Twincredibles in Widnes


Twincredibles in Widnes
Help with
money matters
Win £250 with
Beyond the
Garden Gate
Good Neighbour
Awards 2012
in Widnes
Full story on page 5.
In This Issue
Welcome to our Winter edition. I am
sure I am not alone in noticing just
how quickly this year has passed by?
Part of the reason for this may
be due to there being so much
going on at the Trust, with a whole
host of projects, schemes and
improvements taking place.
This edition of REACH provides
an overview of what has been
happening over the last few
months – it is becoming more
and more difficult to fit it all in!
We are also covering good news
stories from our customers. A big
thank you to Kerry Wood for sharing
her family story with us. If you have
an interesting story and would like to
feature please contact Anna Lambert
on 0151 510 5107.
The Beyond the Garden Gate update
is an interesting read. It really is
impressive to see how far reaching
the programme has become, I was
really proud the Trust was recently
nominated for the Silver Screen
Award. You can see clips from
the video on our facebook site.
Refurbishment work at both our offices
is now complete. I hope you will agree
the facilities for customers are now
much improved.
REACH Winter 2011 •
Some of our success stories
Family fun day
14 Don’t suffer in silence
over Christmas
14 Alcohol - Know your limits
Halton Sports Awards 2011
Twincredibles in Widnes
Would you like to help shape
our services?
New customer Board Member
Meet our Street Reps
10 Chris, PCSO in Widnes
nominated for an award
10 Trust’s work with Hospice
receives a national award
Halton Housing Trust
Staying safe during Winter
Warmth could be more
affordable this winter
Have you had your annual
gas safety check?
Good Neighbour Awards 2012
11 Hello from Colin Knox,
Gas Safety & Asset Administrator
11 Colin’s Christmas breakfast
12 Cameras roll as Beyond
the Garden Gate gets
moment in spotlight
13 Life after Decent Homes
13 We welcome eight apprentices
15 Choices
Contact Us
Happy Christmas and very
best wishes for the New Year.
Nick Atkin
Chief Executive
Don’t suffer debt in silence
we can help
Halton People
This edition also offers practical advice
and support on debt problems, domestic
abuse and alcohol. Unfortunately all
of these are increasing problems over
the Christmas period. We have also
included some tips for staying safe
and well if the predictions of colder
weather are to be believed.
I would like to wish you all a happy
and peaceful Christmas and hope
you get to share some time with family
and friends over the festive period.
I am looking forward to returning in
the New Year refreshed and ready
for a range of new opportunities
2012 will bring.
16 What’s on
Cover image: Kerry and Paul Woods with
children Layton, Kaydon and Tiyannah
Bulletin Board
Changes to the
application process
From November people wanting
to apply for housing will no longer
have an interview. Application forms
are still being accepted and can be
obtained by calling the Customer
Services Team on 0800 195 3172
or downloading one from
Did you see our Annual Report?
We delivered a four page summary of the report along with the last
edition of REACH. Let us know what you thought of it by contacting
Anna Lambert, Communications Manager on 0151 510 5107
or email
Purchase cheap computers
and broadband
You can purchase a cheap refurbished
computer with a new flatscreen
keyboard, mouse and
Windows 7 by visiting
The website also has cheap
pay as you go and monthly
broadband deals.
Prize draw winners –
clear rent account
To all Leaseholders
1st Prize - £250
Mr J Hudson, Widnes
You should have received your leaseholder accounts in September giving
you the actual balances for 2010/2011 and the budgeted accounts for 2011/12.
If you have not received them please let us know as soon as possible.
2nd Prize - £100
Mrs J Ryder, Runcorn
3rd Prize - £50
Mr G & Mrs E Dwyer, Widnes
We have also sent your service charge invoices which are payable from
1st November 2011 and all payment methods are confirmed on the reverse
of the invoice.
For more information please contact Diane Griffiths, Commercial Services
Officer on 0151 510 5177 or email
Christmas opening times
The Trust’s office will be closed
for Christmas from Friday 23rd
December noon until Tuesday
3rd January.
In the case of an
emergency please
call 0800 195 3172. • Winter 2011 REACH
Halton Housing Trust
Staying safe during Winter
In the last few years we have experienced very bad
weather across Halton. This can cause disruption for the
Trust when undertaking daily services but also to you, both
in your home and when travelling around. We have some
tips to staying safe during any bad weather.
