Final Program - Southern Sociological Society


Final Program - Southern Sociological Society
Program for the
74th Annual Meeting of the
Southern Sociological Society
Hyatt Regency Jacksonville
Jacksonville, Florida
April 6-9, 2011
“Power, Revisited”
Presidents of the Southern Sociological Society
1936 E.T. Krueger, Vanderbilt University
1937 Wilson Gee, UNC-Chapel Hill
1938 Rupert B. Vance, North Carolina-Chapel Hill
1939 E.W. Gregory, University of Alabama
1940 Fred C. Frey, Louisiana State University
1941 B.O. Williams, University of Georgia
1942 William E. Cole, Tennessee-Knoxville
1943 Katharine Jocher, UNC-Chapel Hill
1944 Katharine Jocher, UNC-Chapel Hill
1945 Howard Beers, University of Kentucky
1946 Charles S. Johnson, Fisk University
1947 T. Lynn Smith, Louisiana State University
1948 Coyle E. Moore, Florida State University
1949 Wayland J. Hayes, Vanderbilt University
1950 Lee M. Brooks, UNC-Chapel Hill
1951 H.C. Brearley, Peabody College for Teachers
1952 Rudolf Heberle, Louisiana State University
1953 Leland B. Tate, Virginia Tech
1954 Guy B. Johnson, UNC-Chapel Hill
1955 Morton B. King, Jr., University of Mississippi
1956 Irwin T. Sanders, University of Kentucky
1957 Homer L. Hitt, Louisiana State University
1958 C. Horace Hamilton, North Carolina State
1959 Harold F. Kaufman, Mississippi State
1960 E. William Noland, UNC-Chapel Hill
1961 Edgar T. Thompson, Duke University
1962 Meyer F. Nimkoff, Florida State University
1963 Alvin L. Bertrand, Louisiana State University
1964 Selz C. Mayo, North Carolina State
1965 Bryce F. Ryan, University of Miami
1966 Joseph S. Himes, North Carolina College
1967 A. Lee Coleman, University of Kentucky
1968 Ernest Q. Campbell, Vanderbilt University
1969 John C. McKinney, Duke University
1970 John T. Doby, Emory University
1971 Alvin Boskoff, Emory University
1972 Richard L. Simpson, UNC-Chapel Hill
1973 Charles M. Grigg, Florida State University
1974 Fredrick L. Bates, University of Georgia
1975 Charles U. Smith, Florida A&M University
1976 Alan C. Kerckhoff, Duke University
1977 Thomas R. Ford, University of Kentucky
1978 Gerhard E. Lenski, UNC-Chapel Hill
1979 Clifton D. Bryant, Virginia Tech
1980 M. Elaine Burgess, UNC-Greensboro
1981 Irving L. Webber, University of Alabama
1982 Charles B. Nam, Florida State University
1983 Joseph H. Fichter, Loyola-New Orleans
1984 George A. Hillery, Jr., Virginia Tech
1985 Everett K. Wilson, UNC-Chapel Hill
1986 Jeffrey K. Hadden, University of Virginia
1987 Abbott L. Ferriss, Emory University
1988 Ida Harper Simpson, Duke University
1989 John Shelton Reed, UNC-Chapel Hill
1990 Lewis M. Killian, University of West Florida
1991 Joel Smith, Duke University
1992 Ronald L. Akers, University of Florida
1993 Shirley B. Laska, University of New Orleans
1994 Walter R. Gove, Vanderbilt University
1995 Thomas C. Hood, University of Tennessee
1996 John Moland, Jr., Alabama State University
1997 Karl L. Alexander, Johns Hopkins University
1998 Rebecca G. Adams, UNC-Greensboro
1999 Lynn Smith-Lovin, University of Arizona
2000 Maxine Atkinson, North Carolina State
2001 Kenneth C. Land, Duke University
2002 Rachel A. Rosenfeld, UNC-Chapel Hill
2003 Patricia Yancey Martin, Florida State
2004 Charles M. Tolbert II, Baylor University
2005 Michael Hughes, Virginia Tech
2006 Judith Blau, UNC-Chapel Hill
2007 Ronald C. Wimberley, North Carolina State
2008 Larry W. Isaac, Vanderbilt University
2009 Kathleen Slevin, College of William & Mary
2010 Angela O’Rand, Duke University
2011 Vincent Roscigno, The Ohio State University
74th Annual Meeting of the
Southern Sociological Society
Hyatt Regency Jacksonville
Jacksonville, Florida
April 6-9, 2011
Power, Revisited
Vincent J. Roscigno, The Ohio State University
Program Committee Chair
William F. Danaher, College of Charleston
Stephanie A. Bohon, University of Tennessee-Knoxville
Local Arrangements Committee Chair
Jeff Will, University of North Florida
Giving to the Southern Sociological Society
The Southern Sociological Society attracts exceptional scholars while maintaining a culture of
inclusiveness. Our attendance at the 2010 Atlanta meetings was fantastic, reaching a 5-year high. If you
have not attended the meetings in the last few years, then you should seriously consider joining us in
Jacksonville. The program committee has worked diligently to ensure that the program includes
presentations that will generate rich discussion.
Even with the strides that we have made in enhancing the experience at the annual meeting, the Society
continues to struggle to maintain low dues while keeping the budget out of the red. If your financial
situation allows, please consider a tax deductible donation to the Southern Sociological
Society. Members of the executive committee have already made a donation to the Society in the
manner described, and we ask members to join us. No amount is too small--$25, $50, $75, $100, $250,
$500, a bequest in your estate--We will greatly appreciate any amount. We will recognize donors in the
annual program and at the Presidential Reception (we will also honor requests of anonymity).
You may make a donation on the Southern Sociological Society’s Website
(, or mail a check to:
Stephanie Bohon, Secretary-Treasurer
Attn: Contribution
PO Box 16239
University of Tennessee
Knoxville TN 37996
Thank you for your support,
Vincent J. Roscigno, President, and the Executive Committee of the SSS
Southern Sociological Society Committees for 2010-2011
Officers and Executive Committee (elected)
President: Vincent J. Roscigno, Ohio State University (
Vice President: Catherine Zimmer, University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill
President Elect: Beth Rubin, University of North Carolina-Charlotte (
Vice President-Elect: Toni Calasanti, Virginia Tech University (
Secretary-Treasurer: Stephanie A. Bohon, University of Tennessee (
Recording Secretary: David L. Brunsma, University of Missouri (
Past-President: Angela M. O’Rand, Duke University (
Past-Past-President: Kathleen F. Slevin, College of William and Mary (
Past-Past-Past President: Larry W. Isaac, Vanderbilt University (
Elected Member: Wanda Rushing, University of Memphis, 2013 (
Elected Member: Jill Kiecolt, Virginia Tech, 2013 (
Elected Member: Denise Bissler, Randolph Macon College, 2012 (
Elected Member: John Reynolds, Florida State University, 2012 (
Elected Member: April Brayfield, Tulane University, 2011 (
Elected Member: Stephanie Moller, University of North Carolina-Charlotte, 2011
Publications Committee Publications Committee (elected)
Chair: William W. Falk, University of Maryland, 2011 (
Holly J. McCammon, Vanderbilt University, 2013 (
Patricia Drentea, University of Alabama, 2015 (
Arne Kalleberg, Editor, Social Forces (ex-officio), UNC-Chapel Hill (
Robert Freymeyer, Editor, The Southern Sociologist (ex-officio), Presbyterian College
Stephanie Bohon, Secretary-Treasurer (ex-officio), University of Tennessee (
James Maples, Webmaster, (ex-officio), University of Tennessee (
Program Committee (appointed)
Chair: William Danaher, College of Charleston (
Eduardo Bonilla-Silva, Duke University (
Tracy Burkett, College of Charleston (
Amy Chasteen Miller, University of Southern Mississippi (
Shelia Cotten, University of Alabama (
Martha Crowley, North Carolina State University (
Robert Davis, North Carolina A & T (
Andrew Martin, Ohio State University (
Linda Renzulli, University of Georgia (
Doug Schrock, Florida State University (
Tom Shriver, Oklahoma State University (
Mike Stern, College of Charleston (
Zhenchao Qian, Ohio State University (
Casey Welch, Flagler College (
George Wilson, University of Miami (
Local Arrangements Committee (appointed)
Chair: Jeff Will, University of North Florida (
Casey Welch, Flagler College (
Diane Everett, Stetson University (
Finance Committee (elected and appointed)
Chair: Stephanie A. Bohon, University of Tennessee (
President: Vincent Roscigno, Ohio State University (
President-Elect: Beth Rubin, University of North Carolina-Charlotte (
Ron Wimberley, North Carolina State University, 2012 (
Charles M. Tolbert II, Baylor University, 2011 (
Dawn Robinson, University of Georgia, 2016 (
Elections Committee (appointed)
David L. Brunsma, Recording Secretary, University of Missouri (
James Michael Thomas, University of Missouri (
James Maples, University of Tennessee (
Nominations Committee (appointed)
Chair: Catherine Zimmer, University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill (
Linda Renzulli, University of Georgia, 2013 (
Earl Smith, Wake Forest University, 2013 (
Idee Winfield, College of Charleston, 2013 (
David Gay, University of Central Florida, 2012 (
Irene Padavic, Florida State University, 2012 (
Michael Wise, Appalachian State University, 2012 (
Barbara Johnson, University of South Carolina-Aiken, 2011 (
Verna Keith, Texas A&M University, 2011 (
George Wilson, University of Miami, 2011 (
Committee on Honors (appointed)
Chair: Toni Calasanti, Virginia Tech, 2011 (
James Ainsworth, Georgia State University, 2013 (
Angela Hattery, Wake Forest University, 2013 (
Karen Campbell, Vanderbilt University, 2012 (
Florence Bonner, Howard University, 2012 (
Dawn Robinson, University of Georgia, 2011 (
Committee on Racial and Ethnic Minorities (appointed)
Chair: David Brunsma, University of Missouri 2011 (
Melissa Bamba, University of Florida, 2013 (
Regine Jackson, Emory University, 2013 (
Gabriel Acevedo, University of Texas-San Antonio, 2012 (
Tomeka Davis, Georgia State University, 2012 (
Cameron Lippard, Appalachian State University, 2011 (
Committee on Professions (appointed)
Chair: Susan Webb, Coastal Carolina University, 2013 (
Dennis Condron, Emory University, 2013 (
Rae Blumberg, University of Virginia, 2012 (
Kenneth Spenner, Duke University, 2012 (
Jennifer Johnson, Virginia Commonwealth University, 2011 (
Xiaohe Xu, Mississippi State University, 2011 (
Committee on Sociological Practice (appointed)
Chair: Leslie Hossfeld, University of North Carolina-Wilmington, 2013 (
Kristin DeVall, University of North Carolina-Wilmington, 2013 (
Carolyn Sawtell, University of Western Georgia, 2013 (
Rachel Kimbro, Rice University, 2012 (
Brigitte Neary, University of South Carolina-Upstate, 2012 (
Sarah Jane Brubaker, Virginia Commonwealth University, 2011 (
Michael Maume, University of North Carolina-Wilmington, 2011 (
Committee on Sociology in Community and Small Colleges (appointed)
Chair: Denise Bissler, Randolph Macon College, 2011 (
Sandra Godwin, Georgia College and State University, 2013 (
Christine Wernet, University of South Carolina-Aiken, 2013 (
Amie Hess, Meredith College, 2012 (
Siti Kusujiarti, Warren Wilson College, 2012 (
Chandrouti Persaud, Mississippi Valley State, 2011 (
Membership Committee (appointed)
Chair: George Wilson, University of Miami, 2013 (
Emily Boyd, Mankato State University, 2013 (
Regina Bures, University of Florida, 2012 (
Robert Davis, North Carolina A&T, 2012 (
Christopher Ellison, University of Texas, 2011 (
Rebecca Powers, East Carolina University, 2011 (
Salvatore Saporito, College of William and Mary, 2011 (
Darren Sherkat, University of Southern Illinois, 2011 (
Committee on the Status of Students (appointed)
Chair: Jeff Will, University of North Florida, 2012 (
Martha Crowley, North Carolina State University, 2013 (
Tom Shriver, Oklahoma State University, 2013 (
Fenian Chen, North Carolina State University, 2012 (
Brandy Simula, Emory University, 2011 (
Deenesh Sohoni, William and Mary, 2011 (
Committee on the Status of Women (appointed)
Chair: Emily Fairchild, New College, Florida, 2011 (
Sinikka Elliot, North Carolina State University, 2013 (
Griff Tester, Georgia State University, 2013 (
Patricia Drentea, University of Alabama-Birmingham, 2012 (
Nancy Randall, Wingate, 2012 (
Elizabeth Gorman, University of Virginia, 2011 (
Site Selection Committee (appointed)
Chair: Angela M. O’Rand, Duke University (
Site Selection Officer: Kenneth C. Land, Duke University (
Site Selection Officer: Ian Taplin, Wake Forest University (
Stephanie A. Bohon (ex-officio), University of Tennessee (
Ronald C. Wimberley, North Carolina State University (
Kathleen F. Slevin, College of William and Mary (
Larry W. Isaac, Vanderbilt University (
Development Committee (Ad-Hoc)
Chair: Stephanie Moller, University of North Carolina-Charlotte (
Angela O’Rand, Duke University (
Archivist (appointed)
James Hougland, University of Kentucky, indefinite term (
Presidential Aide (appointed)
James Davis, Ohio State University (
Lisa Williams, Ohio State University (
Electronic Communications Coordinator/Webmaster (appointed)
James Maples, University of Tennessee-Knoxville, 2012 (
Audio-Visual Coordinator (appointed)
Carmel E. Price, University of Tennessee-Knoxville, indefinite term (
Consortium of Social Science Associations (COSSA) Liaison (appointed)
Beth Rubin, University of North Carolina at Charlotte (
Exhibits Coordinator
Krysia Mossakowski, University of Miami, 2011 (
Organizational Liaison (appointed)
Kirsten Dellinger, University of Mississippi (
Parliamentarian (appointed)
Thomas C. Hood, University of Tennessee-Knoxville, indefinite term (
Welcome from the President,
Vincent J. Roscigno, Ohio State University
Welcome to the 74th Annual Meeting of the Southern Sociological Society in Jacksonville Florida!!! This is
the first time the SSS meetings have been held in Jacksonville and I could not be more delighted with the
location and beauty of the surrounding area. I am sure you will enjoy it, this amazing program, and the
intellectual vibrancy of the next few days.
Power, Revisited is the general theme for the meetings and the program is punctuated with an exciting
line-up of many sessions relevant to the topic of power, including three presidential plenaries by
individuals who have been core, in my view, to past and recent developments on the topic—Eduardo
Bonilla-Siva, Barbara Risman and incoming ASA President Eric Olin Wright. We also have three
intellectually exciting mini-conferences embedded in the program pertaining to Work & Power, Race &
Power, and Teaching Sociology that all meeting participants are welcome to be part of and that will be
occurring alongside the many other regular sessions we have planned. Such other sessions include, for
instance, those honoring the memories of Lewis Killian, Richard Peterson, and Charles S. Johnson; a
session featuring Immokalee workers and their current battles; a session with three notable emeritus
faculty (Patricia Yancey Martin, Sheldon Stryker, and Ida Harper Simpson); cutting edge sessions on
gender put together by SWS South, and many other exciting sessions on education, social movements,
crime, mental health, media, family, social inequality, research methods, to name but a few.
This is a truly exciting program—a program that will keep us all very busy over the next few days and, I
suspect, will lead to many dilemmas surrounding “which session I should attend.” But, what a dilemma
to have! To make decision-making all the more complicated, our Local Arrangements Committee,
headed by Jeff Will, has done an excellent job of mapping and suggesting interesting local venues that I
hope you will all take advantage of.
More than anything else, I have learned over this last year what an amazing amount of work and
incredible citizenship to the field goes into running a society like SSS and that ensures a program like this
reaches not only completion, but a level of excellence that we should all be proud of. So please, do me
a favor. Should you bump into these individuals over the next few days, please pat them on the back for
a job very well done:
• The Program Committee listed at the outset of this program, especially the chair William Danaher
and mini-conference organizers George Wilson, Beth Rubin, Donald Tomaskovic-Devey, Steven
Vallas, and Denise Bissler
• The Local Arrangements Committee, especially the chair, Jeff Will
• The Vice President: Cathy Zimmer
• Secretary-Treasurer: Stephanie Bohon
• And the many other committee chairs and executive committee members of SSS that keep the
organization functioning behind the scenes, and always with the well being of the society and its
members at the forefront of their planning and deliberations.
Now enjoy the meetings and Jacksonville!
Program Summary
Wednesday, 06 April 2011
Committee Meeting—Executive Committee—River Terrace 3; 2:00 PM–6:00 PM
Registration—Conference Center B; 4:00 PM—6:00 PM
Thursday, 07 April 2011
Committee Meeting—Executive Committee—Hospitality 4108; 7:00 AM – 10:30 AM
Book Exhibit—Conference Center A; 8:00 AM—5:00 PM
Registration—Conference Center B; 8:00 AM—5:00 PM
Dinner with the Committee on Sociology in Community and Small Colleges; 6:30 PM (meet in
the lobby of the conference hotel)
Graduate Student Reception—TBA; 6:30-8:30 PM
9:00 AM-10:30 AM
1. Paper Session: Politics and Stratification—Orlando
2. Panel Session: Research Funding Opportunities at the National Science Foundation—River
Terrace 10
3. Paper Session: Race and Ethnicity: Micro Processes—River Terrace 11
4. Roundtable Session 1: Corporate and Community Structures: Qualitative Research on
Structural and Institutional Effects—River Terrace 3
5. Roundtable Session 2: Teaching Sociology Through Film—River Terrace 3
6. Roundtable Session 3: Culture, Integration and Social Movements—River Terrace 3
7. Roundtable Session 4: Sociology of Sex and Gender II—River Terrace 3
8. Roundtable Session 5: Criminology, Delinquency, & Deviant Behavior—River Terrace 3
9. Roundtable Session 6: Sex and Gender Attitudes and Behavior—River Terrace 3
10. Roundtable Session 8: Criminology and Criminal Justice—River Terrace 3
11. Roundtable Session 9: Sexual Behavior and Norms—River Terrace 3
12. Roundtable Session 10: Birth, Parenting and Children—River Terrace 3
13. Roundtable Session 11: Mental Health and Development—River Terrace 3
14. Roundtable Session 12: Micro-Interactionist Race Dynamics—River Terrace 3
15. Roundtable Session 7: Sociology of Art/Leisure—River Terrace 3
16. Roundtable Session 13: Community and Culture—River Terrace 3
17. Roundtable Session 14: Economic Considerations in Urban Areas—River Terrace 3
18. Roundtable Session 15: Social Mobility, Social Capital, and Status—River Terrace 3
19. Roundtable Session 16: Economy and Society—River Terrace 3
20. Roundtable Session 17: Gender in the Media—River Terrace 3
21. Roundtable Session 18: Social Networks—River Terrace 3
22. Paper Session: Heteronormativity in Everyday Life (Co-Sponsored by Sociologists for
Women in Society-South)—River Terrace 5
23. Paper Session: Sociology of Education: Inequalities on College Campuses—River Terrace 6
24. SSS Distinguished Lecturer: Larry Isaac: ―Music City‖ as ―Movement City‖: The Special
Place of Nashville in the Southern Civil Rights Movement—River Terrace 7
25. Paper Session: Courts and Corrections—River Terrace 8
26. TEACHING SOCIOLOGY MINI-CONFERENCE: Paper Session: Do you want to work in a
small or community college? (Sponsored by the Committee on Sociology in Community and
Small Colleges)—River Terrace 9
10:45 AM-12:00 PM
27. Paper Session: Education and Social Organization—Orlando
28. Panel Session: Working Between the Disciplines—River Terrace 10
29. Paper Session: Collective Behavior and Social Movements—River Terrace 11
30. Paper Session: Religion, Politics, and Community—River Terrace 5
31. Presidential Plenary Speaker - Barbara Risman: Gender as Social Structure: Bringing Power
Back In? with Introductory Remarks by Vincent Roscigno, SSS President —River Terrace 7
32. Paper Session: Applied Gerontology—River Terrace 8
12:00 PM-1:00 PM
Committee Meeting— Finance Committee—Hospitality 4108
12:15 PM-1:45 PM
33. Paper Session: Education: Teaching and Learning—Orlando
34. Paper Session: Sociology of Mental Health II—River Terrace 10
35. Paper Session: Microdynamics of Social Life in the Social Media Era—River Terrace 11
36. Paper Session: Gender and Sports—River Terrace 5
37. Paper Session: Politics and "Underground" Music Scenes—River Terrace 6
38. Paper Session: Government and Corporate Policy—River Terrace 8
39. TEACHING SOCIOLOGY MINI-CONFERENCE: Paper Session: Experiential Learning in
Small and Community Colleges (Sponsored by the Committee on Sociology in Community and
Small Colleges)—River Terrace 9
2:00 PM-3:15 PM
40. Paper Session: Making Good Communities—Orlando
41. Paper Session: Race, Ethnicity, and Culture—River Terrace 10
42. Author Meets Critics: The Textures of Time: Agency and Temporal Experience by Michael
Flaherty, Eckerd College—River Terrace 11
43. Paper Session: Gender and Power in Organizations (Co-Sponsored by Sociologists for
Women in Society-South) —River Terrace 5
44. Paper Session: Education and Stratification—River Terrace 6
45. Paper Session: Imagining Our Culture—River Terrace 7
46. Author Meets Critics: Getting Ahead: Social Mobility, Public Housing, and Immigrant
Networks by Silvia Dominguez, Northeastern University w Session—River Terrace 8
47. TEACHING SOCIOLOGY MINI-CONFERENCE: Paper Session: Using Technology to
Teach Sociology (Co-sponsored by the Committee on Sociology in Small and Community
Colleges and Sociologists for Women in Society-South) —River Terrace 9
3:30 PM-5:00 PM
48. Paper Session: Politics and Power—Orlando
49. Paper Session: Bullying, Sexual Harassment, and Violence in Educational Settings—River
Terrace 10
50. Paper Session: Economy and the Individual—River Terrace 11
51. Paper Session: Gender and Sexuality Intersections (Co-sponsored by Sociologists for Women
in Society-South)—River Terrace 5
52. Paper Session: Sociology of Education: Politics and School Policy—River Terrace 6
53. Panel Session: Advice from the Field: How to Write Grants and Obtain Funding for Your
Research (co-sponsored by Sociologists for Women in Society-South)—River Terrace 7
54. Paper Session: Organized Deviance—River Terrace 8
55. Paper Session: Experiential Learning In Small and Community Colleges: Session II
(Sponsored by the Committee on Sociology in Community and Small Colleges)—River Terrace
5:15 PM-6:30 PM
56. Paper Session: Migration Processes and Outcomes—Orlando
57. Paper Session: Demography—River Terrace 10
58. Paper Session: Sociology of Emotions—River Terrace 11
59. Paper Session: Representations of Gender in the Media (co-sponsored by Sociologists for
Women in Society-South)—River Terrace 5
60. Authors Meet Critics: Academically Adrift: Limited Learning on College Campuses by
Richard Arum and Josipa Roksa—River Terrace 6
