KIPCO targeting to double profit by 2018


KIPCO targeting to double profit by 2018
The magazine of the Kuwait Projects Company (Holding)
KIPCO targeting to double profit by 2018
Issue 49: April 2015
The magazine of the Kuwait Projects Company (Holding)
KIPCO targeting to double profit by 2018
Issue 49: April 2015
KIPCO targeting to double profit by 2018
Mayor of London visits KIPCO
KIPCO Group’s Internal Audit team holds annual conference
QPIC marks 10-year success story
TAKAUD partners with Bahrain’s Capital Governorate
URC’s unique Aswar Residences project in Egypt
27 Mr Sadoun Ali: QPIC’s investments are financially stable
OSN…Innovating success
Head Office:
Kuwait Projects Company (Holding)
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Mr Faisal Al Ayyar (center) heading the General Assembly; with Group SVP - Finance & Operations, Mr Mazen Hawwa (left), and Mr Waleed Al Osaimi of
Al Aiban, Al Osaimi & Partners
KIPCO targeting to double
profit by 2018
KIPCO, during its annual
Investors’ Forum, said that
the company targets to
double its 2014 profit by
2018. This will be driven by
growth in operating profits
of its underlying entities
and a lower cost of debt.
2014 is Kipco
year of
During the forum, KIPCO presented a
delivered on its promise of double-digit
review of 2014 and its current outlook
we expected double-digit growth to
become our underlying financial trend,
for the next four years to an audience
and our main companies delivered on
and institutional investors. The forum
that promise. Burgan Bank’s net profit
(US$ 567 million), compared to KD
increased by 207% and OSN’s by 66%.
132 million (US$ 451 million) in 2013.
QPIC’s net profit increased by 22%,
shareholders approved a cash dividend
while that of GIG jumped to 18%. URC
of 25% (25 fils per share).
continuing operations increased 16% in
and UGB’s revenues increased by 23%
2014 to stand at KD 598 million (US$ 2
and 163% respectively in 2014. These
Review of 2014
billion), compared to the KD 514 million
results reflect the strong performance
As part of its review, KIPCO said that
(US$ 1.76 billion) reported in 2013.
indicators in our core sectors. They also
reflect the Group’s approach of building
2014 was its twenty-third consecutive
achieved its objectives for the year and
scale, capabilities and footprint while
maintaining sound profitability levels.”
KIPCO expects that its portfolio of core
companies which includes Burgan Bank,
and United Education Company will
continue to deliver growth over the next
four years. In the case of OSN, KIPCO
sees enormous potential for continuing
growth in the number of customers,
favorable demographics of OSN’s target
propositions. The cumulative dividend
potential of OSN over the next five years
could reach around US$ 1 billion. OSN is
expected to distribute US$ 100 million
to its shareholders during 2015, subject
to approvals.
Commenting on the outlook for 2015,
Mr Al Ayyar said, “We enter 2015 with
across the sectors in which we operate.
Our target is to double our 2014 profit
by 2018, driven by underlying operating
During the press conference that was held following the Shafafiyah Forum
Attendees of the General Assembly and Shafafiyah Forum
From left: GM of GIRC, Mr Tareq Al Sahhaf; CEO of KAMCO, Mr Faisal Sarkou; KIPCO’s CEO – Investment, Mr Tariq AbdulSalam; Chairman of GIG, Mr
Farqad Al Sane; Group CEO of GIG, Mr Khaled Al Hasan; Mr Faisal Al Ayyar; CEO of UFM, Mr Ahmed Al Kandari; and GIG Corporate Communications &
IR Manager, Mr Khaled Al Sanousi
profit growth in our core companies,
services and media sectors, and lower
banking sector, Burgan Bank continued
the cost of debt. Indicators point to
to achieve strong profitability, while
gradual local and regional economic
OSN, continues its path on the course
recovery and our companies are poised
of revenue increase, while enhancing
to benefit from this improvement in
overall customer experience.
their respective markets and to continue
to be profitable and dividend paying in
KIPCO’s fourth quarter profit (for the
2015 and beyond.”
three months ended December 31,
2014) came to KD 14.3 million (US$ 49
Results for 2014
million), an increase of 2% on the KD 14
Earlier in the year, KIPCO had announced
million (US$ 48 million) profit achieved
a net profit of KD 46.1 million (US$
in the same period of 2013.
cents) per share for the year ended 31
December, 2014. The results reflect an
increase of 15% on the KD 40.1 million
(US$ 137 million), or 27.92 fils (US$ 9.5
cents) per share, reported in 2013.
include banking, media, real estate
Significant growth
trends in all core
157.4 million), or 33 fils (US$ 11.3
Mr Faisal Al Ayyar
Mayor of London visits KIPCO
KIPCO senior management, headed by Mr Al Ayyar (ninth from right), with the Lord Mayor of the City of London (ninth from left) and his accompanying delegation
to Kuwait
KIPCO’s Vice Chairman (Executive), Mr
investment institutions on an official
Faisal Al Ayyar, welcomed Lord Mayor
management, the two sides discussed
visit to Kuwait to promote investment
of the City of London, Mr Alderman
opportunities for mutual collaboration.
partnership prospects between the
two countries.
Alan Yarrow, and the Sheriff of the City
The Mayor was heading a high ranking
of London, Ms Fiona Adler.
and representatives of financial and
UIC voluntarily withdraws
from KSE
KAMCO modifies its name
Sheikh Khalifa Al Abdullah Al Jaber Al Sabah
Ms Entisar Al Suwaidi
UIC has officially delisted from the KSE following approvals
from concerned authorities. KAMCO was appointed as
financial advisor to the overall process.
KAMCO announced during its recent extraordinary general
assembly, that its commercial name has been changed from
KIPCO Asset Management Company (Kuwaiti Shareholding
Closed Company) to KAMCO Investment Company (Kuwaiti
Sheikh Khalifa Al Abdullah Al Jaber Al Sabah, UIC’s
Chairman said, “The decision to delist was taken after
carefully examining that the book value per share is
greater than its market value.”
“This decision will not impact the transparency approach
with UIC’s shareholders, and we will continue to hold
our annual ‘Shafafiyah’ Investors’ Forum which is held
by KIPCO and its operating companies in the interest of
transparency,” added Al Sabah.
Public Shareholding Company).
KAMCO’s Vice Chairman, Ms Entisar Al Suwaidi said, “Changing
the name of the company comes as part of identifying the
KAMCO brand as a leading asset management and investment
banking organization across the local and regional markets.”
“Our shareholders and management believe that this change
will further strengthen the company’s brand image in line with
its planned strategic growth initiatives,” added Al Suwaidi.
KIPCO Group’s Internal Audit team holds 13th Group
annual conference
Participants during the annual internal audit group meeting
KIPCO Group’s Internal Audit team held its 13th annual
Mr Husain also welcomed all the new internal auditors who
conference in December 2014, this year hosted by UGB.
were attending the conference for the first time, especially
Twenty seven attendees, drawn from Group companies across
from SADAFCO, URC and Burgan Bank.
the region, were welcomed by the Group Chief Audit Executive,
Mr Moshen Ali Husain.
In his opening remarks addressing the conference, Mr Husain
governance trends shaping the board of the future. The topics
said, “With the continuous focus on governance, risk and
covered included updates and legislative changes in the Foreign
compliance locally and worldwide, the role of internal audit has
Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA) presented by Ms Deepa
widened to include the role of a trusted consultant rather than
Chanrdasekhar, the COSO revised internal control framework,
just an assurance provider, and with continuous evolution in the
internal audit and cloud computing, KPMG’s 2014 global audit
markets and changes in regulations, the assurance provided
committee survey, GRC: a single version of the truth, the
by internal audit has become more critical and valuable.
role of internal audit in mitigating fraud and eputation risk,
Therefore, it is important that we, the internal auditors, are
the fraud resistant organization, internal audit’s reliance on
always up-to-date with new regulations and ensure that our
operational risk outcomes, and new internal audit practice
audit plans are modified focusing on significant risk exposures
guides. The attendees also discussed general internal audit
to incorporate the necessary work we need to do to add value
concerns and training requirements.
to our organizations and help management to mitigate the
AUK Board of Trustees
holds biannual meeting
QPIC marks 10-year
success story
From left: Dr Walid Moubarak, Dr Dale Eickelman, Sheikha Dana Nasser
Sabah Al Ahmad Al Sabah, Dr Thomas Bartlett, Dr Tim Sullivan and Mr
Samer Khanachet
Sheikh Mubarak Abdullah Al-Mubarak Al-Sabah (center, left) presenting a token of
appreciation to H.E. Dr Ali Al Omair
AUK’s Board of Trustees held the first session of its biannual
meeting for the year 2015 to review semi-annual reports,
highlight administrative and academic developments and
affairs, discuss budget updates, and the President and
Dartmouth-AUK reports.
QPIC celebrated its 10th year of successful partnership with
Kuwait Petroleum Corporation (KPC) and its subsidiaries and
affiliates. The celebration was attended by leading decision
makers and senior executives across the country’s oil, gas
and petrochemical sectors.
Board members went over AUK’s international program
development, as well as admissions and enrollment
updates. Reports from the Executive Committee,
Academic Affairs Committee and the President’s State of
the University noted the development in various areas of
faculty recruitment, the status of campus facilities and
AUK’s ongoing partnership with Dartmouth College.
H.E. Dr Ali Al Omair, Kuwait’s Minister of Petroleum, State
Minister of National Assembly Affairs and KPC Chairman, was
the guest of honor.
AUK’s Board of Trustees includes Sheikha Dana Nasser
Sabah Al Ahmad Al Sabah, Founder and Chair of AUK; Mr
Meshal Ali, Co-Founder and Vice Chair of AUK; Mr Wael Abdul
Ghafoor, Co-Founder of AUK; Mr Faisal Al Ayyar, KIPCO’s
Vice Chairman; Mr Samer Khanachet, KIPCO’s Group Chief
Operating Officer; Dr Thomas Bartlett, Former President of
Colgate University and American University in Cairo (AUC);
Dr Tim Sullivan, Professor and Provost Emeritus, AUC; Dr
Walid Moubarak, Director of the Institute of Diplomacy and
Conflict Transformation, Lebanese American University;
Professor Dr Nizar Hamzeh, AUK’s President; and Dr
Dale Eickelman, Relationship Coordinator (Director), the
Dartmouth College-AUK Program.
Sheikh Mubarak Abdullah Al-Mubarak Al-Sabah, QPIC’s
Chairman said, “We are proud to celebrate the company’s
achievements throughout the past 10 years. QPIC represents
a successful partnership that started as an initiative by the
Kuwaiti government to encourage the private sector to invest
in the petrochemicals industry. This has resulted in a number
of leading investments that we are proud to be a part of today,
and wish for another decade of success.”
Mr Sadoun Ali, QPIC’s Vice Chairman and CEO said, “We
continue to create partnerships that aim at enhancing the
company’s position across the petrochemical industry. A
prime example is EQUATE Petrochemical Company and The
Kuwait Olefins Company, which are regarded amongst the
most successful Public Private Partnership models in Kuwait’s
petrochemical sector.”
UFM’s CEO listed on POWER 50
Mr Ahmad Al Kandari, Vice Chairman and CEO of UFM,
management industry, has
was selected amongst the top professionals in Facilities
been successfully leading
Management Middle East magazine’s POWER 50 list for the
second consecutive year.
Al Kandari said, “As the facilities management industry led
by the management of real estate properties continues to
leadership, UFM has grown
grow, we believe that it’s extremely important to apply
and implement the new trends in this area to meet the
expectations of our customers.”
across the GCC. Kuwait. Under
Al Kandari, a veteran in the real estate and facilities
Feature on Ahmed Yousef Al Kandari
TAKAUD partners with Bahrain’s Capital Governorate
Mr Luc Métivier (second from left) and H.E. Shaikh Hisham Bin Abdulrahman Al Khalifa (third from right) during the meeting
TAKAUD has organized a series of
Capital Governor, H.E. Sheikh Hisham
Bin Abdulrahman Al Khalifa, met with
collaboration with the Bahrain Capital
TAKAUD’s CEO, Mr Luc Métivier, and
distinguished active social programs
Governorate in an effort to enhance
TAKAUD’s Chief Distribution Officer, Mr
public perception on financial planning
Loay Ragheb, to discuss opportunities
mission is to help empower people to
and the need to save.
for mutual cooperation across social and
prepare for their long term financial
cultural initiatives.
future and success in achieving their
personal life aspirations.”
As part of the initiative, Bahrain’s
KAMCO advises Burgan Bank on its capital increase
KAMCO was appointed as the financial
increase process.
Burgan Bank’s CEO, Mr Eduardo Eguren
said, “KAMCO played an important
included facilitating an overall smooth
process when dealing with concerned
authorities. The company and Burgan
Bank share a successful track record
of joint partnerships in a number of
also said, “Our work with Burgan
KAMCO’s overarching strategy towards
maintaining its leadership position in
local and regional asset management
and investment markets.”
Mr Eduardo Eguren
Mr Faisal Sarkhou
Gulfsat offers broadcasting services in Palestine
Mr Mohammad Al Hajj (third from right) with representatives from the PBC during the signing ceremony
more room for television networks and
Dr Riyadh Al Hassan, President of
broadcasting radio channels to operate
the Palestinian Information Authority
across the MENA region.”
said, “This is a momentous occasion in
Palestine’s media and communications
satellite broadcasting capacity that
accommodates up to 45 megabytes.
“The new service acquired by PBC
sector. The new satellite, ‘Sat Pal’,
includes a range of added value benefits
allows Palestine to use around 20
stations, where the PBC will utilize five
frequency, where connections are made
to six stations that include news and
agreement, which provides increased
through fiber optics that are connected
sports channels as well as Palestine
capacity to Palestinian TV channels
by orbiting at eight degrees adjacent
station,” added Mr Al Hajj.
to Nile Sat’s orbital position, gives
KUCM extends KNPC contract to mid-2016
Representatives of KUCM and KNPC at the dinner celebration
The agreement was marked with a dinner
extension is a testament to the high
celebration at Safir Hotel & Residences
standards that KUCM has maintained
Kuwait – Fintas, and included URC’s
in existing projects, and is a strong
Chairman, Mr Tariq AbdulSalam, KUCM’s
indicator of the successful partnership
National Petroleum Company (KNPC)
CEO, Eng Gamal Alnomiry, and KNPC
that we have forged with KNPC.”
for the Main Support Emergency and
Operation Center Project at Ahmadi
until mid-2016.
