Schalamar Creek Homeowners’ Association Summer Newsletter June 2016 Volume 1, Issue 2 Table of Contents President’s Thoughts By Dick Rae….. Letter from President …….1 Where would Schalamar Creek be without our volunteers?? Car Show……..………………...2 I got to thinking about this the other day when I was going through the different committees and activities here at Schalamar Creek. I was preparing for the Memorial Day weekend pool party and wanted to put my team together. The first six people I talked to volunteered with excitement and energy—anxious to share their views. Golf Course News…………..3 Men’s Golf League………...3 Hurricane Season…………...4 Tech Assist Team…………….5 “Determination..”.…………..5 Activities……………………6 & 7 B-Days & Anns………………...8 Calendar….……………………...9 July 4th Pool Party…………..9 Welcome New Owners….10 Car Show Timeline..……….10 9 & Dine Couples…………...11 HOA Page…………………..….12 Disclaimer The Schalamar Creek Homeowners’ Association Summer Newsletter presents content as objectively as possible to ensure accuracy of information. However, we have no liability to the User as a result of any action, claim, loss, damages or expenses, direct or consequential, suffered by the User due to their reliance or use of the information from this newsletter. Then I reflected on the HOA activities committee and all the shows and dances they put on all year. They put in many long hours of planning and preparation to complete these events. The chair person of each event has to organize their team of volunteers to make these events successful. We have a host of other activities requiring volunteers, such as pickle ball, bocce ball, shuffleboard, water volleyball, crafts, cards and board games, Schalamar players, Schalamar Singers, trips outside the park, CAP patrol, pot luck, coffee and donuts, bingo and many leagues for the men and women golfers. I apologize if I missed anybody. Many of the volunteers are long term veterans that have served on many committees. We are also seeing new people and new ideas being introduced all the time. It’s exciting and ensures our many activities will continue. The summer activities we are planning have been met with excitement and support as we are trying to bring back year round fun and enjoyment with a smaller volunteer force. I would ask for continued support from the residents so we can make all our activities successful. If you are enjoying any of our activities and talk to any of the volunteers, please don’t hesitate to thank them for their efforts. Put a smile on their face!! FATHER’S DAY FRIDAY, SATURDAY & SUNDAY June 17th, 18th & 19th Schalamar Creek Cars, Food, Music & Golfing Veteran Tribute Vendors: $25. 10 x 10 space * Show Cars $10 * $5 Club Price For 10 or more Bullseye Direct Marketing For More Information 727-815-5468 More Car Show info on Page 10 cinealconciergeevents@gmail.com Page 2 What’s New from the Golf Course? From the Golf Shop: Can you believe its June already? The golf course construction continues to make great progress. Before you know it we will be playing golf on all 18 new greens. We ask that everyone remain off the backside until we re-open. Golf course tours are scheduled about every other week; make sure to stop into the golf shop for further information. SCHALAMAR CREEK RESIDENT GOLF SPECIAL JUNE 2016 If you are a non-member, resident of Schalamar Creek, and you play a minimum of 10 rounds of golf in the month of June, you will receive “1” FREE Golf Certificate to play a round of golf when all 18 new greens are open up for play. All you have to do to receive this special is to come out and play some golf in June. * * * * Must be a resident of Schalamar Creek Must play a minimum of 10 rounds of golf in June 2016 (each 9 holes counts as “1” round) Your round of golf gift certificate is nontransferable. Golf Gift Certificate will have “time of play” guidelines. Hope to see you out on the golf course real soon !! Schalamar Men’s Golf League Summer League Anyone not presently a member of the Men’s League, but are interested in joining the league for the summer, can see Gene Novak or the Pro Shop for sign up. The entry fee is $17.50. The summer league plays on Monday mornings. The sign-up sheet is on the Men’s league bulletin board in the hallway outside the pro shop. You can sign up for 9 or 18 holes. The pro shop makes up the pairings and the games. An added attraction for the summer league is a $5 cash prize