Walk-On, Wisconsin! - Wisconsin Walking Horse Association
Walk-On, Wisconsin! - Wisconsin Walking Horse Association
“Walk-On, Wisconsin!” June, 2013 THE PREZ SEZ… In this Issue WWHA Board of Directors 2 Camping & SALE! 3 Warm up report 4 Rule Changes 5 From the Show Ring 6 Youth Group 7 Jamboree Sponsors 8 Show Season Sponsors 9 A Word from our Sponsors 10-17 New Members 18 BOD minutes 19 ~Notes 20 High Point info 21-23 Show Bills 24-25 Show Sponsor form Warm up results 26 27-28 Find us online at www.wisconsinwalkinghorse.org or 1 www.facebook.com/wisconsinwalkinghorse OUR MISSION 2013 WWHA Board of Directors PRESIDENT/Sunshine Jim Sizer (‘14) W6570 Hwy J Jefferson, WI 53549 920.674.3715 sizerjk@gmail.com VICE-PRESIDENT/Shows/ Communications Kayla Kuenzi (‘15) PO Box 12 Rubicon, WI 53078 262.443.9702 kayla.kuenzi@gmail.com Membership Communications Marianne Springer (‘15) 1631-H W. Edgerton Ave. Milwaukee, WI 53221 414.281.7796 wcha310@aol.com Programs Denise Bekeris (‘13) 132 Legend Way Wales, WI 53183 414.852.9713 dzb@wi.rr.com Striving for unity of purpose, educational development, promotion of the breed, and enjoyment by all. TREASURER Amanda Huebner (‘14) 204 Valorie Lane, Apt 8 Monona, WI 53716 BOARD APPOINTED 920.220.9647 arhuebner@yahoo.com Horse Show Manager: Carol Olp 920.725.4455 carolp@new.rr.com SECRETARY/ PROMOTIONS Lynn Beres (‘14) W313 S7525 Spring Lane Mukwongo, WI 53149 262.363.2854 lilbear_1799@yahoo.com Trails Kricket Jewett (‘15) 7428 E Schmidt Rd Fort Atkinson WI 53538 608.868-2609 kricket@csi-dev.com Youth Group Bill Heiser (‘13) 171 East Main St., Upper Loft Stoughton, WI 53589 608.577.6599 htcwby@yahoo.com Promotions Bob Rodenkirch (‘13) 74 W Rhine St. B Elkhart Lake, WI 53020 815.307.6998 bobrodenkirch@gmail.com VOLUNTEERS Newsletter Editor: Kricket Jewett Website Manager: Katie Livingood Equipment Manager: Chuck Scholl REPRESENTATIVES TWHBEA Representative: Mick Salm 920/836.2099 mfsalm@aol.com Wisconsin State Horse Council: Jan Spencer 608.873.5270 brokenoakfarm@aol.com WHOA: Jean Baum 920.253.9811 Join the Conversation! If you haven’t already, join us on Facebook at www.facebook.com/ wisconsinwalkinghorse for news, WWHA MEMBERSHIP Annual Dues (January-December) Complete an application/renewal form with current information and submit it with a check payable to WWHA for $25 Individual/Family or $10 Youth (age 17 or under on January 1st, 2013) to apply for new membership or to renew. Form is available at www.wisconsinwalkinghorse.org Always remember to advise Membership Chairperson of name, address, phone, e-mail changes or corrections during the year! 2 Camping 101 and trail ride May 18 and 19 the WWHA sponsored a camping 101 and trail ride. In typical Wisconsin weather we had the total gambit of temperatures, but overall there was time for some great rides, sharing information on camping, and campfire cooking demo! Thanks to Jan & Jim Spenser, and Kim Sizer who donned the chef hats for a supper of Chocolate BBQ ribs, steak roll ups, fried potatoes, summer squash casserole, Onion Bombs. More than enough to fill us all up! An after dinner trail ride went out, and then everyone gathered around the campfire and shared some laughs! I have some brochures and flyers to share if anyone would like more information on trail riding programs, trail etiquette, what to pack, health regulations, safety and more! Kricket Jewett, walkonwi@wisconsinwalkinghorse.org ALL remaining in stock clothing items! Contact Kayla with your request! 