICHAND HOLLYHOCK Saddle Ponies + M & M (exc. Geldings) Class:94 - Saddle Pony, Mare or Filly over 11.2hh & n/e 12hh 1 Mr Gary & Mrs Jennah Richardson: MURRAMAI MELANIE STAR 2 JW & GJ Mamouney: FALCONHURST PARTY GIRL 3 Mrs L Cameron: GLENROB MISS SHOWGIRL 4 S & D Hogan: BROSHA PARK SHARDONNAY Class:95 - Saddle Pony, Mare or Filly 11.2hh & under (Shetlands not eligible) 1 Mrs Anne Cochrane: WYANN MULBERRY CHAMPION SADDLE MARE 12.2 hh & under Mrs Anne Cochrane: WYANN MULBERRY RESERVE CHAMPION SADDLE MARE 12.2hh & under Mr Gary & Mrs Jennah Richardson: MURRAMAI MELANIE STAR Class:96 - *Ridden Mountain & Moorland, Stallion or Colt * 1 Ms Jacqueline Mellett: COLMAUR KASEY 2 Mrs Julia Grave: HARKAWAY LODGE GLENGARRY Class:97 - *Ridden Mountain & Moorland, Mare or Filly * 1 Brown Family: BALLANTRAE FLORA 2 Mrs Carol Hibbert: NINEBANKS NINA 3 Mrs Julia Grave: HARKAWAY LODGE ZEANDRA 4 Habafield Pony Stud: HABAFIELD BIRTHDAY GIRL Class:98 - *Ridden Mountain & Moorland, Gelding * 1 Habafield Pony Stud: HABAFIELD HOORAY HENRY 2 Mrs Nicole Coombs: HARKAWAY LODGE KINROSS 3 Mrs Sandra Barry: BAIN PARK SHIRAZ (AI) CHAMPION RIDDEN Mountain & Moorland (Larger Breeds) or Fjord Habafield Pony Stud: HABAFIELD HOORAY HENRY RESERVE CHAMPION RIDDEN Mountain & Moorland (Larger Breeds) or Fjord Ms Jacqueline Mellett: COLMAUR KASEY Hackney Ponies & Hackney Horses Led Class:59 - Hackney Pony Stallion Led, 4 years & over Crosswynds Stud - Mrs Elsa Avery: EYRIE DIAGHILEV Class:99 - ^Shetland Saddle Pony, Stallion or Colt ^ 1 Miss Carly Thomas: CAREAL MR CELEBRITY 2 Mrs Irene & Miss Narelle Hogg: LENTARA MEDIA CHAMPION LED HACKNEY PONY STALLION OR COLT Crosswynds Stud - Mrs Elsa Avery: EYRIE DIAGHILEV Class:100 - ^Shetland Saddle Pony, Mare, Filly or Gelding^ 9.2hh & under 1 Mrs Sally Centrone: DANIEL PARK DOUBLE 2 Pilinta Park Stud: PILINTA PARK FOURPENCE SUPREME CHAMPION LED HACKNEY, MALE OR FEMALE Denzildon Crosswynds Stud - Mrs Elsa Avery: EYRIE DIAGHILEV Harness Class:75 - Harness Shetland, Stallion or Colt 1 Miss Carly Thomas: CAREAL GREAT EXPECTATIONS Class:76 - Harness Shetland, Mare or Filly 1 Miss Carly Thomas: CAREAL GEORGIA 2 Pilinta Park Stud: PILINTA PARK FOURPENCE Class:80 - Harness Pony, Gelding n/e 14.2hh (Hackneys and Shetlands not eligible 1 Crosswynds Stud - Mrs Elsa Avery/Mrs M Wickham: ACHERON MIDNIGHT CHAMPION HARNESS STALLION, GELDING OR MARE NON HACKNEY Crosswynds Stud - Mrs Elsa Avery/Mrs M Wickham: ACHERON MIDNIGHT RESERVE CHAMPION HARNESS STALLION,GELDING OR MARE NONMiss Carly Thomas: AVONLEIGH DANNY Class:101 - ^Saddle Shetland Pony Mare, Filly or Gelding ^^ over 9.2hh & n.e. 10hh 1 Miss Lee Purchase: KOBYBOYN SELINA 2 JW & GJ Mamouney: ILLANGI RHAPSODY Class:102 - ^Saddle Pony, Mare, Filly or Gelding^ over 10hh & n.e. 10.2hh 1 Mrs L Cameron: OTWAY VIEW XENA 2 Mr SD Ryan: THORPEVILLE TRENDY 3 Mrs Gayle & Tilly Charles: LYNVALE LODGE JAZZ 4 Mrs Lisa Beardsley & Wardle: LAMBRAE LYNX 5 Mrs Cherie Mills: TANGERINE CHARITY 6 Blackwood Ponies: BLACKWOOD TUDOR ROSE Class: - CHAMPION SADDLE SHETLAND 1 Mrs L Cameron: OTWAY VIEW XENA Class: - RESERVE CHAMPION SADDLE SHETLAND 1 Mr SD Ryan: THORPEVILLE TRENDY KEVIN DEMPSEY SUPREME CHAMPION HARNESS PONY Crosswynds Stud - Mrs Elsa Avery/Mrs M Wickham: ACHERON MIDNIGHT SUPREME CHAMPION SADDLE PONY-Mare or Stallion Narada Pony Stud 1 Miss Helen Dolan: BAMBOROUGH PARAMOUNT Class:81 - Hackney Pony Stallion or Colt n/e 14hh 1 Crosswynds Stud - Mrs Elsa Avery/Mrs M Wickham: EYRIE DIAGHILEV Leading Rein/First Ridden - Mares Class:103 - Leading Rein Pony - 12hh & under Rider 3 years & under 8. Shetlands, 1 Travis Park Stud: MURRAYDALE PARK CALUM 2 Mrs Alex Bethell: HADDON PARK COVENTRY 3 Mr Gary & Mrs Jennah Richardson: MURRAMAI MELANIE STAR 4 Mrs Kirsty Porter: GRAYANNA SAM SARA 5 JW & GJ Mamouney: 2480; FALCONHURST PARTY GIRL 6 Mrs Karen Wood: TEGWYN DESERT DEW CHAMPION DRIVEN HACKNEY PONY Crosswynds Stud - Mrs Elsa Avery/Mrs M Wickham: EYRIE DIAGHILEV Saddle Ponies + M & M (exc. Geldings) Class:88 - Saddle Pony, Stallion or Colt n/e 12.2hh (Shetlands not eligible) 1 Mr Gary & Mrs Jennah Richardson: KOORA-LYN GORDOST 2 Mrs Rosemary Garoni: MOONDYNE BUCCANEER Class:89 - Saddle Pony, Stallion or Colt over 12.2hh & n/e 14hh 1 Miss Helen Dolan: BAMBOROUGH PARAMOUNT 2 Filou Lane Pony Stud: FILOU LANE LIMITED EDITION CHAMPION SADDLE STALLION Miss Helen Dolan: BAMBOROUGH PARAMOUNT RESERVE CHAMPION SADDLE STALLION Mr Gary & Mrs Jennah Richardson: KOORA-LYN GORDOST Class:104 - First Ridden Pony - 12.2 hh & under. Rider to be 12 years & under. 1 JW & GJ Mamouney: FALCONHURST PARTY GIRL 2 Miss Lucy Peters: DONCASVAN ORLANDO 3 Blackwood Ponies: BLACKWOOD LILIPUT 4 Mrs Jan Beckwith: BROSHA PARK FERRERO 5 S & D Hogan: BROSHA PARK SHARDONNAY 6 Mrs Leonie Roper: MOONDYNE DIMITY Child's & Newcomer Ponies Class:105 - Childs Saddle Shetland Mare or Gelding 1 Pilinta Park Stud: PILINTA PARK FOURPENCE 2 Blackwood Ponies: BLACKWOOD TUDOR ROSE 3 Mr SD Ryan: THORPEVILLE TRENDY 4 JW & GJ Mamouney: ILLANGI RHAPSODY 5 Mrs Cherie Mills: TANGERINE CHARITY Class:106 - Childs Saddle Pony Mare or Gelding 11.2hh & under 1 Mrs Leonie Roper: MOONDYNE DIMITY Class:107 - Childs Saddle Pony Mare or Gelding over 11.2hh & n/e 12.2hh. 1 JW & GJ Mamouney: 2480; FALCONHURST PARTY GIRL 2 Mr Gary & Mrs Jennah Richardson: 2623; MURRAMAI MELANIE STAR 3 Mrs Jan Beckwith: 2578; BROSHA PARK FERRERO 4 S & D Hogan: 2450; BROSHA PARK SHARDONNAY 5 SA & AJ Preedy: 2509; CHERRINGTON LORD BYRON 6 Mrs Marli Plant: 2305; TARRALEA NEXT STEP Class:108 - Childs Saddle Pony Mare or Gelding over 12.2 hh & n/e 13.2 hh. 1 JM & TN Graham: MY HAVEN SHOWGIRL 2 Miss Sandra Lee: DRASNA CHANCE 3 Mrs Karen Vistarini: MITHRIL HARRIET HOUDINI 4 JM & TN Graham: MY HAVEN UPTOWN GIRL 5 Mrs Donna Ayres: MARCONI RIVERDANCE 6 M & S Reeve: BLACKWOOD FIREFOX CHAMPION CHILDS SADDLE PONY JW & GJ Mamouney: FALCONHURST PARTY GIRL RESERVE CHAMPION CHILDS SADDLE PONY Mr Gary & Mrs Jennah Richardson: MURRAMAI MELANIE STAR Class:110 - Newcomer Saddle Shetland 1 Blackwood Ponies: BLACKWOOD TUDOR ROSE 2 Mrs Sally Centrone: DANIEL PARK DOUBLE 3 GD & EM Teague: CHATEAU GAY GRACELLA 4 JW & GJ Mamouney: ILLANGI RHAPSODY Class:111 - Newcomer Saddle Pony 12hh & under 1 Travis Park Stud: MURRAYDALE PARK CALUM 2 Mrs L Cameron: GLENROB MISS SHOWGIRL Class:112 - Newcomer Saddle Pony over 12hh & N.E. 13hh 1 Mrs Cherie Mills: PALM PARK ELEGANCE 2 SA & AJ Preedy: CHERRINGTON LORD BYRON Class:113 - Newcomer Saddle Pony over 13hh & N.E. 14hh 1 Mrs Julia Grave: HARKAWAY LODGE GLENGARRY Class:114 - Newcomer Saddle Pony over 14hh 1 Habafield Pony Stud: HABAFIELD HOORAY HENRY 2 Mrs P A Prosser: AYLESTONE PARK APPLE BLOSSOM (AI) 3 Habafield Pony Stud: HABAFIELD BIRTHDAY GIRL CHAMPION NEWCOMER SADDLE PONY Travis Park Stud: MURRAYDALE PARK CALUM RESERVE CHAMPION NEWCOMER SADDLE PONY Habafield Pony Stud: HABAFIELD HOORAY HENRY Saddle Geldings Class:115 - Saddle Pony Gelding - over 12hh & n.e. 12.2hh 1 Miss Lucy Peters: DONCASVAN ORLANDO 2 SA & AJ Preedy: CHERRINGTON LORD BYRON Class:116 - Saddle Pony Gelding - over 11.2hh & n.e. 12hh 1 Mrs Jan Beckwith: BROSHA PARK FERRERO 2 Mrs Marli Plant: TARRALEA NEXT STEP Class:117 - Saddle Pony Gelding - n.e. 11.2hh 1 Travis Park Stud: MURRAYDALE PARK CALUM 2 Mrs Anne Cochrane: WYANN MICKEY BLUE EYES 3 M & S Reeve: CAMBOOYA TALISMAN CHAMPION SADDLE GELDING - 12.2HH & UNDER Travis Park Stud: MURRAYDALE PARK CALUM RESERVE CHAMPION SADDLE GELDING - 12.2HH & UNDER Mrs Anne Cochrane: WYANN MICKEY BLUE EYES Class:118 - Saddle Pony Gelding - over 13.2hh & n.e. 14hh 1 Jane Mitchell: GRESAM LODGE MAXIMUS Class:119 - Saddle Pony Gelding - over 13hh & n.e. 13.2hh 1 Mrs D E Irvine: BANNON PARK ALISTAIR 2 Miss Sandra Lee: DRASNA CHANCE Saddle Geldings Class:120 - Saddle Pony Gelding - over 12.2hh & n.e. 13hh 1 Mrs L Cameron: FAIRLIGHT ACRES SEBASTIAN 2 M & S Reeve: BLACKWOOD FIREFOX 3 Mrs Donna Ayres: MARCONI RIVERDANCE CHAMPION SADDLE GELDING - over 12.2HH Jane Mitchell: GRESAM LODGE MAXIMUS RESERVE CHAMPION SADDLE GELDING - over 12.2HH Mrs Sandra Barry: BAIN PARK SHIRAZ (AI) SUPREME CHAMPION SADDLE GELDING Jane Mitchell: GRESAM LODGE MAXIMUS Adults & Intermediate Saddle Ponies Class:121 - Adults Saddle Pony 12.2hh & under Riders 17 years & over 1 Mrs Cherie Mills: PALM PARK ELEGANCE Adults & Intermediate Saddle Ponies Class:122 - Adults Saddle Pony over 12.2hh Riders 17 years & over 1 Miss Kelly Hamblin: TOOLLEEN AMITY JANE 2 Mrs Carol Hibbert: NINEBANKS NINA 3 Mrs D E Irvine: BANNON PARK ALISTAIR 4 Filou Lane Pony Stud: FILOU LANE LIMITED EDITION 5 Miss Sandra Lee: DRASNA CHANCE 6 JM & TN Graham: MY HAVEN SHOWGIRL Class: - CHAMPION ADULTS SADDLE PONY Riders 17 years & over 1 Miss Kelly Hamblin: TOOLLEEN AMITY JANE Class: - RESERVE CHAMPION ADULTS SADDLE PONY Riders 17 years & over 1 Mrs Carol Hibbert: NINEBANKS INDIA Class:123 - Intermediate Saddle Pony - over 13hh 1 Mrs D E Irvine: BANNON PARK ALISTAIR 2 JM & TN Graham: MY HAVEN UPTOWN GIRL 3 Miss Sandra Lee: DRASNA CHANCE 4 Mrs Julia Grave: HARKAWAY LODGE GLENGARRY Class:124 - Intermediate Saddle Pony - over 12hh & n/e 13hh 1 Mrs Cherie Mills: PALM PARK ELEGANCE 2 Mrs Donna Ayres: MARCONI RIVERDANCE 3 Mrs Julia Grave: HARKAWAY LODGE ZEANDRA 4 Miss Lucy Peters: DONCASVAN ORLANDO Class:125 - Intermediate Saddle Pony - 12hh & under 1 M Jones & A Cocker: LORABELLA MELINDA 2 Miss Lee Purchase: KOBYBOYN SELINA 3 Mrs L Cameron: GLENROB MISS SHOWGIRL Class: - CHAMPION INTERMEDIATE SADDLE PONY Mrs Cherie Mills: PALM PARK ELEGANCE Class: - RESERVE CHAMPION INTERMEDIATE SADDLE PONY M Jones & A Cocker: LORABELLA MELINDA Leading Rein/First Ridden - Shetlands Class:126 - Leading Rein Pony - Shetlands - 10.2hh & under 1 Mr SD Ryan: THORPEVILLE TRENDY 2 Mrs Lisa Beardsley & Wardle: LAMBRAE LYNX 3 Mrs Cherie Mills: TANGERINE CHARITY 4 M Jones & A Cocker: LORABELLA MELINDA 5 JW & GJ Mamouney: ILLANGI RHAPSODY 6 Blackwood Ponies: BLACKWOOD TUDOR ROSE Class:127 - First Ridden Pony Shetlands - 10.2 hh & under. 