Spring 2015 - WSU Commencement Ceremonies
Spring 2015 - WSU Commencement Ceremonies
CROWN 422 ALMA MATER Washington, my Washington, the Crimson and the Gray! CROWN 790 ‘Tis the song of memory that we sing today. When the sad hours come to you and sorrows ’round you play, Just sing the songs of Washington, the Crimson and the Gray! Just sing the songs of Washington, the Crimson and the Gray! S P R I N G C O M M E N C E M E N T • S A T U R D AY, M AY N I N T H Celebrating One Hundred Nineteenth Annual Spring Commencement S AT U R D A Y, M A Y 9 , 2 0 1 5 BEASLEY COLISEUM WASHINGTON STATE UNIVERSITY PULLMAN, WASHINGTON Commencement Mission Statement Commencement at Washington State University represents the culmination of a student’s academic achievement. It is a time for celebration and reflection for students, families, faculty, and staff. It brings together the campus community to share the joy of the accomplished goals of our students. The commencement ceremony at Washington State University serves a dual purpose: to mark a point of achievement, thus completing a chapter in the lives of students and those who support them, and to encourage continued pursuit of learning, personal fulfillment, and engagement with their local and worldwide communities. Photo: WSU campus , Thompso n Hall a nd Brya n Cloc k Tow er in foreg roun d Contents 148526 4/15 TABLE OF CONTENTS Best Wishes from the President . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 President’s Ceremonial Stole and Chain of Office. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Best Wishes from the Faculty Senate and Administrative Professional Advisory Council Chairs. . . . . . . . .6 Greetings from the GPSA, ASWSU, and ASWSU Global Presidents. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Order of Exercises 8:00 a.m. Ceremony. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 College of Arts and Sciences 11:30 a.m. Ceremony. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 College of Business • College of Communication • College of Education 3:00 p.m. Ceremony. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 College of Agricultural, Human, and Natural Resource Sciences • College of Engineering and Architecture Division of Health Sciences • College of Nursing • College of Pharmacy • College of Veterinary Medicine Board of Regents, Executive Officers, Academic Deans, and Campus Chancellors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Academic Regalia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Commencement Officials and Staff. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Commencement 2015 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 The University Mace. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Washington State University Highlights, 2011–2015 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Commencement Speakers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Candidates for Advanced Degrees . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Candidates for Graduate Certificates. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 Candidates for Professional Degrees. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 WWAMI Medical Education Program. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 Candidates for Baccalaureate Degrees . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 Candidates for Residency Teaching Certificate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77 Honors College. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78 Graduation with Academic Honors. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78 Commissions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .79 Photos on opposite page and campus photos throughout by Robert Hubner and Shelly Hanks, WSU Photo Services. 2015 SPRING COMMENCEMENT 3 BEST WISHES FROM THE PRESIDENT T oday represents an impressive milestone in your life and in your academic career. I would like to extend my heartiest congratulations to you on your attainment of this goal. At Washington State University, we strongly believe that we provide the tools necessary to help our students succeed. However, we also recognize that each student ultimately determines his or her own path. It is your hard work, determination, and persistence that have brought you to this day. You, your family, and your friends should be immensely proud of this achievement. In the years ahead, I know you will often reflect upon what you have experienced here at WSU. Graduation opens the door for you to put to use what you have learned in your classes, laboratories, internships, and campus life. You now have the opportunity to make a difference in the Elson S. Floyd, Ph.D. President, Washington State University Elson S. Floyd became the tenth president of Washington State University on May 21, 2007. He previously was president of the fourcampus University of Missouri from 2003 to 2007, and he served as president of Western Michigan University from 1998 to 2003. He began his career in 1978 at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, where he held deanships in the Division of Student Affairs, the General College, and the College of Arts and Sciences. From 1988 to 1990, he was assistant vice president for student services for the UNC system office, where he helped develop student affairs and academic affairs policy for the 16-campus system. From 1990 to 1993, Dr. Floyd filled vice presidencies at Eastern Washington University and then was executive director of the Washington Higher Education Coordinating Board. From 1995 to 1998, he was executive vice chancellor of UNC at Chapel Hill. A native of Henderson, North Carolina, Dr. Floyd holds a bachelor of arts degree in political science and speech, a master of education degree in adult education, and a doctor of philosophy degree in higher and adult education, all from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Among his other honors is the 2004 Distinguished Alumnus Award from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. 4 2015 SPRING COMMENCEMENT world. Take advantage of it. Again, congratulations. I wish you every success and trust that you will remain connected to WSU, your alma mater. You will always be a member of the loyal Cougar family. It is an honor to preside at your commencement. I look forward to shaking your hand and wishing you well after you receive your diploma cover. Elson S. Floyd, Ph.D. President, Washington State University PRESIDENT’S CEREMONIAL STOLE AND CHAIN OF OFFICE President’s Ceremonial Stole Presented to President Elson S. Floyd during his first commencement ceremony at Washington State University in fall 2007, the ceremonial stole signifies the ethnic diversity the University seeks in all its endeavors and displays a dynamic visual presentation. Researched and designed by faculty member Linda Arthur Bradley with contributions from apparel, merchandising, design, and textiles students, the stole is made of textiles from locations including Ecuador, India, Scotland, and Japan. Many came from personal collections of Bradley or her colleagues, some were available commercially, and four were hand-woven by fiber artists specifically for the stole. Master Salish weaver Susan Pavel hand-spun and wove two pieces of traditional Indian design. Other custom pieces include a Hawaiian hand appliqué by Charlotte Hughes, an American coverlet sampler by Cynthia Hosek, and embroidered pieces representing the Nez Perce tradition by Ann MacCormack. President’s Chain of Office During commencement ceremonies and other special occasions, the president of Washington State University wears the President’s Chain of Office. The medallion features the WSU shield with Cougar head, and the links are engraved with the names and dates of service for each past WSU president, starting with George Lilley, who served from 1891 to 1892, and ending with V. Lane Rawlins, who served from 2000 to 2007. Blank links allow engraving of names and service years for future presidents. The Chain of Office was created at the request of V. Lane Rawlins, who became president of WSU on June 8, 2000. He wore it for the first time during his inauguration on March 28, 2001. 2015 SPRING COMMENCEMENT 5 BEST WISHES FROM THE FACULTY SENATE AND ADMINISTRATIVE PROFESSIONAL ADVISORY COUNCIL CHAIRS I’m thrilled to congratulate all of you on earning your degrees. The 2012 census showed that only about 30 percent of all Americans have a bachelor’s degree, 11 percent have a master’s degree, and 2 percent have a professional or doctoral degree. What you’ve done puts you into an elite group. I’ve had the good fortune to have a number of you in class, and I always enjoy seeing familiar faces step up to receive a diploma. Craig Parks Chair, Faculty Senate I’m especially excited that so many of you are first-generation college students. I am one as well, so I understand the challenges one faces in going to college without family members who can help prepare you for the experience. I was able to succeed in part because, like you, I went to land-grant schools (Michigan State undergrad, Illinois graduate) that understood my needs as a first-gen student; like you, I had high school teachers, professors, and family friends that pointed me in the right direction; and most of all like you, I had family members who wanted the best for me. I repay them by doing for others what they did for me. Now you have a responsibility to do the same. Be there for the young people coming after you who need guidance. And as soon as you can, go thank all of the people, in person, who put you on this path. Come say hi to me after the ceremony. Craig Parks Chair, Faculty Senate May 2015 Graduates, Commencement day is finally here, a day I am sure most of you have anxiously awaited! On behalf of the administrative professional staff at Washington State University I would like to commend you on this significant accomplishment. We applaud each and every one of you! For some of you, graduation marks the end of your academic career, for others it is a stepping stone to bigger and better things. Whatever your future holds, please know we were happy to serve you and wish you the best in your future endeavors. Welcome to the ranks of the Cougar Alumni, and Go Cougs! Karen L. Garrett Chair, Administrative Professional Advisory Council May 2015 Karen L. Garrett Chair, Administrative Professional Advisory Council 6 2015 SPRING COMMENCEMENT FROM THE GPSA, ASWSU, AND ASWSU GLOBAL PRESIDENTS To the Graduates of the Class of 2015, On behalf of your student governments, the Associated Students of Washington State University, the Associated Students of Washington State University Global Campus, and the Graduate and Professional Student Association, we offer each and every one of you our sincere congratulations on graduating today from Washington State University. It is an honor to recognize the sum of your efforts as a student here at this esteemed institution. You deserve praise for your efforts over these last several years and we Nathan Neale President, Graduate and Professional Student Association celebrate these achievements today. You have worked diligently in reaching this milestone—but remember to acknowledge those individuals who have contributed to your success. Today you earn a valuable tool, a degree from one of the finest universities in our nation, and now it is your responsibility to use that tool to shape the rest of your lives. A degree from Washington State University is something to be extremely proud of and we have every confidence that you are prepared to encounter any joys and challenges that may come your way. The experiences you have gone through as a Coug are what make each one of you world class. As you move on from Washington State University do not turn your back, but rather remember that WSU will always be here for you and will always be a place that you can call home. We encourage you all to stay engaged with the Cougar community for the rest of your lives. Jared Powell President, Associated Students of Washington State University It has been an unbelievable honor serving all of you this year and we wish you the best of luck in your future. Once again, congratulations on earning your degree and we at ASWSU, ASWSUG, and GPSA wish you all the best with your new beginnings. As always, Go Cougs! Nathan Neale Jared Powell John Larson GPSA President ASWSU President ASWSU Global President John Larson President, Associated Students of Washington State University– Global 2015 SPRING COMMENCEMENT 7 ORDER OF EXERCISES 8:00 a.m. College of Arts and Sciences P rocessional W elcome Tom Saylor, Offstage Announcer, Volunteer Washington State University Wind Symphony Danh Pham, Director of Bands, School of Music, conducting Nathan Neale, President Graduate and Professional Student Association Jared Powell, President Associated Students of WSU Mace Bearer and Honor Guards Faculty Senate Chair, and ASWSU and GPSA Presidents John Larson, President Associated Students of WSU Global Vice Provosts and Designated Faculty Sally Van Boheemen, President Alumni Association Hooding Faculty Candidates for Advanced and Professional Degrees Candidates for Baccalaureate Degrees and Faculty Gonfalon President’s Platform Party Regents of the University, Honored Guests, College Dean, Vice Presidents, Provost, President S enior G ift P resentation Brooke Adams Annual Giving, WSU Foundation S tudent R ecognitions Daniel Bernardo, Provost and Executive Vice President P osting of C olors Joint WSU/UI ROTC Color Guard T he N ational A nthem Julie Anne Wieck, Associate Professor School of Music A lma M ater Led by Samantha Cottam, Senior Vocal Performance Major, School of Music G reetings and I ntroductions Elson S. Floyd, President C ommencement A ddress Geoffrey Gamble, President Emeritus and Professor Emeritus Montana State University C ommissioning of ROTC O fficer C andidates Chris Heatherly, Lieutenant Colonel U.S. Army, Professor of Military Sciences A dvanced and P rofessional D egrees B accalaureate D egrees R ecessional Washington State University Wind Symphony PHOTOGRAPHY AND VIDEO COVERAGE Image Studios, PO Box 9699, Moscow, ID 83843, 509-332-0964, will provide the photography for commencement. A proof will be mailed to each graduate and photos can be viewed online at www.gradwsu.com. Parents and friends of the graduates are asked to remain in their seats during the ceremonies. 8 2015 SPRING COMMENCEMENT ORDER OF EXERCISES 11:30 a.m. College of Business • College of Communication College of Education P rocessional W elcome Tom Saylor, Offstage Announcer, Volunteer Washington State University Wind Symphony Danh Pham, Director of Bands, School of Music, conducting Nathan Neale, President Graduate and Professional Student Association Jared Powell, President Associated Students of WSU Mace Bearer and Honor Guards Faculty Senate Chair, and ASWSU and GPSA Presidents John Larson, President Associated Students of WSU Global Vice Provosts and Designated Faculty Sally Van Boheemen, President Alumni Association Hooding Faculty Candidates for Advanced and Professional Degrees Candidates for Baccalaureate Degrees and Faculty Gonfalons President’s Platform Party Regents of the University, Honored Guests, College Deans, Vice Presidents, Provost, President S enior G ift P resentation Ted Genger Annual Giving, WSU Foundation S tudent R ecognitions Daniel Bernardo, Provost and Executive Vice President P osting of C olors Joint WSU/UI ROTC Color Guard T he N ational A nthem Julie Anne Wieck, Associate Professor School of Music A lma M ater and Brad Tilden, Chief Executive Officer and President Alaska Air Group A dvanced and P rofessional D egrees B accalaureate D egrees Led by Sarah Tisinger, Junior Vocal Performance Major, School of Music G reetings C ommencement A ddress I ntroductions R ecessional Washington State University Wind Symphony Elson S. Floyd, President PHOTOGRAPHY AND VIDEO COVERAGE Image Studios, PO Box 9699, Moscow, ID 83843, 509-332-0964, will provide the photography for commencement. A proof will be mailed to each graduate and photos can be viewed online at www.gradwsu.com. Parents and friends of the graduates are asked to remain in their seats during the ceremonies. 2015 SPRING COMMENCEMENT 9 ORDER OF EXERCISES 3:00 p.m. College of Agricultural, Human, and Natural Resource Sciences College of Engineering and Architecture • Division of Health Sciences College of Nursing • College of Pharmacy • College of Veterinary Medicine P rocessional W elcome Tom Saylor, Offstage Announcer, Volunteer Washington State University Wind Symphony Danh Pham, Director of Bands, School of Music, conducting Nathan Neale, President Graduate and Professional Student Association Jared Powell, President Associated Students of WSU Mace Bearer and Honor Guards Faculty Senate Chair, and ASWSU and GPSA Presidents John Larson, President Associated Students of WSU Global Vice Provosts and Designated Faculty Sally Van Boheemen, President Alumni Association Hooding Faculty Candidates for Advanced and Professional Degrees Candidates for Baccalaureate Degrees and Faculty Gonfalons President’s Platform Party Regents of the University, Honored Guests, College Deans, Vice Presidents, Provost, President S enior G ift P resentation Micaela Dea Annual Giving, WSU Foundation S tudent R ecognitions Daniel Bernardo, Provost and Executive Vice President P osting of C olors Joint WSU/UI ROTC Color Guard T he N ational A nthem Julie Anne Wieck, Associate Professor School of Music A lma M ater and Mimi Healy, President and CEO Lasergen, Inc. A dvanced and P rofessional D egrees B accalaureate D egrees Led by Sarah Tisinger, Junior Vocal Performance Major, School of Music G reetings C ommencement A ddress I ntroductions R ecessional Washington State University Wind Symphony Elson S. Floyd, President PHOTOGRAPHY AND VIDEO COVERAGE Image Studios, PO Box 9699, Moscow, ID 83843, 509-332-0964, will provide the photography for commencement. A proof will be mailed to each graduate and photos can be viewed online at www.gradwsu.com. Parents and friends of the graduates are asked to remain in their seats during the ceremonies. 10 2015 SPRING COMMENCEMENT BOARD OF REGENTS, EXECUTIVE OFFICERS, ACADEMIC DEANS, AND CAMPUS CHANCELLORS Board of Regents Jay Inslee Governor of the State of Washington Advisory Member Ex Officio Michael Worthy Chair of the Board Ryan Durkan Vice Chair of the Board Don Barbieri Member Theodor Baseler Member Lura Powell Member Scott Carson Member Ron Sims Member Harold Cochran Member Elson S. Floyd Secretary Ex Officio Laura Jennings Member Roger Patterson Treasurer Ex Officio Kevin Massimino Student Regent Executive Officers Elson S. Floyd President Daniel Bernardo Provost and Executive Vice President David Cillay Vice President, Global Campus John Gardner Vice President, Development, CEO, WSU Foundation Melynda Huskey Interim Vice President for Student Affairs and Dean of Students Joan King Associate Vice President/ Chief Budget Officer Christopher Keane Vice President, Research Bill Moos Director, Intercollegiate Athletics Colleen Kerr Vice President, Government Relations Roger Patterson Vice President, Business and Finance and Interim Chief Information Officer Academic Deans William Andrefsky Jr. Graduate School Ron Mittelhammer College of Agricultural, Human, and Natural Resource Sciences Patricia Butterfield College of Nursing Candis Claiborn Voiland College of Engineering and Architecture Daryll DeWald College of Arts and Sciences Bryan Slinker College of Veterinary Medicine Jay Starratt Libraries M. Grant Norton University Honors College Mike Trevisan College of Education Lawrence Pintak The Edward R. Murrow College of Communication David Whidbee Interim Dean, Carson College of Business Gary Pollack College of Pharmacy Vice Provost, Health Sciences Campus Chancellors Lisa J. Brown Chancellor, WSU Spokane Bob Drewell Chancellor, WSU North Puget Sound at Everett H. Keith Moo-Young Chancellor, WSU Tri-Cities Mel Netzhammer Chancellor, WSU Vancouver Effective as of March 15, 2015 2015 SPRING COMMENCEMENT 11 ACADEMIC REGALIA ACADEMIC REGALIA Academic regalia arose through evolution and modification of the robes worn by medieval students, who were usually clerics in the cathedral schools and monasteries established by the church. As early as 1321, a medieval statute required that all doctors, licentiates, and bachelors wear academic gowns and hoods. Gowns were necessary for warmth in the unheated medieval buildings, and hoods may have been designed to cover tonsured heads. Today, immediately after receiving a charter, new institutions adopt a distinctive design for academic attire expressive of their individuality. On May 26, 1895, a group of institutional representatives met at Columbia University to establish a uniform code for academic regalia in this country. The committee of the American Council on Education on its “Academic Costume Code” states the following: For all academic purposes— including trimming of doctor’s gowns, edging of hoods, and tassels of caps—the colors associated with the different subjects are as follows: Agriculture: Maize The approved academic attire for all graduates is composed of a cap and gown. For master’s and doctoral graduates, a hood is included. The basic article of attire is the gown, usually black in color, and similar in design for all degrees with the sleeves being the principal indicator of degree level. Gowns for those graduating with a bachelor’s degree have pointed sleeves; the sleeves on master’s gowns arc away at the front; and doctoral gowns have round, bell-shaped sleeves. Bachelor’s and master’s gowns are untrimmed while doctoral gowns feature distinctive velvet facing down the front and three velvet bars on each sleeve. Arts, Letters, Humanities: White The hood has become the colorful standard-bearer of academic symbolism. By examining the hood, an informed observer should be able to identify the degree level, the academic field of study in which the degree was earned, and the institution that conferred the degree. The hood is made of the same material as the gown. Hood length varies according to degree: bachelor’s—three feet, master’s—three and a half feet, and doctor’s—four feet in length and has panels at the sides. The color or colors of the hood lining indicate the institution that conferred the degree (crimson and gray for WSU). The hood is trimmed or edged in a border of velvet either two, three, or five inches in width for the respective degrees. The border color represents the faculty or field of study in which the degree was awarded. At WSU, bachelor’s degree candidates do not wear hoods. Fine Arts including Architecture: Brown The approved cap of the academic costume is the mortarboard or Oxford cap—a stiff board nine inches square, placed on a soft cap and joined in a pointed design in front and back. The color is always that of the gown and uniformly black for the four-year degrees. The use of velvet has been reserved for the cap of the doctor’s degree. A silk cord with a tassel made of many threads is attached to a button in the center of the board. Philosophy: Dark Blue Commerce, Accountancy, Business: Drab Communication: Crimson Dentistry: Lilac Economics: Copper Education: Light Blue Engineering: Orange Forestry: Russet Home Economics: Maroon Law: Purple Library Science: Lemon Medicine: Green Music: Pink Nursing: Apricot Oratory (Speech): Silver Gray Pharmacy: Olive Green Physical Education: Sage Green Public Administration, including Foreign Service: Peacock Blue Public Health: Salmon Pink Science: Golden Yellow A distinctive commencement rental gown for students earning Ph.D. and Ed.D. degrees debuted in spring 2012. The gown is crimson with gunmetal-gray velvet accents and a matching velvet tam. WSU is the only university with a custom rental gown. The purchased version of the custom gown became available in fall 2012 and is designed with a split hood, two silver WSU shield medallions holding the hood in place, two WSU medallion cufflinks on each sleeve, and other embellishments. 12 2015 SPRING COMMENCEMENT Social Work: Citron Theology: Scarlet Veterinary Medicine: Gray For more on academic regalia visit www.acenet.edu/resources/regalia. COMMENCEMENT OFFICIALS AND STAFF Commencement Officials and Staff Steve Barke Chi Alpha Christian Fellowship Steve Hansen WSU Police Richard Partain U.S. Air Force ROTC Marilyn Bender Veterinary Medicine Teri Hansen Commencement Operations Manager Deana Penton Communication Staci Bicklehaupt Education Joyce Harbison Pharmacy Julia A. Pomerenk Registrar’s Office Chris Boyan Transportation Services Christopher Heatherly U.S. Army ROTC Jared Powell ASWSU President John Busuego U.S. Army ROTC Cindy Held WSU Visitor Center Kanale Rhoden Northwest Public Television Debbie Brood Business Cassandra Hernandez WSU Global Renae Richter Nursing—Spokane Alex Cox Commencement Graduate Assistant Mary Honnef Undergraduate Degrees Ana Maria Rodriguez-Vivaldi Arts and Sciences Glen Downing U.S. Air Force ROTC Jim Huggins Image Studios Waylon Safranski Alumni Relations Russ Driver Beasley Coliseum Nelda Hume Engineering and Architecture Jenny Saligumba-Graham Graduate School Alanna Ellis Agricultural, Human, and Natural Resource Sciences Mary Jenkins President’s Office Tom Saylor Volunteer Doug Juneau Arts and Sciences Patrick Starr Beasley Coliseum Leslie Martin Students Book Corporation Sara Stout Communication Mike McClintock U.S. Navy ROTC Patricia Sturko Graduate School Nathan Neale GPSA President David Turnbull School of Music Ian Ortlieb Transportation Services Chris VanHarn Beasley Coliseum Robert Gibson Video Engineer Samantha Gizerian Veterinary Medicine Donna Green Engineering and Architecture Angela Hammond Education Theresa Hanford Image Studios Arlene Parkay Arts and Sciences 2015 SPRING COMMENCEMENT 13 COMMENCEMENT 2015 COMMENCEMENT 2015 Washington State University, on the occasion of its 119th annual spring Commencement, cordially welcomes all those who have come to the Pullman campus to share in ceremonies honoring the graduating class of 2015. To class members, the Class of 2015, the University extends sincere congratulations. WSU enrolls 28,686 students statewide. This includes 19,846 undergraduates and 4,150 graduate and professional students learning at the Pullman and Spokane campuses or through distance education. At the Tri-Cities and Vancouver campuses, 4,690 undergraduate, graduate, and professional students are enrolled. Commencement is the special occasion that provides public recognition of students’ academic achievements. The transcript is the official document certifying the successful completion of specific academic requirements. The diploma is mailed after the ceremony. The first WSU Commencement, held June 24, 1897, recognized eight students being advanced to degrees—three in engineering, one in biology, two in economics, and two in English. This followed a legislative act in 1895 empowering the college to grant Within academic areas on either side of the floor, the names of the degree recipients are called in random order as they approach the readers. Students will be viewed on big screens via video as their names are read. Appearance of a name in this program is presumptive evidence of graduation and graduation honors, but it must not in any sense be regarded as conclusive. Notation on the university transcript remains the official testimony of degree possession. Names in this program include May 2015 graduate and undergraduate applicants and August 2015 undergraduate applicants who applied by the May 2015 application deadline. August 2015 undergraduate applicants who did not meet the May application deadline and all August graduate applicants will be listed in the fall 2015 commencement program. This program is not a listing of those attending the spring ceremony. 