MARINE - EcoSpray
MARINE - EcoSpray
MARINE EXHAUST GAS CLEANING SOLUTIONS AIR QUALITY IS OUR MISSION Ecospray specializes in the research, design and commercial development of innovative technologies for gas cleaning and/or cooling in diverse industrial applications. Ecospray’s commitment to the environment extends to the marine industry. Having acquired an established history of expertise from over 400 installations worldwide, Ecospray offers a wide range of systems and equipment specifically designed for the marine industry, including: - DeSOx - DeNOx - Soot and diesel particulate removal Ecospray systems provide a cost effective solution that allows ship-owners to comply with international air and sea water regulations while using low cost fuels. Ecospray solutions have been successfully implemented in both large vessels such as cruise ships, ferries, cargos and tankers (single or multiple engines up to 75 MW total) and in small-medium size vessels such as yachts, navy and commercial ships (engines from 150 to 4300 kW). Ecospray is certified UNI EN ISO 9001:2008 - TÜV SÜD Group. NEW BUILDS OVER 200 SYSTEMS ALREADY INSTALLED 80 IN OVER RETROFITS N° OF SYSTEMS INSTALLED PER YEAR INTERNATIONAL PATENTS SHIPS IN THE FOR MARINE WORLD CRUISE APPLICATIONS ABOUT 60 SHIPS ALREADY CERTIFIED FERRY CARGO * updated to 31th May 2016 and installation underways ABOUT 50 SHIPS REGULARLY OPERATING 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016* SOx REMOVAL ECOSPRAY performances SO2 / CO2 = 1 - 2 IMO requirements SO2 / CO2 < 4.3 MEETING GLOBAL EMISSION REQUIREMENTS Ecospray provides a range of solutions specifically designed to meet emission limit for both SOx (MARPOL 73/78 Annex VI) and NOx (TIER III). Ecospray systems also satisfy the more stringent local SOx, NOx and particulate matter requirements of various countries and ports that have been more progressively increasing their efforts to prevent the harmful effects of emissions on the environment and human health. Regarding wash water, Ecospray systems have been confirmed to consistently result in effluent that is well below the regulated limits. NOx REMOVAL WASH WATER DISCHARGE ECOSPRAY performances > 85%* ECOSPRAY performances PAH 1 - 5 ppb Turbidity 3 - 5 FNU pH ≥ 6.5 TIER III LIMITS 75% - 80% * If required, NOx removal over 95% IMO requirements PAH < 50 ppb Turbidity < 25 FNU pH ≥ 6.5 ECO-EGCTM MAKES THE DIFFERENCE For the marine industry, Ecospray has developed the ECO-EGCTM, a proprietary multi-pollutant Exhaust Gas Cleaning system that guarantees excellent air and water quality standards. PRIMARY PERFORMANCE FEATURES: - When combined with the ECO-CDFTM (Catalytic Dry Filter) or ECO-DOCTM (Diesel Oxidative Catalyst reactor), both patented: - PAH / OIL RESIDUAL often below the detection limits - VIRTUALLY NO HEAVY METALS (with ECO-CDFTM) - SIGNIFICANT REDUCTION of SOOT either in the wash water or in the exhaust gas emission - EXCELLENT WASH WATER QUALITY, also with ECO-EGC TM OPEN LOOP system - Due to its extremely compact design and highly effective noise attenuation, the ECO-SOxTM ULTRA - COMPACT SEA WATER SCRUBBER perfectly replaces the existing silencer and does not require funnel modification. - Ecospray’s proprietary “Triple swirl” demister eliminates sea water carryover and drastically reduces the need for maintenance and cleaning. - The ECO-EGCTM process includes sea water injection that is calibrated proportionally to the engine loads, in order to save power energy and lowering operating costs. - The exclusive design of the Ecospray ECO-SOxTM panelled scrubber allows for installation while ship is in service versus waiting for the next dry dock. - An Ecospray proprietary condensation water catcher can be installed on the top of the funnel to solve the common problem of the condensation formed in cold weather inside the exhaust gas duct. ECO-EGCTM OPEN LOOP SYSTEM COMPONENTS: ECO-EGCTM OPEN LOOP is a very cost/performance effective solution in the cleaning of the exhaust gases of marine engines and in the continuing use of HFO instead of MGO in ECA’s. 1. CATALYTIC DRY FILTER / DIESEL OXIDATIVE CATALYST REACTOR This unique and patented solution consists of firstly cleaning the gases from PM, soot and unburned HC with the ECO-CDFTM (Catalytic Dry Filter) or the ECO-DOCTM (Diesel Oxidative Catalyst reactor). Downstream of the CDF or the DOC reactor, the exhaust gas