2011 - On The Rip Magazine


2011 - On The Rip Magazine
Let’s Go Fishing!
The 2011 fishing season is upon us here in Cape May
and you can feel the excitement building as the weather
warms and the fish move in. Recreational and commercial fishing have been a big part of Cape May from its
beginning and you can actually feel the tempo around the
harbor pick up as summer arrives. And what a great feeling that is! It’s time! Let’s go fishing!
As always, we’ve got a fun, comprehensive tournament schedule planned that offers anglers of all skill
levels an opportunity to enjoy the sport of competitive
fishing and the camaraderie that goes along with it.
One of the biggest changes for 2011 takes place during the shark tournament. Beginning this year, all of the
festivities, from Captain’s Meeting to the Awards Party
will take place back at South Jersey Marina. That’s right;
we’ve changed locations for the dockside festivities! Rest
assured, we’ll have the big tent, great food and everything
else you’ve come to expect at this event. We’ll even have
a shuttle van running between South Jersey and Canyon
Club for remote parking. It’s going to be a typical South
Jersey good time! Guaranteed!
Last year, we implemented a new trolling only format
for the Mid-Atlantic Tuna Tournament. It was well
received and everyone thought it would help build up the
event not only with participation, but prize money as well,
so spread the word!
The bragging associated with winning the Showdown
has been in full swing since last July when Viking Yachts
took the top honors. I’ve heard throughout the winter that
some of the Ocean Yacht owners aren’t taking it too well
and vow to kick some butt at this year’s event. It always
gets exciting between these two teams, especially when
one wins two or three in a row.
The Mid-Atlantic $500,000 celebrates its 20th anniversary this year and this milestone event will definitely
be special. Some fun things are being planned and we’ve
got some exciting new sponsors coming on board to help
us celebrate. The bite was simply phenomenal last year
and we have no reason to expect it to be any different.
Whatever happens, the MA500 is always special and an
experience that creates lasting memories.
So... if you haven’t got that gear in shape or your fishing team together yet, get on it, it’s time. We’re planning
another great summer of fishing and fun here in Cape
May and we want you to be a part of it. Let’s go fishing!
See you this summer.
Bob Glover,
Marketing / Tournament Director
Photo by Canyon Club staff, taken during Marlin Month 2010.
On The Rip
Editor: Bob Glover
Writing and Advertising: Mark Allen
Art Director: Bob Weber, Shore Thing Advertising
South Jersey Tournaments would like to extend our appreciation to all 2011 tournament sponsors
and advertisers in this year’s On The Rip. Your support and participation have contributed to making
this season the best ever.
If you feel that you or your company might benefit from exposure at one of our tournaments or
by advertising in On The Rip we encourage you to contact the marketing department at your earliest
convenience. Participation in some categories is limited.
South Jersey Tournaments reserves the right to modify, edit or refuse any sponsorship, submission, advertisement copy, photographs or graphics. South Jersey Tournaments reserves the right to
limit sponsorship of its events and/or advertisements in its publication(s), brochures, etc. Information contained in this publication is believed to be correct at the time of publication but not guaranteed for accuracy.
Ocean’s new
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is built on the proven hull and great ride of the popular 37’ Billfish.
This all new express model features a generous cockpit with mezzanine seating, a spacious helm deck, ample tackle storage, and a brand
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Beam................................................................ 13’ 10”
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Freeboard, Bow.............................................. 5’ 6”
Freeboard, Stern......................................... 2’ 11”
Fuel Capacity............................................ 500 gal
Water Capacity........................................... 75 gal
Displacement......................................22,500 lb
Deadrise, Forward......................................32.5°
Deadrise, Transom......................................12.8°
Headroom (most areas)............................ 6’ 5”
Sleeping Capacity...........................................2-3
Twin Yanmar 6LY3-ETP 480 HP Diesels
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Specifications are preliminary
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Let’s Go Fishing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2010, A Summer to Remember. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
White Out. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
A few words from Tournament/Marketing Director, Bob Glover
A Look Back at One of the Fishiest Tournament Seasons Ever
It's NOT What You Think, by Jeff Merrill
2011 South Jersey Tournament Season. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Our 2011 Tournament Info & Schedule at a Glance
31st Annual South Jersey Shark Tournament. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
22nd Annual Viking/Ocean Showdown. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
10th Annual Mid-Atlantic Tuna Tournament. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
20th Annual Mid-Atlantic $500,000 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
Take Your Best Shot. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
Our Annual Photo Contest
Rum Running & Bootlegging. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
Cape May Style, by R. E. Heinly
IFGA Rules. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 Canyon Club Resort Marina Contacts . . . . . . . 57
South Jersey Marina Contacts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
Index to Advertisers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77
A Summer to Remember
There is no doubt that we had one of the fishiest seasons in a long time. Along with some
really outstanding weather, this was truly a summer that many will remember.
Our competitive fishing season
got off to a great start with the 30th
Annual South Jersey Shark Tournament. We had a fleet of 144 boats compete for a $288,410 purse, plenty of sunshine, and a nice bite to boot! To celebrate
the 30th anniversary of the event, each boat
received a commemorative set of pint glasses
with a special graphic emblazoned on each
one. They seemed to be quite popular as many
were seen being put to use at the beer wagon!
As far as the fishing went, participants
caught a dozen threshers, over 200 blues and
an impressive 181 makos. There certainly
wasn’t a shortage of good, solid, gamefish
action as many competitors got to tangle
with the hard charging makos that seemed
to pop-up almost everywhere. At the Awards
ceremony, which took place Saturday night
after the second day of fishing, a large crowd
turned out to cheer on the winners as the focus
turned from fishing to partying and enjoying the
dockside festivities under the tent –
Always a fun time!
After the shark tourney comes our first billfishing opportunity, the Ocean/
Viking Showdown. This tournament is for “bragging” rights between the
owners and manufacturers and although the atmosphere of this one is known
to be a bit more relaxing than our other events, the fishing part is taken quite
seriously. The competition here is alive and well! This year was probably the
“fishiest” Showdown in its 21 year history, with 58 whites and 6 blues being
released over the two days out on the rip. The Showdown has fun, dockside
components to it as well and they are a great time to meet with the Healey and
Leek families, talk to their vendors and enjoy the camaraderie of the sport. This
year, when it was all over, the Viking team ended up taking back the coveted
perpetual trophy from the Ocean Yachts squad after a tough, two day fight. And
as far as the bragging goes, it’s in high gear!
Mid-Atlantic Tuna Tournament
Just a few days after the Showdown came the 9th Annual Mid-Atlantic Tuna Tournament with an all new, all trolling format that everyone seemed to like. The tuna bite had
been exceptional leading up to this event, but the fish must have heard that some serious
tuna hunters were getting ready to do battle, so they almost all left town. There were
some nice fish caught however
and most of the awards, with the
exception of one or two, went to
visiting boats in this one. With
its new format and a decent bite,
we expect this tournament to be
even better next year. Remember,
it’s now an all trolling format and
we’ve restructured a few of the
calcuttas. We believe this tournament can now grow to be a pretty
lucrative event, so help us get the
word out!
It’s hard to believe that the MidAtlantic $500,000 was 19 years old last
year. This event definitely transforms
the Cape May fishing scene (and Ocean
City, MD too!) for a week in August.
136 boats participated and all were in it
to win it! The billfishing was better than
average leading into this year’s event
and the numbers showed it. We had a
record catch of whites, ending up with
a total of 557! Add 13 blue marlin to
that and you have one heck of a week
offshore. Although the fat ones ended
up being caught by OCMD boats, Cape
May ruled the billfish and tuna numbers.
When it was all over on Friday night,
we had a tournament record white marlin bite, a tournament record dolphin
(56 lbs. on the American Lady), a last
minute 177lb. big eye (on the Impulse)
which would take heaviest tuna, and 14
different winners that had shared in the
$1,760,600 prize money.
All in all, it was an exciting, fun and
competitive tournament season Congratulations to all the winners in each
event. We hope everyone who participated had a great experience and we
hope to see everyone again in 2011!
And Then This Happened!
Marlin Month…
Lots of fun Lots of memories.
Canyon Club is core white marlin
aficionados got together a new competition to take advantage of what has become a world class bite in the local canyons. Open exclusively to Canyon Club
slipholders and their selected guests, the
concept was to count up to your best
10 offshore days fished between the
beginning of the Mid-Atlantic $500,000
and the typical end of the peak season
around the third week of September.
Fourteen boats participated this year
with fabulous results. In the approximate five weeks encompassed in Marlin
“Month”, the 14 boats fished a total of
71 days and released an amazing 611
billfish (605 whites and 6 blues); an
average of more than 8 billfish per boat
per day for each day fished. Fish were
cutting bait and popping up in multiples over nearly a 50 mile spread. The
trick was to be on the best of it when
they popped. Individual days in double
figures were routine with 20 plus flags
not uncommon. In the end, the Viking
70 emerged victorious with more than a
hundred releases for the month. Krazy
Salts, South Jersey Champion and Judge
were bunched up in the mid-70’s and
several other boats were not far behind.
A great time was had by all. (To see
how each participating boat did, go to:
Before you make up your mind about
your August/September fishing plans,
consider joining the fleet at Canyon
Club for our 2011 Marlin Month. We’d
love to have you share in this fabulous
time. Simply contact Monte or Mike
through the Canyon Club Ships Store
to extend your reservation from the
Mid-Atlantic through the September
mayhem – it’s truly world class!
White Out!
by Jeff Merrill
It’s not what you think…
but it was surely
one for the record books!
It might have been the sign of a bad winter to come when a “white out” of another kind
took place off the mid-Atlantic coast late last summer and unless you just flew in from a long
hiatus on an uninhabited island in the south Pacific, you’ve probably heard all about it by
now. If you were one of the lucky ones fortunate enough to be part of it, you’ll no doubt be telling your kids and grand kids about it someday.
It will forever be known
as simply “The Bite” and
it attracted boats like bees
to honey from the Outer
Banks to Cape May. The
fleet focused on an area
between the Washington
and Norfolk Canyons during a two week stretch from
late August through early
September where they witnessed some of the best
white marlin fishing ever
seen anywhere in the world!
Indeed it was a world class
bite in our own backyard
though it shouldn’t have
come as a surprise based
on what’s taken place over
the past few seasons during
the same timeframe off our
coast. White marlin catch
numbers have been trending upwards in recent years
thanks to the use of circle hooks and the conservation efforts of recreational anglers who release nearly
all the billfish we catch. Add to the mix an extended
stretch of calm weather, an abundant bait supply
along the canyons and deep blue warm water and
you have the recipe for an outstanding billfish bite. In
fact, as many of you already
know, a tournament record 557 white marlin were
caught during the 2010 Mid
Atlantic $500,000 by 134
boats. Even the most astute
have envisioned “The Bite”
which saw 85 white marlin released by five Canyon
Club boats during a twoday period!
“In the past we’d always
leave the day after the Mid
Atlantic $500,000 for Venezuela to be there for that
bite. I’ve spent a lot of years
there but I’ve never seen
anything anywhere like we
experienced here for that
stretch,” noted Captain
Ryan Higgins of the Viking
70. Higgins led Pat Healy
and the crew to 100 white
marlin and one blue marlin released in six trips during the bite and while he notes his best day in Venezuela was 22 whites, his previous best day for New
Jersey was 14 whites released. Higgins noted that
during an overnighter, he arrived at the canyon early
in the afternoon and still caught 23 out of about 45
f i s h
White Out, cont.
bites before dark. The next morning the crew boated
a 125-pound yellowfin on a 30-pound outfit after a
battle that took about 90 minutes. “The fishing that
morning started out pretty slow and I only heard a
few whites caught on the radio as we were hooked up
to the tuna,” says Higgins, adding it wasn’t long before the bite went off with a flurry of multiple hookups. “We boated the tuna and as soon as we set the
lines back out we caught a quad. Before we got everything back in the water again we hooked a triple. We
set ‘em out again and caught five more, then a double,
and that was all within an hour!” Three more whites
were released shortly thereafter for a total of 15 releases out of 17 hook ups in little more than an hour
of fishing! “From that point on it was steady fishing
and we released 30 for the day and 53 for the trip out
of probably 100 bites. I’ve never seen anything like
f i s h
it,” says Higgins.