14 2015 SPRING COMMENCEMENT the usual academic and honorary degrees and issue diplomas.1 With the construction of Bryan Hall in 1909, Commencement moved to the well-equipped Bryan Auditorium. Enrollment and the number of degree candidates increased over the years, and Commencement moved to Bohler Gymnasium following its construction in 1928. Following World War II and the burgeoning enrollment created by the return of students receiving veterans’ benefits (G.I. Bill), Commencement was moved outdoors to Rogers Field in the football stadium (1949-1973). Because it was always possible that inclement weather would disrupt the ceremonies, it was necessary to duplicate arrangements in Bohler Gymnasium. However, only twice in those years—1954 and 1963—was it necessary to move the outdoor ceremony indoors. In 1973, with the completion of Beasley Performing Arts Coliseum, Commencement moved indoors permanently. In 1986, the University’s Commencement Committee recommended decentralizing Commencement to make the event more personal for graduating students. The WSU administration approved, and from 1986 through 1996, an All-University Commencement Assembly was held in the coliseum, and individual college ceremonies took place in the coliseum, Bohler Gymnasium, Bryan Auditorium, Compton Union Building Ballroom, and Hollingbery Fieldhouse. Beginning with the 100th Commencement in May 1996, the college ceremony times were changed to allow some to precede the All-University Assembly. In 1998, due in part to construction in Bohler, the administration approved a Commencement Committee recommendation to hold two ceremonies. Starting in 2000, a threeceremony format (two ceremonies in the morning and one in the afternoon) was instituted. There was a historic Commencement change during the Historical Sketch of the State College of Washington, 1890-1925, by E. A. Bryan 1 THE UNIVERSITY MACE 2001–2002 academic year. For the first time, WSU held two Commencements, one during fall semester (December 15, 2001) and the other during spring semester (May 11, 2002). This is the University’s 119th spring ceremony. President Elson S. Floyd, WSU’s tenth president, now presides over the ceremonies. THE UNIVERSITY MACE The University Mace, a traditional symbol of authority, will lead the processional today. The mace is carried by the chair of the Faculty Senate with an honor guard consisting of the presidents of the undergraduate and graduate and professional student associations. Craig Parks, Faculty Senate Chair, carries it today, accompanied by Jared Powell, president of the Associated Students of WSU, and Nathan Neale, president of the Graduate and Professional Student Association of WSU. Created in 1985, the two-foot-long, nine-pound scepter is cast in silver and bronze and features a globe atop a laurel branch, wrapped in a silver ribbon and inscribed “Washington State University.” According to designer and craftsman Tim Doebler of WSU’s Department of Fine Arts, “the globe represents the universality of education and the quest for knowledge. Laurel crowns were presented to academicians by the ancient Greeks.” The anvil on top of the globe is a symbol of forging and molding education, rather than forcing it upon students. 2015 SPRING COMMENCEMENT 15 W A S H I N G T O N STATE UNIVERSITY HIGHLIGHTS, 2011–2015 Washington State University Highlights, 2011–2015 2011 •• WSU sleep research was named one of the top 100 stories of 2010 for the article “Sleep Switch Found in the Brain” in the January-February special issue of Discover magazine. •• Ted Koppel, television news veteran and anchor of ABC’s Nightline for 25 years, visited the Pullman campus and was presented with the 2011 Edward R. Murrow Award for Lifetime Achievement in Broadcast Journalism. •• WSU joined state and Spokane community leaders to celebrate the groundbreaking for the Biomedical and Health Sciences Building at the Riverpoint Campus in Spokane. •• Legendary actress and comedian Betty White became an honorary Washington State University alumna. WSU Provost Warwick Bayly presented her with a white doctor’s coat at the Washington State Veterinary Medical Association’s (WSVMA) centennial gala in Yakima. •• Mike Leach was named the Cougars’ head football coach. Leach brings a proven record of winning to Pullman, including 10 bowl bids in 10 seasons. 2012 •• Washington grape growers and wine makers made a $7.4 million commitment to support a new Washington State University Wine Science Center, planned for construction in the Tri-Cities. •• The College of Liberal Arts and the College of Sciences merged to form the College of Arts and Sciences. •• The Paul G. Allen Center for Global Animal Health was formally dedicated in Pullman. The research facility houses a state-of-the-art infectious disease research center for investigating emerging diseases throughout the world. •• New premium seating and a new press box opened on the south side of Martin Stadium, marking the conclusion of an $80 million construction project. 16 2015 SPRING COMMENCEMENT •• Veteran journalist Dan Rather was honored at the 38th Edward R. Murrow Symposium at WSU Pullman. •• Emile C. (Mel) Netzhammer III, who has served as provost and vice president for academic affairs for Keene State College since 2006, was named the new chancellor of Washington State University Vancouver. •• Demolition began on the Hollingbery Fieldhouse Annex to make way for construction of a new $61 million football operations building. The new facility will serve as a home for the Cougar football program. •• The University established a new tradition in September, selecting an official WSU tartan after 34,000 votes were cast by the Cougar Nation. WSU tartan merchandise, including ties, scarves, and other products, are available. 2013 •• The new Brelsford WSU Visitor Center in downtown Pullman, near Reaney Park, was dedicated. The facility serves as the University’s new “front door,” providing a welcoming environment and information about WSU to its guests. •• The new $96 million Veterinary Medical Research Science Building opened its doors. The facility houses state-of-theart biomedical research laboratories and offices for the health science teaching and research programs •• Football fans welcomed the arrival of one the few high-definition video display scoreboards in college football. Located at the east end of Martin Stadium, it measures 73 feet wide and 36 feet high—more than double the size of the previous board. •• Three hundred students moved into the new $32.6 million Northside Residence Hall, the second new residence hall constructed on the Pullman campus since the early 1970s. •• The Federal Aviation Administration selected WSU and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) to co-lead the new Center of Excellence for Alternative Jet Fuels and the Environment. The center aims to foster a new industry focused on developing alternative jet fuels. •• The Cougar family lost one of its most beloved leaders with the passing of Dr. Glenn Terrell, who served as WSU president from 1967 to 1985. He was 93. •• In the fall semester, a full third of the freshman class came from ethnically diverse backgrounds, up from 12 percent just five years ago. Ethnic minorities represented a quarter of the total WSU Pullman student population—the largest percentage in university history. 2014 •• Diane Nash—Freedom Rider, sit-in leader, and key architect of the 1960s civil rights movement—spoke on the Pullman campus in commemoration of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day. •• World-renowned poet, writer, commentator, activist, and educator Nikki Giovanni lectured on the Pullman campus. She has authored more than 30 books and is one of the most widely read American poets. •• For the second year in a row, U.S. News and World Report ranked Washington State University among the top 10 best online graduate business programs for its MBA and Executive MBA degrees. •• The University broke ground for the construction of a new $52.8 million, 96,000-square-foot interdisciplinary clean technology laboratory. The facility will house science and engineering programs and help address a variety of global and environmental challenges. W A S H I N G T O N STATE UNIVERSITY •• Blended Learning, the first in a series of wines created by students in WSU’s viticulture and enology program, was introduced. The University has partnered with the state’s winemakers and grape growers to help Washington become the second-largest wine producing state in the country. Business, and the College of Engineering and Architecture became the Voiland College of Engineering and Architecture. The names honor lifetime contributions that Scott and Linda Carson and Gene and Linda Voiland have made to the colleges, to the university, and to their respective industries. •• The first 23 students in the University’s mechanical engineering program at WSU North Puget Sound at Everett received their diplomas in May. The program in Everett was launched as part of a state initiative to increase the number of engineering and computer science students and graduates. •• The Board of Regents directed university leadership to pursue approval for an independently accredited medical school at WSU Spokane. Leaders of WSU and the University of Washington agreed to dissolve their partnership for remote-site medical education for Washington, Wyoming, Alaska, Montana, and Idaho (WWAMI). Through that partnership, WSU had provided education to first-year medical students for more than 40 years. •• A team of WSU student interns spent the summer working in communities devastated by the March mudslide in Oso along State Route 530. •• The Cougar football program’s new $61 million football operations building opened its doors in time for the first home game of the 2014 season. •• The Daily Evergreen, the WSU studentproduced newspaper, was named the best all-around campus newspaper in the Northwest at the annual regional conference of the Society of Professional Journalists. •• Smithsonian Magazine presented Michael Skinner, a WSU professor of biological sciences, with an American Ingenuity Award for his pioneering work in the field of transgenerational epigenetics. •• A research team led by professors Su Ha and M. Grant Norton developed the first fuel cell that can directly convert fuels, such as jet fuel or gasoline, to electricity. •• The building that houses broadcast news facilities in the Edward R. Murrow College of Communication was dedicated to legendary sports broadcaster, journalist, and WSU alumnus Keith Jackson (’54). •• The Board of Regents approved renaming two of the University’s colleges to recognize alumni. The College of Business became the Carson College of HIGHLIGHTS, 2011–2015 •• Larry W. (Chip) Hunter, a scholar of human resource management and industrial relations, was named the new dean of the Carson College of Business. Dr. Hunter was the senior associate dean of the Wisconsin School of Business at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. •• The Washington State Legislature voted to change a 1917 law limiting the delivery of medical education to the University of Washington. The legislative action clears the way for WSU to seek an independently accredited medical school at its health sciences campus at Spokane. •• On May 9, 2015, one of the best groups of students ever in the history of Washington State University graduated during the annual Commencement ceremony in Beasley Coliseum. •• A new Washington State Connections store opened in downtown Spokane. It joins two other Connections stores in the state: one in Seattle and another in Everett. 2015 •• Renowned scholar and social justice activist Angela Davis, a public face of the ’70s black power movement, spoke before a crowd of more than 1,000 on the Pullman campus. •• The Board of Regents approved the design and financing for a new Multicultural Center on the Pullman campus. The center will provide a central home for multicultural student services and organizations and a diversity hub for the entire student body. Victory Bell, Lewis Alumni Centre •• The largest single gift in WSU Tri-Cities history—$18 million from the Kadlec Regional Medical Center—will support the WSU Tri-Cities College of Nursing. •• A career minister in the U.S. Senior Foreign Service, Asif J. Chaudhry, was named WSU’s vice president for international programs. 2015 SPRING COMMENCEMENT 17 COMMENCEMENT SPEAKERS COMMENCEMENT SPEAKER, 8:00 A.M. CEREMONY Dr. Geoffrey Gamble, who retired in 2009, is currently president emeritus and professor emeritus at Montana State University and is teaching linguistics courses in the anthropology department. From 2011 to 2014 he served in various roles at the University of North Texas including vice president for strategy and operations, vice president for research and economic development, and senior vice provost. Gamble became the 11th president of Montana State University in December 2000. Prior to Montana State, Gamble was the provost and senior vice president at the University of Vermont and served as chief academic and operating officer. He was responsible for the annual budget, operations of academic colleges (including the College of Medicine) and academic/support units, institutional planning, and providing interface and Dr. Geoffrey Gamble President Emeritus and Professor Emeritus, Montana State University staff support for the UVM Board of Trustees. Prior to his service at the University of Vermont, Gamble was at Washington State University where he rose through the ranks to professor of anthropology. During his tenure at WSU, Gamble served as interim provost for one year, vice provost for five years, and held other administrative posts including department chair, director of the Museum of Anthropology, and director of Summer Session. Gamble is the author of two books and a dozen articles on Native American languages and has presented numerous scholarly papers. He is currently completing a dictionary of the Wikchamni language. He has been awarded grants from the National Endowment for the Arts and the National Endowment for the Humanities as well as other organizations and has received service awards from the State of Washington, WSU, the State of Montana, and MSU. Gamble holds a bachelor’s degree in English from Fresno State College, a master’s degree in linguistics from California State University, Fresno, and a doctorate in linguistics from the University of California, Berkeley. He spent a year as a postdoctoral fellow at the Smithsonian Institute. 18 2015 SPRING COMMENCEMENT COMMENCEMENT SPEAKERS COMMENCEMENT SPEAKER, 11:30 A.M. CEREMONY Brad Tilden is the chief executive officer of Alaska Air Group and its two subsidiaries, Alaska Airlines, the nation’s sixth-largest carrier, and Horizon Air, its regional affiliate. The two airlines employ nearly 13,000 people and fly more than 180 aircraft to some 100 destinations throughout the United States, Canada, and Mexico. Alaska was recently added to the Fortune 500. Under the leadership of Tilden and his team, Alaska Air Group’s focus is on providing industry-leading customer service, offering low fares, steadily growing its route network, making Alaska and Horizon the easiest airlines to fly, and building a sense of teamwork and alignment among its employees. Alaska’s people earned recognition for ranking highest in customer service among traditional carriers for seven consecutive years by Brad Tilden Chief Executive Officer, Alaska Air Group J.D. Power & Associates, ranked number one in on-time performance for four consecutive years by FlightStats.com, and received other honors for their philanthropy, community service, and environmental stewardship. In 2013, the International Council on Clean Transportation named Alaska the most fuel-efficient airline in the United States. In addition to these achievements, Alaska Air Group become one of the nation’s most profitable airlines. Tilden previously served as president, executive vice president of finance and planning, chief financial officer, and corporate controller of Alaska Air Group or Alaska Airlines. Before joining the company in 1991, he spent eight years with the accounting firm Price Waterhouse in its offices in Seattle and Melbourne, Australia. Tilden earned a bachelor’s degree in business administration from Pacific Lutheran University and an executive master’s degree in business administration from the University of Washington. He also holds a private pilot’s license with an instrument rating. Tilden serves on the boards of Pacific Lutheran University, the Boy Scouts of America, and the Washington Roundtable (where he is vice chair). He recently completed a term as president of the Chief Seattle Council of the Boy Scouts of America. Introduced to aviation early in life, Tilden grew up a few miles from Seattle-Tacoma International Airport, where he loved to watch Alaska jets take off and land. A resident of Seattle, he is married and has three daughters. In addition to spending time with his family, he enjoys cycling and flying his Cessna 182. 2015 SPRING COMMENCEMENT 19 COMMENCEMENT SPEAKERS COMMENCEMENT SPEAKER, 3:00 P.M. CEREMONY Dr. Mimi Healy is currently the president and CEO of Lasergen, a start-up biotechnology company focused on developing chemistries for next-generation sequencing and cutting-edge medical diagnostics. She leads all aspects of strategy and implementation, corporate finance and fundraising, and product development from research to clinical validation. The company is now in late-stage development of a system that is anticipated to aid in lowering the cost and increasing the accessibility of personalized medicine, particularly in the area of reproductive health and oncology. Prior to her role at Lasergen, she joined Bacterial Barcodes as chief scientific officer. With an interest in combating deadly hospital-acquired infections, she developed a system combining molecular biology and instrumentation, and introduced a novelty to the Dr. Mimi Healy President and CEO of Lasergen Inc. clinical market—web-based software for a medical diagnostic system. Promoted to CEO, she secured financing and drove international commercialization, culminating in a profitable exit via acquisition by a billion-dollar healthcare company. She then led the transition of the product line which included world-wide responsibilities and an appreciation for other countries’ healthcare systems. Healy’s experience includes several positions as a developmental scientist and managing product commercialization in startup biotech companies. Her career began with an industrial postdoctoral position where much of her training took place in Belgium. Healy was raised in Kirkland, Washington, and spent her youth riding horses, playing sports, and participating in 4-H clubs. She spent much of her career traveling and now resides in Texas. She appreciates both the experience and the education she received from WSU, which has served her well on a successful journey in a non-traditional role as a scientist, executive, and woman CEO in the biotechnology industry. She serves on several grant review boards and academic advisory committees, has published in various scientific journals and authored multiple book chapters, and is an inventor on several patents. Healy holds a bachelor’s of science degree in biology with a minor in chemistry and a bachelor’s of arts degree in psychology of industry and organizations from Central Washington University. She received a master’s degree in biology and a doctorate in microbiology from Washington State University. 20 2015 SPRING COMMENCEMENT Candidates for Advanced and Professional Degrees Names in this program include May 2015 graduate and undergraduate applicants and August 2015 undergraduate applicants who applied by the May 2015 application deadline. August 2015 undergraduate applicants who did not meet the May application deadline and all August graduate applicants will be listed in the fall 2015 commencement program. This program is not a listing of those attending the spring ceremony. 2015 SPRING COMMENCEMENT 21 CANDIDATES FOR ADVANCED DEGREES Candidates for Advanced Degrees THE GRADUATE SCHOOL The following candidates will be presented by Dean of the Graduate School William Andrefsky. Doctor of Education Kathleen Chatfield B.A., Arizona College of the Bible M.Ed., Oregon State University Thesis: The Faculty Experience of Structured Hybrid Course Design and Its Effect on Student Learning. Major Advisor: Richard Sawyer Jennifer Bethman B.A., Illinois State University M.Ed., City University Thesis: The Principal Evaluation Process: Perceptions on Principal’s Learning as a Result of the Evaluation. Major Advisor: Kristin Huggins Aaron Dahlgren B.A., M.I.T., Whitworth University Thesis: Culturally Responsive Classroom Management. Major Advisor: Richard Sawyer Heather Fowler B.A., Washington State University M.I.T., City University Thesis: TPEP Implementation and Changing Practice. Major Advisor: Richard Sawyer David Hammond B.A., Washington State University M.Ed., University of Washington Thesis: Principals Evaluators and Principals Perceptions of Principal Professional Development. Major Advisor: Kristin Huggins 22 2015 SPRING Jared Hoadley B.A., Whitworth University M.Ed., Gonzaga University Thesis: Student Reenegagement Protocol. Major Advisor: Gordon Gates Craig Meador B.S., Western Oregon University M.S., Portland State University Thesis: Meeting the Needs of Visually Impaired Students in Washington State. Major Advisor: Kristin Huggin Joshua Meek B.A. Washington State University M.Ed., University of Puget Sound Thesis: HRO and Mindfulness in the High School Principalship. Major Advisor: Gordon Gates Carole Meyer B.A., Eastern Washington University M.Ed., Whitworth University Thesis: School Principal’s Reassignment Under Race to the Top Legislation: Washington State’s Principals. Major Advisor: Gail Furman Teresa Ohrt B.S., Oklahoma Wesleyan University M.A., University of Northern Iowa Thesis: A Case Study of a School District: Administrators’ Intentions and Teachers’ Perceptions of Professional Development. Major Advisor: Tamara Nelson COMMENCEMENT Kevin Peterson B.A., Whitworth University M.Ed., Lesley University Thesis: Mindfulness in Instructional Leadership of Elementary School Principals. Major Advisor: Gordon Gates Keith Reyes B.A., Howard Payne University M.A., University of Texas-El Paso Thesis: Lost in Translation: An Anatomy of Minority Schooling in the American K-12 System. Major Advisor: Xyanthe Neider Jenny Rodriquez B.A., Ed.M., Washington State University Thesis: Mindful Instructional Leadership: The Connection Between Principal Mindfulness and School Practices. Major Advisor: Gordon Gates Kenneth Russell B.A., M.A., Whitworth University Thesis: Collective Mindfulness on Improving Instruction. Major Advisor: Gordon Gates Dan Sakaue B.S., M.S., University of Oregon Thesis: Japanese American and Japanese Canadian School Leaders in the Pacific Northwest: Personal Histories and Leadership Behaviors. Major Advisor: Paul Goldman Wendy Watson B.A, Eastern Washington University M.A., Gonzaga University Thesis: The Role of an Early Warning System to Support Freshmen: An Action Research Study. Major Advisor: Gordon Gates Doctor of Nursing Practice Timothy Blanscett B.S.N., Washington State University Major Advisor: Karen Caines Bart Brinkmann B.S.N., Lewis-Clark State College Major Advisor: Linda Ward Jill Carter B.S.N., Walla Walla University M.Nurs., Washington State University Major Advisor: Linda Eddy Chelsea Draper B.S., Washington State University Major Advisors: Cynthia Fitzgerald and Linda Eddy Cathy Mitchell B.S., Chapman University B.S., MNurs., Medical University of South Carolina Major Advisor: Catherine Van Son Caitlin Shino B.S.N., Washington State University Major Advisor: Cynthia Fitzgerald Kristy VanHook B.S.N., Washington State University Major Advisor: Linda Ward Kelsey White B.S.N., Washington State University Major Advisor: Janet Purath Doctor of Philosophy AMERICAN STUDIES Darrell Hogge B.A., Washington State University Thesis: People Returning to the Reservation. Major Advisor: John Streamas CANDIDATES ANIMAL SCIENCES Christopher Gambino B.S., North Carolina State University Thesis: Reactive Nitrogen and United States Beef Feeding Systems: Sources, Sinks, and Solutions. Major Advisor: Kristen Johnson ANTHROPOLOGY Sarah Council B.A., M.A., University of Arkansas Thesis: Overweight and Obesity Among Women in Rural Dominica. Major Advisor: Marsha Quinlan James Dolan B.A., University of British Columbia M.A., Washington State University Thesis: Economics and Inequality in a Marpole Community. Major Advisor: Colin Grier Louis Fortin B.A., M.S., University of Maine Thesis: Wari Lithic Networks: An Examination of Stone Tool Use at Cerro Baul and Cerro Mejia. Major Advisor: Andrew Duff Lyle Nakonechny B.A., Whitman College M.A., Washington State University Thesis: Archaeological Survey and Testing in the Willapa River Valley of Southwest Washington. Major Advisor: Robert Ackerman Adam Rorabaugh B.A., Washington State University M.A., Western Washington University Thesis: Investigating Restricted Knowledge in Lithic Craft Traditions Among the Pre-contact Coast Salish. Major Advisor: Colin Grier Casey Roulette B.A., M.A., Washington State University Thesis: Behavioral Ecology of Tobacco and Cannabis Use Among Aka Foragers of the Congo Basin. Major Advisor: Edward Hagen Kristin Safi B.A., University of Denver M.A., California State University, Long Beach Thesis: Costly Signaling Among Great Houses on the Chaco Periphery. Major Advisor: Andrew Duff BIOLOGICAL AND AGRICULTURAL ENGINEERING George Mathew Neerackal B.Tech., Kerala Agricultural University Thesis: Mitigation of Ammonia Emissions from Confined Dairy Operations. Major Advisor: Pius Ndegwa Sayed Hossein Sadeghi B.S., University of Tehran M.S., Isfahan University of Technology Thesis: New Methods to Evaluate and Adjust the Design of Center Pivot and Micro-Irrigation Laterals for Improved Uniformity. Major Advisor: R. Troy Peters Yi Wei B.E., Zhejiang University Thesis: Advanced Upgrading of Pyrolysis Oil via Liquid-Liquid Extraction and Catalytically Upgrading. Major Advisor: Hanwu Lei BOTANY James Riser B.S., Northern Arizona University M.S., University of Colorado at Denver Thesis: Species Boundaries in Southwestern Plants. Major Advisor: Eric Roalson BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION ADVANCED DEGREES Na Su B.A., Beijing Jiaotong University M.B.A., Beijing International Studies University Thesis: US-Based Hotel Brand Personality. Major Advisor: Dennis Reynolds Jonathan Jackson B.S., Washington State University Thesis: Quantity Discounts, Capacity Decisions, and Channel Structure Choices in Supply Chains. Major Advisor: Charles Munson Xun Xu B.S., Fudan University M.A., Renmin University of China Thesis: Supply Chain Management and Coordination in a Hospitality Context. Major Advisor: Charles Munson Sakdipon Juasrikul B.A., Thammasat University M.B.A., Chiang Mai University Thesis: Cultural and Institutional Context, Entrepeneurship and International Venturing. Major Advisor: Arrvvind Sahaym Hyunsoon Yim B.S., Dongguk University M.B.A., Purdue University Thesis: The Role of CSR in a Strategic Alliance. Major Advisor: Uchila Umesh Sangyoun Lee B.B.A., Korea University M.S., Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology Thesis: Three Essays on Foreign Firms Capital Raising and Their Survivability in the US. Major Advisor: John Cullen CHEMICAL ENGINEERING Chang Liu B.E., M.S., Hunan University Thesis: Essays on Corporate Governance. Major Advisor: Donna Paul Richie Liu B.S., Santa Clara University M.B.A., Gonzaga University Thesis: Rebranding: Two Essays. Major Advisor: David Sprott Tyler Stumpf B.U.S., North Dakota State University M.B.A., Gonzaga University Thesis: Navigating the Elusive Industry: A Grounded Theory on Hotel Business Management in a Pacific Island. Major Advisor: Nancy Swanger 2015 FOR Christian Cuba Torres B.S., Universidad Nacional de Ingenieria Thesis: Study of the Dynamics of the MoO2Mo2C System for Catalytic Partial Oxidation Reactions. Major Advisor: Su Ha Stephen Davidson B.S., University of Colorado at Boulder Thesis: Role of Zn0 in the Ethanol Steam Reforming Process Over C0 Based Catalysts. Major Advisor: Yong Wang Timothy Harrington B.S., University of California, San Diego M.S., University of California, Irvine Thesis: Bioelectrochemical Systems for Energy and Biocommodity Production. Major Advisor: Haluk Beyenal SPRING COMMENCEMENT 23 CANDIDATES FOR ADVANCED DEGREES Courtney Herring B.S., University of Idaho M.S., Washington State University Thesis: Characterization of Particulate Pollution by Aerosol Mass Spectrometry. Major Advisor: Timothy VanReken Samuel Morrison B.S., Northern Arizona University Thesis: Analyses of Cosmic and Fission Induced Neutron Activation Products. Major Advisor: Sue Clark Jamelyn Holladay B.S., Brigham Young University Thesis: Modeling and Demonstration of a Sub-Watt Scale Methanol Reformer. Major Advisor: Yong Wang Ricardi Duvil B.S., Suffolk University M.Env.Eng, John Hopkins University M.S., University of Pennsylvania Thesis: The Use of Nitrate as a resource to Control Mercury Cycling in Lakes and Reservoirs. Major Advisor: Marc Beutel Shuozhen Hu B.S., Hebei Institute of Technology Thesis: Investigation of Electrocatalytic Trend of Pd-based Bimetallic Surfaces for Formic Acid Oixidation. Major Advisor: Su Ha Zhehao Wei B.E., M.E., Tianjin University Thesis: Understanding the Bimetallic Catalyst Surface and Its Catalytic Character in Biomass Conversion. Major Advisor: Yong Wang CHEMISTRY Mihindra Dunuwille B.S., University of Colombo Thesis: Thermo-Chemical Stabilities of NonConventional Energetic Materials: Nitrate, Perchlorate and Perox. Major Advisor: ChoongShik Yoo Jeremy Eskelsen B.S., B.S., Brigham Young University Thesis: New Organic Nanostructures for Flexible Optoelectronic Devices. Major Advisor: Ursula Mazur 24 2015 SPRING CIVIL ENGINEERING COMMUNICATION Natalie Grecu B.A., Purdue University Thesis: Aiming for Collaboration: An Adaptive Issues Management for Segmentation (AIMS) Model for Environmental