Edition 4 - 11 May 2012 Website Colour.pub


Edition 4 - 11 May 2012 Website Colour.pub
14 May 2012—Edition 4
From The Principal
Dear Parents and Carers
Welcome back to second term and already into week five, the pace has quickened with so
much happening during this term.
With the rest of the nation, the Kingston State College community proudly commemorated
ANZAC Day 2012. This proved to be a very moving ceremony with students paying special homage to the
armed forces who had so bravely fought not only at Gallipoli but had served in France to defend the little
village of Villers Bretonneux on the Somme against terrible odds. On ANZAC morning I had the privilege of
joining staff members Ms Caroline Hill, Ms Kym Penman, Ms Vikki Kelly, Mrs Carolyn Gow and Mr Josh
Hobbins our School Captains, Student Councillors and students in participating in the Logan City Council
Ceremony, marching along Wembly Road to the Art Gallery and the memorial shrine. Likewise, our students
proudly represented the College in the City at the ANZAC Memorial with four thousand Queensland students.
Special thanks must go to Mr David Holgate, Mrs Deb Sparks Ms Vikki Kelly and Mrs Carolyn Gow for their
excellent organisation of these events.
Year 12 Interviews
Over the past six weeks I have had the opportunity to interview the Year 12 students raising issues, including
academic performance, attendance, completion of work and their projected end of year credentials and future
study, training and job prospectives. All of the Year 12s must be congratulated on the exemplary manner in
which they have participated in this exercise. However, there is still much work to do over the next five
months if our students are to achieve their results.
Our Year 9 students are to be commended for their diligent commitment as they prepare this week for the
NAPLAN test. Also, my sincere thanks to all Math and English staff for their support of our students and to
Mr David Holgate, Mr Norman Gill and Ms Caroline Hill for their thorough organisation of the whole week.
7-8 Enrolment Evening
Next week on Thursday 24 May the College will host our Expo/Enrolment Evening for new Year 7 students.
We made the decision to once again have the ‘Open Evening’ earlier in the year as parent feedback from last
year suggested that this important decision of high school choice, needs to be considered earlier. Mr
Norman Gill will be coordinating the evening from 5.30pm – 7.30pm. We look forward to seeing many new
families as they begin the important transition to high school.
Education Week—Welcome Mayor Pam Parker
It gives me great pleasure to welcome parents and carers to our ’Open Morning’ to celebrate Education Week
on Monday 21 May. Parents and carers are invited to a special assembly at 10.30am where a number of
performances will showcase our talented students. We are delighted to welcome our Logan Mayor, Pam
Parker, who will be involved in the ‘Principal for a Day’ program as part of Education Week. Parents/carers
are invited to attend classes during period one next Monday 21 May and then join us for Morning Tea and
parade. Please RSVP to the College on 3826 1333 if you would like to attend.
Proud representatives of Kingston State College
Finally, it gives me great pleasure to acknowledge the outstanding participation of many of our students in so
many extra curricular activities. Whether it is in the Debating Competition, dancing in ‘Bring It On’ or Creative
Generation, preparing for the ‘Readers Cup’ or running in the Regional District Cross Country, our students
have been proud ambassadors for our College. Well done!!
We are looking forward to meeting parents and carers on our special ’Open Day’ parade to celebrate
Education Week on Monday 21 May and our Year 7-8 Enrolment evening Thursday 24 May from 5.30pm7.30pm.
Best wishes for an excellent term 2.
Francine Barker
Shoes and Uniform
Students are expected to be wearing the correct footwear
to school as per the student diary - black or white leather
shoes. Shoe laces must be the same colour as the shoes.
If there is a problem then students should bring a note
from home explaining the issue. A uniform slip will then be
issued for the day. A detention is only given when the
student is not in correct uniform and they have failed to
bring a note.
The weather is starting to get cooler and students, if not
already done so, will need to purchase the school jumper.
The requirements for the jumper can be found in the
Student Diary on page 10 as part of the School Dress
One of the main benefits gained from students wearing
their correct uniform is that they are easily recognisable as
Kingston State College students. When an unauthorised
person is in the school grounds it is easy for staff to
recognise that the person does not belong at the College
and moved on.
expected to enter the grounds through the
top gate and sign in at Administration.
Failure to sign into school will result in the
student being marked absent.
