tidings - First Presbyterian Church


tidings - First Presbyterian Church
October 2011
First Presbyterian Church, Baldwinsville, NY
handicap accessible buildings
The Rev. Stuart D. Hayes, Pastor
Nursery School 315-635-7391
9am-12n, 1-4pm M-F
email: nlandon@presbville.com
published in the Church Office (LARGE PRINT copies available) editor, N. Landon
the Pastor’s Pen . . .
phone: 315-635-9964
Sunday - 10:00 am worship
On Sept. 25th we elected the following new leaders of our congregation:
Mark Chamberlin has been a member of this
congregation for over 20 years but has become
much more active recently. Mark loves to square
dance. He’s an avid ham radio enthusiast.
Whether he’s helping in the church kitchen,
participating in an adult discussion group or
worshiping on Sunday, Mark is looking for ways
that we can all nurture one another’s faith. This
would be Mark’s first time on Session. He hopes to
serve as the elder on the Membership Committee.
Marge Calkins just finished a term as Moderator
of Deacons. She also sings in the choir, serves on
the church Floral Committee and is a mainstay in
the church kitchen. It’s not uncommon to see her
and husband Lee tending flowers and shrubs
around the church campus. They are also active
volunteers at Beaver Lake. This would be Marge’s
first time on Session. She plans to serve as the
Buildings and Grounds elder.
Previously on Session as recently as early in this
century, Kathy Bowen currently serves as the
Sunshine (i.e. card-sending) Person for Deacons.
She sings in the choir and frequently plays her
flute. Kathy also volunteers with On Point for
College. She and husband Jon are enjoying new
opportunities to travel. Kathy’s favorite avocation
is “hanging” with granddaughter Chloe. Worship
and Music is the Session committee on which she
plans to serve.
Victor Jenkins plans to continue on Session,
specifically as the elder on the Special Gifts
Committee. Victor just finished a term on the
school board here in Baldwinsville during which
time he served a year as Board President. When
he’s not working in Financial Planning for M&T
Bank, Victor enjoys traveling with adult daughters,
Christine and Megan. He’s a long time enthusiastic
participant in men’s study and fellowship
gatherings. More recently he has taught Sunday
Morning Church School, too.
Andy Brussel returns to Session after a one year
hiatus. He plans to move back into his old “slot”
as the elder on the Congregational Life Committee.
When he is not coaching one of his children’s
athletic teams, he works in the food distribution
business. Two years ago, Andy and Chris Robbins
started our May Chicken Smoker. If you don’t
always see him in the sanctuary with wife Lynn
during worship, it’s because he very frequently
volunteers to teach Sunday Morning Church
A life-long member of this congregation, Sheila
Rogers looks to serve on the Board of Deacons for
the first time. You probably see Sheila most
frequently with husband Tom, son Kyle and
daughter Kelly in worship. What you don’t see is
all the work she does behind the scenes on the
steering committee of the Presbyterian Nursery
School. In that role, she has served as the
coordinator of Breakfast with Santa.
Judy Lease has served previously in this role.
Meanwhile, she sings in the choir, rings in the Bell
Choir and keeps our church library organized.
Judy and husband Ron are longtime members of
this congregation. The easiest place to find her is
behind the circulation desk at the Baldwinsville
Public Library where she works.
Martha Stevens returns to Deacons after a brief
hiatus. Currently she serves on the Fund-Raising
Task Force and Membership Committee. She has
overseen our refreshment booth at the Radisson
Garage Sale. She specializes in scrumptious
desserts for coffee hours, concerts and receptions.
Also, Martha is “volunteer #1” for clean-up detail
at big church dinners.
(There’s more on page #2)
October 2011
new leaders of our congregation:
Freida Mason joins this board for the first time.
Recently retired, she’s fresh from a delightful
summer with her granddaughters. A longtime
resident of Baldwinsville and member of this
congregation, Freida hopes to serve Deacons as
their treasurer.
