issue 38 - Practitioner Services


issue 38 - Practitioner Services
Seasonal Influenza Programme
Vision Vaccination Returns
for PSD
Quality & Outcomes
Framework (QoF)
Back Scanning of Paper
Medical Records
March 2013
Good Practice is published
by Practitioner Services, a
division of National Services
Seasonal Influenza Programme 2012-13
65 and over category
Practices are reminded that in submitting Year End or Final claims for this
year’s 65 and over programme they can claim for any Temporary Resident
Patients that have been vaccinated.
If you have any ideas for
future communications or
articles that you would like
featured in ‘Good Practice’
please contact
Practitioner Services,
GMS Quality Assurance
Bridge View,
1 North Esplanade West,
AB11 5QF.
n s s - p s d. gm s q a @ n h s. n e t
contributors are their own
and do not necessarily reflect
those of Practitioner Services
or NHS National Services
These patients should be included as part of the “number of patients
vaccinated” on the claim itself and be identified separately (on the list which
you also have to provide as part of the claiming process) from those patients
that are registered with the practice.
Under 65 “at risk” category
When submitting Year End or Final claims for this year’s Under 65 at Risk Seasonal Flu Programme practices
are reminded that only one list is to be submitted with each claim form. If a Practice’s clinical system
produces separate lists for the “at risk” categories then each should be saved as an Excel Spreadsheet and
then amalgamated into a single list before submission.
This single list should then be sent either via e-mail or as a paper copy along with the appropriate claim
form to PSD. Failure to submit a single list for either of the two seasonal flu groups will require us to ask for
a resubmission of the claim and may result in a delay in payment.
The PSD flu mailbox is purely for the submission of electronic Seasonal Flu lists and not for the submission
of any other correspondence. Practices should note that PSD will not reply to any correspondence sent
to this mailbox.
Vision Vaccination Returns for PSD GP practices using Vision
Guidance notes have been issued to assist GP practices with the generation
of flu evidence.
The guidance notes can be found at:
Seasonal Influenza Immunisation 2013-14
Vaccine Supply Arrangements
Once you have finished reading
Good Practice, please recycle it.
GPs should write “generic influenza vaccine” on all prescription or stock
order forms for generic vaccines. This is analogous to using the ‘approved
name’ which is recommended good practice by the British National
Formulary (BNF) and will ensure that community pharmacy contractors
are able to make the most effective supply arrangements.
Separate GP10A stock order forms should be used for egg free and
attenuated nasal flu vaccines, and these should clearly state EGG FREE or
ATTENUATED NASAL (FLUENZ®) as appropriate.
Pharmacies will return any GP10As for EGG FREE or ATTENUATED NASAL vaccines that have not been
written on a separate stock order form to have them re-written.
GPs should advise the community pharmacy contractor who will be procuring vaccine on their behalf
of the volume they require by 8 February 2013 at the latest. GPs should ensure they order sufficient
quantities of flu vaccine to enable them to meet the nationally agreed vaccine uptake targets for seasonal
flu for over 65 risk groups and under 65 at-risk groups.
See circular:
Any queries regarding this article should be directed to Mrs Lorna Ramage, Customer Relations Manager,
Practitioner Services (Pharmacy). E-mail:
© Good Practice
Issue 38 March 2013
Quality & Outcomes Framework (QOF) QOF Calculator System Enhancements
We have been working in the background trying to improve the QOF Calculator system to make it as informative
as possible. You will be aware that we added the QOF Dashboard facility to the system earlier this year, which has
been very well received.
We have also made a few enhancements to the existing screens within QOF calculator which are worth noting.
Practice Achievement Report - you will notice that the indicators are in blue, if you click on any indicator
it will provides a drop down into the detailed summary for that indicator. This means that you do not have
to come out of the screen to log into another report. We are looking to see if this drop down facility can be
improved further.
Score Card and Graph - you will see that this has additional selection criteria to allow you to look at previous
years or interim submissions.
Prevalence Report - now contains comparisons with previous year.
Non Clinical Input Screen - now includes the ability to input Scottish Quality Prescribing Initiative which is
presented as a new tab in the system. This is to keep it separate from the normal QOF indicators. At the year
end there will be a separate achievement report to maintain the separation in payment.
NHS Boards will also see that three additional reports have been provided to them, namely
Health Board Prevalence Report
Exception Payment Analysis
Health Board Data Analysis
There has also been changes to the payment Acceptance Report, which will be visible during the year end sign
off process.
QOF Ruleset v24
A new ruleset is currently available from your GP Clinical System supplier, namely v24. You must have this new ruleset
applied before the end of March. In most cases, your GP Clinical Supplier will apply this upgrade automatically;
however it is worth reviewing your submissions log to determine if the upgrade has been correctly applied. We
will be following this up with the suppliers and your NHS Boards where we identify a problem.
Non-Clinical Submissions
Every year we have a number of practices which fail to enter their NON CLINICAL SUBMISSIONS on time. Practices
have to complete and submit these by the 31st March.
If you fail to submit these on time, you will have to apply to your NHS Board in April to apply an adjustment for
you. In order to make the process as smooth as possible, please submit your NON CLINICAL submissions by the
31st March.
Year End Procedure Notes: We have published some guidance notes for both practices and NHS Boards on our
QOF Web site, which we would recommend.
© Good Practice
Issue 38 March 2013
National Primary Care Workforce Survey 2013
All GP practices in Scotland should have received the National Primary Care Workforce Survey
by now. If one has not been received in your practice, please contact your Board’s Primary
Care Lead.
The deadline for return of completed forms is the 28th February 2013.
Help is available to those completing the Survey: in the form of guidance notes, which have
been issued with the Survey, and named contacts within ISD and Glasgow LMC.
