Program PDF - The American Society of Criminology
Program PDF - The American Society of Criminology
68th Annual Meeting 69th Annual Meeting Atlanta, GA November 20th – 23rd, 2013 Atlanta Marriott Marquis Thinking About Context: Challenges for Crime and Justice 2012 Program November 14th – 17th, 2012 • Chicago, IL Theme: Expanding the Core: Neglected Crimes, Groups, Causes and Policy Approaches Timothy Brezina, Georgia State University Susan F. Sharp, University of Oklahoma November 2012 Program Co-Chairs: American Society of Criminology THE AMERICAN SOCIETY OF CRIMINOLOGY 68th ANNUAL MEETING November 14-17, 2012 Palmer House Hilton Chicago, Illinois Thinking about Context: Challenges for Crime and Justice TABLE OF CONTENTS The American Society of Criminology Greetings from the Program Chairs 2012 ASC Program Committee General Meeting Information 2012 ASC Divisions ASC Division Meetings and Events ASC Divisions’ Sessions of Interest Other Meetings and Events Receptions Directory of Exhibitors ASC Presidents Program Summary Detailed Program Schedule Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday A Special Thank You Advertising Participant Index Topic Index Floor Plans 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 28 30 31 32 33 67 68 167 272 358 381 382 402 478 481 2 THE AMERICAN SOCIETY OF CRIMINOLOGY 1314 Kinnear Road, Suite 212, Columbus, OH 43212-1156 614-292-9207 (p) 614-292-6767 (f) The American Society of Criminology embodies the following objectives: 1. To bring together, in one multidisciplinary society, persons actively engaged in research teaching, and/or practice in the field of criminology. 2. To foster criminological scholarship, research, education, and training within academic institutions and within the divisions of the criminal justice system, including public and private agencies concerned with crime, justice, and corrections. 3. To encourage scholarly, scientific, and practical exchange and cooperation among those engaged in criminology. 4. To serve as a forum for the dissemination of criminological knowledge. The American Society of Criminology Officers and Staff, 2012-2013 President: Robert Sampson, Harvard University President-Elect: Robert Agnew, Emory University Vice President: Ross Matsueda, University of Washington-Seattle Vice President-Elect: Carolyn Rebecca Block, Illinois Criminal Justice Information Authority Executive Director: Chris W. Eskridge, University of Nebraska Treasurer: Bonnie Fisher, University of Cincinnati Past President: Steven Messener, University at Albany Executive Counselors: Eric Baumer, Florida State University; Shawn Bushway, University at Albany, SUNY; Colin Loftin University at Albany, SUNY; Nancy Rodriguez, Arizona State University; Susan Sharp, University of Oklahoma; Eric Stewart, Florida State University; Pamela Wilcox, University of Cincinnati Administrator: Susan Case Webmaster: Anne Arendt Bookkeeper: Nicole Coldiron Criminology: An Interdisciplinary Journal Editor: D. Wayne Osgood, Pennsylvania State University Criminology & Public Policy Journal Editor: Tom Blomberg, Florida State University The Criminologist: Newsletter Editor: Ross Matsueda, University of Washington Membership Applications for memberships in The American Society of Criminology may be obtained by writing to the administrative offices in Columbus, Ohio, or logging on to our website at Membership runs from January 1st to December 31st of each year. Annual dues are $95.00 ($55.00 for full-time students) Membership in the Society includes subscriptions to the journals, Criminology, Criminology & Public Policy, and the newsletter, The Criminologist. 3 GREETINGS FROM THE PROGRAM CHAIRS Pamela Wilcox and John Wooldredge, University of Cincinnati It is with pleasure that we welcome you to the great city of Chicago and the 68th annual meeting of the American Society of Criminology. It has been our honor to spearhead the organization of a conference that involves so many talented and diverse participants – over 3000 from around the globe, representing a comprehensive range of institutional affiliations. We trust that the extensive intellectual energy that defines ASC is reflected in the program. This year’s program is the largest ever for our organization. There are over 800 sessions, beginning early Wednesday morning and continuing through Saturday morning. Every day of the conference promises stimulating sessions that will fill rooms across seven floors of the glorious Palmer House Hilton. Each day includes paper sessions, roundtables, and Author Meets Critics sessions as well as numerous panels devoted to professional development. The poster session, which includes a wine-and-cheese reception, will be held from 5:00 to 7:00 pm on Thursday in the Grand Ballroom. The conference theme “Thinking about Context: Challenges for Crime and Justice”, aside from being an obvious homage to the late James Q. Wilson, plays off our rapidly growing awareness of the relevance of “context” for topics well beyond the traditional criminological applications to urban neighborhoods. In the realms of criminology and crime prevention, there will be sessions focused on everything from situations and unique definitions of “neighborhood” to states and nations, with even a few sessions incorporating a focus on gene/environment interactions. We have spread these sessions across the conference in order to expose participants to a variety of criminological applications. There are also many sessions focused on the relevance of context for justice issues involving police, courts, and corrections. Many sessions focusing on race and gender issues also underscore the relevance of the conference theme, where scholars will discuss these issues within broader cultural as well as more specific criminal justice contexts. Emphases on the role of context will also play out in several of the Author Meets Critics sessions and in tributes to some great scholars who have recognized the importance of context in their own work and paved the way for the myriad of applications you will see this week. Without losing sight of where it all began, here in Chicago, the conference will also recognize the accomplishments of the Chicago Area Project (CAP), founded by Clifford Shaw. CAP is the recipient of this year’s Presidential Justice Award. As this year’s philanthropic focus of the ASC, please consider donating to one of several community programs run by CAP (website links are located on the ASC homepage). The program also includes two special plenary sessions, both taking place in the Grand Ballroom. The ASC Awards Plenary, which includes the Sutherland Address by David Garland, will take place on Wednesday evening from 6:30-8:00 pm. It will be followed by an opening reception, where we can mingle to the tunes of Ron Akers and His Bluegrass Band. The Presidential Plenary will take place a bit earlier than it has in recent years. President Robert Sampson will deliver his address at 5:00 pm on Friday. His remarks will be followed by a President’s reception from 6:00-7:00pm, which is just the beginning of a fun-filled evening. It will immediately be followed by a large number of departmental receptions from 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm. The evening will conclude with the Minority Fellowship Dance in the Red Lacquer Room (the room is as cool as it sounds). Here, party-goers will be entertained by two bands. A perennial favorite, Larry Sherman and the Hot Spots, will kick things off. They will be followed on stage by amazing Chicago blues in the form of the Matthew Skoller Band. Please don’t miss this night of fun (and fund-raising) with colleagues! We sincerely hope you participate in a cross-section of everything the conference has to offer while also taking in some of the Chicago area attractions noted in the latest issue of the Criminologist. Here we present the final product of nearly a year’s worth of work, but none of this would be possible without Chris Eskridge, Susan Case, and Nicole Coldiron, who, aside from re-generating this incredible process year after year, are masters of immediately resolving every type of glitch imaginable. We also want to thank Rob Sampson for his brilliant vision and unrelenting support, the entire program committee who did a superb job forming the largest number of sessions to date, and Arelys Madero-Hernandez for her assistance, including her meticulous management of correspondence and the (seemingly) never-ending revisions to the preliminary program. We hope you enjoy the stimulating context made possible by the contributions of all these individuals. 4 2012 ASC PROGRAM COMMITTEE Program Committee Co-Chairs Pamela Wilcox and John Wooldredge University of Cincinnati Graduate Assistant to the Program Chairs Arelys Madero-Hernandez, University of Cincinnati Program Committee Mike Benson Bianca Bersani Anthony Braga Christopher Browning Kevin Buckler Patrick Carr Mitchell Chamlin Ellen Cohn Heith Copes Stacy DeCoster Matt DeLisi Molly Dragiewicz Laura Dugan John Eck Manuel Eisner Jamie Fader Abigail Fagan Lynnette Feder Mary Finn Dana Haynie David Jacobs Scott Jacques Valerie Jenness David Kirk Janet Lauritsen Colin Loftin John MacDonald David McDowall Ed McGarrell Jean McGloin Jody Miller Andrew Papachristos Karen Parker Robert Nash Parker 5 Alex Piquero Sheetal Ranjan Jeffrey Ian Ross Judith Ryder Eric Silver Cassia Spohn Ben Steiner William Terrill Volkan Topalli Xia Wang Barbara Warner Mark Warr Brandon Welsh Emily Wright Sheldon Zhang GENERAL MEETING INFORMATION REGISTRATION The ASC desk is located in the Honore Ballroom on the lobby level of the hotel and will be open: Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 1:00 am – 6:00 pm 8:00 am – 6:00 pm 8:00 am – 5:30 pm 8:00 am – 6:00 pm 8:00 am – 11:00 am At registration, each person will receive a name badge and program. Safeguard your copy of the program. Due to the limited number of programs, lost or missing ones may not be replaced. EMPLOYMENT EXCHANGE The Employment Exchange is a Professional Employment Service and will be located in the Exhibit Hall, 4th floor (exhibit area) of the hotel. Information from employers is available concerning positions for which they are hiring. Additionally, information on those seeking employment who have registered with the Society will be on file. Personnel in the Employment Exchange Service can assist in scheduling interviews in private areas. The Service will be open: Wednesday Thursday Friday 1:00 pm – 5:00 pm 9:00 am – 5:00 pm 9:00 am – 5:00 pm Chair, Employment Exchange Kenneth Adams University of Central Florida PROGRAM LISTING AND INDEX The program and index of participants include all those persons whose names were submitted as participants to the ASC Executive Office when the program went to press. Any omissions or inaccuracies in the program are certainly inadvertent and apologies are extended in advance. PERSONAL HEALTH AND SECURITY All meeting areas are non-smoking areas. Individuals attending the Annual Meeting should keep in mind the need to be attentive to their personal security and the protection of their property. As a reminder, do not leave money or valuables in rooms. If a safe is needed, please ask your hotel front desk for information. 6 2012 ASC DIVISIONS DIVISION ON CORRECTIONS AND SENTENCING Chair: Aaron Kupchik, University of Delaware 302-831-3267 DIVISION OF CRITICAL CRIMINOLOGY Chair: Donna Selman, Eastern Michigan University 248-921-5083 DIVISION OF EXPERIMENTAL CRIMINOLOGY Chair: David Weisburd, George Mason University/ Hebrew University 703-993-4079 DIVISION OF INTERNATIONAL CRIMINOLOGY Chair: Jay Albanese, Virginia Commonwealth University 804-827-0844 DIVISION OF VICTIMOLOGY Co-chair: Bonnie Fisher, University of Cincinnati 513-556-5828 Co-chair: Robert Jerin, Endicott College 978-232-2184 DIVISION ON PEOPLE OF COLOR AND CRIME Chair: Hillary Potter, University of Colorado at Boulder 303-601-5876 DIVISION ON WOMEN AND CRIME Chair: Amy D’Unger, Georgia Institute of Technology 404-894-7448 For more information regarding ASC divisions please see 7 ASC DIVISION MEETINGS AND EVENTS DIVISION ON CRITICAL CRIMINOLOGY Thursday, November 15 3:30 – 4:20 pm DCC Executive Meeting Adams Room, 6th Floor 4:30 – 5:50 pm DCC General Business Meeting Adams Room, 6th Floor 6:00 – 10:00 pm DCC Social Adams Room, 6th Floor Friday, November 16 2:00 – 3:20 pm DCC Journal Editorial Board Meeting Hancock Parlor, 6th Floor DIVISION ON CORRECTIONS AND SENTENCING Thursday, November 15 8:00 – 9:20 am DCS Annual Business/Awards Breakfast Meeting Monroe, 6th Floor 7:00 – 8:30 pm DCS Social Flat Top Stir-Fry Grill – 30 S. Wabash DIVISION OF EXPERIMENTAL CRIMINOLOGY Tuesday, November 13 1:00 – 5:00 pm DEC Workshop: Practical Solutions for Administering Multi-Site Randomized Trials Chicago, 5th Floor 2:00 pm – 3:20 pm The Joan McCord Award Lecture and the Academy of Experimental Criminology Awards Ceremony Monroe, 6th Floor 3:30 pm – 4:50 pm DEC Meet and Greet Awards Ceremony Monroe, 6th Floor 5:00 pm – 6:20 pm Celebrating the recipient of the 2013 Stockholm Prize in Criminology Monroe, 6th Floor Wednesday, November 14 DIVISION OF INTERNATIONAL CRIMINOLOGY Friday, November 16 11:00 am – 12:20 pm DIC Business Meeting (Open to All Participants) Adams Room, 6th Floor 12:30 pm – 1:50 pm DIC Awards Presentation and Reception (Open to All Participants) Adams Room, 6th Floor 2:00 pm – 3:20 pm Criminologists without Borders (Open to All) Adams Room, 6th Floor DIVISION OF VICTIMOLOGY Thursday, November 15 11:00 am – 12:20 pm DOV General Meeting Medinah Parlor, 6th Floor 12:30 pm – 1:50 pm DOV Executive Board Meeting Medinah Parlor, 6th Floor 8 ASC DIVISION MEETINGS AND EVENTS DIVISION ON PEOPLE OF COLOR AND CRIME Wednesday, November 14 2:00 pm – 3:20 pm DPCC Board Meeting Medinah Parlor, 6th Floor Thursday, November 15 11:00 am – 12:20 pm DPCC General Business Meeting Grant Park, 6th Floor 2:00pm – 3:20 pm DPCC Mentoring Meeting Grant Park, 6th Floor Friday, November 16 12:30 pm – 2:00 pm DPCC Luncheon and Symposium Monroe, 6th Floor DIVISION ON WOMEN AND CRIME Tuesday, November 13 4:00 pm – 7:00 pm DWC Feminist Criminology Theory in Action Workshop Wilson Room, 3rd Floor Wednesday, November 14 8:00 – 9:30 pm DWC Social The Gage Restaurant – 24 S Michigan Ave. Thursday, November 15 7:30 am – 9:00 am DWC Breakfast Adams Room, 6th Floor DWC Feminist Criminology Editorial Board Meeting Hancock Parlor, 6th Floor DWC Breakfast Adams Room, 6th Floor 3:30 pm – 4:50 pm Friday, November 16 7:30 am – 9:00 am 9 ASC DIVISIONS’ SESSIONS OF INTEREST DIVISION ON CORRECTIONS AND SENTENCING WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 14 8:00am 9:30am 11:00am 12:30pm 2:00pm Life With(out) the Possibility of Parole: An Examination of Parole Decision Making in California Burnham 4, 7th Floor Communities and Community Corrections Clark 3, 7th Floor Attitudes of Court/Correctional Workers and Clients Clark 5, 7th Floor Challenges and Opportunities in Reducing the Use of Segregation in U.S. Prisons Clark 7, 7th Floor Cross-National Comparisons and Parole Decision Making Dearborn 2, 7th Floor Evaluating Prisoner Reentry Programs 1 LaSalle 1, 7th Floor Prosecution and Sentencing: A Cross-National Perspective Salon 8, 3rd Floor Inmate Health Related Issues in Correctional Institutions Clark 3, 7th Floor Novel Integration of Communication and Criminal Justice Theory: Effective Probation/Parole Supervision of Drug-Involved Salon 1, 3rd Floor Predicting Parole Decisions and Outcomes Salon 6, 3rd Floor Innovative Approaches to Community Corrections Salon 8, 3rd Floor Arrested Justice: Black Women, Violence and America's Prison Nation Spire Parlor, 6th Floor Educational Programs in Correctional Institutions Clark 7, 7th Floor Effectiveness of Institutional Programming Dearborn 2, 7th Floor Community Context and Prisoner Reentry LaSalle 1, 7th Floor The National Institute of Corrections' Norval Morris Project Salon 1, 3rd Floor A Discussion on Pennsylvania's Incarceration Binge Sandburg 2, 7th Floor Contemporary Issues in Probation Clark 3, 7th Floor Effects of Incarceration on Offenders Clark 7, 7th Floor Attitudes Toward Capital Punishment LaSalle 1, 7th Floor Convict Criminology: Improving Prison Research LaSalle 3, 7th Floor Honest Opportunity ProbationEnforcement (HOPE): Fidelity, Process and Impact Evaluations Salon 1, 3rd Floor Putting Research into Practice: Implications of Recent Corrctions Reforms in the United States Salon 10, 3rd Floor Coercive Confinement in Ireland: Patients, Prisoners and Penitents (Organized by The Prison Journal) Water Tower Parlor, 6th Floor The Social Theory of Moderninity and its Legacies for Punishment and Society Wilson Room, 3rd Floor Beyond Individual-Level Predictors of Prisoner Reentry Clark 7, 7th Floor Convict Criminology: Poetry and Photographs Reflecting on Mass Incarceration Clark 9, 7th Floor Effects of Incarceration on Families and Relationships Dearborn 2, 7th Floor 10 DIVISION ON CORRECTIONS AND SENTENCING WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 14 2:00pm 3:30pm 5:00pm Meeting Healthcare Needs in Community Corrections Settings Salon 8, 3rd Floor Corrections and Reentry Sandburg 4, 7th Floor Report of the NAS Committee on Deterrence and the Death Penalty Water Tower Parlor, 6th Floor Applying Criminological Theories to Prisoner Reentry Clark 5, 7th Floor Empirical Studies of Inmate Deviance Clark 7, 7th Floor Inmate and Environmental Influences on Prisoner Maladjustment Salon 7, 3rd Floor Evaluating Prisoner Reentry Programs II Salon 8, 3rd Floor A Multi-site Study of the Implications and Intersections of Trauma, Mental Illness and Offending Among Women in Jail Water Tower Parlor, 6th Floor Implementing HOPE (Honest Opportunity Probation Enforcement) in Different Jurisdictions Clark 3, 7th Floor Examining the Collateral Effects of Incarceration LaSalle 1, 7th Floor Prison Population and Theory Evaluation Logan Room, 3rd Floor Extralegel Factors and Federal Sentencing Outcomes Salon 1, 3rd Floor Parental Incarceration and Offending Across the Life Course Wilson Room, 3rd Floor THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 15 8:00am 9:30am 11:00am 12:30pm Division on Corrections and Sentencing Annual Business/Awards Breakfast Meeting Monroe Room, 6th Floor The Human Face of Community Corrections: How People Matter LaSalle 1, 7th Floor Keys to Success in Community Corrections Clark 3, 7th Floor Examining Influences on Correctional Populations and Resources Clark 7, 7th Floor Inmate Misconduct and Responses to Misconduct in Jails Dearborn 2, 7th Floor Prisoner Reentry for Minority Offenders LaSalle 1, 7th Floor Evaluating Prisoner Reentry Programs III Salon 8, 3rd Floor Correctional Programming for Women Spire Parlor, 6th Floor Miscarriages of Justice: Comparative Perspectives on Wrongful Convictions Burnham 2, 7th Floor The Effects of Sentencing Policies Burnham 4, 7th Floor Offender Rehabilitation and Prisoner Reentry Clark 3, 7th Floor Innovative Approaches to Ensuring Evidence-Based Practices in Corrections Clark 7, 7th Floor Offender Intervention Policies Dearborn 2, 7th Floor Correctional Contexts: Implications for Policy Clark 10, 7th Floor Prisoner Reentry for Sex Offenders and Mentally Ill Offenders Clark 5, 7th Floor Incarcerated Juveniles, Institutional Classification, and Programming Clark 7, 7th Floor Issues Related to Prison and Jail Staff Dearborn 2, 7th Floor 11 DIVISION ON CORRECTIONS AND SENTENCING THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 15 12:30pm 2:00pm 3:30pm Monitoring High-Risk Sex Offenders with GPS Technology: Findings From an Evaluation of the California Parole Supervision Program LaSalle 1, 7th Floor Evaluating Prisoner Reentry Programs IV Salon 8, 3rd Floor Serving Specialized Populations in the Community Clark 3, 7th Floor Prisoner Reentry for Women I Clark 7, 7th Floor Examining the Dosage Risk Relationship LaSalle 1, 7th Floor Interim Outcomes from a Community-Based Prisoner Reentry Initiative: Safer Return Salon 8, 3rd Floor Social Support and Prisoner Reentry Clark 3, 7th Floor Influences on Incarceration Rates Clark 7, 7th Floor Issues Related to Prison Construction Dearborn 2, 7th Floor Capital Punishment in the United States: Trends and Implications LaSalle 1, 7th Floor Operational Concerns in Community Corrections: Offender Rehabilitation, Case Management, and Risk Assessment Salon 1, 3rd Floor FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 16 8:00am Prosecution and Sentencing of "Specialized" Offenders Burnham 4, 7th Floor Evidence-Based Crime Policy II Chicago Room, 5th Floor Mental Health Issues in Juvenile Justice Clark 3, 7th Floor Influences on Attitudes toward Capital Punishment Clark 5, 7th Floor The Collateral Consequences of Incarceration I Clark 7, 7th Floor Restorative Offender Reentry Indiana Room, 3rd Floor The Impact of Criminal Record on Post-Release Employment LaSalle 1, 7th Floor Death Penalty: Theoretical and Legal Issues LaSalle 2, 7th Floor Sex Offenders: Housing, Sentencing, and Public Policies Madison Room, 3rd Floor Experimental Criminology: Using Experimentation to More Deeply Explore Criminal Justice Issues within Interventions (Organized by the Division of Experimental Criminology) Salon 1, 3rd Floor Important Issues in Prisoner Reentry Salon 8, 3rd Floor Neo-Marxian and Neo-Foucaldian Approaches to Long-Term Trends in the Prison Population: Business Cycles, Formulas of Government, and Citizenship Sandburg 7, 7th Floor 9:30am Predictors of Case Outcomes Burnham 2, 7th Floor Charging and Plea Bargaining Decisions Burnham 4, 7th Floor Macro-Level Studies of the Effects of Incarceration Clark 7, 7th Floor The American Prison: Imagining a Different Future I Crystal Room, 3rd Floor Legal and Ethical Issues in Institutional Corrections Dearborn 2, 7th Floor 12 DIVISION ON CORRECTIONS AND SENTENCING FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 16 9:30am 11:00am 12:30pm 2:00pm The Impact of Institutional Culture and the Incarceration Experience on the Reentry Process LaSalle 1, 7th Floor Risk-Needs-Responsivity in Community Corrections LaSalle 2, 7th Floor Methods and Findings of the What Works in Reentry Clearinghouse Salon 3, 3rd Floor Interviews with Global Leaders in Policing, Courts, and Prisons Sandburg 6, 7th Floor Miscarriages of Justice: Social Psychological Theory and Wrongful Convictions Burnham 2, 7th Floor Working the Joint: Issues Involving Correctional Staff Burnham 4, 7th Floor Prison Community Learning Experiences of Undergraduate Students: Inside-Out Prison Exchange and Alternatives to Violence Clark 3, 7th Floor Pretrial Risk Assessment: Status, Issues, and Opportunities for Improvement Clark 5, 7th Floor Translational Tools to Implement Evidence-Based Practices (EBPs) Clark 7, 7th Floor Prisoner Reentry for Women II LaSalle 1, 7th Floor Understanding Racial and Ethnic Disparity in the Probation Revocation Process LaSalle 2, 7th Floor Fostering Positive Youth Development: Reframing the Aims of Juvenile Justice Salon 6, 3rd Floor New Approaches to Prisoner Reentry Salon 8, 3rd Floor Women in Prison in England and Wales and South Korea Sandburg 4, 7th Floor Invisible Men: Mass Incarceration and the Myth of Black Progress Water Tower Parlor, 6th Floor Prosecutors and Defense Attorneys Burnham 4, 7th Floor The National Inside-Out Prison Exchange Program: Research and Ethics Clark 5, 7th Floor New Perspectives on Children of Incarcerated Parents Clark 7, 7th Floor Special Populations in Correctional Institutions Dearborn 2, 7th Floor Crime and Justice in America, 1975-2025: Punishment and Prevention Empire Room, Lobby Level The Collateral Consequences of Incarceration II LaSalle 1, 7th Floor Historical Dynamics of the U.S. Criminal Justice System LaSalle 3, 7th Floor Punishment and Society: The Political Variable, Comparatively (Organized by the Journal "Punishment and Society") Price Room, 5th Floor Individual-Level Predictors of Prisoner Reentry Salon 8, 3rd Floor Injustice before Trial: Reviewing the Early Decisions During the Formal Criminal Justice Process and the Impact They May Have on Criminal Defendants Sandburg 2, 7th Floor Hearing the Voices of Imprisoned Women Sandburg 4, 7th Floor Wrongful Convictions and the Reliability of Eyewitness Identification Burnham 2, 7th Floor Plea Bargaining, Juror Decision Making and Post-Conviction Supervision Burnham 4, 7th Floor Prisoner Reentry for Women III Clark 7, 7th Floor Reducing Racial Disparities in Juvenile Justice Systems LaSalle 1, 7th Floor 13 DIVISION ON CORRECTIONS AND SENTENCING FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 16 2:00pm 3:30pm Jury Decision Making in Death Penalty Cases LaSalle 2, 7th Floor Variations in Incarceration among Nation-States Price Room, 5th Floor The Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Research Resources: Opportunities for Funding, Publication, and Data Salon 1, 3rd Floor The Impact of New York State’s Rockefeller Drug Law Reform Salon 8, 3rd Floor Current Issues in Federal Sentencing: Fast-Track Programs for Immigration Offense Sandburg 3, 7th Floor Juvenile Justice and Delinquency I Sandburg 6, 7th Floor Race and Justice: Wrongful Convictions of African American Men (Organized by the Division on People of Color and Crime) Spire Parlor, 6th Floor Evidence-Based Crime Policy III Water Tower Parlor, 6th Floor The Characteristics of the Courtroom Workgroup and Case Outcomes Burnham 4, 7th Floor Management Issues in Correctional Institutions Clark 7, 7th Floor The American Prison: Imagining a Different Future II Crystal Room, 3rd Floor Critical Explorations in Contemporary Penality Dearborn 2, 7th Floor Reentry, Recidivism, and Desistance: Exploring Mechanisms Indiana Room, 3rd Floor Serious Juvenile Offenders, Life Imprisonment, and the Death Penalty LaSalle 1, 7th Floor Violence: Assessing Risk among Incarcerated Populations and Pathways to Desistence Madison Room, 3rd Floor Regulatory and Penal Responses to Financial Crimes Marshfield Room, 3rd Floor Sentencing Juveniles in Adult Court: Considerations and Consequences Salon 2, 3rd Floor The Triple Bottom Line: People, Planet, and Profit in Corrections Salon 8, 3rd Floor SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 17 8:30am Problem Solving Courts Burnham 2, 7th Floor The Future of Capital Punishment in the United States Burnham 4, 7th Floor Historical Trends in Punishment and Rehabilitation Clark 10, 7th Floor Parents in Correctional Instititutions Clark 3, 7th Floor Prison Issues and Culture in Media and Social Debate Clark 9, 7th Floor Surviving Prison: Quantitative and Qualitative Approaches Dearborn 2, 7th Floor Using Risk Assessment Instruments for Juvenile Justice Reform LaSalle 5, 7th Floor Evaluating of Strategies to Address Sex Offenders Madison Room, 3rd Floor What Role Can Nonprofit Organisations Play in Prisoner Reentry? Exploring International Opportunities and Challenges Sandburg 5, 7th Floor Life After Death Row: Exonerees' Search for Community and Identity Spire Parlor, 6th Floor The Effects of Contextual and Organizational Factors on Prisoner Reentry Wilson Room, 3rd Floor 14 DIVISION ON CORRECTIONS AND SENTENCING SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 17 10:00am What Works in Community Corrections Clark 3, 7th Floor The Efficacy of Juvenile Justice Interventions Clark 5, 7th Floor Issues Related to Visitation and Contact with Families in Correctional Facilities Clark 7, 7th Floor The Politics of Punishment and Correction Dearborn 2, 7th Floor Perceptions of Punitiveness LaSalle 3, 7th Floor The Gains and Challenges of Penal Abolition: A Roundtable Discussion Sandburg 8, 7th Floor Transformations in Punishment and Society Wilson Room, 3rd Floor DIVISION ON CRITICAL CRIMINOLOGY WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 14 8:00am Advancing Media Scholarship: Theory, Measurement, and the Role of Crime Experts Clark 9, 7th Floor 9:30am Convict Criminology: Perspectives on the Prison Experience Clark 9, 7th Floor 11:00am A Critical Analysis of Criminological Theory Clark 10, 7th Floor High Profile Events: Media Coverage and Implications Clark 3, 7th Floor State Crime Victimology I Dearborn 1, 7th Floor State Crime Victimology II Dearborn 1, 7th Floor Constructing Social Problems: School Crime, Ecstasy Deaths, and Terrorism Clark 9, 7th Floor 2:00pm Convict Criminology: Poetry and Photographs Reflecting on Mass Incarceration Clark 9, 7th Floor 3:30pm Crime and Identity Cresthill Room, 3rd Floor Media Presentations of Subterranean Cultural Groups LaSalle 2, 7th Floor Tearing Down the Streets: Ten Years On Burnham 4, 7th Floor Cultural Criminology of the Rural Cresthill Room, 3rd Floor Criminological Theory: Cultural and Critical Perspectives Sandburg 4, 7th Floor 12:30pm 5:00pm THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 15 11:00am 6th Annual Workshop on State Crime Hancock Parlor, 6th Floor 12:30pm Feminist Theory and Pedagogy Water Tower Parlor, 6th Floor 2:00pm Teaching Critical Criminology: Fostering Critical Thinking Sandburg 4, 7th Floor Cyborgs and Avatars and Monsters (Oh My!): Criminal Conversations with Feminist Science and Technology Studies Cresthill Room, 3rd Floor FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 16 8:00am New Research in Cultural Criminology Kimball Room, 3rd Floor 2:00pm Occupy Criminology Clark 9, 7th Floor 3:30pm Motorcycle Outlaws? Biker Identities, Narratives and Consumption Cresthill Room, 3rd Floor 15 DIVISION ON CRITICAL CRIMINOLOGY FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 16 3:30pm Routledge Handbook of Critical Criminology (Organized by the Division on Critical Criminology) Clark 5, 7th Floor SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 17 10:00am Teaching Critical Criminology: Teaching Specific Content Areas Critically Sandburg 4, 7th Floor DIVISION OF EXPERIMENTAL CRIMINOLOGY TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 13 1:00pm Division of Experimental Criminology Workshop: Practical Solutions for Administering Multi-site Randomized Trials Chicago Room, 5th Floor WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 14 8:00am Evaluating Prisoner Reentry Programs I LaSalle 1, 7th Floor 11:00am Police Reform, Training and Crime: Experimental Evidence from Colombia’s Plan Salon 9, 3rd Floor Cuadrantes 12:30pm Experimental Criminology: Effects of Restorative Justice Conferencing Ten Years On Room: Salon 2, 3rd Floor Honest Opportunity Probation Enforcement (HOPE): Fidelity, Process and Impact Salon 1, 3rd Floor Evaluations 2:00pm The Joan McCord Award Lecture and the Academy of Experimental Criminology Fellows Induction and Awards Ceremony Monroe Room, 6th Floor 3:30pm The Division of Experimental Criminology Meet and Greet and Awards Ceremony Monroe Room, 6th Floor 5:00pm Celebrating the Recipient of the 2013 Stockholm Prize in Criminology Monroe Room, 6th Floor Crime and Place: Place-Based Police Strategies Salon 2, 3rd Floor THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 15 8:00am A Randomized Controlled Trial Testing the Effects of the TASER on Cognitive Functioning Salon 6, 3rd Floor 11:00am Experimental Criminology in Cyberspace: The Effects of Warning and Surveillance on Hackers' On-Line Activities Monroe Room, 6th Floor 12:30pm Journal of Experimental Criminology Luncheon Burnham 5, 7th Floor Long-Term Experimental Evaluations of Developmental Prevention Programs Salon 12, 3rd Floor The Los Angeles Predictive Policing Experiment Salon 5, 3rd Floor Police and Crime Control Wilson Room, 3rd Floor Evidence-Based Crime Policy I Chicago Room, 5th Floor Experimental Criminology: Alternative Methods to Overcome Challenges in Randomized Controlled Experiments Salon 1, 3rd Floor Qualitative Fieldwork Contributions to Experimental Design and Implementation Science in Criminal Justice Settings Salon 10, 3rd floor James Q. Wilson on Policing and Experimentation Empire Room, Lobby Level 2:00pm 16 DIVISION OF EXPERIMENTAL CRIMINOLOGY THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 15 3:30pm Experimental Criminology: Evaluating Police Legitimacy and Procedural Justice Salon 2, 3rd Floor FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 16 8:00am Experimental Criminology: Using Experimentation to More Deeply Explore Criminal Justice Issues within Interventions Salon 1, 3rd Floor 11:00am An Experimental Design Comparing the Effectiveness of Web-Based Classroom Training on Learning Transfer among Juvenile Corrections Staff Burnham 4, 7th Floor 12:30pm Experimental Criminology: The Sociology of Knowledge Generation - The People Salon 6, 3rd Floor and Agencies Behind Experimental and Quasi-Experimental Research in Policing 2:00pm Quasi-Experimental Methods in Policing and Crime Salon 3, 3rd Floor Experimental Research in Criminology Salon 7, 3rd Floor A Quasi-Experimental Evaluation of Near Repeat Surveillance as a Method of Crime Prevention Salon 5, 3rd Floor SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 17 10:00am Experimental Criminology: An Experimental Evaluation of Supervision Strategies for High Risk Probationers in Philadelphia LaSalle 1, 7th Floor DIVISION OF INTERNATIONAL CRIMINOLOGY WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 14 8:00am 9:30am 11:00am 12:30pm Prosecution and Sentencing: A Cross-National Perspective Salon 8, 3rd Floor International Perspectives on Juvenile Protection and Welfare Policies LaSalle 5, 7th Floor Cross-National Comparisons and Parole Decision-Making Dearborn 2, 7th Floor Sold into Extinction: The Global Trade in Endangered Species (Division of International Criminology 2012 Distinguished Book Award Winner Salon 2, 3rd Floor The Community Context of Crime and Social Problems: Studies from around the World Cresthill Room, 3rd Floor Blue Criminology: The Power of United Nations Ideas to Counter Crime Globally Sandburg 6, 7th Floor Violence Against Women: International Perspectives Water Tower Parlor, 6th Floor Victimization Risk in International Contexts Buckingham Room, 5th Floor International Policing Salon 9, 3rd Floor Crime and Crime Control in Africa LaSalle 5, 7th Floor Policing Muslim Communities: International and Comparative Perspectives Salon 12, 3rd Floor Best Practices and Emerging Research in Identification of Human Trafficking Victims Sandburg 5, 7th Floor Cross-National Survey Analyses of Crime-Related Issues Price Room, 5th Floor International Perspectives on Terrorism and Political Violence Salon 7, 3rd Floor Approaches to International Criminal Justice Coursework Sandburg 3, 7th Floor 17 DIVISION OF INTERNATIONAL CRIMINOLOGY WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 14 12:30pm 2:00pm Boko Haram: The Emergence of an Al-Qaeda Affiliated Terrorist Group in Nigeria Sandburg 7, 7th Floor Coercive Confinement in Ireland: Patients, Prisoners, and Penitents Water Tower Parlor, 6th Floor Research Informing the Response to Transnational Organized Crime Price Room, 5th Floor Immigration and Perceptions of Crime Salon 6, 3rd Floor Evidence-Based Practice in European Juvenile Justice Price Room, 5th Floor Correlates of Immigration and Offending Spire Parlor, 6th Floor Immigration and Marginality Kimball Room, 3rd Floor THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 15 8:00am 9:30am 11:00am 12:30pm Traditional Organized Crime in the Modern World I Clark 10, 7th Floor Crime and Victimization in South Korea Price Room, 5th Floor Crime and Place: Wildlife Crime - The Importance of Place and Context Cresthill Room, 3rd Floor Understanding the 2011 English Riots Madison Room, 3rd Floor Measuring Crime against Business at the Cross-National Level Marshfield Room, 3rd Floor United Nations Panel I: Ecological Crime Price Room, 5th Floor Organized Crime in the Digital Age Sandburg 4, 7th Floor Cultural Approaches to Green Criminology: New and Emerging Perspectives Clark 9, 7th Floor International Perspectives in Crime Control Policy Transfer Price Room, 5th Floor Organized Crime, Situational Crime Prevention, and Routine Activity Theory Sandburg 5, 7th Floor Justice Reform in A Changing World Clark 9, 7th Floor THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 15 12:30pm 2:00pm 3:30pm Criminalization and Community: Cultural Criminological Perspectives LaSalle 5, 7th Floor Organized Crime: International and U.S. Perspectives Marshfield Room, 3rd Floor Human Trafficking: Measurement Challenges and Empirical Advances Price Room, 5th Floor American Memories: Atrocities and the Law (author is recipient of 2012 Adler Distinguished Scholar Award from the Division of International Criminology) Red Lacquer Room, 4th Floor Theoretical Advances in the Cross-National Context LaSalle 5, 7th Floor Legal Equity and Corruption Across Nations Price Room, 5th Floor War Crimes, Genocide & Crimes against Humanity: An International Journal Clark 1, 7th Floor Corruption and Organized Crime in Europe (Organized by the International Association for the Study of Organized Crime) Clark 9, 7th Floor When Violence Turns Deadly: Correlates of Homicide in Europe Cresthill Room, 3rd Floor International Context and Criminological Theory Evaluation Logan Room, 3rd Floor Juvenile Justice Practices Across Nation-States Price Room, 5th Floor 18 DIVISION OF INTERNATIONAL CRIMINOLOGY FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 16 8:00am 9:30am 11:00am Justice and the Rule of Law in the African Continent Clark 9, 7th Floor Criminal Justice in South Korea LaSalle 5, 7th Floor Social Processes in the Immigration-Crime Nexus Spire Parlor, 6th Floor Interviews with Global Leaders in Policing, Courts, and Prisons Sandburg 6, 7th Floor Making Sense of Adolescent to Parent Violence: International Perspectives Sandburg 8, 7th Floor Dutch Study Group on the Transition from Juvenile Delinquency into Adult Crime Sandburg 3, 7th Floor Studies on the Problem of Corruption Cresthill Room, 3rd Floor International Perspectives on Victimization Dearborn 1, 7th Floor United Nations Panel II: Democratic Policing and Human Rights - Models and Measurement Chicago Room, 5th Floor International Perspectives on Perceptions of Crime Clark 3, 7th Floor Crime and Justice Issues in Armenia, Honduras, Europe and the United States Clark 9, 7th Floor Terrorist, Drug, and Smuggling Organizations Cresthill Room, 3rd Floor The International Control of Money Laundering Salon 10, 3rd Floor 2:00pm International Research on Drug Use, Dealing, and Control II Salon 4, 3rd Floor 3:00pm Zombie Criminology: Can a Nation-Centric Discipline Survive a Globalized World Context? Clark 9, 7th Floor Spatial Criminology in China Price Room, 5th Floor 12:30pm FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 16 3:00pm Traditional Organized Crime in the Modern World II Salon 6, 3rd Floor International/Comparative Crime Sandburg 2, 7th Floor SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 17 8:30am Enablers of Organized Crime Clark 1, 7th Floor 10:00am United Nations Panel: Criminology at the UN Sandburg 2, 7th Floor Mafia Investments Clark 10, 7th Floor Trafficking in Art and Antiquities Clark 9, 7th Floor Strategic Countermeasures for Anti-Counterfeiting, Intellectual Property Rights, and Product Fraud: Enabling the Shift to Prevention Marshfield Room, 3rd Floor DIVISION OF VICTIMOLOGY WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 14 8:00am Responding to Sexual Victimization Buckingham Room, 5th Floor 9:30am BJS and the Use of Administrative Data on Crime – What We Are Learning from NIBRS Buckingham Room, 5th Floor Collective Forms of Victimization Dearborn 1, 7th Floor 19 DIVISION OF VICTIMOLOGY WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 14 11:00am Victimization Risk in International Contexts Buckingham Room, 5th Floor 12:30pm Empirical Assessment of Victims and Victimization Buckingham Room, 5th Floor Race, Women, and Victimization: New Uses of NCVS Data Clark 5, 7th Floor Dating Violence Dearborn 1, 7th Floor State and National Responses to Elder Abuse, Mistreatment, and Neglect Buckingham Room, 5th Floor Repeat and Poly-Victimization Buckingham Room, 5th Floor Children at Risk for Victimization Dearborn 1, 7th Floor Victims of Intimate Partner Violence LaSalle 3, 7th Floor Bullying Buckingham Room, 5th Floor 2:00pm 3:30pm 5:00pm THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 15 8:00am Bullying and Offending Buckingham Room, 5th Floor Property, Fraud, and Cyber Victimization Dearborn 1, 7th Floor 9:30am Criminal Justice and State Responses to Victimization Dearborn 1, 7th Floor 11:00am Victimization Risk Over Time: Research Findings from the NCVS Buckingham Room, 5th Floor Understanding the Impact of Victimization Dearborn 1, 7th Floor Consequences of Victimization Buckingham Room, 5th Floor Robbery Victimization Dearborn 1, 7th Floor Victimization Prevention Strategies Buckingham Room, 5th Floor Help-Seeking among Victims Dearborn 1, 7th Floor Crime Costs and Victim Harm: Using Victimization Data to Study the Consequences of Crime Buckingham Room, 5th Floor Victim Contact with the Criminal Justice System Dearborn 1, 7th Floor Mechanisms Underlying Violence and Victimization Clark 5, 7th Floor 12:30pm 2:00pm 3:00pm FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 16 8:00am Rates and Trends of Childhood Exposure to Crime, Violence and Abuse Buckingham Room, 5th Floor 9:30am Intimate Partner Violence Buckingham Room, 5th Floor Sexual Assault Victimization Dearborn 1, 7th Floor Vulnerability to Victimization Among the Elderly and Disabled Buckingham Room, 5th Floor International Perspectives on Victimization Dearborn 1, 7th Floor Community Perceptions of Intimate Partner Abuse among High School Students Dearborn 1, 7th Floor Marital Status and Victimization Buckingham Room, 5th Floor 11:00am 12:30pm 20 DIVISION OF VICTIMOLOGY FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 16 2:00pm 3:30pm College Students as Bystanders in Preventing and Responding to Crimes Against Women on College Campuses Buckingham Room, 5th Floor Victimization Across Sexual Contexts Dearborn 1, 7th Floor Responding to Sexual Assault Dearborn 1, 7th Floor New Findings and Explanations for Victimization among Hispanics/Latinos Buckingham Room, 5th Floor SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 17 8:30am 10:00am Patterns of Teen Dating Violence: Victimization and Perpetration Buckingham Room, 5th Floor School-Based Responses to Victimization and Offending Dearborn 1, 7th Floor Patterns of Violence Against Women in Alaska: Estimates, Correlates, and Batterer Interventions Dearborn 1, 7th Floor The Link between Victimization and Offending Buckingham Room, 5th Floor DIVISION ON PEOPLE OF COLOR AND CRIME WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 14 8:00am 9:30am Intimate Partner Violence among Immigrant Populations Millenium Parlor, 6th Floor Contemporary Approaches to Latin@ Criminology I Dearborn 1, 7th Floor Author-Meets-Critic: Arrested Justice: Black Women, Violence, and America's Prison Nation Spire Parlor, 6th Floor Author-Meets-Critics: Detained Without Cause: Muslims' Stories of Detention and Deportation in America after 9/11 Water Tower Parlor, 6th Floor 11:00am 12:30pm Crime in China Price Room, 5th Floor Inequality and Criminal Justice Resources and Experiences Cresthill Room, 3rd Floor Role of Race in Perceptions of Justice LaSalle 3, 7th Floor Crime and Crime Control in Africa LaSalle 5, 7th Floor Criminology in China Price Room, 5th Floor Policing Muslim Communities: International and Comparative Perspectives Salon 12, 3rd Floor Hate Crime Issues: Community Organizing and Impacts Salon 4, 3rd Floor International Policing Salon 9, 3rd Floor Authors-Meet-Critics: A Theory of African American Offending: Race, Racism, and Crime Spire Parlor, 6th Floor Violence Against Women: International Perspectives Water Tower Parlor, 6th Floor Race, Women, and Victimization: New Uses of NCVS Data Clark 5, 7th Floor Conducting Research and Analyzing Data on Violence Against American Indian and Alaska Native Women Madison Room, 3rd Floor Boko Haram: The Emergence of an Al-Qaeda Affiliated Terrorist Group in Nigeria Sandburg 7, 7th Floor 21 DIVISION ON PEOPLE OF COLOR AND CRIME WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 14 2:00pm 3:30pm 5:00pm Immigration and Perceptions of Crime Salon 6, 3rd Floor Race and Pathways to Delinquency Salon 7, 3rd Floor Students Meet Scholars: Reconceptualizing Diversity Chicago Room, 5th Floor Understanding Racial Disparities in Arrests, Searches, and Seizures Salon 1, 3rd Floor Yà Miáo Zhù Zhǎng: How China's “Zeal” for Industrialization Invites WhiteCollar and Corporate Crime Salon 4, 3rd Floor Race Issues in Contemporary Criminology Burnham 4, 7th Floor Immigration and Marginality Kimball Room, 3rd Floor Association of Chinese Criminology & Criminal Justice General Meeting Salon 3, 3rd Floor Author-Meets-Critics: 5 Grams: Crack Cocaine, Rap Music, and the War on Drugs Salon 7, 3rd Floor Correlates of Immigration and Offending Spire Parlor, 6th Floor THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 15 8:00am Crime and Victimization in South Korea Price Room, 5th Floor The Experience of Hate Crime Salon 4, 3rd Floor Prisoner Reentry for Minority Offenders LaSalle 1, 7th Floor Immigration and the Changing Social Fabric of American Cities Salon 3, 3rd Floor 11:00am Division on People of Color and Crime General Business Meeting Grant Park Parlor, 6th Floor 12:30pm Crime and Justice in America, 1975-2025: Drugs, Guns, Race, Violence Empire Room, Lobby Level 2:00pm Division on People of Color and Crime Mentoring Meeting Grant Park Parlor, 6th Floor Media Construction of Gender and Race I LaSalle 2, 7th Floor Race, Ethnicity, and Crime Sandburg 3, 7th Floor Race and Juvenile Justice Spire Parlor, 6th Floor African Criminology and Justice Association Meeting Burnham 5, 7th Floor Korean Society of Criminology in America (KSCA) Meeting Grant Park Parlor, 6th Floor Race, Neighborhood Stigma, and Perceptions of Disorder Kimball Room, 3rd Floor 9:30am 3:30pm The Ecology of Racial/Ethnic Composition, Immigration, and Violence: Assessing the Continuity and Changes Red Lacquer Room, 4th Floor FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 16 8:00am Justice and the Rule of Law in the African Continent Clark 9, 7th Floor Criminal Justice in South Korea LaSalle 5, 7th Floor 9:30am Race, Ethnicity and Crime/Delinquency Theory Logan Room, 3rd Floor 11:00am Understanding Racial and Ethnic Disparity in the Probation Revocation Process LaSalle 2, 7th Floor The Impact of Race on Police Use of Force: Lessons from Empirical Research Salon 1, 3rd Floor 22 DIVISION ON PEOPLE OF COLOR AND CRIME FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 16 11:00am Author-Meets-Critics: Invisible Men: Mass Incarceration and the Myth of Black Progress Water Tower Parlor, 6th Floor 12:30pm International Perspectives on Perceptions of Crime Clark 3, 7th Floor Indigenous Peoples and the Problem of Criminology LaSalle 5, 7th Floor Division on People of Color and Crime Luncheon & Symposium Monroe Room, 6th Floor Race, Immigration, and Fear of Crime Clark 3, 7th Floor Reducing Racial Disparities in Juvenile Justice Systems LaSalle 1, 7th Floor Authors-Meet-Critics: Race and Justice: Wrongful Convictions of African American Men Spire Parlor, 6th Floor Association of Chinese Criminology & Criminal Justice Board Meeting Wrigley Parlor, 6th Floor New Findings and Explanations for Victimization among Hispanics/Latinos Buckingham Room, 5th Floor Contemporary Approaches to Latin@ Criminology II Burnham 2, 7th Floor Spatial Criminology in China Price Room, 5th Floor Private and Public Reactions to Minorities and Their Crimes Sandburg 7, 7th Floor 2:00pm 3:30pm SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 17 8:30am 10:00am Why Are Nigerian Nurses Vulnerable to Deadly Intimate Partner Violence? Sandburg 6, 7th Floor Women's Offenses and Victimization: Examining International Contexts Water Tower Parlor, 6th Floor The Need for Creating Therapeutic Communities within South African Correctional Facilities Sandburg 8, 7th Floor Author-Meets-Critics: The Black Child-Savers: Racial Democracy and Juvenile Justice Water Tower Parlor, 6th Floor DIVISION ON WOMEN AND CRIME TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 13 4:00pm Feminist Criminology Theory and Action Pre-Conference Workshop Wilson Room, 3rd Floor WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 14 8:00am 9:30am 11:00am Responding to Sexual Victimization Buckingham Room, 3rd Floor Intimate Partner Violence Among Immigrant Populations Millennium Parlor, 6th Floor A Troubled Marriage: Domestic Violence and the Legal System Spire Parlor, 6th Floor Gender and Fear of Crime LaSalle 1, 7th Floor Novel Integration of Communication and Criminal Justice Theory: Effective Probation/Parole Supervision of Drug-Involved Women Salon 1, 3rd Floor Online Child Sexual Exploitation: Child Pornography and Sexting Salon 4, 3rd Floor Arrested Justice: Black Women, Violence, and America's Prison Nation Spire Parlor, 6th Floor Gender Issues in Policing Burnham 1, 7th Floor Gender Vulnerabilities: Care and Treatment of Girls in the Justice System LaSalle 2, 7th Floor 23 DIVISION ON WOMEN AND CRIME WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 14 11:00am 12:30pm 2:00pm 3:30pm 5:00pm Public Opinion, Neighborhood Context, and Sex Offending Madison Room, 3rd Floor The Criminal Justice Response to Domestic Violence Millennium Parlor, 6th Floor Rape is Rape: How Denial Fuels the Hidden Crisis Sandburg 4, 7th Floor Violence Against Women: International Perspectives Water Tower Parlor, 6th Floor Using Qualitative Methods in Sensitive Research Situations Clark 10, 7th Floor Race, Women, and Victimization: New Uses of NCVS Data Clark 5, 7th Floor Conducting Research and Analyzing Data on Violence Against American Indian and Alaska Native Women Madison Room, 3rd Floor Court Responses to Domestic and Intimate Partner Violence: Protection Orders Millennium Parlor, 6th Floor Best Practices and Emerging Research in Identification of Human Trafficking Victims Sandburg 5, 7th Floor Gender, Recidivism, and Authorities' Decisions Spire Parlor, 6th Floor Clarifying Institutional Anomie Theory: Issues of Conceptual Clarity, Race, and Gender Burnham 4, 7th Floor Dating Violence Dearborn 1, 7th Floor Effects of Incarceration on Families and Relationships Dearborn 2, 7th Floor Child Maltreatment, Exposure to Violence, and Victimization: Life Course Predictors and Consequences Indiana Room, 3rd Floor Girls in Trouble: Getting Beyond the "Bad Girls" Rhetoric LaSalle 1, 7th Floor Typologies of Sex Offending Millennium Parlor, 6th Floor Alcohol and Sexual Assault: Findings From the Women’s Stress and Support Study Salon 1, 3rd Floor Gender and White Collar Crime in the 21st Century Salon 2, 3rd Floor Repeat and Poly-Victimization Buckingham Room, 5th Floor Students Meet Scholars: Reconceptualizing Diversity Chicago Room, 5th Floor Children at Risk for Victimization Dearborn 1, 7th Floor Victims of Intimate Partner Violence LaSalle 3, 7th Floor A Multi-Site Study of the Implications and Intersections of Trauma, Mental Illness, and Offending Among Women in Jail Water Tower Parlor, 6th Floor Professional Development: Juggling Parenthood and Academia Chicago Room, 5th Floor The Gendered Nature of Intimate Partner Violence: Female Perpetration and Mutual Violence Millennium Parlor, 6th Floor Crime, Gender, and Feminism Sandburg 6, 7th Floor In Memory of Roslyn Muraskin: Scholar, Advocate, Teacher, and Mentor Water Tower Parlor, 6th Floor Parental Incarceration and Offending Across the Life Course Wilson Room, 3rd Floor 24 DIVISION ON WOMEN AND CRIME THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 15 7:30am DWC Breakfast Meeting Adams Room, 6th Floor 8:00am Marriage, Romantic Relationships, and Desistance Indiana Room, 3rd Floor Family Processes and Delinquency Logan Room, 3rd Floor Adolescent and Dating Violence Millennium Parlor, 6th Floor Sex Offenders and Society I Salon 10, 3rd Floor The Response of the Criminal Justice System to Sexual Assault Burnham 4, 7th Floor Gender and the Desistance Process Indiana Room, 3rd Floor Gender and Criminal Behavior Logan Room, 3rd Floor Sex Offenders and Society II Salon 10, 3rd Floor Ph.D. Mama: Balancing Motherhood and the Academy Sandburg 6, 7th Floor Correctional Programming for Women Spire Parlor, 6th Floor Juvenile Sex Offending LaSalle 1, 7th Floor Media Constructions: Violence, Gender, and Justice LaSalle 2, 7th Floor 9:30am 11:00am The Role of Parents and the Family in Juvenile Justice Proceedings and Outcomes LaSalle 5, 7th Floor 12:30pm 2:00pm Family Violence: Child Abuse, Child-to-Parent Abuse, and Mutual Violence Millennium Parlor, 6th Floor Teaching about Race, Class, and Gender in Criminology Sandburg 2, 7th Floor New and Ongoing Issues in Data Collection of Intimate Partner Violence, Sexual Violence, and Stalking Sandburg 4, 7th Floor Post-Incarceration Experiences Among Women and Other Disadvantaged Groups Spire Parlor, 6th Floor Gender and Crime Water Tower Parlor, 6th Floor Family Violence and Youthful Violent Offenders Wilson Room, 3rd Floor Prosecutorial and Judicial Strategies for Domestic Violence Cases Burnham 4, 7th Floor Gender and Criminological Theory Logan Room, 3rd Floor Spatial Analysis of Sex Offenses Madison Room, 3rd Floor Human Trafficking: Measurement Challenges and Empirical Advances Price Room, 5th Floor Sexual Offenses and Minors Salon 4, 3rd Floor Righting the 'Wrongs' of Violent Young Women Sandburg 6, 7th Floor Women, Gender, and Crime Sandburg 7, 7th Floor Feminist Theory and Pedagogy Water Tower Parlor, 6th Floor Prisoner Reentry for Women I Clark 7, 7th Floor Cyborgs and Avatars and Monsters (Oh My!): Criminal Conversations with Feminist Science and Technology Studies Cresthill Room, 3rd Floor Media Construction of Gender and Race I LaSalle 2, 7th Floor Social Support and Social Stigma: Effects on the Lives of Sexual Offenders Madison Room, 3rd Floor 25 DIVISION ON WOMEN AND CRIME THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 15 2:00pm Recognizing Violence and Victimization: Contexts and Questions Salon 6, 3rd Floor 3:30pm Division on Women and Crime Feminist Criminology Editorial Board Meeting Hancock Parlor, 6th Floor Media Construction of Gender and Race II LaSalle 2, 7th Floor Sex Trafficking/Prostitution Sandburg 2, 7th Floor Reproductive Rights as a Criminal Justice Issue Sandburg 4, 7th Floor Gender and Drugs I Spire Parlor, 6th Floor Developmental Pathways to Family Violence Wilson Room, 3rd Floor FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 16 7:30am DWC Breakfast Meeting Adams Room, 6th Floor 8:00am Rates and Trends of Childhood Exposure to Crime, Violence and Abuse Buckingham Room, 5th Floor Sex Offenders: Housing, Sentencing, and Public Policies Madison Room, 3rd Floor Pimping and Sex Trafficking Marshfield Room, 3rd Floor Training, Treatment, and Assessment for Family Violence Millennium Parlor, 6th Floor Intimate Partner Violence Buckingham Room, 5th Floor Sexual Assault Victimization Dearborn 1, 7th Floor Sexual Assault and College Students: Experiences and Attitudes Madison Room, 3rd Floor Criminal Careers and Intergenerational Transmission of Sex Offenders Salon 1, 3rd Floor Public Welfare and Policy Issues Related to Female Deviance and Victimization Salon 4, 3rd Floor Making Sense of Adolescent to Parent Violence: International Perspectives Sandburg 8, 7th Floor Sexed and Gendered Pathways to Offending and Recidivism Spire Parlor, 6th Floor Ideas for Recycling/Greener Efforts at the ASC Meetings Burnham 5, 7th Floor Prisoner Reentry for Women II LaSalle 1, 7th Floor The Gendered Nature of Intimate Partner Violence: Male Perpetration Millennium Parlor, 6th Floor State and Local Perspectives of Trafficking in Persons Price Room, 5th Floor The Gendered and Racialized Delinquency and Juvenile Justice Experiences of At-Risk Youth Salon 4, 3rd Floor Women in Prison in England and Wales and South Korea Sandburg 4, 7th Floor Gender Dynamics and Responding to the Challenging or Resistant Student Sandburg 7, 7th Floor Gender and Drugs II Spire Parlor, 6th Floor Marital Status and Victimization Buckingham Room, 5th Floor New Perspectives on Children of Incarcerated Parents Clark 7, 7th Floor Community Perceptions of Intimate Partner Abuse among High School Students Dearborn 1, 7th Floor Sex Offenders: Patterns of Offending Madison Room, 3rd Floor 9:30am 11:00am 12:30pm 26 DIVISION ON WOMEN AND CRIME FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 16 12:30pm 2:00pm 3:30pm Intimate Partner Violence among Same-Sex Couples Millennium Parlor, 6th Floor Consequences of Childhood Maltreatment Salon 2, 3rd Floor Hearing the Voices of Imprisoned Women Sandburg 4, 7th Floor Intimate Partner Violence Sandburg 6, 7th Floor College Students as Bystanders in Preventing and Responding to Crimes Against Women on College Campuses Buckingham Room, 5th Floor Prisoner Reentry for Women III Clark 7, 7th Floor Victimization Across Sexual Contexts Dearborn 1, 7th Floor Trafficking in Persons for Labor Exploitation in the United States LaSalle 3, 7th Floor Strategies for Managing Sexual Offenders Madison Room, 3rd Floor Students Meet Scholars: Gender and Crime Chicago Room, 5th Floor Public Perceptions of Sex Crimes Clark 3, 7th Floor Responding to Sexual Assault Dearborn 1, 7th Floor Intimate Partner Violence, Sexual Assault, and Pregnancy Millennium Parlor, 6th Floor Mentoring Undergraduates in Research and Scholarship Sandburg 8, 7th Floor GPS Monitoring Technologies and Domestic Violence: An Evaluation Study Salon 1, 3rd Floor SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 17 8:30am 10:00am Patterns of Teen Dating Violence: Victimization and Perpetration Buckingham Room, 5th Floor The Future of Batterer Programs: Reassessing Evidence-Based Practice Chicago Room, 5th Floor Parents in Correctional Institutions Clark 3, 7th Floor Evaluation of Strategies to Address Sex Offending Madison Room, 3rd Floor Why Are Nigerian Nurses Vulnerable to Deadly Intimate Partner Violence? Sandburg 6, 7th Floor Women's Offenses and Victimization: Examining International Contexts Water Tower Parlor, 6th Floor Testing Forensic Evidence in Sexual Assault Crimes: Research in Houston to Improve Outcomes for Victims and the Justice System Burnham 2, 7th Floor Issues Related to Visitation and Contact with Family in Correctional Facilities Clark 7, 7th Floor Patterns of Violence Against Women in Alaska: Estimates, Correlates, and Batterer Interventions Dearborn 1, 7th Floor Women and Violence: Exploring Context and Typologies Madison Room, 3rd Floor Measuring Gender and Crime Millennium Parlor, 6th Floor Measuring Human Trafficking: Examples in Operationalization and Instrumentation Sandburg 3, 7th Floor Teaching Sensitive Topics: Intimate Partner Abuse, Rape, and Victim Blaming Sandburg 5, 7th Floor The Gendering of Offending Spire Parlor, 6th Floor 27 OTHER MEETINGS AND EVENTS TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 13 8:00am - 5:00pm Campbell Collaboration Crime and Justice Group Meeting Clark 3, 7th Floor 1:00pm - 5:00pm Workshop: Analyzing the Project on Human Development in Chicago Neighborhoods Water Tower Parlor, 6th Floor 1:00pm - 5:00pm Workshop: GIS, Mapping, and Spatial Modeling Spire Parlor, 6th Floor 3:00pm - 7:00pm ASC Executive Board Meeting Crystal Room, 3rd Floor WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 14 12:30pm - 1:50pm Green Criminology Working Group Medinah Parlor, 6th Floor 2:00pm - 3:20pm Journal of Quantitative Criminology Editorial Board Meeting Salon 3, 3rd Floor 2:00pm - 3:20pm Open Meeting of the Eurogang Group Montrose 5, 7th Floor 2:00pm - 3:20pm The Joan McCord Award Lecture and the Academy of Experimental Criminology Awards Ceremony Monroe Room, 6th Floor 2:00pm - 3:20pm Victims & Offenders Editorial Board Meeting Montrose 4, 7th Floor 3:30pm - 4:50pm Crime Science Meeting Hancock Parlor, 6th Floor 3:30pm - 6:30pm Health and Justice Meeting Clark 1, 7th Floor 3:30pm - 4:50pm Homicide Research Working Group 2012 Richard & Carolyn Block Awards Grant Park Parlor, 6th Floor 5:00pm - 6:20pm Association of Chinese Criminology & Criminal Justice General Meeting Salon 3, 3rd Floor 5:00pm - 6:20pm Celebrating the Recipient of the 2013 Stockholm Prize in Criminology Monroe Room, 6th Floor 6:30pm - 8:00pm ASC Awards Plenary Grand Ballroom, 4th Floor 8:00pm - 10:00pm ASC Opening Social State Ballroom, 4th Floor 8:00pm - 10:00pm Ron Akers and His Bluegrass Band State Ballroom, 4th Floor THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 15 9:30am - 10:50am Student Affairs Committee Meeting Wrigley Parlor, 6th Floor 11:00am - 12:20pm ASC Mentoring Committee Meeting Salon 2, 3rd Floor 11:00am - 12:20pm Outstanding Article Award Committee Meeting Clark 1, 7th Floor 11:00am - 12:20pm Tribute to Hugo Adam Bedau Montrose 5, 7th Floor 12:30pm - 1:50pm Journal of Experimental Criminology Luncheon Burnham 5, 7th Floor 1:30pm - 2:45pm Ice Cream Social (sponsored by Wiley) Exhibit Hall 2:00pm - 3:20pm A Discussion with the Director of the National Institute of Justice Hancock Parlor, 6th Floor 3:30pm - 4:50pm African Criminology and Justice Association Meeting Burnham 5, 7th Floor 3:30pm - 4:50pm Journal of Research in Crime & Delinquency Board Meeting Salon 7, 3rd Floor 3:30pm - 4:50pm Korean Society of Criminology in America (KSCA) Meeting Grant Park Parlor, 6th Floor 3:30pm - 4:50pm Minority Affairs Committee Meeting Wrigley Parlor, 6th Floor 28 OTHER MEETINGS AND EVENTS THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 15 3:30pm - 4:50pm War Crimes, Genocide & Crimes against Humanity: An International Journal Clark 1, 7th Floor 5:00pm - 6:20pm International Association for the Study of Organized Crime Business Meeting (IASOC) Clark 9, 7th Floor FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 16 7:30am - 8:30am Criminology Editorial Board Meeting Grant Park Parlor, 6th Floor 9:30am - 10:50am ASC 2013 Program Committee Meeting Salon 12, 3rd Floor 9:30am - 10:50am Caribbean Crime Study Group Meeting Grant Park Parlor, 6th Floor 9:30am - 10:50am CMC Board Meeting Burnham 5, 7th Floor 9:30am - 10:50am Homicide Studies Editorial Board Meeting Hancock Parlor, 6th Floor 11:00am - 12:20pm ASC Policy Committee Meeting Hancock Parlor, 6th Floor 11:00am - 12:20pm Association of Doctoral Programs of Criminology & Criminal Justice Business Meeting (ADPCCJ) Grant Park Parlor, 6th Floor 11:00am - 12:20pm Ideas for Recycling/Greener Efforts at the ASC Meetings Burnham 5, 7th Floor 12:30pm - 2:00pm Rutgers University Alumni Association Luncheon Wabash Room, 3rd Floor 12:30pm - 1:50pm The Scientific Advisory Committee of the NSCR (Closed Session) Medinah Parlor, 6th Floor 2:00pm - 3:20pm ASC Business Meeting Clark 8, 7th Floor 2:00pm - 3:20pm Criminologists without Borders (Open to All) Adams Room, 6th Floor 2:00pm - 3:20pm National White Collar Crime Center Meeting Grant Park Parlor, 6th Floor 3:30pm - 4:50pm ASC Publications Meeting Medinah Parlor, 6th Floor 3:30pm - 5:00pm Issues of ACCCJ Wrigley Parlor, 6th Floor 3:30pm - 4:50pm Proposed Division of Developmental and Life-Course Criminology: Organizational Meeting Grant Park Parlor, 6th Floor 5:00pm - 6:00pm ASC Presidential Justice Award and Presidential Address Grand Ballroom, 4th Floor 6:00pm - 7:00pm ASC Presidential Reception State Ballroom, 4th Floor 9:00pm - 11:00pm Minority Ferllowship Dance Featuring The Hot Spots Grand Ballroom, 4th Floor 10:00pm - 1:00am Minority Fellowship Dance Featuring Matthew Skoller Blues’s Band Red Lacquer Room, 4th Floor SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 17 11:30am - 1:00pm ASC Closing Brunch Empire Room, Lobby Level 12:00pm - 5:00pm ASC Executive Board Meeting Crystal Room, 3rd Floor 29 RECEPTIONS WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 14 Handbook of Punishment and Society Homicide Research Working Group Pretrial Justice Institute and Urban Institute University of Nebraska at Omaha Wabash Room, 3rd Floor Grant Park Parlor, 6th Floor Burnham 5, 7th Floor Empire Room, Lobby Level 2:00 - 3:20 pm 5:00 - 6:20 pm 5:00 - 8:00 pm 9:00 - 11:00 pm THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 15 The Urban Institute Carolina Academic Press Monroe Room, 6th Floor Wabash Room, 3rd Floor 5:00 - 7:00 pm 7:00 - 10:00 pm FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 16 7:00 - 9:00 pm American University Arizona State University Doctorate in Cultural and Global Criminology (the DCGC, a European consortium led by the University of Kent) Florida State University George Mason University Georgia State University Griffith University Illinois State University Indiana University, Bloomington John Jay College of Criminal Justice Korean Institute of Criminology Michigan State University Northeastern University Pennsylvania State University Rutgers University Simon Fraser University University at Albany, SUNY University of California, Irvine University of Cambridge University of Cincinnati University of Maryland, College Park University of Massachusetts Lowell University of New Haven University of Pennsylvania Hancock Parlor, 6th Floor Crystal Room, 3rd Floor 30 Cresthill, 3rd Floor Adams Room, 6th Floor Water Tower Parlor, 6th Floor Grant Park Parlor, 6th Floor Wilson Room, 3rd Floor Spire Parlor, 6th floor Harold Washington Suite 9150 Salon 12, 3rd Floor Madison Room, 3rd Floor Salons 4,5,6, 3rd Floor Salon 10, 3rd Floor Monroe Room, 6th Floor Honore, Lobby Level Salon 1, 3rd Floor Salons 7,8,9, 3rd Floor Price Room, 5th Floor Salon 3, 3rd Floor Empire Room, Lobby Level Chicago Room, 5th Floor Logan Room, 3rd Floor Marshfield Room, 3rd Floor Salon 2, 3rd Floor DIRECTORY OF EXHIBITORS The exhibits present many publications of interest to those in criminology. Many of the books exhibited are authored by members of The American Society of Criminology. The exhibit is located on the fourth floor in Exhibit Hall, 4th Floor of the hotel. Many exhibitors will give discounts on books ordered at the meeting. Exhibit hours are: Wednesday Thursday Friday 1:00 pm - 5:00 pm 8:30 am - 5:00 pm 8:30 am - 5:00 pm Adler School of Professional Psychology Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences Anderson Publishing Ashgate Publishing Company Asian Criminological Society Association Book Exhibit Carolina Academic Press Columbia University Press Eleven International Publishing European Society of Criminology Homicide Research Working Group International Society of Criminology Jones & Bartlett Learning Justice Studies Association Korean Institute of Criminology Korean Society of Criminology in America LFB Scholarly Publishing LLC Lynne Rienner Publishers National Archive of Criminal Justice Data/ICPSR National Gang Crime Research Center NYU Press Office of Justice Programs Oxford University Press Pearson Routledge/Taylor & Francis Group Rowman & Littlefield Publishing Group Rutgers University Press SAGE Springer Texas State University Thinking Strings Wadsworth Cengage Learning Waveland Press West/Foundation Press Wiley-Blackwell Wolters Kluwer Law & Business Photo Exhibit There will be a photo exhibit in the Exhibit Hall. The photo exhibition consists of photos taken by prisoners in American facilities, of prisoners in American facilities. The exhibit is organized by artist Dave Adler and Emily Horowitz. 31 ASC PRESIDENTS 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 1997 1996 1995 1994 1993 1992 1991 1990 1989 1988 1987 1986 1985 1984 1983 1982 1981 1980 1979 1978 Robert Agnew Robert Sampson Steve Messner Richard Rosenfeld Todd Clear Robert J. Bursik, Jr. Michael Tonry Gary LaFree Julie Horney Francis T. Cullen John H. Laub Lawrence W. Sherman C. Ronald Huff Roland Chilton David P. Farrington Margaret A. Zahn James F. Short, Jr Charles F. Wellford Freda Adler Jerome H. Skolnick Delbert S. Elliott Alfred Blumstein John Hagan Joan Petersilia Joan McCord William J. Chambliss Don M. Gottfredson Lloyd E. Ohlin Austin T. Turk Albert J. Reiss, Jr. Travis Hirschi Harry E. Allen Frank Scarpitti Daniel Glaser Ronald L. Akers C. Ray Jeffery 1977 1976 1975 1974 1973 1972 1971 1970 1969 1968 1967 1966 1965 1964 1963 1962 1961 1960 1959 1958 1957 1956 1955 1954 1953 1952 1951 1950 1949 1948 1947 1946 1945 1944 1942 1941 32 William E. Amos Gilbert Geis Nicholas N. Kittrie Edward Sagarin John C. Ball Charles L. Newman Simon Dinitz Albert Morris Bruno Cormier Gerhard O.W. Mueller Marvin Wolfgang Walter C. Reckless Walter C. Reckless Walter C. Reckless Donal E.J. MacNamara Donal E.J. MacNamara Donal E.J. MacNamara Donal E.J. MacNamara Marcel Frym John Kenney John Kenney Richard Hankey Richard Simon William Dienstein William Dienstein Frank Boolsen Douglas Kelley Douglas Kelley Orlando Wilson Orlando Wilson Orlando Wilson Orlando Wilson Orlando Wilson Orlando Wilson Orlando Wilson August Vollmer PROGRAM SUMMARY TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 13 8:00 am Campbell Collaboration Crime and Justice Group Meeting Clark 3, 7th Floor 1:00 pm Division of Experimental Criminology Workshop: Practical Solutions for Administering Multi-site Randomized Trials Chicago Room, 5th Floor Workshop: GIS, Mapping, and Spatial Modeling Spire Parlor, 6th Floor Workshop: Analyzing the Project on Human Development in Chicago Neighborhoods Water Tower Parlor, 6th Floor 3:00 pm ASC Executive Board Meeting Crystal Room, 3rd Floor 4:00 pm Division on Women and Crime Feminist Criminology in Theory and Action Workshop Wilson Room, 3rd Floor WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 14 8:00 am Responding to Sexual Victimization Buckingham Room, 5th Floor The Privatization of Police and Police-Private Sector Partnerships Burnham 1, 7th Floor Arrest, Prosecution and Sentencing: Policies and Practices Burnham 2, 7th Floor Life With(out) the Possibility of Parole: An Examination of Parole Decision Making in California Burnham 4, 7th Floor Making Prosecution Fairer and More Effective Clark 10, 7th Floor Communities and Community Corrections Clark 3, 7th Floor Attitudes of Court/Correctional Workers and Clients Clark 5, 7th Floor Challenges and Opportunities in Reducing the Use of Segregation in U.S. Prisons Clark 7, 7th Floor Advancing Media Scholarship: Theory, Measurement, and the Role of Crime Experts Clark 9, 7th Floor Neutralization Theory and Crime/Deviance Cresthill Room, 3rd Floor Contemporary Approaches to Latin@ Criminology I Dearborn 1, 7th Floor Cross-National Comparisons and Parole Decision-Making Dearborn 2, 7th Floor Biosocial Criminology: Genetics Indiana Room, 3rd Floor Evaluating Prisoner Reentry Programs I LaSalle 1, 7th Floor Educating for Change: Innovations in Schools and Juvenile Facilities LaSalle 2, 7th Floor Assassinations: Socio-historical Analyses LaSalle 3, 7th Floor International Perspectives on Juvenile Protection and Welfare Policies LaSalle 5, 7th Floor Turning Points in the Life Course: Military, Employment, and Parenting Experiences Logan Room, 3rd Floor The Role of Strain on Criminal Behavior Madison Room, 3rd Floor Controlling Corporate Crime: Problems and Prospects Marshfield Room, 3rd Floor 33 PROGRAM SUMMARY WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 14 8:00 am 9:30 am Intimate Partner Violence among Immigrant Populations Millennium Parlor, 6th Floor Enterprising Crimes in Trans-National Contexts Price Room, 5th Floor Understanding Service Needs, Trends in Drug Use, and Drug Costs in Arrestee Populations Salon 1, 3rd Floor Patterns and Trends in Computer Crime Salon 4, 3rd Floor Social Control, Privacy, and Policy Salon 5, 3rd Floor Advances in Qualitative Methods in Criminology Salon 6, 3rd Floor Prosecution and Sentencing: A Cross-National Perspective Salon 8, 3rd Floor Applying Theory to the Study of the Police Salon 9, 3rd Floor Roundtable: Brick to Click: Scaling the Addition of an Online Program in a Traditional Face to Face Environment Sandburg 2, 7th Floor Roundtable: Criminal Justice Education for the Rule of Law in the Webinar Age: Lessons Learned and the Way Ahead Sandburg 4, 7th Floor Roundtable: CSI: Media, Juries, and Burden of Proof Sandburg 8, 7th Floor Author Meets Critics: A Troubled Marriage: Domestic Violence and the Legal System Spire Parlor, 6th Floor Drug and Alcohol Use among Students Wilson Room, 3rd Floor BJS and the Use of Administrative Data on Crime – What We Are Learning from NIBRS Buckingham Room, 5th Floor Building and Enhancing Police Agency Capacity for Research and Analysis: Prospects and Approaches Burnham 1, 7th Floor Drug Court Outcomes Burnham 2, 7th Floor Extralegal Factors and Sentencing Outcomes Burnham 4, 7th Floor Controversies in Policing Clark 10, 7th Floor Inmate Health-Related Issues in Correctional Institutions Clark 3, 7th Floor Policing by the Numbers Clark 5, 7th Floor Capital Punishment in the United States and Abroad Clark 7, 7th Floor Convict Criminology: Perspectives on the Prison Experience Clark 9, 7th Floor The Community Context of Crime and Social Problems: Studies from around the World Cresthill Room, 3rd Floor Neighborhoods, Space, Networks and Crime Crystal Room, 3rd Floor Collective Forms of Victimization Dearborn 1, 7th Floor Emerging Issues in Crime Policy: Benevolence and Bystander Behavior Dearborn 2, 7th Floor Turning Points and Labeling Processes Indiana Room, 3rd Floor Residential Segregation and Crime Trends Kimball Room, 3rd Floor 34 PROGRAM SUMMARY WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 14 9:30 am 11:00 am Gender and Fear of Crime LaSalle 1, 7th Floor Frameworks for Understanding Perceptions of Justice LaSalle 2, 7th Floor Methodological Issues in Studying Recidivism and Disparity LaSalle 3, 7th Floor Fear of Crime and Public Policy LaSalle 5, 7th Floor Deterrence Theory Logan Room, 3rd Floor Active Shooter and Serial Killing Events Madison Room, 3rd Floor Confronting the Crises in Criminology: History, Knowledge, and Legacy Millennium Parlor, 6th Floor Crime in China Price Room, 5th Floor Novel Integration of Communication and Criminal Justice Theory: Effective Probation/Parole Supervision of Drug-Involved Women Salon 1, 3rd Floor Public Health and Justice: Reducing Risks and Threats to Health of Criminal Offenders, Their Victims, and Their Communities Salon 10, 3rd floor Author Meets Critics: Sold into Extinction: The Global Trade in Endangered Species Salon 2, 3rd Floor Online Child Sexual Exploitation: Child Pornography and Sexting Salon 4, 3rd Floor Offenders and Places Salon 5, 3rd Floor Predicting Parole Decisions and Outcomes Salon 6, 3rd Floor Author Meets Critics: After the Crime: The Power of Restorative Justice Dialogues Salon 7, 3rd Floor Innovative Approaches to Community Corrections Salon 8, 3rd Floor Homeland Security and Officer Characteristics Salon 9, 3rd Floor Roundtable: Changing Aspects of Gangs Sandburg 3, 7th Floor Roundtable: Criminology Education I Sandburg 5, 7th Floor Roundtable: Critical White Studies in Criminology Sandburg 6, 7th Floor Roundtable: Criminological Theory: Advancing Perspectives Sandburg 7, 7th Floor Author Meets Critics: Arrested Justice: Black Women, Violence, and America's Prison Nation Spire Parlor, 6th Floor Author Meets Critics: Detained Without Cause: Muslims' Stories of Detention and Deportation in America after 9/11 Water Tower Parlor, 6th Floor Peers and Delinquency Wilson Room, 3rd Floor Victimization Risk in International Contexts Buckingham Room, 5th Floor Gender Issues in Policing Burnham 1, 7th Floor Current Issues in Crime Analysis and Intelligence-Led Policing Burnham 2, 7th Floor Risk Terrain Modeling: Theories and Methods of Risk Burnham 4, 7th Floor 35 PROGRAM SUMMARY WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 14 11:00 am A Critical Analysis of Criminological Theory Clark 10, 7th Floor High Profile Events: Media Coverage and Implications Clark 3, 7th Floor Offenders' Perspectives on Predation, Retaliation, and Drug Dealing Clark 5, 7th Floor Educational Programs in Correctional Institutions Clark 7, 7th Floor Social Media: Research and Contemporary Issues Clark 9, 7th Floor Inequality and Criminal Justice Resources and Experiences Cresthill Room, 3rd Floor New Research on Violence, Gangs, and Drug Dealing in the Pittsburgh Youth Study Crystal Room, 3rd Floor State Crime Victimology I Dearborn 1, 7th Floor Effectiveness of Institutional Programming Dearborn 2, 7th Floor Empirical Tests and Extensions of Moffitt's Life-Course Approach Indiana Room, 3rd Floor Advancing the Study of Collective Efficacy Kimball Room, 3rd Floor Community Context and Prisoner Reentry LaSalle 1, 7th Floor Gender Vulnerabilities: Care and Treatment of Girls in the Justice System LaSalle 2, 7th Floor Role of Race in Perceptions of Justice LaSalle 3, 7th Floor Crime and Crime Control in Africa LaSalle 5, 7th Floor Evaluating Self-Control Theory Logan Room, 3rd Floor Public Opinion, Neighborhood Context, and Sex Offending Madison Room, 3rd Floor Gaining a Better Understanding of Terrorist Violence Marshfield Room, 3rd Floor The Criminal Justice Response to Domestic Violence Millennium Parlor, 6th Floor Criminology in China Price Room, 5th Floor Bridging the Gap between Research and Practice, Part I: A National Perspective Red Lacquer Room, 4th Floor The National Institute of Corrections’ Norval Morris Project Salon 1, 3rd Floor Innovations in Teaching Criminology and Criminal Justice Courses I Salon 10, 3rd floor Author Meets Critics: Policing Muslim Communities: International and Comparative Perspectives Salon 12, 3rd Floor Crime and Place: Broken Windows Policing and Theory at Microplaces Salon 2, 3rd Floor Hate Crime, Community Organizing and Impacts Salon 4, 3rd Floor Crime and the Courts Salon 5, 3rd Floor Smart Policing: Results and Implications Salon 6, 3rd Floor New and Innovative Uses of Official Data Salon 7, 3rd Floor Accounts of Desistance: Results from Four Diverse Populations Salon 8, 3rd Floor 36 PROGRAM SUMMARY WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 14 11:00 am 12:30 pm International Policing Salon 9, 3rd Floor Roundtable: A Discussion on Pennsylvania's Incarceration Binge Sandburg 2, 7th Floor Author Meets Critics: Rape is Rape - How Denial Fuels the Hidden Crisis Sandburg 4, 7th Floor Roundtable: Criminology Education II Sandburg 5, 7th Floor Roundtable: Blue Criminology: The Power of United Nations Ideas to Counter Crime Globally - A Monographic Study Sandburg 6, 7th Floor Author Meets Critics: A Theory of African American Offending: Race, Racism, and Crime Spire Parlor, 6th Floor Violence Against Women: International Perspectives Water Tower Parlor, 6th Floor Multi-level Models of Neighborhood Effects Wilson Room, 3rd Floor Empirical Assessment of Victims and Victimization Buckingham Room, 5th Floor Policing Juveniles: Policy, Practice, and Intervention Burnham 1, 7th Floor Contemporary Police Challenges: Consolidation, Crime Control, and Establishment Data Burnham 2, 7th Floor Spatiotemporal Patterns and Changes in Philadelphia Metropolitan Crime Burnham 4, 7th Floor Using Qualitative Methods in Sensitive Research Situations Clark 10, 7th Floor Contemporary Issues in Probation Clark 3, 7th Floor Race, Women, and Victimization: New Uses of NCVS Data Clark 5, 7th Floor Effects of Incarceration on Offenders Clark 7, 7th Floor Constructing Social Problems: School Crime, Ecstasy Deaths, and Terrorism Clark 9, 7th Floor Risky Facilities and Crime Cresthill Room, 3rd Floor Paul Goldstein’s Tripartite Framework on Drugs and Violence: Looking Back and Forward after 30 Years Crystal Room, 3rd Floor State Crime Victimology II Dearborn 1, 7th Floor Emerging Issues in Crime Policy: Crime Control and Prevention Dearborn 2, 7th Floor Current Research in Biosocial Criminology Indiana Room, 3rd Floor Crime and Place: The Spatial Patterns of Crime Kimball Room, 3rd Floor Attitudes toward Capital Punishment LaSalle 1, 7th Floor Convict Criminology: Improving Prison Research LaSalle 3, 7th Floor Juvenile Detention Alternatives LaSalle 5, 7th Floor Explaining/Understanding Marijuana Use Logan Room, 3rd Floor Conducting Research and Analyzing Data on Violence Against American Indian and Alaska Native Women Madison Room, 3rd Floor 37 PROGRAM SUMMARY WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 14 12:30 pm 2:00 pm Controlling Environmental Crime: Problems and Prospects Marshfield Room, 3rd Floor Green Criminology Working Group Medinah Parlor, 6th Floor Court Responses to Domestic and Intimate Partner Violence: Protection Orders Millennium Parlor, 6th Floor Cross-National Survey Analyses of Crime-Related Issues Price Room, 5th Floor Honest Opportunity Probation Enforcement (HOPE): Fidelity, Process and Impact Evaluations Salon 1, 3rd Floor Putting Research Into Practice: Implications of Recent Sentencing and Corrections Reforms in the States Salon 10, 3rd floor Experimental Criminology: Effects of Restorative Justice Conferencing Ten Years On (Organized by the Division of Experimental Criminology) Salon 2, 3rd Floor Media, the Internet, and Terrorism Salon 4, 3rd Floor Crime and Place: Juvenile Crime in Places Salon 5, 3rd Floor Community Disorder, Disadvantage, and Fear of Crime Salon 6, 3rd Floor International Perspectives on Terrorism and Political Violence Salon 7, 3rd Floor The Validity and Reliability of Evidence Salon 8, 3rd Floor Non-Metropolitan Policing Salon 9, 3rd Floor Roundtable: Approaches to International Criminal Justice Coursework Sandburg 3, 7th Floor Roundtable: Best Practices and Emerging Research in Identification of Human Trafficking Victims Sandburg 5, 7th Floor Roundtable: Boko Haram: The Emergence of an Al-Qaeda Affiliated Terrorist Group in Nigeria Sandburg 7, 7th Floor Roundtable: Building (And Then Crossing) Bridges: A Discussion of Multi-Disciplinary Approaches to the Study of Corporate Crime Sandburg 8, 7th Floor Gender, Recidivism, and Authorities' Decisions Spire Parlor, 6th Floor Author Meets Critics: Coercive Confinement in Ireland: Patients, Prisoners, and Penitents (Organized by The Prison Journal) Water Tower Parlor, 6th Floor The Social Theory of Modernity and its Legacies for Punishment and Society Wilson Room, 3rd Floor State and National Responses to Elder Abuse, Mistreatment, and Neglect Buckingham Room, 5th Floor Exploring Police Integrity Burnham 1, 7th Floor Legal and Methodological Analyses of Issues Facing Courts Burnham 2, 7th Floor Clarifying Institutional Anomie Theory: Issues of Conceptual Clarity, Race, and Gender Burnham 4, 7th Floor Students Meet Scholars: Qualitative Research Chicago Room, 5th Floor The Anthropology of Crime, Policing, and Justice in New York City Clark 10, 7th Floor 38 PROGRAM SUMMARY WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 14 2:00 pm Student Attitudes toward Crime and Justice Clark 3, 7th Floor Desistance from Gangs Clark 5, 7th Floor Beyond Individual-Level Predictors of Prisoner Reentry Clark 7, 7th Floor Convict Criminology: Poetry and Photographs Reflecting on Mass Incarceration Clark 9, 7th Floor Studies of Neighborhood Culture: Police Legitimacy, Attachment, and Reputation Cresthill Room, 3rd Floor Dating Violence Dearborn 1, 7th Floor Effects of Incarceration on Families and Relationships Dearborn 2, 7th Floor Child Maltreatment, Exposure to Violence, and Victimization: Life Course Predictors and Consequences Indiana Room, 3rd Floor Disadvantage, Community Context, and Crime Kimball Room, 3rd Floor Girls in Trouble: Getting Beyond the "Bad Girls" Rhetoric LaSalle 1, 7th Floor Attitudes toward Police in Varying Contexts LaSalle 2, 7th Floor Missing Data LaSalle 3, 7th Floor Public Reactions to Crime LaSalle 5, 7th Floor Education and Crime Logan Room, 3rd Floor Theoretical Explanations for Violence Madison Room, 3rd Floor The Social Context of Hate Crime Marshfield Room, 3rd Floor Division on People of Color and Crime Board Meeting Medinah Parlor, 6th Floor Typologies of Sex Offending Millennium Parlor, 6th Floor The Joan McCord Award Lecture and the Academy of Experimental Criminology Fellows Induction and Awards Ceremony Monroe Room, 6th Floor Victims & Offenders Editorial Board Meeting Montrose 4, 7th Floor Research Informing the Response to Transnational Organized Crime Price Room, 5th Floor Violence as Situational Action Red Lacquer Room, 4th Floor Alcohol and Sexual Assault: Findings From the Women’s Stress and Support Study Salon 1, 3rd Floor Issues and Directions in Program Evaluation Research Salon 10, 3rd floor Gender and White Collar Crime in the 21st Century Salon 2, 3rd Floor Journal of Quantitative Criminology Editorial Board Meeting Salon 3, 3rd Floor A Comparative Consideration of Gangs and Criminal Groups Salon 4, 3rd Floor Rationality, Choice, and Sanctions Salon 5, 3rd Floor Immigration and Perceptions of Crime Salon 6, 3rd Floor 39 PROGRAM SUMMARY WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 14 2:00 pm Race and Pathways to Delinquency Salon 7, 3rd Floor Meeting Healthcare Needs in Community Corrections Settings Salon 8, 3rd Floor Police Approaches and Citizen Views Salon 9, 3rd Floor Roundtable: Can Criminology be Viewed as a Type of Applied Ethics? Sandburg 2, 7th Floor Roundtable: Corrections and Reentry Sandburg 4, 7th Floor Roundtable: Coverage of Federal Law Enforcement in Criminal Justice Curriculum Sandburg 6, 7th Floor Handbook of Punishment and Society Reception Wabash Room, 3rd Floor Report of the NAS Committee on Deterrence and the Death Penalty Water Tower Parlor, 6th Floor Community-Driven Violence Prevention: Operational Pitfalls and Political Wilson Room, 3rd Floor Dilemmas Associated with Community Partnerships 3:30 pm Repeat and Poly-Victimization Buckingham Room, 5th Floor Crime, Justice, and Politics in the City as Seen Through The Wire I Burnham 1, 7th Floor Legal Issues and Court Processing Burnham 2, 7th Floor Author Meets Critics: Tearing Down the Streets: Ten Years On Burnham 4, 7th Floor Professional Development: Reconceptualizing Diversity Chicago Room, 5th Floor Health and Justice Meeting Clark 1, 7th Floor A Nuanced Understanding of Victimization: Special Circumstances Clark 10, 7th Floor Integrating Community and Sociocultural Context into Juvenile Risk Assessment Clark 3, 7th Floor Applying Criminological Theories to Prisoner Reentry Clark 5, 7th Floor Empirical Studies of Inmate Deviance Clark 7, 7th Floor The Impact of Media on Individual Perceptions of Crime and Formal Controls Clark 9, 7th Floor Crime and Identity Cresthill Room, 3rd Floor Future Pathways for the Study of Peer Influence Crystal Room, 3rd Floor Children at Risk for Victimization Dearborn 1, 7th Floor International Perspectives on Crime Prevention Dearborn 2, 7th Floor Homicide Research Working Group 2012 Richard & Carolyn Block Awards Grant Park Parlor, 6th Floor Crime Science Meeting Hancock Parlor, 6th Floor Integrated Theoretical Approaches to Crime across the Life Course Indiana Room, 3rd Floor Risk Terrain Modeling Case Studies Kimball Room, 3rd Floor Fear of Crime: Contextual Considerations LaSalle 1, 7th Floor 40 PROGRAM SUMMARY WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 14 3:30 pm Media Presentations of Subterranean Cultural Groups LaSalle 2, 7th Floor Victims of Intimate Partner Violence LaSalle 3, 7th Floor The Marginalized and the Law in Cross-National Settings LaSalle 5, 7th Floor Life Course Theory Logan Room, 3rd Floor Burglars and Target Selection Madison Room, 3rd Floor Toward a Better Understanding of Terrorist Behavior Marshfield Room, 3rd Floor Contemporary Issues in Green Criminology Millennium Parlor, 6th Floor The Division of Experimental Criminology Meet and Greet and Awards Ceremony Monroe Room, 6th Floor Evidence-Based Practice in European Juvenile Justice Price Room, 5th Floor Author Meets Critics: Breaking Rules: The Social and Situational Dynamics of Young People's Urban Crime Red Lacquer Room, 4th Floor Understanding Racial Disparities in Arrests, Searches, and Seizures Salon 1, 3rd Floor Issues in Federal Sentencing: Mandatory Minimums and Citizenship Status Salon 10, 3rd floor New Directions in Crime and Punishment Salon 12, 3rd Floor Biological Correlates of Schizophrenia, Psychopathy, Homicide, and Aggression Salon 2, 3rd Floor Yà Miáo Zhù Zhǎng: How China's “Zeal” for Industrialization Invites White-Collar and Corporate Crime Salon 4, 3rd Floor Crime and Place: Examining Chronic Nuisance Regulations Salon 5, 3rd Floor Academic and Practitioner Collaborations in Criminal Justice Education Salon 6, 3rd Floor Inmate and Environmental Influences on Prisoner Maladjustment Salon 7, 3rd Floor Evaluating Prisoner Reentry Programs II Salon 8, 3rd Floor Police Contact, Gun Carrying, and Human Trafficking Salon 9, 3rd Floor Roundtable: Criminology, The Body, and Mass Violence Sandburg 2, 7th Floor Roundtable: Changing Consequences of a Criminal Conviction Sandburg 3, 7th Floor Roundtable: Critical Approaches to Studying Treatment and Progressive Alternatives for Intervention Sandburg 4, 7th Floor Roundtable: Corruption in Higher Education within the Former Yugoslavia Sandburg 5, 7th Floor Roundtable: Crime and Criminal Justice in Disaster Sandburg 7, 7th Floor Roundtable: A School-Based Mentoring Program: First Year Evaluation Sandburg 8, 7th Floor Appearance Bias as it Operates in Perceptions of Crime and Victimization Spire Parlor, 6th Floor 41 PROGRAM SUMMARY WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 14 3:30 pm 5:00 pm A Multi-Site Study of the Implications and Intersections of Trauma, Mental Illness, and Offending Among Women in Jail Water Tower Parlor, 6th Floor Offender Intervention and Evidence-Based Practice Wilson Room, 3rd Floor Bullying Buckingham Room, 5th Floor Crime, Justice, and Politics in the City as Seen Through The Wire II Burnham 1, 7th Floor Miscarriages of Justice: Aftermath of Wrongful Convictions Burnham 2, 7th Floor Race Issues in Contemporary Criminology Burnham 4, 7th Floor Pretrial Justice Institute and Urban Institute Reception Honoring Professor Burnham 5, 7th Floor John Goldkamp, the 2012 August Vollmer Award Winner Professional Development: Juggling Parenthood and Academia Chicago Room, 5th Floor Collective Behavior and Crime Clark 10, 7th Floor Implementing HOPE (Honest Opportunity Probation Enforcement) in Different Jurisdictions Clark 3, 7th Floor Blueprints for Gang Prevention Clark 5, 7th Floor Covering the Courts: Media Content and Strategies to Communicate Outcomes Clark 7, 7th Floor Crime and Justice in Entertainment Media Clark 9, 7th Floor Cultural Criminology of the Rural Cresthill Room, 3rd Floor Criminology, Causality, and Public Policy Crystal Room, 3rd Floor Responding to the Needs of Victims in Cases of Wrongful Conviction Dearborn 1, 7th Floor Inmate Experiences: Findings from Projects and Qualitative Studies Dearborn 2, 7th Floor Homicide Research Working Group Reception Grant Park Parlor, 6th Floor Psychopathic Traits and Empathy in Child and Adolescent Twins Indiana Room, 3rd Floor Immigration and Marginality Kimball Room, 3rd Floor Examining the Collateral Effects of Incarceration LaSalle 1, 7th Floor Criminal Justice Perceptions: Critical Appraisals LaSalle 2, 7th Floor Juvenile Risk Assessment Instrumentation LaSalle 5, 7th Floor Prison Population and Theory Evaluation Logan Room, 3rd Floor Victimization and Micro-Social Perspectives Madison Room, 3rd Floor Defining and Responding to White-Collar Law Breaking Marshfield Room, 3rd Floor The Gendered Nature of Intimate Partner Violence: Female Perpetration and Mutual Violence Millennium Parlor, 6th Floor The Announcement the 2013 Stockholm Prize in Criminology Monroe Room, 6th Floor 42 PROGRAM SUMMARY WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 14 5:00 pm Author Meets Critics: Discovery of Hidden Crime: Self-Report Delinquency Surveys in Criminal Policy Context Red Lacquer Room, 4th Floor Extralegal Factors and Federal Sentencing Outcomes Salon 1, 3rd Floor Scaling-Up Crime Prevention Initiatives Salon 10, 3rd floor International Research on the Neighborhood Context of Crime Salon 12, 3rd Floor Crime and Place: Place-Based Police Strategies Salon 2, 3rd Floor Association of Chinese Criminology & Criminal Justice General Meeting Salon 3, 3rd Floor Studies in Drugs and Crime Salon 4, 3rd Floor Community Prevention and Governance Salon 5, 3rd Floor Want Data? We Got It! Information on and Access to OJJDP’s Juvenile Justice Data Collections Salon 6, 3rd Floor Author Meets Critics: 5 Grams: Crack Cocaine, Rap Music, and the War on Drugs (Organized by the Division on People of Color and Crime) Salon 7, 3rd Floor Bailing Out: The Use of Bail and Pre-Trial Detention Salon 8, 3rd Floor Police Authority and Use of Force Salon 9, 3rd Floor Roundtable: Should ACJS and ASC Merge? Sandburg 3, 7th Floor Roundtable: Criminological Theory: Cultural and Critical Perspectives Sandburg 4, 7th Floor Roundtable: Crime, Gender, and Feminism Sandburg 6, 7th Floor Roundtable: Crime Policy and Public Safety Sandburg 8, 7th Floor Correlates of Immigration and Offending Spire Parlor, 6th Floor In Memory of Roslyn Muraskin: Scholar, Advocate, Teacher, and Mentor Water Tower Parlor, 6th Floor Parental Incarceration and Offending Across the Life Course Wilson Room, 3rd Floor 6:30 pm ASC Awards Plenary Grand Ballroom, 4th Floor 8:00 pm ASC Opening Social - Ron Akers and His Bluegrass Band State Ballroom, 4th Floor Division on Women and Crime Social The Gage Restaurant (24 S. Michigan Ave.) University of Nebraska at Omaha Reception Empire Room, Lobby Level 9:00 pm THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 15 7:30 am Division on Women and Crime Breakfast Adams Room, 6th Floor 8:00 am Bullying and Offending Buckingham Room, 5th Floor Police and Communities Burnham 1, 7th Floor Miscarriages of Justice: Broadening Methodology in Innocence Research Burnham 2, 7th Floor Traditional Organized Crime in the Modern World I Clark 10, 7th Floor 43 PROGRAM SUMMARY THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 15 8:00 am 9:30 am Justice System Stakeholders and the Creation of Delinquency Clark 3, 7th Floor Visual Culture and the Iconography of Crime Clark 9, 7th Floor Crime and Place: Wildlife Crime - The Importance of Place and Context Cresthill Room, 3rd Floor Property, Fraud, and Cyber Victimization Dearborn 1, 7th Floor New Advances in Cybersecurity Dearborn 2, 7th Floor Marriage, Romantic Relationships, and Desistance Indiana Room, 3rd Floor Disadvantage, Neighborhood and Interpersonal Violence: Research Underway by Faculty Affiliated with the ECIC Kimball Room, 3rd Floor The Human Face of Community Corrections: How People Matter LaSalle 1, 7th Floor Scaling and Measurement LaSalle 3, 7th Floor Understanding Fear of Crime in Diverse Contexts LaSalle 5, 7th Floor Family Processes and Delinquency Logan Room, 3rd Floor Understanding the 2011 English Riots Madison Room, 3rd Floor Measuring Crime against Business at the Cross-National Level: Good Practices, Recent Experiences and Future Developments Marshfield Room, 3rd Floor Adolescent and Dating Violence Millennium Parlor, 6th Floor Division on Corrections and Sentencing Annual Business/Awards Breakfast Meeting Monroe Room, 6th Floor Crime and Victimization in South Korea Price Room, 5th Floor Sex Offenders and Society I Salon 10, 3rd floor The Experience of Hate Crime Salon 4, 3rd Floor Crime, Policing and Corrections in the Rural Context Salon 5, 3rd Floor A Randomized Controlled Trial Testing the Effects of the TASER on Cognitive Functioning Salon 6, 3rd Floor Police Culture, Governance, and Canada Salon 9, 3rd Floor Roundtable: Social Networking, Flash Mobs, and Its Impact on Law Enforcement Sandburg 3, 7th Floor Roundtable: Providing Expert Commentary to the Media: The Do’s and Don’ts Sandburg 5, 7th Floor Roundtable: Strategies for Reaching Undergraduate Students in the Classroom: A Roundtable Discussion Sandburg 7, 7th Floor School and Extra-Curricular Inequalities, Delinquency, and Discipline Spire Parlor, 6th Floor Approaches to Drug Control Wilson Room, 3rd Floor Mental Disorder and Victimization Buckingham Room, 5th Floor New Developments in Police Investigation Practices Burnham 1, 7th Floor 44 PROGRAM SUMMARY THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 15 9:30 am Methodological Issues and Policy Changes in the Court System Burnham 2, 7th Floor The Response of the Criminal Justice System to Sexual Assault Burnham 4, 7th Floor Professional Development: The Growing Chorus - We Ended Student Apathy with Team-Based Learning Part I Chicago Room, 5th Floor The Ethnography of Punishment: Exploring Residual and Emergent Elements of Contemporary Penal Interventions Clark 10, 7th Floor Keys to Success in Community Corrections Clark 3, 7th Floor Moving Toward a Greater Understanding of Gangs Clark 5, 7th Floor Examining Influences on Correctional Populations and Resources Clark 7, 7th Floor Convict Criminology: Prisoners Stories Clark 9, 7th Floor Blind Spots in Research on General Strain Theory Cresthill Room, 3rd Floor Structural Determinants of Crime Rates: The Role of Institutional Engagement in Solving the Age Structure-Crime Rate Puzzle Crystal Room, 3rd Floor Criminal Justice and State Responses to Victimization Dearborn 1, 7th Floor Inmate Misconduct and Responses to Misconduct in Jails Dearborn 2, 7th Floor Gender and the Desistance Process Indiana Room, 3rd Floor Internal and External Neighborhood Factors Affecting Crime Kimball Room, 3rd Floor Prisoner Reentry for Minority Offenders LaSalle 1, 7th Floor Making it Work: Correcting the Juvenile Justice System and Adjusting the LaSalle 2, 7th Floor Program Influences on Attitudes toward Police LaSalle 3, 7th Floor Policing Issues in the Modern World LaSalle 5, 7th Floor Gender and Criminal Behavior Logan Room, 3rd Floor High-Risk Offenders Madison Room, 3rd Floor Large Scale Frauds and Abuses of Power Marshfield Room, 3rd Floor New Faculty Workshop Medinah Parlor, 6th Floor Critical Criminology Millennium Parlor, 6th Floor United Nations Panel I: Ecological Crime Price Room, 5th Floor Author Meets Critics: Theft of a Nation and Who Are the Criminals? Red Lacquer Room, 4th Floor Criminal Justice Drug Abuse Treatment Studies (CJDATS): Improving Assessment and Case Planning in Corrections Salon 1, 3rd Floor Sex Offenders and Society II Salon 10, 3rd floor Biosocial Influences on the Development and Consequences of SelfControl Salon 12, 3rd Floor 45 PROGRAM SUMMARY THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 15 9:30 am 11:00 am Crime and Place: Fear and Disorder Salon 2, 3rd Floor Immigration and the Changing Social Fabric of American Cities Salon 3, 3rd Floor Qualitative and Quantitative Approaches to Motor Vehicle Theft Salon 4, 3rd Floor Routines, Situations, and Crime Salon 5, 3rd Floor Improvements to Content and Utility Salon 6, 3rd Floor Report of the National Academies on Juvenile Justice Reform Salon 7, 3rd Floor Evaluating Prisoner Reentry Programs III Salon 8, 3rd Floor Police Education Salon 9, 3rd Floor Roundtable: News Coverage of Crime and Justice in 2012 Sandburg 2, 7th Floor Roundtable: Organized Crime in the Digital Age Sandburg 4, 7th Floor Roundtable: The Future of Criminology: A Tribute to David Farrington Sandburg 5, 7th Floor Roundtable: Ph.D. Mama: Balancing Motherhood and the Academy Sandburg 6, 7th Floor Roundtable: Policing and Public Safety Sandburg 8, 7th Floor Correctional Programming for Women Spire Parlor, 6th Floor Research on Methamphetamine Use and Control Water Tower Parlor, 6th Floor Research on Criminal Careers Wilson Room, 3rd Floor Student Affairs Committee Meeting Wrigley Parlor, 6th Floor Victimization Risk Over Time: Research Findings from the NCVS Buckingham Room, 5th Floor Measuring Police Legitimacy and Fairness: The Police-Civilian Interaction (PCI) Survey Burnham 1, 7th Floor Miscarriages of Justice: Comparative Perspectives on Wrongful Convictions Burnham 2, 7th Floor The Effects of Sentencing Policies Burnham 4, 7th Floor Professional Development: The Growing Chorus - We Ended Student Apathy with Team-Based Learning Part II Chicago Room, 5th Floor Outstanding Article Award Committee Meeting Clark 1, 7th Floor Underscoring the Need for Police-Community Collaboration Clark 10, 7th Floor Offender Rehabilitation and Prisoner Reentry Clark 3, 7th Floor Why Has Massive Incarceration not Made Illegal Drugs More Expensive? Clark 5, 7th Floor Innovative Approaches to Ensuring Evidence-Based Practices in Corrections Clark 7, 7th Floor Cultural Approaches to Green Criminology: New and Emerging Perspectives Clark 9, 7th Floor Public Policy and Corporate Harms Cresthill Room, 3rd Floor 46 PROGRAM SUMMARY THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 15 11:00 am Understanding the Impact of Victimization Dearborn 1, 7th Floor Offender Intervention Policies Dearborn 2, 7th Floor Author Meets Critics: Great American City: Chicago and the Enduring Neighborhood Effect Empire Room, Lobby Level Division on People of Color and Crime General Business Meeting Grant Park Parlor, 6th Floor 6th Annual Workshop on State Crime Hancock Parlor, 6th Floor Biosocial Criminology: Myriad Influences Indiana Room, 3rd Floor Gentrification, Foreclosures, and Neighborhood Crime Kimball Room, 3rd Floor Juvenile Sex Offending LaSalle 1, 7th Floor Media Constructions: Violence, Gender, and Justice LaSalle 2, 7th Floor Quantitative Analyses of Official Data LaSalle 3, 7th Floor The Role of Parents and the Family in Juvenile Justice Proceedings and Outcomes LaSalle 5, 7th Floor Friendship Networks and Delinquency Logan Room, 3rd Floor Experimental Criminology in Cyberspace: The Effects of Warning and Surveillance on Hackers’ On-Line Activities Madison Room, 3rd Floor Informing Efforts to Reduce Terrorism Marshfield Room, 3rd Floor Division of Victimology General Meeting Medinah Parlor, 6th Floor Family Violence: Child Abuse, Child-to-Parent Abuse, and Mutual Violence Millennium Parlor, 6th Floor Tribute to Hugo Adam Bedau Montrose 5, 7th Floor International Perspectives in Crime Control Policy Transfer Price Room, 5th Floor Bridging the Gap between Research and Practice, Part II: A State Perspective Red Lacquer Room, 4th Floor Outcomes of Youth in the Juvenile Justice System: New Findings from the Northwestern Juvenile Project Salon 1, 3rd Floor Innovations in Teaching Criminology and Criminal Justice Courses II Salon 10, 3rd floor Discovering Desistance: Increasing and Using Knowledge about Desisting Salon 12, 3rd Floor from Crime ASC Mentoring Committee Meeting Salon 2, 3rd Floor Rational Choice Theory and Crime Salon 3, 3rd Floor Offending Tactics for Terrorists and Other Bad People Salon 4, 3rd Floor Discovering Airport Security: The Interaction between People, Places, Business, Security and Crime Prevention Salon 5, 3rd Floor Anti-Civil Rights Activism in Mississippi and North Carolina, 1955-1975 Salon 6, 3rd Floor 47 PROGRAM SUMMARY THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 15 11:00 am 12:30 pm Employment and Crime Salon 7, 3rd Floor Defending Veterans Entangled in the Courts: Legal and Ethical Solutions and Strategies Salon 8, 3rd Floor Police Recruitment, Technology, and Alcohol Salon 9, 3rd Floor Roundtable: Teaching about Race, Class, and Gender in Criminology Sandburg 2, 7th Floor Roundtable: LEMAS: A Twenty-Five Year Overview and Assessment Sandburg 3, 7th Floor Roundtable: New and Ongoing Issues in Data Collection of Intimate Partner Violence, Sexual Violence, and Stalking Sandburg 4, 7th Floor Roundtable: Organized Crime, Situational Crime Prevention, and Routine Activity Theory Sandburg 5, 7th Floor Roundtable: Police Training and Handling of Forensic Evidence Sandburg 7, 7th Floor Post-Incarceration Experiences Among Women and Other Disadvantaged Groups Spire Parlor, 6th Floor Gender and Crime Water Tower Parlor, 6th Floor Family Violence and Youthful Violent Offenders Wilson Room, 3rd Floor Consequences of Victimization Buckingham Room, 5th Floor Policing Diverse Populations Burnham 1, 7th Floor Police Community Collaborations Burnham 2, 7th Floor Prosecutorial and Judicial Strategies for Domestic Violence Cases Burnham 4, 7th Floor Journal of Experimental Criminology Luncheon Burnham 5, 7th Floor Evidence-Based Crime Policy I Chicago Room, 5th Floor Correctional Contexts: Implications for Policy Clark 10, 7th Floor Juvenile Justice Practitioners and the Political Rhetoric of Crime Clark 3, 7th Floor Prisoner Reentry for Sex Offenders and Mentally Ill Offenders Clark 5, 7th Floor Incarcerated Juveniles, Institutional Classification, and Programming Clark 7, 7th Floor Justice Reform in A Changing World Clark 9, 7th Floor Organized Crime in The Internet Age Cresthill Room, 3rd Floor Robbery Victimization Dearborn 1, 7th Floor Issues Related to Prison and Jail Staff Dearborn 2, 7th Floor Crime and Justice in America, 1975-2025. Drugs, Guns, Race, Violence Empire Room, Lobby Level The Biosocial Foundations to Antisocial Phenotypes Indiana Room, 3rd Floor New Perspectives on Theory and Culture Kimball Room, 3rd Floor Monitoring High-Risk Sex Offenders with GPS Technology: Findings From an Evaluation of the California Parole Supervision Program LaSalle 1, 7th Floor 48 PROGRAM SUMMARY THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 15 12:30 pm Neighborhoods and Fear of Crime LaSalle 2, 7th Floor Perceptions of Justice and Implications for Desistance LaSalle 3, 7th Floor Criminalization and Community: Cultural Criminological Perspectives LaSalle 5, 7th Floor Gender and Criminological Theory Logan Room, 3rd Floor Spatial Analysis of Sex Offenses Madison Room, 3rd Floor Organized Crime: International and U.S. Perspectives Marshfield Room, 3rd Floor Division of Victimology Executive Board Meeting Medinah Parlor, 6th Floor Understanding Terrorists Millennium Parlor, 6th Floor Human Trafficking: Measurement Challenges and Empirical Advances Price Room, 5th Floor Author Meets Critics: American Memories: Atrocities and the Law Red Lacquer Room, 4th Floor Student Perceptions and Fear of Crime: Implications for Schools Salon 1, 3rd Floor Crime and Place: Routine Activities, Lifestyles, and Crime Risk Salon 10, 3rd floor Long-Term Experimental Evaluations of Developmental Prevention Programs Salon 12, 3rd Floor Research on Age and Crime Salon 2, 3rd Floor Considering the Spatial Dimension of Social Networks, Social Capital, Collective Efficacy, and Crime Salon 3, 3rd Floor Sexual Offenses and Minors Salon 4, 3rd Floor Spatial Models of Criminal Groups and Crime Pattern Formation Salon 5, 3rd Floor Criminal Justice Research and Evaluation: Social Science Research at the National Institute of Justice Salon 6, 3rd Floor Operational and Organizational Dynamics of Terrorism Salon 7, 3rd Floor Evaluating Prisoner Reentry Programs IV Salon 8, 3rd Floor Police-Community Partnerships to Prevent Crime Salon 9, 3rd Floor Roundtable: Practicing Restorative Circles at a Juvenile Hall Sandburg 2, 7th Floor Roundtable: Preparing a New Generation of Translational Criminologists: Is it Time to Reform Doctoral Education in Criminology and Criminal Justice? Sandburg 4, 7th Floor Roundtable: Righting the 'Wrongs' of Violent Young Women Sandburg 6, 7th Floor Roundtable: Women, Gender, and Crime Sandburg 7, 7th Floor Roundtable: Substance Abuse and Crime Sandburg 8, 7th Floor Historical and Contemporary Issues in Immigration and Crime Policy Spire Parlor, 6th Floor Feminist Theory and Pedagogy Water Tower Parlor, 6th Floor Police and Crime Control Wilson Room, 3rd Floor 49 PROGRAM SUMMARY THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 15 1:30 pm Ice Cream Social (sponsored by Wiley) Exhibit Hall 2:00 pm Victimization Prevention Strategies Buckingham Room, 5th Floor Police Crisis Intervention, Mental Health, and Drugs Burnham 1, 7th Floor Realizing the Potential of Technology for Policing: Results from a MultiSite Study Burnham 2, 7th Floor Prosecutorial Decision Making: Predictors and Effects Burnham 4, 7th Floor Professional Development: Meet the Editors Part I - The Publishing Process Chicago Room, 5th Floor Firearms Access, Restrictions, and Campuses Clark 10, 7th Floor Serving Specialized Populations in the Community Clark 3, 7th Floor Violence and the Police Clark 5, 7th Floor Prisoner Reentry for Women I Clark 7, 7th Floor Media and Crime Clark 9, 7th Floor Cyborgs and Avatars and Monsters (Oh My!): Criminal Conversations with Feminist Science and Technology Studies Cresthill Room, 3rd Floor Help-Seeking among Victims Dearborn 1, 7th Floor Surveillance, Security, and Crime Prevention Dearborn 2, 7th Floor Tribute to James Q. Wilson Empire Room, Lobby Level Division on People of Color and Crime Mentoring Meeting Grant Park Parlor, 6th Floor A Discussion with the Director of the National Institute of Justice Hancock Parlor, 6th Floor Intragenerational and Intergenerational Antecedents of Delinquency and Crime Indiana Room, 3rd Floor Neighborhood Networks and Offending Networks Kimball Room, 3rd Floor Examining the Dosage Risk Relationship LaSalle 1, 7th Floor Media Construction of Gender and Race I LaSalle 2, 7th Floor Historical Analyses of Crime and Legal Change LaSalle 3, 7th Floor Theoretical Advances in the Cross-National Context LaSalle 5, 7th Floor General Strain Theory Logan Room, 3rd Floor Social Support and Social Stigma: Effects on the Lives of Sexual Offenders Madison Room, 3rd Floor Exploring Variations of Cybercrime Victimization and Offending Marshfield Room, 3rd Floor Critical Perspectives on Crime over the Life Course Millennium Parlor, 6th Floor Legal Equity and Corruption Across Nations Price Room, 5th Floor 50 PROGRAM SUMMARY THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 15 2:00 pm 3:30 pm The Ecology of Racial/Ethnic Composition, Immigration, and Violence: Assessing the Continuity and Changes Red Lacquer Room, 4th Floor Experimental Criminology: Alternative Methods to Overcome Challenges in Randomized Controlled Experiments (Organized by the Division of Experimental Criminology) Salon 1, 3rd Floor Explorations of Qualitative Methods in Criminology Salon 10, 3rd floor School Discipline and the School-to-Prison Pipeline Salon 12, 3rd Floor Firearms Acquisition, Mobility, and Markets Salon 4, 3rd Floor Drugs, Crime, and Public Policy Salon 5, 3rd Floor Recognizing Violence and Victimization: Contexts and Questions Salon 6, 3rd Floor Interim Outcomes from a Community-Based Prisoner Reentry Initiative: Safer Return Salon 8, 3rd Floor Policing Full Circle Salon 9, 3rd Floor Roundtable: Race, Ethnicity, and Crime Sandburg 3, 7th Floor Roundtable: Teaching Critical Criminology: Fostering Critical Thinking Sandburg 4, 7th Floor Roundtable: Research on Police Use of Pedestrian Stops and Searches Sandburg 5, 7th Floor Roundtable: Studying Mass-Mediated Crime and Terrorism: The Development of a Shared, Collaborative Approach Sandburg 7, 7th Floor Race and Juvenile Justice Spire Parlor, 6th Floor International Research on Drug Use, Dealing, and Control I Water Tower Parlor, 6th Floor The Meaning and Construction of Criminal Networks Wilson Room, 3rd Floor Crime Costs and Victim Harm: Using Victimization Data to Study the Consequences of Crime Buckingham Room, 5th Floor Police Use of Deadly Force Burnham 1, 7th Floor Miscarriages of Justice: New Criminal Justice and Legal Perspectives Burnham 2, 7th Floor Innovations in Analyzing Crime Burnham 4, 7th Floor African Criminology and Justice Association Meeting Burnham 5, 7th Floor War Crimes, Genocide & Crimes against Humanity: An International Journal Clark 1, 7th Floor Criminological Theory: Revisiting the Past and Thinking about the Future Clark 10, 7th Floor Social Support and Prisoner Reentry Clark 3, 7th Floor Mechanisms Underlying Violence and Victimization Clark 5, 7th Floor Influences on Incarceration Rates Clark 7, 7th Floor 51 PROGRAM SUMMARY THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 15 3:30 pm Author Meets Critics: Corruption and Organized Crime in Europe (Organized by the International Association for the Study of Organized Crime) Clark 9, 7th Floor When Violence Turns Deadly: Correlates of Homicide in Europe Cresthill Room, 3rd Floor Victim Contact with the Criminal Justice System Dearborn 1, 7th Floor Issues Related to Prison Construction Dearborn 2, 7th Floor Author Meets Critics: The Better Angels of Our Nature: Why Violence Has Declined Empire Room, Lobby Level Korean Society of Criminology in America (KSCA) Meeting Grant Park Parlor, 6th Floor Division on Women and Crime Feminist Criminology Editorial Board Meeting Hancock Parlor, 6th Floor Biosocial Criminology: Psychology Indiana Room, 3rd Floor Race, Neighborhood Stigma, and Perceptions of Disorder Kimball Room, 3rd Floor Capital Punishment in the United States: Trends and Implications LaSalle 1, 7th Floor Media Construction of Gender and Race II LaSalle 2, 7th Floor Perceptions of Police Legitimacy LaSalle 3, 7th Floor The Social Construction of Juvenile Crime LaSalle 5, 7th Floor International Context and Criminological Theory Evaluation Logan Room, 3rd Floor Homicide: Latest Trends and Emerging Themes Madison Room, 3rd Floor Neutralizations and White-Collar Crime Marshfield Room, 3rd Floor Young Drug Users I Millennium Parlor, 6th Floor Juvenile Justice Practices Across Nation-States Price Room, 5th Floor Operational Concerns in Community Corrections: Offender Rehabilitation, Case Management, and Risk Assessment Salon 1, 3rd Floor Teens, Sex, and Tech: Highlights from a Multi-State, OJJDP-Funded Study Salon 10, 3rd floor Reviewing Strategic Initiatives to Reduce Gang Violence: Promising Cross-National Approaches Salon 12, 3rd Floor Experimental Criminology: Evaluating Police Legitimacy and Procedural Justice (Organized by the Division of Experimental Criminology) Salon 2, 3rd Floor Antisocial Behavior Throughout the Lifespan: Factors Predicting Repeated Involvement in Crime Salon 3, 3rd Floor Mental Disorder and the Justice System Salon 4, 3rd Floor Testing Situational Action Theory: Morality and Moral Norms Salon 5, 3rd Floor Disengagement from Illicit Groups Salon 6, 3rd Floor 52 PROGRAM SUMMARY THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 15 3:30 pm Journal of Research in Crime & Delinquency Board Meeting Salon 7, 3rd Floor Moving Beyond “Do Drug Courts Work”: Results from Statewide Evaluations Salon 8, 3rd Floor Policing Unrest and Security Salon 9, 3rd Floor Roundtable: Sex Trafficking/Prostitution Sandburg 2, 7th Floor Roundtable: Reproductive Rights as a Criminal Justice Issue Sandburg 4, 7th Floor Roundtable: Specialty Courts Sandburg 6, 7th Floor Roundtable: Surveillance and Cross-National Criminology Sandburg 8, 7th Floor Gender and Drugs I Spire Parlor, 6th Floor Division on Critical Criminology Executive Meeting Wabash Room, 3rd Floor State Medical Marijuana Policies and Public Health Outcomes Water Tower Parlor, 6th Floor Developmental Pathways to Family Violence Wilson Room, 3rd Floor 4:30 pm Division on Critical Criminology General Business Meeting Wabash Room, 3rd Floor 5:00 pm International Association for the Study of Organized Crime Business Meeting (IASOC) Clark 9, 7th Floor Poster Session Grand/State Ballroom, 4th Floor The Urban Institute Reception Monroe Room, 6th Floor 6:00 pm Division on Critical Criminology Social Adams Room, 6th Floor 7:00 pm Division on Corrections and Sentencing Happy Hour Social Flat Top Stir-Fry Grill (Off Site / 30 S. Wabash) Carolina Academic Press Reception Wabash Room, 3rd Floor FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 16 7:30 am 8:00 am Division on Women and Crime Breakfast Adams Room, 6th Floor Criminology Editorial Board Meeting Grant Park Parlor, 6th Floor Rates and Trends of Childhood Exposure to Crime, Violence and Abuse Buckingham Room, 5th Floor Police Deviance Burnham 1, 7th Floor Analyzing the Role of Judicial Activism and Restraint in the Constitutionalization of Criminal Procedure, Policy, and Practice Burnham 2, 7th Floor Prosecution and Sentencing of "Specialized" Offenders Burnham 4, 7th Floor Evidence-Based Crime Policy II Chicago Room, 5th Floor Community, Courts, and Justice Clark 10, 7th Floor Mental Health Issues in Juvenile Justice Clark 3, 7th Floor Influences on Attitudes toward Capital Punishment Clark 5, 7th Floor 53 PROGRAM SUMMARY FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 16 8:00 am The Collateral Consequences of Incarceration I Clark 7, 7th Floor Justice and the Rule of Law in the African Continent Clark 9, 7th Floor Discourse and Crime Cresthill Room, 3rd Floor Crime and Governance in the Contemporary United States Dearborn 2, 7th Floor Restorative Offender Reentry Indiana Room, 3rd Floor New Research in Cultural Criminology Kimball Room, 3rd Floor The Impact of Criminal Record on Post-Release Employment LaSalle 1, 7th Floor Death Penalty: Theoretical and Legal Issues LaSalle 2, 7th Floor The Methodology of Survey Research on Crime LaSalle 3, 7th Floor Criminal Justice in South Korea LaSalle 5, 7th Floor Race, Ethnicity and Crime/Delinquency Theory Logan Room, 3rd Floor Sex Offenders: Housing, Sentencing, and Public Policies Madison Room, 3rd Floor Pimping and Sex Trafficking Marshfield Room, 3rd Floor Training, Treatment, and Assessment for Family Violence Millennium Parlor, 6th Floor Testing Crime Theories Using Comparative Data Price Room, 5th Floor Experimental Criminology: Using Experimentation to More Deeply Explore Criminal Justice Issues within Interventions (Organized by the Division of Experimental Criminology) Salon 1, 3rd Floor The Columbine Effect: Fear and the Expansion of School Antiviolence Policy Salon 10, 3rd floor Predictors of Terrorist Violence Salon 4, 3rd Floor Virtual Places and Physical Places of Crime Salon 5, 3rd Floor Teaching about Victims of Crime Salon 6, 3rd Floor Important Issues in Prisoner Reentry Salon 8, 3rd Floor Improving Police and At-Risk Youth Relations: Findings from the Teen And Police Service (T.A.P.S.) Academy Salon 9, 3rd Floor Roundtable: Family Dinners, Victimization, and Suicidal Ideation Sandburg 3, 7th Floor Roundtable: Field Worker and Informant Networking Sandburg 5, 7th Floor Roundtable: Support for a Learning Community in Criminal Justice Sandburg 6, 7th Floor Roundtable: Neo-Marxian and Neo-Foucaldian Approaches to Long-Term Sandburg 7, 7th Floor Trends in the Prison Population: Business Cycles, Formulas of Government, and Citizenship 9:30 am Social Processes in the Immigration-Crime Nexus Spire Parlor, 6th Floor Intimate Partner Violence Buckingham Room, 5th Floor 54 PROGRAM SUMMARY FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 16 9:30 am Police Legitimacy and Procedural Justice Burnham 1, 7th Floor Predictors of Case Outcomes Burnham 2, 7th Floor Charging and Plea Bargaining Decisions Burnham 4, 7th Floor CMC Board Meeting Burnham 5, 7th Floor Professional Development: Academic versus Non-Academic Careers Chicago Room, 5th Floor Health Issues Among Adolescents and Young Adults: Implications for Deviance Clark 10, 7th Floor Religion, Culture, and Morality: Toward Understanding Values and Their Presentation in Media Clark 3, 7th Floor National Incident Based Reporting System Clark 5, 7th Floor Macro-Level Studies of the Effects of Incarceration Clark 7, 7th Floor Media, Crime and Social Justice Clark 9, 7th Floor Perpetrator-Motive Research Design: Pilot Project with Convicted Kidnappers Cresthill Room, 3rd Floor The American Prison: Imagining a Different Future I Crystal Room, 3rd Floor Sexual Assault Victimization Dearborn 1, 7th Floor Legal and Ethical Issues in Institutional Corrections Dearborn 2, 7th Floor Celebrating The Legacy Of Ruth Kornhauser: Personal and Professional Reflections Empire Room, Lobby Level Caribbean Crime Study Group Meeting Grant Park Parlor, 6th Floor Homicide Studies Editorial Board Meeting Hancock Parlor, 6th Floor Parenting Processes and Offspring Offending Across the Life Course Indiana Room, 3rd Floor Methodological Strategies for Investigating Neighborhood Effects Kimball Room, 3rd Floor The Impact of Institutional Culture and the Incarceration Experience on the Reentry Process LaSalle 1, 7th Floor Risk-Needs-Responsivity in Community Corrections LaSalle 2, 7th Floor Restorative Justice and Punishment LaSalle 3, 7th Floor Transforming Systems, Transforming Lives LaSalle 5, 7th Floor Religion and Crime/Delinquency Logan Room, 3rd Floor Sexual Assault and College Students: Experiences and Attitudes Madison Room, 3rd Floor Non-State Responses to Corporate Crime and Injustice Marshfield Room, 3rd Floor Critical Perspectives on Gangs Millennium Parlor, 6th Floor Methodological Issues Affecting Cross-National Research Price Room, 5th Floor Criminal Careers and Intergenerational Transmission of Sex Offenders Salon 1, 3rd Floor 55 PROGRAM SUMMARY FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 16 9:30 am 11:00 am Qualitative Explorations of Youth, Crime and Community Salon 10, 3rd floor ASC 2013 Program Committee Meeting Salon 12, 3rd Floor Neurocriminology: A Bohemian Rhapsody Salon 2, 3rd Floor Methods and Findings of the What Works in Reentry Clearinghouse Salon 3, 3rd Floor Public Welfare and Policy Issues Related to Female Deviance and Victimization Salon 4, 3rd Floor Crime and Place: Public and Residential Places in Crime Salon 5, 3rd Floor Roads Diverge: Patterns of Desistance for a Drug Involved Criminal Cohort Salon 6, 3rd Floor Methodological Advances in Delinquency Research Salon 7, 3rd Floor Red Hook Community Justice Center: Process, Ethnographic, and Impact Analyses Salon 8, 3rd Floor New Developments in Corporate Security Salon 9, 3rd Floor Roundtable: Drug Courts Redux: A Look Back to the Future of Drug Court Research and Administration Sandburg 2, 7th Floor Roundtable: Joseph Albini and Jeffrey McIllwain's Reflections on Organized Crime: Past, Present, Future Sandburg 3, 7th Floor Roundtable: Engaging the Academics: An Interdisciplinary Approach Toward an Understanding of “Continuity, Change, and the Culture of Fear” Sandburg 4, 7th Floor Roundtable: Interviews with Global Leaders in Policing, Courts, and Prisons Sandburg 6, 7th Floor Roundtable: Making Sense of Adolescent to Parent Violence: International Perspectives Sandburg 8, 7th Floor Sexed and Gendered Pathways to Offending and Recidivism Spire Parlor, 6th Floor Author Meets Critics: Gangs in America's Communities Water Tower Parlor, 6th Floor Teaching Research Methods and Statistics Wilson Room, 3rd Floor Division of International Criminology Business Meeting (Open to All Participants) Adams Room, 6th Floor Vulnerability to Victimization Among the Elderly and Disabled Buckingham Room, 5th Floor Police Performance Measurement and Evaluation Burnham 1, 7th Floor Miscarriages of Justice: Social Psychological Theory and Wrongful Convictions Burnham 2, 7th Floor Working the Joint: Issues Involving Correctional Staff Burnham 4, 7th Floor Ideas for Recycling/Greener Efforts at the ASC Meetings Burnham 5, 7th Floor The 40th Anniversary of the Criminalization Hypothesis: Reflections on Criminal Justice and Mental Illness Interface Chicago Room, 5th Floor 56 PROGRAM SUMMARY FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 16 11:00 am Prison Community Learning Experiences of Undergraduate Students: Inside-Out Prison Exchange and Alternatives to Violence Clark 3, 7th Floor Pretrial Risk Assessment: Status, Issues, and Opportunities for Improvement Clark 5, 7th Floor Translational Tools to Implement Evidence-Based Practices (EBPs) Clark 7, 7th Floor State Strategies and (In)Capacity for Justice and Social Control Clark 9, 7th Floor Studies on the Problem of Corruption Cresthill Room, 3rd Floor International Perspectives on Victimization Dearborn 1, 7th Floor Thinking Critically about the "Peer Effect": Measurement and Selection Dearborn 2, 7th Floor Beyond Ruth Kornhauser’s Social Sources Of Delinquency: Challenging Criminological Theory Empire Room, Lobby Level Association of Doctoral Programs of Criminology & Criminal Justice Business Meeting (ADPCCJ) Grant Park Parlor, 6th Floor ASC Policy Committee Meeting Hancock Parlor, 6th Floor Self-Perception, Identity Transformation, and Desistance Indiana Room, 3rd Floor Models of Neighborhood Change and Crime Kimball Room, 3rd Floor Prisoner Reentry for Women II LaSalle 1, 7th Floor Understanding Racial and Ethnic Disparity in the Probation Revocation Process LaSalle 2, 7th Floor Law Enforcement Activities and Trust in Police LaSalle 3, 7th Floor Varieties of Police Behavior in the Modern World LaSalle 5, 7th Floor Self-Control Theory Across the Life Course Logan Room, 3rd Floor Lethal Violence: Focus on Patterns and Context Madison Room, 3rd Floor Organized Crime: Theory, History, and Methods Marshfield Room, 3rd Floor The Gendered Nature of Intimate Partner Violence: Male Perpetration Millennium Parlor, 6th Floor State and Local Perspectives of Trafficking in Persons Price Room, 5th Floor The Impact of Race on Police Use of Force: Lessons from Empirical Research Salon 1, 3rd Floor Qualitative Inquiry and the Future of Criminology Salon 10, 3rd floor Crime and Place: Target Locations Salon 2, 3rd Floor Peripheral Biological Correlates of Antisocial Behavior and Psychopathic Traits Salon 3, 3rd Floor The Gendered and Racialized Delinquency and Juvenile Justice Experiences of At-Risk Youth Salon 4, 3rd Floor Education Facilities and Crime Prevention Policy Salon 5, 3rd Floor 57 PROGRAM SUMMARY FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 16 11:00 am 12:30 pm Fostering Positive Youth Development: Reframing the Aims of Juvenile Justice Salon 6, 3rd Floor Self-Control Theory and Crime/Delinquency Salon 7, 3rd Floor New Approaches to Prisoner Reentry Salon 8, 3rd Floor New Developments in Policing and Security Service Delivery and Networks Salon 9, 3rd Floor Roundtable: Dutch Study Group on the Transition from Juvenile Delinquency into Adult Crime Sandburg 3, 7th Floor Roundtable: Women in Prison in England and Wales and South Korea Sandburg 4, 7th Floor Roundtable: Gang Talk in the State of Unreason Sandburg 5, 7th Floor Roundtable: Gender Dynamics and Responding to the Challenging or Resistant Student Sandburg 7, 7th Floor Gender and Drugs II Spire Parlor, 6th Floor Author Meets Critics: Invisible Men: Mass Incarceration and the Myth of Black Progress Water Tower Parlor, 6th Floor Longitudinal Patterns in Gang Involvement, Gang Persistence, and Gang Violence at Individual- and Aggregate-Levels of Analysis Wilson Room, 3rd Floor Division of International Criminology Awards Presentation and Reception Adams Room, 6th Floor (Open to All Participants) Marital Status and Victimization Buckingham Room, 5th Floor Policing High-Activity Crime Places Burnham 1, 7th Floor Results from the National Police Research Platform Longitudinal Studies of New Recruits and Supervisors Burnham 2, 7th Floor Prosecutors and Defense Attorneys Burnham 4, 7th Floor United Nations Panel II: Democratic Policing and Human Rights - Models Chicago Room, 5th Floor and Measurement International Perspectives on Perceptions of Crime Clark 3, 7th Floor The National Inside-Out Prison Exchange Program: Research and Ethics Clark 5, 7th Floor New Perspectives on Children of Incarcerated Parents Clark 7, 7th Floor Crime and Justice Issues in Armenia, Honduras, Europe and the United States Clark 9, 7th Floor Terrorist, Drug, and Smuggling Organizations Cresthill Room, 3rd Floor Community Perceptions of Intimate Partner Abuse among High School Students Dearborn 1, 7th Floor Special Populations in Correctional Institutions Dearborn 2, 7th Floor Crime and Justice in America, 1975-2025: Punishment and Prevention Empire Room, Lobby Level 58 PROGRAM SUMMARY FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 16 12:30 pm Methodological Issues in Biosocial Research Indiana Room, 3rd Floor New Thoughts on Culture, Norms and Violence Kimball Room, 3rd Floor The Collateral Consequences of Incarceration II LaSalle 1, 7th Floor Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Mentoring Research Studies and Findings LaSalle 2, 7th Floor Historical Dynamics of the U.S. Criminal Justice System LaSalle 3, 7th Floor Indigenous Peoples and the Problem of Criminology LaSalle 5, 7th Floor Social Control Theory Logan Room, 3rd Floor Sex Offenders: Patterns of Offending Madison Room, 3rd Floor Psychological and Organizational Causes of White-Collar Offending Marshfield Room, 3rd Floor The Scientific Advisory Committee of the NSCR (Closed session) Medinah Parlor, 6th Floor Intimate Partner Violence among Same-Sex Couples Millennium Parlor, 6th Floor Division on People of Color and Crime Luncheon & Symposium Monroe Room, 6th Floor Punishment and Society: The Political Variable, Comparatively (Organized by the Journal "Punishment and Society") Price Room, 5th Floor Social Network Analysis and Criminal Organizations Salon 1, 3rd Floor The International Control of Money Laundering Salon 10, 3rd floor Crime and Place: Advanced Modeling of Crime and Place Salon 12, 3rd Floor Consequences of Childhood Maltreatment Salon 2, 3rd Floor Intragenerational and Intergenerational Similarity in Offending Salon 3, 3rd Floor Responding to Terrorism and Other Dissenting Behavior Salon 4, 3rd Floor Effects of the Communities That Care Prevention System on Adolescent Drug Use, Delinquency, and Violence: Results from a Community Randomized Trial Salon 5, 3rd Floor Experimental Criminology: The Sociology of Knowledge Generation The People and Agencies Behind Experimental and Quasi-Experimental Research in Policing (Organized by the Division of Experimental Criminology) Salon 6, 3rd Floor The Utility of NIBRS for Violence Research Salon 7, 3rd Floor Individual-Level Predictors of Prisoner Reentry Salon 8, 3rd Floor Young Drug Users II Salon 9, 3rd Floor Roundtable: Injustice before Trial: Reviewing the Early Decisions During Sandburg 2, 7th Floor the Formal Criminal Justice Process and the Impact They May Have on Criminal Defendants Roundtable: Hearing the Voices of Imprisoned Women 59 Sandburg 4, 7th Floor PROGRAM SUMMARY FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 16 12:30 pm 2:00 pm Roundtable: Intimate Partner Violence Sandburg 6, 7th Floor Roundtable: Medical Marijuana and the Criminal Justice System Sandburg 8, 7th Floor Rutgers University Alumni Association Luncheon Wabash Room, 3rd Floor Mental Disorder and Offending Wilson Room, 3rd Floor Criminologists without Borders (Open to All) Adams Room, 6th Floor College Students as Bystanders in Preventing and Responding to Crimes Against Women on College Campuses Buckingham Room, 5th Floor Police Legitimacy and Procedural Justice: Its Meaning and Consequences Across Individuals and Communities Burnham 1, 7th Floor Wrongful Convictions and the Reliability of Eyewitness Identification Burnham 2, 7th Floor Plea Bargaining, Juror Decision Making and Post-Conviction Supervision Burnham 4, 7th Floor Professional Development: Meet the Editors Part II - Current Issues and Directions Chicago Room, 5th Floor Race, Immigration, and