teutonic order - Sovrano Ordine Militare ed Ospitaliero di Santa
teutonic order - Sovrano Ordine Militare ed Ospitaliero di Santa
2010 TO PROMOTE MORAL EXCELLENCE AND CHIVALRY AND CHARITABLE WORKS 2 1190 - 2010 Sovrano Ordine Militare e Ospitaliero di Santa Maria di Gerusalemme Teutonico di Svevia ††† SOMOSMG - TS The Sovereign Military and Hospitaller Order of Saint Mary of Jerusalem Teutonic of Swabia THE ORDER OF ST. MARIA OF JERUSALEM (TEUTONIC ORDER) OF THE HOUSE OF ANTIOCH AND SVEVIA ††† OSMJT - HAS 2010 Edition 3 THE TEUTONIC ORDER – BACKGROUND The Teutonic Order “Ordo Sanctae Mariae Teutonicorum” or “Ordo Teutonicus” called in German language “Deutsche Ritterorden” or simply “Deutsche Order”, is an ancient monastic Military-Hospitaller Order build in the Holy Land at the time of the Third Crusade organized by Emperor Frederick Barbarossa. The Order was founded on 19 November 1190 by the second son of the Emperor Frederick Barbarossa, Frederick, Duke of Swabia (Hohenstaufen), to assist pilgrims and wounded German Knights in the Holy Land. Pope Clement III (1187-1191) apparently approved the Order on February 6, 1191 by the Bull Quotiens postulatur of February 6, 1191 and, within a few years, the Order had developed as a Religious Military institution. The Order was taken under Pope Celestine III's (1191-1198) protection on December 21, 1196, with the name of the "Hospital of St. Mary of the Germans in Jerusalem." The name is possibly the only connection with the earlier German hospital that was founded on the first twelfth century XII in Jerusalem, to give assistance to German-speaking pilgrims, but ceased to exist after the famous Saladin had conquered Jerusalem in 1188, putting an end to Christian domain to the city also considered Holy by the Muslims. At the time of Frederick II Hohenstaufen and the Grand Master Hermann of Salza, the Teutonic Knights gained the most of their fortune and remained loyal to the Emperor until the end. “Fuit autem celeberrimus hic equitum Teutonicorum Ordo à Temporibus Friederici II...” Until the loss of Acre in 1291, the main theater of operation of the Teutonic Knights remained the Holy Land. However, as early as the second decade of the XIII century operated in Eastern Europe, first in Transylvania, to protect the Kingdom of Hungary from the incursions of nomadic Cumani at the request of King Andrew II of Hungary, then on the Baltic coast, within the zone extended northeast of the Polish territories. Contributed to a vast work of conquest, mostly pagan. Their dominance in the region subsequently led them to clash both with the Russian Orthodox of Pskov and Novgorod and with the PolishLithuanian. The latter, led by King Ladislao II Jagellone, they inflicted a heavy defeat at the Battle of Tannenberg (or Grunwald) in July 15, 1410. At the end of the Thirteen Years’ War, the second Treaty of Torun reduced the territorial domain of the Order only to the East Prussia (as well as various smaller estates in the territory of Germany) and the status of vassals of the Polish crown. In 1525 the 4 thirty-seventh Grand Master of the Order, Albert of Hohenzollem-Ansbach, converted to Lutheranism and secularized the Prussian possessions, taking the title of Duke of Prussia. What was survived of the Order remained in the possession of certain territories of the Holy Roman Empire in Livonia, remaining righty dependently of the Livonian branch, which in 1561 was itself secularized in the Duchy of Curlandia and Semigallia. Following the loss of Prussia and the transfer of the Grand Magister of the Order in Bad Mergentheim, the majority of the members of the Order of the Netherlands converted to the Lutheran faith. In 1580 members of the Bailiwick of Utrecht, composed of various Dutch Commandaries, rejected the jurisdiction of Bad Mergentheim. In 1637, the Bailiwick of the Teutonic Knights in Netherlands became an independent institute under the protection of the United Provinces of the Netherlands, continuing to operate as Hospitaller Order but without its catholic character. With the return of the House of Orange and the establishment of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, the Bailiwick according to the Royal Decree of August 8, 1815, was completely restructure and placed under the protection of the Royal Duchy House. The Catholic Teutonic Order was formally abolished by Napoleon Bonaparte in 1809, but later restored in 1834 by the Hapsburg who wanted to regain the original Chivalric Order adopting the rule of the 1606. In February 17, 1806, the Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire Francis II and Emperor of Austria (with the name of Francis I), recognized his brother Anton Viktor von Österreich Hapsburg as Grand Master of the Teutonic Order, confirming the provisions of the Treaty of Pressburg. The Sovereign status recognized in the Treaty of Pressburg provided that the title of Grand Master was to be attributed to a prince of the House of Austria, but this would be a limited sovereignty, as subject to "Head of the Imperial House of Austria." December 12, 1810. The rights, pensions and dignity of the Hochmeister were attributed to the Emperor of Austria, who made it to the Teutonic Order solemn head. The headquarters of the Order was transferred to Vienna. March 8, 1834 the Prince Grand Master Anton Viktor von Österreich Habsbug convined his broter, Emperor Francis II, to invalidate the capitolar of Pressburg and restore the Teutonic Order as an autonomus religious and military feudal institution directly to the Empire confirming, thus, the nature of Sovereign authority in accordance with th mediaeval laws of the Holy Roman Empire. 