CONTENTS - Bearsden Primary School
CONTENTS - Bearsden Primary School
Bearsden Primary School Handbook 2015/2016 CONTENTS EDC Vision Statement 2 Welcome to Bearsden Primary 3 School Aims 4 School Staffing 5 School Timetable, School Holidays 6 Curriculum Assessment and Arrangements for Reporting to Parents 7 English Language 9 French10 Mathematics, Social Studies, Science 11 Eco School, Health & Wellbeing, Technologies, Expressive Arts 12 Religious and Moral Education 13 Personal & Social Development, Homework 14 Intervention Procedures, Assessment and Reporting, School Improvement Plan Priorities 15 School Ethos 16 Equal Opportunities and Social Inclusion 17 Children and Young People with Additional support needs 18 English as an Additional Language 24 Home and School Links 25 Comments, Compliments and Complaints Procedures 26 Extra Curricular Activities 28 School Discipline 29 Safety and Security Issues, Supervision of Playgrounds 30 Childcare Information Service, Child Protection Procedures 31 Clothing and School Dress 33 School Meals 34 Medical and Health Care 36 Information in Emergencies, Parental Involvement Act 37 The Parent Forum and Parent Council 38 Fundraising Group, Early Years Supporting Families Service, Liaising with and Involving Parents in their Child’s Education 39 Transitions40 Registration and Enrolment 42 Secondary School Admissions, Placing Requests 43 Data Protection, Accessing Your Child’s Pupil Records 45 Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 46 Transferring Educational Data About Pupils 47 Use of Photographs & Video Involving Pupils, No Smoking Policy, Pupil use of Mobile Phones in School 49 Addresses and Telephone Numbers 50 c copyright. The Homework Diary Company Ltd. Registered in Scotland No 177762 1 Bearsden Primary School Handbook 2015/2016 EDUCATION IN EAST DUNBARTONSHIRE East Dunbartonshire Council’s vision statement is reflected in the ethos of the Education Service: “Working together to achieve the best with the people of East Dunbartonshire” The Education Service works with staff in schools and services to ensure the best outcomes for all our children and young people. We share the Council’s commitment to: • • • • • The Customer; Excellence; Innovation; Partnership; and Our Employees. 2 Bearsden Primary School Handbook 2015/2016 WELCOME TO BEARSDEN PRIMARY SCHOOL Bearsden Primary is a traditional sandstone building in the centre of Bearsden, a small town to the north west of Glasgow. The school was built in 1911 and is situated at Bearsden Cross. The catchment area consists mainly of private housing. The school is non-denominational and co-educational and comprises 15 classes from Primary 1 to Primary 7. In the main building there are 15 classrooms, a music room, a G.P. room, a library, a computer suite and a teachers’ resource room. An annexe houses the gym hall and the dining hall. Primary 1 has a maximum class size of 25. Primaries 2 and 3 have a maximum class size of 30 and from P4 - P7 the maximum class size is 33. There are Mr Paul Meehan facilities to accommodate children with disabilities. At Headteacher the present time there are visiting specialists for P.E. and music. Instrumental tuition is available for violin, cello and woodwind. The present school roll is 441 and the capacity is 474. A number of children attend school by placing request. Parents should note that the working capacity of the school may vary dependent upon the number of pupils at each stage and the way in which the classes are organised. A cafeteria system called Ed’s Lunch Club operates at lunchtime. This offers a range of hot meals and hot and cold snacks. Facilities exist for children to eat packed lunches in the school dining hall. In Bearsden Primary, we aim to provide a broad and balanced programme of learning in a stimulating and caring environment. Pupils are helped to become responsible citizens, confident individuals, successful learners and effective contributors to society. Great importance is attached to good manners, self reliance and developing a responsible, caring attitude. The individual needs of the child are catered for and equal opportunities offered to all. Mr Paul Meehan - Headteacher Bearsden Primary School Roman Road Bearsden Glasgow G61 2SY Tel: 0141 955 2254 Fax: 0141 570 0042 E-mail: 3 Bearsden Primary School Handbook 2015/2016 BEARSDEN PRIMARY SCHOOL VISION VALUES AND AIMS VISION Bearsden Primary School provides a safe, nurturing and caring environment in which all pupils achieve their full potential and have the confidence and skills to meet the challenges of the future VALUES • Respect • Honesty • Friendship AIMS • To achieve the best outcomes for each child through partnership between pupils, staff parents and the wider community. • To ensure that children feel a sense of achievement in all that they do. • To celebrate social and cultural diversity so that everyone feels valued and respected. • To help children to develop a knowledge and understanding of issues affecting their health and well being so that they can make informed choices for their future. • To enable pupils to become responsible and environmentally aware global citizens. • To value and celebrate children’s contributions to society. • To encourage pupils to maintain high standards of behaviour at all times. • To develop enquiring minds, enterprising skills and embrace lifelong learning. 4 Bearsden Primary School Handbook 2015/2016 BEARSDEN PRIMARY STAFF 2014/2015 Head Teacher Mr P Meehan Depute Head Teacher Mrs S Wilson Depute Head Teacher Mrs D Park Teaching Staff Mrs J Drysdale P1 Miss L Graham P1 Miss K Jaycock P1 Mrs M Thomson P2 Mrs A Templeton P2 Mrs E Irvine P3/4 Miss K Macintyre/ Mrs D Park P3 Miss K Johnstone P3 Miss A Mackenzie/ Mrs A Wilson P4 Miss L Mullen/Mrs S Wilson P4 Miss L Graham P5 Mrs L McGonagle P5 Mrs N Johnson P6 Mrs K Macpherson P6 Mrs G Bell P7 Mr D McGregor P7 Flexibility/ French Mrs E Capaldi PE Specialist Mrs C McAulay Music Specialist Mrs L Strang Mrs A Maxwell Administrative Assistant Mrs S Johnston Clerical Assistant Mrs A Wright Clerical Assistant Mrs E Lynagh Classroom Assistant Mrs R McArthur Classroom Assistant Mrs R Hart Support for Learning Assistant Mrs L Johnston Support for Learning Assistant Mrs J MacLean Support for Learning Assistant Mrs I MacPhee Support for Learning Assistant Mr D Wilson Site Coordinator 5 Bearsden Primary School Handbook 2015/2016 SCHOOL TIMETABLE SCHOOL HOURS 9.00am- 10.30am 10.30am - 10.45am Morning interval 10.45am- 12.15pm 12.15pm - 1.00pm Lunch 1.00pm - 3.00pm Primaries 1-7 dismiss From Session 2015/2016, children in Primary 1 will attend for the full day from the first Monday in September, which is Monday 7th September 2015. SCHOOL HOLIDAYS 2015/2016 Term Dates of Attendance Break September week-end First Mid Term Second Mid Term May Day Third May week-end Teachers return (In-Service Day) (In-Service Day) Pupils return Thursday, 13 August 2015 Closed* Re-open Friday 25 September 2015 Tuesday 29 September 2015 Closed (In-Service) Re-open Friday 9 October 2015 Monday 19 October 2015 Closed Wednesday 23 December 2015 Re-open Wednesday 6 January 2016 Closed Re-open (In-Service) Monday 8 February 2016 Wednesday 10 February 2016 Closed Re-open Closed Friday 25 March 2016 Tuesday 29 March 2016 Monday 4 April 2016 Re-open Monday 18 April 2016 Closed Monday 2 May 2016 Closed (In-Service) Re-open Thursday 26 May 2016 Tuesday 31 May 2016 Last Day of School Tuesday 28 June 2016 Teachers return Provisional – Tuesday, 16 August 2016 NB Good Friday – 25 March 2016 *‘Closed’ refers throughout to first day of closure 6 Friday 14 August 2015 Monday 17 August 2015 Bearsden Primary School Handbook 2015/2016 CURRICULUM ASSESSMENT AND ARRANGEMENTS FOR REPORTING TO PARENTS Curriculum for Excellence Bringing learning to life and life to learning Curriculum for Excellence has now been introduced across Scotland for all 3-18 year olds – wherever they learn. It aims to raise standards, prepare our children for a future they do not yet know and equip them for jobs of tomorrow in a fast changing world. Curriculum for excellence will be fully implemented by 2016. Teachers and practitioners will share information to plan a child’s ‘learning journey’ from 3-18, helping their progression from nursery to primary, primary to secondary and beyond, ensuring each transition is smooth. They’ll ensure children continue to work at a pace they can cope with and with challenge they can thrive on. Curriculum for Excellence balances the importance of knowledge and skills. Every child is entitled to a broad and deep general education, whatever their level and ability. Every single teacher and practitioner will be responsible for the development of literacy and numeracy from Early Level through to Senior Phase. It develops skills for learning, life and work, bringing real life into the classroom, making learning relevant and helping young people apply lessons to their life beyond the classroom. It links knowledge in one subject area to another helping make connections in their learning. It develops skills which can enable children to think for themselves, make sound judgements, challenge, enquire and find solutions. There will be new ways of assessing progress and ensuring children achieve their potential. There will be new qualifications for literacy and numeracy from 2013/14. New qualifications at National 3, 4 & 5 will be available from 2013/14. Our well regarded Access, Highers and Advanced Highers will be updated to take account of and support the new approaches to learning and teaching. 7 Bearsden Primary School Handbook 2015/2016 There is an entitlement to personal support to help young people fulfil their potential and make the most of their opportunities with additional support wherever that’s needed. There will be a new emphasis by all staff on looking after our children’s health and wellbeing – to ensure that the school is a place where children feel safe and secure. Ultimately, Curriculum for Excellence aims to improve our children’s life chances, to nurture successful learners, confident individuals, effective contributors, and responsible citizens, building on Scotland’s reputation for great education. Implementation of Curriculum for Excellence and More Choices, More Chances highlighted the importance of robust transition planning in enabling young people to participate and progress beyond compulsory education. 16+ Learning Choices, therefore, was introduced in 2008 as the transition planning model for ensuring an offer of an appropriate place in post-16 learning for every 16-18 year old. It aims to improve the transition for young people choosing to stay on at school; leaving school and for those moving from one post-16 option to another. Integral to Curriculum for Excellence, it supports all young people to make effective transitions. OPPORTUNITIES FOR ALL More recently, in response to the economic downturn and the resultant adverse effects on young people’s prospects in the labour market, the Government introduced Opportunities for All in its Programme for Government in September 2011. This is an explicit commitment to an offer of an appropriate place in learning or training for every 16-19 year old not currently in employment, education or training. It brings together and builds on existing Scottish Government policies and strategies and embraces relevant UK Government policy in a single priority to support young people to participate in learning or training in order to improve their employment prospects. Opportunities for All became a live offer from 1 April 2012 and will ensure that the post-16 system delivers for all young people. It focuses on supporting young people who have disengaged, seeking to re-engage them with appropriate learning or training from their 16th, until at least their 20th, birthday. Whilst Opportunities for All commits to offering a place in learning or training, those young people who wish to move into employment should be supported to do so. 8 Bearsden Primary School Handbook 2015/2016 The primary school curriculum is divided into the following main areas: • • • • • • • • Languages Mathematics Expressive Arts Religious and Moral education Health and Wellbeing Sciences Social Studies Technologies Health and Wellbeing, Literacy and Numeracy permeate the curriculum, Children are taught in ability groups for most aspects of language and mathematics and in mixed ability or social groups for other areas of the curriculum. A differentiated curriculum is provided to meet the needs of all pupils. English Language There are three main outcomes for language : • Listening and Talking • Reading • Writing 9 Bearsden Primary School Handbook 2015/2016 Listening and Talking We aim to develop children’s listening and talking skills using a variety of resources including digital resources and ICT as well as class discussions from all curricular areas. Reading The children follow a structured reading and language programme in order to fully develop their language skills. Children are introduced to reading in P1 using Heinemann Storyworld. This scheme is used in the infant department and ensures progression in the development of reading skills. At all stages, the children are expected to read for information and for enjoyment using the wide range of fiction and non fiction available in school, both in the classroom and in the school library. Writing Throughout the school, Nelson Handwriting is the main handwriting scheme used. Children are taught the correct letter formations in Primary 1 and are encouraged to write fluently and legibly. From the early stages, children are encouraged to express ideas on paper and begin story writing. At all stages, children have experience of functional, personal and imaginative writing. In the infant department, children are introduced to phonics through the Pearson Bug Club phonic programme. Formal spelling begins in the infant department. From Primary 3 onwards, children use Nelson Spelling as the main spelling scheme. The method used to teach spelling is Look Say Cover Write Check. French A structured programme of French is followed by pupils in Primaries 5,6 and 7. The approach encourages spoken language and includes a number of activities, songs and games designed to foster confidence in spoken French. 