262.443.9702 kayla.kuenzi@gmail.com Check the web site for available clothing www.wisconsinwalkinghorse.org 3 4 WHOA Affiliated Shows Will Require TWHBEA Registration Papers This includes the WWHA Shows Beginning May 29, 2013, all WHOA affiliated shows will require entered horses to have a copy of the TWHBEA registration papers (front and back) in order to show. This does not include our County Pleasure classes which do not require the horse be a registered. However, if you are showing in Country Pleasure and entering versatility or other flat shod classes, TWHBEA registration is required as with all of our other classes. A copy (front and back) of TWHBEA registration papers for the horse being shown, must be provided to the entry booth to place on file. The official 2013 WHOA rulebook will go into effect Wednesday, May 29, 2013 and is available for purchase. The rulebooks are $20 and obtainable through the WHOA office. Printing and postage are included in the purchase price. FREE copies of the revised 2013 edition WHOA rulebook will be available on the WHOA website and may be downloaded at no charge. walkinghorseowners.com WHOA and TWHBEA To Require Correct Registration Papers Grace Period Ends July 1, 2013 Lewisburg, TN - The Tennessee Walking Horse Breeders' And Exhibitors' Association (TWHBEA) reminds all members and potential members that the current Grace Period, which allows any transfer and/or registration, no matter how delinquent, to be completed at regular stated fees without any late fees, will end on July 1, 2013. As the Walking Horse Owners' Association (WHOA) will require that up-to-date, complete TWHBEA registration papers be presented for each horse entered in any WHOA affiliated show effective July 1, 2013, this is the perfect opportunity for every owner to get their paperwork in order. TWHBEA appreciates this partnership with WHOA and the efforts their members and exhibitors are making to ensure the integrity of our breed's registry. In order to take advantage of this special, one -time offer, members must have all paperwork associated with the transaction complete by the deadline of July 1, 2013 and that paperwork must be accompanied by the appropriate payment. 5 2013 WWHA Shows From the Show Ring By Carol Olp, Show Manager Beginning May 29, 2013, all WHOA affiliated shows will require entered horses to have a copy of the TWHBEA registration papers (front and back) in order to show. This does not include our County Pleasure classes which do not require the horse be a registered. However, if you are showing in Country Pleasure and entering versatility or other flat shod classes, TWHBEA registration is required as with all of our other classes. A copy (front and back) of TWHBEA registration papers for the horse being shown, must be provided to the entry booth to place on file. Saturday, June 1 - WWHA Summer Jamboree, Walworth County Fairgrounds, Elkhorn, WI Saturday, June 29 - WWHA Versatility Fun Show, Walworth County Fairgrounds, Elkhorn, WI Saturday, August 10 - WWHA Fox Valley Classic, Double Bar A LLC N3758 Dehring Road Oakfield, WI 53065 Saturday, September 21 - WWHA Fall Finale, Double Bar A LLC N3758 Dehring Road Oakfield, WI 53065 For more information about any of these shows, contact Carol Olp, Horse Show Manager, at 920.725.4455 **There will not be a lunch stand at the Summer Jamboree.