5 The existing Knights were confirmed in their location, those already accepted as novices were allowed to continue his novitiate, but it significantly changed the law of the Grand Master, prospective candidates for the novitiate could not succeed without the Imperial consent. No attempt to consult the Holy See was done even if this act was a violation of canon law. The Grand Master allowed the Archduke Maximilian of the Hapsburgs to exert considerable influence over the decisions of the Order of Germany, who also had detached from Austria with the dissolution of the Holy Roman Empire occurred in 1806. The new Emperor Ferdinand I issued a new decree on July 16, 1839, by which it confirmed the privileges granted by his father and the rules and statutes of the Teutonic Order in 1606 that were not in conflict with the status of Austrian fief. In 1835 was elected to the Order Grand Master Archduke Maximilian of Austria-Este (1782-1863). The role of the Grand Master for nearly half a century had become the preserve of the Austrian Imperial Family. Maximilian strongly supported the work of the Jesuits, Redemptorists and the Sisters of St. Francis. He also founded schools and hospitals and to give assistance to the needy. In 1894 it was named to 58 th Grand Master of the Teutonic Order, Eugen Ferdinand Pius Bernhard Felix Maria, Archduke of Austria and Prince of Hungary and Bohemia. He was the last Hereditary Grand Master of the Teutonic Order. In 1918, with the collapse of the Austrian Empire, the last Habsburg Grand Master, Archduke Eugene, forced into exile along with all the members of his dynasty, retired in Lucerne and then in Basel where he lived from 1918 to 1934. The continuation of the Order, in his old organization, was no longer possible and the properties of the Order seen as houses of the Imperial House were threatened with confiscation by the Republicans, eager to strike any institution associated with the Habsburg Dynasty. But fortunately the Teutonic Order was independent within the meaning of canon law: it was a religious institution as well and its properties could be considered not as part of the heritage of the Habsburgs. In order to safeguard the existence of the Teutonic Order and its possessions, Archduke Eugene voluntarily resigned in 1923 to Pope Pius XI in his resignation from the position of Hoch-und Deutschmeister. Before the resignation become final, convened in Vienna the Chapter General of the Teutonic Order to chose a new Grand Master, the suggestion fell on Monsignor Norbert Jan Nepomucký Klein, a priest of the Order and already Bishop of Brünn in Moravia, who was elected as coadjutor. The representatives of the Austrian Government entered into negotiations with the Teutonic Order, and since the candidate was a cleric, accepted the appointment, even if some clergymen of the Order of Malta opposed to the nomination. The Holy See appointed Father Hilarion Felder to examine the complaints of the clergy of the Order of Malta. It was proposed that, since the Teutonic Order at the 6 moment of its foundation had been subject to the Hospitallers, their properties were to be delivered to the Order of Malta. The complaints were dismissed and the investigation ended in favor of the Teutonic Order, which required a new rule. It was Constituted as “Fratres Domus Hospitalis Sanctae Mariae Teutonicorum in Jerusalem” - "German Brothers of the Order of St. Mary of Jerusalem" and received the Papal sanction on the new rule, purely religious, withdrawing the military tradition on November 27, 1929. With this the Teutonic Order ceased to be a Chivalric Order of Knighthood as His Holiness Pope Pius XI, formally ratified the Order's new constitution making the Teutonic Order a Clerical Order of the Holy See. No more knights were created and the last one (Friedrich Graf Belrupt-Tissac) died in 1970. The order suffered during World War II when it was abolished by the Nazis in Austria and Czechoslovakia, but as Clerical Order it survived in Italy and started again after 1945 in Austria and Germany. From that moment the Order made every effort to maintain its activities consistent with the slogan “Heal and Assist”. THE DYNASTIC TEUTONIC ORDER WAS RECLAIMED IN 1993 Prince Paolo Francesco Barbaccia Viscardi, Grand Master of the Sovereign Military and Hospitaller Order of St. Maria (Teutonic Order) of Jerusalem of the House of Antioch and Svevia, in 1993 reclaimed the original rights of the Imperial Order beeing the prerogative of the Holy Roman Empire – its foundation in the Holy Land as a military-monastic order on the model of the Hospitallers of Saint John and the Templars was due to the Hohenstaufen dynasty of Swabia. After the period of Magisterial of the Habsburg who were able to restore the Military and Hospitaller Teutonic Order, with the resignation of the last Hereditary Grand Master Archduke Eugene of Austria in 1923, the Order was discontinued its equestrian character and only in the 1989 de facto and de jure in 1993 it took up its dual original Military and Hospitaller Chivalric Order under the guide the Hereditary Grand Master Prince Paolo Francesco Barbaccia, today Barbaccia Viscardi, the rights of jure sanguinis and fons honorum which are protected in the Proceedings of the Archives of the Presidency of the Councils of Ministries of the Italian Republic (2009) with the transcript of “Sovrana Casa di Svevia Principato di Leuca” (Sovereign House of Swabia Principality of Leuca) in the Ceremonial of State and according of the Italian Laws, where currently the Head Quarters of the Sovereign Military and Hospitaller Order of St. Maria of Jerusalem Teutonic Order is situated is qualified as non-state Order of Chivalry, in effect of art.7 L.3 May 1951 n. 178 of the Italian Republic. Based on these documents that the State Ceremonial transmitted to the Presidency of the Council of Ministers, the Ministry of Defense reported the Order in the circular as "non-national Order of Chivalry (Ordine Cavalleresco non nazionale) - Sovrano Ordine Militare ed Ospitaliero di Santa Maria di Gerusalemme Teutonico (Sovereign Military and Hospitaller Order of St. Mary of Jerusalem, Teutonic). This Chivalric Order guided by the 59 th hereditary Grand Master Prince Barbaccia Viscardi is not to be confused, with due respect, with the Holy See Teutonic Order“Fratres domus hospitalis sanctae Mariae Teutonicorum in Jerusalem” chaired by Abbot Dr. Bruno Platter, which is no longer a Equestrian (chivalric) order not even in his only "real class". That Order is an Institute of Consecrated Life which survived the collapse of the Habsburg Empire by abandoning its "chivalric" character, retaining only its religious identity and the admission of knights to membership ceased immediately. Today the Order 7 functions as a religious Order of the Church. The familiares, who are decorated with either the Knights Cross or the Marian Cross, are not members of the Order, but are lay associates rewarded for their services and it is a misnomer to call the "Teutonic knights": they are ordinary NON PROFIT ORGANIZATION (NGO), affiliated to the Ecclesiastic Teutonic Order. The Consecrated Teutonic Order is divided into bailiwicks and commanderies – for the familiari present in 5 countries (Belgium, Germany, Czech Republic, Austria and Italy) and in the provinces – for brother and sisters with the solemn vows present in 6 countries (Germany, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Austria, Slovenia and Italy). NOTES