10 Bearsden Primary School Handbook 2015/2016 Mathematics and Numeracy The outcomes for Mathematics and Numeracy are : • • • Information Handling Number Money and Measurement Shape Position and Movement Scottish Heinemann Mathematices is used from P1 to p3 as the core maths scheme. The scheme has been designed to match the outcomes of Curriculum for Excellence. From P4 to P7 we use resources from Teejay Publishers which match the outcomes from Curriculum for Excellence. These schemes are based on a practical approach to the teaching and learning of mathematics and use well known contexts to help children’s understanding. A wide range of practical materials is available for all aspects of mathematics. There is a strong emphasis on mental calculation throughout the school and this is practised daily. Interactive Mental Maths plays a vital part in the children’s knowledge and understanding of number and each class has a range of material to facilitate this. We use supplementary materials and games to help children to be actively involved in their learning. These include Maths Games, Problem Solving Activities and computer programs. In this way we can cater for the needs of all children within the school. Additional resources are available for mathematics at each stage. Mathematical skills are also developed through topic work and using the local environment. Social Studies This covers work under the following areas : • • • people, past events and societies people, place and environment people in society, economy and business Our social studies programme aims to let children have a wide and varied experience of their local environment and the wider world. Science The outcomes for Science are: • • • • • Planet Earth Forces, electricity and waves Biological Systems Topical Science Materials We provide a balanced programme of learning throughout the year. Children will normally study 3 topics in depth and the work enables children to develop skills associated with social studies. Science is taught as a core programme at each stage. We encourage visits out of school and visitors into school to give the children a greater understanding of topics being studied and the importance of the school in the local community. Parents are informed at the beginning of the session, about the topics being studied throughout the year. 11 Bearsden Primary School Handbook 2015/2016 ECO School Bearsden Primary is an ECO school and has gained five green flags. The ECO committee has a representative from each year group, from the staff and from the parent body. The ECO committee strives to ensure that Bearsden Primary is ECO friendly through environmental projects, recycling and energy saving schemes. Health and Wellbeing Details can be found on the school website. We follow a structured Health Education programme from P1 to P7. The children learn about physical health, emotional health and social health. The programme includes a structured progression in the teaching of Sexual Health & Relationships Education. Technologies Computers are used throughout the school and are an integral part of the curriculum. There are computers in every classroom and we also have a fully networked computer suite. I.C.T. covers all areas of the curriculum and there is a progression in computer skills from P1 to P7. Children also have access to video, digital and stills cameras and a range of audio equipment. Interactive whiteboards are located in all classrooms. Expressive Arts This covers the following outcomes : • • • • Art & Design Drama Music Dance We have developed our own core programmes for all aspects of expressive arts. These programmes fully address the requirements of Curriculum for Excellence. Where appropriate, we integrate aspects of learning into the various topics that the children cover in environmental studies. In this way, the children are provided with a meaningful context through which they can practise and develop skills associated with each aspect of expressive arts. 12 Bearsden Primary School Handbook 2015/2016 Religious and Moral Education Curriculum for Excellence requires us to teach Christianity and other world religions. We currently teach a progression of work in Christianity, Islam and Hinduism. We also use packages for each class to learn about a different aspect of Christmas. Children follow this programme from Primary 1 to Primary 7. Religious Observance Pupils in P1-3 have a weekly assembly on a Friday afternoon in the school hall and Primaries 4-7 also have weekly assemblies, on a Friday morning. These cover a wide range of themes and issues and include acts of worship, topic related assemblies, issues arising from personal and social development and assemblies featuring celebrations and festivals. Visitors from charities also speak to children at assemblies. Parents are invited to join P4-7 assemblies presented by their child’s class. Our school Chaplin, Rev Graeme Wilson is from Bearsden Cross Parish Church. He leads church services throughout the year. We normally have four services and collections are taken at these for charitable causes. The Harvest Service takes place in school and services at Christmas, Easter, and the end of June take place in Bearsden Cross Parish Church. Parents are welcome to attend services in the church. Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural Values : In Bearsden Primary, religious observance : • contributes to the whole school ethos and provides opportunities for the school to come together as a community • involves the wider local community at certain times of the year • provides an opportunity for children to express themselves and share experiences. and religious education : • is concerned with the spiritual growth of pupils • encourages pupils to become aware of a wide range of religious interpretations • encourages pupils to think honestly for themselves about religious beliefs and practices. Parents who wish to exercise their right to withdraw their child from religious instruction and/or observance should contact the Head Teacher, in writing and alternative arrangements will be made for your child. Parents from minority and minority ethnic religious communities may request that their children be permitted to be absent from school in order to celebrate recognised religious events. Only written requests, detailing the proposed arrangements, will be considered. Appropriate requests will be granted on not more than three occasions in any one school session and the pupil noted as an authorised absentee in the register. The school will provide several opportunities for religious observance in a school year, in addition to traditional celebrations central to the life of the school community. For further information refer to additional Guidance on Religious Observance in East Dunbartonshire schools, October 2006. 13 Bearsden Primary School Handbook 2015/2016 PERSONAL & SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT This is concerned with the development of life skills. All aspects of a child’s experience at home, at school and outwith school contribute to personal and social development. In Bearsden Primary, we use Circle Time activities as the main focus for discussion of these issues. This also gives opportunities to discuss school rules and promote a positive ethos. HOMEWORK Homework is set by the class teacher with a view to consolidating work already taught in class. From Primary 1, children are given a short amount of homework to complete. Sometimes, it involves reading, learning new words or spelling. At other times it might be an aspect of mathematics, or topic work. Homework will not normally be set at the weekend or over a holiday period. In Primaries 6 and 7, children are normally given a week’s homework at a time so that they can choose when to complete the tasks. This helps to prepare them for homework in the secondary school. Homework should take about 20 minutes to complete in Primary 1 and up to 45 minutes in Primary 7. We have produced a useful information leaflet for parents, giving guidance on homework. This is available on our website. Because of the important role that parents play in their child’s education, we would encourage you to spend a short time each evening with your child on activities such as reading together (books from school or home), playing games, drawing or talking about what happened at school or some topical item of news. Parents whose children appear to be spending a long time on homework tasks should contact the class teacher or the Head Teacher. Pupil Council Pupils from P3-P7 elect a representative to serve on the Pupil Council each year. The Pupil Council discuss various issues relevant to school life and they help to take forward improvements identified by pupils. Recent improvements have focused on the playground and the school canteen. House Captains From Primary 3 to Primary 7 the pupils are divided into four houses. Drymen, Thorn, Kirk and Roman. Elections take place at the beginning of each session to elect captains and vice captains for each house. 14 Bearsden Primary School Handbook 2015/2016 INTERVENTION PROCEDURES Our intervention procedures focus on developing literacy and numeracy skills throughout the school. Teachers use a range of resources, interactive teaching methods and assessment procedures which help to identify children requiring additional support. ASSESSMENT & REPORTING The children are assessed continually by the class teacher in her day to day teaching. This ensures that they are provided with an appropriate programme of learning. Samples of children’s work are collected throughout the year to record the stage of development reached and can form a basis for discussion during parent interviews. We use a range of standardised and/or diagnostic tests for certain aspects of the curriculum. Parents interviews are held twice a year, in October and March. At that time, parents may discuss their child’s progress with the class teacher and look at their child’s work. Written reports are issued in June. If you wish to discuss your child’s progress at any other time, please telephone the school to make an appointment. SCHOOL IMPROVEMENT PLAN PRIORITIES 2014 – 2016 Moderation - To ensure that there is effective moderation procedures in place across core curricular areas. Tracking - Develop an effective tracking system across Literacy and Numeracy linked to Assessment. Self Evaluation - To ensure effective self evaluation as a vehicle for school improvement. 