Fear of Crime Clark 3, 7th Floor New Directions in Gang Composition Research Clark 5, 7th Floor Prisoner Reentry for Women III Clark 7, 7th Floor ASC Business Meeting Clark 8, 7th Floor Occupy Criminology Clark 9, 7th Floor Author Meets Critics: Toward A Unified Criminology: Integrating Assumptions About Crime, People, and Society Crystal Room, 3rd Floor Victimization Across Sexual Contexts Dearborn 1, 7th Floor James F. Short, Jr.: A Tribute Empire Room, Lobby Level National White Collar Crime Center Meeting Grant Park Parlor, 6th Floor Division on Critical Criminology Journal Editorial Board Meeting Hancock Parlor, 6th Floor New Approaches in Biosocial Criminology Indiana Room, 3rd Floor The Spatial Context of Victimization Kimball Room, 3rd Floor Reducing Racial Disparities in Juvenile Justice Systems LaSalle 1, 7th Floor Jury Decision Making in Death Penalty Cases LaSalle 2, 7th Floor Trafficking in Persons for Labor Exploitation in the United States LaSalle 3, 7th Floor Exploring Juvenile Justice Issues through a Community Lens LaSalle 5, 7th Floor Social Learning Theory and Crime/Deviance Logan Room, 3rd Floor Strategies for Managing Sexual Offenders Madison Room, 3rd Floor Victims, Equity, and Justice in Environmental Crimes Marshfield Room, 3rd Floor 60 PROGRAM SUMMARY FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 16 2:00 pm Critical Perspectives on Justice Millennium Parlor, 6th Floor Variations in Incarceration among Nation-States Price Room, 5th Floor The Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Research Resources: Opportunities for Funding, Publication, and Data Salon 1, 3rd Floor The Unintended Consequences of Social Mix: Implications for Social Networks, Collective Efficacy, Crime and Victimization Salon 10, 3rd floor Using Data from the Pathways to Desistance Study Salon 12, 3rd Floor Neighborhood Contextual Influences on Substance Use and Victimization: Salon 2, 3rd Floor Findings from the Project on Human Development in Chicago Neighborhoods Quasi-Experimental Methods in Policing and Crime Salon 3, 3rd Floor International Research on Drug Use, Dealing, and Control II Salon 4, 3rd Floor Crime and Place: Formal and Informal Guardianship Salon 5, 3rd Floor How can Violence be Reduced at a Global Scale? Salon 6, 3rd Floor Experimental Research in Criminology Salon 7, 3rd Floor The Impact of New York State’s Rockefeller Drug Law Reform Salon 8, 3rd Floor The Role of Interpersonal Behavior in Diverse Policing Contexts Salon 9, 3rd Floor Roundtable: Current Issues in Federal Sentencing: Fast-Track Programs for Immigration Offense Sandburg 3, 7th Floor Roundtable: Homicide and Major Crime Investigation: New Insights and Future Challenges Sandburg 5, 7th Floor Roundtable: Juvenile Justice and Delinquency I Sandburg 6, 7th Floor Roundtable: Linear Transformations and Their Adaptability into Criminal Justice Model Building Sandburg 7, 7th Floor Author Meets Critics: Race and Justice: Wrongful Convictions of African Spire Parlor, 6th Floor American Men (Organized by the Division on People of Color and Crime) 3:30 pm Evidence-Based Crime Policy III Water Tower Parlor, 6th Floor Firearms Availability, Access, and Carrying Wilson Room, 3rd Floor New Findings and Explanations for Victimization among Hispanics/Latinos Buckingham Room, 5th Floor Police Organizational Influences and Outcomes Burnham 1, 7th Floor Contemporary Approaches to Latin@ Criminology II Burnham 2, 7th Floor The Characteristics of the Courtroom Workgroup and Case Outcomes Burnham 4, 7th Floor Students Meet Scholars: Gender and Crime Chicago Room, 5th Floor Public Perceptions of Sex Crimes Clark 3, 7th Floor 61 PROGRAM SUMMARY FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 16 3:30 pm Author Meets Critics: Routledge Handbook of Critical Criminology (Organized by the Division on Critical Criminology) Clark 5, 7th Floor Management Issues in Correctional Institutions Clark 7, 7th Floor Zombie Criminology: Can a Nation-Centric Discipline Survive a Globalized World Context? Clark 9, 7th Floor Motorcycle Outlaws? Biker Identities, Narratives and Consumption Cresthill Room, 3rd Floor The American Prison: Imagining a Different Future II Crystal Room, 3rd Floor Responding to Sexual Assault Dearborn 1, 7th Floor Critical Explorations in Contemporary Penalty Dearborn 2, 7th Floor Proposed Division of Developmental and Life-Course Criminology: Organizational Meeting Grant Park Parlor, 6th Floor Reentry, Recidivism, and Desistance: Exploring Mechanisms Indiana Room, 3rd Floor Studies of Crime in Non-metropolitan Areas and Schools Kimball Room, 3rd Floor Serious Juvenile Offenders, Life Imprisonment, and the Death Penalty LaSalle 1, 7th Floor News Media Coverage of Homicide LaSalle 2, 7th Floor Spatial Analysis of Violence and Alcohol Outlets LaSalle 3, 7th Floor Social Context and Explanations of Delinquency LaSalle 5, 7th Floor Substance Use and Criminological Theory Logan Room, 3rd Floor Violence: Assessing Risk among Incarcerated Populations and Pathways to Desistence Madison Room, 3rd Floor Regulatory and Penal Responses to Financial Crimes Marshfield Room, 3rd Floor ASC Publications Meeting Medinah Parlor, 6th Floor Intimate Partner Violence, Sexual Assault, and Pregnancy Millennium Parlor, 6th Floor Spatial Criminology in China Price Room, 5th Floor GPS Monitoring Technologies and Domestic Violence: An Evaluation Study Salon 1, 3rd Floor Sentencing Juveniles in Adult Court: Considerations and Consequences Salon 2, 3rd Floor The Interplay of Activity Fields, Routine Activities, and Risky Situations on Crime and Violence Salon 3, 3rd Floor Understanding Terrorist Behavior Salon 4, 3rd Floor Guns, Gangs, and Crime Policy Salon 5, 3rd Floor Traditional Organized Crime in the Modern World II Salon 6, 3rd Floor The Triple Bottom Line: People, Planet, and Profit in Corrections Salon 8, 3rd Floor Technology and Criminal Justice Education Salon 9, 3rd Floor 62 PROGRAM SUMMARY FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 16 3:30 pm Roundtable: International/Comparative Crime Sandburg 2, 7th Floor Roundtable: Integrating Songwriting, Music, and Social Justice Sandburg 4, 7th Floor Roundtable: Juvenile Justice and Delinquency II Sandburg 6, 7th Floor Roundtable: Private and Public Reactions to Minorities and Their Crimes Sandburg 7, 7th Floor Roundtable: Mentoring Undergraduates in Research and Scholarship Sandburg 8, 7th Floor Social Class, Economic Inequality, and Crime Spire Parlor, 6th Floor The Unique Profiles of Gang Members Wilson Room, 3rd Floor Issues of ACCCJ Wrigley Parlor, 6th Floor 5:00 pm ASC Presidential Justice Award and Presidential Address Grand Ballroom, 4th Floor 6:00 pm ASC Presidential Reception State Ballroom, 4th Floor 7:00 pm Florida State University Reception Adams Room, 6th Floor University of Maryland, College Park Reception Chicago Room, 5th Floor Doctorate in Cultural and Global Criminology (the DCGC,a European consortium led by the University of Kent) Reception Cresthill Room, 3rd Floor Arizona State University Reception Crystal Room, 3rd Floor University of Cincinnati Reception Empire Room, Lobby Level Georgia State University Reception Grant Park Parlor, 6th Floor American University Reception Hancock Parlor, 6th Floor Indiana University, Bloomington Reception Harold Washington Suite 9150 Rutgers University Reception Honore Ballroom, Lobby Level University of Massachusetts Lowell Reception Logan Room, 3rd Floor Korean Institute of Criminology Reception Madison Room, 3rd Floor University of New Haven Reception Marshfield Room, 3rd Floor Pennsylvania State University Reception Monroe Room, 6th Floor University of California, Irvine Reception Price Room, 5th Floor Simon Fraser University Reception Salon 1, 3rd Floor Northeastern University Reception Salon 10, 3rd floor John Jay College of Criminal Justice Reception Salon 12, 3rd Floor University of Pennsylvania Reception Salon 2, 3rd Floor University of Cambridge Reception Salon 3, 3rd Floor Michigan State University Reception Salon 5, 3rd Floor University at Albany, SUNY Reception Salon 8, 3rd Floor 63 PROGRAM SUMMARY FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 16 7:00 pm Illinois State University Reception Spire Parlor, 6th Floor George Mason University Reception Water Tower Parlor, 6th Floor Griffith University Reception Wilson Room, 3rd Floor 9:00 pm Minority Fellowship Dance Featuring The Hot Spots Grand Ballroom, 4th Floor 10:00 pm Minority Fellowship Dance Featuring Matthew Skoller Blue's Band Red Lacquer Room, 4th Floor SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 17 8:30 am Patterns of Teen Dating Violence: Victimization and Perpetration Buckingham Room, 5th Floor Police Styles, Experiences, and Applications Burnham 1, 7th Floor Problem Solving Courts Burnham 2, 7th Floor The Future of Capital Punishment in the United States Burnham 4, 7th Floor Author Meets Critics: The Future of Batterer Programs: Reassessing Evidence-Based Practice Chicago Room, 5th Floor Enablers of Organized Crime Clark 1, 7th Floor Historical Trends in Punishment and Rehabilitation Clark 10, 7th Floor Parents in Correctional Institutions Clark 3, 7th Floor The Los Angeles Gang Reduction and Youth Development Program: Evaluation at Year Three Clark 5, 7th Floor Why We Do What We Do: A Review of the SNAP® Approach from Policy to Practice Clark 7, 7th Floor Prison Issues and Culture in Media and Social Debate Clark 9, 7th Floor Ontological Criminology Cresthill Room, 3rd Floor School-Based Responses to Victimization and Offending Dearborn 1, 7th Floor Surviving Prison: Quantitative and Qualitative Approaches Dearborn 2, 7th Floor Psychological Approaches to Crime Indiana Room, 3rd Floor Understanding National and International Crime Trends Kimball Room, 3rd Floor Property Crime and Situational Prevention LaSalle 2, 7th Floor Public Perceptions of Guilt and Wrongful Convictions LaSalle 3, 7th Floor Testing Self-Control Theory: From Infancy to Middle Childhood to Adolescence Logan Room, 3rd Floor Evaluation of Strategies to Address Sex Offending Madison Room, 3rd Floor Stealing Science: Research Misconduct and the Misuse of Scholarly Work Marshfield Room, 3rd Floor Cultural Criminology: New Directions Millennium Parlor, 6th Floor Cyber Crime: Decisions and Routine Price Room, 5th Floor 64 PROGRAM SUMMARY SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 17 8:30 am Roundtable: Questioning Context: Challenges, Strategies, and Recommendations for Faculty Teaching an Introduction to Criminal Justice Course Sandburg 2, 7th Floor Roundtable: What Does This Have to Do with Being a Police Officer? Sandburg 3, 7th Floor Convincing Students that Social Science and Criminology Are Relevant to “The Job” 10:00 am Roundtable: What Role Can Nonprofit Organisations Play in Prisoner Reentry? Exploring International Opportunities and Challenges Sandburg 5, 7th Floor Roundtable: Why Are Nigerian Nurses Vulnerable to Deadly Intimate Partner Violence? Sandburg 6, 7th Floor Roundtable: Wrongful Convictions: Possible Solutions Sandburg 7, 7th Floor Author Meets Critics: Life After Death Row: Exonerees' Search for Community and Identity Spire Parlor, 6th Floor Women's Offenses and Victimization: Examining International Contexts Water Tower Parlor, 6th Floor The Effects of Contextual and Organizational Factors on Prisoner Reentry Wilson Room, 3rd Floor The Link between Victimization and Offending Buckingham Room, 5th Floor Policing Gangs: Prospects and Problems Burnham 1, 7th Floor Testing Forensic Evidence in Sexual Assault Crimes: Research in Houston Burnham 2, 7th Floor to Improve Outcomes for Victims and the Justice System Pretrial Decisions in State, Federal and Non-U.S. Courts Burnham 4, 7th Floor Professional Development: Developing the Next Generation of Scholars NIJs Graduate Research Fellowship Program Chicago Room, 5th Floor Mafia Investments Clark 10, 7th Floor What Works in Community Corrections Clark 3, 7th Floor The Efficacy of Juvenile Justice Interventions Clark 5, 7th Floor Issues Related to Visitation and Contact with Family in Correctional Facilities Clark 7, 7th Floor Trafficking in Art and Antiquities Clark 9, 7th Floor Environmental Criminology Cresthill Room, 3rd Floor Patterns of Violence Against Women in Alaska: Estimates, Correlates, and Batterer Interventions Dearborn 1, 7th Floor The Politics of Punishment and Correction Dearborn 2, 7th Floor Psychological Criminology Indiana Room, 3rd Floor Understanding Subculture Kimball Room, 3rd Floor Experimental Criminology: An Experimental Evaluation of Supervision Strategies for High Risk Probationers in Philadelphia (Organized by the Division of Experimental Criminology) LaSalle 1, 7th Floor 65 PROGRAM SUMMARY SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 17 10:00 am Emerging Issues in Crime Policy: Unionization, Collaboration, and Technology LaSalle 2, 7th Floor Perceptions of Punitiveness LaSalle 3, 7th Floor Youth (In)justice: Reports from the Front LaSalle 5, 7th Floor The Future of Self-Control Logan Room, 3rd Floor Women and Violence: Exploring Context and Typologies Madison Room, 3rd Floor Strategic Countermeasures for Anti-Counterfeiting, Intellectual Property Rights, and Product Fraud: Enabling the Shift to Prevention Marshfield Room, 3rd Floor Measuring Gender and Crime Millennium Parlor, 6th Floor Crime Patterns and Routine Variation Price Room, 5th Floor Roundtable: United Nations Panel: Criminology at the UN Sandburg 2, 7th Floor Roundtable: Measuring Human Trafficking: Examples in Operationalization and Instrumentation Sandburg 3, 7th Floor Roundtable: Teaching Critical Criminology: Teaching Specific Content Areas Critically Sandburg 4, 7th Floor Roundtable: Teaching Sensitive Topics: Intimate Partner Abuse, Rape, and Victim Blaming Sandburg 5, 7th Floor Roundtable: The Emergence of Smart Policing Sandburg 6, 7th Floor Roundtable: The Gains and Challenges of Penal Abolition: A Roundtable Discussion Sandburg 7, 7th Floor Roundtable: The Need for Creating Therapeutic Communities within South African Correctional Facilities Sandburg 8, 7th Floor The Gendering of Offending Spire Parlor, 6th Floor Author Meets Critics: The Black Child-Savers: Racial Democracy and Juvenile Justice (Organized by the Division on People of Color and Crime) Water Tower Parlor, 6th Floor Transformations in Punishment and Society Wilson Room, 3rd Floor 11:30 am ASC Closing Brunch Empire Room, Lobby Level 12:00 pm ASC Executive Board Meeting Crystal Room, 3rd Floor 66 TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 13 MEETING SESSION 001: CAMPBELL COLLABORATION CRIME AND JUSTICE GROUP MEETING Tuesday, November 13 - 8:00 am to 5:00 pm Clark 3, 7th Floor WORKSHOP SESSION 002: DIVISION OF EXPERIMENTAL CRIMINOLOGY WORKSHOP: PRACTICAL SOLUTIONS FOR ADMINISTERING MULTI-SITE RANDOMIZED TRIALS Tuesday, November 13 - 1:00 pm to 5:00 pm Chicago Room, 5th Floor Instructors: Pam Lattimore, RTI International Doris Layton MacKenzie, Pennsylvania State University John Roman, The Urban Institute Shelli Rossman, The Urban Institute WORKSHOP SESSION 003: WORKSHOP: GIS, MAPPING, AND SPATIAL MODELING Tuesday, November 13 - 1:00 pm to 5:00 pm Spire Parlor, 6th Floor Instructor: Robert Nash Parker, University of California WORKSHOP SESSION 004: WORKSHOP: ANALYZING THE PROJECT ON HUMAN DEVELOPMENT IN CHICAGO NEIGHBORHOODS Tuesday, November 13 - 1:00 pm to 5:00 pm Water Tower Parlor, 6th Floor Instructors: Chris Gibson, University of Florida Emily Wright, University of Nebraska at Omaha Gregory Zimmerman, Northeastern University Participants Robert J. Sampson, Harvard University Brent Phillips, ICPSR at University of Michigan MEETING SESSION 005: ASC EXECUTIVE BOARD MEETING Tuesday, November 13 - 3:00 pm to 7:00 pm Crystal Room, 3rd Floor WORKSHOP SESSION 006: DIVISION ON WOMEN AND CRIME FEMINIST CRIMINOLOGY IN THEORY AND ACTION WORKSHOP Tuesday, November 13 - 4:00 pm to 7:00 pm Wilson Room, 3rd Floor 67 WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 14 THEMATIC SESSION SESSION 007: LIFE WITH(OUT) THE POSSIBILITY OF PAROLE: AN EXAMINATION OF PAROLE DECISION MAKING IN CALIFORNIA Wednesday, November 14 - 8:00 am to 9:20 am Burnham 4, 7th Floor Chair: Lee Crayton, Western Carolina University Life Sentences and Parole Release in California Debbie Mukamal, Stanford Criminal Justice Center Life in Prison or Parole Release: Predicting Parole Decision Making in California Lee Crayton, Western Carolina University Determining Release: Perspectives of Parole Decision-Makers Kathryne M. Young, Stanford University Reentry Outcomes for California Lifers Lee Seale, California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation THEMATIC SESSION SESSION 008: MAKING PROSECUTION FAIRER AND MORE EFFECTIVE Wednesday, November 14 - 8:00 am to 9:20 am Clark 10, 7th Floor Chair: Michael Jacobson, Vera Institute of Justice Lessons Learned from Using Social Science Findings to Minimize Racial Disparity in Prosecution of Domestic Violence, Resisting and Obstructing a Police Officer, and Prostitution Cases Whitney Tymas, Vera Institute of Justice A Review of Preliminary Findings on the Impact of Prosecutorial Decision-Making on Racial Justice in a Large Northeastern Urban Jurisdiction Nancy Andiloro, Vera Institute of Justice Besiki Luka Kutateladze, Vera Institute of Justice Vincent Lau, Vera Institute of Justice Prosecutorial Performance Indicators: Why and How DA’s Offices Can Use Empirical Measures to Identify Problems and Improve Their Overall Performance Besiki Luka Kutateladze, Vera Institute of Justice THEMATIC SESSION SESSION 009: CHALLENGES AND OPPORTUNITIES IN REDUCING THE USE OF SEGREGATION IN U.S. PRISONS Wednesday, November 14 - 8:00 am to 9:20 am Clark 7, 7th Floor Chair: Angela Browne, Vera Institute of Justice Vera’s Segregation Reduction Project: An Innovative Approach to the Use of Segregation in Prison Angela Browne, Vera Institute of Justice Use and Outcomes of Segregation Suzanne Agha, Vera Institute of Justice 68 WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 14 Long-Term Segregation in U.S. Prisons Jim Austin, JFA Institute Discussant: Daniel P. Mears, Florida State University THEMATIC SESSION SESSION 010: ADVANCING MEDIA SCHOLARSHIP: THEORY, MEASUREMENT, AND THE ROLE OF CRIME EXPERTS Wednesday, November 14 - 8:00 am to 9:20 am Clark 9, 7th Floor Chair: Kevin Glenn Buckler, University of Texas at Brownsville Thinking inside the Box: Hegemonic Crime Ideology and Episodic Thought as Crime News Production Constraints Nicholas James Chagnon, University of Hawaii at Manoa Finding the Folk Devil in the 21st Century Ryan Baker, Kentucky Wesleyan College Crime Films: Issues of Genre and Sampling Colleen Kadleck, University of Nebraska at Omaha Alexander M. Holsinger, University of Missouri - Kansas City The Ambiguous Role of the Criminologist as Crime Expert Ineke Haen Marshall, Northeastern University THEMATIC SESSION SESSION 011: CONTEMPORARY APPROACHES TO LATIN@ CRIMINOLOGY I Wednesday, November 14 - 8:00 am to 9:20 am Dearborn 1, 7th Floor Chair: Maria B. Velez, University of New Mexico A View of the Future of Immigration Using the Republican Presidential Debates Myrna Cintron, Prairie View A&M University Karissa Rodriguez, Prairie View A&M University Mexico and United States Historical Migration Flows and Impact on Crime Ed A. Munoz, University of Wyoming Greg S. Weaver, Auburn University Martín Echeverría Victoria, Universidad Anáhuac Mayab Policing Community: On the Uses of Law Enforcement and the Rules of Law to Keep Undocumented Immigrants Insecure Luis F. Nuno, William Paterson University of New Jersey Demystifying the “Good Peasant” / Desmitificando al “Jibaro Bueno” Jose R. Cepeda Borrero, Catedratico Auxiliar Justicia Criminal THEMATIC SESSION SESSION 012: UNDERSTANDING SERVICE NEEDS, TRENDS IN DRUG USE, AND DRUG COSTS IN ARRESTEE POPULATIONS Wednesday, November 14 - 8:00 am to 9:20 am Salon 1, 3rd Floor Chair: Phyllis Newton, National Institute of Justice 69 WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 14 Generational Effects of Drug Use Among Arrestees in Chicago Arthur Lurigio, Loyola University Chicago Trends in Opiate Use Among Arrestees Dana Hunt, Abt Associates Inc. Frequent Arrestees and the Institutional Circuit Cory Feldman, John Jay College of Criminal Justice Estimating Illicit Retail Drug Price Distributions using ADAM II Ryan Kling, Abt Associates Inc / University of Massachusetts - Boston Discussant: Phyllis Newton, National Institute of Justice AUTHOR MEETS CRITICS SESSION 013: A TROUBLED MARRIAGE: DOMESTIC VIOLENCE AND THE LEGAL SYSTEM Wednesday, November 14 - 8:00 am to 9:20 am Spire Parlor, 6th Floor Chair: James Ptacek, Suffolk University Author Leigh Goodmark, University of Baltimore Critics Walter S. DeKeseredy, University of Ontario Institute of Technology Hillary Potter, University of Colorado - Boulder Susan L. Miller, University of Delaware Edward Gondolf, Indiana University of Pennsylvania SESSION 014: RESPONDING TO SEXUAL VICTIMIZATION Wednesday, November 14 - 8:00 am to 9:20 am Buckingham Room, 5th Floor Chair: Jodi Death, Queensland University of Technology The Characteristics of and Social Reactions to Victims of Spousal Sexual Assault Meghna Bhat, University of Illinois at Chicago Sarah E. Ullman, University of Illinois at Chicago The Hidden Nature of Sex Trafficking: Trafficking Techniques and Challenges in the Justice System Andrea Nichols, St. Louis Community College Erin C. Heil, Southern Illinois University, Edwardsville The Characteristics of Chinese Women's Victimization in Sex Offenses Lening Zhang, Saint Francis University “They Did Not Believe Me”: Responding to Child Sexual Abuse by Church Personnel in Australia Jodi Death, Queensland University of Technology SESSION 015: THE PRIVATIZATION OF POLICE AND POLICE-PRIVATE SECTOR PARTNERSHIPS Wednesday, November 14 - 8:00 am to 9:20 am Burnham 1, 7th Floor Chair: Paul A. Magro, Ball State University 70 WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 14 Private Police in Bosnia-Herzegovina: Positive vs. Negative Aspects Laurence Armand French, University of New Hampshire Goran Kovacevic, University of Sarajevo Nedzad Korajlic, University of Sarajevo Private Security in Canada: Examining Private Responses to Public Threats John Winterdyk, Mount Royal University Rick Ruddell, University of Regina Implementing Police Mobile Broadband: An Operational Evaluation Jeremy G. Carter, University of North Florida Eric Grommon, Indiana University-Purdue University, Indianapolis Nancy Merritt, U.S. Department of Justice Joseph Heaps, U.S. Department of Justice The Privatization of Police: Exploring the Potential and the Pitfalls Paul A. Magro, Ball State University SESSION 016: ARREST, PROSECUTION AND SENTENCING: POLICIES AND PRACTICES Wednesday, November 14 - 8:00 am to 9:20 am Burnham 2, 7th Floor Chair: Philip M. Stinson, Bowling Green State University Is Burglary a Violent Crime? Findings from a National Study Richard F. Culp, John Jay College of Criminal Justice, CUNY Phillip M. Kopp, CUNY Graduate Center / John Jay College of Criminal Justice Candace McCoy, CUNY Graduate Center / John Jay College of Criminal Justice Juvenile Lifers: Findings from a National Survey on Juveniles Serving Life without Parole Ashley Nellis, The Sentencing Project Mothers Who Murder? Drug Use and Abuse by Nursing and Pregnant Mothers Emily Horowitz, St. Francis College Occupy the Courts: How Activists Negotiate Arrest and Criminal Prosecution Tammi Arford, Northeastern University Andrea L. Hill, Northeastern University SESSION 017: COMMUNITIES AND COMMUNITY CORRECTIONS Wednesday, November 14 - 8:00 am to 9:20 am Clark 3, 7th Floor Chair: Monica Solinas-Saunders, Indiana University Northwest Realignment in a California County: The First Year John Owen, California State University, Fresno Yoshiko Takahashi, California State University, Fresno Emma Hughes, California State University, Fresno Barbara Owen, California State University, Fresno The Context of Back-End Sentencing: Neighborhood Predictors of Parole Violations and Sanctions Jonah A. Siegel, University of Michigan Jeffrey D. Morenoff, University of Michigan David J. Harding, University of Michigan The Impact of Prison Deinstitutionalization on Community Treatment Services Beverly D. Frazier, John Jay College of Criminal Justice Hung-En Sung, John Jay College of Criminal Justice Lior Gideon, John Jay College of Criminal Justice Karla Alfaro, John Jay College of Criminal Justice 71 WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 14 Give Peace a Chance: Peacemaking Criminology and Restorative Justice Practices Lloyd Klein, St. Francis College SESSION 018: ATTITUDES OF COURT/CORRECTIONAL WORKERS AND CLIENTS Wednesday, November 14 - 8:00 am to 9:20 am Clark 5, 7th Floor Chair: Margaret E. Leigey, The College of New Jersey Two Systems of Accountability Living Under the Same Roof: Staff Member Perspectives on Adult Court Youth in Juvenile Correctional Facilities Darin Haerle, University of California, Irvine Is the Meaning of Procedural Justice Universal? An Examination of Female Inmates Thomas Baker, Virginia Commonwealth University Kristin Golden, NJ Department of Law & Public Safety Karla Dhungana, Florida State University Marc Gertz, Florida State University Laura Bedard, Corrections Corporation of America What Happens When We Don't Agree: A Further Look at Probation Officer Recommendations Denise Leifker, DeSales University The Pains of Permanent Imprisonment: Findings from a Sample of Life without Parole Inmates Margaret E. Leigey, The College of New Jersey Michael Ryder, The College of New Jersey SESSION 019: NEUTRALIZATION THEORY AND CRIME/DEVIANCE Wednesday, November 14 - 8:00 am to 9:20 am Cresthill Room, 3rd Floor Chair: Wallis E. Adams, Northeastern University An Application of Techniques of Neutralization Theory to Deviant Behavior Youngki Woo, Indiana University of Pennsylvania Bike Racing, Neutralization, and the Social Construction of Performance-Enhancing Drug Use Ophir Sefiha, University of Denver International Sex Tourism: How Techniques of Neutralization are Utilized on the Web to Facilitate a Global Concern Wallis E. Adams, Northeastern University SESSION 020: CROSS-NATIONAL COMPARISONS AND PAROLE DECISION-MAKING Wednesday, November 14 - 8:00 am to 9:20 am Dearborn 2, 7th Floor Chair: Kristofer Bret Bucklen, PA Dept. of Corrections / University of Maryland Conceptual Framing of Corrections Staff and Superintendent Recommendations about Parole Release Brandy L. Blasko, Temple University Our Prison Systems: A Cross-National Comparison Based on the Existing Data Jose Becerra-Munoz, University of Malaga Elisa Garcia-Espana, University of Malaga Araceli Aguilar Conde, University of Malaga Procedural Justice and Paroling Decisions: An Investigation of the Impact of Perceived Legitimacy of the Parole Process on Outcomes Kristofer Bret Bucklen, PA Dept. of Corrections / University of Maryland Kiminori Nakamura, University of Maryland 72 WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 14 SESSION 021: BIOSOCIAL CRIMINOLOGY: GENETICS Wednesday, November 14 - 8:00 am to 9:20 am Indiana Room, 3rd Floor Chair: Davin Hall, University of Cincinnati Exploring the Influence of Genetic Risk and Poor Parent-Child Relationships on the Susceptibility to Deviant Peer Influence John Stogner, Georgia Southern University Chris Gibson, University of Florida From Genes to General Strain Theory: How Modern Neuroscience Can Bridge the Explanatory Gap Richard Evan Niemeyer, University of California, Riverside Kristopher Proctor, Stanford University Measures of Genetic Risk for Antisocial Behavior in an Incarcerated Sample Todd Armstrong, Sam Houston State University Brian B. Boutwell, Sam Houston State University On the Resolution of Existential Angst: Phenotypic Plasticity as a Function of Niche Construction Davin Hall, University of Cincinnati Lacey Schaefer, University of Cincinnati SESSION 022: EVALUATING PRISONER REENTRY PROGRAMS I Wednesday, November 14 - 8:00 am to 9:20 am LaSalle 1, 7th Floor Chair: Mathew Lynch, University of South Florida A Measure of Success? A Multi-Site Examination of Structure, Goals, and Staff Marcus Antonio Galeste, Arizona State University Connie Ireland, California State University, Long Beach Sonia Munoz-Duran, California State University, Long Beach An Experimental Evaluation of a Nationally Recognized Offender Reentry Program David Farabee, University of California, Los Angeles Sheldon X. Zhang, San Diego State University Mentors and Second Chances: An Implementation Evaluation of a Reentry Mentor Program Danielle McDonald, Northern Kentucky University Cheryl Lero Jonson, Northern Kentucky University A New Direction: Evaluating a Prison-Based Reentry Program's Impact on Pre-Release Offending Mathew Lynch, University of South Florida Nicholas Branic, University of California, Irvine SESSION 023: EDUCATING FOR CHANGE: INNOVATIONS IN SCHOOLS AND JUVENILE FACILITIES Wednesday, November 14 - 8:00 am to 9:20 am LaSalle 2, 7th Floor Chair: Judy L. Estren, AMIkids, Inc. Engaging Boys in Bystander Education and Gender Violence Prevention Tara Opsal, Colorado State University Making a Case for the Introduction of Restorative Justice Practices in Middle Schools in Texas Sharmaine G. Tapper, Prairie View A&M University O. Oko Elechi, Prairie View A&M University The (In)Visibility of Juvenile Justice and Emancipatory Education Sanna King, University of Hawaii at Manoa 73 WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 14 Turning Data into Information: The Use of Ongoing Evaluation to Drive Effective Juvenile Justice Services Judy L. Estren, AMIkids, Inc. Kristin Winokur Early, Justice Research Center Julia Blankenship, Justice Research Center SESSION 024: ASSASSINATIONS: SOCIO-HISTORICAL ANALYSES Wednesday, November 14 - 8:00 am to 9:20 am LaSalle 3, 7th Floor Chair: Frankie Yvonne Bailey, University at Albany, SUNY A Tale of Two Regicides Jayne Mooney, John Jay College of Criminal Justice Death to Politics: A Socio-Historical Analysis of Congressional Assassinations and Attempts Jeanne Subjack, Sam Houston State University The Actress and the Assassin: Henrietta Irving and John Wilkes Booth in Nineteenth Century Culture Frankie Yvonne Bailey, University at Albany, SUNY Discussant: Manuel Peter Eisner, University of Cambridge SESSION 025: INTERNATIONAL PERSPECTIVES ON JUVENILE PROTECTION AND WELFARE POLICIES Wednesday, November 14 - 8:00 am to 9:20 am LaSalle 5, 7th Floor Chair: Hui Huang, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Exploring Risk Governance in the Nordic Context: Finnish Juvenile Crime and Child Welfare Timo Harrikari, University of Helsinki The Protection Model of Juvenile Delinquency in Portugal: A Study from a Justice Facility Ana Manuela Faria, University of Porto, Portugal Josefina Maria Castro, University of Porto, Portugal Youth Justice: Balancing Risk, Negotiating Delinquency Elaine Arnull, Bucks New University Darrell Fox, Yukon Territory and London Met University Congregate Care and Recidivism: Does Child Welfare System's Response to Returning Delinquent Awards Matter? Hui Huang, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign SESSION 026: TURNING POINTS IN THE LIFE COURSE: MILITARY, EMPLOYMENT, AND PARENTING EXPERIENCES Wednesday, November 14 - 8:00 am to 9:20 am Logan Room, 3rd Floor Chair: Matthew VanEseltine, Bowling Green State University The Military's Role in Desistance Jessica Craig, University of Texas at Dallas Coming of Age in the Military Post-9/11: An Examination of Early Life Outcomes for a New Generation of Military Veterans Philip Mulvey, Arizona State University Matthew Larson, Arizona State University Criminal Trajectories of Men with Marginal Labor Market Status: Is There Evidence for the Turning-Point Hypothesis? Torbjorn Skardhamar, Statistics Norway Jukka Savolainen, University of Nebraska 74 WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 14 Stressors and Rewards in the Parenthood-Crime Relationship Matthew VanEseltine, Bowling Green State University April Dawn Holbrook, Bowling Green State University SESSION 027: THE ROLE OF STRAIN ON CRIMINAL BEHAVIOR Wednesday, November 14 - 8:00 am to 9:20 am Madison Room, 3rd Floor Chair: Cresean Hughes, Florida State University The Conditioning Effect of Early Strain to Later Strain, Stress Responses and Aggression by Police Officers Don L. Kurtz, Kansas State University Egbert Zavala, University of Texas at El Paso The Impact of Strain and Coping Skills on Treatment Outcomes for Juvenile Offenders Miriam Sealock, Towson University Michelle Manasse, Towson University When Enough Is Enough: The Cumulative Effects of Strain Cresean Hughes, Florida State University SESSION 028: CONTROLLING CORPORATE CRIME: PROBLEMS AND PROSPECTS Wednesday, November 14 - 8:00 am to 9:20 am Marshfield Room, 3rd Floor Chair: Kip Schlegel, Indiana University Bloomington Corporate Crime: Towards an Efficient Model of Prevention Nikolaos Theodorakis, University of Cambridge Retribution as Applied to White-Collar Crime Wojciech Cebulak, Minot State University Collecting Fines for Corporate Crimes Kip Schlegel, Indiana University Bloomington SESSION 029: INTIMATE PARTNER VIOLENCE AMONG IMMIGRANT POPULATIONS Wednesday, November 14 - 8:00 am to 9:20 am Millennium Parlor, 6th Floor Chair: Arshia U. Zaidi, University of Ontario Institute of Technology A Study of Domestic Violence against Immigrant Women in South Korea Younoh Cho, Dongguk University Barriers to Coping with Intimate Partner Violence for Korean Immigrant Women Sung-hun Byun, Rutgers University The Impediments to Justice for Victims of Domestic Violence in Nigeria Chioma Daisy Onyige-Ebeniro, University of Port Harcourt Speaking Out: An Exploratory Study of Cross-Cultural Challenges, Occurrences, and Experiences of Elderly South Asian Immigrants Residing in Canada Arshia U. Zaidi, University of Ontario Institute of Technology Shahid Alvi, University of Ontario Institute of Technology SESSION 030: ENTERPRISING CRIMES IN TRANS-NATIONAL CONTEXTS Wednesday, November 14 - 8:00 am to 9:20 am Price Room, 5th Floor Chair: Barbara Ann Stolz, U.S. GAO An Increased Opportunity for Transnational Crime? An Examination of the Netherlands’ Drug Policy Sharon A. Melzer, SUNY Plattsburgh 75 WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 14 Applying "Bordering" to Cyberspace: An Analysis of the Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement Amanda Marie Smith, Western Michigan University Human Trafficking, Network Ties, and Migration: A Comparative Analysis of the United States and Britain, 2007 to 2010 Erin Denton, McGill University Is Canada Falling Short of Obligations to Combat Human Trafficking? Compliance with the Palermo Protocol Christie Holden, University of Ottawa SESSION 031: PATTERNS AND TRENDS IN COMPUTER CRIME Wednesday, November 14 - 8:00 am to 9:20 am Salon 4, 3rd Floor Chair: Ingrid Norris, Utica College Cybercrime: Where is it Hidden? Marianne Junger, University of Twente Margo Karemaker, Saxion Hogeschool Pieter Hartel, University of Twente Electronic Piracy and Non-Digital Theft: Relative Explanations of College Students’ Attitudes and Behaviors Mary Brewster, West Chester University Joseph Moloney, West Chester University Laptop Theft: How Easy is it? Trajce Dimkov, Deloitte Marianne Junger, University of Twente Wolter Pieters, Delft University of Technology Pieter Hartel, University of Twente Identity Theft Patterns in Florida: An Analysis Using Suspect, Victim, and Witness Data Ingrid Norris, Utica College Jennifer Trost, Utica College Shanna Van Slyke, Utica College SESSION 032: SOCIAL CONTROL, PRIVACY, AND POLICY Wednesday, November 14 - 8:00 am to 9:20 am Salon 5, 3rd Floor Chair: Donald Rebovich, Utica College Homelessness and Controlling Space: The Criminalization of Vagrancy in Virginia Lindsey Upton, Old Dominion University Travis Linnemann, Old Dominion University Medical Marijuana and Social Control: Escaping Criminalization and Embracing Medicalization Patrick Kevin O'Brien, University of Colorado - Boulder Perceptions of Privacy in Public Environs Jill Joline Myers, Western Illinois University Kimberly D. Dodson, Western Illinois University Kyla M. Keefauver, Western Illinois University Protecting Personal Health Care Information from Criminal Breaches Donald Rebovich, Utica College SESSION 033: ADVANCES IN QUALITATIVE METHODS IN CRIMINOLOGY Wednesday, November 14 - 8:00 am to 9:20 am Salon 6, 3rd Floor Chair: Steven Downing, University of Ontario Institute of Technology 76 WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 14 Comparative Criminology and the Delphi Method Gordon Hughes, Cardiff University Adam Edwards, Cardiff University Inter-Rater Reliability among Qualitative Criminologists: An Assessment and Implications Jody Miller, Rutgers University Henk Elffers, Netherlands Institute for the Study of Crime and Law Enforcement Space, Time, and Reflexive Interviewing: Implications for Qualitative Criminology Steven Downing, University of Ontario Institute of Technology Katherine Polzer, Texas Christian University Kristine Levan, Plymouth State University SESSION 034: PROSECUTION AND SENTENCING: A CROSS-NATIONAL PERSPECTIVE Wednesday, November 14 - 8:00 am to 9:20 am Salon 8, 3rd Floor Chair: Roger Isaac Roots, Fair Procedure Initiative Impact of the Lay Judge System on the Criminal Justice Policy for Sex Crimes in Japan Mari Hirayama, Hakuoh University Judicial Practice of Sentencing Multiple Offenders Natalia Vibla, University of Cambridge Social Circumstances of the Offender as Sentencing Determinants in the Netherlands Sigrid G.C. van Wingerden, Leiden University Johan van Wilsem, Leiden University The Role of Discretion: Correlations between Drug Crime and the Prosecution of Drug Offenses in Taiwan Ming-Li Hsieh, Washington State University SESSION 035: APPLYING THEORY TO THE STUDY OF THE POLICE Wednesday, November 14 - 8:00 am to 9:20 am Salon 9, 3rd Floor Chair: Mahesh Nalla, Michigan State University Integrating Policing Theory with Legal Theory Jerry Joplin, Guilford College Exploring the Applicability of Herzberg’s Motivation-Hygiene Theory to Intelligence-Led Problem Oriented Policing Denise D. Nation, Winston-Salem State University A Sociological Imagination: Simon Holdaway, Pioneer of Police Research Richard Heslop, West Yorkshire Police, England / University of Cincinnati Officers' Job Satisfaction in South Korea: A Test of Expectancy Motivation Theory Wook Kang, University of Central Oklahoma Mahesh Nalla, Michigan State University SESSION 036: ROUNDTABLE: BRICK TO CLICK: SCALING THE ADDITION OF AN ONLINE PROGRAM IN A TRADITIONAL FACE TO FACE ENVIRONMENT Wednesday, November 14 - 8:00 am to 9:20 am Sandburg 2, 7th Floor Chair: David A. Jenks, University of West Georgia Discussants: Lee Michael Johnson, University of West Georgia John Randolph Fuller, University of West Georgia Richard Lemke, University of West Georgia 77 WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 14 SESSION 037: ROUNDTABLE: CRIMINAL JUSTICE EDUCATION FOR THE RULE OF LAW IN THE WEBINAR AGE: LESSONS LEARNED AND THE WAY AHEAD Wednesday, November 14 - 8:00 am to 9:20 am Sandburg 4, 7th Floor Chair: Mangai Natarajan, John Jay College of Criminal Justice Discussants: Rosemary Barberet, John Jay College of Criminal Justice, CUNY Chris Andreopoulos, John Jay College of Criminal Justice Phil Reichel, University of Northern Colorado Aaron Fichtelberg, University of Delaware Emil W. Plywaczewski, University of Bialystok, Poland Karin Bruckmueller, University of Vienna SESSION 038: ROUNDTABLE: CSI: MEDIA, JURIES, AND BURDEN OF PROOF Wednesday, November 14 - 8:00 am to 9:20 am Sandburg 8, 7th Floor Chair: Evaristus Obinyan, Clark Atlanta University Discussants: Patrick Ibe, Albany State University Jovita Esechie, Texas Southern University Hamin Shabazz, Stevenson University Dorothy Sule, University of North Carolina, Elizabethcity Ihekwoaba Declan Onwudiwe, Texas Southern University SESSION 039: DRUG AND ALCOHOL USE AMONG STUDENTS Wednesday, November 14 - 8:00 am to 9:20 am Wilson Room, 3rd Floor Chair: Scott Jacques, Georgia State University Social Construction of the 'Binge Drinker' among College Students Michael A. Johnson, University of Nebraska at Omaha Samantha Clinkinbeard, University of Nebraska at Omaha Policing Alcohol- and Drug-Related Crimes on Campus Andrea Allen, University of South Carolina Prescription Drug Misuse: A Theoretical Analysis of the Growing College Phenomenon William Christopher Watkins, West Virginia Wesleyan College Trends in Drug Use by United States High School Seniors: An Analysis of Monitoring the Future, 1976-2010 Chiung-Fang Hsu, Florida State University Steven Michael Lemmey, Florida State University THEMATIC SESSION SESSION 040: BJS AND THE USE OF ADMINISTRATIVE DATA ON CRIME: WHAT WE ARE LEARNING FROM NIBRS? Wednesday, November 14 - 9:30 am to 10:50 am Buckingham Room, 5th Floor Chair: Erica L. Smith, Bureau of Justice Statistics, USDOJ Male Victims of Sexual Assault: What Do We Know About Them? Characteristics of Violent Sexual Assaults Involving Male Victims Reported to Law Enforcement, 2006-2009 Alexia Cooper, Bureau of Justice Statistics 78 WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 14 Cops are Victims, Too! The Characteristics of Reported Incidents of Violence against Law Enforcement Officers in 12 States, 20062009 Ron Malega, Bureau of Justice Statistics Alexia Cooper, Bureau of Justice Statistics Arson Incidents Reported to Law Enforcement: Who is Starting the Fires and How Often Do the Cops Catch Them? Ramona Rantala, Bureau of Justice Statistics, USDOJ Fraud and the Elderly: Examining the Likelihood of Arrest in Cases of Fraud against the Elderly Reported to Law Enforcement, 20062009 Howard Snyder, Bureau of Justice Statistics Erica L. Smith, Bureau of Justice Statistics, USDOJ Discussant: Howard Snyder, Bureau of Justice Statistics THEMATIC SESSION SESSION 041: BUILDING AND ENHANCING POLICE AGENCY CAPACITY FOR RESEARCH AND ANALYSIS: PROSPECTS AND APPROACHES Wednesday, November 14 - 9:30 am to 10:50 am Burnham 1, 7th Floor Chair: Jac Charlier, TASC Is My Work Valued? Insights into the Perceived Value of Research and Planning Contributions to Organizational Goals Brenda Bond, Suffolk University Enhancing Police Utilization of Research through Smart Policing Michael D. White, Arizona State University Research, Analysis, and Planning Capacities in American Police Departments: Results of a Recent PERF Survey Vivian Chu, CNA Promoting Police Capacity for Research and Planning Craig Fraser, Police Executive Research Forum THEMATIC SESSION SESSION 042: CONTROVERSIES IN POLICING Wednesday, November 14 - 9:30 am to 10:50 am Clark 10, 7th Floor Chair: Marilyn Corsianos, Eastern Michigan University Police Corruption, Hegemonic Masculinity and Gendered Risks Marilyn Corsianos, Eastern Michigan University The Police and Facebook Seyed Mirmajlessi, Eastern Michigan University A Target of Friendly Fire: The Lived Experiences of Lesbian Police Officers Carrie Buist, University of North Carolina Wilmington Varieties of French Policing: What Controversies in French Policing Can Tell Us about State Power Today Kevin Karpiak, Eastern Michigan University 79 WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 14 THEMATIC SESSION SESSION 043: POLICING BY THE NUMBERS Wednesday, November 14 - 9:30 am to 10:50 am Clark 5, 7th Floor Chair: Meghan E. Hollis, Northeastern University Defining Crime: How Police Processing of Crime Influences Crime Outcomes Used in Research Meghan E. Hollis, Northeastern University New Modes of Accountability: A Dialectical Analysis Peter K. Manning, Northeastern University The Crime Numbers Game: Management by Manipulation Eli Silverman, John Jay College of Criminal Justice John Eterno, Police Practice & Research: An International Journal Policing by Number and the Increasing Legibility of Space: An Empirical Assessment of Canadian Police Services Engagement in Crime and Intelligence Analysis Carrie B. Sanders, Wilfrid Laurier University THEMATIC SESSION SESSION 044: NEIGHBORHOODS, SPACE, NETWORKS AND CRIME Wednesday, November 14 - 9:30 am to 10:50 am Crystal Room, 3rd Floor Chair: Christopher R. Browning, Ohio State University Perceptions of Crime, Disorder, and Routine Activity Space Segregation: A Multilevel Network Approach Christopher R. Browning, Ohio State University Brian Soller, Ohio State University Aubrey L. Jackson, Ohio State University Dynamic Network Models of Male Sex Worker/Client Interactions Brian Soller, Ohio State University Trevon D. Logan, Ohio State University Chih-Sheng Hsieh, Ohio State University The Role of Neighborhood and Family Context in Youth Co-Offending David R. Schaefer, Arizona State University Nancy Rodriguez, Arizona State University Scott Decker, Arizona State University Immigrant Spatial Mobility, Community Networks, Crime, and the Paradox of Assimilation Corina Graif, University of Michigan Robert J. Sampson, Harvard University THEMATIC SESSION SESSION 045: CONFRONTING THE CRISES IN CRIMINOLOGY: HISTORY, KNOWLEDGE, AND LEGACY Wednesday, November 14 - 9:30 am to 10:50 am Millennium Parlor, 6th Floor Chair: Johannes Wheeldon, Washington State University Crises in Criminology? A Historical Review and Model of Theory Growth Jon Heidt, Simon Fraser University 80 WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 14 Conjectures and Refutations: The Accumulation of Criminological Knowledge Brendan Dooley, University of Maryland Legacy and Longing: Criminological Education, Understanding, and Modesty Johannes Wheeldon, Washington State University Discussant: Robert Bursik, University of Missouri - St. Louis THEMATIC SESSION SESSION 046: NOVEL INTEGRATION OF COMMUNICATION AND CRIMINAL JUSTICE THEORY: EFFECTIVE PROBATION/PAROLE SUPERVISION OF DRUG-INVOLVED WOMEN Wednesday, November 14 - 9:30 am to 10:50 am Salon 1, 3rd Floor Chair: Merry Morash, Michigan State University Overview of the Research and Theory Merry Morash, Michigan State University What Works and What Doesn’t Work in Recruiting and Retaining an Offender Sample for Longitudinal Research Miriam Northcutt-Bohmert, Michigan State University Memorable Messages for Women on Probation and Parole Sandi W. Smith, Michigan State University Jennifer Cornacchione, Michigan State University Merry Morash, Michigan State University Women Offenders’ Accounts of the Strategies for Avoiding Crime and Victimization in Bad Neighborhoods Jennifer Cobbina, Michigan State University THEMATIC SESSION SESSION 047: PUBLIC HEALTH AND JUSTICE: REDUCING RISKS AND THREATS TO HEALTH OF CRIMINAL OFFENDERS, THEIR VICTIMS, AND THEIR COMMUNITIES Wednesday, November 14 - 9:30 am to 10:50 am Salon 10, 3rd floor Chair: Jeff Mellow, John Jay College of Criminal Justice When Immigration Control Becomes a Criminal Justice and Public Health Risk: Victimization and Mental Health among Undocumented Migrant Workers Hung-En Sung, John Jay College of Criminal Justice Public Health and Criminal Justice/Criminology Perspectives on Intentional Burns on Women Mangai Natarajan, John Jay College of Criminal Justice Health Challenges of Recently Released Inmates and Implications for Public Health Policy Sung-suk Violet Yu, John Jay College of Criminal Justice The Influence of Faith-Based Mentoring and Access to Health and Secular Reintegrative Services on Health Disparity Frank S. Pezzella, John Jay College of Criminal Justice AUTHOR MEETS CRITICS SESSION 048: SOLD INTO EXTINCTION: THE GLOBAL TRADE IN ENDANGERED SPECIES Wednesday, November 14 - 9:30 am to 10:50 am Salon 2, 3rd Floor Chair: Graeme Newman, University at Albany, SUNY 81 WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 14 Author Jacqueline L. Schneider, Illinois State University Critics Andrew Lemieux, Netherlands Institute for the Study of Crime and Law Enforcement Stephen F. Pires, Florida International University William Moreto, Rutgers University Greg Warchol, Northern Michigan University Melanie Wellsmith, University of Huddersfield Discussant: Rosemary Barberet, John Jay College of Criminal Justice, CUNY AUTHOR MEETS CRITICS SESSION 049: AFTER THE CRIME: THE POWER OF RESTORATIVE JUSTICE DIALOGUES Wednesday, November 14 - 9:30 am to 10:50 am Salon 7, 3rd Floor Chair: James Ptacek, Suffolk University Author Susan L. Miller, University of Delaware Critics Leigh Goodmark, University of Baltimore Kimberly Cook, University of North Carolina Wilmington Susan T. Krumholz, University of Massachusetts Dartmouth Gail Garfield, John Jay College of Criminal Justice AUTHOR MEETS CRITICS SESSION 050: ARRESTED JUSTICE: BLACK WOMEN, VIOLENCE, AND AMERICA'S PRISON NATION Wednesday, November 14 - 9:30 am to 10:50 am Spire Parlor, 6th Floor Author Beth E. Richie, University of Illinois at Chicago Critics Joanne Belknap, University of Colorado - Boulder Lisa Frohmann, University of Illinois at Chicago Hillary Potter, University of Colorado - Boulder AUTHOR MEETS CRITICS SESSION 051: DETAINED WITHOUT CAUSE: MUSLIMS' STORIES OF DETENTION AND DEPORTATION IN AMERICA AFTER 9/11 Wednesday, November 14 - 9:30 am to 10:50 am Water Tower Parlor, 6th Floor Author Irum Shiekh, University of California, Riverside Critics Arvind Verma, Indiana University Bloomington Farrukh Hakeem, Shaw University 82 WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 14 SESSION 052: DRUG COURT OUTCOMES Wednesday, November 14 - 9:30 am to 10:50 am Burnham 2, 7th Floor Chair: Julie Marie Baldwin, University of Florida A Preliminary Investigation of the Webb County Drug Court Kelly Frailing, Texas A&M International University Diana L. Carreon, Texas A&M International University A Social Worker's Role in Drug Court Melinda Roberts York, University of Southern Indiana Assessing the Effectiveness of an Adult Drug Court with a More Plausible Comparison Group Sarah Browning, North Dakota State University Melinda Fangman, North Dakota State University Exploring Non-Traditional Moderators of Success in Drug Court: Physical and Personal Support Jacqueline Gay van Wormer, Washington State University Zachary Hamilton, Washington State University SESSION 053: EXTRALEGAL FACTORS AND SENTENCING OUTCOMES Wednesday, November 14 - 9:30 am to 10:50 am Burnham 4, 7th Floor Chair: Ashley Nellis, The Sentencing Project "What about the Kids?" The Effect of Gender, Race and Childcare Responsibilities on Sentencing Outcomes Christine Bond, Queensland University of Technology Samantha Jeffries, Queensland University of Technology Labeling Convicted Felons: Is There a Young Black or Hispanic Male Penalty? Stephanie Bontrager Ryon, The Justice Research Center Ted Chiricos, Florida State University Bill Bales, Florida State University Kelle Barrick, RTI International Mapping the Relationship between Offender Characteristics, Sentences, and Outcomes Julia Laskorunsky, Pennsylvania State University Matthew DeMichele, Pennsylvania State University Reexamining Race and Ethnicity Effects on Sentencing: A Propensity Score Matching Approach Travis Franklin, Sam Houston State University Are Female Offenders Treated More Leniently by Judges? Natalie Goulette, University of Cincinnati SESSION 054: INMATE HEALTH-RELATED ISSUES IN CORRECTIONAL INSTITUTIONS Wednesday, November 14 - 9:30 am to 10:50 am Clark 3, 7th Floor Chair: Michele Pich, Temple University A Profile of Inmate Health Behavior at Louisiana State Penitentiary Geraldine None Doucet, Southern University at New Orleans Dying Inside: The Current State of the Literature on End of Life Care in Prison Meghan A. Novisky, Kent State University Governing Male Sexuality: Using Queer Theory to Analyze Male Prison Sex M. Kristen Hefner, University of Delaware 83 WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 14 Inmate Perceptions of HIV Services Michele Pich, Temple University Steven Belenko, Temple University Michael Copenhaver, University of Connecticut Daniel O'Connell, University of Delaware Frank S. Pearson, National Development and Research Institutes, Inc. Carrie Beth Oser, University of Kentucky Matthew Hiller, Temple University Jamieson Duvall, University of Kentucky SESSION 055: CAPITAL PUNISHMENT IN THE UNITED STATES AND ABROAD Wednesday, November 14 - 9:30 am to 10:50 am Clark 7, 7th Floor Chair: Kyle Burgason, University of Arkansas at Little Rock Does Injustice Matter? Anti-Death Penalty Movements in Japan and the U.S. Mari Kita, University of Hawaii at Manoa The Intersection of Victim Race and Gender in Death Penalty Cases Alicia A. Girgenti, Northeastern University Due Process and Death Penalty Reforms in China: China's March towards Modernization of Criminal Justice Shahid M. Shahidullah, Elizabeth City State University Sherri DioGuardi, Elizabeth City State University The Death Penalty: A Multi-Level Analysis of Public Opinion Kyle Burgason, University of Arkansas at Little Rock Lynn Pazzani, Delta State University SESSION 056: CONVICT CRIMINOLOGY: PERSPECTIVES ON THE PRISON EXPERIENCE Wednesday, November 14 - 9:30 am to 10:50 am Clark 9, 7th Floor Chair: Stephen C. Richards, University of Wisconsin - Oshkosh "Who You Run with and Who You Don't Run with": Navigating the Carceral Social Order Patrick Lopez-Aguado, University of California, Santa Barbara A Tale of Two Inmates: A Reentry Story about the Impacts of Ethnicity and Social Class Richard Hendricksen, University of Wisconsin - Oshkosh / Convict Criminology Alan Mobley, San Diego State University / Convict Criminology The First Dime and Nickel of Convict Criminology Stephen C. Richards, University of Wisconsin - Oshkosh Michael Lenza, University of Wisconsin - Oshkosh SESSION 057: THE COMMUNITY CONTEXT OF CRIME AND SOCIAL PROBLEMS: STUDIES FROM AROUND THE WORLD Wednesday, November 14 - 9:30 am to 10:50 am Cresthill Room, 3rd Floor Chair: Sue-Ming Yang, National Chung Cheng University, Taiwan Community Concentrated Disadvantage, Informal Social Control and Adolescent Self-Reported and Official Crime Rates Margret Valdimarsdottir, John Jay College of Criminal Justice Jon Gunnar Bernburg, University of Iceland Community-Level Influences on Social Bonds and Delinquency in South Korea Jina Lee, Michigan State University Juyoung Song, University of West Georgia Bryce Elling Peterson, CUNY Graduate Center / John Jay College of Criminal Justice Daiwon Lee, CUNY Graduate Center / John Jay College of Criminal Justice 84 WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 14 Social Capital: An Explanatory Factor of Violent Crimes in Turkey Fatih Irmak, Turkish National Police Does Context Matter? A Multivariate Analysis of Neighborhood Effects on Social Pathologies in Canada Stephanie E. Dawson, Simon Fraser University Garth Davies, Simon Fraser University SESSION 058: COLLECTIVE FORMS OF VICTIMIZATION Wednesday, November 14 - 9:30 am to 10:50 am Dearborn 1, 7th Floor Chair: Lynn Vincentnathan, University of Texas - Pan American Collective Victimization: A Province of Victimology Research? Simeon Sungi, Central Washington University Dynamics of Suffering: Centering Gender in Genocide Kristin Bell, Northeastern University Volunteerism or Victimization: Framing a Conspiracy in International Development Jaclyn T. San Antonio, University of Ontario Institute of Technology Contamination in the Rio Grande Valley of Texas Lynn Vincentnathan, University of Texas - Pan American S. George Vincentnathan, University of Texas - Pan American SESSION 059: EMERGING ISSUES IN CRIME POLICY: BENEVOLENCE AND BYSTANDER BEHAVIOR Wednesday, November 14 - 9:30 am to 10:50 am Dearborn 2, 7th Floor Chair: Sarah Cope Nicksa, Widener University From Revenge to Restoration: Restorative Justice in the Context of Street Group Violence and Riots Tania Arvanitidis, Simon Fraser University Religiosity, Family Process, and Adolescent Deviance: The Role of Religion Revisited Linda Shuo Zhao, Temple University Justin C. Medina, Temple University Prioritization and Bystander Behavior Mary Brewster, West Chester University Jane M. Tucker, West Chester University Brett Snyder, West Chester University The Relationship between Gender and Bystander Willingness to Intervene in a Hypothetical Sexual Assault Sarah Cope Nicksa, Widener University SESSION 060: TURNING POINTS AND LABELING PROCESSES Wednesday, November 14 - 9:30 am to 10:50 am Indiana Room, 3rd Floor Chair: Carol Gregory, Baldwin Wallace University The Effects of the Label of Mental Illness on Offending through the Life Course Anne Lee, Old Dominion University Formal v. Informal Labeling: Differential Effects in Subsequent Crime and Delinquency Clyde LeMark Lemon, Florida State University The Fourth Grade Failure Syndrome: Investigating Black Boys' Early School Bonds, Turning Points, and Delinquent Life Trajectories Darren Beneby, Prairie View A&M University 85 WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 14 Homicide, Suicide and Accidental Death: Applying Lifecourse Theory to Victimization Carol Gregory, Baldwin Wallace University Mary Frame, Baldwin Wallace University SESSION 061: RESIDENTIAL SEGREGATION AND CRIME TRENDS Wednesday, November 14 - 9:30 am to 10:50 am Kimball Room, 3rd Floor Chair: Edem F. Avakame, Rutgers University A Longitudinal Examination of the Influence of Residential Segregation on Homicide Victimization Rates James Kanan, Western Kentucky University Jerry K. Daday, Western Kentucky University Segregation as a Moderator of Home Ownership’s Effect on Crime in African American Communities Matthew Hasbrouck, Florida State University The Violent Crime Drop in the United States: Do the Declines in Social Class Isolation and Racial Residential Segregation Have Any Influence? Edem F. Avakame, Rutgers University SESSION 062: GENDER AND FEAR OF CRIME Wednesday, November 14 - 9:30 am to 10:50 am LaSalle 1, 7th Floor Chair: Heather Burns, Seattle University The Gendered Effect of Viewership of TV Crime Programming on Fear of Crime Kelley J. Hartshorn, Oklahoma State University Lisa A. Kort-Butler, University of Nebraska - Lincoln The Impacts of Fear of Sexual Assault versus Fear of Physical Harm among Men and Women Kate Fox, Arizona State University Carrie Cook, Georgia College & State University “They just broke Up, It’s Not That Serious”: Perceptions of Reporting Behaviors in Cases of Unwanted Pursuit by Gender and Relationship Type Amy Cass, California State University, Fullerton Stacy Mallicoat, California State University, Fullerton Sex Differences in Fear for Self and Partners: An Examination Using Same- and Opposite-Sex Partners Kevin Drakulich, Northeastern University Kristin Rose, Northeastern University SESSION 063: FRAMEWORKS FOR UNDERSTANDING PERCEPTIONS OF JUSTICE Wednesday, November 14 - 9:30 am to 10:50 am LaSalle 2, 7th Floor Chair: Leonidas Cheliotis, Queen Mary, University of London Professional, Political and Public Discourses on Crime and Criminal Justice Aleksandras Dobryninas, Vilnius University A Cultural Criminogical Inquiry into the Mind: Irrationality, Social Constructions and Misperceptions, and the Development and Maintenance of a Critical Perspective William Calathes, New Jersey City University An Empirical Analysis of Justice: How we Study Justice in Sociolegal Studies Shannon Portillo, George Mason University Jill Weinberg, Northwestern University Erich Fromm and the Political Economy of Punishment: A Psychosocial Approach to Neoliberal Penality Leonidas Cheliotis, Queen Mary, University of London 86 WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 14 SESSION 064: METHODOLOGICAL ISSUES IN STUDYING RECIDIVISM AND DISPARITY Wednesday, November 14 - 9:30 am to 10:50 am LaSalle 3, 7th Floor Chair: Spencer D. Li, University of Macau Predicting Recidivism with Prior Convictions Instead of Prior Arrests William L. Oliver, Northpointe Inc. William Dieterich, Northpointe Inc. Tim Brennan, Northpointe Inc. Predicting Reconviction: Do Some Predictors Fade with Length of Follow-Up? Brian Francis, Lancaster University, UK Keith Soothill, Lancaster University, UK Les Humphreys, Lancaster University, UK Examining Unwarranted Disparities in Sentencing Outcomes through the Decomposition of the Heteroskedastic Tobit Model Jim Clark, OPPAGA Recidivism and a Biographical Approach Alvise Sbraccia, University of Bologna SESSION 065: FEAR OF CRIME AND PUBLIC POLICY Wednesday, November 14 - 9:30 am to 10:50 am LaSalle 5, 7th Floor Chair: Gwen van Eijk, Leiden University, The Netherlands The Age-Suspicion Curve: Observing Age, Suspicion, and Criminality in NYPD Stop and Frisk Data Lawrence Kom, John Jay College of Criminal Justice The Same Old Game: Fear, Crime, and Perceptions of Gambling in Kansas Roy Frank Janisch, Pittsburg State University Urban Commerce and Security Study (UCASS): Examining the Perceptions of Security across Stakeholder Groups Renee Graphia Joyal, Rutgers University Exploratory and Confirmatory Factor Analysis of the Women’s Correctional Safety Scales (WCSS) Instrument James B. Wells, Eastern Kentucky University Barbara Owen, California State University, Fresno J. Stephen Parson, Commonwealth Research Consulting, Inc. Chris Innes, National Institute of Corrections Peggy S. Keller, University of Kentucky SESSION 066: DETERRENCE THEORY Wednesday, November 14 - 9:30 am to 10:50 am Logan Room, 3rd Floor Chair: Samuel E. DeWitt, Rutgers University - Newark Lights, Camera, (Situational) Action: A Test of Situational Action Theory Brooke Miller, University of Texas at Dallas Mark Saber, University of Texas at Dallas Robert Morris, University of Texas at Dallas Paul Donnelly, University of Texas at Dallas On Expanding Deterrence Theory Jaymi Elsass, Texas State University Mark C. Stafford, Texas State University 87 WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 14 What Makes a Prison Sentence Severe? An Exploratory Study on Subjective Sentence Severity in the Netherlands Ellen Raaijmakers, Leiden University Jan W. de Keijser, Leiden University Paul Nieuwbeerta, Leiden University Anja Dirkzwager, NSCR Joni Reef, NSCR Perceptual Deterrence and Deterrability: Individual Differences and Risk Perceptions in a National Sample Samuel E. DeWitt, Rutgers University - Newark Robert Apel, Rutgers University - Newark SESSION 067: ACTIVE SHOOTER AND SERIAL KILLING EVENTS Wednesday, November 14 - 9:30 am to 10:50 am Madison Room, 3rd Floor Chair: Karl Roberts, Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia An Analysis of Active Shooters and Resolution Outcomes, 1966-2010 Adam Lankford, University of Alabama The Smoking Gun: Exploring Ideological Active Shooter Events in the U.S. Joel Capellan, CUNY Graduate Center Serial Killers, School Shooters, Family Annihilators, Cult Leaders, and Other Multiple Murderers: Similarities, Differences, and How They Get Caught Arthur Garrison, Kutztown University of Pennsylvania Reconceptualizing the Notion of Victim Selection, Risk, and Offender Behavior: Investigating Healthcare Professionals Who Kill Their Patients Christine Katherine Lubaszka, University of Ontario Institute of Technology Phillip Shon, University of Ontario Institute of Technology SESSION 068: CRIME IN CHINA Wednesday, November 14 - 9:30 am to 10:50 am Price Room, 5th Floor Chair: Shudong Zhang, University of Texas at Tyler Decriminalization in China: Crime and Minor Offence Moulin Xiong, Southwestern University of Finance and Economics Legal Consciousness among Chinese Citizens Shanhe Jiang, University of Toledo Yuning Wu, Wayne State University Towards Harmonized Transnational Cybercrime Laws: The Development of Cybercrime Laws in China Lennon Yao-chung Chang, City University of Hong Kong Between God and Government: Intersections of Marriage, State, and Customary Laws in China Xuan Niu, University of Hong Kong White Collar Crime in Transitional Economy: A Case of Special Interests-Induced Paralysis Shudong Zhang, University of Texas at Tyler Colin Wark, Texas A&M University - Kingsville SESSION 069: ONLINE CHILD SEXUAL EXPLOITATION: CHILD PORNOGRAPHY AND SEXTING Wednesday, November 14 - 9:30 am to 10:50 am Salon 4, 3rd Floor Chair: Renee Dorothy Lamphere, University of North Carolina at Pembroke An Examination of Offending Patterns of Child Pornography Offenders Ashley Lynn Allen, Texas State University Donna M. Vandiver, Texas State University 88 WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 14 Co-Offending in the Context of Online Child Exploitation Networks Bryce Garreth Westlake, Simon Fraser University Martin Bouchard, Simon Fraser University Sexting: Perceptions and Practices among College Students Prit Paul Kaur, Auburn University at Montgomery Theresa Pelfrey, Auburn University at Montgomery U.S. Child Pornography Offenders: Sexually Dangerous Behavior Kim Steven Hunt, U.S. Sentencing Commission SESSION 070: OFFENDERS AND PLACES Wednesday, November 14 - 9:30 am to 10:50 am Salon 5, 3rd Floor Chair: Martha Jane Smith, Wichita State University How Are Street Drug Dealing Locations Selected? A Situational Analysis Ko-Hsin Hsu, Rutgers University Space-Time Dynamics of Crime in Transport Nodes Corné Uittenbogaard, Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden Vania Ceccato, Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden Adult and Juvenile Victims of Homicide: A Comparison of the Settings and Circumstances of Lethal Violence in Dallas, Texas Donald Hunt, Georgia State University Lisa R. Muftić, Georgia State University Using Crime Scripts to Explore Constitutionally Recognized Levels of Privacy for Crime Places Martha Jane Smith, Wichita State University Alison McKenney Brown, Wichita State University SESSION 071: PREDICTING PAROLE DECISIONS AND OUTCOMES Wednesday, November 14 - 9:30 am to 10:50 am Salon 6, 3rd Floor Chair: Carolyn Yule, University of Guelph Assessing the Influence of Type of Prison Release on Parole Outcomes in a U.S. Cohort of Offenders Released in 1999 Gina A. Curcio, University of Massachusetts Lowell Phil D. McCormack, University of Massachusetts Lowell April Pattavina, University of Massachusetts Lowell Exploring the Timing of Early Parole Discharge Kiminori Nakamura, University of Maryland Kristofer Bret Bucklen, PA Dept. of Corrections / University of Maryland Inside the Parole Hearing: Structural and Interactional Influences on Parole Decisions Richard Tewksbury, University of Louisville David Patrick Connor, University of Louisville The Effect of Gender on Parole Decision-Making Carolyn Yule, University of Guelph Kelly Hannah-Moffat, University of Toronto Nathan Innocente, University of Toronto SESSION 072: INNOVATIVE APPROACHES TO COMMUNITY CORRECTIONS Wednesday, November 14 - 9:30 am to 10:50 am Salon 8, 3rd Floor Chair: Shelley Listwan, University of North Carolina at Charlotte 89 WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 14 An Evaluation of A Drug Treatment Court Program in Western Pennsylvania Rebecca J. Schnupp, Slippery Rock University David R. Champion, Slippery Rock University Sarah Kuehn, Slippery Rock University Evaluation of Outcomes in a Statewide Sample of TASC Clients Kristen E. DeVall, University of North Carolina Wilmington Christina Lanier, University of North Carolina Wilmington Michael O. Maume, University of North Carolina Wilmington Restorative Justice: The Effective Interventions for School Bullying Youngsun Han, Ministry of Justice Wook Kang, University of Central Oklahoma SeokJin Jeong, University of Texas at Arlington The Wood Pilot Project: Outcome Evaluation Findings Shelley Listwan, University of North Carolina at Charlotte Diana Bailey, University of North Carolina at Charlotte Deborah Koetzle, John Jay College of Criminal Justice SESSION 073: HOMELAND SECURITY AND OFFICER CHARACTERISTICS Wednesday, November 14 - 9:30 am to 10:50 am Salon 9, 3rd Floor Chair: David Edward Barlow, Fayetteville State University Perceived Risk of Homeland Security Incidents: The Insignificance of Actual Risk Factors Melissa R. Haynes, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale Matthew J. Giblin, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale Where We Are: Era of Homeland Security Policing, Community Oriented Policing, or Both? MoonSun Kim, SUNY Brockport Melchor de Guzman, SUNY Brockport The Changing Face of Local Policing: American-Muslim Police Officers Qasim Haq, John Jay College of Criminal Justice Maria Haberfeld, John Jay College of Criminal Justice Bryan S. Turner, CUNY Graduate Center The Need for Latino/a Police Officers David Edward Barlow, Fayetteville State University Melissa Hickman Barlow, Fayetteville State University SESSION 074: ROUNDTABLE: CHANGING ASPECTS OF GANGS Wednesday, November 14 - 9:30 am to 10:50 am Sandburg 3, 7th Floor Chair: George W. Knox, National Gang Crime Research Center Discussants: Jeffery M. Johnson, University of Mississippi Carter F. Smith, Austin Peay State University D. Lee Gilbertson, St. Cloud State University SESSION 075: ROUNDTABLE: CRIMINOLOGY EDUCATION I Wednesday, November 14 - 9:30 am to 10:50 am Sandburg 5, 7th Floor Criminal Justice Learning Community at UNC Charlotte Douglas Andrew Baals, University of North Carolina at Charlotte Charisse T.M. Coston, University of North Carolina at Charlotte 90 WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 14 Depictions of Terrorism in Introductory Criminal Justice Texts Taj Mahon-Haft, Radford University Kathryn Rasiak, Radford University Internationalizing Your Criminal Justice Program: Strategies to Successfully Integrate International Students into a Graduate Program Yaschica Williams, University of North Alabama SESSION 076: ROUNDTABLE: CRITICAL WHITE STUDIES IN CRIMINOLOGY Wednesday, November 14 - 9:30 am to 10:50 am Sandburg 6, 7th Floor Chair: Justin M. Smith, Central Michigan University Discussants: Stephanie Whitehead, Indiana University East Travis Linnemann, Old Dominion University Tyler Wall, Eastern Kentucky University Danielle Dirks, Occidental College Elyshia Aseltine, Lycoming College Justin M. Smith, Central Michigan University SESSION 077: ROUNDTABLE: CRIMINOLOGICAL THEORY: ADVANCING PERSPECTIVES Wednesday, November 14 - 9:30 am to 10:50 am Sandburg 7, 7th Floor An Analysis of Homicide-Suicides: Assessing the Impact of Structural Conditions at the Census Tract Level in Chicago Shannon Rose Simone, University of Central Florida Amy Reckdenwald, University of Central Florida By the Letter of the Law: Legal Consciousness and the Occupy Toronto Movement Brenna Keatinge, University of Toronto Meghan Dawe, University of Toronto Social Psychology of Offender and Bystander Interaction in Public Space: Towards More Complete Understanding of Informal Social Control of Crime Ana Maria Lobos, University of Miami Feodor A. Gostjev, University of Miami Theological Roots of Restorative Justice Jennifer Jean Marson, Western Michigan University SESSION 078: PEERS AND DELINQUENCY Wednesday, November 14 - 9:30 am to 10:50 am Wilson Room, 3rd Floor Chair: Cesar J. Rebellon, University of New Hampshire The Dynamics of Peer Influence on Deviant and Prosocial Behavior Barbara Costello, University of Rhode Island Trina Hope, University of Oklahoma The Social Transmission of Delinquency: Revisiting the Importance of Peer Attitudes Daniel T. Ragan, Pennsylvania State University D. Wayne Osgood, Pennsylvania State University Mark E. Feinberg, Pennsylvania State University Unpacking the Black Box of ‘How Peers Matter’ Using the Integrative Model of Interpersonal Influence Jacob Thomas Neal Young, Arizona State University Cesar J. Rebellon, University of New Hampshire J.C. Barnes, University of Texas at Dallas Frank Weerman, Netherlands Institute for the Study of Crime and Law Enforcement When Direct Peer Measures Are Not Available: The Utility and Limits of Latent Variable Approaches Cesar J. Rebellon, University of New Hampshire Kathy Modecki, Murdoch University 91 WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 14 THEMATIC SESSION SESSION 079: RISK TERRAIN MODELING: THEORIES AND METHODS OF RISK Wednesday, November 14 - 11:00 am to 12:20 pm Burnham 4, 7th Floor Chair: Isaac Van Patten, Radford University Vulnerability and Exposure to Crime: Developing and Testing a Theory of Risky Places Leslie W. Kennedy, Rutgers University Joel M. Caplan, Rutgers University Investigating Place-Based Perceptions of Risk Eon Kim, Rutgers University Joel M. Caplan, Rutgers University Robbery Risk as a Co-Function of Place and Time Yasemin Gaziarifoglu, Rutgers University Leslie W. Kennedy, Rutgers University Joel M. Caplan, Rutgers University RTM in Smaller Urban Areas: An Evaluation and Refinement Isaac Van Patten, Radford University Andrew S. Foy, Radford University THEMATIC SESSION SESSION 080: HIGH PROFILE EVENTS: MEDIA COVERAGE AND IMPLICATIONS Wednesday, November 14 - 11:00 am to 12:20 pm Clark 3, 7th Floor Chair: Mark S. Hamm, Indiana State University Constructing Crime, Culpability, and College Athletics: Cultural Criminology and the Penn State Scandal Vikas Kumar Gumbhir, Gonzaga University Rachel Wagner, Gonzaga University Exploring Media Constructions of the Toronto G20: Image, the Protest Paradigm, and Citizen Journalism Stephanie L. Keyes, University of Windsor Gender, Emotion Work, and Communal Grief after the Virginia Tech Shooting Laura E. Agnich, Georgia Southern University James E. Hawdon, Virginia Tech Media Construction of the 1971 Attica Prison Riot: Claims-Makers, Frame Salience, and the Cultural Geography of Readership John P. Walsh, Grand Valley State University Joanne Ziembo-Vogl, Grand Valley State University THEMATIC SESSION SESSION 081: OFFENDERS' PERSPECTIVES ON PREDATION, RETALIATION, AND DRUG DEALING Wednesday, November 14 - 11:00 am to 12:20 pm Clark 5, 7th Floor Chair: Scott Jacques, Georgia State University Examining Expertise In Residential Burglars: The Results Of A Pilot Study Using Innovative Technology Claire Nee, University of Portsmouth, UK Martin White, University of Sussex, UK Kirk Woolford, University of Sussex, UK Tudor Pascu, University of Sussex, UK Leon Barker, University of Sussex, UK 92 WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 14 Crime in Motion: Predation, Retaliation, and the Spread of Urban Violence Richard Wright, University of Missouri - St. Louis Volkan Topalli, Georgia State University Scott Jacques, Georgia State University Restrictive Deterrence and Bentham’s 5 Sanctions: A Study of Young Suburban Drug Dealers and Users Scott Jacques, Georgia State University “Talking Shit”: Rumor, Gossip, and Restrictive Deterrence in Middle-Class Drug Markets Timothy Dickinson, University of Missouri - St. Louis THEMATIC SESSION SESSION 082: SOCIAL MEDIA: RESEARCH AND CONTEMPORARY ISSUES Wednesday, November 14 - 11:00 am to 12:20 pm Clark 9, 7th Floor Chair: Manish Madan, Michigan State University Police Officers, Free Speech, and the Social Media: Misconduct in the 21st Century Tony Gaskew, University of Pittsburgh Tweets of Death: Exploring the Correlation between Social Media Reporting and Cartel Violence in Mexico Daniel Mabrey, University of New Haven Vesna Markovic, University of New Haven Amira Al-Zoubi, University of New Haven Understanding Anti-social and Documented Behavior on Social Networking Sites: A First Look Michele Grillo, Monmouth University Katelyn Cahill, Monmouth University Catherine Musa, Monmouth University Discussant: Joseph DeLeeuw, Indiana University THEMATIC SESSION SESSION 083: NEW RESEARCH ON VIOLENCE, GANGS, AND DRUG DEALING IN THE PITTSBURGH YOUTH STUDY Wednesday, November 14 - 11:00 am to 12:20 pm Crystal Room, 3rd Floor Illicit Marketplace Activities and Violent Victimization: Examining Person and Context Specific Effects Mark Berg, Indiana University Rolf Loeber, University of Pittsburgh Profiling Drug Dealing Careers among Black and White Males from Adolescence into Early Adulthood Dustin Pardini, University of Pittsburgh Medical Center Rebecca Gazda, University of Pittsburgh Rachel Gordon, University of Illinois at Chicago Rolf Loeber, University of Pittsburgh The Prediction of Homicide Revisited: Results from the Causes and Correlates of Delinquency Program Rolf Loeber, University of Pittsburgh David Huizinga, University of Colorado Terence P. Thornberry, University of Maryland Rebecca Stallings, University of Pittsburgh David P. Farrington, Cambridge University Dustin Pardini, University of Pittsburgh Medical Center 93 WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 14 Co-Occurrence of Drug Selling, Gun Carrying, and Gang Participation among Boys in the Pittsburgh Youth Study Rachel Gordon, University of Illinois at Chicago Rolf Loeber, University of Pittsburgh Helene R. White, Rutgers University David P. Farrington, Cambridge University Discussant: Rolf Loeber, University of Pittsburgh THEMATIC SESSION SESSION 084: STATE CRIME VICTIMOLOGY I Wednesday, November 14 - 11:00 am to 12:20 pm Dearborn 1, 7th Floor Chair: Dawn L. Rothe, Old Dominion University Responding to Victims and Survivors of State Crime: The Case of State Managed Human Experimentation Stephen F. Simms, Carleton University In the Wake of Disaster: Hurricane Katrina Victims’ Attempts at Righting the Wrongs of the State Kelly L. Faust, Ohio University Susan M. Carlson, Western Michigan University To Conquer Empires: The Structural Victimization of the Somali Pirate Victoria Collins, Old Dominion University THEMATIC SESSION SESSION 085: COMMUNITY CONTEXT AND PRISONER REENTRY Wednesday, November 14 - 11:00 am to 12:20 pm LaSalle 1, 7th Floor Chair: Xia Wang, Arizona State University The Role of Family and Prison Experiences in Self-Perceptions about Returning Home Daniel O'Connell, University of Delaware Christy Visher, University of Delaware Moving on Up? Predictors of Residential Change among Parolees Breanne Pleggenkuhle, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale Beth M. Huebner, University of Missouri - St. Louis Race Differences in Post-Prison Job Starts and Recidivism Christopher M. Huggins, University of Kentucky Paul E. Bellair, Ohio State University Brian R. Kowalski, Ohio Department of Rehabilitation and Correction Brian Martin, Ohio Department of Rehabilitation and Correction Community Characteristics and Recidivism: Evidence from a Multi-Level Study of Parolees in Ohio Alyssa Whitby Chamberlain, Arizona State University THEMATIC SESSION SESSION 086: PUBLIC OPINION, NEIGHBORHOOD CONTEXT, AND SEX OFFENDING Wednesday, November 14 - 11:00 am to 12:20 pm Madison Room, 3rd Floor Chair: Lesley Reid, Georgia State University 94 WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 14 Residency Restrictions for Sex Offenders: Public Opinion on Appropriate Distances Amy L. Anderson, University of Nebraska at Omaha Lisa Sample, University of Nebraska at Omaha Calli Cain, University of Nebraska at Omaha Sex Offender Reintegration: Consequences of the Local Neighborhood Context Keri B. Burchfield, Northern Illinois University William Mingus, University of Illinois at Chicago Criminal Justice Professionals’ Views of Sex Offender Policies Elizabeth Ehrhardt Mustaine, University of Central Florida Richard Tewksbury, University of Louisville Social Disorganization and Sex Offenders Lesley Reid, Georgia State University Katherine L. Schweigert, Georgia State University Anthony R. Hatch, Georgia State University Deirdre Oakley, Georgia State University THEMATIC SESSION SESSION 087: CRIMINOLOGY IN CHINA Wednesday, November 14 - 11:00 am to 12:20 pm Price Room, 5th Floor Chair: Liqun Cao, University of Ontario Institute of Technology The Rule of Law in Chongqing: The Case of Li Zhuang Liqun Cao, University of Ontario Institute of Technology Fighting the Obscene, Pornographic, and Unhealthy: An Analysis of China’s Comprehensive Regulation on Online Pornography within the Global Context Bin Liang, Oklahoma State University, Tulsa Do the “Haves” Come Out Ahead in Criminal Cases? The Impact of Victim Characteristics on Case Outcomes for Chinese IP Theft Cases Haiyan Liu, Indiana University Bloomington Migration and Satisfaction with Crime Control in Urban China Yue Zhuo, University at Albany, SUNY THEMATIC SESSION SESSION 088: BRIDGING THE GAP BETWEEN RESEARCH AND PRACTICE, PART I: A NATIONAL PERSPECTIVE Wednesday, November 14 - 11:00 am to 12:20 pm Red Lacquer Room, 4th Floor Moderator: Ted Gest, Criminal Justice Journalists Presenters: Laurie Robinson, George Mason University John H. Laub, National Institute of Justice Robert J. Tracy, Chicago Police Department Ben Poston, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel Todd Clear, Rutgers University - Newark 95 WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 14 THEMATIC SESSION SESSION 089: THE NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF CORRECTIONS’ NORVAL MORRIS PROJECT Wednesday, November 14 - 11:00 am to 12:20 pm Salon 1, 3rd Floor Chair: Chris Innes, National Institute of Corrections The Norval Morris Project: Creating a “Knowledge Pump” for Practitioners Bradford Bogue, Justice Systems and Training Chris Innes, National Institute of Corrections Measuring a Healing Environment in Corrections Janeen Buck Willison, The Urban Institute Trends in Incarceration Rates, Crime Rates, and State Budgets Chris Innes, National Institute of Corrections Bradford Bogue, Justice Systems and Training THEMATIC SESSION SESSION 090: CRIME AND PLACE: BROKEN WINDOWS POLICING AND THEORY AT MICROPLACES Wednesday, November 14 - 11:00 am to 12:20 pm Salon 2, 3rd Floor Chair: Joshua Hinkle, Georgia State University The Problem of Statistical Power in Evaluating Hot Spots Policing in Smaller Cities Joshua Hinkle, Georgia State University David Weisburd, George Mason University / Hebrew University Christine Famega, California State University, San Bernardino Justin Ready, Arizona State University The Impact of Variations in Hot Spots Policing Dosage on Street-Segment Crime and Disorder Christine Famega, California State University, San Bernardino Joshua Hinkle, Georgia State University David Weisburd, George Mason University / Hebrew University Justin Ready, Arizona State University Observations from the Field: Rearticulating Broken Windows Theory as a Culture of Permissiveness Justin Ready, Arizona State University Joshua Hinkle, Georgia State University Discussant: David Weisburd, George Mason University / Hebrew University THEMATIC SESSION SESSION 091: SMART POLICING: RESULTS AND IMPLICATIONS Wednesday, November 14 - 11:00 am to 12:20 pm Salon 6, 3rd Floor Chair: James R. Coldren, Jr., Governors State University Using Predictive Spatial Models to Geographically Target Burglary Prevention Interventions Robert Nash Parker, University of California Richard Banasiak, Indio, California Police Department Operation LASER: Reducing Gun-Related Crime in Los Angeles Craig Uchida, Justice & Security Strategies 96 WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 14 Strategic Tactical Deployment: Violence Reduction in Joliet, Illinois Robert M. Lombardo, Loyola University Chicago Ira Sommers, Loyola University Chicago / NORC at the University of Chicago SPI Site Methodological Review George Fachner, CNA Reducing Prescription Drug Abuse in Northern Nevada Emmanuel Barthe, University of Nevada, Reno THEMATIC SESSION SESSION 092: NEW AND INNOVATIVE USES OF OFFICIAL DATA Wednesday, November 14 - 11:00 am to 12:20 pm Salon 7, 3rd Floor Examining Violence in Households with Children Using the National Crime Victimization Survey Jennifer L. Truman, U.S. Department of Justice, Bureau of Justice Statistics Erica L. Smith, Bureau of Justice Statistics, USDOJ Use of the National Crime Victimization Survey to Examine Changes in Criminal Justice Response to Rape and Sexual Assault Shannan Catalano, Bureau of Justice Statistics Use of Survey Data for Monitoring, Transparency, and Regulation: BJS’s Experience with Implementing the Prison Rape Elimination Act Allen Beck, Bureau of Justice Statistics Using NIBRS to Examine the Social, Legal, and Organizational Climate Surrounding the Exceptional Clearance of Sexual Assault Cases Kimberly Martin, Old Dominion University Michele Stacey, Virginia Union University Discussant: Howard Snyder, Bureau of Justice Statistics THEMATIC SESSION SESSION 093: ACCOUNTS OF DESISTANCE: RESULTS FROM FOUR DIVERSE POPULATIONS Wednesday, November 14 - 11:00 am to 12:20 pm Salon 8, 3rd Floor Chair: Danielle Arlanda Harris, San Jose State University Desistance from Sexual Offending: The Impact of Policies that Restrict Employment and Residence Danielle Arlanda Harris, San Jose State University Placing Parenthood in Perspective: How Having Kids Influences Involvement in Crime for Formerly Sanctioned At-Risk Young Adults Sarah Boonstoppel, University of Maryland Return to Ghost Town: Narratives of Incarceration and Reentry in a West Oakland Neighborhood Alessandro De Giorgi, San Jose State University Life after Expungement: Preliminary Findings from the SJSU Record Clearance Project Nishtha Jolly, San Jose State University Danielle Arlanda Harris, San Jose State University 97 WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 14 AUTHORS MEETS CRITICS SESSION 094: POLICING MUSLIM COMMUNITIES: INTERNATIONAL AND COMPARATIVE PERSPECTIVES Wednesday, November 14 - 11:00 am to 12:20 pm Salon 12, 3rd Floor Chair: S. George Vincentnathan, University of Texas - Pan American Authors Arvind Verma, Indiana University Bloomington Maria Haberfeld, John Jay College of Criminal Justice Farrukh Hakeem, Shaw University Critics Lynn Vincentnathan, University of Texas - Pan American Irum Shiekh, University of California, Riverside Discussant: S. George Vincentnathan, University of Texas - Pan American AUTHORS MEETS CRITICS SESSION 095: A THEORY OF AFRICAN AMERICAN OFFENDING: RACE, RACISM, AND CRIME Wednesday, November 14 - 11:00 am to 12:20 pm Spire Parlor, 6th Floor Authors James Unnever, University of South Florida, Sarasota-Manatee Shaun Gabbidon, Pennsylvania State University, Harrisburg Critics Robert Agnew, Emory University Rod K. Brunson, Rutgers University Katheryn Russell-Brown, University of Florida SESSION 096: VICTIMIZATION RISK IN INTERNATIONAL CONTEXTS Wednesday, November 14 - 11:00 am to 12:20 pm Buckingham Room, 5th Floor Chair: Jenny Chingkhannem Tonsing, Royal Holloway, University of London Student Victimization Surveys: A Comparative Review of Scottish and U.S. Data Lesley McMillan, Glasgow Caledonian University, Scotland Annette Robertson, Glasgow Caledonian University, Scotland Bonnie Fisher, University of Cincinnati Jon Godwin, Glasgow Caledonian University, Scotland Trust and Victimization Experiences in Europe: a Multilevel Analysis Silvia Staubli, University of Zurich Martin Killias, Zurich University, Switzerland Witnessing and Reporting Violent Crime in the Caribbean: Results from the 2009 Jamaican National Crime Victimization Survey Scot Wortley, University of Toronto Natasha Madon, University of Toronto A Multilevel Approach to Crime Victimization in Korea in Terms of Crosslevel Interaction Effects Cheong Sun Park, Korean National Police University HyungJin Lim, University of Cincinnati South Asian Women’s Experiences with Intimate Partner Violence in Hong Kong Jenny Chingkhannem Tonsing, Royal Holloway, University of London 98 WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 14 SESSION 097: GENDER ISSUES IN POLICING Wednesday, November 14 - 11:00 am to 12:20 pm Burnham 1, 7th Floor Chair: Melissa S. Morabito, University of Massachusetts Lowell A Survey of Maternity Policies and Pregnancy Gail D. Humiston, University of Central Florida Cara E. Rabe-Hemp, Illinois State University Women Police Officers Workplace Problems and Coping Strategies Robin N. Haarr, Eastern Kentucky University Merry Morash, Michigan State University Policing Young Women Considered Violent: The Influence of Gender on Arrest Decision Making Suzanne Young, University of Glasgow / Scottish Centre for Crime and Justice Research Gender and Gendered Institutions: A Biographical Exploration of Women’s Experiences Working in Law Enforcement Melissa S. Morabito, University of Massachusetts Lowell Tara O'Connor Shelley, Colorado State University SESSION 098: CURRENT ISSUES IN CRIME ANALYSIS AND INTELLIGENCE-LED POLICING Wednesday, November 14 - 11:00 am to 12:20 pm Burnham 2, 7th Floor Chair: Jessica Dunham, University of Cincinnati / SANDAG A Longitudinal Analysis of the Adoption of Crime Analysis and Information Technologies in Local Police Departments Blake Matthew Randol, Washington State University Criminal Path Mapping: When Criminals and Crimes Converge Michael J. Jenkins, University of New Haven John DeCarlo, University of New Haven Individual Dangerousness and National Security: Criminology vs. Intelligence Stephane Leman-Langlois, Laval University Social Responses to Crime: Application and Use of Intelligence Led Policing Jessica Dunham, University of Cincinnati / SANDAG SESSION 099: A CRITICAL ANALYSIS OF CRIMINOLOGICAL THEORY Wednesday, November 14 - 11:00 am to 12:20 pm Clark 10, 7th Floor Chair: Brian E. Oliver, Northwestern College Competing Methodologies in Crime and Justice Studies: A Comparison of Positivist, Interpretive, and Critical Approaches Frank Hughes, Binghamton University Criminology Needs More Class: Inequality, Corporate Persons, and an Impoverished Discipline Paul Leighton, Eastern Michigan University Exploring the Connection between Biblical Scripture and Criminological Theory Brian E. Oliver, Northwestern College SESSION 100: EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMS IN CORRECTIONAL INSTITUTIONS Wednesday, November 14 - 11:00 am to 12:20 pm Clark 7, 7th Floor Chair: Kristin Rose, Northeastern University Establishing a National Database of Correctional Education Programming Daniel R. Lee, Indiana University of Pennsylvania Dennis Giever, Indiana University of Pennsylvania 99 WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 14 Uncovering the Educational Experiences of Incarcerated Women Kristenne Marie Robison, Westminster College Jennifer Cantella, Westminster College Joseph Ritchie, Westminster College What Works in Correctional Education Lois Davis, RAND Corporation Jessica Saunders, RAND Corporation Susan Turner, University of California, Irvine Unpacking the “Black Box”: The Application of Theory to Correctional Education Effectiveness Kristin Rose, Northeastern University SESSION 101: INEQUALITY AND CRIMINAL JUSTICE RESOURCES AND EXPERIENCES Wednesday, November 14 - 11:00 am to 12:20 pm Cresthill Room, 3rd Floor Chair: Nick Richardson, North Carolina State University Access to English in Queensland Mark Lauchs, Queensland University of Technology Mass Incarceration as a Welfare Handout: Welfare-Dependency Narratives in the World of Custody and Courts Nicole Martorano Van Cleve, Temple University Armando Lara-Millan, Northwestern University Racial Differences in Pretrial Needs: An Examination of the Hamilton County Inventory of Need Pretrial Screening Tool Krista Gehring, University of Houston - Downtown Race and Institutional Misconduct: The Predictive Validity of the LSI-R Abby L. Vandenberg, University of Nebraska at Omaha Pauline K. Brennan, University of Nebraska at Omaha Timbre L. Wulf-Ludden, University of Nebraska at Omaha SESSION 102: EFFECTIVENESS OF INSTITUTIONAL PROGRAMMING Wednesday, November 14 - 11:00 am to 12:20 pm Dearborn 2, 7th Floor Chair: Tara Sams, University of Cincinnati A Look at the Effectiveness of Reentry Programs at the Jail Level Mindy Weller, University of Central Florida Detainees in the Netherlands: A Comparison between Prisoners Who Enter a Rehabilitation Program and Prisoners Who Don’t Anouk Quirina Bosma, Leiden University Maarten Kunst, Leiden University Paul Nieuwbeerta, Leiden University Anja Dirkzwager, NSCR The Effect of Prison-Based College Education on Recidivism Ryang Hui Kim, NYS DOCCS David D. Clark, University at Albany, SUNY Saved, Salvaged, or Sunk: The Effects of Faith-Based Interventions on Offender Recidivism Tara Sams, University of Cincinnati Lacey Schaefer, University of Cincinnati Jennifer L. Lux, University of Cincinnati SESSION 103: EMPIRICAL TESTS AND EXTENSIONS OF MOFFITT'S LIFE-COURSE APPROACH Wednesday, November 14 - 11:00 am to 12:20 pm Indiana Room, 3rd Floor Chair: Melissa A. Petkovsek, Sam Houston State University 100 WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 14 Closing the Maturity Gap: Exploring the Relationship between Changes in the Maturity Gap and Adolescence-Limited Offending Michael LeAnn Carriaga, University of Texas at Dallas An Empirical Examination of Moffitt’s “Snares” Hypothesis Alex Widdowson, Florida State University Gang Membership, Life-Course Persistent, and Adolescent Limited Offending: A Test of Alternative Hypotheses Melissa A. Petkovsek, Sam Houston State University Brian B. Boutwell, Sam Houston State University David C. Pyrooz, Sam Houston State University J.C. Barnes, University of Texas at Dallas SESSION 104: ADVANCING THE STUDY OF COLLECTIVE EFFICACY Wednesday, November 14 - 11:00 am to 12:20 pm Kimball Room, 3rd Floor Chair: Rebecca Carleton, Simon Fraser University Collective Efficacy and Disasters: Crime in the Aftermath of Hurricane Katrina Ashley K. Farmer, University of Delaware Community Gardens and Collective Efficacy: A Preliminary Analysis of Crime Rates Lesli Blair, University of Cincinnati Pamela Wilcox, University of Cincinnati Much ado about je ne sais quoi: Expanding Traditional Measures of Collective Efficacy Rebecca Carleton, Simon Fraser University Garth Davies, Simon Fraser University SESSION 105: GENDER VULNERABILITIES: CARE AND TREATMENT OF GIRLS IN THE JUSTICE SYSTEM Wednesday, November 14 - 11:00 am to 12:20 pm LaSalle 2, 7th Floor Chair: Suman Kakar, Florida International University Catching Them Early: Status Crimes, Gender Vulnerabilities, and the Consequences of Early Intervention Initiatives Daniel McCarthy, University of Surrey, UK Access and Alternatives for Youth in the Child Welfare and Juvenile Justice Systems Haley Rae Reimbold, Vera Institute of Justice Evan Elkin, Vera Institute of Justice The Latina Penalty: Juvenile Court and Correctional Attitudes toward the Latina Juvenile Offender Lisa Pasko, University of Denver Vera Lopez, Arizona State University Juvenile Sex Trafficking: Victims or Offenders? Suman Kakar, Florida International University Sanjeev Kuldeep Sirpal, Florida International University SESSION 106: ROLE OF RACE IN PERCEPTIONS OF JUSTICE Wednesday, November 14 - 11:00 am to 12:20 pm LaSalle 3, 7th Floor Chair: J.W. Andrew Ranson, Florida State University Perceptions of Juvenile Offending, Racial Stereotypes, and Support for Harsh Policies Kelly Welch, Villanova University Justin T. Pickett, University at Albany, SUNY Ted Chiricos, Florida State University Marc Gertz, Florida State University 101 WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 14 Perceptions of Black Clients by White Probation Officers in a Post-Racial United States: Does it Matter? Renatto V. Carr, McKendree University The Effects of Racial and Ethnic Differences in Perceived Injustice on Public Support for Capital Punishment Cedric Jean Bernard Michel, University of South Florida John K. Cochran, University of South Florida Exploring the Potential for Generalizability of Minority Group Contact on Criminal Stereotypes Kristin Golden, NJ Department of Law & Public Safety Racial Threat and its Impact on Punitive Attitudes toward Michael Vick J.W. Andrew Ranson, Florida State University Matthew Hasbrouck, Florida State University Alex Piquero, University of Texas at Dallas Nicole Leeper Piquero, University of Texas at Dallas Marc Gertz, Florida State University SESSION 107: CRIME AND CRIME CONTROL IN AFRICA Wednesday, November 14 - 11:00 am to 12:20 pm LaSalle 5, 7th Floor Chair: Frederick Paul Roth, Marshall University Citizen Confidence in Criminal Justice in New and Emerging Democracies: A Comparison of Four Former African British Colonies Mahesh Nalla, Michigan State University Joseph D. Johnson, Rowan University Defending the Nigerian Homeland Mathew Ugbana, Texas Southern University Jason Willianms, Texas Southern University Pierre Perry, Texas Southern University Heather Alaniz, Texas Southern University Jude L. Jokwi, Texas Southern University Ifeoma Okoye, Texas Southern University Lucy Tsado, Texas Southern University Alaba Oludare, Texas Southern University Ihekwoaba Declan Onwudiwe, Texas Southern University Public Trust in the Police: Factors that Shape Trust in the Ghanaian Police Francis Danso Boateng, Washington State University The Curious Case of Cape Town's Community Courts Frederick Paul Roth, Marshall University SESSION 108: EVALUATING SELF-CONTROL THEORY Wednesday, November 14 - 11:00 am to 12:20 pm Logan Room, 3rd Floor Chair: Daniel P. Mears, Florida State University Applying New Self-Control to Multiple Deviant and Criminal Behaviors Whitney D. Gunter, Western Michigan University Nicholas W. Bakken, University of Wisconsin - La Crosse Assessing the Relationship between Parent and Child Reports of Self Control and Antisocial Outcomes Brie Diamond, University of Texas at Dallas The Stability of the Grasmick Scale: An Examination of Construct Validity across Two College Student Samples Vanessa Woodward, University of Southern Mississippi O. Hayden Griffin, III, University of Southern Mississippi John Stogner, Georgia Southern University Jessica Vinson, University of Southern Mississippi 102 WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 14 What Really Is the Effect of Self-Control on Offending? Daniel P. Mears, Florida State University Joshua C. Cochran, Florida State University Kevin M. Beaver, Florida State University SESSION 109: GAINING A BETTER UNDERSTANDING OF TERRORIST VIOLENCE Wednesday, November 14 - 11:00 am to 12:20 pm Marshfield Room, 3rd Floor Chair: Joshua Freilich, John Jay College of Criminal Justice The Anatomy of a Sovereign Citizen Group: Creating a Target Model Molly Marie Mee, Seattle University Bosniaks and Kosovars: Transplanted Terrorism and Beheading Plots in the United States Darrell Irwin, University of North Carolina Wilmington Applying Life History Techniques to Understand Radicalism and Participation in Extremist Activities Sheila Royo Maxwell, Michigan State University Does Leadership and Organizational Structure Influence Violent and Non-Violent Group Behavior in Domestic Extremist Groups? Michael Suttmoeller, Michigan State University Steven Chermak, Michigan State University Joshua Freilich, John Jay College of Criminal Justice SESSION 110: CRIMINAL JUSTICE RESPONSES TO DOMESTIC VIOLENCE: POLICE, COURTS, AND CORRECTIONS Wednesday, November 14 - 11:00 am to 12:20 pm Millennium Parlor, 6th Floor Chair: Monica Solinas-Saunders, Indiana University Northwest Deterrent Effects of Arrest on Male Domestic Batterers by Batterer Typology Richard R. Johnson, University of Toledo Case Dismissed: Factors Influencing the Dismissal of Intimate Partner Abuse Cases Jennifer Roark, University of Colorado - Boulder Assessing Key Factors in the Combined Use of Community Corrections and Treatment Programs Monica Solinas-Saunders, Indiana University Northwest SESSION 111: INNOVATIONS IN TEACHING CRIMINOLOGY AND CRIMINAL JUSTICE COURSES I Wednesday, November 14 - 11:00 am to 12:20 pm Salon 10, 3rd floor Chair: Stephanie Whitus, Aurora University Creative Writing in Criminal Justice 101? Annette Kuhlmann, University of Wisconsin - Baraboo Rubinstein Bargaining in the Undergraduate Classroom: A Teaching Tool Hank J. Brightman, Naval War College Does What We Do In The Classroom Matter? A Pilot Study in a Corrections' Class Gary N. Keveles, University of Wisconsin - Superior Teaching through Drawing: A Creative Process to Assess Learning and Change in Perception in Criminology Courses Stephanie Whitus, Aurora University Kevin Walsh, Aurora University 103 WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 14 SESSION 112: HATE CRIME ISSUES: COMMUNITY ORGANIZING AND IMPACTS Wednesday, November 14 - 11:00 am to 12:20 pm Salon 4, 3rd Floor Chair: Lori Sexton, University of Missouri - Kansas City Rejected and Dejected: The Impacts of Islamophobic Violence on Community Members Barbara Perry, University of Ontario Institute of Technology Sticks and Stones: Examining the Effects of Violent Rhetoric on Network Placement on Krynn Finstad, Simon Fraser University Responding to Hate: Collective Efficacy, Social Cohesion and the Other Carolyn Turpin-Petrosino, Bridgewater State University Inside Skinheads Organizations: Recruitment through the Networks' Perspective Clémentine Simon, University of Montreal SESSION 113: CRIME AND THE COURTS Wednesday, November 14 - 11:00 am to 12:20 pm Salon 5, 3rd Floor Chair: Holly Sarinic, Indiana University of Pennsylvania Acts of Deportation: Immigration Appeals Court as a Theater of Cruelty David Charles Brotherton, John Jay College of Criminal Justice Are Patriarchal Countries Less Responsive to Enforcing Human Trafficking Laws? Christina Fiorito, Loyola University Chicago Loretta J. Stalans, Loyola University Chicago Examining Sexual Assault Trends in Canada: The Impact of Rape Law Reform Over Three Decades Joanna Amirault, Simon Fraser University Patrick Lussier, Universite Laval Internet Piracy: Is Legislation the Only Answer? Holly Sarinic, Indiana University of Pennsylvania SESSION 114: INTERNATIONAL POLICING Wednesday, November 14 - 11:00 am to 12:20 pm Salon 9, 3rd Floor Chair: Edward Maguire, American University New Place, Same Issues: Bangladeshi Immigrants' Views of the Police Mahfuzul I. Khondaker, Kutztown University of Pennsylvania Yuning Wu, Wayne State University Eric Lambert, Wayne State University Police Reform, Training and Crime: Experimental Evidence from Colombia’s Plan Cuadrantes Daniel E. Ortega, IESA / CAF Daniel Mejia, Universidad de los Andes Juan Felipe Garcia, Fundacion Ideas para la Paz The Social Structure of Networked-Policing on the Waterfront: A Tale of Two Ports Russell Brewer, Griffith University Understanding Public Perceptions of the Police in the Caribbean Edward Maguire, American University Richard R. Bennett, American University Anthony D. Harriott, University of West Indies, Mona Campus 104 WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 14 SESSION 115: ROUNDTABLE: A DISCUSSION ON PENNSYLVANIA'S INCARCERATION BINGE Wednesday, November 14 - 11:00 am to 12:20 pm Sandburg 2, 7th Floor Chair: Timothy J. Holler, Indiana University of Pennsylvania Discussants: Philip Wagner, Indiana University of Pennsylvania Nayab Hakim, Indiana University of Pennsylvania Darla Elaine Drummond, Indiana University of Pennsylvania Richard Walker, Indiana University of Pennsylvania Brandon T. Stroup, Indiana University of Pennsylvania SESSION 116: ROUNDTABLE: RAPE IS RAPE - HOW DENIAL FUELS THE HIDDEN CRISIS Wednesday, November 14 - 11:00 am to 12:20 pm Sandburg 4, 7th Floor Chair: Claire M. Renzetti, University of Kentucky Discussants: Joanne Belknap, University of Colorado - Boulder Raquel Kennedy Bergen, St. Joseph's University Walter S. DeKeseredy, University of Ontario Institute of Technology Jody Raphael, DePaul University SESSION 117: ROUNDTABLE: CRIMINOLOGY EDUCATION II Wednesday, November 14 - 11:00 am to 12:20 pm Sandburg 5, 7th Floor The Criminal Justice Internship Capstone Course: Experiential Learning Barbara A. Morrell, St. Joseph's College Taking the Criminological Imagination Forward: Lessons from the Classroom Paula Bowles, University of Northampton Manos Daskalou, University of Northampton Technology and Pedagogy Kimberly Collica, Berkeley College Gennifer Furst, William Paterson University Nickie Phillips, St. Francis University Sheetal Ranjan, William Paterson University Aviva Twersky-Glasner, Bridgewater State University SESSION 118: ROUNDTABLE: BLUE CRIMINOLOGY: THE POWER OF UNITED NATIONS IDEAS TO COUNTER CRIME GLOBALLY - A MONOGRAPHIC STUDY Wednesday, November 14 - 11:00 am to 12:20 pm Sandburg 6, 7th Floor Chair: Rosemary Barberet, John Jay College of Criminal Justice, CUNY Discussants: Janice Joseph, Richard Stockton College of New Jersey Mangai Natarajan, John Jay College of Criminal Justice Jay Albanese, Virginia Commonwealth University SESSION 119: VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN: INTERNATIONAL PERSPECTIVES Wednesday, November 14 - 11:00 am to 12:20 pm Water Tower Parlor, 6th Floor Chair: Rebecca Sue Katz, Morehead State University 105 WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 14 Darfur and the United Nations: Realpolitik in Decision-Making and Intervention Angela Overton, Old Dominion University Empowering Women to Effect Justice: Individualizing Global Violence against Women Michelle Hughes Miller, University of South Florida Media Reports of Rape during and Immediately After the Rwandan Genocide Christina DeJong, Michigan State University Type B Honor Violence and the Movement of Moral Time Mark Cooney, University of Georgia SESSION 120: MULTI-LEVEL MODELS OF NEIGHBORHOOD EFFECTS Wednesday, November 14 - 11:00 am to 12:20 pm Wilson Room, 3rd Floor Chair: Sara Evans, University of West Florida Cognitive Skills and Juvenile Delinquency: Can Good Neighborhoods Protect Not-So-Clever Kids? Beidi Dong, University of Florida Chris Gibson, University of Florida Do Neighborhoods Matter? A Multi-Level Analysis of the Contextual Effect Young Kim, Eastern Michigan University Examining Individual Risk and Protective Factors on Gang Joining within the Context of Neighborhood and School Lidia E. Nuno, Arizona State University Charles M. Katz, Arizona State University The Effect of Corporal Punishment on Antisocial Behavior: Variations by Neighborhood Context Sara Evans, University of West Florida Chris Gibson, University of Florida THEMATIC SESSION SESSION 121: CONTEMPORARY POLICE CHALLENGES: CONSOLIDATION, CRIME CONTROL, AND ESTABLISHMENT DATA Wednesday, November 14 - 12:30 pm to 1:50 pm Burnham 2, 7th Floor Chair: Jeremy M. Wilson, Michigan State University Public Safety Consolidation in the U.S.: Prevalence, Nature and Implementation Jeremy M. Wilson, Michigan State University Alexander Weiss, Alexander Weiss Consulting Justin Heinonen, Michigan State University Traffic Enforcement and Crime Control: The DDACTS Model Alexander Weiss, Alexander Weiss Consulting Twenty-Five Years of LEMAS: The Utilization of Variables and Constructs Derived from the BJS LEMAS Matthew Matusiak, Sam Houston State University Bradley A. Campbell, Sam Houston State University William R. King, Sam Houston State University Discussant: Edward Maguire, American University 106 WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 14 THEMATIC SESSION SESSION 122: SPATIOTEMPORAL PATTERNS AND CHANGES IN PHILADELPHIA METROPOLITAN CRIME Wednesday, November 14 - 12:30 pm to 1:50 pm Burnham 4, 7th Floor Chair: Brian Wyant, LaSalle University Conceptualizing and Operationalizing a Muncipalized Crime Pattern Theory Elizabeth R. Groff, Temple University Ralph Taylor, Temple University David Elesh, Temple University Lallen Johnson, University of Central Florida Jennifer McGovern, Temple University Modeling the Stability of Metropolitan Municipal Crime Clusters Lallen Johnson, University of Central Florida One-Year Look-Ahead Municipality Crime Predictions in a Large Metropolitan Area Ralph Taylor, Temple University Elizabeth R. Groff, Temple University David Elesh, Temple University Lallen Johnson, University of Central Florida Discussant: John Hipp, University of California, Irvine THEMATIC SESSION SESSION 123: RACE, WOMEN, AND VICTIMIZATION: NEW USES OF NCVS DATA Wednesday, November 14 - 12:30 pm to 1:50 pm Clark 5, 7th Floor Chair: Janet L. Lauritsen, University of Missouri - St. Louis Violence Against Women: What Crimes Are Reported and What Crimes Do Police Clear? Callie Marie Rennison, University of Colorado - Denver Lynn A. Addington, American University Understanding the Relationship between Stalking Victimization and Other Forms of Victimization: An Analysis of NCVS Data Jennifer Gatewood Owens, University of Missouri - St. Louis How Does Victimization Affect Moving Behavior: Comparing Whites, Blacks, and Hispanics Min Xie, Arizona State University Race, Disadvantage, Family Structure, and Violence Against Women: Karen Heimer, University of Iowa Janet L. Lauritsen, University of Missouri - St. Louis Joseph B. Lang, University of Iowa Min Xie, Arizona State University THEMATIC SESSION SESSION 124: CONSTRUCTING SOCIAL PROBLEMS: SCHOOL CRIME, ECSTASY DEATHS, AND TERRORISM Wednesday, November 14 - 12:30 pm to 1:50 pm Clark 9, 7th Floor Chair: Landon Shane Bevier, University of Tennessee 107 WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 14 Beating Up on Bullying: A Narrative of the Construction of a Social Problem Robert Brooks, Worcester State University Jeff W. Cohen, University of Washington - Tacoma School Crime and Violence as Represented by Canadian News Media Stephanie Howells, McMaster University Ecstasy-Related Deaths at Raves: Media Portrayals and Political Interpretations in L.A. and Las Vegas Alexa Sardina, Indiana University Bloomington What To Do in Case of Terrorism: Comparing Terrorism Handbooks from Two Distinct Eras Johnny Nhan, Texas Christian University Michael Katovich, Texas Christian University THEMATIC SESSION SESSION 125: PAUL GOLDSTEIN’S TRIPARTITE FRAMEWORK ON DRUGS AND VIOLENCE: LOOKING BACK AND FORWARD AFTER 30 YEARS Wednesday, November 14 - 12:30 pm to 1:50 pm Crystal Room, 3rd Floor Chair: Henry H. Brownstein, NORC at the University of Chicago Discussants: Paul J. Goldstein, University of Illinois at Chicago Lana D. Harrison, University of Delaware Scott Jacques, Georgia State University Sheigla Brighid Murphy, Institute for Scientific Analysis Carrie Beth Oser, University of Kentucky Barry Spunt, John Jay College of Criminal Justice, CUNY THEMATIC SESSION SESSION 126: STATE CRIME VICTIMOLOGY II Wednesday, November 14 - 12:30 pm to 1:50 pm Dearborn 1, 7th Floor Chair: Stephen F. Simms, Carleton University WikiLeaks versus Goliath: Social Harm and the Maintenance of State Legitimacy, Power, and Control Dawn L. Rothe, Old Dominion University Kevin Steinmetz, Sam Houston State University Punishing the Innocent: Analyzing the Effects of International Sanctions on Victims of State Crime Melanie M. Holland, Old Dominion University Female Infanticide in India: The Overlooked Victims of State Crime Caitlin V. Muldoon, Old Dominion University THEMATIC SESSION SESSION 127: CURRENT RESEARCH IN BIOSOCIAL CRIMINOLOGY Wednesday, November 14 - 12:30 pm to 1:50 pm Indiana Room, 3rd Floor Examining the Genetic and Environmental Influences on Self-Control and Delinquency: Results from a Genetically Informative Analysis of Sibling Pairs Eric J. Connolly, Florida State University Kevin M. Beaver, Florida State University 108 WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 14 Public Opinion of Genetic and Neuropsychological Contributors to Criminal Behaviors Jamie Marie Gajos, Florida State University Kevin M. Beaver, Florida State University Marc Gertz, Florida State University Jason Bratton, Florida State University Corporal Punishment and Antisocial Outcomes in Children: The Role of Genetic Risk Factors Nicholas Chaviano, Florida State University Kevin M. Beaver, Florida State University Smoking During Pregnancy and Antisocial Behavior in Offspring: Reexamining the Association Joseph A. Schwartz, Florida State University Kevin M. Beaver, Florida State University THEMATIC SESSION SESSION 128: CONDUCTING RESEARCH AND ANALYZING DATA ON VIOLENCE AGAINST AMERICAN INDIAN AND ALASKA NATIVE WOMEN Wednesday, November 14 - 12:30 pm to 1:50 pm Madison Room, 3rd Floor Chair: Ronet Bachman, University of Delaware Psychometric Properties of The National Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence Survey Subsample of Self-Identified Native American Men and Women Andre Rosay, University of Alaska Anchorage Jane E. Palmer, National Institute of Justice / American University Christine Crossland, National Institute of Justice Content Analysis of Case Narratives of FBI Cases in Indian Country Jane E. Palmer, National Institute of Justice / American University Alison Brooks, National Institute of Justice Christine Crossland, National Institute of Justice NIJ’s Violence Against Indian Women Pilot Study: Select Findings Alison Brooks, National Institute of Justice Jane E. Palmer, National Institute of Justice / American University Christine Crossland, National Institute of Justice Andre Rosay, University of Alaska Anchorage Discussant: Ronet Bachman, University of Delaware THEMATIC SESSION SESSION 129: HONEST OPPORTUNITY PROBATION ENFORCEMENT (HOPE): FIDELITY, PROCESS AND IMPACT EVALUATIONS Wednesday, November 14 - 12:30 pm to 1:50 pm Salon 1, 3rd Floor Chair: Pam Lattimore, RTI International Evaluating the Impact of HOPE Programs: A Demonstration Field Experiment Doris Layton MacKenzie, Pennsylvania State University Pam Lattimore, RTI International Assessing Fidelity and Lessons Learned in HOPE Programs Susan Brumbaugh, RTI International Gary Zajac, Pennsylvania State University 109 WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 14 Implementation Experiences of Project HOPE with California Parolees Sharon Ishikawa, University of California, Irvine Susan Turner, University of California, Irvine Decide Your Time: Using Deterrence’s Certainty Principle to Change Behavior Daniel O'Connell, University of Delaware Christy Visher, University of Delaware Grant Bacon, University of Delaware John Brent, University of Delaware Karl Hines, Delaware Department of Corrections Discussant: Pam Lattimore, RTI International THEMATIC SESSION SESSION 130: PUTTING RESEARCH INTO PRACTICE: IMPLICATIONS OF RECENT SENTENCING AND CORRECTIONS REFORMS IN THE STATES Wednesday, November 14 - 12:30 pm to 1:50 pm Salon 10, 3rd floor Chair: Brian Elderbroom, Public Safety Performance Project, Pew Center on the States Time Served and Public Safety: What Have We Gained From The Growth in Length Of Stay? Felicity Rose, Public Safety Performance Project, Pew Center on the States Ryan Scott King, Pew Charitable Trusts The Impact of Post-Release Supervision on Recidivism Michael Ostermann, Rutgers University Do Incentive-Based Early Release Programs Achieve Successful Probation Outcomes? Marie L. Griffin, Arizona State University John Hepburn, Arizona State University Discussant: Brian Elderbroom, Public Safety Performance Project, Pew Center on the States THEMATIC SESSION SESSION 131: EXPERIMENTAL CRIMINOLOGY: EFFECTS OF RESTORATIVE JUSTICE CONFERENCING TEN YEARS ON (ORGANIZED BY THE DIVISION OF EXPERIMENTAL CRIMINOLOGY) Wednesday, November 14 - 12:30 pm to 1:50 pm Salon 2, 3rd Floor Chair: Heather Strang, Cambridge University / Australian National University Victims of Property and Violent Crime: Effects of Restorative Justice Ten Years On Heather Strang, Cambridge University / Australian National University Restorative Justice and Procedural Justice: Attitudes of Drinking-Drivers Ten Years On Geoffrey Barnes, University of Pennsylvania Fatal Consequences: Risk of Death among Violent Offenders Randomly Assigned to Restorative Justice or to Court Lawrence W. Sherman, Cambridge University / University of Maryland 110 WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 14 THEMATIC SESSION SESSION 132: CRIME AND PLACE: JUVENILE CRIME IN PLACES Wednesday, November 14 - 12:30 pm to 1:50 pm Salon 5, 3rd Floor Chair: Eveline Hoeben, Netherlands Institute for the Study of Crime and Law Enforcement Functional Settings of Unstructured Socializing and Adolescent Offending Eveline Hoeben, Netherlands Institute for the Study of Crime and Law Enforcement Frank Weerman, Netherlands Institute for the Study of Crime and Law Enforcement Parenting and Exposure to Criminogenic Settings Heleen Janssen, NSCR The Influence of Neighborhood Factors on Juvenile Delinquency Siny Tsang, University of Virginia N. Dickon Reppucci, University of Virginia Examining the Impact of Community-Level Factors and Spatial Dynamics on Individual Delinquency in Harrisburg, PA Aaron Fingerhut, Temple University Kelly Waltman-Spreha, Temple University THEMATIC SESSION SESSION 133: INTERNATIONAL PERSPECTIVES ON TERRORISM AND POLITICAL VIOLENCE Wednesday, November 14 - 12:30 pm to 1:50 pm Salon 7, 3rd Floor Chair: Brandon Behlendorf, University of Maryland International and Domestic Terrorism, State Capacity, and State Instability Susan Fahey, Richard Stockton College of New Jersey Gary LaFree, University of Maryland The Effectiveness of Tactics to Reduce Kurdish Terrorist Violence in Turkey Laura Dugan, University of Maryland Erica Chenoweth, University of Denver The Effectiveness of Left Wing Counter-Terrorism Strategies in India: Do They Deter or Backfire? Sumit Kumar, University of Maryland The Ties that Bind? Violence and Social Capital in India Brandon Behlendorf, University of Maryland THEMATIC SESSION SESSION 134: GENDER, RECIDIVISM, AND AUTHORITIES' DECISIONS Wednesday, November 14 - 12:30 pm to 1:50 pm Spire Parlor, 6th Floor Chair: Loretta J. Stalans, Loyola University Chicago Predictors of Domestic Violent Recidivism after Release from Prison: Gender, Profiles, and Risk Assessment Loretta J. Stalans, Loyola University Chicago David E. Olson, Loyola University Chicago Gipsy Escobar, Loyola University Chicago Comparing Male and Female Prison Releasees Across Risk Factors and Post-Prison Recidivism David E. Olson, Loyola University Chicago Loretta J. Stalans, Loyola University Chicago Gipsy Escobar, Loyola University Chicago 111 WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 14 Gendered Discipline: Examining Differences in Disciplinary Infractions between Incarcerated Men and Women Gipsy Escobar, Loyola University Chicago Loretta J. Stalans, Loyola University Chicago David E. Olson, Loyola University Chicago Discussant: Mary A. Finn, Georgia State University THEMATIC SESSION SESSION 135: THE SOCIAL THEORY OF MODERNITY AND ITS LEGACIES FOR PUNISHMENT AND SOCIETY Wednesday, November 14 - 12:30 pm to 1:50 pm Wilson Room, 3rd Floor Chair: Richard Sparks, University of Edinburgh Missing Link: Toward a Mid-Level Conception of Penal Change Josh Page, University of Minnesota Punishment and Technologies of Power Jonathan Simon, University of California, Berkeley The Social Psychology of Mass Incarceration Mona Lynch, University of California, Irvine Advances and Problems in the Comparative Sociology of Punishment David Garland, New York University MEETING SESSION 136: GREEN CRIMINOLOGY WORKING GROUP Wednesday, November 14 - 12:30 pm to 1:50 pm Medinah Parlor, 6th Floor AUTHORS MEETS CRITICS SESSION 137: COERCIVE CONFINEMENT IN IRELAND: PATIENTS, PRISONERS, AND PENITENTS (ORGANIZED BY THE PRISON JOURNAL) Wednesday, November 14 - 12:30 pm to 1:50 pm Water Tower Parlor, 6th Floor Authors Ian O'Donnell, University College Dublin Eoin O'Sullivan, Trinity College Dublin Critics Shadd Maruna, Queen's University Belfast Alfred Blumstein, Carnegie Mellon University Mark Cooney, University of Georgia SESSION 138: EMPIRICAL ASSESSMENT OF VICTIMS AND VICTIMIZATION Wednesday, November 14 - 12:30 pm to 1:50 pm Buckingham Room, 5th Floor Chair: Ryan M. Labrecque, University of Cincinnati Identifying Victims of Domestic Minor Sex Trafficking: Results from a Screening Process in Juvenile Detention Emily J. Salisbury, Portland State University The Empirical Assessment of Human Trafficking: Challenges, Roadblocks, and Barriers Tonisha Renee Jones, Grand Valley State University 112 WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 14 Creation and Validation of the Inmate Risk Assessment for Violent Victimization (IRAVV) Ryan M. Labrecque, University of Cincinnati Paula Smith, University of Cincinnati John Wooldredge, University of Cincinnati SESSION 139: POLICING JUVENILES: POLICY, PRACTICE, AND INTERVENTION Wednesday, November 14 - 12:30 pm to 1:50 pm Burnham 1, 7th Floor Chair: Robin S. Engel, University of Cincinnati An Examination of Factors Influencing Inner-City Juveniles’ Perceptions of the Police Kimberly Hassell, University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee Tina L. Freiburger, University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee The Neighborhood Context of Adolescents’ Encounters with the Police: A Mixed Methods Approach Daniela Hunold, Max Planck Institute for Foreign and International Criminal Law Dietrich Oberwittler, Max Planck Institute for Foreign and International Criminal Law Assessing the Impact of a Local Police Athletic League on Youths and the Community Kate Chamberlain, North Carolina Department of Correction Michael O. Maume, University of North Carolina Wilmington Policing Juveniles: What We Know, What We Don’t Know, and What We Hope to Learn Garrett Grothoff, University of Cincinnati Robin S. Engel, University of Cincinnati SESSION 140: USING QUALITATIVE METHODS IN SENSITIVE RESEARCH SITUATIONS Wednesday, November 14 - 12:30 pm to 1:50 pm Clark 10, 7th Floor Chair: LaDonna Long, Roosevelt University Fact or Fiction, Does it Matter?: Exploring Narrative Meaning in the Sex Offender-Victim Dyad Brenda K. Vollman, Loyola University New Orleans Human Trafficking, Measurement Issues, and the "Woozle Effect" Jonathan Alexander Grubb, Sam Houston State University Vincent J. Webb, Sam Houston State University Sex Work Research and Life Event Calendars Nicolas Trajtenberg, University Udelar, Uruguay Clara Musto, Universidad de la República, Uruguay Utilizing the Multi-Method Approach to Understand Sexual Victimization LaDonna Long, Roosevelt University Sarah E. Ullman, University of Illinois at Chicago SESSION 141: CONTEMPORARY ISSUES IN PROBATION Wednesday, November 14 - 12:30 pm to 1:50 pm Clark 3, 7th Floor Chair: S. E. Costanza, University of South Alabama A Community Justice Approach to Probation: Evaluating the NYC New Model of Probation Kevin Barnes-Ceeney, John Jay College of Criminal Justice / CUNY Graduate Center Jeff Mellow, John Jay College of Criminal Justice Shenique Thomas, Rutgers University A Sea of Troubles: Problems Facing the Probation Service in England and Wales Loraine Gelsthorpe, Cambridge University George Mair, Liverpool John Moores University 113 WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 14 Contemporary Probation Practice and the Control of Crime Opportunities: The Role of Third-Party Actors Joel Miller, Rutgers University Kim Copeland, Rutgers University Mercer Sullivan, Rutgers University The Contemporary Face of Probation Shannon Smithey, Westminster College Kristenne Marie Robison, Westminster College Jennifer Duvall, Westminster College Matthew Shiner, Westminster College SESSION 142: EFFECTS OF INCARCERATION ON OFFENDERS Wednesday, November 14 - 12:30 pm to 1:50 pm Clark 7, 7th Floor Chair: Timothy Brezina, Georgia State University Are Prisons Schools of Crime? A Dose-Response Estimate of the Effect of Prison Peers on Reoffending Heather M. Harris, University of Maryland Kiminori Nakamura, University of Maryland Kristofer Bret Bucklen, PA Dept. of Corrections / University of Maryland The Deterrent Effect of Incapacitation: Does Jail or Prison Produce Desired Results? Christopher Rosbough, Florida State University The Effects of Imprisonment for Chronic Offenders André Van der Laan, WODC Nikolaj Tollenaar, WODC Punishment and Pessimism: Subjective Consequences of the Revolving Prison Door Timothy Brezina, Georgia State University Ellen Ballard, Georgia State University Charles Hogan, Georgia State University Erin Marsh, Georgia State University SESSION 143: RISKY FACILITIES AND CRIME Wednesday, November 14 - 12:30 pm to 1:50 pm Cresthill Room, 3rd Floor Chair: James R. Coldren, Jr., Governors State University Identifying and Assessing Risky Facilities Melanie Wellsmith, University of Huddersfield Can Music Trigger Violent Criminal Victimization? A Study of Jamaican Dance Halls Carlene Barnaby, Rutgers University Exploring the Relationship between Drug and Alcohol Treatment Facilities and Violent and Property Crime Travis A. Taniguchi, Police Foundation Christopher Salvatore, Montclair State University From Wall Street to the High Street: The Role of Moral Hazard in Generating Criminogenic Environments Adrian Beck, University of Leicester SESSION 144: EMERGING ISSUES IN CRIME POLICY: CRIME CONTROL AND PREVENTION Wednesday, November 14 - 12:30 pm to 1:50 pm Dearborn 2, 7th Floor Chair: Michele Covington, Georgia Southern University Mafia Infiltration of Wall Street: Perception, Enforcement and Control Strategies Sorle Stanley Diih, John Jay College of Criminal Justice 114 WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 14 Punitiveness: Experiences from Germany Helmut Kury, University of Freiburg You're Not Welcome Here: The Efficacy of Residency Restrictions for Sexual Predators Michele Covington, Georgia Southern University Jana L. Jasinski, University of Central Florida SESSION 145: CRIME AND PLACE: THE SPATIAL PATTERNS OF CRIME Wednesday, November 14 - 12:30 pm to 1:50 pm Kimball Room, 3rd Floor Chair: George E. Capowich, Loyola University New Orleans A Test of Ecological Theories of Criminal Offending in South Africa: Analyzing Spatial Variation of Property Crime Alexandra Hiropoulos, John Jay College of Criminal Justice, CUNY Jeremy Porter, Brooklyn College, CUNY Analysis of 10 Years of Police Data on Kidnapping Cases Neil Hunter, Lancashire Constabulary, UK Barak Ariel, University of Cambridge / Hebrew University Relative Deprivation and Offense Location: Can Ecological Characteristics of an Offender’s Neighborhood Predict Where He Offends? Jon Maskaly, University of South Florida Alyssa Whitby Chamberlain, Arizona State University Lyndsay N. Boggess, University of South Florida Testing Social Disorganization Theory with Assessing the Geography of Sex Abuse in Washington D.C. Jisun Choi, University of Pennsylvania SESSION 146: ATTITUDES TOWARD CAPITAL PUNISHMENT Wednesday, November 14 - 12:30 pm to 1:50 pm LaSalle 1, 7th Floor Chair: Amy L. Anderson, University of Nebraska at Omaha Age, Period, and Cohort Effects of Death Penalty Attitudes in the United States, 1975-2010 Amy L. Anderson, University of Nebraska at Omaha Robert Lytle, University of Nebraska at Omaha Philip Schwadel, University of Nebraska - Lincoln Criminal Justice Practitioners' Perceptions of Capital Punishment Cyndy Caravelis Hughes, Western Carolina University Matthew Robinson, Appalachian State University Indiana Citizens' Support for Capital Punishment for Persons Who Are Severely Mentally Ill Marla Sandys, Indiana University Sara M. Walsh, Indiana University Southeast Heather Pruss, Indiana University Bloomington SESSION 147: CONVICT CRIMINOLOGY: IMPROVING PRISON RESEARCH Wednesday, November 14 - 12:30 pm to 1:50 pm LaSalle 3, 7th Floor Chair: Deirdre Caputo-Levine, SUNY Stony Brook Mis-Measuring Misconduct: A Content Analysis of Recent Research on Inmate Misconduct Veronica L. Horowitz, Kean University The Barren Landscape of Studies on Inmate Culture: The Art of Constructing Human Subjects as Non-Reflexive Objects Grant Tietjen, University of Nebraska - Lincoln Michael Lenza, University of Wisconsin - Oshkosh 115 WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 14 The Discourse of Prison Rape in the Interview Setting: A Review of Literature Melanie Norwood, University of Illinois at Chicago Making Them into a Safe Product: Objectification of Formerly Incarcerated African American Men Deirdre Caputo-Levine, SUNY Stony Brook SESSION 148: JUVENILE DETENTION ALTERNATIVES Wednesday, November 14 - 12:30 pm to 1:50 pm LaSalle 5, 7th Floor Chair: Jennifer L. Lux, University of Cincinnati Juvenile Detention Alternatives Initiative: A Pre/Post Comparison in One Jurisdiction Scott Richard Maggard, Old Dominion University Pre-Dispositional Juvenile Detention: Predicting Length of Stay before and after JDAI Allison Taylor Chappell, Old Dominion University Scott Richard Maggard, Old Dominion University Jennifer Higgins, Old Dominion University Assessing the Effectiveness of Multisystemic Therapy: A Meta-Analysis Jennifer L. Lux, University of Cincinnati Cheryl Lero Jonson, Northern Kentucky University Francis T. Cullen, University of Cincinnati SESSION 149: EXPLAINING/UNDERSTANDING MARIJUANA USE Wednesday, November 14 - 12:30 pm to 1:50 pm Logan Room, 3rd Floor Chair: Derek Kreager, Pennsylvania State University Health Strains and Subsequent Delinquency and Marijuana Use Lisa A. Kort-Butler, University of Nebraska - Lincoln The Effects of Attachment on Juvenile Marijuana Use Taner Cam, Turkish National Police Depends Who Offers: Social Proximity and First Time Cannabis Use Morena Anamali, Simon Fraser University Martin Bouchard, Simon Fraser University Are We Having Fun Yet? Perceptual Change at Marijuana's Onset Derek Kreager, Pennsylvania State University Daniel T. Ragan, Pennsylvania State University SESSION 150: CONTROLLING ENVIRONMENTAL CRIME: PROBLEMS AND PROSPECTS Wednesday, November 14 - 12:30 pm to 1:50 pm Marshfield Room, 3rd Floor Chair: Carole Gibbs, Michigan State University Does Environmental Enforcement Slow the Treadmill of Production? Michael Long, Oklahoma State University Paul Stretesky, University of Colorado - Denver Michael Lynch, University of South Florida The Problem of Policing Cross-Border Environmental Crime Toine Spapens, Tilburg University, The Netherlands Corporate Environmental Deterrence Carole Gibbs, Michigan State University Sally Simpson, University of Maryland Michael Cassidy, Michigan State University 116 WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 14 SESSION 151: COURT RESPONSES TO DOMESTIC AND INTIMATE PARTNER VIOLENCE: PROTECTION ORDERS Wednesday, November 14 - 12:30 pm to 1:50 pm Millennium Parlor, 6th Floor Chair: Ruth E. Fleury-Steiner, University of Delaware "He Said, She Said", the Police Said: Gendered Violence and Domestic Violence Protection Orders Robin Fitzgerald, The University of Queensland Heather Douglas, University of Queensland Modeling Decisions to Issue Protective Orders and the Relationship to Offender Recidivism Durant H. Frantzen, Texas A&M University - San Antonio What about the Children? Visitation Conditions in Protection Orders Ruth E. Fleury-Steiner, University of Delaware Susan L. Miller, University of Delaware Sara Mersch, Delaware Coalition against Domestic Violence SESSION 152: CROSS-NATIONAL SURVEY ANALYSES OF CRIME-RELATED ISSUES Wednesday, November 14 - 12:30 pm to 1:50 pm Price Room, 5th Floor Chair: Larry Salinger, Arkansas State University - Jonesboro An Exploratory Examination of the Views on Restorative Justice: A Comparison between Bangladeshi and U.S. College Students Mahfuzul I. Khondaker, Kutztown University of Pennsylvania Eric Lambert, Wayne State University O. Oko Elechi, Prairie View A&M University David N. Baker, Texas Southern University Shanhe Jiang, University of Toledo Morris Jenkins, University of Toledo Attitudes toward Deviant Behavior: Cross-National Evaluation of Opinions toward Suicide Katharine Boyd, John Jay College of Criminal Justice / CUNY Graduate Center Hyewon Chung, John Jay College of Criminal Justice, CUNY Does Context Matter in Cross-Cultural Studies? Esperanza