61. Paper Session: Workplace Problems—River Terrace 7
62. Paper Session: Urban Sociology—River Terrace 8
63. Paper Session: Political Sociology—River Terrace 9
Friday, 08 April 2011
ASA Chair`s Breakfast—Hospitality 4106; 7:30 AM – 8:30 AM
MEETINGS OF SSS COMMITTEES: Publications, Program, Local Arrangements, Elections,
Nominations, Honors, Racial and Ethnic Minorities, Status of Women, Site Selection,
Development, Sociology in Community and Small Colleges, and the Profession—River
Terrace 3; 7:30 AM – 8:30 AM
Sociologists for Women in Society-South Business Meeting—River Terrace 5; 8:00 AM – 9:00
Committee Meeting— Executive Committee—Hospitality 4108; 8:30-10:30 AM
9:00 AM-10:30 AM
64. Author Meets Critics: Counted Out: Same-Sex Relations and Americans’ Definitions of
Family (The American Sociological Association`s Rose Series in Sociology) by Brian Powell,
Catherine Bolzendahl, Claudia Geist, and Lala Carr Steelman—Orlando
65. Thematic Paper Session: Power and the Experience of Work—River Terrace 10
66. Paper Session: Culture, Roles, and Identity—River Terrace 11
67. Panel Session: Creating and Sustaining Mentoring Relationships (Co-sponsored by the
Committee on the Status of Women and Sociologists for Women in Society-South) —River
Terrace 12
68. Roundtable Session 1: Global Servants: reports from a service-learning project on Overseas
Filipino Workers—River Terrace 3
69. Roundtable Session 2: Alcohol, Drug Use, and Sexual Behaviors—River Terrace 3
70. Roundtable Session 3: Justice and Equity—River Terrace 3
71. Roundtable Session 4: Identity—River Terrace 3
72. Roundtable Session 5: Sociology of Sex and Gender I—River Terrace 3
73. Roundtable Session 6: Political Sociology II—River Terrace 3
74. Roundtable Session 7: Sports and Leisure—River Terrace 3
75. Roundtable Session 8: Sociology of Emotions II—River Terrace 3
76. Roundtable Session 9: Social Psychological Approaches—River Terrace 3
77. Roundtable Session 10: Dialogue, Immigration, and Rationality—River Terrace 3
78. Roundtable Session 11: Gender and Sports II—River Terrace 3
79. Roundtable Session 12: Sociology of Mental Health I—River Terrace 3
80. Roundtable Session 13: Race and Social Processes—River Terrace 3
81. Roundtable Papers 14: Media Depictions, Race, and Gender—River Terrace 3
82. Roundtable Session 15: Race and Ethnicity—River Terrace 3
83. Roundtable Papers 16: Global Political Sociology—River Terrace 3
84. Roundtable Session 17: Race/Ethnicity/Minority Relations—River Terrace 3
85. Roundtable Papers 18: Cultural Sociology—River Terrace 3
86. Roundtable Session 19: Medical Sociology—River Terrace 3
87. Roundtable Session 20: Sociology of Education—River Terrace 3
88. Roundtable Session 21: Social Problems—River Terrace 3
89. Roundtable Session 22: Education, Race, and Ethnicity—River Terrace 3
90. Author Meets Critics: The Temp Economy: From Kelly Girls to Permatemps in Postwar
America by Erin Hatton , University of Buffalo—River Terrace 4
91. Paper Session: Criminology and Inequality—River Terrace 5
92. Panel Session: Reflections from Emeritus Faculty—River Terrace 6
93. Research Methodologies—River Terrace 7
94. Author Meets Critics: Whites in the Backstage and Frontstage Two-Faced Racism by Leslie
Picca, University of Dayton (with Joe Feagin)—River Terrace 8
95. TEACHING SOCIOLOGY MINI-CONFERENCE: Teaching Sociology through Film
(Sponsored by the Committee on Sociology in Community and Small Colleges) —River Terrace
10:45 AM-12:00 PM
96. Paper Session: Work and Family—River Terrace 10
97. Paper Session: Social Movements and Environmental Sociology—River Terrace 11
98. Presidential Plenary Speaker: Eduardo Bonilla-Silva: The Real ―Race Problem‖ in
Sociology: The Power of White Rule in our Discipline with Introductory Remarks by Vincent
Roscigno, SSS President—River Terrace 4
99. Paper Session: Cultural Sociology—River Terrace 5
100. Paper Session: Community and the Environment—River Terrace 6
101. Paper Session: Aging and Inequality—River Terrace 8
102. Panel Session: Peer Evaluation of Teaching: Collegial and Institutional Perspectives (CoSponsored with Sociologists for Women in Society-South)—River Terrace 9
12:15 PM-1:45 PM
104. Paper Session: Marriage, Family, and Gender—Orlando
105. Panel Session: Preparing for a Program Review—River Terrace 10
106. Panel Session Honoring Richard Peterson—River Terrace 11
107. Paper Session: Theory across the Discipline—River Terrace 4
108. Paper Session: Space and Social Movements—River Terrace 5
109. Paper Session: Medical Sociology I—River Terrace 6
Terrace 7
111. Paper Session: Digital Technologies, Inequality, and Engagement—River Terrace 8
112. Paper Session: Sociology of Race and Ethnicity—River Terrace 9
2:00 PM-3:15 PM
113. Paper Session: The Internet—Orlando
114. Thematic Paper Session: Power, Policy, and the Meaning of Health Care Experiences—
River Terrace 10
115. Paper Session: Class & Higher Education I—River Terrace 11
116. TEACHING SOCIOLOGY MINI-CONFERENCE: Panel Session: Assessing the
Undergraduate Major (Co-sponsored by the ASA Department Resources Group, Sociologists for
Women in Society-South and the Committee on Sociology in Community and Small College)—
River Terrace 12
117. Paper Session: Social Movements—River Terrace 4
118. Panel Session: The Work and Career of Charles S. Johnson: In Recognition of His
Induction to the SSS Roll of Honor—River Terrace 5
119. Panel Session: The Status of Women in SSS: Reflections of Past President (Sponsored by
the Committee on the Status of Women)—River Terrace 6
Terrace 7
121. Paper Session: Sociology of Religion—River Terrace 8
122. RACE AND POWER MINI-CONFERENCE: Racial Power, Racial State, and Racial
Politics in 21st Century America—River Terrace 9
3:30 PM-5:00 PM
123. Poster Session—Conference Center B
124. Paper Session: Sociology of Sex and Gender—Orlando
125. Radical Caucus: Analyzing US Media and Policy on Food, Drugs, and Epidemics—River
Terrace 10
126. Paper Session: Class & Higher Education II—River Terrace 11
127. Paper Session: Race/Ethnicity and Immigration—River Terrace 12
128. Paper Session: Women, Poverty, and the South (Sponsored by the Committee on the Status
of Women)—River Terrace 4
129. Paper Session: Penology and Corrections—River Terrace 5
130. Author Meets Critics: Rich, Free, and Miserable: The Failure of Success in America by
John Brueggemann, Skidmore College—River Terrace 6
Dynamics—River Terrace 7
132. Panel Session: Discussion on the BP Oil Spill—River Terrace 8
133. RACE AND POWER MINI-CONFERENCE: Constructing Identities, Shaping Life
Chances: How Race and Power Collide in Latin America—River Terrace 9
5:15 PM-6:45 PM
134. Presidential Plenary: Power, Revisited, Vincent J. Roscigno—River Terrace 1
6:45 PM-9:00 PM
Presidential Reception (including Sociologists for Women in Society-South silent auction and
honoring the memory of Charles S. Johnson—posthumous Roll of Honor recipient—and other
award recipients with live music)—River Terrace 3
Saturday, 09 April 2011
Southern Sociological Society Business Meeting—Hospitality 4106; 7:30 AM – 8:30 AM
Committee Meeting— Executive Committee—Hospitality 4108; 8:30 AM – 10:30 AM
9:00 AM-10:30 AM
135. Paper Session: Economies in Crisis—Orlando
136. Religion—River Terrace 10
137. Paper Session: Criminal Justice—River Terrace 11
138. Paper Session: Changes in the Medical Profession—River Terrace 4
139. Paper Session: Delinquency—River Terrace 5
140. Author Meets Critics: Reds, Whites, and Blues: Social Movements, Folk Music, and Race in
the United States by Bill Roy, UCLA—River Terrace 6
141. WORK, POWER, AND INEQUALITY MINI-CONFERENCE: Gender Dynamics (cosponsored by the Committee on the Status of Women)—River Terrace 7
142. Paper Session: Work and Professions—River Terrace 8
143. RACE AND POWER MINI-CONFERENCE: Ideological and Structural Considerations of
Racial Inequality—River Terrace 9
10:45 AM-12:00 PM
144. Paper Session: Formal Organizations—Orlando
145. Panel Session: Trailing Partners in Academia: Managing the job market when your partner
is also in academia (Co-sponsored by Sociologists for Women in Society-South)—River Terrace
146. Presidential Plenary Speaker: Erik Olin Wright: Envisioning Real Utopias with Introductory
Remarks by Vincent Roscigno, SSS President—River Terrace 2
147. Paper Session: Criminology—River Terrace 5
148. Paper Session: Gender and Social Movements—River Terrace 6
149. Paper Session: Education: Community and Social Change—River Terrace 8
12:15 PM-1:45 PM
150. Paper Session: Culture and Inequality—Orlando
151. Panel Session: The Power of Struggle: The Coalition of Immokalee Workers (CIW), Rights,
And Dignity in the Fields—River Terrace 10
152. Panel Session in Memory of Lewis Killian—River Terrace 11
153. Paper Session: Theory and the History of Social Thought—River Terrace 12
154. Paper Session: Assessment in Undergraduate Sociology (Co-sponsored by the Committee
on Sociology in Community and Small Colleges and Sociologists for Women in SocietySouth)—River Terrace 4
155. Paper Session: Deviant Power—River Terrace 5
156. Paper Session: Criminology and Race Studies—River Terrace 6
River Terrace 7
158. Thematic Paper Session: Negotiating the Politics of Memory (Co-Sponsored by
Sociologists for Women in Society-South)—River Terrace 8
159. RACE AND POWER MINI-CONFERENCE: Racism and Socioeconomic Inequality in
Contemporary America—River Terrace 9
2:00 PM-3:15 PM
160. Paper Session: Education—Orlando
161. Thematic Paper Session: Labor and Contentious Politics—River Terrace 10
162. Author-Meets-Critics: Envisioning Real Utopias by Eric Olin Wright—River Terrace 11
163. Paper Session: Gender II—River Terrace 12
164. Roundtable Session 1: Crime and Deviance in the Workplace—River Terrace 3
165. Roundtable Session 2: Uncovering Identities of Subordinated Groups through Qualitative
Research—River Terrace 3
166. Roundtable Session 3: The Wide and Long View: Space and Time Stratification by Race,
Nationality, and Gender—River Terrace 3
167. Roundtable Session 4: The Mediated Self: Print, Virtual, and Organizational Selves—River
Terrace 3
168. Roundtable Session 5: Minority Groups: Challenges to Integration Qualitative Research on
Minorities in Dominant Group Settings —River Terrace 3
169. Roundtable Session 6: Advances in Affect Control Theory Research—River Terrace 3
170. Roundtable Session 7: Social Change—River Terrace 3
171. Roundtable Session 8: Social Movements and Political Sociology—River Terrace 3
172. Roundtable Session 9: Environmental Sociology: Confronting the Problem—River Terrace
173. Roundtable Session 10: Sociology of Teaching and Learning—River Terrace 3
174. Roundtable Session 11: Sociology of Aging—River Terrace 3
175. Roundtable 12: Gender, Crime, and Deviance—River Terrace 3
176. Roundtable Session 12: Medical Sociology—River Terrace 3
177. Roundtable Paper Session 14: Qualitative Research on the Workplace—River Terrace 3
178. Roundtable Paper Session 15: Gender, Politics, and Power in Global Development—River
Terrace 3
179. Roundtable Session 16: Flipping the Script: Race, Power, and Media Representations—
River Terrace 3
180. Roundtable Session 17: Stratification, Power, and Resources—River Terrace 3
181. Roundtable Session 18: Social Movements and Social Change—River Terrace 3
182. Roundtable Session 19: Religion—River Terrace 3
183. Paper Session: Reconceptualizing Gender in the Community—River Terrace 4
184. Paper Session: Organized Deviance II—River Terrace 5
185. Paper Session: Race Processes—River Terrace 7
186. RACE AND POWER MINI-CONFERENCE: The Dynamics of Racial/Ethnic Identity and
Identification—River Terrace 9
Program Schedule Wednesday, 06 April 2011 Committee Meeting— Executive Committee: River Terrace 3: 2:00 PM – 6:00 PM Thursday, 07 April 2011 Committee Meeting— Executive Committee: Hospitality 4108: 7:00 AM‐10:30 AM Registration (Conference Center B); 4:00 PM—6:00 PM 9:00 AM‐10:30 AM 1. Paper Session: Politics and Stratification: Orlando Organizer: Sarah Searcy, East Carolina University •
The Economic Relationship Between India and Bhutan. Sarah Searcy, East Carolina University American and British Economic Elites: A Comparison of the Forbes List of 400 Richest Americans and the London Times British Rich List . Stephen J McNamee, University of North Carolina Wilmington; Robert K Miller, Jr., University of North Carolina Wilmington Who Are the Latino Republicans? Exploring the Role of SES, National Origin, Religion, and Issue Orientations. Maria Garfias Davis, The University of Texas at Austin; Christopher G. Ellison, University of Texas at San Antonio; Aida I Ramos‐Wada, The University of Texas at Austin 2. Panel Session: Research Funding Opportunities at the National Science Foundation : River Terrace 10 Organizer: Regina Werum, Emory University Discussants: •
Regina Werum, Emory University Patricia White, National Science Foundation 3. Paper Session: Race and Ethnicity: Micro Processes: River Terrace 11 •
The Effects of Volunteering on Mental Health for Different Racial Groups. Christian Schlaerth, University of Miami Segregation and Social Psychological Factors as Predictors of Perceived Discrimination: The Roles of Ethnicity and Assimilation . Rachel Head, North Carolina State University History, Memory, and Social Identity: Identity Work of White Southerners. Ashley B Thompson, Lynchburg College; Ranae J Evenson, ; Melissa M Sloan, University of South Florida Sarasota‐Manatee Racial/Ethnic Inequality in Wealth during Young Adulthood and Midlife: A Social Psychological Perspective of the Middle Class . Krysia Mossakowski, University of Miami 1
4. Roundtable Session 1: Corporate and Community Structures: Qualitative Research on Structural and Institutional Effects: River Terrace 3 Organizer and Presider: Teresa Roach, Florida State University •
Protecting the Community: Exploring Today’s Rural Volunteer Fire Departments. Darien Foster, Tennessee Tech University, Cookeville Getting the Full Story: The Effects of Corporatization on a Campus‐Based Newspaper. Jesse Klein, Florida State University Faculty Roles, Responsibilities, and Involvement in Campus Safety Initiatives as Perceived by Faculty and Administrators: A Case Study at a Large State University. Meda J Rollings, University of West Georgia 5. Roundtable Session 2: Teaching Sociology through Film: River Terrace 3 Organizer: Daniel Farr, Randolph College •
Revisiting Cuckoo’s Nest in the Classroom: Facilitating the Sociological Imagination Through Film . Brian P. Hinote, Middle Tennessee State University Using The Truman Show to Awaken the Sociological Imagination. Travis L. Jones, Stanly Community College 6. Roundtable Session 3: Culture, Integration and Social Movements: River Terrace 3 Presider: Mary Beth Fallin, Western Carolina University •
Go Green!: The Impact of Messaging on College Students’ Attitudes and Beliefs about the Environment. Kate Griffin, University of Central Florida Cultivating Change: The Complexities of Coalition Formation in the Movement for Affordable Housing. Amy Crook, Southwestern University “’Welcome to Hell:’ The Role of Framing and Recruitment in Saving Souls”. Toni Nietfeld, Southwestern University (Odum Undergraduate Paper Award Winner – Honorable Mention) The Culture War’s Littlest Crusaders: Competing Discourses in Scouting Organizations. Mary Beth Fallin, Western Carolina University 7. Roundtable Session 4: Sociology of Sex and Gender II: River Terrace 3 •
Pathologizing the Continuum: BDSM, Fetishism and Mental Health.. Sarah V. McVey, Eastern Kentucky University; Austin Matthews, Eastern Kentucky University Gender and Sexuality in Roller Derby: A Case Study of the Music City Rollergirls. Devon Malick, Warren Wilson College God's Liberated People‐Men and Women in the MCC. Kathleen O'Neal, New College of Florida Exploring Connections between Fraternity Participation and Traditional Gender Roles amongst College Age Males.. Paul Ashworth, University of Central Florida SM Workers and the Bureaucratic Matching Game. Chris McDaniel, University of Central Florida 8. Roundtable Session 5: Criminology, Delinquency, & Deviant Behavior: River Terrace 3 •
Investigating Students' Perceptions of Law Enforcement. Yehuda Green, University of Central Florida The Inequality of Tattoos. Brenna McCune, Kennesaw State University, Alpha Kappa Delta Unspoken Support, Distrust and Isolation: Recovery Experiences of Homeless Women in Transitional Housing. Alana J Linn, Davidson College 2
9. Roundtable Session 6: Sex and Gender Attitudes and Behavior: River Terrace 3 Presider: Amy Donley, University of Central Florida •
The Devil Wears Prada: An Analysis on Female Consumer Behavior. Meredith Kramer, UNC‐Chapel Hill It's a Woman's World: Shelter Life for Homeless Fathers. Amy Donley, University of Central Florida; Heidi Ross, University of Central Florida How a Police Career Can Affect Motherhood. Alexandra Polhill, Davidson College 10. Roundtable Session 7: Criminology and Criminal Justice: River Terrace 3 •
Class Based Structural Barriers to Resources for LGBTQ Survivors of Intimate Partner and Hate Motivated Violence. Xavier Guadalupe, University of Central Florida Up in the air: An initial examination of Airport Racial Profiling Attitudes. Aaron Puhrmann, University of Miami Disproportionate Minority Contact in an Era of Reform. Scott Maggard, Old Dominion University; Allison Chappell, Old Dominion University; Jennifer Higgins, Old Dominion University Adult Drug Use and Life Course Theory. Dennis Williams, Arkansas Tech University; Sean T Huss, Arkansas Tech University 11. Roundtable Session 8: Sexual Behavior and Norms: River Terrace 3 Presider: Brian Knop, The University of Mississippi •
Gendered Social Events: An Analysis of Practices and Norms at College Greek Social Events. Brian Knop, The University of Mississippi “It’s like being in Church and being on a Field Trip”: The Date versus Party Setting in College Students’ accounts of Hooking Up. Gretchen Webber, Middle Tennessee State University; Julie Reid, University of Southern Mississippi; Sinikka Elliott, North Carolina State University The Social (Re)Construction of Virginity and Mandatory Ecstasy on the Wedding Night . Orsolya Kolozsvari‐Wright, Georgia State University Does Sexual Behavior impact Religious Behavior? A look at GSS data and current research on sexuality and religion. Randall Gentry, Texas Tech University 12. Roundtable Session 9: Birth, Parenting and Children: River Terrace 3 Presider: Shannon K. Carter, University of Central Florida •
Understanding the Experiences of Lesbian Mothers in Their Own Words. Amanda Gochanour, Mississippi State University “It Was the Single Most Important Decision in My Life”: The Use of Liberal Feminist Accounts among Childfree Women. Rachel Powell, North Carolina State University Conceptualizations of Fatherhood Involvement among Incarcerated Fathers. Brad Tripp, Winthrop University; Joyce Arditti, Virginia Polytechnic Institute 3
13. Roundtable Session 10: Mental Health and Development: River Terrace 3 Presider: Philip Mason, Mississippi State University •
HIV and Co‐Occurring Substance Abuse: The Implication of Social Stressor Theory on a HIV population. Megan Smith, University of North Carolina‐ Charlotte; Amanda Bloomer, University of North Carolina Charlotte The Relationship between Religious Involvement and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. Philip Mason, Mississippi State University Learning to Grieve: Children's Picture Books as a Socialization Agent. Nancy Malcom, Georgia Southern University 14. Roundtable Session 11: Micro‐Interactionist Race Dynamics: River Terrace 3 •
You got that “Jungle Fever”: Attitudes towards Interracial Couples from Adolescence to Young Adulthood. Claudia Ramirez, Davidson College The Unworthy Victim: Survivors’ experiences of Racism and Discrimination in the Aftermath of Hurricane Katrina. Abisola Adeleye, Rochester Institute of Technology; Jessica Pardee, Rochester Institute of Technology 15. Roundtable Session 12: Sociology of Art/Leisure: River Terrace 3 Presider: Debra Schleef, University of Mary Washington •
Competitive junior tennis and the reproduction of social class . Debra Schleef, University of Mary Washington; Kristine Alger, University of Mary Washington The Creative Class meets the Growth Machine: Arts Organizations and Development in St. Petersburg, FL. Nicholas Dempsey, Eckerd College “Women’s Tours: Taking Control of Tourism”. Diane Levy, University of North Carolina Wilmington 16. Roundtable Session 13: Community and Culture: River Terrace 3 •
Bollywood and Diasporic Indian Identity Formation. Jeanny Vaidya, Davidson College Identity and Car Culture. Jani Kellogg, Furman University From the Bible Belt to the Curry Mile. Katlin Barrett, East Carolina University Concentric Circles: An Exploration in Community‐Based Research. Allison Hurst, Belmont University; Daniel Chapdelaine, Belmont University; Carlin Lawroski, Belmont University; Felicia Black, Belmont University; Austin Sauerbrei, Belmont University 17. Roundtable Session 14: Economic Considerations in Urban Areas: River Terrace 3 •
Residential Foreclosures in the Urban South: A Multilevel Analysis. Matthew Cazessus, University of South Carolina Hungry and Taking the Bus? Assessing Food Bank Accessibility in Central Florida. Katelan Smith, University of Central Florida The Changing Politics of Economic Development in Beacon and Poughkeepsie, New York: Revisiting Regime Theory. Edward Summers, The New School & Marist College 4
18. Roundtable Session 15: Social Mobility, Social Capital, and Status: River Terrace 3 •
Coming out of the Dark: An Examination of how Social Capital is used in Hispanic‐owned Small Businesses in Virginia. Robert K. Perkins, Norfolk State University Is Keeping Up With the Joneses Putting Americans In the Red? Kim Miller, University of North Carolina at Charlotte 19. Roundtable Session 16: Economy and Society: River Terrace 3 Presider: Matt Costello, Ohio State University •
Redefining Rentierism: Economic Dependency in the Middle East. Matt Costello, Ohio State University The Power of Complexity: Diffusion of Innovations Model Revisited. Joris Gjata, University of Virginia Neoliberalism in the US: Theoretical and Historical Perspectives. Shane Willson, University of Tennessee, Knoxville 20. Roundtable Session 17: Gender in the Media: River Terrace 3 •