Mr Tariq AbdulSalam said, “The contract
Arab Orient holds annual
staff meeting
GIG launches new IR tools
GIG launched a range of
new tools on its website
to enhance its overall
facilitate the process of
following and analyzing
Arab Orient Insurance’s team during their annual meeting
Arab Orient Insurance held its annual meeting to review
key figures, as well as
Mr Khalid Al Sanousi
updated share information tools and fact sheets.
the company’s activities and achievements in 2014. The
meeting served as a platform to agree on and approve
objectives for the current year.
The meeting was headed by Mr Isam Abdelkhaliq, Arab
Mr Khalid Al Sanousi, GIG’s Corporate Communications and
IR Manager said, “The new IR tools help provide shareholders
and other stakeholders with transparent and a consistent
flow of information, while giving a detailed insight into our
operations. Transparency is a core value of our business,
Orient Insurance’s CEO, who provided valuable insight on
allowing us to communicate stock related information while
the company’s strategic plans and way forward to members
adhering to market authority regulations and delivering on a
of the Executive Committee, managers and general staff.
best practice IR policy.”
TAKAUD sponsors Bahrain’s annual HR Management
Mr Luc Métivier (third from right) and H.E. Dr Abdulhussain Bin Ali Mirza (center) with participating delegates during the event
TAKAUD sponsored the sixth annual HR Management
talent for success and sustainable growth.
Summit. The event, which was held under the patronage
of H.E. Dr Abdulhussain Bin Ali Mirza, Bahrain’s Minister of
Mr Luc Métivier, TAKAUD’s CEO said, “Such events are
State for Electricity and Water Affairs, included a wide range
important platforms to highlight best practices and policies
of topics such as talent management, reward schemes,
companies should be implementing to deliver an overall
employee value proposition and performance incentives.
added value. The employment market is changing across
the region. Employers must be more innovative in terms of
During the event, TAKAUD emphasized the significance and
their employee reward systems.”
ability of companies to recruit, reward and retain their key
URC’s Aswar Residences introduces new levels of
creativity, innovation and modernity
URC has pooled in its expert knowledge, creative design,
comprehensive expertise with commitment and highly
effective communications to offer its customers in Egypt an
extremely innovative project, Aswar Residences. Its aim is
to provide a unique development that resonates within the
Egyptian community and one that positively improves its real
estate offering.
For families seeking residential opportunities in Egypt’s
thriving modern city of New Cairo, Aswar Residences is a
community of 75 villas, with average built-up areas starting
from 530 sqm up to 765 sqm per villa, providing residents
with security, space and privacy.
It is close to the American University of Cairo, Dar Al Shiffa
Specialized Clinics, Carrefour, El Akkad Hospital, Cairo
International Airport and central downtown Cairo.
With 24 hour security, the project is comprised of three story
villas, a sumptuous range of landscape gardens, the widest
variety of facilities, outdoor swimming pool, children’s play
area and a clubhouse with a fully equipped gymnasium and
locker room.
Each villa in Aswar Residences includes a minimum of three
bedrooms and a basement level, designed to accommodate a
parking garage, multipurpose room, and an additional room
with a bathroom. Villas are divided into four clusters with 16
to 24 villas per cluster.
Aswar Residences, which is expected to be completed in
2015, is located in Egypt’s New Cairo’s fifth settlement, Gamal
Abd El Nasir Street, East Lotus Area. The arrangement of the
properties and their strategic placement provides privacy for
each home while allowing access to the main inside roads for
each circulation.
KIPCO Group employees can avail exclusive offers for Aswar
Residences. Those interested, are encouraged to contact
URC’s Sales and Leasing Department to learn more about the
opportunities available.
QPIC acquires new HQ at KIPCO Tower
QPIC acquired its new headquarters at KIPCO Tower. The
company’s new premises, located on the 26th floor, boasts
a 920 sqm of ideal working environment equipped with the
latest and most advanced business tools.
Mr Sadoun Ali, QPIC’s Vice Chairman and CEO said,
“Acquiring the company’s new HQ is a strategic decision
that reflects many benefits. We are committed to providing
a friendly working atmosphere in one of the country’s
most prestigious and technologically advanced towers. The
initiative also reflects the synergy and trust amongst group
companies, particularly United Towers Holding Company.”
Mr Ahmed Al Sumait, Chairman and CEO of United Towers
Holding Company also stated, “QPIC’s decision to acquire
their new office reflects the utmost care in the quality of
services provided to our tenants.”
Mr Sadoun Ali (left) during the signing ceremony with Mr Ahmed Al Sumait
Burgan Bank introduces
new service
FIMBank launches new
FIMBank recently launched its Easisave US Dollar savings
account and fixed term deposits. The new service enables
customers to open online savings account and fixed term
deposits while benefitting from competitive interest rates.
Burgan Bank introduced a new service that allows
customers applying to any of the bank’s debit or credit
The Easisave platform is easy, flexible and secure. It allows
cards to receive them instantly and choose their own PIN
Burgan Bank account holders in Kuwait, Turkey and Jordan to
in an efficient and secure manner.
interlink their existing Burgan Bank accounts with an Easisave
The bank developed a dynamic issuance system that
permits customers to receive their personalized debit and
Customers can open their savings accounts and fixed term
credit cards on the go at selective branches that include
deposits in either the Euro or US Dollar currencies by logging
the main branch, Adaliya, Shuwaikh Industrial Area, Jahraa
on to The minimum requirement for fixed term
2, Airport, Salmiya, Farwaniya and Rigga. The facility to
deposits is EUR 1,000 or US $1,000, giving more room to
select and change the cards’ PIN is available across all
smaller savers who wish to open an account within European
Union remits.
AUK’s CCE launches leadership program
AUK’s Center for Continuing Education (CCE) launched its
first leadership and supervisory skills certificate program,
Emerging Leaders. The program is offered exclusively for
corporates on a customized basis and accommodates various
developmental needs for middle management professionals
across any industry sector.
The purpose of this program is to unlock business potential
by examining the complex role of leaders through interactive,
action oriented team engagement activities. It aims to build
their core functional skills and develop an individual leadership
philosophy. The program examines participants’ strengths as individual
leaders, helps develop necessary management communication
skills, and achieve different learning objectives through
specific projects drawn from their very own industry sector.
Participants do not have to be managers in their companies.
The approach used in this program is represented in a
concentric model, with the employee as the innermost circle
of the model and the leadership skills acquired throughout the
program as the surrounding circles.
Participants in the program study different modules that
include defining leadership, communication in the workplace,
building and leading high performance teams, conflict
resolution, exceptional customer care, creative problem
The Emerging Leaders Model
solving, motivational leadership and achieving successful
Upon completion, participants receive a professional certificate
from the CCE.
Safir Fintas participates
in HORECA Kuwait 2015
GIG participates in Kuwait
Yacht Show 2015
Safir Fintas winners with Mr Saif Eddin Mohammed
Kuwait’s Minister of Finance, H.E. Mr Anas Al Saleh (far left) with the GIG team
Safir Hotel & Residences Kuwait – Fintas participated in
GIG’s subsidiary, Gulf Insurance and Reinsurance, participated
HORECA Kuwait for the second consecutive year.
in the third annual Kuwait Yacht Show 2015 as the official
insurance partner. The exhibition, which was held at the
During the event, the hotel was recognized in 10 categories,
Marina Crescent, featured a host of international marine
winning two gold, one silver and six bronze medals. Mr
brands and dealers.
Saif Eddin Mohammed, the hotel’s GM, awarded winners
with certificates of appreciation and gift vouchers.
Mr Khalid Al Sanousi, GIG’s Corporate Communications and IR
Manager said, “The Kuwait Yacht Show provided an excellent
HORECA Kuwait is a comprehensive event covering the
opportunity for visitors to explore a variety of insurance
hospitality, catering and food industry sectors in Kuwait
schemes for their boats and yachts. Our participation is
and the GCC.
based on the company’s underlying commitment to provide
customers with the best possible insurance solutions.”
JKB organizes leadership development program
The instructor during the training session
JKB organized a leadership development training program
guidance, problem solving, managing errors and nurturing
for its branch managers and representatives of different
motivational skills.
The training course included a range of simulative and
The program, ‘Lead Like a Pro’, focused on self-development,
interactive activities that illustrated the overall objectives of
institutional leadership, innovation, planning and methods of
developing leadership skills across the sectors.
UBC engages in prominent construction projects
across Kuwait
United Building Company (UBC), a fully owned subsidiary of
URC, signed a mega contract with Kuwait’s Ministry of Justice
to construct the new Public Prosecution’s Headquarters. The
value of the company’s deal amounts to KD 24,547,000 and is
the largest since its re-establishment in 2011.
The project, which is expected to be completed by March
2017, consists of three basement levels, a ground floor, nine
typical floors, a service level and a roof. The new building will
be built over 70,000 sqm and includes a parking space that
accommodates more than 580 cars.
The building enjoys a strategic location in the heart of Kuwait
City on Jamal Abdul Nasser Street, facing the Gulf Road,
providing ease of access from different roads. It is expected to
drive a positive impact across its surrounding geographic area
with a complete enhancement in the district’s infrastructure to
meet the building’s requirements.
Moreover, UBC has successfully completed and delivered
four residential buildings to Al Diyea Real Estate Company
in Hawally. The project reflects the company’s efforts to
accommodate the growing residential real estate sector in
Kuwait. It represents a strong investment opportunity due to
the increased demand on residential real estate projects.
bathrooms, a living room, and a fully furnished kitchen.
UBC continues to strengthen its position in the field of
engineering, construction and contracting. The company is
committed to making a strong and successful contribution
Each of the buildings includes 24 apartments across nine floors,
to the contracting sector by submitting tenders to meet the
two service elevators and 48 parking spaces. The apartments,
requirements of upcoming projects that are considered an
which range between 75-100 sqm, include two bedrooms, two
integral part of the country’s overall infrastructure.
The Public Prosecution’s HQ
Residential buildings in Hawally
AUK recognizes its faculty
Faculty members with Professor Dr Nizar Hamzeh (front row, sixth from left)
recognition event to celebrate scholarly
provide conference funding and research
chapters, 45 journal articles, four book
members. The event was attended
grants in support of faculty professional
reviews, 90 conference papers, and 28
by Mr Samer Khanachet, Member of
exhibitions, designs and performances.
AUK’s Board of Trustees and KIPCO’s
scholarship productivity has increased
AUK also recognized faculty members
Group Chief Operating Officer, and Dr
by 30% from that of the previous year.”
who received external grants and
research and creative work
seven book
Jawad Behbehani, Dean of the College
of Dentistry at Kuwait University.
produced four books,
AUK recognized 62 faculty members
GIG organizes specialized workshop
Participants interacting during the workshop
The objective of the workshop was
methods, understanding the concepts
of stochastic methods and its varied
region. The session was developed by
Actuarial Group, an education quality
certified company, and conducted by
its MD, Mr Luis Portugal.
claims reserves using excel across all
functions, and learning about solvency
approach claims reserves.
QPIC wins governance award
QPIC ranked second place in the ‘Excellence Award in
Governance’. The award was part of the Annual GCC
Governance Conference, which was held under the theme of
‘The need for a GCC Governance Code’.
investors by applying worldwide best practices in corporate
governance and adhering to the highest transparency
QPIC’s Vice Chairman and CEO, Mr Sadoun Ali said, “Being
a member of KIPCO, we commit to high standards of
transparency and governance. The award is a testament to
QPIC’s sound governance framework which ensures a robust
working environment and achieving our shareholders’ best
Mr Sadoun Ali (center) receiving the award
JKB wins big
JKB won four important accolades in 2014 by Global Banking
and Finance Review (GBAF). The awards demonstrate its
leading position as a bank of choice to its customers, while
being an integral part of the Jordanian society.
The bank won the ‘Best Core Banking Implementation in
Jordan 2014’ award for successfully rolling out the ICS
BANKS system across its branches and departments. The
comprehensive system guarantees the highest standards
of confidentiality and security while conducting any banking
Committed to offering a broad range of innovative banking
products and financial solutions, JKB won the ‘Best Retail Bank
in Jordan 2014’ award. This recognition highlights the bank’s
advanced infrastructure, e-branch setups, ATM network, and
overall customer experience.
JKB’s private banking unit also won the ‘Best Private Bank in
Jordan 2014’ award. The award is a testament to the bank’s
ability to build strong relationships with international banking
and financial institutions while providing clients with a broad
array of services and wealth management consultancy that
ensures high returns.
The bank’s social activities across Jordan were also recognized.
JKB won the ‘Best CSR Bank in Jordan 2014’ award for its
continuous efforts and contributions to supporting the local
community and becoming the partner of choice with national
Burgan Bank wins top award
Mr Adrian Gostuski (second from right) receiving the award on behalf of the bank
Burgan Bank won the ‘International Diamond Star for
financial needs. It further cements our leadership in
Quality’ award from Business Initiatives Directions (BID)
operations, service and quality.”
for the second consecutive year. The bank’s achievement
comes as part of its commitment to adhere to high quality
“Excellence is a core value of Burgan Bank’s brand. Previously,
control measures across its operations.
the bank was awarded the ‘International Platinum Star for
Quality’ and ‘International Gold Star for Quality’ awards in
Mr Adrian Gostuski, Burgan Bank’s Group COO said, “The
an effort to recognize our methods in adopting international
award is a testament to our approach in delivering world
quality standards within our daily work,” added Mr Gostuski.
class processing solutions that accommodate customers’
URC wins industry award
GIG wins brand award
Mr Khalid Al Sanousi (center) receiving the award
URC won the ‘Best Retail Developer, Middle East – 2014’
GIG recently won the ‘Best Insurance Brand’ award from
award from World Finance. The award, which is the
Global Brands Magazine. The award recognizes GIG’s superior
company’s first corporate recognition, marks its leadership
brand across the insurance sector and its ongoing brand
and market dominance across the real estate development
communications efforts.
sector for more than 40 years.
The award is attributed to GIG’s commitment to quality,
Mr Tariq AbdulSalam, URC’s Chairman said, “The award
consistent branding activities, customer service, and overall
is a reflection of our strategy which aims at delivering
top quality offerings using sound practices coupled with
innovative design techniques. URC’s projects are a clear
Mr Khalid Al Sanousi, GIG’s Corporate Communications and
representation of how design driven properties play
IR Manager said, “GIG’s brand places a strong emphasis on
significant roles within the communities they are a part of.”
building long lasting relationships that are based on mutual
respect, and create desirability across the insurance sector.”
