Summer 2014 CFDA Newslines - California Funeral Directors


Summer 2014 CFDA Newslines - California Funeral Directors
Summer 2014
A Publication of the California Funeral Directors Association
A Look Back
at the
2014 CFDA
San Diego
page 16
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CFDA Newslines | Summer 2014
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One Capitol Mall, Suite 320
Sacramento, CA 95814
CFDA Board of Directors 2014-2015
H.W. “Skipper” Ragsdale III, President
Dennis Steiner, Vice President
Kathleen McLaughlin, Treasurer
Erlinda Valdez, Secretary
Jack Jensen, Immediate
Past President
Kristi Ah You
Amanda Amundson
Darren Diebold
Rita Elizabeth O’Hara
Andrea Picot
Mike Rogers
Eric Smith
Homer Alba
Teri Featheringill
Tiffany Gallarzo
Fred Nalder
George Perez
Robert Risher
Jennifer Wright
Merrill Mefford, Parliamentarian
James Draper, Recording Secretary
Editorial Staff
Bob Achermann
Executive Director/Editor in Chief
Phil Boerner
Summer 2014
2014 CFDA Convention
CFDA Past Presidents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2014-2015 CFDA Board of Directors . . . . .
Installation of Officers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Awards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Basketball Contest . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Baseball Game . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Exhibit Hall . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
President’s Banquet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Meetings, Presentations and Assembly . .
Roundtable Discussion/Early Registration
. 4
. 4
CFDA Awards Four Student Scholarships . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11
Taking Care of Yourself as a Funeral Director . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
A Back Injury May Never Go Away . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
President’s Letter . . . . . . . . . . . .
Legislative Update . . . . . . . . . .
Member News: Eternal Springs .
American River College Report
News Briefs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
In Remembrance . . . . . . . . . . .
Calendar of Events . . . . . . . . . .
Welcome New Members . . . . .
Job Board . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. 5
. 6
. 9
. 8
. 2
. 2
ASD – Answering Service for Directors
Astral Industries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Crystal Remembrance . . . . . . . . . . . .
Dodge Co . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Dowling Aaron . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Federated Insurance . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Funeral Fund . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Katana Research . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Lamcraft . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Live Oak Bank . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Miller & Sons Funeral Car Sales . . . . .
Progressive Environmental Services . .
Security National Life . . . . . . . . . . . . .
TSYS Merchant Solutions . . . . . . . . . .
Newslines is a quarterly publication of the California Funeral Directors Association (CFDA) . As the official publication of the CFDA subscriptions are included in membership dues . All original papers and other correspondence should be directed to the editor .
POSTMASTER: Send address changes to CFDA Newslines, One Capitol Mall, Suite 320, Sacramento, CA 95814, (800) 255-2332 .
© 2014 by the California Funeral Directors Association (CFDA) . All material subject to this copyright may be photocopied for noncommercial educational or scientific uses . Permission to reprint articles or portions of articles may be obtained by writing to the managing
editor . Proper credit and copyright notice should accompany all reprinted material . We reserve the right to edit material submitted
for clarity and length . Opinions expressed by individuals through the pages of this publication do not necessarily represent the official
position of the California Funeral Directors Association .
Summer 2014
| CFDA Newslines
CFDA Board of Directors 2014-2015 at the CFDA Convention
CFDA Past Presidents
(Left to Right) Front Row: Burwell Ullrey, 1986; Bob Achermann, CFDA
Executive Director; Jack Jensen, 2014; Ron White, 1983; Rick Gutierrez, 2013;
2nd Row: Mark Kuhn, 1998; Merrill Mefford, 2009; Todd Beckley, 2007; Damon
Ullrey, 2012; 3rd Row: Vic Savino, 2010; Ron Roy, 1999; Jim Draper, 1993; Back
Row: Scott Pennington, 2006; George Prather, 2002.
CFDA Newslines | Summer 2014
(From Left to Right) Back Row: George Perez,
Tiffany Gallarzo, Eric Smith, Andrea Picot; Next
Row: Kristi Ah You, Fred Nalder, Teri Featheringill,
Robert Risher; Second Row: Mike Rogers,
Immediate Past President Jack Jensen, Darren
Diebold, Rita O’Hara; Front Row: Secretary Erlinda
Valdez, President H.W. “Skipper” Ragsdale III,
Vice President Dennis Steiner, Treasurer Kathleen
McLaughlin.Members missing from the photo:
Homer Alba, Amanda Amundson, Jennifer Wright.
