PRIME One - Strategix


PRIME One - Strategix
- One Solution for the entire Demand Chain
Demandsoft - Information & News around PRIME One®
Stock optimization,
increased availability and
more transparency
Integrated Retail & Wholesale
Replenishment Solution
Cross department interaction & flexibility
Cross department End-to-end
service integration & visibility
Q4 / 2014
Methodes & processes
Automated assortment management & dynamic SKU
Calendar centric replenishment automation
Service stays not only for availability
Stock optimization, Increased availability and more transparency
Optimizing shelf and inventory levels throughout the
entire Demand Chain that ensure stock availability,
service level and readiness to supply whilst at the
same time reducing tied capital are complex but absolutely critical processes to minimizing supply chain
costs and improving profit margins still further.
In order to better plan and steer capital investment in inventory on
Central and Store level you need a daily understanding of how your
business functions at the SKU level without having to manage each
and every SKU. Existing solutions cannot deliver the level of transparency you need.
PRIME One® is the replenishment system that provides you the level
of transparency you need in order to achieve and sustain the optimum
balance of your shelf availability, economic inventory levels, supply
chain business processes optimization and enhanced replenishment
PRIME One® offers enhanced demand forecasting methods, demand
projection capabilities and automated SKU management functionality
that translates daily results into economically optimized and service
oriented orders.
Advanced calendar functionality allows users to plan special promotions, to take advantage of special conditions and introduce new products with ease.
Reporting and analysis highlight further potential for optimization. The
time intensive calculation of order quantities and the monitoring of
each and every article belong to the past. Modern calculation methods
automatically take supplier specifications, price bands and logistical
requirements into consideration to ensure that orders are generated
and optimized to fulfil daily changing requirements.
„...PRIME One® is not just a replenishment solution
delivering advance functionality and optimization...
The new service capabilities do allow just-in-time requests for quick results and planning needs. It allows
to enable departments without any additional effort of
our end users …“
Cross department interaction & flexibility
The integrated service architecture of PRIME One ® supports multiple services for individual functional requests of connected IT
systems. Typical requests are information about future expected
receiving quantities, projected demand or order quantity values.
Requests can be delivered for just single items, but also for entire
categories or vendor lines or locations.
Services are not simple data exchange processes! It is possible to
request forecasts for any row of number directly delivered with the
service request. Results of past promotions can be requested by
adding purposes without the need to connect with users of
PRIME One® .
PRIME One® analyses each and every fluctuation in demand every
day and manages unexpected behavior by exceptions in order to
calculate the presentation or safety stocks, order points and inventory
levels required to fulfill the service levels expected by your customers
while reducing operational cost. As a result, users are managing their
daily work by exception allowing them to focus on more profitable and
planning activities.
Time is always changing! The service architecture of PRIME One®
supports changes in a very flexible way. Therefore services can
be added for almost any need. Any logic used in PRIME One ® can
be made available in PRIME One®'s service pool. Especially this
service pool soon becomes the perfect source for End-to-end
integration processes throughout the entire demand chain.
PRIME One®'s data granularity and enhanced service functionality
is a high quality source for planning and simulation requests needed in purchasing, planning and logistic department, as well as on
the C-level to gain more-just in-time visibility!
Demandsoft - Information & News around PRIME One®
Q4 / 2014
Advance methods & individual processes
Organizing replenishment decisions and ordering processes - supported with PRIME One®‘s
integrated methodology. Users simply defining and managing directions, our solution
delivers automatically the answers and results!
Defining the directions
While utilizing the dynamic classification model
inside PRIME One® buyers are able manage exceptions and replenishment results for an almost
endless number of items simply based on their
That way the entire assortment stays well organized with a high level of automation on SKU level
throughout the full item life cycle. Users don’t have
to manage their assortment manually anymore.
This increases the buyer’s efficiency and accuracy
of their daily work while they gain more time for
proactive planning work using PRIME One®.
Class dynamic with a broad impact
PRIME One® and its classification model allows to
manage detailed parameter and steering factors
to manage replenishment processes and service
levels results.
All this allows to manage closer - based on the
SKU character measured on each location level -
the life cycles of each item and assortments.
In close work together with Demandsoft, customers define new requirements for their automated
item classification model and assortment management. So that depending on individual settings,
items will get automatically reclassified without
disturbing the daily replenishment processes.
Item management methodologies supporting
dynamic item classification processes
To reclassify items on SKU level automatically it is
not enough anymore to utilize traditional models
like the ABC and/or XYZ analysis.
It is essential to monitor more detailed the behavior
and character of each SKU at each location at any
time! This for example includes trends, seasonal
patterns, the amount of picks, the cost and profit
contribution, the lead time accuracy, service goals
and demand variance as well as values like shelf
life, shelf size, or any logistic constrain.
PRIME One® integrated item management methods and simulations do deliver the required granularity of information in order to allow for more
automated item classification processes on a periodical base to achieve better results throughout
the entire item life cycle.
For additional information
about our product offering
and services please contact
us directly:
Demandsoft GmbH
Gustav-Stresemann-Ring 1
D - 65189 Wiesbaden
+49 (611) 9777 435 - 0
Demandsoft s.r.l.
Via Ferrarese, 3
I - 40128 Bologna
+39 (611) 9777 435 - 0
Adjusting with just-in-time results!
If you think about service „stock availability“ comes
quickly in mind! PRIME One® now delivers a complete
new „service“ idea: Service integration for more flexibility
and immediate results:
Calendar centric order
PRIME One® automatically suggests economically optimized and
balanced orders to match logistic
goals, constrains and requirements.
The advanced integrated vendor
calendar functionality allows additional automated adjustments
based on constrains in receiving
and delivering for one or multiple
days or periods. It always takes
care of constrains due to vacation
phases and peeks, vendor constrains and delays in production or
seasonal impacts.
The integrated calendar can be
managed and changed on main
vendor or sub vendor level. Constrains and their impact to orders
are reviewable managed by exceptions on order level.
This makes impact and automated
changes transparent and understandable!
Using PRIME One®’s integrated
exception techniques helps gaining
trust for additional automation,
while results stay controllable and
understandable for each buyer!
The integrated calendar functionality overcomes automatically constrains while adjusting suggested
and automatically approved orders.
Regardless if the calendar is set for
an individual source or warehouse
delivering to stores or customers.
A calendar can be connected to a
trucking schedule or logistic interface. The vendor calendar understands automatically when to react
on constrains and how to enhance
SOQs overcome constrains without
stock outs through any impact.
The advanced and integrative service
architecture of PRIME One®
With the new service architecture of PRIME One® you
open a new way for cross-department exchange of information and results just-in-time focusing on stock availability, demand chain visibility and automated replenishment processes.
Services do not deliver simple data. Service request can
calculate, simulate, project and plan results! Connected
with related systems PRIME One® is the perfect source
to support end-to-end integration projects - in time and
without manual actions.
and planning