School Rules
There are 4 basic school rules which a set of expected
behaviours hinge upon. It is important that all of the
College community promote these values.
At all times each student will
1. Demonstrate Commitment
2. Display Cooperation
3. Use Commonsense
4. Show Courtesy
Students who abide by these rules will commit to the
College’s Vision “Progress with Pride”.
Mobile Phones
Generally students are discouraged from bringing mobile
phones and other electronic devices to school. If they are
Arriving at school
brought to school they MUST be out of sight and turned
When students are dropped off at school at the back gate off during all lessons. If the mobile phone is lost or stolen,
it is expected that they immediately enter the College
the College cannot be held responsible. Disciplinary
grounds. It is not appropriate to loiter at the back gate or
action will be taken against any inappropriate use of a
walk back to the shops. Safety of our students is a priority mobile phone or any other electronic device.
and as such students are safer in the school grounds.
The back gates are both locked by 9am. Late students are David Holgate - Deputy Principal
Yr 9 NAPLAN Testing
Yr 9 NAPLAN Testing
‘Mighty Minds’ Workshop for Yr 12 QCS students
Yr 9 NAPLAN Testing
National Careers & Employment Expo (BCC)
MET East Cross Country
UQ Sunflower Competition
ICAS Computer Skills
Yr 10 SOSE Excursion Berrinba Wetlands
Gold Coast Careers Expo—Gold Coast Exhibition & Convention Centre
ENABLE Debating 5pm
Yr 7-8 Enrolment Evening 5.30pm-7.30pm
Aspirations Workshop 10.30am-2pm
Motivational Media Yrs 8-12
Murri Master Chef Cook Off—Loganlea
Skills Tech Open Day
Dream It Up—Logan Entertainment Centre
Bring It On—City Church Bowen Hills
World of Maths Activity Yr 8s
World of Maths Activity Yr 9s
World Environment Day
Aspirations Completion Ceremony 9.30am-11am
Each term we focus on one of the 4 principles of our positive behaviour expectations. The 4 principles are Courtesy, Commonsense, Cooperation and Commitment. This term the focus principle is courtesy. Every week the students will have
a mini lesson that focusses on being courteous. Some of the points begin discussed are listed below. By continuing these discussions at home you reinforce the
expectations that are being taught to the students every day. As the old saying go
“courtesy costs nothing”, please encourage your children to be courteous to each
other, their family and the community.
We need to be courteous to others by:
Speaking politely, using a person’s name and looking at the speaker when you
speak to them
When speaking don’t yell, use a speaking voice
Using manners such as please and thankyou
Opening the door for someone
Giving up your seat on a bus or train
Not walking away when someone is speaking to you
Listening to others and accepting their ideas, not talking over them
Being friendly and not being a bully
Taking turns and including others
Being helpful
Trying to understand others and their opinions
As the saying goes: Do to others, as you would have them do to you
All students are involved in the Schoolwide Positive Behaviour Program and Rewards Program. Students receive “Gotcha” stickers when they are caught doing/demonstrating the correct, expected behaviour. These
stickers are collected in the diary (Junior school) or on a Loyalty card (Senior school) and once specific quantities are received the next level of reward is issued.
Students in Years 8 – 9 collect six stickers which are traded for Positive Conduct Awards, then Dean’s Awards
and then a Medal. Students in Year 10 – 12 collect 10 GOTCHA stickers on a blue "loyalty card", six cards
are traded for a Positive Conduct Award, six Awards are traded for a Voucher. At end of term
all senior students that have been issued vouchers will be entered into a draw to win the term
Please ask them how many “Gotcha” stickers they have received and encourage your child to
work to get these rewards, and praise their great efforts.
Caroline Hill
Head of Special Education
Common Sense
A huge thankyou to McCafe Marsden and Logan Central for supporting SWPBS
Mr James Hamlyn (FTV/ICT/English/SOSE)
What are you currently reading? “A
Confusion of Princes” by Garth Nix.
What is your all-time favourite author?
Favourite book/series? Love this guy!
Garth Nix has such a captivating style of
writing. I especially love to pieces his
“Old Kingdom” trilogy – such an
imagination! He has a range of writing
styles also - as the “Old Kingdom”,
starting with “Sabriel”, is about magic and death with
two side by side worlds separated by The Wall – akin to
Hadrian’s wall in Scotland – which a traveller can easily
cross, though the undead cannot; whereas “A confusion
of Princes” is a sci-fi novel which has led to the creation
of a MMO game.