** Upcoming Events **There will not be a lunch stand at the Versatility Fun Show ** June 1 Summer Jamboree WWHA ADDS NEW CLASS TO THREE SHOWS June 29 Summer Versatility Fun Show Groom’s Class 2 gait O/T – Flat Shod has been added to the following shows: Summer Jamboree, Versatility Fun Show and Fox Valley Classic. Open to all grooms. Rider not to exhibit in any other class at the show. Casual or working attire only. Exhibitor does not require a WHOA membership or Day Card. 6 There will be a short (15 min.) meet and greet at 10am on June 29 at the WWHA Versatility Fun Show, Walworth County Fairgrounds, Elkhorn, WI Please look for Cheryl by the entry booth. Any question contact Cheryl: Cheryl_shadow@yahoo.com or call 262-378-9922. 21” Like NEW condition—Barnsby Liz Shively show saddle with white leather show girth, white fleece girth cover, leathers, and stainless show irons. $1895 new, asking $950 Also have a Rick Wheat Noavel Bridle, heavyduty leather training bridle and list of farrier tools and publications for reference materials. Contact Randall Pennycuff CJF dcpennycuff@twlakes.net 271 Bill Teague Drive Apt.4 Jamestown,Tn.38556 931-879-9126 7 It is our desire to make The Summer Jamboree Wisconsin’s spotlight show for our great Tennessee Walking Horse. A special Thank You to those listed below who sponsored a Championship Class at The Summer Jamboree. Keep the horse of your choice, the Tennessee Walking Horse, “Made in the USA, the “star” of the horse show world. 4 Yr. Old & Under 2 gait English Championship – Flat Shod Sponsored by Eileen Olson Amateur Country Pleasure English 2 gait Championship Sponsored by Annette & Mike Weber Trail Pleasure English 2 gait Championship Sponsored by Vertitas Financial – Margaret Wittkopp Lite Shod English 2 gait Championship Sponsored by Vertitas Financial - Margaret Wittkopp Classic Park English 2 gait Championship Sponsored by Vertitas Financial - Margaret Wittkopp Youth English 2 gait Championship – Flat Shod Sponsored by the Wisconsin Walking Horse Association Youth Group Am ateur Country Pleasure English 3 gait Championship Sponsored by Wally, Terre, Amanda, & Matt Huebner Trail Pleasure English 3 gait Championship Sponsored by Vertitas Financial - Margaret Wittkopp Lite Shod English 3 gait Championship Sponsored by Cheryl Johnston Classic Park English 3 gait Championship Sponsored by Vertitas Financial - Margaret Wittkopp Amateur Country Pleasure Western 2 gait Championship Sponsored by Vertitas Financial - Margaret Wittkopp Trail Pleasure Western 2 gait Championship Sponsored by Marianne Springer Lite Shod Western 2 gait Championship Sponsored by Vertitas Financial - Margaret Wittkopp Classic Park Western 2 gait Championship Sponsored by Vertitas Financial - Margaret Wittkopp Youth Western 2 gait Championship – flat shod Sponsored by Kayla Kuenzi and Pauly Hauser Amateur Country Pleasure Western 3 gait Championship Sponsored by Vertitas Financial - Margaret Wittkopp Trail Pleasure Western 3 Gait Championship Sponsored by the Wisconsin Walking Horse Association Board of Directors Lite Shod Western 3 gait Championship Sponsored by Martha Crawford 8 A special Thank You to our 2013 show sponsors Platinum SponsorsSilver Sponsors- Veritas Financial Margaret Wittkopp Hauser’s Hideaway Plymouth, WI Rubicon, WI TWH Stables Bronze Sponsors- Terre & Wally Huebner Hauser’s Hideaway Helenville, WI Rubicon, WI Hammen Storage Gold Sponsors- Waupaca, WI Brew City Classic Bob & Vicki Kuenzi Amy Spinelli West Bend, WI West Allis WI Hill Trucking Edgerton WI 9 10 11 Mind over money Last week the advisors of Veritas Financial were in Colorado Springs for a Matson Money Conference. It was an excellent conference, and I thought I would summarize a few of the takeaways that I had after the conference, and how this applies to investors. We always thought the "enemy" was