Spring 2008 - Commencement - WSU Commencement Ceremonies
Spring 2008 - Commencement - WSU Commencement Ceremonies
Other WSU Commencement Ceremonies Ceremonies Time and date Location WSU Spokane / Intercollegiate College of Nursing Friday, May 2, 2:00 p.m. Spokane Convention Center WSU Tri-Cities Friday, May 9, 4:00 p.m. Tri-Cities Campus WSU Vancouver Saturday, May 10, 1:00 p.m. Clark County Amphitheatre Thompson Hall and Murrow Communications Addition Washington, My Washington Washington, My Washington The Crimson and the Gray, ’Tis the songs of memory That we sing today, When the sad hours come to you And sorrows ’round you play, Just sing the songs of Washington The Crimson and the Gray, Just sing the songs of Washington The Crimson and the Gray. Spring 2008 Commencement S a t u r d a y , M a y T h i r d table of c o nt e nts Best Wishes from the President . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 President’s Ceremonial Stole and Chain of Office. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Best Wishes from the Faculty Senate and Administrative Professional Advisory Council Chairs . . . . . . . . 6 Greetings from ASWSU and GPSA Presidents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Order of Exercises 8:00 a.m. Ceremony. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 College of Agricultural, Human, and Natural Resource Sciences • College of Engineering and Architecture • College of Pharmacy • College of Sciences • College of Veterinary Medicine 11:30 a.m. Ceremony. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 College of Liberal Arts 3:00 p.m. Ceremony. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 College of Business • College of Education • Intercollegiate College of Nursing Board of Regents, Executive Officers, Academic Deans, and Campus Chancellors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Academic Regalia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Commencement Officials and Staff. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Commencement 2008 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14–15 The University Mace. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Washington State University Highlights, 2004–2008 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16–17 Commencement Speakers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18–19 Candidates for Advanced Degrees . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Candidates for Professional Degrees. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 Candidates for Baccalaureate Degrees . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 Candidates for Residency Teaching Certificate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75 Commissions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .77 Honors College. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78 Graduation with Academic Honors. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79 Star Spangled Banner. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80 Photos on opposite page by Bob Hubner and Shelly Hanks, WSU Photo Services. 2008 SPRING commencemenT 3 b e st w is h e s from the pr e si d e nt I congratulate you on your academic achievements and the completion of your degree. Your dedication and commitment have brought you to this successful point: graduation from Washington State University, one of America’s top-tier research universities. Graduation opens the door for you to put to use what you have learned in your classes, laboratories, internships, and campus life experiences. You now have your opportunity to make a difference in the world. I am grateful for our faculty’s commitment to you, our students. In the years ahead, I know you will reflect upon what you have learned at WSU, a university of unequalled quality and commitment. I hope that you will remember the experiences and people here who transformed your knowledge and understanding of the world. Again, congratulations. I wish you every success and trust that you will Elson S. Floyd, Ph.D. President, Washington State University Elson S. Floyd became the tenth president of Washington State University on May 21, 2007. He previously was president of the fourcampus University of Missouri from 2003 to 2007, and he served as president of Western Michigan University from 1998 to 2003. He began his career in 1978 at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, where he held deanships in the Division of Student Affairs, the General College, and the College of Arts and Sciences. From 1988 to 1990, he was assistant vice president for student services for the UNC system office, where he helped develop student affairs and academic affairs policy for the 16-campus system. From 1990 to 1993, Dr. Floyd filled vice presidencies at Eastern Washington University and then was executive director of the Washington Higher Education Coordinating Board. From 1995 to 1998, he was executive vice chancellor of UNC at Chapel Hill. A native of Henderson, North Carolina, Floyd holds a bachelor of arts degree in political science and speech, a master of education degree in adult education, and a doctor of philosophy degree in higher and adult education, all from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Among his other honors is the 2004 Distinguished Alumnus Award from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. 4 2008 SPRING c o m m e n c e m e nt stay connected to WSU, your alma mater. You will always be a member of the loyal Cougar family. It is a privilege and honor to preside at your commencement. I look forward to shaking your hand and wishing you well after you receive your diploma cover. Elson S. Floyd, Ph.D. President, Washington State University C e r e m o ni a l Stole and pr e si d e nt ’ s c h a in of office President’s Ceremonial Stole Presented to President Elson S. Floyd during his first commencement ceremony at Washington State University in fall 2007, the ceremonial stole signifies the ethnic diversity the University seeks in all its endeavors and presents a dynamic visual presentation. Researched and designed by faculty member Linda Arthur with contributions from apparel, merchandising, design, and textiles students, the stole is made of textiles from locations including Ecuador, India, Scotland, and Japan. Many came from the personal collections of Arthur or her colleagues, some were available commercially, and four were hand-woven by fiber artists specifically for the stole. Master Salish weaver Susan Pavel hand-spun and wove two pieces of traditional Indian design. Other custom pieces include a Hawaiian hand appliqué by Charlotte Hughes, an American coverlet sampler by Cynthia Hosek, and embroidered pieces representing the Nez Perce tradition by Ann MacCormack. The President’s Chain of Office During commencement ceremonies and other special occasions, the president of Washington State University wears the President’s Chain of Office. The medallion features the WSU shield with Cougar head, and the links are engraved with the names and dates of service for each past WSU president, starting with George Lilley, who served from 1891 to 1892, and ending with V. Lane Rawlins, who served from 2000 to 2007. Blank links allow engraving of names and service years for future presidents. The Chain of Office was created at the request of V. Lane Rawlins, who became president of WSU on June 8, 2000. He wore it for the first time during his inauguration on March 28, 2001. 2008 SPRING commencemenT 5 b e st w is h e s f r o m t h e F a c u l t y S e n a t e a n d a d m inistr a ti v e pr o f e ssi o n a l a d v is o r y c o un c i l c h a irs Dear 2008 graduates, On this day of celebration, the faculty of Washington State University wishes to congratulate each of you as you graduate and recognize the personal accomplishments you have achieved. Commencement is a day that also recognizes the efforts and support each of you received from your families and friends. As you move onto the next phase of your lives, remember to do your best, keep learning, say thank you, and support your family, friends, and University. In this venue, it is also important to take a moment to remember those from our University family that passed away this year. Best wishes to all of you from all of us, your Cougar colleagues and friends. Kenneth A. Struckmeyer Chair, Washington State University Faculty Senate Kenneth A. Struckmeyer Chair, Washington State University Faculty Senate May 2008 Graduates, We applaud your achievements. Your determination and efforts are outstanding. On behalf of the administrative and professional staff I congratulate you on your success at Washington State University. It has been a pleasure for us to assist your efforts and to see you graduate. For some of us, this day is extra special because we have had the opportunity to be your moms and dads away from home. Like your parents, we are proud of you. With graduation, you take your place among Cougar alumni and have the opportunity to add to the success of those who graduated before you. Your training and experiences at WSU have prepared you to embark on your next challenge. Francis Benjamin Chair, Administrative Professional Advisory Council I wish each of you success in your future endeavors, and when you come back to visit WSU make sure you stop in and tell the staff hello. Francis Benjamin Chair, Administrative Professional Advisory Council May 2008 6 2008 SPRING c o m m e n c e m e nt G r e e tings from the ASWSU and GPSA P r e si d e nts Your day is here! On behalf of the undergraduate students of Washington State University, congratulations! For years you have been working very hard for today. Pride and a sense of achievement overwhelm me as I see that you are ready for life’s next adventure. Because of what you learned here, I expect nothing but success for each and every one of you. You came to WSU as an individual. But you are leaving here as members of the Cougar Family. This family is as unique and special as you. While looking toward the future, it is natural to reflect on the past and the events that took place between arriving at WSU and today’s graduation. You have made friends who will last a lifetime, made life-changing decisions, and, most importantly, learned about yourselves. Kasey Webster President, Associated Students of Washington State University I wish you well for the future and leave you with two words that have and will always be near and dear to your hearts…Go Cougs! Kasey Webster President, Associated Students of Washington State University May 2008 Dear graduates, Congratulations on concluding your studies at Washington State University. This day we acknowledge all of your hard work and celebrate your achievements. You, and those who have supported you, should be extremely proud. Upon this momentous achievement, you have joined the ranks of a world-class group of students who have the honor and pride to call themselves graduates of WSU. I hope that your time spent here as a Cougar will be remembered as one of the most meaningful and rewarding times in your life. I am pleased to join with your family and friends in extending Manpreet Chahal President, Graduate and Professional Student Association congratulations and wishing you the very best in all of your future endeavors. Go Cougs! Manpreet Chahal President, Graduate and Professional Student Association May 2008 2008 SPRING commencemenT 7 Or d e r of E x e r c is e s 8:00 a.m. College of Agricultural, Human, and Natural Resource Sciences College of Engineering and Architecture • College of Pharmacy College of Sciences • College of Veterinary Medicine Processional. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Washington State University Wind Symphony Tim Robblee, Director of Bands, School of Music and Theatre Arts, conducting Mace Bearer and Honor Guards Faculty Senate Chair, and ASWSU and GPSA Presidents Vice Provosts and Designated Faculty Highlight Students Hooding Faculty Candidates for Advanced and Professional Degrees Candidates for Baccalaureate Degrees and Faculty College Flags President’s Platform Party Regents of the University, Honored Guests, College Deans, Vice Presidents, Provost, President Honors Hall Posting of Colors. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Joint WSU/UI ROTC Color Guard The National Anthem. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Julie Anne Wieck, Associate Professor School of Music and Theatre Arts Greetings and Introductions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Elson S. Floyd, President Robert Bates, Provost and Executive Vice President Welcome. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Manpreet Chahal, President Graduate and Professional Students Association Kasey Webster, President Associated Students of WSU Senior Gift Presentation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Erica Martin Annual Giving, WSU Foundation Student Highlight Recognition. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Provost Bates Recognition of Honor Societies. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Provost Bates Commencement Address. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rajiv J. Shah Director for Agricultural Development, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation Commissioning of ROTC Officer Candidates. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . W. Scott Ryder, Captain U.S. Navy, Department of Naval Science Advanced and Professional Degrees Baccalaureate Degrees Alumni Welcome. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Albert Powell, President Alumni Association Alma Mater . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Led by Christopher Akers, Senior Vocal Performance Major, School of Music and Theatre Arts Recessional. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Washington State University Wind Symphony SPECIAL NOTE FOR PARENTS AND FRIENDS: Professional photographers will photograph all candidates as they receive their diploma covers from the deans. A proof will be mailed to each graduate, and additional photos may be purchased at reasonable rates. Parents and friends of the graduates are asked to remain in their seats during the ceremonies. 8 2008 SPRING c o m m e n c e m e nt Or d e r of E x e r c is e s 11:30 a.m. College of Liberal Arts Processional. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Washington State University Wind Symphony Tim Robblee, Director of Bands, School of Music and Theatre Arts, conducting Mace Bearer and Honor Guards Faculty Senate Chair, and ASWSU and GPSA Presidents Vice Provosts and Designated Faculty Highlight Students Hooding Faculty Candidates for Advanced and Professional Degrees Candidates for Baccalaureate Degrees and Faculty College Flag President’s Platform Party Regents of the University, Honored Guests, College Deans, Vice Presidents, Provost, President Thompson Hall Posting of Colors. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Joint WSU/UI ROTC Color Guard The National Anthem. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Julie Anne Wieck, Associate Professor School of Music and Theatre Arts Greetings and Introductions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Elson S. Floyd, President Robert C. Bates, Provost and Executive Vice President Welcome. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Manpreet Chahal, President Graduate and Professional Students Association Kasey Webster, President Associated Students of WSU Senior Gift Presentation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kris Peterson Annual Giving, WSU Foundation Student Highlight Recognition. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Provost Bates Recognition of Honor Societies. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Provost Bates Commencement Address. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . LeRoy Ashby, Regents Professor and Claudius O. and Mary W. Johnson Distinguished Professor of History Advanced and Professional Degrees Baccalaureate Degrees Alumni Welcome. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Albert Powell, President Alumni Association Alma Mater . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Led by Christopher Akers, Senior Vocal Performance Major, School of Music and Theatre Arts Recessional. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Washington State University Wind Symphony SPECIAL NOTE FOR PARENTS AND FRIENDS: Professional photographers will photograph all candidates as they receive their diploma covers from the deans. A proof will be mailed to each graduate, and additional photos may be purchased at reasonable rates. Parents and friends of the graduates are asked to remain in their seats during the ceremonies. 2008 SPRING commencemenT 9 Or d e r of E x e r c is e s 3:00 p.m. College of Business • College of Education • Intercollegiate College of Nursing Processional. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Washington State University Wind Symphony Tim Robblee, Director of Bands, School of Music and Theatre Arts, conducting Mace Bearer and Honor Guards Faculty Senate Chair, and ASWSU and GPSA Presidents Vice Provosts and Designated Faculty Highlight Students Hooding Faculty Candidates for Advanced and Professional Degrees Candidates for Baccalaureate Degrees and Faculty College Flags President’s Platform Party Regents of the University, Honored Guests, College Deans, Vice Presidents, Provost, President Bryan Hall Clock Tower Posting of Colors. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Joint WSU/UI ROTC Color Guard The National Anthem. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Julie Anne Wieck, Associate Professor School of Music and Theatre Arts Greetings and Introductions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Elson S. Floyd, President Robert C. Bates, Provost and Executive Vice President Welcome. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Manpreet Chahal, President Graduate and Professional Students Association Kasey Webster, President Associated Students of WSU Senior Gift Presentation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Abby Sherwood Annual Giving, WSU Foundation Student Highlight Recognition. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Provost Bates Recognition of Honor Societies. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Provost Bates Commencement Address. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tom Vander Ark President, X PRIZE Foundation Advanced and Professional Degrees Baccalaureate Degrees Alumni Welcome. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Albert Powell, President Alumni Association Alma Mater . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Led by Christopher Akers, Senior Vocal Performance Major, School of Music and Theatre Arts Recessional. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Washington State University Wind Symphony SPECIAL NOTE FOR PARENTS AND FRIENDS: Professional photographers will photograph all candidates as they receive their diploma covers from the deans. A proof will be mailed to each graduate, and additional photos may be purchased at reasonable rates. Parents and friends of the graduates are asked to remain in their seats during the ceremonies. 10 2008 SPRING c o m m e n c e m e nt Board of R e g e nts , E x e c uti v e O f f i c e rs , Academic d e a ns , and c a m pus c h a n c e l l o rs Board of Regents Christine Gregoire Governor of the State of Washington Advisory Member Ex Officio Connie Niva Chair of the Board Francois X. Forgette Vice Chair of the Board Kenneth Alhadeff Past Chair of the Board Scott Carson Member V. Rafael Stone Member Harold Cochran Member Michael C. Worthy Member Elizabeth Cowles Member Elson S. Floyd Secretary William Gordon Student Regent Gregory P. Royer Treasurer Laura Jennings Member Executive Officers Elson S. Floyd President Robert C. Bates Provost and Executive Vice President John Fraire Vice President, Enrollment Management John Gardner Vice President, Economic Development and Extension Howard Grimes Vice President, Research Joan King Executive Director, Budget and Planning Viji Murali Vice President, Information Services and Chief Information Officer Tim Pavish Interim Vice President, University Relations Executive Director, Alumni Relations Gregory P. Royer Vice President, Business and Finance James M. Sterk Athletics Director Michael Tate Vice President, Student Affairs, Equity and Diversity Brenda Wilson-Hale Vice President, University Development Academic Deans Warwick M. Bayly Dean, College of Veterinary Medicine Howard Grimes Dean, Graduate School Daniel J. Bernardo Dean, College of Agricultural, Human, and Natural Resource Sciences Michael Griswold Dean, College of Sciences Patricia Butterfield Dean, College of Nursing Candis Claiborn Dean, College of Engineering and Architecture Muriel Oaks Dean, Center for Distance and Professional Education Eric Spangenberg Dean, College of Business James P. Kehrer Dean, College of Pharmacy Jay Starratt Dean of Libraries Erich Lear Dean, College of Liberal Arts Libby Walker Interim Dean, University Honors College Judy N. Mitchell Dean, College of Education Linda Kirk Fox Dean and Director, Extension Campus Chancellors Vicky L. Carwein Chancellor, WSU Tri-Cities Harold A. Dengerink Chancellor, WSU Vancouver Brian Pitcher Chancellor, WSU Spokane Vice Provost, Health Sciences Effective as of March 1, 2008 2008 SPRING commencemenT 11 ACADEM I C regalia ACADEMIC REGALIA Academic dress arose through evolution and modification of the robes worn by medieval students, who were usually clerics in the cathedral schools and monasteries established by the church. As early as 1321, a medieval statute required that all doctors, licentiates, and bachelors wear academic gowns and hoods. Gowns were necessary for warmth in the unheated medieval buildings, and hoods may have been designed to cover tonsured heads. Today, immediately after receiving a charter, new institutions adopt a distinctive design for academic attire expressive of their individuality. The committee of the American Council on Education, in its “Academic Costume Code,” states the following: For all academic purposes— including trimming of doctor’s gowns, edging of hoods, and tassels of caps—the colors associated with the different On May 26, 1895, a group of institutional representatives met at Columbia University to establish a uniform code for academic attire in this country. The approved academic attire is composed of a cap, gown, and hood. The basic article of the attire is the gown, which is usually black in color for all degrees. The basic design for gowns is similar for all degrees; minor variations in fullness and length of sleeves and trimming are indicative of degree levels. Cotton-poplin fabric is used for the bachelor’s and master’s gown, and ribbed rayon or silk is reserved for the doctor’s gown. The hood has become the colorful standard-bearer of academic symbolism. By examining the hood, an informed observer should be able to identify the degree level, the academic field of study in which the degree was earned, and the institution that conferred the degree. The hood is made of the same material as the gown. Hood length varies according to degree: bachelor’s—three feet, master’s—three and a half feet, and doctor’s—four feet. The color or colors of the hood lining indicate the institution that conferred the degree (crimson and gray for WSU). The hood is trimmed or edged in a border of velvet either two, three, or five inches in width for the respective degrees. The border color represents the faculty or field of study in which the degree was awarded. At WSU, bachelor’s degree candidates do not wear hoods. subjects are as follows: Agriculture: Maize Architecture: Blue Violet Arts, Letters, Humanities: White Commerce, Accountancy, Business: Drab Dentistry: Lilac Economics: Copper Education: Light Blue Engineering: Orange Fine Arts: Brown Forestry: Russet Home Economics: Maroon Journalism: Crimson Law: Purple Library Science: Lemon Medicine: Green Music: Pink Nursing: Apricot The approved cap of the academic costume is the mortarboard or Oxford cap—a stiff board nine inches square, usually covered in cotton poplin, Russell cord, or spun rayon, placed on a soft cap made of the same material and joined in a pointed design in front and back. The front of the cap is shorter than the back, but the color is always that of the gown and uniformly black for the four-year degrees. Soft, square-topped caps are permissible for women. The use of velvet has been reserved for the cap for the doctor’s degree. A silk cord with a tassel made of many threads is attached to a button in the center of the board. The cord’s and tassel’s length may vary with the degree of the wearer. The tassel and cord may be black for any degree, but a gold metallic cord and tassel have been approved for the doctor’s cap. The tassel may reflect the color of the field of study in which the degree was earned, and a few institutions use tassels of varied colors to indicate academic honors. 12 2008 SPRING c o m m e n c e m e nt Oratory (Speech): Silver Gray Pharmacy: Olive Green Philosophy: Dark Blue Physical Education: Sage Green Public Administration, including Foreign Service: Peacock Blue Public Health: Salmon Pink Science: Golden Yellow Social Work: Citron Theology: Scarlet Veterinary Medicine: Gray C o m m e n c e m e nt officials and Staff Commencement Officials and Staff Cpt. William Babbitt U.S. Air Force Tim Marsh University Relations Steve Barke Chi Alpha Christian Fellowship Muriel Oaks Council of Deans Representative, Presidential Committee Karlene Beaumont University Events Cheryl Oliver Business Cpt. William Beauter U.S. Air Force Arlene Parkay Liberal Arts Becky Bitter Registrar’s Office Douglas Pierce Education Chris Boyan Parking and Transportation Services Julia A. Pomerenk University Registrar, Chair of Presidential Committee Sandi Brabb Neuroscience (Veterinary Medicine) Nelda Richard Engineering and Architecture Debbie Brood Business Renae Richter Nursing—Spokane Lynn Buckley Education Cdr. George Rissky U.S. Navy (University of Idaho) Manpreet Chahal GPSA President Jenny Saligumba-Graham Graduate School Jeanne Dahmen Agricultural, Human, and Natural Resource Sciences Patrick Starr Beasley Performing Arts Coliseum Steven Davis Registrar’s Office R. Craig Stephens Distance Degree Programs Russ Driver Beasley Performing Arts Coliseum David Turnbull Music and Theatre Arts Ginger Druffel Office of the President Manoranjan Valipuram Faculty Representative, Presidential Committee Theresa Hanford Pictureman Inc. Ken Vreeland Provost’s Office Representative, Presidential Committee Teri Hansen Commencement Coordinator, Registrar’s Office Chris Waiting Production and Operations–TV Jim Huggins Pictureman Inc. Kari Watson Production and Operations–TV Bridgette Johnson Parking and Transportation Services Kasey Webster ASWSU President Lorrayne Johnson Registrar’s Office Matt Zimmerman Registrar’s Office Maya Lessov Production and Operations–TV James Zuba Alumni Relations 2008 SPRING commencemenT 13 COMME N CEME N T 2008 COMMENCEMENT 2008 Washington State University, on the occasion of its 112th annual spring Commencement, cordially welcomes all those who have come to the Pullman campus to share in ceremonies honoring the graduating class of 2008. To class members, the Class of 2008, the University extends sincere congratulations. WSU enrolls 24,396 students statewide. This includes 17,342 undergraduates and 2,771 graduate and professional students in Pullman or through distance education. Another 4,984 undergraduate, graduate, and professional students are enrolled at campuses in Spokane, the Tri-Cities, and Vancouver. Some students are enrolled at more than one campus. Commencement is the special occasion that provides public recognition of students’ academic achievements. The transcript is the official document certifying the successful completion of specific academic requirements. The diploma is mailed after the ceremony. The first WSU Commencement, held June 24, 1897, recognized eight students being advanced to degrees—three in engineering, one in biology, two in economics, and two in English. This followed a leg- The names of the degree recipients are called in random order as they approach the podium. Students will be viewed on big screens via video as they receive their diploma covers. Closed Captioning will be used. Appearance of a name in this program is presumptive evidence of graduation and graduation honors, but it must not in any sense be regarded as conclusive. Notation on the islative act in 1895 empowering the college to grant the usual academic and honorary degrees and issue diplomas.1 With the construction of Bryan Hall in 1909, Commencement moved to the well-equipped Bryan Auditorium. Enrollment and the number of degree candidates increased over the years, and Commencement moved to Bohler Gymnasium following its construction in 1928. Following World War II and the burgeoning enrollment created by the return of students receiving veterans’ benefits (G.I. Bill), Commencement was moved outdoors to Rogers Field in the football stadium (1949-1973). Because it was always possible that inclement weather would disrupt the ceremonies, it was necessary to duplicate arrangements in Bohler Gymnasium. However, only twice in those years—1954 and 1963—was it necessary to move the outdoor ceremony indoors. In 1973, with the completion of Beasley Performing Arts Coliseum, Commencement moved indoors permanently. In 1986, the University’s Commencement Committee recommended decentralizing Commencement to make the event more personal for graduating students. The WSU administration approved, and from 1986 through 1996, an All-University Commencement Assembly was held in the coliseum, and individual college ceremonies took place in the coliseum, Bohler Gymnasium, Bryan Auditorium, Compton Union Building Ballroom, and Hollingbery Fieldhouse. Beginning with the 100th Commencement in May 1996, the college ceremony times were changed to allow some to precede the All-University Assembly. In 1998, due in part to construction in Bohler, the administration approved a Commencement Committee recommendation to hold two ceremonies. Starting in 2000, a threeceremony format (two ceremonies in the morning and one in the afternoon) was instituted. There was university transcript remains the official testimony of degree possession. 