tidings - First Presbyterian Church
tidings - First Presbyterian Church
July/August 2011 First Presbyterian Church, Baldwinsville, NY handicap accessible buildings TIDINGS The Rev. Stuart D. Hayes, Pastor Nursery School 315-635-7391 9am-12n M-F email: nlandon@presbville.com phone: 315-635-9964 fax: 315-638-4792 published in the Church Office (LARGE PRINT copies available) editor, N. Landon website: www.presbville.com Sunday - 10:00 am worship Congratulations Graduates ! ‴ ‴ ‴ ‴ ‷ ‷ ‷ ‷ Ava Bullis and Ryan Bullis grandchildren of Alyce & Barry Bullis, are both recent graduates of the Presbyterian Nursery School. Kelley Fullerton, daughter of Kevin Fullerton, graduated from Utica College with a degree in Recreational Therapy. Tom Honsinger, son of Ray & Carol Honsinger, graduated from CW Baker High School in Baldwinsville and will be attending Boston University in the fall. Allison Jones, daughter of Emily Giraudin, graduated from the University at Buffalo and received a Bachelor of Arts in Communication with a minor in Sociology. Allison is Assistant Site Manager for Just for Kids, Inc. and a youth mentor for WNY United at the Academy of Performing Arts. Allison has been Assistant to the Director of Dance at UB and will have an article published in the July issue of “Dance Teacher” magazine. Jason Jones, son of Emily Giraudin, graduated from Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University with a Bachelor of Science in Materials Science & Engineering. Jason was awarded the 2011 Undergraduate Student Award in Environmental Chemistry by the American Chemical Society as a result of his research in Environmental nanopartical research at the ICTAS Laboratory at Virginia Tech. Jason has accepted a position at MOOG, Inc. HQ in East Aurora, NY as a Materials Engineer. Kevin Pond, son of Rush & Marty Pond, graduated from SUNY at Geneseo this May with a B.A. in Economics. Joshua Prahl, son of Joel & Kathy Prahl and grandson of Vince & Pam Keckison, is now a graduate of the Presbyterian Nursery School. Jon Rodriguez graduated from Nazareth College as a business major. He is the son of Joe & Joanne Rodriguez. Living in Rochester, he is employed by the Rochester Rattlers, a professional lacrosse team. ➻10:00 am Worship every Sunday ! ➻10:20 am Sunday Summer Church School July 10th–Aug. 14th ➻Fri. July 8th Blood Drive – 1-6 pm ➻Fri. & Sat. July 22nd & 23rd – Arts on the Lawn community festival ➻August 5, 6, 7, 11, 12, 13, 14 – BTG’s , , a live performance TIDINGS July-August 2011 Board of Deacons Bea Boak Beth Calnon Helen Decker* Elizabeth Hayes Discipleship: The Way of Jesus Marge Calkins, Moderator Matt McGivney Lillian Olsen Marty Pond Nancy Joanne Rodriguez Esther Rounds Peggy Suddaby Anthonia Todd van den Heever Barb Winegard If you already have the study book, keep it! We will begin anew in the fall. Watch for more information in September. (The study book costs $7.) * Honorary Deacon Remember in your prayers and correspondence, SUMMER REFRESHMENTS since our last newsletter Please sign up to provide refreshments for a summer Sunday worship service. Refreshments in the summer are more low key than during the school year, gathering in the Chancel Hallway right after worship to chat and share a little nourishment. Most frequently, cold drinks and baked goods are served, but the host may choose to serve whatever she or he wishes. Look for the bright yellow sign-up poster in church, and add your name. Team up with a partner and share the fun! Thank you in advance for volunteering and helping to enhance our atmosphere of caring and sharing. GRIEVING – Harry & Bea Boak, upon the death of his sister Joan Young Family & Friends of Miner Crego ILLNESS / INJURY / SURGERY – Doug Church, Bill Cooper, Joyce