- Halton Borough Council


- Halton Borough Council
Spring 2014 | www.halton.gov.uk
Message from the Council Leader
In this spring issue
you will find our
regular Mersey
Gateway update,
which offers a great
opportunity for local
residents - a chance
to be part of history
in the making!
May 22 is polling day in the local and
European elections and you will find
inside some advice and information on
voting, including postal and proxy voting.
There are details of the events planned
by Halton libraries to mark the
centenary of World War One, and we
will follow this up next time with more
about the commemorative activities
taking place around the borough.
It’s 50 years since Runcorn New Town
was born and you can find out how we
are marking the occasion, looking at
the developments that shaped the new
town and changed the lives of the
people who settled there.
The Council has set its budget for the
coming year - a process which is
getting harder each time as
Government cuts continue to bite.
Reluctantly we’ve had to increase the
Council Tax, but we were left with no
option as we strive to maintain quality
services and protect vulnerable
There are still a lot of positives, though,
as the regeneration of the borough
continues, including with work starting
on a new leisure and industrial
development at Venture Fields, Widnes,
and site works beginning in Runcorn
Old Town.
Cllr Rob Polhill Council Leader
16 Work is underway on the
Mersey Gateway and you can
be part of it by signing up to
be a volunteer.
05 To mark the centenary of
World War One, a series of
activities and events is taking
place in Halton’s libraries.
15 May 22 is Election Day - here’s
a reminder of why you should
take part in the poll and some
important information on the
20 Get into shape for summer, get fit, or just
different ways you can vote.
have some fun by joining in with activities
organised by the Sports Development team.
Inside Halton is produced by Halton Borough Council.
Previous issues can be viewed at: www.halton.gov.uk and
audio versions are available on request.
Contact: Gill Cook. Tel: 0151 511 7770 e-mail: gill.cook@halton.gov.uk
Design and print by Fractal Creative Ltd, Prescot. Tel: 07733 263463
e-mail: fractalcreative@btconnect.com
recycle for Halton
When you have finished with this magazine please recycle it
08 Health information
10 Cheshire Police
12 Cheshire Police &
Crime Commissioner
23 Cheshire Fire & Rescue
26 What’s On
30 Councillors’ surgeries
31 Council meetings
& useful numbers
Spring 2014 | www.halton.gov.uk
Historic boards
herald Hale’s
Hale Village has some new
heritage boards, reflecting the
renewed interest in its past.
The area is becoming quite a tourist trap
after last year's historic presentation of the
new Childe of Hale statue, and to meet
demand Halton Borough Council installed
interpretation boards.
Funded by the Council and the Heritage
Lottery Fund, the boards enhance the tourist
trail experience and explain some of the
area's fascinating history. They have already
proved popular with locals and visitors alike.
Deputy Council Leader, and Hale ward
councillor, Cllr Mike Wharton, said: “With the
popularity of the new Childe of Hale statue
and the interest it has generated we had a
lot of people wanting to know more about
Hale's interesting characters.”
One board is located at the end of Within
Way and shows information about this vital
former crossing point on the River Mersey.
Another is at St Mary’s churchyard near the
entrance lych gate. This board gives the
visitor details about the well-known giant of
a man, who is buried on the south side of
the church.
Opposite the church, adjacent to a bench,
stands another board which presents the
story of local-born Robert Molineux, who
was the Master of HMS Endeavour during
Captain Cook’s first voyage of discovery.
Robert Molineux died on the voyage in 1771
and was buried at sea off Robben Island,
near Cape Town.
Above: Heather Charles (HBC), Tom Banks (HBC)
Hale resident Terry Colquitt, Cllr Mike Wharton,
and , Lucy Hatton, aged 11, Hale's Rose Queen, at
one of the new heritage boards.
Parks project takes
root at Runcorn Hill
Volunteers planted trees at Runcorn Hill Park to
launch the lottery-funded restoration project.
The new trees are
near the planned
new park pavilion
building, off
Highlands Road, and replaced some that
had been damaged. Halton’s Mayor, Cllr
Margaret Ratcliffe, joined volunteers involved
in the care and restoration of the Local
Nature Reserve for the tree planting.
Halton Borough Council was successful in
securing a total of £2 million funding - £1.3
million from Heritage Lottery Fund Parks for
People and additional match-funding for
restoration and improvement at the park.
The funding is to be spent over a five-year
period with completion in 2018 of £1 million
worth of new capital work consisting of a new
main park pavilion building with café and toilet
facilities, a refurbished bowling pavilion and a
new lakeside pavilion building to be used as a
workshop for the Runcorn Model Boat Club.
The remaining £1 million will help support two
part-time posts to help deliver a range of
activity projects to help improve and encourage
wider groups to use the park.
Cllr Ron Hignett, the Council's Executive Board
member, Physical Environment, said: “This
project will become a valuable resource for the
people of Halton and the wider area. We are
all looking forward to when the new park
facilities will be available to use by the public in
the summer next year.”
For further information, or if you want to
become involved in the project, please go to
the Runcorn Hill Park website below, or the
project also has the Facebook/Twitter page
giving information on project updates and
Carl Horsdal (Landscape
Architect, Halton Council),
Siobhan Royle (Parks
Conservation Partnership Officer,
Halton Council), the Mayor of
Halton Cllr Margaret Ratcliffe,
and parks conservation
volunteer, Adam Jones
This Easter Sunday morning why not do something different? Instead
of driving across the Silver Jubilee Bridge you could run across it!
On Easter Sunday, April 20, starting at 9.30am, the Run the
Bridge race is taking place. It is only five miles long and the
route is closed off to traffic so it’s really safe. It’s fun and it
raises money for Halton Haven or your own nominated
charity, so log on to www.runhalton.co.uk for more details.
The event, now in its 14th year is accredited to the highest
gold standard by the British Association of Road Racing
and is looking to top 1000 entries this year. It’s not only for
club runners, anyone can enter aged 15 or over (with no
maximum upper age limit). The whole course is run on a closed road
system, which allows runners to complete the course in safety, while
traffic can only exit from the finish point in Hale Village and all points
between, using the diversion routes in force on the morning of the race.
Fancy dress, beginner or disabled athlete? All no problem.
For more details and to get to the online or downloadable entry forms
use the link www.runhalton.co.uk
The website also contains details of road closures, the various
competitor categories, links and copies of past results.
Halton libraries are holding a full programme of events
throughout 2014 to commemorate the centenary of the
First World War.
A touch-screen kiosk featuring
collections of images from across
historic Cheshire has been
travelling the country’s libraries,
including Halton Lea and Widnes.
It remains at Widnes Library until
Friday 28 March.
There will also be special posters
on view, with content created by
Halton librarians about local Victoria
Cross war heroes Thomas Alfred
‘Todger’ Jones and Thomas
Mottershead (both pictured).
Halton Borough Council also wants
to collect and record your Great War
photographs, documents, objects
and oral history.
for the
Books and reading
Halton Libraries will be holding two
exhibitions containing First World War
archives at The Brindley: 19 May–30 June,
and 11 August–22 September.
Halton libraries will also have First World War
themed stock and displays throughout 2014
and will be offering special collections to
reading groups
Do you know someone who
is living with memory loss?
Activities for children
Halton Library Service has launched a
memory box service to help stimulate the
memories of those suffering from
Alzheimer's and other forms of dementia.
There will be several First World War themed
craft and story time events across all
branches during the May and October halfterms. Look out for dates nearer the time on
the libraries’ website and social media.
Activities for adults
There will be other commemorative activities
planned by the Council throughout the next
four years, and if any local groups are
planning events, please let us know by
e-mailing jim.yates@halton.gov.uk
These themed boxes contain local
photographs, books, replicas of posters,
labels and pictures, plus smell bottles, music
CDs and objects of the time.
They are available to be loaned free of charge
from Halton's libraries for a two-week period.
The popular tea dances are back
with a special First World War
themed tea at Widnes Library on
Wednesday 11 June. Booking is
essential and further details will be
advertised nearer the time.
The collection contains a broad range
of ten individual themes: War,
childhood, women, men, sporting life,
housework, schooldays, leisure time
and special events, holidays and
working life.
For more information contact your
local library.
Spring 2014 | www.halton.gov.uk
New Town at
On 10 April 1964
Runcorn was designated
a New Town by the Government with the aim of providing
housing and employment for people from Liverpool and
North Merseyside.
It was a decision that would change and shape the lives of many
residents, new and old. Fifty years on, a series of events are being held to
mark this anniversary and provide opportunities for residents to share their
memories and reflect upon an important part of Halton’s shared history.
Runcorn New Town was developed in accordance with a ‘Masterplan’. This
was largely the vision of a single man, architect and town planner, Arthur
Ling. Many of the characteristics of the New Town are still evident today:
• Unique housing and estate designs.
• Segregated paths for pedestrians, a
dedicated busway and an expressway
• Extensive area of green space
‘The Town Park’, complemented by
landscaping throughout the New Town
• Creation of a New Town Centre.
• Large dedicated ‘planned’ industrial
It was a town for the motor age
(responding to the steady rise of car
ownership since the 1950s), but designed
with the pedestrian and non-car-owners in
mind. The dedicated busway was
originally designed to a figure of eight
principle with the New Town centre - the
Shopping City - at the centre of the two
loops. An underlying principle for the
Masterplan was that the majority of
people would live within 500 yards, or a
five-minute walk, of a bus stop on this
dedicated busway.
Initially, around 30,000 people migrated to Runcorn New Town, largely from
the post-war ‘slum’ clearance within Liverpool. Today, more than 45,000
residents live within the New Town areas, and its heritage continues to shape
and influence the policies and strategies of Halton Borough Council.
Everything from planning and regeneration, managing and maintaining
unique infrastructure, and dealing with the ageing population spike as firstgeneration migrants to the New Town move into retirement age.
Events and activities include:
• April 10 Launch event at Halton Lea Library on the actual 50th
anniversary with the screening premiere of a 1974 documentary about
the development of Runcorn New Town
• April 14-26 Runcorn New Town at 50 Exhibition at Halton Lea Library,
featuring original models of the new town, archive materials, and a
chance to contribute your own memories
• April 28-May 2 The above exhibition will be at Runcorn Shopping Centre
• April 17-May 1 Community screenings of the new town documentary
at Castlefields Community Centre (April 17), Murdishaw CC (April 24)
and Halton Lea Library (May 1). Entry by ticket only, available free
from venues
• April 28-May 3 Reinventing Runcorn - sessions in a number of new town
schools looking at what goes in to planning a new town, culminating with
an exercise to build a model
• Late 2014 Canal Boat Adventure Project – New Town Dreams
documentary. Young people will be making their own documentary
reflecting on the past and looking to the future.
For more information keep an eye out
on the Council’s Twitter and Facebook
accounts and in local press.