ABOUT DINASTIC ORDER'S REGISTRATION AND RECOGNITIONS Registration in Italy – 5.02.1993.: Sovrano Ordine Militare ed Ospitaliero di Santa Maria di Gerusalemme detto Teutonico di Svevia Registration in UK – 5/02/1996..: THE ORDER OF ST. MARIA OF JERUSALEM (TEUTONIC ORDER) OF THE HOUSE OF ANTIOCH AND SVEVIA N. LP005036 Recognition of the Presidency of the Council of Ministries of the Italian Republic Recognition to Paolo Francesco Barbaccia (now also bearing Viscardi) of the Teutonic Order of Saint Mary Jerusalem of the Sovereign House of Swabia-- "Sovereign House of Swabia Principality of Leuca” (Sovrana Casa di Svevia Principato di Leuca) page.80-page.81" Documents of the Council of Ministers Presidency: http://www.governo.it/Presidenza/archivio_pcm/allegati/piano_conservazione_atti.pdf Ministry of Defense of the Italian Republic recognizes the Order as “non national” Order of Chivalry. MINISTRY OF DEFENSE Of the Italian Republic Circular (M_D GMILIII 104 0541891 of December 16, 2009) From the Circular of the Ministry of Defense (M-D GMLII 104 0541891 of December 16, 2009) in the light of the latest decree according to the Diplomatic Protocol of the Italian Republic - Sovrano Ordine Militare ed Ospitaliero 8 di Santa Maria di Gerusalemme Teutonico (Sovereign Military and Hospitaller of St. Maria of Jerusalem, Teutonic Order) is defined as the "non-national" Order of Chivalry. HISTORICAL AND GENEALOGICAL NOTES BARBACCIA VISCARDI OF HAUTVILLE AND OF ANTIOCH Title: Prince of the Holy Roman Empire Domicile: Sicily, Toscana Motto: ”Aude Audenda” Ancient family descended from Bohemond of Hauteville (1050-1111), son of Robert Guiscard, Duke of Normandy, Puglia, Calabria and Sicily (recognized as such by Pope Nicholas II in the Council of Melfi 1059), and of Alberada Buonalbergo, that after conquering Antioch becomes the name of Prince Bohemond I, thus giving rise to this branch of Hauteville. By CONSTANCE of Antioch, daughter of Bohemond II (1109-1131) and Alice of Jerusalem, the nephew of Bohemond I and Constance of France, regent of the principality from 1130 until his death, married Raymond of Poitiers, the dynasty continues with Bohemond III (1144-1201), who married firstly Orgigliosa of Harenc generates Bohemond IV, Count of Tripoli. The marriage of the latter with Plaissance de Gibellet it comes to Mary (aka Mathilde) of Antioch, who married Frederick II of Swabia, becoming his fourth wife (Bartholomew of Neocastro (Historia, cit., p. 21) and R. Pirro (Sicilia, cit., pp. 25-35) ). 9 From this union was born Frederick (Federico), Prince of Antioch (11221256) - "one of the most alluring figures of Swabian era" (Robert Davidsohn), Count of Alba, Celano, Loreto Aprutino, Capizzi, Vicar General pf Tuscany and of the Heritage of S.Pietro in Tuscia. Title of "King" is attributed to Frederick in some chronicles, in deeds and those of many municipalities - Robert Davidsohn (1972) points out that in the protocols of the city council of San Gimignano is referred to as the king at least fifty times. From the marriage with Margherita di Poli Romano is born another Federico (House of Bartolomeo, / of San Bartolomero/ of Bartholomeo of Sicily, Messina Branch) whose descendants were called “Barbaccia” (Auria, Vicenzo). The reason for the change of name is assumed to be due to a marriage with a descendant of the family of French Barbazan. The House of "Di Bartolomeo of Antioch, Royal Soldier" (from"The Blazon In Sicily" of Palizzolo Gravina, 1871/75), branch of Messina, adopted the surname of Barbaccia or Barbazza (in lat.: Barbatius-Barbatia according to Mongitore and Fantuzzi-other versions Barbazio/Barbatio/Barbotius) in the sixteenth century in Bologna with Andrea I di Bartolomeo, said Barbazza (blood relative of King Peter of Aragon), a graduate and jurist, called by contemporaries "the Prince and Monarch of the Law", who taught civil and canon law at the Universities of Bologna and Ferrara, he was Adviser (Consigliere) of the Kings of Aragon of Sicily: "The sovereigns of his age filled him with honors and held him in high regard, having been created Knight of the Golden Spur by Pope Nicholas V and the Knight by the King Giovanni of Aragon in 1466, his family and counselor. Submitted to the Council of Basilea under Eugene IV. From him that was spread the noble family Barbazza among the first senator of Bologna "(Biography of Illustrious Men of Sicily, G.E. Ortolani). He has the honorary citizenship of the city of Bologna and Messina, powerful orator, spoke often at the Sorbonne in Paris, in life received medals minted in his honor. He was buried in St. Petronio in Bologna, where a street and a Palace in the center bears his name. Numerous portraits and pictures of the time refute the hypothesis advanced by Mongitore that the nickname "Barbazza" was derived from him wear a long beard. The House Viscardi derives from the Norman medieval name Wiscard (Latin Viscardus - the cunning) of Duke Robert Guiscard (d'Hauteville-le-Guichard), founder of the state of Norman Sicily. A cadet branch of Viscadri "Guiscard" settled in Palermo and Donna Maria Viscardi (grandson of Roger II, King of Sicily) was born Santa ROSALIA Sinibaldi, Patroness of Palermo and a descendant of Charlemagne. From this follows the Sicilian branch of Don Giacomo Viscardi, who was married to Elizabeth Livaccari had the following sons: Don Giuseppe, Donna Liboria, Donna Rachele, Don Francesco, Donna Paola, Donna, Antonia 10 and Donna Maria. Donna Paola Viscardi married Prince Francesco Barbaccia, grandparents of PAOLO FRANCESCO BARBACCIA Viscardi, the current representative of the family, originally from Palermo (Godrano) that for the last 50 years resides in Tuscany, in the city of Poggibonsi. Some of the Viscardi and Barbaccia family emigrated to USA and Australia. Coat of Arms: quartered with on top a crown of the Holy Roman Germanic Empire 1° Of Gold to three lions in red, loops and overlapping in pole (Hohenstaufen, Swabia) 2 ° in quartered in satire: in the first and fourth palate of gold and red (Aragon), in the second and third of silver to eagle black; 3 ° Of red to golden lilies scattered (Antioch) 4 ° in the blue band of square silver and red (Altavilla). On the whole: the red and green band of gold (Barbaccia). SOVEREIGN MILITARY AND HOSPITALLER ORDER OF ST. MARIA OF JERUSALEM (TEUTONIC ORDER) OF THE HOUSE OF ANTIOCH AND SVEVIA ORGANIZATION 11 The Order of St. Maria of Jerusalem (Order Teutonic) of the House of Antioch and Svevia is an International apolitical body, ecumenical, non-profit organization established as an independent