14 2008 SPRING Historical Sketch of the State College of Washington, 1890-1925, by E. A. Bryan 1 c o m m e n c e m e nt T HE a historic Commencement change during the 20012002 academic year. For the first time, WSU held two Commencements, one during fall semester (December 15, 2001) and the other during spring semester (May 11, 2002). WSU President V. Lane Rawlins presided over both in Beasley Performing Arts Coliseum. For spring commencement 2008, there will also be three ceremonies, one each beginning at 8:00 a.m., U N I VE R S I T Y MACE 11:30 a.m., and 3:00 p.m. Presiding at the ceremonies will be Elson S. Floyd, who became Washington State University’s tenth president on May 21, 2007. Immediately before coming to WSU, Floyd was president of the University of Missouri. He succeeded President V. Lane Rawlins. This will be President Floyd’s first spring commencement at WSU. He presided at WSU’s fall commencement here in Beasley Performing Arts Coliseum on December 8, 2007. THE UNIVERSITY MACE The University Mace, a traditional symbol of authority, will lead the faculty march today. The mace is carried by the chair of the Faculty Senate with an honor guard consisting of the presidents of the undergraduate and graduate and professional student associations. Ken Struckmeyer carries it today, accompanied by Kasey Webster, president of the Associated Students of WSU, and Manpreet Chahal, president of the Graduate and Professional Student Association of WSU. The two-foot-long, nine-pound scepter is cast in silver and bronze and features a globe atop a laurel branch, wrapped in a silver ribbon and inscribed “Washington State University.” According to designer and craftsman Tim Doebler of WSU’s Department of Fine Arts, “the globe represents the universality of education and the quest for knowledge. Laurel crowns were presented to academicians by the ancient Greeks.” 2008 SPRING commencemenT 15 W a s h ingt o n State U ni v e rsit y Hig h l ig h ts , 2004–2008 Washington State University Highlights, 2004–2008 2004 2005 • WSU’s renowned Edward R. Murrow School of Communication is strengthened by the opening of a 24,000-square-foot building addition, which includes research and teaching labs, TV news studio, faculty offices, and an auditorium. • A bronze memorial was dedicated in the Holland Library atrium honoring Ricardo Sánchez, celebrated Chicano poet. He was a WSU professor of creative writing and Chicano studies from 1991 until his death in 1995. • The Washington State University College of Veterinary Medicine is granted seven years of continued full accreditation by the American Veterinary Medical Association’s Council on Education. It is the highest level of accreditation any veterinary college can attain. • Peter Jennings, ABC-TV news anchor and senior editor, delivered an address and was presented the Edward R. Murrow Award for Lifetime Achievement in Broadcasting during WSU’s 30th Edward R. Murrow Symposium. • A test developed at WSU is used to diagnose the nation’s first case of “mad cow” disease. Credited with the development are researchers from the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Agricultural Research Service at WSU and those from WSU’s Department of Veterinary Microbiology and Pathology. • In basketball, WSU Cougar men—coached by Dick Bennett—and women—coached by Sherri Murrell—compete in respective Pac-10 tournaments, but lose in the opening round. • A memorial was held for Army National Guard Sgt. Damien Thai Ficek, WSU student, killed in action in Baghdad, Iraq, December 30, 2004. • WSU students received many awards on “College Day” at the 2005 Lionel Hampton Jazz Festival held at the University of Idaho in Moscow. • Early in the year, students, faculty, and staff participated in relief efforts for Asian countries struck by a tsunami. Later in the year, efforts took place for victims of two hurricanes that hit the U.S. Gulf Coast. WSU admitted some students displaced by the hurricanes and more than 7,000 Backpacks for Hope—filled with school supplies, books, and other items—were collected for school students in the affected areas. • WSU student Danielle Fisher, age 20, became the youngest person in history to conquer the highest mountain on each of the seven continents. She was the youngest American to stand atop Mount Everest. • A solar home constructed on campus in Pullman by WSU engineering and architecture students was part of the U.S. Department of Energy’s Solar Decathlon competition in Washington, D.C. • Good Night, and Good Luck, a new motion picture, depicted the journalistic challenge of WSU alum- nus Edward R. Murrow taking on U.S. Senator Joseph McCarthy and the House Un-American Activities Committee in the 1950s. Murrow’s legacy continues in the WSU Edward R. Murrow School of Communication and the Murrow Symposium. • WSU Regents named the new library adjacent to Holland Library in honor of W. Glenn Terrell, former WSU president. WSU President V. Lane Rawlins said the naming of the new library, which opened in 1994, was suitable acknowledgement of Terrell’s love of learning and his close connections with students. The Terrell Friendship Mall on campus also honors Terrell, who served from 1967 to 1985. • Work by WSU molecular biologist Michael K. Skinner and his research team was chosen as one of the top 100 science stories of 2005 by Discover magazine. The researchers found that exposing fetal rats to environmental toxins can affect their sexual development in a way that shows up in subsequent generations as well. The mechanism was an epigenetic one, rather than a DNA mutation. • Glenn Johnson celebrated his 25th year as the public address “Voice of the Cougars” for WSU football and men’s basketball. He is a member of the WSU Murrow School of Communication faculty. Thompson Hall and Murrow School of Communication Addition 16 2008 SPRING c o m m e n c e m e nt W a s h ingt o n State U ni v e rsit y 2006 2007 • The College of Business and Economics was renamed the College of Business by the WSU Regents. Changing the name reflects the impact of business on society and the environment at the state, national, and global levels. It also recognizes that, in 2005, the WSU College of Agricultural, Human, and Natural Resource Sciences became the academic home of the new School of Economic Sciences. • Elson S. Floyd took office May 21 as the 10th president of Washington State University. Previously, he was president of the University of Missouri. He succeeded V. Lane Rawlins, who retired from the presidency, but remained on the WSU faculty and is serving as interim director of the William D. Ruckelshaus Center, a joint enterprise of WSU and the University of Washington. • In the 2005–2006 academic year, the WSU Cougars had a football and men’s basketball “sweep” of the rival University of Washington Huskies. In fall 2005, WSU beat the UW in the annual Apple Cup football game. In the winter of 2006, the Cougars beat the Huskies in both basketball games. The last time the Cougars had such an academic year “sweep” of the Huskies was 1968–1969. • In research, a WSU team of physicists successfully completed the first experiments using the nation’s premiere synchrotron X-ray facility to detect shock wave-induced changes in a crystalline material. • Soon after the WSU spring 2006 commencement in May, the Compton Union Building closed for two years of renovation. It will reopen in fall 2008. Many offices previously located in the CUB are housed in temporary locations across campus during the remodeling. The CUB originally opened in 1952. • Carnegie Classification of Institutions of Higher Education ranks WSU as one of 94 public and private research institutions nationwide with very high research activity. Carnegie’s recognition brings attention to WSU research and doctoral educational programs. • Dr. Guy Palmer, a veterinary pathologist at Washington State University’s College of Veterinary Medicine, was elected to membership in the National Academy of Science’s Institute of Medicine (IOM). Election to this prestigious body is one of the highest honors for those in biomedical research and human health care. • WSU Regents renamed two Pullman campus buildings. Wilson Hall became Wilson-Short Hall, honoring James F. Short Jr., influential sociology professor, now emeritus. This building was first named for James Wilson, U.S. Secretary of Agriculture from 1897 to 1913. The Plant Biosciences Facility I became the Orville A. Vogel Plant Biosciences Building, named for one of WSU’s great agricultural researchers. • Work continued on major projects on campus in Pullman, including extensive renovation of the Compton Union Building (CUB) and Martin Stadium, home of WSU Cougar football. Another project was transforming the 9-hole WSU Golf Course into WSU’s Palouse Ridge Golf Club featuring a new 18-hole championship course and practice facility. • Testing of an emergency siren and public announcement system on the Pullman campus took place. The system was created to alert and provide information to students, faculty, and staff in the event of a campus-wide emergency. Hig h l ig h ts , 2004–2008 2008 • Scientific American named WSU reproductive biologist Patricia A. Hunt one of the top 50 researchers in the world. Her research shows a potential threat to human health posed by bisphenol A (BPA), a component of the polycarbonate plastics used to make food and beverage containers. • Named for WSU’s illustrious graduate Edward R. Murrow, the University’s Murrow School of Communication has started the process to become a stand-alone college. It is now part of the College of Liberal Arts. The decision to elevate the school will allow it to fulfill its potential as a center of excellence for WSU. • Provost and Executive Vice President Robert Bates, a WSU graduate who has served as WSU’s academic leader for six years, will step down from the position on July 1. He will then serve as a consultant to the president on academic issues. • In April, pop music icon Elton John performed in two WSU Mom’s Weekend concerts at Beasley Performing Arts Coliseum. • Work continued on the Compton Union Building and on Martin Stadium. After being closed two years, the CUB will reopen in fall 2008. In fall 2008, fans will enjoy the stadium’s new amenities and look. • Starting at 10:00 a.m. Thursday, January 31, and continuing through Friday, February 1, Washington State University in Pullman was closed because of safety concerns caused by winter weather on the Pullman campus and in the surrounding area. • On May 3, 2008, one of the best groups of students ever in the history of Washington State University graduated during the 112th annual spring commencement ceremony in Beasley Performing Arts Coliseum. • For the first time since the 1993–1994 season, the WSU Men’s Cougar basketball team, coached by Tony Bennett, made the NCAA national basketball tournament in Sacramento, California. WSU finished second in the Pac-10 Conference and had a 26-8 season record. Tony Bennett, who won numerous Coach of the Year honors, succeeded his father, Dick Bennett, who coached the Cougars for three seasons. • During a national college football telecast on January 1, WSU’s Butch the Cougar was announced as the Capital One Mascot of the Year. Butch edged Testudo, the University of Maryland mascot, in the championship round. Victory Bell, Lewis Alumni Centre 2008 SPRING commencemenT 17 c o m m e n c e m e nt sp e a k e rs Rajiv J. Shah, M.D. Director for Agricultural Development The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation 8:00 a.m. Ceremony Dr. Shah manages global programs to improve agricultural productivity in order to reduce extreme poverty and hunger throughout the developing world. He previously served as the director of strategic opportunities, where his work resulted in the foundation’s recent launch of a Global Development Program, and as the foundation’s senior economist. In that role, he helped develop the foundation’s global health strategy and manage the $1.5 billion vaccine fund—an effort referred to by Bill and Melinda Gates as their best investment. He proposed and helped launch the International Finance Facility for Immunization, which will issue immunization bonds, backed by donor governments, to raise an additional $4 billion for vaccinating poor children throughout the world. The World Health Organization estimates this initiative will save the lives of 5 million children through the next decade. A New York Times editorial described the effort as “a clever way to reduce the burden of costly diseases now and save money in the future.” Dr. Shah previously worked as a health care policy advisor on the Gore 2000 presidential campaign. He has served as a member of Pennsylvania Governor Ed Rendell’s Transition Committee on Health and Philadelphia Mayor John Street’s New Centuries Committee. Previously, he cofounded a health care consulting firm called Health Systems Analytics, worked at the World Health Organization, and worked as a policy aide in the British Parliament. In 1995, Dr. Shah cofounded Project IMPACT—an award-winning national nonprofit service organization—to get South Asian Americans more involved in community service and political activism. Currently, Raj serves on the boards of the Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa, the Seattle Community College District, and the Seattle Public Library. Dr. Shah earned a medical degree from the University of Pennsylvania Medical School and a master of science degree in health economics at the Wharton School of Business. He is a graduate of the University of Michigan and the London School of Economics and has published articles on health policy and global development. LeRoy Ashby joined the Washington State University faculty in 1972. He officially retires this month after 42 years of cumulative teaching service. During his tenure at WSU, Ashby was the first recipient of the WSU President’s Faculty Excellence Award for Instruction in 1983 and was twice honored as CASE Professor of the Year for the state of Washington, in 1990 and in 1993. In 1992 he was chosen to deliver WSU’s Distinguished Faculty Lecture and in 1996 earned the WSU College of Liberal Arts Distinguished Faculty Achievement Award. Most recently, Ashby received the WSU President’s Award for Lifetime Service, presented by President Elson S. Floyd during the University’s Showcase 2008 banquet in March. LeRoy Ashby Regents Professor and Claudius O. and Mary W. Johnson Distinguished Professor of History Recipient of the 2008 President’s Award for Lifetime Service 11:30 a.m. Ceremony 18 2008 SPRING Ashby’s undergraduate classes in contemporary culture and twentieth-century American history have been among the most popular electives on campus for the past 30 years. In nominating him for the professor of the year award, former WSU President Glenn Terrell wrote that Ashby was “one of the finest teachers of undergraduates I have ever known.” The enthusiasm of his undergraduate students is exceeded only by the appreciation of his many graduate students. Ashby has also earned a national reputation as a twentieth-century historian. His most recent book, With Amusement for All: A History of American Popular Culture since 1830 (University Press of Kentucky 2006), which makes the case that popular culture c o m m e n c e m e nt C o m m e n c e m e nt sp e a k e rs reflects, reinforces, and shapes American values, earned a starred citation in Library Journal. “No single author has tackled popular culture with so much breadth and depth and managed to strike a balance between the popular and scholarly approaches. Ashby’s absorbing and hugely informative study will appeal to a wide audience. Highly recommended,” the journal noted. His six published books include Fighting the Odds: The Life of Senator Frank Church (WSU Press 1994), which won the Evans Prize for the best biography of a Westerner, and Endangered Children: Dependency, Neglect, and Abuse in American History (Twayne Pub. 1997), named an Outstanding Academic Book by Choice. Ashby holds an associate’s degree from Mesa College, where he was named Distinguished Alumnus in 2007, a bachelor’s degree from Adams State College, a master’s degree from the University of Wyoming, and a doctoral degree from the University of Maryland. Before moving to Pullman, Ashby taught history at the University of Bridgeport and at Illinois State University. Tom Vander Ark is president of the X PRIZE Foundation, an educational nonprofit prize institute whose mission is to create radical breakthroughs for the benefit of humanity by offering multi-million dollar awards for breakthrough innovations that benefit humanity in the areas of space exploration, medicine, healthcare, energy production and consumption, education, the automotive industry, and genomics. As executive director of education for the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Vander Ark developed and implemented more than $3.5 billion in scholarship and grant programs to improve education throughout the United States. Tom Vander Ark President X PRIZE Foundation 3:00 p.m. Ceremony Prior to his role with the Gates Foundation, Vander Ark served as superintendent of one of Washington’s largest school districts that has been recognized for narrowing the achievement gap and reducing administrative cost. Vander Ark also has extensive experience in the private sector as a senior executive for a start-up retail chain that achieved $5 billion in revenue and also has management and consulting experience in energy, telecommunications, and business formation. Vander Ark has a master of business administration degree in energy finance from the University of Denver and a bachelor of science degree in mineral engineering from the Colorado School of Mines. 2008 SPRING commencemenT 19 Candidates for Advanced and Professional Degrees Center photo: College Hall Candidates for advanced d e gr e e s Candidates for Advanced Degrees The Graduate School The following candidates will be presented by Vice President of Research and Dean of the Graduate School Howard Grimes. DOCTOR OF EDUCATION Mark T. Connelly Kelso B.A., Eastern Washington University M.Ed., City University Thesis: The Cultivation and Manifestation of Trust in Elementary Schools. Major Advisor: Paul Goldman Synthia Lee Parish-Duehn Wenatchee B.A., M.Ed., Central Washington University Thesis: Purposeful Cultural Change at an Alternative High School: A Case Study. Major Advisor: Gail Furman Milton Lang Riverside, California B.A., California State University, Chico M.A., Washington State University Thesis: Fundraising for Diversity Initiatives: A Multi Case Study of Five Universities. Major Advisor: Forrest Parkay Karen Jane Lehman Battle Ground B.A., M.A., Pacific University Thesis: The IEP Process: Parent Perceptions. Major Advisor: Paul Goldman Shiron Velyvette Patterson Phoenix, Arizona B.S., Langston University M.A., Michigan State University Thesis: College Bound African American Youth Perceptions of Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBSUs) and Predominately White Institutions (PWIs). Major Advisor: Paula Groves-Price Sara D. Paul Woodland B.A., Saint Martin’s University Ed.M., Washington State University Thesis: Autism: Organizational and Leadership Challenges for Schools. Major Advisor: Paul Goldman David Raymond Peck Pasco B.A., M.A., Brigham Young University Thesis: New Teacher Experiences in Small Rural Washington Schools. Major Advisor: Gail Furman Russell J. Richardson Spokane B.S., University of Montana-Western M.A., California State University, Fresno Thesis: Defining and Assessing Academic Advising for Athletic Training Education Programs. Major Advisor: Gordon Gates Lloy McCauley Schaaf Arlington B.A., M.A., Seattle University Thesis: Superintendents as Instructional Leaders: What They Do, Now and Why. Major Advisor: Paul Goldman Patricia J. Valdez-Zontek LaJara, Colorado B.A., M.A., Adams State College of Colorado Thesis: Bridging the Knowledge Gap for Teachers of English Language Learners. Major Advisor: Forrest Parkay Millie Watkins Wenatchee A.B., Southern Nazarene University M.Ed., Eastern Washington University Thesis: The Role of Autonomy in Teacher Professional Communities. Major Advisor: Gordon Gates DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY AMERICAN STUDIES Lori A. Saffin Cincinnati, Ohio B.A., Ohio University M.A., University of Cincinnati Thesis: Bodies that (Don’t) Matter: Systems of Gender Regulation and Institutions of Violence Against Transgender Persons: A Queer/Critical Race Feminist Critique. Major Advisor: Linda Heidenreich ANIMAL SCIENCES Kristen M. Brennan Belle Mead, New Jersey B.S., M.S., University of Massachusetts at Amherst Thesis: Factors Influencing Energy Expenditure and Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS) Generation in Beef Cattle. Major Advisor: Kristen Johnson Liang-Yu Louie Chen Taipei, Taiwan B.S., Chinese Culture University M.S., National Cheng Kung University Thesis: Testosterone Regulation of Spermatogonial Stem Cell Homeostasis in Adult Mice Testis. Major Advisor: Derek J. McLean 2008 ANTHROPOLOGY Ian Buvit Ashland, Oregon B.S., Southern Oregon University M.A., Texas A & M University Thesis: Landscape Evolution and Culture Change in the Southwestern Transbaikal, Russia. Major Advisor: Robert A. Ackerman Neal Andrew Endacott Lincoln, Nebraska B.A., University of Montana M.S., University of Wisconsin-Madison M.A., Washington State University Thesis: The Zooarchaeology of Lime Hills Cave, Southwest Alaska. Major Advisor: Robert Ackerman Jason M. Fancher B.A., B.A., Humboldt State University M.A., Washington State University Thesis: An Ethnoarchaelogical Analysis of Small Prey Assemblages Produced by Forest Foragers of the Central African Republic. Major Advisor: Karen D. Lupo Judson Byrd Finley Cody, Wyoming B.A., University of Wyoming M.A., Washington State University Thesis: Rockshelter Formation Processes, Environmental Change, and Hunter-Gatherer Lifeways in the Bighorn Mountains, Wyoming. Major Advisor: Gary A. Huckleberry SPRING commencemenT 21 Candidates for advanced Jeffrey Thomas Rasic Berea, Ohio B.A., Wake Forest University M.A., Washington State University Thesis: Paleoalaskan Adaptive Strategies Viewed from Northwestern Alaska. Major Advisor: William Adrefsky, Jr. Michael G. Spitzer Fort Collins, Colorado B.A., Fort Lewis College A.M., Colorado State University Thesis: Understanding Communication Networks through a Theoretical Nonlinear Fit to the Accumulation of Modifications. Major Advisor: Timothy A. Kohler Ming-Kuo Wu Penghu, Taiwan B.A., M.A., Western Washington University Thesis: The Jakata Tales of the Mogao Caves, China in Anthropological Perspective. Major Advisor: John Bodley BIOCHEMISTRY Mahmoud Ahmad Alfaqih Amman, Jordan B.D.S., University of Jordan Thesis: Mapping and Evolution of Candidate Sex Determining LOCI, Sex Chromosomes and Sex Linked Sequences in Rainbow and Cutthroat Trout. Major Advisor: Gary Thorgaard Isaac Forquer Canton, Ohio B.S., M.S., Wright State University Thesis: Understanding and Applications of Superoxide Production by Mitochondria. Major Advisor: David Kramer 22 2008 SPRING D e gr e e s BOTANY John Robert Clark Cincinnati, Ohio B.S., M.S., University of Cincinnati Thesis: Phylogeny, Ancestral Range Reconstruction, and Partial Taxonomic Revision of Cyrtandra (Gesneriaceae). Major Advisor: Eric Roalson Justin Joe Foster Moses Lake B.S., Western Washington University Thesis: Analysis of LHT Amino Acid Transporters from Arabidopsis Thaliana. Major Advisor: Mechthild Tegeder Joonho Park Seoul, Korea B.Ag., M.S., Korea University M.S., Washington State University Thesis: Spatial Development of Cytoplasmic Compartments for Single Cell C4 Photosynthesis, and Mechanisms of Tolerance to Salinity, in Bienertia Sinuspersici. Major Advisor: Gerald Edwards Paul A. Rabie St. Paul, Minnesota B.A., Hampshire College M.S., University of Minnesota Thesis: Individual Physiology and Population Dynamics in Two NonNative Bromus Species. Major Advisor: R. Alan Black BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION David G. Berger Port Angeles B.S., Washington State University Thesis: Essays in Financial Economics. Major Advisor: Harry Turtle c o m m e n c e m e nt Damon E. Campbell Post Falls, Idaho B.S., Lewis-Clark State College M.B.A., Washington State University Thesis: Diagnosing and Managing Online B2C Relationships: Toward a B2C Relationship Stage Theory and Empirical Investigation of an eCommerce Attraction Model. Major Advisor: John Wells Xiangling Hu Nanning, China B.S., Fudan University M.Mgmt., Tongji University M.S., Washington State University Thesis: Purchasing, Inventory Control, Pricing, and Contract Design Under Purchasing Price Uncertainties. Major Advisor: Charles Munson John Mathew Kochi, India B.Tech., University of Calicut M.S., Colorado State University Thesis: Disclosure Apprehension: The Influence of Media and Survey Technique on the Disclosure of Unethical Behavior. Major Advisors: Joseph Valacich and Mark Fuller Christopher L. Scott Eagle, Idaho B.S., University of Idaho Thesis: Channel and Recipient Characteristics: Effects on Communication Effectiveness and Performance. Major Advisor: Joseph Valacich Sanjay Ram Sisodiya Dublin, California B.S., University of Idaho M.B.A., M.M., The Pennsylvania State University Thesis: The Effect of Open Innovation on New Product Development Success: The Moderation of Interfirm Relational Knowledge Stores and Social Network Characteristics. Major Advisor: Jean L. Johnson Abhishek Varma Faridabad, India B.Com., University of Delhi Diploma, Annamalai University Thesis: Investing in the Familiar and the Unfamiliar. Major Advisor: John Nofsinger Trent R. Wachner Folsom, California B.S., California State University, Sacramento M.B.A., Golden Gate University Thesis: Relationship Strategies Over the Customer Relationship Lifecycle: The Differential Effect of Individual Versus Organizational Relationships. Major Advisor: Jean L. Johnson CIVIL ENGINEERING Zain Mohammed Al-Houri Irbid, Jordan B.S., Jordan University of Science and Technology M.S., University of South Carolina Thesis: Modifications on the Existing Design Parameters to Improve the Performance of Infiltration Treatment BMPs in Cold Climates. Major Advisor: Michael Barber Candidates William Arnoldo Gacitua Escobar Concepcion, Chile Titulo, Titulo, Magister, Universidad del Bio Bio Thesis: Influence of Wood Species on Properties of Wood/HDPE Composites. Major Advisor: Michael Wolcott Doris B. Montecastro Liliw, Philippines B.S., M.S., Ateneo de Manila University Thesis: Ambient Air Monitoring of Hazardous Volatile Organic Compounds at Seattle, Washington Neighborhoods from 2000 to 2005: Trends and Implicatons. Major Advisor: Halvor Westberg Ying Xie Shanghai, China B.E., Shanghai University M.S., Montana Tech of the University of Montana Thesis: Air Quality Modeling of Chemical Indicators for Ozone Sensitivity to Emissions and to Model Grid Resolution in the Pacific Northwest. Major Advisor: Brian Lamb Habtamu Melese Zelelew Addis Ababa, Ethiopia B.Sc., Jimma University M.Tech., Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay Thesis: Simulation of the Permanent Deformation of Asphalt Concrete Mixtures Using Discrete Element Method (DEM). Major Advisor: A.T. Papagiannakis COMMUNICATION Lingling Zhang Donggang City, China B.A., Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics M.A., University of International Business and Economics Thesis: Television Drama, Racial Attitudes and Policy Support: Measures, Effects and Mechanism. Major Advisor: Rick Busselle COMPUTER SCIENCE Anuj Ramesh Shah West Richland B.E., University of Mumbai M.S., Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University Thesis: Improving Remote Protein Homology Detection Using Supervised and SemiSupervised Support Vector Machines. Major Advisor: John Miller Andreas Mikal Stefik Vancouver B.S., B.A., Central Washington University M.S., Washington State University Thesis: On the Design of Program Execution Environments for NonSighted Computer Programmers. Major Advisors: Chris Hundhausen and Robert Patterson Travis W. Franklin Chewelah B.A., Gonzaga University M.A., Washington State University Thesis: Social Context and Prosecutorial Charging Decision: A Multilevel Analysis of Case- and County-Level Factors. Major Advisor: Travis Pratt Jacinta M. Gau B.A., Western Washington University M.A., Washington State University Thesis: Revisiting Broken Windows: The Effects of Sociostructural Context and Trust in Police. Major Advisor: Travis Pratt advanced d e gr e e s Joshua Paul Berning Austin, Texas B.A., Valparaiso University M.S., University of Idaho Thesis: Grocery Store Nutrition Information: Consumer Preferences and Behavior. Major Advisor: Jill J. McCluskey Faysal Fahs Nabatya, Lebanon B.S., Beirut Arab University M.S., University of Idaho Thesis: Essays in the Estimation of Systems of Limited Dependent Variables with Application to Demand Systems. Major Advisor: Ron Mittelhamer Armenak Markosyan Yerevan, Armenia B.S., Armenian State Agrarian University Thesis: Information and Preferences. Major Advisor: Jill McCluskey CROP SCIENCE Harvinder Singh Bennypaul Charlottetown, Canada B.Sc., M.Sc., Punjab Agricultural University Thesis: Genetic Analysis and Functional Genomic Tool Development to Characterize Resistance Gene Candidates in Wheat. Major Advisor: Kulvinder Gill Julie Catherine Dawson Ithaca, New York B.S., Cornell University Thesis: Breeding Wheat for Efficient N Use in LowInput and Organic Systems in the Pacific Northwest. Major Advisor: Stephen S. Jones CRIMINAL JUSTICE ECONOMICS Cortney Ann Franklin Spokane B.A., Gonzaga University M.A., Washington State University Thesis: Sorority Affiliation, Rape-Supportive Environments and the Institutionalization of Victimization. Major Advisor: Leana Allen Bouffard Michael