In your home
• It is important to keep warm, try to leave your
heating on low
• Stock your food cupboards with tinned food
and the essentials
Going Away
• Turn OFF your stop tap and run any water out
of your pipes
• Either let us or your neighbour know in case of emergency
Going out/travelling in snow
• Is your journey essential, could you travel
by public transport?
• Carry an emergency kit in your car consisting of: torch,
batteries, blanket, snacks, water, gloves, boots and
first-aid kit
• Could you spare ten minutes to check on your old
or vulnerable neighbours?
• Have you got contents insurance? The Trust is not liable
for incidents such as burst pipes and this can cause a lot
of damage to your valuables. If you want to talk to us about
contents insurance please call on 0800 195 3172/
0303 333 101.
Our services
Please be aware our services may be reduced in periods of adverse weather and we ask you for your patience in this.
Warmth could be more
affordable this winter
We have been visiting customers’ homes on request to
give advice on cheaper gas and electricity tariffs as well
as offering energy saving tips as part of the affordable
warmth campaign.
Among those who received a visit were Alfred and Marie
Anderson, from Widnes. The couple won an eco kettle supplied by Trust contractor Sure Maintenance in a draw
for people who made an appointment.
Alfred and Marie with
their new kettle
Have you had your
annual gas safety check?
Every year thousands of people are diagnosed
with carbon monoxide (CO) poisoning.
Thousands more suffer without even knowing they are
being poisoned. We want to highlight the importance of
having gas appliances in your home checked annually,
it could save your life.
REACH Winter 2011 •
Tara-Jane, Amy and the Trust’s
Customer Board Member
Margaret Walsh
Halton Sports Awards 2011
The 2011 Sports Awards took place
on Thursday 22nd September at the
Stobart Stadium. The evening was
hosted by BBC Radio Merseyside
presenter Alan Jackson and special
guest was Steve O'Connor, Chair
of Widnes Vikings.
The evening was attended by 120
people from the voluntary sector
of sport in Halton.
There were thirteen winners, with six
who went on to represent Halton at
the Merseyside Sporting Champions
Awards at the Adelphi Hotel, Liverpool
on Friday 4th November.
The Trust sponsored the Young
Sports Person of the Year award
which was won by Amy Wignall
who is a Canoeist.
Highly commended was Tara-Jane
Stanley who plays Rugby League.
Amy didn’t win in Liverpool but
Carol Hughes, the secretary
from Halton Swimming Club was
named Volunteer of the Year.
in Widnes
“Once we were on holiday in Benidorm and we couldn’t
walk down the street without drawing attention, people
were praying over them and buying them toys and sweets”.
Five year old twins Layton and Kaydon
are becoming familiar faces after
appearing in a BBC documentary,
‘Twincredibles’ in October.
Kerry had a number of stories of being
approached by strangers who were
intrigued by the boys and wanted
to know more.
“They have got different traits and
can argue but if I am telling them
off they join forces and stick up
for each other”.
The documentary followed five sets of
twins, from toddlers through to adults
that have black and white parents and
have been born each with a different
skin colour.
Even though it is rare and Kerry was
told it was not likely to happen again
she has since given birth to seventeen
month Tiyannah who is also white.
To add to the statistics even more
Kerry is due to give birth soon and
will soon learn what her unique
genes will result in.
The family have also appeared in
Women magazine and in a number
of local papers.
The chance of this happening is a
million to one. Twins mother Kerry said:
“When they were born they had
jaundice so it was at about 4-5
weeks that you could really
see the difference”.
The documentary looked at how the
outside world views each set of twins.
Layton and Kaydon are different
characters and there is a bit of rivalry
between them but when it comes to
sticking together they are one in the
same, Kerry said:
Kaydon • Winter 2011 REACH
Halton Housing Trust
Previous winners from the Good
Neighbourhood Awards
We are launching four awards for customers who have
made a positive contribution to their community.
•Good Neighbour Award
•Laura Harrison Community Award
•Youth Award
•Taking a Stand Award
Each category winner will receive £100.
The Categories
Good Neighbour Award
The customer must demonstrate certain qualities such
as a willingness to visit people living alone or in hospital,
offering lifts or assisting neighbours in the community.
