Schalamar Creek Homeowners’ Association Summer Newsletter September 2016 Volume 1, Issue 5 Table of Contents President’s Thoughts By Dick Rae….. Letter from President …….1 As the summer draws to a close and we await the arrival of the “snowbirds”, it is good to reflect back on our summer at Schalamar Creek. We’ve enjoyed two fun pool parties and a summer dance. The golfers have been enjoying a Saturday evening function called “Nine & Dine”. We’ve had great attendance during the weekly volleyball games, bocce ball, and the water exercise classes. We’ve enjoyed a fun trip to the Victory Casino in August and some people even came home with winnings. Stan Kubik is thinking about a November trip to begin the winter season. Men’s Golf Assoc…………….2 Golf Course News…………...3 Pie Baking Contest…………..3 Busy Fingers……………………4 Flamingo Auction....……....4 Crochet Guild………………….5 “Age of Innocence”..……...5 Computers & You…………...6 Welcome Back Dance..Insert Pickle Ball………...……..…….7 Schalamar Mystery………...7 B-Days & Anns………………..8 Calendar….……………………..9 Labor Day Pool Party..…….9 Welcome New Owners...10 9 & Dine Couples…………..11 HOA Page…………………..….12 Disclaimer The Schalamar Creek Homeowners’ Association Summer Newsletter presents content as objectively as possible to ensure accuracy of information. However, we have no liability to the User as a result of any action, claim, loss, damages or expenses, direct or consequential, suffered by the User due to their reliance or use of the information from this newsletter. Even though we’ve only had 9 holes on the golf course this summer, the golfers have enjoyed some pretty good matches. We have all seen the changes to the nine holes we’ve been playing as well as all the improvements that are being made all over the course. We are all excited for the opening of the back nine. Norm and his crew are doing an excellent job. We have been enjoying our monthly karaoke nights and have seen some new talent appearing on the stage. We will be continuing these nights on Friday night, September 30th. We also have our Labor Day Pool Party coming up on September 5th, which promises to be very entertaining. “Schalamar’s Got Talent!” The fall season will start off with the HOA member meeting on the 12th of September. We will also start our membership drive at that time and really want everyone to join the HOA this year and show your support. It is a small fee of $22 for the first year and $7 each year thereafter. It only takes one evening a month and you would be surprised at how much enjoyment you can get out of talking with your fellow residents and your board. Your HOA Activities committee will be getting the season going with the annual Fall Dance followed quickly by the Halloween Dance. The committee just Continued on Page 2 President’s Thoughts By Dick Rae….. Continued from Page 1 held an “Art & Wine” night which was enjoyed by all. Maybe they’ll do another one later in the year. As usual, there will be plenty of dances and other entertainment in the coming season. Check your newsletter, E-Blast , and HOA website, as well as the announcement boards for details. Thank you for the very positive comments and e-mails on our summer newsletter. It made it more fun and enjoyable doing it knowing that our residents were enjoying the read. I want to thank all the people that took the time to contribute articles. I especially want to thank Ginny & Ted Reid for pulling it together each month and supplying the different pick up locations with the newsletter. Job well done! I would like to encourage everyone to be more considerate and safety conscious as we drive through our park. We need to be alert and watch for walkers, golf carts and bike riders. Paying attention to stop signs and speed limits is important in making this a safe community. The early morning and around dusk are very dangerous times as our eyesight and reaction time are not what they used to be. Before You Speak: THINK T = Is it true? H = Is it helpful? I = Is it inspiring? N = Is it necessary? K = Is it kind? Schalamar Creek Men’s Golf Association As of now, the Men’s Association has 137 signed members through October 2016. There haven’t been any holesin-ones for the ‘summer season’ 4/1 to 10/31/16. However, if someone does make a H-I-O between now and 