2 - Asheville Storytelling Circle
2 - Asheville Storytelling Circle
THE STORYTELLING CHRONICLE A PUBLICATION OF THE ASHEVILLE STORYTELLING CIRCLE Volume 216 EDITOR: SHERRY LOVETT PO Box 280 Little Switzerland, NC 28749 ASC Meeting Time The Asheville Storytelling Circle meets at 7:00 pm on the third Monday of each month except August and December at Asheville Terrace, 200 Tunnel Rd. in Asheville. Mission Statement To affirm our various cultures, nourish the development of emerging and established artists, and promote excellence in the oral traditions. Visit Our Website www.ashevillestorycircle.org Storytelling and Technology This is a site that gives pointers and offers a selection of stories based on themes. http://www.wheelcouncil.org/storytellers.html If you have a website you feel is beneficial to the art of storytelling, please submit it for the Storytelling Chronicle. July 2014 Thoughts on Good Storytelling By Gwenda Ledbetter The premier way of learning how to tell a story is to tell one and then another and another. It’s in the telling that the skill and wisdom comes AND the listening to others. I was with some tellers not long ago who spoke of a teller being Good! and I wondered what they meant, what was in that Good! I’m involved in renovating a condo, tearing up carpet, putting down wood floors, and cork. And into the vocabulary and the skilled work of construction. Did you know cork has to be acclimated to the air of the space it’s going in? And stained glass is pieced together like a quilt? The way the work is done involves all the material and the skills needed to do the job. So where do we get our material for stories and what skills do we need to make an art of our telling? I didn’t learn to tell, I just started, hired by the library to tell stories to children in the summer. I knew no storytellers, had no one to listen to, so I went to Ruth Sawyer’s Way of the Storyteller. She writes, “Storytelling is a folk art. All folk arts grow out of the primal urge to give tongue what has been seen, heard, experienced.” I went to Banner Elk, saw, heard and experienced the traditional teller Ray Hicks tell about Jack. Met Richard Chase, learned and told his tales, told on television, told the Irish story, “The Bee and the Harp” and wondered what ancestor was Irish that made this easy. Telling for the camera imposed the discipline of timing. If I went over seven (I think) minutes, I was off camera. Now, we time our stories so as to graciously give space for other tellers. Being the only storyteller is a thing of the past and that’s good. INSIDE THIS ISSUE 1 2 2 Thoughts on Good Storytelling by Gwenda Ledbetter Meet Member Kathy Gordon Thoughts on Good Storytelling by Gwenda Ledbetter continued and Tellers in Residence for July 3 4 5 Calendar and Fliers Calendar continued and Board Information Storytelling Extras But I’m rambling, pushing the edges of the subject as the elderly tend to do. What are the skills we need to learn to make an art of our telling? Again from Sawyer, “Listen to voices and others. Try different sounds. (The giant, the dwarf, making them believable out of your remembering the images in your head as a kid.) Use the breath to sustain and send out. A voice teacher once said, “Fill your head, not the room. Speak on the breath.” We are into an era of microphone. Using them is a skill and necessary with a large group. I’ve always preferred a stationary storyteller so I can enter the images they make not watch them act out the story. However, moving as in a ritual dance is definitely part of the story. Like our lovely hula dancer. Gesture just for gesture takes eyes to the hands not the story. Sandra Gudger’s Uncle reaching behind him for that stick of dynamite brings you right into the boat. Continued on page 2 Newsletter 1 Meeting Our Members: An Interview with Kathy Gordon, ASC Secretary When did you become an ASC member? I have been a dues paying member for several years. I have been active in ASC since 2011. How are you involved in storytelling? Oh my goodness! I create stories from bits and pieces of my memories. I love to weave these bits into a story that someone will actually want to listen to. I enjoy working on facial expressions, hand gestures and voice inflections. I also love reading stories to figure out which ones are for me to tell. I love telling and do so when ever an opportunity comes along. The friendships I have found in the storytelling world are incredible. Workshops, retreats, gatherings and ASC have given me so much. What story has had a huge impact on you? I discovered a lot about