July 2016 HOA Newsletter
July 2016 HOA Newsletter
Schalamar Creek Homeowners’ Association Summer Newsletter July 2016 Volume 1, Issue 3 Table of Contents Letter from President …….1 President’s Thoughts By Dick Rae….. Legal Papers/Info…………...2 Golf Course News…………...3 Summer Dance…....………...3 Your Social Security.……....4 July 4th Specials.……..….….5 “A Summer Pleasure”..…...5 Activities………………………...6 Schalamar Info………………..7 B-Days & Anns………………..8 Calendar….……………………..9 July 4th Pool Party………....9 Welcome New Owners...10 The Schalamar summer is in full swing with the hot days, high humidity, and the afternoon showers. One thing for sure, the weather is consistent. Thank goodness for our pools! Speaking of pools, by all indications, everyone enjoyed our first pool party of the season and soon we will be at our next one, on the 4th of July. We also have a summer dance on the 23rd of July in the Schalamar ballroom. Our karaoke nights will continue in the Caddy Shack, on the 30th of July. We’ve had good turn outs for the ‘meet the manager’ events at the pool. If you haven’t been down on Tuesday, Thursday or Sunday evenings for the big turnouts for the pool volleyball, you will be amazed. 9 & Dine Couples…………..11 HOA Page…………………..….12 Disclaimer The Schalamar Creek Homeowners’ Association Summer Newsletter presents content as objectively as possible to ensure accuracy of information. However, we have no liability to the User as a result of any action, claim, loss, damages or expenses, direct or consequential, suffered by the User due to their reliance or use of the information from this newsletter. Although there are many other activities going on this summer and next fall/winter season, your HOA would like to hear from the community on ideas you would like to have the HOA or activities committee sponsor. You may submit your idea to Dick Rae (drae313@aol.com) or Summer Newsletter Editor Ginny Reid (ginnytedreid@aol.com). We will submit these ideas to the appropriate board or committee to consider for future events. I would like to thank everyone for their support of our activities and the encouragement on the continued publication of the summer newsletters. Getting Your Estate In Order..by Russ (FMO Rep) & Deb Weiderman We all know there are things that we need to do in order to make it easier on our children to settle our estates after we are gone. Our estate planner gave us a few suggestions so we began collecting the needed documents. We were unable to locate the titles of one of our cars and our manufactured home. What in the world had we done with them?! We decided to visit Joe Tedder, Tax Collector and find out. We were there for quite a long time, as you can well imagine. First we found out that the bank had electronically released one of the 3 titles needed for our home (we have a triple-wide), a minor electronic slip-up. Their hands were tied and we could not proceed. Next, a trip to the bank to have them “release” the other two portions of our home was in order. This also took quite a long time as they tried to sort out what had happened. We think they have it straight so we can make another trip to Joe’s place tomorrow and find out. Our car is a different story. When we moved here as full time residents 3 years ago, we went to get our license plates and had to surrender our Illinois title so a Florida title could be issued. They gave us a receipt and we paid our money and we waited for them to mail us the title—and we waited and we waited and then we forgot about it altogether. Apparently our original title never got scanned into the system and there was no record of a Florida title being issued. It was a good thing we still had the receipt. The receipt contained all the information they needed to issue us a new title, but they wouldn’t do it until they verified the VIN on the actual vehicle (can you sense my frustration?) Of course we drove our OTHER car there, so now we have to go back again tomorrow with the correct vehicle, stand in line, wait to be called and then try to explain the circumstances to a new Joe Tedder employee. Do you see why it is important to start looking for this stuff now? My point in sharing all of this is that we all need to do due diligence and get our documents in order. My poor family would have had a horrible time trying to sort out all of the above. We have a safety box at the bank where all our important documents are kept until such time that they are needed. I have copies of them on hand in case we need to refer to them. The following is a suggested list of some of the things Russ & I decided to include and may not be complete. It is a work in progress. Your list may look different depending on your circumstances. Please consult your personal professionals to see if there is anything else you need to add, which is what got us thinking about this in the first place. We just wanted to get everyone thinking about this so don’t put it off, start your list today! 