10/31/16, they stand to receive $200 cash, unless there is a tie in which case the money would be split. We do hope that the current members will re-sign up November 1st—the dues are currently $35 for the year/ $17.50 for 1/2 half of the year after 4/1/17. We encourage all male golfers to join the SCMGA. They receive the benefit of ‘preferred” T-times on Mondays and the games change from week to week. If you have any suggestions or other comments you feel we can offer, feel free to contact me. Gene Novak, Treasurer Phone: 863-816-6167 E-mail: gnovak@whcampbell.com Page 2 Golf Course News BREAKING NEWS BACK NINE OPENING Sat, Sept 10th Details of the Sept 10th event coming soon in the golf shop (*weather permitting* subject to change) Can you believe it’s September already? The overall condition of the golf course keeps getting better and better each week as long as mother nature doesn’t dump inches of rain on the course. With that said, we need EVERYONE to help us take care of the golf course. BALL MARKS- We need EVERYONE repair your ball marks on all of the greens. Feel free to take 5 seconds to help take care of the golf course and the new greens. Please repair your ball mark. We need everyone to do their part and help out. DIVOTS – Please fill your divots with sand on tee boxes and in the fairway. Divots are showing up everywhere. It’s the golfer’s responsibility to help take care of the golf course. FRIENDLY REMINDERS The Golf Course is CLOSED and off limits to anyone after the golf shop has closed. *those golfers that have checked in prior to the golf shop closing can complete there round of golf * If you have not checked in at the golf shop to play, DO NOT go out on the golf course. All non- member golfers that “sneak” out on to the golf course after hours to play will be charged the daily rate plus a $ 25.00 fee for playing on the course after hours and without properly checking in. Please do not trespass onto the golf course after hours. PIE BAKING CONTEST!!!! Let’s have some Fun!!! Dust off your recipe books, locate your rolling pins and find your pie plates! Schalamar is having a Pie Baking Contest on September 11th. Judging will take place at 1 PM. Sign-up sheets will be posted in the hallway by the craft room and in the Caddy Shack from August 26 to September 7. Pies need to be at the Club House Garden Room between 9 AM and 12 NOON on Sunday, September 11th. Any questions, please call Bettie Peyton or Lorraine DeMarco at 863-665-0660. Prizes will be awarded for: Please bring 2 pies, one to share and one for judging! Also, please bring your recipe 1. Impression/appearance 2. Closer Inspection/taste of filling & crust 3. Overall impression, taste, crust, filling and appearance 4. Most creative Page 3 BUSY FINGERS By Sandy Slack Wow, where did our summer go. The activities committee planned a lot of fun activities each month and a fun time was had by all. In case you haven’t noticed, there are pink flamingos all over. Grab one and decorate it. Have it back by September 2 so they can be judged. The winner will be announced at the Labor Day pool party. The winner will receive a trophy to carry over to next year. We then will auction the lovely creations at the pool party. I will be featuring an Artesian each month again this season. We have so many talented ladies in our community. I hear this over and over again in the gift shop. Our Annual Craft and Bake Show will be here before you know it. It is Saturday, November 12th. There are still tables available. The registration forms are in the Craft Room on the bulletin board. If you would like more information, please contact; Ginnie Bellew at 983-603-8550 or Colette Danmeier at 715-642-2529. Please watch the board in the Craft Room for a date in September for a “Reduction in Inventory Sale”. We will be selling “odds and ends” craft items for almost nothing so we can make room for new craft items. We will be selling everything from paints, yarn, card stock, stamps and so much more. “You’ve Been Flocked” FLAMINGO AUCTION Pick up your Flamingo in the Caddy Shack Sign-up sheet is in the upstairs entryway. Decorate it any way you want Bring it to Crystal by September 2 All will be on display Friday thru Sunday, September 2 to 4 in the Caddy Shack! Judges will award a trophy to the