active management-- or retail mutual fund companies, and the brokers who unknowingly preach that failed way of investment thinking. However, there is a new, much more powerful force waging war on the American investor. This is the true "Evil Empire" as they were coined. Collectively, these four companies hold a vast amount of investor wealth, and are accumulating more each day: Fidelity, E Trade, TD Ameritrade, and Charles Schwab. Just how big are these firms? E Trade: $201 Billion. Schwab $1.9 Trillion. TD $481 Billion, and adding $160 M each day. Fidelity $1.7 Trillion. Many investors are by and large ditching their brokers and going to do it themselves. Why? Well, these four firms are doing an all out assault on advisors, spending hundreds of millions on advertising. Secondly, the average investor, with their own experiences, have lost faith in the brokerage industry (which, of course, we would say you could predict with their behavior as it is). And the traditional broker dealers see the writing on the wall. Did you know that LPL now has it's only "direct" channel to investors? No longer do you need your friendly LPL agent, go directly to LPL itself! These firms tell you to ditch your advisor, and save boat loads of cash in expenses. The problem is, that these firms a) do not have the investor's best interest in mind, and b) are not all that cheap after all. E Trade has it's own advisory fees. You want Fidelty's low cost trades? Better be ready to trade 110 times a month. You also may be pushed to trade in complicated securities, like options. Many of the same costs you think you are avoiding, will crop up again. Instead of disciplining investors, these firms amplify bad investor behavior by encouraging constant trading in pursuit of the best investments. Investors are their own worst enemenies, and it is very difficult for them to resist this urge to break away. Many believe they are "sophisticated", and don't need an advisor. Here is one concept that is very hard to swallow for investors: THERE ARE NO SOPHISTICATED INVESTORS. Just take a look at the victims of Bernie Madoff. There were professional money mangers among that list, people who worked in the industry for years, yet fell victim to the most simple of all schemes: the ponzi scheme. Secondly, we think that investing is so easy... how can we possibly mess it up? We just have to follow three basic rules: diversify, rebalance, and own stocks. Lets look at something also very "simple". We all are taught at an early age to brush our teeth and floss regularly to keep our teeth and gums healthy. But in 2002, we spent over $70 Billion dollars in dental expenses (much of it was surely preventable). A very simple thing, but we fail to do it. We also have an obesity epidemic in a country where almost everyone knows what they need to do to stay fit; with fitness centers in every city and easy access to athletic trainers. But investing has an added element: If you skip brushing your teeth for one day, or you splurge on the dessert for a weekend we can fairly easily repair the damage. But with investing, one lapse in judgement can destroy thousands in wealth. Just one. So what is the bottom line? It is this. Investing isn't all about the portfolio. True, a good portfolio is important. But why investors fail is not that we have people with portfolio problems, we have portfolios with people problems. If investors are to be saved, it will take not just academically sound portfolios, but actual disciplined guidance. As financial coaches we work hard to educate our