for closest to the pin on hole numbers 4 & 6. Closest to the pin prizes will be given for each nine holes played in the league. Election of Officers The Men’s league will have an election of officers in November. There is a sign-up sheet on the bulletin board for anyone interested in running for the open positions of president and vice president. If you are not here in the summer, you can e-mail me to express your interest. We would like all volunteer candidates’ names no later than October 1, 2016, so that the league secretary can post the list of candidates in compliance with our by-laws. So far, we have two persons interested in the president position and one person interested in the vice president position. Bob Shoenfelt rshoenfelt@yahoo.com Page 3 HURRICANE SEASON June 1 to November 30 3-Day Survival Kit Plan to be self-sufficient for at least three days during and after a disaster. You should anticipate no water, electrical power or utilities for that period of time To ensure the comfort of your family, whether at home or evacuated to another location, you should have the following items, at a minimum, assembled or readily available: Food (canned goods and non perishable foods) Carrying container for items Utensils, including manual can opener, disposable tableware Prescription medicines and first aid kit Infant care items Sleeping bag, blanket, sheets & pillow Infant/adult diapers Drinking water in un-breakable containers (1 gallon per person per day) Extra personal aids, such as eyeglasses, hearing aids, etc. Portable chairs Special dietary food, if required Change of clothes Identification, valuable papers, policies & photographs in a waterproof container Battery-operated items (radio, flashlight, etc.) with extra batteries Books, magazines, cards, toys, games Credit cards, cash & extra set of car keys Personal Hygiene items Rainwear TO DO LIST Make a family plan. Define each family member’s responsibilities and determine where your family will ride out the storm. Record the contents of your home with a video camera. Store a hard copy, i.e. tape, DVD, CD, USB drive etc. With a friend or family member who lives out of town. Photocopy important papers and store safely. Establish an out-of-state contact to call in case of emergency Install and/or test your smoke alarms Obtain cash or travelers checks Make preparations in your plan for your pet. Pet shelters are available. Ensure your pet’s vaccinations are up to date. Locate your water meter and electrical shutoff. Prepare a “go kit” in case you need to evacuate. The “go kit” should include important documents, cash or travelers checks, a 10 day supply of medication, emergency phone numbers and video/photos of belongings. Page 4 Schalamar Tech Assist Team Having problems using your computer or smartphone? Could you use a little help figuring it out? Or maybe want to learn to use Skype, Facebook or FaceTime to keep in touch with friends and family? Help has arrived! We have formed a team of people who are willing to help with your tech issues. There will be people who can help with Apple devices like an iPhone, iPad or Mac computer and people who can help with non-Apple, or Android, devices. We aren't experts, but have lots of experience and can help with many issues. Here is a list of people who are presently on the team. If a person is not here in the summer, ‘seasonal’ will be after the name. As we add names to the team, we will add to a list posted on the bulletin board. Please call only after 9 AM and before 8 PM. iPhone, iPad, Mac: Linda Gledhill—970-290-5843 seasonal Nov-April iPhone, iPad, PC: Bette Johnson—320-305-1254 Some summer availability Android, PC: Chris Eaton 450-2734 Android, PC: Ginny Reid 669-1963 Android, PC: Liz Conro 816-6795 seasonal Jan-April We are looking for more people who would be willing to be on this team. We especially need some people who have Apple, iPhone, iPad and Mac computer experience. If you can help, please call Linda Gledhill at 970-290-5843 or email to: lgledhill@comcast.net. Determination, Exercise and Aging by Diane Hastings As we age, everything seems to either slow down or hurt. Excuses for lack of desire abound. Unless medical conditions prevent activity, challenging yourself in all directions helps slow down both physical and cognitive decline. First to admit, easier said than done, perhaps I push myself too much, but overall, challenging of the mind and