Gregory Barnes Santa Ana, California B.A., Brigham Young University Thesis: Risk Perceptions and Lifestyle Choices: Empirical and Theoretical Findings for Smoking and Obesity. Major Advisor: Trent Smith 2008 for Michael Paul McCullough Nampa, Idaho B.A., Boise State University M.S., Washington State University Thesis: Phase Space Reconstruction: Methods in Applied Economics and Econometrics. Major Advisor: Thomas L. Marsh Sean M. Murphy Cut Bank, Montana B.A., M.A., University of Montana Thesis: Disease Management and Latent Choices. Major Advisor: Robert Rosenman Tamizheniyan Suyambulingam Kanyakumari, India B.Sc., Tamil Nadu Agricultural University M.Sc., University of Agricultural Sciences M.S., University of Idaho Thesis: Essays on United States BSE Outbreaks and International Trade. Major Advisor: Thomas Marsh SPRING commencemenT 23 Candidates for advanced Caipang Zhang Houman, China B.Econ., Beijing Agricultural University M.S., State University of New Jersey, Rutgers University Thesis: Analyses of Gluten Imports and Efficiency of Pear Marketing and Banking Industry. Major Advisor: Thomas Marsh EDUCATION Sara Noel Allen Snohomish B.A., Western Washington University Thesis: The Stanford Hypnotic Susceptibility Scale, Form C: Comparison Data of an American Indian Sample. Major Advisor: Arreed Barabasz Colin Anderson Tallahassee, Florida B.S., B.S., M.S., Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University Thesis: Differential Effects of the Macro Economy on Enrollment in Higher Education. Major Advisor: Len Foster Sharon Becker Spokane B.A., M.Ed., Whitworth University Thesis: Rationality and Leadership Models: Using the Work of James March to Deconstruct and Review. Major Advisor: Gordon Gates John Harvey Doty Seattle B.A., University of Washington Thesis: Engineering and Mathematics Graduate Fellows Participation in a Content LiteracyMathematics Literacy Seminar. Major Advisor: Gerald H. Maring 24 2008 SPRING D e gr e e s Justin P. Guillory Lapwai, Idaho B.A., Eastern Washington University Ed.M., Washington State University Thesis: Native American Student Success and the Concept of Giving Back: A Qualitative Study. Major Advisor: Len Foster Luke Jones Kirkland B.A., M.A., Washington State University Thesis: Spirituality and Undergraduates at a Public University. Major Advisor: Gail Furman Robert Offei-Kwegyebi Manteaw Cape Coast, Ghana B.A., University of Cape Coast M.Sc., London South Bank University M.A., Ohio University Thesis: Education for Sustainable Development: An Emergent Discourse for Multi-Sectoral Learning and Action Partnership. Major Advisor: David Gruenewald Hillary Merk Colton B.A., M.I.T., Washington State University Thesis: Community Building “Makes it Nice for Everybody”?: Elementary Teachers’ Understandings and Practices of Classroom Management. Major Advisor: Pam Bettis Maria Jordana Moscatelli Yakima B.A., Georgian Court College M.Ed., City University Thesis: Theory of Influence: The StudentMentor Teacher Relationship and the Influence on the Student Teacher’s Pegagogical Identity. Major Advisor: Michael Hayes c o m m e n c e m e nt Eugene Joseph Schmidt Bridgeport B.A., Washington State University M.Ed., Central Washington University Thesis: Public School Responses to Radical Shifts in Student Demographics: A Qualitative Case Study. Major Advisor: Gail Furman Jason Allen Sievers Bonney Lake B.S., M.A., Washington State University Thesis: Student Athletes’ Perceptions of Academic Support Programs at Division I Institutions. Major Advisor: Willie J. Heggins Christian Kevin Wuthrich Moscow, Idaho B.S., M.S., University of Idaho Thesis: Faculty Service to Student Affairs. Major Advisor: Kelly Ward ELECTRICAL AND COMPUTER ENGINEERING Parag Upadhyaya Kathmandu, Nepal B.S., M.S., Washington State University Thesis: A 5 GHz Low Power and Fast Settling PLL for Wired and Wireless Communication. Major Advisor: Deuk Hyoun Heo ENGINEERING SCIENCE Luz Daniela BermudezAguirre Puebla, Mexico B.Sc., M.Sc., Universidad de las Americas, Puebla Thesis: Nonthermal Processing Milk. Major Advisor: Gustavo V. Barbosa-Canovas Hao Chen Changsha, China B.E., Hefei University of Technology M.S., Chinese Academy of Sciences Thesis: Compute Simulation of Combined Microwave and Water Heating Processes for Packaged Foods Using Finite Difference Time Domain Method. Major Advisor: Juming Tang Prabhakar Singh Bhagalpur, India B.Tech., Rajendra Agricultural University M.Tech., Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur Thesis: Modeling of Tillage Effects on Hydrological and Erosion Processes in Pacific Northwest. Major Advisor: Joan Q. Wu ENGLISH Lai Sai Acon-Chan Cartago, Costa Rica Bachiller, Magister, Universidad de Costa Rica Thesis: Nation Formation and Identity Formulation Processes in Hong Kong: Literary, Cinematic, Plastic, and Spatial Tests Amidst the Uneasy Confluence of History, Culture, and Imperialism. Major Advisor: Victor Villanueva Dorene Iris Ames B.A., Eastern Washington University M.A., Washington State University Thesis: Constraint Theory and the Practice of Benchmarking: Chaos as Resistance to Hierarchal Forms of “Isms.” Major Advisor: Victor Villanueva Candidates Rosemary Briseno Eagle Pass, Texas B.A., University of TexasAustin M.A., Sul Ross State University Thesis: Identity Politics and Borderland Cultural Theory: Mesliza Consciousness (Re)Defined. Major Advisor: Victor Villanueva Marie Ilene Drews Fort Collins, Colorado B.A., Luther College M.A., Washington State University Thesis: Cooking Up Trouble: The Cultural Work of Kitchen Kitsch. Major Advisor: Carol Siegel Rose Gubele Portland, Oregon B.A., M.A., Sonoma State University Thesis: Writing as Sacred Fire: Language of Ceremony, Revitalization, and Balance in the Cherokee Phoenix. Major Advisor: Victor Villanueva Jessica Maucione Clarkston B.A., Gonzaga University M.A., University of Arizona Thesis: PostNeighborhood: Returning to Little Italy in American Narratives of the Globalization Age. Major Advisor: Joan Burbick William Joseph Merck Portland, Oregon B.A., M.A., Pacific University M.A., M.F.A., McNeese State University Thesis: Middletown Major Advisor: Peter Chilson ENVIRONMENTAL AND NATURAL RESOURCE SCIENCES Joseph Franklin Corbin III Romney, West Virginia B.A., West Virginia University M.S., Washington State University Thesis: Mechanisms of Base, Mineral, and Soil Activation of Persulfate for Groundwater Treatment. Major Advisor: Richard Watts Roje S. Gootee Long Creek, Oregon B.S., Utah State University Thesis: Merging Public and Private Domains: Implication for the Design and Implementation of Natural Resource Policy. Major Advisor: Keith A. Blatner Heather S. Smallwood Wichita, Kansas B.A., University of Kansas M.S., Washington State University Thesis: Universal Mechanisms of Exposure: Calmodulin a Regulator. Major Advisor: Allen Felsot ENTOMOLOGY Deborah Anne Delaney Philadelphia, Pennsylvania B.S., M.S., Oregon State University Thesis: The Genetic Characterization of US Honey Bee Populations: A Comparative Study Through Time. Major Advisor: Walter S. Sheppard Ricardo A. Ramirez II El Paso, Texas B.S., M.S., New Mexico State University Thesis: Entomopathogen Efficiency Against the Colorado Potato Beetle in Diverse Management Systems. Major Advisor: William Snyder Timothy D. Waters Burbank B.S., M.S., Washington State University Thesis: Ecology and Management of Lygus and the Distribution and Species Composition of Peristenus Spp in Washington. Major Advisor: Douglas B. Walsh FOOD SCIENCE for advanced d e gr e e s GENETICS AND CELL BIOLOGY Tracy M. Clement Wisconsin Rapids, Wisconsin B.S., University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point Thesis: Molecular Mechanisms of Sex Determination and Testis Differentiation. Major Advisor: Michael Skinner Su-sen Chang Tainan, Taiwan B.S., National ChungHsing University M.S., Washington State University Thesis: Guaicacol Producing Alicyclobacillus: Differentiation, Detection, and Control. Major Advisor: DongHyun Kang GEOLOGY Esteban Iluicamina MejiaMeza Tepic, Mexico B.S., National Autonomous University of Mexico Thesis: A Study of the Physical, Chemical and Nutritive Properties of Microwave-Vacuum (Mivac) Dehydrated Berries (Blueberries and Raspberries) and Apple Juices. Major Advisor: Barbara Rasco Amy Elizabeth Canfield Pocatello, Idaho B.A., Idaho State University M.A., Washington State University Thesis: The “Annoying Question of Water”: Trust-Fund Violations and Federal Mismanagement on the Fort Hall Indian Reservation, 1891-1916. Major Advisor: Orlan Svingen Dewi Setiady Indonesia B.S., California State University, Fresno Thesis: Properties and Quality of MicrowaveVacuum Dehydrated Russet Potatoes. Major Advisor: Barbara Rasco Chaojun Fan Guiyang, China B.Sc., M.Sc., Guizhou University of Technology Thesis: Revealing the Hydrological History of Mars. Major Advisor: Dirk Schulze-Makuch HISTORY Steven E. Shay Laurel, Montana B.A., Montana State University, Bozeman M.A., Washington State University Thesis: Here the Embattled Farmer Stood: The Montana Freeman Standoff. Major Advisor: LeRoy Ashby Shirley Ann Stephens Pullman B.A., M.A., Washington State University Thesis: The 1988 Indian Gaming Regulatory Act: A Legislative History. Major Advisor: Orlan Svingen 2008 SPRING commencemenT 25 Candidates for advanced HORTICULTURE Paul Guy Lévesque Laval, Canada B.Sc., M.Sc., University of Guelph Thesis: Use of 1-Methylcyclopropene and Hydrogen Peroxide in Studies of Apple Ripening Physiology. Major Advisor: J.K. Fellman INDIVIDUAL INTERDISCIPLINARY Vugar Ahmadov Baku, Azerbaijan Diplom, Azerbaijan State University of Languages Magister, Azerbaijan International University M.A., Washington State University Thesis: Consumer Preferences in Vertically Differentiated Product Markets. Major Advisor: Thomas Wahl Barry Daniel Green Moscow, Idaho B.S., University of Wisconsin-River Falls M.S., University of Wisconsin-Green Bay M.S., Michigan Technological University Thesis: Just Compensation Value and Sustainable Development for Large Scale Mineral Projects in Developing Economies. Major Advisor: Philip Wandschneider Robert Clyde Hanes Seattle B.A., Central Washington University Ed.M., Washington State University Thesis: A Fine Bunch of Killers. Major Advisor: Martha Cottam 26 2008 SPRING D e gr e e s Kelvin J. Monroe Sparta, Georgia B.Mus., Valdosta State University Thesis: Zero to Black: Untermeschen-BlacknessMixtapes/PathologyRacism-Liberalism. Major Advisor: Victor Villanueva MECHANICAL ENGINEERING Leland W. Weiss Iowa City, Iowa B.S., Carnegie Mellon University Thesis: A Novel MEMSBased Micro Heat Engine and Operating Cycle. Major Advisor: Robert F. Richards MATERIALS SCIENCE Christopher Dudley Miamisburg, Ohio B.A., Park University M.S., Washington State University Thesis: High Frequency Material Issues of Scattering by Objects in Water. Major Advisor: Philip L. Marsten Charles R. Shawley Pomeroy B.A., Whitworth University Thesis: Optical and Defect Studies of Wide Band Gap Materials. Major Advisor: Kelvin G. Lynn MICROBIOLOGY Preeti Malik-Kale New Delhi, India B.Sc., University of Delhi Master, All India Institute of Medical Sciences Thesis: Roles of Mobility and Bile Salts in Campylobactes Jejuni Pallogenesis. Major Advisor: Michael Konkel c o m m e n c e m e nt NEUROSCIENCE PHYSICS Chunming Liu Wuhan, China B.Med., M.S., Huazhong University of Science and Technology Thesis: Molecular Pathogencity of DiseaseAssociated Mutations in Cone Photoreceptor Cyclic-Nucleotide-Gated Channels. Major Advisor: Michael D. Varnum Kyungmin Baik Busa, South Korea B.S., M.S., Korea University Thesis: Acoustical Scattering from Cylinders and Other Objects: ShortPulse Signatures, Bistatic Synthetic Aperture and Holographic Imaging, and Interfacial Scattering Contributions. Major Advisor: Philip L. Marston PHARMACOLOGY AND TOXICOLOGY PLANT PATHOLOGY Manpreet Singh Chahal Kent B.S., University of Washington Thesis: Roles for PLD2 in Growth Factor-Mediated Signal Transduction in EL4 Lymphoma Cells. Major Advisor: Kathryn Meier Patrick D. Elias Pullman B.S., Washington State University Thesis: Therapeutic Application of Angiotensin IV Ligands. Major Advisor: Joseph Harding Shujie Han Beipiao, China B.Med., M.S., Dalian Medical University Thesis: Intergration of Ras/Raf/Erk and PI3K/Akt Signaling Pathways in EL4 Cells. Major Advisor: Kathryn Meier Jaime A. Yanez Arequipa, Peru B.S., University of Idaho Thesis: Pharmacometrics and Metabolonomics of Selected Chiral Flavonoids. Major Advisor: Neal M. Davies Donna Renee Henderson Lewiston, Idaho B.S., M.S., University of Idaho Thesis: Multifacited BioControl Methods Against Meloidogyne chitwoodi, and Leptinotarsa decemlineata, pests of potato in Washington State. Major Advisor: Ekaterini Riga POLITICAL SCIENCE Young I. Kwon Ham-yang, Korea B.S., United States Naval Academy M.A., National Defense University Thesis: The Change of South Korean Image of North Korea After the Cold War: Identity, Image, and Policy. Major Advisor: Martha Cottam PSYCHOLOGY Celestina Barbosa-Leiker Covina, California B.S., Bridgewater State College M.S., Washington State University Thesis: Longitudinal Measurement Invariance and Mulitvariate Latent Growth Modeling of Cardiovascular Disease Risk Factors Suggested to Comprise the Metabolic Syndrome: The Spokane Heart Study. Major Advisor: Craig Parks Candidates Crystal Dunaway Gray Spokane B.A., B.S., Washington State University M.Ed., The Pennsylvania State University Thesis: The Impact of Home and School Interventions on the Adjustment of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders. Major Advisor: Leonard Burns James G. Hutchinson Nanaimo, Canada B.Sc., B.A., University of British Columbia M.S., Washington State University Thesis: Neuroticism and Reactivity During a Valenced Cooperation Task. Major Advisor: John Ruiz Michelle Anastasia Langill North Delta, Canada B.A., Simon Fraser University M.S., Washington State University Thesis: The Remediative Efficacy of the Memory Notebook for Cognitive and Emotional Sequelae in Multiplesclerosis. Major Advisor: Brett Parmenter Wendy L. Wilson Sumner B.S., B.S., M.S., Washington State University Thesis: The Role and Interaction of the AT4 and Cholinergic Systems in the Nucleus Basalis of Meynert: Effects on Spatial Learning and Neurogenesis. Major Advisor: Jay Wright SOCIOLOGY Alison Grace Cliath Silver Lakes, California B.A., University of Colorado at Boulder M.A., Washington State University Thesis: Consequential Improvements? Human Rights and Environment Protection Practices. Major Advisor: Gregory Hooks Jessica Augusta Crowe Pana, Illinois B.A., North Central College M.A., Washington State University Thesis: Discrepancies Between the Pursuit and Implentation of Economic Development in the Nonmetropolitan West: How Much do Natural, Physical, and Social Factors Matter? Major Advisor: Don Dillman Maria Aleksandrovna Monserud Saint Petersburg, Russia Diplom, Saint Petersburg State University M.A., University of Northern Iowa Thesis: Young Adults’ Relationships with Grandparents: Parents’ Intergenerational Ties and Grandchildren’s Adult Roles. Major Advisor: Monica Kirkpatrick Johnson SOIL SCIENCE Douglas P. Collins Seattle B.A., Colorado College M.S., Montana State University, Bozeman Thesis: Cover Crop, Amendment, and Tillage Effects on Nematodes, Collembolans, and Decomposers in an Organic Vegetable System. Major Advisor: Craig Cogger Suphasuk Pradubsuk Bangkok, Thailand B.S., M.S., Chulalongkorn University Thesis: Uptake and Partitioning of Mineral Nutrients in Concord Grape. Major Advisor: Joan Davenport VETERINARY SCIENCE Joshua Benjamin Daniels New York, New York B.S., D.V.M., University of Wisconsin-Madison Thesis: The Role of Ceftiofur in the Selection and Dissemination of the bla-CMY2 Cephamycinase Among Salmonella enterica and Commensal Escherichia coli Isolated from Cattle. Major Advisor: Thomas Besser for advanced d e gr e e s ZOOLOGY Leslie A. Riley Lexington, Kentucky B.S., University of Dayton M.S., Washington State University Thesis: Invasive Species Impact: Variation in Species Interactions Across Productivity and Diversity Gradients. Major Advisor: Mark F. Dybdahl Robert Dylan Harrington Bainbridge Island B.S., D.V.M., Washington State University Thesis: Transmission of Prions Within and Between Species. Major Advisor: Donald P. Knowles Victor Hugo Leyva Grado Chihuahua, Mexico D.V.M., Universidad Nacional Autonomo de Mexico Thesis: Pathophysiological Mechanisms Involved in the Acute Phase Response to Influenza Virus Infection in Mice. Major Advisor: James Krueger Sarah Naseechis Sampson Victoria, Canada B.S., D.V.M., Washington State University Thesis: Prevalence of Pathologic Changes Associated with the Collateral Sesamoidean Ligament of the Navicular Bone Seen with Magnetic Resonance Imaging, and Evaluation of a New Technique for Surgical Transection of this Ligament. Major Advisor: Patrick R. Gavin 2008 SPRING commencemenT 27 Candidates for advanced The Graduate School The following candidates will be presented by Vice President of Research and Dean of the Graduate School Howard Grimes. MASTER OF SCIENCE IN AGRICULTURE James Foreman B.A., Harvard University Colleen Miko Port Orchard B.S., University of California, San Diego Jennifer Pell Port Townsend B.S., Georgetown University MASTER OF SCIENCE IN BIOLOGICAL AND AGRICULTURAL ENGINEERING Kelsey E. Laughlin Bainbridge Island B.S., Washington State University Anjela Begmatova Tashkent, Uzbekistan B.S., M.S., Tashkent Institute of Irrigation and Melioration Debra Sue Matthews Elk B.S., Washington State University MASTER OF SCIENCE IN BIOLOGY Laramie McCue Aloha, Oregon B.S., Oregon Institute of Technology MASTER OF SCIENCE IN BOTANY MASTER OF SCIENCE IN ANIMAL SCIENCES Stacey Marie Prickett Moses Lake B.S., Washington State University Katherine Margaret MacKinnon Olympia B.S., The Evergreen State College Angela D. Mitzel Olympia B.S., Washington State University Emily Nicole Terry Ft. Collins, Colorado B.Sc., University of St. Andrews MASTER OF SCIENCE IN ARCHITECTURE Samuel Edmonds Rodell Spokane B.Arch., University of Idaho MASTER OF SCIENCE IN BIOCHEMISTRY Jason Porter Hogaboam B.S., Washington State University Ryan William Rice Redding, California B.S., University of California, Davis D e gr e e s Ann Marie Sanders Clarkston B.S., Washington State University MASTER OF SCIENCE IN CHEMISTRY Jason H. Merriman Kennewick B.S., Washington State University MASTER OF SCIENCE IN CIVIL ENGINEERING Muthukumaran Anbilpadugai Elangovan Chennai, India B.E., Nagpur University M.E., Anna University Erik Beseda Anderson Vancouver B.S., Washington State University Kenneth John Dupuis Kennewick B.S., Washington State University Mesay Abebaw Endeshaw Addis Ababa, Ethiopa B.S., Washington State University Mark Christopher Hatch Castleford, Idaho B.S., University of Idaho Karyn Ranae Hildreth Washougal B.S., Washington State University Melissa Ann King Columbia, Maryland B.S., University of Maryland at College Park 28 2008 SPRING c o m m e n c e m e nt Jon Z. Mjelde Ravensdale B.S., Washington State University Kathryn Michelle Mozes Longview B.A., Evangel University Jason O’Dell Sequim B.S., Washington State University Brian James Pearson Wenatchee B.S., Washington State University Nels Royal Peterson Forks B.S., M.Arch., Washington State University Sunil Karthik Muthuswamy Coimbatore, India B.E., University of Pune Madhusoodan Parthasarathy Chennai, India B.Tech., Anna University Vijayachandran Raja Cuddalore, India B.E., Anna University Melissa Ann Stefik Ellensburg B.S., Central Washington University MASTER OF SCIENCE IN CROP SCIENCE Derek Appel Davenport B.S., Washington State University Matthew W. Williams Walla Walla B.S., Washington State University MASTER OF SCIENCE IN ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING Zachary Scott Rininger Seward, Alaska B.S., Washington State University Chad Edinger Montpelier, Ohio B.S., Washington State University Christopher Shult Breckenridge, Colorado B.S., University of Colorado at Boulder Timothy Michael Minteer Pullman B.S., Montana State University, Bozeman Yuk Kwan Tsui Hong Kong, China B.S., Washington State University Prasanna Upadhyaya Kathmandu, Nepal B.S., University of Idaho MASTER OF SCIENCE IN COMPUTER ENGINEERING Brett S. Feero Olympia B.S., Washington State University MASTER OF SCIENCE IN COMPUTER SCIENCE Willard Davis Lake Katrine, New York B.A., B.S., Houghton College Ghayathri V. Garudapuram Chennai, India B.E., University of Madras Monique Sachie Kohagura Honolulu, Hawaii B.S., Washington State University Wei Zheng Nanjing, China B.E., Southeast University MASTER OF SCIENCE IN ENGINEERING Colette Rae McKenzie Battle Ground B.S., Washington State University Candidates MASTER OF SCIENCE IN ENTOMOLOGY Robert L. Brown St. Louis, Missouri B.S., Southwest Missouri State University Robert T. Curtiss Buffalo, New York B.S., State University of New York, College of Environmental Science and Forestry Robert Evan Swearingen Rogers, Arkansas B.A., Hendrix College MASTER OF SCIENCE IN ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING Jillian Jean Churchill South Gardiner, Maine B.S., Cedar Crest College Crystal D. Newton Oroville B.S., Washington State University Alison Dawn Eckberg Saratoga Springs, New York B.A., Hamilton College Kellen Michele Patterson Missouri City, Texas B.A., Dillard University Natalia V. Loukinova Voronezh, Russia B.S., Alcorn State University Nathaniel D. Reynolds Camas B.S., Washington State University Cheryl L. Russell Vancouver B.S., Washington State University Michelle M. Valenta Richland B.S., Kansas State University MASTER OF SCIENCE IN EXERCISE SCIENCE Tyler Glenn Oester Fairbanks, Alaska B.S., Washington State University Matthew Halloran Newman Lake B.S., Northern Michigan University Huckleberry R. Palmer Woodinville B.S., Washington State University Erinn Claire Lanxon-Cookson Portland, Oregon B.S., Oregon State University Joshua Ian Reed Burlington B.S., Washington State University MASTER OF SCIENCE IN FOOD SCIENCE Ian P. Turner Hunters B.S., Washington State University MASTER OF SCIENCE IN ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE Ryan C. Anderson Spokane B.S., Gonzaga University Hayley Palmer Andrus Mt. Pleasant, Utah B.S., Utah State University Michael Cashman Little Rock, Arkansas B.S., North Carolina State University Aditi Kannan Mumbai, India B.Tech., University of Mumbai MASTER OF SCIENCE IN GENETICS AND CELL BIOLOGY Daniel J. Mistak Greene, Ohio B.S., Trevecca Nazarene College Aaron P. Petty Mantua, Ohio B.S., Case Western Reserve University MASTER OF SCIENCE IN GEOLOGY Patrick Edward Cruver Moses Lake B.Ed., Central Washington University Owen Anthony Anfinson Northfield, Minnesota B.A., Gustavus Adolphus College Marc Garretson Miller B.S., University of Idaho Krystal Jean Chan Snohomish B.A., Boston University Danny Godbout Issaquah B.S., Milwaukee School of Engineering MASTER OF SCIENCE IN HORTICULTURE Ashwin Kumar Pandari Hyderabad, India B.Tech., Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University Najmeddin Shafiei-Tehrany B.S., Washington State University Isaac B. Sprague Carnation B.S., Washington State University Lisa Georgianne Baldwin Twisp B.S., University of California, Davis MASTER OF SCIENCE IN HUMAN NUTRITION Natalie Noelle Collier Melbourne, Australia B.Ed., La Trobe University, Bendigo Campus Myra K. Tara Anaheim, California B.A., Chapman University MASTER OF SCIENCE IN MATHEMATICS d e gr e e s Rosanna Leah Anderson Pocatello, Idaho B.S., University of Idaho William Austin Starkel Norcross, Georgia B.S., University of Georgia Lynne Marie Gearhart Palouse B.S., Arizona State University B.L.A., Washington State University M.P.H., University of Washington advanced MASTER OF SCIENCE IN MECHANICAL ENGINEERING Bryan G. Moravec Arvada, Colorado B.S., University of Colorado at Denver MASTER OF SCIENCE IN LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE for Daniel P. Stone Lake Stevens B.S., Washington State University Andrew Brian Evans Wekin Garfield B.A., Williams College Ahmet Goktug Dazkir Ankara, Turkey B.S., Middle East Technical University Joseph Alan Dix Centralia B.S., Washington State University Sarah Rose Suffield Vancouver B.S., Washington State University Yi Wan Xintao, China B.S., Huazhong University of Science and Technology Elisabeth Marie Ellison B.A., Walla Walla University MASTER OF SCIENCE IN NATURAL RESOURCE SCIENCES I-Ming Lee Spanaway B.S., Washington State University Daniella R. Lorincz Drader Boardman, Ohio B.A., Youngstown State University Ye Tian Luzhou, China B.S., Sichuan University MASTER OF SCIENCE IN NEUROSCIENCE 2008 Nathaneal Jason Huston Kennewick B.S., Washington State University SPRING commencemenT 29 Candidates for advanced D e gr e e s MASTER OF SCIENCE IN PHYSICS MASTER OF SCIENCE IN SOIL SCIENCE Xia Jiang Changzhou, China B.S., Nanjing University Jennifer Christine Strause Rathdrum, Idaho B.S., University of Idaho Jon La Follett Molalla, Oregon B.S., B.S., Oregon State University MASTER OF SCIENCE IN STATISTICS Brandon LaLone Astoria, Oregon B.S., Oregon State University Abulikemu Tuerxunjiang Hetian, China B.E., Xinjiang University Saad Ali Alshahrani B.A., Teacher’s College in Abha Michael Phillip Giannetto Pueblo, Colorado B.S., Colorado State University-Pueblo MASTER OF SCIENCE IN PLANT PATHOLOGY Cheng Liu Changsha, China B.S., Huazhong University of Science and Technology Jonathan Minch Elmhurst B.S., Washington State University Armenak Markosyan Yerevan, Armenia B.S., Armenian Agricultural Academy MASTER OF SCIENCE IN PSYCHOLOGY Lia Nogueira Irapuato, Mexico Titulo, Instituto Tecnologico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey M.Sc., University of British Columbia Maja Graso Rijeka, Croatia B.S., Oregon State University Kimberly Elizabeth Lanni Roseville, California B.S., University of California, Davis Mercedes Ann LaVoy Newport Beach, California B.A., University of California, Irvine Sterling M. McPherson West Richland B.A., B.A., Whitworth University Robert R. Packer Pullman B.S., Utah State University B.A., Brigham Young University Heather Lynn Swanson West Bend, Iowa B.S., Iowa State University of Science and Technology Brandi N. Young Loveland, Colorado B.A., Arizona State University Dustin Dennis Walton Renton B.A., Augustana College M.A., Washington State University Audrey Yeo Subang Jaya, Malaysia B.S., Washington State University MASTER OF SCIENCE IN VETERINARY SCIENCE Matthew Thomas Brokken Fort Lauderdale, Florida B.S., Baldwin-Wallace College D.V.M., University of Florida Joana Chaby Lara Santos Coelho Lisboa, Portugal Licenciatura, Technical University of Lisbon Yi-Chang Chen Kaohsiung, Taiwan B.V.M., National ChungHsing University Maria Fernanda B.M.Galletti Sao Paulo, Brazil D.V.M., Universidade Estuadual de Campinas 30 2008 SPRING c o m m e n c e m e nt Daniel G. Hicks Tumwater B.S., Montana State University, Bozeman D.V.M., Washington State University Indira Pargass Valsayn North, Trinidad and Tobago D.V.M., University of the West Indies Chantal Margaret Rothschild Rio de Janeiro, Brazil D.V.M., Federal Rural University of Rio de Janeiro Brazil Macarena Sanz Puerto Madryn Chubut, Argentina D.V.M., National University of La Plata Nicholas Schwint Capitan Sarmiento, Argentina Titulo, Universidad de Buenos Aires Joshua H. Whitworth Bruneu, Idaho B.S., B.A., University of Idaho MASTER OF SCIENCE IN ZOOLOGY Kara D. McClanahan Boulder City, Nevada B.S., Washington State University MASTER OF ARTS IN AMERICAN STUDIES Stephen Bischoff Walla Walla B.A., M.B.A., Washington State University Martin Boston Hayward, California B.A., Washington State University Katherine T. Ericsson Madison, South Dakota B.A., University of Minnesota MASTER OF ARTS IN ANTHROPOLOGY Joseph R. Bergstrom Gooding, Idaho B.A., New Mexico State University Karry L. Blake B.A., University of Arizona Heather Elizabeth Bonander Casper, Wyoming B.S., Montana State University, Bozeman Jennifer Marie Ferris Maple Valley B.A., University of Washington Matt Pier Glaude Earlton, Canada B.A., McGill University Cheryl Lynn Harper Adrian, Oregon B.A., University of Oregon Jordan Thomas Rogers Big Lake, Minnesota B.A., St. Cloud State University Zachary Wilson Wausau, Wisconsin B.A., University of Minnesota David Zepeda Reno, Nevada B.A., University of Nevada, Reno MASTER OF ARTS IN APPAREL, MERCHANDISING, AND TEXTILES Heather Ruth Eynon Scottsdale, Arizona B.S., University of Arizona Dong Yang Shanghai, China B.A., Donghua University MASTER OF ARTS IN APPLIED ECONOMICS Voravee Chakreeyarat Khon Kaen, Thailand B.Econ., Khon Kaen University M.Sc., Chulalongkorn University Selmin F. Creamer B.S., Middle East Technical University M.B.A., University of Tampa MASTER OF ARTS IN COMMUNICATION Steven John Bisch Pasco B.A., Washington State University Erin M. Bryant Puyallup B.A., Chapman University Candidates Hua Chang Tianjin, China B.A., Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics Dianna Brooke Conley Renton B.A., Washington State University Dana DeSoto Hilo, Hawaii B.A., Arizona State University Kristin P. Fleischer Burbank B.A., Washington State University Hanlong Fu Jiujiang, China B.A., Xian University of Science and Technology Laura Lee Gilmour Cheney B.A., B.A., University of Montana Destiny Dell Huber Benton City B.S., Eastern Washington University Heeuk Lee Seoul, Korea B.A., University of North Florida Thomas C. Michaud Butte, Montana B.A., Jamestown College Hanna Elizabeth Morzenti Hurley, Wisconsin B.S., University of Wisconsin-Superior Ana Mariah Haase-Reed Bend, Oregon B.A., University of Oregon Denise Louise Mowder Lakewood, Colorado B.A., University of Colorado at Denver J.D., Willamette University Jennifer Rae Joslin Vancouver B.A., Washington State University Sarah Beth Mullen Richland B.A., Washington State University Teresa Clement Koeppel Spokane B.A., Whitworth University Tara Monique Sanchez Memphis, Tennessee B.A., Indiana University Ming Lei Zhuzhou, China B.A., Hunan Normal University Ryan James Thomas Merthyr Tydfil, United Kingdom B.A., University of Wales, Swansea Zheng Zhu Beijing, China B.A., Beijing Second Foreign Language University MASTER OF ARTS IN CRIMINAL JUSTICE Philip Colin Bolger