Award for sprucedup Runcorn station
Runcorn East Railway Station continues to blossom after
winning an award at the Cheshire Best Kept Station ceremony.
The Mayor of Halton, Cllr Margaret Ratcliffe, Executive Board Member for
Transport, Cllr John Stockton, Council Community Development Officer
Kerry Ramsbottom and members of North Cheshire Railway Users Group
(NCRUG) celebrated as the station took the Best Kept Station in Halton
Thanks to the efforts of the NCRUG, Halton Borough Council and Arriva Trains
Wales, the station recently celebrated its 30th anniversary with a bit of a
facelift - new planting, a deep clean, and further improvements such as
signage, access features and planters on the platforms planned.
Kerry Ramsbottom is working with primary schools to make posters into
street signs about fly tipping and littering, as the plan is to put the station up
for the ‘most improved’ award next year.
There are numerous activities taking place in and around Runcorn East
Railway Station over the coming year such as environmental workshops to
make bug boxes, bird houses and much more, along with a World War One
themed event in the autumn. This will include a costumed musical
performance reflecting the spirit of the British nation as soldiers went off to
the front in 1914. A choir of soldiers will recreate their departure on the
station platforms, while their mothers and other loved ones bade them
Anyone in getting involved can contact Kerry on 0151 511 8642 or
Healthwatch Halton, a new independent consumer champion, aims to
help people get the best out of their health and social care services;
Created to gather and represent the views of the public, Healthwatch
will play a role at local and national level and make sure that the views
of the public are taken into account.
Whether it is about improving today’s services or helping shape them for
tomorrow, Healthwatch actively gathers anonymous feedback from all
sections of the community about their positive and negative experiences
of using health and social care services in Halton.
Healthwatch Halton wants to hear your views on any local health and
social care services you’ve used in the past 12 months, be it the hospital,
your local GP, care homes and care services.
Your feedback will be used to build a picture of current local health and
social care issues and ensure residents’ voices are heard and influence
how care is planned and delivered.
There are a number of ways to
contact Healthwatch:
Call 0300 777 6543,
e-mail enquiries@
visit the website
and submit a ‘Your Say’ form,
or write/drop in to
Healthwatch Halton,
Sefton House,
Public Hall Street,
Runcorn, WA7 1NG.
Spring 2014 | www.halton.gov.uk
Electronic cigarettes
what you need to know
Electronic cigarettes are designed to look and feel like real
cigarettes. A typical electronic cigarette consists of four
components - an LED light; a battery; an atomizer; and a
cartridge containing nicotine. Levels of nicotine can vary and
some electronic cigarettes also contain flavourings.
Members of an innovative young people’s project which removes
graffiti and makes the community a better place have been rewarded
with a special accolade from the High Sheriff of Cheshire.
The High Sheriff of Cheshire, Martin Beaumont, presented Steve Cheetham and Jay Halliwell from
Youth Graffiti Solutions with the prestigious 2013 Butler Trust Certificate in recognition of their
excellent teamwork.
The Butler Trust is an independent charity that
celebrates and promotes excellence in UK
prisons, probation and youth services. The
certificate is offered in recognition of the
teamwork undertaken within this particular
sphere of the Criminal Justice System.
Young people get involved with Youth Graffiti
Solutions (YGS) through the Youth Offending
Service and offer graffiti and chewing gum
removal services. The dedicated young people
offer a professional service, supervised by trained
adults, who work in conjunction with agencies
concerned with crime prevention and community
Being part of the YGS team provides young
people with opportunities to learn new skills and
Jordan Smith, 16, Jamie Newman, 18, showed High Sheriff
take pride in their work and where they live. The
of Cheshire, Martin Beaumont, how they clean up graffiti
YGS team also includes two apprentices, who act
with Project Workers Steve Cheetham and Jay Halliwell.
as role models for the other young people YGS
works with. Jamie Newman, aged 18, of Runcorn said: "About a year ago I was convinced I would have to
sign on to get Job Seekers' Allowance, now I am with YGS it’s changed the way I look at life.’’
Jordan Smith, aged 16, also from Runcorn, agreed. He said: "Since leaving school I have got some good
experience of day to day work, I’ve also picked up some good skills to use in the working environment.’’
YGS is led by four partners – Cheshire West and Chester, Halton and Warrington Youth Offending Service,
Cheshire Probation Trust, Community Payback and the Canal Boat Adventure Project in Halton and
Warrington Youth Club.
You can find out more about Youth Graffiti Solutions at www.youthgraffitisolutions.co.uk
Are they safe?
We don’t yet know the long-term effects on the body. There are
also other potential drawbacks to using them:
• Electronic cigarettes are not regulated as medicines so you
can’t be sure of their ingredients or how much nicotine they
• They are not proven as safe. In fact, some electronic
cigarettes have been tested by local authority trading
standards departments and been found to contain toxic
chemicals, including some of the same cancer-causing
agents produced from tobacco
• The vapour that electronic cigarettes produce may reduce
the oxygen levels in your body.
Are there other risks?
There have been some house fires that were caused by electronic
cigarettes. Electronic cigarette batteries need to be recharged,
often using a USB port on a computer.
Some electronic cigarettes have overheated and exploded,
causing very hot components to land on soft furnishings, starting
a fire.
Why can’t I get an electronic cigarette on prescription?
As there is no medical evidence on how electronic cigarettes can
be used to stop smoking, they aren’t available on the NHS. At
present, they are being thoroughly researched by the UK’s
Medicines and Healthcare Regulatory Authority as they are
unregulated and unlicensed in the UK.
New legislation will be adopted this year so that all nicotine
containing devices like electronic cigarettes are regulated as a
medication in UK by 2016.
Support to stop smoking
If you are looking for help and advice on how to cut down or stop
smoking, great support is offered through local services in Halton.
Trained smoking teams use tried and tested ways to help you
change your smoking habits. Drop-in and one-to-one sessions
are available at a number of locations across the borough. If you
would like to know more, visit
call 01928 593043, or e-mail:
In addition, there are a number of pharmacies in the borough
offer stop smoking advice and treatment.
To find your nearest pharmacy visit:
Cash pours in for Emily’s dry spell
A young Halton volunteer raised hundreds of pounds
during Dry January and was invited to a reception in
London in recognition of her efforts.
Emily Miller, 22, from Runcorn, was one of the
country’s top fundraisers for Alcohol Concern’s
Dry January campaign. As well as being
sponsored for not drinking, Emily organised a
fundraising tea and cakes party at West Bank
Community Centre as part of her volunteering
role with Young Addaction.
The event - branded Milly's Tea Room - raised
£130 alone. There were treats baked by Emily
and her friends, with quizzes on the topic to keep
young people informed. Information was
provided on alcohol misuse, safety, and services
to young people.
She said: "I chose to do Dry January as I thought I
needed to regulate my own drinking - having
attended university and drunk my fair share! I lost
a family member to alcohol misuse so set about
being a good role model and raising money for a
good cause.”
At the event Emily spoke to MPs and celebrities, including Alistair Campbell,
Lou Macari and Minister Nick Hurd about the challenge.
"Alistair Campbell congratulated me on all my hard work. I met many
members of the Alcohol Concern team who were really grateful for all the
work I had done and wished me well for my tea room which was fabulous councillors, commissioners, family and friends
came along as well as lot of the West Bank
community. Thank you to everyone who helped
and attended!"
Emily, who is also a volunteer for St Edward’s
Brownies, was helped in her events by Young
Addaction on behalf of Halton’s Children’s Trust
and Halton Borough Council as part of an ongoing commitment to improve opportunities for
all children and young people living in the
Halton Borough Council's Executive Board
Member for Children, Young People and Families,
Cllr Ged Philbin, said: "Emily has done
remarkably well in her fundraising
and is a great role model for
people of all ages in
Emily with Cllr Ged Philbin and ward Councillor
Pamela Wallace at Milly’s Tea Room in West Bank.
Plans underway for two new
urgent care centres in Halton
Plans are now underway to extend urgent care services at
Widnes Walk-in Centre and create a new Urgent Care
Centre and Community Decision Unit at Halton Hospital in
Designed by local doctors, the proposals have received strong support
from local residents with 94% of the 350 people who took part in a
recent consultation survey either ‘Strongly agreeing’ or ‘Agreeing’
with the plans.
Simon Banks, Chief Officer of NHS Halton Clinical Commissioning
Group, said: “We are bringing medical care closer to home for local
people – building quality services that Halton residents can access
immediately when they need it, and taking away the worry and stress
of travelling to Warrington or Whiston A&E departments.”
The project, expected to be fully completed in September 2014, will
enable patients to receive care closer to home whilst at the same
time reducing pressures on busy A&E units at Warrington and
Whiston Hospitals.
Full feedback from the public consultation is available
online via www.haltonccg.nhs.uk/public-info
Halton’s health leaders are encouraging
the borough’s residents to have their
say on important proposed changes to
local NHS commissioning policies for
some healthcare services, treatments
and procedures.
Local people encouraged to have their say
on NHS commissioning policy changes
NHS Halton Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG), the
NHS body responsible for planning and buying health
services for the people of Runcorn and Widnes is
reviewing existing local commissioning policies based
on new national guidance.
Local people can review the policies and feedback on the
suggested changes by completing an online survey available up
until 12noon on Monday 7 April.
The most important proposed changes and decisions are
regarding In Vitro Fertilisation (IVF) which is a service that helps
couples with fertility problems to have a baby; Interventional
treatments for Varicose Veins; Penile Implants and Diabetes /
Continuous Glucose Monitoring.
Dr Cliff Richards, local GP and Chair of NHS Halton CCG, said:
“Most of the healthcare services and treatments that the CCG
commissions are provided for the whole population of Halton but
some are only clinically effective in very specific situations or for
a very narrow group of patients.
“The policies which we are reviewing are very important and will
act as a guidance document for patients, clinicians and other
healthcare referrers in the town. They will set out eligibility
criteria for patients in relation to certain healthcare services
deemed as procedures of low clinical priority, thresholds for
particular treatments and those procedures requiring individual
“The patient’s voice is at the heart of everything we do and no major
decisions will be made without engaging with our population so I
would personally encourage anyone who has an interest in
healthcare to have a look at the proposed policy changes and have
their say.”
Following feedback from the public and healthcare experts including
local doctors and nurses, the CCG will then decide whether it wants
to put the updated policies into practice - with or without changes.
For further information on the policies and to have your say
If you do not have access to the internet and require a copy of the
policies and survey via post please telephone 0800 218 2333.
Translated copies are also available on request.
Staff from the CCG will be engaging with local people about the
proposed changes over the coming months including visiting GP
patient groups and third sector organisations.
If you would like to speak to directly to the CCG please contact Des
Chow, the organisation’s Engagement and Involvement Manager on
01928 593578 or Des.Chow@haltonccg.nhs.uk
Spring 2014 | www.halton.gov.uk
Be part of fostering in Halton...
our children need you
Could you be a foster carer to a Halton child?
