OOO P DDD SSS - British Columbia Youth Parliament
OOO P DDD SSS - British Columbia Youth Parliament
v In This Issue… vCabinet Minister Cabinet newsletter published by the Minister of Communications; medium for event announcements and updates, ministerial reports, photo-showcase, jokes, and anecdotes; anti-Shadow-Cabinet-ness; must-have inside scoop to the glamour and rhythm behind the British Columbia Youth Parliament EMI _ LIE - ANNE PAUL Premier _ Minister of Camp Phoenix _ Minister of the Island YP EXPERIENCE! BCYP (Min. of Camp Phoenix, Deputy Premier, Min. of Regional Youth Parliaments, Sessional Affairs), NSYP (Premier, Chair, Speaker), WCYP (Head Clerk), VYP (Deputy Speaker, Clerk), VIYP (Head Clerk) SCHOOL! UVic BIRTHDATE!10.06.85 JOB!Starbucks Barista DDEEPPUUTTYYSSPPEEAAKKEERR SECRET FETISH Hand Bags & shoes ULTIMATE PET PEEVE Bad drivers 3 WORDS SUMMING UP MY BEING Outgoing, outspoken and funny BIGGEST SHORT-COMING Inability to walk like a model LIFE-LONG DREAM To surf every surf-able body of water in the world FAVORITE DISH The Dish with No Name at Pagliacias OBSESSED BAND/ARTIST Modest Mouse, Death Cab or… okay I have more than one obsession PHOBIA Spiders LAST PERSON I SHOOK HANDS WITH Glenda the Good Witch on Saturday night at a costume party SOMEONE YOU WANT TO SHAKE HANDS WITH Indri Ghandi or Aaron Sorkin FAVORITE KEYBOARD BUTTON Apple (also known as pretzel) LEAST FAVORITE PART OF MY ROOM The wall with the door on it WHAT MAKES ME LAUGH Arrested Development FAVOURITE ATTRACTION IN VICTORIA Ogden Point, 10 Mile Point or Cadburo Bay…. JU L _ IA LOCKH _ ART Deputy Speaker PRREEMMIIEERR OVERVIEW Profiles Calendar with upcoming events Story of Cabinet Legweekend Par _ lia _ men _ ta _ rian (n) ^ She would rather look like Spongebob than Shrek. YP EXPERIENCE! Too much to count SCHOOL!Hahahaha, No BIRTHDATE!24.05.84 JOB!Policy Analyst, Ministry of Employment and Income Assistance ^ She would rather always overdress than to always underdress. SECRET FETISH Neatly ordered lists FAVOURITE ATTRACTION IN VICTORIA My apartment (mmmmm bed) LIFE-LONG DREAM To find a job that is half as much fun as youth parliament $10 FOR ADVENTURE Well given the ferry prices these days that’s not even enough to get off the island so… I’d go to Sidney and look at the ocean FAVOURITE FAIRY TALE Cinderella OBSESSED BAND/ARTIST Imogen Heap MUST-HAVE BATHROOM WARE Toothpaste SOMEONE YOU WANT TO SHAKE HANDS WITH Tony Blair LEAST FAVOURITE PART OF MY ROOM Lack of shelving I WOUND CHANGE MY NAME… Helen FAVOURITE DISH Anything with pasta IDEAL RETIREMENT PLACE Vancouver WHAT ALWAYS MAKES YOU LAUGH My friends LAST PERSON YOU SHOOK HANDS WITH A co-worker’s cousin FAVOURITE BUTTON ON KEYBOARD Tab rd th th YP EXPERIENCE ! BCYP (73 Member, 74 Min. of RYP, 75 Deputy Speaker & Deputy Min. th of Finance, 76 Min. of Finance & Corporate Relations & External Affairs), tons of RYPs Attorney General Minister of Corporate Relations SCHOOL!UBC (Honours Political Science & Honours French) BIRTHDATE!02.08.84 JOB!AMS appointment tutor at UBC & part-time clerical work DAN _ ICA WONG FAVORITE SAYING “Funky” ULTIMATE PET PEEVE At home, my neighbour’s yappy dogs out and about, drivers