Annapolis, Maryland B.A., University of Maryland at College Park Serena Ann Dusz Battle Ground B.A., Washington State University MASTER OF ARTS IN EDUCATION Molly Kathryn Bull Oak Harbor B.A., Washington State University Piyaporn Chaya B.Ed., Rajjabhat Pranakorn University Vernette Phelps Doty B.A., Washington State University Christopher John Gertridge Wolfville, Canada B.Sc., Acadia University Megan R. Itani Pullman B.A., Washington State University Michele Renate Mason Portland, Oregon B.A., Concordia University MASTER OF ARTS IN ENGLISH Hannah Rose Allen Spokane B.A., Western Washington University Antonie Marie Bodley Pullman B.Lib.A., Washington State University Anthony Joseph Dell’Ario Seattle B.A., Washington State University Brent Akio Fujioka Honolulu, Hawaii B.A., B.A., B.A., University of Hawaii at Manoa Timothy J. Hetland Kent B.A., Washington State University Andrew Hurst Orr Camino, California B.A., The Master’s College Rachael L. Shapiro Rochester, New York B.A., State University of New York, Plattsburgh Dorothy L. Worden Pasco B.A., Whitworth University 2008 MASTER OF ARTS IN FOREIGN LANGUAGES AND CULTURES Adriana Black San Isidro del General, Costa Rica B.A., B.A., Boise State University Olga Lidia Borges Pullman B.A., Central Washington University Natalia M. Fernández Richland B.S., Washington State University Pedro L. Hernández Wapato B.A., Washington State University MASTER OF ARTS IN HISTORY Emily C.A. Moore Spokane B.A., California Lutheran University Tamara S. Seibly Moscow, Idaho B.S., Washington State University d e gr e e s Marlon Valencia Cali, Colombia Licenciado, Universidad del Valle Cali Amy McDougall Minneapolis, Minnesota B.A., Point Loma University Katey Elizabeth Roden Spokane B.A., Coastal Carolina University advanced Carlos Sánchez Martin Valencia, Spain Diploma, University of Valencia Steven Keoni Holmes Walla Walla B.A., Washington State University Clark Wesley Rice Kennewick B.A., University of Montana for Jacquelyn Lorraine Dumin Park Falls, Wisconsin B.A., University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire Patrick Joseph King Port Orange, Florida A.B., Princeton University George Stanfield Means Seattle B.A., The Evergreen State College Tracie Peterson Olympia B.A., Saint Martin’s University Nathan James Roberts Sherman, Texas B.A., Austin College Lynette Scriver Great Falls, Montana B.A., Montana State University-Billings Benjamin J. Smith Kimberly, Idaho B.A., Brigham Young University SPRING commencemenT 31 Candidates for advanced Todd D. Sulloway Vancouver B.A., B.A., California State University, Chico Lindsay Michelle Thompson Helena, Montana B.A., Carroll College Cherri R. Wemlinger Pullman B.A., Washington State University MASTER OF ARTS IN HUMAN DEVELOPMENT Charles Rufus Anderson McCall, Idaho B.S., University of Idaho Katherine M. Cooney Redmond B.A., Washington State University Yihung Lau Hong Kong B.S., Washington State University Julia Miriam Price Chelan B.A., Washington State University Daquarii Rock Huntington Beach, California B.S., University of Idaho Teresa Schmidt Moscow, Idaho B.S., University of Idaho Carole-Anne Seeley Beaverton, Oregon B.A., University of Utah Anna P. Whitehall Wenatchee B.A., Western Washington University MASTER OF ARTS IN INTERIOR DESIGN Jane Ellen Barry Spokane B.A., B.S.N., University of Portland Rebecca Lyn Bunker Hermance Spokane B.A., Montana State University, Bozeman Sunshine Christensen Logan, Utah B.S., Utah State University 32 2008 SPRING D e gr e e s Susan Jane Hall Nashville, Tennessee B.F.A., Belmont University Ami L. Keiffer Keizer, Oregon B.S., University of Oregon Leah (Jesse) M. Peck Spokane B.A., Gonzaga University Kathleen Ryan Duluth, Minnesota B.S., Cornell University MASTER OF ARTS IN MUSIC David Brewster Spokane Valley B.A., Whitworth University Teri Mayfield Dryden B.A., Washington State University MASTER OF ARTS IN POLITICAL SCIENCE Robert Kelly Anderson Puyallup B.A., Saint Martin’s University Kathleen Searles Houston, Texas A.B., Elon University MASTER OF ARTS IN SOCIOLOGY Skylar James Garcia Cashmere B.Mus., Washington State University Andrew J. Caven Aberdeen, South Dakota B.S., B.S., North Dakota State University of Agriculture and Applied Science Derek Saxon Gore Yakima B.Mus., Washington State University Thomas Familia Sacramento, California B.S., B.S., University of Utah Matthew Michael Horstman Richland B.Mus., Washington State University Morgan M. Millar Salt Lake City, Utah B.S., Westminster College of Salt Lake City Paul Lofing Tacoma B.Mus., Washington State University Lauren Elizabeth Dunlap Richter Chicago, Illinois B.A., Connecticut College Angela Kate Schauer Spokane B.M., Eastern Washington University Bethany Breean Rigles Coeur d’Alene, Idaho B.A., University of Montana John D. Sterling Santa Cruz, California B.Mus., Cornish College of the Arts Lindsey Blair Trimble Indianapolis, Indiana B.A., Indiana University Kayla E. Williams Pasco B.A., Whitman College MASTER OF ARTS IN PHILOSOPHY Ryan L. Cole Bremerton B.A., Washington State University Jason Lee Fishel Myrtle Beach, South Carolina B.A., B.A., Coastal Carolina University c o m m e n c e m e nt Robert McKinnon Wilkes Casper, Wyoming B.S., University of Wyoming MASTER OF ARTS IN SPEECH AND HEARING SCIENCES Karen Maureen Babson Hudson Falls, New York B.A., Cedar Crest College Heather Ann Balliet Cambridge, Wisconsin B.S., University of Wisconsin-Platteville Lisa Beehler Wakarusa, Indiana B.S., Purdue University Hollie Jo Bowman Pocatello, Idaho B.S., Idaho State University Jessica Anne Connerton Ukiah, California B.S., University of Washington Nicole J. Eller Maple Valley B.S., Brigham Young University Stephanie Maria Gomez Gig Harbor B.A., Western Washington University LaTrisha I. Griffiths Castle Rock B.S., Middle Tennessee State University Ann M. Hussey Spokane B.A., Whitworth University Ami Jolene Jenson Chelan B.A., Eastern Washington University Nicole C. Kessler Osburn, Idaho B.S., Idaho State University Kaelyn Sue Lommers Toppenish B.S., University of Oregon Carly Teresa Maddox Kirkland B.A., Western Washington University Rachael Erin Marks Milwaukie, Oregon B.S., University of Oregon Sandip Minhas Vancouver, Canada B.A., University of British Columbia Sara Beth Newboles Chehalis B.A., Western Washington University Katie Diane Newell Portland, Oregon B.Mus., Boise State University Ashley Marie Pozzolo Edmonton, Canada B.A., University of Alberta Jamie Leialoha Shimabuku Honolulu, Hawaii B.S., University of Hawaii at Manoa Candidates MASTER IN TEACHING Tricia Anne Hoppe Spokane B.A., Western Washington University Timothy Ryan Lee Kennewick B.A., Washington State University Yueh-Hua Leslie Kaohsiung, Taiwan B.A., National Ping-Tung Institute of Commerce Lisa Park Vancouver B.A., Pomona College Edgar Daniel Rogge Seattle B.A., B.A., University of Washington Keri Beth Snyder Pullman B.A., San Jose State University MASTER OF ACCOUNTING Emily Elizabeth Boulanger Tacoma B.A., Washington State University David Enquist Moses Lake B.A., Washington State University Raymond R. Gibler Lewiston, Idaho B.S., Northwest Nazarene University Tad Michael Jacroux Pullman B.A., University of Puget Sound Walter A. Juergens Spanaway B.A., Washington State University Melanie Elizabeth Mosley Kennewick B.A., Washington State University Yun Sun Nanning, China B.A., Lewis-Clark State College M.B.A., Washington State University Krystal Lynne Van Belle Sunnyside B.A., Washington State University Jue Wang Shanghai, China B.A., Shanghai University B.A., Washington State University MASTER OF ARCHITECTURE Nicholas John Carpenter Spokane B.S., Washington State University David Curran Quincy B.S., Washington State University Brittany Diane Martinec Tacoma B.S., Washington State University Sung Seo Park Seoul, Korea B.E., Myong Ji University Paul Austin Slaughter Albion B.S., Washington State University MASTER OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION Naeem M. Abdurrahman Richland B.S., B.S., University of Tennessee at Knoxville M.S., University of Washington Ph.D., Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Aaron Adams Othello B.S., Washington State University Rabii Zaki Alkhonaizi Qatif, Saudi Arabia B.S., King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals Tatyana Bogush-Stakhov Vancouver B.A., Washington State University Christy Caldwell Olympia B.A., Washington State University Emily Elizabeth Chandler Anchorage, Alaska B.A., Washington State University Chih-Hao Chen Taipei, Taiwan B.B.A., Fu-Jen Catholic University Tsai Hsuan Cheng Taipei, Taiwan B.B.A., National Sun YatSen University Meng Ju Chi Taichung, Taiwan B.B.A., Feng Chia University Joseph W. Crowther Pasco B.S., Brigham Young University-Idaho Marisa R. Danley Portland, Oregon B.A., Metropolitan State College of Denver Lisa Michele DeCarlo B.A., Washington State University Robert K. Enslow III Spokane B.A., Washington State University Kyle Finkbeiner Connell B.A., Washington State University Paul Hawksworth Ladner, Canada B.Sc., University of Victoria Benjamin Jay Higgins Vancouver B.A., University of Portland Amy Q. Hoang Vancouver B.A., University of Washington for advanced d e gr e e s Cuo-su Huang Taipei, Taiwan B.S., National Taiwan Institute of Technology M.S., National Cheng Kung University Teresa Ann Jenkins West Richland B.A., Washington State University Michael David Larman Battleground B.A., Washington State University Robert D. Lauron Seattle B.S., Washington State University Ming-Shien Lee B.B.A., Tamkang University Lyle A. Lewin Montesano B.S., Washington State University Erika Liabraaten Kelso B.A., Washington State University Hsiao-Wen (Hannah) Liang Taipei, Taiwan B.A., National Taipei University Yi-Chieh Liu Taipei, Taiwan B.A., Yuan Ze University Jerid L. Mauss Richland B.S., University of Washington Matt A. Neukom St. Helens, Oregon B.S., University of Idaho Christopher A. Hord LaCenter B.S., Portland State University Trent Justin Oram Cody, Wyoming B.A., University of Great Falls Chih-Yung (Mike) Hsu Taipei, Taiwan B.A., National Central University Chien-Cheng Pan Hsinchu, Taiwan B.S., National Taipei University of Technology Chia-Chen (Kelly) Huang Taichung, Taiwan B.B.A., Feng Chia University Colin Pappajohn Maple Valley B.A., Washington State University Timothy James Pfeifer Vancouver B.A., Washington State University 2008 SPRING commencemenT 33 Candidates for advanced D e gr e e s Cindy Rios Basin City B.A., B.A., Whitworth University David A. Bennett Vancouver B.A., Washington State University Ronald Dean Springer Palm Springs, California B.A., Western Oregon University Heather Elizabeth Brackett Maple Valley B.A., Washington State University Jeremy Mitchell Stalberger Walla Walla B.S., Washington State University Mathew Marshall Clark Vancouver B.A., Washington State University Rujia Sun Chengdu, China B.S., University of Science and Technology of China Stephanie Closson (Clayton) Vancouver B.A., Eastern Washington University William James Tanner Brush Prairie B.S., Brigham Young University-Idaho Patricia Anne Cueva Bothell B.S., Washington State University Julie Anne Ulrich Idaho Falls, Idaho B.A., Washington State University Abel Diaz Tucson, Arizona B.S., University of Arizona Kelley Michelle Weldin Olympia B.A., Washington State University Fang-Hsien Wu Kaohsiung, Taiwan B.A., National Chung Cheng University Chi-Wei Yang Taoyuan, Taiwan B.B.A., Chinese Culture University Kimberly A. Yauchzee Troy, Idaho B.S., University of Idaho MASTER OF EDUCATION Daniel Allbery Spokane B.A., Washington State University Sari Elaine Anderson Kennewick B.A., Washington State University Mary Bauer Richland B.A., Washington State University Clara Elena Beas Tijuana, Mexico B.A., Eastern Oregon University 34 2008 SPRING Laurel Anne Dube Rosalia B.A., Washington State University Uriel Escobedo Wenatchee B.A., Central Washington University Michael M. Feigen B.A., Washington State University Glen G. Galindo Jalisco, Mexico B.S., California State University, Sacramento Rachelle Diane Galvin Vancouver B.A., Washington State University Amanda Renee Garcia Sunnyside B.A., Washington State University Daniel J. Garvey Vancouver B.A., Washington State University Holly D. Gibson Dayton, Ohio B.A., Wright State University Brenda M. Gow Chattaroy B.A., Brigham Young University c o m m e n c e m e nt Lisa G. Gredvig Tieton B.S., Central Washington University B.A., Pacific Lutheran University Charles Franklin Green B.A., Eastern Washington University John Daniel Hale West Richland B.S., Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University Ryan Holmstrom Puyallup B.A., Washington State University Drew A. Homchick Cosmopolis B.A., Washington State University Jessica Hunnicutt Seattle B.A., Washington State University Heather Reiann Johnson Vancouver B.S., Washington State University Lindsey Jennet Jorgensen North Bend B.S., Washington State University Stephanie Cecile Langston Gainesville, Georgia B.A., B.S., University of Georgia Chandra K. Markel Richland B.S., Washington State University Dora A. Martinez Kennewick B.A., Washington State University Christina Mather Ellensburg B.A., Central Washington University Jennifer Melendrez Sunnyside B.A., B.A., Central Washington University Lindsay D. Mequet Kennewick B.A., Eastern Washington University Jennifer Marie Mitchell Oceanside, California B.A., California State University, San Bernardino Maria R. Molina West Richland Licenciatura, Escuela Normal Superior de Chihuahua Miguel Angel Montes Toppenish B.A., Washington State University Brenda L. Nelson Richland B.A., Washington State University Amy Jean Olin Vancouver B.A., Western Washington University Anne Elizabeth Ouderkirk Naperville, Illinois B.A., Washington State University Mary Ann Parkhurst Richland B.A., University of New Mexico M.S., Washington State University M.S., University of Washington Mark Richard Phelan Vancouver B.A., Washington State University Lisa E. Pietsch Vancouver B.A., Washington State University Kathleen Regan Enfield, Connecticut B.S., University of Rhode Island Michelle Irene Reinhardt Battle Ground B.S., University of North Texas Oksana Rusakov B.A., Washington State University Joy Michele Sanders B.A., Central Washington University Michael Kenneth Seraphin Chicago, Illinois B.A., B.A., DePaul University Candidates Jenny Sharp Rodriguez Pasco B.A., Washington State University Jessica Halcy Swanson Vancouver B.A., City University Louise E. Torgerson Dagmar, Montana B.A., Washington State University Chia-min Tsai Changhua, Taiwan B.A., Far East College Diane Evans Tuck Kennewick B.A., Western Washington University Jennica Vincent Pullman B.S., Washington State University Dee Anna Williams Richland B.A., Washington State University Simone Young Chicago, Illinois B.S., Iowa State University of Science and Technology Ana Zuljevic Richland B.A., Washington State University MASTER OF ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY MANAGEMENT Karen Wang Bagnell Kenmore B.S., Washington State University Joseph Burton Eggert Houston, Texas B.S., University of TexasAustin B.S., University of TexasArlington David A. Silkroski Bellevue B.S., Cogswell College North B.S., University of Pittsburgh Jeffrey Charles Snell Powell, Wyoming B.S., University of Nevada, Las Vegas Dana John Sveum Sunburst, Montana B.S., Montana Tech of the University of Montana Herman Jude Taylor, Jr. Baton Rouge, Louisiana B.A., Southern University and Agricultural and Mechanical College Theodore John Venetz Great Falls, Montana B.S., Montana State University, Bozeman Gary S. Watkins Jackson, Mississippi B.Arch., Mississippi State University Steven Ray Wilson Spokane Valley B.S., Gonzaga University MASTER OF FINE ARTS Gabriel B. Brown Spokane B.F.A., Eastern Washington University Jeneve Parrish Davis, California B.F.A., Oregon College of Art and Craft Andrew Jon Peterson Seattle B.A., Seattle Pacific University Mary Jean Rothlisberger Fredericksburg, Virginia B.A., University of Mary Washington Amy Nicole Grice Auburn B.S., Washington State University Jordan Van Duine Fairbanks, Alaska B.F.A., University of Alaska Fairbanks Rick Seeber Everett B.S., Oregon Institute of Technology Kristyn Beeson Weaver El Paso, Texas B.F.A., University of TexasAustin Jian Yang Xi’an, China B.A., Northwest University for advanced d e gr e e s MASTER OF HEALTH POLICY AND ADMINISTRATION Cameron Mitchell White Tooele, Utah B.S., Utah State University Usame Sheikh Dahir Tukwila B.S., University of Washington Elizabeth A. Winters Spokane B.S., Washington State University B.S., Central Washington University Yakima Anna Lynn Haarsager Moscow, Idaho B.A., B.S., University of Idaho Meng-Yun Wu Makong City, Taiwan B.A., China Medical University Barbara Hamilton Reardan B.A., Washington State University MASTER OF NURSING Todd C. Leroux Post Falls, Idaho B.S., Boise State University Paul Lewis Kellogg, Idaho B.S., Brigham Young University Kathryn Mae Al-Hafian B.A., Eastern Washington University B.S., Washington State University Katherine L. Mackay Kent B.S., Washington State University Barbara Jayne Beebe Selah B.S., Washington State University Lisa Marcucci Hale Denver, Colorado B.B.A., University of Colorado at Denver Nicholas Joseph Campo III Baton Rouge, Louisiana B.S.N., Our Lady of the Lake College Dru G. Metz Marysville B.A., University of Washington Karla Kay Nelson Grants Pass, Oregon B.S., B.S., Southern Oregon University Anita Rao Kennewick B.S., Washington State University Laird Stuart Rasmussen Spokane B.S., Brigham Young University M.T., Medical College of Ohio Michael T. Richards Union, Oregon B.S., Oregon State University Ryan Alexander Scott B.S., Brigham Young University Adrianne Eileen Turskick Denver, Colorado B.S., Washington State University 2008 Christopher H. Aichele LaCenter B.S., Washington State University Michelle Diane Crawford Benton City B.S.N., Brigham Young University Jennifer B. Foster-Fausett Spokane B.S., Washington State University Norma Garcia-Meraz B.S., Washington State University Maryika Ivanova Gibson Gabrovo, Bulgaria B.A., Higher Economic Institute of Sofia-Bulgaria B.S., Washington State University Sandra Michal Hadenfeld Vancouver B.S., University of Washington Kimberly McGee Heroff Pullman B.S., Washington State University SPRING commencemenT 35 Candidates for advanced D e gr e e s Kellee Kathleen Hollyman Vancouver B.S., Washington State University Barbara Ann McKenna Dublin, Ireland B.S.N., Walla Walla University Tanell Test Portland, Oregon B.S., Washington State University Scott W. Dennis Longview B.A., Washington State University Courtney A. Hunter Kennewick B.S., Washington State University Tracy Moran-Patton Richland B.S., Fairmont State College Kathleen L. Trussell Othello B.S., Washington State University Robert E. Dingethal Ridgefield B.A., San Jose State University Alyce M. Huntsinger Rockaway, Oregon B.S., Oregon Health Sciences University Susan L. Niemen Spokane B.S., Washington State University B.A., Eastern Washington University Olivia Joy Ullrich Pullman B.S.N., Concordia College Kenneth D. Dubuc Larkspur, California B.S., University of California, Davis Shelley L. Jay Spokane B.S., University of Washington Chacie Lynn Johnson Vancouver B.S., Washington State University Patricia K. McBride Walla Walla B.S., Washington State University Pamela Jean McGill Astoria, Oregon B.S.N., University of Phoenix M.A., University of Northern Colorado Juliana I. Ogbeama Nigeria B.S.N., Walla Walla University Rhonda Marie Ramm Soap Lake B.S., Washington State University Sandi Y. Rosenzweig Longview B.S., Washington State University Apolonia Garza Silva Medford, Oregon B.S., Walla Walla University Jody Lynn Ulrich Mattawa B.S., Washington State University Marilee Kay Walker Spokane B.A., Whitworth University Cassandra Whittington Portland, Oregon B.S.N., Linfield College MASTER OF PUBLIC AFFAIRS Daniel Scott Eugene Cascaddan Citrus Heights, California B.A., Washington State University John R. Chapman Sierra Madre, California B.S., Concordia University 36 2008 SPRING c o m m e n c e m e nt Jillane Mari Homme Bloomington, Minnesota B.A., University of California, Los Angeles Helen E. Stewart Vancouver B.S., Washington State University Kristel Turner LaCenter B.A., Western Washington University Candidates for P r o f e ssi o n a l D e gr e e s Candidates for Professional Degrees College of Pharmacy Doctor of Pharmacy Blaine Avery Adams Menlo Ahmed Abdille Ali Tukwilla Dongha T. Bach Seattle Julie Jamay Bagby —Magna Cum Laude Woodinville Stephanie Jean Bardin —Cum Laude Spokane Lyndell Corin Baser Prosser Kimberley Elaine Baum Spokane Jennifer K. Becker Gig Harbor Erik Marcus Bernhoft —Cum Laude Sequim Mason Ruel Bowman Idaho Falls, Idaho Mary Theresa Brim —Magna Cum Laude Spokane Andrea Christine Brizee —Cum Laude Mililani, Hawaii Gabriela Camacho Chowchilla, California Zachary L. Cazier —Magna Cum Laude Spokane Young A. Cho Silverdale Love Alisha Cole —Magna Cum Laude Aberdeen Laurel C. Guelich Cox Spokane Heidi Marcia Crabtree —Cum Laude Pullman Melissa Lee Dailey Spokane Anthony Nicholas DeCicco —Magna Cum Laude Kent Kimkhanh Thi Diep —Summa Cum Laude Kent Lien Thi-Bich Do —Summa Cum Laude Bellingham Sharon Jacqueline Klein —Magna Cum Laude Orofino, Idaho Erin Kaye Dobbins —Summa Cum Laude Cheney Jonathan Scott Lai Honolulu, Hawaii Phillip Yancey Sandefer —Cum Laude Spokane Mark Leroy DuVall Pasco Ina Lee —Cum Laude Spokane Nancy M. Schaefer —Cum Laude Vancouver Michael J. Ehlinger Vancouver Kenyon Neal Lyle Elma Mena Senecal Spokane Sarah Lillian Eich —Cum Laude Spokane Fred Lam Mai —Cum Laude Honolulu, Hawaii Danielle Dawn Shook —Magna Cum Laude Kennewick Carlene Lee Emerson —Magna Cum Laude Pullman Yvonne Lam Mai —Cum Laude Spokane Catherine M. Stevens Kent Ryan Jonathan Erlewine —Cum Laude Yakima Peter Y. Matsumoto —Magna Cum Laude Honolulu, Hawaii Devin Marie Finco Mukilteo Johnie James McCanna Addy Monica C. Flory —Magna Cum Laude Culdesac, Idaho Hadriana McIntosh Spokane Keegan Carly Fritzke —Cum Laude Portland, Oregon Brett Chris Furutani —Cum Laude Hilo, Hawaii Michael Curtis Gaddis Moses Lake Matthew Lee Gardner —Magna Cum Laude Port Angeles Brandon James Michael Giard Clarkston Emily Catherine Gish —Summa Cum Laude Yakima Marsha Dennette Goodman Lewiston, Idaho Jessica Sterling Gruber —Magna Cum Laude Spokane Devonne Nicole Hill Vancouver Kyle Kirkland Hinkley —Cum Laude East Wenatchee Jennifer Kristeen Fordice Hrytzik Spokane Kimberly Caye McKeirnan Pomeroy Erin Nichole McLeod —Cum Laude Nezperce, Idaho Nathan Daniel Meyer Newport Danielle Anna Morgan Spokane Quoc Nguyen Renton Justin Michael Ruffridge Kenai, Alaska Christopher Scott Torrisi Chattaroy Hieu-Thien Nguyen Truong —Magna Cum Laude Edmonds Michelle Tran Tu —Cum Laude Tacoma Senio Norman Vaisualao Tuala Aiea, Hawaii Jared Andrew Twiggs Spokane Brooke Michelle Villers —Cum Laude Colville Laura Blair Wade —Cum Laude Battle Ground Brett Ryan Watson Spokane Thong Huy Nguyen Des Moines Carmel Christine Palmer Bremerton Brianne Nohelani Pamparo Port Orchard Brad Theras Dee Pass Astoria, Oregon Dustin Daniel Person —Magna Cum Laude Usk Megan Nicole Pettibone —Cum Laude Fitchburg, Wisconsin Lindsey Dawn Pinckney Asotin Lizeth Posadas Santa Ana, California Jamie Jo Reese —Cum Laude Elk 2008 Emaniel Mulogeta Weldu Seattle Victoria Marie Weyer Addy Susan Anne Whipple Marysville Lisa Marie Williams Kennewick Phil Woodard South Bend Eli Yarwood Yakima Nathan Dale Zahller —Cum Laude Spokane Emily M. Zaremba —Cum Laude Aberdeen SPRING commencemenT 37 Candidates for pr o f e ssi o n a l d e gr e e s College of Veterinary Medicine Doctor of Veterinary Medicine Elizabeth Frampton Salem, Utah Heather Michelle McIlvenna Kamuela, Hawaii Milo Lloyd Andrus Lava Hot Springs, Idaho Matthew David Fulwell Middleport, New York Ronald James Barringham Tacoma Melissa Dawn Gaywont Green Bay, Wisconsin Julia Christine McNeal —Cum Laude Kirkland Andrea Piper Barten —Magna Cum Laude Snohomish Alicia Rose Gores —Cum Laude Chelan Katherine Alene Bennett Aberdeen Todd Mark Griffiths Simms, Montana Dawnille Anita Bonser —Cum Laude Elk Emily Virginia Grossman Seattle Megan K. Hanken Los Altos, California Branden Marie BournMaxwell Murtaugh, Idaho Jamie Lynn Harpole —Cum Laude Valdosta, Georgia Anna Lee Bowes Noxon, Montana Emily J. Briggs Valleyford Laura L. Bronsart Parks, Arizona Jennifer Lee Brown —Summa Cum Laude Moses Lake Taylor Kathleen Opel Simi Valley, California Shannon Joann Urza —Summa Cum Laude Richland Daniel Michael Corcoran Pullman Melissa Ruth Colvig Knutzen —Magna Cum Laude Pullman 2008 SPRING Victoria Rose Swarowski Tucson, Arizona Kyle Rueben Taylor Raymond Maci Ann Keithly Port Orchard 38 Gabriele Strottner West Jordan, Utah Whitney Rebecca Nelson Richland Melissa Doughty Carroll Pullman Hattie Carolyn Kugler Warden Michael J. Light Oswego, Illinois Christina B. Lock Seabeck Teresa Y. Luther Pullman Betty Wing Ming Ma Daly City, California Taya Michelle Marquardt Arlington Katherine Elizabeth Finnerty Gig Harbor Diane Eileen Stockinger Henderson, Nevada Julie Rochelle Hunt —Cum Laude Albuquerque, New Mexico Timberly Lorene Johnson Spokane Sherri Lynn Fargo —Magna Cum Laude Montesano Jennifer Irene Morris Littleton, Colorado Melissa A. Stephenson Spanaway Kelli Lee Taylor —Summa Cum Laude Auburn Casey Raymond Carl Pullman Lindsey Anna Ehlers —Cum Laude Pony, Montana Rose Irene Miller Coeur d’Alene, Idaho Jason Lee Squibb Pullman Annika Torhild Nelson Burlington Laurie Johnson Seattle Marc A. Duyungan Bellevue Ira Dustin Mickelsen Pullman Casey Buford Sowell Seattle Chadwick Theodore Hunt Boise, Idaho Jillian Noelle Burchett Park City, Utah Bryce Willard Davisson Wenatchee Christina Francis Meyer Harrison, Idaho Nicholas John Sorensen Belgrade, Montana Cassandra Devin Mundy Murphy, Oregon John Gary Broyles Colfax Darbie Lyn Cummings Bothell Ryan John Merkley Herriman, Utah Sabrina Allison Scriven Fort Worth, Texas Alaina K. Hoffman Bellingham Claire Burbick Huntsberry —Magna Cum Laude Pullman Meredeth Britten Crandall Moscow, Idaho Joyce Ann McPherrin —Cum Laude Live Oak, California Lindsay Pearl Schmidt —Cum Laude Havre, Montana Matthew Lawrence Mason Mead Lindsay Ann McBeth-Foley Pullman c o m m e n c e m e nt Lisa Kristine Pearson Gig Harbor Adam Mills Petersen Tooele, Utah Alyssa C. Peterson —Magna Cum Laude Renton Shaun Rand Vaniman Bozeman, Montana Sarah A. Walley Pullman Karen C. Weeks Pullman Amos Kerry Peterson Walla Walla Cory Ryan Weiss Goldendale Joseph Anthony Powers —Magna Cum Laude Colville Christina S. Wetzel Ellensburg Mary Ellen Prince Desmet, Idaho Sharon Lydia Wilson —Cum Laude Edgewood Kamala June Rapp Madera, California Travis W. Wodiske Phoenix, Arizona Jennene M. Rehberger Edmonds Emily Marie Wynne —Magna Cum Laude Ridgefield Gregory Curtis Rehling Spokane Jaymie A. Rennert Tulalip Jamie Nanette Ross Clovis, New Mexico Jared E. Sare Rexburg, Idaho Serena Renee Yelenics Harrison, Idaho Kimberlee Jo Zahller Great Falls, Montana Candidates for Baccalaureate Degrees Center photo: Honors Hall Candidates for b a c c a l a ur e a t e d e gr e e s College of Agricultural, Human, and Natural Resource Sciences Bachelor of Science in Agribusiness Joshua Wade Goicoechea Moses Lake Robert Raymond Colbert —Summa Cum Laude Oroville Matthew Robert Miller Lind Bowen James Staples —Cum Laude Buckley Hazen Andrew Palmer Kennewick Chad Stuart Platt Moses Lake Bachelor of Science in Agricultural Economics Tyler Tel Ruzicka —Cum Laude Bellingham Joshua Michael Adams Pullman Jamin A. Smitchger —Summa Cum Laude Monroe Christopher P. Boesche Enumclaw Ruth Diane Padgett Ennis, Montana Bachelor of Science in Agriculture Joshua David Steward Odessa Bachelor of Science in Agricultural Economics and Management Melissa Jayne Bughi —Magna Cum Laude Walla Walla Brianna Jayne Kinsman Onalaska Kaitlyn Kristine Larsen Spokane Jordan Renee Mundinger Wenatchee Bachelor of Science in Agricultural Technology and Management Grant Wayne De Vries —Cum Laude Ferndale Adele Reneé Durfey Pullman Alys Joleen Durfey Pullman 40 2008 SPRING Jessica S. Budd Uniontown Jenna Louise Feusner Selah Haly Lury Ingle —Cum Laude Waitsburg Joshua Steven Krieg Springdale Kellen Daniel Lawhead Tekoa Rachel Rae Lewis Moses Lake Katie Joann Detering Mattawa Marie Helen Bowers Harrisbrurg, Oregon Arthur Harber Uniontown Joseph Guy Evans Outlook Bryce Robert Curry Chewelah Adam Ronald Zediker Prosser Duane A. Schwatke Colfax Jason Michael Small Tekoa Cassie Alma Wyman Ellensburg Bachelor of Science in Animal Sciences Ashley Callaway Culp —Magna Cum Laude Okanogan Catlin Dix Spokane Whithney Blaire Evans —Cum Laude Jackson, Wyoming Katherine Jean Gunderson —Summa Cum Laude Poulsbo Chika Ikeda Japan Alex Joseph King Odessa Wade Michael McMahan Randle Vanessa Nichole Michelizzi Colville Jordan Renee Mundinger Wenatchee Takumu Niino —Magna Cum Laude Bangkok, Thailand Samantha Sue Aardahl Everett Lamesha Cherise Andrews Tacoma Adrienne Michele Barr Renton Kristin Maureen Bleich —Cum Laude Puyallup Kimberly Jo Bonnes —Cum Laude Dallas, Oregon Danielle Leigh Bracco Sammamish Jillian Berry Brown Pullman Heather Ann Brugge Renton Jolene R. Cari Poulsbo Lisa Marie Onstott Las Vegas, Nevada Molly Jean Carmody Yakima Naysa Leigh Poshusta Ellensburg Lesley Raywen Chan —Cum Laude Renton Jacqueline Kay Preston Graham Mindy Ann Nordheim Puller Waitsburg Christina Marie Read Tacoma Shawnese Marie Rocco Graham Oscar Sanchez Granger Emily Margaret Shields —Cum Laude Kirkland Cassandra Amalia Abbott Silverdale Stephen Lancefield Stockdale —Magna Cum Laude Carnation Ashley Susan Bergh Tenino Illene Christine Stolz Enumclaw Jordan Dee Cambra Auburn Jeramie E. Voss Pullman Geoffrey Michael Campbell Covington Kelsey Marie Williams Stanwood Michelle Diane Connor Maple Valley Cindi Joy Wilson —Magna Cum Laude Brewster c o m m e n c e m e nt Bachelor of Arts in Apparel, Merchandising, and Textiles Katie Lynn Daly —Cum Laude Kent Stephanie Nicole Diers Sammamish Hannah Elise Eather Bend, Oregon Anne Katherine Fovargue Olympia Whitney Danielle Fuda Kent Gabrielle Amelia Gonzales Olympia Felicity June Greenpalm Kirkland Jessica Erin Grove —Cum Laude Centralia Brianne Lindsay Hall —Cum Laude Tacoma Gina Bernadette Harb Shoreline Candidates Jennifer Marie Heineman