15 Bearsden Primary School Handbook 2015/2016 SCHOOL ETHOS Bearsden Primary School aims to enable pupils to become successful learners, responsible citizens, effective contributors and confident individuals. The school provides a caring and nurturing learning environment where pupils’ individual talents are fostered and developed. Our school is a multi-cultural school with almost 20% of pupils attending from ethnic minority backgrounds. Pupils’ achievements are very important and these are celebrated in class and at our weekly assemblies. The school values of Respect, Honesty and Friendship are reinforced through class work and as part of our Health and Wellbeing Curriculum. The school promotes positive behaviour in a variety of ways. Pupils agree school rules at the beginning of each session with their class teacher. From Primary 1 to Primary 3 pupils are rewarded for good behaviour using stickers and reward charts. From Primary 3 to Primary 7 house points are used to reward children for good work and behaviour. From Primary 4 to Primary 7 the school uses Value Time to reinforce and reward good behaviour. Strategies such as restorative practice and solution focused approaches help to support misbehaviour. Parents are informed of any unacceptable behaviour from their child at the earliest opportunity and are encouraged to work with the school to help modify this. Our Seasons for Growth group supports pupils who have experienced loss, upset or bereavement. The Positive Parenting Programme (Triple P) offers parents the opportunity to attend evening sessions and discuss strategies to support their children at home. Pupils learn to become Global Citizens through the work with Mphunzi school in Malawi. In recent years we have provided funding to enable the school to build a classroom block for their pupils. Staff and pupils correspond regularly with Mphunzi School. We also celebrate Chinese culture through links with our Confucius Hub School, St. Ninians, in Kirkintilloch and our focus on Chinese culture and language. Bearsden Primary has strong links with other council departments and schools, local businesses, including shops at Bearsden Cross and local supermarkets. Pupils enjoy visiting our pre-school partners and the elderly residents at nearby care homes. The school participates regularly in Fair Trade events and supports a Fair Trade tuck shop every week. Opportunities for pupil leadership are provided through elections for House Captains and Vice Captains, Pupil Council Representatives, Playground Buddies and the ECO Committee. Bearsden Primary achieved its first Green ECO Flag in 2004 and is among only a few schools in Scotland to have achieved 5 Green Flags. The Fundraising Group and Parent Council provide opportunities for parental involvement in the life of the school and this is highly valued. 16 Bearsden Primary School Handbook 2015/2016 EQUAL OPPORTUNITIES AND SOCIAL INCLUSION In East Dunbartonshire, all children and young persons are entitled to participate fully in a learning community, which promotes equal opportunity and seeks to protect against all forms of discrimination. The school believes that pupils and staff have the right to learn in a caring and safe environment. Staff will not tolerate any behaviour or attitudes which lead to staff and pupils being humiliated or harmed because of their race, colour, language, nationality, ethnic origin, cultural and religious beliefs, sexual orientation, gender, marital status and disability. Race In relation to race equality, the school follows written procedure whenever a racist incident is reported. This procedure is detailed in the document “Tackling Racist Incidents Within the Education Service”. Parents/Carers who want to find out more about this procedure should ask the school for a copy of the leaflet Managing Racial Harassment and Racist Bullying in Schools: A Guide for Parents/Carers. Disability The Disability Equality Duty (DED) places Education Authorities under a statutory duty to actively promote disability equality across all of their functions (policies and practices). East Dunbartonshire Council’s Education Service’s Disability Equality Scheme (DES) and Action Plan were published in December 2006. This Scheme and Action Plan will build on the wide range of work that the Education Service does to promote disability equality in East Dunbartonshire Schools. More information on this can be found in the Disability Equality Scheme (DES) and Action Plan for the Education Service. Further information is also available in the Education Service’s Accessibility Strategy. A copy of these documents can be obtained from all schools in East Dunbartonshire Council, and from the Head of Education who is based at The Marina, Strathkelvin Place, Kirkintilloch, Glasgow G66 1XQ Tel: 0300 1234510 Ext 8709 Gender The Gender Equality Duty (GED) was created by the Equality Act 2006. The GED requires Scottish Schools and Education Authorities to actively promote sex equality and improve services, policies and practices for all boys and girls. Schools and support services in East Dunbartonshire work hard to ensure that all pupils achieve their full potential and their Gender Equality Scheme and Action Plan reflects this commitment. A copy of this document can be obtained from all schools in East Dunbartonshire Council, and from the Head of Education who is based at The Marina, Strathkelvin Place, Kirkintilloch, Glasgow G66 1XQ Tel: 0300 1234510 Ext 8709 Bearsden Primary School is a multi-cultural school. We have policies and procedures in place to deal with racist incidents. The guidelines, produced by East Dunbartonshire Council are available to parents on request. 17 Bearsden Primary School Handbook 2015/2016 CHILDREN AND YOUNG PEOPLE WITH ADDITIONAL SUPPORT NEEDS East Dunbartonshire Council’s policies, procedures and practices relating to children and young people with additional support needs are in line with the Education (Additional Support for Learning) (Scotland) Act 2004 and the Education (Additional Support for Learning) (Scotland) Act 2009 which place duties on education authorities and provide rights for parents of children with additional support needs and young people with additional support needs. What are additional support needs? All children require support to help them learn. However there are some children and young people who need some extra support or support which is a bit different from the support provided for all children to make sure they benefit from school education. That support may come from education services but can also be provided by a NHS Board, Social Work, Skills Development Scotland, or independent and voluntary organisations. Children and young people in school who need extra support or a different sort of support from what is generally available have additional support needs. These additional support needs can arise for lots of different reasons. The reasons why a child or young person may have additional support needs are too many to list here, however the following are examples: That the child or young person: • finds it difficult to behave in school; • is hearing or visually impaired; • has a particular health need; • is living with parents who have a drug or alcohol dependency; • has English as an additional language; Some additional support needs may only last for a short period of time other additional support needs will be lifelong. What should I do if I think my child has additional support needs? If you think your child may have additional support needs you should talk to your child’s school or pre-school provision about this. What will the school do? All children and young people have their needs continuously assessed and reviewed. Your child’s school will be able to show you their assessment of your child’s needs and will send you copies of reports on how your child is progressing in school. All schools and pre-school establishments in East Dunbartonshire look at children’s needs as a process of staged intervention. This process allows teachers and others to • identify those children who may need additional support; • make plans to support those children identified; • deliver the support the child requires; and • regularly review the support provided. 18 Bearsden Primary School Handbook 2015/2016 In addition to the additional support which schools themselves can provide through individual planning or making specific resources available, schools can also request support from East Dunbartonshire Council’s specialist educational support services. The Council can also provide individual children with special equipment and resources if necessary. Some children may also benefit from attending the special schools and specialist resources which East Dunbartonshire manages. Parents have a very important role to play in their child’s education and the views of parents and young people will always be taken account of in making decisions which affect the child or the young person. If your child requires additional support at school you can provide the school with important information about your child which will be helpful in making plans to support your child. Parents and young people will always be invited to participate in reviews of progress. A small number of children and young people with additional support needs require a co-ordinated support plan (CSP). All of these children and young people will already have a staged intervention plan provided for them in school which set out targets for their learning and timescales for achieving those targets. Parents, professionals and the child or young person can all be involved in regularly reviewing the plans. The CSP sets out the educational objectives for an individual which can only be achieved by services such as health or social work working together with education to support the child or young person ie. where the support required must be co-ordinated. 19 Bearsden Primary School Handbook 2015/2016 If you have a concern about your child’s learning you should always, in the first instance, contact the school to arrange a time to discuss that concern. Every effort will be made by the school and the education authority to resolve your concern at that point. If you are not happy with the way the matter has been dealt with and you continue to have concerns you may be able to make use of one (or more) of the following: • mediation • independent adjudication • the Additional Support Needs Tribunals for Scotland to assist in reaching a satisfactory conclusion. PSYCHOLOGICAL SERVICES We have a link Educational Psychologist from the Council’s Psychological Service who supports us in delivering East Dunbartonshire’s policy for identifying, assessing and supporting all pupils, particularly those with additional support needs. The Psychological Service operates at three levels within the Council, namely that of the individual young person / family, the level of the whole school and that of the Authority. Our link Educational Psychologist works collaboratively with school staff at all stages of intervention with regard to individual pupils, groups of pupils or relevant topics related to the school improvement plan. 20 Bearsden Primary School Handbook 2015/2016 SUPPORT FOR LEARNING SERVICES East Dunbartonshire Council, in supporting inclusion in its schools, has a number of support for learning services. These are:• Education Support Team which includes English as an Additional Language Learning Support, Sensory-Hearing Impaired and Visual Impaired, Language and Communication Resources • Social, Emotional and Behavioural Needs Service • Short term Advice and Response Team The Services support pupils through:• Consultancy • Continuing Professional Development • Co-operative Teaching • Curriculum Development • Partnership Working Further information is available from the service managers who can be contacted via the school. FAMILY SUPPORT SERVICE The core purpose of this service is to provide support to families in developing their skills and confidence in their parenting and to provide services to children to enhance their development and learning. Examples of the services available include parenting workshops, individual support and Triple P as well as, holiday play scheme provision for children and young people with additional support needs. If you wish to access any of the services please contact the team on Tel: 0300 1234510 Ext 8665 Protecting Children and Young People East Dunbartonshire Council has issued Child Protection Procedures and Guidance which all staff must follow to promote the welfare of children and to protect them from harm. All adults must share the responsibility for promoting children’s health and safety and ensuring, as far as possible, that all children are protected from abuse, neglect and exploitation. Children cannot be expected to take full responsibly for keeping themselves safe. Professional staff must work together and in co-operation with families and carers to enable children to grow up in a warm, stimulating and safe environment. Education staff are required to assist in the protection of children by: • Creating and maintaining a positive and caring ethos • Developing health and personal safety programmes • Being observant of children’s needs, views and concerns • Reporting and recording concerns about the welfare or safety of children • Monitoring and supporting children in co-operation with relevant professionals, parents and carers. 