Camargo, University of Houston - Victoria International Ties between Japanese and Chinese Criminals George Kikuchi, California State University, Fresno SESSION 153: MEDIA, THE INTERNET, AND TERRORISM Wednesday, November 14 - 12:30 pm to 1:50 pm Salon 4, 3rd Floor Chair: Brian Forst, American University Jihadi Violence Andreas Armborst, Max Planck Institute for Foreign and International Criminal Law An Analysis of Extremist Propaganda on the Internet Sarah A. Bennett, CUNY Graduate Center / John Jay College of Criminal Justice The Sectarian Bias in Media Reports of Terrorism in Bosnia-Herzegovina Laurence Armand French, University of New Hampshire Goran Kovacevic, University of Sarajevo Nedzad Korajlic, University of Sarajevo Open Source Data on Terrorism and Gang-Related Violence: How Valid? How Reliable? How Useful? Yu-Hsu Hsiao, American University Brian Forst, American University 117 WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 14 SESSION 154: COMMUNITY DISORDER, DISADVANTAGE, AND FEAR OF CRIME Wednesday, November 14 - 12:30 pm to 1:50 pm Salon 6, 3rd Floor Chair: Amanda Bolton, University of Missouri - St. Louis Urban Insecurity and Fear of Crime: The Studies of Local Observatory of Security Carla Sofia Cardoso, University of Porto Ernesto Fonseca, University of Porto, Portugal Josefina Maria Castro, University of Porto, Portugal Cândido da Agra, University of Porto, Portugal “Rolling Dolo”: The Code of the Street and How Inner-City African-American Male Youth Negotiate Violence in Disadvantaged Neighborhoods Joseph Richardson, University of Maryland The Impact of Secondary Exposure to Violence on Youths’ Fear: The Role of Neighborhood Context Jodi Lane, University of Florida Chris Gibson, University of Florida Kelsey Antle, University of Florida The Importance of both Observed and Perceived Disorder Ryan Aaron Davenport, University College London SESSION 155: THE VALIDITY AND RELIABILITY OF EVIDENCE Wednesday, November 14 - 12:30 pm to 1:50 pm Salon 8, 3rd Floor Chair: Mari Pierce, Pennsylvania State University, Beaver An Empirical Assessment of the Scientific and Constitutional Validity of Transdermal Alcohol Sensors: Misplaced Trust and the Emerging Paradigm of Non-Corporeal Incapacitation Suman Kakar, Florida International University Sanjeev Kuldeep Sirpal, Florida International University The Determination of Beyond a Reasonable Doubt: Capital Punishment and the Overreliance on Eyewitness Testimony Chris Rose, University of Wisconsin - Oshkosh Victoria Beck, University of Wisconsin - Oshkosh The Effects of Biological and Non-Biological Forensic Evidence on Sentencing Outcomes Brooke E. Mathna, Indiana University of Pennsylvania The Role of Evidentiary Weight in Judicial Sentencing Decisions: How Evidence affects Post-Conviction Discretion in Burglary and Assault Cases Esther Nir, Rutgers University Elizabeth Griffiths, Rutgers University SESSION 156: NON-METROPOLITAN POLICING Wednesday, November 14 - 12:30 pm to 1:50 pm Salon 9, 3rd Floor Chair: Ryan Patten, California State University, Chico Rural Crime and Rural Policing: A Content Analysis Approach Rochelle E. Cobbs, Mississippi Valley State University / Prairie View A&M University Agree to Disagree? Discordance in Agency Responses Regarding Campus Safety Matthew J. Giblin, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale Melissa R. Haynes, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale George W. Burruss, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale Joseph A. Schafer, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale 118 WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 14 Race and Policing: New Trends in French Research Fabien Jobard, CNRS, Cesdip René Levy, CNRS, Cesdip The Nature and Extent of Conservation Policing: A Preliminary Examination of Organization, Mission, and Personnel Ryan Patten, California State University, Chico Matthew S. Crow, University of West Florida Tara O'Connor Shelley, Colorado State University SESSION 157: ROUNDTABLE: APPROACHES TO INTERNATIONAL CRIMINAL JUSTICE COURSEWORK Wednesday, November 14 - 12:30 pm to 1:50 pm Sandburg 3, 7th Floor Chair: Seok Beom Kim, Korean National Police Agency / University of Massachusetts - Lowell New Approaches to International Criminal Justice Education Hye Sun Kim, Worcester State University Discussants: Hee Jung Lee, Ministry of Justice, South Korea Byung Jun Cho, Westfield State University John Tahiliani, Worcester State University SESSION 158: ROUNDTABLE: BEST PRACTICES AND EMERGING RESEARCH IN IDENTIFICATION OF HUMAN TRAFFICKING VICTIMS Wednesday, November 14 - 12:30 pm to 1:50 pm Sandburg 5, 7th Floor Chair: Laura Simich, Vera Institute of Justice Discussants: Jack McDevitt, Northeastern University Amy Farrell, Northeastern University Deborah Gibbs, RTI International Claire M. Renzetti, University of Kentucky Hilary Chester, U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops - MRS Bradley Mitchell, Office for Victims of Crime, U.S. Department of Justice SESSION 159: ROUNDTABLE: BOKO HARAM: THE EMERGENCE OF AN AL-QAEDA AFFILIATED TERRORIST GROUP IN NIGERIA Wednesday, November 14 - 12:30 pm to 1:50 pm Sandburg 7, 7th Floor Chair: Evaristus Obinyan, Clark Atlanta University Discussants: Charles Ochie, Albany State University Patrick Ibe, Albany State University Jonathan Odo, Cameron University, Oklahoma Charles Ubah, Georgia College & State University Jovita Esechie, Texas Southern University Hamin Shabazz, Stevenson University Ihekwoaba Declan Onwudiwe, Texas Southern University SESSION 160: ROUNDTABLE: BUILDING (AND THEN CROSSING) BRIDGES: A DISCUSSION OF MULTI-DISCIPLINARY APPROACHES TO THE STUDY OF CORPORATE CRIME Wednesday, November 14 - 12:30 pm to 1:50 pm Sandburg 8, 7th Floor Chair: Jay Kennedy, University of Cincinnati 119 WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 14 Discussants: Nicole Leeper Piquero, University of Texas at Dallas Erin Harbinson, University of Cincinnati John Boatright, Loyola University Chicago Juliet Sorensen, Northwestern University THEMATIC SESSION SESSION 161: STATE AND NATIONAL RESPONSES TO ELDER ABUSE, MISTREATMENT, AND NEGLECT Wednesday, November 14 - 2:00 pm to 3:20 pm Buckingham Room, 5th Floor Chair: Darakshan Raja, Urban Institute Where We Stand: Update on Elder Abuse, Mistreatment, and Neglect (EAMN) Legislation Darakshan Raja, Urban Institute Kamala Mallik-Kane, The Urban Institute Shelli Rossman, The Urban Institute Characteristics of State Adult Protective Services (APS) Agencies: Results from NAPSA’s 2012 Survey of Its Membership Andrew Capehart, NAPSA Kamala Mallik-Kane, The Urban Institute Collaboration and Coordination among Responders to Elder Abuse, Mistreatment, and Neglect Shelli Rossman, The Urban Institute Kamala Mallik-Kane, The Urban Institute Darakshan Raja, Urban Institute Moving toward a National Elder Abuse, Mistreatment, and Neglect Reporting System Erica L. Smith, Bureau of Justice Statistics, USDOJ Kamala Mallik-Kane, The Urban Institute Shelli Rossman, The Urban Institute THEMATIC SESSION SESSION 162: EXPLORING POLICE INTEGRITY Wednesday, November 14 - 2:00 pm to 3:20 pm Burnham 1, 7th Floor Chair: Sanja Kutnjak Ivkovich, Michigan State University Attitudes Toward Misbehavior and Perceptions of Agency Accountability: Results from the National Police Research Platform Lorie Ann Fridell, University of South Florida Ruth Zschoche, University of South Florida Jack McDevitt, Northeastern University Exploring Police Integrity in Urban and Rural Environments Wook Kang, University of Central Oklahoma Sanja Kutnjak Ivkovich, Michigan State University Studying Police Integrity Across South Africa: A Comparison of the Police Service, Metro, and Traffic Police Officer Levels of Police Integrity Adri Sauerman, Michigan State University Sanja Kutnjak Ivkovich, Michigan State University A Bumpy Road toward Police Integrity: Exploring Attitudes by Croatian Community Policing Officers and Traditional Police Officers Sanja Kutnjak Ivkovich, Michigan State University 120 WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 14 SESSION 163: STUDENTS MEET SCHOLARS: QUALITATIVE RESEARCH Wednesday, November 14 - 2:00 pm to 3:20 pm Chicago Room, 5th Floor Chair: Timothy Dickinson, University of Missouri - St. Louis Discussants: Rod K. Brunson, Rutgers University Neal Shover, University of Tennessee Richard Wright, University of Missouri - St. Louis Patrick Carr, Rutgers University Deanna L. Wilkinson, Ohio State University THEMATIC SESSION SESSION 164: THE ANTHROPOLOGY OF CRIME, POLICING, AND JUSTICE IN NEW YORK CITY Wednesday, November 14 - 2:00 pm to 3:20 pm Clark 10, 7th Floor Chair: Ric Curtis, John Jay College of Criminal Justice Has Crime Bottomed out in NYC?: Youth and Crime in the South Bronx Dimas Cortez, John Jay College of Criminal Justice Maria Heyaca, John Jay College of Criminal Justice Nicholas Montano, John Jay College of Criminal Justice Laila Alsabahi, John Jay College of Criminal Justice Leonardo Dominguez, John Jay College of Criminal Justice Alyssa Mazzarella, John Jay College of Criminal Justice Training Wheels: Teenage Pimp Archetypes Sarah Rivera, John Jay College of Criminal Justice Amber Horning, John Jay College of Criminal Justice Anthony Marcus, John Jay College of Criminal Justice Black Male Responses to Experiences with Violence Douglas Thompkins, John Jay College of Criminal Justice Joshua Eichenbaum, John Jay College of Criminal Justice Efram Thompson, John Jay College of Criminal Justice Lawrence Kelly, John Jay College of Criminal Justice The View from the Back: Offenders’ Views of Police and the Justice System in Red Hook, Brooklyn Avram Bornstein, John Jay College of Criminal Justice Sarah Rivera, John Jay College of Criminal Justice Ric Curtis, John Jay College of Criminal Justice THEMATIC SESSION SESSION 165: CONVICT CRIMINOLOGY: POETRY AND PHOTOGRAPHS REFLECTING ON MASS INCARCERATION Wednesday, November 14 - 2:00 pm to 3:20 pm Clark 9, 7th Floor Chair: Robert P. Johnson, American University Poems and Photographs on Mass Incarceration Robert P. Johnson, American University Carla Mavaddat, McGill University 121 WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 14 What We Can Learn from the Poetry of Prisoners Robert P. Johnson, American University Alison Brooks, National Institute of Justice Poetry and Penitence: The Sociology of Prison Poetry and Prison Culture Michelle Inderbitzin, Oregon State University Discussants: Stephen C. Richards, University of Wisconsin - Oshkosh John Frana, University of Louisville THEMATIC SESSION SESSION 166: GIRLS IN TROUBLE: GETTING BEYOND THE "BAD GIRLS" RHETORIC Wednesday, November 14 - 2:00 pm to 3:20 pm LaSalle 1, 7th Floor Chair: Carla Cesaroni, University of Ontario Institute of Technology Juvenile Court Intervention with Girls Exposed to Trauma, Abuse, Violence and Loss Merry Morash, Michigan State University Julie Yingling, Michigan State University Tia Stevens, Michigan State University Understanding Peer-on-Peer Conflict amongst Girls in Pre-Trial Detention Carla Cesaroni, University of Ontario Institute of Technology Holly Pelvin, University of Toronto The Help-Seeking Behaviors of Young Women in Trouble with the Law in the Toronto Metropolitan Area Tia Stevens, Michigan State University Examining Different Pathways to Girls’ Prostitution in South Korea Juyoung Song, University of West Georgia THEMATIC SESSION SESSION 167: RESEARCH INFORMING THE RESPONSE TO TRANSNATIONAL ORGANIZED CRIME Wednesday, November 14 - 2:00 pm to 3:20 pm Price Room, 5th Floor Chair: Jay Albanese, Virginia Commonwealth University Exploring the Social Organization and Dynamics of the On-line Black Market Thomas J. Holt, Michigan State University It Came from the North: Estimating the Flow of Methamphetamine and Other Synthetic Drugs from Quebec, Canada Carlo Morselli, Université de Montréal Martin Bouchard, Simon Fraser University Sheldon X. Zhang, San Diego State University David Farabee, University of California, Los Angeles Evaluating and Improving Law Enforcement Cooperation in Combating Mexican Drug Trafficking Organizations Daniel Schneider, American University Carolyn Gallaher, American University Janus Awakes? Outbound Anti-Smuggling Enforcement and Advanced Industrial Countries Richard Friman, Marquette University Estimating the Links Between Transnational Organized Crime and Terrorism John Picarelli, National Institute of Justice Discussant: Jay Albanese, Virginia Commonwealth University 122 WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 14 THEMATIC SESSION SESSION 168: VIOLENCE AS SITUATIONAL ACTION Wednesday, November 14 - 2:00 pm to 3:20 pm Red Lacquer Room, 4th Floor Chair: Julie Horney, Pennsylvania State University Explaining Violent Hotspots: The Question of Selection Beth Hardie, University of Cambridge Per-Olof H. Wikstrom, University of Cambridge Explaining Violent Events: Situational Factors and Mechanisms Kyle H. Treiber, University of Cambridge Per-Olof H. Wikstrom, University of Cambridge The Role of Provocation in Violence: Interviewing the Violent Offender Neema Trivedi, University of Cambridge Per-Olof H. Wikstrom, University of Cambridge Discussant: Jean McGloin, University of Maryland THEMATIC SESSION SESSION 169: ALCOHOL AND SEXUAL ASSAULT: FINDINGS FROM THE WOMEN’S STRESS AND SUPPORT STUDY Wednesday, November 14 - 2:00 pm to 3:20 pm Salon 1, 3rd Floor Chair: Sarah E. Ullman, University of Illinois at Chicago The Women’s Stress and Support Study: Rationale, Sample, and Methods Sarah E. Ullman, University of Illinois at Chicago Preliminary Psychometrics of the SRQ and SRQ-Alcohol Measures in the Women’s Stress and Support Study Mark Relyea, University of Illinois at Chicago Sarah E. Ullman, University of Illinois at Chicago Social Support, Perceived Control over Recovery, and Drinking to Cope in a Sample of Sexual Assault Survivors Liana Peter-Hagene, University of Illinois at Chicago Sarah E. Ullman, University of Illinois at Chicago Racial/Ethnic Differences in Disclosure and Support-Seeking in Alcohol versus Non-Alcohol Related Sexual Assaults Amanda Vasquez, University of Illinois at Chicago Sarah E. Ullman, University of Illinois at Chicago THEMATIC SESSION SESSION 170: GENDER AND WHITE COLLAR CRIME IN THE 21ST CENTURY Wednesday, November 14 - 2:00 pm to 3:20 pm Salon 2, 3rd Floor Chair: Darrell Steffensmeier, Pennsylvania State University Female Involvement and Gender Gap in Enron-Era Corporate Frauds Darrell Steffensmeier, Pennsylvania State University Jennifer Schwartz, Washington State University Michael Roche, Pennsylvania State University 123 WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 14 Gender, Corporate Crime, and Opportunity Sally Simpson, University of Maryland Mariel Alper, University of Maryland Michael Benson, University of Cincinnati Public Perceptions of White-Collar and Street Crime: Does Gender Really Matter? Mary Dodge, University of Colorado - Denver Victoria Van Antwerp, University of Colorado - Denver Mother Earth and Sky Father: Environmental Crime and Women’s and Men’s Offenses against the Environment Jennifer Schwartz, Washington State University Eric Johnson, Washington State University Joseph Kremer, Washington State University Discussant: Peter Yeager, Boston University THEMATIC SESSION SESSION 171: REPORT OF THE NAS COMMITTEE ON DETERRENCE AND THE DEATH PENALTY Wednesday, November 14 - 2:00 pm to 3:20 pm Water Tower Parlor, 6th Floor Chair: Jeremy Travis, John Jay College of Criminal Justice Report of the NAS Committee on Deterrence and the Death Penalty Daniel Nagin, Carnegie Mellon University Discussant: Charles Manski, Northwestern University THEMATIC SESSION SESSION 172: COMMUNITY-DRIVEN VIOLENCE PREVENTION: OPERATIONAL PITFALLS AND POLITICAL DILEMMAS ASSOCIATED WITH COMMUNITY PARTNERSHIPS Wednesday, November 14 - 2:00 pm to 3:20 pm Wilson Room, 3rd Floor Chair: Wesley G. Skogan, Northwestern University The Politics of ‘Risk’: Competing Discourse in Risk-Oriented Youth and Gang Violence Prevention Tim Goddard, Florida International University A Qualitative Study of Citywide Gang Prevention and Intervention Service Coordination Charlotte Bradstreet, University of California, Irvine Injustice Frames, Policeability, and the Everyday Construction of Crime Luis Daniel Gascón, University of California, Irvine Incongruent Communities: Aligning Neoliberal Fantasy and Reality in South L.A. Aaron Roussell, University of California, Irvine Discussant: Wesley G. Skogan, Northwestern University RECEPTION SESSION 173: HANDBOOK OF PUNISHMENT AND SOCIETY RECEPTION Wednesday, November 14 - 2:00 pm to 3:20 pm Wabash Room, 3rd Floor 124 WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 14 MEETING SESSION 174: DIVISION ON PEOPLE OF COLOR AND CRIME BOARD MEETING Wednesday, November 14 - 2:00 pm to 3:20 pm Medinah Parlor, 6th Floor AWARD AND LECTURE CEREMONY SESSION 175: THE JOAN MCCORD AWARD LECTURE AND THE ACADEMY OF EXPERIMENTAL CRIMINOLOGY AWARDS CEREMONY Wednesday, November 14 - 2:00 pm to 3:20 pm Monroe Room, 6th Floor MEETING SESSION 176: VICTIMS & OFFENDERS EDITORIAL BOARD MEETING Wednesday, November 14 - 2:00 pm to 3:20 pm Montrose 4, 7th Floor MEETING SESSION 177: JOURNAL OF QUANTITATIVE CRIMINOLOGY EDITORIAL BOARD MEETING Wednesday, November 14 - 2:00 pm to 3:20 pm Salon 3, 3rd Floor Chairs: Alex Piquero, University of Texas at Dallas Cathy Spatz Widom, John Jay College of Criminal Justice SESSION 178: LEGAL AND METHODOLOGICAL ANALYSES OF ISSUES FACING COURTS Wednesday, November 14 - 2:00 pm to 3:20 pm Burnham 2, 7th Floor Chair: Hank Fradella, California State University, Long Beach Application of the Marshall Hypothesis to the Three-Strikes Law Janine Kremling, California State University, San Bernardino Amy Reckdenwald, University of Central Florida John K. Cochran, University of South Florida Drug Testing in Public Schools: How Far Will the Lower Courts Extend Vernonia and Earls? Michael R. Cavanaugh, University of Houston Downtown Michael S. Vaughn, Sam Houston State University Why Courts Reconsider: Parameters of Wrongful Conviction Cases Claire Angelique R. I. Nolasco, Texas A&M University - San Antonio Michael S. Vaughn, Sam Houston State University Chi-Fang (Lily) Tsai, Sam Houston State University Zombie Cases: Olmstead Lives! Weston James Morrow, Arizona State University Hank Fradella, California State University, Long Beach SESSION 179: CLARIFYING INSTITUTIONAL ANOMIE THEORY: ISSUES OF CONCEPTUAL CLARITY, RACE, AND GENDER Wednesday, November 14 - 2:00 pm to 3:20 pm Burnham 4, 7th Floor Chair: Steven Messner, University at Albany, SUNY An Investigation of the Roles and Measurement of Institutions in Institutional-Anomie Theory Russell Wolff, Northeastern University Jacob Stowell, Northeastern University 125 WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 14 Race and the American Dream: Can Institutional Anomie Theory Explain Racial Differences in Offending? Andia Azimi, Georgia State University Leah Daigle, Georgia State University Lisa R. Muftić, Georgia State University Differential Development of Social Institutions in Black and White American Communities: An IAT Discussion Lish Harris, Dixie State College Her American Dream: Bringing Gender into Institutional-Anomie Theory Samantha E. Applin, University at Albany, SUNY Steven Messner, University at Albany, SUNY SESSION 180: STUDENT ATTITUDES TOWARD CRIME AND JUSTICE Wednesday, November 14 - 2:00 pm to 3:20 pm Clark 3, 7th Floor Chair: Hyunseok Jang, Kennesaw State University The Influence of Interpersonal Contact on Students’ Attitudes Heath C. Hoffmann, College of Charleston Tracy Burkett, College of Charleston George Dickinson, College of Charleston Cell Phone Policies in Classrooms: A Study About How Policies Impact Student Use Amanda Porter, Carroll University Jennifer Huck, Carroll University Katherine Snow, Carroll University SESSION 181: DESISTANCE FROM GANGS Wednesday, November 14 - 2:00 pm to 3:20 pm Clark 5, 7th Floor Chair: Bryan Bubolz, University of Nebraska at Omaha Blood in Blood Out? Exploring Motives for Gang Desistance Arna L. Carlock, University at Albany, SUNY Alan J. Lizotte, University at Albany, SUNY Desistance from Gangs: The Importance of Disillusionment, Stress, and Identity in the Decision to Change Bryan Bubolz, University of Nebraska at Omaha Pathways into and out of Youth Gangs J. Michael Vecchio, University of Missouri - St. Louis SESSION 182: BEYOND INDIVIDUAL-LEVEL PREDICTORS OF PRISONER REENTRY Wednesday, November 14 - 2:00 pm to 3:20 pm Clark 7, 7th Floor Chair: Kiminori Nakamura, University of Maryland What is the Effectiveness of Correctional Sanctions? Joshua C. Cochran, Florida State University Daniel P. Mears, Florida State University Bill Bales, Florida State University School Days: The Promises and Limitations of the University Environment on Reentry Jennifer Colanese, Indiana University South Bend Qiang Xu, Indiana University South Bend A Systematic Analysis of Offender Reentry to Rural Areas Ingrid Diane Johnson, Temple University Matthew Hiller, Temple University Steven Belenko, Temple University Wayne Welsh, Temple University 126 WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 14 Redemption for Reintegrating Prisoners Kiminori Nakamura, University of Maryland Alfred Blumstein, Carnegie Mellon University SESSION 183: STUDIES OF NEIGHBORHOOD CULTURE: POLICE LEGITIMACY, ATTACHMENT, AND REPUTATION Wednesday, November 14 - 2:00 pm to 3:20 pm Cresthill Room, 3rd Floor Chair: Hollianne Marshall, Fairmont State University Deterrence by Proxy: How Belief in the System of Law Can Deter Crime Christopher Rosbough, Florida State University Sense of Community and Adolescents' Drug Abuse Hua Yan, University of Maryland “Come Heavy or Not at All": Defended Neighborhoods, Ethnic Concentration and Chicago Robberies -- Examining the ItalianAmerican Mafia Influence Hollianne Marshall, Fairmont State University SESSION 184: DATING VIOLENCE Wednesday, November 14 - 2:00 pm to 3:20 pm Dearborn 1, 7th Floor Chair: Elizabeth Tomsich, University of Colorado - Denver An Intersectional Approach to Understanding Dating Abuse from the Perspective of South Asian Muslim Youth Amanda Couture, University of Ontario Institute of Technology Dating Violence and Risky Behaviors: An Analysis of the International Dating Violence Study Rachel Morgan, University of Central Florida Physical and Verbal Adolescent Dating Violence: An Intersectional Approach Margaret Mahoney, University of Delaware Katie A. Farina, University of Delaware “Hookups" and Interpersonal Violence: An Examination of an Urban University Sample Elizabeth Tomsich, University of Colorado - Denver Lonnie M. Schaible, University of Colorado - Denver Callie Marie Rennison, University of Colorado - Denver Angela R. Gover, University of Colorado - Denver SESSION 185: EFFECTS OF INCARCERATION ON FAMILIES AND RELATIONSHIPS Wednesday, November 14 - 2:00 pm to 3:20 pm Dearborn 2, 7th Floor Chair: Kelsey Antle, University of Florida Does Prison Break Up Relationships? A Longitudinal Study of Cohabitation Outcomes in a Conviction Cohort Calli Cain, University of Nebraska at Omaha Jukka Savolainen, University of Nebraska Everyone “Does the Time”: The Impact of Incarceration on Family Members Left Behind Barbara H. Zaitzow, Appalachian State University Incarcerated Families: Inmates' Children, Their Caregivers, and Living with Incarceration Kelsey Antle, University of Florida 127 WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 14 SESSION 186: CHILD MALTREATMENT, EXPOSURE TO VIOLENCE, AND VICTIMIZATION: LIFE COURSE PREDICTORS AND CONSEQUENCES Wednesday, November 14 - 2:00 pm to 3:20 pm Indiana Room, 3rd Floor Chair: Christopher J. Sullivan, University of Cincinnati Effects of Child Maltreatment on Delinquency and Subsequent Adult Criminality: A Growth Curve Analysis Henriikka Weir, University of Texas at Dallas Amanda Russell, University of Texas at Dallas Robert Morris, University of Texas at Dallas Bless Me Father for I Have Sinned: The Criminology of the Roman Catholic Priest Sex Abuse Scandal Michael L. Birzer, Wichita State University Ryan Alexander, Wichita State University Exposure to Violence as a Predictor of Girls’ Trajectories of Violence Perpetration Amy L. Gower, University of Minnesota Barbara J. McMorris, University of Minnesota Renee E. Sieving, University of Minnesota A Comparative Study of Developmental Processes in Victimization and Delinquency Christopher J. Sullivan, University of Cincinnati Graham Ousey, College of William and Mary Pamela Wilcox, University of Cincinnati SESSION 187: DISADVANTAGE, COMMUNITY CONTEXT, AND CRIME Wednesday, November 14 - 2:00 pm to 3:20 pm Kimball Room, 3rd Floor Chair: Stephanie M. Cardwell, University of Alabama at Birmingham An Examination of How Offenders Obtain Illegal Prescription Drugs: Community and Individual-Level Predictors Clair Marie White, Arizona State University Justin Ready, Arizona State University Charles M. Katz, Arizona State University Drug Arrests, the Crime Drop, and Changes in Urban Patterns of Disadvantage Michael Seth Friedson, New York University The Importance of Time: Communities, Exposure to Poverty, and Crime Jacob H. Becker, Pennsylvania State University The Impact of Community Crime on the Context of School Violence and Delinquency Stephanie M. Cardwell, University of Alabama at Birmingham Suzanne E. Perumean-Chaney, University of Alabama at Birmingham SESSION 188: ATTITUDES TOWARD POLICE IN VARYING CONTEXTS Wednesday, November 14 - 2:00 pm to 3:20 pm LaSalle 2, 7th Floor Chair: Ivan Sun, University of Delaware Attitudes towards Police Response in Domestic Violence Situations Involving Veterans With Mental Illness Fred Markowitz, Northern Illinois University Attitudes toward police corruption and violence in Buenos Aires, Argentina Nicole Haas, Center for Legal and Social Studies, Buenos Aires Citizen Assessments of Police in Taiwan Ivan Sun, University of Delaware Yuning Wu, Wayne State University 128 WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 14 Social Bonds and Juveniles' Attitudes toward the Police Rodney Lamon Lake, Wayne State University Yuning Wu, Wayne State University Liqun Cao, University of Ontario Institute of Technology SESSION 189: MISSING DATA Wednesday, November 14 - 2:00 pm to 3:20 pm LaSalle 3, 7th Floor Chair: Chester L. Britt, Northeastern University A Test of Ignorability for Missing Data Mechanisms Kevan Galyean, University of Cincinnati John Wooldredge, University of Cincinnati Adjusting for Attrition in a Longitudinal Survey of Prisoners: A Demonstration of Multilevel Multiple Imputation Ian Brunton-Smith, University of Surrey Four Techniques for Dealing with Missing Data in Criminal Justice Joshua Benjamin Hill, Tiffin University SESSION 190: PUBLIC REACTIONS TO CRIME Wednesday, November 14 - 2:00 pm to 3:20 pm LaSalle 5, 7th Floor Chair: Stacia Gilliard-Matthews, Rutgers University Acts of Fear: Behavioral Reactions to Fear of Crime Aubri F. McDonald, University of Illinois at Chicago William P. McCarty, University of Illinois at Chicago Fear and Loathing in Washington State Nahanni Pollard, Douglas College Johannes Wheeldon, Washington State University Rebecca Carleton, Simon Fraser University Identity, Fear of Crime, and Defensive Behavior Emily K. Asencio, University of Akron Monica Oliva, University of Akron Michael Steiner, University of Akron SESSION 191: EDUCATION AND CRIME Wednesday, November 14 - 2:00 pm to 3:20 pm Logan Room, 3rd Floor Chair: Danielle A. Tolson, University of Florida Exploring the Relationship Between Educational Attainment and Crime Amy Sariti Kamerdze, University of Maryland, College Park Impact of Academic Tracking on Juvenile Deviance Wen-Hsu Lin, Academia Sinica, Taiwan Chin-Chun Yi, Institute of Sociology, Academia Sinica Re-Introducing the Frustration into Status Frustration Theory Janelle M. Eliasson-Nannini, Bowling Green State University Jorge M. Chavez, Bowling Green State University The Socialization of On-Campus College Deviance Danielle A. Tolson, University of Florida 129 WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 14 SESSION 192: THEORETICAL EXPLANATIONS FOR VIOLENCE Wednesday, November 14 - 2:00 pm to 3:20 pm Madison Room, 3rd Floor Chair: Dale Willits, California State University, Bakersfield Contemporaneous and Lagged Effects of Life Strains on Violence in a Longitudinal Sample of People with Mental Illnesses Nathan Wong Link, Temple University Bruce G. Link, Columbia University Francis T. Cullen, University of Cincinnati Robert Agnew, Emory University Intimate Partner Homicide Rates in Chicago between 1988 and 1992: An Application of General Strain Theory Natalie Jo Johnson, University of North Texas Youngsters, Violence, and Antisociality Ragnhild Bjørnebekk, Norwegian Police University College Individual and Situational Predictors of Aggressive Behavior: A Factorial Survey Examining Micro-Social Explanations for Violence Dale Willits, California State University, Bakersfield SESSION 193: THE SOCIAL CONTEXT OF HATE CRIME Wednesday, November 14 - 2:00 pm to 3:20 pm Marshfield Room, 3rd Floor Chair: Valerie Jenness, University of California, Irvine The Spread of Mob Violence: An Historical Analysis of Lynchings in Georgia Andrew Ritchey, Pennsylvania State University Mattias Smangs, Fordham University R. Barry Ruback, Pennsylvania State University Typifying Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Homicide Events Jeff Gruenewald, University of Arkansas Kristin Kelley, University of Arkansas Antigay Bias Crime: An Examination of Differential Opportunities to Construct Masculinity Ryan Martz, Michigan State University Genocide and the Age Distribution of Crime Hollie Nyseth Brehm, University of Minnesota Christopher Uggen, University of Minnesota SESSION 194: TYPOLOGIES OF SEX OFFENDING Wednesday, November 14 - 2:00 pm to 3:20 pm Millennium Parlor, 6th Floor Chair: Roger Schaefer, Washington State University Detection Avoidance: A Thematic Approach to Solved and Unsolved Sexual Homicides Samantha Balemba, Simon Fraser University Eric Beauregard, Simon Fraser University Melissa Martineau, Royal Canadian Mounted Police Estimating the Prevalence and Possible Trends in "Black Swan Homicide" Timothy Griffin, University of Nevada, Reno Joshua Williams, University of Nevada The Collective Nature of Sexual Violence: A Comparative Case Study Analysis of the Former Yugoslavia, Rwanda, and Sierra Leone Tusty Zohra, University of Arkansas at Little Rock 130 WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 14 What Does the Victim-Offender Relationship Tell Us about Sex Offender Recidivism? The Importance of Specificity When Determining Risks for Child-Based Sex Offenders Roger Schaefer, Washington State University Alex C. Kigerl, Washington State University Amber Morczek, Washington State University - Pullman SESSION 195: ISSUES AND DIRECTIONS IN PROGRAM EVALUATION RESEARCH Wednesday, November 14 - 2:00 pm to 3:20 pm Salon 10, 3rd floor Chair: Sarah Maureen Manchak, University of Cincinnati A New Direction for Policy/Program Evaluation: Process-Based Approach and Local Treatment Effect Chong Min Na, University of Houston - Clear Lake Measuring Change in Anti-Social Attitudes and Behaviors in Juveniles Michael J. Tanana, University of Utah Matthew Davis, University of Utah Mindy J. Vanderloo, University of Utah Public Safety Outcome of a Juvenile Detention Assessment Instrument: Issues to Consider Mahfuzul I. Khondaker, Kutztown University of Pennsylvania Evaluating Prison-Based Vocational and Educational Programs: Translating Practice into Evidence-Based Practice Sarah Maureen Manchak, University of Cincinnati Angela Estes, University of Cincinnati Carrie Sullivan, University of Cincinnati Edward Latessa, University of Cincinnati SESSION 196: A COMPARATIVE CONSIDERATION OF GANGS AND CRIMINAL GROUPS Wednesday, November 14 - 2:00 pm to 3:20 pm Salon 4, 3rd Floor Chair: George E. Capowich, Loyola University New Orleans Gang Investigators' Perceptions of Military-Trained Gang Members in the Southern United States Carter F. Smith, Austin Peay State University Organized Criminal Syndicates and Terrorist Group Nexus Dean C. Alexander, Western Illinois University Tip of the Iceberg: Slippery Slope from Sanctioned Art to Defacing Graffiti and Organized Youth Gangs in Reykjavik, Iceland? Laura Lynn Hansen, Western New England University Cannibalism and Gang Involvement in the Cinematic Lives of Asian Gangsters Richard Joseph De Caires, University of Ontario Institute of Technology Paul Lankin, University of Ontario Institute of Technology Phillip Shon, University of Ontario Institute of Technology SESSION 197: RATIONALITY, CHOICE, AND SANCTIONS Wednesday, November 14 - 2:00 pm to 3:20 pm Salon 5, 3rd Floor Chair: Graham Farrell, Simon Fraser University An Analysis of Individual and Contextual Factors in Ambiguous Standardized Situations Kendra Nicole Bowen, Tarleton State University Jennifer J. Roberts, Indiana University of Pennsylvania Eric Kocian, Slippery Rock University 131 WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 14 The Role of Informal Social Control in the Sanctions-Compliance Nexus Nicole R. Els, University of Texas at Dallas John Worrall, University of Texas at Dallas Alex Piquero, University of Texas at Dallas Michael Teneyck, University of Texas at Dallas Vicarious Experiences, Perceived Risk, and Punishment Avoidance Strategies Isabelle Beaudoin, University of Montreal Etienne Blais, University of Montreal The Intuitive Criminal: Choice Theory and Offender Decision-Making Graham Farrell, Simon Fraser University Bryan Kinney, Simon Fraser University Martin Andresen, Simon Fraser University SESSION 198: IMMIGRATION AND PERCEPTIONS OF CRIME Wednesday, November 14 - 2:00 pm to 3:20 pm Salon 6, 3rd Floor Chair: Eric Stewart, Florida State University Local Context and Latino Growth: A Multilevel Investigation of Latino Threat and Punitive-Latino Sentiment Eric Stewart, Florida State University Ramiro Martinez, Northeastern University Eric Baumer, Florida State University Models of Community Violence Michael J. Coyle, California State University, Chico Perceived Criminal Threat, Context, and Punitiveness toward Illegal Immigrants Elizabeth K. Stupi, Florida State University Ted Chiricos, Florida State University Marc Gertz, Florida State University The Rising Latino Population in Mecklenburg County: Is the Criminal Justice System Meeting the Needs of a Changing Population? Anita N. Blowers, University of North Carolina at Charlotte Jennifer L. Hartman, University of North Carolina at Charlotte Hallie N. Putt, University of North Carolina at Charlotte SESSION 199: RACE AND PATHWAYS TO DELINQUENCY Wednesday, November 14 - 2:00 pm to 3:20 pm Salon 7, 3rd Floor Chair: Maxine S. Thompson, North Carolina State University Race, Religion, and Delinquency: Building Social Capital Lecinda M. Yevchak, Bowling Green State University Cassady Pitt, Bowling Green State University The Emergence of Racial/Ethnic Disparities in Health Outcomes in Early Childhood Thomas L. McNulty, University of Georgia Paul E. Bellair, Ohio State University Unpacking Risk Factors for Delinquency for African American Males and Females: Are African Americans a Monolith? Jessica Ganao, North Carolina Central University Mundane Extreme Environmental Stress: Extending General Strain Theory's Discussion of Race Discrimination and Delinquency Stacy De Coster, North Carolina State University Maxine S. Thompson, North Carolina State University 132 WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 14 SESSION 200: MEETING HEALTHCARE NEEDS IN COMMUNITY CORRECTIONS SETTINGS Wednesday, November 14 - 2:00 pm to 3:20 pm Salon 8, 3rd Floor Chair: Andrea Cantora, University of Baltimore A Randomized Controlled Trial of HIV Linkage to Care at Community Corrections Michael Gordon, Friends Research Institute, Baltimore, MD Timothy Kinlock, Friends Research Institute, Baltimore, MD Josiah Rich, The Miriam Hospital, Brown University, Providence RI Michelle McKenzie, The Miriam Hospital, Brown University, Providence RI Criminal Justice Outcomes in Homeless Individuals Receiving Behavioral Health Services Nahama Broner, RTI International James Trudeau, RTI International Kelle Barrick, RTI International Jason Williams, RTI International Health Conditions among Opioid-Dependent Individuals under Community Supervision Amy Murphy, George Mason University Alese Wooditch, George Mason University Faye S. Taxman, George Mason University William Lawson, Howard University Akbar Broadway, Howard University Jesus Felizzola, Howard University Predictors of Being Tested for HIV among Probationers and Parolees Timothy Kinlock, Friends Research Institute, Baltimore, MD Michael Gordon, Friends Research Institute, Baltimore, MD Josiah Rich, The Miriam Hospital, Brown University, Providence RI Michelle McKenzie, The Miriam Hospital, Brown University, Providence RI SESSION 201: POLICE APPROACHES AND CITIZEN VIEWS Wednesday, November 14 - 2:00 pm to 3:20 pm Salon 9, 3rd Floor Chair: Remi Boivin, Université de Montréal CALEA Accreditation: An Empirical Examination Mark DeBarr, University of Missouri - St. Louis Houston Residents’ Perceptions of the Houston Police Department and Red Light Cameras Ji Seun Sohn, Lindsey Wilson College I Report, You Record? Variations of Police Crime-Recording Practices in a Large Canadian City Remi Boivin, Université de Montréal SESSION 202: ROUNDTABLE: CAN CRIMINOLOGY BE VIEWED AS A TYPE OF APPLIED ETHICS? Wednesday, November 14 - 2:00 pm to 3:20 pm Sandburg 2, 7th Floor Human Flourishing and the Role of Total Confinement: Virtue Ethics and Corrections Bruce A. Arrigo, University of North Carolina at Charlotte Looking for the Ethical in Offender Treatment Matt Draper, Utah Valley University In Search of the Ethical: Social Construction and the Phenomenology of the State of Exception in Criminal Justice Practice David Polizzi, Indiana State University 133 WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 14 SESSION 203: ROUNDTABLE: CORRECTIONS AND REENTRY Wednesday, November 14 - 2:00 pm to 3:20 pm Sandburg 4, 7th Floor Examining the Effects of Participation in a Collaborative Network Reentry Program on Recidivism Michael M. Wehrman, Cabrini College Individual and Contextual Factors in Explaining Violent Behavior among Prison Inmates Boram Lee, Kyonggi University, South Korea Okkyung Yoon, Kyonggi University Racial and Ethnic Differences in Time Served and Correctional Release Mindy Bradley, University of Arkansas Rodney Engen, University of Arkansas The Impact of Error on Offender Risk Classification Aaron Ho, Rutgers University The Role of Inmate Culture in Recidivism Jessica Marie Grosholz, Emory University SESSION 204: ROUNDTABLE: COVERAGE OF FEDERAL LAW ENFORCEMENT IN CRIMINAL JUSTICE CURRICULUM Wednesday, November 14 - 2:00 pm to 3:20 pm Sandburg 6, 7th Floor Chair: Jeff Bumgarner, University of Minnesota, Crookston Discussants: Ronald Burns, Texas Christian University Charles Crawford, Western Michigan University Julie Barrows, University of Minnesota Willard M. Oliver, Sam Houston State University THEMATIC SESSION SESSION 205: CRIME, JUSTICE, AND POLITICS IN THE CITY AS SEEN THROUGH THE WIRE I Wednesday, November 14 - 3:30 pm to 4:50 pm Burnham 1, 7th Floor Chair: Peter A. Collins, Seattle University The Compstat Process as Presented in The Wire Gennaro F. Vito, University of Louisville And All the Pieces Matter: Reflections on The Wire and the Criminal Justice System Susan A. Bandes, DePaul University Representations of Police Culture in The Wire Peter Parilla, University of St. Thomas Wendy Wyatt, University of St. Thomas Without Regard to the Usual Rules Jonathon A. Cooper, Indiana University of Pennsylvania Jonathan Bolen, University of Nebraska at Omaha SESSION 206: PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT: RECONCEPTUALIZING DIVERSITY Wednesday, November 14 - 3:30 pm to 4:50 pm Chicago Room, 5th Floor Chair: Robert D. Crutchfield, University of Washington 134 WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 14 Discussants: Rod K. Brunson, Rutgers University Jody Miller, Rutgers University Maria B. Velez, University of New Mexico Robert D. Crutchfield, University of Washington THEMATIC SESSION SESSION 207: INTEGRATING COMMUNITY AND SOCIOCULTURAL CONTEXT INTO JUVENILE RISK ASSESSMENT Wednesday, November 14 - 3:30 pm to 4:50 pm Clark 3, 7th Floor Chair: William S. Davidson, Michigan State University Using Risk Prediction Methods that Better Reflect Context Jodi L. Petersen, Alma College Triangulating Evidence for Gender-Responsive Risk and Needs Assessment in the Juvenile Justice System: A Mixed Method Exploration Valerie Rose Anderson, Michigan State University Tia Stevens, Michigan State University Julie Yingling, Michigan State University William S. Davidson, Michigan State University Merry Morash, Michigan State University The Youth Level of Service/Case Management Inventory: Predicting Recidivism for White and Non-White Juvenile Offenders Ashlee R. Barnes, Michigan State University Christina A. Campbell, Yale University Jodi L. Petersen, Alma College Valerie Rose Anderson, Michigan State University Eyitayo Onifade, Florida State University William S. Davidson, Michigan State University Discussant: Eyitayo Onifade, Florida State University THEMATIC SESSION SESSION 208: THE IMPACT OF MEDIA ON INDIVIDUAL PERCEPTIONS OF CRIME AND FORMAL CONTROLS Wednesday, November 14 - 3:30 pm to 4:50 pm Clark 9, 7th Floor Chair: Ophir Sefiha, University of Denver College Students’ Perceptions of Crime: The Influence of Television and the Internet Philip Wagner, Indiana University of Pennsylvania Male and Female Perceptions of Teen Sexting Carly Hilinski-Rosick, Grand Valley State University Tina L. Freiburger, University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee Media Reliance and Public Knowledge about Criminal Punishment Justin T. Pickett, University at Albany, SUNY Christina Mancini, Florida Atlantic University Daniel P. Mears, Florida State University Marc Gertz, Florida State University Media, Military and Militarism: What Affects One's Decision to Support War? Daniel J. Patten, Old Dominion University 135 WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 14 THEMATIC SESSION SESSION 209: FUTURE PATHWAYS FOR THE STUDY OF PEER INFLUENCE Wednesday, November 14 - 3:30 pm to 4:50 pm Crystal Room, 3rd Floor Chair: Jean McGloin, University of Maryland Peers, Partners and Self: A Symbolic Interactionist Perspective on the Criminal Influence Process Peggy Giordano, Bowling Green State University Julia Mack, Bowling Green State University Wendy Manning, Bowling Green State University Monica Longmore, Bowling Green State University Age Disparities in Exposure to Violence Across the Neighborhood Context: The Role of Cross-Cohort Socialization Gregory Zimmerman, Northeastern University More Complicated than We Thought: Peer Influence from a Social Network Perspective D. Wayne Osgood, Pennsylvania State University Discussant: Jean McGloin, University of Maryland THEMATIC SESSION SESSION 210: RISK TERRAIN MODELING CASE STUDIES Wednesday, November 14 - 3:30 pm to 4:50 pm Kimball Room, 3rd Floor Chair: Megan Yerxa, Seattle University Using Risk Terrain Modeling Methods to Assess the Spatial Distribution of Aggravated Assaults at Micro-Level Places Following a Place-Based Intervention Joel M. Caplan, Rutgers University Leslie W. Kennedy, Rutgers University Jonas Baughman, Kansas City Police Department A Pilot Application of Risk Terrain Modeling: Aggravated Assault in Newark, NJ Victoria Sytsma, Rutgers University Using the Risk Terrain Modeling Technique in an Italian City: Applying an Innovative Approach for Preventing Robberies Marco Dugato, Università Cattolica Milan - Transcrime Evaluating the Predictive Validity of Risk Terrain Modeling with Residential Burglary Megan Yerxa, Seattle University THEMATIC SESSION SESSION 211: MEDIA PRESENTATIONS OF SUBTERRANEAN CULTURAL GROUPS Wednesday, November 14 - 3:30 pm to 4:50 pm LaSalle 2, 7th Floor Chair: Michele Grillo, Monmouth University Mad Men in Bib Overalls: Media’s Pornification and Horrification of Rural Culture Walter S. DeKeseredy, University of Ontario Institute of Technology Stephen Muzzatti, Ryerson University Jospeh F. Donnermeyer, Ohio State University Life in the Hood: The Female Gangsta Rapper Perspective Suzanne E. Perumean-Chaney, University of Alabama at Birmingham 136 WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 14 Mapping Painted Transgression: The Spectacle of Street Art Laura Hanson, University of Kent, UK Foreign Aliens and Criminality: A Content Analysis of News Reports on Deportees from the U.S. Vaughn Joel Crichlow, Michigan State University Mahesh Nalla, Michigan State University THEMATIC SESSION SESSION 212: CONTEMPORARY ISSUES IN GREEN CRIMINOLOGY Wednesday, November 14 - 3:30 pm to 4:50 pm Millennium Parlor, 6th Floor Chair: Elizabeth Bradshaw, Western Michigan University End of the Line: Tracking the Commodity Chain of the Electronic Waste Industry Jacquelynn Doyon, Grand Valley State University Criminogenic Industry Structures: Environmental Harm and the Offshore Oil Drilling Industry Elizabeth Bradshaw, Western Michigan University Climate Change Denial, Corporate Criminality, and Cultural Cognition Ronald Kramer, Western Michigan University Raymond Joseph Michalowski, Northern Arizona University Environmental Forensic Studies and Toxic Towns Rob White, University of Tasmania THEMATIC SESSION SESSION 213: EVIDENCE-BASED PRACTICE IN EUROPEAN JUVENILE JUSTICE Wednesday, November 14 - 3:30 pm to 4:50 pm Price Room, 5th Floor A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis on the Effects of Young Offender Correctional Treatment Programs in Europe Johann Koehler, University of Cambridge Friedrich A. Loesel, University of Cambridge Thomas David Akoensi, University of Cambridge David Humphreys, University of Cambridge Juvenile Justice in Europe: Reform Developments and “Good Practices" Frieder Duenkel, University of Greifswald A Survey of Young Offender Rehabilitation Programs in Europe Leah Hamilton, University of Cambridge Johann Koehler, University of Cambridge Friedrich A. Loesel, University of Cambridge Discussant: Santiago Redondo, University of Barcelona THEMATIC SESSION SESSION 214: NEW DIRECTIONS IN CRIME AND PUNISHMENT Wednesday, November 14 - 3:30 pm to 4:50 pm Salon 12, 3rd Floor Chair: Ryan D. King, University at Albany, SUNY The Small World of Murder: Network Exposure and the Risk of Homicide in Chicago Andrew Papachristos, Yale University 137 WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 14 The Impact of Exposure to Violent Crime on Standardized Test Performance in New York City Patrick Sharkey, New York University Ingrid Gould Ellen, New York University Johanna Lacoe, New York University Amy Ellen Schwartz, New York University Incarceration and Population Health in Wealthy Democracies Christopher Wildeman, Yale University Time for Crime: Antecedent Events and Hate Crime Offending Ryan D. King, University at Albany, SUNY Gretchen M. Sutton, University at Albany, SUNY THEMATIC SESSION SESSION 215: BIOLOGICAL CORRELATES OF SCHIZOPHRENIA, PSYCHOPATHY, HOMICIDE, AND AGGRESSION Wednesday, November 14 - 3:30 pm to 4:50 pm Salon 2, 3rd Floor Chair: Robert Schug, California State University, Long Beach Reduced Amygdala Volumes in Chinese Psychopathic Murderers Yaling Yang, University of California, Los Angeles Adrian Raine, University of Pennsylvania Reduced Amygdala Volumes in Proactively Aggressive Female Children Frances Chen, University of Pennsylvania Cortical Thickness Alterations in Chinese Murderers with Schizophrenia Robert Schug, California State University, Long Beach Discussant: Dustin Pardini, University of Pittsburgh Medical Center THEMATIC SESSION SESSION 216: Yà MIáO ZHù ZHǎNG: HOW CHINA'S “ZEAL” FOR INDUSTRIALIZATION INVITES WHITE-COLLAR AND CORPORATE CRIME Wednesday, November 14 - 3:30 pm to 4:50 pm Salon 4, 3rd Floor Chair: Henry N. Pontell, University of California, Irvine The Proliferation and Impact of White-Collar and Corporate Crime in a Rapidly Industrializing China Pao-Yang Shen, University of California, Irvine Natasha Pushkarna, University of California, Irvine Adam Ghazi-Tehrani, University of California, Irvine Gilbert L. Geis, University of California, Irvine Henry N. Pontell, University of California, Irvine The Great Leap Backward: Cultural Revolution, Traumatized Conditions and White-Collar Crime in China Børge Bakken, University of Hong Kong Yujing Fun, University of Hong Kong The Chinese Melamine Scandal: A Case Study in Economic Development and Legal Evolution Adam Ghazi-Tehrani, University of California, Irvine How Do You Mend a Broken Environment?: Socio-Political Effects of Pollution from Environmental Crime in China Natasha Pushkarna, University of California, Irvine 138 WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 14 Discussants: Børge Bakken, University of Hong Kong Jianhong Liu, University of Macau THEMATIC SESSION SESSION 217: CRIME AND PLACE: EXAMINING CHRONIC NUISANCE REGULATIONS Wednesday, November 14 - 3:30 pm to 4:50 pm Salon 5, 3rd Floor Chair: John Eck, University of Cincinnati Chronic Nuisance Ordinances: Problem-Solvers or Panaceas? Kathleen M. Gallagher, University of Cincinnati Jay Kennedy, University of Cincinnati James Frank, University of Cincinnati John Eck, University of Cincinnati The Perspective from the Street: Police Perspectives on Chronic Nuisance Ordinances Jay Kennedy, University of Cincinnati Kathleen M. Gallagher, University of Cincinnati Is Knowing Half the Battle? Improving Place Management through Chronic Nuisance Notification Troy C. Payne, University of Alaska Anchorage Michelle Arneson, Green Bay Police Department THEMATIC SESSION SESSION 218: APPEARANCE BIAS AS IT OPERATES IN PERCEPTIONS OF CRIME AND VICTIMIZATION Wednesday, November 14 - 3:30 pm to 4:50 pm Spire Parlor, 6th Floor Chair: Bonnie Berry, Social Problems Research Group Does Physical Appearance of the Victim Matter? Brenda Sims Blackwell, Georgia State University Bonnie Berry, Social Problems Research Group Jennifer Wareham, Wayne State University Ellen Ballard, Georgia State University Using Factorial Vignettes to Study the Influence of Physical Appearance Jennifer Wareham, Wayne State University Brenda Sims Blackwell, Georgia State University Bonnie Berry, Social Problems Research Group Physical Appearance and its Effect on Juvenile Offending and Juvenile Victimization Brent Teasdale, Georgia State University Bonnie Berry, Social Problems Research Group Physical Appearance and its Effect on the Social Control of Crime Bonnie Berry, Social Problems Research Group Discussant: Bonnie Fisher, University of Cincinnati 139 WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 14 THEMATIC SESSION SESSION 219: A MULTI-SITE STUDY OF THE IMPLICATIONS AND INTERSECTIONS OF TRAUMA, MENTAL ILLNESS, AND OFFENDING AMONG WOMEN IN JAIL Wednesday, November 14 - 3:30 pm to 4:50 pm Water Tower Parlor, 6th Floor Chair: Alice Cepeda, University of Southern California Identifying Complex Treatment Needs: An Examination of the Prevalence of Serious Mental Illness, Posttraumatic Stress Disorder and Substance use Disorders in Women in Jail Shannon Lynch, Idaho State University Dana DeHart, University of South Carolina Joanne Belknap, University of Colorado - Boulder Bonnie L. Green, Georgetown University Priscilla Dass-Brailsford, Georgetown University Kristine Johnson, Idaho State University Elizabeth Whalley, University of Colorado Using Life History Calendars to Identify Risk Trajectories and Dynamics of the Trauma-Offending Link Dana DeHart, University of South Carolina Shannon Lynch, Idaho State University Joanne Belknap, University of Colorado - Boulder Bonnie L. Green, Georgetown University Jail Staff Members’ Views on Jailed Women’s Mental Health, Trauma, Offending, Rehabilitation and Reentry Joanne Belknap, University of Colorado - Boulder Shannon Lynch, Idaho State University Dana DeHart, University of South Carolina Bonnie L. Green, Georgetown University Discussant: Alice Cepeda, University of Southern California MEETING SESSION 220: HEALTH AND JUSTICE MEETING Wednesday, November 14 - 3:30 pm to 6:30 pm Clark 1, 7th Floor AWARD CEREMONY SESSION 221: HOMICIDE RESEARCH WORKING GROUP 2012 RICHARD & CAROLYN BLOCK AWARDS Wednesday, November 14 - 3:30 pm to 4:50 pm Grant Park Parlor, 6th Floor MEETING SESSION 222: CRIME SCIENCE MEETING Wednesday, November 14 - 3:30 pm to 4:50 pm Hancock Parlor, 6th Floor AWARD CEREMONY SESSION 223: DIVISION OF EXPERIMENTAL CRIMINOLOGY MEET AND GREET AND AWARDS CEREMONY Wednesday, November 14 - 3:30 pm to 4:50 pm Monroe Room, 6th Floor 140 WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 14 AUTHOR MEETS CRITICS SESSION 224: TEARING DOWN THE STREETS: TEN YEARS ON Wednesday, November 14 - 3:30 pm to 4:50 pm Burnham 4, 7th Floor Author Jeff Ferrell, Texas Christian University Critics Avi Brisman, Eastern Kentucky University Jeffrey Ian Ross, University of Baltimore Randall Amster, Prescott College, Arizona Joanna Gilmore, University of Manchester, UK / Queensland University of Technology, Australia AUTHORS MEETS CRITICS SESSION 225: BREAKING RULES: THE SOCIAL AND SITUATIONAL DYNAMICS OF YOUNG PEOPLE'S URBAN CRIME Wednesday, November 14 - 3:30 pm to 4:50 pm Red Lacquer Room, 4th Floor Authors Per-Olof H. Wikstrom, University of Cambridge Dietrich Oberwittler, Max Planck Institute for Foreign and International Criminal Law Kyle H. Treiber, University of Cambridge Beth Hardie, University of Cambridge Critics Paul Brantingham, Simon Fraser University Christopher R. Browning, Ohio State University Michael R. Gottfredson, University of California, Irvine Steven Messner, University at Albany, SUNY SESSION 226: REPEAT AND POLY-VICTIMIZATION Wednesday, November 14 - 3:30 pm to 4:50 pm Buckingham Room, 5th Floor Chair: Jamie Snyder, University of West Florida Gendered Pathways, Victimization, and Repeat Victimization Jillian Turanovic, Arizona State University Travis Pratt, Arizona State University Michael Reisig, Arizona State University Risk of Revictimization by Intimate Partner Violence: The Importance of Victim Related Factors Karlijn Kuijpers, Leiden University, The Netherlands Women's Experiences with Multiple Abusive Intimate Partners Amanda Burgess-Proctor, Oakland University Poly-Victimization among a National Sample of College Students: Prevalence and Risk Factors Jamie Snyder, University of West Florida SESSION 227: LEGAL ISSUES AND COURT PROCESSING Wednesday, November 14 - 3:30 pm to 4:50 pm Burnham 2, 7th Floor Chair: Bradley Stewart Chilton Booker Effects: Regional Variations in Sentencing Outcomes Emmanuelle Klossou, Northeastern University 141 WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 14 Race, Ethnicity, and Judicial Discretion: Using Quantile Regression to Assess the Impact of United States v. Booker Jeffrey Nowacki, University of New Mexico The Impact of Booker and Gall/Kimbrough on Federal Sentencing: The Relationship between Discretion and Sentence Severity Byungbae Kim, Arizona State University Mario Cano, Arizona State University KiDeuk Kim, Urban Institute Cassia Spohn, Arizona State University Privatizing Criminal Justice by Religious Organizations: Spirituality and Work-Bias after H-T Church v. EEOC (2012) Bradley Stewart Chilton Paul Chwialkowski, University of Findlay SESSION 228: A NUANCED UNDERSTANDING OF VICTIMIZATION: SPECIAL CIRCUMSTANCES Wednesday, November 14 - 3:30 pm to 4:50 pm Clark 10, 7th Floor Chair: Maria T. Kaylen, Indiana University Angels and Demons: How Disaster Brings Out the Best and the Worst in Human Nature Clairissa D. Breen, Cazenovia College Fetal Kidnapping: Reappearance of an Ancient Crime in Present-Day Context Richard G. Zevitz, Marquette University Betwixt and between, or Elevated? The Enigma of Multiracial Identification and Criminal Victimization Michael E. Ezell, Northern Illinois University Assessing Two Sources of Violence Data: Factors Associated with Reporting to the Police and Presenting to the Emergency Room among Victims of Serious Violence Maria T. Kaylen, Indiana University SESSION 229: APPLYING CRIMINOLOGICAL THEORIES TO PRISONER REENTRY Wednesday, November 14 - 3:30 pm to 4:50 pm Clark 5, 7th Floor Chair: Carter Hay, Florida State University An Exploratory Study of the Strain-Crime Relationship among Adult Male Parolees Nathan C. Lowe, CSG / APPA / University of Kentucky Carrie Beth Oser, University of Kentucky Networked and Focused Reentry: Integrating Deterrence, Rehabilitation and Legality for Violent Gang Offenders Sanjay Marwah, Guilford College Andrew Henkle, Guilford College Fatherhood and Incarceration: The Role of Children and Familial Attachment in the Transition from Prison Nicholas W. Bakken, University of Wisconsin - La Crosse Christy Visher, University of Delaware Whitney D. Gunter, Western Michigan University The Impact of Marriage and Employment on Prisoner Reentry Outcomes: A Test of Social Bond Theory Kaleena J. Burkes, Florida State University Bill Bales, Florida State University Carter Hay, Florida State University SESSION 230: EMPIRICAL STUDIES OF INMATE DEVIANCE Wednesday, November 14 - 3:30 pm to 4:50 pm Clark 7, 7th Floor Chair: Colby Lynne Valentine, Dominican College 142 WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 14 An Empirical Exploration of the "Pains of Imprisonment" and Serious Prison Misbehavior and Violence Ann Marie K. Rocheleau, Stonehill College Analysis of Violence in Washington State Prisons Kerryn Bell, Eastern Washington University Dale Lindekugel, Eastern Washington University Trajectory Groups of Rule-Breaking Behaviors in Japanese Women Prisons Yoshikazu Yuma, Hyogo University of Teacher Education Yuichiro Kanazawa, University of Tsukuba You Are What You Are? A Test of Importation Theory in a Southern Prison Gavin Lee, Delta State University Unraveling the Age, Prison Misconduct, and Recidivism Relationship Colby Lynne Valentine, Dominican College SESSION 231: CRIME AND IDENTITY Wednesday, November 14 - 3:30 pm to 4:50 pm Cresthill Room, 3rd Floor Chair: Matthew Ball, Queensland University of Technology Speciesism, Racism, and Sexism: Interconnected Discourses of Oppression Rochelle Stevenson, University of Windsor The Global Skinhead: A Cultural Criminological Exploration Aimee Wodda, University of Illinois at Chicago Reporting Victimization to LGBTI Police Liaison Services: Comparing Approaches with other ‘Police Auxiliaries’ Matthew Ball, Queensland University of Technology Angela Dwyer, Queensland University of Technology SESSION 232: CHILDREN AT RISK FOR VICTIMIZATION Wednesday, November 14 - 3:30 pm to 4:50 pm Dearborn 1, 7th Floor Chair: Rebecca D. Pfeffer, Northeastern University Victimization of "Left Behind" Children in Rural China Xiaojin Chen, Tulane University Prevalence of Violent Victimization within a Sample of Hispanic Adolescents Holly Ventura Miller, University of Texas at San Antonio Kristina M. Lopez, Texas State University J. Mitchell Miller, University of Texas at San Antonio A Whole New Kind of Naive: The Autistic Child, Risk, and Maltreatment Rebecca D. Pfeffer, Northeastern University SESSION 233: INTERNATIONAL PERSPECTIVES ON CRIME PREVENTION Wednesday, November 14 - 3:30 pm to 4:50 pm Dearborn 2, 7th Floor Chair: Tonisha Renee Jones, Grand Valley State University Crime Prevention and Neoliberal Penalty in Post-Apartheid South Africa Gail Super, University of Cape Town Technology and Crime Prevention Strategies: The Polish Platform for Homeland Security as a Unique Example Emil W. Plywaczewski, University of Bialystok, Poland 143 WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 14 Implementing Peacemaking Circles in European Countries: Insights from a Research Study Funded by the EU Beate Ehret, University of Tuebingen Elmar Weitekamp, University of Tuebingen An Appetite for Extinction: Costa Rican Sea Turtles Pay the Price Beth Adubato, Rutgers University SESSION 234: INTEGRATED THEORETICAL APPROACHES TO CRIME ACROSS THE LIFE COURSE Wednesday, November 14 - 3:30 pm to 4:50 pm Indiana Room, 3rd Floor Chair: Matthew Robinson, Appalachian State University Supported and Coerced? A Cross-Site Investigation of the Effects of Social Support and Coercion on Criminal Probability Olena Antonaccio, University of Miami Charles R. Tittle, North Carolina State University Jonathan R. Brauer, University of Nebraska at Omaha Coercion, Social Support, and Self-Efficacy: Exploring the Relationships with Crime Christopher E. Bruell, Northeastern University All About the Context: Moving from Causes to the Complexity of Criminal Behavior Matthew Robinson, Appalachian State University SESSION 235: FEAR OF CRIME: CONTEXTUAL CONSIDERATIONS Wednesday, November 14 - 3:30 pm to 4:50 pm LaSalle 1, 7th Floor Chair: Jan W. de Keijser, Leiden University Fear and Safety in the Context of a Community-Oriented Court Robert Brown, Fayetteville State University Cherie Ames, Fayetteville State University Fear of Hate Crime Victimization: A Cross-National Perspective Rhonda R. Dobbs, University of Texas at Arlington Courtney A. Waid-Lindberg, Bemidji State University Tara O'Connor Shelley, Colorado State University Steven Kohm, University of Winnipeg Michael Weinrath, University of Winnipeg Population Growth, Economic Conditions, and Perceived Criminal Threat Xia Wang, Arizona State University The Effect of Community Wide Disaster on Perceptions of Collective Efficacy and Safety: A Longitudinal Analysis Suzanna Ramirez, University of Queensland Emma Antrobus, University of Queensland Lorraine Mazerolle, University of Queensland SESSION 236: VICTIMS OF INTIMATE PARTNER VIOLENCE Wednesday, November 14 - 3:30 pm to 4:50 pm LaSalle 3, 7th Floor Chair: Maha Hilal, American University The Human-Animal Bond between Domestically Abused Women and Their Companion Animals Matthew Atherton, California State University, San Marcos Debbie McBride, California State University, San Marcos The Intersections of Race, Class and Gender in Domestic Violence and the Courtroom Geneva Brown, Valparaiso University 144 WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 14 What Can We Learn? Examining Intimate Partner Violence Service Provision in the Deaf Community Catherine Cerulli, University of Rochester Medical Center Jeanna M. Mastrocinque, University of Rochester Medical Center Nancy Chin, University of Rochester Denise Thew, University of Rochester Robert Pollard, University of Rochester Medical Center Silence Kills: Muslim Women and Intimate Partner Violence Maha Hilal, American University Darakshan Raja, Urban Institute SESSION 237: THE MARGINALIZED AND THE LAW IN CROSS-NATIONAL SETTINGS Wednesday, November 14 - 3:30 pm to 4:50 pm LaSalle 5, 7th Floor Chair: Landon Shane Bevier, University of Tennessee One-Size Neoinstitutionalism Doesn’t Fit All: Why Criminal Justice System Development in Bangladesh Isn’t Working Kristina Lugo, American University Fighting Crime in "Borderless" Societies: Examples of European and Australian Police Cooperation Saskia Maria Hufnagel, Griffith University, Australia Immigrants’ Confidence in Police: Do Country-Level Characteristics Matter? Sylwia Janina Piatkowska, University at Albany, SUNY It’s Not Just Happening Here, Right? Amanda L. Farrell, Old Dominion University Mona J. Danner, Old Dominion University SESSION 238: LIFE COURSE THEORY Wednesday, November 14 - 3:30 pm to 4:50 pm Logan Room, 3rd Floor Chair: Matthew Larson, Arizona State University Great Unmet Expectations: The Impact of Adolescent Educational Expectations on Deviant Behavior during the Transition to Adulthood Patrick Cundiff, Pennsylvania State University The Transmission of Alcohol Use from Parent to Child: A Life-Course Perspective Andrea Roxanne Krieg, Bowling Green State University Untangling the Ties That Bind: Marriage, Marital Transitions, and Recidivism Matthew Larson, Arizona State University Danielle Wallace, Arizona State University SESSION 239: BURGLARS AND TARGET SELECTION Wednesday, November 14 - 3:30 pm to 4:50 pm Madison Room, 3rd Floor Chair: Jeffrey J. Roth, Indiana University of Pennsylvania A New Approach to Offender Profiling: Creating a Profile of Burglars Using Latent Class Analysis Bryanna Hahn, University of Cambridge David P. Farrington, Cambridge University What Burglars Said about Entry and Search Seungmug (Zech) Lee, Western Illinois University Why One Home and Not Another? An Analysis of Burglars’ Target Selection Jeffrey J. Roth, Indiana University of Pennsylvania Jennifer J. Roberts, Indiana University of Pennsylvania 145 WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 14 SESSION 240: TOWARD A BETTER UNDERSTANDING OF TERRORIST BEHAVIOR Wednesday, November 14 - 3:30 pm to 4:50 pm Marshfield Room, 3rd Floor Chair: Jennifer Carson, University of Central Missouri Complexity Model for Knowledge-Managed Policing of Violent Extremism Geoff Dean, Queensland University of Technology Examining the Relationship between General Social Survey (GSS) Measures and Far-Right Ideological Violence: A County-Level Analysis Steven Chermak, Michigan State University Joshua Freilich, John Jay College of Criminal Justice Amy Adamczyk, John Jay College of Criminal Justice William Parkin, John Jay College of Criminal Justice Temporal Patterns of Precursor Criminal Conduct among American Terrorists Brent Lamar Smith, University of Arkansas Kelly R. Damphousse, University of Oklahoma Paxton Roberts, University of Arkansas The Effects of Criminal Incidents Perpetrated by Members of Radical Environmental and Animal Rights Groups Hillary Deann McNeel, University of Central Missouri Jennifer Carson, University of Central Missouri SESSION 241: UNDERSTANDING RACIAL DISPARITIES IN ARRESTS, SEARCHES, AND SEIZURES Wednesday, November 14 - 3:30 pm to 4:50 pm Salon 1, 3rd Floor Chair: Jeff Rojek, University of South Carolina A Multilevel Test of Focal Concerns Theory and the Decision to Arrest Steven Briggs, University of Northern Iowa Xavier Escandell, University of Northern Iowa A Multilevel Analysis of Police Traffic Stop Outcomes: Black’s Theory Revisited Hee Sub Shim, Sam Houston State University Hyeyoung Lim, Western Illinois University Hoon Lee, Western Carolina University Further Exploration of Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Search and Seizure Rates in Arizona: Geographical and Organizational Influences Jeffrey E. Clutter, University of Cincinnati Jessica Eley, University of Cincinnati Robin S. Engel, University of Cincinnati Jennifer Calnon Cherkauskas, University of Cincinnati Racial Threat and the Impact of the Broader Metropolis on Racial Disparities in Arrest: 1970-2010 Brian J. Stults, Florida State University State Immigration Laws and Local Law Enforcement Justin Nix, University of South Carolina Jeff Rojek, University of South Carolina Robert J. Kaminski, University of South Carolina SESSION 242: ISSUES IN FEDERAL SENTENCING: MANDATORY MINIMUMS AND CITIZENSHIP STATUS Wednesday, November 14 - 3:30 pm to 4:50 pm Salon 10, 3rd floor Chair: Dyan McGuire, Saint Louis University 146 WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 14 Sentencing Departures for Mandatory Minimum Defendants: A Longitudinal Examination of Prosecutorial Discretion in Federal Court Mario Cano, Arizona State University The Context of Control: Punishment, Citizenship Status, and 9/11 Michael T. Light, Pennsylvania State University Michael Massoglia, University of Wisconsin “We Have Got Enough Criminals in the United States without Importing Any”: An Examination of the Influence of National Origin among Latino Subgroups in Federal Sentencing Outcomes Mercedes Valadez, Arizona State University Legal Environment and Judicial Discretion: The Effect of Mandatory Minimum Penalties on Federal Sentencing in Drug Trafficking Cases Celesta Albonetti, University of Iowa SESSION 243: ACADEMIC AND PRACTITIONER COLLABORATIONS IN CRIMINAL JUSTICE EDUCATION Wednesday, November 14 - 3:30 pm to 4:50 pm Salon 6, 3rd Floor Chair: Charisse T.M. Coston, University of North Carolina at Charlotte Cold Case Development: Combining Law Enforcement Agencies and Academia Rachel Rados, University of Central Florida Jay Corzine, University of Central Florida Sustaining Student Retention through Pracademics Charles J. Kocher, Cumberland County College Patricia M. Griffin, Saint Joseph's University Darren K. Stocker, Cumberland County College Team Teaching the Management and Supervision of Special Offenders: An Alternative Approach to College Instruction Cathryn Lavery, Iona College David Mulcahy, Iona College SESSION 244: INMATE AND ENVIRONMENTAL INFLUENCES ON PRISONER MALADJUSTMENT Wednesday, November 14 - 3:30 pm to 4:50 pm Salon 7, 3rd Floor Chair: Benjamin Steiner, University of Nebraska at Omaha Examining the Association between Treatment Exposure and Disorders on Institutional Misconduct Kimberly A. Houser, Temple University Prison Violence, Gangs, and Organizational Characteristics in Ohio Prisons Brian R. Kowalski, Ohio Department of Rehabilitation and Correction Brian Martin, Ohio Department of Rehabilitation and Correction Assessing the Relationship between Exposure to Different Types of Violence and Inmate Mental Health Benjamin Meade, University of South Carolina Benjamin Steiner, University of Nebraska at Omaha SESSION 245: EVALUATING PRISONER REENTRY PROGRAMS II Wednesday, November 14 - 3:30 pm to 4:50 pm Salon 8, 3rd Floor Chair: Zachary Hamilton, Washington State University Social Support Oriented Reentry Programs: Results from a Randomized Controlled Pilot Trial Carrie Pettus-Davis, Washington University in St. Louis Matthew Owen Howard, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill 147 WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 14 Discharge Planning Alumni Interviews: Why DP Doesn't Reduce Recidivism Marissa Levy, Richard Stockton College of New Jersey Christine Tartaro, Richard Stockton College of New Jersey Family Strengthening Project: A Prisoner Reentry Project Addressing the Needs of the Whole Family Ebony Ruhland, University of Minnesota Sarah Lageson, University of Minnesota Evaluation of Washington State’s Earned Release Date Housing Voucher Program Zachary Hamilton, Washington State University Zachary Hays, Washington State University Alex C. Kigerl, Washington State University SESSION 246: POLICE CONTACT, GUN CARRYING, AND HUMAN TRAFFICKING Wednesday, November 14 - 3:30 pm to 4:50 pm Salon 9, 3rd Floor Chair: Aysel Allahverdiyeva, University College Dublin The Roles of Self-Control and Delinquency as Predictors of Police Contact Angelyne E. Martiniuc, University of Cincinnati Gregory D. Morris, California State University, Stanislaus The Walk, not the Talk: Behavioral Cues for Gun Carrying Nathan Meehan, Naval Research Laboratory Theoretical Framework on Policing Responses to Human Trafficking: Perspectives of a Victim-Centered Approach Aysel Allahverdiyeva, University College Dublin SESSION 247: ROUNDTABLE: CRIMINOLOGY, THE BODY, AND MASS VIOLENCE Wednesday, November 14 - 3:30 pm to 4:50 pm Sandburg 2, 7th Floor Chair: Jon Shute, University of Manchester Towards a Criminology of the Body and Mass Violence Jon Shute, University of Manchester Discussants: David Charles Brotherton, John Jay College of Criminal Justice Alex Alvarez, Northern Arizona University John Hagan, Northwestern University SESSION 248: ROUNDTABLE: CHANGING CONSEQUENCES OF A CRIMINAL CONVICTION Wednesday, November 14 - 3:30 pm to 4:50 pm Sandburg 3, 7th Floor Chair: Bill Hebenton, University of Manchester, UK U.S., U.K., and E.U. Strategies for Preventing Convicted Sex Offenders from Working with Children Dimitra Blitsa, New York University Public Knowledge and Past Convictions: Revisiting Policy "Reforms" Bill Hebenton, University of Manchester, UK A Comparison of U.S. and European Law and Policy on Employment Discrimination Based on Criminal Record Jim Jacobs, New York University Elena Larrauri, Pompeu Fabra University, Spain The Road to Hell is Paved with Good Intentions: A Case Study of Prior Criminal Record and 'Redemption' Keith Soothill, Lancaster University, UK Criminal Records across Borders Terry Thomas, Leeds Metropolitan University, UK 148 WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 14 SESSION 249: ROUNDTABLE: CRITICAL APPROACHES TO STUDYING TREATMENT AND PROGRESSIVE ALTERNATIVES FOR INTERVENTION Wednesday, November 14 - 3:30 pm to 4:50 pm Sandburg 4, 7th Floor Discussants: Elliott Currie, University of California, Irvine Julie Beck, California State University, East Bay Tim Goddard, Florida International University Randy Myers, Old Dominion University Ken Cruz, University of California, Irvine Travis Linnemann, Old Dominion University SESSION 250: ROUNDTABLE: CORRUPTION IN HIGHER EDUCATION WITHIN THE FORMER YUGOSLAVIA Wednesday, November 14 - 3:30 pm to 4:50 pm Sandburg 5, 7th Floor Chair: Laurence Armand French, University of New Hampshire Academic Standards in Law and Justice Programs in Serbia Lidija Nikolic-Novakovic, University of Novi Pazar - Serbia The Political Hurdles in Creating New Faculties in Serbia Vojislav Jovic, Independent Police Consultant SESSION 251: ROUNDTABLE: CRIME AND CRIMINAL JUSTICE IN DISASTER Wednesday, November 14 - 3:30 pm to 4:50 pm Sandburg 7, 7th Floor Chair: Kelly Frailing, Texas A&M International University Fear, Prosocial Behavior, and Looting: The Katrina Experience Kelly Frailing, Texas A&M International University Dee Wood Harper, Loyola University New Orleans Disaster Rape: Vulnerability of Women to Sexual Assaults during Hurricane Katrina William Thornton, Loyola University New Orleans Lydia Voigt, Loyola University New Orleans Fraud in the Wake of Disasters Kelly Frailing, Texas A&M International University The Actions of the Criminal Justice System as a Disaster Precipitant: The 1992 Los Angeles Riot Komanduri Murty, Fort Valley State University Julian Roebuck, Clark Atlanta University (Retired) Managing the Aftermath of the Mumbai Terrorist Attacks Arvind Verma, Indiana University Bloomington Rebuilding and Reframing: Nonprofit Organizations Respond to Hurricane Katrina Pamela Jenkins, University of New Orleans Bethany Brown, Loyola University New Orleans SESSION 252: ROUNDTABLE: A SCHOOL-BASED MENTORING PROGRAM: FIRST YEAR EVALUATION Wednesday, November 14 - 3:30 pm to 4:50 pm Sandburg 8, 7th Floor A School-Based Mentoring Program: First Year Evaluation Huan Gao, California State University, Stanislaus Discussant: Mengyan Dai, Old Dominion University 149 WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 14 SESSION 253: OFFENDER INTERVENTION AND EVIDENCE-BASED PRACTICE Wednesday, November 14 - 3:30 pm to 4:50 pm Wilson Room, 3rd Floor Chair: Gabrielle Lynn Chapman, Vanderbilt University State Progress in Implementing Proven Programs for Juvenile Offenders Peter Greenwood, Advancing EBP Brandon C. Welsh, Northeastern University Who Dominates? The Influence of Interest Groups on Criminal Justice Policy-Making Shelby Ann McKinzey, University of Colorado - Boulder Does Gender-Specific Programming Work? Findings from a Meta-Analysis Amaia Iratzoqui, Florida State University Alana Van Gundy-Yoder, Miami University Effects of Intervention Programs for Adult Offenders on Criminogenic Needs and Recidivism Gabrielle Lynn Chapman, Vanderbilt University Mark W. Lipsey, Vanderbilt University THEMATIC SESSION SESSION 254: CRIME, JUSTICE, AND POLITICS IN THE CITY AS SEEN THROUGH THE WIRE II Wednesday, November 14 - 5:00 pm to 6:20 pm Burnham 1, 7th Floor Chair: Peter A. Collins, Seattle University Injustice, Emotions and West Baltimore Collectives Stephen K. Rice, Seattle University “Way Down in the Hole”: Systemic Urban Inequality and the Wire Anmol Chaddha, Harvard University The War on Drugs through The Wire’s Looking Glass Jennifer M. Balboni, Curry College “One Of Those At-Risk Children”: Adolescent Development, Juvenile Delinquency, and System Response in the Wire James McCafferty, University of Cincinnati Christopher J. Sullivan, University of Cincinnati Discussant: Lauren Block, Washington State University THEMATIC SESSION SESSION 255: MISCARRIAGES OF JUSTICE: AFTERMATH OF WRONGFUL CONVICTIONS Wednesday, November 14 - 5:00 pm to 6:20 pm Burnham 2, 7th Floor Chair: Adina M. Thompson, University of Florida The Expungement Myth Amy Shlosberg, Fairleigh Dickinson University Evan Mandery, John Jay College of Criminal Justice Valerie West, John Jay College of Criminal Justice Psychological Consequences of Wrongful Conviction Zieva D. Konvisser, Fielding Graduate University 150 WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 14 Examining Correlates of Exoneree Re-Entry Outcomes Adina M. Thompson, University of Florida Lora M. Levett, University of Florida Discussant: Saundra Westervelt, University of North Carolina at Greensboro SESSION 256: PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT: JUGGLING PARENTHOOD AND ACADEMIA Wednesday, November 14 - 5:00 pm to 6:20 pm Chicago Room, 5th Floor Chair: Tracy Sohoni, University of Maryland, College Park Discussants: Charis Kubrin, University of California, Irvine John M. MacDonald, University of Pennsylvania Constance Chapple, University of Oklahoma Gary Sweeten, Arizona State University THEMATIC SESSION SESSION 257: IMPLEMENTING HOPE (HONEST OPPORTUNITY PROBATION ENFORCEMENT) IN DIFFERENT JURISDICTIONS Wednesday, November 14 - 5:00 pm to 6:20 pm Clark 3, 7th Floor Chair: Angela Hawken, Pepperdine University Implementation of HOPE in a Rural County Livingston Sutro, Cochise County Adult Probation Department Washington State Program for High-Risk Parolees Bernard Warner, Washington State Department of Corrections Implementation of HOPE for Juveniles Gay Lockling, Yavapai County, AZ, Juvenile Court Discussant: Pam Lattimore, RTI International THEMATIC SESSION SESSION 258: BLUEPRINTS FOR GANG PREVENTION Wednesday, November 14 - 5:00 pm to 6:20 pm Clark 5, 7th Floor Chair: Finn-Aage Esbensen, University of Missouri - St. Louis Blueprints for Gang Prevention: A Pilot Study Brook Kearley, University of Maryland Molly Slothower,, University of Maryland Denise Gottfredson, University of Maryland Blueprints for Gang Prevention Pilot Study: Notes from the Field Whytnee Foriest, University of Maryland Denise Gottfredson, University of Maryland 151 WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 14 The Gang Resistance Education and Training (G.R.E.A.T.) Program: Results from a Multi-Site, Randomized Control Trial Finn-Aage Esbensen, University of Missouri - St. Louis Dana Peterson, University at Albany, SUNY Terrance J. Taylor, University of Missouri - St. Louis D. Wayne Osgood, Pennsylvania State University THEMATIC SESSION SESSION 259: COVERING THE COURTS: MEDIA CONTENT AND STRATEGIES TO COMMUNICATE OUTCOMES Wednesday, November 14 - 5:00 pm to 6:20 pm Clark 7, 7th Floor Chair: Marcus Antonio Galeste, Arizona State University U.S. Supreme Court Decisions on Criminal Procedure in the News: A Study of the Washington Post, New York Times, and USA Today Kevin Glenn Buckler, University of Texas at Brownsville Judicial Public Relations: The Strategic Use of the Media to Communicate Decisions about Criminal Law Sara Ann Grove, Shippensburg University Making Sense of Terrorism: Popular Responses to a Federal Trial Robert T. Cadigan, Boston University THEMATIC SESSION SESSION 260: CRIME AND JUSTICE IN ENTERTAINMENT MEDIA Wednesday, November 14 - 5:00 pm to 6:20 pm Clark 9, 7th Floor Chair: Rose Johnson Bigler, Curry College Affixing Hollywood Film to a Surveillant Assemblage: Video Surveillance Images of Crime and Criminals in Major Motion Pictures Jolina Scalia, University of Windsor Randy K. Lippert, University of Windsor Differences in the Portrayal of Male and Female Roles in Crime and Justice Television Dramas Kelsey Deabler, University of Nebraska - Lincoln Candice Batton, University of Nebraska at Omaha Reality Television, Privacy, and Surveillance Lisa Marie Kruse, Western Michigan University Greg Howard, Western Michigan University Representations of Youth Deviance in American Rural Communities: A Film and Television Analysis Alison Fyfe, McGill University THEMATIC SESSION SESSION 261: CULTURAL CRIMINOLOGY OF THE RURAL Wednesday, November 14 - 5:00 pm to 6:20 pm Cresthill Room, 3rd Floor Chair: Travis Linnemann, Old Dominion University Framing Mountain Top Removal: Cultural Representations of Environmental Harm in Appalachia William McClanahan, Eastern Kentucky University 152 WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 14 To Understand the Living, You Got to Commune with the Dead: A Historical Analysis of a Prison Cemetery Franklin T. Wilson, Indiana State University The Steep Steps into the Contemporary Criminality of Southern Appalachia Edward L.W. Green, Kansas State University Living on the Wrong Side of Town: Toward a Cultural Criminology of the Rural Travis Linnemann, Old Dominion University THEMATIC SESSION SESSION 262: CRIMINOLOGY, CAUSALITY, AND PUBLIC POLICY Wednesday, November 14 - 5:00 pm to 6:20 pm Crystal Room, 3rd Floor Chair: Thomas G. Blomberg, Florida State University Criminology, Causality, and Public Policy Thomas G. Blomberg, Florida State University Karen Mann, Florida State University Julie Mestre, Florida State University Family Influences on Crime and Policy Implications Abigail A. Fagan, Florida State University Reducing Crime and Imprisonment through Policing Daniel Nagin, Carnegie Mellon University Supermax Prisons as Policy: The State of Evidence Daniel P. Mears, Florida State University THEMATIC SESSION SESSION 263: RESPONDING TO THE NEEDS OF VICTIMS IN CASES OF WRONGFUL CONVICTION Wednesday, November 14 - 5:00 pm to 6:20 pm Dearborn 1, 7th Floor Chair: Seri Irazola, ICF International Victim Experiences of Wrongful Conviction Seri Irazola, ICF International Erin Williamson, ICF International Emily Niedzwiecki, ICF International Sara Ann Debus-Sherrill, ICF International Impact of Wrongful Conviction: Needs and Experiences of the Exonerated Emily West, Innocence Project Stephen Saloom, The Innocence Project Angela Amel, The Innocence Project Picking Cotton Jennifer Thompson-Cannino, Co-author: Picking Cotton 153 WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 14 THEMATIC SESSION SESSION 264: PSYCHOPATHIC TRAITS AND EMPATHY IN CHILD AND ADOLESCENT TWINS Wednesday, November 14 - 5:00 pm to 6:20 pm Indiana Room, 3rd Floor The Heritability of Empathy in 14-16 Year-Old Twins Devika Dhamija, University of Southern California Catherine Tuvblad, University of Southern California Adrian Raine, University of Pennsylvania Laura A. Baker, University of Southern California Trajectories of Callous Unemotional Traits in Children and Peer Victimization in Adolescence Nathalie Fontaine, Indiana University Mark Berg, Indiana University Eamon J. P. McCrory, University College London Essi Viding, University College London / King's College London The Relationship between Psychopathic Personality and Skin Conductance Orienting Response is explained by Common Genetic Influences in 14 to 16 Year-Old Twins Catherine Tuvblad, University of Southern California Yu Gao, Brooklyn College, CUNY Serena Bezdjian, University of Southern California Adrian Raine, University of Pennsylvania Laura A. Baker, University of Southern California Genetic Correlations between EEG Patterns and Externalizing Behavior Problems in Childhood Shanon Niv, University of Southern California Catherine Tuvblad, University of Southern California Adrian Raine, University of Pennsylvania Laura A. Baker, University of Southern California Discussant: Laura A. Baker, University of Southern California THEMATIC SESSION SESSION 265: SCALING-UP CRIME PREVENTION INITIATIVES Wednesday, November 14 - 5:00 pm to 6:20 pm Salon 10, 3rd floor Chair: Ross James Homel, Griffith University A State Model for Scaling-Up Evidence-Based Youth Crime Prevention Brian K. Bumbarger, Pennsylvania State University Prevention Delivery Systems in Disadvantaged Communities: Lessons from the Pathways to Prevention Project Ross James Homel, Griffith University Kate Freiberg, Griffith University Sara Branch, Griffith University Preventing Youth Sexual Violence and Abuse in Remote Australian Indigenous Communities Stephen Smallbone, Griffith University Sue Rayment-McHugh, Griffith University Dimity Smith, Griffith University Discussant: J. David Hawkins, University of Washington 154 WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 14 THEMATIC SESSION SESSION 266: INTERNATIONAL RESEARCH ON THE NEIGHBORHOOD CONTEXT OF CRIME Wednesday, November 14 - 5:00 pm to 6:20 pm Salon 12, 3rd Floor Chair: Zainab Latif, John Jay College of Criminal Justice, CUNY Crime, Social Networks, and Public Level Controls: Untangling the Relationship between Spatial Segregation and Crime in Belo Horizonte, Brazil Corinne Davis Rodrigues, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais Measuring Social Disorganization in Latin America: Are U.S.-Based Measures Exportable? Gipsy Escobar, Loyola University Chicago Neighborhoods and Urban Safety in Accra, Ghana: An Examination of Collective Efficacy in Sub-Saharan Africa Michael Parks, Pennsylvania State University Design and Use of Indicators of Violence against Women: Jamaica, Nigeria and Sierra Leone Andres F. Rengifo, Rutgers University Todd Foglesong, Harvard University Social Disorganization and Political Participation in Karachi, Pakistan Zainab Latif, John Jay College of Criminal Justice, CUNY Discussant: James Lynch, Bureau of Justice Statistics THEMATIC SESSION SESSION 267: CRIME AND PLACE: PLACE-BASED POLICE STRATEGIES Wednesday, November 14 - 5:00 pm to 6:20 pm Salon 2, 3rd Floor Chair: Hassan Aden, Alexandria Police Department (VA) A Quasi-Experimental Evaluation of Problem-Oriented Policing in Violent Hot Spots George E. Capowich, Loyola University New Orleans An Application of Foraging Theory to Explain "Crackdown Decay" during a Hot Spots Experiment Evan T. Sorg, Temple University Elizabeth R. Groff, Temple University Jerry H. Ratcliffe, Temple University Place-Level Impact of Police Legitimacy Interventions: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis Angela Michelle Higginson, University of Queensland Lorraine Mazerolle, University of Queensland Jenna Thompson, University of Queensland Crime Reduction Initiative Areas: Organizational Challenges to Implementing Criminal Hotspots Hassan Aden, Alexandria Police Department (VA) Christopher Koper, George Mason University THEMATIC SESSION SESSION 268: WANT DATA? WE GOT IT! INFORMATION ON AND ACCESS TO OJJDP’S JUVENILE JUSTICE DATA COLLECTIONS Wednesday, November 14 - 5:00 pm to 6:20 pm Salon 6, 3rd Floor Chair: Charles Puzzanchera, National Center for Juvenile Justice 155 WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 14 National Juvenile Court Data Melissa Sickmund, National Center for Juvenile Justice Charles Puzzanchera, National Center for Juvenile Justice National Juvenile Corrections Data Steve Simoncini, U.S. Census Bureau Josh Giunta, U.S. Census Bureau, Governments Division, Criminal Justice Statistics Branch Andrea Sedlak, Westat National Juvenile Probation Data Liz Quinn, Westat Discussant: Brecht Donoghue, Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention THEMATIC SESSION SESSION 269: BAILING OUT: THE USE OF BAIL AND PRE-TRIAL DETENTION Wednesday, November 14 - 5:00 pm to 6:20 pm Salon 8, 3rd Floor Chair: Nicole Marie Myers, University of Toronto Considering Conditions: What’s the Difference between Bail and Probation Conditions? Jane B. Sprott, Ryerson University What Does the Courtroom Workgroup Say about Bail? Brian Chad Starks, University of Delaware Different Systems, Similar Problems: The Use of Bail and Pre-Trial Detention for Adults and Youths Nicole Marie Myers, University of Toronto THEMATIC SESSION SESSION 270: IN MEMORY OF ROSLYN MURASKIN: SCHOLAR, ADVOCATE, TEACHER, AND MENTOR Wednesday, November 14 - 5:00 pm to 6:20 pm Water Tower Parlor, 6th Floor Chair: Natalie Sokoloff, John Jay College of Criminal Justice Discussants: Venessa Garcia, Kean University Stacy Mallicoat, California State University, Fullerton Jill Rosenbaum, California State University, Fullerton Janice Joseph, Richard Stockton College of New Jersey Toni DuPont-Morales, California State University, Fresno Bruce McBride, Utica College RECEPTION SESSION 271: PRETRIAL JUSTICE INSTITUTE AND URBAN INSTITUTE RECEPTION HONORING PROFESSOR JOHN GOLDKAMP, THE 2012 AUGUST VOLLMER AWARD WINNER Wednesday, November 14 - 5:00 pm to 6:20 pm Burnham 5, 7th Floor RECEPTION SESSION 272: HOMICIDE RESEARCH WORKING GROUP RECEPTION Wednesday, November 14 - 5:00 pm to 6:20 pm Grant Park Parlor, 6th Floor 156 WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 14 AWARD CEREMONY SESSION 273: CELEBRATING THE RECIPIENT OF THE 2013 STOCKHOLM PRIZE IN CRIMINOLOGY Wednesday, November 14 - 5:00 pm to 6:20 pm Monroe Room, 6th Floor MEETING SESSION 274: ASSOCIATION OF CHINESE CRIMINOLOGY & CRIMINAL JUSTICE GENERAL MEETING Wednesday, November 14 - 5:00 pm to 6:20 pm Salon 3, 3rd Floor AUTHOR MEETS CRITICS SESSION 275: DISCOVERY OF HIDDEN CRIME: SELF-REPORT DELINQUENCY SURVEYS IN CRIMINAL POLICY CONTEXT Wednesday, November 14 - 5:00 pm to 6:20 pm Red Lacquer Room, 4th Floor Chair: Jukka Savolainen, University of Nebraska Author Janne Kivivuori, National Research Institute of Legal Policy - Finland Critics Marvin D. Krohn, University of Florida Nicole Rafter, Northeastern University Joachim J. Savelsberg, University of Minnesota Discussant: James F. Short, Jr., Washington State University AUTHOR MEETS CRITICS SESSION 276: 5 GRAMS: CRACK COCAINE, RAP MUSIC, AND THE WAR ON DRUGS (ORGANIZED BY THE DIVISION ON PEOPLE OF COLOR AND CRIME) Wednesday, November 14 - 5:00 pm to 6:20 pm Salon 7, 3rd Floor Author Dimitri Bogazianos, California State University, Sacramento Critics Katheryn Russell-Brown, University of Florida Wilson Palacios, University of South Florida Douglas Thompkins, John Jay College of Criminal Justice Stephanie Bush-Baskette, Rutgers University SESSION 277: BULLYING: PATTERNS AND CONSEQUENCES Wednesday, November 14 - 5:00 pm to 6:20 pm Buckingham Room, 5th Floor Chair: Ryan Randa, Pennsylvania State University, Harrisburg Bullying in College: How it Connects to Deviance, Crime, and Past Bullying Experiences Jennifer Huck, Carroll University Melissa Edwards, Carroll University 157 WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 14 Predicting Victimization by School Bullying SeokJin Jeong, University of Texas at Arlington Byongook Moon, University of Texas at San Antonio Dae-Hoon Kwak, Illinois State University Perceptions and Experiences of Bullying By Victims’ Race and Ethnicity Sarah A. El Sayed, University of Texas at Dallas Nadine Connell, University of Texas at Dallas Do Victims Resort to Tendencies of Their Bullies? An Examination of Aggression among Victims of Psychological and Physical Bullying Michelle D. Mioduszewski, Loyola University Chicago Loretta J. Stalans, Loyola University Chicago The Consequences of Bullying and Cyberbullying: School Avoidance Behaviors of Students from a National Sample Ryan Randa, Pennsylvania State University, Harrisburg Brad Reyns, Weber State University Billy Henson, Shippensburg University SESSION 278: RACE ISSUES IN CONTEMPORARY CRIMINOLOGY Wednesday, November 14 - 5:00 pm to 6:20 pm Burnham 4, 7th Floor Chair: Deena Isom, Emory University Black Violence, White Violence: Crime and Racialization Jeanette Covington, Rutgers University Collective Efficacy and Fear of Crime: An Exploratory Study of Race/Ethnicity Effects Sean Varano, Roger Williams University Marc Swatt, MLS Applied Statistics, LLC Craig Uchida, Justice & Security Strategies Shellie Solomon, Justice & Security Strategies The Effect of Race and Gender in Federal Sentencing Kevin Blackwell, U.S. Sentencing Commission The Racialized Gender Gap Deena Isom, Emory University SESSION 279: COLLECTIVE BEHAVIOR AND CRIME Wednesday, November 14 - 5:00 pm to 6:20 pm Clark 10, 7th Floor Chair: Alfredo Verde, University of Genoa, Italy Structuring Aggression: Involvement in Combat Sports and Adult Criminality Ryan Williams, University of Illinois Springfield Jonathan Perrine, University of Illinois Springfield Ealing Calling: Riot in the Queen of London’s Suburbs Kevin Martin Stenson, University of Kent / London Metropolitan University Deviance and Crimes in Submarine Warfare during World Wars I and II Nachman Ben-Yehuda, Hebrew University A Qualitative Research on Italian Soccer "Ultras": Social Reaction and the Construction of Identity Alfredo Verde, University of Genoa, Italy Nicolò Knechtlin, Psychologist 158 WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 14 SESSION 280: INMATE EXPERIENCES: FINDINGS FROM PROJECTS AND QUALITATIVE STUDIES Wednesday, November 14 - 5:00 pm to 6:20 pm Dearborn 2, 7th Floor Chair: Paul Sutton, San Diego State University Anything Can Become Ordinary: Women Doing Life Lora Bex Lempert, University of Michigan - Dearborn Are Prison Masculinities Racialized?: The Experience in Two Men's Prisons in England Coretta Phillips, London School of Economics and Political Science Bars to Walls: Inmate Art Expressions (Prison Art in Kentucky) Katharine Leigh Salomon, University of Louisville The Write Path to Reform: Inmate Essays on Life and Crime Paul Sutton, San Diego State University Lori Sutton, San Diego State University SESSION 281: IMMIGRATION AND MARGINALITY Wednesday, November 14 - 5:00 pm to 6:20 pm Kimball Room, 3rd Floor Chair: Sandra M. Bucerius, University of Toronto Family Functioning and Delinquency across Immigrant Generations: A Gendered Examination Jaclyn Cwick, University of Missouri - St. Louis Stephanie Di Pietro, University of Missouri - St. Louis Foreign Minors and Deviance: A Self-Report Survey in the Secondary Schools of Emilia Romagna Ester Massa, University of Bologna Stefania Crocitti, University of Bologna, Italy Dario Melossi, University of Bologna Multiple Marginality and Gang Membership: A Prospective Assessment Gregory Drake, Michigan State University Chris Melde, Michigan State University Social Mobility and Crime: Case-Study Interviews with 2nd Generation Immigrants Gregory Yerashotis, University of Toronto Sandra M. Bucerius, University of Toronto SESSION 282: EXAMINING THE COLLATERAL EFFECTS OF INCARCERATION Wednesday, November 14 - 5:00 pm to 6:20 pm LaSalle 1, 7th Floor Chair: Brianna Remster, Pennsylvania State University Incarceration and HIV: Interruptions in the Continuity-of-Care Holly Swan, University of Delaware Incarceration and the Transition to Residential Independence Cody Warner, Pennsylvania State University Brianna Remster, Pennsylvania State University The Impact of Incarceration and Military Combat on Marital Dissolution Leslie Abell, Pennsylvania State University Incarceration and Homelessness: Pathways from Prison to Shelter Brianna Remster, Pennsylvania State University 159 WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 14 SESSION 283: CRIMINAL JUSTICE PERCEPTIONS: CRITICAL APPRAISALS Wednesday, November 14 - 5:00 pm to 6:20 pm LaSalle 2, 7th Floor Chair: Keith Atterberry, University of Illinois at Chicago Willing to Engage: Exploring How Police Treatment and Societal Discrimination Affect Engagement with Legal Institutions Carolyn T. Greene, Athabasca University Mahdi Qasqas, Athabasca University Government Cynicism and Criminal Justice Attitudes Brian Renauer, Portland State University Citizen Cooperation with Formal Authorities: A Product of Shared Values or Necessity? Linzie Nicole Jones, University of Queensland Suzanna Ramirez, University of Queensland Kristina Murphy, Griffith University Pastoral Correctionalism: Power and Agency in Justice Institutions Chrysanthi Leon, University of Delaware Public Attitudes toward Closed-Circuit Television Surveillance in Chicago Keith Atterberry, University of Illinois at Chicago SESSION 284: JUVENILE RISK ASSESSMENT INSTRUMENTATION Wednesday, November 14 - 5:00 pm to 6:20 pm LaSalle 5, 7th Floor Chair: Kristin Winokur Early, Justice Research Center Examining the Validity of the Structured Assessment of Violence Risk in Youth (SAVRY) for Predicting Probation Outcomes among Adjudicated Juvenile Offenders Kristina Childs, University of Central Florida John Ryals, Jefferson Parish Department of Juvenile Services Paul Frick, University of New Orleans Policy in Practice: An Evaluation of the Florida Juvenile Detention Risk Assessment Instrument (DRAI) Katherine A. Taylor, Florida State University / Florida Department of Juvenile Justice Predictive Validity of the Florida Positive Achievement Change Tool (PACT) Risk Assessment Instrument: An Examination of the Influence of Dispositional Placement and Individual Criminal and Social History Indicators Kristin Winokur Early, Justice Research Center Michael Baglivio, Florida Department of Juvenile Justice Julia Blankenship, Justice Research Center SESSION 285: PRISON POPULATION AND THEORY EVALUATION Wednesday, November 14 - 5:00 pm to 6:20 pm Logan Room, 3rd Floor Chair: Carlos E. Monteiro, Northeastern University Life Strains, Negative Emotionality, and Institutional Acclimatization: An Application of Agnew’s General Strain Theory to Examine the “Strains” of Imprisonment for Incarcerated Serious Young Offenders in British Columbia, Canada Adrienne M. F. Peters, Simon Fraser University Raymond R. Corrado, Simon Fraser University Overriding the Security Classification Instrument: Prison Misconduct and Mandatory Minimum Placements in California Sarah Tahamont, University of California, Berkeley When Prisons Fail to Deter: On the Role of Self-Efficacy in Diminishing Intentions to Reoffend Lacey Schaefer, University of Cincinnati Jennifer L. Lux, University of Cincinnati 160 WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 14 GST: A Model for Understanding Prison Misconduct Carlos E. Monteiro, Northeastern University SESSION 286: SOCIOLOGICAL PERSPECTIVES ON OFFENDING AND VICTIMIZATION Wednesday, November 14 - 5:00 pm to 6:20 pm Madison Room, 3rd Floor Chair: Jason Manning, West Virginia University "Would You Like To Move Away From This Neighborhood?": Strain and Sexual Assault in Adolescents Maja Vlajnic, University of Maryland, College Park Conditioning and Pathway: How Victimization is Translated into Delinquency Yu Zhang, Northeastern University Lives of Street-Based Youth: Understanding Social Exclusion and Social Bonds of Runaway Teens Edward G. Weeks, University of Massachusetts Lowell Linda M. Williams, University of Massachusetts Lowell Toward a Theory of Predatory Mimicry Jason Manning, West Virginia University SESSION 287: DEFINING AND RESPONDING TO WHITE-COLLAR LAW BREAKING Wednesday, November 14 - 5:00 pm to 6:20 pm Marshfield Room, 3rd Floor Chair: Jurg Gerber, Sam Houston State University Revisiting the Sutherland-Tappan Debate through Purdue Pharma and OxyContin O. Hayden Griffin, III, University of Southern Mississippi Measuring the Federal Response to White Collar Law Breaking Mark Motivans, U.S. Department of Justice Middle-Class Offenders: A Danger to Employers or a Danger to the Public? Keith Soothill, Lancaster University, UK Brian Francis, Lancaster University, UK Les Humphreys, Lancaster University, UK The Declining Significance of the Criminal Law Richard Dean Moran, Mount Holyoke College Austin Moran Federa, Lawrence University SESSION 288: THE GENDERED NATURE OF INTIMATE PARTNER VIOLENCE: FEMALE PERPETRATION AND MUTUAL VIOLENCE Wednesday, November 14 - 5:00 pm to 6:20 pm Millennium Parlor, 6th Floor Chair: Janice Clifford, Auburn University Female Perpetration of Intimate Partner Violence in Heterosexual Relationships: A Pilot Study Desiré J. M. Anastasia, Metropolitan State College of Denver Shaping Personal Narratives: The Impact of Social Discourses on Women Arrested as Perpetrators of Intimate Partner Violence Devon Thacker Thomas, University of Colorado - Boulder Escalation/De-Escalation within Violent Interactions between Intimate Partners Alexandra Lysova, University of Toronto Rosemary Gartner, University of Toronto The Dynamics of Female Domestic Violence Offending Janice Clifford, Auburn University 161 WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 14 SESSION 289: EXTRALEGAL FACTORS AND FEDERAL SENTENCING OUTCOMES Wednesday, November 14 - 5:00 pm to 6:20 pm Salon 1, 3rd Floor Chair: Jill Kathleen Doerner, University of Rhode Island Gender and Social Control: Examining the Federal Justice Process for Women Offenders Danielle M. Rousseau, Northeastern University Prosecutorial and (or) Judicial Bias in Federal Drug Cases? Decomposing the Effects of Race and Gender on Sentence Length Jeffrey T. Ward, University of Texas at San Antonio Richard D. Hartley, University of Texas at San Antonio Rob Tillyer, University of Texas at San Antonio Race and Cumulative Disadvantage in the Federal Justice System Brian Johnson, University of Maryland The Interaction of Gender and Race/Ethnicity on Sentencing Outcomes Jill Kathleen Doerner, University of Rhode Island SESSION 290: STUDIES IN DRUGS AND CRIME Wednesday, November 14 - 5:00 pm to 6:20 pm Salon 4, 3rd Floor Chair: Craig Rivera, Niagara University A Meta-Analysis of Alcohol Use and Intoxication Rate Study Findings among Homicide Offenders Joe Kuhns, University of North Carolina at Charlotte Lyn Exum, University of North Carolina at Charlotte Tammatha Clodfelter, Appalachian State University Martha Bottia Noguera, University of North Carolina at Charlotte Intergenerational Continuity of Drug Use Sara Simmons, Sam Houston State University Kelly Knight, Sam Houston State University Scott Menard, Sam Houston State University Preliminary Analysis of the Impaired Driving Assessment for Community Corrections Kenneth W. Wanberg, Center for Addictions Research and Evaluation Nathan C. Lowe, CSG / APPA / University of Kentucky Matthew DeMichele, Pennsylvania State University David S. Timken, Center for Impaired Driving Research and Evaluation Bath Salts and Spice: Patterns of Use Dina Perrone, California State University, Long Beach Randi Helgesen, California State University, Long Beach Ryan Fischer, California State University, Long Beach Religiosity and Marijuana Use: An Examination of Dimensions of Religious Faith Craig Rivera, Niagara University Michael Cretacci, Buffalo State College SESSION 291: COMMUNITY PREVENTION AND GOVERNANCE Wednesday, November 14 - 5:00 pm to 6:20 pm Salon 5, 3rd Floor Chair: Aviva M. Rich-Shea, Massasoit Community College Community Risk and Protective Factors for Delinquency: The Contemporary Context Michael P. Brown, Ball State University 162 WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 14 Toward a New Model of Action Research Aimed at Community Capacity Building Dawn M. Irlbeck, Creighton University John Crank, University of Nebraska at Omaha Rebecca Murray, Creighton University Cop Out, Cry Out, or Collaborate? Neighborhood Residents' Coping Strategies and the Negotiation of Order Connie M. Koski, University of Nebraska at Omaha Willingness to Raise (WTR) and the New Volunteer-Partnership-Model (VPM) Samuel Chibuike Arungwa, Prairie View A&M University G. Solomon Osho, Prairie View A&M University SESSION 292: POLICE AUTHORITY AND USE OF FORCE Wednesday, November 14 - 5:00 pm to 6:20 pm Salon 9, 3rd Floor Chair: J. Andrew Hansen, University of South Carolina Florida v. Jardines and Canine Sniffs: “Frankie, I Don't Know What I'm Gonna Find” Tad W. Hughes, Southern Police Institute Gun Violence Directed at Law Enforcement Officers David M. Bierie, United States Marshals Service Sarah Welchans Craun, United States Marshals Service Paul J. Detar, United States Marshals Service The Influence of Agency Policy on Conducted Energy Devices (CED) Use Rates Frank V. Ferdik, University of South Carolina Robert J. Kaminski, University of South Carolina Jeff Rojek, University of South Carolina Mikaela Cooney, University of South Carolina Characteristics of Officer Involved Vehicle Crashes J. Andrew Hansen, University of South Carolina Jeff Rojek, University of South Carolina Geoffrey P. Alpert, University of South Carolina Allison Rojek, University of South Carolina SESSION 293: ROUNDTABLE: SHOULD ACJS AND ASC MERGE? Wednesday, November 14 - 5:00 pm to 6:20 pm Sandburg 3, 7th Floor Chair: Todd Clear, Rutgers University - Newark Discussants: Francis T. Cullen, University of Cincinnati Craig Hemmens, Missouri State University Mary Katherine Stohr, Missouri State University SESSION 294: ROUNDTABLE: CRIMINOLOGICAL THEORY: CULTURAL AND CRITICAL PERSPECTIVES Wednesday, November 14 - 5:00 pm to 6:20 pm Sandburg 4, 7th Floor Anomic Suicide: A Durkheimian Analysis of European Normlessness Omi Hodwitz, University of Maryland Kathleen Frey, University of Maryland Conflict Theory: A Keeper! Denise Ruth Woodall, University of Miami Queer(ing) Criminology Emy Backlin, Stockholm University 163 WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 14 The Cultural Lives of Art and Crime: A Laboratory for Exploratory Cultural Criminology Paul Kaplan, San Diego State University Brian Goeltzenleuchter, Contraposto “No Cops, No Courts”: Violent Anti-Fascist Confrontations as Autonomous Criminological Praxis Stanislav Vysotsky, Willamette University SESSION 295: ROUNDTABLE: CRIME, GENDER, AND FEMINISM Wednesday, November 14 - 5:00 pm to 6:20 pm Sandburg 6, 7th Floor Chair: Kerry Carrington, Queensland University of Technology Discussants: Kerry Carrington, Queensland University of Technology Mona J. Danner, Old Dominion University Jodi Death, Queensland University of Technology Nancy A. Wonders, Northern Arizona University SESSION 296: ROUNDTABLE: CRIME POLICY AND PUBLIC SAFETY Wednesday, November 14 - 5:00 pm to 6:20 pm Sandburg 8, 7th Floor Innovative Public Prosecution Policy in Addressing Common Misdemeanors Mirjam Siesling, Tilburg University, The Netherlands Neighborhoods, Collective Efficacy, and the Case for Micro-Neighborhoods Manne Gerell, Malmo University, Sweden Youth Awareness, Understanding, and Deterrence: An Educational and Preventative Approach to Sentencing and Incarceration of Youth Karen Miner-Romanoff, Franklin University Music, Musicians, and Barroom Aggression James C. Roberts, University of Scranton SESSION 297: CORRELATES OF IMMIGRATION AND OFFENDING Wednesday, November 14 - 5:00 pm to 6:20 pm Spire Parlor, 6th Floor Chair: Ineke Haen Marshall, Northeastern University Crime and Latin American Immigrant Communities: The Role of Cultural Traditions in Building Collective Efficacy Maya Pagni Barak, American University Foreign Born Inmates Released from the Los Angeles County Jail: A Preliminary Look at Rearrest Nine Years Later Jennifer S. Wong, Simon Fraser University Laura J. Hickman, Portland State University Marika Suttorp Booth, RAND Corporation Stephanie Moore, Portland State University Investigation of Neighborhood Occupational Structure and Immigrant Concentration as Correlates of Crime Rates Feodor A. Gostjev, University of Miami Measuring Immigration Effects and Ethnic Enclaves Margaret Hardy, University of Maryland Bianca Bersani, University of Massachusetts Boston SESSION 298: PARENTAL INCARCERATION AND OFFENDING ACROSS THE LIFE COURSE Wednesday, November 14 - 5:00 pm to 6:20 pm Wilson Room, 3rd Floor Chair: Heather M. Washington, University at Albany, SUNY 164 WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 14 The Gendered Effects of Parental Incarceration on Adult Offending Outcomes Heidi Lyons, Oakland University Amanda Burgess-Proctor, Oakland University Beth M. Huebner, University of Missouri - St. Louis Effects of Parental Incarceration on Offspring’s Criminal Justice and Mental Health Outcomes Molly Buchanan, University of Florida Paternal Incarceration and Children's Behavior: Understanding the Role of Children's Perceptions of the Father-Child Relationship Heather M. Washington, University at Albany, SUNY SESSION 299: ASC AWARDS PLENARY Wednesday, November 14 - 6:30 pm to 8:00 pm Grand Ballroom, 4th Floor ASC Minority Fellowship Recipients: Christopher P. Dum, University at Albany, SUNY Alana J. Gunn, University of Chicago Jay P. Kennedy, University of Cincinnati Gene Carte Student Paper Award Recipients: Sarah Brayne, Princeton University Man-Kit Lei, The University of Georgia Noah Painter-Davis, Penn State University Naomi F. Sugie, Princeton University Teaching Award: TBA Ruth Shonle Cavan Young Scholar Award (Sponsored by Pearson): Andrew V. Papachristos, Yale University Min Xie, Arizona State University Outstanding Article Award Recipients: Ben Feldmeyer, University of Tennessee Casey T. Harris, University of Arkansas Darrell J. Steffensmeier, Pennsylvania State University Jeffery T. Ulmer, Pennsylvania State University Theresa Morris, Trinity College Harland Preshel, Texas A&M University Michael J. Hindelang Book Award: David W. Garland, New York University ASC Fellows: Scott H. Decker, Arizona State University Marvin D. Krohn, University of Florida Mark Warr, University of Texas at Austin Herbert Bloch Award: Julie Horney, Penn State University August Vollmer Award: John S. Goldkamp, Temple University Thorsten Sellin and Sheldon and Eleanor Glueck Award: Marc Le Blanc, Universite de Montreal Edwin H. Sutherland Award and Address: David W. Garland, New York University Address: American Penality and the American State 165 WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 14 SOCIAL SESSION 300: ASC OPENING SOCIAL Wednesday, November 14 - 8:00 pm to 10:00 pm State Ballroom, 4th Floor SESSION 300: RON AKERS AND HIS BLUEGRASS BAND Wednesday, November 14 - 8:00 pm to 10:00 pm State Ballroom, 4th Floor SOCIAL SESSION 301: DIVISION ON WOMEN AND CRIME SOCIAL Wednesday, November 14 - 8:00 pm to 9:30 pm The Gage Restaurant (24 S. Michigan Ave.) Chair: Amy D'Unger, Georgia Tech RECEPTION SESSION 302: UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA AT OMAHA RECEPTION Wednesday, November 14 - 9:00 pm to 11:00 pm Empire Room, Lobby Level 166 THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 15 MEETING SESSION 303: DIVISION ON WOMEN AND CRIME BREAKFAST Thursday, November 15 - 7:30 am to 9:00 am Adams Room, 6th Floor THEMATIC SESSION SESSION 304: BULLYING AND OFFENDING Thursday, November 15 - 8:00 am to 9:20 am Buckingham Room, 5th Floor Chair: Peter Lovegrove, University of Virginia The Links between School Climate and Cyberbullying and Sexting Justin Patchin, University of Wisconsin - Eau Claire Sameer Hinduja, Florida Atlantic University Does Bullying Involvement Predict Arrest Rates among Early Adolescents?: Results from a 2-year Longitudinal Study Dorothy Espelage, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Lisa De La Rue, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Joseph Ryan, University of Michigan Psychological Factors Associated with Bully Perpetration and Victimization among Students with Disabilities Chad Rose, Sam Houston State University Cynthia Simpson, Houston Baptist University Middle School Sibling and Peer Bullying: Relationships with Individual and Family Factors Ryan Sinclair, Wichita State University Sabina Low, Wichita State University Erin Thompson, Wichita State University Discussant: Peter Lovegrove, University of Virginia THEMATIC SESSION SESSION 305: MISCARRIAGES OF JUSTICE: BROADENING METHODOLOGY IN INNOCENCE RESEARCH Thursday, November 15 - 8:00 am to 9:20 am Burnham 2, 7th Floor Chair: Allison D. Redlich, University at Albany, SUNY Studying False Guilty Pleas Allison D. Redlich, University at Albany, SUNY Determinants of Innocence: Statistical Modeling of Exoneration Case Data Kobi A. Abayomi, Georgia Institute of Technology Innocent Differences? An Empirical Study of Wrongful Convictions vs. "Near Misses" Jon B. Gould, American University Richard Leo, University of San Francisco Julia Carrano, American University Proficiency Tests to Estimate Error Rates in the Forensic Sciences Jonathan J. Koehler, Northwestern University 167 THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 15 THEMATIC SESSION SESSION 306: TRADITIONAL ORGANIZED CRIME IN THE MODERN WORLD I Thursday, November 15 - 8:00 am to 9:20 am Clark 10, 7th Floor Chair: Henk Van de Bunt, Erasmus University Rotterdam Italian Mafias’ Asymmetries Ernesto Savona, Università Cattolica Milan - Transcrime Vory v Zakone: Russian Organized Crime? Dina Siegel, Utrecht University, The Netherlands Organized Crime in Nigeria Obi N. I. Ebbe, University of Tennessee THEMATIC SESSION SESSION 307: VISUAL CULTURE AND THE ICONOGRAPHY OF CRIME Thursday, November 15 - 8:00 am to 9:20 am Clark 9, 7th Floor Chair: Eamonn Carrabine, University of Essex Visual Criminology and Carceral Studies Michelle Brown, University of Tennessee Seeing Things: Violence, Voyeurism, and the Camera Eamonn Carrabine, University of Essex Discussants: Nicole Rafter, Northeastern University Judah Nathan Schept, Eastern Kentucky University THEMATIC SESSION SESSION 308: CRIME AND PLACE: WILDLIFE CRIME - THE IMPORTANCE OF PLACE AND CONTEXT Thursday, November 15 - 8:00 am to 9:20 am Cresthill Room, 3rd Floor Chair: Andrew Lemieux, Netherlands Institute for the Study of Crime and Law Enforcement The Spatial Choices Poachers Make Andrew Lemieux, Netherlands Institute for the Study of Crime and Law Enforcement A Qualitative Perspective on How the Illegal Parrot Trade Operates Stephen F. Pires, Florida International University Can Situational Crime Prevention Help Solve Leopard Poaching Driven by Human-Wildlife Conflict in South Africa? Julie Viollaz, John Jay College of Criminal Justice / CUNY Graduate Center The Thin Green Line: Results from Participant Observations and Interviews of Rangers in Queen Elizabeth National Park, Uganda William Moreto, Rutgers University 168 THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 15 THEMATIC SESSION SESSION 309: DISADVANTAGE, NEIGHBORHOOD AND INTERPERSONAL VIOLENCE: RESEARCH UNDERWAY BY FACULTY AFFILIATED WITH THE EMORY CENTER FOR INJURY CONTROL (ECIC) Thursday, November 15 - 8:00 am to 9:20 am Kimball Room, 3rd Floor Chair: Monica H. Swahn, Georgia State University Academic and Community Partnerships: Vision and Priorities for Reducing Violence in Vulnerable and Disadvantaged Populations Debra Houry, Emory University Shakiyla Smith, Emory University Monica H. Swahn, Georgia State University Lisa Dawson, Georgia Department of Community Health James Griffin, Morehouse School of Medicine Sheryl Heron, Emory University Relationship between Injustice and Violent Acts Heather L. Scheuerman, Towson University Violence Victimization and Perpetration among Youth in the Slums of Kampala, Uganda Monica H. Swahn, Georgia State University Lindsay Gressard, Georgia State University Jane Palmier, Georgia State University Rogers Kasirye, Uganda Youth Development Link Catherine Lynch, Duke University Huang Yao, Georgia State University Prior Experience Living in Disadvantaged Neighborhoods Moderates the Effect of Alcohol on Aggression Peter Giancola, University of Kentucky Volkan Topalli, Georgia State University Monica H. Swahn, Georgia State University Ralph Tarter, University of Pittsburgh THEMATIC SESSION SESSION 310: UNDERSTANDING THE 2011 ENGLISH RIOTS Thursday, November 15 - 8:00 am to 9:20 am Madison Room, 3rd Floor Chair: Tim Newburn, London School of Economics and Political Science Three Days in August Betsy Stanko, Metropolitan Police, London How the 2011 London Disorder Cemented Londoners' Views of the Police Katrin Hohl, London School of Economics and Political Science Betsy Stanko, Metropolitan Police, London Tim Newburn, London School of Economics and Political Science Reading the 2011 Riots Tim Newburn, London School of Economics and Political Science Why Did the Riots Occur Here but Not There? A Random Utility Model of the U.K. Riots Shane Johnson, University College London Peter Baudains, University College London 169 THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 15 THEMATIC SESSION SESSION 311: MEASURING CRIME AGAINST BUSINESS AT THE CROSS-NATIONAL LEVEL: GOOD PRACTICES, RECENT EXPERIENCES AND FUTURE DEVELOPMENTS Thursday, November 15 - 8:00 am to 9:20 am Marshfield Room, 3rd Floor Chair: Henry N. Pontell, University of California, Irvine Crimes against Business in the UK Michael Levi, Cardiff University Crime against Business in Switzerland Giang Ly Isenring, University of Zurich Giulia Mugellini, University of Zurich Martin Killias, Zurich University, Switzerland EU Survey to Assess the Level and Impact of Crimes against Business: A Pilot Study Robert Manchin, Gallup Europe Marco Dugato, Università Cattolica Milan - Transcrime Measuring Crime against Business in Latin America: From the Mexican Experience to a Future Regional Survey Edgar Vielma, Centre of Excellence INEGI-UNODC Oscar Jaimes, National Institute of Statistics and Geography (INEGI-Mexico) Giulia Mugellini, University of Zurich THEMATIC SESSION SESSION 312: CRIME AND VICTIMIZATION IN SOUTH KOREA Thursday, November 15 - 8:00 am to 9:20 am Price Room, 5th Floor Chair: Seong min Park, University of Tennessee at Chattanooga Community Variations in Disorderly Behavior, Crime Victimization, and Fear of Crime: The Role of Collective Efficacy in Korea EuiGab Hwang, Kyonggi University Yumi Lee, Kyonggi University Sungil Han, Kyonggi University Women’s Fear of Crime in Korea: Test of the Sexual Assault Shadow Hypothesis Ha-neul Kim, Kyonggi University Ramhee Kim, Kyonggi University Suhong Min, Kyonggi University Development of Self-Control and Gender Youngoh Jo, Sam Houston State University Leana Bouffard, Sam Houston State University An Examination of Juvenile Repeat Victimization in South Korea: Bayesian Predictive Analysis of Korean Juvenile Panel Data Seong min Park, University of Tennessee at Chattanooga Hyoungah Park, Rutgers University THEMATIC SESSION SESSION 313: CRIME, POLICING AND CORRECTIONS IN THE RURAL CONTEXT Thursday, November 15 - 8:00 am to 9:20 am Salon 5, 3rd Floor Chair: Lindsay Kowalski, Pennsylvania State University 170 THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 15 Who Shot the Sheriff? State Police Coverage of Rural Municipalities in Pennsylvania Joseph Blackburn, Blackburn Strategies Lindsay Kowalski, Pennsylvania State University Ronald Smeal, Smeal Consulting Gary Zajac, Pennsylvania State University Unearthing Crime Impacts of Economic Boom Towns: Evidence from Marcellus Shale Drilling in Pennsylvania Lindsay Kowalski, Pennsylvania State University Gary Zajac, Pennsylvania State University Rural County Jails: Operations and Evidence-Based Practices Gary Zajac, Pennsylvania State University Lindsay Kowalski, Pennsylvania State University Discussant: Doris Layton MacKenzie, Pennsylvania State University THEMATIC SESSION SESSION 314: A RANDOMIZED CONTROLLED TRIAL TESTING THE EFFECTS OF THE TASER ON COGNITIVE FUNCTIONING Thursday, November 15 - 8:00 am to 9:20 am Salon 6, 3rd Floor Chair: Michael D. White, Arizona State University Social Science Research with Risk: The Challenges of Designing a Study to Test the Effects of TASER Exposure on Cognitive Functioning Michael D. White, Arizona State University Examining the Effects of TASER Exposure on Cognitive Functioning in a Sample of Police Officers: Results from a Pilot Study Robert J. Kane, University of Baltimore The Moral Boundaries of Experimentation in Criminology: The Arizona State University TASER Experiment Justin Ready, Arizona State University Discussant: Lorraine Mazerolle, University of Queensland AWARD MEETING SESSION 315: DIVISION ON CORRECTIONS AND SENTENCING ANNUAL BUSINESS/AWARDS BREAKFAST MEETING Thursday, November 15 - 8:00 am to 9:20 am Monroe Room, 6th Floor SESSION 316: POLICE AND COMMUNITIES Thursday, November 15 - 8:00 am to 9:20 am Burnham 1, 7th Floor Chair: Brandon Louis Bang, Washington State University Beyond Dystopias: Towards a More Nuanced Understanding of How the Poorest of the Poor are Regulated in America Mike Rowan, New York University / John Jay College of Criminal Justice Modern Policing, Racialized Subject Formation, and State Regulation: Case Study of the South Bronx Zhandarka Kurti, SUNY Binghamton The Contours of Supervisors’ Perceptions and Attitudes on Police Misbehavior Hyeyoung Lim, Western Illinois University Hoon Lee, Western Carolina University 171 THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 15 Policing Mormon Fundamentalist Communities: Why the Traditional Police Approach is Ineffective Brandon Louis Bang, Washington State University SESSION 317: JUSTICE SYSTEM STAKEHOLDERS AND THE CREATION OF DELINQUENCY Thursday, November 15 - 8:00 am to 9:20 am Clark 3, 7th Floor Chair: Sherree R.B. Davis, Fayetteville State University Exercising Discretion: Impact of Legal and Extra-Legal Factors on Officers’ Decisions to Divert Young Offenders Simon Little, Griffith University Troy Allard, Griffith University Anna Stewart, Griffith University Early Confessions and Justice Outcomes for Juveniles: Is Confession Good for the Soul? Kristin Johnson Gardner, University of Florida Lonn Lanza-Kaduce, University of Florida The Negative Consequences of Police Contact for Gang Youth Stephanie Wiley, University of Missouri - St. Louis Finn-Aage Esbensen, University of Missouri - St. Louis Juvenile Detention Decisions: A Focal Concerns Perspective Sherree R.B. Davis, Fayetteville State University Angela Taylor, Fayetteville State University Lori Guevara, Fayetteville State University SESSION 318: PROPERTY, FRAUD, AND CYBER VICTIMIZATION Thursday, November 15 - 8:00 am to 9:20 am Dearborn 1, 7th Floor Chair: Amanda Bolton, University of Missouri - St. Louis The Walls Are Closing In: The Impact of Gated Communities on Property Crime Victimization Risk Nicholas Branic, University of California, Irvine Wesley Jennings, University of South Florida Lyndsay N. Boggess, University of South Florida Ráchael Powers, University of South Florida Other People Using Your Money: Risk Factors for Identity Fraud Victimization in the Netherlands Johan van Wilsem, Leiden University Broken Windows in Cyberspace: Exploring the Effects of "Digital Disorder" on Computer Crime Victimization and Fear of Online Crime Amanda Bolton, University of Missouri - St. Louis SESSION 319: NEW ADVANCES IN CYBERSECURITY Thursday, November 15 - 8:00 am to 9:20 am Dearborn 2, 7th Floor Chair: Alline Pedra Jorge Birol, Federal University of Santa Catarina, Brazil An Analysis of Recent Attempts to Protect Intellectual Property on the Internet Douglas E. Salane, John Jay College of Criminal Justice Evan Misshula, John Jay College of Criminal Justice Cybercrime and Anarchy: Finding the Way Out Frances Bernat, Texas A&M International University Frontier Justice in Virtual Spaces: Illegal and Extralegal Social Control Online Sara M. Walsh, Indiana University Southeast 172 THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 15 Addressing the Disconnection between Technological Advances and Human Practices Regarding Computer Security Camille Gibson, Prairie View A&M University Janice Shields, Prairie View A&M University Keirra Caldwell, Prairie View A&M University SESSION 320: MARRIAGE, ROMANTIC RELATIONSHIPS, AND DESISTANCE Thursday, November 15 - 8:00 am to 9:20 am Indiana Room, 3rd Floor Chair: Christopher Salvatore, Montclair State University The Good Marriage Effect among Recent Cohorts Matthew VanEseltine, Bowling Green State University Adolescent Romantic Relationship Status and "Maturing Out" of Crime? Meredith Worthen, University of Oklahoma Lisa Murphy, La Sierra University Relationship Typologies and Female Offending: A Life Course Analysis Emily Ann Hayden, Kentucky Wesleyan College The Influence of Marriage and Parenthood on Emerging Adults' Drug Use Christopher Salvatore, Montclair State University SESSION 321: THE HUMAN FACE OF COMMUNITY CORRECTIONS: HOW PEOPLE MATTER Thursday, November 15 - 8:00 am to 9:20 am LaSalle 1, 7th Floor Chair: Jennifer Colanese, Indiana University South Bend An Examination of the Role of the Community Supervision Officer in Changing Offender Behavior Myrinda Schweitzer, University of Cincinnati Paula Smith, University of Cincinnati Angela Estes, University of Cincinnati Risking Trust: The Development of Working Relationships between Released Sex Offenders and their Parole Officers Leon Digard, University of Cambridge The Value of Positive Relationships: Clients Report on the Effectiveness of a Day Reporting Center for More Success in Re-Integration Rosemary Ricciardelli, York University Morry Ulrich, St. Leonard's Society What about Nonprogrammatic Factors? Women’s Perceptions of Staff, Relationships, and Environment in a Community Corrections Setting Andrea Cantora, University of Baltimore SESSION 322: SCALING AND MEASUREMENT Thursday, November 15 - 8:00 am to 9:20 am LaSalle 3, 7th Floor Chair: John P. Hoffmann, Brigham Young University A Review of Better Practices for Risk Scale Validation William Dieterich, Northpointe Inc. William L. Oliver, Northpointe Inc. Tim Brennan, Northpointe Inc. Beyond Projection: Specifying the Types of Peer Delinquency Misperception at the Item- and Scale-Levels John H. Boman, University of Florida Jeffrey T. Ward, University of Texas at San Antonio 173 THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 15 Proper Measurement of Anti-Gay Attitudes Kevin D. Cannon, Southern Illinois University, Edwardsville Pamela Denise Cobb, Southern Illinois University, Edwardsville Validation of the Delinquency Index: Youth Report against the Rasch Measurement Model Nora Wikoff, Washington University in St. Louis SESSION 323: UNDERSTANDING FEAR OF CRIME IN DIVERSE CONTEXTS Thursday, November 15 - 8:00 am to 9:20 am LaSalle 5, 7th Floor Chair: Justin Nicholas Crowl, Indiana University of Pennsylvania Crime Talk and the Criminological Impact of Mining Work Camps Kerry Carrington, Queensland University of Technology Crosstalk between Fear of Crime, Personality and Emotions: Exploring Individual Differences in Fear of Crime Inês Sousa Guedes, Universidade do Porto, Portugal Carla Sofia Cardoso, University of Porto Delinquency Professionals: The Influence, Extension and Adoption of the Culture of Control Kyle J.D. Mulrooney, Kent University Neighborhood Environment, Perceived Risk of Victimization, and Fear of Crime in Seoul, South Korea: An Empirical Assessment Jason Yong-Eun Sung, Rutgers University Kyung-shick Choi, Bridgewater State University SESSION 324: FAMILY PROCESSES AND DELINQUENCY Thursday, November 15 - 8:00 am to 9:20 am Logan Room, 3rd Floor Chair: Glen Ishoy, University of West Georgia Family Size and Delinquency: A Comprehensive Examination Joshua Kuch, Florida State University Daniel P. Mears, Florida State University Sonja Siennick, Florida State University Family Structure, Gender, and Later Life Problems Kristin Mack, University of Northern Iowa Michael Leiber, University of South Florida Jennifer Peck, University of South Florida Using Baumrind's Typology to Examine the Effects of Parenting Style on College-Aged Women Jason Spraitz, University of Wisconsin - Eau Claire Steven L. Brewer, Pennsylvania State University, Shenango Measuring the Impact of Parenting Practices on the Development of Self-Control in Children: A Meta-Analysis Glen Ishoy, University of West Georgia SESSION 325: ADOLESCENT AND DATING VIOLENCE Thursday, November 15 - 8:00 am to 9:20 am Millennium Parlor, 6th Floor Chair: Carrie Mulford, National Institute of Justice Extending Johnson's Intimate Partner Violence Typology: Lessons from an Adolescent Sample Adam Messinger, Northeastern Illinois University Deborah Fry, Child Protection Research Centre, University of Edinburgh Vaughn I. Rickert, Indiana University Marina Catallozzi, Columbia University Leslie Davidson, Columbia University 174 THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 15 Stay/Leave Decision-Making in Violent Dating Relationships Jennifer Copp, Bowling Green State University Peggy Giordano, Bowling Green State University Wendy Manning, Bowling Green State University Monica Longmore, Bowling Green State University Risky Behaviors and Dating Violence among Young Adults Christina Policastro, Georgia State University Leah Daigle, Georgia State University Understanding Abuse in Teen Dating Relationships through Concept Mapping Carrie Mulford, National Institute of Justice Alyssa Goldman, Concept Systems, Inc. Scott Rosas, Concept Systems, Inc. SESSION 326: SEX OFFENDERS AND SOCIETY I Thursday, November 15 - 8:00 am to 9:20 am Salon 10, 3rd floor Chair: Samuel Chibuike Arungwa, Prairie View A&M University "No Known Cure" Debate: A Philosophy of Sex Offender Management Liying Li, Metropolitan State College of Denver A Multi-State Recidivism Study Using Risk Scores and Tier Guidelines from the Adam Walsh Act Kristen M. Zgoba, New Jersey Department of Corrections Jill Levenson, Lynn University Consequences for Adam Walsh Act Compliance Roger Kernsmith, Eastern Michigan University Poco Kernsmith, Wayne State University James A. Wilson, Russell Sage Foundation Searching for the Link: Measuring Awareness and Protective Behaviors Resulting from Sex Offender Community Notification Policies Nayab Hakim, Indiana University of Pennsylvania SESSION 327: THE EXPERIENCE OF HATE CRIME Thursday, November 15 - 8:00 am to 9:20 am Salon 4, 3rd Floor Chair: Jacob Kang-Brown, University of California, Irvine Exploring Victim Accounts of Bias-Related Assaults: Findings on Race and Ethnicity from the National Union of Students Hate Crime Survey 2011 Lucy Michael, University of Hull Masculinity, Marginalization and Violence: A Case Study of the English Defense League Jon Garland, University of Leicester Teaching an Abnormal World View: Hate Studies Gregg W. Etter, University of Central Missouri Jeffery M. Johnson, University of Mississippi SESSION 328: POLICE CULTURE, GOVERNANCE, AND CANADA Thursday, November 15 - 8:00 am to 9:20 am Salon 9, 3rd Floor Chair: Samuel Tanner, Universite de Montreal (Re)Negotiating Police Culture through Partnership Working: Trust, Compromise and the ‘New’ Pragmatism Daniel McCarthy, University of Surrey, UK Megan O'Neill, University of Salford 175 THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 15 Examining Police Culture: Institutional Cultures in Two Canadian Cities Holly Campeau, University of Toronto Development in Police Governance in Canada Tammy Landau, Ryerson University Negotiating Police Work in Post-Conflict Environments: The Experience of Canadian Police Officers Samuel Tanner, Universite de Montreal Chanele Boulet-Gauthier, Universite de Montreal SESSION 329: ROUNDTABLE: SOCIAL NETWORKING, FLASH MOBS, AND ITS IMPACT ON LAW ENFORCEMENT Thursday, November 15 - 8:00 am to 9:20 am Sandburg 3, 7th Floor Chair: Patricia M. Griffin, Saint Joseph's University Discussants: Charles J. Kocher, Cumberland County College Darren K. Stocker, Cumberland County College SESSION 330: ROUNDTABLE: PROVIDING EXPERT COMMENTARY TO THE MEDIA: THE DO’S AND DON’TS Thursday, November 15 - 8:00 am