1 Mr SD Ryan: THORPEVILLE TRENDY 2 M Jones & A Cocker: LORABELLA MELINDA 3 Mrs Lisa Beardsley & Wardle: LAMBRAE LYNX 4 Blackwood Ponies: BLACKWOOD TUDOR ROSE 5 Pilinta Park Stud: PILINTA PARK FOURPENCE Junior Handler & Junior Judging Class:128 - Handlers, 6 years & under MAY be accompanied by an adult 1 Mackenzie Mamouney-Brown 2 Tahlia Young 3 Cassidy Fry 4 Jasmine Forbes Class:129 - Handlers, 7 and 8 years old MAY be accompanied by an adult 1 Caitlin Forbes 2 Grace Perkins 3 Abby Plant 4 Delta Wardle 5 Caitlyn Porter 6 Lucy Peters Junior Handler & Junior Judging Class:130 - Handlers, 9 and 10 years old 1 Keyara Garraway 2 Georgia Mamouney-Brown 3 Madeline Preedy 4 Tarita Hutton 5 Eleanor Robinson BEST JUNIOR HANDLER 10 YEARS AND UNDER Keyara Garraway Class:131 - Handlers, 11 and 12 year old 1 T Brown 2 Kelsey Beckwith 3 Siobhan Reeve 4 Megan Vistarini 5 Maddeline Ayres 6 Matilda Hutton Class:132 - Handlers, 13 and 14 years old 1 Georgia Johnson 2 Monica Bilton 3 Casey Shevlin =4 Georgia Ayres =4 Hayley Hinton 5 Courtney McLeod Class:133 - Handlers, 15 and 16 years old 1 Teagan Muirhead 2 Sarah Beasley BEST JUNIOR HANDLER 11 to 16 YEARS T Brown Junior Handler & Junior Judging Class:134 - Junior Judging Competition - 16 years & under 1 Georgia Ayres 2 Taylah Spiteri 3 Erin Mitchell 4 Phillipa Mitchell 5 Paige Podger 6 Maddeline Ayres Class:135 - Junior Judging Competition 0ver 16 yr & n.e. 25 yr 1 Monique Centrone 2 Jane Irvine Led Show Hunters Class:136 - Led Show Hunter Stallion M&M not eligible 1 Oakford & Reeve: KINGSFRED IDOL 2 Mrs Rosemary Garoni: MOONDYNE BUCCANEER 3 Shirrine Park Stud: MURRAYDALE PARK LEWYN Class:137 - Led Show Hunter Pony n/e 12hh M&M not eligible 1 Mrs Marli Plant: TARRALEA NEXT STEP 2 M & S Reeve: CAMBOOYA TALISMAN 3 Mrs Anne Cochrane: WYANN MICKEY BLUE EYES 4 Mrs Alex Bethell: HADDON PARK COVENTRY 5 Mrs B Turner & Mrs A Hyde: VANOCA PARK JAGUAR Class:138 - Led Show Hunter Pony over 12hh & n/e 13hh M&M not eligible 1 Mrs Cherie Mills: PALM PARK ELEGANCE 2 Mrs Kirsty Porter: WAVELEIGH NATHANIEL 3 Kim & Monica Bilton: VICHAND HOLLYHOCK 4 G & R Bridgman: WYNARA FROLIC IN THE MIST 5 Mrs Alison Brown: TUNDRA PARK PRIMROSE 6 Miss Lucy Peters: DONCASVAN ORLANDO Class:139 - Led Show Hunter Pony over 13hh & n/e 14hh M&M not eligible 1 Jane Mitchell: GRESAM LODGE MAXIMUS 2 Miss Kelly Hamblin: TOOLLEEN AMITY JANE 3 Mrs D E Irvine: BANNON PARK ALISTAIR 4 Miss Abby Loveday: FAIRLIGHT ACRES KARL 5 Mrs Karen Vistarini: MITHRIL HARRIET HOUDINI CHAMPION LED SHOW HUNTER PONY non Mountain & Moorland Jane Mitchell: GRESAM LODGE MAXIMUS RESERVE CHAMPION LED SHOW HUNTER PONY Mrs Cherie Mills: PALM PARK ELEGANCE Class:140 - Led Show Hunter Mountain & Moorland Mare 1 Mrs S Hunt & E Olsen: CELTIC SANTOLINA 2 Habafield Pony Stud: HABAFIELD BIRTHDAY GIRL 3 Mrs Carol Hibbert: NINEBANKS NINA 4 Mrs P A Prosser: AYLESTONE PARK APPLE BLOSSOM (AI) 5 Brown Family: BALLANTRAE FLORA 6 Mrs Sharyn Callander: KAHEAN SNOW BLOSSOM Led Show Hunters Class:141 - Led Show Hunter Mountain & Moorland Gelding 1 Habafield Pony Stud: HABAFIELD HOORAY HENRY 2 Mrs Sandra Barry: BAIN PARK SHIRAZ (AI) 3 Mrs Erin McNamara: KAHEAN KNIGHT STORM 4 Mrs Vi Gunn & Miss Melissa Smith: STRICKLAND PARK DUKE 5 N & J McBain: FORESTWAY GARNET 6 Ms Jacqueline Mellett: DUN MANUS PEADAR Class:142 - Led Show Hunter Mountain & Moorland Stallion 1 Mrs Julia Grave: HARKAWAY LODGE GLENGARRY 2 Mrs Sharyn Callander: GRACEFIELD PARK MR ED 3 Ms Jacqueline Mellett: COLMAUR KASEY CHAMPION LED SHOW HUNTER MOUNTAIN & MOORLAND* Habafield Pony Stud: HABAFIELD HOORAY HENRY RESERVE CHAMP LED SHOW HUNTER MOUNTAIN & MOORLAND* Mrs Sandra Barry: BAIN PARK SHIRAZ (AI) Class:143 - Led Show Hunter Pony APSB Partbred 1 Mrs Renee Hook: DEVON LEA SLIPSTREAM 2 Ms Helen Heinrich: MISARRA STATESMAN 3 Miss Kelly Hamblin: KELHAM PUSS N BOOTS 4 Ms Janene Leslie: SUGARGUM VIVIENNE 5 Ms Janene Leslie: SUGARGUM SENSATION 6 Mrs Diane & Miss Paige Podger: HIGHGROVE GEORGETTE Class:144 - Led Show Hunter APSB Riding Pony 1 Mrs Diane & Miss Paige Podger: ORANA PARK ROYALTY CHAMPION LED APSB P/BRED OR R/PONY SHOW HUNTER Mrs Renee Hook: DEVON LEA SLIPSTREAM Ridden Show Hunters Class:146 - Ridden Show Hunter Pony n/e 12hh M&M not eligible 1 JW & GJ Mamouney: FALCONHURST PARTY GIRL 2 Mrs L Cameron: GLENROB MISS SHOWGIRL 3 Mrs Anne Cochrane: WYANN MICKEY BLUE EYES 4 Mrs Leonie Roper: MOONDYNE DIMITY 5 M & S Reeve: CAMBOOYA TALISMAN 6 Mrs Marli Plant: TARRALEA NEXT STEP Class:147 - Ridden Show Hunter Pony over 12hh & n/e 13hh M&M not eligible 1 Mrs Cherie Mills: PALM PARK ELEGANCE 2 Mrs Donna Ayres: MARCONI RIVERDANCE 3 Blackwood Ponies: BLACKWOOD LILIPUT 4 Mrs Kirsty Porter: WAVELEIGH NATHANIEL 5 Miss Lucy Peters: DONCASVAN ORLANDO Ridden Show Hunters Class:148 - Ridden Show Hunter Pony over 13hh & n/e 14.2hh M&M not eligible 1 Miss Kelly Hamblin: TOOLLEEN AMITY JANE 2 Jane Mitchell: GRESAM LODGE MAXIMUS 3 JM & TN Graham: MY HAVEN SHOWGIRL 4 Mrs D E Irvine: BANNON PARK ALISTAIR 5 Mrs Karen Vistarini: MITHRIL HARRIET HOUDINI CHAMPION RIDDEN SHOW HUNTER PONY Miss Kelly Hamblin: TOOLLEEN AMITY JANE RESERVE CHAMPION RIDDEN SHOW HUNTER PONY Jane Mitchell: GRESAM LODGE MAXIMUS Class:149 - Ridden Show Hunter Mountain & Moorland Mare or Filly 1 Mrs S Hunt & E Olsen: CELTIC SANTOLINA 2 Mrs Carol Hibbert: NINEBANKS NINA 3 Habafield Pony Stud: HABAFIELD BIRTHDAY GIRL 4 Mrs Cheryl King: KAPETA PREDICTION 5 Habafield Pony Stud: HABAFIELD MEONS MISCHIEF 6 Mrs P A Prosser: AYLESTONE PARK APPLE BLOSSOM (AI) Class:150 - Ridden Show Hunter Mountain & Moorland Gelding 1 Habafield Pony Stud: HABAFIELD HOORAY HENRY 2 Mrs Sandra Barry: BAIN PARK SHIRAZ (AI) 3 Mrs Nicole Coombs: HARKAWAY LODGE KINROSS Class:151 - Ridden Show Hunter Mountain & Moorland Stallion 1 Mrs Julia Grave: HARKAWAY LODGE GLENGARRY 2 Ms Jacqueline Mellett: COLMAUR KASEY CHAMPION RIDDEN SHOW HUNTER MOUNTAIN & MOORLAND* Mrs Julia Grave: HARKAWAY LODGE GLENGARRY RES CHAMP RIDDEN SHOW HUNTER MOUNTAIN & MOORLAND* Habafield Pony Stud: HABAFIELD HOORAY HENRY Class:152 - Ridden APSB P'bred/RP Show Hunter 13.2hh & under 1 JM & TN Graham: MY HAVEN MAGICIAN Ridden Show Hunters Class:153 - Ridden APSB P'bred/RP Show Hunter over 13.2hh 1 Miss Kelly Hamblin: KELHAM PUSS N BOOTS 2 JM & TN Graham: MY HAVEN ROYAL PUZZLE 3 Miss Georgia Rowles: KAPETA ABRACADABRA 4 Mrs Diane & Miss Paige Podger: ORANA PARK ROYALTY 5 Mrs Diane & Miss Paige Podger: HIGHGROVE GEORGETTE CHAMPION RIDDEN APSB P/B OR R/P SHOW HUNTER Miss Kelly Hamblin: KELHAM PUSS N BOOTS RESERVE CHAMPION RIDDEN P/B OR R/P SHOW HUNTER JM & TN Graham: MY HAVEN ROYAL PUZZLE Shetlands - Not exceeding 8.2 hands Class:154 - Shetland Stallion, 4, 5 & 6 years n/e 8.2hh 1 Mrs Helen Dann: GLENELEN GALAXY 2 Ms Kerralie Goggin: POSSOM HOLLOW LAIRD'S DEVIL 3 Peta Bickford: DOMINO DOWNS JET Class:155 - Shetland Stallion 7 yrs & over n/e 8.2hh 1 Mrs Mel Williams: SHANUSTI SUNDANCE KID CHAMPION SHETLAND STALLION NE 8.2HH Mrs Mel Williams: SHANUSTI SUNDANCE KID RESERVE CHAMPION STALLION NE 8.2HH Mrs Helen Dann: GLENELEN GALAXY Class:156 - Shetland Colt, 3 years old n/e 8.2hh 1 Mrs Carole Phillips: SPARGO CREEK JASPER Class:157 - Shetland Colt 2 yrs old n/e 8.2hh 1 Mrs Pauline Barns: POSSUM HOLLOW LAIRD-PHANTOM 2 Mrs Margaret Freeman: SLEEPY HOLLOW HUSTLER Class:158 - Shetland Colt, yearling not to exceed 8.2hh at maturity 1 Mrs Katrina Bowyer: THE MEADOWS LICORICE TWIST 2 Mrs Mel Williams: AMBAURA CISCO KID JUNIOR CHAMPION SHETLAND COLT 8.2hh & under Mrs Pauline Barns: POSSUM HOLLOW LAIRD-PHANTOM RESERVE JUNIOR CHAMPION SHETLAND COLT 8.2hh & under Mrs Carole Phillips: SPARGO CREEK JASPER Class:159 - Shetland Mare, 4, 5 & 6 years n/e 8.2hh 1 Ms S K Northway: GREEN HILLS ANNIE 2 Miss Vicki Jenkins: JENSSEL PARK ILONA 3 Peta Bickford: CARAMIA LADY Class:160 - Shetland Mare 7 yrs & over n/e/ 8.2hh 1 Ms Chris Miers: GRACEDALE KARENA 2 S & D Hogan: BROSHA CARISMA Class:161 - Shetland Brood Mare n/e 8.2hh 1 Ms Kerralie Goggin: BUTTERFIELD GIDGET 2 Mrs Kate Jewell: PENTLAND MOPETT 2ND Class:162 - Foal - progeny of mares in above class 1 Ms Kerralie Goggin: DARLEY PARK WESLEY 2 Mrs Kate Jewell: LODGE PARK SONG AND DANCE BEST FOAL Ms Kerralie Goggin: DARLEY PARK WESLEY CHAMPION SHETLAND MARE 8.2HH & UNDER Ms Kerralie Goggin: BUTTERFIELD GIDGET RESERVE CHAMPION SHETLAND MARE 8.2HH & UNDER Ms S K Northway: GREEN HILLS ANNIE Shetlands - Not exceeding 8.2 hands Class:163 - Shetland Filly, 3 years old n/e 8.2hh 1 Mrs Danniell Neilson: GREEN HILLS MISS KITTIE 2 Mrs Helen Dann: GLENELEN CHARDONNAY Shetland - Mares and Fillies over 8.2hh Class:177 - Shetland Brood Mare over 8.2hh & n/e 9.2hh 1 Miss Carly Thomas: CHATEAU GAY GEORGELLA 2 Mrs Nicole Stafford: OTWAY VIEW LA BIANCA Class:164 - Shetland Filly 2 yrs, n/e 8.2hh 1 Mrs Robyn McCredie: WILLOW RIDGE TOUCH OF SPICE 2 Mrs Pauline Barns: POSSUM HOLLOW ANNIE-ROSE 3 Mark & Sharon Lewis: SPARGO CREEK SPLASH OF MAJIC 4 Mr J & Mrs L Baker: DOMINO DOWNS COLOR MAGIC Class:178 - Shetland Foal, Colt or Filly 1 Mrs Nicole Stafford: PONYTAILS MAGIC 2 Miss Carly Thomas: CAREAL MISS CONGENIALITY Class:165 - Shetland Filly, yearling not to exceed 8.2hh at maturity 1 Ms Kerralie Goggin: GLENELEN HI-LIGHT 2 Mrs Mel Williams: BUCKLAND RIVER KRYST-AL-STAR 3 Mrs Mel Williams: AMBAURA RIVERDANCER 4 Mrs Kate Jewell: OTWAY VIEW DIAMONTINA 5 Peta Bickford: COLHAVEN TIS NO ANGEL 6 Mrs Helen Dann: GLENELEN GLAMOUR RESERVE CHAMPION SHETLAND PONY BROOD MARE Miss Carly Thomas: CHATEAU GAY GEORGELLA CHAMPION SHETLAND FILLY 8.2hh & under Ms Kerralie Goggin: GLENELEN HI-LIGHT RESERVE CHAMPION SHETLAND FILLY 8.2 hh & under Mrs Mel Williams: BUCKLAND RIVER KRYST-AL-STAR BEST YEARLING EXHIBIT from classes 158 & 165 Ms Kerralie Goggin: GLENELEN HI-LIGHT Class:166 - Shetland Gelding 4 yrs & over, n/e 8.2HH 1 Ms Kerralie Goggin: DARLEY PARK ZEN 2 Mrs Kate Jewell: SIRRON BARABBIS CHAMPION SHETLAND GELDING n/e 8.2hh Ms Kerralie Goggin: DARLEY PARK ZEN RESERVE CHAMPION SHETLAND GELDING n/e/8.2hh Mrs Kate Jewell: SIRRON BARABBIS SUPREME CHAMPION SHETLAND PONY 8.2hh & under Mrs Mel Williams: SHANUSTI SUNDANCE KID Class:168 - Owners Group (2 ponies from above classes) 1 Mrs Mel Williams: Owner's Pair 2 Mrs Kate Jewell: Owner's Pair Class:169 - Sires or Dams Progeny Group 2 ponies from above classes 1 Miss Sandy Leggett: Pair by Jildon Dice 2 Mrs Mel Williams: Pair by Shanusti Sundance Kid Class: - MOST SUCCESSFUL EXHIBITOR 1 Ms Kerralie Goggin Shetlands - Stallions and Colts over 8.2hh Class:170 - Shetland Stallion, 4 years & over over 9.2hh & n/e 10.2hh 1 Miss Carly Thomas: CAREAL GREAT EXPECTATIONS 2 Mrs Irene & Miss Narelle Hogg: LENTARA MEDIA 3 Miss Carly Thomas: CAREAL MR CELEBRITY 4 Kahean Stud: KEVELLE LEE COMMANDER 5 Mrs Kylie Dooley: MILLBRAE SHANNON 6 Travis Park Stud: GRACEDALE CAVALIER Class:171 - Shetland Stallion, 4 years & over 9.2hh & under 1 Shirrine Park Stud: WORMANGEL PARK SILVER DOLLAR CHAMPION SHETLAND PONY STALLION Miss Carly Thomas: CAREAL GREAT EXPECTATIONS RESERVE CHAMPION SHETLAND PONY STALLION Mrs Irene & Miss Narelle Hogg: LENTARA MEDIA Class:172 - Shetland Colt, 3 years 1 Mr John Pleiter: UNALLA PARK AUSTIN Class:173 - Shetland Colt, 2 years 1 Mrs Irene & Miss Narelle Hogg: PILINTA PARK SHOWMAN 2 Miss Lisa Virgona: KILPARA PARK DIGBY 3 L Vicary & V Martin: LYNVALE LODGE JOLIMONT Class:174 - Shetland Colt, yearling 1 Mr SD Ryan: SIENNA TAILWIND 2 M Jones & A Cocker: MILLBRAE PRESIDENT 3 Miss Carly Thomas: CAREAL PREDICTION 4 Ms S K Northway: GREEN HILLS MEMPHIS 5 Travis Park Stud: TRAVIS PARK LIMERICK 6 Mrs Adele Garraway: MOONDARA PARK WATCHMAN JUNIOR CHAMPION SHETLAND PONY COLT Mrs Irene & Miss Narelle Hogg: PILINTA PARK SHOWMAN RESERVE JUNIOR CHAMPION SHETLAND PONY COLT Mr SD Ryan: SIENNA TAILWIND Shetland - Mares and Fillies over 8.2hh Class:175 - Shetland Brood Mare over 9.2hh & n/e 10.2hh 1 Miss Carly Thomas: CHATEAU GAY GISELLE 2 Mrs Sally Centrone: WOODVIEW SUMMER-FANTASY 3 Mrs Nicole Stafford: LENTARA CLEMENTYNE 4 Mrs Adele Garraway: OTWAY VIEW WILLOW 5 MT & ML Pearson: COLLANDIE PARK BRIDGET 6 Mrs Lee Bartholomew: AVONLEIGH MANDY Class:176 - Shetland Foal, Colt or Filly 1 Miss Carly Thomas: CAREAL PRECEDENCE 2 Mrs Sally Centrone: ROSEWOOD PARK MOZART 3 Mrs Lee Bartholomew: PAMTAB PARK QWIN 4 Mrs Nicole Stafford: PONYTAILS TIMOTHY 5 MT & ML Pearson: MYSTIC PARK MAX 6 Mrs Adele Garraway: MOONDARA PARK WATCHOUT CHAMPION SHETLAND PONY BROOD MARE Miss Carly Thomas: CHATEAU GAY GISELLE BEST SHETLAND PONY FOAL Miss Carly Thomas: CAREAL PRECEDENCE Class:179a - Shetland Mare, 4 years old over 9.2hh & n/e 10.2hh 1 Pilinta Park Stud: PILINTA PARK FIVEPENCE 2 Mrs J Bland: ARAYLON TEARNA 3 JW & GJ Mamouney: ILLANGI ADDISON 4 Ms S K Northway: KIMBA KWEENIE Class:179 - Shetland Mare, 5 & 6 years old over 9.2hh & n/e 10.2hh 1 GD & EM Teague: CHATEAU GAY GRACELLA 2 Mrs Tracey Bowering: LOCKHAVEN SERENDIPITY 3 JW & GJ Mamouney: ILLANGI RHAPSODY 4 Miss Lee Purchase: KOBYBOYN SELINA 5 M Jones & A Cocker: LORABELLA MELINDA 6 Mark & Sharon Lewis: AVONLEIGH BINDI Class:180a - Shetland Mare, 7, 8 & 9 years over 9.2hh & n/e 10.2hh 1 Mrs Esther Goodwin: BOLLING BROKE JEWEL 2 Mrs J Bland: ARAYLON TITANIA 3 Ms Chris Miers: KRISTAMOOR LODGE GHARNIA 4 Miss Carly Thomas: CAREAL GEORGIA 5 MT & ML Pearson: AVONLEIGH MATILDA 6 Mrs L Cameron: OTWAY VIEW XENA Class:180 - Shetland Mare, 10 years & over over 9.2hh & n/e 10.2hh 1 Mrs Janine Holland: CHATEAU GAY GRETCHEN Class:181 - Shetland Mare, 4 years & over over 8.2hh & n/e 9.2hh 1 Pilinta Park Stud: PILINTA PARK FOURPENCE 2 Mrs Sally Centrone: DANIEL PARK DOUBLE 3 JW & GJ Mamouney: ILLANGI RAYNE 4 MT & ML Pearson: CHATEAU GAY GARLA 5 Mark & Sharon Lewis: GREEN HILLS LEXUS Class: - CHAMPION SHETLAND PONY MARE 1 Mrs Esther Goodwin: BOLLING BROKE JEWEL Class: - RESERVE CHAMPION SHETLAND PONY MARE 1 Mrs Janine Holland: CHATEAU GAY GRETCHEN Class:182 - Shetland Filly, 3 years 1 Mrs Kylie Dooley: WOODVIEW SPARKLE 2 Mrs Sally Centrone: AVONLEIGH KABABS 3 L Vicary & V Martin: LYNVALE LODGE JAZELLE 4 MT & ML Pearson: MYSTIC PARK BECKY 5 M Jones & A Cocker: OTWAY VIEW BAVARIA Class:183a - Shetland Filly, 2 years 1-8-08 to 20-10-08 1 Mrs Irene & Miss Narelle Hogg: LENTARA LAURENZA 2 Miss Sandy Leggett: GREEN HILLS LILLY 3 Miss Lisa Virgona: KILPARA PARK DUCHESS Class:183 - Shetland Filly, 2 years 21-10-08 to 31-7-09 1 Miss Vicki Jenkins: JENSSEL PARK BRIDIE 2 Oakford & Reeve: PILINTA PARK OLIVIA 3 Mrs Sally Centrone: DANIEL PARK ALLURE 4 A & D Durling: THORPEVILLE LILLIANNE 5 Travis Park Stud: GRACEDALE BRIDIE 6 Mrs L Cameron: OTWAY VIEW CATALINA Class:184 - Shetland Filly, yearling 1 Mrs Irene & Miss Narelle Hogg: LENTARA MADONNA 2 Miss Sandra Lee: AVONLEIGH KASSIE 3 A & D Durling: SIENNA DAISY JANE JUNIOR CHAMPION SHETLAND PONY FILLY Miss Vicki Jenkins: JENSSEL PARK BRIDIE RESERVE JUNIOR CHAMPION SHETLAND PONY FILLY Mrs Irene & Miss Narelle Hogg: LENTARA MADONNA BEST SHETLAND PONY YEARLING Mrs Irene & Miss Narelle Hogg: LENTARA MADONNA SUPREME CHAMPION SHETLAND PONY MALE OR FEMALE Miss Carly Thomas: CAREAL GREAT EXPECTATIONS Shetland Groups Class:185 -Two Shetland Ponies, any age Owned but not necessarily bred by the Exhibitor 1 MISS CARLY THOMAS: Owner's Pair 2 MRS IRENE & MISS NARELLE HOGG: Owners Pair Class:186 - Sire's or Dam's Progeny Group 1 Mrs Irene & Miss Narelle Hogg: Pair by POPLARS FARM PLUTO 2 Miss Carly Thomas: Pair out of CHATEAU GAY GEORGEAL 3 Mrs BJ & & Miss NM Morrison: Pair by SUNNY-RAY SUNNY 4 Miss Sandy Leggett: Pair by JILDON DICE Australian Stallions and Colts Class:188 - Australian Pony Stallion, 4 years & over over 12.2hh & n/e 14hh 1 Oakford & Reeve: KINGSFRED IDOL 2 Miss Bree Kerr: BIMBADEEN BRIGADIER 3 Filou Lane Pony Stud: FILOU LANE LIMITED EDITION Australian Mares and Fillies JUNIOR CHAMPION AUSTRALIAN PONY FILLY 12HH & UNDER Naruni Park: FAIRLIGHT ACRES DIVINE CHAMPION AUSTRALIAN PONY STALLION Mr Gary & Mrs Jennah Richardson: KOORA-LYN GORDOST RESERVE CHAMPION AUSTRALIAN PONY STALLION Oakford & Reeve: KINGSFRED IDOL BEST AUSTRALIAN YEARLING, COLT OR FILLY Miss Lisa O'Neill: MALLAWA PARK SH'BOOM Class:189 - Australian Pony Colt, 3 years old 1 Mr B J Hamblin: DRASNA CALYPSO 2 Mr John Pleiter: BLACKWOOD BOLSHOI JUNIOR RESERVE CHAMPION AUSTRALIAN PONY FILLY 12HH & UNDER Ms Lillian Vukosav: WINDSONG FOXY LADY GRAND JUNIOR CHAMPION AUSTRALIAN PONY MALE OR FEMALE GL & CJ Hodgkison: FAIRLIGHT ACRES SELENE SUPREME CHAMPION AUSTRALIAN PONY MALE OR FEMALE GL & CJ Hodgkison: FAIRLIGHT ACRES SELENE SUPREME CHAMPION AUSTRALIAN PONY GL & CJ Hodgkison: FAIRLIGHT ACRES SELENE Class:190 - Australian Pony Colt, 2 years old 1 GL & CJ Hodgkison: FAIRLIGHT ACRES BARTEL 2 Miss Debbie Cameron: DUNELM MOVIE STAR 3 GL & CJ Hodgkison: STORM HAVEN REAL McCOY 4 Mr SD Ryan: KOOYONG CRESTWOOD Class:191 - Australian Pony Colt, yearling 1 Miss Lisa O'Neill: MALLAWA PARK SH'BOOM 2 Mr B J Hamblin: TOOLLEEN TIMOTHY Class:207 - Sire or Dam's Progeny Group 1 Mr B J Hamblin: Pair by MONDISO PARK ESQUIRE 2 Mr B J Hamblin: Pair by OWENDALE SIR DONALD JUNIOR CHAMPION AUSTRALIAN PONY COLT Mr B J Hamblin: DRASNA CALYPSO 3rd Generation Colts & Stallions Class:208 - 3rd Gen Australian Pony Colt, 3 years old 1 Mr John Pleiter: BLACKWOOD BOLSHOI JUNIOR RESERVE CHAMPION AUSTRALIAN PONY COLT Mr John Pleiter: BLACKWOOD BOLSHOI Australian Mares and Fillies Class:194 - Australian Pony Mare, 4 years & over over 13.2hh & n/e 14hh 1 Miss Kelly Hamblin: TOOLLEEN AMITY JANE Class:209 - 3rd Gen Australian Pony Colt, 2 years old 1 Mr SD Ryan: KOOYONG CRESTWOOD 2 GL & CJ Hodgkison: FAIRLIGHT ACRES BARTEL 3 GL & CJ Hodgkison: STORM HAVEN REAL McCOY Class:195 - Australian Pony Mare, 4 years & over over 13hh & n/e 13.2hh 1 JM & TN Graham: MY HAVEN SHOWGIRL 2 JM & TN Graham: MY HAVEN UPTOWN GIRL Class:210 - 3rd Gen Australian Pony Colt, yearling 1 Mr B J Hamblin: TOOLLEEN TIMOTHY 2 Miss Lisa O'Neill: MALLAWA PARK SH'BOOM Class:196 - Australian Pony Mare, 4 years & over over 12.2hh & n/e 13hh 1 Moorooduc Park Stud: LAKEVALE SOPHIA 2 Mrs Elizabeth Batcheldor: LAKEVALE SONIA 3 Mrs Alison Brown: TUNDRA PARK PRIMROSE JUNIOR CHAMPION 3RD GEN AUSTRALIAN PONY COLT Mr B J Hamblin: TOOLLEEN TIMOTHY CHAMPION AUSTRALIAN PONY MARE OVER 12.2 HANDS Miss Kelly Hamblin: TOOLLEEN AMITY JANE Class:211 - 3rd Gen Australian Pony Stallion, 4 years over over 12.2hh & n/e 14hh 1 Oakford & Reeve: KINGSFRED IDOL RESERVE CHAMPION AUSTRALIAN PONY MARE OVER 12.2HH Moorooduc Park Stud: LAKEVALE SOPHIA Class:197 - Australian Pony Mare, 4 years & over over 12hh & n/e 12.2hh 1 Mr SD Ryan: KOOYONG CAMEO 2 Blackwood Ponies: BLACKWOOD LILIPUT 3 Mrs Cherie Mills: PALM PARK ELEGANCE 4 Kim & Monica Bilton: VICHAND HOLLYHOCK 5 Mr Brian Messer: ROMNYA CASSIERA Class:198 - Australian Pony Mare, 4 years & over 11.2hh & n/e 12hh 1 MT & ML Pearson: KOOYONG LIBERTY 2 Mr Gary & Mrs Jennah Richardson: MURRAMAI MELANIE STAR 3 S & D Hogan: BROSHA PARK SHARDONNAY 4 Mrs Carolyne Bellman: DUNELM PARTY GIRL Class:199 - Australian Pony Mare, 4 years & over n/e 11.2hh 1 S & D Hogan: BROSHA PARK KAYLA CHAMPION AUSTRALIAN PONY MARE 12.2HH & UNDER Mr SD Ryan: KOOYONG CAMEO RESERVE CHAMPION AUSTRALIAN PONY MARE 12.2HH & UNDER MT & ML Pearson: KOOYONG LIBERTY GRAND SENIOR CHAMPION AUST PONY MALE OR FEMALE Mr SD Ryan: KOOYONG CAMEO Class:200 - Australian Pony Filly, 3 years old over 12hh & n/e 14hh 1 GL & CJ Hodgkison: FAIRLIGHT ACRES SELENE 2 Mr Brian Messer: ROMNYA NERRINA Class:201 - Australian Pony Filly, 3 years old 12hh & under 1 Ms Lillian Vukosav: WINDSONG FOXY LADY 2 Mrs Tanya Dickson: TAMARINDA JADE 3 Blackwood Ponies: BLACKWOOD LOVE SONG 4 Mrs Elizabeth Batcheldor: 2EMONT PARK SILVER KRYSTAL 5 Mrs Joyce Anderson: LAKEVALE TOY DOLLY Class:202 - Australian Pony Filly, 