Innovative Education Solutions
Innovative Education Solutions
Innovative Education Solutions by Mozaik Education Watch our video: mozaBook 4. 5 interactive board software suite mozaBook software is optimized for interactive boards for in-class teaching. It allows you or pupils to create their own exercise books and enrich them with various different types of digital content like interactive 3D animations, educational videos, images or exercises. mozaBook also offers more than 70 thematical applications and games covering all the subjects which help teachers in raising pupil's attention and help pupils to understand the topic more easily. Find in our webshop • • • • sharing and community features creation of interactive publications from PDF files can be perfectly used on any type of interactive display interactive and animated exercise books to be created mozaTools applications An important role was given also to subjectrelated interactive mozaTools applications within mozaBook providing unique opportunity for visualization, skill development and experiments. The 70+ currently available applications are continually upgraded with additional features, and their number is increasing all the time. Pupils also have access to the tools on mozaWeb. Try our applications on Illustration and drawing tools You can create spectacular animated presentations where videos and 3D scenes can also be used. By using the intuitive user interface of the visual drawing tool, even the youngest pupils can draw playfully, while precise mathematical drawings are simple to construct with the help of the built-in rulers, protractor and compass. mozaik3D scenes You can supplement the subject material of mozaBook exercise books and imported publications with over 1000 three-dimensional scenes in a unique way. The models can be inserted into your publications to the corresponding subject material, and by playing them on an interactive board, they provide exceptional opportunity to more effectively process the material. Teachers and pupils can access the models through the mozaWeb online platform designed for home learning and preparation. In most scenes we can take a walk, just like in video games, and they also contain narration and interactive exercises. Try our 3D scenes on Built-in Test editor Impressive, individualized tests are simple to create with mozaBook's Test Editor. These tests can be incorporated into the publications or presentations which can then be played in class. You can choose from several types of exercise (multiple choice, pairs, crossword puzzle, find the problem, ordering, place on a map, fill out the chart, sets, etc.). Pictures, drawings, videos and sounds can be inserted from mozaBook exercise books and imported publications, from mozaBook's Media Library, from the Internet (YouTube, for example) or from the user's computer as well. Find in our webshop mozaWeb digital learning at home mozaTools apps and interactive content (3D scenes, educational videos, exercises and supplementary materials) help teachers in their preparation from home and aid pupils in home learning. These are accessible not only in mozaBook but from the mozaWeb platform as well. mozaWeb is accessible with any Internet browser: no special software is required. mozaMap digital maps for interactive board The mozaMap interactive maps offer atlases expanding the range of tools available for teaching geography and history. Different types of maps and their elements can be varied freely and individually, which makes preparing for and teaching classes simpler. Find in our webshop • The digital atlases contain the full content of our printed geography and history atlases. • By using the zoom tool and turning selected map elements on and off, unique map views can be created and saved. Exercises We can add industrial, mining, agricultural, and many other cartographic symbols from the integrated gallery to our personalized map. Map elements can be inserted manually, but the software is also capable of generating exercises and automatically checking their solutions. Custom maps based on mozaMap are simple to create. Text, images, built-in pictograms and signs can be added to maps. These new maps can be saved for later use. Set views are helpful when displaying a certain historical event. The view, built up according to the material, only shows the characteristics of the given era or historical event. Mozaik Education Klauzal sq. 1., 6720 Szeged, Hungary • Tel.: +36 62 554 664 E-mail:, Web:
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