non-governmental in accordance with the European Convention on the Recognition of Legal Entity of International Non-Governmental Organizations. The Order is recognized by the Italian Republic as non-state Order of Chivalry of the Sovereign House of Swabia. Traditionally organized in the form of Christian Military and Hospitaller Order of Chivalry of Mercy, dedicated to the care and assistance for the poor and the sick, the defense and preservation of the ideals of chivalry of justice with the advocacy of the highest philanthropic values. The Order has its offices in several countries in the world with a numerous members including high political and administrative dignitaries, Officers of the order, Prelates from the Holy See, etc, with the Head Office in Poggibonsi in Toscana, where on the façade are exposed the flags of Italy, The United Kingdom and the one of the Order itself. It is the primary duty of all knights and dames of the Order of St. Maria of the House of Antioch and Svevia to live as true, exemplary Christians and to dedicate themselves to any activity or endeavor that fosters the growth of religious principles among mankind, co-operating in every manner with the practice of the Christian way of life. The Order of St. Maria of Jerusalem (Teutonic Order) of the House of Antioch and Svevia, in keeping with the times, today emphasizes major contributions to social works, street children assistance and charitable relief of the poor. Knights and Dames must also fulfill basic principles as part of their membership of the world-wide confraternity: COMMITMENTS OF THE ORDER TO PROMOTE MORAL EXCELLENCE AND CHIVALRY AND CHARITABLE WORKS THROUGH THE AUSPICES OF A TEUTONIC ORDER 1. The Order promotes and maintains the principles of Christian chivalry, propagates the Christian Virtues of charity and brotherhood, exercising without distinction of religion, race, origin and age, the works of mercy towards the sick and the needy, children and elderly, including hospital care, social and health as well as aiding victims of exceptional disaster and war, taking care of spiritual elevation and strengthening the faith in God. 2. Charitable and philanthropic activities in the fields of health, education, and spiritual culture, ethnicity is carried out according to the purpose and provisions of the United Nations Charter and Statues of the Board. 3. For release and disseminations of its purpose, the Order includes internal organs such as cultural academies, universities, cultural associations, school of young 12 “squires” (Boy Scouts), educational, welfare centers, volunteer corps. 4. The Order encourages and promotes local development through the marketing project referred to as the “Principality of Leuca”. 5. The Order promotes regional development, protect the historical traditions, cultural and economic, the Order contributes to the reconstruction of the itinerary of Teutonic knights called "La Via dell'Ambra (The Amber Road)." 6. To help comply with the stipulated purposes of the Order constituted an executive body called "International Teutonic Association." 7. The Order exercises its worldwide activities on the basis of rights or International Conventions. RELIGION: All members of the Order will be practitioner members of the Christian faith in every particular denomination. All members must compete with their lives, fortunes and honor, to uphold the principles of Christianity, and determination to live and die by following the teachings of Christ and His Holy Church. HEAD OFFICE At the beginning of 1993, the SOVEREIGN MILITARY AND HOSPITALLER ORDER OF ST. MARIA OF JERUSALEM (TEUTONIC ORDER) OF THE HOUSE OF ANTIOCH AND SVEVIA was established in Poggibonsi, Italy and became a charitable chivalric organization and incorporated numerous projects and is recognized by the Italian Republic as non-state Order of Chivalry of the Sovereign House of Swabia . This Order consists of Catholic priests, nuns, nobles and collaborators. The Order has been organized and predominantly provides spiritual guidance, care for the sick, and the elderly and especially street children. The partners are active in Italy and many other parts of the world: thus, the Dynastic Teutonic Order has returned to its original roots and chivalric rules of the 12th century - the physical and spiritual care of needed people in Italy and in foreign lands, the current Grand Master is Paolo Francesco Barbaccia Viscardi. The organization is structured similarly to a constitutional monarchy where the monarch is the nominal representative of the State, although all political and administrative decisions are directed by the State Government. Therefore, it is the Grand Master of the Order of Saint Mary of Jerusalem of the House of Antioch and Svevia is the representative while the functioning and representation of Organization is the responsibility of all members of the Supreme Council. Web Site in Italian language at: www.teutonici.com Web Site in English language at: www.swabia-teutonic.org Or write to: cancelleria@teutonici.com Head office postal address: Ordine Teutonico di Svevia Via della Rocca, 35 53036 Poggibonsi (SI) - Italy 13 ORDER SPIRITUAL GUIDE H.E. Prof. Dr. Don Santino Spartà, Chaplain Prelate of the Dynastic Teutonic Order H.E. Mons. Sergio Maurizio Soldini, Chaplain Prelate of the Dynastic Teutonic Order H.E. The Most Rev. Archibishop Mons. Giovanni Bernardo Gremoli, Chaplain Prelate of the Dynastic Teutonic Order Don Giuseppe Barbera, Chaplain of the Dynastic Teutonic Order H.G. The Most Rev. Archbishop Denis Hart, Archbishop of Melbourne, Knight of Collar and the Grand Prior for the State of Victoria (Australia) Monsignor Franco Cavarra , Chaplain Prelate of the Dynastic Teutonic Order for the State of Victoria (Australia) 14 Don Giuseppe Riggio, of the Church “Chiesa di Maria S.S. del Rosario of Pedalino” (Ragusa), Chaplain of the Dynastic Teutonic Order †Cardinal Silvio Oddi, Chaplain Prelate of the Dynastic Teutonic Order †Mons. Agostino Bonadeo, Chaplain Prelate and Prior of the Dynastic Teutonic Order OTHER PRELATES OF THE ORDER H.E. The Most Rev. Archbishop Edward Nowak H.E. The Most Rev. Cardinal Paul Poupard H.E. The Most Rev. Mons. Vittorino Canciani, apostolic protonotary H.E. The Most Rev. Mons. Pietro Santoro, Bishop of Avezzano 15 HISTORY OF THE TEUTONIC ORDER NOVEMBER 19, 1190 THE HOLY LAND Its founders, eager to restore Christian rule in Jerusalem, adopted the name of the city of Jerusalem as part of their name, along with that if the Virgin Mary, principal patron of the Order, taking the name of "Order of the