Peggy Suddaby returns for a consecutive term on
the Board of Deacons. She sings in the choir,
often singing solos in the summer. Peggy is
heavily involved in Eastern Star. She and husband
Gary live in Village Green.
For the Special Gifts Committee, Beth Soeder is
nominated for her first 3-year term. Beth has
served on Session, taught Sunday morning Church
School, been part of a Pledge Campaign Team, and
worked on the PNS Steering Committee. She has
also worked with various confirmation classes,
several times on the Halloween Haunted House,
and as a girl scout leader. Beth, a Speech
Pathologist, lives in Radisson with husband Mike,
daughter Emily and son Mason.
Jeanne Le Porte has just finished a term on
Session in which she was the elder on the Worship
and Music Committee. Having served numerous
times on Session and Deacons, she chairs the
Presbyterian Nursery School Steering Committee.
Jeanne and husband George are deeply involved in
the local chapter of the Lions Club. Together they
also volunteer through the DAV to provide a
monthly birthday party for long term patients at
the VA hospital.
These people will be ordained and/or installed during worship on Oct. 9th. Congratulate them then or
the next time you see them!
Board of Deacons
Peggy Suddaby
Helen Decker*
Elizabeth Hayes
Jeanne Le Porte
Judy Lease
Bea Boak, Moderator
Freida Mason
Matt McGivney
Marty Pond
Sheila Rogers
Esther Rounds
Recently during worship, we
sang a familiar song of joy. On
Sept. 26th, we had a wonderful time
singing “Down In My Heart.” It was
great having the congregation take
such an enthusiastic part in such a joyous
We celebrate victories for baseball,
football, marching band, favorite TV shows, and on and
on. Why not show a little enthusiasm for our love of
- Rheta Jenks, Director of Music
Martha Stevens
Peggy Suddaby
Anthonia Todd
Barb Winegard
* Honorary Deacon
The Cookie Dough Fundraiser
for the Presbyterian Nursery School
The sale is in full swing! Scoop dough
from the buckets you order or order tubs
of pre-portioned cookies! They are so easy and so
During Coffee Hour following worship on Sept.
25th, PNS provided samples of freshly baked
cookies, made using this dough, for everyone to
PNS will take orders until October 16th. If you
have questions, call Jeanne Le Porte (635-9289) or
Bea Boak (303-4833). You will find order forms in
the church Narthex or the church office.
-Lynette Durkin
News & Notes from
Worship and Music
Light a candle of Remembrance ...
If you wish to light a candle in memory of
a loved one who has passed away during the past
year, please call Nancy at the church office at
635-9964 or Jeanne Le Porte at 635-9289 and
let us know.
Our annual Service of Remembrance is Sunday
Nov. 6th, All Saint's Day. If you have any
questions, please call!
- Jeanne Le Porte
Session Elders
Kathy Bowen
Barry Bullis
Andy Brussel
Marge Calkins
Mark Chamberlin
Jean Harshaw
Victor Jenkins
Kevin Todd
Al Winegard,
October 2011
Christian Education
Janne Murphy, CE Coordinator
October Birthdays
Discipleship: The Way of Jesus
01 – Justin Clark
Stephanie Moltrup
02 – Royal Kinsley
Ian Stine
03 – Lauren Dusse
04 – Lillian Olsen
09 – Mark Chamberlin
10 – Nolan Murphy
Kevin Pond
11 – Dorothy Matteson
13 – Jack Barton
14 – Matthew Einbinder
Kaitlyn Massett
Connor Murphy
15 – Doug Church
Erin Scannell
Consider this continuing opportunity to learn
about Discipleship. Discussions take place in
Room B of the CE Center following worship on
Sundays throughout the month of October. You
are welcome to attend any or all sessions.
If you already have the study book, bring it
along. If not, come anyway! It's a great way to
learn about what it means to be a Disciple in
today's busy world.
