February 2007 - Halton Region


February 2007 - Halton Region
Halton Business Briefs
Volume 2 Issue 1 - February 2007
Start-up Edition
Halton Business Briefs Start-up Edition is produced six times per year
Featured Entrepreneur
Featured Entrepreneur
CJ Martin – CJ's Café in Bronte
Biz Tip
Halton Region is proud to feature CJ Martin,
owner of CJ's Café in Bronte.
Who’s New in Halton
Business Development Centre
Access to Professionals Round
Business Seminars and
Business Development Staff
Business Library
After spending nearly 15 years working in the
non-profit sector, CJ Martin decided that the
time was right to make a change and to follow
her dream of owning her own business. In
April 2006 she opened CJ's Café in Bronte.
CJ's is a cozy neighbourhood café, with delicious food, a full menu of specialty
coffees, lattes and cappuccinos, and wireless internet service. (Editor's note: I
highly recommend the Warm Goat Cheese and Veggie Wrap with Roasted Red
Peppers.) The café also supports local artists by mounting solo and group art
shows in partnership with the Oakville Art Society, Sheridan ITAL, other artstraining organizations, and individual local artists.
CJ's entrepreneurial aptitude enriched her work in the non-profit sector. Over the
years, she also researched various business ideas but didn't go ahead with them.
“Either I wasn't ready for that level of commitment or the research indicated it
wouldn't have been sound,” says CJ. “But this year, I was ready. I chose to use my
entrepreneurial inclinations and incorporate my former life experiences and
passions to start my own business.”
CJ's idea was to open a café that would become a creative hub to give like-minded
people a place to meet. She did extensive research prior to opening her café.
Reporting Your
Business Income – The
following guide will help you
to calculate your business
income to report on your 2006
income tax return.
“I have friends with restaurant experience who helped guide me and I used the
resources at the Halton Business Development Centre,” she says. “They were very
helpful in finding me samples of business plans and directing me to other
resources.” CJ's research also included surveys, talking to different BIAs, sitting in
various coffee shops and restaurants to watch their flow patterns and order levels,
and meeting and talking to other café owners. She spent time with the arts
community to discuss their interests and went to the Food and Beverage Show in
Toronto. Looking back, CJ recognizes it would have been helpful to have also
worked in a restaurant or café before launching her own.
“Take advantage of any opportunity you have to learn by doing before you go into
business for yourself,” she advises other entrepreneurs. “This will greatly advance
your learning curve and save you from making costly mistakes.”
While she was doing her research CJ discovered that the owner of a café she
always liked was interested in selling. By purchasing an existing business, the
bank's normal requirement for CJ to have six months' operating money was
waived. This dramatically reduced the amount of savings CJ needed versus starting
a business from scratch. CJ was able to finance a large part of her loan through the
Canadian Small Business Financing Program.
continued from page 1
CJ loves the fact that she is in control of her success. “You have the freedom
to make whatever decisions you want for your business, whenever you want
– it's yours.”
Her advice to new entrepreneurs is to explore new ways to solve problems,
whether it's regarding time management or logistics issues. “If something
isn't working, tell yourself, this isn't working like this,” she suggests. If you
remind yourself that the “like this” is the problem, you'll automatically start
thinking about solutions to the problem.
Future plans for the café include more arts and entertainment to make the
café a destination-location as well as a community café. CJ will also be
decorating ceiling tiles with a reproduction of one painting from each art show. Thanks to CJ, Halton will have its
very own “Cistene Chapel” in a welcoming environment for people to meet friends or colleagues, to do some work
on your laptop, or just relax with a good book.
Who’s New in Halton
Please contact our office if you have registered your
business within the last year and would like to be listed
in “Who's New.”
RedLine Laser Engraving, ”Brand Your Life!”
Industrial, Commercial & Special Event Laser Engraving.
Plastic, aluminum, wood, steel, glass and so much more.
Michael & Pam Weppler-Halbmeier
Tel: 905-580-3151
Fax: 905-481-2315
Email: info@RLLE.ca Website: www.rlle.ca
The Parent Link Inc., We are a community-based
website helping parents easily find activity ideas, family
events, classifieds, party planning ideas and a directory
to parent/child related resources. By communicating the
wealth of family resources available, we hope to
encourage family time, family fun, family growth and
family values. Sekey Vincent Tel: 289-291-3088
Email: info@theparentlink.ca
Website: www.theparentlink.ca
S.O.S. Technical Writing, We write documents in
formats that not only give businesses and organizations
that highly sought-after professional “look” but are also
clear and easily understandable. To learn how we can
help your business or organization, contact Maureen
Tel: 905-875-0867
Fax: 905-875-4541
Email: mstoeken@sympatico.ca
Business Development
Centre Survey
Thank you to all who were able to complete our
online survey. Your responses will give us valuable
information to help us plan our programs for 2007.
Many of those who responded asked for further
information on our Access to Professionals
program, which we are pleased to provide:
Access to Professionals – Expert on Demand
provides new entrepreneurs the opportunity to
obtain free advice from Halton professionals in the
areas of accounting, marketing, legal, human
resources, patent and trademark, customer
service, real estate and more. In order to access
this service, clients must first meet with a Halton
Region Business Consultant who will refer them to
the appropriate professional.
In addition to Expert on Demand, we recently held
a round table at the Burlington Public Library so
entrepreneurs could access local professionals.
The evening was incredibly successful and we are
looking at including round tables as a permanent
part of the Access to Professionals Program.