21 Bearsden Primary School Handbook 2015/2016 Education staff cannot keep secret any allegations or concerns about child abuse, even if a child or adult request this. Information or concerns that a child may be at risk of harm must be passed on in order to protect the child. Staff will treat the matter sensitively, and information will only be passed to those who need to know in order to protect and support the child. If parents or others have concerns for any child, they can speak to the Head Teacher about this. They can also contact social work services and/or the police. When a member of staff, a child or another individual provides information and the Head Teacher considers that there is a possibility that a child has been harmed or is at risk of harm, the Head Teacher is required to immediately contact social work services to discuss the circumstances and agree the immediate action to be taken. School staff are then required to co-operate with any subsequent enquiries or support plans. Every education establishment or service has copies of the East Dunbartonshire Council Child Protection Procedures and Guidance. These are available for reference from the Head Teacher. ADDITIONAL SUPPORT NEEDS As with all local authority schools in Scotland, this school operates under the terms of the Additional Support for Learning Act (2009) and its accompanying Code of Practice. Further details of the policies and procedures can be found on the East Dunbartonshire Council website, and the school’s Additional Support for Learning Co-ordinator will be able to outline the support that can be offered in school. Working with other agencies and professionals – for example, Social Work Services, Educational Psychology Service, National Health Service and parents – decisions are made with regards to the best possible education to meet the needs of the child within the resources available. Specialist Support Service – teachers teaching in more than one school The Additional Support for Learning Team makes provision for children and young people who have a range of additional support needs. The service comprises of teachers who work in the pre-5, special, primary and secondary sectors. Staff in the team work in partnership with staff in the establishments to plan and deliver an appropriate curriculum. The service also provides staff development and advice on resources. The teams support the additional needs of: • children with a significant hearing and or visual impairment; • bilingual learners who are at early stages of learning spoken English; • looked after and accommodated children and young people who are experiencing difficulties in school; • children at early stages of primary school who have a developmental coordination disorder along with attention difficulties; • young people who attend special provision units; and • pre-5 children who have been identified as having significant support needs. 22 Bearsden Primary School Handbook 2015/2016 GIRFEC The Scottish Government introduced Getting it Right for Every Child (GIRFEC) as a programme of change, reaching across all children and adult services in the public and voluntary sectors in Scotland, to achieve better futures for all of our children, young people and their families. It builds from universal health and education services and drives the developments that will improve outcomes for all children and young people. The Children and Young People’s (Scotland) 2014 Act now provides a legal framework around these principles. We want all our children and young people to be fully supported as they grow and develop into successful learners, confident individuals, effective contributors and responsible citizens. We believe they should be: Safe, Healthy, Active, Nurtured, Achieving, Respected, Responsible and Included. These are the eight indicators of wellbeing. The Getting It Right approach is about how practitioners across all services for children and adults meet the needs of children and young people, working together where necessary to ensure they reach their full potential. It promotes a shared approach and accountability that: • builds solutions with and around children, young people and families • enables children and young people to get the help they need when they need it • supports a positive shift in culture, systems and practice • involves working better together to improve life chances for children, young people and families To do this the Scottish Government has proposed that all children have a Named Person until the age of 18 who will coordinate services for them, should they require it. The Named Person for children in early years settings is their Health Visitor and for those at school it is their Head or Depute Head Teacher. Young people under the age of 18 who have left school can access their Named Person via the Education Service. Once a concern has been brought to their attention, the Named Person, needs to take action, help, or arrange for the right support in order to promote the child’s development and wellbeing. Referring to the eight Wellbeing Indicators, they will need to ask these five questions: • What is getting in the way of this child or young person’s wellbeing? • Do I have all the information I need to help this child or young person? • What can I do now to help this child or young person? • What can my agency do to help this child or young person? • What additional help, if any, may be needed from others? The Named Person also needs to help children and families feel confident they can raise concerns, talk about their worries to people who will listen and respect their point of view and work with them to sort things out. Above all, they will ensure that the child or young person’s views are listened to and that the family (where appropriate) is kept informed. To find out more about Getting it Right or to access the Named Person for your child, please inquire directly to the school office. 23 Bearsden Primary School Handbook 2015/2016 Parents, carers and children with additional support needs can also seek independent advice and support through: • Children in Scotland: Working for Children and Their Families, trading as “Enquire – the Scottish advice and information service for additional support for learning”, a charitable body registered in Scotland under registration number SC003527. • Scottish Independent Advocacy Alliance, a charitable body registered in Scotland under registration number SC033576. • Scottish Child Law Centre, a charitable body registered in Scotland under registration number SCO12741. • Enquire:, 0845 123 2303 • Scottish Independent Advocacy Alliance,, 0131 260 5380 • Take Note: National Advocacy Service for Additional Support Needs (Barnados in association with the Scottish Child Law Centre), 0131 667 6633. ENGLISH AS AN ADDITIONAL LANGUAGE At the present time, we have 79 bilingual pupils at Bearsden Primary School. Some of these pupils speak 3 or even 4 languages. Altogether, children attending the school speak 27 different languages. We seek to encourage our bilingual pupils to use and develop their first language as much as possible as we know it supports their learning and enriches and strengthens the school. We are assisted in the school by East Dunbartonshire’s English as an Additional Language Service. This is a team of specially trained teachers who work co-operatively with the teachers to support the learning of the bilingual pupils. 24 Bearsden Primary School Handbook 2015/2016 HOME AND SCHOOL LINKS Links between home and school are very important for the child’s education and we hope that parents feel they are entering into a partnership with the staff of the school. It will be by co-operating with each other and sharing information about the child that we can help your child to realise his/her full potential. A pre-entrant programme is held prior to children entering Primary 1. This enables parents to get to know each other and to find out about the teaching methods used in school. The children also have the opportunity to meet their class teacher at this time. We have a group of parent helpers, who help out with activities such as structured play, art and crafts, and preparation of class materials on a regular basis. Parents also accompany classes on educational visits and to sports meetings. Although formal parent interviews are only held twice a year, parents can telephone the school to make an appointment with the Head Teacher or class teacher at any time. Newsletters are issued at the end of each month and these help to keep you informed about everything that is happening in school. These newsletters are normally issued to the eldest child in the family or via email. They are also available on the school website. An open day is held in March, when parents have the opportunity to observe the children completing their work tasks in the classroom. There is a Fundraising Group which organises a variety of social and fund raising activities throughout the session. A calendar of events is provided at the start of each term. Attendance at School Section 30 of the 1980 Education Act lays a duty on every parent of a child of “school age” to ensure that their child attends school regularly. Attendance must be recorded twice a day, morning and afternoon. Regulation 7 of The Education (School and Placing Information) (Scotland) Amendments, Etc. Regulations 1993 requires each child’s absence from school to be recorded in the school register as authorised: i.e. approved by the authority, or unauthorised: i.e. unexplained by the parent (truancy) or temporarily excluded from school. Un-notified Absence Policy It is East Dunbartonshire Council’s policy that parents should notify their child’s school if their child is going to be absent. In some circumstances it might not be possible for parents to pre-notify the school of an absence because their child may have become unwell during the night. In these circumstances, parents should notify the school before registration begins. If parents do not inform the school of their child’s absence, the school will take action to find your child. This will involve contacting you and, where necessary, your emergency contact person(s). If these actions are not successful, the school will ask the school’s Attendance Officer to visit your home. In some exceptional circumstances, where the school believes your child could be at risk of harm, contact will be made with the Police and /or Social work. Parents should also give their child a note on his/her return to school confirming the reason for absence. 