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KAMCO sponsors CFA awards ceremony
Part of the awards ceremony
KAMCO sponsored the 2015 CFA awards ceremony in
said, “Our social responsibility program places a strong
Kuwait. The company has been supporting this event for six
emphasis on the role of education. Sponsoring such
years, reflecting its underlying commitment towards higher
academic functions mirrors our solid belief in creating and
education and knowledge development.
preparing a healthy financial environment for all charter
and other similar academic diploma holders to create a
Mr Mohammed Al Hubail, KAMCO’s Chief Resources Officer
successful career path.”
Arab Orient participates
in Business Leaders
Burgan Bank holds blood
Mr Isam Abdelkhaliq addressing the students
The bank’s employees donating blood
Arab Orient Insurance participated in the annual Business
Burgan Bank held a blood drive for its employees at the bank’s
Leaders Campaign, which was held by Injaz - Jordan. The
headquarters. The initiative was carried out in partnership
aim of the company’s participation is to share valuable
with the Central Blood Bank in Kuwait, under the theme of
insight with students on overcoming business challenges
‘You too can save a life’.
throughout their careers.
The event aimed at highlighting the need to donate blood
As part of the campaign, Mr Isam Abdelkhaliq, Arab Orient
to save people’s lives while also supporting the Blood Bank.
Insurance’s CEO, addressed students of Hai Al Amawi
Burgan Bank’s blood drive is part of its social responsibility
School. During his lecture, Mr Abdelkhaliq focused on his
program that includes a wide range of activities that are
career experience and how obstacles can add more value
directed at the Kuwaiti society.
to an individual’s path to success.
JKB holds several CSR activities
JKB participated in a number of corporate social responsibility
served as a platform to perform a winter classical guitar recital.
activities that underlined the bank’s role in reaching out to the
The concert witnessed a large turnout of artists, bank’s clients,
Jordanian society.
employees and the general public.
The bank supported the Baptist School’s football league and the
JKB’s marketing and public relations team visited the SOS
Arab Model School’s basketball tournament. Representatives
Children’s Village. The team relayed the bank’s support by
from JKB presented a range of gifts and certificates of
donating various funds to cover the ongoing expenses of
appreciation to participating athletes. The initiative is part of
accommodating and providing for children residing in the
JKB’s continuous efforts in supporting younger generations and
equipping them with the necessary skills.
Ms Dana Jaradat, JKB’s Marketing and PR Manager said, “This
initiative embodies the bank’s overall objective of integrating its
operations across all social levels in Jordan, and empowering
children to achieve their full potential.”
Moreover, JKB sponsored the ‘Music for Petra’ concert, which
was organized by Petra National Trust. The event, inspired by
the rich history and heritage of Petra, was designed to support
awareness programs that aim at promoting local cultural
bonds while also highlighting important Jordanian landmark
destinations such as Rose City.
The bank continues to relay its commitment to the social fabric
of Jordan by supporting the West Irbid Charitable Society for
Special Needs Challenges. The aim of JKB’s support is to shed
light on the requirements of people with special needs and to
engage them in the community. Through the bank’s support,
athletes with physical disabilities were able to participate in the
Amman International Marathon 2014.
Part of the bank’s social responsibility framework is the support
of local Jordanian arts and culture. JKB, in collaboration with
the Arab Culture Center, hosted a musical event featuring
renowned artists Tariq Harb and Ghassan Naji. The evening
KAMCO holds cancer
awareness lecture
Safir Fintas welcomes
LoYAC interns
KAMCO’s CEO, Mr Faisal Sarkhou (far left) and Ms Sana Al Hadlaq (far right)
presenting a certificate of appreciation to Dr Waleed Alduaij
Mr Saif Eddin Mohammed (third from left) with the interns and representatives
from the hotel
KAMCO organized an awareness lecture on prostate cancer
for its employees, which was themed ‘Everything you need
to know about prostate cancer’.
Safir Hotel & Residence Kuwait – Fintas opened its doors for
a new batch of interns in collaboration with LoYAC. During
their time at the hotel, interns were exposed to different client
assignments that aim at gaining valuable work experience,
improving their presentation and communications skills and
growing their professional careers.
Dr Waleed Alduaij, MBChB (Hons), PHD internal medicine,
and Dr Ahmad Almarzouq, MBChB, Msc Urology, were
welcomed to conduct the lecture that highlighted important
information relating to prostate cancer males need to be
aware of.
The medical professionals
of early detection through
of preventive measures
maintaining a healthy diet
emphasized on the importance
checkups, as well as a number
against the disease such as
and regular exercise.
Ms Sana Al Hadlaq, KAMCO’s SVP Marketing and Client
Relationship said, “The lecture saw a large turnout from
staff members. Such initiatives fall in line with our social
responsibility framework that aims to support and focus on
health, education and the environment.”
Mr Saif Eddin Mohammed, the hotel’s GM said, “Our partnership
with LoYAC aims at developing opportunities and helping
young nationals build sustainable careers. We continue to
recognize the importance of such projects and are keen to
play a significant role in making it a success.”
Ms Somaya Shawash, the hotel’s HR Manager also said, “Each
year, we look forward to welcoming LoYAC interns into our
practice. It is fulfilling to provide Kuwaiti youth with practical
hospitality experience while helping our own professionals
enhance their mentoring and leadership skills.”
Marina Hotel and Safir Fintas hold employee open days
Marina Hotel held its employee open day to recognize and
reward the performance of its employees in 2014. The
event, which was held at the hotel’s private beach front,
was themed ‘Extreme Sports’ and included a range of
entertainment programs as well as valuable prizes.
Mr Nabil Hammoud, Marina Hotel’s GM said, “This annual
initiative demonstrates the hotel’s commitment to its
employees, and one which opens more avenues to progress,
development, motivation and rewarding individuals for their
Marina Hotel’s team at the open day
Safir Hotel & Residences Kuwait – Fintas also held an open
day for its employees and their families. The event was
held at a desert camp and included a wide number of funfilled activities, competitions, birthday celebrations, a lunch
gathering and valuable gifts.
The open day was held to give back to the hotel’s employees
for their hard work, efforts and commitment throughout the
past year.
Safir Fintas’ team celebrate their open day
Journey of Hope Team recognizes GIG’s support
GIG was recognized by the Journey of Hope Team, who
expressed their gratitude for the company’s support in their
latest sea journey.
Mr Farqad Al Sane, GIG’s Chairman, and Mr Khaled Al Hasan,
Group CEO, along with a number of department managers
welcomed participants of the Journey of Hope Team and
congratulated them on their success. GIG received a token of
appreciation for providing marine insurance and regulating
health and safety onboard this activity.
GIG’s senior executives with members of the Journey of Hope Team
Marina Hotel and Safir Fintas host annual staff parties
The Safir Fintas team during the celebration
Marina Hotel held its annual staff party, which provided an
opportunity for the hotel’s team to celebrate their achievements
in 2014 and outline the objectives of the current year. During
the event, Mr Nabil Hammoud, Marina Hotel’s GM, emphasized
the importance of team collaboration to deliver strong results
through service excellence.
The evening included award certificates to recognize the
best employee of the year, best performer of the year, best
supervisor of the year, best supervisor and employee of the
Marina Hotel’s team celebrate their continued successes
Safir Hotel & Residences Kuwait – Fintas also held its annual
associates night to mark their hard work and efforts that led to
Certificates of appreciation were distributed to employees,
a successful 2014. The event commenced with an introductory
supervisor and manager of the year 2014 for their notable
note from Mr Saif Eddin Mohammed, the hotel's GM, to all
staff members outlining their outstanding performance during
the past year.
AUK participates in UN World Cities Day
AUK participated in the UN World Cities Day. The initiative is
created by UN-Habitat, an agency that works within the United
Nations to encourage cities to adopt sustainable solutions.
Ms Dalal Al Radhi, UN-Habitat’s Program Communication and
Advocacy Associate said, “Part of UN-Habitat’s approach is
to involve communities across civic engagement initiatives
to allow residents to contribute towards sustainable urban
AUK’s graphic design students relayed their support towards
this initiative by creating a variety of artwork displays that
were constructed using recycled materials.
Hesah Al Jenfawi, a Computer Engineering student at AUK,
showcased a poster about urban e-mobility and how the
method can be applied in computer engineering context. Aya
Kandil, a junior Graphic Design student, designed the posters
for the exhibition and assisted the students in displaying
their various work. Moustafa El Khashab, a recent graduate
in Graphic Design from AUK, created a car and a motorcycle
made from discarded household and hardware items to
promote recycling awareness.
Hesah Al Jenfawi (right) with Dr Detlef Hummes, Assistant Professor of Electrical
Engineering at AUK
Ms Dalal Al Radhi
Professor William Andersen (far right) from AUK’s Department of Art and Graphic
Design with participating students
(From left): Aya Kandil; Moustafa El Khashab; Dr Detlef Hummes; and Hesah AlJenfawi
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QPIC Vice Chairman
& CEO: The company’s
investments are financially
The petrochemical sector in Kuwait
is crucial to the growth of the oil and
gas industry. Kuwait’s petrochemical
business has an opportunity to grow
thanks to increasing demand from
emerging Asian markets.
in Banking, finance and investment
its investment strategy and approach
management. Prior to joining QPIC, he
to benefit from the overall industrial
petrochemical sector faces investment
was the managing director and CEO of
sector, and not just the petrochemicals
challenges. This has encouraged private
KAMCO investments. Mr Ali also headed
component of it. He said that the
sector companies to invest and grow the
company focuses on various investments
sector through a wide range of projects
Group companies.
in companies that include SADAFCO,
and initiatives.
He said, “QPIC is one of the largest private
QPIC is actively seeking partnerships
sector investors that operate within the
with reputed entities and major financial
petrochemical industry and oil services
in Kuwait. The company invested close to
group’s sister companies to select viable
KD 140 million in EQUATE Petrochemical
the company has secured long term
investment opportunities that best fits
Company, The Kuwait Olefins Company
investments that helped grow its income
its strategic objectives across the GCC
(TKOC) and Kuwait Aromatics, which
base while also acquiring opportunities
and the Middle East region.
are the country’s largest petrochemical
that generate higher returns,” said Mr
and strategic complexes, in addition
QPIC’s Vice Chairman and CEO, who
National Petroleum Services Company
Mr Ali said, “QPIC’s investments are
shared valuable insight on the company’s
(NAPESCO) in the chemicals and oil
financially stable to cope with changing
operations and investments.
market conditions. A great example on
has over two decades of experience
KIPCOLife met with Mr Sadoun Ali,
Mr Ali joined QPIC in June 2012 and
Strategic investments & profitability
Mr Ali explained that QPIC has revised
that is when the global and economies
collapsed into a major recession in
QPIC proved its consistency
The drop in
prices is ex
to reduce E
and TKOC’s
trend in profitability, apart from the
overall industrial investment arm. As a
minimal losses beard in 2009, due
result, the acquisition of SADAFCO and
UOP from UIC served as an ideal fit to
financial support.
Drop in oil prices
QPIC benefits from a strategic balance
QPIC’s strategic objectives.
QPIC recovered in the year after and
“The move did not only add scale to our
operationally, the drop in oil prices
business model, but has also increased
is expected to reduce EQUATE and
In terms of the company’s expansion,
our geographic reach. SADAFCO for
TKOC’s competitive advantage. “This
Mr Ali noted QPIC’s efforts with Kuwait
example, added both a regional and
is because the production cost of other
Petroleum Corporation (KPC) in working
sectorial breadth to QPIC’s portfolio,
competing companies operating across
on prospective projects and privatization
which proved to be favorable to our
the oil sector would force a drop in their
plans. The company is also engaged
operations considering the drop in oil
product prices,” explained Mr Ali.
continued its growth trend.”
prices. It further adds to the company’s
companies on different ways to and
steady income growth levels through
However, the fall of oil prices would
projects to further enhance the sector,
dividend distribution,” added Mr Ali.
improve the margin of Kuwait Aromatics’
locally and regionally.
Streamlining operations
considerable exposure to larger projects.
KIPCO Group has brought several UIC
Al Khorayef United Holding (AKUH), a
improvements on the wellhead and oil
UOP associate, successfully constructed
services sector which would directly
and commissioned one of the largest oil
impact QPIC’s investments.
scope expanded to become KIPCO’s
Mr Ali noted that QPIC’s investment
The streamlining process across the
investments under the QPIC umbrella.
and gas gathering centers with QPIC’s
OSN and Viacom collaborate to deliver new channels
OSN and Viacom International Media
Networks (VIMN), a division of Viacom
Inc., have partnered to launch three new
channels that appeal to youth and families.
The channels, which include Nickelodeon
HD, Nick Jr and MTV Live HD, bring OSN’s
HD channel offering to 55.
OSN features both Nickelodeon HD and Nick
Jr in English and Arabic. VIMN will further
transform the production of Nickelodeon HD
into the only international kids TV channel
in Arabic, produced in the MENA region
exclusively for OSN.
Mr David Butorac, OSN’s CEO said, “This
partnership reflects the continued efforts in
strengthening our premium and exclusive
content offerings to add more value for our
subscribers’ experience.”
Mr Raffaele Annecchino, VIMN’s Executive
VP and MD South Europe, MENA, also
said, “The collaboration with OSN is an
ideal opportunity for VIMN to deliver a
host of content across the MENA region.
The addition of these channels will create a
strong balance and provide programs that
appeal to different segments.”
Mr Raffaele Annecchino (right) with Mr Emad Morcos, OSN’s SVP Strategy, Affiliate Channels
and Digital
OSN Play adds more content
OSN is providing its subscribers the
opportunity to view popular South Asian
entertainment programs from OSN Pehla
on its online viewing platform, OSN Play.
This service is starting with four of OSN
Pehla’s channels which include Colors,
Sony, SAB and Aaj Tak.
Moreover, OSN released the full new third
season of ‘House of Cards’ on OSN Play,
at the same time it was released in the
United States. OSN Play now includes all
three seasons for fans to enjoy at their
Mr Emad Marcos, OSN’s SVP for Strategy,
Affiliate Channels and Digital said, “We
are committed to delivering the best
TV series and movies on innovative
platforms. OSN Play guarantees a
unique and convenient experience for
subscribers who can access the online
platform for free.”