Brothers of the Hospitaller of St. Mary of the Germans in Jerusalem " (Ordo Fratrum Hospitalis Domus Sanctae Mariae Teutonicorum in Jerusalem). The imperial troops, arrived at San Giovanni of Acre and join to the Siege in October 1190, they found support at the hospital of the field. The King of Jerusalem, Guido di Lusignano (Guy of Lusignan), granted the privilege to the German crusaders, in the event of recapture of the city, to build a hospital in the inside wall. This initiative was warmly seconded by the most eminent of the German nobility in the Holy Land, Duke Frederick of Swabia, so he wrote to his brother, the Emperor Henry VI and convinced the idea also to the Patriarch of Jerusalem, the Hospitallers and the Templars. The new institution was confirmed by Duke Frederick of Swabia, November 19, 1190. Frederick also gave the hospital a chaplain named Conrad and a steward named Burchard. Even then in Palestine were difficult times, and then they needed someone to defend the hospital and, in doing so, some Germans Knights were called. This was the beginning of the Teutonic Order. ...nobilisimorum horum Equitum Natales referre ad autorem Fiedericum, Sueviæ, Ducem&Ann.1190 ... ...primum Ordinis hujus fundatorem constituunt FRIEDERICUM, Sueviæ Ducem ....rogatus enim ab Henrico Imperatore donavit militiam Ordinis Teutonicorum veste alba e cruce nigra... Fuit autem celeberrimus hic equitum Teutonicorum Ordo à Temporibus Friederici II... 16 THE CHRONOLOGICAL TABLE OF EVENTS OF THE TEUTONIC ORDER 1090-TO PRESENT 1190 Third Crusade featured the German Emperor Frederick I Barbarossa, King Richard I of England, and King Philip II of France; the crusaders lay siege to Acre. The siege of Acre and founding of the hospital on November 19 for the Germans poor injured pilgrims by the rich Germans brothers and knights led by Duke Frederick Hohenstaufen (son of Frederick Barbarossa). By Duke Frederick of Swabia in the name of Pope and the Emperor was appointed the first Grand Master of the Order. This was the beginning of a close link between the hospital institution and the Holy Roman Empire. 1191 The Brotherhood was legalized by Pope Clement III as well, as “Fratrum Theutonicorum Ecclesia Mariae Hiersolymitanae” with the bull Quotiens postulator, February 6. Jul. 12, 1191 Siege of Acre ended in crusader victory. 1196 The Brotherhood took the protection of Pope Celestine III. On March 5, was celebrated the ceremony of re-founding of the brotherhood in Knightly Order exclusively for the German Knights under the name of “Ordine ospitaliero di S.Vergine Maria della Casa Tedesca in Gerusalemme”- Ordo Domus Sanctae Mariae Teutonicorum in Jerusalem (The name of Teutonic refers to the ancient Germanic tribes of the Teutonic that invaded the territory of the Romans in the II century A.C.) 1197 An Imperial Decree of Henry VI and Empress Costanza d´Altavilla (Hautville) was warded the foundation of the Hospital St. Thomas of Barletta (Apulia) and the possession of the Church of the Holy Trinity in Palermo (Italy). The arms of the Order were originally Argent a cross sable. The emblem of the Order was a cross potent sable, thereon a cross Flory or, thereon an escutcheon of the Empire. 17 The cross sable was supposedly granted by the Emperor Henry VI, the cross or by the king of Jerusalem John, the fleurs-de-lys by Louis IX of France, and the escutcheon with the eagle by Frederic II Hohenstaufen. “...rogatus enim ab Henrico Imperatore donavit militiam Ordinis Teutonicorum veste alba e cruce nigra...” 1198 The crusaders of Emperor Henry VI with the Bull “Roman Sacrosanct” by Pope Innocent III had the official confirmation of the foundation of the new order that obey to the Pope and the Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire. Feb. 19, 1199 Bull of Pope Innocent III confirmed the Teutonic Knights' wearing of the Templars' white mantle and following of the Hospitallers' rule. 1201 Foundation of the city of Riga in Livonia and the Order of the Knights of the Sword by the German Albert of Bekeshovede. 1209 Teutonic Knights side with Hospitallers and barons in Acre against the Templars and prelates; origin of long-standing opposition between the Templars and Teutonic Knights. 1211 the Pope. The confirmation of the Knights’ uniforms by the Patriarch of Jerusalem and Sep., 1211 Frederick II chosen king in Germany. Oct. 3, 1210 Election of Hermann von Salza as grand master of the Teutonic Knights; the date coincided with the date of the marriage in Tyre of John of Brienne to Mary; it was also the date of John's coronation as King of Jerusalem. 1211 -1215 The Teutonic Knights settle in Burzenland at the request of King Andrew of Hungary to free Transylvania from Cumani pagan people Jul., 1212 Peter II of Aragon defeats the Moors at Las Navas de Tolosa. 1214 The Grand Master of the Order was granted the right of action in the name of the Imperial Court. Fredrick II obtains for the Teutonic Order the support of Pope Honorius II, which granted many privileges to the Knights, confirming their equality to other two the Crusade forces as the Templars and Hospitallers. Feb. 24, 1214 King Leo of Armenia granted Teutonic Knights Amudain, the castle of Sespin, and more. Nov., 1215 Innocent III called the Fourth Lateran. Council; new crusade proclaimed; Hermann von Salza probably at the Fourth Lateran Council representing his order. Feb. 18, 1216 Innocent III issued a Bull of protection for the Teutonic Knights. Feb., 1217 Hermann von Salza received possessions in Sicily from Frederick II while at Ulm. Jun.24, 1217 Frederick II granted the Teutonic Knights the same status as the Templars and Hospitallers in the Kingdom of Sicily. 18 1217-1221 Fifth Crusade. May - Aug. 1218 Crusading army lands in Egypt; Hermann von Salza at Damietta; Saphadin died (1199-1218); al-Kamil, his son, became caliph (1218- 1238); crusaders captured Damietta. 1218 - 1219 Patriarch of Jerusalem, church officials, Templars and Hospitallers advised Pelagius not to accept peace terms of Sultan al-Kamil to surrender Jerusalem; contrary advice offered by King John of Jerusalem, Earl Ranulf of Chester, and the German leaders. Spring, 1220 Hermann von Salza went to Acre with King John of Jerusalem. Nov., 1220 Hermann von Salza was with Frederick II in Italy; first identified by name as Hermann von Salza in documents; Frederick II crowned Holy Roman Emperor by Honorius III. 1220 Leopold VI of Austria presented the Teutonic Knights the site of the castle of Montfort near Acre. Jan. 9, 1221 Honorius III gave privileges to the Teutonic Knights; as an order, they now were on the same level as the Templars and the Hospitallers. Jan - Apr, 1221 Hermann von Salza was in Italy; 57 privileges were given by Honorius III to the Teutonic Knights (Honorius III granted 113 privileges to the Teutonic Knights during his pontificate). Mid-April, 1221 Hermann von Salza accompanied the duke of Bavaria and other German nobles to Damietta; arrived in May. Aug. 30, 1221 Battle of Mansurah; crusaders surrendered in Egypt (Templars led the rearguard action); peace treaty; Hermann von Salza and the master of the Temple held as hostages by the Muslims. 