1. Copies of current versions of your Wills and Trust Agreements and bank accounts associated with them. 2. Information for attorneys or law firms, accountants, insurance agents, etc., as applicable. 3. “Power of Attorney” (POA) documents (We have one for finances and one for healthcare). 4. Life Insurance policies as well as home owners and vehicle policies. 5. Copies of any funeral arrangements you have made. 6. Title to everything you own that requires one, any lease agreements (i.e. cars), property deeds, loan agreements. (Continued on Page 12) Page 2 What’s New from the Golf Course? From the Golf Shop: Can you believe it’s July already? The golf course construction is coming along very well and making great progress. Before you know it we will be playing golf on all 18 new greens. We ask that everyone remain off the backside until we reopen. Golf course tours are scheduled; make sure to stop into the golf shop for further information. SCHALAMAR CREEK RESIDENT GOLF SPECIAL JULY 2016 If you are a non-member resident of Schalamar Creek and you play a minimum of 10 rounds of golf in the month of July, you will receive “1” FREE Golf Certificate to play a round of golf when all 18 new greens open up for play. All you have to do to receive this special is to come out and play some golf in July. Must be a resident of Schalamar Creek Must play a minimum of 10 rounds of golf in July 2016 (each 9 holes counts as “1” round) Your round of golf gift certificate is nontransferable. Golf Gift Certificate will have “time of play” guidelines. Hope to see you out on the golf course real soon!! Saturday, July 23rd 7:30—10:30 Music by Tony & Tricia Sponsored by the HOA Activities Committee Tickets—$8.00 Available in the library Saturdays from 9 am—Noon Sue Knapp 863-255-4198 or Kathy Brickley 863-669-9808 Page 3 Social Security, You & Identity Theft—We must be our own advocate A recent experience that we had with Social Security has taught us to always be aware of what is happening to our account. About two months ago, we got a phone call from our medical insurance company telling us we had moved out of state and we would need to get another insurance provider. In fact, we had not moved, but someone had gotten into our social security account and was able to change our address. We talked with a social security representative for over an hour and were assured that our account was set up with a block, secure and that no one but us could get into the account. Four weeks later, we got a letter from Social Security thanking us for updating our direct deposit to a new account. Again, we had not done this, so we made a trip to the local Social Security office and spent over two hours correcting this problem. We have again been assured that this matter is now straightened out and that no one can get into our account to make any more changes. Thus the reason for this short piece on keeping vigilant about your social security account! First of all, don’t assume all is good and nothing is happening to your account. Always check your deposit account on the day of your scheduled deposit. Next, if you get a letter from the Social Security Administration, always open it immediately! If something is wrong or has changed without your permission, you need to talk with the Social Security Administration and get it fixed as soon as possible. If you wait, it could take several months to get it corrected. Identity theft is a significant threat to all consumers. Last year, the Federal Trade Commission received more than 330,000 complaints from consumers who were victims of identity theft. Identity theft occurs when someone steals your personal information and uses it with the intention of committing fraud. Personal information could be your name, date of birth, Social Security number, or your driver’s license and credit cards. To a thief, your SSN is usually the key to unlocking your identity. Identity thieves can use your number and your good credit to apply for loans, credit cards, and other benefits in your name. Identity thieves then use the credit cards without paying bills, thereby damaging your finances, credit history and reputation. To protect against identity theft: Avoid carrying your Social Security card or other documents that display your SSN. Leave them in a secure place. If someone requests your SSN, ask questions. You have a right to know why your number is needed, how it will be used, and