winner! Auction is scheduled for Monday, September 5 at the Pool Party. Auction proceeds will benefit the Crochet Guild & Crafts programs. Page 4 Crochet Guild by Deb Weiderman, President 863-816-4876 I thought this month you would like to know what the stars do in their not-so-spare time. Some of them crochet. Of course, the crafty celebs like Vanna White and Martha Stewart are well known for their crochet prowess. Vanna even has her own line of yarns and several crochet books to her credit. The following are just a few famous ladies who crochet. Some will surprise you! Eva Longoria (“Desperate Housewives”) enjoys crocheting when she is working on a movie set. Bette Davis made vintage lacey shawls. There are numerous pictures of Bette Davis crocheting and knitting on set. Madonna is known for her crocheted fishnet gloves. She also has several pattern books available. Aretha Franklin constructs all sorts of Berets and her favorite stitch is the Pineapple Stitch. Jane Seymour incorporates hearts into her patterns. She also knits and embroiders. Meryl Streep crochets and knits and teaches her fellows actors/actresses. Cher used to crochet the hippy vests that she wore on stage. She still crochets squares for celebrity charity blankets. Debra Messing (“Will and Grace”) crochets squares for charity blankets. Carolyn Rhea (“Sabrina, the Teenage Witch) makes her own patterns for books. Rebecca Romijn (famous model) crocheted a bikini. Laura Ingalls Wilder (“Little House on the Prairie”): an expert at filet doilies. Trisha Yearwood: country singer and also a great cook) has been crocheting since age 15 and gives afghans as gifts. Catherine Zeta-Jones: knits and crochets while working on movies. Queen Victoria crocheted scarves for her soldiers. There are also many, many celebrities who knit, including several men. They find it relaxing and helps them learn their lines. Remember, crochet is good for your brain. It is also never too late to learn. Come join us, won’t you? FROM THE AGE OF INNOCENCE, IT IS HOPE! …. by Diane Hastings Recent events, are a stark reminder of the negativity engulfing our planet. “Is our world unraveling?” Only if we allow it. “Why are we faced with such negativity?” Because we not only allow it, we thrive on it. Society has been beaten into submission, forced to embrace all things negative. It hasn’t happened swiftly, it has evolved. What has happened swiftly, is the ability to learn of all things negative around our world almost before it happens. Will society survive all of this? Our planet’s future is unbiased conversation, it is wide-eyed innocence, it’s a belief that anything can be fixed, if we allow it and it is in the hands of our children. A 3.7 magnitude earthquake off the coast of Florida recently, is a jolting reminder of the devastating 2010 earthquake that destroyed a large part of Haiti. Haiti, one of the poorest countries on earth, it is still recovering. Almost one year later, I met a charming little boy, a charismatic five year old personality, his ability to socialize, his wide-eyed innocence, unwavering, he never questioned why, instead he asked why not. He knew the story of Haiti, his parents had shared it. He was saddened, people died, they had no homes, no food, no family. Did he understand, probably not, but his parents role in all of this, he trusted their judgement and he was elated. He had a new sister he wanted the world to know. His parents’ sadness and concerns for another society’s hardships and struggles were met with a positive attitude. He accepted their challenge, he embraced it with unwavering love, he would not question why...he had purpose, he was going to be a big brother. As the story unfolded, I learned she had come from Haiti. Adopted because her parents died, she was about eight months old. Her new “Mommy and Daddy” and big brother just arrived back on U. S. soil. As missionaries, they had flown in to assist immediately after the 2010 earthquake, it’s toll had left an indelible mark on their lives. Determined to try and make a better life for the Haitian people, they continue to help with the rebuilding process in Haiti. The explanation continued, a better life for this child, a new beginning, just one step at a time. Wanting more children, but understanding the needs