OSN scoops top honors at Broadcast Pro Mideast
Arab superstar and presenter of ‘Mousameh Karim’, George Kordahi
(far right), receiving the award
Paulo Ferreira, OSN’s Head of Commercial, Digital, and New Business
Development (far left), and Lisa Robinson, Director – OSN’s Conditional
Access and Digital Platform Delivery (far right) receiving the award for
‘Go By OSN’.
OSN won the ‘Outstanding TV Program of the Year’ and the
‘Outstanding MENA OTT Initiative’ awards at the Broadcast Pro
Middle East awards ceremony.
Mr David Butorac, OSN’s CEO said, “The awards reflect our
continued investments in delivering relevant content to our
subscribers. With digital and mobile media changing TV
consumption habits, responding to such needs is a top priority
at OSN.”
The first award recognizes OSN’s ‘Mousameh Karim’ production,
which is featured on OSN Ya Hala! HD, while the second award
highlights the company’s online TV service, ‘Go by OSN’.
OSN launches WWE®
OSN participates in
Mr David Butorac, OSN’s CEO (left), with WWE superstar John Cena
The OSN booth
OSN and WWE® announced a five year partnership that allows for
the distribution of the WWE Network as a premium, linear channel
ahead of its signature event, WrestleMania®.
OSN participated in INFOCONNECT 2015, the biggest shopper
event for the IT and Communication sector held in Kuwait.
This agreement builds on the existing partnership with WWE to
air its flagship programs that include Raw®, SmackDown®, NXT®
and Superstars.
OSN subscribers can access the premium linear network via their
set top boxes, OSN Play and through WWE Network applications.
WWE Network will also be offered on GO by OSN. 32
Throughout the event, OSN showcased its unique technology
with special demonstrations of OSN Plus HD, the region’s first
3D, HD, internet enabled satellite receiver and recorder, and
OSN Play, the region’s first online viewing platform.
OSN creates largest cricket bat
OSN unveiled a giant cricket bat that is
32 meters long, four meters wide and
weighs 950 kg. The initiative reflects the
company’s bid to win the Guinness World
Record for the ‘Largest Cricket Bat’.
Mr Hamad Malik, OSN’s CMO said,
“Creating the world’s largest cricket bat
is more than a symbolic gesture. It shows
our tribute to the world of cricket, while
also celebrating OSN’s exclusive telecast
rights of the ICC Cricket World Cup 2015.”
The bid reinforces OSN’s status as a
leading supporter of cricket, and the
official sponsor of the UAE National Cricket
Teams. The company holds exclusive
broadcast rights for the ICC Cricket
World Cup 2015.
Cricket fans expressed their support for
the UAE National Cricket Team ahead of
their World Cup competition by writing
different messages on the bat.
OSN extends partnership with Emirates Cricket Board
Mr David Butorac (center) with the UAE National Cricket Team
OSN extended its partnership with the
Emirates Cricket Board as the official
sponsor of the UAE National Cricket Teams
for 2015.
Mr David Butorac, OSN’s CEO said, “The
extended partnership with UAE’s National
Cricket teams highlights our underlying
commitment to promote national cricket
talent. OSN is focused on creating a strong
platform to recognize the next cricket
generation in the UAE and the region.”
CEO added, “The support of OSN comes
as a strong motivation for the team as
they know their performance reaches their
fans and friends through seamless live
telecasts. The support from the region is
their inspiration to deliver their best.”
Mr David East, Emirates Cricket Board’s
OSN… Innovating success
Mr Mark Billinge
The nature of the broadcasting industry is such that nothing
as well as technology. This includes content aggregation,
remains the same for long. New technologies are constantly
processing, transmission, encryption and finally, the delivery
improving the systems and procedures by which content is
to the receiving device in the customers’ home.
produced, transmitted and delivered.
OSN’s Broadcast Operations Department is at the heart of such
developments and is the powerhouse of the OSN network. It
is currently going through a major overhaul with a number of
important projects planned for the current year.
KIPCOLife met with Mr Mark Billinge, OSN’s Chief Technology
Officer, whose mandate covers end to end broadcast operations
including all technology developments and the upgrade of
We pride ourselves by offering customers a truly innovative
service on a world class platform that features the latest
HD broadcast and platform technology. Our state of the art
over the top platform, GO, is considered amongst the most
advanced of its kind in the region, and is in line with cutting
edge international standards. The service has been recognized
through a number of awards that we’ve won earlier.
OSN’s platform.
Please tell us more about some of the new projects
you’re working on and how you think they will impact
He says that OSN has made important achievements to bring
the overall business.
the company’s broadcast, platform and technology in line
with, and exceeding, cutting edge international standards.
Here are details of the interview.
What are some of the key successes you have achieved
to date?
Currently, we’re working on a number of exciting projects that
aim at improving both the platform and broadcast aspects of
the business. We’re in the process of developing a new range
of set top boxes that will offer more value to the customers.
The new launch will represent the next generation of home
What is your department responsible for?
entertainment in the region. We’re also establishing stronger
We handle all aspects of broadcast and platform operations,
links between companion devices such as tablets, mobile
We offer
innovative se
that feature
and platform
phones and our set top boxes, including access to Electronic
the continuous improvements in user experience and new
Program Guides and video on demand catalogues.
features introduced.
We are working on expanding our Network Operations
During the past year we’ve made several other enhancements
Center (NOC) and Central Operations Room (CAR), where all
to improve the customer experience and usability of the
broadcast operations for OSN Pehla will move from Jordan
service. A few examples include the unified planner which
to Dubai. This will help us maintain costs at minimal levels,
brings together all On Demand and content recorded from
whilst ensuring an efficient control over broadcasting output.
linear and presents it in a more organized manner.
OSN’s HD channels have proven to be a huge subscription
driver, and we’re constantly increasing our HD offerings. This
In addition, GO demonstrates a true sign of our ambition
is attributed to a new range of parameters we’re using from
to continue growing and further cement ourselves as the
our satellites, which gives us more bandwidth to convert more
premium broadcaster in the MENA region. We think we will see
existing channels to HD.
revolutionary change that could drive the OSN’s development
for the next decade.
These developments help us redefine our position from
different free to air and other platforms operating across
the region to placing OSN at the forefront of the broadcast
technology. It will also further enhance our ability to provide
premium services and content to our growing subscriber base.
Any expansion plans?
We are expanding our CAR in the Dubai headquarters. This
is the central area where we house the servers that relay our
content to OSN’s subscribers. It acts as the engine room and
dynamic thrust of the business. Moreover, we are also growing
What are the latest updates on OSN Plus HD and OSN
our NOC, which is considered the most important component
of the operation where our teams monitor the entire platform,
We have seen an increase in customer satisfaction owing to
which is comprised of nearly 150 channels.
‫أسرة كيبكــــو‬
New Babies
‫المواليد الجدد‬
‫ مدير‬،‫تهانينا إلى مصطفى الشامي‬
،‫تهانينا إلى بوتان سمير محمد‬
‫أول في إدارة المحاسبة والمالية‬
‫مساعد مدير في إدارة المحاسبة‬
‫ بمناسبة قدوم‬،‫في شركة كيبكو‬
‫ بمناسبة‬،‫والمالية في شركة كيبكو‬
‫مولودته الجديدة ميرال‬
‫قدوم مولودته الجديدة سهى‬
Congratulations to Moustapha
Chami, Senior Manager in the
Accounts & Finance Department of
KIPCO who has been blessed with
Myral a new baby girl
Congratulations to Puthan P.
Sameer Mohammed, Assistant
Manager in the Accounts & Finance
Department of KIPCO who has
been blessed with Suha a new
baby girl
،‫تهانينا إلى محمود أبو بكر‬
‫مساعد نائب رئيس في إدارة‬
‫العمالء والتسويق في شركة‬
‫ بمناسبة قدوم مولودته‬،‫كامكو‬
‫الجديدة نورا‬
Congratulations to Mahmoud Abu
Baker, Assistant Vice President in
the Client Relationship & Marketing
Department of KAMCO who has
been blessed with Noora a new
baby girl
‫ نائب‬،‫تهانينا إلى بوبيندار سينغ‬
‫الرئيس في مجموعة األعمال‬
‫االستشارية في مركز المعرفة‬
‫ بمناسبة قدوم مولودته‬،‫بلسر‬
‫الجديدة آرزا‬
Congratulations to Bhupinder
Singh, Vice President in the Business
Advisory Group of PKC who has
been blessed with Aarza a new
baby girl
،‫تهانينا إلى غاريما أرورا‬
‫المستشارة الرئيسية في‬
‫مجموعة األعمال االستشارية في‬
‫ بمناسبة‬،‫مركز المعرفة بلسر‬