Communication. Major Advisor: Todd Norton Lok Pokhrel B.A., M.A., Tribhuvan University M.A., Georgia State University Thesis: News Media Framing of Obesity and Ethical Concerns. Major Advisor: Elizabeth Hindman COMPUTER SCIENCE Jeffrey Daily B.S., M.S., Washington State University Thesis: Scalable Parallel Methods for Analyzing Metagenomics Data at Extreme Scale. Major Advisor: Anantharaman Kalyanaraman COMMENCEMENT Prafulla Dawadi B.E., Tribhuvan University Thesis: Automated Functional Assessment of Smart Home Residents. Major Advisor: Diane Cook Abhik Ray B.S., University of Calcutta M.S., West Bengal University of Technology Thesis: Structural Pattern Discovery in Dynamic Graphs. Major Advisor: Lawrence Holder Jessica Smith B.S., M.S., University of Idaho Thesis: An Efficient Method of Reverse Engineering NonTerminating Finite State Machines. Major Advisor: Carl Hauser Zachary Wemlinger B.A., University of New Mexico Thesis: Methods for Integrating Ontological Models into Smart Environment Activity Recognition Algorithms. Major Advisor: Lawrence Holder Bolong Zeng B.S., Tsinghua University Thesis: Specification with Buchi Automaton: Metrics, Tools and Performance Evaluation. Major Advisor: Tan Li CRIMINAL JUSTICE Gassan Abess Diploma, B.S., University of Sierra Leone M.A., University of Toledo Thesis: Legitimating the Sierra Leone Police: Politics, Corruption, and Public Trust. Major Advisor: Otwin Marenin Lauren Block B.S., Truman State University M.A., Washington State University Thesis: Striking a Balance between Efficiency and Fairness: An Evaluation of Early Case Resolution. Major Advisor: David Brody Francis Boateng B.A., University of Ghana M.A., Washington State University Thesis: Trust in the Police: Analysis of Urban Cities in Ghana. Major Advisor: Otwin Marenin Christopher Campbell B.A., M.A., Ohio University Thesis: Dooming Failure: Understanding the Impact, Utility, and Practice of Returns on Technical Violations. Major Advisor: Zachary Hamilton Stephen James B.S., University of Dublin Trinity College M.A., Washington State University Thesis: Fatigue and Distraction in Police Simulated Driving. Major Advisor: Bryan Vila Roger Schaefer B.A., University of Northern Iowa M.S., Indiana State University Thesis: Assessing the Impact of the Continuum of Care Within the Context of Sex Offender Community Supervision in Washington State: A Focal Concerns Perspective. Major Advisor: Faith Lutze CANDIDATES CROP SCIENCE Attawan Aramrak B.S., M.S., Kasetsart University Thesis: Characterization of Glyphosate-Resistant Mechanism(s) in Spring Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). Major Advisor: Ian Burke Brady Carter B.S., Weber State University M.S., Washington State University Thesis: Investigations into the Practical Applications of the Critical Water Activity from Dynamic Dewpoint. Major Advisor: Arron Carter Rizwana Maqbool B.S., M.S., University of Agriculture Thesis: Molecular Characterization of Tiller Number Trait and Transfer of Herbicide Resistance in Wheat. Major Advisor: Kulvinder Gill Hao Peng B.S., Wuhan University M.S., Chinese Academy of Science Ph.D., Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences Thesis: Role of ATAF2 in Arabidopsis Brassinosteroid Catabolism and Seedling Development. Major Advisor: Michael Neff Jennifer Trapp B.S., Idaho State University M.S., Washington State University Thesis: Breeding for Drought Tolerance in Common Bean. Major Advisor: Michael Pumphrey ECONOMICS Wen Chen B.S., Utah State University B.S., Wuhan University of Technology Thesis: Corporate Decision Making and Information. Major Advisor: Robert Rosenman Pavan Kumar Reddy Dhanireddy B.S. Acharya NG Ranga Agricultural University M.S., University of Arizona Thesis: Essays on Trade, Immigration and Microfinance. Major Advisor: Andrew Cassey Zarrina Juraqulova Diplom, Technologial University of Tajikistan Thesis: Academic Labor Market and Family Planning. Major Advisor: Jill McCluskey Tongzhe Li Bachelor, Huazhong Agricultural University M.S., North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University Thesis: Experimental Economics and Sustainable Energy. Major Advisor: Jill McCluskey Boying Liu B.E., M.S., China Agricultural University Thesis: Environmental Policy, Greenhouse Gas Polluting Inputs, and Lifecycle Analysis. Major Advisor: C. Richard Shumway Georgina Mitchell B.A., Eastern Washington University Thesis: Trust Funds and Tutoring: An Analysis of Student Success. Major Advisor: Jill McCluskey Sansi Yang B.S., China Agricultural University Thesis: Dynamics in U.S. Agriculture under Climate Change, Production Uncertainty and Endogenous Growth. Major Advisor: C. Richard Shumway EDUCATION Reima Abobaker B.A., University of Benghazi B.A., Garyounis University M.A., University of Exeter Thesis: The Effect of Written Scaffolds on Different Proficiency Levels of L2 Listening Comprehension. Major Advisor: Tom Salsbury Abdulhadi Alotaibi B.Ed., King Saud University M.Ed., University of Exeter Thesis: Knowledge and Use of Applied Behavior Analysis among Teachers of Students with ASD in Saudi Arabia. Major Advisor: Darcy Miller Jennifer Ambriz B.A., Ed.M., Washington State University Thesis: SCCT and Mexican/MexicanAmerican Youth Career Development, with a Special Focus on STEM Fields. Major Advisor: A. Timothy Church Adisa Anderson B.A., University of California, Irvine Thesis: Alcohol Use in African American Adults: The Role of Personality and Racial Identity. Major Advisor: A. Timothy Church Saad Athbah B.A., King Abdul Aziz University M.A., Washington State University Thesis: Parents Attitudes Toward the Use of Technology and Portable Devices with Children with Autism. Major Advisor: Darcy Miller 2015 FOR ADVANCED DEGREES Adam Attwood B.A., M.A., Eastern Washington University Thesis: Aesthetic Literacy through the AvantGarde: Establishing an Aesthetically Responsive Curriculum. Major Advisor: Anthony Rud Abraham Barouch Gilbert Bachelor, Instituto Tecnologico de Santo Domingo M.A., Western Michigan University Thesis: Self-Efficacy Beliefs of Former Probationary Students. Major Advisor: Michael Trevisan Mary Crowell B.S., University of Idaho Thesis: Facilitating Difficult Knowledge in the Classroom: Intimate Transgressive Pedagogy from a Psychoanalytic and Post Structural Feminist Framework. Major Advisor: Pamela Bettis Araceli Frias B.A., M.S., Eastern Washington University Thesis: Reconceptualizing Graduate School Preparation: Examining Undergraduate Scholars’ Responses to a Critical Race Curriculum. Major Advisor: Pamela Bettis Kenneth Halpin B.A., Willamette University M.A., Gonzaga University Thesis: Former Student Athlete Donor Constraints at NCAA Institutions. Major Advisor: John Wong Weiwei Huang B.A., Fort Hays State University M.Ed., University of Massachusetts at Amherst Thesis: The Influence of Learning Styles on Chinese Students Attitudes towards Peer Feedback. Major Advisor: Thomas Salsbury SPRING COMMENCEMENT 25 CANDIDATES FOR ADVANCED Terese King B.S., Marian College of Fond Du Lac M.A., Washington State University Thesis: Student Perspectives on Parent Involvement in College Beyond the First Year. Major Advisor: Kelly Ward Nicolau Manuel B.A., University of Agostinho Neto M.S., Southern Illinois University - Carbondale Thesis: Language and Literacy Policies in SubSaharan Africa: Towards a Bilingual Education Policy in Angola. Major Advisor: Pamela Bettis DEGREES Deborah Tamakloe B.S., M.A., University College of Education of Winneba M.A., University of Ghana Thesis: Exploration of Assistive Technology Use with Students with Disabilities in Early Childhood. Major Advisor: Susan Banks Jason Wu B.B.A., University of California, San Diego Thesis: Relationships Between Bicultural Identity Integration, Psychological Flexibility, and Nonattachment. Major Advisor: Brian McNeill Maria Morales B.A., Eastern Washington University Thesis: Conocimiento y Testimonio: Mexican American Children of (Im)migrants in Cherry Orchards. Major Advisor: Pamela Bettis Stephen Yoder B.G.S., M.A., University of Idaho Thesis: Critical Pedagogy and the Implementation of a Place-Based Educational Curriculum in Higher Education. Major Advisor: Michael Hayes Nichole Olson B.A., St Cloud State University M.A., Washington State University Thesis: Positive Adaptation in Women Following Sexual Assault: A Grounded Theory Study. Major Advisor: Laurie McCubbin ELECTRICAL AND COMPUTER ENGINEERING Suda Shaman Bachelor, Teachers College at Najran M.A., Washington State University Thesis: Using the Expanded Keyword Method to Help K-12 Students Develop Vocabulary Knowledge. Major Advisor: Thomas Salsbury Yannan Wang B.E., Tsinghua University Thesis: Decentralized Communication and Control Systems for Power System Operation. Major Advisor: Anjan Bose 26 2015 SPRING Bryan Minor B.S., Washington State University Thesis: Prediction of Inhabitant Activities In Smart Environments. Major Advisor: Thomas Fischer ENGINEERING SCIENCE Sadeg Abdurahman B.S., Nasser University M.S., Academy of Higher Studies Tripoli Thesis: Arundo Donax (Giant Reed) Phytoremediation Function of Chromium (Cr) Removal. Major Advisor: Claudio Stockle COMMENCEMENT Malavika Sinha B.S., M.S., University of Kalyani M.S., University of Missouri, Rolla Thesis: A Carbonarius: A Model Organism for Future Advanced Biofuel Production. Major Advisor: Birgitte Ahring ENGLISH Elizabeth Edwards B.A., University of California, Riverside M.A., California State University, Long Beach M.Pub.Pol., California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo Thesis: Using Labor, Cost, and Efficiency to Help Writing Assessment Compete against Automated Essay Scoring. Major Advisor: Patricia Ericsson Way Jeng B.A., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign M.A., Youngstown State University Thesis: Rhetorical Teaching: Reinvigorating Invention Pedagogy in First-Year Composition. Major Advisor: Wendy Olson Daniela Miranda B.A., M.A., Universidad de Costa Rica Thesis: Queer Repetitions. Major Advisor: T.V. Reed Justin Obara B.A., Keene State College M.A., California State University, East Bay Thesis: Pathos: “Resources of Ambiguity.” Major Advisor: Wendy Olson Michael Sutcliffe B.A., M.A., California State University, Sacramento Thesis: Writing Out (from) Prisons: Critical Literacy, Prison Abolition, and a Queer(ed), Public Pedagogy. Major Advisor: Wendy Olson David Tagnani B.A., The Pennsylvania State University M.A., Eastern Washington University Thesis: Ecomysticism: Materialism and Mysticism in American Literature. Major Advisor: Christopher Arigo Sarah Thaller B.A., University of California, Davis M.A., San Diego State University Thesis: Crazy Stories and Unhinged Tropes: Portrayals of Mental Illness in Young Adult Literature. Major Advisor: Carol Siegel ENTOMOLOGY Herma Amalia Sarjana, M.S., Bogor Agricultural University Thesis: Characterization of Insecticide Resistance Mechanisms in the Western Tarnished Plant Bug. Major Advisor: Douglas Walsh Natalie Boyle B.S., Western Washington University M.S., Washington State University Thesis: Pollinatormediated Gene Flow in Alfalfa Seed Fields. Major Advisor: Douglas Walsh Katharine Buckley B.S., Purdue University M.S., University of Florida Thesis: An Analysis of Native Habitat Restoration in Wine Grape Vineyards as a Pest Management Strategy. Major Advisor: David James Cami Jones B.S., Washington State University Thesis: Biotic Factors Affecting Tick Blood Feeding. Major Advisor: Jeb Owens CANDIDATES Rebecca Schmidt-Jeffris B.S., Washburn University of Topeka Thesis: Phytoseiids as Control Agents of Phytophagous Mites in Washington Apple Orchards. Major Advisor: Elizabeth Beers Adam Strong B.S., M.S., Colorado State University Thesis: Interactions Between Oropsylla montana, Yersinia pestis, and Environmental Stress. Major Advisor: Jeb Owen ENVIRONMENTAL AND NATURAL RESOURCE SCIENCES Susanne Canwell B.S., M.S., Eastern Washington University Thesis: Population Genetics of Phalaris arundinacea at Turnbull National Wildlife Refuge. Major Advisor: Linda Hardesty Abdulrazag Etelawi B.A., M.A., Al-Mergueb University Thesis: Oil and the Libyan Economy. Major Advisor: Keith Blatner Tammy Lee B.S., University of California, Berkeley Thesis: Influences of the Environment and Plankton Community Interactions on Toxic Cyanobacterial Blooms. Major Advisor: Stephen Bollens Kathryn Tillotson B.A., Simpson College M.S., Washington State University Thesis: Campaigns, Perceptions, and Consumption: A Mixed Methods Study of Freshwater Management. Major Advisor: Todd Norton FOOD SCIENCE Thuy Nguyen B.S., University of California, Davis Thesis: Prebiotic Role of Cranberries on Gut Health. Major Advisor: Meijun Zhu Elizabeth Wood B.S., University of California, Davis Thesis: Exploring the Relationship Between Engineered Nanoparticles and Tomato Surfaces. Major Advisor: Barbara Rasco GEOLOGY Allen Andersen B.S., Northwest Missouri State University M.S., Washington State University Thesis: Rare-earth Fractionation and Mineralization During Hydrothermal and Supergene Modifications of a Carbonatite Stockwork in the Bear Lodge Alkaline Complex, Wyoming. Major Advisor: Peter Larson HISTORY Brett Bell B.A., University of California, Davis M.A., University of Alabama Thesis: Curse of the Forbidden Fruit: Southern Opposition during the Mexican War. Major Advisor: Jennifer Thigpen Amanda Link B.A., University of Montana M.A., Washington State University Thesis: Specters of Empire: Remembrance of the Great War in the Irish Free State, 1914-1937. Major Advisor: Raymond Sun Christopher Schlect B.A., Washington State University M.A., University of Idaho Thesis: Onward Christian Administrators. Major Advisor: Matthew Sutton Jacki Tyler B.A., Washington State University M.A., Arizona State University Thesis: The Power of Political Chatter: Settler Colonialism and the Construction of Race, Gender, and Citizenship in Oregon. Major Advisor: Peter Boag HORTICULTURE Franklin Johnson B.S., University of Maryland at College Park M.S., University of Hawaii at Manoa Thesis: Apple Fruit Carbon Dioxide Injury. Major Advisor: Katherine Evans Rachel Leisso B.S., University of Wisconsin-Madison M.S., Montana State University, Bozeman Thesis: Postharvest Metabolomics of Soft Scald and Soggy Breakdown of Malus domestica cv. ‘Honeycrisp’ Fruit. Major Advisor: John Fellman Rulon Spear B.S., Utah State University Thesis: Superior Fresh Market Potatoes Revealed through Production Economics and Consumer Preference, and Maximizing Creamer-Sized Potatoes by Altering the Spatial Arrangement of Seed Pieces. Major Advisor: Mark Pavek 2015 FOR ADVANCED DEGREES INDIVIDUAL INTERDISCIPLINARY Antonie Bodley B.Lib.a., M.A., Washington State University Thesis: What Androids Will Teach Us About Being Human: Science Fiction, Science Fact and Where the Two Will Meet. Major Advisor: Joseph Campbell Christine Brown B.A., University of Washington M.A., Eastern Washington University Thesis: Harry Potawatami and the Invisibility Cloak of U.S. Colonialism. Major Advisor: C. Richard King Amy Cole B.A., University of California, Davis M.A., Washington State University Thesis: Empowered Fitness: Exploring Empowerment for Female Sexual Assault Victims in Group Exercise. Major Advisor: Sarah Ullrich-French Christine Crudo B.A., M.A., Washington State University Thesis: Evaluation of World Preparedness Regarding the Outbreak of Zoonotic Pathogens. Major Advisor: Thomas Preston Dana Vaux B.A., Washington State University M.A., Washington State University Thesis: An Ethos of Place: Constructing a Historical Understanding of Place Experience. Major Advisor: David Wang SPRING COMMENCEMENT 27 CANDIDATES FOR ADVANCED MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING Seyedeh Samaneh Tabatabaei B.A., Azad University of Tehran M.A., University of Tehran Thesis: Polymer Dynamics: Membrane Interactions and PhotoMechanics. Major Advisor: James Brozik MATERIALS SCIENCE Prabodh Dhakal B.S., M.S., Tribhuvan University Thesis: Correlation Between Molecular Structure and Self Healing in a Series of Anthraquinone Derivatives Doped in Poly(methyl methacrylate). Major Advisor: Mark Kuzyk Qian He B.E., Hunan University Thesis: Enhanced Redox Stability of Titanium Doped Molybdenum Dioxide. Major Advisor: Grant Norton Alireza Narimannezhad B.S., M.S., Sharif University of Technology Thesis: Simulation Studies and Fabrication of Microtraps with Long Aspect Ratio. Major Advisor: Kelvin Lynn Pavlo Rudenko Diplom, Kharkov V.N. Karazin National University M.S., Washington State University Thesis: Understanding Superlubricity of In Situ Formed Trilofilms by Magnesium Hydrosilicate Nanoparticles. Major Advisor: Amit Bandyopadhyay DEGREES MATHEMATICS Tom Lougheed B.F.A., Montana State University, Bozeman Thesis: STEM Students, Mathematics Grades, and Graduation Rates. Major Advisor: Sandra Cooper Benjamin Small B.S., Seattle University Thesis: On AlphaCritical Graphs and their Construction. Major Advisor: Matthew Hudelson Wen Wang B.S., University of Washington M.S., Washington State University Thesis: Numerical Methods for American Option Pricing with Nonlinear Volatility. Major Advisor: Hong Ming Yin MECHANICAL ENGINEERING Khaled Adam B.E., Garyounis University B.E., University of Benghazi Thesis: Modeling Microstructural Evolution during Recrystallization of Hot Rolled High Strength AA 7050. Major Advisor: David Field Jake Fisher B.S., Emory University Thesis: Characterization of Twin Screw Extruder for Fueling Fusion Tokamaks. Major Advisor: Jacob Leachman Erman Guleryuz B.S., Osmangazi University Thesis: Multiscale Modeling of Nanomechanical Problems. Major Advisor: Sinisa Mesarovic Graden Hardy B.S., Brigham Young University Thesis: Generating Triple Junction Distributions. Major Advisor: David Field 28 2015 SPRING COMMENCEMENT Colin Merriman B.S., M.S., Washington State University Thesis: Microstructure Evolution of FCC Metals During the Explosive Welding Process. Major Advisor: David Field Ross Rowsey B.S., Washington State University Thesis: Insights into the Maternal Age Effect on Aneuploidy. Major Advisor: Terry Hassold MD Rezanoor B.S., Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology M.S., University of Southern California Thesis: Rotation of Spherical Microparticles in Linearly Polarized AC Electric Field. Major Advisor: Prashanta Dutta Amanda Wager B.S., University of Washington Thesis: Identification and Characterization of Players in the Jasmonate Signaling Pathway. Major Advisor: John Browse Tsun-Kay Jackie Sze B.S., Washington State University Thesis: Modeling and Simulation of Osmotic Phenomena: The Application of Transporter Proteins in Microfluids. Major Advisor: Prashanta Dutta MOLECULAR BIOSCIENCES Frieda Chan B.A., San Francisco Conservatory of Music M.Mus., University of Michigan, Ann Arbor Ph.D., State University of New York, State University at Stony Brook Thesis: To Be, or Not to Be: The Molecular Mechanisms That Determine Stem Cell Fate. Major Advisor: Patricia Hunt Marshall Deline B.S., Washington State University Thesis: Fatty Acid Epoxides Produced by Cytochrome P450s Mediate the Deleterious Effects of Dietary DGLA. Major Advisor: Jennifer Watts Sven Nelson B.S., Washington State University Thesis: Transcriptomic and Hormonal Analyses to Elucidate the Control of Arabidopsis Seed Dormancy. Major Advisor: Michael Neff and Camille Steber MOLECULAR PLANT SCIENCES Reuben Tayengwa B.S., University of Zimbabwe B.S., Purdue University M.S., University of Florida Thesis: Overexpression Analysis of Arabidopsis thaliana AHL and SOFL Genes. Major Advisor: Michael Neff NEUROSCIENCE Kimberly Honn B.S., Washington State University Thesis: Sleep Loss and Workload: Cognitive Effects and Physiology. Major Advisor: Hans Van Dongen Marcella Oonk B.S., M.S., Radboud Universiteit Njimegen Thesis: Modeling the Effects of Sleep Loss in Animals. Major Advisor: Hans VanDongen CANDIDATES Brandon Roberts B.S., Washington State University Thesis: Serotonin and Glucose Modulate Hindbrain Catecholamine Neurons. Major Advisor: Suzanne Appleyard Yangmiao Zhang B.S., M.S., Nanjing University Thesis: A Mechanistic Study of Hyperbaric Oxygen-Induced Antinociception in a Rat Model of Neuropathic Pain. Major Advisor: Raymond Quock NUTRITION AND EXERCISE PHYSIOLOGY Josef Felver B.A., Southwestern College M.S., Washington State University Thesis: Ultrafast Carrier Dynamics in Thin Film Hydrogenated Amorphous Silicon and SiliconGermanium Alloys. Major Advisor: Philip Marston Seyed Ebrahim Gharashi B.S., University of Rafsanjan M.S., Shahid Beheshti University Thesis: Low Dimensional Cold Atom Systems: Dynamics and Properties of Small Two-Component Fermi Gas. Major Advisors: Michael Miller and Doerte Blume Kari Hilgendorf B.Pharm., Washington State University Thesis: Exercise and Associations with Physiological Ramifications of Chronic Maltreatment in Children. Major Advisor: Judy Knuth Adam Goler B.S., American University Thesis: Understanding Molecular Machines: Theoretical and Experimental Approaches. Major Advisor: Matthew McCluskey and James Brozik PHARMACEUTICAL SCIENCES Sheng-Ting Hung B.S., Fu Jen Catholic University M.S., National Sun Yat-Sen University Thesis: Using Sum Rules and Nonlinear Spectroscopy to Characterize the Effects of Excited State Transitions on the Nonlinear-Optical Response of a Molecule. Major Advisor: Michael Miller Mandi Hopkins B.S., Whitworth University Thesis: Characterization of the Effects of Free Fatty Acid Receptor 4 (FFA4) Agonists on Human Cancer Cells. Major Advisor: Kathryn Meier PHYSICS Michael Deaton B.S., Abilene Christian University Thesis: Neutrinos in Mergers of Neutron Stars with Black Holes. Major Advisor: Matthew Duez Jianfeng Ji B.S., Nanjing University Thesis: Donors and Defects Characterizations in ZNO by Luminescence Techniques. Major Advisor: Matthew McCluskey Daniel Plotnick B.A., Beloit College Thesis: Imaging and Spectral Analysis of Acoustical Scattering by Underwater Objects Near Flat Interfaces. Major Advisor: Philip Marston FOR ADVANCED DEGREES Danilo Vera Coello B.E., Universidad Agraria del Ecuador M.S., Federal University of Vicosa Thesis: Role of the Ascigerous Stage in the Epidemiology of Eyespot in Wheat. Major Advisor: Timothy Murray Baitian Tang B.S., M.S., Nanjing University Thesis: Investigating [X/Fe], IMF and Compositeness in Integrated Light Models. Major Advisor: Guy Worthey David Zartman B.S., B.A., University of Northern Colorado M.S., The Pennsylvania State University Thesis: Symmetric and Asymmetric Reversible Quasi-Holographic Processing of Dual Transducer Sonar. Major Advisor: Philip Marston Hui Yan B.Agron., Northeast Agricultural University M.A., University of Idaho Thesis: Effects of Meteorology Factors on Conidia Infection and Production of Powdery Mildew. Major Advisor: Gary Grove PLANT PATHOLOGY POLITICAL SCIENCE Phuong Dinh B.S., Vietnamese National University M.S., Massey University Thesis: Plant-nematode Interactions and the Application of RNAi in for Controlling Root-Knot Nematodes. Major Advisor: Debra Inglis Audrey Mattoon B.A., University of Idaho M.A., Washington State University Thesis: Determining Success: A Multi-Method Examination of Third Party Interventions Into African Civil Wars. Major Advisor: Martha Cottam Wonyong Kim B.Ag., M.S., Chonnam National University Thesis: Molecular Genetics and Pathogenic Roles of the Phytotoxins. Major Advisor: Weidong Chen PREVENTION SCIENCE Anna Leon B.S., Western Washington University M.S., University of Washington Thesis: Quantification of Fusarium Commune in Douglas-fir Seeding Nurseries. Major Advisor: Gary Chastagner Jinita Sthapit B.S., M.S., Tribhuvan University Thesis: Wheat Landraces for Novel Resistance to Biotic and Abiotic Stresses. Major Advisor: Deven See 2015 Ashley Beck B.S., University of Idaho M.A., Washington State University Thesis: An Integrated Approach to Program Development: A Case Study of a Family-Based Obesity Prevention Program. Major Advisor: Thomas Power PSYCHOLOGY Amy Bender B.A., California State University, San Bernardino M.S., Washington State University Thesis: Objective Markers of Sleep Disturbance as Predictors of Smoking Relapse. Major Advisor: Dennis Dyck SPRING COMMENCEMENT 29 CANDIDATES FOR ADVANCED Meghan Berlingo B.S., M.S., Washington State University Thesis: Ostracism and Rejection Sensitivity: Are the Sensitive Really Sensitive? Major Advisor: Craig Parks Emilia Brown B.A., Wake Forest University M.S., Washington State University Thesis: Treatment Delivery: Improving Psychotherapeutic Results by Integrating Affective Forecasting. Major Advisor: Paul Kwon Dana Richardson Grip B.A., Barnard College B.S., M.S., Norwegian University of Science and Technology Thesis: Identification of Differential Predictors of ADHD Subtypes Using Laboratory Procedures. Major Advisor: Paul Strand SOCIOLOGY Katie Clemons B.A., Whitworth University M.S.W., Eastern Washington University Thesis: Probability of Arrest Based on Sex: A Longitudinal Analysis of Simple Assault, Aggravated Assault, and Robbery from 1996-2010. Major Advisor: Jennifer Schwartz Feng Hao B.A., Shandong Institute of Business and Technology M.A., University of Kentucky Thesis: An Analysis of Three Approaches for Alleviating Ecological Degradation. Major Advisor: Donald Dillman 30 2015 SPRING DEGREES Elizabeth Harris B.A., University of California, Santa Cruz M.A., California State University, East Bay Thesis: Mexican Origin Parenting in Sunnyside. Major Advisor: Monica Johnson Joseph Kremer B.A., Western State College of Colorado M.A., Washington State University Thesis: Environmental Sentencing Disparities in the U.S. Pacific Northwest 2007-2011: A Story of Equality. Major Advisor: Erik Johnson SOIL SCIENCE Tabitha Brown B.S., North Carolina State University M.S., Washington State University Thesis: Precision Management of Nitrogen and Wheat Density: Improving Water and Nitrogen Use Efficiency. Major Advisor: David Huggins Jason Stout B.S., Washington State University Thesis: Developing Sustainable Irrigation Practices in Concord and Cabernet Sauvignon Vineyards. Major Advisor: Joan Davenport Daniel TerAvest B.S., Michigan State University M.S., Washington State University Thesis: Sustainable Intensification of Food Productions Systems in Malawi. Major Advisor: John Reganold COMMENCEMENT VETERINARY SCIENCE Josephine Afema B.V.M., Makerere University M.V.M., University of California, Davis Thesis: Salmonella and Antimicrobial Resistance in Humans, Livestock and Wild Birds. Major Advisor: William Sischo Timothy Casselli B.Med.Sc., University of Western Ontario M.S., University of Calgary Thesis: Identification of Genetic Factors Affecting Host Adaptation and Infectivity by the Lyme Disease Spirochete. Major Advisor: Troy Bankhead Telmo Graca Licenciatura, Masters, Universidade do Algarve Thesis: Anaplasma Marginale Msp2 Variation Exacts a Significant Fitness Cost. Major Advisor: Guy Palmer Lwiindi Mudenda B.A., University of Zambia Master, University of Queensland Thesis: Identification of Dermacentor Andersoni Saliva Proteins that Modulate Mammalian Phagocyte Function. Major Advisor: Wendy Brown Juan Munoz Gutierrez D.V.M., Universidad Nacional Autonomo de Mexico Thesis: Determinants of Prion Susceptibility in a Pathophysiologically Relevant ex vivo Model. Major Advisor: James Stanton Margaret Highland B.S., D.V.M., University of Wisconsin-Madison Thesis: Comparative Investigations of the Immune Systems of Domestic Sheep and Bighorn Sheep. Major Advisor: Donald Knowles Lisa Pearson B.A., Whitman College M.S., Washington State University Thesis: Adiponectin in Equine Reproduction. Major Advisor: Ahmed Tibary Carrie Schmidt B.S., D.V.M., The Pennsylvania State University Thesis: Seasonal Variation in Escherichia coli O157:H7 and Infection of Cattle and Environmental Protozoa. Major Advisor: Thomas Besser Carla Schubiger D.V.M., University of Berne Thesis: Mechanism of Action of a Probiotic Enterobacter on Flavobacterium psychrophilum. Major Advisor: Douglas Call Letizia Tomassini D.V.M., Perugia University M.P.V.M., University of California, Davis Thesis: Microbiota from Dairy Calves. Major Advisor: William Sischo ZOOLOGY Sarah Emel B.A., Dartmouth College M.S., University of Tulsa Thesis: Integrating Niche Modeling and Landscape Genetics to Study Species’ Responses to Climate Change. Major Advisor: Andrew Storfer CANDIDATES The following candidates will be presented by Dean of the Graduate School William Andrefsky. Master’s Degrees MASTER IN TEACHING Renee Allison B.S., University of Southern California Karen Guenther B.A., University of California, Davis Colette Rood B.A., Western Washington University MASTER OF ACCOUNTING Joseph Botkins B.B.A., Washington State University Justin Cadwallader B.A., Washington State University Lauren Carrosino B.B.A., Washington State University Joe Culp B.A., Washington State University Karl Dubeau B.A., Washington State University Nicole Dunn B.A., Washington State University Jin Gao B.B.A., Washington State University Amy Goettelman B.A., Washington State University Brady Hoyem B.A., Washington State