Présentation PowerPoint
Présentation PowerPoint
Grande-Bretagne Espagne Italie Pologne Bulgarie France Aby chronić pry watność uży tk ownik a, program PowerPoint uniemożliwił automaty czne pobranie tego zewnętrznego obrazu. Aby pobrać i wy świetlić ten obraz, k lik nij przy cisk Opcje na pask u k omunik atów, a następnie k lik nij opcję Włącz zawartość zewnętrzną. The project " Young gardeners for mutual understanding" aims at encouraging the pupils and the professors of various countries of Europe (France, Great Britain, Poland, Spain, Italy and Bulgaria) to collaborate and to make sensitive them on sustainable development. Our partnership bases on the variety of our establishments (urban or rural schools, big or small schools). This partnership has to allow us to involve all the pupils of the partner establishments, including the pupils with specific needs so that no child stays out. All the girls and the boys will find their place and will participate in the respect for each and in the objective of promotion of the intercultural education, the fight against racism and xenophobia. We want to educate pupils to be future citizens full of cultural and civil values. The Elementary school "Saint Sofronii Vratchanski" is situated in the city of Vratza, region of northwest of Bulgaria. For the last 18 years the region knows an important economic backwardness and the level of unemployment rose. In mind of the European orientation of Bulgaria and for the second year of our official membership our school declares its willingness for participation to the program Learning quite in long of its life, Comenius. We would like to know the other country and the nations, as well with the peculiarities of the other systems of education which with of better practise educational. The activities of projects we shall supply the occasion to enrich and to diversify the educational process, to improve our professional qualifications and to attract the parents and the local community as our associate. We believe that the result of project will increase the prestige of our school and will facilitate it as place attractive for the children, the professors and the parents. The Elementary school "Saint Sofronii Vratchanski" is a primary school opened on the realities of the world, the school wishes to associate the youngest with activities such as proposed by the Comenius projects. These are a real opportunity to put our young people in touch with the other European young people, to discover the cultural, social, religious, economic traditions of the countries of the Union European. These contacts with the other young people also have to facilitate the opening of spirit of our society of Western Europe in the other cultures, in the other socio-economic modes of functioning. This discovery of the other one is important for a recognition of the rights of each, supposes of a durable peace between nations. CEIP Roque Aguayro is located in an area which has suffered of a growth of population and an important industrial activity in a short period of time. We want to create different ways of communication among the different countries to share methodologies and objectives. The school "Jean Jaurès" is situated in Villeurbanne, next to Lyon, implanted in the North of the southeast quarter of France. City of 127 000 inhabitants, rich in ethnic and cultural differences, it is remarkable by its spirit of tolerance. In the 27th rank of the cities of France, it occupies the 12th rank of the cities of more than 100 000 inhabitants for its economic activity. As everywhere in France, Villeurbanne does not escape the economic recession and the multiplicity of the precarious jobs increases the social instability. The municipality chose a strong educational politic with an important budget assigned for the functioning of 24 school complexes. The district of our school benefits from a big social coeducation, poor families are next to others more easier and the school complex is classified in difficult environment. Our school complex consists of 7 classes of nursery school and 15 classes in elementary. Many pupils of culture of diverse previous history, but also children recently arrived in France, frequent the school. The social heterogeneousness stressed by the differences of cultures and school levels brings us to open our educational practices to build links and give meaning to the learnings. Join a project Comenius will allow the pupils to exchange, to communicate, to compare and by consequence, to enrich and to deepen their school knowledge but also in human sciences. It is also the possibility for the teachers to discover the other conditions of education and maybe to end in the elaboration of new strategies. And more particularly within the school, such a project strengthens the teamwork. Our school, S.M.S. “GAIO CECILIO SECONDO” is in a very wide and populated suburb; it is attended by students of lower middle class with their parents out at work all the day. In each classroom there is almost a child with learning disabilities and lots students from foreign countries (above all from China, Romania, Poland, Ecuador, Bolivia). The school has a very important social role in the suburb: it is a datum point for children and parents also in the afternoon when students attend the curricular activities with their teachers. The school works on Internet with the other schools of the suburb, of Rome and of Latium. We expect to gain from European cooperation an apprehension of differences and similarities in the living conditions of children in different countries, an acquisition of a better understanding and tolerance in relation to other people. Our village is situated in the south-east of Poland just near the border on Ukraine. This area is underdeveloped. The economy doesn’t function properly here, so we’ve got serious problem of unemployment. 35% of our pupils commute to school from nearby villages. 45% of our pupils come from the families of the former collective farm workers. Many families are with many children. In the school we have pupils from the whole commune so we face different psychological disturbances, caused by socio-economic factors. Furthermore, we haven’t got any specialised schools in the vicinity. Under school roof we gather all categories of children and those with special educational needs as well. The school tries to help these pupils, offering them additional compensatory lessons, different recreational, sport and educational facilities. We want to give equal educational chances to the children from different social environments and create the opportunities for “attractive” learning using the recent computer and information achievements. We want to show our pupils that in the whole world, in different cultures, there are children at their age with the same aspirations, passions, interests and needs. We expect our kids to share their knowledge, experiences and feelings with their partners. Writtle Junior School is close to the centre of Writtle Village. It is sited in a rural location close to the heart of the village. The school provides a spacious and well resourced learning environment. There are 7 classrooms and a large hall based around a central garden area. The school is used by the wider community for a range of activities. We are lucky to have an outside classroom which is used as a meeting room and by our SEN department. It is also used for Cookery, Design and Technology and small group sessions. Our outside environment stimulates play and is a fantastic teaching and learning tool. We have a large playground with a quiet area. This leads to a playing field with a marked football pitch and athletics tracks. Two climbing frames one with low level equipment are used all year round and there is a willow dome which can be used for shade or lessons in the summer. Writtle Junior School would like to participate in the Partnership as we feel it would broaden the knowledge and understanding of our pupils about the wider world. It would allow them to have contact with children of a similar age and will gain an insight to the education and lives of children in a different country. We expect to gain a valuable working partnership with the different schools which will last much longer past the end of the project. Szkoła Podstawowa im. Marszałka Józefa Piłsudskiego w Horyńcu-Zdroju Primary school Podstawowa Sobieskiego,8 37-620 Horyniec-Zdrój (: 0048 880297985 S.M.S. “Gaio cecilio secondo” Via dell’aeroporto 115 00175 ROME (: 0039 067615957 Writtle County Junior School Margaretting Road, Writtle CM1 3HG Chelmsford (: 0044 01245 420592 htpp:// PPT realized by Isabelle Jassigneux C.E.I.P. Roque Aguayro c/ Mexico 22 35260 AGÜIMES (:00 34 928781144 Начално училище „ Свети Софроний Врачански „ Primary School “ St. Sofronii Vrachanski” Street “ Stoian Kialatchev” n 2 182040 Vratza (: 00359 92 62 14 49 École Jean Jaurès 17 rue Richelieu 69 100 Villeurbanne (: 0033 04 72 65 41 38