If you wish to obtain a book or would like more
information, contact Dona Todd. (study book=$7)
Stop by and check it out!
D.O.R.K. - Sunday October 9th
There are no formal classes, but you will still
find things to do during church school time in the
CE Center!
15 – Erin Scannell
16 – Cheryl Chapman
Stephanie Stine
Bill Wachob
18 – Nina Crego
Fred Hale, Jr.
Marty Pond
19 – Grace Crowell
20 – John Tulloch
23 – Lynn Pohl
25 – Chip Duger
29 – Michael Brussel
Pamela Keckison
31 – Aaron Andrukat
Joyce Ramseyer
--- --- --- --- --Belated birthday wishes to –
Mary Allen who’s birthday was Sept. 4th!
We are gearing up for the annual CROP walk on
October 16th.
Look for the display board in the Narthex,
which was created by our youth, to gather more
information and to find out how YOU can
participate. It's a great way to get some exercise
while working for a great cause!
To donate online, go to
and look for how to donate to our team.
October Wedding Anniversaries ♥
02 – Greg & Wendy Ramin 11 – Al & Nancy Henderson
--- --- --- --- --Add a birthday or anniversary to our growing list
by contacting the church office
with the information.
is a group that gathers on the 2nd Monday each month at
1:00 pm in Room B of the CE Center.
Church Staff
Pastor ------------------------------The Rev. Stuart D. Hayes
CE Coordinator--------------------------------Janne Murphy
Church Secretary------------------------------Nancy Landon
Clerk of Session ----------------------------George Le Porte
Deacon Moderator -------------------------Marjorie Calkins
Director of Music & Choirs --------------------Rheta Jenks
Organist-------------------------------------------Julie Grindle
Financial Secretary --------------------------Nancy Dobbins
Treasurer----------------------------------------Diana Anastas
PWC Moderator--------------------------- Elizabeth Bowers
Nursery School Director-------------------------Sue Wolken
is a Bible study every Friday morning at 10 am
in Room B of the CE Center.
All women are welcome!
Rule to Remember –
Courage is what it takes to stand up and speak.
Courage is also what it takes to sit down and listen.
- Winston Churchill
October 2011
Christmas Bureau
Thanks goes to Bill Mignault who helped to
upgrade the carts on which we store our new
folding chairs.
If your family is in need of assistance for
Christmas this year, please come to the
Baldwinsville Library on Fri., Nov. 4th, (9am-12n)
and Sat., Nov. 5th (9am-12n). Low income
families living in the Baldwinsville Central School
District with children 18 years of age or younger
are eligible. Please bring proof of income or
Benefit Summary Sheet, Social Security card or
benefit card for all family members, and proof of
address dated within 90 days.
If you have questions, call the Baldwinsville
Volunteer Center at 638-0251.
- Christmas Bureau Committee
It is so good to be back in church. Thanks very
much for the cards, calls and visits while I was out.
The support meant so much and helped me to
God bless you all,
Carole Olsen
Dear Friends,
At this time of year, 42 years ago, you
welcomed me as your Assistant Pastor, a young,
right-out-of-Princeton-Seminary graduate. I was
full of enthusiasm and ideas, which far outpaced
my experience and wisdom. You took a chance,
on calling a woman minister, daring at the time.
You nurtured me and taught me and loved me,
listened and guided. You shaped me for future
When I left Baldwinsville in 1972 I moved to
First Presbyterian Church in Springfield, IL, which
as an easterner I thought was in the wilderness,
and I have stayed in the Midwest, spending the
last 30 years in Madison, WI. I have served
several Presbyterian congregations, did interim
pastor work in both Presbyterian and United
Church of Christ churches, and have been in an
ecumenical relationship as co-pastor of Lake Edge
Lutheran Church in Madison for the last 15 years.
I was Miss Rakacs when I was with you, but in
later years married and had two children, who are
now grown and on their own. I often thought how
I would have loved to raise them in a community
such as B’ville.