Gendered Consumption in Printed Food Ads. Minjeong Kim, Virginia Tech; Kacie L. Rowell, Virginia Tech I`m Every Woman: Women’s` Perceptions of "Real Women" in Print Advertisements. Marie Gualtieri, University of Central Florida Exploring the New Face of Internet Pornography: An Examination of User‐generated Content on Adult Video Websites. Emily Coffey, Western Kentucky University "A Closer Look at Survivor Stories on the Internet". Stacy Gorman, Georgia State University; Bobette Otto, Georgia State University Sharpen Up and Act dumb, Sister!`: Representations of Gender and Sexual Normativity in Children`s Television Programming. Zoe Kenney, New College of Florida 21. Roundtable Session 18: Social Networks: River Terrace 3 •
Networks and Labor Markets: Double Embeddedness? Amanda Damarin, Georgia Perimeter College From Holistic to Differentiated Guanxi: Changing Social Network Patterns of Chinese Firms. Jianjun Zhang, Peking University; Wei Zhao, University of North Carolina, Charlotte Volunteers and Social Networks. Tonya Kristina Frevert, University of North Carolina Charlotte; Lisa Walker, University of North Carolina, Charlotte Effects of Social Network Dynamics, Cultural Conflict, and Assimilation on the Level of Self Satisfaction in Children of Immigrants. Kelsii Gerber, Western Kentucky University 22. Paper Session: Heteronormativity in Everyday Life (Co‐Sponsored by Sociologists for Women in Society‐
South): River Terrace 5 Organizer and Discussant: Jason Sumerau, Florida State University •
Resistance and Conformity to Heteronormativity among BDSM Participants. Brandy Simula, Emory University Challenges and Resolutions in Forging a Lesbian Co‐parental Identity. Irene Padavic, Florida State University ; Jonniann Butterfield, Austin Peay State University Out of Hibernation: Heteronormativity in Coming Out Narratives of Bear Men. Patrick McGrady, Florida State University Negotiating and Resisting –Lesbian Motherhood, Marriage, and Queering. Catherine Gildae, Wheaton College 5
23. Paper Session: Sociology of Education: Inequalities on College Campuses: River Terrace 6 Organizers: Josipa Roksa, University of Virginia; John Reynolds, Florida State University; Linda Renzulli, University of Georgia Presider: Josipa Roksa, University of Virginia •
The Financial Aid Grapevine: How People and Organizations Impact Students’ Experiences with Financing College. Janice McCabe, Florida State University; Brandon Jackson, Florida State University Finding the Right Environment: College Context and Women in STEM. Elizabeth Stearns, University of North Carolina at Charlotte; Roslyn Mickelson, University of North Carolina at Charlotte; Melissa Dancy, University of Colorado at Boulder; Stephanie Moller, University of North Carolina at Charlotte Inside the College Gates: Education as a Social and Cultural Process. Jenny Stuber, University of North Florida Higher Status in Higher Education: Extracurricular Activities and Status Hierarchies on College Campuses. Josipa Roksa, University of Virginia; Kayla Harman, University of Virginia; Morgan Joseph, University of Virginia; Francesca Parente, University of Virginia ; Emily Kuhbach, University of Virginia 24. SSS Distinguished Lecturer: Larry Isaac: “Music City` as `Movement City”: The Special Place of Nashville in the Southern Civil Rights Movement: River Terrace 7 25. Paper Session: Courts and Corrections: River Terrace 8 Presider: Casey Welch, Flagler College •
Necessary Spending? A Pooled‐Time Series of State Corrections Expenditures. Rachel M. Durso, The Ohio State University A Sociological Model for Courtroom Motivation and Action. Casey Welch, Flagler College; John R Fuller, University of Western Georgia; Glenn Coffey, Independent Scholar Racial/Ethnic Threat and Female Offenders: An Analysis of Sentencing Departures in Florida. Patricia Warren, Florida State University; Joshua Cochran, Florida State University; Ryan Shields, Florida State University Racial Isolation, Racial Threat, and Incarceration Disparities. Christopher Purser, Murray State University; Timothy McClure, Mississippi State University; Jeremy R. Porter, CUNY‐Brooklyn 26. TEACHING SOCIOLOGY MINI‐CONFERENCE: Paper Session: Do You want to Work in a Small or Community College? (Sponsored by the Committee on Sociology in Community and Small Colleges): River Terrace 9 Organizer and Discussant: Denise Bissler, Randolph‐Macon College •
Keys to Understanding a Career in a Liberal Arts Setting. Edward L Kain, Southwestern University Getting Hired and Promoted at a Small College. Lee M Bidwell, Longwood University Balancing Research, Teaching and Service at a Liberal Arts University. Craig Boylstein, Coastal Carolina University Do I Want To Learn in a Community College?. Anna A. Hall, Delgado Community College/ City Park Same Title, Different Job: the Assistant Professor Experience across Institutional Type. Beth Rushing, University of Washington Tacoma; Idee Winfield, College of Charleston Applying for Tenure at a Small Liberal‐Arts College. Julia Wilson, Emory & Henry College 6
10:45 AM‐12:00 PM 27. Paper Session: Education and Social Organization: Orlando Presider: Russell E. Ward, Jr., Francis Marion University •
Victimization Culture and Educational Attainment. Adena Galinsky, University of Chicago; Suzumi Yasutake, Johns Hopkins University; Nan M Astone, Johns Hopkins University The Effect of Athletic Participation on the Academic Performance of Secondary Schools. Russell E. Ward, Jr., Francis Marion University McDonaldization, Gainful Employment and Deceptive Practices in For‐Profit Higher Education. David Walczak, The Art Institute of Fort Lauderdale; Monika Reuter, The Art Institute of Fort Lauderdale 28. Panel Session: Working Between the Disciplines: River Terrace 10 Organizer and Presider: Jason Milne, Longwood University •
Julie B. Wiest, High Point University Maria Vandergriff‐Avery, Catawba College Carl Riden, Longwood University Sandra Godwin, Georgia College and State University 29. Paper Session: Collective Behavior and Social Movements: River Terrace 11 •
Connecting People to Politics? The Role of the Internet in Democracy. Deana Rohlinger, Florida State University Activists` Narrative Construction of a Moral Self. Sarah Nell Rusche, North Carolina State University Understanding the Plight of Minority Governed Municipalities (MGM) through Incorporation Theory and Regime Analysis. Charles Sampson, University of Missouri; David Brunsma , University of Missouri “Why didn’t They ask Us?”: Collective Memories of Muslim Young Adults in Public Schools in the U. S. September 11, 2001. Jean Surratt Humphreys, Dallas Baptist University 30. Paper Session: Religion, Politics, and Community: River Terrace 5 Presider: Christopher G. Ellison, University of Texas at San Antonio •
America the Faithful: Religiosity and Perceptions of Public Institutions. Eric Wright, University of North Carolina at Charlotte Render Unto Caesar: The Relationship Between Evangelical Christians and the Republican Party in the 2008 Presidential, Senatorial, Congressional and Gubernatorial Elections. Matthew Boyle, Duke University Understanding the Decline of Religious Participation among Young Adults. Joshua Orndorff, Randolph‐
Macon College The Social Organization of Healthy Lifestyles among Seventh‐day Adventists. Christopher G. Ellison, University of Texas at San Antonio; Michael J. McFarland, University of Texas at Austin; Rebecca Steckler, University of Texas at San Antonio; Jerry Lee, Loma Linda University; Kelly Morton, Loma Linda University 7
31. Presidential Plenary Speaker ‐ Barbara Risman: Gender as Social Structure: Bringing Power Back In? With Introductory Remarks by Vincent Roscigno, SSS President: River Terrace 7 32. Paper Session: Applied Gerontology: River Terrace 8 •
Eat Healthy, Live Longer? The Association between Diet and Health: An Explanation of Aging. Tze‐Li Hsu, Florida State University; Lindsey Lennon, Florida State University Provision of Therapy for Older, Community‐Dwelling Stroke Survivors: Analysis of a Home‐Telehealth Intervention. Neale Chumbler, IUPUI; Helen Hoenig, Duke University The Effect of Modifiable Risk Factors on Mobility Limitation Transitions among the Late Midlife Population. Kenzie Latham, University of Florida Health Concordance among Older Couples. Giuseppina Valle, Florida State University; Isaac W Eberstein, Florida State University 12:00 PM‐1:00 PM Committee Meeting— Finance Committee: Hospitality 4108 12:15 PM‐1:45 PM 33. Paper Session: Education: Teaching and Learning: Orlando •
Do What I Say and Not What I Do: Academic Dishonesty at the Graduate Level. Katelyn Rozenbroek, University of Miami Home Environments and Educational Inequality: Does Reducing the Digital Divide Improve Academic Performance?. Tara Stamm, Florida State University Power, Privilege and Teacher Education Programs: The Role of Culturally Responsive Teaching in Classrooms. Bobbi Siefert, University of North Carolina ‐ Charlotte Elementary Mathematics Teacher Preparation in the United States and Singapore: A Critical Examination. Shelby Gilbert, Florida Gulf Coast University; Simone O`Bryan, Florida Gulf Coast University 34. Paper Session: Sociology of Mental Health II: River Terrace 10 •
Employment Discrimination and Psychological Consequences: An Analysis of the Americans’ Changing Lives Study. Lisette Garcia, New York University Good Neighbors Make Good Fences: The Effect of Social Capital on Neighborhood Disorder. Josh Packard, Midwestern State University Risk and Capital: Regional and National Differences in Children’s Well‐Being. Hanna Jokinen‐Gordon, Florida State University; Kevin M Fitzpatrick, University of Arkansas The Association between Interpersonal Relationships and Mental Wellness in Young Adults. Mary Bond Edmond, The University of Georgia; Ellen M Granberg, Clemson University ; Ronald L Simons, University of Georgia 8
35. Paper Session: Microdynamics of Social Life in the Social Media Era: River Terrace 11 Organizer and Discussant: Steven Seiler, Tennessee Tech University •
The Blurring of Goffman’s Concepts of Private and Public Pictures on Facebook. Anthony Cortese, Southern Methodist University Making Meaning in Everyday Life: Undergraduates and Social Media Activities. Margaret A Smith, University of Maryland‐ College Park Entitativity and Trust in Electronically Mediated Groups. Anita Blanchard, University of North Carolina, Charlotte; Lisa Walker, University of North Carolina, Charlotte 36. Paper Session: Gender and Sports: River Terrace 5 Organizer: Sara Malley, University of Tennessee‐Knoxville Discussant: Stanley I Thangaraj, Vanderbilt University •
Busted Lip‐Service: The Negotiated Body Discourses of “Safety” and “Giving and Receiving Pain” and their Links to Manhood in a Mixed Martial Arts Gym. Christian Vaccaro, Out of Bounds: College Women's Ultimate Frisbee and the Practice of Gendered Identities. Joanna W Neville, University of Florida Have African American Females Benefited Equally in Sports with Title IX? New Evidence from National Longitudinal Surveys. Moneque Walker Pickett, Saint Leo University Commentator’s Framing of the 2009 Softball College World Series. Leslie McCallister, East Tennessee State University; Jessica Mahone, University of Florida 37. Paper Session: Politics and "Underground" Music Scenes: River Terrace 6 Organizer and Presider: Derek Evans, University of Missouri ‐ Columbia •
Gender Identity in the Jamband Music Subculture. Pamela Hunt, University of West Georgia Frustrated Youth: Taqwacore as Muslim American Punk Rock. Sarah S Hosman, Boston University Hip Hop Politics/Hip Hop Underground. Derek Evans, University of Missouri ‐ Columbia 38. Paper Session: Government and Corporate Policy: River Terrace 8 Presider: Orit Fisher, Florida State University •
Water Resource Modernization and the State: Thailand and Lao PDR. Nicholas Zeller, University of Tennessee ‐ Knoxville The Corporate Assault on Breastfeeding in Southeast Asia. Rhiannon Leebrick, University of Tennessee Smoking Tobacco: A Case Study into Addiction, Health, and Power. Craig Boylstein, Coastal Carolina University Activation Policies‐ Welfare to Work Programs. Orit Fisher, Florida State University 9
39. TEACHING SOCIOLOGY MINI‐CONFERENCE: Paper Session: Experiential Learning in Small and Community Colleges (Sponsored by the Committee on Sociology in Community and Small Colleges): River Terrace 9 Organizer and Discussant: Denise Bissler, Randolph‐Macon College •
Seeing the Strange in the Familiar: Experiential Learning through Observation and Writing. Rubye W. Beck, Milligan College Challenges to engaging a Public Controversy in a Course‐based Experiential Learning Context. Stephanie McClure, GCSU Enhancing Social Problems Courses Through Service Learning Labs, and Vice Versa. James R. Pennell, University of Indianapolis Taking It to the Streets to Spark the Sociological Imaginations of Non‐Sociology majors. Greta Pennell, University of Indianapolis 2:00 PM‐3:15 PM 40. Paper Session: Making Good Communities: Orlando Presider: William K. A. Agyei, Norfolk State University •
Neighborhood Satisfaction and Safety among Low Income African American Residents in Norfolk and Portsmouth, Virginia. William K. A. Agyei, Norfolk State University A Roadmap to Develop Health Interventions with Marginalized Communities: Cultural Tailoring & Problem‐
Posing. Rachel Head, North Carolina State University; Maxine S Thompson, North Carolina State University; RV Rikard, North Carolina State University Constructed Heritage and Conflicting Power Dynamics among Pottery Makers in Seagrove, NC. Sarah Bowen, North Carolina State University; Aysha Bodenhamer, North Carolina State University Public‐Private Partnerships: A Good Deal for Everyone? Kathleen Hoehn, Georgia College and State University 41. Paper Session: Race, Ethnicity, and Culture: River Terrace 10 Presider: J. Scott Carter, University of Central Florida •
Symbolic Ethnicity and Whites’ Racial Attitudes: ”My People Made It Without Help, So Can They.” Larry Griffin, Georgia Southern University; Colin Campbell, University of North Carolina; Peggy G Hargis, Georgia Southern University Blinded by the White? Mainstream Reviews of ”White Savior Films.” Matthew Hughey, Mississippi State University; Cherish Forsman, Mississippi State University Racialization in Public and Private. Shannon K. Carter, University of Central Florida; Leslie A. Picca, University of Dayton; Brittany N. Murray, University of Central Florida Are White Supremacists "Colorblind"? Examining the Reach of the Dominant Racial Ideology in the Post‐
Civil Rights Era. Kim Ebert, North Carolina State University 42. Author Meets Critics: The Textures of Time: Agency and Temporal Experience by Michael Flaherty, Eckerd College: River Terrace 11 Organizer and Presider: Doug Schrock, Florida State University •
Critic. Christine Mattley, Ohio University Critic. Rik Scarce, Skidmore College Critic. Lynn Smith‐Lovin, Duke University 10
43. Paper Session: Gender and Power in Organizations (Co‐Sponsored by Sociologists for Women in Society‐
South): River Terrace 5 Organizer and Presider: Kris De Welde, Florida Gulf Coast University •
Why are African American Males Disproportionately Placed in Special Education? Chris Stroble, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill A Movement within a Movement: Pentecostalism and Women in Latin America and the Caribbean. Christine O McVay, University of Miami Black Women Managers in Corporate America: 21st Century Issues and Trends. Susan D Toliver, Iona College Gender, Power, and Organizations in the Obesity Wars. Joan Manley, Florida Gulf Coast University 44. Paper Session: Education and Stratification: River Terrace 6 Organizers: Linda Renzulli, University of Georgia; John Reynolds, Florida State University; Josipa Roksa, University of Virginia Presider: John Reynolds, Florida State University •
Racial Segregation and the Black/White Achievement Gap, 1990‐2009. Dennis J. Condron, Emory University; Daniel Tope, Florida State University; Christina Steidl, Emory University; Kendralin J Freeman, University of Notre Dame Gendered School Climates and Gender Inequality in Educational Outcomes. Irenee R Beattie, University of California, Merced; Nella Van Dyke, University of California, Merced Family Background, Disadvantaged Urban Youth, and the Transition to Adulthood. Karl Alexander, Johns Hopkins; Doris Entwisle, John Hopkins University; Linda Olson, John Hopkins University 45. Paper Session: Imagining Our Culture: River Terrace 7 Presider: Susan Webb, Coastal Carolina University •
Magnet Poetry at the University: Interactive Rape Culture on Display. Meghan Conley, University of Tennessee Everyday Creativity. Monika Reuter, The Art Institute of Fort Lauderdale Reproducing the Plantation South. Susan Webb, Coastal Carolina University; William W Falk, University of Maryland 46. Author Meets Critics: Getting Ahead: Social Mobility, Public Housing, and Immigrant Networks by Silvia Dominguez, Northeastern University w Session: River Terrace 8 Organizer: Amy Chasteen Miller, University of Southern Mississippi •
Critic. Stephen Sills, University of North Carolina Greensboro Critic. Georgia E. Bianchi, University of Florida Critic. Mariano Sana, Vanderbilt University Critic. Regine Jackson, Emory University 11
47. TEACHING SOCIOLOGY MINI‐CONFERENCE: Paper Session: Using Technology to Teach Sociology (Co‐
Sponsored by the Committee on Sociology in Small and Community Colleges and Sociologists for Women in Society‐South): River Terrace 9 Organizer: Amie Hess, Meredith College Presider: Amie Hess, Meredith College •
Technology and Changes in the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Movement in Sociology. Roberta Spalter‐Roth , American Sociological Association; Jean H. Shin, American Sociological Association Is it Recording?: Using the Pulse Pen to Compliment Discussion Classrooms. Daniel Farr, Randolph College Confessions of a YouTube Generation: The Anatomy of Identity Clip by Clip. Amie Hess, Meredith College Visualizing the Abstract: Using Word‐Clouds to Highlight Themes and Relationships in Sociological Texts. Richard Benton, North Carolina State University; Nicholas Solebello, North Carolina State University Blogging As an Alternative Assignment: Do 21st Century Students Appreciate Technological Infusions? Kris De Welde, Florida Gulf Coast University 3:30 PM‐5:00 PM 48. Paper Session: Politics and Power: Orlando Presider: James Davis, The Ohio State University •
Informal & Formal Legitimation of State‐Sponsored Violence: The Case of the Cherokee Trail of Tears . James Davis, The Ohio State University A Study of Difference in State Response to Militant Extremists. Brian Gresham, Virginia Polytechnic and State University A Synthetic Theory of Political Sociology: Bringing Social Networks and Power Dependence to Power Resources Theory Thomas Janoski, University of Kentucky; Adam Jonas, University of Kentucky 49. Paper Session: Bullying, Sexual Harassment, and Violence in Educational Settings: River Terrace 10 Organizers: Angela Barlow, Virginia Tech; James Hawdon, Virginia Tech Discussant: John Rice, University North Carolina, Wilmington •
Bullying: Out of the School halls and into the Workplace. Lucretia Cooney, University of Central Florida Sexual Harassment and Sex‐Segregation in Higher Education. Clara Elpi, Virginia Tech Bullying and Educational Inequities: A Cross‐National Study of School Violence. Laura Agnich, Virginia Tech Structural Covariates of School Crime: Do School Communities Matter? Mike Maume, University of North Carolina Wilmington 50. Paper Session: Economy and the Individual: River Terrace 11 •
Buy Ourselves: A Dramaturgical Analysis of Consumer Behavior. Sara Afflerback, University of Central Florida Rediscovering the Individual in American Society. Glenn Coffey, Independent Scholar The Impact of Historic Economic Events on College Students’ Explanations of Poverty. Ted Brimeyer, Georgia Southern University; Rebecca J Byrne, Georgia Southern University 12
51. Paper Session: Gender and Sexuality Intersections (Co‐sponsored by Sociologists for Women in Society‐
South): River Terrace 5 Organizer: Nicholas Guittar, University of Central Florida Discussant: Lauren Norman, Middle Tennessee State University •
Redneck and Blue Collar Comedy: Carnivalizing Political Correctness. Karen Bettez Halnon, Pennsylvania State University Abington “The City Evangelical Dude Route to Dudeness”: Examining a Discourse of Hegemonic Masculinity in an Urban Megachurch. Laura Fitzwater, North Carolina State University The Queer Apologetic: Publicly Bisexual, Privately Gay. Nicholas Guittar, University of Central Florida Alice's Non‐visual Looking Glass: Constructing Body Image and Body Rights by the Blind and Visually Impaired. Janice Jeang, University of Texas at Austin No Shame in My Game: An Exploratory Study of How Men Construct Moral Emotions within the College Culture of Hooking Up. Lauren Norman, Middle Tennessee State University 52. Paper Session: Sociology of Education: Politics and School Policy: River Terrace 6 Organizers: Linda Renzulli, University of Georgia; John Reynolds, Florida State University; Josipa Roksa, University of Virginia •
Culture Wars and the Courts: Determinants of Homeschooling Litigation, 1972‐2007. Anne Kronberg, Emory University; Regina Werum, Emory University Contested Terrain Surrounding Teacher Employment Conditions. Andrew Mannheimer, Florida State University; Patrick McGrady, Florida State University; John Reynolds, Florida State University McKinney: How and Why an Affluent Suburb Integrates Socioeconomically. Daniel Ledbetter, University of Texas at Dallas Failing Schools in Florida: Accountability and the Consolidation of Educational Disadvantage. Melissa Bamford, Florida State University; Courtney Twitty, Florida State University; John Reynolds, Florida State University 53. Panel Session: Advice from the Field: How to Write Grants and Obtain Funding for Your Research (Co‐
Sponsored by Sociologists for Women in Society‐South): River Terrace 7 Organizer and Presider: Shelia Cotten, University of Alabama‐Birmingham •
Panelist. Shelia Cotten, University of Alabama‐Birmingham Panelist. Beth A Rubin, University of North Carolina, Charlotte 54. Paper Session: Organized Deviance: River Terrace 8 Organizer: Paul Kooistra, Furman University Discussant: Daniel Harrison, Lander University •