body reaps rewards, even if it’s lying face down on the couch saying, “What the hell was I thinking?” During a recent stay-cation, my goal was to paint the master bedroom. Plan in place, a goal for each day, the daunting task began. With the Flower man away most mornings, I pushed myself to begin work the moment he left. As a person who normally has to pre-plan the day for a few hundred people, walks miles each day, this task should be a snap! With certain smugness, I began hauling all the necessary components for the task to the designated room, this included a cup of coffee (closed container), past experiences with open cups were firmly etched in my aging brain. I had pre-planned by removing some furniture to other rooms, even cleaning out drawers in the process, but THAT was a task in itself. Past experiences also reminded me: wear shoes that will remain on your feet—flip-flops are not work shoes. Proper tools for the job: A brief sidebar here, eons ago, I reminded my sons, “kitchen utensils are NOT screwdrivers” as visions of bent butter knives swirled through my head! Approximately ninety minutes into the job, taping completed, electrical plates removed and stored properly (Ziploc bag), again a side bar ..those little screws from the electrical plates: nasty to find in the carpet at 2 AM bathroom run, also a common occurrence during the aging years. By 11 AM, the first wall completed, cleanup begins. Brushes washed, paint cans securely covered, we won’t sidebar on this one, although we could but the memory is much too painful! The Flower Man, home from his morning duties, is impressed. I have a sense of accomplishment, am feeling smug, let’s eat lunch! With a bit of quiet time well deserved, I sit to read the paper, check e-mails and relax ..another side bar.. I should have continued exercising regularly over the years, every muscle in my neck and knees screamed for mercy. It did not become easier as the week progressed, but the job completed and a sense of accomplishment overtook the pain. I also learned to pace myself and took heed in the words of a famous philosopher: Confusius say, “It doesn’t matter how slowly you go, as long as you don’t stop”. Amen to that! Page 5 Crochet Guild Deb Weiderman, President 863-816-4876 Happy summer to the hardy souls who live year round at Schalamar! We already miss our northbound friends. It was hard for some of our groups to break for the summer, but we will resume our busy activities in the fall. I would like to let you know that the Crochet Guild meets year round every Tuesday from 2-3:30 pm in the All Purpose Room. Our numbers have diminished somewhat, but we still have plenty of ladies in attendance Since you will have time on your hands, now would be a great time for you to learn to crochet. Joining our group is very easy. Just show up with $10 in hand and we will supply you with a crochet hook and a starter ball of yarn. You will have one-on-one instruction from our expert team. Over the summer, we will be working on patriotic afghans to donate to the Veteran’s Dance in November. We would love for your input into this most valuable project. If you would like to donate red, white and blue yarn, or even a completed afghan, please drop it off during the above mentioned times. We would much rather see your smiling face, but donations are always welcome. We are also busy working on items for our fall crafts fairs. We would love suggestions on what you think might sell. Come play with us!! Busy Fingers by Sandy Slack Hello everyone, I hope you are enjoying your summer. There are several projects that we will be working on over the summer. Here’s an example of a few: We will be making assorted greeting cards, bundling 3 or 4 together to be given to a variety of cancer support groups. We will be working on a couple centerpieces for events here at Schalamar Creek. We also will be painting glasses to be again, given to charity The next few weeks will be Open Crafting on Thursday’s, 1 – 3 pm. Bring in your own project your working on, or just come and visit. Please watch the bulletin board in the Craft Room for dates on these events. Summer hours: Tuesdays 11 AM to 2 PM Page 6 WATER AEROBICS Coordinators: Cheryl Grant (816-3050) and Vicki Rice (614-338-9380) Water aerobics is another free activity that continues all summer. It is currently well attended by 12-16 women (Men are not excluded, they just don’t come). We meet