of an orphaned child, they accepted her as their own. For my newfound friend, no jealousy, just a natural sibling love and a new role in his life as big brother. He was proud, proud of his role, proud of his baby sister…”her name is Hope, a name just as pretty as her,” he beams with pride. “Do you know why we named her Hope?” His wide eyed age of innocence shining through, I quietly smile and whispered….”yes, yes I do!” Page 5 Computers and You!! What is Cybrecrime? Cybercrime is a larger risk now than it ever has been simply because of the astronomical number of people and devices connected to the Internet. Reports show that it has now surpassed illegal drug trafficking as a criminal moneymaker. Another interesting yet, scary fact, is that every three seconds someone’s identity is stolen as a direct result of cybercrime. Cybercrime, also known as computer crime, is any crime that involves a computer or network. The computer may have either been involved in the commission of the crime or the target. You might be interested to know that according to Norton, without a sophisticated Internet security software, within only four minutes of connecting to the Internet, you can become infected with malicious software. This ultimately, by the way, could lead you to becoming the next victim of identity theft, one of the fastest growing crimes in the USA and Canada. Another very prevalent form of cybercrime involves phishing. In a nutshell, phishing is where the victim receives what appears to be a legitimate email, often claiming to be a bank or credit card company. In actuality, the link leads to a phony website run by cybercrooks. This link may directly contain some form of malware, such as a keystroke logger, spyware, computer virus, etc. It may also masquerade as the page to login to the credit card company or whatever, capturing your personal data, such as your credit card number and password or banking card number or password. This can lead to becoming a victim of identity theft. Wondering what you can do to prevent falling victim to an Internet scam? As the Great Frontier of the Wild West called the Internet increases, sadly so does the number of victims of Internet scams. Internet scams are an extremely serious problem. Fortunately, there are some steps that you can take to help prevent you from falling victim to online scams. Use common sense. If something is too good to be true, it probably is. When banking online, check the address of any pages that ask for personal account information. Any pages of a legitimate Internet banking website that ask customers to enter their account info or other personal information will have “https” at the beginning of the website address. This indicates that the page is indeed secure. Sites beginning with “http”, are not secure. Never give out your credit card number(s) online unless the website is both reputable and secure. Remember not to invest anything based solely on appearances. Just because a person or company has a flashy website doesn’t mean it is legitimate. Be cautious when responding to special investment offers. Be especially wary of responding to such offers through unsolicited emails. Avoid purchasing from bulk unsolicited emails, commonly known as spam or junk email. At least 95% of these emails are online scams. Use a combination of letters (both lower case and capital) numbers and uppercase symbols when creating passwords. Don’t use common names or words that can be easily guessed. Never give your password to anyone. Never believe the promise of large sums of money for your co-operation. When visiting a banking or other site where you enter any personal information, financial information or passwords manually type in the website address in the web browser bar. For example, if you are going to do online banking at CIBS, enter www.cibc.com Be very careful at online auction sites. If you want to buy something at an online auction, always check the references of the seller and only buy from sellers that have good references. Almost all good auction sites have a buyer and selling rating system. If the item is more expensive than an amount you could comfortably lose, you might want to consider using an online escrow service. SPECIAL NOTE: Windows XP Support ended as of April 8, 