Notes on the Nature of Organized Deviance. Paul Kooistra, Furman University Structured Atrocities: The Case of Abu Ghraib. Landon S Bevier, University of Tennessee The Techniques of Central European Sexual Trafficking. Richard Kania, Jacksonville State University Organized Retail Crime: Shoplifting on Steroids. Richard Hollinger, University of Florida 13
55. Paper Session: Experiential Learning In Small and Community Colleges: Session II (Sponsored by the Committee on Sociology in Community and Small Colleges): River Terrace 9 Organizer and Discussant: Denise Bissler, Randolph‐Macon College •
Experiential Learning: Group Action Projects and the Undergraduate Women's Studies Class . Beth Williford, Manhattanville College Experiential Learning: Living Large in Small Ways. Joan L. Neff, University of Richmond Connecting Students and Community through Research. Shelley L. Koch, Emory & Henry 5:15 PM‐6:30 PM 56. Paper Session: Migration Processes and Outcomes: Orlando Presider: Tracy Burkett, College of Charleston •
Living and Thriving in the Land of Milk and Honey: Religion and the Success of Mexican Immigrants to the United States. Jamie Gutierrez Dodge, An Exploration of the Index of Qualitative Variation as a Within Ethnicity Measure of Segregation and its Impact on Hispanic Homicide. Michael G. Bisciglia, Southeastern Louisiana University The Structure‐Agency Dialectic: Toward A Balanced Approach to Migration Study. Marissa Jordan, Florida Atlantic University The Power of Location on Attitudinal Formation: How Place of Residency affects Beliefs about Affirmative Action among Urban and Regional Migrants Jerry Kaufman, University of Central Florida; Shannon K. Carter, University of Central Florida; J. Scott Carter, University of Central Florida 57. Paper Session: Demography: River Terrace 10 Presider: Maria Aysa‐Lastra, Florida International University •
How does Stigma towards People with HIV/AIDS influence the Probability of Testing for HIV? Evidence from a Diverse College Student Population? Maria Aysa‐Lastra, Florida International University; Frank Dillon, Florida International University; Francisco Sastre, Florida International University Inequality and Infrastructure: HLM and Cardiovascular Mortality. Wesley L James, University of Memphis; Jeralynn Cossman, Mississippi State University Immigration in Rural Areas: A Comparison of the Immigration‐Crime Relationship between Rural and Urban US Counties in 2000. . Derrick Shapley, Mississippi State University; Lauren Vasquez, Mississippi State University; Harald Weiss, Mississippi State University 58. Paper Session: Sociology of Emotions: River Terrace 11 •
Free‐riding Normative Orders for Strategic Gain. Michael Bare, University of Chicago Social Identity Meanings: Affective Consensus and Dissensus in a Diverse Sample. Allison Wisecup, Duke University Measuring Individual Differences in Impression Formation. Kimberly Rogers, Duke University; Lynn Smith‐
Lovin, Duke University; Dawn T. Robinson, University of Georgia; Jesse Clark, University of Georgia Belittling Batterers: The Serial Undermining of Manhood. Doug Schrock, Florida State University 14
59. Paper Session: Representations of Gender in the Media (co‐sponsored by Sociologists for Women in Society‐
South): River Terrace 5 Organizers: Julie B. Wiest, High Point University; Rebecca Bach, Duke University •
Gendered Representations in Oprah's Books. Rebecca Bach, Duke University; Sarah A. Mayorga, Duke University Under the Helmet and Between the Legs: An Exploration of Gender Relations in the Harley‐Davidson Subculture. Jennifer L. Buchan, North Carolina State University Rescue Narratives of Muslim Women in Fox News’ Representations of Honor‐Based Violence in the U.S. Autumn M. Reed, University of Maryland ‐‐ Baltimore County "Feminazis and Abortionists": Right Wing Radio as "Doing" Collective Hegemonic Male Cathexis. Matthew Irvin, Eastern Kentucky University Feminism in Film from 1970 to the Present. Jean‐Anne Sutherland, University of North Carolina, Wilmington 60. Authors Meet Critics: Academically Adrift: Limited Learning on College Campuses by Richard Arum and Josipa Roksa: River Terrace 6 Organizer and Presider: Linda Renzulli, University of Georgia •
Critic. Will Tyson, University of South Florida Critic. Ruth N. Lopez‐Turley, Rice University Critic. Jenny Stuber, University of North Florida 61. Paper Session: Workplace Problems: River Terrace 7 Presider: Lisette Garcia, New York University •
Boundaries and Interactions in a Food Services Environment. Mumbi Mwaura, Furman University Gender, Collaboration, and Publication: Unraveling the Realities of Male‐Female Variances in Patterns of Authorship in the Social Sciences and Education. Gary Feinberg, St. Thomas University; Beryl Watnick, The Union Institute and University; Arlene Sacks, The Union Institute and University Too Big for Their Own Good: An Examination of Massive Public School Systems in America. Joseph Cleary, Louisiana State University Anticipating the Unanticipated: A Comparative‐Historical Analysis of Labor Law Projects. Bradley Nash, Jr., Appalachian State University 62. Paper Session: Urban Sociology: River Terrace 8 Presider: George Conklin, North Carolina Central University •
Coney Island in the 21st Century: An Urban Neighborhood in Transition. Raymond Weinstein, University of South Carolina Aiken Professional Perceptions of Pittsburgh: Examining Personal Assessments of a Changing City Among Its Recent Locators. Colby King, University of South Carolina “It was the grandest of Boulevards:” Defining Race and Class Divisions on Atlanta’s Ponce de Leon Avenue. . William W. Holland, Georgia State University Out of Site, Out of Mind: Revisiting HOPE VI Redevelopment in Downtown Orlando. David Zeller, University of South Florida 15
63. Paper Session: Political Sociology: River Terrace 9 Presider: Karla M. McLucas, Bennett College for Women •
To be Young, Civic‐Minded, Politically Engaged and African American: Influence of Civic and Political Power among Young African American College Students. Karla M. McLucas, Bennett College for Women; Terrolyn Carter, North Carolina A & T State University Es Distinto: US Democracy Assistance in Contemporary Venezuela. Tim Gill, University of Georgia Ethical Governance: Realistic Aspirations or Unattainable Expectations? Thomas Dunn, Troy University; Manfred F Meine, Troy University Propagandhi and the Politics of Subcultural Resistance. Philip Lewin, University of Georgia; Tim Gill, University of Georgia Revisiting Obama’s Proposition of Change A Structural Perspective. O. Alexander Miller, Independent Scholar Friday, April 8, 2011 ASA Chair`s Breakfast: Hospitality 4106; 7:30 AM – 8:30 AM MEETINGS OF SSS COMMITTEES: Publications, Program, Local Arrangements, Elections, Nominations, Honors, Racial and Ethnic Minorities, Status of Women, Site Selection, Development, Sociology in Community and Small Colleges, and the Profession: River Terrace 3; 7:30 AM – 8:30 AM Sociologists for Women in Society‐South Business Meeting: River Terrace 5; 8:00 AM – 9:00 AM Committee Meeting— Executive Committee: Hospitality 4108; 8:30 AM – 10:30 AM Book Exhibit (Conference Center A); 8:00 AM—5:00 PM Registration (Conference Center B); 8:00 AM—5:00 PM 9:00 AM‐10:30 AM 64. Author Meets Critics: Counted Out: Same‐sex Relations and Americans` Definitions of Family (The American Sociological Association`s Rose Series in Sociology) by Brian Powell, Catherine Bolzendahl, Claudia Geist, and Lala Carr Steelman.: Orlando Organizer: Linda Renzulli, University of Georgia •
Critic. Maxine Atkinson, North Carolina State University Critic. Constance Shehan, University of Florida Critic. Susan Hinze, Case Western Reserve University 65. Thematic Paper Session: Power and the Experience of Work: River Terrace 10 Organizer: Martha Crowley, North Carolina State University Presider: Martha Crowley, North Carolina State University •
Gendered Variation in Workplace Monitoring Practices. Julianne Payne, North Carolina State University Compliance and Conformity: How School Poverty Shapes the Work of Novice Teachers. Lorraine Evans, University of Tennessee at Chattanooga It’s Not as Glamorous as it Looks: Lived Experiences of Women Academics. Kris De Welde, Florida Gulf Coast University; Andi Stepnick, Belmont University Incivility in the Workplace: Sexual Harassment, General Harassment, and the Retaliatory Link. Reginald Byron, Southwestern University; Victoria Dominguez, Southwestern University 16
66. Paper Session: Culture, Roles, and Identity: River Terrace 11 Organizer: Jennifer L. Buchan, North Carolina State University •
Under the Helmet and Between the Legs: Women in the Harley‐Davidson Subculture. Jennifer L. Buchan, North Carolina State University The Feminization of Motorcycling: Fact or Fiction. Robert Adams, Alice Lloyd College The Effect of Role Models in Baseball. Bryan Lagae, University of Miami Not Winging It at Hooters: Conventions for Producing a Cultural Object of Sexual Fantasy. Michelle Newton‐Francis, American University; Gay Young, American University 67. Panel Session: Creating and Sustaining Mentoring Relationships (Co‐sponsored by the Committee on the Status of Women and Sociologists for Women in Society‐South): River Terrace 12 Organizers: Brandy Simula, Emory University; Patricia Drentea, University of Alabama‐ Birmingham Panelists: •
Karen Campbell, Vanderbilt University Patricia Drentea, University of Alabama‐ Birmingham Shannon N. Davis, George Mason University 68. Roundtable Session 1: Global Servants: Reports from a Service‐Learning Project on Overseas Filipino Workers: River Terrace 3 Organizer: Stephen Sills, University of North Carolina, Greensboro •
Acculturative Barriers: A Case Study from Taiwan. Aren Blake, University of North Carolina, Greensboro Transnational Filipino Families. Laura Johnson, University of North Carolina. Greensboro The Impact of Labor Migration on the Philippines: Results from a Bi‐National Study of OFWs. . Juan Miranda, University of North Carolina, Greensboro Dirty Homes in Taiwan: A Study of Filipina Domestic Work in Taiwan. . Kelsey Maher, University of North Carolina, Greensboro 69. Roundtable Session 2: Alcohol, Drug Use, and Sexual Behaviors: River Terrace 3 Organizer: Amy Karnehm Willis, North Carolina Wesleyan College •
Parental Influence on My Sex Life: The Role of Perceived Parenting Practices in Levels of Risky Sexual Behaviors in College Students. Oprah O. Ellis, North Carolina Wesleyan College; Amy Karnehm Willis, North Carolina Wesleyan College The Red Zone Project: HIV/AIDS Awareness among Male College Athletes. Katanya Hall, North Carolina Wesleyan College; Molly A. Weise, North Carolina Wesleyan College Alcohol and Drug Use among College Students. Cassandra Slater, North Carolina Wesleyan College 17
70. Roundtable Session 3: Justice and Equity: River Terrace 3 Organizers: Casey Welch, Flagler College; Adam Shapiro, University of North Florida Discussants: Casey Welch, Flagler College, Adam Shapiro, University of North Florida, Steve Stoll, Flagler College •
Leaving it All Behind: An Examination of Evacuation Behaviors of South Floridian Families during the 2004 Hurricane Season. Elizabeth Bittel, University of North Florida Empowerment of Refugees in the 21st Century: The Connection between Human Rights, Reconciliation and Repatriation. Blazenka Barisic, University of North Florida Grassroots Efforts to Increase Re‐entry Programs in the Presence of a Punitive Penal Regime. Lindy Almony, Flagler College Cultural and Structural Barriers to Restorative Justice in the United States. Tristan Joynt, Flagler College 71. Roundtable Session 4: Identity: River Terrace 3 •
“Just Living Our Truth”: Emotion Work and Collective Identity in the Fight for Transgender Rights. Megan Satterfield, Southwestern University Latinos sin Barreras: The Opinions that Latinas of Different National Subgroups have about Each Other. Cassandra Arias, U University of North Carolina Chapel Hill Cyberactivism: Activist Identities Online & Jekyll Island, Georgia. Cayla McMichael, Georgia College & State University 72. Roundtable Session 5: Sociology of Sex and Gender I: River Terrace 3 Presider: Flavia Musinsky, New College of Florida •
A Sociological Approach to Differences in Body Image Perception between Teenagers with Visual Impairments and Teenagers without Visual Impairments. Rachel Overby, Meredith College Cultural Signals: Gendered Messages in Unilever Advertisements. Allison Whitcomb, New College of Florida You Can Still Be a Feminist, Be Proud of Being a Woman, and Deal With The Gender Binary": Issues of Sex and Gender at Indian Brook Camp. Flavia Musinsky, New College of Florida Wage Gap: A Discrimination against Motherhood. Courtney Barnicoat, Eastern Kentucky University; Elizabeth Underwood, Eastern Kentucky University Demographic Effects on the Change of Opinions towards Women in the Work Force from 1972 to 2004.. Leah Rabideau, Mississippi State University; Harald Weiss, Mississippi State University 73. Roundtable Session 6: Political Sociology II: River Terrace 3 •
The Message or the Messenger: The Effects of Political Attitudes and Source on Perceptions of Media Bias. Emily Eisenhart, Georgia Southern University A More Inclusive Italy? Attitudes towards Liberalizing Citizenship Policy for Second Generation Children of Immigrants.. Georgia E. Bianchi, University of Florida Gunslinger Sociology: Comparing True Grit from Hathaway and the Cohen Brothers. Nicholas Zeller, University of Tennessee ‐ Knoxville; James Maples, The University of Tennessee ‐ Knoxville 18
74. Roundtable Session 7: Sports and Leisure: River Terrace 3 Presider: Thomas Dunn, Troy University •
Is Sports Participation Beneficial for the African American Female Athlete? Anwesa Chatterjee, University of Miami A Closer Look at Interscholastic Sport Participation of Asian American Students. Lei Gong, University of Miami Minor League Baseball and Sport Facilities' Impact on Their Communities. Dustin Miller, Georgia College and State University 75. Roundtable Session 8: Sociology of Emotions II: River Terrace 3 •
The Emotion Culture of Childbirth: The Role of Birth Practitioners in Women's Birth Experiences. Miriam Sessions, Florida State University A Theory of Social Attraction. Jan Trost, Uppsala University An Exploratory Simulation of Follower/Colleague Identity Effects on Leader Emotional Expressions: Theory X and Y in Reverse? Amanda Hinojosa, Texas Tech University; Alejandra Marin, Texas Tech University; Andreas Schneider, Texas Tech University; William L Gardner, Texas Tewch University Buying Happiness: The Effects of Economic and Cultural Capitals on Subjective Well‐Being. Thomas C. Wilson, Florida Atlantic University 76. Roundtable Session 9: Social Psychological Approaches: River Terrace 3 •
Social Isolation and the Internet: Examining the Network and Psychological Components of Isolation within the GSS. Robert E Freeland, Duke University How Does Technology Affect Communication Decisions? Kelly Worthen, University of Central Florida Who Watches the Watchdogs?: The Counter Hegemonic Role of New Media. Donny Weinbrenner, University of Florida; Daniel Fernandez‐Baca, University of Florida 77. Roundtable Session 10: Dialogue, Immigration, and Rationality: River Terrace 3 Presider: Amy Chasteen Miller •
True Dialogue? Investigating True Blood’s Explicit Discourse. John Barr, University of Southern Mississippi From Cradle to Daycare: How First Generation Bangladeshi Immigrant Mothers Look at Daycare/Preschool in Hattiesburg, Mississippi. Tahseen Shams, University of Southern Mississippi Rationality and Irrationality in Wedding Rituals. Allison Upton, University of Southern Mississippi Rationalizing Tradition: A Weberian Perspective on Contemporary Indian Matrimonial Websites. Hena Arora, University of Southern Mississippi The Charismatic Authority of Hitler. Erin Henry, University of Southern Mississippi 78. Roundtable Session 11: Gender and Sports II: River Terrace 3 •
Going Against the Grain: Girls’ Gender Attitudes towards Women in Sports. Ashley Mikulyuk, University of Miami Out of Bounds: College Women`s Ultimate Frisbee and the Practice of Gendered Identities. Joanna W Neville, University of Florida Determinants of Athletic Success among Division 1 Men’s and Women’s College Basketball Teams. Jason Milne, Longwood University; Brian D Bates, Longwood University 19
79. Roundtable Session 12: Sociology of Mental Health I: River Terrace 3 Presider: Steven Foy, Duke University •
Racial/Ethnic and Gender Contrasts in Weight Anxiety in the Transition to Adulthood. Ursula Keller Weiss, Florida State University; John Taylor, Florida State University; Robyn Brown, DePaul University Bullying, Intolerance, and Classroom Incivility: Deconstructing the Social Environments of Today’s Students . Matthew Wilkinson, Coastal Carolina University Examining Postpartum Depression from a Stress‐Process Perspective. Keshia Reid, Florida State University Bullying is Child Abuse: An Examination of the Psychological and Somatic Similarities in Bullying Victimization and Child Abuse. Maggie Hickman, University of Tennessee Martin; Nancy Sonleitner, University of Tennessee Martin 80. Roundtable Session 13: Race and Social Processes: River Terrace 3 •
Power and Privilege: The Tracking of African Americans as Antithetical to the Goals of Schooling. Ashley Parker, University of North Carolina at Charlotte “The Oppressive Binary: A Case Study of 'Othering' in Middle School Classroom Discussions”. Lakshmi Jayaram, Virginia Tech; Jen Wyse, Virginia Tech Racial Identification and Preference in College Students. Stephanie Alexander, Savannah State University; Dennis Williams, Arkansas Tech University 81. Roundtable Papers 14: Media Depictions, Race, and Gender: River Terrace 3 •
Cross‐Racial Interactions on Primetime Television: An Exploratory Study.. Earl S. Mowatt, University of Central Florida Women and the Wild: Gender Socialization in Wilderness Recreation Advertising. J. Nichole McNiel, Texas State University ‐ San Marcos; Deborah A Harris, Texas State University‐San Marcos; Kristi M Fondren, Marshall University Hot Nannies and Invisible Day Care Centers: Representations of Child‐Care Decision‐making on Television. Debra Schleef, University of Mary Washington; Alexandra Zelin, University of Mary Washington From the Boys of Summer to Corner Boys: Analyzing The Wire through a Criminological Lens. Cheri Chambers, Christopher Newport University; Linda Waldron, Christopher Newport University Murder In Prime Time: An Analysis of the Depiction of Homicide in Crime Dramas. Jaclyn Schildkraut, University of Central Florida; Brittany Minnick‐Hanson, University of Central Florida 82. Roundtable Session 15: Race and Ethnicity: River Terrace 3 •
Matachines In the Midwest: Rural Mexican‐American Resistance to Assimilation.. Stephen Christ, University of Missouri‐Columbia The Intersection of Pregnancy, Race and Gender in Workfare Programs. Michelline Stokes, Virginia Tech Exploring Colorblindness: An Examination of Non‐Response Strategies to a Race of Interviewer Question. Elizabeth Alexander, Emory University Institutional Racism in the Criminal Justice System: The Effect of the Racial Makeup of Criminal Justice Employees. Hilary Towle, Meredith College 20
83. Roundtable Papers 16: Global Political Sociology: River Terrace 3 Presider: Ghyasuddin Ahmed, Virginia State University •
Neoliberalism and the Proliferation of GMOs. Jenna Lamphere, The University of Tennessee Decentralization and Disaster: Case Studies in Aceh and Yogyakarta, Indonesia.. Siti Kusujiarti, Warren Wilson College Global Obesity. Ceylan Engin, University of Alabama at Birmingham; Casey Borch, University of Alabama Birmingham Support for Global Governance and the Nation‐State: Evidence from a Survey of Social Movement Actors. Gary Coyne, University of California, Riverside 84. Roundtable Session 17: Race/Ethnicity/Minority Relations: River Terrace 3 •
The Aftermath of the Storm: An Examination of the Attitudes of Blacks Pre‐Katrina Compared to Post‐
Katrina. April Smith, Emory & Henry College Made it to America, Now What? Understanding the Educational Achievement Disparities among Latino Subgroups. Natassia Rodriguez, University of North Carolina‐ Chapel Hill Crossing the Border: Investigating Immigration Attitudes and a Stronger Belief in the Bible`s Authenticity. Alexandria Nail, Emory & Henry College Daddy’s Little Girl: Rethinking Father‐Daughter Relationships and How They Influence Future Mate Choice in African‐American Females. Damian White, Davidson College The Importance of Social Relationships and their Impact on Self‐Reported Health of African Americans. . Monique Eugenia Smith, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill 85. Roundtable Papers 18: Cultural Sociology: River Terrace 3 •
Denied `A League of Their Own`: The Politics of Memory Regarding German Women`s World War II Experiences. Randi L Hunton, University of South Carolina Upstate Reframing the Rwandan Genocide within the Context of Sociology. Rebecca Rowe, Agnes Scott College From Institution to Independence: Transitioning Out of Moldovan Orphanages. Stephanie Hennigan, Mercer University What You Feel is What You See: Priming and Perceptions of the Other. Jessica Tatt, Georgia College and State University; Stephanie McClure, Georgia College and State University; David Biek, Macon State University Los Ojos Escondidos: Hidden Eyes ‐ Blindness Experiences of Hispanics in Atlanta and the US. Kathryn Woodford, Agnes Scott College 86. Roundtable Session 19: Medical Sociology: River Terrace 3 •
HIV Positive Women and their Desire for Motherhood. Elissa Rick‐Clark, University of Alabama at Birmingham Role of Social Relations in Defining Individual Perceptions on Health Care. Christina Brown, Davidson College The Centered Teen: Exploring Adolescent Meditation Practice. Jessica Dilday, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill 21
87. Roundtable Session 20: Sociology of Education: River Terrace 3 •
First in Flight: First Generation College Students Achieving Success through Social Support from Home and on Campus. Kimberly Yarde, Davidson College PE Performance: Doing Gender through Participation in Elementary School PE Classes. Krista Jackson, Davidson College Factors Affecting Student Perception of College Accessibility. Gillian Reid, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Fish Outside of the Sea. Jasmine Reed, University of Notre Dame 88. Roundtable Session 21: Social Problems: River Terrace 3 •