1223 Hermann von Salza negotiated with the pope over Gunzelin; later in the Holy Land, he arranged the marriage for the emperor. 1224 Hermann von Salza was involved in the Treaty of Dannenberg. Duke Corrado di Mazovia request assistance to the Grand Maester Hermann von Salza against VeteranPrussian. Nov., 1225 Frederick II married Isabella (Yolanda) of Brienne and claimed the throne of Jerusalem; Hermann von Salza was present. 1225 Teutonic Knights forcibly expelled from Burzenland by King Andrew II; 19 Conrad of Masovia requested aid from the Teutonic Knights in Prussia. 1226 "Golden Bull of Rimini" from Frederick II for the Teutonic Knights giving them wide-ranging authority in the name of the Empire in Prussia. Mar. 18, 1228 Frederick II crowned King of Jerusalem in the church of the Holy Sepulcher in Jerusalem; then held high court in the house of the Hospital of St. John. Apr., 1229 Frederick II gave Teutonic Knights former house of Germans in Jerusalem; also a house that once belonged to King Baldwin located in the Armenian street near the church of St. Thomas (plus a garden and six acres of land). 1230 In the Treaty of Kruschwitz, Duke Corrado di Mazovia grant to the Teutonic Order the Land of Chelmno and all future conquest in the Prussian regions 1231 Teutonic Knights' Hermann Balke advanced into Prussia. 1231 Teutonic Knights founded the city of Thorn in the Land of Chelmno 1234 Teutonic Knights won the battle at Sirguna, Prussia. 1234 Papa Gregorio IX subjected lands to conquer in Prussia to the High Sovereign Apostolic. The Teutonic formally submitted but became the absolute master transforming in an independent state. Spring, 1235 Dobriner Order incorporated into Teutonic. Knights; approved by Frederick II and Gregory IX. Dec. 23, 1236 Gregory IX taxed the Peloponnesus to support crusading ventures; preceptor of the Teutonic Knights identified in the Morea as one of three collectors of the tithing effort. 1237 Frederick II's second Lombard campaign; Hermann von Salza at Battle of Cortenuova. 1237 Teutonic Knights and Sword brothers unite. Jul., 1237 Geoffrey II of Achaia gave the Teutonic Knights a hospital in Andravida. 1238 Frederick II's third Lombard campaign; Hermann von Salza's health failed. Mar., 1239 Hermann von Salza died in Salerno and buried in Barletta; Frederick II excommunicated. 1240 The suburdinance established by the Bull Quotiens in February 6, 1291, was confirmed by Pope Gregory IX in the Bull of January 12 addressed to the "fratres hospitalis S. Mariae Theutonicorum in Accon". Apr. 9, 1241 Battle of Liegnitz; Mongols defeat army of Poles and Germans including Hospitallers, Templars, and Teutonic Knights. 20 Apr. 5, 1242 Russians under Alexander Nevsky defeat the Teutonic Knights on Lake Peipus. 1244 Muslims recapture Jerusalem. Oct. 31, 1246 Innocent IV transferred the Hospital of St. James to the Templars. 1250 St. Louis IX, King of France, awarded the Grand Master of the Order “four lilies” of gold to put them on the tips of the Cross of the Grand Master; Emperor Fredrick II dies. 1251 To escape the Crusade of the Teutonic Knights, Mindaugas, Grand Duke of Lithuania, accept baptism. 1252 Foundation of the castle of Memel. 1255 Foundation of Konigsberg (Kaliningrad). The Pope authorizes the Knights to keep their conquered lands as hereditary. 1257 Julian of Grenier, lord of Sidon, donated a fortress called Cave of Tyron to the Teutonic Knights (about 12 miles east of Sidon) signifying the order's role in Holy Land was expanding. Oct. 16, 1258 Peace treaty among the Templars, Hospitallers, and Teutonic Knights signed in Acre. July 1260 The first battle between the Lithuanians and the Teutonic Knights at Durbar, the historic defeat of the Knights ending the dream of joining the Knights of Livornia and Prussian through Samogitia 1260-1274 Great Prussian Uprising against the Teutonic Kights, led by Herkus Mantas of Notangia , Glande of Sambia, Glappus of Warmia, Auctume of Pogesania, Diwanus of Bartia. All of Prussia is free except the main strongholds of the Order. 1261 Seeing that his baptism did not stop the Teutonic aggression, King Mindaugas of Lithuania renounce Christianity and return to paganism. 1262 Siege of Konigsberg by Herkus Mantas. 1263 Assassination of King Mindaugas. The Pope organizes a crusade against the Prussians. May 1263 All assets of the Teutonic Knights near Sidon is lost after Baybars won the battle of Sidon 1271 Dafter the loss of Montfort the Holy Land Headquarters moved to Acre. 1274 Defeat of the Prussians, the Teutonic Knights attack to Nadrovia, Scalovia and Soudovia; construction of the fortress of Marienburg. 1276 The Lithuanian Grand Duke Traidenis welcomes the fugitives from Prussia, and runs in southern Lithuania; other Prussian refugees settle in central Lithuania. 21 1280 The city of Thorn join the Hanseatic League which later join the Prussian city of Konigsberg, Elbing, Chelmno and Braunsberg. 1283 fighting. The definite conquest of Prussia from the Teutonic Knights after fifty years of 1283-1525 Born the Catholic theocratic State of the Teutonic Order. May 18, 1291 Fall of Acre; Hospitaller and Templar headquarters moved from Acre to Cyprus; Teutonic Knights headquarters moved from Acre to Venice. 1308-1309 Pomerania becomes part of Prussia 1308 The Teutonic Knights put under its control the strategic port of Danzica in the region of Eastern Pomerania. Sept.9, 1309 Teutonic Knights' headquarters moved from Venice to Marienburg, Prussia; The Grand Master took over management of today East Prussia; Hospitallers' headquarters moved from Cyprus to Rhodes; Nov. 28, 1309 Trial of Jacques de Molay, Grand Master of the Templars (in Paris). 1312 At the Church Council at Vienne, Pope Clement V declares the case against the Templars not proven, but dissolves the Order and assigns its members to other religious Orders. The property of the Order is to pass to the Hospital of St John, to be used in the continuing war against Islam Mar. 15, 1314 Jacques de Molay, Templar grand master, and Preceptor of Normandy burned at the stake in Paris. Sep. 9, 1320 Teutonic Knight Commander in the Morea died in battle against the Greeks near the fortress of St. George. 