Crego, Miner Crego, Nina Crego, Jane Dickson, Bud Faulkingham, Jane Hale, Nancy Henderson, Carol Hovey, Vince Keckison, Beth Northrop, Carole Olsen, John Roloff, Ginny Swanson, Dorothy Uhrig, Margaret Walrath, Marietta Zuern PLEASE ALSO INCLUDE THE FOLLOWING RELATIVES & FRIENDS OF MEMBERS OF OUR CONGREGATION: Christopher Bradshaw, Joseph Burkhart, Mary Ellen Brzozowski, Virginia Bullis, Joseph Cefaliello, Celinda Crego, Wayne Cummings, Caleb Doran, Diana & Jennifer Dunn, Sean Ferguson, Brenda Fulton, Joanne Henderson, Lorna Keech, Robert Keech, Carole Laing, Jack Le Porte, Grace Lord, Ryan McClain, Amy Moore, Kali Mordaunt, Ryan Murdock, Kelly Nolan, Gary Suddaby, Kelley Walrath, Florence Zeggert, James Zeggert Jr & Sr, Florence Zimmermann an old fashioned festival Local artisans, music, and good food will be here on Friday, July 22nd from Noon-7PM and Saturday July 23rd from 10am-5pm … all right here on our church lawn! There will be booths featuring jewelry, watercolor art, wooden Christmas tree ornaments, photography and more … plus chair caning demonstrations and musical entertainment. On Saturday, there is also a bake sale that includes jams & jellies. You’ll enjoy a food booth with an extensive menu and, of course, our strawberry shortcake. More and more vendors are signing up. Come join the fun! - Nancy van den Heever SERVING IN THE MILITARY: Jonathan Bullis, Jim Burns, Ethan Derr, David Edmonds, Christopher Frost, Lt. Adam Fullerton, Lt. Patrick Fullerton, Noah Keib ~~~~~~~ If you have prayer concerns you wish included or removed from this list, please contact the church office. Additions must be condoned by the individual involved or their family. NEXT Blood Drive Fri., July 8th 1-6 pm in the Education Building. Call 1-800-733-2767 for an appointment. Contact Jill at 638-0264 to volunteer to help. Walk-ins are welcome. Our May 13th drive helped 81 patients! Rule to Remember – “Change is not made without inconvenience, even from worse to better.” - Richard Hooker, British clergyman & author 2 TIDINGS July-August 2011 Christian Education Janne Murphy, CE Coordinator July Birthdays "WHO HAS SEEN THE WIND? NEITHER I NOR YOU. BUT 01 – Cathy Dickson 02 – Thelma Einbinder Betty Naylor Kyle Pelcher Casey Price 03 – Sean Durkin Angela Monica Kelsey Soderberg 04 – Emma Andrukat Anna Demer 05 – Ginny Swanson 06 – Jane Monnat 07 – James Pelcher 08 – Nancy Henderson 09 – Melissa Hunter 11 – Edie Hunter Judy Lease 12 – Allison Jones 13 – Sophie Demer WHEN THE LEAVES HANG TREMBLING, THE WIND IS PASSING THROUGH. WHO HAS SEEN THE WIND? NEITHER YOU NOR I. BUT WHEN THE LEAVES BOW DOWN THEIR HEADS, THE WIND IS PASSING BY. OUR SANCTUARY IS FILLED WITH AIR; INVISIBLE BUT REALLY PRESENT AMONG US. YOU SEE CLUSTERS OF RED HELIUM BALLOONS WEAVING BACK AND FORTH AS THE INVISIBLE AIR CURRENTS MOVE AMONG THEM. THE WORD FOR “SPIRIT” IN BOTH GREEK AND HEBREW WIND IS MOVING AIR, AND THIS FRESH AIR IS NEEDED CONTINUALLY FOR LIFE ITSELF. EVEN MEANS BREATH AND WIND. SEEDS OFTEN REQUIRE WIND FOR THEIR DISPERSAL AND SUBSEQUENT GROWTH. THE PRESENCE OF SIMILARLY, THE HOLY SPIRIT IS GOD, THE SOURCE FOR ALL LIFE." The above is an excerpt from the sermon presented during the worship service on Moving Up Day. The children and youth prepared and presented a full worship service based around the theme of "wind.” Hymns such as "Spirit", and "Wind Who Makes All Winds that Blow" were incorporated by the choir. A special arrangement of "Breathe On Me O Breath of God" was written and played by Ralph Loomis on the Northumbrian small pipes (a WIND instrument ) to further highlight our theme. Children ranging in age from 4 to 18 took part in the service designed to engage all our senses in worship on Pentecost Sunday. They did a most remarkable