You’ll receive full training and support, not to mention a weekly allowance. Being
a foster carer allows you to use your life skills to help others when they need it
most. Once you are approved we will work with you to identify the right child for
you and your family.
Could you be a foster carer?
If you believe you have the right skills and experience and are interested in
taking the first step to find out more more
please visit: www.foster4haltongovuk
You can also discover more on Facebook
or follow on Twitter.
Halton is committed to keeping children who need to live apart from their
birth family for whatever reason in their local community, to enable them to
stay at their school and be close to their friends and family.
What is important is finding the foster family with the right skills and experience
for each individual child. Foster carers are everyday people from all walks of life
who undertake an exceptional role. When it comes to providing a safe, secure
and caring home and family life, children don’t discriminate and neither do we.
Our foster carers tell us that fostering can be ‘challenging but equally rewarding’
and that becoming a foster carer ‘was the best thing they ever did’. Foster carers
welcome a child into their home and their family providing stable, secure and
loving homes to help a child at times of uncertainty.
At least 8,600 new foster families are needed across the UK during 2014.
Currently Halton has a shortage of foster carers for teenagers, sibling groups
and children with complex needs (including disability and emotional needs).
Without local families to provide care for these groups, some children will find
themselves living a long way from family, school and friends, being split up from
brothers and sisters, or being placed with a foster carer who does not have the
ideal skills and experience to meet their specific needs.
Trust our new website
A new website has been launched to help parents, young people and
partner agencies keep in touch with all the work Halton Children’s Trust
does in the area.
Halton Children’s Trust was established in 2008 to bring together all
organisations who work for children, young people and families across
Halton to co-operate to improve children and young people’s wellbeing in
The new website provides the very latest key information on Halton
Children’s Trust.
Why not log onto www.haltonchildrenstrust.co.uk and see what work the
organisation does? You can also follow its Twitter account (@HaltonCT)
Halton Borough Council's Executive Board Member for Children, Young
People and Families, Cllr Ged Philbin, said: "Whether you want to stay
informed, get involved or be active members of the Halton Children’s Trust
partnership, the website and Twitter account
provide the opportunity to be involved at
the right level for you."
A group of ladies who meet up for a knit and natter to support
good causes are looking for new members to join them.
They meet twice a month (second and fourth Tuesdays) from 1pm-3pm at
Widnes Baptist Church, Deacon Road, have a cuppa, a natter and do some
knitting, and would love to encourage more people - men and women – to
come along. They all have skills that they are happy to pass on to new knitters,
but they are equally happy to welcome people who would just like a natter!
One of the projects they support is Medcare,
The Knit and Natter group
with one of the blankets
they have sent to Medcare.
which provide professional medical and social care for sick, deprived children in
rural Uganda. The main focus of their work is a dedicated children’s medical
centre named Wellspring, and the group provides knitted blankets and jumpers
for them.
If you would like to go along to the group, feel free to just drop in or, if you would
prefer to call in advance, then ring Ruth on 01774 817127.
Spring 2014 | www.halton.gov.uk
Children join the
Halton learners, some of whom
have overcome prejudice and
personal barriers to continue
their education, were honoured
at the Council’s Adult Learning
Awards ceremony at the Select
Security Stadium, Halton.
Alongside them were those who have
volunteered to support other learners, and local
employers who have worked in partnership to
offer valuable work experience.
Primary school children have been learning how to deal
with everyday problems and danger at an annual safety
awareness event.
Crucial Crew is organised by Halton Road Safety,
funded by the Children’s Safeguarding Board and
Unison, and takes place every year at the Select
Security Stadium, Halton. This year 1,500 children
took part.
An established fixture in the school calendar,
Crucial Crew provides personal and safety
education messages to Year Five children (nine and
ten-year-olds) and encourages model behaviour
and good citizenship.
Rooms are set up to reflect different scenarios
which pose problems or danger to children, such
as how to ring 999, what to do if they see a danger
and so on. There is a mix of scenarios to provide a
range of situations which children may well
encounter in everyday life.
The children visit each scenario in groups, and
each one is staffed by members of a safety
organisation - Cheshire Fire and Rescue,
Community Safety Partnership, Halton Borough
Council (Road Safety, Environmental Health,
Transport Co-ordination, Children Safeguarding
Board and Sports Development Team), Innovative
Safety Solutions Ltd, Darren Dean Associate
Training Ltd and Bridgewater Community
Healthcare NHS Trust Health Improvement Team.
A Social Care Jobs Fair takes place at
the Select Security Stadium, Halton on
Friday 27 June, 9.30am-1pm.
The event is held by Halton Disability
Partnership in association with Halton
Borough Council and Runcorn Job Centre.
Derek Twigg MP will be the special guest.
The aim is to bring together people interested in
working in social care with those providing
opportunities for employment.
in addition to its own employees, Halton
Disability Partnership helps bring together
individuals seeking to employ their own
personal assistants with those looking for this
kind of work. For more on this go to:
If you are interested in being involved in the
Jobs Fair, or in working as a personal assistant,
please contact Pam Batey or David Atkinson at
Halton Disability Partnership on 01928 593117
or e-mail: pambatey@haltondisability.org.uk
Carrie Grimes, aged 35, from Runcorn, receiving her
certificate for Making it in Fashion.
The event was hosted by Halton's Mayor,
Cllr Margaret Ratcliffe, who said: “The adult
learning providers in the borough have worked
closely with key partners such as Jobcentre Plus,
Halton People into Jobs, Riverside College, our
children’s centres and local employers in making
learning accessible and providing routes to
"We are particularly proud of the numbers of local
people who have taken part in our preemployment programmes and got jobs, many of
whom were previously not employed. We are
also extremely proud of those individuals who
have gained qualifications, for example in Maths,
English, IT and Garment Construction.
"This ceremony recognises the learning journey
that adults in Halton have taken towards gaining
a range of new skills and qualifications.”
For information on adult learning courses in the
borough please call 0151 511 7788 or email
If you are looking for
advice on jobs and
training, then the
National Careers Service is here to help you.
Whether you need training to enhance your skills, guidance on work options,
interview tips or help to draft your CV, you could benefit from the face-to-face
support provided by the service.
To make an appointment with a qualified advisor at a time to suit you, please contact Halton People into Jobs on 0151 511 7555.
Appointments are available at Halton Lea in Runcorn, and Halton Direct Link and Kingsway Learning Centre in Widnes.
Silver Blades enjoys some
Wild nights
In their first exciting season, Widnes Wild ice hockey team
have built up a loyal fan base at Silver Blades ice rink.
They have been attracting great crowds on
Sunday evenings as they climb the
National Hockey League with some
thrilling performances.
There are two remaining home games –
March 23 versus Solihull Barons and March
30 against Coventry Blaze. Face off is at
6.15pm with doors open at 5.15pm. One
child gets in free with every full-paying adult.
Silver Blades invited Halton’s Mayor, Cllr
Margaret Ratcliffe, to do the face off at the
home game against Deeside Dragons and,
since then, she has attended all their home
games and become a lifelong fan of the
She says: “I was very pleased to be invited
and thoroughly enjoyed the ice hockey
match – it was fast and furious!
“I congratulate Silver Blades on providing
such a great way for people of all ages to
have fun at an affordable price, and would
encourage anybody who had not visited the
rink to go along and see what is happening
there. It is a great feather in the cap for
Halton to have a Silver Blades in the
‘Dancing on Ice’
skaters Vicky Ogden
and Sam Attwater in
training at Silver
• Silver Blades is offering one free Ice
Hockey Basics session to anyone who
wants to give it a go. These take place on
Thursdays, 6.15pm - 7.15pm for under
16s, and 7.15pm - 8.15pm over 16s
• The junior development team train every
Tuesday at 6.15pm. Anyone interested
should contact the rink on 0151 420 7930
• Other courses on offer at Silver Blades are
Learn to Skate, for all abilities and ages,
and Speed Skating. All new courses start
in April and there are six week and 20
week options. Details can be found on
the website www.silver-blades.co.uk or
by calling the rink on 0151 420 7930.
10am-4.30pm, and on Easter Sunday, 20
April, there is the Egg Extravaganza when
every skater gets a free raffle ticket to win a
giant Easter egg.
Head Coach Paul Robinson has been busy
out and about at local schools delivering the
100% attendance programme in which
pupils receive a complimentary skating
session with a friend in recognition of full
attendance at school. It is proving very
popular and the programme will be run
again before the end of the school year.
While at the schools Paul is talking to the
pupils and students about all the different
kinds of skating available and the benefits to
health, as well as how much fun it is!
Any interested school or group can book for
a presentation on a number of topics, and
staff are also available for school fetes, so
just give the rink a call.
The Easter Mega Skate takes place
weekdays from Friday 4 – Monday 21 April,
Top: The Mayor of Halton with Deeside Dragons’
Mark Lovall and Widnes Wild’s Tom Revesz.
Stadium Fitness at the Select
Security Stadium Halton is
offering a new reduced
membership scheme to
celebrate the opening of its
Ladies Only Gym.
One of the few exclusive ladies only
facilities in the area, the gym is set to be a
hit for those wishing to start spring with a
fitness kick. State of the art machines and
free weight areas, plus a dedicated fitness
package written just for you are some of
the incentives you will find if you pop
along for a look.
Nicola Fagan, Manager of Stadium Fitness,
is thrilled with the new look ladies only area:
“It’s something we have been trying to
accommodate for ages and have now finally
managed to establish the gym where
women can train in their own dedicated
The new membership scheme costs just
£10.99 per month with no joining fee and no
minimum term for membership.
Spring 2014 | www.halton.gov.uk
use your
Halton goes to the polls
on Thursday May 22
in the local borough council elections and also the European
Parliamentary Elections and you are urged to use your vote.
In the local elections, 17 of the 21 wards
are being contested. (There are no local
elections in Beechwood, Daresbury,
Riverside and Windmill Hill). But voting for
the European Parliament takes place in all
21 wards.
Politics affects us in almost everything we
do, from motoring to shopping, from the
television we watch to the food we eat.
That's why elections are so important – it is
our chance to influence politics and shape
the decisions that, in turn, will shape our
lives. Voting is the most important way to
make your voice heard on the issues that
concern you.
Decisions are made on your behalf every
day, about local services and facilities, on
national issues like healthcare and
education, and on global issues like defence
and the environment.
The following people are allowed to vote:
• If you are 18 years or over
• All British, Commonwealth, Irish and other
European Union citizens
• Members of HM Forces and their spouses
• Crown servants employed outside the
United Kingdom
• European citizens are allowed to vote in
European and local elections only
• Overseas electors are allowed to vote in
Parliamentary and European Elections
Poll cards
Poll cards are delivered shortly before an
election. Each member of the household who is
eligible to vote should receive a poll card which
informs them of the date of the election, where
their polling station is and the hours of poll. You
do not need to take the poll card with you to be
able to vote.