talking on cell phones AATTTTOORRNNEEYYGGEENNEERRAALL DESIRED SUPER-POWER Omnipotence, I want them all ALTER-EGO Monica from Friends EMBARASSING MOMENT Throwing up in class once $10 FOR ADVENTURE I would see a movie because it’s transporting, entertaining, doesn’t take a lot of time and there are great snacks WHAT MAKES ME LAUGH Royal Canadian Air Farce episodes OBSESSED BAND/ARTIST Josh Groban UNDERLINE ONE po-tah-to / po-tay-to / poo-ta-too MUST-HAVE BATHROOM WARE: Hairbrush SOMEONE I WANT TO SHAKE HANDS WITH Lurlene McDaniel < CCOORRPPOORRAATTEERREELLAATTIIOONNSS She would rather write and proof–read a dictionary for job, than to be unable to write. ARRCCHHIIVVEESS CORRI _ GAN CAS _ SIDY Minister of Archives YP EXPERIENCE! thBCYP (75th, 76th Member), VIYP (15th and 16th Member), NSYP (14th Member), VYP (18 Member) SCHOOL!UBC BIRTHDATE!04.09.87 CCOOMMMMUUNNIITTYYFFUUNNDDRRAAIISSIINNGG SECRET FETISH Ice cream for the sake of innocence DESIRED SUPER-POWER Most definitely the ability to dodge bullets, daggers and questions in QP ALTER EGO Agent Smith, only with white hair EMBARASSING MOMENT Let’s go with ‘master debater’ and leave it at that 3 WORDS SUMMING UP MY BEING Sharplikestick, fastlikehorse, strongliketractor LIFE-LONG DREAM To sail the seven seas on a hovercraft. Yeah. WHAT MAKES ME LAUGH Question Period! OBSESSED BAND/ARTIST AHSB04/05 (ask me sometime…) IDEAL RETIREMENT DESTINATION Las Vegas (gambling away my pension since 2052) SONEONE I WANT TO SHAKE HANDS WITH Each and every one of the new members! FAVOURITE KEYBOARD BUTTON The zero along the top. Again, ask me some time I WOULD CHANGE MY NAME… Maximus Desimus Jones < ^ He would rather be stuck wearing stripes than polka-dots. He would rather run 200m on hot coal, than to stand on burning hot metal for 20s. TRA _ VIS WONG Minister of Community Fundraising YP EXPERIENCE! BCYP (76th Provincial Secretary) SCHOOL!SFU BIRTHDATE!09.04.87 JOB!Lifeguard SECRET FETISH Intimate candlelight dinner FAVOURITE SAYING “Life is like a piece of snot.” ULTIMATE PET PEEVE Uncut toenails ALTER-EGO Mr. Incredible 3 WORDS SUMMING UP MY BEING Incredible super hero LIFE-LONG DREAM To live longer than my sister $10 FOR ADVENTURE I would buy flowers and give it to my mother MUST-HAVE BATHROOM WARE Black toilet paper IDEAL RETIREMENT DESTINATION 7650 Greenall Avenue SOMEONE I WANT TO SHAKE HANDS WITH That blonde girl who sits 2 seats to my left in English Tutorial FAVOURITE KEYBOARD BUTTON Enter I WOUND CHANGE MY NAME… Magnum COOMMMMUUNNIICCAATTIIOONNSS JEN _ NI _ FER LOONG Minister of Communications & Internet Affairs YP EXPERIENCE!BCYP (76th Member), VYP (18th Critic for Archives & External Affairs), Camp Phoenix (05’ Kitchen) SCHOOL!York House School BIRTHDATE!05.06.88 JOB!Applied to a handful, currently waiting for responses SECRET FETISH Grapes, men in dress-shirts, ice cubes, Australian vocabs, earrings & scandalous unmentionables FAVOURITE SAYINGS “To the max,” “flipping stoked,” “poor kid,” “straight up” ULTIMATE PET PEEVE Walking on main streets on the side opposing car flow, pale skin, people checking out my feet, taping book corners & Asian ganstas 3 WORDS SUMMING UP MY BEING Raw. Chic. Inexorable. BIGGEST