The Laura Harrison Community Award
This is given to individuals or couples who have
undertaken outstanding voluntary work for a long period
of time as part of a Community Group or Organisation.
This might include running a football club, a youth club,
a scout club or a social club for the elderly or disabled.
REACH Winter 2011 •
The Youth Award
This celebrates the achievements of a young person
up to the age of 21 and can be in the following areas;
volunteering, the environment, carers, the arts,
community improvement, outstanding achievement
or personal journey.
Taking a Stand Award
This will be selected directly by the Trust and will be
presented to a customer who has made a positive
stand against anti-social behaviour.
As a Trust customer you can nominate another
Trust customer for an Award by simply completing
a nomination form providing the details of the person
you are nominating, the reason for nominating them,
along with your details.
Nomination forms can be obtained from any Halton Housing
Trusts offices or by telephoning 0151 510 5036 or by email
The deadline for nominations is Friday 20th January 2012.
Would you like to help
shape our services?
We have a number of involvement
opportunities for our customers.
We want your opinions, your
suggestions and your contribution.
From reviewing documents in the
comfort of your home to carrying
out inspections of our services
there is something for everyone.
Opposite are some of the ways
customers have got involved.
We would like to ensure that all
our customers are able to fully
participate in everything that we do.
We can provide additional support
childcare/religious needs etc) or cater
for specific dietary requirements.
Welcome Stephen
new customer
Board Member
Stephen Pimbblet,
43, has become
Lead Member for
Housing Services
as part of our Board
and hopes to show
that it is possible to
volunteer while looking after a family
and holding down a job.
“I think it is especially important at
the moment that everyone does
something to help in the community”,
he said. “If what I do encourages
younger people to get more involved
then that will be a great achievement”.
Stephen has a partner, a four year old
son and works as a Training Officer
in the warehouse division at Tesco
in Widnes.
Some of our customers said:
“The Editorial Panel is fun to work on. I find it interesting
taking part and like that I have an impact on the articles
published in REACH”. Ann, Widnes.
“I have been involved on several levels with the Trust and
can honestly say I have enjoyed the experience. There are
many areas volunteers can be and are useful. Give it a go”.
Joy, Runcorn.
“The Customer Forum has given me an opportunity to have
some real input and the £10,000 environmental budget we
have is making a positive impact on peoples lives”. June, Widnes.
If you feel this is something you would be interested in please contact Colette
Ranson on 0151 510 5020 or email
Meet our Street Reps
We have three Street Representatives, Joy Hughes, Margaret
Walsh and Ruth Gittens. Over the last 12 months they have
played an active role in helping customers who have needed
assistance in dealing with a Trust query.
Some recent queries include; reporting a repair for a customer
who has hearing difficulties, reporting fly tipping and reporting
parking in disabled parking spaces without a blue badge.
They play a valuable role in our communities and the
Trust would like to thank them for all their hard work.
We are looking for further representatives. The role will need
no more than two to three hours per month (depending on
the type of query you are dealing with). You can represent
your road or a bigger area if you choose – it’s up to you.
The group meet once every three months to discuss what
has been happening in their area, how it has been dealt
with and to swap ideas.
If you are interested in becoming a street rep in your
area please call Debbie Jameson on 0151 510 5185
or email • Winter 2011 REACH
Don’t suffer debt in silence
we can help
Being in debt seems to be a way
of life today. With rising living costs
and salaries remaining the same, or
in the worst cases being reduced, it is
safe to say that everyone has been
affected by the credit crunch and
the slowing economy in one way
or another.
A number of our customers are affected
by debt problems. This has a massive
impact on their lives, feeling distressed,
emotional, isolated, affecting family
life and wellbeing.
Many of our customers rely on high
interest lenders such as Brighthouse,
Provident, Wonga, The Money Shop
and many more. In fact these lenders
are springing up across Britain at an
alarming rate, just look around the
town centres, they are everywhere,
leaving thousands of people in
crippling debt.
They all charge obscene rates of
interest for their credit some as much
as 4,214%; unbelievable considering
the Bank of England’s base rate is
currently 0.5%.
Your Local Credit Union
Old Police Station, Mersey Road,
Runcorn, WA7 1DF
01928 588520
If you are struggling please don’t bury
your head in the sand, you need to
take control and act now, stop using
these lenders.