Kent Bachelor of Science in Crop Science Melanie Ruth Hildebrand Sammamish Abil Riak Abil Kent Thuy Thi Ho Pullman David Lee Andrews Dryden Emily Kay Hunt —Magna Cum Laude Federal Way Cody DuWayne Dahl Selah Darcy Louise Johnson Wenatchee Kamika Chardae Lyday Portland, Oregon Arianna Meg McColleyHopkins —Magna Cum Laude Arlington Selene Ashley McDonald Spokane Jennifer Elizabeth McDowell Bellevue Christen Marie Morris —Cum Laude Puyallup Marissa Christine Moser Sumner Cherié Michelle Flint Ephrata Nicole Louise Groth Selah Ryan Tyler Jones Vancouver Shaun Gregory Knutzen Burlington Douglas James Malott III Spokane Peder Edward Rauen Indianola Vanessa Pulido Yakima Kendal Joseph Bryant Auburn Shawna RenAye Ramstad Tumwater Brett Richard Burdick Spokane Danielle Marie Schaefer Pullman Jaehyuk Chung —Cum Laude Korea Lenka Chantelle Stauffer Tumwater Kendra Emilya Stephens Pullman Nicholas Andrew Trutman —Magna Cum Laude Tacoma Lacey Diana Wilmot —Cum Laude Bainbridge Island Ileana Tiffany WilsonThomas Seattle Brittany Ann Zurn Port Orchard Skyler James Dompier Spokane Tabarak Hassan Farah Pullman Douglas Perry Flick Monitor Candice Christine Gobel —Cum Laude Snohomish Tristan Del Skolrud —Magna Cum Laude Yakima Eryn Kaye Hugo West Richland Jacob R. Tavares Pullman Karly Marie Kercheval Eugene, Oregon Joshua Mark Tiano —Cum Laude Pullman Maria Grace Lockard Mountain Home, Arkansas Grant Dawson Williams —Magna Cum Laude West Richland Shane Matthew Moore —Magna Cum Laude Orofino, Idaho Meng-Hsiu Wu Taichung, Taiwan Bryan Micheal Mrachek Malaga Seongwon Yoon Kyunkido, South Korea Justin James Bliggenstorfer Wenatchee d e gr e e s Christopher Fladwood Redmond, Oregon Chris Jeet Singh Woodway Dustin T. Walsh —Magna Cum Laude Colbert Lauren Elizabeth Pirnke Mill Creek b a c c a l a ur e a t e David Lee Andrews Dryden Christine Leigh Schultz Pasco Ning Xiang —Cum Laude Japan Bachelor of Arts in Economics Darby Jo Scott Bellevue Aaron Zane Olanie —Magna Cum Laude Bainbridge Island Michael Douglas Sellman Kenmore Zachary Scott Mulhall Wenatchee Courtney Rose Schenfeld Port Orchard for Scott Paul Rants FPO Sara Ruth Russell Moses Lake Samuel Russell Small Entiat Phillip Ducheng Zhen San Francisco, California Bachelor of Science in Environmental and Resource Economics and Management Isaiah William Bryant Spokane Valley Daniel Herzl Zommick —Magna Cum Laude Issaquah Bachelor of Arts in Human Development Valerie Ann Barabe —Summa Cum Laude Covington Sarah Kathryn Campbell Hermiston, Oregon Bachelor of Science in Food Science and Human Nutrition Ivan Jeffery Craddock Moses Lake Kathleen Anne Barney Tacoma Stephanie K Bryan Vancouver Meagan Josephine CampbellDavis Yakima Jose Madrigal Heredia Yakima Katherine Ivy Figel —Magna Cum Laude Woodinville Cameron Christopher Hunt Tacoma Daniel May Fort Bragg, California Kathleen Elizabeth Cunningham —Summa Cum Laude Vancouver Tishra Lea Mattox Pullman Banjamin Edward Schleicher Port Orchard Alissa Grace Dahl Battle Ground David Ayual Mayom Renton Weny Nathania Sinjaya —Magna Cum Laude East Java, Indonesia Nichole Marie Mann Dobrinski Camas Todd Matthew Miller Centralia Jisung Moon Newcastle Sam Young Oh Tacoma Bachelor of Science in Horticulture Leah Eileen Adint —Magna Cum Laude Anchorage, Alaska 2008 Robert Andrew Druffel Pullman Christina Michelle Durivage Longview SPRING commencemenT 41 Candidates for b a c c a l a ur e a t e d e gr e e s Donna J. Fitzgerald Brewer, Maine Alicia Maxine Payne Vancouver Bachelor of Arts in Interior Design Stephanie Christine Gamelin Spokane Bethany Lynne Pengra Ridgefield McKenzie Burgess Garberg Benton City Eduardo Dimas Perez Vancouver Lauren Whitney Bosshardt —Cum Laude Bremerton Karen Ann Gray —Magna Cum Laude Kalama Lindsey Nicole Peterson Walla Walla Alexandra Robinson Camas Teresa M. Gunn Vancouver Karina Rojas-Rodriguez SeaTac Maria Renee Haddox Estacada, Oregon Katherine Eliza Schumacher Edmonds Jennifer Ann Helms Republic Melissa M.H. Walther Sears Vancouver Cindy Amelia Hester Yacolt Amanda Nicole Hicks Redmond Amanda Michelle SmithTreadwell Lynnwood Kari Ann Kissel —Cum Laude Selah Janet M. Smith —Cum Laude Wenatchee Courtney Jeanne Larkin —Magna Cum Laude La Center Tracy Leanne Smith Vancouver Tamra Marie LaFrazia —Magna Cum Laude Camas Alyssa Megan Steele Puyallup Elyse Marie Taggart Vancouver Jodi Marie Lietz —Magna Cum Laude Vancouver Andrea N. Thiessen Port Townsend Kamala K. Lopez Vancouver Katerina Dryas Martin —Summa Cum Laude Vancouver Majorie Suzanne McGraw —Magna Cum Laude College Place Elisabeth Cleopatra Mendez —Magna Cum Laude Vancouver Brianne Ellice Miles Montesano Lauren Elizabeth Molnar Bellevue Jeannie Renee Moore Vancouver Eric Robert Nelson —Magna Cum Laude Battle Ground Justin Oliver Thoreson —Cum Laude Vancouver Sandra Lizeth Torres Mabton Molli E. Vineyard —Cum Laude Nyssa, Oregon Diane J. Wenrich —Magna Cum Laude Evans Emily June Wexler Pullman Belinda Marie Winders Olympia Chelsea Arlene Young —Summa Cum Laude Silverdale Amy C. Zook —Magna Cum Laude Sunnyside Byron Keith Parnell Vancouver Guadalupe Ochoa Partida Zillah 42 2008 SPRING c o m m e n c e m e nt Luci Jean Cross Billings, Montana Jacqueline Nicole Evans Spokane Valley Manda Hope Glover —Magna Cum Laude Vancouver Julie Ann Rajcich —Cum Laude Aberdeen Sonia Michelle Rover Mukilteo Rebecca Marie Scott —Magna Cum Laude Richland Katherine Danielle Shelton Tacoma Guillermo Antonio Vasquez Tacoma Emily Jean Greif Spokane Wai-Man Yuen Seattle Carissa Erin Hanney Redmond Bachelor of Landscape Architecture Carmen Evelyn Hatch —Magna Cum Laude Spokane Lauren Renae Hockema —Cum Laude Lake Forest Park Meagan Lynne Kearney Seattle Yo-Lun Kuo Taiwan Stacy Lynn Lyver —Magna Cum Laude Kent Jamie Elizabeth Mason —Cum Laude Warwick, New York Joshua R. Bernsen —Magna Cum Laude Brawley, California Brent J Boardman Spokane Whitney Ann Clerf Ellensburg Eric William Daniels Port Orchard Frederic Steele Fitzloff Pullman Christopher Alan Hewett Seattle Adam James Lieuallen Kennewick Callie Marie McCracken Clarkston Krystina Jean Maybay Enumclaw Amy Marie McHorse —Magna Cum Laude Sagle, Idaho Ryan A. Moller Spokane Emily Michelle Myers —Summa Cum Laude Spokane Micky Uyen Nguyen Spokane Anna Denae Nodolf —Cum Laude Kent Carrie Christine Patten Snohomish Stephanie Quynh Trang Pham Spokane Valley Jonathan Joseph Shadel University Place David R. Wrubleski Spokane Bachelor of Science in Natural Resource Sciences Tony James Bertel Liberty Lake Jered James Bowman Kent Bridget Colleen Boyle Klamath Falls, Oregon Trang Thien Pham Seattle Lucas Allan Dailey Eatonville Stephanie Ann Ploof Fircrest Ryan Christopher DeVries Bellingham Joy Anne Erlenbach —Magna Cum Laude Burlington Candidates Pearce Yoichi Fujiura Sunnyside John Frazier Greenfield Wenatchee Alison Joanne Hart —Cum Laude Richland Andrew Stryker Jones Gillette, Wyoming Kaitlin Rose Mansfield —Cum Laude Husum Lee Gary Melchior Walla Walla Larissa Ann Pfleeger Kelso Garrett Luke Rasmussen Maple Valley Jennifer Marlys Schneider Sedro Woolley for Karl Taylor Schulke Pateros b a c c a l a ur e a t e d e gr e e s Amy Ruth Williams —Magna Cum Laude Sammamish Jesse Lee Smith Olympia Hailey Maureen Starr Arlington Nicholas Phillip Wilson Dupont Kaitlyn Aileen Taylor Medical Lake Wade Travis Tinkham Spokane Valley College of Business Bachelor of Arts in Business Administration Brian James Ackerman Valleyford Zaki Ahmed Albeshary Pullman Ekaterina Alexeeva Alsace, France Shawn David Allen Gig Harbor Tyler Benjamin Alvarado —Magna Cum Laude Liberty Lake Matthew Philip Amsden Spokane Joshua Glen Anderson Spokane Lollie Danielle Michelle Anderson Edmonds Ryan William Anderson Liberty Lake Brian James Andrewjeski —Cum Laude Vancouver Edward Lovell Anthony II Kenmore Joseph Alan Arsanto Buckley Justin M. Babbitt Vancouver M’Lisa L. Bachmann Spokane Brooke Ashley Baker Veradale Carson R. Bakker La Grande, Oregon Carl Aaron Baldwin Gig Harbor Michael Patrick Bannan Chehalis Devin Christopher Barnes —Cum Laude Lynnwood John M. Barnes Poulsbo Robert John Barnes Graham Jolanda Marie Barnett —Summa Cum Laude Arlington Teresa Lynn Baxter —Summa Cum Laude Vancouver Ian Matthew Apodaca Salem, Oregon Rebecca Anne Beseda —Cum Laude Vancouver Daniel Chavez Armenta Puyallup Connie Marion Beus Benton City Sarah Elizabeth Armour Pullman Daniel Jacob Bissell Bellevue Nicholas Alexander Aronsen Camas Stephenie Ann Blair Cashmere Alyssa Leonila Blanchard —Magna Cum Laude Port Orchard Joshua Aaron Bliggenstorfer Wenatchee Melissa Dawn Blyton Spangle Taylor L. Bondurant Vancouver Tifani L. Brown Kennewick Tara Marlene Brunner Longview Nicole Renae Burdick —Cum Laude Spokane Tatyana Viktorovna Butkeyeva —Summa Cum Laude Vancouver D. Ian Boothroyd Richland Brian Jarret Bystrom Woodinville Luke A. Boschma Lynden Christopher David Cain Pasco Drew Alan Boston —Cum Laude Pullman Richard Dale Bourdess —Magna Cum Laude Tacoma Leslie Ann Boyd —Cum Laude Gig Harbor Brad Michael Boyken Renton Kaisa Rae Brace —Cum Laude Westport Boyan Kirilov Branzov Vancouver Hillary Olivia Bridge Gig Harbor Nicholas James Bright Bellevue Michael Niel Broeckel LaCrosse Nicolas Carl Brown Redmond 2008 Brea Lynn Camenzind Montesano Allen Clark Cantara —Summa Cum Laude Tacoma Brenda Kim Carey-DiGregorio —Magna Cum Laude Auburn Kortney D. Carpenter —Cum Laude Davenport David Garret Caverly —Cum Laude Oakville Kurtis Jeffrey Cayce Vancouver Michael Ernest Cerafici —Cum Laude Longview Ka Seng Chan —Summa Cum Laude Macau Macau, China SPRING commencemenT 43 Candidates for b a c c a l a ur e a t e Rachael Leigh Chandler —Cum Laude Snohomish d e gr e e s James Anthony Cozzetto Portland, Oregon John Thomas Chase Arlington Sarah Elizabeth Cunningham —Cum Laude Forks Andy P. Chau Pullman Lucas Curelas Chehalis Jimmy Chau Pullman Yu-Heng Chen Dade Pasco Ho Lun Cheng —Magna Cum Laude Hong Kong Sabre Lynne Dahl —Magna Cum Laude Pullman Dick Man Cheuk Hong Kong Lisa Rae Daly Montesano Shu Ki Cheung Hong Kong Brandon Lee Darden —Cum Laude Pasco Patricia L. Chipman —Magna Cum Laude Vancouver Haley Marie Deking Medical Lake Alicia Michelle Cholaj Spokane Amanda Marie De La Rosa Cowiche Andrew James Christie Seattle Sharon E. DeMaris-McKee —Summa Cum Laude Ridgefield Jessica Marie Church Pullman Karen Agnes Demartini —Cum Laude Reno, Nevada Charles Christopher Clapperton Lacey Lisa Lee Clifton Vancouver Jeffrey Ryan Coffey Yakima Robert Raymond Colbert —Summa Cum Laude Oroville Nicholas Thomas Emrich —Cum Laude Chehalis Jason Robert Gruba —Cum Laude Puyallup Fred Engh Vancouver Alejandro Gutierrez Mabton Seth Randall Eshelman —Cum Laude Zillah Rigat T. Habte Seattle Erin Lorene Feero Olympia Danielle Rene Fisher —Magna Cum Laude Vancouver Stephanie Sue Fiskum West Richland Zene William Flinn —Cum Laude Quincy Gregory Russell Floyd Marysville Wyatt James Forrest Ephrata Loren Christopher Foss Spokane Nikole C. Francisco Vancouver Daniel Allan Denmark Pullman Catrina Loreen Galicz —Summa Cum Laude Vancouver Hallie Amber Deremer Issaquah Shane Thomas Gallion Buckley Michael Reed Dettrich Freeland Yuliana C. Garcia Kennewick Cassie Johanna deVries Moxee Sean Patrick Gehlen —Cum Laude Richland Jedidiah Gabriel Collins San Juan Capistrano, California Murjani Alanna Constance Dorsey Tacoma Veda Kathleen Conway —Magna Cum Laude Odessa Curran Christian Hagstrom Mercer Island Nicholas Carl Hall Woodinville Taylor Austin Hall Veradale Marcie Kathleen Haller Kennewick Reece Coby Ham Spokane Elise Chiemi Hamamoto Issaquah Matthew Taylor Hamilton Federal Way Andrea Casey Hammond Mill Creek Phillip Han Shoreline Tyler Christopher Hancock Woodinville Jordan Adam Handsaker Issaquah David Ryan Hanssen Bellevue Rashad Ahmed Hanzal Sunaa, Yemen Jessica Jean Harmon Eagle, Idaho Tewodros A. Getahun Renton Ian Harrison Kalama Casey Alexander Dunn Woodinville Josten Tan Giang Kapolei, Hawaii Kristopher Michael Cooksley Issaquah Jeannette Goldia Dutton —Summa Cum Laude Camano Island Tisa Marie Goehner Wenatchee Carl Wayne Hart, Jr. —Cum Laude Enumclaw Kyle Scott Corbaley Kennewick Daniel James Ebner Port Orchard William James Gordon —Cum Laude Ellensburg Tyler Ross Cornell —Cum Laude Moses Lake Ryan Eugene Eckerlin Shoreline Andrea Irene Graff Outlook Tyler Jeffrey Edwards University Place Bryan Christopher Green —Summa Cum Laude Pullman Whitney Sue Cottrell Pleasant Hill, California Calvin William Courter Kingston Robert Warren Cowgill Austin, Texas Devin Ray Cox Enumclaw 44 2008 SPRING Erin Leigh Eickmeyer Pasco Travis Matthew Elisara Spokane Walter Thomas Elliott, Jr. —Cum Laude Madison, Alabama c o m m e n c e m e nt Lyn Marie Greve —Cum Laude Auburn Mattheiu Louis Grohs Des Moines Jared Hatch —Cum Laude Kennewick Kaylan Michelle Hatch Mount Vernon Kevin Thomas Hebner Bainbridge Island John Walter Heideman Edmonds Angel Nicole Hennings Seattle Steven Phillip Edward Heringer Salinas, California Candidates Mallory Kathleen Heritage —Cum Laude Tacoma Sharon Lynn Kalister —Summa Cum Laude Vancouver David Hernandez Vancouver Nicholas Kaianui Kane —Magna Cum Laude Boise, Idaho Yuji Paul Higashi —Magna Cum Laude Vancouver Eugene Shingou Kao Plano, Texas Brian Lee Hilgert Kennewick Omid Karamati Bellevue Robin Marie Holland —Magna Cum Laude Vancouver Christopher A. Kashfia Redmond James Gottfred Holstein —Cum Laude Portland, Oregon Chandra Hom Vancouver Samuel Tyler Horn Puyallup Annelise Marie Horstman Richland Andrew John Hunter University Place Peter James Hutton Issaquah John Huynh Spokane Jesse Peter Jackman Spokane Jason Benish Jukubiak Seattle Jonathon James Jeffreys Spokane Ian Caitlin Johnson Pullman Kevin Blair Johnson —Cum Laude Vancouver Nicholas Martin Johnson Mount Vernon Kyle Edward Johnston Bainbridge Island Sarah Dawn Jolly —Magna Cum Laude Everett Casey Michael Jones Spokane Sara Lynn Joplin Vancouver Katherine Ann Judd Burien Igor Jurcevic Kent Nicholas Sky Kastner Redmond Joseph Edward Kautz Flower Mound, Texas Karen Mae Keith —Cum Laude Dupont Stephanie Dawn Kern Ridgefield Neda Feiz Khademi Camas Jonathan Simms Kilpatrick Issaquah Robert Owen Kirkaldie Battle Ground Gianna Marie Kittelberger Milton Derek Ed Knutsen Cashmere Jennifer Nicole Landry Medical Lake Carson Lane Maestas Richland Ryan William Lantz Seattle Sean Eugene Makarin —Cum Laude Port Orchard Erin Marie Large Sammamish Qurratul Ainn Makhdoom —Magna Cum Laude Woodinville Mikael Larson Lacey Ryan Matthew Malecha Spokane Tyler Jay Larson Milton William Robert Leadingham III Ridgefield Sushila Lebehn Spokane Kenny M. Lee —Magna Cum Laude Mill Creek Randall N. Lee Richland Kathryn Randolph Leonard Mount Vernon Kin Iok Leong Hong Kong Steven Joseph Kost —Cum Laude Bellevue Adam Thomas Little Vancouver Ryan Walter Kurth Tacoma Kyle Albert Kuykendall Issaquah Lee Kobayashi Ladke Bellevue Steven Joseph Lampert Sammamish Lindsey Elizabeth Mandel —Magna Cum Laude Sammamish Gary P.A. Manley Portland, Oregon Robert Kenneth Manoske Kapaau, Hawaii Jerad Samuel Maretich Olympia Levi Thomas Martin Spokane Mark William Mason Olympia Megan Lynne Mattson —Cum Laude Benton City Justin Garrett Lewis Fall City Kristin Elisabeth Lincoln Albion Brad Edward Keogh Aberdeen Ryan Christopher Mallory Pasco Danielle Marie LaSalle —Magna Cum Laude Richland Rachel L. Kosmin Everett Courthey Elizabeth Krenz Covington d e gr e e s Alan Charles MacDonald Puyallup Kara Xylina Konomos Auburn Kevin Randall Krebs Vancouver b a c c a l a ur e a t e Daniel Charles Landeene Aiken, South Carolina Erik L. Lim —Summa Cum Laude Vancouver Jeffrey Derrick Kraft Auburn for Jennifer Lorraine Loeppke Meridian, Idaho Josh Jackson Lohrenz Fairbanks, Alaska Brandon Mitchell Lord Kennewick Ian Noel Love —Cum Laude Lake Forest Park Hillary Ann Loveland —Magna Cum Laude Vancouver Bryce Jordan Lowe —Cum Laude Kelso Lindsay BreAnne Matz Bothell Joseph Swindell McCary —Magna Cum Laude Edmonds Megan Ann McCary —Summa Cum Laude Pasco Diane Renee McDonald Seattle Christopher Michael McGlothlin Shelton Whitney Anne McGreevy Pomeroy Davis Andrew McNeil Pullman Derrick Joseph McNeill Bellevue Kevin Edward McVicker Yakima Angela Ruth Meeks —Cum Laude Covington Brian James Lytle Aberdeen Andrea Dawn Merkel Kennewick 2008 SPRING commencemenT 45 Candidates for b a c c a l a ur e a t e d e gr e e s Abd-Allah O. Meslem Algeria Eric Andrew Nodtvedt Mill Creek Vanessa Pulido Yakima Bryan Jeffrey Saftler Redmond Daniel Craig Michaelis Spokane Erin Frances O’Donnell Issaquah Samuel Robert Putnam Touchet Michael Joseph Mifsud-Ellul, Jr. Tacoma Katie Evelyn O’Kelley Clarkston Elizabeth Ann Pyle Bellevue Sabra Kristen Sand —Cum Laude La Center Amanda E Migliaccio —Summa Cum Laude Centralia Chelsey Sayo Ogata Kahului, Hawaii Lindsay Christine Radford Auburn Craig Robert Olsen Olympia Bryan William Rahne Wenatchee Kimberly Ann Olson Vancouver Ryan Joseph Rakoz Chehalis Tin Chun Or —Magna Cum Laude Hong Kong John A. Register —Cum Laude Clatskanie, Oregon Darren Reid Ota Aiea, Hawaii Westley Michael Richards —Magna Cum Laude Sammamish Kevin Thomas Mildner Portland, Oregon Jayson Daniel Edward Miller —Cum Laude Richland Michael Miller Toledo, Ohio Veronica Lane Mitchum —Magna Cum Laude Yakima KC Miyasako Wilder, Idaho Christina Marie Otey —Cum Laude Lewiston, Idaho Wade Bryton Richardson West Richland Elizabeth Marie Moffitt Pasco Christopher John Arthur Pannek Spokane Steven E. Montgomery Lacey Renee Parkins Pullman Jessica Rae Moore Issaquah James Todd Patchin Pullman Derek King Riffe —Magna Cum Laude Lacey Starla Ruth Anne Morgan Risley Kalama Ryan Howard Paulson Auburn Mardell Ann Roberts Pullman Jared Robert Pence Spokane Briana Irene Robinson Richland Amber V. Penn-Roco —Summa Cum Laude Oakville Janelle Catherine Robinson Kent Man Kei Mou Macau John Rowe Moyle Shoreline Nicholas William Murray —Cum Laude Bothell Evelyn Myers —Magna Cum Laude Gresham, Oregon Rachael Marie Nelson Kennewick Kiira Diane Ness —Summa Cum Laude Vancouver Iman Cam-Hoa Nguyen Vietnam Khiem D. Nguyen —Magna Cum Laude Vancouver Lam Thanh Nguyen Tumwater Michael Patrick Nibler —Magna Cum Laude Bellingham 46 2008 SPRING Michael James Riess Pullman Robert Dale Rife West Richland Matthew Raymond Pentland Mercer Island Tiana Kay Rodriquez —Cum Laude Victoria, Australia John David Pernsteiner Clarkston Michael Craig Rogers Kenmore Todd Alan Perrault Yakima Zachary Andrew Rohde Vancouver Scott Patrick Peterson —Cum Laude Sammamish Bryan Michael Rosman Davenport Jaren Lee Petrusich Vancouver Rebecca Michelle Pettitt Gig Harbor Evan Jesse Potter Vancouver Kyle William Potter —Cum Laude Vancouver Mireya C. Prieto —Cum Laude Grandview c o m m e n c e m e nt Ashley Ross Spokane Stefanie Leigh Roudabush Spanaway Kalen Walker Roy Moses Lake Erik Rush Vancouver Calley Ann Ryan —Cum Laude Spokane Allison Nicole Rzesutek University Place Jonathan Michael Sanders Vancouver Santoso —Cum Laude Indonesia Maria Grace Scherrer Bothell Matthew Robert Schille Bellevue Lee Allen Schisler Oak Harbor Jacob Michael Schlosser —Cum Laude Pullman Adam Michael Schmid —Cum Laude Colville Taylor Michael Schmidt Renton Gregory Emmett Schmitt Port Orchard Vincent Alvin Schmoyer —Cum Laude Anchorage, Alaska Bradley Scott Schuldt —Cum Laude Spokane Daniel McNeil Scott Spokane Kyle Martin Seipp Spokane Rotharith Seng Vancouver Jesse Morgan Shane Vancouver Andrew Christian Sharratt —Cum Laude Pullman Nicholas Patrick Sheldon North Bend Abigail Cherie Sherwood Puyallup Darcia Suzanne Sherwood Seattle Gavin Lee Shnieder Olalla Brandon Scott Shotwell Lacey Michael Scott Shumate —Cum Laude Bothell Candidates Crystal Brooke Side —Magna Cum Laude Chattaroy Sheri-Lynn Sachiko Tateyama —Cum Laude Kapolei, Hawaii Christian Alexander Siedler Bellevue Jonathan Emmett Tengesdal Spanaway Kevin Albert Simmons Kenmore Meagan Marie Terrell Vancouver Michael Paul Simpson Oregon City, Oregon Brian Ronald Thirtyacre Sammamish Patrick Aleen Skreenock Rathdrum, Idaho Emily Suzanne Thompson —Magna Cum Laude Salem, Oregon Corey Tremaine Smith Olympia Aaron Jacob Solaimani Sammamish Nathan Kenneth Soper —Magna Cum Laude Covington Adam Paul Southerland Kent Sean Michael Spangler Marysville Mary Ellen Spencer —Magna Cum Laude Toutle Peter Real St. Pierre Maple Valley Christopher Ray Staats Benton City Shawn Everett Stallworth —Cum Laude Rancho Cordova, California Shelly Renee Stambach Renton Lucas Wadell Stanek Spokane Steffani Startup Grandview Joseph Robert Stefani Tacoma Shaun Michael Stewart Quincy Emily Ann Stoesser Spokane Eric Tyler Streeck Lake Tapps Elizabeth Ann Strom Lake Forest Park Eric Allan Strom Enumclaw Kelsie Kathleen Swenson Sammamish Joshua Mark Tiano —Cum Laude Pullman Vladimir A. Tolmachev Richland Joseph D. Weaver Pullman Angela Sophia Webber Kennewick Sarah Elizabeth Weber —Summa Cum Laude Pullman Julie Kay Webster —Cum Laude Ronan, Montana Tyler Stephen Weist Anchorage, Alaska Andrea Michelle White Seattle Adam Trent Vancouver Wen-Ping Tsai Taiwan Daniel John Wilkerson Woodinville Dayna Renee Turnbow —Magna Cum Laude Clarkston Kyle Ray Williams Walla Walla Robert Allen Vagt Lacey Joseph Dru Van Ausdle Pomeroy b a c c a l a ur e a t e d e gr e e s Zoe Stephanie Zhou —Cum Laude Grandview Jeffrey P. Zink —Magna Cum Laude Mesa Bachelor of Arts in Hospitality Business Management Kristy Jean Agner Issaquah Nathan D. Weed Bellingham Dustin Dale Wilder —Magna Cum Laude Bellingham Keith Alan Tyler Union Gap for Joseph D. Alvord Chehalis Kaitlin Mary Bailey Federal Way Tawny Amber Brown Snoqualmie Alexander Gregory Buhre Puyallup Kylie Nicole Burke Vancouver Alexandra Kate Ames Daugherty Sammamish Charles Adam Wills Castle Rock Jennifer Ranae Wilson Edmonds Justin Lee Wilson Olympia Katelyn Marie Doherty Federal Way Benjamin Klatt Fairchild Spokane Megan Beth Farnam —Cum Laude Seatac Bailey Marie Vilhauer Vancouver Shannon Christine Wolford —Cum Laude Walla Walla Miguel Angel Villa Walla Walla Joseph Scott Wyatt Shoreline Paul Maurice Vinuelas Issaquah Aaron Xavier Vancouver Kara Nicole Folger —Cum Laude Coeur d’Alene, Idaho Matthew John Vissotzky Brush Prairie Anita C. Yang Vancouver Alexandra Renee Frasier Auburn Matthew Jordan Wagner Pullman Kam Kong Yeung Hong Kong Laura Elizabeth Gardner Portland, Oregon Charlene Rae Wahl Yelm Chi Wai Leo Yim Hong Kong Sari LeeAnne Gibbons Yakima Tyler Sigismund Wanke Ephrata Marwah Ahmed Younes Pullman Jessica Marie Heath Diamond Bar, California Jessica Jane Warner Yakima Steven Woods Young Yakima Kyle Helen Hilsenberg Seattle Jonathon Donald Waunch —Magna Cum Laude Spokane Trevor Lawrence Youngren Sammamish Amber Marie Holcomb East Wenatchee Zachary Akers Zaborowski Woodinville Matthew James Hopkins Clarkston Andrew Paul Zagar Puyallup Lindsey Suzanne Husted Wenatchee Ming Zheng Friday Harbor Ashley Marie Keasal Snohomish Ashley Camille Wayman —Cum Laude Vancouver Holi Marie Weaver Kent 2008 Gregory Scott Fitz Des Moines SPRING commencemenT 47 Candidates for b a c c a l a ur e a t e d e gr e e s Min Jung Kim —Cum Laude Seoul, Korea Sara Diane Merriman —Magna Cum Laude Thompson Falls, Montana Patrick Krebs Germany Timothy Daniel Molitor Moses Lake Daniel James Larson Puyallup Kelly Marie O’Brien Roseville, California Wai Yin Law Hong Kong Kyla Elise O’Neill Seattle Adreanne Pamela Lewis Issaquah Casey R. Oberg Tonasket John Rock Logan IV Marysville Samantha Lin Oranen Spokane You Lu China Allison Marie Paynter Bothell Daureen Tatu Lubandi Reno, Nevada Kelli Anne Peterson —Cum Laude Burlington Farheen Mahmood Seattle Shannon Marie McFadden Ridgfield Amber Leah Pichette Metaline Falls Liana Michelle Poole Tacoma Scott Nicholas Robinson Lake Oswego, Oregon Jacob Eric Streich Quincy Kelsey Marie Root Hoquiam Michelle Jo Suchanck Maple Valley Philip Kenneth Schims Bellingham Kyle Frederick Sutherland East Wenatchee Heather Allison Schroeder Battle Ground Callie Ann Tommerup Ariel Adam Ely Slyter Tacoma Pedro Torres Pasco Rachel Suzanne Smith Ocean Shores Holly Elaine Tyler —Magna Cum Laude Bellingham Kristine Elizabeth Sodeman University Place Aaron Jacob Solaimani Sammamish Nicholas William Sowle Wenatchee Monica Alyssa Sprague —Magna Cum Laude Seattle Noelle Tricia Valbuena Pullman Casey Leigh Williams Vancouver Kieran Alexandra Worrell —Cum Laude Woodinville Ka Yi Yeung Hong Kong College of Education Bachelor of Arts in Education Lauren Mychal Bauer Woodinville Rebekah Jayne Johnson Andersen —Summa Cum Laude Ethel Apryl Dawn Roschelle Becker Vancouver Katherine Marie Andrewjeski Kahlotus Jacquelynn Austin Vail Bergero —Summa Cum Laude Vancouver Amanda Jo Anne Archer —Cum Laude Selah Heidi Kay Berry —Magna Cum Laude Kennewick Ali Lewann Armstrong Bremerton Shira Michelle Besco —Magna Cum Laude Longview Abbey Elizabeth Assink —Cum Laude College Place Karen Lyn Bachle —Summa Cum Laude Vancouver Laura Halston Bagby —Cum Laude Woodinville Brian Andrew Bartel —Summa Cum Laude Centralia 48 2008 SPRING Coleen Mary Blundon —Magna Cum Laude Pasco Erica Lynn Bourson —Summa Cum Laude Colbert Mikaela Michelle Brandon —Magna Cum Laude Spokane Joshua Allen Brown Sequim c o m m e n c e m e nt Molly Elizabeth Brown —Summa Cum Laude Tumwater Emily Bonita Bucy —Summa Cum Laude Elma Kaitlin Marie Budahl —Summa Cum Laude Anchorage, Alaska Jeremy Bunker —Magna Cum Laude Walla Walla Georgina Naomi Burns —Summa Cum Laude Aberdeen Greg Myron Butkus —Cum Laude Cathlamet Karen Diane Camenzind —Summa Cum Laude Lebam Kelly Ann Caswell —Summa Cum Laude Vancouver Tiffanie Ann Conley —Summa Cum Laude Aberdeen Mirnesa Cosic Spokane Holly Chrissandra Annette Coty Rochester Mary Joanne Cousens Brush Prairie Jeanette Eileen Hoffman Crone —Summa Cum Laude Vancouver Preston Michael Daniel Crow —Cum Laude Raymond Autumn Christine Cummings —Cum Laude Lacey Jessica Erin Davenport —Summa Cum Laude Yelm Shayla Michelle Diaz —Magna Cum Laude Benton City Crista Dawn Dobyns —Summa Cum Laude Onalaska Candidates Barbara Mae Elways Lakewood Abigail Marie Engel —Summa Cum Laude Vancouver Heather Jo Erwin Pullman Donis Jaqueline Feeney —Magna Cum Laude Gig Harbor Jessica LaNae Finney —Summa Cum Laude Spokane Shaunna Leigh Foltz —Cum Laude Lynnwood Traci Ann Fortune —Cum Laude Spokane Ruth Wilding Fournier —Summa Cum Laude West Richland for b a c c a l a ur e a t e Erica Lynn Hatcher —Cum Laude Ridgefield Aimee Brianne Krueger —Cum Laude East Wenatchee Valerie Louise McKinney —Summa Cum Laude South Bend Kelly Jane Heald —Cum Laude Ridgefield Tabitha Ellynne Lambrecht Grandview Tricia Leann Melton —Magna Cum Laude Roy Sherese Dawn Hegwood Vallejo, California Erik James Lima —Magna Cum Laude San Diego, California Erica Lee-Catherine Herinckx —Cum Laude Puyallup Elisabeth Garcia Lopez —Cum Laude Burbank Katherine Jonelle Hiccox —Cum Laude Davenport Kelsie Christine Luiten —Cum Laude Odessa Sarah Joan Hinton —Summa Cum Laude Battle Ground Brenda Kathleen Lunden —Summa Cum Laude Toledo Robin Nicole Hoheisel —Cum Laude Everett Erin Jayne Mack —Summa Cum Laude Longview Erin D. Miller Moon —Magna Cum Laude Vancouver Ashley Makanalani Honda Vancouver Ashlee Darlene Mandrell —Magna Cum Laude Sunnyside MeLissa Jessica Moreno —Magna Cum Laude Richland Jerrie L. Manley Richland Sarah M. Mortensen —Magna Cum Laude Lake Oswego, Oregon Mallory Elizabeth Miller —Cum Laude Kennewick Cathy Lynn Mills —Summa Cum Laude Yacolt Stacey Lynne Misener —Magna Cum Laude Rochester Laura Dee Mollner Bellevue RaeAnn Hanley Francis —Summa Cum Laude Kelso Sabrina Dawn Hooton —Cum Laude Washougal Jessica Lynne French —Summa Cum Laude Richland Joshua Timothy Howard —Cum Laude Puyallup Ricky Charles Mann —Magna Cum Laude Saint Helens, Oregon Jessica Danelle Friberg —Summa Cum Laude Aberdeen Mckenna Susan Hudson Renton Ashley Jaye Marrs Des Moines Amy Diane Newton Kennewick Emily Caroline Hustad Issaquah Given Grace Backholm Martin —Magna Cum Laude Aberdeen Elisabeth Katharine O’Connell University Place Rachel Delora Fugate —Cum Laude Kapaa, Hawaii Jackleen Alanna George —Magna Cum Laude Aberdeen Naomi Jane Gnade —Magna Cum Laude Woodland Kimberly Paige Goodwin —Magna Cum Laude Bainbridge Island Amy Lynn Gray —Magna Cum Laude Pasco Stephanie Ann Hall —Magna Cum Laude Rochester Britt LaBissoniere Hansen —Cum Laude Freeland Jessica Bland Harris —Cum Laude Cashmere d e gr e e s Stephanie Jo Idso —Summa Cum Laude Grayland Karissa Marie Irwin Littlerock Angela Marie Jenkins —Cum Laude Kennewick Sarah Dawn Johnson —Summa Cum Laude Vancouver Carmen Mae Justice —Summa Cum Laude Pe Ell Heather Ann Killam —Summa Cum Laude Coupeville Donn Albert Kirkwood —Summa Cum Laude Coupeville Jeanne Ellen Clark Korver —Summa Cum Laude Shelton Jill Leslie Munstedt Spokane Tara Michel Obermiller —Summa Cum Laude Vancouver Valerie Layne Martin —Cum Laude LaCrosse Megan Elizabeth Oten —Cum Laude Spokane Nereyda C. Martinez —Summa Cum Laude Pasco Howard Otis Palmer, Jr. —Summa Cum Laude Olympia Matthew Sidney Maurer —Summa Cum Laude Aberdeen Kelly Sue Parker —Magna Cum Laude Kennewick Sandra A. Mayberry —Cum Laude Tenino Adriana Sofia Parsons —Summa Cum Laude Walla Walla Ambrea Lynne McBrideMerino —Cum Laude Olympia Thomas Lafayette McDaniel, Jr. —Cum Laude Kalama Veronica Leigh McKinley —Magna Cum Laude Chehalis 2008 Erica J. Pearson —Summa Cum Laude Elma Devonne Erica Pele —Magna Cum Laude Santa Clara, California Amanda Joanne Peterson —Cum Laude Veradale SPRING commencemenT 49 Candidates for b a c c a l a ur e a t e d e gr e e s Shelley Nicole Pierson —Magna Cum Laude Seattle Jacklyn Mary Stricherz —Summa Cum Laude Spanaway Bachelor of Science in Exercise Physiology and Metabolism Melanie Marie Preiss —Summa Cum Laude Longview Cindi Lu Strode —Summa Cum Laude Hoquiam Ann Ilene Atkins —Summa Cum Laude Newport David William Provolt Kelso Kathryn Mariah Summers Greenacres Alesya V. Oleynik Liberty Lake Megan E. Johnson —Magna Cum Laude Pullman Amy Johnston Hale Roberts —Summa Cum Laude Longview Janie Kay Jacobson Talevich —Summa Cum Laude Hoquiam Tessa Janelle Reinbold East Wenatchee Nalani Ann Kasischke Seward, Alaska Candace Rae Robinson —Summa Cum Laude Chehalis Alicia Anne Van —Summa Cum Laude Kelso Kristine A. Schmedding Spokane Chris Ryan Krueger —Summa Cum Laude East Wenatchee Kendra Davene Rodocker —Magna Cum Laude Chehalis Asia Christine Veal Rochester Nicole Raye Ruhland —Magna Cum Laude Kelso Jennifer Terese Nagle Santjer —Magna Cum Laude Grandview Robert David Schott Wenatchee Jon