at the pool Monday through Friday at 9 AM for a 40 minute workout. Our instructor, Bobby Jo, is never late, is always perky, has a great voice and knows just how to get us going. You see, Bobby Jo encourages us via CD. Everyone works at their own pace, using low impact exercises. If you fall, the water catches you and puts you back on your feet. Neuropathy prevents me from doing a lot of walking, so this is a great alternative. In addition to exercise, the ladies work on their tans and their Vitamin D levels. It gets you out of the house early and ready to “plunge” (pardon the pun) into your day Our conversation is lively and always encouraging. Light rain and cool temperatures don’t stop these foolhardy gals. Unless there is a thunderstorm or gale force winds in the air, they will be there. I am a wimp when it comes to the weather, so you will only see me there if the sun is shining and the temperatures are in the high 60’s. There is no problem in the dead of summer when the pool feels like bath water and you actually sweat while getting wet. Hats and heavy applications of sunscreen are essential then. When there is a lot of us, you run the risk of getting whacked by flailing arms and legs, but this seldom happens because we all develop a sixth sense for those around us. There are those who use the cold pool when it gets crowded, but it is difficult to hear some of the instructions from there. No matter, you still get a workout and you feel better about yourself. Feel free to join us..if you dare! ——Deb Weiderman MOTHER’S DAY LUNCHEON 2016 The Mother’s Day Lunch at Schalamar on May 7th was a huge success. The best one yet, attended by 75 of our most deserving ladies. With the help of Bright House and 10 volunteers, we pulled it off. Thanks to Jim Zimmer, who gave every lady a red carnation and to Pattie Hornbeck, who prepared a little gift for the girls over 90. Nadime Sims made 85 cup cakes, which were enjoyed by everyone. Since HOA is planning to support the lunch in the future, this good work will continue. Many thanks to the Caddy Shack staff, Linda Peelo, Chris Eaton, Linda Bushong, Kathy Brickely, Aaron Lusby and Wayne Short. It takes a village. ——Marge Short MEET WITH THE MANAGERS!!! By The Pool Monthly GM Cocktail Parties 4-6PM Wine & Beer $2.00, drink specials and snacks Thursday, June 9th w/Mark Schneider & Marti Newkirk Thursday, July 14th w/Mark Schneider & Norm Walker Page 7 Birthday Day 06/01 06/02 06/02 06/04 06/04 06/04 06/04 06/04 06/05 06/05 06/05 06/05 06/06 06/06 06/07 06/07 06/07 06/08 06/08 06/08 06/09 06/09 06/09 06/09 06/10 06/10 06/10 06/10 06/11 06/11 06/11 06/11 06/12 06/12 06/13 06/13 06/13 06/14 06/15 06/15 06/16 06/16 06/17 06/17 06/17 06/18 06/18 06/18 06/18 06/19 06/19 06/19 06/20 06/20 06/20 06/21 06/21 06/21 06/21 06/21 06/21 06/21 06/23 06/23 06/23 06/24 06/25 06/25 06/26 06/26 06/26 06/26 06/26 Name Jeanne KUBIK Jim ATWOOD Marinus DE BRUIN Donna HAVARD Dorothy DANGLE Lester STOVER Maurice FEAUVE Sharon REYNOLDS Carol KOEGLER Linda LILJEQUIST Mary CASORIA Ted WILD Al COFFEY Doug MORGAN Carlton PETERS Cathy LISKA Don KNAPP Don LAUCKS Joyce KNECHT Lynn VERWEGEN BettyAnn MCDERNOTT Carol KANE Wayne WALKER Wayne YARBROUGH Anthony ERCOLE Herman WATSON Juanita BESTERFELDT Margaret GARGIULO Judy DAVIAULT Patricia BOOTH Roberta HABIAN William BRIGGS James CAVALLARO Robert WATTS John H. WILDER June FITZGERALD Susan JACOBS Dick RAE Ann PRIEST Don SUTTON Chuck RAYMOND Penny PRITCHARD Gary ZANDSTRA Randy HLADKY Richard HOWE Allan SWARTZ Cheryl MITCHELL Ruth G GRAY Tim BENNETT Betty Lou GILMORE Charlotte COOLEY William GILHULY Darrell GILLIS Diane DEWING Marilyn GRAHAM Barry DENMAN Donald THOMAS Donna GILHULY Greg SIMMONS James MANNING Jerry VANHOUTEN Wilbur BOWSHIER Margaret LIGHTBODY Pamela SIMMONS Roseann OLSOMMER Bill ROMOSER Donald DOWD Pearl NOWLAN Chris LONGI Gary WATSON Joyce MARKOS June ALTMAN Sue CARROLL 06/27 06/27 06/27 06/27 06/27 06/27 06/27 06/27 06/28 06/28 06/28 06/28 06/29 06/30 06/30 Betty MOYER Charles OLDENBURG Chuck MOORES Conrad RUPNOW Dave DONAHUE Dick BICE Doreen JUKES Joanne SHATTUCK Beverly ROBERGE Jane SMAIL Marjorie ZWINGELBERG Ronald SUKENIK June CORRICELLI John GEEHAN, JR. Rich HAUGH Anniversary Day 06/01 06/01 06/01 06/01 06/02 06/03 06/03 06/04 06/05 06/05 06/08 06/08 06/09 06/11 06/11 06/12 06/12 06/14 06/14 06/14 06/16 06/17 06/17 06/18 06/21 06/22 06/23 06/23 06/24 06/24 06/25 06/25 06/26 06/26 06/26 