Bob Mormile’s Lizanne also was among those
who were able get in on this wild bite. “John Ball,
my captain, called and relayed what was going on
and said we’ve to get out there,” noted Bob, adding he had to reschedule several meetings at work
to make it happen. “I got to the boat about 10 p.m.
and everyone’s rigging baits and getting’ ready to go
because they’d heard the numbers from the guys who
were out there. We got there by daybreak and started
seeing fish right away. We got the dredges out and
had our first bite within 45 minutes and by noon we
caught eight or nine, which included a triple and two
doubles plus several singles. We finished the day going 15 for 21 and probably saw 25 or 30 more. There
were cutters and tailers everywhere you looked.” One
of the best parts of the day according to Bob occurred
back at the dock. “We were all fishing the same area
so we all got back around the same time and it was
really neat to see all the flags flying. Everyone was
checking out each other’s ‘rigger to see how they did
and we all realized this was a day we’ll remember and
be talking about for a long time.”
The wild fishing got to the point where one’s crew
size was the only limit to how many white marlin
you could catch. “We fished an overnighter and had
40-some odd bites the first day and caught 17,” noted
Brian Smith, Carl Tallardy’s captain aboard the Finish Line, adding his crew included Tallardy and mate
Taylor Walsh on the trip. “We had fish on while rods
were in the rod holders and at one point Taylor had
a rod in each hand and had a fish on each! Carl’s
the only angler on the boat and it’s tough to get the
numbers up with only one angler. We had doubles,
triples and quads on several times. It was wild fishing.” Smith also noted as word spread, boats were
running upwards of over 100 miles to get in on the
action and many were names familiar to Mid-Atlantic $500,000 participants. “The first day the fleet was
made up of about 25 to 30 boats. Duffie on the Billfisher caught 57 that day, Dale on Reel Joy caught
30 and Cerveza caught ‘em pretty good, too. By my
White Out, cont.
second day there, boats from Oregon Inlet were running up to get in on it.”
Though word spread and the fleet’s size grew, any
additional angling pressure seemed to have little impact on the white marlin. “We were 28 for 40 and
saw 65 or 70 on one day and there were only about 15
boats there,” recalls
Bob Duckenfield,
Keith Greenburg’s
mate aboard Dave
Anderson’s Krazy
Salts. “The day before we caught 17
and it was tough
fishing because there
were about 100
boats in the fleet.
We’d get a single on
and we couldn’t get
a double or a triple.
You couldn’t stretch
‘em due to the number of boats fishing there. You’d
get cut off because so many were hooked up to fish,”
he noted adding the numbers of fish were staggering. “It reminded me of Mexico where you see fish
ballin’ bait under birds.” Duckenfield also was quick
to note he’d never seen anything like this anywhere.
“The fishing was absolutely incredible.
Years back if you got
10 bites it was an
awesome day. During that week, 40
bites a day were not
uncommon.” Duckenfield also noted it
was hard to lose your
focus. “With that
many fish around
it was easy to keep
your eyes on the
spread because we
were getting three to four times as many bites as we
normally would. We were going through 100 baits
on a trip!” Spotting fish on the surface was also very
easy in part by the numbers, but also because of a flat
ocean. “It was glass-calm so we could see fish tailing
150 to 200 yards away.”
works the cockpit
for Blaine Champlain aboard Marty
Judge’s Judge and
he says though the
numbers of billfish
caught was staggering, being on the
water during this
bite to take in what
was going on around
you, was really neat
to see. “It reminded
me of the stuff you’d
see on Planet Earth. On our best day we caught 15
of 28 and saw 50 or more, and the marlin were acting
like you weren’t even there. The fish certainly weren’t
boat shy. You’d troll right by ‘em with your spread and
they’d still be focused on the ball of bait. I’d yell up
to Blaine that there’s a pod of cutters off to the left
and he’d yell back
he’s got cutters off
to his right. There
literally were fish
everywhere.” Sudell
noted he’s fished the
northeast, the Bahamas and Florida,
and this bite was the
best he’s ever seen.
Others who’ve travelled the world were
quick to note to him
just how good this
fishing was. “When
f i s h
White Out, cont.
guys like Blaine (Champlain), Ryan (Higgins) and
Keith (Greenberg) are telling me it’s better than anything they’ve ever seen anywhere, including Venezuela, that’s saying something.”
If form holds true we could be on the brink of
another excellent white marlin season here along the
south Jersey coast. Our Marlin Month tournament is
a low key fun event designed to offer flexibility while
also providing maximum fishing time during what’s
become the prime white marlin season. Last year, this
month-long, all-release event, exclusively for boats
docked at Canyon Club was held to see who could
catch the most billfish. It ran from the first fish day of
the Mid-Atlantic $500,000, through the third week
in September. And when the dust finally settled, the
14 participating boats fished a total of 71 days and
released an amazing 605 whites and 6 blues. It was
most likely the best white marlin fishing our area
has ever seen. If last year is any indication, this year’s
f i s h
event should be an absolute blast. In fact, if the fishing is even half as good as last year, You’ll have the
time of your life!
Marlin Month will begin this year on August
22nd and will run through September 25th. So, before you make up your mind about next summer's
fishing plans, consider joining the fleet at Canyon
Club for our 2011 Marlin Month (if you’re fishing
the Mid-Atlantic 500, you’ll already be here!). We’ll
be making memories with friends and family, experiencing world class fishing and enjoying the good
times that go with it. Simply contact Monte or Mike
through the Canyon Club Ships Store to extend your
reservation from the Mid-Atlantic through the September mayhem - it’s truly world class!
42, 46, 50, 54, 58 & 73
42, 46, 50, 54, 57, 60, 64, 68, 76 & 82
EXPRESS MODEL • 42, 46 & 52
EXPRESS • 24, 26, 28,
29, 31, 33, 36 & 41
Complete Outttting • Two Travel Lifts to 80 Tons
Parts & Electronics Departments
A/C & Refrigeration Repair • Hull & Prop Repairs
Fiberglass & Paint Shop • Winter Storage (Wet or Dry)
Diesel & Gas Fuel
Repairs/Repowers (All makes & models)
FORWARD SEATING • 26, 29, 34 & 38
TOURNAMENT • 26, 29, 34 & 38
CUDDY • 38
SKIFF • 17 HYBRID • 21
BAY • 24
23, 29, 32, 34, 36, 39 & 42
Caterpillar • Crusader • Kohler • Onan • Westerbeke • Crusair
Furuno • Motorola • Northstar • Raytheon • Robertson
at South Jersey Marina • 1231 Route 109 • Cape May, NJ 08204 • 609-884-1600
at Canyon Club Marina • 900 Ocean Drive • Cape May, NJ 08204 • 609-884-0880
at Arnold's Yacht Basin • 1668 Beaver Dam Road • Pt. Pleasant, NJ 08742 • 732-899-9666
Every year from May through September the Big Game Sportfishing scene comes alive
here in Cape May as anglers of all skill levels come to enjoy our close proximity to some of
the best big game opportunities on the east coast. Whether, it’s for fun or for serious competition, South Jersey Tournaments has been producing world class events for over 30 years.
And this year is no exception!
Below is our calendar of offshore
events for 2011 for quick reference.
On the following pages, you will
find comprehensive tournament brochures, complete with entry forms
that can be removed and mailed in
for your convenience. There have
been some minor changes here and
there, so please check them out and
don’t hesitate to call with any questions. In fact, if we can help you
plan for one of our events, simply
pick up the phone and our staff will
do everything possible to assist you.
Good luck this season, be safe
on the water, and most of all enjoy
our sport and make some lasting
31st Annual South Jersey Shark Tournament • June 9-12
The Richest Shark Tournament in NJ • $288,410 paid out in last year’s event
22nd Annual Viking/Ocean Showdown • July 13-17
Viking & Ocean owners go head-to-head in the “War Offshore”
Who will capture the braggind rights for the year?
10th Annual Mid-Atlantic Tuna Tournament • July 20-23
The Main Event for Tuna Fishermen. • New trolling format started last year.
(Prize money could top $250,000)
20th Annual Mid-Atlantic $500,000 • August 21-26
Boat for boat, the richest marlin & tuna tournament in the world!
($1,781,550 paid out last year to 14 winners!)
And Don’t Forget Marlin Month!
The billfish bite that we experienced in our canyons last
year is no secret. Our white marlin bite has always been the
best during August and September, but over the last three or
four years, it has been outstanding.
This past year it was truly world class!
If you love chasing whites, why not make plans to join us
at Canyon Club Resort Marina this year for Marlin Month.
Canyon Club is the center of excitement and the hub for
white marlin fishermen when the bite turns on. In fact, it’s become the regions center of big game fishing, all season long!
What is Marlin Month? Last August, we put together a
fun, month-long, release event exclusively for boats docked
at Canyon Club, and called it Marlin Month. Solely for having fun and seeing who could catch the most, it ran from the
first fish day of the Mid-Atlantic $500,000, through the third
week in September. When it was all over, the 14 participating
boats fished a total of 71 days and released an amazing 605
whites and 6 blues. It was most likely the best white marlin
fishing our area has ever seen. It was an absolute blast!
Will we be doing it again in 2011? You bet! And you are
invited to join in the fun. Marlin Month will begin this year
on August 22nd and will run through September 25th. So,
before you make up your mind about next summers fishing
plans, consider joining the fleet at Canyon Club for our 2011
Marlin Month (if you’re fishing the Mid-Atlantic 500, you’ll
already be here!). We’ll be making memories with friends
and family, experiencing world class fishing and enjoying the
good times that go with it.
Simply contact Monte or Mike through the Canyon Club
Ships Store to extend your reservation from the Mid-Atlantic
through the September mayhem - it’s truly world class!
he annual South Jersey Shark Tournament is the first competitive big-game fishing opportunity of the
season. Averaging 185 to 200 boats each year, this event is the premiere Shark Tournament in the MidAtlantic region. With a cast of over 1,000 anglers participating annually, this exciting event takes place
when the bite has been historically at its best in our productive waters off of Cape May. Our shark tournament is
structured to provide participants with the best possible fishing hours, lucrative cash prizes and an equal chance
for boats of all sizes to compete – all while setting an example of sportsmanship and sound conservation practices.
The entry fee is $545 per boat which provides eligibility for tournament prizes and five tickets to all dockside
dinners and festivities (additional tickets can be purchased at the Captain’s meeting). And please make note: Beginning this year, all of the festivities, from Captain’s Meeting to Awards Party will take place back at South Jersey
Marina. That’s right; we’ve changed locations for the dockside festivities! Rest assured, we’ll have the big tent,
great food and everything else you’ve come to expect at this event. We’ll even have a shuttle van running between
South Jersey and Canyon Club for remote parking. It’s going to be a typical South Jersey good time! Guaranteed!
Last year prize money reached $288,410 and we’re anticipating topping the 300K mark this year! If you enjoy
competitive shark fishing, dockside parties and the camaraderie inherent in this sport, there is no better opportunity to enjoy yourself with family and friends than the South Jersey Shark Tournament. If you need transient dockage, be sure to make your reservations early to guarantee yourself a spot at South Jersey Marina (South Jersey will
likely fill up first.) or Canyon Club Resort.
A limited number of slips will be available at South Jersey
Marina and the Canyon Club for the Shark Tournament.
Transient rates are $3.25 per foot, (includes electric) per day
X 4 days minimum (June 9-12).
To reserve a slip for the Tournament, call now:
Have your bait delivered to your boat daily. Whole mackeral
(25# flats) and chum (whole bunker, bunker and mackeral)
available at South Jersey and Canyon Club.
Call 609-884-2400 for information or to pre-order.
$545 per boat
Entry Fee includes activity tickets for 5 participants
(additional tickets can be purchased at the Captains’ Meeting for $30.00 per night or $55.00 for both nights.)
Please include Entry Fee and Dockage with Entry Form.
Participants who pay their Entry Fee prior to June 1 will be
eligible for a “Free Entry Drawing” which will be held at the
Captains’ Meeting. The lucky winner will receive a full refund
of their $545 Entry Fee - enter early!
Calcutta prize money is separate from tournament proceeds and you are under no obligation to enter any of these
additional levels. You may enter as many as you wish or none
at all. 94% of Calcutta entries will be paid out. To be eligible
for Calcutta prizes, fish must be caught according to tournament rules and meet the tournament’s minimum weight
Percentages listed are of total purse within each Calcutta.