Let ter
would like to begin by congratulating the CFDA staff
for the fantastic job they
did with the 2014 convention in “America’s Finest City,”
San Diego, California. It would
not have happened without a
dedicated staff, especially Rachel
Hickerson, who worked tirelessly for months preparing for
the event. The staffers who get
the privilege of coming to the
convention are at the registration desk early in the morning
and work all day and into the
evening with positive attitudes
and professionalism. Thank you
also to the board members who
volunteered in assisting to make
this a wonderful experience for
our members, attendees, presenters and vendors. Special
thanks to those persons, firms
and vendors who donated items
for our fund raising raffles. The
entire board thanks you all for
your contributions, hard work
and the fantastic results!
The Hard Rock Resort was a
great venue and their staff met
our high expectations. The Installation and Awards Banquet
was superb with great weather
and excellent food, and it was
well attended. I am grateful
to the family, friends and colleagues who made it a memorable evening for me.
Highlights of the convention
for me included the following
opportunities and events:
We had a great exhibit
floor with a few new
vendors, which is encouraging in this changing
market and economic
times. The annual fund
raising raffles provided
bered colleagues and
family members who are
no longer with us. This
year that included my
cousin, Isaac Moore, III.
H. W. “Skipper” Ragsdale, III CFSP,
CFDA President
winners with some wonderful prizes and fun for
all who participated.
The reception for my
lovely wife and I courtesy
of the San Diego County
Funeral Directors Association and Lifesharing,
hosted by local president
Grant Conrad.
A free-throw shooting
contest sponsored by
Homer Alba and Hollywood Forever; won by
Kathleen McLaughlin,
CFDA Treasurer.
The outstanding presenters, who included Dr.
Alan D. Wolfelt, a noted
author, educator and
practicing grief counselor, who is one of the
country’s most sought
after speakers.
The Service of Remembrance, as always, was
special as we remem-
Last but certainly not
least was the opportunity
to network with friends
and colleagues. How
could we go on without
the friendships and ideas
we share?
Thank you to our suppliers
for your support of CFDA and
the funeral service profession.
The convention and expo would
not be possible without your
My personal thank you to
our immediate past president,
Jack Jensen, who led our association with dignity, class and an
air of confidence in 2013-14.
I begin my term as president by requesting every board
member to invite someone new
to get involved in the work that
is essential to continue this
worthwhile and historic association. Our executive director, Bob
Achermann, has put together
a staff of which we can all be
proud. I invite any of you willing to share your time, ideas and
perspective to get involved. I
plan to engage the board and
others to create a successful plan
for our future as we work together to make CFDA a trusted
leader in the funeral service
profession, while remembering
CFDA’s success is a team effort.
Summer 2014
| CFDA Newslines
Legislative Update
by Richard Gutierrez, Esq., Merrill Mefford, and
Terry McHale, CFDA Legislative Advocate
rior to our recent convention, the
leadership of the California Funeral
Directors Association legislative team
was joined by a group of funeral directors
for a roundtable discussion on legislative issues
with Senator Joel Anderson of San Diego. It was
both interesting and enlightening for funeral
directors to spend time with a political leader
such as Anderson who is known for being a policy
wonk. The big take-away is that our democracy is
accessible and how we conduct business is largely
influenced by the work inside the Capitol.
AB 764 (Linder)
This is the annual bill to legitimize alkaline
hydrolysis in California. This bill would have
established a pilot program authorizing the CFB to
issue a limited license to no more than five alkaline
hydrolysis facilities. The problem is that the issue of
the toxicity of the effluence has not been resolved.
This bill is proof that you can die many times,
because this bill died again this session and will no
doubt be resurrected next year.
satisfy certain data and certification requirements,
as specified, using the information available to
him or her prior to the deadlines for completion.
The bill would also provide that if none of the
specified documents are presented and a majority
of persons who have equal rights to control the
disposition of the remains do not agree on the
gender identity of the decedent as reported by the
informant, any one of those persons may petition
the court to determine who among those persons
will determine the gender identity of the decedent,
as specified. The requirements set down by the
previous sentence were submitted by CFDA and as
a result a support position is recommended.
AB 2275 (Ridley-Thomas)
It has taken the government a bit longer than
other entities to reach the modern age. Under
current law a certified copy of a birth, death,
marriage, or military service record may only be
supplied to an authorized person, as defined, who
submits a written, faxed, or digitized image request
accompanied by a notarized statement sworn
under penalty of perjury that the applicant is an
authorized person. This bill would additionally
authorize the request and the notarized statement
to be submitted in electronic form, as specified.
CFDA has taken a support position on this bill.