University David Kerslake B.A., Washington State University Brendon Myers B.A., Washington State University Katherine Nelson B.A., Washington State University Kun Qian B.Econ., Xi’An Polytechnic University FOR ADVANCED DEGREES Kellie Shinstrom B.A., Washington State University Steven Schmitz B.S., Washington State University Isabel Gutierrez-Johnson B.S., M.S., Pontificia Universidad Javeriana Kelsey Smith B.A., Washington State University Samantha Stanfield B.S., Washington State University Robert Headley Jr B.S., University of Tennessee at Knoxville Paula Tilson B.B.A., Washington State University Joshua Thomson B.Arch.S., Unitec Institute of Technology Sydney Weitzel B.A., Washington State University MASTER OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION Melvin Hubbard B.B.A., Sullivan University Master, Western Carolina University Amy Winsor B.A., Washington State University MASTER OF ARCHITECTURE Arnold Altuna B.A., University of Washington Matthew Bardon B.S., Washington State University Romeo Canada B.S., Washington State University Lauren Cherry B.S., Washington State University Heather Field B.S., Washington State University Gerardo Gonzalez Gomez B.A., Heritage University Xixi He B.Arch., Hefei University of Technology Jose Hurtado Tovar B.A., Washington State University Janessa Johnson B.S., Washington State University Kevin Jones B.S., Washington State University Cassandra Lang B.S., Washington State University Joshua Neumann B.S., Washington State University Ryan Rideout B.A., University of Washington Rajesh Arumugam B.E., University of Madras M.S., California State University, Sacramento Andrea Baseiro B.S., University of Central Florida Raymond Bates B.A., M.S., Michigan State University Danica Benson B.S., Washington State University Ladd Keenan B.B.A., University of Washington Jared Kelly B.A., University of Washington Irene Kyere B.S., University of North Carolina at Greensboro Joshua Boedecker B.S., Oklahoma State University Debra Box B.S., University of Houston M.S., Columbia Southern University John Comstock B.S., Virginia Commonwealth University John Hutson B.A., University of Washington Aparna Kondaboina Bachelor, Osmania University Douglas Birdsall B.A., Washington State University Mark Burson B.A., Portland State University Daniel Hubert B.S., Washington State University Stefan Maat Diplom, Dortmund University of Technology M.S., Ph.D., University of Alabama Murat Mardirossian B.S., University of Arizona Jennifer Martin B.A., University of Washington Jeffrey Maurice B.S., M.S., San Diego State University Shane Dougherty B.S., California State University, Fullerton Jarod Franklin B.A., Washington State University Jennifer Frigaard B.S., Northern Arizona University Sean Gehlen B.A., Washington State University Elijah Gifford B.A., Washington State University 2015 Ryan McCloud B.S., Eastern Oregon University Finnian McNeff B.S., Portland State University John Mendenhall B.S., Utah Valley University Eveline Miller B.S., Oregon State University M.S., California State University, Fullerton Kristin Minetti B.S., California State University, Chico SPRING COMMENCEMENT 31 CANDIDATES FOR ADVANCED DEGREES Steven Morley B.S., Brigham Young University James Yurka B.S., University of Nevada, Las Vegas Eric Tobler D.D.S., University of Nevada, Las Vegas Brittany Thompson B.A., Eastern Washington University Thomas Neary B.B.A., American Public University System MASTER OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION (EXECUTIVE) MASTER OF EDUCATION Duran Torrez B.A., Central Washington University Heidi Nelson B.B.A., Washington State University Tommy Nguyen B.S., University of Colorado at Boulder Ryan Niles B.S., Oregon State University Tamas Horvath B.S., University of Phoenix Aaron Purkeypile B.S., Union College Jennifer Reynolds B.S., University of Houston - University Park Benjamin Servatius B.A., Washington State University David Shokair B.S., San Diego State University Stephanie Starke B.A., University of Washington Steven Stead B.S., Oregon State University Ryan Stutzman B.B.A., University of Washington Josiah Thompson B.B.A., University of Baltimore Michael Tonkinson B.S., Southern Oregon University Lauren Tycksen B.A., Washington State University Mark VanWingerden B.E., University of Michigan, Ann Arbor Scott Williams B.A., Washington State University Tiffany Wong B.B.A., Portland State University 2015 SPRING Crystal Coleman B.S., College of Southern Nevada Carrie Hack B.A., University of Wisconsin-Madison Andrew Pulido B.B.A., American Intercontinental University 32 Glen Bott B.B.A., British Columbia Institute of Technology Brian Lewis B.S., Central Washington University M.Mil.St., Marine Corps University Janice Miller B.A., State University of New Jersey, Rutgers University M.D., University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey Monika Murugesan B.E., Bharathiar University M.S., Arizona State University Jayne Olsen B.S., State Univ of New York, State University at Albany Stephan Olsen B.S., Seattle University Brenda Reetz B.S.N., Chamberlain College of Nursing Adam Richards B.S.N., Washington State University Stephanie Schmidt B.S., University of Waterloo M.S., Ph.D., University of Notre Dame Cary Slominski B.S., North Dakota State University Deena Spicer B.S., Portland State University COMMENCEMENT Eric Andersen B.A., Eastern Washington University Andrea De Lany B.A., University of California, Davis Ruth Dixon B.A., Washington State University Suzanne Gust B.A., Washington State University Dina Ibarra B.A., Washington State University Cassandra Johnson B.A., Washington State University Jennifer Jones B.A., Western Connecticut State University Natalya Kubrakov B.A., Washington State University April Vonderharr B.A., Washington State University MASTER OF ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY MANAGEMENT Kendra Abernethy B.S., University of Oklahoma M.S., University of Washington Carlos Acosta Ingeniero, Instituto Tecnologico Ciudad Cuauhtemoc Joseph Ames B.S., University of Washington Aquila Brown B.E., Oklahoma Christian University of Science and Arts Lisa Kusche B.A., Western Washington University Jorge Caballero B.S., InstItuto Tecnologico y Estudios Superiores Monterrey Lisa Larsen B.A., Washington State University James Coffman B.E., Saint Martin’s University Mariella Lora B.S., Emmanuel College Spencer Daw B.S., Brigham Young University Mahenrika Malixi B.A., University of California, San Diego Jacob McKissick B.A., Washington State University Mario Miranda B.A., Washington State University Yvonne Moore B.A., California State University, San Marcos Amber Randall B.A., Western Washington University Sarah Shadle B.S., Southern Adventist University B.A., Central Washington University Julie Garcia B.B.A., Eastern Michigan University Felix Gutierrez Bueno Bachiller, Universidad APEC Rene Kousari B.S., Arizona State University Ashish Limbasia B.S., Washington State University Tyler Loessin B.A., Washington State University Bashir Mohamud B.S., Wright State University CANDIDATES Jarvis Morrison B.S., Alabama Agricultural and Mechanical University Valerie Kurbis B.S., University of Washington Johnstonne Njuguna B.S, Washington State University Nicholas Malos B.B.A., Pacific Lutheran University Paul Sabin B.S., Washington State University Jamason Schmidt B.S., Brigham Young University, Idaho Hanh Vu B.S., California State University, Long Beach Valeriya Simonova B.A., Washington State University Phoebe Vu B.S., University of Washington Brycen Taylor B.S., Brigham Young University, Idaho Ryan Webster B.S., University of Washington M.S., Washington State University Israel Vidales B.A., College of Idaho MASTER OF FINE ARTS Samantha Cannard B.S., Portland State University Sheetal Wadhwa B.D.S., Maharashtra University of Health Sciences, Nashik Daniel Walker B.S., Brigham Young University, Idaho Zachary Kolden B.F.A., University of Wisconsin-Stout Jared Williams B.S., Arizona State University Kevin Leiter B.F.A., University of Toledo MASTER OF NURSING Jade Lowder B.F.A., Montana State University Phillip Mudd B.A., Washington State University Noelle Pflanz B.F.A., Savannah College of Art and Design MASTER OF HEALTH POLICY AND ADMINISTRATION Cynthia Cole B.A., University of Arizona Barbara Grotting B.A., University of Sioux Falls Leslie Hansen B.S., Central Washington University Ciara O’Neill B.S.N., Washington State University Laurel Tor B.S.N., University of Great Falls Jeanine Yates B.S.N., University of Portland Jessie Dean B.A., Harvard University M.S., Bentley College Jill Hughes B.S., University of Washington Katherine Hirchak B.A., Evergreen State College MASTER OF PUBLIC AFFAIRS Sahana Ingale Bachelor, Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences Tejal Ravindra Kulkarni B.Tech., Padmashree Dr. D.Y.Patil University Jennifer Coiteux B.A., B.S., Eastern Washington University Audrey Miller B.A., Washington State University Denise Smee B.S., California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo Jennifer Snook B.S., Upper Iowa University PROFESSIONAL SCIENCE MASTER’S IN MOLECULAR BIOSCIENCES Stacey Gregersen B.S., Seattle University FOR ADVANCED DEGREES Georgina Dauer B.A., Washington State University Manal Shaheen B.H.E., Minufiya University Merrill Worlund B.S., Washington State University COMMUNICATION Min Seon Jeong B.A., Sookmyung Women’s University Briyonne Heim B.S., University of Washington Shuang Liu B.A., Beijing Second Foreign Language Institute Jaymes Mackay B.S., Washington State University Francis McNeilly B.A., Eastern Washington University Donald Knight B.A., M.B.A., Eastern Washington University Ranran Zhu B.A., Zhejiang University Pingping Tang B.S., Central Washington University CRIMINAL JUSTICE Jalina Acevedo B.A., Whitworth University Qiwei Xu B.S., Jilin University ANTHROPOLOGY Diana Anucinski B.A., Washington State University Jason Chung B.A., California State University, Chico Steven Botelho B.A., Washington State University Rodrigo Emmanuel De Los Santos Alamilla Titulo, Universidad Autonoma de Yucatan Cheyenne Foster B.A., Washington State University Master of Arts Matthew Heatherly B.A., Washington State University Melissa Garfield B.A., University of Nebraska-Lincoln James Hill B.S., University of Redlands Zachary Garfield B.A., University of Nebraska-Lincoln Phillip Jackson B.A., Central Washington University Justin Hopt B.A., Oregon State University Jean Marquez B.A., Washington State University Anna Jordan B.A., University of California, Los Angeles Matthew Marino B.A., University of Florida Lindsey Sebastian B.A., Washington State University Jennifer Tietje B.A., Washington State University APPAREL, MERCHANDISING, AND TEXTILES Oluwatosin Adelaja B.S., Obafemi Awolowo University 2015 SPRING COMMENCEMENT 33 CANDIDATES FOR ADVANCED EDUCATION Layla Alhurishi B.Ed., Princess Nora Bint Abdul Rahman University Juan Alvarez B.A., University of California, Irvine Sarah Bin Hossan B.A., King Khalid University M.A., Washington State University DEGREES Yadira Paredes B.A., Eastern Washington University Alex Way B.A., Westminster College of Salt Lake City Rachael Kone B.A., University of California, Irvine Jordan Profitt B.S., Washington State University Jennifer Wellman B.A., University of Nebraska-Lincoln Christopher Nelson B.F.A., Brigham Young University Johnathan Rarig B.A., Washington State University FOREIGN LANGUAGES AND CULTURES Nathan Shiu B.A., Whitman College Ingrid Perez B.A., Washington State University POLITICAL SCIENCE Aubrie Schlegel B.A., Washington State University Addison Borseth B.A., Washington State University Kirsten Schumacher B.A., Western Washington University Devon Carroll B.A., Washington State University Master of Arts in Education Mark Storey B.A., University of Washington Mycah Birge B.S., Washington State University NarayanKripa Sundararajan B.Com., Bangalore University Aaron Cruse B.S., University of Idaho Benjamin Thew B.S., Eastern Washington University M.A., Gonzaga University Alexis Fascetti B.A., California State University, Fullerton Ashley Vaughan B.S., University of New Mexico James Dorr B.A., Limestone College Kara Winchell B.S., Washington State University Augusto Gancinia B.A., University of Hawaii at Hilo Hannah Gwazdauskas B.A. Washington State University Kerry Hassall B.A., Washington State University Keoki Mawae B.A., Washington State University Gregory Meager B.S., Walla Walla University Londyn Miller B.A., San Francisco State University Nalee Moua B.A., Eastern Washington University Margaret Onstad B.A., Washington State University 2015 SPRING ENGLISH Scarlett Anguiano B.A., Western Washington University Pierre Arellano B.A., Washington State University Allison Graves B.A., Oakland University M.A., Washington State University Ryan House B.A., Arkansas State University Kara Melton B.A., Whitworth University 34 Rachel Wright B.Ed., Gonzaga University Hallie Kaiser B.A., St Louis University Lauren Kelly B.A., Ripon College M.S., Washington State University Edith-Marie Roper B.A., Washington State University COMMENCEMENT Khosro Soleimani B.A., University of Washington HISTORY Nicholas Carpenter B.A., Washington State University Michael Dennis B.A., Webster University Joni Ford B.A., Lewis-Clark State College Tyler Kinsella B.A., St Johns University Nyssa Runyan B.A., Oregon State University Sarah Schraeder B.A., California State University, Stanislaus Brian Stack B.A., University of Rhode Island Fernanda Almeida Bacharel, Universidade Federal de Pernambuco Benjamin Doran B.A., University of Minnesota Jhoana Duran B.A., Washington State University Adam Emerson B.S., Middle Tennessee State University Daniel Mueller B.A., University of Wisconsin-Green Bay Aleksanders Sils B.A., Washington State University Corey Sutter B.S., Washington State University Orion Yoesle B.A., Washington State University PREVENTION SCIENCES Jacob Wells B.A., University of Alabama Alexa Carr B.S., Washington State University Joseph Wilson B.A., University of Michigan, Ann Arbor Eunsaem Kim B.A., Washington State University MUSIC Yadira Olivera B.A., Washington State University Katie Anthony B.A., Washington State University Steven Damouni B.Mus., Washington State University Alvin James Delos Santos B.A., University of California, Davis Alberto Ferro Diploma, Conservatorio di Musica di Milano Thomas Guenther B.A., Washington State University Miranda Strey B.S., University of Idaho Jason Wheeler B.S., Portland State University SOCIOLOGY Yikang Bai B.A., Ningxia Agriculture University M.A., Shandong University Lindsey Beltz B.A., College of Idaho CANDIDATES Pierce Greenberg B.S., Belmont University Darcy Hauslik B.A., University of San Diego Nathan Lindstedt B.S., University of Idaho Master of Science AGRICULTURE Nathan Brugnone B.A., Ashford University Christopher Elder B.A., Western State College of Colorado Iang-Shyuan Lu B.S., University of TexasAustin Dinesh Uduwana B.S., University of Peradeniya ANIMAL SCIENCES Brooke Compton B.S., Washington State University Ashley Conway B.S., Washington State University Brenda Jesernig B.S., Washington State University Naisi Li B.S., Washington State University Melissa McCallum B.S., Washington State University BIOLOGICAL AND AGRICULTURAL ENGINEERING Rodrigo Ferreyra Ingeniero Agronomo, Universidad De Chile Yuxiao Xie B.S., Shenzhen University Diana Zapata Rojas Bachelor, Universidad Nacional de Colombia BIOLOGY Conor Bollinger-Smith B.S., Washington State University BOTANY Amanda Carter B.S., Washington State University Nathaniel Frein B.S., University of Southern Maine Tatton Hymas B.S., Brigham Young University, Idaho M.S., Washington State University CHEMICAL ENGINEERING Ning Yu B.E., Dalian University of Technology CHEMISTRY Huijuan Chen B.S., Lanzhou University APPLIED ECONOMICS Brandan Cook B.S., University of Washington Francis Addai B.A., University of Science and Technology Chase Crawley B.S., Shippensburg University of Pennsylvania Haseeb Ahmed B.S., Lahore University of Management Sciences Kayte Denslow B.S., Washington State University Boris Houenou B.S., Abomey-Calavi University Travis Rider B.A., Anderson University Jeremy Knowles B.S., Gonzaga University William Warfel B.A., Metropolitan State College of Denver Di Wu B.B.A., Jiangxi Normal University Ingrid Woikey B.S., Ohio State University CIVIL ENGINEERING Colin Anyan B.A., Washington State University Elly Bulega B.S., Whitworth University Veronica Carrillo Serrano Ingeniera, Universida de Cuenca FOR ADVANCED DEGREES COORDINATED PROGRAM IN DIETETICS, NUTRITION, AND EXERCISE PHYSIOLOGY Stefanie Bennett B.S., Washington State University Skyler Chaney B.S., Washington State University Ryan Hull B.S., George Fox University Erica Iverson B.S., University of Idaho James LaFave B.S., Washington State University Karen Robb B.S., University of Central Missouri Annika Spampinato-Korn B.S., University of California, Davis M.Sc., City University of London Margaret Walser B.S., Washington State University Evan Olszko B.S., Washington State University Ibrahim Shamia B.E., Garyounis University COMPUTER ENGINEERING Adam Brandt B.S., Washington State University Erica Yoder B.S., Whitworth University CROP SCIENCE Benjamin Brimlow B.S., Washington State University Manasi Choudhari B.E., University of Pune Emily Klarquist B.S., Colorado State University Miralem Cosic B.S., Washington State University Oritsesaninormi Oraguzie B.S., University of Ibadan COMPUTER SCIENCE ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING Elijah Houle B.S., Washington State University Benjamin Edward Nappoly B.E., Anna University Joseph Petersen B.S., Washington State University Patrick Mackey B.S. Washington State University Dustin Phillips B.S., Washington State University Min Shao B.E., Northwestern Polytechnic University Altansuren Tumurbaatar B.S., University of Pune Guillermo Ramirez-Conejo B.E., M.S., Technological Institute of Celaya Riley Wortman B.S., Eastern Oregon University Han Zhao B.E., North China Electric Power University Xiangqiang Xu B.S., Wuhan University of Science and Technology ENGINEERING Hua Zhang B.S., Southern Yangtze University M.E., Huazhong University of Science and Technology Heather Baxter B.S., Washington State University 2015 YiPeng Zhou B.E., Beijing Institute of Petrochemical Technology ENTOMOLOGY Elizabeth D’Auria B.S., State University of New York, College of Environmental Science and Forestry SPRING COMMENCEMENT 35 CANDIDATES FOR ADVANCED James Hust B.S., Eastern Washington University Si-Pei Liu B.Ag., M.Ag., China Agricultural University Jason Long B.S., University of Hawaii at Hilo Samantha Whiteside B.S., Washington State University ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING Yasir Abduljaleel B.S., Al-Mustansiriyah University Wael Alrikabi B.Sc., Al-Mustansiria University Towsif Bhuiyan B.S., Jahangirnagar University M.S., Washington State University Madeline Fuchs B.S., Montana State University, Bozeman Md Rubayet Mortuza B.S., Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology Drew Polley B.S., Washington State University Joseph Smith B.S., The Pennsylvania State University DEGREES Ronnie Mabry B.S., University of the State of New York Excelsior College M.B.A., City University Charlene Grahn B.A., Reed College Joseph Parzych B.S., Michigan State University Jesse Wimer B.A., University of Idaho Katherine Van B.S., University of California, Merced Jessica Zemaitis B.S., Washington State University FOOD SCIENCE Rocio Jackelyn Carrion Rabanal Bachiller, Universidad Nacional de Cajamarca Emily Fleischman B.S., Emory University Kari Jones B.S., University of Idaho Sravya Kallu B.Tech., Osmania University Shreeya Ravisankar B.Tech., University of Mumbai Kimberly Thayer B.S., University of Idaho Katherine Warren B.S., Washington State University Jialing Yuan B.S., Northwest University GEOLOGY Gopal Timsina B.S., Washington State University Emily Cahoon B.S., University of Delaware Ross Wickham B.S., Humboldt State University Nicholas McMillan B.S., University of Georgia B.B.A., Kennesaw State University ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE Jon Anderson B.A., Washington State University Molly Bogeberg B.S., Loyola Marymount University Allison Clark B.S., Washington State University Erika Cutsforth B.A., Washington State University 36 2015 SPRING Seth Shelton B.S., Eastern Oregon University LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE Qiongyan Gao B.S., Zhejiang Agricultural University Patrick Grecu B.S., Purdue University Judy Nilsson B.F.A., University of Washington MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING Peiyu Tan B.E., Central South University of Technology MATHEMATICS Casey Bylund B.S., University of San Francisco Alexandra Colvin B.S., Washington State University Rui Huang B.S., Central Washington University Rachel King B.S., Washington State University Silvia Madrid Jaramillo Titulo, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico M.S., University of Arizona Spitamen Yarmukhamedov B.S., Samarkand State University Jennipher Von Staffenberg B.S., University of Florida MECHANICAL ENGINEERING Da Wang B.S., China University of Geosciences Ali Al Mahfoodh B.S., University of Technology, Baghdad HORTICULTURE Spencer Albright B.S., Washington State University Kelly Atterberry B.S., Bastyr University Morgan Fish B.S., Eastern Washington University COMMENCEMENT Sina Alizadeh Ashrafi B.S., University of Tabriz M.S., Universiti Teknologi Malaysia Zainab Alshams B.S., University of Technology Zecong Fang B.S., Zhejiang University Carolyn John B.S., Oregon State University Allen Lim B.S., Washington State University Paul Marshall B.S., Portland State University Navid Saneie B.S., University of Tehran Anthony Sauceda B.S., Washington State University Daniel Stockton B.E., Washington State University Zhifeng Zhang B.E., Dalian University of Technology M.E., Xian Jiaotong University MOLECULAR BIOSCIENCES Rachael Fasnacht B.S., Washington State University Tanis Jimenez B.S., Oregon State University NATURAL RESOURCE SCIENCES Miranda Crowell B.S., Washington State University Grant Glover B.S., Washington State University NATURAL RESOURCES Lindsay Welfelt B.S., Western Washington University PHYSICS Hamdah Alanazi B.S., King Faisal University Nathan Rasmussen B.S., Humboldt State University Lidia Veronica Ruiz Melara Licenciada, Universidad del Salvador CANDIDATES PLANT PATHOLOGY Elizabeth Kramer B.S., University of Washington Stacy Mauzey B.S., California State University, Monterey Bay Amy Salamone B.S., Tennessee Technological University M.S., University of Southern Mississippi David Wheeler B.S., Temple University PSYCHOLOGY Jessica Kissler B.S., Washington State University Kendra Pass B.S., Washington State University SPEECH AND HEARING SCIENCES Emily Anderson B.A., University of Arizona Sarah Bechtolt B.A., Gonzaga University Anna Behmer B.A., Hastings College Grace Bender B.A., Western Washington University Hannah Bowley B.A., San Diego State University Kellie Carns B.A., Western Washington University Elizabeth Clark B.S., Idaho State University Natasha Pavoggi B.A., Northern Arizona University Linda Lang B.S., D.V.M., Texas a & M University Alyson Shepherd B.A., Western Washington University Esmeralda Sifuentes B.A., California State University, Dominguez Hills Kaitlin Woychick B.A., Washington State University Minh Tran B.S., Northern Illinois University Enna Kelly B.S., Andrews University STATISTICS Bethany Wolters B.S., University of Tennessee at Martin Lyndsie Lee B.S., Colorado State University Susannah Major Bachelor, University of Nebraska-Lincoln Rebekah Lewis B.S., Western Kentucky University D.V.M., Ohio State University Karamia Powell B.S., Washington State University Miranda Holmstead B.S., Brigham Young University Alyse Lee B.A., University of Montana Mustafa Elarbi B.S., Al-Fateh University Megan Pecknold B.A., George Fox University Christa Simon B.S., Southern Oregon University Jessica Mullane B.S., University of California, Davis DEGREES VETERINARY SCIENCE William Strong B.S., University of Washington SOIL SCIENCE ADVANCED Anna Mottaz B.S., University of Washington Sheri Fox B.S., Biola University Keleigh Kreilkamp B.A., Eastern Washington University FOR Meredeth McEntire B.A., Whitman College Julie Noyes B.A., Oberlin College D.V.M., Colorado State University Benjamin Spall D.V.M., Oklahoma State University Wen Chen B.S., Utah State University B.S., Wuhan University of Technology Steven LeBlanc B.S., University of Washington Emily Woolley B.A., Whitman College Sansi Yang B.S., China Agricultural University Melissa Macias Rioseco Titulo, Universidad Autonoma de Baja California M.Prev.Vet.Med, University of California, Davis ZOOLOGY Kathryn Holden B.S., University of Idaho Danielle Rivet B.S., State University of New York, College at Oswego Margaret Unkefer B.S., George Mason University Kimberly McPartland B.A., Washington State University 2015 SPRING COMMENCEMENT 37 CANDIDATES FOR GRADUATE CERTIFICATES Graduate Certificates THE GRADUATE SCHOOL GRADUATE CERTIFICATE IN CONSTRAINTS MANAGEMENT The following candidates will be presented by Dean of the Graduate School William Andrefsky. Jarvis Morrison B.S., Alabama Agricultural and Mechanical University GRADUATE CERTIFICATE IN MANUFACTURING LEADERSHIP Joseph Ames B.S., University of Washington Bashir Mohamud B.S., Wright State University 38 2015 SPRING COMMENCEMENT GRADUATE CERTIFICATE IN NURSE EDUCATOR Patrick Muturi B.S.N., Washington State University GRADUATE CERTIFICATE IN PROTEIN BIOTECHNOLOGY Timothy Harrington B.S., University of California, San Diego M.S., University of California, Irvine GRADUATE CERTIFICATE IN NUCLEAR ENGINEERING Jared Pisinger B.S., Washington State University CANDIDATES FOR PROFESSIONAL DEGREES Candidates for Professional Degrees College of Pharmacy DOCTOR OF PHARMACY Andrew James Erickson Bo Min Kim Kelly Michael Smith Brandon Joseph Adam Raymond James Estrada Jin Ah Kim Myngoc Chung Son Alla A. Aldughli Michelle Patricia Fehrnstrom Brett Louis Kittle Cassandra Song Sarah Marie Arnzen Richard John Berte Ferrer Nolan Jarett Koller Josiah F. Soto Alisha Louise Barr Jansen Filio Bonnie Lam Martin Eugene St. John Delaney Berggren Megan Marie Foster Sean Marie Leonard Bryson Katsumi Tamanaha Dustan Bilte Christian Renee Fry Anne Louise Male Ervik Ashley Wray Tarver Matthew Bostwick Irene Giang Katelynn Louise McCormack Hue Thai Kendall J. Brenton Mark Goff Joseph M. Miller Phuong Tuyet Thai Christina Arline Brewster Melodie Dawn Grady Edina Lynn Morgan Adelaide Twum-Ampofo Alexa Michelle Carter Clell Hasenbank Shurrie Diana Morris Dominique Kalini Valencia Elaine Li Ting Cen Michelle Hatchett Thanh-Hien Thi Ngo Baochau Thi Nguyen Vo Glen William Chase Kenneth J. Hatzinikolis Christina Marie Nguyen Britne Lynn Wakem Kelsey Chui Daniel Jamison Healey Amanda Norman Micah Wilcox Jennifer Christine Czapinski Aaron Quan Hoang Azuka C. Nwude Lauren Chiemi Daima Caleb Howard Alexandra B. Palmer Isaac William Kekoa Abendanio Wong Jennifer Ann Dean Saad Howlader Jacinda L. Pickett Laura Renee Decamp Michael Thomas Huttula Dina Y. Railean Alyssa Marie Del Palacio Dung P. Huynh Elizabeth R. Rankos Rose Dinh Tristan Jenkins Sekinah Jean Samadi Helen Do Alex M. Jensen Alex Schulz Bridget Rae Eller Ashley Marie Kiel Naon Shin Wing-Chung Wong Jessica Wu Brent Tatsuo Yamamoto Sarah Anne Zaro Students enjoying the outdoor seating at the CUB 2015 SPRING COMMENCEMENT 39 CANDIDATES FOR PROFESSIONAL DEGREES College of Veterinary Medicine DOCTOR OF VETERINARY MEDICINE Kelly Michelle Freese Lindsay Rachelle Meharry Brianne Frances Sorensen Marian Rosemary Aline Nichole Kayle Frei Cassidy Lundstrom Michaelis Jordan Elizabeth Spears Shelley Marie Gerstner Jacob John Myers Karin Tomiko Spiller Micall Tolbert Godderidge Laura Elizabeth Noe Brittney Alyse Spurling Carlie Joann Gordon Andrea Jo Oas Melissa Cailin Steinmetz Kathleen Behm Gutierrez Victoria Michaelina OlsenMikitowicz Siobhan Kathleen Strom Katilyn Sharee Owen Tessa Josephine Sustacha Megan Elise Bauer David Russell Bell Logan Christine Belleque Joseph Damase Bergevin Amy Elizabeth Berry Blair Elizabeth Hamacher Thomas Frodesen Betts Ryan Christopher Black Andrea Lynne Boucher Rian-Michael Calugcugan John Tyler Cody Emily Marie Krieger Sarah Lillian Daniel Ashley Renee Lecoq Brittney Anne Dawson Brandon Charles Devries Charlotte Maria Dotson Marion Ellison Fischer 40 2015 SPRING James Paul Jurgielewicz Jacqueline Christine Koster Laura Marie Couser Haley Michelle Finstad Danielle Allison Jeffrey Clifford Charles King Wendy Lyn Conaway Kayla Bobbi Erickson Kyle T. Heaton Kristine Marie Kamphuis Rebecca Ann Coil Heather Nicole Eibey Teri Lein Hartman Jacqueline Ann Illario Haley N. Brabant Gabrial Laree Eddings Kathleen Faris Hall Rachael Diane Lencioni Dana Maria Lieu Timothy Lyn Llewellyn Sarah Jean Lopez Jana Katharine Marquard Alexis Aileen McGilvray Misty Ryan McNeil-White COMMENCEMENT Barbara Joy Panata Julia Maria Pasztor Laurel Renee Plemmons Whitney Lyn Potts Laura Nicole Quan Hilary Callahan Rice Danielle G. Robert Andrew Barret Rocco Jennifer Christine Rodriguez Allison E. Rojewski Kirsten Dianne Ronngren Sarah Elizabeth Russell-Field Ryan Michael Seifert Crystal Sunlight Heidi Rockett Talbott Samantha Jean Thomas Abigail Lauren Thomson Jacob Brian Thrasher Jennifer Elizabeth Tobiason Lena Poliahu Torvik Claire Brooks Tousley Jennifer Elizabeth Trice Ashley Morgan Trtek Ariana R. Wemple Lyle Scott Whitaker Andrew Graham Wicklund Kelly Jayne Simms Jarrod Robert Charles Wilkinson Ocean Russel Skyrud Dakota James Woodard Emily Christine Smith Mariah Alexandra Woodbury Nicole Marguerite Smith Heather Larissa Wright Graham Soderquist WWAMI MEDICAL EDUCATION PROGRAM WWAMI Medical Education Program The following WSU WWAMI students, listed with their area of specialization for residency training, are to receive Doctorate of Medicine degrees from the University of Washington School of Medicine following completion of training at both WSU Pullman and UW Seattle. John Bass, CPT US Army Emergency Medicine Julia Herbert Medicine – Geriatrics Denver Niles Pediatrics Russell Stewart Anesthesiology Nathaniel Bell Psychiatry David Higueria Undetermined Kyle Rattray Family Medicine – Rural Dale Terasaki Medicine – Primary Etasha Bhatt Orthopaedic Surgery Jessica McClure Internal Medicine Shannon Rush Obstetrics – Gynecology Colin Teteak Undetermined Alice Bremner Medicine – Primary Kellie Moore Pediatrics Andrew Schweitzer Family Medicine – Rural Matthew Wilson Family Medicine Joshua Burnell Family Medicine Brittany Navarre Pediatrics Benjamin Simms Pediatrics Sherry Feng Psychiatry Erik Newman Pediatrics Tara Simpson Family Medicine These students from the University of Washington School of Medicine’s WWAMI (Washington, Wyoming, Alaska, Montana, Idaho) Medical Education program spent the first year of their training in Pullman, in conjunction with the University of Idaho WWAMI program. The first-year students from the two programs share the combined biomedical faculties and the teaching, research, and training facilities on the two campuses. They also complete their first clinical training rotations with local physicians, clinics, and hospitals in Pullman and Moscow. Nighttime view on Stadium Way 2015 SPRING COMMENCEMENT 41 Candidates for Baccalaureate Degrees Names in this program include May 2015 graduate and undergraduate applicants and August 2015 undergraduate applicants who applied by the May 2015 application deadline. August 2015 undergraduate applicants who did not meet the May application deadline and all August graduate applicants will be listed in the fall 2015 commencement program. This program is not a listing of those attending the spring ceremony. 