Why do you enjoy reading? I love reading these genres
for the interest, the “what if”, the adventure and often
the passionate use of magic, ability or science to lead to
Ms Joanna Pickham (Drama teacher)
What are you currently reading? I am
Conversation” by Catherine Blyth. It is
about social rules and the way that
humanity interacts in ‘polite society’. I am
fascinated with language and human
behaviour. I am really enjoying Catherine
Blyth’s observations about gesture and conversation.
What is your all-time favourite author or book? C. S.
Lewis is my favourite author, but I cannot possibly
choose a favourite book. I love everything for different
reasons – from “Heidi” to “Lord of the Rings” to “The
Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde”.
Why do you enjoy reading? To escape, to learn and
Mr Matthew DeBrenni (Maths/HPE/
SOSE teacher)
What are you currently reading? I am
currently reading the publication of the
Queensland Law Society, “Proctor”. An
article of particular interest is called
'Parenting and Protection' which outlines
the new definition of family violence from
conduct that causes that person reasonably to fear for,
or reasonably to be apprehensive about, his wellbeing
or safety to now covering behaviour that coerces or
controls a member of the person's family or causes that
person to be fearful. The Act now covers derogatory
taunts, unreasonably denying financial autonomy, and
preventing a family member from making or keeping
connections with his or her family, friends or culture.
What is your all-time favourite author or book? As I am
very interested in Australian history, I enjoy reading
history books particularly by Keith Windschuttle, “The
Fabrication of Aboriginal History: The Stolen Generation
Why do you enjoy reading? I enjoy reading because it
relaxes me and takes me to another place in the world.
Mrs Jenny Paterson (Science/Maths/
English teacher)
What are you currently reading? I have
just started a book called
Calligrapher’s Secret” by Rafik Schami. I
have never read this author before but
it’s set in Syria and I enjoy learning
about different cultures. I normally read
detective novels and the last one I read
was “The Mao Case” by Qiu Xiaolong.
This novel is set in China and again I like
learning about the culture as well as enjoying the
detective genre.
What is your all-time favourite book or author? I
don’t have a favourite author and I will read anyone. If
the book doesn’t grab me in the first twenty to thirty
pages, I will stop reading and start another.
Why do you enjoy reading? Reading is a way of
relaxing and it is my favourite pastime.
Kes Eisentrager (Year 10 Student)
What are you currently reading? I’ve just
finished the third book in “The Hunger
Games” trilogy called “Mockingjay”,
which is my favourite in the series.
What is your all-time favourite author?
Favourite book/series?
Collins, who wrote “The Hunger Games”.
I just like the way she writes.
Why do you enjoy reading? It takes you into another
world. You can just picture the characters however you
Jordan O’Neil (Year 8 student)
What are you currently reading? I am
currently reading the “Alex Rider” novels
by Anthony Horwitz. It’s espionage, spy
What is your all-time favourite author?
Favourite book/series? That would have
to be Emily Rodda’s “Deltora Quest”
series. I have read thirteen of them. It’s
medieval fantasy, one of my favourite
time periods. Melee weapons are cool.
Why do you enjoy reading? It gives me
something to do and it interests me.
Ms Alison Jackson
Enrichment Coordinator
Kingston State College
Trivia Night
Date: 6/06/2012
Time: 6pm — 8pm
Kingston College will be holding a
Trivia Night on Wednesday 6 June 2012
In the College Community Hall from 6pm—8pm.
Teams can consist of 6 –8 members.
Cost: $10.00 Adults & $5.00 Students.
A portion of the entry fee will go to the winning Team
prize money!!!
So get a team or two together and come along and
support your school.
There will be prizes and a major Raffle on the night.
B.Y.O Nibbles and Soft drink NO ALCOHOL
Tea and Coffee will be provided.
Kingston College P&C
RSVP: Friday 25 May
Contact: Julie Coleman
Secretary P&C
3826 1357 / 0402 450 774
Congratulations to the following students who represented
Kingston State College and made the District Cross
Country team at Loganlea SHS on Thursday 26 April.