Polling hours
The hours of poll for all elections are 7am-10pm.
At the polling station
On arrival at your designated polling station,
the Presiding Officer will ask you to confirm your
name and address and will issue you with a
ballot paper.
You should take the ballot paper to the voting
booth and mark with an ‘X’ the candidate you
wish to vote for. Fold the ballot paper and
deposit it in the ballot box.
To register to vote you must contact us and
request the necessary form.
Voting by post
You can still vote even if you are unable to go to
your polling station on election day. You can
vote by post and you may now receive a postal
vote on request. Please note that postal votes
are normally sent out approximately one week
before polling day.
The deadline for postal vote applications is
11 working days before polling day. If you
think you will need a postal vote at a
forthcoming election, you can apply today
whether or not an election has been
called. Please ring 0151 511 7802 for an
application form.
Proxy voting
You can appoint someone to vote on your
behalf at your usual polling station, but you
have to provide a reason to vote by proxy for
a single election. The deadline for proxy vote
applications is six working days before
polling day.
You can only vote by proxy on an indefinite
basis for the following reasons: Physical
incapacity, overseas voter, studying at
university and certain occupations such as
armed forces.
You need to tell your proxy which candidate
or candidates you wish to vote for.
If you change your mind and wish to vote in
person, you can still do so, providing that
your proxy has not already voted on your
The deadline for proxy vote applications is
six working days before polling day.
Call 0151 511 7802 for an application form.
Spring 2014 | www.halton.gov.uk
Mersey Gateway volunteer
programme launched
Are you a passionate Halton resident who
wants to be a Mersey Gateway volunteer?
Now is your chance - Merseylink wants to hear from
local people aged over 16 who want to volunteer and
be part of the Mersey Gateway Project. Get in touch
and register your interest now by emailing
Volunteers will get a ‘once in a
lifetime’ opportunity
Halton residents are being invited to become
volunteers and be part of the ‘once in a
lifetime’ Mersey Gateway Bridge
Construction consortium Merseylink is seeking hundreds
of volunteers to join the project team. They will
complement the thousands of direct and indirect jobs
that will be created as a result of the project.
Together, they will help to tell the story of Halton and the
£600m bridge – one of the largest building projects in the
UK – over the next three and a half years.
“We’ve already started our recruitment activity and now
we also want to talk to local people young and old who
are keen to roll up their sleeves and be part of something
amazing,” said Neil Wilcock, Merseylink’s Employment
Skills Co-ordinator.
“The volunteers, who have to be over 16 and
enthusiastic, will find a great way to learn new skills, meet
new friends and have fun.”
Merseylink will work with the Halton Employment
Partnership to market the training programme and
volunteer opportunities to target groups within Halton.
Training opportunities
All successful applicants will be enrolled on to a special
Mersey Gateway volunteer training programme, and once
recruited, volunteers will work alongside Merseylink staff
in delivering a programme of talks, presentations and
temporary exhibitions in local community venues, schools
and colleges.
“The volunteers will be vital in the creation of a great
visitor experience of which Halton can be proud...”
Cllr Eddie Jones, portfolio holder for Economic Development with Halton Borough Council
Spring 2014 | www.halton.gov.uk
He added: “For our young people,
volunteering can be very fulfilling. It
can also be a major supplement to
their CVs, providing valuable
character-building and work
experience to aid their employment
prospects. So this is a rare
opportunity. Also, it can be a
wonderful chance for older people to
contribute, to demonstrate their skills
or display some great local
knowledge. For those keen to give
something back to their community,
this is the opportunity to be an
important part of our amazing and
iconic project.”
You can register to become a
volunteer by e-mailing
Volunteers will also support the
exhibitions, talks and presentations
offered through the Visitors Centres.
The volunteering experience, with
training and work experience will
offer individuals:
An enhanced CV
Vital work experience
New skills
Wider social networks and
increased success in the job
market after involvement.
“The volunteers will be
vital in the creation of a
great visitor experience
of which Halton can be
proud,” commented
Cllr Eddie Jones,
portfolio holder for
Development with
Halton Borough
Find out more...
If you would like to find out more about the project, then please contact us by
e-mailing mersey.gateway@halton.gov.uk or logging on to
www.merseygateway.co.uk where you can find out more details of the tolling
arrangements and scheduled work and sign up for our e-newsletter.
Street sport scheme a success
A scheme that uses sport as a way of reducing
anti-social behaviour among young people in
Halton is proving a great success.
Halton Children’s Trust and Halton Borough Council have been working
with the Wellbeing, Sport and Education organisation to run street sport
sessions across the borough.
The aim of the project in Halton is to reduce anti-social behaviour, increase
young people’s involvement in activity to improve their health and fitness, while
supporting the work of other services such as Young Addaction.
One of the areas where the sessions have been a success is Bechers on the
Upton estate in Widnes, where schools including The Bankfield have been
Across the borough there has been a 27% reduction in anti-social behaviour.
Upton was previously a major contributor to these figures and, although it still
has a number of problems, WSE say they are starting to reap the rewards of
being on the estate.
Lead Tutor, Joe Clements, says: “‘We wanted to see an increase in the use of
existing facilities, and we have done this at Bechers with an equipment loan
scheme, introduction of simple rules and a ‘soft’ code of conduct around how
to behave when using the facilities. The young people have taken to our
sessions in a positive frame of mind and have been able to engage with each
other in cases where they wouldn’t in their normal peer group.
“The young people have been a credit to themselves and their families. I’d like
to thank them for their participation and hope they keep on coming. These
sessions have been a huge success in bringing positive experiences and fun
to young people’s evenings, and parents and local people know that the
sessions are safe and enjoyable.
“Traditionally the parents used to see other young people on the estate as the
trouble causers, but we have tried to break down boundaries and reduce
stereotypes by encouraging parents to come and get involved helping as
volunteers or just watching what we do.”
Spring 2014 | www.halton.gov.uk
Super-fast broadband on its way
Homes and businesses in
parts of Runcorn and Widnes
are set to benefit from the first
phase of brand-new fibre
broadband networks.
From the end of this month, high-speed
broadband will become available to more
than 15,000 premises in communities across
During the first phase, faster fibre broadband
will be available for the first time in central
Runcorn, Hale Bank and Weston, where the
majority of homes and businesses will be able
to connect to the new network.
The £28.5m Connecting Cheshire broadband
Unique project shines
on national stage
In the five years since LOOSE staff, volunteers and users took it over, The
Studio has gone from strength to strength - with the Widnes community
music and arts centre receiving national recognition recently for its Access All
Areas project at the Children and Young People Now awards.
Access All Areas (AAA), funded by The Big
Lottery, gives under-19s the opportunity to try
out music-making and other creative
activities, for free. Complete beginners can
get music lessons with use of instruments,
and bands get access to rehearsal space.
“Just one of the reasons the project is unique it is run by people who are themselves
performers, musicians, film-makers,” says Jaki
Florek, long-term volunteer and a Director of
“Young people can experiment and develop
creatively, with as much (or as little) support as
they want. There are performance
opportunities but also people can help
organise and run their own events. They can
learn hands-on to use the recording and live
sound and lighting equipment.”
The project also supports the young people
who attend The Studio in other ways. For
example, following a remembrance event for a
young person who lost his life, a donation was
made that enabled two of the AAA Team to
attend training around the prevention of young
suicides. Now, all Access All Areas young
people are assigned a Personal Mentor and
time is put aside to discuss their creative work,
personal development, and if they want to, to
share any other issues or problems big or
In November 2013, LOOSE beat off competition
to become winners of the Arts & Culture
category at the prestigious Children & Young
People Now Awards. In addition, volunteer
Jane Bennett was ‘Highly Commended’ for the
work she does with ‘Just Chill’, a project which
runs alongside AAA.
programme will
be delivered by
BT Openreach.
It will build on
the existing fibre networks already provided by
BT’s commercial investment that will enable 96
per cent of Cheshire premises to access
high-speed broadband over the lifetime of the
Maps and coverage information on the
Connecting Cheshire website
www.connectingcheshire.org.uk/checkavailability are available to provide greater
detail on the areas that can expect fibre
coverage to arrive under the
first phase. Information is
also available showing
the proposed
timescales for
areas in the
second and
third phase
of the
2014 onwards.
plan tested
An exercise took place recently to
test the effectiveness of the off-site
emergency response that would
be used in the event of a major
emergency at the
INEOS/Mexichem site in Runcorn.
Events at The Stu
Saturday 5 April
The Studio invites
of music and dram public to attend a wealth
free. There will als performances, admission
photographs in the be an exhibition of
the history of The ArtSpace Gallery relating to
in preparation for eens Hall and The Studio
a Community Herita
Saturday 12 April
Halton Rocks! The
organised by local nual live music event
musician Si Owen
promises another
at The Studio, with ht of excellent live music
all proceeds going
Young people can
drop in any Saturda
Sunday afternoon
y or
chatting to the frie d find out more by
ndly AAA Team.
Halton Borough Council has a statutory duty
under the Control of Major Accident Hazard
(COMAH) Regulations to produce an off-site
multi agency emergency response plan for the
INEOS/Mexichem site.
These regulations govern chemical sites that
make, store or handle hazardous substances
and are designed to ensure that effective
measures are in place to protect people and the
environment in the event of a major chemical
As part of the routine testing schedule, a tabletop exercise was held to test the INEOS
ChlorVinyls / INEOS Enterprises / Mexichem Fluor
Off-Site Multi-agency Emergency Response Plan.
In addition to the Council, INEOS and Mexichem
Fluor, the exercise involved representatives from
the emergency services who would manage the
response to a major emergency, along with
health agencies, the Environment Agency, the
Health and Safety Executive, Cheshire West and
Chester Council.
If you have any enquiries about the exercise or
would like more information, please contact
Michelle Cotgreave, Risk & Emergency Planning
Division, Halton Borough Council on
0151 511 7918 or e-mail
For more information regarding emergency
planning in Halton, please use link below:
pitches up at
Widnes Market
Look who is getting Love Your
Local Market fortnight off to a
‘cushty’ start!
Get into shape for summer, get fit, or just have some
fun by joining in with these activities, organised by
the Sports Development team.
BOOT CAMP (For ages 16yrs +)
I-pitch, Select Security Stadium, Halton. Every Wednesday 5.30pm to 6.30pm.
£3.50 per session or £2.10 per session for Halton Leisure Card holders.
Activities set up in a circuit and vary each week to improve your fitness and focus on toning
and weight loss. Just wear suitable clothing and bring a drink.
GIRLS’ FOOTBALL (School Years 3, 4, 5 & 6)
Kingsway Leisure Centre. Every Wednesday 4:30pm to 5:30pm. £2 per person.