42 2015 SPRING COMMENCEMENT CANDIDATES FOR BACCALAUREATE DEGREES College of Agricultural, Human, and Natural Resource Sciences BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN AGRICULTURAL FOOD SYSTEMS Ashalynn Elizabeth BiltonSmith Sr. —Cum Laude Erin Michelle Bailey Megan Makenna Blyzka Austin Wayne Baker —Magna Cum Laude Madeline Shay Boyes Rodrigo Bonilla Michelle Josephine Chan —Cum Laude Stephen James Bradshaw —Cum Laude Michelle Yvonne Burns —Cum Laude Robert Eiichi Butler III Carissa Marie Corrigan Andrew Charles Crosby —Cum Laude Jessica Marie Deboer Kelsey Jean Evans Rebekah Gene Fuller —Cum Laude Danyelle Sharon Cavadini Megan Ann Cihak Kayla Elizabeth Delbar Elizabeth Dreke Kevin Sean Gavin —Cum Laude Hanne Astrid Gehling Juanita Maria Hackney Sadie Anne Hanks Laura Ellen Hansen Erika Ashley Randall Kristopher Allen Fenton Misty Rae Reavis Allyssa Barrett Fierstein Michele Crystal Lynn Reinelt —Summa Cum Laude Mercedes Monique Garcia Conrad Jared Reisenauer Emily Ann Haberman Coryelle E. Scott Milena Nadine Go Brett Howard Hightower Jessica Marie Sears Danielle Briana Huse Andrea Rochelle Smith —Cum Laude Stephanie Ann Jones Brionna Renee Junell —Cum Laude Kelby Lee Stadt Melissa L. Thompson —Magna Cum Laude Beverly Wanjiru Kariuki —Cum Laude Kathy Justina Wang Dakota Nicole Klemme —Cum Laude Stephanie Alexandra Webb —Magna Cum Laude Cassandra Kennedy Knies Kristen Pearl Wedam —Magna Cum Laude Mio Koenuma Hannah Sowder Lee Kyle Oden Patrick Hanson Jessica Ann Yamaura Bryce Lynn Henderson Akilah Celeste Henderson Kendahl Alexandria Hintz Jennifer Jeanne Hergert Travis Lee Hoyle Elizabeth Suzanne Hiner BACHELOR OF ARTS IN APPAREL, MERCHANDISING, AND TEXTILES Wyatt Morgan Koller Emilee Lorraine Johnson —Summa Cum Laude Amanda Catelynne Anderson —Cum Laude Grasiela Ocampo Kristine E. Johnson Taylor Hana Aoki Jusdin Daniel Lynch Lance Kidder Giuliana Emma Plut —Cum Laude Shelby Marie Moore Rochele Nicole Landymore Kathryn Marie Atkinson —Magna Cum Laude Corbin Gregory Moser William Charles Lewis —Cum Laude Amethyst McKenzie Beaulieu Amanda Mekenzi Rutter Athina Maria Brown Melissa Cora Liu Kristen Robin Rylander Miranda May Castles Landon Eugene Macy Elissa Claire Schaefer Jordan Elizabeth Charpentier Xochitl Crystal Marquez —Cum Laude Trevor James Seliber Jacob Scott Click Elise Michelle Shae Kelsey Elizabeth Cohen Taylor Triston Smith Stella Lee Crumpton Julia Lael Strathy Kendall Brooke Culton Quinn Nicole Sullivan —Summa Cum Laude Kristofor Charles Ludvigson —Summa Cum Laude Elizabeth Shirleen Nelsen Brandon Lee Nickels —Cum Laude Sara Nicole Richardson Traven Aero Smith Brianna Jayne Tasker —Cum Laude Haley M. Meier Emilyne Anne Miller Cheryl Marie Thonney —Magna Cum Laude Baylee Rae Moranville BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN ANIMAL SCIENCES Kelsey Dawn Moss Katie Ann Mulvaney Niki Sachiko Aihara Jessica Anabel DelCarmen —Magna Cum Laude Jenny Kate Neuburger Naomi E. Allen Elyse Marie Deshaw Taryn D. Paschke Grace Catherine Allodi —Cum Laude Rachael Esther Pierce Kalina Marie Ebling —Cum Laude Natasha Lynn Arrand Olivia Barr —Magna Cum Laude Victoria Rose Morrow David Bryan Pollock Kristina Marie Pratt —Cum Laude Courtney Michelle Proctor Tara Jo Quinton Emily Christine Damento Nicole René Davis Kathryn Elaine McCauley Julie Michelle McCulloch —Cum Laude Adair Jacobi Millard Aspen Alynn Plischke Amber H. Riller Alexa Kay Tobin —Cum Laude Denise Diana Urbina Chanel Helene Uskoski —Magna Cum Laude Lai-yu Wan Morgan Elizabeth Washburn Savannah Kathryn Edmundson —Cum Laude Caroline Jennifer Yapp Maria Guadalupe Zaragoza Ellie Mariko Emoto —Cum Laude Jacob Daniel Zottoli 2015 SPRING COMMENCEMENT 43 CANDIDATES FOR BACCALAUREATE DEGREES BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN ECONOMIC SCIENCES Eduardo Vega Aiko Kristan Chappell —Magna Cum Laude Han Beet Kwak Ahmed Aweis Abbas Olivia Anne Wall Nicholas Creighton Weinstein Shelby Ann Conklin Michael Steven Cool Lacy Elizabeth Lennon Dylan Scott Welch —Cum Laude Rachel Breanne Corbin —Magna Cum Laude Benjamin Raymer Wildt —Magna Cum Laude Tara-Beth Maureen Crowder Weijie Wu Mariah Chantell Degree —Magna Cum Laude Shawn Kaelen Ankney Ninnah Asmoni Michelle Aylard Christopher Marvin Bevier Hannah Marie Bochsler Rodrigo Bonilla Beau D. Bremer Matthew James Campbell —Cum Laude BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN FOOD SCIENCE Sharon Kaye Culver Holly Lyne Dehart Alexander Edward Agnew Shalie Dheensaw Troy M. Carpenter —Cum Laude Ashley Nicole Brennan Melissa K. Dilts —Summa Cum Laude Gregory James Elgin Noelle Marie Diciglio Joel Joseph Firman Patricia Flores Warren Ford Meredith Suzanne Kuchera —Summa Cum Laude Lauren Taylor Leaver Jessica Renee Long Veronica Lopez Halimo Ahmed Maie —Cum Laude Carmen D. McClain Sarah Anne McCracken Veronika Mcgrone —Magna Cum Laude Jamilet Nerell —Cum Laude Fatiya Kadir Dire Elizabeth Ness —Cum Laude Jessica L. Eyer —Magna Cum Laude Hannah Marjorie Null —Cum Laude Mackenzie Rae Fisher Chelsea Ann O’Cell Jessica Caroline Murray Gabriella Margarita Flores Carina Ochoa Katie V. Smoot —Magna Cum Laude Ivon Garcia Tori Kristin Osteraa Kaitlyn Carley Geffen Shannon Marie Paglia Colby Scott Swartz Kelley Lisa Gemmell Kenneth Gerald Valenta Samantha Marie George Manae Pisano —Cum Laude Samantha Kristine Young Alisha Ann Gipe Cody A. Hultman Jiehui Zhou Christian Lacambra Kayla Rhea Land BACHELOR OF ARTS IN HUMAN DEVELOPMENT Lindsay Higham Gonzales —Magna Cum Laude Caleb Robert Mangohig Paula Marie Achter James Michael McIntosh Melinda J. Allan —Cum Laude Pablo Antonio Corredor Zachary Sebastian Imperial Fox Ran Gao Samuel Tyson Hering Whitney Rose Holden Andre Jui Huang Hsieh Malessa Priscilla Hubbard Jorden Michael Mellergaard Cristina Gonzalez Brittney Nicole Gorman Taylor E. Grizzle Sirena T. Haddock —Magna Cum Laude Rocio Mendoza Samantha Nichole Anderson —Magna Cum Laude Ka Chun Mok Ilona Valeriy Arbuzov Amanda Marie Harding Cheyenne Rae Pace —Magna Cum Laude Rianna Marie Arnold Carissa Leeanne Harris Amber Nicole Bach Nicole Angeline Holt Nicholas Todd Rader Eunkyung Bae —Magna Cum Laude Danielle C. Hutton —Summa Cum Laude Shane Michael Reed —Summa Cum Laude Alyssa S. Ballantyne Paloma Jimenez Mary Jessica Barker Aleshia Jasmine Jones —Cum Laude Daniel Matthew Pho Sara Nicole Richardson Wendiam P. Sawadgo —Magna Cum Laude Qianqian Shi Wai Yan Siu —Cum Laude Gary Paul Barquet III Corissa Jo Ann Beairsto —Cum Laude Molly Suzanne Bergstrom Elizabeth Ann Boyer Sterling Smith Teresa Marie Bragg Tyler Hawkins Stanton Stacey Elizabeth Brentin —Cum Laude Justin Charles Surber —Magna Cum Laude Heath Marshall Turner 44 2015 SPRING Melanie Kapua Bruey Gavin Victor Carter —Cum Laude COMMENCEMENT Cheyenne Elizabeth Hanshaw Dorianna Tabitha Kaharov Shelley L. Kincaid —Summa Cum Laude Antonia Marie Kirksey Yoshie Matsui Kitchens —Cum Laude Ariel C. Pooley —Magna Cum Laude Heath Allen Powell Jean Mae Powell Coleen Kay Pritchett —Cum Laude Emily Rae Reichlin —Magna Cum Laude Angela Rexroad Andrew Jordan Reyes Carley Lynn Reynolds Madison Anne Robertson Rebecca Joy Rogers —Magna Cum Laude Alexandrea Nicole Ronnfeldt Amanda Nicole Rosales Lani Christian Rudolph Leanna Christine Rudolph —Magna Cum Laude Elise Michelle Salmon Melissa Jesenia Santana Contreras Keely Chastain Saunders Raya Nicolette Klein —Cum Laude Jennifer LeAnne Schmidt Amy Nicole Knoetzel Christina Marie Sells Jennifer Lynn Krigbaum Cambri Lyn Shanahan Joshua Phillip Secker CANDIDATES Desiree Davanh Silapaxay BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN INTEGRATED PLANT SCIENCES Mallory Kay Fair —Cum Laude Ana Bertha Soto Adam James Benishek —Magna Cum Laude Kendall Elizabeth Soto —Magna Cum Laude Julius Neal Bush —Cum Laude Carolyn Rene Gonia —Cum Laude Kendall Anne Stead William Kade Casciato —Cum Laude Karina Silva Garcia Sarah Jean-Marie Smith Maggie Lee Stephens FOR BACCALAUREATE DEGREES BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN NATURAL RESOURCE SCIENCES Uris Giron Haley Christine Anderson —Cum Laude Janelle Jean Badger —Cum Laude Keli M. Haffner Peyton Nicole Halstead Isabel Rae Brofsky Michelle Hanna Heather Ann Brower Scarlet Ruth Gabrielle StoryHollis —Cum Laude Austin Evan Christensen Meghan Rochelle Hoiness Erica Celeste Conway —Magna Cum Laude Cori Snow Jou —Magna Cum Laude Katherine Rose Stovicek Dolores Covarrubias Linnea Sylvia Lundahl Brigitte Elizabeth Stratton Danielle Julie Lungren Abraham Levi Strawn Cody James Dean —Summa Cum Laude Courtney Liesbeth Else Stute Graham Day Ellis Miranda Elizabeth Marie McCrory Jennifer Elyn Tabiando Kyle James Ferrera Amanda M. Moore Kyle Douglas Hunter Dayna Jean Talley Garrett Douglas Gerling Mackenzie Cole Hutchison David Lee Taub —Magna Cum Laude Colin Patrick Hickey Maya K. Naidu —Cum Laude Courtney Ann Jaeger Chelsea Marie Jansen Callie Elizabeth Tobiason —Cum Laude Maxx Tyler McGoff Wanjiru Ivy Ndambiri —Cum Laude Morgan Linnea Tompkins Barbra Jean Topping —Magna Cum Laude Kaylene Elizabeth Tyndall Heather Nicole Uhlig Natasha La’Vette Washington Melissa Lynn Watson Jennifer Nicole Wermuth Jordan White Alia Mae Wilcoxen Aisling Glenna Wiles Adrianna Marie Williams Alyson Elizabeth Williams —Cum Laude Ryan Scott Wilson —Cum Laude Brooke Alayne Kietzman Allen Dean Noble Emilee Marie Olson —Cum Laude Clinton James Okeefe Erin Mae Schultz Jarrod Randel Pack KC Brandon Smelser —Summa Cum Laude Pirom Luke Phadoemchit Ashley Arlene Powell Jesus Manuel Ramos Chloe Ellen Burt Adam Baldwin Fahnestock Curtis Jacob Flolid Antonio Trinidad Galvan Taylor Ann Harrigan —Cum Laude Hannah Marie Johnson —Magna Cum Laude Emily Alexis Koch Russell Henry Large Katie Jean McCarn Amanda Breann Moody Michelle Elizabeth Steele —Cum Laude Ashley Ann O’Bright Kelsey Marion Sybouts Deanna Renee Orr Abigayle Williams Jacob Alan Patton Karissa Michiko Wood Taylor Nicole Wilson —Magna Cum Laude Bradley Todd Peters BACHELOR OF ARTS IN INTERIOR DESIGN Guadalupe Zavala —Cum Laude Brock David Reinecke Haley Leanne Agnew Amanda Lynn Zyph Brian Robert Tee —Cum Laude Jillian Violet Beldin Cassidy Radtke Michael Joseph Sly Casey Lee Smith Kendra Ann Bone BACHELOR OF LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE Anne Elizabeth Borges Kyle Micheal-Levi Braun Nicole Elizabeth Botzong Ciara Nicole Dahm Stephanie Chahan Susan K. Gomez Jordan Elizabeth Christensen —Magna Cum Laude Ashley LyShea Hope Kyra Jean Christiansen Alyssa Mae Thompson Sarah Anne Tompkins Chad William Uskoski Alisa Elizabeth Varden Andrea Suzanne Watts Melissa Michaela Webb Nicholas J. Wishaar Christopher Lynn Whitney —Cum Laude 2015 SPRING COMMENCEMENT 45 CANDIDATES FOR BACCALAUREATE DEGREES College of Arts and Sciences BACHELOR OF ARTS IN ANTHROPOLOGY BACHELOR OF ARTS IN ASIAN STUDIES Skyler Anthony Gallaway Randi Rae Beardslee —Summa Cum Laude Joshua Alexander Garvison —Cum Laude Jenae Elise Gerstmann Michelle D. Bielas Zoe Stabler Holland —Cum Laude Megan Nicole Biffle LaChelle Marie Bledsoe Monica Audria Rochelle Boatwright Jeffrey Jameson Kelley Kassandra Lee Zwick Thomas Mayen Garcia Scott Richard Mitchell —Magna Cum Laude Meagan Haley Gombart —Summa Cum Laude Aaron Trevor Mohr Jessica Nicole Morales Sara Ellen Goodwin Katie Marie Mullin Christina Louise Gourley Kathryn Lynn Myers —Summa Cum Laude Garrett Allan Burnham Kaelene Marie Cecotti Marie Junette Allen Danielle Marie Grosshans —Cum Laude Laura Marie Chan Tess Olivia Anderson —Cum Laude Christopher John Grove —Cum Laude Anthony Ronald Ascoli Brayden Riley Hadaller Adam Richard Fox Brooke Ellyn Askey Ashley Renae Fryer Abigail Jill Bennett —Cum Laude Tamasen Fern Hayward —Summa Cum Laude Marie Emily Irvan —Cum Laude Benjamin Charles Johnson Laura Victoria Johnson —Magna Cum Laude Austin Chase Knight Shaelyn Aileen Jacobson Alexander Robert Boreham —Magna Cum Laude Carolanne Kate Johnston Sarah Christina Broom —Magna Cum Laude Patrick Alan Lathrop Kristine Michelle Leier —Magna Cum Laude Lacey Marie Butler Michaelle Anne Machuca Katherine Rose Madigan Brandy Dee Butts Anthony Geno Cacchiotti Stefani Kay Mammenga —Summa Cum Laude Thomas Tomohiko Camacho James Lee Matlock Theresa Lynne Cermak —Magna Cum Laude Trevor G. McLam Jackson Robert Carlson Jacob Kashi Cha Ian Kyle McMahon Samantha Marie Chio Cesar Mayo Moreno —Cum Laude Sabrita A. Cohen —Cum Laude Todd Dale Murchison Benjamin Randall Ostby —Magna Cum Laude Feliclare A. De Jesus Gina Chantel Piehl Ali Marie DeMatteo —Magna Cum Laude Daniel Abraham Radcliffe —Magna Cum Laude Chloe Ann Dugger Trevor L. Dupree Lucy Ann Marie Samuels Marc Alexander Egland —Magna Cum Laude Shaelyn M. Sudar —Magna Cum Laude Merrhea Christina Teixeira —Magna Cum Laude Megan Michelle Thoman Evan Gareth Weber 46 2015 SPRING Elizabeth Yamei Houser Nathan James Biancardi —Cum Laude Jaclyn Ellen Brain Ellie Jean Ficco —Magna Cum Laude Doran Eugene Figart II Taylor Elise Foster —Cum Laude Kristina Lea Freisz COMMENCEMENT Sarah Christine Metzger Steven Michael GluttingFlowers BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN BIOLOGY Sara Dakota Davison —Summa Cum Laude Julia Elizabeth McLean —Cum Laude Michael Charles Jahns Benjamin Richard Joner —Cum Laude Erin Marie Kemp Amber Nicole Kent Chelsie Danielle Kienitz Emily Allison Wheeler Nadeau Jallanie Valorie Negussie —Magna Cum Laude Brianna Mina Nelson Negar Nematian —Cum Laude Alexander Allingham Nevue —Magna Cum Laude Roger Ali Nozari Kyle Gregory Olsen Anjulie Dawn Olson Emylee Michelle Parkinson Sarah Melody Patton —Summa Cum Laude Angela Dallae Kim Alyssa Lynn Payne —Magna Cum Laude Minji Laura Kim Raef Ross Pedersen Anil Kumar Jonathan Lee Phillips Alyona Tanya Kutsar —Summa Cum Laude Josiah Scott Phinney Joseph Patrick Kyle Rebecca Hoa Khiet La Kimberly Ngan Le Elena Lavaughn Leavitt Kaitlyn Marie Lebakken —Cum Laude Lydia Roberta Linke —Cum Laude Martyna Lukaszewicz Sonia Maan Beatriz Adriana MadrizRodriguez —Cum Laude Saje Elise Renn Dara Ann Reynolds Jennifer Karin Riley Catherine Alise Robinson Alexandra Teodora Russ Tiffany Grace Sakamoto Liliana Salazar —Magna Cum Laude Ronish Ashwin Sharma Rachel Ann Shepherd —Cum Laude Jessica Sylvia Slusarz Kelsey Marie Smith Ryan Patrick Malone Trevor Snodgrass Mike David McAdie —Cum Laude Shauntel Eileen Steele —Summa Cum Laude Kaitlyn Meredith McClain Kelly Lynne Steffy CANDIDATES FOR Lindsey Marie Stuart —Magna Cum Laude Christopher James Leroy McKinney Joshua Clay Drinkard Hannah N. Taffin —Cum Laude Christina Simone Sessoms —Cum Laude Whitney Donna Fairbanks Kenji Leon Thompson Erick Silva Ri Elizabeth Thornburg —Magna Cum Laude Savannah Rachelle Stevens Jessica Rose Trafton —Cum Laude Geena Ann Truman BACHELOR OF ARTS IN CRIMINAL JUSTICE AND CRIMINOLOGY Nafin Sabrina Eyoub Kaylan Michael Forbis McKenzie Violet Fosberg Ashley Alexandria Fuentes James Henry Giesman Gabriela Godinez Myles E. Gyorke Kelle Lynn Hansman Michelle Lee Underwood Lisa L. Adams —Summa Cum Laude Jeffery David Vest Lorena G. Alvarez Christopher James Hawley Andrey N. Vorobets —Magna Cum Laude Clayton Andrew Anderson Anthony Leon Vu Kayla Marie Anderson Ally Lynn Hochanadel —Cum Laude Cristian Giovanni Barajas Ilyasha Shantavia Hood Myranda Paige Bell Robert Lee Hopkins III Dylan Joseph Bertsch Abigail Lisbeth Hughes Alejandro Betancourth Shermarke A. Ibrahim Sarah Frances Bock Tyler Edward Japhet Austin Michael Bogard —Cum Laude Katherine Marilyn Jensen —Cum Laude Robert Joseph Bonjukian Caleb Ray Johnson —Cum Laude Alyssa Dawn Ware —Summa Cum Laude Grant Michael Warren Lauryn Elizabeth Watkins Michelle Webb Alec Austin Webbenhurst Tasi-Felicia Taitano Weibling Jacob Mathew Weishaar Nicholas John Westergreen Sarah Elizabeth Wicheta —Summa Cum Laude Brandon Michael Wilkins Sierra Lynn Windom —Cum Laude Erin Rene Yelverton Kelsey Reiko Young Yin Zhu BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN CHEMISTRY Zachary James Anderson Adrienne Ann Atzmiller —Cum Laude Braxton Karl Fisher Brett Andrew Johnson —Magna Cum Laude Alexander Price McCue —Magna Cum Laude BACHELOR OF ARTS IN COMPARATIVE ETHNIC STUDIES Leah Marie Bowie Jasmine Janai Brinson Steven Burns —Cum Laude Diane Lizette Castillo Corey Alexander Chapman Sarah Anne Chavez DEGREES Dana Kelsey Mydland —Cum Laude Amanda K. Nguyen Matthew Edward Nugent Elizabeth Nyambura Jackie M. Nyte Calen Hardin Olesen —Summa Cum Laude William Eugene Orgeron Kristina E. Ablson Nicolai Thomas Tweten BACCALAUREATE Maria Rebeca Orozco Timothy Allen Ota Jamie Marie Haren Asa George Kent Palagi Steven Joseph Pankiewicz —Magna Cum Laude Daniel Roth Pascoe Chad Travis Pearson Cerise Mae Peck Jennifer Marie Perret —Cum Laude Daniel Kee Frank Perrine —Cum Laude Kalafitoni Matakaiongo Pole Jr. Juan Alejandro Ponce Andrew David Jordan Nicholas Scott Potvin Jesse Michael Jorgensen Brittany Allyn Proehl Kohl Louis Kaelin Aaron Pruneda Dani Tonia KaminskiSouthard Jesse Michael Quinn William Victor Kent Brandon Alexander Kibler Clayton John Rennie Kennedy Ann Richmond Eric Jun Kim Adam Spencer Roberts —Magna Cum Laude Kendra Leah Knepper Connor Michael Rodewald Shelby Storm Krumbach Fergie Nahomi Rodriguez Brittney Marie Clarke Jacob William Kurle Lea Rouhani Aubrey Ella Codute Roman Clemente Ledeboer Fenton Rhodes Rybka Cyrus M. Coen Kiri K. Lehman —Summa Cum Laude Christy Marie Saevivat Alex Young Chong Nathan Allyn Choules Ashleigh Lorraine Clark —Cum Laude Joseph Patrick Manus Ashley Michiko Sakurai —Magna Cum Laude Brandon Scott Martin Audiel David Sanchez Jr. Brandon Raymond Cummings Lucero Martinez Sara Mae Schlicker Maria Guadalupe Mazcorro Calista Sarah Currie Clinton Lyle Schloss Kellie McClintock Jordan Stephen Davidson Kourtney Rae Scudder Megan Nicole McMullin Mercedes Maria De Vega Tyler Clay Sesnon April Kay Setbacken Xavier Gregory Cooper Lyndsay Marie Craig —Cum Laude Diane Marie Brown Joseph Emery Dederick II Osiel Meraz —Cum Laude Robert Anthony Garcia Colby J. Defrees Julia Dean Monroe Janita Harris Tasia Nicholle DeRuwe Danisha Shanté Lee Kelsey Lynn Dodds Rachel Elizabeth-Laurine Muehlenbruch Reid Michael Shrewsbury 2015 Richard Smith Shroy Miranda Helen Smith Travis Anthony Sorensen SPRING COMMENCEMENT 47 CANDIDATES FOR BACCALAUREATE DEGREES Chad Thomas Steenvoorden —Summa Cum Laude Clarice Zoe Cohn —Magna Cum Laude Lauren Renee Stephan Hannah Lynette Croskrey —Magna Cum Laude Elizabeth Ann Stoll Ryan Paul Danek Devon Renae Stomley Adam Mark Denny —Summa Cum Laude Travis Michael Stone Mikiya Jaid Stowe —Magna Cum Laude Sarah Jane DeVincenzi Francis Skirving Dunn IV Ryan Michael Sullivan Osaze Winston Takamatsu Patrick R. Taylor Lori Ann Ehlis Brandon James Fair Francisco Javier Fonseca Teri Leigh Thompson Jeffrey Lee Tungsvik Araceli Fuentes Jacob Lee Tweten —Magna Cum Laude Maria De Los Angeles Garcia Bianca Danielle Goldie Miguel Angel-Cruz Valencia —Cum Laude Rene Gomez Sadhvi Verma Selina Villagomez James Lewis Webber Jordan Paige Wicks —Summa Cum Laude Corey Javar Williams Brierra Monet Winfrey Trevor D. Wolff —Cum Laude BACHELOR OF ARTS IN DIGITAL TECHNOLOGY AND CULTURE Katrina Marie Adams Sandra Emily Albertson Melinda Isabel Arteaga —Magna Cum Laude Steve Madrigal Nicholas Adam Maras Brian Alexander Martinez Kelsie Nicole McNeal Nathan Shane McTamaney Amanda Catharina Blackmore —Summa Cum Laude Arielle Shaniece Bradford —Cum Laude Alex David Clarke Leo Tae Clifton Nicholas Andrew Moore Chad M. Jones —Summa Cum Laude Corrine Ulloa Murphy —Magna Cum Laude Sasa Kosjerina Marcus Edward Grove Jacob Nicholas Oster Erin Margaret McElroy IV —Magna Cum Laude Ryan Grover Emily Morgan Perez Jessica Erin Pestana Katherine R. Gullans Paisley Ann Peterson Jamie Catherine Schnieders Erik Jan Hansen Ashley Marie Thomas Kendra Adair Hansen Kelsea Colleen Rothaus —Magna Cum Laude Jalisa Harris —Cum Laude Tyler Christopher Rundle Josephine M. Sanders Jenna Jane Hayden Jennifer Helen Shroy —Cum Laude Stanley Dustin Speer Thomas B. Holland —Magna Cum Laude Benjamin Lee Steele —Magna Cum Laude Terez Ferrante HubbleBrownfield Emily Christine Sullivan Anna Maria Ramos Swan Douglas Lee Hummer Jr. Josie Ariel Tarr —Magna Cum Laude Elliot Daniel Hylton Daniel Stewart Jacobs Nicholas Bare Noelle Snow Johnston Jasmine Victoria Boothroyd Michael Hutton Kelly Emily Lou Byers —Magna Cum Laude Julia Maria Louise Kilts —Summa Cum Laude Caleb Montgomery Carroll —Summa Cum Laude Kyleen Nicole Koenig —Magna Cum Laude Kady Nicole Carrougher —Cum Laude Amy D. Koller —Cum Laude Ashley Marie Castino —Cum Laude John Austin Kramer Alexandria Jene Chang Hua-Yang Lee Kyle Andrew Chinn Jason Michael Lee —Magna Cum Laude SPRING Brittany Michelle Lewis Summer Rose Ann Lockhart Jonathon W. Arthur 2015 Samantha Jane Leuthy BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN EARTH AND ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE Caleb John Mark Nymeyer —Cum Laude Andrew Henson Johnson 48 Alexa Jade Lepisto Ashley Mirella Gonzalez Nancy Johns Roman Lara Danielle Kieren Clement Szu-Yen Yueh Jennifer Barbara Langevin —Magna Cum Laude Marcella Elaine Hohner Kimberly S. Wyatt Marrissa Marie Yazdani Ricky Joseph Leitner —Cum Laude Cole Robert Nelson Shannon Dorothy Heric Alexandra Margret A. Woodroffe Nicholas Alan Lee COMMENCEMENT Nathan Kyle Taylor Katelyn Marie Thompson Quyen Vu Tran Devin Marie Truchard Stephenie Ann Trafelet —Cum Laude Katie Ka Yan Wat —Summa Cum Laude Andre Landon Woehle BACHELOR OF ARTS IN ENGLISH Jovan V. Adams Surafail M. Ambaye Brooke Ellyn Askey Daniel G. Bell —Summa Cum Laude Regan Mackenzie Bell Ryan Christian Carli Kelley Angelica Chaves Johnathan M. Turley Alesa Canton Corrin —Magna Cum Laude Alayna Rose Wagers Kaitlynn Rae Covey Joshua John Wagner —Magna Cum Laude Alex Loren Dankers —Magna Cum Laude Timothy Isaac White Jr. John Richard Wildt Elizabeth Paige Duncan —Magna Cum Laude John Alexander Wilson IV —Cum Laude Nicholas Joe Ferraro —Cum Laude Lucas Xavier Wiseman —Magna Cum Laude Amy Bernadette Ferrell —Magna Cum Laude Chung-Hsuan Wu Bailey Kaye Fierling Elisabeth May Finholm CANDIDATES Ashley Lynn Fisher —Summa Cum Laude FOR BACCALAUREATE DEGREES Maria Alicia Young Kelley Jeanne McConaughy Jessica May Mayers Anjie Zhao —Cum Laude Wing Yan Yammy Ng Cameron Polli Overturf Biance Marie Mendoza —Cum Laude BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE Megan Leigh Peterson —Magna Cum Laude Arely Munoz Laurel Frances Gray Jesus Alexander Nieto Zaharah Jeph Hakim —Magna Cum Laude Alison Mary Ballard —Cum Laude Molly Elizabeth Reihl Devon Arabella Seymour —Magna Cum Laude Maryanne Elizabeth Hirning —Summa Cum Laude Lauren A. Beckley Dylan Alan Stensland Stephanie Marie Friesen Angelique Rosella Glade Zoe Stabler Holland —Cum Laude Emma Victoria Holmberg Lacey E. Kido Danielle Brooke Knight Alison Michelle Mand —Summa Cum Laude Ryan Robert Olson Joshua Caleb Osborn Jesse Calvin Purvis Brady Shawn Reichert Shelby Nicole Reid —Magna Cum Laude Lucia Reyes Krislon Nanette Rhynes —Cum Laude Lindsey Elizabeth Riley Jose Daniel Rodriguez —Cum Laude Frank Joseph Carleo III —Cum Laude Yessica Lewis Carnley Nemer Eder Tello Mackensie Nicole Rae Bennett Miguel Angel-Cruz Valencia —Cum Laude Derek Anton Cutforth Natalie Rose Ferraro Steven Ray Fredrickson Dora Benita Hernandez Benjamin Richard Joner —Cum Laude Dennis Ray Jones Everett Raymond Keller —Magna Cum Laude Ava Frances King Jordan Tyler Korenkiewicz Jared B. Livingston Brenda Ann Losey Geoffrey Donald Schramm Heather Ann Sargent Jordan Darrius Washington Ana Charlotte Schmidt —Magna Cum Laude Ryan Tyrell White Brooke Amanda Sutcliffe Shen Wu Audrey Tan —Magna Cum Laude Josie Ariel Tarr —Magna Cum Laude Olivia Jean Swindler —Cum Laude Julianne Christine Baggett —Summa Cum Laude Veronika Ashley Wood Vazquez Maxfield Burns Supler Tasha Lawren Williams Noah Stephen Cruz Akina Celeste Ryder —Cum Laude Colleen Lynne Stuckey —Cum Laude Anna Lynn Swanson —Magna Cum Laude Victoria Maree Turnbull BACHELOR OF FINE ARTS Lindsey M. Styron Drew Lauren Smith Karina Silva Garcia Ryan David Scott Childress David Nels Rommereim Rebecca N. Schmieman —Magna Cum Laude Daniel Ray Smith Jr. Ivan Valdovinos Mary Brennyn Colombo Tyler Scott Whitford Steve Cottrill —Magna Cum Laude Fraser Forrest Davidson Sarah Elizabeth Wicheta —Summa Cum Laude Brittany L. Dyer Darren Patrick Zemanek Robin Nicole Eldridge —Cum Laude BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN GEOLOGY Kyla Michelle Lakin —Magna Cum Laude Benjamin Hess Gruber —Magna Cum Laude Elizaveta Luzina —Magna Cum Laude Kellie Taylor Wall —Summa Cum Laude Brianna Elizabeth Riddle —Cum Laude BACHELOR OF ARTS IN HISTORY BACHELOR OF ARTS IN FOREIGN LANGUAGES AND CULTURES Olivia Barr —Magna Cum Laude Marielle Helen Abbott Andrea Lynn Alonso —Cum Laude Joshua R. Babcock Kate Lynn Colbert —Magna Cum Laude Megan Ann Beebe Azucena G. Duran Olivia Grace Irene Besel Lauren Ashley Erickson —Cum Laude Marco A. Chavez Parker B. Christiansen Lucas Jack Grisham —Summa Cum Laude Robert James Gagnon Jennifer Jeanne Hergert Eileen Cowen —Summa Cum Laude Seth Alan Goler Luis M. Jaimez Jennifer Laura Green Da Hye Kim Amanda Nicole Hart Evan Donald Klein —Magna Cum Laude BACHELOR OF ARTS IN FINE ARTS Kathryn Oshay Brown Susan Lyn Cannarella —Magna Cum Laude Ivan Valdovinos Nathaniel Alexander Hegerberg Jessica Rene Wells —Magna Cum Laude Bayley Jane Heggenes —Cum Laude Michael Lee Williams —Cum Laude Brianna Ray Hoefer Shane Karl Winkelbauer Krista Marie Lizardi Gilbert Rashaun Johnson Caitlin Rose Beers Shannon Rochelle Corbin Jenna Kristian Crain Erik Todd Ellis Summer Ann Fontenot Chelsea Graves Stephanie Ann Griffin Laura Elizabeth MacFarlane Cristina Anna-Maria MartijaHarris —Magna Cum Laude Juan Ernesto Mata Andrew Omar Maycumber 2015 David Jerome Harris —Magna Cum Laude Chad William Heflick —Cum Laude Robert Matthew Hellstrom Marissa Levon Hice SPRING COMMENCEMENT 49 CANDIDATES FOR BACCALAUREATE DEGREES Heidi Louise Hooper Tomalin Christiana Bailie Brett Andrew McDonald Michael Allen Hopp Jordan Joseph Bakken Ivan Paul McLennan Adin Taylor Johnson Jared Daniel Belsvig Kyler Robert Meek Joshua Andrew Johnson —Magna Cum Laude Terah A. Biggs Ariana Meza Kevin Patrick Knight Megan Anne Boatright Chase Alder Miller Bethany Anne Brown Ann Marie Neal Jason MacCallum Brown Stephani Nicole Carney Noar Kellen Damon Camus Angela Eminger Olson Edward Rosario Caputo Bryce Gryc Park Brianne Nicole Hart —Summa Cum Laude Taylor Anne Carlson Shelby Tate Preisler Austin James Henderson Katrina Lynn Chomik Elliott Michael Price Yongseok Kim Dallen Thomas Clark —Summa Cum Laude Neil Vincent