myself through a story I put together about my mother, my Aunt Betty, me and a poem. I found that I could weave a story that was funny and heartfelt at the same time. It is the first one I created to tell in public. It remains one of my favorites. What do you think is the most important thing a storyteller should keep in mind when performing? The listener. It is the job of a teller to take the listener by the hand and walk, stroll, run, skip, hop or bounce through the story. You must know when to stop to rest, look at the scenery or hurry on through a storm. The teller has much power and should always respect that. Why do you think storytelling is important? This newsletter is not enough for me to completely answer this question! I will try to hit a couple of highlights. We all are living in our own stories. We also have memories which we love to reminisce about, either around a campfire, the kitchen table or on a stage. It is in our DNA. In addition, we read, watch TV and movies, observe, and listen. Story is all around us. Children's imaginations are in high gear. They love fantasy, fairy tales---stories! They love to be told or read a story. They love dressing up and acting out a story. Children many times actually do "live" in a story, created in their minds. Storytelling is a lead into reading for children. What is your favorite thing about our circle? Supportive friendship! The members of ASC welcomed me with open arms! I know I can come to circle meeting with a story, ideas or ramblings and our members will support and encourage me. ASC is a very special group, of which I am proud to be a part of. Thoughts on Good Storytelling By Gwenda Ledbetter Continued Storytelling demands voice, energy, body work, timing, humor and what else…? Think about it. When you are thoroughly caught in the story, it’s hard to think, how you got there or how the teller practiced the art of it. Try. The stonemason artist, Mark Archimbault, made a fine mosaic for my husband John’s grave, a scene of John’s foot on a small rock looking at mountains with the sun going down. He knows the stone saying, “The blue stone is from Pennsylvania, the black from Nigeria, and that stone he has his foot on is from around here.” Mark’s artistry includes knowing his material and what instruments to use to make beauty. I’ve found that when I’m about to tell my voice takes on a certain quality. My great-grandson, Jackson, came to my house not long ago. He’s a very active two-year-old boy. Ten minutes and the place was a wreck – sofa cushions sailing through the air, poles and dirt from the planter off the deck. Small feet flying. Three grown women running after him snatching up breakables. He found my stuffed tiger and carried him everywhere. Then the small storm settled down in a chair with his “Mommie.” None of us expected him to stay there. He’s completely deaf in his left ear; his right ear was towards me. I said, “Once,” his head whirled around towards me, “there was a boy named Jackson. He had a tiger and they were best friends.” Still listening. I couldn’t believe it! I kept going with the boy and the tiger not knowing what I was saying I was so astounded at his being still and listening. The power of story. It was a holy moment. And will be anytime, after working on it, perfecting our skills we send out a story and see it reflected back on the listening face or faces. The art of storytelling is sharing the consciousness of what it is to be human and divine since the beginning of the first… Once… there was. 2014 Tellers in Residence for July For more information go to http://www.storytellingcenter.net/ The Teller-in-Residence (TIR) program features a different storyteller each week, May through October, in live concerts at the Mary B. Martin Storytelling Hall. Engaging! Dynamic! Minstrel-Storyteller! Mesmerizing! Ed Stivender 7/8 - 7/12 Izzi Tooinsky 7/15 - 7/19 David Holt 7/22 - 7/26 Corinne Stavish 7/29 - 8/2 Newsletter 2 Calendar of Storytelling Events and Happenings May - October Barbara Freeman will be telling stories at Pisgah View Ranch 2-3 tmes each week now through October. July 10 Michael Reno Harrell performs at the Purple Onion in Saluda, NC, 7:30 to 9:30 pm. July 12 Stories on Asheville’s Front Porch, Rhino Courtyard of Pack Place in Downtown Asheville, 10:30 to 11:45 am, featuring Tim Lowry and Shanita Jackson. Free admission. July 12 Toe River Festival in Bakersville, NC, at Bowman Middle School from 10 am to 5 pm. The festival begins with a workshop from 10 am to 11:30 am by Connie Regan-Blake. Other featured tellers are Michael Reno Harrell, Kim