06/28 06/28 06/30 06/30 06/30 Name Dave & Joan DONAHUE John & Mary Lou MAGISKE Ken & Arlene BAUMANN Richard & Patricia HOHNSTREITER Leo & Sherry KOULOURIS Bob & Mary GILHULY George & Margot STEANE James & Chiquita HETRICK George & Donna Lea ARTHUR Ted & Ellie WILD Donald & Sally DOWD Richard & Diane SMITH Glenn & Linda RICHTER Lester & Dawn STOVER Robert & Glenna NEVERS Jim & Brenda MASSEY Tom & Roberta DEMPSEY Howard & Kristine BASSO Patrick & Mary RALPH William & Joan DONLEY Jack & Emily KIRKWOOD Mark & Debbie CRAWFORD William & Jeannette DEVINE Gordon & Flo MILLS Greg & Pamela SIMMONS Alan & Cindi KRESGE George & Linda KEMPER John & Sharon RYAN Buzz & Marge RUTENBAR Thomas & Donna WOODRUFF James & Barbara JONES Larry & Ginnie BELLEW David & Susan BIGNESS David H & Ruth G GRAY Thomas & Eleanor MACLEOD Gary & Ursula JOHNSTON Richard & Beverly LARSON Conrad & Carole RUPNOW Don & Patti HORNBECK Larry & Jane GALLAGHER Page 8 To get your “happening” on the calendar, please contact Ginny Reid at 863-669-1963 or Dick Rae at 847-858-1440. June 2016 JUNE HAPPENINGS June 1—Shuffleboard -9 AM June 2—Open Crafting-1 PM June 4 —9 & Dine—4 PM Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2 3 4 Shuffleboard Open Crafts 7 8 9Open Crafts Crochet Guild Shuffleboard GM Cocktail Party 14 15 Shuffleboard June 7—Crochet Guild—2-3:30 June 8 —Shuffleboard—9 AM June 9 —Open Crafting-1 PM June 9 —GM Cocktail Party 4-6 9 & Dine June 14—Flag Day June 14—Crochet Guild—2-3:30 5 6 June 15 -Shuffleboard—9 AM June 16 -Open Crafting—1 PM 12 June 17-19 Classic Car Show 13 Flag Day June 18 —9 & Dine—4 PM 10 11 16 17 18 Open Crafts Classic Car Show Classic Car Show Crochet Guild June 19—Father’s Day 9 & Dine June 21—Crochet Guild—2-3:30 19 Father’s Day June 22 --Shuffleboard-9 AM June 23 --Open Crafting—1 PM June 25—Karaoke 7-9 PM June 28—Crochet Guild—2-3:30 20 21 22 23 Crochet Guild Shuffleboard Open Crafts 28 29 30 Crochet Guild Shuffleboard Open Crafts 24 25 Karaoke Classic Car Show 26 27 June 29—Shuffleboard—9 AM June 30—Open Crafting—1 PM Celebrate the 4th of July at our Pool Party !! Menu: Hamburgers, Hot Dogs, Chips, Baked Beans, & Macaroni Salad! Time: 11 AM to 3 PM Cost: $5.00 per person Sponsored by the HOA Activities Committee Check bulletin boards and e-blast for more details!!! Page 9 To Schalamar Creek Russell & Penny Anderson 1460 Champion Drive Lot #607 612-244-8985 rustypenny91@yahoo.com Janice Bass 4461 Arlington Park Dr Lot #108 270-339-5013 jbass.jb49@yahoo.com Kelly Brennan 4454 Arlington Park Dr Lot # 90 630-606-2364 Kelly.brennan57@gmail.com Dan & Karen Bystrom 4747 Crestwicke Drive Lot #642 863-604-5753 ddbystrom@msn.com Lueise Davenport 4611 Brandywood Pl. Lot #280 936-661-7648 Barbara Dinauer 4627 Alpine Drive Lot #162 989-414-0965 carefree307@gmail.com Robert & Heidi Farrell 1637 Deverly Drive Lot #806 805-231-7647 hrfarrell@gmail.com Richard A. Jones 4508 Arlington Park Dr Lot # 82 Pete & Cathy Liska 1677 Deverly Drive Lot #776 843-209-2641 Cathy@CathyLiska.com ADDITIONS , CORRECTIONS, ETC. Carleton & Roseanne Peters 4512 Alvamar Trail Lot #010 PeteRose214@aol.com Tammie Davenport 4611 Brandywood Place Lot #280 713-249-6692 Dolores Jardine 4508 Applegate Drive Lot # 9 vrjardine2@gmail.com Randy LaRose 4611 Brandywood Place Lot #280 252-373-6712 Time Line info for Car Show Friday June 17 12 Noon to 5 PM Car Show open to public 50—50 Drawings & DJ during the day Saturday, June 18 4 PM Awards, prizes 5 PM Fish Fry in Ballroom $7.99 open to all 9 AM Opening/welcome breakfast in Ballroom 10 AM Sunday, June 19 Opening w/vets, Batmobile 4 PM Car awards, prizes, announce golf 5 PM Car Parade line-up, Batmobile in lead AM Welcome-continental breakfast 10 AM Shotgun Golf—9 holes NOON Lunch & Drinks outside Caddy Shack Page 10 Saturdays Just Got A Lot More Fun!! Schalamar Creek 9 & Dine Couples Summer Events 4:00 pm Shotgun June 4th June 18th Members $5.00 Non-Members $15.00 July 2nd Tournament Fee Includes: July 16th 9 Holes of Golf, Fun & Prizes August 6th August 20th Join us following play in the Caddy Shack for Ala Carte Dining! Present your membership card and receive a 10% discount on your food! Please sign up in the golf shop!! A Special Thank You to Dick Rae, President of the SCHOA and Mark Schneider, G M of Schalamar Creek for collaborating on an idea to bring a summer community newsletter to life. That was the easy part. The important player in this process is