2014. If you are still running a computer with XP, your computer is no longer receiving updates that help protect your personal information. Even if you have anti-virus software, your computer may not be fully secure. You should check with your tech support business to see what your options are to keep your data protected. Page 6 SUMMER DOLDRUMS MARRED BY MURDER “Former Accidental Death takes on New Meaning” (Or is this just a wee bit of “blarney” to welcome northerners back)..by Ron Heller What was determined an accidental death in August of 2012 has been reclassified as a probable homicide due to new developments in August of 2016. Another body was discovered at Schalamar Creek in the exact same location and with the probability that it was the exact same means of death. The similarity gets stranger. The body was of a young man just like in 2012. He even looked like him; the same in every respect. How could this be? What were these men doing in Schalamar Creek? They were not residents; nor relatives or friends of residents. Other ironic details defy logic. As of this date, authorities have not uncovered who the culprit or culprits might be. It is why SC sleuths are being asked to put on their ‘think carp’ to look for clues and determine how this seemingly similar incident could have happened and who is responsible. Details will be listed on the bulletin board periodically. Let’s help clean up this mystery by looking for clues throughout the park. Yes, from the guard house to the hen house; including the library and the pool room, there are certainly clues that all residents might uncover. IF YOU UNCOVER A CLUE, KEEP IT UNTIL AN AUTHORITY ASKS FOR IT. DO NOT DISMISS ANYTHING. KEEP BANANA PEELS, BOTTLE CAPS, PLAYING CARDS AND DEFINITELY ALL GOLF BALLS WITH STRANGE MARKINGS. Page 7 Birthday Day 09/01 09/01 09/01 09/02 09/03 09/03 09/03 09/03 09/04 09/04 09/05 09/05 09/05 09/05 09/06 09/06 09/06 09/06 09/06 09/06 09/07 09/07 09/07 09/08 09/08 09/08 09/08 09/08 09/09 09/10 09/10 09/10 09/11 09/11 09/11 09/11 09/12 09/12 09/13 09/13 09/13 09/14 09/14 09/14 09/15 09/15 09/15 09/16 09/17 09/17 09/17 09/17 09/18 09/18 09/19 09/20 09/21 09/21 09/21 09/21 09/21 09/21 09/22 09/23 09/23 09/23 09/24 09/24 09/24 09/26 09/26 Name Daryl COFFMAN Margaret REPLOGLE Marge DIVETRO Rich PLANTE Anthony YUHAS Claudia SHOVER Ken BAUMANN Ron SIMMONDS Debbie CRAWFORD Patricia SHORT Carol SHUTTS Harold STAMMEN Russell ANDERSON Sharon RYAN Betty SHEETS Jean FERGUSON-AGAR Julia SIVINS Louise MURPHY Ray KOTZ Robert BRUNETTE Donald TAFT Donna WOODRUFF Sydney WHALEY Anthony COMAN Cheryl SANDERSON Jean HEIDER Joann DORSEY Mary PAULSEN Paul AMELL Dick STANNARD Jelora COMAN Rose FITZGERALD Dan BREAULT Dennis SMITH Jared BUSHONG Peggy WILKINS Ellen PROVAN Nancy MATTHEWS Betty REININK Mel MATTHEWS Shirl LEWIS Geri POPADAK Richard BOOTH Sandra SMITH Betty COTTER Chris RUTKOWSKI Nancy DEMOTTE Donald LIVINGSTON Dennis RUTECKI Doug BARKER Robert DAVIAULT Sue RECTENWALD Karen LLOYD Pamela MIZE Ernie CONNELL Judy CONLOGUE Catherine CARON Charlene WINEGARDEN Harold BAKER Larry KNECHT Nancy YARBROUGH Sharon MIKELS Kelley BAKER Ed GILMORE James KORPALSKI Sandy GRATTON James GRIFFIN Jo WEBER Richard THETONIA Dottie BRENNAN Genevieve SIMMONS 09/26 09/26 09/27 09/27 09/27 09/28 09/28 09/28 09/29 09/29 09/29 09/30 09/30 09/30 Robert BRYE, SR. Ronald LLOYD Larry BOWMAN Linda BUSHONG Sue KNAPP Donna SMELTZER Mike MINO Roberta DEMPSEY Brian KENT Holly MILLER Robert SIMMONS John MAGISKE Maggie GORDON Raymond KANTAUTAS Anniversary Day 09/02 09/02 09/02 09/03 09/04 09/05 09/06 09/06 09/07 09/07 09/07 09/07 09/09 09/10 09/10 09/11 09/11 09/12 09/12 09/13 09/13 09/13 09/13 09/14 09/14 09/14 09/16 09/17 09/17 09/18 09/19 09/20 09/20 09/22 09/23 09/24 09/24 09/25 09/28 09/28 09/28 09/28 Name Adriano & Shirley MEDEIROS Bill & Anne ROMOSER John & Marjorie BIRCHALL Dale & Betty COTTER Pat & Ellie MITCHELL William & Linda HAYES Adrian & Lynn VERWEGEN Robert & Genevieve SIMMONS Allen & Ina BLACK Dean & Betty PHILLIPS Noel & Jeanne BARTLO Patrick & Merilee RADGENS Donald & Kathleen TAFT Dennis & Claire SMITH Jim & June BARRY Dan & Linda BREAULT James & Patricia PETERSON Dick & Dorothy BICE James & Barbara KORPALSKI Jack & Betty BATES Jose & Beverly OLIVERI Lawrence & Teresa TAYLOR Tom & Jean