AB 1577 (Atkins)
The changing demographics allow us to resolve
problems of sensitivity and complexity. This bill
would require a person completing the certificate
of death to record the decedent’s sex to reflect
the decedent’s gender identity. It would require
the decedent’s gender identity to be reported by
the informant unless the person completing the
certificate is presented with a specified document,
in which case the person completing the certificate
would be required to record the decedent’s sex as
that which corresponds to the decedent’s gender
identity as indicated in that document. This bill
would grant immunity for funeral directors from
liability for costs or damages arising from any
claims based upon a person entering a decedent’s
gender as required by this bill. The bill would also
require a person completing the death certificate to
CFDA Newslines | Summer 2014
AB 2279 (Hagman)
This bill is overdue and sensible. It increases
the cap on funeral insurance sold by agents with an
insurance license limited to funeral arrangements,
from $15,000 to $20,000. This bill received bipartisan support and has been chaptered (signed by
the Governor) and is effective January 1, 2015.
SB 611 (Hill)
It is not unusual for legislation to be prompted
by a specific event. A deadly fire in a limousine
is the reason for the Hill legislation. This bill
would require a modified limousine, as defined,
to be equipped with two readily available fire
extinguishers; one securely mounted in the driver’s
compartment and one accessible to the passengers
who shall be notified of its location. CFDA will
support if amended so that a “typical” funeral
limousine, to be defined, is exempt. This bill was
amended July 7, 2014 to be an “urgency” bill which
would become effective immediately if chaptered.
The only exemption the governor’s office is willing
to entertain is that it will not apply to vehicles not
under the aegis of the CPUC.
SB 1467 (B&P Committee)
It is important that our websites be maintained
in a legal fashion that easily shares important
information. This bill would have made it
mandatory for funeral establishments to post its
General Price List (if they have a website). We were
opposed and the last amended version of June 16,
2014 has deleted this language. The bill has other
issues, but it no longer applies to funeral directors.
We look for this requirement to surface again in
another bill next year.
California Rules and Regulations
The Cemetery and Funeral Bureau (CFB)
has promulgated new Funeral Enforcement
Regulations. In addition to repealing Section
1280 relating to Continuing Education, the new
regulations repeal the classes of violations found
in Section 1241 (a), (b) and (c) and give the CFB
authority to assess an administrative fine based on
the following: (1) the gravity of the violation; (2) the
good or bad faith of the cited person or entity; (3)
the history of previous violations; (4) evidence that
the violation was or was not willful; (5) the extent
to which the cited person or entity has cooperated
with the bureau’s investigation; (6) the extent to
which the cited person or entity has mitigated or
attempted to mitigate any damage or injury caused
by the violation; and (7) such other matters as may
be appropriate.
In no event shall the administrative fine be less
than one hundred dollars ($100) or exceed five
thousand dollars ($5,000) for each violation. The
bureau has taken the stance that they were limited
as to the amounts of the fine to be levied within
the class of the violation and believes this will give
them greater latitude. An example might be if a
person was found to be in violation of a class (a)
violation, the administrative fine could range from
$1,001.00 to $2,500.00. Under the new regulation,
depending on the severity of the violation and
subject to the criteria shown above, a fine of
$100.00 might be assessed. On the other hand, it
is believed that there needed to be the option of
assessing a fine of a greater amount authorized for
a class (c) violation if there has been a consistent
violation of the same section over a period of time.
The entire regulation can be found on the Bureau’s
website at, click on “What’s New”
then “Funeral Enforcement Regulations Approved
by OAL,” then “Order of Adoption.” These
regulations become effective on October 1, 2014.
If you have any questions, please contact
Merrill Mefford at (562) 463-4532
Summer 2014
| CFDA Newslines
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CFDA Newslines | Summer 2014
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Eternal Springs Cremation
Garden Opens at Fairhaven
his past June CFDA member
Fairhaven Memorial Park &
Mortuary in Santa Ana, CA
announced the completion of
Eternal Springs, a 3,800-square-foot
cremation garden located on the north
side of the memorial park. The project,
which began in September 2013, provides a serene and private atmosphere
for families to visit their loved ones.
The peaceful garden offers numerous
cremation niches as well as a flowing
stream, rustic bridges and beautiful
“Keeping cherished memories
close is so important to families who
have lost loved ones, and we hope
this new garden will help families to
remember lovingly and find comfort
during difficult times,” said Marla Noel,
president of Fairhaven Memorial Park.