27 Queens Avenue, Widnes,
0151 257 8753
We have two full time Money Advisors,
Claire Creed and Amber Cairns who
are here to advise and support you
to deal with your debt problems.
We can help with setting up a bank
account and work closely with the
Credit Union. At the moment we
will pay the joining fee of £1 for
each customer who opens an
account with them.
Facing up to your debts will put you
back in control and we can help you
see that there is light at the end of
the tunnel.
REACH Winter 2011 •
Our service is free and non judgmental,
we can offer advice on budgeting,
welfare benefits and how to become
a savvy shopper. Make it your New
Year’s resolution to improve your
family’s wellbeing by contacting
us for help.
Call Claire or Amber on 0151 510 5024.
Or contact your local Citizen Advice
Bureau for advice and support.
Some of our success stories
We have assisted many of our
customers to clear utility debts and
have helped those suffering extreme
hardship to purchase essential
items - carpets and replacement
washing machines. Our customers
have been awarded over £5,800
this year!
We work with our Income Recovery
Team to sort out housing benefit
problems - at the same time
dealing with many council
tax issues.
A vulnerable Runcorn family were
involved with our legal team due to
high rent arrears and we successfully
challenged a housing benefit decision
and helped clear a £221 overpayment.
And a further £241 came off the
existing rent arrears allowing the
family to remain in their home
and avoid eviction.
We recently secured a Runcorn
pensioner an additional £18.25pw
whilst maintaining their full entitlement
to housing and council tax benefit.
In the year to date we have challenged
housing benefit decisions on customers
behalf and received nearly £20,000
worth of benefit revisions.
Many pensioners do not realise they
are entitled to a minimum income
guarantee and we successfully apply
for pension credits to top up many
of our older customers income.
Family fun day
We are holding a series of family fun
days across Halton for you and your
family. We will be offering information
and advice on the changes to benefits
and how they could affect you from
April 2012 into 2013.
Come along to your local event during
February half term between 1-4pm:
Monday 13th February
Ditton Children’s Centre
Wednesday 15th February
Upton Community Centre
Friday 17th February
Grangeway Children’s Centre • Winter 2011 REACH
Chris, PCSO
in Widnes
for an award
Police Community Support
Officer Chris Carr from Widnes
was nominated in the national
Police Review 2011 awards
for PCSO of the Year.
Awards were presented by the
Home Secretary Theresa May.
Chris, together with a student
officer from Warrington were the
only Cheshire nominees for the
awards which covers England,
Scotland, Wales and N Ireland.
Chris is part funded by the Trust and
he will be a familiar face to many of
our customers.
Well done Chris.
Lucky winner
from Pooches
on Parade
Ms Unsworth from Runcorn and her
son scooped the £30 Asda vouchers.
Trust’s work with Hospice
receives a national award
“We have taken our
partnership with the
Hospice very seriously
over the past five years
and worked hard to play
our part in supporting
the Hospice in making a
difference to the lives of
patients and their families”,
said Nick Atkin.
The Trust’s work with Halton Haven
Hospice took a top honour at the
Charity Times Awards in October.
We jointly scooped the Corporate
Community Local Involvement
Award in recognition of the way
we work together for the benefit of
people across Runcorn and Widnes.
10 REACH Winter 2011 •
The Hospice provides a ‘home
from home’ environment and vital
round-the-clock care for people with
life limiting illnesses. This costs
£2.1million a year and the charity
relies on local donations to raise
60 per cent of its operating costs.
Halton Housing Trust
Colin Knox
Hello from Colin Knox,
Gas Safety & Asset Administrator
I joined the Trust in July 2009,
as the Gas Safety and Asbestos
Administrator, I am still in this role
although the title has changed.
The emphasis is on ensuring our
customers have safe gas appliances
so they can live in a safe environment.
Before joining the Trust I had
a varied background - through
no choice of my own I might add working in diverse roles - Telecoms
Technical Sales, Packaging Sales
Rep, running an internet clothing
company, planning/running corporate
hospitality events, Gas Contract
Manager, laying tarmac, cladding
buildings, making the swine flue
vaccine - all of which has made me
the well-balanced person I am now!
The Trust has given me great
opportunities both in work, where
the chances for self improvement are
many, and also outside – the highlight
being over the last two years being
selected to visit Uganda, with One
Brick at a Time charity, which have
been truly life changing experiences.