Urban Food Behavior. Robert Shindler, Eckerd College How I Came to Love the Game: Factors That Influences Athletes to Compete at the Division III Level. Aaron Goodson, Davidson College The Shake Felt Round the World: An Examination of Framing of Social Inequality in Local Media in the Wake of the Earthquake in Haiti. Colleen Wynn, Western Kentucky University Impact of Social Factors on the Success of Participants in an African American Church‐Based Diabetes Prevention Program. Rebecca Wells, Mercer University Hopelessly Disadvantaged Like You: A Comparative Study of Disadvantaged Youth in Mobile and Medellin. Colleen Wynn, Western Kentucky University 89. Roundtable Session 22: Education, Race, and Ethnicity: River Terrace 3 •
Segregation or Diversity: The Growing Trend towards Neighborhood Schools and the Effect on the Academic Gap among African American Public School Students. Karla M. McLucas, Bennett College for Women; Kimberly N Johnson, Bennett College for Women Reaching for the American Dream: The Education of Black Immigrant Adolescents. An Analysis Across and within Cohorts. Denise Obinna, The Ohio State University Urban Literacy Cadre: The Power of Teacher Efficacy. Deborah Smith, Saginaw Valley State University; Brian J. Smith, Central Michigan University Achieving excellence: Latino students graduating from high school in North Carolina. Lisa Spees, University of North Carolina ‐ Chapel Hill; Krista M Perreira, University of North Carolina ‐ Chapel Hill 90. Author Meets Critics: The Temp Economy: From Kelly Girls to Permatemps in Postwar America by Erin Hatton, University of Buffalo : River Terrace 4 Organizer: Amy Chasteen Miller, University of Southern Mississippi •
Critic. Zac Watne, University of Georgia Critic. Gretchen Webber, Middle Tennessee State University 22
91. Paper Session: Criminology and Inequality: River Terrace 5 Presider: Gary Feinberg, St. Thomas University •
Teasing Out the Effects of the Local Urban Economy on Race‐Specific Male Homicide Rates over Time. Karen F. Parker, University of Delaware; Patricia L. McCall, North Carolina State University Disadvantage, Hopelessness, and Adolescence. Holli Drummond, Western Kentucky University; Scarkett Marklin, Western Kentucky University Who Gets More Bang for Their Buck? Crime and Community Investments in Racially Distinct Neighborhoods. Charles Patton, Ohio State University Can Social Capital Networks Allow Re‐Entry Felons to Overcome Barriers to Re‐Entry and Reduce Recidivism?. Angela Hattery, Wake Forest University; Earl Smith, Wake Forest University 92. Panel Session: Reflections from Emeritus Faculty: River Terrace 6 •
Panelist. Ida Harper Simpson, Duke University Panelist. Patricia Yancey Martin, Florida State University Panelist. Sheldon Styker, University of Indiana 93. Research Methodologies: River Terrace 7 Presider: Randall Gentry, Texas Tech University •
Social Science or Misappropriated Methodologies?: Common Problems in Studies on the Effects of Abortion on Women. Kimberly Kelly, Mississippi State University; Jonelle Husain, Mississippi State University Missing the Point: A Comparison of Common Methods for Handling Missing Data. Tim Colyer, University of Central Florida 94. Author Meets Critics: Whites in the Backstage and Frontstage Two‐Faced Racism by Leslie Picca, University of Dayton (with Joe Feagin): River Terrace 8 Organizer: Amy Chasteen Miller, University of Southern Mississippi Presider: Mary Bond Edmond, The University of Georgia •
Critic. Katie James, University of Georgia Critic. Ruth Thompson‐Miller, Texas A&M University Critic. Susan Eichenberger, Seton Hill University Critic. Jackie Eller, Middle Tennessee State University 95. TEACHING SOCIOLOGY MINI‐CONFERENCE: Teaching Sociology through Film (Sponsored by the Committee on Sociology in Community and Small Colleges): River Terrace 9 Organizer and Discussant: Christine Wernet, University of South Carolina Aiken •
Crash: The Equivocal Character Model. Anthony Cortese, Southern Methodist University Sipping Black Water: The Realities of Corporate Power. Christine Wernet, University of South Carolina Aiken Cultivating the Sociological Imagination and Standpoint Epistemology Using Feature Films. Brigitte Neary, University of South Carolina Upstate Adding Films versus Film as Text: Two Useful, But Different, Approaches to Teaching with Films. Idee Winfield, College of Charleston Using a Film Assignment in the Introductory Course. Susan Ambler, Maryville College 23
10:45 AM‐12:00 PM 96. Paper Session: Work and Family: River Terrace 10 Presider: William F. Danaher, College of Charleston •
Work‐Family Conflict: Turkish University Employees in Ankara, Turkey. Zeynep Copur, Hacettepe University Music or Us?: Juggling Occupation, Family, and Friends . William F. Danaher, College of Charleston “Jesus Didn’t Teach Us to Juggle”: The Role of Religious Involvement in Work‐Family Role Strain Among African Americans.. Andrea Henderson, University of Texas at Austin Work Adjustments after the Transition to Parenthood in Sweden. Gayle Kaufman, Davidson College; Eva Bernhardt, Stockholm University 97. Paper Session: Social Movements and Environmental Sociology: River Terrace 11 Presider: Thomas E Shriver, Oklahoma State University •
Up Against the Carbon Lobby: The Fight for Clean/Renewable Electricity in the Southeast. Richard Hutchinson, Kennesaw State University ‘Like Asking Satan to Cast Out Sin’: Anti‐Nuclear Activism Before and After the Czechoslovakian Velvet Revolution. Alison Adams, Oklahoma State University; Thomas E Shriver, Oklahoma State University The Emerging Food Movement in Florida: Linking Solidarity Economy and Environmental Justice. Marina Karides, Florida Atlantic University; Patricia Widener, Florida Atlantic University 98. Presidential Plenary Speaker: Eduardo Bonilla‐Silva: The Real “Race Problem” in Sociology: The Power of White Rule in our Discipline with Introductory Remarks by Vincent Roscigno, SSS President: River Terrace 4 99. Paper Session: Cultural Sociology: River Terrace 5 Presider: Ken Spring, Belmont University •
(Re)Discover America: Sociology Beyond the Walls of the Classroom. Ken Spring, Belmont University The Impact of Technology on Generational Unity. William Kinney, University of St. Thomas; Jynette Larshus, Minot State University Fame and the Celebrity Effect: Do Celebrities Influence College Students' Political Views? Lindsey Singer, University of Central Florida The Social Control of Pain. Andreas Schneider, Texas Tech University 24
100. Paper Session: Community and the Environment: River Terrace 6 Presider: Debbie Perkins, Coastal Carolina University •
Politics, the Environment, and Economic Development in Rural Tennessee: The Three Faces of Power Revisited. Debbie Perkins, Coastal Carolina University Coastal Communities in Transition: Social Justice Issues at the Beach. Kennon Rice, Albright College; Tracy M Rice, Terraqueous Management and Research Group The Impact of the Deepwater Horizon Disaster on Alabama’s Gulf Coast Residents: Implications for Disaster Research and Vulnerability Science. James Hawdon, Virginia Tech; John Ryan, Virginia Tech Who Considers Hurricane Evacuation while a Hurricane Approaches? Kenneth Wilson, East Carolina University; Catherine F Smith, East Carolina University; Donna Kain, East Carolina University; Michelle Covi, East Carolina University; Douglas Solomon, East Carolina University Katrina‐Induced Environmental Injustice: An Empirical Study of Socioeconomic and Demographic Determining Factors. Francis O. Adeola, University of New Orleans; Steven Picou, University of South Alabama 101. Paper Session: Aging and Inequality: River Terrace 8 Presider: Amy Donley, University of Central Florida •
Still Penalized? How Motherhood and Marriage Affect Women`s Later Life Income. Hanna Jokinen‐
Gordon, Florida State University Pension Restructuring and Gender Inequality in the United Kingdom, 1969‐2004. JoEllen Pederson, Florida State University Trends in Age, Sex and Race Differences in End‐of‐Life Care in Nursing Homes. Brandon Wallace, Middle Tennessee State University Dying from mental retardation: Continued stratification at the time of death. Scott Landes, University of Florida 102. Panel Session: Peer Evaluation of Teaching: Collegial and Institutional Perspectives (Co‐Sponsored with Sociologists for Women in Society‐South): River Terrace 9 Panelists: •
Maxine Atkinson, North Carolina State Beth Rushing, University of Washington Tacoma Edward L Kain, Southwestern University 12:15 PM‐1:45 PM 104. Paper Session: Marriage, Family, and Gender: Orlando Presider: Laura Fitzwater, North Carolina State University •
Does Motherhood Alter Dating Behaviors and Expectations? An Exploration. Kimberly Brackett, Auburn University at Montgomery; Susan Cody‐Rydzewski, Georgia Perimeter College Marital Conflict and the Duration of Wives’ Income Advantage. Sarah Winslow, Clemson University Predictors of Marital Happiness: Income, Educational Level, and Work Hours per Week. CoShendra D. Jackson, University of South Carolina Aiken; Douglas Kuck, Univeristy of South Carolina Aiken Gender and Career Prioritization in the Post‐Recession United States: An Exploratory Analysis. Shannon N. Davis, George Mason University 25
105. Panel Session: Preparing for a Program Review: River Terrace 10 Organizer and Discussant: Edward L Kain, Southwestern University 106. Panel Session Honoring Richard Peterson: River Terrace 11 Discussants: •
Tim Dowd, Emory University Michael Hughes, Virginia Tech John Ryan, Virginia Tech Karen Campbell, Vanderbilt University 107. Paper Session: Theory across the Discipline: River Terrace 4 Organizer: Virginia Rothwell, Longwood University •
Challenging the Authoritarian Personality and the Right‐Wing Conservative Agenda: How to Meet the Existential Needs of Man and Create a Democratic Society. Marissa Jordan, FAU Analysis and Critique of Resource Mobilization Theory and the Case of TOMS Shoes. Chelsea Platt, Texas Tech University; Jake Frederick, University of South Carolina The Relationship between Attitudes toward Deviance and Deviant Behavior: The Influence of Science, Individualism, Social Bonds and Deviant Peers. Virginia Rothwell, Longwood University 108. Paper Session: Space and Social Movements: River Terrace 5 Organizer and Presider: Andrew Martin, Ohio State University •
The Beginnings of the U.S. Women`s Movement: Geographic Variation in Movement Activism and the Married Women`s Property Acts. Holly McCammon, Vanderbilt University Place and Space in Social Movements: Insights from the Nashville Civil Rights Movement. Larry Isaac, Vanderbilt. University Civil Rights Activism and the Legal Strategies of Southern States. Marc Dixon, Dartmouth University Ku Klux Klan Activism, The “Politics Of Rage”, and The Republican Southern Strategy, Rory McVeigh, University of Notre Dame 109. Paper Session: Medical Sociology I: River Terrace 6 Presider: Linda Belgrave, University of Miami •
Prescribing the Good Wife: A Content Analysis of Drug Advertisements in Southern Living Magazine. Linda Treiber, Kennesaw State University; Katie McIntyre, Kennesaw State University The Illness Experience of the Male African American Caregiver. Janice Allen, Bethune‐Cookman University; Linda Belgrave, University of Miami; Katelyn Rozenbroek, University of Miami; Bryan Lagae, University of Miami; Isabelle Beulaygue, University of Miami; Jana Knibb, University of Miami Long term Consequences of Adolescent Victimization. Robert J. Johnson, University of Miami; Howard B Kaplan, Texas A&M University Physical and Mental Health Outcomes of Disaster: Empirical Study of Katrina‐Morbidity among Survivors in the Gulf Coast. Francis O. Adeola, University of New Orleans; Steven Picou, University of South Alabama 26
110. WORK, POWER, AND INEQUALITY MINI‐CONFERENCE: Racial Dynamics: River Terrace 7 Organizers: Donald Tomaskovic‐Devey, University of Massachusetts; Beth A Rubin, UNC Charlotte; Steven Vallas, Northeastern University Presider: Steven Vallas, Northeastern University •
Race, Public Sector Reform, and Wages: Are African Americans Losing Their Occupational Niche? . George Wilson, University of Miami; Vincent Roscigno, Ohio State University The Value of Practice or the Practice of Values? Training, Culture, and Racial Integration in Law Firms. Elizabeth Gorman, University of Virginia; Fiona M. Kay , Queen's University The Dynamics of Ethnic Labor Replacement in New Immigrant Destinations. Laura Lopez Sanders, Stanford University 111. Paper Session: Digital Technologies, Inequality, and Engagement: River Terrace 8 Organizer and Presider: Shelia Cotten, University of Alabama‐Birmingham •
The Role of Social Support and Social Networks in Older Adults` Motivation to Use ICTs. William Anderson, University of Alabama, Birmingham; Amanda M. Warr, University of Alabama, Birmingham; Shelia Cotten, University of Alabama‐Birmingham; Ron Berkowsky, University of Alabama, Birmingham; Vicki Winstead, University of Alabama‐Birmingham; Elizabeth Yost, University of Alabama‐Birmingham Digital Technologies and Immigrant Communities. James Witte, George Mason; Emily Graffum, George Mason University Political and Civic Engagement in the Internet Age: A Spatial Approach. Mike Stern, College of Charleston; Bryan Rookey, Univeristy of Portland Examining the Tails to Understand Engagement with ICTs and Digital Inequality. Shelia Cotten, University of Alabama‐Birmingham; Timothy Hale, University of Alabama‐Birmingham; LaToya O’Neal, University of Alabama, Birmingham; Casey Borch, University of Alabama Birmingham; Michael Howell‐Moroney, University of Alabama, Birmingham 112. Paper Session: Sociology of Race and Ethnicity: River Terrace 9 Presider: Von Bakanic, College of Charleston •
Double‐Consciousness in the Teachings of Native American Storytellers: Bi‐Cultural Awareness of Knowledge. Anastacia M. Schulhoff, University of South Florida Advantage and Neighborhood Integration for Blacks, Latinos, and Whites. Diana Karafin, Rutgers University Newark The Shades of Chart Topping Hits. Joseph Padgett, University of North Carolina at Greensboro A Failure to Hire?: Examining Impediments to Employment in a Down Economy. Jeffry Will, Center for Community Initiatives Bi‐Racial Classifications in the 2000 Census and Implications for 2010. Sara McDonough, Virginia Tech 27
2:00 PM‐3:15 PM 113. Paper Session: The Internet: Orlando Presider: Jason Eastman, Coastal Carolina University •
Locating The Ties That Bind: Relative Senses of Attachment, Support, and Belonging in Online and Geographic Communities. Peter Nieckarz, Western Carolina University Patterns of Home Internet Access. Megan Keels, East Carolina University; Kenneth Wilson, East Carolina University; Rebecca Powers, East Carolina University New Racism in The Old South: Internet Posters’ Perceptions of White and Black Motorcyclists. Jason Eastman, Coastal Carolina University 114. Thematic Paper Session: Power, Policy, and the Meaning of Health Care Experiences: River Terrace 10 Organizer and Presider: Amy Chasteen Miller, University of Southern Mississippi •
The Crisis in Contemporary Medicine: Moving Forward in Policy and Practice. Brian P. Hinote, Middle Tennessee State University; Jason Adam Wasserman, Kansas City University of Medicine and Biosciences At Home in Birth: The Politics of Where Babies are born. Amy Chasteen Miller, University of Southern Mississippi The Meanings and Consequences of "Lesbian Health". Erika L. Austin, University of Alabama at Birmingham Searching for Information and a Doctor Who Understands: OCD and the Doctor‐Patient Relationship. Dana Fennell, University of Southern Mississippi 115. Paper Session: Class & Higher Education I: River Terrace 11 Organizer and Discussant: Allison L Hurst, Furman University •
Adding and Subtracting Cultural Capital: First‐Generation Students in a College Readiness Program. Sandi Nenga, Southwestern University; Mayra Garcia, Southwestern University; Whitney R Rominger, Southwestern University Personal and Social Identity Development: Experiences of Social Mobility. Brenda Bretz, Dickinson College The effects of institutional factors on college teaching and the reproduction of inequality. Elizabeth Grauerholz, University of Central Florida; Rocklyn Gatta, University of Central Florida Careerism and the Working‐Class Student. Allison L Hurst, Furman University 116. TEACHING SOCIOLOGY MINI‐CONFERENCE: Panel Session: Assessing the Undergraduate Major (Co‐
Sponsored by the ASA Department Resources Group, Sociologists for Women in Society‐South and the Committee on Sociology in Community and Small Colleges): River Terrace 12 Organizer: Idee Winfield, College of Charleston Panelists: •
April Brayfield, Tulane University Diane Everett, Stetson University Idee Winfield, College of Charleston 28
117. Paper Session: Social Movements: River Terrace 4 •
Student Anti‐Sweat Campaigns and University Licensed Apparel Production Chains: An Analysis of Strategic Power Relations. Dale W. Wimberley, Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University We’re here and We’re “Official”: State and Campus Conditions Facilitating the Presence of Campus‐
Recognized GLBT Student Groups. Melinda Kane, East Carolina University True Believers and Fellow Travelers: The Tea Party Movement and Sovereign Citizens. Mark Melder, Louisiana Tech Looking at the Impact of Natural Disasters on the Diffusion of Social Movement Networks and Ties. David G. Ortiz, Tulane University 118. Panel Session: The Work and Career of Charles S. Johnson: In Recognition of His Induction to the SSS Roll of Honor: River Terrace 5 Organizer and Discussant: Charles Jaret, Georgia State University •
Charles S. Johnson, Fisk University and the Tradition of Black Sociology. Earl Wright II, University of Cincinnati Charles S. Johnson: The Need for Reappraisal. John H. Stanfield II, Indiana University Hope Betrayed? Black Schooling and Economic Outcomes in the 21st Century. Tomeka Davis, Georgia State University Charles H. Johnson’s Life and Legacy: A Family Perspective. Jeh V. Johnson, Vassar College; Charles S. Johnson III, Holland & Knight; Winifred M Johnson, Bethune‐Cookman University 119. Panel Session: The Status of Women in SSS: Reflections of Past President (Sponsored by the Committee on the Status of Women): River Terrace 6 Organizer: Emily Fairchild, New College of Florida •
Panelist. Patricia Yancey Martin, Florida State University Panelist. Ida Harper Simpson, Duke University Panelist. Maxine Atkinson, North Carolina State 120. WORK, POWER, AND INEQUALITY MINI‐CONFERENCE: Income Dynamics: River Terrace 7 Organizers: Donald Tomaskovic‐Devey, University of Massachusetts; Beth A Rubin, UNC Charlotte; Steven Vallas, Northeastern University Presider: Beth A Rubin, UNC Charlotte •
What explains the Paradox of Hierarchy? A Cross‐National Analysis of Corporations and Economic Inequality. Jerry Davis, University of Michigan; J. Adam Cobb, University of Michigan Earnings Dynamics across Local Business Climates in the United States. Caroline Hanley, College of William and Mary Did Financialization Increase Income Inequality in the Non‐Finance Sectors of the Economy? Ken‐hou Lin, University of Massachusetts. 29
121. Paper Session: Sociology of Religion: River Terrace 8 Presider: Bradley Koch, Georgia College & State University •
Exorcism, Secularization, and the Religious Market. Aaron Poole, The Varying Rates of Progressivization for American Religious Traditions: Attitudes about Same‐Sex Relations over Time. Bradley Koch, Georgia College & State University; Julia Oliver, Georgia College & State University Religion and the Scholarly Life. Jennifer Storch, University of Texas, Austin; Aida I Ramos‐Wada, The University of Texas at Austin Religion and Science in Conflict: The Case of Global Warming. Darren Sherkat, Southern Illinois University; Michael Pease, Central Washington University 122. RACE AND POWER MINI‐CONFERENCE: Racial Power, Racial State, and Racial Politics in 21st Century America: River Terrace 9 Organizer and Presider: Eduardo Bonilla‐Silva, Duke University •
Constituting the U.S. Empire‐State and White Supremacy . Moon‐Kie Jung, University of Illinois The Best Education for Some: Why Racial Inequality Persists in U.S. Schools. Amanda Lewis, Emory University Immigration Nation?: Detentions and Deportations in Post‐9/11 America. Tanya Golash‐Boza, University of Kansas 3:30 PM‐5:00 PM 123. Poster Session: Conference Center B •
Child Homicide in the Southern United States: The Role of Religious Fundamentalism. Jennifer L. Buchan, North Carolina State University Later Reflections on Hooking Up Experiences. Kathleen A. Nybroten, University of Wisconsin‐Eau Claire; Megan M Reed, University of Wisconsin‐Eau Claire Living Together: Now What? College Students Cohabiting. Kathleen A. Nybroten, University of Wisconsin‐
Eau Claire; Lorrin M Pekarske, University of Wisconsin‐Eau Claire; Shelly J Smith, University of Wisconsin‐
Eau Claire Growing Out of It: Depressive Symptomology Among Learning Disabled Young Adults. Hilary Dotson, University of South Florida What It is to Be Black: Maternal Child‐Rearing Practices in a Race‐Conscious Society. Jasma Dior Mendez, Western Kentucky University Attitudes and Perceptions of Open Homosexuals Adopting/Fostering Children. Cherie Gonzalez, University of Central Florida Perceptions of Gender Equality in the U.S.: A Study of Female Immigrants Living in South Florida. Marc Settembrino, University of Central Florida Advertising the American Wedding. Janine Beahm, University of South Florida Education Type and Religiousness in Adulthood. Alexandra Vega, University of Central Florida Perceptions of Fraternities and Sororities. Amanda Russell, University of Central Florida Constructing Community in Families of Children with Disabilities. Sara Green, University of South Florida World Views and Attitudes toward Homosexuality: Measuring the Variance Among Extreme Outlooks. John Lynxwiler, University of Central Florida; David Gay, University of Central Florida; Sara Hoskin, University of Central Florida When Ignorance is No Longer Bliss: An Examination of Sexual Assault Awareness and Victims' Advocacy programs at East Carolina University. Jennifer O'Neill, East Carolina University 30