what law requires you to share your number. Keep your information secure by shredding documents that include personal information, storing financial documents and records in a safe place, and installing anti-virus protection on personal computers. Protect your investment in Social Security. Social Security aggressively investigates allegations of fraud and prosecutes people who commit it. Their message to those who attempt to defraud Social Security is clear: we will find you; we will prosecute you; we will seek the maximum punishment under the law; and we will fight to restore the money you’ve stolen from the American people. Visit www.socialsecurity.gov/antifraudfacts for more information. Identity theft is serious! Don’t be a victim—take steps today to protect yourself!! Page 4 A SUMMER PLEASURE….Diane Hastings Life seems to have slowed a bit in our tropical paradise. Homes are now tightly closed for the season, a relentless summer sun brings afternoon showers that cool our world just enough, allowing the waning daylight to produce some of the most beautiful sunsets on earth. We’ve watched in awe as that fiery ball quickly slips below the horizon, it’s glow producing a steamy and colorful shimmering reminder, there is always tomorrow! Yet, once the evening air is filled with the soft sea breezes, the sun parched leaves of the live oak and stately magnolias seem to come alive, their rustling sounds seem to call upon all creatures; Osprey begin feeding their young, Swallow-Tailed Kites gliding through the air have returned and in the distance, the restless grunting of the alligators in the preserve, in search of a mate, all a reminder the summer season has returned to this southern peninsula. Recent tropical rains have given the earth and its inhabitants a welcomed break from the day’s heat, but have also given new meaning to the word “steamy”, we hope it’s not Mother’s Nature’s way of telling us something. A recent discussion concerning climate, world population and many different demographics, revealed Florida is in the top five US states with the largest populations, yet nestled here in Polk County, one might believe otherwise. Strategically centered in the middle of the state, we have the best of all worlds. Surrounded by lush lands, preserves with wildlife as diverse as it’s population, Polk offers a variety of lifestyles for those that brave life on this peninsula, year round. Beaches, theme parks, historic trails, museums, art galleries and casino life just a short distance away. We may grumble about too much traffic, yet when the summer migration northward begins, we miss treasured friends and anxiously await their return. We moan, we groan, we find fault, because we can, yet it’s these simple ordinary pleasures we so cherish. Traveling daily along the congested I-4 corridor, I thoroughly enjoy the night ride home, the expanse of our Florida sky filled with an amazing array of stars and once a month a tropical moon so brilliant, it lights the way back to this hidden gem called Schalamar. Turning into the community, wildlife friends enjoying the cool night air seem to be everywhere, they too, enjoying this tropical land called home. Page 5 Crochet Guild Deb Weiderman, President 863-816-4876 Since my last article, I have the sad news to report that Jerry Miltner, our past president, has passed away. We will miss him dearly. He served as President for around 8 years and did so much to promote the craft of crochet. During his years in the Air Force, he learned to crochet and made some beautiful items. Here in Florida he served as a State Fair Judge and a Strawberry Festival Judge for many years. As his legacy, he named the Crochet Guild as his charity of choice for people to donate money in his name. Of course, we will buy yarn with that money and make items to be donated to our designated charities. We will also ask that the afghans that we are making for the Veteran’s Dance be dedicated to him. A mass will be said in his honor on July 3, 2016 at St. Joseph Church in Winter Haven. He was a humble man and would not want a lot of fuss to be made, so we will have to cherish his memory in our hearts and know that he has started a new Crochet Guild in Heaven with those who have gone on before him. History of Crochet Other forms of handwork (knitting, embroidery and weaving) can be dated far back in time. Proof can be found in archeological finds, written sources and pictorial representations of various kinds. But no one is quite sure when and where crochet got it’s start. According to American crochet expert Annie Potter, “The modern art of true crochet was we know It today was developed during the 16th century and became known