Get involved in our girls-only football session - All coaches are FA-qualified and CRB-checked.
Kingsway Leisure Centre and Runcorn Swimming Pool. Six weeks for only £20.
Swimming is a good all-round activity because it helps you to build endurance, muscle
strength and cardiovascular fitness. It also helps to improve coordination, balance and
posture. Included in the £20 price is:
• Unlimited access to public/lane sessions
• Unlimited aquatic fitness classes
• Access to a variety of aquatic activities at times to suit you
• Take part before work at lunch time or in the evening.
Call Kingsway Leisure Centre on 0151 495 2200 (option 2) or Runcorn Swimming Pool
on 01928 572114.
JOG CLUB (Ages 16yrs+)
Halton Athletics Academy at Wade Deacon High, Widnes. Every Monday 5pm to 6.30pm.
A fully floodlit track means every Monday night is jog club,even during the winter. Staffed by
the Sports Development Community Coach, no bookings necessary, you can register on the
Sports Development events, coming soon:
Open boxing competition. Select Security Stadium, Halton,
Friday 4 April 2014, doors open at 7pm with the competition to
start at 8pm.
Tickets advance: £15 seniors and £10 juniors with hotpot
Tickets on the door: £10 seniors and £5 juniors
Tables of 10: £150.
Various venues, Saturday 19 to Sunday 27 July 2014,
Halton Sports Fair showcases the wide variety of local
sports and activities happening across the borough
through voluntary sporting clubs and venues in
Open to all ages, this is your chance to try out a
new sport or activity by taking part in a taster
session, demonstration or competition. Sessions
are FREE to all those wishing to attend, unless
otherwise stated.
If you have a session you wish to promote, then send your
details to sports.development@halton.gov.uk
For more information on any of these sports or events call
0151 510 6000 or e-mail sports.development@halton.gov.uk
Loveable TV rogue Del Boy is coming with his
Trotters Independent Traders van to do a charity
auction on Wednesday 14 May at 10am.
The auction is organised by Widnes Market
traders and will feature some exclusive items,
with all proceeds going to Marie Curie Cancer
Love Your Local Market (14-28 May) is a national
initiative set up three years ago to promote
markets, independent market traders and how
important markets are to the local community. In
the past, Widnes Market has been one of the
boldest when it comes to the fortnight of activities,
hosting fashion shows and launching its own
currency. This year, nationally-renowned Del Boy
impersonator Steve Rooney will start the ball
rolling in the award-winning outdoor market with
his distinctive Reliant three-wheeled van.
During the fortnight, the market will also be
hosting new traders as they try out the Two Stalls
for a Tenner initiative, trading on Fridays and
Saturdays to see if market life gives them the
business start they need.
love your
Another first will be a Cash Mob. On Saturday 24
May, the market is asking people to go along
and see what they can buy for £10 at the market
and tweet to their friends, using the hashtags
#widnesmarket and #LYLM2014.
The best ones will win a prize and be a ‘Star for a
day for a week in May’, where the Market
follows their Twitter activity and retweets
appropriate content in an effort to get them more
followers. Don’t be afraid to send pictures with
your tweets - the more the merrier.
The market also hopes to host local
Women’s Institutes or other
organisations to challenge them in a
version of The Apprentice, where they
are asked to raise as much profit from
a certain amount of money, again offered
by the market traders, with all monies going
to charity.
Runcorn Street Market will be open during
the fortnight, with free children’s rides on 20
May and a black tie market on 27 May with
Rat Pack-style singers to serenade you as you
For more details www.widnesmarket.com or
if you are interested in having a stall, e-mail
Outbreak at
Spring 2014 | www.halton.gov.uk
Catalyst What’s On
Mon- Fri, 7 to 11 April, and Mon- Fri, 14 to 8 April,
and Easter Monday 21 April.
Catalyst Chocolate Factory - Race to make crispie cakes, discover lots
of chocolatey facts and sample a chocolate fountain in this show for
all the family!
Easter Eggsperimental
Have you ever seen a naked egg? Can you get a whole egg inside a
bottle? Have a cracking time at a hands-on workshop.
Sat 24 May to Sun 1 June
Catalyst will be one of many venues taking part in ‘Amazed by
Science’, the first ever pan-Cheshire Science Festival.
What is in a bee sting that makes it hurt so much? Are wasp stings
the same? Using simple hands-on chemistry children can investigate
different stings and discover potential cures.
Phill Day, Catalyst Education
Manager, and Professor David
Phillips light the Whoosh Bottle
A new education
project, Outbreak,
has been launched
at Catalyst Science
Discovery Centre in
Designed to promote team-building skills in a chemistry context,
the project involves teams of pupils working together to discover
what the outbreak is and how they can prevent it.
In 2012 Catalyst worked with two special interest groups from the
Royal Society of Chemistry on a project that won £10,000 from the
RSC IYC Challenge Fund. Outbreak was developed with that prize
money in collaboration with the Chemical Information and Computer
Applications Group and the Historical Group from the RSC.
Twenty eight pupils from Victoria Road Primary School in Runcorn
helped trial the project and were invited back to the official launch to
demonstrate to guests what they’d learned. Special guest was
Professor David Phillips, Immediate Past President of the Royal
Society of Chemistry.
It is planned that Outbreak will be widely distributed to schools and
science centres across the UK.
Pupils from Victoria Road Primary School demonstrate their experiments to
Halton Councillor Eddie Jones.
Catalyst Rocks
Learn about the science of the Earth in this brand new workshop.
Mon-Sun, 27 July to 31 August
The Science of Sport - A workshop to celebrate the Commonwealth
Games. Discover what's in an energy drink, test your pulse, calculate
your lung capacity or join a jumping challenge in this action-packed
workshop running in the studios throughout the summer holidays.
In addition there will be a programme of workshops
in the Discovery Lab
Mon-Fri, 27 July to 1 August
Fire and Ice - hands-on workshop where you can learn about some
hot and some cool chemistry.
Mon- Fri, 4-8 August
Rocking with Rubbish - make musical instruments out of household
junk then see how well you can play.
Mon-Fri, 11-15 August
Shower Gel Shenanigans - find out what's in shower gel and body
wash before creating your very own shower gel to take home.
Mon-Fri, 18-22 August
The Wonderful World of Waves - discover all about the invisible world
that cooks our food, broadcasts our TV and even allows us to see
through skin.
Mon-Fri, 25-29 August
Explore Your Universe - learn about electricity and how light travels in
this highly charged family show that might even make your hair stand
on end.
Tickets for the above cost £1 per person in addition to the normal
admission price but they are limited
and are sold daily on a
first-come, first-served
For more details please call
0151 420 1121 or see website
Spring 2014 | www.halton.gov.uk
Spring 2014 | www.halton.gov.uk
Two new buses are now on the road to help people working
at Sci-Tech Daresbury to more easily get to the site.
They are part of the 200 service that
provides a link between key employment
areas in Runcorn, including Sci-Tech
Daresbury, Daresbury Park, Manor Park,
Whitehouse Industrial Estate and Astmoor
Industrial Estate.
This service operates every 30 minutes
throughout the day, Monday to Friday, and
also provides a rapid link between Murdishaw
and Runcorn High Street bus station and
Runcorn mainline railway station, via Runcorn
East and Windmill Hill.
All aboard the new
These high-quality, low-floor easy-access
vehicles have been purchased with funding
provided through the Government’s Regional
Growth Fund (RGF).
Cllr John Stockton, Halton Borough Council’s
Executive Board member for Transportation,
said, “I am delighted that the improved 200
service will make it easier, and quicker, for
local people to get to Sci-Tech Daresbury and
our other main employers in Runcorn,
allowing them to take advantage of job
opportunities at these sites.
“Our strategy to improve employment
opportunities in the borough is being helped by
our strategic transport plan; which aims to
ensure we have the right transport routes in
The 200 bus service has been operating for 14
years and in the initial years was wholly
supported by Halton Borough Council. Last year,
following a successful partnership bid to the
Department for Transport for the Local
Sustainable Transport Fund with St Helens and
Warrington Councils, the frequency of the service
was increased from hourly to half hourly and the
route was also extended to include Runcorn
railway station and High Street bus station. Since
then the number of passengers using the service
has almost doubled along the route.
Reward yourself with
Stravel is a new scheme that rewards you for
travelling in a healthy, sustainable way.
Whether you run, walk, bike, car-share or use public transport, you'll
earn great discounts and prizes for simply logging your daily trips.
You can use Stravel to plan trips, learn about alternative methods of
transport, track personal stats, compete against peers on a
leaderboard and earn Stravel Points.
Once you’ve logged some journeys you will earn Stravel Points, one for
every mile you travel sustainably. You can then use your Stravel Points to
redeem discount codes in local shops and high street favourites
If you want to know more about how Stravel works, including how to
sign up, visit www.halton.stravelrewards.com/login
Make Easter
When you’re buying Easter eggs for family and friends this
month, why not pop an extra one in your Asda trolley for a
child who wouldn’t otherwise receive any?
Following on from their hugely successful
Christmas collaboration, when hundreds of
toys were collected for local children in
need, Asda Widnes’ Community
Colleague, Jayne Metcalf, and Halton
Borough Councillor, Ged Philbin, have
teamed up again for an Easter appeal.
Jayne has placed a trolley next to the
community boards in the store and is
encouraging shoppers to donate chocolate
eggs. Cllr Philbin will collect each full trolley
which will then be distributed with the help
of Council social care staff at John Briggs
Asda’s Jayne Metcalf and Cllr Ged Philbin start off
the Easter egg appeal.
The pair were delighted by the amazing
generosity shown by Asda shoppers during
the Christmas appeal, when trolleys were
filled up with toys as soon as they were
emptied, and the store room resembled
Santa’s grotto!
They went to children in care, children in
need, the Women’s Refuge and the Food
“It was wonderful - people were so
generous,” said Jayne. “We like to work with
the local community, and we find that the
public are even more giving if they know
their donations are going to local children.
“By working with Ged we know they are
being targeted to the right people.”
Cllr Philbin, the Council’s portfolio holder for
Children, Young People and Families, says:
“The response was absolutely fantastic, and
the toys that were given were all high quality
- it was overwhelming to see people’s
And Jayne is definitely on a roll when it
comes to fundraising - her other charitable
efforts at Asda include a sponsored bike
ride, a shoebox appeal for the troops and a
Salvation Army clothes collection.
“I just love doing it!” she said. “Asda is really
committed to working with the community
and we want to help as much as we can.”
Spring 2014 | www.halton.gov.uk
Market bags
top trophy
The country’s leading markets
organisation has awarded
Widnes the Best Small Outdoor
Market for 2014.
Widnes Market, run by Halton Borough
Council, beat off competition from over 600
markets in the United Kingdom to gain the
award from NABMA, the National Association
of British Market Authorities.