2 years old over 12hh & n/e 13.2hh 1 JW & GJ Mamouney: FAIRLIGHT ACRES ALSTAR 2 Miss Debbie Cameron: FAIRLIGHT ACRES AMELIA GOLD Class:203 - Australian Pony Filly, 2 years old 12hh & under 1 Naruni Park: FAIRLIGHT ACRES DIVINE 2 Mrs Tanya Dickson: TAMARINDA ALLUSION Australian Groups Class:206 - Two Australian Ponies, any age owned but not necessarily bred by the 1 BLACKWOOD PONIES: Owner's Pair Class:204 - Australian Pony Filly, yearling over 11.2hh & n/e 13hh 1 Mr B J Hamblin: TOOLLEEN HONEY 2 Mrs Kirsty Porter: ESON CALENDAR GIRL 3 Miss Sandra Olney: LAKEVALE TOY KERRY 4 Miss M A Adams: DUNELM DANCE FOR ME 5 Mrs Sheryle Smith: MALLAWA PARK DESTINY Class:205 - Australian Pony Filly, yearling 11.2hh & under 1 Miss Sandra Olney: LAKEVALE TOY FANTASY 2 Mr B J Hamblin: TOOLLEEN LAURA JUNIOR CHAMPION AUSTRALIAN PONY FILLY OVER 12HH GL & CJ Hodgkison: FAIRLIGHT ACRES SELENE JUNIOR RESERVE CHAMPION AUSTRALIAN PONY FILLY OVER 12HH Mr Brian Messer: ROMNYA NERRINA JUNIOR RESERVE CHAMPION 3RD GEN AUST PONY COLT Mr SD Ryan: KOOYONG CRESTWOOD Class:212 - 3rd Gen Australian Pony Stallion, 4 years & over 12.2hh & under 1 Mr Gary & Mrs Jennah Richardson: KOORA-LYN GORDOST CHAMPION 3RD GEN AUSTRALIAN PONY STALLION Mr Gary & Mrs Jennah Richardson: KOORA-LYN GORDOST RESERVE CHAMPION 3RD GEN AUSTRALIAN PONY STALLION Oakford & Reeve: KINGSFRED IDOL 3rd Generation Mares & Fillies Class:213 - 3rd Gen Australian Pony Filly, 3 years old 12hh & under 1 Mr SD Ryan: KOOYONG KISMET 2 Mrs Elizabeth Batcheldor: EMONT PARK SILVER KRYSTAL 3 Mrs Tanya Dickson: TAMARINDA JADE 4 Blackwood Ponies: BLACKWOOD LOVE SONG Class:216 - 3rd Gen Australian Pony Filly, 2 years old 12hh & under 1 Mrs Tanya Dickson: TAMARINDA ALLUSION Class:217 - 3rd Gen Australian Pony Filly, yearling over 11.2hh & n/e 13hh 1 Miss Sandra Olney: LAKEVALE TOY KERRY 2 Miss M A Adams: DUNELM DANCE FOR ME Class:218 - 3rd Gen Aust Pony Filly, yearling 11.2hh & under 1 Miss Sandra Olney: LAKEVALE TOY FANTASY JUNIOR CHAMPION 3RD GEN AUSTRALIAN PONY FILLY Mr SD Ryan: KOOYONG KISMET JUNIOR RESERVE CHAMPION 3RD GEN AUST PONY FILLY Miss Sandra Olney: LAKEVALE TOY KERRY Class:221 - 3rd Gen Australian Pony Mare, 4 years & over over 13hh & n/e 14hh 1 JM & TN Graham: MY HAVEN UPTOWN GIRL 2 JM & TN Graham: MY HAVEN SHOWGIRL Class:222 - 3rd Gen Australian Pony Mare, 4 years & over over 12hh & n/e 13hh 1 Mrs Cherie Mills: PALM PARK ELEGANCE 2 Blackwood Ponies: BLACKWOOD LILIPUT 3 Mrs Alison Brown: TUNDRA PARK PRIMROSE Class:223 - 3rd Gen Australian Pony Mare, 4 years & over 12hh & under 1 Mrs Carolyne Bellman: DUNELM PARTY GIRL 2 MT & ML Pearson: KOOYONG LIBERTY 3 Mrs L Cameron: GLENROB MISS SHOWGIRL 4 S & D Hogan: BROSHA PARK KAYLA 5 S & D Hogan: BROSHA PARK SHARDONNAY CHAMPION 3RD GEN AUSTRALIAN PONY MARE Mrs Carolyne Bellman: DUNELM PARTY GIRL RESERVE CHAMPION 3RD GEN AUSTRALIAN PONY MARE Mrs Cherie Mills: PALM PARK ELEGANCE 3rd Generation Geldings, Groups & SUPREME Class:224 - 3rd Gen Australian Pony Gelding, 4 years & over over 12.2hh & n/e 14hh 1 Miss Sandra Lee: DRASNA CHANCE Class:225 - 3rd Gen Australian Pony Gelding, 4 years & over 12.2hh & under 1 Oakford & Reeve: FERDEN PARK JACKAROO 2 Mrs Marli Plant: TARRALEA NEXT STEP 3 Miss Lucy Peters: DONCASVAN ORLANDO 3rd Generation Geldings, Groups & SUPREME Class:226 - 3rd Gen Australian Pony Gelding, 3 years & under 1 Ms Helen Heinrich: ANDLYN PARK SUNSET RISING New Forest Ponies Class:258 - New Forest Pony Colt, 2 and 3 years old 1 Mrs P A Prosser: AYLESTONE PARK CHESTNUT (AI) CHAMPION 3RD GEN AUSTRALIAN PONY GELDING Miss Sandra Lee: DRASNA CHANCE CHAMPION NEW FOREST PONY STALLION OR COLT Mrs P A Prosser: AYLESTONE PARK CHESTNUT (AI) RESERVE CHAMPION 3RD GEN AUSTRALIAN PONY GELDING Ms Helen Heinrich: ANDLYN PARK SUNSET RISING Class:260 - New Forest Pony Brood Mare, any age 1 Mr David & Mrs Helen Maughan: FORESTWAY ODETTE 2 N & J McBain: FORESTWAY BEWITCHED SUPREME CHAMPION 3RD GEN AUSTRALIAN PONY (Stallion, Colt, Mare Mr SD Ryan: KOOYONG KISMET Class:227 - Two 3rd Gen Australian Ponies, any age owned but not necessarily bred by Exhibitor 1 OAKFORD & REEVE: Owner's Pair 2 BLACKWOOD PONIES: Owner's Pair Welsh A & B Class:228 - Welsh Mountain Pony Stallion, 4 years & over 1 Mrs Rosemary Garoni: MOONDYNE BUCCANEER Class:229 - Welsh Mountain Pony Colt, 3 years old 1 L M Cooke: ELARGEE TOBRUK CHAMPION WELSH MOUNTAIN STALLION OR COLT L M Cooke: ELARGEE TOBRUK RESERVE CHAMPION WELSH MOUNTAIN STALLION OR COLT Mrs Rosemary Garoni: MOONDYNE BUCCANEER Class:232 - Welsh Mountain Pony Mare Brood or Dry 4 years & over 1 Mrs Rosemary Garoni: MOONDYNE HONEY HUSH 2 Mrs Leonie Tooby: GLENVIEW SNOW LACE 3 Mrs Donna Ayres: DALLU CHAUSSETTES Class:234 - Welsh Mountain Pony Filly, 3 years old 1 L M Cooke: KAWANNA PARK BUTTERSCOTCH Class:235 - Welsh Mountain Pony Filly, 2 years old 1 Mrs Anne Cochrane: WYANN BRAZIL 2 Mrs Janine Holland: DALGANGLE GILDED LILY CHAMPION WELSH MOUNTAIN PONY MARE/FILLY Mrs Rosemary Garoni: MOONDYNE HONEY HUSH RESERVE CHAMPION WELSH MOUNTAIN PONY MARE/FILLY Mrs Anne Cochrane: WYANN BRAZIL SUPREME CHAMPION WELSH MOUNTAIN PONY MALE OR FEMALE Mrs Rosemary Garoni: MOONDYNE HONEY HUSH Class:237 - Welsh Pony Stallion, 4 years old & over 1 Miss Helen Dolan: BAMBOROUGH PARAMOUNT Class:261 - New Forest Pony Foal Progeny of mares eligible for above class. 1 N & J McBain: FORESTWAY BEDAZZLE 2 Mr David & Mrs Helen Maughan: Un-named Foal Class:262 - New Forest Mare 4 years & over, over 13.2hh 1 Mrs Carol Hibbert: NINEBANKS NINA 2 Habafield Pony Stud: HABAFIELD BIRTHDAY GIRL 3 Mrs P A Prosser: AYLESTONE PARK APPLE BLOSSOM (AI) Class:263 - New Forest Pony Mare, 4 years & over, n/e 13.2hh 1 Hipwell Bros: RIVER VALLEY COUNTRY DANCE 2 Mrs Cheryl King: KAPETA PREDICTION Class:264 - New Forest Pony Filly, 2 and 3 years old 1 Mrs Sandra Barry: BAIN PARK BALLERINA CHAMPION NEW FOREST PONY, MARE OR FILLY Mr David & Mrs Helen Maughan: FORESTWAY ODETTE RESERVE CHAMPION NEW FOREST PONY MARE OR FILLY Mrs Carol Hibbert: NINEBANKS NINA Class:266 - New Forest Pony Gelding n/e 13.2hh, 4 yrs & over 1 Mrs Sandra Barry: BAIN PARK SHIRAZ (AI) Class:267 - New Forest Gelding over 13.2hh, 4 yrs & over 1 Habafield Pony Stud: HABAFIELD HOORAY HENRY 2 N & J McBain: FORESTWAY GARNET CHAMPION NEW FOREST GELDING Habafield Pony Stud: HABAFIELD HOORAY HENRY RESERVE CHAMPION NEW FOREST GELDING Mrs Sandra Barry: BAIN PARK SHIRAZ (AI) SUPREME CHAMPION NEW FOREST PONY Mr David & Mrs Helen Maughan: FORESTWAY ODETTE Class:269 - Group of two New Forest Ponies owned but not necessarily bred by the 1 Habafield Pony Stud: Owner's Pair 2 N & J McBain: Owner's Pair 3 Mrs P A Prosser: Owner's Pair Class:270 - Sire's or Dam's Progeny Group 1 N & J McBain: Pair by Erinskay Peveril Class:239 - Welsh Pony Colt, 2 years old 1 Shirrine Park Stud: MURRAYDALE PARK LEWYN CHAMPION WELSH PONY STALLION OR COLT Miss Helen Dolan: BAMBOROUGH PARAMOUNT Highland Ponies Class:271 - Highland Pony Stallion, 4 years & over 1 Mrs Julia Grave: HARKAWAY LODGE GLENGARRY RESERVE CHAMPION WELSH PONY STALLION OR COLT Shirrine Park Stud: MURRAYDALE PARK LEWYN CHAMPION HIGHLAND PONY STALLION OR COLT Mrs Julia Grave: HARKAWAY LODGE GLENGARRY Class:241 - Welsh Pony Brood or Dry Mare 1 A & D Durling: FONTAIN PARK AMBER 2 G & R Bridgman: WYNARA FROLIC IN THE MIST 3 Mrs Karen Vistarini: MITHRIL HARRIET HOUDINI Class:273 - Highland Pony Mare, 4 years & over 1 Mrs Nicole Coombs: HARKAWAY LODGE LILY CHAMPION WELSH PONY MARE A & D Durling: FONTAIN PARK AMBER RESERVE CHAMPION WELSH PONY MARE G & R Bridgman: WYNARA FROLIC IN THE MIST Class:244 - Welsh Pony Filly, 2 years old 1 Miss Rebecca Jones: MARCONI ALL A GLITTER 2 Tallara Park Stud: TALLARA PARK TREASURE 3 G & R Bridgman: KEYI CHARADE Class:245 - Welsh Pony Filly, Yearling 1 Miss Steph Halligan: PAULGREN PARK GLAMOUR PUSS 2 SA & AJ Preedy: CHERRINGTON SUMMER LOVE JUNIOR CHAMPION WELSH PONY FILLY Miss Rebecca Jones: MARCONI ALL A GLITTER JUNIOR RESERVE CHAMPION WELSH PONY FILLY Tallara Park Stud: TALLARA PARK TREASURE SUPREME CHAMPION WELSH PONY MALE OR FEMALE Miss Helen Dolan: BAMBOROUGH PARAMOUNT Class:246 - Two Welsh A and/or Welsh B Ponies owned but not necessarily bred by Exhibitor 1 MRS ROSEMARY GARONI: Owner's Pair 2 G & R BRIDGMAN: Owner's Pair Class:247 - Sire's or Dam's Progeny Group Welsh A and/or Welsh B Ponies 1 Mrs Anne Cochrane: Pair by 2 Mrs Rosemary Garoni: Pair by Welsh - C & D Class:251 - Welsh Section C Filly, 2 years & under Miss Lauren Kanicky: BINKA PARK FIRST EDITION BEST EXHIBIT, WELSH SECTION C Miss Lauren Kanicky: BINKA PARK FIRST EDITION BEST WELSH EXHIBIT View Bank Trophy - A, B, C & D eligible Miss Helen Dolan: BAMBOROUGH PARAMOUNT CHAMPION HIGHLAND PONY MARE OR FILLY Mrs Nicole Coombs: HARKAWAY LODGE LILY Class:277 - Highland Pony Gelding, 4 yrs & over 1 Mrs Nicole Coombs: HARKAWAY LODGE KINROSS CHAMPION HIGHLAND PONY GELDING Mrs Nicole Coombs: HARKAWAY LODGE KINROSS SUPREME CHAMPION HIGHLAND PONY Highland Pony Society Trophy Mrs Julia Grave: HARKAWAY LODGE GLENGARRY Class:283 - Sire's or Dam's Progeny Group Mrs Nicole Coombs: Pair by BARRYMOOR MERCURY Connemara Class:284 - Connemara Pony Stallion, 4 years & over 1 Kahean Stud: GLENORMISTON CELTIC PRINCE 2 Ms Jacqueline Mellett: COLMAUR KASEY Class:286 - Connemara Pony Colt, Yearling 1 Ms Janene Leslie: SUGARGUM SIROCCO 2 Mrs Sharyn Callander: GRACEFIELD PARK MR ED CHAMPION CONNEMARA PONY STALLION OR COLT Kahean Stud: GLENORMISTON CELTIC PRINCE RESERVE CHAMPION CONNEMARA PONY STALLION OR COLT Ms Janene Leslie: SUGARGUM SIROCCO Class:289 - Connemara Pony Mare, Dry, 4 years & over 1 Kahean Stud: GLENORMISTON CIARA 2 Mrs S Hunt & E Olsen: CELTIC SANTOLINA 3 Mrs Sharyn Callander: KAHEAN SNOW BLOSSOM 4 Brown Family: BALLANTRAE FLORA Class:290 - Connemara Pony Filly, 2 and 3 years old 1 Brown Family: GREENLICH REBECCA CHAMPION CONNEMARA PONY MARE OR FILLY Kahean Stud: GLENORMISTON CIARA