as ‘crochet lace’ in France and ‘chain lace in England.” Research suggests that crochet probably developed most directly from Chinese needlework, a very ancient form of embroidery known in Turkey, India, Persia and North Africa. It began turning up in Europe in the early 1800’s and was given a tremendous boost by Mlle. Riego de la Branchardiere, who was best known for her ability to take old-style needle and bobbin lace designs and turn them into crochet patterns that could easily be duplicated. She published many pattern books so that millions of women could begin to copy her designs. Irish crochet was a virtual lifesaver for the people of Ireland during the potato famine. Irish workers (men as well as women and children) were organized into crochet cooperatives. Schools were formed to teach the skill and teachers were trained and sent all over Ireland, where the workers were soon creating new patterns of their own. Four million Irish immigrants came to American between 1845-1900 and brought their craft with them. Soon American women were becoming skilled in the art. In 16th century Europe as royalty and the wealthy lavished their clothing and headpieces with lace, the poor folk imitated them with crocheted items. By the 19th century, Victorian women were making intricate flower pot holders, bird cage covers, baskets, lamp mats and shades, wastepaper baskets, tablecloths, chair back covers, purses and pretty much anything else they could think of! The early 1900’s added all forms of afghans. Now pretty much anything can be imitated with crochet including 3-dimensional art, clothing and abstract tapestries. Methods, patterns and techniques have eveolved over the centuries, but the art of crochet lives on in all corners of the world. Summer hours: Tuesdays 11 AM to 2 PM Page 6 Recently Certified in CPR at Schalamar!! There are three AED Units On Schalamar property 1. 2. 3. Lobby level right side of ballroom doors Pool Deck under breezeway by Restaurant Avery Fleeman Dick Rae Charlotte Bartley Joseph Dubray Gene Novak Crystal Abetrani Christy Pattillo Mary Northrup Cynthia McCarty Tom Wheary Steven Carney John Strigle Terry Phalen Robert Rickerts Robert Berkefeld Jackie Moore Ruth Gray Erica Wood #14 Tee Box bathrooms exterior wall Taryn Waldron Animal Control ………………….863-499-2600 * Nuisance, barking, whining or crying * Unleashed dogs and/or aggressive behavior * Unlicensed animals * Animals not properly vaccinated Criminal or Medical Emergency…………...CALL 911 Sheriff’s Department…………………….863-298-6200 Schalamar Security 6:00 PM—6:00 AM……...863-660-5600 * On street parking * Any Criminal Activity * Solicitors, perceived solicitors, scrappers, pickets * Suspicious activity or unknown persons * People in the pool area after hours * Excessive noise after 11 PM * People on the golf course after dark Schalamar Management * Noise disturbance from 10:00 PM—11:00 PM 9: 00 AM—5:00 PM ………………..863-665-0185 MEET WITH THE MANAGERS!!! Upstairs Kitchen Side & Terrace (After 11:00 PM call Sheriff’s office) Monthly GM Cocktail Parties 4-6PM Wine & Beer $2.00, drink specials and snacks Thursday, July 14th w/Mark Schneider & Norm Walker Thursday, August 11th w/Mark Schneider & Maggie Strate Page 7 Birthday Day Name 07/01 07/01 07/01 07/02 07/02 07/02 07/03 07/03 07/04 07/04 07/04 07/05 07/05 07/05 07/06 07/07 07/07 07/07 07/08 07/08 07/08 07/09 07/09 07/09 07/10 07/10 07/10 07/10 07/10 07/10 07/11 07/11 07/11 07/11 07/11 07/12 07/12 07/13 07/14 07/15 07/15 07/15 07/18 07/18 07/19 07/19 07/19 07/19 07/20 07/20 07/21 07/21 07/22 07/23 07/23 07/23 07/23 07/24 07/25 07/25 07/26 07/26 07/26 07/27 07/27 07/27 Jim VANDEVELDE Lynn LEMMON Paul SALVATOR Alex HORVATH Gail BREWER Nancy SADLER Sally LUSBY Thomas WOODRUFF George KEMPER Kenneth GRATTON Marge WOODLIFF Dale LANG Gary MURRAY Nancy ANDERSON Margaret LOW Beverly LARSON Leonard CASORIA Paul BROHAWN Bruce BELLEMEUR Bruce LARNER Lois DEHART Claire SMITH Molly EDWARD Peggy KNAPP Denis DESJARDINS Sally HEINZERLING Sue BROWN Susan HOWE Susan STONE Trudy KLADE David COLUZZI Douglas HILL Elaine SMITH Jeff HEIDER Marie RUSZOVAN Bettie PEYTON Vi MAHONEY George STEANE Roman WNEK Nadine GREENE Stewart BRENNAN Theodore GREGG Patricia GLIOZZI Robert HITCHCOCK Jeff HAMAL Margot STEANE William DONLEY William HASTINGS Brenda BOHANNAN Lynn SNOW Don MCCARTNEY James FITZGERALD Bill MOORE Eleanor SHOENFELT Jeanette RAFTER Lisa RYDEN Ruth PLANTE Gerri LEVESQUE Mary GILHULY Michael CONRAD Evelyn FRASER Judy MCGILLIGAN Oliver FOWLER Dianne REESE Edmund HERRING Lorraine COUGHLAN 07/28 07/28 07/28 07/28 07/28 07/28 07/28 07/28 07/29 07/29 07/29 07/29 07/29 07/29 07/30 07/30 07/30 07/31 07/31 07/31 07/31 Brenda BURCH Carolyn