Clyde Schray Chehalis Tara Irene Sciurba —Summa Cum Laude Kennewick Zenobia Suzan Scott —Magna Cum Laude Kelso Jennifer Louise Sherwood —Cum Laude Colbert Danielle Lee Smith —Summa Cum Laude Bellingham Jessica Rae Smith —Summa Cum Laude Vancouver Kathleen Rose Smith —Summa Cum Laude Cinebar Nicole Marie Smuts —Cum Laude Taylor, Arizona Jacelle Elizabeth Snodgrass —Summa Cum Laude Aberdeen Kendra Allison Wade —Magna Cum Laude North Las Vegas, Nevada Jamie Nicole Walter Odessa Kristina Headley M. Wambold —Summa Cum Laude Battle Ground Andrew William Watt —Cum Laude Curtis Karina Marie Wehrmann —Magna Cum Laude Vancouver Jennifer Marie Welch —Cum Laude Spokane Valley Amanda Michelle Williams —Summa Cum Laude Battle Ground Laurie Ann Williams —Summa Cum Laude East Wenatchee Holly Marie Wilson —Magna Cum Laude Pasco Kala Rachel Winter —Magna Cum Laude Aberdeen Kristy Nicole Wright —Cum Laude Kalama Ryan Christopher Spuhler —Cum Laude Vancouver Leah RaeAnn Stites —Magna Cum Laude Sequim 50 2008 SPRING c o m m e n c e m e nt Betty J. Wiyrick Liberty Lake Bachelor of Science in Kinesiology Romeen Anthony Abdollmohammadi Camano Island Brian Craig Adams Yakima Brittney Rose Anderson Ridgefield Patrick Ryan Bergeron Pullman Jacob Daniel Briggs Benton City David Isidro Chavarin Wenatchee Nicholas Martin Crowe Kelso Devard L. Darling Sugarland, Texas Anna Michelle Denny Bothell Cody Douglas Drake Issaquah Mina Ebisu Japan Aaron Scott Egbert Kent Richard Martin Feher Walnut Creek, California Shaye Erin Harrel —Cum Laude Scottsdale, Arizona Michael Braxton Hearron Tacoma Jamie Lee Heitz —Cum Laude Kennewick Kristin Michelle Holmes —Cum Laude Bothell Stephanie Carol Jamison Bothell Amy Laura Jemelka —Summa Cum Laude Centralia Meghan Kathleen Leonard Newberg, Oregon Nicole Katherine Lorvick —Cum Laude Bothell Megan Mary Madigan Edmonds Kate Swindell McCary —Cum Laude Edmonds Carolyn Janelle Mingo Tacoma Heather Marie Morrow Renton Jonathan Michael Odell Olympia Renee Munro Paquet Auburn Shannon Christine Piecke Auburn Rachael Caitlin Purdy Bothell Aaron Ramos Sunnyside Jacqueline Audrey Ringquist Yelm Chelsea Anne Roden Chehalis Brian William Smith Bellevue Abbey Jo Snodgrass Boise, Idaho Carolyn Kay Spogen Chehalis Lauren Rachelle Sutton Moses Lake Mason Wyat Tabler Waterville Masahiro Tsuchida Osaka, Japan Candidates Justin Alan Ulbright —Summa Cum Laude Graham Lauren Jane Webb Des Moines Shawn Michael Arana Wood —Cum Laude Meridian, Idaho Jessica Danielle Zita —Magna Cum Laude Echo, Oregon d e gr e e s Garrett Richard Heinemann Snohomish Allison Lee Scurich Laguna Niguel, California Young Chan Choi Everett Rebekah M. Hull Mill Creek Mychal James Deming —Cum Laude Vancouver Ryan Matthew Jordan Spokane Jonathan Michael Stebbins —Magna Cum Laude Kalispell, Montana Joshua Loret de Mola San Francisco, California Kyle C. Descher Pullman Michael Patrick Dowling Olympia Scott Norman Bailey —Cum Laude Bellevue Justin Robert Feiszli —Cum Laude Tacoma Kimberly Jo Behrends Lake Stevens Matthew Robert Alan Fladwood Lake Oswego, Oregon Karin Jessica Brevick Fall City b a c c a l a ur e a t e Michael Neal Bryant Richland Bachelor of Arts in Sport Management Bryson John Bickler Enumclaw for Garrett W. Hampton Vancouver Jack Ross Heimbigner Ritzville Marlon Richard Stewart Mercer Island Aubrey Gene Kaulana Kiemnec —Magna Cum Laude Kaneohe, Hawaii Jeffrey R. Thatcher Federal Way Nickolas Paul Tooliatos III San Ramon, California Jeffrey Ryan Lawrence Olympia Ashley Noel Walker Lacey Jamie Christine Lee Seattle Elizabeth Ellen Wiley —Cum Laude Bellingham Jessica Maria Martinez —Magna Cum Laude Sammamish Trevin Andrew Williams Bellingham Anna Michelle Miller —Cum Laude Corvallis, Oregon Bradley Merlyn Mohr Libby, Montana Josh Daniel Mullins Tacoma College of Engineering and Architecture Bachelor of Science in Bioengineering Lyal Arthur Dahl Oak Harbor Mona Basel Al-Ghussein Jordan Undrea Ashlie Dennis Tacoma Samuel Leo Bechara Federal Way Andrew Lee Esparza Pasco Cory Dorsey Cole —Summa Cum Laude Vancouver Michael James Francik Pasco King Lun Li Hong Kong Alison Christine Macleod —Magna Cum Laude Olympia Daniel John Pederson —Cum Laude Pomeroy Alexander Hadish Gebresellassie Seattle Robert William Gibson Pullman Sean Michael Isacson Kenmore Chelsea Marie Grunst Jordan Molt, Montana Ryan Scott Renslow —Magna Cum Laude Greenacres Cody Shane Beebe —Cum Laude Selah Matthew William Smith —Magna Cum Laude Manson Ryan Deke Beemer —Cum Laude Bakersfield, California Louis Alberto Valle, Jr. Richland Monica Margaret Blanchard Ketchikan, Alaska Amanda Karin Vicklund Edmonds Michelle Nicole Bostrom Yakima Bennett James Williamson Spokane Forrest Alexander Brown Navarre, Florida Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering Lance Christopher Chambers Arlington Diana Francis Aguilar Walla Walla Andrey Artemovich Avetisyan Pasco Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering ViJay Sunil Kumar Snohomish Steven Michael Adelmund —Magna Cum Laude Richland Benjamin Krishan Lantz Pullman Daniel Ryan Baker —Summa Cum Laude Boise, Idaho Reuven Miropolskiy Seattle John Carl Becker Montesano Amy Lee Colburn Puyallup Kayla Michelle Culmer —Summa Cum Laude Kennewick Curtis James Earl Tenino Matthew Howard Erickson —Cum Laude Nine Mile Falls Kevin Thomas Fitts Longview Brian Christopher Porter Silverdale 2008 SPRING commencemenT 51 Candidates for b a c c a l a ur e a t e Benjamin James Floyd —Cum Laude Spokane Troy Scott Freeman Montesano Harpreet Singh Ghuman Richland Jacob Dale Giller West Richland d e gr e e s Chun Tat Tung Hong Kong Bachelor of Science in Computer Science Matthew Jared Bowen Barrow, Alaska Joshua Alan Volkman —Magna Cum Laude Richland Adam Samuel Bales —Magna Cum Laude Tacoma Bryan Walter Brennan Pullman Christopher Ray Voth —Magna Cum Laude Bellingham Daniel Fredrick Hanson Spokane Valley Frank Joseph Wachob Pullman Stephen Scott Hazzard —Cum Laude Sunnyside Jared Jotaro Wada University Place Eric Joh Hermanson Vancouver Brian John Walkenhauer —Summa Cum Laude Yakima Katherine Rachel Krall Poway, California Eric Thomas Lentz —Summa Cum Laude Omak Xu Wang Bellevue Scott James Wilson Bellingham Haven Tristan Elipse Hash Vancouver Michael Patrick Diedesch —Cum Laude Valleyford Allen Charles Peloquin Mercer Island Hajow E. Edin Seattle Dwayne Ray Rich —Cum Laude Pullman Hassan Moustafa Eissa Pullman Devin Leo Rider Seattle Isaac Henry Loebsack Waterville Hayden Kwok Wong Walla Walla Eli Richard Lundberg Brush Prairie Benjamin Luther Woodard Cheney Benjamin John Waldher Spokane Nicholas Vincent Maddox Lynnwood Samantha Marie York Duvall Pak Wa Lau Yau Hong Kong Brian Thomas Mann Lacey Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering Bachelor of Science in Computer Science, Vancouver Samuel Matthew Bayless —Summa Cum Laude Bothell Garth Dale Nelson Anchorage, Alaska Jacob August Beck Helena, Montana Evan John Newman —Magna Cum Laude Pullman Matthew Jared Bowen Barrow, Alaska Michael Edward Niehl University Place Bradley Joshua Downs —Cum Laude Boise, Idaho Shawn Mark Nolph Pullman Kirk Thomas Paulsen —Cum Laude Ladysmith, Wisconsin Alexander J. Petrin Spokane Christopher James Raymond West Richland Carrie Diane Schramm —Magna Cum Laude Selah Daniel John Pederson —Cum Laude Pomeroy David Albert Pettengill Olympia Bryan Patrick Quayle Kingston Derrick Arves Santos Bothell Suk J. Kim Yakima Paul Michael Wiens Federal Way Bachelor of Arts in Computer Science Teresa Marie Stanton Kennewick 52 2008 SPRING Adam Zachary Bertsch Vancouver Tyler Jay Harvey —Summa Cum Laude Vancouver Landon Grant Kryger —Cum Laude Vancouver Aaron Scott Mills Kelso Joseph Edward Sturtevant —Summa Cum Laude Vancouver c o m m e n c e m e nt David Lee Fugate Centralia Christopher William Gallacher Walla Walla Cesar Homar Godinez Wenatchee Sean Robert Graham —Cum Laude Albuquerque, New Mexico Jared Robert Johnson Olympia Max Loki Kingsbury Seattle Jeffrey Allen Louis Koellermeier Richland Matthew Lee Oberg Tonasket Louis Oscar Tibbs IV Edgewood Justin C. Wood —Magna Cum Laude Allyn Wei Zhang Pullman James Vernon Van Boxtel —Summa Cum Laude Vancouver Bachelor of Science in Materials Science and Engineering Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering Jason William Drexler —Magna Cum Laude Covington Jeremy Dennis Asmussen Pullman Jameson Martin Moore Root Pullman Steven John Avila, Jr. Edgewood Julie Marie Smith —Cum Laude Olympia Rohit Biyani —Cum Laude Kennewick Armando Torres, Jr. Toppenish Anders Theodore Dahl Pullman Marvin Paul Ojwang Renton Jacob Paul Richard RobinsonGarcia Mountlake Terrace Michael J. Mayfarth Gig Harbor Patrick Joseph Corrigan Issaquah Candidates for b a c c a l a ur e a t e d e gr e e s Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering Jacob James Howarth —Cum Laude Kelso Ryan Kaj Soderlund —Magna Cum Laude Anchorage, Alaska Russell Sterling Sauer —Magna Cum Laude Battle Ground Eric Stephen Allwine Richland James William Huffaker Bothell Ryan Scott Towry Mead Travis J. Sewell Vancouver Zachary Michael Andrews Clarkston Eric Michael Jones Cashmere Hai Hoang Tran Kennewick Nathan D. Stauffer Vancouver Derek Lewis Archer Richland Samuel Thomas Jones Cashmere Aric James Tyler Uniontown Tam C. Tran Longview Michael David Beagle Olympia Nathan Michael Kippes Richland Derek Paul Vetter Raymond Clifford Charles Wilson Woodland Manuel C. Becerra Pasco Tyler John Korynta Selah Michael Charles Walker Richland Erin Michelle Wright Camas Cory William Bloomquist Battle Ground Martin Stanley Kosonen Olympia Robert Pitser Weaver Spokane Clark Edmund Brandon —Cum Laude Sammamish Amanda Leigh Kramer Richland Lindsay Marie Wiseman Santa Rosa, California Sean William Ylinen —Cum Laude Vancouver Jacob Zachariah Leister Pullman David Andrew Young Yakima David James Clark West Richland Benjamin Del Lindberg —Cum Laude Richland Evan Comben Kennewick David Lawrence Lohrmeyer Clarkston Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering, Vancouver Brendan Patrick Dallas —Cum Laude Woodinville Brett Daniel Lucas West Richland Andrew Spencer Barnes —Cum Laude Ridgefield Alexander Neil McDonald Woodinville Reid Alan Cashman Castle Rock Garrett Franklin Moon Prosser Gabriel Castro Battle Ground André Terrell Nelson Silverdale Brian David DeGraw Vancouver Tu Minh Nguyen Tacoma Loy Jimmy Dockery III Ridgefield Nicholas Adam Farley Seattle Johnstonne Muthiora Njuguna Seattle Benjamin J. Filan Vancouver Brandon Edward Gahan Enumclaw Jared Tait Alexander Olson Raymond Tamara Louise Galland Sunnyside Christopher Stpehen Paris Kent Thomas James Gammon Richland Sandip Peter Lynnwood Ryan William Garr Ferndale Vysal Phou Everett Samuel Oliver Goueth —Magna Cum Laude Pullman John Harrison Pittman Pasco Dinh Tran Cao Seattle Jason Robert Donat Coeur d’Alene, Idaho Brett Jared Duarte Seattle Brian Kelly Durham Bremerton Marcus Joseph Faries Kennewick Stanley Michael Gross —Magna Cum Laude Anacortes Nicodemus John Hallin Spokane Charles Ivan Hayward Pullman Mark Edward Shoaf Lake Stevens Bryce Charles Shreeve Grandview Travis Wade Snyder Cerritos, California Bachelor of Architecture Kimberly Joan DeVries Mount Vernon Bachelor of Science in Architectural Studies Valerie Anne Bartels —Cum Laude Graham Angela Christine Brackett —Magna Cum Laude Olympia Margaret Ann Cahalan —Cum Laude Spokane Brandon Joseph Cari Poulsbo Julia Faye Cree Federal Way Andrew Louis DeFlorio Sammamish Bryan W. Hamilton —Cum Laude Vancouver Kimberly Joan DeVries Mount Vernon Ryan Daniel Kautzky —Cum Laude Richland Jeremy Zach Lindberg Brush Prairie Simon Andrew Long Washougal Eric Phillip Leigh Martin —Magna Cum Laude Vancouver Timothy Carl McGarey Brush Prairie Ryan Jay Nelson Yacolt Marissa Laine Eckstrom —Cum Laude Belfair Aaron Lloyd Frease —Cum Laude Bainbridge Island Shannon Whitney Gisselberg Tacoma Kimberly Lorraine Graham Des Moines John Lee Grandbouche Sequim Ellen Elizabeth Hagen Kirkland Alan Dean Rathbun Vancouver Leslie Ann Hamstreet Leavenworth 2008 SPRING commencemenT 53 Candidates for b a c c a l a ur e a t e Brandon Jeffrey Harris —Cum Laude Seahurst d e gr e e s Scott Glen Nicholson Coeur d’Alene, Idaho Levi Daniel Baker Wenatchee Leanne Marie Miller Curlew Brian James O’Connor Seattle Thomas James Baseler Issaquah Kyle David Nevils Richland Wyatt L. O’Day Spokane Brandon Charles Brownell Yelm Emi Kanamori Tokyo, Japan Adam Sean Pazan —Magna Cum Laude Port Angeles Mireya Chavez Kennewick Shawn Patrick O’Leary —Cum Laude Gig Harbor Hyung Woo Kim Seoul, Korea Khamboune Josey Philavanh Walla Walla William Christopher Kirkwood Bainbrdge Island Melvin John Schell Spokane James Robert Holder Pullman Jeffrey Thomas Hyslop Spokane Caesar John Millard Kortuem Oak Harbor Jeffrey Ryan Smith Altadena, California Darrick Fei Leong Issaquah Jonathon Ryan Stahl —Magna Cum Laude Pullman Di Hao Liang Port Angeles Peter A. Tallar Kenmore Megan Kelly Magraw Bainbridge Island Krystle Sabire Walther Renton Joshua Paul Mast Everett Kelsey Lynn Wegener University Place Cory Daniel Mattheis —Magna Cum Laude Lake Tapps Eric Glenn Williams —Cum Laude Colbert Kerry Robert May Woodinville Benjamin Barrymore Woodhouse Black Diamond Katharine Louise McGough Medina Robert Lawrence McNamara Silverdale Bachelor of Science in Construction Management Sardar Khairi Nasim Pullman Octavio Bailon-Schubert Connell Jered Scott Cottell Maple Valley Sean Allen Dayton Pullman Derek Anthony Deeter —Cum Laude Poulsbo Paul Alan Easling Sequim Kevin Matthew Ess Snohomish Andrew Donald Fitzpatrick Kirkland Adrian Sayles Flint Redmond Timothy James Frantz Port Angeles Brett Duane Hightower Burien James Paul Hightower Spokane Pauli Taylor Lavochin Bonney Lake Marc Alan Lundt Olympia Gerrod Andrew Majesky Spokane Eric David Peterson Port Orchard Stephen Robert Pontius Bellevue Jesse John Radoslovich Cashmere Nicholas Andrew Raklios —Summa Cum Laude Richland Beau Shayan Shirdavani Redmond Zachary Patrick Simard —Magna Cum Laude Edmonds Isaac Lucas Smith Spokane Benjamin Kendall Stuckrath Bellingham Matthew William Wagner Sumner Robb Gregory Waldburger Edmonds Randy John Widman Rosalia Eric Glenn Williams —Cum Laude Colbert Intercollegiate College of Nursing Bachelor of Science in Nursing Laurilee June Anderberg Longview Israel David Anderson Pullman Jesse James Anderson —Magna Cum Laude Coeur d’Alene, Idaho Eileen Johnna Babon Missoula, Montana Dana Marie Bafus Walla Walla 54 2008 SPRING Laurie Marie Barrio —Summa Cum Laude Battle Ground Marita L. Berg —Magna Cum Laude Yakima Peggy A. Borden —Cum Laude Cle Elum Janine Marie Battaglia Ewa Beach, Hawaii Lorraine Lee Bethay Yakima Jennifer Ilene Bramhall Pomeroy Marla S. Beam Vancouver Caroline Olene Bivens —Magna Cum Laude Poulsbo Andrea Marie Brazington Veradale Stephanie D. Benitez —Summa Cum Laude Union Gap Mercedes Marie Beresford Kent c o m m e n c e m e nt Erica Lynn Block —Cum Laude Whispering Pines, North Carolina Danielle Nicole Brockus —Summa Cum Laude Kennewick Daja Marie Bunker Brown —Cum Laude Richland Candidates Randi Marie Bullard Walla Walla Lindsey Jeneane Burgner Olympia Tricia Marie Carlton Greenacres Dianna May Carroll —Cum Laude West Richland Joseph Ruben Chacón Richland Sarah Anne Chase —Summa Cum Laude Naches Gigi Chau —Magna Cum Laude Tacoma Elizabeth Ann Cleary —Magna Cum Laude Richland Teryl Lauzon Clendenin Portland Debbie Connolly Bow Melissa Yvonne Covenant Wenatchee Cynthia Marie Covey Yakima Cameron L. Dang Vancouver Imelda Melissa Elizabeth Darnell Spanaway Darrin Anne DeGooyer Yakima Melissa Marie Denham Laporte, Colorado Sarah Marie Garza —Cum Laude Yakima Julia Jeannette Griffin —Cum Laude Yakima David Charles Hatch Clackamas, Oregon Anne Elizabeth Hernandez —Magna Cum Laude Yakima Elaine Teresa Hetherington —Summa Cum Laude Pasco Lindsey Cipriana Holbrook Yakima Sasha Kristine Hoover —Summa Cum Laude Camano Island Kathleen Louise Hudson —Cum Laude Olympia Danielle May Hutchens —Cum Laude Spokane Rachel Inman —Cum Laude Colbert Laura Jean Jarrell Bear, Delaware Klayton Ryder Johanson Albion Brenda Jones Spokane Felicia Marie Kienbaum —Cum Laude Spokane Ashley Marie Doherty Pasco Hyun Jeong Kim —Cum Laude Auburn Sara Louise Driggs —Magna Cum Laude Kennewick Brianna Dawn Kromm Spokane Bogdan Yevgenyevich Elikh Spokane Christie Anne Lambdin —Cum Laude Issaquah Kate Engleman Yakima Anna Faith Landeene Aiken, South Carolina Elyse Michelle Erickson Anchorage, Alaska Stefany Rosita Larsen —Summa Cum Laude Pullman Erin K. Evans —Cum Laude Richland Barbara Lois Lawson Wenatchee Pamela Laura Fugitt Chewelah Duyen S. Le Seattle Connie Gale St. Paul, Oregon Erin Elizabeth Lenney —Magna Cum Laude Des Moines for Kim Suzanne Lovelace Kennewick Taylor Jerome Loykasek Sumner Janelle Lynn Madison Stanwood Anita M. McCambridge —Summa Cum Laude Hoquiam Debra McKissack Ridgefield Melissa Erin Meldrum —Magna Cum Laude Selah Wilmer Melendez Lakewood Cheryl Ann Menard-Wentz —Summa Cum Laude Toppenish b a c c a l a ur e a t e d e gr e e s Sandee Irene Petterson —Summa Cum Laude Kent Allen Ondevilla Poblete —Cum Laude Lakewood Heidi Monique Powell Moses Lake Kasandra Marie Puente Sunnyside Ruth Clara Rice Vancouver Scarlet Lacey Riggs Browns Point Nicholas Alexander Robbins —Cum Laude Great Falls, Montana David W. Robinson Milwaukie, Oregon Carrie Merrill —Magna Cum Laude Vancouver Margaret Louise Rogers —Summa Cum Laude Poulsbo Stefanie Christine Morrison —Magna Cum Laude Manson Minda Rose —Magna Cum Laude Ellensburg Samuel Kevin Mulvihill Normandy Park Jo Beth Rosser —Magna Cum Laude Kennewick Holly Anne Nehl —Magna Cum Laude Yakima Kristie Leeann Noble —Cum Laude South Korea Barbara Annet Rukundo Pullman Danielle Jean Schilperoort Toppenish Tracy Lynn Nordhagen —Summa Cum Laude Spokane Robin Kiyoko Ota —Summa Cum Laude Ellensburg Jillian Marie Oury Redmond Maria Trinidad Padilla Yakima Renée Munro Paquet Auburn Emily Ruth Schneidmiller —Cum Laude Post Falls, Idaho Nichole Marie Sharp Pasco Caitlin Margaret Shearer —Cum Laude Shoreline Dean Hicham Shehadeh —Magna Cum Laude Oceandside, California Samiya Siddiqui —Cum Laude Richland William Dean Pease Selah Rebecca Lynn Simons Rochester, Michigan Raydine Perron East Wenatchee Randell Lynne Peterman —Cum Laude Nampa, Idaho Blake Thomas Peterson Moses Lake 2008 Elizabeth C. Sims —Cum Laude Troy, Idaho Claire Nicole Sotelo —Magna Cum Laude Yakima Alex Conrad Stehr Moses Lake SPRING commencemenT 55 Candidates for b a c c a l a ur e a t e d e gr e e s Jenna Marie Taylor —Magna Cum Laude Yakima Bachelor of Science in Nursing with Eastern Washington University April Kay Schoultz Thomas —Cum Laude Spokane Kimberly Leigh Benner Cheney Kevin Wesley Reed —Magna Cum Laude Spokane Zane E. Bower —Cum Laude Spokane Beth Marie Rummel —Magna Cum Laude Hamilton, Montana Dianna L. Budgeon —Cum Laude Spokane Teresa Louise Helle Sauther —Magna Cum Laude Greenacres Amy Lynn Cunningham —Cum Laude Portland, Oregon Amy Elizabeth Speight —Cum Laude Clinton Brigitte Renee Eberly Spokane Heather Elise Sybouts —Magna Cum Laude Spokane Andrea Rose Thonney —Magna Cum Laude Prosser Heather Noelle Tomlinson —Summa Cum Laude Spokane Valley Renee Marie Tucker Medical Lake Michael James Unruh —Magna Cum Laude Gresham, Oregon Joshua Patrick Phillips Spokane Valley Bachelor of Science in Nursing with Whitworth University Georgia Leann Andreas Yakima Lynne Jean Cornelius Coeur d’Alene, Idaho Amy Louise Cutler —Cum Laude Nine Mile Falls Ben Craig Ferderer Spokane Michelle Leanne Ferderer Spokane Lauralee Jann Howard Woodinville Hoang N. Vu Vancouver Lisa Ann Harrold —Cum Laude Spokane Stephanie R. Wagner College Place Justin Robert Howard Spokane Dana Raquel Vineyard Pocatello, Idaho Aubree Lybbert Wanlass —Cum Laude Moses Lake Kim-Huong Thi Huynh Seattle Joseph Jon Weber Soap Lake Jenna Lynn Johnson —Summa Cum Laude Spokane Wendy Nicole Williams —Summa Cum Laude Wenatchee Michael William Ward Longview Angela Rose Kees —Magna Cum Laude Bothell Winnie Rae Warren Malaga Harry Melseth Lawrence Othello Bachelor of Science in Nursing with Gonzaga University Jennifer Audrey Smith —Summa Cum Laude Colbert Deborah Stabell Watkins Clarkston Maria O. Mejia-Sierra —Magna Cum Laude Everett Hilary Laurel Cutler —Magna Cum Laude Olympia Yazmin Yoshellin Valdes Lakewood Debbie Rae Ward —Summa Cum Laude Spokane Billie Jo Wensveen West Richland Marilou D. Mote —Magna Cum Laude Vacaville, California Debra Kaye White Rosburg Anna Alyssa Odash —Magna Cum Laude Lakebay Aubrey Lynn Wilde —Magna Cum Laude Enumclaw Stephanie Lynn Winters Vancouver Amber LaRue Wissenbach —Magna Cum Laude Richland 56 2008 SPRING Capri Ayn Palanuk —Cum Laude Grand Coulee Rachelle Janeane Parsons —Cum Laude Sagle, Idaho c o m m e n c e m e nt Paul F. Travis Spokane Alicia Dianne Grassl —Magna Cum Laude Pasco Tatyana Pavlovna Lapik —Magna Cum Laude Spokane Kathryn Alicia Williams —Magna Cum Laude Tacoma Jody Marie Johnson Spokane Ashley Marie McFarland —Magna Cum Laude Seattle Shannon Marie Reeder —Magna Cum Laude Camano Island Merrie Carol Scharf Renton Wendy Wilkins —Cum Laude Spirit Lake, Idaho Candidates for b a c c a l a ur e a t e d e gr e e s College of Liberal Arts Bachelor of Arts in American Studies Katie Michelle Neis —Cum Laude Veradale Bachelor of Arts in Anthropology Amy Elizabeth Adams Richland Debra Elizabeth Barnett —Summa Cum Laude Skamania Yuko Ohno —Magna Cum Laude Japan Andrew Joseph Bottom —Magna Cum Laude Philomath, Oregon Bachelor of Arts in Communication Alex Vichay Bountharath Connell Courtney Ann Ketner Adams —Cum Laude Yakima Gregory John Amos Brier Christopher I. Antes Seattle Jessica Lynne Regan Byers Lacey Hannah Elizabeth Arusell Aberdeen Mayra Giles Wenatchee Cara Madeline Aune North Bend Kimberly Correne Holland —Magna Cum Laude Snohomish Tramaine Shea Austin-Dillon Los Angeles, California Samuel Patrick King Pasco Ian James Miller Spokane Julie Diana Moore Los Angeles, California Haley Elizabeth Paul —Summa Cum Laude Phoenix, Arizona Casey J. Roulette —Magna Cum Laude Longview Elizabeth Suiala Seumae Pullman Kelsey Lynne Wiig Weinberg Seattle Magnus Miles Wood Grayland Carolyn Lee Zink Pullman Sarah Christine Bacon Colbert Lindsey Anne Baier Mill Creek Erin Lynn Balmer Walla Walla Larissa Renee Barth —Cum Laude Yakima Nicole Hannah Bartholomaus Mukilteo Merideth Ann Beasley Portland, Oregon Christopher John Beeman Spokane Melinda Rose Behl El Paso, Texas Alexander John Bennett Vancouver Chris Liam Bennett Eastsound Bachelor of Arts in Asian Studies Grant Lawrence Bennett Vancouver Joel Gorton —Magna Cum Laude Benton City Danielle June Berish —Magna Cum Laude Atlanta, Georgia Robert Benjamin Harvey Lacey Ty William Binschus Burlington Ellen Whitehead Kincaid —Cum Laude Pullman Lisa Anne Borkowski Sammamish Jessica Nelle Bower Camas Jordan Garrett Bowers —Cum Laude Billings, Montana Jeremy Durjan Cross-Crosdale Lacey Courtney Ann Crowther Everett Jessica Lynne Cullinan —Magna Cum Laude Oak Harbor Andrew Emilio DeCesare Spokane Kaci Johanna Boyd Dayton Rachel Bluma Dedrickson —Cum Laude Bellevue Nicole Marie Brelsford Pullman Kali Anne Deno Chattaory Jonathan Donald Bridenbaugh Issaquah Cassie Johanna deVries Moxee Nicole Dona DiTraglia Duvall Ryan Alan Brinton Olympia Catherine Maria Donahoe Issaquah Joshua Von Britton Woodinville Justin Michael Dotterweich Bellevue Ali Kay Broemeling Spokane Donald Webb Brown III Bellingham Gretchen Jane Brown —Cum Laude Seattle Allison Kate Burback Seattle Allison Ann Doty Meridian, Idaho Kathryn Claire Drescher Orondo Kimberley Michelle Ducharme Seattle Kimberly Kae Dudley —Cum Laude Pullman Emily Rose Campen —Cum Laude Puyallup Brian Joseph Edgmon Federal Way Jon Ian Carey Bothell Jacob Robert Edwards Vancouver Antony John Castle Toledo Jeffrey Michael Egan —Magna Cum Laude Woodinville Ting Ting Chan Hong Kong Danji Chao China Stefanie Marie Egbert —Cum Laude Othello Donald R. Coleman —Cum Laude Carnation Colleen Margaret Elswick Tacoma Kellie Danielle Conway Odessa Brianna Nicole Bonni Cook Belfair Lisa Nicole Corpolongo Olalla 2008 Lindsey Anne Emert —Magna Cum Laude Everson Brandon Lee Evans Mesa, Arizona Kyle Bryan Ewing Lacey SPRING commencemenT 57 Candidates for b a c c a l a ur e a t e Hailey Melisa Feider —Cum Laude Pomeroy Jessica Kay Fitts —Magna Cum Laude Ocean Shores Matthew Brandon Fletcher Spokane Benjamin Clifton Foley Sammamish Kate Rose Follett —Magna Cum Laude Walla Walla d e gr e e s Alicia Lynn Harris Yakima Emily S. Luty Redmond Andrew Earl Nelson Bainbridge Amy Michelle Hemingson Bellevue Hayley Marie MacLean Issaquah Megan Elizabeth Nelson Renton Brook Elizabeth Hemingway Spokane Charles Christopher Maier —Cum Laude Snoqualmie Lisa Kristina Ness Des Moines Lisa Marie Higgins Federal Way Joseph Edward Hinson Brier David Michael Hodges Renton Erik Jon Jacobsen Shoreline Jack Arthur Follman Sedro-Woolley Shawn Nichol James Everett Britni Marie Freiboth Port Orchard Anna Elizabeth Friedges Dupont Lindsey Ann Frohs Brush Prairie Ryan Paul Johne Redmond Ashley Marcella Johnson Carnation Carter Molohon Jones Spokane Marilyn Elyse Fulcher Edmonds Joshua Thomas-Bradley Gegen —Magna Cum Laude Toppenish Jessica Rose Jones Richland Jackie Anne Kane Port Townsend Cortney Ann Gogarty Colville Jamie Lee Keller Kent Dustin Lee Goodnight Snohomish Amberly Michelle Kent —Magna Cum Laude Palouse Nicole Marie Gourlie Woodinville Jarod Raemond Knudsen Kelso Victor Jorge Graf Vancouver Kanani Lee Knudson —Magna Cum Laude Port Hadlock Dane Thorsen Graham Bellingham Karly Brooke Greenberg Vancouver Kristen DeAnn Gregerson Everett Jamie Melissa Grosz —Cum Laude Chesterfield, Missouri Gena Carol Guillen Kent Alexander Neathery Haight Sandpoint, Idaho Emily Jaye Hanson Lacey Shawna Michelle Hanson Woodinville 2008 SPRING Brian Neil Lamb Camas Christopher Ryan Landreth Sammamish Kyle Daniel Lawrence Seattle Lace Laya Lawrence Toppenish Thomas A. Haig Corvallis, Oregon 58 Casey Gaylord Kuehl Bothell Jana Christine Lindsey —Magna Cum Laude East Wenatchee Erin Janae Lockhert —Cum Laude Spokane c o m m e n c e m e nt Anna Maria Manessiotis Vancouver Brett Tyler Mankle Bellingham Kelsey Jane Martin Federal Way Ashley Nicole McFarland Seattle James Rae McIntosh —Magna Cum Laude Redmond Patrick Doran McLaughlin Auburn Matthew James McVicker —Summa Cum Laude Vancouver Sheela Marie Nikkhan —Magna Cum Laude Kent Savannah Kay Nodtvedt —Cum Laude Graham Rachael Elaine Odom Gig Harbor Sarah Jean Officer —Cum Laude Federal Way Yuko Okada Japan David Ichiro Okano Lynnwood Kellie-Jo Owens Everett Brian Morgan McWethy Kent Steven Scott Page APO Ariela Mandel Medrash Shoreline Lindsay Nichole Panaro Issaquah Zachary David Melnick Brush Prairie Renee Parkins Pullman Jordan Alexandra Merfeld Seattle Veronica Irish Pebles Davenport Mindy Marie Merna Sumner Jeremy Morrison Peronto Sammamish Lindsey Anne Millar —Magna Cum Laude Olympia Kelly Pflugrath Carnation Brianne Marie Miller Des Moines Jacob Robert Moore Gig Harbor Kyle Michael Moynihan Bellevue Angela Nichole Muehling —Cum Laude Pullman Whitney Alison Mueller —Magna Cum Laude Monroe Sable Mae Phillippi —Magna Cum Laude Bothell David Timothy Pick —Magna Cum Laude Vancouver Hailey Deann Poehlman Seattle Justin Michael Pokarney —Magna Cum Laude Milwaukie, Oregon Ashley Nicole Polley Sammamish Chad Edward Nagel Tumwater Kirby Allise Pratt Snohomish Ryan James Nelli —Magna Cum Laude Redmond Jessica Michelle Raab Sammamish Barton N. Reese Vancouver Candidates for b a c c a l a ur e a t e d e gr e e s Kevin Michael Reilly Normandy Park Kelly Joanne Smith Bellevue Brent Michael Weisberg Plymouth, Minnesota Tina Lee Bailey Bellevue Jared Anthony Ricardo Hughson, California Tasha Lea Smith Bothell Tabatha Anna West Lacey Tyler Robert Barnhart Carnation Corbit James Rice —Magna Cum Laude Spokane Nicolas John Solemsaas Everett Lindsay Marie Whitley Liberty Lake Chris James Becker Enumclaw Rachelle Rae Richardson Auburn Lynmarie Souma —Cum Laude Issaquah Christine Elizabeth Whittlesey Bellevue Darwin C. Bell Rupert, Idaho Lori Ida Richter Mercer Island Kristopher Michael Souza Puyallup Gerald Grey Wiley, Jr. Spokane Camlynn Jean Rickert Mount Vernon Alina Rebecca Steiner Stanwood Kate Melissa Williams Arlington John Sullivan Rogers APO Julian Sterbick-Myers East Wenatchee Matthew David Williams Concrete Rachel Lauren Rose —Cum Laude Woodinville Jessica Sandra Stevens Albany, Oregon Matthew Nicholas Williams —Magna Cum Laude Seattle Rachel Marie Rudnick Walla Walla Mandy Lynette Ruidl —Magna Cum Laude Shoreline Laura Ann Russell —Cum Laude Lynnwood Margaret Renee Russo Tacoma Aaron Daniel Schiffelbein Kent Cara Christine Schlinger —Summa Cum Laude Wilson, Wyoming Katherine Erica Schwing —Cum Laude Colville Alissa Marie Scott Vancouver Caitlin Rebecca Scott —Cum Laude Olympia Katherine Louise Seastrom La Canada, California Cassandra Marie Seay Pullman Catherine Boryn Shen Diamond Bar, California Kelli Virginia Sheppard Federal Way Victoria Ann Shimel Silverdale Severin Kennedy Skolrud Yakima Charlotte Coburn Smith Brier Jeremy Dean Stiles Lyman Jason Jeffrey Strickland Enumclaw Andrea Lauren Strohmaier Hillsboro, Oregon Michael George Stuntz Seattle Samuel Dean Summerhill Vancouver Autumn Nichol Swankosky Pullman Kari Ann Switzer —Cum Laude Clinton Kylan Ann Talbott Sammamish Lacretia Kim Taylor —Cum Laude Bothell Katie Rose Wilson Vashon Island Jessica Nichole Winter —Cum Laude Billings, Montana Melanie Marie Wittman —Cum Laude Renton Patricia Elizabeth Wolf Issaquah Natalie Marie Woodruff Frankfort, Illinois Jennifer Carrol York Goldendale Bachelor of Arts in Comparative Ethnic Studies Natasha Marie Batek Tacoma Osurē Laroi Brown Seattle Mickayla Lynn Thompson Lake Stevens Mystic Antionette Davis Tacoma Pauline Louise Tuohy —Cum Laude Sammamish Kristy Ann Perez Ritzville Kelsey Marie Tyler Federal Way Rosa Elvia Velazquez Waterville Lisa Lynn Waananen —Summa Cum Laude Maple Grove, Minnesota Lyndsay Arden Weber Spokane Lance Devon Broadus Hawthorne, California Amy Patricia Burt Richland Brianna Lynn Bushnell Lake Stevens Bryson Kirk Campbell Mount Vernon Andrew Eugene Cherin Seattle Lymar Thomas Danner Tacoma Annabel Jaclyn Defty Seattle Ashton Keith Dennis Sumner Chad Nicholas Eaton Vancouver Amy Lynne Eilert —Cum Laude Mount Vernon Omar Alejandro Estrada Arlington Kathleen Marie Feldhusen —Magna Cum