Roberts Abby Elizabeth Knight Johnathan James Clark Alyx Ann Robinson Gen Li Anna Marie Rockey Ruoyan Li Emma Frances Romo —Magna Cum Laude Trent Michael Linson Alexandra Marjory Kruize Vincent Richard Langer Garrett Kenneth Light Gibson A. Lisk John Tappan Menard Jr. —Summa Cum Laude Susanne Janet Meyer Jacob Dennis Miltenberger Thomas Lee Mirante —Cum Laude Connor Michael Nelson Marcel Francis Nolder Kaitlyn Christine Noyes James Edward Pappas —Summa Cum Laude Nat Puthoff McKenna Marie Rinta Alex Douglas Sallander Jocelyn T. Cole —Summa Cum Laude Katelyn Elizabeth Cooper Ethan Reed Curtis Michael Anthony Dach Jr. Elizabeth Michele Dellinger Kyle Thomas Shultz Timothy Allen Smith Jr. Lucas John Valenter Kevin Thomas Waldron Alexandra Marie Putnam Kelli Lynn Smith Sengthian Kyndra Sisayaket —Summa Cum Laude Chase Donald Somero Adrienne Dhian Tanus Brandon C. Stauch Yuhui Wang Jenna Ralene Syverson Michael Xavier Zarate Jennifer Joy Thimell BACHELOR OF ARTS IN MUSIC Lanimarie Moana GreenRowley Amil Milad Haddad Courtney Danielle Hammer Gordon Robert Hays —Magna Cum Laude Christopher Hsu Kaitlin Elizabeth Hoover Brittany Nicole Alexander Julia Anne Anderson Taylor Cole Anderson Jesse D. Ashcraft —Magna Cum Laude 50 2015 SPRING Megan Louise Nelson —Magna Cum Laude Jason Bradley Skiles Brianne Wood BACHELOR OF ARTS IN HUMANITIES Kenneth Charles McKeown Megan Kristina Poppe Desmond Lashayne Hill Sr. Lauren Rachel Young —Summa Cum Laude Yunfei Mao Baylee Cole Sinner Brianna Lea Webb —Cum Laude Megan Elizabeth Wurm —Magna Cum Laude Godfrey Ronald Gresenguet Vanessa Lee Sing Derek Michael Harrison Zachary David Vorhof Epifanio Galindo —Cum Laude Preston Louis Elzey Breoni Janay Harkleroad Matthew John Villata Erik Ekberg Zachary Louis Overhauser —Cum Laude James Cyril Greer Jr. Julia Anina Skow Brittney Kawailani Sumiko Shiroma Beau Matthew Dekker Ryan Nicholas Sikma John Thomas Gobeille Haleigh Esther Elisabeth See Alexa Maraye Shepherd Taylor Marie Clark Emily Anne Dreke —Magna Cum Laude Lidija Mika Farler David Clinton Schoch —Cum Laude Hayden Werner Ross Li-Ying Chen —Summa Cum Laude Marshall Jeffrey Huff Rhiannon Ceciel Hunsberger Nathan Joseph Jenisch —Cum Laude Luxi Jiang Kara Kathryn Koerper Samantha Jane Kralman Yat Kwan Lau Callie Anne Lee C.Tabi Chivaugne Madamba COMMENCEMENT Joshua John Wagner —Magna Cum Laude Melody Chang Spencer Joe Walior Bryce Antares Wirt Horn Morgan Lei Wilson Danielle Brooke Knight Sarah Elizabeth Zimmerman Ian Alexander Kole BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN MATHEMATICS Sengthian Kyndra Sisayaket —Summa Cum Laude Jamie Diane Alliston Brian Welton Wesley Steven Patrick Andrews —Summa Cum Laude BACHELOR OF MUSIC Billy Roy Arn Adrienne Ann Atzmiller —Cum Laude Jairy Gabriela Avila Hannah Marie Bochsler Natalie Marie Carlson Haobo Chai Samantha Camille Cottam George Clark Fricks Calvin Farrell Gorman —Summa Cum Laude Kathy Grace Perng Eric Andrew Power Ian Paul Steiner —Summa Cum Laude Michael Ryan Troianello CANDIDATES FOR BACCALAUREATE DEGREES BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN NEUROSCIENCE Jamal Amine Fakhreddine Cesar Omar Sanchez Melissa Virginia Bennett Sarah Rachelle Neveux —Magna Cum Laude Ryan Anton Farren Sydney Dene`ce Sanchez Samantha Nichole Bernardy Adam Paul Felcyn Shawn Vincent Santomassimo Karran Betterton —Cum Laude Daniel Richard Schuerman Audra Leigh Biermann —Summa Cum Laude Nicole Kalani Smith Teresa Grace Straub —Summa Cum Laude BACHELOR OF ARTS IN PHILOSOPHY Shaquelle Monae Duncan Bruce Kenoyer II Cody Wade Koeller Miles Hamilton Linde —Summa Cum Laude Russell Alan Flock —Cum Laude Petra Ali Frandsen Tyler James Gallaway Austin Arthur Gonzales Saul Joshua Greene Isabella Lorraine Holroyd Sagal S. Hussein Alec Hirotaka Ikeda Jacob Michael Knutson Devon Arabella Seymour —Magna Cum Laude Cynetha Ann Blacketer Taylor Nicole Shea Taylor Marie Blanchard Nicholas Benjamin Siler Christina Marie Borselli Kristen Elaine Stone Mitchell Voltaire Bousquet Michael Stephen Taylor Wendy Lee Bradshaw Nemer Eder Tello Kaitlyn Anne Bray —Cum Laude Adam P. Unutoa Ashley Rose Breshears Victor Alfonso Marx Rebecca Leigh LaMastus Francisco Jesus Urbina Brendon Kyle Ossman Nathaniel Keith Lambert —Cum Laude Aaron Bruce Wasson Kaitlyn Aisleen White Tristan Michael Lawrence Paul Timothy Wilmoth Newton Anderson Le Dominic Richard Woolery Lauren Marishka Tielman Jong Hyeok Lee Zachary Keoni Young Donald J. Towslee Jr. Kelen Gabriel Lewis Sarah Elizabeth Zimmerman Melissa Nicole Brown —Cum Laude Elizabeth Patricia Vanier —Cum Laude Kyeshia Shavon Likely Kevin Patrick Lillis BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN PSYCHOLOGY Meaghan McCall Bruner —Cum Laude Yuen Ting Wai Stephanie Marie Logan —Summa Cum Laude Brooke E. Adams Justin Ky Brusasco Victor Alfonso Marx Lisa L. Adams —Summa Cum Laude Michael Theron Burley Jr. —Summa Cum Laude BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN PHYSICS Michael Dion Matsubara —Cum Laude Allan Ajeto Ashley Taylor Burnette Benjamin Gordon McDonald Kenneth Michael Albright —Magna Cum Laude Sheila Denise Burton Jeffrey Clayton McCrea Shelby Paige Taylor McKenzie Sue McDaniel Daffodil Ybanez Alinson Zachary David Campbell Bryce Campbell McMichael Sarah Virginia Amato —Cum Laude Tanairi Campos Jared Kersey Powell Emily Louise Shumway —Magna Cum Laude Mackenzie Michael Weber —Cum Laude BACHELOR OF ARTS IN POLITICAL SCIENCE Patrick W. Mehigan Bryan Scott Allen Lauren Elizabeth Miller Samantha M. Arnold Ryan Thomas Miller Haley Lyn Beatty Christian Joel Moak Riley Patrick Beck —Cum Laude Jeffrey Robert Munsey Austin Scott Bonvallet Emmett Daniel Bowman —Magna Cum Laude Michael Lee Nguyen —Magna Cum Laude Louise Cecile Ondo Angue Alexander Arthur Patton Thomas Brempong Brady S. Penn Steven Carl Brown Jr. Jack Warren Connaughton Yuriy Sergey Polunets —Cum Laude Michael Patrick Crimmins Jared Kersey Powell Katarina Fontanilla Donovan Evan A. Primm Ryan Joseph Dooley Blair Andrew Rezny Delaney Nora Dorsey —Magna Cum Laude Kennedy Ann Richmond Chanel Everett Oksana Pearl Ruffin Tyler J. Roth Jayme Louise Anderson Alysha Nichole Brown Chelsae Elizabeth Brown —Cum Laude Danielle Nicole Brown Diane Marie Brown Caitlin Janelle Callahan Amy Michelle Cannon Ryan Zachary Anselmi Chanel Olivia Carlson —Magna Cum Laude Jesse D. Ashcraft —Magna Cum Laude Alyssa Nicole Case Emily Anne Aufrecht Diane Lizette Castillo Jacqueline Christine Baker Colleen Elizabeth Chalmers —Magna Cum Laude Gavin Allan Bakker Daniel Lucas Chan Marissa Mary Ballard Wai Yi Chan Lauren Nicole Balsamo —Cum Laude Ruvim Alexandru Cheptea —Cum Laude Antonio Barragan William Austin Christopher Kortnee Ann Bates Charissa Nicole Bausch Claudia Cobarrubias Chavez —Magna Cum Laude Krystal Bautista Paul W. Collop Kaitlyn M. Beckstrom Saida Lorena Cortes Alisha Marie Beehler Madison Victoria Creel Myranda Paige Bell Leah Sandra Crews Calista Sarah Currie 2015 SPRING COMMENCEMENT 51 CANDIDATES FOR BACCALAUREATE DEGREES Stephanie Nicole Dalton —Cum Laude Melissa Maridel Halley —Magna Cum Laude McKenzie Lee Davis Erin McIntosh Handschin Taylor Fay Davis Casey Andrea Harkins —Cum Laude Holly Michelle Day Ashley Lauren Harper Sara DeFina Allyssa Camille Dickerson Abby Eileen Dillinger Brittany Nicoelle Dillon —Cum Laude Elise Michelle Dominey Jonathon Carl Doyen Kylee Nicole Harper —Cum Laude Hilary Shannon Harris —Cum Laude Lorus Aizya Hendricks Daniel A. Hernandez Karen Higgins —Summa Cum Laude Kimberly Kay Dreis —Magna Cum Laude Ally Lynn Hochanadel —Cum Laude Dierdre Kathleen Drew D’Arick Denzel Dulin Grace Lynn Hoinowski —Summa Cum Laude Suzana A. Dzyuba —Cum Laude Janae L. Hughes Erik Ekberg Chelsea Elizabeth Hukill Tyler Paul Elderkin Linda Guadalupe Iniguez Sara Jane Enlow Rhiannon Mae Inman Lauren Ashley Erickson —Cum Laude Cole Richard Jackson MaKayla Kristine Everroad Rose Leigh James John Gregory Eyler Aleksandar Jarcev —Summa Cum Laude Kimberly Tracy Faginkrantz Marissa Marie Jedynak Matthew Louis Fiorentino Yushan Jiang Madeline Arline Fouts Scott Robert Johnson Katelyn Jean Frederick Zachary Roy Allen Johnson Mary Jean Dawisan Freeman Morgan Elizabeth Jones Katy Christine Fruik Brittany Kahealani Kalahiki —Magna Cum Laude Rachel Ann Galasso —Cum Laude Shelby Lynn Karraker Andrea Irene Garcia Theodora Ann Kasper Lauri Lynn Gay —Cum Laude Shelby Lynn Keller Adonay Negasi Gebrehiwot Jadey June Gentry Rebecca Marie Glose Nicole Marie Gomez Kathryn Eloise Gordon Daniel Duane Grant Melanie Carolyn Gumm Enqi Guo Brandi Renee Gwinn —Cum Laude Nicole Lyn Hall —Magna Cum Laude Christopher William Kelly Emilly Rachelle Kelly —Summa Cum Laude 2015 SPRING Brock William Motum Thomas Christopher LaFave —Summa Cum Laude Lauren Marie Mueller Kathleen Rebujio Lambino Elva J. Munz —Cum Laude Yajing Lan —Cum Laude Michelle Nicole Murphy Brittany Nicole Lang Sara-Lei Julia Nelson Danielle Elizabeth Larson —Summa Cum Laude John Darrel Larson Hyu Cho Lee Lisa Marie Lehmann Tanner Lynn Lemen —Magna Cum Laude Stephanie J. Lincoln-Baines Christina Ann Litchfield —Summa Cum Laude Kathryn Ann Marie Nall David Alexander Newsom Trang Thu Nguyen Trung Minh Nguyen Grant Joseph Nielsen Mark Thomas Nimz Michelle Nixon Amy Therese Nusbaum —Cum Laude Ethan James Olesen Jocelynne Lo Jason Patterson Joy Marie Loebsack Chaline Pellham Nancy Judith Lopez-Vasquez Amanda Kathleen Petersen —Cum Laude Kaysze Elizabeth Lyman —Cum Laude Tyler Michael Peterson Chandler Belle Madsen Jocelyn Mary Anna Powell Kathryn Maes Jeremiah H. Price Lucio Emanuel Maldonado Fernando Rios —Cum Laude Stefani Kay Mammenga —Summa Cum Laude Jacob Keith Manis Emily Anne Marriott Che’vaniece Janae Marshall Claire Ellen Rode —Cum Laude Kyler Lynn Roden —Magna Cum Laude Joseph William Martin Alicia Renea Rodriguez —Magna Cum Laude Ismael Martinez Jr. —Cum Laude Gabriella Rodriguez —Cum Laude Sarah Lenay Matautia Kendal Lee Rodwell Michael Dion Matsubara —Cum Laude Madison Marie Rosenbaum Dakota Storm Mauzay —Summa Cum Laude Andrew Phillip Russell Kristina Ann Mawhiney Jonathan David Ross Karmjit Kaur Sagoo Jina Salama Taylin Antoinette Kennon —Cum Laude Adriane Ann McLaughlin —Summa Cum Laude Anastasia M. Kibby —Cum Laude Andrew Joseph McMahon —Summa Cum Laude Melissa Jesenia Santana Contreras You-Ri Kim Alec M. McNamara Emily Susan Sawyer Corey Scott Kincaid Rashell Marie McNulty Michelle Christine Sayer Kathryn Eileen Klopfenstein Kayla Rae Mellville Kelsey Rose Schafer Iris Charlotte Cornelie Koning —Summa Cum Laude Danielle Elizabeth Mertens Christy Lauren Schalk Julie Christine Michelsen Arianna Marie Schiffner —Summa Cum Laude Jami Marie Kouba Kirstin Marie Kvam 52 Rebecca Hoa Khiet La COMMENCEMENT Chelsea Ann Minkler Riley James Moore Shahna Marie Sanders Danielle Kathleen Schwartz CANDIDATES FOR BACCALAUREATE DEGREES Jessica Marie Scovell Jesse Fu Wang Alyssa Marie Alvarez Roman Scott Madrid Julia Rose Seifert Sammantha Lee Warner Charissa Nicole Bausch Karina Martinez Lindi Darlene Seifert —Magna Cum Laude Amanda Kay Weiss Nakiya Chante Belford —Cum Laude Amie Joy McKenna Rayanne Marisa Shears Marina Kathleen Wilber Kyle John Bittner Savannah Jane Bonny Brittany Beth Mellegard —Cum Laude Christina Marie Borselli Sarah Beth Navarro Jason John Breithaupt —Magna Cum Laude Jordan Thomas Nelson Shelby Janelle Short Jennifer Helen Shroy —Cum Laude Meagan Michelle Simpson Sienna Faye Skeels Baylie May Smith —Cum Laude Stacey June Spencer Cappy Anne Spruance Cierah Madieson Stach —Cum Laude Nicole O. Stohr —Summa Cum Laude Samantha Lorraine Sweeney —Cum Laude Kristen Lee Whitney Nichole Frances Williams Jamie Lee Wilson —Magna Cum Laude Shanee Marie Wimberly Karissa Michelle Wolfson Yessica Lewis Carnley Jacinto Nunez —Cum Laude Forrest Donald Wray IV —Cum Laude Devin Hiroshi Carrig Jacqueline Marie Palmer Kayla Marie Cearley Kari Marie Pederson Hannah Taylor Wright Taber Kai Cowlishaw Alicia Nicole Pham Qingyuan Xie Kenneth Jess Curtis —Cum Laude David Khoa Pham David Eloy DeLaRosa —Magna Cum Laude Janae Britta Rame Chansee Xiong —Cum Laude Brandon Yen Mary Margaret Yoest Ashton Breana Zenk Eric Allan Dennis Zachary Anson Diekmann Jeffrey Alan Duke Kassandra Sweet Reychyl Allyson Ziemer Tonya N. Swyers Sebastian Deane Zusi Sara Cheyenne Emerick Raena Lee Tames Gracie Anastasia Tarabochia BACHELOR OF ARTS IN PUBLIC AFFAIRS Chloe Yvonne Freuden Kidst Sisay Tasisa Rebecca Sue Adams Breana Suzanne Tate Kyle Phillip Bender —Magna Cum Laude Alexandru Marian Teodorescu Maxwell Edward Thomas Jacob Ryan Tingey —Magna Cum Laude Chelsae Alexandra Titus Blair Faith Torppa —Cum Laude Heather Nicole Tovey Donald J. Towslee Jr. Natasha Trachsel Kelsie Marie Trotignon Maria Sophia Tsagalakis Allyssa Ann Turcotte Stacee Lee Turner Ashley Renee Tyre Kenna Marie Uddenberg —Cum Laude Norma Mejia Kelsey Jean Gingerich Karalynn Christine MacraeSmith Teada Ngov Robert Morris Pierce II —Cum Laude Sebastian Fernandez Sedale Jordan Garcia Vanessa Lorraine Gutierrez Jorden Wesley Haas —Cum Laude Lauren Powell Reid L. Schmidt Breanna Lynn Scott Joshua Oakliegh Shely Britain Alycia Snider Dennis Christopher Snowden Christopher Sabastion Son Bruce Alexander Symonds Terry Tran —Cum Laude Amanda Dee Wells Kori Higashiya —Magna Cum Laude Lauren Ashley Horton Jack Ray Hyder Marshall Cy Whitener —Summa Cum Laude Rex Huihung Yu Tyler Alan Zonneveld Michelle Lee Johnson —Magna Cum Laude BACHELOR OF ARTS IN SOCIAL SCIENCES Jin Hee Kang Juan A. Aguilar Precirose Jade Algarme Cera Ashley Thackeray Laura Ann Kelley —Magna Cum Laude Mariya M. Tsikhonska —Magna Cum Laude Jean Kim Daniel Jonathan Anderson Jared Orlando Kroll Curtis Matthew Ash Alexander Raymond Van Dinter —Cum Laude Hannah Ruth Rachel Lake —Magna Cum Laude Alexis Anne Bafus Yana R. Vasilchuk —Cum Laude Zach Alexander Lawrence Madeline Brown Randolph —Magna Cum Laude Ashlyn Janelle Salzman Bryan Ka Lam Anthony Robert Alig Bryan Richard Baird Jocelyn Emma Baker Tyler Seth Baker Heather Gail Welch Ryan David Scott Leman —Summa Cum Laude Asia Dawn Vanhorn BACHELOR OF SCIENCE Jesica Lie John Sayles Barry Matthew Edward Vaughan Bilen T. Abrham Haley Marie Bauer Thao Thu Vo —Cum Laude Amanda Marie Agen Rachel Diane Lindgren —Summa Cum Laude Austin William Baxter Melissa Cora Liu Signe Marie Wallerich-Neils Sayury Gabriela Alpizar Heather Jean Beehner —Magna Cum Laude Matt Adam Van Nyhuis Erin Allen Janelle Michelle Lugo Katelyn Jean Barrett Anastasia Miyoko Mackert 2015 SPRING COMMENCEMENT 53 CANDIDATES FOR BACCALAUREATE DEGREES Paula Lynnette Beerman —Cum Laude Nicole Dolores Crook —Cum Laude Tiffany Ann Gehrman Williams Alexandria Rashel Korobkin —Cum Laude Miranda Justine Belcher Savannah Jo Culley Lauren Ann Gelinas Davonte Damion Lacy Edward P. Benedictus II Jordan Maxx-Yvon Culverhouse Garret William Gileno Tsz Cheung Lam Josephine Katherine Davison —Cum Laude Rebecca Michelle Ginn Michael Sebastian Larosa Kathrine Ann Gormanous Zane William Larsen Arthur Edward Gottlieb —Cum Laude Whitney Marie Lawwill Brodie Nicholas Gray Patrick James Leckington —Magna Cum Laude David John Benson Brian Alexander Besselieu Samantha Hope Betts Daniela Depaz Ryan Jeremiah Bice James Bielenberg Christy Marie Depp —Magna Cum Laude Cathleen D. Blackburn Edgar Diaz Alley Rae Blom —Cum Laude Jessica Clarissa Dickerson Cassandra Mae Grier —Cum Laude Monique Upumoni Lelauti Harrison Joe Diemert Christina M. Hamilton —Summa Cum Laude Mengzhe Liao Jordan Celeste Dinneen Bailey Elyse Handlon Rachel Brook Dollar Jessica Raylene Hanson Markie Rian Doty-Weinacker —Cum Laude Ver’leea Virginia Hardaway Ian James Doyle Cody M. Hawkins Mackenzie Alycia Dickinson Mathew Joseph Blood Kaili Marie Nohealani Bonn Emily Maria Boone —Cum Laude Quinten Thomas Boyd Christopher Allen Bradley Katie J. Briglio —Summa Cum Laude Danny Joe Brigman Allison Draffin Kevin Leon Dresker Meg Marie Druffel Sarah Jane Brown Liana Marie Grever Sarah Michaele Leach Rachael Anne Harum Rebecca Marie Haworth Travis Tipton Hayes Brandy Jo Lewis Carmen Irene Libby Lorraine Limardi Justin Shane Lingo Daylen Ronald Lokey Brian Christopher Lothrop Carly Anne Lowder Jonathan Daniel Macejunas Alissa Brianne Mansker —Magna Cum Laude Ashley Taelor Bubnick Maninder Singh Dulai Samantha Jo Hendricks —Magna Cum Laude Joanne Ellen Burns —Summa Cum Laude Shannon Fay Dwyer Jepson Max Garrison Hersey Morgan Alyse Earsley Ryan Tyler Hill Brandon Richard Caldwell Brenda Cathleen Edington —Magna Cum Laude Courtney Ann Himes —Cum Laude Angelique Frederica Ernstrom-Kissas —Cum Laude Kylie Marie Hochhalter Blaine Martin Fallstrom Susan Renee Hooper —Summa Cum Laude Orion McCabe-Gould Cassandra Grace Horn —Magna Cum Laude Kevin Thomas McCanta Miguelangel T. Calvo Stephanie R. Caplan —Summa Cum Laude Taima Nichole Carden —Cum Laude Erika Mercedes Carlson Haylie Anne Carpenter Michael D. Fields Kalena Cassandra Fikis Christina Marie Finley —Cum Laude Jacob Scott Carrougher Janna Marie Carter —Cum Laude Karin Sue Chandler Ashley Ashika Chandra Anali Chavez —Magna Cum Laude Kathryn Cannon McCamish Jeanene P. McGraw Christie Lynn Isenhart Robert Charles McMurtay Carlie Leann Jackson —Cum Laude Chelsea McTee Joseph Edward Flanagan Suzanna Rose Jamison —Magna Cum Laude Nicole Marie Melichar Shawn Douglas Galivan SPRING Christina Mae McCabe Veronika Leonidovna Flaherty Nathan Alexander Corin —Magna Cum Laude 2015 Heather Marie Mason —Summa Cum Laude Hunter Arthur Fitzgerald Natasha Follett 54 Marina Ann Martin Kristopher Kenneth McLendon Jeneane E. Conway —Cum Laude Hannah Marie Crane Denzzel Lee Martin Derek Michael Hyatt Mary Teresa Florendo Amparo Counts Ingi Cortney Huswick Alyssa Marie Marsh Corinne Leigh Fisher Coy Chris Clark —Cum Laude Rosa Linda Cortez Christopher Daniel Holmquist Christine Irene Mars Janice Fay Flynn Tatyana Terisa Gaea Damian Garcia Deysi Garcia-Perez Taylor James Garfield Carly Lois Garnaas COMMENCEMENT Sten Marcellus Mejlaender James Thomas Jeffs —Magna Cum Laude Christina J. Mendoza Clara Marie Johnson Jesus Noe Mendoza Amber Marie Jones Michelle Jessica Mertes Dexter Kernich-Drew Sandra Marie Mills Angus Ryan Kiehle Chloe Adair Moesch —Cum Laude Michelle Marie Klippert Madeleine Margaux Kohm Ruslana Kopytko Janelle Alexis Mendoza Anthony Jose Molieri Yahaira Molina CANDIDATES FOR BACCALAUREATE DEGREES Evan Jordan Moriwaki Douglas Levi Rochester Tanner Russell Trombley Joshua B. Mullin Mark David Romero Kristen Vaito’i Tuala Vanessa Delgado —Summa Cum Laude Jennifer Muse Christina Diana Rosca —Magna Cum Laude Larisa Tuchina —Cum Laude Leslie Fernanda Diaz Lyman Aitofele Faoliu Omar Eduardo Rubio Jodi Marie Vencill Carmen Ninoska Garcia Kayleigh RoseAnn Rucker Kayla L. Voigt Heather Patrice Harrison Justin Ezekiel William Sagote Adam Thomas Wallitner Savanna Danae Hill Kimberly Darlene Salvitelli —Cum Laude Yun Wang Trenton L. Hollimon Bucoda William Warren Rebecca Leigh LaMastus Bailey Nicole O’Keath Amber Urrae Sands —Magna Cum Laude Briauna S. Watley Melissa Diane Olsen Jackson Elliott Scalzo Yajing Lan —Cum Laude Jeni Lyn O’Neil Mariah Lynn Schenck Allan Oneill —Magna Cum Laude Karoon Erika Scheppmann Barbara Mbabazi Mwesigwa Christina Maria Myers Christopher Amba Ndifon Jr. Kacnika Nen Urenna Amauche Njoku Jamie B. Nugent Sergio Antonio Orozco Chelsee Louise Lamar Osback Veniamin Y. Paliyev Natalia Y. Pavlik John Arthur Schlichting Adam David Scott Greg Stuart Scott Molly Jean Scott Karla K. Weaver Parker David Mattson —Summa Cum Laude Erin Gail Weis Sasha Wells Matthew Lee Wenzinger Cara Christina Wernette Hayleigh Linay White DeVonte Marquice McClain Grace Elena Moonie Delaney Raine Nelsen Melissa Ann White Calen Hardin Olesen —Summa Cum Laude Timothy Jeremiah White Ethan James Olesen Katryn Marie Whitney Blaire Morgan Paiso Christopher Thomas Pavlos Erin Elizabeth Seekins —Cum Laude Lindsey C. Peonio Ye Ji Seo Zabrinna Nicole Wickert Rebekah A. Peterman Tina Marie Peters Lindsay D. Shaver Bui B. Williams Elizabeth Pruneda Bethany Ann Peterson —Cum Laude Brian Michael Shaw Crystal Lee Williams Brittany Nicole Recknagel Sarah Mae Peterson Breanna Renee Shores —Summa Cum Laude Janelle Amber Williams —Magna Cum Laude Hamza Roberts Pascale Michelle Petrie-Albert Kerry S. Siegel Eloise Margaret Pimentel —Cum Laude Anna Pauline Silvia Rochelle Amber Camille Williams —Magna Cum Laude Mackenzie Rae Sanders Gary Christopher Piontek —Magna Cum Laude Scott Ryan Simon Kiana Ki’ilani Wilson —Magna Cum Laude Joanna Elise Small Shane Worden Yunjoung Shin —Magna Cum Laude Alicia Smiley Sunlight Vue Yang Jessica Dianne Smith Laurel Alexis Sowder Xiaoyi Yang Jessica Lynn Spinney Dylan Joseph Young Michelle Ann Smith —Magna Cum Laude Michael Knox Sprenger Antonina A. Zaytseva —Cum Laude Kelly Anne Sowers Steffen James Studdard Ajla Zelkanovic Michelle Lynne Thorgrimson Robert Francis Zaragoza Conor Michael Pollom Heather Andrea Potack Tia Dominique Presley Chelsea Brianne Pries Nicole Rochelle Proulx Jennine Mary Purrington —Magna Cum Laude Mansel Adrian Simmons Morgan Stanek Emilia Ruiz Ferreyra Addison John Schahfer Alexandra Marie Sellers Jeffrey Rabinovitz Rebecca Elise Stern —Summa Cum Laude Eric Allen Rainaud-Hinds —Magna Cum Laude Lisa Marie Stitely BACHELOR OF ARTS IN SOCIOLOGY Kyra Cheyanne Stokes Evan Randall Alston BACHELOR OF ARTS IN WOMEN’S STUDIES Kasandra Renee Ramey Kinkade Webb SunderlandHerrin Jayme Louise Anderson Morgan Taylor Brown Ashley N. Arntson Megan Ann Cook Kathleen Dacumos Bautista Alex Loren Dankers —Magna Cum Laude Patricia Ramos Aurelio F. Razo Kadie Robyn Svrcek Taylor-Nicole Reed —Cum Laude Holly Y. Swofford Joshua James Swogger Tami Kay Reisman Willow S. Taylor Heather Marie Rife Keith Raymond Thomas Brenda Estefania Rincon Mathew Kent Thompson Benjamin Romain Roberts James Timothy Torres Lareesa Marquette Blakely MacKenzie Antoinette Christensen —Summa Cum Laude Michal Crkon Cristina Medina Emmaline Grace Mills Ryan Tyrell White Katelynn Elizabeth Croston 2015 SPRING COMMENCEMENT 55 CANDIDATES FOR BACCALAUREATE DEGREES BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN ZOOLOGY JT Farmer —Cum Laude Megan Rose Lisa —Cum Laude Sophie Marisa Ascaso —Summa Cum Laude Krysten Cheryl Graham Sherlee Ma Kimberly Barbara Rogers —Cum Laude Erika Lynn Berdan Lara Ashley Heersema —Magna Cum Laude Natalie Faith Mohr Christa Laurin Schulz Nicole Eleni Beroukas Hannah Jasmine Heintz Kammi Lynn Moniz Rupali Sodhi Allison E. Breaker Travis Wade King —Summa Cum Laude Benjamin Ray Pfeiffer —Cum Laude Jessica R. Spaulding Andra Nicole Poteat Daniel Bounthavy Thongdara Katie Leeann Coughlin Ann Marie Dillon Daniel James Dobbins Channing Layne Koster Geehan Lee Wendy Ellison Bethany Lianne Rockstad Rebecca Kay Stucki Amelia Moire Robertson Chantel Elizabeth Robinson —Cum Laude Tiffany Elizabeth Wilks —Magna Cum Laude Nikko Desiree Yates The first floor recreation lounge in Northside Residence Hall 56 2015 SPRING COMMENCEMENT CANDIDATES FOR BACCALAUREATE DEGREES Carson College of Business BACHELOR OF ARTS IN BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION Reuben Paul Bartlett Gabriel McKinley Abram Jason Allen Bates Laurel Elise Adami Alexander A. Adekoya —Cum Laude Anna-Liza Orera Agosa Mahrukh Ahsan —Magna Cum Laude Ali Rawoof Abdul Hussain Al Lawati —Summa Cum Laude Sharon Louise Allegre Benjamin Bixler Allen Stacy Suzette Allison Abdulaziz Almansour Nasser Mohammed Alsubaie Abraham Malede Ambaw Shannon Ayame Amuro —Cum Laude Alex Dane Anderson —Cum Laude Michael Anderson —Cum Laude Shay Morgan Anderson Austin C. Armstrong —Magna Cum Laude Brady Arnone —Cum Laude Jordan Lee Baskins —Magna Cum Laude Mackenzie Leigh Bauer —Cum Laude Jenna Marie Beckel —Cum Laude LeAnn Michele Becker Samantha Renee Beiler Brian Edward Beldo Michael Joseph Bell Brieana Romulo Beltran Robert John Charles Benedict Osvaldo Jacob Benitez Alcantara Nicholas Lawrence Bussard Peter Moses Boettcher —Summa Cum Laude Garrett Michael Bogar Amber Melissa Clark Melissa Jane Cameron Jennifer Rochelle Clark Jackie Kay Campbell Alex Evan Clausen Mark Anthony Campeau —Cum Laude Cheryle J. Clawson William Cristian Cancilla Lauren Ruthe Clawson —Cum Laude Sarah Heather Cane —Magna Cum Laude Brandon Wayne Clement Huimin Cao Kate Lynn Colbert —Magna Cum Laude Kelsey Rae Pangelinan Carlson Christopher Alfred Boachie Suyeong Chung Christine Ellen Clark —Cum Laude Melinda Elise Blain Payton Makenna Blankevoort —Cum Laude Rupinder Kaur Chohan Zachary Tod Byrd Chanel Olivia Carlson —Magna Cum Laude Sara Kristina Boyle Jarom D. Barela —Cum Laude Casey Jo Christal Patrick Joel Bestebreur —Cum Laude Temilola Oluwayemisi Ayinde —Summa Cum Laude Lulu Bao Amber Marie Bush Katherine Bermudez Beau Jacob Bowman Erika Balodis —Cum Laude Nicholas Jun-Yeop Cho Emily Katherine Cargnino —Magna Cum Laude Alan Bolin Atkins —Cum Laude Alexis Renee Ballard Brad Joseph Burn —Magna Cum Laude Jiyong Byeon Bryce Lambert Bowell Miranda Leigh Bailey —Magna Cum Laude Annemarie Sylvia Chidiac Kyle Gordon Beatty Nathan Ashley Danielle Marie Baghetti Jennifer Lynn Burleson Rebekah Lynn Bushman Brittani Elizabeth Bosch Taylor Kay Baggerly Ellina Chepelyuk —Cum Laude Torey Cameron Bearly —Magna Cum Laude Joshua John Arp Michelle Aylard Stephanie Anne Burke —Summa Cum Laude Jeffrey D. Carmody —Summa Cum Laude Matthew D. CarnahanMurray Catharine Victoria Caron Claudia Carrasco —Cum Laude Leo Jeffrey Clerc Brian D. Cole —Magna Cum Laude Chanel Marie Cole Nicholas Christopher Coleck —Cum Laude Courtney Lee Collins Michelle Ellen Collison —Cum Laude Erica Christine Colvin Nan Cong Morgan Jennifer Conklin John Lucas Cavanah IV Natalie Ellen Conrad Courtney Marie Centeno Valerie Denise Cook Darrell Garrett Chamberlain Jordan Copeland Yat Him Chan Marjorie Valdoz Cortel Jacob Mackenzie Bridgman Amy Hinh Chao —Cum Laude Joseph Michael Costello Kassi Catherine Brigham Isidro Chavez Christopher Sean Cour —Cum Laude Riley Youngs Brindle Samantha Jane Chavez Whitney Jacob Roy Courtright —Cum Laude Daniel George Brown —Magna Cum Laude Amy Renae Cheek Ian James Cox —Magna Cum Laude Danielle Lee Brown —Magna Cum Laude Yangzhengpu Chen Logan Heath Bowman Alex Vincent Braulio Chelsea Kay Brown Tanner Howard Buck Shannon N. Burgess Jiayi Chen Lynn Marie Craig Sheri Leigh Cregger —Summa Cum Laude Yuhan Chen Yun Chen —Cum Laude Dylan Martin Crocco —Cum Laude 2015 SPRING COMMENCEMENT 57 CANDIDATES FOR BACCALAUREATE DEGREES Andrew David Croskrey Michael Giorgio Erickson Trevor Charles Crownover Evan Bryant Ernst Noah Stephen Cruz Jeremy Lee Esmay William Aaron Culey —Cum Laude Beatriz Adriana Espinoza David Joseph Cullen Brittany Ann Evarts Richard Anthony Gombotz —Summa Cum Laude Nathan Eugene Dahlstrom Melissa Susan Fabrega —Magna Cum Laude Jordan Gomez —Cum Laude Kyla May Dainty Zachary Mark Faller Nathaniel Benito Gonzales Aime Kenneth Dako Sr. Wantong Fang Elizabeth Gonzalez Malia K. Danilson Joseph Daniel Feather —Magna Cum Laude Katrina Elizabeth Gottwald Hauna Lee Essick Paul R. Cummins Brandon Lloyd Dannehy Jaykrishna J. Dave Eric J. David Mandi Lee Feddersen —Magna Cum Laude Collin Bradford Daviscourt Robyn Kalob Feil —Cum Laude Courtney Rene Defrees Aaron Michael Feldhaus Alec Matthew Deichman —Magna Cum Laude Hanna K. Ferguson —Cum Laude Alex James Den Bleyker Ben John Finch —Summa Cum Laude Christine Lindsey DennlerLusco Heather Marie Fiore Sam Perron Gilliss —Cum Laude Matthew McQuarrie Harrison Stephanie Lynn Gilmore —Cum Laude Sean Paul Hartnett Jordan Kieth Gipson Kasey Daniel Grant —Summa Cum Laude Blythe Carleton Green —Cum Laude David Andrew Green LaLani Jo Green —Magna Cum Laude Joseph Dylan Greene Kimberly Anne Greenside Kyle Lee Grissom Jessica Anne Guillard —Summa Cum Laude Taylor Nichole Harrison Kathy Hartwell —Cum Laude Courtney Elizabeth Hastings —Cum Laude Jonathan Douglas Hayes Tyler James Hayes —Magna Cum Laude Sai He Yujing He —Summa Cum Laude Thomas Patrick Healy —Magna Cum Laude Britney Lea Hedin Kiley Ann Heffner Sarah Nicole Heilman —Summa Cum Laude Amanda Marie Helenberg Anthony Michael Helms Wade Charles Helms —Summa Cum Laude Daniel Gregg DeRitis Hannah Morgan Fisher Elyse Marie Deshaw Connor Ryan Flanigan Sarah Joanne DeZell Alexander Sparrow Folger Brittany Nicoelle Dillon —Cum Laude Jessica Sarah Kamuela Guillermo Dale Cody-William Fontaine David Michael Gullett Samuel Noah Fosberg Johnathon Michael Hakala Kyle Steven Fox Duward William Frame IV Jason L. Haley —Summa Cum Laude Eli Foster Frazier Brandon William Hall Nicole Frey —Summa Cum Laude Mandi Michelle Haller Jason Laine Hamlin Kimberly Michelle Hort —Cum Laude Scott Michael Fukumae Yi Han Alivia Morgan Howard Rachelle Lee Gaines Dianne Ellen Hanson —Summa Cum Laude Sean James Howard Sina M. Ganjavi —Cum Laude Kyle Oden Patrick Hanson Yen-Ju Huang Jeffrey Joseph Garbarino Connor Reade Harber Gerardo Ruben Garcia Lindsay Taylor Harmon James Cruz Garcia Vitaliy V. Gavrilyuk Brennan Joseph Harper —Cum Laude Don L. Gesch Jr. —Summa Cum Laude Peyton Nicole Harper —Cum Laude Deena Paige Ghazanfarpour Caleb Winter Harris —Cum Laude Zachary Keith Dinsmore Keenan Kai Dolan Kassandra Marie Downing Taylor C. Dressen Matthew Russell Drish —Cum Laude Matthew Emmett Drumheller Catherine Lee Duback —Magna