CARLSON David HORNBECK Gary ROSS Jerry DERUITER Larry MCLAUGHLIN Marjorie BIRCHALL Ron JANICEK Chad CHADBAND Dale COTTER James RECTENWALD John BIRCHALL Marilyn WHITING Marjorie SHORT Jeffrey ASHLINE Kristine BASSO Mary RALPH Adrian VERWEGEN Donald METZGER Howard HALE Orlena BEERENS Anniversary Day Name 07/02 07/02 07/02 07/02 07/03 07/05 07/06 07/07 07/07 07/10 07/12 07/12 07/15 07/16 07/17 07/17 07/23 07/23 07/24 07/26 07/26 07/26 07/27 07/28 07/28 07/29 Richard & Patricia BOOTH Stephen & Alice WILLARD Wayne & Marjorie SHORT Wayne & Nancy RADTKE Daniel & Carol HUDSON Leonard & Marilyn BEATTY James & Barbara GRIFFIN Gerald & Betty CONGDON Mel & Nancy MATTHEWS George & Lorraine TURKE Daryl & Ingeborg COFFMAN George & Rosemarie KRAL, JR. Frank & Ruth JACKSON Pete & Jo ROGERS Doug & Midge GRAHAM Mathew & Betsy SCHNEIDER Allan & Mavis WILSON Jerry & Marlene PINGEL Wes & Carolyn CARLSON Gary & Nada YACURA Mark & Marjorie ZWINGELBERG Mike & Marion BOGART James & Sue RECTENWALD James & Liz CONRO Ronald & Connie SUKENIK Roger & Elaine SMITH IN MEMORIAM Sunny Brown Harmon Jerry Miltner Robert Slonaker Page 8 JULY HAPPENINGS To get your “happening” on the calendar, please contact Ginny Reid at 863-669-1963 or Dick Rae at 847-858-1440. July 2016 July 2—9 & Dine—4 PM July 4—Pool Party 11 AM-3 PM July 5—Crochet Guild—2-3:30 PM Sun July 5—Line Dancing 6:30-8 PM Mon Tue Wed Thu July 6—Shuffleboard—9 AM Fri Sat 1 2 Nine & Dine July 7—Open Crafting-1 PM July 12—Blood Drive 2-6 PM 3 July 12—Crochet Guild 2-3:30 PM 7 4 5 6 Pool Party Crochet Guild Line Dancing Shuffleboard Open Crafts 11 12 13 July 12—Line Dancing 6:30 –8 PM 8 9 15 16 July 13—Shuffleboard—9 AM 10 July 14—Open Crafting—1 PM Crochet Guild Blood Drive Line Dancing July 14—GM Cocktail Party 4-6 PM July 16—9 & Dine—4 PM July 19—Crochet Guild—2-3:30 17 18 July 19—Line Dancing 6:30-8 PM July 20—Shuffleboard-9 AM 24 July 21—Open Crafting—1 PM 25 July 23-Summer Dance 7:30-10:30 14 Shuffleboard Open Crafts Nine & Dine GM Cocktail 19 20 Crochet Guild Line Dancing 21 Shuffleboard Open Crafts 26 27 Crochet Guild Line Dancing Shuffleboard Open Crafts 28 22 23 Summer Dance 29 30 Karaoke July 26—Crochet Guild—2-3:30 PM July 26 —Line Dancing 6:30-8 PM 31 July 27—Shuffleboard—9 AM July 28—Open Crafting—1 PM July 30—Karaoke—7-9 PM Celebrate the 4th of July at our Pool Party !! Menu: Hamburgers, Hot Dogs, Chips, Baked Beans, & Macaroni Salad! Time: 11 AM to 3 PM Cost: $5.00 per person Sponsored by the HOA Activities Committee Check bulletin boards and e-blast for more details!!! Page 9 To Schalamar Creek John & Bettie Peyton 4563 Duffer Place Lot #517 352-408-3048 johnlakecrappie@yahoo.com Hugh & Karen Rorison 1460 Deverly Drive Lot #341 941-212-8707 karenrorison@gmail.com Chris & Nancy Rutkowski 4342 Dirkshire Dirve Lot #867 734-776-5174 shades1958@gmail.com In Memoriam Andreth “Sunny” Brown Harmon: Sunny came to Schalamar in the very early nineties. Her husband passed away a couple of years after they settled in and she became very active in the HOA holding several positions, including the Schalamar Singers and was known by many. In early 2000, she married Nelson Harmon and moved to 320 Pleasant Hill Rd., Scarborough, ME 04074. She passed away on May 26th, 2016. Morph Liljequist Gizmet VandeVelde Voters can update signatures for mail-in ballots BLOOD DRIVE The next Blood Drive will be held Tuesday, July 12th from 2 pm to 6 pm. Oneblood will be bringing the Big Red Bus and it will be parked in the residents parking lot. There will be a sign-up sheet posted on the bulletin board in the lower hallway. Thanks, Ed Herring The Polk County Supervisor of Elections Office recommends that voters who vote by mail update the signatures that are used to verify their identities when their ballots are received. To do that, go to http://www.polkelections.com/Noteworthy to print out the required form. Then check the “Record Update” box and complete the name and date of birth boxes and sign in the signature box at the bottom. The form should be mailed to Supervisor of Elections, P. O. Box 1460, Bartow, FL 33831. For those who can’t download the form, just send a letter with your name, date of birth and signature to the Supervisor of Elections office. Mention that this is a record update. Page 10 Saturdays Just Got A Lot More Fun!! Schalamar Creek 9 & Dine Couples Summer Events 4:00 pm Shotgun Members $5.00 July 2nd Non-Members $15.00 July 16th Tournament Fee Includes: August 6th 9 Holes of Golf, Fun & Prizes August 20th Join us following play in the Caddy Shack for Ala Carte Dining! Present your membership card and receive a 10% discount on your food! Please sign up in the golf shop!! A Special Thank You to Dick Rae, President