(Additional Calcutta information on next page.)
Good Luck!
Entry Fee - Calcutta “A” $400 • Calcutta “B” $800
Each Overall Calcutta covers the following categories
(Beginning this year, all events and festivities of the Shark Tournament will take place on the South Jersey Marina property)
Heaviest Shark • 20%
Heaviest Mako • 25%
Heaviest Blue • 15%
2nd Heaviest Shark • 15%
2nd Heaviest Mako • 15%
2nd Heaviest Blue • 10%
Thursday, June 9
6:00 PM • Late Registration
7:30 PM Sharp • Captains’ Meeting
DAILY DOUBLE • Entry Fee - $300
Friday, June 10
7:00 AM • Depart Inlet 9:30 AM - 4:30 PM • Fishing
3:30 PM - 7:30 PM • Weigh-In
6:30 PM • Dockside Dining, Live Music
Saturday, June 11
7:00 AM • Depart Inlet 9:30 AM - 4:30 PM • Fishing
3:30 PM - 7:30 PM • Weigh-In
6:30 PM • Dockside Dining, Live Music, Awards
Covers the following categories for Day 1 and Day 2
Heaviest Shark Day 1 • 12.5% Heaviest Shark Day 2 • 12.5%
Heaviest Mako Day 1 • 25% Heaviest Mako Day 2 • 25%
Heaviest Blue Day 1 • 12.5% Heaviest Blue Day 2 • 12.5%
MAKO MANIA JACKPOT • Entry Fee - $1,000
Covers the Mako category only for the tournament overall
Heaviest Mako • 60%
2nd Heaviest Mako • 40%
Sunday, June 12 • Alternate
The minimum weight for all sharks in this tournament is 200 lbs.
Heaviest Shark - Any Species • $3,000
2nd Heaviest Shark - Any Species • $1,500
3rd Heaviest Shark - Any Species • $1,000
Heaviest Mako - 200 lb. min. • $3,000
2nd Heaviest Mako - 200 lb. min. • $1,500
3rd Heaviest Mako - 200 lb. min. • $1,000
Heaviest Mako Day 1 - 200 lb. min. • $1,000
Heaviest Mako Day 2 - 200 lb. min. • $1,000
Heaviest Blue - 200 lb. min. • $2,000
Available to all participants at no additional fee.
$50,000 will be awarded to the first angler who lands a
New Jersey State Record Mako or Blue.
Note: The winning fish must be caught according to tournament rules.
Only one prize will be awarded. The winning fish, angler and crew of the
Monster Shark Bonus will be subject to catch verification procedures which
may include polygragh examination of the angler and crew.
NJ State Record Mako Shark • 856 lbs., caught 1994*
NJ State Record Blue Shark • 366 lbs., caught 1996*
*Records current as of 3/3/2011
Total • $15,000*
*Prize money will be paid to official registrant or their designees.
Valuable trophies will be awarded for:
Most Points Blue • Most Points Mako • Most Points Overall
200 points per Blue Released • 200 points per Mako Released
1 pt. per lb. for boated Blues or Makos equal to or over min. weight.
1 Registration is by boat rather than by angler. The Tournament Directors reserve the right to
decline the entry of any boat or crew.
2 All boats must sail from and return to Cape May Inlet, except that boats with no fish to be
weighed may return to home port after the last day of fishing.
3 Boundaries for the tournament will be 60 nautical miles from the Cape May Sea Buoy.
4 Boats are not permitted to clear the Cape May Sea Buoy prior to 7:00 AM with the exception
of the official weather boats which may leave at 6:00 AM.
5 No lines or bait of any kind, including chum, may be put into the water until starting time is
announced by a Committee Boat. Starting time is 9:30 AM.
6 Moves during the day should be accomplished with care for established slicks. Boats passing
through competitors’ slicks within 300 yards may be subject to disqualification.
7 Participants shall comply with I.G.F.A. equipment and angling rules with the following
exceptions: A) Fish may be dispatched by gun or bangstick after they have been wired; B)
No harpoons, dart gaffs or greensticks; C) A fish may be hooked by someone other than the
angler provided the rod is immediately transferred to the angler after hook-up, from that
time on the angler must fight the fish alone until boated or released. The Tournament Directors retain sole authority for interpreting and implementing the I.G.F.A.’s rules. (The use of
mammal blood or flesh is prohibited.)
8 No more than 5 lines may be fished from any boat, regardless of number of anglers.
9 Fishing will be on each scheduled day unless cancelled by the weather committee by 9:30
AM. Only one day need be fished for the tournament to be considered official and prizes to
be awarded.
10 All fish boated or released must be reported to a committee boat at the time of the catch.
11 For release purposes, a fish will be considered caught when the mate grabs the leader or the
swivel touches the tip of the rod.
12 Fishing ends at 4:30 PM on each fishing day. Any fish hooked prior to the deadline may be
played until boated or released, provided that said fish is reported hooked (to a committee
boat) before the deadline.
13 All eligible fish must be available for weigh-in at South Jersey Marina by 7:30 PM aboard
the boat on which they were caught. Fractional weights will be rounded to the nearest
pound. Weigh-in begins at 3:30 PM.
14 For release points to count, boats must be dockside by the weigh-in deadline and submit a
Daily Catch Report by 8:00 PM.
Overall Calcuttas
In the event that no qualifying 2nd place fish is caught, the
prize money will go to the 1st place fish in that category.
If no fish is caught in a particular category, the prize money
will be equally divided among the winners of the other
15 In the event of a tie in the point categories, the winner shall be the first boat reaching the
winning point accumulation.
16 In the event of a tie in the cash prize categories, the prize money will be equally divided
between those tying.
17 In the event that less than three (3) qualifying fish are taken in any category, the unwon
prize money will be proportionally divided among the winners in that category. In the
event that any Tournament Prize category is not won at all, that prize money will be equally
divided among the winners of the other categories with the exception of the prize money
for daily heaviest Mako.
18 In the event that there is not a qualifying Mako caught on Day 1, the daily Tournament
prize money will go to the heaviest qualifying Mako of Day 2 and vice versa. If there are no
qualifying Makos caught, the Tournament prize money for the daily heaviest Mako will go to
the heaviest shark.
19 In the event of boat disability, contestants may transfer to another boat not entered in the tournament and may fish in the name of the original, with prior approval of the Tournament Directors.
20 Anglers may not switch to another boat nor can anyone from another boat come aboard to
assist in fighting or boating a fish.
21 For the purpose of identification, a porbeagle will be considered a mako.
22 In order to be eligible for awards, prizes, and calcuttas, fish must be caught in compliance
with all tournament rules. Said rules include conformance to state and federal size limits and
possession of a current NMFS angling, general or charter/headboat category HMS permit.
23 All fish eligible for cash prizes may be subject to examination by the Tournament Directors,
consulting biologists and/or Torrymeter, should there be any question as to the “freshness”
of the catch. It shall be the responsibility of the participant to keep all eligible catches in
suitable and proper condition until weigh-in. In the event of any disputes arising from such
examination, the decision of the Tournament Directors shall be final. Polygraph examination
may be required of winning crews.
24 Allegations of violations of any of the above rules may be submitted only by an official
tournament registrant and must be submitted in writing on the day of the alleged infraction. In the event of such an allegation, the tournament directors will have the sole and
exclusive responsibility to investigate the alleged incident and to rule as to whether any
violation materially aided the angler, crew, or vessel, or otherwise affected the outcome of
the tournament. Any subsequent penalty will be solely at the discretion of the tournament
directors and shall be final. In all cases, registrant and their crews agree to be bound by the
ruling of the tournament directors.
Daily Double
In the event that no fish is caught in a particular category,
the prize money for that category will be equally divided
among the winners of the other categories for that day.
If no qualifying fish is caught on Day One, that prize money will be
awarded to the corresponding category on Day Two and vice versa.
Mako Mania Jackpot
In the event that no qualifying 2nd place fish is caught, the
prize money will go to the 1st place fish.
In the event that no qualifying fish are caught at all, the
entries will be returned.
July 13-17, 2011
22nd Annual
Viking/Ocean Showdown
Schedule of Events
All activities associated with the Showdown will take place at
Canyon Club Resort Marina
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
4:00 p.m. - ?
Registration, Cocktail Reception and
Captains’ Meeting Under the Big-Top
Thursday, July 14, 2011
8:30 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. • Fish Day
7:30 p.m. - ? • Dockside Dining
Entertainment Under the Big-Top
Friday, July 15, 2011
1:00 p.m. - ?
Lay Day & Pina Colada Pool Party
Saturday, July 16, 2011
8:30 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. • Fish Day
7:30 p.m. - ? • Dockside Dining
Entertainment, Awards Ceremony
Under the Big-Top
Sunday, July 17, 2011
Team Award - Winner Take All
Most points accumulated in
White Marlin, Blue Marlin and Tuna Divisions
Individual Awards
Most points White Marlin (Boat award)
100 points per release
Most points Blue Marlin (Boat award)
300 points per release
Most points Tuna (Boat award)
1/2 point per pound, 35 lbs. or over
Most Points Overall (High boat award)
Heaviest Tuna (Angler award) No minimum weight
Heaviest Dolphin (Angler award)
Heaviest Wahoo (Angler award)
Top Lady Angler (Most points) 16 and above
Top Junior Angler (Most points) 15 and under
Tournament Rules & Regulations
1. All boats must sail from and return to Cape May Inlet, except that boats with no fish to be
weighed may return to home port after their last day of fishing.
2. Boats are not permitted to clear the Cape May Sea Buoy prior to 4:30 AM.
3. Fishing will be on each scheduled day unless cancelled by the weather committee by 6:30 AM.
4. No lines of any kind may be put into the water until starting time is announced by a committee boat. Starting time is 8:30 AM.
5. There is no limit on the number of lines or teasers.
6. All billfish released must be reported to a committee boat when caught, giving boat
number. The committee boat will respond and give time of catch. Tuna boated over 35 lbs.
should also be reported.
7. Participants shall comply with I.G.F.A. equipment and angling rules with the following
exceptions: A) Live baiting is not permitted; B) Harpoons, dart gaffs or greensticks are not
permitted; C) A fish may be hooked by someone other than the angler provided the rod is
immediately transferred to the angler after hook-up. From that time on, the angler must
fight the fish alone until boated or released. The Tournament Directors retain sole authority
for interpreting and implementing the I.G.F.A.’s rules.
8. This is a trolling tournament. While hook-ups accomplished with no headway are permissible if they occur at a time when baits settle while fighting another fish, the use of live bait
or stopping and casting or pitching to tailing fish or fish balling bait is not permissible.
9. For release purposes, a fish will be considered caught when the mate grabs the leader, or
the swivel touches the rod tip.
10. Fishing ends at 3:00 PM. Any fish hooked prior to the deadline may be played until boated or
released, provided that the hook-up was confirmed by a committee boat before the deadline.
11. All eligible fish must be available for weigh-in at Canyon Club Resort Marina by 8:00 PM
aboard the boat on which they were caught. Fractional weights will be rounded to the
nearest pound. Weigh-in begins at 5:00 PM.
12. For release points to count boats must be dockside by the weigh-in deadline & submit a
daily catch report by 9:00 PM at the weigh station.
13. In the event of a tie, the winner will be the first boat or team to reach the winning point
14. Only one day need be fished for the tournament to be considered official and prizes to be awarded.
15. In the event of boat disability, contestants may transfer to another boat not entered in
the tournament and may fish in the name of the original, with the prior approval of the
Tournament Directors.
16. Anglers may not switch to another boat nor can anyone from another boat come aboard to
assist in fighting or boating a fish.
17. In order to be eligible for awards and prizes, fish must be caught in compliance with all
tournament rules. Said rules include conformance to state and federal size limits and
possession of a current NMFS angling, general or charter/headboat category HMS permit.
18. All fish eligible for cash prizes may be subject to examination by the Tournament Directors,
consulting biologists and/or Torrymeter, should there be any question as to the “freshness” of
the catch. It shall be the responsibility of the participant to keep all eligible catches in suitable
and proper condition until weigh-in. In the event of any disputes arising from such examination, the decision of the Tournament Directors shall be final. Polygraph examination may be
required of winning crews.