Laude Spokane Mika Marie Greathouse —Magna Cum Laude Gold Bar Terry Mickels Teigen Bothell Lucas James Tushar Samammish Brandon Johns Bosch Spokane Sarah Michelle Streets Pullman Bachelor of Arts in Criminal Justice Loren B. Abbey Spokane Amanda Lynne Greer —Cum Laude Sun Valley, Idaho Stephen Anthony Gurney Mead Amanda Elizabeth Hall Edmonds Nicholas Alan Hall Issaquah Douglas Eugene Hansen Olmypia David Bruce Aiken Ephrata Cullen Brett Armstrong Mount Vernon 2008 Drew David Hansen Kennewick Timothy Adam Hass Kelso SPRING commencemenT 59 Candidates for b a c c a l a ur e a t e d e gr e e s Jonathan Michael Hodge Davenport Zecarias Habte Mehanzel Seattle Mark Evan Wasmund Oak Harbor Kelsey Colleen Payne Ridgefield Emily Megan Holdeman Duvall Brian Issei Monette Rochester Charlsey Jean Webster Bellevue Kristine Adell Huffman Mukilteo Ashely Dawn Orr North Bend Paul Charles Wolfe, Jr. Tumwater Vanessa Saldivar —Cum Laude Dayton Timothy John Hunt —Cum Laude Ritzville Brian Louis Paine Puyallup Bachelor of Arts in Digital Technology and Culture Frankie Joseph S. Peters Olympia Cody William Jewell Centralia Jennifer A. Johnson Ellensburg Matthew Joseph Johnson Ellensburg Timothy Lee Johnson, Jr. Bonney Lake Hilton June Jones, Jr. Lagrange, North Carolina Aamar Ejaz Khan Seatac Brandon John Koe —Magna Cum Laude Graham Jarek S. Krzyzanek Walla Walla Jennifer Christine Larsen Lacey Katherine Barnett Latimer —Cum Laude Seattle Lesley Le —Cum Laude Spokane Danielle Nicole Apodaca Kennewick Jon David Pulver Bellingham Jan Hall Barnett-Robbins —Cum Laude Richland Matthew Michael Reese Pullman Leon Richardson Auburn Joanna Lynn Lundberg Mount Vernon Joshua Mathews —Cum Laude Bellingham Susan K. Steiner Olympia Ryan William Stimer Spanaway Alexandra Maureen Strong Seattle Diana Elizabeth Mayssonnett Everett Danielle Rachelle McIntyre —Cum Laude Seattle Jay Dustin McKinley Dayton Tyson Allen McLean —Magna Cum Laude Stevensville, Montana Curtis Lee Thompson —Summa Cum Laude Aberdeen Amanda Van Mater Trewin Redmond Derrick Carlos Unger Redmond Damian Erik Wagner Renton Michael J Wamsley Rochester c o m m e n c e m e nt Marina A. Tkachenko Pasco Jeffrey Joshua Turner Atlanta, Georgia Austin D. Welsch Richland Randall Craig Burton Vancouver Nina Marie Westberg —Magna Cum Laude Vancouver Paula Mae Caudilla —Cum Laude Vancouver Dominique Michelle Scarimbolo Kent Michelle Jennifer Syth Richland Alexis Nicole Bonds Vancouver Justin R. Rivas Lacey Jennifer Marie Scaplehorn Kennewick Nirav Eric Sinha Pullman Victor Edward Vlist Port Orchard Aaron John Caudill Vancouver Ty Conan Rosebrook Palouse Michael James Sampson Vancouver Victoria Elizabeth Barnett Spokane Valley Brittany Nichole Ritch Lacenter Christopher Lee Sheehan Stanwood Kimberly Erin Loebe Federal Way SPRING Cary Anthony Poston Cocolalla, Idaho Nicole Colleen Schmitz Everett Craig Steven Lockett Seattle 2008 David L. Alonzo —Magna Cum Laude Vancouver Derek Joseph Ristau —Cum Laude Reardon Todd Milton Kilpatrick University Place 60 Megan Patricia Pilling Port Angeles Jesse Kei Salsberry Camas Jonathan Oliver Cochran Seattle Michael Welling Cusick Colbert Morgan Ashley DeLuke Brush Prairie Rebecca Loraine Bates Driscoll Pasco Bradley Kenneth Ellertson Vancouver Thomas Fuller Kennewick Olivia Maureen Heidrick Battle Ground Carrie Lindsey Heppner Hermiston, Oregon Elizabeth Ann Hyer Puyallup Kelly Lynn Johnson —Magna Cum Laude Richland Donna Dubuque MacKenzie —Magna Cum Laude Longview Jessica Erin Magill Richland Bachelor of Arts in English Charla Latrice Allen Temple Hills, Maryland Patrick Michael Anderson Kirkland Kelsey Anne Aske —Cum Laude Vancouver Karla Paule Bickmore Vancouver Nicole Ruth Brisbon Bremerton James Albert Carlton Vancouver Chelsea Rose Carter Olympia Murriah G. Clifton Pullman Michael James Cooper Pasco Cheryl Elizabeth Cross —Magna Cum Laude Vancouver Sandra Michelle Fairbanks Walla Walla Anders Eric Gidlund Bellingham Rachel Elizabeth Handlan —Cum Laude Brush Prairie Candidates Jami Nicole Herring Vancouver Lindsey Michelle Njaa Maple Valley Jennifer Courtney Johns —Cum Laude Vancouver Haley Eileen Norton —Cum Laude Federal Way Gregory Joseph Karpicus Washougal Allison Elizabeth Olanie Poulsbo Mitchell Joseph Kelly Woodinville Maureen Mikael Perez Vancouver Kaci Elizabeth King —Summa Cum Laude Odessa Jodi Leigh Reid —Cum Laude Longview Alison Mae Kirpes —Magna Cum Laude Wenatchee Brittany Star Reincke —Cum Laude Camas Susan Surratt Kluss —Magna Cum Laude Portland, Oregon Margaret Ann Rhodes Richland John Edmund Knechtges, Jr. —Magna Cum Laude Vancouver Ashley Lynn Kohlmeier —Magna Cum Laude Hoquiam Carolann Frances Krohn Woodland Erik Logan Kubik —Cum Laude Vancouver Erica Ann Lange Home Jamie Lynn Lawson —Summa Cum Laude Spokane Kevin Michael Lewis III Oak Harbor Shawn Lee Alexander Lloyd Tacoma Schuyler Dale Lystad North Bend Morrigan D. MacLand —Magna Cum Laude Vancouver Anthony Lawrence Manley Puyallup Jason W. Mayberry Albion Patrick William McDonnell Vancouver Sarah Christine Miller —Cum Laude Renton Philip Craig Nerat Vancouver Richard Eugene Nichols Snohomish Kelsey Joy Roberts Mountlake Terrace Tabitha Angelica Rudegeair —Cum Laude Spanaway Valerie Lynn Sanders Vancouver Daniel Fredrick Schafer —Cum Laude Camas Ayla LaDelle Shantz Brush Prarie Ruhiyyih Sherrill Shelayev —Magna Cum Laude Vancouver Joseph Anthony Simons Pullman Zachary Scott Snedeker Kirkland Candice Faith Stancil Spokane Jennifer Marie Streit Vancouver Joshua Ryan Talty Buckley Peter Andrew Thornton —Cum Laude Vancouver Jacob Andrew Tyrrell Olympia Robert M. Urell Washougal Tamara Vallejos Studio City, California Jesse Dean Waite —Summa Cum Laude Woodinville for Marcie Ann Melton Walsh —Magna Cum Laude Vancouver Emily Katherine Watterson Sammamish Jenny Lynn Zylstra —Summa Cum Laude Silverdale b a c c a l a ur e a t e d e gr e e s Adam Christopher Shay Black Diamond Tyler Micheal Smith Snohomish Nathan August Udd Radford, Virginia Elizabeth Hall Whealy Soap Lake Bachelor of Arts in Fine Arts Tsz Chun Wong Hong Kong Daniel Joseph Beary Port Hadlock Bachelor of Fine Arts Molly Katelyn Boers —Summa Cum Laude Wenatchee Rose Marie Buster Bremerton Erik Lavar Carlson Spokane Crista Ann Ames —Cum Laude Kennewick Jamie Vi Yuki Nagao —Magna Cum Laude Kealakekua, Hawaii Bachelor of Arts in Foreign Languages and Cultures Kyle John Eaton Ellensburg Khoa Thuc Ha Pullman Christie Lynn Hanner Montesano Stephanie Alyce Harton —Magna Cum Laude Spokane Elizabeth Jean Hawbaker —Cum Laude Pullman Matthew Paul Hendrickson Boise, Idaho Katherine Marie Hudon —Cum Laude Yakima Eric Lee Kenyon Gig Harbor Samantha Nicole Eller —Magna Cum Laude Wenatchee Nicholas Thomas Emrich —Cum Laude Chehalis Taylor Burnett Farrell Ellensburg Deborah Suzanne Fleming Chehalis Ethan Charles Glynn Woodinville Moises Gonzalez Wapato Laura Charlene Hall Pasco Béatrice Nathalie Henrioulle —Summa Cum Laude Kennewick Lucas LeRoy Lundy Tacoma Rebecca Ann Mallett Sedro-Woolley Bryn Margaret Mooney —Magna Cum Laude Pullman Ryan James Nelli —Magna Cum Laude Redmond Kevin Clark O’Brian Bothell Katherine Louise Seastrom La Canada, California Samantha Corinne Seward Hoquiam 2008 Amanda Elisabeth Holroyd —Magna Cum Laude Tacoma Amy Lynn Kolb —Summa Cum Laude St. John Karlie Jane Kreidel Corpus Christi, Texas Morgan Fay Leap Sequim Spencer William Martin —Summa Cum Laude Kennewick Jennifer Ann Mathews Newman Lake SPRING commencemenT 61 Candidates for b a c c a l a ur e a t e Leslie Anne McDonnell —Cum Laude Gig Harbor Ignacio Medina Quincy Jennifer Eileen Morley —Summa Cum Laude Port Orchard Sarah Jean Officer —Cum Laude Federal Way Sarah Lue Rasumssen —Magna Cum Laude Granger Bachelor of Arts in Humanities Charles Agustus Cruikshank Snohomish Jacob John McKissick Everson Christopher Edward Del Beccaro Seattle Thomas John Meister —Magna Cum Laude Vancouver Stephanie Christine Anderson —Magna Cum Laude Vancouver Sheila Diaz —Cum Laude Kennewick David Merrado Kennewick Deverie C.R. Bennett Lake Stevens Dillon James Merrick Stanwood Lindsay Michelle Black Vancouver Jeremy Stephen Mills Vancouver Edward Arthur Blick Battle Ground Donald Louis Mock Ritzville Brad A. Boler Pasco Jeanne Marie Parra Pullman Lori Jean Boscow Leavenworth Megan Lesliebeth Perez —Magna Cum Laude Richland Peter Jacob Boyd Sedro Woolley Sara Lucille Graham Selah Kelly Gayle Stratton —Summa Cum Laude Richland Bachelor of Arts in History Joshua Saguilla Agpalza Vancouver Micky Brianna Akins Colbert Robert Merrell Andrews Vancouver Corey Joseph Artim Snohomish Alexander Stewart Graves Mill Creek Grace Noel Harchuck —Magna Cum Laude Eugene, Oregon Peter W. Harper Pullman Jacki Jo Hedlund —Cum Laude Endicott Robert James Hensley Everett Matthew Brian Hoagland Seattle Tiffany Lynn Johnson —Cum Laude Chehalis Caleb Jack Banse Moose Pass, Alaska Michelle Lin Barta —Magna Cum Laude Battle Ground Andrew David Koch, Jr. Toppenish Brooke Elin Bemis —Magna Cum Laude Coeur d’Alene, Idaho D. Ian Boothroyd Richland Megan Rosemary Bounds Vancouver Kimberly Renée Brooks Richland Katrina Bryn Burch Pullman Jennifer Lyn Burns Olympia Courtney Anne La Mastus Benton City Ruth Faye Langworthy Silverdale Katie Lynn Larmer Harrington Danielle Lynne LaBelle —Cum Laude Spokane Valley Dana Michelle Lee —Cum Laude Kennewick Marcus Andrew Logue —Cum Laude Port Townsend Nicholas Bryan Caples Cashmere Gretchen Maijala Cottam —Cum Laude Philomath, Oregon SPRING Stuart Gleason Magruder Seattle Ryan Michael Foreman Auburn Jeffry Allan Stoker Pullman 2008 Russell James Cowgill Issaquah Paul Marcel Donnay —Magna Cum Laude Newman Lake Kyung Joo Park Snohomish 62 d e gr e e s Steven Paul Luck Springfield, Missouri Michael Louis Lukens —Summa Cum Laude Port Angeles c o m m e n c e m e nt William Paul Barlow Vancouver Kara Nicole Pittman Pasco Jennifer Dawn Brown —Magna Cum Laude Issaquah Debra L. Redlein —Magna Cum Laude Pasco Elanie J. Califf —Summa Cum Laude Washougal Nicholas Steven Rhodes Portland, Oregon Tanya Lynne Card —Cum Laude Seattle Gregory Allen Saum Vancouver Timothy C. Schaut Bothell Jessica Christine Scheele Snohomish John Alexander Shogan Spokane Kenneth Paul Smith —Cum Laude Carson City, Nevada Jeffry Allan Stoker Pullman Brad Michael Updike Battle Ground Brian Charles Walker Bellevue Evan Lyle Wharton —Cum Laude Aberdeen Carolyn Lee Zink Pullman Valerie Marie Carroll Issaquah Kristen Michelle Chaney Issaquah Kelly Anne Chubbuck Mill Creek Valer Cordova-Sanchez Renton Christina J. Cyr —Cum Laude Ladson, South Carolina Jolene Marie Davis Ceres, California Paula Walker Dunbar —Magna Cum Laude Lagrange, Georgia Teryl D. Gallagher —Magna Cum Laude Vancouver Joseph Douglas Gehrke Seattle Joni K. Gilbert Bothell David Michael Graaff Quincy Lisa Ann Greer Richland Candidates for b a c c a l a ur e a t e d e gr e e s Jodi Ane Gummel —Magna Cum Laude Seattle Jessica R. Reynolds-Gibler —Cum Laude Pasco John Smauel Laing —Cum Laude Spokane Austin M. Schlichting —Cum Laude Bellingham Alison Marie Hawley Bellingham James Harley Roach, Jr. —Magna Cum Laude Dryden Mary Kate Martin Federal Way Amanda Jane Schmahl Jerome, Idaho Daisy Marie O’Dell —Summa Cum Laude Spokane Christopher Michael Siegmund Auburn Elizabeth Ann Oens —Magna Cum Laude Spokane Bachelor of Arts in Philosophy Patrick Robert Hayes Everett Katie Ann Haynes Kennewick Joel Michael Hazelquist Seabeck Darrell Sparks Hogge Farmington Margaret Elizabeth Howell —Summa Cum Laude Yakima Randi M. Huffaker Richland Kariba Ibiye Jack Puyallup Meko Kofahl —Magna Cum Laude San Francisco, California John Radford Kolano Tacoma Andrew Joseph Lake Sammamish Catharina Laporte —Summa Cum Laude Houston, Texas Hannah Joy LeTexier Seattle Andrea Renèe Ligon Pullman Eric Scott Lockwood Sammamish Amy L. Martin Yakima Brenton Roland Maynard Olympia Andrew Jon Roder Olympia Kristin Raberta Rohwer Spokane Cori Elizabeth Schmidt —Cum Laude Vancouver Nancy Angeline Sena Shinkle Pullman Meghan Nicole Waddle —Summa Cum Laude Pasco Travis Grant Simon Seattle Bachelor of Liberal Arts Nicole Marie Solemsaas Everett Micah James Anderson Gig Harbor Timothy Bryan Steinman Vancouver Abimbola Abidemi Ariwoola Sacramento, California Cathy Marueen Stricker Hoquiam Aminah A. Sutphen —Summa Cum Laude Lansing, Michigan Alexandria K. Taylor Federal Way Judith L. Teeple Pocono Lake, Pennsylvania Jenesa Lea Unger Chehalis Melinda Marcia Uribe Pasco Corinne Alana Willis —Magna Cum Laude Show Low, Arizona Hank Kau Woon, Jr. Aberdeen Thomas David Mullins Pullman Bachelor of Arts in Leadership and Professional Studies Evan Alexander Pease Seattle Benjamin Michael Peeler Yacolt Valarie Lynn Peery —Magna Cum Laude Kennewick Tomo Fuchigami —Cum Laude Tokyo, Japan Jenny Leigh Sick —Cum Laude Green Valley, Arizona William Donald Morrison Albion Marissa Danielle Parsons Issaquah Annabel Jaclyn Defty Seattle Jennifer Marie Walker Rasmussen —Magna Cum Laude Spokane Renée Eilis Branson —Cum Laude Kennewick Rachel Nicole Brueggeman —Cum Laude Chattaroy Marcie Ann Danelo Otis Orchards Brooke Marie Hellman Carnation Bachelor of Arts in Music Brian Samuel Geyer —Summa Cum Laude Kennewick Austin M. Schlichting —Cum Laude Bellingham Austin Chase Garner Spokane DeAnn Carly Gerlick —Cum Laude Medical Lake Christopher Eric Han —Cum Laude Pullman McKinnon Heather Hanson —Summa Cum Laude Lapush Crystaleeann Vergara Santos Bremerton Ryan Thomas Tate Kennewick Bachelor of Music Alexander Cameron Thompson —Cum Laude Bothell Terry Lynn Cerrillo Othello Daniel Lee Vogt Goldendale Jon Richard Conrad Bainbridge Island Neil Padrick Wilson —Magna Cum Laude Tacoma Michael Allan Divelbiss —Magna Cum Laude Deer Park Rebecca Ruth Elshaw —Magna Cum Laude Olympia Jordan M. Erickson Vancouver Rachel Elizabeth Hunter —Summa Cum Laude Eatonville Andrew Michael Landowski —Summa Cum Laude Olympia Lacey Caitlin Perry Pullman Bachelor of Arts in Political Science Melissa Liane Anderson Bothell Justin Pedram Azarioon Temecula, California Jennifer Lynn Barnes —Cum Laude Tustin, California Brittany Aston Baynes Liberty Lake Jordan Dale Beck Prosser Lindsey Beth Bell Colbert 2008 SPRING commencemenT 63 Candidates for b a c c a l a ur e a t e d e gr e e s Brynn Marie Bemis Coeur d’Alene, Idaho Mickias Getnet Spokane Jimma I. Njoku Seattle Danielle Jean Tjoelker Snohomish Rian Hunter Blahut —Magna Cum Laude Prosser Amber Lynn Gregg Gig Harbor Sang Seok Oh —Cum Laude Mukilteo Matthew Benjamin Todd —Magna Cum Laude Yacolt Seyed Omid Oliaee Irvine, California Jonathan Ryan Tweten Tacoma Sara Caitlin Pealy Seattle Kasey Thomas Webster Spokane Cory James Pearson Pullman Rachael Marie Wolters Gresham, Oregon Megan Elaine Pence Shelton Erin Elizabeth Woodcock —Magna Cum Laude Yakima Erin Casey Blake —Summa Cum Laude Olympia James S. Bledsoe II Spokane Randy Daniel Bolerjack Everett Jennifer Lynn Boyle Spokane Ryan Michael Bradley —Cum Laude Federal Way Thomas J. Gurr Seattle Brad Robert Guthrie Spokane Morgan Danielle Hansen —Cum Laude Bellevue Patrick Brotherton Harris —Magna Cum Laude Seattle Jacob Hamlin Harwood Yakima Kevin Michael Henson Ephrata James S. Brown Vancouver Gavin Walworth Browne —Magna Cum Laude Homer, Alaska John William Brownlow San Clemente, California Samuel Robert Brune Valleyford Andrew Eugene Cherin Seattle Johnna Noel Clear —Cum Laude Pullman Nathan Gregory Colley Spokane Bruce Jeromy Crise Snohomish Christine Crudo —Cum Laude Tacoma Karissa Brooke Dixon Bothell David Michael Hodges Renton Steven Fukung Hung Flushing, New York Corrinne Rae Johnson Kirkland Jennifer Anne Johnson —Magna Cum Laude Cedar Rapids, Iowa Lori Caroline Jude Seattle Amy Lynn Kolb —Summa Cum Laude St. John Gordon Christian Peterson —Magna Cum Laude Everett Katarina Rosemary Elizabeth Petursson Kirkland Allison Rhea Zoccola —Cum Laude Olympia Timothy James Pinard Edmonds Bachelor of Arts in Psychology Matthew Joseph Polek Pullman Cary Anthony Poston Cocolalla, Idaho Sarah Aitken Reichwald —Cum Laude Atlanta, Georgia Heather Ashley Rodgers Sammamish Lindsey Marie Rogers Tacoma Justin Uichi Kuramoto —Cum Laude Kent John David Ronning —Summa Cum Laude Pullman Joshua Richard Loquvam Lacey Evan Thomas Roth Vancouver Rudee Lee Mathewson Issaquah Laura Ann Russell —Cum Laude Lynnwood Charles Henry Dow Richland Curtis Lee Mathison —Magna Cum Laude Everett Jared Michael Downing —Summa Cum Laude Anchorage, Alaska Darin Kyle McDougall —Magna Cum Laude Colville Kaley Marie Schall —Magna Cum Laude Wenatchee Serena Ann Dusz —Magna Cum Laude Battle Ground Mandy Mickelson Anchorage, Alaska Zachary Daniel Shelton APO Katelyn Rose Mitchell Seattle Kurtis Dean Snyder, Jr. —Cum Laude Bothell Jennifer Ellis —Magna Cum Laude Vancouver Tristan Garth Felchlin Lacey Ernest Charles Fix Snoqulamie 64 2008 SPRING Landon Jay Moeller Snoqualmie Ann Le Nguyen Richland Lina Gloria Ninagawa Tokyo, Japan c o m m e n c e m e nt Bethany Rose Works Omak William Edward Sangster III Ephrata Dale Andrew Steinbach Benton City Alexander Cameron Thompson —Cum Laude Bothell Jessica Marie Aguilar —Cum Laude Wenatchee Kimberly Jo Allen —Cum Laude Spokane Erika Kathryn Arnberg University Place Bradley R Baughman Everett Kendra Ashley Becker Stanwood Tiffany Machelle Braford Olympia Judith Wendy Chapar Kennewick Clayton Joseph Cuttitte Seattle Stephen Sage Dolinko —Cum Laude Renton Adetokunbo Adekite Faleti Arlington, Texas John Howard Grenseman College Place Kristy Rose Gutierrez Kennewick Ebony Christine Harris Tacoma Alisha Kristine Heinen Spokane Melinda Dawn Hill Newcastle Candidates Bryant Alan Jackson Pullman Annalyse Marie Barnes Bremerton Alyson Renee Erb Federal Way Adam R. King Gig Harbor Whitney Leigh Bennett Edmonds Nicholas William Kitts Tacoma Patricia Lynn Benson Sedro-Woolley Jaimi Marie Faris —Cum Laude Hamilton, Montana Nadia Francisca Lepe Yakima Kristen Elaine Betts Everett Mackenzie Lee McIntyre Tacoma Bryan Michael Borgeson —Magna Cum Laude Vancouver Mara Jean McPartland Warden Sam Hawk Morgan La Conner Brittany Nicole Neu Bellevue Alisa Renae Olson Lake Stevens Ekaterina Burduli —Cum Laude Pullman Stephanie Nicole Buslach —Magna Cum Laude Washougal for Kristen Grace Farmer Tacoma b a c c a l a ur e a t e d e gr e e s Rebecca Ann Hill —Cum Laude Port Orchard John Anthony Hinrichs —Magna Cum Laude Bothell Dominique Yasmin Hodge Tacoma Joseph Daniel Ficken Vancouver Robyn J. Fields —Magna Cum Laude Vancouver Lindsay Louise Flick —Cum Laude Battle Ground Nicole Aldine Iris Hoffer Puyallup Darrell Sparks Hogge Farmington Leslie Holguin Snohomish Abbey Woodsum Holton Pullman Cassie Sterling Fort Pullman Taihei Ellison Hongo Tacoma Laura Ann Bussman Kennewick Matthew John Gailushas Helena, Montana Suzanna Dawn Campbell —Summa Cum Laude Vancouver Andrew Dane Gillett Shoreline Corie Diane Houlbjerg —Magna Cum Laude Pullman Bryanna Marie Goldfinch Vancouver Kristine Adell Huffman Mukilteo Paul Robert Chapman Yakima William James Gordon —Cum Laude Ellensburg Christina Arlene Inman Camas Helen Pearl Stanko Alberta, Canada Lezlee Ann Morris Cheek Hale Burbank Leslie Ann Green —Summa Cum Laude Wenatchee Austin Nathaniel Verhasselt Tonasket Thomas Lee Clements Wapato Jill Alexandra Greiner Seattle Cory Wayne Wilmore Great Falls, Montana Romi Cockrum Garden Kevin Edelman Grow Prosser Bachelor of Science in Psychology Serrell Victor Collins Vancouver Nicole Marie Hallman Anacortes Katrina Ann Ackerman —Magna Cum Laude Camas Carson Alexander Cook Spokane Valley Lyndsay Parrish Hamachek Pullman Alexander Braden Cruz Bellevue Elizabeth S. Hansen —Summa Cum Laude Fleetwood, Pennsylvania Kristina Ann Peterson Spokane Britni Sheri Seitz Benton City Sara Catherine Smart Richland Lindsay Grace Soulē Washougal Kaylyn D Amos —Cum Laude Vancouver Julia Kathryn Anderson Seattle Rachel Mary Anderson Vancouver Selamawit Belay Assefa Ethiopia Christine Cayleen Baker Woodland Adam Bryce Bakotich Olympia Jacquiline Jean Espirity Balatbat Federal Way Michale Ryan Chandler Tacoma Christine Leah Daly —Cum Laude Seattle Yonya Meryl DeShiell —Magna Cum Laude Camas Sondra Margette Dixon —Summa Cum Laude Kennewick Nicholas Henry Doheny Vancouver Danielle Marianne Dorn —Magna Cum Laude Enumclaw Jaime Michelle Ellis —Cum Laude Spokane Lydia Jayne Hansen Billings, Montana Claire Gentry Hardesty Bellingham Diana Lynn Hargrove —Summa Cum Laude Pullman Dora Angelica Hernandez Villegas —Cum Laude Yakima Megan Lorraine Hewitt Kent Kate Clara Hibbard —Cum Laude Richland Aaron Michael Jensen —Magna Cum Laude Amboy Barbara Lynn Johnshoy Snohomish Naomi Isis Johnson Seattle Amanda Christine Joyce Vancouver Stephanie Lynn Kelley Yakima Eric Lee Kenyon Gig Harbor Ashlee Rae King Medical Lake Rachel Marie-Lea King East Wenatchee Kasey Grace Kinziger Deary, Idaho Christine Lauren Koehler Vancouver Elizabeth Scholine Kokoszka —Cum Laude Issaquah Katie Ellen Kollmeyer Bellingham Marylynne Louise Kostick Chehalis Michael Brian Kozlowski Olympia 2008 SPRING commencemenT 65 Candidates for b a c c a l a ur e a t e d e gr e e s Patrick Frawley LaFavor Seattle Stephen Lawrence Muñoz El Paso, Texas Brennan M.K. Smith Seattle Bachelor of Arts in Public Affairs Danielle Jennifer LaMoy Okanogan Jimin Nam —Cum Laude Vancouver Danielle Lauren Smith Portland, Oregon Cassie M. Bills —Cum Laude Brush Prairie Preston Scott Lewis Vancouver Megan Zelia Nevarez Vancouver Amy Arlene Linn —Magna Cum Laude Bonney Lake Albert Hung Nguyen —Cum Laude Longview Edward Russell Lobdell Woodinville James Robert Longabaugh Centralia Roger M. Loving St. John Loan Thi Nguyen Spokane Monica Orellana —Magna Cum Laude Pasco Cristina Parada Bolivar, Venezuela Teresa Ann Madsen —Magna Cum Laude Kelso Benjamin Jacob Mahnkey —Magna Cum Laude Bothell Rachel Marie Pargeter Milton Jessica Lee Pauli Wenatchee Alana Marie Main Sammamish Shaylyn Ashlie Pearce Spokane Fadi Wail Malkosh Jordan Elizabeth Ann Perrott La Center Tanya Marie Martinez Richland Frankie Joseph S. Peters Olympia Veronica L. Martinez Manson Ryan Lee Pierce Walla Walla Dawn Gayle Martiniello —Summa Cum Laude Seattle Harminder Kaur Pooni Wenatchee Erin Elizabeth Massie —Cum Laude Ketchikan, Alaska Thelma Evangeline Raybold Mercer Island Laurel Robin Mate LaCenter Michele Lynn Richardson —Cum Laude Camas Kayla Mae McCall —Magna Cum Laude The Dalles, Oregon Ashley Lynn Riffe Hoquiam Enrique McClymont Titusville, Florida Dawn Michelle McGuirk Ellensburg Talia Marie McKay —Cum Laude LaCrosse Jennifer Lynn McWilliams —Cum Laude Pullman Andrea Denise Mendoza —Magna Cum Laude Kent Michael Eric Morris —Magna Cum Laude Camas 66 2008 SPRING Monna Leigh Price Walla Walla Tara Lynn Rinard —Magna Cum Laude Woodland Jonathan Douglas Salmon Pullman Brittiniann Ibrahim Samman Spokane Valley Melissa Marie Sarvela —Summa Cum Laude Vancouver Stephen Charles Sevall Kennewick Stacy Mykel Shumaker —Cum Laude Vancouver c o m m e n c e m e nt Nicholas Gary Sparks Kirkland Adrian Michael Spencer —Magna Cum Laude Graham Matthew Allen Stephens Ethel Regis Michael Storey Woodinville Elizabeth Sweeney Airway Heights Justin Roy Syring Vancouver Paul Marius Tanca Vancouver Kayleen Corinne Taylor —Magna Cum Laude Ridgefield Stacey Alexandra Timmons Ketchum, Idaho Willy Chi Shue Tsang Vancouver Caitlin Jane Tyrrell —Summa Cum Laude Battle Ground Thomas Anthony Ulrich —Cum Laude Idaho Falls, Idaho Luiza Vasiliu —Cum Laude Vancouver Zulfikar Asif Wafai Tacoma Joel Cy Walker —Magna Cum Laude Vancouver Melissa Ann Watson Port Orchard Ashley Marie Whitmore Bickleton Heather Marie Williams —Magna Cum Laude Vancouver Rachael Evelyn Wilson Vancouver Samantha Michelle Wood Spokane Jesse Randell Wynn Longview Diane Zettergren Vancouver Alan Robert Graham Vancouver Jennifer Brock Henderson —Cum Laude Wilbur, Oregon Maureen C. Hiller —Summa Cum Laude Vancouver Devin Christopher Kienow Vancouver Natalya A. Kroshkin Camas Nichole Diane Peppers Vancouver Elizabeth Ann Perrott La Center Katrina Anna West —Cum Laude Battle Ground Robert Lee Winkler —Magna Cum Laude Vancouver Bachelor of Arts in Social Sciences Felicia Rae Adams Enumclaw Christina Eileen Almsted —Magna Cum Laude Vancouver Tricia Louise Alsbaugh Lake City, Pennsylvania Daniel Andemariam Seattle Amanda Nicole Anderson Aberdeen Stephanie Kathleen Arger Veradale Tammy Louise Asselin Kennewick Rachel Lynn Atchison Olympia Amy Kristine Baldassin —Magna Cum Laude Bellevue Neil Paul Bartlett —Summa Cum Laude Bellevue Janet Claire Beaumont —Magna Cum Laude Chardon, Ohio Candidates Edward James Becker Fall City Brittney Ann Chapman Burlington Ronya Riad Beirouty Spokane Christopher Cruz Concha Reno, Nevada Raymond Allen Bell Federal Way Lisa Beesley Conzatti Chehalis Jodi Elizabeth Berndt Yakima Jessica Lynn Coronado-Perez Snohomish Nur David Bernhardt Shoreline Colleen M. Crawford-Davis Kihei, Hawaii Trisha Rene Bettencourt Greenbank Lance Neilsen Cromwell Bellevue Joy Marie Biehler Port Angeles Melissa Nicole Crumbaker Vancouver Jennifer Lee Bolyard —Magna Cum Laude Coulee City Sigrun Viking Curren —Cum Laude Kent Megan Elizabeth Borders Kennewick Christopher Stephen Cutter Vancouver Nila Mae Botello Kirkland Erica Vervair Dahmen —Cum Laude Ridgefield Arika Kathleen Kientz Brasier Port Ludlow Laura Ann Brekke —Magna Cum Laude Tamarack, Minnesota Darrell Edward Brestar Yakima Craig Jon Britt Sumner Dawn Katharina Brown Tacoma Lauren Diane Brown Ridgefield Riley James Brown Sumner Gale Audrey Bruce Kennewick Martin Joseph Bunes Seattle Mary Abigail Burnett Zillah Bennett Jamison Bursick Pullman Karissa N. Burt Castle Rock Leah Teresa Cardenas-Farmer Moses Lake Mary M. Carter Farmington, New Mexico Clint Lindsay Casebolt Port Orchard Bopha Chann Pullman Margaret Ann D’Angelo Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Amy Dee Dahlberg —Cum Laude Gig Harbor Jennie Viola Dalton —Cum Laude Boyds Elizabeth Ann Dawson Brush Prairie Connie Jo Dean Selah Rebecka Leigh Deery Vancouver Elizabeth Ann DeMarco East Wenatchee Jay Christopher DeNoma Granite Falls Christian James Devine Tacoma Carly Ann DeVries —Cum Laude Moxee Kyle Samuel Dixon Valleyford Casey Nicholas Doelman Olympia Sean Gregory Duncan Castle Rock, Colorado Sara Elissa Dunn Vancouver for b a c c a l a ur e a t e d e gr e e s Amy Marie Erickson —Cum Laude Vancouver VeJohn Caballerro Heinemann Kennewick Kyle James Erwert Spokane Donna Joyce Hinkley Tacoma Anabel Escamilla Richland Casey Jon Holme Bothell Jody Mae Johnson Eygabroad Olympia Rebecca Sue Holt Moses Lake Carol Annette Frame —Magna Cum Laude Battle Ground Karen L. Hoyt —Magna Cum Laude Vancouver Eric Ulysee Frampton San Jose, California Amanda Claire Hughes Mount Vernon Annette Severa Fuentes Pasco April Eileen LoveKamp Humes Camas Erin Marie Fuller —Magna Cum Laude Everett Linda Marie Gallagher Selah Alia Raechel Ganem Florence, Massachusetts McKenzie Burgess Garberg Benton City Joshua Allen Gaynor Kalispell, Montana Markus M.A. George Vancouver Brandon Stanley Hunter —Cum Laude Vancouver Jeffrey Tyler Ireland Newman Lake Stacy Linette Iyall Raymond Libby Lexis Jett Bend, Oregon Jennifer Lee Johnson Nampa, Idaho Elizabeth Keiko Kelly Renton Nick George Lakewood Mary Elizabeth Kent Las Vegas, Nevada John Mason Gibler Rochester Agripina Rios Khabir Richland Todd James Gilbert Othello Darnice Jean Kiesser —Magna Cum Laude Washougal Mellissa A. Gillespie Tieton Lisa Kay King Snoqualmie Victoria Inez Gomez Tacoma Stacey Delon Goodrich Carson Hennrietta Jean Graves Pueblo, Colorado Vicki Lynn Griffin Wenatchee Sandra Rae Klatt Olympia Molly Lianna Kluth Everett Cheryl Anne Knecht Gig Harbor Cindy Sue Harris Puch Koenig Kent Sara Beth Griggs Coupeville Margaret Erin Gurtler Bellevue Carla Denise Hannon Edgewood, Maryland Paul Jacob Haskew Vancouver Natalie Jane Kolczynski —Summa Cum Laude Issaquah Andrew Chauw Hin Kwik Spokane Naomi Sabra Leavitt Chelan Blaine T. Hebert Aberdeen 2008 SPRING commencemenT 67 Candidates for b a c c a l a ur e a t e Benton Doyle Lefton Boulder, Colorado d e gr e e s Michelle Mehler —Cum Laude Vancouver Rydel Verner Peterson Richland Jennifer Leigh Small Battle Ground Jeni Marie Pfister Pasco Misty Lea Snow Yelm Angela Michelle Meyers Castle Rock Amy Michelle Plumb —Magna Cum Laude Federal Way Erin Rose Snyder —Magna Cum Laude Vancouver Merica Melinda Lim Camas Marie Allison Miller Winlock Amy Lynn Poe Auburn Elizabeth L. Squires Packwood Tara Lee Lindemann Battle Ground Eric Michael Mock Snohomish Brianna Baird Porter Issaquah Lauren Sarah Stillwell Bellevue Raymond Loh Vancouver Scott Wingate Molyneaux Wilmette Send, Illinois Blake William Price Camas Shaun Michael Straka Hoquiam Kathleen F. Loney Longview Adam S. Morrison Redmond Michael Allen Pritiken Pullman Janelle Stromstad Richland Derrick Kihei Low Honolulu, Hawaii James Aaron Morrison —Cum Laude Medical Lake Kathryn Qualls Auburn Melissa J. Sturgis Wenatchee Johnathan Kurtis Radtke Selah Laura L. Suing West Richland Kristopher Joseph Ramirez Vancouver Lisa Dawn Sullivan Rainier Jennifer Ramos Richland Colby M. Tanneberg Mansfield Chase Jordan Napier Montesano Susan Jean Reed —Magna Cum Laude Temple City, California Shawndra J. Thompson Kelso Heather Joy Neill Pullman Michelle Lynn Reis Tacoma James John Neill Richland Allison D. Rice —Magna Cum Laude Vancouver Heather Louise Libby Vancouver Kelly Kristin Lifferth —Summa Cum Laude Oxford, Mississippi Amber K. Luttrell —Magna Cum Laude Republic Troy Andrew Metcalf Aldrud Manor Christine A. Mosbrucker Nevada, Missouri Lori Ellen Luurs Winlock Alex James Muenz Fircrest Melissa Rose Macdonald —Magna Cum Laude Seattle Jung Ho Nam Vancouver Eliyah Madsen —Cum Laude Ridgefield Cheryl Lynn Mahar —Cum Laude Gig Harbor Lauren Lindsey Nelson Redmond Tiffany Marie Mahlen Bonney Lake Jeremy William Newcomer Los Angeles, California Madeline R. Main Enumclaw Jeffrey Scott Nunamaker Pullman Kelli Ann Mainard Mount Vernon Ryan Jordan Malmquist Tacoma Amanda Nancy Malone —Magna Cum Laude San Antonio, Texas Ashley Ciara Marshall —Magna Cum Laude Bellingham Rosemarie Emiko Oda Issaquah Mikkel Christian Olsen Camas Jorge Alexander Ortega Simi Valley, California Leyla Oxford Grandview Heather Noelle McClellan Vancouver Todd Michael Pauletto Vancouver Jenna Kathleen McCoy Fruitland Benjamin Pavel Brush Prairie Lucas Allen McHugh Vancouver Michael Brandon-Brown Penick Ellensburg Jill Alexandra McLaughlin —Cum Laude Richland John Neilan McPartland Pullman 68 2008 