‫قدوم مولودتها الجديدة آفين‬
Congratulations to Garima Arora,
Principal Consultant in the Business
Advisory Group of PKC who has
been blessed with Avni a new
baby girl
New Marriages
‫المتزوجون الجدد‬
‫ مسؤول‬،‫تهانينا إلى جانسي جيدام‬
‫الموارد البشرية في شركة شبكة‬
‫ بمناسبة‬،‫الخليج لالتصاالت‬
‫قدوم مولودتها الجديدة أرادانا‬
‫سري هري‬
،‫تهانينا إلى محمد يونس‬
،OSN ‫فني ميداني في شركة‬
‫بمناسبة قدوم مولودته‬
‫الجديدة أبرار‬
‫ مسؤول‬،‫تهانينا إلى فيليمون راجان‬
‫عالقات المستثمرين في إدارة االتصال‬
‫المؤسسي وعالقات المستثمرين في‬
‫ بمناسبة‬،‫مجموعة الخليج للتأمين‬
‫قدوم مولودته الجديدة إيفانا ماري‬
‫ ضابط‬،‫تهانينا إلى كرم العواملة‬
‫أول في إدارة التأمين البحري‬
︱gig ‫والطيران والطاقة في شركة‬
‫الشرق العربي للتأمين بمناسبة‬
ً ‫زواجه مؤخرا‬
Congratulations to Jancy Geddam,
HR Executive of Gulfnet, who has
been blessed with Aradana Yelchuri
a new baby girl
Congratulations to Mohamed
Younis, Technician of OSN, who
has been blessed with Abrar a new
baby girl
Congratulations to Philemon Rajan,
Investor Relations Officer in the
Corporate Communications and IR
Department of GIG, who has been
blessed with Evana Mary a new baby girl
Congratulations to Karam
Al Awamleh, Senior Officer in
the Marine, Aviation & Energy
Department at gig︱Arab Orient
Insurance Company, who was
married recently
Promotions & New Qualifications
‫الترقيات و المؤهالت المهنية الجديدة‬
‫ رئيس محلل‬،‫تهانينا إلى فواز السلطان‬
‫ الذي‬،‫مالي في شركة الفنادق الكويتية‬
‫اجتاز بنجاح اختبارات القيد في سجل‬
‫مراقبي الحسابات في دولة الكويت‬
‫ من شركة‬،‫تهانينا إلى كلير بيشوب‬
‫ التي تمت ترقيتها‬،‫تقاعد لالدخار والتقاعد‬
‫إلى مدير الموارد البشرية في إدارة الموارد‬
‫ من شركة‬،‫تهانينا إلى حنان سلطان‬
‫ التي تمت ترقيتها‬،‫تقاعد لالدخار والتقاعد‬
‫إلى مشرف العمليات في إدارة العمليات‬
‫ من شركة‬،‫تهانينا إلى إيمان عالوي‬
‫ التي تمت ترقيتها‬،‫تقاعد لالدخار والتقاعد‬
‫إلى مساعد مدير – التسويق والمشاريع‬
‫الرقمية في إدارة التسويق واالتصاالت‬
‫ من مركز‬،‫تهانينا إلى أخيل بانسال‬
‫ الذي تمت ترقيته إلى‬،‫المعرفة بلسر‬
‫المستشار أول في مجموعة األعمال‬
Congratulations to Fawaz AlSultan,
Chief Financial Analyst of Kuwait
Hotels Company, who has
successfully passed the Registered
External Auditors Exams in the
State of Kuwait
Congratulations to Clare Bishop,
of Takaud Savings & Pensions
Company, who has been promoted
to HR Manager in the HR
Congratulations to Hanan Sultan,
of Takaud Savings & Pensions
Company, who has been promoted
to Operations Supervisor in the
Operations Department
Congratulations to Eman Allawi, of
Takaud Savings & Pensions Company,
who has been promoted to Assistant
Manager – Digital Marketing
& Projects in the Marketing &
Communications Department
Congratulations to Akhil Bansal, of
PKC, who has been promoted to
Senior Consultant in the Business
Advisory Group
Promotions & New Qualifications
‫الترقيات و المؤهالت المهنية الجديدة‬
‫ من مركز‬،‫تهانينا إلى بولكيت غويل‬
‫ الذي تمت ترقيته‬،‫المعرفة بلسر‬
‫إلى المستشار في مجموعة األعمال‬
‫ من مركز المعرفة‬،‫تهانينا إلى رافي جاين‬
‫ الذي تمت ترقيته إلى المستشار في‬،‫بلسر‬
‫مجموعة األعمال االستشارية‬
‫ من مركز‬،‫تهانينا إلى روشاك أغاروال‬
‫ الذي تمت ترقيته‬،‫المعرفة بلسر‬
‫إلى المستشار في مجموعة األعمال‬
‫ من‬،‫تهانينا إلى سونال ماهيشواري‬
‫ التي تمت ترقيتها‬،‫مركز المعرفة بلسر‬
‫إلى المستشار في مجموعة األعمال‬
‫ من شركة‬،‫تهانينا إلى أنور فياض‬
‫ الذي تمت ترقيته إلى نائب رئيس‬،‫كامكو‬
‫أول في اإلدارة القانونية‬
Congratulations to Pulkit Goel, of
PKC, who has been promoted to
Consultant in the Business Advisory
Congratulations to Ravi Jain, of
PKC, who has been promoted to
Consultant in the Business Advisory
Congratulations to Rochak Agarwal,
of PKC, who has been promoted to
Consultant in the Business Advisory
Congratulations to Sonal
Maheshwari, of PKC, who has been
promoted to Consultant in the
Business Advisory Group
Congratulations to Anwar Fayad, of
KAMCO, who has been promoted
to Senior Vice President in the Legal
‫ من الجامعة‬،‫تهانينا إلى ريحاب البهي‬
‫ التي تمت ترقيتها‬،‫األمريكية في الكويت‬
‫ العالقات العامة‬- ‫إلى مدير مساعد‬
‫والتسويق في إدارة العالقات العامة‬
‫ من الجامعة‬،‫تهانينا إلى مونيكا متى‬
‫ التي تمت ترقيتها‬،‫األمريكية في الكويت‬
‫إلى مرشد أكاديمي أول في مركز اإلرشاد‬
‫ أحمد صالح من شركة‬.‫تهانينا إلى د‬
‫شبكـة الخليج لالتصاالت الذي تمت‬
‫ترقيته إلى الرئيس التنفيذي في‬
‫اإلدارة العليا‬
‫ من مجموعة‬،‫تهانينا الى غدير العون‬
‫ التي تمت ترقيتها إلى‬،‫الخليج للتأمين‬
‫مدير في إدارة الشؤون اإلدارية‬
‫تهانينا إلى يوسف أحمد من شركة‬
‫شبكة الخليج لالتصاالت الذي تمت‬
‫ترقيته إلى الرئيس التنفيذي للعمليات‬
‫في اإلدارة العليا‬
Congratulations to Rehab ElBahey,
of AUK, who has been promoted to
Assistant Director, PR & Marketing
in the Office of Public Affairs
Congratulations to Monica Matta,
of AUK, who has been promoted
to Senior Academic Advisor in the
Academic Advising Center
Congratulations to Dr. Ahmad Salih
of Gulfnet who has been promoted
to Chief Executive Officer in the Top
Congratulations to Ghadeer
Al Own, of GIG, who has been
promoted to Manager in the
Administrative Affairs Department
Congratulations to Yousif Ahmad of
Gulfnet who has been promoted to
Chief Operating Officer in the Top
Newly Hired ‫الموظفون الجدد‬
‫ثنيان الوقيان‬
‫صغرى دشتي‬
‫أحمد الظفيري‬
‫عبداهلل البلوشي‬
‫غسان بني المرجى‬
Thunayan Alwoqayan
Sughra Dashti
Ahmad Al Zufairi
Abdullah Al Buloushi
Ghassan Bani Al Marjeh
‫التحق بالعمل لدى شركة‬
II ‫كامكو بوظيفة محلل مالي‬
‫في إدارة االستثمارات البديلة‬
‫التحقت بالعمل لدى شركة‬
‫الخليج لتأمينات الحياة‬
‫بوظيفة مدير وحدة في‬
‫إدارة تسويق تأمينات الحياة‬
‫والصحي الفردي‬
‫التحق بالعمل لدى بنك برقان‬
‫بوظيفة محلل مالي متدرب‬
‫في إدارة التخطيط المالي‬
‫االستراتيجي والمحاسبة‬
‫التحق بالعمل لدى بنك برقان‬
‫بوظيفة الخزينة متدرب في‬
‫إدارة االستثمارات البنكية‬
‫التحق بالعمل لدى بنك‬
‫برقان بوظيفة رئيس مدراء‬
‫العمليات في مجموعة‬
has joined KAMCO as a
Financial Analyst II in the
Alternative Investments
has joined GLIC as a Unit
Manager in the Marketing
Individual Life & Health
Insurance Department
has joined Burgan Bank as a
Trainee Financial Analyst in
the Strategic Financial Planning
& Financial Accounting
Control Department
has joined Burgan Bank
as a Trainee Treasury in
the Investment Banking &
Treasury Department
has joined Burgan Bank as a
Chief Operations Officer in
the Operations Group
‫أسرة كيبكــــو‬
‫الموظفون الجدد ‪Newly Hired‬‬
‫جاسم أبل‬
‫‪Jasem Abul‬‬
‫‪Abdulwahab Al Qnae‬‬
‫‪Kholoud Al Roumi‬‬
‫‪Mshary Al Abdullah‬‬
‫التحق بالعمل لدى بنك برقان‬
‫بوظيفة خبير تطوير اإلداري في‬
‫إدارة الموارد البشرية والتطوير‬
‫التحق بالعمل لدى بنك برقان‬
‫بوظيفة مساعد مدير عالقات‬
‫عمالء المشاريع الصغيرة‬
‫والمتوسطة في مجموعة‬
‫المصرفية للخدمات الشخصية‬
‫التحقت بالعمل لدى بنك‬
‫برقان بوظيفة محلل نظم‬
‫معلومات اإلدارة في إدارة‬
‫االستثمارات البنكية والخزانة‬
‫التحق بالعمل لدى بنك‬
‫برقان بوظيفة مسؤول‬
‫وحدة المعالجة المركزية في‬
‫مجموعة العمليات‬
‫التحقت بالعمل لدى بنك‬
‫برقان بوظيفة محلل مالي‬
‫في إدارة التخطيط المالي‬
‫االستراتيجي والمحاسبة‬
‫‪has joined Burgan Bank as a‬‬
‫‪Specialist – Organizational‬‬
‫‪Development in the Human‬‬
‫‪Resources Department‬‬
‫‪has joined Burgan Bank as‬‬
‫‪an Assistant Relationship‬‬
‫‪Manager – SME in Retail‬‬
‫‪has joined Burgan Bank‬‬
‫‪as an Analyst – MIS in‬‬
‫& ‪the Investment Banking‬‬
‫‪Treasury Department‬‬
‫‪has joined Burgan Bank as‬‬
‫‪a Central Processing Unit‬‬
‫‪Officer in the Operations‬‬
‫أحمد آرتي‬
‫تالة العبدالعالي‬
‫‪has joined Burgan Bank as‬‬
‫‪a Financial Analyst in the‬‬
‫& ‪Strategic Financial Planning‬‬
‫‪Financial Accounting Control‬‬
‫‪Ahmad Arti‬‬
‫‪Talah Al Abdulaaly‬‬
‫عيسى علي‬
‫‪Essa Ali‬‬
‫‪Jaber Al Jaber‬‬
‫جابر الجابر‬
‫‪Ahmad Muqadas‬‬
‫التحق بالعمل لدى بنك‬
‫برقان بوظيفة مسؤول‬
‫عالقات عمالء في مجموعة‬
‫المصرفية للخدمات‬
‫التحقت بالعمل لدى بنك‬
‫برقان بوظيفة مسؤول‬
‫التطوير اإلداري متدرب في إدارة‬
‫الموارد البشرية والتطوير‬
‫التحق بالعمل لدى بنك برقان‬
‫بوظيفة مسؤول تسويات‬
‫الخزانة في مجموعة العمليات‬
‫التحق بالعمل لدى بنك برقان‬
‫بوظيفة مسؤول عمليات‬
‫الموارد البشرية متدرب في‬
‫إدارة الموارد البشرية والتطوير‬
‫التحق بالعمل لدى بنك برقان‬
‫بوظيفة مسؤول التسوية‬
‫واالسترداد في مجموعة‬
‫المصرفية للخدمات‬
‫‪has joined Burgan Bank as‬‬
‫‪a Customer Relationship‬‬
‫‪Officer in Retail Banking‬‬
‫‪has joined Burgan Bank as‬‬
‫‪a Trainee Organizational‬‬
‫‪Development Officer in‬‬
‫‪the Human Resources‬‬
‫‪has joined Burgan Bank as a‬‬
‫‪Treasury Settlement Officer‬‬
‫‪in the Operations Group‬‬
‫‪has joined Burgan Bank as‬‬
‫‪a Trainee HR Operations‬‬
‫‪Officer in the Human‬‬
‫‪Resources Department‬‬
‫‪has joined Burgan Bank as‬‬
‫‪a Settlement & Chargeback‬‬
‫‪Officer in Retail Banking‬‬
‫حمد بن حجي‬
‫عبد الوهاب القناعي‬
‫خلود الرومي‬
‫مشاري العبداهلل‬
‫سمية صادق‬
‫‪Sumaia Sadeq‬‬
‫فواز دشتي‬
‫فرح عطيه‬
‫دانه الفضلي‬
‫أحمد مقدس‬
‫علي الخباز‬
‫‪Hamad Ben Haji‬‬
‫‪Fawaz Dushty‬‬
‫‪Farah Atieh‬‬
‫‪Danah Al Fadhli‬‬
‫‪Ali Al Khabaz‬‬
‫التحق بالعمل لدى بنك برقان‬
‫بوظيفة صراف متدرب في‬
‫مجموعة العمليات‬
‫التحق بالعمل لدى بنك برقان‬
‫بوظيفة صراف متدرب في‬
‫مجموعة العمليات‬
‫التحقت بالعمل لدى بنك‬
‫برقان بوظيفة صراف متدرب‬
‫في مجموعة العمليات‬
‫التحقت بالعمل لدى بنك‬
‫برقان بوظيفة صراف متدرب‬
‫في مجموعة العمليات‬
‫التحق بالعمل لدى بنك برقان‬
‫بوظيفة صراف متدرب في‬
‫مجموعة العمليات‬
‫‪has joined Burgan Bank‬‬