19. Allegations of violations of any of the above rules may be submitted only by an official
tournament registrant and must be submitted in writing on the day of the alleged infraction. In the event of such an allegation, the tournament directors will have the sole and
exclusive responsibility to investigate the alleged incident and to rule as to whether any
violation materially aided the angler, crew, or vessel, or otherwise affected the outcome
of the tournament. Any subsequent penalty will be solely at the discretion of the tournament directors and shall be final. In all cases, registrant and their crews agree to be bound
by the ruling of the tournament directors.
By popular demand to make the event more
competitive and lucrative for the participants,
the Mid-Atlantic Tuna Tournament has been
switched to a trolling only format as of last
year. Recognizing the changes in our tuna
fishery, this new format was well received and
ultimately makes the event more exciting and
competitive than ever before. As always, you
still get to fish 2 of 3 days, captain’s choice, for
yellowfin and/or bluefin.
What’s great about this tournament is that
boats of all sizes can compete at several different financial levels and have a great sporting
experience. But remember, the more you’re
in, the more you win! All of the calcuttas have
been restructured and we’ve even added an
exciting team aspect to the event called Team
Play. Plus we’ll have our always enjoyable
Captain’s Meeting and an outstanding awards
dinner and celebration – all in traditional
South Jersey style! We hope you’ll consider
joining us in July and take part in one of
South Jersey’s premier events. It’s going to be
a lot of fun!
See you at the weigh station,
Bob Glover, Tournament Director
Heaviest Tuna (yellowfin or bluefin)
2nd Heaviest Tuna
Heaviest Yellowfin
2nd Heaviest Yellowfin
Heaviest Bluefin
2nd Heaviest Bluefin
Heaviest Stringer*
2nd Heaviest Stringer*
3rd Heaviest Stringer*
Total* $25,000
Eligible species for the Mid-Atlantic Tuna Tournament will be
yellowfin (includes big eye) and bluefin. In this event, big eye
tuna will be considered yellowfin for identification purposes
and will be eligible as such in all tournament and calcutta
A limited number of slips will be available at South Jersey
Marina and the Canyon Club. Transient rates are $3.25 per foot,
per day (includes electric) X 4 days minimum (July 20-23.) To
reserve a slip for the Tournament, call now: 609-884-2400
$825.00 per boat
($750.00 per boat if paid in full prior to July 1st)
Entry fee includes Awards Party Tickets for 5 participants.
(Additional tickets can be purchased for $40.00 each at the
Captains’ Meeting.)
Wednesday, July 20
4:00 pm - 6:00 pm • Captains’ Meeting at Canyon Club
Resort Marina
Thursday, July 21
7:30 am - 3:30 pm • Available Fish Day
5:00 pm - 8:00 pm • Weigh-In at South Jersey Marina
Friday, July 22
7:30 am - 3:30 pm • Available Fish Day
5:00 pm - 8:00 pm • Weigh-In at South Jersey Marina
Saturday, July 23
7:30 am - 3:30 pm • Available Fish Day
5:00 pm - 8:00 pm • Weigh-In at South Jersey Marina
8:00 pm • Awards Party and Presentation
at Canyon Club Resort Marina
*A Stringer is a boat’s heaviest three fish (yellowfin, including big eye
and/or bluefin) for the tournament. No more than three fish from
each boat will be weighed per eligible fishing day. $25,000 tournament prize money is based on the entry of 100 boats.
The following information describes the various additional entry levels (calcuttas) that are available for
those who wish to indulge. Remember, calcutta prize money is separate from tournament proceeds and you
are under no obligation to enter any of these additional levels. 94% of calcutta entries will be paid out. To
be eligible for calcutta prizes, fish must be caught according to tournament rules. (Percentages listed are of
total purse within each calcutta.)
Good luck!
Kahuna Tuna ‘A’ • Entry Fee: $500
Kahuna Tuna ‘B’ • Entry Fee: $1,000
Kahuna Tuna ‘C’ • Entry Fee: $2,000
Each of the three Kahuna Tuna Calcuttas will be shared as follows
Heaviest Tuna • 30%
2nd Heaviest Tuna • 20% 3rd Heaviest Tuna • 10%
Heaviest Yellowfin • 20% Heaviest Bluefin • 20%
Daily Calcutta ‘A’ • Entry Fee: $500
Daily Calcutta ‘B’ • Entry Fee: $1,000
Each of the two Daily Calcuttas will be shared as follows
Heaviest Tuna Thursday Heaviest Tuna Friday
Heaviest Tuna Saturday
Daily purses will depend on the number of boats fishing each day.
Your entry in this calcutta will only be added to the daily purse of the two days that you fish
(50% each day.)
Super Stringer ‘A’ • Entry Fee: $1,000
Super Stringer ‘B’ • Entry Fee: $2,000
Each of the two Super Stringer Calcuttas will be shared as follows
Heaviest 3 Fish • 45%
2nd Heaviest 3 Fish • 25% 3rd Heaviest 3 Fish • 15%
4th Heaviest 3 Fish • 10% 5th Heaviest 3 Fish • 5%
Team Competition: Teams consist of 1-4 boats
Entry Fee: $1,000 per team
Team With The Heaviest 5 Fish - 100%
Note: Any unwon prize money in the above calcuttas will be equally divided among the winning places within each calcutta.
In the Daily Calcutta, if no qualifying fish is caught on any fish day, the unwon prize money for
that day will be equally divided between the other fish days.
*Prize money will be paid to official registrant or their designees.
BAIT: A full line of quality baits including Ballyhoo (small, medium, large and horse) is available at South Jersey and Canyon Club.
Call 609-884-2400 for information or to pre-order.
Registration is by boat rather than by angler.
The Tournament Directors reserve the right
to decline the entry of any boat or crew.
All boats must sail from and return to Cape
May Inlet, except that boats with no fish to
be weighed may return to home port after
their last day of fishing.
There are three (3) available fishing days
for the tournament. Fishing days for boats
entered will be any two (2) of the available
three (3) days, captains’ choice; no weather
committee. The crew members of each
individual boat will be solely responsible for
the decision as to which days to fish. The MidAtlantic Tuna Tournament assumes no liability
or responsibility for any damage or loss.
Each boat must pick one NON-FISHING DAY
by submitting the official Lay Day Form prior
to 10:00 AM on the day selected. Said form
must be physically delivered by a member
of the boat’s crew to the dockmaster in the
ships store at either Canyon Club Marina or
South Jersey Marina. The boat must be dockside when the lay day is declared. Any boat
not submitting the proper form by the 10:00
AM deadline will be automatically assumed
to be fishing on that day. Boats may not fish
on lay days unless all of their available fish
days have been used. Boats with mechanical problems or other emergencies may use
lay days to arrive late to the tournament so
long as it is with the advance permission of
the Tournament Directors and they conform
with all other rules.
Boundaries for the tournament will be 125
nautical miles from the Cape May Sea Buoy.
Boats are not permitted to clear the Cape
May Sea Buoy prior to 4:30 AM.
No lines or bait of any kind may be put into
the water until starting time is announced by
a Committee Boat. Starting time is 7:30 AM.
Participants shall comply with I.G.F.A. equipment and angling rules with the following
exceptions: A) A fish may be hooked by
someone other than the angler provided the
rod is immediately transferred to the angler
after hook-up. From that time on, the angler
must fight the fish alone until boated or released. B) Live baiting is not permitted. C) No
harpoons, dart gaffs or greensticks. Spreader
bars are permitted only in accordance with
I.G.F.A. rules. The Tournament Directors
retain sole authority for interpreting and
implementing the I.G.F.A.’s rules.
This is a trolling tournament. While hook-ups
accomplished with no headway are permissible if they occur at a time when baits settle
while fighting another fish, the use of live bait
or stopping and casting or pitching to tailing
fish or fish balling bait is not permissible.
10 There is no limit on the number of lines or teasers.
11 All tuna boated over 75 lbs. should be reported
to a Committee Boat at the time of the catch.
12 Fishing ends each day at 3:30 PM. Any fish
hooked prior to the deadline may be played
until boated or released, provided that said
fish is reported hooked (to a Committee
Boat) before the deadline.
13 All eligible fish must be available for weighin at South Jersey Marina by 8:00 PM aboard
the boat on which they were caught. Fractional weights will be rounded to the nearest
pound. Weigh-in begins at 5:00 PM.
14 No more than 3 fish will be weighed from
any one boat on any fishing day. Participants
will be given tags which must be securely
attached to each fish prior to being weighed
and must include boat name and number.
15 In the event of a tie in the cash prize categories, the prize money will be equally divided
among those tying.
16 Only one day need be fished for the tournament to be considered official and prizes to
be awarded.
17 In the event of boat disability, contestants
may transfer to another boat not entered in
the tournament and may fish in the name of
the original, with the prior approval of the
Tournament Directors.
18 Anglers may not switch to another boat nor
can anyone from another boat come aboard
to assist in fighting or boating a fish.
19 In order to be eligible for awards, prizes, and
calcuttas, fish must be caught in compliance
with all tournament rules. Said rules include
conformance to state and federal size limits and
possession of a current NMFS angling, general
or charter/headboat category HMS permit.
20 All fish eligible for cash prizes may be
subject to examination by the Tournament
Directors, consulting biologists and/or
Torrymeter, should there be any question
as to the “freshness” of the catch. It shall be
the responsibility of the participant to keep
all eligible catches in suitable and proper
condition until weigh-in. In the event of any
disputes arising from such examination, the
decision of the Tournament Directors shall
be final. Polygraph examination may be
required of winning crews.
21 Allegations of violations of any of the
above rules may be submitted only by an
official tournament registrant and must
be submitted in writing on the day of the
alleged infraction. In the event of such an
allegation, the tournament directors will
have the sole and exclusive responsibility to
investigate the alleged incident and to rule
as to whether any violation materially aided
the angler, crew, or vessel, or otherwise
affected the outcome of the tournament.
Any subsequent penalty will be solely at the
discretion of the Tournament Directors and
shall be final. In all cases, registrant and their
crews agree to be bound by the ruling of the
Tournament Directors.
It’s hard to believe that the Mid-Atlantic $500,000 is going to celebrate its 20th birthday this year!
Started back in 1992, the “Mother of All Marlin Tournaments” as it was called, posted an unprecedented up front prize of $500,000. Calcutta entries that first year put the total purse over $1,000,000,
making the Mid-Atlantic the first bona fide million dollar billfishing contest.
Over the years, the tournament has grown to be
one of the top events in the world. Known for its
great fishing, hospitality and camaraderie, the MidAtlantic is a must attend event for competitive billfishing anglers.
The fishing and fun take place out of two ports:
Cape May, NJ, which is the home base of the event and
Ocean City, MD, where Sunset Marina serves as OC
tournament headquarters. Each port has first class accommodations and offers distinct amenities for participants to enjoy. Both locations have full weigh-ins which
are visually linked by computer and broadcast media to
keep everyone informed as the excitement happens.
If you’re planning on doing some competitive fishing this year, we hope you’ll choose the Mid-Atlantic
$500.000. We believe it’s the best bang for your tournament buck, and we know your family, friends and
crew will have a great time creating exciting and lasting memories. And this year will be memorable. After
all, it’s our 20th birthday, and we’re going to celebrate.
You won’t want to miss it!
TOTAL $500,000
$500,000 prize money based on an entry of 125 boats
Prize money will be paid to official registrant or their designees.
Sunday, August 21, 2011
1:00 p.m. - 4:30 p.m. • Registration, Calcutta Entries,
Welcome Cocktail Party
4:30 p.m. • Captains’ Meeting
Cape May - Canyon Club Resort Marina
Ocean City, MD - Sunset Marina
Monday, August 22, 2011
8:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. • Available Fish Day*
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
8:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. • Available Fish Day*
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
8:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. • Available Fish Day*
Thursday, August 25, 2011
8:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. • Available Fish Day*
Friday, August 26, 2011
8:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. • Available Fish Day*
7:30 p.m. - ? • Dockside Dining,
Entertainment and Awards Ceremony
*Weigh-In · 5:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. at Canyon Club Marina
and Sunset Marina on each Available Fish Day.
Dockside dining and entertainment will take place as scheduled
by each port’s host marina.