job! August Birthdays 02 – Lindsey Demer Brian Smith 06 – Theresa Demer Nancy van den Heever 08 – Mikaela McGivney Benjamin Sheehan 09 – Heidi Henderson Jordan Marra 10 – Jean Harshaw 11 – Carolyn Brussel 12 – Cameron Morrissey Susanna Morrissey Matthew Pond 13 – Michaela Karcher Benjamin Rabe Summer Sunday Church school begins July 10th for Pre-K through 5th grade aged children. We will meet in Classroom #1 upstairs in the CE Center. Vacation Bible School for kids K-5th – July 24 through the 29th from 9am- 12n at St. Mark's Lutheran Church on Cold Springs Rd. (Rt. 370 E). Register at www.stmarksbville.com. th George Le Victor Jenkins Jeanne Le Porte Luella Oakes Session Elders Harry Boak Barry Bullis Jean Harshaw 13 – Tyler Moltrup Hannah Murphy 15 – Jon Rodriguez 16 – Barry Bullis 17 – Matthew Lawrence Michael Wimberly 19 – Janice Bitz Ryan Bullis 20 – Aaron Bradshaw Megan Jenkins Anna Salotto 21 – Thomas Honsinger 22 – Anne Cowdery 24 – Nancy Runyans 28 – Rick Alt 29 – Lynette Durkin 30 – Beth Carinci 31 – Joan Kingsley Jeanne Le Porte 16 – Jack Alt Jacki Coe 19 – Stephen Dobbins 21 – William Mignault 25 – William Cooper Paul Soderberg 28 – Stuart Hayes 29 – Mary Hamilton Brian Middleton Andrew Snyder 30 – Beth Calnon Patricia Dickman Allan Henderson 31 – JoAnn Adsit John Lawrence We’re Sprucing It Up ! This summer, we are painting and perking up our church school classrooms on the second floor of the CE Center. If you (or your family) would like to be involved in helping in any way, email Janne Murphy at jmurphy@presbville.com, leave a message on her offrice phone, or drop a note in her mail basket. There are tasks of all sizes and shapes. One is sure to be tailored just for you! Porte, Clerk Rush Pond Kevin Todd Al Winegard 3 TIDINGS July-August 2011 ♥ July Wedding Anniversaries ♥ Jim & Theresa Demer Kevin & Anthonia Todd Sean & Lynette Durkin Roger & Lynn Pohl Doug & Barbara Church from PWC Presbyterian Women of the Congregation Brian & Kathy Dickson Al & Barb Winegard Barry & Alyce Bullis Mike & Nancy Runyans On Sunday, September 18th, you will have the opportunity to listen to a speaker who is intensely involved in mission work in Rwanda. This little country in East Central Africa was nearly destroyed by ethnic and tribal tension created and fueled by colonial exploitation that erupted into 100 days of genocide in which 100,000 Rwandans were killed. Since the genocide, Rwanda is rebuilding lives and communities through the empowerment of women, the creation of business ventures, and social and spiritual programs. We will have lunch following worship, giving you the opportunity to meet with our presenter, the Rev. Suzi Harriff, and learn more. Remember the date Sunday, Sept. 18th! - Liz Bowers ♥ August Wedding Anniversaries ♥ Mic & Marylyn Jenkins Jamie & Stephanie Moltrup Leonard & Nancy Houck Vince & Pam Keckison Scott & Jean Daskiewich Jack & Marla Barton Joe & Casey Price Sherley & Dorothy Matteson Charles & Liz Bowers Bill & Wanda Wachob Burton & Gretchen Crego Add a birthday or anniversary to our growing list by contacting the church office with the information. New Stuff Galore ! Did you know??? #1 – TIDINGS has a new look! Changes have been made in its appearance to improve its readability. Presbyterian Church (USA) has a program called “Enough for Everyone.” It is a ministry of the Presbyterian Hunger Program "working with congregations and partners around the globe to alleviate hunger and eliminate its causes." Enough for Everyone is about aligning our lifestyle with our faith values. How we live shows who we are. For more information about lifestyle awareness and simple living programs like the Presbyterian Coffee Project and Global Marketplace, log on to www.pcusa.org and search "Enough for