enters into the ECO-SOxTM DeSOx tower. Ecospray DeSOx towers use seawater only to neutralize the SO2 contained in the exhaust gas. Their efficiency always meets and even exceeds the IMO limits for both gas emissions and wash water quality thanks to the installation of proprietary water spray nozzles and a very specific configuration of the ECO-SOxTM DeSOx tower. They also help to optimize the quantity of seawater injection at low engine loads. The ECO-SOxTM DeSOx tower can operate either in wet or dry conditions. The dry condition can be activated in port when the ship will switch the fuel use from HFO to MGO. 2. DeSOx TOWER 3. SEA WATER PUMP 4. SEA WATER FILTER 5. BUFFERING PUMP 6. STATIC MIXER 7. WATER ANALYSIS RACKS 8. WASH WATER FILTER 9. PLUME REDUCER (OPTIONAL) 9 2 8 7 1 6 7 5 7 4 3 ECO-EGCTM HYBRID SYSTEM COMPONENTS: The ECO-EGCTM HYBRID is a high performance solution purposely designed and applied in order to meet specific requirements in terms of wash water discharge, mainly in some port areas. The ECO-EGCTM HYBRID system can operate in two different modes, either in the open loop or closed loop mode. In the open loop the SO2 removal is controlled by sea water injection only, while in the closed loop the SO2 removal is controlled by the addition of caustic reagent to the wash water. 1. CATALYTIC DRY FILTER / DIESEL OXIDATIVE CATALYST REACTOR The ECO-EGCTM HYBRID system can switch from operating mode “open loop” to “closed loop” activating first the reagent dosing system. At the same time the shut-off valves located upstream of the pumps are closed and the valves of the scrubber wash water discharge are switched to send the water to the tank instead of to the overboard.The system will then operate completely in closed loop. A certain quantity of blow down water is sent to either one water treatment system and then discharged overboard or sent to one integrated holding tank in case “zero discharge” mode is required. According to the holding tank volume, the system can operate in zero discharge mode even for a few days before discharging the collected blow down at a properly equipped port. The closed loop recirculation liquid is kept duly cold to maintain the DeSOx efficiency and minimize the steam white plume at the funnel. Of course, the system can always start a reverse procedure from closed to open loop mode. 2. DeSOx TOWER 3. SEA WATER / RECIRCULATION PUMP 4. SEA WATER FILTER 5. BUFFERING / COOLING PUMP 6. STATIC MIXER 7. WATER ANALYSIS RACKS 8. PLUME REDUCER (OPTIONAL) 9. HEAT EXCHANGER 10.RECIRCULATION TANK 11.WATER TREATMENT SYSTEM 12.SLUDGE TANK 13.HOLDING TANK 14.CAUSTIC SODA TANK 8 2 14 11 7 1 10 6 9 7 12 5 4 3 13 7 ECO-SOxTM ULTRA COMPACT SEA WATER SCRUBBER Every DeSOx tower can be equipped with an exhaust fan whose speed is automatically controlled in order to keep the engine backpressure at the desired set point. In case of the mechanical or electrical failure of the fan, the system is provided with a by-pass whose valve opens automatically and the gas will flow to the funnel. ECO-SOxTM ULTRA - COMPACT SEA WATER SCRUBBER is the key component upon which revolves the Ecospray exhaust gas cleaning system. ECO-SOxTM ULTRA has a very compact design that allows to reduce the installation costs and avoid any expensive funnel modifications. The excellent performance of the ECO-SOxTM ULTRA is achieved thanks to the installation of proprietary water spray nozzles and a very specific configuration of the scrubber. It also helps to optimize the quantity of seawater injection at low engine loads. Further, the sea water flow rate is always controlled through the engine load and feed-back received from the gas analyzer system (SO2 / CO2 ratio). In order to eliminate the acidic water carryover and black spots from the funnel, a proprietary centrifugal demister is installed in the upper part of the ECO-SOxTM DeSOx tower. The fabrication material of the ECO-SOxTM ULTRA (super-duplex) allows a high resistance to the acidic environment during both wet conditions and the high temperature registered when operating in the dry condition mode. ECO-SOxTM ULTRA TYPICAL DIMENSIONS ENGINE POWER DIAMETER (excl. thermal insulation) HEIGHT 10 MW 2050 mm 10600 mm 16 MW 2550 mm 11350 mm Typical pressure drop 15 - 20 mbar DeNOx SOLUTIONS FOR MARINE APPLICATIONS Ecospray has already installed over one hundred DeNOx systems worldwide, ensuring