Cape May, NJ - Canyon Club Resort Marina
Ocean City, MD - Sunset Marina
Valuable trophies will be awarded to the winners
of the following categories:
Most Points White Marlin
2nd Most Points White Marlin
3rd Most Points White Marlin
Most Points Blue Marlin
2nd Most Points Blue Marlin
3rd Most Points Blue Marlin
Most Points Tuna
2nd Most Points Tuna
3rd Most Points Tuna
Most Points Overall
(Both Marlin & Tuna Points Qualify)
There will be three separate Calcuttas for the tournament so that entrants can participate at any level desired. The respective fees are $1000,
$1500 and $2500. (94% of all Calcutta entries paid out.) Enter none and you are still fishing for the tournament prize money of $500,000. Enter
all and you will likely be fishing for a combined purse in excess of $1,750,000.
Each of the three Calcuttas will be shared as follows:
Heaviest White Marlin - 25% • 2nd Heaviest White Marlin - 10% • 3rd Heaviest White Marlin 5%
Heaviest Blue Marlin - 15% • 2nd Heaviest Blue Marlin - 10% • 3rd Heaviest Blue Marlin 5%
Heaviest Tuna - 15% • 2nd Heaviest Tuna - 10% • 3rd Heaviest Tuna 5%
TOTAL 100%
Minimum weight, White Marlin 65 lbs. • Minimum weight, Blue Marlin 400 lbs. • Minimum weight, Tuna 50 lbs.
(Only yellowfin, bigeye & true albacore count, NO bluefin, bonito, skipjack, etc.)
In the Event that:
1) Less than three (3) qualifying fish are taken in any category, the unwon prize money will be proportionately divided among the winners in that category.
2) No qualifying white marlin is taken, the unwon prize money will be equally divided among the winners of the blue marlin category.
3) No qualifying blue marlin is taken, the unwon prize money will be equally divided among the winners of the white marlin category.
4) No qualifying white or blue marlin is taken, the unwon prize money will be equally divided among the winners in the tuna category.
5) No qualifying tuna is taken, the prize money will be equally divided among the winners in the marlin categories.
6) No qualifying billfish or tuna is taken, the unwon prize money will be refunded.
$5,000 Entry Fee
Heaviest White Marlin - Winner Take All
Winning fish must meet tournament minimum weight • In the event that no qualifying white marlin is taken among those participating, the unwon Calcutta money will be refunded.
$2,000 Entry Fee
This bonus pays out each time you have a fish on the scoreboard in the following categories at the official close of each day’s weigh-in.
Heaviest White Marlin, 2nd and 3rd • Heaviest Blue Marlin, 2nd and 3rd • Heaviest Tuna, 2nd and 3rd
The total purse will be divided by 5 (5 days). Each day’s purse will be split evenly among those winning for that day. If there are no winners for a particular day, the un-won prize
money will be split evenly among the purses of the remaining days. In the event that there are no winners on the last day (Friday), the un-won prize money will be evenly split among
the previous 4 day’s winners. If there are no winners for the entire week, the money will be refunded. Example: Let’s say the total purse for the Sperry Top-Sider On the Board Reward
is $200,000. That figure would be divided by 5 (5 days) giving each day a purse of $40,000. Those who are in this Calcutta and remain on the board at the end of each days weigh-in
will evenly split the purse for that day. If there is only one winner, he would take the entire $40,000. Two winners would get $20,000 each and so on.
The minimum weight limits to win cash in the
Mid-Atlantic $500,000 are as follows:
White Marlin - 65 pounds • Blue Marlin - 400 pounds
Tuna - 50 pounds • Dolphin, Wahoo - No minimum weight
Species eligible for cash prizes in the tuna category shall be limited to
yellowfin (Allison), big eye, and longfin (true albacore).
No bluefin, bonito, skipjack, etc.
Federal law prohibits the boating of billfish under
the following size limits:
White Marlin - 66 inches • Blue Marlin - 99 inches
These limits apply to the lower jaw-fork length (tip of the lower jaw to the fork of the
tail) of the fish. A billfish under the minimum size must be released by cutting the line
near the hook without removing the fish from the water.
Under no circumstances may a fish not meeting the Federal and/or State minimum
size limits, regardless of weight, be boated and/or brought back to the dock.
South Jersey Tournaments will not be responsible for any fine or penalty incurred by
any angler who boats a billfish or tuna which does not meet the Federal and/or State size
limit requirements or other restrictions. It is the responsibility of the angler to be aware
of current Federal and/or State regulations regarding the catching and/or boating of the
various species of fish eligible in this tournament. Fish which do not meet the Federal
and/or State size limit requirements will not be eligible for prizes, regardless of weight.
BAIT: Ballyhoo (small, medium, large and horse), mullet, spanish
mackerel and trolling squid available at South Jersey and Canyon
Club. Call 609-884-2400 for information or to pre-order.
In the Event that:
1. Less than three (3) qualifying fish are taken in any category, the unwon prize money
will be proportionally divided among the winners in that category.
2. No qualifying white marlin is taken, the unwon prize money will be equally divided
among the winners of the blue marlin category.
3. No qualifying blue marlin is taken, the unwon prize money will be equally divided
among the winners in the white marlin category.
4. No qualifying white or blue marlin is taken, the unwon prize money will be equally
divided among the winners in the tuna category.
5. No qualifying tuna is taken, the unwon prize money will be equally divided among
the winners in the marlin categories.
6. No wahoo is taken, the unwon prize money will go to the heaviest dolphin and vice
7. No wahoo or dolphin are taken, the unwon prize money will be equally divided
among all winners.
8. No qualifying billfish or tuna is taken, the unwon prize money will be distributed
categorically by a drawing among all participating boats.
White Marlin - 75 points per release
1 point per pound for fish equal to or over the minimum weight
Blue Marlin - 150 points per release
1/2 point per pound for fish equal to or over the minimum weight
Tuna - 1/2 point per pound
Only fish 50 pounds and over count in point categories.
PREMIER Sponsors
Exhibiting Sponsors
Big Game Fishing Journal
Pt. Pleasant, NJ
Rick Bogert
Manasquan, NJ
Christi Marine Insurance
Glenside, PA
Engines Inc.
Pleasantville, NJ
North Billerica, MA
Warminster, PA
Olathe, KA
Guy Harvey
Cayman Islands
Belleview, WA
Interlux Paint
Union, NJ
Middletown, RI
Mack Boring & Parts
Union, NJ
MAN Engines &
South Plainfield, NJ
Midlantic Gold Rush
Brielle, NJ
Offshore Electronics
Cape May, NJ
Penn Reels/Pure Fishing
Columbia, SC
Pompanette Chairs
Ft. Lauderdale, FL
Glen Burnie, MD
Ransome Engine /
Caterpillar Distributor
Hammonton, NJ
Sperry Topsider
Lexington, MA
Offshore Financial
Bay Head, NJ
Supporting Sponsors
Miami, FL
Canyon Runner
Red Bank, NJ
Costa Marine
Egg Harbor, NJ
Dockwise Yacht Transport
Newport, RI
Enterprise Rent-A-Car
Pennsauken, NJ
1 Registration is by boat rather than by angler. The
Tournament Directors reserve the right to decline the
entry of any boat or crew.
2 Each registrant must designate their choice of
Official Inlets; Cape May, NJ or Ocean City, MD. Boats
must sail from and return to their designated inlet.
Primary Host Marinas for this event are Canyon Club
Marina, Cape May and Sunset Marina, Ocean City,
MD. Boats with no fish to be weighed may return to
home port after their last day of fishing.
3 There are five (5) available fishing days for the
tournament. Fishing days for boats entered will be
any three (3) of the available five (5) days, captains’
choice; no weather committee. The crew members of
each individual boat will be solely responsible for the
decision as to which days to fish. The Mid-Atlantic
$500,000 assumes no liability or responsibility for
any damage or loss.
4 Each boat must pick two NON-FISHING DAYS by submitting the official Lay Day Form prior to 11:00 AM
on the days selected. Said forms must be physically
delivered by a member of the boat’s crew to the dockmaster’s office at one of the Host Marinas. The boat
must be dockside when the lay day is declared. Any
boat not submitting the proper form by the 11:00 AM
deadline will be automatically assumed to be fishing
on that day. Boats may not fish on lay days unless all
of their available fish days have been used. Boats with
mechanical problems or other emergencies may use
lay days to arrive late to the tournament so long as
it is with the advance permission of the Tournament
Directors and they conform with all other rules.
Grace Energy
Rio Grande, NJ
Lucky Bones Restaurant
Cape May, NJ
Ocean LED
Ft. Lauderdale, FL
5 Boundaries for the tournament will be 125 nautical
miles from the Cape May Sea Buoy.
6 Boats are not permitted to clear the sea buoy at their
designated inlet prior to 4:30 AM.
7 No lines or bait of any kind may be put into the water
until starting time is announced by a Committee
Boat. Starting time is 8:30 AM.
8 Participants shall comply with I.G.F.A. equipment and
angling rules with the following exceptions: A) A fish
may be hooked by someone other than the angler
provided the rod is immediately transferred to the
angler after hook-up. From that time on, the angler
must fight the fish alone until boated or released; B)
Live baiting is not permitted; C) Harpoons, dart gaffs
or greensticks are not permitted. The Tournament
Directors retain sole authority for interpreting and
implementing the I.G.F.A.’s rules.
9 This is a trolling tournament. While hook-ups
accomplished with no headway are permissible if
they occur at a time when baits settle while fighting
another fish, the use of live bait or stopping and
casting or pitching to tailing fish or fish balling bait is
not permissible.
10 There is no limit on the number of lines or teasers.
11 All billfish boated or released must be reported to a
Committee Boat at the time of the catch. Tuna over
100 lbs. should also be reported.
12 For release purposes, a fish will be considered
caught when the mate grabs the leader or the swivel
touches the tip of the rod.
Oceanview Marine Welding
Oceanview, NJ
Pelagic Inc.
Newport Beach, CA
Premier Detailing
Mullica Hill, NJ
13 Fishing ends each day at 3:30 PM. Any fish hooked
prior to the deadline may be played until boated or
released, provided that said fish is reported hooked
(to a Committee Boat) before the deadline.
14 All boats must return to their designated port for
weigh-in. Canyon Club Resort Marina is the official
weigh-in location for Cape May, NJ. Sunset Marina is
the official weigh-in location for Ocean City, MD.
15 All eligible fish must be available for weigh-in by
9:00 PM aboard the boat on which they were caught.
Fractional weights will be rounded to the nearest
pound. Weigh-in begins at 5:00 PM.
16 For release points to count boats must be dockside by
the weigh-in deadline & submit a daily catch report by
9:00 PM at the weigh station or one of the host marinas.
17 In the event of a tie in the cash prize categories, the
prize money will be equally divided among those tying.
18 In the event of a tie in the point categories, the winner shall be the first boat reaching the winning point
19 Only one day need be fished for the tournament to
be considered official & prizes to be awarded.
20 In the event of boat disability, contestants may transfer to another boat not entered in the tournament
and may fish in the name of the original, with prior
approval of the Tournament Directors.
21 Anglers may not switch to another boat nor can
anyone from another boat come aboard to assist in
fighting or boating a fish.
Sturdy Bank
Cape May, NJ
Underwater Lights/Sea Vision
Ft. Lauderdale, FL
22 For all purposes of identification, hatchet marlin will
be considered white marlin.
23 For the purpose of release points only, sailfish &
longbill spearfish will be considered white marlin.
24 In order to be eligible for awards, prizes, and
calcuttas, fish must be caught in compliance with all
tournament rules. Said rules include conformance
to state and federal size limits and possession of a
current NMFS angling, general or charter/headboat
category HMS permit.
25 All fish eligible for cash prizes may be subject to
examination by the Tournament Directors, consulting
biologists and/or Torrymeter, should there be any
question as to the “freshness” of the catch. It shall
be the responsibility of the participant to keep all
eligible catches in suitable and proper condition until
weigh-in. In the event of any disputes arising from
such examination, the decision of the Tournament
Directors shall be final. Polygraph examination may
be required of winning crews.
26 Allegations of violations of any of the above rules
may be submitted only by an official tournament
registrant and must be submitted in writing on the
day of the alleged infraction. In the event of such
an allegation, the tournament directors will have
the sole and exclusive responsibility to investigate
the alleged incident and to rule as to whether any
violation materially aided the angler, crew, or vessel,
or otherwise affected the outcome of the tournament. Any subsequent penalty will be solely at the
discretion of the tournament directors and shall be
final. In all cases, registrant and their crews agree to
be bound by the ruling of the tournament directors.