A year ago I was headed home from a vacation
in Maine and late on a Friday afternoon pulled off
the highway and drove through town. I pulled into
the parking lot, (where a house once was) and sat
in silence, tears welling up with not only fond
remembrance but gratitude. I will retire from
ministry and my last Sunday will be on Sept. 18,
2011. Even though many years and miles have
separated us, we continue to have much in
common: a generous God of grace and mercy who
for a time called us to journey together, and calls
us to live all our days in joy and praise, a Jesus
Christ who leads us as partners in reconciliation
and renewal of all creation, and the promise of the
presence of the life-giving Spirit who continues to
bind us together in love. For our time together,
In God’s peace,
Shirley (Rev. Shirley Rakacs Funk)
Remember in your prayers
and correspondence,
since our last newsletter
Ginny Swanson, upon the death
of her uncle Boyce Ray
Helen Decker, Beth Northrop, John Roloff,
Pearl Thayer, Marietta Zuern
Leola Byrd, Aldine Colley, Brenda Fulton,
Anna Gilmour, Marilyn Humphreys,
Marilyn Kenny, Jackie Ray, Justin Ringler
Ethan Derr, David Edmonds, Christopher Frost,
Capt. Adam Fullerton, Capt. Patrick Fullerton,
Noah Keib
If you have prayer concerns you wish included or
removed from this list, please contact the pastor
or the church office. Additions must be condoned
by the individual involved or their family.
During the summer, the Worship & Music Committee
discussed the Prayer List. It is agreed that prayer
requests generally will be listed for a month. If you
should wish someone to remain on the list for longer,
please contact the pastor or the church office.
October 2011
Important Date Coming Up
 NEXT Blood Drive 
Fri., Nov. 11, 1-6 pm in the Education Center.
Call 1-800-733-2767 for an appointment.
Contact Jill at 638-0264 to volunteer to help.
Walk-ins are welcome.
Reserve the date November 6th
for a special concert in our
church sanctuary. The Chamber
singers of the Syracuse Chorale
will perform for us. Steven Uhl,
former organist at this church,
is the accompanist for the group
and will also be playing a piece as
a soloist.
Arlene and Elizabeth Walter were members of
this church for over seventy years. This concert is
given in remembrance and in tribute to these two
very outstanding sisters.
Save the date! Tell your Friends!
- Doris Hildebrandt
Silent Auction is Fast Approaching
November 12th, starting at 6:30 pm
We will be needing donations of items for the
auction. Please consider what you may be able to
contribute. New or nearly new house wares,
collectibles, knit or crocheted items, baked goods
(cookie trays go very well), pies, jams & jellies,
theme baskets, gift certificates (restaurant, store,
misc.), art work, home décor items, new or nearly
new tools, and sports equipment are just a few
Enjoy a different and entertaining evening.
Trying to outbid others on items you want sparks
the fun. And there is also the excitement of simply
looking around to discover what is available and all
the creative ideas people have used to produce
auction items.
We will need volunteers to act a monitors,
overseeing items on auction tables, and to help at
the check-out table. Please contact Liz if you
would like to help.
I urge you to put the Nov. 12th Silent Auction
on your calendar NOW. Who knows, you may
discover something that you would not have seen
any place else!
Refreshments will be available during the
evening. Because of limited storage space, the
first day for dropping off donations in
November 1st.
- Liz Bowers, Silent Auction Coordinator
Anyone interested ?????????
One of the “New Beginnings” projects being
considered is the offering of free cooking classes to
families in the community. We would advertise
this to the public.
We are thinking of providing this “hands on”
meal preparation instruction every other month.
These preparations would be basic meals that
could be prepared in 30 minutes with a little
advance planning and shopping – far healthier
meals than those that come in a bag from a stop
at a fast food restaurant on the way home.
If you are at all interested in knowing more
about this or helping with this venture in any way,
please contact Liz Bowers at 645-3275 or see her
at church.