25 Bearsden Primary School Handbook 2015/2016 COMMENTS, COMPLIMENTS AND COMPLAINTS PROCEDURE We are keen that you should be completely satisfied about your child's education and we encourage feedback on our services from parents and pupils. We are, therefore, interested in feedback of all kinds, whether it be comments, compliments, or complaints. If you want to register a comment of any type about the school you can do this by writing, e-mailing, telephoning or making an appointment to see someone. All feedback is welcome and keeps us in touch. If, in particular, you have a complaint about the school, please let us know. It is better that these things are shared openly and resolved fairly, rather than being allowed to damage the relationship between the family and the school. There will be no negative consequences arising from making a complaint and we will deal with the issue as confidentially as possible. In relation to making a complaint: • Stage 1 – Frontline resolution, we will always try to resolve the complaint quickly and to the customer’s satisfaction wherever we can. This resolution will be provided within five working days, unless there are exceptional circumstances. • Stage 2 – Investigation, if you are dissatisfied with the decision at stage 1, the complaint will be investigated, acknowledged in three working days and decision provided as soon as possible but within twenty working days. • If you are still unhappy after the further investigation and reply you can take the matter up with the Scottish Public Services Ombudsman, our reply will include the contact details. • You should also note that you have the right to raise unresolved concerns with your local councillors, MSP or MP. 26 Bearsden Primary School Handbook 2015/2016 Family Holidays Every effort should be made to avoid family holidays during term time as this seriously disrupts a child’s education and greatly reduces learning time. It should be noted that it not only has an adverse effect on a child while he/she is absent from school, but also leads to extended disruption to a child’s education for a period of time when he/ she returns to school after the family holiday. Family holidays will only be regarded as authorised absence where prior agreement from the school has been obtained and where it is judged the holiday is important to the well being and cohesion of the family, following serious or terminal illness, bereavement or other traumatic events. Parents may request that their children be permitted to be absent from school to make an extended visit to relatives. This leave will be regarded the same as a family holiday but will be recorded separately from school holidays for attendance purposes. Requests should be made in writing detailing the destination and the duration. Clearly with no explanation from the parents, the absence is unauthorised. 27 Bearsden Primary School Handbook 2015/2016 EXTRA CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES The school promotes extra curricular activities. These are provided by members of the teaching staff, support staff and outside agencies. At the present time we are able to offer the following activities: football training and cross country. In partnership with Bearsden Academy and associated primary schools pupils have opportunities to participate in sports festivals and cultural events. Additional opportunities for extra curricular activities are provided for pupils at transition to secondary school. Pupils in primary 7 have the opportunity to attend a week’s residential course at an outdoor centre. At other stages of the school, educational excursions enhance specific areas of the curriculum. Bearsden Primary After School Club Bearsden Primary After School Club is run by the voluntary sector and provides before and after school care. It was established in January 1994. The club has recently expanded and now caters for 60 children. Pupils from primary 1 – 3 meet in the gym hall. Pupils from primary 4 – 7 and S1 pupils meet in Bearsden Burgh Hall. All primary children are collected at the end of the school day from the school hall. Child care can be provided in the morning from 8.00a.m.- 9.00a.m. and from 3.00p.m. - 5.55p.m. each day. The facility is also available during in-service days and school holidays. 28 Bearsden Primary School Handbook 2015/2016 Registration forms and further details can be obtained by telephoning the co-ordinator: Sandra Clanachan 0141 943 2421 0141 942 0047 - Office 07966388178 E-mail: Web: SCHOOL DISCIPLINE The school promotes a positive approach to discipline whereby pupils are expected to take responsibility for their own behaviour, inside and outside school. School rules and class rules are discussed with the children at the beginning of each session. The school regards discipline as a matter which requires the full co-operation of all parties - child, parent and teacher. The relationship between pupil and teacher is like that between child and parent and it requires mutual consideration on both sides. Good standards of behaviour are encouraged and acknowledged, while breaches of discipline are dealt with firmly but fairly. Class teachers will seek the assistance of promoted staff in cases of repeated or more serious misbehaviour. School rules are formulated with the best interests of the pupils in mind and to ensure their safety. No child who has lunch in school, whether a school meal or a packed lunch, is permitted to leave the premises during the lunch interval. The co-operation of parents is sought to ensure that school rules are observed. A house system operates from P3 to P7 to encourage positive behaviour and to reward children for good work, effort and behaviour. Where behaviour becomes unacceptable there are set procedures to be followed. These might include verbal warnings, punishment exercises or parental involvement. Punishment exercises sent home will always explain the misdemeanour and should be signed by parents. Anti-bullying Procedures Bearsden Primary school promotes positive behaviour and operates a strict antibullying policy. Any incidents of bullying are thoroughly investigated by a member of the Senior Management Team. A copy of our anti-bullying policy is available on the school website. 29 Bearsden Primary School Handbook 2015/2016 SAFETY AND SECURITY ISSUES Road Safety In view of the heavy traffic at Bearsden Cross, and the surrounding area, strenuous and continuous efforts are made to make pupils aware of the need for constant vigilance as pedestrians. The police and East Dunbartonshire’s road safety officers visit school regularly to discuss safety strategies with the children. Parents can help by discussing road safety rules with their child. Parking Traffic congestion is a problem outside school. Parents can help by leaving enough time to park safely near the school and observing standard parking regulations when dropping off and collecting their children. Where possible, children should be encouraged to walk to and from school. School Security The school has a secure entry system fitted to all outside doors, including the gym hall. Visitors may gain access to the school by using the buzzer and video entry system located at the main entrance. Access to school is during office hours, which are 8.45a.m. - 4.15p.m. Parents and visitors must sign the visitors’ book and wear a badge whilst in school. A leaflet on School Security is available on the school website. SUPERVISION OF PLAYGROUNDS The playground is a tarmac surface with planters and a small garden area to the front of the school. There are benches in certain areas of the playground. Playground games have been painted on certain parts of the playground and children are encouraged to use these. A multi use games area is located in the rear playground. The playground is divided into areas for different age groups of children. This helps to avoid congestion and prevent accidents. Playground games are organised and supervised by our classroom assistants. An adult presence is provided in playgrounds at break times in terms of the Schools (Safety and Supervision of Pupils) (Scotland) Regulations 1990. This is normally undertaken by the Site Co-ordinator and the non teaching staff. 30 Bearsden Primary School Handbook 2015/2016 CHILDCARE INFORMATION SERVICE The Childcare Information Service is a free service provided by East Dunbartonshire Council. It aims to provide parents with accurate details on childcare provision in a variety of settings e.g. out-of-school care groups, childminders, nurseries, playgroups, holiday playschemes and parent & toddler groups. It also offers other advice including: choosing quality childcare, accessing help to pay for childcare and contact details regarding childcare organisations. To use this service please call the helpline number on 0141 578 8060, e-mail chis@ or log onto the service’s website at www.scottishchildcare. CHILD PROTECTION PROCEDURES East Dunbartonshire Council has issued Child Protection Procedures and Guidance which all staff must follow to promote the welfare of children and to protect them from harm. All adults must share the responsibility for promoting children’s health and safety and ensuring, as far as possible, that all children are protected from abuse, neglect and exploitation. Children cannot be expected to take full responsibility for keeping themselves safe. Professional staff must work together and in co-operation with families and carers to enable children to grow up in a warm, stimulating and safe environment. Education staff are required to assist in the protection of children by: • creating and maintaining a positive and caring ethos • developing health and personal safety programmes • being observant of children’s needs views and concerns • reporting and recording concerns about the welfare or safety of children • monitoring and supporting children in co-operation with relevant professionals, parents and carers. Education staff cannot keep secret any allegations or concerns about child abuse, even if a child or adult requests this. Information or concerns that a child may be at risk or harm must be passed on in order to protect the child. Staff will treat the matter sensitively, and information will only be passed to those who need to know in order to protect and support the child. If parents or others have concerns for any child, they can speak to the head teacher about this. They can also contact social work services and/or the police. 31 Bearsden Primary School Handbook 2015/2016 When a member of staff, a child or another individual provides information and the head teacher considers that there is a possibility that a child has been harmed or is at risk of harm, the head teacher is required to immediately contact social work services to discuss the circumstances and agree the immediate action to be taken. School staff are then required to co-operate with any subsequent enquiries or support plans. Every education establishment or service has copies of the East Dunbartonshire Council Child Protection Procedures and Guidance. These are available for reference from the head teacher. APPOINTMENT OF ADULTS TO VOLUNTARY CHILD CARE POSITIONS In order to meet a legal obligation under the Protection of Children (Scotland) Act 2003 and as part of the policy in respect of child protection, the Council has introduced a policy to ensure that any individual who is appointed to a voluntary child care position is not fully listed on the Disqualified from Working with Children List. This policy, which requires any adult appointed to a voluntary child care position, to undergo a criminal background check to ensure their suitability. The policy applies in particular to: • • • parent volunteer helpers in schools who are considered to have regular contact with children and young people; elected members serving on committees relating to the development of children’s services; any other individual working in a voluntary child care position within a service managed by East Dunbartonshire Council. The policy builds on East Dunbartonshire Council’s Child Protection Interagency Guidance (2002) which underpins all child protection work undertaken by local authority services. It also complements the Council’s policy on the leasing of council premises to organisations which provide activities and services to children and young people. 