TUFTS Earl W. & Joyce RIFFLE Norman & Theresa MASSE Scott & Jane SMITH Robert & Linda PERRY Bruce & Gail BREWER Normand & Ruth PLANTE Gary & Pamela MIZE Darrell & Mary GILLIS Glynn & Karol BREWER Hugh & Karen RORISON James & Claudia SHOVER Douglas & Eunice HILL Andy & Dottie HESINGTON Fred & Lea PARSONS John & Sharon REYNOLDS Bill & Judith RUND Bruce & Christine EATON Chris & Nancy RUTKOWSKI Robert & Nita HITCHCOCK In Memoriam Tim Bennett Robert (Bob) Gilmore Page 8 SEPTEMBER HAPPENINGS September 2016 Sep 1—Open Crafting-1 PM Sep 3—Nine & Dine—4 PM Sep 4—Volley Ball—5-6:30 PM Sun Sep 5—Pool Party —11AM—3PM Mon Tue Wed Sep 6—Crochet Guild 2-3:30 PM Thu 1 Set 6—Volley Ball-5-6:30 PM Fri 2 3 Open Crafts Sep 6—Line Dancing 6:30 –8 PM Sat Nine & Dine Sep 7—Shuffleboard—9 AM Sep 7—Pickle Ball-7-8 PM 4 5 6 7 Sep 8—Open Crafting—1 PM Volleyball Pool Party Crochet Guild Shuffleboard Open Crafts Sep 8—Volley Ball—5-6:30 PM Line Dancing Sep 11—Volley Ball—5-6:30 PM Volleyball 8 Pickle Ball Volleyball 15 Sep 12—HOA Meeting– 7 PM 11 12 13 14 Sep 13—Blood Drive– 1-6 PM Volleyball HOA Blood Drive Shuffleboard Open Crafts Meeting Crochet Guild Pickle Ball Sep 13—Crochet Guild—2-3:30 Sep 13—Volley Ball– 5-6:30 PM Line Dancing Sep 13—Line Dancing 6:30-8 PM Volleyball Sep 14—Shuffleboard-9 AM 18 Sep 14—Pickle Ball-7-8 PM Volleyball 19 20 21 Line Dancing Sep 15—Volley Ball—5-6:30 PM Volleyball Sep 18—Volley Ball—5--6:30 PM Sep 20—Crochet Guild—2-3:30 PM Sep 20—Line Dancing 6:30-8 PM 25 Volleyball 10 16 17 Nine & Dine Volleyball 22 23 24 Crochet Guild Shuffleboard Open Crafts Sep 15—Open Crafting—1 PM Sep 17—Nine & Dine—4 PM 9 26 27 Pickle Ball Volleyball 28 29 Crochet Guild Shuffleboard Open Crafts Line Dancing Pickle Ball Welcome Back Dance 30 Karaoke Volleyball Volleyball Sep 20—Volley Ball—5-6:30 PM Sep 21—Shuffleboard—9 AM Sep 21—Pickle Ball-7-8 PM Sep 22—Open Crafting—1 PM Sep 22—Volley Ball—5-6:30 PM Sep 24--Dance—7:30—10:30 PM Sep 25—Volley Ball—5-6:30 PM Monday, September 5, 2016 11 AM to 3 PM $5 per person = Hot Dog or Hamburger, Beans, Sep 27—Crochet Guild-2-3:30 PM Sep 27—Line Dancing 6:30-8 PM Sep 27—Volley Ball—5-6:30 PM Sep 28—Shuffleboard—9 AM Sep 28— Pickle Ball 7-8 PM Macaroni Salad, Chips, Desert and Water Tickets on Sale: Saturdays in Library—9AM to 2 PM Wednesdays in Caddy Shack—4 PM to 6 PM Sep 29—Open Crafting—1 PM Sep 29—Volley Ball—5-6:30 PM Sponsored by HOA Activities Committee Sep 30—Karaoke—7-10 PM Page 9 To Schalamar Creek Skip & Kathleen Bozarth 4579 Delmar Drive Lot #562 614-595-5967 kbozarth@wowway.com Al & Patty Richter 4357 Doral Court Lot #350 863-665-5015 pwedge50@yahoo.com Angela Shewmake 1626 Champion Drive Lot #591 863-605-3161 Angelashewmake@hotmail.com Shawn & Milta Signore 1642 Champion Drive Lot #589 863-604-7873 shawnsig@yahoo.com ADDITIONS , CORRECTIONS, ETC. James & Patricia Peterson 1621 Darrington Lane Lot #815 petenpatpeterson@gmail.com FLU SHOTS September 28, 2016 In the Ballroom — Kitchen Side 9:00 AM to 12:00 Noon Flu Shots provided by Walgreens Pharmacy Be sure to bring your SSN & Supplemental Insurance Card Brought to you by your HOA Any questions — Call Marge Short 665-2752 Here are some dates for future activities to help you plan ahead!! Sep 5 Labor Day Pool Party Sep 17 Coffee and Donuts Sep 24 Fall Dance with Tony & Trish Oct 15 Coffee and Donuts Oct 20 Pot Luck Oct 29 Halloween Dance with Jim & Mandy 7:30—10:30 7:30—10:30 Voters can update signatures for mail-in ballots The Polk County Supervisor of Elections Office recommends that voters who vote by mail update the signatures that are used to verify their identities when their ballots are received. To do that, go to http://www.polkelections.com/Noteworthy to print out the required form. Then check the “Record Update” box and complete the name and date of birth boxes and sign in the signature box at the bottom. The form should be mailed to Supervisor of Elections, P. O. Box 1460, Bartow, FL 33831. For those who can’t download the form, just send a letter with your name, date of birth and signature to the Supervisor of Elections office. Mention that this is a record update. Page 10 Saturdays Just Got A Lot More Fun!! Schalamar Creek 9 & Dine Couples Summer Events 4:00 pm Shotgun Members $5.00 September 3rd Non-Members $15.00 September 17th