“Since more individuals are choosing
cremation, Eternal Springs provides
our families with a peaceful place to
find a lasting memorial for their loved
Set against a peaceful backdrop of
mosaic tiles depicting a waterfall, the
garden features:
175 cremation memorial
stones placed throughout the
garden to create a natural look
A stream flowing through the
entire length of the garden
with three bridges
Beautiful, water-efficient
landscaping comprised of
lush trees, various shrubs and
assorted flowers
Three park benches to offer
families a place of rest,
reflection and comfort
Located next to Bella Vista Mausoleums, Eternal Springs continued an
expansion process that began in 2007
with Eternal Gardens and has Fairhav-
Fairhaven’s executive team checks out the garden. (From left to right) Leo O’Connor,
VP of Cemetery; Tiffany Gallarzo, VP of Family Service; Marla Noel, President; Omar
Gallarzo, VP of Operations.
Are you a CFDA member with some
news about your organization?
Share it with us! Send ideas to and it may
be featured in a future issue of
CFDA Newslines.
en Memorial Park spanning four acres
of adjacent land across Fairhaven
Fairhaven Memorial Park was created in 1911 by Oliver Linden Halsell.
The park was created as a memorial
park versus a cemetery. Memorial
parks are distinguished by flat markers versus upright markers, so that the
visitors to the park feel as if they are in
the quiet solitude of a park, with the
expanse of green lawns and the splendor of majestic trees.
Fairhaven has a long-standing
tradition of community involvement
in Santa Ana and Mission Viejo. They
hold special events such as Easter
Sunrise Service, Memorial Day, Dia de
los Muertos and Always in Our Hearts,
to pay tribute to those who are laid to
rest there and whose memories live
on. Every summer they take advantage of the stellar weather in Southern
California by providing their Summer
Entertainment Series of free events in
the park that can range from Sunday
afternoon concerts to Saturday evening
classic movies.
For more information, visit or call
Summer 2014
| CFDA Newslines
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CFDA Scholarship
CFDA Awards Four
Student Scholarships
Scholarship recipient
Rebekah Mann from
American River
College receiving
her award from the
Scholarship Sponsor,
Christopher Donhost
with Sierra Donor
Services, at their
offices in Sacramento.
Also receiving a
scholarship, but not
pictured, was Aja
he CFDA, through its
scholarship committee, is
committed to recognizing
applicants who will be
productive death care professionals,
will stay and work within our
profession and provide excellent
care for the families we all, one day,
will serve. Being a service-related
profession, it is our desire to help those
with a financial need. In consideration
of that, this July the CFDA awarded
scholarships to four mortuary college
From American River College
in Sacramento: Rebekah
Mann and Aja Blakemore
From Cypress College in
Orange County: Lauren
Hathaway and Sarah Owens
Lauren Hathaway (left) and Sarah Owens (center), both from Cypress College,
receive their scholarship awards from the CFDA’s Richard Jungas at the CFDA
Annual Convention in San Diego last July.
Summer 2014
| CFDA Newslines 11
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American River College
Funeral Service Program Update
by Damon de la Cruz, PhD, Program Coordinator, Funeral Service Education
he Funeral Service Program at
American River College closed
an exciting academic year
this past spring. There were
a total of 16 people who graduated
with an Associate of Science Degree
in Funeral Service Education in the
fall semester. All of the graduates took
and passed the National Board Exam
(NBE) administered by the International Conference of Funeral Service
Examining Boards. This exam evaluates proficiencies in various aspects
of funeral service. Additionally, all of
the graduates were required to serve
internships during their final semester. Internships place the students in
a funeral home environment allowing
them to interact with licensed professionals and the communities the
funeral homes serve. Not only does this
satisfy requirements for graduation but
develops professionalism and provides
networking opportunities to support
post graduation employment.
In the fall 2014 semester the program accepted 45 future practitioners
from both Northern California and
Southern California as well as neighboring states. These new additions to
the program successfully completed
all the requirements for admission
including prequisite classes such as
Elementary Algebra, Anatomy, and
Dr. Damon de la Cruz, PhD
Professor & Program Director
English Composition. Their journey
into funeral service education began in
the spring of 2014 with course work in
Funeral Directing, Chemistry for Funeral Services, and Funeral Laws and
Ethics. The anticipated completion for
these students is fall 2015.
Have you moved?
Changed your name?
Do you have a new
funeral director?
The American River College Chapter of Sigma Phi Sigma, the national
funeral service fraternity, began 2014
with a bang! The group, over 25 members, has a strong presence on campus with involvement in various club
day activities and fundraising events.
Beyond campus the group is involved
with several community outreach
programs, both within funeral service
and outside of the industry. Fraternal
objectives to educate the community,
encourage networking, and provide
a support system for student success
are certainly being met by the current
board and members of the group.