Troy Gorry
Sophie Petrou
We wish these students all the best when competing in
the Met East Cross Country trials on Tuesday 22 May at
Capalaba State College.
Well done!!
Courtney Ward
Kyle Toovey
Geoffrey Tibbi
Kirsten McDonald
Solomon Coleman
Rachael Morgan
Richard Herron
Shani Horton
Isaiah Farr
Jacob Napoli
Under the Education Tax Refund, parents and others
who are eligible can claim 50% of their eligible education
expenses up to $750 for primary students and $1500 for
secondary students.
This means you could receive a refund each year of up
to $375 for each primary and $750 for each secondary
school student in your care.
What can you claim?
You can claim the purchase, lease, hire or hire-purchase
costs, repairs and running costs of:
Laptops, home computers and associated costs—for
Ben Kelly
Rua Vigo
Joey Wrampling
example, internet and paper
• Educational software, printers, USB flash drives,
disability aids to assist in the use of computer
equipment for students with special needs
• Stationary and art supplies
• School text books and associated learning materials
• Trade tools and safety equipment for secondary
school trade courses.
• School Uniforms, footwear, hats etc.
For further details and a more comprehensive
list visit www.educationtaxrefund.gov.au
Congratulations to our two new Queensland Youth Parliamentarians –
Hamdi Abdinasir (Yr 12) and Carisssa Degney (Yr 11). From the many
hundreds of excellent applicants from around the state, Hamdi and
Carissa were selected to be part of the 2012 YMCA Queensland Youth
Parliament – a unique forum for young people, offering fantastic opportunities for engagement in community issues and building leadership
On the weekend of 14 and 15 April, Hamdi and Carissa joined 93 of our
state’s brightest "Leaders of Tomorrow” to lay the foundations for the
Queensland Youth Parliament. Day one focused on the basic rules of
parliament and bill making, meeting with committees and getting to know
other participants (also the occasional “banana dance”!). The program
was officially launched on Saturday night, with a ceremony at Queensland Parliament House to mark the occasion, when the chamber was
filled with state parliamentarians such as the LNP's Fiona Simpson (who
will act as speaker for the September residential camp, when the youth
parliamentarians argue their bills in parliament).
Day two involved starting on their committee bills and choosing team
leaders, as well as a discussion with members from the mining industry,
farming representatives, environmentalists and the Attorney-General, to
understand the issues regarding mining and how we can best benefit from the boom.
Carissa was appointed to be part of the Mining, Natural Resources and Science committee and the member for
Waterford (sponsored by MPs Desley Scott and Graham Able), while Hamdi is in the Multicultural and Indigenous Affairs committee and the member for Logan (sponsored by our Mayor Pam Parker). Hamdi commented, “After the great weekend, Carissa and I can really say we got a great deal out of the sessions that were run
by the executives – from the rec activities, to the parliamentary sessions, to the discussion panel and the rest.
Even the crazy dances we were forced to take part in!” No doubt, we’ll be hearing lots more about this dynamic duo and their adventures in parliament.
Ms Alison Jackson (in collaboration with Hamdi Abdinasir)
Prepare for the Cooler Weather
With the cooler weather on the way, make sure you pre-order your JUMPER to ensure you do not
miss out.
Kingston State College has a uniform policy which has been developed in consultation with students and the P&C Association.
It is our school community’s belief that a school uniform is best for our students because:
It avoids the competition between students to be those dressed in the most expensive
brand name clothes.
It ensures that students are dressed in clothes that are appropriate for learning activities.
It complies with Occupational Health and Safety requirements.
Students, neatly dressed in uniform, give the community a good impression of themselves
and their school.
Intruders to the school can be easily identified when all others are in uniform.
Please note a Layby facility is available with a $10 deposit.
The cost of the school fleecy jumper is $40.
CYBERBULLYING! What is it?...How to deal with it!
Cyberbullying is using technology to deliberately and repeatedly bully someone else. It can happen to anyone, anytime, and can leave you feeling unsafe and alone.
Cyberbullying can include:
• Abusive texts and emails
• Posting unkind messages or images
• Imitating others online
• Excluding others online
• Inappropriate image tagging.
Remember, treat others as you would like to be treated when communicating online.
How do I deal with it?
• Don’t retaliate or respond
• Block the person doing the bullying and change your privacy setting
• Report it - Click the report abuse button
• Collect the evidence - keep mobile phone messages and print emails or social networking conversations
• Talk to someone you trust, like a family member or friend.