Ginny Reid, volunteering to bring the product to fruition. In order to bring the residents a year-round newsletter, the Schalamar Creek Community is supporting the printing of the Summer newsletter. If you would like to submit an article for the newsletter, please submit it to Ginny (GinnyTedReid@aol.com) by the 15th of the month to have it appear in the newsletter. Also, feel free to submit questions that pertain to the community. We will introduce a Q & A section in the summer newsletter. Questions will be reviewed by the HOA and SC Management and a collaborative response will be given. Paper Recycling We really appreciate your help in keeping the planet green, but we need to follow the rules for the recycling bin by the clubhouse!!! CAP Volunteers Needed The CAP (Citizen Assisted Patrol) is a volunteer group under the direction of the Polk County Sheriff’s Department. The volunteers perform a 2 hour shift weekly around the streets of Schalamar Creek. Their mission is to OBSERVE and REPORT possible problems to the Sheriff’s Department. The patrols start at 8 AM and end at 4 PM daily. The summer is the hardest shifts to fill as many of our riders have returned back north. The patrol is a nice way to see all of Schalamar and the many things going on and meet many residents and their dogs. The cart is well known for carrying doggie treats and our 4-footed friends know many of us well. If you think you would enjoy the ride and are of the volunteering nature, we would love to talk with you and show you what we have to offer. You can contact Ray Mitchell at 863-8166348, Gary Ross at 863-668-8640, Sandy Schultz at 207-653-2695 Page 11 NEWSLETTER DELIVERY OPTIONS Why do we live at Schalamar Creek? Is it the first impression we get as we come through the gate, of it’s beauty and it’s being so serene? Is it the first look at the beautiful greenness that is the golf course? Is it perhaps the beautifully manicured homes we see as we drive through the community? Maybe it’s the beautiful clubhouse with it’s pools outside and always busy rooms inside. All these things are benefits, but are they reasons? The answer, of course, is that they are part of the reason. The real answer is pretty simple. All we need to do is walk out of our front doors and look around. It is our neighbors, our golfing friends, our card playing buddies, our crafting friends, the people we meet for breakfast, lunch, or dinner. It’s the folks we see as we walk our dogs, ride our bikes, or just meet taking a walk. That’s why we’re here. We all came from different backgrounds, different work careers, different parts of the country. We all came, however, with one idea in mind, to enjoy our latter years in a sunny warm climate. The newsletter can be picked up in the Activities Room, Pro Shop, Caddy Shack, Library and main upstairs entrance at the Clubhouse. The newsletter can be e-mailed to you. Delivery of the newsletter is available for any house bound residents by calling Ginny or Ted Reid at 863-669-1963 or Dick Rae at 847-858-1440 The newsletter can be viewed on our website: www.SchalamarCreekHOA.com Do we all have the same ideas on everything or anything. Probably not, but we all bring many good thoughts from our past lives that we wish to share. It’s a wonderful conversation and sometimes a new activity emerges. Life is to be relaxing, stress-less, and fun. We all are why we live at Schalamar. Enjoy!!! SCHALAMAR CREEK PHONE BOOK The Schalamar Creek Phone Book is an continuing project all year long. We try to stay current on the information that is published, but we do need your help and input. Our records are only as good as the information that is passed on to the HOA. Please let us know if there are any changes to your listing. If you are new to Schalamar Creek, or know someone who is new, please let us know so that they will be recognized in our next directory. We also publish a monthly listing of birthdays and anniversaries, so if you would like yours listed, please tell us. There is also a listing in the back of the phone book for e-mails. If you need to make changes, please e-mail me at GinnyTedReid@aol.com , call me at 863-669-1963 or by mail at 1148 Ashboro Court. Thank you for your help in keeping our phone book up to date. Dick Rae— HOA President 847-858-1440 drae313@aol.com Ginny Reid—Editor 863-669-1963 GinnyTedReid@aol.com Page 12
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