The program is four semesters
with no classes being held over the
summer recess. The faculty, staff and
students of the Funeral Service Education program would like to wish everyone a safe and enjoyable summer.
More information about the
program can be found at the Funeral
Service Education webpage. The website has detailed information regarding
faculty, admissions policies, graduation
requirements and links to nationwide
career opportunities in funeral service.
The web address is www.arc.losrios.
htm; the program phone number is
The deadline for any updates in our
directory is coming up, so please email me
at if you need to
make any changes. Also, if you missed the
deadline to pay dues for the 2014-2015 year,
it is never too late to reinstate. Contact me
if you need to pay your membership dues.
— Melody Correia, CFDA Membership Director
Summer 2014
| CFDA Newslines 13
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14 CFDA Newslines | Summer 2014
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CFDA Members
meet with Senator
Joel Anderson
Senator Joel Anderson (R-El
Cajon) asked to meet with the CFDA
to discuss legislative issues of interest
to the funeral service industry. The
meeting occurred in his District Office
on June 27, 2014. The meeting was
very successful. The senator enjoyed
having the opportunity to learn directly
from the many CFDA members in
attendance about some of our top
legislative concerns. CFDA members
(left to right): Erlinda Valdez, Merrill
Mefford, Jolena Grande, Kathleen
McLaughlin, Dick Jungas, Rick
Gutierrez, Fred Nalder, and Vic Savino.
New CFB Consumer
Guide – Information on
The Cemetery and Funeral Bureau
published an updated version last year
of the “Consumer Guide to Funeral
and Cemetery Purchases” which is
required to be prominently displayed
and provided to consumers/families
prior to the drafting of any contract for
funeral services. CFDA had contacted
CFB and obtained permission to
continue to make available the
prior version to exhaust our printed
inventory. We now have available the
updated version in both English and
Spanish. Funeral homes were allowed
to continue to use the older version of
the Guide until the end of April 2014.
After that point inspectors will be
looking to verify that the new version is
available and being provided to those
making arrangements.
All County Letter on
Disposition Permit for
Shipped in Whole Body
Last June 11 the California
Department of Public Health (CDPH)
clarified the policy on where the
burial permit shall be obtained when
whole body remains are shipped into
California from out of state. The policy
states that the permit must be issued in
the county of the shipping destination.
Update Best Practices
for Organ and Tissue
This May the National Funeral
Directors Association (NFDA) and the
American Association of Tissue Banks
(AATB) released updated guidelines
on best practices to help donation
professionals and funeral directors
serving families who wish to donate the
tissues or organs of a loved one. The
existing best practices were established
ten years ago. The updated document
emphasizes communication between
all parties – donation professionals,
funeral directors and families. Best
Practices for Cooperation Among
Tissue Banks and Funeral Service
Professionals can be found on both
the NFDA ( and AATB
websites (
Summer 2014
| CFDA Newslines 15
2014 CFDA Convention in San Diego
Installation of 2014 Officers
Newly installed President H.W. “Skipper” Ragsdale, III, CFSP, addresses the CFDA convention audience.
New CFDA officers being sworn into office by
outgoing president Jack Jensen at the CFDA
convention. (Left to right) Erlinda Valdez,
Secretary; Kathleen McLaughlin, Treasurer; Dennis
Steiner, Vice President.
Board members George Perez, Kristi Ah You and Eric Smith (reappointment)
are installed at the CFDA convention.
16 CFDA Newslines | Summer 2014
2014 CFDA Convention in San Diego
Awards –
A Highlight
of the
The CFDA is
committed to
thanking and
recognizing funeral
professionals who
do an outstanding
job. At the annual
convention we
awarded plaques
of excellence to five
President’s Award to Jack Jensen (left), presented by CFDA Executive Director Bob Achermann.
Supplier of the Year Award to Emanuel Thomas
with Astral, pictured with CFDA board director
Homer Alba.
Young Funeral Director of the Year Award to Jason Newman (midde) from
Featheringill Mortuary, shown with Max Scrivens (left) and Richard Jungas.
The Dick Fallbeck
Award: California’s
Funeral Director of the
Year Award to Richard
Gutierrez (center),
with Mark Kuhn (left)
and Richard Jungas.
Employee of the Year
Award to Lois Whitely
of Anderson-Ragsdale
Mortuary in San Diego.
Pictured with Skipper
Ragsdale (left) and
Richard Jungas.