32 Bearsden Primary School Handbook 2015/2016 CLOTHING AND SCHOOL DRESS It is the policy of the Education Committee to encourage pupils to wear an acceptable form of school dress as determined by the Head Teachers, Parent Councils and parents. In encouraging the wearing of school dress, account must be taken of any proposals to prevent any direct or indirect discrimination on the grounds of race or gender. Any proposals will be the subject of widespread consultation with parents and pupils. Parents are asked to co-operate with the school in encouraging the wearing of the school uniform. A school’s reputation can also be enhanced in the local community by the wearing of school uniform and school security will be improved as it will be easier to identify intruders. The appropriate clothing and footwear for PE is a T-shirt, shorts and gym shoes with non-marking soles. These are necessary for health and safety reasons and your co-operation is requested to ensure that pupils are equipped to participate in the PE lessons. – please note there is a requirement that all jewellery is removed prior to undertaking physical education activities. Please ensure that all items of clothing are clearly labelled, particularly ties, sweat shirts and PE kit which are often lost. A protective apron or an old shirt should be worn for art and craft activities. Please help the school and the education authority by making sure that pupils do not bring valuable or expensive items of clothing to school. Offensive clothing such as T-shirts or other items painted with obscene language or illustrations are not permitted. Football colours are also inappropriate as they can lead to incidents of rivalry. Under no circumstances will pupils be deprived of any educational benefit as a result of not wearing uniform and, in particular, pupils will not be denied access to examinations as a result of not wearing school dress. Parents are asked to assist by ensuring that valuable items and unnecessarily expensive items of clothing are not brought to school. Parents/carers receiving income support or income based job seekers allowance or housing benefit or council tax rebate (not discount) or employment and support allowance (income related) will normally be entitled to monetary grants for footwear and clothing for their children. Parents who are in receipt of working tax credit and/or child tax credit may also be eligible, the Community Hubs and education office can provide more details. Approval of any requests for such grants made by parents in different circumstances is at the discretion of the Chief Education Officer. Information and application forms may be obtained from schools, the Community Hubs and the education office. If you have any queries regarding the school’s dress code, please contact the Head Teacher. Approval of any requests for such grants made by parents in different circumstances are at the discretion of the Head of Education. Information and application forms may be obtained from schools, the education offices and the area registration services offices. If you would like your child to wear a uniform, the main uniform items are detailed below: • Navy blazer • Navy rain jacket with the school badge • Grey trousers for boys, navy skirt, pinafore dress or navy trousers for girls • White shirt for girls and boys • Navy sweatshirt and white polo shirt with the school badge • School tie • Grey pullover or slipover for boys, navy cardigan or slipover for girls 33 Bearsden Primary School Handbook 2015/2016 The parents run a uniform shop and items can be ordered by mail order. Sweatshirts and polo shirts, with the school badge are available from the Uniform Committee as are t-shirts, ties, rain jackets. An order form can be found on the school website. Uniform items can also be obtained from the following suppliers: Man’s World, Byres Road, Glasgow and most department stores. Parents should contact one of the members of the Uniform Committee for information about availability of stock. Contact names and numbers are available from the school office. In the interests of health and safety, and in order that children gain maximum benefit from their work during P.E. children should be provided with shorts, t-shirts or polo shirts and gym shoes for gym lessons. For safety reasons, jewellery, including earrings, must not be worn during P.E. lessons. It is also helpful if parents label all items of clothing worn to school, so that they can be easily identified. The authority is concerned at the level of claims being received regarding the loss of pupils’ clothing and/or personal belongings. Parents are asked to assist in this by ensuring that valuable items and unnecessarily expensive items of clothing are not brought to school. Parents should note that the authority does not carry insurance to cover the loss of such items and any claims submitted are likely to be met only where the authority can be shown to have been negligent. A lost property box is located in the Site Co-ordinators room. SCHOOL MEALS We know that maintaining a healthy diet is linked to a happy and active lifestyle. By eating a school meal provided by East Dunbartonshire Council’s School Meals Service your child is guaranteed a balanced nutritious meal to keep them healthy and alert throughout the school day. The meals are freshly cooked on a daily basis by our skilled staff who care about food and your child’s wellbeing. Our staff will help your child to make balanced choices. The meals meet the Scottish Government’s nutritional regulations. Our school meals service, Ed’s Lunch Club, offers a choice of hot meals, snacks or packed lunches for children. Menus are provided twice a year and parents should discuss the menus with their children and help them to select an appropriate lunch time meal or snack. A main meal costs £2.15, and a snack costs £1.95. Children pay for their meals on a daily basis. Parents of children in Primary 1 are invited to visit the cafeteria in September when the children start school in the afternoon. In this way, you can see the range of food available and advise your child what to buy. If you wish to visit the cafeteria at any other time to see the selection of food, please contact the Head Teacher. 34 Bearsden Primary School Handbook 2015/2016 Facilities are also available within the canteen for children who wish to bring a packed lunch. Please remember, in the interests of safety, that glass bottles should not be brought to school. If you require a special diet for your child, this can be provided. However, prior notice is necessary so that the kitchen can order the appropriate food. Vegetarian choices are a normal part of the menu. Please remember that we are a ‘Nut Free’ school. Free School Meals Some families may be eligible for free school meals. Children of parents/carers receiving income support or income based job seekers allowance are entitled to a free midday meal. Children of parents who are in receipt of child tax credit or working tax credit and child tax credit or employment and support allowance (income related) or support under part IV of the immigration and asylum act 1999, may also be eligible. Information and application forms for free school meals may be obtained from schools, the education office and area registration services offices or www. Only those children whose parents receive income support or income based job seekers allowance (and child tax credit where qualifying income criteria has been met) will be entitled to free milk. Milk may however, be available for purchase in the school during the lunch period. From January 2015 all pupils in P1, P2 and P3 will be entitled to free school meals. Please do not apply for free school meals if your child(ren) is/are in P1, P2 or P3 as a meal will automatically be given. 35 Bearsden Primary School Handbook 2015/2016 MEDICAL AND HEALTH CARE Information should be given on medical and dental inspections and on dental treatment. Parents should be given an indication of the procedures followed if a child takes ill at school. Parents should be made aware of the necessity to inform the school of any particular medical requirements and of arrangements to be made if a child has to be taken home. Parents should provide the Head Teacher with sufficient information about their child’s health care needs and treatment. Where necessary, this information should be updated annually or more frequently if there is a change in circumstances. Where there is concern about whether the school can meet the pupil’s needs or where the parents’ expectations appear unreasonable, the Head Teacher should seek advice from the school nurse or doctor and, if required, the Head of Education. Medication in School If your child requires to take medication during the school day, you must contact the school so that the appropriate parental consent forms may be completed. All medicines must be clearly labelled and given to the office staff. Please speak to Mrs Johnston if you have any queries about medication. If your child suffers from asthma and requires an inhaler, please provide a spare inhaler which can be kept in school, so that the child does not have to carry it back and forward to school every day. Illness or Accidents during the School Day If a child takes ill or has an accident during the school day we might need to contact the parent immediately. It is essential that we have a current day time contact number for parents, and an emergency contact in case the parent is unavailable. We also require the name and telephone number of the family doctor. Parents should ensure that the school is informed immediately of any change to emergency contact numbers. Medical and Dental Appointments Please remember that children cannot leave school during the day unless accompanied by an adult. Therefore, if your child has a dental appointment or similar you will be required to collect him/her from the school office. When you return your child to school following a medical appointment, please use the main door and report to the office staff. 36 Bearsden Primary School Handbook 2015/2016 INFORMATION IN EMERGENCIES We make every effort to maintain a full educational service but on some occasions circumstances arise which lead to disruption. Schools may be affected by, for example, severe weather, temporary interruption of transport, power failures or difficulties of fuel supply, in such cases we shall do all we can to let you know about the details of closure or re-opening. We shall keep you informed by using letters, notices in local shops and community centres, announcements in local churches and announcements in the press and on local radio. School notice boards are fixed to the school building opposite the Drymen Road entrance and the Roman Road entrance. These will provide up to date information. Posters will also be attached to the school gates during emergency situations. There will also be updates on the East Dunbartonshire Council website. Parental Communication With School in Case of Emergency It is important that parents keep contact with the school to a minimum in the case of an emergency. When you telephone the school you will be asked for a contact number and your message will be repeated back. Please ensure the pupil’s name, class and/or teacher’s name is given. Where possible you should telephone before 2.30pm if there are any changes to childcare arrangements. Business Continuity In the event of an emergency evacuation of the building, pupils will proceed to the designated assembly points within the school playground. If there is an emergency closure of the building pupils will be redirected to the muster site at Bearsden Burgh Hall. Parents and carers will then be contacted to uplift their children from the Burgh Hall. PARENTAL INVOLVEMENT ACT The Scottish Schools (Parental Involvement Act) 2006 aims to improve the quality and extent of parents’ involvement in their own child’s learning and in the education the school provides. It modernises and strengthens the framework for supporting parental involvement. It also establishes a structure and process to replace School Boards with Parent Councils. There will also be updates on the website The Act outlines three areas where parents should be supported and encouraged to be more involved in their child’s learning: • At home - providing parents with information on what their children are learning at school and how this can be supported at home • Through school – providing parents with opportunities to contribute to the life of the school e.g. By helping out in the classroom at school events • In a more formal way – deciding what kind of parent representation the schools should have 37 Bearsden Primary School Handbook 2015/2016 Parent Forum & Parent Council All parents / carers are automatically members of the Parent Forum at their child’s school. As a member of the Parent Forum all parents can expect to – • receive information about the school and its activities; • hear about what partnership with parents means in our school; • be invited to be involved in ways and times that suit you; • identify issues you want the parent council to work on with the school; • be asked your opinion by the parent council on issues relating to the school and the education it provides; • work in partnership with staff; and • enjoy taking part in the life of the school in whatever way possible. The Parent Forum decides how their representatives on the Parent Council are chosen and how the Parent Council operates. Parents / carers are encouraged to volunteer or put themselves forward to be chosen as representatives of the Parent Council if they wish. The main aims of the Parent Council are: • To support the school in its work with pupils • To represent the views of parents • To promote contact between the school, parents, pupils, providers of nursery education (if applicable) and the community • To report to the Parent Forum • To be involved in the appointment of senior promoted staff. • To raise funds for the school for the benefit of pupils (in some schools the PTA fulfils this role). For more information on parental involvement or to find out about parents as partners in their children’s learning, please contact the school or visit the Parentzone website at The members of the Parent Council are: NAME ADDRESS POSITION HELD Katharine Otway 23 Stirling Drive, Bearsden G61 4NU Martin Albrow 30 Milverton Avenue, Bearsden G61 4BE Dr Chris Dorman Coherent Scotland Ltd,Todd Campus,West Of Scotland Science Park G20 0XA Chair Mark Esdaile 3A Thorn Road, Bearsden G61 4PP Co-opted Member Claire Turner 52 Thorn Road, Bearsden G61 4BP January Morgan-White 12 Thomson Drive, Bearsden G61 3NU Douglas Lambie 25 Courthill, Bearsden G61 3SN Tara White 11 Norman McLeod Crescent, Bearsden G61 3BF Neil Cochrane 6 Milverton Avenue, Bearsden G61 4BE Lorna Mitchell 20 Kilmardinny Crescent, Bearsden G61 3NR Debra Macfarlane 17 North Erskine Park, Bearsden G61 4LZ Wendy McLaren 18 Norman McLeod Crescent, Bearsden G61 3BF Stuart Dickson 29 South Erskine Park, Bearsden G61 4NA Clerk The Head Teacher has a right and a duty to attend all meetings of the Parent Council. Minutes of Parent Council meetings can be found on the school website. 