RESERVE CHAMPION CONNEMARA PONY MARE OR FILLY Mrs S Hunt & E Olsen: CELTIC SANTOLINA APSB Vic Branch 2011 Stud Show Results Connemara Class:292 - Connemara Pony Gelding 4 yrs & over 1 Mrs Vi Gunn & Miss Melissa Smith: STRICKLAND PARK DUKE 2 Mrs Erin McNamara: KAHEAN KNIGHT STORM 3 Mrs Erin McNamara: GRACEFIELD PARK MR BOJANGLES Class:293 - Connemara Pony Gelding 3 yrs & under 1 Ms Jacqueline Mellett: DUN MANUS PEADAR CHAMPION CONNEMARA GELDING Mrs Vi Gunn & Miss Melissa Smith: STRICKLAND PARK DUKE RESERVE CHAMPION CONNEMARA GELDING Mrs Erin McNamara: KAHEAN KNIGHT STORM SUPREME CHAMPION CONNEMARA PONY MALE OR FEMALE Kahean Stud: GLENORMISTON CIARA Class:294 - Group of two Connemara Ponies owned but not necessarily bred by the Exhibitor 1 KAHEAN STUD: Owner's Pair 2 MS JACQUELINE MELLETT: Owner's Pair Class:295 - Sire's or Dam's Progeny Group 1 Kahean Stud: Pair by D.C. PRAIZE X G. DULCINEA Dartmoor Ponies Class:296 - Dartmoor Pony, Stallion, Colt or Gelding, any age 1 Ms Charmaine Redford: MOORELANDA MAYHEM Class:297 - Dartmoor Pony, Mare or Filly, any age 1 Ms Charmaine Redford: OUTLOOK DARTOLA CHAMPION DARTMOOR PONY Ms Charmaine Redford: OUTLOOK DARTOLA RESERVE CHAMPION DARTMOOR PONY Ms Charmaine Redford: MOORELANDA MAYHEM Class:298 - Two Dartmoor Ponies Any age, owned by the Exhibitor 1 Ms Charmaine Redford: Owner's Pair SUPREME CHAMPION MOUNTAIN & MOORLAND PONY Kahean Stud: GLENORMISTON CIARA Fjord Horses Class:299 - Fjord Horse, Stallion or Gelding 4 years & over 1 Mr Crispin Bennett: MYKLEJON (Imp) Class:300 - Fjord Horse Mare 4 years & over 1 Mrs Julia Grave: HARKAWAY LODGE ZEANDRA 2 Mr Crispin Bennett: AUD CHAMPION FJORD HORSE Mr Crispin Bennett: MYKLEJON (Imp) RESERVE CHAMPION FJORD HORSE Mrs Julia Grave: HARKAWAY LODGE ZEANDRA Class:302 - Two Fjord Horses Any age, owned by the exhibitor 1 Mr Crispin Bennett: Owner's Pair Gypsy Cobs Class:303 - Gypsy Cob Male, 4 years & over 1 Southern Gypsies: JANGO DANCER OF BRACKENHILL (Imp) Class:304 - Gypsy Cob Female, 4 years & over 1 Southern Gypsies: AERYN SUN (Imp) Class:305 - Gypsy Cob Male, 3 years & under 1 Glyndower Brea Gypsy Cobs: THE CHOCOLATIER (Imp) 2 Ms Karyn Lidgard: SURREY SPRINGS CHIVALRY Class:306 - Gypsy Cob Female, 3 years & under 1 Kristy Smith & Julie Smith: GLENBOGYL PARK GYPSY ROSE CHAMPION GYPSY COB 1 Glyndower Brea Gypsy Cobs: THE CHOCOLATIER (Imp) RESERVE CHAMPION GYPSY COB 1 Southern Gypsies: JANGO DANCER OF BRACKENHILL (Imp) Class:308 - Partbred Gypsy Cob 3 years & under 1 MT & AR Low: BETHESDA ELI 2 Ms Julie Whelan: THE BLACKWOOD PARK JAFFA 3 MT & AR Low: BETHESDA NOELL 4 Mrs Lea Lade: SOUTHERN GYPSIES TALYN Led Australian Pony Geldings Class:311 - Led Australian Pony Gelding, 4 years & over over 12hh & n/e 12.2hh 1 Miss Lucy Peters: DONCASVAN ORLANDO Class:312 - Led Australian Pony Gelding, 4 years & over 12hh & under 1 Mrs Marli Plant: TARRALEA NEXT STEP 2 Oakford & Reeve: FERDEN PARK JACKAROO CHAMPION LED AUSTRALIAN GELDING 12.2HH & UNDER Mrs Marli Plant: TARRALEA NEXT STEP RESERVE CHAMPION LED AUSTRALIAN GELDING 12.2HH & UNDER Oakford & Reeve: FERDEN PARK JACKAROO Class:317 - Led Australian Pony Gelding, Yearling 1 Ms Helen Heinrich: ANDLYN PARK SUNSET RISING 2 Dr K & Mrs E.V. Molina: AMILOM HARRY POTTER JUNIOR CHAMPION LED AUSTRALIAN GELDING Ms Helen Heinrich: ANDLYN PARK SUNSET RISING JUNIOR RESERVE CHAMPION LED AUSTRALIAN GELDING Dr K & Mrs E.V. Molina: AMILOM HARRY POTTER Led Shetland Pony Geldings Class:318 - Led Shetland Pony Gelding, 4 years & over 10hh & n/e 10.2hh 1 Mrs Lisa Beardsley & Wardle: LAMBRAE LYNX Class:319 - Led Shetland Pony Gelding, 4 years & over over 8.2hh & n/e 10hh 1 M Adams & L Duncan: PENTLAND MARVIN Class:320 - Led Shetland Pony Gelding, 3 years & under over 8.2hh 1 Mrs Adele Garraway: PILINTA PARK SPENDER 2 Mrs Sheryle Smith: TALLAWARRA PARK SOMERSPRAY 3 L Vicary & V Martin: LYNVALE LODGE MANHATTAN CHAMPION LED SHETLAND GELDING Mrs Adele Garraway: PILINTA PARK SPENDER RESERVE CHAMPION LED SHETLAND GELDING M Adams & L Duncan: PENTLAND MARVIN Led Welsh Mountain Geldings Class:321 - Led Welsh Mountain Gelding, 4 years & over 1 Travis Park Stud: MURRAYDALE PARK CALUM 2 Mrs Anne Cochrane: WYANN MICKEY BLUE EYES 3 Miss Carissa McLeod: CAMBOOYA CARNIVAL 4 M & S Reeve: CAMBOOYA TALISMAN Class:322 - Led Welsh Mountain Gelding, 3 years & under 1 Mrs Alex Bethell: HADDON PARK COVENTRY 2 Mrs Donna Ayres: 2389; GLENVIEW 2 BOB CHAMPION LED WELSH MOUNTAIN Travis Park Stud: MURRAYDALE PARK CALUM RESERVE CHAMP LED WELSH MOUNTAIN Mrs Anne Cochrane: WYANN MICKEY BLUE EYES Led Welsh B Pony Geldings Class:323 - Led Welsh B Pony Gelding, 4 years & over 1 M & S Reeve: BLACKWOOD FIREFOX 2 Jane Mitchell: GRESAM LODGE MAXIMUS 3 Mrs Donna Ayres: MARCONI RIVERDANCE 4 SA & AJ Preedy: CHERRINGTON LORD BYRON Class:324 - Led Welsh B Pony Gelding, 3 years & under 1 Mrs Alex Bethell: KARANGA DALLAS CHAMPION LED WELSH B GELDING Mrs Alex Bethell: KARANGA DALLAS RESERVE CHAMPION LED WELSH B GELDING M & S Reeve: BLACKWOOD FIREFOX SUPREME LED GELDING Travis Park Stud: MURRAYDALE PARK CALUM Class:325 - Group of two Pony Geldings, Led owned by the one exhibitor. 1 MRS ALEX BETHELL: Owner's Pair 2 MRS DONNA AYRES: Owner's Pair CHAMPION PARTBRED GYPSY COB MT & AR Low: BETHESDA ELI RESERVE CHAMPION PARTBRED GYPSY COB Ms Julie Whelan: THE BLACKWOOD PARK JAFFA Led Australian Pony Geldings Class:309 - Led Australian Pony Gelding, 4 years & over over 13hh & n/e 14hh 1 Mrs Pam Winch: NARUNI PARK SUEDE 2 Miss Sandra Lee: DRASNA CHANCE 3 Mrs D E Irvine: BANNON PARK ALISTAIR 4 Miss Abby Loveday: FAIRLIGHT ACRES KARL Class:310 - Led Australian Pony Gelding, 4 years & over over 12.2hh & n/e 13hh 1 Mrs L Cameron: FAIRLIGHT ACRES SEBASTIAN CHAMPION LED AUSTRALIAN GELDING OVER 12.2HH & N/E 14HH Mrs Pam Winch: NARUNI PARK SUEDE RESERVE CHAMPION LED AUSTRALIAN GELDING OVER 12.2HH & N/E 14hh Mrs L Cameron: FAIRLIGHT ACRES SEBASTIAN Supreme Mountain & Moorland Winner APSB Vic Branch ‐ 2011 Pony Of The Year Results Class: POTY 1 - Australian Pony Led Senior 1. Miss Bree Kerr: BIMBADEEN BRIGADIER 2. Mr Gary & Mrs Jennah Richardson: KOORA-LYN GORDOST Class: POTY 2 - Australian Pony Led Junior 1. Mr John Pleiter: BLACKWOOD BOLSHOI 2. Miss Lisa O'Neill: MALLAWA PARK SH’BO Class: POTY 3 - Australian Pony Ridden 1. Miss Sandra Lee: DRASNA CHANCE 2. Mr Gary & Mrs Jennah Richardson: MURRAMAI MELANIE STAR Class: POTY 4 - Connemara Led Senior 1. Kahean Stud: GLENORMISTON CELTIC PRINCE 2. Mrs Vi Gunn & Miss Melissa Smith: STRICKLAND PARK DUKE Class: POTY 5 - Connemara Led Junior 1. Mrs Erin McNamara: GRACEFIELD PARK MR BOJANGLES 2. Mrs Sharyn Callander: GRACEFIELD PARK MR ED Class: POTY 6 - Connemara Ridden 1. Brown Family: BALLANTRAE FLORA 2. Mrs S Hunt & E Olsen: CELTIC SANTOLINA Class: POTY 7 - Dartmoor Led 1. Ms Charmaine Redford: MOORELANDA MAYHEM 2. Ms Charmaine Redford: OUTLOOK DARTOLA Class: POTY 9 - Fjord Horse Led 1. Mrs Julia Grave: HARKAWAY LODGE ZEANDRA Class: POTY 10 - Fjord Horse Ridden 1. Mrs Julia Grave: HARKAWAY LODGE ZEANDRA Class: POTY 11 - Hackney Pony Led 1. Crosswynds Stud - Mrs Elsa Avery/Mrs M Wickham: EYRIE DIAGHILEV Class: POTY 12 - Hackney Pony Driven 1. Crosswynds Stud - Mrs Elsa Avery/Mrs M Wickham: EYRIE DIAGHILEV Class: POTY 13 - Highland Pony Led 1. Mrs Julia Grave: HARKAWAY LODGE GLENGARRY Class: POTY 14 - Highland Pony Ridden 1. Mrs Julia Grave: HARKAWAY LODGE GLENGARRY Class: POTY 15 - New Forest Led Senior 1. Mrs Carol Hibbert: NINEBANKS NINA 2. Mrs P A Prosser: AYLESTONE PARK APPLE BLOSSOM (AI) Class: POTY 16 - New Forest Led Junior 1. Mrs P A Prosser: AYLESTONE PARK CHESTNUT (AI) Class: POTY 17 - New Forest Ridden 1. Mrs Carol Hibbert: NINEBANKS NINA Class: POTY 18 - Shetland Pony Led Senior 1. Travis Park Stud: GRACEDALE CAVALIER 2. Mrs L Cameron: OTWAY VIEW XENA Class: POTY 19 - Shetland Pony Led Junior 1. Miss Lisa Virgona: KILPARA PARK DIGBY 2. Miss Lisa Virgona: KILPARA PARK DUCHESS Class: POTY 20 - Shetland Pony Ridden 1. Mrs Lisa Beardsley & Wardle: LAMBRAE LYNX 2. Mrs L Cameron: OTWAY VIEW XENA Class: POTY 21 - Welsh Pony Led Senior 1. Miss Helen Dolan: BAMBOROUGH PARAMOUNT 2. Mrs Donna Ayres: DALLU CHAUSSETTES Class: POTY 22 - Welsh Pony Led Junior 1. Mrs Anne Cochrane: WYANN BRAZIL 2. Tallara Park Stud: TALLARA PARK TREASURE Class: POTY 23 - Welsh Pony Ridden 1. M & S Reeve: CAMBOOYA TALISMAN 2. Miss Helen Dolan: BAMBOROUGH PARAMOUNT Class: POTY 24 - APSB Part Bred Led Senior 1. Miss Jordy Wright: ASPIRATIONS OF SEFTON 2. A & D Durling: SIENNA JOURNEEY Class: POTY 25 - APSB Part Bred Led Junior 1. Miss M A Adams: DUNHELM DELIGHT 2. Mrs Jodie Jones: NARUNI PARK MATTISSE Class: POTY 26 - APSB Part Bred Ridden 1. Miss Kelly Hamblin: KELHAM PUSS N BOOTS 2. A & D Durling: SIENNA JOURNEEY Class: POTY 27 - APSB Riding Pony Led Senior 1. Miss Sandra Olney: TARRADALE GOSSIP 2. Miss Carly Thomas: CAREAL TIGERLILLY Class: POTY 28 - APSB Riding Pony Led Junior 1. Mrs Cherie Mills: PALM PARK ALLURE 2. Miss M A Adams: DUNHELM NIGHT SHOW Class: POTY 29 - APSB Riding Pony Ridden 1. Mrs Julie Shevlin: NARUNI PARK REGAL CASCADE 2. Miss Sandra Olney: TARADALE GOSSIP Class: POTY 30 - Gypsy Cob Led 1. Southern Gypsies: JANGO DANCER OF BRACKENHILL (IMP) 2. Glyndower Brea Gypsy Cobs: THE CHOCOLATIER (IMP) APSB ACHIEVEMENT PONY AWARDS Season 2010 / 2011 – 1st July 2010 to 30th June 2011 1. Open to all ponies registered or recorded with the Australian Pony Stud Book Society Inc. Pony must be nominated by 2. 3. 4. 