-New Beginnings Committee
Cayuga-Syracuse Fall Gathering
On Sat., Oct. 19 we gather to car pool to the
Marcellus Presbyterian Church . This year’s theme
is “Presbyterian Women – Where We Are and
Where We Are Going.” Virginia Champlin is the
keynote speaker.
Lunch is available followed by the afternoon
Horizon’s Bible Study “The Beatitudes.”
Registration begins at 9:30 am with the
meeting from 10 am-2 pm. Lunch will cost $6,
and a Thank Offering will be dedicated.
To place lunch reservations, contact Liz Bowers
by Oct. 15th.
October 2011
Baldwinsville Volunteer Center
B’ville C.A.R.E.S. (Community Action Resource
& Empowerment Support) is a new initiative of the
Center coordinated by Elaine Sartwell and Ellen
Stevens and serving the population currently
under-served within our community.
Programs include
(1) Crisis intervention, advocacy, & appropriate
(2) B’ville Kids Kount (homework, socialization
& community involvement help)
(3) Healthy S.T.E.W. (Steps Toward Economic
Wellness) which provides parent and selfhelp support, budgeting/credit repair, and
employment searching
The B’ville C.A.R.E.S. committee is currently in
the process of finding a permanent location to
operate all of their programs on Mondays and
Wednesdays. Please contact them if you are able
to offer assistance with this.
For more information, contact Elaine or Ellen at
380-8316. You can also email them at:
Elaine: bees-girl@peoplepc.com
Ellen: ostevens@tecny.rr.com.
The volunteer Center is located at 44 Oswego
Street in Baldwinsville.
Explanation of God
by an 8-year-old 3rd grader from Chula Vista, CA
“One of God's main jobs is making people. He
makes them to replace the ones that die, so there
will be enough people to take care of things on
earth. He doesn't make grownups, just babies. I
think because they are smaller and easier to
make. That way he doesn't have to take up his
valuable time teaching them to talk and walk. He
can just leave that to mothers and fathers.
God's second most important job is listening to
prayers. An awful lot of this goes on, since some
people, like preachers and things, pray at times
beside bedtime. God doesn't have time to listen to
the radio or TV because of this. Because he hears
everything, there must be a terrible lot of noise in
his ears, unless he has thought of a way to turn it
God sees everything and hears everything and
is everywhere which keeps him pretty busy. So
you shouldn't go wasting his time by going over
your mom and dad's head asking for something
they said you couldn't have.
Atheists are people who don't believe in God. I
don't think there are any in Chula Vista. At least
there aren't any who come to our church.'
Jesus is God's Son. He used to do all the hard
work, like walking on water and performing
miracles and trying to teach the people who didn't
want to learn about God. They finally got tired of
him preaching to them and they crucified him. But
he was good and kind, like his father, and he told
his father that they didn't know what they were
doing and to forgive them and God said O.K.
His dad (God) appreciated everything that he
had done and all his hard work on earth so he told
him he didn't have to go out on the road anymore.
He could stay in heaven. So he did. And now he
helps his dad out by listening to prayers and
seeing things which are important for God to take
care of and which ones he can take care of himself
without having to bother God. Like a secretary,
only more important.
You can pray anytime you want and they are
sure to help you because they got it worked out so
one of them is on duty all the time.
You should always go to church on Sunday
because it makes God happy, and if there's
anybody you want to make happy, it's God!
Don't skip church to do something you think
will be more fun like going to the beach. This is
wrong. And besides the sun doesn't come out at
the beach until noon anyway.
If you don't believe in God, besides being an
atheist, you will be very lonely, because your
parents can't go everywhere with you, like to
camp, but God can. It is good to know he's
around you when you're scared, in the dark or
when you can't swim and you get thrown into real
deep water by big kids.
But you shouldn't just always think of what
God can do for you. I figure God put me here and
he can take me back anytime he pleases.
And that's why I believe in God.”
- shared by Al Winegard

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