Summer 2014
| CFDA Newslines 17
2014 CFDA Convention in San Diego
CFDA’s 1st Annual Basketball
Hoops Championships:
A Wild Surprise!
by Homer Alba, CFDA South Director and Senior Vice President,
Hollywood Forever Funeral Home, Hollywood, CA
he citizens of America’s Finest
City awoke in the early morning hours of Monday, July
1st to a sporting competition
which some hope will become an annual CFDA event. This exciting event
came close, but did not overshadow,
another quite significant happening –
the installation of San Diego’s favorite
son, Skipper Ragsdale, as CFDA’s 2014
The scene was a public plaza
directly across from the Hard Rock
Hotel. As the city’s trolley system ferried its very diligent workforce to their
respective places of gainful employment... an exciting athletic event was
taking place. Some people who opted to
walk to work, walk their dogs, or simply jog early in the day merely glanced
at the strange and bleary-eyed people
setting up a portable basketball hoop.
Still others were completely oblivious
to the exciting event unfolding before
their very eyes.
Only a small contingent of the
CFDA convention attendees showed
up for this event but the excitement
was about as good as it gets. Unknown
to us, CFDA Vice President Kathleen
McLaughlin had been hiding her allaround athletic skills from us all these
years. As her fellow competitors and
spectators held their collective breath,
Kathleen made seven free throws in a
row and went on to finish as the first
champion of this event. (Some of you
might recall that it was also Kathleen
who won the first CFDA Tennis Tournament six CFDA conventions ago.)
Kathleen took $100 and a gift basket.
18 CFDA Newslines | Summer 2014
Kathleen McLaughlin proudly shows
off the CFDA “traveling trophy.” It says,
“CFDA 2014 Championships” and lists
the names of the winners. With her is
one of the sponsors, Vidal Herrera from
Finishing in second and third
place respectively were our president,
Skipper Ragsdale, and North Board
Director Eric Smith. Skipper took $75
and a gift basket and Eric took $50
and a gift basket. The sponsors for this
event were 1-800-Autopsy, Hepburn
Industries, and Keepers Security Co. I
am expecting more participants and
will try to get sponsorship for next year
in San Francisco as well.
2014 CFDA Convention in San Diego
On Sunday
afternoon, June 29,
CFDA members
enjoyed an exciting
game of baseball
at Petco Park! The
San Diego Padres
defeated the Arizona
Diamondbacks, 2-1.
Summer 2014
| CFDA Newslines 19
2014 CFDA Convention in San Diego
Thank You Sponsors
and Exhibitors!
In the Legends ballroom at the Hard
Rock Hotel, our convention goers visited
with the exhibitors and sponsors of the
2014 convention. Without their support
this event would not be held.
Gold Sponsors
Batesville Casket Company
Federated Insurance Company
Silver Sponsors
Cypress Lawn Funeral Home
Sierra Donor Services
Matthews Casket Division
Security National Insurance
Aurora Casket Co., Inc.
Forethought Life Insurance
Hollywood Forever Funeral Home
Bronze Sponsors
Sight Life
CFDA Board of Directors
20 CFDA Newslines | Summer 2014
2014 CFDA Convention in San Diego
Summer 2014
| CFDA Newslines 21
2014 CFDA Convention in San Diego
President's Banquet
Thank you for joining us this year! The President’s
Reception and Banquet was a wonderful way to
top off the convention, kick back and relax.
22 CFDA Newslines | Summer 2014
Save the
111th CFDA
June 26-28, 2015
Hyatt Regency
San Francisco
Your participation
is extremely
important in
helping us further
the efforts of
the CFDA. This
association is only
as strong as its
members, and
only through your
support – such as
by attending the
annual convention
– are we able to
continue to keep
CFDA strong.
2014 CFDA Convention in San Diego
President's Banquet
Summer 2014
| CFDA Newslines 23
2014 CFDA Convention in San Diego
A Look Back at the
Convention Meetings,
Presentations and Assembly
Attendees took part in these great activities:
CFDA Law Review
Roundtable Discussions
Convention Program
General Meeting and Breakfast
Service of Remembrance
24 CFDA Newslines | Summer 2014
2014 CFDA Convention in San Diego
Roundtable Discussion – Early Registration
Summer 2014
| CFDA Newslines 25
Taking Care of Yourself
as a Funeral Director
by Chaplain Joe Davis, CTSS
Editor’s Note: Chaplain Davis
was a speaker at this summer’s CFDA
Convention in San Diego. Here he
summarizes some of the points he made
during his presentation. As a volunteer
chaplain for the San Diego County
Medical Examiner’s Office since 2000,
he has responded to the scenes of many
different kinds of deaths and provided
support to families facing tough situations, as well as to the Medical Examiner’s staff, who need help processing the
stress from the dark nature of their jobs.