1328 Began the war against Poland which ended in 1343 1343 Peace of Kalisz, that interrupted, for 60 years, conflicts with Poland. 1346 Estonia. The Teutonic Knights bought from the Danish Throne all its possessions in 1386 Baptism of Prince Lithuania Jogaila (Iagellone) which became Ladislao and married Edvige of Poland: union of Lithuania and Poland. 1390 In Konigsberg signed treaty of peace between the Teutonic Knights and Samogizitia 1404 Treaty of “perpetual peace” between King Jogaila of Poland and the Grand Master Ulrich von Jiingigen. 1409 War of the Order against Poland and Lithuania. 22 1410 The Teutonic Order defeated by combined Catholic Christian LithuanianPolish forces at Tannenberg/Grunwald. Although the Teutonic Order continued to govern Prussia, this was the death-knell of the end of the Prussian Crusade. 1411 payment. First peace of Thorn, The Order retains much of its dominions in return for a 1422 A Treaty between Prussia and Lithuania was signed near the Lake Melna. The Grand Duke Vytautas waive claim of the Memel region, while the Order abandons its policy of conquest for Lithuania. 1440 The Nobility constitutes an anti-theocratic Prussian Union (joined 53 nobles and 19 cities). March 6, 1454 The Prussian Nobility revolted against the Order. The Prussian Union appointed as the Polish King Sigismund Prince of Prussia. 1454-1466 Thirteen Years´War (or war of the cities) between the Order and Poland Order. The Teutonic Order looses Marienburg (1457) 1457 The Grand Master escapes from Marienburg to Kònigsberg. Marienburg fell under the Polish crown. The Order headquarters was transferred to Koenigsber. 1466 Second peace of Thorn, The Teutonic Order had to give up the western part of its state and Pomerania. October 19, 1466 East Prussia became a fief of Poland. 1500 The Turks conquered Modon from the Venetians and expelled the Teutonic Knights from the Peloponnesus. 1525 The Grand Master Albrecht, Markgraf von Brandenburg-Ansbach (Hohenzollern), converted to Protestantism, became hereditary Duke of Prussia and is 23 given in fief the territory of Prussia as a vassal of the King of Poland. Decreed the dissolution of the Teutonic Knights and became the first Duke of the first Protestant state in the world. December 16, 1526 The headquarters of the Order is moved to Mergentheim 1561 Dissolution of the branch of the Teutonic Knights in Livonia. 1595 The control of the Order passes to the House of Habsburg. The last remnants of the ancient military tradition of the Teutonic Order offers in the defense of Vienna from the assault of the Turks. 1804 Anton Viktor von Österreich Habsburg divenne Gran Maestro dell'Ordine dei Cavalieri Teutonici. 26 dicembre 1805 Peace of Pressburg concluded between the Empire and Napoleon that the Teutonic Order was to be secularised in favor of a member of the House of Habsburg. April 4, 1809 Dissolution of the Order in Germany by Napoleon I. Survives in the Habsburg territories. April 24, 1809 The Order was restored by the congress of Vienna as an “autonomous Institution military and religious” but not reinstated its properties. March 8, 1834 The Prince Grand Master Anton Viktor von Habsburg Österreich convinces his brother, Emperor Francis II, to invalidate the contract of Pressburg and the restoration of the Teutonic Order as an autonomous institution for religious and military stronghold directly to the Empire confirming, thus, the nature a sovereign entity under the laws of the medieval Holy Roman Empire. 1877-1923 The Teutonic Order is present in the battlefields to bring assistance to the wounded. 1871 Pius IX with a Papal Bull confirms the new reform led by Grand Master Archduke William. 1886 Pope Leo XIII approved the reform of the Statute of the Order. Until the end of World War I, the Order maintains its strain in Austria 1894 - 1823 In it was named to Grand Master of the Teutonic Order, Eugenio Ferdinando Pio of Habsburg-Teschen, Archduke of Austria and Prince of Hungary and Bohemia. He was the last Hereditary Grand Master of the Teutonic Order. 1929 The Holy See changes the Order´s rule, modifying its name to “Brothers of the German Order of St. Maria of Jerusalem” and so withdraws the military tradition making it a purely religious order. September 6, 1938 Dissolution of the Order in Austria by the German Nazi who confiscates its properties. 24 1939 Dissolution of the Order in Czechoslovakia by the German Nazi who confiscates its properties. 1947 The Order is restored in Austria. 1993 Registration in Italy of “Sovrano Ordine Militare ed Ospitaliero di Santa Maria di Gerusalemme Teutonico” (Sovereign Military and Hospitaller Order of St. Mary of Jerusalem, Teutonic) under the guide the Hereditary Grand Master Prince Paolo Francesco Barbaccia, today Barbaccia Viscardi. 1996 Registration in the UK of THE ORDER OF ST. MARIA OF JERUSALEM (TEUTONIC ORDER) OF THE HOUSE OF ANTIOCH AND SVEVIA 2009 “Sovrana Casa di Svevia Principato di Leuca” (Sovereign House of Swabia Principality of Leuca) transcribed in the Ceremonial of State of the Italian Republic (Proceedings of the Archives of the Presidency of the Councils of Ministries of the Italian Republic ) as nonstate Order of Chivalry, in effect of art.7 L.3 May 1951 n. 178 of the Italian Republic. Sovrano Ordine Militare ed Ospitaliero di Santa Maria di Gerusalemme Teutonico (Sovereign Military and Hospitaller Order of St. Mary of Jerusalem, Teutonic) defined as "non-national Order of Chivalry (Ordine Cavalleresco non nazionale) - the circular of the Ministry of Defense (M_D GMILIII 104 0541891 of December 16, 2009). 2011 Sovrano Ordine Militare ed Ospitaliero di Santa Maria di Gerusalemme detto Teutonico di Svevia in the Register of Interest representatives of the European Commission - Identification number in the register: 29422925416-97; Registration date: 3/4/11 1:46:12 AM; Sovrano Ordine Militare ed Ospitaliero di Santa Maria di Gerusalemme Teutonico di Svevia integrated in the Civil Society Organizations (iCSO) database System of the Department of the United Nations Economic and Social Affairs (UN / DESA). 