5. exhibitor or owner of pony. The onus is on you the owner of the pony nominated to put pen to paper and send in your achievements for the year in question. Included with your nomination must be a photo of top quality, professional photo would be best. (Photo approx 6x4). Exhibitor/owner must be current financial member of the Australian Pony Stud Book Inc. Nominations must be in the nominated place by 31st October 2011. Any nominations received after this date will not be considered. Nominations list of achievements in all classes and facets of horse competition will be considered by the Committee. Nominations will be overviewed by a panel, selected by Committee and selected as achievement ponies for the year in question. AWARD Any particular individual who shows to be outstanding will have a special interview with photos and possibly inserted in a National magazine. This would be an outstanding advertisement, not only for the pony and exhibitor/owner but for APSB itself. Cost to be borne by the APSB. Enquiries: Fern Davenport Nominated Place: 0401 804 745 Mrs Fern Davenport Ferden Park 29 Weatherly Road Bolinda Vic 3432 APSB Victorian Branch Secretary (03) 52213099. APSB Achievement Pony Awards 2010/2011 Entry Form Summary Pony Name: Reg No: Breed: Sire: Dam: Height: Owner: Owner Address: Membership No Breeder: Achievements Checklist for Entry Copy of Registration Papers Copy of Current Membership Copy of Photo Stamped, Self Addressed Envelope for the return of the photo Electronic Photo emailed to Victorian Office: apsb@baycitybiz.com.au Entries to be sent to: Fern Davenport, 29 Weatherly Road, Bolinda Vic 3432 APSB Vic Branch ‐ Action Pony Day AUSTRALIAN PONY STUD BOOK SOCIETY Victorian Branch ACTION PONY DAY Open to all ponies 14.2hh & under (Special Height Exemption to allow APSB Part bred ponies over 14.2hh to compete) Elcho Park Equestrian Centre Elcho Road, Lara Melways Ref 221 C7 Saturday 6th August 2011 BEST PERFORMED PONY TROPHIES FOR SHETLAND PONY AUSTRALIAN PONY WELSH A, B, C or D PONY NEW FOREST PONY CONNEMARA PONY HIGHLAND PONY DARTMOOR PONY FJORD HORSE TOPSY PONY (LED RIDERS) TOPSY PONY (INDEPENDENT RIDERS) APSB PARTBRED APSB RIDING PONY OPEN PONY Special Awards for Best Dressage Test by an APSB PONY Best Dressage Test by an OPEN PONY Ridden Native Pony Championship Qualifier Ridden Native Pony Stallion Ridden Native Pony Mare or Gelding TH ENTRIES CLOSE FRIDAY 15 JULY, 2011 at 4:30 p.m. NO LATE ENTRIES!!! Send entries to: Secretary, APSB Victorian Branch, PO Box 2132, Geelong, VIC 3220 PHOTOCOPIES OF CURRENT APSB MEMBERSHIP CARD & APSB PONY REGISTRATION MUST BE PRODUCED AT TIME OF ENTRY FOR APSB CLASSES ENQUIRIES: Lorraine Bilson 0408 100 973 or APSB VIC Office (03) 5221 3099 Please Note: There is a Facility Fee of $5.00 per pony. Only ponies registered or recorded with the Australian Pony Stud Book Society are eligible to compete in the APSB Pony classes. Open classes are open to any pony 14.2hh and under, need not be registered, Height Exemption: APSB Partbred ponies over 14.2hh may compete in the sections for 14.2hh and under All non APSB members must also complete a Liability Waiver Form APSB ACTION PONY DAY: 6th AUGUST, 2011 DRESSAGE th WORKING HUNTER PONIES th Sashes to 6 place Entry Fee Members $11.00 Non members $15.00 Sashes to 6 place Entry Fees: Members $11.00 Non members $15.00 Ponies may compete in a maximum of three tests. Only best Entrants compete individually in two phases in two separate rings (1) Jumping (2) Flat work. dressage from 1-13 to count towards Best Performed Trophies. Height Exemption - APSB Partbred ponies over 14.2hh may compete in classes for 14.2hh and under. Dressage Tests may be called A draw will be carried out. Dressage times will be posted out. Please include a SAE with entries. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Scores are added together for final result. APSB ponies may compete in one APSB class and one Open class. OPEN ponies may compete in one Open class only. Height Exemption - APSB Partbred ponies over 14.2hh may compete in classes for 14.2hh and under. PCAV 5C for APSB Ponies 14yrs & under PCAV 4C for APSB Ponies - Rider 14 yrs & under PCAV 4C for APSB Ponies - Rider any age PCAV 4D for APSB Ponies - Rider any age PCAV 3C for APSB Ponies - Rider any age PCAV 3D for APSB Ponies - Rider any age PCAV 2C for APSB Ponies - Rider any age PCAV 1C for APSB Ponies - Rider any age PCAV 5B for OPEN Ponies - Rider any age PCAV 4B for OPEN Ponies - Rider any age EFA 1B (2009) for OPEN Ponies - Rider any age EFA 2B (2009) for OPEN Ponies - Rider any age EFA 3B (2009) for OPEN Ponies - Rider any age 29 30 31 32 33 OPEN WHP 14.2hh & under Max Jump Height 90cm 35 OPEN WHP 14.2hh & under Max Jump Height 75cm 36 OPEN WHP 13.2hh & under Max Jump Height 60cm 37 OPEN WHP 12.2hh & under Max Jump Height 45cm HANDY MOUNT Ribbons to 6th place Entry Fee $11.00 Non members $15.00 APSB Ponies may compete in ONE APSB section of Handy Mount only & the Open Handy Mount class OPEN Ponies may compete in the Open Handy Mount class only 14 15 16 17 18 TOPSY RING (LED ONLY) APSB Ponies 12hh & under Rider 14 years & under APSB Ponies over 12hh Rider 14 years & under APSB Ponies 14.2hh & under Rider over 14 years Open Handy Mount Pony 14.2hh & u – Rider 14yrs & under Open Handy Mount Pony 14.2hh & under Rider any age FOR YOUNG RIDERS 10 YEARS & UNDER WHO ARE NOT YET INDEPENDENT RIDERS. CONDUCTED IN AN ENCLOSED ARENA MUST BE LED. RIDERS IN THIS RING ARE NOT ELIGIBLE TO COMPETE IN ANY OTHER RING. Eligible for Best Led Topsy Mount and Rider. Topsy ring points do not count towards Best Aggregate awards th Ribbons to 6 place: Entries $3.30 Topsy Simple dressage 39 Topsy Poles on ground 40 Topsy Bending Topsy Handymount 42 Pony Most Like Its Owner 43 Pony with the Shaggiest Coat SHOW JUMPING th Ribbons to 6 place Entry Fee $11.00 Non members $15.00 APSB Ponies may compete in one APSB class and one Open class. OPEN ponies may compete in one Open class only. Height Exemption - APSB Partbred ponies over 14.2hh may compete in classes for 14.2hh and under. To be judged under EFA rules. Events will be judged as Table AM7. "If achieving a clear round, ALL the bell will ring and the rider will immediately proceed into the jump off course, against the clock. Riders must walk the jump off course at the same time as the first round course." 19 20 21 23 24 25 26 27 28 APSB WHP 14.2hh & under Max Jump Height 90cm APSB WHP 14.2hh & under Max Jump Height 75cm APSB WHP 13.2hh & under Max Jump Height 60cm APSB WHP 12.2hh & under Max Jump Height 45cm APSB WHP 10.2hh & under Max Jump Height 30cm TOPSY RING (INDEPENDENT RIDERS) FOR YOUNG RIDERS 10 YEARS & UNDER WHO ARE INDEPENDENT RIDERS BUT NOT READY FOR THE FULL PROGRAM. NOT TO BE LED Entries $3.30 Eligible for Best Topsy Independent Rider and Mount. Topsy ring points do not count towards Best Aggregate awards. In addition to events 42 -47, Topsy Independent Riders are also eligible to enter Dressage class A1 (PCAV Test 5A) but no other classes. APSB Ponies 10.2hh & under - Rider 14 years & under Max 30cm (not to be led) APSB Ponies 12.2hh & under - Rider 14 years & under Max 45cm APSB Ponies 12.2 & under - Rider any age Max 45cm APSB Ponies 13.2hh & under - Rider any age Max 60cm APSB Ponies 14.2hh & under - Rider any age Max 75cm Open Ponies 12.2hh & under - Rider any age Max 45cm Open Ponies 13.2hh & under - Rider any age Max 60cm Open Ponies 14.2hh & under - Rider any age Max 75cm Open Ponies 14.2hh & under - Riders any age Start height 90cm 44 45 46 47 48 49 Topsy Walk- Trot Simple Dressage Topsy Showjumping (max 15cm) Topsy Bending Topsy Handymount Topsy First Ridden pony Pony most Like its Owner CAMPING ON GROUNDS Overnight camping available with very limited facilities (no power). Yards & toilets are available Enquiries or more details from APSB Office phone (03) 5221 3099 9 – 5pm Mon-Fri APSB Vic Branch ‐ ACTION PONY DAY AGGREGATE SCORES CALCULATION No equals in classes, places split on count backs Only Best Dressage test to count in scores Overall award must have same rider for all events. Rider must be named on form. Must be a member or insurance waiver completed. Junior riders must be able to present proof of DOB. Only APSB classes count towards Best Performed APSB Breeds. Only Open classes count towards Best Performed Open Pony. Two riders for one pony MUST have two exhibit nos, so MUST enter on 2 individual entry forms so pony is listed twice. APSB Topsy not eligible for overall Aggregate Awards. Separate Best Performed Topsy Pony Award is available in each Topsy section for Topsy competitors. ACTION DAY SPONSORS NEEDED Support APSB Performance Ponies Give some pleasure!!! Enjoy rewarding competitors pride in their ponies. We invite you to give an Action day Award Choose your favoured area: -your breed -another breed -Dressage -APSB Topsy Young riders -Open ponies -Native Ridden ponies Awards requiring sponsors Best Performed Welsh Pony Best Performed APSB Riding Pony Best performed New Forest Pony Best Performed APSB Partbred Pony Best Performed Australian Pony Best Performed Shetland Pony Best Performed Topsy Pony & Rider * Led rider * Independent rider Best Performed Open Pony Best APSB Pony Dressage Test Best OPEN Pony Dressage Test CHAMPION RIDDEN NATIVE PONY QUALIFIER FOR PUREBREEDS Ribbons to 4th place Entries $5.50 Copy of registration required with entry The WPCSA Ridden Native Pony Championships is a Welsh Soc initiative that is open to APSB ponies to compete. It was inspired by the huge interest in Mountain & Moorland classes in the UK. Its purpose is to encourage interest and demand for all Native Pony Breeds by showcasing them through qualifying shows leading to a major final with great prize money for finalists. Event will be judged on correctness of breed type, conformation, performance and freedom of action. Highest placed pony of each breed (not previously qualified) will qualify for WPCSA Ridden Native Pony Championship at Tatura in March 2012. RULES All ponies will be judged under saddle and then stripped for judging in hand. (2 judges) Ponies must be shown unplaited. Bridle path plait permitted. Ponies to be 4yo & over and registered with their respective breed society. Correct attire must be worn. Spurs are not allowed