‫‪as a Trainee Teller in the‬‬
‫‪Operations Group‬‬
‫‪has joined Burgan Bank‬‬
‫‪as a Trainee Teller in the‬‬
‫‪Operations Group‬‬
‫‪has joined Burgan Bank‬‬
‫‪as a Trainee Teller in the‬‬
‫‪Operations Group‬‬
‫‪has joined Burgan Bank‬‬
‫‪as a Trainee Teller in the‬‬
‫‪Operations Group‬‬
‫‪has joined Burgan Bank‬‬
‫‪as a Trainee Teller in the‬‬
‫‪Operations Group‬‬
Newly Hired ‫الموظفون الجدد‬
‫هيا الخضراء‬
‫شوق الحسن‬
‫يوسف غلوم‬
‫جواهر الشمري‬
Sarah Al Ajmi
Shouq Al Hasan
Yousef Ghuloum
Jawaher Al Shemeri
‫التحقت بالعمل لدى بنك‬
‫برقان بوظيفة صراف متدرب‬
‫في مجموعة العمليات‬
‫التحقت بالعمل لدى بنك‬
‫برقان بوظيفة صراف متدرب‬
‫في مجموعة العمليات‬
‫التحقت بالعمل لدى بنك‬
‫برقان بوظيفة صراف متدرب‬
‫في مجموعة العمليات‬
‫التحق بالعمل لدى بنك برقان‬
‫بوظيفة صراف متدرب في‬
‫مجموعة العمليات‬
‫التحقت بالعمل لدى بنك‬
‫برقان بوظيفة صراف متدرب‬
‫في مجموعة العمليات‬
has joined Burgan Bank
as a Trainee Teller in the
Operations Group
has joined Burgan Bank
as a Trainee Teller in the
Operations Group
has joined Burgan Bank
as a Trainee Teller in the
Operations Group
has joined Burgan Bank
as a Trainee Teller in the
Operations Group
has joined Burgan Bank
as a Trainee Teller in the
Operations Group
‫مها أشكناني‬
‫محمد المسلم‬
‫آمنة الدمخي‬
‫شهد الحوال‬
‫عايشة مال اهلل‬
Maha Ashkanani
Mohammed Al Moslem
Amenah Al Damkhi
Shahad Al Hawal
Aishah Malallah
‫التحقت بالعمل لدى بنك‬
‫برقان بوظيفة صراف متدرب‬
‫في مجموعة العمليات‬
‫التحق بالعمل لدى بنك برقان‬
‫بوظيفة صراف متدرب في‬
‫مجموعة العمليات‬
‫التحقت بالعمل لدى بنك‬
‫برقان بوظيفة صراف متدرب‬
‫في مجموعة العمليات‬
‫التحقت بالعمل لدى بنك‬
‫برقان بوظيفة صراف متدرب‬
‫في مجموعة العمليات‬
‫التحقت بالعمل لدى بنك‬
‫برقان بوظيفة صراف متدرب‬
‫في مجموعة العمليات‬
has joined Burgan Bank
as a Trainee Teller in the
Operations Group
has joined Burgan Bank
as a Trainee Teller in the
Operations Group
has joined Burgan Bank
as a Trainee Teller in the
Operations Group
has joined Burgan Bank
as a Trainee Teller in the
Operations Group
has joined Burgan Bank
as a Trainee Teller in the
Operations Group
‫مريم أحمد‬
‫سارة العجمي‬
Haya Al Khadra
‫عبداهلل سليمان‬
‫نادية حيدر‬
‫محمد الخلف‬
‫بسام البسام‬
Maryam Ahmad
Abdullah Sulaiman
Nadiah Heedar
Mohammad Al Khalaf
Bassam Al Bassam
‫التحقت بالعمل لدى بنك‬
‫برقان بوظيفة صراف متدرب‬
‫في مجموعة العمليات‬
‫التحق بالعمل لدى بنك برقان‬
‫بوظيفة صراف متدرب في‬
‫مجموعة العمليات‬
‫التحقت بالعمل لدى بنك‬
‫برقان بوظيفة صراف متدرب‬
‫في مجموعة العمليات‬
‫التحق بالعمل لدى بنك برقان‬
‫بوظيفة صراف متدرب في‬
‫مجموعة العمليات‬
‫التحق بالعمل لدى بنك برقان‬
‫بوظيفة مساعد مدير فرع في‬
‫مجموعة المصرفية للخدمات‬
has joined Burgan Bank
as a Trainee Teller in the
Operations Group
has joined Burgan Bank
as a Trainee Teller in the
Operations Group
has joined Burgan Bank as a
Trainee Teller in the Operations Group
has joined Burgan Bank
as a Trainee Teller in the
Operations Group
has joined Burgan Bank as an
Assistant Branch Manager in
Retail Banking
‫أسرة كيبكــــو‬
‫الموظفون الجدد ‪Newly Hired‬‬
‫شيري أومين‬
‫‪Sherry Oommen‬‬
‫‪Durar Al Rabbah‬‬
‫‪Abdullah Abbas‬‬
‫‪Ahmad Al Hammadi‬‬
‫التحق بالعمل لدى بنك برقان‬
‫بوظيفة مدير إدارة االلتزام في‬
‫إدارة االلتزام‬
‫التحقت بالعمل لدى بنك‬
‫برقان بوظيفة مسؤول‬
‫عالقات عمالء في المجموعة‬
‫التحق بالعمل لدى بنك‬
‫برقان بوظيفة مدير مخاطر‬
‫المشاريع في إدارة المخاطر‬
‫التحق بالعمل لدى بنك برقان‬
‫بوظيفة إداري مراكز غرفة‬
‫التداول في إدارة التخطيط‬
‫المالي االستراتيجي والمحاسبة‬
‫التحق بالعمل لدى بنك‬
‫برقان بوظيفة خبير أول‬
‫شؤون عمالء في مجموعة‬
‫المصرفية للخدمات‬
‫‪has joined Burgan Bank as a‬‬
‫‪Compliance Manager in the‬‬
‫‪Compliance Department‬‬
‫‪has joined Burgan Bank as a‬‬
‫‪Relationship Officer in the‬‬
‫‪Banking Group‬‬
‫‪has joined Burgan Bank‬‬
‫‪as a Project Risk Manager‬‬
‫‪in the Risk Management‬‬
‫‪has joined Burgan Bank as a‬‬
‫‪Position Keeper in the Strategic‬‬
‫‪Financial Planning & Financial‬‬
‫‪Accounting Control Department‬‬
‫‪has joined Burgan Bank as‬‬
‫‪a Senior CEM Specialist in‬‬
‫‪Retail Banking‬‬
‫يوسف النجار‬
‫فاطمة الهزيم‬
‫عبداهلل رمضان‬
‫موضي المحمود‬
‫دانة المكيمي‬
‫‪Yousef Al Najjar‬‬
‫‪Fatemah Al Hazim‬‬
‫‪Abdullah Ramadhan‬‬
‫‪Moudi Al Mahmoud‬‬
‫‪Danah Al Mukaimi‬‬
‫التحق بالعمل لدى بنك برقان‬
‫بوظيفة منسق ضمان الجودة‬
‫نظم المعلومات متدرب في‬
‫إدارة نظم المعلومات‬
‫التحقت بالعمل لدى بنك‬
‫برقان بوظيفة مهندس أمن‬
‫نظم المعلومات أول في إدارة‬
‫التحق بالعمل لدى بنك برقان‬
‫بوظيفة ممثل خدمة عمالء‬
‫الهاتفية متدرب في مجموعة‬
‫المصرفية للخدمات‬
‫التحقت بالعمل لدى بنك‬
‫برقان بوظيفة مساعد‬
‫مدير مشروع في مجموعة‬
‫التحقت بالعمل لدى بنك‬
‫برقان بوظيفة ممثل خدمة‬
‫عمالء الهاتفية متدرب في‬
‫مجموعة المصرفية للخدمات‬
‫‪has joined Burgan Bank as a‬‬
‫‪Trainee IT Quality Assurance‬‬
‫‪Coordinator in the IT‬‬
‫‪has joined Burgan Bank‬‬
‫‪as a Senior Information‬‬
‫‪Security Engineer in the Risk‬‬
‫‪Management Department‬‬
‫‪has joined Burgan Bank as a‬‬
‫‪Trainee Call Center Agent in‬‬
‫‪Retail Banking‬‬
‫‪has joined Burgan Bank as an‬‬
‫‪Assistant Project Manager in‬‬
‫‪the Operations Group‬‬
‫‪has joined Burgan Bank as a‬‬
‫‪Trainee Call Center Agent in‬‬
‫‪Retail Banking‬‬
‫مصعب النفيسي‬
‫درر الرباح‬
‫عبد اهلل عباس‬
‫أحمد الحمادي‬
‫فيصل الرميضين‬
‫‪Faisal Al Rumaidheen‬‬
‫طارق العون‬
‫حسين حيدر‬
‫ديمة الدويش‬
‫ساوراب فيرما‬
‫‪Musab Al Nafisi‬‬
‫‪Tareq Al Oan‬‬
‫‪Hussein Haidar‬‬
‫‪Demah Al Duweesh‬‬
‫‪Saurabh Verma‬‬
‫التحق بالعمل لدى بنك برقان‬
‫بوظيفة صراف متدرب في‬
‫مجموعة العمليات‬
‫التحق بالعمل لدى بنك‬
‫برقان بوظيفة مدير أول‬
‫عالقات عمالء في مجموعة‬
‫المصرفية الخاصة‬
‫التحق بالعمل لدى بنك‬
‫برقان بوظيفة رئيس‬
‫صرافين في مجموعة‬
‫التحقت بالعمل لدى بنك‬
‫برقان بوظيفة مسؤول خدمة‬
‫عمالء الخاصة في مجموعة‬
‫المصرفية للخدمات الشخصية‬
‫التحق بالعمل لدى بنك برقان‬
‫بوظيفة مدير برامج المخاطر‬
‫والتطبيق في إدارة المخاطر‬
‫‪has joined Burgan Bank‬‬
‫‪as a Trainee Teller in the‬‬
‫‪Operations Group‬‬
‫‪has joined Burgan Bank as a‬‬
‫‪Senior Relationship Manager‬‬
‫‪in Private Banking‬‬
‫‪has joined Burgan Bank as a‬‬
‫‪Head Teller in the Operations‬‬
‫‪has joined Burgan Bank as a‬‬
‫‪Personal Banking Executive in‬‬
‫‪Retail Banking‬‬
‫‪has joined Burgan Bank‬‬
‫& ‪as a Risk Program‬‬
‫‪Implementation Manager in‬‬
‫‪the Risk Management‬‬
Newly Hired ‫الموظفون الجدد‬
‫عبدالعزيز الكندري‬
‫آسيه أسداهلل‬
‫فاطمة الفرهود‬
‫ساره الفرحان‬
Altaf Al Qallaf
Asyah Asadallah
Fatemah Al Farhoud
Sarah Al Farhan
‫التحق بالعمل لدى بنك برقان‬
‫بوظيفة صراف متدرب في‬
‫مجموعة العمليات‬
‫التحقت بالعمل لدى بنك‬
‫برقان بوظيفة صراف متدرب‬
‫في مجموعة العمليات‬
‫التحقت بالعمل لدى بنك‬
‫برقان بوظيفة صراف متدرب‬
‫في مجموعة العمليات‬
‫التحقت بالعمل لدى بنك‬
‫برقان بوظيفة صراف متدرب‬
‫في مجموعة العمليات‬
‫التحقت بالعمل لدى بنك برقان‬
‫بوظيفة صراف متدرب في‬
‫مجموعة العمليات‬
has joined Burgan Bank
as a Trainee Teller in the
Operations Group
has joined Burgan Bank
as a Trainee Teller in the
Operations Group
has joined Burgan Bank
as a Trainee Teller in the
Operations Group
has joined Burgan Bank
as a Trainee Teller in the
Operations Group
has joined Burgan Bank
as a Trainee Teller in the
Operations Group
‫بيبي الصالح‬
‫حوراء شيشتر‬
‫عبداهلل اسماعيل‬
‫سعد المطيري‬
‫منال العازمي‬
Bibi Al Saleh
Hawraa Sheshter
Abdullah Esmaeel
Saad Al Mutairi
Manal Al Azmi
‫التحقت بالعمل لدى بنك برقان‬
‫بوظيفة صراف متدرب في‬
‫مجموعة العمليات‬
‫التحقت بالعمل لدى بنك برقان‬
‫بوظيفة صراف متدرب في‬
‫مجموعة العمليات‬
‫التحق بالعمل لدى بنك برقان‬
‫بوظيفة صراف متدرب في‬
‫مجموعة العمليات‬
‫التحق بالعمل لدى بنك برقان‬
‫بوظيفة صراف متدرب في‬
‫مجموعة العمليات‬
‫التحقت بالعمل لدى بنك برقان‬
‫بوظيفة صراف متدرب في‬
‫مجموعة العمليات‬
has joined Burgan Bank
as a Trainee Teller in the
Operations Group
has joined Burgan Bank
as a Trainee Teller in the
Operations Group
has joined Burgan Bank
as a Trainee Teller in the
Operations Group
has joined Burgan Bank
as a Trainee Teller in the
Operations Group
has joined Burgan Bank
as a Trainee Teller in the
Operations Group
‫حسن الحداد‬
‫ألطاف القالف‬
Abdulaziz Al Kandari
‫دانه العود‬
‫شوق الهاشم‬
‫أنوار سليمان‬
‫عبداهلل معرفي‬
Hasan Al Hadad
Danah Al Oud
Showq Al Hashim
Anwar Sulaiman
Abdallah Al Maarafi
‫التحق بالعمل لدى بنك‬
‫برقان بوظيفة صراف متدرب‬
‫في مجموعة العمليات‬
‫التحقت بالعمل لدى بنك‬
‫برقان بوظيفة صراف متدرب‬
‫في مجموعة العمليات‬
‫التحقت بالعمل لدى بنك‬
‫برقان بوظيفة صراف متدرب‬
‫في مجموعة العمليات‬
‫التحقت بالعمل لدى بنك‬
‫برقان بوظيفة صراف متدرب‬
‫في مجموعة العمليات‬
‫التحق بالعمل لدى بنك‬
‫برقان بوظيفة صراف متدرب‬
‫في مجموعة العمليات‬
has joined Burgan Bank
as a Trainee Teller in the
Operations Group
has joined Burgan Bank
as a Trainee Teller in the
Operations Group
has joined Burgan Bank
as a Trainee Teller in the
Operations Group
has joined Burgan Bank
as a Trainee Teller in the
Operations Group
has joined Burgan Bank
as a Trainee Teller in the
Operations Group
‫أسرة كيبكــــو‬
‫الموظفون الجدد ‪Newly Hired‬‬
‫أكاش سوريان‬
‫‪Akash Suryan‬‬
‫‪Abdulrahman Kout‬‬
‫‪Ebraheem Al Mansour‬‬
‫‪Ahmad Abdullateef‬‬
‫التحق بالعمل لدى بنك برقان‬
‫بوظيفة مدير حلول مخاطر‬
‫المشاريع ونظم معلومات‬
‫اإلدارة في إدارة المخاطر‬
‫التحق بالعمل لدى بنك برقان‬
‫بوظيفة صراف متدرب في‬
‫مجموعة العمليات‬
‫التحق بالعمل لدى بنك برقان‬
‫بوظيفة صراف متدرب في‬
‫مجموعة العمليات‬
‫التحق بالعمل لدى بنك برقان‬
‫بوظيفة صراف متدرب في‬
‫مجموعة العمليات‬
‫التحق بالعمل لدى بنك‬