38 Bearsden Primary School Handbook 2015/2016 FUNDRAISING GROUP The Fundraising Group is mainly responsible for arranging events for parents and raising funds for the school. Volunteers are welcome - please contact the Fundraising Group if you want to join in. The Scottish Parent Teacher Council is the national organisation for PTAs in Scotland and runs an independent helpline service for all parents. They can be contacted by phone on 0131 226 4378, fax 0870 706 5814 or email on or write to SPTC, Mansfield Traquair Centre 15 Mansfield Place Edinburgh EH3 6BB Chairperson Mrs January Morgan- White c/o School Office or EARLY YEARS SUPPORTING FAMILIES SERVICE The core purpose of this service is to provide support to families in developing their skills and confidence in their parenting and to provide services to children that enhance their development and learning. Examples of the services available include parenting workshops, individual support and Triple P as well as, holiday playscheme provision for children and young people with additional needs. If you wish to access any of the services or need more information please contact the team on 0141 578 8665. LIAISING WITH AND INVOLVING PARENTS IN THEIR CHILD’S EDUCATION The Education Service is keen to ensure that it involves all parents appropriately and sensitively in their child’s education. Under Education Law, “parents” include: - - - - Non-resident parents who are liable to maintain or have parental responsibilities in respect of a child; Carers who can be parents; Foster carers, relatives and friends who are caring for children under supervision arrangements; Close relatives, such as siblings or grandparents caring for children who are not “looked after and accommodated” by the local authority or are under home supervision (looked after) arrangements. Everyone who is a “parent” (under Education Law) has the right to receive advice and information about their child’s education and take part in activities. The Education Service will treat all parents equally. The exception to this is where there is a court order limiting an individual’s exercise of parental rights and responsibilities. Schools collect information about a child’s family circumstances on an annual basis. Where family circumstances change during a school session, it is important that parents inform their child’s school of these changes. 39 Bearsden Primary School Handbook 2015/2016 Further information about how the Education Service seeks to work with parents is available in the publication Schools, “Parents” and “Parental Responsibility”: A briefing paper for schools and education support services under the management of East Dunbartonshire Council (2007). This publication is available from schools or the Chief Education Officer who can be contacted at: East Dunbartonshire Council The Marina Strathkelvin Place Kirkintilloch Glasgow G66 1TJ Tel: 0300 1234510 Ext 8709 Email: TRANSITIONS All East Dunbartonshire nursery classes follow the Council’s early years admissions policy. Places can be provided either in a local authority nursery or with a recognised provider in the private and voluntary sector who have been accepted onto East Dunbartonshire Council’s framework to provide pre-school education. For administration purposes, parents are asked to complete a registration form and take it to any East Dunbartonshire local authority primary school or extended day centre during the enrolment week in January. Parents are asked to bring the relevant birth certificate(s) and proof of residency when enrolling their child(ren) if they are East Dunbartonshire residents. Parents who reside outwith East Dunbartonshire do not require proof of residency. It is important that you make application by the end of February for children aged three to five for places for the forthcoming school year. Forms are available from the Council’s website at or by contacting the Early Years Helpline (0141 578 8707). It is important to note a placement within an East Dunbartonshire Nursery/Partnership Centre does not give children an automatic place within an East Dunbartonshire Primary School. 40 Bearsden Primary School Handbook 2015/2016 In order to make the transition as smooth as possible, we work very closely with the secondary school. Our associated secondary school is Bearsden Academy. All pupils transferring to Bearsden Academy spend two days at the secondary school, usually at the beginning of June. They are shown round the school and follow the secondary timetable for S1. This helps to familiarise the children with the school staff and the building. Primary 7 pupils are also involved in a range of liaison activities throughout the session. Staff and pupils from Bearsden Academy visit the primary school regularly. In these ways, the children become familiar with the staff and the school before they leave primary. This helps to relieve any anxieties that the children might have. A meeting for parents is normally held in November each year. At this time, parents have an opportunity to find out about the organisation, the curriculum and the examination system offered by Bearsden Academy. A further meeting for parents is held in June. Pupils are normally transferred between the ages of eleven and a half and twelve and a half so that they will have the opportunity to complete at least 4 years of secondary education. Parents will be informed of the arrangements no later than December of the year preceding the date of transfer at the start of the new session. Children attending Bearsden Primary School normally transfer to : Head Teacher - Mr George Cooper Bearsden Academy Stockiemuir Road Bearsden G61 3SF e-mail: Tel. 0141 955 2344 41 Bearsden Primary School Handbook 2015/2016 REGISTRATION AND ENROLMENT The date for registration of new school entrants is advertised in all local nurseries, the local press and on the council’s website It is normally in January each year. Pupils should be registered in only one school for their catchment area. Parents will be provided with information about the school, when they register their child. Parents who want to send their child to a school other than the catchment school must make a placing request. Parents of pupils who have moved into the catchment area or, who wish their child to transfer to the school, should contact the school office for information. Before leaving nursery, a transfer of information record for each child will be prepared by nursery staff to ensure a smooth transition and continuity of education for the child transferring to primary. Primary School Admissions When commencing Primary 1 education, your child will normally attend the local denominational or non-denominational Primary school (regardless of religion) and transfer from it, after Primary 7, to its associated Secondary school. Details of the catchment areas and boundaries can be obtained from the Education Office – Tel. 0300 1234510 Ext 8722, or the relevant school. Enrolment dates will be set by each school and the enrolment should be completed in January prior to the start of term in August. The authority will place adverts in the local press and nurseries advertising the date(s) for enrolment. Enrolment Forms should be completed on enrolment day at your catchment school. Parents are asked to bring the relevant birth certificate(s) and proof of residency when enrolling their child(ren). You are still required to enrol your child(ren) at your catchment school even if you do not wish him/her to attend that school. Enrolment timetables will also be available through the East Dunbartonshire Council website at Children eligible for enrolment are those whose 5th birthday falls between 1st March and the end of February the following year. Parents are invited to an evening meeting in June. This meeting gives parents an opportunity to find out about the curriculum followed and resources and methodologies used in Bearsden Primary School. It is a useful introduction to the school. Pupils starting in August will be invited to our pre-entrant programme which also takes place in June. The children will spend some time in the Primary 1 classroom and meet their teacher. Pupils attending local nurseries will take part in visits with their nursery class or pre-school at different times throughout the year. 42 Bearsden Primary School Handbook 2015/2016 SECONDARY SCHOOL ADMISSIONS Transfer Information will be issued to parents at the end of term one, in Primary 7. If you wish your child to attend a secondary school other than the catchment denominational or non-denominational secondary school(s) for your home address, you will be required to make a Placing Request as detailed in the Placing Request section below. You do not need to submit a Placing Request if you want your child to transfer from a non-denominational secondary school or vice-versa at the primary to secondary transfer stage, as long as the intended secondary school is still the catchment school for your home address. Parents of children who are planning to change from denominational to non-denominational or vice-versa between primary and secondary school should ensure that both the primary school and the intended secondary school know what is to happen. PLACING REQUESTS As a parent, you have the right to make a Placing Request for your child(ren) to be educated in a school other than the catchment school. Applications for Primary 1 and Secondary 1 Placing Requests to commence school in August will be accepted following the publication of an advert in the local press inviting applications in early December. Every effort will be made to try to meet parental wishes, but you should note that it is not always possible to grant every Placing Request to a particular school. You should also note that a successful Placing Request for one child does not guarantee a successful one for another child. It may be, therefore, that a parent could end up with children at different schools. Primary 1 children must also be enrolled at the catchment area school on the appropriate Enrolment Form whilst awaiting the outcome of their Placing Request Application. If the Placing Request is granted, the child’s enrolment at the catchment school will automatically be withdrawn by the Education Office. Placing Requests can only be approved when there are sufficient places remaining in the class after all catchment area children have enrolled and if staffing and accommodation at the school are able to meet the numbers of Placing Requests at that school. The Education Office can also reserve places in a class for future catchment pupils they expect to move into the area in the following school year. If more Placing Requests are made for admission to a particular school than places available, these Requests will be prioritised according to East Dunbartonshire Council’s Admissions Policy and requests accepted and refused accordingly. 