IGFA Rules
The following angling rules have been formulated by the International
Game Fish Association to promote ethical and sporting angling practices, to
establish uniform regulations for the compilation of world game fish records,
and to provide basic angling guidelines for use in fishing tournaments and
any other group angling activities.
The word “angling” is defined as catching or attempting to catch fish with
a rod, reel, line, and hook as outlined in the international angling rules. There
are some aspects of angling that cannot be controlled through rule making,
however. Angling regulations cannot insure an outstanding performance
from each fish, and world records cannot indicate the amount of difficulty
in catching the fish. Captures in which the fish has not fought or has not had
a chance to fight do not reflect credit on the fisherman, and only the angler
can properly evaluate the degree of achievement in establishing the record.
Only fish caught in accordance with IGFA international angling rules, and
within the intent of these rules, will be considered for world records.
Equipment Regulations
1. Monofilament, multifilament, and lead core multifilament lines may be
used. For line classes, see World Record Requirements.
2. Wire lines are prohibited.
1. Rods must comply with sporting ethics and customs. Considerable latitude is allowed in the choice of a rod, but rods giving the angler an unfair advantage will be disqualified. This rule is intended to eliminate the
use of unconventional rods.
2. The rod tip must be a minimum of 40 inches (101.6 cm) in length. The
rod butt cannot exceed 27 inches (68.58 cm) in length. These measurements must be made from a point directly beneath the center of the
reel. A curved butt is measured in a straight line. When the rod butt is
placed in a gimbal, the measurement from the center of the reel seat to
the pivot point of the gimbal can be no more than 27 inches. (The above
measurements do not apply to surfcasting rods.)
1. Backing not attached to the fishing line is permissible with no restrictions as to size or material.
2. If the fishing line is attached to the backing, the catch shall be classified
under the heavier of the two lines. The backing may not exceed the 130
lb (60 kg) line class and must be of a type of line approved for use in
these angling rules.
1. Reels must comply with sporting ethics and customs.
2. Power driven reels of any kind are prohibited. This includes motor, hydraulic, or electrically driven reels, and any device that gives the angler
an unfair advantage.
3. Ratchet handle reels are prohibited.
4. Reels designed to be cranked with both hands at the same time are prohibited.
The use of a double line is not required. If one is used, it must meet the following specifications:
1. A double line must consist of the actual line used to catch the fish.
2. Double lines are measured from the start of the knot, braid, roll or splice
making the double to the farthermost end of the knot, splice, snap,
swivel or other device used for securing the trace, leader, lure or hook to
the double line.
Saltwater species: In all line classes up to and including 20 lb (10 kg),
the double line shall be limited to 15 feet (4.57 meters). The combined
length of the double line and leader shall not exceed 20 feet (6.1 meters).
The double line on all classes of tackle over 20 lb (10 kg) shall be limited to 30 feet (9.14 meters). The combined length of the double line and
leader shall not exceed 40 feet (12.19 meters).
Freshwater species: The double line on all classes of tackle shall not
exceed 6 feet (1.82 meters). The combined length of the double line and
the leader shall not exceed 10 feet (3.04 meters).
1. For live or dead bait fishing no more than two single hooks may be used.
Both must be firmly imbedded in or securely attached to the bait. The
eyes of the hooks must be no less than a hook’s length (the length of the
largest hook used) apart and no more than 18 inches (45.72 cm) apart.
The only exception is that the point of one hook may be passed through
the eye of the other hook. A hook may not precede bait, lure or bait/lure
combo by more than one hook’s length.
2. The use of a dangling or swinging hook is prohibited. Double or treble
hooks are prohibited.
3. A two hook rig for bottom fishing is acceptable if it consists of two single
hooks on separate leaders or drops. Both hooks must be imbedded in
the respective baits and separated sufficiently so that a fish caught on
one hook cannot be foul hooked by the other.
4. A photograph or sketch of the hook arrangement must accompany all
record applications made for fish caught on two-hook tackle.
The use of a leader is not required. If one is used, it must meet the following
The length of the leader is the overall length including any lure, hook
arrangement or other device, and is measured to the bend of the last
hook. The leader must be connected to the line with a snap, knot, splice,
swivel or other device. Holding devices are prohibited. There are no regulations regarding the material or strength of the leader.
Saltwater species: In all line classes up to and including 20 lb (10 kg),
the leader shall be limited to 15 feet (4.57 meters). The combined length
of the double line and leader shall not exceed 20 feet (6.1 meters). The
leader on all classes of tackle over 20 lb (10 kg) shall be limited to 30 feet
(9.14 meters). The combined length of the double line and leader shall
be limited to 40 feet (12.19 meters).
Freshwater species: The leader on all classes of tackle shall be limited
to 6 feet (1.82 meters). The combined length of the double line and leader shall not exceed 10 feet (3.04 meters).
1. When using an artificial lure with a skirt or trailing material, no more
than two single hooks may be attached to the line, leader, or trace. The
hooks need not be attached separately. The eyes of the hooks must be
no less than an overall hook’s length (the overall length of the largest
hook used) apart and no more than 12 inches (30.48 cm) apart. The only
exception is that the point of one hook may be passed through the eye
of the other hook. The trailing hook may not extend more than a hook’s
length beyond the skirt of the lure. A hook may not precede bait, lure
or bait/lure combo by more than one hook’s length. A photograph or
sketch showing the hook arrangement must accompany a record application.
Rules are current as of 4/29/2009.
2. Gang hooks are permitted when attached to plugs and other artificial lures that are specifically designed for this use. Gang hooks must be free swinging
and shall be limited to a maximum of three hooks (single, double, or treble, or a combination of any three). Baits may not be used with gang hooks. A
photograph or sketch of the plug or lure must be submitted with record applications.
3. Assist hooks or other such single hooks that are attached to a lure with a lead constructed of monofilament, multifilament, wire or other such material must
conform to the following: When using assist hooks on any artificial lure, other than a skirted lure, the lead cannot be more than 1 ½ hook’s length and the
bend of the hook may not be more than 4 inches (101 mm), whichever is less, from the closest point of attachment on the lure. Double and treble hooks
may not be used as assist hooks.
1. Fighting chairs may not have any mechanically propelled devices that aid the angler in fighting a fish.
2. Gimbals must be free swinging, which includes gimbals that swing in a vertical plane only. Any gimbal that allows the angler to reduce strain or to rest
while fighting the fish is prohibited.
3. Gaffs and nets used to boat or land a fish must
not exceed 8 feet (2.44 meters) in overall length.
In using a flying or detachable gaff the rope may
not exceed 30 feet (9.14 meters). The gaff rope
must be measured from the point where it is secured to the detachable head to the other end.
Only the effective length will be considered. If
a fixed head gaff is used, the same limitations
shall apply and the gaff rope shall be measured
from the same location on the gaff hook. Only a
single hook is permitted on any gaff. Harpoon
or lance attachments are prohibited. Tail ropes
are limited to 30 feet (9.14 meters). (When fishing from a bridge, pier, or other high platform or
structure, this length limitation does not apply.)
4. Entangling devices, either with or without a
hook, are prohibited and may not be used for
any purpose including baiting, hooking, fighting, or landing the fish.
5. Outriggers, downriggers, spreader bars and
kites are permitted to be used provided that the
actual fishing line is attached to the snap or other release device, either directly or with some
other material. The leader or double line may
not be connected to the release mechanism
either directly or with the use of a connecting
device. Spreader bars are also acceptable when
used strictly as a teaser.
6. Daisy chains, birds, floats and similar devices
may only be used if they do not unfairly hamper
or inhibit the normal swimming or fighting ability of the fish, thereby giving the angler or crew
an unfair advantage in fighting, landing or boating the fish.
7. A safety line may be attached to the rod provided that it does not in any way assist the angler in
fighting the fish.
Angling Regulations
1. From the time that a fish strikes or takes a bait
or lure, the angler must hook, fight, and land or
boat the fish without the aid of any other person, except as provided in these regulations.
2. If a rod holder is used and a fish strikes or takes
the bait or lure, the angler must remove the rod
from the holder as quickly as possible. The intent of this rule is that the angler shall strike and
hook the fish with the rod in hand.
3. In the event of a multiple strike on separate lines
being fished by a single angler, only the first fish
fought by the angler will be considered for a
world record.
4. If a double line is used, the intent of the regulations is that the fish will be fought on the single
line most of the time that it takes to land the fish.
5. A harness may be attached to the reel or rod, but not to the fighting chair. The harness may be replaced or adjusted by a person other than the angler.
6. Use of a rod belt or waist gimbal is permitted.
7. When angling from a boat, once the leader is brought within the grasp of the mate, or the end of the leader is wound to the rod tip, more than one person
is permitted to hold the leader. Anyone assisting a shorebound or wading angler must be within a rods length of the angler before touching the leader or
netting or gaffing the fish.
8. One or more gaffers may be used in addition to persons holding the leader. The gaff handle must be in hand when the fish is gaffed.
9. The angling and equipment regulations shall apply until the fish is weighed.
The following acts will disqualify a catch:
1. Failure to comply with equipment or angling regulations.
2. The act of persons other than the angler in touching any part of the rod, reel, or line (including the double line) either bodily or with any device, from the
time a fish strikes or takes the bait or lure, until the fish is either landed or released, or in giving any aid other than that allowed in the rules and regulations.
If an obstacle to the passage of the line through
the rod guides has to be removed from the line,
then the obstacle (whether chum, floatline, rubber band, or other material) shall be held and
cut free. Under no circumstances should the line
be held or touched by anyone other than the
angler during this process.
3. Resting the rod in a rod holder, on the gunwale
of the boat, or any other object while playing
the fish.
4. Handlining or using a handline or rope attached
in any manner to the angler’s line or leader for
the purpose of holding or lifting the fish.
5. Shooting, harpooning, or lancing any fish (including sharks and halibuts) at any stage of the
6. Chumming with or using as bait the flesh, blood,
skin, or any part of mammals other than hair or
pork rind used in lures designed for trolling or
7. Using a boat or device to beach or drive a fish
into shallow water in order to deprive the fish of
its normal ability to swim.
8. Changing the rod or reel while the fish is being
9. Splicing, removing, or adding to the line while
the fish is being played.
10. Intentionally foul hooking a fish.
11. Catching a fish in a manner that the double line
never leaves the rod tip.
12. Using a size or kind of bait that is illegal to possess.
13. Attaching the angler’s line or leader to part of a
boat or other object for the purpose of holding
or lifting the fish.
14. If a fish escapes before gaffing or netting and is
recaptured by any method other than as outlined in the angling rules.
The following situations will disqualify a catch:
1. When a rod breaks (while the fish is being
played) in a manner that reduces the length of
the tip below minimum dimensions or severely
impairs its angling characteristics.
2. Mutilation to the fish, prior to landing or boating the catch, caused by sharks, other fish, mammals, or propellers that remove or penetrate the
flesh. (Injuries caused by leader or line, scratches, old healed scars or regeneration deformities
are not considered to be disqualifying injuries.)
Any mutilation on the fish must be shown in a
photograph and fully explained in a separate
report accompanying the record application.
3. When a fish is hooked or entangled on more
than one line.
South Jersey Marina
From Runabouts to Mega Yachts, we are Cape May’s most
convenient transient facility!
Whether you are transiting the coast or
cruising to Cape May for a few days of R
& R, make sure you chart your course for
South Jersey Marina. Strategically located
on Cape May Harbor, we are easily accessible and provide the best protection when
Mother Nature acts up. Best of all, we are
the closest major marina to the historic areas of Cape May, the beaches, restaurants
and other attractions that will pique your
interest. We have extensive experience in
accommodating boats of all shapes and sizes and make it our #1 priority to ensure that
your shore side stay is as enjoyable and hassle-free as possible. Our trained, uniformed
dock attendants will assist you in tying up,
taking on fuel, and getting comfortably situated while our
courteous operations staff gets you squared away with dinner arrangements, rental cars, historic tours or whatever
you might need.
We like to greet and treat our customers as friends and
do everything reasonably possible to make you feel at home.
We monitor channels 9 and 16 and... although they’re not
always needed, reservations are recommended.