Cum Laude Xuan Gan Eric Michael Dusoleil Kelsey Kaylynn Eason Ryan Kinsley Eaton —Magna Cum Laude Steven Lee Ebner Christopher Eder Greta Anne Ehinger Rhonda Shannon Ellerton —Magna Cum Laude Micah S. Elliott Cody Christopher Ellison Kimberly Lou Ennis 58 2015 SPRING Samantha Marie Ghosn —Cum Laude Seth Gregory Gibbons COMMENCEMENT William Blake Hanson Max Moses Harris —Magna Cum Laude William Thomas Harris Amber Marie Hemann Jose Hernandez Heidi Elise Hoff —Magna Cum Laude Sara Nicole Hoffmann James Dean Holt Tram T. Hong —Summa Cum Laude Xu Huang Chase Andrew Huber MaryKate Elisabeth Hughes Heidi A. Hull Matthew Creighton Hund Nicholas Robert Hunter Whitney Dawn Hunter —Magna Cum Laude Kendra L. Huson —Magna Cum Laude Madeline Rose Jacobs —Cum Laude CANDIDATES Luis M. Jaimez Taewon Kim Kai Yeung Owen Li Jason Benish Jakubiak Yunmi Kim Liu Lin Li Austin Taylor James Michael Brian Kinkaid Siyi Li Dwan Jeray James Julian Michael Kinonen Tae Kyung Jang Vitaliy Kirichenko Xinyun Li —Magna Cum Laude Cory Theodore Jenneskens —Cum Laude Meghan Shelby Kirk Rachel M. Jensen Tarik Berriochoa Jensen Kristina Klimenova —Magna Cum Laude Joo Hwa Jin —Magna Cum Laude Jason Bradley Kline —Cum Laude Bowen Liu Yiyi Jin Alina V. Kondratovets Huijia Liu Cassandra Raquel Johnson —Magna Cum Laude Stevi Lynn Konigsberger —Magna Cum Laude Jiaxin Liu Jaclyn Marie Johnson —Magna Cum Laude Robert John Krieger —Cum Laude Matthew Ryan Johnson Amanda Dawn Krisher Nicole Alicia Johnson —Cum Laude Nicholas Patrick Kroetch Steve Willam Johnson Matthew Joseph Kuhl Bruce E. Jones Luke Clement Jordan Kastlie Michelle Joseph Keegan Spencer Justis —Cum Laude Randall Allen Kadow Anastasia Kandiner Shamal A. Karan Daria Kari —Magna Cum Laude Neda Karimi Keith Romane Karlsen Delani Taylor Kaufman Trevor Andrew Kitzes Victoria Cecilie Kruse Alla N. Kulik Michael Kenneth Kvalvik Kwan Ho Lai Tsering Kalden Lama Connor Lane Daylen Wayne Lappe Taylor Ann Largent —Cum Laude Zane William Larsen John Darrel Larson Collin Robert Lavachek —Cum Laude FOR BACCALAUREATE DEGREES Jonathan Dwight McClanahan —Magna Cum Laude Oliver Gerard McGarey Stephanie Paige McGrath Michelle Lynn McGuire Elizabeth Fei Lin —Cum Laude Susan McGuire —Cum Laude Ryan William Lindenmeier Damian Lamar McKenzie Lauren Marie Little Ryan Donald McNatt Molly Catherine Meehan Dan Liu Salvador Mendoza Amanda Noel Merkatz Jeffrey James Mickelson Junzheng Liu —Cum Laude Brooke N. Micklitsch —Cum Laude Sai Liu Megan Anne Millard Juan Carlos Lomeli Chris Ryan Miller —Magna Cum Laude America Crystal Lopez Qin Lu Jeff Alan Miller Nicholas James Luchetti —Cum Laude Kelsey Eleanor Miller —Magna Cum Laude Shawna Mechelle Lum —Cum Laude Quinn William Milligan Vince E. Lumpkins —Cum Laude Shelly Lynn Mills Rebecca H. Ly Ryan Takao Momohara Anthony D. Lynch —Cum Laude Lacey Christine Morgan Yishan Ma Aaron Jeffrey Motley Ruxandra Katerina Mindru Kevin James Morse Kassidy Lauren Maddux Abigail Marie Mounce Yasir Shams Mangrio Myles Frederick Muehlbauer —Cum Laude Orlando Marquina Chang Jun Lee Cristina Anna-Maria MartijaHarris —Magna Cum Laude Eric Mukai —Magna Cum Laude Ming Kit Lee Danielle K. Martinson Ming-Lun Lee James T. Murrell Pak Kin Lee Sayaka Marui —Magna Cum Laude Young Gi Lee Adam Wally Mathews Erica Lynn Lefevers Megan Danielle Mauseth Mikko Johan Keranen Christopher E. Lehman Thomas Alan Maxwell Yuliya V. Kernozhytskaya Kevin Michael Leier —Cum Laude Justin K. Mburugu Jr. Sukhdeep Kaur Andrew Dane Kealoha Megan Valerie K. Keliikupakako Danny Joseph Keller Derek John Kemppainen —Magna Cum Laude Vladimir Elmir Khabibulin —Magna Cum Laude Ricardo Ledezma Kelsey Marie Leland Mike S. Khaperskov Rigo Leon Ashley Ann Kiehn Miguel Angel Lepez Michael Teyoung Kim Adam Markus Lervik Wyatt Scoles Murphy Ashley Lauren Myklebust Lilia Marie Najera —Cum Laude Michael Sean Narey Bailey Nash —Magna Cum Laude Tyler James McBride —Cum Laude Guadalupe Azucena Navarro Nicole Elizabeth McCaffrey —Summa Cum Laude Tyler Richard Nelson Seth R. McCauley Jessica R. Nelson John Tyler Newton —Cum Laude Thao Vu Minh Nguyen Matthew Patrick Lewis 2015 SPRING COMMENCEMENT 59 CANDIDATES FOR BACCALAUREATE DEGREES Vy Lena Nguyen Nathan Glenn Piekstra Jocelyne Marie Ninatanta Stephen Paul Pilch Joshua Akio Sakagawa —Cum Laude Everett Steele —Cum Laude Dominic Antonio Niolu McKenzie Meghan Polsak —Cum Laude Aria Marie Samora Kjellsea Marie Steffen Moses Abel Sanchez Nicole Lynn Ponton —Cum Laude Jasmine A. Santillan Marie Ann Steffen —Magna Cum Laude Vladislav Y. Poselskiy Taylor Raye Saueressig —Magna Cum Laude Christine Marie Nordlie Devin Charles Norton Jessica Lauren Noste —Cum Laude Caitlin Rose Oestreich —Magna Cum Laude James Anthony Powers Jr. Erin Elizabeth O’Hara Christine Leona Price Christopher Keith Oland Nichelle Anne Price —Magna Cum Laude Ryan W. Preuninger Patrick Martin Ollos Jennifer Adrian Sarda Tyler Charles-Kainoa Saunders Caleb Joseph Savage Thomas P. Saylor III —Summa Cum Laude Evan Allen Olson Taylor Anne Price Shyloh Suzanne Olson —Magna Cum Laude Connor Matthew Proff Aaron James Quadros Christopher John Oordt Justin Ramos Arianna M. Ortega —Cum Laude Katie Elizabeth Ramstad Ryan David Orth Julia Reeves Alexander James-Kai Schulz —Summa Cum Laude Devon Paige Renner Paul A. Scofield Michael William Retallick Jana Nicole Scott Ziara Lynn Rae Rever Angela Yevgeniyevna Sednev Taylor Siemone Reynolds Daniel Jonathan Rice Tanner Jake Sellman —Magna Cum Laude Erin Sierra Richardson Eric Paul Senner Jake Ryan Riddell Natasha Ann Sharer Julianne Elizabeth Patten Michael Joseph Rieman Zihao Shen Nicholas Joseph Paylor Aubrey Rose Riggins Hyeyeon Shin Molly Myra Payne —Magna Cum Laude Courtney Elizabeth Robbins —Summa Cum Laude Mariya Vasilyevna Sichkar —Magna Cum Laude Wesley Richard Pelon Serina Ann Roberts Kate Silvera Kathy Grace Perng Jose Robles David Henry Peters Danielle Brooke Robling Joshua Paul Simmons —Magna Cum Laude Nicole Christine Peters —Summa Cum Laude Emily Rose Rodgers —Summa Cum Laude Hannah Sterling Petersen Adam Fernandez Rodriguez Jr. Haley Lynn Peterson —Cum Laude Dylan Joseph Roeter Zahra Kastning Peterson Wade Joey Rogerson Anna Catherine Petrello Kailey Louise Romey Michael Allan Peveto Jessica Karen Ross Johnny Doan Pham Joanna Meredith Ross Connor Troy Phelps Megan Marie Osborne —Magna Cum Laude Bergen Elise Palmer Joeann Park Julie Marie Parsons Rachel Marie Passino —Cum Laude Eric Brandon Rogers Madeline Marie Steiner Connor James Stephenson —Cum Laude Morgan Lee Stevens —Cum Laude Benjamin Daniel Stewart —Cum Laude Kyle Wayne Stolle Michael Christian Scheel —Magna Cum Laude Kristen Elaine Stone Ty Neal Schoenwald Mataeo Craig Strothers Jr. Eric Samuel Schriefer Kristine Gay Studniski —Cum Laude Sarah Coventry Stringer Lei Su —Cum Laude Ying Su Keegan Marie Sullens —Magna Cum Laude Emily Loren Sullivan Sara Ellen Summers —Magna Cum Laude Stephanie Rose Sundsten Ashish Suntosh Chloe Blake Swenson Julie Szewczyk Long Wai Michelle Tam —Magna Cum Laude Roland C. Tamnkang Abraham Slifer —Cum Laude Xin Tang Blake Slocum —Magna Cum Laude Megan Lee Taylor Michael George Small Allison Marie Thomas —Summa Cum Laude Alexander Lee Smith Marcus Colin Gonzalez Smith Tyler Lee Smith Thor Roald Tangvald II Adriana Tejeda Trent Mark Thomas —Cum Laude Renn Stieg Smith-Eriksson Jingyi Tie Travis Jon Snider —Magna Cum Laude Douglas Tiegs Elizabeth Barnes Rossiter Alexander Michael Tielman Bradley Hiroyuki Phillipps Nicole Deborah Roush Prabhjot Kaur Sohi Charles Nathan Tillmon Taylor Scott Phillips-Maples Nikolaijs Jekaps Rudzitis Tyler John Sprague Mark Anthony Todish Maxwell Carl Pickel Wesley Michael Russell Theodora Maria Staikos Jenna Tomeo Steven Kyle Pickering Donald Merrick Rutledge Sean Keith Stanwood 60 2015 SPRING COMMENCEMENT CANDIDATES Christina Marie Totorica —Cum Laude Thien Cong Tran Kacey Warren Traver Chun Tse FOR BACCALAUREATE DEGREES Logan Bryan Welbaum Bin Zhang Alexis Lee Garvin Kevin Michael Wells —Cum Laude Jingtao Zhang Diego Oscar Garza Daniel Bryant Wenker —Cum Laude Tianwen Zhang Juli Marie Gidlund Pengfei Zhao Elina Godnik Xiaoling Zhao Jeffrey Karl Goffin Junkai Zheng Adrien L. Goucher Beini Zhou —Cum Laude Jaclyn Marie Griggs —Magna Cum Laude Dillon Easlan Martin Tully —Magna Cum Laude Nikolas Marit Wethington John Barrett Tupper —Cum Laude Cara Anne Whitaker Scott Richard Turner Karley Anne White Xi Zhu —Cum Laude John Michael Groen Knudt Solomona White Xiao Ran Zhu Olivia Ann White —Summa Cum Laude Nicholas Robert Zuzula Erika Mae Herman Maki Uemura Brandon Ulestad Madeline Mae Urquhart —Cum Laude Dylan James Wetmore Jonathan Steven White Melissa Ann Henry McKenna Jae Hitchcock BACHELOR OF ARTS IN HOSPITALITY BUSINESS MANAGEMENT Xueyan Huang Alyssa M. Angell Courtney Jean Kinsman —Cum Laude Jamie O’Neil Usselman Andrew Parker Whitman —Cum Laude Anthony Michael Valdez Michal Lynn Whitman Connor M. Valenter Austin Channey Williams Keith Charles Van Court —Magna Cum Laude Darrin Gregory Wilson Petya Shishmanova Antonova —Summa Cum Laude Chad Richard Van Dyke —Cum Laude Tak Kong Roy Wong Bayan Assylova Waihei Wong Stephanie Pauline Bowes Marco Leung —Cum Laude Wang Ngai Wong —Cum Laude Johnny Ray Buckett Fenghe Lian Hanna Diane Burdick Chia-Han Liu Emily Mae Carroll Hongcun Liu Tristana Pelusi Carter Yueqin Lou Sin Tung Chan Athanasios Loules Wan In Chan —Magna Cum Laude Cong Emma Ma Yang Chen Anna Maltseva Ryan Lee Van Valkenburg Max Spencer Vaughn William Dean Vaughn Erika Nicole Wood —Summa Cum Laude Valerie Rose Vega Skyler Keith Woodfield Austin Kyle Vela —Summa Cum Laude Lexi Paige Woodford Ramona Moana Vercher —Magna Cum Laude Benjamin Parker Vermillion Joseph Carl Vetter Cole Thomas Voorhees —Cum Laude Riley Richard Woodford —Cum Laude Yuwei Wu Zhiyu Xiong Ke Xu Yang Xue Lai Ting Cheng Shaoyi Yang Amber Renee Coder Daniel Wachsnicht —Magna Cum Laude Yang Yang —Magna Cum Laude Lorena Correal Wipf Victoria Stephanie Wagner Caroline Jennifer Yapp Katie L. Walsh Celeste Marie Yazdani —Magna Cum Laude Chuanxu Wang Peiji Wang —Cum Laude Beniam Teklu Yetbarek Coty Dong Won Yi Guangfeng Yi Pingcheng Wang —Magna Cum Laude Ming You Xiaotong Wang Khadija Zamora Chelsea Marie Wangler Yanxia Zeng Matthew James Wardell Zhiyao Zhan Marinn Elizabeth Young Hangkai Ma Benjamin Ryan Migliuri Allison Julie Claire —Magna Cum Laude Greg Thomas Wandro Pui Man Lam Nicholas John Menday Suet Man Cheung —Cum Laude Ting Yan Matthew Edward Voter —Summa Cum Laude Alexander Paul Kaser —Magna Cum Laude Kalle Gene Miller —Cum Laude Hannah Nicole Morrison Jessica Caroline Murray Tiffany Anne Couturier Randall William Cumming Jan Nand E. Cuyt Samantha Lois Depew Sara Rose Myers —Cum Laude Allison Lee Nelson Emma Jane Nelson Qile Dong Natalie Elizabeth Newman —Summa Cum Laude Tyler James Duringer II Cho Ki Ng Courtney Quin Edwards Kwan Hei Ng Yongkang Fan Trang Nha Nguyen Zhou Fang Emilee Nicole Nowlin Emily Elizabeth Finlay Hanna Lovisa Nyberg Shuk Wun Fu Michaela E. O’Neill Nathan Grant Gano Jack Marshall Orsi 2015 SPRING COMMENCEMENT 61 CANDIDATES FOR BACCALAUREATE Hiu Yan Pang DEGREES Anh Quach Hoang Tang —Summa Cum Laude Lexi Paige Woodford Laura Jean Pankiewicz Samantha S. Schwartz —Magna Cum Laude Chloe Elizabeth Payne —Summa Cum Laude Anqi Shen Ka Hei Tong Natalia Shiryaeva Mike Tram Jr. Jiacheng Xu —Cum Laude Diane Kay Anderson Piedad Alexa Danielle Silva Yifan Yu Shea Welborn Pool Anthony James Smallbeck Katherine Elyse Traynor —Cum Laude Jiaziqin Qian Whitney Lee Snell Man To Tsang Kaijun Yuan Anastasia Ayla Raymond Alexandria Rae Stariha Katelyn Elizabeth Repine Jason Michael Stevens Francis Lauren Robinson Camber Ann Steveson Debbie Saysanavongphet Kate Marie Stewart —Summa Cum Laude Kaylee Marie Schmidt Sarah Catherine Schuerger Ayla Fay Swanson Shanna Rae Uskoski —Magna Cum Laude McKenna Aya Vanderveen William Andrew Wallace Yuqian Wang Madison Cierra Weaver Tao Xie Jing Yuan Hao Zhang Qi Zhang Jiayu Zhao —Cum Laude Wei Zhou Marie Therese Westreicher Students between classes on Terrell Mall 62 2015 SPRING COMMENCEMENT CANDIDATES FOR BACCALAUREATE DEGREES The Edward R. Murrow College of Communication BACHELOR OF ARTS IN COMMUNICATION Kelsey Anne Christensen Maia Gabriel Karlie Nicole Jacobs-Pfluger Zamzam Said Abdulgani —Cum Laude James D. Clark Chelsea Ann Gavranich Shawn Nicolas Jarvis Meagan Danielle Cohen Hannah Gaynor Karyn D. Johnson Morgan Presley Cole Ted Roland Genger III McKenzie Shannon Johnson Ryan David Connor Chelsea Marie Gese —Cum Laude Elizabeth Mary Jones Natalie Elise Almeleh Selena Paola Alvarado Shannon Ayame Amuro —Cum Laude Keysa Elizabeth Anderson Stephannie Naa Adoley Ankrah Luis Enrique Astudillo Jazmin Ayala-Sanchez Ashley Lynn Ayers Joshua R. Babcock Beau Anthony Baily —Cum Laude Hannah Vanessa Margaret Baird Steven Alexander Baldwin —Magna Cum Laude Nicholas John Cooper Matthew Scott Cramer James Crawford —Magna Cum Laude Samantha Marie Ghosn —Cum Laude Janelle Katherine Gilardo Hannah Demetra CrossKarras —Cum Laude Chelsea Marie Gillies Karrisa Nadine Cruz Donavin Branden Goode Gavin Dean Cuddie Joani Ann Dahmen Elizabeth Elaina Dance Ashley Kaleen Davis —Cum Laude Hannah Megan Davis Madelyn Skye Davis Haley Jo Ione Godlove Reilly O’Brien Goldberg Jaime Nicole Goodman Julia Rose Grasso Cecily Elizabeth Gray Kaitlyn Michelle Grosse Mariah Grace Fu Jones —Cum Laude Kyungun Jung —Magna Cum Laude Ka’imi Kaholokula —Cum Laude Brenna Louise Kelly Haley Elizabeth Kennedy Sean Patrick Kennedy Kaley Nichole Kenyon Stacy D. Kim Victoria L. Koffley Patrick Michael Groves Shelby Lynne Kostelecky Lauren Elise Gust —Cum Laude Tracey Elaine Kraemer Shaylah Michelle Kugler Olivia Grace Hadreas Loren Elizabeth Hagstrom Teresa Ruth Hillman Lane —Cum Laude Calley Nicole Hair —Cum Laude Shane Allen Lange Emily Christine Lawrence James Thomas Handy III James Vincent Ledesma Lauren Nicole Bay Deanna Spahr Dawson Anna Elena Becker Chantel Lesley DesJarlais Kelsey Emiko Beer Shannon Marie Dessi Sierra Ann Berg —Magna Cum Laude Conor King Devitt —Cum Laude Jose Luis Betancourt Jr. Alan Philip Deweirdt Brian Stanley Donnan Jalisa Harris —Cum Laude Melinda Anne Lee Milena Rose Billett Emily Rose Bobbe Austyn Dawn Downie Janita Harris Kara Leslie Edwards Kylie Catherine Harrison Kevin West Lemond Kathryn Anne Brinton Miles Edward Bruck Michael Christopher Ehde Madison Michelle Hart Brandy Belle Bryant Kaila Marie Engman Chelsey G. Haskey Lauren Ashley Bulzomi Carly Danielle Engstrom Kaylee Renee Hausske Elizabeth Burton Rachel Michelle Escalle —Cum Laude Trevor James Havard —Magna Cum Laude Mylan Thuiy Evenson Britney Lea Hedin Biyang Fan Caralee Anna Henry Nicole Elizabeth Fausset Kaitlynn Marie Hensch Raychel Elizabeth Feller Devon Paine Hernandez Rio Seneca Fernandes Kimberly Linn Hiegel Tatum Renee Fink Joseph Allan Hines Connor Ryan Flanigan Brianna Ray Hoefer Melissa Fleuret Nathan Lee Howard Madalynn Rose Foreman —Magna Cum Laude Justin Hsu Tana Marie Foster Kyra Lynn Ilyankoff Kaiulani Bush Kelsey Elene Butchcoe Alexander Martin Campbell Cole Campitiello Helen Yvonne Capron Jessica Lynn Carey Nicholas John Carey Jonathan Charles Carrigan Gus Henry Carstens Chance Wyatt Chaffin Kaitlyn Miles Chernesky William Sucre Cheshier Abraham Nicholas Choate Tori Montana Fredericks Taysia Kalinn LeFaber Olivia Marina Levis Tesia Lynn Lingenfelter Jocelynne Lo Simone Irene Machmiller Kelsey Ann Macpherson Kok Luen Mak Brooke Nicole Mann Juan Ernesto Mata Alyssa Marie Mayeda —Magna Cum Laude Meaghan Marie McGlynn —Cum Laude Diana Rachel McGrail —Magna Cum Laude Kelsie Mae McGraw Erin Louise McKiernan Molly Blake Hughes Jason McNair Herman Robert Meier Alexea Maree Isernio 2015 SPRING COMMENCEMENT 63 CANDIDATES FOR BACCALAUREATE DEGREES Cody Marshall Meinberg Robert William Phillips Janelle Alexis Mendoza Derek Trumaine Pierce Colman Simeon Miller Chloe Rae Pietrandrea Ellie Megan Rose Mischaikov Gavin Levi Porter Jessica Lynn Monteggia —Cum Laude Evan Pretzer Kyleigh Rae-Anne Montgomery Christine Elizabeth Priddy Ellen Margaret Price Dylan Reid Rabinowitz Alexandra Maria Mroz Gena Marlene Ragsdale Joshua Todd Munson —Cum Laude Carlene Marie Ray Amanda Leann Scott —Magna Cum Laude Francesca Marie Thompson Andrew Michael Sears Renee Marina Valle Matthew Lawrence Segal Kelsey Marie Selstead Sarah Michelle Shannon Jessica Lacey Shapiro —Cum Laude Matthew Davis Shovlowsky Alex Scot Siddons Anna I. Sidor Hayley Jean Murphy Joshua Allen Ray Anna Christine Myers Chandra Reynolds Ethan Michael Nash Justin James Rice Catherine Elizabeth Nelson Melissa Ann Riley Angela Patricia Nguyen Nicholas Lee Rinkenberger Qingmeng Song —Cum Laude Kyle Jason Nishida —Magna Cum Laude Kaitlyn Diane Rohr Scott Edward Soriano Jasmine Rosemarie Rucker —Magna Cum Laude Danielle Kathleen Sposari Meghan Marie O’Brien Dylan Lee Oliver Carleen Susan Othman Sovannary Srey Ouk Carmen Firelli Pacheco —Cum Laude Jacob Curtis Rummel —Summa Cum Laude Kendra Cae Russell Stephanie Ann Sackman Delilah Grace Sanabria Dana Ricki Simmons Kelsie Paige Smith Wyatt Samuel Smith Spencer Andrew Stewart Abigail Dawn Student —Cum Laude Nicole Anastasia Suchy Corey Joseph Sullivan Taylor Gordon Swift Dylan William Parker Mallory Justine Santic Hayley Nicole Pearce Meghan Elizabeth Sawyer Chase Gregory Phillips Madeline Ashton Schulte Hilary Lynn Taylor —Cum Laude Madison Michelle Phillips Hailey Nicole Schur Jake Mathew Taylor 64 2015 SPRING COMMENCEMENT Annaliese Katriel Tarr Gabrielle Amie Tousignant Victor Antonio Vargas Britny Eileen Velliquette Sarah Rae Vincent —Cum Laude Elsie Alice Viste Cindy Vo Alexander Barnett Wagner Marc D. Wai Meegan Roberta Watson Brianá Najá Welsh Taylen Leigh Whitehead Alexis Reneé Williams Alex Willis Taylor Diane Winslow —Magna Cum Laude Reece Regehr Wonio —Cum Laude Maria Sylvia Wyman Simbiat Olawunmi Yusuff Ashton Marie Zeth Zhihui Zhong Matthew David Zimmer —Cum Laude CANDIDATES FOR BACCALAUREATE DEGREES College of Education BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN ATHLETIC TRAINING Leeah Saleen Crawford —Summa Cum Laude Julia Else Melvin —Cum Laude Natalie Mae Walker —Magna Cum Laude Amanda Leilani Alvarado Summer Christine Cull —Summa Cum Laude Kelli Dawn Mischke —Cum Laude Kathryn Lynn Walters —Magna Cum Laude Dakota Noel Basher —Magna Cum Laude Nicole Joy Dahlke —Summa Cum Laude Emily Ann Mitchell —Cum Laude Whitney S. Ward —Magna Cum Laude Lauren Jean Christianson —Summa Cum Laude Rita Houston Date Eloise Hester Davis ThanhThuy Dinah Nguyen —Cum Laude Shannon Mae Warren —Summa Cum Laude Bayley Brynne Depaul —Magna Cum Laude Kellie Louise Deruwe —Cum Laude Shanae Yavontae Nicholson Lindsey Jean Watson Samantha Rose Dowling Taylor Leighann Destito —Summa Cum Laude Alexandria D. Nielson —Cum Laude Keely Shine Wells —Cum Laude Kasey Elizabeth O’Brien Carly Nicole Whitney —Cum Laude Cody Jacob Armstrong Axel Mark Ellsworth Jaslyn Orene Harder Hayden Walter Hess Michael Wayne Hilliard —Cum Laude Taylor Leigh Howick —Cum Laude Rachel Simone Jordan Jordan Eric Profitt —Cum Laude Matthew Robert Rinaldi —Summa Cum Laude Sean Michael Rogers Dylan Everett Schmick Madison Thayer Stumpf Matthew Gene Townsend Shyanne Nicole Wilson Abigail Rose Wojtanowicz —Cum Laude BACHELOR OF ARTS IN EDUCATION Chrystal Rose Anderson —Summa Cum Laude Emily Kaylynn Anderson —Magna Cum Laude Hannah Shelby Axtelle —Magna Cum Laude Jessica Denee Farris —Cum Laude Brittany Lynn Flowers —Summa Cum Laude Audrey May Frazier —Cum Laude Hali Belle French Shelby Nicholl Fungone Jessica Louise Garman —Magna Cum Laude KayLea Grace Garnett Ariel S. Goldsworth Jessica Maria Gonzalez-Pena Colby Jean Gregory Amanda Renee Hatton —Summa Cum Laude Scott A. Holt —Magna Cum Laude Amanda R. Hubbard —Magna Cum Laude Bailey Kay Huylar —Summa Cum Laude Miranda Catherine Jones —Summa Cum Laude Alla A. Karp —Summa Cum Laude Mariah Mayann Olson Emma Ruth Ostermeyer —Cum Laude Andrea Lauren Wickenhagen —Cum Laude Rachel Kathleen Pederson —Magna Cum Laude Samantha Jean Wilkes Mariah Jane Williams Samantha Jo Pendleton Jessica Marie Winden —Magna Cum Laude Angelina Perez Maria J. Perez —Magna Cum Laude Veronica Perez Alyssa Morgan Pierce —Summa Cum Laude Brieanna Rene Polette —Cum Laude Brenda Lucia Reed —Magna Cum Laude Emily Christine Schmid —Magna Cum Laude Hannah Louise Sidel —Cum Laude Allyson Mae Smith —Magna Cum Laude Lisa Marie Smith —Magna Cum Laude Kathryn Elizabeth Snyder —Summa Cum Laude Mikael Sydney Bailey Marlayna Jacqleen Lockwood —Cum Laude Shane Berridge —Summa Cum Laude Areli Lora —Magna Cum Laude Noelle Marie Swartz Kelly Reid Tannhauser Danielle Molly Brill —Magna Cum Laude Molly Elizabeth Lorenz —Cum Laude Brooke Nicole Terry —Magna Cum Laude Alicia Marie Bull —Summa Cum Laude Chadrick Ray Mansfield —Magna Cum Laude Taylor Lee Thorsen —Magna Cum Laude Andrew Ross Burt Carissa Jasmine McCoy —Summa Cum Laude Tanna Kay Tingstad Jenna Nicole Connolly —Cum Laude Heidi Abell McMurry —Summa Cum Laude Micah Wolfe —Summa Cum Laude Ashley Nichole Wood BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN KINESIOLOGY Justin John Agost Morgan J. Anderson Cameron Juneyt Avcu —Magna Cum Laude Sara Behrmann Chelsey Lynn Bettinson Hayley Nicole Swanson —Cum Laude Jacqilynn Francis Castleton Melissa Ann Wolfe Stephanie Marie Tynan —Summa Cum Laude 2015 Daniel Bruce Betz Clarissa L. Boyer —Cum Laude Michael Theodore Brewer —Cum Laude Melissa Burgueno Cayla Ashley Cavalletto Aaron Ho Cheng Ryan Alexander Cody-Berry Paolo Rodrigo De Guzman Danica Noelle Delosreyes Margo Llewellyn Fiona D’Hondt-Taylor —Cum Laude Kendall Jill Dougherty Sarah Ellison Fine Danielle Leigh Fredricks —Magna Cum Laude SPRING COMMENCEMENT 65 CANDIDATES FOR BACCALAUREATE DEGREES Abby Edith Frenkel Erin Elizabeth Manhardt Bennet Matthew Frogness Clinton David Marshall Kathleen Elizabeth Galloway Andrew Omar Maycumber Nicholas Noble Gilbert Emily Jeanine Mills Mason Hartlee Gilchrist Jordan Marie Misocky Jennifer Nicole Gledhill Kenly Drew Mitchell Logan John Gudde —Cum Laude Morgan Elisabeth Moniz Railey Nadine Hansen-Keith John Robert Morrison Auriona Noelle Harvey Alexandra Neili Morris Ramona Morshead Morshead Lindsay Nicole Hatch Joshua David Munter —Magna Cum Laude Luke Jack Haxton Caitlin Dawn Herdrick Brittany Jean Hogan —Summa Cum Laude Zachary Clarke Nelson —Magna Cum Laude Taylor Nicole Neubauer Mark Andrew Stevens —Cum Laude Keeley Kameaalani Hay Kenneth Donald Stull Weston Adam Hedin Anthony Louis Therson Randall Wade Tupling Jason M. Umali —Cum Laude Nico Daniel Van der Ven Matthew Taylor Vander Kooi Alexandra Louise Waddell Valerie Michelle Woldberg Deshoun Devonte Woodson Sarah Lauren Wu —Cum Laude Erin Nicole Wyatt Alexander Duane Yager Jarred Taylor Hoskison Ashley Marie Nixon-Smith Luke Alexander Howard Samuel Kamau Njuguna Amie Huynh Olivia Ann Oden Arijanna Dorothea S. Zimmer Hailey Logan Hyer Josiah David Orth —Magna Cum Laude BACHELOR OF ARTS IN SPORT MANAGEMENT Marisa Kathleen OrtizRobbins Kimberlyn Nicole Behrends Evan Leeland Jackson Pieter E. Janszen Jocelyn Bahia Jeffers Austin Matthew Johnson Devynne R. Johnson John Jong Gun Pak Allison Michelle Peterson Vichar Phonkumnerdsub Whitney Rae Johnson Joseph R. Pieroni Alex Edward Joyner Joseph Michael Pulitano Kevin Michael Kalian Bre’una Latreese Keeton Brittany Rather Kaine Michael Kirkendall Amy Lynn Renslo —Cum Laude Christine Alyssa Kirkwood —Summa Cum Laude Bobby L. Ritter Jr. Garrett Kitchel —Cum Laude James Edwin Root Kaya Dolores Knaggs —Cum Laude Ryan Anthony Saparto David Brian Ladenburg Jr. Megan K. Lam Lucas Dolphin Laramore Kimmy Lau Andy Ledezma Elizabeth Anne Leendertsen Samantha Ann Lewis —Summa Cum Laude Drew Michael Mahan 66 2015 SPRING James Lee Schofield Gregory Leo Schrupp Cole Stan Seaver Breanne Elizabeth Sebert —Cum Laude Kenley Jordan Seefeld Sung Min Lee Tanner Michael Lowry Sarah Anne Robbins —Summa Cum Laude Robert Scott Sheehan Kyle Asay-Elijah Yeager Karissa N. Benjamin Andre Jared Jordan Mark Edward Kehret Josh Dean Keller Taylor John Kempf Hyunsoo Kim Kory McKee Kohlwes Benjamin Charles Lawrence —Cum Laude Tanner James Lien Jared Charles Lindorfer Evan M. Look Derick Call Margerum Sean Thomas McBrinn Jr. Andrew Thomas Mead Lauren Louise Merdinyan —Cum Laude Quinten T. Mioduszewski Micah Joseph Mullen —Cum Laude Erin Jill Brown Justen Caleb Oslund Tyler Evan Burnett Corsica Anne Parker Michael Anthoney Busek Andrew Mark Pate Matthew Richard Chastek Scean Pickering Zakery Matthew Chillem Gavin Levi Porter Gurveen Clair Andrew A. Colvin Jameson Michael Raschack —Magna Cum Laude Jonathan Cook —Cum Laude Derek Launer Rogers Sasha Daniel Siks Brian James Duckett Spencer Andrew Stewart Thomas Raymond Emerson Olivia Jean Swindler —Cum Laude Sam Bryce Ferenchak Chaddwic Alexander Foley Blake Christopher Tamminen Kelly Louise Forsyth —Summa Cum Laude Joshua Steven Douglas Tyler Brent Alexander Vogel Caleb Quinn Frary Aaron Robert Warshaw —Cum Laude Nicholas Constantine Frisk —Cum Laude Scott C. Smith Gabriella Hetherington Spano —Magna Cum Laude Ryan Anthony Goodman COMMENCEMENT Robert Andrew Hogle II Nathan H. Blackham Courtney Gold —Cum Laude Kyle Hans Spartveit Sean Michael Hayes Gaige Christian Gray Katherine Michelle Hargrave Robert Charles Willoughby —Cum Laude Darren Patrick Zemanek CANDIDATES FOR BACCALAUREATE DEGREES Voiland College of Engineering and Architecture BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN ARCHITECTURAL STUDIES Raju Noah Roleru Jaber-Ali-M Alqahtani Scott Edward Schafer Irene Bumanglag Arzaga Ryan Taylor Beck William Robert Bilyeu Nima Safaeian Matthew Earl Schuchardt Everett Ivan Schulz —Magna Cum Laude Jannita Martin Bolin —Magna Cum Laude Joshua James Thomas Grace Anne Calhoun Ashley Lynn Vigen Stephanie Lynne Chimonas Teal Mattie Delys Gerik Henry Dobes Bryan Austin Dorsey —Cum Laude Hualeah Rose Engelhardt —Cum Laude Armando Joseluis Espinosa Fernando Tomboc Felix Jr. Michael Edward Fisher Dillon James Gogarty Trevor S. Gunderson Kevin Edward Hall Max Cuauhtemoc Hasse Jay C. Henson II Tony Tsai Connor Craig Willey Ashley Lauren Williams Jingxian Xie Evan Wilson Yock Jonathan Maxwell Younce Ting Zhang —Magna Cum Laude BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN BIOENGINEERING Kristin Nicole Bryant Samuel Steven Byrd Megan Janel Caruso —Summa Cum Laude Christina Marie Crow —Cum Laude BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN CHEMICAL ENGINEERING Serah Wambui Njau —Cum Laude Mohammad Alabdulelah —Cum Laude Joshua Michael Rood Ameen Alali Brady Allen Seroshek Ali Alramadhan Fahad Ateah H. Alzahrani Danielle Evelyn Ayers Mary Margaret Blevins Caleb Wolfe —Magna Cum Laude Molly Rae Culwell Danielle Lee York —Magna Cum Laude Bryan Casey Ditzler Alex William Dunsmoor Min Zheng Shawn Masato Elder BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN CIVIL ENGINEERING Jeffrey William Epperson —Summa Cum Laude Ryan J. Foley David Michael Fugiel Nathan Harold Gay Michael J. Gerber —Summa Cum Laude Tanner Hamilton Gerety Alex B. Hadera Cody Alan Jones David Arseniy Henshaw Shane William Hardesty Katherine Averi Knutson —Cum Laude Philip William Hermann III Roger Minkyu Kim Lara Ashley Heersema —Magna Cum Laude Travis Joseph Lebaron Ben Chandler Markley Tianze Li Maureen Victoria Montiel Adam Royal Louis Marcia Meredith Nygaard —Cum Laude Kyle David McKernan Erfan Mehdibeik Chelsea Diane Merkel Kelsey Leanne Meyer Austin Douglas Miles Emily R. Moneymaker Antonio Gratton Norsworthy Anthony Joseph Petrillo Nandita Rajakumar —Cum Laude Kyle Gregory Redzinak —Cum Laude Alyx Ann Robinson Douglas Richard Tervo Bret Carlton Cloos —Cum Laude Brian Gabriel Elizabeth Carpenter Johnson Cody Lawrence Swithenbank Jenny Marie Voss —Cum Laude Amber DeAnn Graviet Kelsey Nicole Wyatt Jancola Lee Frederick Speers Monica Dahlali Bomber Zane Alexander Duke —Summa Cum Laude Piya Anjuli Iselin Parker Graham Scott Nicolas Josef Gruenenfelder Zoey Maureen Henson —Magna Cum Laude Chris Earl Huff Brook Dawit Abraham Hamad Omair Al Dhaheri —Cum Laude Adib Salam Altallal James William Amundsen —Magna Cum Laude Ross Anderson Jason Arinaza Alex A. Arvanetes Aaron Michael Aschim —Cum Laude Thomas Gaynor Batey —Cum Laude David Joseph Baus Isaac Findlay Becker Heather Mae Belts Chantry Corbin Benson Kevin Edward Jeffers Jeff Bonnett Kristopher Glenn Perry Roger Minkyu Kim Samuel Ford Robertson —Cum Laude Kyle Evan Klein Nicholas Wiley Lanier Spencer Stirling Buescher Brian Lewis Senf Lyudmila Nikolayevna Leksunkin James Ray Carnes III Christopher Lowell Chaplin Leon Ang Li Taylor A. Cox Katelyn Warnecke Lindsey Nicole Malkames Emily Paige Whitehead —Magna Cum Laude Sydnee Bysshe Dieckman —Summa Cum Laude Ryan Patrick Merkle Alexander Hamilton Smith Evan Austin Thoman Zachary Michael Bowden Armin Mehinagic Hunter Blane Dow Cory Robert Monaghan Justin Lee Downing Marvin James Moreland —Cum Laude Milad S. Einifar 2015 Dominique Marquel Doyal SPRING COMMENCEMENT 67 CANDIDATES FOR BACCALAUREATE DEGREES Robert James Endsley Jr. Aaron Anthony Rapozo Sarunas Povilas Farler Tanner Louis Reijm —Summa Cum Laude Alexander Ray Figgins —Summa Cum Laude Trevor James Richardson Kayla Ann Fillion Kyle Christian Robillard Reyn