First Presbyterian Church 64 Oswego Street Baldwinsville, NY


First Presbyterian Church 64 Oswego Street Baldwinsville, NY
First Presbyterian Church
64 Oswego Street
Baldwinsville, NY 13027
DEADLINES to submit information:
Newsletter – 15th of month
Sunday Bulletin – Thurs. noon
Inside this wrapper:
Pages 1-4
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January 2016
First Presbyterian Church, Baldwinsville, NY
handicap accessible
The Rev. Stuart D. Hayes, Pastor
church office: 9am-12n, 1-4pm (July & Aug. 9am-12n) M-F
Nursery School 315-635-7391
fax: 315-638-4792
published in the Church Office (LARGE PRINT copies available)
editor -
the Pastor’s Pen . . . .
phone: 315-635-9964
10:00 am Sunday Worship
“We can only celebrate if there is something present that can be celebrated.
We cannot celebrate Christmas where there is nothing new born here and now…”
- Henri Nouwen in Creative Ministry
Year after year, when Christmas rolls around again, I think of these words.
They remind me that Christmas is more than an annual indulgence in nostalgia.
They invite me to look at what’s going on around me and ask myself where is
“the new” and what is “being born here and now.” This year, I can’t help but
notice two such things.
First is our new church sign. At least once a week – and some
weeks it’s even more than that – when I’m out shopping or walking
or whatever, someone from the community will recognize me and
say, “You’re the Presbyterian minister. Oh, I just love your new sign.” Most often
they go on to say how much they learn from it about what we have to offer or what’s
going on in our buildings. In the process, I learn about the power of this sign.
Specifically, it creates opportunities to communicate with people who do not worship
with us. And, I’m convinced that “celebrating” it means planning to use it in the
coming year to accomplish as much good as we can. Finally, I’m left wondering
about ways of using it we have yet to discover. I would love to hear any thoughts or
ideas about that which you might have.
Second is our new church kitchen. As I write this, paint dries
on the floor there. Tools are scattered in the hallway adjacent to
it. I believe that, at the very least, it will aid in our serving the
community through our annual Ham Dinner in the fall and our
Corned Beef and Cabbage Drive through in the spring. But I
wonder….are there other ways this new kitchen can enable or
empower our serving God’s purposes by serving our community? What do you think?
Meanwhile, by the time the new year arrives, I will have seen more than a
few of you at Christmas Eve worship or year-end worship on Sunday December 27th.
If, however, it’s next year by the time I see you again, here’s hoping that your
holidays were all that you hoped and the year to come will be rewarding and full.
TIDINGS ______________________________________________________________
Session Highlights
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January 2016
Send a Ray of Sunshine!
12-8-15 meeting
For some, winter may seem long
and dreary. Several members and
friends of our congregation are not able
to be as active as they would like or
now live further away from their friends
and family. Others have an especially difficult time
with this season of the year. Still others or their
loved ones are enduring chronic pain or a slow
Consider providing a ray of sunshine to
brighten someone’s day. Send a cheery greeting
or make a phone call. Make arrangements to stop
for a visit – consider taking along a friend or family
Below are several names, along with
information to help you connect with each one.
Remember, don’t be afraid to give some of
yourself away. It will all grow back.
1. It was moved and approved by Session that the
Christmas Eve offering, not otherwise
designated, be given to the Pastor's
Discretionary Fund. This continues the custom
that we have observed for many years.
2. Sunday Nursery Caregiver expense will be paid
from the Christian Education budget to
complete ten authorized weeks. If warranted,
this service will be extended as needed.
3. Janne Murphy will be our C.E. Coordinator as of
January 1st, through the remainder of the school
year in June. She has agreed to work seven
hours a week during that period.
4. We have a need to purchase a new gas grill for
Congregational Life functions to replace the two
older grills that are no longer reliable and have
been retired.
5. Boiler inspections took place for all 3 of our
buildings in early December and were approved
without any findings.