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ENGINES: Complete turnkey repowers. • All parts, service and warranty work for CAT (authorized AMD) engines. • All parts, service and warranty work for Yanmar (Gold
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FIBERGLASS & CARPENTRY: Our well staffed & equipped shops routinely handle tasks that entail structural, custom & finish work, major rebuilds & repair, and
application of gel coat & paint.
ELECTRONICS: Offshore Electronics is your source for sales and service on all major brands for all size boats.
DRIVE TRAINS & PROPELLERS: We are drive train specialists, providing the full range of new, replacement and maintenance services for your vessel’s shafts, propellers, struts & bearings, and couplings. • Manufacturers represented include: Michigan Wheel, Federal, S&S, ZF & Acme Propellers. • Bow & Stern Thrusters by IMTRA.
OTHER SUPPORT SERVICES: General repair of all associated mechanical systems. • State-of-the-art bottom cleaning. • Tower fabrication, modification and
installation available on site, all year, through Ocean View Marine Welding, a major, boating industry fabricator. • Enclosures, canvas & cushions by Costa Marine
WINTERIZATION & YARD SUPPORT: Winter storage, in water or on shore. • Travel lifts, 35 and 80 ton capacity.
The Service Center · 900 Ocean Drive · Cape May, NJ 08204 · 609-884-0333 · Service@CanyonClubMarina.com
Canyon Club Resort Marina
Join the Club
As originally envisioned, the Canyon Club
Resort Marina has become the hub of big game
sportfishing in southern New Jersey. With the
development of the property nearly complete,
Canyon Club has indeed captured the character
inherent in its name.
With modern, state of the art marina facilities, all boating related services, luxurious waterfront homes and an atmosphere created for
those who enjoy the water, isn’t it time you considered making the move?
Whether it’s for a day, a season, or forever, we have the ideal home for you and your boat. Stop by and
take a look around. We know you’re going to like what you see!
Take Your Best Shot
and send it to us
And maybe you’ll win a gift certificate, courtesy of South Jersey Tournaments
Well, that’s what we told everyone and we sure were accommodated. Please keep them coming. We love to see them,
and maybe we’ll get a chance to let you see them too. Here’s
what else we told them, about the rules that is... and here are
the winners as well as a few honorable mentions also.
Each year, South Jersey Tournaments awards
three (3) $250 gift certificates for the best photographs submitted and included in On the Rip
magazine. One Gift Certificate is awarded for
each of the three following categories:
1. ACTION SHOTS are just that! Hook-ups,
jumping, clean releases, gaffing, etc.
2. CANDIDS or “crews at work and play.”
This could be something funny, noteworthy
or unusual. If something is worth remembering, then share it.
3. SCENIC. Sun, moon, stars, weather, seas,
land, or a combination thereof.
There’s more. An additional $250 gift certificate may be awarded if a submitted photograph
is selected for the cover of the next issue of On
the Rip.
Don’t know where your shot fits? Send it
anyway. We’ll place it in the most appropriate
category for you.
Rules & Disclaimers & “Nice to Know” Information
• Judging will be conducted by a four person panel selected by South Jersey
• Photo’s can be submitted at anytime, but only those
photo’s submitted by December 31st can be considered for the following year’s On the Rip, and thus are
eligible for prizes. Photos may be used for the Resort
Report, the Service Bulletin or other newsletters, but do
not receive prizes.
• Photo’s must a minimum of 300 dpi and submitted to
South Jersey Tournaments/Marketing via disc or email
to: BWeber@ShoreThingAdvertising.com. If your photos are too large for conventional email contact Bob for
instructions to upload them to STA’s ftp site.
• Submitting photos for multiple categories is acceptable
• Photographer agrees that all photos submitted can be
used for publication at the discretion of South Jersey.
• Content questions should be directed to Mark Allen,
mallen@sjmarina.com, 609-884-2400.
• Technical questions should be directed to Bob Weber,
BWeber@ShoreThingAdvertising.com, 609-846-7399.
the Winners
We’ll let the photos speak for themselves.
Best Scenic Shot:
Dr Jobes on the Pair of Docs, top left.
Best Candid Shot:
Mark Coyar on the Gigabyte of Bob Balut, top right.
Best Action Shot:
Peggy Beall on the Reel Ledo. bottom right.
Jimmy Gatto
Jimmy has contributed the most pictures to OTR over the years, and if you ask us, he’s shooting on a pro level.
His shots are beautiful and truly worthy of being in national publications. Instead of entering them in the
contest this year, we decided they should stand alone and be shared with our readers. Here are five that we
picked. Enjoy! And thanks Jimmy - you might even want to consider giving up your day job!
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Ocean City Marlin
& Tuna Club
34th Annual Overnight
Billfish Tournament
August 14th-20th, 2011
Entry Fee: $750 or save $150 by
registering before July 1, 2011
August 14th - Captain’s Dinner
at Ocean City Yacht Club
Fishing Dates (Captain’s Choice)
Monday 8/15 - Tuesday 8/16
Tuesday 8/16 - Wednesday 8/17
Wednesday 8/17 - Thursday 8/18
Thursday 8/18
8 - Friday 8/19
Friday 8/19 - Saturday 8/20
August 20th
Awards barbeque and cocktail party
For additional information and registration details call Rob McMurray (609) 214-3809, email rmcmurray@comcast.net
or Brian Logue (609) 827-0820. Visit www.overnightbilllsh.com
an Inlet
to Cape M
The billfish bite that we experienced in our canyons last year is no secret.
Our white marlin bite has always been the best during August and September,
but over the last three or four years, it has been outstanding.
This past year it was truly world class!
If you love chasing whites, why not make plans to join us at Canyon Club Resort Marina this year for Marlin Month.
Canyon Club is the center of excitement and the hub for white marlin fishermen when the bite turns on. In fact, it’s become
the region’s center of big game fishing, all season long!
What is Marlin Month? Last August, we put together a fun, month-long, release event
exclusively for boats docked at Canyon Club, and called it Marlin Month. Solely for having
fun and seeing who could catch the most, it ran from the first fish day of the Mid-Atlantic
$500,000, through the third week in September. When it was all over, the 14 participating
boats fished a total of 71 days and released an amazing 605 whites and 6 blues. It was most
likely the best white marlin fishing our area has ever seen. It was an absolute blast!
Will we be doing it again in 2011? You bet! And you are invited to join in the fun. Marlin
Month will begin this year on August 22nd and will run through September 25th. So, before you
make up your mind about next summer’s fishing plans, consider joining the fleet at Canyon Club
for our 2011 Marlin Month (if you’re fishing the Mid-Atlantic 500, you’ll already be here!). We’ll be
making memories with friends and family, experiencing world class fishing and enjoying the good
times that go with it.
If the fishing is even half as good as last year, you’ll have the time of your life!
Simply contact Monte or Mike through the Canyon Club Ships Store to extend your reservation
from the Mid-Atlantic through the September mayhem - it’s truly world class!
The roar of high-powered boat
engines racing in the night. A similar roar of high-powered trucks
and cars also racing through the
night. The sounds of gunfire offshore and onshore. Stealthy men
make their way ashore on isolated
beaches and landings and through
dense cedar forests ever alert for
lawmen. Al Capone’s Chicago?
No, Cape May during the 1920s.
Staid and stately old Cape May
was a center for rum running and
bootlegging during the Prohibition Era (1920-1933).
The decade of the 1920s has
been nicknamed the Roaring 20s.
However the economy was anything but roaring in Cape May.
The effort to turn the newly expanded harbor and the landfill
from it in Eastern Cape May
into a resort for the wealthy, a
self-named New Jersey Newport,
was painfully failing. The stark
landscape was dotted with only
a few new vacation homes and
the magnificent Hotel Cape May
stood out in splendid isolation.
The downtown area was equally
dead, as dead as the area’s tourism-driven economy. The harbor
was home for only a few modest
local fishing and pleasure craft.
Established by the 18th
Amendment in 1920, the prohibition on alcoholic beverages had
only made Cape May’s tourismbased economy worse.
The only roaring around Cape
May was of the revved up motors of the speed boats of rum
runners racing from United
States Coast Guard boats at
sea and of the trucks and cars
of bootleggers racing from
police patrol cars on land.
The 1920s was the golden
age of rum running and
bootlegging and Cape May
and all of South Jersey was a
haven for these illegal if not unpopular activities.
The Cape May area was a center for both rum running and
bootlegging. Lots is known
but little is written about
this aspect of our maritime heritage. Folk tales
are plentiful, but documentation is sparse.
Perhaps the main
reason for this is the
complex intermingled
families that were the main fulltime residents of this area for over
300 years. By the 1920s everyone
was everyone’s relative. Thus the
rum runners, bootleggers, police,
Coast Guardsmen, judges, jurors,
Sea Spa proudly offers
“Providing quality products backed by science”
Advanced skincare prevention, protection and correction
The art and science of pure flower and plant essences
251 Beach Avenue, Cape May
Rum Running, cont.
and media members were often
relatives. Besides prohibition was
unpopular with many, especially
here in the Cape
May area. It was
bad for tourism.
Often only feuds
among families or
political feuds led
to actions against
rum running and
bootlegging, not a pro-prohibition spirit of reform.
Let’s define our terms. Rum
running is most commonly used
to describe bringing illegal alcohol of any types ashore from at
sea. Bootlegging is the distilling
of illegal alcohol deep within hidden woods and then distributed
onshore. Cape May County, with
its densely wooded upper third
and long coastline full of a complex myriad of inlets, bays, creeks,
and harbors was
ideal for both activities. Add to
this the area’s
tourism dominant
economy and you have the location and motivation for rum running and bootlegging.
How prevalent was rum running here? The World War I Naval
Section Base 7 on the harbor was
taken over by the United States
Coast Guard in 1925 mainly
to fight it. The previous year the
Coast Guard had taken over the
main maritime role in fighting
rum running from the Navy. It
now was the Coast Guard’s main
task while it had been only one of
many missions of the Navy. On
land, cases involving rum running,
bootlegging and illegal sale of alcoholic beverages
dominated court
dockets. Dozens of
stills were raided,
mainly in Upper
Township. Dozens
of “taverns” were
raided in the resort towns including Cape May
City itself.
In most cases,
law enforcement
fighting a losing
battle. The boats
of the rum runners were faster
and more maneuverable than the Coast Guard’s.
Their captains were often fishermen and river
pilots who not
only were expert
mariners but had
known the waters
and coastline since
generations before them. Ashore,
local farmers and hunters had
similar familiarity
with the roads and
Rum runners
used two basic
techniques. A fleet
of foreign flagged
mother ships carrying not just
Caribbean rum but English gin,
French champagne, and Canadian whiskey anchored just outside
the 3-mile limit (extended to 12
miles in 1924) of U.S. jurisdiction
in a so-called rum row. Speedy
armed and armored boats, operating preferably on moonless nights,
then shuttled the cargo ashore,
evading or outrunning the Coast
Guard as boats raced frantically at
high speeds on swerving courses
without using their lights with
authorities in determined pursuit,
and landing it on isolated beaches. Gunfire and running aground
were not unusual
in these pursuits.
Most rum runners
made successful
landings but dozens were intercepted off Cape
May by the Coast
Guard. The risk was high but the
potential profits higher. The public was thirsty and willing to pay
top prices for their booze.
Other fishermen used slow
speed stealth, hiding their illegal cargos amidst their catches of
fish, then cruising at normal speed
in both daylight and darkness to
their landing locations. This latter technique was especially risky
when done in
Cape May’s harbor as they literally
cruised right past
the U.S. Coast
Guard base.
By the mid1920s competition was so high
among the rum row mother ships
that they were known to host lavish parties spiced with “party girls”
Rum Running, cont.
to attract customers from ashore.
Rum running was not just a
Jersey Coast phenomenon. It occurred from Maine to Florida and
in the Gulf of Mexico and Great
Lakes. Here on the Jersey Cape,
encounters between the rum runners and Coast Guard were not
limited to the ocean. Many occurred in the Delaware Bay.
Cape May itself was not as
notorious for rum running (and
bootlegging) as Ocean City and
more so Atlantic City farther
north on the coast. These were the
domains of Max “Boo Boo” Hoff
and Nucky Johnson. In both places, and north of Atlantic City, at
the Mullica River, gun battles on
land and sea were frequently reported. Author Nelson Johnson in
his recent book Boardwalk Empire traces Atlantic City’s boom
as a resort to the fact that in actuality, “prohibition didn’t happen in
Atlantic City.” Both these criminals however could not compare
to the legendary Havana Joe who
supplied liquor to New York City
via North Jersey.