In the event of any queries, GP Practices are invited to contact either Julie Kidd, ISD, on 0131 275 6450 or Ian Mackie, Glasgow
LMC on 0141 332 8081.
Refer to: CEL (2013) 02 National primary care workforce survey 2013
Glasgow Regional Office - Reminder
Our Glasgow regional office moved from Clifton House on the 27th June 2011 to Meridian
Court and it has come to our attention that mail is still being delivered to the old address.
There is no assurance that your mail will be redirected to us here at Meridian Court. Can you
please check that your records are up to date and ensure that you do not send anything for
Practitioner Services to the old Clifton House address.
In addition can you please remind your Accountants of our new address which is as follows:
Practitioner Services (Medical)
Meridian Court
5,Cadogan Street
Glasgow G2 6QE
Back-Scanning of Paper Medical Records
There are a few GP Practices that have fully back-scanned their patients’ paper medical records.
There is also an NHS Board that has begun a back-scanning project for all the paper medical records that are held by GP
Practices in their area.
Practices may therefore receive a fully back-scanned medical record through the DocMan Transfer process for import.
Please note:
it will likely contain a file attachment in PDF format
it may be saved within the ‘Historical’ folder in DocMan (or ‘Clinical’ folder)
It may take a few minutes to open depending on the content/size
it will contain the scanned images of the documents which were within in the
patient’s paper medical record
For those practices that may be considering back-scanning their paper medical records, there is SCIMP ‘Back-scanning’ advice
for General Practices’ - see link below:
© Good Practice
Issue 38 March 2013
NHS Circulars & Guidance
PCA(P)(2013)1 /PCA(M)(2013)1: Seasonal Influenza Immunisation 2013-14: Vaccine Supply Arrangements
CEL(2013)03: Patient Safety in Primary Care
CEL(2013)04: Compulsory Treatment Order (CTO) forms and patients with communications difficulties
Regional Office Contact Details
All regional office contact details are available on the Practitioner Services
If you cannot find a member of staff or their details are missing, please let us
know and we will update the lists accordingly.
© Good Practice
Issue 38 March 2013
Acute NIV for Physicians course – 15th May, 3rd July 2013
This half-day course is aimed at middle grade doctors (FY1/ST1) involved in acute medical receiving. Patients with COPD are
commonly admitted to hospital with acute exacerbations, occasionally complicated by the development of acute type 2
respiratory failure. This course is designed to cover the principles for Non-Invasive Ventilation (NIV) in these patients, and there
will be the opportunity to have hands on experience with NIV machines commonly used in the main Glasgow hospitals.
Non Clinical Skills Workshop Series
Learn how to be an excellent leader, manage great teams and communicate effectively in our highly regarded Non Clinical
Skills Workshop Series being held on the following dates:
5th March 2013, 1.30pm - 5pm: Leadership & People Management Skills
26th March 2013, 10am - 1pm: Effective Communications
26th March 2013, 2pm - 5pm: Succeeding at Interviews
Celebrating and Learning from David Livingstone – Tuesday 19th March 2013
David Livingstone gained his qualifications as a medical doctor at this College and went on to establish a global reputation
as a Christian missionary, explorer and champion of liberation from slavery. This Bicentennial Symposium will celebrate his
life and achievements and focus on areas of medical mission, medicine, surgery and personal care for today’s expatriate
adventurer, which were central to his own experience. This event will hear from speakers such as Dr Jon Cossar, Peter LeeWright, Dr Liz Grant, Professor Malcolm Molyneux, Mr Steve Mannion, Dr Mike Jones and Mr James Moore, and will cover a
wide range of topics.
Acute Medicine Update – Wednesday 20th March 2013
This Symposium will give an update on common problems seen in Acute Medicine, debate the links that Acute Medicine
has with allied specialties and discuss future challenges for the specialty. This Symposium will be of interest to general and
specialist physicians, trainees and allied health professionals wishing to update their knowledge of this specialty.
7th Annual Symposium on Podiatric Medicine – 26th April 2013
RCPSG will host the 7th Annual Symposium on Podiatric Medicine. This event will represent collaboration between RCPSG,
The Society of Chiropodists and Podiatrists and Glasgow Caledonian University. The symposium will focus on the role of
the Podiatrist in current practice. The Programme Covers: Effects of pain on rehabilitation of the patient; Living with pain –
a patient’s perspective; “What is fair about pain? Beliefs about (in)justice and their implications for effective functioning in
pain”; Management of neuropathic pain and vascular pain from the physician’s perspective and from Podiatrist’s perspective;
Oncology Care and podiatry Complications.
Practical Advice for New Consultants: Before and After Appointment – 23rd May 2013
The aim of this Symposium is to guide newly appointed Consultants, or those who are about to be appointed, through the major
issues they will encounter in the first years following appointment, particularly those areas not discussed in postgraduate or
specialty training. Topics covered will include: Understand the Consultant Contract as it relates to Job Planning; Understand
the importance of Time Management in the efficient running of your office and you; Recognise opportunities in Service
Development locally and nationally.
IMPACT – 11th & 12th June 2013
This is a two day course aimed at ST1 & ST2 doctors also FY2 doctors with 8 months experience as FY2 doctor, introducing
the principles and practice of acute general medical care and the related knowledge, skills, understanding and attitudes.
The course provides trainees in Medicine with key point presentations, workshops, “hands on” skills stations, and critically ill
patient scenarios to enhance skills needed for dealing with life-threatening medical emergencies.
Full details, online booking, registration forms and fees for all courses and events can be found at:
All queries regarding this article should be directed to RCPSG.
© Good Practice
Issue 38 March 2013