6. As is customary, the financial statements for
the previous month and year-to-date
amounts were reviewed and received for the
record by the Session. It should also be noted
that we are indebted to Diana Anastas and
Nancy Dobbins, our Treasurer and Financial
Secretary, for their continued dedication and
invaluable service to our congregation.
- Al Winegard, Clerk
Aaron Bradshaw, 7740 Meigs Road,
Baldwinsville, NY 13027-9793
Joyce Crego, 7740 Meigs Road,
Baldwinsville, NY 13027-9793
Beth Gurley, Room 254, 6060B Armor Road,
Orchard Park, NY 14127
Louise Harkins, 2981 Town Center Road E-4
Baldwinsville, NY 13027-8120
Betty Naylor, 7740 Meigs Road,
Baldwinsville, NY 13027-9793
Beth Northrop, 7740 Meigs Road,
Baldwinsville, NY 13027-9793
Nancy & Mike Runyans, 6269 Mourning Dove,
Baldwinsville, NY 13027
Sometimes the majority only means that
all the fools are on the same side.
Save Around
coupon books
Chair a committee or group? Your
Annual Report is due in the church office
are full of special deals for food,
entertainment, retail and services.
$8 of the $20 cost stays with the
church. Contact the office or
Al Winegard to obtain a copy.
no later than 4 pm, Wed.,
Jan. 13th. This includes the Session
Clerk, committee chairs, Deacon Moderator,
church staff, church treasurer, and the Nursery
Reports are available in the sanctuary one
week before the Jan. 31st annual meeting. A
computer friendly report is preferred. However,
you may fax (638-4792), mail, or drop your report
at the church office. Contact the office (635-9964)
if you have any questions.
- Nancy Landon
Board of Deacons
Martha Arnold
Bea Boak
Victor Jenkins*
Pam Keckison
Jeanne Le Porte
Judy Lease
Mary Anne Luke
Freida Mason
Marty Pond
Joanne Rodriguez
Beth Soeder
Mason Soeder
Martha Stevens
Barbara Winegard
* Moderator
TIDINGS ______________________________________________________________
catching up with
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January 2016
- Tricia Adams
Power Point slides that accompanied our readings.
Our K-5th grade group painted “gift boxes” and
created gifts for the baby
Jesus which were shown
in a “slide show”. They
recorded a video in
which they signed
“Silent Night”. Within the
service we had candle
helpers, readers, students
helping to re-tell the
Christmas story through
“gift boxes” in our Children’s Conversation, and
instrumentalists. The talents and gifts of our
young people always fill me with joy!
Advent Event
We had our various stations – card making for
the troops (many congregation members signed
and left messages in blank
purchased holiday cards),
cookie decorating, glass
ornament creating, jingle
bell wreath making, and
our older students helped
with packing our “kits”.
The students had a
wonderful time. Thank you to all the volunteers
who helped out with this event: Beth Calnon, Jim
& Theresa Demer, Janne Murphy, Marty Pond,
Jackie Smith, and Barb Winegard (who baked our
delicious cookies).
We packed over 30 medium-sized postal boxes
that were delivered to the Kyle Schneider
Foundation. These kits, combined with a Clay Boy
Scout troop’s kits, totaled 57 large postal boxes
sent overseas to our troops. Thank you so much!
As you all know, I am officially done with the
position of CE Coordinator. I have very much
enjoyed my time here with the students and with
you as a congregation. Your time, talents, and
support will stay with me always.
I’d like to thank our wonderful students for
being such great kids and so much fun to work
with; and to the families for bringing and
encouraging the children, supporting the program,
and helping me out in so many ways.
I’d like to thank this year’s volunteers: Shane
Adams, Bea Boak, Beth Calnon, Jim and Theresa
Demer, Jordan Hayes, Jean Harshaw, Allan
Henderson, Rheta Jenks, Nancy Landon, Heather
McCoy, Linda McMahon, Janne Murphy, Marty &
Rush Pond, Shelia Rogers, Jackie & Rick Smith,
and Barb Winegard.
I’d like to thank our church staff that has been
a complete pleasure to work with: Pastor Stuart,
Nancy Landon, Rheta Jenks, and Lee Johnston.