Colin in Uganda
Outside of work I am (was?) a keen
sportsman – but, as with everything,
time is catching up and the days of
football/squash/tennis/cricket are
dwindling, as my knees can’t cope
anymore - the mind is willing but
the body isn’t.
My hobby is planning and preparing
meals for my wife, friends and family
who are always up for a new culinary
experience I have prepared - with
the harshest critic being myself!!!
As a consequence I have developed
other passions the main one being
my love of cooking. These days my
shelves are littered with cook books
from around the world.
I hope you enjoy this recipe below I would like to hear your views or if
you want to send your own recipe,
contact us using the details at
the back of REACH.
Colin’s Christmas
A nice easy treat!!
Soft boiled egg with
asparagus wrapped in ham.
This is a great little late breakfast/
brunch for Christmas morning tastes great and is nice and easy.
Ingredients - Serves 2
• 2 free range eggs
• 12 asparagus spears – trimmed,
cut the woody end off
• 6 slices Serrano ham
• Parmesan cheese
1. Preheat oven gas mark 6
2. Boil large pan of salted water and put in trimmed asparagus, cook for 1 minute
and remove
3. Cut the ham in half then wrap each spear with the Serrano ham
4. Drizzle with olive oil – and place on baking tray and cook for 10 minutes do not overcook as it’s important they are still firm so you can pick them
up with your fingers
5. Meanwhile put eggs in a pan of cold water - bring to boil and cook for 3 minutes
6. Serve egg in egg cup with the asparagus on the side (I add parmesan
shavings to the spears but that’s optional)
7. Take top off egg and dip in asparagus • Winter 2011 REACH 11
Cameras roll as Beyond the
Garden Gate gets moment
in spotlight
Paul Mullane gets
interviewed for
the awards
The Trust’s ‘Beyond the Garden
Gate’ initiative was shortlisted for
the Northern Housing Consortium’s
Silver Screen Awards.
As part of the award judging process
a film crew was sent out to highlight
the Trust’s achievements, only made
possible by the strong support of
various community groups,
organisations and agencies.
Among the projects featured in
the filming was the refurbishment
of the disused Rangers Centre
in Spike Island.
The Centre is now used by West
Bank Community Forum which
provides activities every day
such as volunteering, a youth
group and children’s activities.
Its previous premises were no longer
fit for purpose so the Trust organised,
along with the Council, for the Forum
to use the Rangers Centre.
The Trust also donated a new kitchen
and arranged for its contractors to
donate their hours to install and
refurbish it.
Natters in Weston
Our neighbourhood natters have now
started in Weston, for those who have
joined us thank you. We hope to see
a lot of people involved, remember
you can help to shape changes in
your area. The project is moving
to Widnes Central after Weston.
12 REACH Winter 2011 •
Visit our website
or like our facebook page
Since the work was carried out the
group has been able to hold their
first fundraising event at the Centre.
St Mary’s Church in Widnes will
also feature in the film after the
programme helped to revitalise
a community garden and installed
an access ramp.
Beyond the Garden Gate didn’t
win the award unfortunately but
it was excellent to be shortlisted
and the video will be available
on our facebook page.
Life after Decent Homes
The Beyond the Garden Gate programme also
covers the investment works that are continuing
in your homes.
Delighted customer,
Mrs Dennett’s kitchen
"I am really happy with my new kitchen, the team
were really considerate and explained every step
of the process. I rang Halton Community Radio
to do a shout out to the team!" Mrs Dennett
Since July 2011 we have installed:
170 New kitchens
151 New bathrooms
105 Electrical rewires
150 New heating boilers
39 Central heating systems
We have completed over
200 improvements externally,
renewed 140 roofs, and installed
new boundary fencing to over
100 of our customers homes.
Our customer satisfaction surveys
show our customers are 99% happy
with the improvements we have
undertaken to their homes, which is
exceptionally high. It doesn’t stop
there, the results and comments
are used to help us to strive towards
delivering continuous improvements
within our service.
We welcome
eight apprentices
Eight apprentices have been
successful in being offered a
position - which will last up to four
years with the Trust. They will learn
from experienced employees and
tradesmen as well as attend college
training courses.
We have worked in partnership with
Riverside College in order to provide
full training and qualifications for
the apprentices.