Everyone." #2 – We have a newly designed website! Presbville.com, created by Brian Wolken of Parallel IT Consulting, is up and running. We are adding more information all the time and look forward to your comments. Let us know what you find helpful and what you might like to see there. #3 – We are now on Facebook. Why not become a friend? #4 – We have the following new email addresses: Pastor –------------ shayes@presbville.com CE Coordinator --- jmurphy@presbville.com Church Secretary – nlandon@presbville.com Church Staff Pastor -----------------------------The Rev. Stuart D. Hayes CE Coordinator--------------------------------Janne Murphy Church Secretary------------------------------Nancy Landon Clerk of Session ----------------------------George Le Porte Deacon Moderator -------------------------Marjorie Calkins Director of Music & Choirs --------------------Rheta Jenks Organist-------------------------------------------Julie Grindle Financial Secretary --------------------------Nancy Dobbins Treasurer----------------------------------------Diana Anastas PWC Moderator--------------------------- Elizabeth Bowers Nursery School Director-------------------------Sue Wolken Studies determine SENIOR CITIZENS ARE THE NATION'S LEADING CARRIERS OF AIDS ! HEARING AIDS BAND AIDS ROLAIDS WALKING AIDS MEDICAL AIDS GOVERNMENT AIDS and most of all, MONETARY AID TO THEIR KIDS! Not forgetting HIV (Hair Is Vanishing). 4 TIDINGS July-August 2011 New Beginnings News Independence Day Tribute I watched the flag pass by one day. It fluttered in the breeze. A young Marine saluted it, and then He stood at ease. At the June 26th New Beginnings Luncheon approximately 30 participants listened to a summary of the process so far. They made a list of possible missional projects, then picked two to investigate and pursue. A this time, we can report on one – i.e. aid for migrant workers. We have contacted Eastern Farm Workers and hope to join them – perhaps as soon as July 10th – to begin to learn more. I looked at him in uniform So young, so tall, so proud. With hair cut square and eyes alert He’d stand out in any crowd. I thought, how many men like him Had fallen though the years? How many died on foreign soil? How many mothers’ tears? Keep on a-saving/recycling How many pilots’ planes shot down? How many foxholes were soldiers’ graves? No, Freedom is not free. empty printer ink cartridges deposit cans and bottles box tops and labels for education I heard the sound of taps one night, When everything was still. I listened to the bugler play And felt a sudden chill. Place items in the marked receptacles in the church Narthex or CE Center entrance. As we reduce waste, we are earning cash to add to our church programs (using monies from cartridges and deposit containers) and providing assistance to a school in New Mexico (with the labels for education). Don’t forget, if you shop at Staples, tell them your church is part of their Rewards Program. We will then receive a percentage of your purchase total to spend on our office supplies. So far this year we have received $271.50. I wondered just how many times That taps had meant “Amen.” When a flag had draped a coffin Of a brother or a friend. I thought of all the children, Of the mothers and the wives. Of fathers, sons and husbands With interrupted lives. I thought about a graveyard At the bottom of the sea. Of unmarked graves in Arlington. No, Freedom isn’t free! Special thanks to Chris “Freedom” Robbins for all his hard work and donation of equipment and time, making our May 21st Smoked Chicken Drive Thru such a huge success! - Kelly Strong 5 Sean Durkin (L) and Tom Rogers man the grills at our Moving Up Day Picnic on June 12th 5
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