Talking to your teachers or parents can make a difference. Your school may have policies in place to deal with bullying and cyberbullying.
What do you do if your friend is being bullied online?
While it can be hard to know if your friends are being cyberbullied if you see or know about cyberbullying happening to a friend:
• Don’t forward messages or pictures. Though you may not have started it, you will become part
of the cyberbullying cycle
• Stand up and speak out - tell a trusted adult
• Support your friend and report the bullying.
Caroline Hill
Head of Special Education Services
ICAS 2012 is coming… In the next few months, many of our capable academic students will be selected to
participate in ICAS (International Competition and Assessment for Schools), conducted by the University of
This challenging program will provide our top students with valuable opportunities to test their knowledge and
skills in Science, English and Mathematics and be measured against the performance of students across Australia, New Zealand and the Pacific. Students will receive certificates of achievement, which can be added to
their portfolios, as well as individual diagnostic reports. Our first High Distinction was awarded in 2011, plus an
impressive number of Distinctions and Credits.
How will our high achievers fare this year? Good luck to students for ICAS 2012.
Proposed ICAS Sitting Dates
Science …
English …
Mathematics …
Wednesday 6 June
Tuesday 31 July
Tuesday 14 August
Yr 7—8 Enrolment Expo will be held on
Thursday 24 May 2012
Performances and School Tours
(Sausage sizzle available on the evening)
Month of M
of May
Buy a full size cake from Underwood
♦ Mention Kingston State College
♦ School will receive $4 from every sale
Cnr Compton Road and Kingston Road—The Zone
(same complex as WOW!)
Uniform Shop Opening Hours
Wednesday & Friday ONLY
8:00am – 9:30am
Woolworths Earn and Learn has commenced
again as of last week. This year instead of using dockets Woolworths are issuing stickers for
every $10 sold. All students will be issued with
a sheet during PC, should students require
more they will need to see Mrs Julie Coleman
in the school library. Last year our school received fourteen new books for the
ROAR area and this year we hope
to get more resources to benefit our
Thank you
Mrs Julie Coleman
A considerable amount of time across Australia and in
schools is lost due to parent condoned absences.
According to statistics in Australia, the average student
will lose one year of education (200) days through
parent condoned absences over their school career
from Prep to Year 12.
The thought of an argument with a teenager to get
them to school is sometimes too great to bear!
However, every day a student is away they are losing a
learning experience. When students miss
one of three lessons a week of a subject, there will
be gaps in their learning and additional
stress to catch up!
After love, the most important thing we can
give our children is an education. Should
you need assistance saying “NO” to your son/daughter
on their attendance, please contact the College
immediately. Regular attendance at school will develop
strong resilience as children are exposed to a wide
range of learning opportunities. Working together we
can develop the strong work ethic our children need to
reach their potential in life.
n, Fu
Kingston State College will be hosting its inaugural Attendance Fun Day on Friday 13 July. This event is both an
incentive and a reward for students to attain and maintain a high attendance at school.
To qualify, students must have an attendance of (95%*) or greater for Semester One and have no suspensions for
this period. For those students that do not qualify, classes will continue as normal.
More details about the Fun Day will follow in the next edition of the newsletter.
Fun, F , Fun,
un, FuFu
* Subject to change.
n n
Remember - Every Day Counts!!
A network for parents/caregivers with children who are deaf or
have any degree of hearing loss.
Family Picnic
Come along to relax in the park with other families.
Playground for the little ones and activities for the kids.
Great opportunity for children to have fun together, as well
as for parents to connect. New families especially welcome.
10.00am – 2.00pm Sunday 20 May 2012
ANZAC Park, Dean St, Toowong http://www.ourbrisbane.com/
A plate to share (finger food). Picnic rug, chairs, balls, frisbee etc
Note: Wet weather alternative Toowong State School Hall, top of Kate Street,
Toowong at 1.00 – 4.00pm. Check website on the day www.podqld.com
POD Qld aims to connect families who have children who are deaf or have any degree of hearing
loss via social gatherings as well as information sharing via a parent email network
pod.qld@gmail.com and website www.podqld.com .
POD Qld welcomes families using all range of communication methods and
POD is supported by Deaf Children Australia (DCA)