43 Bearsden Primary School Handbook 2015/2016 Your Placing Request will be considered against a set of criteria which is set out in the Council’s priorities for admission. Any Placing Requests received after the 15th March for Primary 1 and Secondary 1 will not be considered in the first round of Placing Requests. Parents / Carers will be notified of the outcome of their request within 2 months of receipt of your placing request. As soon as a decision has been made, you will be notified of the result. If your Placing Request is successful, you will be asked to contact the school to establish arrangements for enrolment. Parents should note that in cases where your child is currently in attendance at a primary school as a result of a successful placing request, there will be the need for a further request to be made to transfer to the secondary school associated with the primary school. Parents should, however, be aware there is no guarantee that any such request will be successful and therefore contact should be made with your local secondary school to inform them of your intention to request a place in a school of your choice. Parents are requested to contact the education office to clarify this position if they are unsure. 44 Bearsden Primary School Handbook 2015/2016 Mid Session Transfers You may make a Placing Request at any time during a school session. If your child is experiencing problems at school, you are advised to discuss the matter with the Head Teacher prior to making a Placing Request. Completing the Application Form does not guarantee a place for your child at your chosen school. Your Placing Request will only be granted if there are surplus places available at the school. Transport for Placing Requests If a Placing Request is successful, parents will be responsible for the safety and transportation costs of their child to and from their chosen school. DATA PROTECTION ACT 1998 East Dunbartonshire Council will process your child’s personal data in compliance with the Data Protection Act 1998 and all other relevant legislation. The Council may share your child’s personal data with other Council services and public agencies to support the delivery of services to promote the health, safety and well-being of children and young people. ACCESSING YOUR CHILD’S PUPIL RECORDS Parents have a legal right of access to their child’s core education records, regardless of the age of their child. These are the records held within your child’s Personal Pupil Record (PPR). Parents do not have a general right of access to all records that mention their child. To access your child’s file, please apply in writing to the Head Teacher. A child has a legal right of access to all records held about them. This includes records that may be held out with of the PPR. If a child is aged 12 or over and can show suitable maturity and understanding they may exercise this right of access through a request to the Head Teacher in writing. If your child is aged 11 or younger, or is not considered to have suitable maturity or understanding, then a parent may make an application on their child’s behalf for access to all records. The table below summarises who may access what records through writing to the appropriate Head Teacher. 45 Bearsden Primary School Handbook 2015/2016 AGE OF CHILD Under 12 12 and older CHILD’S LEGAL RIGHTS A child’s parent or guardian may apply on the child’s behalf for access to all records If able to show suitable maturity and understanding, the child may apply for access to all records PARENT’S LEGAL RIGHTS Right of access to core education record (PPR) Right of access to core education record (PPR) No legal right to all records unless acting as child’s representative because child is unable to show suitable maturity or understanding FREEDOM OF INFORMATION (SCOTLAND) ACT 2002 The Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act gives individuals a statutory right to the unpublished “internal” information and records held by Scottish Public Authorities such as East Dunbartonshire Council and its schools. Individuals have already used this legislation to find out about policy, procedures and how particular decisions have been reached. If you would like to use this legislation to access particular information please write to the Head Teacher, and subject to certain conditions and exemptions, you will receive a full response within twenty working days of receipt of the request. Please note that you cannot access personal information on staff or pupils under this legislation. To access personal information about your own child, please see the section 28 on Accessing Your Child’s Pupil Records. 46 Bearsden Primary School Handbook 2015/2016 THE SCOTXED PROGRAMME TRANSFERRING EDUCATIONAL DATA ABOUT PUPILS The Scottish Government and its partners collect and use information about pupils to help to improve education across Scotland. This note explains why we need this information, how we use it and what we do to protect the information supplied to us. WHY DO WE NEED YOUR DATA? In order to make the best decisions about how to improve our education service, Scottish Government, education authorities and other partners such as the SQA need accurate, up-to-date data about our pupils. We are keen to help all our pupils do well in all aspects of school life and achieve better examination results. Accurate and up-to-date data allows us to: • plan and deliver better policies for the benefit of all pupils, • plan and deliver better policies for the benefit of specific groups of pupils, • better understand some of the factors which influence pupil attainment and achievement, • share good practice, • target resources better. DATA POLICY Information about pupils’ education is collected through our statistical surveys in partnership between the Scottish Government and Local Authorities through the ScotXed Programme which aims to help schools and Local Authorities by supporting efficient collection, processing and dissemination of statistical information. The Scottish Government then provides analysis of the data to support research, planning, management and monitoring of education services as well as to produce National Statistics publications. Education data within Scottish Government is managed effectively by secure systems and is exploited as a valuable corporate resource, subject to confidentiality restraints. As part of its data policy, Scottish Government will not publish or make publicly available any information that allows individual pupils to be identified, nor will data be used by Scottish Government to take any actions in respect of individuals. Data is held securely and no information on individual pupils can or would be made publicly available by Scottish Government. The individual data collected by Scottish Government is used for statistical and research purposes only. YOUR DATA PROTECTION RIGHTS The collection, transfer, processing and sharing of ScotXed data is done in accordance with the Data Protection Act (1998). We also comply with the National Statistics Code of Practice requirements and other legislation related to safeguarding the confidentiality of data. The Data Protection Act gives you the right to know how we will use your data. This note can give only a brief description of how we use data. 47 Bearsden Primary School Handbook 2015/2016 Fuller details of each individual ScotXed survey, including the purpose of each and the published data, can be found on the ScotXed website ( Scottish Government works with a range of partners including HM Inspectorate of Education, Skills Development Scotland and the SQA. On occasion, in order to help meet our aim of improving our education system, we may make individual data available to partners and also academic institutions and organisations to carry out additional research and statistical analysis to meet their own official responsibilities. Any sharing of data will be done under the strict control of Scottish Government, and will be consistent with our data policy. This will ensure that no individual level data will be made public as a result of the data sharing and that these data will not be used to take any actions in respect of an individual. Decisions on the sharing of data will be taken in consultation with relevant colleagues and individuals within and outwith Scottish Government. At all times pupils’ rights under the Data Protection Act and other relevant legislation will be ensured. CONCERNS If you have any concerns about the ScotXed data collections you can email the Senior Statistician, or write to The ScotXed Support Office, Victoria Quay, Leith, EH6 6QQ. Alternative versions of this page are available, on request from the ScotXed Support Office, in other languages, audio tape, Braille and large print. 48 Bearsden Primary School Handbook 2015/2016 USE OF PHOTOGRAPHS AND VIDEO FILM INVOLVING PUPILS On occasion, the school may seek permission from parents to photograph/video pupils for internal purposes within the school, for Council publicity materials and/or for press/media related activities. If a pupil’s image is being used on any webpage or on a webcam, parents will be asked for express consent as this image has the capability of being viewed by any person with Internet access world wide. Pupil photographs will be held with the school’s Management Information System (SEEMIS), parents will be asked for consent. SCHOOL CAMPUS NO SMOKING POLICY With the introduction of the Smoking, Health and Social Care (Scotland) Act 2005 and the Prohibition of Smoking in Certain Premises (Scotland) Regulations 2006, East Dunbartonshire Council now operates a no smoking policy across all authority’s school campuses. Any person accessing the school must refrain from smoking in any of the school campus areas. PUPIL USE OF MOBILE PHONES IN SCHOOL There have been many concerns raised by head teachers, staff and parents about the extensive use of mobile phones by pupils and the associated risks of such use while in school. The Education Committee of East Dunbartonshire Council as a result of these concerns, agreed that each school should have the power to set its own policy in relation to pupil use of mobile phones in school. All establishments will incorporate the following points into their policy: 1.Schools will discourage, and will also advise parents to discourage, pupils from bringing mobile phones to schools. 2. Parents will be advised that East Dunbartonshire Council will not accept liability for the loss or damage of mobile phones which are brought into the school or school grounds by pupils. 3. If pupils bring mobile phones to school, the phones must remain switched off while the pupils are in class. Head teachers will have the power to extend the switching off of mobile phones by pupils to the whole school building and also to the school grounds. 4. Where a pupil is found by a member of staff to be using a mobile phone outwith the policy of the school, the phone will be confiscated. When a phone is confiscated, a receipt will be passed to the pupil by the relevant member of staff, in order that the pupil can present the receipt at the end of the school day to uplift the phone. 5.If a pupil is found taking photographs or video footage with a mobile phone of either other pupils or staff, this will be regarded as a serious offence and the Head teacher, depending on the circumstances, will decide on an appropriate discipline. In certain circumstances, the pupil may be referred to the Head of Education. If images of other pupils or staff have been taken, the phone will not be returned to the pupil until the images have been removed. 49 Bearsden Primary School Handbook 2015/2016 Please Note Although the information contained in this handbook is correct at time of printing, there could be changes affecting any of the matters dealt with in the document. a) before the commencement or during the course of the school year in question; b) in relation to subsequent school years. SCHOOL HANDBOOKS All authorities are required by law to issue a copy of the school handbook incorporating current policies and practices of both the council and the school to certain parents in December each year for their use as appropriate. ADDRESSES AND TELEPHONE NUMBERS Head of Education The Marina Strathkelvin Place Kirkintilloch Glasgow G66 1XQ Councillors Telephone: 0141 578 8709 Duncan Cumming Ian Mackay Ashay Ghai Keith Small Manjinder Shergill Vaughan Moody Members’ Services 12 Strathkelvin Place Kirkintilloch G66 1TJ Telephone: 0141 578 8000 Bearsden Registration Office (Footwear, Clothing Grants and free School Meals purposes) 38 Roman Road Bearsden G61 2SH. Tel: 0141 578 8669 50