to 9:20 am Sandburg 5, 7th Floor Chair: Tod Burke, Radford University Discussants: Hank Fradella, California State University, Long Beach Stephen Owen, Radford University Casey Jordan, Western Connecticut State University SESSION 331: ROUNDTABLE: STRATEGIES FOR REACHING UNDERGRADUATE STUDENTS IN THE CLASSROOM: A ROUNDTABLE DISCUSSION Thursday, November 15 - 8:00 am to 9:20 am Sandburg 7, 7th Floor Discussants: Amanda Cox, Pennsylvania State University, Altoona Shelly Clevenger, Illinois State University Rebekah Patterson, Indiana University of Pennsylvania Lisa Carter, Florida Southern University Renee Dorothy Lamphere, University of North Carolina at Pembroke Cody Inman, Indiana University of Pennsylvania SESSION 332: SCHOOL AND EXTRA-CURRICULAR INEQUALITIES, DELINQUENCY, AND DISCIPLINE Thursday, November 15 - 8:00 am to 9:20 am Spire Parlor, 6th Floor Chair: Cindy Brooks Dollar, North Carolina State University Religion for the Poor and Performing Arts for the Wealthier: Poverty and Delinquency Cassady Pitt, Bowling Green State University Breaking Racial and Ethnic Stereotypes and School Discipline Zahra Shekarkhar, University of Florida Anthony A. Peguero, Virginia Tech Ann Marie Popp, Duquesne University Dixie J. Koo, California State University, Fullerton T. Lorraine Latimore, East Central University 176 THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 15 School Discipline and Delinquency: Suspension, Arrest, and Incarceration in the NLSY97 Tracey L. Shollenberger, Harvard University School-Related Protective Factors and Contextual Variations in Stockholm, Sweden Julia Sandahl, Stockholm University SESSION 333: APPROACHES TO DRUG CONTROL Thursday, November 15 - 8:00 am to 9:20 am Wilson Room, 3rd Floor Chair: Albert M. Kopak, Western Carolina University Assessing Harm Reduction: The Impact of Therapeutic Jurisprudence on Non-Completing Drug Court Clients K. Michael Reynolds, University of Central Florida Traci R. Francis, University of Central Florida Legal Coercion as Motivation for Drug Court Participation Maria C. Janoski, Williams Cuker Berezofsky, LLC Paul A. Magro, Ball State University Residential Substance Abuse Treatment Contamination: Differential Association and Related Factors Albert M. Kopak, Western Carolina University Lydia Dawn Scott, Western Carolina University Dottie Saxon Greene, Western Carolina University SESSION 334: PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT: THE GROWING CHORUS - WE ENDED STUDENT APATHY WITH TEAM-BASED LEARNING PART I Thursday, November 15 - 9:30 am to 10:50 am Chicago Room, 5th Floor Chair: Shawn Bushway, University at Albany, SUNY Key Components of Team-Based Learning William Roberson, University at Albany, SUNY Experiencing Team-Based Learning Janet P. Stamatel, University of Kentucky Shawn Bushway, University at Albany, SUNY Experiencing Team-Based Learning, Part 2 Shawn Bushway, University at Albany, SUNY Janet P. Stamatel, University of Kentucky THEMATIC SESSION SESSION 335: THE ETHNOGRAPHY OF PUNISHMENT: EXPLORING RESIDUAL AND EMERGENT ELEMENTS OF CONTEMPORARY PENAL INTERVENTIONS Thursday, November 15 - 9:30 am to 10:50 am Clark 10, 7th Floor Seeing Like a Jail: Epistemologies of Carceral Expansion Judah Nathan Schept, Eastern Kentucky University Experiencing a Coerced Identity: The Process of Defining a Sex Offender Parolee and How They Respond Emily I. Troshynski, University of Nevada, Las Vegas The Not-So-Strange Bedfellows of Rehabilitation and Punitive Ideologies: The Roles of Responsibility, Cynicism and Expectations of Danger in Integrating the Diverse Goals of Parole Robert J. Werth, Qunnipiac University Discussant: Elliott Currie, University of California, Irvine 177 THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 15 THEMATIC SESSION SESSION 336: CONVICT CRIMINOLOGY: PRISONERS STORIES Thursday, November 15 - 9:30 am to 10:50 am Clark 9, 7th Floor Chair: Justin Piche, University of Ottawa My First "Free" Prisoners' Justice Day Petey Petey, Journal of Prisoners on Prison I May Have a Life Joe Lekarowicz, Journal of Prisoners on Prison Cauldron of Solitude Eugene Dey, Journal of Prisoners on Prison The Third Turkey: Tenure, Fear, and Loathing Glen David Curry, University of Missouri - St. Louis Discussants: Rebecca Sue Katz, Morehead State University Jeffrey Ian Ross, University of Baltimore THEMATIC SESSION SESSION 337: BLIND SPOTS IN RESEARCH ON GENERAL STRAIN THEORY Thursday, November 15 - 9:30 am to 10:50 am Cresthill Room, 3rd Floor Chair: Juyoung Song, University of West Georgia Does Crime Help Reduce Negative Emotions? A Latent-Variable Modeling Test of Crime’s Coping Efficacy Sung Joon Jang, Baylor University Jeremy R. Rhodes, Hardin Simmons University School Bullying: An Empirical Test of General Strain Theory Byongook Moon, University of Texas at San Antonio Sung Joon Jang, Baylor University Stressors, Workplace Climate, and Police Stress in South Korea Larry T. Hoover, Sam Houston State University Hee Sub Shim, Sam Houston State University Youngoh Jo, Sam Houston State University Discussant: Robert Agnew, Emory University THEMATIC SESSION SESSION 338: STRUCTURAL DETERMINANTS OF CRIME RATES: THE ROLE OF INSTITUTIONAL ENGAGEMENT IN SOLVING THE AGE STRUCTURE-CRIME RATE PUZZLE Thursday, November 15 - 9:30 am to 10:50 am Crystal Room, 3rd Floor Chair: Kenneth C. Land, Duke University Statement of the Age Structure-Crime Rate Puzzle Kenneth C. Land, Duke University 178 THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 15 Differential Degrees of Institutional Engagement and the Direction of the Age Structure-Homicide Relationship Patricia L. McCall, North Carolina State University Kenneth C. Land, Duke University Cindy Brooks Dollar, North Carolina State University Karen F. Parker, University of Delaware Discussants: Steven Messner, University at Albany, SUNY Maria Tcherni, University of New Haven Richard Rosenfeld, University of Missouri - St. Louis THEMATIC SESSION SESSION 339: HIGH-RISK OFFENDERS Thursday, November 15 - 9:30 am to 10:50 am Madison Room, 3rd Floor Chair: Leslie W. Kennedy, Rutgers University Specialization among High-Risk Offenders: Closing the Gap Between Practice and Research Tamara Nerlien, University of Calgary Conditioning Compliance: The Case of High-Risk Offenders Kevin McQuillan, University of Calgary Tamara Nerlien, University of Calgary Erin Elan Gibbs Van Brunschot, University of Calgary A Microspatial Analysis of Sex Offenses: Risk Terrain Modeling in Alberta, Canada Erin Elan Gibbs Van Brunschot, University of Calgary Yasemin Gaziarifoglu, Rutgers University Joel M. Caplan, Rutgers University Leslie W. Kennedy, Rutgers University Public Notification of High-Risk Offenders: News and Social Media in Alberta Heather Rollwagen, Ryerson University Discussant: Leslie W. Kennedy, Rutgers University WORKSHOP SESSION 340: NEW FACULTY WORKSHOP Thursday, November 15 - 9:30 am to 10:50 am Medinah Parlor, 6th Floor Chair: Lisa Murphy, La Sierra University Discussants: Brenda Sims Blackwell, Georgia State University Venessa Garcia, Kean University Kimberly Cook, University of North Carolina Wilmington THEMATIC SESSION SESSION 341: UNITED NATIONS PANEL I: ECOLOGICAL CRIME Thursday, November 15 - 9:30 am to 10:50 am Price Room, 5th Floor Chair: Kristiina Kangaspunta, UNICRI 179 THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 15 The Illegal Wildlife Trade in Norway: Practices and Law Enforcement Ragnhild Aslaug Sollund, University of Oslo Using GIS to Examine Situational Predictors of Illegal Fishing Activities Carried Out Globally Gohar A. Petrossian, William Paterson University War Crimes and Environmental Crime Aaron Fichtelberg, University of Delaware Discussant: Mary Clifford, St. Cloud State University THEMATIC SESSION SESSION 342: CRIMINAL JUSTICE DRUG ABUSE TREATMENT STUDIES (CJDATS): IMPROVING ASSESSMENT AND CASE PLANNING IN CORRECTIONS Thursday, November 15 - 9:30 am to 10:50 am Salon 1, 3rd Floor Chair: Michael Prendergast, University of California, Los Angeles - ISAP Overview of CJDATS and the Organizational Process Improvement Intervention (OPII) Study Tisha Wiley, National Institute on Drug Abuse Bennett Fletcher, National Institute on Drug Abuse Assessment in Correctional Institutions and Community Reentry: Correspondence to Best Practices Matthew Hiller, Temple University Cynthia Robbins, University of Delaware Wayne Welsh, Temple University Gary Zajac, Pennsylvania State University Gerald Stahler, Temple University Offender Assessment, Case Planning, and Referral to Community-Based Treatment: Effects of a Structured Process Improvement Initiative Wayne Welsh, Temple University Roger Peters, University of South Florida Laura Monico, University of Delaware Lyn Stein, University of Rhode Island Gerald Stahler, Temple University Influence of Organizational and Staff Characteristics on Success in Implementing Process Improvement Goals in Correctional Treatment Settings Michael Prendergast, University of California, Los Angeles - ISAP Wayne Welsh, Temple University Gerald Melnick, National Development and Research Institutes, Inc. Lyn Stein, University of Rhode Island Jamieson Duvall, University of Kentucky THEMATIC SESSION SESSION 343: BIOSOCIAL INFLUENCES ON THE DEVELOPMENT AND CONSEQUENCES OF SELF-CONTROL Thursday, November 15 - 9:30 am to 10:50 am Salon 12, 3rd Floor Chair: Chris Gibson, University of Florida Genetic and Environmental Factors Associated with the Stability of Self-Control Early in Life John Paul Wright, University of Cincinnati Michelle Anne Coyne, University of Cincinnati 180 THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 15 The Malleability of Self-Control: A Biosocial Investigation of Genetic, Peer, and Parenting Influences Elise Costa, University of Florida Chris Gibson, University of Florida Ronald Simons, University of Georgia Analyzing the Origins of Life-Course-Persistent Offending: The Role of Self-Control as an Endophenotype J.C. Barnes, University of Texas at Dallas The Origins of Self-Control and Antisocial Behavior: The Role of Intelligence and Heritability Yi-Fen Lu, Sam Houston State University Brian B. Boutwell, Sam Houston State University Kevin M. Beaver, Florida State University J.C. Barnes, University of Texas at Dallas Discussant: Kevin M. Beaver, Florida State University THEMATIC SESSION SESSION 344: CRIME AND PLACE: FEAR AND DISORDER Thursday, November 15 - 9:30 am to 10:50 am Salon 2, 3rd Floor Chair: Brian Lawton, George Mason University Collective Efficacy, Social Capital and Social Disorganization and the Spatial Distribution of Fear of Crime and Disorder: An Empirical Test Gerben J.N. Bruinsma, Netherlands Institute for the Study of Crime and Law Enforcement Lieven Pauwels, Ghent University Wim Bernasco, Netherlands Institute for the Study of Crime and Law Enforcement Frank Weerman, Netherlands Institute for the Study of Crime and Law Enforcement Proximity to Crime: An Examination of Citizens' Reported Fear Brian Lawton, George Mason University Location-Time Study of Children’s Perceptions of Safety from Violence during Travel to School Douglas Wiebe, University of Pennsylvania Profiling Disorderly Places: An Examination of Disorder and Its Impact in Residential Neighborhoods Tamara D. Madensen, University of Nevada, Las Vegas William Sousa, University of Nevada, Las Vegas THEMATIC SESSION SESSION 345: IMMIGRATION AND THE CHANGING SOCIAL FABRIC OF AMERICAN CITIES Thursday, November 15 - 9:30 am to 10:50 am Salon 3, 3rd Floor Chair: Stephanie Di Pietro, University of Missouri - St. Louis Crime and Enforcement in Immigrant Neighborhoods: Evidence from New York City Garth Davies, Simon Fraser University Jeff Fagan, Columbia University Are Immigrant Youth Less Violent? Specifying the Reasons and Mechanisms John M. MacDonald, University of Pennsylvania Jessica Saunders, RAND Corporation The Paradox of Law Enforcement in Immigrant Communities: David S. Kirk, University of Texas Andrew Papachristos, Yale University 181 THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 15 Why Some Immigrant Neighborhoods Are Safer than Others? Charis Kubrin, University of California, Irvine Discussant: Ramiro Martinez, Northeastern University THEMATIC SESSION SESSION 346: CRIMESOLUTIONS.GOV: IMPROVEMENTS TO CONTENT AND UTILITY Thursday, November 15 - 9:30 am to 10:50 am Salon 6, 3rd Floor Chair: Phelan Wyrick, Office of Justice Programs Program Review Methods, Functions, and Usage Phelan Wyrick, Office of Justice Programs Assessing and Displaying Meta-Analysis Results on Mark W. Lipsey, Vanderbilt University Marcia Cohen, Development Services Group, Inc. Using in the Classroom Alissa Pollitz Worden, University at Albany, SUNY THEMATIC SESSION SESSION 347: REPORT OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMIES ON JUVENILE JUSTICE REFORM Thursday, November 15 - 9:30 am to 10:50 am Salon 7, 3rd Floor Chair: Betty Chemers, The National Academies Discussants: Robert L. Johnson, UMDNJ - New Jersey Medical School Edward P. Mulvey, University of Pittsburgh Jeff Butts, John Jay College of Criminal Justice MEETING SESSION 348: STUDENT AFFAIRS COMMITTEE MEETING Thursday, November 15 - 9:30 am to 10:50 am Wrigley Parlor, 6th Floor AUTHOR MEETS CRITICS SESSION 349: THEFT OF A NATION AND WHO ARE THE CRIMINALS? Thursday, November 15 - 9:30 am to 10:50 am Red Lacquer Room, 4th Floor Chair: David O. Friedrichs, University of Scranton Presenters John Hagan, Northwestern University Gregg Barak, Eastern Michigan University Critics William S. Laufer, University of Pennsylvania Michael Levi, Cardiff University Henry N. Pontell, University of California, Irvine Sally Simpson, University of Maryland 182 THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 15 SESSION 350: MENTAL DISORDER AND VICTIMIZATION Thursday, November 15 - 9:30 am to 10:50 am Buckingham Room, 5th Floor Chair: Melissa Thompson, Portland State University An Examination of the Effects of Violent Crime Exposure on Police Suicide, Alcohol Consumption, and Divorce Stephen A. Bishopp, University of Texas at Dallas Correlates of Clergy Sexual Abuse: Implications for the Prevention of Sexual Abuse in Institutional Settings Cynthia Calkins Mercado, John Jay College of Criminal Justice Karen Terry, John Jay College of Criminal Justice Christina Massey, John Jay College of Criminal Justice Cruelty to Animals and Antisocial Personality Disorder: Criminological and Forensic Correlations Nuria Querol, GEVHA / Autonomous University of Barcelona Angel Cuquerella, Institut de Medicina Legal de Catalunya, Barcelona, Spain. Frank Ascione, Denver University Sebastian Rubira, Policia de la Generalitat- Mossos d'Esquadra Angelo Puccia, Advanced High School of Criminological Sciences Phil Arkow, Latham Foundation's International Child and Animal Abuse Prevention Project Allie Philips, National Center for Prosecution of Animal Abuse / National District Attorneys Association Marc Pintor, University of Barcelona The Relationship between Dating Violence and Suicidal Behavior in a National Sample of Adolescents Scott Belshaw, University of North Texas Julie Ahmad Siddique, CUNY Graduate Center / John Jay College of Criminal Justice Jennifer Tanner, University of Cincinnati G. Solomon Osho, Prairie View A&M University SESSION 351: NEW DEVELOPMENTS IN POLICE INVESTIGATION PRACTICES Thursday, November 15 - 9:30 am to 10:50 am Burnham 1, 7th Floor Chair: Michael J. Jenkins, University of New Haven Myths, Perceptions and Realities in the Practice of Criminal Investigative Analysis Amber Scherer, John Jay College of Criminal Justice John Jarvis, Federal Bureau of Investigation C. Gabrielle Salfati, John Jay College of Criminal Justice The Investigation and Prosecution of Stalking Cases in Cleveland, Ohio Wendy Regoeczi, Cleveland State University Tracy Grimes, Cleveland State University Determinants of Homicide Solvability in Urban Canada: An Exploratory Analysis of Detectives’ Perspectives Tanya Trussler, Mount Royal University Christina Witt, Calgary Police Services Comparing the Relative Solvability of Property Crimes Using Local and National DNA Databases Michael J. Jenkins, University of New Haven John DeCarlo, University of New Haven SESSION 352: METHODOLOGICAL ISSUES AND POLICY CHANGES IN THE COURT SYSTEM Thursday, November 15 - 9:30 am to 10:50 am Burnham 2, 7th Floor Chair: Nichole Tucker, Seattle University 183 THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 15 Counting Cases: Definitional and Measurement Issues for Court-Related Research Andrew Reid, Simon Fraser University Shihong Mu, Simon Fraser University Paul Brantingham, Simon Fraser University Graham Farrell, Simon Fraser University Substance-Induced Psychosis and Criminal Responsibility Michelle S. Lawrence, Simon Fraser University The Extensive Reach of Outstanding Warrants in New Jersey Shenique Thomas, Rutgers University Michael Ostermann, Rutgers University The Uncertainty of “Mandatory” Economic Sanctions: Inconsistency across Offenders, Crimes, and Counties Sarah Elizabeth Bowles, Pennsylvania State University Valerie Clark, Minnesota Department of Corrections R. Barry Ruback, Pennsylvania State University SESSION 353: THE RESPONSE OF THE CRIMINAL JUSTICE SYSTEM TO SEXUAL ASSAULT Thursday, November 15 - 9:30 am to 10:50 am Burnham 4, 7th Floor Chair: Christine Bond, Queensland University of Technology An Analysis of How Rape is Prosecuted Darnesha L. Miller, University of Illinois at Chicago Prosecutorial Discretion and Decision Making in the Charging of Sexual Assault Cases Megan Kennedy, University at Albany, SUNY Prosecutors' Charging Decisions in Sexual Assault Cases: Important Lessons from Los Angeles Cassia Spohn, Arizona State University Katharine Tellis, California State University, Los Angeles Rape Law Reform: An Update from First Contact to Final Conclusion Elizabeth Keller-Charbonneau, University of Nebraska at Omaha SESSION 354: KEYS TO SUCCESS IN COMMUNITY CORRECTIONS Thursday, November 15 - 9:30 am to 10:50 am Clark 3, 7th Floor Chair: Roger Guy, University of North Carolina at Pembroke What Professionals Say is Important to the Success of Working with Offenders Andy Bain, University of Portsmouth, UK Examining the Relationship between Staff Characteristics and Recidivism in Correctional Programming Jessica J. Warner, University of Cincinnati Paula Smith, University of Cincinnati Edward Latessa, University of Cincinnati Vigo County, Indiana Community Corrections Work Release: A Four-Year Study William Mackey, University of Cincinnati What We Do Matters: The Travis County Adult Probation Fidelity and Outcome Study Carsten Andresen, Travis County Adult Probation SESSION 355: MOVING TOWARD A GREATER UNDERSTANDING OF GANGS Thursday, November 15 - 9:30 am to 10:50 am Clark 5, 7th Floor Chair: Daniel Walter Scott, University of California, Irvine 184 THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 15 Attitude is Everything: Youth Attitudes and Prison Gangs through the Lens of Social Identity Theory Daniel Walter Scott, University of California, Irvine Crackin’ Ears and Kickin’ Off: Gangs, Masculinity and Violence in Youth Correctional Facilities Jessica Grebenkemper, University of California, Irvine Using Structural Gang Typology to Guide Gang Control Efforts: A Researcher-Law Enforcement Collaboration Moises Prospero, IE Consulting, LLC Jason Castillo, University of Utah Lizbeth Velazquez, University of Utah Beyond Gang Motives: Violence as a Function of Gang Organization in Youth Correctional Facilities Cheryl Maxson, University of California, Irvine Daniel Walter Scott, University of California, Irvine SESSION 356: EXAMINING INFLUENCES ON CORRECTIONAL POPULATIONS AND RESOURCES Thursday, November 15 - 9:30 am to 10:50 am Clark 7, 7th Floor Chair: Susan Turner, University of California, Irvine Economic Conditions and Punishment: A Meta-Analysis Dae-Young Kim, Buffalo State College Jawjeong Wu, Buffalo State College Understanding Post-Recessionary State-Level Correctional Policy Adjustments: Potential for Penal Parsimony? Pavel V. Vasiliev, University of Nevada, Las Vegas Shannon M. Monnat, University of Nevada, Las Vegas Andrew L. Spivak, University of Nevada, Las Vegas Do Drug Courts Conserve Custodial Resources? A Meta-Analysis Brian Fuleihan, University of South Carolina Frank V. Ferdik, University of South Carolina Eric L. Sevigny, University of South Carolina Measuring the Impact of Public Safety Realignment in California Susan Turner, University of California, Irvine Helen Braithwaite, University of California, Irvine Sharon Farrell, University of California, Irvine SESSION 357: CRIMINAL JUSTICE AND STATE RESPONSES TO VICTIMIZATION Thursday, November 15 - 9:30 am to 10:50 am Dearborn 1, 7th Floor Chair: Randa Jean Embry, University of Central Missouri State Compensation for Intentional Violent Crime: What Do Victims Expect? Maarten Kunst, Leiden University Nathalie-Sharon Koster The Role of Restorative Justice in Addressing State Crime: Eugenics and Reparations in North Carolina Sarah Brightman, Fayetteville State University Emily Lenning, Fayetteville State University Impact of Crime on Victims Class (ICVC) Implementation in Missouri Correctional Facilities Randa Jean Embry, University of Central Missouri Scott Chenault, University of Central Missouri Jennifer Carson, University of Central Missouri 185 THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 15 SESSION 358: INMATE MISCONDUCT AND RESPONSES TO MISCONDUCT IN JAILS Thursday, November 15 - 9:30 am to 10:50 am Dearborn 2, 7th Floor Chair: Francis Gerard Olive, III, University of New Haven An Analysis of the Factors Associated with Jail Misconduct: An Application of Correctional Theory Michelle Cubellis, CUNY Graduate Center / John Jay College of Criminal Justice Bryce Elling Peterson, CUNY Graduate Center / John Jay College of Criminal Justice Are Therapeutic Community Residents’ Economic Choice Behaviors Correlated with Their Program Behaviors? Jessica Linley, Ohio State University Anup Gampa, Ohio State University Keith Warren, Ohio State University Brian Roe, Ohio State University Ashleigh Hodge, Ohio State University Using Administrative Data to Prioritize Reentry Services: Validating a Jail-Based Risk Screening Tool Qing Wei, Vera Institute of Justice Jim Parsons, Vera Institute of Justice The Effect of Segregation Policy Reforms at the Hampden County Massachusetts Sheriff's Department Francis Gerard Olive, III, University of New Haven SESSION 359: GENDER AND THE DESISTANCE PROCESS Thursday, November 15 - 9:30 am to 10:50 am Indiana Room, 3rd Floor Chair: Mercer Sullivan, Rutgers University Masculinities, Persistence, and Desistance from Crime: Findings from a Swedish Study of Life-Courses and Crime Christoffer Carlsson, Stockholm University Life Stories of Desisting Ex-Offenders Maya Silva, Temple University Post-Peak Age Analysis of Crime by Gender from a Life Course Perspective Siyu Liu, University at Albany, SUNY Fatlherhood, Crime, and Masculinities: Moving Beyond the "Turning Point" Question Mercer Sullivan, Rutgers University SESSION 360: INTERNAL AND EXTERNAL NEIGHBORHOOD FACTORS AFFECTING CRIME Thursday, November 15 - 9:30 am to 10:50 am Kimball Room, 3rd Floor Chair: Barbara D. Warner, Georgia State University Adolescent Context and Trajectories of Delinquency: A Neighborhood-Centered Approach Tara D. Warner, University of Nebraska - Lincoln Social Organization, Sources of Community Investment, and the Prevention of Street Crime David M. Ramey, Ohio State University Emily A. Shrider, Ohio State University The Role of Green Space and the Criminogenic Nature of Surrounding Neighborhoods Karyn Sporer, University of Nebraska at Omaha John Crank, University of Nebraska at Omaha Main and Moderating Effects of Formal Controls on Crime in U.S. Cities Allison Carter, University of South Carolina Benjamin Steiner, University of Nebraska at Omaha Emily Wright, University of Nebraska at Omaha 186 THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 15 SESSION 361: PRISONER REENTRY FOR MINORITY OFFENDERS Thursday, November 15 - 9:30 am to 10:50 am LaSalle 1, 7th Floor Chair: Kecia R. Johnson, University at Albany, SUNY Consequences of Incarceration and Reentry for Young Adult Mexican American Men with a History of Gang Membership Avelardo Valdez, University of Southern California Alice Cepeda, University of Southern California Is Success Possible? Uncovering Barriers to Reentry for African American Men Deshonna Collier-Goubil, Biola University Charles Adams, Bowie State University Vernon Brownlee, Bowie State University Samuel Ojo, Bowie State University Oluwatobi Owolabi, Bowie State University African American Men's and Women's Experiences of Intimate Partner Violence During Reentry Matasha Harris, Florida Memorial University Moving Beyond Black and White: Examining the Incarceration-Earnings Relationship among Latinos Kecia R. Johnson, University at Albany, SUNY SESSION 362: MAKING IT WORK: CORRECTING THE JUVENILE JUSTICE SYSTEM AND ADJUSTING THE PROGRAM Thursday, November 15 - 9:30 am to 10:50 am LaSalle 2, 7th Floor Chair: Jennifer Elizabeth Capps, Metropolitan State College of Denver A Case Study of the Civil Rights of Institutionalized Persons Act Investigation in Arizona Melanie Taylor, Arizona State University Scott Decker, Arizona State University Charles M. Katz, Arizona State University Doing the Right Thing: The Imagination of Desistance Michaela Soyer, University of Chicago Parental, Social, and Political Child Neglect Harry Adams, Prairie View A&M University Sight and Sound Separation for 18-20-Year-Olds Serving Juvenile Commitments Jennifer Elizabeth Capps, Metropolitan State College of Denver Jennifer Lasswell, Metropolitan State College of Denver SESSION 363: INFLUENCES ON ATTITUDES TOWARD POLICE Thursday, November 15 - 9:30 am to 10:50 am LaSalle 3, 7th Floor Chair: Mengyan Dai, Old Dominion University Perceived Image, Role Orientations and Job Satisfaction: An Examination of Police Officers in a Metropolitan Police Department on the West Coast Mary Donaghy, Arkansas State University Doris Chu, Arkansas State University Public Satisfaction with the Police: Landline Phone vs. Cell Phone-Only Users in a Random Telephone Survey Ling Ren, Sam Houston State University Jihong Solomon Zhao, Sam Houston State University Dennis Longmire, Sam Houston State University Race-Ethnicity, Social Class, and Unfair Stops by Police Eileen E. Spitznas Bjornstrom, University of Missouri 187 THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 15 Correlations between Police Job Satisfaction and Police Misbehavior in South Korea: Multivariate Analyses Jeonglim Kim, Sam Houston State University Ryung Nam Kim, University of Chicago Racial Differences in Response to Police Disrespect Mengyan Dai, Old Dominion University SESSION 364: POLICING ISSUES IN THE MODERN WORLD Thursday, November 15 - 9:30 am to 10:50 am LaSalle 5, 7th Floor Chair: Dilip K. Das, International Police Executive Symposium Assessing the Influence of International Cooperation on National Police Culture Sappho Xenakis, Centre de Recheches Sociologiques sur le Droit et les Institutions Pénales (CESDIP), France Public Reaction to the 2011 Russian Police Reforms Nicolai N. Demidov, The Volgograd Academy of the Russian Internal Affairs Ministry K. Michael Reynolds, University of Central Florida Olga Semukhina, Marquette University Putting Neighborhood Contexts into the Mix: A Multilevel Analysis of Job Satisfaction among South Korean Police Officers Dae-Hoon Kwak, Illinois State University Mahesh Nalla, Michigan State University Economic Development, Armed Violence, and Public Safety Dilip K. Das, International Police Executive Symposium Garth Den Heyer, New Zealand Police, Wellington / International Police Executive Symposium SESSION 365: GENDER AND CRIMINAL BEHAVIOR Thursday, November 15 - 9:30 am to 10:50 am Logan Room, 3rd Floor Chair: Kerri Jones, North Carolina Central University Gender Differences and TWD: An SLT Approach Deborah T. Vegh, Edinboro University of Pennsylvania Melissa Ricketts, Shippensburg University George Higgins, University of Louisville Catherine Marcum, Appalachian State University Social Bonds and Non-Medical Prescription Drug Use: A Gendered Analysis Megan Gosse, University of Delaware China: Gender, Age, and Crime in the Life Span Moulin Xiong, Southwestern University of Finance and Economics The Prevalence of Female Crimes Kerri Jones, North Carolina Central University Desiree Akuchie, North Carolina Central University Lorna Elaine Grant, North Carolina Central University SESSION 366: LARGE SCALE FRAUDS AND ABUSES OF POWER Thursday, November 15 - 9:30 am to 10:50 am Marshfield Room, 3rd Floor Chair: Susan Will, John Jay College of Criminal Justice Pension Fraud: Vulnerabilities, Opportunities and Regulatory Oversight Jacqueline Drew, Griffith University Michael Drew, Griffith University 188 THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 15 Routine Activity Theory and its Applicability to White Collar Crime Cynthia Koller, Shippensburg University Surreal Estate: Rendering Abuses of Power Invisible in Hong Kong's Real Estate Industry Yujing Fun, University of Hong Kong Knight's Fall Susan Will, John Jay College of Criminal Justice SESSION 367: CRITICAL CRIMINOLOGY Thursday, November 15 - 9:30 am to 10:50 am Millennium Parlor, 6th Floor Chair: David Kauzlarich, Southern Illinois University, Edwardsville Riot, Risk and 'Thrill Seeking Youth': Rioting as Transgressive Edgework Laura Katharina Naegler, University of Hamburg Treadmill of Crime: How a Political Economy of Environmental Disorganization Can Contribute to the Greening of Crime Paul Stretesky, University of Colorado - Denver Michael Long, Oklahoma State University Michael Lynch, University of South Florida Quantum Postmodern Criminology: An Alternative Ontology Dragan Milovanovic, Northeastern Illinois University A Qualitative Interview Study on Punk Rock Resistance to State and Corporate Crime David Kauzlarich, Southern Illinois University, Edwardsville SESSION 368: SEX OFFENDERS AND SOCIETY II Thursday, November 15 - 9:30 am to 10:50 am Salon 10, 3rd floor Chair: Derek Cohen, University of Cincinnati Sex Offender Laws, Past and Present: A Review and Analysis of Legislation Jennifer N. Grimes, Indiana State University Sex Offender Policy Diffusion in the Midwest Robert Lytle, University of Nebraska at Omaha Lisa Sample, University of Nebraska at Omaha Social Control Theory and Sex Offender Policy: Are We Breaking the Bonds Needed for Success? Ashley R. Kilmer, University of Delaware The Philosophical and Theoretical Foundations of the Three Major Sex Offender Policies Joseph A. Ferrandino, Indiana University Northwest Civil Commitment of Sex Offenders: Does the Fear and Risk Justify the Cost? Georgette Bradstreet, West Virginia University SESSION 369: QUALITATIVE AND QUANTITATIVE APPROACHES TO MOTOR VEHICLE THEFT Thursday, November 15 - 9:30 am to 10:50 am Salon 4, 3rd Floor Chair: Matt R. Nobles, Sam Houston State University Activating Motivation in Auto-Theft Robert Domiano, University of Missouri - St. Louis Near-Repeat Patterns of Professional and Amateur Vehicle Theft in Newark, New Jersey Steven Block, Central Connecticut State University 189 THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 15 Spatial Analysis of Social-Structural Correlates of Auto Theft in Houston, TX Bora Lee, Sam Houston State University Joongyeup Lee, Sam Houston State University Matt R. Nobles, Sam Houston State University Yan Zhang, Sam Houston State University SESSION 370: ROUTINES, SITUATIONS, AND CRIME Thursday, November 15 - 9:30 am to 10:50 am Salon 5, 3rd Floor Chair: Vincenzo Antonio Sainato, Loyola University New Orleans Identification of Factors Influencing the Commission of Burglaries Mustafa Donmez, Turkish National Police Juveniles' Routines and their Victimization in South Korea Yongsok Kim, Texas State University - San Marcos Situational Circumstances of Juvenile Crime: Where, When, With Whom and How? Simone Walser, University of Zurich Martin Killias, Zurich University, Switzerland Drug Transportation Routes and Robbery: A Brand New Meaning to "Highway Robbery" Lin Huff-Corzine, University of Central Florida Greg S. Weaver, Auburn University James C. McCutcheon, University of Central Florida Jay Corzine, University of Central Florida SESSION 371: EVALUATING PRISONER REENTRY PROGRAMS III Thursday, November 15 - 9:30 am to 10:50 am Salon 8, 3rd Floor Chair: Lindsey Cramer, The Urban Institute Offender Reentry, Day Reporting Centers, and the Disconnection between Evidence-Based Practices and Policy Kyle C. Ward, Indiana University of Pennsylvania Offender Reentry: An Assessment of Opportunity and Participation in Programming Dara Drawbridge, Northeastern University Rebecca Rodriguez-Meade, Northeastern University Natasha A. Frost, Northeastern University Circles of Support and Accountability (CoSA): Reducing Sex Offender Recidivism in Canada Ken Montgomery, University of Regina Rick Ruddell, University of Regina Nicholas Jones, University of Regina Reentering Fathers: Initial Findings from Responsible Fatherhood Initiatives Lindsey Cramer, The Urban Institute Shelli Rossman, The Urban Institute Jocelyn Fontaine, The Urban Institute SESSION 372: POLICE EDUCATION Thursday, November 15 - 9:30 am to 10:50 am Salon 9, 3rd Floor Chair: Robert F. Vodde, Fairleigh Dickinson University College Cops: A Study of Police Education in California Christie Gardiner, California State University, Fullerton Sabrina Schneider, California State University, Fullerton 190 THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 15 Bad Cop, No Diploma: The Impact of Post-Secondary Educational Requirements for Law Enforcement Officers Kevin Walsh, Aurora University The Relationship between Level of Education and Moral Judgment Competence of Police Officers and its Impact on Misconduct Meri Avetisyan, Armenian State Pedagogical University Robin Bryant, Canterbury Christ Church University, UK The Influence of Social Learning Theory on Police Training and Education Robert F. Vodde, Fairleigh Dickinson University SESSION 373: ROUNDTABLE: NEWS COVERAGE OF CRIME AND JUSTICE IN 2012 Thursday, November 15 - 9:30 am to 10:50 am Sandburg 2, 7th Floor Discussants: Ted Gest, Criminal Justice Journalists Angela Caputo, Chicago Reporter Frank Main, Chicago Sun-Times Gina Barton, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel Mick Dumke, Chicago Reader SESSION 374: ROUNDTABLE: ORGANIZED CRIME IN THE DIGITAL AGE Thursday, November 15 - 9:30 am to 10:50 am Sandburg 4, 7th Floor Discussants: Michael Mcguire, University of Surrey Peter Grabosky, Australian National University David S. Wall, Durham University SESSION 375: ROUNDTABLE: THE FUTURE OF CRIMINOLOGY: A TRIBUTE TO DAVID FARRINGTON Thursday, November 15 - 9:30 am to 10:50 am Sandburg 5, 7th Floor Chairs: Rolf Loeber, University of Pittsburgh Brandon C. Welsh, Northeastern University Discussants: Alfred Blumstein, Carnegie Mellon University Friedrich A. Loesel, University of Cambridge J. David Hawkins, University of Washington Doris Layton MacKenzie, Pennsylvania State University Richard E. Tremblay, University of Montreal David P. Farrington, Cambridge University SESSION 376: ROUNDTABLE: PH.D. MAMA: BALANCING MOTHERHOOD AND THE ACADEMY Thursday, November 15 - 9:30 am to 10:50 am Sandburg 6, 7th Floor Discussants: Denise Paquette Boots, University of Texas at Dallas Jill Rosenbaum, California State University, Fullerton Stacy Mallicoat, California State University, Fullerton Amanda Burgess-Proctor, Oakland University Christina DeJong, Michigan State University SESSION 377: ROUNDTABLE: POLICING AND PUBLIC SAFETY Thursday, November 15 - 9:30 am to 10:50 am Sandburg 8, 7th Floor Airport Madness: An Examination of Attitudinal Support for Airport Racial Profiling Aaron Puhrmann, University of Miami Critically Analyzing Community Policing In Contemporary Contexts Debra Amy Langan, Wilfrid Laurier University 191 THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 15 Meacham Park: How Do Blacks Experience Policing in the Suburbs? Andrea Shonetelle Boyles, Lindenwood University SESSION 378: CORRECTIONAL PROGRAMMING FOR WOMEN Thursday, November 15 - 9:30 am to 10:50 am Spire Parlor, 6th Floor Chair: Courtney A. Crittenden, University of South Carolina Beyond Violence: Piloting an Intervention for Women Convicted of Violent Crimes Sheryl Kubiak, Michigan State University Gina Fedock, Michigan State University Woo Jong Kim, Michigan State University Deborah Bybee, Michigan State University Women Inmates’ Assessment of Health Care Services in Prisons in Kansas and Ohio Janice Proctor, Ohio University - Eastern Campus Working with Women Prisoners Stephanie Hayman, University of Alberta Assessing Gender Differences in the Availability of Programming in U.S. Prisons Courtney A. Crittenden, University of South Carolina Barbara A. Koons-Witt, University of South Carolina SESSION 379: RESEARCH ON METHAMPHETAMINE USE AND CONTROL Thursday, November 15 - 9:30 am to 10:50 am Water Tower Parlor, 6th Floor Chair: Kristin Carbone-Lopez, University of Missouri - St. Louis A Preliminary Analysis of the Impact of Methamphetamine Use on States' Substance Abuse Treatment Catherine Collins, University of Florida Exiting the Life: Understanding Desistance from Methamphetamine Rashi K. Shukla, University of Central Oklahoma E. Elaine Bartgis, University of Central Oklahoma Amanda Gautier, University of Central Oklahoma Kathryn Letourneau, University of Central Oklahoma Shannon Jackson, University of Central Oklahoma Emelia Siobhan Chrisco, University of Central Oklahoma Women's Involvement in the Street Level Methamphetamine Market Julie Yingling, Michigan State University Above the Law? Changes in Methamphetamine Laws and Users’ Perceptions of Their Effectiveness Kristin Carbone-Lopez, University of Missouri - St. Louis SESSION 380: RESEARCH ON CRIMINAL CAREERS Thursday, November 15 - 9:30 am to 10:50 am Wilson Room, 3rd Floor Chair: Michael Rocque, Northeastern University Fatality or Skills? The Role of Criminal Competence in Avoiding Arrest Frederic Ouellet, University of Montreal Martin Bouchard, Simon Fraser University The Role of Conventional and Criminal Social Capital in Late Onset Drug Trafficking Careers Wei Wang, Simon Fraser University Martin Bouchard, Simon Fraser University 192 THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 15 In It for the Green: Career Transitions of Domestic Cannabis Growers Aili Malm, California State University, Long Beach Martin Bouchard, Simon Fraser University Holly Nguyen, University of Maryland The Lost Concept: Re-Introducing Maturation as a Cause of Desistance Michael Rocque, Northeastern University Chad Posick, Northeastern University THEMATIC SESSION SESSION 381: MEASURING POLICE LEGITIMACY AND FAIRNESS: THE POLICE-CIVILIAN INTERACTION (PCI) SURVEY Thursday, November 15 - 11:00 am to 12:20 pm Burnham 1, 7th Floor Chair: Dennis P. Rosenbaum, University of Illinois at Chicago The Current Status of the Police-Civilian Interaction (PCI) Survey Dennis P. Rosenbaum, University of Illinois at Chicago Daniel S. Lawrence, University of Illinois at Chicago Susan M. Hartnett, University of Illinois at Chicago Introducing the Police-Civilian Interaction (PCI) Survey in Boston Jack McDevitt, Northeastern University Chad Posick, Northeastern University Translating Research into Practice: Implications of the Police-Civilian Interaction (PCI) Survey for Training in Chicago Brian S. Murphy, Chicago Police Department Bruce D. Lipman, Chicago Police Education and Training Academy Discussant: Garry McCarthy, Chicago Police Department THEMATIC SESSION SESSION 382: MISCARRIAGES OF JUSTICE: COMPARATIVE PERSPECTIVES ON WRONGFUL CONVICTIONS Thursday, November 15 - 11:00 am to 12:20 pm Burnham 2, 7th Floor Chair: Marvin Zalman, Wayne State University Wrongful Convictions in China: A Preliminary Exploration Marvin Zalman, Wayne State University Yuning Wu, Wayne State University Truth be Told: Direct and Indirect Influences of Appellate Review on the Truthfulness of Trial Verdicts Ralph Grunewald, University of Wisconsin - Madison Tunnel Vision and Bias Confirmation as Causes of Wrongful Conviction: How Vulnerable are Different Systems of Criminal Justice? Chrisje Brants, Willem Pompe Institute Wrongful Conviction: Considering Prosecutors’ Ability to Effect Change Randall Grometstein, Fitchburg State University 193 THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 15 SESSION 383: PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT: THE GROWING CHORUS - WE ENDED STUDENT APATHY WITH TEAM-BASED LEARNING PART II Thursday, November 15 - 11:00 am to 12:20 pm Chicago Room, 5th Floor Chair: Janet P. Stamatel, University of Kentucky Experiences with TBL, 1 Kristen Budd, Indiana University South Bend Experiences with TBL, 2 Shawn Bushway, University at Albany, SUNY Megan C. Kurlychek, University at Albany, SUNY Experiences with TBL, 3 Rachel E. Stein, West Virginia University Corey Colyer, West Virginia University Discussant: William Roberson, University at Albany, SUNY THEMATIC SESSION SESSION 384: WHY HAS MASSIVE INCARCERATION NOT MADE ILLEGAL DRUGS MORE EXPENSIVE? Thursday, November 15 - 11:00 am to 12:20 pm Clark 5, 7th Floor Chair: Eric L. Sevigny, University of South Carolina A Theoretical Contribution as to Why Mass Incarceration Might Not Raise Drug Prices Peter Reuter, University of Maryland The Effects of the Aging of Drug Sellers Harold Pollack, University of Chicago The Limited Contribution Currently Made by Drug Courts Eric L. Sevigny, University of South Carolina THEMATIC SESSION SESSION 385: INNOVATIVE APPROACHES TO ENSURING EVIDENCE-BASED PRACTICES IN CORRECTIONS Thursday, November 15 - 11:00 am to 12:20 pm Clark 7, 7th Floor Chair: Paula Smith, University of Cincinnati Evaluating A System-Wide Expansion of the Reach of Community Corrections Erin Harbinson, University of Cincinnati Brian Lovins, University of Cincinnati Edward Latessa, University of Cincinnati Paula Smith, University of Cincinnati Evaluation of the Quality and Effectiveness of Prison Education and Treatment Programming Angela Estes, University of Cincinnati Carrie Sullivan, University of Cincinnati Edward Latessa, University of Cincinnati Paula Smith, University of Cincinnati 194 THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 15 Delivering Effective Practices: A Compare and Contrast of Community and Institutional Settings Brian Lovins, University of Cincinnati Carrie Sullivan, University of Cincinnati Paula Smith, University of Cincinnati Edward Latessa, University of Cincinnati Discussant: Shelley Listwan, University of North Carolina at Charlotte THEMATIC SESSION SESSION 386: CULTURAL APPROACHES TO GREEN CRIMINOLOGY: NEW AND EMERGING PERSPECTIVES Thursday, November 15 - 11:00 am to 12:20 pm Clark 9, 7th Floor Chair: Avi Brisman, Eastern Kentucky University Green Cultural Criminology and Apocalyptic Environmental Harm Avi Brisman, Eastern Kentucky University You Never Miss the Water Till the Well Runs Dry: Water, Waste, and Crimes of Consumption Nigel South, University of Essex Little Red Riding Hood, Pedophiles and Crime Films, Oh My! Toward a Popular Green Criminology Steven Kohm, University of Winnipeg Pauline Greenhill, University of Winnipeg What Do We Do Now? Cross-National Differences in Normative Solutions to the BP Oil Spill Kimberly Zagorski, University of Wisconsin - Stout Nels Paulson, University of Wisconsin - Stout Discussant: Jeff Ferrell, Texas Christian University THEMATIC SESSION SESSION 387: MEDIA CONSTRUCTIONS: VIOLENCE, GENDER, AND JUSTICE Thursday, November 15 - 11:00 am to 12:20 pm LaSalle 2, 7th Floor Chair: Drew Humphries, Rutgers University - Camden Examining the Influence of Race on the Presentation of Femicide in the News: Does Perpetrator Race, Victim Race or Racial Dyad Matter? Eugena A. Givens, University of South Florida Lane Kirkland Gillespie, University of South Florida Tara N. Richards, Appalachian State University Law and Order's Construction of Rape: Changes 1990-1999 Drew Humphries, Rutgers University - Camden TFLN: Challenging Contemporary Ideas of Sexual Victimization Emily Bonistall, University of Delaware Discussant: Dawn K. Cecil, University of South Florida, St. Petersburg 195 THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 15 THEMATIC SESSION SESSION 388: EXPERIMENTAL CRIMINOLOGY IN CYBERSPACE: THE EFFECTS OF WARNING AND SURVEILLANCE ON HACKERS’ ON-LINE ACTIVITIES Thursday, November 15 - 11:00 am to 12:20 pm Madison Room, 3rd Floor Chair: David Maimon, University of Maryland Surveillance Cues and Users Computer Usage Theodor Wilson, University of Maryland David Maimon, University of Maryland Michel Cukier, University of Maryland Hackers Beware! Does a Warning Banner Shape Hackers' Attacks? Mariel Alper, University of Maryland David Maimon, University of Maryland Bertrand Sobesto, University of Maryland Michel Cukier, University of Maryland From Victims to Criminals: Crimes Performed and Victims Targeted by Zombie Computers Bertrand Sobesto, University of Maryland Michel Cukier, University of Maryland David Maimon, University of Maryland CCTV in Cyberspace? Testing the Effectiveness of Monitoring and Surveillance on Computer Trespassing David Maimon, University of Maryland Mariel Alper, University of Maryland Bertrand Sobesto, University of Maryland Michel Cukier, University of Maryland THEMATIC SESSION SESSION 389: INTERNATIONAL PERSPECTIVES IN CRIME CONTROL POLICY TRANSFER Thursday, November 15 - 11:00 am to 12:20 pm Price Room, 5th Floor Chair: Tim Newburn, London School of Economics and Political Science Urban Security in Europe: Findings from Project URBIS Adam Edwards, Cardiff University Gordon Hughes, Cardiff University Exploring Transatlantic Policy Transfer: Convergence and Resistance in British Policing Policy Trevor Jones, Cardiff University Hoodies, Hounds and Harm Reduction: U.S. Influences on U.K. Responses Claire Lawson, Cardiff University / RSPCA Discussant: Tim Newburn, London School of Economics and Political Science THEMATIC SESSION SESSION 390: BRIDGING THE GAP BETWEEN RESEARCH AND PRACTICE, PART II: A STATE PERSPECTIVE Thursday, November 15 - 11:00 am to 12:20 pm Red Lacquer Room, 4th Floor Moderator: Stan Orchowsky, Justice Research and Statistics Association 196 THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 15 Presenters: Mark Myrent, Illinois Criminal Justice Information Authority Mary Ann Dyar, Illinois Criminal Justice Information Authority Jordan Boulger, Illinois Criminal Justice Information Authority Leslie Landis, Circuit Court of Cook County, IL Domestic Violence Division THEMATIC SESSION SESSION 391: OUTCOMES OF YOUTH IN THE JUVENILE JUSTICE SYSTEM: NEW FINDINGS FROM THE NORTHWESTERN JUVENILE PROJECT Thursday, November 15 - 11:00 am to 12:20 pm Salon 1, 3rd Floor Chair: Linda Teplin, Northwestern University Psychosocial Determinants and Racial/Ethnic Disparities in Early Violent Death: A Prospective Study of Delinquent Youth Marquita Stokes, Northwestern University Leah J. Welty, Northwestern University Karen M. Abram, Northwestern University Nichole D. Olson, Northwestern University Jessica A. Jakubowski, Northwestern University Development and Persistence of Alcohol and Drug Use Disorders: A Longitudinal Study of Delinquent Youth Anna J. Harrison, Northwestern University Karen M. Abram, Northwestern University Leah J. Welty, Northwestern University Kathleen P. McCoy, Northwestern University Linda Teplin, Northwestern University Trajectories of Substance Use Disorders: A 12-Year Longitudinal Study of Delinquent Youth Jennifer A. Hershfield, Northwestern University Leah J. Welty, Northwestern University Linda Teplin, Northwestern University Karen M. Abram, Northwestern University Patterns of Comorbid Psychiatric Disorders over Time: A Five-Year Longitudinal Study of Youth in the Juvenile Justice System Nichole D. Olson, Northwestern University Karen M. Abram, Northwestern University Naomi N. Zwecker, Northwestern University Leah J. Welty, Northwestern University Linda Teplin, Northwestern University THEMATIC SESSION SESSION 392: DISCOVERING DESISTANCE: INCREASING AND USING KNOWLEDGE ABOUT DESISTING FROM CRIME Thursday, November 15 - 11:00 am to 12:20 pm Salon 12, 3rd Floor Chair: Faye S. Taxman, George Mason University Producing A Film on Desistance from an International Perspective Fergus McNeill, University of Glasgow Knowledge Exchange Workshops on Desistance Shadd Maruna, Queen's University Belfast Thinking about Desistance Faye S. Taxman, George Mason University Discussant: Danielle Rudes, George Mason University 197 THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 15 THEMATIC SESSION SESSION 393: DISCOVERING AIRPORT SECURITY: THE INTERACTION BETWEEN PEOPLE, PLACES, BUSINESS, SECURITY AND CRIME PREVENTION Thursday, November 15 - 11:00 am to 12:20 pm Salon 5, 3rd Floor Chair: Richard L. Legault, U.S. Department of Homeland Security The Interaction between Law Enforcement and Security at Airports: Findings from the GMU Assessment of TSA’s Comprehensive Security Strategy Cynthia Lum, George Mason University Procedural Justice and Legitimacy in Airport Security: Findings from the GMU Assessment of TSA’s Comprehensive Security Strategy Devon Johnson, George Mason University Screening and Profiling in Israeli Airports Badi Hasisi, The Hebrew University THEMATIC SESSION SESSION 394: ANTI-CIVIL RIGHTS ACTIVISM IN MISSISSIPPI AND NORTH CAROLINA, 19551975 Thursday, November 15 - 11:00 am to 12:20 pm Salon 6, 3rd Floor Chair: Geoff Ward, University of California, Irvine Social Movement Mobilization and Anti-Civil Rights Enforcement: Comparing the Mississippi and North Carolina Civil Rights Movements, 1955-1970 Daniel Thomas Kryder, Brandeis University David Cunningham, Brandeis University Geoff Ward, University of California, Irvine Vigilantism Reconsidered: Threat, Networks, and KKK Membership David Cunningham, Brandeis University Jaleh Jalili, Brandeis University Molly Schneider, Brandeis University Fuzzy Logics of Ku Klux Klan Mobilization in Civil Rights-Era North Carolina: Spatial and Structural Aspects of Intermediate and Formal Action Peter Owens, University of California, Irvine David Cunningham, Brandeis University Geoff Ward, University of California, Irvine The Record of Anti-Civil Rights Violence and Reprisal: Tales from an Event Database Geoff Ward, University of California, Irvine Nicholas David Petersen, University of California, Irvine THEMATIC SESSION SESSION 395: EMPLOYMENT AND CRIME Thursday, November 15 - 11:00 am to 12:20 pm Salon 7, 3rd Floor Chair: Julie Horney, Pennsylvania State University Do Illegal Market Incentives Affect Participation in Legitimate Employment? Holly Nguyen, University of Maryland 198 THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 15 Thomas A. Loughran, University of Maryland Jeff Fagan, Columbia University Alex Piquero, University of Texas at Dallas The Effects of Educational Level, Employment, and Income Support on Serious Offending Janna Verbruggen, VU University Amsterdam Victor van der Geest, VU University Amsterdam Arjan Blokland, NSCR Work Instability and Crime among Adult Male Offenders Robert Apel, Rutgers University - Newark Julie Horney, Pennsylvania State University Discussant: Ross Matsueda, University of Washington THEMATIC SESSION SESSION 396: DEFENDING VETERANS ENTANGLED IN THE COURTS: LEGAL AND ETHICAL SOLUTIONS AND STRATEGIES Thursday, November 15 - 11:00 am to 12:20 pm Salon 8, 3rd Floor Chair: William Brown, Western Oregon University Hard Core Blood and Guts Criminal Defense for Veterans William J. Sheppard, Sheppard, White and Kachergus, P.A. Defending Our Institutionalized Veterans: Bringing PTSD and Co-Morbid Disorders at Pre-Trial, Trial, and Sentencing Stages Robert R. Fischer, Federal Defenders of Eastern Washington and Idaho Early Results of the War on Terror on Crime and Punishment: A Sociological Legal and Psychological Weather Report Robert G. Stanulis, Forensic Psychology & Neuropsychology The Past is Prologue: Veterans with TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury) and PTSD (Posttraumatic Stress Disorder) in Criminal Justice Eric H. Schweitzer, Schweitzer & Davidian A.P.C. MEETING SESSION 397: OUTSTANDING ARTICLE AWARD COMMITTEE MEETING Thursday, November 15 - 11:00 am to 12:20 pm Clark 1, 7th Floor MEETING SESSION 398: DIVISION ON PEOPLE OF COLOR AND CRIME GENERAL BUSINESS MEETING Thursday, November 15 - 11:00 am to 12:20 pm Grant Park Parlor, 6th Floor MEETING SESSION 399: DIVISION OF VICTIMOLOGY GENERAL MEETING Thursday, November 15 - 11:00 am to 12:20 pm Medinah Parlor, 6th Floor TRIBUTE SESSION SESSION 400: TRIBUTE TO HUGO ADAM BEDAU Thursday, November 15 - 11:00 am to 12:20 pm Montrose 5, 7th Floor 199 THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 15 MEETING SESSION 401: ASC MENTORING COMMITTEE MEETING Thursday, November 15 - 11:00 am to 12:20 pm Salon 2, 3rd Floor AUTHOR MEETS CRITICS SESSION 402: GREAT AMERICAN CITY: CHICAGO AND THE ENDURING NEIGHBORHOOD EFFECT Thursday, November 15 - 11:00 am to 12:20 pm Empire Room, Lobby Level Chair: James F. Short, Jr., Washington State University Author Robert J. Sampson, Harvard University Critics Robert Bursik, University of Missouri - St. Louis Jens Ludwig, University of Chicago Alex Kotlowitz, Author, There Are No Children Here SESSION 403: VICTIMIZATION RISK OVER TIME: RESEARCH FINDINGS FROM THE NCVS Thursday, November 15 - 11:00 am to 12:20 pm Buckingham Room, 5th Floor Chair: Maribeth Rezey, University of Missouri - St. Louis Female Victims: Risk Factors for Violent Victimization by Crime Type Julie Ahmad Siddique, CUNY Graduate Center / John Jay College of Criminal Justice The Relationship between Adult Role Statuses and the Risk of Victimization Stacey J. Bosick, University of Colorado - Denver Callie Marie Rennison, University of Colorado - Denver The Role of Marital Status in Women’s Risk for Violent Victimization Maribeth Rezey, University of Missouri - St. Louis SESSION 404: THE EFFECTS OF SENTENCING POLICIES Thursday, November 15 - 11:00 am to 12:20 pm Burnham 4, 7th Floor Chair: Kathleen Auerhahn, Temple University Minority Threat and the War on Drugs: An Analysis of Prison Drug Admissions in California Counties Benjamin Fleury-Steiner, University of Delaware Lionel Smith, University of Delaware Tanya Whittle, University of Delaware The Effects of State Sentencing Reforms on Sentence Length and Time-Served: A Multilevel Analysis Rodney Engen, University of Arkansas Mindy Bradley, University of Arkansas The Implementation of 2009 Drug Law Reforms in New York: A Treatment Provider's Perspective Robert Daniel Riggs, John Jay College of Criminal Justice / Vera Institute of Justice Jim Parsons, Vera Institute of Justice Two Eras of U.S. Sentencing Policy and the Production of Aging Prison Populations Kathleen Auerhahn, Temple University 200 THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 15 SESSION 405: UNDERSCORING THE NEED FOR POLICE-COMMUNITY COLLABORATION Thursday, November 15 - 11:00 am to 12:20 pm Clark 10, 7th Floor Chair: Adam Karl Matz, American Probation and Parole Association Boomtown Policing: Fighting Crime and Disorder during a Resource Boom Rick Ruddell, University of Regina Thomas Matthew, California State University, Chico The Mississippi is Just a River: A Comparison of Local Responses to Human Trafficking Erin C. Heil, Southern Illinois University, Edwardsville Andrea Nichols, St. Louis Community College Community Pharmacists as Defacto Cops: Responding to Drug Problems through Police Partnerships Julianne Webster, Griffith University Policy Implications of Police-Probation/Parole Partnerships Adam Karl Matz, American Probation and Parole Association SESSION 406: OFFENDER REHABILITATION AND PRISONER REENTRY Thursday, November 15 - 11:00 am to 12:20 pm Clark 3, 7th Floor Chair: Reuben Miller, Loyola University Chicago Important Aspects of Reentry Mirlinda Ndrecka, University of Cincinnati Reform Optimism and the Legacies of American Protestantism David Green, John Jay College of Criminal Justice, CUNY The Search for the Tipping Point on Prison Inmate Rehabilitation Invigorated: Implications for Offender Rehabilitation and Recidivism Charles Ubah, Georgia College & State University Devolving the Carceral State Reuben Miller, Loyola University Chicago SESSION 407: PUBLIC POLICY AND CORPORATE HARMS Thursday, November 15 - 11:00 am to 12:20 pm Cresthill Room, 3rd Floor Chair: Lloyd Klein, St. Francis College Criminal Negligence or Bad Practice? The I-35W Bridge Collapse in Minneapolis, Minnesota as an Example of State Crime of Omission Casey Schotter, University of Northern Iowa Gayle Rhineberger-Dunn, University of Northern Iowa Harms at Railroad Crossings: Intersecting Public and Private Domains Travis Milburn, Eastern Kentucky University Piracy Redefined: Results from the Contemporary Maritime Piracy Database - 2001 to 2010 Anamika Twyman-Ghoshal, Endicott College Reverse Redlining: The Racialization of the American Dream Laura A. Patterson, Shippensburg University SESSION 408: UNDERSTANDING THE IMPACT OF VICTIMIZATION Thursday, November 15 - 11:00 am to 12:20 pm Dearborn 1, 7th Floor Chair: Derek Mason, Bowling Green State University 201 THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 15 Life After Tragedy: A Survivor Informed Approach to Understanding the Needs of Homicide and Suicide Survivors Jeanna M. Mastrocinque, University of Rochester Medical Center Jed Metzger, Nazareth College Peter K. Navratil, PJ Consulting Catherine Cerulli, University of Rochester Medical Center Perceptions of Commercially Sexually Exploited Girls: The Role of Perceiver Similarity in Attributions of Blame Cortney A. Franklin, Sam Houston State University Tasha A. Menaker, Sam Houston State University A New Normal: Exploring the Impact of Homicide on Surviving Family Members Derek Mason, Bowling Green State University Christine M. Englebrecht, Bowling Green State University Peggy Adams, Bowling Green State University SESSION 409: OFFENDER INTERVENTION POLICIES Thursday, November 15 - 11:00 am to 12:20 pm Dearborn 2, 7th Floor Chair: Megan Bears Augustyn, University of Maryland Decriminalizing Mentally Ill Offenders through Salutogenic Models of Inquiry Adam Vaughan, Simon Fraser University Gender Responsive Probation Model Outcome Evaluation Lindsey Devers, Justice Research Center / CSR Incorporated Stephanie Bontrager Ryon, The Justice Research Center Kristin Winokur Early, Justice Research Center Greg Hand, Justice Research Center Electronic Monitoring of Offenders: A Systematic Review of Its Effect on Recidivism in the Criminal Justice System Francis Taylor, Police Service of Northern Ireland Barak Ariel, University of Cambridge / Hebrew University Procedural Justice and the Serious Adolescent Offender Megan Bears Augustyn, University of Maryland SESSION 410: 6TH ANNUAL WORKSHOP ON STATE CRIME Thursday, November 15 - 11:00 am to 12:20 pm Hancock Parlor, 6th Floor Chair: Dawn L. Rothe, Old Dominion University SESSION 411: BIOSOCIAL CRIMINOLOGY: MYRIAD INFLUENCES Thursday, November 15 - 11:00 am to 12:20 pm Indiana Room, 3rd Floor Chair: Aaron Sell, Griffith University Race Differences in Intelligence, Family Adversity, and Externalizing Problems in a Nationally Representative Sample of Children Brian B. Boutwell, Sam Houston State University J.C. Barnes, University of Texas at Dallas John Paul Wright, University of Cincinnati Kevin M. Beaver, Florida State University Risk-Taking and Self-Regulation: A Systematic Review of Age Effects in Analyses of Delinquency Outcomes Michelle Evans-Chase, University of Pennsylvania Minseop Kim, University of Pennsylvania Huiquan Zhou, Chinese University of Hong Kong The Relationship between Psychopathy, Arousal, and Decisions to Offend J. Andrew Colarusso, Sam Houston State University Holly A. Miller, Sam Houston State University Jeffery A. Bouffard, Sam Houston State University 202 THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 15 Violence and Physical Strength in the Human Male: An Evolutionary Analysis Aaron Sell, Griffith University SESSION 412: GENTRIFICATION, FORECLOSURES, AND NEIGHBORHOOD CRIME Thursday, November 15 - 11:00 am to 12:20 pm Kimball Room, 3rd Floor Chair: Johanna Lacoe, New York University Gentrification and Crime in New York City, 1980-2010 Michael S. Barton, University at Albany, SUNY Gentrification and Crime: Examining this Aspect of Urban Change from a Control Perspective Kathryn Noe Kozey, University of Maryland The Relationship between Foreclosures and Crime in Washington, DC and Miami, FL Kathy Pettit, The Urban Institute Meagan Cahill, The Urban Institute Variation in the Impact of Foreclosures on Neighborhood Crime: Evidence from Chicago, Miami, and New York City Johanna Lacoe, New York University Ingrid Gould Ellen, New York University SESSION 413: JUVENILE SEX OFFENDING Thursday, November 15 - 11:00 am to 12:20 pm LaSalle 1, 7th Floor Chair: Deborah Ann Sibila, Sam Houston State University Juvenile Sex Reoffending Patterns and Implications for Juvenile Justice Responses Raechel Lizon, Utah Administrative Office of the Courts Rob Butters, University of Utah Mindy J. Vanderloo, University of Utah Michael J. Tanana, University of Utah Sex Offender Recidivism Revisited: Review of Recent Meta-Analyses on the Effects of Sex Offender Treatment Bitna Kim, Indiana University of Pennsylvania Peter Benekos, Mercyhurst University Alida Merlo, Indiana University of Pennsylvania Sex, Tech, Teens, and the Law Deborah Ann Sibila, Sam Houston State University Natalia Del Rocio Tapia, Lewis University Wendi Pollock, Stephen F. Austin State University SESSION 414: QUANTITATIVE ANALYSES OF OFFICIAL DATA Thursday, November 15 - 11:00 am to 12:20 pm LaSalle 3, 7th Floor Chair: Heather Burns, Seattle University Still a ‘Census’? An Exploratory Approach to the 2005 BJS Forensic Lab Census Survey Data Jessica Meckes, Indiana University Bloomington Karen Kafadar, Indiana University Bloomington Exploring NIBRS Data with a Relational Database Douglas E. Salane, John Jay College of Criminal Justice Eman Abdu, John Jay College of Criminal Justice Peter Shenkin, John Jay College of Criminal Justice Correcting for Selection Bias in Pretrial Release Recommendation Research Jie Xu, New York City Criminal Justice Agency 203 THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 15 Why Do the UCR and NCVS Show Convergence? A Time Series Modeling-Based Explanation Sami Ansari, Salem State University SESSION 415: THE ROLE OF PARENTS AND THE FAMILY IN JUVENILE JUSTICE PROCEEDINGS AND OUTCOMES Thursday, November 15 - 11:00 am to 12:20 pm LaSalle 5, 7th Floor Chair: Natalie Kroovand Hipple, Michigan State University A Closer Look at Family Group Conferencing in Juvenile Justice Kelly Waltman-Spreha, Temple University Children Left Behind: A Look at the Termination of Parental Rights Due to Incarceration David Nicholson, Missouri Western State University Parents in Youth Court: Participants, Supervisors or Observers? Kim Varma, Ryerson University Examining the Effects of Family Deprivation, Police Presence and Prosecutorial Caseload on Status Crime Outcomes D. A. Bowers, University of South Alabama S. E. Costanza, University of South Alabama Using Family Group Conference Observations to Revisit Youthful Offenders and Recidivism over the Long Term Natalie Kroovand Hipple, Michigan State University Jeff Gruenewald, University of Arkansas SESSION 416: FRIENDSHIP NETWORKS AND DELINQUENCY Thursday, November 15 - 11:00 am to 12:20 pm Logan Room, 3rd Floor Chair: Owen Gallupe, Simon Fraser University Behavioral Heterogeneity in Adolescent Friendship Networks Carter Rees, Arizona State University Callie Harbin Burt, Arizona State University Defining Best Friends for Measuring Delinquency Associations Brooks Louton, Arizona State University Carter Rees, Arizona State University The Ugly Duckling: Juvenile Delinquents in Non-Delinquent Networks Hubert Nguyen, California State University, Long Beach Situational Network Influences on Delinquency Owen Gallupe, Simon Fraser University Martin Bouchard, Simon Fraser University SESSION 417: INFORMING EFFORTS TO REDUCE TERRORISM Thursday, November 15 - 11:00 am to 12:20 pm Marshfield Room, 3rd Floor Chair: Maartje van der Woude, Leiden Law School Difficulties in Combating Terror Financing Dean C. Alexander, Western Illinois University Counter Terrorism in the 21st Century: Future Strategies Charles Lieberman, CUNY Graduate Center Counterterrorist Crimmigration and the Dutch Legislature: Analyzing the Internal – External Security Nexus Maartje van der Woude, Leiden Law School 204 THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 15 Righteous Guys: Inmate Leadership and the Prisoner De-Radicalization Movement Mark S. Hamm, Indiana State University SESSION 418: FAMILY VIOLENCE: CHILD ABUSE, CHILD-TO-PARENT ABUSE, AND MUTUAL VIOLENCE Thursday, November 15 - 11:00 am to 12:20 pm Millennium Parlor, 6th Floor Chair: Murray A. Straus, University of New Hampshire Adolescent-to-Parent Violence: Exploring the Silence Rachel Condry, University of Oxford Caroline Miles, University of Oxford Impacts of Marital Conflicts on Future Delinquency of the Child: A Review and Synthesis of Recent Literature Minjung Kim, Florida State University Steven Michael Lemmey, Florida State University Examining the Cycle of Violence: The Intergenerational Transmission of Intimate Partner Violence and Child Maltreatment Jordyn L. Rosario, Florida State University Relation of Violence between Parents of University Students to Students’ Criminogenic Beliefs, Assaults on Dating Partners, and Property Crime: A Comparison of Father-Only, Mother-Only, and Mutual Parental Violence Murray A. Straus, University of New Hampshire Yahayra Michel-Smith, University of New Hampshire SESSION 419: INNOVATIONS IN TEACHING CRIMINOLOGY AND CRIMINAL JUSTICE COURSES II Thursday, November 15 - 11:00 am to 12:20 pm Salon 10, 3rd floor Chair: Jennifer L. Schulenberg, University of Waterloo Justice Student Perceptions of POGIL Techniques: Benefits and Problems Allan Barnes, University of Alaska Anchorage The Effect of a Collaborative Freshman Seminar on Enhancing Collegiate Educational Careers Leslie Brooke Hill, Florida State University Criminal Justice Conspiracy Theories and Deficiencies in Critical Thinking Skills Christian Diederich, University of Cincinnati Derek Cohen, University of Cincinnati The Master's Comprehensive Exam in Criminal Justice Education: An Exploratory Study Angela Taylor, Fayetteville State University Robert Brown, Fayetteville State University Kenethia L. McIntosh Fuller, North Carolina Central University Lorenzo M. Boyd, Fayetteville State University SESSION 420: RATIONAL CHOICE THEORY AND CRIME Thursday, November 15 - 11:00 am to 12:20 pm Salon 3, 3rd Floor Chair: Gary Kleck, Florida State University A Quantitative Analysis of the Seductions of Crime in a Sample of Criminal Offenders Peter B. Wood, Eastern Michigan University James A. Wilson, Russell Sage Foundation David May, Mississippi State University Beyond Rational Choice: The Case for a Hot/Cool Perspective of Criminal Decision-Making Jean-Louis van Gelder, NSCR, Amsterdam, The Netherlands 205 THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 15 Measured Success: Rational Choice Theory and Terrorists' Use of Suicide Operations Dennis Ferrick, University of Massachusetts Lowell Adult Unemployment and Serious Property Crime: A National Case-Control Study Gary Kleck, Florida State University Dylan Baker Jackson, Florida State University SESSION 421: OFFENDING TACTICS FOR TERRORISTS AND OTHER BAD PEOPLE Thursday, November 15 - 11:00 am to 12:20 pm Salon 4, 3rd Floor Chair: Darren K. Stocker, Cumberland County College Hunting Ground: Online Sexual Predators Hasan T. Arslan, Western New England University Kidnapping as 'Public Good': Framing Nigeria's Oil Insurgency Temitope Oriola, University of Alberta Terrorist Targeting and Tactic Patterns over Time Rose Bellandi, University at Albany, SUNY Bioterrorism and Global Adversity: Revisiting Past Perspectives and Contemporary Concerns Darren K. Stocker, Cumberland County College Charles J. Kocher, Cumberland County College Tina M. Raquet, Brennan and Associates, P.C. Patricia M. Griffin, Saint Joseph's University SESSION 422: POLICE RECRUITMENT, TECHNOLOGY, AND ALCOHOL Thursday, November 15 - 11:00 am to 12:20 pm Salon 9, 3rd Floor Chair: Kim S. Menard, Pennsylvania State University, Altoona Low Self-Control and Deviant Behavior among Police Recruits and Undergraduate Criminal Justice Students Paul Reynolds, Texas State University Dustin Eicke, Texas State University Digital Dirt: The Legal Effects on Law Enforcement Careers Jill Joline Myers, Western Illinois University Todd Lough, Western Illinois University Drunk Driving Cops: A Study of Police Officers Arrested for DUI, 2005-2010 Philip M. Stinson, Bowling Green State University John Liederbach, Bowling Green State University Natalie Erin Todak, Arizona State University Steven L. Brewer, Pennsylvania State University, Shenango Sex Differences in PTSD Symptomology and Drinking Problems among American Police Officers Kim S. Menard, Pennsylvania State University, Altoona Michael L. Arter, Pennsylvania State University, Altoona SESSION 423: ROUNDTABLE: TEACHING ABOUT RACE, CLASS, AND GENDER IN CRIMINOLOGY Thursday, November 15 - 11:00 am to 12:20 pm Sandburg 2, 7th Floor Chair: Kate Luther, Pacific Lutheran University Discussants: Rebecca Hayes, Central Michigan University Kate Luther, Pacific Lutheran University Susan Caringella, Western Michigan University 206 THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 15 SESSION 424: ROUNDTABLE: LEMAS: A TWENTY-FIVE YEAR OVERVIEW AND ASSESSMENT Thursday, November 15 - 11:00 am to 12:20 pm Sandburg 3, 7th Floor Chair: William R. King, Sam Houston State University Discussants: Edward Maguire, American University Robert Langworthy, University of Central Florida Jeremy M. Wilson, Michigan State University Charles M. Katz, Arizona State University Melissa S. Morabito, University of Massachusetts Lowell Jeremy M. Wilson, Michigan State University Brad Smith, Wayne State University SESSION 425: ROUNDTABLE: NEW AND ONGOING ISSUES IN DATA COLLECTION OF INTIMATE PARTNER VIOLENCE, SEXUAL VIOLENCE, AND STALKING Thursday, November 15 - 11:00 am to 12:20 pm Sandburg 4, 7th Floor New and Ongoing Issues in the Collection of Surveillance Data on Intimate Partner Violence, Sexual Violence, and Stalking Victimization Sharon G. Smith, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Matthew Breiding, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Kathleen Basile, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Michele Black, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Discussant: Walter S. DeKeseredy, University of Ontario Institute of Technology SESSION 426: ROUNDTABLE: ORGANIZED CRIME, SITUATIONAL CRIME PREVENTION, AND ROUTINE ACTIVITY THEORY Thursday, November 15 - 11:00 am to 12:20 pm Sandburg 5, 7th Floor Discussants: Edward R. Kleemans, VU University Amsterdam / WODC, The Hague Marcus Felson, Texas State University Klaus von Lampe, John Jay College of Criminal Justice Danielle M. Reynald, Griffith University SESSION 427: ROUNDTABLE: POLICE TRAINING AND HANDLING OF FORENSIC EVIDENCE Thursday, November 15 - 11:00 am to 12:20 pm Sandburg 7, 7th Floor Discussants: Patrick Ibe, Albany State University Hamin Shabazz, Stevenson University Evaristus Obinyan, Clark Atlanta University SESSION 428: POST-INCARCERATION EXPERIENCES AMONG WOMEN AND OTHER DISADVANTAGED GROUPS Thursday, November 15 - 11:00 am to 12:20 pm Spire Parlor, 6th Floor Chair: LaTosha L. Traylor, University of Illinois at Chicago Criminogenic Factors of Female Inmates in Correctional Facilities in Pennsylvania Hye Sun Kim, Worcester State University Individual- and Community-Level Predictors of Re-Arrest and Re-Conviction for Parolees Douglas J. Boyle, The Violence Institute of New Jersey at UMDNJ Joseph E. Pascarella, The Violence Institute of New Jersey at UMDNJ Laura M. Ragusa-Salerno, The Violence Institute of New Jersey at UMDNJ Andrea Marcus, The Violence Institute of New Jersey at UMDNJ 207 THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 15 Where Are They Now? Women’s Life Trajectories Post-Incarceration Maureen Norton-Hawk, Suffolk University Mary Ellen Mastrorilli, Boston University A Second, First Time: Black Women Mothering Post-Incarceration LaTosha L. Traylor, University of Illinois at Chicago SESSION 429: GENDER AND CRIME Thursday, November 15 - 11:00 am to 12:20 pm Water Tower Parlor, 6th Floor Chair: Shannon Lynch, Idaho State University Incarcerated Daughters: The Intergenerational Complexity of Incarcerated Women and Maternity Elizabeth Whalley, University of Colorado Joanne Belknap, University of Colorado - Boulder Shannon Lynch, Idaho State University Dana DeHart, University of South Carolina Bonnie L. Green, Georgetown University Girlhood Violence in Canada: Youth Court Statistics and Feminist Criminological Explanations Jennifer Silcox, University of Western Ontario Reassessing Patriarchal Ideologies and Violence against Women from a Feminist Perspective Jesse R. McKee, Old Dominion University Dianne Cyr Carmody, Old Dominion University Doing Gender, Identity and Crime Inside and Outside Prison Hannah Willis, Morehead State University Rebecca Sue Katz, Morehead State University SESSION 430: FAMILY VIOLENCE AND YOUTHFUL VIOLENT OFFENDERS Thursday, November 15 - 11:00 am to 12:20 pm Wilson Room, 3rd Floor Chair: Deanna L. Wilkinson, Ohio State University Patricide and Step-Patricide: Victim, Offender, and Incident Characteristics Kathleen M. Heide, University of South Florida Eldra P. Solomon, Center for Mental Health, Tampa The Impact of Offender Characteristics on Injury during Robbery Adele Costigan, Pennsylvania State University Violent Crimes and Mob Justice in Nigeria Obi N. I. Ebbe, University of Tennessee Assessing the Harm of High Risk Violent Offenders: Criminal Careers in Ohio Deanna L. Wilkinson, Ohio State University Aaron Hatchett, Ohio State University Jeffrey Welbaum, Office of the Ohio Attorney General Mike DeWine THEMATIC SESSION SESSION 431: PROSECUTORIAL AND JUDICIAL STRATEGIES FOR DOMESTIC VIOLENCE CASES Thursday, November 15 - 12:30 pm to 1:50 pm Burnham 4, 7th Floor Chair: Richard Peterson, New York City Criminal Justice Agency 208 THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 15 Examining the Impact of Case Screening Procedures on Intimate Partner Violence Case Outcomes and Offender Recidivism Erica L. Smith, Bureau of Justice Statistics, USDOJ Strategies to Increase the Conviction Rate in Domestic Violence Cases Richard Peterson, New York City Criminal Justice Agency Reducing Opportunities for Witness Intimidation in Domestic Violence Cases M. Elaine Borakove, The Justice Management Institute Does Judicial Oversight Deter Re-Offense among Domestic Violence Offenders? Results of a Randomized Trial Melissa Labriola, Center for Court Innovation Amanda Cissner, Center for Court Innovation Michael Rempel, Center for Court Innovation THEMATIC SESSION SESSION 432: EVIDENCE-BASED CRIME POLICY I Thursday, November 15 - 12:30 pm to 1:50 pm Chicago Room, 5th Floor Chair: Brandon C. Welsh, Northeastern University The Effects of Hot Spots Policing on Crime: An Updated Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis Anthony A. Braga, Rutgers University / Harvard University Andrew Papachristos, Yale University David M. Hureau, Harvard University Mass Transit Policing: The London Underground Hot Spots Experiment Barak Ariel, University of Cambridge / Hebrew University Lawrence W. Sherman, Cambridge University / University of Maryland The Intersection of Race and Place in Police Discretion to Divert Juveniles Charlotte E. Gill, George Mason University Restorative Justice: The Effects of Face-to-Face Conferencing Following Personal Victim Crimes Heather Strang, Cambridge University / Australian National University Lawrence W. Sherman, Cambridge University / University of Maryland THEMATIC SESSION SESSION 433: CRIME AND JUSTICE IN AMERICA, 1975-2025: DRUGS, GUNS, RACE, VIOLENCE Thursday, November 15 - 12:30 pm to 1:50 pm Empire Room, Lobby Level Chair: Michael Tonry, University of Minnesota / NSCR Crime and Justice, 1975-2025: Guns Philip J. Cook, Duke University Crime and Justice, 1975-2025: Drugs Peter Reuter, University of Maryland Crime and Justice, 1975-2025: Youth Violence Franklin Zimring, University of California, Berkeley Crime and Justice, 1975-2025: Race and Crime Jeff Fagan, Columbia University 209 THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 15 THEMATIC SESSION SESSION 434: THE BIOSOCIAL FOUNDATIONS TO ANTISOCIAL PHENOTYPES Thursday, November 15 - 12:30 pm to 1:50 pm Indiana Room, 3rd Floor Exploring the Causes and Consequences Associated with Empathy: Findings from a Longitudinal Sample of Adult Twins Meghan E. Wilde Rowland, Florida State University Kevin M. Beaver, Florida State University Examining the Link between Indicators of Malnutrition and Low Self-Control Dylan Baker Jackson, Florida State University Kevin M. Beaver, Florida State University The Relationship between Low Self-Control and Psychopathy Joshua S. May, Florida State University Kevin M. Beaver, Florida State University Examining the Associations among Neuropsychological Deficits, Family Adversity, and Antisocial Outcomes in a Nationally Representative Sample Cassidy Tevlin, Florida State University Kevin M. Beaver, Florida State University THEMATIC SESSION SESSION 435: NEW PERSPECTIVES ON THEORY AND CULTURE Thursday, November 15 - 12:30 pm to 1:50 pm Kimball Room, 3rd Floor Chair: Donald J. Shoemaker, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University Control Surplus and its Effect on Deviance within Hotels Njeri Kershaw, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University Integrating Theories within a Developmental Model Kat Payne, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University Culture Clash: Investigating Micro-Level Cultural Conflict Using Black’s Theory of Moral Time Angela Barlow, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University Cultural Predictors of Crime: A Cross-National Analysis Travis F. Whalen, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University THEMATIC SESSION SESSION 436: MONITORING HIGH-RISK SEX OFFENDERS WITH GPS TECHNOLOGY: FINDINGS FROM AN EVALUATION OF THE CALIFORNIA PAROLE SUPERVISION PROGRAM Thursday, November 15 - 12:30 pm to 1:50 pm LaSalle 1, 7th Floor Chair: Stephen V. Gies, Development Services Group, Inc. Using GPS Technology to Monitor High-Risk Sex Offenders: A Practical Guide Stephen V. Gies, Development Services Group, Inc. Denise Milano, California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation Turn Left, Then Take Second Right: A Methodological Approach to Evaluating High-Risk Sex Offenders under GPS Supervision Eoin Healy, Development Services Group, Inc. Stephen V. Gies, Development Services Group, Inc. Randy Gainey, Old Dominion University Dan Duplantier, Development Services Group, Inc. 210 THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 15 Monitoring High-Risk Sex Offenders with GPS Technology: Findings from an Evaluation of the California Parole Supervision Program Randy Gainey, Old Dominion University Stephen V. Gies, Development Services Group, Inc. Eoin Healy, Development Services Group, Inc. Dan Duplantier, Development Services Group, Inc. The Implementation of a GPS Monitoring System to Supervise High-Risk Sex Offenders in the Community: An Assessment of Program Fidelity and Cost Stephen V. Gies, Development Services Group, Inc. Randy Gainey, Old Dominion University Eoin Healy, Development Services Group, Inc. Dan Duplantier, Development Services Group, Inc. THEMATIC SESSION SESSION 437: CRIMINALIZATION AND COMMUNITY: CULTURAL CRIMINOLOGICAL PERSPECTIVES Thursday, November 15 - 12:30 pm to 1:50 pm LaSalle 5, 7th Floor Chair: Keith Hayward, University of Kent In Search of Security as a Positive Notion Marc Schuilenburg, VU University Amsterdam Wagner in Israel: A Mixture of Music and Politics Dina Siegel, Utrecht University, The Netherlands Turkish Dutch Youngsters in the Netherlands: The Relation between Poor Incorporation, Crime and Radicalization Richard Staring, Erasmus University Rotterdam Fiore Geelhoed, VU University Amsterdam Prohibiting the Burqa: Critical Reflections Fiore Geelhoed, VU University Amsterdam THEMATIC SESSION SESSION 438: HUMAN TRAFFICKING: MEASUREMENT CHALLENGES AND EMPIRICAL ADVANCES Thursday, November 15 - 12:30 pm to 1:50 pm Price Room, 5th Floor Chair: Kristiina Kangaspunta, UNICRI Macro, Meso and Micro Approaches for Analyzing Human Trafficking Ernesto Savona, Università Cattolica Milan - Transcrime Measuring Labor Trafficking with Respondent Driven Sampling: A San Diego Study Sheldon X. Zhang, San Diego State University Brian Finch, San Diego State University Towards a Council of Europe Scorecard for Anti-THB Policies Jan Van Dijk, Tilburg University, The Netherlands The Palermo Protocol: Experiences and Prospects of Measuring the Severity of Trafficking in Persons Kristiina Kangaspunta, UNICRI 211 THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 15 THEMATIC SESSION SESSION 439: CRIME AND PLACE: ROUTINE ACTIVITIES, LIFESTYLES, AND CRIME RISK Thursday, November 15 - 12:30 pm to 1:50 pm Salon 10, 3rd floor Chair: Marcus Felson, Texas State University Crime Risk, Day and Night Jonathan G. Allen, Texas State University Carlos Carcach, Escuela Superior de Economia y Negocios, El Salvador Marcus Felson, Texas State University Violent Victimization Risk in Five Daily Activity Domains Ward A. Adams, Texas State University Andrew Lemieux, Netherlands Institute for the Study of Crime and Law Enforcement Marcus Felson, Texas State University Youth Hangout Scenarios and Crime: Afternoon and Evening Jose R. Agustina, Universitat Internacional de Catalunya (Barcelona, Spain) Marcus Felson, Texas State University Barroom Incidents as the Night Progresses Steve Geoffrion, University of Montreal Remi Boivin, Université de Montréal Frederic Ouellet, University of Montreal Marcus Felson, Texas State University THEMATIC SESSION SESSION 440: LONG-TERM EXPERIMENTAL EVALUATIONS OF DEVELOPMENTAL PREVENTION PROGRAMS Thursday, November 15 - 12:30 pm to 1:50 pm Salon 12, 3rd Floor Chair: Friedrich A. Loesel, University of Cambridge Effects of an Early Universal Intervention on Adolescent Delinquency and Substance Use Manuel Peter Eisner, University of Cambridge Ingrid Obsuth, University of Cambridge Long-Term Evaluation of a Parent- and Child-Oriented Prevention Program: From Preschool to Adolescence Friedrich A. Loesel, University of Cambridge Stefanie Jaursch, University of Erlangen-Nuremberg Daniela Runkel, University of Erlangen-Nuremberg Mark Stemmler, University of Erlangen-Nuremberg Pathways Explaining the Reduction of Adult Criminal Behavior by a Randomized Preventive Intervention for Disruptive Kindergarten Children Frank Vitaro, University of Montreal Edward D. Barker, Birkbeck University Mara Brendgen, University of Quebec Richard E. Tremblay, University of Montreal Discussant: David P. Farrington, Cambridge University 212 THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 15 THEMATIC SESSION SESSION 441: CONSIDERING THE SPATIAL DIMENSION OF SOCIAL NETWORKS, SOCIAL CAPITAL, COLLECTIVE EFFICACY, AND CRIME Thursday, November 15 - 12:30 pm to 1:50 pm Salon 3, 3rd Floor Chair: John Hipp, University of California, Irvine Collective Efficacy, Cohesion, and “Neighborhood”: Is There a There There? John Hipp, University of California, Irvine Adam Boessen, University of California, Irvine Neighborhoods and Space: Situating Residents' Networks Adam Boessen, University of California, Irvine John Hipp, University of California, Irvine Carter T. Butts, University of California, Irvine Nicholas Nagle, University of Tennessee Zack Almquist, University of California, Irvine Chris Marcum, RAND Corporation Ryan Acton, University of Massachusetts Amherst From Norms to Action? Examining the Impact of Neighborhood Collective Efficacy on Resident’s Problem-Solving Behavior Rebecca Wickes, University of Queensland John Hipp, University of California, Irvine Elise Sargeant, University of Queensland A Longitudinal Examination of the Effects of Local Institutions on Neighborhood Crime James C. Wo, University of California, Irvine John Hipp, University of California, Irvine THEMATIC SESSION SESSION 442: SPATIAL MODELS OF CRIMINAL GROUPS AND CRIME PATTERN FORMATION Thursday, November 15 - 12:30 pm to 1:50 pm Salon 5, 3rd Floor Chair: P. Jeffrey Brantingham, University of California, Los Angeles Fear of Crime and Tourism: A Spatial Examination of the Impact of Crime on Destination Choice Robert T. Greenbaum, Ohio State University Garyn S. Greene, Ohio State University Geographic Patterns of Field Interviews: Examining the Context of Encounters between Gang and Non-Gang Members and Police Matthew Valasik, University of California, Irvine Giulia Berlusconi, Università Cattolica Milan - Transcrime George Tita, University of California, Irvine The Los Angeles Predictive Policing Experiment P. Jeffrey Brantingham, University of California, Los Angeles George E. Mohler, Santa Clara University George Tita, University of California, Irvine Dividing up the Pie: Modeling Gang Territory Formation Using Ecological Models with Self-Excitation Martin B. Short, University of California, Los Angeles P. Jeffrey Brantingham, University of California, Los Angeles 213 THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 15 THEMATIC SESSION SESSION 443: CRIMINAL JUSTICE RESEARCH AND EVALUATION: SOCIAL SCIENCE RESEARCH AT THE NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF JUSTICE AND THE NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION Thursday, November 15 - 12:30 pm to 1:50 pm Salon 6, 3rd Floor Chair: Winifred Lee Reed, National Institute of Justice Overview of the Office of Research and Evaluation Phyllis Newton, National Institute of Justice Overview of the Justice Systems Research Division Angela Moore, National Institute of Justice Overview of the Crime, Violence and Victimization Research Division Winifred Lee Reed, National Institute of Justice Overview of the National Science Foundation’s Law and Social Sciences Program Marjorie S. Zatz, National Science Foundation THEMATIC SESSION SESSION 444: OPERATIONAL AND ORGANIZATIONAL DYNAMICS OF TERRORISM Thursday, November 15 - 12:30 pm to 1:50 pm Salon 7, 3rd Floor Chair: Gary LaFree, University of Maryland Trends in the World Wide Use of Improvised Explosive (IED) Attacks, 1970 to 2010 Michael Distler, University of Maryland Gary LaFree, University of Maryland Organizational Dynamics of Terrorist Groups and Movements Erin Miller, University of Maryland Testing a Social Disorganization Model of Terrorism and Crimes in the United States Gary LaFree, University of Maryland Bianca Bersani, University of Massachusetts Boston MEETING SESSION 445: JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL CRIMINOLOGY LUNCHEON Thursday, November 15 - 12:30 pm to 1:50 pm Burnham 5, 7th Floor MEETING SESSION 446: DIVISION OF VICTIMOLOGY EXECUTIVE BOARD MEETING Thursday, November 15 - 12:30 pm to 1:50 pm Medinah Parlor, 6th Floor AUTHORS MEETS CRITICS SESSION 447: AMERICAN MEMORIES: ATROCITIES AND THE LAW Thursday, November 15 - 12:30 pm to 1:50 pm Red Lacquer Room, 4th Floor Chair: Gabrielle A. Ferrales, University of Minnesota 214 THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 15 Authors Joachim J. Savelsberg, University of Minnesota Ryan D. King, University at Albany, SUNY Critics John Hagan, Northwestern University David Garland, New York University Nachman Ben-Yehuda, Hebrew University SESSION 448: CONSEQUENCES OF VICTIMIZATION Thursday, November 15 - 12:30 pm to 1:50 pm Buckingham Room, 5th Floor Chair: Stacey Nofziger, University of Akron Low Self-Control and Childhood Trauma as Factors Influencing Criminal Offending David R. Forde, University of North Texas at Dallas Stephen Baron, Queen's University The Effect of Victimization on Health Outcomes: Similarities and Differences between Men and Women Megan C. Stewart, Georgia Gwinnett College Victimization Experiences and Future Substance Use among Adolescents: Do Type and Degree of Victimization Matter? Gillian Mira Pinchevsky, University of South Carolina Emily Wright, University of Nebraska at Omaha Abigail A. Fagan, Florida State University Violent Behavior by Abused and Neglected Children Stacey Nofziger, University of Akron Fear, Faith, and Trust: The Effect of Victimization on Fear and Trust by Religiosity Martha Sherman, Baylor University Kyle Irwin, Baylor University Jeffrey A. Tamburello, Baylor University SESSION 449: POLICING DIVERSE POPULATIONS Thursday, November 15 - 12:30 pm to 1:50 pm Burnham 1, 7th Floor Chair: Jody Miller, Rutgers University Causes and Consequences of Racial Differentials in Police Contacts Robert D. Crutchfield, University of Washington Martie L. Skinner, University of Washington Kevin P. Haggerty, University of Washington Annie McGlynn, University of Washington Richard Catalano, University of Washington State Intervention and the Policing of Sri Lanka’s Commercial Sex Industry Madeleine Novich, Rutgers University Jody Miller, Rutgers University Encounters between Police Officers and Undocumented Migrant Workers: A Descriptive Analysis Shela A. Delgado, John Jay College of Criminal Justice, CUNY Hung-En Sung, John Jay College of Criminal Justice Deysbel E Pena, John Jay College of Criminal Justice, CUNY Amalia Paladino, John Jay College of Criminal Justice, CUNY Policing Diversity: Examining Police Perceptions of Sex and Gender Diverse People Toby Miles-Johnson, University of Queensland 215 THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 15 SESSION 450: POLICE COMMUNITY COLLABORATIONS Thursday, November 15 - 12:30 pm to 1:50 pm Burnham 2, 7th Floor Chair: David James Plebanski, Calumet College of St. Joseph Community Policing and Contradictions of the Welfare State Barry Goetz, Western Michigan University Implementing Police-Community Corrections Partnerships: Organizational Change and Police Chiefs/Sheriffs' Attitude Bitna Kim, Indiana University of Pennsylvania Adam Karl Matz, American Probation and Parole Association Jurg Gerber, Sam Houston State University Dan Richard Beto, Texas Regional Community Policing Institute Eric Lambert, Wayne State University Policing, Partnerships and Surveillance: Enhancing Social Control of the Mundane and Marginalized Megan O'Neill, University of Salford Bethan Loftus, University of Manchester Public Safety Proficiency: Collaboration between Public Safety Organizations and Academia David James Plebanski, Calumet College of St. Joseph Michael McCafferty, Calumet College of St. Joseph Dean Angelo, Calumet College of St. Joseph SESSION 451: CORRECTIONAL CONTEXTS: IMPLICATIONS FOR POLICY Thursday, November 15 - 12:30 pm to 1:50 pm Clark 10, 7th Floor Chair: Gunda Woessner, Max Planck Institute for Foreign and International Criminal Law California's Public Safety Realignment: Stakes versus Risk Julie Gerlinger, University of California, Irvine Policy Distraction: Sentencing Reform Adoption as a Diversion from Rising Social Inequality Mark G. Harmon, Portland State University A Theory-Guided Approach in Designing an Internal Prison Classification – Using Machine Learning Methods Tim Brennan, Northpointe Inc. William Dieterich, Northpointe Inc. William L. Oliver, Northpointe Inc. Predicting Inmate Economic Conflict in Female Housing Units: Individual Factors versus Social Climate Factors Polina Karpova, Eastern Kentucky University Hannah Robbins, Eastern Kentucky University James B. Wells, Eastern Kentucky University Barbara Owen, California State University, Fresno Peggy S. Keller, University of Kentucky What Do We Gain from Early Parole Preparation Under Electronic Monitoring? Gunda Woessner, Max Planck Institute for Foreign and International Criminal Law SESSION 452: JUVENILE JUSTICE PRACTITIONERS AND THE POLITICAL RHETORIC OF CRIME Thursday, November 15 - 12:30 pm to 1:50 pm Clark 3, 7th Floor Chair: Jonathan Wynne Evans, University of Glamorgan Not Quite Treatment, Not Quite Punishment: A Case Study of American Juvenile Justice during the “Get Tough” Era Michael Schlossman, Princeton University 216 THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 15 Resistance to Reform in Juvenile Justice Systems Alexandra Cox, SUNY-New Paltz Canadian Youth Justice Reform and the "Problem" of Violent and Repeat Youth Offenders Ruth Mann, University of Windsor Developing Non-Criminalizing Interventions with Anti-Social Behaviour Jonathan Wynne Evans, University of Glamorgan SESSION 453: PRISONER REENTRY FOR SEX OFFENDERS AND MENTALLY ILL OFFENDERS Thursday, November 15 - 12:30 pm to 1:50 pm Clark 5, 7th Floor Chair: William H. Fisher, University of Massachusetts Lowell I’m Coming Home: Exploring Organizational Barriers to Providing Reentry Services for Mentally Ill Offenders Victoria Lauren Goldberg, George Mason University Faye S. Taxman, George Mason University The Collateral Consequences of Sex Offender Residency Restrictions Beth M. Huebner, University of Missouri - St. Louis Kimberly R. Kras, University of Missouri - St. Louis Recidivism and Residency Restrictions: A Spatial Examination of Sex Offender Legislation Erin Wolbeck, University of California, Riverside Mental Health, Substance Abuse and Criminal History Factors in Recidivism among Persons with Psychiatric Disorders William H. Fisher, University of Massachusetts Lowell Stephanie Hartwell, University of Massachusetts Boston Kristen Roy-Bujnowski, University of Massachusetts Boston Xiaogang Deng, University of Massachusetts Boston SESSION 454: INCARCERATED JUVENILES, INSTITUTIONAL CLASSIFICATION, AND PROGRAMMING Thursday, November 15 - 12:30 pm to 1:50 pm Clark 7, 7th Floor Chair: Garrett A. R. Yursza Warfield, Northeastern University Boys to Men: Thinking about Juvenile Prison Violence and Victimization in Context Kate Gooch, University of Birmingham, UK Criminogenic Needs in Treatment of Juveniles: Inventory and Relevance Lia Ahonen, Orebro University Jürgen Degner, Orebro University Prison-Based Debate and Dialogue: Cognitive Behavior Therapy Johannes Wheeldon, Washington State University Mental Health Needs in Risk-Based Corrections Garrett A. R. Yursza Warfield, Northeastern University SESSION 455: JUSTICE REFORM IN A CHANGING WORLD Thursday, November 15 - 12:30 pm to 1:50 pm Clark 9, 7th Floor Chair: Rose Johnson Bigler, Curry College Criminal Justice Reform in Post-Conflict Environments: A Case Study of Corrections Reform in Kosovo Danielle J. Murdoch, Simon Fraser University Dayton Accord's Constitution of Exclusion of Roma and Jews Laurence Armand French, University of New Hampshire Nedzad Korajlic, University of Sarajevo Goran Kovacevic, University of Sarajevo 217 THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 15 The Contextual Limits of International Police Reform Efforts Nathan Pino, Texas State University Graham Ellison, Queen's University Belfast The New Bidding War: The Proliferation of Military Goods through eBay Kenneth Grundy, California State University, Long Beach SESSION 456: ORGANIZED CRIME IN THE INTERNET AGE Thursday, November 15 - 12:30 pm to 1:50 pm Cresthill Room, 3rd Floor Chair: Chloé Provost, Université de Montréal Anonymous Assessment: Evaluation of Anonymous' Online Media Sarah Fitzgerald, Michigan State University Thomas J. Holt, Michigan State University Exploring the Possible Link between Organized Crime and Internet Gambling James Byrne, University of Massachusetts Lowell GUESS WHO? : Enablers behind a Web of Internet Sites Linked to the Hells Angels Chloé Provost, Université de Montréal David Decary-Hetu, University of Montreal SESSION 457: ROBBERY VICTIMIZATION Thursday, November 15 - 12:30 pm to 1:50 pm Dearborn 1, 7th Floor Chair: David N. Khey, Loyola University New Orleans Spatio-Temporal Analysis of Robbery: A Case Study of Repeat Commercial Victim Qiang Xu, Indiana University South Bend Yu Zhou, Bowling Green State University Jennifer Colanese, Indiana University South Bend Walking ATM’s: Hispanic Robbery Victimization Pre- and Post-Hurricane Katrina in Metropolitan New Orleans Vincenzo Antonio Sainato, Loyola University New Orleans Dennis Thornton, Loyola University New Orleans Lydia Voigt, Loyola University New Orleans William Thornton, Loyola University New Orleans David N. Khey, Loyola University New Orleans Pathway to Crime: A Geospatial and Temporal Analysis of the Hispanic “Walking ATM” Victimization Phenomenon in Metropolitan New Orleans, 2003-2011 David N. Khey, Loyola University New Orleans Dennis Thornton, Loyola University New Orleans William Thornton, Loyola University New Orleans Lydia Voigt, Loyola University New Orleans Vincenzo Antonio Sainato, Loyola University New Orleans SESSION 458: ISSUES RELATED TO PRISON AND JAIL STAFF Thursday, November 15 - 12:30 pm to 1:50 pm Dearborn 2, 7th Floor Chair: Rosemary Ricciardelli, York University Alienation, Power, and Burnout: Correctional Officer Attitudes toward the Inmate Stephen C. McGuinn, University of Maryland An Investigation on Turnover Intent of Rehabilitative Officers Shuping Tzeng, National Chung Cheng University, Taiwan 218 THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 15 Investigating Corrections Officer’s Perceptions of “Safe” and “Unsafe” on the Job in Canadian Provincial Jails Rosemary Ricciardelli, York University SESSION 459: NEIGHBORHOODS AND FEAR OF CRIME Thursday, November 15 - 12:30 pm to 1:50 pm LaSalle 2, 7th Floor Chair: Nichole Tucker, Seattle University Examining The Link Between Offending, The Neighborhood Context, and Fear Of Crime Among Probationers Katheryn Zambrana, University of Florida Jodi Lane, University of Florida A Spatial Analysis of Neighborhood Residents’ Fear of Crime and Police Calls for Service Rachel E. Stein, West Virginia University Jamison Conley, West Virginia University Clinton Davis, West Virginia University Fear and Familiarity in the Mixed Neighborhood: The Role of Intergroup Interaction, Neighborhood Use, and Perceptions of Danger Gwen van Eijk, Leiden University, The Netherlands An Investigation of City Crime Prevention Efforts in a Seattle Urban Core Public Park Nichole Tucker, Seattle University Heather Burns, Seattle University Michael Bossi, Seattle University SESSION 460: PERCEPTIONS OF JUSTICE AND IMPLICATIONS FOR DESISTANCE Thursday, November 15 - 12:30 pm to 1:50 pm LaSalle 3, 7th Floor Chair: Thomas Baker, Virginia Commonwealth University Moral Identity and Negative Emotions: How do Reflected Appraisals affect the Propensity to Reoffend? Shelley Keith Matthews, Mississippi State University Heather L. Scheuerman, Towson University Adult Crime, Adult Time? Public Punishment Preferences for Juvenile Felons Riane Miller, University of South Carolina Brandon K. Applegate, University of South Carolina Relating Deviant Identities to Criminal Involvement and the Process of Desistance Beverly R. Crank, Georgia State University The Influence of the Criminal Justice System on Perceived Certainty of Punishment Christi Falco, Florida State University Thomas Baker, Virginia Commonwealth University SESSION 461: GENDER AND CRIMINOLOGICAL THEORY Thursday, November 15 - 12:30 pm to 1:50 pm Logan Room, 3rd Floor Chair: Christine S. Sellers, University of South Florida Gender, Crime, and the American Dream: A Micro-Level Test of Institutional Anomie Theory Lisa R. Muftić, Georgia State University Leah Daigle, Georgia State University To be or Not to be Men: A Look at Strain Theory through Manhood and Reentry Lebrian Alexander Patrick, Louisiana State University Untangling the Heterogeneity in the Marriage Effect Megan Bears Augustyn, University of Maryland Amy Sariti Kamerdze, University of Maryland, College Park Thomas A. Loughran, University of Maryland 219 THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 15 Integrating Gender into Social Learning Theory Christine S. Sellers, University of South Florida Brenda Sims Blackwell, Georgia State University SESSION 462: SPATIAL ANALYSIS OF SEX OFFENSES Thursday, November 15 - 12:30 pm to 1:50 pm Madison Room, 3rd Floor Chair: Marcus Antonio Galeste, Arizona State University An Examination of Sex Offenders’ Spatial Mobility during the Stages of Sexual Assault Events Amelie Pedneault, Simon Fraser University Eric Beauregard, Simon Fraser University Danielle Arlanda Harris, San Jose State University Raymond A. Knight, Brandeis University Spatio-Temporal Risk Assessment of Sexual Offenses in Newark, NJ Rosalyn Theresa Bocker, Rutgers University Danielle M. Rusnak, Rutgers University The Spatial Nature of Outdoor Rape Vania Ceccato, Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden SESSION 463: ORGANIZED CRIME: INTERNATIONAL AND U.S. PERSPECTIVES Thursday, November 15 - 12:30 pm to 1:50 pm Marshfield Room, 3rd Floor Chair: Jacqueline Johnson, Adelphi University Nigerian Organized Crime Obi N. I. Ebbe, University of Tennessee The Australian Government's Executive Decision-Making on Organized Crime: Past, Present, and Future Directions Sally Lohrisch, Queensland University of Technology The Illegal Cigarette Market in the South Bronx: After a Tax Amendment Jacqueline Johnson, Adelphi University Klaus von Lampe, John Jay College of Criminal Justice Marin Kurti, Fordham University SESSION 464: UNDERSTANDING TERRORISTS Thursday, November 15 - 12:30 pm to 1:50 pm Millennium Parlor, 6th Floor Chair: John G. Horgan, Pennsylvania State University The Rising Threat of Female Security Violators with a Focus on the Russo-Chechen and Israeli-Palestinian Conflicts Peter Michael O'Day, San Jose State University The Changing Face of Female Participation in American Terrorism Kayleigh Elise Damphousse, University of Oklahoma Brent Lamar Smith, University of Arkansas Predicting the Lifespan of a PKK Member after (S)he joins the Organization Haci Duru, Turkish National Police Tit for Tat: The PKK's Retaliation Strategy against Turkish Security Forces Nadir Gergin, Turkish National Police A Typology of Lone Actor Terrorists Paul Gill, Pennsylvania State University John G. Horgan, Pennsylvania State University 220 THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 15 SESSION 465: STUDENT PERCEPTIONS AND FEAR OF CRIME: IMPLICATIONS FOR SCHOOLS Thursday, November 15 - 12:30 pm to 1:50 pm Salon 1, 3rd Floor Chair: David Nicholson, Missouri Western State University Too Scared to Learn? The Academic Consequences of Feeling Unsafe at School Johanna Lacoe, New York University Understanding the “Code of Silence” in Schools: The Effect of School Context on Youths’ Willingness to Report Cheating, Bullying, and Theft Lee Ann Slocum, University of Missouri - St. Louis Terrance J. Taylor, University of Missouri - St. Louis Finn-Aage Esbensen, University of Missouri - St. Louis Fear of Crime and Police Legitimacy: An Exploration of Student Perceptions Justin Nicholas Crowl, Indiana University of Pennsylvania Attitudes and Reality: The Impact of Perceptions of Police on Students’ Victimization Reporting Behaviors J. Veronica James, Indiana University of Pennsylvania SESSION 466: RESEARCH ON AGE AND CRIME Thursday, November 15 - 12:30 pm to 1:50 pm Salon 2, 3rd Floor Chair: Michael J. Tanana, University of Utah Study on the Age-Crime Relationship Using Longitudinal Self-Report Data Jaeok Kim, University at Albany, SUNY Shawn Bushway, University at Albany, SUNY Age and the Explanation of Crime, Revisited Gary Sweeten, Arizona State University Alex Piquero, University of Texas at Dallas Robert Brame, University of North Carolina at Charlotte Understanding the Life Course of Juvenile Sex Offenders Mindy J. Vanderloo, University of Utah Michael J. Tanana, University of Utah Rob Butters, University of Utah Raechel Lizon, Utah Administrative Office of the Courts SESSION 467: SEXUAL OFFENSES AND MINORS Thursday, November 15 - 12:30 pm to 1:50 pm Salon 4, 3rd Floor Chair: Corey R. Carlson, Prairie View A&M University Techniques of Neutralization for Sexual Offenders Patrick McGrain, Gwynedd-Mercy College Teenage Sexting in America: Quantitative Results of an Exploratory Study Renee Dorothy Lamphere, University of North Carolina at Pembroke Understanding the Sexual Abuse of Minors within Institutions Karen Terry, John Jay College of Criminal Justice Contingent Crimes: The Sexual Abuse of Children by Clerics from a Situational/Routine Activities Perspective Paul D. Steele, Morehead State University 221 THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 15 SESSION 468: EVALUATING PRISONER REENTRY PROGRAMS IV Thursday, November 15 - 12:30 pm to 1:50 pm Salon 8, 3rd Floor Chair: Matthew Nelson, George Mason University Backgrounds and Motivations of Faith-Based Halfway-House Volunteers Andrew Stephen Denney, University of Louisville Healing Communities Reentry Initiative: Congregation Member Perceptions and Their Impact on Participation in a Faith-Based Program Kerri Christina Legette, George Mason University Faye S. Taxman, George Mason University Harold D. Trulear, Healing Communities Prison Ministry and Reentry Project Understanding the Features and Effects of Parental Incarceration Lorna Elaine Grant, North Carolina Central University Risk as a Dynamic Need? An Examination of How Criminogenic Risk Mediates Need Changes Matthew Nelson, George Mason University Alese Wooditch, George Mason University Faye S. Taxman, George Mason University SESSION 469: POLICE-COMMUNITY PARTNERSHIPS TO PREVENT CRIME Thursday, November 15 - 12:30 pm to 1:50 pm Salon 9, 3rd Floor Chair: Gorazd Mesko, University of Maribor, FCJS Utilizing a Competitive Approach to Empower Citizens to Reduce Neighborhood Crime Victimization Tammatha Clodfelter, Appalachian State University Travis Pardue, Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Department Beth Jackson, Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Department John Kitchens, Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Department Community Signal: Report on a Project Making Citizens Responsible for Crime Prevention and Quality of Life in Their Community Sjaak Khonraad, Avans University of Applied Sciences Investigating the Effect of a Community Policing Unit on Partnership Formation by Local Police Departments Hyon Namgung, University of Missouri - St. Louis Assessing Police and Citizen Attitudes toward Police-Citizen Partnerships in Slovenia Maja Jere, University of Maribor Gorazd Mesko, University of Maribor, FCJS Mahesh Nalla, Michigan State University SESSION 470: ROUNDTABLE: PRACTICING RESTORATIVE CIRCLES AT A JUVENILE HALL Thursday, November 15 - 12:30 pm to 1:50 pm Sandburg 2, 7th Floor Discussants: Mikhail Lyubansky, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Mabinty Tarawallie, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Joey Merrin, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Andrew Case, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Emily Gates, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign SESSION 471: ROUNDTABLE: PREPARING A NEW GENERATION OF TRANSLATIONAL CRIMINOLOGISTS: IS IT TIME TO REFORM DOCTORAL EDUCATION IN CRIMINOLOGY AND CRIMINAL JUSTICE? Thursday, November 15 - 12:30 pm to 1:50 pm Sandburg 4, 7th Floor Chair: John Klofas, Rochester Institute of Technology 222 THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 15 Discussants: Geoffrey P. Alpert, University of South Carolina Scott Decker, Arizona State University Todd Clear, Rutgers University - Newark Alan J. Lizotte, University at Albany, SUNY James Marquart, University of Texas at Dallas Kristina Rose, National Institute of Justice Vincent J. Webb, Sam Houston State University SESSION 472: ROUNDTABLE: RIGHTING THE 'WRONGS' OF VIOLENT YOUNG WOMEN Thursday, November 15 - 12:30 pm to 1:50 pm Sandburg 6, 7th Floor Problematising Risk and Vulnerability in Young Women Who Offend Michele Jane Burman, University of Glasgow / Scottish Centre for Crime and Justice Research The Wrongs of Research: Writing about Young Women’s Violence and Victimization Susan Anusas Batchelor, University of Glasgow / Scottish Centre for Crime and Justice Research The "Jerry Springer Effect": Police Officers’ Portrayal of Young Women Regarded as Violent Suzanne Young, University of Glasgow / Scottish Centre for Crime and Justice Research Contextualizing the Violent Offending of Young Women Carla Cesaroni, University of Ontario Institute of Technology Holly Pelvin, University of Toronto Doing Violence to Girls? Reflections on Media and Academic Representations of Young Women’s Violence Gilly Sharpe, University of Sheffield Suffering the Limitations: Violent Girls’ Experiences with Child Welfare Judith A. Ryder, St. John's University Robin A Robinson, University of Massachusetts Dartmouth SESSION 473: ROUNDTABLE: WOMEN, GENDER, AND CRIME Thursday, November 15 - 12:30 pm to 1:50 pm Sandburg 7, 7th Floor Diagnosing the Past, Consequences for the Future: Incarcerated Women, PTSD, and Lifetime Adverse Experiences Jennifer Hartsfield, Bridgewater State University Susan F. Sharp, University of Oklahoma Differences in the Probability of Arrest: A Longitudinal Study of the Influence of Sex, Race, and Co-Offending from 1996-2008 Katie Lynn Clemons, Washington State University Gender and the Victimization-Offending Link from Adolescence through Adulthood Joanne M. Kaufman, University at Albany, SUNY No Female Subjects: A Content Analysis Exploring Women’s Representation in Criminological Research Jason Burkett, Indiana University of Pennsylvania Jennifer Gossett, Indiana University of Pennsylvania Research Gone ‘Female’: Exploring Female Representation in Criminological Research Samples Joshua Hoffee, Indiana University of Pennsylvania Jennifer Gossett, Indiana University of Pennsylvania A Qualitative Exploration of Media Constructions of Sexual Assault Emma Lindsay McGeachy, University of Calgary SESSION 474: ROUNDTABLE: SUBSTANCE ABUSE AND CRIME Thursday, November 15 - 12:30 pm to 1:50 pm Sandburg 8, 7th Floor Drug Dealers in Depth Anna Furmanskaya, Siena College Arianna Antisin, Siena College 223 THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 15 Family Financial Stress and Adolescent Substance Use: An Examination of Structural and Psychosocial Factors Melissa A. Menasco, Canisius College Knowledge, Awareness, and Behavior: HIV/AIDS among Black Drug Users Eloise Emma Dunlap, National Development and Research Institutes, Inc. Ellen Benoit, National Development and Research Institutes, Inc. Sexual Orientation and Substance Abuse: An Examination of the Causes and Consequences of Substance Abuse by Sexual Minorities Charles Lanfear, Oregon State University Scott Akins, Oregon State University Clayton Mosher, Washington State University - Vancouver SESSION 475: HISTORICAL AND CONTEMPORARY ISSUES IN IMMIGRATION AND CRIME POLICY Thursday, November 15 - 12:30 pm to 1:50 pm Spire Parlor, 6th Floor Chair: David Carrothers, Culver-Stockton College Expanding Criminalization: Exploring the Impact of Immigration Policy on Documented and Undocumented Latino Immigrants Jorge M. Chavez, Bowling Green State University Christine M. Englebrecht, Bowling Green State University Anayeli Lopez, Goshen College Ruben P. Viramontez Anguiano, Bowling Green State University Facts and Figures: What Can We Learn from the 2010 Census Data? Janice Anne Iwama, Northeastern University From Criminalization to Symbolic Resiliency: Undocumented Immigrants “Re-Imagining Success” in the United States Francisco J. Alatorre, New Mexico State University Exploring the Immigration-Crime Nexus David Carrothers, Culver-Stockton College James L. Williams, Texas Woman's University SESSION 476: FEMINIST THEORY AND PEDAGOGY Thursday, November 15 - 12:30 pm to 1:50 pm Water Tower Parlor, 6th Floor Chair: Cindy Stewart, College of Mount St. Joseph A Call to Deep Learning: Reinvigorating Feminist Pedagogy in the Criminal Justice Classroom Venezia Michalsen, Montclair State University Cigdem Talgar, Montclair State University A Recipe for a Drug Scare: Teaching the Social Construction of Deviance and Social Problems Janine Ann Bower, Keuka College Innovative University Programs for Teaching about Domestic Violence Molly Dragiewicz, University of Ontario Institute of Technology Angela R. Gover, University of Colorado - Denver Susan L. Miller, University of Delaware Jennifer Naccarelli, University of Delaware Barbara Paradiso, University of Colorado - Denver SESSION 477: POLICE AND CRIME CONTROL Thursday, November 15 - 12:30 pm to 1:50 pm Wilson Room, 3rd Floor Chair: Charles F. Wellford, University of Maryland General and Specific Deterrent Effects of Law Enforcement Jennifer M. Brown, Florida State University Bill Bales, Florida State University 224 THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 15 The Long-Term Effects of Arrest: Results from the 20-Year Follow-Up of the Milwaukee Domestic Violence Experiment Heather M. Harris, University of Maryland Deterrent Effect of Police-Monitored CCTV on Crime: A Quasi-Experimental Test in Taipei, Taiwan Chuen-Jim Sheu, National Taipei University Yung-Lien Lai, Central Police University, Taiwan Controlling Zero Tolerance Policing: Implementing Policy Charles F. Wellford, University of Maryland SOCIAL SESSION 478: ICE CREAM SOCIAL (SPONSORED BY WILEY-BLACKWELL) Thursday, November 15 - 1:30 pm to 2:45 pm Exhibit Hall THEMATIC SESSION SESSION 479: REALIZING THE POTENTIAL OF TECHNOLOGY FOR POLICING: RESULTS FROM A MULTI-SITE STUDY Thursday, November 15 - 2:00 pm to 3:20 pm Burnham 2, 7th Floor Chair: Christopher Koper, George Mason University A Multi-Site Study of the Social, Organizational, and Behavioral Aspects of Implementing Policing Technologies: Project Overview and Survey Results Christopher Koper, George Mason University Cynthia Lum, George Mason University James J. Willis, George Mason University Technology in Police Organizations: Lessons from Two Agencies James J. Willis, George Mason University Christopher Koper, George Mason University Cynthia Lum, George Mason University Technology in Police Organizations: Lessons from Two Additional Agencies Daniel Woods, Police Executive Research Forum Christopher Koper, George Mason University Cynthia Lum, George Mason University James J. Willis, George Mason University The Impact of a Police Information Technology on Crime Hot Spots: A Randomized Controlled Trial Julie Hibdon, George Mason University Christopher Koper, George Mason University Cynthia Lum, George Mason University Discussant: Cynthia Lum, George Mason University SESSION 480: PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT: MEET THE EDITORS PART I - THE PUBLISHING PROCESS Thursday, November 15 - 2:00 pm to 3:20 pm Chicago Room, 5th Floor Chair: Brandon Behlendorf, University of Maryland Discussants: Alex Piquero, University of Texas at Dallas Cathy Spatz Widom, John Jay College of Criminal Justice 225 THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 15 Cassia Spohn, Arizona State University Michael Maxfield, John Jay College of Criminal Justice Eric Baumer, Florida State University THEMATIC SESSION SESSION 481: MEDIA AND CRIME Thursday, November 15 - 2:00 pm to 3:20 pm Clark 9, 7th Floor Chair: Mary Brewster, West Chester University Racism, Crime and Collective Efficacy: Media Representation of an Urban Community Leslie-Dawn Quick, Fayetteville State University The Murder of Neda: The Use of the Murder of Neda Agha-Soltan as Advancement of Geopolitical Interests by the United States Empire Justin Turner, Eastern Kentucky University The Strange Career of the Glow Stick: Rave Culture and Symbolic Criminalization in the War on Drugs Allison McKim, Bard College The Deviant World of Disney: A Quantitative Analysis of Theatrical, Animated Feature Films Brooke Miller Gialopsos, College of Mount St. Joseph Cheryl Lero Jonson, Northern Kentucky University William A. Stadler, University of Missouri - Kansas City THEMATIC SESSION SESSION 482: CYBORGS AND AVATARS AND MONSTERS (OH MY!): CRIMINAL CONVERSATIONS WITH FEMINIST SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY STUDIES Thursday, November 15 - 2:00 pm to 3:20 pm Cresthill Room, 3rd Floor Chairs: Kathryn Henne, Australian National University Kathryn Henne, Australian National University “Sure My Avatar’s Black…Blackface!” Using Black Feminist Criminology to Examine the Continuation of Default Masculinity and Whiteness in Virtual Gaming Communities Kishonna Leah Gray, Eastern Kentucky University Diagnosis, Deviance, and Suspect Bodies: Insights from Sport’s Vampires and Their Hunters Kathryn Henne, Australian National University Freak Show: Foucauldian Monstrosity and State Surveillance of Sex Offenders in California Emily I. Troshynski, University of Nevada, Las Vegas Jesse Weiner, University of California, Irvine TRIBUTE SESSION SESSION 483: JAMES Q. WILSON: A TRIBUTE Thursday, November 15 - 2:00 pm to 3:20 pm Empire Room, Lobby Level Chair: Robert J. Sampson, Harvard University James Q. Wilson on How to Think about Crime Brian Forst, American University James Q. Wilson on Deterrence Daniel Nagin, Carnegie Mellon University 226 THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 15 James Q. Wilson on Policing and Experimentation Lawrence W. Sherman, Cambridge University / University of Maryland James Q. Wilson On Broken Windows George Kelling, Rutgers University / Manhattan Institute James Q. Wilson on Psychology and Developmental Criminology David P. Farrington, Cambridge University James Q. Wilson on Punishment, Drugs, and Ideology Mark Kleiman, University of California, Los Angeles James Q. Wilson, The Colleague Alfred Blumstein, Carnegie Mellon University James Q. Wilson, The Person Joan Petersilia, Stanford Law School THEMATIC SESSION SESSION 484: INTRAGENERATIONAL AND INTERGENERATIONAL ANTECEDENTS OF DELINQUENCY AND CRIME Thursday, November 15 - 2:00 pm to 3:20 pm Indiana Room, 3rd Floor Chair: Terence P. Thornberry, University of Maryland The Intergenerational Impacts of Incarceration Mauri Matsuda, University of Maryland, College Park Terence P. Thornberry, University of Maryland Theoretical Modeling of Delinquency in the Life Course Klaus Boers, Universitaet Muenster Inst f Kriminalwissenschaften Daniel Seddig, Universitaet Muenster Inst f Kriminalwissenschaften Jost Reinecke, University of Bielefeld, Germany Trajectories of Adolescent Delinquency: Development and Explanation Daniel Seddig, Universitaet Muenster Inst f Kriminalwissenschaften Jost Reinecke, University of Bielefeld, Germany Klaus Boers, Universitaet Muenster Inst f Kriminalwissenschaften THEMATIC SESSION SESSION 485: EXAMINING THE DOSAGE RISK RELATIONSHIP Thursday, November 15 - 2:00 pm to 3:20 pm LaSalle 1, 7th Floor Chair: Kimberly Sperber, Talbert House Treatment Dosage and Risk: An Extension and Refinement of the Appropriate Levels of Dosage by Risk Level Matthew Makarios, University of Wisconsin - Parkside Kimberly Sperber, Talbert House Edward Latessa, University of Cincinnati Treatment Dosage and Personality: Examining the Impact of Personality on the Dosage Recidivism Relationship Edward Latessa, University of Cincinnati Matthew Makarios, University of Wisconsin - Parkside Kimberly Sperber, Talbert House Examining the Dosage Recidivism Relationship in Female Offenders Stephanie Spiegel, University of Cincinnati Kimberly Sperber, Talbert House 227 THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 15 Frontloading Treatment Dosage and the Impact on Recidivism Kimberly Sperber, Talbert House Paula Smith, University of Cincinnati THEMATIC SESSION SESSION 486: MEDIA CONSTRUCTION OF GENDER AND RACE I Thursday, November 15 - 2:00 pm to 3:20 pm LaSalle 2, 7th Floor Chair: Stacey Nofziger, University of Akron Breaking Molds or Reaffirming Stereotypes? Race, Gender, and Power Dynamics in Fictional Crime Dramas Gayle Rhineberger-Dunn, University of Northern Iowa Nicole E. Rader, Mississippi State University Lauren M. Vasquez, Mississippi State University The Criminalization of Black Women: An Intersectional Analysis Tiffanie Gray, Indiana University Bloomington Newsworthiness and the "Missing White Woman Syndrome": A Content Analysis Danielle Cindy Slakoff, California State University, Long Beach Hank Fradella, California State University, Long Beach The Disney-ification of Gender, Race, and Crime: A Content Analysis of Princess Disney Movies Erika Frenzel, Indiana University of Pennsylvania Shannon Womer Phaneuf, Indiana University of Pennsylvania Elizabeth Mansley, Mount Aloysius College THEMATIC SESSION SESSION 487: EXPLORING VARIATIONS OF CYBERCRIME VICTIMIZATION AND OFFENDING Thursday, November 15 - 2:00 pm to 3:20 pm Marshfield Room, 3rd Floor Chair: Thomas J. Holt, Michigan State University Gendered Online Security: Examining the Effect of Gender on the Link between Online Social Network Activity, Privacy, and Interpersonal Victimization Billy Henson, Shippensburg University Brad Reyns, Weber State University Bonnie Fisher, University of Cincinnati Exploring the Relationship Between Self-Control, Social Learning and Cybercrime George W. Burruss, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale Thomas J. Holt, Michigan State University Adam M. Bossler, Georgia Southern University Examining the Predictors of Cyberbullying in a College Sample Melissa Ricketts, Shippensburg University Catherine Marcum, Appalachian State University George Higgins, University of Louisville Tina L. Freiburger, University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee Gangs Online: Group-Level Predictors of Internet Adoption Richard K. Moule, Arizona State University David C. Pyrooz, Sam Houston State University Scott Decker, Arizona State University 228 THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 15 THEMATIC SESSION SESSION 488: THE ECOLOGY OF RACIAL/ETHNIC COMPOSITION, IMMIGRATION, AND VIOLENCE: ASSESSING THE CONTINUITY AND CHANGES Thursday, November 15 - 2:00 pm to 3:20 pm Red Lacquer Room, 4th Floor Chair: Patricia L. McCall, North Carolina State University Prejudice and the New Latino Migration: The Geographic Locus of Anti-Latino Sentiment Edward S. Shihadeh, Louisiana State University Angela Caraway, Louisiana State University Racial/Ethnic Composition and Violence: Size-of-Place Variations in Percent Black and Percent Latino Effects on Violence Rates Ben Feldmeyer, University of Tennessee Darrell Steffensmeier, Pennsylvania State University Jeffery T. Ulmer, Pennsylvania State University Immigration and the Changing Nature of Homicide in U.S. Cities Graham Ousey, College of William and Mary Charis Kubrin, University of California, Irvine Connecting Racial Segregation and Hispanic Immigration in a City-Level Study of Race-Specific Violence Over Time Karen F. Parker, University of Delaware Richard Stansfield, University of Delaware Discussant: Matthew R. Lee, Louisiana State University THEMATIC SESSION SESSION 489: EXPERIMENTAL CRIMINOLOGY: ALTERNATIVE METHODS TO OVERCOME CHALLENGES IN RANDOMIZED CONTROLLED EXPERIMENTS (ORGANIZED BY THE DIVISION OF EXPERIMENTAL CRIMINOLOGY) Thursday, November 15 - 2:00 pm to 3:20 pm Salon 1, 3rd Floor Chair: KiDeuk Kim, Urban Institute Can Matching and Similar Adjustments Achieve the Experimental Benchmark? KiDeuk Kim, Urban Institute Regression Discontinuity as a Tool for Criminal Justice Practitioners Sarah Kuck Jalbert, Abt Associates Inc. William Rhodes, Abt Associates Inc. Respondent-Driven Sampling in Criminal Justice Randomized Controlled Trials Alese Wooditch, George Mason University Amy Murphy, George Mason University Faye S. Taxman, George Mason University THEMATIC SESSION SESSION 490: SCHOOL DISCIPLINE AND THE SCHOOL-TO-PRISON PIPELINE Thursday, November 15 - 2:00 pm to 3:20 pm Salon 12, 3rd Floor Chair: Paul J. Hirschfield, Rutgers University 229 THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 15 Policing Chicago Public Schools: A Gateway to the School-to-Prison Pipeline Mariame Kaba, Project NIA Imitating Authority: School Discipline, Security, and Bullying Aaron Kupchik, University of Delaware Katie A. Farina, University of Delaware New York State’s Effort to Narrow the Pipeline: An Evaluation of Two School-Based Diversion Programs Victoria Schall, University at Albany, SUNY Jamie J. Fader, University at Albany, SUNY Benjamin Stokes, University at Albany, SUNY A Critical Assessment of Theory and Research on the “School to Prison Pipeline” Paul J. Hirschfield, Rutgers University THEMATIC SESSION SESSION 491: RECOGNIZING VIOLENCE AND VICTIMIZATION: CONTEXTS AND QUESTIONS Thursday, November 15 - 2:00 pm to 3:20 pm Salon 6, 3rd Floor Chair: Ruth Triplett, Old Dominion University Defining LGBTQ Victimization: Acknowledging the Obvious and Recognizing the Subtle Deeanna Button, University of Delaware Perceptions of Neighborhood Problems and Reactions to Them: The Perceptions of Community Leaders and Residents Randy Gainey, Old Dominion University Ruth Triplett, Old Dominion University Tancy Vandecar-Burdin, Old Dominion University Definitions of Violence: The Line Between Use of Force and Violence? Brian Payne, Georgia State University Susannah Tapp, Georgia State University Victoria Collins, Old Dominion University Ruth Triplett, Old Dominion University How Do Gender and Age Shape Definitions of a Situation as Violence? Ruth Triplett, Old Dominion University Victoria Collins, Old Dominion University Brian Payne, Georgia State University Susannah Tapp, Georgia State University THEMATIC SESSION SESSION 492: INTERIM OUTCOMES FROM A COMMUNITY-BASED PRISONER REENTRY INITIATIVE: SAFER RETURN Thursday, November 15 - 2:00 pm to 3:20 pm Salon 8, 3rd Floor Chair: Jocelyn Fontaine, The Urban Institute Successes and Challenges in Efforts to Change the Reentry Landscape in Illinois: Lessons from the Safer Return Demonstration Project Steven McCullough, Safer Foundation Rochelle Perry, Safer Foundation The Impact of Comprehensive Community-Based Prisoner Reentry Services on Reincarceration Outcomes Shelli Rossman, The Urban Institute Jocelyn Fontaine, The Urban Institute Justin Breaux, The Urban Institute 230 THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 15 The Importance of Family and Social Support Networks for Reentry Outcomes Jocelyn Fontaine, The Urban Institute Shelli Rossman, The Urban Institute Megan Denver, Urban Institute Community Context, Resident Perceptions, and Prisoner Reentry Justin Breaux, The Urban Institute Jocelyn Fontaine, The Urban Institute Douglas Gilchrist-Scott, The Urban Institute MEETING SESSION 493: DIVISION ON PEOPLE OF COLOR AND CRIME MENTORING MEETING Thursday, November 15 - 2:00 pm to 3:20 pm Grant Park Parlor, 6th Floor SESSION 494: A DISCUSSION WITH THE DIRECTOR OF THE NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF JUSTICE Thursday, November 15 - 2:00 pm to 3:20 pm Hancock Parlor, 6th Floor Chair: Thomas E. Feucht, National Institute of Justice Discussants: John H. Laub, National Institute of Justice Ross Matsueda, University of Washington Craig Hemmens, Missouri State University SESSION 495: VICTIMIZATION PREVENTION STRATEGIES Thursday, November 15 - 2:00 pm to 3:20 pm Buckingham Room, 5th Floor Chair: Audrey Clubb, Georgia State University Preventing Child Abduction Joseph O. Ugwu, Prairie View A&M University G. Solomon Osho, Prairie View A&M University Defending the Castle: How Individual and Neighborhood Factors Affect Guardianship of One's Home Audrey Clubb, Georgia State University SESSION 496: POLICE CRISIS INTERVENTION, MENTAL HEALTH, AND DRUGS Thursday, November 15 - 2:00 pm to 3:20 pm Burnham 1, 7th Floor Chair: Stuart Charles Lister, University of Leeds, UK Characteristics of Police Crisis Intervention Cases Jessica Hickey, College of Mount St. Joseph Cindy Stewart, College of Mount St. Joseph Policing Mental Health: A Qualitative Analysis of Police Records Richard Frank, Simon Fraser University Graham Farrell, Simon Fraser University Jordana Kimberly Gallison, Simon Fraser University Richard Bent, Simon Fraser University Patricia Brantingham, Simon Fraser University 231 THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 15 Unsung Heroes or 'Pass the Buck': The Impact of Mental Health on Police Discretion Jennifer L. Schulenberg, University of Waterloo Street Policing of Problem Drug Users: Consequences and Contradictions for Community Safety Stuart Charles Lister, University of Leeds, UK SESSION 497: PROSECUTORIAL DECISION MAKING: PREDICTORS AND EFFECTS Thursday, November 15 - 2:00 pm to 3:20 pm Burnham 4, 7th Floor Chair: Don Stemen, Loyola University Chicago Police-Prosecutor Interaction Styles in Texas as Perceived by Police Chiefs Brenda Inman Rowe, Sam Houston State University The Centrality of Prosecutors to Prison Growth: An Empirical Assessment John Pfaff, Fordham Law School The Fiscal Impact of Changes to Eligibility for Conditional Sentences of Imprisonment in Canada Tolga Yalkin, Parliamentary Budget Office, Canada Michael Kirk, Parliamentary Budget Office Variation in the Screening, Charging, and Plea Bargaining Strategies of Prosecutors Don Stemen, Loyola University Chicago SESSION 498: FIREARMS ACCESS, RESTRICTIONS, AND CAMPUSES Thursday, November 15 - 2:00 pm to 3:20 pm Clark 10, 7th Floor Chair: Murat Gok, Turkish National Police Armed and Dangerous: Would Armed Faculty Deter Violent Crime on a College Campus? Greg Warchol, Northern Michigan University Dale Kapla, Northern Michigan University Criminal Justice Majors and Firearms on Campus Dale Kapla, Northern Michigan University Greg Warchol, Northern Michigan University Exploring the Financial and Public Health Costs Associated with Gun Violence in Schools Kirsten Hutzell, George Mason University Ajima Olaghere, George Mason University Catherine Gallagher, George Mason University The Relationship between Handgun Restrictions and Crime Murat Gok, Turkish National Police SESSION 499: SERVING SPECIALIZED POPULATIONS IN THE COMMUNITY Thursday, November 15 - 2:00 pm to 3:20 pm Clark 3, 7th Floor Chair: Martha Sherman, Baylor University Assessing Positive Outcomes of Day Reporting Center Programming for Female Offenders: An Exploratory Study Laura M. Ragusa-Salerno, The Violence Institute of New Jersey at UMDNJ Douglas J. Boyle, The Violence Institute of New Jersey at UMDNJ Andrea Marcus, The Violence Institute of New Jersey at UMDNJ Barriers to Implementing Substance Abuse Treatment Services for Probationers: Views of Probation and Treatment Staff Steven Belenko, Temple University Traci Rieckmann, Oregon Health and Science University Ingrid Diane Johnson, Temple University Nancy Wolff, Rutgers University 232 THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 15 Forensic Assertive Community Treatment (FACT): A Corrections Alternative for