The Relationship between Officer Education Levels and the Justice Gap. Lenna Jones, East Carolina University Impediments to Understanding Police Suicides. Katherine Tucker, Norfolk State University Cross‐Cultural Comparison of Gendered Relations in the U.S.A. and China. Byron R Miller Jr., East Carolina University; Boniface Noyongoyo, East Carolina University Just the Facts. Kevin Skewes, University of Alabama at Birmingham; Erika L. Austin, University of Alabama at Birmingham Perceptions of Kuwaiti Young Adults toward Marriage and Divorce: A Comparative Study between Young Adults from Intact and Divorced Families. Dr. Humoud Alqashan, Kuwait University Sick Acquaintances, Friends, and Spouses: Impact on Religiosity and Spirituality. . Sarina Colburn, University of Central Florida The Geography of Crime and Disorder in Portland, Oregon. Michelle Olivier, University of Portland Debt and Financial Worry: Data and Community Partnership, a Blended Methodological Approach. Patricia Drentea, University of Alabama‐ Birmingham; Lingfei ‐ Guo, University of Alabama‐Birmingham The Impact of Print Advertisements on Men’s Body Image.. Katelynn Elizabeth Palmer, University of Central Florida The Impact of Knowing Someone with a Chronic or Terminal Illness on Charitable Giving. Christine Sepulveda, University of Central Florida Consuming Returned Veteran Iconography in U.S Media. Adam Woolf, the University of South Florida Changing Directions: Depression and Perceived Discrimination among Latinos. Stephanie Gonzalez‐
Guittar, University of Central Florida Incivility in the Workplace: Sexual Harassment, General Harassment, and the Retaliatory Link. Reginald Byron, Southwestern University; Victoria Dominguez, Southwestern University Knowing someone with an Illness: The Influence on the Willingness to Donate. Kasey Barger, University of Central Florida 124. Paper Session: Sociology of Sex and Gender: Orlando •
A Case Study Approach to Structural Influence, Community Intervention and Domestic Violence. Rachel Austin, University of North Carolina at Charlotte Limits and Possibilities of Islamic Feminism in line with Islamic Modernism. Hyun Jeong Ha, University of Texas at Austin Women Scientists in Community Colleges: Understanding Power through a Gendered Organizational Justice Lens. Cynthia Anderson, Ohio University; Christine Mattley, Ohio University; Valerie Martin Conley, Ohio University; David Koonce, Ohio University Age, Sociodemographic Characteristics and the Relationship to Same‐Sex Contact, Same‐Sex Identity and Same‐Sex Attraction. Teresa Roach, Florida State University; Koji Ueno, Florida State University 125. Radical Caucus: Analyzing US Media and Policy on Food, Drugs, and Epidemics: River Terrace 10 Organizer: Marina Karides, Florida Atlantic University •
The Food Justice Movement and Guerrilla Gardening in Los Angeles. Lisa Morrison, Florida Atlantic University The US Media Industry: A Radical Critique of Haitian Representation. Jane Gimbel, Florida Atlantic University US Infant Mortality Disparities and Human Rights: An Examination of Policies, Problems, and Solutions. Jana Knibb, University of Miami Who Gets the Last Laugh? Analysis of Contemporary Satire as a Radical Critique of the American War on Drugs. Feodor Gostjev, University of Miami The Rationalization of Progressive Thinkers. Rachel Talasko, Florida Atlantic University 31
126. Paper Session: Class & Higher Education II: River Terrace 11 Organizer and Discussant: Allison L Hurst, Furman University •
Learning the Unwritten Rules: Working Class Students in Graduate School. Sara Appel, Duke University; Debbie Warnock, Skidmore College First‐Generation College Students in Graduate School: Assessing Parental Education Effects on Student Attrition. Joshua Lambert, North Carolina State University The Power of a Testimony: The Role of Evidence in Discharging Student Loan Debts. Emily McClimon, Furman University 127. Paper Session: Race/Ethnicity and Immigration: River Terrace 12 Presider: Mike Stern, College of Charleston •
Class and Ideology: Determinants of Attitudes towards Immigration and Globalization . Elizabeth Fussell, Washington State University; Jeannie Haubert Weil, Winthrop University Local Labor Markets, Immigration, and Earnings Inequality in Micropolitan Areas. Allen Hyde, University of Connecticut; Michael Wallace, University of Connecticut Immigrant Families Facing the Service Gap in Rural Tennessee. Patricia Campion, Saint Leo University Immigration, Assimilation, and U.S. Labor Market Inequality in Comparative‐Historical Perspective. Salvatore Restifo, Ohio State University 128. Paper Session: Women, Poverty, and the South (Sponsored by the Committee on the Status of Women): River Terrace 4 Organizer: Sinikka Elliott, North Carolina State University Discussant: Nancy Randall, Wingate University •
“When You Got Friends in Low Places, You Stay Low”: Poor Female Methamphetamine Users in the Suburbs and Barriers to Needed Resources. Denise Woodall, Kennesaw State University; Miriam Boeri, Kennesaw State University Low‐Income African American Women and Heart Disease: How Communication and Community Impact Knowledge and Prevention Behaviors in North Carolina. Ranata Reeder, North Carolina State University Being a “Good” Mom: Low‐Income Black Single Mothers Negotiate Intensive Mothering. Sinikka Elliott, North Carolina State University; Rachel Powell, North Carolina State University; Joslyn Brenton, North Carolina State University 129. Paper Session: Penology and Corrections: River Terrace 5 •
Still Barred from Voting: Exploring the Meaning Ex‐felons Attribute to the Loss of Civil Rights after the Completion of their Sentence. Bryan Miller, Georgia Southern University Inmate Social Support Networks. Ryan Light, University of Oregon; Paul Bellair, Ohio State University; Dana L. Haynie, Ohio State University Exploring the Effects of Physical Abuse on the Mental and Physical Heath of Incarcerated Women. Meredith Dye, Middle Tennessee State University; Geri Lamb, Middle Tennessee State University God's Wrath or Secular Punishment: Which Do Offenders Fear More? Peter Wood, Eastern Michigan University; David C May, Eastern Kentucky University; R. Gregory Dunaway, Mississippi State University 32
130. Author Meets Critics: Rich, Free, and Miserable: The Failure of Success in America by John Brueggemann, Skidmore College.: River Terrace 6 Organizer and Presider: William F. Danaher, College of Charleston •
Critic. Martha Crowley, North Carolina State University Critic. Sarah Winslow, Clemson University Critic. James Witte, George Mason 131. WORK, POWER, AND INEQUALITY MINI‐CONFERENCE: Organizational Dynamics: River Terrace 7 Organizers: Donald Tomaskovic‐Devey, University of Massachusetts; Beth A Rubin, UNC Charlotte; Steven Vallas, Northeastern University Presider: Donald Tomaskovic‐Devey, University of Massachusetts •
The Lure of the Virtual . Steve Barley , Stanford University Driving Financial Performance: An Examination of Managerial Diversity within the U.S. Auto Industry. Sheryl Skaggs, University of Texas at Dallas; Orlando Richard, University of Texas at Dallas Frontline Supervisors in Health Careers: Resources, Position, and Power. Kendra Jason, North Carolina State University 132. Panel Session: Discussion on the BP Oil Spill: River Terrace 8 Organizer and Presider: Thomas E Shriver, Oklahoma State University •
Panelist. Liesel Ritchie, University of Colorado‐Boulder Panelist. Steven Picou, University of South Alabama Panelist. Duane Gill, Oklahoma State University 133. RACE AND POWER MINI‐CONFERENCE: Constructing Identities, Shaping Life Chances: How Race and Power Collide in Latin America: River Terrace 9 Organizers: Eduardo Bonilla‐Silva, Duke University; Michelle Christian, Duke University Presider and Discussant: Michelle Christian, Duke University •
Desarrollo Hormiga and Globalizing Gentrification in Tamarindo, Costa Rica. Michelle Christian, Duke University Family Bonds and Bondage: Pseudo‐Adoptions and Unpaid Servitude in Salvador, Brazil. Elizabeth Hordge‐Freeman, Duke University Black, but not African: Historical Memory and Slavery in Peru. Tanya Golash‐Boza, University of Kansas 5:15 PM‐6:45 PM 134. Presidential Plenary: Power, Revisited, Vincent J. Roscigno: River Terrace 1 6:45 PM‐9:00 PM Presidential Reception honoring the Memory of Charles S. Johnson and other Award Recipients. There will be food, live music, and the Sociologists for Women in Society ‐ South Silent Auction Fundraiser. River Terrace 3 33
Saturday, 09 April 2011 Southern Sociological Society Business Meeting: Hospitality 4106; 7:30 AM – 8:30 AM Committee Meeting— Executive Committee: Hospitality 4108; 8:30 AM – 10:30 AM Registration (Conference Center B); 8:00 AM—12:00 PM 9:00 AM‐10:30 AM 135. Paper Session: Economies in Crisis: Orlando Presider: John Bradford, University of Tennessee •
The Greek Financial Crisis. Steven Panageotou, University of Tennessee Exit Versus Voice: The Financial Services Modernization Act and the Collapse of the Global Economy. Michael Flota, Daytona State College Exploring and Explaining the Current Economic Crisis and Financial Instability. John Barnshaw, University of South Florida; Lynn Letukas, University of Delaware Network Structure and Financial Power: How Hierarchy and Unequal Exchange explain the Debt Crisis and Rising Inequality. John Bradford, University of Tennessee 136. Religion: River Terrace 10 Presider: Carl Hand, Valdosta State University •
Attitudes and Perspectives of Rural Southern University Students towards Religious Diversity on Campus: Christian and Muslim Interactions. Garrett Causey, University of Tennessee, Martin; Nancy Sonleitner, University of Tennessee Martin; Mohammad Obadat, University of Tennessee, Martin Religious Affiliation, Status Groups and Campus Life at an Elite, Private University. Nathan Martin, University of South Carolina; Naomi Kolberg, University of South Carolina Denominational Diffusion of Eco‐spiritual Beliefs and Actions. Carl Hand, Valdosta State University; Jessica Crowe, South Georgia College All Things are Become New: Narrative Construction among Women in a Faith‐based Transitional Center. Lauren Eason, University of Georgia; Alana J Linn, Davidson College; Minh H Nguyen, Louisiana State University; Ariana Mishay Stone, Xavier University of New Orleans; Kent R. Kerley, University of Alabama at Birmingham; Heith Copes, University of Alabama at Birmingham 137. Paper Session: Criminal Justice: River Terrace 11 Presider: Sonja Siennick, Florida State University •
The Police Shooting of Edward Wright: The Criminal Case. Bonnie Semora, University of Georgia Are Hate Crime Laws Necessary? Judi A. Harris, USC Upstate Prison Visitation and Short‐Term Change in Inmate Behavior. Sonja Siennick, Florida State University; Daniel P Mears, Florida State University; William D Bales, Florida State University Information‐Seeking Behavior of Financial Crime Investigators. Fuat Altunbas, University of North Texas 34
138. Paper Session: Changes in the Medical Profession: River Terrace 4 Presider: Jeralynn Cossman, Mississippi State University •
A Sociology of Medical Professionalism. Christopher R. Freed, University of South Alabama Does Virtue Vanish Among Medical Students Over Time? Catherine T Harris, Wake Forest University; Michael Wise, Appalachian State University Alternative to Co‐opted: An Examination of the Trajectory of the Hospice Movement. Chelsea Platt, Texas Tech University; Jason Adam Wasserman, Kansas City University of Medicine and Biosciences End‐of‐Life Issues in US Medical Schools. George E. Dickinson, College of Charleston 139. Paper Session: Delinquency: River Terrace 5 Presider: Michael Capece, Valdosta State University •
Exploring the Moderating Effects of Gender on Juvenile Violence and Risky Sexual Activity. Holli Drummond, Western Kentucky University; Amy Krull, Western Kentucky University Is there Power in Perceptions? An Examination of Collective Efficacy and Delinquency. Beth A Easterling, The University of Tennessee, Knoxville; Jennifer Scroggins, The University of Tennessee, Knoxville Alcohol and Drug Use in a Rural High School: Perception and Reality. Michael Capece, Valdosta State University; Sandra Ford, Valdosta State University; Denise Grooms, Valdosta State University Juvenile Justice in a New Key: Wendell Berry and Critical Theory in Dialogue. Gabriel Santos, Lynchburg College 140. Author Meets Critics: Reds, Whites, and Blues: Social Movements, Folk Music, and Race in the United States by Bill Roy (UCLA): River Terrace 6 Organizer and Presider: William F. Danaher, College of Charleston •
Critic. Matthew Irvin, Eastern Kentucky University Critic. Marc Dixon, Dartmouth University Critic. Tim Dowd, Emory 141. WORK, POWER, AND INEQUALITY MINI‐CONFERENCE: Gender Dynamics (co‐sponsored by the Committee on the Status of Women): River Terrace 7 Organizers: Donald Tomaskovic‐Devey, University of Massachusetts; Beth A Rubin, UNC Charlotte; Steven Vallas, Northeastern University Presider: Steven Vallas, Northeastern University •
Diminishing Declines in Desegregation? Davd Cotter, Union College ; Reeve Vanneman, University of Maryland ; Joan Hermsen, University of Missouri Gender and the Long‐Hours Work Culture: Observations from a Professional‐Services Firm. Robin Ely, Harvard Business School; Irene Padavic, Florida State University ; Erin Reid, Harvard Business School; Spela Trefalt, Simmons School of Management Gender Structure and the Effects of Management Citizenship Behavior. Charles Brody, University of North Carolina Charlotte; Beth A Rubin, University of North Carolina Charlotte 35
142. Paper Session: Work and Professions: River Terrace 8 •
Homosociality or Crossing Race/Ethnicity and Gender Boundaries? Pipeline Interventions and the Production of Scholarly Careers. Roberta Spalter‐Roth , American Sociological Association; Jean H. Shin, American Sociological Association; Patricia White, National Science Foundation; Olga Mayorova, American Sociological Association “Losing My Boat Is Like Losing a Baby”: Louisiana Shrimp Fishers and the Non‐Economic Costs of Globalization. Jill Ann Harrison, University of Oregon Production Teams and Producing Diversity in Workplace Relationships. Julianne Payne, North Carolina State University; Steve McDonald, North Carolina State University; Lindsay Hamm, North Carolina State University Measuring the ‘Fit’ between Work Values and Job Rewards and how that Influences Job Satisfaction. Zac Watne, University of Georgia 143. RACE AND POWER MINI‐CONFERENCE: Ideological and Structural Considerations of Racial Inequality: River Terrace 9 Organizer: George Wilson, University of Miami Presider: David Brunsma, University of Missouri •
Whither the color Line? Rethinking Race, Power, and Anti‐Blackness. Tyrone Forman, Emory University Why Do African Americans Pray So Often?: How the Legacy of Racial Discrimination Has Shaped Religious Thought and Practice. Jason Shelton, University of Texas‐Arlington; Michael Emerson, Rice University Discrimination, Everyday Racism, Social Class, and Well‐Being among African Americans. Walter Allen, UCLA; Jomills H Braddock, University of Miami; Phillip Bowman, University of Michigan; Marvin Dawkins, University of Miami; William T. Trent, University of Illinois The First Black President? Cross‐Racial Perceptions of Barack Obama’s Race. Matthew O. Hunt, Northeastern University; David C. Wilson, University of Delaware 10:45 AM‐12:00 PM 144. Paper Session: Formal Organizations: Orlando Presider: Francis (Frank) Hamilton, Eckerd College •
Hegemonic Masculinity: Understanding the Perpetuation of Male Dominance in Healthcare Leadership. James Benson, University of North Carolina at Charlotte Targeting a Social Problem to reduce Animal Euthanasia: A Tale of Two Cities. Francis (Frank) Hamilton, Eckerd College Understanding How Innovations Become Institutionalized: The Case of Interdisciplinary PhD Programs. Megan Smith, University of North Carolina‐ Charlotte An Examination of the Reintegration of OIF/OEF Citizen Soldiers: A Life Course Approach. M. Jason Reed, Mississippi State University 36
145. Panel Session: Trailing Partners in Academia: Managing the Job Market When Your Partner is also in Academia (Co‐sponsored by Sociologists for Women in Society‐South): River Terrace 10 Organizer and Presider: Nicholas Guittar, University of Central Florida Panelists: •
Tyrone Forman, Emory University Amanda Lewis, Emory University Monika Reuter, The Art Institute of Fort Lauderdale David Walczak, The Art Institute of Fort Lauderdale Greta Pennell, University of Indianapolis James R. Pennell, University of Indianapolis Michael Brooks, South University Deborah L Brooks, Savannah College of Art and Design 146. Presidential Plenary Speaker: Erik Olin Wright: Envisioning Real Utopias with Introductory Remarks by Vincent Roscigno, SSS President: River Terrace 2 147. Paper Session: Criminology: River Terrace 5 Presider: Jacqueline Chavez, Mississippi State University •
Got Criminals? Perceptions of the Significance, Accuracy, and Reliability of Forensic Evidence . Jacqueline Chavez, Mississippi State University Homicide‐Suicide in a Southern City. Jason Manning, University of Virginia Lessons from Virginia Tech: An Examination of Emergency Response Alert Systems in Florida’s State Universities. Jaclyn Schildkraut, University of Central Florida Gendered Pathways: An examination of gendered pathways to crime. Aaron Puhrmann, University of Miami 148. Paper Session: Gender and Social Movements: River Terrace 6 •
Women and Community‐based Interventions: Sites of Activism and Resistance. Debarashmi Mitra, Delta State University; Rahat Rashid, Delta State University Down in the Trenches, Up in Arms: ‘Doing Activism’ in Pro‐Life Mississippi. Jonelle Husain, Mississippi State University Here and There: Girl Activists and Global Citizenship. Jessica Taft, Davidson College 149. Paper Session: Education: Community and Social Change: River Terrace 8 Presider: Nancy Sonleitner, University of Tennessee Martin •
How is Education Impacted by Diet and Neighborhood: The Impact of Neighborhood and Diet on Educational Outcomes. Don Asay, Louisiana State University Teach For America Corps Members’ Perceived Impact on the Mississippi Delta. Albert Nylander, Delta State University; Eric S Atchison, Delta State University Learning to Read at Hillcrest: Sociology in the Community, Year Two. John Rice, University North Carolina Wilmington; Kristen E DeVall, University of North Carolina Wilmington Liberal Arts Education Or Career Training? Undergraduate Students’ Perceptions of their University Educations. Nancy Sonleitner, University of Tennessee Martin; Deborah Gibson, University of Tennessee, Martin Public Access: Towards Socially Relevant Knowledge Production. Joshua Sbicca, University of Florida; Robert Perdue, University of Florida 37
12:15 PM‐1:45 PM 150. Paper Session: Culture and Inequality: Orlando Presider: Suzanne Kurth, University of Tennessee •
Mama Grizzlies and Manly Men: Gender Stereotypes and Political Campaigns. Suzanne Kurth, University of Tennessee Capital in Action: Investigating the Integrative Strategies of Black Undergraduates at an Elite Institution. Anthony Jack, Harvard University Southern Accents: Regional Identity or Cultural Liability? Leslie Layne, Lynchburg College; Ashley B. Thompson, Lynchburg College The Unintended Consequences of Benevolence. Katie Rolley, University of Mississippi Is It Soup Or Is It Art?: The Evolution of Aesthetic Legitimacy of American Daytime Soap Operas, 1930‐
2010. Melissa Scardaville, Emory University 151. Panel Session: The Power of Struggle: The Coalition of Immokalee Workers (CIW), Rights, And Dignity in the Fields: River Terrace 10 Organizer: Linda Belgrave, University of Miami •
Consciousness + Commitment = Change: Shifting Power in the Agricultural Labor Relations. Gerardo Reyes, Coalition of Immokalee Worders; Silvia Perez, Coalition of Immokalee Workers; Linda Belgrave, University of Miami Exposing and Ending Slavery. Lucas Benitez, Coalition of Immokalee Workers; Oscar Otzoy, Coalition of Immokalee Worders; Feodor Gostjev, University of Miami Grassroots Organizing Across Communities. Julia Perkins, Coalition of Immokalee Worders; Jordan Buckley, Interfaith Action of South Florida; Marina Karides, Florida Atlantic University Student/Farmworker Alliances. Rodolfo Cortinas, Student/Farmworker Alliance; Elizabeth Bittel, University of North Florida 152. Panel Session in Memory of Lewis Killian: River Terrace 11 Organizer and Presider: Patricia Yancey Martin, Florida State University •
Panelist. James Wright, University of Central Florida Panelist. Larry Griffin, Georgia Southern University Panelist. Woody Beck, University of Georgia Panelist. Ernest Campbell, Vanderbilt University Panelist. Thomas Hood, University of Tennessee 153. Paper Session: Theory and the History of Social Thought: River Terrace 12 Presider: Donald Nielsen, College of Charleston •
Media Technologies, Human Experience and the Transformations of Civilizations: Reflections on the Social Theory of Marshall McLuhan. Donald Nielsen, College of Charleston Body, Action, Sociology and Biology: The peculiar place of the “behavioral system” in the development of Parsons’ theory of action. Michael Bare, University of Chicago W. E. B. Du Bois, Howard W. Odum and Sociology of the South. Earl Wright II, University of Cincinnati Political Presentations of Self: The Construction of Ideal Types. Diana Tracy Cohen, Central Connecticut State University; William G Holt, Southern Connecticut State University 38
154. Paper Session: Assessment in Undergraduate Sociology (Co‐sponsored by the Committee on Sociology in Community and Small Colleges and Sociologists for Women in Society‐South): River Terrace 4 Presider: Chandrouti Persaud, Mississippi Valley State •
Assessment in Undergraduate Sociology. Chandrouti Persaud, Mississippi Valley State A Qualitative Approach to Assessment: Examining the Writing Process through In‐Depth Interviews. Kenneth H. Kolb, Furman University; Mollie Jensen, Furman University Concept Mapping in Sociology. Linda Carson, Lander University I Don`t Understand Why I`m Failing This Class. Kristen E DeVall, University of North Carolina Wilmington; John Rice, University North Carolina Wilmington 155. Paper Session: Deviant Power: River Terrace 5 Organizer: Heather Mauney, Florida State University •