Whips must not exceed 75 cms. Marks awarded as follows Show, freedom of action - 50 maximum - Breed type, conformation - 50 maximum Equal points will be split by highest show, freedom of action points. Native Pony Stallion classes 50 51 52 Shetland / Dartmoor / Welsh A Australian / Welsh B Welsh C, Welsh D, Highland, Fjord, Connemara, New Forest Champion Ridden Native Pony Stallion Reserve Champion Ridden Native Pony Stallion Native Pony Mare & Gelding classes 53 Shetland / Dartmoor Pony Mare & Gelding 54 Welsh A Pony Mare & Gelding 55 Welsh B Pony Mare or Gelding 56 Australian Pony Mare & Gelding 57 New Forest Pony Mare or Gelding 58 Connemara Pony Mare & Gelding 59 Welsh D Pony Mare or Gelding 60 Highland / Fjord Pony Mare or Gelding 61 Welsh C Pony Mare & Gelding Champion Ridden Native Pony Mare or Gelding Reserve Champion Ridden Native Pony Mare or Gelding The "SV CHANDLER MEMORIAL TROPHY" This trophy is awarded to the most successful Sponsorship Awards are available for $55.00 Sponsor purebred gelding from the Action Pony Day has naming rights for the award, half page advert in (August) and following Stud Show (January). Action Day program Ponies must compete at both competitions to be Acknowledgement and appreciation on the day and eligible. also in APSB newsletter and website. To be decided by aggregate points from (i) Action Day – APSB classes including Best To offer your sponsorship Dressage, Show jumping, Handymount, Working CONTACT: Hunter and Club Mount. (Topsy & Open Classes not eligible). (2)Stud Show – Led Gelding classes, Marion Costello (03) 5978 8294 including Fjord & Dartmoor, Open Saddle Gelding Lorraine Bilson 0408 100 973 classes and Open Harness Gelding classes. Judy Tainsh, APSB Vic Sec (03) 5221 3099 AUSTRALIAN PONY STUD BOOK SOCIETY (Victorian Branch) ACTION PONY DAY SATURDAY 6th AUGUST, 2011 Elcho Park Equestrian Centre, Lara SEND ENTRIES TO: Secretary, APSB Victorian Branch, PO Box 2132, Geelong, VIC 3220 ENTRIES CLOSE FRIDAY 15TH JULY 2011 ENTRY PONY NO. 1 NO LATE ENTRIES! FORM BREED RIDER (MUST be listed for each class) Junior Rider DOB Rego No. Class No. Class Description Fee PONY NO. 2 BREED Facility Fee $5.00 TOTAL ENTRY FEES PONY NO. 1 $ Junior RIDER Rego No. Rider DOB (MUST be listed for each class) Class No. Class Description Fee Facility Fee $5.00 TOTAL ENTRY FEES PONY NO. 2 $ (i)Proof of date of birth if under 14yrs? Included YES / NO (ii)Copy of APSB registration & current membership card. Included YES / NO (iii)Non APSB member Liability Waiver. Included YES / NO Any donation to support the Action Pony Day would be gratefully received $ TOTAL CHEQUE ENCLOSED $ Name of Exhibitor: Member No. Postcode Address Phone: BH or Mobile AH: Email: __________________________________________________________ I hereby agree to be bound by the Rules & Regulations of the Australian Pony Stud Book Society. Signature of Exhibitor Date All non APSB members must complete and return a Liability Waiver form. GIPPSLAND REGIONAL APSB PROMOTIONAL GROUP OPEN ACTIVITY DAY Morwell Pony Club Grounds Sunday 14th August 2011 Prizes for Most Successful Exhibit in each age group, plus APSB Breeds (Australian, Shetland, Welsh, other APSB Breeds, Part Bred/Riding Pony) awards, Pony Club award & Adult Riders Club award. Each horse will be supplied with a number to be used in all events, numbers must be collected from the Secretary for a refundable $2.00 before competition begins. Entries for all sections close Wednesday 10th August 2011 (Send to:- 175 Bayley Road, Trafalgar 3824) (Late entries taken on the day at double fees – except fun ring) Entry fees:Dressage $10.00 Other events $3.00 For enquiries phone:Marilyn Fry (03) 5629 2639 Anne Paynter (03) 5633 1604 CONDITIONS OF ENTRY The Gippsland Regional APSB Promotional Group Activity Day is run under the standard rules and regulations of the Australian Pony Stud Book Society. All exhibitors who are not members of the APSB must sign a waiver form Hard hats to Australian Standards ASNZ3838 or equivalent must be worn by all riders. Appropriate solid footwear must be worn by all exhibitors. Random safety checks will be made throughout the day and exhibitors not conforming will not be allowed to compete. No plaiting necessary. Placings to fourth place. The Committee reserves the right to change classes and make decisions on the day. The judge’s decision is final. Protests must be lodged within 1 hour of the event accompanied by a $50.00 fee. Points to be gained for the Most Successful Awards in Sections 1, 2, 3 and 4. A points system will be used to calculate the winner of the Most Successful competitor in each age group. If a draw occurs, there will be a countback and the competitor with the most first placings will be deemed the winner. Most Successful awards to be announced at the completion of the day. Photocopies of APSB membership cards and registration certificates, Pony Club cards and Adult Riders Club cards must accompany entries. DC of club must also sign entry form. All showjumping will be conducted under PCAV Rules and Regulations A finishing time for each section will be announced on the day. Lunch to be taken at approximately 12.30pm. SECTION 1 – DRESSAGE Commencing at 9.00am Times will be sent out (include stamped self addressed envelope with entries) All tests are taken from the PCAV 2006 booklet. Copies of tests can be obtained if required. Both tests count towards the Most Successful Awards. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Rider 6 years & under, must be led – Test 5A Rider 7, 8 & 9 years – Test 5C Rider 7, 8 & 9 years – Test 4A Rider 10, 11 & 12 years – Test 4A Rider 10, 11 & 12 years – Test 4C Rider 13, 14 & 15 years – Test 3A Rider 13, 14 & 15 years – Test 3C Rider 16 years & over, horse 14.2h & under – Test 3A Rider 16 years & over, horse over 14.2h – Test 3A Rider 16 years & over, horse 14.2h & under – Test 3C Rider 16 years & over, horse over 14.2h – Test 3C SECTION 2 – HANDY MOUNT Will be run continuously commencing at 10.00am Obstacles may include opening gate, walk over plastic, jump, carry coat etc. Each rider/horse can compete in as many rounds as they wish to pay for, but their best result is to be counted towards the Most Successful awards. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. Rider 6 years & under, must be led. Rider 7, 8 & 9 years Rider 10, 11 & 12 years Rider 13, 14 & 15 years Rider 16 years and over, horse 14.2h & under. Rider 16 years and over, horse over 14.2h. SECTION 3 – SHOW JUMPING Will run in height/class order commencing at 10.00am. Each rider/horse can compete in as many rounds as they wish to pay for, but their best result is to be counted towards the Most Successful awards. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 30 cm 50 cm 75 cm 90 cm 100 cm FRESHMANS JUMPING WILL BE HELD AT THE CONCLUSION OF THE ABOVE EVENTS IF TIME PERMITS. SECTION 4 – GAMES Running continuously commencing at 10.00am. Each event will be run against the clock with the best time being declared the winner. Each rider/horse can compete as many times as they wish to pay for, but their first attempt is to be counted towards the Most Successful awards. 23. 24. 28. 29. 30 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. Bending race, rider 6 years & under, must be led. Bending race, rider 7, 8 & 9 years Bending race, rider 10, 11 & 12 years Bending race, rider 13, 14 & 15 years Bending race, rider 16 years & over, horse 14.2h & under. Bending race, rider 16 years & over, horse over 14.2h. Stepping stones, rider 6 years & under, must be led. Stepping stones, rider 7, 8 & 9 years Stepping stones, rider 10, 11 & 12 years Stepping stones, rider 13, 14 & 15 years Stepping stones, rider 16 years & over, horse 14.2h & under. Stepping stones, rider 16 years & over, horse over 14.2h. Barrel race, rider 6 years & under, must be led. Barrel race, rider 7, 8 & 9 years Barrel race, rider 10, 11 & 12 years Barrel race, rider 13, 14 & 15 years Barrel race, rider 16 years and over, horse 14.2h & under. Barrel race, rider 16 years and over, horse over 14.2h. SECTION FIVE – FUN RING Open to everyone Commencing at approximately 12.00noon Fancy dress classes to be judged straight after lunchtime, approximately 1.15pm. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. Smallest pony Tallest pony Longest tail Shortest tail Prettiest pony Fattest pony (no pregnant mares) Pony with the shaggiest coat Pony must like it’s owner Fancy dress, rider under 9 years Fancy dress, rider 9 years & up to 12 years Fancy dress, rider 13 years & over. SECTIONSIX‐WORKINGHUNTER The Working Hunter Pony should be a quality pony with more substance than a show pony. It should move out well, combining good hock and shoulder movement to produce a free flowing forward action and produce the ability to jump a set course in a disciplined and controlled manner suitable for the hunting field. Judge will look for the rider to compliment the jumping ability of the pony. APSB ponies may compete in one APSB class and one open class. Open ponies may compete in one open class only. These classes do not count towards the Most Successful awards. Entrants compete individually in two Phases (1) Jumping (2) Flatwork. Scores are added together for final result. Height exemption - APSB Part-Bred ponies over 14.2h may compete in APSB classes for 14.2h and under. Will run in class order commencing at 10.30am. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. APSB WHP 10.2h & under - max jump height 30cm APSB WHP over 10.2h & n.e. 12.2h - max jump height 45cm Open WHP 12.2h & under - max jump height 45cm APSB WHP over 12.2h & n.e. 13.2h - max jump height 50cm Open WHP over 12.2h & n.e. 13.2h - max jump height 50cm APSB WHP over 13.2h & n.e. 14.2h - max jump height 75cm Open WHP over 13.2h - max jump height 75cm SECTIONSEVEN–HARNESS Will be run in class order commencing at approximately 12.30pm Open to both APSB registered and non-APSB registered ponies/horses . 