Mentally Ill Offenders? Jennifer Cermak, Marymount University Karen Davis, Marymount University Rehabilitating Different Types of Sex Offenders in Community-Based and Prison Settings Joseph Meyer Levin, Old Dominion University Mengyan Dai, Old Dominion University SESSION 500: VIOLENCE AND THE POLICE Thursday, November 15 - 2:00 pm to 3:20 pm Clark 5, 7th Floor Chair: Colin Loftin, University at Albany, SUNY Police Excessive Force in the Southwest: Ethnic, Ecological, and Organizational Predictors Malcolm D. Holmes, University of Wyoming Brad Smith, Wayne State University Sex Differences in the Felonious Killings of Police Officers Illya Lichtenberg, Mercy College The Impact of Neighborhood Crimes on Police Use of Force: An Examination at Micro Levels Hoon Lee, Western Carolina University Michael S. Vaughn, Sam Houston State University Hyeyoung Lim, Western Illinois University The Relationship between Murders of Police and Justifiable Homicides by Police, 1980-2010 Colin Loftin, University at Albany, SUNY David McDowall, University at Albany, SUNY Robert J. Kaminski, University of South Carolina SESSION 501: PRISONER REENTRY FOR WOMEN I Thursday, November 15 - 2:00 pm to 3:20 pm Clark 7, 7th Floor Chair: Patricia O'Brien, University of Illinois at Chicago College and Communities: Education and Reentry for Women Sarah Elizabet Daly, Rutgers University - Newark Todd Clear, Rutgers University - Newark Factors Impacting Recidivism among Female Inmates Shayna Maybrier, Eastern Kentucky University David May, Mississippi State University One Size Does Not Fit All: Post-Incarcerated Women Three Years Later Maureen Norton-Hawk, Suffolk University Out of Jail to the Community: Building Relationships between Mothers, Caregivers and Children for Success Patricia O'Brien, University of Illinois at Chicago Qiana Cryer-Coupet, University of Illinois at Chicago SESSION 502: HELP-SEEKING AMONG VICTIMS Thursday, November 15 - 2:00 pm to 3:20 pm Dearborn 1, 7th Floor Chair: Desiree Wiesen-Martin, University of New Hampshire Help Seeking among Victims of Hate Crime: A Review of the Empirical Literature Derek Ryan Scheer, Indiana University of Pennsylvania Bitna Kim, Indiana University of Pennsylvania Paul Hawkins, Indiana University of Pennsylvania Soo-Jung Byoun, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 233 THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 15 How Can Women’s Self-Defense Courses Increase Recruitment of Participants? Leanne Brecklin, University of Illinois Springfield Domestic and Sexual Violence Help Seeking: Interaction of Individual Characteristics and Community and State Policies Desiree Wiesen-Martin, University of New Hampshire SESSION 503: SURVEILLANCE, SECURITY, AND CRIME PREVENTION Thursday, November 15 - 2:00 pm to 3:20 pm Dearborn 2, 7th Floor Chair: Stephane Leman-Langlois, Laval University Contradictions of Compliance: Privacy Impact Assessments and the City-Street Video Surveillance in Canada Sean P. Hier, University of Victoria Kevin Walby, University of Victoria The Crime Prevention Effectiveness of CCTVs: Downtown Cincinnati Chunghyeon Seo, University of Florida Sang Jun Park, University of Cincinnati Exploring the Construction of Security in the Canada-United States Perimeter Security Action Plan Consultations Patrick C. Lalonde, University of Windsor The Dialectics of Vigilance as Social Control Kerrin-Sina Arfsten, Max Planck Institute for Foreign and International Criminal Law SESSION 504: NEIGHBORHOOD NETWORKS AND OFFENDING NETWORKS Thursday, November 15 - 2:00 pm to 3:20 pm Kimball Room, 3rd Floor Chair: Andres F. Rengifo, Rutgers University Neighborhood as Network or Network as Neighborhood? Placing Social Ties in Geographic Space Meagan Cahill, The Urban Institute Caterina Roman, Temple University Racial Homophily in Social Networks and Informal Social Control Barbara D. Warner, Georgia State University Kristin Swartz, University of Louisville Shila Rene' Hawk-Tourtelot, Georgia State University Co-Offending within Ego Networks: Unpacking Homophily, Network Composition and Structure Caterina Roman, Temple University Patrick Mitchell Downey, The Urban Institute Meagan Cahill, The Urban Institute Network Characteristics and Offending Patterns of Chinese Drug Trafficking Groups Spencer D. Li, University of Macau Jianhong Liu, University of Macau SESSION 505: HISTORICAL ANALYSES OF CRIME AND LEGAL CHANGE Thursday, November 15 - 2:00 pm to 3:20 pm LaSalle 3, 7th Floor Chair: Robert Donald Weide, New York University Colonialism, Culture and Nationalism: Honor Killings in the Judiciary of Mandate Palestine Badi Hasisi, The Hebrew University Deborah Bernstein, University of Haifa Sex with Minors: An Australian Case Study, 1870-1930 Yorick Jan Frederick Smaal, Griffith University 234 THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 15 The Artful Dodger or Convenient Scapegoat: Children, Youth, and Crime in 19th Century Britain Caroline Gibson Akers, University of Cambridge SESSION 506: THEORETICAL ADVANCES IN THE CROSS-NATIONAL CONTEXT Thursday, November 15 - 2:00 pm to 3:20 pm LaSalle 5, 7th Floor Chair: Rebecca Oliver Kaplan, San Diego State University Crime and Complementary Governance in the Andean Region Annette Idler, St. Antony's College, University of Oxford James J.F. Forest, University of Massachusetts Lowell Therapeutic Jurisprudence in the Civil Commitment Context: A Cross-Cultural Perspective Rebecca Oliver Kaplan, San Diego State University SESSION 507: GENERAL STRAIN THEORY Thursday, November 15 - 2:00 pm to 3:20 pm Logan Room, 3rd Floor Chair: Stephen Watts, University of Georgia A Test of General Strain Theory among Military Women and Men Kellie Van Dyke, University of North Carolina at Pembroke Natalie D. Klemann, University of North Carolina at Pembroke Rohald Ardwan Meneses, University of North Carolina at Pembroke Agnew's General Strain Theory: Perceptions of Life Priorities and Non-Criminal Reactions to Strain Shannon Gibson, Florida State University Foster Youth and Crime: Employing General Strain Theory to Promote Understanding Ravinder Barn, Royal Holloway, University of London Jo-Pei Tan, Royal Holloway, University of London Childhood Abuse and Later Criminal Behavior: Testing a General Strain Theory Model Stephen Watts, University of Georgia SESSION 508: SOCIAL SUPPORT AND SOCIAL STIGMA: EFFECTS ON THE LIVES OF SEXUAL OFFENDERS Thursday, November 15 - 2:00 pm to 3:20 pm Madison Room, 3rd Floor Chair: Venessa Garcia, Kean University Beyond Recidivism: How Does Social Support Impact the Success or Failure of Sex Offenders? Kimberly R. Kras, University of Missouri - St. Louis In Her Own Words: A Qualitative Examination of Female Sex Offenders Jennifer Klein, University of Florida Methods of Exposure: The Reality of Prison Living for Sex Offenders Mackenzie Moir, York University Rosemary Ricciardelli, York University The Inside World of Incarcerated Sex Offenders in Rehabilitation Brenda Geiger, Western Galilee College SESSION 509: CRITICAL PERSPECTIVES ON CRIME OVER THE LIFE COURSE Thursday, November 15 - 2:00 pm to 3:20 pm Millennium Parlor, 6th Floor Chair: Rebecca Sue Katz, Morehead State University 235 THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 15 Gendered Pathways: A Theoretical Influenced Investigation of Juvenile Females' Paths to Delinquency Doshie Piper, Prairie View A&M University Psychosocial Perspectives of Girls and Violence: Implications for Policy and Praxis Robin A Robinson, University of Massachusetts Dartmouth Judith A. Ryder, St. John's University “Staff Here Let You Get Down”: The Cultivation and Cooptation of Violence in a California Juvenile Detention Center Jerry Flores, University of California, Santa Barbara The Impact of the School-To-Prison Pipeline on Young Females of Color Sanna King, University of Hawaii at Manoa Raced and Gendered Identity: Humanistic Crime and Social Altruism Rebecca Sue Katz, Morehead State University Hannah Willis, Morehead State University SESSION 510: LEGAL EQUITY AND CORRUPTION ACROSS NATIONS Thursday, November 15 - 2:00 pm to 3:20 pm Price Room, 5th Floor Chair: Shahid M. Shahidullah, Elizabeth City State University Criminalization of Politics and Politicization of Crime in the Philippines and United States Christopher Magno, Gannon University Exploring Effects of Corruption and Inequality on Crime and Social Unrest during China’s Economic Transition Xiaogang Deng, University of Massachusetts Boston Yiping Wu, Zhejiang University of Finance and Economics, China Social Capital and Corruption: An Examination into the Intervening Role of Rule of Law Riccardo Ferraresso, CUNY Graduate Center / John Jay College of Criminal Justice Bryce Elling Peterson, CUNY Graduate Center / John Jay College of Criminal Justice Daiwon Lee, CUNY Graduate Center / John Jay College of Criminal Justice The Crime Rate, Rule of Law, and Democracy: A Comparative Study of the Failed States Shahid M. Shahidullah, Elizabeth City State University Shyamal Das, Elizabeth City State University SESSION 511: EXPLORATIONS OF QUALITATIVE METHODS IN CRIMINOLOGY Thursday, November 15 - 2:00 pm to 3:20 pm Salon 10, 3rd floor Chair: Danielle Rudes, George Mason University Asking Simple Questions, Getting Rich Data: Some Thoughts on Qualitative Interviewing Patricia Preston Dahl, Washburn University Immersion in Metro Manila Slums: Challenges and Prospects of Collecting Data on Crime and Violence in Non-Western Settings Raymund E. Narag, Southern Illinois University Sheila Royo Maxwell, Michigan State University Meaning Making in Criminology: Demystifying Semiotics as a Methodological Tool Victor E. Kappeler, Eastern Kentucky University Peter Brandon Kraska, Eastern Kentucky University Qualitative Fieldwork Contributions to Experimental Design and Implementation Science in Criminal Justice Settings Danielle Rudes, George Mason University SESSION 512: FIREARMS ACQUISITION, MOBILITY, AND MARKETS Thursday, November 15 - 2:00 pm to 3:20 pm Salon 4, 3rd Floor Chair: Carlo Morselli, Université de Montréal 236 THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 15 “Get ‘em While You Still Can”: Structural and Cultural Motivations for Firearm Attainment Trent Steidley, Ohio State University Martin Kosla, Ohio State University Criminal and Adverse Events during the Conduct of Retail Commerce in Firearms: Findings from the Firearms Licensee Survey Garen J. Wintemute, University of California, Davis The Mobility of Crime Guns Carlo Morselli, Université de Montréal Dominik Blais, Université de Montréal SESSION 513: DRUGS, CRIME, AND PUBLIC POLICY Thursday, November 15 - 2:00 pm to 3:20 pm Salon 5, 3rd Floor Chair: Sara Steen, University of Colorado - Boulder A Survival Analysis of Offenders Sentenced to Continuous Alcohol Monitoring with SCRAM Greg Midgette, RAND Corporation Paul Heaton, RAND Corporation Beau Kilmer, RAND Corporation Nancy Nicosia, RAND Corporation An Offender Mental Model of the Drug Market Intervention Alexis Norris, Michigan State University Estimating the Effect of an Open-Air Drug Market Intervention Jessica Saunders, RAND Corporation Drug Law Reform in Colorado Sara Steen, University of Colorado - Boulder Anjali Nandi, University of Colorado - Boulder SESSION 514: POLICING FULL CIRCLE Thursday, November 15 - 2:00 pm to 3:20 pm Salon 9, 3rd Floor Chair: Michele Muni, Rutgers University Predictors of Stress and Conflict Style in the Close Relationships of Police Officers Salih Hakan Can, Pennsylvania State University The Impact of In-Car Cameras on Excessive Use of Force by Police Nusret Sahin, Rutgers University Policing Domestic Violence: A Case Study of Innovation in the Trenton Police Department Michele Muni, Rutgers University SESSION 515: ROUNDTABLE: RACE, ETHNICITY, AND CRIME Thursday, November 15 - 2:00 pm to 3:20 pm Sandburg 3, 7th Floor Black Political and Socioeconomic Status Attainment and the Direction of Lethal Violence: Comparing the Suicide of Young Black and White Males in U.S. Counties Kimya N. Dennis, Salem College Immigration and Individual-Level Crime: Assessing Micro-Level Processes Associated with the Immigrant-Crime Link Allen W. Wong, University at Albany, SUNY Understanding the Most At-Risk for Incarceration: Black Males with Disabilities, from the Schoolhouse to the Jailhouse Amir Whitaker, University of Miami Vanessa Ann Thorrington, University of Miami 237 THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 15 SESSION 516: ROUNDTABLE: TEACHING CRITICAL CRIMINOLOGY: FOSTERING CRITICAL THINKING Thursday, November 15 - 2:00 pm to 3:20 pm Sandburg 4, 7th Floor Teaching Critical Thinking Skills Michael J. Coyle, California State University, Chico “You Don’t Have to Agree to Understand”: Creating an Open Classroom Environment Conducive to Critical Inquiry Rebecca Hayes, Central Michigan University Developing Critical Thinking: Using Memo Work with Current News Items Matthew G. Yeager, King's University College, Western University Canada Engaged Pedagogy: Teaching Through Action Research Teams Luis A. Fernandez, Northern Arizona University SESSION 517: ROUNDTABLE: RESEARCH ON POLICE USE OF PEDESTRIAN STOPS AND SEARCHES Thursday, November 15 - 2:00 pm to 3:20 pm Sandburg 5, 7th Floor Discussants: Jack Greene, Northeastern University Robin S. Engel, University of Cincinnati David Weisburd, George Mason University / Hebrew University Pamela Lachman, The Urban Institute Nancy La Vigne, The Urban Institute SESSION 518: ROUNDTABLE: STUDYING MASS-MEDIATED CRIME AND TERRORISM: THE DEVELOPMENT OF A SHARED, COLLABORATIVE APPROACH Thursday, November 15 - 2:00 pm to 3:20 pm Sandburg 7, 7th Floor Chair: David Green, John Jay College of Criminal Justice, CUNY Discussants: Steven Chermak, Michigan State University Nicole Hanson, John Jay College of Criminal Justice, CUNY Jeff Gruenewald, University of Arkansas William Parkin, John Jay College of Criminal Justice Tarra Jackson, John Jay College of Criminal Justice, CUNY SESSION 519: RACE AND JUVENILE JUSTICE Thursday, November 15 - 2:00 pm to 3:20 pm Spire Parlor, 6th Floor Chair: Erin Wolbeck, University of California, Riverside Racialized Gangs: Colorblindness, Risk, and Social Control Marisa Omori, University of California, Irvine Luis Daniel Gascón, University of California, Irvine Jacob Kang-Brown, University of California, Irvine Darin Haerle, University of California, Irvine Balancing, Grouping, and Efforts to Manage Youth: Analyzing Race and Gangs in Juvenile Correctional Facilities Jacob Kang-Brown, University of California, Irvine Darin Haerle, University of California, Irvine Marisa Omori, University of California, Irvine Luis Daniel Gascón, University of California, Irvine Disproportionate Minority Contact (DMC) among Nebraska’s Detained Youth Anne Hobbs, University of Nebraska at Omaha Timbre L. Wulf-Ludden, University of Nebraska at Omaha 238 THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 15 Can You Hear Me Now? Strategies for Collecting and Analyzing DMC Data in States with Data Systems that Do Not Communicate Crystal A. Garcia, Indiana University-Purdue University, Indianapolis G. Roger Jarjoura, Indiana University-Purdue University, Indianapolis Konrad A Haight, Indiana University-Purdue University, Indianapolis Jaime Sherls, Indiana University-Purdue University, Indianapolis Justin Roof, Indiana University-Purdue University, Indianapolis SESSION 520: INTERNATIONAL RESEARCH ON DRUG USE, DEALING, AND CONTROL I Thursday, November 15 - 2:00 pm to 3:20 pm Water Tower Parlor, 6th Floor Chair: Richard Rosenfeld, University of Missouri - St. Louis Do-It-Yourself: Examining Medical Marijuana Users Who Grow Their Own Nicholas Athey, Simon Fraser University Martin Bouchard, Simon Fraser University Neil Boyd, Simon Fraser University Narratives of Change in Drug and Alcohol Misuse Zetta Kougiali, University of Portsmouth / The Nehemiah Project, HMP Kingston Insite as Representation and Regulation: A Discursively-Informed Analysis of Canada's First Safe Injection Site Alicia Alexandra Sanderson, University of Ottawa / Wilfred Laurier University (Alumna) Victimization and Social Control in Amsterdam Cafés and Coffeeshops Richard Rosenfeld, University of Missouri - St. Louis Scott Jacques, Georgia State University Richard Wright, University of Missouri - St. Louis Danielle M. Reynald, Griffith University Frank van Gemert, VU University Amsterdam SESSION 521: THE MEANING AND CONSTRUCTION OF CRIMINAL NETWORKS Thursday, November 15 - 2:00 pm to 3:20 pm Wilson Room, 3rd Floor Chair: Meredith Conover-Williams, Washington State University - Vancouver Criminal Mentors in Prisoners’ Personal Networks: Who are they? And Where are They Positioned? Ruben De Cuyper, The Netherlands Institute for the Study of Crime and Law Enforcement (NSCR) Anja Dirkzwager, NSCR Peter H. van der Laan, NSCR / VU University Amsterdam Paul Nieuwbeerta, Leiden University Beate Volker, Utrecht University Residential Proximity to Peers and Adolescent Friendship Networks Dana L. Haynie, Ohio State University Brian Soller, Ohio State University Christopher R. Browning, Ohio State University An Analysis of the Community Education Centers' Alumni Association Ralph Fretz, Community Education Centers Michael Ostermann, Rutgers University More of the Same? Trends in Homophily among Co-Offenders, 1980-2007 Meredith Conover-Williams, Washington State University - Vancouver Katie Lynn Clemons, Washington State University Jennifer Schwartz, Washington State University 239 THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 15 THEMATIC SESSION SESSION 522: CRIME COSTS AND VICTIM HARM: USING VICTIMIZATION DATA TO STUDY THE CONSEQUENCES OF CRIME Thursday, November 15 - 3:30 pm to 4:50 pm Buckingham Room, 5th Floor Chair: Lynn A. Addington, American University The Costs of Crime Revisited Lynn Langton, Bureau of Justice Statistics Michael Planty, Bureau of Justice Statistics Less Crime, More Harm? Comparing Crime Rates with a Harm Index Michael Planty, Bureau of Justice Statistics Lynn A. Addington, American University Why Getting Estimates of the Harms to Crime Victims Right Matters and How to Do It John Roman, The Urban Institute Discussant: William J. Sabol, Bureau of Justice Statistics THEMATIC SESSION SESSION 523: MISCARRIAGES OF JUSTICE: NEW CRIMINAL JUSTICE AND LEGAL PERSPECTIVES Thursday, November 15 - 3:30 pm to 4:50 pm Burnham 2, 7th Floor Chair: Robert J. Norris, University at Albany, SUNY Mass Exonerations Samuel R. Gross, University of Michigan - Ann Arbor The Utility of Criminal Justice Theory for Studying Wrongful Convictions Catherine L. Bonventre, University at Albany, SUNY Robert J. Norris, University at Albany, SUNY Innocence Found: The Rise of the Innocence Movement in America Keith Findley, University of Wisconsin THEMATIC SESSION SESSION 524: WHEN VIOLENCE TURNS DEADLY: CORRELATES OF HOMICIDE IN EUROPE Thursday, November 15 - 3:30 pm to 4:50 pm Cresthill Room, 3rd Floor Chair: Nora Markwalder, University of Zurich Knives and Alcohol: A Deadly Combination for Russians in Estonia Jako Salla, Estonian Ministry of Justice The Influence of Event Characteristics and Behavior of Actors Involved in Lethal vs. Non-Lethal Violent Events Soenita Ganpat, Leiden University Joanne Van der Leun, Leiden University Paul Nieuwbeerta, Leiden University Homicide and Firearms: The European Perspective Nora Markwalder, University of Zurich Martin Killias, Zurich University, Switzerland 240 THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 15 THEMATIC SESSION SESSION 525: MEDIA CONSTRUCTION OF GENDER AND RACE II Thursday, November 15 - 3:30 pm to 4:50 pm LaSalle 2, 7th Floor Chair: Aileen O'Gorman, University College Dublin Gendered Representations of Parents Behind Bars: An Analysis of Newspaper Reports Janani Umamaheswar, Pennsylvania State University Peddling Danger, Despair, and Redemption: The Materiality of Prison Memoirs Rebecca L. Bordt, DePauw University Reporting Femicide-Suicide in the News: The Implementation of Suicide Reporting Guidelines and Recommendations for the Future Lane Kirkland Gillespie, University of South Florida Tara N. Richards, Appalachian State University Eugena A. Givens, University of South Florida Racial Profiling in the News: Accurate Portrayal or Perpetuation of Myth? Carol A. Archbold, North Dakota State University Thorvald Dahle, North Dakota State University Melinda Fangman, North Dakota State University Ericka Ann Wentz, North Dakota State University Mckenzie Wood, North Dakota State University THEMATIC SESSION SESSION 526: OPERATIONAL CONCERNS IN COMMUNITY CORRECTIONS: OFFENDER REHABILITATION, CASE MANAGEMENT, AND RISK ASSESSMENT Thursday, November 15 - 3:30 pm to 4:50 pm Salon 1, 3rd Floor Effect of Treatment Readiness for Reentrants with History of Substance Abuse Stefanie R. McDonald, Court Services and Offender Supervision Agency Effect of Exogenous Supervision Officer Reassignment on Supervision Outcomes Carroll Ganier, Court Services and Offender Supervision Agency Zero-Day Risk Assessment in Community Corrections Mark Coggeshall, Court Services and Offender Supervision Agency Carroll Ganier, Court Services and Offender Supervision Agency Discussant: Calvin Johnson, Court Services and Offender Supervision Agency THEMATIC SESSION SESSION 527: TEENS, SEX, AND TECH: HIGHLIGHTS FROM A MULTI-STATE, OJJDP-FUNDED STUDY Thursday, November 15 - 3:30 pm to 4:50 pm Salon 10, 3rd floor Chair: Karen JoAnne Bachar, U.S. Department of Justice - OJJDP Understanding Teen “Sexting” in a Participatory Framework Andrew J. Harris, University of Massachusetts Lowell Living in Different Worlds? Comparing Youth and Parent Perspectives on Teen “Sexting” Karin Tusinski Miofsky, University of Hartford 241 THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 15 Teen Sexting: Educator Perspectives and Challenges Judith Davidson, University of Massachusetts Lowell Andrew J. Harris, University of Massachusetts Lowell THEMATIC SESSION SESSION 528: REVIEWING STRATEGIC INITIATIVES TO REDUCE GANG VIOLENCE: PROMISING CROSS-NATIONAL APPROACHES Thursday, November 15 - 3:30 pm to 4:50 pm Salon 12, 3rd Floor Chair: Robin S. Engel, University of Cincinnati Opening the Focused Deterrence Black Box: Further Examination of the Cincinnati Initiative to Reduce Violence Robin S. Engel, University of Cincinnati Marie Skubak Tillyer, University of Texas at San Antonio Christopher J. Sullivan, University of Cincinnati Nicholas Corsaro, University of Cincinnati "Pulling Levers" in Scotland to Tackle Gangs and Violent Crime: A Comparative Analysis of International Criminal Justice Policy Transfer William Graham, Glasgow Caledonian University, Scotland Policing Gang Violence in Cincinnati and Glasgow: One with a Gun, One with a Jacket and One with some Tales and Confessions Ross Deuchar, University of the West of Scotland Deterring Gun Homicide: Testing the Impact of Project Safe Neighborhoods Edmund McGarrell, Michigan State University Nicholas Corsaro, University of Cincinnati Discussant: David M. Kennedy, John Jay College of Criminal Justice THEMATIC SESSION SESSION 529: EXPERIMENTAL CRIMINOLOGY: EVALUATING POLICE LEGITIMACY AND PROCEDURAL JUSTICE (ORGANIZED BY THE DIVISION OF EXPERIMENTAL CRIMINOLOGY) Thursday, November 15 - 3:30 pm to 4:50 pm Salon 2, 3rd Floor Chair: Lorraine Mazerolle, University of Queensland Legitimacy in Policing: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis Lorraine Mazerolle, University of Queensland Jacqueline Davis, University of Queensland Shaping Citizen Perceptions of Police Legitimacy: A Randomized Field Trial of Procedural Justice Emma Antrobus, University of Queensland Lorraine Mazerolle, University of Queensland Tom Tyler, Yale University Improving Perceptions of Police in Youth and Ethnic Minorities: Findings from a Randomized Field Trial of Procedural Justice-Based Policing Kristina Murphy, Griffith University Lorraine Mazerolle, University of Queensland Emma Antrobus, University of Queensland 242 THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 15 THEMATIC SESSION SESSION 530: ANTISOCIAL BEHAVIOR THROUGHOUT THE LIFESPAN: FACTORS PREDICTING REPEATED INVOLVEMENT IN CRIME Thursday, November 15 - 3:30 pm to 4:50 pm Salon 3, 3rd Floor Chair: David P. Farrington, Cambridge University Official Bias, Labeling and Intergenerational Transmission Sytske Besemer, University of Cambridge, UK David P. Farrington, Cambridge University Catrien Bijleveld, NSCR Are Levels of Empathy Predictive of Later Reoffending? Darrick Jolliffe, University of Leicester Paul Turnbull, Birkbeck College, University of London Tim McSweeney, Birkbeck College, University of London Childhood, Personality and Clinical Predictors of Recidivism for 528 Canadian Offenders Christopher John Koegl, Ontario Correctional Institute The Stability of Antisocial Personality over Time Tara Renae McGee, Griffith University David P. Farrington, Cambridge University THEMATIC SESSION SESSION 531: TESTING SITUATIONAL ACTION THEORY: MORALITY AND MORAL NORMS Thursday, November 15 - 3:30 pm to 4:50 pm Salon 5, 3rd Floor Chair: Ralph Taylor, Temple University Situational Peer Effects on Adolescents' Alcohol Consumption Harald Beier, University of Mannheim Religion, Peers, and Crime: Exploring Peer Religiosity and its Role in the Relationship between Religion, Morality, and Crime Jane Horgan, University of Cambridge Interactions between Morality and Situational Factors in the Genesis of Adolescent Crime - and How (Not) to Find Them in Regression Analysis Dietrich Oberwittler, Max Planck Institute for Foreign and International Criminal Law Dominik Gerstner, Max Planck Institute for Foreign and International Criminal Law Toward a Multilevel Theory of Morality and Crime: An Empirical Assessment of Prospects for Integrating SAT and IAT Olena Antonaccio, University of Miami Ekaterina Botchkovar, Northeastern University Lorine Hughes, University of Nebraska at Omaha THEMATIC SESSION SESSION 532: DISENGAGEMENT FROM ILLICIT GROUPS Thursday, November 15 - 3:30 pm to 4:50 pm Salon 6, 3rd Floor Chair: Tore Bjorgo, Norwegian Police University College Reintegration of Ex-Pirates in Somalia: Engagement and Disengagement Processes and Community Involvement Tore Bjorgo, Norwegian Police University College Ingvild M. Gjelsvik, Norwegian Police University College 243 THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 15 Disengagement and De-Radicalization from Terrorist Organizations: Empirical Research from an Ongoing Investigation John G. Horgan, Pennsylvania State University Mary Beth Altier, Pennsylvania State University Christian Thoroughgood, Pennsylvania State University Emma Leonard, Pennsylvania State University Gang Desistance as Role Transitions Scott Decker, Arizona State University David C. Pyrooz, Sam Houston State University Richard K. Moule, Arizona State University Discussant: Shadd Maruna, Queen's University Belfast THEMATIC SESSION SESSION 533: MOVING BEYOND “DO DRUG COURTS WORK”: RESULTS FROM STATEWIDE EVALUATIONS Thursday, November 15 - 3:30 pm to 4:50 pm Salon 8, 3rd Floor Chair: David B. Wilson, George Mason University Determining the Ideal Target Population: Results from a Statewide Evaluation in New York Michael Rempel, Center for Court Innovation Why Do Drug Courts Work? A Multi-Level Test of Drug Court Policies and Practices Amanda Cissner, Center for Court Innovation Best Practices in Drug Courts as Related to Outcomes: Results from an Analysis of Data from 67 Drug Courts Across the United States Michael Finigan, NPC Research Discussant: David B. Wilson, George Mason University THEMATIC SESSION SESSION 534: STATE MEDICAL MARIJUANA POLICIES AND PUBLIC HEALTH OUTCOMES Thursday, November 15 - 3:30 pm to 4:50 pm Water Tower Parlor, 6th Floor Chair: Eric L. Sevigny, University of South Carolina Medical Marijuana and Recreational Marijuana Use: What Does and Does Not Matter? Rosalie Liccardo Pacula, RAND Corporation David Powell, RAND Corporation Does Pot Kill? Marijuana Access and Fatal Accidents Paul Heaton, RAND Corporation The Effects of State Medical Marijuana Policies on Cannabis Potency and Quality: Evidence from Seized Samples Eric L. Sevigny, University of South Carolina THEMATIC SESSION SESSION 535: DEVELOPMENTAL PATHWAYS TO FAMILY VIOLENCE Thursday, November 15 - 3:30 pm to 4:50 pm Wilson Room, 3rd Floor Chair: Timothy O. Ireland, Niagara University 244 THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 15 Developmental Risk Factors for Intimate Partner Violence Carolyn A. Smith, University at Albany, SUNY Sarah J. Greenman, University of Maryland Identifying Risk Factors for the Perpetration of Child Maltreatment Terence P. Thornberry, University of Maryland Megan Bears Augustyn, University of Maryland Mauri Matsuda, University of Maryland, College Park The Impact of Adolescent Gang Membership on Involvement in Intimate Partner Violence during Adulthood Sarah J. Greenman, University of Maryland Timothy O. Ireland, Niagara University Pathways for Continuity: Family Violence Exposure and Subsequent Perpetration of Intimate Partner Violence Using Item Response Theory Timothy O. Ireland, Niagara University Kimberly L. Henry, Colorado State University MEETING SESSION 536: AFRICAN CRIMINOLOGY AND JUSTICE ASSOCIATION MEETING Thursday, November 15 - 3:30 pm to 4:50 pm Burnham 5, 7th Floor MEETING SESSION 537: WAR CRIMES, GENOCIDE & CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY: AN INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL Thursday, November 15 - 3:30 pm to 4:50 pm Clark 1, 7th Floor MEETING SESSION 538: KOREAN SOCIETY OF CRIMINOLOGY IN AMERICA (KSCA) MEETING Thursday, November 15 - 3:30 pm to 4:50 pm Grant Park Parlor, 6th Floor MEETING SESSION 539: DIVISION ON WOMEN AND CRIME FEMINIST CRIMINOLOGY EDITORIAL BOARD MEETING Thursday, November 15 - 3:30 pm to 4:50 pm Hancock Parlor, 6th Floor MEETING SESSION 540: JOURNAL OF RESEARCH IN CRIME & DELINQUENCY BOARD MEETING Thursday, November 15 - 3:30 pm to 4:50 pm Salon 7, 3rd Floor MEETING SESSION 541: DIVISION ON CRITICAL CRIMINOLOGY EXECUTIVE MEETING Thursday, November 15 - 3:30 pm to 4:20 pm Wabash Room, 3rd Floor 245 THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 15 AUTHORS MEETS CRITICS SESSION 542: CORRUPTION AND ORGANIZED CRIME IN EUROPE (ORGANIZED BY THE INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION FOR THE STUDY OF ORGANIZED CRIME) Thursday, November 15 - 3:30 pm to 4:50 pm Clark 9, 7th Floor Authors Philip Gounev, Center for the Study of Democracy Vincenzo Ruggiero, Middlesex University Critics James Finckenauer, Rutgers University Michael Levi, Cardiff University Discussant: Klaus von Lampe, John Jay College of Criminal Justice AUTHOR MEETS CRITICS SESSION 543: THE BETTER ANGELS OF OUR NATURE: WHY VIOLENCE HAS DECLINED Thursday, November 15 - 3:30 pm to 4:50 pm Empire Room, Lobby Level Author Steven Pinker, Harvard University Critics Randolph Roth, Ohio State University Manuel Peter Eisner, University of Cambridge Gary LaFree, University of Maryland SESSION 544: POLICE USE OF DEADLY FORCE Thursday, November 15 - 3:30 pm to 4:50 pm Burnham 1, 7th Floor Chair: David A. Klinger, University of Missouri - St. Louis Active Shooter Events 2000-2010: Implications for Police J. Pete Blair, Texas State University M. Hunter Martaindale, Texas State University Firearm Use at Fugitive Apprehension Sarah Welchans Craun, United States Marshals Service Paul J. Detar, United States Marshals Service David M. Bierie, United States Marshals Service Student Responses to Deadly Force Choices under the Law George Coroian, Pennsylvania State University, Wilkes-Barre If They Knew Then What They Know Now: Police Officers’ Suggestions for Improving Deadly Force Training Jordan C. Pickering, University of Missouri - St. Louis David A. Klinger, University of Missouri - St. Louis SESSION 545: INNOVATIONS IN ANALYZING CRIME Thursday, November 15 - 3:30 pm to 4:50 pm Burnham 4, 7th Floor Chair: Matthew Pate, University at Albany, SUNY Integrating Geospatial Visual Analytics with a Criminal Justice Decision Support System Luc E. Anselin, Arizona State University Serge Rey, Arizona State University Robert Pahle, Arizona State University Julia Koschinsky, Arizona State University 246 THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 15 Agent-Based Computational Modeling and Its Potential in Developing, Integrating and Revising Criminology Theories Incorporating Interdisciplinary Evidence Mengsen Zhang, University of Pennsylvania Understanding the Resilience of a Ndrangheta Drug-Trafficking Group Giulia Berlusconi, Università Cattolica Milan - Transcrime The Case for Mixed Methods Research in Criminology: Philosophy, Design, and Utility Lisa Holland-Davis, Clayton State University Jason Davis, Clayton State University SESSION 546: CRIMINOLOGICAL THEORY: REVISITING THE PAST AND THINKING ABOUT THE FUTURE Thursday, November 15 - 3:30 pm to 4:50 pm Clark 10, 7th Floor Chair: Sanjay Marwah, Guilford College The Jack-Roller Chronicle: The History of a Life-History Jon Snodgrass, California State University, Los Angeles From Footnote to Forgotten: Whatever Happened to Walter Miller? Francis Frederick Hawley, Western Carolina University A Theory of Theoretical Criminology Richard Jones, University of Edinburgh Reorienting Criminological Theories: Levels of Analysis, Contexts, and Mechanisms Sanjay Marwah, Guilford College Abul Yasir Azam, Guilford College David G. Jenkins, Guilford College SESSION 547: SOCIAL SUPPORT AND PRISONER REENTRY Thursday, November 15 - 3:30 pm to 4:50 pm Clark 3, 7th Floor Chair: Caitlin J. Taylor, La Salle University Different Types of Family Support and Recidivism: Findings from the SVORI Evaluation Caitlin J. Taylor, La Salle University Perceptions of Family Support among Released Male Felons in the State of Texas Jurg Gerber, Sam Houston State University Gaylene Armstrong, Sam Houston State University Meredith M. Davis, Sam Houston State University The Process of Transition into the Community and Influence of Social Support Networks Eric Grommon, Indiana University-Purdue University, Indianapolis Jason Rydberg, Michigan State University Timothy Bynum, Michigan State University Social Support and Female Prisoner Reentry: A Confirmatory Factor Analysis Seana Golder, University of Louisville George Higgins, University of Louisville T.K. Logan, University of Kentucky Martin Hall, University of Louisville SESSION 548: MECHANISMS UNDERLYING VIOLENCE AND VICTIMIZATION Thursday, November 15 - 3:30 pm to 4:50 pm Clark 5, 7th Floor Chair: Chris Melde, Michigan State University 247 THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 15 Linking Verbal Deficits with Violent Victimization Risk Chris Schreck, Rochester Institute of Technology Mark Berg, Indiana University Eric Stewart, Florida State University Victimization and Decisions about Violence Margit Averdijk, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich (ETH) Manuel Peter Eisner, University of Cambridge Denis Ribeaud, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Control Balance Theory as a Predictor of Delinquency and Victimization at Two Early Stages in the Life Course Carlton W. Mathis, Texas A&M University Tony P. Love, University of Texas at Arlington Striking a Balance: A Prospective Examination of the Cognitive-Emotional Elements of Violence Reduction Chris Melde, Michigan State University Mark Berg, Indiana University Finn-Aage Esbensen, University of Missouri - St. Louis SESSION 549: INFLUENCES ON INCARCERATION RATES Thursday, November 15 - 3:30 pm to 4:50 pm Clark 7, 7th Floor Chair: Thomas M. Arvanites, Villanova University Analyzing Instrumental and Extrajudicial Explanations of Imprisonment on the State-Level, 1980-2005 Pavel V. Vasiliev, University of Nevada, Las Vegas The Effects of Local Labor Market Opportunities and Social Welfare Provisions on Sex-Disaggregated Prison Admissions Samantha R. Cumley, University of Idaho What Goes Up Must Come Down? Exploring State-Level Declines in Incarceration Elizabeth K. Brown, Niagara University White Isolation and Black Drug Imprisonment Rates Thomas M. Arvanites, Villanova University Lance E. Hannon, Villanova University SESSION 550: VICTIM CONTACT WITH THE CRIMINAL JUSTICE SYSTEM Thursday, November 15 - 3:30 pm to 4:50 pm Dearborn 1, 7th Floor Chair: Deborah J. Brydon, Mount Mercy University Criminal Justice, Victim Support Centers, and the Emotional Well-Being of Crime Victims Alline Pedra Jorge Birol, Federal University of Santa Catarina, Brazil Findings from the Evaluation of Statewide Automated Victim Information and Notification (SAVIN) Programs Seri Irazola, ICF International Sara Ann Debus-Sherrill, ICF International Emily Niedzwiecki, ICF International Erin Williamson, ICF International The Effects of Restraint on the Restrainer and the Restrained Jessica Bullock, North Carolina Central University Lorna Elaine Grant, North Carolina Central University Criminal Court Continuances and the Effect on Victims Deborah J. Brydon, Mount Mercy University 248 THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 15 SESSION 551: ISSUES RELATED TO PRISON CONSTRUCTION Thursday, November 15 - 3:30 pm to 4:50 pm Dearborn 2, 7th Floor Chair: Brittany Groot, University of Northern Colorado Building Green? Carceral Keynesian and Environmental Discourses in Canadian Prison Construction Marketing Justin Piche, University of Ottawa Carcerality in the Commonwealth: Representations and Contestations of Mass Incarceration in Kentucky Conrad Lanham, Eastern Kentucky University Judah Nathan Schept, Eastern Kentucky University Combating NIMBY: Examining Prisons’ Effects on Local Crime Rates Brittany Groot, University of Northern Colorado SESSION 552: BIOSOCIAL CRIMINOLOGY: PSYCHOLOGY Thursday, November 15 - 3:30 pm to 4:50 pm Indiana Room, 3rd Floor Chair: Gabriel Anderson, Louisiana State University Depression and Delinquency: The Moderating Roles of Peer Delinquency and Social Bonds Jason Ford, University of Central Florida Do Intelligence and Academic Achievement Have a Special Relationship With Violence? A Systematic Review of the Literature Joanne Savage, American University Evolutionary Psychology and Crime: A New Paradigm in Theoretical Criminology? Gabriel Anderson, Louisiana State University Facial Emotion Processing in Psychopathy: Putting the Deficit Assumption to the Test Pedro R. Almeida, University of Porto, Portugal Fernando Ferreira-Santos, University of Porto, Portugal João Marques-Teixeira, University of Porto, Portugal SESSION 553: RACE, NEIGHBORHOOD STIGMA, AND PERCEPTIONS OF DISORDER Thursday, November 15 - 3:30 pm to 4:50 pm Kimball Room, 3rd Floor Chair: Andrea Leverentz, University of Massachusetts Boston Changing Neighborhood Contexts and Their Impact on Resident Perceptions of Crime and Disorder Renee Zahnow, University of Queensland Rebecca Wickes, University of Queensland Michele Haynes, University of Queensland The Stigmatizing and Criminalization of Hispanics and Hispanic Neighborhoods through Individuals' Disorder Perceptions Andrea R. Borrego, Arizona State University Danielle Wallace, Arizona State University Nancy Rodriguez, Arizona State University Brooks Louton, Arizona State University Group Position and Crime Narratives: The Influence of Community, Local, and State Narratives Andrea Leverentz, University of Massachusetts Boston SESSION 554: CAPITAL PUNISHMENT IN THE UNITED STATES: TRENDS AND IMPLICATIONS Thursday, November 15 - 3:30 pm to 4:50 pm LaSalle 1, 7th Floor Chair: Meredith Martin Rountree, University of Texas at Austin / American Bar Foundation Capital Punishment Revisited: Comparing Trends in Legal and Extra-Legal Executions across U.S. History Emily Reeder, University of Nevada, Las Vegas Terry Miethe, University of Nevada, Las Vegas 249 THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 15 Capital Punishment in America: Race, Geography, Crime, and Social Justice Martin Guevara Urbina, Rio Grande College of Sul Ross State University Ferris Roger Byxbe, Rio Grande College of Sul Ross State University Capital Punishment in the United States: A Time-Series Analysis of Executions from 1930-2000 Ethan Amidon, University of Missouri - St. Louis Is Hastening Execution a Form of Prison Suicide? Meredith Martin Rountree, University of Texas at Austin / American Bar Foundation SESSION 555: PERCEPTIONS OF POLICE LEGITIMACY Thursday, November 15 - 3:30 pm to 4:50 pm LaSalle 3, 7th Floor Chair: Jacinta M. Gau, University of Central Florida Consent Search Requests as a Threat to Police Legitimacy among Minority Motorists Jacinta M. Gau, University of Central Florida Rod K. Brunson, Rutgers University Faith in the Police and Subcultural Violence: An Examination of Adopting the Code of the Street Jonathan Intravia, Florida State University Kevin Tyler Wolff, Florida State University Refugees' Perceptions of the Police in Western New York Joselyne L. Chenane, Buffalo State College John Song, Buffalo State College Jawjeong Wu, Buffalo State College Rural Residents’ Attitudes toward the Police in China Yuning Wu, Wayne State University Rong Hu, Xiamen University Ivan Sun, University of Delaware SESSION 556: THE SOCIAL CONSTRUCTION OF JUVENILE CRIME Thursday, November 15 - 3:30 pm to 4:50 pm LaSalle 5, 7th Floor Chair: Maldine B. Bailey, University of North Florida The Race to Punish in American Schools: Race, Class, and Punitive School Crime Control Katherine Irwin, University of Hawaii at Manoa Janet Davidson, Chaminade University Amanda Sanchez-Hall, University of Hawaii at Manoa The Representation of Juvenile Sex Offenders in the Media: A Content Analysis of News Coverage Chunrye Kim, CUNY Graduate Center / John Jay College of Criminal Justice Judicial Waiver Laws: A Social Problem within a Social Problem Matt Richie, University of Wisconsin - Oshkosh Juveniles in the Adult Criminal Justice System: How Young is too Young? Maldine B. Bailey, University of North Florida SESSION 557: INTERNATIONAL CONTEXT AND CRIMINOLOGICAL THEORY EVALUATION Thursday, November 15 - 3:30 pm to 4:50 pm Logan Room, 3rd Floor Chair: Josefina Maria Castro, University of Porto, Portugal Applying an Integrated Model to Group Differences in Delinquency among Chinese Adolescents Wan-Ning Bao, Indiana University-Purdue University, Indianapolis Ain Haas, Indiana University-Purdue University, Indianapolis 250 THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 15 Cyber-Deviant Behaviors in the Korean Youth Sample Moonki Hong, Florida State University Factors Related to Re-offending among Chinese Mass Murders and Serial Murders Melody Yan Ma, University of Macau Spencer D. Li, University of Macau Minor and Serious Offending among American and Bolivian University Students: A Test of Social Learning Theory Rohald Ardwan Meneses, University of North Carolina at Pembroke Ronald Akers, University of Florida Juvenile Delinquency: A Crosstalk between Individual and Contextual Factors Josefina Maria Castro, University of Porto, Portugal Carla Sofia Cardoso, University of Porto Cândido da Agra, University of Porto, Portugal SESSION 558: HOMICIDE: LATEST TRENDS AND EMERGING THEMES Thursday, November 15 - 3:30 pm to 4:50 pm Madison Room, 3rd Floor Chair: Barbara D. Warner, Georgia State University Trends in Homicide and Violence: Past, Current, and Future Considerations John Jarvis, Federal Bureau of Investigation Wendy Regoeczi, Cleveland State University Establishing the Victim-Offender Relationship of Initially Unsolved Homicides after Clearance: Stranger, Acquaintance or Domestic? Kenna Quinet, Indiana University-Purdue University, Indianapolis Sam Nunn, Indiana University-Purdue University, Indianapolis Matt Nagle, Indiana University Female Juvenile Homicide Offenders: Portraits of Younger Children and Teenagers Who Kill Kathleen M. Heide, University of South Florida Brian G. Sellers, University of South Florida Casey Williams, Osceola County Courthouse SESSION 559: NEUTRALIZATIONS AND WHITE-COLLAR CRIME Thursday, November 15 - 3:30 pm to 4:50 pm Marshfield Room, 3rd Floor Chair: Lynne Vieraitis, University of Texas at Dallas Neutralization of Police Corruption Mark Lauchs, Queensland University of Technology When Hidden Behavior Becomes Public: A Content Analysis of Blogs Written by Food Service Employees Katie Pantaleo, Lock Haven University Do Women and Men Differ in their Neutralizations of Corporate Crime? Lynne Vieraitis, University of Texas at Dallas Nicole Leeper Piquero, University of Texas at Dallas Alex Piquero, University of Texas at Dallas Steven Tibbetts, California State University, San Bernardino SESSION 560: YOUNG DRUG USERS I Thursday, November 15 - 3:30 pm to 4:50 pm Millennium Parlor, 6th Floor Chair: Steven Michael Lemmey, Florida State University A Lifestyles Theoretical Perspective on Patterns of Substance Use and Offending Profiles of Juvenile Offenders Raymond R. Corrado, Simon Fraser University Evan Clark McCuish, Simon Fraser University 251 THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 15 Ice, Ice Babies: An Examination of Methamphetamine Use among Youth Dana Radatz, University of Nebraska at Omaha Abby L. Vandenberg, University of Nebraska at Omaha Prescription Drugs: Generation Rx in Crisis Ferris Roger Byxbe, Rio Grande College of Sul Ross State University Martin Guevara Urbina, Rio Grande College of Sul Ross State University Illicit Drug Use among High School Seniors in the United States from 1976 to 2009: An Analysis of the Utility of Competing Criminological Paradigms Steven Michael Lemmey, Florida State University Chiung-Fang Hsu, Florida State University SESSION 561: JUVENILE JUSTICE PRACTICES ACROSS NATION-STATES Thursday, November 15 - 3:30 pm to 4:50 pm Price Room, 5th Floor Chair: David May, Mississippi State University A Comparative Study of Juvenile Justice Systems in England, Japan, South Korea, and the United States: Trends, Changes, and Challenges Maisha Nichole Cooper, University of Central Missouri Yeok-il Cho, University of Central Missouri The Exploitation of Third World Child Slave Labor in the Quest for Disney’s Princess Identity Alyson Kershaw, Eastern Kentucky University What is a Child? Cross-National Comparisons of the Age of Responsibility David May, Mississippi State University Angie L. Wheaton, Eastern Kentucky University Chuck Fields, Eastern Kentucky University SESSION 562: MENTAL DISORDER AND THE JUSTICE SYSTEM Thursday, November 15 - 3:30 pm to 4:50 pm Salon 4, 3rd Floor Chair: Matt Draper, Utah Valley University An Autopsy of Coroner’s Reports: Mental Disorder and Reportable Deaths in the Criminal Justice System Belinda Rochelle Crissman, Griffith University, Brisbane, Australia Compliance Challenges for Mental Health Court Clients: A Case Study Carlie Luciana Leroux, University of Waterloo Predicting the Presence of Mental Health and Substance Use Diagnoses among Former Foster Care Youth Patricia Cantara, Rutgers University The Morality of Compassion in Clinical Forensics: Expanding Cultural Context Matt Draper, Utah Valley University Collin Dean, Utah Valley University Matthew Anderson, Utah Valley University Juliann Ogilvie, Utah Valley University Jan Spencer, Utah Valley University Patricia Weaver, Utah Valley University SESSION 563: POLICING UNREST AND SECURITY Thursday, November 15 - 3:30 pm to 4:50 pm Salon 9, 3rd Floor Chair: David Bowman, Simon Fraser University Policing Insecurities in a Post-Colonial World Alpa Parmar, University of Leeds 252 THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 15 Protest Policing in the Era of "Occupy Wall Street" Todd Lough, Western Illinois University Unrestricted Access: Canadian Criminal Records at the United States Border David Bowman, Simon Fraser University SESSION 564: ROUNDTABLE: SEX TRAFFICKING/PROSTITUTION Thursday, November 15 - 3:30 pm to 4:50 pm Sandburg 2, 7th Floor Entering, Maintaining, and Exiting “The Life”: An Exploratory Study of Youth Involved in Prostitution Jennifer McMahon-Howard, Kennesaw State University Evidence of a Typology of Trafficked Girls: Submissives, Sex Slaves, and Daredevils Joan A. Reid, University of Massachusetts Lowell The Effect of Deterrence-Based Efforts on the Intent to Buy Sexual Services in South Korea Hyunin Baek, Kyonggi University, South Korea Sungil Han, Kyonggi University EuiGab Hwang, Kyonggi University Women in Prostitution: Violence by Recruiters and Clients Min Liu, Kean University SESSION 565: ROUNDTABLE: REPRODUCTIVE RIGHTS AS A CRIMINAL JUSTICE ISSUE Thursday, November 15 - 3:30 pm to 4:50 pm Sandburg 4, 7th Floor Chair: Jennifer Hartsfield, Bridgewater State University Discussants: Juanita Ortiz, University of Illinois Springfield Meghan McGhee, Southwestern Oklahoma State University David Nicholson, Missouri Western State University SESSION 566: ROUNDTABLE: SPECIALTY COURTS Thursday, November 15 - 3:30 pm to 4:50 pm Sandburg 6, 7th Floor An Exploratory Look at the External Influences of Juvenile Drug Court Participants: Family Support, School Engagement, and Peer Influence Schannae Lucas, California Lutheran University Examining Intermediate Outcomes and Program Implementation of a Veteran's Treatment Court Julie Marie Baldwin, University of Florida Religion, Islam, and the Expert Witness: Boundary Drawing and the Role of the Imam in the Canadian Court System Jenna Valleriani, University of Toronto Agata Piekosz, University of Toronto SESSION 567: ROUNDTABLE: SURVEILLANCE AND CROSS-NATIONAL CRIMINOLOGY Thursday, November 15 - 3:30 pm to 4:50 pm Sandburg 8, 7th Floor Defining Surveillance in Contemporary Justice Ian James Muir Warren, Deakin University, Geelong, Australia Surveillance, Crime Policy, and Accountability Darren Palmer, Deakin University Urban Surveillance Randy K. Lippert, University of Windsor Kevin Walby, University of Victoria Theorizing Surveillance Policy Sean P. Hier, University of Victoria 253 THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 15 SESSION 568: GENDER AND DRUGS I Thursday, November 15 - 3:30 pm to 4:50 pm Spire Parlor, 6th Floor Chair: Amanda Tyler, University of Colorado - Boulder Racial Differences in the Exposure to Violent Events and Drug Use among Incarcerated Women Kathryn M. Nowotny, University of Colorado - Boulder Joanne Belknap, University of Colorado - Boulder Shannon Lynch, Idaho State University Dana DeHart, University of South Carolina Bonnie L. Green, Georgetown University Substance Use and Associated Psychological Distress and Lawbreaking among Victimized Women on Probation and Parole Seana Golder, University of Louisville Martin Hall, University of Louisville Malitta Engstrom, University of Pennsylvania Amanda J. Dishon, University of Louisville Tanya Renn, University of Louisville George Higgins, University of Louisville T.K. Logan, University of Kentucky The Female Halfway House: Triumphs and Trials of Transitional Living Rachel L. Rayburn, Indiana University-Purdue University, Fort Wayne Kathleen Ellis-Creigh, Indiana University-Purdue University, Fort Wayne Christopher Bradley, Indiana University-Purdue University, Fort Wayne Mary E. Etheart, Hope House The Gendered Nature of Substance Abuse for Delinquents Amanda Tyler, University of Colorado - Boulder Joanne Belknap, University of Colorado - Boulder MEETING SESSION 569: DIVISION ON CRITICAL CRIMINOLOGY GENERAL BUSINESS MEETING Thursday, November 15 - 4:30 pm to 5:50 pm Wabash Room, 3rd Floor RECEPTION SESSION 570: THE URBAN INSTITUTE RECEPTION Thursday, November 15 - 5:00 pm to 7:00 pm Monroe Room, 6th Floor MEETING SESSION 571: INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION FOR THE STUDY OF ORGANIZED CRIME BUSINESS MEETING (IASOC) Thursday, November 15 - 5:00 pm to 6:20 pm Clark 9, 7th Floor SESSION 572: POSTER SESSION Thursday, November 15 - 5:00 pm to 7:00 pm Grand/State Ballroom, 4th Floor 572-1 A Current Look at Campus Climate Research and Giving Voice to Graduate Students Wendelin M. Hume, University of North Dakota Moussa Nombre, University of North Dakota Ziwei Qi, University of North Dakota 572-2 A Five Year Examination of Auto Accidents and Police Enforcement Shamir Ratansi, Central Connecticut State University David Dubiel, West Hartford Police Department 254 THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 15 572-3 A Gendered Approach on Examining Manifestations of Stress for Police Officers Nicole Lise Rosen, University of Akron 572-4 A Genetically-Informed Test of Early Influences on Childhood Self-Control Richard P. Wiebe, Fitchburg State University H. Harrington Cleveland, Pennsylvania State University Jeffrey Stuewig, George Mason University 572-5 A Geospatial Assessment of Domestic Disturbance Lauren Holt, The College of New Jersey David Holleran, The College of New Jersey 572-6 A Geospatial Assessment of Domestic Violence Stephanie Cregg, The College of New Jersey David Holleran, The College of New Jersey 572-7 A Geospatial Assessment of Theft Thomas Mladenetz, The College of New Jersey David Holleran, The College of New Jersey 572-8 A Quantitative Analysis of the Effect of Race of Victim on the Collection and Analysis of Forensic DNA Evidence in Criminal Cases Amy van der Hoeven, University of Tennessee, Knoxville 572-9 A Quasi-Experimental Study of the Impact of a Specialized Community Risk Management Team for High-Risk Sex Offenders Patrick Lussier, Universite Laval 572-10 A Re-Analysis of Shaw and McKay's Chicago Neighborhood Data James P. Peters, Ohio State University 572-11 A Reanalysis of Interaction Effects of Suspects’ Characteristics and Demeanor on Police Behavior Philip Colin Bolger, University of Cincinnati 572-12 A Retrospective Examination of Sexting among Teenagers Donna M. Vandiver, Texas State University Kathy Erin Martinez-Prather, Texas State University 572-13 A Spatial Analysis of Foreclosures and Domestic Disturbance Calls for Service Kim Lersch, University of South Florida - Lakeland Christine S. Sellers, University of South Florida 572-14 A Study of “Victim Awareness Program” in a Japanese Prison Aika Tomoto, Chiba University Hiroyuki Shinkai, Chiba Prison Souichiro Omiya, Chiba University Hirofumi Nishinaka, Chiba University Yoshito Igarashi, Chiba University Masaomi Iyo, Chiba University 572-15 A Test of the Self-Control Theory in a Mexican Population Erin Grant, Texas State University 572-16 African American’s Experiences of Stereotype Threat in Police Encounters: The Influence of Past Criminal Contacts Chelsea Renae Noblitt, University of Illinois at Chicago Bette L. Bottoms, University of Illinois at Chicago Cynthia J. Najdowski, University at Albany, SUNY 572-17 Age of Onset, Gender, and Persistent Offending Over Time Yu-Ling Chiu, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 572-18 Alcohol Use and Violence: Exploring the Relationship between Heavy Episodic Drinking and Arrest for a Serious Violent Offense Lia C. Wiley, University of Akron 255 THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 15 572-19 Alcohol and Marijuana Use: A Test of Differential Association Michael Wagner, University of Wisconsin - Oshkosh 572-20 An Analysis of the Social Construction of Adolescent Prescription Drug Abuse Luke Andrew Norris, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale 572-21 An Application of Risk Terrain Modeling to Analyze Simple Assault Occurrences Adam Lipps, The College of New Jersey David Holleran, The College of New Jersey 572-22 An Application of Risk Terrain Modeling to Residential Burglary Rachel Levin, The College of New Jersey David Holleran, The College of New Jersey 572-23 An Examination of Different Types of Treatment Courts Andrew J. Myer, Viterbo University Jaclyn S. Holger, Viterbo University 572-24 An Interactive Examination of Memorable Quotes from Over Ten Years of Correctional Assessment Bobbie Ticknor, University of Cincinnati Carrie Sullivan, University of Cincinnati 572-25 AniCare Child: Treating Juvenile Animal Abusers, Preventing Future Violence Lisa Lunghofer, MANILA Consulting Group, Inc. Kenneth Shapiro, Animals and Society Institute 572-26 Animal Cruelty and Human Violence Rhonda Kaye Delong, Code 4 Consulting 572-27 Another Day, another Crime: Daily Activities and Criminality Derek Mueller, University of Cincinnati Gabrielle Isaza, University of Cincinnati John Paul Wright, University of Cincinnati 572-28 Arrest and Incarceration among Homeless Women in Three U.S. Cities Kari Gentzler, University of Nebraska - Lincoln 572-29 As the “KRO” Flies: Criminal Path Mapping and Its Relationship to Environmental Crime Theories John DeCarlo, University of New Haven Christopher M. Sedelmaier, University of New Haven Michael J. Jenkins, University of New Haven 572-30 Assessing Community Institutional Capacity (CIC) for Female Prisoner Reentry in Philadelphia: Preliminary Results Danielle Jordan, John Jay College of Criminal Justice, CUNY 572-31 Beyond the Green Light: Marijuana Dispensaries and the Spatial Analysis of Crime Carlos E. Rojas-Gaona, University of Cincinnati 572-32 Black, White and Gray: How Context Influences the Perception of Racial Profiling Michele Quinones, Texas State University 572-33 Breaking the Silence: LGBTQ Allies on Campus Maame Adomako, Central Michigan University Justin M. Smith, Central Michigan University Amanda Garrison, Central Michigan University 572-34 Building Youths' Connections to Decrease Police Contacts Megan Greene, Chicago School of Professional Psychology Camille R. Quinn, University of Illinois at Chicago Kristy Skerrett, University of Illinois at Chicago A. David Farmer, Northeastern Illinois University Jaleel Abdul-Adil, University of Illinois at Chicago 256 THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 15 572-35 CCTV Location Allocation in 3D Geographical Information System Sang Jun Park, University of Cincinnati Chunghyeon Seo, University of Florida 572-36 CHAID Analysis of Drug-Related Police Corruption Arrests Philip M. Stinson, Bowling Green State University John Liederbach, Bowling Green State University Steven L. Brewer, Pennsylvania State University, Shenango Hans D. Schmalzried, Bowling Green State University Brooke E. Mathna, Indiana University of Pennsylvania Krista L. Long, Bowling Green State University 572-37 Campus Crime: A Geospatial and Temporal Perspective Yeok-il Cho, University of Central Missouri Seong min Park, University of Tennessee at Chattanooga 572-38 Campus Law Enforcement Organization and Community Policing Katy Hancock, University of Central Florida 572-39 Canine and Officer Relationships: Implications for Training Catherine Marie Johnson, Illinois State University Cara E. Rabe-Hemp, Illinois State University 572-40 Causes of Deaths and Mortality Rates of Former Juvenile Delinquents in Estonia Jüri Saar, University of Tartu Anna Markina, University of Tartu 572-41 Characteristics of Homegrown Islamist Terrorists: Toward a Predictive Model of Homegrown Terror Tactics Chardon L. Murray, University of North Carolina Wilmington 572-42 Child Pornography Offenders: Types and Typologies Rebecca D. Petersen, Kennesaw State University 572-43 Collective Healing: Responding to Clergy-Perpetrated Sexual Abuse of Minors within the United States Roman Catholic Church Delene Bromirski, CUNY Graduate Center / John Jay College of Criminal Justice 572-44 Communication and Character Development, Keystones in the New Transformative Justice Model Billi Jo Starr, University of California, Santa Barbara 572-45 Comparative Predictors of Drug Court Program Performance among Traditional Clients and Clients with Co-Occurring Substance Abuse and Mental Health Diagnoses Megan Magers, University of Central Florida 572-46 Contributing Factors for the Professional Development and Promotion of the Next Generation of Women Leaders Eloise M. Carnevale, Retired Chicago Police Detective 572-47 Contributing Factors to Police Deaths in Afghanistan Tammy Castle, James Madison University 572-48 Coping Their Way Out of Crime and Back into Society Amber Freitas, University of Missouri - St. Louis Amanda Bolton, University of Missouri - St. Louis Ethan Amidon, University of Missouri - St. Louis Lee Ann Slocum, University of Missouri - St. Louis Dan Duplantier, Development Services Group, Inc. 572-49 Coping with a Limited Capacity to Punish: A Replication Jennifer M. Miller, University of Arkansas at Little Rock James W. Golden, University of Arkansas at Little Rock 257 THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 15 572-50 Coping with the Trauma of Being Wrongfully Convicted Rashaan A. DeShay, University of Texas at Dallas 572-51 Copper Theft in the Media Kevin Whiteacre, University of Indianapolis Yuwei Xia, University of Indianapolis Biying Zhou, University of Indianapolis Zhou Qiunan, University of Indianapolis Wei Xie, University of Indianapolis Chad Posick, Northeastern University 572-52 Correlation between Institutional Misconduct and Recidivism Marius Daniel Manac, University of Central Missouri Jennifer Carson, University of Central Missouri Scott Chenault, University of Central Missouri 572-53 Crime and the Economy: Economic Effects on the Crime Rates of Youngstown, Ohio Janet Hassey, Indiana University of Pennsylvania 572-54 Criminal Justice Outcomes for Offenders with Mental Disorders in a Specialized Mental Health Unit Megan Ann O'Connor, University of Texas at El Paso Jennifer Eno Louden, University of Texas at El Paso 572-55 Criminal Justice Theory and Homeland Security Theory: Untying the Gordian Knott Miriam A. DeLone, Fayetteville State University Gregory J. DeLone, Fayetteville State University 572-56 Criminal Justice in Ireland: Reflections from a Study-Abroad Program Diana Falco, Niagara University Noelle Turner, SUNY Brockport 572-57 Criminality and Psychiatric Symptoms: Co-Occurring Targets for Treatment of the Mentally Disordered Offender Angela Joyce Thielo, University of Cincinnati 572-58 Criminology, Conflict Resolution and Restorative Justice: The Diverse Uses of Peacemaking Circles Adepeju Opeoluwa Solarin, Max Planck Institute for Foreign and International Criminal Law, Freiburg, Germany 572-59 Cyberbulling: Evaluating the Overlap with Traditional Bullying Risk Factors Zachary Rowan, University of Maryland, College Park 572-60 Death and Politics: The Role of Demographic Characteristics and Testimony Type in Death Penalty Cases Involving Future Dangerousness Testimony Amy Magnus, University of Nevada, Las Vegas Miliaikeala Heen, University of Nevada, Las Vegas Joel Lieberman, University of Nevada, Las Vegas Alexa Bejinariu, University of Nevada, Las Vegas Marie Mills, University of Nevada, Las Vegas 572-61 Decomposing the Court Process: Effects of Prosecutorial Discretion on Prison Population Growth Shi Yan, University at Albany, SUNY Shawn Bushway, University at Albany, SUNY William J. Sabol, Bureau of Justice Statistics 572-62 Delinquency, Self-Control, Gender, and the Role of Neighborhood Context Marie Angelete Bozin, University of Akron 572-63 Demographic and Recidivism Characteristics of Child Pornography Offenders Jacob L. Hasson, Central Connecticut State University Damon Mitchell, Central Connecticut State University 572-64 Deviance among Hispanic College Students Lisa Marie Garcia, Texas A&M International University Carlos Pacheco, Texas A&M International University Claudia San Miguel, Texas A&M International University 258 THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 15 572-65 Disciplinary Sanctions for Police Misconduct: An Empirical Assessment Robert E. Worden, University at Albany, SUNY Christopher J. Harris, University of Massachusetts Lowell 572-66 Do Execution Moratoriums Really Increase Homicide? Evidence from Illinois Tomislav Kovandzic, University of Texas at Dallas Lynne Vieraitis, University of Texas at Dallas 572-67 Does Sex Offender Treatment Lower Recidivism by Increasing Self-Control? Exploring Gottfredson and Hirschi’s Stability Hypothesis Jessica E. Middleton, University of Houston - Clear Lake 572-68 Drug Policies and the Reality of Drug-Use: A Look at Crimes Associated with Three Drugs Wanda Leal, Florida State University 572-69 Drug Treatment Courts and the Elderly: An Examination of the Risks and Needs of Geriatric Drug Offenders Briana Michelle Anderson, Slippery Rock University Patrick J. Harvey, Slippery Rock University Sarah Kuehn, Slippery Rock University 572-70 Drugs, Dangerous Driving, and Disorder: Crime and Decreased Quality of Boomtown Life Natalie Rose Ortiz, Arizona State University Rick Ruddell, University of Regina Thomas Matthew, California State University, Chico 572-71 Educating Victimization Risk: Alternative Crime Prevention Strategies for College Campuses Tyler John Vaughan, Texas State University 572-72 Educational Pathways from Juvenile Justice to Community College: Promoting Engagement in Education Rather than Crime Jiffy Lansing, Chapin Hall at the University of Chicago Gretchen R. Cusick, Chapin Hall at the University of Chicago Nathan Hess, Chapin Hall at the University of Chicago 572-73 Effectiveness of Street Gang Control Strategies: A Systematic Review of Evaluation Studies Jennifer S. Wong, Simon Fraser University Jason Gravel, Simon Fraser University Karine Descormiers, Simon Fraser University Martin Bouchard, Simon Fraser University Carlo Morselli, Université de Montréal 572-74 Elite Deviance, Organized Crime, and Homicide Rates: A Cross-National Exploration Carol L.S. Trent, University of South Florida 572-75 Endangered Runaways: Peer Influence vs. Adult Influence Stephen Morewitz, California State University, East Bay 572-76 Epidemiology and Prescription Drug Abuse in Wyoming Rodney A. Wambeam, University of Wyoming Danielle M. Shields, Rutgers University 572-77 Ethics and Policing Elsa Tenorio, Texas A&M International University Wilma Davila, Texas A&M International University Claudia San Miguel, Texas A&M International University 572-78 Evaluating an Early Intervention for At-Risk Middle School Youth Lisa A. Rapp, University of South Florida Chris Stewart William Rowe, University of South Florida 572-79 Evaluation of Two Law Enforcement Violence Risk Assessment and Management Methods Klara Svalin, Malmo University, Sweden Caroline Mellgren, Malmo University, Sweden 259 THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 15 572-80 Evaluation of the Transportation Security Administration’s Comprehensive Strategy to Security at Airports Heather Vovak, George Mason University Jaspreet Chahal, George Mason University 572-81 Examination of Community Perceptions of Sex Offenders Barbara Smith, Texas State University Donna M. Vandiver, Texas State University 572-82 Examination of Lone-Wolf Terrorists Radicalized into Violent Extremism within The United States Kristyn Schlimgen, Indiana State University 572-83 Examining the Effectiveness of Drug Courts in Rural Midwest Jana Bufkin, Drury University Vickie Luttrell, Drury University 572-84 Examining the Effectiveness of Foot Patrol in Micro-Places Kenneth J. Novak, University of Missouri - Kansas City Christine Carr, University of Missouri - Kansas City Scott Finley, University of Missouri - Kansas City Alexander M. Holsinger, University of Missouri - Kansas City 572-85 Examining the Linkage between Educational Achievement, Family Background and Delinquency among Urban Youth LaShawndra Hooks, Hampton University Zina McGee, Hampton University 572-86 Experiences as a Student in a Prison Class Dylan Davenport, Bridgewater State University 572-87 Explaining Incarceration Pursuant to Support Debt in Canada 2000-2010 Paul Millar, Nipissing University 572-88 Exploring Crime and Place: Adding Context to Crime Maps - A Scottish Vandalism Case Study Ellie J.W. Bates, University of Edinburgh 572-89 Exploring Differences in Court Outcomes across Public Defender Offices Jacqueline Campbell, University of Maryland 572-90 Exposure to Criminogenic Settings among Adolescent Girls Marie Torstensson Levander, Malmo University, Sweden Anna-Karin Ivert, Malmo University, Sweden 572-91 Eyewitness Identification: Photo Array Administration and Human Memory Michael M. Berlin, Coppin State University Katherine A. Cameron, Coppin State University 572-92 Families of Gang-Affiliated Probationers Shytierra Gaston, University of Missouri - St. Louis 572-93 Family Wellness Education for People in Prison Linda Green Bell, Indiana University 572-94 Fear of Crime and Border Security Diana L. Carreon, Texas A&M International University 572-95 Feelings of Safety among Aging Prisoners: Do Limiting Conditions Increase Fear? Jill Kathleen Doerner, University of Rhode Island Wendi E. Goodlin-Fahncke, University of Toledo 572-96 Female Offenders: Coping with Reentry and Dual Diagnosis Susan Koski, Central Connecticut State University Kathleen Bantley, Central Connecticut State University 260 THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 15 572-97 Female Youth and Victimization: An Examination of Traditional and Cyber Methods of Bullying Gurjeet Kaur Brar, California State University, Long Beach Ryan Fischer, California State University, Long Beach 572-98 Female-Only Legal Defenses: Implications for Concepts of Reasonableness Jennifer Silcox, University of Western Ontario 572-99 Feminists are Man-Haters: A Comparative Analysis of Hate Speech on Feminist and “Manist” Blogs Ashley Wiegand, Central Michigan University Jacob Goffnett, Central Michigan University Rebecca Hayes, Central Michigan University 572-100 Filmmaking Criminology: Understanding Crime through Film Paul Sutton, San Diego State University Lori Sutton, San Diego State University 572-101 Finding Freedom through Expression Paul Sutton, San Diego State University Lori Sutton, San Diego State University 572-102 Foreclosure and Crime in a Suburban Setting Zoe E. Vitter, George Mason University 572-103 From Head Lice to HIV: Diseases Plaguing America’s Prisons Cassandra Stroman, Indiana University of Pennsylvania 572-104 Fulbright for Criminologists Everette Penn, University of Houston - Clear Lake 572-105 Gang Territories: A Comparison of Identification Methods Amy W. Deger, University of Cincinnati Robin S. Engel, University of Cincinnati 572-106 Gang-Related Homicides and Domestic Homicides in Brooklyn, NYC: A Geospatial Analysis Cassandra Ramdath, John Jay College of Criminal Justice / CUNY Graduate Center Brittany E. Hayes, John Jay College of Criminal Justice, CUNY 572-107 Gender Bias among Jurors Lisa Mae Olson, University of North Dakota 572-108 Gender Differences in Hazing Rituals Melissa Bette Vazquez, Texas State University - San Marcos 572-109 Gender, Neighborhoods, and Violent Behavior: A Reexamination of Social Disorganization Theory and a Testing of Street Code Man Kit Lei, University of Georgia Ronald Simons, University of Georgia Mary E.B. Edmond, University of Georgia 572-110 Geographical Profiling: Spatial Relationships between Serial Sexual Murderer Anchor Points and Crime Locations and Types Elishewah Weisz, John Jay College of Criminal Justice 572-111 Geospatial and Statistical Analyses of Violent Crime in a Major Midwestern City Stacie A. Jergenson, University of North Dakota 572-112 Getting Arrestees to Cooperate with the Police Cody Jorgensen, University of Texas at Dallas 572-113 Got Shame? Applying Reintegrative Shaming Theory to Inmates Scott Alden Mathers, Mississippi State University 572-114 Hearing Voices: Teaching with Prisoner-Generated Materials Melissa Munn, Okanagan College 261 THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 15 572-115 Homicide: Relying on Legal Outcomes as Behavioral Measures Anne Li Kringen, Texas State University - San Marcos Jonathan G. Allen, Texas State University 572-116 How Do Cons Define Wrongful Conviction? An Investigation of the Perspectives of Canadian Federal Parolees Alyx A. Ivany, University of Ontario Institute of Technology Kimberley A. Clow, University of Ontario Institute of Technology Rosemary Ricciardelli, York University 572-117 How Patrol Officers Make Decisions: Comparing a Structural Model to a Process Model Heidi Bonner, East Carolina University 572-118 How Punitive is Your Governor?: An Examination of Punitiveness in Gubernatorial Rhetoric Jennifer Stevens, Purdue University 572-119 Identifying Limitations in the Criminal Justice Response to Same-Sex Intimate Partner Violence Kami C. McKnight, University of New Haven Jessica Langley, University of New Haven 572-120 Interpersonal Conflict within Emerging Adult Romantic Relationships Chelsea Shotwell Tabke, John Jay College of Criminal Justice, CUNY Chitra Raghavan, John Jay College of Criminal Justice 572-121 Interrogation as a Social Dance: How Social Identity Influences Perceived Effectiveness of Interrogation Methods Sami Abdel-Salam, University of Delaware Christopher E. Kelly, University at Albany, SUNY Jeanee C. Miller, University at Albany, SUNY Allison D. Redlich, University at Albany, SUNY 572-122 Intimate Partner Abuse, Stalking, and the Criminal Justice Response Heather Melton, University of Utah 572-123 Is Breed Specific Legislation Effective? A Look at Pit Bull Discrimination Erica White, Northeastern University 572-124 Is There a Place for Restorative Justice in Violent Crimes? Brandi Vigil, University of Illinois at Chicago 572-125 It Does Happen: Sexual Violence in the Caribbean Rebecca Hayes, Central Michigan University Souyenne Dathorne, PROSAF-Surviving Sexual Abuse in the Caribbean Velika Lawrence, PROSAF-Surviving Sexual Abuse in the Caribbean 572-126 Juror Typologies and DNA Comprehension: Who Benefits from Jury Trial Innovations? Mari Sakiyama, University of Nevada, Las Vegas Joel Lieberman, University of Nevada, Las Vegas 572-127 Just How "Masked" is the Psychopath? Lay Observers' Abilities to Perceive Psychopathic Traits in Others Jennifer Lap, John Jay College of Criminal Justice Maria Hartwig, John Jay College of Criminal Justice 572-128 Justice for Juveniles in the Juvenile Court System? Christina Foster, Western Carolina University 572-129 Justice in Mexico Michael Donato Paradis, University of New Haven 572-130 Juvenile Arrest Patterns in Rochester, NY Pedro Vazquez, SUNY Brockport Melchor de Guzman, SUNY Brockport 572-131 Juvenile Delinquency and Deviance in China and Social Bonding Theory: An Examination of Involvement and Commitment Allison L. Timbs, Campbellsville University 262 THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 15 572-132 Juvenile Recidivism in Florida: The Roles of Education and Work Experiences Wendy Cavendish, University of Miami Amie L. Nielsen, University of Miami 572-133 Juvenile School-Related Victimization: A Latent Growth Curve Model Shaun M. Gann, University of Cincinnati 572-134 Labeling the Hood: Exploring Ecological Labels through Resident Responses Joseph Moloney, West Chester University 572-135 Latino Women's Perceptions of Domestic Violence Lisa Murphy, La Sierra University Evelyn Felix, La Sierra University 572-136 Law Enforcement Contact of the Nebraska DMC Assessment Candace Behrens, University of Nebraska at Omaha Anne Hobbs, University of Nebraska at Omaha 572-137 Law Enforcement Officers' Theoretical Commitments and Their Effects on Attitudes toward Punitiveness Caitlin Grace Lynch, California State University, Fresno 572-138 Legislative Accident? When Automatic Prosecution of Juveniles as Adults Collides with Mandatory Life without Parole – The Case of Jacqueline Montanez Aubri F. McDonald, University of Illinois at Chicago 572-139 Lifetime Bonds: At-Risk Youth and At-Risk Dogs Helping One Another Lisa Lunghofer, MANILA Consulting Group, Inc. Cynthia L. Bathurst, Safe Humane Chicago 572-140 Like Father, Like Son: An Exploration of Family Sexual Abuse Manos Daskalou, University of Northampton 572-141 Low-Level Offenses and Excessive Force: A Protocol Development for the Seattle Police Department Kimberly M. Shea, Seattle University Mary K. Jordan, Seattle University Marda Williams, Seattle University Cecilie Wilhelm, Seattle University 572-142 Media Viewership and Opinions on Torture Emily J. Berglin, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale 572-143 Mental Health and Social Disorganization Alesa Liles, University of Arkansas at Little Rock 572-144 Morality and Crime: Preliminary Considerations Zachary V. Loftus, Florida State University 572-145 Multi-Jurisdictional Task Forces and Border Crime: What Works Cynthia Burke, San Diego Association of Governments Darlanne Mulmat, San Diego Association of Governments 572-146 News Coverage of Chicago Homicides Tina Johnson, Chicago Project for Violence Prevention 572-147 Obstacles to Developing and Implementing Problem-Oriented Policing Projects in Police Agencies Kristine-Gem D. Estrella, University of Nevada, Las Vegas Victoria L. Luong, University of Nevada, Las Vegas Tamara D. Madensen, University of Nevada, Las Vegas 572-148 Offender-Victim Relationships in Far-Right Homicides: The Influence of Location in Ideologically and Non-Ideologically Motivated Homicides Katharine Boyd, John Jay College of Criminal Justice / CUNY Graduate Center Brittany E. Hayes, John Jay College of Criminal Justice, CUNY 263 THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 15 572-149 Offending Consistency among Serial Sex Offenders: For Whom? A Look at Offender Characteristics Nadine Deslauriers-Varin, Simon Fraser University Eric Beauregard, Simon Fraser University 572-150 Older Parolees: A Profile Megan Van Wallendael, The College of New Jersey Andrea Patrick, The College of New Jersey Mary Johnston, The College of New Jersey Michael Camastra, The College of New Jersey Margaret E. Leigey, The College of New Jersey 572-151 Older People and the Crimes They Commit Michael James Palmiotto, Wichita State University 572-152 Operation Walid: Uncovering bin-Laden’s Replacement in al-Qaeda Edith Wu, Simon Fraser University Rebecca Carleton, Simon Fraser University Garth Davies, Simon Fraser University 572-153 Outcomes for a Prison Nursery Kevin Whiteacre, University of Indianapolis James Owen, University of Indianapolis Stephanie Fritz, University of Indianapolis 572-154 Overestimating Sex Offender Recidivism: Public Opinion of an East Tennessee State University Sample Jessica M. Duncan, East Tennessee State University Nicole Prior, East Tennessee State University 572-155 Parole Reform in California: Parolee Perceptions of Supervision Joseph Ray Tatar, University of California, Irvine Helen Braithwaite, University of California, Irvine Susan Turner, University of California, Irvine 572-156 Paternal Attachment and Hispanics: Discovering the Link between Attachment and Self-Control Lorna L. Alvarez-Rivera, University of South Florida Polytechnic Wesley Jennings, University of South Florida Lonn Lanza-Kaduce, University of Florida 572-157 Perpetrator Force and Victim Resistance during Sexual Assault Melissa Decker, Catholic Charities, Diocese of Metuchen Abbie Tuller, North Brooklyn Coalition Against Family Violence Chitra Raghavan, John Jay College of Criminal Justice 572-158 Police Eyewitness Credibility in Criminal Trials Sarah Scott, Texas State University - San Marcos Beth A. Sanders, Texas State University - San Marcos Joycelyn M. Pollock, Texas State University - San Marcos 572-159 Police v. Prosecutors: Issues of Crime Investigation in South Korea Kyung Yon Jhi, University of Nebraska Kearney 572-160 Popular Music and Popular Drugs: The Impact of Illicit Substance References on America’s Youth in the Millennium Chantal Fahmy, Arizona State University 572-161 Poverty, Economic Inequality, and Homicide Irshad Altheimer, Rochester Institute of Technology 572-162 Predicting the Location of New Homeless Encampments Sharon Chamard, University of Alaska Anchorage 572-163 Preparing Local Law Enforcement to Prevent and Respond to Terrorism” Lynne Snowden, University of North Carolina Wilmington 264 THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 15 572-164 Preventing Crimes of Public Officials: A Case Study of European Countries Yun seun Ha, University of Tennessee at Chattanooga Seong min Park, University of Tennessee at Chattanooga 572-165 Procedural Justice in Three Types of Police-Citizen Contacts Sarah J. McLean, The John F. Finn Institute for Public Safety, Inc. Robert E. Worden, University at Albany, SUNY 572-166 Promoting Courage: Preliminary Results from an Evaluation of Harbor House of Central Florida’s Domestic Violence Primary Prevention Initiative Project Courage Jordana Nicole Navarro, University of Central Florida Jana L. Jasinski, University of Central Florida 572-167 Promoting Knowledge Transfer among Community Correctional Facilities Beth Ellefson, University of Cincinnati Lori Brusman-Lovins, University of Cincinnati Edward Latessa, University of Cincinnati 572-168 Prosecuting Intimate Partner Sexual Assault: Legal and Extralegal Factors that Influence Charging Decisions Eryn Nicole O'Neal, California State University, Los Angeles Katharine Tellis, California State University, Los Angeles Cassia Spohn, Arizona State University 572-169 Prosecutorial Paradigm? The Impact of Prior Prosecutorial Experience on Justices’ Voting Decisions in Criminal Procedure Cases Rhys Hester, Appalachian State University Kirk A. Randazzo, University of South Carolina 572-170 Protective Factors for Juvenile Delinquents at Risk for Re-Engaging in Delinquent Behaviors Kimberly Haller, Fairleigh Dickinson University 572-171 Public Demonstration Management in a New Era of Policing Jonathan Zachariah Gallar, Seattle University Stefanie Jones, Seattle University Jane E. Poore, Seattle University Kyle Jason Schwab, Seattle University 572-172 Puppies in Prison Cody Inman, Indiana University of Pennsylvania 572-173 Race-Based Sentencing Disparities and Defense Attorneys' Decisions and Beliefs in the Federal System Jasmine Renee Silver, Pennsylvania State University 572-174 Racial Disparity in Media Coverage of Missing Children Jennifer M. Brown, Florida State University Kaleena J. Burkes, Florida State University 572-175 Rape Myth Acceptance and Coercive Behavior: Sex Differences Susan Scott, Sam Houston State University Jeffery A. Bouffard, Sam Houston State University 572-176 Rape Myth Acceptance: An Exploration of Influential Factors among College Students Katie L. Swope, Stevenson University 572-177 Recidivism among Texas Parolees Rosario Benavides, Texas A&M International University Claudia San Miguel, Texas A&M International University 572-178 Recidivism and Changes in LSI-R Domain Scores Brenda Vose, University of North Florida 572-179 Reconsidering Race and Class as Criminogenic Influences among American Youth Nora Wikoff, Washington University in St. Louis 265 THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 15 572-180 Reducing Disproportionate Minority Contact by Using Functional Family Therapy Nathaniel Eugene Terrell, Emporia State University 572-181 Regional and Institutional Differences in Sexual Assault Victimization among College Students Sarah Napper, University of West Georgia Lee Michael Johnson, University of West Georgia Todd Matthews, University of West Georgia 572-182 Representations of Crime and Violence in Walt Disney Movies Jennifer Welch, Buena Vista University Stephanie Hays, Buena Vista University 572-183 Representations of Female Street-Level Prostitutes by the Film Industry Raleigh Blasdell, University of South Florida 572-184 Representing the ‘Other’: Exploring the Coverage of Honour Killings in the Canadian Media Negin Vatandoost, University of Ontario Institute of Technology 572-185 Restorative Discipline in Schools: An Alternative or the Solution Holli Vah Seliskar, Kaplan University 572-186 Rethinking Battered Asian Immigrant Women in South Korea Younoh Cho, Dongguk University Okkyung Yoon, Kyonggi University 572-187 Revisiting Employment Programs: Their Effectiveness at Reducing Recidivism and Factors Correlated with Employment Success Lydie Loth, University of Cincinnati 572-188 Risk Assessment of Gun Incidents in Little Rock: A STAC and RTM Approach Grant Drawve, University of Arkansas at Little Rock 572-189 Risk and Protective Factors for Drug and Alcohol Use Ricardo Arizola, Texas A&M International University Raymundo Maldonado, Texas A&M International University Briana Garcia, Texas A&M International University Melissa Rangel, Texas A&M International University Claudia San Miguel, Texas A&M International University 572-190 Risk of Intentional and Unintentional Violent Death: Applying a Gendered Life Course Perspective Mary Frame, Baldwin Wallace University 572-191 Risk-Taking Behaviors in West Texas Youth: A Community Action Research Approach Elizabeth Trejos-Castillo, Texas Tech University Matthew Carroll, Texas Tech University 572-192 Robert K. Merton's Anomie Theory Shannon Rene Leslie, Indiana University of Pennsylvania 572-193 Routine Activities and the Likelihood of Arrest Shaun A. Thomas, University of Arkansas at Little Rock Grant Drawve, University of Arkansas at Little Rock 572-194 Routine Justice: A Multivariate Analysis of Police Behavior in Routine Traffic Stops Jeremy Stone Briggs, Kansas State University 572-195 Rules of Violence: Life inside a Mixed Martial Arts Gym Brooke Mayfield, University of Missouri - St. Louis 572-196 Scarlet Letters: Sex Offender Housing in Central Texas Rebecca Lea Nealon Roberie, Texas State University 572-197 School Disorder and the Current Strategies Utilized: An Analysis of Texas Schools Joseph M. McKenna, Texas State University - San Marcos 266 THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 15 572-198 School Violence and Academic Learning Environments in U.S.A and Korea: Utilizing the International Educational Database of the Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study 2007 Young-an Kim, University of Texas at El Paso Gang Lee, University of Texas at El Paso 572-199 Seasonal Variation in Homicides Karise Marise Carrillo, University at Albany, SUNY David McDowall, University at Albany, SUNY 572-200 Self-Control, Deviant Peers, and Contacts with Authorities Ana Maria Lobos, University of Miami 572-201 Serial Killers and Their Victims: A Content Analysis of Media and Scholarly Reports on Serial Homicide Denise Paquette Boots, University of Texas at Dallas Jennifer Wareham, Wayne State University 572-202 Shoot First, Ask Questions Later: An Examination of Alabama's Castle Law Andrew J. Myer, Viterbo University Mitchell B. Chamlin, Texas State University - San Marcos 572-203 Should I? Factors that Lead to Victim Reporting of Stalking Incidents Stacie Merken, Indiana University of Pennsylvania 572-204 Simultaneously Testing the Effects of Four Self-Control Measures on Deviance in a Sample of Czech Adolescents Rachael Looney, University of Kentucky Alexander T. Vazsonyi, University of Kentucky 572-205 Spatial Analysis of High-Risk Recidivism Areas: Offender Release Residences in Areas of Social Disorganization Jennifer Haegele, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale 572-206 Specialized and General Offending from Adolescence into Emerging Adulthood Helene R. White, Rutgers University Richard Rosenfeld, University of Missouri - St. Louis Finn-Aage Esbensen, University of Missouri - St. Louis Rolf Loeber, University of Pittsburgh David P. Farrington, Cambridge University 572-207 Strip Searches of Inmates and Students: Confusion or Clarity in the “Special Needs” Search area? Christopher D. Totten, Kennesaw State University 572-208 Systematic Social Observation: Street-Level Bureaucrats in Canada and Factors Affecting Differential Responses to Crime Lindsay Van Wyck, University of Waterloo Jennifer L. Schulenberg, University of Waterloo 572-209 Testing Criminological Theory Using Self-Report and Neuropsychological Measures of Self-Control Rebecca Hana Umbach, University of Pennsylvania Jill Portnoy, University of Pennsylvania Liana Soyfer, University of Pennsylvania Adrian Raine, University of Pennsylvania Ruben Gur, University of Pennsylvania 572-210 Testing Optimal Methods for the Collection of Data on Rape and Sexual Assault Shannan Catalano, Bureau of Justice Statistics David Cantor, Westat, Inc. Michele Harmon, Westat Inc. 572-211 The American Dream, Anomie, and Crime Jessica Mendoza, Texas A&M International University Elizabeth Ortiz, Texas A&M International University Karla Oliva, Texas A&M International University Claudia San Miguel, Texas A&M International University 267 THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 15 572-212 The Cost of Reporting: Examining Social Support and Comorbidity on Tangible Costs to Rape Victims Jessica N. Mitchell, University of South Florida Stephanie M. Bramm, University of South Florida 572-213 The Debate on Juvenile Life without Parole Sentences: Why Youth are Less Culpable Kayla Marie Martensen, University of Illinois at Chicago 572-214 The Ecology of the Missing and No-Show Summoned Jurors in Cook County, IL, 2005 James L. LeBeau, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale 572-215 The Effect of Individuals' Residences and Socioeconomic Status on Their Perceptions of Crime Katlyn Speary, Elizabethtown College 572-216 The Effects of Family Dynamics on Juvenile Delinquency Catherine A. Vassighi, Indiana University of Pennsylvania 572-217 The Effects of New York State’s Rockefeller Anti-Drug Laws on Violent Crime Alexander Drayer, University of Northern Colorado Brittany Groot, University of Northern Colorado 572-218 The Effects of Perceived Safety, Pre-Incarceration Mental Health, and Prison Victimization on Post-Release Psychological Functioning Ashley Schappell, Rutgers University Paul Boxer, Rutgers University 572-219 The Epidemiology of Homicide Followed by Suicide in the United States Mary Vriniotis, Harvard Injury Control Research Center Catherine Barber, Harvard Injury Control Research Center 572-220 The Geography of Citizen Crime Reporting Elise Wisnieski, CeaseFire, University of Illinois at Chicago Stephanie Anastasia Bologeorges, University of Illinois at Chicago David B. Henry, University of Illinois at Chicago 572-221 The Governance of Security and Risk for Mega-Events: Glasgow Commonwealth Games (G2014) Michele Jane Burman, University of Glasgow / Scottish Centre for Crime and Justice Research Simon Mackenzie, University of Glasgow / Scottish Centre for Crime and Justice Research Suzanne Young, University of Glasgow / Scottish Centre for Crime and Justice Research Nick Fyfe, University of Dundee / Scottish Institute of Policing Research Niall Hamilton-Smith, University of Stirling / Scottish Centre for Crime and Justice Research Jonny Pickering, University of Glasgow / Scottish Centre for Crime and Justice Research 572-222 The Impact of Duration of Risk Exposure on Gang Involvement Kirstin A. Morgan, University at Albany, SUNY 572-223 The Impact of System Factors on Length of Time in Residential Reentry Centers Jennifer Lerch, George Mason University Faye S. Taxman, George Mason University 572-224 The Influence of Correctional Affiliation on Attitudes toward Punishment and Rehabilitation, Correctional Recreation, and Weightlifting in Prison Katharine A. Pawelko, Western Illinois University Michael L. McGowan, Western Illinois University Thomas K. Anderson, Lyndon State College 572-225 The Influence of Sleep on Adolescent Deviance and Weapon Carrying/Use in Georgian and Swiss National Samples Charlene Harris, University of Kentucky Alexander T. Vazsonyi, University of Kentucky Agnes Machaty, University of Kentucky Rachael Looney, University of Kentucky Pagava Karaman, Tbilisi State Medical University, Tbilisi, Georgia Helen Phagava, Institute of Medical Biotechnology / Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia 268 THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 15 Pierre-Andre Michaud, GRSA, IUMSP, Université de Lausanne, Switzerland 572-226 The Lost Aggravator: Implications for Capital Murder Sentencing When Juries Reject an Aggravating Circumstance Dwayne Smith, University of South Florida Beth Bjerregaard, University of North Carolina at Charlotte Sondra J. Fogel, University of South Florida 572-227 The Matrix Demonstration Project: Incorporating Police Research into Field Training Julie Grieco, George Mason University Cynthia Lum, George Mason University 572-228 The Meaning of Social Class in Criminology and Why the Variable is overlooked Key Sun, Central Washington University 572-229 The Permanence of Crime Concentrations: Analyzing Hot Spot Mobility over Time and Space Michael J. Deckard, University of Missouri - St. Louis 572-230 The Police-Crime Relationship in Rural Communities Lisa M. Pudlo, University of Massachusetts Lowell 572-231 Selecting into Violence: Do Race, Self-Esteem and Self-Efficacy Matter? Angela Kaufman, Bowling Green State University 572-232 The Racial Profiling of Females in the Canadian Criminal Justice System Sumaio Abdi Hashi Ugas, Ryerson University Tammy Landau, Ryerson University 572-233 The Reporting of Sexual Offenses to the Police Francis Danso Boateng, Washington State University Heeuk Dennis Lee, Washington State University 572-234 The Role of Gender in Perceptions of Sex Offenders and Sex Offender Laws Michelle Lynn Meloy, Rutgers University - Camden Jessica Boatwright, Rutgers University - Camden Kristin Curtis, Rutgers University - Camden Tara Woolfolk, Rutgers University - Camden 572-235 The Role of Parents and Parens Patriae: Developing Views of Legitimacy and Justice in Juvenile Delinquency Court Liana Jean Pennington, Northeastern University 572-236 The State of Surveying Courtroom Actors in Criminal Justice Research Whitney Flesher, University of Cincinnati Angela Reitler, University of Cincinnati 572-237 The Unintended Consequences of U.S. International Drug Control Law Jonathan Ball, Suffolk University Christos Koutrobis, Suffolk University 572-238 The Use of Risk Assessment in Judicial Sentencing Decisions David MacAlister, Simon Fraser University Cristina Pastia, Simon Fraser University Rebecca Carleton, Simon Fraser University 572-239 Theoretical Perspectives on the Policing of Transphobic Hate Crime in London Joanna Jamel, Kingston University 572-240 Thinking "Visually" about Context: The Creativity of Undergraduate Criminal Justice Students Susan R. Takata, University of Wisconsin - Parkside 572-241 Time to Consider: Timing of Parental Incarceration on Mastery Unique Shaw, Bowling Green State University 572-242 Routine Activities and Violent Victimization among Juveniles in South Korea Sujung Cho, University of Cincinnati 269 THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 15 Cheong Sun Park, Korean National Police University John Wooldredge, University of Cincinnati 572-243 Tinker, Soldier, Criminal, Prisoner Paula Bowles, University of Northampton 572-244 To Be or Not To Be Certified Debra Ross, Grand Val0ley State University Kimberly Greenlees, Grand Valley State University 572-245 Tracking IPA: Using Social Disorganization Theory to Analyze Intimate Partner Abuse in Chicago Rachel Morgan, University of Central Florida Jana L. Jasinski, University of Central Florida 572-246 Trends and Patterns in Serious Violence against the Police Xuei Xing, University of South Carolina Robert J. Kaminski, University of South Carolina 572-247 Undergraduate Student Perceptions of HIV Transmission and the Canadian Criminal Justice System Michael Perkins, University of Ontario Institute of Technology 572-248 Understanding Acquaintance Assault: What Factors Lead to Young People Being Victimized More by People They Know? Darla Elaine Drummond, Indiana University of Pennsylvania 572-249 Understanding Cyberbullying in the NET Generation: A Cross-Cultural Meta-Analysis Timothy Oblad, Texas Tech University Elizabeth Trejos-Castillo, Texas Tech University 572-250 Understanding Female Violent Offending in China: A Socialist Feminist Perspective Guo Wan, Sam Houston State University 572-251 United States Citizenship and Immigration Services: An Examination of the Militarization and the Plight with Drug and Gang Violence on the U.S./Mexican Border Frank Anthony Rodriguez, Mercyhurst University John Jacob Rodriguez, University of Texas at Arlington Arthur Gregory Vasquez, University of Texas at Dallas 572-252 Using Immersive Virtual Reality and Ecological Psychology to Probe into Child Molesters' Phenomenology Sarah Michelle Neveu, Université du Québec à Montréal Patrice Renaud, Université du Québec en Outaouais Jean Proulx, Université de Montréal 572-253 Using the General Theory of Crime to Explain Texting While Driving Phillip Neil Quisenberry, McKendree University 572-254 Variation in Federal Terrorism Case Outcomes from Geopolitical Factors Based Location of Trials Paxton Roberts, University of Arkansas Christopher A. Shields, University of Arkansas 572-255 Victim Worthiness: Sexual Victimization and Obstacles to Bystander Intervention in the College Drinking Scene Brandie Pugh, Ohio University Tom Vander Ven, Ohio University Holly Ningard, Ohio University 572-256 Victimization and Perceptions of the Criminal Justice System Samantha Aeby, Ryerson University Heather Rollwagen, Ryerson University 572-257 Victimized but Unpublicized: Untold Stories of Everyone Else Melissa Tetzlaff-Bemiller, University of Central Florida Aaron C. Poole, University of Central Florida James C. McCutcheon, University of Central Florida 270 THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 15 572-258 Violence and Crime: Implications for Judicial Intervention in Child and Family Matters Raquel Matos, Universidade Católica Portuguesa Catarina Ribeiro, Universidade Católica Portuguesa Milena Matos, Universidade Católica Portuguesa Claudio Reis, Universidade Católica Portuguesa 572-259 Violence, Restraint, and Weapon Use in Stranger Rapes of Male Victims Katrin Ursula Mueller-Johnson, University of Cambridge Samantha Lundrigan, Anglian Ruskin University 572-260 We Were on the Same Side: Gender-Based Violence and Political Conflict in Kibera, Kenya Elizabeth Swart, University of Central Florida 572-261 What Variables Mediate the Effects of Formal Labeling on Future Delinquency? Emily Restivo, New York Institute of Technology 572-262 When Youth Express Feelings of Suicidal Ideation and Loneliness We Should be Concerned Henrika McCoy, University of Illinois at Chicago 572-263 When a Juvenile Expresses Feelings of Suicidal Ideation and Loneliness We Should be Concerned Henrika McCoy, University of Illinois at Chicago 572-264 With a Little Help from my Friends: Juvenile Co-Offending and Its Predictors Thomas Zawisza, University of Arkansas at Little Rock 572-265 Within-Treatment Outcomes and Recidivism among Sexual and Violent Offenders Andreas Schwedler, Max Planck Institute for Foreign and International Criminal Law Gunda Woessner, Max Planck Institute for Foreign and International Criminal Law 572-266 Wrongful Conviction: Could Prosecutorial Misconduct be Solved Through a Change in Brady v. Maryland? Denise Mowder, Metropolitan State College of Denver 572-267 Youth Crime: Interpretation of the Phenomenon in Light of Robert Agnew’s General Strain Theory Ewa Czerwińska-Jakimiuk, Pedagogical University of Cracow 572-268 Youth and Violence in Brazil: Exploring Youth’s Narratives about Street Violence Related to Drug and Social Order in Brazil’s Most Violent City Cléssio Moura de Souza, Max Planck Institute for Foreign and International Criminal Law, Freiburg, Germany 572-269 “Expressing” Criminological Theories Rosa Chang, Florida International University SOCIAL SESSION 573: DIVISION ON CRITICAL CRIMINOLOGY SOCIAL Thursday, November 15 - 6:00 pm to 10:00 pm Adams Room, 6th Floor SOCIAL SESSION 574: DIVISION ON CORRECTIONS AND SENTENCING HAPPY HOUR SOCIAL Thursday, November 15 - 7:00 pm to 8:30 pm Flat Top Stir-Fry Grill (Off Site / 30 S. Wabash) RECEPTION SESSION 575: CAROLINA ACADEMIC PRESS RECEPTION Thursday, November 15 - 7:00 pm to 10:00 pm Wabash Room, 3rd Floor 271 FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 16 MEETING SESSION 576: DIVISION ON WOMEN AND CRIME BREAKFAST Friday, November 16 - 7:30 am to 9:00 am Adams Room, 6th Floor MEETING SESSION 577: CRIMINOLOGY EDITORIAL BOARD MEETING Friday, November 16 - 7:30 am to 8:30 am Grant Park Parlor, 6th Floor THEMATIC SESSION SESSION 578: RATES AND TRENDS OF CHILDHOOD EXPOSURE TO CRIME, VIOLENCE AND ABUSE Friday, November 16 - 8:00 am to 9:20 am Buckingham Room, 5th Floor Chair: Kristin Kracke, Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Trends in Child Victimization in the United States: The 2008 and 2011 National Surveys of Children Exposed to Violence (NATSCEV) David Finkelhor, University of New Hampshire The Prevalence and Consequences of Child Poly-Victimization Heather A. Turner, University of New Hampshire Family Violence Victimization Known to Police and Other Authorities: Reporting Trends, Police Response, and Perceptions of Police and Other Services Sherry Hamby, Sewanee: The University of the South Discussant: Kristin Kracke, Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention THEMATIC SESSION SESSION 579: ANALYZING THE ROLE OF JUDICIAL ACTIVISM AND RESTRAINT IN THE CONSTITUTIONALIZATION OF CRIMINAL PROCEDURE, POLICY, AND PRACTICE Friday, November 16 - 8:00 am to 9:20 am Burnham 2, 7th Floor Chair: Sue Carter Collins, Georgia State University The Warren Court: The Epitome of Judicial Activism Sue Carter Collins, Georgia State University Cara E. Rabe-Hemp, Illinois State University The Rehnquist Court: Leading The Counter-Revolution Cynthia Brown, University of Central Florida The Roberts' Court: What will be its Legacy? Sue Carter Collins, Georgia State University THEMATIC SESSION SESSION 580: EVIDENCE-BASED CRIME POLICY II Friday, November 16 - 8:00 am to 9:20 am Chicago Room, 5th Floor Chair: Charlotte E. Gill, George Mason University 272 FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 16 Effects of Custodial Versus Non-Custodial Sanctions on Reoffending: A Meta-Analysis Gwladys Gilliéron, University of Zurich, Switzerland Patrice Villettaz, University of Lausanne Martin Killias, Zurich University, Switzerland Injury Records as a Violence Outcome Measure in Systematic Reviews Vaseekaran Sivarajasingam, Cardiff University Jonathan Shepherd, Cardiff University Can "Disciplined Passion" Overcome the Cynical View? An Empirical Inquiry of Evaluator Influence Brandon C. Welsh, Northeastern University Anthony A. Braga, Rutgers University / Harvard University Meghan E. Hollis, Northeastern University A Systematic Review of the Juvenile Justice Literature: What It Does (Not) Reveal About Effective Interventions Michelle Evans-Chase, University of Pennsylvania Huiquan Zhou, Chinese University of Hong Kong THEMATIC SESSION SESSION 581: CRIME AND GOVERNANCE IN THE CONTEMPORARY UNITED STATES Friday, November 16 - 8:00 am to 9:20 am Dearborn 2, 7th Floor Chair: Chrysanthi Leon, University of Delaware The Paradox of Governing through Crime William Garriott, James Madison University Chrysanthi Leon, University of Delaware Female Prostitutes, Neoliberalism and Resilience Corey Shdaimah, University of Maryland Chrysanthi Leon, University of Delaware Mobilizing "Community": Civic Engagement and Sex Offender Protests Monica Williams, University of California, Davis Spillover and Militarization: Constructing Citizenship on the U.S. Mexican Border Miguel Diaz-Barriga, University of Texas - Pan American THEMATIC SESSION SESSION 582: RESTORATIVE OFFENDER REENTRY Friday, November 16 - 8:00 am to 9:20 am Indiana Room, 3rd Floor RJ Wrap-Around: Reentry Phases with Restorative Supports Gordon Bazemore, Florida Atlantic University The Modern Social Contract: Using the Veil of Ignorance in Restorative Reentry Decision Making Tanya Settles, Norwich University From the Inside/Out: Greene County Jail Inmates on Restorative Reentry Aida Hass, Missouri State University Caryn Saxon, Missouri State University Restorative Reentry: Are We Having the Wrong Conversation? Kathryn Fox, University of Vermont Discussant: Shadd Maruna, Queen's University Belfast 273 FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 16 THEMATIC SESSION SESSION 583: NEW RESEARCH IN CULTURAL CRIMINOLOGY Friday, November 16 - 8:00 am to 9:20 am Kimball Room, 3rd Floor Chair: Stephen Muzzatti, Ryerson University Beyond "Gang" Discourse: Understanding Street Social Capital in the Liquid City Jonathan Ilan, University of Kent Fighting for the Greater Good? Negotiating the Culturally Constructed Concept of "Legitimacy" in Ice Hockey Violence Victoria Silverwood, Cardiff University Securing Vision: Visual Economies, Pacification, and the U.S. Security State Tyler Wall, Eastern Kentucky University Travis Linnemann, Old Dominion University Visual Criminology Wayne Morrison, Queen Mary, University of London THEMATIC SESSION SESSION 584: CRIMINAL JUSTICE IN SOUTH KOREA Friday, November 16 - 8:00 am to 9:20 am LaSalle 5, 7th Floor Chair: Heejong Jacob Joo, California State University, Bakersfield Policing Police Service: Analyses of Public Interest in Recent Policies in South Korea Seok Beom Kim, Korean National Police Agency / University of Massachusetts - Lowell Wook Kang, University of Central Oklahoma Dae-Hoon Kwak, Illinois State University SeokJin Jeong, University of Texas at Arlington Sex Offender Registration and Public Notification Requirement: Comparing Sex Offender Laws in South Korea and the United States Kyungseok Choo, University of Massachusetts Lowell Donald Rebovich, Utica College Inmate Visitation and Institutional Misconduct: The Korean Case Heejong Jacob Joo, California State University, Bakersfield George Day, East Texas Baptist University Suhong Min, Kyonggi University THEMATIC SESSION SESSION 585: SEX OFFENDERS: HOUSING, SENTENCING, AND PUBLIC POLICIES Friday, November 16 - 8:00 am to 9:20 am Madison Room, 3rd Floor Chair: Jill Levenson, Lynn University Sentencing Departures for Sexual Offenders: Enhanced Punishment or Judicial Leniency? Ryan T. Shields, Florida State University Sex Offender Residency Restrictions and Recidivism: The Role of Housing Mobility Jason Rydberg, Michigan State University Eric Grommon, Indiana University-Purdue University, Indianapolis Beth M. Huebner, University of Missouri - St. Louis Timothy Bynum, Michigan State University Registered Sex Offender Spatial Clustering and Recidivistic Sex Crime Rates Kelly M. Socia, University of Massachusetts Lowell 274 FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 16 Reducing “Stranger Danger”: Examining the Effectiveness of Sex Offender Laws in Decreasing Rates of Stranger-Perpetrated Victimization Tasha J. Youstin, Florida Atlantic University Matt R. Nobles, Sam Houston State University THEMATIC SESSION SESSION 586: PIMPING AND SEX TRAFFICKING Friday, November 16 - 8:00 am to 9:20 am Marshfield Room, 3rd Floor Chair: Ron Weitzer, George Washington University Pimps of Harlem: Market Strategies and Social Exchange Amber Horning, John Jay College of Criminal Justice Moral Panic and Market Forces: Value, Price, and Profit in Domestic Adolescent Sex Markets Anthony Marcus, John Jay College of Criminal Justice Where Are the Victims? A Contrarian Market Perspective on Sex Trafficking Sheldon X. Zhang, San Diego State University Discussant: Ron Weitzer, George Washington University THEMATIC SESSION SESSION 587: TESTING CRIME THEORIES USING COMPARATIVE DATA Friday, November 16 - 8:00 am to 9:20 am Price Room, 5th Floor Chair: Majone Steketee, Verwey-Jonker Institute, The Netherlands Juvenile Delinquency and Norm Transmission Strength of Family and School Dirk Enzmann, Hamburg University Testing SAT Using Comparative Data Ekaterina Botchkovar, Northeastern University Ineke Haen Marshall, Northeastern University Michael Rocque, Northeastern University Chad Posick, Northeastern University Data-Based Alternatives to Theoretical Classification of Countries in Comparative Research: ISRD2 Results Chris Marshall, University of Nebraska at Omaha Ineke Haen Marshall, Northeastern University Tricky Business: Units of Analysis in Comparative Research Ineke Haen Marshall, Northeastern University Dirk Enzmann, Hamburg University THEMATIC SESSION SESSION 588: EXPERIMENTAL CRIMINOLOGY: USING EXPERIMENTATION TO MORE DEEPLY EXPLORE CRIMINAL JUSTICE ISSUES WITHIN INTERVENTIONS (ORGANIZED BY THE DIVISION OF EXPERIMENTAL CRIMINOLOGY) Friday, November 16 - 8:00 am to 9:20 am Salon 1, 3rd Floor Chair: Sue-Ming Yang, National Chung Cheng University, Taiwan 275 FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 16 Examining Disorder Perception: A Look at What’s Inside of the Blackbox Sue-Ming Yang, National Chung Cheng University, Taiwan Implementing Randomized Field Trials in an Administrative Context: Tales from the Field Eileen Ahlin, Westat Housing an IPV Preventive Intervention Within a Nurse-Home Visitation Program: Overcoming Obstacles in Conducting Field Experiments Lynette Feder, University of Central Florida Jacquelyn Campbell, Johns Hopkins University Evaluating the Effectiveness of Gender Responsive Delinquency Intervention Programming Jacob Day, Appalachian State University Margaret Zahn, North Carolina State University THEMATIC SESSION SESSION 589: THE COLUMBINE EFFECT: FEAR AND THE EXPANSION OF SCHOOL ANTIVIOLENCE POLICY Friday, November 16 - 8:00 am to 9:20 am Salon 10, 3rd floor Chair: Glenn W. Muschert, Miami University, Ohio The Columbine Effect Eric Madfis, University of Washington, Tacoma Glenn W. Muschert, Miami University, Ohio The Administration of Zero Tolerance through School Resource Officers Aviva M. Rich-Shea, Massasoit Community College James Alan Fox, Northeastern University Discipline, Race, and School Climate: The Potential for Restoring the School Community Allison Ann Payne, Villanova University Kelly Welch, Villanova University Discussant: Nicole L. Bracy, University of California, San Diego THEMATIC SESSION SESSION 590: TEACHING ABOUT VICTIMS OF CRIME Friday, November 16 - 8:00 am to 9:20 am Salon 6, 3rd Floor Chair: Alison Cares, Assumption College Adding Material about Victims and Victims Issues to Existing Courses: Developing and Disseminating “Modules” Andrea Leverentz, University of Massachusetts Boston Incorporating Crime Victimization into Crime Theories Courses: A Comparison of Three Classes Jennifer C. Gibbs, West Chester University Teaching Victimization in Freshman English Susan T. Krumholz, University of Massachusetts Dartmouth Nancy Benson, University of Massachusetts Dartmouth Best Practices in Teaching About Victimization: Lessons from the OVC-funded National Demonstration Project for Integrating Crime Victims Issues into University and College Curricula Alison Cares, Assumption College Linda M. Williams, University of Massachusetts Lowell David Hirschel, University of Massachusetts Lowell 276 FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 16 THEMATIC SESSION SESSION 591: IMPROVING POLICE AND AT-RISK YOUTH RELATIONS: FINDINGS FROM THE TEEN AND POLICE SERVICE (T.A.P.S.) ACADEMY Friday, November 16 - 8:00 am to 9:20 am Salon 9, 3rd Floor Chair: Everette Penn, University of Houston - Clear Lake Police and Youth Relations: Perspectives from Youth and the Police LaDonna Brown, University of Houston - Clear Lake Reducing the Social Distance between Law Enforcement and At-Risk Youth through the Establishment of the Teen And Police Service Academy Everette Penn, University of Houston - Clear Lake Findings from the Teen And Police Service Academy Helen Taylor Greene, Texas Southern University Chenelle A. Jones, Texas Southern University Discussant: Chong Min Na, University of Houston - Clear Lake THEMATIC SESSION SESSION 592: SOCIAL PROCESSES IN THE IMMIGRATION-CRIME NEXUS Friday, November 16 - 8:00 am to 9:20 am Spire Parlor, 6th Floor Chair: Gabriel T. Cesar, Arizona State University Delinquency of Immigrant Youth: The Effect of Individual and Familial Assimilation SeungHoon Han, University of Pennsylvania Immigrant Assimilation and Desistence from Crime: Examining the Effect of Marriage on Offending among U.S. Immigrants Bianca Bersani, University of Massachusetts Boston Stephanie Di Pietro, University of Missouri - St. Louis Immigrant Offending in Stockholm, Sweden: An Event History Analysis Amber L. Beckley, Stockholm University Latino Immigration and White, Black, and Latino Inter-Racial Violence: A Community-Level Assessment Casey Harris, University of Arkansas Jeff Gruenewald, University of Arkansas SESSION 593: POLICE DEVIANCE Friday, November 16 - 8:00 am to 9:20 am Burnham 1, 7th Floor Chair: Matthew Hickman, Seattle University Applying Theoretical Explanations for Crime to Police Deviance within the New York City Police Department James F. Albrecht, University of New Haven Examining the Effects of Pattern or Practice Reform on Police Behavior Joshua Chanin, San Diego State University Brittany Sheats, San Diego State University Noble Cause Corruption and Police Culture: Evidence from a Survey of Police in Ontario Lisa Hewison, University of Guelph Julia Christensen Hughes, University of Guelph Barb Bloemhof, University of Guelph 277 FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 16 Lies, Damned Lies, and DOJ "Patterns or Practices" Matthew Hickman, Seattle University SESSION 594: PROSECUTION AND SENTENCING OF "SPECIALIZED" OFFENDERS Friday, November 16 - 8:00 am to 9:20 am Burnham 4, 7th Floor Chair: Illya Lichtenberg, Mercy College A Reexamination of Liederbach et al.’s Criminalization of Physician Violence Study, 2001-2011 Danielle McGurrin, Portland State University Jody Sundt, Portland State University Alyssa J. Doom, Portland State University Robert Lockwood, Portland State University Genocidal Rape and the Prosecution of Sexual Violence in International Criminal Law Gabrielle A. Ferrales, University of Minnesota Sarah Lageson, University of Minnesota Suzy Maves McElrath, University of Minnesota Sentencing Disparities among Serial Killers: An Examination from 1976 to Present Laurel A. Mazar, University of Illinois at Chicago Sex and Panic: Evidence from Sex Offender Sentencing Jessica Huffman, Old Dominion University SESSION 595: COMMUNITY, COURTS, AND JUSTICE Friday, November 16 - 8:00 am to 9:20 am Clark 10, 7th Floor Chair: Brandon Chase, University of Windsor Milwaukee Homicide Reviews: Applications of Successful Strategy in Urban Jurisdictions Nicole Robinson, University of Wisconsin - Madison Mallory O'Brien, Marquette University Understanding Cases of Wrongful Conviction Seri Irazola, ICF International Samuel R. Gross, University of Michigan - Ann Arbor Erin Williamson, ICF International Emily Niedzwiecki, ICF International Sara Ann Debus-Sherrill, ICF International Where Injury or Damage is Feared: Peace Bonds as Counter-Law? Brandon Chase, University of Windsor SESSION 596: MENTAL HEALTH ISSUES IN JUVENILE JUSTICE Friday, November 16 - 8:00 am to 9:20 am Clark 3, 7th Floor Chair: Kristine Artello, Pennsylvania State University, New Kensington Mental Health and Juvenile Delinquency: Adolescent Predisposition or Psychosis? Corey R. Carlson, Prairie View A&M University Camille Gibson, Prairie View A&M University G. Solomon Osho, Prairie View A&M University The Rise of the ‘New Asylum’: Reinstitutionalization and the Juvenile Justice System Danielle M. Shields, Rutgers University Working with Externalizing and Internalizing Problems in Juvenile Institutional Care: Staff’s Competence and Organizational Conditions Lia Ahonen, Orebro University Jürgen Degner, Orebro University 278 FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 16 All that Glitters isn’t Gold: Bounded Agency within Court-Ordered, Voluntary Children’s Mental Health Organization Kristine Artello, Pennsylvania State University, New Kensington SESSION 597: INFLUENCES ON ATTITUDES TOWARD CAPITAL PUNISHMENT Friday, November 16 - 8:00 am to 9:20 am Clark 5, 7th Floor Chair: Heather Pruss, Indiana University Bloomington Studying Capital Punishment: Knowledge, Opinions, and Perspectives of Students in a Death Penalty Course Stacy K. Parker, Muskingum University Television Crime Content and Support for Capital Punishment Sarah Britto, Prairie View A&M University Krystal Noga-Styron, Central Washington University The Role of Jury/Juror Gender during Capital Deliberations: An Ethnographic Content Analysis Heather Pruss, Indiana University Bloomington SESSION 598: THE COLLATERAL CONSEQUENCES OF INCARCERATION I Friday, November 16 - 8:00 am to 9:20 am Clark 7, 7th Floor Chair: Tracy Sohoni, University of Maryland, College Park Civil Disabilities and Reentry: Inmate Recidivism in Ohio Katricia Evans, Kent State University at Stark Deirdre Warren, Kent State University at Stark Collateral Consequences of Incarceration: Access to a College Education Natalie Sokoloff, John Jay College of Criminal Justice Felons' Self-Reported Knowledge of Collateral Consequences and the Receipt of Competent Lawyering before Conviction Velmer S. Burton, Jr., University of Minnesota - Twin Cities Colleen Fisher, University of Minnesota - Twin Cities Shonda Craft, University of Minnesota - Twin Cities Francis T. Cullen, University of Cincinnati Children of Incarcerated Mothers: Assessment of Educational and Behavioral Outcomes Lynn S. Urban, University of Central Missouri SESSION 599: JUSTICE AND THE RULE OF LAW IN THE AFRICAN CONTINENT Friday, November 16 - 8:00 am to 9:20 am Clark 9, 7th Floor Chair: Nikolaos Theodorakis, University of Cambridge Electoral Violence: The Case of Ghana Joseph Appiahene-Gyamfi, University of Texas - Pan American Sentencing Factors at the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda William R. Pruitt, Elmira College The African Charter in the Context of the Evolving 1940s Human Rights Paradigm Thomas E. Reed, Eastern Kentucky University Polina Karpova, Eastern Kentucky University SESSION 600: DISCOURSE AND CRIME Friday, November 16 - 8:00 am to 9:20 am Cresthill Room, 3rd Floor Chair: Erin O'Brien, Queensland University of Technology Campaign 2012: Growth of White Supremacy Groups via Mainstream Political Discourse Wendy Lynn Hicks, Loyola University New Orleans 279 FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 16 Talk about Sexual Assault Matters: Paradoxical Positions Kiara Okita, University of Calgary The Wild West: Experiences of Rural Sex Workers Alison S. Burke, Southern Oregon University Legacy, Conspiracy and Pedophilia: An Analysis of Local Coverage of the Penn State Sex Scandal Elizabeth Mansley, Mount Aloysius College Erika Frenzel, Indiana University of Pennsylvania The Public Face of Human Trafficking: Victim Depictions in Policy Discourse and Awareness Campaigns Erin O'Brien, Queensland University of Technology SESSION 601: THE IMPACT OF CRIMINAL RECORD ON POST-RELEASE EMPLOYMENT Friday, November 16 - 8:00 am to 9:20 am LaSalle 1, 7th Floor Chair: Natalie Rose Ortiz, Arizona State University Erasing the Mark of a Criminal Past Ericka Briana Adams, San Jose State University The Effect of Length of Imprisonment on the Labor Market Outcomes of Dutch Ex-Prisoners Anke Ramakers, University of Leiden, Netherlands Johan van Wilsem, Leiden University Paul Nieuwbeerta, Leiden University Anja Dirkzwager, NSCR Unemployment and Relationship Tensions Following Men’s Release from Prison Megan Comfort, RTI International Kristin Turney, University of California, Irvine Sara Wakefield, University of California, Irvine Criminal Stigma, Race, Gender and Employment: An Expanded Assessment of the Consequences of Imprisonment for Employment Natalie Rose Ortiz, Arizona State University Scott Decker, Arizona State University Cassia Spohn, Arizona State University SESSION 602: DEATH PENALTY: THEORETICAL AND LEGAL ISSUES Friday, November 16 - 8:00 am to 9:20 am LaSalle 2, 7th Floor Chair: Valerie West, John Jay College of Criminal Justice Executing the Condemned: Lynching, Carceral Bureaucratization, and Crafted Sentiment Angie L. Wheaton, Eastern Kentucky University Kevin I. Minor, Eastern Kentucky University The Current Implementation of Victim Impact Statements at Capital Sentencing and a Proposal for Reform Minkyung Kim, Temple University Alan Harland, Temple University Support for Capital Punishment in the United States: A Critical Realist Perspective Gary J. Kowaluk, Cameron University Capital Sentencing and Its Decline Valerie West, John Jay College of Criminal Justice SESSION 603: THE METHODOLOGY OF SURVEY RESEARCH ON CRIME Friday, November 16 - 8:00 am to 9:20 am LaSalle 3, 7th Floor Chair: Karise Marise Carrillo, University at Albany, SUNY 280 FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 16 Conducting Social Research through’s Mechanical Turk: The Viability of Crowdsourcing as a Survey Methodology Joseph Gustafson, University of Massachusetts Lowell Good Intentions: Understanding How Scenario Realism Affects Responses in Vignette Surveys Melissa Rorie, University of Maryland, College Park Using College Students to Examine Perceptions of the Police: Convenient, But Are They Representative? Nicholas Jones, University of Regina Rick Ruddell, University of Regina Using Internet for Crime Victimization Survey: The Case of Property Crimes in Japan Masahiro Tsushima, Ryukoku University Koichi Hamai, Ryukoku University SESSION 604: RACE, ETHNICITY AND CRIME/DELINQUENCY THEORY Friday, November 16 - 8:00 am to 9:20 am Logan Room, 3rd Floor Chair: Matthew Grindal, University of California, Riverside Examining the Impact of Under-Researched Social Strains on Adolescent Substance Use Jennifer Steele, Walsh University General Strain Theory and Collegiate Drinking Patterns among African American Female Students Isis N. Walton, Virginia State University B. Cherie Dawson-Edwards, University of Louisville George Higgins, University of Louisville Testing the Ethnic and Racial Generality of Self-Control Theory Amy S. Eggers, University of South Florida Shayne Jones, University of South Florida The Effect of Ethnic-Racial Socialization on Substance Use: An Application of Social Learning Theory Matthew Grindal, University of California, Riverside SESSION 605: ADDRESSING THE NEEDS OF DOMESTIC VIOLENCE VICTIMS: SERVICE USE AND PREVENTION Friday, November 16 - 8:00 am to 9:20 am Millennium Parlor, 6th Floor Chair: Karl Roberts, Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia Social, Coercive Control, and Situational Contexts of Oklahoma Women’s Service Use for Partner Abuse Lorraine Halinka Malcoe, Simon Fraser University E. Ann Carson, Bureau of Justice Statistics, USDOJ Sheryll J. Brown, Oklahoma State Department of Health “I Wish the Hitting Would Stop”: An Assessment of a Domestic Violence Education Program for Elementary Students Thorvald Dahle, North Dakota State University Carol A. Archbold, North Dakota State University Development of Stalking Risk Identification Tools for Law Enforcement Karl Roberts, Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia Lorraine Sheridan, Edith Cowan University, Perth Australia SESSION 606: PREDICTORS OF TERRORIST VIOLENCE Friday, November 16 - 8:00 am to 9:20 am Salon 4, 3rd Floor Chair: Michael Alan Hollingsworth, Old Dominion University Patterns of Terrorism in Turkey: Geopolitical Explanations for a Half-Century of Terrorism Abdullah Cihan, Sam Houston State University Mitchel P. Roth, Sam Houston State University 281 FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 16 Causes of Terrorism in the Arab World Ahmad Falah Alomosh, University of Sharjah Illicit Firearms, Religious Fundamentalism, and New Terrorism: The Nigerian Example Emmanuel Onyeozili, University of Maryland, Eastern Shore Failed States, Destabilization, and Trajectories of Terrorism: A Multi-Regional Study Michael Alan Hollingsworth, Old Dominion University SESSION 607: VIRTUAL PLACES AND PHYSICAL PLACES OF CRIME Friday, November 16 - 8:00 am to 9:20 am Salon 5, 3rd Floor Chair: Thomas Stucky, Indiana University-Purdue University, Indianapolis “Please Refrain from Locking your Bags”: Employee Theft from Passengers at U.S. Airports Nerea Marteache, Rutgers University Crime Habitats of Street Robbery: Place, Space and Social Attributes William R. Smith, North Carolina State University Nick Richardson, North Carolina State University Bus Stops and Crime Thomas Stucky, Indiana University-Purdue University, Indianapolis William Newby, Indiana University-Purdue University, Indianapolis Stalking Victimisation and the Situational Perspective Nicola Cheyne, Griffith University Anna Stewart, Griffith University Susan Dennison, Griffith University SESSION 608: IMPORTANT ISSUES IN PRISONER REENTRY Friday, November 16 - 8:00 am to 9:20 am Salon 8, 3rd Floor Chair: Laurin Parker, University of Delaware Defining Success in the Post-Prison Panopticon John Montgomery, Northeastern University Douglas Thompkins, John Jay College of Criminal Justice Doing Re-entry: Accounts of Post-Prison Success Heather Hlavka, Marquette University Darren Wheelock, Marquette University Richard S. Jones, Marquette University Socialization, Identity, and Self: The Management of Ex-Convict Experiences Mark Pogrebin, University of Colorado - Denver Youth Perspectives on Reentry Programming Laurin Parker, University of Delaware SESSION 609: ROUNDTABLE: FAMILY DINNERS, VICTIMIZATION, AND SUICIDAL IDEATION Friday, November 16 - 8:00 am to 9:20 am Sandburg 3, 7th Floor The Context of Family Dinners Gary Hopkins, Andrews University Kathryn Conopio, Andrews University Family Dinners and Victimization Duane McBride, Andrews University Jerome Thayer, Andrews University Alina Baltazar, Andrews University Romulus Chelbegean, Andrews University 282 FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 16 Family Dinners and Suicidal Ideation Lionel Matthews, Andrews University Matthew Green, Andrews University Carlos Perrone, Andrews University SESSION 610: ROUNDTABLE: FIELD WORKER AND INFORMANT NETWORKING Friday, November 16 - 8:00 am to 9:20 am Sandburg 5, 7th Floor Discussants: Victoria Time, Old Dominion University Peter Liu, Monmouth University Delbert Rounds, Edinboro University Brandon T. Stroup, Indiana University of Pennsylvania Timothy Austin, Indiana University of Pennsylvania SESSION 611: ROUNDTABLE: SUPPORT FOR A LEARNING COMMUNITY IN CRIMINAL JUSTICE Friday, November 16 - 8:00 am to 9:20 am Sandburg 6, 7th Floor Chair: Douglas Andrew Baals, University of North Carolina at Charlotte Support for a Learning Community in CJ Douglas Andrew Baals, University of North Carolina at Charlotte Discussant: Charisse T.M. Coston, University of North Carolina at Charlotte SESSION 612: ROUNDTABLE: NEO-MARXIAN AND NEO-FOUCALDIAN APPROACHES TO LONG-TERM TRENDS IN THE PRISON POPULATION: BUSINESS CYCLES, FORMULAS OF GOVERNMENT, AND CITIZENSHIP Friday, November 16 - 8:00 am to 9:20 am Sandburg 7, 7th Floor Discussants: Fabienne Brion, Université Catholique de Louvain - Belgium Dario Melossi, University of Bologna Salvatore Palidda, Universita' degli Studi di Genova Charlotte Vanneste, National Institute of Criminalistics and Criminology, Belgium SESSION 613: PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT: ACADEMIC VERSUS NON-ACADEMIC CAREERS Friday, November 16 - 9:30 am to 10:50 am Chicago Room, 5th Floor Chair: Matt Vogel, University of Missouri - St. Louis Discussants: Christy Visher, University of Delaware James Lynch, Bureau of Justice Statistics Angela Moore, National Institute of Justice Jill Farrell, University of Maryland Marc Mauer, The Sentencing Project 283 FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 16 THEMATIC SESSION SESSION 614: RELIGION, CULTURE, AND MORALITY: TOWARD UNDERSTANDING VALUES AND THEIR PRESENTATION IN MEDIA Friday, November 16 - 9:30 am to 10:50 am Clark 3, 7th Floor Chair: Lloyd Klein, St. Francis College Assessing Opinions on Emerging Social Issues among Devout Christians in the United States Will Anderson, Rutgers University Antony Leberatto, Rutgers University State Lawmaking in the Reconfigured Culture War: Implementing the "Redness" and the "Blueness" John Dombrink, University of California, Irvine An Exploration of Religious Terrorism Over Time : A Content Analysis of the New York Times and the Wall Street Journal Heather Marie Zurburg, Florida State University Amy Reckdenwald, University of Central Florida The Social Construction and Emergence of Heterosexist Criminal and Civil Laws Jenna Renee Spannbauer, University of Wisconsin - Oshkosh THEMATIC SESSION SESSION 615: NATIONAL INCIDENT BASED REPORTING SYSTEM Friday, November 16 - 9:30 am to 10:50 am Clark 5, 7th Floor Geographic Relationship between Foreclosures and White Collar Crime Using State IBR data Cynthia Barnett-Ryan, Federal Bureau of Investigation Using NIBRS to Dissect Larceny, Fraud, and Forgery Arrests with Focus on Gender: Conventional or Occupational (White-Collar) Offenders? Darrell Steffensmeier, Pennsylvania State University Casey Harris, University of Arkansas Noah Painter-Davis, Pennsylvania State University Recent Immigration Flows and Violent Crime: Effects by Destination Type and Race/Ethnicity Noah Painter-Davis, Pennsylvania State University THEMATIC SESSION SESSION 616: MEDIA, CRIME AND SOCIAL JUSTICE Friday, November 16 - 9:30 am to 10:50 am Clark 9, 7th Floor Chair: Danielle Soulliere, University of Windsor The Lessons of Oz: Critiquing the American Penal System Danielle Soulliere, University of Windsor The Rise of Indoor Prostitution: Rethinking the Policing and Policy Practices of Prostitution Meghan Fraser, University of Windsor A Cultural Criminological Approach to Understanding Heavy Metal Music and its Association with Criminal Behaviour in Popular Media Aaron Doey, University of Windsor Social Activism Through Social Media: The Case of Child Soldiering in the Global Context Mary Girges, University of Windsor 284 FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 16 THEMATIC SESSION SESSION 617: PERPETRATOR-MOTIVE RESEARCH DESIGN: PILOT PROJECT WITH CONVICTED KIDNAPPERS Friday, November 16 - 9:30 am to 10:50 am Cresthill Room, 3rd Floor Chair: Jeff Daniels, West Virginia University Overview of Perpetrator-Motive Research Design Vincent Van Hasselt, Nova Southeastern University Gregory Vecchi, Federal Bureau of Investigation Hostage-Taker Motives: Initial Pilot Study Amy Angleman, FBI Behavioral Science Unit Hostage-Taker Motives: Initial Pilot Study Results Jeff Daniels, West Virginia University THEMATIC SESSION SESSION 618: THE AMERICAN PRISON: IMAGINING A DIFFERENT FUTURE I Friday, November 16 - 9:30 am to 10:50 am Crystal Room, 3rd Floor Chair: Mary Katherine Stohr, Missouri State University The Faith-Based Prison Byron R. Johnson, Baylor University The Feminist Prison Kristi Holsinger, University of Missouri - Kansas City The Racially Just Prison Craig Hemmens, Missouri State University The Green Prison Mary Katherine Stohr, Missouri State University John F. Wozniak, Western Illinois University THEMATIC SESSION SESSION 619: CELEBRATING THE LEGACY OF RUTH KORNHAUSER: PERSONAL AND PROFESSIONAL REFLECTIONS Friday, November 16 - 9:30 am to 10:50 am Empire Room, Lobby Level Chairs: Francis T. Cullen, University of Cincinnati Pamela Wilcox, University of Cincinnati Ruth Rosner Kornhauser: A Personal and Intellectual History Anne Kornhauser, City University of New York Challenging Social Disorganization Theory Robert Bursik, University of Missouri - St. Louis Challenging Cultural Deviance Theory Ross Matsueda, University of