Dear Sir: Face Work From Jail. Mitchell B Mackinem, Claflin University Deviant Vacations: American Travels to the Exotic Identities of Others . Karen Bettez Halnon, Penn State Abington Non‐Compliance to Perceptions of Sexual Activity among Vietnamese Youth. Heather Mauney, Florida State University 156. Paper Session: Criminology and Race Studies: River Terrace 6 Presider: Kathleen Grant, Macon State College •
Female Property Offending Across U.S. Cities: A Racially and Ethnically Disaggreated Analysis. Melencia Johnson, Paine College Last Statements on Texas’s Death Row: A Study of Offender, Victim and Crime Attributes. Michelle Petrie, The University of South Carolina Aiken; James Coverdill, University of Georgia Driving While Non‐White: Exploring Traffic Stops and Post‐Stop Activities in North Carolina, 2005‐2008. Cameron Lippard, Appalachian State University; Amy D Page, Appalachian State University Unpacking the Florida PACT: The Influence of the Positive Achievement Change Tool on Racial/Ethnic Disparities in the Sentencing of Juvenile Offenders. Lori Moore, Florida State University 157. WORK, POWER, AND INEQUALITY MINI‐CONFERENCE: Theoretical Agendas: River Terrace 7 Organizers: Donald Tomaskovic‐Devey, University of Massachusetts; Beth A Rubin, UNC Charlotte; Steven Vallas, Northeastern University Presider: Beth A Rubin, UNC Charlotte •
White Work Spaces and Racialized Labor: A Theoretical Analysis of the Racial Contours of Employment. Adia Wingfield Harvey , Georgia State University Adventures in Neo‐Liberalism: Excavating Managerial Thought in an Age of Flexibility. Steven Vallas, Northeastern University Toward a Relational Model of Workplace Inequality. Donald Tomaskovic‐Devey, University of Massachusetts 39
158. Thematic Paper Session: Negotiating the Politics of Memory (Co‐Sponsored by Sociologists for Women in Society‐South): River Terrace 8 Organizer and Presider: Raymond Weinstein, University of South Carolina Aiken •
Multilayered Experiences of Oppression and Privilege: Coming Out Through Narrative Analysis. Marni A Brown, Georgia State University Stranger in Paradise: An Ex‐G.I. Remembers Postwar Germany and the Fraulein He Left Behind . Raymond Weinstein, University of South Carolina Aiken 159. RACE AND POWER MINI‐CONFERENCE: Racism and Socioeconomic Inequality in Contemporary America: River Terrace 9 Organizer and Discussant: George Wilson, University of Miami Presider: Frank L. Samson, University of Miami •
Race and Wages Growth across the Early Career. David Maume, University of Cincinnati; George Wilson, University of Miami Exploring the Virtues of White Male Supervision: The Smoking Gun in Ascriptive Studies of Workplace Inequality. Ryan Smith, City University of New York The Importance of Place: Predicting Discriminatory Filing across Seven States. Reggie Byron, Southwestern Texas University The Violence Context as a Mitigating Factor in Death Sentencing Cases of African American Men: A Life Developmental Approach. Marvin Dawkins, University of Miami; Walter Farrell, University of North Carolina Segmented Political Assimilation. Frank L Samson, University of Miami 2:00 PM‐3:15 PM 160. Paper Session: Education: Orlando Organizer: Richard Pitt, Vanderbilt University •
Omnivores and Univores: Double Majors and Course‐Taking In The Liberal Arts. Richard Pitt, Vanderbilt University; Whitney Laster, Vanderbilt University African American Student Perceptions Towards Global Issues in the United States: A Survey Analysis . Meigan Fields, Fort Valley State University; Komanduri Murty, Fort Valley State University; Ashwin G Vyas, Fort Valley State University Why are African American Males Disproportionately Placed in Special Education? Chris Stroble, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill School Bullying, Racial Composition, and the Role of Context. Lisa M. Williams, Ohio State University 161. Thematic Paper Session: Labor and Contentious Politics: River Terrace 10 Organizer: Andrew Martin, Ohio State University Discussant: Holly McCammon, Vanderbilt University •
The Politics of Production and Wildcat Strikes in the U.S. Coal Industry, 1970‐1977. Hyun Woo Kim, Taking It to the Streets: Strategic Incapacitation and the Social Control of Protest in Post 911 Era. Bob Edwards, East Carolina University; Patrick Gillham, University of Idaho Coalitions for Success. Andrew Martin, The Ohio State University; Marc Dixon, Dartmouth University; Michael Nau, The Ohio State University 40
162. Author‐Meets‐Critics: Envisioning Real Utopias by Eric Olin Wright: River Terrace 11 Presider: Donald Tomaskovic‐Devey, University of Massachusetts ‐ Amherst •
Critic. Dan Cornfield, Vanderbilt University Critic. John Brueggemann, Skidmore College Critic. Jon Shefner, University of Tennessee 163. Paper Session: Gender II: River Terrace 12 Presider: Rachel Rayburn, University of Central Florida •
The Chaste Ethnographer. Rachel Rayburn, The University of Central Florida; Nicholas Guittar, University of Central Florida; Elizabeth Grauerholz, University of Central Florida; Tim Colyer, The University of Central Florida; Betsy Swart, The University of Central Florida; Jaime Hecht, The University of Central Florida; Mandi Barringer, The University of Central Florida Sexual Minority and Straight College Students in Friendships: Their Interpretation and Negotiation of the Sexual Orientation Difference. Koji Ueno, Florida State University; Haley Gentile, Florida State University A Queer Internal Colonialism. Maura Ryan, Georgia State University; Marshall Jeffries, Georgia State University Social Process of Promoting Acceptance: Gay and Lesbian Workers and the Interpersonal Construction of Acceptance at Work. Annie Tuttle, University of Tampa; Karin L. Brewster, Florida State University 164. Roundtable Session 1: Crime and Deviance in the Workplace: River Terrace 3 Organizers: James Hawdon, Virginia Tech; Angela Barlow, Virginia Tech Presider: James Hawdon, Virginia Tech •
Sex, Drugs, and Deception: An Exploration of Deviance among Beauty Salon Employees. Angela Barlow, Virginia Tech Strain, Commitment and the Workplace: Examining How Work and Leisure Strain Affect Deviance in the Workplace. Njeri Kershaw, Virginia Tech 1st and 10, Years?: Examining Deviance Among NFL Players. Nate Chapman, Virginia Tech; Lawrence Johnson, Virginia Tech The Stigmatization of Deathcare Workers. Shannon Simone, University of Central Florida Institutional Anomie and Graft: A Cross‐National Test. Travis F. Whalen, Virginia Tech 165. Roundtable Session 2: Uncovering Identities of Subordinated Groups through Qualitative Research: River Terrace 3 Organizer: Summer McWilliams, Florida State University •
Looking for Love Online in the Net Generation. Kaitlin M. Boyle, The University of North Carolina at Charlotte Constructing Responsible Christian Manhood in a Metropolitan Community Church. Jason Sumerau, Florida State University Listening to Scars and Documenting Bodies: How Helpers meet the Needs of Women Seeking Asylum. Jane McPherson, Florida State University; Amber Hochstetler, Florida State University; Jean Correll Munn, Florida State University 41
166. Roundtable Session 3: The Wide and Long View: Space and Time Stratification by Race, Nationality, and Gender: River Terrace 3 Organizer: Matthew Hughey, Mississippi State University Discussant: Jeralynn Cossman, Mississippi State University •
How Family and Neighborhood Structures affect Latino Children’s Educational Outcomes. Maggie Bohm, Mississippi State University The Impact of Microfinance and Remittances on the Livelihood of Nepali People. Bishal B. Kasu, Mississippi State University Gender Differences in Smoking Behavior. William Keith, Mississippi State University 167. Roundtable Session 4: The Mediated Self: Print, Virtual, and Organizational Selves: River Terrace 3 Organizer and Discussant: Matthew Hughey, Mississippi State University •
Meaning Making in Multiracial Magazines: The Deconstruction and Reification of Multiracial Identities. Sheena Gardner, Mississippi State University Nonpolitical Nonprofits: Education in New Orleans. Rose Kelley, Mississippi State University The Nexus of Group Dynamics and Personality in FPSG. John McCown, Mississippi State University; Mehmet Soyer, Mississippi State University 168. Roundtable Session 5: Minority Groups: Challenges to Integration Qualitative Research on Minorities in Dominant Group Settings: River Terrace 3 Organizer: Teresa Roach, Florida State University •
Sexual Harassment and Discrimination of Female Law Enforcement Members. Rosanna Christen, Tennessee Tech University “I’m Self‐Taught”: Negotiation of Cultural Hierarchies through Identity Work by Marginal Artists. Amanda Koontz, Florida State University New‐Cocking and Gunning as Rites of Passage for State Prison Correctional Officers: A Qualitative Analysis of Gendered Work. Kristen Warren, Stetson University (Odum Undergraduate Paper Award Winner) Perceptions of Hearing Health and Hearing Healthcare among Culturally‐Diverse Adults. Jani Johnson, University of Memphis 169. Roundtable Session 6: Advances in Affect Control Theory Research: River Terrace 3 Organizer and Presider: Kimberly Rogers, Duke University •
The Personal and Relational Consequences of Seeing Our Romantic Partners Better than They See Themselves. Tiffani Everett, University of Georgia Using Affect Control Theory to Understand Arab Culture. Jesse Clark, University of Georgia; Robert E Freeland, Duke University Religion and Impression Change Dynamics: An Affect Control Theory Analysis of Christianity and Islam. Anna Beth Havenar, University of Georgia; Dawn T. Robinson, University of Georgia 170. Roundtable Session 7: Social Change: River Terrace 3 Presider: Tanya Koropeckyj‐Cox, University of Florida •
The Diffusion of the Internet. Sangmoon kim, University of North Carolina Wilmington A Comparison of Turkish and American University Students’ Attitudes Regarding Marriage, Childbearing, and Gender Issues. Tanya Koropeckyj‐Cox, University of Florida; Zeynep Copur, Hacettepe University Upward and Downward Mobility: The Case of the Mulatto. Arthur Evans, Florida Atlantic University 42
171. Roundtable Session 8: Social Movements and Political Sociology: River Terrace 3 Presider: Rebecca Hanson, University of Georgia‐‐Athens •
Avoiding Participation: An Ethnographic Perspective on Mobilization in Venezuela's Participatory Democracy. Rebecca Hanson, University of Georgia‐‐Athens Specifying the Effects of Religious Beliefs, Values, and Organizational Involvement on Protest Participation in the United States. Scott Fitzgerald, University of North Carolina at Charlotte; Eric Wright, University of North Carolina at Charlotte TVs, Tea Parties, and Gay Rights: The Media and Politics of Protest. Matt Costello, Ohio State University; Salvatore Restifo, Ohio State University The Process of Mobilization around Social Justice Issues in a Mexican “Supra‐Movement”. Marina Adler, University of Maryland Baltimore County 172. Roundtable Session 9: Environmental Sociology: Confronting the Problem: River Terrace 3 •
Constructing Dams and Development: Southeast Asia as a Microcosm of the World System. Melissa Lepore, Florida Atlantic University "Destroying Us One Body at a Time": The Destruction of Historical Mountain Cemeteries by Mountain Top Removal in Boone County, WV.. Elizabeth A. East, The University of Tennessee; James N. Maples, The University of Tennessee Do Environmental Beliefs and Recycling Availability make a Difference? Explaining Recycling Behavior in Tennessee. Jessica Jane King, East Tennessee State University and Michigan State University 173. Roundtable Session 10: Sociology of Teaching and Learning: River Terrace 3 Organizer: Tiffany Chenault, Salem State University •
Technology in the Classroom: Reflection on the Potential Pitfalls of Disembodied Education. Christian Schlaerth, University of Miami Modeling Difficult Dialogues in the Classroom: An Exploratory Approach for Teaching about the Intersectionality of Race, Gender, and Sexuality. Patricia Ould, Salem State University; Tiffany Chenault, Salem State University What do all the Buzz‐Words Mean? Teaching and Learning about the Sociology of Disasters in a 21st Century Context. Dana Greene, North Carolina Central University 174. Roundtable Session 11: Sociology of Aging: River Terrace 3 Presider: Marc Riedel, Southeastern Louisiana University •
Elderly Homicide: Research and the Senior Tsunami. Marc Riedel, Southeastern Louisiana University Senior Citizens and the Age of Technology. Elizabeth Houser, Mercer University A Longitudinal Study of Perceived Social Isolation among the Elderly in China. Ye Luo, Clemson University Residents` Attitudes in Upscale Retirement Homes: A Cross‐Cultural Case Study. Thomas Dunn, Troy University 43
175. Roundtable 12: Gender, Crime, and Deviance: River Terrace 3 •
Intimate Partner Violence among Men who have Sex with Men: Correlates of and Contributing Factors to Victimization. Austin Matthews, Eastern Kentucky University; Sarah V. McVey, Eastern Kentucky University Rape Myths, Self‐Efficacy and Peer Education: A Program Evaluation. Desmond Goss, University of North Carolina, Wilmington; Emily Wetzel, University of North Carolina, Wilmington Social Disorganization, Relative Resources and Intimate Partner Violence. Shelley Golden, UNC‐Chapel Hill; Krista M Perreira, UNC‐Chapel Hill; Christine P Durrance, UNC‐Chapel Hill Recognizing the Links of Violence: An Examination of Florida`s Domestic Violence Shelters. Abigail Malick, University of Central Florida 176. Roundtable Session 12: Medical Sociology: River Terrace 3 Presider: Daniel Potter, University of Virginia •
Social Class, Neurological Functioning, and Academic Achievement: An Interdisciplinary Account of Educational Inequality. Daniel Potter, University of Virginia Does Your Well‐Being Know Who You Know? The Effect of Social Capital on Life Satisfaction across Three Societies. Lijun Song, Vanderbilt University Place and Childhood Obesity: The Impact of Racial Segregation in North Carolina Schools. Joy Piontak, North Carolina State University The “Precious” Dilemma: Examining Childhood Sexual Abuse Among African American Women and its Association to Obesity. Armanthia Duncan, The University of Memphis 177. Roundtable Paper Session 14: Qualitative Research on the Workplace: River Terrace 3 Presider: Terrell Hayes, High Point University •
“Don’t Let Him Win!”: Gay Chicken and Homoerotic Joking as Workplace Sexual Harassment. Alison Buck, North Carolina State University Branding, Social Control and the Corporate University. Terrell Hayes, High Point University 178. Roundtable Paper Session 15: Gender, Politics, and Power in Global Development: River Terrace 3 Organizer: Jason Manning, University of Virginia •
The Microfinance Industry in Bluefields, Nicaragua. Robin Kendall, University of Virginia Holistic Gender Approaches to Development: A Case Study of Northern Uganda. Anna Conn, University of Virginia; Sarah Mumford, University of Virginia Gender and Land Reform in Kenya. Rachel Leeds, University of Virginia From the LRA to Land Reform: Power and Politics in the Battle for Acholiland. Kappie Farrington, University of Virginia 44
179. Roundtable Session 16: Flipping the Script: Race, Power, and Media Representations: River Terrace 3 Organizer: Sarah A. Mayorga, Duke University •
China Dolls and “Racial Castration:” White Hegemony and Media Representation of the Asian Body. Rosalind Chou, Duke University Whip My Hair?: The Convergence of Transnational Representations of Black Hair in Brazil and the United States . Elizabeth Hordge‐Freeman, Duke University Media "Intervention": Racialized Representations of Addiction. Rose Buckelew, Duke University Skin Tone Differences in the Post Racial Age: A Content Analysis of Black Female Characterization in Films. Marlaina Dreher, Georgia Southern University Mexicanity, Uncle Remus, and the Spicy Curry Award: Diversity and Colorblindness around "The Office". Sarah A. Mayorga, Duke University; Austin Ashe, Duke University 180. Roundtable Session 17: Stratification, Power, and Resources: River Terrace 3 Organizers: Casey Welch, Flagler College; Adam Shapiro, University of North Florida Discussants: Casey Welch, Flagler College Adam Shapiro, University of North Florida, Jeffri Anne Wilder, University of North Florida •
Selling Cultural Capital, Reinforcing Social Inequality?: The Case of Wal‐Mart and Target. Brooke Butler, University of North Florida Neighborhood Factors Influencing the Accessibility of Food Systems in Jacksonville, Florida: An Exploratory Study. Candace Tschircki, University of North Florida Environmental Justice Movements in St. Augustine. Alex Bonus, Flagler College The Comparative Influence of Systemic Agency and Informal Negotiated Order on Behaviors within Bureaucracies. Michael Valenzano , University of North Florida 181. Roundtable Session 18: Social Movements and Social Change: River Terrace 3 •
“We`ll Do the Best We Can”: How Volunteers Overcome Frustrations to Stay Motivated and Involved in the Animal Welfare Movement. Alex Brown, Southwestern University Adult Crime Rate comparison between Jacksonville, Florida and Charlotte, North Carolina between 2000 and 2009. Alicia Clough, Jacksonville University 182. Roundtable Session 19: Religion: River Terrace 3 Presider: James Blay, Mercer University •
Evil or Good? Religion, Region and Nationality. Erika Wright, Emory & Henry College In People We Trust: Three Dimensions of Religiosity as Indicators of Trust in Others. M. Elizabeth Wassum, Emory & Henry College How does “It” work? Religion and Sexual Knowledge among Adolescents. Kelli Smith, Emory & Henry College The Social Gospel: Understanding the Relationship between the Church and Service to the Poor. James Blay, Mercer University 183. Paper Session: Reconceptualizing Gender in the Community: River Terrace 4 •
Conceptualizations of and Relationships to Community: Older Gay Men, Social Support and the Gay Community in Atlanta, Georgia. Griff Tester, Georgia State University The influence of gender in relation to the economic opportunities for African Americans in Durham, NC—A Case Study. Karla M. McLucas, Bennett College for Women; Jamesia O. Wright, Bennett College for Women 45
184. Paper Session: Organized Deviance II: River Terrace 5 Organizer: Paul Kooistra, Furman University Discussant: Daniel Harrison, Lander University •
True Believers and Fellow Travelers: The Tea Party Movement and Sovereign Citizens. Mark Melder, Louisiana Tech The Effect of Drugs, Gangs and Fear of Crime on Attitudes about Democracy and Government in Jamaica. Luis Caraballo, University of Florida Knowing is Not Enough. The Link Between Domestic Violence and Companion Animal Abuse Has Been Established, So Where Do We Go From Here? Understanding the Role of Domestic Violence and Animal Abuse Organizations. Donna Pickup, Agnes Scott College 185. Paper Session: Race Processes: River Terrace 7 Presider: Von Bakanic, College of Charleston •
Class, Race and Patriarchal Assaults on Motherhood in the Antebellum South. Wilma Dunaway, Virginia Tech Gender as a Diversity Issue. Von Bakanic, College of Charleston “These White Girls are like Lollipops.”: Portrayals of white women in Bollywood films between 1990‐2010. Jaita Talukdar, Loyola University New Orleans Skin Tone and Marriage: Invidious Discrimination. Clifford Broman, Michigan State University Using the Stress Process Model to Examine the Role of Social Support in Pregnancy Outcomes: Differences across Socioeconomic Status and Race. Courtney Sinclair Thomas, Vanderbilt University 186. RACE AND POWER MINI‐CONFERENCE: The Dynamics of Racial/Ethnic Identity and Identification: River Terrace 9 Organizer: George Wilson, University of Miami Presider: Jason Shelton, University of Texas‐Arlington Discussant: David Brunsma, University of Missouri •
Saving Face: Race, Status, and Interactional Failure. Karyn Lacy , University of Michigan Shifting Identities: The Impact of Sudden Political and Demographic Shocks on Racial and Ethnic Identification. Monica McDermott, Stanford University Multiculturalism, Racism, and Racial Identity. Hephzibah Strmic‐Pawl , University of Virginia Upcoming Meeting Locations 2012: New Orleans, LA March 21‐24, 2012 2013: Atlanta, GA Date TBA 46
Index to Participants name (email address): session number Adams, Alison ( 97 Adams, Robert ( 66 Adeleye, Abisola ( 14 Adeola, Francis O. ( 100, 109 Adler, Marina ( 171 Afflerback, Sara ( 50 Agnich, Laura ( 49 Agyei, William K. A. ( 40 Ahmed, Ghyasuddin ( 83 Alexander, Elizabeth ( 82 Alexander, Karl ( 44 Alexander, Stephanie ( 80 Alger, Kristine ( 15 Allen, Janice ( 109 Allen, Walter ( 143 Almony, Lindy ( 70 Alqashan, Dr. Humoud ( 123 altunbas, fuat ( 137 Ambler, Susan ( 95 Anderson, Cynthia ( 124 Anderson, William ( 111 Appel, Sara ( 126 Arditti, Joyce ( 12 Arias, Cassandra ( 71 Arora, Hena (): 77 Asay, Don ( 149 Ashe, Austin ( 179 Ashworth, Paul ( 7 Astone, Nan M ( 27 Atchison, Eric S ( 149 Atkinson, Maxine ( 64 , 102, 119 Austin, Erika L. ( 114 , 123 Austin, Rachel ( 124 Aysa‐Lastra, Maria ( 57 Bach, Rebecca ( 59 Bakanic, Von ( 112 , 185 Bales, William D ( 137 Bamford, Melissa ( 52 Bare, Michael ( 58 , 153 Barger, Kasey ( 123 Barisic, Blazenka ( 70 Barley , Steve ( 131 Barlow, Angela ( 49 , 164 Barnicoat, Courtney ( 72 Barnshaw, John ( 135 Barr, John (): 77 47
Barrett, Katlin ( 16 Barringer, Mandi ( 163 Bates, Brian D ( 78 Beahm, Janine ( 123 Beattie, Irenee R ( 44 Beck, Rubye W. ( 39 Beck, Woody ( 152 Belgrave, Linda ( 109 , 151 Bellair, Paul ( 129 Benitez, Lucas (lucas@ciw‐ 151 Benson, James ( 144 Benton, Richard ( 47 Berkowsky, Ron (): 111 Bernhardt, Eva ( 96 Beulaygue, Isabelle ( 109 Bevier, Landon S ( 54 Bianchi, Georgia E. ( 46 , 73 Bidwell, Lee M ( 26 Biek, David ( 85 Bisciglia, Michael G. ( 56 Bissler, Denise ( 26 , 39, 55 Bittel, Elizabeth ( 70 , 151 Black, Felicia ( 16 Blake, Aren ( 68 Blanchard, Anita ( 35 Blay, James ( 182 Bloomer, Amanda ( 13 Bodenhamer, Aysha ( 40 Boeri, Miriam ( 128 Bohm, Maggie ( 166 Bonilla‐Silva, Eduardo ( 122 , 133 Bonus, Alex ( 180 Borch, Casey ( 83 , 111 Bowen, Sarah ( 40 Bowman, Phillip ( 143 Boyle, Kaitlin M. ( 165 Boyle, Matthew ( 30 Boylstein, Craig ( 26 , 38 Brackett, Kimberly ( 103 Braddock, Jomills H ( 143 Bradford, John ( 135 Brayfield, April ( 116 Brenton, Joslyn ( 128 Bretz, Brenda ( 115 Brewster, Karin L. ( 163 Brimeyer, Ted ( 50 Brody, Charles ( 141 Broman, Clifford ( 185 Brooks, Deborah L ( 145 Brooks, Michael ( 145 48