Mitsuo-Loui Furushima Alicia Nicole Rothery Alexander Zerabruk Gebremeskel Jonathan Thomas Sagdahl Andrew Boling Hardman Douglas Garrett Sanford Sean Patrick Heaney Donny Micheal Hendrickson Blake A. Henry Derek Baker Sanders Cameron James Mehl —Cum Laude Marysa Rose McKay —Summa Cum Laude Kyle Earl Tynan Michael Ryan Meyer Pui Fung Nicholas Yeung Daniel Christopher Miller BACHELOR OF ARTS IN COMPUTER SCIENCE Jeffrey Alexander Milner Alex G. Bahm —Magna Cum Laude David Michael Parrott Nikhil Sadashivan Murthy Tina R. Roper —Cum Laude Shelby Jane Sawyers Hannah Elizabeth Sand Lukas Jay Schweigert BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN COMPUTER SCIENCE Casey Thomas Jeszeck Ian D. Smith —Summa Cum Laude Matthew Thomas Jirava Justin Michael Sondall Christopher Steven Adams Taha Kabbaj Brian Stelling Charles Christiaan Beaudoin Jordan Joseph Kain Colin Benjamin Sweany David Michael Katz —Cum Laude Tariq Tashman Adam Matthew Bennett —Magna Cum Laude Ryan Jeffrey Bergquist Kathryn R. Kaumheimer Michelle Torre Jimmy Ben Tran Thomas Donovan Carrothers Irving Trejo Brett G. Carter Justin Randal Valicoff Jennifer Elizabeth Clark Anna Irene Vandermeer —Cum Laude Noah Michael Collins —Summa Cum Laude Taylor Charles Vincent —Cum Laude Cody Curry Evan James Vinyard Vitaliy Gavrilov —Magna Cum Laude Steven Tyler Keith —Magna Cum Laude Ryan Andrew Kinney —Cum Laude Harrison Dean Kliegl Denton Christopher Lynch Matthew Joseph Mahony Jourden Delon Makinen —Cum Laude Anna Rhae Martin Mitchell D. Martin —Cum Laude Alexander Douglas White Christian Allgaier Williams —Magna Cum Laude Lucas Michael Wilson Kathrynn Florence Gonzalez —Magna Cum Laude Min Jong Yeo Michael Curtis Minor Gregory William Moore —Magna Cum Laude Cory James Morton Paimahn Nakhjiri Daniel Andrade Naranjo Ashley Ngoc Nguyen John Winkle Youngren Yiran Zhu Collin Matthew Stenersen Christopher J. Stickney —Cum Laude Matthew David Sturtevant Taylor Everett Tamblin Jason Charles Trost Joel C. Uyesugi Christian F. Webber Joseph Harrison White Christopher Scott Wilkins —Magna Cum Laude Ryan Wilson Jiurong Yang Zishen Ye —Magna Cum Laude Adam David Zanol Kristin Nicole Greenman —Summa Cum Laude BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT Nick Eston Hayward Thomas Dean Abbott Katie E. Arendt Joshua Neal Boren —Cum Laude Connor Wesley Jackson Dan Howard Arvan Casey Thomas Jamrog Zachary John Raliegh Baker Mark Robert Keen Stephen M. Barnett Parker Lee Kimbell Russell Glenn Bassett Brooks Reed Kindle Arthur Keegan Bennett Brenden James Knauss Jared Michael Blakeman Travis Bennett Lane Dane Jay Brooks Brenden David Larson —Summa Cum Laude Collin Howard Caudill Natasha Manzee Li —Cum Laude Andrew David Croskrey Nathaniel Edward Pervinich —Magna Cum Laude Kyle Joseph Helle Connor James Jutilla Heather Pina Thomas Lynn Kappenman —Cum Laude Tyler Mark Pohler Matthew Thomas Lambdin Ivan Prayitno Andrew Cody Lytle John Francis Quinn III —Cum Laude Tucker Douglas McDowell SPRING Ryan Douglas Slyter —Cum Laude Jordan Montgomery Alcafaras Daniel Owen Harvey 2015 Joshua Marion Dean Shoup Choong Choong Huh Huh Yuliya Alekseyevna Papina 68 Evan Christopher Schimpf Duy Q. Hoang Bedelu Alemu Dender Sr. Christian Cervas Piedad Andre Joshua Gomez Travis Person BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN COMPUTER ENGINEERING Davis Bryan Cook William Gary Packard —Cum Laude David E. Fletcher Casey Gilray Brandon Michael Woods Andres Mendoza Adam Aboutalep Kyle George Owens COMMENCEMENT Jefferson Lloyd Lusk Benjamin Gordon McDonald Cole Allen Compau Brandon Ikechukwu En’Wezoh Armando Joseluis Espinosa CANDIDATES Michael Edward Fisher Joseph Armante Flynn Kelsey Renee Gardner Joseph Duane Glick Tianxiang Gu Ephram Harsh Spencer James Helfrich Quinn Steven Holt Jordan Thomas Jainga Casey E. Kalbrener Chia Hao Liang David Chandler Marshbank Jr. Kelby Lloyd McCorkle Alec James McDade Zachary T. Whitver Chad Steven Brown Jamie Jennifer Koehl Breanne Danielle York Anthony Donald Lathrop Jared Matthew Zarelli —Cum Laude Sean George Brown Matthew D. Bryan Richard Nathaniel Burko Nathan Wyatt Calkins Calvin Matthew Campbell Benjamin James Stuart John Barrett Tupper —Cum Laude Cody Bryant Wagner John Stewart Williams —Cum Laude Cameron Kyle Worley Kyle Louis York BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING Candice Lee Adsero —Magna Cum Laude Abdirahman Mohamud Ali Taylor Anthony Alu —Cum Laude Travis Wynn Andersen Calvin Garret Anderson —Cum Laude Tia Marie Chen —Magna Cum Laude Mackenzie Daniel Neavor —Cum Laude Alexander Elias Sanchez Sinath Chhin Alexander Dean Nester Paul David Cicrich —Magna Cum Laude Minh Duc Ngo Thomas Charles Diehl —Cum Laude Morgan Scott Divine —Magna Cum Laude Michael Jeffrey Escue Troy Allen Foley Sean Christopher Gallagher Noel Christopher Giamello Jr. Eric Zachary Goodwin —Magna Cum Laude Nicholas James Haggerty Henok Hailemeskel Eric Robert Hamblin —Summa Cum Laude Odesa Owrakijat Sarah Jane Rausch —Summa Cum Laude Jonathan David Alex —Cum Laude Miguel Angel Reyna Ashley Christine Almaguer —Cum Laude Jason Allen Reynolds Tracy Ann Roberts —Summa Cum Laude Eric Norman Anderson —Summa Cum Laude Brian Michael Rossi Zachary Dean Anderson Dmitriy Sayenko —Summa Cum Laude Miles Lewis Appleton —Summa Cum Laude Roland Louis Schafer III Eric David Arnold Christopher Norman Settle Muhammad Afiq Farhan Ashiran John Mark Snider Mckinley Jaysen Bailey Jacob Walter Sperow Justin Oscar Barham —Cum Laude Drew Adam Thomas Scott Edward Huxoll Jr. Nicholas Allen Trudeau Scott Edward Huxoll Sr. David Joseph Vainikka —Cum Laude Travis Ray Kinney —Cum Laude Petr Roman Kirkach Steven Mark Klase —Magna Cum Laude Antonio Saraspi Amort Staton Dennis Rohde Logan Tyler Sutton Daniel Sungil Kim Geomar Erorita Acob Francisco Aguilar II —Summa Cum Laude Haily Elizabeth Holt —Magna Cum Laude Matthew James Johnson BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN MECHANICAL ENGINEERING Matthew Alan Pixlee John H. Hofman Mark Anthony Ikerd —Cum Laude James Patrick Wolfrom Damber B. Adhikari Anthony Jacob Pace Brandon Sueoka Benjamin Ty Bachelder Mohammed Ahmed Bayazid Abdikarim Mohamed Osman Jr. Adam Sahal Hirsi Colin Patrick Kincaid —Cum Laude Benjamyn Bradley Barton BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN MATERIALS SCIENCE ENGINEERING Joseph Robert Kabel —Magna Cum Laude Josh David Anglin —Summa Cum Laude Timofey V. Barko Simon Thomas Miller Eustace Muriithi Murage David Victor Dearing —Cum Laude Tyler Kenneth Sliva Mohammed A. Mazher Haotian Chen Justin C. Muth Jacob Michael Peavler Zhibin Zhang —Summa Cum Laude Jose Jairo Magana Gabriel Roy Allen Mosbrucker —Cum Laude Dustin Osborne Cook Matthew Ryan Paonessa Bogdan V. Lysenko Benjamin G. Chechelnitskiy Luis Andres Munoz Omar D. Ortiz DEGREES Madison Kimberly Knowles Justin Steven Moyer Andrew David Ochs BACCALAUREATE Russell Edward Berryman —Magna Cum Laude Troy William Coleman —Magna Cum Laude Alexander Nicholas Niemi FOR Robert C. Barker Derek Ross Bean Austin Hoang Tran William Craig Wadkins Jr. —Cum Laude Noel Wang —Magna Cum Laude Zishuo Wang Little Dove Hope Ashley Warren —Magna Cum Laude Brenden Shaw Beaver Jason John-David Becker Andrew Berry —Summa Cum Laude Mitchell James Braun Samuel Allen Brooks Kisa Marie Brostrom Christin Lee Button —Cum Laude Devin Arthur Byman —Magna Cum Laude Amber Noelle Catron —Cum Laude Colton Ryan Wells —Cum Laude 2015 SPRING COMMENCEMENT 69 CANDIDATES FOR BACCALAUREATE DEGREES Jack Ryan Cerenzia —Magna Cum Laude Jaime Nathaniel Henle —Magna Cum Laude Connor Douglas McBride Daniel P. Saverchenko Francisco Gamino Chavarria Nicole Marie Hessner —Magna Cum Laude Colin Royce McDaniel Jonathan Francis Scattaregia Ryan Patrick McDermott Motaz Saied Abdo Shamsan Joseph Martin McKenna James Charles Slosson Zhi-yan Chen —Magna Cum Laude Bryce Perry Cox —Summa Cum Laude Marshall Lee Crenshaw Steven David Crouse Anthony Joseph Dal Santo Fatah Zawam Dalla Sr. Camden W. Davenport Nathan William Dehaas Christian Jon Dinsmore —Magna Cum Laude Hien The Doan Michael Clifford Hibbs —Magna Cum Laude Samantha Nicole Merry Boston Thomas Smith Lucas John Hill —Cum Laude Massine Benjamin Merzouk —Magna Cum Laude Garrett Lee Smith —Cum Laude Keith Arthur Hixson Johnathan Glenn Miller —Magna Cum Laude Graham Patrick Smith —Cum Laude Peter Wayne Miller —Magna Cum Laude Nicholas Matthew Soller Philip Keith Miller —Summa Cum Laude Kodiak Erin Somarakis —Cum Laude Reese Connor Holland Kalin Ross Hollingbery Zeya Huang —Magna Cum Laude Angelo Laury Ivory Peter H. Johnson —Summa Cum Laude William Ralph Johnson Trevor Mason Douglas —Magna Cum Laude Jennifer Ane Johnson Hernandez —Cum Laude Monika Duong —Magna Cum Laude Andrea Dupras Jacob William Ellis —Summa Cum Laude Brian Scott Ellsworth Jordan Christopher Erdman Konnor James Erdman —Cum Laude David Estrada-Echegaray Anna Melissa Farlow Samuel John Fazzari —Magna Cum Laude Douglas Jonathan Field Matthew Thomas Filer Mark Adam Fong —Cum Laude Keenan A. Fontaine Andrew Holcy Fouts —Summa Cum Laude Cory Thomas Frashefski —Cum Laude Cameron Joshua Gedenberg —Cum Laude Skyler Gene Gibson Conor James Moloney Franco Louis Spadoni —Summa Cum Laude Matthew Lane Moloney Jordan Lee Stanton Lee Roy Moulton —Magna Cum Laude Josh Oliver Steele —Cum Laude Michael Steven Murphy Brett Matthew Steffens Joshua David Justice Hussam Karim Mustafa Casey Alan Stevens Andrew Kamel Taylor Ryan Neu Samer N. Kamel Gregory William Neudorfer Michael Wallace Stevens —Magna Cum Laude Ryan Bradley Keehnel David Thanh Nguyen Brian James Kelly Kale Lee Niemiec Jacob Clayton Kiekenapp Scott Allen Olivares —Cum Laude Thomas Edward Kinzel —Cum Laude Monica Enriquez Olivas Joshua David Klatman Daniel Lee Oranski Alexander James Kulsa —Magna Cum Laude Gabriel Santos Urbano Ortega —Cum Laude Elijah LaCaze Benjamin Arthur Padgett Michael Thomas Lacey Gregory William Parkison —Magna Cum Laude Colin Thomas Laird —Cum Laude Kyle Jacob Florek Brad Mills Megh N. Subedi Joshua Wayne Taylor Matthew James Thomas Aaron John Thonney —Cum Laude David James Thuneman Elina Tolmacheva Christina Louise Lee —Summa Cum Laude Daniil Popov —Summa Cum Laude Ezechel Trifan Gabriel Valea Matthew John Leslie Daniel E. F. Quarto —Cum Laude Jonathan James VanGelder Qiang Li Wenhao Lin —Summa Cum Laude Zach Klein Lipana —Cum Laude Kyle Christopher Lofftus Jacob Daniel Ramacher —Summa Cum Laude Eric George Rampp —Magna Cum Laude Abdullah Rauf —Cum Laude Kenneth L. Hall —Magna Cum Laude Christy Lynn Matson —Summa Cum Laude Travis William Roby Zachary James Hein —Cum Laude Kevin Albert Matson Thomas Trent Henderson Travis James Matthews Darius Michael SaadatMoghaddam Kyle L. Maurice Brody James Sabin SPRING Christian James Sturtevant —Summa Cum Laude Anthony George Treml Jerod Tyler Gunnell —Cum Laude 2015 Chad Robert Stredwick —Magna Cum Laude Previn Tarique Gregory Perera Jonathan C. Marsh 70 Danil Solovey Eric Dennis Martin COMMENCEMENT Josia Mbolatiana Ravelonanahary Chris Michael Ryan Lucas James Verge —Magna Cum Laude Ashley Dawn Vetter —Magna Cum Laude Blaine Arnold Vister Vadim Voznyuk Josiah Titus Wai —Summa Cum Laude Justin Ryan Waldron Rylan Joel Wallette Breiannan K. Way Daniel John Webster Rebecca Joelin Westby CANDIDATES FOR BACCALAUREATE DEGREES Matthew John Weydert Benjamin Robert Whitaker Jeffrey Charles Willie —Magna Cum Laude Benjamin David Wilson Nicholas John Wood Ryan James Woods —Cum Laude Shas Yassin Timothy Ronald Yost Zhekun Zhang Persona, a wind sculpture on top of Terrell Library 2015 SPRING COMMENCEMENT 71 CANDIDATES FOR BACCALAUREATE DEGREES Division of Health Sciences BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN SPEECH AND HEARING SCIENCES Martha Cuevas-Ramos Alicia Florence Aldendorf —Magna Cum Laude Hannah Elizabeth Fant —Summa Cum Laude Kaitlyn Marie Breazeale IV Aaron Christopher Couture —Cum Laude Madison Victoria Creel Leticia Lynn Emerson —Cum Laude Keldrin Maresa Ford Laura Gonzales Jessica Ann Jones —Summa Cum Laude Hannah Yeager Matalone —Summa Cum Laude Mica Allison Thorpe Rood Rachel Kirsten May —Cum Laude Rosanne Jabines Sumalpong Jodey Rae Miller —Magna Cum Laude Mackenzie Marie Monaghan —Summa Cum Laude David Andrew Shuren Jessica Elizabeth Swift Marissa Lynn Trevino Katelyn Elizabeth VanderVeen Elizabeth Jean Page Aerial view of central WSU campus 72 2015 SPRING COMMENCEMENT CANDIDATES FOR BACCALAUREATE DEGREES College of Nursing BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN NURSING Jody Lee Anderson —Cum Laude Lauren Ann Armstrong Amanda Nmn Ellis Leslee Dianne Fall —Magna Cum Laude Teresa de Jesus Farias Perez —Cum Laude Kelsey June Arnason —Cum Laude Jennifer Megan Ferguson Valentin Mikhaylovich Avramenko Sr. Anthony Augusta Fiano Ryan James Ballard —Magna Cum Laude Amber Kaylene Fernald Amber Elizabeth Fisher Kifle Gashie Jikamo —Magna Cum Laude Crystal Leigh Johnson —Cum Laude Karley Taylor Johnson —Cum Laude Jeanette Hazel Marie Jones Walker Sky Kane —Magna Cum Laude Kelly Kathleen Phillips Jennifer A. Popp —Summa Cum Laude Michele Marie Reyes Wendy Richards Briana Colleen Rivard —Cum Laude Mackenzie Reanna Rizzuto —Magna Cum Laude Kristina V. Fisher Satinder Kaur —Magna Cum Laude Hannah Erin Fogarty Alexandra Nicole Kellett Margaret Rachael Benetti Michael Scott Gaffke —Cum Laude Emily Louise Kenney —Summa Cum Laude Tyanna Westbrook Bergeron Bethlehem Mekonen Gebre Nicala Rae King Deanne Elizabeth Bergh Kelli Marie Gilbert —Cum Laude Yini Kong —Cum Laude Yavonne Marie Gilbert Patricia Jean Konzek Allen Jovan Gonzalez Kara Elizabeth Kozemzak Christopher Scott Greenfield Ngoc Dung Thi Lam Danielle Brianna Gustin —Cum Laude Sandra Patricia Lane —Magna Cum Laude Amanda Michelle Gutierrez —Magna Cum Laude Janet J. Li Kae Sekimoto Irhan Hendriani Liong Paula Heather Sheehy Malia Iwalani Listella Semir Romodan Shifa —Cum Laude Emina Polovina Bayomy —Magna Cum Laude Getu Aweke Biressaw Hannah Renee Boudreaux Shelby Renee Brunson —Magna Cum Laude Elena Vitalievna Bryan An Quoc Bui Leanne Bullamore Ryan Justin Burck Marsha E. Burnworth Jenna Lyn Carter —Cum Laude Emily Charmaine Cartwright Holly Nielson Cauthers Brittany Ann Christ —Magna Cum Laude Jordan Mackenzie Cooper —Cum Laude Dena Corby Melissa Rae Hammack Alison Leigh Harder Megan Irene Hardman —Magna Cum Laude Kylie Kristine Hassel —Magna Cum Laude Kourtney Rachelle Hawk Britney Renae Herron —Cum Laude Amanda B. Higgins Dawn L. Cram Lynelle Pearl Hill —Magna Cum Laude Kelly Riley Crandall —Cum Laude Katherine J. Hipps —Magna Cum Laude Breann Alexa Dauenhauer Mackenzie Paige Holloway Colette Suzanne De Vries —Magna Cum Laude Teresa Jean Houck —Cum Laude Theodore James Deacon Stephanie Carra Den Hartigh Ruth Ellie Deniston —Cum Laude Julie Elizabeth Dezellem —Cum Laude Sefora Valentina Duma Alyssa Nicole Egland —Magna Cum Laude Robert Joseph Robinson —Magna Cum Laude Chris L. Ross Whitney Paige Russo Andrea Sagrero Jessica Ashley Sanchez Sara Ariana Sandalow —Magna Cum Laude Emily Elizabeth Lumpkins —Summa Cum Laude Khady Sarr Jessica Margaret Saxton Amy-Rose Victoria Scanlon Justine Schneider Jessica Nichole Shuell Patricia Ruth Madrigal —Magna Cum Laude Diana Aurelovna Smirnov Alexandra Magana Tysen Marie Spear Kathryn Lenee Mayer —Magna Cum Laude Cecily Wren Spicer Marilee Joy Snyder Kerri Dawn McDonald Alexis Rae Storms —Magna Cum Laude Diana Nicole McGlynn —Magna Cum Laude Michelle Rene Strauss Audra Michelle McNair —Cum Laude Elaine Susan Meis Lorie C. Stucke —Magna Cum Laude Amber Christine Sutton Stephanie Marie Mitcham Anna Lynn Swanson —Magna Cum Laude Pat Sandoval Morales Maria Cristine Thacker Brittany Marie Hunter —Cum Laude Amy Turee Nelson Tracey Ann Neumann Brittany Marie Totland —Magna Cum Laude Mackenzie Kay Iverson —Cum Laude Rebeca Maria Nimz Kristen Naomi Travis Cassandra Chinyere Opara Sydney Dawn Trompler Reed Douglas Jaspers —Magna Cum Laude Laura Michaele Osborn —Cum Laude Kinda B. Tyler Kaylyn Parker Maximilian Louis Vondermehden Daneeka LeAnn Jennings —Cum Laude Mary S. Jennings Tod C. Peterson 2015 Rashida Irfan Ullah SPRING COMMENCEMENT 73 CANDIDATES FOR BACCALAUREATE Jamie Ann Wagley Kendall Joelle Walker —Magna Cum Laude Rebecca Noel Waller Angela Catherine Wanderer Tabatha Harlee Warner —Cum Laude Cathy Marie Wells DEGREES Felicia D. Bray —Magna Cum Laude Katie Marie Martes —Magna Cum Laude Kelly Ann Lucille Brune Mallory Lynn McDonald —Magna Cum Laude Adelyn Marie Burkhart —Cum Laude Adrianne Margaret Mohn Campbell —Magna Cum Laude Elisha Lane Messick —Magna Cum Laude Lauryn Martel Moore Amanda Jordan MyersNijmeh Sara Wilkerson Kristy LeeAnn Wood —Cum Laude Julia Zelepukhin —Magna Cum Laude BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN NURSING WITH WHITWORTH UNIVERSITY Sara Ruth Wilson Kimberly Rae Coltrain —Magna Cum Laude Emily Lewanne Wright —Cum Laude Brian James Connally —Cum Laude Randall Delbert Wyatt —Cum Laude Kara Renee Contabile Mark Allan Peterman —Magna Cum Laude Mitiku Mamo Zerfu Jamison Carl Edwards —Magna Cum Laude Fiona Jo Pitman —Cum Laude Gabrielle I. Zigarlick —Summa Cum Laude Danielle Rene Glover-Cloutier —Summa Cum Laude Patrick Lee Scheel Courtney Renee Hutchins —Magna Cum Laude Molly MaryAnn Zimmerman —Cum Laude Rochelle Ranae Hardin —Magna Cum Laude Shelby Ann Seydell —Magna Cum Laude Cayley Rebecca Jones —Magna Cum Laude Shawn Michael Skok —Cum Laude Nicole Louise Lecoq BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN NURSING WITH EASTERN WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY Jessica Ann Heimbigner Steven Roy Hobson Jr. —Summa Cum Laude Joel Ronald Joseph Stewart —Magna Cum Laude Heidi Marie Abell Lisa Suzanne Jones —Summa Cum Laude Heather Christine Stone —Magna Cum Laude Gurpreet Kaur —Cum Laude Haley Rae Summers —Cum Laude Raisa V. Korneychuk —Magna Cum Laude Iris Anne Weaver Jacquelin Acevedo —Cum Laude Megan Elizabeth Benstine —Magna Cum Laude Brooke Marie Brashers 74 2015 SPRING COMMENCEMENT Ryan Thomas Pederson —Summa Cum Laude Kaitlin Olivia-Kiele Webb —Cum Laude Emily Kristine Furnish Arely Nohemi Garza Hernandez —Cum Laude Courtney Lyn Hewett —Summa Cum Laude Christina Marie McCormick —Magna Cum Laude Morgan Ruth McDivitt —Cum Laude Danyelle Anita Claire Meyer —Cum Laude Jill Renae Ross —Summa Cum Laude CANDIDATES FOR BACCALAUREATE DEGREES College of Pharmacy See College of Pharmacy, Professional Degree section, for listing of Doctor of Pharmacy Degree Candidates. BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN NUTRITION AND EXERCISE PHYSIOLOGY Christopher Bradley Covillo —Summa Cum Laude Jacquelyn Allyse Crews —Magna Cum Laude Jaclyn Michele Dieter Paige Yvonne Fry Ethan Landstrom Erica Michelle Runyan Lily Anne Gay Ya-Hsin Lin Taylor Jewel Shillam Tiffany C. Golob —Magna Cum Laude Analeis Marie Masters Mattie Michelle Sobotka Brandy Morgan Minks —Cum Laude Hannah Te Anau June Stipek Catherine Mary Mulligan Haley Elisabeth Willison Julie Elaine Hann Char-Lee Haze Hansen —Cum Laude Kayla Rita Kranz Catherine Katigbak Ngan —Cum Laude Alison Jean Wheeler Spring lilacs and Stephenson Complex 2015 SPRING COMMENCEMENT 75 CANDIDATES FOR BACCALAUREATE DEGREES College of Veterinary Medicine See College of Veterinary Medicine, Professional Degree section, for listing of Doctor of Veterinary Medicine Degree Candidates. BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN BIOCHEMISTRY Leslie Ann Ronish James Q. Bonner III Matthew Robert Thompson —Cum Laude Preston John DeHan —Cum Laude Adrienne Rachelle Wilen Anthony James Dorsett Kristopher R. Byers Timothy Robert Woodiwiss —Magna Cum Laude Cassandra J. Enzler —Cum Laude Jonathan Robert Conroy —Cum Laude Emily Morgan Cates —Cum Laude Song Zheng —Magna Cum Laude Kelly Galene Heagerty —Cum Laude Cherry Joy Fletcher Amanda Yuenshung Fu BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN GENETICS AND CELL BIOLOGY Jill A. Jaeger Chad Nicklas Gilbertson Gabriel Mburu Kiruki Logan Michael Johnston —Cum Laude Brianna Suzanne Berg —Magna Cum Laude James Q. Bonner III Wenye Dang —Summa Cum Laude Daniel Robert De Angelis —Summa Cum Laude Micaela Lorraine Dea Anthony James Dorsett Matthew Masao Ebesu —Cum Laude Michael Joshua Fox —Summa Cum Laude Erin L. Aguero Jeffery Gilbert Beck Guo Rong Lai Joelle Dominique Martin Sunpreet Kaur Bhangoo Bryan Ka Lam Charice Torres Espiritu Athena Kostrubala Lemon —Cum Laude Megan Sierra Moberg —Summa Cum Laude Lauren Ariana George Jessica Rae Hawkinson Amber Nichole Hawkins —Cum Laude Nicholas Patrick Howard —Magna Cum Laude Emily Diane Lundgren Ryan John Manglona Oscar Alexander Hernandez Tierra Irene Hunter —Magna Cum Laude Samantha April McInally —Summa Cum Laude Devin Alexander Lewis Michelle Dianne McMicheal —Cum Laude Sorosh Kherghehpoush Evan Donald Klein —Magna Cum Laude Daniel James Mobley —Magna Cum Laude Moises Morales —Magna Cum Laude Daniel Nicoara —Summa Cum Laude Aaron Justus Patenaude 76 2015 SPRING Thanh Huu Nguyen Jordan Raymond Shurtleff Miles Hamilton Linde —Summa Cum Laude Jason John Breithaupt —Magna Cum Laude Kelsey L. Knauss —Cum Laude Emily K. Lesmeister Patrick Andrew Joyce BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN NEUROSCIENCE Maureen U. Murphy Stewart Emerson Macy Debbie Rose Padilla —Cum Laude Ethan Ryan Payton —Cum Laude Ryan Jefferson Pearce Kaitlyn Breanne Schuberth —Cum Laude Hayley M. Smalls —Magna Cum Laude Daneen Marie Natac Mark P. Smyly —Summa Cum Laude Matthew Robert Thompson —Cum Laude Audrey Elizabeth Nordness —Magna Cum Laude Alexandra Christine Vaughn —Cum Laude BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN MICROBIOLOGY Matthew Ryan Turley Adam Matthew Willey Kendall Suzanne Vesneske Jentelle Eden Stout Ali I. Abu-Alya Stephanie Brooke Baker Scott Alan Blaine —Magna Cum Laude COMMENCEMENT Krista Jean Waffle Adrienne Rachelle Wilen Alexandra Teresa Winters Kevin W. Young CANDIDATES FOR RESIDENCY TEACHING CERTIFICATE Candidates for Residency Teaching Certificate Katherine Allen KayLea Garnett Jessica Lemire Hannah Sidel Renee Allison Caprielle Gartner Marlayna Lockwood Allyson Smith Jennifer Almgren Ariel Goldsworth Areli Lora Lance Smith Chrystal Anderson Brittney Gorman Molly Lorenz Lisa Smith Emily Anderson Calvin Gorman Jennica Lunsford Ryan Smith William Autrey Rachael Gorrie Chadrick Mansfield Tracy Snider Hannah Axtelle Erica Guard-Buckhalter Carissa McCoy Kathryn Snyder Mikael Bailey Karen Guenther Cassie McCully Felica Soderstrom Austin Baker Estelle Gwinn Jacob McKissick Elizabeth Stamp Amber Beardmore Michelle Haagen Owen McMullen Hayley Swanson Shane Berridge Todd Hargrave Heidi McMurry Noelle Swartz Jonathan Betz Chelsea Harwood Julia Melvin Rachael Sweedman Julianna Blackmon Amanda Hatton Emily Mitchell Kelly Tannhauser Katherine Boneski John Heasley Kenly Mitchell Brianna Tasker Michelle Bosse Alexandra Hedin Elizabeth Nelsen Shelby Thomas Danielle Brill Natalie Hendry Sidney Nelson Cheryl Thonney Alicia Bull Scott Holt Thanh Thuy Nguyen Taylor Thorsen Melissa Burgueno Rose Hout Alexandria Nielson Rachel Tingley Michelle Burns Travis Hoyle Kasey O’Brien Tanna Tingstad Andrew Burt Amanda Hubbard Mariah Olson Randall Tupling Jessica Bydalek Bailey Huylar Rachel Pederson Ivan Valdovinos Julia Carstensen Mariah Jausoro Samantha Pendleton Lucas Valenter Jacqilynn Castleton Kerry Jeffrey Angelina Perez Kyle Wade Jenna Connolly Kelly Jensen Maria Perez Natalie Walker Leeah Crawford Aaron Johnson Veronica Perez Kathryn Walters Summer Cull Whitney Johnson Matthew Piatt Whitney Ward Nicole Dahlke Miranda Jones Ashley Pirrone Shannon Warren Rita Date Kevin Kalian Beau Pocklington Lindsey Watson Eloise Davis Alla Karp BrieAnna Polette Adam Webber Jordan Davis Brittany Kealy Eric Power Keely Wells Jessica DeBoer Raya Klein Brenda Reed Carly Whitney Kellie DeRuwe Samantha Knittle Brady Reichert Andrea Wickenhagen Taylor Destito Michael Koreis Rachel Reid Samantha Wilkes Jeremy Duggins Caitlyn LaChaine Sara Rodin Mariah Williams Jessica Farris Michelle Lambert Bernardo Rodriguez Jessica Winden Brittany Flowers Kathryn Landwehr Colette Rood Lisa Witherington Audrey Frazier Robert Larner Elizabeth Scarborough Melissa Wolfe Hali French Rilee Larsen Emily Schmid Micah Wolfe Rebekah Fuller Kimberly Lawrence Cameron Schmidt Ashley Wood Shelby Fungone Andy Ledezma Rebecca Schmieman Sarah Zisa Jessica Garman Lauren Lefebvre Alexis Scott 2015 SPRING COMMENCEMENT 77 CA H ON ND O IRDS A TC EOSL LF EOGR E BAANC DC AGL RAAUDR UE A T IE O D NE G W RI TE H ESACADEMIC HONORS Honors College Erin Aguero Zane Duke Brenden Larson Taylor Saueressig Haley Anderson Savannah Edmundson Athena Lemon Wendiam Sawadgo Kayla Anderson Cassandra Enzler Samantha Lewis Everett Schulz Austin Armstrong Lauren Erickson Miles Linde Amanda Scott Sophie Ascaso Kayla Fillion Laura MacFarlane Parker Scott Jason Becker Russell Flock Alison Mand Devon Seymour Brianna Berg Mitchell Flowers Christina Martija-Harris Emily Shumway Scott Blaine Kelly Forsyth Mitchell Martin Mariya Sichkar Peter Boettcher Rachel Galasso Juan Mata Ian Smith Monica Bomber Kevin Gavin Samantha McInally Marcus Smith James Bonner III Calvin Gorman Julia McLean Trevor Snodgrass Ashley Brennan Amber Graviet Megan Moberg Rupali Sodhi Isabel Brofsky Blythe Green Kathryn Myers Lee Speers Samuel Byrd Lucas Grisham Mackenzie Neavor Ian Steiner Helen Capron Calley Hair Natalie Newman Kristen Stone Sarah Cardenas Lara Heersema Stephani Noar Colleen Stuckey Megan Caruso Zoey Henson Calen Olesen Keegan Sullens Colleen Chalmers Nicole Hessner Sarah Patton Shen Tan Michelle Chan Kori Higashiya Chloe Payne Katherine Traynor Tia Chen Zoe Holland Molly Payne Shanna Uskoski James Clark Tierra Hunter Ethan Payton Josiah Wai Kate Colbert Sagal Hussein Daniel Perrine Lauryn Watkins Erica Conway Cory Jenneskens Madison Phillips Melissa Webb James Crawford Hannah Johnson Aaron Rapozo Kristen Wedam Jacquelyn Crews Joshua Johnson Sarah Rausch Karley White Alex Dankers Shelby Karraker Michele Reinelt Tiffany Wilks Micaela Dea Lance Kidder Clayton Rennie Adam Willey Alec Deichman Travis King Emily Rodgers Paul Wilmoth Bayey Depaul Evan Klein Kimberly Rogers Megan Wurm Sydnee Dieckman Katherine Knutson Oksana Ruffin Jonathan Younce Chloe Dugger Nathaniel Lambert Sydney Sanchez Lauren Rachel Young GRADUATION WITH ACADEMIC HONORS Students in the class of 2015 who have demonstrated exceptional academic performance are wearing the WSU custom honor cord of crimson and silver. These students may graduate with one or more of the following distinctions: SUMMA CUM LAUDE: Candidates for baccalaureate degrees who have completed at least 30 hours of graded work at Washington State University with a cumulative grade point average of 3.90 or better. MAGNA CUM LAUDE: Candidates for baccalaureate degrees who have completed at least 30 hours of graded work at Washington State University with a cumulative grade point average between 3.70 and 3.89. CUM LAUDE: Candidates for baccalaureate degrees who have completed at least 30 hours of graded work at Washington State University with a cumulative grade point average between 3.50 and 3.69. 78 2015 SPRING COMMENCEMENT HONORS COLLEGE: Graduates who have participated in the Honors College and satisfied the college’s requirements receive certificates of completion and wear the Honors College Medallion. HONOR SOCIETIES: Washington State University students may be selected to join, within their disciplines, one or more of 29 honor societies and any of six honor societies across academic disciplines, including one freshman honor society. These include Alpha Epsilon Rho, Alpha Phi Sigma, Alpha Zeta, Beta Alpha Psi, Beta Gamma Sigma, Beta Tau, Gamma Sigma Delta, International Golden Key, Kappa Delta Pi, Kappa Omicron Nu, Mortar Board, Mu Phi, Omicron Chi Gamma, Omicron Delta Epsilon, Omicron Delta Kappa, Phi Alpha Theta, Phi Beta Kappa, Phi Delta Kappa, Phi Kappa Phi, Phi Lambda Upsilon, Phi Sigma Alpha, Phi Sigma Iota, Phi Zeta, Pi Sigma Alpha, Psi Chi, Rho Chi, Rho Nu, Sigma Tau Delta, Sigma Theta Tau International, and Tau Beta Pi. CANDIDATES FOR A D V A NC CO EMDM DI SE SGI ROENE SS Commissions TO RECEIVE RESERVE COMMISSIONS AS SECOND LIEUTENANTS IN THE UNITED STATES AIR FORCE TO RECEIVE COMMISSIONS AS SECOND LIEUTENANTS IN THE UNITED STATES ARMY Joshua Garvison Austin Bogard Zachary Johnson Emmett Bowman Julian Kinonen Garrett Burnham Tucker McDowell Alex Chong Valerie Woldberg Russell Flock TO RECEIVE A COMMISSION AS SECOND LIEUTENANT IN THE UNITED STATES MARINE CORPS Nathaniel Keith Lambert TO RECEIVE COMMISSIONS AS ENSIGNS IN THE UNITED STATES NAVY Josiah Scott Phinney Daniel Richard Schuerman Travis Anthony Sorensen Tarik Jensen Jacob Kurle Colman Miller Asa Palagi Gary Piontek Spring 2014 2015 SPRING COMMENCEMENT 79 CROWN 422 ALMA MATER Washington, my Washington, the Crimson and the Gray! CROWN 790 ‘Tis the song of memory that we sing today. When the sad hours come to you and sorrows ’round you play, Just sing the songs of Washington, the Crimson and the Gray! Just sing the songs of Washington, the Crimson and the Gray! S P R I N G C O M M E N C E M E N T • S A T U R D AY, M AY N I N T H Celebrating
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