continuous compliance with the global emission regulations in several applications like power plants, cement, steel and metals foundries, chemicals plants, as well as in waste incinerators. Ecospray DeNOx systems for marine applications use SCR (Selective Catalytic Reduction) technology to remove nitrogen oxides from diesel engines exhaust gas complying with Tier III emission level but also up to 98% if required in specific cases. ECO-NOxTM SCR The ECO-NOxTM SCR reduction process in the marine applications usually begins by injecting downstream each gas turbine a 33% urea solution into the gas flow at an optimum temperature between min 300 and max 400 °C. ECO-NOxTM uses proprietary lances and nozzles to obtain a very fine spray that allows achieving the most complete and uniform mixing between gas and NH3. The gas and reagent mix passes through a variable number of catalyst layers, as is appropriate for the required outcome. Ecospray installs a DeNOx catalyst produced by Haldor Topsøe A/S, whose main active components are Vanadium and Tungsten oxides plus TiO2 carrier. ECO-TRIOTM DeNOx PLUS ECO-TRIOTM DeNOx PLUS is an all in one system designed to allow marine diesel engine from 150 to 4.300 kW achieving: - NOx REMOVAL WITHIN TIER III LIMITS* - PM and ASH REMOVAL > 95% - TYPICAL NOISE ATTENUATION FROM 30 TO 40 dB * If required, NOx removal over 95% Clean gas outlet Exaust gas inlet Further to saving space because it replaces the existing silencer, with ECO-TRIOTM DeNOx PLUS the following additional benefits are achievable thanks to the oxidative combined effect of the ECO-CDFTM CATALITYC DRY FILTER together with the DeNOx: - REDUCTION OF PAH AND HEAVY METALS UP TO 95% - ODOUR CONTROL - NO VISIBLE SMOKE AT THE STACK OUR ACTIVITIES: - RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT - ENGINEERING - CONSTRUCTION - INSTALLATION SUPERVISION - COMMISSIONING - AFTER SALES SUPPORT OTHER APPLICATIONS: ENERGY AND INCINERATION Integrated systems specifically designed for the unique characteristics and needs of the power generation, incineration and waste to energy industries. Ecospray systems have been installed in energy production operations employing biomass boilers, coal and oil fueled processes, and the gas turbines of cogeneration plants (diesel generators powered by natural gas, biomass and diesel). CEMENT AND MINERALS Gas cooling and filtration systems for the cement industry processes relating to the cement and minerals industries, including those at very high temperatures (up to 650° C). Ecospray solutions are studied, designed and dimensioned according to the specific characteristics and processes of the operation to further improve plant performance while reducing pollutant emissions. OUR SYSTEMS: - GAS CLEANING - DeNOx (SCR - SNCR) - DeSOx AND ACID GAS REMOVAL - PARTICULATE AND SOOT REMOVAL - GAS COOLING - FOGGING - BIOGAS UPGRADING STEEL AND METALS De-dusting systems with bag filters, wet filters and variable throat scrubbers, along with high performance spray cooling towers. GLASS AND CERAMIC Combined NOx and particulate matter removal systems for glass and ceramic applications, based on high temperature filtration using catalytic ceramic filters with ammonia or urea injected at the inlet of the filter/reactor. Solutions such as the injection of calcium or bicarbonate based sorbents to remove acidic pollutants such as hydrofluoric acid and/or SO2, in conjunction with the dust removal and denitrification steps, employing the same filtering system. CHEMICAL Gas cleaning and conditioning systems for the chemical industry, designed to maximize the removal of dust, heavy metals, dioxins and NOx, as well as acid gases (SOx, Hcl, HF, etc.). Copyright © 2016 by Ecospray Technologies S.r.l. All rights reserved HEADQUARTERS ECOSPRAY TECHNOLOGIES S.r.l. Via Circonvallazione, 14 15050 - Alzano Scrivia (AL) - Italy Phone +39 0131 854611 Fax +39 0131 854617 NORTH AMERICAN OPERATIONS 33 West 19th Street New York - NY 10011 Phone +1 (646) 580 8950 Fax +1 (646) 580 8952 MIDDLE EAST AND NORTH AFRICA OPERATIONS Blue Tower - Office 7035 P.O. Box 2685 Abu Dhabi U.A.E. Phone +971 2 621 2240 Fax +971 2 621 3449 OUR PARTNERS GREECE & CYPRUS - OCEANKING TECHNICAL & TRADING SA SWISS, ITALY & MONACO - MISTRAL SUISSE SAGL POLAND - B4S Sp.z o.o. RUSSIA - SPRAYLAB SA 16-001-017 - R13
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