The ordained pastor is also a Certified
Trauma Services Specialist (CTSS) with
the Association of Traumatic Stress
Specialists. Davis is the only full-time
chaplain for a medical examiner or
coroner in the United States.
uneral directors are subject to
stress not only in their jobs,
but also in their families and
communities in connection
with their work in the funeral service
profession. It is important to recognize the stressors that exist for these
professionals, as well as potential signs
of “burn out,” in order to figure out how
to cope with this situation. Steps may
include talking with others, turning
to faith support, and participating in
group activities.
The stresses felt by funeral directors include “vicarious traumatization,” which is the transformation that
occurs within the funeral director
(and their staff ) as a result of sympathetic engagement with clients’ death
experiences and their follow-up. This
may derive from listening to graphic
descriptions of horrific events, bearing witness to people’s cruelty to one
another and witnessing the aftermath
26 CFDA Newslines | Summer 2014
Loss of mental concentration
Increased irritability and
Substance abuse
Contributors to
Compassion Fatigue
Chaplain Joe Davis, CTSS
of traumatic events. These stresses can
lead to “compassion fatigue.”
Compassion fatigue is a helper’s
response to the acute or chronic emotional or spiritual strain of dealing with
others who are troubled or traumatized. It is caused by the interaction
between the helper and the client/victim. It results in jumping from crisis to
crisis, trying to do too much, and having difficulty saying “No.” The potential
for these manifestations is exacerbated
by the prevalence of modern technology (e.g., cell phones), which make us
constantly available.
Signs of Compassion
Decreased energy
Feelings of failure/inadequacy
Reduced sense of reward
Negativism about self, others,
funeral profession and the
world in general
Unappreciated by those served
Dread of going to work
Inability to consistently
produce “win-win” conflict
Difficulty managing
Administration overload – too
much energy in low-reward
Being put on pedestals by
others . . . and self
Trying to please everybody
Being too goal-oriented vs.
Compassion fatigue should not
be confused with “burnout,” which is
a more extreme condition. Symptoms
of burnout include panic, irritability,
procrastination, tardiness, avoidance,
cynicism, exhaustion, and depression.
Compassion Fatigue
vs. Burnout
Compassion Fatigue
I still do care
Temporary – take a break
Loss of fuel and energy
Physical damage
I don’t care anymore
Requires more than a break
Loss of ideals and hope
Emotional/spiritual damage
There are many ways to manage
compassion fatigue. Below are some of
the most pertinent actions a person can
The “R’s” of Stress
Managing Compassion
Relaxation techniques
Delegate responsibilities when
Learn from past experiences
Avoid chronic exposure to
stresses that have a personal
impact/practice simplicity
Know your own “triggers”
Understand your own
humanity and limitations
Seek assistance and a
supportive environment when
signs of stress are prevalent/
listen to others’ counsel
Responsibility – Establish
Reflection – Be aware of
stress symptoms
Relaxation – Schedule
something you enjoy – or do
nothing sometimes
Relationships – Maintain
positive relationships
Routines – Return to
Refueling – Eat a balanced
diet, drink plenty of water, and
minimize the use of caffeine,
nicotine, fats, processed foods,
Retraining – Allow for change
and adjust to circumstances
Recreation – Laugh, have fun,
enjoy life!
Summer 2014
| CFDA Newslines 27
In Remembrance
Nicholas Anthony Contaxis
Funeral Director with Kerr Mortuary in Alturas
October 6, 1952 - August 10, 2014
Alturas, CA
Marjorie Mitchell
Former Owner/Operator of Merkley-Mitchell Mortuary
in San Diego
July 12, 1921 - July 6, 2014
San Diego, CA
Charles “Chuck” Pennington
Father of CFDA Past President Scott Pennington
October 15, 1942 - August 1, 2014
Sacramento, CA
Elmer Harold Vierkant
Longtime Funeral Director at El Cajon Mortuary
March 26, 1929 – May 21, 2014
La Mesa, CA
Venus T. Weaver
Operated Weaver Mortuary; Mother-in-law to CFDA
Board Member Fred Nalder
July 20, 1918 – July 17, 2014
Beaumont, CA
of Events
Go to www .cafda .org
for more information .
October 7-8
CFDA Committee
Sacramento, CA
October 27
Law Review Course
Sacramento, CA
Registrations and
payment must be received
by October 14; Additional
fee of $40 applies
after then.