clients. It's good that you trust us, but unless you are educated and disciplined, eventually your emotions will betray you. We won't be there at 2am when you are up at night, worrying about the market, or when that annuity salesman knocks on your door. Only a good investor education can keep an investor grounded for the long term. VERITAS FINANCIAL SERVICES, LLC. Margaret Witkopp 506 E Mill Street, Ste 101, Plymouth, WI 53073 920-893-5262 12 We believe that "an informed investor is a better investor." We offer at least two classes each month about finances, investing, insurance or taxes for our clients and their friends. We have found that people who attend these classes are less likely to be upset by current media hype or inevitable market ups and downs--and are more likely to be peaceful, savvy investors. These classes are NOT a sales pitch for a financial product. If our investing philosophy is new to you, or if you have never attended our classes, we recommend you attend "Myths & Truths: the Story of Investing" first, if you can. Unless otherwise indicated below, join us in the Veritas Annex (across the hall from the Plymouth office) for a complimentary lunch at 11:30 a.m. or dinner at 6:00 p.m. during our Investor Education Series classes. Please rsvp to 920-893-5262 or debbie.kidder@veritasinvesting.com. Dates and Times may be subject to change. JUNE 18th "Separating Myths from Truth: The True Story of Investing" 11:30am and 6:00pm, Plymouth In this class we will look at four pervasive investing myths and the speculative and dangerous style of investing they create, and also the alternative: a philosophy based on science and discipline. JUNE 20th "The Efficient Frontier" 11:30am and 6:00pm, Plymouth The Efficient Frontier. What is it? Why is it important? And more importantly are you on it? Know why the answer to this question is vital to your portfolio. JULY 16th "Separating Myths from Truth: The True Story of Investing" 11:30am and 6:00pm, Plymouth In this class we will look at four pervasive investing myths and the speculative and dangerous style of investing they create, and also the alternative: a philosophy based on science and discipline. JULY 18th "Bursting Bubbles" 11:30am and 6:00pm, Plymouth In this entertaining class we will look back at the history of financial bubbles; from tulips to internet stocks. Learn how to recognize the signs of a bubble so you can avoid it. VERITAS FINANCIAL SERVICES, LLC. Investing Taxes Legal Insurance Margaret Witkopp 506 E Mill Street, Ste 101, Plymouth, WI 53073 920-893-5262 13 14 15 16 17 Fellow WWHA members, please reach out and welcome our newest WWHA members !! Mary Siepmann-Bentley & Donald Bentley Mary and Don own 2 TWH !! 2747 N. 92nd Street Milwaukee, WI 53222 414-429-7262 mary-bentley@live.com Erika DeHart Erika owns a TWH and enjoys trail riding. 314-A Otter Avenue Oshkosh, WI 54901 920-585-0012 horseriderup@gmail.com Carlee Domstrich (youth) W8562 Thompson Road Poynette, WI 53955 608-335-1692 carlee_603@hotmail.com Shari & Jim Gee (Morgan Gee youth) W359 S1850 Hwy 67 Dousman, WI 53118 414-531-3876 jgee2@wi.rr.com Owen Radocay (youth) 1309 E. Keystone Lane Appleton, WI 54913 414-915-7796 efoapltn@new.rr.com Andrea Seelhorst Jule Street Neenah, WI 54959 920-203-2156 dresky@yahoo.com Katie Wohlgemuth N6536 Scenic View Drive Glenbeulah, WI 53023 920-627-1555 ktsdestiny@gmail.com Carlee and her family own 20 TWH and 4 other horses and enjoys trail riding. The Gee family owns a TWH and another horse, and enjoy pleasure/trail riding. Shari’s interest is wanting to