Weitkamp, Lloyd Arneach, and Chuck Brodsky. Regional tellers are Vixi Jil Glenn, Kathy Gordon, Sandra Gudger, Elizabeth Hardy, and Charlie St. Clair. For more information contact Sherry Lovett at thelovetts3@gmail.com. July 13 Michael Reno Harrell performs at Blowing Rock Art and History Museum, Blowing Rock, NC,, 5:30 pm. Wine and light refreshments served after the concert. Tickets are $20 and reservations may be made by calling 828-295-9099 ext. 3006. Teller Line-up Connie Regan Blake Workshop 10 – 11:30 Kathy Gordon & Lloyd Arneach 12 – 1 Elizabeth Hardy & Chuck Brodsky 1 – 2 Vixi Jil Glenn & Connie Regan Blake 2 - 3 Charlie St. Clair & Kim Weitkamp 3 -4 Sandra Gudger & Michael Reno Harrell 4 -5 July 19 Stories on Asheville’s Front Porch, Rhino Courtyard of Pack Place in Downtown Asheville, 10:30 to 11:45 am, featuring Community Folks Howard Hangar, Emoke b’racz, Hecter Diaz, and Rezaz Setayesh. Free admission. July 21 Monthly meeting of ASC in the lobby of Asheville Terrace, 200 Tunnel Rd., 7 pm. July 26 Stories on Asheville’s Front Porch, Rhino Courtyard of Pack Place in Downtown Asheville, 10:30 to 11:45 am, featuring ASC members Sherry Lovett, Kaleo Wheeler, Pete Koschnick, Zane Chait, Larry Kakenowash, Kathy Gordon, with Wallace Shealy as MC. Free admission. August 2 Jane & Wayne Sims perform at A Storytelling Dinner Theatre, a fund-raiser for St. Johns Episcopal Church, 290 Old Haw Creek Rd. in Asheville. A baked ziti and spaghetti dinner will be served in the parish hall at 6 pm followed by the concert in the church at 7 pm. Tickets are $20 for dinner and concert, $15 for concert only. Reservations required. Call the church at 298-3553 or Sara Davis at 298-1330 (leave message at either number and reservation will be confirmed) or e-mail stjohnsasheville@gmail.com Continued on page 4 Newsletter 3 Calendar of Storytelling Events and Happenings Continued ASC Officers for 2014 (For membership contact use only.) Wallace Shealy, President wshealy@wallaceshealy.com Roy Harris, Vice President royrharris@gmail.com Mary Ann Wharton, Vice President Maryannwharton@att.net Kathy Gordon, Secretary kgordon54@gmail.com Charlie St. Clair, Treasurer charliestclair@charter.net Sandra Gudger, Founder and Permanent Board Member gudgers@bellsouth.net More on Page 5 – Storytelling Extras Wayne & Jane Sims, Past Co-Presidents StoryBuff@aol.com H Newsletter Deadline A P Please submit stories, news about upcoming events, and news about your activities by the end of each month to: Thelovetts3@gmail.com P Y T Calendar Items to: E L gudgers@bellsouth.net L I N G “Stories have to be told or they die, and when they die, we can’t remember who we are or why we are here.” ~Sue Monk Kidd “Storytelling reveals meaning without committing the error of defining it.” ~Hannah Arendt Newsletter 4 Storytelling Extras More Calendar Items August 3-9, 2014 9th Annual StoryWindow Retreat & Adventure: 7 days of telling, coaching & fun, Sunday -Saturday, August 3-9, 2014. Discover ways of being in the world that nurture your creative flow. http://www.storywindow.com/print_pages/workshop_desc_aug14 August 17, 2014 ASC’s Annual Picnic, WNC Nature Center, Gashes Creek Rd., Pavilion #3. Bring a covered dish. Set up at 4 pm, picnic at 5 pm, storytelling 6-7:45 pm. Announcement from Michael Burch: Please contact me, if you are interested in participating in a small group setting for storytelling critique work. We're meeting each Thursday at 4:00 pm at my house. Time can be adjusted if need be. All welcome. Contact information: phone - 828-633-1838 email- michaelburchstoryteller@gmail.com Reminders from Sarah Larson: Third Tuesday of the month 4:30-6:00 pm Stories for the Third Act Reuters SIG Last Thursday of the month at 35 Below of ACT- “Listen to This” with Tom Chalmers, personal stories read or told on a theme 7:30 pm Membership Meetings Etiquette: Keep your introduction short. The president usually asks you to share your name and to answer with one word or a short phrase a question that will help us get to know each other a little better. Why keep it short? Because we want to make sure we have as much time as possible for stories. Stories should be around ten minutes. Longer stories can be shared, if time permits. Even if you are working on a story, you should have some idea of how long it takes. Time is precious, and we want as many people as possible to be able to share. If time runs out and not everyone who has signed-up is able to tell a story, they will go to the front of the line for the next month. “Storytelling is what lights my fire.” ~Hope Davis Page 5