Brown, Alex ( 181 Brown, Christina ( 86 Brown, Marni A ( 158 Brown, Robyn ( 79 Brueggemann, John ( ): 130, 162 Brunsma , David ( 29 , 143, 186 Buchan, Jennifer L. ( 59 , 66, 123 Buck, Alison ( 177 Buckelew, Rose ( 179 Buckley, Jordan ( 151 Burkett, Tracy ( 56 Butler, Brooke ( 180 Butterfield, Jonniann ( 22 Byrne, Rebecca J ( 50 Byron, Reggie ( 159 Byron, Reginald ( 65 , 123 Campbell, Colin ( 41 Campbell, Ernest ( 152 Campbell, Karen ( 67 , 106 Campion, Patricia ( 127 Capece, Michael ( 139 Caraballo, Luis ( 184 Carson, Linda ( 154 Carter, J. Scott ( 41 , 56 Carter, Shannon K. ( 12 , 41, 56 Carter, Terrolyn ( 63 Causey, Garrett ( 136 Cazessus, Matthew ( 17 Chambers, Cheri ( 81 Chapdelaine, Daniel ( 16 Chapman, Nate ( 164 Chappell, Allison ( 10 Chatterjee, Anwesa ( 74 Chavez, Jacqueline ( 147 Chenault, Tiffany ( 173 Chou, Rosalind ( 179 Christ, Stephen ( 82 Christen, Rosanna ( 168 Christian, Michelle ( 133 Chumbler, Neale ( 32 Clark, Jesse ( 58 , 169 Cleary, Joseph ( 61 Clough, Alicia ( 181 Cobb, J. Adam ( 120 Cochran, Joshua ( 25 Cody‐Rydzewski, Susan ( 103 Coffey, Emily ( 20 Coffey, Glenn ( 25 , 50 Cohen, Diana Tracy ( 153 Colburn, Sarina ( 123 49
Colyer, Tim ( 93 , 163 Condron, Dennis J. ( 44 Conklin, George ( 62 Conley, Meghan ( 45 Conley, Valerie Martin ( 124 Conn, Anna ( 178 Cooney, Lucretia ( 49 Copes, Heith ( 136 Copur, Zeynep ( 96 , 170 Cornfield, Dan ( 162 Cortese, Anthony ( 35 , 95 Cortinas, Rodolfo ( 151 Cossman, Jeralynn ( 57 , 138, 166 Costello, Matt ( 19 , 171 Cotten, Shelia ( 53 , 111 Cotter, Davd ( 141 Coverdill, James ( 156 Covi, Michelle ( 100 Cox, Jennifer M ( 69 Coyne, Gary ( 83 Crook, Amy ( 6 Crowe, Jessica ( 136 Crowley, Martha ( 65 , 130 Damarin, Amanda ( 21 Danaher, William F. ( 96 , 130, 140 Dancy, Melissa ( 23 Davis, James ( 48 Davis, Jerry ( 120 Davis, Maria Garfias ( 1 Davis, Shannon N. ( 67 , 103 Davis, Tomeka ( 118 Dawkins, Marvin ( 143 , 159 De Welde, Kris ( 43 , 47, 65 Dempsey, Nicholas ( 15 DeVall, Kristen E ( 149 , 154 Dickinson, George E. ( 138 Dilday, Jessica ( 86 Dillon, Frank ( 57 Dixon, Marc ( 108 , 140, 161 Dominguez, Victoria ( 65 , 123 Donley, Amy ( 9 , 101 Dotson, Hilary ( 123 Dowd, Tim ( 106 , 140 Dreher, Marlaina ( 179 Drentea, Patricia ( 67 , 123 Drummond, Holli ( 91 , 139 Dunaway, R. Gregory ( 129 Dunaway, Wilma ( 185 Duncan, Armanthia ( 176 Dunn, Thomas ( 63 , 74, 174 50
Durrance, Christine P ( 175 Durso, Rachel M. ( 25 Dye, Meredith ( 129 Eason, Lauren ( 136 East, Elizabeth A. ( 172 Easterling, Beth A ( 139 Eastman, Jason ( 113 Eberstein, Isaac W ( 32 Ebert, Kim ( 41 Edmond, Mary Bond ( 34 , 94 Edwards, Bob ( 161 Eichenberger, Susan (): 94 Eisenhart, Emily ( 73 Eller, Jackie (): 94 Elliott, Sinikka ( 11 , 128 Ellis, Oprah O. ( 69 Ellison, Christopher G. ( 1 , 30 Elpi, Clara ( 49 Ely, Robin (): 141 Emerson, Michael ( 143 Engin, Ceylan ( 83 Entwisle, Doris (): 44 Evans, Arthur ( 170 Evans, Derek ( 37 Evans, Lorraine (lorraine‐ 65 Evenson, Ranae J ( 3 Everett, Diane ( 116 Everett, Tiffani ( 169 Fairchild, Emily ( 119 Falk, William W ( 45 Fallin, Mary Beth ( 6 Farr, Daniel ( 5 , 47 Farrell, Walter (): 159 Farrington, Kappie ( 178 Feinberg, Gary ( 61 , 91 Fennell,, Dana (): 114 Fernandez‐Baca, Daniel ( 76 Fields, Meigan ( 160 Fisher, Orit ( 38 Fitzgerald, Scott ( 171 Fitzpatrick, Kevin M ( 34 Fitzwater, Laura ( 51 , 103 Flota, Michael ( 135 Fondren, Kristi M ( 81 Ford, Sandra ( 139 Forman, Tyrone ( 143 , 145 Forsman, Cherish ( 41 Foster, Darien ( 4 Foy, Steven ( 79 Frederick, Jake ( 107 51
Freed, Christopher R. ( 138 Freeland, Robert E ( 76 , 169 Freeman, Kendralin J ( 44 Frevert, Tonya Kristina ( 21 Fuller, John R ( 25 Fussell, Elizabeth ( 127 Galinsky, Adena ( 27 Garcia, Lisette ( 34 , 61 Garcia, Mayra ( 115 Gardner, Sheena ( 167 Gardner, William L ( 75 Gatta, Rocklyn ( 115 Gay, David ( 123 Gentile, Haley (Florida State University): 163 Gentry, Randall ( 11 , 93 Gerber, Kelsii ( 21 Gibson, Deborah ( 149 Gilbert, Shelby ( 33 Gildae , Catherine ( 22 Gill, Duane ( 132 Gill, Tim ( 63 Gillham, Patrick ( 161 Gimbel, Jane ( 125 Gjata, Joris ( 19 Gochanour, Amanda ( 12 Godwin, Sandra: 28 Golash‐Boza, Tanya ( 122 , 133 Golden, Shelley ( 175 Gong, Lei ( 74 Gonzalez, Cherie ( 123 Gonzalez‐Guittar, Stephanie ( 123 Goodson, Aaron ( 88 Gorman, Elizabeth ( ): 110 Gorman, Stacy ( 20 Goss, Desmond ( 175 Gostjev, Feodor ( 125 , 151 Graffum, Emily : 111 Granberg, Ellen M ( 34 Grant, Kathleen ( 156 Grauerholz, Elizabeth ( 115 , 163 Green, Sara ( 123 Green, Yehuda ( 8 Gresham, Brian ( 48 Griffin, Kate ( 6 Griffin, Larry ( 41 , 152 Grooms, Denise ( 139 Guadalupe, Xavier ( 10 Gualtieri, Marie ( 20 Guittar, Nicholas ( 51 , 145, 163 Guo, Lingfei ‐ ( 123 52
Gutierrez Dodge, Jamie ( 56 Ha, Hyun Jeong ( 124 Hale, Timothy ( 111 Hall, Anna A. ( 26 Hall, Katanya ( 69 Halnon, Karen Bettez ( 51 , 155 Hamilton, Francis (Frank) ( 144 Hamm, Lindsay ( 142 Hand, Carl ( 136 Hanley, Caroline ( 120 Hanson, Rebecca ( 171 haggis, Peggy G ( 41 Harman, Kayla ( 23 Harris, Catherine T ( 138 Harris, Deborah A ( 81 Harris, Judi A. ( 137 Harrison, Daniel ( 54 , 184 Harrison, Jill Ann ( 142 Harvey , Adia Wingfield ( 157 Hattery, Angela ( 91 Havenar, Anna Beth ( 169 Hawdon, James ( 49 , 100, 164 Hayes, Terrell ( 177 Haynie, Dana L. ( 129 Head, Rachel ( 3 , 40 Hecht, Jaime ( 163 Henderson, Andrea ( 96 Hennigan, Stephanie ( 85 Henry, Erin : 77 Hermsen, Joan ( 141 Hess, Amie ( 47 Hickman, Maggie ( 79 Higgins, Jennifer ( 10 Hinojosa, Amanda ( 75 Hinote, Brian P. ( 5 , 114 Hinze, Susan ( 64 Hochstetler, Amber ( 165 Hoehn, Kathleen ( 40 Hoenig, Helen ( 32 Holland, William W. ( 62 Hollinger, Richard ( 54 Holt, William G ( 153 Hood, Thomas ( ): 152 Hordge‐Freeman, Elizabeth ( 133 , 179 Hoskin, Sara ( 123 Hosman, Sarah S ( 37 Houser, Elizabeth ( 174 Howell‐Moroney, Michael : 111 Hsu, Tze‐Li ( 32 Hughes, Michael ( 106 53
Hughey, Matthew ( 41 , 166, 167 Humphreys, Jean Surratt ( 29 Hunt, Matthew O. ( 143 Hunt, Pamela ( 37 Hunton, Randi L ( 85 Hurst, Allison ( 16 Hurst, Allison L ( 115 , 126 Husain, Jonelle ( 93 , 148 Huss, Sean T ( 10 Hutchinson, Richard ( 97 Hyde, Allen ( 127 Irvin, Matthew ( 59 , 140 Isaac, Larry (larry.isaac@Vanderbilt.Edu): 108 Jack, Anthony ( 150 Jackson, Brandon ( 23 Jackson, CoShendra D. ( 103 Jackson, Krista ( 87 Jackson, Regine ( 46 James, Katie : 94 James, Wesley L ( 57 Janoski, Thomas ( 48 Jaret, Charles ( 118 Jason, Kendra ( 131 Jayaram, Lakshmi ( 80 Jeang, Janice ( 51 Jeffries, Marshall ( 163 Jensen, Mollie ( 154 Johnson, Jani ( 168 Johnson, Jeh V. ( 118 Johnson, Kimberly N ( 89 Johnson, Laura ( 68 Johnson, Lawrence ( 164 Johnson, Melencia ( 156 Johnson, Robert J. ( 109 Johnson, Winifred M ( ): 118 Johnson, III, Charles S. ( 118 Jokinen‐Gordon, Hanna ( 34 , 101 Jonas, Adam ( 48 Jones, Lenna ( 123 Jones, Travis L. ( 5 Jordan, Marissa ( 56 , 107 Joseph, Morgan ( 23 Joynt, Tristan ( 70 Jung, Moon‐Kie ( 122 Kain, Donna ( 100 Kain, Edward L ( 26 , 102, 105 Kane, Melinda ( 117 Kania, Richard ( 54 Kaplan, Howard B (h‐ 109 Karafin, Diana ( 112 54
Karides, Marina ( 97 , 125, 151 Karnehm Willis, Amy ( 69 Kasu, Bishal B. ( 166 Kaufman, Gayle ( 96 Kaufman, Jerry ( 56 Kay , Fiona M. ( 110 Keels, Megan ( 113 Keith, William ( 166 Kelley, Rose ( 167 Kellogg, Jani ( 16 Kelly, Kimberly ( 93 Kendall, Robin ( 178 Kenney, Zoe ( 20 Kerley, Kent R. ( 136 Kershaw, Njeri ( 164 Kim, Hyun Woo : 161 Kim, Minjeong ( 20 kim, Sangmoon ( 170 King, Colby ( 62 King, Jessica Jane ( 172 Kinney, William ( 99 Klein, Jesse ( 4 Knibb, Jana ( 109 , 125 Knop, Brian ( 11 Koch, Bradley ( 121 Koch, Shelley L. ( 55 Kolb, Kenneth H. ( 154 Kolberg, Naomi ( 136 Kolozsvari‐Wright, Orsolya ( 11 kooistra, paul ( 54 , 184 Koonce, David ( 124 Koontz, Amanda ( 168 Koropeckyj‐Cox, Tanya ( 170 Kramer, Meredith ( 9 Kronberg, Anne ( 52 Krull, Amy ( 139 Kuck, Douglas ( 103 Kuhbach, Emily ( 23 Kurth, Suzanne ( 150 Kusujiarti, Siti (skusujia@warren‐ 83 Lacy , Karyn ( ): 186 Lagae, Bryan ( 66 , 109 Lamb, Geri ( 129 Lambert, Joshua ( 126 Lamphere, Jenna ( 83 Landes, Scott ( 101 Larshus, Jynette ( 99 Laster, Whitney ( 160 Latham, Kenzie ( 32 Lawroski, Carlin ( 16 55
Layne, Leslie ( 150 Ledbetter, Daniel ( 52 Lee, Jerry ( 30 Leebrick, Rhiannon ( 38 Leeds, Rachel ( 178 Lennon, Lindsey ( 32 Lepore, Melissa ( 172 Letukas, Lynn ( 135 Levy, Diane ( 15 Lewin, Philip ( 63 Lewis, Amanda ( 122 , 145 Light, Ryan ( 129 Lin, Ken‐hou ( 120 Linn, Alana J ( 8 , 136 Lippard, Cameron ( 156 Lopez‐Turley, Ruth N ( 60 Luo, Ye ( 174 Lynxwiler, John ( 123 Mackinem, Mitchell B ( 155 Maggard, Scott ( 10 Maher, Kelsey ( 68 Mahone, Jessica ( 36 Malcom, Nancy ( 13 Malick, Abigail ( 175 Malick, Devon (cmalick@warren‐ 7 Malley, Sara ( 36 manley, joan ( 43 Mannheimer, Andrew ( 52 Manning, Jason ( 147 , 178 Maples, James ( 73 Maples, James N. ( 73, 172 Marin, Alejandra ( 75 Marklin, Scarkett ( 91 Martin, Andrew ( 108 , 161 Martin, Nathan ( 136 Martin, Patricia Yancey ( 92 , 119, 152 Mason, Philip ( 13 Matthews, Austin ( 7 , 175 Mattley, Christine ( 42 , 124 Maume, David ( ): 159 Maume, Mike ( 49 Mauney, Heather ( 155 May, David C ( 129 Mayorga, Sarah A. ( 59 , 179 Mayorova, Olga ( 142 McCabe, Janice ( 23 McCall, Patricia L. ( 91 McCallister, Leslie ( 36 McCammon, Holly (holly.j.mccammon@Vanderbilt.Edu): 108 , 161 McClimon, Emily ( 126 56
McClure, Stephanie ( 39 , 85 McClure, Timothy ( 25 McCown, John ( 167 McCune, Brenna ( 8 McDaniel, Chris ( 7 McDermott, Monica ( 186 McDonald, Steve ( 142 McDonough, Sara ( 112 McFarland, Michael J. ( 30 McGrady, Patrick ( 22 , 52 McIntyre, Katie ( 109 McLucas, Karla M. ( 63 , 89, 183 McMichael, Cayla ( 71 McNamee, Stephen J ( 1 McNiel, J. Nichole ( 81 McPherson, Jane ( 165 McVay, Christine O ( 43 McVeigh, Rory ( 108 McVey, Sarah V. ( 7 , 175 McWilliams, Summer ( 165 Mears, Daniel P ( 137 Meine, Manfred F ( 63 Melder, Mark ( 117 , 184 Mendez, Jasma Dior ( 123 Mickelson, Roslyn ( 23 Mikulyuk, Ashley ( 78 Miller, Amy Chasteen ( 46 , 77, 90, 94, 114 Miller, Bryan ( 129 Miller, Dustin ( 74 Miller, Kim ( 18 Miller, Leslie ( 71 Miller, O. Alexander ( 63 Miller Jr., Byron R ( 123 Miller, Jr., Robert K ( 1 Milne, Jason ( 28 , 78 Minnick‐Hanson, Brittany ( 81 Miranda, Juan ( 68 Mitra, Debarashmi ( 148 Moller, Stephanie ( 23 Moore, Lori ( 156 Morrison, Lisa ( 125 Morton, Kelly ( 30 Mossakowski, Krysia ( 3 Mowatt, Earl S. ( 81 Mumford, Sarah ( 178 Munn, Jean Correll : 165 Murray, Brittany N. ( 41 Murty, Komanduri ( 160 Musinsky, Flavia ( 72 Mwaura, Mumbi ( 61 57
Nail, Alexandria ( 84 Nash, Jr., Bradley ( 61 Nau, Michael ( ): 161 Neary, Brigitte ( 95 , 158 Neff, Joan L. ( 55 Nell Rusche, Sarah ( 29 Nenga, Sandi ( 115 Neville, Joanna W ( 36 , 78 Newton‐Francis, Michelle ( 66 Nguyen, Minh H ( 136 Nieckarz, Peter ( 113 Nielsen, Donald ( 153 Nietfeld, Toni ( 6 Norman, Lauren ( 51 Noyongoyo, Boniface ( 123 Nybroten, Kathleen A. ( 123 Nylander, Albert ( 149 O`Bryan, Simone ( 33 O’Neal, LaToya : 111 Obadat, Mohammad ( 136 Obinna, Denise ( 89 Oliver, Julia ( 121 Olivier, Michelle ( 123 Olson, Linda : 44 O'Neal, Kathleen ( 7 O'Neill, Jennifer ( 123 Orndorff, Joshua ( 30 Ortiz, David G. ( 117 Otto, Bobette ( 20 Otzoy, Oscar (oscar@ciw‐ 151 Ould, Patricia ( 173 Overby, Rachel ( 72 Packard, Josh ( 34 Padavic, Irene ( 22 , 141 Padgett, Joseph ( 112 Page, Amy D ( 156 Palmer, Katelynn Elizabeth ( 123 Panageotou, Steven ( 135 Pardee, Jessica ( 14 Parente, Francesca ( 23 Parker, Ashley ( 80 Parker, Karen F. ( 91 Patton, Charles ( 91 Payne, Julianne ( 65 , 142 Pease, Michael ( 121 Pederson, JoEllen ( 101 Pekarske, Lorrin M ( 123 Pennell, Greta ( 39 , 145 Pennell, James R. ( 39 , 145 Perdue, Robert ( 149 58
Perez, Silvia (silvia@ciw‐ 151 Perkins, Debbie ( 100 Perkins, Julia (julia@ciw‐ 151 Perkins, Robert K. ( 18 Perreira, Krista M ( 89 , 175 Persaud, Chandrouti ( 154 Petrie, Michelle ( 156 Picca, Leslie A. ( 41 Pickett, Moneque Walker ( 36 Pickup, Donna ( 184 Picou, Steven ( 100 , 109 Piontak, Joy ( 176 Pitt, Richard ( 160 Platt, Chelsea ( 107 , 138 Polhill, Alexandra ( 9 Poole, Aaron ( 121 Porter, Jeremy R. ( 25 Potter, Daniel ( 176 Powell, Rachel ( 12 , 128 Powers, Rebecca ( 113 Puhrmann, Aaron ( 147 Purser, Christopher ( 25 Rabideau, Leah ( 72 Ramirez, Claudia ( 14 Ramos‐Wada, Aida I ( 1 , 121 Randall, Nancy ( 128 Rashid, Rahat ( 148 Rayburn, Rachel ( 163 Reed, Autumn M. ( 59 Reed, Jasmine ( 87 Reed, M. Jason ( 144 Reed, Megan M ( 123 Reeder, Ranata ( 128 Reid, Erin : 141 Reid, Gillian ( 87 Reid, Julie ( 11 Reid, Keshia ( 79 Renzulli, Linda ( 23 , 44, 52, 60, 64 Restifo, Salvatore ( ): 127 , 171 Reuter, Monika ( 27 , 45 Reuter , Monika ( 145 Reyes, Gerardo (gerardo@ciw‐ 151 Reynolds, John ( 23 , 44, 52 Rice, John ( 49 , 149, 154 Rice, Kennon ( 100 Rice, Tracy M ( 100 Richard, Orlando ( 131 Rick‐Clark, Elissa ( 86 Riden, Carl: 28 Riedel, Marc ( 174 59
Rikard, RV ( 40 Ritchie, Liesel (Liesel.Ritchie@Colorado.Edu): 132 Roach, Teresa ( 4 , 124, 168 Robinson, Dawn T. ( 58 , 169 Rodriguez, Natassia ( 84 Rogers, Kimberly ( 58 , 169 Rohlinger, Deana ( 29 Roksa, Josipa ( 23 , 44, 52 Rolley, Katie ( 150 Rollings, Meda J ( 4 Rominger, Whitney R ( 115 Rookey, Bryan ( 111 Roscigno, Vincent ( 110 Ross, Heidi ( 9 Rothwell, Virginia ( 107 Rowe, Rebecca ( 85 Rowell, Kacie L. ( 20 Rozenbroek, Katelyn ( 33 , 109 Rubin, Beth A ( 53 , 110, 120, 131, 141, 157 Rushing, Beth ( 26 , 102 Russell, Amanda ( 123 Ryan, John ( 100 , 106 Ryan, Maura ( 163 Sacks, Arlene ( 61 Sampson, Charles ( 29 Samson, Frank L ( 159 Sana, Mariano ( 46 Sanders, Laura Lopez (Laura.Lopez‐ 110 Santos, Gabriel ( 139 Sastre, Francisco ( 57 Satterfield, Megan ( 71 Sauerbrei, Austin ( 16 Sbicca, Joshua ( 149 Scarce, Rik ( 42 Scardaville, Melissa ( 150 Schildkraut, Jaclyn ( 81 , 147 Schlaerth, Christian ( 3 , 173 Schleef, Debra ( 15 , 81 Schneider, Andreas ( 75 , 99 Schrock, Doug ( 42 , 58 Schulhoff, Anastacia M. ( 112 Scroggins, Jennifer ( 139 Searcy, Sarah ( 1 Seiler, Steven ( 35 Semora, Bonnie ( 137 Sepulveda, Christine ( 123 Sessions, Miriam ( 75 Settembrino, Marc ( 123 Shams, Tahseen : 77 Shapiro, Adam ( 70 , 180 60
Shapley, Derrick ( 57 Shefner, Jon ( 162 Shehan, Constance ( 64 Shelton, Jason ( 143 , 186 Sherkat, Darren ( 121 Shields, Ryan ( 25 Shin, Jean H. ( 47 , 142 Shindler, Robert ( 88 Shriver, Thomas E ( 97 , 132 Siefert, Bobbi ( 33 Siennick, Sonja ( 137 Sills, Stephen ( 46 , 68 Simone, Shannon ( 164 Simons, Ronald L ( 34 Simpson, Ida Harper ( 92 , 119 Simula, Brandy ( 22 , 67 Singer, Lindsey ( 99 Skaggs, Sheryl ( 131 Skewes, Kevin ( 123 Slater, Cassandra ( 69 Sloan, Melissa M ( 3 Smith, April ( 84 Smith, Brian J. ( 89 Smith, Catherine F ( 100 Smith, Deborah ( 89 Smith, Earl ( 91 Smith, Katelan ( 17 Smith, Kelli ( 182 Smith, Margaret A ( 35 Smith, Megan ( 13 , 144 Smith, Monique Eugenia ( 84 Smith, Ryan ( 159 Smith, Shelly J ( 123 Smith‐Lovin, Lynn ( 42 , 58 Solebello, Nicholas ( 47 Solomon, Douglas ( 100 Song, Lijun ( 176 Sonleitner, Nancy ( 79 , 136, 149 Soyer, Mehmet ( 167 Spalter‐Roth , Roberta (spalter‐ 47 , 142 Spees, Lisa ( 89 Spring, Ken ( 99 Stamm, Tara ( 33 Stanfield, II, John H. ( 118 Stearns, Elizabeth ( 23 Steckler, Rebecca ( 30 Steidl, Christina ( 44 Stepnick, Andi ( 65 Stern, Mike ( 111 Stokes, Michelline ( 82 61
Stoll, Steve : 70 Stone, Ariana Mishay ( 136 Storch, Jennifer ( 121 Strmic‐Pawl , Hephzibah ( 186 Stroble, Chris ( 43 , 160 Stuber, Jenny ( 23 , 60 Styker, Sheldon ( 92 Sumerau, Jason ( 22 , 165 Summers, Edward ( 17 Sutherland, Jean‐Anne ( 59 Swart, Betsy ( 163 Taft, Jessica ( 148 Talasko, Rachel ( 125 Talukdar, Jaita ( 185 Tatt, Jessica ( 85 Taylor, John ( 79 Tester, Griff ( 183 Thangaraj, Stanley I (stanley.i.thangaraj@Vanderbilt.Edu): 36 Thomas, Courtney Sinclair ( 185 Thompson, Ashley B ( 3 Thompson, Ashley B. ( 150 Thompson, Maxine S ( 40 Thompson‐Miller, Ruth : 94 Toliver, Susan D ( 43 Tomaskovic‐Devey, Donald (tomaskovic‐ 110 , 120, 131, 141, 157, 162 Tope, Daniel ( 44 Towle, Hilary ( 82 Trefalt, Spela ( 141 Treiber, Linda ( 109 Trent, William T. : 143 Tripp, Brad ( 12 Trost, Jan ( 75 Tschircki, Candace ( 180 Tucker, Katherine ( 123 Tuttle, Annie ( 163 Twitty, Courtney ( 52 Tyson, Will ( 60 Ueno, Koji ( 124 , 163 Underwood, PhD, Elizabeth ( 72 Upton, Allison : 77 Vaccaro, Christian ( 36 Vaidya, Jeanny ( 16 Valenzano , Michael ( 180 Vallas, Steven ( 110 , 120, 131, 141, 157 Valle, Giuseppina ( 32 Vandergriff‐Avery, Maria: 28 Van Dyke, Nella : 44 Vanneman, Reeve ( 141 Vasquez, Lauren ( 57 Vega, Alexandra ( 123 62
Vyas, Ashwin G ( 160 Walczak, David ( 27 , 145 Waldron, Linda ( 81 Walker, Lisa ( 21 , 35 Wallace, Brandon ( 101 Wallace, Michael ( 127 Ward, Jr., Russell E. ( 27 Warnock, Debbie ( 126 Warr, Amanda M. ( 111 Warren, Kristen ( 168 Warren, Patricia ( 25 Wasserman, Jason Adam ( 114 , 138 Wassum, M. Elizabeth ( 182 Watne, Zac ( 90 , 142 Watnick, Beryl ( 61 Webb, Susan ( 45 Webber, Gretchen ( 11 , 90 Weil, Jeannie Haubert ( 127 Weinbrenner, Donny ( 76 Weinstein, Raymond ( 62 , 158 Weise, Molly A. A ( 69 Weiss, Harald ( 57 , 72 Weiss, Ursula Keller ( 79 Wiest, Julie B.: 28 Welch, Casey ( 25 , 70, 180 Wells, Rebecca ( 88 Wernet, Christine ( 95 Werum, Regina ( 2 , 52 Wetzel, Emily ( 175 Whalen, Travis F. ( 164 Whitcomb, Allison ( 72 White, Damian ( 84 White, Patricia ( 2 , 142 Widener, Patricia ( 97 Wiest, Julie B. ( 59 Wilder, JeffriAnne ( 180 Wilkinson, Matthew ( 79 Will, Jeffry ( 112 Williams, Dennis ( 10 , 80 Williams, Lisa M. ( 160 Williford, Beth ( 55 Willson, Shane ( 19 Wilson, David C. : 143 Wilson, George ( 110 , 143, 159, 186 Wilson, Julia ( 26 Wilson, Kenneth ( 100 , 113 Wilson, Thomas C. ( 75 Wimberley, Dale W. ( 117 Winfield, Idee ( 26 , 95, 116 Winslow, Sarah ( 103 , 130 63
Winstead, Vicki ( 111 Wise, Michael ( 138 Wisecup, Allison ( 58 Witte, James ( 111 , 130 Wood, Peter ( 129 Woodall, Denise ( 128 Woodford, Kathryn ( 85 Woolf, Adam ( 123 Worthen, Kelly ( 76 Wright, Eric ( 30 , 171 Wright, Erika ( 182 Wright, James ( 152 Wright, Jamesia O. ( 183 Wright II, Earl ( 118 , 153 Wynn, Colleen ( 88 Wyse, Jen ( 80 Yarde, Kimberly ( 87 Yasutake, Suzumi ( 27 Yost, Elizabeth ( 111 Young, Gay ( 66 Zelin, Alexandra ( 81 Zeller, David ( 62 Zeller, Nicholas ( 38 , 73 Zhang, Jianjun ( 21 Zhao, Wei ( 21 64
A Social Justice Forum
Call for Papers
Catalyst: A Social Justice Forum is currently accepting manuscripts and media submissions for
its next issue. The deadline for submissions to the Fall 2011 issue is May 15, 2011.
The mission of Catalyst: A Social Justice Forum is to bring together research and multimedia
from multiple disciplines that is oriented toward the understanding and practice of social justice,
broadly defined. By offering an innovative, peer-reviewed space that is open to rigorous research
from all disciplines, as well as offerings from outside of academia, we hope to push the ideals of social
justice to new levels.
Catalyst publishes research findings, essays, film, photos, and other multimedia offerings in an online format. We encourage submissions from researchers, students, activists, and others interested in
building a dialogue surrounding how to create a more just world.
By bringing together research and art from a myriad of places, we hope to foster communication
between the academic disciplines and the community at large. Also, our journal is open-access and
posted online. This allows for anyone across the world with internet access to read our journal at no
cost. We feel that this open-knowledge format will help to spread research far and wide that can help
to address the problems that our global society faces today.
Priority will be given to original research or media that defies traditional scholarly boundaries and
is explicitly related to the understanding or furthering of the ideals of social justice. Any questions
about submissions should be directed to
For more information about Catalyst, please see our website:
Catalyst: A Social Justice Forum
The North Carolina Sociological Association
Invites You to Read and Publish in our Professional Journal
ISSN 1542-6300
Sociation Today, a peer-reviewed refereed sociology journal, has been
publishing full-length articles and reviews since 2003. As professors, we are
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Sociation Today has two special collections. One is on W.E.B. Du Bois and
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Please consider submitting your next article to Sociation Today. Help
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Appalachian State University ∙ Duke University ∙ Wake Forest University ∙ University of
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George Mason University ∙ North Carolina A&T ∙ Tehran University ∙ University John F.
Kennedy Argentina ∙ Greensboro College ∙ University of Delaware ∙ and others.
Roll of Honor
Distinguished Lectureship Awardees
2011 Charles S. Johnson, Fisk University
2009 Patricia Yancey Martin, Florida State
2009 Clifton Bryan, Virginia Tech University
2008 Ida Harper Simpson, Duke University
2007 Richard L. Simpson, UNC-Chapel Hill
2002 Ronald L. Akers, University of Florida
1996 Lewis M. Killian, Univ. West Florida
1995 Charles B. Nam, Florida State University
1994 Alan C. Kerckhoff, Duke University
1990 Rudolf Heberle, Louisiana State
1989 Kurt W. Back, Duke University
1986 Guy B. Johnson, UNC-Chapel Hill
1986 Joseph H. Fichter, Loyola-New Orleans
1984 Joseph S. Himes, UNC-Greensboro
1982 Vernon J. Parenton, Louisiana State
1979 Ernst Borinski, Tougaloo College
1977 T. Lynn Smith, University of Florida
1977 Rupert B. Vance, UNC-Chapel Hill
2010 Larry W. Isaac, Vanderbilt University
2008 Larry J. Griffin, UNC-Chapel Hill
Martin L. Levin Distinguished
Service Awardees
2010 Thomas C. Hood, Tennessee-Knoxville
2007 Clifton D. Bryant, Virginia Tech
2006 Abbot L. Ferriss, Emory University
2004 Catherine Harris, Wake Forest University
2003 Martin L. Levin, Mississippi State
Charles S. Johnson Awardees
2010 Larry J. Griffin, UNC-Chapel Hill
2007 William W. Falk, University of Maryland
2006 Dolores P. Aldridge, Emory University
2002 John Moland, Jr., Alabama State
1997 Charles U. Smith, Florida A&M
Katharine Jocher-Belle Boone Beard
2010 Irene Padavic, Florida State University
2004 Barbara Risman, North Carolina State
1999 Patricia Yancey Martin, Florida State
1995 Rachel Rosenfeld, UNC-Chapel Hill
Distinguished Contributions to
Teaching Awardees
2010 Edward L. Kain, Southwestern
2008 Gregory Weiss, Roanoke College
2006 Idee Winfield, College of Charleston
2004 Maxine Atkinson, North Carolina State
2002 Clifton D. Bryant, Virginia Tech
2002 Department of Sociology, James
Madison University

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