The outdoor market has more than 70 stalls. On
four days of the week there is a retail market
offering clothing, food, bedding and linen,
cosmetics and toys. The flea and collectables
market each Wednesday offers a vibrant mix of
second-hand goods and attracts visitors and
traders from some distance. This market is
always very busy and demand for pitches and
stalls regularly outstrips supply.
Market traders undertake regular events for
charity, including Food Bank donations to help
those in need. A number of charities are
supported each year by the traders with events
organised to raise funds and involve the local
Cllr Ron Hignett, the Council’s Executive Board
member for the Physical Environment, said; "This
goes to prove the value to our customers and
local traders that Widnes Market represents. The
traders work very hard in all weathers to ensure
that the customers get the best quality at the best
prices. I would like to thank them all and the
market management for the hard work and
dedication that has been recognised with this
Alarm Service
Halton Borough Council’s
Community Alarm Service
Annual Report is now
completed if you’d like to find
out more about this service.
The service provides information and support in
an emergency situation by installing an
emergency button in the home to summon
help. There are also a variety of other sensors
that will alert someone if something unusual
The service helps people to keep their
independent lifestyles at home by providing an
emergency 24-hour warden service to visit if
necessary. The aim is to provide support and
care with dignity, respect and choice for all.
The report includes what the service does, case
studies, customer feedback, achievements and
future plans.
For the full report, see the Council’s website,
www.halton.gov.uk or a copy can be sent to you
on request. For further details on this or any
aspect of the service please contact
Chris Durr, e-mail
tel 0151 511 6699.
Spring 2014 | www.halton.gov.uk
Encore presents
Brindley | 7.30pm, 2.30pm & 7.30pm Sat |Theatre | £15,
£13, One of the most beloved British musicals, vividly
bringing to life Dickens’ timeless characters with its
ever-popular story of the boy who asked for more.
The Zodiac presents
Avenue Q
Brindley | 7.30pm | Theatre | £14, £12
A hybrid of South Park and the Muppet Show in an all
singing, all dancing musical. The story follows
Princeton, a bright-eyed college grad who comes to
New York with big dreams and a tiny bank account.
Parental guidance: please note this performance
contains material of an adult nature. (Hire).
Rob Newman
Brindley | 8pm | Studio | £12, £10
In the past 20 years Rob has performed five solo standup shows. His TV and radio credits include Robert
Newman’s History of The World Backwards (BBC 4),
Newman & Baddiel In Pieces (BBC2) and The Mary
Whitehouse Experience (BBC2).
From The Jam
Brindley | 7.30pm | Theatre | £20 (Re-arranged show)
The Jam had amazing chart success with 18 singles
and 7 albums. In 1977 they released one of their most
acclaimed albums All Mod Cons. 2014 marks the 37th
anniversary of this seminal album.
Features Bruce Foxton and Russell Hastings.
Mayor’s Civic Charity Night
Music From The Movies
Brindley | 7pm | Theatre |£8 adults, £5 children
Performances from HEARTS Dance Academy and
Halton’s Got Talent finalists bringing you music from
the most iconic movies over the years in aid of the
Mayors Charities. All your favourite movies from time
gone by to present day. Fun for all the family.
Bridie Jackson & the Arbour
Brindley | 8pm | Studio | £10
Inspired harmony-led arrangements and heavenly
strings create a powerful, dark and hauntingly tender
sound which merges folk with touches of blues, jazz,
baroque and gospel.
Suggs – My Life Story in Words & Music
Brindley | 7.30pm | Theatre | £25.50
Suggs is taken back to his childhood on the tough
streets of 1970s Soho and his first appearance on Top of
The Pops at the age of 18. Hold on to your seats as
Suggs goes on to stumble through the trap door of
failure and the trampoline back up to show business
The Chuckle Brothers in a 2014 Space Oddity
Brindley | 2pm & 5pm | Theatre | £14
£52 Family Ticket
Paul and Barry visit a toy shop to buy some water
pistols. While trying them out they notice a toy space
ship which they get in. “Don’t touch anything” the
keeper shouts out! “Especially that button!” Don’t miss
this new hilarious story as The Chuckle Brothers go
into space!
Kid Carpet in association with Tobacco Factory and
House presents
Blast Off!
Brindley | 1.30pm | Studio | £8, £6
The Noisy Animals are THE biggest band in the world.
They are about to blast off into outer space to find a
brand new sound for their latest album. In a really
fast adventure around a rock ‘n’ roll musical universe,
turning ordinary everyday toys into magical
superstars with the aid of a video camera, laughs,
silliness and live music. Running time: 50mins
Suitable for 4 plus years.
Vocalise present
We Love the 80s
Brindley | 7pm | Studio |£5
A nostalgic trip in music performed by Vocalise. Relive
the days of shoulder pads, big hair, new romantics and
fabulous songs!
Emma Stevens – Enchanted Tour
Brindley | 8pm | Theatre |£10
Emma is an incredibly talented singer songwriter, and
multi-instrumentalist playing guitar, piano, cello,
ukulele, banjo, mandolin, percussion and baritone
guitar as well as singing all her own songs.
Kate Simmons Production presents
Carnival of the Animals, The Kings & Mrs Simpson
plus West End Highlights & The Little Match Girl
Brindley | 7.30pm | Theatre | £12.50, £10.50
Two World Premieres in one evening. Performing with
the Orchestra of Ballet North West, Carnival of the
Animals promises diverse and highly entertaining
dance, coupled with the adapted event of the
abdication of King Edward VIII.
Billy & Wally’s Brand New Variety Show
Brindley | 7pm | Theatre | £16.50
The radio personalities are back with another
entertainment-packed variety night headlined by The
Dolly Parton and Kenny Rogers tribute show, coming
bang up to date is a superb Michael Buble
sound-alike plus bags of comedy from two top
Liverpool comics Tony Roscoe and Hal Nolan. (Hire).
Kate Simmons Production present
Alice Returns to Wonderland plus Divertissements
Brindley | 3pm | Theatre | £10.50, £8.50
Alice is once again magically transported to
Wonderland, only to find things very different. The
White Queen and the Red Queen are fighting over
who rules the land.
Eddi Reader
Brindley | 8pm | Theatre | £22.50
Now a successful solo artist, Eddi is remembered as
the lead singer of Fairground Attraction and the hit
single Perfect and album First of a Million Kisses.
To book tickets at The Brindley call 0151 907 8360 or go to www.thebrindley.org.uk
Parlour Dance presents
Close Distance
Brindley | 7.30pm | Theatre | £10, £8 Schools
(1 teacher in 15 free)
An engaging, acrobatic and thought-provoking show
which explores our relationships with our neighbours,
It revolves around the lives of four people, brought
together by where they live.
Brindley | 8pm | Theatre | £25
X-Factor sensation and platinum-selling artist.
Road Race
Applications now being taken for race on 20th April.
Easter Bunny Hunt!
Norton Priory Museum & Gardens 11am - 4pm
The Easter Bunny has been spotted hopping around
the grounds. Catch him before he eats all the carrots.
Ultimate Elton & The Rocket Band
Brindley | Sat 3 May | 7.30pm | Theatre | £19.50
Some tribute artists look like their idol, others sound
like them. Paul Bacon as Elton John does both! Close
your eyes and you won’t believe your ears, open your
eyes and you won’t believe them either.
Russell Kane – Smallness
Brindley | 8pm | Theatre | £17.50
The man who tweeted how much he loves the
Brindley is back with his new show Smallness.
We Brits love it - being tiny but fierce, close but distant.
Watch as Russell gives his thoughts on smallness: on
keeping things small when life gets big.
The Searchers
Brindley | 7.30pm| Theatre | £18.50
The Searchers still have great appeal to audiences of
all ages. The show will combine anecdotes and
reminiscences, all their famous hits such as Needles
and Pins and Sweets For My Sweet.
Ballet Theatre UK presents
The Little Mermaid
Brindley | 7.30pm | Theatre |£14
The Little Mermaid falls in love with a human prince
and gives up everything to win his love. Ballet Theatre
UK’s charming and poignant ballet explores the
nature of longing, how the choices made have lasting
consequences and how goodness can be rewarded
in unexpected ways.
Basket Making Course
Norton Priory Museum & Gardens
Join willow artist Caroline Gregson to learn the
techniques for creating your very own woven
£80 per person.
Premier Stage Productions & Classic Media presents
Postman Pat – It’s Showtime
Brindley | 1pm & 3.30pm | Theatre | £12, £10
£40 Family Ticket
It’s the day of the Great Greendale Talent Show
and there’s much excitement as this year a top
talent scout will be on the lookout for a rising
star. Postman Pat has a new karaoke
machine to deliver for the show – but when
the machine breaks down it looks like the
talent show might be in jeopardy. Can Pat
save the day? Postman Pat live is the must-see
show for 3-6 years old.
The Illegal Eagles
Brindley | 7.30pm | Theatre | £22
The Illegal Eagles have established
themselves as not only the ultimate tribute
to The Eagles, but as one of the foremost
authentic and talented musical
experiences in the world.
Murder Mystery
Norton Priory Museum & Gardens | 6 - 8pm
Dress up and enter the intrigue. Norton Priory is
hosting a retirement party for a senior solicitor but
someone is prepared to take extreme measures for
that new promotion. Follow the clues and question
the suspects before the murderer strikes again.
£15 per person, including light buffet and drinks.
Adults only.
Book tickets online now
Highfield Male Voice Choir with
St Chad’s School Choir
Brindley | 7.30pm | Theatre |£10 adults £5 children
Following on from a joint Christmas Concert at
St Chad’s School, Highfield are joined this spring by
St Chad’s High School Choir. Highfield, conducted by
Gary Hill will be singing a mix of classic male voice
choir music with a number of new pieces while
St Chad’s will provide a superb youthful contrast.
Kit & the Cats
Brindley | Sat 10 May | 8pm | Studio | £10
Taking you right back to the Great Gatsby 'roaring
twenties’ era, The band, which is made up of a one of
UK’s freshest new singers, Kit Williams and her
amazing band. A mixture of popular swing, jazz and
blues that features songs such as Ain’t Misbehaving,
Cry Me A River, Dream A Little Dream, Ain’t No
Sunshine, Georgia On My Mind and many more.
Lyngo Theatre in collaboration with Trestle present
Jack and the Beanstalk
Brindley | 10am & 1.30pm | Studio | £6
Fee fi fo fum! It’s a giant of a show, we’d love you to
come! This classic fairytale has lots of surprises, a
gripping story and beautiful images as Jack sells his
cow for some magic beans and finds himself in the
land above the clouds. Suitable for 3 years plus.