SPRING Danielle Nichole Perkins Dayton Michael Andrew Perrier Folsom, California c o m m e n c e m e nt Nathan Adam Robbert Richland David Jay Rockey Kirkland Ermenejildo Rodriguez, Jr. Sunnyside Bryan Wayne Rowe Kennewick Jainel Deeann Rudy —Cum Laude Ferndale Randy Lee Saari Vancouver Zac T. Scammahorn Pullman Maia L. Serosky Issaquah Kellen A. Shimizu Pullman Devin Nathaniel Simons Kent Ane Marie Sivaivai Seattle Tyson Allred Thomson Kennewick Justin Michael Thornton Renton Linda Joyce Tinsman Shelton Kimberly Lynn Tristani Mount Vernon Jordan Allen Visser Sunnyside Dorothy S. Waite —Summa Cum Laude Oak Harbor Tamara Lynn Wallace —Cum Laude Richland Deanna Marie Walton Pasco Shaina Mo Wan Yakima Kyle D. Weaver Beloit, Wisconsin Crystal Ann Welk Eatonville Brooks Fredrickson Werner Tacoma Heather H. Wherry —Magna Cum Laude Bothell Candidates Toni Lynn White Spokane Kendra Ashley Becker Stanwood Laura K. Whitney Federal Way Matthew Sei-Yoon Briscoe Kent Diana Wilkinson Yakima Amoreena Lorain Burggren Lacey Cary Delaine Williams —Cum Laude Copalis Beach Jandy Cao Federal Way Starry Elaine Williamson Vancouver Phuong Tuyet Chong Edmonds for Candice Lynn Kerr —Magna Cum Laude Edmonds Cecilia Estelle Mena Yakima Kayla Dee Kilpatrick —Summa Cum Laude Oakesdale Suzanne Kimberly Morris Gig Harbor Courtney Kathleen Qualheim Richland Terisa Lynn Worley Cashmere Keysha-Rae Graham Cooper Pullman Stacey Marie Roska College Place Alisha Elaine Worthy Port Angeles James Robert Crawford Covington Kelsey Lynn Ryan Kirkland Alex James Wright Vancouver Abigail Day Cutter —Magna Cum Laude Pullman Zhavon Elisapeta SiufanuaAbdullah Pomona, California Andee Jan Desrosier Brewster Patricia Anna Slaye Yakima Matthew Tobias Dessert Kirkland Brennan M.K. Smith Seattle Maya René Dill —Cum Laude Kelso Rose Joelle Stauffer Anacortes Mabaindu Zean Shoreline Bachelor of Arts in Social Studies Dwayne Scott Dehlbom —Magna Cum Laude Pullman Jarad Alan Case Gifford College Place Colin David McGrane —Magna Cum Laude Colville Jacob John McKissick Everson Kelly Lynn O’Neill La Quinta, California Rebecca Jane Polak Lake Oswego Bachelor of Arts in Sociology Husain Abdullah Pomona, California Jessica Marie Aguilar —Cum Laude Wenatchee Christy Marie Anderson Olympia Richard Lumaban Aquino Tacoma Jessie Keith Baines, Jr. Tacoma Steven Lee Dixon Bellingham John Howard Grenseman College Place Ryan Scott Hendrickson Lake Tapps McKenzie Marie Reiter Billings, Montana Stephen Dean Thomas Federal Way Robert Ignacio Vargas Toppenish Courtney Anne Wack Vancouver Darrell Sparks Hogge Farmington Ashley Elizabeth Zenner Bonney Lake Jessica Marie Igelmund Medina Bachelor of Arts in Speech and Hearing Sciences Ashley Adair Johnson Tacoma Michelle Nicole Johnson Mead Brady Lynden Keller Tumwater Molly Anne Kotzerke Kirkland Rachel Elizabeth MacInnis Richland Gina Monique Lierman Bellingham Taylor Marie Lucas Puyallup Mallorie Kathleen Olson —Magna Cum Laude Gowen, Michigan Tiffany Michelle Poole —Cum Laude Benton City Patricia Rae Pruss Port Angeles Charles Edmund Hodder Seabeck Kristen Ann Jacobson Chewelah Maureen Cecilia Larson Spokane Stephanie D’Lin Olsen —Cum Laude Port Orchard Meghan Nicole Waddle —Summa Cum Laude Pasco Matthew Reid Ireland Spokane Jenna Marie Koppenaal Richland Ashley Elizabeth Nelson Des Moines Christopher William Conroy —Cum Laude Seattle Joseph Patrick Yount Bellevue d e gr e e s Kelly Rae Meduna —Cum Laude Mount Vernon Brian Pepi Woods, Jr. Buena Park, California Sarah Jeanette Wright Moses Lake b a c c a l a ur e a t e Larissa Ann Briesemeister —Cum Laude Wapato Krista Nicole Burton —Magna Cum Laude Clancy, Montana Allison Lei Fawcett Marysville Matthew Abelino Sandoval Marysville Jessica Marie Stacy —Summa Cum Laude Ephrata Wendy Lorraine Stensen Seattle Courtney Elizabeth Stevenson Lynnwood Amber Jean Vanden Berg —Magna Cum Laude Spokane Ashton Laine Webb —Cum Laude Vancouver Erin Patricia Wims Gig Harbor Bachelor of Arts in Theatre Arts and Drama Devin Christopher Barnes —Cum Laude Lynnwood Tara Nicole Garland —Summa Cum Laude Spokane Joshua Thomas BradleyGegen —Magna Cum Laude Toppenish Mallory BreAnn Johnson Enumclaw Andrea Marie Gonzales Port Hadlock Jeffrey Walter Mattson Spokane 2008 SPRING commencemenT 69 Candidates for b a c c a l a ur e a t e d e gr e e s Bethany Diane Webley Hart —Cum Laude Spokane Sable Mae Phillippi —Magna Cum Laude Bothell Rychell Aleyn Hawkins Wood Village, Oregon Kirsten Wynne Smith —Cum Laude Sammamish Todd Moore Johansson Bainbridge Island Mitchell Joseph Kelly Woodinville Katie Winter Sundt Redmond Joshua Ryan Talty Buckley Kelly Marie Miller Federal Way Bachelor of Arts in Women’s Studies Nacie Kareece Jones Olympia Samantha Charlene Kennard Dover, Delaware Marlene King-Penny Amboy College of Pharmacy See College of Pharmacy, Professional Degree section, for listing of Doctor of Pharmacy Degree Candidates Bachelor of Science in Food Science and Human Nutrition Jessica Lynne Dominski —Summa Cum Laude Hoquiam Melanie Adams Olympia Kelly Dow —Summa Cum Laude Palouse Nicole Amundsen Redmond Teresa Gjendem —Cum Laude Spokane Christina Bartlett —Magna Cum Laude Otis Orchards Lisa Howard —Cum Laude Bainbridge Island Jacqulyne Bejeault Kennewick Stephanie Christine Hulse Renton Michael Di Filippo Spokane Sandeep Kaur Bellingham Courtney Larson Anacortes Ariel Richardson Vancouver Yi Jen Lee Bellevue Ho-Yuen Tam Hong Kong Abby Levinson Mercer Island Kristin Thompson Richland Serena Markanen —Cum Laude Washougal Monica Waisman —Cum Laude Spokane Mary Nicol —Cum Laude Puyallup Tsu-Yun Yin Seattle Christina Steed Bellevue Su Qin Zhou Seattle College of Sciences Bachelor of Science Ahmed Karim Abdi Seattle Ahmed Abdille Ali Tukwilla Maria E. Ashlock Harrah Ann Ilene Atkins —Summa Cum Laude Newport Kirsten Ruth Bachant Vashon Island 70 2008 SPRING Chandra Lynn Bailey —Cum Laude Snohomish Cheng Fen Chow Kennewick Jennifer Lyn Edgar —Magna Cum Laude Bothell Danielle Marie Baker Pullman Kara Anjulee Christen —Cum Laude Spokane Jennifer K. Becker Gig Harbor Jennifer Megan Clark Montesano Dalari Ann Fales Ephrata Steven Behr Steilacoom Maika Clement Dang —Magna Cum Laude Cheney Jezzarae Rose Fracz Otis Orchards Marjan Bigverdi —Magna Cum Laude Shoreline Ryan Christopher Byers Spokane c o m m e n c e m e nt Kim Hoa Thi Dao Seattle Amanda Joy Donabauer —Summa Cum Laude East Wenatchee Shani Eliza Elwood Snohomish Echo Alisa Gore Selah Andrew James Harbison —Magna Cum Laude Spokane Candidates Matthew Howard Hardy Moses Lake Erik William Hiles Elma Kyle Thomas Ingram Vancouver Lacey Jean Jackson Port Orchard Paula Louise Konomos Federal Way Jennifer Lynn Krick Olympia Leilani Lynne Logan East Olympia Sarah M.L. Low Kaneohe, Hawaii Yvonne Lam Mai —Cum Laude Spokane Andrew Michael McCaffrey Tacoma Korey Said Nayebi —Cum Laude Olympia Molly Constance McIntosh —Magna Cum Laude Mercer Island Amy Lauren McLean Spokane Peter A Means Puyallup Jay Michael Phillipe —Cum Laude Hillsboro, Oregon Bunnary Por Pullman Jenny-Rebecca Faith Prohaska Oakville Jeremy Leon Raymer Sumner Stephanie Peace Rezendes Sammamish Jamie Lynn Robinson Bremerton Jason Matthew Roed Monroe Alan Michael Rosencrans Puyallup Justin Mark Warren Ross Granger Jennifer Marie RunnelsMarquette Pullman Theresa Ann Scheidt Cheney Katherine Lynne Bohren Federal Way Kelly Kimberly Zukowski Cashmere James Caleb Bruce Ridgefield Bachelor of Science in Biochemistry Yancey Sinclair Brumfield Cannelton, Indiana Brent Andrew Banasik Yakima Christopher Michael Bates —Magna Cum Laude Walla Walla Robert R. Bryan —Magna Cum Laude Vancouver Zachary Michael Bryan Renton Mitchell D. Cate Chehalis Melissa Nicole Brown Twin Falls, Idaho Christopher Wayne Deutsch —Cum Laude Gig Harbor Stephanie Jai Gering —Summa Cum Laude Spokane Valley Cheng Fen Chow Winter Park, Florida Amber R. Cornell Camas Siobhán Elizabeth Dennis —Magna Cum Laude Woodland, California Katherine Ann Grogan Ellensburg Katherine Crawford Dodge Tacoma Liliya V. Svintozelsky Kent Jonathan Nicholas Pruneda —Summa Cum Laude Selah Linda Kelly Erlenbusch Kelso Helen Grace Uele Pago Pago Elizabeth Corinna Mueller —Cum Laude Snohomish Lindsay Michelle Usinger —Cum Laude Vancouver Christopher Michael Mulkey West Richland Patrick Masahiko Uyemoto —Cum Laude Honolulu, Hawaii Jeremiah Jennings Peterson Pullman Alexandra Youssef Oroville Laura Kathryn English Fountain Valley, California Scott Allen Moul Kent Bridget LeDean Petersen Walla Walla Laura Arlene Birchell Longview Jessica Angelic Ketrenos Malo Fergenet Wuhib Tsegaye Pullman Ried Lon Peckham Coeur d’Alene, Idaho Ralph Phillip Young Yakima Nathan Anthony Spinelli Spokane Courtney Kiyoko Mizuno Honolulu, Hawaii Lauren Ashley Peckham Spokane d e gr e e s Blake Kent Herron —Cum Laude Pasco Stephanie Michelle Torres —Cum Laude San Diego, California Meekyung Pang Peoria, Illinois b a c c a l a ur e a t e Matthew Thomas Smith Spokane Ted Mickowski, Jr. San Jose, California Kent Pak Nuth Auburn for Tomasz Paul Wakulak Kent Mary Mei Kuen Wen —Cum Laude Yakima John Thomas White Colfax Sherry Christine Whitley Bremerton Eric Douglas Yates Olympia Huong Thu Thuy Duong Vancouver Tiana Christine Stanley Francy Hemet, California Sean Wesley Richardson Pasco Jessica Christine Getchell Winlock Ryan Steven Rowe —Magna Cum Laude Longview Rajbir Singh Ghuman Richland Emiliano Jose Sanchez Grand Blanc, Michigan Ana Tolic Richland Lynda Delores Ginieis —Cum Laude Medical Lake Chelsea Lynn Wixom —Magna Cum Laude Bow Vincent Mark Graves —Cum Laude Walla Walla Bachelor of Science in Biology Helen Abera Abbo Pullman Harué Yokoyama Baba —Magna Cum Laude Vancouver Brooke Allison Barber Pinecrest, California Rebecca Ann Benson Washougal 2008 Nichole Irene Haller Anchorage, Alaska Mariah Hope Helvy Richland Claire Alexis Herold —Cum Laude Puyallup Jessica Leigh Holloway Bothell Andrew Schultz Huntley Seattle SPRING commencemenT 71 Candidates for b a c c a l a ur e a t e Andrea Lynn JohnsonErickson Pullman Brian Vath Larson Vancouver Brianne Krystle Lawler —Magna Cum Laude Covington d e gr e e s Erin Kelly Smith Vancouver Morgan Marie Huff Bremerton Sofia Rose Shirley Pullman Ryan Lyle Sontag —Summa Cum Laude Richland Jessica Ann Jackson Cheney Tina Lynn Thompson Pullman Leslie Kleiner Shuhler —Magna Cum Laude Buenos Aires, Argentina David James Tobey —Summa Cum Laude Anacortes Julie Marie Smith —Cum Laude Olympia Yukari Usuda Japan Robert Edward Stoddard Olympia Illene Christine Stolz Enumclaw Patrick Joseph Legler Lakewood Michael Roy Tinker Kennewick Tiffany Diane Loper —Magna Cum Laude Vancouver Jennifer Isabeau Travis Everett Vyacheslav V. Lyubar —Cum Laude Vancouver Katherine Jean Vargo —Magna Cum Laude Great Falls, Montana Sergiy I. Lyubinetsky Richland Jessica Marie Malinowski Shoreline Jessica Marie McClure —Magna Cum Laude Camas Steven James Weaver Spokane Courtney Rose Westby Tacoma Lisa Michelle Zelinski Sandy, Utah Jonathon Lee Walter Renton Heather Marie Williams —Magna Cum Laude Vancouver Bachelor of Science in Environmental Science Bachelor of Science in Geology Alexander David Grant —Cum Laude Bellingham Chris Madison Beard —Magna Cum Laude Rochester Heather McGee Seattle Laura Charlene Hall Pasco Tina Marie Moberley Seattle Zach Lee Logan Poulsbo Erin Lael Moilanen —Cum Laude Port Angeles Stephen Gregory Rose Union Nancy E. Mendoza La Center Bachelor of Science in Biotechnology Gavin Paul Meyer Camas Brian Kenneth Anderson Orange, California Jeffrey William Price Gig Harbor Kristi Bess Meyer Ridgefield Jameson Charles Bullen Port Townsend Rebecca Isis Millard Priest River, Idaho Wesley Andrew Crozier —Cum Laude Port Townsend Bachelor of Science in Genetics and Cell Biology Cody Mac Moore Vancouver Derek Daniel Morrison Ridgefield Amy Minh Nguyen Kent Timothy Robert Nickolaus Kennewick Jeremy Louis Oltmann Vancouver Marshall Lee DeLine Buckley Marshall Lee DeLine Buckley Kevin Robert Kipp Pullman Gretchen Marie Dole —Summa Cum Laude Clarkston Maryah Konneh Lynnwood Anoop Reddy Nerallapally India Travis Merle Ruff Coeur d’Alene, Idaho Kirsten Diane Pickett —Cum Laude Kelso Chintan D. Vin India Naomi Lynne Ripperger Selah Bachelor of Science in Chemistry Rachelle Joy Robinson Battle Ground Jacky Bekhazi Richland Marc Robert Rohrbach —Summa Cum Laude Colville Andrew Maury Goodin —Cum Laude Albuquerque, New Mexico Jenika Jean Schindlbeck Battle Ground Andrew James Hansen —Magna Cum Laude Mount Vernon Katie Beth Sekeres —Magna Cum Laude Battle Ground 72 2008 SPRING Trevor Randal Covert Palouse c o m m e n c e m e nt Jennifer Rose Gruhn Seattle Bachelor of Science in Mathematics Jeremy Dennis Asmussen Pullman Natalie Jean Baerlocher —Magna Cum Laude Moses Lake Lauren Ann Bell —Cum Laude Portland, Oregon Jian Chen China Irene Rose DeMaris Ridgefield Philip Thomas Hagihara Pullman Emilee Marie Hearrean —Magna Cum Laude Spokane Kevin Robert Kipp Pullman Christopher Michael Jarvie Fallbrook, California Rebeka Eve Lambert Centennial, Colorado Samantha Charlene Kennard Dover, Delaware Marcie Lynn Logsdon —Magna Cum Laude Clarkston Tri Thanh Nguyen Seattle Kathryn Grace Mathison Pullman Mitchell Tadashi Nitta San Francisco, California Stephen Shane Rekow Albion Andrew James Passey —Magna Cum Laude Draper, Utah Sara Alice Richter Dubai Brenna Marie Ray Omak Natashia Marie Robinson Santa Rosa, California Candidates Ryan Scott Reisert —Magna Cum Laude Spokane for Linda Po Federal Way Bachelor of Science in Zoology Joshua William Schmehl Medical Lake Jonathan Nicholas Pruneda —Summa Cum Laude Selah Kelsey Jo Barker Des Moines Christine Leigh Schultz Pasco Travis Merle Ruff Coeur d’Alene, Idaho Andrea Grace Sears —Magna Cum Laude Spokane Crystal Dawn Skinner Great Mills, Maryland Eric A. Sladek Tacoma Chandana Ramesh Somayaji Karnataka, India Kelly Gayle Stratton —Summa Cum Laude Richland Bachelor of Science in Microbiology Robert Alan Chaney Vancouver Brian Steven Chen Lynnwood Daniel Theodore Eastvedt —Magna Cum Laude Battle Ground Eric Herjanto Singapore Shalise Marie Huss Redmond Tracey N. King Spokane Jordan Barrie Koncinsky —Magna Cum Laude McCall, Idaho Maryah Konneh Lynnwood Nicole Tatiana Kupcow Veradale Joani Lynn Lebsock Spokane Kevin Michael Lewis II Oak Harbor Nissa Mishel Moldestad Snohomish Jordan Leif Storhaug Spokane Sheena Zakaria Suleiman Quincy Fantahun Mulugeta Tedla Seattle Eric Benjamin Thyren —Cum Laude Silverdale Jennifer Topham —Magna Cum Laude Everett Robert Lee Watkins Orting Michael Duane Wentz Spokane Kameko Nicole Wilson Roy Derek Thomas Wirth Oak Harbor Matthew Minoru Masayuki Yamamoto Warden Bachelor of Science in Physics Benjamin James Arthurs —Summa Cum Laude Richland Christopher Michael Bates —Magna Cum Laude Walla Walla Andrew Eugene Nelson East Wenatchee Joivanna Katherine Cashen Coupeville Sarah Michelle Crilly —Cum Laude Liberty Lake Michelle Athena DeCourcey —Magna Cum Laude Portland, Oregon Alex Dornburg —Cum Laude Pullman b a c c a l a ur e a t e d e gr e e s Jennifer Eileen Morley —Summa Cum Laude Port Orchard Michelle Ashley Morrow —Magna Cum Laude Redmond Brandon Stephen Mulder Kirkland Jarrell Taurean Nelson Silverdale Kathleen A. O’Keeffe —Cum Laude Kent Erich Michael Perry Maple Valley Ashley Rae Erdahl Vancouver Albert Cong Pham Seattle Kelly Lynn Graham —Magna Cum Laude Olympia Jessica Grace Rauch Issaquah Krista Lanae Ingalsbe —Cum Laude Prosser Shane Robert Johnson —Magna Cum Laude Benton City Jessica Amber Jordan Mead Brandon Joseph Rice Sunnyside Vanessa Rose Serratore —Magna Cum Laude Seattle Sofia Rose Shirley Pullman Heidi Smith Bremerton Moro Kim Yakima Kyle Keiji Smith Bellevue Melissa June Kuhrt Vancouver Julie Louise LaTurner Auburn Ossian Alexander Laspa Ridgefield Stephanie Lee Loomis Roy Elena Malaika Magwene —Magna Cum Laude Northridge, California Fallon Marie McGinty —Magna Cum Laude Everett Crystal Rose Thomas Ellensburg Holly Michelle Waters —Magna Cum Laude Sequim Catherine Nicola Logan Watt —Cum Laude British Columbia, Canada Corissa Lorraine White Kennewick Cori DeRosa Youngblood Sequim Tara Marie McTavish Mercer Island 2008 SPRING commencemenT 73 Candidates for b a c c a l a ur e a t e d e gr e e s College of Veterinary Medicine See College of Veterinary Medicine, Professional Degree section, for listing of Doctor of Veterinary Medicine Degree Candidates. Bachelor of Science in Neuroscience Sayano Kinjo Fukui, Japan Tyler William Chavez Lynnwood Joseph Milton Meyerson —Summa Cum Laude Edmonds Sarah K. Cross Manson Fernanda Monjaraz Fuentes —Cum Laude Estado De Mexico, Mexico Meghan Lynn Davolt Seattle Paul Marvin Magrath —Magna Cum Laude Lynden Samantha Nicole Eller —Magna Cum Laude Wenatchee Leslie Ann Green —Summa Cum Laude Wenatchee Katrina Elizabeth Huskie Snohomish Young-Eun Jeong Olympia 74 2008 SPRING Min-Kyung Park —Magna Cum Laude Korea Patrick Lloyd Ray Mead Christa Ann Rinehart —Summa Cum Laude Chelan c o m m e n c e m e nt Rajat Singh —Magna Cum Laude Delhi, India Thomas Reed Spivey III —Cum Laude West Linn, Oregon Vanessa Ann Wakeling Gig Harbor Anthony William Weber Odessa Jennifer Nichole Wiens —Cum Laude Belfair Timothy Joe Williams Clarkston Carlyn Claire Zylstra —Magna Cum Laude Chehalis Bachelor of Science in Veterinary Science Melissa Jeane Neff —Cum Laude Marysville Jamie Lee Rosie —Summa Cum Laude Olympia Natalie Sarah Ward —Magna Cum Laude Poulsbo CA N D I DA T E S FO R R E S I DE N CY T EACH I N G CE R T I F I CA T E Candidates for Residency Teaching Certificate Rebekah Jayne Johnson Andersen Ethel Georgina Naomi Burns Aberdeen Ruth Wilding Fournier West Richland Katherine Jonelle Hiccox Davenport Greg Myron Butkus Cathlamet RaeAnn Hanley Francis Kelso Sarah Joan Hinton Battle Ground Karen Diane Camenzind Lebam Krystina Lou Frazier Pe Ell Robin Nicole Hoheisel Everett Kelly Ann Caswell Vancouver Jessica Lynne French Richland Amanda Elisabeth Holroyd Tacoma Tiffanie Ann Conley Aberdeen Jessica Danelle Friberg Aberdeen Ashley Makanalani Honda Vancouver Jon Richard Conrad Bainbridge Island Jamie Marie Frieling Seattle Sabrina Dawn Hooton Washougal Mirnesa Cosic Spokane Rachel Delora Fugate Kapaa, Hawaii Joshua Timothy Howard Puyallup Laura Halston Bagby Woodinville Holly Chrissandra-Annette Coty Rochester Jackleen Alanna George Aberdeen Mckenna Susan Hudson Renton Valerie Ann Barabe Covington Mary Joanne Cousens Brush Prairie Naomi Jane Gnade Woodland Emily Caroline Hustad Issaquah Brian Andrew Bartel Centralia Jeanette Eileen Hoffman Crone Vancouver Moises Gonzalez Wapato Stephanie Jo Idso Grayland Kimberly Paige Goodwin Bainbridge Island Karissa Marie Irwin Littlerock Sara Lucille Graham Selah Angela Marie Jenkins Kennewick Amy Lynn Gray Pasco Sarah Dawn Johnson Vancouver Megan E. Guske Spokane Carmen Mae Justice Pe Ell Stephanie Ann Hall Rochester Theresa Jordan Pullman Britt LaBissoniere Hansen Freeland Heather Ann Killam Coupeville Jessica Bland Harris Cashmere Katlin Marie Kinkela Worley, Idaho Lisa Haskin Tacoma Donn Albert Kirkwood Coupeville Erica Lynn Hatcher Ridgefield Kari Ann Kissel Selah Kelly Jane Heald Ridgefield Ashley Lynn Kohlmeier Hoquiam Emilee Marie Hearrean Spokane Jeanne Ellen Korver Shelton Jacki Jo Hedlund Endicott Joshua Steven Krieg Springdale Sherese Dawn Hegwood Vallejo, California Aimee Brianne Krueger East Wenatchee Kristopher William Herda Chewelah Donald Kris Kenning Kennewick Erica Lee-Catherine Herinckx Puyallup Tabitha Ellynne Lambrecht Grandview Katherine Marie Andrewjeski Kahlotus Amanda Jo Anne Archer Selah Ali Lewann Armstrong Bremerton Ryan Daniel Arnold Elma Abbey Elizabeth Assink College Place Karen Lyn Bachle Vancouver Lauren Mychal Bauer Woodinville Apryl Becker Vancouver Jacquelynn Austin Vail Bergeron Vancouver Preston Michael Daniel Crow Raymond Nicholas Martin Crowe Kelso Autumn Christine Cummings Lacey Heidi Kay Berry Kennewick Jessica Erin Davenport Yelm Shira Michelle Besco Longview Shayla Michelle Diaz Benton City Coleen Mary Blundon Pasco Sheila Diaz Kennewick Erica Lynn Bourson Colbert Michael Allan Divelbiss Deer Park Mikaela Michelle Brandon Spokane Crista Dawn Dobyns Onalaska Brent T. LiaBraaten Pullman Barbara Mae Elways Lakewood Jacob Daniel Briggs Benton City Jordan M. Erickson Vancouver Joshua Allen Brown Sequim Heather Jo Erwin Pullman Molly Elizabeth Brown Tumwater Donis Jaqueline Feeney Gig Harbor Emily Bonita Bucy Elma Jessica LaNae Finney Spokane Kaitlin Marie Budahl Anchorage, Alaska Shaunna Leigh Foltz Lynnwood Jeremy Bunker Walla Walla Traci Ann Fortune Spokane 2008 SPRING commencemenT 75 Candidates for r e si d e n c y t e a c h ing c e rti f i c a t e Andrew Michael Landowski Olympia Cathy Lynn Mills Yacolt Erik James Lima San Diego, California Stacey Lynne Misener Rochester Elisabeth Garcia Lopez Burbank Laura Dee Mollner Bellevue Kelsie Christine Luiten Odessa Erin D. Miller Moon Vancouver Brenda Kathleen Lunden Toledo MeLissa Jessica Moreno Richland Erin Jayne Mack Longview Sarah M. Mortensen Lake Oswego, Oregon Megan Mary Madigan Edmonds Jill Leslie Munstedt Spokane Ashlee Darlene Mandrell Sunnyside Elisabeth Katharine O’Connell University Place Jerrie L. Manley Richland Amy Johnston Hale Ferries Roberts Longview Candace Rae Robinson Chehalis Kendra Davene Rodocker Chehalis Tabitha Angelica Rudegeair Spanaway Nicole Raye Ruhland Kelso Nicole Ann Rambin Vancouver Lori Anna Sanderson Sumner Jennifer Terese Nagle Santjer Grandview Jacklyn Mary Stricherz Spanaway Cindi Lu Strode Hoquiam Kathryn Mariah Summers Greenacres Janie Kay Jacobson Talevich Hoquiam Zachary Ryne Tautfest Aurora, Oregon Deborah Thompson Pasco Meagan Kathleen Turner Lacey Jacob Andrew Tyrrell Olympia Alicia Anne Van Kelso Tara Michel Obermiller Vancouver Robert David Schott Wenatchee Howard Otis Palmer, Jr. Olympia Jon Clyde Schray Chehalis Kelly Sue Bieber Parker Kennewick Duane A. Schwatke Colfax Adriana Sofia Parsons Walla Walla Tara Irene Sciurba Kennewick Valerie Layne Martin LaCrosse Andrew James Passey Draper, Utah Zenobia Suzan Scott Kelso Nereyda C. Martinez Pasco Erica J. Pearson Elma Jennifer Louise Sherwood Colbert Kristina M. Headley Wambold Battle Ground Matthew Sidney Maurer Aberdeen Devonne Erica Pele Santa Clara, California Skyler James Garcia Cashmere Andrew William Watt Curtis Sandra Aikele Mayberry Tenino Amanda Joanne Peterson Veradale Danielle Lee Smith Bellingham Emily Katherine Watterson Sammamish Ambrea Lynne McBrideMerino Olympia Shelley Nicole Pierson Seattle Jessica Rae Smith Vancouver Karina Marie Wehrmann Vancouver Melanie Marie Preiss Longview Kathleen Rose Smith Cinebar Jennifer Marie Welch Spokane Valley David William Provolt Kelso Nicole Marie Smuts Taylor, Arizona Amanda Michelle Williams Battle Ground Michelle H. Putnam Newman Lake Jacelle Elizabeth Snodgrass Aberdeen Laurie Ann Williams East Wenatchee Brittany Star Reincke Camas Karin Dyann Snow Battle Ground Holly Marie Wilson Pasco Anthony David Milewski Kennewick Audra Jamiese Huffman Richter Prosser Ryan Christopher Spuhler Vancouver Kala Rachel Winter Aberdeen Mallory Elizabeth Miller Kennewick Steven Joel Rinard Kalama Candice Faith Stancil Spokane Kristy Nicole Wright Kalama Ricky Charles Mann Saint Helens, Oregon Ashley Jaye Marrs Des Moines Given Grace Backholm Martin Aberdeen Kate Swindell McCary Edmonds Thomas Lafayette McDaniel Kalama Veronica Leigh McKinley Chehalis Tricia Leann Melton Roy Sarah Christine Miller Renton 76 2008 SPRING c o m m e n c e m e nt Leah RaeAnn Stites Sequim Asia Christine Veal Rochester Michael Anthony Veliz Oak Harbor Kendra Allison Wade North Las Vegas, Nevada Jamie Nicole Walter Odessa C o m m issi o ns Commissions To Receive Commissions as Second Lieutenants in the United States Army To Receive Commissions as Ensigns in the United States Navy Helen Grace Uele To Receive Reserve Commissions as Second Lieutenants in the United States Air Force Octavio Bailon-Schubert Suk J. Kim Michael D. Beagle Enrique McClymont-Baltan Rian H. Blahut Steven S. Page Mary M. Carter Lindsay J. Burgner Nicole C. Schmitz Linda M. Gallagher Lance N. Cromwell Nancy A. Shinkle Andrew J. Passey Daniel T. Eastvedt Gavin L. Shnieder Trivendhiran Pillai Ryan M. Foreman Elizabeth C. Simms Jonathon K. Radtke Drew D. Hansen Matthew M. Yamamoto Stephen G. Rose Steven M. Adelmund Jared Jotaro Wada Ryan M. Bradley Taihei E. Hongo Kurtis D. Snyder Joshua R. Loquvam Kristopher M. Souza Photo by Shelly Hanks, May 2007. 2008 SPRING commencemenT 77 H o n o rs College Honors College Daniel Armenta Grace Harchuck Molly McIntosh Danielle Shook Benjamin Arthurs Claire Herold Andrea Mendoza Tristan Skolrud Christopher Bates Blake Herron Jennifer Morley Matthew Smith Cody Beebe Amanda Holroyd Whitney Mueller Kelly Stratton Molly Boers Margaret Howell Carmel Palmer Andrea Thonney Margaret Cahalan Krista Ingalsbe Haley Paul Matthew Todd Robert Colbert Angela Jeffries Jameson Payne Thomas Ulrich Robert Cowgill Shane Johnson Daniel Pederson Katherine Vargo Sarah Crilly Amberly Kent Alexander Petrin Amanda Vicklund Sarah Cross Ellen Kincaid Jonathan Pruneda Lisa Waananen Kayla Culmer Alison Kirpes Jesse Radoslovich Brian Walkenhauer Gretchen Dole Amy Kolb Sarah Rasmussen Natalie Ward Jennifer Ellis Steven Kost Sarah Reichwald Catherine Watt Matthew Gardner Andrew Landowski Ryan Renslow Steven Weaver Stephanie Gering Danielle LaSalle Christa Rinehart Philip Welch Sean Graham Brianne Lawler Marc Rohrbach Emily Zaremba Katherine Grogan Marcie Logsdon Jameson Root Daniel Zommick Leslie Hamstreet Hillary Loveland Austin Schlichting Christopher Han Benjamin Mahnkey Rebecca Scott Jenna Hansen Fallon McGinty Vanessa Serratore 78 2008 SPRING c o m m e n c e m e nt G r a d u a ti o n w it h Academic H o n o rs Graduation with Academic Honors Students in the class of 2008 who have demonstrated exceptional academic performance may graduate as members of one of the following categories: SUMMA CUM LAUDE: Candidates for baccalaureate degrees who have completed at least 30 hours of graded work at Washington State University with a cumulative grade point average of 3.90 or better. MAGNA CUM LAUDE: Candidates for baccalaureate degrees who have completed at least 30 hours of graded work at Washington State University with a cumulative grade point average between 3.70 and 3.89. CUM LAUDE: Candidates for baccalaureate degrees who have completed at least 30 hours of graded work at Washington State University with a cumulative grade point average between 3.50 and 3.69. HONORS COLLEGE: Graduates who have participated in the Honors College and satisfied the college’s requirements receive certificates of completion and wear the Honors College Medallion. HONOR SOCIETIES: Washington State University students may be selected to join, within their disciplines, one or more of 19 honor societies and any of seven honor societies across academic disciplines, including one freshman honor society. The honor societies to be recognized at the University Commencement ceremonies are: Alpha Epsilon Rho, Alpha Kappa Delta, Alpha Kappa Psi, Alpha Phi Sigma, Alpha Theta Delta, Alpha Zeta, Beta Alpha Psi, Beta Gamma Sigma, Kappa Delta Pi, Mortar Board, Mu Phi, Omicron Delta Kappa, Order of Omega, Phi Alpha Theta, Phi Beta Kappa, Phi Delta Kappa, Phi Kappa Kappa, Phi Kappa Phi, Phi Sigma Alpha, Phi Sigma Iota, Psi Chi, Rho Chi, Rho Nu, Sigma Tau Delta, Sigma Theta Tau International, and Tau Beta Pi. 2008 SPRING commencemenT 79 The Star Spangled Banner was ordered played at military and naval occasions by President Woodrow Wilson in 1916, but was not designated the national anthem by an Act of Congress until 1931. The words were written in 1814 by Francis Scott Key, who had been inspired by the sight of the American flag still flying over Fort McHenry after a night of heavy British bombardment. The text was immediately set to a popular melody of the time. At almost every occasion, only the first verse is sung. The Star Spangled Banner Oh, say can you see, by the dawn’s early light, What so proudly we hailed at the twilight’s last gleaming? Whose broad stripes and bright stars through the perilous fight, O’er the ramparts we watched, were so gallantly streaming? And the rocket’s red glare, the bombs bursting in air, Gave proof through the night that our flag was still there. Oh say, does that star-spangled banner yet wave O’er the land of the free and the home of the brave? On the shore, dimly seen through the mists of the deep, Where the foe’s haughty host in dread silence reposes, What is that which the breeze, o’er the towering steep, As it fitfully blows, now conceals, now discloses? Now it catches the gleam of the morning’s first beam, In full glory reflected now shines on the stream: ‘Tis the star-spangled banner! O long may it wave O’er the land of the free and the home of the brave. And where is that band who so vauntingly swore That the havoc of war and the battle’s confusion A home and a country should leave us no more? Their blood has wiped out their foul footstep’s pollution. No refuge could save the hireling and slave From the terror of flight, or the gloom of the grave: And the star-spangled banner in triumph doth wave O’er the land of the free and the home of the brave. Oh! thus be it ever, when freemen shall stand Between their loved homes and the war’s desolation! Blest with victory and peace, may the heaven-rescued land Praise the Power that hath made and preserved us a nation. Then conquer we must, for our case it is just, And this be our motto: “In God is our trust.” And the star-spangled banner forever shall wave O’er the land of the free and the home of the brave! 122281 4/08 Other WSU Commencement Ceremonies Ceremonies Time and date Location WSU Spokane / Intercollegiate College of Nursing Friday, May 2, 2:00 p.m. Spokane Convention Center WSU Tri-Cities Friday, May 9, 4:00 p.m. Tri-Cities Campus WSU Vancouver Saturday, May 10, 1:00 p.m. Clark County Amphitheatre Thompson Hall and Murrow Communications Addition Washington, My Washington Washington, My Washington The Crimson and the Gray, ’Tis the songs of memory That we sing today, When the sad hours come to you And sorrows ’round you play, Just sing the songs of Washington The Crimson and the Gray, Just sing the songs of Washington The Crimson and the Gray. Spring 2008 Commencement S a t u r d a y , M a y T h i r d
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