‫برقان بوظيفة صراف متدرب‬
‫في مجموعة العمليات‬
‫‪has joined Burgan Bank as‬‬
‫‪an Enterprise Risk Solution‬‬
‫‪& MIS Manager in the Risk‬‬
‫‪Management Department‬‬
‫‪has joined Burgan Bank‬‬
‫‪as a Trainee Teller in the‬‬
‫‪Operations Group‬‬
‫‪has joined Burgan Bank‬‬
‫‪as a Trainee Teller in the‬‬
‫‪Operations Group‬‬
‫‪has joined Burgan Bank‬‬
‫‪as a Trainee Teller in the‬‬
‫‪Operations Group‬‬
‫‪has joined Burgan Bank‬‬
‫‪as a Trainee Teller in the‬‬
‫‪Operations Group‬‬
‫جوجي جون‬
‫‪Abdullah Al Shemali‬‬
‫عبداهلل الشمالي‬
‫‪Ebraheem Al Mijadi‬‬
‫‪Mohammed Al Mjaibel‬‬
‫‪Talal Al Nassar‬‬
‫التحق بالعمل لدى الشركة‬
‫المتحدة للمشروعات النفطية‬
‫بوظيفة مدير تطوير مشاريع‬
‫في إدارة المشاريع‬
‫التحق بالعمل لدى الشركة‬
‫المتحدة للمشروعات النفطية‬
‫بوظيفة مهندس عمليات‬
‫التحق بالعمل لدى بنك‬
‫برقان بوظيفة محلل تطوير‬
‫األعمال متدرب في مجموعة‬
‫المصرفية للخدمات‬
‫التحق بالعمل لدى بنك‬
‫برقان بوظيفة ممثل خدمة‬
‫عمالء الهاتفية في مجموعة‬
‫المصرفية للخدمات الشخصية‬
‫التحق بالعمل لدى بنك برقان‬
‫بوظيفة خبير شؤون عمالء في‬
‫مجموعة المصرفية للخدمات‬
‫‪has joined United Oil Projects‬‬
‫‪Company as a Projects‬‬
‫‪Development Manager in the‬‬
‫‪Projects Department‬‬
‫‪has joined United Oil Projects‬‬
‫‪Company as a Process‬‬
‫‪has joined Burgan Bank‬‬
‫‪as a Trainee Business‬‬
‫‪Development Officer in Retail‬‬
‫‪has joined Burgan Bank as a‬‬
‫‪Call Center Agent in Retail‬‬
‫‪has joined Burgan Bank as‬‬
‫‪a CEM Specialist in Retail‬‬
‫‪Joji John‬‬
‫نواف الشمري‬
‫عبدالرحمن كوت‬
‫ابراهيم المنصور‬
‫أحمد عبد اللطيف‬
‫عقيل أشكناني‬
‫‪Aqeel Ashkanani‬‬
‫محمد صدّ يقي‬
‫ابراهيم المجادي‬
‫سمر مرادي‬
‫محمد المجيبل‬
‫جاياسري جاياراجان‬
‫طالل النصار‬
‫فيجايا سوبايا‬
‫‪Nawaf Al Shammari‬‬
‫‪Mohammed Siddiqui‬‬
‫‪Samar Muradi‬‬
‫‪Jayasree Jayarajan‬‬
‫‪Vijaya Subbiah‬‬
‫التحق بالعمل لدى شركة‬
‫المباني المتحدة بوظيفة‬
‫مدير عالقات حكومية‬
‫التحق بالعمل لدى شركة‬
‫تقاعد لالدخار والتقاعد‬
‫بوظيفة محاسب أول –‬
‫صناديق االستثمار في إدارة‬
‫‪has joined UBC as a‬‬
‫‪Governmental Relation‬‬
‫‪has joined Takaud Savings‬‬
‫‪& Pensions Company as a‬‬
‫‪Senior Fund Accountant in‬‬
‫‪the Operations Department‬‬
‫التحقت بالعمل لدى شركة‬
‫تقاعد لالدخار والتقاعد‬
‫بوظيفة مسؤول الموارد‬
‫البشرية في إدارة الموارد‬
‫التحقت بالعمل لدى الشركة‬
‫المتحدة للمشروعات‬
‫النفطية بوظيفة مساعدة‬
‫في إدارة المشتريات‬
‫التحقت بالعمل لدى الشركة‬
‫المتحدة للمشروعات‬
‫النفطية بوظيفة مساعدة‬
‫في إدارة المشاريع‬
‫‪has joined United Oil Projects‬‬
‫‪Company as a Purchasing‬‬
‫‪Assistant in the Purchasing‬‬
‫‪has joined United Oil Projects‬‬
‫‪Company as a Projects‬‬
‫‪Assistant in the Projects‬‬
‫‪has joined Takaud Savings‬‬
‫‪& Pensions Company as‬‬
‫‪an HR Officer in the HR‬‬
Newly Hired ‫الموظفون الجدد‬
‫النعمان الشعار‬
‫علي الداود‬
‫محمد فروانة‬
‫ياسر سيربيالند‬
Hasan Al Adwan
Ali AlDawoud
Mohammad Farwana
Yasir Sirbeland
‫التحق بالعمل لدى شركة‬
‫المباني المتحدة بوظيفة‬
‫نائب مدير مشروع في إدارة‬
‫التحق بالعمل لدى شركة‬
‫المباني المتحدة بوظيفة مدير‬
‫مشاريع أول في إدارة المشاريع‬
‫التحق بالعمل لدى شركة‬
‫المباني المتحدة بوظيفة‬
‫مهندس مشتريات أول في‬
‫إدارة المشاريع‬
‫التحق بالعمل لدى شركة‬
‫المباني المتحدة بوظيفة‬
‫مهندس موقع في إدارة‬
‫التحق بالعمل لدى شركة‬
‫المباني المتحدة بوظيفة مساح‬
‫أراضي في إدارة المشاريع‬
has joined UBC as a Deputy
Project Manager in the
Projects Department
has joined UBC as a Senior
Project Manager in the
Projects Department
has joined UBC as a Senior
Procurement Engineer in the
Projects Department
has joined UBC as a Site
Engineer in the Projects
has joined UBC as a Land
Surveyor in the Projects
‫محمد الخماش‬
‫أحمد عفت‬
‫فهد الحمادي‬
‫ساره الزيادين‬
‫بلقيس عليان‬
Mohammad AlKhammash
Ahmad Effat
Fahad Al Hammadi
Sarah Al Zayadeen
Balqees Ilyan
‫التحق بالعمل لدى شركة‬
‫المباني المتحدة بوظيفة‬
‫مهندس موقع في إدارة‬
‫التحق بالعمل لدى شركة‬
‫المباني المتحدة بوظيفة مراقب‬
‫مستندات في إدارة المشاريع‬
‫التحق بالعمل لدى شركة‬
‫إيكاروس المتحدة للخدمات‬
‫البحرية بوظيفة نائب الرئيس‬
‫التحقت بالعمل لدى شركة‬
‫︱الشرق العربي للتأمين‬gig
‫بوظيفة ضابط في إدارة‬
‫المطالبات الطبية‬
‫التحقت بالعمل لدى شركة‬
‫︱الشرق العربي للتأمين‬gig
‫بوظيفة ضابط في إدارة‬
‫المطالبات الطبية‬
has joined UBC as a Site
Engineer in the Projects
has joined UBC as a
Document Controller in the
Projects Department
has joined Ikarus United
Marine Services as a Deputy
has joined gig︱Arab Orient
Insurance Company as an
Officer in the Medical Claims
has joined gig︱Arab Orient
Insurance Company as an
Officer in the Medical Claims
‫ريما الزرقان‬
‫حسن العدوان‬
AlNoaman AlShaar
‫رشا الدويري‬
‫عالء العمري‬
‫صالح الحياري‬
‫أنجو جاين‬
Rema Alzorqan
Rasha Al Dwiri
Alaa Al Omari
Saleh AlHyari
Anuj Jain
‫التحقت بالعمل لدى شركة‬
‫︱الشرق العربي للتأمين‬gig
‫بوظيفة ضابط في إدارة البيع‬
‫عبر الهاتف‬
‫التحقت بالعمل لدى شركة‬
‫︱الشرق العربي للتأمين‬gig
‫بوظيفة ضابط في إدارة البيع‬
‫عبر الهاتف‬
‫التحق بالعمل لدى شركة‬
‫︱الشرق العربي للتأمين‬gig
‫بوظيفة مسؤول حسابات‬
‫في إدارة التجزئة لألفراد‬
‫التحق بالعمل لدى شركة‬
‫︱الشرق العربي للتأمين‬gig
‫بوظيفة ضابط في إدارة‬
‫المطالبات الطبية‬
‫التحق بالعمل لدى مركز‬
‫المعرفة بلسر بوظيفة‬
‫مستشار أول في مجموعة‬
‫األعمال االستشارية‬
has joined gig︱Arab Orient
Insurance Company as
an Officer in the Telesales
has joined gig︱Arab Orient
Insurance Company as
an Officer in the Telesales
has joined gig︱Arab Orient
Insurance Company as an
Account Executive in the
Customer Care – Retail &
Telesales Department
has joined gig︱Arab Orient
Insurance Company as an
Officer in the Medical Claims
has joined PKC as a Senior
Consultant in the Business
Advisory Group
‫أسرة كيبكــــو‬
‫الموظفون الجدد ‪Newly Hired‬‬
‫‪Pulagam Reddy‬‬
‫‪Sapna Wijemanna‬‬
‫ساكشي بانسال‬
‫‪Sakshi Bansal‬‬
‫‪Nimmi Agarwal‬‬
‫نيمي أغاروال‬
‫‪Abhishek Anand‬‬
‫بوالغام ريدي‬
‫التحق بالعمل لدى مركز‬
‫المعرفة بلسر بوظيفة محلل‬
‫تجاري في مجموعة األعمال‬
‫التحقت بالعمل لدى مركز‬
‫المعرفة بلسر للخدمات‬
‫االستشارية جيه ايل تي في دبي‬
‫بوظيفة محللة تجارية‬
‫التحقت بالعمل لدى مركز‬
‫المعرفة بلسر بوظيفة محلل‬
‫بحوث في مجموعة األعمال‬
‫التحقت بالعمل لدى مركز‬
‫المعرفة بلسر بوظيفة مديرة‬
‫تنفيذية في مجموعة األعمال‬
‫االستشارية للتنمية التجارية‬
‫التحق بالعمل لدى مركز‬
‫المعرفة بلسر بوظيفة‬
‫معاون أول في مجموعة‬
‫خدمات تعزيز األعمال‬
‫‪has joined PKC as a Business‬‬
‫‪Analyst in the Business‬‬
‫‪Advisory Group‬‬
‫‪has joined PKC Advisory‬‬
‫‪Services JLT, Dubai as a‬‬
‫‪Business Analyst‬‬
‫‪has joined PKC as a Research‬‬
‫‪Analyst in the Business‬‬
‫‪Advisory Group‬‬
‫‪has joined PKC as an‬‬
‫‪Executive – Business‬‬
‫‪Development in the Business‬‬
‫‪Advisory Group‬‬
‫‪has joined PKC as a Senior‬‬
‫‪Associate in the Business‬‬
‫‪Enhancement Services‬‬
‫‪Mehdi Tehrani‬‬
‫‪Enas Azab‬‬
‫‪Omar Mehdi‬‬
‫راجات بابجشي‬
‫‪Rajat Bagchi‬‬
‫روحيت طوالني‬
‫التحق بالعمل لدى الجامعة‬
‫األمريكية في الكويت‬
‫بوظيفة منسق مساعد –‬
‫األمن والسالمة في قسم‬
‫خدمات الجامعة‬
‫التحقت بالعمل لدى الجامعة‬
‫األمريكية في الكويت بوظيفة‬
‫محلل معلومات في مكتب‬
‫التحق بالعمل لدى الجامعة‬
‫األمريكية في الكويت بوظيفة‬
‫منسق رياضة في مكتب‬
‫الحياة الطالبية‬
‫التحق بالعمل لدى شركة‬
‫كامكو بوظيفة نائب رئيس في‬
‫إدارة بحوث االستثمار‬
‫التحق بالعمل لدى مركز‬
‫المعرفة بلسر بوظيفة مدرب‬
‫إداري في مجموعة األعمال‬
‫‪has joined AUK as an‬‬
‫– ‪Assistant Coordinator‬‬
‫‪Safety & Security in the‬‬
‫‪Campus Services Department‬‬
‫‪has joined AUK as a Data‬‬
‫‪Analyst in the Office of‬‬
‫‪Institutional Research‬‬
‫‪has joined AUK as a Sports‬‬
‫‪Coordinator in the Office of‬‬
‫‪Student Life‬‬
‫‪has joined KAMCO as a Vice‬‬
‫‪President in the Investment‬‬
‫‪Research Department‬‬
‫‪has joined PKC as a‬‬
‫‪Management Trainee in the‬‬
‫‪Business Advisory Group‬‬
‫مهدي طهراني‬
‫عبداهلل أحمد‬
‫إيناس عزب‬
‫عالء عشي‬
‫عمر مهدي‬
‫شهد إبراهيم‬
‫إبراهيم خليل‬
‫‪Rohit Tolani‬‬
‫صالح حنا‬
‫‪Abdullah Ahmed‬‬
‫‪Alaa Achi‬‬
‫‪Shahad Ibrahim‬‬
‫‪Ebrahim Khalil‬‬
‫‪Saleh Hanna‬‬
‫التحق بالعمل لدى شركة‬
‫شبكة الخليج لالتصاالت‬
‫بوظيفة مدير حسابات‬
‫العمالء في إدارة المشاريع‬
‫واألعمال الدولية‬
‫التحق بالعمل لدى شركة‬
‫شبكة الخليج لالتصاالت‬
‫بوظيفة مدير حسابات‬
‫العمالء في إدارة المشاريع‬
‫واألعمال الدولية‬
‫التحقت بالعمل لدى شركة‬
‫شبكة الخليج لالتصاالت‬
‫بوظيفة مدير مبيعات كبار‬
‫العمالء في إدارة المشاريع‬
‫واألعمال الدولية‬
‫التحق بالعمل لدى شركة‬
‫شبكة الخليج لالتصاالت‬
‫بوظيفة رئيس قطاع‬
‫عمليات الشبكات في إدارة‬
‫عمليات الشبكات‬
‫التحق بالعمل لدى الجامعة‬
‫األمريكية في الكويت‬
‫بوظيفة محاسب في قسم‬
‫‪has joined Gulfnet as a Head‬‬
‫‪of Network Operations in‬‬
‫‪the Network Operations‬‬
‫‪has joined AUK as an‬‬
‫‪Accountant in the Finance‬‬
‫‪has joined Gulfnet as an‬‬
‫‪Account Manager in the‬‬
‫‪Enterprise and Global‬‬
‫‪Business Department‬‬
‫سابنا ويجيمانا‬
‫أبيشيك آناند‬
‫‪has joined Gulfnet as an‬‬
‫‪Account Manager in the‬‬
‫‪Enterprise & Global Business‬‬
‫‪has joined Gulfnet as a Major‬‬
‫‪Customers Sales Manager‬‬
‫‪in the Enterprise & Global‬‬
‫‪Business Department‬‬
‫الموظفون الجدد ‪Newly Hired‬‬
‫أحمد أبو عيدة‬
‫عبدالعزيز الحوطي‬
‫دانييل الحلبي‬
‫محمد أبو شلهوب‬
‫روي فارجيس‬
‫‪Ahmad Abu Eidah‬‬
‫‪Abdulaziz Al Houti‬‬
‫‪Daniel Al Halabi‬‬
‫‪Mohammad Abu Shalhoub‬‬
‫‪Roy Varghese‬‬
‫التحق بالعمل لدى شركة‬
‫شبكة الخليج لالتصاالت‬
‫بوظيفة موظف خدمة‬
‫العمالء في إدارة مبيعات‬
‫األفراد واألعمال الصغيرة‬
‫التحق بالعمل لدى شركة‬
‫شبكة الخليج لالتصاالت‬