Timeless Productions present
All Our Yesterdays
Brindley | Thurs 8 May 2pm & 7pm &
Fri 9 May 2pm | Theatre | £10
Another sensational show
from the producers of
Memory Lane. A
breathtaking musical
journey from the good old
days of music hall,
through the 40s 50s 60s
and 70s.
Spring 2014 | www.halton.gov.uk
Widnes Market | 10.00am:
Love Your Local Market Charity Auction. "Del Boy"
comes to Widnes to auction some fantastic prizes in
aid of Marie Curie.
Centenary Theatre Company presents
Acorn Antiques
Brindley | 7.30pm, 2pm & 7.30pm Sat | Theatre |
£15, £14
Based on the beloved sketches from Victoria Wood's
show As Seen on TV. It has been developed by the
multi-talented Ms Wood into a full-blown musical
extravaganza. A huge box office smash throughout
the UK since its limited West End run which starred
many of the original TV cast. This show is a Brindley
first for Centenary. (Hire).
The Neil Diamond Story The Life of a Legend in Song
Brindley | 7.30pm | Studio | £12
As Neil Diamond prepares to mark 50 years at the
top of his profession, singer and guitarist Bob Drury,
described as the UK’s ‘Voice of Neil’, celebrates the
life and work of this musical legend.
Dominic Kirwan – The 25th Anniversary Tour
Brindley | 7.30pm | Theatre |£18.50
Join Dominic for an evening of fabulous live music with a look back
at some of his greatest hits and best-loved songs, Sure to be a hit,
not only with Dominic’s ever growing legion of followers, but
lovers of music everywhere. www.dominickirwan.com
Spring 2014 | www.halton.gov.uk
Darren Ellis Dance and Ronen Kozokara present
Meeting Mr Boom!
Brindley | 11am & 1.30pm | Studio | £6
A show that will inflate before your eyes taking you
on a journey of discovery, creating a new world but
who knows what we might find in this magical
bouncy land? A fun-filled show for all the family.
Performed on a specially designed inflatable set.
Running time: 50 mins approx. plus play time.
Suitable for 3 plus years and family
Motown’s Greatest Hits Show – How Sweet It Is
Brindley | 7.30pm | Theatre | £20
As featured on UK Entertainment Television, and
featuring The Formations, this ultimate celebration of
the sweet sound is now in its 12th successive year.
This stunning show combines first class music
together with the slickest choreography and an
amazing band.
Solid Gold Country Legends
Brindley | 7.30pm | Theatre | £17, £16
Solid Gold Country Legends brings you the perfect
mix of old and new country hits. Songs featured in
this special evening of country music include Tammy
Wynette’s Stand By Your Man, Billie Jo Spears’s
Blanket On The Ground among many others. (Hire).
Dig Detectives
Norton Priory Museum & Gardens | 11am - 4pm
Have a go at being an archaeologist in our mini dig.
Telephone - 01928 569895.
The South
Brindley | 8pm | Theatre | £22.50
When great British pop institution The Beautiful
South split in 2007, several members of the band
weren't ready to let it go. So singers Dave
Hemingway and Alison Wheeler, alongside life-long
members Damon Butcher (keyboards), Gaz Birtles
(sax) and Tony Robinson (trumpet) formed The
South. www.thesouth.co.uk
Bands in the Park
Victoria Park | 1-3pm.
Bless Em All!
2.30pm | Theatre | £12.50, £10.50
A tribute to our armed forces of yesterday, today
and tomorrow. With all the great songs and music of
the 1940s, this is damp-eyed nostalgia that leaves
everyone with a warm and sentimental glow. With
full supporting cast of singers Jamie Steen and
Mervyn Francis and the live music of the
Martyn St James Band.
Short Stop Productions proudly present
John Godber’s
Brindley | 7.30pm | Theatre |£12
After a sell-out tour in 2010 John Godber’s multi
award-winning comedy is back to the Brindley
Theatre for one night only. A cast of four play over
30 different characters in this comedy classic. All
proceeds raised will be donated to Macmillan
Cancer Support. Contains strong language/sexual
references. Suitable for 12 plus years. (Hire).
Peter Price
Brindley | 7.30pm | Theatre |£10
A gifted performer, he takes the listener on an exotic
journey . His performances demonstrate a mindboggling mastery of the acoustic guitar , a rich
singing voice, and a relaxed yet compelling stage
Vamos Theatre present
Finding Joy
Brindley | 7.30pm | Theatre | £12, £10
A comic, anarchic, touching and heroic full mask
adventure. Finding Joy is about memory, ageing,
love, and - of course - about Joy. Suitable for 12 plus
Hale Village Carnival
Hale Village Park | Starts 12 mid-day
This year’s Hale Village Carnival will be held on
Saturday 7 June in Hale Village Park and will open
with the crowning of the Rose Queen at 12 mid-day.
Once again we will be joined by The Classic Car Club
along with all our usual “fun at the fair" rides, games,
arena entertainment, stalls, bar and much more. We
have been extremely fortunate to secure the
Manchester Regiment and Liverpool PALS to help us
commemorate the 100th Anniversary of The Great
War. The educational content will be invaluable.
The Houghton Weavers
Brindley | 7.30pm | Theatre | £14.50, £13
Britain’s premier comedy folk band have been
entertaining audiences for almost 40 years with
their family anecdotes, jokes and live music. With
their inimitable blend of comedy and song, they
ensure a truly excellent show with laugh out loud
moments a-plenty.
Bands in the Park
Victoria Park | 1-3pm.
Centenary Theatre Company present
Musicals and Brass!
Brindley | 7.30pm | Theatre | £10
The award-winning Centenary Theatre Company
presents an evening of your favourite show tunes
and brass music and the talents of a local brass
band. A perfect way to spend a summer evening.
Bands in the Park
Runcorn Hill | 1-3pm.
Live Broadcast Screening: English National Opera
Berlioz’s Benvenuto Cellini
Brindley | 7pm | Studio |£10, £8
With its stunning visual and musical set pieces
Berlioz’s first completed opera is based on the
autobiography of celebrated 16th-century goldsmith
and sculptor Benvenuto Cellini with the most vibrant,
swashbuckling and tender music. Sung and
subtitled in English. Running time 3hrs 10mins.
Brindley | 7.30pm | Theatre | £21
The Brit Award-winning harmony trio return with a
striking new show for 2014. The two-hour show
features exclusive live songs from their latest album,
powerful video projections, hilarious comic banter,
some unique musical surprises. For one night only!
The Black & White Tour – A Demonstration of
Clairvoyance with Andrew Dee
Brindley | 7.30pm | Theatre | £14, £12
Spirit Medium, Andrew Dee is here to guide you
through some of life’s mysteries with help from your
Spring 2014 | www.halton.gov.uk
loved ones in the spirit world. As one this country’s
finest mediums, his no-nonsense, back-to-basics
style of mediumship will be on display for your
delight. (Hire).
Cronton Sixth Form College presents
Sleeping Beauty
Brindley | 7pm |Theatre | £7
The Professional Dance Programme at Cronton Sixth
Form College presents their end of season
production. A Gothic romance inspired by the
classical tale of the princess who pricks her finger
and falls asleep for 100 years.
The Sixties Million-Sellers featuring The Troggs
& The Move
Brindley | 8pm | Theatre | £20
The Move will feature Bev Bevan, Trevor Burton, Tony
Kelsey and Phil Tree. They were the first band played
on Radio One and toured with Hendrix, The Who
and Pink Floyd. The Troggs feature founder member
and guitarist Chris Britton, plus Peter Lucas, Dave
Maggs and guest vocalist Chris Allen.
Minimum Wage Theatre Company presents
Hamlet by William Shakespeare
Brindley | 7.30pm | Studio | £10, £8
There is nothing either good or bad but thinking
makes it so. Brevity is the soul of wit. Conscience
does make cowards of us all. The readiness is all.
The play's the thing. The rest is silence. (Hire).
Stained Glass Workshop
Norton Priory Museum & Gardens
Join craftsman Jamie Owens to learn all the
techniques necessary to design and make
your own piece of stained glass to take home.
£60 per person.
Stained Glass Workshop
Norton Priory Museum & Gardens
Join craftsman Jamie Owens to learn all the techniques
necessary to design and make
your own piece of stained glass to take home. £60 per
Wildlife Discovery Kids Club
Norton Priory Museum &
Learn all about wildlife
with our new wildlife club
for children. Pay £3 per
session or £20 for the year.
The club runs once a month from March - October.
Places are limited and must be booked in advance by
ringing 01928 569895 or e-mail info@nortonpriory.org
Bands in the Park
Runcorn Hill | 1-3pm.
Encore present
The Vicar of Dibley
Brindley | 7.30pm | Theatre | £15, £13
Encore present a hilarious adaptation of the much-loved
British classic, join Geraldine and the rest of the village
council for many laughs..... and romance. (Hire).
Bands in the Park
Victoria Park | 1-3pm.
Select Security Stadium, Halton
Vikings Fixtures at Select
Security Stadium
Liverpool FC Ladies Fixtures
at Select Security Stadium
Bradford Bulls | Sunday 30 March | 3pm
St Helens | Monday 21 April | 3pm
Wakefield Wildcats | Friday 9 May | 8pm
Catalan Dragons | Friday 30 May | 8pm
Hull FC | Sunday 15 June | 3pm
Leeds Rhinos | Sunday 22 June | 3pm
Castleford Tigers | Friday 4 July | 8pm
Warrington Wolves | Friday 18 July | 8pm
Hull Kingston Rovers | Sunday 3 August | 3pm
Manchester City | Thursday 17 April | 7.45pm
Everton Ladies | Wednesday 30 April | 6.30pm
Sunderland AFC | Saturday 3 May | 6.30pm
Birmingham City | Saturday 24 May | 6.30pm
Arsenal | Saturday 28 June | 6.30pm
Doncaster Rovers Belles | Saturday 12 July | 6.30pm
Community Centres in the borough:
Castlefields Community Centre
Chester Close, Castlefields
Runcorn, Cheshire WA7 2HY. Tel: 01928 563839
Churchill Hall Community Centre
Cooper Street, Runcorn, Cheshire
WA7 1DN. Telephone Reg Eastop, 01928 573656
Grangeway Community Centre
Grangeway, Runcorn, Cheshire WA7 5HA
Tel: 01928 569 474
Murdishaw Community Centre
Barnfield Avenue, Runcorn
Cheshire WA7 6EP. Tel: 01928 718 285
Beechwood Community Centre
Beechwood Avenue, Runcorn
Cheshire WA7 3HB. Tel: 01928 565014
Brookvale Community Centre
Northwich Road, Brookvale, Runcorn
Cheshire WA7 6PE
Tel: 01928 751699/01928 795171
Email: rgates@arena-housing.com
Halton Brook Community Centre
Meadway, Halton Brook, Runcorn
Cheshire WA7 2DY. Tel: 01928 563441
Palacefields Community Centre
The Uplands, Palace Fields, Runcorn
Cheshire WA7 2UA. Tel: 01928 796235
Ditton Community Centre
Dundalk Road, Widnes, Cheshire
Tel: 0151 423 3121
Upton Community Centre
Hough Green Road, Widnes
Cheshire WA8 4PF. Tel: 0151 423 1386
Andrew Curphey Theatre Company Presents
Summer Spectacular
Brindley | 3pm & 7.30pm | Theatre | £9.50
Following their sensational 5th Anniversary production
‘5’, Andrew Curphey Theatre Company bring the
sunshine to the Brindley Theatre with this superb new
production, this is not to be missed!