Know a student 15 – 29 years old who would like to start their own
“Summer Company” business? Have them contact us today!
Access to Professionals Round Table
Halton Region's Business Development Centre and Burlington Public Library teamed up on January 17 to host a
roundtable discussion geared to small business start-ups. A panel consisting of volunteers from Halton's Access to
Professionals program led the discussion, and participants had the chance to ask the panel questions about
business start-up in the areas of marketing, accounting and law. The roundtable was part of the Business Basics
program being offered this winter, and is a great way to link local entrepreneurs to area professionals.
Halton's Access to Professionals program started 2001. Volunteers to the program include accountants, lawyers,
marketing professionals, business coaches, bankers, customer service professionals, real estate professionals,
trademark and patent agents, and insurance agents. Participants in the program can speak directly with a
professional who might otherwise be beyond their reach. There is no charge for the service.
“Simpson Wigle is one of the Region's largest business law firms,” said Hussein A. Hamdani, MA, LL.B., a partner
with Simpson Wigle who was on the roundtable panel. “We understand business and we work with business
owners. We share their success. Personally, I love working with start-up businesses and helping owners/managers
take their concept to fruition. I gain from their energy and that's why I do not hesitate to volunteer at the Business
Centre to assist start-ups.”
Other professionals on the panel included Yolanda Fitzpatrick of Jump! Business Consulting, and Robert B. White,
C.A., of Business Advisory Associates.
“Now I feel like I know a lawyer who can help me to incorporate my business and an accountant I can trust," said
Paulo Traverso, a participant in the roundtable discussion.
Participants benefited from the group setting, where they could ask their own questions and hear what other
entrepreneurs had to say. Using techniques like the anonymous “Ask-it Basket,” participants raised different topics
for discussion such as accounting basics needed by small business owners; tax reduction techniques for soleproprietors; the benefits of websites; effective marketing tactics; and whether injuries to staff are covered by
“This is the first time we've included a roundtable as part of our Access to Professionals program, and I'd like to
thank the volunteers for giving freely of their time and expertise,” said John Davidson, Director of Business
Development at Halton Region. “We've received great feedback from the participants, who have expressed their
appreciation for gaining access to the right professionals at the right time.”
Business Seminars and Workshops
Introduction to Starting a Small Business
Fee $20.00
Get the basics to get you going. General information
suitable for those individuals considering selfemployment.
February 28
March 5
March 28
April 2
April 25
7:00 – 9:00 pm
1:00 – 3:00 pm
7:00 – 9:00 pm
1:00 – 3:00 pm
7:00 – 9:00 pm
Business Basics Seminar Series –
These seminars to
be held from 7:00 – 9:00 p.m. at Burlington Public
Library, Central Branch.
Jump-start Your Marketing Plan
March 21, Fee $20.00
How to make a lasting impression
! How to create promotional copy that gets read
! Plus cheap and easy marketing ideas
Managing Your Success
April 18, Fee $20.00
! Learn the “next steps” needed to succeed in growing
your business
! Find out about resources for the next-stage business
! Learn to balance your life and time and run a
successful business
Halton Region in partnership with Oakville Public Library is
pleased to offer
Starting an Export Business
Thursday, March 22 6:30 – 8:30 p.m. at Oakville Public
Library, Central Branch, 120 Navy Street, Oakville,
Auditorium, Fee $20.00
! Understand the export process
! The export business plan
! The export marketing plan
! Market entry strategies
! Financing international trade
! Managing risk
! Sources of assistance
Halton Business
Development Staff
Our experienced team members are able to assist you
with all your business needs. Please feel free to contact
us at 905-825-6000 or toll free 1-866-4HALTON.
John Davidson, Director
john.davidson@halton.ca, ext.7828
Nancy Malloy, Admin Assistant
nancy.malloy@halton.ca, ext. 7514
Javier Lopez, Business/Export Consultant
javier.lopez@halton.ca, ext.7732
Marianne Crawford, Business Consultant
marianne.crawford@halton.ca, ext.7740
Elaine Holding, Business Development Officer
elaine.holding@halton.ca, ext.7955
Sandra Nuhn, Business Development Coordinator
sandra.nuhn@halton.ca, ext.7228
Margaret Gaskell, Program Assistant
margaret.gaskell@halton.ca, ext.7900
Consultant on Site
Business consultants from Halton Region will be
available at the Halton Hills Public Library, Georgetown
Branch on March 15 and April 19. Contact Halton Region
Business Development to book an appointment. This is a
free service.
The Art of Entrepreneurship
Any views or opinions presented in this newspaper by third parties are solely
those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of Halton Region.
Business library
Fee $30.00
March 29
7:00 – 10:00 pm
Location: CJ's Café in Bronte
A seminar to help artists to acquire business skills to
help you advance their career.
Please contact Halton Region Business Development
905-825-6000 ext. 7900 for further information.
Our resource centre is current and furnished with reference
books as well as free up-to-date government publications
on a variety of business topics. You may borrow many of the
books or review the material on site. Please call ahead to
ensure the book is available (905-825-6000 ext. 7900).
Thank you to our partners, RBC Royal Bank and
Ministry of Small Business and Entrepreneurship
Halton Region Business Development Centre
1151 Bronte Road, Oakville, Ontario L6M 3L1
phone: 905-825-6000
toll free number: 1-866-4HALTON
fax: 905-825-8839
website: www.halton.ca email: busdev@halton.ca