learn, learn, learn ! Owen is member Eileen Olson’s grandson. Owen showed a TWH for the first time at our Spring Warm Up and did a great job !! Andrea purchased her first TWH this spring from member Mick Salm, and her interest is trail riding and showing. Andrea came to our Spring Warm Up show and did great ! Katie a returning member from 2012, owns 5 TWH and 3 other horses, and her interest is showing If you have printed the WWHA membership directory, please add these updates. Otherwise, and updated electronic version of the directory is available on the website under the newsletter section. Enter the password that was emailed to you for the newsletter to access the directory. 18 \WWHA BOD Meeting April 9, 2013 Hilton Gardens Oconomowoc, WI Present: Jim, Lynn, Kayla, Kricket, Marianne, Amanda, Denise Unexcused: Bill, Bob Excused: Guests: Meeting called to order at 7:10 pm Secretary’s Report: Minutes were read. Kricket motioned to accept minutes with corrections. Denise Second. All in favor. Treasure’s Report: As of April 9, 2013 the clubs balance is $7853.23. Shows sponsorship are coming in. Kayla motion to approve, Jim second. All in favor. Committee Reports Sunshine: Everyone is well. Shows: show bill on website. Programs: no news Promotions: Call Katie W. to confirm her participation at the MWHF. Youth Group: sponsor a class for jamboree. Membership: directory on line. Communications: Kayla sent article to horseman’s news. Trail: camping 101 in the southern kettle moraine, Jan and Jim Spencer will do the cooking, advertising on Facebook. TWHBEA pleasure trails committee is still working the trails program. Old Business: Website is almost done, Kricket motioned to accept website with changes to 3 tabs: about us, events and show; with a go live day April 12, rain date April 15. Marianne second, all in favor. Youth points – board recommends individual awards for youth to expand youth awards. Long term changes to our shows to make more money, we need to look at what other clubs do. New Business: Winnebago county fair upcoming horse show, we have sponsored in the past for $25. BOD will sponsor class for Jamboree. Youth group will sponsor class #52 Youth English 2 gait. Kricket moved for the BOD to sponsor a class for the jamboree and Denise second. Lynn motion to adjourn at 9:00pm, Kricket second, all in favor. Meeting adjourned. Next meeting Tuesday May 14, 2013 at 7pm Hilton Gardens in the Pabst Business Park Respectfully Submitted, Lynn Beres WWHA Secretary 19 Notes~ This month past WWHA members sadly lost 2 horses. Our thought and prayers go to Greg and Diane Parker who lost Dee’s Midnight Magic at the age of 27. And to Barb and Scott Bennett who lost Sox at the too young age of 12. There never will be another Magic. He truly was one of a kind. He always gave you his heart and soul and seemed to know so much more than any of us humans. There never will be another one like him. He was one of the great ones. Please take time to remember him fondly. We will miss him terribly, but he got to have one last day in the sun eating green grass. It doesn’t get any better than that! Rest in peace gentle giant. You taught us everything you knew and gave us all you had to give. We will never forget you. Diane and Greg Parker Lost my dear buddy "SOX" today, way too soon for a 12 year old buddy. He was so sweet and gentle that no words can express the loss I feel. After years of crazy mares, Sox came into my life to give me back my confidence and show we what fun we could have on the trails. He and I played with dressage and he loved