Catalyst Museum
Hale Park
Hough Green Park
Norton Priory
Museum & Gardens
Phoenix Park
Pickerings Pasture
Rock Park
Runcorn Hill
Spike Island
Select Security
Stadium Halton
The Brindley
Town Park
Victoria Park
Victoria Promenade
Wigg Island
Mersey Road, Widnes
High Street, Hale, Liverpool
Royal Avenue, Widnes
Tudor Road, Manor Park,
Castlefields Ave East, Runcorn
Mersey View Road, Widnes
Union Street, Runcorn
Highlands Road, Runcorn
Upper Mersey Road, Widnes
Lowerhouse Lane, Widnes
High Street, Runcorn
Stockham Lane, Runcorn
Fairfield Road, Widnes
West Bank, Widnes
Astmoor Road, Runcorn
Regular physical activity sessions taking place each
week at various locations across the borough
• Gentle community exercise
• Social sports
• Zumba
• Health walks
Separate timetables available from Paula Parle on
0151 511 8550 or on the Council website
Hale Bank Youth Club, Widnes
For older adults or beginners
Tuesdays 1pm £3.50
For 14-25 year olds
Tuesdays 7.30pm £4
For further information call
Paula Parle, 0151 511 8550 or
Karen from Zumbalievable,
07539 307769
Applications now being taken
for race on 20 April.
Spring 2014 | www.halton.gov.uk
Cllrs Miss S Edge, E Jones and G Philbin (Labour).
The first Saturday in each month
11am - 12 noon
Bowls Pavilion, Victoria Park, Widnes
Cllrs M Dennett and Mrs J Lowe (Labour)
The Saturday, following the fourth Friday in
each month 10am - 12 noon
Runcorn Library, Granville Street, Runcorn
Cllrs C Loftus and G Logan (Labour) will be happy
to meet residents at their request throughout the
ward. Please contact Cllr C Loftus on 07789031085
or email chris.loftus@halton.gov.uk and
Cllr G Logan on geoffrey.logan@halton.gov.uk
Cllr D Lea (Labour)
The third Thursday in each month,
6.15pm - 7.15pm
The Grangeway Centre, Grangeway, Runcorn
Cllrs M Fry, S Baker and B Woolfall (Labour)
The first Monday in each month
6 - 7pm
Birchfield Park Sports and
Social Club Widnes
Cllrs R Gilligan, T McDermott and K Morley
The first Tuesday in each month
5pm - 6pm
Ashley School, Cawfield Avenue, Widnes
Cllrs J Bradshaw and Mrs M Bradshaw
(Conservative) will be happy to call on residents to
discuss their concerns at their request throughout
the ward. Please contact them on 01928 561813 or
e-mail john.bradshaw@halton.gov.uk and
Cllrs S Osborne, Mrs M Wright, and J Roberts
(Labour). The first Thursday in each month
6.30pm - 7.30pm
Halebank Youth Club, Widnes
The first Friday in each month
10.30am - 11.30am
Halton Direct Link, (Within Ditton Library)
Queens Avenue, Widnes
Cllrs A MacManus, Mrs V Hill and
Mrs A McInerney (Labour)
The first Tuesday in each month, 6pm - 7pm
Birchfield Social Club, Birchfield Road, Widnes
Cllr M Wharton (Labour)
The Saturday, following the fourth Friday in
each month, 9.30am - 10am
Hale Village Hall, High Street, Hale Village
Cllrs T McInerney, S Parker and R Polhill (Labour)
The fourth Thursday in each month
6.30pm - 7.30pm, St. Ambrose Church Hall, Widnes
Cllrs G Stockton, Mrs M Ratcliffe and C Rowe
(Liberal Democrat)
The second Thursday in each month, 7pm - 8pm
Weston County Primary School,Runcorn
Cllrs P Harris, P Nolan and K Wainwright (Labour).
The third Thursday in each month
7.30pm - 8.30pm
Upton Community Centre, Widnes
Cllrs F Fraser and Mrs M Horabin (Labour)
The first Thursday in each month, 6pm - 7pm
Ground floor café, Municipal Building, Widnes
Cllrs S Nelson, Mrs C Plumpton Walsh and
J Stockton (Labour)
The Saturday, following the fourth Friday in
each month, 10am - 12 noon
Runcorn Library, Granville Street, Runcorn.
A three monthly cycle (the third Thursday in
each month 7pm - 7.30pm)
in the following order:
Brook Centre, Halton Brook Estate,
Runcorn - March 2014
Brook Chapel, Boston Avenue,
Runcorn - April 2014
Christian Centre, Wicksten Drive,
Runcorn - May 2014
Cllrs J Gerrard, N Plumpton Walsh
and P Sinnott (Labour)
The second Monday in each month
(except August). 6.30pm - 7.30pm.
West Runcorn Youth Centre, Russell Road, Runcorn.
The fourth Saturday in each month
10am - 12 noon
Runcorn Library, Granville Street, Runcorn
Cllrs Mrs E Cargill, A Cole and H Howard
(Labour). The fourth Thursday in each month
7pm - 8pm
Castlefields Community Centre, Runcorn
The second Wednesday in each month
7pm - 8pm
Halton Royal British Legion, Castle Road, Halton
Cllrs L Cassidy, P Lloyd Jones and G Zygadllo
(Labour). Every Thursday. 7pm - 7.30pm
Mudishaw Community Centre,
Barnfield Ave, Runcorn
First Thursday of each month. 6.15pm - 7pm
Brookvale Community Centre, Higher House
(Rota basis with Norton South ward members)
Cllrs Mrs K Loftus, A Lowe and D Thompson
Every Saturday 10am - 11am
Halton Lea Direct Link, Meeting Room 2,
Cllrs D Cargill, R Hignett and
Mrs M Lloyd Jones (Labour)
Every Thursday 7pm - 7.30pm
Murdishaw Community Centre,
Barnfield Ave, Runcorn
First Thursday of each month, 6.15pm - 7pm
Brookvale Community Centre, Higher House
(Rota basis with Norton North ward members)
Cllr Ms M Hodge (Liberal Democrat)
The third Thursday in each month
6.30pm - 7.30pm
Ground floor café, Municipal Building, Widnes
Cllrs S Hill and Mrs P Wallace (Labour)
The first Thursday in each month, 6pm - 7pm
Ground floor café, Municipal Building, Widnes
Cllr P Hignett (Labour)
The third Thursday in each month, 7pm - 8pm
Priory View Community House,
Canal Reach, Windmill Hill, Runcorn
Spring 2014 | www.halton.gov.uk
Corporate PPB
Runcorn Town Hall
Mayoral Committee
Municipal Building
Standards Committee
Municipal Building
Employment Learning
and Skills PPB
Select Security
Stadium Halton
Environment & Urban
Renewal PPB
Runcorn Town Hall
Executive Board
Municipal Building
Full Council
Runcorn Town Hall
Executive Board
Municipal Building
Development Control
Runcorn Town Hall
Executive Board and Policy Performance Boards
The Executive Board is the main decision making
body of the Council and usually meets every
The Policy & Performance Boards do not have
decision making powers but are responsible for
initiating new policy proposals, monitoring and
commenting on policy proposals, and reviewing
and recommending changes to existing policies.
All the above meetings are open to the public
and the Policy & Performance Boards include a
30 minute ‘Question Time’ at the start of each
one. To be sure of receiving an answer at the
meeting, you are advised to send your question
in writing to:
Committee Services, Halton Borough Council,
Municipal Building, Kingsway, Widnes WA8 7QF
before 4pm of the working day before your
chosen meeting. Questions must relate to items
on the agenda.
For Council services between 8am and 6pm
Mon-Fri dial 0303 333 4300.
For emergencies outside these hours dial
0333 000 4300.
(Local call rate from any landline or mobile.
Counts as inclusive minutes on mobile packages)
Emergencies dial 999. Non-emergencies 101.
Contact your local neighbourhood officers via
Widnes - widnes.npu@cheshire.pnn.police.uk
Runcorn - runcorn.npu@cheshire.pnn.police.uk
To report a crime anonymously call
Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.
In emergencies dial 999
01928 572811
0151 424 3091
In emergencies dial 999
Runcorn and Widnes
01244 381733
(Daytime number is 0151 907 8306 for Adults and
0151 907 8305 for Children)
0345 050 0148
From 5pm Monday - Thursday and 4.30pm
Friday, closing at 9am. 24 hours Saturday,
Sunday and Bank Holidays.
Support Services
Halton General
Warrington General
24-hour telephone no:
0300 1111247
01928 714567
01925 635911
0151 426 1600
0845 4647
To find your local pharmacy please visit
Runcorn Town Hall
01928 593479
01928 566671
01928 593400
Murdishaw Health Centre
01928 712061
Windmill Hill
01928 842626
Inside Halton All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form
or by any means, including photography and recording, without the written permission of the copyright
holder, application to which should be addressed to the publisher. Such written permission must also be
obtained before part of this publication is stored in a retrieval system of any nature.
Independent Living Centre
Macmillan Nurses
Grove House Practice
Tower House Practice
Weavervale Practice
Brookvale Practice
01928 582920
01928 714927
01928 566561
01928 567404
01928 711911
01928 718182
Bridges Learning Centre
0151 495 5300
0151 495 5200
Widnes Health Care
Walk In Centre, Widnes Health Care Resource
Centre, Caldwell Road
0151 495 5000
Open 7am - 10pm 7 days a week
Mill Brow
0151 495 5250
Halebank Access Centre
0151 425 4950
Woodview Child
Development Centre
0151 495 5400
Halton Healthy Living Project
0151 495 5450
An emergency out of hours dental service is
available for all patients in Halton, via a single
contact telephone number - 01744 673803.
This service is available from 6.00 pm - 9.00 pm
Monday to Friday and from 9.00 am - 5.00 pm at
weekends and on bank holidays.
The service is for emergency treatment or advice
only. Routine dental care is not available.
NHS dental charges apply.
0151 294 3218
Runcorn and Widnes
08451 304055
Runcorn and Widnes
0800 195 3172
& 0303 333 0101
Halton Traveline
0871 200 22 33
(calls from landlines cost 10p per minute)
Neighbourhood Travel Team (NTT)
0800 1953 173