Washington 285 FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 16 THEMATIC SESSION SESSION 620: THE IMPACT OF INSTITUTIONAL CULTURE AND THE INCARCERATION EXPERIENCE ON THE REENTRY PROCESS Friday, November 16 - 9:30 am to 10:50 am LaSalle 1, 7th Floor Chair: Talia Sandwick, Vera Institute of Justice The Impact of Jail's Formal and Informal Systems of Control on Jail Reentry Talia Sandwick, Vera Institute of Justice Cesar Arauz-Cuadra, Vera Institute of Justice Jim Parsons, Vera Institute of Justice The Implications of Correctional Staff Attitudes and Beliefs towards Families on the Reentry Process Sandra Villalobos Agudelo, Vera Institute of Justice Incarceration and Reentry: A Youth Perspective Jennifer L. Jensen, Vera Institute of Justice / Rutgers University Discussant: Michael Jacobson, Vera Institute of Justice THEMATIC SESSION SESSION 621: CRIMINAL CAREERS AND INTERGENERATIONAL TRANSMISSION OF SEX OFFENDERS Friday, November 16 - 9:30 am to 10:50 am Salon 1, 3rd Floor Chair: Miriam Wijkman, VU University Amsterdam Career Initiation, Detection Avoidance and the Spillover Effect Across Crime Types Jeff Mathesius, Simon Fraser University Patrick Lussier, Universite Laval Life Course Transitions and Desistance in Sex Offenders: An Event History Analysis Arjan Blokland, NSCR Victor van der Geest, VU University Amsterdam The Concentration of Sex Offenses within British and Dutch Families Steve van de Weijer, VU University Amsterdam Sytske Besemer, University of Cambridge, UK Catrien Bijleveld, NSCR Arjan Blokland, NSCR Trajectories and Predictors of Female Sexual Offending Miriam Wijkman, VU University Amsterdam Catrien Bijleveld, NSCR THEMATIC SESSION SESSION 622: NEUROCRIMINOLOGY: A BOHEMIAN RHAPSODY Friday, November 16 - 9:30 am to 10:50 am Salon 2, 3rd Floor Chair: Adrian Raine, University of Pennsylvania Brain Mechanisms and the Responsible Mind: The Curious Case of Mr. Oft Adrian Raine, University of Pennsylvania 286 FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 16 Biological Research on Antisocial Behavior and Its Implications for the Law Andrea Glenn, Institute of Mental Health, Singapore Biomedical Treatment of Offenders: A Neuroethical Perspective Farah Focquaert, Ghent University THEMATIC SESSION SESSION 623: METHODS AND FINDINGS OF THE WHAT WORKS IN REENTRY CLEARINGHOUSE Friday, November 16 - 9:30 am to 10:50 am Salon 3, 3rd Floor Chair: Hannah Dodd, The Urban Institute Synthesizing Reentry Research: Development and Methodology of the What Works in Reentry Website Hannah Dodd, The Urban Institute Employment-Focused Interventions for Those Returning from Incarceration: What Works? Justin Breaux, The Urban Institute Mental Health and Cognitive-Based Interventions for the Reentry Population Andrea Matthews, The Urban Institute What Works in Improving Reentry Outcomes for Substance Abusers Dwight Pope, The Urban Institute Discussant: Nancy La Vigne, The Urban Institute THEMATIC SESSION SESSION 624: CRIME AND PLACE: PUBLIC AND RESIDENTIAL PLACES IN CRIME Friday, November 16 - 9:30 am to 10:50 am Salon 5, 3rd Floor Chair: Eric S. McCord, University of Louisville A Tale of Two Cities: Neighborhood Parks and Crime in Philadelphia, PA and Louisville, KY Eric S. McCord, University of Louisville William Cameron Stelzig, University of Louisville Crime and Disorder in Urban Parks Sondra Marie Tower, Temple University Elizabeth R. Groff, Temple University Crime in the Necropolis: Lessons about Crime from Places of the Dead Amy Stutzenberger, University of Cincinnati John Eck, University of Cincinnati Gated Communities and Risk of Burglary Victimization Gregory D. Breetzke, University of Canterbury, New Zealand Ellen G. Cohn, Florida International University THEMATIC SESSION SESSION 625: ROADS DIVERGE: PATTERNS OF DESISTANCE FOR A DRUG INVOLVED CRIMINAL COHORT Friday, November 16 - 9:30 am to 10:50 am Salon 6, 3rd Floor Chair: Ronet Bachman, University of Delaware 287 FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 16 Testing an Identity Theory of Desistance: The Long and Winding Road to a Drug and Crime Free Life Ronet Bachman, University of Delaware Raymond Paternoster, University of Maryland When Desistence Isn’t Desistence: Low-Level Offending and Self-Harm Reduction Steve Martin, University of Delaware Daniel O'Connell, University of Delaware Second-Chance Grandparenting: How an (Un)Conventional Role May Impact the Desistance Process Erin M. Kerrison, University of Delaware The Impact of Changes in Illicit Drug Markets on Drug Use and Criminal Activity Desistance Lionel Smith, University of Delaware THEMATIC SESSION SESSION 626: RED HOOK COMMUNITY JUSTICE CENTER: PROCESS, ETHNOGRAPHIC, AND IMPACT ANALYSES Friday, November 16 - 9:30 am to 10:50 am Salon 8, 3rd Floor Chair: Fred Louis Cheesman, National Center for State Courts Do Community Courts Change Outcomes and Reduce Recidivism? Results for Adult Criminal and Juvenile Delinquency Cases at the Red Hook Community Justice Center Suvi Hynynen, Center for Court Innovation Findings from an Ethnographic Analysis of Resident and Offender Perceptions of the Red Hook Community Justice Center Ric Curtis, John Jay College of Criminal Justice What Makes Community Courts Effective? Findings from a Process Evaluation of the Red Hook Community Justice Center Cynthia G. Lee, National Center for State Courts David Rottman, National Center for State Courts Does Processing by the Red Hook Community Justice Center Influence the Probability of Recidivism Relative to the Business-AsUsual Alternative? Answers from Survival Analysis Fred Louis Cheesman, National Center for State Courts THEMATIC SESSION SESSION 627: NEW DEVELOPMENTS IN CORPORATE SECURITY Friday, November 16 - 9:30 am to 10:50 am Salon 9, 3rd Floor Chair: Randy K. Lippert, University of Windsor Multiplicities of Corporate Security: Understanding Emerging Trends and Challenges Kevin Walby, University of Victoria Randy K. Lippert, University of Windsor The Private Management of National Security: A Comparative Study of American, British, Swedish and Danish Companies Karen Lund Petersen, University of Copenhagen Managing Risks and Regulating Student Life on Canadian University Campuses Blair Wilkinson, University of Victoria Discussant: Justin Piche, University of Ottawa MEETING 288 FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 16 SESSION 628: CMC BOARD MEETING Friday, November 16 - 9:30 am to 10:50 am Burnham 5, 7th Floor MEETING SESSION 629: CARIBBEAN CRIME STUDY GROUP MEETING Friday, November 16 - 9:30 am to 10:50 am Grant Park Parlor, 6th Floor MEETING SESSION 630: HOMICIDE STUDIES EDITORIAL BOARD MEETING Friday, November 16 - 9:30 am to 10:50 am Hancock Parlor, 6th Floor MEETING SESSION 631: ASC 2013 PROGRAM COMMITTEE MEETING Friday, November 16 - 9:30 am to 10:50 am Salon 12, 3rd Floor AUTHOR MEETS CRITICS SESSION 632: GANGS IN AMERICA'S COMMUNITIES Friday, November 16 - 9:30 am to 10:50 am Water Tower Parlor, 6th Floor Chair: C. Ronald Huff, University of California, Irvine Author James C. ("Buddy") Howell, National Gang Center / Institute for Intergovernmental Research Critics Andrew Papachristos, Yale University Dana Peterson, University at Albany, SUNY David C. Pyrooz, Sam Houston State University SESSION 633: INTIMATE PARTNER VIOLENCE Friday, November 16 - 9:30 am to 10:50 am Buckingham Room, 5th Floor Chair: Jessamyn Tracy, National Center for Victims of Crime Using Victimization Data to Estimate Childhood Exposure to Intimate Partner Violence Catherine Kaukinen, University of Colorado - Colorado Springs Ráchael Powers, University of South Florida Silke Meyer, University of Queensland Women's Emotional and Cognitive Appraisal of Intimate versus Nonintimate Sexual Victimization Veronique Jaquier, Yale University Tami P. Sullivan, Yale University Staying with the Perpetrator: Differences between Heterosexual and Same Sex Victims Jennifer E. Loveland, John Jay College of Criminal Justice / CUNY Graduate Center Chitra Raghavan, John Jay College of Criminal Justice Resistance to Violence: Differences between Heterosexual, Gay and Lesbian Victims of Intimate Partner Violence Larissa Barbaro, John Jay College of Criminal Justice Chitra Raghavan, John Jay College of Criminal Justice Making Sense of Stalking Data and Trends in the United States Jessamyn Tracy, National Center for Victims of Crime 289 FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 16 SESSION 634: POLICE LEGITIMACY AND PROCEDURAL JUSTICE Friday, November 16 - 9:30 am to 10:50 am Burnham 1, 7th Floor Chair: Richard R. Bennett, American University Are Perceived Procedural Justice and Police Effectiveness in Crime Control Judgments Linked? Brian Wyant, LaSalle University Ralph Taylor, Temple University Brian Lockwood, Monmouth University The Effects of Community Cohesion and Empowerment on Police Legitimacy Richard R. Bennett, American University Melissa S. Morabito, University of Massachusetts Lowell Anthony D. Harriott, University of West Indies, Mona Campus Correlates of Trust in the Police among College Students Heeuk Dennis Lee, Washington State University Francis Danso Boateng, Washington State University Keeping the Peace: Social Identity, Procedural Justice and the Policing of Soccer Crowds James Alec Hoggett, University of the West of England SESSION 635: PREDICTORS OF CASE OUTCOMES Friday, November 16 - 9:30 am to 10:50 am Burnham 2, 7th Floor Chair: Matthew C. Leone, University of Nevada Accessing Geopolitical Factors on Federal Terrorism Case Outcomes Christopher A. Shields, University of Arkansas Paxton Roberts, University of Arkansas Effects of Defendants’ Facial Attractiveness on Sentencing Decisions in State Court Angela Reitler, University of Cincinnati Jamie Newsome, University of Texas at San Antonio The Curious Operation of 'Programs' in Misdemeanor Punishment Issa Kohler-Hausmann, New York University Strain and Sentencing: The Effect of Relative Strain on Sentences Received in Nevada in 2007 Matthew C. Leone, University of Nevada Victoria A. Springer, University of Nevada Janice R. Russell, University of Nevada James T. Richardson, University of Nevada SESSION 636: CHARGING AND PLEA BARGAINING DECISIONS Friday, November 16 - 9:30 am to 10:50 am Burnham 4, 7th Floor Chair: Sheila Royo Maxwell, Michigan State University Charging Decisions and Plea Bargaining: A Glimpse of the Process Lauren O'Neill Shermer, Widener University Plea Bargaining in the Shadow of the Indictment Shawn Bushway, University at Albany, SUNY Allison D. Redlich, University at Albany, SUNY Robert J. Norris, University at Albany, SUNY Plea Bargaining, Local Legal Culture, and Courtroom Workgroups: Reassessing the Literature and Building a New Research Agenda for Criminal Courts Michael C. Gizzi, Illinois State University Meagan Semmelroth, Illinois State University Ethan D. Boldt, Illinois State University 290 FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 16 The Role of Gender in Juvenile and Young Adult Plea Bargain Decision-Making Reveka Shteynberg, University at Albany, SUNY D. Catherine Walker, University at Albany, SUNY Allison D. Redlich, University at Albany, SUNY SESSION 637: HEALTH ISSUES AMONG ADOLESCENTS AND YOUNG ADULTS: IMPLICATIONS FOR DEVIANCE Friday, November 16 - 9:30 am to 10:50 am Clark 10, 7th Floor Chair: Jennifer Rose Cruze, Georgia State University Theories of Collegiate Suicides: Relationships to Health and Crime John McBrayer, University of Alabama Adolescent Sex and Delinquency: The Birds and the Bees, Deviance, and Your Teens Alexis Jane Harper, University of Texas at Dallas Empirical Testing of Diet on Violence Using Add Health Data Ivan Gregory Birch, University of Texas at Dallas Bullying Typologies: Are there Different Pathways that Lead Children into Bullying Behaviors? Jennifer Rose Cruze, Georgia State University Brenda Sims Blackwell, Georgia State University SESSION 638: MACRO-LEVEL STUDIES OF THE EFFECTS OF INCARCERATION Friday, November 16 - 9:30 am to 10:50 am Clark 7, 7th Floor Chair: Samuel Joseph Scaggs, Florida State University County-Level Imprisonment Patterns and Their Macro-Level Crime-Control Effects Paul R. Schupp, Niagara University Craig Rivera, Niagara University Graying through the Years: The Impact of Florida's Determinate Sentencing on the Proportion of Older Adult Inmates Samuel Joseph Scaggs, Florida State University SESSION 639: SEXUAL ASSAULT VICTIMIZATION Friday, November 16 - 9:30 am to 10:50 am Dearborn 1, 7th Floor Chair: Xavier Guadalupe-Diaz, University of Central Florida Forensic Evidence in Sexual Assault Cases Megan Alderden, Saint Xavier University Theodore P. Cross, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Alexander Wagner, Fisher College Daniel Bibel, Massachusetts State Police Marjorie Bernardeau, Boston Police Department Lisa Sampson, MA Executive Office of Public Safety and Security Injurious Encounters: Assessing the Impact of Weapons on Sexual Assault Injury Severity Janne E. Gaub, Arizona State University Sexual Victimization among College Students in a Rural Setting: An Extension of Lifestyle Routine Activities Theory Jillian Grace Shafer, Central Washington University Cody J. Stoddard, Central Washington University Differences in Sexual assault Help-Seeking Behaviors among Heterosexual and Non-Heterosexual College Students Xavier Guadalupe-Diaz, University of Central Florida Jana L. Jasinski, University of Central Florida 291 FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 16 SESSION 640: LEGAL AND ETHICAL ISSUES IN INSTITUTIONAL CORRECTIONS Friday, November 16 - 9:30 am to 10:50 am Dearborn 2, 7th Floor Chair: Robert Worley, Texas A&M University - Central Texas From Prison Sentence to Deprivation of Liberty Eric M.G. Maes, National Institute of Criminalistics and Criminology Offender Grooming Policies in U.S. Prison Systems Brenda Riley, Sam Houston State University Solitary Confinement and Its Monitoring Leslie Sebba, Hebrew University of Jerusalem Rachela Erel, Academic Center of Law and Business, Ramat Gan The Pandora's Box of the Modern Day Penitentiary: Utilization of Inmate Informants Robert Worley, Texas A&M University - Central Texas Vidisha Worley, University of North Texas at Dallas SESSION 641: PARENTING PROCESSES AND OFFSPRING OFFENDING ACROSS THE LIFE COURSE Friday, November 16 - 9:30 am to 10:50 am Indiana Room, 3rd Floor Chair: Matthew D. Fetzer, Shippensburg University Parenting, Child Disclosure, and Delinquency: A Structural Equation Panel Model Maria Sergeevna Grigoryeva, University of Washington Quantity or Quality? The Interconnections among Household Structure, Parent-Child Relationships, and Juvenile Delinquency Shannon K. Jacobsen, George Mason University Parental Regulation and Delinquency in a Sample of African Americans: A Trajectory Analysis Matthew D. Fetzer, Shippensburg University Melissa Ricketts, Shippensburg University George Higgins, University of Louisville SESSION 642: METHODOLOGICAL STRATEGIES FOR INVESTIGATING NEIGHBORHOOD EFFECTS Friday, November 16 - 9:30 am to 10:50 am Kimball Room, 3rd Floor Chair: Marie Rosenkrantz Lindegaard, Netherlands Institute for the Study of Crime and Law Enforcement Homicide as Infectious Disease: Using Public Health Methods Jesenia Pizarro, Michigan State University April M. Zeoli, Michigan State University Chris Melde, Michigan State University Sue Grady, Michigan State University The Measurement of Small Place Correlates of Crime Andrew Palmer Wheeler, University at Albany, SUNY Racial Heterogeneity, Crime, and Disorder: An Exploration of Measurement and Methodology using a Case Study of Philadelphia Neighborhoods Jeanee C. Miller, University at Albany, SUNY Transitory Mobility, Cultural Heterogeneity, and Victimization Risk Marie Rosenkrantz Lindegaard, Netherlands Institute for the Study of Crime and Law Enforcement Danielle M. Reynald, Griffith University Jody Miller, Rutgers University 292 FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 16 SESSION 643: RISK-NEEDS-RESPONSIVITY IN COMMUNITY CORRECTIONS Friday, November 16 - 9:30 am to 10:50 am LaSalle 2, 7th Floor Chair: Jennifer L. Lanterman, University of Nevada, Reno Beyond Risk-Needs-Responsivity: New Directions in Community Supervision James Byrne, University of Massachusetts Lowell Faye S. Taxman, George Mason University April Pattavina, University of Massachusetts Lowell Do Indicators of Childhood Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder and Conduct Disorder Influence Treatment Engagement and Retention in a Modified Therapeutic Community? Liana Taylor, Temple University Matthew Hiller, Temple University Parole Reform in California: Impact on Recidivism Helen Braithwaite, University of California, Irvine Susan Turner, University of California, Irvine Lauren Kearney, University of California, Irvine Risk, Need, and Responsivity: Incorporating Virtual Reality into Treatment Bobbie Ticknor, University of Cincinnati SESSION 644: RESTORATIVE JUSTICE AND PUNISHMENT Friday, November 16 - 9:30 am to 10:50 am LaSalle 3, 7th Floor Chair: David L. Myers, Indiana University of Pennsylvania A Multivariate Analysis of Perceptions of Balanced and Restorative Justice (BARJ) in Pennsylvania David L. Myers, Indiana University of Pennsylvania EmmaLeigh Kirchner, Indiana University of Pennsylvania Dennis Giever, Indiana University of Pennsylvania Daniel R. Lee, Indiana University of Pennsylvania Jay Gilliam, University of Illinois Springfield Against Juror Oaths: A Jury Activist Examines a Longstanding Pernicious Practice Roger Isaac Roots, Fair Procedure Initiative Sulh and Musalaha: Islamic Reconciliatory Practices and the Arab Spring Nabil Ouassini, Indiana University Bloomington SESSION 645: TRANSFORMING SYSTEMS, TRANSFORMING LIVES Friday, November 16 - 9:30 am to 10:50 am LaSalle 5, 7th Floor Chair: Anne Nurse, The College of Wooster The Good Lives Model: New Directions for Preventative Practice with Children? Lucy Wainwright, University of Portsmouth Claire Nee, University of Portsmouth, UK Restoring Justice: Preliminary Results from a Restorative Community Group Conferencing Program Timothy J. Holler, Indiana University of Pennsylvania Teenage Fatherhood as a Potential Turning Point in the Lives of Delinquent Youth Monica Landers, University of South Florida Ojmarrh F. Mitchell, University of South Florida Towards a Strength-Based Juvenile Correctional Facility: Sustainability and Effects of an Institutional Transformation William Barton, Indiana University Juliette Mackin, NPC Research 293 FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 16 SESSION 646: RELIGION AND CRIME/DELINQUENCY Friday, November 16 - 9:30 am to 10:50 am Logan Room, 3rd Floor Chair: Aaron B. Franzen, Baylor University Atheism and Crime Ryan David Schroeder, University of Louisville Christopher Bradley, Indiana University-Purdue University, Fort Wayne Richard Parker, University of Louisville Imprudent, Immoral, Irked, or Isolated? Exploring the Generality and Nature of the Religiosity-Crime Association Jonathan R. Brauer, University of Nebraska at Omaha Charles R. Tittle, North Carolina State University Olena Antonaccio, University of Miami Religion's Institutional and Denominational Influences on Lethal Violence Bryan K. Robinson, University at Albany, SUNY / Russell Sage College The Contribution of Religion to Institutional Anomie Theory Allen Shamow, University of Missouri - St. Louis Is Being “Spiritual” Enough without Being Religious? A Study of Violent and Property Crimes among Emerging Adults Aaron B. Franzen, Baylor University Sung Joon Jang, Baylor University SESSION 647: SEXUAL ASSAULT AND COLLEGE STUDENTS: EXPERIENCES AND ATTITUDES Friday, November 16 - 9:30 am to 10:50 am Madison Room, 3rd Floor Chair: Rebecca Oliver Kaplan, San Diego State University Is Rape Acceptable? A Vignette Study Lynn Pazzani, Delta State University The Relationship between Risky Behaviors, Individual Characteristics, and Sexual Revictimization among College Women Sadie J. Mummert, Georgia State University Leah Daigle, Georgia State University Understanding the Relationship between Rape Resistance and Acknowledgment Kaitlin M. Boyle, University of Georgia Jody Clay-Warner, University of Georgia “Just Call the Cops”: College Students' Advice to the Rape Victim Yumi Suzuki, University of South Dakota SESSION 648: NON-STATE RESPONSES TO CORPORATE CRIME AND INJUSTICE Friday, November 16 - 9:30 am to 10:50 am Marshfield Room, 3rd Floor Chair: David O. Friedrichs, University of Scranton Cyber-Posses, Virtual Mobs, and Lone Wolves: A Typology of Individuals And Groups Who Participate In "Justice-Oriented" Activities Online Laura Huey, University of Western Ontario Johnny Nhan, Texas Christian University Examining the Far-Right Tax Protest Movement: A Case Study of We the People Brandon Sullivan, Michigan State University Joshua Freilich, John Jay College of Criminal Justice Steven Chermak, Michigan State University Occupy the Political Economy: An Exercise in Public Criminology David O. Friedrichs, University of Scranton 294 FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 16 SESSION 649: CRITICAL PERSPECTIVES ON GANGS Friday, November 16 - 9:30 am to 10:50 am Millennium Parlor, 6th Floor Chair: Wendy Fitzgibbon, London Metropolitan University Crowns and Crimes: The Moral Complexity of Latin King Life Kevin Moran, Graduate Center CUNY Exploring Causal Factors in the Manifestation of Inter-Minority Gang Conflict in Los Angeles Robert Donald Weide, New York University Interactionist Labeling: Formal and Informal Labeling’s Effects on Juvenile Delinquency Daniel Ryan Kavish, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale The Role of the Family in Facilitating Gang Membership, Criminality and Exit Wendy Fitzgibbon, London Metropolitan University Tara Young, London Metropolitan University SESSION 650: METHODOLOGICAL ISSUES AFFECTING CROSS-NATIONAL RESEARCH Friday, November 16 - 9:30 am to 10:50 am Price Room, 5th Floor Chair: Gohar A. Petrossian, William Paterson University A Tale of Two Second Cities: Gangs and Global Exchange in Glasgow and Chicago Alistair Fraser, University of Hong Kong John Hagedorn, University of Illinois at Chicago Self-Report Studies in Western and Eastern European and Asian countries: Challenges of Comparative Methodology Anastasiya Lukash, Zurich University, Switzerland Martin Killias, Zurich University, Switzerland The Operationalization of Anomie in a Cross-National Comparison of Homicide Rates Catrin Andersson, John Jay College of Criminal Justice / CUNY Graduate Center Lila Kazemian, John Jay College of Criminal Justice, CUNY Using GIS to Understand the Global Hot- and Cold-Spots of Illegal Wildlife Trafficking Gohar A. Petrossian, William Paterson University SESSION 651: QUALITATIVE EXPLORATIONS OF YOUTH, CRIME AND COMMUNITY Friday, November 16 - 9:30 am to 10:50 am Salon 10, 3rd floor Chair: Arthur Gregory Vasquez, University of Texas at Dallas The Effects of Gentrification on Crime and Youth Gang Membership: A Case Study of Asbury Park, NJ Alicia Raia, Rutgers University The Narrative Normalization of Violence in Street Life Heith Copes, University of Alabama at Birmingham Andy Hochstetler, Iowa State University Michael Cherbonneau, University of Texas at Dallas “They Won’t Allow It”: Young Men’s Struggles to Negotiate Criminal Justice Obligations and Employment Laura J. Napolitano, Chapin Hall at the University of Chicago "Getting Up": Street Taggers' Use of Neutralization Techniques Arthur Gregory Vasquez, University of Texas at Dallas SESSION 652: PUBLIC WELFARE AND POLICY ISSUES RELATED TO FEMALE DEVIANCE AND VICTIMIZATION Friday, November 16 - 9:30 am to 10:50 am Salon 4, 3rd Floor Chair: Kylie Parrotta, Delaware State University 295 FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 16 Invisible Women Speak Up: An Ethnographic Study of Homeless Women Helena Menih, Griffith University Practice of Feticide: Formal Remedial Measures for Population Preservation Prit Paul Kaur, Auburn University at Montgomery Theresa Pelfrey, Auburn University at Montgomery A GIS-Based Approach to Quantifying Healthcare Costs for Domestic Violence Patients Daniel Pacheco, University of Texas at Dallas SESSION 653: METHODOLOGICAL ADVANCES IN DELINQUENCY RESEARCH Friday, November 16 - 9:30 am to 10:50 am Salon 7, 3rd Floor Chair: Brent Teasdale, Georgia State University Examining the Latent Class Structure of Delinquency across Informants Joan A. Reid, University of Massachusetts Lowell Christopher J. Sullivan, University of Cincinnati Institutional Friendship: Predicting Egocentric Networks of Incarcerated Youth Shannon Elizabeth Reid, University of California, Irvine The Roles of School-Level and Neighborhood-Level Characteristics in Explaining Delinquency and Involvement with the Criminal Justice System: A Cross-Classified Multilevel Analysis Tia Stevens, Michigan State University Merry Morash, Michigan State University Early Onset Deviance: Diathesis-Stress Modeled as a Logistic Regression Series and a Fuzzy Cognitive Map Hilary Kim Morden, Simon Fraser University SESSION 654: ROUNDTABLE: DRUG COURTS REDUX: A LOOK BACK TO THE FUTURE OF DRUG COURT RESEARCH AND ADMINISTRATION Friday, November 16 - 9:30 am to 10:50 am Sandburg 2, 7th Floor Discussants: Steven Belenko, Temple University Benjamin Gibbs, University of Central Missouri Jacqueline Gay van Wormer, Washington State University William Wakefield, University of Nebraska at Omaha Paul Yakel, Douglas County (Nebraska) Adult Drug Court SESSION 655: ROUNDTABLE: JOSEPH ALBINI AND JEFFREY MCILLWAIN'S REFLECTIONS ON ORGANIZED CRIME - PAST, PRESENT, FUTURE Friday, November 16 - 9:30 am to 10:50 am Sandburg 3, 7th Floor Chair: Frank Hagan, Mercyhurst University Discussants: Joseph Albini, Wayne State University Jay Albanese, Virginia Commonwealth University James Finckenauer, Rutgers University SESSION 656: ROUNDTABLE: ENGAGING THE ACADEMICS: AN INTERDISCIPLINARY APPROACH TOWARD AN UNDERSTANDING OF “CONTINUITY, CHANGE, AND THE CULTURE OF FEAR” Friday, November 16 - 9:30 am to 10:50 am Sandburg 4, 7th Floor Chair: Helen Taylor Greene, Texas Southern University 296 FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 16 Discussants: Byron E. Price, Texas Southern University Michael O. Adams, Texas Southern University Sheri Smith, Texas Southern University SESSION 657: ROUNDTABLE: INTERVIEWS WITH GLOBAL LEADERS IN POLICING, COURTS, AND PRISONS Friday, November 16 - 9:30 am to 10:50 am Sandburg 6, 7th Floor Chair: Dilip K. Das, International Police Executive Symposium Discussants: John Eterno, Police Practice & Research: An International Journal Cliff Roberson, Police Practice & Research: An International Journal Eileen Ahlin, Westat George Lombardi, Missouri Department of Corrections SESSION 658: ROUNDTABLE: MAKING SENSE OF ADOLESCENT TO PARENT VIOLENCE: INTERNATIONAL PERSPECTIVES Friday, November 16 - 9:30 am to 10:50 am Sandburg 8, 7th Floor Discussants: Rachel Condry, University of Oxford Jessie L. Krienert, Illinois State University Jeffrey A. Walsh, Illinois State University Heather Nancarrow, Queensland Centre for Domestic and Family Violence Research Gregory Routt, Step Up Program, King County, Superior Court, Seattle Lily Anderson, Step Up Program, King County, Superior Court, Seattle SESSION 659: SEXED AND GENDERED PATHWAYS TO OFFENDING AND RECIDIVISM Friday, November 16 - 9:30 am to 10:50 am Spire Parlor, 6th Floor Chair: Erin Denton, McGill University Co-Occurring Risk Factors for Male Offenders: Results from Exploratory Research Valerie Bell, Loras College Patricia Van Voorhis, University of Cincinnati Krista Gehring, University of Houston - Downtown Understanding Female Offender Typologies Rachel Brushett, University of Cincinnati Sex, Gender, and Crime Matthew Dolliver, Northeastern University Navigating Risk: The Impact of Neighborhood Effects on Female Adolescent Sexual and Substance Use Behaviors Stacia Gilliard-Matthews, Rutgers University Robin Stevens, Rutgers University SESSION 660: TEACHING RESEARCH METHODS AND STATISTICS Friday, November 16 - 9:30 am to 10:50 am Wilson Room, 3rd Floor Chair: Danielle Rudes, George Mason University "Peeragogy" in Action: Utilizing Applied Research in the Classroom Jonathan Felden, Eastern Kentucky University Ethan Higgins, Eastern Kentucky University Polina Karpova, Eastern Kentucky University Rebecca P. Moran, Eastern Kentucky University 297 FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 16 Bethany Rayburn, Eastern Kentucky University Cassandra Tate, Eastern Kentucky University Angie L. Wheaton, Eastern Kentucky University Pamela Woody, Eastern Kentucky University James B. Wells, Eastern Kentucky University Deconstructing Drama in Criminology Statistics Classes Stephen E. Brown, Western Carolina University Albert M. Kopak, Western Carolina University Jamie Vaske, Western Carolina University Teaching Criminal Justice Students Research Skills through an Examination of Scholarly Literature on Occupational Burnout Tim Bower, Keuka College THEMATIC SESSION SESSION 661: MISCARRIAGES OF JUSTICE: SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGICAL THEORY AND WRONGFUL CONVICTIONS Friday, November 16 - 11:00 am to 12:20 pm Burnham 2, 7th Floor Chair: Shari R. Berkowitz, Roosevelt University Social Influence as a Theoretical Framework for Wrongful Conviction Research Megan R. Kienzle, University of Florida Lora M. Levett, University of Florida Using Social Psychology to Explain Racial Disparities in False Confession Rates Cynthia J. Najdowski, University at Albany, SUNY Bette L. Bottoms, University of Illinois at Chicago The Legal Implications of Mistaken Memories Shari R. Berkowitz, Roosevelt University Discussant: Allison D. Redlich, University at Albany, SUNY THEMATIC SESSION SESSION 662: WORKING THE JOINT: ISSUES INVOLVING CORRECTIONAL STAFF Friday, November 16 - 11:00 am to 12:20 pm Burnham 4, 7th Floor Chair: Kevin I. Minor, Eastern Kentucky University A Career and Life Stage Analysis of Correctional Staff Outcomes Eric Lambert, Wayne State University Nancy L. Hogan, Ferris State University Brett Garland, Missouri State University Marie L. Griffin, Arizona State University Kelly Cheeseman, Messiah College An Experimental Design Comparing the Effectiveness of Web-Based Classroom Training on Learning Transfer among Juvenile Corrections Staff James B. Wells, Eastern Kentucky University Kevin I. Minor, Eastern Kentucky University J. Stephen Parson, Commonwealth Research Consulting, Inc. Chris Innes, National Institute of Corrections 298 FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 16 A Gendered Model of Job Stress and Job Satisfaction among Jail Staff: A Preliminary Study Eugene A. Paoline, University of Central Florida Nancy L. Hogan, Ferris State University Eric Lambert, Wayne State University Predicting Job Morale among Staff in Juvenile Corrections Kevin I. Minor, Eastern Kentucky University James B. Wells, Eastern Kentucky University Eric Lambert, Wayne State University Peggy S. Keller, University of Kentucky Discussant: Nancy L. Hogan, Ferris State University THEMATIC SESSION SESSION 663: THE 40TH ANNIVERSARY OF THE CRIMINALIZATION HYPOTHESIS: REFLECTIONS ON CRIMINAL JUSTICE AND MENTAL ILLNESS INTERFACE Friday, November 16 - 11:00 am to 12:20 pm Chicago Room, 5th Floor Chair: Arthur Lurigio, Loyola University Chicago Political and Research Impacts of “The Criminalization of Mentally Disordered Behavior” Virginia Aldige Hiday, North Carolina State University Psychiatric Disorders in Detained Youth: Implications for the Criminalization Hypothesis Linda Teplin, Northwestern University Reducing Criminalization by Addressing High-Risk Persons with Serious Mental Illness H. Richard Lamb, University of Southern California Historical and Current Perspectives on the Criminalization Hypothesis Marc F. Abramson, Private Practice: Psychiatry Discussant: Arthur Lurigio, Loyola University Chicago THEMATIC SESSION SESSION 664: PRISON COMMUNITY LEARNING EXPERIENCES OF UNDERGRADUATE STUDENTS: INSIDE-OUT PRISON EXCHANGE AND ALTERNATIVES TO VIOLENCE Friday, November 16 - 11:00 am to 12:20 pm Clark 3, 7th Floor Chair: Jo-Ann Della Giustina, Bridgewater State University Cognitive Transformations through Experiential Learning behind the Walls Jo-Ann Della Giustina, Bridgewater State University Building Bridges Between University Students and Incarcerated Men Oscar Guerrero, Bridgewater State University Marilyn Nieves, Bridgewater State University Finding Enlightenment in A Prison Classroom Jennifer DeMichele, Bridgewater State University Finding My Voice in the Prison: My Experiences with the Alternatives to Violence Project Aimee Meier, Bridgewater State University 299 FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 16 THEMATIC SESSION SESSION 665: PRETRIAL RISK ASSESSMENT: STATUS, ISSUES, AND OPPORTUNITIES FOR IMPROVEMENT Friday, November 16 - 11:00 am to 12:20 pm Clark 5, 7th Floor Chair: Avi Bhati, Maxarth LLC Challenges of Developing a Pretrial Risk Assessment Tool Edward Latessa, University of Cincinnati Public vs. Private Pretrial Risk Assessment Tools: Are There Any Benefits? Jim Austin, JFA Institute Selection and Intervention Effects: Creating Unbiased Risk Assessment Instruments from Real-World Data Avi Bhati, Maxarth LLC Discussant: Michael Ryan Jones, Pretrial Justice Institute THEMATIC SESSION SESSION 666: TRANSLATIONAL TOOLS TO IMPLEMENT EVIDENCE-BASED PRACTICES (EBPS) Friday, November 16 - 11:00 am to 12:20 pm Clark 7, 7th Floor Validating the Assumptions of the RNR Model Using Correctional Data from Three States Joseph M. Durso, George Mason University Erin Crites, George Mason University Michael S. Caudy, George Mason University Faye S. Taxman, George Mason University Validating an RNR-Based Program Evaluation Tool Erin Crites, George Mason University Michael S. Caudy, George Mason University Faye S. Taxman, George Mason University Effectiveness of an e-Learning Program for Probation Officers Stephanie A. Ainsworth, George Mason University Faye S. Taxman, George Mason University Discussant: Faye S. Taxman, George Mason University THEMATIC SESSION SESSION 667: BEYOND RUTH KORNHAUSER’S SOCIAL SOURCES OF DELINQUENCY: ADVANCING CRIMINOLOGICAL THEORY Friday, November 16 - 11:00 am to 12:20 pm Empire Room, Lobby Level Chairs: Francis T. Cullen, University of Cincinnati Pamela Wilcox, University of Cincinnati The Strength of Control Theory Chester L. Britt, Northeastern University Barbara Costello, University of Rhode Island Social and Situational Dynamics of Control Per-Olof H. Wikstrom, University of Cambridge 300 FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 16 Concentrated Disadvantage and Crime David S. Kirk, University of Texas Criminal Opportunity from an Offender’s Perspective: Conceptualization and Suggestions for Empirical Testing Darrell Steffensmeier, Pennsylvania State University Jeffery T. Ulmer, Pennsylvania State University THEMATIC SESSION SESSION 668: SELF-PERCEPTION, IDENTITY TRANSFORMATION, AND DESISTANCE Friday, November 16 - 11:00 am to 12:20 pm Indiana Room, 3rd Floor Chair: Bonita M. Veysey, Rutgers University Criminal Identities: An Application of the Implicit Associations Test to Criminal Self-Perception Bonita M. Veysey, Rutgers University Luis Rivera, Rutgers University Changing Time: The Role of Agency in Prisoners’ Identity Transformations Emma Hughes, California State University, Fresno The Relational Context of Desistance from Crime Beth Weaver, University of Strathclyde Discussant: Barbara Owen, California State University, Fresno THEMATIC SESSION SESSION 669: UNDERSTANDING RACIAL AND ETHNIC DISPARITY IN THE PROBATION REVOCATION PROCESS Friday, November 16 - 11:00 am to 12:20 pm LaSalle 2, 7th Floor Exploring the Process of Probation Revocations S. Rebecca Neusteter, The Urban Institute KiDeuk Kim, Urban Institute Pamela Lachman, The Urban Institute Justin Breaux, The Urban Institute An Empirical Study of Racial and Ethnic Disparities in the Process of Probation Revocation KiDeuk Kim, Urban Institute S. Rebecca Neusteter, The Urban Institute Justin Breaux, The Urban Institute Pamela Lachman, The Urban Institute Discussing Policy Implications of Racial and Ethnic Disparity in the Probation Revocation Process Carl Wicklund, American Probation and Parole Association Discussant: Marc Mauer, The Sentencing Project THEMATIC SESSION SESSION 670: STATE AND LOCAL PERSPECTIVES OF TRAFFICKING IN PERSONS Friday, November 16 - 11:00 am to 12:20 pm Price Room, 5th Floor Chair: Meredith Dank, The Urban Institute 301 FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 16 Cultural and Organizational Barriers to the Prosecution of Human Trafficking Cases Amy Farrell, Northeastern University Jack McDevitt, Northeastern University Rebecca D. Pfeffer, Northeastern University Assessing Sex Trafficking Demand-Reduction Strategies in the United States Michael Shively, Abt Associates Inc. Sarah Kuck Jalbert, Abt Associates Inc. Estimating the Unlawful Commercial Sex Economy in the U.S. Meredith Dank, The Urban Institute Patrick Mitchell Downey, The Urban Institute Bilal Khan, John Jay College of Criminal Justice Discussant: John Picarelli, National Institute of Justice THEMATIC SESSION SESSION 671: THE IMPACT OF RACE ON POLICE USE OF FORCE: LESSONS FROM EMPIRICAL RESEARCH Friday, November 16 - 11:00 am to 12:20 pm Salon 1, 3rd Floor Chair: Stephen D. Mastrofski, George Mason University The Influence of Race/Ethnicity on Police Use of Force: A Meta-analysis David B. Wilson, George Mason University Tammy Rinehart Kochel, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale Stephen D. Mastrofski, George Mason University Discussants: Robin S. Engel, University of Cincinnati Joel H. Garner, Bureau of Justice Statistics William Terrill, Michigan State University THEMATIC SESSION SESSION 672: CRIME AND PLACE: TARGET LOCATIONS Friday, November 16 - 11:00 am to 12:20 pm Salon 2, 3rd Floor Chair: Richard L. Block, Loyola University Chicago Mapping the Nighttime Economy and Urban Street Violence Jerry H. Ratcliffe, Temple University Cory P. Haberman, Temple University The Effect of Business Presence on Crime Events at Urban Micro-Places Wouter Steenbeek, NSCR Frank van Oort, Utrecht University Off-Premise Alcohol Outlets and Violence in a College Town: The Role of Outlet, Staff, and Patron Characteristics Aleksandra J. Snowden, University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee William Alex Pridemore, Indiana University The Environs of Rapid Transit Stations and Robbery: An Interrupted Time Series Analysis Richard L. Block, Loyola University Chicago 302 FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 16 THEMATIC SESSION SESSION 673: PERIPHERAL BIOLOGICAL CORRELATES OF ANTISOCIAL BEHAVIOR AND PSYCHOPATHIC TRAITS Friday, November 16 - 11:00 am to 12:20 pm Salon 3, 3rd Floor Chair: Andrea Glenn, Institute of Mental Health, Singapore Prenatal Testosterone, Psychopathy, and Moral Judgment: A Biosocial Perspective Yu Gao, Brooklyn College, CUNY Simone Tang, Stanford University Do Callous-Unemotional Traits Moderate the Relationship Between Autonomic Reactivity and Conduct Disorder? Anna Rudo-Hutt, University of Pennsylvania Adrian Raine, University of Pennsylvania Yu Gao, Brooklyn College, CUNY Liana Soyfer, University of Pennsylvania Low Heart Rate, Child Psychopathy, and Proactive Aggression in Females Olivia Choy, University of Pennsylvania Adrian Raine, University of Pennsylvania Jill Portnoy, University of Pennsylvania Anna Rudo-Hutt, University of Pennsylvania Yu Gao, Brooklyn College, CUNY Liana Soyfer, University of Pennsylvania Resting Heart Rate and Antisocial Behavior: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis Jill Portnoy, University of Pennsylvania David P. Farrington, Cambridge University THEMATIC SESSION SESSION 674: FOSTERING POSITIVE YOUTH DEVELOPMENT: REFRAMING THE AIMS OF JUVENILE JUSTICE Friday, November 16 - 11:00 am to 12:20 pm Salon 6, 3rd Floor Chair: Jeff Butts, John Jay College of Criminal Justice Positive What? Reframing the Goals of Juvenile Justice Interventions Jeff Butts, John Jay College of Criminal Justice Engagement in Criminal Activity from Adolescence to Young Adulthood: The Role of Protective Factors Elizabeth C. Hair, NORC at the University of Chicago Defining and Measuring Positive Youth Outcomes in Juvenile Corrections Courtney S. Harding, Temple University Philip W. Harris, Temple University Beyond Recidivism: Positive Youth Development as a Juvenile Justice Outcome Shannon Myrick, Oregon Youth Authority THEMATIC SESSION SESSION 675: NEW DEVELOPMENTS IN POLICING AND SECURITY SERVICE DELIVERY AND NETWORKS Friday, November 16 - 11:00 am to 12:20 pm Salon 9, 3rd Floor Chair: Benoit Dupont, Université de Montréal 303 FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 16 Exploring the Policy Implications of the Private Employment of Public Police Randy K. Lippert, University of Windsor Danielle Hryniewicz, University of Western Ontario Policing Uncertainty: The Case of Impaired Driving in the Age of Neo-Liberalism Rhys Steckle, University of Windsor Shaping Security Regimes for Public Health: The Changing Face of Policing and Mental Health Service Delivery in Philadelphia Jennifer Wood, Temple University Private Security Regimes: An Empirical Exploration of the Forces Shaping the Private Delivery of Security Benoit Dupont, Université de Montréal THEMATIC SESSION SESSION 676: LONGITUDINAL PATTERNS IN GANG INVOLVEMENT, GANG PERSISTENCE, AND GANG VIOLENCE AT INDIVIDUAL- AND AGGREGATE-LEVELS OF ANALYSIS Friday, November 16 - 11:00 am to 12:20 pm Wilson Room, 3rd Floor Chair: Elizabeth Griffiths, Rutgers University The Developmental Dynamics of Joining a Gang in Adolescence: Patterns and Predictors of Gang Membership Onset in Adolescence Amanda Beth Gilman, University of Washington Karl G. Hill, University of Washington J. David Hawkins, University of Washington Age-Graded Patterns of Gang Membership within a Nationally-Representative Longitudinal Sample of Youth David C. Pyrooz, Sam Houston State University Trends in Gang Presence among American Cities, 1996-2009 Elizabeth Griffiths, Rutgers University George Tita, University of California, Irvine Two Stories of Nationwide Gang Homicides Arlen Egley, Jr., National Gang Center James C. ("Buddy") Howell, National Gang Center / Institute for Intergovernmental Research MEETING SESSION 677: DIVISION OF INTERNATIONAL CRIMINOLOGY BUSINESS MEETING (OPEN TO ALL PARTICIPANTS) Friday, November 16 - 11:00 am to 12:20 pm Adams Room, 6th Floor MEETING SESSION 678: IDEAS FOR RECYCLING/GREENER EFFORTS AT THE ASC MEETINGS Friday, November 16 - 11:00 am to 12:20 pm Burnham 5, 7th Floor Chairs: Jessica Hodge, University of Missouri - Kansas City Meredith Worthen, University of Oklahoma MEETING SESSION 679: ASSOCIATION OF DOCTORAL PROGRAMS OF CRIMINOLOGY & CRIMINAL JUSTICE BUSINESS MEETING (ADPCCJ) Friday, November 16 - 11:00 am to 12:20 pm Grant Park Parlor, 6th Floor 304 FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 16 MEETING SESSION 680: ASC POLICY COMMITTEE MEETING Friday, November 16 - 11:00 am to 12:20 pm Hancock Parlor, 6th Floor AUTHOR MEETS CRITICS SESSION 681: INVISIBLE MEN: MASS INCARCERATION AND THE MYTH OF BLACK PROGRESS Friday, November 16 - 11:00 am to 12:20 pm Water Tower Parlor, 6th Floor Author Becky Pettit, University of Washington Critics Shawn Bushway, University at Albany, SUNY Evelyn Patterson, Vanderbilt University Sara Wakefield, University of California, Irvine SESSION 682: VULNERABILITY TO VICTIMIZATION AMONG THE ELDERLY AND DISABLED Friday, November 16 - 11:00 am to 12:20 pm Buckingham Room, 5th Floor Chair: Paul D.C. Bones, University of Oklahoma Explaining Elderly Victimization: Assault, Theft, and Consumer Fraud Michael Reisig, Arizona State University Kristy Holtfreter, Arizona State University Sexual Victimization of the Elderly: An Empirical Analysis of Reported Incidents, 1999-2008 Jeffrey A. Walsh, Illinois State University Jessie L. Krienert, Illinois State University Shane Dixon, Illinois State University Exploring the Relationship between Disability Status and Victimization Risk: The Role of Disability Type Heidi L. Scherer, Kennesaw State University Gender, Disability, and Risk: A Target Characteristics Approach to Multiple Disadvantaged Identities and Victimization Paul D.C. Bones, University of Oklahoma SESSION 683: POLICE PERFORMANCE MEASUREMENT AND EVALUATION Friday, November 16 - 11:00 am to 12:20 pm Burnham 1, 7th Floor Chair: Joe Kuhns, University of North Carolina at Charlotte Evaluating Police Departments: A Review of Strategies Ken Adams, University of Central Florida Performance Measurement for Police Information Technologies Tom McEwen, McEwen and Associates LLC Elizabeth R. Groff, Temple University Evaluating Police Leadership Development: Is What We Want, What We Get? Victoria Herrington, Australian Institute of Police Management Measuring the Skills Hierarchy of Police Officer Job Performance Beth A. Sanders, Texas State University - San Marcos 305 FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 16 SESSION 684: STATE STRATEGIES AND (IN)CAPACITY FOR JUSTICE AND SOCIAL CONTROL Friday, November 16 - 11:00 am to 12:20 pm Clark 9, 7th Floor Chair: Larry Salinger, Arkansas State University - Jonesboro Disabling the Able: From the War against the Weak to the War on Terror Christopher Magno, Gannon University Sara Lichtenwalter, Gannon University Extrajudicial Killings, Political Imprisonment and Disappearances in Failing States Laurie Gould, Georgia Southern University Matthew Pate, University at Albany, SUNY State Strategies for Dealing with Unwelcome Information on Torture and Inhuman, Degrading Treatment or Punishment Tom Daems, Ghent University The Rule of Law and Preventing Genocide: A Promise Unfulfilled Alex Alvarez, Northern Arizona University Discussant: Thomas Reifer, University of San Diego SESSION 685: STUDIES ON THE PROBLEM OF CORRUPTION Friday, November 16 - 11:00 am to 12:20 pm Cresthill Room, 3rd Floor Chair: Vincenzo Ruggiero, Middlesex University An Integrated Theory of Corruption: In Search for Individual, Organizational and Systemic Characteristics that Reinforce Each Other Emile Kolthoff, Open University Netherlands Anti-Corruption Measures in Brazil: What is New, What is Old, What Works Karla Padilha Rebelo Marques, Public Ministry, State of Alagoas, Brazil Alline Pedra Jorge Birol, Federal University of Santa Catarina, Brazil Citizens Perception of Corruption in Flanders Arne Dormaels, University College Ghent Marleen Easton, University College Ghent Corruption: The Disappearance of the Victim Vincenzo Ruggiero, Middlesex University SESSION 686: INTERNATIONAL PERSPECTIVES ON VICTIMIZATION Friday, November 16 - 11:00 am to 12:20 pm Dearborn 1, 7th Floor Chair: Anita Kalunta-Crumpton, Texas Southern University Awareness Raising and Training about Torture for Professionals: Results of a European project Zoë Cosemans, KU Leuven Stephan Parmentier, Leuven University Closing the Gap: Understanding Crime Victim Evaluations of Police Legitimacy in Israel Gali Aviv, Hebrew University Intimate Partner Violence in the Nigerian Community Anita Kalunta-Crumpton, Texas Southern University Emmanuel Onyeozili, University of Maryland, Eastern Shore 306 FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 16 SESSION 687: THINKING CRITICALLY ABOUT THE "PEER EFFECT": MEASUREMENT AND SELECTION Friday, November 16 - 11:00 am to 12:20 pm Dearborn 2, 7th Floor Chair: Christopher Bryce Keenan, Ohio State University Assessing the Construct Validity between Self-Reported Delinquency and Direct and Indirect Measures of Peer Delinquency Ryan Charles Meldrum, Florida International University John H. Boman, University of Florida Measuring Personal and Peer Delinquency Bob Edward Vasquez, Texas State University - San Marcos Friendship Dynamics and Homophily on Sex Behaviors: Selection or Influence? Christopher Bryce Keenan, Ohio State University Nathan Doogan, Ohio State University Dana L. Haynie, Ohio State University Brian Soller, Ohio State University SESSION 688: MODELS OF NEIGHBORHOOD CHANGE AND CRIME Friday, November 16 - 11:00 am to 12:20 pm Kimball Room, 3rd Floor Chair: Lyndsay N. Boggess, University of South Florida Changes in Neighborhood Social Capital and Firearm Shootings: A Mediating Relationship? Justin C. Medina, Temple University The Context and Impact of Neighborhood Drug Economies: Continuity and Change over a Ten Year Period Aileen O'Gorman, University College Dublin The Effect of New Mass Transit Routes on Crime: A Preliminary Evaluation of Vancouver SkyTrain’s Canada Line Jordana Kimberly Gallison, Simon Fraser University The Reciprocal Nature of Neighborhood Effects: An Examination of Racial/Ethnic Change and Crime in Los Angeles Lyndsay N. Boggess, University of South Florida SESSION 689: PRISONER REENTRY FOR WOMEN II Friday, November 16 - 11:00 am to 12:20 pm LaSalle 1, 7th Floor Chair: Janet Garcia, Rutgers University Gender Differences in the Effects of Social Networks on Reentry Outcomes Jennifer Rhiannon Scroggins, Montana State University, Billings Hoan Ngoc Bui, University of Tennessee, Knoxville Personal, Family, and Community Factors Associated with Perceived Likelihood of Success in Incarcerated Women Young Ju Chae, Northeastern University Prisoner Reentry and Gender: The Mentoring Experience of Women in Transition Janet Garcia, Rutgers University Jody Miller, Rutgers University Johnna Christian, Rutgers University SESSION 690: LAW ENFORCEMENT ACTIVITIES AND TRUST IN POLICE Friday, November 16 - 11:00 am to 12:20 pm LaSalle 3, 7th Floor Chair: John David Reitzel, Virginia Commonwealth University The Cops of Merton County Mitch Librett, Bridgewater State University 307 FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 16 The Impact of Police Effectiveness and Handling of Misconduct on General Trust in Government Lonnie M. Schaible, University of Colorado - Denver Joseph T. De Angelis, Denver Office of the Independent Monitor Brian Wolf, University of Idaho The Role of Personal and Vicarious Negative Contacts with the Police on Levels of Police Trust John David Reitzel, Virginia Commonwealth University Scott C. Booth, Virginia Commonwealth University Mary Beth Brandl, Virginia Commonwealth University The Degree of Perception on Police Presence: A Comparison of Targets' and Guardians' Perceptions of Police Activities Hannarae Lee, Indiana University SESSION 691: VARIETIES OF POLICE BEHAVIOR IN THE MODERN WORLD Friday, November 16 - 11:00 am to 12:20 pm LaSalle 5, 7th Floor Chair: Michael Alan Hollingsworth, Old Dominion University Mandatory Arrest and Other Laws: A Transnational Perspective of Unintended Consequences to Immigrant Latinas Guadalupe T. Vidales, University of Wisconsin - Parkside What Prevents Police Officers from Deserting in Serious Natural Disaster Situations? Experience of Fukushima Prefecture Police YOSHIKI KOBAYASHI, Keio University, Japan Women in Police Roles: An Examination of Police Women’s Perceptions of Their Work in Dubai Doris Chu, Arkansas State University Women in Policing: A Global Examination of Deployment Venessa Garcia, Kean University SESSION 692: SELF-CONTROL THEORY ACROSS THE LIFE COURSE Friday, November 16 - 11:00 am to 12:20 pm Logan Room, 3rd Floor Chair: Scott Wolfe, University of South Carolina A Longitudinal Test of Self-Control Theory Tony R. Smith, Rochester Institute of Technology Judy Porter, Rochester Institute of Technology LaVerne McQuiller Williams, Rochester Institute of Technology Jennifer Gravitz, National Technical Institute for the Deaf Amy Stornello, National Technical Institute for the Deaf Self-Control Through Early Adulthood: (In)Stability, (Multi)Dimensionality, and Impact Callie Harbin Burt, Arizona State University Gary Sweeten, Arizona State University The Invariance of Self-Control in Late Life Scott Wolfe, University of South Carolina SESSION 693: LETHAL VIOLENCE: FOCUS ON PATTERNS AND CONTEXT Friday, November 16 - 11:00 am to 12:20 pm Madison Room, 3rd Floor Chair: Brent Teasdale, Georgia State University Spatial Patterns of Homicide: Revitalization and Displacement of Low-Income Areas Shelly A. McGrath, University of Alabama at Birmingham Suzanne E. Perumean-Chaney, University of Alabama at Birmingham Geospatial Distribution of Violence in a College Town David N. Khey, Loyola University New Orleans 308 FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 16 Public Housing and Lethal Violence: An Analysis of Disaggregated Homicides Occurring in Project Neighborhoods Eric Lesneskie, Western New England University Examining Prior Criminal Justice System Contact among All Persons Party to Potentially Lethal Criminal Events Shila Rene' Hawk-Tourtelot, Georgia State University Dean Dabney, Georgia State University SESSION 694: ORGANIZED CRIME: THEORY, HISTORY, AND METHODS Friday, November 16 - 11:00 am to 12:20 pm Marshfield Room, 3rd Floor Chair: Rick Aniskiewicz, Indiana University Kokomo Beyond the Mafia: Explaining Organized Crime in Chicago Robert M. Lombardo, Loyola University Chicago Gus Tyler and the Socio-Dynamics of Organized Crime Matthew G. Yeager, King's University College, Western University Canada Organized Crime: Theoretical and Definitional Challenges Diana Summers Dolliver, Northeastern University The Danny Greene Mob versus the Cleveland Mafia: A Historical Event Frank Hagan, Mercyhurst University The Historical Foundations of Human Trafficking in the United States: Transnational Organized Crime during the Chinese Exclusion Era, 1880-1920 Jeffrey Scott McIllwain, San Diego State University SESSION 695: THE GENDERED NATURE OF INTIMATE PARTNER VIOLENCE: MALE PERPETRATION Friday, November 16 - 11:00 am to 12:20 pm Millennium Parlor, 6th Floor Chair: Aubrey L. Jackson, Ohio State University Intimate Partner Kidnapping: Patterns and Correlates of Kidnapping among Intimate Partners Using NIBRS Lindsey Blumenstein, University of Central Florida So Help Me God: Religiosity and the Perpetration of Intimate Partner Violence Claire M. Renzetti, University of Kentucky Gender, Social Desirability, and Intimate Partner Violence Reporting Discrepancies among Young Adult Couples Marin Wenger, Pennsylvania State University The Influences of Women’s Individual- and Neighborhood-Level Resources on the Risk of Intimate Partner Violence Aubrey L. Jackson, Ohio State University SESSION 696: QUALITATIVE INQUIRY AND THE FUTURE OF CRIMINOLOGY Friday, November 16 - 11:00 am to 12:20 pm Salon 10, 3rd floor "Gonzo Research": Using Unsystematic Social Observation to Develop Criminological Theory Martin Innes, Universities' Police Science Institute, Cardiff University Can Qualitative Research Be "Evidence?": A Case for Non-Causal Research Informing Justice Practice Shadd Maruna, Queen's University Belfast Why there is a Need for a Qualitative Journal in Criminology and Criminal Justice Willard M. Oliver, Sam Houston State University Discussant: Patrick Carr, Rutgers University 309 FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 16 SESSION 697: THE GENDERED AND RACIALIZED DELINQUENCY AND JUVENILE JUSTICE EXPERIENCES OF AT-RISK YOUTH Friday, November 16 - 11:00 am to 12:20 pm Salon 4, 3rd Floor Chair: Bradley R. Ray, Indiana University-Purdue University, Indianapolis A Crossover Population Study: Comparing Delinquency Outcomes Susan Elaine Day, Florida Atlantic University Gordon Bazemore, Florida Atlantic University Joan T. Pennell, North Carolina State University Gender Differences in Risk and Protective Factors among Juvenile Probationers Amy Stork, McLean County Juvenile Probation Sesha Kethineni, Illinois State University Girls in the Juvenile Justice System: The Relation between Risk Factors and the Severity of the Sentence Anne-Marie Slotboom, VU University Social Control, Racial Differences and Similarities in Factors Related to Girls on Probation Camille R. Quinn, University of Illinois at Chicago SESSION 698: EDUCATION FACILITIES AND CRIME PREVENTION POLICY Friday, November 16 - 11:00 am to 12:20 pm Salon 5, 3rd Floor Chair: Charles Scheer, Michigan State University Bullying in Ohio Schools: The Status of Prevention and Policy Ashley Ann Hicks, Ohio State University Deanna L. Wilkinson, Ohio State University The Safety of Our Kids: A Spatial Analysis of Juvenile Crime Surrounding Educational Facilities Cassandra Ramdath, John Jay College of Criminal Justice / CUNY Graduate Center The Stick and The Carrot: School Sanctions and Peer Network Positions in the Study of Students’ Delinquency David Maimon, University of Maryland Kiminori Nakamura, University of Maryland Preventing College Student Drunk Driving with On-Campus Alcohol Policy: A Multi-Level Model Jing Liu, University at Albany, SUNY SESSION 699: SELF-CONTROL THEORY AND CRIME/DELINQUENCY Friday, November 16 - 11:00 am to 12:20 pm Salon 7, 3rd Floor Chair: Gregory Zimmerman, Northeastern University Comparing Male Fitness and Self-Control as Determinants of Self-Reported Violent Crime Chris Esselmont, University of Calgary Do Social Skills Mediate the Self-Control – Violence Relationship? Terrance J. Taylor, University of Missouri - St. Louis Dena Carson, University of Missouri - St. Louis Finn-Aage Esbensen, University of Missouri - St. Louis Microanomie, Self-Control and White Collar Crime Mark Konty, Public Scholar Michele W. Ganon, Western Connecticut State University James Donegan, Western Connecticut State University 310 FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 16 The Role of Neighborhood Context in the Relationship between Self-Control and Crime Ekaterina Botchkovar, Northeastern University Gregory Zimmerman, Northeastern University Olena Antonaccio, University of Miami SESSION 700: NEW APPROACHES TO PRISONER REENTRY Friday, November 16 - 11:00 am to 12:20 pm Salon 8, 3rd Floor Chair: Nicole Smolter, California State University, Los Angeles Community Wise: A New Approach to Reentry Ellen Benoit, National Development and Research Institutes, Inc. Liliane C. Windsor, Rutgers University Meanings of a Second Chance: Understanding Reentry in the Federal Context Sara Steen, University of Colorado - Boulder Devon Thacker Thomas, University of Colorado - Boulder Considering Non-Criminal Justice Approaches to Offender Reentry Nicole Smolter, California State University, Los Angeles SESSION 701: ROUNDTABLE: DUTCH STUDY GROUP ON THE TRANSITION FROM JUVENILE DELINQUENCY INTO ADULT CRIME Friday, November 16 - 11:00 am to 12:20 pm Sandburg 3, 7th Floor Introduction Rolf Loeber, University of Pittsburgh Criminal Careers Arjan Blokland, NSCR Context Effects on Criminal Careers of Young Adult Offenders Henk Elffers, Netherlands Institute for the Study of Crime and Law Enforcement Special Offender Groups Catrien Bijleveld, NSCR Justice Response André Van der Laan, WODC European Perspectives Martin Killias, Zurich University, Switzerland Outcomes of the Dutch Study Group on the Transition from Juvenile Delinquency into Adult Crime Peter H. van der Laan, NSCR / VU University Amsterdam SESSION 702: ROUNDTABLE: WOMEN IN PRISON IN ENGLAND AND WALES AND SOUTH KOREA Friday, November 16 - 11:00 am to 12:20 pm Sandburg 4, 7th Floor Chair: Rosemary Lorraine Gido, The Prison Journal Discussants: Janice Joseph, Richard Stockton College of New Jersey Bitna Kim, Indiana University of Pennsylvania Soo-Jung Byoun, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 311 FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 16 SESSION 703: ROUNDTABLE: GANG TALK IN THE STATE OF UNREASON Friday, November 16 - 11:00 am to 12:20 pm Sandburg 5, 7th Floor Gang Talking Fantasies and Realities in the U.K. Simon Russell Hallsworth, University Campus Suffolk Looking for Gangs in all the Wrong Places: The ICE Attack on Long Island David Charles Brotherton, John Jay College of Criminal Justice Discussants: Luca Palmus, University of Genoa Sandra M. Bucerius, University of Toronto SESSION 704: ROUNDTABLE: GENDER DYNAMICS AND RESPONDING TO THE CHALLENGING OR RESISTANT STUDENT Friday, November 16 - 11:00 am to 12:20 pm Sandburg 7, 7th Floor Chair: Allison Foley, Augusta State University Discussants: Stephen P. Hagan, McKendree University Jennifer Hartsfield, Bridgewater State University Kristi Holsinger, University of Missouri - Kansas City Jesenia Pizarro, Michigan State University Christine Rasche, University of North Florida Robin A Robinson, University of Massachusetts Dartmouth SESSION 705: GENDER AND DRUGS II Friday, November 16 - 11:00 am to 12:20 pm Spire Parlor, 6th Floor Chair: Martin Hall, University of Louisville Being an Addicted Criminal Mother: An Understanding of Intricate Relationships Amelie Couvrette, Université de Montréal Serge Brochu, Université de Montréal Chantal Plourde, Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières Methamphetamine Use and Motherhood Mikhial Vincent Gunderman, University of Missouri - St. Louis Involvement in Substance Use among Women on Probation and Parole: An Attachment and Coping Perspective Amanda J. Dishon, University of Louisville Tanya Renn, University of Louisville Seana Golder, University of Louisville Prescription Opioid Misuse among Women on Probation and Parole Martin Hall, University of Louisville Seana Golder, University of Louisville Tanya Renn, University of Louisville Amanda J. Dishon, University of Louisville George Higgins, University of Louisville T.K. Logan, University of Kentucky 312 FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 16 THEMATIC SESSION SESSION 706: RESULTS FROM THE NATIONAL POLICE RESEARCH PLATFORM LONGITUDINAL STUDIES OF NEW RECRUITS AND SUPERVISORS Friday, November 16 - 12:30 pm to 1:50 pm Burnham 2, 7th Floor Chair: Lorie Ann Fridell, University of South Florida Coping with a High-Stress Environment: A Longitudinal Look at Police Recruits William P. McCarty, University of Illinois at Chicago Daniel S. Lawrence, University of Illinois at Chicago Chi C. Cho, University of Illinois at Chicago Predicting Procedurally Just Behavior: Examining Personality and Communication Styles in New Officers Daniel S. Lawrence, University of Illinois at Chicago Dennis P. Rosenbaum, University of Illinois at Chicago Analyzing Organizational Commitment as a Mediator Between Procedural Justice and Burnout and Cynicism in Police Supervisors Chris Donner, University of South Florida Lorie Ann Fridell, University of South Florida Community Cynicism Trajectories in New Officers Jennifer L. Lanterman, University of Nevada, Reno Jon Maskaly, University of South Florida Megan Alderden, Saint Xavier University Dennis P. Rosenbaum, University of Illinois at Chicago Lorie Ann Fridell, University of South Florida Discussant: Ellen Scrivner, Office of National Drug Control Policy THEMATIC SESSION SESSION 707: UNITED NATIONS PANEL II: DEMOCRATIC POLICING AND HUMAN RIGHTS MODELS AND MEASUREMENT Friday, November 16 - 12:30 pm to 1:50 pm Chicago Room, 5th Floor Chair: Kristiina Kangaspunta, UNICRI Modern Forms of Policing in the Context of Human Rights Elmar Weitekamp, University of Tuebingen Stephan Parmentier, Leuven University Policing and Human Rights: Some Notes from Ethnography Peter K. Manning, Northeastern University Measuring All that Matters: A Case for Assessing Police Human Rights Interventions Jack Greene, Northeastern University Contemporary Community Policing and Human Rights in Slovenia: Results from Focus Group Interviews Gorazd Mesko, University of Maribor, FCJS Discussant: Kristiina Kangaspunta, UNICRI 313 FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 16 THEMATIC SESSION SESSION 708: THE NATIONAL INSIDE-OUT PRISON EXCHANGE PROGRAM: RESEARCH AND ETHICS Friday, November 16 - 12:30 pm to 1:50 pm Clark 5, 7th Floor Exploring How Change Happens in Inside-Out Courses M. Kay Harris, Temple University Challenges Conducting Research in the Inside-Out (I/O) Context Angela Bryant, Ohio State University - Newark Yasser Payne, University of Delaware The Inside-Out Learning Experience: A Pilot Study of Individual and Collective Efficacy Sarah Allred, Berry College A Unified Voice: Student Perspectives of the Inside-Out Experience Aryn Howland, Morehead State University Stephanie Butler, Morehead State University Discussant: Katie Pantaleo, Lock Haven University THEMATIC SESSION SESSION 709: NEW PERSPECTIVES ON CHILDREN OF INCARCERATED PARENTS Friday, November 16 - 12:30 pm to 1:50 pm Clark 7, 7th Floor Children of Incarcerated Mothers: The Relationship between Mother-Child Contact, Caregiving Instability and Problem Behavior Sanne Hissel, VU University Amsterdam / Netherlands Institute for the Study of Crime and Law Enforcement Catrien Bijleveld, NSCR Mirjam Oosterman, VU University Amsterdam Carlo Schuengel, VU University Amsterdam Peter H. van der Laan, NSCR / VU University Amsterdam Adult Criminal Outcomes in an At-Risk Sample of Youth Jane A. Siegel, Rutgers University Pathways to Resiliency for Children of Incarcerated Parents Kate Luther, Pacific Lutheran University Discussant: Sara Wakefield, University of California, Irvine THEMATIC SESSION SESSION 710: CRIME AND JUSTICE ISSUES IN ARMENIA, HONDURAS, EUROPE AND THE UNITED STATES Friday, November 16 - 12:30 pm to 1:50 pm Clark 9, 7th Floor Chair: Fawn T. Ngo, University of South Florida, Sarasota-Manatee The Nature of Pre-Trial Detention for Juveniles in the Republic of Armenia Satenik Margaryan, Montclair State University Aleksandr Khechumian, Max Planck Institute for Foreign and International Criminal Law A Study of Attitudes and Perceptions of Honduran Police Officers Wayne J. Pitts, RTI International 314 FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 16 Treatment of Elderly Prisoners under European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms Aleksandr Khechumian, Max Planck Institute for Foreign and International Criminal Law Examining the Behavioral Reactions among Stalking Victims and Assessing the Effectiveness of Legal and Social Responses to Stalking Fawn T. Ngo, University of South Florida, Sarasota-Manatee THEMATIC SESSION SESSION 711: COMMUNITY PERCEPTIONS OF INTIMATE PARTNER ABUSE AMONG HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS Friday, November 16 - 12:30 pm to 1:50 pm Dearborn 1, 7th Floor Chair: Helen Marie Eigenberg, University of Tennessee at Chattanooga Youth Impressions of Intimate Partner Abuse in High School Sharon Redhawk Love, University of Tennessee at Chattanooga Roger Thompson, University of Tennessee at Chattanooga Community Impressions of Intimate Partner Violence among High School Students Sharon Redhawk Love, University of Tennessee at Chattanooga College Students’ Assessment of the Nature of Intimate Partner Abuse in High Schools Helen Marie Eigenberg, University of Tennessee at Chattanooga School Staff and Their Views about Intimate Partner Abuse in High Schools Helen Marie Eigenberg, University of Tennessee at Chattanooga Beth Dodd, University of Tennessee at Chattanooga THEMATIC SESSION SESSION 712: CRIME AND JUSTICE IN AMERICA, 1975-2025: PUNISHMENT AND PREVENTION Friday, November 16 - 12:30 pm to 1:50 pm Empire Room, Lobby Level Chair: Michael Tonry, University of Minnesota / NSCR Crime and Justice, 1975-2025: Deterrence Daniel Nagin, Carnegie Mellon University Crime and Justice, 1975-2025: Sentencing Michael Tonry, University of Minnesota / NSCR Crime and Justice, 1975-2025: Policing Lawrence W. Sherman, Cambridge University / University of Maryland Comments David P. Farrington, Cambridge University Discussant: Michael Tonry, University of Minnesota / NSCR THEMATIC SESSION SESSION 713: METHODOLOGICAL ISSUES IN BIOSOCIAL RESEARCH Friday, November 16 - 12:30 pm to 1:50 pm Indiana Room, 3rd Floor Marriage, Employment, and Criminal Behavior: A Behavioral Genetic Analysis Danielle Boisvert, Sam Houston State University 315 FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 16 Risk, Resilience, and Antisocial Behavior: An Investigation of the Orchid Hypothesis Jamie Newsome, University of Texas at San Antonio Christopher J. Sullivan, University of Cincinnati Michael Benson, University of Cincinnati Statistical Issues in Gene x Environment Research Jamie Vaske, Western Carolina University Jeffrey T. Ward, University of Texas at San Antonio The Stability of Self-Control in Early Childhood Michelle Anne Coyne, University of Cincinnati John Paul Wright, University of Cincinnati THEMATIC SESSION SESSION 714: OFFICE OF JUVENILE JUSTICE AND DELINQUENCY PREVENTION MENTORING RESEARCH STUDIES AND FINDINGS Friday, November 16 - 12:30 pm to 1:50 pm LaSalle 2, 7th Floor Chair: Jennifer Tyson, U.S. DOJ, Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Moving towards Evidence-Based Mentoring: OJJDP’s Mentoring Research and Programming Michael Alan Shader, Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Jennifer Tyson, U.S. DOJ, Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Barbara Tatem Kelley, Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (USDOJ) Paid Mentoring Evaluation Stephanie Hawkins Anderson, RTI International James Trudeau, RTI International Kimberly Breeden, Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Triangle Putting Empirically Supported Practices to the Test: The Youth-Centered Match Support Study David DuBois, University of Illinois at Chicago Youth Mentoring for Juvenile Justice System-Involved Youth: An Exploratory Analysis of the Referral Stage J. Mitchell Miller, University of Texas at San Antonio Holly Ventura Miller, University of Texas at San Antonio J.C. Barnes, University of Texas at Dallas THEMATIC SESSION SESSION 715: INDIGENOUS PEOPLES AND THE PROBLEM OF CRIMINOLOGY Friday, November 16 - 12:30 pm to 1:50 pm LaSalle 5, 7th Floor Indigenous European Justice and Other Indigenous Justices Biko Agozino, Virginia Tech Empowering Indigenous Justice in the Neocolonial Context Juan Marcellus Tauri, Queensland University of Technology Changing Narratives: Colonized Peoples and the Problem of Criminology Chris Cunneen, James Cook University Discussant: James Opolot, Texas Southern University 316 FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 16 THEMATIC SESSION SESSION 716: PUNISHMENT AND SOCIETY: THE POLITICAL VARIABLE, COMPARATIVELY (ORGANIZED BY THE JOURNAL "PUNISHMENT AND SOCIETY") Friday, November 16 - 12:30 pm to 1:50 pm Price Room, 5th Floor Chair: Dario Melossi, University of Bologna Migration and Imprisonment: Comparing the European Union and the United States Dario Melossi, University of Bologna Mapping the Shadow Carceral State: Toward an Institutionally Capacious Approach to Punishment Katherine Beckett, University of Washington Naomi Murakawa, University of Washington Transition to Democracy, Politics and Punishment in Argentina Maximo Sozzo, Universidad Nacional del Litoral, Santa Fe, Argentina Discussant: Joachim J. Savelsberg, University of Minnesota THEMATIC SESSION SESSION 717: THE INTERNATIONAL CONTROL OF MONEY LAUNDERING Friday, November 16 - 12:30 pm to 1:50 pm Salon 10, 3rd floor Chair: Michael Levi, Cardiff University Criminalizing International Finance or Financializing International Crime? The Inexorable Creep of Global Regulation of Anti-Money Laundering Terry Halliday, American Bar Foundation Michael Levi, Cardiff University Peter Reuter, University of Maryland Intelligence-Led Illusions Luuk Ritzen, Maastricht University Hans Nelen, Maastricht University Anti-Money Laundering in Eastern Europe Philip Gounev, Center for the Study of Democracy Discussant: Terry Halliday, American Bar Foundation THEMATIC SESSION SESSION 718: CRIME AND PLACE: ADVANCED MODELING OF CRIME AND PLACE Friday, November 16 - 12:30 pm to 1:50 pm Salon 12, 3rd Floor Chair: Kim Rossmo, Texas State University Spatial and Temporal Patterns in Serial Crime Kim Rossmo, Texas State University Anne Li Kringen, Texas State University - San Marcos Jonathan G. Allen, Texas State University The Influence of Offender Mobility on the Likelihood of Arrest of Serial Offenders Marre Lammers, Netherlands Institute for the Study of Crime and Law Enforcement Wim Bernasco, Netherlands Institute for the Study of Crime and Law Enforcement 317 FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 16 Identifying Suspects, Discovering New Offenders, and Linking Crimes: Crime Series Identification Using Model-Based Clustering Michael D. Porter, GeoEye Analytics Brian J. Reich, North Carolina State University Generative Explanations Of Crime: Using Simulation to Explore Criminological Theory Daniel Birks, Griffith University Timing Crime: Spatio-Temporal Aspects of Criminal Target Choice Stijn Ruiter, NSCR Wim Bernasco, Netherlands Institute for the Study of Crime and Law Enforcement Discussant: Shane Johnson, University College London THEMATIC SESSION SESSION 719: CONSEQUENCES OF CHILDHOOD MALTREATMENT Friday, November 16 - 12:30 pm to 1:50 pm Salon 2, 3rd Floor Trajectories of Risk Associated with Childhood Abuse and Neglect of Low-Income Urban African American Girls Helen W. Wilson, Rosalind Franklin University of Medicine and Science Does Having a Relationship with a Significant Adult Reduce the Risk of Delinquency for Maltreated Children? Carly Baetz, John Jay College of Criminal Justice Cathy Spatz Widom, John Jay College of Criminal Justice Pathways from Child Maltreatment to Alcohol Use in Middle Adulthood: The Role of Adolescent and Young Adult Problem Behaviors and Neighborhood Characteristics Preeti Chauhan, John Jay College of Criminal Justice Cathy Spatz Widom, John Jay College of Criminal Justice THEMATIC SESSION SESSION 720: EFFECTS OF THE COMMUNITIES THAT CARE PREVENTION SYSTEM ON ADOLESCENT DRUG USE, DELINQUENCY, AND VIOLENCE: RESULTS FROM A COMMUNITY RANDOMIZED TRIAL Friday, November 16 - 12:30 pm to 1:50 pm Salon 5, 3rd Floor Chair: J. David Hawkins, University of Washington The Implementation of Prevention Programs in the Community Youth Development Study Abigail A. Fagan, Florida State University Koren Hanson, University of Washington Michael Arthur, University of Washington J. David Hawkins, University of Washington Sustained Decreases in Risk Exposure and Youth Problem Behaviors after Installation of the Communities that Care Prevention System Sabrina Oesterle, University of Washington J. David Hawkins, University of Washington Eric Brown, University of Washington Kathryn Monahan, University of Pittsburgh Robert Abbott, University of Washington Michael Arthur, University of Washington Richard Catalano, University of Washington 318 FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 16 Communities that Care is a Good Investment: A Cost-Benefit Analysis of Eighth Grade Prevention Effects Margaret Kuklinski, University of Washington John Briney, University of Washington J. David Hawkins, University of Washington Richard Catalano, University of Washington Discussant: Delbert Elliott, University of Colorado THEMATIC SESSION SESSION 721: EXPERIMENTAL CRIMINOLOGY: THE SOCIOLOGY OF KNOWLEDGE GENERATION - THE PEOPLE AND AGENCIES BEHIND EXPERIMENTAL AND QUASIEXPERIMENTAL RESEARCH IN POLICING (ORGANIZED BY THE DIVISION OF EXPERIMENTAL CRIMINOLOGY) Friday, November 16 - 12:30 pm to 1:50 pm Salon 6, 3rd Floor Chair: Cynthia Lum, George Mason University Who Generates Police Evaluation Research? A Description of Agencies Breanne Cave, George Mason University Julie Grieco, George Mason University Cody Telep, George Mason University Repeat Players and Rigorous Police Evaluation Research Julie Grieco, George Mason University Breanne Cave, George Mason University Cody Telep, George Mason University The Receptivity of Police to Research Cody Telep, George Mason University Cynthia Lum, George Mason University Christopher Koper, George Mason University Discussants: Cody Telep, George Mason University Christopher Koper, George Mason University THEMATIC SESSION SESSION 722: THE UTILITY OF NIBRS FOR VIOLENCE RESEARCH Friday, November 16 - 12:30 pm to 1:50 pm Salon 7, 3rd Floor Chair: Donald Faggiani, University of Wisconsin - Oshkosh Understanding Hate as a Motivation for Violent Crime James J. Nolan, West Virginia University Karen Weiss, West Virginia University Getting the Crime Rate Down, Revisited: Completed, Attempted, and Downgraded Crimes Daniel Bibel, Massachusetts State Police Lynn A. Addington, American University A Criminal Opportunity Model of Violence Against Police: A Hierarchical Examination of the Role of an Offender’s Criminal History on Assaults Against Law Enforcement Donald Faggiani, University of Wisconsin - Oshkosh Daniel Bibel, Massachusetts State Police 319 FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 16 Annual NIBRS Victim, Offender, and Arrest Counts and Rates by Age, Race Roland Chilton, University of Massachusetts Amherst Discussant: Lynn A. Addington, American University RECEPTION SESSION 723: DIVISION OF INTERNATIONAL CRIMINOLOGY AWARDS PRESENTATION AND RECEPTION (OPEN TO ALL PARTICIPANTS) Friday, November 16 - 12:30 pm to 1:50 pm Adams Room, 6th Floor MEETING SESSION 724: THE SCIENTIFIC ADVISORY COMMITTEE OF THE NSCR (CLOSED SESSION) Friday, November 16 - 12:30 pm to 1:50 pm Medinah Parlor, 6th Floor MEETING SESSION 725: DIVISION ON PEOPLE OF COLOR AND CRIME LUNCHEON & SYMPOSIUM Friday, November 16 - 12:30 pm to 2:00 pm Monroe Room, 6th Floor MEETING SESSION 726: RUTGERS UNIVERSITY ALUMNI ASSOCIATION LUNCHEON Friday, November 16 - 12:30 pm to 2:00 pm Wabash Room, 3rd Floor SESSION 727: MARITAL STATUS AND VICTIMIZATION Friday, November 16 - 12:30 pm to 1:50 pm Buckingham Room, 5th Floor Chair: Walter S. DeKeseredy, University of Ontario Institute of Technology Abusive Men's Indirect Control of Their Partner during the Process of Separation Brittany E. Hayes, John Jay College of Criminal Justice, CUNY Intimate Partner Violence in First Marriages and Cohabitations: The Salience of Adolescent Victimization Danielle Kuhl, Bowling Green State University David F. Warner, University of Nebraska - Lincoln Variations in Predictors of Separation/Divorce Assault across Geographical Regions Walter S. DeKeseredy, University of Ontario Institute of Technology Callie Marie Rennison, University of Colorado - Denver SESSION 728: POLICING HIGH-ACTIVITY CRIME PLACES Friday, November 16 - 12:30 pm to 1:50 pm Burnham 1, 7th Floor Chair: Shea W. Cronin, Boston University Increased Police Patrols around Hot Spots Matthias Baenziger, University of Zurich, Switzerland Martin Killias, Zurich University, Switzerland An Evaluation of a Police Intervention on Budget Motels Emmanuel Barthe, University of Nevada, Reno Matthew C. Leone, University of Nevada 320 FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 16 Profiling or 'Good Policing'? A Preliminary Overlay of NYPD Stop-Question-Frisk Contacts and NYC Crime Hotspots Heather Burns, Seattle University “Cops on the Dots” in Time?: Evaluating CompStat’s Effect on Focused Policing across Time and Space Shea W. Cronin, Boston University SESSION 729: PROSECUTORS AND DEFENSE ATTORNEYS Friday, November 16 - 12:30 pm to 1:50 pm Burnham 4, 7th Floor Chair: Mark Motivans, U.S. Department of Justice Implementation of the Victims of Trafficking and Violence Prevention Act: Patterns from a Decade of Federal Prosecutions Amy Farrell, Northeastern University Job Stress among Public Defenders: A Multilevel Analysis Tae Choo, Gainesville State College Hoon Lee, Western Carolina University Partisanship and Indigent Defense Spending: A Sample of State Public Defender Offices Sean M. Falconer, Washington State University Christopher M. Campbell, Washington State University Lauren Block, Washington State University Mia J. Abboud, Washington State University The Effects of Attorney Type on Sentencing Outcomes M.J. Gathings, North Carolina State University Kylie Parrotta, Delaware State University SESSION 730: INTERNATIONAL PERSPECTIVES ON PERCEPTIONS OF CRIME Friday, November 16 - 12:30 pm to 1:50 pm Clark 3, 7th Floor Chair: Marlyn J. Jones, California State University, Sacramento Arab-Israeli Women’s Attitudes toward Punishing Violent Husbands and Helping Battered Women Amart Zaatut, Rutgers University Code of the Rez: Perceptions of Violence, Crime and Justice in Indian Country Favian Alejandro Martin, Old Dominion University Trust in Justice in Japan Koichi Hamai, Ryukoku University Masahiro Tsushima, Ryukoku University Understanding Crime and Crime Rate in China Moulin Xiong, Southwestern University of Finance and Economics Analysis of Suicides in a High-Violence Caribbean Society Marlyn J. Jones, California State University, Sacramento SESSION 731: TERRORIST, DRUG, AND SMUGGLING ORGANIZATIONS Friday, November 16 - 12:30 pm to 1:50 pm Cresthill Room, 3rd Floor Chair: Gregg W. Etter, University of Central Missouri Terrorism, Drugs, and Organized Crime: The New Alliances, Business Models, and Criminal Justice Challenges Richard H. Hubbard, Private Attorney Designating Mexican Drug Trafficking Organizations as Foreign Terrorist Groups Dean C. Alexander, Western Illinois University 321 FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 16 The Morphology of South-East Asian Drug Trafficking Syndicates in Australia Vy Kim Le, Queensland University of Technology The Virtualization of Retail Level Stimulant Drug Markets Judith Aldridge, University of Manchester Majid Yar, University of Hull Women's Experiences as Human Smugglers on the U.S. Mexico Border Gabriella Erendira Sanchez, Arizona State University SESSION 732: SPECIAL POPULATIONS IN CORRECTIONAL INSTITUTIONS Friday, November 16 - 12:30 pm to 1:50 pm Dearborn 2, 7th Floor Chair: Melissa J. Stacer, University of Southern Indiana Older Prison Inmates - An Accelerating Development? Joachim Obergfell-Fuchs, Department of Corrections Baden-Wuerttemberg The "Doing Time" Experiences of Sex Offenders: A Critical Assessment of the Effectiveness of Imprisonment Policies and Reintegration Outcomes Emma R. Willis, Appalachian State University Barbara H. Zaitzow, Appalachian State University The Experiences of Transgender and Gender Variant People in Women's Correctional Facilities Elisabeth Marie Long, University of Colorado - Boulder Veterans in Prison: Adaptation to Institutional Environments Melissa J. Stacer, University of Southern Indiana Monica Solinas-Saunders, Indiana University Northwest SESSION 733: NEW THOUGHTS ON CULTURE, NORMS AND VIOLENCE Friday, November 16 - 12:30 pm to 1:50 pm Kimball Room, 3rd Floor Chair: Mark Konty, Public Scholar Cultural Roots and Social Implications of the Sovereign Citizen Movement in the United States Shela R. Van Ness, University of Tennessee at Chattanooga Merton with Energy, Katz with Structure, Jock Young with Facebook Landon Shane Bevier, University of Tennessee The Contagion of Violence: How Violent Crime Spreads Gary Slutkin, University of Illinois at Chicago Charles Ransford, University of Illinois at Chicago Murder, Suicide, and Political Intrigue: Images of Crime and Punishment in Opera Barbara Ann Stolz, U.S. GAO SESSION 734: THE COLLATERAL CONSEQUENCES OF INCARCERATION II Friday, November 16 - 12:30 pm to 1:50 pm LaSalle 1, 7th Floor Chair: Christopher Uggen, University of Minnesota The Public Health Implications of Prisoner Reentry: California's Experience Lois Davis, RAND Corporation Unpaid Debt to Society: Exploring How Ex-felons View Restrictions on Voting Rights after the Completion of Their Sentence Bryan Lee Miller, Georgia Southern University Collateral Consequence Laws and State Rates of Returns to Prison Tracy Sohoni, University of Maryland, College Park 322 FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 16 The Contingent Effect of Incarceration on State Health Outcomes Christopher Uggen, University of Minnesota Jason Schnittker, University of Pennsylvania Sarah Shannon, University of Minnesota Michael Massoglia, University of Wisconsin SESSION 735: HISTORICAL DYNAMICS OF THE U.S. CRIMINAL JUSTICE SYSTEM Friday, November 16 - 12:30 pm to 1:50 pm LaSalle 3, 7th Floor Chair: Claudio G. Vera Sanchez, San Jose State University From Impostor Rule to Identity Theft Laws: The Development of Financial Identity in America Jennifer Trost, Utica College Plantations to Penitentiaries, Poor Relief to PRWOA: Du Boisian Meditations on Punishment and the Politics of Provision Reuben Miller, Loyola University Chicago Prisoner Reentry and Programming Trends in the Federal System Jeri Kirby, West Virginia University Police Legitimacy for Latinos and African Americans: Where the Ghetto leaves off for African Americans Anti-Immigration Continues for Latinos Claudio G. Vera Sanchez, San Jose State University SESSION 736: SOCIAL CONTROL THEORY Friday, November 16 - 12:30 pm to 1:50 pm Logan Room, 3rd Floor Chair: Marthinus C. Koen, George Mason University Household Work Arrangements, Gaps in Parental Control, and Socially Undesirable Behaviors among Adolescents: Evidence from the National Longitudinal Study of Youth Joshua A. Hendrix, North Carolina State University Reconceptualizing Social Control Theory: Dynamics of Stability Frustration D. Kyle Sutherland, University of Ontario Institute of Technology Perceived Certainty and Rural Delinquency - The Comparative Effect of Formal and Informal Social Control on Drug Use by Rural Adolescents Scott Akins, Oregon State University Richard Stansfield, University of Delaware Charles Lanfear, Oregon State University Social Control: A Comprehensive Definition Marthinus C. Koen, George Mason University Kerri Christina Legette, George Mason University SESSION 737: SEX OFFENDERS: PATTERNS OF OFFENDING Friday, November 16 - 12:30 pm to 1:50 pm Madison Room, 3rd Floor Chair: James Byrne, University of Massachusetts Lowell Examining the Impact of Maltreatment Early in Life on Adult Offending among Incarcerated Sex Offenders Amy Reckdenwald, University of Central Florida Christina Mancini, Florida Atlantic University Eric Beauregard, Simon Fraser University Female Sex Offenders: Comparisons to Other Female Offenders and Male Sex Offenders Kimberly A. Bender, Michigan State University Sheryl Kubiak, Michigan State University Poco Kernsmith, Wayne State University Roger Kernsmith, Eastern Michigan University 323 FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 16 Offending Patterns of Serial Sex Offenders: A Close Look at Specialization, Escalation, and De-Escalation of Sexually Intrusive and Violent Behaviors Ashley N. Hewitt, Simon Fraser University Eric Beauregard, Simon Fraser University Patterns in the Adolescent Criminal Careers of Male Juvenile Sex Offenders Prior to the Onset of Sex Offending Jesse Cale, Griffith University Benoit Leclerc, Griffith University Christopher Dowling, Griffith University Stephen Smallbone, Griffith University Comparative Analysis of Behavioral Patterns in Single versus Serial Rapists Erin Kearns, American University C. Gabrielle Salfati, John Jay College of Criminal Justice SESSION 738: PSYCHOLOGICAL AND ORGANIZATIONAL CAUSES OF WHITE-COLLAR OFFENDING Friday, November 16 - 12:30 pm to 1:50 pm Marshfield Room, 3rd Floor Chair: Jeong Hyun Kim, Rutgers University Situational Action Theory and the Causation of White-Collar Crime Aleksandra Jordanoska, Queen Mary, University of London The Role of Disfluency in Hacker’s Appraisal of the Compromised Computer Yaron Shlomi, University of Maryland David Maimon, University of Maryland Michel Cukier, University of Maryland A Study of Information Theft Patterns and Causes by Organizational Types Jeong Hyun Kim, Rutgers University SESSION 739: INTIMATE PARTNER VIOLENCE AMONG SAME-SEX COUPLES Friday, November 16 - 12:30 pm to 1:50 pm Millennium Parlor, 6th Floor Chair: Leana Bouffard, Sam Houston State University An Exploration of Risk Factors for Perpetration of Same-Sex Intimate Partner Violence among LGB Juan Barredo, University of Central Florida Xavier Guadalupe-Diaz, University of Central Florida Same-Sex Intimate Partner Violence: An Analysis of Violence among Gay Men Caryn Bell Gerstenberger, University of California, Riverside Sexual Orientation and the Health Consequences of Intimate Partner Violence Maria Koeppel, Sam Houston State University Leana Bouffard, Sam Houston State University SESSION 740: SOCIAL NETWORK ANALYSIS AND CRIMINAL ORGANIZATIONS Friday, November 16 - 12:30 pm to 1:50 pm Salon 1, 3rd Floor Chair: Stephane Leman-Langlois, Laval University Co-Offending Networks, Brokerage Positioning, and Versatility in Gang Offending Jason Gravel, Simon Fraser University Martin Bouchard, Simon Fraser University Mi Familia: A Social Network Analysis of the Mexican Mafia Khadija Monk, Bridgewater State University Aili Malm, California State University, Long Beach 324 FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 16 Social Network Analysis of Organized Crime Groups in United Kingdom Miles Tarquin Bonfield, University of Cambridge Barak Ariel, University of Cambridge / Hebrew University The Small World of Al Capone: The Embedded and Multiplex Nature of Organized Crime Chris M. Smith, University of Massachusetts Amherst Andrew Papachristos, Yale University SESSION 741: INTRAGENERATIONAL AND INTERGENERATIONAL SIMILARITY IN OFFENDING Friday, November 16 - 12:30 pm to 1:50 pm Salon 3, 3rd Floor Chair: Richard Spano, Indiana University Intergenerational Consistency of Parents and Children on Achenbach CBCL Behaviors Marvin D. Krohn, University of Florida Rebekah Chu, University at Albany, SUNY Alan J. Lizotte, University at Albany, SUNY Terence P. Thornberry, University of Maryland Arna L. Carlock, University at Albany, SUNY Amanda D. Emmert, University at Albany, SUNY Intergenerational Transmission of Antisociality and the Role of Parenting Practices in Early Childhood Stacy Tzoumakis, Simon Fraser University Patrick Lussier, Universite Laval Raymond R. Corrado, Simon Fraser University Sibling Resemblance in Criminal Behavior Across the Transition to Adulthood Sonja Siennick, Florida State University Roshni T. Ladny, Florida State University The Overlap between Sibling and Index Victim Maltreatment: Quantifying Cumulative Risk of Abuse and Neglect in the Household Richard Spano, Indiana University SESSION 742: RESPONDING TO TERRORISM AND OTHER DISSENTING BEHAVIOR Friday, November 16 - 12:30 pm to 1:50 pm Salon 4, 3rd Floor Chair: Colleen Hackett, University of Colorado - Boulder Some People Just Need Killing: Assassination or Targeted Killing of American Citizens? Thomas R. O'Connor, Austin Peay State University The Law Enforcement Response to Maoist Insurgency: A Network Analysis of State-Society Relations in Contexts of Violence Madhukar Shetty, University at Albany, SUNY Police First Responders' Inside World in Suicide Bomb Attack Evacuation Yosi Hod, Zefat College Brenda Geiger, Western Galilee College Criminalizing Protest, Politicizing Protestors: The Case of Occupy Denver Colleen Hackett, University of Colorado - Boulder SESSION 743: INDIVIDUAL-LEVEL PREDICTORS OF PRISONER REENTRY Friday, November 16 - 12:30 pm to 1:50 pm Salon 8, 3rd Floor Chair: Marcus Kolhman, University of Massachusetts Boston Level of Education and its Impact on Felony Offender Recidivism Andrew Verheek, Western Michigan University Lisa Marie Kruse, Western Michigan University 325 FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 16 Pre-Imprisonment Employment Drops: Another Instance of the Ashenfelter Dip? Charles Loeffler, University of Chicago To be or not to be Old: Ageing in Prison and its Impact on Reintegration Joane Martel, Universite Laval Evaluating Parolees’ Needs and Identifying Risk Factors of Recidivism in a State Parole System Marcus Kolhman, University of Massachusetts Boston Xiaogang Deng, University of Massachusetts Boston Moreno Di Marco, University of Massachusetts Boston Stephanie Hartwell, University of Massachusetts Boston SESSION 744: YOUNG DRUG USERS II Friday, November 16 - 12:30 pm to 1:50 pm Salon 9, 3rd Floor Chair: Brandy Barenna Henderson, University of South Florida Choice of Statistical Technique: Implications for Understanding Sex Differences in Adolescent Substance Use Rachel Bridges Whaley, Southern Illinois University Not What the Doctor Ordered: An Examination of the Non-Medical Use of Prescription Stimulants among College Students Rob Weidner, University of Minnesota - Duluth Jeff Maahs, University of Minnesota - Duluth Perceptions of Illegal Drug Use as a Grouping Factor James Henry Bowers, Saginaw Valley State University Interactive Effects: Peers, Sensation Seeking, and Substance Use Brandy Barenna Henderson, University of South Florida Shayne Jones, University of South Florida Donald R. Lynam, Purdue University SESSION 745: ROUNDTABLE: INJUSTICE BEFORE TRIAL: REVIEWING THE EARLY DECISIONS DURING THE FORMAL CRIMINAL JUSTICE PROCESS AND THE IMPACT THEY MAY HAVE ON CRIMINAL DEFENDANTS Friday, November 16 - 12:30 pm to 1:50 pm Sandburg 2, 7th Floor Discussants: Hamin Shabazz, Stevenson University Patrick Ibe, Albany State University Evaristus Obinyan, Clark Atlanta University SESSION 746: ROUNDTABLE: HEARING THE VOICES OF IMPRISONED WOMEN Friday, November 16 - 12:30 pm to 1:50 pm Sandburg 4, 7th Floor Chair: Azrini Wahidin, Queen's University Belfast Discussants: Ronald Aday, Middle Tennessee State University Meredith Dye, Middle Tennessee State University Christina Quinlan, University College Dublin Mary Corcoran, Keele University Margaret Malloch, University of Stirling SESSION 747: ROUNDTABLE: INTIMATE PARTNER VIOLENCE Friday, November 16 - 12:30 pm to 1:50 pm Sandburg 6, 7th Floor Alone or Together?: A Multilevel Examination of Immigration and Intimate Partner Violence Adrienne Celaya, University of Miami 326 FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 16 Content Analysis of Research Articles on Domestic Violence Perpetrator Treatment Michelle VanNatta, Dominican University Contextual Challenges Facing Domestic Violence Coordinating Committees Mavis Morton, University of Guelph Protecting Black Female Victims of Intimate Partner Abuse Doris Lewis Edmonds, Norfolk State University Self-Control, Parental Neglect, and Intimate Partner Violence Perpetration: Differences for Males and Females Denise Crisafi, University of Central Florida Socially Interactive Technology and Contemporary Dating: A Cross-Cultural Analysis of Intimacy, Hurt, and Intervention Alison Marganski, Virginia Wesleyan College SESSION 748: ROUNDTABLE: MEDICAL MARIJUANA AND THE CRIMINAL JUSTICE SYSTEM Friday, November 16 - 12:30 pm to 1:50 pm Sandburg 8, 7th Floor Chair: Nancy Marion, University of Akron Discussants: David Licate, University of Akron Valerie Callanan, University of Akron Dwayne Jones, University of Akron Patricia Millhoff, University of Akron SESSION 749: MENTAL DISORDER AND OFFENDING Friday, November 16 - 12:30 pm to 1:50 pm Wilson Room, 3rd Floor Chair: Stacy Calhoun, University of California, Irvine / UCLA - ISAP Gendering Depression, Drugs, and Crime among Young Adults Melissa Thompson, Portland State University Hyeyoung Woo, Portland State University Predictors of Arrest amongst People Diagnosed with Major Mental Disorders Ellen Ballard, Georgia State University Brent Teasdale, Georgia State University The Effect of Learning Disabilities on Delinquency among Youth: A Meta-Analysis Mary Katherine Evans, University of Southern Mississippi Mentally Ill Parolees: A Qualitative Exploration of the Factors That Influence Their Criminal Offending Stacy Calhoun, University of California, Irvine / UCLA - ISAP THEMATIC SESSION SESSION 750: COLLEGE STUDENTS AS BYSTANDERS IN PREVENTING AND RESPONDING TO CRIMES AGAINST WOMEN ON COLLEGE CAMPUSES Friday, November 16 - 2:00 pm to 3:20 pm Buckingham Room, 5th Floor Chair: Sarah E. Ullman, University of Illinois at Chicago Frequency and Correlates of Engaging Peers in Sexual Violence Prevention on College Campuses Emily Clear, University of Kentucky Ann Coker, University of Kentucky Corrine Williams, University of Kentucky Bonnie Fisher, University of Cincinnati Suzanne Swan, University of South Carolina 327 FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 16 Frequency and Correlates of Active Bystanding Behaviors to Prevent Dating and Sexual Violence on College Campuses Ann Coker, University of Kentucky Emily Clear, University of Kentucky Corrine Williams, University of Kentucky Timothy Crawford, University of Kentucky Bonnie Fisher, University of Cincinnati Suzanne Swan, University of South Carolina The Context of Bystander Intervention in Dating and Sexual Violence on College Campuses Jane E. Palmer, National Institute of Justice / American University Discussant: Sarah E. Ullman, University of Illinois at Chicago THEMATIC SESSION SESSION 751: POLICE LEGITIMACY AND PROCEDURAL JUSTICE: ITS MEANING AND CONSEQUENCES ACROSS INDIVIDUALS AND COMMUNITIES Friday, November 16 - 2:00 pm to 3:20 pm Burnham 1, 7th Floor Chair: Stephen D. Mastrofski, George Mason University Legitimacy as a Neighborhood Level Construct Tammy Rinehart Kochel, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale Justice Tankebe, University of Cambridge A Grounded Approach to Developing a Police Legitimacy Scale Justice Tankebe, University of Cambridge Tammy Rinehart Kochel, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale The Systematic Observation of Procedural Justice in Police Encounters with the Public Tal Jonathan-Zamir, The Hebrew University Stephen D. Mastrofski, George Mason University James J. Willis, George Mason University Lauren Revier, George Mason University Luke Dillon, George Mason University Policing and Collective Efficacy: Do Perceptions of Police Effectiveness, Legitimacy and Police Strategies Explain Variations in Collective Efficacy Across Urban Neighborhoods? Elise Sargeant, University of Queensland Discussant: Lorraine Mazerolle, University of Queensland SESSION 752: PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT: MEET THE EDITORS PART II - CURRENT ISSUES AND DIRECTIONS Friday, November 16 - 2:00 pm to 3:20 pm Chicago Room, 5th Floor Chair: Michael Rocque, Northeastern University Discussants: D. Wayne Osgood, Pennsylvania State University Rosemary Gartner, University of Toronto Thomas G. Blomberg, Florida State University 328 FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 16 THEMATIC SESSION SESSION 753: NEW DIRECTIONS IN GANG COMPOSITION RESEARCH Friday, November 16 - 2:00 pm to 3:20 pm Clark 5, 7th Floor Chair: Cheryl Maxson, University of California, Irvine The Racial/Ethnic Composition of Gangs Adrienne Freng, University of Wyoming Dena Carson, University of Missouri - St. Louis Finn-Aage Esbensen, University of Missouri - St. Louis Sex Composition of Gangs and Members’ Victimization Dana Peterson, University at Albany, SUNY Dena Carson, University of Missouri - St. Louis Boys by Day: Gang Sexual Orientation Composition's Effects on Gay Gang Members' Activities and Experiences Vanessa R. Panfil, University at Albany, SUNY Discussant: Cheryl Maxson, University of California, Irvine THEMATIC SESSION SESSION 754: OCCUPY CRIMINOLOGY Friday, November 16 - 2:00 pm to 3:20 pm Clark 9, 7th Floor Chair: Deborah Landry, University of Ottawa Talking about a Revolution: Tahrir Square, Indignados, Occupy, and the Cultural Politics of Global Solidarity Cécile Van de Voorde, IHL Consulting Carl Root, University of South Florida Occupy Policing: The Repression of the Occupy Movement and Radical Alternatives to Policing Stanislav Vysotsky, Willamette University Social Institutions and Occupy Wall Street: Examining Police Response Ashley K. Farmer, University of Delaware Benigno Aguirre, University of Delaware Discussant: Deborah Landry, University of Ottawa TRIBUTE SESSION SESSION 755: JAMES F. SHORT, JR.: A TRIBUTE Friday, November 16 - 2:00 pm to 3:20 pm Empire Room, Lobby Level Chair: Robert J. Sampson, Harvard University Participants Alfred Blumstein, Carnegie Mellon University Robert Bursik, University of Missouri - St. Louis James C. ("Buddy") Howell, National Gang Center / Institute for Intergovernmental Research Lorine Hughes, University of Nebraska at Omaha Andrew Papachristos, Yale University James F. Short, Jr., Washington State University 329 FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 16 THEMATIC SESSION SESSION 756: TRAFFICKING IN PERSONS FOR LABOR EXPLOITATION IN THE UNITED STATES Friday, November 16 - 2:00 pm to 3:20 pm LaSalle 3, 7th Floor Chair: Michael Shively, Abt Associates Inc. Looking for a Hidden Population: Measuring Labor Trafficking in a Border County Sheldon X. Zhang, San Diego State University Brian Finch, San Diego State University Understanding the Organization, Operation, and Victimization of Labor Trafficking in the U.S. Colleen Owens, The Urban Institute Meredith Dank, The Urban Institute Amy Farrell, Northeastern University Jack McDevitt, Northeastern University Identifying Indicators of Labor Trafficking of Human Beings Kelle Barrick, RTI International Pam Lattimore, RTI International Discussant: Michael Shively, Abt Associates Inc. THEMATIC SESSION SESSION 757: EXPLORING JUVENILE JUSTICE ISSUES THROUGH A COMMUNITY LENS Friday, November 16 - 2:00 pm to 3:20 pm LaSalle 5, 7th Floor Chair: Jennifer L. Jensen, Vera Institute of Justice / Rutgers University Stop, Question, and Frisk in New York City Brenda J. Velazquez, Vera Institute of Justice Ashley Jackson, Vera Institute of Justice Jennifer Fratello, Vera Institute of Justice Sydney McKinney, Vera Institute of Justice Andres F. Rengifo, Rutgers University The Impact of School Climate and Policy on Delinquency and Justice System Careers Julia Kennard, Vera Institute of Justice Nicholas Wical, Vera Institute of Justice Reagan Daly, Vera Institute of Justice Disproportionate Minority Contact: Understanding the Perspectives of Youth and Community Members Jennifer L. Jensen, Vera Institute of Justice / Rutgers University Jennifer Fratello, Vera Institute of Justice Nicholas Wical, Vera Institute of Justice Discussant: Andres F. Rengifo, Rutgers University 330 FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 16 THEMATIC SESSION SESSION 758: THE OFFICE OF JUVENILE JUSTICE AND DELINQUENCY PREVENTION RESEARCH RESOURCES: OPPORTUNITIES FOR FUNDING, PUBLICATION, AND DATA Friday, November 16 - 2:00 pm to 3:20 pm Salon 1, 3rd Floor Chair: Brecht Donoghue, Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention OJJDP Research Funding Opportunities Brecht Donoghue, Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention OJJDP Sponsored Journal of Juvenile Justice Monica Robbers, CSR Incorporated / Marymount University OJJDP Youth under Supervision Data Collections Janet Chiancone, Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention THEMATIC SESSION SESSION 759: THE UNINTENDED CONSEQUENCES OF SOCIAL MIX: IMPLICATIONS FOR SOCIAL NETWORKS, COLLECTIVE EFFICACY, CRIME AND VICTIMIZATION Friday, November 16 - 2:00 pm to 3:20 pm Salon 10, 3rd floor Chair: Sandra M. Bucerius, University of Toronto Engineering Change: The "Social Mix" Policy , Its Theoretical Assumptions, and Its Implications for Crime and Violence Prevention Luca Berardi, University of Toronto Declining Crime Rates in Canada’s Largest Social Housing Project: A Story about Collective Efficacy and Cultural Capital Sara K. Thompson, Ryerson University The Unintended Consequences of Social Mix: Effects on Residents’ Networks, Participation in Community Matters, and Community Cohesion Sandra M. Bucerius, University of Toronto Sara K. Thompson, Ryerson University Social Mix and Its Implications for Crime and Violence Mark Luguya, University of Toronto Sandra M. Bucerius, University of Toronto Sara K. Thompson, Ryerson University THEMATIC SESSION SESSION 760: USING DATA FROM THE PATHWAYS TO DESISTANCE STUDY Friday, November 16 - 2:00 pm to 4:50 pm Salon 12, 3rd Floor The Pathways to Desistance Study: Design and Methods Edward P. Mulvey, University of Pittsburgh The Pathways to Desistance Study: Measures over Time Carol A. Schubert, University of Pittsburgh Using the Data to Examine Developmental Trends Robert Brame, University of North Carolina at Charlotte Using the Data to Assessing Policy Impact Thomas A. Loughran, University of Maryland Discussant: Daniel Nagin, Carnegie Mellon University 331 FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 16 THEMATIC SESSION SESSION 761: NEIGHBORHOOD CONTEXTUAL INFLUENCES ON SUBSTANCE USE AND VICTIMIZATION: FINDINGS FROM THE PROJECT ON HUMAN DEVELOPMENT IN CHICAGO NEIGHBORHOODS Friday, November 16 - 2:00 pm to 3:20 pm Salon 2, 3rd Floor Chair: Abigail A. Fagan, Florida State University The Influence of Neighborhood Cultural Norms and Individual Attitudes on Adolescent Delinquency Emily Wright, University of Nebraska at Omaha Abigail A. Fagan, Florida State University Unstructured Time Use: A Multi-Level Investigation of the Role of Collective Efficacy, Low Self-Control, and Routine Activities in Adolescent Substance Use John Michael Eassey, University of Florida Chris Gibson, University of Florida Human Agency, Street Efficacy, and Violent Victimization Among Youth: A Study of Urban Disadvantaged Neighborhoods Chris Gibson, University of Florida Kelsey Antle, University of Florida Multi-Level Risk and Protective Factors for School Victimization in Middle Childhood Holly Foster, Texas A&M University Jeanne Brooks-Gunn, Columbia University Discussant: Chris Gibson, University of Florida THEMATIC SESSION SESSION 762: QUASI-EXPERIMENTAL METHODS IN POLICING AND CRIME Friday, November 16 - 2:00 pm to 3:20 pm Salon 3, 3rd Floor Using Spatial and Temporal Discontinuities to Evaluate the Effect of Police Strength on Crime Ben Grunwald, University of Pennsylvania John M. MacDonald, University of Pennsylvania The Effect of Hot Spots Policing in NYC on Crime and Racial Disparities in Stop Outcomes Jeff Fagan, Columbia University John M. MacDonald, University of Pennsylvania Crime, Policing, and Enforcement Spillover Amanda Geller, Columbia University Jeff Fagan, Columbia University Secondary Effects and Pot: The Effects of Medical Marijuana Dispensaries on Neighborhoods in San Jose George E. Mohler, Santa Clara University George Tita, University of California, Irvine Giulia Berlusconi, Università Cattolica Milan - Transcrime Matthew Valasik, University of California, Irvine THEMATIC SESSION SESSION 763: CRIME AND PLACE: FORMAL AND INFORMAL GUARDIANSHIP Friday, November 16 - 2:00 pm to 3:20 pm Salon 5, 3rd Floor Chair: Maud van Bavel, NSCR / VU University 332 FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 16 Exploring the Relationship between Formal and Informal Guardians in Different Neighbourhoods Maud van Bavel, NSCR / VU University Henk Elffers, Netherlands Institute for the Study of Crime and Law Enforcement Danielle M. Reynald, Griffith University A Quasi-Experimental Evaluation of Near Repeat Surveillance as a Method of Crime Prevention Henk Elffers, Netherlands Institute for the Study of Crime and Law Enforcement Guillaume Beijers, VU University Amsterdam Jasper van der Kemp, VU University Amsterdam Marlijn Peeters, Ghent University Testing the Effect of a Dedicated Team of Patrol Units Dispatched by Video Surveillance Operators: A Randomized Control Trial Eric L. Piza, Rutgers University Joel M. Caplan, Rutgers University Leslie W. Kennedy, Rutgers University The Guardianship Survey: Exploring the Differences between Silent versus Active Crime Witnesses Danielle M. Reynald, Griffith University THEMATIC SESSION SESSION 764: HOW CAN VIOLENCE BE REDUCED AT A GLOBAL SCALE? Friday, November 16 - 2:00 pm to 3:20 pm Salon 6, 3rd Floor Recent Long-Term Violence Reductions in Non-Western and Developing Countries: Are there any Commonalities? Amy Elizabeth Nivette, University of Cambridge World Health Organization and Violence Prevention Alliance: Global Plan of Action for Violence Prevention 2012-2020 Robert Alexander Butchart, World Health Organization Christopher Mikton, World Health Organization Alessandra Guedes, Pan American Health Organization How to Reduce Global Homicide Rates by 70 Percent Manuel Peter Eisner, University of Cambridge Discussant: Richard Rosenfeld, University of Missouri - St. Louis THEMATIC SESSION SESSION 765: THE IMPACT OF NEW YORK STATE’S ROCKEFELLER DRUG LAW REFORM Friday, November 16 - 2:00 pm to 3:20 pm Salon 8, 3rd Floor Chair: Erin J. Farley, Center for Court Innovation Analyzing Drug Law Policy Change in New York City: Findings from Administrative Data Analyses Jim Parsons, Vera Institute of Justice Qing Wei, Vera Institute of Justice Analyzing Drug Law Policy Change in New York City: Findings from Interviews and Case File Reviews Travis Wendel, John Jay College of Criminal Justice, CUNY Ernest Drucker, John Jay College of Criminal Justice, CUNY The Impact of Drug Law Reform on Statewide Treatment and Sentencing Outcomes Erin J. Farley, Center for Court Innovation Michael Rempel, Center for Court Innovation Cost-Benefit Analysis of Judicial Diversion's Impact on Drug Courts in New York State Michael Finigan, NPC Research 333 FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 16 THEMATIC SESSION SESSION 766: THE ROLE OF INTERPERSONAL BEHAVIOR IN DIVERSE POLICING CONTEXTS Friday, November 16 - 2:00 pm to 3:20 pm Salon 9, 3rd Floor Chair: Louise Porter, Griffith University Indigenous Deaths in Police Custody and Custody-Related Operations Louise Porter, Griffith University Misunderstandings as a Challenge in Cross-Cultural Police-Civilian Interactions Paul Taylor, Lancaster University, UK THEMATIC SESSION SESSION 767: EVIDENCE-BASED CRIME POLICY III Friday, November 16 - 2:00 pm to 3:20 pm Water Tower Parlor, 6th Floor Chair: Jonathan Shepherd, Cardiff University Bullying Perpetration and Victimization as Risk Factors for Drug Use Later in Life David P. Farrington, Cambridge University Maria M. Ttofi, Cambridge University Friedrich A. Loesel, University of Cambridge Protective Factors that Interrupt Continuity from School Bullying to Later Offending: A Systematic Review Maria M. Ttofi, Cambridge University David P. Farrington, Cambridge University Friedrich A. Loesel, University of Cambridge The Effects of Scared Straight and Similar Juvenile Awareness Programs on Subsequent Delinquency: An Updated Systematic Review Anthony Petrosino, WestEd Carolyn Turpin-Petrosino, Bridgewater State University Julia Lavenberg, University of Pennsylvania Aftercare Programs for Reducing Recidivism among Juvenile and Young Adult Offenders: A Systematic Review Chrissy James, University of Amsterdam Peter H. van der Laan, NSCR / VU University Amsterdam Geert Jan J.M. Stams, University of Amsterdam Jessica Asscher, University of Amsterdam MEETING SESSION 768: CRIMINOLOGISTS WITHOUT BORDERS (OPEN TO ALL) Friday, November 16 - 2:00 pm to 3:20 pm Adams Room, 6th Floor MEETING SESSION 769: ASC BUSINESS MEETING Friday, November 16 - 2:00 pm to 3:20 pm Clark 8, 7th Floor MEETING SESSION 770: NATIONAL WHITE COLLAR CRIME CENTER MEETING Friday, November 16 - 2:00 pm to 3:20 pm Grant Park Parlor, 6th Floor 334 FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 16 MEETING SESSION 771: DIVISION ON CRITICAL CRIMINOLOGY JOURNAL EDITORIAL BOARD MEETING Friday, November 16 - 2:00 pm to 3:20 pm Hancock Parlor, 6th Floor AUTHOR MEETS CRITICS SESSION 772: TOWARD A UNIFIED CRIMINOLOGY: INTEGRATING ASSUMPTIONS ABOUT CRIME, PEOPLE, AND SOCIETY Friday, November 16 - 2:00 pm to 3:20 pm Crystal Room, 3rd Floor Author Robert Agnew, Emory University Critics Richard B. Felson, Pennsylvania State University Dawn L. Rothe, Old Dominion University Per-Olof H. Wikstrom, University of Cambridge AUTHORS MEETS CRITICS SESSION 773: RACE AND JUSTICE: WRONGFUL CONVICTIONS OF AFRICAN AMERICAN MEN (ORGANIZED BY THE DIVISION ON PEOPLE OF COLOR AND CRIME) Friday, November 16 - 2:00 pm to 3:20 pm Spire Parlor, 6th Floor Authors Marvin D. Free, University of Wisconsin - Whitewater Mitch Ruesink, Waukesha County Technical College Critics John M. Eason, Arizona State University Karen F. Parker, University of Delaware Allison M. Cotton, Metropolitan State College of Denver SESSION 774: WRONGFUL CONVICTIONS AND THE RELIABILITY OF EYEWITNESS IDENTIFICATION Friday, November 16 - 2:00 pm to 3:20 pm Burnham 2, 7th Floor Chair: Anita Kalunta-Crumpton, Texas Southern University Predicting Wrongful Convictions: A Quantitative, Case-Control Analysis of Risk Factors Using Data from the UK William Schmidt, University of Cambridge Application of Manson Criteria in the U.S. Courts of Appeals: A Decade of Eyewitness Evidence in the Lower Courts Mai E. Naito, Sam Houston State University Eyewitness Identification Issues as Reflected in Recent Appellate Court Opinions Rick M. Steinmann, University of South Florida - Tampa Implementing Best Practices in Eyewitness Identification Procedures as a Matter of Due Process Dyan McGuire, Saint Louis University SESSION 775: PLEA BARGAINING, JUROR DECISION MAKING AND POST-CONVICTION SUPERVISION Friday, November 16 - 2:00 pm to 3:20 pm Burnham 4, 7th Floor Chair: Kristin Winokur Early, Justice Research Center 335 FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 16 Negotiating Justice: Defendant Perspectives of Plea Bargaining and Court Processing Jeanette Marie Hussemann, University of Minnesota An Examination of the Effects of Post-Venire Publicity on Juror Decision-making Tarika Daftary-Kapur, Fairleigh Dickinson University Maureen O'Connor, John Jay College of Criminal Justice, CUNY Steven Penrod, John Jay College of Criminal Justice, CUNY Supervised Release: The Forgotten Footnote in Federal Sentencing Christine Scott-Hayward, Columbia Law School SESSION 776: RACE, IMMIGRATION, AND FEAR OF CRIME Friday, November 16 - 2:00 pm to 3:20 pm Clark 3, 7th Floor Chair: Brent Teasdale, Georgia State University In-Group Fear and Changing Attitudes towards Immigration as a Result of September 11th Jared S. Rosenberger, University of Akron Michael Steiner, University of Akron Racial Differences in Socialization about Crime: Impacts on Personal Fear Ashley Price, University of Florida Jodi Lane, University of Florida Scarface Redux: Evolution of the Narco-Migrant Frame in the Twentieth Century Saran Ghatak, Keene State College Niall Moran, Keene State College SESSION 777: PRISONER REENTRY FOR WOMEN III Friday, November 16 - 2:00 pm to 3:20 pm Clark 7, 7th Floor Chair: Geniece A. Crawford, Harvard University Staying Out or Going Back: Re-Entry Experiences of Women Prisoners Susan F. Sharp, University of Oklahoma Juanita Ortiz, University of Illinois Springfield Substance Using Women Returning Home from Jail: Perceived Barriers to Treatment in the Community Thomas P. LeBel, University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee Susan J. Rose, University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee Audrey L. Begun, Ohio State University The Trial after Imprisonment: How Ex-Offender Mothers Rationalize Criminal Activity Post-Release Geniece A. Crawford, Harvard University SESSION 778: VICTIMIZATION ACROSS SEXUAL CONTEXTS Friday, November 16 - 2:00 pm to 3:20 pm Dearborn 1, 7th Floor Chair: Kelly Stout, University of Nevada, Las Vegas Examining Coercion and Harm in a BDSM Subculture Karen Holt, John Jay College of Criminal Justice Exotic Dancing, College Students, and Victimization Jeremy Smith, Sam Houston State University Sexual Behavior in Sin City M. Alexis Kennedy, University of Nevada, Las Vegas Katherine Hertlein, University of Nevada, Las Vegas Tara Emmers-Sommer, University of Nevada, Las Vegas 336 FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 16 Sexual Harassment: The Intersectionality of Gender and Race Janice Joseph, Richard Stockton College of New Jersey Sexual Harassment of Men Kelly Stout, University of Nevada, Las Vegas M. Alexis Kennedy, University of Nevada, Las Vegas SESSION 779: NEW APPROACHES IN BIOSOCIAL CRIMINOLOGY Friday, November 16 - 2:00 pm to 3:20 pm Indiana Room, 3rd Floor Chair: Anthony W. Hoskin, University of Texas of the Permian Basin Adolescent Predictors of Adult Deviance: A Test of the Gene-Environment Interaction Hypothesis Marie Angela Ratchford, Florida State University / Journal of Drug Issues Behavioral Biogenetics in Clinical Criminology: Problems and Prospects Gabriele Rocca, University of Genoa, Italy Alfredo Verde, University of Genoa, Italy Courts' Increasing Consideration of Behavioral Genetics Evidence in Criminal Cases: Results of a Longitudinal Study Deborah Denno, Fordham Law School Criminality and the 2D:4D Digit Ratio: Evidence of Prenatal Androgen Influences Anthony W. Hoskin, University of Texas of the Permian Basin Lee Ellis, Minot State University SESSION 780: THE SPATIAL CONTEXT OF VICTIMIZATION Friday, November 16 - 2:00 pm to 3:20 pm Kimball Room, 3rd Floor Chair: Lior Gideon, John Jay College of Criminal Justice Ecological Correlates of Sex Trafficking in Oklahoma Constance Chapple, University of Oklahoma Meredith Worthen, University of Oklahoma Is Victimization Induced, Indirectly? Dalisha K. Carmichael, John Jay College of Criminal Justice Lawrence Kelly, John Jay College of Criminal Justice Social Support and Perceptions of Community Safety: Preliminary Data Lior Gideon, John Jay College of Criminal Justice SESSION 781: REDUCING RACIAL DISPARITIES IN JUVENILE JUSTICE SYSTEMS Friday, November 16 - 2:00 pm to 3:20 pm LaSalle 1, 7th Floor Chair: Marcia Cohen, Development Services Group, Inc. Specifying the Mechanisms that Contribute to DMC Dusten Hollist, University of Montana - Missoula Normalizing Minority Overrepresentation: Juvenile Justice along the U.S. and Mexico Border Robert J. Durán, New Mexico State University Carlos E. Posadas, New Mexico State University An Exploratory Analysis of Disproportionate Minority Contact in Predominately Minority Populated Counties Chenelle A. Jones, Texas Southern University Measuring Changing Patterns of Racial Disparities in the Juvenile Justice System: Where is the Improvement Occurring? William Feyerherm, Portland State University Marcia Cohen, Development Services Group, Inc. Rachel Stephenson, Development Services Group, Inc. 337 FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 16 Elizabeth Spinney, Development Services Group, Inc. Martha Yeide, Development Services Group, Inc. DMC Case Studies: Jurisdictions Successful in Reducing Racial Disparities in their Juvenile Justice Systems Marcia Cohen, Development Services Group, Inc. Elizabeth Spinney, Development Services Group, Inc. William Feyerherm, Portland State University Rachel Stephenson, Development Services Group, Inc. Martha Yeide, Development Services Group, Inc. SESSION 782: JURY DECISION MAKING IN DEATH PENALTY CASES Friday, November 16 - 2:00 pm to 3:20 pm LaSalle 2, 7th Floor Chair: Ross Kleinstuber, University of Pittsburgh at Johnstown Analyzing the Death Decision Mari Pierce, Pennsylvania State University, Beaver Tina L. Freiburger, University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee Does Mental Health Mitigating Evidence Make a Difference to Jurors in Capital Sentencing Decisions? Leona Deborah Jochnowitz, University at Albany, SUNY Racial Differences among Capital Jurors: Empathy, Trust in Government, and Retributive Attitudes Wanda Foglia, Rowan University “We’re All Born with Equal Opportunities and Equal Choices”: Hegemonic Individualism and Jurors’ Receptivity to Mitigation Ross Kleinstuber, University of Pittsburgh at Johnstown SESSION 783: SOCIAL LEARNING THEORY AND CRIME/DEVIANCE Friday, November 16 - 2:00 pm to 3:20 pm Logan Room, 3rd Floor Chair: Joshua Smallridge, Fairmont State University Innovation and Differential Association Theory Kristopher Proctor, Stanford University Social Learning in Context: Group Homies, Free Arts, and the Modeling of Roles Gabriel T. Cesar, Arizona State University Digital Piracy and Online Sources of Social Learning Joshua Smallridge, Fairmont State University SESSION 784: STRATEGIES FOR MANAGING SEXUAL OFFENDERS Friday, November 16 - 2:00 pm to 3:20 pm Madison Room, 3rd Floor Chair: Denise D. Nation, Winston-Salem State University Civil Commitment of Sexually Violent Offenders: Who Uses It and How? Georgianna Brain, Old Dominion University Parole Officers’ Perceptions of Sex Offender Subtypes Danielle Bailey, University of Nebraska at Omaha Lisa Sample, University of Nebraska at Omaha Technological Innovations and the Community Control of Sex Offenders James Byrne, University of Massachusetts Lowell Donald Rebovich, Utica College Treatment, Reentry, and Management of Sex Offenders John Charles Navarro, Illinois State University Cara E. Rabe-Hemp, Illinois State University 338 FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 16 SESSION 785: VICTIMS, EQUITY, AND JUSTICE IN ENVIRONMENTAL CRIMES Friday, November 16 - 2:00 pm to 3:20 pm Marshfield Room, 3rd Floor Chair: Kimberly L. Barrett, University of South Florida Environmental Crime Victimization in the United States: Exploring Federal Criminal Prosecutions, 2001-11 Melissa L. Jarrell, Texas A&M University - Corpus Christi Joshua Ozymy, Texas A&M University - Corpus Christi Environmental Equity: An Assessment of the Impacts of Uranium Mining Jessica Fry, Michigan State University School Segregation, Income, and Environmental Hazards: An Environmental Justice Study in Western New York Kimberly L. Barrett, University of South Florida Lyndsay N. Boggess, University of South Florida SESSION 786: CRITICAL PERSPECTIVES ON JUSTICE Friday, November 16 - 2:00 pm to 3:20 pm Millennium Parlor, 6th Floor Chair: Peter Brandon Kraska, Eastern Kentucky University Medicine as Means: Medical Ethics within the Criminal Justice Framework Emmanuelle Klossou, Northeastern University Contextualizing Lessons Learned: A Multidisciplinary Approach to Executive Clemency Stephanie Batcheller, New York State Defenders Association Catherine Cerulli, University of Rochester Medical Center The Dynamics of Compliance with Community Sentences: A Critical Analysis Pamela Ugwudike, Swansea University Militarization: A Critical Criminological Framework Peter Brandon Kraska, Eastern Kentucky University SESSION 787: VARIATIONS IN INCARCERATION AMONG NATION-STATES Friday, November 16 - 2:00 pm to 3:20 pm Price Room, 5th Floor Chair: Olena Antonaccio, University of Miami Institutional Anomie and Cross-National Differences in Incarceration Rates Douglas B. Weiss, University of Maryland, College Park Sumit Kumar, University of Maryland Is Canada Adopting the U.S.’ Tough-On-Crime Approach? Testing a Harbinger of Mass Incarceration Daiwon Lee, CUNY Graduate Center / John Jay College of Criminal Justice Lila Kazemian, John Jay College of Criminal Justice, CUNY Mass Prison Releases in the United States and South Africa Susan Smith-Cunnien, University of St. Thomas Paths Not Taken: An Examination of Crime Politics in California's Prison Boom Era Michael C. Campbell, Northern Illinois University SESSION 788: INTERNATIONAL RESEARCH ON DRUG USE, DEALING, AND CONTROL II Friday, November 16 - 2:00 pm to 3:20 pm Salon 4, 3rd Floor Chair: Rebecca Hill, CUNY Graduate Center Changing Drug Use Subculture in China: An Ethnographic Study of Female Club Drug Users Huan Gao, California State University, Stanislaus 339 FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 16 Female Drug Offender Program in Japan Hiroko Goto, Chiba University Law School The Determinants of Youth Drug and Alcohol Use: The Kyrgyzstan Case Erlan Bakiev, Zirve University Bekchoro Aliiaskarov, Turkish National Police Academy Substance Use among Russian Immigrants in Brighton Beach Rebecca Hill, CUNY Graduate Center SESSION 789: EXPERIMENTAL RESEARCH IN CRIMINOLOGY Friday, November 16 - 2:00 pm to 3:20 pm Salon 7, 3rd Floor Chair: Jan W. de Keijser, Leiden University Enhancing Restitution Compliance: An Experimental Approach Brendan Lantz, Pennsylvania State University Andrew Gladfelter, Pennsylvania State University R. Barry Ruback, Pennsylvania State University A Case Study of Implementing a State-Wide Randomized Experimental Design to Evaluate Prison-Based Substance Abuse Treatment Programs Samuel Joseph Scaggs, Florida State University David Ensley, Florida Department of Corrections Bill Bales, Florida State University Catie Lynn Clark, Florida State University Philip Coltharp, Florida Department of Corrections Using a Crime Harm Index as a Prediction Tool: The Development of a U.K. Offender-Based Harm Index Peter William Neyroud, University of Cambridge Lawrence W. Sherman, Cambridge University / University of Maryland Ioana Cosma, University of Cambridge Human Experiments in Virtual Environments: The Virtual Surveillance Lab Stephane Leman-Langlois, Laval University "Voice Your View": Feelings and Experiences of Crime and Incivility among Young People Ryan Aaron Davenport, University College London Will Simm, University of Lancaster SESSION 790: ROUNDTABLE: CURRENT ISSUES IN FEDERAL SENTENCING: FAST-TRACK PROGRAMS FOR IMMIGRATION OFFENSE Friday, November 16 - 2:00 pm to 3:20 pm Sandburg 3, 7th Floor Chair: Shawn Bushway, University at Albany, SUNY Organizational Efficiency and Sentencing Disparity in Federal Sentencing KiDeuk Kim, Urban Institute Discussants: Max Schanzenbach, Northwestern University Jeffery T. Ulmer, Pennsylvania State University SESSION 791: ROUNDTABLE: HOMICIDE AND MAJOR CRIME INVESTIGATION: NEW INSIGHTS AND FUTURE CHALLENGES Friday, November 16 - 2:00 pm to 3:20 pm Sandburg 5, 7th Floor Chairs: Fiona Jane Brookman, University of Glamorgan Edward Maguire, American University 340 FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 16 Factors Associated with Homicide Clearances Charles F. Wellford, University of Maryland Forensic Evidence and Solvability of Major Crimes Michael D. White, Arizona State University David Schroeder, University of New Haven The Communication and Use of Forensic Information by Investigators in Major Crimes William R. King, Sam Houston State University Homicide Investigation in the U.K.: Investigative Challenges and Routine Errors in "Near Miss" Cases Fiona Jane Brookman, University of Glamorgan Homicide Investigation in Trinidad and Tobago Edward Maguire, American University Investigative Errors Kim Rossmo, Texas State University SESSION 792: ROUNDTABLE: JUVENILE JUSTICE AND DELINQUENCY I Friday, November 16 - 2:00 pm to 3:20 pm Sandburg 6, 7th Floor Analysis of Exit Interviews Conducted with Family Therapy Clients and Their Guardians Katarzyna Celinska, John Jay College of Criminal Justice Child Welfare’s Contribution to the Female Delinquency Population: Pathways and Dispositional Outcomes Yu-Ling Chiu, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Decision Time: Foundations of Juvenile Court Judges' Disposition Decisions Brian James Smith, Central Michigan University Mental Health Disorders in Justice System Juveniles: Referral to Services and Recidivism in Adolescence and Young Adulthood Machteld Hoeve, Columbia University / University of Amsterdam Larkin S. McReynolds, Columbia University Gail A. Wasserman, Columbia University Probation Officers’ Perceptions of Juvenile Justice and Attitudes toward Juvenile Offenders in Finland and the United States Kristina Katarina Westerholm, University of Helsinki SESSION 793: ROUNDTABLE: LINEAR TRANSFORMATIONS AND THEIR ADAPTABILITY INTO CRIMINAL JUSTICE MODEL BUILDING Friday, November 16 - 2:00 pm to 3:20 pm Sandburg 7, 7th Floor Chair: Corey R. Carlson, Prairie View A&M University Discussants: Karissa Rodriguez, Prairie View A&M University Joseph O. Ugwu, Prairie View A&M University SESSION 794: FIREARMS AVAILABILITY, ACCESS, AND CARRYING Friday, November 16 - 2:00 pm to 3:20 pm Wilson Room, 3rd Floor Chair: Amanda D. Emmert, University at Albany, SUNY An Examination of the Illegal Firearm Availability and Violent Crime in an Urban City Sung-suk Violet Yu, John Jay College of Criminal Justice Jesenia Pizarro, Michigan State University Predictors of Continuity and Change in Ready Access to a Household Firearm among Adolescents Adam Watkins, Bowling Green State University 341 FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 16 Understanding Adolescent Weapon Carrying Behavior Amanda D. Emmert, University at Albany, SUNY Alan J. Lizotte, University at Albany, SUNY THEMATIC SESSION SESSION 795: NEW FINDINGS AND EXPLANATIONS FOR VICTIMIZATION AMONG HISPANICS/LATINOS Friday, November 16 - 3:30 pm to 4:50 pm Buckingham Room, 5th Floor Chair: Bonnie Fisher, University of Cincinnati Reporting Violence against Women: A Focus on Hispanic Victimization Callie Marie Rennison, University of Colorado - Denver Cultural Influences on the Victimization of Latino Adolescents Chiara Sabina, Pennsylvania State University, Harrisburg Carlos A. Cuevas, Northeastern University Opportunity, Ethnicity, and Adolescent Violence: School-Based Victimization and the Relevance of School Demographic Context Anthony A. Peguero, Virginia Tech Edwardo L. Portillos, University of Colorado - Colorado Springs Juan Carlos González, California State University, Fresno Victimization at the Convergence of Race, Ethnicity, and Criminal Opportunities Arelys Madero-Hernandez, University of Cincinnati Bonnie Fisher, University of Cincinnati Pamela Wilcox, University of Cincinnati THEMATIC SESSION SESSION 796: POLICE ORGANIZATIONAL INFLUENCES AND OUTCOMES Friday, November 16 - 3:30 pm to 4:50 pm Burnham 1, 7th Floor Chair: William Terrill, Michigan State University Organizational Context and Officer Occupational Attitudes: A Multilevel Test of Workgroup Composition and Workgroup Diversity Jason R. Ingram, Illinois State University William Terrill, Michigan State University Policing in an Environment of Increased Workload Demand William Terrill, Michigan State University Michael Rossler, Michigan State University The Effect of Daily Police Workloads on Crime Clearance Aki Roberts, University of New Mexico John M. Roberts, University of New Mexico The Invisible Gatekeepers of Law Enforcement: Police Dispatcher Decision Making and its Influence on 911 Call Outcomes Carlena A. Orosco, Temple University THEMATIC SESSION SESSION 797: CONTEMPORARY APPROACHES TO LATIN@ CRIMINOLOGY II Friday, November 16 - 3:30 pm to 4:50 pm Burnham 2, 7th Floor Chair: Gary Gutierez, Inter Ponce 342 FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 16 Implementation of Gang-Control Collaborative Projects in Utah: The Experience of a Latino Research Partner Moises Prospero, IE Consulting, LLC Policing the Social Landscape of the Inner City: Minority Youth’s Perceptions of Crime and Law Enforcement Xavier Perez, Saint Xavier University Arrest Risk by Latino Ethnicity in the U.S. Mike Tapia, University of Texas at San Antonio Holly Ventura Miller, University of Texas at San Antonio From a Colonial Regime to the New Law and Order Society in Puerto Rico Gary Gutierez, Inter Ponce SESSION 798: STUDENTS MEET SCHOLARS: GENDER AND CRIME Friday, November 16 - 3:30 pm to 4:50 pm Chicago Room, 5th Floor Chair: Jennifer Gatewood Owens, University of Missouri - St. Louis Discussants: Freda Adler, University of Pennsylvania Sally Simpson, University of Maryland Darrell Steffensmeier, Pennsylvania State University Jennifer Cobbina, Michigan State University THEMATIC SESSION SESSION 799: ZOMBIE CRIMINOLOGY: CAN A NATION-CENTRIC DISCIPLINE SURVIVE A GLOBALIZED WORLD CONTEXT? Friday, November 16 - 3:30 pm to 4:50 pm Clark 9, 7th Floor Chair: Nancy A. Wonders, Northern Arizona University New Analytic Tools for a Global Criminology Nancy A. Wonders, Northern Arizona University What Austerity Measures and Structural Adjustment Programs Mean for Criminology Kimberlee G. Waggoner, Old Dominion University Mona J. Danner, Old Dominion University Criminalizing the Undocumented: Using Social Services as a Sifting Mechanism of Control Luis A. Fernandez, Northern Arizona University Bodies that Matter: Criminology and Untenable Life in an Era of Global Danger Meghan McDowell, Arizona State University THEMATIC SESSION SESSION 800: MOTORCYCLE OUTLAWS? BIKER IDENTITIES, NARRATIVES AND CONSUMPTION Friday, November 16 - 3:30 pm to 4:50 pm Cresthill Room, 3rd Floor Chair: Stephen Muzzatti, Ryerson University Riding on the Edge: Sportbikes, Speed and Transgressive Pleasure Stephen Muzzatti, Ryerson University 343 FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 16 Doin’ It In the Dirt: Adventure Touring and the Cultural Contradictions of Off-Road Edgework Raymond Joseph Michalowski, Northern Arizona University Iron Triangle Wrapped in Leather? Political Economy, Strange Bedfellows, and Power Donna Selman, Eastern Michigan University Facebooking Bikers: Outlaw Motorcycle Clubs and the Digital Divide Chris Richardson, University of Western Ontario THEMATIC SESSION SESSION 801: THE AMERICAN PRISON: IMAGINING A DIFFERENT FUTURE II Friday, November 16 - 3:30 pm to 4:50 pm Crystal Room, 3rd Floor Chair: Cheryl Lero Jonson, Northern Kentucky University The Safe Prison Benjamin Steiner, University of Nebraska at Omaha Benjamin Meade, University of South Carolina The Healthy Prison Roberto Hugh Potter, University of Central Florida Jeffrey W. Rosky, University of Central Florida The Private Prison Kevin Wright, Arizona State University The Small Prison Cheryl Lero Jonson, Northern Kentucky University John Eck, University of Cincinnati Francis T. Cullen, University of Cincinnati THEMATIC SESSION SESSION 802: CRITICAL EXPLORATIONS IN CONTEMPORARY PENALITY Friday, November 16 - 3:30 pm to 4:50 pm Dearborn 2, 7th Floor Chair: Chris Cunneen, James Cook University Human Rights and Penal Violence in the Youth Justice Sphere: Contested Discourses and Contradictory Narratives - Global, National, and Local Barry Goldson, University of Liverpool Global Convictism and Colonialism in the History of Penality David Brown, University of New South Wales, Australia Chris Cunneen, James Cook University Locking up the Marginalized: Mental and Cognitive Disability and Prison Eileen Baldry, University of New South Wales, Australia Indigenous Women: Missing Subjects of Penal Discourse and Penal Politics Julie Stubbs, University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia THEMATIC SESSION SESSION 803: NEWS MEDIA COVERAGE OF HOMICIDE Friday, November 16 - 3:30 pm to 4:50 pm LaSalle 2, 7th Floor Chair: Vikas Kumar Gumbhir, Gonzaga University 344 FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 16 Atypical and A Typical Homicide: Testing A Reporter’s Decision To Publish Jaclyn Schildkraut, Texas State University - San Marcos Amy Donley, University of Central Florida Marie Gualtieri, University of Central Florida Homicide in the News: A Mixed Methods Approach to Explaining Media Distortion Laura Davie, University of North Florida Media Coverage of Capital Murder: Exceptions Sustain the Rule Jeffrey Lin, University of Denver Scott Phillips, University of Denver Monster Dearest: The Social Construction of Serial Killers Scott A. Bonn, Drew University THEMATIC SESSION SESSION 804: SPATIAL ANALYSIS OF VIOLENCE AND ALCOHOL OUTLETS Friday, November 16 - 3:30 pm to 4:50 pm LaSalle 3, 7th Floor Chair: Aleksandra J. Snowden, University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee Underlying Risk in Spatial Analysis: Comparing the Suitability of Densities, Rates, and Cumulative Counts in the Ecological Study of Homicide Victimization Gipsy Escobar, Loyola University Chicago Using Spatial Optimization Modeling to Examine Alcohol Beverage Control and to Estimate Future Dispersion of Alcohol Outlets William Alex Pridemore, Indiana University Tony Grubesic, Drexel University Alan T. Murray, Arizona State University Loni Philip Tabb, Drexel University Yin Liu, Arizona State University Ran Wei, Arizona State University Alcohol Outlets and Assaults in a College Town: Accounting for Immediate Environment Characteristics Aleksandra J. Snowden, University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee THEMATIC SESSION SESSION 805: SPATIAL CRIMINOLOGY IN CHINA Friday, November 16 - 3:30 pm to 4:50 pm Price Room, 5th Floor Chair: Shanhe Jiang, University of Toledo Spatial Studies in Criminology and Criminal Justice Shuming Bao, University of Michigan Development of Spatial Criminology and Sociology Lab Deping Xiang, Central China Normal University Spatial Analysis and Its Application in Criminology in China Han Yu, Northwest Missouri State University Shanhe Jiang, University of Toledo Spatial Criminology in China: Review and Prospect Xinyue Ye, Bowling Green State University Shanhe Jiang, University of Toledo Shuming Bao, University of Michigan 345 FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 16 THEMATIC SESSION SESSION 806: GPS MONITORING TECHNOLOGIES AND DOMESTIC VIOLENCE: AN EVALUATION STUDY Friday, November 16 - 3:30 pm to 4:50 pm Salon 1, 3rd Floor Chair: Peggy "Margaret" Conway, Journal of Offender Monitoring Programs Utilizing GPS Electronic Monitoring Technologies in Cases of Domestic Violence during Pretrial: Results from a National Survey of Practitioners Oren M. Gur, University of Illinois at Chicago Edna Erez, University of Illinois at Chicago Peter R. Ibarra, University of Illinois at Chicago Bill Bales, Florida State University Varieties of Implementation: The Case of GPS for Domestic Violence Peter R. Ibarra, University of Illinois at Chicago Edna Erez, University of Illinois at Chicago Bill Bales, Florida State University Oren M. Gur, University of Illinois at Chicago The Impact of Electronic Monitoring Placement and Duration on Outcomes among Domestic Violence Defendants Bill Bales, Florida State University Peter R. Ibarra, University of Illinois at Chicago Edna Erez, University of Illinois at Chicago Oren M. Gur, University of Illinois at Chicago Experiencing GPS Monitoring for Domestic Violence: Interviews with Victims and Defendants Edna Erez, University of Illinois at Chicago Peter R. Ibarra, University of Illinois at Chicago Oren M. Gur, University of Illinois at Chicago Bill Bales, Florida State University THEMATIC SESSION SESSION 807: SENTENCING JUVENILES IN ADULT COURT: CONSIDERATIONS AND CONSEQUENCES Friday, November 16 - 3:30 pm to 4:50 pm Salon 2, 3rd Floor Chair: Megan C. Kurlychek, University at Albany, SUNY Jurisdictional Jeopardy: The Disparate Impact of Juvenile Transfer Laws and the Meaning for American Youth Megan C. Kurlychek, University at Albany, SUNY Adolescent Criminal Responsibility and Sentencing Policy: Roper, Graham, Miller/Jackson, and the Youth Discount Barry C. Feld, University of Minnesota Assessing the Impact of Plea Bargaining in Waiver Decisions Using a Sample of Serious and Violent Juvenile Delinquents John D. Burrow, University of South Carolina Juvenile Status and Sentence Severity: Does it Matter in the Adult System? Kareem L. Jordan, University of Central Florida Discussant: Justin T. Pickett, University at Albany, SUNY 346 FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 16 THEMATIC SESSION SESSION 808: THE INTERPLAY OF ACTIVITY FIELDS, ROUTINE ACTIVITIES, AND RISKY SITUATIONS ON CRIME AND VIOLENCE Friday, November 16 - 3:30 pm to 4:50 pm Salon 3, 3rd Floor Chair: Mark Berg, Indiana University Psychological Traits, Routine Activities, and Activity Fields Ronald Simons, University of Georgia Ashley Barr, University of Georgia How the Nature of Violence is Affected by the Relative Status of Opponents Rosemary Gartner, University of Toronto Elizabeth Griffiths, Rutgers University Carolyn Yule, University of Guelph Gettin’ High, Livin’ in the Fast Lane, and Economic Crime Richard B. Felson, Pennsylvania State University D. Wayne Osgood, Pennsylvania State University Patrick Cundiff, Pennsylvania State University Craig Wiernik, Ohio University Discussant: Mark Berg, Indiana University THEMATIC SESSION SESSION 809: TRADITIONAL ORGANIZED CRIME IN THE MODERN WORLD II Friday, November 16 - 3:30 pm to 4:50 pm Salon 6, 3rd Floor Chair: Dina Siegel, Utrecht University, The Netherlands Traditional Crime in the Modern World: How Triad Societies Respond to Socioeconomic Change Wing Lo, City University of Hong Kong Chinatown Tongs in America: Continuity and Opportunities Sheldon X. Zhang, San Diego State University Adapting to Changes in the Social, Economic, and Political Environment after a 25-year Prosecution Effort Jay Albanese, Virginia Commonwealth University Discussant: Henk Van de Bunt, Erasmus University Rotterdam THEMATIC SESSION SESSION 810: THE TRIPLE BOTTOM LINE: PEOPLE, PLANET, AND PROFIT IN CORRECTIONS Friday, November 16 - 3:30 pm to 4:50 pm Salon 8, 3rd Floor Chair: Bobby Clark, Sustainable Business Ventures Save $1,000 per Inmate Paul Sheldon, Natural Capitalism Solutions The Triple Bottom Line: People, Planet, and Profit in Corrections Leah Morgan, Vera Institute of Justice Green Entrepreneurship Bobby Clark, Sustainable Business Ventures 347 FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 16 MEETING SESSION 811: PROPOSED DIVISION OF DEVELOPMENTAL AND LIFE-COURSE CRIMINOLOGY: ORGANIZATIONAL MEETING Friday, November 16 - 3:30 pm to 4:50 pm Grant Park Parlor, 6th Floor Chair: David P. Farrington, Cambridge University MEETING SESSION 812: ASC PUBLICATIONS MEETING Friday, November 16 - 3:30 pm to 4:50 pm Medinah Parlor, 6th Floor MEETING SESSION 813: ISSUES OF ACCCJ Friday, November 16 - 3:30 pm to 5:00 pm Wrigley Parlor, 6th Floor AUTHORS MEETS CRITICS SESSION 814: ROUTLEDGE HANDBOOK OF CRITICAL CRIMINOLOGY (ORGANIZED BY THE DIVISION ON CRITICAL CRIMINOLOGY) Friday, November 16 - 3:30 pm to 4:50 pm Clark 5, 7th Floor Chair: Avi Brisman, Eastern Kentucky University Authors Walter S. DeKeseredy, University of Ontario Institute of Technology Molly Dragiewicz, University of Ontario Institute of Technology Critics Michelle Brown, University of Tennessee Peter Brandon Kraska, Eastern Kentucky University Nigel South, University of Essex SESSION 815: THE CHARACTERISTICS OF THE COURTROOM WORKGROUP AND CASE OUTCOMES Friday, November 16 - 3:30 pm to 4:50 pm Burnham 4, 7th Floor Chair: Patricia Y. Warren, Florida State University Do Judges’ Experiences and Indelible Traits Influence Sentencing Decisions? New Evidence from Florida Will Hauser, Florida State University Ted Chiricos, Florida State University Gender and Race of the Courtroom Workgroup and Sentencing Outcomes: Examining Two Competing Theories Claire Turner, Florida State University Wanda Leal, Florida State University Christi Falco, Florida State University Impact of Prosecutorial Mindset on Diversionary Court Functioning Melanie Pallone, SUNY Fredonia Judicial Oversight and Its Effects on Punishment: Revisiting Sentencing Guidelines and Disparities Patricia Y. Warren, Florida State University Sonja Siennick, Florida State University 348 FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 16 SESSION 816: PUBLIC PERCEPTIONS OF SEX CRIMES Friday, November 16 - 3:30 pm to 4:50 pm Clark 3, 7th Floor Chair: Christina Mancini, Florida Atlantic University Sex Offender Reentry: The Role of Public Opinion Christina Mancini, Florida Atlantic University Teens, Sex, and Race: A Test of Regional Differences in Perceptions of Statutory Rape Sarah Koon-Magnin, University of South Alabama Stacy Hoskins Haynes, Mississippi State University R. Barry Ruback, Pennsylvania State University The Simplicity and Complexity of Public Attitudes Toward Sex Crimes Laura L. King, Indiana University of Pennsylvania The Determination of Victim Credibility in Sexual Assault Cases: Discretionary Evaluations by Police Investigators Bradley A. Campbell, Sam Houston State University Tasha A. Menaker, Sam Houston State University William R. King, Sam Houston State University SESSION 817: MANAGEMENT ISSUES IN CORRECTIONAL INSTITUTIONS Friday, November 16 - 3:30 pm to 4:50 pm Clark 7, 7th Floor Chair: Lori Sexton, University of Missouri - Kansas City Administering Punishment: A Longitudinal Case Study of Prison Administrators at Eastern State Penitentiary, 1829–1971 Ashley T. Rubin, University of California, Berkeley Escapes from Custody and Violence: A Critical Analysis Bryce Elling Peterson, CUNY Graduate Center / John Jay College of Criminal Justice Adam Gregory Fera, CUNY Graduate Center / John Jay College of Criminal Justice Jeff Mellow, John Jay College of Criminal Justice The Perks of Direct Supervision Inmate Management? An Empirical Analysis of Penal Consciousness across Supervision Styles Lori Sexton, University of Missouri - Kansas City SESSION 818: RESPONDING TO SEXUAL ASSAULT Friday, November 16 - 3:30 pm to 4:50 pm Dearborn 1, 7th Floor Chair: Cathryn Lavery, Iona College Sexual Assault Forensic Exam (SAFE) Payment Practice Study: Final Findings Janine Zweig, Urban Institute Lisa Newmark, George Mason University Darakshan Raja, Urban Institute Megan Denver, Urban Institute Sexual Assault: Considerations for Measuring Crime Victimization in the Peace Corps Katrina Baum, National Institute of Justice Take Back the Date Night: An Examination of Universities’ Preventative Measures of Date Rape John Harrington, University of Southern Mississippi Vanessa Woodward, University of Southern Mississippi O. Hayden Griffin, III, University of Southern Mississippi Creating a Successful Sexual Assault Training Module for Faculty on College Campuses and Universities Cathryn Lavery, Iona College 349 FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 16 SESSION 819: REENTRY, RECIDIVISM, AND DESISTANCE: EXPLORING MECHANISMS Friday, November 16 - 3:30 pm to 4:50 pm Indiana Room, 3rd Floor Chair: Beth Weaver, University of Strathclyde Role of the Criminal Justice System in Crime Desistance: the Bristol Integrated Offender Management Scheme Andrew Eyton Williams, University of Cambridge / Avon and Somerset Constabulary Barak Ariel, University of Cambridge / Hebrew University Readiness for Change and Reentry: A Within-Individual Analysis of Recidivism Post-Release from Prison Erin Orrick, University of Texas at Dallas Reentry, Employment, and Recidivism among Adult Male Offenders Danielle Steffey, RTI International / Florida State University SESSION 820: STUDIES OF CRIME IN NON-METROPOLITAN AREAS AND SCHOOLS Friday, November 16 - 3:30 pm to 4:50 pm Kimball Room, 3rd Floor Chair: Brenda K. Vollman, Loyola University New Orleans Explaining Crime in Metropolitan and Non-Metropolitan Communities Edward Wells, Illinois State University Ralph A. Weisheit, Illinois State University Small Town Sexual Violence: A Macro-Criminological Approach Jeremy Braithwaite, University of California, Irvine A Multi-Level Examination of the Prevalence of and Environmental Influences on Verbal, Physical and Cyber Bullying Karla Dhungana, Florida State University School Violence as Disturbances in the Lifeworld and System Laci Fiala, Walsh University SESSION 821: SERIOUS JUVENILE OFFENDERS, LIFE IMPRISONMENT, AND THE DEATH PENALTY Friday, November 16 - 3:30 pm to 4:50 pm LaSalle 1, 7th Floor Chair: Sanaz Alasti, Lamar University A New Crime Control Era in the Juvenile Justice System? State-Level Determinants of Blended Sentencing Shelly Schaefer, Hamline University Christopher Uggen, University of Minnesota Eddie O'Brien: The End of Juvenile Justice in Massachusetts? Kallee Spooner, Bridgewater State University Richard G. Wright, Bridgewater State University The Case of David O. and the Denial of Adolescence: The Sentencing of Juveniles to Life and Their Incarceration Late into Adulthood Simon I. Singer, Northeastern University Juvenile Death Penalty: The Road to Abolition is Paved with Paradox Sanaz Alasti, Lamar University SESSION 822: SOCIAL CONTEXT AND EXPLANATIONS OF DELINQUENCY Friday, November 16 - 3:30 pm to 4:50 pm LaSalle 5, 7th Floor Chair: Jean McGloin, University of Maryland A Dual-Systems Approach for Understanding Differential Susceptibility to Processes of Peer Influence Kyle Thomas, University of Maryland Jean McGloin, University of Maryland 350 FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 16 School Contexts, School Networks, and Illicit Drug Use: Specifying a Multi-Contextual Explanation of Adolescent Substance Use Chris E. Rees, University at Albany, SUNY Matt Vogel, University of Missouri - St. Louis The Influence of Probationers and Parolees on Juvenile Drug Recidivism Brian Lockwood, Monmouth University Philip W. Harris, Temple University The Social and Moral Ecology of Gang Violence: A Comparative Quantitative Assessment Edward B. Reeves, Morehead State University Paul D. Steele, Morehead State University Timothy S. Hare, Morehead State University SESSION 823: SUBSTANCE USE AND CRIMINOLOGICAL THEORY Friday, November 16 - 3:30 pm to 4:50 pm Logan Room, 3rd Floor Chair: Jamie J. Fader, University at Albany, SUNY Divorce, Depression, and Substance Abuse: Using General Strain Theory to Assess the Relationship Kristie Lynn Afonso, University of Central Florida Pathways from Victimization to Substance Use among Adolescents Riane Miller, University of South Carolina Abigail A. Fagan, Florida State University Emily Wright, University of Nebraska at Omaha Examining the Relationship between Nonmedical Use of Prescription Drugs and Victimization Laura Garnier Dykstra, University of Maryland Kimberly M. Caldeira, University of Maryland Kathryn B. Vincent, University of Maryland Kevin E. O'Grady, University of Maryland Amelia M. Arria, University of Maryland Working Smarter, Not Harder: Arrest Avoidance Techniques Used by Active Drug Sellers Jamie J. Fader, University at Albany, SUNY SESSION 824: VIOLENCE: ASSESSING RISK AMONG INCARCERATED POPULATIONS AND PATHWAYS TO DESISTENCE Friday, November 16 - 3:30 pm to 4:50 pm Madison Room, 3rd Floor Chair: Karen Terry, John Jay College of Criminal Justice Assessing the Role of Placement in Foster Care in the Prediction of Antisocial Behaviors of Incarcerated Serious and Violent Young Offenders Lauren F. Freedman, Simon Fraser University Raymond R. Corrado, Simon Fraser University Recidivism and Philadelphia Homicide Offenders Marieke Liem, Harvard University / Leiden University Margaret Zahn, North Carolina State University Comparing Desistance from Different Types of Violent Groups Pete simi, University of Nebraska at Omaha Bryan Bubolz, University of Nebraska at Omaha Pharmaceutical Robbery: The Offender Perspective Tara O'Connor Shelley, Colorado State University D.J. Rogers, Colorado State University 351 FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 16 SESSION 825: REGULATORY AND PENAL RESPONSES TO FINANCIAL CRIMES Friday, November 16 - 3:30 pm to 4:50 pm Marshfield Room, 3rd Floor Chair: Cynthia Koller, Shippensburg University Economic Crime: Structural Conditions and Limits of Penal Control Klaus Boers, Universitaet Muenster Inst f Kriminalwissenschaften Financial Crime Control and the Role of Banks: The Public-Private Interface Rachel Southworth, Cardiff University, UK The Regulatory Agency That Wasn't: An Exploration of the PCAOB Jay Kennedy, University of Cincinnati SESSION 826: INTIMATE PARTNER VIOLENCE, SEXUAL ASSAULT, AND PREGNANCY Friday, November 16 - 3:30 pm to 4:50 pm Millennium Parlor, 6th Floor Chair: Manish Madan, Michigan State University When the Bedroom is the Crime Scene in Los Angeles: To What Extent Does Johnson’s Typology Account for Intimate Partner Sexual Assault? Eryn Nicole O'Neal, California State University, Los Angeles Katharine Tellis, California State University, Los Angeles Cassia Spohn, Arizona State University Intimate Partner Violence and Unwanted Pregnancy Walter Forrest, Monash University Dharmalingam Arunachalam, Monash University Kannan Navaneetham, Centre for Development Studies, Trivandrum, Kerala, India “He Tried to Beat the Baby Out of Me”: Maternal Health and Intimate Partner Violence Angela M. Moe, Western Michigan University Catherine L. Kothari, Michigan State University The Relationship between Women’s Empowerment and Sexual Autonomy in India: Implications for Spousal Abuse Manish Madan, Michigan State University Mahesh Nalla, Michigan State University SESSION 827: UNDERSTANDING TERRORIST BEHAVIOR Friday, November 16 - 3:30 pm to 4:50 pm Salon 4, 3rd Floor Chair: James J.F. Forest, University of Massachusetts Lowell On the Characteristics and Socio-Psychological Causes of Violent Terror Crime in Xinjiang Province Guifen Zhao, Chinese People's Public Security University Political Organizations that Turn to Crime: A Cross-National Comparison Victor Asal, University at Albany, SUNY Brian Nussbaum, University at Albany, SUNY James J.F. Forest, University of Massachusetts Lowell The Threat from Within: Comparing Domestic Terrorism Incidents in the United States and United Kingdom Joseph DeLeeuw, Indiana University Terrorism in Nigeria: The Case of Boko Haram James J.F. Forest, University of Massachusetts Lowell 352 FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 16 SESSION 828: GUNS, GANGS, AND CRIME POLICY Friday, November 16 - 3:30 pm to 4:50 pm Salon 5, 3rd Floor Chair: Zavin Nazaretian, Wayne State University A History of Reactionary Weapons Legislation in the United States Adam Scott Wandt, John Jay College of Criminal Justice Lawrence Kom, John Jay College of Criminal Justice Save Our Streets: Impact Evaluation of a Ceasefire Replication on Gun Violence in Crown Heights, Brooklyn Sarah Picard Fritsche, Center for Court Innovation Lenore Cerniglia, Center for Court Innovation The Theory of the Cease-Fire Public Health Approach to Violent Crime Charles Ransford, University of Illinois at Chicago Mobilizing for the Streets: The Organizational Emergence and Maintenance of One Vision One Life Joseph D. Johnson, Rowan University David W. Everson, University of Notre Dame SESSION 829: TECHNOLOGY AND CRIMINAL JUSTICE EDUCATION Friday, November 16 - 3:30 pm to 4:50 pm Salon 9, 3rd Floor Chair: Hank J. Brightman, Naval War College Criminal Justice Online Education: Marketability Questions John T. Whitehead, East Tennessee State University Integrating Information Literacy into a Criminal Justice Curriculum Cindy Stewart, College of Mount St. Joseph Videoconferencing: An Effective Teaching Strategy in the Criminal Justice Classroom Michael Bachmann, Texas Christian University Brittany Bachmann, Texas Christian University SESSION 830: ROUNDTABLE: INTERNATIONAL/COMPARATIVE CRIME Friday, November 16 - 3:30 pm to 4:50 pm Sandburg 2, 7th Floor Criminal Fine Enforcement in Ireland: Realities and Consequences Sharon Farrell, University of California, Irvine Cross-National Organized Crime and Control Strategy Hongyun Chu, Fujian Police College Genocide and Social Time Bradley K. Campbell, California State University, Los Angeles Terrorism: Adaptations and Changes Mahendra P. Singh, Grambling State University SESSION 831: ROUNDTABLE: INTEGRATING SONGWRITING, MUSIC, AND SOCIAL JUSTICE Friday, November 16 - 3:30 pm to 4:50 pm Sandburg 4, 7th Floor Discussants: Terry Carl Cox, Eastern Kentucky University Kenneth D. Tunnell, Eastern Kentucky University Edward L.W. Green, Kansas State University Kevin Martin Stenson, University of Kent / London Metropolitan University 353 FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 16 SESSION 832: ROUNDTABLE: JUVENILE JUSTICE AND DELINQUENCY II Friday, November 16 - 3:30 pm to 4:50 pm Sandburg 6, 7th Floor School Resources and Social Support: A Multilevel Analysis in the Strain Tradition Khirin Carter, University of Iowa Ten-Year Follow Up of Children Who Deliberately Light Fires Ian Lambie, University of Auckland The Effect of MAOA Genotype and Childhood Maltreatment on Delinquency: A Racial Difference Songyon Shin, Kyonggi University Ilhong Yun, Chosun University EuiGab Hwang, Kyonggi University The Effect of Routine Activity Components on Korean Adolescents’ Revictimization HyeonJung Kim, Kyonggi University Selye Lee, Sungkyunkwan University Yunkyung Kang, Kyonggi University EuiGab Hwang, Kyonggi University Trauma, Delinquent Decision-Making, and Gender-Responsive, Trauma-Informed Programming for Adolescent Female Offenders Brett Johnson Solomon, Santa Clara University SESSION 833: ROUNDTABLE: PRIVATE AND PUBLIC REACTIONS TO MINORITIES AND THEIR CRIMES Friday, November 16 - 3:30 pm to 4:50 pm Sandburg 7, 7th Floor Is Lady Justice (Color) Blind? Zero Tolerance, Restorative Practices, and the Rights of Minority Youth in School Mara Schiff, Florida Atlantic University Post-Civil Rights Riots, Protests, and Social Movements: Public Responses to Violence against Marginalized People Laura S. Logan, Kansas State University The Salience of Skin Tone: Effects on Police Contact Karletta White, University of Iowa SESSION 834: ROUNDTABLE: MENTORING UNDERGRADUATES IN RESEARCH AND SCHOLARSHIP Friday, November 16 - 3:30 pm to 4:50 pm Sandburg 8, 7th Floor Chair: Jennifer Hartsfield, Bridgewater State University Discussants: Allison Foley, Augusta State University Amaia Iratzoqui, Florida State University Melencia Johnson, University of South Carolina-Aiken SESSION 835: SOCIAL CLASS, ECONOMIC INEQUALITY, AND CRIME Friday, November 16 - 3:30 pm to 4:50 pm Spire Parlor, 6th Floor Chair: Constance Chapple, University of Oklahoma Homicide in Chicago: Using Inequality as a Predictor Melissa Tetzlaff-Bemiller, University of Central Florida Aaron C. Poole, University of Central Florida James C. McCutcheon, University of Central Florida Social-Structural Factors and Spatio-Temporal Burglary Patterns in Chicago Neighborhoods Yichun Yu, Sam Houston State University Matt R. Nobles, Sam Houston State University 354 FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 16 The Relationship between Poverty and Income Utilizing Ruby Payne's "A Framework for Understanding Poverty" Jessica L. Marinez, Texas State University Classless Criminology? Charles Reasons, Central Washington University SESSION 836: THE UNIQUE PROFILES OF GANG MEMBERS Friday, November 16 - 3:30 pm to 4:50 pm Wilson Room, 3rd Floor Chair: Dena Carson, University of Missouri - St. Louis A Comparison of Gang and Non-Gang Involved Adult Probationers in California’s Agricultural Heartland James Sutton, Hobart and William Smith Colleges Jessica Sutton, Sutter County Probation Department Risk Behavior Profiles of Gang and Non-Gang Youth Erika Gebo, Suffolk University Christopher J. Sullivan, University of Cincinnati What Orange County Gang Unit Officers Think about Gangs, Taggers, and Party Krus Gregory Chris Brown, California State University, Fullerton Youth Gangs and Non-Gang Delinquent Peer Groups: What’s the Difference? Dena Carson, University of Missouri - St. Louis Finn-Aage Esbensen, University of Missouri - St. Louis PRESIDENTIAL PLENARY SESSION 837: ASC PRESIDENTIAL JUSTICE AWARD AND PRESIDENTIAL ADDRESS Friday, November 16 - 5:00 pm to 6:00 pm Grand Ballroom, 4th Floor Chair: Robert J. Sampson, President, American Society of Criminology, Harvard University Presidential Justice Award Chicago Area Project Introduction John H. Laub, Director of the National Institute of Justice Presidential Address: “The Place of Context: A Theory and Strategy for Criminology’s Hard Problems” Robert J. Sampson, President, American Society of Criminology, Harvard University PRESIDENTIAL RECEPTION SESSION 838: ASC PRESIDENTIAL RECEPTION Friday, November 16 - 6:00 pm to 7:00 pm State Ballroom, 4th Floor 355 FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 16 RECEPTIONS SESSION 839: FLORIDA STATE UNIVERSITY Friday, November 16 - 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm Adams Room, 6th Floor SESSION 840: UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND, COLLEGE PARK Friday, November 16 - 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm Chicago Room, 5th Floor SESSION 841: DOCTORATE IN CULTURAL AND GLOBAL CRIMINOLOGY (THE DCGC,A EUROPEAN CONSORTIUM LED BY THE UNIVERSITY OF KENT) Friday, November 16 - 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm Cresthill Room, 3rd Floor SESSION 842: ARIZONA STATE UNIVERSITY Friday, November 16 - 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm Crystal Room, 3rd Floor SESSION 843: UNIVERSITY OF CINCINNATI Friday, November 16 - 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm Empire Room, Lobby Level SESSION 844: GEORGIA STATE UNIVERSITY Friday, November 16 - 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm Grant Park Parlor, 6th Floor SESSION 845: AMERICAN UNIVERSITY Friday, November 16 - 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm Hancock Parlor, 6th Floor SESSION 846: INDIANA UNIVERSITY, BLOOMINGTON Friday, November 16 - 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm Harold Washington Suite 9150 SESSION 847: RUTGERS UNIVERSITY Friday, November 16 - 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm Honore Ballroom, Lobby Level SESSION 848: UNIVERSITY OF MASSACHUSETTS LOWELL Friday, November 16 - 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm Logan Room, 3rd Floor SESSION 849: KOREAN INSTITUTE OF CRIMINOLOGY Friday, November 16 - 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm Madison Room, 3rd Floor SESSION 850: UNIVERSITY OF NEW HAVEN Friday, November 16 - 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm Marshfield Room, 3rd Floor SESSION 851: PENNSYLVANIA STATE UNIVERSITY Friday, November 16 - 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm Monroe Room, 6th Floor SESSION 852: UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, IRVINE Friday, November 16 - 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm Price Room, 5th Floor SESSION 853: SIMON FRASER UNIVERSITY Friday, November 16 - 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm Salon 1, 3rd Floor SESSION 854: NORTHEASTERN UNIVERSITY Friday, November 16 - 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm Salon 10, 3rd floor SESSION 855: JOHN JAY COLLEGE OF CRIMINAL JUSTICE Friday, November 16 - 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm Salon 12, 3rd Floor 356 FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 16 SESSION 856: UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA Friday, November 16 - 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm Salon 2, 3rd Floor SESSION 857: UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE Friday, November 16 - 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm Salon 3, 3rd Floor SESSION 858: MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY Friday, November 16 - 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm Salon 5, 3rd Floor SESSION 859: UNIVERSITY AT ALBANY, SUNY Friday, November 16 - 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm Salon 8, 3rd Floor SESSION 860: ILLINOIS STATE UNIVERSITY Friday, November 16 - 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm Spire Parlor, 6th Floor SESSION 861: GEORGE MASON UNIVERSITY Friday, November 16 - 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm Water Tower Parlor, 6th Floor SESSION 862: GRIFFITH UNIVERSITY Friday, November 16 - 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm Wilson Room, 3rd Floor MINORITY FELLOWSHIP DANCE CELEBRATION SESSION 863: MINORITY FELLOWSHIP DANCE FEATURING THE HOT SPOTS Friday, November 16 - 9:00 pm to 11:00 pm Grand Ballroom, 4th Floor SESSION 864: MINORITY FELLOWSHIP DANCE FEATURING MATTHEW SKOLLER BLUE'S BAND Friday, November 16 - 10:00 pm to 1:00 am Red Lacquer Room, 4th Floor **One ticket purchase will get you in both. The Minority Fellowship Dance is an annual event instituted to affirm the commitment of ASC to increase the diversity of its membership through the financial support of minority graduate students. 357 SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 17 THEMATIC SESSION SESSION 865: PATTERNS OF TEEN DATING VIOLENCE: VICTIMIZATION AND PERPETRATION Saturday, November 17 - 8:30 am to 9:50 am Buckingham Room, 5th Floor Chair: Dara Blachman-Demner, National Institute of Justice The Prevalence of Teen Dating Violence Victimization and Perpetration in Five School Districts in NY, PA and NJ Pamela Lachman, The Urban Institute Meredith Dank, The Urban Institute Janine Zweig, Urban Institute Jennifer Yahner, The Urban Institute Help-Seeking Behavior Among Youth Victims of Dating Abuse Jennifer Yahner, The Urban Institute Janine Zweig, Urban Institute Meredith Dank, The Urban Institute Pamela Lachman, The Urban Institute Teen Dating Violence in the Bronx: What Difference Does a (School) Year Make? Julia Kohn, Center for Court Innovation Amanda Cissner, Center for Court Innovation THEMATIC SESSION SESSION 866: THE FUTURE OF CAPITAL PUNISHMENT IN THE UNITED STATES Saturday, November 17 - 8:30 am to 9:50 am Burnham 4, 7th Floor Chair: Robert M. Bohm, University of Central Florida Innocence and the Death Penalty: Current Statistics and Exonerations Talia Harmon, Niagara University An Update on Lethal Injection Procedures in the U.S. Gavin Lee, Delta State University Capital Punishment in Texas: Current Issues Dennis Longmire, Sam Houston State University An Overview of Current Issues: Focus on Tennessee Margaret Vandiver, University of Memphis Capital Punishment in a Global Context: A Statistical Update Robert M. Bohm, University of Central Florida THEMATIC SESSION SESSION 867: ENABLERS OF ORGANIZED CRIME Saturday, November 17 - 8:30 am to 9:50 am Clark 1, 7th Floor Chair: Ernesto Savona, Università Cattolica Milan - Transcrime Money Laundering: Tracing the Real Beneficial Owners of Criminal Transactions and the Role of Professionals as Facilitators Ernesto Savona, Università Cattolica Milan - Transcrime Michael Levi, Cardiff University Michele Riccardi, Università Cattolica Milan - Transcrime 358 SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 17 Free Trade Zones as Enablers of Organized Crime Jianhong Liu, University of Macau Cybercrime and Internet (In)security Michael Levi, Cardiff University Discussants: David M. Luna, U.S. Department of State Henk Van de Bunt, Erasmus University Rotterdam THEMATIC SESSION SESSION 868: THE LOS ANGELES GANG REDUCTION AND YOUTH DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM: EVALUATION AT YEAR THREE Saturday, November 17 - 8:30 am to 9:50 am Clark 5, 7th Floor Chair: Terence Dunworth, Urban Institute Identifying At-Risk Youth: The Youth Services Evaluation Tool Karen Hennigan, University of Southern California Gang Crime In Los Angeles: 2005 to 2011 David Hayeslip, Urban Institute Retesting At-Risk Youth in the GRYD Prevention Program: Measuring Progress Megan Denver, Urban Institute The Bottom Line: An Overall Assessment of GRYD Program Effects Terence Dunworth, Urban Institute THEMATIC SESSION SESSION 869: WHY WE DO WHAT WE DO: A REVIEW OF THE SNAP® APPROACH FROM POLICY TO PRACTICE Saturday, November 17 - 8:30 am to 9:50 am Clark 7, 7th Floor Chair: Leena Augimeri, Child Development Institute Tough on Crime Policies at Odds with Early Intervention Research: Position Paper Deborah Kanter, York University Sarah Woods, Child Development Institute Leena Augimeri, Child Development Institute Margaret Walsh, Child Development Institute Understanding SNAP®: Transforming Theoretical Underpinnings of an Early Intervention and Crime Prevention Model into Clinical Practice and Outcomes Erin Rajca, Child Development Institute Karen Sewell, Child Development Institute Leena Augimeri, Child Development Institute Kathy Levene, Child Development Institute Margaret Walsh, Child Development Institute An Evidence-Based Approach for Children Under 12 Focused on Self-Regulation and Self-Control Leena Augimeri, Child Development Institute Margaret Walsh, Child Development Institute 359 SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 17 The Cost of Prevention and its Benefits to Society Margaret Walsh, Child Development Institute Christopher John Koegl, Ontario Correctional Institute Leena Augimeri, Child Development Institute THEMATIC SESSION SESSION 870: PRISON ISSUES AND CULTURE IN MEDIA AND SOCIAL DEBATE Saturday, November 17 - 8:30 am to 9:50 am Clark 9, 7th Floor Chair: Kevin Walsh, Aurora University Exploring the Media’s Role in Perpetuating Negative Stereotypes about Correctional Officers Sam Vickovic, Arizona State University Marie L. Griffin, Arizona State University Hank Fradella, California State University, Long Beach Playing the 'Treasury Card' to Contest the Prison Idea: Lessons from Canada Justin Piche, University of Ottawa The Evolution of Televised Prison Documentaries: From Critical Exposés to Infotainment Dawn K. Cecil, University of South Florida, St. Petersburg The Representation of Prison and Criminal Justice in Music Christian Wickert, Institut für Kriminologische Sozialforschung (IKS), Universität Hamburg Rebecca Houghton, Institut für Kriminologische Sozialforschung (IKS), Universität Hamburg THEMATIC SESSION SESSION 871: ONTOLOGICAL CRIMINOLOGY Saturday, November 17 - 8:30 am to 9:50 am Cresthill Room, 3rd Floor Chair: Negar PourEbrahim Alamdar, York University Logic of Terror in the Everyday David N. Baker, Texas Southern University Hermeneutics as Anarchic Criminology Livy Anthony Visano, York University Hybrid Criminalization: Gender, Race and Religion in the Diaspora Negar PourEbrahim Alamdar, York University Discussant: Livy Anthony Visano, York University THEMATIC SESSION SESSION 872: SURVIVING PRISON: QUANTITATIVE AND QUALITATIVE APPROACHES Saturday, November 17 - 8:30 am to 9:50 am Dearborn 2, 7th Floor Psychological Adjustment of Prisoners: A Comparison of Methods Esther F.J.C. van Ginneken, University of Cambridge Struggles to Survive: The Experience of Canadian Prisoners Rachelle Larocque, University of Cambridge The Mitigating Effects of Prison-Based Dog Training Programs on Psychological Survival Barbara Cooke, University of Cambridge 360 SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 17 Stress Coping Mechanisms among Prison Officers in Ghana Thomas David Akoensi, University of Cambridge Discussant: Alison Liebling, Cambridge University THEMATIC SESSION SESSION 873: TESTING SELF-CONTROL THEORY: FROM INFANCY TO MIDDLE CHILDHOOD TO ADOLESCENCE Saturday, November 17 - 8:30 am to 9:50 am Logan Room, 3rd Floor Chair: Stephen Demuth, Bowling Green State University Early Childhood Predictors of Self-Control Susan L. Brown, Bowling Green State University Stephen Demuth, Bowling Green State University Gregory C. Rocheleau, Bowling Green State University How Important Is Self-Control as a Predictor of Delinquency? Stephen Demuth, Bowling Green State University Susan L. Brown, Bowling Green State University Gregory C. Rocheleau, Bowling Green State University The Generality of Low Self-Control: Is there a Difference by Gender? Gregory C. Rocheleau, Bowling Green State University Nicole A. Shoenberger, Bowling Green State University THEMATIC SESSION SESSION 874: STEALING SCIENCE: RESEARCH MISCONDUCT AND THE MISUSE OF SCHOLARLY WORK Saturday, November 17 - 8:30 am to 9:50 am Marshfield Room, 3rd Floor Chair: Bonnie Berry, Social Problems Research Group Treating Scholarly Misconduct as Crime Mark S. Davis, Ohio State University Lemons to Lemonade: Opportunities in the Analysis of Research Misconduct as Crimes of Specialized Access Douglas Adams, University of Arkansas Kenneth D. Pimple, Indiana University Bloomington Very Wrong but Not Illegal: Law, Ethics, and the Theft of Scholarly Work Bonnie Berry, Social Problems Research Group Discussant: Peter Yeager, Boston University THEMATIC SESSION SESSION 875: CULTURAL CRIMINOLOGY: NEW DIRECTIONS Saturday, November 17 - 8:30 am to 9:50 am Millennium Parlor, 6th Floor Chair: Jeff Ferrell, Texas Christian University 361 SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 17 Tangled Up in Green: Cultural Criminology and Green Criminology Jeff Ferrell, Texas Christian University Searchers, Rudeboys, and Terrorist (E)motives: Towards a Cultural Criminology of Terrorism Keith Hayward, University of Kent Cultural Criminology: Moving On Jock Young, John Jay College of Criminal Justice, CUNY Discussant: Karen Frances Evans, University of Liverpool THEMATIC SESSION SESSION 876: WOMEN'S OFFENSES AND VICTIMIZATION: EXAMINING INTERNATIONAL CONTEXTS Saturday, November 17 - 8:30 am to 9:50 am Water Tower Parlor, 6th Floor Chair: Sitawa Kimuna, East Carolina University Crimes against Women: Gender and Development Contexts Suvarna Cherukuri, Siena College Population Based Estimates and Determinants of Sexual Violence Against Women in Kenya Sitawa Kimuna, East Carolina University The Handling of Homicide Cases in American Courts: Defense Attorney Negotiations for Justice Carolyn Field, Edgewood College Discussant: Carolyn Field, Edgewood College AUTHOR MEETS CRITICS SESSION 877: THE FUTURE OF BATTERER PROGRAMS: REASSESSING EVIDENCE-BASED PRACTICE Saturday, November 17 - 8:30 am to 9:50 am Chicago Room, 5th Floor Chair: Alex Heckert, Indiana University of Pennsylvania Author Edward Gondolf, Indiana University of Pennsylvania Critics Larry Bennett, University of Illinois at Chicago Joanne Belknap, University of Colorado - Boulder Alex Heckert, Indiana University of Pennsylvania AUTHOR MEETS CRITICS SESSION 878: LIFE AFTER DEATH ROW: EXONEREES' SEARCH FOR COMMUNITY AND IDENTITY Saturday, November 17 - 8:30 am to 9:50 am Spire Parlor, 6th Floor Author Saundra Westervelt, University of North Carolina at Greensboro 362 SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 17 Critics Richard Leo, University of San Francisco Susan F. Sharp, University of Oklahoma Marvin Zalman, Wayne State University Discussant: Kimberly Cook, University of North Carolina Wilmington SESSION 879: POLICE STYLES, EXPERIENCES, AND APPLICATIONS Saturday, November 17 - 8:30 am to 9:50 am Burnham 1, 7th Floor Chair: Constance Kostelac, Simpson College Training for Adaptive Expertise in Police Work: Findings from a Quasi-Experimental Case Study Charles Scheer, Michigan State University Understanding the Dimensions of Mobile Technology for Field Officers: Results from a Pilot Test Jennifer Wood, Temple University Elizabeth R. Groff, Temple University Joseph J. O'Rourke, Temple University Variation in Levels of Civilianization across Large Municipal Police Agencies Constance Kostelac, Simpson College SESSION 880: PROBLEM SOLVING COURTS Saturday, November 17 - 8:30 am to 9:50 am Burnham 2, 7th Floor Chair: Tarika Daftary-Kapur, Fairleigh Dickinson University Four-Year Post-Conviction Recidivism for Multiple DUI Offenders: Alcohol Treatment Court versus a Wait List Comparison Group Christine Saum, Rowan University Matthew Hiller, Temple University Liana Taylor, Temple University Race and the Imprisonment Decision in Problem-Solving Courts Samantha Jeffries, Queensland University of Technology Christine Bond, Queensland University of Technology The Impact of Drug Court on Public Safety: Seeing the Forest for the Trees Katie Zafft, University of Maryland, College Park Brook Kearley, University of Maryland Therapeutic Jurisprudence: How Judges Operate within Problem-Solving Courts Jill Viglione, George Mason University Shannon Portillo, George Mason University Danielle Rudes, George Mason University Matthew Nelson, George Mason University Faye S. Taxman, George Mason University Veterans Treatment Courts: Discerning National Trends in Dissemination, Structure, and Implementation Julie Marie Baldwin, University of Florida SESSION 881: HISTORICAL TRENDS IN PUNISHMENT AND REHABILITATION Saturday, November 17 - 8:30 am to 9:50 am Clark 10, 7th Floor Chair: Philip M. Stinson, Bowling Green State University 363 SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 17 Transitioning Punishment Philosophies: Dutch Use of Popular Punitivism Christopher M. Campbell, Washington State University David A. Makin, Washington State University Susanna A. M. Rijkhoff, Washington State University Returning Promise to Probation Work: Lessons of the Past Julie L. Globokar, Kent State University Rehabilitation/Supervision: An Evolving Relationship within California’s Parole System Rita Shah, Elizabethtown College The Long History of Mass Incarceration in the United States Douglas Thomson, Chicago State University SESSION 882: PARENTS IN CORRECTIONAL INSTITUTIONS Saturday, November 17 - 8:30 am to 9:50 am Clark 3, 7th Floor Chair: Jamie Martin, Indiana University of Pennsylvania "She Made Sure I was Gonna Take Care of My Kids": Negotiating Fatherhood during Incarceration Damian J. Martinez, Arizona State University John M. Eason, Arizona State University Johnna Christian, Rutgers University Natalie Rose Ortiz, Arizona State University Imprisoned Mothers: Accounts of Mothering, before, during and after Incarceration Dawn Beichner, Illinois State University Cara E. Rabe-Hemp, Illinois State University Mothers Behind Bars: Keeping Families Together Jill M. D'Angelo, Buffalo State College Thomas Needle, Buffalo State College Tonya Hamm, Buffalo State College Parenting Stress and the Adjustment to Incarceration among Jailed Fathers and Mothers Jamie Martin, Indiana University of Pennsylvania Shannon Womer Phaneuf, Indiana University of Pennsylvania Garrett Andrew Rine, Indiana University of Pennsylvania Derek Ryan Scheer, Indiana University of Pennsylvania SESSION 883: SCHOOL-BASED RESPONSES TO VICTIMIZATION AND OFFENDING Saturday, November 17 - 8:30 am to 9:50 am Dearborn 1, 7th Floor Chair: Peter Lovegrove, University of Virginia Assessing the Response to Legislation Mandating a School-Based Teen Dating Violence Policy in Texas Robin D. Jackson, Sam Houston State University Leana Bouffard, Sam Houston State University Kate Fox, Arizona State University Rhetoric versus Reality: Do School Administrators Care about the Victimization of Students? Jonathan M. Kremser, Kutztown University of Pennsylvania Bullying Prevention's Importance in Reducing School Offending and Suspensions Peter Lovegrove, University of Virginia Dewey Cornell, University of Virginia 364 SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 17 SESSION 884: PSYCHOLOGICAL APPROACHES TO CRIME Saturday, November 17 - 8:30 am to 9:50 am Indiana Room, 3rd Floor Chair: Joseph L. Nedelec, Florida State University Battered Women of Interpersonal Violence: Psychological Issues Jacqueline Rochelle Ross, Capella University Jeanette Shutay, Calumet College of St. Joseph Causal Linkages between Moral Neutralization and Aggressive Behaviour Denis Ribeaud, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Cognitive Abilities during Infancy and Behavioral Problems during Childhood: A Genetically Informed Assessment Joseph L. Nedelec, Florida State University Kevin M. Beaver, Florida State University SESSION 885: UNDERSTANDING NATIONAL AND INTERNATIONAL CRIME TRENDS Saturday, November 17 - 8:30 am to 9:50 am Kimball Room, 3rd Floor Chair: Meghan Rogers, Indiana University Beyond the Great American Crime Decline: Taking an In-depth Look at U.S. Crime Trends Kevin Tyler Wolff, Florida State University Government's Crime Control Capability and National Homicide Rate Don Soo Chon, Auburn University at Montgomery Barr Younker, Auburn University at Montgomery Theresa Pelfrey, Auburn University at Montgomery The Effect of Prison Population Size on Crime Rates: Evidence from Cocaine and Marijuana Mandatory Minimum Sentencing Geert Dhondt, John Jay College of Criminal Justice, CUNY Does Age Matter in Cross-National Homicide Research? Meghan Rogers, Indiana University SESSION 886: PROPERTY CRIME AND SITUATIONAL PREVENTION Saturday, November 17 - 8:30 am to 9:50 am LaSalle 2, 7th Floor Chair: Nikki Filipuzzi, Mount Royal University Creating Safe Urban Design Excellence: A Review of Large Retail Store Environmental and Safety Design Policies Nikki Filipuzzi, Mount Royal University Tanya Trussler, Mount Royal University Kelly Sundberg, Mount Royal University Half Locked: Assessing the Distribution of Household Safety Protection in Stockholm Bridget Lewakowski, Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden Vania Ceccato, Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden Situational Crime Prevention as a Strategy for Battling Clandestine Marijuana Farming Filip Wiecko, Texas A&M University - Commerce How Do They Defend Themselves? Retailers’ Perspectives about Shoplifting in Two Different Contexts Óscar Ramos, University of Porto, Portugal Carla Sofia Cardoso, University of Porto SESSION 887: PUBLIC PERCEPTIONS OF GUILT AND WRONGFUL CONVICTIONS Saturday, November 17 - 8:30 am to 9:50 am LaSalle 3, 7th Floor Chair: Sarah Smith, University of California, Irvine 365 SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 17 Perceptions of Wrongfully Convicted Individuals: Do Factors Surrounding the Case Matter? Meaghan E. Savage, University of Ontario Institute of Technology Kimberley A. Clow, University of Ontario Institute of Technology Regina A. Schuller, York University Rosemary Ricciardelli, York University Wrongful Conviction and Perceptions of the Canadian Criminal Justice System: Interviews with Community Members Kimberley A. Clow, University of Ontario Institute of Technology Isabella Blandisi, University of Ontario Institute of Technology Rosemary Ricciardelli, York University Regina A. Schuller, York University Public Opinion about Decisions of Guilt: On the Ratio between False Positives and False Negatives Jan W. de Keijser, Leiden University Evianne de Lange, Leiden University Johan van Wilsem, Leiden University Prison Grievance Processes and Perceptions of Justice Sarah Smith, University of California, Irvine SESSION 888: EVALUATION OF STRATEGIES TO ADDRESS SEX OFFENDING Saturday, November 17 - 8:30 am to 9:50 am Madison Room, 3rd Floor Chair: Suman Kakar, Florida International University Bad Touches, Getting Away, and Never Keeping Secrets: An Examination of the Efficacy of the "Red Flag Green Flag People" Program Mckenzie Wood, North Dakota State University Carol A. Archbold, North Dakota State University Evaluation of Sex Offender Registration and Community Notification Law in Korea: Balancing the Right of Individuals and Demands for Public Awareness Ji Hyon Kang, Korean Institute of Criminology Ji Sun Kim, Korean Institute of Criminology Evaluation of Therapeutic Change in Sex Offenders Santiago Redondo, University of Barcelona Marian Martinez Garcia, University of Barcelona Policing Cybersex: The Internet Escorts Francis M. Williams, Plymouth State University SESSION 889: ROUTINE ACTIVITIES AND CYBER-CRIME DECISIONS Saturday, November 17 - 8:30 am to 9:50 am Price Room, 5th Floor Chair: Aleksandra J. Snowden, University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee Cyberstalking Victimization: Assessing the Role of Routine Activity and Lifestyle Byung Lee, Michigan State University Thomas J. Holt, Michigan State University Offender Decision-Making Factors in Critical Infrastructure Cyber Attacks Aunshul Rege, Rutgers University Quelling the Flames: Examining the Role of Substance Use as a Risk Factor for Experiencing or Perpetrating Cyberbullying within the Routine Activities Theory Perspective Jordana Nicole Navarro, University of Central Florida Jana L. Jasinski, University of Central Florida 366 SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 17 SESSION 890: ROUNDTABLE: QUESTIONING CONTEXT: CHALLENGES, STRATEGIES, AND RECOMMENDATIONS FOR FACULTY TEACHING AN INTRODUCTION TO CRIMINAL JUSTICE COURSE Saturday, November 17 - 8:30 am to 9:50 am Sandburg 2, 7th Floor Chair: Michael D. Bush, Northern Kentucky University Discussant: Nicole Hendrix, Radford University SESSION 891: ROUNDTABLE: WHAT DOES THIS HAVE TO DO WITH BEING A POLICE OFFICER? CONVINCING STUDENTS THAT SOCIAL SCIENCE AND CRIMINOLOGY ARE RELEVANT TO “THE JOB” Saturday, November 17 - 8:30 am to 9:50 am Sandburg 3, 7th Floor Chair: Daniel Price, Westfield State University Discussants: Tom Roscoe, Westfield State University Byung Jun Cho, Westfield State University Christopher Kudlac, Westfield State University John Jones, Westfield State University Vic Ascolillo, Westfield State University SESSION 892: ROUNDTABLE: WHAT ROLE CAN NONPROFIT ORGANISATIONS PLAY IN PRISONER REENTRY? EXPLORING INTERNATIONAL OPPORTUNITIES AND CHALLENGES Saturday, November 17 - 8:30 am to 9:50 am Sandburg 5, 7th Floor Prison and Reentry Volunteers: An Overlooked, Creative, and Cost-Effective Source of Human Capital for Desistance Sarah Lazzari, Portland State University Tom P. O'Connor, Transforming Corrections Third-Sector Intervention and Offender Supervision in Times of Economic Crisis: The Case of France Martine Elisabeth Herzog-Evans, University of Rheims Volunteers as Agents of Change Caleb Lloyd, Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada Nonprofits and Prisoner Reentry in the U.S. and U.K.: Preliminary Observations Rosie Meek, Teesside University, UK Beverly D. Frazier, John Jay College of Criminal Justice Discussant: Shadd Maruna, Queen's University Belfast SESSION 893: ROUNDTABLE: WHY ARE NIGERIAN NURSES VULNERABLE TO DEADLY INTIMATE PARTNER VIOLENCE? Saturday, November 17 - 8:30 am to 9:50 am Sandburg 6, 7th Floor Chair: Anita Kalunta-Crumpton, Texas Southern University Discussants: Emmanuel Onyeozili, University of Maryland, Eastern Shore Charles Ochie, Albany State University Patrick Ibe, Albany State University Charles Ubah, Georgia College & State University Evaristus Obinyan, Clark Atlanta University James Opolot, Texas Southern University 367 SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 17 SESSION 894: ROUNDTABLE: WRONGFUL CONVICTIONS: POSSIBLE SOLUTIONS Saturday, November 17 - 8:30 am to 9:50 am Sandburg 7, 7th Floor Chair: Allison M. Cotton, Metropolitan State College of Denver Discussants: Denise Mowder, Metropolitan State College of Denver Randall Grometstein, Fitchburg State University SESSION 895: THE EFFECTS OF CONTEXTUAL AND ORGANIZATIONAL FACTORS ON PRISONER REENTRY Saturday, November 17 - 8:30 am to 9:50 am Wilson Room, 3rd Floor Chair: Jennifer Cobbina, Michigan State University Reentry from Incarceration during Young Adulthood: The Impact of Family Context on Youth in Transition Elizabeth Panuccio, Rutgers University “Where you live and how you live Matters”: How Neighborhood Context Influences Recidivism and Desistance among Female Offenders Jennifer Cobbina, Michigan State University William Oliver, Indiana University Mark Berg, Indiana University Examining the Role of Organizational Factors in Reentry Success Jennifer Lerch, George Mason University Faye S. Taxman, George Mason University Examining the Role of County Context in Predicting Recidivism among Federal Prisoners Michael S. Caudy, George Mason University Jennifer Lerch, George Mason University Faye S. Taxman, George Mason University THEMATIC SESSION SESSION 896: TESTING FORENSIC EVIDENCE IN SEXUAL ASSAULT CRIMES: RESEARCH IN HOUSTON TO IMPROVE OUTCOMES FOR VICTIMS AND THE JUSTICE SYSTEM Saturday, November 17 - 10:00 am to 11:20 am Burnham 2, 7th Floor Chair: William Wells, Sam Houston State University Sexual Assault Kit Action Research: Lessons Learned and Outcomes Irma Rios, Houston Police Department Crime Lab Sex Crimes Investigators’ Use of DNA Evidence: Results from Interviews with Houston Police Department Investigators Tasha A. Menaker, Sam Houston State University Bradley A. Campbell, Sam Houston State University William Wells, Sam Houston State University What Happens When Unsubmitted Sexual Assault Kits Get Tested? The Investigative Outcomes in Cold Cases After Forensic Evidence Testing Seth W. Fallik, Sam Houston State University William Wells, Sam Houston State University Forging New Ground for Victim Notification Processes: Risks and Rewards Noel Busch-Armendariz, University of Texas at Austin Sapana Donde, University of Texas at Austin Sonia Corrales, Houston Area Women's Center 368 SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 17 Laura Zavala, Houston Area Women's Center Belinda G. Null, Houston Police Department Mary Lentschke, Houston Police Department Discussant: William Wells, Sam Houston State University SESSION 897: PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT: DEVELOPING THE NEXT GENERATION OF SCHOLARS - NIJ'S AND NSF'S GRADUATE RESEARCH FELLOWSHIP PROGRAMS Saturday, November 17 - 10:00 am to 11:20 am Chicago Room, 5th Floor Discussants: Marie Garcia, National Institute of Justice Nadine Frederique, National Institute of Justice Marjorie S. Zatz, National Science Foundation THEMATIC SESSION SESSION 898: MAFIA INVESTMENTS Saturday, November 17 - 10:00 am to 11:20 am Clark 10, 7th Floor Chair: Ernesto Savona, Università Cattolica Milan - Transcrime Analyzing the Evolution of Mafia Investments Stefano Caneppele, Università Cattolica Milan - Transcrime Francesco Calderoni, Università Cattolica Milan - Transcrime Mafia Neighborhoods: Patterns of Real Estate Investments in Large Italian Cities Francesco Calderoni, Università Cattolica Milan - Transcrime Marco Dugato, Università Cattolica Milan - Transcrime Mafia Companies: Profitable Investments or Shells for Money Laundering? Michele Riccardi, Università Cattolica Milan - Transcrime Stefano Caneppele, Università Cattolica Milan - Transcrime Discussants: Andrew Papachristos, Yale University Jan Van Dijk, Tilburg University, The Netherlands THEMATIC SESSION SESSION 899: TRAFFICKING IN ART AND ANTIQUITIES Saturday, November 17 - 10:00 am to 11:20 am Clark 9, 7th Floor Chair: Blythe Bowman Proulx, Virginia Commonwealth University Manufactured, Manipulated and Modified? Evidence and the Antiquities Market Morag M. Kersel, DePaul University Neutralization Theory and Property Crime: The Application of Justification Rhetoric to Art Crime Kate Melody Burmon, Northeastern University Looted Antiquities at the Getty Museum in Criminological Perspective Blythe Bowman Proulx, Virginia Commonwealth University Neil Brodie, University of Glasgow / Scottish Centre for Crime and Justice Research Global Criminal Markets and Global Criminal Policy Knots: Trafficking Antiquities in Socio-Political Context Simon Mackenzie, University of Glasgow / Scottish Centre for Crime and Justice Research 369 SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 17 THEMATIC SESSION SESSION 900: PATTERNS OF VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN IN ALASKA: ESTIMATES, CORRELATES, AND BATTERER INTERVENTIONS Saturday, November 17 - 10:00 am to 11:20 am Dearborn 1, 7th Floor Chair: Andre Rosay, University of Alaska Anchorage Estimates of Violence Against Women from the Alaska Victimization Survey Katherine H. TePas, Office of the Governor, State of Alaska Andre Rosay, University of Alaska Anchorage Brad A. Myrstol, University of Alaska Anchorage Health Correlates of Violence Against Women: Results from the Alaska Victimization Survey Marny S. Rivera, University of Alaska Anchorage Gabriel M. Garcia, University of Alaska Anchorage Andre Rosay, University of Alaska Anchorage Katherine H. TePas, Office of the Governor, State of Alaska Rural and Urban Differences in Intimate Partner Violence: Estimates from the Alaska Victimization Survey Darryl Wood, Washington State University - Vancouver Brad A. Myrstol, University of Alaska Anchorage Andre Rosay, University of Alaska Anchorage Katherine H. TePas, Office of the Governor, State of Alaska Evaluation of Fairbanks Domestic Violence Misdemeanor Pilot Project: Preliminary Results and Their Policy Implications Cory R. Lepage, University of Alaska Anchorage THEMATIC SESSION SESSION 901: THE POLITICS OF PUNISHMENT AND CORRECTION Saturday, November 17 - 10:00 am to 11:20 am Dearborn 2, 7th Floor Chair: William J. Farrell, Indiana University Southeast Disadvantaged Women and the Politics of Scapegoating Bernadette Olson, Indiana University Southeast Privatization, Politics and the Budget: Lessons from Recent History William J. Farrell, Indiana University Southeast Welcome Home Vets: The Number of Veterans Entering Jail is Increasing William Brown, Western Oregon University Is Wall Street a Gang? Randall G. Shelden, University of Nevada, Las Vegas Jeremy Waller, University of Nevada, Las Vegas Natalie Martinez, University of Nevada, Las Vegas Kristine-Gem D. Estrella, University of Nevada, Las Vegas Kelly Stout, University of Nevada, Las Vegas THEMATIC SESSION SESSION 902: EXPERIMENTAL CRIMINOLOGY: AN EXPERIMENTAL EVALUATION OF SUPERVISION STRATEGIES FOR HIGH RISK PROBATIONERS IN PHILADELPHIA (ORGANIZED BY THE DIVISION OF EXPERIMENTAL CRIMINOLOGY) Saturday, November 17 - 10:00 am to 11:20 am LaSalle 1, 7th Floor Chair: Geoffrey Barnes, University of Pennsylvania 370 SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 17 The Effect of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy on the Recidivism of High Risk Offenders Ellen Kurtz, Philadelphia Adult Probation and Parole Department Geoffrey Barnes, University of Pennsylvania Estimating the Actual Treatment Effects of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Jordan Hyatt, University of Pennsylvania Geoffrey Barnes, University of Pennsylvania Implementing an Experimental Intervention in the Community Corrections Environment Amanda Tudor, Philadelphia Adult Probation and Parole Department Jordan Hyatt, University of Pennsylvania THEMATIC SESSION SESSION 903: YOUTH (IN)JUSTICE: REPORTS FROM THE FRONT Saturday, November 17 - 10:00 am to 11:20 am LaSalle 5, 7th Floor Chair: Elliott Currie, University of California, Irvine The Therapeutic Bubble: How Ineffective Interventions Persist Ken Cruz, University of California, Irvine Survival and Self-Destruction in the Midst of Control and Abandonment: "Punitive Actions" and "Welfare Inactions" as Catalysts for Self-Reliance and Silent Suffering Randy Myers, Old Dominion University "We're Not Supposed to Have Nothing in Here": Incarcerated Girls Expose How Juvenile Justice Institutions Contradict Their Rehabilitative Rhetoric Anastasia Tosouni, Clayton State University Discussant: Sonya Goshe, University of California, Irvine THEMATIC SESSION SESSION 904: THE FUTURE OF SELF-CONTROL Saturday, November 17 - 10:00 am to 11:20 am Logan Room, 3rd Floor Costs and Salience: Comparing and Contrasting Alternative Operationalizations Wyatt Brown, University of South Florida Shayne Jones, University of South Florida The Relationship between Different Operationalizations of Costs and Salience on Antisocial Outcomes Caridad Jimenez, University of South Florida Shayne Jones, University of South Florida Self-Control and Impulsivity: Is It Time to Move Forward by Looking Back? Veronica Winters, University of South Florida Shayne Jones, University of South Florida Locating Self-Control in the HEXACO Model of Personality Melissa Lugo, University of South Florida Shayne Jones, University of South Florida Discussant: Shayne Jones, University of South Florida 371 SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 17 THEMATIC SESSION SESSION 905: STRATEGIC COUNTERMEASURES FOR ANTI-COUNTERFEITING, INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS, AND PRODUCT FRAUD: ENABLING THE SHIFT TO PREVENTION Saturday, November 17 - 10:00 am to 11:20 am Marshfield Room, 3rd Floor Chairs: John Williams Spink, Michigan State University Justin Heinonen, Michigan State University Reviewing Our Knowledge of the Product Counterfeiting Event: A Systematic, Theory-Based Assessment Justin Heinonen, Michigan State University Roy Fenoff, Michigan State University Comparative Assessment of Public Policy Decision-Making with Uncertain Statistics: Supporting Anti-Counterfeiting, Intellectual Property Rights, and Product Fraud Initiatives John Williams Spink, Michigan State University Zoltán Levente Fejes, Michigan State University Counterfeits by Another Name: Exploring Consumers’ Understanding of Unauthorized Replica Products Roy Fenoff, Michigan State University John Williams Spink, Michigan State University Cue Utilization in the Product Authentication Process Zoltán Levente Fejes, Michigan State University Jeremy M. Wilson, Michigan State University THEMATIC SESSION SESSION 906: TRANSFORMATIONS IN PUNISHMENT AND SOCIETY Saturday, November 17 - 10:00 am to 11:20 am Wilson Room, 3rd Floor Chair: Mona Lynch, University of California, Irvine Prisons beyond the New Penology Alison Liebling, Cambridge University From Mass Incarceration to Mass Supervision: Reexamining Punishment and Society Fergus McNeill, University of Glasgow Punishment and the New Human Right of Hope Dirk Van Zyl Smit, Nottingham University Critical Knowledge and Penal Practices: Pretrial Risk Assessment and Early Intervention in Specialized Domestic Violence Courts Kelly Hannah-Moffat, University of Toronto Paula Maurutto, University of Toronto AUTHOR MEETS CRITICS SESSION 907: THE BLACK CHILD-SAVERS: RACIAL DEMOCRACY AND JUVENILE JUSTICE (ORGANIZED BY THE DIVISION ON PEOPLE OF COLOR AND CRIME) Saturday, November 17 - 10:00 am to 11:20 am Water Tower Parlor, 6th Floor Chair: Aaron Kupchik, University of Delaware Author Geoff Ward, University of California, Irvine 372 SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 17 Critics Helen Taylor Greene, Texas Southern University Vernetta Young, Howard University Justin T. Pickett, University at Albany, SUNY SESSION 908: THE LINK BETWEEN VICTIMIZATION AND OFFENDING Saturday, November 17 - 10:00 am to 11:20 am Buckingham Room, 5th Floor Chair: Heather Zaykowski, University of Massachusetts Boston The Cycle of Crime: Examining the Processes Linking Offending and Victimization Jackson Bunch, University of Georgia Jody Clay-Warner, University of Georgia Ronald Simons, University of Georgia The Victim-Offender Overlap in Intimate Partner Violence: The Role of Individual-Level and Risky Lifestyle Factors Leah Daigle, Georgia State University Lisa R. Muftić, Georgia State University Victimization and Offending Trajectories: Insights from the Offending, Crime, and Justice Survey Heather Zaykowski, University of Massachusetts Boston Whitney D. Gunter, Western Michigan University SESSION 909: POLICING GANGS: PROSPECTS AND PROBLEMS Saturday, November 17 - 10:00 am to 11:20 am Burnham 1, 7th Floor Chair: Matthew Hickman, Seattle University Adoption of the Gang Task Force Approach to Combating Criminal Gang Activity Julie Barrows, University of Minnesota Michael Vuolo, Purdue University Cooperation between Police and Social Authorities in Sweden to Combat Youth Gangs Anders Valdemar Kassman, Ersta Skondal University, Sweden Lars Oscarsson, Ersta Skondal University, Sweden Filip Wollter, Ersta Skondal University, Sweden "My Gang’s Bigger than Your Gang": Understanding Policing, Gangs and Community Annette Robertson, Glasgow Caledonian University, Scotland Lesley McMillan, Glasgow Caledonian University, Scotland The Policing of Black Males in Toronto, Canada Akwasi Owusu-Bempah, University of Toronto Scot Wortley, University of Toronto SESSION 910: PRETRIAL DECISIONS IN STATE, FEDERAL AND NON-U.S. COURTS Saturday, November 17 - 10:00 am to 11:20 am Burnham 4, 7th Floor Chair: George Mair, Liverpool John Moores University Pretrial Release in the Federal Courts: What do the Data Tell Us? Thomas H. Cohen, Bureau of Justice Statistics The Effects of Age, Gender and Race/Ethnicity on Pretrial Decisions for Domestic Violence Offenders Danielle Romain, University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee Tina L. Freiburger, University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee 373 SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 17 The Influence of Social Offender Characteristics on Pretrial Release and Sentence Length Hilde Wermink, Leiden University Brian Johnson, University of Maryland Jan W. de Keijser, Leiden University Paul Nieuwbeerta, Leiden University Anja Dirkzwager, NSCR Using Research to Improve Pretrial Policy: Lessons Learned from a Ten-County Colorado Project Michael Ryan Jones, Pretrial Justice Institute SESSION 911: WHAT WORKS IN COMMUNITY CORRECTIONS Saturday, November 17 - 10:00 am to 11:20 am Clark 3, 7th Floor Chair: Christine Scott-Hayward, Columbia Law School But Does It Work? An Examination of the Effectiveness of a Midwestern CBT Program Andrew Verheek, Western Michigan University Working through Work Release: A Study of Characteristics Associated with Successful Completion of Jail-Based Work Release Programming Joseph Rukus, University of Florida Jodi Lane, University of Florida Assessing the Use of Points and Rewards across Five Federal Districts: A Contingency Management Approach Lincoln Sloas, George Mason University Amy Murphy, George Mason University Faye S. Taxman, George Mason University The Effectiveness of Graduated Levels of Control through Graduated Community Supervision Sanctioning on Reoffending Catie Lynn Clark, Florida State University Kaleena J. Burkes, Florida State University Bill Bales, Florida State University SESSION 912: THE EFFICACY OF JUVENILE JUSTICE INTERVENTIONS Saturday, November 17 - 10:00 am to 11:20 am Clark 5, 7th Floor Chair: Carrie Sullivan, University of Cincinnati Juvenile Arrests: Do They Deter or Increase Reoffending? Akiva M. Liberman, The Urban Institute KiDeuk Kim, Urban Institute David S. Kirk, University of Texas Impact of Brief Intervention Services on Truant Youth Arrests over Time Richard Dembo, University of South Florida Rhissa Briones-Robinson, University of South Florida Jennifer Wareham, Wayne State University James Schmeidler, Mt. Sinai Medical School Ken C. Winters, University of Minnesota Kimberly L. Barrett, University of South Florida Rocio Ungaro, University of South Florida Lora Karas, University of South Florida Steven Belenko, Temple University Laura Gulledge, University of Southern Mississippi Evaluating the Effectiveness of a Victim Impact Intervention through Examination of Dynamic Risk Score Changes Michael Baglivio, Florida Department of Juvenile Justice Jennifer Rechichi, Florida Department of Juvenile Justice 374 SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 17 Juvenile Day Reporting, Interventions, and Theoretical Implications Ellen Patricia McCann, Rutgers University Preliminary Findings from the OJJDP-Funded Outcome and Process Evaluation of Juvenile Drug Courts Carrie Sullivan, University of Cincinnati Lesli Blair, University of Cincinnati Edward Latessa, University of Cincinnati Paula Smith, University of Cincinnati SESSION 913: ISSUES RELATED TO VISITATION AND CONTACT WITH FAMILY IN CORRECTIONAL FACILITIES Saturday, November 17 - 10:00 am to 11:20 am Clark 7, 7th Floor Chair: Stephen E. Tillotson, Indiana University Doing Gender in Prison: Visitation as a Respite from Hyper-Masculinity Randy Blazak, Portland State University Effects of a Prison Nursery Program on Recidivism Lorie S. Goshin, Hunter College, CUNY Mary W. Byrne, Columbia University Alana M. Henninger, CUNY Graduate Center / John Jay College of Criminal Justice Examining the Impact of Adult Social Bonds on Inmates' Visitation and Recidivism Cassandra Atkin, Sam Houston State University Gaylene Armstrong, Sam Houston State University The Jail in the Community: Incarceration, Visitation, and Daily Life Stephen E. Tillotson, Indiana University SESSION 914: ENVIRONMENTAL CRIMINOLOGY Saturday, November 17 - 10:00 am to 11:20 am Cresthill Room, 3rd Floor Chair: Linda M. Robyn, Northern Arizona University Bad Apples in the Food Industry Tim Bauer, Western Michigan University Environmental Damage and Crime: Past, Present, and Future Noriyoshi Takemura, Toin Universitiy of Yokohama, Japan Spatial Fluctuations in Crime by Season and the Green Crime Paradigm Samantha Felice, California State University, Stanislaus A Mental Model Approach to Understanding Poaching Behavior Tamara Dempsey, Michigan State University Uranium Mining: Why 'Never Happens Again' Always Happens Again Linda M. Robyn, Northern Arizona University SESSION 915: PSYCHOLOGICAL CRIMINOLOGY Saturday, November 17 - 10:00 am to 11:20 am Indiana Room, 3rd Floor Chair: MaryAnn Thrush, University of Florida Fast Thinking, Slow Thinking, and Crime Jerome McKean, Ball State University Personality and Crime: An Examination of the Influence of the Five Factor Model on Offending Kenethia L. McIntosh Fuller, North Carolina Central University 375 SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 17 What Are We Teaching Our Students in Introductory Criminology Textbooks? Ignorance, Misattributions, and Errors about the Psychological Theory of Alfred Adler Phillip Shon, University of Ontario Institute of Technology Shannon Barton Bellessa, Indiana State University J.H. Lee, Indiana State University Understanding Anger’s Role in Crime and Rehabilitation: A Conceptual Overview of Current Research MaryAnn Thrush, University of Florida SESSION 916: UNDERSTANDING SUBCULTURE Saturday, November 17 - 10:00 am to 11:20 am Kimball Room, 3rd Floor Chair: Adam Monroe Stearn, Northeastern University Fear of Crime and Violent Values Susan McNeeley, University of Cincinnati Mitigating Crime in a Slum Community: Understanding the Role of Social Structures, Social Processes and Community Culture in a Neighborhood Intervention Program Raymund E. Narag, Southern Illinois University Testing the “Culture in Action” Paradigm in Washington State Melanie-Angela Neuilly, Washington State University Zachary Hamilton, Washington State University Brian Wolf, University of Idaho Zachary Hays, Washington State University Subcultural Theory and Publicity: How an Online Culture of Adolescence Relates to Delinquency Adam Monroe Stearn, Northeastern University SESSION 917: EMERGING ISSUES IN CRIME POLICY: UNIONIZATION, COLLABORATION, AND TECHNOLOGY Saturday, November 17 - 10:00 am to 11:20 am LaSalle 2, 7th Floor Chair: Laura Hanson, University of Kent, UK The Role of Collaborative Governance and Technology Operational Evaluations in Lean Economic Times Nancy Merritt, U.S. Department of Justice Joseph Heaps, U.S. Department of Justice Jeremy G. Carter, University of North Florida Eric Grommon, Indiana University-Purdue University, Indianapolis The Passaic River Corridor Project: A Multi-Jurisdictional Effort to Share Information Michael Walker, Passaic County Community College Marilyn Marks Rubin, John Jay College of Criminal Justice William Fraher, Paterson Police Department James J. Sheehan, Northern NJ - Newark/Jersey City Urban Areas Security Initiative Measuring the Effect of Public Sector Unionization on Criminal Justice Public Policy Derek Cohen, University of Cincinnati Jay Kennedy, University of Cincinnati Towards Developing a Critical Cartographic Criminology: An Integrated Approach to Crime Mapping Laura Hanson, University of Kent, UK SESSION 918: PERCEPTIONS OF PUNITIVENESS Saturday, November 17 - 10:00 am to 11:20 am LaSalle 3, 7th Floor Chair: Karl-Heinz Reuband, University of Düsseldorf, Germany 376 SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 17 Pragmatic Punitiveness? The Dimensions of American Public Opinion about Criminal Justice Kevin H. Wozniak, American University Devon Johnson, George Mason University Edward Maguire, American University The Politics of Anti-Cruelty Legislation in Canada: An Analysis of Parliamentary Debates on Amending the Criminal Code Antonio Robert Verbora, University of Windsor Measuring Public Dissatisfaction with Sentencing Practices Chloé Leclerc, Université de Montréal Fear and Punitiveness: How Do Concerns about Crime Affect Attitudes about the Purposes of Punishment? Stacy Hoskins Haynes, Mississippi State University Laine Briddell, University of Richmond Punitive Attitudes in the German Population: The Role of Instrumental and Expressive Orientations Karl-Heinz Reuband, University of Düsseldorf, Germany SESSION 919: WOMEN AND VIOLENCE: EXPLORING CONTEXT AND TYPOLOGIES Saturday, November 17 - 10:00 am to 11:20 am Madison Room, 3rd Floor Chair: Sarah Browning, North Dakota State University Explanations of Female-Perpetrated Homicide Elizabeth Gurian, Norwich University The Female Family Annihilator: Restructuring Traditional Typologies Katie Fleming, University of Ontario Institute of Technology Hannah Scott, University of Ontario Institute of Technology Gender and Contextual Factors: An Analysis of Lethal vs. Non-lethal Outcomes during Violent Criminal Incidents Margaret M. Chrusciel, University of South Carolina Barbara A. Koons-Witt, University of South Carolina The Socio-Political Context of Women’s Violent Crime Judith S. Willison, Bridgewater State University SESSION 920: MEASURING GENDER AND CRIME Saturday, November 17 - 10:00 am to 11:20 am Millennium Parlor, 6th Floor Chair: Jeff W. Cohen, University of Washington - Tacoma Drunken Sex or Assault? An Empirical Investigation of College Students’ Understanding of Consent and Intoxication Alexis Joy Ibarra, University of Hawaii at Manoa Nicholas James Chagnon, University of Hawaii at Manoa Social Development and Female Crime Trends: Taiwan as an Example Hua Zhong, Chinese University of Hong Kong Huanhua Zhang, Chinese University of Hong Kong Darrell Steffensmeier, Pennsylvania State University Gender Differences in Predictors of Crime: Exploring the Role of Victimization Aaron Puhrmann, University of Miami Construct Validity and Emerging Meta-Frameworks for Understanding the Gender-Crime Relationship Jeff W. Cohen, University of Washington - Tacoma Randy Martin, Indiana University of Pennsylvania SESSION 921: CRIME PATTERNS AND ROUTINE VARIATION Saturday, November 17 - 10:00 am to 11:20 am Price Room, 5th Floor Chair: Deanna L. Wilkinson, Ohio State University 377 SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 17 Homicide Trends in Germany, 1970 to 2010 Raymond Teske, Sam Houston State University Hans-Joerg Albrecht, Max Planck Institute for Foreign and International Criminal Law The Context of Crime in Lisbon, Portugal Ana Veronica Neves, ISCTE - IUL Portugal Changes in Social Interaction Patterns and Their Role in Violence Trends Maria Tcherni, University of New Haven SESSION 922: ROUNDTABLE: UNITED NATIONS PANEL: CRIMINOLOGY AT THE UN Saturday, November 17 - 10:00 am to 11:20 am Sandburg 2, 7th Floor Chair: Aaron Fichtelberg, University of Delaware Discussants: Rosemary Barberet, John Jay College of Criminal Justice, CUNY Kristiina Kangaspunta, UNICRI Jay Albanese, Virginia Commonwealth University SESSION 923: ROUNDTABLE: MEASURING HUMAN TRAFFICKING: EXAMPLES IN OPERATIONALIZATION AND INSTRUMENTATION Saturday, November 17 - 10:00 am to 11:20 am Sandburg 3, 7th Floor Chair: John Picarelli, National Institute of Justice Discussants: Pam Lattimore, RTI International Meredith Dank, The Urban Institute Michael Shively, Abt Associates Inc. Kelle Barrick, RTI International Colleen Owens, The Urban Institute Sheldon X. Zhang, San Diego State University SESSION 924: ROUNDTABLE: TEACHING CRITICAL CRIMINOLOGY: TEACHING SPECIFIC CONTENT AREAS CRITICALLY Saturday, November 17 - 10:00 am to 11:20 am Sandburg 4, 7th Floor Teaching Elite Crime Critically William Calathes, New Jersey City University Teaching Occupy Avi Brisman, Eastern Kentucky University Teaching Policing Critically: Beyond the Cop Shop Vikas Kumar Gumbhir, Gonzaga University Teaching Juvenile Delinquency Critically Carla J. Barrett, John Jay College of Criminal Justice SESSION 925: ROUNDTABLE: TEACHING SENSITIVE TOPICS: INTIMATE PARTNER ABUSE, RAPE, AND VICTIM BLAMING Saturday, November 17 - 10:00 am to 11:20 am Sandburg 5, 7th Floor Chair: Kate Luther, Pacific Lutheran University Discussants: Ellen G. Cohn, Florida International University Allison Foley, Augusta State University 378 SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 17 Kelly Knight, Sam Houston State University Rae Taylor, Loyola University New Orleans Devon Thacker Thomas, University of Colorado - Boulder Katherine Vecitis, Tufts University SESSION 926: ROUNDTABLE: THE EMERGENCE OF SMART POLICING Saturday, November 17 - 10:00 am to 11:20 am Sandburg 6, 7th Floor Discussants: Julie Schnobrich-Davis, Central Connecticut State University Zachary Hays, Washington State University Kevin M. Bryant, Benedictine College Charles M. Katz, Arizona State University John Worrall, University of Texas at Dallas Adam M. Bossler, Georgia Southern University Lynn Vincentnathan, University of Texas - Pan American S. George Vincentnathan, University of Texas - Pan American Christopher M. Sedelmaier, University of New Haven SESSION 927: ROUNDTABLE: THE GAINS AND CHALLENGES OF PENAL ABOLITION: A ROUNDTABLE DISCUSSION Saturday, November 17 - 10:00 am to 11:20 am Sandburg 7, 7th Floor ICOPA: Making International Connections to Contest State Repression Justin Piche, University of Ottawa Working against Carceral Expansion Judah Nathan Schept, Eastern Kentucky University Abolition, Reform, Utopia and the Unfinished Liat Ben-Moshe, University of Illinois at Chicago Feminist and LGBTQ Perspectives on Prison Abolition in Chicago Beth E. Richie, University of Illinois at Chicago Trouble with the Child in the Carceral State Erica R. Meiners, Northeastern Illinois University The Paradox of Queer Programming in Jail Ray Noll, University of Chicago Hip Hop’s Abolition of School-Prison Industrial Complex Anthony J. Nocella, II, Hamline University Kim Socha, Normandale Community College SESSION 928: ROUNDTABLE: THE NEED FOR CREATING THERAPEUTIC COMMUNITIES WITHIN SOUTH AFRICAN CORRECTIONAL FACILITIES Saturday, November 17 - 10:00 am to 11:20 am Sandburg 8, 7th Floor Discussants: Michelle Ovens, University of South Africa Kenneth Osborne, Sheridan Correctional Centre, Illinois Catherine Burton, The Citadel SESSION 929: THE GENDERING OF OFFENDING Saturday, November 17 - 10:00 am to 11:20 am Spire Parlor, 6th Floor Chair: M.J. Gathings, North Carolina State University 379 SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 17 Describing Gender Differences in Violent Offending CheyOnna Sewell, University of Missouri - St. Louis Amart Zaatut, Rutgers University Kristin Carbone-Lopez, University of Missouri - St. Louis The Effects of APD and Psychopathy on Gender Differences in Violent and Nonviolent Offending Deborah Baskin, Loyola University Chicago Arielle Baskin-Sommers, University of Wisconsin - Madison Joseph Newman, University of Wisconsin - Madison Ira Sommers, Loyola University Chicago / NORC at the University of Chicago What They Say or What They Do? Gender Differences in Peer-Pressure, Friends’ Delinquency, and Violence Ryan Spohn, University of Nebraska at Omaha Gender Differences in Criminal Pathways: The Impact of Social Context Ana Vigna, Universidad de la República, Uruguay BRUNCH SESSION 930: ASC CLOSING BRUNCH Saturday, November 17 - 11:30 am to 1:00 pm Empire Room, Lobby Level MEETING SESSION 931: ASC EXECUTIVE BOARD MEETING Saturday, November 17 - 12:00 pm to 5:00 pm Crystal Room, 3rd Floor 380 A SPECIAL THANK YOU The American Society of Criminology wishes to extend a special thanks to the many publishers and government agencies that have once again chosen to exhibit their materials and sponsor numerous food events. We greatly value your participation and note that your presence has become an integral aspect of our annual meeting experience. We thank you again, not just for your business, but your support of the field of criminology. 381 PARTICIPANT INDEX *Please note: Numbers in index refer to the session numbers A Abayomi, Kobi A. ............................................................................................................................................................................. 305 Abbott, Robert .................................................................................................................................................................................. 720 Abboud, Mia J. ................................................................................................................................................................................. 729 Abdel-Salam, Sami ........................................................................................................................................................................... 572 Abdu, Eman ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 414 Abdul-Adil, Jaleel............................................................................................................................................................................. 572 Abell, Leslie...................................................................................................................................................................................... 282 Abram, Karen M. ............................................................................................................................................................................. 391 Abramson, Marc F. .......................................................................................................................................................................... 663 Acton, Ryan ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 441 Adamczyk, Amy ................................................................................................................................................................................ 240 Adams, Charles ................................................................................................................................................................................ 361 Adams, Douglas ............................................................................................................................................................................... 874 Adams, Ericka Briana ...................................................................................................................................................................... 601 Adams, Harry ................................................................................................................................................................................... 362 Adams, Ken ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 683 Adams, Michael O. ........................................................................................................................................................................... 656 Adams, Peggy ................................................................................................................................................................................... 408 Adams, Wallis E. .............................................................................................................................................................................. 019 Adams, Ward A. ............................................................................................................................................................................... 439 Aday, Ronald .................................................................................................................................................................................... 746 Addington, Lynn A............................................................................................................................................................ 123, 522, 722 Aden, Hassan ................................................................................................................................................................................... 267 Adler, Freda ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 798 Adomako, Maame............................................................................................................................................................................. 572 Adubato, Beth ................................................................................................................................................................................... 233 Aeby, Samantha................................................................................................................................................................................ 572 Afonso, Kristie Lynn ......................................................................................................................................................................... 823 Agha, Suzanne .................................................................................................................................................................................. 009 Agnew, Robert .......................................................................................................................................................... 095, 192, 337, 772 Agnich, Laura E. .............................................................................................................................................................................. 080 Agozino, Biko ................................................................................................................................................................................... 715 Aguilar Conde, Araceli .................................................................................................................................................................... 020 Aguirre, Benigno .............................................................................................................................................................................. 754 Agustina, Jose R. .............................................................................................................................................................................. 439 Ahlin, Eileen ............................................................................................................................................................................. 588, 657 Ahonen, Lia .............................................................................................................................................................................. 454, 596 Ainsworth, Stephanie A. ................................................................................................................................................................... 666 Akers, Caroline Gibson .................................................................................................................................................................... 505 Akers, Ronald ................................................................................................................................................................................... 557 Akins, Scott ............................................................................................................................................................................... 474, 736 Akoensi, Thomas David............................................................................................................................................................ 213, 872 Akuchie, Desiree .............................................................................................................................................................................. 365 Al-Zoubi, Amira ............................................................................................................................................................................... 082 Alaniz, Heather ................................................................................................................................................................................ 107 Alasti, Sanaz ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 821 Alatorre, Francisco J. ...................................................................................................................................................................... 475 Albanese, Jay ....................................................................................................................................................118, 167, 655, 809, 922 Albini, Joseph ................................................................................................................................................................................... 655 Albonetti, Celesta ............................................................................................................................................................................. 242 402 Albrecht, Hans-Joerg ....................................................................................................................................................................... 921 Albrecht, James F. ........................................................................................................................................................................... 593 Alderden, Megan ...................................................................................................................................................................... 639, 706 Aldridge, Judith................................................................................................................................................................................ 731 Alexander, Dean C. .......................................................................................................................................................... 196, 417, 731 Alexander, Ryan ............................................................................................................................................................................... 186 Alfaro, Karla .................................................................................................................................................................................... 017 Aliiaskarov, Bekchoro ...................................................................................................................................................................... 788 Allahverdiyeva, Aysel ....................................................................................................................................................................... 246 Allard, Troy ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 317 Allen, Andrea ................................................................................................................................................................................... 039 Allen, Ashley Lynn............................................................................................................................................................................ 069 Allen, Jonathan G. ........................................................................................................................................................... 439, 572, 718 Allred, Sarah .................................................................................................................................................................................... 708 Almeida, Pedro R. ............................................................................................................................................................................ 552 Almquist, Zack.................................................................................................................................................................................. 441 Alomosh, Ahmad Falah .................................................................................................................................................................... 606 Alper, Mariel ............................................................................................................................................................................ 170, 388 Alpert, Geoffrey P. ................................................................................................................................................................... 292, 471 Alsabahi, Laila ................................................................................................................................................................................. 164 Altheimer, Irshad ............................................................................................................................................................................. 572 Altier, Mary Beth ............................................................................................................................................................................. 532 Alvarez, Alex ............................................................................................................................................................................ 247, 684 Alvarez-Rivera, Lorna L. ................................................................................................................................................................. 572 Alvi, Shahid ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 029 Amel, Angela .................................................................................................................................................................................... 263 Ames, Cherie .................................................................................................................................................................................... 235 Amidon, Ethan.......................................................................................................................................................................... 554, 572 Amirault, Joanna.............................................................................................................................................................................. 113 Amster, Randall................................................................................................................................................................................ 224 Anamali, Morena ............................................................................................................................................................................. 149 Anastasia, Desiré J. M. .................................................................................................................................................................... 288 Anderson, Amy L. ..................................................................................................................................................................... 086, 146 Anderson, Briana Michelle .............................................................................................................................................................. 572 Anderson, Gabriel ............................................................................................................................................................................ 552 Anderson, Lily .................................................................................................................................................................................. 658 Anderson, Matthew .......................................................................................................................................................................... 562 Anderson, Stephanie Hawkins .......................................................................................................................................................... 714 Anderson, Thomas K. ....................................................................................................................................................................... 572 Anderson, Valerie Rose .................................................................................................................................................................... 207 Anderson, Will .................................................................................................................................................................................. 614 Andersson, Catrin ............................................................................................................................................................................ 650 Andiloro, Nancy ............................................................................................................................................................................... 008 Andreopoulos, Chris ........................................................................................................................................................................ 037 Andresen, Carsten ............................................................................................................................................................................ 354 Andresen, Martin ............................................................................................................................................................................. 197 Angelo, Dean.................................................................................................................................................................................... 450 Angleman, Amy ................................................................................................................................................................................ 617 Aniskiewicz, Rick .............................................................................................................................................................................. 694 Ansari, Sami ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 414 Anselin, Luc E. ................................................................................................................................................................................. 545 Antisin, Arianna ............................................................................................................................................................................... 474 Antle, Kelsey .................................................................................................................................................................... 154, 185, 761 Antonaccio, Olena.............................................................................................................................................234, 531, 646, 699, 787 Antrobus, Emma ....................................................................................................................................................................... 235, 529 Apel, Robert ............................................................................................................................................................................. 066, 395 Appiahene-Gyamfi, Joseph .............................................................................................................................................................. 599 Applegate, Brandon K. ..................................................................................................................................................................... 460 403 Applin, Samantha E.......................................................................................................................................................................... 179 Arauz-Cuadra, Cesar ....................................................................................................................................................................... 620 Archbold, Carol A. ........................................................................................................................................................... 525, 605, 888 Arford, Tammi .................................................................................................................................................................................. 016 Arfsten, Kerrin-Sina ......................................................................................................................................................................... 503 Ariel, Barak .......................................................................................................................................................145, 409, 432, 740, 819 Arizola, Ricardo ............................................................................................................................................................................... 572 Arkow, Phil ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 350 Armborst, Andreas ........................................................................................................................................................................... 153 Armstrong, Gaylene ................................................................................................................................................................. 547, 913 Armstrong, Todd .............................................................................................................................................................................. 021 Arneson, Michelle ............................................................................................................................................................................ 217 Arnull, Elaine ................................................................................................................................................................................... 025 Arria, Amelia M. .............................................................................................................................................................................. 823 Arrigo, Bruce A. ............................................................................................................................................................................... 202 Arslan, Hasan T. .............................................................................................................................................................................. 421 Artello, Kristine ................................................................................................................................................................................ 596 Arter, Michael L. .............................................................................................................................................................................. 422 Arthur, Michael ................................................................................................................................................................................ 720 Arunachalam, Dharmalingam.......................................................................................................................................................... 826 Arungwa, Samuel Chibuike ...................................................................................................................................................... 291, 326 Arvanites, Thomas M. ...................................................................................................................................................................... 549 Arvanitidis, Tania ............................................................................................................................................................................ 059 Asal, Victor ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 827 Ascione, Frank ................................................................................................................................................................................. 350 Ascolillo, Vic .................................................................................................................................................................................... 891 Aseltine, Elyshia ............................................................................................................................................................................... 076 Asencio, Emily K. ............................................................................................................................................................................. 190 Asscher, Jessica ............................................................................................................................................................................... 767 Atherton, Matthew ............................................................................................................................................................................ 236 Athey, Nicholas ................................................................................................................................................................................ 520 Atkin, Cassandra .............................................................................................................................................................................. 913 Atterberry, Keith .............................................................................................................................................................................. 283 Auerhahn, Kathleen ......................................................................................................................................................................... 404 Augimeri, Leena ............................................................................................................................................................................... 869 Augustyn, Megan Bears ................................................................................................................................................... 409, 461, 535 Austin, Jim................................................................................................................................................................................ 009, 665 Austin, Timothy ................................................................................................................................................................................ 610 Avakame, Edem F. ........................................................................................................................................................................... 061 Averdijk, Margit ............................................................................................................................................................................... 548 Avetisyan, Meri ................................................................................................................................................................................ 372 Aviv, Gali ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 686 Azam, Abul Yasir .............................................................................................................................................................................. 546 Azimi, Andia ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 179 B Baals, Douglas Andrew............................................................................................................................................................ 075, 611 Bachar, Karen JoAnne ..................................................................................................................................................................... 527 Bachman, Ronet ....................................................................................................................................................................... 128, 625 Bachmann, Brittany ......................................................................................................................................................................... 829 Bachmann, Michael ......................................................................................................................................................................... 829 Backlin, Emy .................................................................................................................................................................................... 294 Bacon, Grant .................................................................................................................................................................................... 129 Baek, Hyunin .................................................................................................................................................................................... 564 Baenziger, Matthias ......................................................................................................................................................................... 728 Baetz, Carly...................................................................................................................................................................................... 719 404 Baglivio, Michael ..................................................................................................................................................................... 284, 912 Bailey, Danielle................................................................................................................................................................................ 784 Bailey, Diana ................................................................................................................................................................................... 072 Bailey, Frankie Yvonne .................................................................................................................................................................... 024 Bailey, Maldine B............................................................................................................................................................................. 556 Bain, Andy ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 354 Baker, David N......................................................................................................................................................................... 152, 871 Baker, Laura A. ................................................................................................................................................................................ 264 Baker, Ryan ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 010 Baker, Thomas ......................................................................................................................................................................... 018, 460 Bakiev, Erlan.................................................................................................................................................................................... 788 Bakken, Børge .................................................................................................................................................................................. 216 Bakken, Nicholas W. ................................................................................................................................................................ 108, 229 Balboni, Jennifer M.......................................................................................................................................................................... 254 Baldry, Eileen .................................................................................................................................................................................. 802 Baldwin, Julie Marie ........................................................................................................................................................ 052, 566, 880 Balemba, Samantha ......................................................................................................................................................................... 194 Bales, Bill .......................................................................................................................................... 053, 182, 229, 477, 789, 806, 911 Ball, Jonathan .................................................................................................................................................................................. 572 Ball, Matthew ................................................................................................................................................................................... 231 Ballard, Ellen ................................................................................................................................................................... 142, 218, 749 Baltazar, Alina ................................................................................................................................................................................. 609 Banasiak, Richard ............................................................................................................................................................................ 091 Bandes, Susan A. .............................................................................................................................................................................. 205 Bang, Brandon Louis ....................................................................................................................................................................... 316 Bantley, Kathleen ............................................................................................................................................................................. 572 Bao, Shuming ................................................................................................................................................................................... 805 Bao, Wan-Ning ................................................................................................................................................................................. 557 Barak, Gregg.................................................................................................................................................................................... 349 Barak, Maya Pagni .......................................................................................................................................................................... 297 Barbaro, Larissa .............................................................................................................................................................................. 633 Barber, Catherine ............................................................................................................................................................................ 572 Barberet, Rosemary ................................................................................................................................................. 037, 048, 118, 922 Barker, Edward D. ........................................................................................................................................................................... 440 Barker, Leon .................................................................................................................................................................................... 081 Barlow, Angela ................................................................................................................................................................................ 435 Barlow, David Edward .................................................................................................................................................................... 073 Barlow, Melissa Hickman ................................................................................................................................................................ 073 Barn, Ravinder ................................................................................................................................................................................. 507 Barnaby, Carlene ............................................................................................................................................................................. 143 Barnes, Allan.................................................................................................................................................................................... 419 Barnes, Ashlee R. ............................................................................................................................................................................. 207 Barnes, Geoffrey ...................................................................................................................................................................... 131, 902 Barnes, J.C. .......................................................................................................................................................078, 103, 343, 411, 714 Barnes-Ceeney, Kevin ...................................................................................................................................................................... 141 Barnett-Ryan, Cynthia ..................................................................................................................................................................... 615 Baron, Stephen ................................................................................................................................................................................. 448 Barr, Ashley ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 808 Barredo, Juan .................................................................................................................................................................................. 739 Barrett, Carla J. ............................................................................................................................................................................... 924 Barrett, Kimberly L. ................................................................................................................................................................. 785, 912 Barrick, Kelle ........................................................................................................................................................... 053, 200, 756, 923 Barrows, Julie .......................................................................................................................................................................... 204, 909 Bartgis, E. Elaine ............................................................................................................................................................................. 379 Barthe, Emmanuel.................................................................................................................................................................... 091, 728 Barton, Gina .................................................................................................................................................................................... 373 Barton, Michael S. ........................................................................................................................................................................... 412 Barton, William ................................................................................................................................................................................ 645 405 Basile, Kathleen ............................................................................................................................................................................... 425 Baskin, Deborah .............................................................................................................................................................................. 929 Baskin-Sommers, Arielle .................................................................................................................................................................. 929 Batcheller, Stephanie ....................................................................................................................................................................... 786 Batchelor, Susan Anusas .................................................................................................................................................................. 472 Bates, Ellie J.W. ............................................................................................................................................................................... 572 Bathurst, Cynthia L. ......................................................................................................................................................................... 572 Batton, Candice................................................................................................................................................................................ 260 Baudains, Peter ................................................................................................................................................................................ 310 Bauer, Tim........................................................................................................................................................................................ 914 Baughman, Jonas ............................................................................................................................................................................. 210 Baum, Katrina .................................................................................................................................................................................. 818 Baumer, Eric ............................................................................................................................................................................ 198, 480 Bazemore, Gordon ................................................................................................................................................................... 582, 697 Beaudoin, Isabelle............................................................................................................................................................................ 197 Beauregard, Eric...................................................................................................................................................... 194, 462, 572, 737 Beaver, Kevin M. .......................................................................................................................................108, 127, 343, 411, 434, 884 Becerra-Munoz, Jose ....................................................................................................................................................................... 020 Beck, Adrian ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 143 Beck, Allen ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 092 Beck, Julie ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 249 Beck, Victoria ................................................................................................................................................................................... 155 Becker, Jacob H. .............................................................................................................................................................................. 187 Beckett, Katherine ............................................................................................................................................................................ 716 Beckley, Amber L. ............................................................................................................................................................................ 592 Bedard, Laura .................................................................................................................................................................................. 018 Begun, Audrey L............................................................................................................................................................................... 777 Behlendorf, Brandon ................................................................................................................................................................ 133, 480 Behrens, Candace ............................................................................................................................................................................ 572 Beichner, Dawn................................................................................................................................................................................ 882 Beier, Harald ................................................................................................................................................................................... 531 Beijers, Guillaume ........................................................................................................................................................................... 763 Bejinariu, Alexa ............................................................................................................................................................................... 572 Belenko, Steven .................................................................................................................................................054, 182, 499, 654, 912 Belknap, Joanne ........................................................................................................................................050, 116, 219, 429, 568, 877 Bell, Kerryn ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 230 Bell, Kristin ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 058 Bell, Linda Green ............................................................................................................................................................................. 572 Bell, Valerie ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 659 Bellair, Paul E. ........................................................................................................................................................................ 