SHORT-COMING Lactose intolerance, indecisiveness, inability to get angry $10 FOR ADVENTURE Convince some beach-boy to fix me a surf-board, and ride out the waves in the sun, in his company OBSESSED BAND/ARTIST Jason Mraz, Death Cab, Alicia Keys, Jet, Keane & other Indie and Jazz joints (can’t help that I share my love for more than one) WHAT MAKES ME LAUGH Life, and the characters in mine FAVOURITE KEYBOARD BUTTON ‘Tab’ it away IF I WOULD CHANGE MY NAME… Xavensia IDEAL RETIREMENT DESTINATION Santa Barbara CA. v He would rather live 40 years ago, than 40 years later. < She would rather not dress than over-dress or under-dress. Just foolin’. TYL _ ER ALL _ ISON Minister of Interior & External Affairs < IINNTTEERRIIOORR YP EXPERIENCE!BCYP (76th Marble Kisser) SCHOOL!UBC BIRTHDATE!04.03.87 JOB!Safeway Produce Clerk/professional beach bum in summer FAVORITE SAYINGS “It’s pretty sweet I guess,” “dirtbag,” “Hardcore!” ULTIMATE PET PEEVE Stupid people, American shoppers at Safeway, tourists DESIRED SUPER POWER Being able to conjure cakes, pies and assorted pastries out of the air ALTER-EGO Good student 3 WORDS SUMMING UP MY BEING I AM CANADIAN LIFE-LONG DREAM To be ridiculously good lookin’ LAST PERSON I SHOOK HANDS WITH George friggin’ Strombolopolis! PHOBIA Leeches FAVOURITE FAIRY TALE Hands down, Billy Goat’s Gruff MUST-HAVE BATHROOM WARE Lounge pants IF I WOULD CHANGE MY NAME…: Max Power UNDERLINE ONE po-tah-to / po-tay-to (I work in produce, trust me on this one) Minister of Finance She would rather be 1 hour early than 15 minutes late. > YP EXPERIENCE!BCYP (74TH member, 75th Critic for Interior) SCHOOL!SFU BIRTHDATE!10.02.87 JOB!TBA FAVORITE SAYINGS Live. Love. Laugh. ULTIMATE PET PEEVE Being late DESIRED SUPER POWER Ability to apparate or snap and appear in another desired location BIGGEST SHORT-COMING Impatience $10 FOR ADVENTURE I would research the best ice-cream places in Vancouver and go and test the research myself FAVOURITE FAIRY TALE Shrek WHAT MAKES ME LAUGH Randomness PHOBIA Agatephobia/Quicksand MUST-HAVE BATHROOM WARE Flip-flops for showers in residence IDEAL RETIREMENT DESTINATION I don’t think I will settle in one spot. I will travel around the world doing a tour of the best IHOPS. When that is accomplished, then maybe I will settle done in Hawaii for an extended period. FAVOURITE KEYBOARD BUTTON $$ LEAST FAVOURITE PART OF MY ROOM The unfinished cement wall giving off a “prison” vibe that I am not too keen about. DEEPPUUTTYYPRREEMMIIEERR__ FIINNAANNCCEE LAUR_ EL HOGG J ESS _ ICA P ISA _ R E K < She would rather be stuck wearing stripes than Minister of the Lower Mainland polka-dots (provided that they are vertical!) th th YP EXPERIENCE!BCYP (75 & 76 Member), VYP (1-year member), Camp Phoenix (Cabin Leader) SCHOOL!UBC BIRTHDATE!04.12.86 JOBS!Program Coordinator at the Disability Foundation, External Commissioner at the AMS (UBC student society), Co-coordinator of the Africa Awareness Conference 2006 LLOOWWEERRM MAAIINNLLAANNDD SECRET FETISH Scottish Lairds FAVOURITE SAYINGS “You’re unique, just like everybody else.” ULTIMATE PET PEEVE Weak laughs and handshakes, cliques, when girls wear jeans that are too tight and