AHEAD: the complete service for medically underwritten annuities
AHEAD: the complete service for medically underwritten annuities
Further information and contacts For more information on AHEAD, or Aon Hewitt’s wider risk settlement capabilities and offerings, please visit: www.aonhewitt.co.uk/risksettlement Or please contact your usual Aon Hewitt contact, or: AHEAD: the complete service for medically underwritten annuities John Baines 0121 262 6944 john.baines@aonhewitt.com Dominic Grimley 0121 262 5094 dominic.grimley@aonhewitt.com Paul Belok 020 7086 8089 paul.belok@aonhewitt.com About Aon Hewitt Aon Hewitt is the global leader in human resource consulting and outsourcing solutions. The company partners with organisations to solve their most complex benefits, talent and related financial challenges, and improve business performance. Aon Hewitt designs, implements, communicates and administers a wide range of human capital, retirement, investment management, health care, compensation and talent management strategies. With more than 29,000 professionals in 90 countries, Aon Hewitt makes the world a better place to work for clients and their employees. For more information on Aon Hewitt, please visit www.aonhewitt.com. Eversheds LLP is a limited liability partnership under the Limited Liability Partnerships Act 2000 (with registered number OC304065 and with its registered office at One Wood Street, London EC2V 7WS) Eversheds is authorised and regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority and governed by the SRA Code of Conduct. For more information on Eversheds, please visit www.eversheds.com. Risk. Reinsurance. Human Resources. Copyright © 2014 Aon Hewitt Limited and Eversheds LLP. All rights reserved. Aon Hewitt Limited is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. Registered in England & Wales. Registered No: 4396810. Registered Office: 8 Devonshire Square, London EC2M 4PL. Nothing in this document should be treated as an authoritative statement of the law on any particular aspect or in any specific case. It should not be taken as financial advice and action should not be taken as a result of this document alone. Aon Hewitt Limited and Eversheds LLP are separate and distinct legal entities. The services provided by either Aon Hewitt Limited or Eversheds LLP are independent of one another and the contract for services will be between the client and the relevant service provider directly. Neither Aon Hewitt Limited nor Eversheds LLP will be responsible for any advice provided by the other. aonhewitt.co.uk@aonhewittuk eversheds.com Risk. Reinsurance. Human Resources. AHEAD: the complete service for medically underwritten annuities Medical underwriting – pricing opportunities Annuities are priced using available information that helps determine life expectancy – typically occupation, pension size, postcode (as a wealth indicator), age and sex. Medically underwritten annuities (sometimes referred to as ‘enhanced’ annuities) go one step further by making use of lifestyle and health data at a per member level to help inform life expectancy predictions. With a focus on pensioner members, pricing reductions in excess of 10% have been witnessed compared to the traditional market - even if members are in average health - and this has understandably grabbed the attention of trustees and companies alike, helping generate rapid growth in this market. In other words, you might be able to purchase a bulk annuity with an effective return in excess of government bonds plus 0.5% p.a. – when compared to other low risk asset classes, this presents an attractive opportunity. There are currently 4 insurers quoting for new business in this market: Aviva, Just Retirement, Legal & General and Partnership, with further insurers considering an offer in 2015. Collecting health data Who is it relevant for? Issues to consider Collecting health data from your members need not be an onerous task. Unlike in the individual annuity market, members do not benefit from an increase in benefits if they have a lower than average life expectancy … but they could benefit from a more secure pension. A well communicated exercise, explaining these benefits, can typically result in response rates in the 70-80% range. Collecting medical information presents opportunities, and not only for smaller schemes. Increasingly larger schemes, are considering medical underwriting for the larger liabilities, which can make up a significant proportion of the membership – the chart below is not unusual: The medically underwritten annuity market can offer attractive pricing, but there are issues to consider before approaching the market. Below we highlight some key issues trustees would need to consider: The Aon Hewitt Enhanced Annuity Data (AHEAD) platform provides trustees with a new process for collecting member data which is faster and more efficient than available alternatives. Data is collected by a telephone interview or, depending on your members’ preferences, by a paper form. In both cases, the method of collection can be efficient and unobtrusive. Importantly, all data collected can be effectively used by all of the insurers currently providing medically underwritten bulk annuities. We believe that this will maximise the competitiveness of the pricing achieved without making the process onerous. An informed provider choice. The medical underwriting specialist insurers aren’t as well-known as some of the traditional insurers. 200 Cumualtive liability (£M) A new way of securing bulk annuities has developed which offers schemes the opportunity to de-risk at a materially lower cost. Aon Hewitt are able to provide a one-stop shop to access the best pricing efficiently. 150 100 50 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 Aon Hewitt will provide covenant advice, based on reports by Cazalet consulting, a specialist insurer analyst, and AKG who provide insurer covenant ratings, to give you a rounded and informed view of all providers before entering into a transaction. Number of members In this 1,000 member pensioner population, a buy-in for the largest 100 members could capture half of the risk Even for £1Bn+ schemes, where the concentration risk is not as acute, medical underwriting can be appealing as the price savings from the larger liabilities can be material. Members with large pensions are typically expected to have a long life expectancy, with traditional insurers pricing the risks conservatively. Obtaining medical information for these members can present material cost saving opportunities with little downside risk that they could live materially longer than would be otherwise assumed. Of course, having some insight into the health of your largest liability pensioners will give you an insight into the likely benefit, or otherwise, for your scheme. This is in contrast to the approaches being taken in some current auctions, where three different parties are used to broke the market, collect the health information and provide due diligence. We can greatly simplify your approach so you can focus on what matters – the comfort of your members in providing information. What if all my members are healthy? If the data collected by AHEAD shows all members to be healthy, this will increase the expected cost. Our observations on the market are: (a)60% of individuals have some form of condition to support a lower annuity. (b)Even if all members are healthy, the lower pricing from some enhanced annuity specialists mean that this may still be cheaper than the traditional market. Overall, we expect the medically underwritten market to continue to grow and offer an attractive, affordable way to reach pensions stability. 1 AHEAD AHEAD 2
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