of the SCHOA and Mark Schneider, G M of Schalamar Creek for collaborating on an idea to bring a summer community newsletter to life. That was the easy part. The important player in this process is Ginny Reid, volunteering to bring the product to fruition. In order to bring the residents a year-round newsletter, the Schalamar Creek Community is supporting the printing of the Summer newsletter. If you would like to submit an article for the newsletter, please submit it to Ginny (GinnyTedReid@aol.com) by the 15th of the month to have it appear in the newsletter. Also, feel free to submit questions that pertain to the community. We will introduce a Q & A section in the next summer newsletter. Questions will be reviewed by the HOA and SC Management and a collaborative response will be given. Paper Recycling We really appreciate your help in keeping the planet green, but we need to follow the rules for the recycling bin by the clubhouse!!! CAP Volunteers Needed The CAP (Citizen Assisted Patrol) is a volunteer group under the direction of the Polk County Sheriff’s Department. The volunteers perform a 2 hour shift weekly around the streets of Schalamar Creek. Their mission is to OBSERVE and REPORT possible problems to the Sheriff’s Department. The patrols start at 8 AM and end at 4 PM daily. The summer is the hardest shifts to fill as many of our riders have returned back north. The patrol is a nice way to see all of Schalamar and the many things going on and meet many residents and their dogs. The cart is well known for carrying doggie treats and our 4-footed friends know many of us well. If you think you would enjoy the ride and are of the volunteering nature, we would love to talk with you and show you what we have to offer. You can contact Ray Mitchell at 863-8166348, Gary Ross at 863-668-8640, Sandy Schultz at 207-653-2695 Page 11 NEWSLETTER DELIVERY OPTIONS (continued from Page 2) The newsletter can be picked up in the Activities Room, Pro Shop, Caddy Shack, Library and main upstairs entrance at the Clubhouse. The newsletter can be e-mailed to you. Delivery of the newsletter is available for any house bound residents by calling Ginny or Ted Reid at 863-669-1963 or Dick Rae at 847-858-1440 The newsletter can be viewed on our website: www.SchalamarCreekHOA.com 7. Please try to find your original homeowner’s Prospectus. You and your family will need it if you decide to sell your home. If you don’t find the original one that you signed, the buyer will be forced to sign the most current one which could impact their lot rent significantly. 8. Marriage license (divorce papers), Birth Certificates, Social Security cards and professional licenses (they need to be cancelled after you pass away), educations information, passports. 9. Copies of current driver’s license, list of credit cards and account numbers. 10. Pension/annuity information (payments will need to be stopped). 11. Stocks/Bonds, coins, collectibles, other hard to replace items. 12. Military Records and awards: Certificate of Release or Discharge from active duty (DD form 214). 13. Be sure to keep tax documents for the prescribed amount of time, as well as warranties in a safe place. 14. Location of safe deposit box and keys or fireproof safe and it’s combination. Make sure that the people who need access to the above have the correct information as to where to find it. 15. It is also recommended that you add a trusted child or designee to your checking accounts and any deeds you might have to make it easier to disperse funds, etc. (But, only if you trust them to do the right thing!) 16. It is also good to keep a household inventory list as well as pictures, video of each room. SCHALAMAR CREEK PHONE BOOK The Schalamar Creek Phone Book is an continuing project all year long. We try to stay current on the information that is published, but we do need your help and input. Our records are only as good as the information that is passed on to the HOA. Please let us know if there are any changes to your listing. If you are new to Schalamar Creek, or know someone who is new, please let us know so that they will be recognized in our next directory. We also publish a monthly listing of birthdays and anniversaries, so if you would like yours listed, please tell us. There is also a listing in the back of the phone book for e-mails. If you need to make changes, please e-mail me at GinnyTedReid@aol.com , call me at 863-669-1963 or by mail at 1148 Ashboro Court. Thank you for your help in keeping our phone book up to date. Dick Rae— HOA President 847-858-1440 drae313@aol.com Ginny Reid—Editor 863-669-1963 GinnyTedReid@aol.com Page 12
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