it. He was quite a boy. He was Frankie's 1st ride will never forget that. Will forever miss him. Sox you are now free to run and kick and do all that you used to do. Love you Sox Barb and Scott Bennett ADVERTISING RATES: NEWSLETTER OR WEB Business Card = $2/member, $4/non-member Half Page Ad = $4/member, $8/non-member Full Page Ad = $8/member, $16/non-member Shoppers Corral (50 words max.) = $2/member, $4/non-member Full Page for 1 Yr. = $50.00 (members only) Reciprocal web links = Free Ads and articles for publication should be sent to walkonwi@wisconsinwalkinghorse.org or Kricket Jewett 7428 E. Schmidt Rd. Fort Atkinson, WI 53538 Newsletter material must be submitted by the 20th of each month. All Advertising MUST BE PRE-PAID and in-hand by 20th of the month to make the next issue. Make checks payable to: “WWHA” Questions about the newsletter? Mail to the Treasurer Contact Kricket Jewett at walkonwi@wisconsinwalkinghorse.org Questions about the website? Contact Katie Livingood at info@wisconsinwalkinghorse.org 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 OFFICIAL SHOW RESULTS SPRING WARM UP MAY 4, 2013 JUDGE: NEWTON PARKS MODEL – FLAT SHOD (3 entries) 1. Dude’s Sun Rise – Samantha Lepien for Kayla Kuenzi 2. DeeJay’s Morning Angel – Margaret Wittkopp – O/E 3. Goldust’s Merry Boy -Julia Autiero for Margaret Wittkopp AMATEUR COUNTRY PLEASURE ENGLISH 2 GAIT (4 entries) 1. Dude’s Sun Rise – Kayla Kuenzi – O/E 2. Northern Adventure – Gale Zinter – O/E 3. Bum’s Pure Dynamite – Andria Madison for Kim Sizer 4. Spirit of Brigadoon – Jan Spencer – O/E CLASSIC PARK ENGLISH 2 GAIT (1 entry) 1. Armed Cash Threat – Andrea Seelhorst – O/E TRAIL PLEASURE ENGLISH 2 GAIT (5 entries) 1. I’m Demanding – Renee Stasiewicz for Scott & Renee Stasiewicz 2. Counselor’s Jewel -Terre Huebner for Wally & Terre Huebner 3. I See Ebony – Gale Zinter – O/E 4. A Super Thrilling Spirit – Chuck Scholl for Jan Spencer 5. Goldust’s Merry Boy Julia Authiero for Margaret Wittkopp YOUTH ENGLISH 2 GAIT – FLAT SHOD (2 entries) 1. Dude’s Sun Rise – Samantha Lepien for Kayla Kuenzi 2. Lady’s Gusten Thrill – Andria Madison for Kim Sizer LITE SHOD LADIES ENGLISH 2 GAIT (2 entries) 1. Red Sun Chip – Amy Spinelli – O/E 2. Extra Agent – Amanda Huebner for Wally & Terre Huebner 4 YR. OLD & UNDER ENGLISH 2 GAIT – FLAT SHOD (2 entries) 1. I See Ebony – Gale Zinter – O/E 2. Cash’s Turbo Tax – Mick Salm for Eileen Olson TRAIL PLEASURE LADIES ENGLISH 2 GAIT (5 entries) 1. I’m Demanding – Renee Stasiewicz for Scott & Renee Stasiewicz 2. Counselor’s Jewel – Terre Huebner for Wally & Terre Huebner 3. I See Ebony – Gale Zinter – O/E 4. A Super Thrilling Spirit – Kim Sizer for Jan Spencer 5. Goldust’s Merry Boy – Julia Autiero for Margaret Wittkopp AMATEUR COUNTRY PLEASURE GENTLEMEN ENGLISH 2 GAIT (1 entry) 1. Spirit of Brigadoon – Chuck Scholl for Jan Spencer LITE SHOD ENGLISH 2 GAIT (2 entries) 1. Red Sun Chip – Amy Spinelli – O/E 2. Extra Agent – Amanda Huebner for Wally & Terre Huebner AMATEUR NOVICE RIDER 2 GAIT O/T – FLAT SHOD (3 entries) 1. Dude’s Sunrise – Samantha Lepien for Kayla Kuenzi 2. Armed Cash Threat – Andrea Seelhorst – O/E 3. DeeJay’s Morning Angel – Margaret Wittkopp – O/E TRAIL PLEASURE AMATEUR OWN/TRAIN ENGLISH 2 GAIT (4 entries) 1. I’m Demanding – Renee Stasiewicz for Scott & Renee Stasiewicz 2. Counselor’s Jewel – Terre Huebner for Wally & Terre Huebner 3. Goldust’s Merry Boy – Julia Autiero for Margaret Wittkopp 4. Lady’s Gusten Thrill – Jim Sizer for Kim Sizer YOUTH 11 & UNDER 2 GAIT O/T – FLAT SHOD (1 entry) 1. General’s Sparkling Image – Owen Radocay for Eileen Olson AMATEUR COUNTRY PLEASURE LADIES ENGLISH 2 GAIT (5 entries) 1. Mr. Extra Motion – Terre Huebner for Wally & Terre Huebner 2. Dude’s Sun Rise – Kayla Kuenzi – O/E 3. Northern Adventure – Gale Zitner – O/E 4. Fash’s Main Man – Cheryl Beres for Scott & Renee Stasiewicz 5. Spirit of Brigadoon – Jan Spencer – O/E TRAIL PLEASURE GENTLEMEN ENGLISH 2 GAIT (3 entries) 1. I See Ebony – Mick Salm for Gale Zinter 2. A Super Thrilling Spirit – Chuck Scholl for Jan Spencer 3. Lady’s Gusten Thrill – Jim Sizer for Kim Sizer LITE SHOD AMATEUR OWN/TRAIN ENGLISH 2 GAIT (2 entries) 1. Red Sun Chip – Amy Spinelli – O/E 2. Extra Agent – Amanda Huebner for Wally & Terre Huebner AMATEUR COUNTRY PLEASURE ENGLISH 3 GAIT (2 entries) 1. Dude’s Sun Rise – Kayla Kuenzi – O/E 2. Fash’s Main Man – Renee Stasiewicz for Scott & Renee Stasiewicz CLASSIC PARK ENGLISH 3 GAIT (1 entry) 1. Armed Cash Threat – Mick Salm for Andrea Seelhorst 27 TRAIL PLEASURE ENGLISH 3 GAIT (2 entries) 1. General’s Sparkling Image – Eileen Olson – O/E 2. Goldust’s Merry Boy – Julia Autiero for Margaret Wittkopp NOVICE HORSE 2 GAIT O/T – FLAT SHOD (2 entries) 1. Goldust’s Merry Boy – Julia Autiero for Margaret Wittkopp 2. Cash’s Turbo Tax – Mick Salm for Eileen Olson LITE SHOD ENGLISH 3 GAIT (1 entry) 1. Extra Agent – Amanda Huebner for Wally & Terre Huebner AMATEUR COUNTRY PLEASURE 50 & OVER 2 GAIT O/T (2 entries) 1. Mr. Extra Motion – Terre Huebner for Wally & Terre Huebner 2. Spirit of Brigadoon – Jan Spencer – O/E TRAIL PLEASURE 50 & OVER 2 GAIT O/T (4 entries) 1. I See Ebony – Mick Salm for Gale Zinter 2. A Super Thrilling Spirit – Chuck Scholl for Jan Spencer 3. DeeJay’s Morning Angel – Margaret Wittkopp – O/E 4. Lady’s Gusten Thrill – Jim Sizer for Kim Sizer TWO AM 2 GAIT O/T – FLAT SHOD (No entries) AMATEUR COUNTRY PLEASURE WESTERN 2 gait (6 entries) 1. Mr. Extra Motion – Terre Huebner for Wally & Terre Huebner 2. Northern Exposure – Gale Zinter – O/E 3. Dude’s Sun Rise – Samantha Lepien for Kayla Kuenzi 4. Bum’s Pure Dynamite – Andria Madison for Kim Sizer 5. Fash’s Main Man – Renee Stasiewicz for Scott & Renee Stasiewicz 6. Spirit of Brigadoon – Jan Spencer – O/E YOUTH WESTERN 2 GAIT – FLAT SHOD ( 2 entries) 1. Dude’s Sun Rise – Samantha Lepien for Kayla Kuenzi 2. Lady’s Gusten Thrill – Andria Madison for Kim Sizer TRAIL PLEASURE WESTERN 2 GAIT (6 entries) 1. I See Ebony – Gale Zinter – O/E 2. Counselor’s Jewel – Terre Huebner for Wally & Terre Huebner 3. A Super Thrilling Spirit – Chuck Scholl for Jan Spencer 4. DeeJay’s Morning Angel – Margaret Wittkopp – O/E 5. Lady’s Gusten Thrill – Jim Sizer for Kim Sizer LITE SHOD WESTERN 2 GAIT (No entries) CLASSIC PARK WESTERN 2 GAIT (1 entry) 1. Armed Cash Threat – Andrea Seelhorst – O/E AMATEUR COUNTRY PLEASURE WESTERN 3 GAIT (1 entry) 1. Dude’s Sun Rise – Kayla Kuenzi – O/E TRAIL PLEASURE WESTERN 3 GAIT (2 entries) 1. General’s Sparkling Image – Eileen Olson – O/E 2. DeeJay’s Morning Angel – Margaret Wittkopp – O/E LITE SHOD WESTERN 3 GAIT (No entries) WATER GLASS – FLAT SHOD (2 entries) 1. Goldust’s Merry Boy – Julia Autiero for Margaret Wittkopp 2. DeeJay’s Morning Angel – Margaret Wittkopp – O/E TRAIL OBSTACLE COURSE – FLAT SHOD (1 entry) 1. Dude’s Sun Rise – Samantha Lepien for Kayla Kuenzi POLE BENDING – FLAT SHOD (3 entries) 1. Bum’s Pure Dynamite – Kim Sizer – O/E 2. DeeJay’s Morning Angel – Margaret Wittkopp – O/E BARREL RACING – FLAT SHOD (3 entries) 1. Bum’s Pure Dynamite – Kim Sizer – O/E 2. Dude’s Sun Rise – Kayla Kuenzi – O/E 3. DeeJay’s Morning Angel – Margaret Wittkopp – O/E 28