25 INTERNAL STRUCTURE FEATURES OF THE ANCIENT ORDER During the first twenty years of its existence, the institutional structure of the Order developed and stabilized. The Teutonic Order followed the lead of the Templars and Hospitallers by creating a system of provinces. Unlike monastic orders composed of independent abbeys, the Teutonic Knights had a hierarchical chain of command with Commandaries (house, Kommende) at the lowest level. Provinces or bailiwicks (Ballei, Komturei) were parts of "countries" that composed the Order as a whole. Its first independent rule was adopted in 1264. The officials governing the Teutonic Order at the various levels were commander (Komtur, preceptor) at the local level, province commander (Landkomtur), national commander (Landmeister), and grand master (Hochmeister, magister). The highest leadership positions (including grand master, grand commander [Grosskomtur], marshal [Ordensmarschall], draper or quartermaster [Trapier], hospitaller [Spittler], and treasurer [Tressler]) were elected by the general chapter. Membership of this mostly German-speaking order was composed of various, distinct classes: knights, priests, and other brothers (lay brothers, sisters, and "familiars"). There was a large number of people who supported the professed members of the Order, ranging from auxiliary knights to slaves. The highest ranking was secular knights, serving for free. Turcopoles (Greek for "son of Turk") were originally probably lightly-armed, half-breed cavalry whose name applied to Turkish mercenaries employed in the Byzantine army, later the term was adopted by the military orders. There were attendants called squires (knechte), and sergeants-at-arms. Foot soldiers were usually coerced from the local peasantry. Sisteraids (halpswesteren) were employed as domestics as were halpbrüderen; they took religious vows. Married and single lay domestics also were employed by the Order. Artisans and laborers (e.g., gardeners, carpenters, masons) worked for charity or wages. Many serfs and slaves were owned by the Order. 26 INTERNATIONAL RANK DECORATIONS 1.Knight or Dame of Grace (KMJT- G /DMJT- G) Cavaliere/Dama (di Grazia) corrisponds to CGMT (DGMT) Knight or Dame of Justice (KMJT-J /DMJT-J) Cavaliere/Dama(di Giustizia) corrisponds to CGT (DGT) 2.Knight or Dame Officer of Grace (KOMJT- G /DOMJT- G) Cavaliere/Dama Ufficiale (di Grazia) corrisponds to CUGMT(DUMT) Knight or Dame Officer of Justice (KOMJT- J /DOMJT- J) Cavaliere/Dama Ufficiale (di Giustizia) corrisponds to CUGT (DUGT 3.Knight Commander or Dame Commander of Grace (KCMJT- G /DCMJT- G) Commendatore/Dama di Commenda (di Grazia) corrisponds to CEGMT (DCGMT) Knight Commander or Dame Commander of Justice (KCMJT-J/DCMJT- G) Commendatore/Dama di Commenda(di Giustizia) corrisponds to CEGT (DCGT) 27 4.Knight or Dame Grand Cross of Grace (KGCMJT- G /DGCMJT-G) Cavaliere/Dama Gran Croce (di Grazia) corrisponds to CGCGMT (DGCGMT) Knight or Dame Grand Cross of Justice (KGCMJT-J /DGCMJT-J) Cavaliere/Dama Gran Croce (di Giustizia) corrisponds to CGCGT (DGCGT) 5.Knight or Dame Collar of Grace (KCLMJT- G /DCLMJT- G) Cavaliere/Dama Collare (di Grazia) corrisponds to CCGMT (DCGMT) Knight or Dame of Collar of Justice (KCLMJTJ /DCLMJT- J) Cavaliere/Dama Collare (di Giustizia) corrisponds to CCGT (DCGT) According the Grand Master's concession 6.Knight or Dame Gran Collar (KGCLMJT/DGCLMJT) Cavaliere/Dama Gran Collare corrisponds to CGCLT(DGCLT) According the Grand Master's concession 28 ADMISSION INTO THE ORDER People today are not conferred the honor of Knight of the Order for services on the battlefields as an Order of Chivalry, titles are bestowed in return for selfless generosity and support because their gifts are doing something positive and worthwhile to support our humanitarian work worldwide. Not every person who offers a gift can be honored, major support capital for our worldwide works is raised through our financial benefactors, we in return this kindness by conferring a title of nobility or chivalry. Our Grand Council may recommend to our Order, people who have performed great service in support and shares our philanthropic works. The Organization pledge huge financial understanding in Humanitarian works, to promote and support religious, cultural, charitable and social works, our supporter become beneficiaries of a prestigious platform of great personal benefit. The Order supports many charitable organizations across the nation and throughout the world. We encourage all members to give generously of their time and resources to these causes through the annual contribution. Considerations in selecting members are: demonstrated good character, documented accomplishments in life, and obvious commitment to the ideals of the Organization. The Order invests membership upon only those men and women who deport themselves in an honorable and chivalrous manner, who will be committed to the Order´s values and precepts, and who are Ecumenical in thought. A candidate´s involvement in other charitable, military, religious and hereditary organizations are welcome to our Order. The candidate must be of the Christian Faith of any Denomination. Be over eighteen, son or daughter of a full member may be allowed to join at the age of seventeen. 29 PROCEDURE Admission into the Order is open to all persons of good will who wish to collaborate in chivalrous spirit in the furtherance of the Order Statutes. Each Candidate may apply by sending a Letter Application which includes documentation of service. You should include your Curriculum Vitae, letter of moral civil conduct (lawyer, court, friends, etc.), certificate of moral religious conduct from your church, copy of birth certificate. (We will send your application forms) All Reverends and the Ministers of the Christian faith are admitted as Ecclesiastical members (Chaplains of the Order) and all religious must enclose in the application for admission, in addition to the documents provided in the application, a certificate of their superiors stating their ordination and their particular ecclesiastical title. You will be informed of the procedure to be followed to submit your candidacy to the Order and of the Donations and The Chancery´s fees Requested. Your possible eligibility for nomination as Knight or Lady will be submitted to the Board of the Order who will advise you in writing of his decision. 30 1190 - 2010 Sovrano Ordine Militare e Ospitaliero di Santa Maria di Gerusalemme Teutonico di Svevia ††† SOMOSMG - TS The Sovereign Military and Hospitaller Order of Saint Mary of Jerusalem Teutonic of Swabia THE ORDER OF ST. MARIA OF JERUSALEM (TEUTONIC ORDER) OF THE HOUSE OF ANTIOCH AND SVEVIA ††† OSMJT - HAS 2010 31 "We respect all religions, but it is our Christian duty to preserve the Christian face of Europe" Ordine Teutonico di Svevia Via della Rocca, 35 53036 Poggibonsi (SI) - Italy 32