The most famous rum runner
of all was Florida’s Bill McCoy.
He seems to have been both the
volume champion and creator of
the rum row concept. McCoy was
also legendary for not watering
down his booze as so many others
did. A thirsty public favored “the
real McCoy” in their drinks.
In 1933 the 21st Amendment
repealed the 18th and Prohibition
ended. The Prohibition Amendment has been the only one to
be repealed to date. Always unwww.OnTheRipMagazine.com
popular, Prohibition had been the
failed experiment of an influential
minority of social reformers. It
did provide one the more colorful
chapters in Cape May’s maritime
heritage. If you’re cruising our
harbor or walking our beaches
on a moonless night and think
you hear roaring motors and even
gunfire, maybe the most haunted
city in America has some new
spirits. Caution - don’t go into the
C-View Inn to verify your experience. It was raided in 1930 for
illegal liquor sales and any ‘nonliquid’ spirits there might be unfriendly!
Office: 609-522-3406 Fax: 609-522-2844
Brian Strauss x 142 bstrauss@jbyrneagency.com
Colleen Douglass x181 cdouglass@jbyrneagency.com
Jessica Haberman x149 jhaberman@jbyrneagency.com
Eileen Sinn x117 esinn@jbyrneagency.com
Eileen Baker x127 ebaker@jbyrneagency.com
Index to Advertisers
410 Bank Street / Frescos • 410 Bank Street, Cape May, NJ 08204 • 609-884-2127 • www.CapeMayTimes.com/Restaurants/Cape-May/410Bank.htm. . . . . . . . . . . 45
Albemarle Boats • 140 Midway Drive, Edenton, NC 27932 • 252-482-7423 • www.AlbemarleBoats.com. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
Baitmasters of South Florida • 6911 NE 3rd Avenue, Miami, FL 33138 • 800-639-2248 • www.Baitmasters.com. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
Big Game Fishing Journal • 1800 Bay Avenue, Pt. Pleasant, NJ 08742 • 800-827-4468 • www.BigGameFishingJournal.com. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
BMW of North America, LLC • 300 Chestnut Ridge Road, Woodcliff Lake, NJ 07677 • 800-831-1117 • www.BMWUSA.com. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cover 2, 40-41
Buckingham Motel • 1111 Beach Avenue, Cape May, NJ 08204 • 609-884-9036 • www.BuckinghamMotel.com. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74
C-View Inn • 1380 Washington Street, Cape May, NJ 08204 • 609-884-4712. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
Cabana’s Beach Bar & Grille • 429 Beach Avenue, Cape May, NJ 08204 • 609-884-4800 • www.CabanasOnTheBeach.com. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
Canyon Club Homes • 900 Ocean Drive, Cape May, NJ 08204 • 609-884-7700 • www.CanyonClubMarina.com. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Cape Harbor Marine • 307 N. Railroad Avenue, Rio Grande, NJ 08242 • 609-889-0911 • www.CapeHarborMarine.com. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
Cape Harbor Motor Inn • 715 Pittsburgh Avenue, Cape May, NJ 08204 • 609-884-0018 • www.CapeHarborMotorInn.com. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
Cape May Winery • 711 Townbank Road, Cape May, NJ 08204 • 609-884-1169 • www.CapeMayWinery.com. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
Christi Insurance Group • 156 Stagecoach Road, Marmora, NJ 08223 • 609-390-8996 • www.ChristiInsurance.com. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
Congress Hall / Sea Spa • 251 Beach Avenue, Cape May, NJ 08204 • 609-884-8422 • www.CongressHall.com. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70
Costa Marine Canvas • 333 South Vienna Avenue, Egg Harbor City, NJ 08215 • 609-965-1538 • www.CostaMarineCanvas.com. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Cummins Power Systems • 2727 Ford Road, Bristol, PA 19007 • 215-826-1212 • www.PowerSystems.Cummins.com. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78
Desatnick Blinds • 1307 Trenton Ave, Cape May, NJ 08204 • 609-884-2545 • www.Desatnicks.com. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
Engines Incorporated • P. O. Box 952, Pleasantville, NJ 08232 • 609-485-0101 • www.EnginesInc.net. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
Enterprise Rent-A-Car • 3011 Admiral Wilson Blvd, Pennsauken, NJ 08109 • 856-910-1223 • www.Enterprise.com . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80
FLIR • 27700A SW Parkway Avenue, Wilsonville, OR 97070 • 503-498-3293 • www.FLIR.com. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
Fraser-Volpe • 1025 Thomas Drive, Warminster, PA 18974 • 215-442-5240 • www.Fraser-Volpe.com. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12, 50
Furuno • Available through Offshore Electronics • 900 Ocean Drive, Cape May, NJ 08204 • 609-884-0333 • www.CanyonClubMarina.com. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Garmin • 1200 E. 15th Street, Olathe, KS 66062 • 732-691-9691 • www.Garmin.com . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Grace Energy • 3017 US Hwy #9, Rio Grande, NJ 08242 • 800-388-4645 • www.GraceEnergy.com. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74
Guy Harvey • 4350 Oakes Road, Davie, FL 33314 • 800-288-1227 • www.GuyHarveyInc.com. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sportswear 11, Ocean Foundation 38
Haddon House Food Products • 250 Old Marlton Pike, Medford, PA 08055 • 609-654-7901 • www.HaddonHouse.com. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
Harbor View • 954 Ocean Drive, Cape May, NJ 08204 • 609-884-5444 • www.HarborViewCapeMay.com. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
Homestead Realty • 846 Broadway, Cape May, NJ 08204 • 609-884-1888 • www.HomesteadRealEstate.net. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
ICOM/Polyplanar • Available through Offshore Electronics • 900 Ocean Drive, Cape May, NJ 08204 • 609-884-0333 • www.CanyonClubMarina.com. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
Interlux Paint • 2270 Morris Ave, Union, NJ 07083 • 908-964-2353 • www.InternationalPaint.com. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
J Byrne Agency • 609-522-6600 • www.JByrneAgency.com. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74
Joe Canal’s Liquor • 1613 Route 47 South, Rio Grande, NJ 08242 • 609-886-9786 • www.JoeCanals.com/RioGrande.html . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78
Johnson & Towers • 2021 Briggs Road, Mt. Laurel, NJ 08054 • 856-234-6990 • www.JohnsonTowers.com. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
Jupiter Marine International • 1103 12th Avenue East, Palmetto, FL 34221 • 941-729-5005 • www.JupiterMarine.com. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
KVH • Available through Offshore Electronics • 900 Ocean Drive, Cape May, NJ 08204 • 609-884-0333 • www.CanyonClubMarina.com. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
Lobster House Restaurant • Fisherman’s Wharf, Cape May, NJ 08204 • 609-884-8296 • www.TheLobsterHouse.com. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78
Lucky Bones • 1200 Route 109 South, Cape May, NJ 08204 • 609-884-2663 • www.LuckyBonesGrille.com. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
Index to Advertisers
Macomber Hotel • 727 Beach Avenue, Cape May, NJ 08204 • 609-884-9036 • www.HotelMacomber.com. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74
MAN Engines • 591 SW 13th Terrace, Pompano Beach, FL 33069 • 954-946-9092 • www.ManEngines.com . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
Marine Motor Works • 622A Green Avenue, Brielle, NJ 08730 • 732-743-0585 • www.MarineMotorWorks.com. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
Midlantic Gold Rush • 201 Union Lane, Brielle, NJ 08730 • 732-223-4994 • www.MidlanticGoldRush.com. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
NJ Audubon / NCCM • 1600 Delaware Ave, Cape May, NJ 08204 • 609-898-8848 • www.NJAudubon.org . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
Ocean City Marlin & Tuna Club • 609-827-0820 • www.OCMTC.com. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
Ocean Yachts • P. O. Box 312, Egg Harbor City, NJ 08215 • 609-965-4616 • www.OceanYachtsInc.com. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Oceanview Welding • P. O. Box 516, So. Seaville, NJ 08246 • 609-624-9669 • www.OceanviewMarineWelding.com. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
Offshore Electronics • 900 Ocean Drive, Cape May, NJ, 08204 • 609-884-6645 • www.CanyonClubMarina.com. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
Offshore Financial • 106 Bridge Avenue, Suite 4, Bay Head, NJ 08742 • 800-899-7766 • www.OffshoreFinancial.com. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
Palace Hotel • 1101 Beach Drive, Cape May, NJ 08204 • 609-898-8100 • www.PalaceHotelOfCapeMay.com. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
Penn Reels • 3028 West Hunting Park Ave, Philadelphia, PA 19132 • 800-334-9105 • www.PennReels.com. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
Periwinkle Inn • 1039 Beach Avenue, Cape May, NJ 08204 • 609-884-9200 • www.PeriwinkleInn.com. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80
Pilot House • 609-884-3449 • www.PilotHouseCapeMay.com. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
Pompanette Chairs • 1515 SE 16th Street, Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33316 • 954-525-6367 • www.Pompanette.com. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cover 3
Premier Yacht Management • 127-B Bridgeton Pike, Ste 322, Mullica Hill, NJ 08062 • 856-232-0404 • www.PremierDetailing.com. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
Ransome Engines / Caterpillar • 2975 Galloway Road, Bensalem, PA 19020 • 215-245-0600 • www.Ransome.com . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
Raymarine • Available through Offshore Electronics • 900 Ocean Drive, Cape May, NJ 08204 • 609-884-0333 • www.CanyonClubMarina.com . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
RFA • P. O. Box 3080, New Gretna, NJ 08224 • 888-564-6732 • www.JoinRFA.org. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
Rode’s Catering • 50 Paulsboro Road, Swedesboro, NJ 08085 • 856-467-1300 • www.RodesCatering.com. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76
Sea Safety • 201-330-3225 • www.SeaSafety.com. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
Seakeeper • 14528 S Solomons Island Road, Solomons, MD 20688 • 410-326-1590 • www.Seakeeper.com. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
Service Center at CCRM • 900 Ocean Drive, Cape May, NJ 08204 • 609-884-0333 • www.CanyonClubMarina.com . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
Shakespeare/Fusion • Available through Offshore Electronics • 900 Ocean Drive, Cape May, NJ 08204 • 609-884-0333 • www.CanyonClubMarina.com. . . . . . . . . . . 14
South Jersey Ships’ Store • 1231 Route 109, Cape May, NJ 08204 • 609-884-2400 • www.SouthJerseyMarina.com. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
South Jersey Yacht Sales • 1231 Route 109, Cape May, NJ 08204 • 609-884-1600 • www.SouthJerseyYachtSales.com. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
Sperry • 191 Spring Street, Lexington, MA 02421 • 800-666-5689 • www.SperryTopSider.com . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cover 4
Sturdy Bank • 701 Washington Street, Cape May, NJ 08204 • 609-898-1213 • www.SturdyOnline.com. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
Sunset Marina • 12911 Sunset Avenue, Ocean City, MD 21842 • 410-213-9600 • www.OCSunsetMarina.com. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
Uncle Bill’s Pancake House • 253 Beach Avenue, Cape May, NJ 08204 • 609-884-7199 • www.UncleBillsPancakeHouse.com . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
Union Park Restaurant • 727 Beach Avenue, Cape May, NJ 08204 • 609-884-8811 • www.UnionParkDiningRoom.com. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80
Viking Yachts • Route 9, New Gretna, NJ 08224 • 609-296-6000 • www.VikingYachts.com. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
Washington Inn • 801 Washington Street, Cape May, NJ 08204 • 609-884-5697 • www.WashingtonInn.com . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
White Marlin Open • P. O. Box 737, Ocean City, MD 21843 • 410-723-6989 • www.WhiteMarlinOpen.com. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76
World Billfish Series • 7985 113th Street N., Seminole, FL 33772 • 727-319-3449 • www.WorldBillfishSeries.com . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
WXWORX • 2825 Business Ctr Blvd, Ste D-1, Melbourne, FL 32940 • 321-751-9202 • www.WXWORK.com. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
Yellowfin Yachts • 6611 19th Street East, Sarasota, FL 34243 • 941-753-7828 • www.YellowfinYachts.com. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28