085, 199 Bellandi, Rose .................................................................................................................................................................................. 421 Bellessa, Shannon Barton ................................................................................................................................................................ 915 Belshaw, Scott .................................................................................................................................................................................. 350 Ben-Moshe, Liat ............................................................................................................................................................................... 927 Ben-Yehuda, Nachman ............................................................................................................................................................. 279, 447 Benavides, Rosario........................................................................................................................................................................... 572 Bender, Kimberly A. ......................................................................................................................................................................... 737 Beneby, Darren ................................................................................................................................................................................ 060 Benekos, Peter.................................................................................................................................................................................. 413 Bennett, Larry .................................................................................................................................................................................. 877 Bennett, Richard R. .................................................................................................................................................................. 114, 634 Bennett, Sarah A. ............................................................................................................................................................................. 153 Benoit, Ellen ............................................................................................................................................................................. 474, 700 Benson, Michael ....................................................................................................................................................................... 170, 713 Benson, Nancy.................................................................................................................................................................................. 590 Bent, Richard ................................................................................................................................................................................... 496 Berardi, Luca ................................................................................................................................................................................... 759 Berg, Mark ........................................................................................................................................................083, 264, 548, 808, 895 406 Bergen, Raquel Kennedy .................................................................................................................................................................. 116 Berglin, Emily J. .............................................................................................................................................................................. 572 Berkowitz, Shari R............................................................................................................................................................................ 661 Berlin, Michael M. ........................................................................................................................................................................... 572 Berlusconi, Giulia ............................................................................................................................................................ 442, 545, 762 Bernardeau, Marjorie ...................................................................................................................................................................... 639 Bernasco, Wim ......................................................................................................................................................................... 344, 718 Bernat, Frances................................................................................................................................................................................ 319 Bernburg, Jon Gunnar ..................................................................................................................................................................... 057 Bernstein, Deborah .......................................................................................................................................................................... 505 Berry, Bonnie ........................................................................................................................................................................... 218, 874 Bersani, Bianca ................................................................................................................................................................ 297, 444, 592 Besemer, Sytske ........................................................................................................................................................................ 530, 621 Beto, Dan Richard............................................................................................................................................................................ 450 Bevier, Landon Shane ...................................................................................................................................................... 124, 237, 733 Bezdjian, Serena .............................................................................................................................................................................. 264 Bhat, Meghna ................................................................................................................................................................................... 014 Bhati, Avi.......................................................................................................................................................................................... 665 Bibel, Daniel ............................................................................................................................................................................ 639, 722 Bierie, David M. ....................................................................................................................................................................... 292, 544 Bigler, Rose Johnson................................................................................................................................................................ 260, 455 Bijleveld, Catrien ..................................................................................................................................................... 530, 621, 701, 709 Birch, Ivan Gregory ......................................................................................................................................................................... 637 Birks, Daniel .................................................................................................................................................................................... 718 Birzer, Michael L. ............................................................................................................................................................................ 186 Bishopp, Stephen A. ......................................................................................................................................................................... 350 Bjerregaard, Beth............................................................................................................................................................................. 572 Bjorgo, Tore ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 532 Bjornstrom, Eileen E. Spitznas......................................................................................................................................................... 363 Bjørnebekk, Ragnhild ....................................................................................................................................................................... 192 Blachman-Demner, Dara ................................................................................................................................................................. 865 Black, Michele.................................................................................................................................................................................. 425 Blackburn, Joseph ............................................................................................................................................................................ 313 Blackwell, Brenda Sims............................................................................................................................................ 218, 340, 461, 637 Blackwell, Kevin .............................................................................................................................................................................. 278 Blair, J. Pete .................................................................................................................................................................................... 544 Blair, Lesli................................................................................................................................................................................ 104, 912 Blais, Dominik.................................................................................................................................................................................. 512 Blais, Etienne ................................................................................................................................................................................... 197 Blandisi, Isabella ............................................................................................................................................................................. 887 Blankenship, Julia .................................................................................................................................................................... 023, 284 Blasdell, Raleigh .............................................................................................................................................................................. 572 Blasko, Brandy L. ............................................................................................................................................................................. 020 Blazak, Randy .................................................................................................................................................................................. 913 Blitsa, Dimitra .................................................................................................................................................................................. 248 Block, Lauren ........................................................................................................................................................................... 254, 729 Block, Richard L. ............................................................................................................................................................................. 672 Block, Steven .................................................................................................................................................................................... 369 Bloemhof, Barb ................................................................................................................................................................................ 593 Blokland, Arjan ................................................................................................................................................................ 395, 621, 701 Blomberg, Thomas G. .............................................................................................................................................................. 262, 752 Blowers, Anita N. ............................................................................................................................................................................. 198 Blumenstein, Lindsey ....................................................................................................................................................................... 695 Blumstein, Alfred ...............................................................................................................................................137, 182, 375, 483, 755 Boateng, Francis Danso .................................................................................................................................................. 107, 572, 634 Boatright, John ................................................................................................................................................................................ 160 Boatwright, Jessica .......................................................................................................................................................................... 572 Bocker, Rosalyn Theresa .................................................................................................................................................................. 462 407 Boers, Klaus ............................................................................................................................................................................. 484, 825 Boessen, Adam ................................................................................................................................................................................. 441 Bogazianos, Dimitri ......................................................................................................................................................................... 276 Boggess, Lyndsay N. ................................................................................................................................................ 145, 318, 688, 785 Bogue, Bradford ............................................................................................................................................................................... 089 Bohm, Robert M. .............................................................................................................................................................................. 866 Boisvert, Danielle............................................................................................................................................................................. 713 Boivin, Remi ............................................................................................................................................................................. 201, 439 Boldt, Ethan D. ................................................................................................................................................................................ 636 Bolen, Jonathan ............................................................................................................................................................................... 205 Bolger, Philip Colin ......................................................................................................................................................................... 572 Bologeorges, Stephanie Anastasia ................................................................................................................................................... 572 Bolton, Amanda................................................................................................................................................................ 154, 318, 572 Boman, John H......................................................................................................................................................................... 322, 687 Bond, Brenda ................................................................................................................................................................................... 041 Bond, Christine ................................................................................................................................................................ 053, 353, 880 Bones, Paul D.C. .............................................................................................................................................................................. 682 Bonfield, Miles Tarquin ................................................................................................................................................................... 740 Bonistall, Emily ................................................................................................................................................................................ 387 Bonn, Scott A.................................................................................................................................................................................... 803 Bonner, Heidi ................................................................................................................................................................................... 572 Bonventre, Catherine L. ................................................................................................................................................................... 523 Boonstoppel, Sarah .......................................................................................................................................................................... 093 Booth, Scott C. ................................................................................................................................................................................. 690 Borakove, M. Elaine......................................................................................................................................................................... 431 Bordt, Rebecca L. ............................................................................................................................................................................. 525 Bornstein, Avram ............................................................................................................................................................................. 164 Borrego, Andrea R. .......................................................................................................................................................................... 553 Bosick, Stacey J. ............................................................................................................................................................................... 403 Bosma, Anouk Quirina ..................................................................................................................................................................... 102 Bossi, Michael .................................................................................................................................................................................. 459 Bossler, Adam M. ..................................................................................................................................................................... 487, 926 Botchkovar, Ekaterina ..................................................................................................................................................... 531, 587, 699 Bottia Noguera, Martha ................................................................................................................................................................... 290 Bottoms, Bette L. ...................................................................................................................................................................... 572, 661 Bouchard, Martin ...................................................................................................................... 069, 149, 167, 380, 416, 520, 572, 740 Bouffard, Jeffery A. .................................................................................................................................................................. 411, 572 Bouffard, Leana ............................................................................................................................................................... 312, 739, 883 Boulet-Gauthier, Chanele ................................................................................................................................................................ 328 Boulger, Jordan ............................................................................................................................................................................... 390 Boutwell, Brian B. .................................................................................................................................................... 021, 103, 343, 411 Bowen, Kendra Nicole ..................................................................................................................................................................... 197 Bower, Janine Ann ........................................................................................................................................................................... 476 Bower, Tim ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 660 Bowers, D. A. ................................................................................................................................................................................... 415 Bowers, James Henry ....................................................................................................................................................................... 744 Bowles, Paula .......................................................................................................................................................................... 117, 572 Bowles, Sarah Elizabeth .................................................................................................................................................................. 352 Bowman, David ................................................................................................................................................................................ 563 Boxer, Paul ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 572 Boyd, Katharine ....................................................................................................................................................................... 152, 572 Boyd, Lorenzo M. ............................................................................................................................................................................. 419 Boyd, Neil ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 520 Boyle, Douglas J. ..................................................................................................................................................................... 428, 499 Boyle, Kaitlin M. .............................................................................................................................................................................. 647 Boyles, Andrea Shonetelle................................................................................................................................................................ 377 Bozin, Marie Angelete ...................................................................................................................................................................... 572 Bracy, Nicole L. ............................................................................................................................................................................... 589 408 Bradley, Christopher ................................................................................................................................................................ 568, 646 Bradley, Mindy ......................................................................................................................................................................... 203, 404 Bradshaw, Elizabeth ........................................................................................................................................................................ 212 Bradstreet, Charlotte ....................................................................................................................................................................... 172 Bradstreet, Georgette ....................................................................................................................................................................... 368 Braga, Anthony A. .................................................................................................................................................................... 432, 580 Brain, Georgianna ........................................................................................................................................................................... 784 Braithwaite, Helen ........................................................................................................................................................... 356, 572, 643 Braithwaite, Jeremy ......................................................................................................................................................................... 820 Brame, Robert .......................................................................................................................................................................... 466, 760 Bramm, Stephanie M. ....................................................................................................................................................................... 572 Branch, Sara .................................................................................................................................................................................... 265 Brandl, Mary Beth............................................................................................................................................................................ 690 Branic, Nicholas ...................................................................................................................................................................... 022, 318 Brantingham, P. Jeffrey ................................................................................................................................................................... 442 Brantingham, Patricia ..................................................................................................................................................................... 496 Brantingham, Paul ................................................................................................................................................................... 225, 352 Brants, Chrisje ................................................................................................................................................................................. 382 Brar, Gurjeet Kaur ........................................................................................................................................................................... 572 Bratton, Jason .................................................................................................................................................................................. 127 Brauer, Jonathan R. ................................................................................................................................................................. 234, 646 Breaux, Justin .................................................................................................................................................................. 492, 623, 669 Brecklin, Leanne .............................................................................................................................................................................. 502 Breeden, Kimberly ........................................................................................................................................................................... 714 Breen, Clairissa D............................................................................................................................................................................ 228 Breetzke, Gregory D. ....................................................................................................................................................................... 624 Breiding, Matthew ............................................................................................................................................................................ 425 Brendgen, Mara ............................................................................................................................................................................... 440 Brennan, Pauline K. ......................................................................................................................................................................... 101 Brennan, Tim.................................................................................................................................................................... 064, 322, 451 Brent, John ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 129 Brewer, Russell ................................................................................................................................................................................ 114 Brewer, Steven L. ............................................................................................................................................................. 324, 422, 572 Brewster, Mary ................................................................................................................................................................ 031, 059, 481 Brezina, Timothy .............................................................................................................................................................................. 142 Briddell, Laine ................................................................................................................................................................................. 918 Briggs, Jeremy Stone........................................................................................................................................................................ 572 Briggs, Steven .................................................................................................................................................................................. 241 Brightman, Hank J. .................................................................................................................................................................. 111, 829 Brightman, Sarah ............................................................................................................................................................................. 357 Briney, John ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 720 Brion, Fabienne ............................................................................................................................................................................... 612 Briones-Robinson, Rhissa ................................................................................................................................................................ 912 Brisman, Avi ............................................................................................................................................................. 224, 386, 814, 924 Britt, Chester L. ........................................................................................................................................................................ 189, 667 Britto, Sarah ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 597 Broadway, Akbar ............................................................................................................................................................................. 200 Brochu, Serge ................................................................................................................................................................................... 705 Brodie, Neil ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 899 Bromirski, Delene ............................................................................................................................................................................ 572 Broner, Nahama ............................................................................................................................................................................... 200 Brookman, Fiona Jane ..................................................................................................................................................................... 791 Brooks, Alison .......................................................................................................................................................................... 128, 165 Brooks, Robert ................................................................................................................................................................................. 124 Brooks Dollar, Cindy ............................................................................................................................................................... 332, 338 Brooks-Gunn, Jeanne ....................................................................................................................................................................... 761 Brotherton, David Charles ............................................................................................................................................... 113, 247, 703 Brown, Alison McKenney ................................................................................................................................................................. 070 409 Brown, Bethany ................................................................................................................................................................................ 251 Brown, Cynthia ................................................................................................................................................................................ 579 Brown, David ................................................................................................................................................................................... 802 Brown, Elizabeth K. ......................................................................................................................................................................... 549 Brown, Eric ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 720 Brown, Geneva ................................................................................................................................................................................. 236 Brown, Gregory Chris...................................................................................................................................................................... 836 Brown, Jennifer M.................................................................................................................................................................... 477, 572 Brown, LaDonna .............................................................................................................................................................................. 591 Brown, Michael P. ........................................................................................................................................................................... 291 Brown, Michelle ....................................................................................................................................................................... 307, 814 Brown, Robert .......................................................................................................................................................................... 235, 419 Brown, Sheryll J. .............................................................................................................................................................................. 605 Brown, Stephen E. ............................................................................................................................................................................ 660 Brown, Susan L. ............................................................................................................................................................................... 873 Brown, William ........................................................................................................................................................................ 396, 901 Brown, Wyatt .................................................................................................................................................................................... 904 Browne, Angela ................................................................................................................................................................................ 009 Browning, Christopher R. ................................................................................................................................................ 044, 225, 521 Browning, Sarah ...................................................................................................................................................................... 052, 919 Brownlee, Vernon............................................................................................................................................................................. 361 Brownstein, Henry H........................................................................................................................................................................ 125 Bruckmueller, Karin......................................................................................................................................................................... 037 Bruell, Christopher E. ...................................................................................................................................................................... 234 Bruinsma, Gerben J.N. ..................................................................................................................................................................... 344 Brumbaugh, Susan ........................................................................................................................................................................... 129 Brunson, Rod K. ....................................................................................................................................................... 095, 163, 206, 555 Brunton-Smith, Ian ........................................................................................................................................................................... 189 Brushett, Rachel ............................................................................................................................................................................... 659 Brusman-Lovins, Lori ...................................................................................................................................................................... 572 Bryant, Angela ................................................................................................................................................................................. 708 Bryant, Kevin M. .............................................................................................................................................................................. 926 Bryant, Robin ................................................................................................................................................................................... 372 Brydon, Deborah J. .......................................................................................................................................................................... 550 Bubolz, Bryan ........................................................................................................................................................................... 181, 824 Bucerius, Sandra M.......................................................................................................................................................... 281, 703, 759 Buchanan, Molly .............................................................................................................................................................................. 298 Buck Willison, Janeen ...................................................................................................................................................................... 089 Bucklen, Kristofer Bret .................................................................................................................................................... 020, 071, 142 Buckler, Kevin Glenn ............................................................................................................................................................... 010, 259 Budd, Kristen ................................................................................................................................................................................... 383 Bufkin, Jana ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 572 Bui, Hoan Ngoc ................................................................................................................................................................................ 689 Buist, Carrie ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 042 Bullock, Jessica ................................................................................................................................................................................ 550 Bumbarger, Brian K. ........................................................................................................................................................................ 265 Bumgarner, Jeff................................................................................................................................................................................ 204 Bunch, Jackson ................................................................................................................................................................................ 908 Burchfield, Keri B. ........................................................................................................................................................................... 086 Burgason, Kyle ................................................................................................................................................................................. 055 Burgess-Proctor, Amanda ................................................................................................................................................ 226, 298, 376 Burke, Alison S. ................................................................................................................................................................................ 600 Burke, Cynthia ................................................................................................................................................................................. 572 Burke, Tod ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 330 Burkes, Kaleena J. ........................................................................................................................................................... 229, 572, 911 Burkett, Jason .................................................................................................................................................................................. 473 Burkett, Tracy .................................................................................................................................................................................. 180 Burman, Michele Jane ............................................................................................................................................................. 472, 572 410 Burmon, Kate Melody ...................................................................................................................................................................... 899 Burns, Heather ......................................................................................................................................................... 062, 414, 459, 728 Burns, Ronald .................................................................................................................................................................................. 204 Burrow, John D. ............................................................................................................................................................................... 807 Burruss, George W. .................................................................................................................................................................. 156, 487 Bursik, Robert .......................................................................................................................................................... 045, 402, 619, 755 Burt, Callie Harbin .................................................................................................................................................................. 416, 692 Burton, Catherine............................................................................................................................................................................. 928 Burton, Jr., Velmer S. ....................................................................................................................................................................... 598 Busch-Armendariz, Noel .................................................................................................................................................................. 896 Bush, Michael D............................................................................................................................................................................... 890 Bush-Baskette, Stephanie ................................................................................................................................................................. 276 Bushway, Shawn ............................................................................................................................... 334, 383, 466, 572, 636, 681, 790 Butchart, Robert Alexander ............................................................................................................................................................. 764 Butler, Stephanie .............................................................................................................................................................................. 708 Butters, Rob.............................................................................................................................................................................. 413, 466 Button, Deeanna .............................................................................................................................................................................. 491 Butts, Carter T. ................................................................................................................................................................................ 441 Butts, Jeff.................................................................................................................................................................................. 347, 674 Bybee, Deborah................................................................................................................................................................................ 378 Bynum, Timothy ....................................................................................................................................................................... 547, 585 Byoun, Soo-Jung ...................................................................................................................................................................... 502, 702 Byrne, James ............................................................................................................................................................ 456, 643, 737, 784 Byrne, Mary W. ................................................................................................................................................................................ 913 Byun, Sung-hun ................................................................................................................................................................................ 029 Byxbe, Ferris Roger ................................................................................................................................................................. 554, 560 C Cadigan, Robert T. ........................................................................................................................................................................... 259 Cahill, Katelyn ................................................................................................................................................................................. 082 Cahill, Meagan ........................................................................................................................................................................ 412, 504 Cain, Calli ................................................................................................................................................................................ 086, 185 Calathes, William ..................................................................................................................................................................... 063, 924 Caldeira, Kimberly M. ..................................................................................................................................................................... 823 Calderoni, Francesco....................................................................................................................................................................... 898 Caldwell, Keirra .............................................................................................................................................................................. 319 Cale, Jesse........................................................................................................................................................................................ 737 Calhoun, Stacy ................................................................................................................................................................................. 749 Callanan, Valerie ............................................................................................................................................................................. 748 Cam, Taner ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 149 Camargo, Esperanza ........................................................................................................................................................................ 152 Camastra, Michael ........................................................................................................................................................................... 572 Cameron, Katherine A. .................................................................................................................................................................... 572 Campbell, Bradley A. ....................................................................................................................................................... 121, 816, 896 Campbell, Bradley K. ....................................................................................................................................................................... 830 Campbell, Christina A...................................................................................................................................................................... 207 Campbell, Christopher M. ....................................................................................................................................................... 729, 881 Campbell, Jacqueline ....................................................................................................................................................................... 572 Campbell, Jacquelyn ........................................................................................................................................................................ 588 Campbell, Michael C. ...................................................................................................................................................................... 787 Campeau, Holly ............................................................................................................................................................................... 328 Can, Salih Hakan ............................................................................................................................................................................. 514 Caneppele, Stefano........................................................................................................................................................................... 898 Cannon, Kevin D. ............................................................................................................................................................................. 322 Cano, Mario ............................................................................................................................................................................. 227, 242 Cantara, Patricia ............................................................................................................................................................................. 562 411 Cantella, Jennifer ............................................................................................................................................................................. 100 Cantor, David .................................................................................................................................................................................. 572 Cantora, Andrea ...................................................................................................................................................................... 200, 321 Cao, Liqun................................................................................................................................................................................ 087, 188 Capehart, Andrew ............................................................................................................................................................................ 161 Capellan, Joel .................................................................................................................................................................................. 067 Caplan, Joel M. ........................................................................................................................................................ 079, 210, 339, 763 Capowich, George E. ....................................................................................................................................................... 145, 196, 267 Capps, Jennifer Elizabeth ................................................................................................................................................................ 362 Caputo, Angela ................................................................................................................................................................................ 373 Caputo-Levine, Deirdre ................................................................................................................................................................... 147 Caravelis Hughes, Cyndy ................................................................................................................................................................. 146 Caraway, Angela.............................................................................................................................................................................. 488 Carbone-Lopez, Kristin ............................................................................................................................................................ 379, 929 Carcach, Carlos ............................................................................................................................................................................... 439 Cardoso, Carla Sofia ............................................................................................................................................... 154, 323, 557, 886 Cardwell, Stephanie M. .................................................................................................................................................................... 187 Cares, Alison .................................................................................................................................................................................... 590 Caringella, Susan ............................................................................................................................................................................. 423 Carleton, Rebecca ............................................................................................................................................................ 104, 190, 572 Carlock, Arna L. ...................................................................................................................................................................... 181, 741 Carlson, Corey R. ............................................................................................................................................................ 467, 596, 793 Carlson, Susan M. ............................................................................................................................................................................ 084 Carlsson, Christoffer ........................................................................................................................................................................ 359 Carmichael, Dalisha K. ................................................................................................................................................................... 780 Carmody, Dianne Cyr ...................................................................................................................................................................... 429 Carnevale, Eloise M. ........................................................................................................................................................................ 572 Carr, Christine ................................................................................................................................................................................. 572 Carr, Patrick ............................................................................................................................................................................ 163, 696 Carr, Renatto V. ............................................................................................................................................................................... 106 Carrabine, Eamonn.......................................................................................................................................................................... 307 Carrano, Julia .................................................................................................................................................................................. 305 Carreon, Diana L. .................................................................................................................................................................... 052, 572 Carriaga, Michael LeAnn ................................................................................................................................................................ 103 Carrillo, Karise Marise ............................................................................................................................................................ 572, 603 Carrington, Kerry .................................................................................................................................................................... 295, 323 Carroll, Matthew .............................................................................................................................................................................. 572 Carrothers, David ............................................................................................................................................................................ 475 Carson, Dena ................................................................................................................................................................... 699, 753, 836 Carson, E. Ann ................................................................................................................................................................................. 605 Carson, Jennifer ............................................................................................................................................................... 240, 357, 572 Carter, Allison.................................................................................................................................................................................. 360 Carter, Jeremy G...................................................................................................................................................................... 015, 917 Carter, Khirin .................................................................................................................................................................................. 832 Carter, Lisa ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 331 Case, Andrew ................................................................................................................................................................................... 470 Cass, Amy ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 062 Cassidy, Michael .............................................................................................................................................................................. 150 Castillo, Jason.................................................................................................................................................................................. 355 Castle, Tammy .................................................................................................................................................................................. 572 Castro, Josefina Maria .................................................................................................................................................... 025, 154, 557 Catalano, Richard .................................................................................................................................................................... 449, 720 Catalano, Shannan ................................................................................................................................................................... 092, 572 Catallozzi, Marina ........................................................................................................................................................................... 325 Caudy, Michael S. .................................................................................................................................................................... 666, 895 Cavanaugh, Michael R. .................................................................................................................................................................... 178 Cave, Breanne .................................................................................................................................................................................. 721 Cavendish, Wendy ............................................................................................................................................................................ 572 412 Cebulak, Wojciech ........................................................................................................................................................................... 028 Ceccato, Vania ................................................................................................................................................................. 070, 462, 886 Cecil, Dawn K. ......................................................................................................................................................................... 387, 870 Celaya, Adrienne.............................................................................................................................................................................. 747 Celinska, Katarzyna ......................................................................................................................................................................... 792 Cepeda, Alice ........................................................................................................................................................................... 219, 361 Cepeda Borrero, Jose R. .................................................................................................................................................................. 011 Cermak, Jennifer .............................................................................................................................................................................. 499 Cerniglia, Lenore ............................................................................................................................................................................. 828 Cerulli, Catherine ............................................................................................................................................................ 236, 408, 786 Cesar, Gabriel T. ..................................................................................................................................................................... 592, 783 Cesaroni, Carla ........................................................................................................................................................................ 166, 472 Chaddha, Anmol .............................................................................................................................................................................. 254 Chae, Young Ju ................................................................................................................................................................................ 689 Chagnon, Nicholas James ........................................................................................................................................................ 010, 920 Chahal, Jaspreet .............................................................................................................................................................................. 572 Chamard, Sharon ............................................................................................................................................................................. 572 Chamberlain, Alyssa Whitby .................................................................................................................................................... 085, 145 Chamberlain, Kate ........................................................................................................................................................................... 139 Chamlin, Mitchell B. ........................................................................................................................................................................ 572 Champion, David R. ......................................................................................................................................................................... 072 Chang, Lennon Yao-chung ............................................................................................................................................................... 068 Chang, Rosa ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 572 Chanin, Joshua ................................................................................................................................................................................ 593 Chapman, Gabrielle Lynn ................................................................................................................................................................ 253 Chappell, Allison Taylor .................................................................................................................................................................. 148 Chapple, Constance ......................................................................................................................................................... 256, 780, 835 Charlier, Jac .................................................................................................................................................................................... 041 Chase, Brandon................................................................................................................................................................................ 595 Chauhan, Preeti ............................................................................................................................................................................... 719 Chavez, Jorge M. ..................................................................................................................................................................... 191, 475 Chaviano, Nicholas .......................................................................................................................................................................... 127 Cheeseman, Kelly ............................................................................................................................................................................. 662 Cheesman, Fred Louis ..................................................................................................................................................................... 626 Chelbegean, Romulus....................................................................................................................................................................... 609 Cheliotis, Leonidas........................................................................................................................................................................... 063 Chemers, Betty ................................................................................................................................................................................. 347 Chen, Frances .................................................................................................................................................................................. 215 Chen, Xiaojin ................................................................................................................................................................................... 232 Chenane, Joselyne L. ....................................................................................................................................................................... 555 Chenault, Scott ......................................................................................................................................................................... 357, 572 Chenoweth, Erica ............................................................................................................................................................................. 133 Cherbonneau, Michael ..................................................................................................................................................................... 651 Cherkauskas, Jennifer Calnon ......................................................................................................................................................... 241 Chermak, Steven ...................................................................................................................................................... 109, 240, 518, 648 Cherukuri, Suvarna .......................................................................................................................................................................... 876 Chester, Hilary ................................................................................................................................................................................. 158 Cheyne, Nicola ................................................................................................................................................................................. 607 Chiancone, Janet.............................................................................................................................................................................. 758 Childs, Kristina ................................................................................................................................................................................ 284 Chilton, Bradley Stewart .................................................................................................................................................................. 227 Chilton, Roland ................................................................................................................................................................................ 722 Chin, Nancy...................................................................................................................................................................................... 236 Chiricos, Ted ............................................................................................................................................................ 053, 106, 198, 815 Chiu, Yu-Ling ........................................................................................................................................................................... 572, 792 Cho, Byung Jun ........................................................................................................................................................................ 157, 891 Cho, Chi C. ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 706 Cho, Sujung ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 572 413 Cho, Yeok-il.............................................................................................................................................................................. 561, 572 Cho, Younoh ............................................................................................................................................................................. 029, 572 Choi, Jisun ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 145 Choi, Kyung-shick ............................................................................................................................................................................ 323 Chon, Don Soo ................................................................................................................................................................................. 885 Choo, Kyungseok ............................................................................................................................................................................. 584 Choo, Tae ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 729 Choy, Olivia ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 673 Chrisco, Emelia Siobhan.................................................................................................................................................................. 379 Christensen Hughes, Julia ............................................................................................................................................................... 593 Christian, Johnna ..................................................................................................................................................................... 689, 882 Chrusciel, Margaret M. ................................................................................................................................................................... 919 Chu, Doris ................................................................................................................................................................................ 363, 691 Chu, Hongyun .................................................................................................................................................................................. 830 Chu, Rebekah ................................................................................................................................................................................... 741 Chu, Vivian ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 041 Chung, Hyewon ................................................................................................................................................................................ 152 Chwialkowski, Paul .......................................................................................................................................................................... 227 Cihan, Abdullah ............................................................................................................................................................................... 606 Cintron, Myrna ................................................................................................................................................................................ 011 Cissner, Amanda .............................................................................................................................................................. 431, 533, 865 Clark, Bobby .................................................................................................................................................................................... 810 Clark, Catie Lynn ..................................................................................................................................................................... 789, 911 Clark, David D. ................................................................................................................................................................................ 102 Clark, Jim ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 064 Clark, Valerie ................................................................................................................................................................................... 352 Clay-Warner, Jody ................................................................................................................................................................... 647, 908 Clear, Emily ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 750 Clear, Todd .............................................................................................................................................................. 088, 293, 471, 501 Clemons, Katie Lynn ................................................................................................................................................................ 473, 521 Cleveland, H. Harrington ................................................................................................................................................................ 572 Clevenger, Shelly ............................................................................................................................................................................. 331 Clifford, Janice ................................................................................................................................................................................ 288 Clifford, Mary .................................................................................................................................................................................. 341 Clinkinbeard, Samantha................................................................................................................................................................... 039 Clodfelter, Tammatha .............................................................................................................................................................. 290, 469 Clow, Kimberley A. .................................................................................................................................................................. 572, 887 Clubb, Audrey .................................................................................................................................................................................. 495 Clutter, Jeffrey E. ............................................................................................................................................................................. 241 Cobb, Pamela Denise ....................................................................................................................................................................... 322 Cobbina, Jennifer ............................................................................................................................................................. 046, 798, 895 Cobbs, Rochelle E. ........................................................................................................................................................................... 156 Cochran, John K. ..................................................................................................................................................................... 106, 178 Cochran, Joshua C. .................................................................................................................................................................. 108, 182 Coggeshall, Mark ............................................................................................................................................................................. 526 Cohen, Derek ................................................................................................................................................................... 368, 419, 917 Cohen, Jeff W. .......................................................................................................................................................................... 124, 920 Cohen, Marcia ......................................................................................................................................................................... 346, 781 Cohen, Thomas H............................................................................................................................................................................. 910 Cohn, Ellen G........................................................................................................................................................................... 624, 925 Coker, Ann ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 750 Colanese, Jennifer ............................................................................................................................................................ 182, 321, 457 Colarusso, J. Andrew ....................................................................................................................................................................... 411 Coldren, Jr., James R. .............................................................................................................................................................. 091, 143 Collica, Kimberly ............................................................................................................................................................................. 117 Collier-Goubil, Deshonna ................................................................................................................................................................ 361 Collins, Catherine ............................................................................................................................................................................ 379 Collins, Peter A. ....................................................................................................................................................................... 205, 254 414 Collins, Sue Carter ........................................................................................................................................................................... 579 Collins, Victoria ....................................................................................................................................................................... 084, 491 Coltharp, Philip ............................................................................................................................................................................... 789 Colyer, Corey ................................................................................................................................................................................... 383 Comfort, Megan ............................................................................................................................................................................... 601 Condry, Rachel ........................................................................................................................................................................ 418, 658 Conley, Jamison ............................................................................................................................................................................... 459 Connell, Nadine ............................................................................................................................................................................... 277 Connolly, Eric J. .............................................................................................................................................................................. 127 Connor, David Patrick ..................................................................................................................................................................... 071 Conopio, Kathryn ............................................................................................................................................................................. 609 Conover-Williams, Meredith ............................................................................................................................................................ 521 Conway, Peggy "Margaret" ............................................................................................................................................................. 806 Cook, Carrie .................................................................................................................................................................................... 062 Cook, Kimberly ................................................................................................................................................................ 049, 340, 878 Cook, Philip J................................................................................................................................................................................... 433 Cooke, Barbara ................................................................................................................................................................................ 872 Cooney, Mark ........................................................................................................................................................................... 119, 137 Cooney, Mikaela .............................................................................................................................................................................. 292 Cooper, Alexia ................................................................................................................................................................................. 040 Cooper, Jonathon A. ........................................................................................................................................................................ 205 Cooper, Maisha Nichole .................................................................................................................................................................. 561 Copeland, Kim ................................................................................................................................................................................. 141 Copenhaver, Michael ....................................................................................................................................................................... 054 Copes, Heith ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 651 Copp, Jennifer .................................................................................................................................................................................. 325 Corcoran, Mary ............................................................................................................................................................................... 746 Cornacchione, Jennifer .................................................................................................................................................................... 046 Cornell, Dewey ................................................................................................................................................................................ 883 Coroian, George .............................................................................................................................................................................. 544 Corrado, Raymond R. .............................................................................................................................................. 285, 560, 741, 824 Corrales, Sonia ................................................................................................................................................................................ 896 Corsaro, Nicholas ............................................................................................................................................................................ 528 Corsianos, Marilyn .......................................................................................................................................................................... 042 Cortez, Dimas .................................................................................................................................................................................. 164 Corzine, Jay ............................................................................................................................................................................. 243, 370 Cosemans, Zoë ................................................................................................................................................................................. 686 Cosma, Ioana ................................................................................................................................................................................... 789 Costa, Elise ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 343 Costanza, S. E. ......................................................................................................................................................................... 141, 415 Costello, Barbara ..................................................................................................................................................................... 078, 667 Costigan, Adele ................................................................................................................................................................................ 430 Coston, Charisse T.M....................................................................................................................................................... 075, 243, 611 Cotton, Allison M. .................................................................................................................................................................... 773, 894 Couture, Amanda ............................................................................................................................................................................. 184 Couvrette, Amelie ............................................................................................................................................................................. 705 Covington, Jeanette .......................................................................................................................................................................... 278 Covington, Michele .......................................................................................................................................................................... 144 Cox, Alexandra ................................................................................................................................................................................ 452 Cox, Amanda .................................................................................................................................................................................... 331 Cox, Terry Carl ................................................................................................................................................................................ 831 Coyle, Michael J. ..................................................................................................................................................................... 198, 516 Coyne, Michelle Anne .............................................................................................................................................................. 343, 713 Craft, Shonda ................................................................................................................................................................................... 598 Craig, Jessica ................................................................................................................................................................................... 026 Cramer, Lindsey ............................................................................................................................................................................... 371 Crank, Beverly R. ............................................................................................................................................................................. 460 Crank, John .............................................................................................................................................................................. 291, 360 415 Craun, Sarah Welchans ........................................................................................................................................................... 292, 544 Crawford, Charles ........................................................................................................................................................................... 204 Crawford, Geniece A........................................................................................................................................................................ 777 Crawford, Timothy ........................................................................................................................................................................... 750 Crayton, Lee ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 007 Cregg, Stephanie .............................................................................................................................................................................. 572 Cretacci, Michael ............................................................................................................................................................................. 290 Crichlow, Vaughn Joel ..................................................................................................................................................................... 211 Crisafi, Denise ................................................................................................................................................................................. 747 Crissman, Belinda Rochelle ............................................................................................................................................................. 562 Crites, Erin ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 666 Crittenden, Courtney A. ................................................................................................................................................................... 378 Crocitti, Stefania .............................................................................................................................................................................. 281 Cronin, Shea W. ............................................................................................................................................................................... 728 Cross, Theodore P............................................................................................................................................................................ 639 Crossland, Christine ........................................................................................................................................................................ 128 Crow, Matthew S. ............................................................................................................................................................................. 156 Crowl, Justin Nicholas ............................................................................................................................................................. 323, 465 Crutchfield, Robert D. .............................................................................................................................................................. 206, 449 Cruz, Ken ................................................................................................................................................................................. 249, 903 Cruze, Jennifer Rose ........................................................................................................................................................................ 637 Cryer-Coupet, Qiana ....................................................................................................................................................................... 501 Cubellis, Michelle ............................................................................................................................................................................ 358 Cuevas, Carlos A. ............................................................................................................................................................................ 795 Cukier, Michel .......................................................................................................................................................................... 388, 738 Cullen, Francis T. ............................................................................................................................. 148, 192, 293, 598, 619, 667, 801 Culp, Richard F. .............................................................................................................................................................................. 016 Cumley, Samantha R. ....................................................................................................................................................................... 549 Cundiff, Patrick ........................................................................................................................................................................ 238, 808 Cunneen, Chris ........................................................................................................................................................................ 715, 802 Cunningham, David ......................................................................................................................................................................... 394 Cuquerella, Angel ............................................................................................................................................................................ 350 Curcio, Gina A. ................................................................................................................................................................................ 071 Currie, Elliott ................................................................................................................................................................... 249, 335, 903 Curry, Glen David............................................................................................................................................................................ 336 Curtis, Kristin .................................................................................................................................................................................. 572 Curtis, Ric ................................................................................................................................................................................ 164, 626 Cusick, Gretchen R. ......................................................................................................................................................................... 572 Cwick, Jaclyn ................................................................................................................................................................................... 281 Czerwińska-Jakimiuk, Ewa .............................................................................................................................................................. 572 D D'Angelo, Jill M. .............................................................................................................................................................................. 882 D'Unger, Amy .................................................................................................................................................................................. 301 da Agra, Cândido ..................................................................................................................................................................... 154, 557 Dabney, Dean .................................................................................................................................................................................. 693 Daday, Jerry K. ................................................................................................................................................................................ 061 Daems, Tom ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 684 Daftary-Kapur, Tarika ............................................................................................................................................................. 775, 880 Dahl, Patricia Preston ..................................................................................................................................................................... 511 Dahle, Thorvald ....................................................................................................................................................................... 525, 605 Dai, Mengyan ................................................................................................................................................................... 252, 363, 499 Daigle, Leah ......................................................................................................................................................179, 325, 461, 647, 908 Daly, Reagan.................................................................................................................................................................................... 757 Daly, Sarah Elizabet ........................................................................................................................................................................ 501 Damphousse, Kayleigh Elise ............................................................................................................................................................ 464 416 Damphousse, Kelly R. ...................................................................................................................................................................... 240 Daniels, Jeff ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 617 Dank, Meredith ........................................................................................................................................................ 670, 756, 865, 923 Danner, Mona J. .............................................................................................................................................................. 237, 295, 799 Das, Dilip K. ............................................................................................................................................................................ 364, 657 Das, Shyamal ................................................................................................................................................................................... 510 Daskalou, Manos ..................................................................................................................................................................... 117, 572 Dass-Brailsford, Priscilla ................................................................................................................................................................ 219 Dathorne, Souyenne ......................................................................................................................................................................... 572 Davenport, Dylan ............................................................................................................................................................................. 572 Davenport, Ryan Aaron ........................................................................................................................................................... 154, 789 Davidson, Janet................................................................................................................................................................................ 556 Davidson, Judith .............................................................................................................................................................................. 527 Davidson, Leslie ............................................................................................................................................................................... 325 Davidson, William S. ........................................................................................................................................................................ 207 Davie, Laura .................................................................................................................................................................................... 803 Davies, Garth ........................................................................................................................................................... 057, 104, 345, 572 Davila, Wilma .................................................................................................................................................................................. 572 Davis, Clinton .................................................................................................................................................................................. 459 Davis, Jacqueline ............................................................................................................................................................................. 529 Davis, Jason ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 545 Davis, Karen .................................................................................................................................................................................... 499 Davis, Lois ............................................................................................................................................................................... 100, 734 Davis, Mark S................................................................................................................................................................................... 874 Davis, Matthew ................................................................................................................................................................................ 195 Davis, Meredith M. .......................................................................................................................................................................... 547 Davis, Sherree R.B. .......................................................................................................................................................................... 317 Davis Rodrigues, Corinne ................................................................................................................................................................ 266 Dawe, Meghan ................................................................................................................................................................................. 077 Dawson, Lisa.................................................................................................................................................................................... 309 Dawson, Stephanie E. ...................................................................................................................................................................... 057 Dawson-Edwards, B. Cherie ............................................................................................................................................................ 604 Day, George ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 584 Day, Jacob ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 588 Day, Susan Elaine ............................................................................................................................................................................ 697 De Angelis, Joseph T. ....................................................................................................................................................................... 690 De Caires, Richard Joseph .............................................................................................................................................................. 196 De Coster, Stacy ............................................................................................................................................................................... 199 De Cuyper, Ruben ............................................................................................................................................................................ 521 De Giorgi, Alessandro ..................................................................................................................................................................... 093 de Guzman, Melchor ................................................................................................................................................................ 073, 572 de Keijser, Jan W. .............................................................................................................................................066, 235, 789, 887, 910 De La Rue, Lisa................................................................................................................................................................................ 304 de Lange, Evianne ............................................................................................................................................................................ 887 Deabler, Kelsey ................................................................................................................................................................................ 260 Dean, Collin ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 562 Dean, Geoff ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 240 Death, Jodi ............................................................................................................................................................................... 014, 295 DeBarr, Mark ................................................................................................................................................................................... 201 Debus-Sherrill, Sara Ann ................................................................................................................................................. 263, 550, 595 DeCarlo, John .................................................................................................................................................................. 098, 351, 572 Decary-Hetu, David ......................................................................................................................................................................... 456 Deckard, Michael J. ......................................................................................................................................................................... 572 Decker, Melissa ................................................................................................................................................................................ 572 Decker, Scott .............................................................................................................................................044, 362, 471, 487, 532, 601 Deger, Amy W. ................................................................................................................................................................................. 572 Degner, Jürgen ........................................................................................................................................................................ 454, 596 DeHart, Dana .................................................................................................................................................................. 219, 429, 568 417 DeJong, Christina .................................................................................................................................................................... 119, 376 DeKeseredy, Walter S. ..............................................................................................................................013, 116, 211, 425, 727, 814 DeLeeuw, Joseph ..................................................................................................................................................................... 082, 827 Delgado, Shela A.............................................................................................................................................................................. 449 Della Giustina, Jo-Ann .................................................................................................................................................................... 664 DeLone, Gregory J. .......................................................................................................................................................................... 572 DeLone, Miriam A............................................................................................................................................................................ 572 Delong, Rhonda Kaye ...................................................................................................................................................................... 572 Dembo, Richard ............................................................................................................................................................................... 912 DeMichele, Jennifer ......................................................................................................................................................................... 664 DeMichele, Matthew ................................................................................................................................................................ 053, 290 Demidov, Nicolai N. ......................................................................................................................................................................... 364 Dempsey, Tamara ............................................................................................................................................................................ 914 Demuth, Stephen .............................................................................................................................................................................. 873 Den Heyer, Garth ............................................................................................................................................................................. 364 Deng, Xiaogang ............................................................................................................................................................... 453, 510, 743 Denney, Andrew Stephen ................................................................................................................................................................. 468 Dennis, Kimya N. ............................................................................................................................................................................. 515 Dennison, Susan ............................................................................................................................................................................... 607 Denno, Deborah ............................................................................................................................................................................... 779 Denton, Erin ............................................................................................................................................................................. 030, 659 Denver, Megan ................................................................................................................................................................. 492, 818, 868 Descormiers, Karine ........................................................................................................................................................................ 572 DeShay, Rashaan A. ......................................................................................................................................................................... 572 Deslauriers-Varin, Nadine ............................................................................................................................................................... 572 Detar, Paul J. ........................................................................................................................................................................... 292, 544 Deuchar, Ross .................................................................................................................................................................................. 528 DeVall, Kristen E. ............................................................................................................................................................................ 072 Devers, Lindsey ................................................................................................................................................................................ 409 DeWitt, Samuel E. ............................................................................................................................................................................ 066 Dey, Eugene ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 336 Dhamija, Devika .............................................................................................................................................................................. 264 Dhondt, Geert .................................................................................................................................................................................. 885 Dhungana, Karla ..................................................................................................................................................................... 018, 820 Di Marco, Moreno ........................................................................................................................................................................... 743 Di Pietro, Stephanie ......................................................................................................................................................... 281, 345, 592 Diamond, Brie .................................................................................................................................................................................. 108 Diaz-Barriga, Miguel ....................................................................................................................................................................... 581 Dickinson, George ........................................................................................................................................................................... 180 Dickinson, Timothy .................................................................................................................................................................. 081, 163 Diederich, Christian......................................................................................................................................................................... 419 Dieterich, William ............................................................................................................................................................ 064, 322, 451 Digard, Leon .................................................................................................................................................................................... 321 Diih, Sorle Stanley ........................................................................................................................................................................... 144 Dillon, Luke...................................................................................................................................................................................... 751 Dimkov, Trajce ................................................................................................................................................................................. 031 DioGuardi, Sherri ............................................................................................................................................................................ 055 Dirks, Danielle ................................................................................................................................................................................. 076 Dirkzwager, Anja ..............................................................................................................................................066, 102, 521, 601, 910 Dishon, Amanda J. ................................................................................................................................................................... 568, 705 Distler, Michael ............................................................................................................................................................................... 444 Dixon, Shane .................................................................................................................................................................................... 682 Dobbs, Rhonda R. .....................
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Barriers to Reporting Sexual Assault in the Military Amanda M. Jungels — US Army Public Health
Command, Amber Wilson — US Army Public Health Command, Shelley S. Kay — US Army Public Health
Spring 2008 - Commencement - WSU Commencement Ceremonies
Best Wishes from the President . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4