Tournament Fee Includes: October 1st 9 Holes of Golf, Fun & Prizes October 15th October 29th Join us following play in the Caddy Shack for Ala Carte Dining! Present your membership card and receive a 10% discount on your food! Please sign up in the golf shop!! A Special Thank You to Dick Rae, President of the SCHOA and Mark Schneider, G M of Schalamar Creek for collaborating on an idea to bring a summer community newsletter to life. That was the easy part. The important player in this process is Ginny Reid, volunteering to bring the product to fruition. In order to bring the residents a year-round newsletter, the Schalamar Creek Community is supporting the printing of the Summer newsletter. Tuesday, September 13, 2016 1 PM to 6 PM The BIG RED BUS will be in the residents’ parking lot waiting for you to show up. All donors will receive a gift from Oneblood plus a $5 gift certificate for the Caddy Shack, thanks to Murex. The last two drives were not too productive, in May there were only 5 donors and July there were 10. For this upcoming drive, I hope we can do better. Realizing some of our past donors have moved, medical reasons or passed away. Here’s hoping that some of our new residents who are capable of giving blood will pick up the slack. A sign up sheet will be posted on the activities bulletin board located in the lower hallway prior to the drive. Please remember ORLANDO and all the other places where tragedy has struck in the last few months and the need for blood. CAP Volunteers Needed The CAP (Citizen Assisted Patrol) is a volunteer group under the direction of the Polk County Sheriff’s Department. The volunteers perform a 2 hour shift weekly around the streets of Schalamar Creek. Their mission is to OBSERVE and REPORT possible problems to the Sheriff’s Department. The patrols start at 8 AM and end at 4 PM daily. The summer is the hardest shifts to fill as many of our riders have returned back north. The patrol is a nice way to see all of Schalamar and the many things going on and meet many residents and their dogs. The cart is well known for carrying doggie treats and our 4-footed friends know many of us well. If you think you would enjoy the ride and are of the volunteering nature, we would love to talk with you and show you what we have to offer. You can contact Ray Mitchell at 863-816-6348, Gary Ross at 863-668-8640, Sandy Schultz at 207-653-2695 or Ed Herring at 863-666-1017 for further information. Page 11 NEWSLETTER SCHALAMAR CREEK PHONE BOOK The Schalamar Creek Phone Book is an continuing project all year long. We try to stay current on the information that is published, but we do need your help and input. Our records are only as good as the information that is passed on to the HOA. Please let us know if there are any changes to your listing. If you are new to Schalamar Creek, or know someone who is new, please let us know so that they will be recognized in our next directory. We also publish a monthly listing of birthdays and anniversaries, so if you would like yours listed, please tell us. There is also a listing in the back of the phone book for e-mails. If you need to make changes, please e-mail me at GinnyTedReid@aol.com , call me at 863-669-1963 or by mail at 1148 Ashboro Court. Thank you for your help in keeping our phone book up to date. DELIVERY OPTIONS The newsletter can be picked up in the Activities Room, Pro Shop, Caddy Shack, Library and main upstairs entrance at the Clubhouse. The newsletter can be e-mailed to you. Delivery of the newsletter is available for any house bound residents by calling Ginny or Ted Reid at 863-669-1963 or Dick Rae at 847-858-1440 The newsletter can be viewed on our website: www.SchalamarCreekHOA.com Dick Rae— HOA President 847-858-1440 drae313@aol.com Ginny Reid—Editor 863-669-1963 GinnyTedReid@aol.com We’ve enjoyed bringing the news of Schalamar Creek community to you this past summer. It was a new effort, and we were thankful to have lots of contributors. Their time and effort was so much appreciated. We especially want to thank Mark Schneider and corporate Schalamar Creek for picking up the cost of printing this summer newsletter. We look forward to sharing with you again next summer. The Reids and Dick Rae Page 12
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