their love handles hang over the side, overusage of cologne/perfume, and the slimy, juicy part of a tomato that goes all over when tossed --- I know, I complain a lot. ALTER-EGO Dessert addict / bad driver / closet LOTR fan FAVOURITE FAIRY TALE Cinderella spin-offs (i.e. Ever After, Ella Enchanted), but most definitely not that movie with Hilary Duff PHOBIA Frat boys (I have a persistent aversion for them in general, but maybe that’s not irrational) MUST-HAVE BATHROOM WARE Toilet WHEN I RID MY DIAPER 15 months – beat that SOMEONE I WANT TO SHAKE HANDS WITH Prince William, but not just shake hands LEAST FAVOURITE PART OF MY ROOM Corner where I pile the clothes that need to be laundered C ARL _ EY KEN _ NEDY Minister of the Public Relation Deputy of Sessional Affairs v She would rather be the wolf, than one of the 3 little pigs. YP EXPERIENCE!BCYP (76th Member) SCHOOL!UBC BIRTHDATE!13.01.87 PPUUBBLLIICCRREELLAATTIIOONNSS REGIONAL YOUTH PARLIAMENTS SECRET FETISH Tattoos and piercing FAVOURITE SAYING “Your mom.” ULTIMATE PET PEEVE Your mom ALTER-EGO Hooligan Bear/ La Tigre 3 WORDS SUMMING UP MY BEING Rawr, Mraw, Mrawr FAVOURITE DISH Nectarines PHOBIA Closed spaces MUST-HAVE BATHROOM WARE Slippers LAST PERON I SHOOK HANDS WITH Person I met in the cafeteria today who is the friend of a friend from Ireland SOMEONE I WANT TO SHAKE HANDS WITH Your mom FAVOURITE KEYBOARD BUTTON | IF I WOULD CHANGE MY NAME… Superguard WHAT MAKES ME LAUGH Everything (hard to find me frowning) IDEAL RETIREMENT DESTINATION I hope I don’t live long enough to be useless V IC _ TOR M UNG Minister of Regional Youth Parliaments YP EXPERIENCE!BCYP (72nd and 73rd Member, 74th Shadow Critic, 75th Internet Affairs) SCHOOL!UBC BIRTHDATE!12.04.84 JOB 12 Field Ambulance ^ He would rather have no neck than horizontal teeth. SECRET FETISH Anything cute and/or Japanese FAVOURITE SAYING “Frack” FAVOURITE ATTRACTION IN VICTORIA The Royal BC Museum 3 WORDS SUMMING UP MY BEING Short, skinny, boring BIGGEST SHORT-COMING … haha I get it… my height or lack thereof FAVOURITE FAIRY TALE The Really Ugly Duckling PHOBIA Ventriloquists Dummies UNDERLINE ONE po-tah-to / po-tay-to “What’s ‘taters’, Precious?” IDEAL RETIREMENT DESTINATION Anywhere but Slurrey FAVOURITE KEYBOARD BUTTON ~ tilde key LEAST FAVOURITE PART OF MY ROOM My chair (cushion isn’t very cushiony) OBSESSED BAND/ARTIST Puffy AmiYumi v LILL _ IAN JOHANNE _ SEN Minister of Sessional Affairs SSEESSSSIIOONNAALLAAFFFFAAIIRRSS YP EXPERIENCE! BCYP (76th Minister of Island) VIYP (Member), Camp Phoenix (Cabin Leader) SCHOOL! UVic BIRTHDATE!06.03.87 rd ^ She would rather have someone yell the time into her ear with the passing of every minute, than to never know the time. th th YP Experience ! BCYP (73 Member, 74 Min. of RYP, 75 Deputy Speaker & Deputy Min. DESIRED SUPER-POWER To be & able to readRelations people’s minds Aff airs), tons of RYPs of Finance , 76 th Min. of Finance Corporate & External 3 School WORDS SUMMING BEINGScience Crazy, &adventurous, detail-Oriented ! UBC (HonoursUP Political Honours French) Birth-date ! 