October 28
FDSC Meeting
Sacramento, CA
CFDA Annual Convention
September 26-28, 2015
Hyatt Regency in San
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28 CFDA Newslines | Summer 2014
A Back
Injury May
Never Go
by Federated Insurance Company
reventing back injuries is a
challenge for many business
owners, even with those with
good safety practices. Many
times employees are handling heavy
objects under unfavorable circumstances. Whether lifting without thinking about the load or having the body
in an awkward position, the employee
is vulnerable to a serious back injury.
The human back is a well-designed
support mechanism. Pressure on the
intervertebral discs is minimized when
kept relatively straight while lifting or
moving materials. However, it is human nature to bend the back during
the lifting process, which places greater
stress on the discs. The load on the disc
between the third and fourth lumbar
vertebrae can increase almost four
times between standing upright and
lifting a load with a bent back. These
back injuries are very painful and may
never go away!
An industry study of Federated
Insurance Company’s workers compensation claims for calendar years
2009-2011 shows that 13 percent of
the injuries were to the back. Slightly
under 19 percent of the dollars paid in
claims were for back injuries.1
Federated’s analysis of losses shows
the leading causes of back injuries are
lifting and pushing (or pulling). Actually, lifting is the number one cause in
both frequency and severity. Data from
the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS)
and National Safety Council also support the finding that lifting is the number one cause of back injuries. The BLS
reports that over one million workers
suffer back injuries each year and back
injuries account for one out of every
five work place injuries and illnesses.
It Can Happen
to Anyone
Back injuries strike every employee
class – they are non-selective. Every
human who lifts, reaches, twists, turns,
or bends is prone to back injuries,
especially if working with heavy or
bulky items. Many times back injuries
are the consequence of minor traumas
occurring over a period of time. When
a major incident occurs to a weakened
back, the result may be a devastating,
life-changing injury.
What can be done to reduce this
problem? Probably the best prevention
method is an ongoing training program
for back injury prevention. Any time
employees can spare their backs and
use the lifting aids you provide in the
work place, they should do so. Keep
reminding employees of proper lifting
techniques through safety meetings
and posters. Back injury prevention
should be a major focus at your business.
Back injuries can have a longlasting effect on your business. A back
injury to a key employee could require
a change in your operations. Back
injuries are difficult to heal and have an
effect on everything the person does —
both at work and at home. Prevention
through training is essential because a
back injury may never go away.
Source: Federated Insurance Companies Report, 2009-2011 Causes of Loss – All Types
This publication is intended to provide general recommendations regarding risk prevention. It is not intended to include all steps or processes necessary to adequately protect
you, your business, or your customers. You should always consult your personal attorney and insurance advisor for advice unique to you and your business. © 2011 Federated
Mutual Insurance Company. All rights reserved.
Summer 2014
| CFDA Newslines 29
Welcome NewMembers
(March – July 2014)
Special Vendor
Absolute Wood Products
Ruffo Miranda
Cardinal Church Furniture
Gregory Lambrecht
Eagle’s Wings Air
Toni Salek
Fort Wayne, IN
Glass Remembrance
Lee Guttentag
Pataskala, OH
Sight Life
Sean Algee
Inland Memorial, Inc., FD#1687
Bonnie Hall
Great Western Insurance
Lynn Leskera
Long Beach
Regular Members
Inland Memorial Harford
Chapel, FD#282
Bonnie Hall
Aztlan Mortuary North Co.,
John Rodriguez
Katana Research
Rudy Wann
Bridges Cremation Services,
Nancy Linn
MedWaste California
Selena Locke
Forget-Me-Not Ever
Doyle Farnsworth
Boise, ID
Funeral CreditCare, FD#2189
Curtis Berryman
Precious Memories
Todd Lehmann
East Aurora, NY
Funeral Fund, Inc.
E.J. White
Funeral Services, Inc.
Paul White
Tallahassee, FL
Green Hills Mortuary &
Mortuary Chapel, FD#1175
Thomas McNerney
Rancho Palos Verdes
Shiva Shade
Craig Maltz
Merrick, NY
Inland Memorial, Inc., FD#1678
Bonnie Hall
Inland Memorial Hermosa
Cemetery, FD#1758
Bonnie Hall
McNerney’s Mortuary, FD#418
Thomas McNerney
San Pedro
Statewide Mortuary Transport &
Support, Inc., FD#2202
Craig Herberger
Torres Cremation & Burial
Ralph Torres
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right places
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Security National Life
John Little (North CA)
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California Funeral Directors Association
One Capitol Mall, Suite 320
Sacramento, CA 95814