‫بوظيفة موظف خدمة العمالء‬
‫في إدارة مبيعات األفراد‬
‫واألعمال الصغيرة‬
‫التحق بالعمل لدى شركة‬
‫شبكة الخليج لالتصاالت‬
‫بوظيفة موظف خدمة‬
‫العمالء في إدارة مبيعات‬
‫األفراد واألعمال الصغيرة‬
‫التحق بالعمل لدى شركة‬
‫شبكة الخليج لالتصاالت‬
‫بوظيفة ضابط دعم مبيعات‬
‫الشركات في إدارة المشاريع‬
‫واألعمال الدولية‬
‫التحق بالعمل لدى شركة‬
‫شبكة الخليج لالتصاالت‬
‫بوظيفة مدير حسابات‬
‫األعمال العالمية في إدارة‬
‫المشاريع واألعمال الدولية‬
‫‪has joined Gulfnet as a‬‬
‫‪Call Center Agent in the‬‬
‫‪Residential & Small Business‬‬
‫‪has joined Gulfnet as a‬‬
‫‪Call Center Agent in the‬‬
‫‪Residential & Small Business‬‬
‫‪has joined Gulfnet as a‬‬
‫‪Call Center Agent in the‬‬
‫‪Residential & Small Business‬‬
‫‪has joined Gulfnet as a‬‬
‫‪Corporate Support Officer‬‬
‫‪in the Enterprise & Global‬‬
‫‪Business Department‬‬
‫‪has joined Gulfnet as a Global‬‬
‫‪Business Account Manager‬‬
‫‪in the Enterprise & Global‬‬
‫‪Business Department‬‬
‫خالد الرحال‬
‫محمد حجي‬
‫ناصر فزاع‬
‫بالل السعدوني‬
‫بالل الناطور‬
‫‪Khaled Al-Rahhal‬‬
‫‪Mohammed Haji‬‬
‫‪Nasser Fazaa‬‬
‫‪Bilel Saadouni‬‬
‫‪Bilal Al Natour‬‬
‫التحق بالعمل لدى شركة‬
‫شبكة الخليج لالتصاالت‬
‫بوظيفة موظف خدمة العمالء‬
‫في إدارة مبيعات األفراد‬
‫واألعمال الصغيرة‬
‫التحق بالعمل لدى شركة‬
‫شبكة الخليج لالتصاالت‬
‫بوظيفة موظف خدمة العمالء‬
‫في إدارة مبيعات األفراد‬
‫واألعمال الصغيرة‬
‫التحق بالعمل لدى شركة‬
‫شبكة الخليج لالتصاالت‬
‫بوظيفة موظف خدمة‬
‫العمالء في إدارة مبيعات‬
‫األفراد واألعمال الصغيرة‬
‫التحق بالعمل لدى شركة‬
‫شبكة الخليج لالتصاالت‬
‫بوظيفة موظف خدمة العمالء‬
‫في إدارة مبيعات األفراد واألعمال‬
‫التحق بالعمل لدى شركة‬
‫شبكة الخليج لالتصاالت‬
‫بوظيفة موظف خدمة العمالء‬
‫في إدارة مبيعات األفراد‬
‫واألعمال الصغيرة‬
‫‪has joined Gulfnet as a‬‬
‫‪Call Center Agent in the‬‬
‫‪Residential & Small Business‬‬
‫‪has joined Gulfnet as a‬‬
‫‪Call Center Agent in the‬‬
‫‪Residential & Small Business‬‬
‫‪has joined Gulfnet as a‬‬
‫‪Call Center Agent in the‬‬
‫‪Residential & Small Business‬‬
‫‪has joined Gulfnet as a‬‬
‫‪Call Center Agent in the‬‬
‫‪Residential & Small Business‬‬
‫‪has joined Gulfnet as a‬‬
‫‪Call Center Agent in the‬‬
‫‪Residential & Small Business‬‬
‫غادة الحداد‬
‫محمد الشملي‬
‫فادي بولس‬
‫بندر شاتي‬
‫وائل أحمد‬
‫‪Ghadah Al Haddad‬‬
‫‪Mohammad Al Shimli‬‬
‫‪Fadi Boulos‬‬
‫‪Bandar Shatti‬‬
‫‪Wael Ahmad‬‬
‫التحقت بالعمل لدى شركة‬
‫شبكة الخليج لالتصاالت‬
‫بوظيفة موظف مبيعات في‬
‫إدارة مبيعات األفراد واألعمال‬
‫التحق بالعمل لدى شركة‬
‫شبكة الخليج لالتصاالت‬
‫بوظيفة موظف مبيعات في‬
‫إدارة مبيعات األفراد واألعمال‬
‫التحق بالعمل لدى شركة‬
‫شبكة الخليج لالتصاالت‬
‫بوظيفة موظف مبيعات في‬
‫إدارة مبيعات األفراد واألعمال‬
‫التحق بالعمل لدى شركة‬
‫شبكة الخليج لالتصاالت‬
‫بوظيفة موظف مبيعات في‬
‫إدارة مبيعات األفراد واألعمال‬
‫التحق بالعمل لدى شركة شبكة‬
‫الخليج لالتصاالت بوظيفة‬
‫رئيس فريق مبيعات ‪ -‬المعارض‬
‫والموزعين في إدارة مبيعات األفراد‬
‫واألعمال الصغيرة‬
‫‪has joined Gulfnet as a‬‬
‫‪Reseller & POS Team Leader‬‬
‫‪in the Residential & Small‬‬
‫‪Business Department‬‬
‫‪has joined Gulfnet as a Sales‬‬
‫& ‪Agent in the Residential‬‬
‫‪Small Business Department‬‬
‫‪has joined Gulfnet as a Sales‬‬
‫& ‪Agent in the Residential‬‬
‫‪Small Business Department‬‬
‫‪has joined Gulfnet as a Sales‬‬
‫& ‪Agent in the Residential‬‬
‫‪Small Business Department‬‬
‫‪has joined Gulfnet as a Sales‬‬
‫& ‪Agent in the Residential‬‬
‫‪Small Business Department‬‬
‫أسرة كيبكــــو‬
‫الموظفون الجدد ‪Newly Hired‬‬
‫محمد حسونة‬
‫‪Mohammed Hassouna‬‬
‫‪Osama Hussain‬‬
‫‪Mohammed Abdeen‬‬
‫‪Muntaser Farah‬‬
‫التحق بالعمل لدى شركة‬
‫شبكة الخليج لالتصاالت‬
‫بوظيفة مهندس حلول في‬
‫إدارة المشاريع وعمليات ما‬
‫قبل البيع‬
‫التحق بالعمل لدى شركة‬
‫شبكة الخليج لالتصاالت‬
‫بوظيفة مستشار أول حلول‬
‫في إدارة المشاريع وعمليات ما‬
‫قبل البيع‬
‫التحق بالعمل لدى شركة‬
‫شبكة الخليج لالتصاالت‬
‫بوظيفة مهندس أول شبكات‬
‫رئيسية في إدارة عمليات‬
‫التحق بالعمل لدى شركة‬
‫شبكة الخليج لالتصاالت‬
‫بوظيفة مهندس أول شبكات‬
‫رئيسية في إدارة عمليات‬
‫التحق بالعمل لدى شركة‬
‫شبكة الخليج لالتصاالت‬
‫بوظيفة موظف مبيعات في‬
‫إدارة مبيعات األفراد واألعمال‬
‫‪has joined Gulfnet as a‬‬
‫‪Solutions Architect in the‬‬
‫‪Presales & PMO Department‬‬
‫‪has joined Gulfnet as a Senior‬‬
‫‪Solutions Consultant in the‬‬
‫‪Presales & PMO Department‬‬
‫‪has a joined Gulfnet as a‬‬
‫‪Senior Network Engineer‬‬
‫‪in the Network Operations‬‬
‫‪has joined Gulfnet as a Senior‬‬
‫‪Field Engineer in the Network‬‬
‫‪Operations Department‬‬
‫‪has joined Gulfnet as a Sales‬‬
‫& ‪Agent in the Residential‬‬
‫‪Small Business Department‬‬
‫رنا الشمري‬
‫صالح عبداهلل‬
‫إيمان عبيد‬
‫مهند شاحوط‬
‫ليبو توماس‬
‫‪Rana Al Shammari‬‬
‫‪Salah Abdallah‬‬
‫‪Eman Obaid‬‬
‫‪Mohannad Chahout‬‬
‫‪Libu Thomas‬‬
‫التحقت بالعمل لدى شركة‬
‫شبكة الخليج لالتصاالت‬
‫بوظيفة ضابط دعم مبيعات‬
‫الشركات في إدارة العمليات‬
‫التحق بالعمل لدى شركة‬
‫شبكة الخليج لالتصاالت‬
‫بوظيفة منسق تركيبات في‬
‫إدارة العالقات الحكومية‬
‫التحقت بالعمل لدى شركة‬
‫شبكة الخليج لالتصاالت‬
‫بوظيفة منسق العالقات‬
‫الحكومية في إدارة العالقات‬
‫التحق بالعمل لدى شركة‬
‫شبكة الخليج لالتصاالت‬
‫بوظيفة مسؤول مركز‬
‫المعلومات في إدارة نظم‬
‫التحق بالعمل لدى شركة‬
‫شبكة الخليج لالتصاالت‬
‫بوظيفة مهندس ميداني في‬
‫إدارة عميات الشبكات‬
‫‪has joined Gulfnet as a‬‬
‫‪Corporate Support Officer‬‬
‫‪in the Business Operations‬‬
‫‪has joined Gulfnet as a‬‬
‫‪MOC Coordinator in the‬‬
‫‪Government Relations‬‬
‫‪has joined Gulfnet as a‬‬
‫‪Government Relations‬‬
‫‪Coordinator in the‬‬
‫‪Government Relations‬‬
‫‪has joined Gulfnet as a‬‬
‫‪Data Center Administrator‬‬
‫‪in the Information System‬‬
‫‪has joined Gulfnet as a Field‬‬
‫‪Engineer in the Network‬‬
‫‪Operations Department‬‬
‫محمد موسى‬
‫أسامة حسين‬
‫محمد عابدين‬
‫منتصر فرح‬
‫علي محمد‬
‫‪Ali Mohammed‬‬
‫علي حسين‬
‫محمد حسن‬
‫دعاء السيد‬
‫محمود السيد‬
‫‪Mohamed Mousa‬‬
‫‪Ali Hussain‬‬
‫‪Mohamed Hassan‬‬
‫‪Doaa Al Sayed‬‬
‫‪Mahmoud Al Sayed‬‬
‫التحق بالعمل لدى شركة‬
‫‪ OSN‬بوظيفة موظف مبيعات‬
‫في إدارة المبيعات المباشرة‬
‫التحق بالعمل لدى شركة‬
‫‪ OSN‬بوظيفة موظف مبيعات‬
‫في إدارة المبيعات المباشرة‬
‫التحق بالعمل لدى شركة‬
‫‪ OSN‬بوظيفة موظف مبيعات‬
‫في إدارة المبيعات المباشرة‬
‫التحقت بالعمل لدى شركة‬
‫‪ OSN‬بوظيفة موظف مبيعات‬
‫في إدارة المبيعات المباشرة‬
‫التحق بالعمل لدى شركة‬
‫‪ OSN‬بوظيفة موظف مبيعات‬
‫في إدارة المبيعات المباشرة‬
‫‪has joined OSN as a Direct‬‬
‫‪Sales Executive in the Direct‬‬
‫‪Sales Department‬‬
‫‪has joined OSN as a Direct‬‬
‫‪Sales Executive in the Direct‬‬
‫‪Sales Department‬‬
‫‪has joined OSN as a Direct‬‬
‫‪Sales Executive in the Direct‬‬
‫‪Sales Department‬‬
‫‪has joined OSN as a Direct‬‬
‫‪Sales Executive in the Direct‬‬
‫‪Sales Department‬‬
‫‪has joined OSN as a Direct‬‬
‫‪Sales Executive in the Direct‬‬
‫‪Sales Department‬‬
‫الموظفون الجدد ‪Newly Hired‬‬
‫محمد عبداهلل‬
‫عامر العنزي‬
‫شعبان محمد‬
‫مشعل عبداهلل‬
‫حجاج عبدالعال‬
‫‪Mohamed Abdalla‬‬
‫‪Amer AlEnezi‬‬
‫‪Shaaban Mohamed‬‬
‫‪Meshaal Abdullah‬‬
‫‪Haggag Abdel Aal‬‬
‫التحق بالعمل لدى مجموعة‬
‫الخليج للتأمين بوظيفة‬
‫مساعد إدخال بيانات في إدارة‬
‫التحق بالعمل لدى مجموعة‬
‫الخليج للتأمين بوظيفة مقيم‬
‫حوادث السيارات في إدارة‬
‫التحق بالعمل لدى مجموعة‬
‫الخليج للتأمين بوظيفة‬
‫معاين في إدارة السيارات‬
‫التحق بالعمل لدى مجموعة‬
‫الخليج للتأمين بوظيفة‬
‫مراسل في إدارة البحري‬
‫التحق بالعمل لدى مجموعة‬
‫الخليج للتأمين بوظيفة‬
‫محاسب في إدارة المالية‬
‫‪has joined GIG as a Data‬‬
‫‪Entry Assistant in the Motor‬‬
‫‪has joined GIG as a Motor‬‬
‫‪Accident Appraiser in the‬‬
‫‪Motor Department‬‬
‫‪has joined GIG as a Surveyor‬‬
‫‪in the Motor Department‬‬
‫‪has joined GIG as a‬‬
‫& ‪Messenger in the Marine‬‬
‫‪Aviation Department‬‬
‫‪has joined GIG as an‬‬
‫‪Accountant in the Finance‬‬
‫نور الدين اشكنتنا‬
‫رمزي القادري‬
‫إبراهيم حسب اهلل‬
‫أوراد الحليمي‬
‫سمية العجيلي‬
‫‪Nouradeen Ishkuntana‬‬
‫‪Ramzi Kadri‬‬
‫‪Ibrahim Hassaballah‬‬
‫‪Awrad Alhlaimi‬‬
‫‪Sumaia Al Ogaili‬‬
‫التحق بالعمل لدى شركة‬
‫الخليج لتأمينات الحياة بوظيفة‬
‫محصل في إدارة المالية ‪-‬الحياة‬
‫التحق بالعمل لدى شركة‬
‫الخليج لتأمينات الحياة بوظيفة‬
‫محصل في إدارة المالية ‪-‬الحياة‬
‫التحق بالعمل لدى مجموعة‬
‫الخليج للتأمين بوظيفة‬
‫محلل مخاطر تشغيلية أول‬
‫في إدارة المخاطر‬
‫التحقت بالعمل لدى مجموعة‬
‫الخليج للتأمين بوظيفة منسق‬
‫إداري في إدارة اإلنتاج‬
‫التحقت بالعمل لدى مجموعة‬
‫الخليج للتأمين بوظيفة‬
‫سكرتيرة في إدارة الممتلكات‬
‫‪has joined GLIC as a‬‬
‫‪Collector in the Finance - Life‬‬
‫‪has joined GLIC as a‬‬
‫‪Collector in the Finance - Life‬‬
‫‪has joined GIG as a Senior‬‬
‫‪Operational Risk Analyst‬‬
‫‪in the Risk Management‬‬
‫‪has joined GIG as an‬‬
‫‪Administrative Coordinator in‬‬
‫‪the Production Department‬‬
‫‪has joined GIG as a Secretary‬‬
‫‪in the Property & Casualty‬‬
‫فاطمة هارون‬
‫فارسانا كانهيران‬
‫أحمد شلبي‬
‫‪Fathima Haroon‬‬
‫‪Farsana Kanhiran‬‬
‫‪Ahmed Shalaby‬‬
‫التحقت بالعمل لدى شركة‬
‫الخليج لتأمينات الحياة‬
‫بوظيفة مساعد مسؤول‬
‫طبي في إدارة تعويضات‬
‫التحقت بالعمل لدى شركة‬
‫الخليج لتأمينات الحياة‬
‫بوظيفة مساعد مسؤول‬
‫طبي في إدارة تعويضات‬
‫التحق بالعمل لدى شركة‬
‫الخليج لتأمينات الحياة‬
‫بوظيفة مسوي مطالبات في‬
‫إدارة تعويضات الطبي‬
‫‪has joined GLIC as an‬‬
‫‪Assistant Medical Officer‬‬
‫‪in the Medical Claims‬‬
‫‪has joined GLIC as a Claims‬‬
‫‪Adjuster in the Medical‬‬
‫‪Claims Department‬‬
‫‪has joined GLIC as an‬‬
‫‪Assistant Medical Officer‬‬
‫‪in the Medical Claims‬‬