02.08.84 BIGGEST SHORT-COMING Lack of focus on things I consider unimportant JobFOR ! AMSADVENTURE appointment Put tutorS10 at UBC & part -time work as far as I can, lack of $10 gas into my tankclerical and drive thought required, completely spontaneous Favourite saying : Funky FAVOURITE Littlemy Mermaid Ultimate petFAIRY peeveTALE : At home, neighbor’s yappy dogs and out and about, dri vers talking WHAT on cellMAKES phones ME LAUGH Little children being all cute OBSESSED BAND/ARTIST Nickelback, Great Big Sea PHOBIA Sharks UNDERLINE ONE po-tah-to / po-tay-to SOMEONE YOU WANT TO SHAKE HANDS WITH Sarah Michelle Gellar FAVOURITE KEYBOARD BUTTON Backspace, I always have typo’s IF I WOUND CHANGE MY NAME… Brooke He would rather be one of the “cute and bubbly” little pigs than the wolf. Minister of Provincial Secretary th PRROOVVIINNCCIIAALLSEECCRREETTAARRYY PEDRAM MOU _ SSAVI > th YP EXPERIENCE! BCYP (76 Member), NSYP (14 Minister of Service) SCHOOL!Sentinel Secondary BIRTHDATE!02.08.88 SECRET FETISH Bright, flashy colours, anything with whipped cream, chocolate, French DESIRED SUPER POWER Shower really quickly, control time, love potions 3 WORDS SUMMING UP BEING Quirky, impressionable, dreamer FAVOURITE KEYBOARD BUTTON CTRL + ATL + DELETE FAVOURITE SAYINGS “Oi with the poodles already,” “a jig is forth coming” ULTIMATE PET PEEVE Bad spelling, unflushed toilets, poor hygiene, hypocrites $10 FOR ADVENTURE Go on a magic carpet ride FAVOURITE DISH Zereshkpolo (Persian Dish) FAVOURITE FAIRY TALE Anything butchered by Disney LAST PERSON I SHOOK HANDS WITH My alter-ego EMBARASSING MOMENT Too countless for western mathematical principles to accommodate OBSESSED BAND/ARTIST Brian Adams, Maroon 5 SOMEONE I WANT TO SHAKE HANDS WITH Kofi Annan IINNNNOOVVAATTIIVVEEPPRROOJJEECCTT < She would rather never wash her hair again, than to never brush her teeth (no fresheners either). PENE _ LOPE SUE-ANNE LIM CHUA Minister of Innovation Project YP Experience! BCYP (76th member) School!UBC Birth-date!23.10.86 SECRET FETISH Ice-cream for the sake of innocence FAVOURITE SAYING “Who dunnit” ULTIMATE PET PEEVE When people pick their noses in public DESIRED SUPER-POWER Fart at will ALTER-EGO Midnight rider-exotic dancer EMBARASSING MOMENT Wet myself on August 20, 2005 3 WORDS SUMMING UP MY BEING Anal, expletive, in-your-face LIFE-LONG DREAM To climb Mount Everest FAVOURITE FAIRY TALE Sleeping Beauty OBSESSED BAND/ARTIST The Doors MUST-HAVE BATHROOM WARE Underwear FAVOURITE ATTRATCTION IN VICTORIA The ferry $10 FOR ADVENTURE I’d go to the mall and spend it v MARK your calendars.. DEC 25 Jolly Holiday DEC 26 Pre-sessional Dinner in Lower Mainland DEC 27-31 Session in Victoria I hope you have thoroughly enjoyed your premier experience with the Parl. Feel free to send in materials, or deliver comments, via communicating at Pack some post-it’s! Last Words… ^ v v v Cabinet Legis _ la _ tion Week _ end (n) Date: Location: Occasion: Activities: November 11-13, 2005 Victor Mung’s Crib The one weekend when Cabinet ministers gather to initiate and debate changes made to the current legislation; get-to-know-fellow-Cabmates fiesta Mission Statement, amendments, billiards, ping-pong, NHL Live, late-night Jeopardy with Sean Connolly, Euro Trip, Space Balls, French essay, rocking jams, a lot of junk food