62. Driven pony 8.2h & under. 63. Driven pony over 8.2h & n.e. 10.2h. 63. Driven pony over 10.2h & n.e. 12.2h. 64. Driven pony/horse over 12.2h. Champion and Reserve Champion Driven pony or horse (classes 62 to 64 eligible). 65. Pleasure driven pony/horse. 65. Barrel race 66. Bending race The Gippsland Regional APSB Promotional Group wishes to sincerely thank all those individuals who have given their time to help make the day a success. We also would like to thank all the competitors and hope you have had an enjoyable day. We hope to see you back here again next year. Please have a safe trip home. GIPPSLAND REGIONAL APSB PROMOTIONAL GROUP ACTIVITY DAY ENTRY FORM FOR ALL CLASSES Class No. Rider Name Rider Horse Name APSB Reg. No. Age TOTAL: Name: _________________________________________________ Address: _______________________________________________ _________________________________ Post Code: ____________ Phone: ____________________ Signature: _____________________ Entries must be accompanied by the following: Copy registration papers & membership cards; Copy of PCAV or HRCAV card if applicable; Stamped self addressed envelope; Payment - please make cheques/money orders payable to:Gippsland Regional APSB Promotional Group. Send entries to:- The Secretary, 175 Bayley Road, Trafalgar 3824 Closing date:- Wednesday 10th August 2011. Entry Fee APSB Foal Futurity What Is It? The APSB Foal Futurity is a competition for 2‐year‐old ponies for all breeds under the APSB banner. Great prize money is on offer. First to Fifth place receives a percentage of the entry fees for their section. First to Sixth place receives a Ribbon. Rules You must enter the foal before it is born Entries close on July 31 each year so if you have covered your mare this season you may enter her unborn foal. You must then re‐enter the pony as a yearling and again when it is a 2 year old The final of the competition is judged at the Victorian Stud Pony Show as a led class. Each breed under the APSB banner is judged separately If there is a breed not listed in the 2 year old nominations then there have been no entries in that section. All nominations must be in the hands of the Foal Futurity Co‐ordinator no later than July 31 each year. Section 1: Fee: Final payment for ponies entered in Futurity No 35 to be judged at the 2012 Victorian Stud Show. Ponies $10.00 eligible in this section will become 2 years on August 1 2011 and must have been nominated as an unborn foal and followed up with a yearling nomination last year. Note: Ponies must be entered in the appropriate class at the Victorian Stud Show to be eligible to be shown in the final judging. Second payment for ponies entered in Futurity No 36 to be judged at the 2013 Victorian Stud Show. Ponies Section 2 eligible in this section will become yearlings on August 1 2011 and must have been nominated as an unborn Fee: $5.00 foal last year. Section 3 Initial payment for ponies entered in Futurity No 37 to be judged at the 2014 Victorian Stud Show. Ponies eligible in this section will be born after August 1 2011 and are therefore currently unborn. Fee: $2.00 Section 4 This section is for Third Generation Australian Ponies only. Fee: $10.00 Final payment for ponies entered in Futurity No 35 to be judged at the 2012 Victorian Stud Show. Ponies eligible in this section will become 2 years on August 1 2011 and must have been nominated as an unborn foal and followed up with a yearling nomination last year. Section 5 This section is for Third Generation Australian Ponies only. Second payment for ponies entered in Futurity No 36 to be judged at the 2013 Victorian Stud Show. Ponies Fee: $5.00 eligible in this section will become yearlings on August 1 2011 and must have been nominated as an unborn foal last year. This section is for Third Generation Australian Ponies only. Section 6 Fee: $2.00 Initial payment for ponies entered in Futurity No 37 to be judged at the 2014 Victorian Stud Show. Ponies eligible in this section will be born after August 1 2011 and are therefore currently unborn. Note: Australian Ponies can be entered in two sections if eligible, provided that two fees have been paid. Entry Forms: Please ensure that forms are filled out correctly and all details are included. Colts/Geldings: If you have a colt which has been gelded, please make sure this is included on the entry form. Please do not state “Male” Acknowledgement: Send a SSA envelope to receive a receipt of acknowledgement, if not received with in 2 weeks please enquire, your entries will not be eligible if they are not received and recorded. Enquiries: All enquiries should be directed to the Foal Futurity Co‐ordinator: Janice Johnson, 85 Reilly & Allens Road, NERRENA VIC 3953 Phone: 03 5664 7335 Email duidgee@internode.on.net Australian Pony Stud Book Society (Victorian Branch) Foal Futurity Please ready conditions of entry carefully before completing this form. Entries must be forwarded to and will only be accepted by:‐ Janice Johnson 85 Reilly & Allans Road Nerrena Vic 3953 P h o n e : 0 3 5 6 6 4 7 3 3 5 E m a i l : d u i d g e e @ i n t e r n o d e . o n . n e t ST NOMINATIONS CLOSE: 31 JULY EACH YEAR Cheques must accompany entries and be made payable to: APSB Foal Futurity I submit the nomination/s and fees below in accordance with the conditions of entry. Name: Address: Town/Postcode: Telephone: Signed: Date: Email: Animal No 1 Section: Fee: $ Stud Prefix Breed : Sire: Reg No: Dam: Reg No: Date of Birth or Unborn: Name of Pony: Sex: Animal No 2 Section: Fee: $ Stud Prefix Breed : Sire: Reg No: Dam: Reg No: Date of Birth or Unborn: Name of Pony: Sex: Animal No 3 Section: Fee: $ Stud Prefix Breed : Sire: Reg No: Dam: Reg No: Date of Birth or Unborn: Name of Pony: Sex: Animal No 4 Section: Fee: $ Stud Prefix Breed : Sire: Reg No: Dam: Reg No: Date of Birth or Unborn: Name of Pony: Sex: Animal No 5 Section: Fee: $ Stud Prefix Breed : Sire: Reg No: Dam: Reg No: Date of Birth or Unborn: Name of Pony: Sex: Animal No 6 Section: Fee: $ Stud Prefix Breed : Sire: Reg No: Dam: Reg No: Date of Birth or Unborn: Name of Pony: Sex: Animal No 7 Section: Fee: $ Stud Prefix Breed : Sire: Reg No: Dam: Reg No: Date of Birth or Unborn: Name of Pony: Sex: Animal No 8 Section: Fee: $ Stud Prefix Breed : Sire: Reg No: Dam: Reg No: Date of Birth or Unborn: Name of Pony: Sex: Please do not cut this form into sections. Complete form needs to be forwarded. Timor Pony Stallions at Stud “Snowy Xanthos" Stands 11.1 HH and is 7 years old. He is ready for service, paddock or hand for suitable small mares and ponies. Semen straws will be available in the future. Xanthos carries the Timor Pony Brand and is registered with the Australian Pony Stud Book, No. 17698. He is from wild stock found on the Munganerrie Plain south of the Coburg peninsula in the Northern Territory, currently he is at home in the Snowy Mountains around Jindabyne. The Timor pony was instrumental in the breeding of Australian horses in the early days of colonial Australia. The Timor is renowned as a very hardy durable pony, able to carry its own weight. It was these straits that made the Timor pony so valuable in WW1I service." For further details contact Richard or Lorna 0447‐250951 email; sparkly@aussiebroadband.com.au Stud fees are $800 “Snowy Balios” 12 h.h, 7years old. APSB registered No. 17697. DNA tested pure Timor Pony, an ancient breed ‐ direct descendent of the Asiatic and Tarpan. One of only two known such Stallions domestically captive in Australia. An excellent example of the pony that helped to build this nation and produce the original Walers. Outstanding temperament and conformation typical of the breed. Stud fees $800 Contact Pat, 03‐54751702 email; billjim@bigpond.com ShambalaTimorPonyStudProudlyPresents “YesheMaloo” Foaled approximately 2007 YesheMaloo stands at 12.2 Hands Currently paddock serving and soon to be registered with the APSB. He along with 2 mares were brought down from the NT as wild foundation stock. He is calm in nature and has proven to be an intelligent pony with the true attributes of a Timor, showing strength, agility and a willingness to please. He has gentled easily and will be a proven sire later this year. These ponies liken to the Walers have served our troops in past Wars and worked tirelessly carrying our Diggers of Special Forces throughout the Indonesian Islands with strength and heart well exceeding their stature. Stud Fee $800 YesheMaloo residing at “Kelaime Homestead” Traveston Qld. Phone: 07 5485 1885 Email: kayfraser1098@gmail.com “Oakwood Pony Stud” 30 Years of Breeding For Sale “Oakwood Sir Michael” A.P.S.B Australian Pony Colt Third Generation, 3 yrs Dun Colt Approx 12.2h.h. This stunning colt has plenty of personality and would make a great addition to any pony stud. Sire: Yarrayong Chief 7429 Dam: Oakwood Lady Courtney 31662 Oakwood Sir Michael could have a very successful show career and I would love to see him go to a very loving home. Price: $5000 “Oakwood Lady Jasmine” A.P.S.B Australian Pony Filly Third Generation, 2yrs Bay Filly Will grow to approx 13.2hh. This beautiful filly would do brilliantly in the show ring or later as a broodmare. Sire: Yarrayong Chief 7429 Dam: Oakwood Lady Courtney 31662 Oakwood Lady Jasmine is a champion in the waiting Price: $8000 Oakwood Sir Michael’s and “ Oakwood Lady Jasmine’s Grandparents include such champions as “ Baringa Cassius” by “ Lowlynn Silver Chief” from “Lowlynn Princess Dolly” and “Melac Astra” by “Melac Galaxie”from Spring Park Linda and “Yarrayong Petite” by “ Koorana Chief” from “ Kurrajong Park Ann” and “ Oakwood Lady Vanessa” by “ Owendale Brigadier”from “ Oakwood Lady Tiffany” Enquiries Liz Cameron Phone: 0467 676 867 Email: cameronbrothersrt@live.com.au