Jack Martin, 16, is from Ditton in
Widnes and lives in one of the Trust’s
homes. He did work experience at
the Trust and is now working as
an apprentice electrician.
“I love it because it is such a hands on job”, he said. “The training we are
doing so far is about health and safety,
asbestos and lone working and I am
really enjoying it”. • Winter 2011 REACH 13
Don’t suffer
in silence over Christmas
We are committed to help and support victims
of domestic abuse.
Over Christmas incidents of domestic abuse increase.
The pressures of family, money and an increase in alcohol
consumption place additional strain on relationships.
Domestic abuse can be:
•Physical – hitting, kicking, shoving, pushing,
punching, biting
•Psychological – bullying, belittling,
verbal abuse, humiliation
•Emotional – lowering your self-esteem, making
you feel useless/worthless/like a bad parent
•Financial – fraud, not letting you have any money,
taking your money, creating debts in your name
•Sexual – assault, rape, using sex as a bargaining tool
We believe that no one should suffer domestic abuse
and we will support and assist any customer who is a
victim of abuse by ensuring confidentiality, interviewing
within 24 hours, being sympathetic and supportive and
working with external agencies in your best interests.
14 REACH Winter 2011 •
We can offer practical support including:
• Additional locks and security at the victims home
• Explore options for re-housing the victim
• Consider legal action including injunctions and
possession, working in partnership with Woman’s
Aid and the Police
Useful Numbers:
• National Domestic Violence Helpline
0808 2000 247 (freephone)
• Halton & District Woman’s Aid Association
0151 495 2778
• Woman’s Aid Helpline Regional 0161 839 8574
or 0808 2000 247 (freephone)
• Broken Rainbow (gay, lesbian and transgender
advice line) 0161 839 8574
• Mankind (support for male victims) 01823 334244
In an emergency dial Police 999.
Halton Housing Trust
dra 50
Choices is our customer incentive scheme.
As a Trust customer you have access
to various prize draws, schemes and
incentives, such as:
• A draw for a clear rent account
• The right time to move support
• Assisted gardening
• Assisted furniture
• Handyperson
• Leave it clean
• Decoration allowance
• Assisted decorating
• Prize draws from satisfaction draws
• Neighbourhood awards
• Cheaper content insurance
There are certain criteria to be met for
some of the schemes that are listed.
You may not be aware of some or
all of the different incentives. If you
would like further information on
any of the above please contact
our Customer Services Team
on 0800 195 3172.
To launch Choices we are offering customers the chance to be entered into another prize draw.
Simply complete the coupon and send back to us and you will be entered into a draw to win £250.
If you could send this back by Friday 20th January 2012 to Anna Lambert, Daresbury Point,
Green Wood Drive, Manor Park, Runcorn, Cheshire, WA71UG.
Name __________________________________________________________
Phone Number ___________________________________________________
Email __________________________________________________________
Address ________________________________________________________
_______________________________________________________________ • Winter 2011 REACH 15
Contact Us
What’s On
Daresbury Point, Green Wood Drive,
Manor Park, Runcorn, Cheshire,
Foundry Lane, Widnes,
Cheshire, WA8 8TZ
All enquiries and repairs
0800 195 3172
0303 333 0101
Phone lines are open
Monday – Friday 8am – 7pm
Offices are open
Monday – Friday 9am - 5pm
2nd January – 15th January
17th January
North West Film
Archive: Halton
on Film
The Parr Hall in Warrington are
showing the fun-filled, family
classic, Aladdin for January
2012 as their Panto.
Parr Hall, £11/£9/Family ticket £36
A chance to look at the industries,
cultures and traditions of the area
through archive films.
For tickets and event information,
please contact the box office on
01925 442 345.
The Brindley, High Street,
Runcorn, Cheshire, WA7 1BG
0151 907 8360
14th February / 15th February / 17th February
Family Fun Days
We are offering advice on changes to the benefits system
and how it could affect you.
Join us between 1- 4pm on:
Monday 14th February - Ditton Children’s Centre
Wednesday 15th February - Upton Community Centre
Friday 17th February - Grangeway Community Centre
Follow us on Facebook and Twitter
Cal 0151 510 5024 for more information.
Alternative format?
Please contact us if you would like REACH in large print,
Braille, CD or in another language. Please telephone
0800 195 3172 and we will be happy to meet
your needs.
16 REACH Winter 2011 •