Thanks also to our CE Committee: co-chairs
Jean Harshaw and Linda McMahon, Beth Calnon,
Jeanne Le Porte, Janne Murphy, Shelia Rogers, and
Jackie Smith; and to our congregation for
donations, prayers and support!
Angel Tree Gifts
This year, we collected enough items to fill two
car trunks with all of our Angel Tree items. The
Kyle Schneider Foundation and Refugee
Resettlement were very grateful and
wanted to express their appreciation to our
congregation. Thank you for your generosity!
All-Church Caroling Event
A group of about a dozen church members
went caroling to Park
Terrace and McHarrie
Pointe. Stephen Adams
did some “fiddling” at
Park Terrace, Patrick
Smith rang out the
jingle bells, and Alanna
Adams and Emily Smith
had fun handing out
candy canes to residents. Thanks to all who came
to help spread holiday cheer!
Church School Christmas Program
“The Stories Behind the Carols” was our
theme. Our students were great and contributed
to the service in so many ways! Patrick Smith,
Kyle Rogers, and Stephen Adams created the
Session Elders
Marge Calkins
Jean Harshaw
Linda McMahon
Luella Oakes
Rush Pond
Rick Smith
Al Winegard,
TIDINGS ______________________________________________________________
Joyce Crego
Daniel Kot
Beth Soeder
Lauren Benedetti
Lynn Brussel
Paige Morrissey
Anna Taylor
12 – Kathleen Prahl
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January 2016
Call to Meeting –
January Birthdays
Notice is hereby given of a congregational
meeting of the First Presbyterian Church of
Baldwinsville, NY to be held in the sanctuary
January 31, 2016 immediately following the
10 am service of worship for the following
Beth Northrop
Jesse Taylor
Dorothy Uhrig
Heather McCoy
Roberta Roloff
Barbara Church
Lois Sollish
1. to receive and approve the annual reports of
the Pastor, Clerk of Session, committees,
organizations and groups of our church, and
the reports of our Church Treasurer and the
Financial Secretary
2. to review current expenses and the budget and
approve Pastoral Compensation
3. to elect Deacons and Elders
4. to elect one member of the congregation to
serve on the Special Gifts Committee for a
3-year term.
- by order of the Session
Al Winegard, Clerk
Add your or a loved one’s birthday or anniversary
date to our list by contacting the church office.
The wish bone will never replace
the back bone.
Remember in Your Prayers
& Correspondence,
since our last newsletter –
Keep on
Virginia Miller & Family, upon
the death of Virginia’s son
 empty printer ink cartridges
 deposit cans and bottles
Nancy Houck, Sandra Smith, Sherley Matteson
Janice Bitz, Aaron Bradshaw, Joyce Crego,
Louise Harkins, Ruth Henderson, Betty Naylor,
Beth Northrop
Bring cartridges to the church or the Christian
Education Center. Deposit cans and bottles can be
placed into the large red container in the CE
Center entryway.
Are you too busy acting like
Heather Cooper, Kelley Walrath,
Bob Smith (Sandy’s & Bob’s son)
a Christian to be one?
Ethan Derr
Church Staff
Pastor------------------------------------The Rev. Stuart D. Hayes
CE Coordinator-------------------------------------Janne Murphy
Church Secretary-----------------------------------Nancy Landon
Clerk of Session-----------------------------------Allen Winegard
Deacon Moderator---------------------------------Victor Jenkins
Director of Music & Choirs--------------------------Rheta Jenks
Organist------------------------------------------------Lee Johnston
Financial Secretary--------------------------------Nancy Dobbins
Treasurer---------------------------------------------Diana Anastas
Nursery School Director----------------------Jessica Newcomb
All women are welcome !
Circle - This group gathers on the
2nd Monday each month at 1 pm
in The Media Center of our
education building.
Bible Quest is a Bible study group that meets
Friday morning in the Media Center at 10 am. In
addition to the study, this is a wonderful
opportunity for fellowship and resumes Feb. 5th.